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1000 frases mas usadas del ingles

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Espaol/ingls (ocultar)
(Slow) (Normal)
Estoy de acuerdo.
I agree.
Ya comi'.
I ate already.
Te creo.
I believe you.
Compre' una camisa ayer.
I bought a shirt yesterday.
Vine con mi familia.
Elige una categora I came with my family.
Puedo nadar.
Organizado por letra: I can swim.
A, B, C, D, E
F , G , H, I , J No te oigo claramente.
K, L, M, N, O I can't hear you clearly.
P, Q, R, S, T
U, V, W , X, Y, Z No te oigo.
I can't hear you.
No me importa.
I don't care.
No me siento bien.
I don't feel well.
No tengo una novia.
I don't have a girlfriend.
No tengo dinero.
I don't have any money.
No tengo bastante dinero.
I don't have enough money.
No tengo tiempo ahora.
I don't have time right now.
No se come se usa.
I don't know how to use it.
No lo se.
I don't know.
No me cae bien.
I don't like him.
No me gusta.
I don't like it.
No es nada.
I don't mind.
No hablo ingles muy bien.
I don't speak English very well.
No hablo muy bien.
I don't speak very well.
No creo.
I don't think so.
No entiendo lo que estas diciendo.
I don't understand what your saying.
No entiendo.
I don't understand.
No lo quiero.
I don't want it.
No quiero eso.
I don't want that.
No te quiero molestar.
I don't want to bother you.
Me siento bien.
I feel good.
No me acuerdo.
I forget.
Salgo del trabajo a las seis.
I get off of work at 6.
Me rindo.
I give up.
Tuve un accidente.
I got in an accident.
Estoy resfriado.
I have a cold.
Tengo un dolor de cabeza.
I have a headache.
Tengo muchas cosas que hacer.
I have a lot of things to do.
Tengo una cosa que to quiero preguntar.
I have a question I want to ask you./ I want to ask you aquestion.
Tengo una reservacion.
I have a reservation.
Tengo dinero.
I have money.
Tengo uno en mi coche.
I have one in my car.
Tengo un dolor en mi brazo.
I have pain in my arm.
Tengo tres hijos, dos ninas y un nino.
I have three children, two girls and one boy.
Tengo que ir al apartado de correos.
I have to go to the post office.
Tengo que lavar mi ropa.
I have to wash my clothes.
Tengo dos hermanas.
I have two sisters.
Nunca he estado alli.
I haven't been there.
No he terminado de comer.
I haven't finished eating.
Todavia no he comido (almuerzo).
I haven't had lunch yet.
Espero que tu y tu mujer tengais un buen viaje.
I hope you and your wife have a nice trip.
Lo se.
I know.
Me gusta ella.
I like her.
Me gusta.
I like it.
Me gusta la comida italiana.
I like Italian food.
Me gusta ver la television.
I like to watch TV.
Vivo en California.
I live in California.
He perdido mi reloj.
I lost my watch.
Te quiero.
I love you.
Hice un error.
I made a mistake.
Hice una tarta.
I made this cake.
Necesito un doctor.
I need a doctor.
Necesito otra llave.
I need another key.
Necesito unos panuelos.
I need some tissues.
Necesito que esto llegue para manana.
I need this to get there by tomorrow.
Necesito cambiar de ropa.
I need to change clothes.
Necesito ir a casa.
I need to go home.
Necesito irme ahora.
I need to go now.
Tengo que practicar mi ingles.
I need to practice my English.
Solo tengo cinco dolares.
I only have 5 dollars.
Solo quiero una merienda.
I only want a snack.
Me acuerdo.
I remember.
Hablo un poquito de ingles.
I speak a little English.
Hablo dos lenguas.
I speak two languages.
Todavia tengo muchas cosas que comprar.
I still have a lot of things to buy.
Todavia tengo mucho que hacer.
I still have a lot to do.
