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Las informaciones recogidas en esta pgina son, en buena medida la traduccin de la pgina de Frederic Luz, y de las informaciones que incluye en su libro "El Azufre y el incienso" (Le souffre et lencens ! "emos procurado sintetizar el te#to y condensar las distintas pginas que Frederic Luz ofrece al p$blico de lengua francesa!

"ay sectores de la %glesia que muy dif&cilmente aparecen en los medios de comunicacin' incluso los fieles que (abitualmente, domingo tras domingo, )isitan las iglesias de la cristiandad, ignoran la e#istencia de muc(os mo)imientos disidentes! Los sacerdotes que ofician lo que queda de los ritos sagrados, permanecen, as& mismo, en la ignorancia! "emos (ablado con curas sacerdotes diocesanos que *ams (ab&an o&do (ablar del "sede)acantismo", e incluso entre)istamos a *esuitas muy cr&ticos y pesimistas con la situacin de la %glesia que tan solo ten&an una )aga noticia de los lina*es apostlicos disidentes y les sorprend&a su e#istencia! Algo est lar)ando en los mrgenes de la %glesia, algo que la mayor&a de catlicos ignoran, pero cuya trascendencia se )er en las pr#imas d+cadas! ,ebi ser un cl+rigo oriental, es decir, a*eno al n$cleo originario de la cristiandad -.ccidente- quien estu)iera en el origen de lo que, a pesar suyo, constituye, en la prctica, una disidencia! /e trata de 0onse1or 2go ,in( 3(uc! UN MANDARIN EN LA IGLESIA Este sorprendente obispo )ietnamita naci en 4(u-5am el 6 de octubre de 789: en el seno de una familia de origen mandar&n y profundamente catlica! A los doce a1os ingres en el seminario de Annin( y luego prosigui sus estudios en el de "u+, para culminarlos en ;oma y 4ar&s! .btu)o los doctorados en filosof&a, teolog&a y en ,erec(o 5annico por la <ni)ersidad =regoriana y ser tambi+n diplomado en la /orbonne! ,esde su *u)entud fue un (ombre tan discreto como brillante! El >? de octubre de 79>@ fue ordenado sacerdote y )ol)i a "u+ en 79>: como profesor de seminario!

A finales de los a1os >?, el Aaticano cre un episcopado autnomo en el sudeste asitico y eligi a 0onse1or 3(uc para ser el tercer obispo )ietnamita, siendo consagrado el B de mayo de 79C8 por 0onse1or ,umortier, )icario apostlico de /aign (7 ! 0onse1or 3(uc fue particularmente acti)o en la dicesis de Ain(-Long, confiada a sus cuidados pastorales! %nmediatamente despu+s de la /egunda =uerra 0undial, fund en ,alat, la primera uni)ersidad catlica de %ndoc(ina! En 79@B, 2go-,in(-,iem, (ermano de 0onse1or 3(uc, se con)irti en *efe de gobierno y al a1o siguiente fue nombrado primer *efe de Estado y 4residente de Aietnam del /ur! 5atlico y nacionalista, se opuso duramente al dominio franc+s! El > de no)iembre de 796?, 0onse1or 3(uc recibe el t&tulo de Arzobispo de "u+ y el de Asistente al 3rono 4ontificioDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! 5on la apertura el 5oncilio Aaticano %% parti a ;oma' ese )ia*e result pro)idencial para que 0onse1or 3(uc sobre)i)iera a la matanza que acab con toda su familia! El 4residente ,iem fue derribado por un golpe de Estado el 7E de no)iembre de 796C y masacrado con toda su familia! Esas e*ecuciones marcaron el inicio (istrico de la guerra del Aietnnam! %ncluso sus ad)ersarios )ietnamitas consideran que 0onse1or 3(uc fue un "e#celente obispo", pero, por razones ob)ias, *ams pudo reintegrarse a su dicesis y comenz sus a1os de e#ilio! TRAGICO ERROR EN EL PALMAR DE TROYA El 7: de febrero de 79:8, 4aulo A% lo oblig a dimitir! ,espro)isto de pensin )i)i en la ms absoluta miseria en ;oma, 5asamari y Arpino, ayudando a los sacerdotes en sus ministerios respecti)os, (asta que algunos cl+rigos que (ab&a conocido en EcFne le in)itaron a desplazarse al 4almar de 3roya en Espa1a en la 2a)idad de 79:@! All& parec&an producirse apariciones marianas y la Airgen emit&a "mensa*es" particularmente anti-modernistas que alertaban a los fieles contra las nue)as orientaciones conciliares y las reformas lit$rgicas! 2o queda establecido que 0onse1or 3(uc diera cr+dito a las apariciones, pero si es cierto que constat el carcter, aparentemente tradicional, de la congregacin fundada por 5lemente ,om&nguez! Fue +ste el moti)o por el que consagr a 5lemente y a otros cuatro miembros de su comunidad, primero como diconos y sacerdotes y luego como obispos el 77 de enero de 79:6! Este gesto oblig a 4aulo A% a lanzar el mandato de e#comunin contra 0onse1or 3(uc! Algunos sacerdotes afectos al Aaticano le dieron a conocer nue)os documentos sobre la personalidad de 5lemente ,om&nguez y lo improbable de sus )isiones! Estos documentos y testimonios, *unto a la e)olucin del se)illano, le (icieron romper y condenar a la iglesia palmariana! "ec(o esto, inmediatamente la absolucin! La %glesia 4almariana qued como una e#tra1a a)entura personal de 5lemente ,om&nguez, situada en el terreno de la an+cdota y lo sainetesco que perpet$a el error de apreciacin del obispo )ietnamita, pues, a la postre, la %glesia 4almariana encuentra su legitimidad en sus consagraciones!

3ras este incidente se retir a 3oulon donde )i)i en una peque1a (abitacin en situacin de e#trema pobreza! /in embargo, poco tiempo despu+s, entraron en contacto con +l algunos catlicos tradicionalistas, formndose un c&rculo muy cerrado y e#tremadamente discreto de discusin sobre los peligros que acec(aban a la %glesia! <no de los asistentes a estas reuniones, Gean Laboire, fue consagrado obispo en secreto por 0onse1or 3(uc! 4osteriormente, conoce a un grupo tradicionalista de 0unic( que est en contacto con un sacerdote franc+s, el padre =u+rard des Lauriers, un sostenedor de la misa tridentina, con)encido de que la /ede Aaticana estaba )acante! =u+rard ser consagrado obispo el : de mayo de 7987 y en octubre de ese mismo a1o consagrar a dos sacerdotes me*icanos! A pesar de las apariencias, estas consagraciones apostlicas son radicalmente diferentes a las oficiadas en El 4almar, )arias se realizaron sobre personalidades tradicionalistas de reconocido prestigio en la %glesia! 3al es el caso de 0onse1or =u+rard des Lauriers! EL PADRE GUERARD DES LAURIERS 2acido en /uresnes en 7898, realiz brillantes estudios de ingenier&a en la prestigiosa Escuela 4olit+cnica de 4ar&s y luego en la Escuela 2ormal /uperior! En 79>B pas a ser profesor titular de 0atemticas, pero dos a1os despu+s, ingres en la .rden de los ,ominicos! El >9 de *ulio de 79C7 fue ordenado sacerdote por el obispo de 3ounai! Los )einte primeros a1os de su ministerio transcurrieron discretamente' el padre =u+rard cumpli con lo que se esperaba de +l' aprende y lee (asta con)ertirse en un (bil polemista cuyos escritos destilan oposicin contra los despuntes de la nue)a teolog&a! 3eil(ard du 5(arden, los modernistas y lubacistas, son considerados por +l como enemigos de la %glesia! 3ras el conciclio, en 7969, elaborar el primer e#amen cr&tico sobre la nue)a liturgia y se ad(erir a las tesis de los cardenales Hacci y .tta)iani! 4oco a poco, ira perfilando la idea de la "/ede )acante"! El 4adre =u+rard des Lauriers sostu)o que, a partir de 4aulo A%, los papas (an profesado la (ere*ia modernista y por tanto, al (acerlo, de*aban de ser papas "sustancialmente", para serlo solo "materialmente"! La tesis as& resumida es, sin embargo, comple*a y delicada desde el punto de )ista teolgico! Fue inicialmente publicada en los "5a(iers de 5assiaciacum" y tiene la )irtud de ser la primera refutacin completa, desde el punto de )ista teolgico, de la legitimidad de los $ltimos papas! A partir de aqu& y de la acti)idad de 0onse1or 3(uc, cobra forma la corriente "sede)acantista" que (asta ese momento solo (ab&a sido un estado de nimo de una peque1a fraccin integrista radical! Los seguidores del 4adre =u+rard des Lauriers sostienen que (asta ese momento solo e#ist&a un sede)acantismo que definen como "puro y duro"I el 4apa (a sido elegido fraudulentamente por un colegio cardenalicio indigno y a su )ez fraudulento o degenerado! 3al *uicio carec&a de fundamentacin teolgica y se basaba en rumores, opiniones sub*eti)as o simplemente *uicios temenarios! En buena medida, las tesis "sede)acantistas" que sostendr a partir de principios de los a1os 8?, 0onse1or 3(uc, se basarn en los estudios

teolgicos del 4adre =u+rard! En una carta en)iada (acia finales de su )ida a un correligionario, pareci )ariar sensiblemente su opinin y endurecer su postura, negando que Guan 4ablo %% -a quien llamaba simplemente con la "J" de Jo*tilafuera ni siquiera papa "materialiter", es decir, negando toda legalidad y legitimidad a su eleccin! La carta -mencionada en el Jeb consagrado al 4adre =u+rardindica que este telogo sigui analizando la situacin del Aaticano (asta el final de sus d&as y cuando falleci distaba muc(o de (aber completado el estudio' sin embargo, lo esencial de la materia estaba ya tratadoI "Como sto no cambia nada en relacin a lo que por el momento debemos hacer -sigue el 4adre =u+rard en su carta-, espero aun antes de plantear pblicamente la cuestin" ! Finalmente, el 4adre =u+rard ser consagrado obispo por 0onse1or 3(uc en 7987 y consagrar a su )ez a otros tres obispos! 0orir el >: de febrero de 7988 a la edad de 9? a1os! /in embargo son muc(os los catlicos "sede)acantistas" que recuerdan su )ida, su obra y que, diez a1os despu+s de su muerte, siguen sosteniendo sus ideas! En %talia el "%nstituto 0ater Honi 5onsilii", manifiesta una )italidad inusitada con la edicin de una re)ista peridica, "/odalitium", que tiene tambi+n su traduccin electrnica en %nternet! /in embargo son los obispos norteamericanos, consagrados por =u+rard des Lauriers, quienes se muestran ms dinmicos y con mayor capacidad de crecimiento en el momento de escribir estas l&neas! 4oco despues de su muerte publicaron un documento que resume los puntos esenciales del "sede)acantismo" (> ! El documento comienza afirmando que la %glesia )i)e una situacin e#cepcional -"la pri)acin de un )erdadero 4ont&fice"- y que, por tanto, corresponde adoptar medidas igualmente e#cepcionales! "Aunque en ausencia formal del soberano pontfice legtimo no reivindicamos para nosotros mismos la jurisdiccin, es decir, el poder de gobernar propio a los Ordinarios diocesanos, sin embargo, en tanto que legtimamente consagrados para continuar la misin apostlica en ausencia formal de soberano pontfice, tenemos, no solo los poderes sacramentales del episcopado, sino tambin el encargo de la ense an!a inherente " propia de ste# $n virtud de esto llamamos al clero " a los fieles a unirse a nosotros para recha!ar, como totalmente ilcitas, las reformas instituidas por el llamado concilio %aticano && o nacidas de l ", segn la admonicin del Apstol, "guardar fielmente las tradiciones" '###( )a tradicin sagrada, la tenemos, como ense a la &glesia, como guardiana e intrprete de la verdad catlica, e*presando en s misma el magisterio infalible de la &glesia cu"a autenticidad garanti!a+++++++++++++++"! 4osteriormente el documento se1ala a la bestia negra del "sede)acantismo", las corrientes ecum+nicas surgidas del 5oncilio! "$ste veneno que es el $cumenismo se revela de forma evidente en el nuevo culto nacido del concilio, es decir en la misa del "nuevo orden" '###( ,odo se ha protestanti!ado manifiestamente# ,odo lo que constitua la marca propia " la belle!a del catolicismo, representado por la sacro-santa lengua latina de la &glesia en Occidente, ha sido despiadadamente suprimido de las antiguas oraciones litrgicas" ! /e1alan luego que los males que (ab&an pre)isto desde la conclusin del 5oncilio y el establecimiento de la nue)a liturgia, "no (acen ms que acrecentarse (!!! La anarqu&a, tanto doctrinal como

