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Cmo convertir archivos de Lotus 123 a Excel

En un momento, Lotus 123 era la hoja de clculo dominante en el mercado. En la dcada de los 90 comenz a perder su porcin del mercado con Excel. Cargar los archivos de Lotus 123 en Excel es factible y hay dos maneras de hacerlo: guardar el archivo en formato Excel desde Lotus 123, o bien abrir el archivo de Lotus 123 en Excel y dejar que ste maneje la conversin.


Excel 1997 o posterior Lotus 123 (recomendado)


1.-Abre tu archivo en Lotus 123. 2.-Dirgete al men "Archivo", selecciona "Guardar como" y gurdalo como un archivo de Microsoft 97

3.-Abre el archivo .xls resultante en Excel. 1.-Abre Excel. 2.-Ubica el archivo de Lotus 123 (con una extensin de *.wk4 en la mayora de los casos). 3.-Haz clic en "Abrir". Excel te indicar que lo apruebes antes de convertir el archivo. 4.-Dirgete al men "Archivo" y selecciona "Guardar como" para guardar una copia del archivo como un
formato nativo de Excel.

Cmo convertir wk1 a xls

Es posible que necesites tener acceso a archivos de Lotus 1-2-3 cuando tienes solo el Excel para abrirlos. Puedes convertir los archivos de Lotus fcilmente abrindolos en el Excel y guardndolos en el formato XLS. Sin embargo, pueden producirse problemas. Por ejemplo, los archivos WK1 mantienen su formato en un archivo separado del que contiene los datos.


1.-Confirma que tanto el archivo de datos como el de formato del WK1 estn en la misma carpeta. 2.-Abre el men desplegable "Archivo" del Excel. Haz clic en "Abrir". Busca y abre el archivo WK1 en la
carpeta del directorio. No abras el archivo de formato tu mismo, solo el que tiene la extensin WK1.

3.-Abre el men desplegable "Archivo" nuevamente. Haz clic en "Guardar". Selecciona .XLS como tipo de
archivo en el panel Guardar. Selecciona "OK". Excel convertir la planilla al formato de Excel.

4.-Abre el archivo .XLS convertido para revisar si tiene errores. Busca la frase "la frmula no se convirti
correctamente". Si Excel no pudo convertir una frmula, mostrar el valor de la misma y tendr el mensaje "la frmula no se convirti correctamente" en un comentario de la celda. Para buscar esta frase en los comentarios, abre el men desplegable Editar y haz clic en la siguiente secuencia: "Buscar > Buscar en: Comentarios". Recrea las frmulas que se hayan perdido cuando sea posible.

5.-Imprime las nuevas planillas y compara los nmeros con las impresiones de las planillas originales de
Lotus, si estn disponibles. Esta es una revisin original para asegurarte de que la conversin se haya realizado correctamente.

Sugerencias para la importacin de archivos de Lotus 1-2-3 a Excel

Este artculo contiene informacin acerca de los posibles problemas que pueden surgir al importar archivos de Lotus 1-23 en Microsoft Excel.

Abrir archivos de WK4

Para abrir archivos de Lotus 1-2-3 WK4 en Microsoft Excel versin 5.0, debe obtener el convertidor de archivos de Lotus 1-2-3 WK4. El convertidor de archivos de Lotus 1-2-3 WK4 est disponible en la nota de aplicacin "Lotus 1-2-3 WK4 File Converter" (WE1130). Nota: Microsoft Excel 7.0 y Microsoft Excel 97 incluyen un convertidor de archivos Wk4. El convertidor incluido con Microsoft Excel 7.0 permite leer el formato de archivo de Lotus 1-2-3 Wk4. El convertidor de Microsoft Excel 97 le permite leer y escribir el formato Wk4.

Abrir archivos de WK4

Cuando se abre una hoja de clculo de Lotus 1-2-3 o un libro, Microsoft Excel aplica el formato almacenado en cualquier asociado .fmt,. fm3 o en todos los archivos. Asegrese de que el archivo de formato asociado se almacena en la misma carpeta que el archivo .wk. archivo. Si se vuelve a guardar un archivo de Lotus 1-2-3 en formato de Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft Excel guarda los datos y el formato en un nico archivo de libro.

En Microsoft Excel 5.0, cuando se abre un archivo de Lotus 1-2-3 WK4, objetos de dibujo, como macros botones, cuadros de texto y lneas, no se convierten. Adems, se muestran los nombres de hoja de clculo como el valor predeterminado de Lotus 1-2-3: A, B, C y as sucesivamente. El convertidor de archivos de Lotus 1-2-3 WK4 no convierte los objetos de dibujo en una hoja de clculo. Esto incluye cualquiera de los siguientes elementos: arc arrow button ellipse embedded object freehand Nota: este problema no se produce en las versiones posteriores. line polygon polyline rectangle rounded rectangle text

Microsoft Excel 4.0 y versiones posteriores: En el Lotus 1-2-3, versiones 3.x y posterior, puede crear un grfico en una hoja de grfico o crear el grfico como un objeto en la hoja de clculo. De forma predeterminada, Microsoft Excel convierte automticamente los grficos asociados a una hoja de clculo de Lotus 1-2-3. Load_Chart_Wnd=0

Debido a que Microsoft Excel puede leer archivos Impress. (FM3) y siempre (todos) formato de archivos, puede importar una hoja de clculo de Lotus 1-2-3 que contiene un grfico en la hoja de clculo. Microsoft Excel 2.x y 3.x: Cuando importa un archivo que contenga un grfico, Microsoft Excel 2.x y 3.x muestran un mensaje para cada grfico que se almacena con la hoja de clculo o se encuentra en la hoja de clculo. Se le preguntar si desea convertir el archivo a un grfico de Microsoft Excel. Si hace clic en S , Microsoft Excel crea una nueva ventana de grfico. En Microsoft Excel 3.x, a continuacin, puede copiar el grfico a la hoja de clculo.