Todavia tengo que cepillar mis dientes y tomar una ducha.
I still have to brush my teeth and take a shower.
Todavia no he decidido.
I still haven't decided.
Creo que tengo que ver a un doctor.
I think I need to see a doctor.
Creo que sabe bien.
I think it tastes good.
Pienso que es muy bueno.
I think it's very good.
Creo que si.
I think so.
Creo que esos zapatos son muy bonitos.
I think those shoes are very good looking.
Pienso que tienes demasiada ropa.
I think you have too many clothes.
Crei que dijo otra cosa.
I thought he said something else.
Pensaba que la ropa era mas barata.
I thought the clothes were cheaper.
Me fio de ti.
I trust you.
Ahora entiendo.
I understand now.
I understand.
Normalmente bebo caf por el desayuno.
I usually drink coffee at breakfast.
Quiero comprar algo.
I want to buy something.
Quiero contactar a nuestra embajada.
I want to contact our embassy.
Te quiero dar un regalo.
I want to give you a gift.
Quiero enviar este paquete a los Estados Unidos.
I want to send this package to the United States.
Te quiero mostrar algo.
I want to show you something.
Estaba a punto de salir del restaurante cuando llegaron mis
I was about to leave the restaurant when my friendsarrived.
Estaba iendo a la biblioteca.
I was going to the library.
Estaba en la biblioteca.
I was in the library.
Fui al supermercado, y despues a la tienda de ordenadores.
I went to the supermarket, and then to the computerstore.
Ojala que tuviera uno.
I wish I had one.
Me gustaria un mapa de la ciudad.
I'd like a map of the city.
Queria un cuarto de no fumadores.
I'd like a non-smoking room.
Queria un cuarto con dos camas por favor.
I'd like a room with two beds please.
Queria un cuarto.
I'd like a room.
Queria un cuarto individual.
I'd like a single room.
Me gustaria una mesa cerca de la ventana.
I'd like a table near the window.
Queria un poco de agua tambien, por favor.
I'd like some water too, please.
Queria el numero del Hilton Hotel por favor.
I'd like the number for the Hilton Hotel please.
Queria comprar una botella de agua por favor.
I'd like to buy a bottle of water, please.
Queria comprar una tarjeta para el telefono por favor.
I'd like to buy a phone card please.
Me gustaria comprar algo.
I'd like to buy something.
Me gustaria llamar a los Estados Unidos.
I'd like to call the United States.
Queria comer en el restaurante de la calle quinta.
I'd like to eat at 5th street restaurant.
Queria cambiar esto para dolares.
I'd like to exchange this for Dollars.
Me gustaria dar un paseo.
I'd like to go for a walk.
Me gustaria ir a casa.
I'd like to go home.
Me gustaria ir de compras.
I'd like to go shopping.
Queria ir a la tienda.
I'd like to go to the store.
Queria hacer una llamada.
I'd like to make a phone call.
Queria hacer una reservacion (Queria o Querria por todas)
I'd like to make a reservation.
Queria alquilar un coche.
I'd like to rent a car.
Quieria enviar un fax.
I'd like to send a fax.
Queria mandad esto a America.
I'd like to send this to America.
Queria hablar con la senora Smith por favor.
I'd like to speak to Mr. Smith please.
Me gustaria usar el internet.
I'd like to use the internet
Si te gusta, puedo comprar mas.
If you like it I can buy more.
Si necesitas mi ayuda, dimelo.
If you need my help, please let me know.
Volvere' en seguida.
I'll be right back.
Llamare' mas tarde.
I'll call back later.
Te llamare' el viernes.
I'll call you on Friday.
Te llamare' en cuanto me vaya.
I'll call you when I leave.
Volvere' mas tarde.
I'll come back later.
Te llamare' el viernes.
I'll give you a call.
Una taza de te' por favor.
I'll have a cup of tea please.
Un vaso de agua por favor.
