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El m t odo d e A U T O I N G L E S T M s e n te r a m e n te AUDIT M e C O RT O , o se a , n o p r e t e n d e s e r a u d o visu a ln i e n tr a r e n l e c t ura ni es c r i t u r a , n i s e r e x h a u stivo n i e n ciclo p d ico . S es ent era m e n t e f c i l y p r ctico .

E l M T O D O C O M U N I C A T IVO, o co n o cid ota m b i n co m o e l de CO MP E T E N C I A C O M U NICAT IVA e s e l q u e r ig e h o y e n d a en la oro f e s i n d e l a e n s e a n za d e id io m a s "cu a n d o h a v u n maestro presente". Se trata de cue la Dersona hable e ntente comunc arsey q u e v a y a c r e c i en d o e n e l id io m a co n a su n to s p rc t ic os qu e l o m o t i v e n y n o co n e je r cicio sg r a m a tica le s. El M t odo Co m u n i c a t i v o e s E cl cti o , ya q u e se va le d e a sp ec t os gra m a t l c a l e sy d e t o da n d o le p a r a a yu d a r a l estudant e co n t a l d e q u e s t e se e sfu e r ce e n d e cir a lg o , en trat ar de c o m u n i c a r s e . AUT O I NGL E S ' " e s u n a v a r ia n te d e l M to d o Co m u n ica tivo . Es en efecto un MTODO ECLCTICO Y EN ESPIRAL, U sa del Mt o d o C o m u n i c a t i v oa q u e llo s a sp e cto s q u e se a ju sta n a u n c urs o a u t o d i d a c t a , L a s 5 se ccio n e sd e ca d a le cci n y lo s amenos dilo g o s s o n I N T E T T A CT IVOSp u e s sie m p r e se n sta a l al u mno a rep e t i r o a c o n t e s t a r p r e g u n ta s ve r b a lm e n te y a q u e n o se preoc u p e p o r e s c r i b i r .C u a n d o u n o to m a u n cu r so autodidacta tiene que existlr un "maestro substituto" que en este c as o es e l n o v e d o s o c o n c e p to d e su T u to r p e r so n a l q u e le ofrec e A UTO I N G L S " , E s o or e llo o u e e s n e ce sa r iou tlliza r exp lic ac ione sy f r a s e s e n e s p a o l ya q u e d e o tr a m a n e r a u n pri n c ipiant ej a m s p u d i e r a e s t u d ia r o tr o id io m a sin m a e str o . No s v alemos d e l a g r a m t i c a p a r a a yu d a r a l a lu m n o a co lo ca r l a i nf orm ac i n e n u n l u g a r , a l g o q u e e l a d u lto n e ce sita . La g ram t ca e s - u n a a y u d a , n u n ca u n im p e d im e n to a b u r r id o en A UTO I NG L E S T M . No es el a n t i g u o M t o d o d e T r a d u cci n ,ya q u e lo q u e se pres ent a en e s p a o l e s p a r a c alm a r su a n s e d a d ,p a r a q u e no s e f rus t re , p a r a q u e n o s e p ie r d a , p a r a q u e n o a b a n d o n e e l c urs o y no p a r a p o n e r l o a t r a d u ccir . El objetivo de AUTO INGLES'" es "robarle tiempo al tiempo" o sea, ut iliz a r p e q u e o s b l o q u e s d e tle m p o q u e d e sp e r d icia m o s para prof und i z a r e n e l i d i o m a o Da r a r e Da sa r lo .L a s 1 5 le ccio n e s d e A UTO I NG L S " v i e n e n a gr u p a d a s e n 3 n ive le s: INICIAL (1-5), I NT E R M E D T O ( 6 - 1 O ) , AVANZ ADO ( 1 1 - 1 5 ) . Las lec c ione sv a n E N E S P I R A Lp u e s h a y e xtr e m o cu id a d o e n n o col o c ar inf or m a c i n q u e t o d a v a u ste d n o p u e d a p r o ce sa r y e n re pas ar lo v i s t o a n t e r i o r m e n t e p a r a r e fo r za r lo s co n o cim ie n to s y n o dejar na d a a t r s . H a y b u e n co n tr o l d e lo q u e e s INICIAL , IN TE R-MED I O o A V A N Z A D O , d e n u e vo , p a r a e vita r la fru s t rac in, e l p r i n c i p a l e n e m i g o d e l e stu d ia n te a d u lto , e s que es t a c a n s a d o y e s t u d a cu a n d o p u e d e .

bura de relererlcla con



normas (le pronunctacton




f-os nmercs (ngrita = ngl+ cus/Va = pronunciacn aprcxmada) O 1 2 i 5 i 8 10 11 It 13 zero s/rou no es z espaola, es I fuerte y a veces le dicen o, ou one unn nunca ung; first Ferst = prmero/a; a e= un, una two tu; second skond = segundo/a;a pair e peer un par y ttt... Lr; lhird zrd = rercerc/a z espaola en ambos 3 30 = moneda 254 fou. foor; lorth forz = cuarlo/ai quatter kurer five fif; e final silente, v final = f; ifth fifz = quinto o quinta sx srks; sixth scsz = sexto/a; a half a- dozen e iaf.dosenn vern nun.a sben; seventh svenz = sptmo/a ".rr.n lt eigth tz = octavo/4 Henry the Egf'th-Enrique VUI eight ne nin; titnth. ninz = noveno/a Novena novn (de rosario) ten fenn,' nunca teng,' tenth tenz = dcimo o dcma = onceavo eleven ilvenn nunca lben; eleventh lvennz = doz' wtelve tulf; twelveth tutfz = I2o lza; dozen dlenn = t3 thirteen zrtinn; bake',s dozen bkers dsenn th se usa en das del mes) thirteenth zertnnz = 13o 13a (el 13th fourteen = 14 i-rs -teen -frn del 13 al 19 agregue -teen, o sea = catorceavo/a 13th19th -th -nz = -avo o sea 14th = fourteenth agregue -ty) ntetlft{ tunt o tunn (3o,o,50,o'70'8oBo , 26th 29th twerielir tuntiez/tuniez = 2oo 20a venteavo o venteava tuni-unn (aada al nmero una rayita hasta 99) twenty-one il-gg one hndred unn inndred 2OO two hundred tu inndred 1OO one hundred and one unn jnndred annd unn 1O1 one thousand unn usnnd 2000 two thousand tu zuend looo iOo on" million unn mtion 2OooOO two mllion tu mlonn looooooooo one billion unn blion (en U.s.A.) one.illion unn trlion (unn blion tue? de u s'A') ioooooooooooo one hundrdth unn jndrez -lh = -z centsimoo centsma llrco one thousandth unn zusandz+r = -z milsmoo milsma iTlooO one half unn jaf 1/3 one thrd unn Llz '9'd , -ore fourttr unn ftioz one quarter unn kum '25 pont l' 25olo twenty-five percent z'l.if ooint zr bf tunn fif Per sent two ffths tu ffzs 216 two sxths fu skzs 2/5 Al girar cheques puede escribir $793.85 = cents o seven sev-en hundrld and ninety-three dollars and eighty-five hundred and ninety-three dollars and 85/1OO' diga Af dar drecciones: No diga dos mil noventa-diga vente noventa y dos dos cero nueve cero No diga frelnfa y tres ml cuarenta -diga tres tres uno cuatro dos No diga cal/e trentuna dtga trgsma primera calle EiemDlo: 2O9o N.w. 31st street, Miami, FL 33142 three "n[v nnetv northwest thirty-first street, Mami' Florda' three one four two itrenn na noz uest zn fest strt, mayam, flrda, zi, zr, un foor nr 12 o'cfock tulf oktok doce en punto 12 a' m' twelve a'm' tulf emm 12 p.m. twelve p'm' tuelt pt one o fve un u fif (nunca zero siempre o ou., 1:O5 = kurer past tu = iwo fifteen tu fiftn 6 quarter Past two ,;L two thrty tu zrt half Past lwo jaf past tu 2:3O = = two forty-five tu for ff quarter till three kurer til zri iriS two fifty tu ten till three tenn til zr 2:5o = tu fifti ff five tll three fif till zri two fifti'fve 2:55 =

Tef ephone Number: 97 3-452-7 AgA ninsseven three-four five two-seven eight nine eight nighty-eight fifty two-seventy-eight nine seventy-three-four para los hispanoparlantes Qunce curiosidades del ngls = i, La tgrminacin -lY = mente: probably prbabl probablemente' 2. La e flnal es sllente: to have tu Jaf = tener o haber Las unrcas veces en que suena es doblando la e: employee (empleado) o con acento en palabris extranjeras como caf (el sitio no la beb-idaque es coffee kf)' = cuchillo' 3. La k inicial seguida de consonante es slente: knife nlf 4, La v ( nunc a b) s uena f al fl nal : k ni v es nl f = c uc hi l l o' 5. Palabras que terminan en sonido f forman plural con -ves, knives' = Irak y en 6. La q puede sonar como k sin necesdadde r con la u; Iraq que, qui no s uenan i gual que en es paol : queen k ul n = r e na' para dar sondo suave a la I y no existe i. en u", gui no es necesaria la u la dirsis eicepto en palabras extranjeras y con otros usos' Ejemplo: geiser glser = giser. Pero a veces es similar al uso hispano Ejemplo: gu en lngls suenan 9a' ye, yi, iuest giest = h-usped'Ga, ge, 9i, 90, (yrch) es el mejor [sonioJfuerte como en Argentina) 90' 9u. George pero a veces gi suena gut Gllbert(gulbert) La th hace las veces ejemplo. (como en italano) de 9u, spaghetti = j am n; honor non e. i a.h i uena; per o puede s er s i l ente: ham j m 9. Los pluraleJ se forman aadendo -s excepto palabras qu vienen del alemn. Por ejemplo, hombres, mujeres y nios forman el plural con la terminacin alemana -en. man'men mann-menn o woman-women wmann-wmenn chld-children chld-chldrenn' 1O. C e, c i s uenan c h en Pal abr asex tr anj er as y c on us o hi s pano s i no' = Por ejemplo, violoncello votonchto= violoncelo, Cesar s/sar Csan 11. La fl suena l: tall tol = alto Hay palabras que conseryan su sonldo hispano con // y otras como I hispana: flot.illa flotla; tortilla tortlla 12. La rr es igual que la r. Es un sondo cerrado que en espaol no existe: corral koft = corral o acorralar; coral kLal = coral. = escuela' 13. La s- seguida de consonante nunca es es: school skul 14. La sh no existe en espaol, pero se escrlbe de muchas maneras, (transportshn)' (compreinshin) o transPortation comprehension 15. ia t puede sonar ch: nature (nichur) = naturaleza

Jim likes war movies, boxing novies and science frction movies. Le gustan a Susan las pelculas de guena? Does Susan like war movies? No, ella detesta las pelculas de Euerra. No. she hates wai movies. 5. Quin es eI cntante favorito de rock de Jim? Who is Iim's favorite rock singer? Su cantante fauorito es Dauid Bowie. His favorit singer is David Bowie. 6. A Jim le gusta la nsica campesina? Does Jim like country music? Si, a l le gusta Ia msica compesina. Yes, he likes country music. 7. Cul es el tipo de msica favorito de Susan? What is Susan's favorite type of music? La.msica fauorita de Susan es el jazz, la nsica cl,sica la y musrcdpopuaarjazz, classical music and pop Susan's favorite music is music. 8. Tiene Susan ganas de salir? Is Susan in the mood to go out? S, ella tiene ganas de salir. Yes, she is in the mood to go out. 9. Qu quiere hacer Jim? What does Jim want to do? Jm quere uer la teleoisin. Jirn wants to watch IV, 10. Quprograma de televisin quiere mirar Jim? What TV show does Jin want to watch? Jim quiere uer un progran'ade juegos o una comedia. Jim bants to walch"a game;ho; or a sitcom, 4. Fin de la leccin 15. End oflesson 15.

In$l$ fiuto
Niv e le st , 2 , 3 (Inicial,Intermedio,Avanzado)

Espero que haya disfrutado su curso de ingls. I hope you have enjoyed your Engsh course.

Guin de las lecciones1 a la 75 (y preguntas de comprensin)

EQUIPO EDITORIAL Frank Rodriguez, M.A. Editdrestuvoa cargo de este curso. Eastern Sky, estudiode grabaciones Orlndo,Fira, de U.S.n. a cargode Mr.-lon Reames, conceptualiz este curso. Dra. Noevia Mranda del Deptartamento World Languages de publicSchools del lvliam-Dade compuso tema.oe estecurso. el Galia Wolff, ph.D., Consultora, redactlas leccionei de este curso, Prof. Lucy Murray, MurrayEditorial& Translation Services de Miami,Florda diagram curso. el ISBN 1-893909-10-7 TODOSLOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS Prohibda reproduccin la total o parcialde este libro o de las grabaciones cursoAuto Ingls" en cualquier del red,o, r"u electrnico, mecnico, fotocopias, grabacin irevo o sn permso escrito la editorial. de ALL RIGHTS RESERVEd No part of this book or of the recordings the Auto Ingls,, of coursemay be reproduced or_transmitted any form or oy any in means,etectronic, mechancal. photocopying, recording, or otherwisewthoutthe prior written permssin the pubtisher. of

[Ttor] Tienes.algn pa sotiempo? [usanl yol have any hobbies? P_o t ruf,orl S. Verprogromas d.eportiuos la teleuisin. en ulml Y_es. Watching sports on TV. t rutorl No! ISusan] No! [Ttor] Es,. Veamoslo teleuision un rato. Q-tliztiscambior de opinin mds torde. uimi it,s irue. L9t's watch TV for a while. Maybe I,ll change my rnin laten I lhtorl Bien. Ququieresuer? l usanl Okay. fhat-do you want to watch? I llrtorl Hay un, buen progra ma de juegosen el canal 6, oLJp#lriamos mtrar eso comedia. la del gato que habla . . . a good game qhgq on ctrannel 6, or we -that sitcom, the one with the talking cai'. .-. '- - could watch En srio? Mds uale quc ueomosdibujos animados. tsusanl Are you serious? X" rtlgttt as well watch cartoons. LrutorJ VeamoseI noticieroUiml Let's watch the news, [T\rtor] Estoy de acuerdo. Veatos noticieroel lSusanl I agree. Let's watch the news,

O 2005


Co mm un c at ions

G r ouo

A u _t o I ngls', es un a public ac in de: B r ckell Commu ncatio ns G r oup 2 3 3 3 B rick ell Ave nu e, Suit e t t ' _t Mi a m i, F L 33 12 9, USA T e l . 305.857 .02 O3 Fax 305. 857. 0503 Pe d id os: www. a u to in g les . c o m Co m e n t a rios: b ricke lled it o r @ h ot m a il. c o m

Section V. Comprehension 1. Que est -haciendoSusan? What is Susan doing? tiusan estd lqtendo el peridico. sSsan is reading th-e newspaDen ^ z. i!-9r qu_estSusm leyendo;l piridico? wrry is Susan reading the ne-wspaper? Porq.ueest! tratando d que Jim y ella pudieran hacer. "ncoiii"r-tjlniretenid.o Because she is truing to find something exciting for Jim and for her to dol 3. 9u.tipo de peliculas le gusta a Jim? Y4$ type of movies des Jim like? A,tun Ie gustan las pelculas de guena, de boreoy d,eciencia


[Susan] I like comedies, westems, and, sometimes, scary movies. [Ttor] Tal uezdeberamosr a un concierto. lJiml Maybe we should go to a concert. IT\:torl )A un concierto de msica clsica o a uno de msica rock? tusanl A classical music concert or a rock concert? lTtorl Podra ser de rock . . . pero no de rock cido. lJiml It could be a rock concert . . . but not heavy metal. lTfrtorl Quin es tu cantante de rock fauorito? lSusanl Who is your favorite rock singer? lTtrtorl Mi cantante de rock fauorito es Danid Bowie. lJrml My favorite rock singer is David Bowie. lT\rtorl La rna es SteuieNicks. lSusanl Mine is Stee Nicks. [T\rtor] Tatnbin me gusta la msica popular y Ia msca carnpesina. Uinl I also like pop music and country music. lTirtorl Y el rap? ISusan] How about rap? lTtorl No es mi fauorito. Cudl es u tipo dn msica fauorita? [Jim] Rap is not my favorite. What is yotu favorite kind of music? lTbtorl Denende. prefiero la msica clsica, a ueces A iecesprefiero el jazz, a ueces prefiero la msico popular. lSusanl It depends. Somtimes I prefer jazz, sornetimes I prefer classical' sometimes I prefer pop music. lTtorl Entonces,qu uarnosa hacer? lJiml So, what are we going to do today? lThtorl Diame retisar las obras de teatro. comedias /nusicales . . . Hy de todos los tipos: dramas, com.ed,ias, lSusanl Let me check the plays. There are all kinds: dramas, comedies, musicals . . . [T\rtor] No s. Realmente no tengo ganas d,esalir. lJiml I don't know. I'm not really in the mood to go out. 7A

Felicidades por la adquisicin del curso AI-llfO INGLSEste curso ha sido diseado para personas que desean robarle tiempo aI tiempo, que desem utilizat cada momento libre para aprender ingls. Ya no es necesario hacer ejercicios escritos ni disponer de bloques largos de tiempo. Es Ud. quien controla la g:rabacin-la detiege o Ie da retroceso cuantas veces quiera. Y cuando quiera escuchar los amenos dilogos. Cuando quiera escuchar las instructivas explicacrones en espaol. Y cuando quiera, podr abrir el libro para seguir todo lo dicho en la grabacin o pra contestar la preguntas de comprensin. ALIIO INGLSlo conduce de un nivel inicial a m nivel avanzado en solamente quince leccione. La adquisicin de un lenguaje se asemeja'a un carrino que nmca debe tdminar, como no debe terminar nuestra bsqueda de mayores conocimientos. ATITO INGLSes un cuso para autodidactas. Esto quiere decir que Ud. podr utilizarlo sin la intervencin de un maestro. ATIIO INGLSque le habla en espaol le proporciona un T\tor en las grabaciones dndole indicaciones sobre lo que debe repetir para mejorar su pronunciacin o para que pueda entender Ia gramtica que Ud. necesita para aprender la leccin. Con este cuso Ud. podr aumentar su fluidez en ingls considerablemente. Esto lo va a lograr debido a la metodologa que sigue el curso: Veamos: I. En la primera seccin se le presentan aquellas expresiones y palabras que son cldv para que pueda entender el dilogo. II. En la segunda seccin se le presenta la gramtica que debe aprender y que est ligada estrechamente al diIogo. Aprender esta grarntica de forma amena. III. En la tercera seccin se presenta el diIogo, en el cual dos norteamericanos-un hombre y una mujer-hablm de temas cotidianos de la vida en EE.UU. IV. En la cuarta seccin su T\tor lo toma de la mano con explicaciones adicionales y con traducciones del dilogo para que Ud. no se quede sin saber TODO Io que ha acontecido en el dilogo. V. La quinta seccin se halla en el libro que acompaa las grabaciones. En este libro se presenta TODO lo que se ha dicho en las grabaciones ms esta quinta seccin de preguntas de comprensin para que Ud. pueda verificar que ha entendido cada leccin.