disciplinaria, in)ade con frenes& escuelas y parroquias y resultan incontables los escndalos perpetrados por los sacerdotes y los obispos apstatas"! Aen "pueblo de 5risto" disperso y desorientado, se1alan la quiebra de las )ocaciones, la reduccin de los asistentes a los oficios religiosos, la eclosin de las sectas, defecciones en el clero y en los monasterios, la "vida religiosa pr.cticamente destruida"! La concepcin del papel de la %glesia como una parte del "4ueblo de ,ios" y las relaciones entre catlicos y protestantes, merecen las in)ecti)as de estos obispos disidentesI ")a era introducida por el concilio lleva las marcas de la gran apostasa que debe preceder al advenimiento del Anticristo, predicho por /ablo en la 0egunda $pstola a los ,esalonicenses" ! 5ualquier componenda debe ser rec(azadaI ")a conciencia catlica no puede aceptar el compromiso# 1o podemos, como pretenden algunos, reconocer la autoridad divina en los papas conciliares de una parte, " al mismo tiempo desobedecerles bajo prete*to de que su ense an!a no es infalible"! ;econocen luego la dificultad que estriba en solicitar a los sacerdotes que abandonen sus parroquias y se ad(ieran a la disciplina estricta de los catlicos tradicionales! 4ero los principios son irrenunciablesI "La Fe no puede ser comprometida! La profesin y la prctica e#ternas de la fe deben estar en plena conformidad con la )erdad de la ense1anza catlica"! ;ecuerdan que (ubo muc(os catlicos que en la %nglaterra de Enrique A%%% rec(azaron, al precio de su )ida, la escisin anglicana e (icieron profesin p$blica de su fe! 4roponen a los catlicos que se nieguen a participar en los nue)os ritos, incluso aunque se trate de misas en lat&n en las que se celebre la comunin con el "falso papa " los obispos que le sirven"! Entonces Kqu+ pueden (acer los fielesD "ay lugar para la esperanzaI ",odo esto no implica que no ha"a solucin " que no se pueda practicar la fe m.s que en privado# Cuando no se pueda asegurar los servicios de un sacerdote fiel, vemos una solucin en el re!o del 0anto 2osario# 1adie perecer. si tiene autntica devocin al 2osario# 0e debera recitarlo no solo en privado " en familia, sino tambin en comn, sobre todo en domingo " en compa a de otros catlicos# As la obligacin de culto pblico sera reali!ado de la mejor manera posible mientras fuera imposible celebrar la misa '###( $l deseo ferviente " e*plcito de recibir la santa comunin puede obtener una gran parte de las gracias que da el sacramento# Al mismo tiempo la doctrina " la espiritualidad catlicas ortodo*as deben ser buscadas en los libros que ostentan el imprimatur oficial de la &glesia anterior al Concilio %ativano &&# $n cuanto a los ni os, es preciso ense arles las bases del catecismo catlico tradicional, e incluso bauti!arlos, si no ha" otro remedio, en ausencia de un sacerdote catlico" ! Era ine)itable que los catlicos "sede)acantistas" terminaran preguntdose la razn de las causas que afligen (oy a la %glesia! K4or qu+ est crisisD Kpor qu+ la %glesia afronta su desintegracinD Kes la )oluntad de ,iosD La respuesta demuestra que el mensage de Ftima y de La /alette sigue )i)o entre estos catlicos tradicionalistas! /on las culpas de los fieles las que (an acarreado el castigo de ,ios, es la rela*acin del clero y los pecados de la (umanidad lo que (a obrado la retraccin de la proteccin di)ina a la %glesia! 2o (ay otro culpable que

el pueblo de ,ios y solo un ")erdadero pastor" (un )erdadero 4apa ser capaz de restaurar la %glesia en todo su esplendor! El mensa*e caus impacto en la faccin tradicionalista de la %glesia se )i engrosada por nue)as ad(esiones! Fue as& como la obra del 4adre =u+rard y de 0onse1or 3(uc continu en la "5ongregation of 0ary %mmaculate Lueen" de 0ount /aint 0ic(ael en /pMane y en otras instituciones menores similares! La congregacin regenta la no despreciable cifra de una treintena de capillas dirigidas por los obispos 0cNenna y 4i)arunas! Este $ltimo dirige el seminario "0ater ,ei" en 2ebrasMa! A esta comunidad pertenece un laico notable y signicati)o, el ,octor ;ama 4! 5oomarasOamy, (i*o de Ananda N! 5oomarasOamy, uno de los disc&pulos ms destacados de ;en+ =uenon! OBRA Y TRAGEDIA DE MONSEOR THUC 5ompartiendo las doctrinas del 4adre =u+rard, 0onse1or 3(uc, a principios de 798> declarar p$blicamente en 0unic( que Guan 4ablo %% no es )erdadero 4apa y que la sede est )acante! El documento firmado el >@ de febrero dice te#tualmenteI "34u nos parece la &glesia Catlica de nuestros das+ $n 2oma, reina el "papa" 5uan -pablo &&, asistido por el Colegio Cardenalicio, as como por un gran nmero de obispos " prelados# 6uera de 2oma, la &glesia Catlica preca floreciente con sus sacerdotes " obispos# )os catlicos son numricamente importantes# Cada da, la 7isa se celebra en gran nmero de &glesias ", el da del 0e or, las iglesias acojen a un gran nmero de fieles para asistir a la 0anta 7isa " recibir la Comunin### /ero a ojos de 8ios 3cmo se presenta la &glesia actual+ estas misas cotidianas " dominicales 3son agradables a 8ios+ $n ningn caso, por que esta misa es idntica para los catlicos como para los protesantes# /or esta ra!n, no es agradable a 8ios " es inv.lida# )a 7isa agradable a 8ios es la 7isa de 0an /o % que celebran el peque o nmero de sacerdotes " obispos de los que formo parte# /or ello, en la medida en que me sea posible, abrir un seminario para los candidatos a un sacerdocio agradable a 8ios# $n adem.s de "7isa" que ofende a 8ios, ha" numerosos elementos que son objeto de un recha!o por parte de 8ios, por ejemplo en la ordenacin sacerdotal, en la consagradacin episcopal, en los sacramentos de Confirmacin " $*tremaucin# Adem.s, estos "sacerdotes" citados antes profesan9 :( $l 7odernismo# ;( <n falso ecumenismo#

=( $l culto al >ombre# ?( $l indiferentismo religioso @( $l recha!o a condenar heregas " la e*comunin de los herticos# $s por ello que, en mi calidad de obispo de la &glesia Catlico 2omana, ju!go que la 0ede de la &glesia Catlica en 2oma est. vacante " que es mi deber de obispo hacer todo lo posible para que la &glesia Catlico 2omana perduce en vistas de la salvacin eterna de las almas" ! ,e regreso a Francia, consagrar un nue)o obispo y )ia*ar a Estados <nidos! ;esidir durante algunos meses en el monasterio de un obispo de su lina*e donde ser literalmente secuestrado por )ietnamitas catlicos residentes en EE!<<! ,urante ms de un a1o y medio nadie sabr nada de +l (asta que el 77 de *ulio de 798@, el ".sser)atore ;omano" publica una "retractacin" de su declaracin de 0unic(, as& como una "peticin de perdn" para sus consagraciones "ileg&timas"! El mismo diario pontificio public la muerte del obispo )ietnamita en su edicin del 7C de diciembre de 798@! Algunos testimonio afirman que 0onse1or 3(uc fue asesinado por sus secuestradores quienes le (abr&an introducido az$car en su alimentacin, mortal para un diab+tico como +l! /ea como fuere, su nombre no fue *ams retirado del Anuario 4ontificio, contrariamente al de 0onse1or Lefe)re que desapareci a partir de 7988 (C ! En total los obispos consagrdos por 0onse1or 3(uc fueron 7@, consagrando estos a un total de BC obispos! LO LEGAL Y LO LICITO EN LAS CONSAGRACIONES Las consagraciones de 0onse1or Lefe)re, 3(uc o =u+rard des Lauriers Kson )lidasD Kson l&citasD Ky las de los obispos por ellos consagradosD <no de los obispos disidentes consagrados por 0onse1or 3(uc dedic un libro (B a tratar sobre la cuestin que, efecti)amente, (a preocupado a estos catlicos sinceros, como antes (ab&a preocupado a los ")eterocatlicos" o a los "catlicos liberales"! 4ara alcanzar sus fines la %glesia (@ , (istricamente (a debido dotarse de ministros! 5ada ministro tiene un poder, emanado de ,ios y transmitido (asta +l por medio de ritos espec&ficos , regulares! ;emontando esta transmisin llegar&amos a /an 4edro y a la misin conferida por Gesucristo! =racias a esta transmisin, el sacerdote recibe un carcter indeleble que le confiere tres poderI - poder doctrinal, para la ense1anza de la doctrina de la iglesia y de la teolog&a! - poder sacerdotal para impartir los sacramentos y realizar los ritos sagrados!

- poder *udicial para el bien com$n y el bien particular (6 ! En los primeros a1os de la %glesia 4rimiti)a la direccin espiritual de las comunidades cristianas se encargaba a los ancianos, presb&teros o "episcopos"! 4oco a poco, la funcin de los rectores de estas comunidades fue asumiendo rasgos similares a los que conser)an en la actualidad! A partir del siglo P%, en los escritos de %gnacio de Antioqu&a se definen los rasgos de los "episcopos" como id+nticos a los "obispos" actuales! Qa en esa +poca aparecen dos tendencias que se afirman pronto en la concepcin del episcopadoI "la tradicin paulina -sigue 0onse1or de La 3(ibauderia"- caracteri!ada por 0an Agustn " que marca el catolicismo occidental 'romano( " la tradicin juanista, ilustrada por 0an Cipriano " que e*plica la posicin del catolicismo oriental 'ortodo*o( ! La primera est en la perspecti)a del misterio de la redencin uni)ersal! <no solo (ab&a muerto para todos, es preciso que el mundo tome conciencia de su unidad en 5risto, $nico *efe de la (umanidad redimida y que cede todo particularismo local"! 3oda la %glesia depende, seg$n esta concepcin, de una cabeza $nica, factor de unidad y control, el obispo de ;oma! En esta perspecti)a /an Agust&n afirma que los poderes de orden una )ez conferidos no pueden, en ning$n caso, ser retirados (: ! En la %glesia .riental todo gira en torno a la cuestin del "filioque"! La )ida eterna gira en torno al 4adre manifesado, es el misterio de la Encarnacin al que es preciso que los (ombres se ad(ieran para unirse al 4adre y al "i*o! As& pues, en cada comunidad se cristaliza en torno a un ministro, imagen )i)iente de esta unidad m&stica! /eg$n esta perspecti)a solo e#iste .bispo cuando e#iste EMlesia, unin de los fieles! As& pues, sigue argumentando 0onse1or de a 3(ibauderie, la discusin sobre la )alidez de los obispos consagrados, puede plantearse solo dentro de la perspecti)a del catolicismo romano, pero carece de sentido en la %glesia .rtodo#aI un obispo sin grey, sin EMlesia, es impensable! La consagracin episcopal otorga el poder de .rden y el de Gurisdiccin! En tanto que deri)a directamente de 5risto, el poder de .rden es "inmediato e inalienable"! La %glesia actual considera que los obispos no son )icarios del 4apa, sino sucesores de los Apstoles que conducen una grey! El poder de *urisdiccin les permite gobernar la %glesia mediante la autoridad que reciben! La cuestin es, si desde esta perspecti)a Des posible concebir un obispo sin %glesiaD! La respuesta es ampliamente positi)a y no falta la casu&sticaI obispos dimisionarios, obispos titulares, obispos depuestos!!! tambi+n (ay casos de obispos que tomaron posesin de su sede antes de recibir consagracin, )icarios apostlicos, capitulares, etc!, unos tienen poder de orden sin *urisdiccin, en los otros ocurre lo contrario! ,esde la Edad 0edia se estima que el poder de orden es indeleble en los obispos que lo (an recibido (8 , dado que la consagracin episcopal confiere igualmente una alta "potestas ordinis" que la %gesla no da en su nombre personal, sino en nombre de 5risto! ")os obispos herticos en virtud de su poder de orden, puede

pues consagrar v.lidamente, aunque pueden no hacerlo lcitamente, pues en tanto que apstatas pierden el uso de su autoridad" ! En las consagraciones episcopales normales griegas y ortodo#os se requiere que participen tres obispos, pero los telogos -recuerda 0onse1or de la 3(ibauderiecatlicos no estn de acuerdo sobre este punto! <nos declaran que son necesarios dos o tres obispos y que ni siquiera una dispensa papal puede suplirlos! .tros sostienen que basta con un obispo mientras act$e con autorizacin del 4apa! La tercera opcin teolgica considera que de los tres obispos, solo uno es quien opera la consagracin, siendo los otros dos, simples testigos! En caso de faltar los testigos, la consagracin ser&a )lida pero il&cita y otro tanto ocurrir&a si no e#istiera la autorizacin papal! .tras circunstancia, como la edad o incluso el estado pre)io a la consagracin, no entran en *uego! ,esde 3rento, solo se e#ige que el candidato (aya recibido el sacramento de la 5onfirmacin y el propio /anto 3oms neg que fuera preciso ser ordenado antes sacerdote o dicono para poder ser promo)ido a la condicin de .bispo! /in embargo, telogos posteriores pusieron en duda esta opinin! La tradicin de la %glesia, a partir de Hellarmino, tendi a que los obispos fueran pre)iamente sacerdotes, lo que implica que consagraciones realizadas sobre laicos son )lidas, pero il&citas! 3al es el caso de buena parte de los obispos consagrados por 0onse1or 2go ,(im 3(uc! 4ero los "sede)acantistas" ms radicales )en las cosas de otra forma! 4ara ellos las consagraciones del obispo disidente y las que, a su )ez, (an realizado los obispos as& consagrados, son ")lidas y l&citas"! El argumento sobre la )alidez es el mismo que el utilizado por 0onse1or de La 3(ibauderie, pero el relati)o a la licitud, )ar&a en la medida en que los "sede)acantistas" sostienen que no (ay un 4apa en ;oma, por lo tanto, dif&cilmente la autoridad ausente podr&a autorizar la consagracin (9 ! Los "sede)acantistas" destacan que 0onse1or 3(uc estaba en plenitud de facultades, incluso l$cido, cuando realiz las consagraciones episcopales' en las ceremonias mantu)o una obser)acin estricta de los ritos, tal como pueden atestiguar las pocas personas que estu)ieron presentes! Aun en el supuesto de que las retractaciones que le atribuyen los medios )aticanistas, fueran ciertas, esto no implicar&a que las consagraciones que realiz antes fueran in)lidas! ,iferente es el caso de las consagraciones realizadas en El 4almar de 3roya' 0onse1or 3(uc, no solo se retract acto seguido, sino que, adems, las consagraciones realizadas por 5lemente ,om&nguez, se realizaron sin el ms m&nimo respeto y consideracin por los ritos' su adulteracin supuso que las consagraciones eran in)lidas! En cuanto a lo clandestino de las consagraciones de 0onse1or 3(uc, los "sede)acantistas" arguyen que 4&o P%, por necesidades ob)ias, consagr, sin luz ni taqu&grafos, a algunos obispos que deb&an desarrollar su ministerio en la <;//! /on las circunstancias las que permiten que la consagracin se realice de una manera u otra, es aspecto, en cualquier caso, parece secundario desde cualquier punto de )ista, en la medida en que, a pesar de no tratarse de consagraciones p$blicas, e#istieron testigos cualificados!

