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Turista: hola seor polica

Mi nombre en John Foster,
Y he sido vctima de un robo de 1000 dlares americanos

Polica: dnde fue el robo?

Turista: haba hecho un retiro de un banco cercano a la zona. Y al salir fui vctima de
estos seores. Que jalaron mi mochila donde estaba el dinero

Polica: como eran los rateros. Y cuantos fueron

Turista: eran 2 seores en una motocicleta, y tenan el rostro cubierto.

Polica: ahora mismo procederemos a revisar las cmaras de seguridad. Y ver quines
fueron los autores del robo. Y tratar de capturarlos
Turista: gracias seor polica.


TOURIST: hello Mr. police

my name is John Foster,
and I have been a victim of a theft of 1000 US dollars

POLICE: where was the theft?

TOURIST: I had made a withdrawal from a bank near the area. and when I left, I was
the victim of these gentlemen. they pulled my backpack where the money was

POLICE: how were the thieves. and how many were

TOURIST: there were 2 gentlemen on a motorcycle, and they had their faces covered.

POLICE: right now we will proceed to rebizar the security cameras. and see who were
the authors of the robbery. and try to capture them

TOURIST: thank you, policeman.

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