Es vital que Ud. comprenda que debe avazar y retroceder entre los tres niveles de lecciones, a saber: Inicial 1-5; Intermedio 6-10; Avmzado 11-15. Cada vez que vuelva a participar en Ias lecciones va a sacmles algo nuevo. Debe utilizar el curso por unos tres meses de uso intensivo pra poder llevar su rendimiento o aprovechamiento al mirmo. Luego, cuando pasen otros tres meses, regrese al curso por otro mes ms y ver lo mucho que aprendi y que algo ms Ie puede sacar al curso todava con un buen repasoEntonees, deje que otros miembros de la famiiia se valgan de su inversin para que tambin ellos puedan mejorar considerablemente ingls. Aunque es INGLSUd. puede: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. cierto que Ud. no tiene un maestro en persona AIJ"TO le ofrece varias ventajas sobre el maestro en ma escuela. estudiar a su propio ritmo. estudiar cuando quiera o pueda. repetir las palabras, frases y oraciones cuantas veces quiera. regresar a las explicaciones que han sido grabadas. constatar lo que le &ice eI Tbtor leyndolo a ia vez en el libro.


lJiml It's true. Let's watch TV for a while, Maybe I'll change my mind laten lusanl kay. What do you want to watch? lJiml There is a good game show on channel 6, or we could watch that sitcom, the one with the talking cat . . . lSusanl Are you serious? We might as well qatch cartoons. fJiml Let' watch the news! lSusanl I agtee. Let's watch the news. Section, IV. ExpllTation of the dialog lsouno ertecls at lrrm s nousel ITtor] Susan? Quests haciend,o [Jim] you doing Susan? flhat.are I lutorl E:Loy teyendoel peridico.

i'm reding the newspapen

Y Ud. no tiene que: 1. escribir ni hacer ejercicios. EI curso es totalmente auditivo. Solamente cuando Ud. desee tomar algula nota por su cuenta lo va a poder hacer llevando una libreta donde anotar y repasar. 2. tomar exmenes para saber si debe seguir adelante. Ud. mismo va a regresar al principio del curso cuando llegue al final para seguir repitiendo y aprendiendo las cosas que en un principio Ie parecieron muy difciles, pero que con el paso tiempo, y con el repaso van cayendo en su lugar, en este rompecabezas de iniciarse en una nueva lengua. O sea, que la utilidad del curso se basa en que por eI precio de su costo Ud. tiene en su automvil, autobs, tren, casa o trabajo hoas de plticas entre dos nativos norteamericanos que Ie hablan sin cansar para que Ud. pueda lograr la pronunciacin correcta y un T\rtor bilinge que tampoco se cnsa de explicarle las construcciones y sigrrifrcados que son clave para su total comprensin. La adquisicin de una nueva lengua cuando uno es adulto tiene sus partes amenas y sus partes trabajosas. Los diIogos humorsticos son la parte amena, pero para poder entender y aprovechar los dilogos tenemos que prepararnos ensayando las frases que vamos a or y luego repetir en ingls. Y esto solamente lo podemos hacer yendo una por una sobre cada frase o cada palabra bajo estudio hasta que sepamos pronunciarla bien y sepamos su signficado.
I lhtorI tJlmt

que leyendo? 199U1 estd,s

flhai.are you reading about? lr\rtorl E--stoy tratand,o d,eencontrar algo entretenido que podamos hacer. [Susan] I'm trying to frnd something exciting for us to do, lT\torl i.Has ncontrado also ya? iJiml itavL you found mything yet? I llrtor I Quiipo de petrculas te gusto? tusanl What kind of movies do vou like? lTtorl Me gustan, guena, las pelculas dc boxeoy las petlcutdsd,ecrencta ficcton. Uiml I like war movies, boxing movies, and science fiction movies, fTutorl pelculas. ilt no!.Detesto esas l usml h noi I hate those. lTtorl De uerd,ad? Qutipo de pelculas te gusta?

You do? What kind of movies do vou like? tT\rtorl Me gutan las comedias, las pelculas d,eloestey a ueces pelculas las
de terror.


--Who is your favorite singer? [pause] No tengoganas lNo estoltcon .ninos-l'm "I'm Repealt. not in thi mood. [pausel

not in the mood [pause]

Section III. Dialog fsomd effects at Jim's housel [Jim] What are you doing Susan? liusml I'n reding the newspapen 'What are you reading about? tusanl I'm trying to frnd something exciting for us to do, uiml fomd anything yet? il:J"r What kind of movies do you like? lJiml I like war moes, boxing movies, and science frction movies. lSusml h no! r hate those. [Jim] You do? What kind of movies do vou like? lsusanl I like comedies, westerrrs, and, sometimes, scary movies. Uiml Maybe we should go to a concert. tsusanl A classical rnusic concert or a rock concert? IJim] It could be a rock concert . . . but not heaw netal. lsusanl lVho is your favorite rock singer? lJiml My favorite rock singer is David Bowie.

No es cierto que un adulto pueda llegar a adquirir otro idioma igual que lo hizo con su lengua natal. Ya se ha perdido la capacidad lingistica con que nacimos. El adulto requiere saber Io que est aprendiendo y es ah donde entra la gtamtica, que son las reglas que todo idioma sigue. Es por eso que antes de disfrutar de cada diIogo Ud. deber estudiar la gramtica que siroe de armazn aI dilogo. Por suerte, su estudio grmatical ser aplicado de inmediato en el dilogo, o sea, que no es rn estudio rido que no se sabe cundo Io va a poder aplicar.



El vocabulario y las estructuras verbales y gramaticales que se presentan antes del diIogo se van a volver a ver en las leccLones siguientes. O sea, que vocablo que aprenda en la leccin 1 le va a serwi? en la leccin 2 o en la leccin 3. Lo mismo con los verbos. Una vez que sepa conjugar el verbo to be, que significa ser o estar, Io usar como verbo auxiliar o como gerundio ms adelante. Y cuando sepa usar el verbo to have, que quiere decir haber o tene4 enseguida lo usar como verbo auiliar para decir he sido y he tenido en ingls, o sea, que enseguida se refuerza lo aprendido de forma que se frje en la mente y no se olvide. Lo ltimo que Ud. necesita despusde largas horas de trabajo es estudiar algo que se Ie va a olvidar o que no es necesario.Por eso,el vocabulario, Ios verbos y las estructuras gramaticales son de uso frecuente y se aplica una y otra yez para garantizarle que "puede meter en el banco" todo conocimiento adquirido pues no 1ova a perder ni a
d o cn a r d iiq

i{ine is Stevie Nicks. [Jim] klso like pop music and country music, l S us ml ilorv about rap? Rap is not ny favorite. \{hat is your favorite type of music? ISusml it depnds. Sometimes I prefer jazz, sometines I prefer classical, slmetimes I prefer pop music.
lJrm I

Siguiendo el patrn extremadamene prctico del curso, se le recomienda que aprenda a decir Io antes posible I want = yo quicro o I need = yo necesito. Aqu s le robamos una pgina a la forma en que aprenden los nios. Los bebs comunican sus necesidades. Aprender a hablar para que les hagan caso. El que sabe pedir en ingls, aunque sea con seas puede comunicar lo que necesita o desea. Siempre el tendero y el cliente se entienden, pues media una transaccin de inters para ambos. De ah, el curso contina preguntas. con otras transacciones como comprar o hacer

are we going to do today? ir"*l* Let me check the olavs. There are all kindi: dramas. comedies. musicals . . . lJiml I don't know. IF o"l really in the mood to go out. Isusanl Do you have any hobbies? lJiml Y^es. Watching sports on TV. liusml No!


Otro aspecto prctico es el verbo to get = obtener, qte se usa muchsimo en ingls y en maneras que no nos podemos imaginar los hispanohablantes. Get going = Dale, ndale, camina, umono.s. (Iiteral es obtn andando) Do you get it? = Te diste cuenta? Oteralmere Lo obtuuste?) I got it. = Lo entiend.o. (literalmente Lo tengo.) Y acto y seguido el uso imaginativo en ingls de in, up, out, down


Susan is taking sunbloc\ a sun hat and sunglasses. ir Susan de compras? Is Susm going to g shopping? ;U3: Suson ua a r de compras a un rastro o "pulguero". ^5. Y9s, go shopping is a.rt a _fi9 m_arket. .^ .Srlsan I0. A dnde va a llevar Jim a sus amigos el prximo frn de semana? Where is,Jim going to take his friendb next weekend? JLm ud a LLeuar a sus amigos al zoolgico y al parque de cliuersiones. Jim is going to take his friends to the zoo and the park. amusement 11. Qu le gusta hacer a Susan en el parque de diversiones? What does Susan like to do in the musement park? A Susan lc gusta monlor en lo monlao rusa. Susan likes to ride the rollercoaster. 14.

Get in. = Entro. tin quiere decr en o dentro.t Get up. = Leu.ntate. (wp es para arriba o hacia arriba o anba.) Get out. = Salte. (out quiere decir paro afuera o hacia afuera o afuera) Get down. = Agchate (down es poro abajo o hacia abajo o abajo.) Get down there. = DaIe para all. o all. (there es all o aII.) Persona que domine los verbos o be, to have y to get tiene la pelea semi ganada. Y si a esto agregamos el verbo to go = ir con su geruldio going ya podemos hablar en futuro. I I I I go am am am = Yo uoy o uq/. going = Estoy yendo o uoy a ir. going to go = Voy ir. (futuro) going to run. = Voy a coner o me uoy a postular.

Fin de la leccin 14. End oflesson


En esta lecin va a repasar los tiempos presente, pasado, pretrito perfecto. futuro y condicional. al iguai qui estructulras grariaticales expllcaoas en tecclones antenores. (futtto) El verbo irregular to read, e_nel pasado se deletrea igual que en el presente, pero se pronuncia diferente: YoleowIibrc. -Ireedabook Yoleunlibrc. -Ireadabook El participio pasado se pronuncia igual que el pasado. He-leido u n libro. - I have read book.


Y regresando a to get, ahora en gerundio, getting. IIow are you getting th ere? = Cmo uas t a llegar hasta aII?

El que sepa to be, to have, to get, to go y el uso de los gerundios ya tiene tres cuartas partes de la batalla ganada. Y si sabe pedir cosas, hacer preguntas y hacer trmsacciones, pues ya puede ver el lector Ia utilidad que conlleva un curso diseado en espiral, donde todo se cicla y se recicla y los conocimientos aumentan como cuando nos queremos estacionar en el piso ms alto de un garaje y vamos subiendo de nivel, progresivamente, gracias a las rampas de acceso. Esto es lo que Ie garantiza este curso, que siempre tendr Ud. una rampa para seguir subiendo o para regresar a un nivel inferior donde pueda repasar los conocimientos que dej "aparcados" en ese nivel. Otro ejemplo del mtodo espiral es el aprendizaje de los nmeros. A medida que avanzan 1as lecciones se van introduciendo los nmeros en orden ascendente, de manera que no es necesario aprenderlos de memoria, por el contrario, se aprenden en el contexto de una situacin cotidiana y, acto seguido, se repasan y refuerzan en lecciones ulteriores.

El imperativo - A la primera persona del plural en ingls se le aade la nalabia Let's: Lee este libro. (t) Read this book. (singular you) (ustedes) Lean este libro. Read this book. (pluial vo) {nosotros } edn os este I ibro. Let's read this bo-ok. (w) Section Il. Key words and phrases from the dialog peltculas - movies lpausel Repeat. movies fpausel comedio - comedy [pausel Repeat. comedy [pause] pelicula del oeste - westem [pause] Repeat. western lpausel conaierto - concert lpausel Repeat. concert lpausel juegos.- game show fpausel Repeat. programa de game show [pause] comedia - sitcom lpausel Rereat. sitcom lpausel d i bujos o n i mados --cartoons-lpausel Repet. caitoons lpausel noticierolteledidrio - t}'e news [pause] Repeat. the news [pausel canal (d,e teleuisin) - chan.el [puseJ Repat. channel [pase] Qu estds haciendo? - What ar you doing? lpausel Retrat. Ilhat are you doing? [pausel (u uomos a hacer? -What are we going- to do? [pausel Repeat. What are we going to do? lpausel pelculas (programas de teleuisin / msica) te gusta? Qu tipo d_e (TV shows/music) What kind f moes do you like? ffiausel Repeat. What kind of movies (/TV showdmusic) do you like? [pause] siriger?iQuin-es tu cantdnte fduorifo? - Who is your fvorite [Pause] [,sP61.


It will be fin for the children. [Ttor] Estar all. Por qu no uomos tatnbin al parque de diuersionesque estd cerca del zoolpico? liusanl I'll be there. Why don't we also go to the amusement park by the zoo? lT\rtorl EI que tiene una montda rusa gigante? lJiml Ttre ori with the giant rollercoaster? [Ttor] Sr. jMe encdntd montdr en montaas rusas! [Susan] Yes. I love riding rollercoasters! ITtrtor] Nunca Io hubiera pensad,o.lJim) I would have never guessed. lThtorl Ll.mame antes del s,bado. ISusan] Give me a call before Saturday. [T\rtor] $ Lo har. Adis Susan. [Jim] I will. Bye Susan. Section V. Comprehension 1. Quva a hacer Jim este fin de semana? What is Jim going to do this veekend? Jim ua a ir a acampar estefi.n de semana. Jin is going to go camping this week-end. 2. Quin va a acampar con Jim? Who is going to go camping with Jim? Miguel y su familia uan a acampar con Jim. Miguel and his family are going to go camping with Jim. 3. Va a acampar Susm con Jim? Is Susan going to go carnping with Jim? No, Susan no ud a acarpar con Jm. No, Susan is not going to go canping with Jim. 4. A Susan le gusta acampar? Does Susan like camping? No, a Susan no le gusta dcampar. No, Susan does not like camping. 5. Quva a hacer Susan este frn de semma? What is Susan going to do this weekend? Susan oa a ir a Ia playa estefin de senutnd. Susan is going t g to th beach this week-end' 6. Jim tiene equipo de acampar? Does Jin have camping equipment? S, Jn tiene una tienda de campaa, mochilas, bolsas de dnrmir y una hornilla. Yes, Jim has a tent, backpacks, sleeping bags and a camp stove. 7. Quva a hacer Susan en Ia playa? What is Susan going to do at the beach? Susan ua a tomar eI sol, nadar, leer y dnscansar. Susan is going to sunbathe, swim, read and rest. 8. Quva a llevar Susm a Ia playa? What is Susan taking to the beach? Susan ua a lleuar bloqueador solar. un sombreroplayero y gafas de sol. 74

Esto es pues lo que le prometemos en este curso. Ud. va a poder manipular las estructuras gramaticales ms necesarias y urgentes, las frases y palabras ms cotidianas, los verbos ms necesarios y va a poder practicar la pronmciacin inglesa escuchando a personajes nativos en situaciones humorsticas y fciles de visualizar y digerir. Le sugerimos que cuando haya terminado este cso siga con otros cursos para que orga a otras personas y se exponga a otros aspectos del ingls. Y le tenemos otras sugerencias probadas y comprobadas.






4. 5.





Lleve consigo una libretita donde anotar dudas. Todos conocemos personas que hablan ingls y espaol. Use a esas personas como tutores gratuitos. Lo ms importante a la hora de aprender no es saber la respuesta sino qu pregultas hacer. Tenga a mano siempre un diccionario bilinge de bolsillo. Cada vez que tenga m momento libre busque esa palabra que hace das est pensando buscar. Tbnga en casa un diccionario bilinge mayor al lado de la cama, otro en Ia sala, y otro en la cocina. O sea, un diccionario bilinge siempre cerca de Ud. para que la pereza no le gane y pueda hacer sus consultas al momento. Tenga en casa m diccionario solo en ingls, eI ms caro y mejor ilustrado que su presupuesto le permita. Establezca trato con personas que solamente hablen ingts. Intente comunicarse con seas, sonrisas, gestos, recuerde que los turistas siempre se comuican con los tenderos, porque hay una transaccin de beneficio nutuo entre los dos. Todos queremos tener amigos y con la amistad viene el ingls. Compre revistas de cmics. La relacin entre eI idioma coloquial y los dibujos resulta un excelente medio para entender los dilogos y para conocer la cultura y los dichos de la vida aria. Sintonice estaciones de televisin en ingls y, si su televisor lo pemite, ponga los subttulos en espaol y, otras veces, en ingls. Es bueno leer en ingls Io que se est diciendo, pero cuando eI dilogo es muy difcil entonces es mejor tenerlo en espaol. Compre CDs de canciones en ingls, o vaya a Ia biblioteca pblica donde los prestan. La msica es una manera excelente de aprender idiomas porque se nos fijan las cosas con ms facilidad. Asegrirese de tener la letra de las canciones para que las pueda seguir siempre con sus diccionarios cerca. Escriba la letra de sus canciones favoritas en su Cancionero particular y aprenda a cantar esas canciones. El Intemet es una buena fuente. Posea una Biblia en ingls y otra en espaol. Como los libros y los versculos estn numerados, le va a resultar fcil hallar Io mismo en eI otro idioma para comparar y aprender. La cultura occidental se basa en la Biblia y tanto el ingls como el espaol tienen mltiples dichos que provienen de hechos bblicos.

10. Asista a la iglesia en ingls. Los sermones hablan sobre temas religiosos conocidosy de la vida diaria. El ministro habla pausadamente y con sus gestos a)'uda a que Ud. capte el contexto, 11. Y hablando de iglesias, muchas tienen clases de ingls gratuitas. Si Ud. se encuentra fuera de EE.UU. nase a asociacionesde angloparlantes o acuda a las actividades gratuitas que stas patrocinan. 12. Vea deportes que conoceen televisin en ingls. Como ya conoce Ias reglas y los trminos, va a poder entender lo dems. 13. Acuda a restaurantes donde el men est en ingls y donde haya fotos de los platilllos para que el contexto lo ayude a descifrar. t4. Si no vive en pas de habla inglesa trate por todo los medios de visitar pases que hablen este idioma. Y si vive en un pas de habla inglesa, trate de salir del barrio de habla hispana para andar parte del tiempo en tiendas y negociosde haLla irglesa. aD. Repaselas pginas amarillas de la gua o directorio telefnico que tenga en ingls para asociar palabras con las ilustraciones de Ios anmcios. Hay guas bilinges donde podr ver ambos trminos. ao. Lea etiquetas de produ&os en ingls. Como ya tiene el producto o artculo, eI lenguaje est en contexto, o sea, que es ms fcil descifrar lo que se est leyendo. t7. Compre o saque de la biblioteca revistas como TIME. Las fotos y las ilustraciones de noticias que ya Ud. ha sto en espaol har que no se frustre y pueda seguir los hechos y entender algo aqu y algo all y, as ir aumentando su comprensin. 18. Compre o saque de la biblioteca revistas en ingls de temas que lo apasionen. No hay nada como estudiar cosasque nos gustan. 19. Notr que NO recomendamosor la radio en ingls. El motivo es que es muy frustrante tratar de descifrar las noticias o comentarios sin tener imgenes que nos den contexto o tratar de entender cancionessin la letra enfrente. Evite frustraciones. Las frustraciones frustan a los que estudian otra lengua, valga la redundancia. Ud. debe de quitar toda ansiedad al procesode aprendizaje y hacerlo 1oms ameno que pueda. 20. Churchill dijo fieve4 never, never give up." "Nunca, nurrca, nunca ae d por uencido". Otro uso de up. Give up es esl, literalmente "dar para aniba",o sea,no se entregue o 'no leuante las manos".

Uiml f see. [T\rtor] P. refiero dormir en una carnd cmoday tener un bao d.isponible. lSusanl I prefer to sleep in a comfortable bed and have a bathroom available. lTtorl Entiendo. Y a dnd,euas a ir con tu hermana? lJiml I rmderstand. S_o, where are you going with your sister? flutorl Vamosa ir a la playa. V_amos tomar'el sl, a nadar, a leer y a a descansaL lSusanl We ue going to the beach. We are going to sunbathe, swim, read and rest. frutorl No te oluides del blooueador solar! fJiml ilon;t.forget the sunblock! I ruf,or] No me uoy a oloidar. Tlrnbi.n uoy a lleuar m sombreroplayero y mis gafas d,e sol. lSusanl i won't. I.:m algo taking my sun hat and my suglasses. I lutorl jY qu mas uasa hacer estefin d.esemana? else are you going to do this weekend? ,S_or.what tru[oU Vamos a ir de compras--Hay un rastro marauilloso cerca de la playa que ti.eneofertas increbles. lSusanl We are going to go shopping. There is this wonderful flea market by the beach that has incredible bargains. lTtorl Ileme un recuerdo. lJiml Bring ne a souvenir. [T\rtor] Por supuesto. ISusan] Of course. lThtorl Estaba bromeand.o. [Jim] I was_kidding. I lUtorl Siento no poder conocera tus omigos. tDusanl Lfn so-rry I won't be able to meet your friends. [Ttor] Quizris p od,rdsconocerlos, L_os uoy a lleuar aI zoolgicoeI fin de semana que uiene. Ser diuertido nara los ios. lJiml Maybe you will. I'm taking them to the zoo next weekend.