I'll have a glass of water please.
Tendre' lo mismo.
I'll have the same thing.
Pagare' por la cena.
I'll pay for dinner.
Pagare' por los billetes.
I'll pay for the tickets.
Pago yo.
I'll pay.
Lo tomare' yo.
I'll take it.
Tomare' eso tambien.
I'll take that one also.
Te llevare' a la parada de autobuses.
I'll take you to the bus stop.
Te hablero' pronto.
I'll talk to you soon.
Te ensenero'
I'll teach you.
Le dire' que has llamado.
I'll tell him you called.
Tengo ventiseis anos.
I'm 26 years old.
Tengo treinta y dos anos.
I'm 32.
Mido seis pies y dos pulgadas.
I'm 6'2".
Soy un principiante.
I'm a beginner.
Mi tamano es ocho.
I'm a size 8.
Soy un profesor.
I'm a teacher.
Tengo alergia a los mariscos.
I'm allergic to seafood.
Soy Americano.
I'm American.
Soy un Americano.
I'm an American.
Estoy aburrido.
I'm bored.
Estoy limpiando mi cuarto.
I'm cleaning my room.
Tengo frio.
I'm cold.
Estoy viniendo ahora.
I'm coming right now.
Estoy viniendo a recogerte.
I'm coming to pick you up.
Estoy bien, y tu?
I'm fine, and you?
Soy de America.
I'm from America.
Estoy lleno.
I'm full.
Estoy preparando para salir.
I'm getting ready to go out.
Vuelvo a casa en cuatro dias.
I'm going home in four days.
Voy a America el ano que viene.
I'm going to America next year.
Voy a dormir.
I'm going to bed.
Voy a cenar.
I'm going to go have dinner.
Voy a irme.
I'm going to leave.
Estoy bien, y tu?
I'm good, and you?
Estoy bien.
I'm good.
Estoy feliz.
I'm happy.
Estoy aqui de trabajo.
I'm here on business.
Tengo hambre.
I'm hungry.
Estoy de broma.
I'm just kidding.
Solo estoy mirando.
I'm just looking.
Me voy manana.
I'm leaving Tomorrow.
Estoy buscando al apartado de correos.
I'm looking for the post office.
Estoy perdido.
I'm lost
Estoy casado.
I'm married.
No tengo miedo.
I'm not afraid.
No soy Americano.
I'm not American.
No estoy ocupado.
I'm not busy.
No voy a ir.
I'm not going.
No estoy casado.
I'm not married.
No estoy listo todavia.
I'm not ready yet.
No estoy seguro.
I'm not sure.
Estoy bien.
I'm ok.
Estoy pendiente (telefono).
I'm on hold. (phone)
Estoy listo.
I'm ready.
Soy autonomo.
I'm self-employed.
Estoy enfermo.
I'm sick.
Estoy soltero.
I'm single.
Perdoname, pero no hay mas/hemos vendido todo.
I'm sorry, we're sold out.
Perdoname/Lo siento
I'm sorry.
Tengo sed.
I'm thirsty.
Estoy cansado.
I'm tired.
Estoy muy ocupado.
I'm very busy.
Estoy muy ocupado. No tengo tiempo ahora.
I'm very busy. I don't have time now.
Estoy muy bien, gracias.
I'm very well, thank you.
Te estoy esperando.
I'm waiting for you.
Yo tambien estoy preocupado.
I'm worried too.
En treinta minutos.
In 30 minutes.
Viene alguien mas?
Is anyone else coming?
Todo esta bien?
Is everything ok?
Esta cerca?
Is it close?
Hace frio fuera?
Is it cold outside?
Esta lejos de aqui?
Is it far from here?
Hace calor?
Is it hot?
Esta cerca?
Is it nearby?
Es posible?
Is it possible?
Esta lloviendo?
Is it raining?
Esta listo?
Is it ready?
Se supone que va a llover manana?