La base de datos, criterios y extraer rangos definidos se importan correctamente y funcionan correctamente. Sin embargo, rangos de criterios de base de datos se evalan de forma diferente al extraer los datos, buscar datos y utilizar funciones de base de datos. Por ejemplo, un criterio de "Juan" busca slo las filas con celdas que contienen "Juan". Si desactiva la casilla de verificacin Evaluacin de frmulas de transicin , un criterio de "Juan" encontrar filas que contienen celdas con valores que empiezan con "Juan"; por ejemplo, las celdas que contienen "Juan", "Couto", y se encuentra "Johnsen".

Bases de datos
Cada vez que abra un archivo de Lotus 1-2-3, se selecciona la casilla de verificacin de la Entrada de frmula de transicin . Microsoft Excel calcula las frmulas de forma diferente de Lotus 1-2-3. Cuando se utiliza una celda que contiene texto en una frmula, Lotus 1-2-3 asigna un valor de 0 (cero) a la celda. En Microsoft Excel, no se pueden combinar texto y entradas numricas en la misma frmula. Sin embargo, cuando se utiliza una funcin de hoja de clculo en Microsoft Excel, se asigna un valor de 0 a celdas que contienen texto. Por ejemplo, si desactiva la casilla de verificacin Evaluacin de frmulas de transicin y escriba el texto en la celda A1 y el valor 100 en la celda B1; la frmula = A1 + B1 devuelve #VALUE! valor de error.Sin embargo, la hoja de clculo =SUM(A1,B1) frmula devuelve el valor 100. Lotus 1-2-3 evala las expresiones booleanas en 0 o 1 y muestra 0 o 1 en la celda. Por ejemplo, en Lotus 1-2-3, la expresin 2 < 3 muestra 1 en la celda para representar verdadero; Microsoft Excel muestra True o False en la celda. Si selecciona la casilla de verificacin Evaluacin de frmulas de transicin , Microsoft Excel mostrar 0 para Falso y 1 para Verdadero. Algunas funciones, como @MOD, @VLOOKUP y @HLOOKUP, se evalan de manera diferente. Para hacer que Microsoft Excel calcular frmulas como Lotus 1-2-3, siga estos pasos: 1. 2. En el men Herramientas, haga clic en Opciones. Haga clic en la ficha transicin . Haga clic en Evaluacin de frmulas de transiciny haga clic en Aceptar.

Matemtica orden de precedencia de diferencias Esta tabla compara los operadores matemticos empleados por Microsoft Excel y Lotus 1-2-3. Lotus Microsoft

Operator 1-2-3 Precedence Excel Precedence --------------------------------------------------------------Exponentiation Positive and negative Multiplication and division Addition and Subtraction Comparison ^ + and 1st 2nd ^ + and 2nd 1st

* and /


* and /


+ and -


+ and -


= < > <= >= #not# #and# and #or# &


= < > <= >= NOT() AND() and OR() &


Logical NOT Logical AND and OR String concatenation

6th 7th

6th 7th



Nota: Lotus 1-2-3 evala el operador de exponenciacin (^) antes que el operador de negacin (-). Microsoft Excel se evala primero el operador de negacin. Por ejemplo, en Lotus 1-2-3, la frmula =-2 ^ 4 devuelve el valor -16, pero devuelve 16 en Microsoft Excel. Para corregir esta diferencia, utilice parntesis para cambiar el orden de evaluacin; Por ejemplo, =-(2^4) resultado -16.

Orden de clculo
En Microsoft Excel, al abrir un archivo. WK4 de Lotus 1-2-3 que contiene un vnculo a otro archivo, las celdas pueden actualizarse con un #REF! valor de error. Para actualizar un vnculo externo en un archivo. WK4 de Lotus 1-2-3, siga estos pasos: 1. 2. En Microsoft Excel, haga clic en vnculos en el men Edicin . En el cuadro de dilogo vnculos , seleccione el vnculo que desee actualizar. Haga clic en Actualizar ahora.

Nota: si desea abrir el documento de origen, haga clic en Abrir. Para evitar este comportamiento, guarde el archivo en formato de libro de Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel y Lotus 1-2-3 utilizan los mismos sistemas de fecha de serie. Los valores de la serie en Microsoft Excel 7.0 y anterior entre 0 (1/1/1900) a 65380 (31/12/2078). Los valores de fecha de serie en Lotus 1-2-3 intervalo de 0 a 73050 (31/12/2099). Si importa una fecha de Lotus 1-2-3 que contiene una funcin de fecha con un ao ms tarde, a continuacin, 2078, la funcin devuelve un #NUM! valor de error. Si importa una hoja de clculo que contenga una fecha con formato con un ao ms tarde 2078, Microsoft Excel rellena la celda con 255 signos de nmero (#). Nota: este problema no existe en Microsoft Excel 97 porque permite fechas hasta el ao 9999.