[Ttor] He estado ocupado con m amigo Miguel y su familia. uiml i've been busy with my friend Miguel and his family. [T\torl Ah, es uerdad! ISusan] Oh, that's right! [Ttor] Te llamo para preguntdrte si te gustara uenir a acampar con nosotros




lJiml i'm allirg to ask you if you would like to go canping tomorrow' lTtorl No saba que te gustaba acamPar! LSusanl I didn't know you liked camPing! lTtorl Me encanta!

with us

Ud. sabe oue en ingls "Ias palabras no se dicen como se escriben". Sin embarso. av regla-s. PRIMER PASO: conocer el nombre de las letras. La mejor manera de saber cmo SEGUDO PASO saber pronmciarlas. se pronuncian las letras s escucharlas siguiendo eI guin de los dilogos cori el libro abierto, en busca de la letra que Ud. desea "or en accin". De todas maneras conviene tener una aproximacin de cmo se oronuncian las ietras. Los nombres de ls letras son: A = B = bi H =i c h l =i i I- - y i F =ef c =!i ( fuer te) E= D =di b=s i L=el M = em ( c i ene l a m N O eng) N =en( c i er te, N O eng) K=k i =pi Q= k i R = ar ( m uy s uav eN O r r ) S= es T =ti U =i O =uP Y= udi Z =s l ( m uy fuer te. Ir y = dobel i X=ec s V=ui ( noj l nunca la z espaola) DE LASI LOS SONIDOS CORTOS Y IARGOS INGLESAS VOCALES TERCER PASO es conocer los dos sonidos de cada vocal- El sonido corto es como en espaol (menos la u corta.) y el largo es el nombre de Ia i cotta= ii a larga = i e corta= e elarga =i letra. acorta =a ac or ta =o ( bus s edi c eos ) u ol ar ga =u l ar ga=i oc or ta=o rarga = u. STIENAN DE I,JNA MANERA' DOS VOCALES QTIE CASI SIEMPRE oo = .'cool (fresc) = ftal. Excepcin blood (sangr:e) = lod. j.' see (ver) = si. ea = i.' seat (asiento) = sil. au = o.' autum (otoo) ee = = tom eu = .' ie = i relief (descanso) = rilf neural = ntral ia = l reliablg aid (ayrda) = id Gonfmble) = ril'ivabel ai = i ES SILENTE DE UNA PAI.ABRA I.A e AL FINAL sale (venta) = sI to take (llevar) = tu tik to have (tener o haber) tu jaf IMPORTANTES OTRAS CONSIDERACIONES A excepcin de que la e final no se pronuncia es muy importante siempre oronuniar el final de las palabras y no "comerse" ninguna paft deia palabra o NO lo van a ntender. --pues muchas palabras ilependen dl sonido final para poder obtener su significado comecto: pero crazy (loco) = crigi. crze (locura o lo que est de moda) = crsl s =z fuer tei ns l es a)

i love it! lThtorl Has ido a acampar antes? lSusanl before? Have you gone camping c [T\rtor] Muchas ueces. Es tan relajante ... todos esos rboles, todo ese aire fresco- Es lo mejor! Y uamos a r a pescar tambin. As podernos cocinar eI pescado que pesquemos.

Uiml iVlanv times. It's so relaxing . . ' all those trees, all that fresh air. Ii's tbe best! And we'll !o frshing too. That way we can cook the fish we catch. IT\rtor] Tienesequipo de acampar para todos? ISusan] Do you have camping equipment for everybody? IT\rtor]


Tengotiendas de cam.paa,mochilas, bolsas de d'ormir, incluso tengo una hornilla. [Jim] I do. I have tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, I even have a camp stove. [Ttor] Me temo que no podr ir. -planes con mi hermana para estefln de semana. Ya habahecho lSusanl I'm afraid I won't be able to go. I had already made plans wiih my sister for this weekend. lTtorl segura que no puedes cambiar tus planes? Est,s lJiml Are you sure you cannot change your plans? lTlltor] Para serte sincera, realmente no me gusta acampdr. lSusanl io be honest with you, I really don't like canping. lTtorl Ya ueo.



Casi siempre, palabra nueva con que Ud. se tropiece NO llevar el nfasis coino eir espaol, donde casi todas las palabras son agudas: (cuidadoso) no mindful. motor (ingls) moJqr (espaol) mindful SE APRENDE SE ADQUIERE_NO I,A EI{TONACIN Otro punto imDortante es la entonacin de la fi'ase y para ello. de nuevo' pauta. Los niios, a diferencia de la redeticin d la crabacin le dar Ia los aultos, se divirten repitiendo frass Ud. tiene que hacer el esfuerzo d repetir para fijrse los patrones de entonacin ingleses. Es muv posible qe Ud. pronncie tods las palabras bien, pero sr su entfacin n te "sueira" familiar a su intrlocutor, ste le va a decir que no lo entiende. EN: wh, gh' ph' th' ch Y sh EXCEPTO LA h SE PRONUNCIAj La h = l; how (cmo) =.jtiu. La wh = ju; why (por qu\ = jui. tough (rudoi = fof lO silente though tauque) = dru.) Laeln=f: fteatrc) = ziater La fr = ';Phiidelphia. La th = z espaola; theater i ThompSon run apellidol = lmson to sea' la ft es silente) La ih = -ile (depende 4e }a palabra sigr:riente) (eio la) = di, o do La lh = d.; the = kimozrapi) (ouimioterapial La ch = k: chemotherapv La ch = cl; child tnio/i= hiLd. tO sonido suaves/ cherish (adorar) La sh = sj (no existe en espaol, es una cl suave) shoe (zapato) = shu.

[T\rtor] Bienvenido a Auto Insls Welcome to Auto Ingls

Ponga atencin a las e_xplicaciones previas aI diIogo de cada leccin que yo, su tutor personal. le v-oy g dar. Puede repetir efdi.logo y sus explicaciones tantas veces como lo desee o necesite. Comencemos. Let,s bdgin, En ingls los pronombres oersonales son: ! you" fr", slie, it, we, y<iu, they. Oigalos e intente repetir cada un durante la pausa. Lueso volver a orlos. T|ate de repelirlos de nuevo. Listos. Readw. yo I lpausel Repeat. I lpausel t o usted yg1[pause _Repeat. you lpausel l he lpausel Rpeat. he lpausel ella she lpausel Repeat. she [pause] ello it lpausel Repe-at. it tpauslel nosotros we [pause] Repeat. we lpausel ustedes, uos o uosolros you lpausel Repeat vou. ellos. ellas they [paustil Refeat they.^lpaujel


Obseroe que y-ou es la segunda persona del singular y del plural. o sea, qu you- slgmhca t, usted., uas, uosotros, ustedes. Note que no hay diferencia entre formaly familiar en ingls, o sea, entre-t y usted, siempre se dice you. r:Fcil. no cree? It es el pronomb-re n"ittral,'o sea, ni masculino ni femeni6. cuyo uso no se parece al espaol. Lo ms cercano en espaol es e/lo. En ingls el verbo tobe sigtrifrca tanto seicomo estar. Los pronombres personales no se pueden omitir como en espaol donde podemos decir soJ en_vez deyo soy. En ingls siempre hay que deciryo soy, o sea, I ann y ese I siempre se escribe en maysiula. Veainos. repta. et's see, repeat. Yo soy. Yo estoy. I am. lpause] Repeat. I m. loausel ! eres, T esfjs. You re. lpausl Repeat. Yu ar. lpausej EI es. EI estd. He is. [pause]-Repeat. fre is. lpausel EIIa es. Ella esrd. She is. lpausl Repeat. S['e is. lpause] Ello es. lt is. lpausel Repeat. It is. [bausel Nosoros somoi. Nosotroi estam.os. W are. [pause] Repeat. We are, lpausel Ustedes son o estn o uosotros sois o est,is. You *e. [pause] Repeat. You are. fpausel Ellos o eIIs son-o estn. They are. [pausel Repeat, They are. [pause] que6 muy simple. conjugu el verbo to be en el tiempo presente. 4f Keplta despus de m las tres personas del sinqular: I am, you are, he is, she i lpausel Y las tres del olual: we are, you re, they are. lpausel No ha_y muchos cambios en el plral verdad? Qu bueno! Escuchemos el siq-luiente dilogo que ontiene sta conjugacin. uomencemos. Lef,'s Degln. Seccin TI. Palabras v frases clave del diloso. Section II. Key w<ri.ds and phrases fto the dialoe, Primeramente oir Ia palabra en espaol, sezuida de sri equivalente ingls a velocidad lent. y luego a vlocidd ormal.

lSusanl I prefer to sleep in a comfortable bed and have a bathroom available. [Jim] I understand. So, where are you going with your sisten lSusanl We are going to the beach, IYe are going to sunbathe, swim, read and rest. lJiml Don't forget the sunblock! lSusani I won't. I'm also taking my sun hat and my sunglasses. [Jrm] So what else are you going to do this week-end? [Susm] We are going to go shopping. There is this wonderful flea-market bv the beach that has incredible bargains. [Jim] Bring ne a souvenir! [Susm] Of course. lJiml I was kidding. [Susan] I'm sorrr I won't be able to meet your friends, Uiml Maybe you will. I'm taking them to the zoo next weekend. It will be fun for the children. lSusanl I'll be there. Why don't we also go to the amusement park by the zoo? lJiml The one with the giant rollercoaster? ISusan] Yes. I love riding roller coasters! I would have never guessed. [Susan] Give me a call before Saturday. lJiml I will. Bye Susan, Section [V. Explanation of the dialog fsomd effects canping] [T\rtor] Diga. [Susan] Hello. [T\rtor] HoIa. Susan. Uiml Hello. Susan. lTbtorl HoIa, Jim. ;Dnde has estado? Hace tiempo que no te ueo. lSusanl Hi, rlin. Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while. 77



Eres t? Are you? lpauseJ Repeat. Are vou? [pausel Crno ests? How are you? lpiausel Repat. Hbw are you? [pause]


Section II. Key words and phrases from the dialog A continuacin escuchelas palabras y frases y reptalas despusde Ia pausa, tienda de cdmpda - tent [pause] Repeat. tent lpause] mochla -backpack lpause] Repeat. backpack [pause bolsa de dornir - sleeping bag [pause] Repeat. sleeping bag fpause] hornilla - camp stove [pause] Repeat.
canp stove blooueador solar - s bloqueador solar sunblock lpause] Repeat. sunblock lpausel gaf&s gafas de sol - srmglasses [pause] Repeat. sunglasses [pause] [puse] [pauie] Repet. pescar - to frsh [pause] Repeat. to fish lpause] flea market [r lastrillo / rastro - flea market loausel Repeat. [pause] [pause] oferta, re.bajq - bargain Repeat._b3rgai4 fuausel. lpause]I Repeat.-l pdrque de dluersrones - amusement park lpausel Kepeat. parque ae drl ment park part( lpausel amusement montda rs - rollercoaster [pause]

hoy today lpause] Repeat. today [pause] una, uno o un on.e fpausel Repeat. one fpause] bueno, bien good [pause] Repeat. good fpause] bien fre lpause] Repeat. fine [pause] para rn for me [pausel Repeat. for me [pause] aqubete [pause] Repeat. here [pause] SeccinIII. DiIogo Section III. Dialog [sound effects telephone ngs] [Jim] Hello. lSusanl Hello, are you.Iim? LJrml Yes. I am. lSusml How are you? This is Susan. [Jim] I am fine, and you? [Susan] Fine, Can I see you today at one o'clock? lJiml No, but at two o'clock is good for me, here. lSusanl Good. I qill see you at two o'clock over there. SeccinfV. Explicacin del dilogo Section IV. Explanation of the dialog lsound effects telephone rings] lJiml Hola. Hello. [Susan] Hola, EresJirn? Hello, are you Jim? Obserue que la pregunta se forma invirtiendo el verbo y el pronombre, de you are a are you? Uiml S, soyyo. Yes. I am. ISusan] Cnroestds?Soy Susan. How are you? This is Susan. This is ouiere decir slo.estd o estees.

rollercoaster fpause] Para serte sincero -tobe honest with you lpausel Repeat. to be honest with you [pause] Estaba bromeando - I was kidding [pause] Repeat. I was kidding [pause] Section III. Dialog lsound effects camping [Susan] Hello lJiml Hi. Susan!
IJUSNI Jim, where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while.

[pause] Repeat. [pausel Re

lJiml Ite been busy with my friend Miguel and his family. lSusanl Oh, that's right! Uiml I'm calling to ask you if you would like to go camping with us tomorTol[. lSusanl I didn't know you liked canping! lJiml I love it! lSusanl Have you gone camping before? lJiml Many times. It's so relaxing, . . . all those trees, all hat fresh air . . . It's the best! And we'll go frshing too. That way we can cook the fish ve catch. [Susan] for everybody? Do you have camping equipnent lJiml I do, I have tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, I even have a camp stove. lSusanl I'm afraid I won't be able to go. I had already made plans with my sister for this week-end. lJiml Are you sure you cannot change your plans? [Susan] To be honest with you, I really don't like camping. [Jim] I see. 70

Estoy bien, y t? I arn fine, and you? [Susan] Ben. Puedo(o podra) uerte hoy a la una en punto? Fine. Can I see you today at one o'clock? Para indicar poder hacer algo se sa can: I can, you can, he can, she can, we can, you can, they can. En este caso no se aade -s a la tercera persona del singular. Aprenda a usar can, se usa muchsimo. lJiml No, pero a las dos en punto me uiene bien, aqu. No, but at two o'clock is good for me, here. Clock quiere decir "reloj de pared", pero o'clock quiere decir "en ounto". tDusanl Bien. Te uera las d,osen ounto all. Good. I will see you at iwo o'clock over there. Will indica futuro. Por ejenplo, I will be quiere decir Yo ser o yo estar.


---SeccinV Comprensin Section V. Comprehension 1. Cmose dice o la una en punto? At one o'clock. 2. Cmo dice las dos en punto? At two o'clock. se 3. T[ate de decir aquy all eningls. Here. There. 4. Puedever Susan a Jim hoy? A qu hora? Can Susan see Jim today? When, at what time? Tbate de contestar en inqls. Yes. Susan can see Ji today at 2 o'clock. 5. Conjugue el verbo ser o estar, to be, en las primeras dos personas del tiempo presente, yo soy o estoy,t eres o est.s. I rn. You are. 6. Cmose pregunta en ingls siyo soy o estury? Am I? Am I? 7. C6mose pregunta en ingls si t eres o estds? Are you?Are you? 8. Cmose pregunta en ingls siusted es o est.? Are you? Are you? 9. Cmose pregunta en ingls si uosotrosestdis o sois? Are you? Are you? 10. Cmose pregunta en ingls sustedes son o estn? Are you? Are you? Repita Ia leccin si Io necesita o prosiga a la leccin 2. Repeat the lesson ifyou need to or go on to lesson 2. Fin de la leccin 1. End of lesson 1. Well, I became a serious student during my senior year. [Ttor] senior year es el cuarto ao en la universidad No Io creo!T ..- un estudianteserio? [Susan] I don't believe it! You , . , a serious student? lT\rtorl No te hagas la graciosa, Susan. [Jim] You are not funny Susan. Section V. Comprehension 1. Qu hace Jim en la biblioteca? What is Jim doing in the library? Jim estd buscando informacin sobre las escuelasy uniuersidades locales. Jim is researching the local schools and universities. 2. Losamigos de Jim hablan ingls? Do Jim's friends speak English? S, ellos hablan bastante bien. Yes, they speak pretty well. 3. Cuntos aos tienen los hijos de Miguel? How old are Miguel's children? El menor tiene siete aos, eI d,elmedio tiene docey eI mayor tene diecinueue aos. The youngest is seven, the middle one is twelve, and the oldest one is nineteen. 4. Van a ir a la escuela pblica o a Ia escuela particular? Are they.going to go to,or to.private school? pblica. Los dos nrosmenoresuan a ir a la escuela The two younger ones are going to go tb public school. 5. lEI hijo mayor va a asistir a la escuela secundaria? Is the oldest cFild go to high school? No, l Dao ir o Ia uniuersidad. No, he is going to go to the university. 6. 'Whatquiere estudiar el hijo mayor? Que does the oldest child want to studv? EI hijo mayor quiere estudiar arquitectura. ' The oldest child wants to study Architecture. 7. Trabaj Susan mientras estaba en la universidad? Did Susan work while she was in college? S, trabaj d,urante su segundoy tercer aoi en la uniuersidad. Yes, she worked during her sophomore and junior year, 8. Fue Jim un estudiante serio cuando estaba en Ia universidad? Was qlim a serious student when he was in college? Jim slo fue un estudiante serio en eI cuarto ao en la uniuersidad. Jim was only a serious student during his senior yeu. Fin de la ieccin 13. End of lesson 13.


En ingls escrito se usan mucho las contracciones con eI apstrofo + s para indicar Ia omisin de una letra. Prepare su odo para entender el ierbo to be usando contraccionespara omitir el sonidb de la primera letra del verbo. Primero oir el vefbo sin contraccin y luego ontrado con el pronombre personal. Let's repeat. Yo soy o estoy.I an. [pause] I'm. lpausel Repeat. I'rn. lpause] 'I\i eres o ess. You are, [pause] You're. lpause] Repeat. You' e. loausel Fil es o ei:to.H is. LpauselHe's. lpausel Repeat. He's, fpausel EIIa es o sld. She is. lpausel She's. [pause] Repeat. She's. fpause] EIIo es o est. It is. fpause] It's, lpause] Repeat. It's. [pauseJ Nosotros somoso estamoa.We are, lpause] lVe're. [pause] Repeat. We're. [pause] Ustedesson o estdn o uosotrossoso estdis.Yot are. lpause] You're. [pause] Repea. You're. [pause] Ellos son o estn. They are. fpause] They're. lpausel Repeat. The/re, [pause] Ellas son o est,n.They are. [pause] They're. [pause] Repeat. They're. [pausel SeccinII. Palabras y expresionesclave del dilogo Section II. Key words and phrases from the dialog dnde where lpause] Repeat. where [pause] empezarbegin lpauselRepeat. begin lpause] tomar totake [pausel Repeat. to take lpausei lr to go [pause] Repeat. to go lpausel ur to see [pause] Repeat, to see fpause] 72


En esta leccin va a aDrender sobre las actividades que se hacen al aire libre: acampar,ir a la-playa,r a a un parq:ue diversiones. de Aqu se hace un repas d las esiructurs gramticales de lecciones anteriores al igual que de los tiempos presente, pasado, pretrito perfecto y lucuro.


lSusanl Oh, right before the Thanksgiving holiday- The children will be happy to have a few more days of rest before starting school, lTirtor] S, y uaras serLandsdespustendr.n Ia uacacinde Nauidad. [Jim] Yes, and a few weeks later they will be going on Christmas break. lTtrtorl As es. Y el mayor? lSusanl That's right. So, how about the oldest one? [Tto] A l Ie gustara estudar arquitecturd. nenes algunas sugerencas? Uiml The oldest one would like to study Architecture. Any suggestions? lTtrtorl Bueno, tal uez debera de asistir a una uniuersdad d'edos aos primero- Recuerda, I ua a tener que estudiar algunas asignaturas oblisatorias antes de estudiar arquitectura. En Estados Unidos hay una opcin econmicaque es estudiar los dos primeros aos universitarios n un junior coll-ege o coqmunity ollege pblico antes de transferirse a una universidad de cuatro aos. lSusanl Well. perhaps he should Jttetd a two-vear college first. Remeinber.'he will have to take certan subjectJthat re required bfore he studies Architecture, lT\rtorl Tienesrazn. Tendr que estudiar ingls, materntcas,biologa. . . v or obablemente hi storia. iJiml You're right. He'll have to study English, Math, Biology . ' . and probably History. ITlrtor] Adems, ahorrar en el costode los estudios. Despusde dos aos se ouede trasladar a una unuersidad de cuatro aos. l b us ml ilesids, he will save on tuition. After two years he can transfer to a four-year college. [T\rtor] Esa es una buena idea! EI podra tambin trabajar durante las uacacionesde oeranoy ayudar a sus padres a pagar por sus estudios. lJiml That's a good idea! He could also work during his summer vacation and help his parents pay for his tuition. lT[tor] Eso es Io que yo hice! No trabaj el primer do, pero s trabaj durante mi segundoy tercer aos en la biblioteca de msica. [Susan] That's what I did! I didn't work in ny foeshman year' but I worked during rny sophomore and junior years at the music library. lTtrtorl freshman es el nrimer ao en la universidad. en sophomore es e1segundo,ao la universidad junior es el tercer ao en la universidad Yo era muy uago cuarudoestaba en la uniuersidad- Nunca trttbaj v nuncd estudi. Bueno. me conuert en un estudiante serio durante bt ttimo do. lJiml I was very lazy in college. I never worked and I never studied. 68

pero btt lpause] Repeat. but [pause] e on lpausel Repeat. on lpause] un, uno. ana an lpause] Repeat. an [pause] sla island lpausel Repeat. island [pause] entonces then lpausel Repeat, then fpausel barco, bote boat Lpausel Repeat. boat lpausel to lpausel Repeat. to lpause] Seccin III. Dilogo Section IIL Dialog Escuchenos el siguiente diIogo que contiene nuchas Comencemos. Let's begin. [sound effects door knocks] contracciones.