Is it suppose to rain tomorrow?
Esta John aqui?
Is John here?
Esta John por favor?
Is John there please?
Es el senor Smith un Americano?
Is Mr. Smith an American?
Es bastante?
Is that enough?
Esta bien eso?
Is that ok?
Esta lejos el banco?
Is the bank far?
Hay un cinema cerca de aqui?
Is there a movie theater nearby?
Hay una discoteca en el pueblo?
Is there a nightclub in town?
Hay un restaurante en el hotel?
Is there a restaurant in the hotel?
Hay una tienda cerca de aqui?
Is there a store near here?
Hay aire acondicionado en el cuarto?
Is there air conditioning in the room?
Hay una guia en ingles?
Is there an English speaking guide?
Hay correo para mi?
Is there any mail for me?
Hay algo mas barato?
Is there anything cheaper?
Es esto un lugar seguro?
Is this a safe area?
Es esto el senor Smith?
Is this Mr. Smith?
Esto es tu boligrafo?
Is this pen yours?
Esto es el autobus a New York?
Is this the bus to New York?
Esto es tu libro?
Is this your book?
Esta tu padre en casa?
Is your father home?
Tu casa es parecido a esta?
Is your house like this one?
Tu marido tambien es de Boston, no?
Is your husband also from Boston?
Esta tu hijo aqui?
Is your son here?
Isn't it?
Cuesta veinte dolares por hora.
It costs 20 dollars per hour.
Depende del tiempo.
It depends on the weather.
Duele aqui.
It hurts here.
Llovio' fuertemente hoy.
It rained very hard today.
Tarda dos horas en coche.
It takes 2 hours by car.
Llegare' dentro de poco.
It will arrive shortly.
Hara' frio esta noche.
It'll be cold this evening.
Son las once y media de la noche.
It's 11:30pm.
Son diecisiete dolares.
It's 17 dollars.
Son las sies de la manana.
It's 6AM.
Son las ocho y cuarenta y cinco.
It's 8:45.
Son las siete menos cuarto.
It's a quarter to 7.
Es el venticinco de Agosto.
It's August 25th.
Es delicioso!
It's delicious!
Esta lejos aqui.
It's far from here.
Va a hacer calor hoy.
It's going to be hot today.
Va a nevar hoy.
It's going to snow today.
Son las once y media.
It's half past 11.
Esta aqui.
It's here.
Son las nueve y cuarto.
It's is a quarter past nine.
Es menos de cinco dolares.
It's less than 5 dollars.
Es mas de dos millas.
It's longer than 2 miles.
Es mio.
It's mine.
Es mas de cinco dolares.
It's more than 5 dollars.
Esta cerca del supermercado.
It's near the Supermarket.
Esta al norte de aqui.
It's north of here.
Se supone que no va a llover hoy.
it's not suppose to rain today.
No es demasiado lejos.
It's not too far.
No es tan caro.
It's not very expensive.
Esta bien.
It's ok.
Esta en la calle septima.
It's on 7th street.
Esta alli.
It's over there.
Esta lloviendo.
It's raining.
Hace mucho calor/Esta muy caliente.
It's really hot.
Es menos de tres millas.
It's shorter than 3 miles.
Se supone que va a llover manana.
It's suppose to rain tomorrow.
Esta alli.
It's there.
Es demasiado tarde.
It's too late.
Hace mucho frio hoy.
It's very cold today.
Es muy importante.
It's very important.
Hace mucho viento.
It's very windy.
Ya lo he visto.
I've already seen it.
He estado aqui desde hace dos dias.
I've been here for two days.
He estado aqui.
I've been there.
He oido que Texas es un sitio muy bonito.
I've heard Texas is a beautiful place.
Nunca he hecho eso.
I've never done that.
Nunca he visto eso.
I've never seen that before.
Lo he visto.
I've seen it.
He trabajado alli por cinco anos.
I've worked there for five years.

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