Convertir fechas
Las macros de Lotus 1-2-3 se almacenan directamente en la hoja de clculo. Esto es diferente de cmo Microsoft Excel almacena las macros. Microsoft Excel almacena las macros en una hoja de macros (en Microsoft Excel 4.0) o en una hoja de mdulo de las macros escritas en Visual Basic para Aplicaciones para Microsoft Excel 5.0 y versiones posteriores. Microsoft Excel 4.0a y posterior: Algunas versiones anteriores de Microsoft Excel pueden ejecutar macros de Lotus 1-2-3 directamente. No es necesario traducir (reescritura) la macro. Al abrir un archivo de Lotus 1-2-3 que contiene macros, puede ver una lista de todos los disponibles 1-2-3 las macros en la lista de nombres definen para ese libro. Para ejecutar la macro de Lotus 1-2-3, presione CTRL y la letra asociada para la macro. Por ejemplo, presione CTRL + P. Nota: Excel 97 con la actualizacin de seguridad (8.0 h y posteriores) y Excel 2000 no ejecutan macros de Lotus 1-2-3. Microsoft Excel 4.0 y versiones anteriores: Para convertir las macros de Lotus 1-2-3 (reescritura) de macros de Microsoft Excel, haga lo siguiente: En Microsoft Excel, abra la hoja de clculo de Lotus 1-2-3 que contiene la macro. En el men control, haga clic en Ejecutar. Para abrir el men de control, presione ALT+BARRA ESPACIADORA. Haga clic en Convertidor de Macroy, a continuacin, haga clic en Aceptar. En el men de traducir , haga clic en Lotus 1-2-3. Seleccione el nombre de la hoja de clculo que desea convertir. Seleccione el nombre de la macro que se va a convertir. Si desea que el traductor de macro de la lista 1-2-3 al lado de la macro convertida de Microsoft Excel, haga clic en la opcin Verbose . Microsoft Excel coloca la macro convertida en una nueva hoja de macro. Volver arriba | Enviar comentarios 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Para obtener ms informacin acerca de cmo convertir archivos de Lotus 1-2-3, haga clic en la ficha ndice de la Ayuda de Microsoft Excel 97, escriba el texto siguiente Conversin de archivos de Lotus 1-2-3. y, a continuacin, haga doble clic en el texto seleccionado para ir al tema "Informacin clave para usuarios de todos los niveles" . Para obtener ms informacin acerca de la importacin de hojas de clculo, frmulas, referencias y formatos de las versiones de Lotus 1-2-3 consulte "cambiar a Microsoft Excel de Lotus 1-2-3," versin 4.0, pginas 24-31, 38, o en "Manual del usuario",versin 3.0, pginas 41-64. Volver arriba | Enviar comentarios

123 to Excel
Conversion issues
Excel opens and saves the following Lotus 123 file formats. This Lotus 123 release Saves data in this file format

1, 1A 2.0, 2.01, 2.2 2.3, 2.4 3.0 3.1, 3.1+, 123/W, R1.1 4.0, 5.0 I cant open my Lotus file in Excel


Excel will open files created in Lotus 123 versions 2.x5.x. Most data and formatting created in Lotus 123 are fully supported by Excel. The latest versions of Lotus 1-2-3 use a file type (.123) not currently supported by Excel. You must save these as .WK4 files before you try and open them in Excel. Auditing Converted Worksheets Audits conducted by the industry on corporate MSDOSbased worksheets have found that approximately 30 percent of all worksheets contain serious errors. In some cases, major decisions have been made using worksheets that have been incorrect for years. The only way to catch these errors is with a worksheet audit. You can do the audit while the worksheet is in Lotus 123 or after it is converted to Excel. The best course is a partial audit on both sides, since each audit catches different problems. Auditing Your Worksheets Before Conversion Auditing your Lotus 123 worksheets before conversion catches problems inherent in the original worksheet, such as values that have replaced formulas, circular errors, incorrect results, and bad range names. Auditing Your Worksheets After Conversion Auditing after conversion catches problems introduced by the conversion process or by reorganization and linking. Auditing worksheets in Excel helps you find formulas that did not convert, links that are incorrect, or unexpected problems for which you might need additional help. The following Excel features are particularly useful for auditing: o o o Auditing submenu commands (Tools menu) Find command (Edit menu) Special button in the Go To dialog box (Edit menu)

Note If Excel encounters formulas that it cannot convert when you open a Lotus 123 worksheet, only the resulting values are displayed. The original formula is discarded. Excel indicates this by displaying a cell comment (and cell comment indicator) in the cell, containing the message "Formula failed to convert.". Opening and Saving Lotus 123 Worksheets in Microsoft Excel The majority of your Lotus 123 worksheets can be converted to Excel format by opening them and then saving them in Excel. To open a Lotus 123 worksheet in Excel 1. 2. 3. 4. On the File menu, click Open. In the Files of type (Windows) or List files of type (Macintosh) box, click Lotus 123 Files. Below the Look in (Windows) or Select a document (Macintosh) box, select the name of the worksheet. Click Open. Excel converts the Lotus 123 worksheet and opens it.

How do I know if my work has been successfully converted? We recommend that you print the key pages or reports from your Lotus files before you convert them, remembering to ensure they are calculated (function key F9) first. After you have converted the files, print the same pages and reports from Excel and make a tick-check comparison between them. If the results are the same, your conversion has been successful. My results are not the same after conversion. If you have formulas in cells that cannot be converted, Excel notifies you that it cannot read the record, and then displays another dialog box asking you whether to continue alerting you each time a cell does not convert. Formulas that do not convert are discarded, but the result of the formula is preserved and Excel attaches a comment to the cell, containing the message "Formula failed to convert." What is the file conversion wizard? If you want to convert multiple worksheets to or from Lotus 123 format, you can also use the File Conversion Wizard addin. Ive lost all the formatting from my converted file Lotus 123 files When formatting is applied to a Lotus 123 WK1 or WK3 worksheet, a separate file is created and saved along with the worksheet. Check that the formatting file was in the same directory as the .WK* file. How do I search for cells containing formulas that did not convert correctly 1. 2. 3. 4. On the Edit menu, click Find. In the Look in box, click Comments. In the Find what box, type formula failed to convert Click Find Next. The first cell containing the text you entered is selected. A message appears if the text cannot be found. 5. Click the Find Next button again to go to the next cell with a comment containing the text. After you have converted the worksheet, you can select all cells with cell comments. How do I find all cells with cell comments 1. On the Edit menu, click Go To. 2. Click Special, and then click Comments. This selects all cells with comments, allowing you to see where your formulas did not convert. You can also print the comments along with the sheet and then use this printed document as a reference for troubleshooting. How do I print cell comments 1. On the File menu, click Page Setup, and then click the Sheet tab. 2. Under Print, select the option you want in the Comments box. Cell comments consist of all comments inserted by Excel during the conversion process, as well as all cells converted from WK3 files that contain Lotus 123style text notes in their formulas. The Special button in the Go To dialog box (Edit menu) is a powerful tool for auditing converted worksheets. Using the options in this dialog box, you can find cells that: o o Supply values to the active cell ( Precedents option) Use the value in the active cell (Dependents option)

o o o o o

Contain only values (Constants option) Contain only formulas (Formulas option) Contain error values (Errors check box under Formulas option) Contain comments (Comments option) Contain different reference patterns in a row or column (Row differences or Column differences option)