Hello. [Susan] Hello, Jim, how are you? Uiml I'm frne. You're looking good! ISusan] T'hank you. Let's see, where can we begin? Uiml Well, we're going to take a taxi to go see the Statue of Liberty. It will cost us three dollars. [Susan] But the Statue of Liberty is on an island! lJiml Yes, but we're taking a tui to Battery Par\ and then we'll take a boat to Liberty Island. [Susan] Good. I am going to see the Statue of Liberty! SeccinfV Explicacin del dilogo Section fV, Explanation of the dialog [sound effects door knocks] lTirtorl Hola. Uiml Hello. [Ttor] HoIa, Jim, cmoest.s? [sound effects door openingl ISusan] Hello, Jim, how are you? lT\.rtorl Estoy bien. Qu bien te ues! [Jim] I'm frne. You're looking good! ITtor] I'm es la contraccin de I am. You're es la contraccin de you are, ITtltor] Gracias. Veamospor dnde podemos empezar? [Susan] Thank you. Let's see, where can we begin? lTtrtorl Let's es la contraccin de let us, que se usa para indicaciones u rdenes, por lo que let's see quiere d.ecirueamos. Si let se halla solo, quiere decir dejar o pennitir. Bien, uamos d tomar un taxi para ir a uer la Estatua de la Libertad. Nos costard tres dIares. [Jim] Well, we're going to take a taxi to go see the Statue of Liberty. It will cost us three dollars. lTlrtorl 'We're es la contraccin de we are.


--[Ttor] Pero la Estatua de la Libertad est en una isla! lsusanl But the Statue of Liberty is on an island! lT\rtorl S, pero uanos a tomar un tci al parque Battery y luego tomaremos un barco a la isla Liberty. lJiml Yes, but we're taking a taxi to Battery Park and then we'll take a boat to Liberty Island, lTtrtor] IVetre es we are. We'll es we will, que es el futuro, o sea, we will take equivale a tomaremos, Qu bueno. Voy a uer la Estatua de la Libertad! lSusanl Good. I am going to see the Statue of Liberty! IT\rtor] Esta vez Susan no hizo contra,ccin pues dijo_I am, going, usmdo el qarticipio presente o gerundio going, que literalment quiere decr estoyyendo, pero que se usa mucho para indicar algo que uno
va a nacel

dcsde Venezuela. Miguel me ha pedido que busque informacin

sobre las escuelas-

uiml Uy filgn Miguel, his ryife and his children are moving here from Venezuela. Miguel has asked me to gather some infomation about the schools. lTtrtorl Elloshablan insls? i l S usanl Do,they speak English? I lutorl Ellos hablan bastante bien. lJiml They speak pretty well. lTtrtor] Que bien! Tal uezte pued.oayudar. aos tienenlos hijos de Miguel? Cuntos

SeccinV Comprensin. Section V. Comprehension 1. PuedenJim y Susan ir en barco a la Estatua de la Libertad? Qan Jim and Susan go by boat to the Statue of Liberty? Yes,.Iin and Susan en tke a boat to the Statute of Liberty. 2. C6mose dice cmo ests? How ue you? 3. Cno se dice estoy bien? I am fine. O contraido I'm frne. 4. Puedever Susm a Jim hoy? A qu hora? Can Susan see cfim today? When, at what time? T[ate de decirlo en inels. Yes. Susan car see Jim today at 2 o'clock. 5. Conjugue el verbo ser o estar, to be, en las primeras dos personas del tiempo presente, yo soy o estoy,t eres o ests. I am. You are. 6. Cmose pregunta en ingls siyo soyo estoy? Am I? Am I? 7. Cmose pregmta en ingls si t eres o ests? Are you? Are you? 8. Cmose pregunt en ingls si usted es o esft? Are you? Are you? 9. Cmose pregunta en ingls si vosotros estis o sois? Are you? Are you? 10. Cmose pregunta en ingls si ustedes son o estdn? Are you? Are you? Fin de la leccin 2. End of lesson 2.

dreati Maybe I can help you, How old are Miguel's children? uU torl El menor tiene siete, el del medio tiene d.oce el rnayor tiene y alectnueue. Uiml The youngest is seven, the middle one is twelve, and the oldest one rs mnefeen. [Ttrtor] a ,Van ir a una escuelapblica o a una escuelaparticular? lSusanl going to go to public school or to pvate shool? fr:il"" Los dos menoresuan a ir a la escuelaoblica. p!.mayor ya se ho groduado de lo secindarial.Jlml The two yougest ones are going to go to public school. The olde3t on has already lrad-uate fToin high school. I tuf,orl Hay_una escuela pblica muy buena a diez millas de aqui. Se llama "Mornip Star." (del primero al quinto grad,o) y de sexto Tiene la escuela pmaria grado hasta octouo grados, asl que los doi nios"puedei ir juntos. tJusanl W_ell, l! ere_is a great public school ten miles away from here. It's called'.lVloming Slan" It has aq elementarz and a middle school, so both children can go togethen lTutorl ote qro middle school, que en nuestros pases sera parte de la escuefa secundana aqu est considerada escuela inlermedia tmiddle) separada de los srados noveno a duodcimo. Se lo dir a-Meuel. lJiml I'll tell Miguel about it. lTtorl Cudndo IIegan tus omigos? l5usanl IVhe. are your friends aniving? lTtrtor] Dentro d,e dos semanas[Jim] In two weeks. lT\rtorl Ah, justo antes de la celebracin del Da de Accin de Graciqs. Los nios estardn contentos d.e tener unos ms de descanso antes dc empezar en la escuelao/


lT\rtorl lSusanl When are your foiends aniving? lJiml In two weeks. [Susan] Oh, right before the Tbanksgiving holiday. The children will be happy to have a few more days of rest before starting school. Uiml Yes, and a few weeks later they will be going on Christmas break. lSusanl That's right! So, how about the oldest one? lJiml The oldest one would like to study Architecture. Any suggestions? ISusan] Well, perhaps he should attend a two.rear college-first. Remember,-he will have to take certain subjects that are required before he studies Architecture. [Jim] You're right. He'll have to study English, Math, Biology ' . . and probably History. ISusan] Besides, he will save on tuition. After two years he can transfer to a four-year college' t [Jim] That's a good idea. He could also work during his srrmmer vacation and help his parents pay for his tuition. lSusanl That's what I did! I didn't work in ny freshman year, but I worked during my sophomore nd junior years at the rnusic library. IJim] i was very lazy in college. I never worked and I never studied. Well, I beame a serious student during my senior yean [Susan] I don't believe it! You . . . a serious student? lJiml You are not funny Susan. Section IV. Explanation of the dialog lsound effects at the libraryl lTtorl Hola, Susan Qu sorpresa! lJiml IIi, Susan. What a surrrise! [Ttor] Hola, Jim. Quhaces aqu? lSusanl Hi, .Iim. What are you doing here? [Ttor] y Estoy buscando informacin sobre las escuelas las uniuersdades


ingls to go quiere decir ir. Yo uoy. I go. lpause] Repeat. I go. lpause] lQ o uos uaa o uosotrosuds. You go. fpause] Repeat. You go. lpause] EI ua. He goes. [pause] Repeat. He goes. [pause] Ella ua. Slre goes. [pause] Repeat, She goes. [pause] Ello ua. lt goes. lpause] Repeat. It goes. lpause] Nosolros oomos.We go. lpause] Repeat. lYe go. lpausel Ustedesuan o uosotrosuals. You go. lpause] Repeat. You go. lpause] Ellos o ellas uan. Tbey go. lpause] Repeat. They go. [pause]

To go tmbin se usa para indicar eI futuro. Por eiemplo, para decir comprar, en espaol podemos decir uoy a compro. Eri ingls es lo mi:*mo: I am golng t buy que es lo mismo qe decir I w:ilI buy, ambos indicando accin en ei futuro. Listos?Ready?Adelante. Let's go. Yo uoy a compra.r.I m going to buy. fpausel Repeat. I am going to buy. [pausel Yo comprar. I will buy. [pause] Repeat. I will buy. lpause] T_ uos uda.a comprar. Jou a1e going to buy. [pause] Repeat. o You are going to buy, [pausel T o uos comprards. You will buy. [pause] Repeat. Ypu will buy. fpause] El uo o aompror. IIe is going to buy. [pausel Repeat. $e is going to buy. [pause] EI gomprard. He will buy. lpausel Repeat. He will buy. lpausel EIIo comprar. It will buy. [pause] Repeat. It will buy. [pause] EIIo ua a comprar. lt is going to buy. [pauseJRepeat, It is going to buy, [pausel Ella ua a corlprdr. She is going to buy. [pause] Repeat. She is going to buy. fpausel EIla comprani. She will buy. [pause] Repeat. She will buy. [pause] Nosotrosudmos a comprar. We are going to buy. [pause] Repat. We are going to buy. [pausel Nosoroscorlprarerlos. We will buy. lpausel Repeat. \{e will buy. lpause] Ustedesuan o uosotrosuais a comprar. You will buy. lpausel Repeat. You will buy. lpausel Ustedescomprar,no uosotroscompraris. You will buy. lpausel Repeat. Yo will buy. [pause] Ellos o ellas uan a cotlprar. They are going to buy. [pause] Repeat. They are going to buy. lpausel EIIos o ellas comprard.n.They will buy. [pause] Repeat, They will buy. [pause] Section II. Key words and phrases from the dialog. cuatro fotr lpause] Repeat. four [pausel estupendogreat lpause] Repeat. geat lpause] ur to see lpause] Repeat. to see [pause] Es aquello? Is that it? lpause] Repeat. Is that it? lpause] bello, bella beautiful [pase] Repe:at. beautiful lpase] pequealittle [pause]Repeat. little lpausel pequ?o, estdtud stattle lpause] Repeat. statue [pause] que that lpause] Repeat. that [pause] uendiendo selling [pause] Repeat. selling fpause] slo only [pause] Repeat. only [pause] si if lpausel Repeat. if [pause] cuesta costs lpausel Repeat. costs [pause] menos de less than lpause] Repeat. less than [pause]

lJiml I'm researching the local schools and colleges. lT\rtorl To research quiere decir "investigar o buscar informacin". ;Ah s? -[Susan] oh? IT\rtor] Mi amgo Miguel, su esposay sus hjos se estn mudando para acri 66

----no m(is dE no more than [pause] Repeat. no more than [pause] nunca r.everlpause] Repeat. never [pause] oluidar forget [pausel Repeat. forget lpause] este d,a this day lpause] Repeat. this day [pause] Iograr, conseguir,lkgar a, obtener to get [pause] Repeat. to get lpause] Section III. Dialog Escuchemosel siguiente dilogo que contiene el uso de to go como verbo awlliar y going ro en su significado de ir. [sound effects boat horn blowingl lJiml We are going to get to Liberty Island at four o'clock. [Susan] Great! I will get to see the Statue of Liberty! Is that it? Yes, that is it. Ilere we are. Let's get off this boat. [Susan] That is a beautiful little statue that they are selling. lJiml I will buy it for you. [Susan] Only if it costs less than*frve dollars! lJirnj It'll cost me no more than six dollars. I'll get it for you. [Susan] I will get you a hot dog and a soda. I will get them for you. lJirnl I'll never forget this day! Section fV. Explanation of the dialog [sound effects boat horn blowing] lTttorl Llegaremos a la isla Liberty a las cuatro en punto. lJiml We are going to get to Liberty Island at four o'clock, lTtorl To get es obtener, pero en este caso es lkgar a un sitio. Estupendo! Voy a lograr uer la Estatua de ld Libertdd! Es aquello? ISusan] Great! I will get to see the Statue of Liberty! Is that it? lT\rtorl En este caso get es lograr, Iograr uer. S, es aquello. Aqu estamos.Salgamos de estebarco. lJiml Yes, that is it. Ilere we are. Let's get off this boat. LT\rtorl Get off es aDearse. Es una bella estatuilla Ia oue est.nuendiendo. l bus ml ffrat i3 a beautiful little statue that they are selling. [Thtor] Te la comprar. to En el caso del verbo irregular to speak: Yo hablo - I speak Yo habl - I spoke Section II. Key words and phrases from the dialog Qu hacesaqu? -What are you doing here? lpausel Repeat. What are you doing here? Lpausel Hablan inglesl -Do they speak English? lpauseJRepeat. Do they speak English? [pausel Hablan bastante bien. --They speak pretty well. lpause] Repeat. They speak pretty well. lfauiel escuelaprimaria - elementary school [pause] Repeat, elementarr school fpause] escuelasecundaria -lrigh school fpause] Repeat. high school lpausel precio de Ia enseanza- tuition lpausel Repeat. tuition [pause] ambos -bolh [pause] Repeat. both [pausef jqntos - together lpause] Repeat, together [pause] descanso rest lpausejRepeat. rest lpausel biblioteco - libr'ry lpusei Repeat. library lpausel asignatura - subject lpausel Repeat. subject lpause] msica - nwsie LpauselRepeat. nusic lpausel matemticas * math lpause] Repeat. math lpause] biologa -biology [pause] Repeat. biology [pause] historia -history [pause] Repeat. history [pause] Section lII. Dialog [sound effects at the libraryj [Jim] Hi Susan. What a surrrise!

Hi, m.


are you


here? and colleges.

I'm researching l s us anl

the local


oh? Uiml My friend Miguel, his wife and his children are moving here from Venezuela, Miguel has asked rne to gather some information about the schools. [Susan] P_9tF.v speak English?



Great! Maybe I can help you. How old are Miguel's children? The youngest is seven, the niddle one is twelve, and the oldest one ls nlneteen. lSusanl Are they going to go to public school or to private school?

the-t*o youngest ones are going to go to public school. The oldest one has already gtaduated foom high school. lSusanl So he will be a college freshrnan then? lJiml Yes. ISusan] Well, there is a gyeat public school ten miles away from here. It's called Morning Sta It has an elementary and a middle school, so both children can go togethen Uiml I'll tell Miguel about it. 65

Section V. Comprensin 1. ,..Cul es la estacin preferida de Jim? . iVhat is Jim's favoiite season? La estacin oreferida de Jim es la primauera. Jim's favoiite season is spring. 2. La primavera es la estacin preferida de Susan? season? Is spring Susan's favorite No.7a primauera no es Ia estacin preferida de Susan. Et otoo es su estacin preferido. season. No, spring is not Susan's favorite Fall is her favorite season. 3. Por qu le gusta a Susan ei otoo? Why does Susan like fall? Porqui le gista uer las hojas cambiar de color y el tiempo fresco. Bec'ause he kes to se'e the leaves chang color nil the cool weathen 4. A qu hora tiene Jim que regresar a su,trabajo? At what time iloes Jim need to go back to work? El tiene que regresar a las 2 en punto- He has to go back at 2 o'clock. 5. Hasta qu hora trabaja Jim a veces? Until what time does Jim work sometimes? Jim a ueces trabaia hasta las siete o las ocho de Ia noche. works until seven or eight p.m. Jim sometimes 6. Cundo va Jim de vacaciones? When is Jim going on vacation? Jim ua de uacaciones el ao prximo en el mes de julio. next year in JuIy' Jim is going on vacation 7. A dnde va Jim de vaeaciones? Where is Jim going on vacation? Jim ua a ir a Australa. Jim is going to go to Australia. 8. Adnde se reune Susan con su familia anualmente? 'Where with her family annually? does Susan get together Susan se reune con su familia en Las Vegas anualmente. in Las Vegas annually. with her fanily Susan gets together 9. A quin ve Susan semanalmente? Who does Susan see weekly? Susan ue a su hermana Sandy semanalmenfu. Susan sees her sister Sandy weekly. 10. Camina Jim desde su casa hasta la oficina? Does Jirn walk fron his house to his office? S, Jim camna desde su casa hasta Ia oficina. Yes,.Iim walks foom his house to his office. Fin de ]a leccin 12. End oflesson 12,

lJimj I will buy it for you. lTtrtorl SIo si 'lsusanl cuesta tnenosde cinco dlares! Only if it costs less than five dollars! lTtorl No me costar ms de sesdlares- Te la regalar. lJiml It'll cost me no more than six dollars, I'll get if for you. [Ttor] Yo te comprar un peto caliente y un refresco.Te los cornprar. lSusanl I will get you a hot dog and a soda. I will get then for you. [T\rtor] I will get you es literalmente yo te conseguir. I will get them for you sera yo los conseguirpara ti. Nunca se me oluidard esteda! lJiml I'll never forget this day! Section V. Comprehension 1. ,:Aqu hora llesarn Susan y Jim a la Estatua de Ia Libertad? iVhn will Suan and Jim- arrive at the Statue of Liberty? A las cuatro o.m. Susan and iim will anive at the Statue of Liberty at four P.M. 2. QuIeva acomprarJim aSusan? What is Jim going to buy for Susan? Una Estatua de Ia Libertad. A Statue of Liberty. Jim is going to buy a Statue of Liberty for Susan. 3. Cunto le costar la estatua a Jim? How much will the statue cost Jim? Menos de seis dlares. The statue will cost Jin less than six dollars. 4. ;.Cules el orecioque Susan quiere que Jim pague por la estatua? iVhat is th cost Susan warits so iim can buy the statue? No ms de cinco dlares. No more than five dollars. 5. Qule va a comprar Susan a Jim? What is Susan going to buy for Jim?
Un perro caliente y un refresco. Ahot dog and a soda. o. Le comprar Jim el peno caliente y el refresco a Susan? \{ill.Iin buy the hot dog and the soda for Susan? No, Susan Ie ua a comprar el perro caliente y eI reftesco a Jtm No, Susan will buy the hot dog and the soda for Jim' Cmo es la estatua? How is the statue? La estatua es bella. The statue is beautiful. 8. Se le olvidar este da a Jim? Will Jim forget this day? No. Jim nunca oluidar este da. No, Jim will never forget this day. Cunto le cost la estatua a Jim? IIow much did it cost Jin? Menos de seis dlares. Less than six dollars, 10. Cmo se puede decir-


En ingls la mayora de los adverbios y los adjetivos de una slaba forma"n el superiativo anadiendo -est l frnal.-Por ejemplo: jmn -uiejo -young - old misjouenqre-yotxtger mtii uiejo que - older el,misjougn-theyoupgest el mds uiejo -the oldest

En esta leccin estudiar ciertos verbos regulares: to study, to lem. Como ya se ha visto en lecciones anteriores, los to attend, to research. verbos regulares en ingls tienen la terminacin -ed en el pasado. Por eJempl.o: Yo aprendo Yo isisto 64 -Ilearn - I attend Yo aprend -llearned Yo rsist - I attended


te Io uctya conseguir o te lo conseguir? I will get it for you. I am going to get it for you. Fin de la ieccin 3. End of lesson 3.


Would, c_ould y should corresponden al modo condicional simple en espaol. Este modo indica una accin futura que no se ha realiado todava. Would es eI condicional de will. Could es el condicional de can. Should es el condicional de shall. Al mismo tiemDo estas palabras indican cortesa en inels. IYouId indica voluntad. oor eiemnlo: Would you like a soda? Dseaita un reflescol Could indica capacidad, por ejemplo: Could you han-d me t foik?'Me pod,ra alcanzar ese tened,or? Should indica deber. por ejemplo: Should I make a res'erutioir at Tonv's Grill? Debero de hocer uno reseruo"en el Tony's Grilll Escuche las siguientes palabras y a continuacin would fpauselcould [iausel shbuld lpausel Section Pnmero ingls. reptalas. Repeat.