3ras la desaparicin de 0onse1or 3(uc, el sede)acantismo radicaliz sus posiciones y se dedic a una luc(a inmisericorde -y aparentemente incomprensible- contra otros sectores tradicionalistas, en especial contra Lefe)re! Q en eso est!!! (7 El decreto estaba firmado por 4io P%I "$n virtud de la plenitud de poderes de la 0anta 0ede Apostlica, instituimos como nuestro legado a /ierre 7artin 1go 8inh ,huc, obispo titular de 0sine para los fines que conocemos, con todos los poderes necesarios"! El documento estaba fec(ado el "7@ de marzo de 79C8, d+cimo s+ptimo a1o de nuestro 4ontigicado! (3omado de la re)ista tradicionalista "/ous la HanniRre", Aillegenon, 798: ! (> 3e#to incluido en el Jeb dedicado al 4adre =u+rard des Lauriers, (ttpISSOOO!geocities!comSAt(ensS86:>Sguerard!(tm! El documento est firmado por los .bispos ;obert F! 0cNenna de 5onnecticut, G!Aida Elmes de Albany, .li)ier .ra)ec de London, 5anad, ;ic(ard Hedingfeld de /udfrica y Go(n E!"esson de 4(iladelp(ia, 4ennsil)ania! (C Los datos esenciales y documentos sobre 0onseor 2go-,in(-3(uc (an sido obtenidos en el Jeb consagrado a este prelado )ietnamita! (ttpISSOOO!geocities!comSAt(ensS! (B "Eglises et E)eques cat(oliques non-romains", 0onse1or de La 3(ibauderie! (@ 0onse1or de La 3(ibauderie resume los fines de la %glesiaI "la vida eterna, comen!ada desde aqu abajo por la Aracia en el secreto de las almas, culminada tras la muerte en la visin de 8ios", introduccin a "$glises et evBques###" , op! cit!! (6 "Eglises et!!!", op! cit!, introduccin, pg! 7>C! (: /an Agust&n, "5ontra Epistolam 4armeniani, 77, >8", citado por 0onse1or de La 3(ibauderie, op! cit! .tra cita )a en la misma direccinI "La %glesia catlica es episcopal, no solo por que tiene obispos, sino en que los obispos (acen la %glesia" (4! Lestringeant ! (8 "%ere sacramenta confederunt, sed cum oir gratiam non dant, non protes inefficaciam sacramentorum, sed propter peccata recipientorum ab eis sacramento contra prohibitionem $cclesiae", frmula de /anto 3oms que recuerda 0onse1or de La 3(ibauderie! (9 Los argumentos "sede)antistas" sobre la legalidad de las consagraciones episcopales fueron presentados en la re)ista tradicionalista italiana "/odalitium", bolet&n oficial del %nstituto 0ater Honi 5onsilii, Aerrua /a)oia!

Annuario Pontificio. Comenz a editarse en 1716. Es algo muy importante en la Roma pontificia saber si una publicacin es oficial, oficiosa o slo autorizada; prcticamente nadie puede aclararlo,. esde 1!"# tiene su actual t$tulo y no se llama publicacin oficial %lo &ue no &uiere decir &ue no lo sea'. (e encuaderna en tela ro)a y en su edicin de "**+ tiene "."7# pginas.

,,op/mic,ael/desmond/,ynes".id#.,tm 00The Nature of Archbishop Thuc's Powers 1n important issue needs to be raised ,ere. 2t is often ob)ected t,at t,e 34,uc3 consecrations are illicit %i.e. contrary to t,e la5 of t,e C,urc,'. 4,is is because, if any bis,op consecrates anot,er bis,op 5it,out papal permission, t,ey recei6e an e7communication reser6ed to t,e 8oly (ee. 2n 1rc,bis,op 4,uc9s case, t,is is not so. :ius ;2 ,ad conceded special po5ers to 4,uc to perform consecrations 5it,out referring to Rome for appro6al %po5ers 5e s,ould point out 5,ic, 5ere ne6er re6o<ed'. 2n 1!=7 t,e traditionalist publication 3(ous la >anni?re3 publis,ed t,e te7t of t,is 3@otu :roprio34ranslation of t,e Aatin Briginal %rig,t-' >y 6irtue of t,e :lenitude of t,e po5ers of t,e 8oly 1postolic (ee, 5e appoint as our Aegate :ierre @artin Cgo in, 4,uc, titu lar bis,op of (aigon, 5,om 5e in6est 5it, all t,e necessary po5 ers, for purposes <no5n to us. Di6en at Rome at (aint :eter9s, on 1E @arc, 1!+=, t,e se6enteent, year of our pontificate. :ope :ius ;2, E7planation of t,ese po5ers F,at does t,is document mean G Aet us e7amine a parallel case in 5,ic, :ius ;2 conceded identical p5oers to anot,er prelate. Bn 1* @arc, 1!"*, t,e same pope :ius ;2 dictated t,e same motu proprio for @gr d98erbigny %(.H.'. 4,e account is recorded in t,e boo< of Iat,er :aul Aesourd, publis,ed by Aet,ielleu7 Editions under t,e title 3Ae Hesuite clandestine3 8ere is t,e translation- @otu :roprio >y 6irtue of t,e plenitude of t,e 1postolic po5er, 5e appoint as our elegate @ic,el d98erbigngy %(.H.', titular bis,op of 4roie, 5,om 5e in6est 5it, all t,e appropriate and necessary po5ers, for purposes <no5n to us. Di6en at Rome at (aint :eter9s, on 1* @arc, 1!"6, t,e fift, year of our pontificate. :ius ;2, :ope 4,e t5o cases are analogous. Fit, t,is 1ct of t,e 8oly (ee, t,e t5o bis,ops recei6ed pontifical po5ers, t,ose of :atriarc,s. 4,e details of t,ese po5ers are e7plained by :ius ;2 ,imself, as reported by Iat,er Aesourd in t,e follo5ing terms- 3Brally, t,e 8oly Iat,er first enumerated in detail all t,e po5ers 5,ic, ,e conferred, including t,e selection of priests to be ordained and to confer on t,em t,e epicopate 5it,out t,e need for t,em to ,a6e pontifical bulls, nor t,erefore to gi6e t,eir signatures in6iting t,em to act accordingly on t,e strengt, of t,e oat,. 34,en, after ,a6ing at lengt, set out in detail by 5ord of mout, all t,e po5ers 5,ic, 5ere really e7traordinary, t,e :ope resumed t,em most solemnly as follo5s32n one 5ord, 5e grant to you all t,e pontifical po5ers of t,e :ope ,imself, 5,ic, are not of incommunicable di6ine rig,t.3 JJ

,ttp-..)loug,,ucdate.,tm 1 C,ronology Irom 1rc,bis,op CgKL in,L4,uc to 34,e Aittle :ebble9s3 Ir. @alcolm A. >roussard, Hnr 1!"E, Bct. "* :ierre @artin CgKL in,L4,uc Brdained M 1N 1!+=, @ar., 1E 1lleged by Roger HeanL@arie Oozic %see belo5', a 4,uc bis,op and ot,ers t,at 3:ope :ius ;2 ,onored >is,op CgKL in,L4,uc 5it, a particular trust, t,roug, a delegation of po5ers, of 5,ic, ,ere is belo5 a copy. 4,is is t,e te7t of t,is motu proprio"Pius XI, Pope, "In virtue of the fullness of powers of the Holy Apostolic See, we institute as

our le ate Pierre !artin N "#$inh#Thuc, titular %ishop of Sai on, for purposes &nown to us, with all the powers re'uire(.
)iven at *o+e, near Saint Peter, on !arch ,-, ,./0, in the seventeenth year of our pontificate. Pius XI, Pope." M "N 1!+=, @ay # 4,uc 5as consecrated 4itular >is,op of (aesina; a >is,op of 8ue 1!+=L6* M 1N 1!+!, @ar. " :ope :ius ;22 elected :ope. 1!+!, ec. = allegedly- 34,ese faculties 5ere rene5ed on ecember =, 1!+!, by :ope :ius ;22 and 5ere ne6er rescinded.3 M 6N 1!E=, Bct "= :ope Ho,n ;;222 elected pope. 1!6* 1rc,bis,op of 8ue, 1!6*L6=, and 4itular 1rc,bis,op of >ulla >ulla 1!6=L=# M 1N 1!6+, Hune "1 :ope :aul P2 elected pope. 1!76, Han. 1 Clemente Ierdinand ominguez Dmez ordained priest by 4,uc. M 1N 1!76, Han. 1 1rc,bis,op CgKL in,L4,uc incurred automatic e7communication from t,is day. 4,e 4,ucites claim ot,er5ise- t,at 4,uc ,ad a type of 3secret3 mandate from :ope :ius ;2 to do many t,ings, including consecrating bis,ops any5,ere in t,e 5orld. 8o5e6er, surely, ,is first e7communication 5ould also automatically 6oid any suc, mandate. 1!76, Han. 1 1lfred :aul 1t,anasius @aria (ei5ertLIleige ordained priest by 77777 M1*N or Clemente ominguez Dmez. M11N 4,e probabilities are t,at ,e 5as ordained by 1rc,bis,op CgKL in,L4,uc

1!76, Han. 11 Clemente Ierdinand ominguez Dmez consecrated bis,op by 4,uc. M 1N 1!76, (ept. 7 3Q,e M4,ucN arri6ed in Rome to ma<e peace 5it, t,e Patican.3 M EN 1!76, (ept. 17 11( 6=L6"+- re- E7communication of parties to t,e Brdinations Conferred by 1rc,bis,op CgKLdin,L4,uc %(.C. oct. Iid.'R SMQN S+' Iinally, as regards t,ose 5,o ,a6e already recei6ed ordination in t,is illegitimate manner or t,ose 5,o 5ill per,aps recei6e ordination from t,e former, 5,ate6er is to be said of t,e 6alidity of t,e Brders, t,e C,urc, neit,er no5 recognizes nor 5ill recognize t,eir ordination and, as regards all effects of la5, ,olds t,em to be in t,at state 5,ic, eac, one of t,em pre6iously ,ad. 4,e abo6eLmentioned penal sanctions remain in effect until t,ey repent. 1ll t,ings to t,e contrary not5it,standing..R M 7N 1!7= Dmez formed t,e 8oly :almarian C,urc, M 1N Irom t,is time, 3consecrations3 5ere done in 34,e :almarian Rite3 T CB4 in t,e Roman Rite. 1!7=, 1ugust Irom t,is date ,e ,as been :ope Dregory ;P22 of t,e 8oly :almarian C,urc,. M 1N 1!7=, (ept. :ope Ho,nL:aul 2 elected pope, dies. :ope Ho,nL:aul 22 elected pope. 1!7=, Bct. 1! Roger HeanL@arie Oozi< consecrated sub conditione by 4,uc. :re6iously ,e ,ad been consecrated a bis,op on 77.77.1!77 by @anuel 2sadoro @aria 1lonzo Corral, a bis,op of t,e 8oly :almarian C,urc,. 2t appears t,at Oozi< did not belie6e t,at t,e Corral9s %5,o ,ad been 3consecrated3 by 4,uc in 1!76' consecration 5as 3effecti6e3U 1!7=, Co6. 1 1lfred :aul 1t,anasius @aria (ei5ertLIleige consecrated bis,op by Dmez, Corral and :uga. Aater consecrated sub conditione 1pril =, 1!=# by Rou7. M 1N M !N 1!7! 38o5e6er, ,is c,ange of ,eart 5as s,ortLli6ed. @gr. CgK soon mo6ed to 4oulon, Irance. 4,ere , in 1!7!, ,e raised to t,e episcopate %for t,e 9umpteent, time9' Hean Aabourie, leader of t,e sc,ismatic 9Bld Cat,olic9 sect, t,e 9Aatin C,urc, of 4oulouse.93 M EN 1!=1, Bct. 17 4,uc consecrates t5o @e7ican priests 3Ir. @oises Carmona Ri6era and Iat,er 1dolfo Vamora 8ernandez.3 M EN 1!=", Ieb. "E 4,uc 3declares t,e (ee of Rome being MsicN 6acant.3 M EN 1!=+, @ar. 1" 11( 7EL+!" Cotification from t,e (acred Congregation for t,e octrine of t,e Iait,% t,e e7communication of 1rc,bis,op 4,uc for t,e second time.' SMQN