Auditing with Cell Tracers Another auditing feature included with Excel is cell tracers. Cell tracers are arrows drawn on a worksheet that point to the precedents or dependents of a selected cell, or trace the error path of a cell containing an error value. Use the Auditing submenu commands (Tools menu) to display tracer arrows. Alternatively, you can point to Auditing and then click Show Auditing Toolbar to display the Auditing toolbar, which you can use to trace the flow of data between cells on your worksheet. Translating Lotus 123 Nested Formulas Perhaps the most common reason for the "Cannot read record" message when converting Lotus 123 formulas to Excel occurs when a formula in your Lotus 123 worksheet uses more than seven levels of nesting. To get around this, you can break the formula into sections of less than seven nested segments before conversion. However, many such nested formulas exist in order to construct elaborate alternative calculations based on a range of current conditions, such as @IF statements. In this case, a better solution is to create a formula using @VLOOKUP and refer to a table elsewhere on the worksheet. Then no nesting is needed, and you end up with a more readable and structured formula. For example, suppose that in one cell you have the following Lotus 123 formula that arrives at a value, based on the name of a month from January to September: @IF(a1="Jan",12,@IF(a1="Feb",2,@IF(a1="Mar",4,@IF(a1="Apr",34,@IF(a1="May",32,@IF(a 1="Jun",8,@IF(a1="Jul",43,@IF(a1="Aug",3,@IF(a1="Sep",67,0))))))))) This formula has nine levels of nesting. To make conversion to Excel easier, rewrite the formula like this in Lotus 123: @VLOOKUP(a1,table,1) where table is a range name that refers to the following twocolumn table, located anywhere on the worksheet. Jan 12 Jun 8 Feb 2 Jul 43 Mar 4 Aug 3 Apr 34 Sep 67 May 32 When you then open the file in Excel (and transition formula evaluation is automatically turned on), the formula converts without problems, and it works properly. (The offset argument 1 is automatically converted to 2 because Excel starts counting at 1, not 0.) Using a table in this way is not only easier to read than the original formula, but it is also easy to modify by changing or adding new values. Do my old macros work in Excel? Excel includes the Macro Interpreter for Lotus 123 users, which provides macro conversion support.

Terminology and Equivalents

Microsoft Excel Terms for Lotus 123 Users The following table lists Lotus 123 terms and their Excel counterparts. The Excel term is not necessarily an exact equivalent of the Lotus 123 term, but rather a term you can look up in online Help for more information. This Lotus 123 term Corresponds to this Excel term or concept

@Function Address Anchor cell Border CALC indicator Cell pointer Column labels Command prompt Control panel Copy Crosshatching Current cell Current worksheet Data labels Data range Data table 1 Data table 2 Date format Erase Formula criteria Global Graph Graph labels Graph titles Highlight Indicator Input range Label Labelprefix Label/matching criteria Logical 0 Logical 1 Menu pointer Mode indicator Move Number/matching criteria Numeric format

Function Reference Selecting a range of cells Row and column headings Status bar Active cell Column headings Dialog box Menu bar, formula bar, status bar Copy and paste Chart patterns Active cell Active worksheet or chart or macro sheet Data marker labels Data series Oneinput table Twoinput table Number format Clear Computed criteria Workspace Chart Chart text Chart titles Select or selection Status bar Database range Text Alignment Comparison criteria FALSE TRUE Menu selection Status bar Cut and paste Comparison criteria Number format

Output range Picture file Pointer movement keys Print range PrintGraph Prompt Protected cell Range highlight Repeating label Retrieve a file Row numbers Stacked bar graph Status indicator, status line String Target cell Target file Time format Titles Translate utility Value Window

Extract range Chart document Arrow keys Print area Printing a chart Dialog box Locked/protected cell Selected range Fill alignment Open a file Row headings Column chart, bar chart Status bar Text Dependent cell Dependent document Number format Split worksheet window with frozen panes Open and Save As (File menu) Number Multiple windows, pane

Microsoft Excel Equivalents for Lotus 123 Commands The following table lists frequently used Lotus 123 commands and the equivalent commands in Excel. Corresponds to this Excel command or option Copy and Paste (Edit menu) Open (File menu) Delete on the document shortcut menu in theOpen dialog box (File menu) Open (File menu) Save As (File menu) Open (File menu, when the chart is in a separate file) Cut and Paste (Edit menu) Print (File menu) Set Print Area (File menu, Print

This Lotus 123 command /c /fd /few /fr /fs /gv /m /ppg /ppr

Areasubmenu) /qy /re /rf /rfc /rfp /rnl /rnc /wcs /wdc /wdr /wey /wic /wir /wtc /wth /wtv Exit (File menu) Clear (Edit menu) Number tab in the Cells dialog box (Formatmenu) Number tab in the Cells dialog box (Formatmenu) Number tab in the Cells dialog box (Formatmenu) Create (Insert menu, Name submenu) Define (Insert menu, Name submenu) Width (Format menu, Column submenu) Delete (Edit menu) Delete (Edit menu) Close and New (File menu) Columns (Insert menu) Rows (Insert menu) Unfreeze Panes (Window menu) Freeze Panes (Window menu) Freeze Panes (Window menu)