[Susan] But you j,ust started a new job. When are you going on vaation? [Ttorl Ah, no trasta el ao que viene. El verano prximo, enjulio, yoy a u a Austraiia. lJiml Oh, not until nex yean Next summer, in July I will be going to Australia. lT[torl ;Vas a ir solo? tDusanl ygn going by yourself? frr" truEorl N_o, hermano Jeff y tres de mis mejoresamigos uan conmigo. ni

II. Key words alnd phrases from the dialog va a escuchar la frase en espaol y despus su equivalente

No,.iny brother Jeff and three of my best friends are going wih e. [Ttor] Eso parece diuertido! Mi madre, primas y tas ! yo nos reunimos onualnente en Las Vegas.Hablamos muho y nos remos mucho. Mi hermona Sandy y yo nos reunimos semaalmente. lSusanl that sounds like fun! My mother, my cousins and my auts gather yearly in Las Vegas. We talk a lot and we laugh a lot. $y sister Sandy and I get together weekly. I lutorl jqua iora es Susan? lJiml Susan. what time is it? IThtor] E^sIa una y diez. Puedes qued,arteun poquito ms de tiempo, no?


;_Quisieras cale? Would you like some coffee? lpausel Repeat. Would you like some coffee? lpausel Uno taza de caf. One cuo ofcoffee. loausel Reneat. One cup of cdffee. lpaus-el )Cudntas rebanadas de nan toslado ouieres? How many slices of tast do you want? [pause] Repeat. How many slices of toast do you want? l-pausel De nada. You're welcome. [pause] Repeat. You're welcome. lpausel Esta-frase lileralmente quiere decir "eres bienvenido", sin embargo es una frase coloquial que quiere decir "de nada". necesto pan tostado. I need some toast. lpausel Repeat. I need some toast. [pausel un dolor de estmago an upset stomach [pause] Repeat. an upset stomach fpause] no Io recomendarn I would not recommend it. [pause] Repeat, I would not recommend it. [pause] qu no? w.hV not? lpausilRepeat. why not?.lpausel por El serulcto no lue muy bueno.'Ilre service was not very good. lpausej Repeat. The service was not very good. [pausel tnesera / mesonera hostess [pause] Repeat. hstess lpausel por lo menos at least. lpaus-el Repeat-. at least [pau'eJ claro que sr? You better believe it! lpause] Repeat. You better believe it! [pause] Note que una expresin coloquial y quq hay otras maneras d.e expresar la misma idea que se vern en otras lecciones. dejar to leave lpausej R^epeat. to leave lpausel

anaolendo el nesauvo. que cruzar eI parque pdrd llegar hasta mi oficina. ""rt fj;ii^ Yes. Ijust have to walk across the park to get to my office. IT\rtor] Caminas desdetu casa hasta la oficina? ISusan] Do yoq walk from your house to your office? lTtorl S.Asr'es como ha4o mi eiercicio diario. Sin embarqo. no nienso hacerIo en el inuierno, slo cuando eI tiempo est tenplao. Ulml Yes. That's how I get my daily exercise. I don't plan to do it in the vinter though, only when it's warm out. fT\rtorl tu .Tencuidad,ocon esashormigas! Seestdn comiend.o sdndwich! liusanl Se car-eful with those ants! They are eating your sandwich! lTtrtorl Vamosa una uuelta antes de regresar al trabajo. lj:t's take a walk before going back to work. I lutorl Buena idca! [Susan] Good idea!

en.You can stay a ttle longer, can't you? Iifr#i, Fijesequepara enfatizarla preguntaen ingls,serepiteel verbo




-----lTtorl Qupena que tengo que regresar aI trabajo a Ia dos en punto. lJiml It's too bad I have to go back to work at 2:00 o'clock. lT\rtorl Fijese que la frase It's too bad es ula expresin coloquial que indica qu rnalo, qu ldstima, qu pena. y Ya s,pero slo son las d,oce cuarto. Tienessuficiente tiempo para relajarte y disfrutar del almuerzo. [Susan] f know, but it's only 12:15. You have plenty of time to relax and eat your lunch. [Ttor] Necestorelajarme. Tlabajo muchas horas en mi nueuo trobajo. A uecestrabaio hasta las siete o las ocho de Ia noche. l Jrm l I need to relax. I work a lot of hours at my new job. Sonetimes I work until seven or eight p.m. lTlrtorl A qu hora empiezasa trabajar? lSusanl At what time do you start working? IT\rtor] Normalmente ernpiezoa las ochoy nedia, y Ia mayora de los d,as como el alrnuerzo en Ia oficina. [Jrm] I normally start at eight-{hirty, and most days I eat lunch in ny office. [Tfrtor] Yo nunca como el alnuerzo en Ia oficina. [Susan] I never eat lunch at the ofce. lTtorl E ntonce soles diariam,ente ? s, lJiml So, you go outside daily? IT\rtor] Tod,os d,asa las doce tomo ni alnuerzo y uoy a sentarme afuera los una hora oor lo menos. lSusanl Every day at noon I take my lunch and go sit outdoors for at least an hour. lTtrtor] ilncluso en inuierno? -[Jim] Even in the winter? lTutorl Bueno, en d,iciembre,eneroy febrero, si hace rnuchofro almuerzo en Ia cafetera. Cfeteria en ingls se usa solamente cuando el cliente puede colocil la comida en su bandeja 1solo. EI equivalente acafeteia en espaol sera coffeeshop, caf o diner. ISusan] lYell, in Decenber, Januarz, and Februar1, if it's very cold I eat lunch at the cafeteria. lTtorl Nopuedo esperar hasta ms uacaciones! [Jim] I can't wait to have a vacation! lT\rtorl Pero acaba de ernpezar un nueuo trabajo. Cundo uas de uacaciones? propina tip. lpause] Repeat. tip [pause] probar to try [pause] Repeat. to try [pause] Es mejor /mds uale que te uayas ahora. Yoabetter go now [pause] Repeat. You better go now [pause] Vas a llegar tarde aI trabajo. You are going to be late for work. [pause] Repeat. You are going to be late for work. lpause] Section III. Dialog [sound effects kitchen] [Susan] Good morningr.fim. Would you like some coffee? lJiml Yes, One cup of coffee would be nice. And also. I need some toast. liusanl Sure. IIow many slices do you want? lJiml I\vo. Thanks. [Susan] You're welcome. Would you like anrthing else? [Jiml No. I still have an upset stomach fron last night's dinnen lSusanl Did you go to Burger Hut or to ChefMaurice? lJiml I went to t|ae Burger Hu, but I would not recommend it to anyone. lSusanl lVhy not? Well, the service was not very good. The hostess made us wait for over seven minutes, and we could not order drinks because they had run out of everrthing we wanted. lSusanl But at least the food was good? tJiml No! My cheeseburger waa greasy, my fries were cold, Fred's mashed potatoes were lumpy, George found a fly in his hot dog, and each rreal cost over eight dollars! ISusan] No!!! lJiml You better believe it! ISusan] So I'm guessing you did not leave a very good tip. lJiml You are guessing right, lSusanl How much money did you leave? lJiml One dollar and nine cents! IIa, ha, ha. But today lunch will be good. I'm going to try that neq deli on Magnolia Street. lSusml h, I hear they have gleat pork chops, delicious soups, and homemade apple pie. And that reminds me... I have to bake an apple pie for my book club tonight. Would you pass me those apples, please? fJiml These? [Susan] Yes. and that bowl over there. [Jim] This yellow bowl? 19



[Susan] Yes, Jim. You better go now. You are going to be late for work.

Section fV. Explanation of the dialog fsould effects kitchen] lTtrtorl Buenos,dias. Jim. Quieres caf? lbusanl Good moming, Jim. Would you like some coffee? ITtrtorl Would siempre aparece al lado de un verbo en la forma infrnitiva. "Some coffee" no especifica la cantidad, sino indica "un poco de". Aprender a decit necesito, I need es lo primero que tiene que saber en ingls, ta1 como los bebs, nos comunicamos para resolver problemas y conseguir cosas. I want, yo quiero es otra frase muy socorida. S, una taza d,e caf estara bien. Y tambin necesito pan tostado[Jim] Yes. One cup of coffee would be nice. And also. f need some toast. [Ttrtor] Por supuesto. Cuntas quieres? [Susan] Sure. How nany slices do you want? lT\rtorl i)os. dracias. lJiml TWo. Thanks, lTtrtorl De nada. Quisieras algo ms? ISusan] You're welcome. Would you like any.thing else? lTtorj Recuerde que esta es una frase coloquial que quiere decir de nada y no "eres bienvenido". No. Todaua tengo un dolor de estmago de Ia cena de anoche. [Jim] No, I still have an upset stomach from last nightt dinner. lT\rtorl ote que Ia partcula's al final de night indica posesivo. Aqu "Ia cena de anoche" se dice invirtiendo el orden en ingls: night's dinnen" EI posesivo que usa apstrofo's tambin se "last explicar en detalle en lecciones posteriores. Fuiste a Burger Hut o a Chef Maurice? lSusml Did you go to t}re Burger Hut or to ChefMaurice? lTtrtorl Fui o Burger Hut. pero no se Io recomendara a nodie, lJ lml i went to the Burger Hut, but I would not recommend it to anyone. lTtorl Por qu no? ISusan] Why not? lTtorl Bien, el seruicio no estuuo muy bueno. La mesera nos hizo esperar mas de siete minutos, y no pudimos pedir porque se les habon ocobodo todailas que quermosIIiml Well, the seroice was not very good. The hostess made us wait for over sbven minutes, and w could not order drinks because they had run out of ever''thing we wanted.

[Jim] I can't wait to have a vacation! [Susan] But you just started a new job! When are you going on vacation? uiml Oh, hot r 4til next year. Next summer, in July I will be going to Australia. lSusanl Are you going by yourself? lJiml No, my brother Jeff and three of rny best foiends are going with me. ISusan] That sounds like fun! My mother, my cousins, my aunts and I gather annually in Las Vegas. lVe talk a lot and we laugh a lot. My sister Sandy and I get together weekly. lJiml Susan, what time is it? [Susan] It's one ten. You can stay a little longer, can't you? Uiml Yes. I just have to walk across the puk to get to my office. [Susan] Do you salk from your house to your office? [Jim] Yes. Ttrat's how I get my daily exercise. I don't plan to do it in the winter though, only when it's warm out. lSusanl Be careful with those ants! They are eating your smdwich! Uiml Let's take a walk before going back to work. ISusan] Good idea! Section fV. Explanation of the dialog [sound effects at the park] lTUtorl Qu bello da de primauera! LSusanl What a beautiful spring day! lTtrtor] Es eI da perfectopara una comida aI aire lbre. Gracias por Lnuttarme. [Jiml It's the perfect day for a picnic. Thank you for inviting me. lTtorl Mira esasrosas blancas dctrds de ti . . . cth,y mira los tulipanes amarillos al lado de los robls.Son preciosos! lSusanl Look at those white roses behind you . . . oh, and look at the yellow tulips next to the oak trees. They are gorgeous! ITiltor] Sabasque mi estacnpreferida es la prmauera? LJiml Did you know that my favorite season is spring? lT\rtorl De uerdad? Me encanta Ia primauera, pero mi estacinpreferida es eI otooMe gusta uer las hojas cambiar de color y me gustd el tiempo fresco. [Susan] Really? I love spring, but my favorite season is fall, I like to see the leaves change colors and I like the cool weather.



Escuche los siguientes adverbios y reptalos despusde la pausa: d.iariamente --dailv lpausel Repat. dailv-weekly [pase] semanalmente- welily lpausel Repeat. lpause] monthly [pause] mensualnente - monttLl)' lpause] Repeat. trimestralmente - quartrly [pause] Repeat. quarterly lpause] anualmente - annually fpausl Repeat. annually [pausel Section II. Key words and phrases from the dialog Que da mtis bello! - What a beautiful day! lpause] Repeat' What a beautiful day! [pause] ross - roses lpausel Repeat. roses [pause] tulipanes - tulips lpause] Repeat. tullps [pausel robles - oak trees [pausel Repeat. oak trees [pausel liqlas como tde los ibolesl - laves lpausel Reieat. leaves lpause Mi estacin preferida es . . . - My favorite season is [pausel Repeat. My favorite season is [pause] fro - cold Ipausel Repeat. cold [pausel templaclo - warm lpausel epeat. warm lpausel fresco - cool lpause] Repeat. cool lpause] uacacin - vacation lpause] Repeat' vacation lpausel sounds like fun! [pausel Repeat. ;Eso parecedioertido!:That That- sounds like fun! lpausel reunirse - to gather lpausel Repeat. to gather [pause] reirse - to laugh lpause] Repeat. to laugh lpausel hormigas - ants lpause] Repeat. ants lpausel Section III. Dialog lsound effects at the park, birds singing, etcl lSusanl What a beautiful spring day! [Jim] It's the perfect day for a picnic. Thank you for inviting me. lSusanl Look at those white roses behind you. . . oh, and look at the yellow tulips next to the oak trees. They are gorgeous! lJiml Did you know that my favorite season is spring? [Susan] Really? I love spring, but my favorite season is fall. I like o see te leaves change color and I like the cool weather' lJiml It's too bad I have to go back to work at 2:00 o'clock. lSusanl I know, but it's only 12:15. You have plenty of time to relax and eat your lunch. [Jim] I need to relax. I work a lot of hours at my new job. Sometimes I work until 7:00 or 8 P.m. lSusanl At wha time do you start working? lJiml Normally I start at 8:30, and most days I eat lunch in my ofce. [Susan] I never eat lunch at the office. lJiml So, you go outside daily? ISusan] Yes. Every day at noon I take my lunch and go sit outdoors for at least an houn fJiml Eve in the winter? lSusanl Well, in Decenbe4 January, and February if it is very cold I eat lunch at the cafeteria. 60

lTtrtorl Made es el pasado irregular deto m,ake, hacer. To have run out es el pretrito perfecto de to run ottt, acabarse ;Pero aI menos Ia comid,aestuoobuena? tDusanl Bu at least the food was good? lT\rtorl grasienta, las papas fritas No! Mi 'estaban hamburguesa con quesoestaba fras, et fur de pafas de Fred tnia grumos, Gerge'encontr und mosca en su petro caliente y cada comid,acost rn,sde ocho d.lares! Uiml No! My cheeseburger was greasy, my fries were cold, Fred's mashed potatoes were lurnpy, George found a fly in his hot dog and each meal cost over eight dollars! lTtorl My es el adjetivo posesivo equivalente a Ia primera persona del srngutar. o!!! lSusanl No!!! ITutor] Claro que s! lJiml You better believe it! lT\rtorl Esta es una expresin coloquial ms enftica que decir por ejemplo: sure o decir of course. una propina rnuy buena? Entoncesme imagino que no d,ejaste [Susan] So I'm guessing you did not leave a very good tip? lTutorl So puede querer decir: asl que o entonces,que suen mejor en este caso en espaol. To guess quiere decir odiuinar o en ciertos casos SUpOner Lmagandf. o Adiuinaste bien. lJiml You are guessing right. ITutor] Cunto dinero dejaste? lSusanl How much money did you leave? lTUtorl Un dlar y nueuecentduosJa, ja, ja ja! Pero eI almuerzo d,ehoy ser bueno. Voy a probar el nueuo delicatessenen Ia calle Magnolia. lJiml ne-dollar and nine cents! Ha, ha, ha! But today lunch will be good. I'n going to try that new deli on Magnolia Street. lTtrtor] I'm going to try ya se explic en la leccin 3. Es una manera de expresar el futuro. Lunch will be good tambin es el futuro, y se exolic en Ia leccin 3. Oh, he od,odecir que tienen chuletas d,epuerco muy buenas, sopas deliciosasy pastel de manzana casero.Y eso me recuerda ... tengo que hornear un pastel de mareana para mi club de lectura esta noche. Mepodrai pasar esasmanzaas. por fauor? lSusanl Oh, I hear they have great pork chops, delicious sonps, and homemade apple pie. And that reminds me ... I have to bake an apple pie for my book club tonight. Would you pass me those apples, please? [Thtor] tEstds?


lJiml These? LTtorl En este casothese es un pronombre y quiere decir stas. S, y aquel tazn que est aII. lSusanl Yes, and that towl over there. lTtrtor] That es un adjetivo demostrativo en este caso pues va seguido de un sustantrvo. tEste tazn amarillo?
l Jlml


Qu hora s? se dice What time is it? Es la una en punto. It's one otclock. Son las dos en Dunto. It's two otclock. Son las dos y cuarto. It's two fifteen. Para indicar las horas de la maana se dice la hora sezuida de a.m. Por ejemplo: Son las diez d,e la maana. It's ten a.n. o It is ten in the morning. Para incar las horas de la tarde y de la noche se dice la hora segrrida de p,m. Por.ejemplo: Son las ocho de lo noche.It's eight p.m. Es Io una J cuorento o son los dos menos ueite. It's one forty o It's twenty to two. Son las siete y cudrentd y cinco o son las ocho tnenoa cudrto. It's seven forty-five o lt's a quarter to eight. Son las d.os y cincuenta y cinco o son las tres menos cinco. It's two fifty-five o lt's five to three. Ias doce dpl da - noon la medianoche - midnight Escuche las siguientes palabras y frases, y repta1as a continuacin: Que da es-- What day is it? lpausel-Reieat. What day is it? [pause] lunes - l[,Ionday [pause] Repeat. Monday [pause] martes -T\tesd,ay lpause] Repeat. T\resday fpause] mircoles - Wednesday [pause] Repeat. Wednesday lpause] jzeues - Thursday lpausel Repeat. Thursday lpausel uiernes - Friday fpausel Repeat. Friday lpausel sbado - Saturday lpausel Repeat. Saturday lpausel domingo - Sudaj' [pause[ Refreat. Sunday ipausel la fecha d,e hoy? - What's today's date? lpause] Repeat. What's today's date? Lpausel En qu mes-estamosl -'lVhai month is it? lpause] Repeat. What month is it? lpauseJ enero - Jantary lpausel Repeat. elanuary lpausel lpausel Repeat. February febrero -Febntary [pausel marzo - ]larc}r [pause] ft,sps. March lpausel abril - Aptrl [pausel Repet. April [pausel mayo -May [pause] Repeat, May [pause] junio - June lpausel Repeat. June lpausel julio - Jtly lpusel Rep-eat. July lpusel agoso - August lpause] Repeat. August lpausel sepliembre - September lpausel Repeat. September lpausej oalubre - October fpausel Repeat. October lpausel nouiembre - November Lpausel Repeat. Novmber [pause] diciembre - December lpausel Repeat. December Ipiusel Tanto los das de la semana como los meses del ao siemnre comienzan en mavscula en inels. Las estaciones - the season lpause] Repeat. the seasons ocro no - summer lpause] Repeat. summer lpausel otono - fall lpause] Repeat, fll lpausel inuierno - winter lpause] Repeat. winter lpausel primouera - spring lpausel Repeat. spring fpausel

this yellow bowl? [T\ltor] This aparece aqui como adietivo demostrativo. Estos adjetivos demostrativos eitn directmente relacionados con los adverbios de hgar: aquL alli v allci. This (here) es el ms cercano a Ia persona qu-ehabia. That'(there) es el ms lejano a la persona que habla. Mientras en espaol hay tres grados de distancia, de la ms cercana a la ms lejana (qu, atli y aIIa1, en ingls slo hay dos grados this, that. S, Jim- Es mejor que te uayas ahora. Vas a llegar tardc aI trabajo. ISusan] Yes Jim. You better go now. You are going to be late for work, n SectionV. Comprehension Jim? L. ;Curinto pan tostadonecesilaba How mny slices of toast did Jim need? Jim necesitabados tostadas. Jim wanted two slices of toast. 2. A dnde fue Jin a comer anoche? Where did Jim go for dinner last night? Jim fue a Burger Hut..Iim went to Burger Hut, 3. iEra buena la comida en Burger Hut? iVas the food good at Burg-er Hut? No, Ia comida no era buena en Burger Hut. No, the food was not good al Burger Hut' 4. )Ou pidi Jim en el Burqer Hut? Whai id .Iim order adBurger Hut? lpatsel Jim pidi una hamburgueso con quesoJ papas ftitas. .Iim'ordered a cheesburger and fries.5. qu encontr Jim en su peno caliente? What did George find in his hot dog? Georgeencontr un(r mosca en su perro caliente. George found a fly in his hot dog. 6. DejJim una buenapropina en Burger Hul?. Did Jim Ieave a good iip at Burgr Hut? No, Jim no dej ulo buenpropina en Burger HuL No, Jin did irot leave a jood tip at Bulger Hut, 7. ;Que tieneoue hornear Susanpara esta nochel What does Susan have to bke for tonight? Susan tiene que hornear un pastel de manzanas para esta noche. Susan has tb bake an aple pie for tonight.8. De qu color es el tazn di'Susn? What co-lor is Susan's bowl? El tazn de Susan es amarillo. Susan's bowl is yellow. Fin de Ia leccin 4. End of lesson 4.