S+' Iinally, as regards t,ose 5,o ,a6e already recei6ed ordination in t,is illegitimate manner or t,ose 5,o 5ill per,aps recei6e ordination from t,e former, 5,ate6er is to be said of t,e 6alidity of t,e Brders, t,e C,urc, neit,er no5 recognizes nor 5ill recognize t,eir ordination and, as regards all effects of la5, ,olds t,em to be in t,at state 5,ic, eac, one of t,em pre6iously ,ad. 4,e abo6eLmentioned penal sanctions remain in effect until t,ey repent. 1ll t,ings to t,e contrary not5it,standing.. S@oreo6er t,is (acred Congregation belie6es it ,as t,e duty strongly to ad6ise members of t,e fait,ful to a6oid participating in or fostering in any 5ay liturgical acti6ities or underta<ings and 5or<s of anot,er <ind 5,ic, are prompted by t,ose persons mentioned abo6e.R Ir. Pincent 45omey (P , Aecturer in @oral 4,eology and Editor of 4,e 2ris, 4,eological Wuarterly, :ontifical Xni6ersity, @aynoot,, stated in 4,e 2ris, 4imes 1pril "7, 1!!! t,atS@oreo6er, t,e document continues, t,e C,urc, 9considers t,em in t,e state eac, ,ad pre6iously9, in ot,er 5ords as laymen or priests. 4,us, in t,e eyes of t,e C,urc,, 5e are dealing 5it, a @r @ic,ael Co7, a Iat,er :at >uc<ley, 5,om ,e MCo7N attempted to ordain a bis,op, and, most recently, a @s (inead B9Connor.R 1!=#, ec. 1= 1rc,bis,op CgKLdin,L4,uc9s statement of final retraction 5it, information regarding reply from Cong. octrine of t,e Iait,. ocCat, =" %1!=E'- 1=E. M =N 1!!!, 1ug. 1E 2t is alleged t,at >art,olomYus or >art,olome5 (c,neider 5as consecrated by (ei5ertLIliege in >onn, Dermany. M !N 1!!!, (ep. "6 >is,op :,ilip Filson, >is,op of Follongong determined t,at RQ>is,op Filson9s in6estigations re6eal t,at >art,olome5 (c,neider is not a bis,op and ,e ,olds no office of aut,ority in t,e Roman Cat,olic C,urc,Q 2n fact a 5arning about ,is illegal acti6ities 5as publis,ed in t,e A9Bsser6atore Romano on 1! (eptember 1!!EQR "**", Hune 16 egree issued on S@r Filliam Oamm also <no5n as 34,e Aittle :ebble3, in 5,ic, 5arnings con6eyed orders and e7,ortations. M +N "**+, @ar. +* Ir. @alcolm A. >roussard, Hnr. 5as consecrated by alleged 4,uc line >is,op >art,olomYus (c,neider in >a6aria. "**+, Hune 1* Filliam Oamm- SBn t,e 1* Hune "**+ 2 recei6ed a ecree from >is,op :eter 2ng,am of our iocese ad6ising me of my e7communication.R M #N "**E, Han. "= 4,e Aibrarian of @elbourne9s Cat,olic 4,eological College9s @anni7 Aibrary is as<ed to c,ec< t,e 1nnuario :ontifico for t,e name of (ei5ertLIleige. 4,ere is no record of t,at name in t,e official list of >is,ops of t,e Cat,olic C,urc,. 4,e SAittle :ebble9sR ad6ice of Sregularization,R t,erefore, does CB4 mean t,at (ei5ertLIleige9s SconsecrationR is recognized. 4,e probabilities are t,at ,e ,as been, at best, simply reconciled to t,e

C,urc, as an illicit priest T t,at is, t,e state ,e 5as in prior to ,is illicit consecration, and probably reduced to t,e lay state.

Conclusion 2t appears to me t,at1. 4,e document produced by >is,op%G' Oozi< appears to be a p,otocopy. 8o5e6er, it is 6ery easy to produce an aut,entic loo<ing but fa<e document. 2n t,is case, Oozi< displays an e6ident error in translating (aesina %S(aesinensemR in t,e original Aatin' as S(aigonR. ". 2f 5e grant, for t,e sa<e of argument, t,at t,e SmandateR is genuine1. 2t discloses not,ing ot,er t,an 1' naming 4,uc as a legate for :ius ;2 "' for purposes <no5n only to :ius ;2 and 4,uc +' granting Sall t,e po5ers re&uiredR for un<no5n purposes. #' all 6erbal discussion and clarification is lost in t,e 5indU ". 4,e document is, allegedly, a @otu proprio. 8o5e6er, t,ere is no mention 5,atsoe6er of suc, a document in 4,e Canon Aa5 igest, Pol 22, by 4. Aincoln >ouscaren, (.H., (.4. ., AA.>. T 5,ic, BE( list :ius ;29s @otu proprios for @ar. 1, 1!"", @ay +, 1!"", Co6. "", 1!"", 1pr. "*, 1!"+, Hune "!, 1!"+, 1pr. "7, 1!"# %"', (ept. "#, 1!"7, Co6. #, 1!"7, (ept. +*, 1!"=, Hune "#, 1!"!, %"', Ieb. 6, 1!+*, 1pr. 6, 1!+*, Han. 1=, 1!+1, 1pr. "#, 1!+1, ec. "1, 1!+#, Bct. "=, 1!+6, ec. +1, 1!+7, @ar. "E, 1!+=, ec. =, 1!+=. (ome of t,e @otu proprios ,a6e e7tensi6e data T ot,ers only record t,e fact of t,ere being a document. Ior e7ample, t,e @otu proprio for @ar. +1, 1!+! is s,o5n in 4,e Canon Aa5 igest, p. "# as- S:ri6ileges of Concla6ists of :ius ;22. :ius ;22, @otu proprio, +1 @ar., 1!+! %11( +1L1#1'.R 4,e Canon Aa5 igest, Pol. 22 lists t5o S@otu propriosR for :ope :ius ;22 in 1!+! and 1!#*- @ar. +1, 1!+!, and ec. 1. 1!#*. 4,ere are no @otu proprios listed for ec. =, 1!+!, but t,ere are t,ree documents listed for t,at date- SIaculties, (.C.Consist.R, S2nstruction, (.C. :rop. Iid.R, and SE7,ortation, :ius ;22R T none of 5,ic, ,a6e anyt,ing to do 5it, 1rc,bis,op 4,uc. (urely, one could e7pect an entry in some Patican document on t,e 4,uc Smandate3 claim as proof for prosterity in relation to t,e alleged Spo5ers re&uiredRG +. 2n any e6ent- it is not reasonable to e7pect t,at any suc, po5ers %if granted' 5ould outlast t,e life of :ope :ius ;2. E6ery pope possesses fully t,e Spo5er of t,e <eysR and is CB4 limited by a predecessor9s indult, consent or la5U Fe can see t,is in t,e fact t,at SWuo primum9sR SperpetualR clause did not limit :ope (t :ius P9s successors from ma<ing alterations in t,e @ass, nor from :ope :aul P2 la5fully promulgating a ne5 Rite for t,e

Roman @ass. Cor, did it pre6ent :ope :ius ;22 from altering t,e re&uirements for t,e ordination of priests T and ignoring t,e SperpetualR clause in ,is predecessor9s la5. 4,us, any legitimate indult or po5ers granted by :ope :ius ;2 T and t,erefore, under t,e terms of t,e alleged SmandateR, un<no5n to :ope :ius ;22 T 5ould cease and need to be rene5ed by t,e ne5 pope if ,e so desired.. 2s it beyond reasonable doubt 5,et,er or not :ope :ius ;22 rene5ed t,e SmandateRG and, respecti6ely, :opes Ho,n ;;222, :aul P2, Ho,nL :aul 2 and Ho,nL:aul 22G 4,e indication t,at t,e SmandateR 5as claimed to ,a6e been rene5ed upon t,e election of :ius ;22 in 1!+! only indicated t,at ac<no5ledgement t,at suc, rene5al 5ould also ,a6e been re&uired on t,e election of successor popes. 2t is alleged %see entry under 1!+!, ec. = abo6e' t,at t,e SmandateR 5as Srene5ed Mby :ius ;22N and ne6er rescinded.R 8o5e6er, in 1!76 4,uc ,ad long since ceased being t,e pope9s legate in 2ndoc,ina after ,a6ing fled from t,at area in t,e 6*9s, and t,e Spurposes <no5n to us, 5it, all t,e po5ers re&uiredR 5ould certainly ,a6e t,en ceased in 6irtue of reL location from 2ndoc,ina, lac< of rene5al of SmandateR by :ope Ho,n ;;222, etc.. F,at is more, it is <no5n t,at 4,uc 5as treated &uite SpoorlyR in Europe L not in any 5ay as a SlegateR 5ould be treatedU 2n any e6ent L any rene5al by :ope :ius ;22 is not listed in 4,e Canon Aa5 igest; 5,ere may t,e alleged 3rene5al3 document be 6ie5edG +. 1nd if t,e document is fa<e, or ,as Srun out of mandateR time or ,a6e been lost in 6irtue of t,e first e7communication T ,o5 can one possibly place t,eir immortal souls in danger by relying on suc, an SoutL ofLdateR document 5,ic, lac<ed t,e SreLappointingR follo5ing t,e election of t,e post Patican 22 popesG 1fter all, 4,uc 2 accept t,e fact of ,is first e7communication as e6idenced by ,is SreconciliationR in 1!76. #. 4,e only aut,ority 5,ic, can definiti6ely pronounce on t,e aut,enticity of t,e 4,uc consecrations is t,e Patican. 45ice, in 1!76 and 1!=+, t,e Patican ,as officially stated SQ 5,ate6er is to be said of t,e 6alidity of t,e Brders, t,e C,urc, neit,er no5 recognizes nor 5ill recognize t,eir ordinationQR E. 2nasmuc, t,at S4,e Aittle :ebble9sR claim of 1lfred :aul 1t,anasius @aria (ei5ertL Ileige9s SregularizationR in "**1 appearing to be not,ing more t,at reconciliation and reduction to t,e layLstate, it is no surprise, t,erefore, to learn t,at ,is name does not appear in t,e 1nnuario :ontifico T t,e Cat,olic C,urc,9s year boo<. 6. Iurt,ermore, in t,e absence of e6idence of >art,olome5 (c,neider being consecrated by (ei5ertLIliege, 1C in t,e face of >is,op :,ilip Filson, >is,op of Follongong9s determination t,at ,is Sin6estigations re6eal t,at >art,olome5 (c,neider is not a bis,opQR it is difficult to gi6e credence to Ir. @alcolm A. >roussard, Hnr9s claim to be a bis,op on at least t5o countsU

Iootnotes1. ,,olicism.4,uc/Consecrations.,tml

". ,"*:ages.En.(uc.(uccession.,tm Bt,er sources state S(esinaR and S(aesinensemR %Aatin name'. Bb6iously, 5,ate6er may be said about t,e aut,enticity of t,e alleged document %5,ic, is easily fa<edU', >is,op Oozi<9s StranslationR is erroneousRU Cote also t,at :ope :ius ;29s alleged @otu proprio, describes 4,uc as >E2CD somet,ing t,at ,e 5as not yet T a bis,op, and is dated 5ritten "* days prior to 4,uc9s consecration. Cor does t,e @otu proprio appear in 4,e Canon Aa5 igest, Pol 22, by 4. Aincoln >ouscaren, (.H., (.4. ., AA.>. 8o5 can Sfor purposes <no5n to us, 5it, all t,e po5ers re&uiredR bind a future popeG +. ecree of @ost Re6. :eter Filliam 2ng,am >is,op of Follongong

#. S@y e7communicationR,"."1"..,tmlG 1*E6!+16*" E. 945o >is,ops in E6ery Darage9, by Re6. 1nt,ony Ce<ada. ,ttp-..,,bis,op.ce<ada1.,tml 6. S4,e 8istory of t,e C@R2R, ,,istory.,tm 7. S4,e Canon Aa5 igestR, Pol P222, 4. Aincoln >ouscaren, (.H., (.4. ., AA.>. =. S4,e Canon Aa5 igestR, Pol ;2, 4. Aincoln >ouscaren, (.H., (.4. ., AA.>. !. 4erry >oyle9s S(i7t, AineageR ,,olicism.4,uc/Consecrations.,tml L does list (ei5ertLIliege as ,a6ing been consecrated by Clemente Dmez. L does CB4 list (c,neider as a bis,op 4,e atabase of 1utocep,alous >is,ops L does list (ei5ertLIliege as ,a6ing been consecrated by Clemente Dmez, Corral and :uga L does CB4 list (c,neider as a bis,op in it9s database at , atabase#. 4,e atabase of Ir. Aucifer Aegionnaire, a.<.a. Auc Eifer, a.<.a. >is,op Estanislao, a.<.a. Deoffrey Irancis @ayne L does list (ei5ertLIliege as ,a6ing been consecrated by Clemente Dmez, Corral and :uga L does CB4 list (c,neider as a bis,op in it9s database at ,ttp-..555.,eartofst)o, Z"*FE>.4,uc Z"*Consecrations.palmar/de/troya.,tm

1*. ,,olicism.4,uc/Consecrations.,tml 11. ,ttp-..555.,eartofst)o, Z"*FE>.4,uc Z"*Consecrations.palmar/de/troya.,tm I. Ho,n Aoug,nan Iebruary E, "**E

Reply to Ir. :atric< >uc<ley a.<.a. 4,ucite >is,op :at >uc<ley (ee 31nnals 1ustralasia9s XnLofficial 8ome :age F,at9s Ce5G at (ean [ Aac,tnin9s 8ome :age (ean [ Aac,tnin9s 8ome :age

IN !1!2*IA! !2NSI)N13* P1T1* !A*TIN N)2#$INH#TH34


!.5. )uerar( (es 5auriers, 2.P.