The Navigation Keys are different The following table compares navigation key assignments in Lotus 123 and their equivalents in Excel. This Lotus 123 navigation key UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW LEFT ARROW, RIGHT ARROW END, UP ARROW END, DOWN ARROW END, LEFT ARROW END, RIGHT ARROW HOME TAB




Is there an equivalent for the Lotus 123 System Command (Windows only) There is no direct equivalent for the Lotus 123 System command in Excel, but you can activate the command prompt from the Start menu. How do I use three dimensional formulas? If you store a group of worksheets with identical layouts, such as monthly reports, in the same workbook, you can use three-dimensional formulas to consolidate data into summary worksheets. These three-dimensional formulas allow you to specify sheet ranges in a workbook, which are similar to cell ranges on a worksheet. You can apply a number of different functions, such as SUM and AVERAGE, to the resulting three-dimensional range. For example, the formula SUM(Sheet1:Sheet4!$A$1) sums the contents of cell A1 on the contiguous sheets named Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, and Sheet4. You can also use the Consolidate command (Data menu) to create summary reports for sheets that have an identical or similar layout. Where can I get help on Excels functions? For details about Excel functions, click the Paste Function button (Standard toolbar), select the function you want, and then click the Question Mark button. In the Office Assistant, click Help with this feature, and then click Help on selected function. Functions are divided into categories in the Function Wizard dialog box. For example, the FREQUENCY, LINEST, LOGEST, GROWTH, and TREND functions are located in the Statistical category, while the MINVERSE and MMULT functions are located in the Math & Trig category. Help for the Analysis ToolPak is available by clicking the Help button in any Analysis ToolPak dialog box.

What is the order of mathematical operators? Lotus 123 order of operators ^ + or (unary) * or / + or = < > <= >= <> #not# (unary) #and# #or# & (Release 2.0 and later) In Lotus 123, the exponentiation operator (^) is evaluated before the negation operator ( ); in Excel, negation is evaluated first. Thus, the formula

Excel order of operators AND, OR, NOT functions + or (unary) ^ * or / + or & = < > <= >= <>

=2^4 produces the value 16 in Lotus 123, and 16 in Excel. To change this, use parentheses to force the preferred order of evaluation in Excel. For example: =(2^4) Can I use my Lotus 1-2-3 macros in Excel? Most Lotus 123 users have invested time over the years building macros. Excel includes the Macro Interpreter for Lotus 123 Users, which provides limited macro conversion support. You can run large Lotus 123 macro applications, including custom menus, without modification in Excel using the Macro Interpreter. However, it will not run any macro command added after Lotus 123 Release 2.01. We strongly recommend that you convert any Lotus 1-2-3 macros that you use into Excels VBA at the earliest opportunity. We have a team of specialists available to help you convert your macros. Running Macros Created in Lotus 123 Release 2 Excel can run macros that contain any Lotus 123 Release 2.2 advanced macro commands, such as {BORDERSON}, {BORDERSOFF}, {FRAMEON}, {FRAMEOFF}, {GRAPHON}, and {GRAPHOFF}. Excel also reads linking formulas created by Release 2.2. However, Excel cannot run macros that use slash menu commands that are specific to Release 2.2. Converting Lotus 123 Release 2.2 Macro Library Files If you have Lotus 123 macros in macro libraries (macros in Lotus 123 Release 2.2 MLB file format), you can convert them to Excel. To convert Lotus 123 MLB files 1. 2. 3. 4. In Lotus 123, load the file by attaching the addin. In the Lotus Macro Library Manager, copy the library commands to a worksheet using the Edit command. Save the worksheet in Lotus 123 WK1 format. Open the Lotus 123 worksheet in Excel.

Will my autoexec macros run? If you have a Lotus 123 autoexec macro (named \0) on your worksheet, the macro runs automatically when you open the worksheet in Excel. Can I stop the autoexec macro from running? 1. On the File menu, click Open. 2. Under the Look in box, select the workbook, and then hold down SHIFT and click OK. I have a \0 Lotus macro, and Ive now created an Excel Auto_Open macro If you have both an Excel macro named Auto_Open that refers to a macro sheet and a Lotus 123 \0 macro on the same worksheet, the Auto_Open macro runs first, and then the \0 macro runs. Can I use my Lotus 1-2-3 add-ins in Excel No. You must be sure to remove any occurrence of keystrokes or command names that attach, start, or use a Lotus 123 addin, such as the Allways addin and its menu structure. For example, remove statements such as /a and {app1}. Lotus 1-2-3 macros that end in a menu

When you run a Lotus 123 macro in Excel, the Lotus 123 macro cannot end in a menu, such as the keystrokes /PP (Print Printer). If a macro does end in a menu, a message appears stating that macros cannot end in a menu. Then the macro terminates. The macro can, however, end in a prompt for more information, such as the keystrokes /PPR (Print Printer Range), so that you can specify the print range. Substituting Standard Microsoft Excel Features for Lotus 123 Macros Many Lotus 123 macros do not need to be converted. These macros, which aid the user with formatting or printing from Lotus 123, are replaced by standard features in Excel. Some of the most common Lotus 123 macros and the Excel features that replace them are described in the following table. This Lotus 123 macro action Input printer setup strings Corresponds to this Excel feature Font tab in the Cells (Windows) or Format Cells (Macintosh) dialog box (Format menu) and Page Setup dialog box (File menu) Automatic date acceptance and formatting