Un oduerbio es una palabra que se usa para modifrcar un verbo, un adjetivo u otro adverbio. Puee indicar mo, cu,ndo, d,nd.e, caa cu.nto tiempo o qu cantidad. Por jempio: Ella lee rpid,amente. She reads quickly.


[T\rtor] Por supuesto-Gracias. A propsito, cmote ua en tu trabajo? [Susan] Of course. Thank you. By the way, how is your job going? ITtor] Te iba a decir . . . ehen . . . me desnidieron el nartes nasado. Uiml I was going to tell you . . . ehem . . . I was frred last Thesday. lTtrtorl Ay no! Eso es terrible! [Susan] Oh no! That's terrible! IT\rtor] No te preocupes.Empec a buscar un nueuo trabajo el mircoles. Tenqo una entreuista el uierrues.


En esta leccin va a distinguir entre los pronombres personales (que se estudiaron en la leccin 1), los adjetivos posesivosy los pronombres reflexivos. Recuerde que los pronombres personales en ingls son: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they. Los adjetivos posesivosen ingls son: my, your, his, her, our, thein Escuche los adjetivos posesivosen ingls e intente repetir cada uno de ellos durante la pausa. Despus puede retroceder y repefirlos de nuevo. m.i - my lpausel Repeat. my [pause] iu, tus - yotr [pause] Repeat. your fpause] de eIIa, su, szs - her [pause] Repeat. her [pause] de 1,su, ss - his lpausel Repeat. his [pause] nuestro, nuestros, nuestra, nuestras - our [pause] Repeat. our Lpausel uuestro o suyo -yowr lpause] Repeat. your fpause] de ellos, de ellas, su - their [pause] Repeat. their [pause] Obsene que en ingls se utiliza el mismo adjetivo posesivopara acompaar un sustantivo singular o plural, y que a diferencia del espaol no se distingue entre femenino y masculino. Por ejemplo: ![ hijo juego bisbol. My son plays baseball. Mis anigas quieren jugar fenrs. My friends want to play tennis. En ingls los pronombres reflexivos son: nyself, yourselt himself, herselt ourselves, yourselves, themselves. Escuche cada uno de los pronombres reflexivos en ingls y despustrate de repetir cada uno de ellos durante la pausa. me - myself lpausel Repeat. myself lpause] le - yourself [pause] Repeat yourself lpausel //) se - himself lpauselRepeat, himself [pausel (ella) se -herself LpauselRepeat. herself fpause] nos - ourselves lpauselRepeat. ourselves [pausel (uosotros)os - yourselves [pause] Repeat. yourselves lpause] (ustedes)se - yourselves [pause] Repeat. yourselves fpause] (ellos/ ellas) s - themselves lpausel Repeat. thenselv-es lpause] Note que Ia forma de expresar las accionesreflexivas en espaol no siempre coincide con la forma de expresarlas en ingls. Por ejemplo: [9lauo los dentes. I brush my teeth. Me peino. I comb my hir. qyg se dice en ingls que "me cepillo (no lavo) mis dientes 9 "gu tno los o1enf,esi. Pero en ciertos casosel reflexivo en ingls,funciona como en espaol. Por ejemplo: Yo qglauo, I wash myself. El s_glesion. hurt hilnHe self, En otros casosel pronombre reflexivo en ingls se utiliza para aadir nfasis, por ejemplo: Lo hice yo mismo, | id it rnyself. Section II. Key words md phrases from the dialog En qu puedo ayudarlo? How may I help you? lpause] Repeat. How may I help you? [pausel Cuciles su deporte fouorito! What is your favorite sport? lpausel Repeat. What is your favorite sport? [pausel Mi deporte fauorito es eI baloncesto-My favorite sport is basketball, fpause] Repeat. My favorite sport is basketball. [pause] Bisol. Baseball lpause] Repeat, Baseball. lpausel Bate. Bat lpausel Repeat. Bat. [pause] Guante de receptor.Catcher's mitt [pause] Repeat, Catcher's mitt. lpause]

i)or;t wo"rr. I started looking for a new job on Wednesday. I have an interview on Fridav. ITtrtor] Te d,arn el trabajo, Jim. Eres un contador con experiencia. ISusan] You'll get the job .Iim. You are an experienced accountant. lTtrtorl Tienesrazn. Ya tengo ueintidos aos de experiencia. lJiml That's right, I already have twenty-two years of experience. Sec\ion V. Comprehensio 1. Aqu se dedica Ia hermana de Susan? What does Susan's sister do for a living? La hermana de Susan es atna de casaSusan's sister is a housewife. 2. Est buscando trabajo la hermana de Susan? Is Susan's sister looking for ajob? S, ella estuibuscando trabajo. Yes, she is looking for a job. 3. Quhabilidades tiene la hermana de Susan? lVhat job skills does Susan's sister have? ElIa sabe escribr a mquina, archiuar, utlizar programas de computadora y comunicarse bien con Ia gente. She can type, file, use computer programs, and she communicates well with people, 4- Qu tipo de trabajo podra encontrar la hermana de Susan? What kind of job could Susan's sister frnd? Podra encontrar un trabajo dc recepcionistao de secretara. She could find ajob as a receptionist or a secretary. 5. Qu Ie gustara ser a la sobrina de Susan? What would Susan's niece like to be? A eIIa le gustara ser crtica culinaria. She would like to be a restaurant writer. 6. Quhabilidades tiene la sobrina de Susan? What job skills does Susan's niece have? Ella es buena en la cocina. Sabe cocinar muy bien. She is good in the kitchen. She can cook really well. 7. AJim leva bien en su trabajo? Is Jim's job going well? No. a Jin Io desnidieron. No. Jim was fiied. 8. Jim tiene experiencia de contador? Does.Iim have exrerience as an accountant? S. l es un contablecon experiencia. Yes, he is an experienced accountant. Fin de la leccin 11. End of lesson 11.

Juega l en un equipo? Does he play on a team? [pausel Repeat. Doe he play on aieam? [pausell Estadio. etadium lpause] Rcpeat. etadium [pause] EI ua al estadio. H eoes to the stadium lpa-uselRerear. He goes to the stadlium. [pause] La tenporad,a de season [pause] Repeat. basebll season. lnausel Coleccinde tarjeti de card collection [pause] Repeat. baseball card collection lpause] Me lesion.I hurt myself, [pausel Repeat, I hurt myself. fpause] Baloncesto.basketbll tpausel Repeal. basketball l-pausel-' Ftbol americano. football lpause] Repeat. football [pause] Caniseta deportiua. jersey [irause] Reieat. jersey tpusel Section III. Dialog [sound effects cash register sounds]

irello! ISusan] Hell, how are you? tJ rml line, thank you.

*'" r helP You? r"J I need to buy a gift for my nephew. IIis birthday He is going to be ten years old. [Susan] What is his favorite sport? tJiml His iavorite sport is baseball.

is tomorrow.

los anuncios.del peridico (newspaper ads) donde se anuncian ventas v trabaros. Y o qu? qui"r" dedicar su hija? "" IJ l M I .i\nd what does her daughter do for a living? I ruf,ofl Tg do (sometlring) for a living qtiere decir trabajar, -dedrcarsea also.' Se acaba de grduar de la uniuersid,adcon una especializacinen administracin gastronmica y hoteleray anda biscando trabajo tambin. lSusanl She has just graduated from college with a maior in Hospilality Management, and she is looking foi a job as well. lT\rtorl de trabajo Ie gustara hacer? lrArir:rrto. lVhat kind ofjob would she like to do? lTirtorl Le enco,ntaraser crtica culinaria, pero sabe que se morira d,e hambre. lSusanl She would really like to be a food critic, but she knows she would starve to death. ITtor] To sarve es "morirse de hambe". Probablemente. . . iTiene talento? [Jim] 9!e probably will . . . Does she have any talent? lT\rtorl Sl, creo que s.pero soysu to.

Well, we have this new bat that every kid wants right now. It comes in bo/s sizes eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen. Or, you could buy your nephew a catcher's mitt. Our mitts are made of leather, and they are hand.stitched. lJiml Oh, your mitts are excellent, but I think my nephew already has one. lSusanl Does he play on a eam? [Jim] Yes. Ife plays on a team and he watches baseball on TV. Also, his parents take him to watch games at the stadium during baseball season. lSusanj So. he is a real fan! I have an idea, How about this baseball card collection? It has frfteen of the best players in the history of baseball. [Jrm] That is the perfect gift! How much is it? liusml Sixteen dollars. Great! Anything else? [Jim] Well, since I'm here I think I should get myself something. Do you have Celtic jerseys? lSusanl We sure do. Is basketball your favorite sport? lJrml Yes, basketball is my favorite sport, I ued,to play in coliege until I'hurt myself. lSusanl Oh. is too bad. 24

Yes, I eeve so, but I'rn her aunt. lT\rtorl Qullabilidades tiene? lJiml What job skills does she have? ITutor] Puede hacer tnuchas cosasen la cocina. Cocnapero que rnuy ben. lSusanl She can do a lot of things in the kitchen. She can cook really- well. lTtorl Formidable! Podra traba.jar en un restaurante y asi no se morira de hambrepor Io menos.Sabs, amigo Ryan tiee un restdurante. . . mi y ella pudiese ayud,ar a administrarlo. Uiml That's gteat! She could qork at a restaurant, and at least she would not starve to death. You know, my friend Ryan owns a restaurant .., and she could help run it. IT\rtor] To run a business, "Iiteralmente correr eI negocio" quiere decir manejarlo o adrnnistrarlo. De verdad? [Susan] Really? lTtorl S, y me dijo la semanapasada que necesitaenplear un gerente auiiliar. Podra mencionorle a ti sobrina el prximo luns. LJiml Yes, and he told me last Wednesday that he needs to hire an Assislant Managen I could tell him about your niece next Monday.



lSusanl You'll get the job tlim. You are an experienced accountant. lJiml That's right. I already have twenty-two years of exrerience. Section fV, Explanation of the dialog [sound effects door be]l ringsl lTtori Me alegro d,eque hayas uenido a conocera mi hermana y a mi sobrina,
cllm. Ya deben de estar al llepor.

[SusanJ I'm glad you came to meet my sister and my niece, cfim. They should be here any minute now. [T\rtor] Any minute now es una foma coloquial de decir "muy pronto, a punto de . . ." Dijiste que tu hermana est buscando trabajo? [Jim] Did you say your sister is looking for a job? lTbtorl St. Zlia ha sido atna d.ecasa hace rato, pero ahora que sushijos son moyores a ella le gustara tener un empleofuera de la casa de nueuoliusanl Yes. She has been a housewife for a while. but now that her children are older she would like to have a job outside the house again. IT\rtor] de Que.iipo lrabajo le gustra tener? l.,rml What kind of job would she like to have? lTtorl Ella no est segura-Estudi historia de arte en la uniuersid,ad,, pero no qulere ser mdestr. lSusanl She is not sure. She studied Art History in college. but she does not want to be a teacher. [T\rtorl Qu habilidad,eslaborales tiene? lJiml What job skills does she have? [Ttor] Bueno, pued,eescribir a m.quina, archiuar, escribir reportes, sdbe utilizar muchos progranas d,ecomputad,ora puede y comunicarse bien con Ia pente. [Susan] Well, she can tJ4re, she can frle, she can write reports, she is familiar with many computer programs. and she can commrmicate well with people. lT\rtorl Probablementepodra encontrar un trabajo de recepcionistao de secretaria, quiztis ei un museo d,earte- Yaho"empezad buscar trabajo? a Uiml She could probably frnd ajob as a receptionist or a secretary, perhaps in an art museum. Has she started looking for a job yet? lTtorl Bueno, ella ha mirado los anuncios del peridico desdeel jueues, pero no ha encontrado nada todaua.

I like basketball, but ny favote sport is football. lJiml Really? Do you have a favorite team? [Susanl I guess the Miani Dolphins are my favorite team, in 1972 they won seventeen games in a perfect season, but in our house we watch all the games. Ilere are the Celtic jerseys. [Jin] I'll take two, one for ne and one for my wife. Herjersey i pretty old, so she'll be plased to get a new one. ISusan] Okay. It's going to be eighteen dollars each.
lJ rml

Here I have my credit card. ISusan] Have a good day,Iim, and I hope your nephew likes his birthday present. Section fV. Explanation of the dialog [sound effects cash register] lT\rtorl ;HoIa!

Sne hs looked at the classifieds since Thursday, but has not found anything yet. tT\rtorl irese que the classifieds es una manera coloquial de decrr 56

irello! lThtorl Hola, cmoestds? ISusan] Hello, how are you? ITtor] Muy bien, graciaslJiml Fine, thank you. [Ttorl En qu puedo ayudarte? [Susan] How nay I help you? [Ttrtor] Necesitocomprar un regolo pg,ra mi sobrino. Su cumpleaoses m.adna.El ua a cwnplir diez aos. Uiml I need to buy a gift for my nephew. Eis birthday is tomonow. He is going to be ten years old. [Ttor] Obserue que para decir la edad en ingls no se utiliza el verbo tener como en espaol, sino que se usa el verbo ser - to be. Por ejemplo: Tengo19 os equivale a I am nineteen years old y nunc a I lrac nineteen years old. Por otro lado es muy importante conocerel verbo to have pues es el auxiliar aber y-quiere decr tener. He id.o = I have gone. I have a tickel-='Tbngo un boleto. [T\rtor] Cu.les su deportefauorito? lSusanl What is his favorite sport? [Ttor] Su deportefauorto es el bisbol. Uiml His favorite sport is baseball. lT\rtorl Bien. Tenemosun nueuo bate que todos los nios auieren en estos momentos.Viene en cuatro tannaosde nio: once,doce, trecey cdtorce. O le podra comprar o su sobrino un guante d,ereceptor. Nueitrosguants sonde piel y soncoidos mdno. a


lSusanl IVell. lYe have this new bat_ that every kid wants right now. It com_esin four boy's sizes eleven, tweive, thirteen. 'nd fourteen. Or you could buy your nephew a catcher's mitt. Uur mitts are made of leather and they are hand-stitched. [Ttor] Para describir d9 9ue m-ate4al est hecho un objeto, en ingls se suele decir made of o "hecho de." Por ejemplo: Esta bo-Isa de lna. es This bag is made of wool. Los nmeros del 13 al 19 se_form^an el sufrjo -teen que representa con ez,os ea. t hi r t e e n e s S y I 0 y f o u r te e n e siy 1 0 . susguantes son excelentes, pero creo que m sobrino ya tiene uno. ,U!, I JI MI Oh, your mitts are excellent, but I think my nephew already [Tutorl Jueeal en un eouioo? tDusanl D._oes play on a team? fe
I l\rtorl

They should be here any ninute



Djd yo3 say your sister is looking for a job? liusml Y9g_. Se has been a housewife for a while, but now that her children are older she would like to have a job outside the house again.


of job would she like to have?

S Z! jyeSa en un equipo y ue losjuegos de bisbot en la teleuisin. tdmrcn fus_padreslo lleuan a uerjuegos en el estad,iodurante la temporada de bisbol. fJiml Y.9s.Ile plays on a team md he watches baseball on TV. {lsg, hi-s paTents take him to watch games at the stadium currng Daseball season, lT\rtorl Entonceses un oerdadero fantico! Tengo una id.ea. Qu te parece esta coleccinde tarietas-de bisbot. Tiene quince d.elos mejoresjugadoires en Ia historio del bisbol. ISusan] So, he is a real fan! I have an idea. How about this baseball card collection? Lt has fifteen of the best players in the history of baseball. ITtor] es .Ese eI regalo perfecto! Curinto cuesta? l..,rml the perfect gift! How much is it? Diecisis d.lares)AIpo ms? lSusml Fjxteeir dollars. Great. Anrthing else? [T\rtor] Breno, pueslo que estoyaqu-i pienso.que deberaaomprar algo. 'llenen usledescamisetas de los Celtics? Uiml Well, si_nceI'm here I think I should get myself something, DJ V"P have Celtics jerseys? truf,orl Aqu el verbo to get, obtener substituye el verbo to btty, tomprar. st. Ls et baoncesto deportefauorfof tu id:3"1* We sure do. Is basketball your favorite sport? [Ttor] 'We sure do equivale a "claro que sf'. S, el baloncestbes mi deporte iauorito. jugar cuando est-oba lo uniuersidadhasta que me lesion. Yo.sola en
t.Jtm I

She is not sure. She studied Art H!"tory in college, but she does not want to be a teachen Uiml What job skills does she have? tDusanl Well, she type, she can frIe, she can write reports, sne-rs_ ramrtrar wrttr many computer progfams, and stre can communicate well with people, Uiml She_ could probably find a job as a receptionist or a secretarvi per_haps in m art museum. Has she started looking for a job yet? [Susan] She has looked at the classifreds since Thursday, but she has not found anything yet.

And what does her daughter do for a living? [usanl She has just graduated frorr college with a maior in Hospitality l\tmagement, and shels toki;ti;;; jol as well. urml And what kind ofjob would she like to do? tDusanl She would really-like to be a food critic, but she knows she would starve to death. [Jim] She probably will . , . Does she have any talent? IsUSanl Yes. I believe so, but I'm her aunt. uiml She can do a lot of things in the kitchen. Fle,can cook really well. [.rrml That's great! She could work at a restaurant, and at least she would not starve to death. You know, my friend Rvan owns a restaurant . . . and she could help run ii. lSusanl Really? [Jim] Y_es, and he told me last Wednesday that he needs to hire an Assistant Manager. I could tell hini about your niece on Mondav.


skills doesshehave?

f course, thank you. By the way, how is your job going? I^was going to tell you .,. ehem ... I was fired last Thesday.
lSusan I

I'l\rtorl 'i o"ed to play zo

Yes,-b_askelball is my favorite sport. I_used to play in college until I-hrrt myself.

indica ma accin pasada que se prolong durmte un

h noi That,s terrible! lJiml Don't worr2. I started looEing for a new job on Wednesday. I have an interview on Friday. 55


How does one get foom the Botanical Gardenrs to the zoo? Uno toma un barco que ua a traus del lago hasta eI zoolgico. One takes a boat that goes across th lake and into"the zoo, Fin de la leccin 10. End oflesson 10.