%translated R.:.C.' 4,e transports of )oy, patience in suffering, t,e mystery of t,e tomb 5,erein bot, a peace and glory are manifest. 4,e life of t,e incarnate Ford and of 8is @ot,er 5,ic, is retraced in t,e mysteries of t,e Rosary s,o5s ,o5 suc, e6ents are in,erent in 6ery ,uman life; and ,o5, rat,er t,an being a constantly recurring failure, t,ey are a pro6identially ordained fulfillment. (uc, a t,eme is easily demonstrated 5,en 5e consider t,e life and pay our respects to t,e recent deat, of @gr. :eter @artin, CgoL in,L4,uc, a ,ig,ly respected member of t,e ,ierarc,y in t,e C,urc, during t,e reigns of :ius ;2 and :ius ;22 and a 5itness to t,e persecution of t,e Iait, during t,e times of :aul P2 and Fo)tyla. 8e 5as a sent fort, as 3sign of contradiction3 %Au<e 22, +#' t,at 3t,e t,oug,ts of many ,earts mig,t be re6ealed3 %Au<e 22, +E'. 2t is 5it, regard to t,e second point t,at 5e offer t,ese brief considerations. Bn t,e one ,and, t,ey presume t,e first, and become t,e basis for a t,ird; and on t,e ot,er, t,ey allo5 for t,e e7posure of trut,s t,at ,a6e been obscured by t,e malicious contro6ersies 5,ic, ,a6e surrounded t,is indi6idual. Aet us remember t,at @gr. :eter @artin CDB 2C8 48XC 5as t,e 6ictim of persecution %1'; and t,at, contrary to general opinion, ,e ne6er

ceased to be a 5itness to t,e Iait, %22'. Aet us also remember t,at @gr. 4,uc remained, e6en during ,is final days, an instrument 5,ic, C,rist our C,ief used in order to go6ern 8is C,urc, %222'. I. ! r. Peter !artin N o#$inh#Thuc as a victi+ of persecution6 Re6ie5ing ,is early life 5e encounter a period of ,appiness, simplicity; a life full of pro6idential e6ents 5,ic, redounded to t,e ser6ice of Dod 4,e principle facts related to ,is persecution are 5ell <no5n. @gr. 4,uc did not ,a6e an easy life. 8e left t,e city of 8ue and came to Rome to participate in t,e Council. E6ery member of ,is family 5,ic, included :resident 2E@ %,is brot,er ', 5it, t,e e7ception of one sister %Bceanie' and a brot,er 5,o li6ed in t,e suburbs of :aris, 5ere sa6agely massacred by t,e communists, an affair in 5,ic, t,e ambassador of t,e Xnited (tates 5as traitorously in6ol6ed. 4,e 1rc,bis,op of 8ue, enticed to Rome by :aul P2, found ,imself a refugee, first of all in 2taly 5,ere ,e li6ed in a runLdo5n con6ent, and t,en in 4oulon in a runLdo5n boarding ,ouse 5,ic, 5as 3c,aritably3 pro6ided by a communist family, 5,ile ,e 5as no less 3c,aritably3 denigrated by certain traditional groups. Iinally, @gr. 4,uc finis,ed ,is life by being 3abducted3 in t,e Xnited (tates and imprisoned by Pietnamese clergy attac,ed to t,e Fo)tylian 3C,urc,.3 4,e 5ord 3imprisoned3 is appropriate, for, as many indi6iduals are 5illing to bear 5itness to t,e fact t,at it 5as impossible to communicate 5it, @gr. 4,uc during t,e last year of ,is life. 2t is certainly true t,at many ot,er bis,ops, priests and fait,ful 5ere or are at present being persecuted. Cone of t,ese are un<no5n to Dod. 2t is 5e regard to eac, and e6ery one of t,ese 5itnesses t,at it is said t,at 3t,e deat, of ,is saints is precious in t,e eyes of Dod3 %:s. C;P. 1E'. II. ! r. P.!. N o#$inh#Thuc was a witness to the 7aith. I # his proble+s6 @any of t,e fait,ful, especially among soLcalled traditionalists, raised doubts as to 5,et,er @gr. 4,uc 5as an aut,entic 5itness to t,e fait,. Aet us first of all ma<e it clear t,at 5it, regard to t,is matter 5e are in full possession of t,e trut,. The First difficulty: @gr. 4,uc, at least by ,is actions and in t,e e7ternal forum, e6en if ,e didn9t intend to, )uridically, recognized :aul P2 as t,e supreme 3aut,ority3 of t,e C,urc, militant. 4,is is clear from t,ree considerations, namely-

aa' @gr. 4,uc submitted ,is 3resignation3 as 1rc,bis,op of 8ue to :aul P2. %Fe 5ill pro6ide t,e ,istory of t,e outrageous circumstances surrounding ,is second 3resignation3 5,ic, occurred on t,e 17t, of @arc,, 1!=".' ab' @g. 4,uc concelebrated t,e Co6us Brdo %a single time, on 8oly 4,ursday, 1!=1' 5it, t,e >is,op of 4oulon. ac' F,ene6er @gr. 4,uc officially signed a document, ,e used to follo5 ,is name 5it, t,e title, 3Iormer 1rc,bis,op of 8ue, and no5 >is,op of >ulla Regia3- to do so is to t5ice o6er, at least 3materialiter,3 recognize :aul P2 as t,e supreme 3aut,ority3 in t,e C,urc,. Bn t,ese grounds it is argued t,at, based on ,is personal acts, @gr. 4,uc B>HEC42PEA\ participated in t,e sc,ism of :aul P2. 1s a result, 2C A1F, ipso facto, in conformance 5it, Cannon 1==, (ection # %5,ic, retains its normati6e force e6en t,oug, it is currently not enforced', @gr., 4,uc lost t,e office 5,ic, ,e ,ad ; and t,at in t,e C,urc, militant 5,ic, is currently in a state of pri6ation %i.e., temporarily lac<ing a pope t,at can go6ern', and no one can gi6e t,is office bac< to @gr. 4,uc. Bn t,e contrary, @gr. 4,uc retains t,e munus %function' of t,is office because t,e procedure carried out after said pri6ation by a pseudoL aut,ority is in la5, completely null. Fe t,erefore ,old t,at, until ,e passed a5ay, @gr. 4,uc 5as, as suc,, @14ER21A24ER, but not formaliter %MATERIALITER TANTUM, sed non formaliter' 1rc,bis,op of 8ue. (ome 3traditionalists3 ,a6e affirmed t,at @gr. 4,uc, despite ,is 3resignation,3 also conser6ed ,is office, and t,ey ,a6e attempted to )ustify t,is opinion on t,e basis of 3epi<eia.3 2t is opportune to e7plain 5,y, under t,e present circumstances %i.e., in 6ie5 of )ustifying t,e retention of ordinary )urisdiction by @gr. 4,uc', suc, cannot be based on epi<eia. 2n essence, epi<eia consists of not being ,eld to t,e letter of t,e la5 in a situation 5,ic, 5as not foreseen by t,e legislator, 5,en in actuality t,e letter of t,e la5 finds itself running counter to t,e good 5,ic, 5as en6isioned by t,e la5. 2t follo5s t,at epi<eia only applies for human la5s. 2t cannot be applied to t,ose la5s 5,ic, are formally and e7plicitly di6ine. Co5, it is C,rist 8imself 5,o in :erson e7pressly establis,ed, 5it, regard to (E((2B, t,e monarc,ical nature %Monos-arche ] uni&ue principle' of t,e C,urc, militant3\ou are :eter, and on t,is roc<...3 %@att. ;P2, 1='. E6ery )urisdictional po5er in t,e C,urc, ,as its origin, and ,ence normally proceeds from no ot,er source t,an t,e :ope, t,e Picar of C,rist. Epi<eia does not allo5 for any de6iation from t,is principle. b' econd difficulty4,e illegal Episcopal Consecrations and (acerdotal ordinations. %>y 3illegal3 one means 5,ate6er supports t,e opposition, be it by impeding or by contradicting, t,e letter of t,e la5. >y 3illicit3 one means 5,ate6er supports t,e opposition, be it by impeding or contradicting t,e good 5,ic, t,e la5 ,as in 6ie5, and from 5,ic, it dra5s its )ustification.' aa' 4,e Consecrations or Brdinations conferred on sub)ects not pre6iously consecrated or ordained.

(uc, illegal acts 5ere consummated >y @gr. 4,uc at :almar de 4roya on t,e "1st of Hanuary, 1!76; and at 4oulon in @ay, Bctober and ecember 1!=1. 4,ese e6ents ,a6e been s<illfully utilized by @gr. 4,uc9s ad6ersaries to attac< bot, ,is person and t,ose 5,o deri6e t,eir orders from ,im. (ome e6en go so far as to pretend t,at @gr. 4,uc and 3Dregory ;P223 are 5or<ing toget,er. 8o5e6er, as against t,ese constantly repeated calumnies of @gr. Aefeb6re, t,e aut,or of t,e present essay ,as ne6er been to :almar de 4roya; and ,e ,as directly obtained from @gr. 4,uc, early in 1!=1, t,e assurance t,at ,e ,ad bro<en off all connections 5it, Clemente as of 1ugust 6, 1!7=, t,e date 5,en Clemente belie6ed ,e recei6ed t,e function %munus' and t,e office %officium' of :ope %under t,e name of Dregory ;P22'. 4,ere is t,erefore no basis at t,is time, for distinguis,ing bet5een t,e Consecrations and Brdinations confected at :almar from t,ose accomplis,ed in 1!=1. 4,e former, follo5ed by t,e rupture bet5een @gr. 4,uc and Clemente as of 1ugust 6, 1!7=, far from ,a6ing a sc,ismatic c,aracter, actually conform t,e fact t,at, by proceeding 5it, all t,ese consecrations, @gr. 4,uc in no 5ay recognized t,e supreme 1ut,ority of t,e reigning :ontiff, and in no 5ay en6isioned t,e creation of a 3parallel C,urc,3. @gr. 4,uc ,as al5ays maintained and implemented t,e same design- to promote t,e good of souls, 5,ic, is, according to :ius ;22, t,e 3supreme norm in t,e C,urc, militant.3 bb' 4,e conditional reLConsecrations, conferred on sub)ects already consecrated. 4,e most notorious of t,ese reLConsecrations 5as t,at of @gr. A1>BR2E, in 4oulon. @gr. A1>BR2E and t,e ot,ers 5,ose consecrations 5ere considered 6alid but illicit by Rome, desired by t,is means to assure t,emsel6es of a proper ecclesiastical relations,ip. c' Third difficulty4,is difficulty results from t,e confusion on t,e part of @gr. 4,uc, at least subconsciously, bet5een t,e t5o moti6ations 5,ic, are directly connected 5it, t,e first t5o difficulties. 4,at @gr. 4,uc illegally Consecrated and ordained in suc, an open manner, s,o5s t,at ,e clearly 5is,ed to do so; ,is instinct for t,e Iait, and ,is obser6ation of t,e 3mac,inations3 accomplis,ed during t,e course of Patican 22 ga6e ,im a clair6oyance 5it, regard to t,e state of t,e C,urc,. >ut t,e illegal actions at :almar resulted in @gr. 4,uc being e7communicated, and as a result, being depri6ed of all financial support. 1nd t,ose 5,o ,e ,ad assisted did little to ,elp ,im. B6ercome by t,ese problems, and per,aps also by ,is isolation 5,ic, so many sorro5s made e6en more difficult, @gr. 4,uc soug,t and recei6ed reacceptance into t,e official 3C,urc,.3 8o5e6er, t,e imperious demands of t,e Aig,t remained acti6e and immanent in t,e conscience of @gr. 4,uc. 2 am myself t,e proof of t,is. 2n effect, 5,at finally induced @gr. 4,uc to confer t,e Episcopal consecration on me 5as %and continues to be' my clear understanding of t,e situation 5it, regard to nature of t,e e7isting 3aut,ority3 in t,e C,urc,; t,is is t,e position 5,ic, @gr. 4,uc as<ed me about and assured me t,at ,e agreed 5it, %1prilL@ay of 1!=1'; it is moreo6er t,e position 5,ic, is confirmed by t,e declaration 5,ic, @gr. 4,uc made in @unic, in @arc, of 1!=". @gr. 4,uc 5as once again