Accept dates, parse into YYYY,MM,DD, and then reenter with @Date and formats

Prompt to select ranges for chart Chart Wizard button (Standard toolbar) data Format anything quickly Adjust column width Adjust multiplecolumn widths simultaneously Sum a column or row Align text with Range Label Align Underline Style command (Format menu) Drag the right border of the column heading, or doubleclick for best fit Select multiple columns, and then drag the right border of a column heading or doubleclick a border column heading for best fit AutoSum button (Standard toolbar) Align Left, Align Right, or Center buttons (Formatting toolbar) Border and Font tabs in the Cells (Windows) orFormat Cells (Macintosh) dialog box (Formatmenu) Insert and Delete commands on the shortcut menu Workbook containing an Excel Visual Basic for Applications module with function procedures to share among users Multiple data tables available in a worksheet without redefinition

Shift a block of cells Enter commonly used formulas

Redefine and update multiple data tables (Lotus 123 can have only one data table active at a time) Request data by line item or build a data entry form on the worksheet Change to commonly used directories using the File Dircommand. (The File Dircommand is a separate command from the File Retrieve.) Split horizontal or vertical windows

Form command (Data menu) for data entry and editing that automatically creates a custom data form without macros Change folders and open files in the Opendialog box (File menu)

Drag window split bar

Insert monthly, quarterly, or weekly headers

Use the AutoFill feature by dragging the fill handle

Using Lotus 123 Charts in Microsoft Excel

Introduction Excel and Lotus 123 format charts differently. This section discusses Excel equivalents for Lotus 123 chart format commands. Lotus 123 Graph Options Format Command Equivalents The Lotus 123 Graph Options Format commands apply to line and xy (scatter) charts only. How do I format a line or xy (scatter) chart in Excel? 1. Select a data series. 2. On the Format menu, click Data Series, and then click the Patterns tab. 3. Under Line, select a line style, color, and weight. or If you do not want any lines, click None. 4. Under Marker, select a marker style, foreground color, and background color. or If you do not want any markers, click None. Lotus 123 Graph Options Grid Command Equivalents The Lotus 123 Graph Options Grid commands apply to all graph types with axes.

How do I add and delete gridlines in a chart in Excel? 1. Rightclick a blank area of the chart, and then click Chart Options on the shortcut menu. 2. Click the Gridlines tab, and select the options you want. Lotus 123 Graph Type Command Equivalents In Excel, you change the chart type after you create the chart. Click the Chart Type command (Chart menu) when a chart is active. This command also allows you to select additional chart types, such as threedimensional charts. Lotus 123 Graph View Command Equivalents After you create a chart in Excel, it remains visible on a worksheet as an embedded chart, or as a separate chart sheet in the workbook. Therefore, the procedure for creating a chart in Excel is the closest equivalent to the Lotus 123 Graph View command. Lotus 123 Graph Options Color Command Equivalents There is no direct equivalent in Excel for the Lotus 123 Graph Options Color command. However, you can change the color of individual chart items.

How do I change the color of a chart item in Excel? 1. Click the chart item you want to format. 2. On the Format menu, point to Selected Chart Item. 3. In the dialog box that appears, select the options you want. Note The name of the Selected Chart Item command on the Format menu changes based on the chart item you select. For example, if you select a chart axis, the command Axis appears on theFormat menu. Lotus 123 Graph Options Scale Command Equivalents The following sections describe Excel equivalents for Lotus 123 Scale commands. Auto Excel creates the scale automatically. If you designate any aspect of the scale as manual, you can return it to automatic. How do I set an axis scale to automatic in Excel? 1. Click the xaxis (category) or yaxis (value). 2. On the Format menu, click Selected Axis, and then click the Scale tab. Except for xy scatter charts, the options on the Scale tab are different for the xaxis and the yaxis. 3. Select the Auto check box for any option you want to return to automatic. Manual, Lower, and Upper You can control the chart scale manually. How do I control a chart scale manually in Excel? 1. Click the xaxis (category) or yaxis (value). 2. On the Format menu, click Selected Axis, and then click the Scale tab. Except for xy scatter charts, the options on the Scale tab are different for the xaxis and the yaxis. 3. Change the options you want. Format You can change the number format on the chart scale. How do I change the number format on a chart scale in Excel? 1. In the chart, click the yaxis (value). You can change the xaxis number format only in xy scatter charts. 2. On the Format menu, click Selected Axis, and then click the Number tab. 3. Select the number format you want to use on the chart. Indicator You can display chart scale indicators.

How do I display or hide chart scale indicators in Excel? 1. Select the chart. 2. On the Chart menu, click Chart Options, and then click the Axes tab. 3. Select or clear the Value (X) Axis or Value (Y) Axis check box .Printing What are the Excel Equivalents for Lotus 123 Worksheet Global Default Printer Commands? This Lotus 123 global printer command Interface AutoLF Left Right Top Bottom PgLength Wait Setup Name Quit

Corresponds to this Excel feature or action Setting up a printer and port None; handled by printer driver Page Setup (File menu) Page Setup (File menu) Page Setup (File menu) Page Setup (File menu) Page Setup (File menu) None; handled by printer driver None; handled by printer driver Page Setup (File menu) ESC key

What is the Excel Equivalent for the Lotus 123 Line Print Command? There is no command in Excel that is equivalent to the Lotus 123 Line Print command. Instead, use the LINE.PRINT macro function.

What are Excels equivalent features for typical Lotus 1 23 print printer commands? Corresponds to this Excel feature or action Set Print Area (File menu, Print Areasubmenu). None.

This Lotus 123 printer command Range Page Options Header Footer

Page Setup (File menu). Page Setup (File menu).

Margins Page Setup (File menu). Borders On the File menu click Page Setup, and then click the Sheet tab.

Under Print titles, enter the row and column references you want to appear. Setup PgLength Select the cells; on the Format menu, clickCells, and then click the Font tab. On the File menu click Page Setup, and then click the Page tab. In the Paper sizebox, select the page size you want. Worksheet is printed as displayed. To display values or formulas, click the View tab in theOptions (Windows) or Preferences(Macintosh) dialog box (Tools menu). To add or remove headers and footers, click Page Setup (File menu). To add or remove page breaks, click Page Break or Remove Page Break (Insert menu). ESC key.