En esta leccin va a estudiar diferentes verbos relacionados con los empleos,las ocupacionesy la bsqueda de empleo. En isls to look for quiere decir scr. Yo bucotrabajo. I lobk for a job To hire quier decir darle trabaj a alguien. Por ejemilo: Yo empleo un jard.inero en el ueranoI hire a gardener in the summerY Me dieron el empleo - I was hired. Me darn el embleo. I will be hired. To fire quiere ?lecirdespedir/dejar sin lrobajo. Por ejemplo: Despido a aquellos trabajadores que llegan tarde. I fiie those workers riho are iardv] Sin embareo: Me despidleron. - I was fired. Me uan a despedir. I will be fired. To interview - entreuistarse. Por ejemplo: Maana ooy a entreuistarm con Wilson & Wilson. Tornonow I am going to interview with lYilson & lVilson, Section IL Key words and phrases from the dialog ama dp casa - housewife lpausel Repeat. housewife lpausel rnaestro, ndestra - teacher [pause] Repeat. teacher lpause] uniuersidad - college [pausel Repeat. college lpausel recepcionista- receptionist [pausel Repeat. receptionist [pausel secretaria, secretario - secretary [pause] Repeat. secretary fpause] escritor, escritora - miter [pause] Repeat. miter lpause] contador, contable - accountant [pause] Repeat. accountant lPausel entreuisto - interview lpause] Repeat. interview entreuista - interview [pause] Repeat. interview [pause] lp dor trabajo - to hire lpusel Repat. to hire lpausl I to fire lpauiel Rpeal. to fire lpaus'el despedir Repeal. lpaui-el Q;rhabitidodes lborats ti6ne? -Whatib skiils do you have? ipusel trqp61. Whatjob skills do you-have? lpausei lpausel [.qp61. What job do for a living -What En qu quiere trabojor? - What does she want io 4ofor,a-living? [pause] Repeat. What does she want to do for a living? fpause] tipo d9 trabajo quiereshacerl ti_po trabqjo quieres hacer?tipo de trl de Qu Qu Que What kind of What kind ofjob would you like to have? lpausel Repeat. What kind of job world y_oulike_to have? [bausel kind-of would you like to [pausel Tieneusted experiencia?-Do you have expeiience? lpause] Repeat. Do yu have experince? lpausei Section III. Dialog lsound effects door bell ringsl liusml 'm gla you came to neet my sister and my niece, Jim, 54

perodo de tiempo. Para expresar ese tipo de pasado en ingls se utiliza el verbo to use (en pasado) ms,el verbo en infinitivo que indica la accin habitual. Por ejemplo: EI sola montar en bicicleta todos los das. He used to ride his bike every day. En espaol 'I used to play" tambin puede expresarse:Yojugaba. Lo siento mucho. A mi me gusta el baloncestopero mi deporte fauorito es el fr1tbol ... lSusanl Oh, is too bad. I like basketball, but my favorite sport is football. lTtrtorl Note que el balompi se conocecomo soccer en Estados Unidos. Football es el fiitbol americano. En serio?Tienesun equipo fauorito? lJiml Really? Do you have a favorite team? lT\torl Creo que los Dolphins d,eMiami es mi equipo preferido; en 1972 ganaron diecisietejuegos en una temporad.aperfecta, pero en rni casa uemostodns los juegos. Aqu esin las cannisetas los Celtics. de lSusanl I guess the Miami Dolphins are my favorite team, in 1972 they won seventeen games in a perfect season, but in our house we watch all the games. Here are the Celtics jerseys. lTtrtor] Note que como se explic en la leccin anterior el verbo to guess sgnifrca adiuinar y en ciertos casos como en este quiere decir creer o SuponerNote que los aos del siglo pasado se dicen as: diecinueuesetentay dog o sea, nineteen seventy-two. Los nmeros compuestos llevan un guin, o sea, twenty-one lleva guin entre twenty y one mientras que twenty no lleva guin. Comprar dos, una para m y una para ni esposa. Su camiseta es muy uieja, as que ella se alegrar de recibir una nueua. [Jim] I'll take two, one for me and one for my wife. Her jersey is pretty old, so she'll be pleased to get a new one. ITtrtorl La.palabra pretty quiere decr bonito o bonita, pero en este caso ouere oecrr mv. kay. Van a cosiar dieciochod.Iarescad.auna. lSusml Okay. ft's going to be eighteen dollars each, lTtorl En vez de utilizar to coat o costar, a veces se expresa de una manera ms coloquial "it's going to ber" literalmente 'Aa a ser". Aqu tengo ni tarjeta de crdito.
card. Here I have my credit lTtorl Que la pases bien, Jm, y espero que a tu sobrino le guste el regalo de cumDLeanos. IDUSanl ilave a good day Jim, and I hope that your nephew likes his present. birthday lTtrtorl Note que la lrase "que la pases bien" en ingls-have a good day quiere decir literalmente "que tenga un buen da". En ingls el pronombre posesivo debe de aparecer siempre delante del sustantivo, pero en espaol no es necesario (...que a tu sobrino le guste el regalo)



--Section V. Comprehension 1. Por qu entr Jim en Ia tienda de deportes? Why did Jim go into the Sporting goods store? Porque tena que comprar un regalo para su sobrino. Because he had to buy a birthday gift for his nephew. 2. Qu deportejuega el sobrino de Jim? fhat sport does Jim's nephew play? El juega bisbol. He plays baseball. 3. Por qu Jim no quiso comprarle a su sobrino un guante? tobuy his nephew a calcher's mitt? ivhy ido't.Iim'want Poroue su sobrino va tena uno. Bec-ause his nepirew already had one. 4. Va eI sobrino de Jim al estadio durante la temporada de bisbol? Does Jim's nephew go to the stadium during baseball season? S, eI sobrino de Jim ua al estad,iodurante Ia temporada de bisbol. Yes, Jim's nephew goes to the stadium during baseball season. 5. Quregalo le compr Jim a su sobrino? What present did Jim buy for his nephew? Jim Ie compr a su sobrino una coleccinde tarjetas de bsbol. Jim bougt his nephew a baseball card coilection. 6. Cul es el deporte preferido de Jim? What is.Iim's favorite sport? EI deportepreferido de Jim es el baloncesto. Jim's favorite sport islasketball, 7. Porqu Jim ya no juega baloncesto? Why doesn't.Iim play basketball any more? Poroue se lesion. Becau'se he hurt himself. 8. CuaI es el deporte preferido de la empleado de Ia tienda? What is the sales clerHs favorite sport? Su deportefauorito es el ftitbol. Her favorite sport is football. 9. Qu se coripr Jim en l tienda de objetos dep-ortivos? What did .Iim buy for himself at the sporting goods store? de Jim se compr una cannseta baloncestodel equipo de los Celtics. Jim bought himsel{ a Celtics basketball shirt. 10. Por qu le compr Jim a su esposauna camiseta de baloncesto? Why did .Iim buy his wife a basketball jersey? Porque la oue ella tena estaba uieia. Bec'ause the one she had was ld, Fin de la leccin 5. End of lesson 5. ITtor] S. Hay un barco que te lleua a traus del lago y te deja en eI zoolgico. tJiml Yes. There is a boat that takes you across the lake and leaves you at the zoo. ITtrtor] Quotrd cosapodra hacer con Leslie? [Susan] Ilhat else could I do with Leslie? [T\ltor] D i ameuer--. y Ped,encoger el tren e ir a esepueblo con los nanzanales los uiedos... No puedo acordanne del nornbre,pero s que est,slo a dos horas de aou. Uiml Letmesee... You could take a train and go to that town with the apple orchards and the wineries . . , I cantt remember its name; but I know itts only two hours away. lTtorl Qu buena idea! Santos cielos Jim, es cas medianoche! Te ueremosel sdbado. lSusanl \Yhat a great idea! My goodness Jim, it's almost midnight! 'We'll see you on Saturday. lT\rtorl My goodness es otra interjeccin que se usa a menudo en ingls. . Buenas noches, Susan [Jim] Good night, Susan. Section V. Comprehensin 1. Quin viene a visitar a Susan?IYho's coming to visit Susan? Su prna segunda Leslie uienea uisitarla. IIer second cousin Leslie is coming to visit. 2. VieneLeslie en auto o en avin? Is Leslie coming by car or by plane? Leslie uieneen auinLeslie is coming by plane. 3. Qulugar piensa Jim que Ie gustara a Leslie? What place does Jim think that Leslie would like? Jim piensa aue a Leslie le pustdra el batio chino. Jim-thinks that Leslie ould like Chinatovrn. 4. Vive Susan cerca del aeropuerto? Does Susan live near the airport? S, Susan uiue cerca dcl aeropuerto. Yes, Susan lives near the irport. 5. Jim va a ir al barrio chino en metro o en auto? Is elim going to go to Chinatown by subway or by car? Jm ua a ir al barro chino en eI auto de Susan. Jin is going to go to Chinatown in Susan's can 6. A dnde van a ir Susan y Leslie en tren? Where are Susan and Leslie going to go by train? Susan y Leslie uan a ir a un pueblo con manzanalesy uiedos en tren. Susan and Leslie are going to go to a town with apple orchards and winees by train. 7. Qu lugar es bello en esta pocadel ao? What place is beautiful at this tine of the year? EI Jardn Botnico es bello en esta nocadel ao. The Botanical Gardems are beairtiful at this time of the year. 8. Cmollega uno desde el Jardn Botrico hasta eI zoolgico?


En esta leccin va a estudiar los pronombres posesivosque ocupan el lugar de un sustntivo. pronombres posesivosen ingls son: Lo--s mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs. Escuche los pronombres posesivosy reptalos a continuacin. mo, ma, mos, mas - mine [pause] Repeat. mine [pause] tuyo, tuyos, qa, tuyas - yours [pause] Repeat. yours lpause] suyo, suyos,de l -lnis [pausel Repeat. his lpause] suyo, suyos,suya, suyds, de ella - hers lpausel Repeat. hers [pause] nuestro, nuestros, nuestra, nuestrds - ours fpause] Repeat. 28


[Tltor] No c,reo que debas conducir porque no pod.rsdisfrutar de las ustas (de la ciudad). [Jiml I don't think-you should drive because you won't be able to eryoyll|e srghts. Estara mtis relajada si no manejara. Tonaremos un tari para ir al centro- Asr,podremoscaminar por las calles sin preocuparios d.el fraltco nt dc encontrar un estaconamiento. lSusanl Yes. I would le more relaxed if I didn,t drive. We'll take a taxi dovntown. Then weTl be able to walk up and dvm the streets,without worrying about traffic or frn-ding a parking space. Irurorl Leslie probablemente disfrutara del barrio chino. bs ton exticoy s que a ello le gusta Ia comida chinaIJiml Leslie woutd probably eqloy Chinatown. It's so exotic. and I know she likes Chinese food. fTttorl Oyt . . Tengo una id.ea! )querros uenir con nosolraso cenor el scjbado? [Susm] Hey! I have an idea! Would you like to join us on Saturday for dinner?

ours Lpausel uuestro, uuestros, Duestra, uuestras _ yours lpause] Repeat. yours lpause] suyo, suyos, suya, suyds - theirs [pause] Repeat. theirs [pause] O!:lryg que el pronombre posesivo.en ingls es el mismo para el mascu[no que el temenino y para el singular que el plurai. n.lngle:c cualgg !e comparan dos cosas que son iq-uales se hace util'zando "as" delante y detrs del adjetivo. por e-iemplo: ElIa es tan tntetrgenfe co_n9su hermana. She is as intelligerit ad her sistenCuando se compa-ran dos cosas diferents. se utlza la=teirnmaclon _er para la-mayora de los adjetivos de una slaba (por eiemolu; tst - l'aster. He is faster than.his brothen iEt e ms rripido gaqsu;), y la palabra more delante del adjetivo Gr" tieile Joi-"mas sllabas "l (por ejemplo: agile - more agile, intelligent - more intelligent). Section II. Key words and phrases foom the dialog Primero oir la palabra o la frase en espariol y despus la oir en ingls. aarutna - guess lpausel llepeat. guess loausel enorme -hage lpausel Repat. hiree lpusel negro -black lpausel Rerat. blaJk lausel marrn - brovm lpausel Repeat. broivn lpausel blanro - white lpause] Repat. white.[pasel gmptos - twrn lpausel Repeat. twin lpause] que hoy de nueuo con ella? What,s ne with her? [pausel Repeat. What's new with her? loausel No lo-pyeln creer! - I ch't believe it! [pause] Repeat. I can't believe it! lnause] Son tan altos como_iu padre. - They are as tall as their father. l.pausel ftepeat.'lhey tre_as tall as their father. lpausel Alex es m(is rapido que Andy- - Alex is faster than -Andy. lpausel Repeat. Alex-is fater thn Andv. Ipausel - coJlege [pauseJ Rep-eat-. college lpausel Lrz es mas estudrcsa que su hermano. _ Liz is more studious than ner brother. lpausel ltepeat. Liz is more stdious thlan her brother. loausel ladrar - to bark [pausel Repeat. to bark i'pausei mouttor - to meow lpausel Repeat, to mew loausel grande -big [pausel Repeat. b1g fpausel p_"_?!i!g: pequeos, pequea, peqielas - small lpause] Repeat. smarr lpause] bello, bellos, bella, bellas - beautiful Repeat. lpauseJ DeauErfur lpaseJ regao!. away.[pausel Rep_eat. to give away [pausel En mi opinin my opinin lpausej-Repeat." rn my oprnron lpauseJ Seftion 1ll Dialog lsound efiects at the Darkl

l'lltorl Hey es otra iterieccin corn en insls. Sera muy .agradble; Puedo llegar hlsta olld en metro muy fricilmente . . . o puedo tomar el autobs lJiml That would be njce. I cm get there by subway very easily. . . Or I could take tlre bus[Ttor] No seas tonto. !9,y a manejar y te recogeremos en camino hacia el barrio chino. lSusanl Don't.6e silly. I will drive and we will pick you up on our way to Chinatom. [T\rtor] No te oluid,es d.e lleuar a Leslie aI Jard.n Botnico. En esta poca del ao es bello. lJiml Oh don't forget to take Leslie to the Botanical Gardens. '.I]hey at this time of the year. 3re beautiful lTtrtorl Tiene,s toda la,razn. Crees que todaua tienen los canos tirad.os por coballos que Ileuan o ld genle o traus del parque? IJusanl Y_ou're absolutely right. Do you think thev still have horse-


to take people through the park?

Creo que sl.pcro asegrate.deque lleguen lemprano. son muJ populareslos hnes de semono. fi"rff,ro""o" i think so, but make sure you get there eulv. Those rides e very popl n week-ends.'
l'lhtorl Me ac,bo de Hay un zoolgico cerca dl Jard,n Botdnico. rOdrIAmoS on tamblen. [Susan] I_just remembered. There is a zoo near the Botanical Gardens. IYe could also go there.

Uiml Hi. Susan! ISusan] Hi! lJiml Guess-who I just saw? lSusanl lVho? Uiml I saw Claire walking her two huge, twin, black dogs. liusanl Oh, I thought her dogs were brom.



lJiml No. mine is bron'n but hers are black. lSusanl So, what did Claire say? [Jim] She said her win sons started high school this year. They are thirteen. lSusanl I can't believe it! lJiml Yes. She said they are as tall as their fathen They do cross-country and are very competitive. She doesn't like that because Alex is faster than Andy, and he teases his brother about it. lSusanl Really? Uiml I told her that my son and my daughter are now in college and they also compete with each othen He is seventeen and she is eighteen.Liz geta better grades than Jack because she is more studious than her brother. but he doesn't underetand that. But, anway, we couldn't talk very much because my dog Princess was barking very loud. lSusanl

lSusanl Hi, Jim. How are you? lT\rtorl Bien. Qu hay de nueuo? lJiml Fine. What's new? lT\rtorl No mucho. Estqt llamando porque necesitoalgunas sugerenciaspara estefin de semdna. lSusanl Not much. I'n calling because I need some suggestions for this week-end. lTutorl Ay Dios! Es algo tard,eSusan. Qupensabas? Oh boy! It's kind of late Susan, What did you have in mind? lT\rtorl Oh boy es una interjeccin que se usa frecuentemente en ingls. Fjese que esta pregunta Wha did you have in mind? quiere decir literalmente gatencs Ia rnente?o sea en quplaneabas? quhabas pensado? Mi prima de Ohio uiene d.euisrto. lsusml i{y cousin from Ohio is coming to visit. lT\rtorl EIla es tu prina Lesli o tu prirna Lisa? lJiml Is that your cousin Leslie or your cousin Lisa? lTtorl Mi prima Leslie. Es una prima segunda. lSusanl My cousin Leslie. She is a second cousin. lT\rtorl Supongo que ueneen auinSera un uiaje muy largo en autonuil desde Ohio. [Jim] I assume she's flying. It would be a long drive ftom Ohio. lTtorl El verbo to assume quiere decir szponer. Drive quiere decit manejar, a long drive es "urr viaje largo en automvil". S. Viene en auin. Su uuelo llesa eI uiemes a las 70:45 d la noche. ISusan] Yes. She's coning by plane, Her flight mives on Friday at 1O:45 pm. lT\rtorl . Udsd recogerlnal aeropuerto? [Jim] Are you going to pick her up at the airport? lTtorl S. Al fin y al caboyo uivo muy cerca. lSusanl Yes. After all I live around the comer. lT\rtorl Around the corrrer es una expresin coloquial que indica "muy cerca" aunque literalmente quiere decir "a la vuelta de Ia esquina". Entonces,ld uds a sdcar a pasedr eI sbado y el domingo? lJiml So, on Saturday and Sundayyou will be showing her around? [Trtor] S. lSusanl Yes. 51



[Jim] I think she was afraid of Qlaire's dogs. They are so much bigger than she is. lSusanl Did Claire mention her cats? I remember she used to have several beautiful, long-haired cats. lJiml Yes. Her white Persian cat is already fourteen years old, the black Persian passed away, and her grey cat just had kittens. lSusanl That small. old cat is still alive? lJiml Yes! [Susan] Is she ging the kittens away? lJiml Mmm. I will call her and ask hen But, why do you need nother cat? lSusanl Mine needs a companion. She meows so much because she wants to play, but I'm too busy most of the time. Urml Okay, I understand. [Susan] You know how much I love cats. In my opinion they are more fin than dogs. Section IV. Explanation of the dialog lsound effects dogs barking at the parkl [Ttor] Hola, Susan! lJiml Hi. Susan! lTtrtorl Hola! lSusanl Hi!


lSusanl Yes. She's coming by plane. Her flight arrives on Friday at 10:45 p.m. [Jim] Are you going to pick her up at the airport? lSusanl Yes. lJiml I don't think you should drive because you won't be able to enjoy the sigts. lSusanl I would be more relaxed if I didn't drive. We'll take a taxi downtom. Then we'll be able to walk up and down the streets without worrring about traffic or frnding a parking space, [Jim] Leslie would probably enjoy Chinatom. It's so exotic, and I know she likes Chinese food. lSusanl Hey! I have an idea! Would you like to join us on Saturday for dinner? lJiml That would be nice. I can get there by subway very easily. . . or I could take the bus. lSusanl Don't be silly. I will drive and we will pick you up on our way to Chinatown. Oh, don't forget to take Lelie to the Botanical Gardens. They are beautiful at this time of the year, lSusanl You are absolutely right. Do you think trfusy still have horse-drawn caniages to take people through the park? Uiml I think so, but make srrre yorr get there early. Those rides are very popular on week-ends. lSusanl I just remembered. There is a zoo near the Botanical Gardens. We could also go there. Uiml Yes. There is a boat that takes you across the lake and leaves you at the zoo. [Susan] What else could I do with Leslie? [Jim] Let ne see . . . You could take a train and go to that town with the apple orchards and the srineries . . , I can't remember its name.. . but I know it's only two hours away! lSusanl What a great idea! My goodness Jim, it's almost midnight! We'll see you on Saturday. Good night, Susan. Section IV. Explanation of the dialog [sound effects telephone rings] IT\tor] Diga. lJrml Hello lTttorl HoIa Jim. Cmoestds?.


lT\rtorl Adiuina a auin acabo de uer. [Jim] Guess who I just saw. [T\rtor] A quin? lSusanl Who? [Tutor] Vi a Claire paseando sus dos enorrnes perros negros gernelos. [Jim] I rsaw Claire walking her two, twin, huge, black dogs. [Ttor] T$in es el adjetivo gemelos,twin dogs. Ibing con "s" al final es el sustantivo. The dogs are twing. To walk quiere decir caminar, pero en este caso es pasear. Oh, yo pens que susperros eran Larronea. lSusanl Oh, I thought her dogs were brown. [T\rtor] No, eI mo es marrn pero los de ella son negros. lJiml No, mine is brown, but hers are black. lTtrtorl Y qu dijo Claire? [Susan] So, what did Claire say? lTlrtorl EIla dijo que susdos hijos gemelosenpezaron la secundaria este ao. Tienen trece aos. [Jim] She said her two twin sons started high school this year. They are thirteen. lTirtorl No Io pued.ocreer! ISusan] I can't believe it! lTirtorl S. Dijo que est.ntan altos cornosu padre. EIIos praclican aampoy pista y son muy competitiuos. A elli no te gusta eio pioqueex es ms rpido que Andy y l se burla
de su nermdno Dor eso-


lJiml Yes. She said they are as tall as their fathen They do cross-country and are very cornpetitive. She doesn't like that because Alex is faster than Andy, and he teases his brother about it. lT\rtorl Said es el pasado del verbo to say - decir. Note eI uso del comparativo cuando se comparan cosas,iguales (as tall as) y despus cuando se comparrn cosas diferentes (Alex is faster than Andy). De uerdad? [Susan] Really? [Ttor] Yo Ie dije que mi hijo y m hija egtn ahora en la uniuersidad y tanbin compiten entre ellos. El tiene d,iecisiete ella dieciocho. y Liz recibe mejores notas que Jack porque es ms estudosaque su hertnano, pero l no entiend.e eso.Pero, de todas naneras no pudimos hablar rnuchoporque Princess estaba ladrando muy alto.