e7communicated. 1nd t,en, a second time, at least @14ER21A24ER and only in t,e E;4ERC1A IBRX@, @gr. 4,uc soug,t and recei6ed reacceptance into t,e 3official C,urc,.3 %Huly 1!=#' 4,ese are t,e facts 5,ic, can be obser6ed in t,e E;4ERC1A IBRX@, facts commented on by certain Canadians 5,o pretend to ,a6e t,eir eyes open, or by ot,ers greatly enamored of Canon Aa5 %3Times feminam unius li!ri3'- 34,uc fre&uently c,anges ,is mind, it is crazy to trust ,im.3 (uc, is in substance %if one can put it t,at 5ay' of t,e t,ird difficulty. II # ! r. P.!. N o#$inh#Thuc was an authentic witness to the faith (espite these (ifficulties which appear to contra(ict this state+ent. a' 4,e facts considered in t,e lig,t of 1ut,orityE6ery day ma<es t,e demands of trut, more clear. 4rue 5itnesses to t,e fait, are not only t,ose 5,o spea< about t,e 4rut,, but e6en more t,ose 5,o act in conformity 5it, t,e trut,, and by so doing it ma<e 2t manifest. 2n t,e C,urc, under normal circumstances, t,e real 5itnesses to t,e trut, are t,ose 5,o do t,e 5or<s of 4rut, in t,ose situations and places 5,ere t,ey find t,emsel6es placed by a true mandate of properly establis,ed 1ut,ority, 5,ic, is to say, a mission establis,ed by t,e 2ncarnate Ford. (uc, 5as clearly t,e case 5it, @gr. 4,uc. :ius ;2 ,ad confidence in ,im as did :ius ;22. 8e 5as t,e indi6idual 5,o under t,ese t5o :ontificates consecrated eac, and e6ery bis,op in Pietnam; and 5as as a result, ipso facto in a certain sense t,e fat,er of a large segment of C,ristianity, a segment 5,ic, by t,e grace of Dod 5as 6ery prosperous. 2n t,e postLConciliar C,urc, 5,ic, is depri6ed of any :ontifical 1ut,ority. t,e 5itness to 5,om is confided t,e @ission Mof 5itnessing to t,e 4rut, N because 3,e ,as been establis,ed by t,e 8oly (pirit in order to feed t,e s,eep3 %1cts ;;."=', finds ,imself confronted 5it, a demanding situation 5,ic, is at one t,e same time bot, doctrinal and pastoral, a situation in 5,ic, t,ese t5o entities ,a6e become not only antagonistic, but in fact diametrically opposed to eac, ot,er. 2n effect, t,e 5itness 5,o is truly a 5itness is suc, by ,is conformity and resemblance to 38e 5,o is 4,e Fitness3 %1poc.2, E'. (uc, a person becomes at one and t,e same time t,e "onus #astor L Dood :astor %Ho,n ;, 1,16' and t,e Ma$ister %ocens L4eac,ing @aster %@att. P22, "!; Ho,n ;222, 11'. Bn t,e one ,and t,is 5itness s,ould guard t,e integrity and assure t,e perpetuity of t,e B>A142BC- 5,ic, being t,e Mysterium fidei recapitulates concretely and in fact t,e integrity of t,e eposit of t,e Iait,. (uc,, 5it, regard to Fitnessing, is principal, and t,e aut,entic 5itness s,ould resonate 5it, an in5ard a5areness of t,is. 4,is inner resonating is so obfuscated by t,e 3profane sacrifice3 Mi.e., t,e Co6us BrdoN t,at it s,ould cause a cry of

distress to pour fourt, from our lips L Misereor super A&RIFI&IUM L 5,ic, plea alone can gi6e e7pression to t,e reality of our agony. Bn t,e ot,er ,and t,is aut,entic 5itness oug,t to be t,e fait,ful ste5ard, and e6en more, ,a6e t,e gentle &ualities of t,e "onus #astor' 4,is second function, e6en t,oug, subordinate to t,e first, is no less essential for aut,entic 5itnessing. 4,is is s,o5n by t,e cro5d t,at follo5ed Bur Aord in order to ,ear from 8is o5n lips t,e list of >eatitudes 5,o 8imself said 3Misereor super tur!am3 %@ar<, P222, "'. Co5, after @gr. 4,uc 5as forced to renounce ,is intent to return to ,is diocese in 8ue, so close to ,is ,eart, ,e found ,imself, more subconsciously t,an by force of reason, s,a<en, or more precisely torn apart by t,e underlying cadence of t,ese t5o cries. Misereor uper A&RIFI&IUM- from t,is follo5s t,e Consecrations and Brdinations. 2f t,ey 5ere in a certain sense illegal, t,ey 5ere ne6er illicit. Hesus 8imself transgressed t,e (abbat, in order to ,eal %@ar<, 222, 11' and in order to feed Mt,e apostlesN %Au<e P2, 1'; 5ould 8e not appro6e t,e bypassing of t,e la5 for t,e sa<e of t,e ("LATI( MUN%AG 4,e (abbat, is 3for man3 %@ar< 22, "7'; t,e ("LATI( is for Dod. 2t follo5s L it must follo5 t,at t,e ("LATI( MUN%A be perpetuated. Misereor super tur!am- ,ere 5e ,a6e t,e 3submission3 3for t,e form3 %or, in more precise language, 3materialiter, tantum3. %@gr. 4,uc ,ad no sympat,y for :aul P2, especially after ,e 5as played t,e fool by ,im.' 8e did t,is in order to some degree supply for t,e immense needs of t,e e7iled and destitute s,eep Mt,e Pietnamese community in IranceN, a floc< mired in misery and 5it,out ,ope. Misereor, Misereror... 1s a result of t,e mac,inations of official Rome, t,e one Misereor e7cludes t,e ot,er. 4,is is t,e real reason 5,y @gr. 4,uc, a dispossessed 1rc,bis,op and desolate :astor, 5ent bac< and fort,. 8e 5as al5ays ardent, bot, 5it, regard to ,is serene fait,fulness in prayer, and to ,is tireless concern for eac, of ,is s,eep. Fe do not )ustify t,is 6acillation in 5,ic, ,e ga6e precedence, sometimes to one and at ot,er times to t,e ot,er of t,ese t5o Misereors. Fe belie6e 5e satisfy t,e needs of )ustice by e7posing t,e dramatic origin, in t,e dept,s of a ,eart al5ays mo6ed by Ao6e, e6en t,oug, terribly 5ounded, anguis,ed, and ,umanly reduced to a desperate state; a ,eart t,at despite t,is constantly repeated 3Misericordias %omini in aeternum canta!o L 2 5ill sing fort, t,e mercies of Dod in eternity3 %:s. ==."'. 1nd 5e can only stigmatize t,e stupid and niggardly criticisms of detractors 5,ose ,ateful cunning and o6er5,elming pride, ma<e it impossible for t,em to discern in t,e 3s,oc<ing3 6acillations of @gr. 4,uc anyt,ing ot,er t,an t,e meanderings of a senile old man. Aet us briefly s<etc,, in contrast to t,is, a situation 5,ic, ,elps to clarify t,e issues4,ose 5,o brandis, anat,amas by demanding t,e conditions of a false ort,odo7y based on e7cessi6e legalism be fulfilled, 5,ile paying no ,eed to t,e needs of t,e fait,ful 5,ic, t,is arbitrary intransigence depri6es of sacraments, are no aut,entic 5itnesses to t,e Iait,. 4,ey proclaim t,e form of 3Misereor super A&RIFI&IUM3 but do not practice it in t,eir li6es.

1nd in t,e last analysis, at least ob)ecti6ely, and per,aps in defense of t,eir o5n cli&ues, t,ey go on as if t,ey 5ere totally ignorant of t,e 3Misereor super tur!am.3 4,ose 5,o submerge e6ery doctrinal norm under t,e satanic slogan 35e must c,ange not,ing3 are not aut,entic 5itnesses to t,e Iait,. Cor are t,ose 5,o floc< to e6ery location 5,ere t,e traditional form of 5ors,ip is establis,ed in order to recruit partisans; 5,o attac< t,ose 5,o, because t,ey ,a6e no alternati6es, assist at a @ass 5,ic, is said 3una cum )o*tyla3 and declare t,at suc, are guilty of sacrilege L at least ob)ecti6ely, and 5,o t,en, in one 5ay or anot,er, induce said partisans 5,o become fanatically fait,ful follo5ers to nouris, attitudes of duplicity in t,emsel6es e6ery time t,ey participate in t,e most sacred of realities. (uc, sectarians are not aut,entic 5itnesses to t,e Iait, because t,ey are not pure reflections of t,e Fitness 5,o is t,e 4rut, %Ho,n ;2P, 6'. 4,ey refer to Miserior super tur!am+; but t,ey are ignorant of t,e repercussions and t,e profound demands Mof t,is conceptN because in t,eir li6es and in reality t,ey ,a6e profaned t,e ("LATI( MUN%A, and in so doing demonstrate concretely and essentially t,at t,ey are, to say t,e least, strangers to 3Misereor super A&RIFI&IUM.3 %1' 4,ere are t,en t5o Misereors 5,ic, are immanent in t,e C,urc, militant )ust as t,ere are t5o commandments. 3Misereor super A&RIFI&IUM3, and 3Misereor super tur!am.3 2n t,e present state of pri6ation in 5,ic, t,e C,urc, militant finds itself, t,ese t5o Misereors are immediately affected and t,eir essential unity made tragically and fearfully clear. F,osoe6er concretely and in t,eir daily life ignores one of t,em, in reality sees neit,er. Fe t,erefore conclude t,at @gr. 4,uc 5as an aut,entic 5itness to t,e Iait,. Cot5it,standing ,is defects 5,ic, 5e 5ill discuss belo5, @gr. 4,uc ,as s,o5n, by ,is actions 5,ic, constitute t,e single most important criteria for )udging an indi6idual9s real t,oug,ts, t,at it is clear t,at t,at ,is sentiments 5ere t,ose of Hesus C,rist %:,il. 22.E'; 4,e mind of t,e Fitness 5,o 5as t,e 1ut,or and consummator of t,e Iait, %8eb. ;22,"'; :riest and Pictim of t,e B>A142B @XC 1 consummated 3for t,e redemption of a great many.3 2t is in 8im, and by 8im, and by 8is @ot,er united 5it, 8im, t,at t,e aut,entic 5itness to t,e Iait, s,ould s5eetly unite, in a single li6ing soul t,e t5o modalities 5,ic, are in reality t,ose of Ao6e crucifying and crucified- Misereor super A&RIFI&IUM+, Misereor super tur!am'+ (uc, indeed 5as t,e ideal 5,ic, inspired @gr. 4,uc t,roug,out ,is life and 5,ic, in a prudent manner, radiated from ,im, especially to5ards t,e end of ,is life 5,en Hesus 8imself, t,e same Hesus 5,o 5as scoffed at and moc<ed, deigned to affi7 t,e 1rc,bis,op 5it, t,e seal of 8is o5n 1gony. 31rise, good and fait,ful ser6ant, and enter t,ou into t,e )oy of t,e Aord3 %@att. ;;P, "+'. b' 4,e Resolution of difficulties L 5,at e7actly is t,eir significanceG Fe say 3difficulties3 in t,e sense t,at t,e facts discussed abo6e appear to preclude @gr. 4,uc being an aut,entic 5itness to t,e Iait,. Fe 5ill see t,at in reality t,ese facts re6eal t,emsel6es to be only a minor obstacle t,at, on a deep psyc,ological plain @gr. 4,uc could not o6ercome; t,is because it is t,e re6erse side of a &uality.