Quit Clear All Range

Reset individual settings. On the Insert menu, point to Name, and then click Define and delete Print_Area.

Borders On the Insert menu, click Name, and then click Define and delete Print_Titles. Format On the File menu, click Page Setup to reset margins. Page length and setup string are handled by the printer driver. None. Print (File menu). ESC key.

Align Go Quit

Which WK3 functions do not have Excel equivalents? A number of Lotus 123 WK3 functions nonaggregate functions that use three-dimensional references do not properly convert to Excel. A nonaggregate function is one that is not commonly used with a range of values. An aggregate function is one that is always used with a range of values, such as SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX. For example, the nonaggregate function @INDEX does not convert if it uses references that encompass more than one ply of a three-dimensional worksheet. (It converts properly if no three-dimensional reference is used.) WK3 functions are unsupported when they include a three-dimensional argument; if a normal argument is used, they may work. These unsupported functions are shown in the following list. Nonaggregate functions with threedimensional references @CELL @COLS @IRR @ISRANGE @ROWS @S




In addition, Excel cannot convert formulas with more than one table argument using @DSUM, @DAVG, @DMIN, @DMAX, @DSTD, @DVAR, @DSTDS, or @DVARS. Other functions that present conversion problems include @DQUERY when using the DataLens addin, and @CELLPOINTER when using the sheet argument. Why have some of my range-names changed? Because Excel does not allow all of the special characters in names that Lotus 123 does, names that contain different special characters but are otherwise identical are converted to an identical name, resulting in an error. Besides letters and numbers, Excel allows only underscore and backslash ( \ ) characters to be used in names. Excel converts any invalid characters in names to the underscore character ( _ ) when reading Lotus 123 worksheets. Excel notifies the user that it cannot read the record if two or more defined names on the worksheet contain special characters that cause them to resolve to the same name. For example, if you have defined the names TOTAL$ and TOTAL# on a Lotus 123 worksheet and you open the worksheet in Excel, the first defined name TOTAL$ is converted to TOTAL_, and the second defined name TOTAL# is lost. You can work around this by checking for invalid characters in your Lotus 123 worksheets before converting them to Excel. Do Lotus 123 Releases 4 and 5 have features without Microsoft Excel equivalents? Lotus 123 features without direct equivalents in Excel are not imported. These include the following: Range versions created with the Lotus 123 Version Manager No direct equivalent exists in Excel for range versions created with the Lotus 123 Version Manager. Excel imports only the data from the version that is currently displayed (the last time the file was saved). However, you can use the Excel Scenario Manager to create, store, and retrieve whatif assumptions for multiple sets of up to 32 changing cells. Database records in Lotus 123 Release 4 Because these are not compatible with either ODBC or Microsoft Query, they are not imported. Embedded OLE objects These include the Lotus Maps objects from Release 5. Rotated text or drawing These objects are imported, but they are displayed with normal horizontal alignment. Gradient fills The cell or object is formatted using only the primary colour from the fill. Does Excel have functions that were not available in Lotus 123? The following Excel functions have no equivalents in Lotus 123 Release 3.1 or earlier, or Lotus 123/W Release 1.0. Note Excel also provides many addin functions and statistical functions in the Analysis ToolPak that don't have Lotus 123 equivalents; these are not included in this list. Excel functions without equivalents in Lotus 123 3.1 or earlier AREAS MATCH



Excel's help for Lotus users

Tell me about the Lotus 123 Help feature in Excel. In Excel, the Lotus 123 Help feature allows you to use familiar Lotus 123 keys and commands while you learn how to use Excel. For example, you can choose a Lotus 123 key or command and have Excel display stepbystep instructions for the corresponding action in Excel. Or Excel can demonstrate and actually carry out the corresponding action. Note The Lotus 123 Help feature also provides Help topics for users switching from Lotus 123 for MSDOS. You can press a Lotus 123 key and have Excel either automatically demonstrate the corresponding feature or list the steps you need to perform it in Excel. If you are not sure which Lotus 123 key to press, you can choose from a list of Lotus 123 commands. To use Lotus 123 Help 1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Transition tab. 2. Under Settings, click Lotus 123 Help. Next you need to indicate whether you want to see stepbystep instructions or demonstrations when you press Lotus 123 keys. To see stepbystep instructions or demonstrations 1. On the Help menu, click Lotus 123 Help. 2. Under Help options, click Instructions to see stepbystep instructions. or Click Demo to see demonstrations. When you're working in an Excel document and you press the SLASH key ( / ), or the key you specified on the Transition tab in the Options dialog box (Tools menu), the Help for Lotus 123 Users dialog box appears. Select the Lotus 123 command you want, and then click either Instructions or Demo.

The following sections describe options in the Help for Lotus 123 Users dialog box. Menu The Menu box in the Help for Lotus 123 Users dialog box displays a list of Lotus 123 menu items. Type the Lotus 123 keystrokes you would use to choose a command. Depending on the type of help you select under Help options, Excel either begins a demonstration or displays instructions for carrying out the equivalent actions in Excel. For multilevel Lotus 123 menus, Excel displays the submenu at the bottom of the dialog box. To move to the next menu level, select the menu item in the Menu box, and then press ENTER or press the first letter of the menu item. Help Options In the Help options box in the Help for Lotus 123 Users dialog box you can choose either to display a text box containing the Excel equivalent procedure for carrying out a Lotus 123 command (the Instructions option), or to watch Excel demonstrate the equivalent steps for you (the Demo option). For commands requiring additional information, such as cell references, you are prompted for the necessary information at the top of the Excel window before the demonstration starts. The Faster and Slower buttons allow you to choose from among five demonstration speeds, with 5 being the fastest and 1 the slowest. The current speed is displayed in the box to the right of the two buttons.

Excel and the Year 2000

Overview Microsoft Excel 97 interprets "00" to "29" as "2000" to "2029", and the shortcut "30" will resolve to "1930"

The full range of dates Excel 97 can handle Earliest date not recognised First recognised date in 4-digit year format First recognised date in 2-digit year format Last recognised 2-digit year format Last recognised 4-digit year format How can I tell if my spreadsheets are millennium compliant? If your work does not contain any date formulas, or formulas that act on date entries, or formulas that give dates as results, then you do not have a problem. If your work does contain some of the above, you need to ensure that the year portion of any date contains four characters, for example, 1999, not just 99. What formulas could present millennium compliance problems? This is a list of Excels date and time formulas. It is how you use them that can generate problems. DATE DATEVALUE DAY 31 December 1899 1 January 1900 1 January 2000 31 December 2029 31 December 9999


Can Excel sort on more than three fields? First, sort on the minor fields and progressively work towards the major fields. How do I get the or the or the symbols in my work? Use (c) and (r) and (tm). Excel will automatically change them to , and using its "AutoCorrect" feature which is on the "Tools" menu. I dont want my work corrected as I type. On the Tools menu, click "AutoCorrect". To prevent all automatic corrections, clear the Replace text as you type check box. To prevent specific types of corrections, clear the check box for the corresponding option. Can I turn "AutoCorrect" off? "AutoCorrect" has five check boxes that allow you to control what it does or doesnt correct. "AutoCorrect" is on the "Tools" menu. Facts and figures Largest .. allowed negative number .. allowed positive number -1E-307 1E+308

Dates Latest date allowed for calculation Earliest date allowed for calculation Maximum .. column width .. length of formula contents .. length of textual cell contents .. number of adjustable cells in solver .. number of arguments in a function 255 characters. 1,024 characters. 32,000 characters. 200 30 December 31, 9999 January 1, 1900 (January 1, 1904, if 1904 date system is used)

.. number of calculated item formulas in a Limited by available memory pivot table .. number of cell styles in a workbook .. number of changing cells in a scenario .. number of colours in a workbook .. number of custom functions .. number of custom number formats .. number of custom toolbars can I create .. number of data fields in a pivot table .. number of fields in a data form .. number of items in a pivot table .. number of iterations .. number of linked sheets .. number of named views in a workbook .. number of names in a workbook .. number of nested levels of functions .. number of open workbooks .. number of page fields in a pivot table .. number of pages in a pivot table .. number of panes in a window .. number of pivot tables on a sheet .. number of reports .. number of row or column fields in a pivot table .. number of scenarios .. number of selected ranges .. number of sheets in a workbook 4000 32 56 Limited by available memory Limited by available memory Limited by available memory. 256 32 8000 32767 Limited by available memory Limited by available memory, although the Custom Views dialog box lists only the first 256 views. Limited by available memory 7 Limited by available memory and system resources. 256 (May be limited by available memory) 8000 4 Limited by available memory Limited by available memory Limited by available memory Limited by available memory; a summary report shows only the first 251 scenarios. 2048 Limited by available memory (default number of sheets is 3; the .. number of sheets in a default workbook is 255). 3 in a single sort; unlimited when using sequential sorts Limited by available memory.

.. number of sort references .. number of toolbar buttons

.. number of undo levels .. number of windows in a workbook .. row height .. size of worksheet arrays .. worksheet size

16 (default) Limited only by system resources 409 points. 6,553 elements 65,536 rows by 256 columns.

Other Worksheet functions Number precision Smallest allowed negative number Smallest allowed positive number Zoom range Can I have more than 255 worksheets How do I change the default number of sheets in a new workbook 329 15 digits. -1E+308 1E-307 10 percent to 400 percent Yes. You will have to add them either manually or by using a VBA program. From the worksheet menu select "Tools > Options [General]", then change "Sheets in new workbook:" to any number between 1 and 255.

Row heights are measured in points. What is a "Point"? A point is a unit of measurement that determines the height of a character. A point is approximately 1/72 of an inch. How are column widths measured? The number that appears in the Standard column width box is the average number of digits 0-9 of the standard font that fit in a cell. The "Standard Font" is the default text font for worksheets defined in the "Normal" style. How do I make the cursor move down to the next cell when I press "Enter"? From the Tools menu select Options. Click on the Edit tab, then check the box Move selection after Enter, and finally select the direction you want to move by selecting Down, Right, Up, or Left from the Directiondrop-down box. Why arent my VLOOKUP formulas producing the same results? Excels VLOOKUP works in a different manner to 123s. It has an optional fourth argument which you may need to use in order to get the same result. The Lotus format is: @VLOOKUP(LookupValue, SourceTable, ColumnOffset) The Excel format is: =VLOOKUP(LookupValue, SourceTable, ColumnOffset,[TRUE/FALSE]) Check the Excel Help file for more information. Excel is changing what I am typing into the cell. Why? The most likely cause is an entry in "AutoCorrect" table. Click on "Tools" then select "AutoCorrect" and see if there is an entry for your problem word. Why are you recommending that we do not use "Transition formula evaluation"?

"Transition formula evaluation" lets Excel treat formulas as though they should be evaluated according to Lotus 123 rules. This can lead to unexpected or incorrect results when data is shared between users who do not follow the same evaluation rule. When I enter a date, e.g., 3/4/99, I get "=3/4/99" in the formula bar and "0.0075758" in the cell. Why? You have got "Transition formula entry" turned on. To tuen it off, click on "Tools, Options", then click on the "Transition" tab and uncheck the "Transition formula entry" box. How do I find the last day of a month? To find the last day of December 1998, use the formula "=DATE(1999,1,0)". The "zeroth" day of the current month represents the last day of the previous month. OR the more obvious, "=DATE(1999,1,1)-1"
Note: This document is culled from many sources. Originally published: 2000 Last modified 01-Mar-2011

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