ba' E7amination of t,e t,ird difficulty %1c abo6e' 4,is is t,e most spectacular difficulty... seeming for all t,e 5orld li<e t,e Roman cro5ds 5,o bo5ed do5n derisi6ely to C,rist dec<ed out in royal robes %@ar< ;P. 16L1!'. 1nd indeed, t,is difficulty could not but be spectacular. 1nd t,is because t,e soLcalled petition of Huly 1!=# in 5,ic, @gr. 4,uc ,ad to as< for reintegration into t,e 3official c,urc,3 5as imposed on @gr. 4,uc. 4,at @gr. 4,uc submitted to suc, a 6iolation under conditions t,at appeared non 6iolent, is clear from se6eral indications. Fe 5ill consider t,ree1' 2t 5as impossible to communicate 5it, @gr. 4,uc after ,e 5as gratuitously 3abducted3 and se&uestered . %The eraph, &atholic Fore,er, re6ie5s publis,ed in 1merica'. 4,e 3Ce5 @ass3 5as celebrated at ,is funeral despite t,e fact t,at ,e ,ad al5ays made clear, in bot, 5ord and deed, and apart from 8oly 4,ursday in 1!=1 5it,out any 6acillation, ,is most fait,ful attac,ment to t,e traditional rites. 4,e document spelling out ,is submission to H:L", and said to be signed freely by @gr. 4,uc in Huly of 1!=#, 5as follo5ed by an 3e7,ortation.3 4,is e7,ortation 5as addressed to t,e t,ree bis,ops %of 5,ic, 2 am one' consecrated in 1!=1 by @gr. 4,uc urging t,e t,ree bis,ops to follo5 in t,e footsteps of @gr. 4,uc and submit to H:L". Co5 if @gr. 4,uc really ,ad suc, sentiments and 5as not under pressure, ,e 5ould ,a6e told me so ,imself. >ut, t,e fact is t,at @gr. 4,uc did not respond to t,e letter 5,ic, 2 sent to ,im at t,is time and 2 still don9t <no5 if ,e recei6ed it. Aet me add t,at @gr. 4,uc, e6en if less t,an candid, 5as sufficiently perspicacious to be capable of <no5ing t,at an e7,ortation coming directly from ,im 5ould impress me, 5,ile one coming from t,e mediation of official Rome could not in my eyes appear ot,er t,an ridiculousU 4,is e7,ortation 36ia Fo)tyla3 %5,o @gr. 4,uc ab,orred e6en more t,an :aul P2 if suc, is possibleU' 5as a )o<eU 4,e production of Ratzinger, t,is e7,ortation smells of cosmic falsity L and t,is because it emanates from ,ell. 2t is signed 3pseudoL 4,uc3 or by t,e 3ectoplasm of 4,uc3 L e6ery aspect of 4,uc but t,e real 4,uc. 2t is futile to insist on t,is t,ird difficulty. 2t is not,ing ot,er t,an a blo5 struc< by (atan suc, as ,e produces from time to time. Canadian eyes ,a6e failed to see 5,at is going on. >ut t,ere is still timeU \es, t,e time to reconsider t,e facts- @gr. 4,uc, at t,e beginning of 1!=1, after t,e e6ents in :almar de 4roya, 5as a5are of ,a6ing made a error in re&uesting reentrance into t,e postLConciliar C,urc, . 8e 5as increasingly firm in ,is determination to ,a6e not,ing to do 5it, said 3c,urc,3; and it 5as t,is determination 5,ic, ,e made public in @unic, in Iebruary of 1!=". 1nd after t,is, as long as ,e remained 3compos sui,3 ,e continued to ,old to t,e same position, as can be confirmed by ,is remaining in t,e Iranciscan @onastery in Roc,ester %1 @onastery of strict obser6ance, fait,ful to 4radition, of 5,ic, t,e superior is @gr. Pezelis'. 2t 5as from t,is location t,at ,e left in order to 3preside o6er a ceremony3 in ,onor of ,is assassinated brot,er; a situation 5,ic, led to ,is being 3abducted3 and

se&uestered %1! Hanuary 1!=#. Cf. The eraph, (eptember 1!=#'. 4,is episode put an end to ,is liberty and led to t,e ot,er actions falsely attributed to ,im. (o muc, t,en for t,e t,ird difficulty. bb' Consideration of t,e second difficulty %1b'. 4,e illegal Episcopal Consecrations and priestly Brdinations performed by @gr. 4,uc raise t5o &uestions; t,e first 5it, regard to t,e 6ery principle of t,e sacred act, and t,e second to t,e c,oice of t,ose consecrated or ordained. ,8 The Principles which overn the status of sacral acts. 4,ese principles ,a6e been discussed in >.B.C. Co =#. F,at follo5s is a summary of t,e details 5,ic, is presented in t,ree parts. Iirst- to illegally consecrate or ordain raises up t,e issue of epi<eia. 1nd t,is in turn being admitted, raises t,e issue of a clause 5,ic, 5e ,a6e al5ays insisted on, namely- 4,e bis,ops illegally consecrated do not ,a6e ordinary )urisdiction, e6en t,oug,, according to t,e ,ierarc,y of orders, t,ey ,a6e t,e fullness of t,e priest,ood and t,e po5er to communicate t,is fullness. C,rist 8imself ,as reminded us of t,is %1a, at t,e end', for 8e establis,ed for t,e C,urc, militant t,e supreme norm of (E((2B- 3To es #etrus'..3 % @at,. ;P2. 1='; et similarly for @2((2B- 3Euntes, docete...3 %@att. ;;P222. 1!L"*. Bn t,e ot,er ,and, C,rist ga6e to t,e C,urc, t,e responsibility for determining t,e modalities and manner in 5,ic, t,ese t5o, @2((2B and (E((2B, s,ould e7ist. 2t follo5s t,at t,e la5s go6erning @2((2B and (E((2B are di6ine. 1s suc, t,ey e7clude any recourse to epi<eia. 8o5e6er t,e la5s dealing 5it, t,e connection bet5een @2((2B and (E((2B are, as far as t,eir modalities are concerned, ecclesiastic and as suc, totally ,uman. 2t follo5s t,at t,e MnormalN application of t,ese modalities can be considered as suspended in 6irtue of epi<eia. (econdly- t,e recourse to epi<eia is not )ustified e7cerpt 5,en t,ere is %suc, is sine -ua non' t,e intent of assuring, e6en t,oug, minimally, t,e good 5,ic, is normally en6isioned by t,e la5. Xnder t,e circumstances t,e good 5,ic, is en6isioned by t,e la5s of t,e C,urc, is t,e perpetuation of t,e @2((2B. 4,is perpetuation necessarily re&uires %di6ine la5' t,at >is,ops be consecrated. 1nd t,is function of assuring t,at suc, consecrations occur is incumbent on t,e C,urc,. 4,e manner in 5,ic, t,is occurs is part of ecclesiastical la5. Xnder normal circumstances t,e :ope ,as )urisdiction o6er t,e entire C,urc,, and it falls upon ,im to designate t,ose 5,o s,ould be consecrated. Ior e7ample, t,e :ope 5,o is bis,op of Ayon, as ,e is >is,op of e6ery ot,er diocese, in order to rule t,e diocese of Ayon %t,e e7tent of t,e diocese being designated by ,im' c,ooses anot,er >is,op to rule t,is diocese 5it, ,im; anot,er bis,op 5,o is ipso facto establis,ed o6er t,e s,eep of t,is

diocese, establis,ed not by t,e :ope, but by 3t,e 8oly (pirit3 %1cts ;;, "='. 2n t,e C,urc, in a state of depri6ation %5,ic, is t,e result of t,e 3formal3 6acancy of t,e 1postolic (ee', t,is ecclesiastical la5 5,ereby t,e :ope designates t,ose priests 5,o are to be candidates for t,e episcopacy, is not applicable because t,ere is no 1ut,ority ,a6ing t,e po5er to do so. 2t is t,erefore necessary to ignore t,e letter of t,e la5 %Epi<eia consists of t,is', if suc, is una6oidable in order to realize t,at good 5,ic, is en6isioned and normally assured by t,e la5, namely t,e perpetuation of t,e @2((2B. 4,irdly, t,e uses of epi<eia 2t is necessary 5it, regard to t,is, and conforming to 5,at ,as been said abo6e %1ba, bb', to distinguis, t,e Consecrations and Brdinations conferred by @gr. 4,uc according to 5,et,er or not t,e sub)ects consecrated or ordained ,ad already been 6alidly consecrated. Fit, regard to t,ose indi6iduals not pre6iously consecrated or ordained, t,e actions of @gr. 4,uc 5ere necessary in order t,at t,e @2((2B be perpetuated. (uc, acts, far from compromising ,is 5itnessing to t,e Iait,, 5ere and remain an integral part of t,at 5itnessing. 4,e bis,ops consecrated by @gr. 4,uc in 1!=1, and t,ose 5,o in turn 5ere subse&uently consecrated by t,ese, incarnate, and indeed, t,ey alone at t,is time do so L t,e li6ing ,ope %t,e 3,ope against all ,ope3 Rom. 2, P2, 1=', t,at t,e B>A142B @XC 1 5ill continue on t,is eart,. Concerning t,ose indi6iduals 5,o ,ad already been 6alidly consecrated or ordained, t,e actions of @gr. 4,uc do not appear to us to be )ustified on t,e grounds of Epi<eia. Fit, regard to t,e perpetuation of t,e @2((2B, t,ese conditional repetitions related entirely to 3bene esse,3 and not to simple esse. 2t does not seem to us t,at t,is suffices for going contrary to an ecclesiastical la5 5,ic, e6en t,oug, it ,as been depri6ed of e7ecuti6e po5er, still conser6es its directi6e 6alue. @gr. 4,uc, at least in t,e practical order, and 5it,out any e7cessi6e concern about Epi<eia, based t,ese actions on different grounds. Bne can, if not )ustify t,em, at least e7plain t,em on psyc,ological grounds. a' 1siatic mentality, a transient urge, allergic to )uridical attitudes, especially t,ose of a Roman c,aracter. b' 4,e personal temperament of @gr. 4,uc- ,is open, good natured personality, ,is spontaneous desire to please ot,ers, to smoot, a5ay difficulties, and a tendency to circum6ent problems. c' Xsury as a result of solitude for 5,ic, t,e past ,ad ne6er prepared @gr. 4,uc. 3,era dicentes solent persecutionem pati. nec tamen ideo #rophetae anti--ui timore persecutionis a ,eritatis praedicatione defecerunt3 %(t. 1ugustine, %e ermone %omini' %F,osoe6er affirms t,e trut, is usually persecuted. 8o5e6er, t,e :rop,ets of old ne6er failed to bear 5itness to t,e 4rut, for fear of being persecuted.' Fit, a 5ealt,y bac<ground, @gr. 4,uc 5as accustomed 5it, regard to ,is interpersonal connections, to li6e in an atmosp,ere of comfort and prosperity. (olitude, 5,ic, is t,e price of 5itnessing,

t,erefore 5ent against ,is nature. Bne can understand t,en t,at, spontaneously and 5it,out any calculation, ,e 5as inclined in t,ese reLconsecrations to 3patronize3 t,e indi6iduals in6ol6ed, and 5it,out any disproportionate psyc,ological commitment, to 3patronize3 t,e ,alls of t,e 5ealt,y 5,ic, reflected ,is o5n apostolic soul, and 5,ic, also ga6e sustenance to ,is great financial needs. 4,ose 5,o fig,t desperate battles find, in t,ose 5,o t,ey 6an&uis,, a reason to li6e 5,ic, secretly sustains t,em. 4,e supreme test is t,at of solitude 5,ic, intrudes into t,e land of t,e (trong. (uc, 5as t,e lot of Hesus in 8is :assion, and of @gr. 4,uc in ,is final dereliction. 2f @gr. 4,uc on occasion succumbed to t,is insidious temptation, it is t,ose 5,o are 5it, out sin 5,o s,ould cast t,e first stone and condemn ,im. "' 4,e c,oice of t,e persons 5,o 5ere illegally consecrated or ordained by @gr. 4,uc 4,e c,oices 5ere distinctly made by @gr. 4,uc ,imself. 4,e proof in t,e fact t,at ,e said CBC to a certain indi6idual 5,o soug,t ,im out, and 5,o, being angry, repeated t,e refrain of @aster Renard- 38e is to green... t,e miter besto5ed by 4,uc is good for t,e sc,ismatic, ,eretics, .... t,ose e7communicated, by t,e la5s of t,e 8oly C,urc,.3 4,e c,oices 5ere t,us primarily inspired by t,e moti6ations 5,ic, 5e ,a6e indicated abo6e %"a', precisely c,aracterized by t,e t5o modalities 3Misereor super acrificium,+ +Misereor super tur!am'+ 4,at t,e decisions 5ere influenced by 3o6ertones3 of a natural order, especially suc, as by 5,at mig,t be called 3psyc,ological usury3 5,ic, 5e ,a6e alluded to abo6e %1'c', possibly blended 5it, ot,er moti6ations in t,e subconscious of @gr. 4,uc, is certainly possible. >ut e6en if 5e suppose t,at suc, 5as t,e case, 5e could only conclude yet once again t,at +Errare humanum est - to err is human.3 1nd suc, in no 5ay leads us to &uestion t,e totality of ,is actions, and muc, less t,e correctness of ,is intention. Fe by no means argue t,at all t,e c,oices of @gr. 4,uc 5ere opportune, 5,ic, is to say, effecti6ely c,osen for t,e ends ,e ,ad in 6ie5. >ut on t,e ot,er ,and 5e denounce, as a gra6e in)ustice, any attempt to accuse @gr. 4,uc of sc,ism and ,eresy under t,e prete7t t,at ,e consecrated or reconsecrated indi6iduals 5,o are t,emsel6es c,arged 5it, being 3sc,ismatics, notorious ,eretics or criminals.3 Considering t,at t,e 1postolic (ee is formally 6acant, no one is &ualified 5it, absolute certitude %5,ic, is to say, 5it,out t,eir immediate sensible perceptions assuming t,e aut,ority of go6ernance' to state t,at suc, and suc, a person is formally a ,eretic, or not a member of t,e C,urc, 4,ose 5,o claim t,e rig,t to impose suc, affirmations 5it, absolute certitude usurp 1ut,ority. 2t is impossible to ,a6e, 5it, regard to t,ese issues, absolute certitude, or e6en moral certitude %to do so 5ould be to ele6ate one9s immediate impressions to t,e le6el of a la5'. E6en t,oug, t,ey 5ould defend t,e C,urc,, t,eir 5itness 5it, regard to ecclesiastical realities is depri6ed of any reality. bc' Fit, regard to t,e first difficulty %1a'; 2.e. t,at @gr. 4,uc recognized :aul P2 as ,a6ing 1ut,ority.

4,e same reasons 5,ic, 5e ,a6e already mentioned %bb' apply. 4,at 5,ic, abo6e all applies is t,e need ,e ,ad for support- partly personal, because of ,is fear of solitude, partly in order to ,elp ot,ers. 4o e7plain is not to )ustify. 4o recognize someone 5,o is clearly in sc,ism as ,a6ing aut,ority is clearly incompatible 5it, 5itnessing to t,e Iait,. >ut, 5e repeat, early in 1!=1, @gr. 4,uc renounced ,is errors. 8o5e6er ,e did not immediately ,asten to correct ,is relations,ips 5it, some of t,e indi6iduals ,e associated 5it,. Aoc<ed in misery, @gr. 4,uc 5as 6ery recepti6e to ,uman 5armt, suc, as t,e >is,op of 4oulon s,o5ered on ,im, along 5it, t,e most 5elcome income 5,ic, ,e recei6ed from t,e Cat,edral. 4,is 5as in s,arp contrast to t,e lac< of logic demonstrated by t,e fact t,at ,e celebrated t,e traditional @ass e6ery morning by ,imself. @gr. 4,uc succumbed to a seducti6e process in t,at ,e fre&uented said cat,edral and on one occasion e6en concelebrated t,e Co6us Brdo. Dod alone can )udge to 5,at degree t,is lapse constituted a sin %t,e C,urc, does not )udge a persons inner intention'. 4,e ot,er principal difficulty follo5s from t,e role t,at t,e state of ,is mentality may ,a6e played. 4,at t,e intelligence be 3rational3 is certainly connatural 5it, ,uman nature. 8o5e6er, obser6ation pro6es t,at different indi6iduals, and e6en different et,nic groups, often fail to present t,e same efficacious spontaneity in t,eir mental responses, especially 5it, regard to t,e brilliance 5,ic, reason s,ould ,a6e. 2ndeed, at least in t,is respect t,e Pietnamese, %for t,ey are e7cellent in linguistic s<ills as reflected in t,e 36erbum oris3', are among t,e 3poor relati6es3 of t,e ,uman race; at least, t,ey are not 3born diplomats.3 Can one blame t,e Romans for t,isG F,ate6er t,e case may be 5it, regard to t,e DB F8B 2(, 5,at 5ould ,a6e been unpardonable for a 3Cartesian3 5ould not necessarily be a sin on t,e part of a person from Pietnam. 3Noli *udicare, si non ,i errare'+ 4,e 5itness to t,e Iait, is prudent. 2t follo5s t,at t,is does not consist in e7celling on e6ery single issue- 5,at is essential is doctrinal rectitude and acti6ities t,at imply real c,arity. 1 5itness to t,e fait, combines bot, and in t,is 5ay ma<es it clear t,at t,eir origin is di6ine. 4,is is 5,y, despite a passing 5ea<ness 5,ic, is e7plained t,oug, not e7cused by t,e great suffering ,e under5ent, 5e ,old t,at @gr. 4,uc 5as and remains an aut,entic 5itness to t,e Iait,. id not :eter, 5,ose name @gr. 4,uc carried, fall; and 5as ,e not raised upG 3>eing once con6erted, confirm t,y bret,ren3 %Au<e, ;;22. +"'. 4,is is precisely t,e situation 5it, @gr. 4,uc 5,o li<e :eter succeeded in ,is mission, at least at t,e time 5,en li6ed on t,is eart,. III # ! r. P.!. N o#$inh#Thuc, (esi nate( by 4hrist Hi+self, an( by His !other an( offere( to the +e+bers of the 4hurch who wen( their way in this worl( Ecce positus est ,ic... in signum cui contradicetur3 %Ior a sign 5,ic, s,all be contradicted %Au<e 22.+#'.

1ccording to (t. Ep,rem 5,o li6ed in t,e second century, 3Co one <no5s t,e eart,ly finis, of t,e @ot,er of Dod.3 (imilarly, no one <no5s t,e nature of t,e eart,ly finis, of @gr. :.@. CgoL in,L4,uc 5,o passed a5ay in 1merica on ecember 1+, 1!=#. 2s suc, a comparison e7cessi6ely bold3 2t appears )ustified to anyone 5,o formally considers it and bases ,imself on 5,at t,e facts re6eal. 2s it not possible t,at @ary, 3s,e 5,o ,ad belie6ed3 %Au<e 2, #E', (,e 5,o 5atc,es o6er t,e Iait, of t,e C,urc, %militant' till t,e end of time L t,e C,urc, of 5,ic, s,e is t,e @ot,er. (,e 5as 5rapped around as a 3great sign3 %1poc. ;22, 1' 5,en s,e left t,e eart, in t,at obscurity 5,ic, truly is appropriate to t,e eart,. 2s it not possible t,at @gr. 4,uc, 5itness to t,e fait, in t,is time of torment, a 5itness 5,o 5as predestined to bear 5it, persecution, 3to fill up in ,imself t,ose t,ings 5,ic, 5ere lac<ing3 %Col. 2. "#' s,o5ed by t,e dar<ness t,at surrounded ,is departure from t,is 5orld, at least ,ypot,etically, t,at dar< cunning 5,ic, is of t,e nature of t,e 3@ystery of 2ni&uity3 %22. 4,es. 22.7'G Fe 5ill lea6e t,e problem of responding to t,is &uestion up to t,e reader 5,o is 6irtuously foreign to t,e opposing passions t,at pre6ail 5it, regard to @gr., and 5,o aspires to 5isdom in serenity. Certain people ob6iously <no5 t,e facts about t,e last fe5 days of @gr. 4,uc in t,is 5orld. 4,ey pro6e t,eir complicity by t,eir silence. 4,ey are li<e t,e guards 5,o 5ere paid off %@att. ;;P222. 11L1E'. 1nd as a result of t,eir silence ,as it not ,appened t,at t,e one residential >is,op %materialiter tantum, alasU' 5,o dared say CB to Fo)tylian Rome ,as seemingly disappeared into t,in air, and ,is sterility being, as it 5ere, guaranteed under an official seal. 4,is 6oice, 5,ile not 3formal,3 is real, and t,at is too muc,. 2t is necessary to silence ,im. 4,e 3official C,urc,3 ,as magisterially and satanically re)ected ,im . Iat,er enifle B.:. ,as s,o5n t,at Aut,er, in order to claim t,at tradition supported ,im, altered t,e te7ts by means of 5,ic, traditional 5as transmitted. (ince t,is time, (atan ,elping, many ad6ances ,a6e been made. Fe are more sop,isticated and no5 <no5 ,o5, not only to alter documents, but e6en li6ing people. 4,at 5,ic, Aut,er tried to do to t,e C,urc,, t,e 3Conciliarists ,a6e succeeded in doing by anni,ilating @gr. 4,uc in Huly of 1!=#. %efunctus, adhuc lo-uitur %8eb. ;2. #'. ead, ,e still spea<s. 8e spea<s, not by 5ords 5,ic, flatter and fly a5ay in t,e breeze, but by actions 5,ic, are effecti6e and continue to be effecti6e. 1lready t,ere are many of t,ese, and indeed, many more t,an t,ose of AEIE>PRE and C1(4RB @1\ER and t,eir colleagues, indi6iduals 5,o deplore 5,at is going on in t,eir 5ords, but 5,o go along 5it, t,e desecrations by t,eir acts, and 5,o dared to introduce scandalous duplicity in t,e 6ery ,eart of t,e most sacred realitiesG 4,e bis,ops consecrated by @gr. :eter @artin CgoLdin,L4,uc are t,ose 5,o REIX(E to act li<e t,is and 5,o continue, from t,e ,eig,ts of ,ea6en, to oppose t,e Fo)tylian imposture. +Non possumus no lo-ui L it is not possible to remain silent 3%1cts 2P."*', 2t is t,e 6oice of t,e real 4rut,U t,at 5,ic, is one and t,e same 5it, >E2CD and not 3minimized3 or 3intellectualized3 %3%iminutae sunt ,eritatas a filiis hominum L4rut,s are decayed from among t,e c,ildren of men3%:s. ;2, "'. 2t is t,e 6oice of t,is 4rut, 5,ic, deli6ers %Ho,n P22.+"' t,e 5orld and t,e C,urc, from t,e snares concocted by t,e 3fat,er of lies3 %Ho,n P222,##'. 4,e sure sign of t,is is t,at t,is real 4rut,, t,e 6ery nature of 5,ic, demands 5itnessing, is t,at it ne6er fails to arouse t,at 6ery contradiction 5,ic, opposes a 3lesser

trut,3 to t,at 5,ic, is t,e 4rut,. Bne could ,a6e forgi6en Hesus for ,is arguments, but only on condition t,at ,e did not li6e t,em out in ,is acts 5,ic, demanded, beyond t,e le6el of reason, t,e need to 5itness. 1nd so, it is t,is necessity of 5itnessing %Ho,n ;P."7' 5,ic, Hesus 3set for a sign of contradiction3 %Au<e 22, +#', and t,us 3out of many ,earts t,oug,ts may be re6ealed3 %Au<e 22, +E'. @gr. :eter @artin CDBL 2C8L48XC 5as a 3Miles &hristi L a soldier of C,rist3 %suc, 5as ,is ,eraldic de6ice', and ,ad t,e ,onor of li6ing out ,is life on eart, after t,e pattern of ,is Commander in C,ief. @ay t,is 6oice of t,e real trut, continue to be e7pressed until Pictory is ac,ie6ed. 4,is is t,e grace 5,ic, 5e as< for in memory of @gr. 4,uc, as a sign of ,is intercession. 4,is is t,e ,ig,est ,onor 5e can render ,im. 3Pera dicentes solent persecutionem pati; nec tamen ideo :rof,etae anti&ui, timore persecutionis, a 6eritatis praedicatione defecerunt3 %(t. 1ugustine, e (ermone omini. /uot anti-ui potuerunt, et non possumus''' 2n Comine B@2C2 ^ @.A. Duerard des Aauriers, B.:. 1::EC 2; 4,e ECA1R142BC of @gr. DXER1R E( A1XR2ER(

Fit, regard to @gr. 4,uc9s renunciation of t,e 1rc,diocese of 8ue in 1!7*, being a recognition of :aul P2 as ,a6ing supreme 1ut,ority and a participation in ,is 3great sc,ism3 %at least )uridically, if not by intention', and as a result ,a6ing ipso facto lost )urisdiction IBR 82( 1C4(, 2 ,a6e bot, orally and in 5riting affirmed t,e follo5ing 5,ene6er opportune. 4,ese affirmations 5ere and remain founded, not only on certain remar<s, but also on information t,at prudence made it necessary for me not to spread t,em abroad. Certain lay people and e6en certain clerics ,a6e recently raised &uestions about t,ese issues and because of t,is 2 belie6e it is my duty before Dod to declare t,e follo5ing. 1' 4,e resignation of @gr. 4,uc4,is fact 5as %and unfortunately still is' a matter of great importance for t,e ecclesiastical ordinance of t,e traditional remnant. Co5, on Fednesday, @arc, 16, 1!=", 2 responded 5it, alacrity to t,e 5arm in6itation of @gr. 48XC and 5ent to @unic,. 2 spent a long time 5it, ,im. F,at follo5s is t,e substance of 5,at ,e said to me %4,ursday, @arc, 17, 1!="', and 2 s5ear to its accuracy before Dod.

32 5as t,en %1!7*' in Rome facing t,e impossibility of returning to 8ue 5,ic, 2 5anted to do. :aul P2 called me. E7pressing great friends,ip, ,e offered me a 6ery large sum of money %@gr. 4,uc ne6er told me t,e amount of t,e sum, and 2 ne6er as<ed ,im'. 2 5as in great need of funds for t,e many MPietnameseN refugees 5,ic, 2 5as obliged to ,elp. 2 ended up by accepting ,is offer. 1s a result 2 5as 6ery ,appy and grateful to :aul P2. Iifteen days later :aul P2 sent a @onsignor to my place of residence. 4,is indi6idual carried a prepared document 5it, ,im- it 5as my resignation from t,e arc,diocese of 8ue. 4,is @onsignor t,en placed t,is document on t,e table and said to me- %2 &uote t,e 5ords 5,ic, @gr. 4,uc used, 5ords 5,ic, made a great impression on me.' 32 come as a representati6e of t,e :ope. \ou must sign t,e resignation at once.3 @gr. 4,uc a6o5ed t,is 5it, great sadness. 2t 5as pitiful. 2 5as greatly mo6ed by ,is simplicity and ,is ,umility.

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