---[Jim] I_told her that my son md my daughter are now in college and they also compete anong thenselves. He is seventeen and she is eighteen. Liz gets better grades than Jack because she is more studious than her brother, but he doesn't understand that. But, anrway, we couldn't talk very much because ny dog Princess was barking very loud. I lUtorl ote el uso del comparativo cuando se comDaran cosasdiferentes (she is more studibus than her brothei). Porqu? [Susan] whv? lT\rtor] Creo que ella le tena mied,oa los penos de Clare. Son mucho mas grandes que ella.


En esta leccin va a estudiar las preposicionesque indicm direccin. Como se vio en la leccin anterior, la preposicin es una palabra que se usa en relacin con un nombre, un pronombre o con alguna otra palabra de la oracin. A continuacin escuchelos siguientes pronombres, y reptalos despusde la pausa. aniba - tp lpaus'el s61. up_lpausel dbolo - down lpauseJRepeat, down lpausel a traue.s- through lpausl Repeat. througir lpausel a traus - across [pauseJRepeat. across lau;el olrededor - arouil [pause] Repeat. aroud lpausel Observe.aqu tambin el-uso de_ciertasconjunciones- las palabras que unen palabras o grupos de palabras. como nd t y ), but {pro) y or (). Section IT. Key words and phrases from the dialog prim.o. prima - cousin lpausel Repeat. cousin [pauie] conductr,ryangjar- to_drive fpauselRepeat. to drive lpausel uola-r- [pausel Repeat. to fly lpasel uuel,o flight lpausel.Rebeat. fligt ipausel auton - plane lpausel [.sps. plane [pausel aeropuerto-- ?irport lpauseJ Repeat. alrport lpausel el centro (de la ctudad) - d.owntown lpauselRepeat. downtown [pause] aparaomiento rarking space lpauselRepeat. parKrng space lpausel melro - subway fpause]Repeat, subway [pausel poseo(en outomuil)- ride fpauselRepeat. ride lpause] barco -boat [pausel Repeat-. boat lpa-usel tren - train lpausel f,,sp61. train lpausel aulobs -bu3 Lpausel F,sp6. bus fpausel Qu buena idea! - What great ida! lpausel Reoeat, great idea! lpausef What a )Qu hay de nueu_ol What's new with you? lpausel Repeat. What's new with you? lpausel Section III. Dialog effectstelphoneringsl [s_omd lJiml Hello. ISusan] Hi, Jim. How are vou? I.Iiml Fin, What's new? [Susan] Not much. I'rn calling because I need some suggestions for this week-end.

I llrtorl To be-afraid es una expresin que quiere decir "tener miedo." Esto es otro ejemplo de que muho_de lo-que-espaol va con tener en ingis va con el verbo ser o estar, to be. Claire mencion sus Ratos? R-ecuerdo que ella tenro uarios gatos bellos de pelo la"rgo. lSusanl Did Claire mention her cats? I remember she used to liave several beautifirl, long.haired cats. lTtorl St. S.u gata blanca persa_ya tiene catorce aos, el gato negro persa murto J su galo grs acaba dc lcner gatilos. l.Iiml Yes. Her white Persian cat is already fourteen years old, the black,Persian passed away, and heigrey cat juit had kitens. I lutor Los gentilicios en ingls comienzan con marscula, o sea que persa se escribe Persim con "P" mayscula. To pass away se traduc literalmente como "pasar lejos", quiere decr morii. Esa ga\o uieja y peq-uea esta uiia todauio? lDusanl That small old, cat is still alive? IThtor] S ! [Jim] Yes! lTtrtor] ;Eslrl regalando los gatitosl tbusanl her kittens away? Is she giving [Ttor] St"q alvay o "dar afuera" Io qug quiere decir es danar o regalar. T9 M-mm, la llamar y Ie preguntar. Peio, por qu necesitas otrl gato? lJ rm l Mmm, f will call her and ask hen But, why do you need another cat? lT\rtorl La ma.necesita un compdero. Motl-o tanto porque quiere ugar, pero csto! ocupadct la mayor porte del tiempo. liusanl Mine needs a conpanion. She meows so much because she wants to play, but I'm too busy most of the time.

i think she was afraid of Claire's dogs. Tltgy r." so much bigger than she is.

It's kind f late Susan. IVhat did you have in mind? Bll*it My cousin from Ohio is coming to visit. lJiml l-s that your cousin Leslie or your cousin Lisa? [Susan] My cousin Leslie. She is a second cousin. lJiml I assume she's flying. It would be a long drive from Ohio. 49

ISusan] That sounds good. lTirtorl SOCORRO!

tJ tml

HELP! lTtrtorl Jim, quepas? lSusanl Jim, what happened? lT[tor] Me d con Ia pared en el brazo roto- Nopuedo aguantar el dolor! Uiml I bunped my broken am against the wall. I can't stand the pain! lT\rtorl Voy a buscar a la enfermeraAy no! Por fauor, ten No fu mueuas hasta que yo regrese. ISusan] Oh no! Please, be careful. I'm going to look for the nurse. Don't move until I come back. Section V. Comprehensin 1. Por qu Jim fue a la sala emergencia? Why did Jim go to the emergency room? Poroue se ouebr el brazo- Because he broke his arm. 2. C.unto timpo ha esta$o Jim esperando en 1a sala de mergencia?'or how l6ng has iirn been waiting at the emergency room? Jim has estado esperandod,urante ueinticinco minutos. clim has been waiting for twenty-five minutes. 3. Por qu Jim no fue a la clnica? Why didn't Jim go to the clinic? Porque la clnica no Ie poda dar und cita hasta maana por la tarcle. Because the clinic could not give him an appointment until tomorrowafternoon. 4. Qu quiere pedirle Jim a la enfemera? What does Jirr want to ask the nurse for? Jim ouiere oedirle una bolsa de hieloJim ivants- to ask the nurse for an ice pack. 5. Qule ofrece Susan a Jim? What does Susan offer Jirn? SusonIe ofrece Jim una aspirina. o Susan offers Jim an aspirin. 6. Qu le pas al nio de la pierna hinchada? lrhat happened to the boy with the swollen leg? El meti el oie en una colmerua. He stuck is foot inside a beehive. 7. Porqu llevaron para adentro a Ia seora que acababa de llegar? Why did they take inside the lady who just anived? Porque eIIa tuuo un ataque al corazn. Because she had a heart attack. 8. Jim quiere esperar afuera de la sala de espera? Does Jim want to wait outside the waiting roorrr? No, Jim quiere esperar adentro. No, Jim wants to wait inside. 9. Por qu Jim pidi ayuda? Why did Jim ask for help? Porque se dio con la pared en eI brazo roto y no puede aguantar el d.olor. Because he bumped his broken arrn with the wall and he can't stand the pain. Fin de Ia leccin 9. End of lesson 9. 48

lTtorl Bien, entiend,o [Jim] Okay, I understand. [T\rtor] Sabes cmo me gustan los gatos. En mi opinin son ms diuertidos que los perros. [Susan] You know how much I love cats. In my opinion they are more fun thm dogs. Section V. Comprensiri 1. Aquin vio Jim en el parque? Who did Jim see at the park? Jim uio a Claire en eI parque. Jim saw Claire at the park 2. C6moeran los perros de Claire? How were Claire's dogs? Los perros gemelosde Claire eran negrosy enormes. Claire's twin dogs were black md huge. 3. De qu color es Princess? What color is Princess? Prncess es marrnPrincess is brom. 4. Quin es ns rpidoAlex oAndy? IYho is faster Alex or Andv? Alex es mas rapido que Andj. Alex is faster than Andv. 5. Por qu Princess estaba iadrando? Why was Princess buking? Porque tena mied,od,elos perros de Claire. Because she was afraid of Claire's dogs. 6. Por qu Susan quera otro gato? Why did Susan want another cat? Porque su gata necesitabaun compaero. Because her cat needed a companion. 7. PrefiereSusan los petros o los gatos? Does Susan prefer dogs or cats? Susanprefiere los gotos. Susan prefers cats. Fin de la leccin 6. End oflesson 6.


En esta leccin aprender sobre el alquiler o Ia compra de una vivienda. Algunos de los verbos oue se van a utilizar son regulares. Pr ejemplo: to rent I alquilar y to call - llamar. En el pasado a estos verbos se les aade Ia teminacin -ed.

Yoalquilo Yollatno

I rent I call

Yo alquil Yo llam

I rented I called

Yo alquilar Yo llamar

I will rent I will call

El verbo comprar - to buy es un verbo imegular que cambia completamente en el pasado. Yo compro Ibuy Yo cornpr I bought Yo comprar I will buy 33

Recuerde que en ingls el verbo en presente slo canbia la terminacin en la tercera persona del sinzular - he o she donde se le aade ua -s. Por ejemploi Yo alquilo T.alquilas 4llEl.lnolauila Nontftsalquilnm Umtrcslw-alquilrii"s tlstedesalquiln ElkslEllasalquilan I rent You rent Heherents Werent Yourerrt Yourent lheyrent Yo cornpro T1i cornpras EllElln-mpm Nontrurcnpmrc Vosotrelretimpniis tJstdesmmpin Ellns/Ellasnmpran I buy Youbuy Hehebuys Webuy Youby Youbu! Ttreybiry

Section II. Key words and phrases from the dialog Pnmeramente orr la Dalabra o Ia frase en espariol v despussu equ-ivalenteen ingls. -Repita la palabra o la flase dspusde oirla en lngles. propietario - landlord lpausel Repeat. landlord [pause] pidb disculpas - I apol-gize lpaus'ejRepeat. I aplogize [pausel cunto tienxpoha uiuido allt? -}Jow long have you lived there? [pause] ft,sps, How long have you livd there? lpausel prefijo dc Ia ciudad - area code lpausel Repeat. area code lpause'| quisieraconprar un apartamentoo una casa?lVould you like to buy an aprtment or a house? fpause] Repeat. Would you lii<e to 6uy an apartment or a-hous? LPausel operadora - operator lpausgl Repeat. operator lpausel suburbios - suburbs fpausel Repeat. suburbs lpausel laoadora - washer tpusel Repat. washer [pasel secadora- dryer fpausel Repeat. dryer [pause] t7ngo un p.resupu.esto fijo.- I'm on a budget lpause] Repeat. l m on a Drrdgef, lpausel q propsito 1 by the way lpause] Repeat. by the way [pausel Iauaplatos - dishwasher lpausel Rspssl. dishwasher [pausel oire acondicionado - air conditioner lpausel Repeat. air conditioner lpausel d,ormitorio princrp7 - master bedroom [pause] Repeat. master bedroom loausel cocina - kitchen tpiusel-Repeat. kitchen lpausel ba7o- bathroom pausel Rpeat. bathroom [pause] salo - living roon-[pausel Rpeat. living rooin [pausel rontedor - diningroom, lpause] ft,spe. dining room fpausel ptso de arrtba) - upstanrs lpausel Kepeat. drnoa ten e upstairs [pause] qbajo Cp el piso de gbajo) - downstairs [pausel Repeat. downstarrs lpause] tareas domstica.s housework [pause] Repeat. housework [pause] Section III Dialog [soune effects telephone ringsl

Heilb ISusan] Hi Jim. It's Susan. lJimj How are you Susan? Is something wrong? fSusanl I apolgize for calling so late, I know it is past eleven, b utl h av eapro b l e m . lJiml What's the matter? lSusanl 34

ITtor] Tb,Iuezpodramos pedirle a Ia enfermera una bolsd de hielo. lJiml Maybe we could ask the nurse for an ice pack. lT\rtorl Por supuesto.Quieresund dspirina tatnbin? Tengoalgunas en mi bolso. [Susan] Of course. Would you like an aspirin also? I have some in my purse. lTtorl Fjese que en este caso Would you like? es la manera corts en ingls de preglntar si se quiere algo. Muy bien, mepodrfas alcanzar esa botella de dgud que est en Ia nesa, por fauor? Uiml Okay, would you hand me that bottle of water that is on the table, please? [T\rtor] Hand quiere decir mano, pero el verbo to hand qtiere decr alcanza2 Claro. Ay! se me cay la aspirina en eI suelo. Qu torpe soy! lSusanl Sure. Oops!.$dropped the aspirin on the floon How clumsvtf ne! lTtorl Vistea esenio con la pierna hinchada? Uiml Did you see that boy with the swollen leg? [Ttor] S. O que rneti el pie en una colnena y las abejas lo picaron mucho. [Susan] Yes. I heard he had stuck his foot inside a beehive and he got bay stung. lTtrtorl Uy! ... Mira. Estdn lleuando a esa seorapara adnntro y ella acaba de llegar! lJiml Ouch!...Look. They are taking that lady inside and she just arrived! [Ttor] Jim, ella acaba de tener un ataque al corazn. EIla tien una ernergencatn.sseria que la tuya. lSusanl Jin, she just had a heart attack. She has a nore serious emergency than yours. lT\rtorl Ay! No me d, cuenta de eso. Uiml Oh! I didn't realize that. [T\rtor] To realize quiere decir "duse cuenta de." Tegustdrd salir afuera unos minutos? Quizs eI aire flesco te hard bien. lSusanl IVould you like o go outside for a few minutes? Maybe the fresh air will do you some good. lTtorl -|y'o. Por qu no nos sentanos en esesof entre eI uestbuloy la cafetera? Uiml No. Why don't we sit on that couch between the lobby and the cafeteria? lTtorl Me oarecebien-


lJiml HELP!!! [Susan] tlim, what happened? tdrml I bumped rny broken am against the wall ... I can't,stand the pain! lsusanl Oh no! Please, be careful. I'm going to look for the nurse. Don't move rmtil I come back. Section fV, Explanation of the dialog [sound effects at the emergencyroom] lT\rtorl )Cmo te sientesJim? lSusanl How are you feeling tlim? lTtorl Podra estar meior. EI brazo ne duele mucho. Uiml I could be betten My arrn hurts a lot. [T\rtor] Lo siento. Estoy segura de que el doctor te uer,pronto. [Susan] I'm sorr2. I'm sure the doctor will see you soon. [Ttor] No puedo creer que hayamos estad,o esperand.o aqu uenticinco minutos. [Jim] I can't believe we have been waiting here for twenty-frve minutes. [Ttrtor] Note la utilizacin del pretrito perfecto: hemosestado = we have been waiting, que se estudi en la leccin 8. Mira qu crtestaddest Ia sala dc espera. [Susan] Look how crowded the waiting roon is. lT\rtorl s Caramb a! Tene razn. Uiml Wow! Youte right. [T\rtor] Wow es una expresin de sorpresa usada constmtemente. Aquel hombre con la gota roja ha estada esperandodesdc hace una hora y treinta minutos. [Susan] That man over there with the red cap said he had been waiting for an hour and thirty minutes. [Tto] Y yo pens que si uenamosa Ia sala de etnergenciame atenderan mi br azo roto r pidamnnte. [Jim] And I thought that if we cane to the emergency room they would take care of my broken arrn quickly. lTttorl Jim, cuando llam a la clnica re d,ijeron que no me pod,an dar una cta hasta maana por la tarde. Me parece que uinimos al lugar indicado. [Susan] Jim, when I called the clinic they said they could not give you an appointment until tomorrow aftemoon. I think we came to the right place.

My landlord wants me to nove out in twentz days. lJiml Oh no! But he can't do that! How long have you lived there? [Susan] TWo and a half years, His huse is infected with temites. so he needs to live in my apartment for a while.

F^o,what are you going to do? tusanl Ilhink I should buy myself a place.

[ould,Vou like to buy m apartment or a house? liusan I 7ln apartment, [Jim] You should call Universal Realty, Ask for Nancy. She's a good friend of mine. lSusanl Pj {"o have their phone number? l.Jlml No, Itm sorrr. It's a local numbe4 so their area code will be the same as ours. The_y_alsohave an 800 numben But ... I don't have it right now. g^all 41.1,The operator will give you the information yo need. liusml ihankyou Jim. lJiml You're_welcome. So, where would you like o live? ISusan] I would like to stay in the city. ! find it more exciiing than lving in the subrrbs. tJrml I know what you mean. lSusanl I would like to frnd a three-bedroom apartment. with a balcony, a washer and dryen 9_!, 3n it should allow pets. I culdn't live wihout my kitty. l Jrml p\, i'gqferday I say q house-for-sale ad in the newspapen It had the master bedroom downstairs and two othr bedrooms upstairs. It_hq{_a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, and two and a half bathrooms plus a two-car garage, all foi two hundred and twenty thousand dollars, [Susan] But Jim, you forget I'm looking for an apartment. I1+ gr " budget, you hrow? l Jrml Youtre.right. By the way, what will you do while you wait to move into your new placel lbusanl I guess I will have to live in a motel for a while. But it will cost me one hundred and twenty dollars a night. lJirnl I have a better idea! You could be my roommate for a few weeks, What do you think'! liusml 'i"hat *odd be great! We would have to share the housework ,.. [Susan] OJ course. I actually like to do he laundrz and to vacuum. t.Jml My dishwasher is broken right now, so we'll have to *""n,O:_


dishes by hand. [Susan] Don't worr-l about it. [Jim] Also, my air conditioner is not working very well. lSusanl I can bring a fan I have at my place. IJim] Excellent! ISusan] Thank you again, clim. I'll talk to you soon. lJiml Good night, Susan. Sftion fV. Explanation of the dialog lsound effects telephone ringsl lThtorl HoIa Uiml Hello lTirtorl Hola, Jim. Es Susan. lSusanl Hi, Jim. It's Susan. ITtrtor] posa algo? )Como estasSusonl Te lJiml ilow are you Susan? Is sdnething wrong? [Ttor] Note que la frase Is something wrong? quiere decir literalmente "Hay algq equivocado?"pero es una frase coloquial para preguntar sr algo ancla mal. Te pldo dsculpas por llamar tan tdrde s que es pasado las once, pero tengo un problema. ISusan] I apologize for calling so late, I know it is past eleven, butlhav eapro b l e m . lTtorl Qute pasd? Uiml What's the rnatter? [T\rtor] La pregunta what's the matter? es una expresin coloquial pra preguntar "qu es lo que pasa." Es una pregunta similar a Is sgmething wrong? en la que se sospechaque existe algn.problema. EI propietario de mi aportamento quiere que me mudc en ueinte dds. lSusanl My landlord wants me to move out in twenty days. lTlrtorl Oh, no! Pero I no pued.ehacer eso!Cunto tiempo has uiuido ah? lJiml Oh no! But he can't do that! How long have you lived there? IThtor] He can't es la contraccin del verbo can y not o sea ma manera de negar que pueda. How long? quiere decir cunto tiempo o durante cunto tiempo. Have you lived there? es el tiempo preterito perfecto que en ingls se forma con el verbo to have en ei piesente m?s el participio pa;ado del verbo principal. Por ejemplo: Yo he uuido en Nuela Yorh trs aos. I have liried in New Yoik fbr three years. Este tiempo indica una acci'nque oruri en un momento inde'finido del pasado'o una accin que ocurri en el pasado y que se extiende hasta el presente. Dos aosy medio. Su caia st,infestada con comej;nesas que l 36

Eso me parece bien - that sounds good lpause] ft,sps1. that sounds good [pause] No puedo aguantar el dolor - | can't stand the pain lpause] Repeat. I an't stand the pain lpausej Ten cuidado! - be careful! lpause] Repeat. be careful! [pause] Section III. Dialog roomj fsoundeffectsat the hospital'semergency

How are you feeling Jim? lJinl I could be betten My arrn hurts a lot. ISusan] I'm sony. I'm sure the doctor will see you soon. lJiml I can't believe we have been waiting here for twenty-ive minutes! lSusanl Look how crowded the waiting roon is. lJiml IVow! You are right. ISusan] That man over there with the red cap said he has been waiting for an hour and thirty minutes. lJiml And_I-thought that if we came to the emergency room they would take care ofmy broken arm quicklyf lSusanl Jim, when I called the clinic they said they could not give you an appointment until tomonow afternoon, I think we came to the right place. Uiml Maybe we could ask the nurse for an ice pack. [Susan] Of course. Would you like an aspirin also? I.lrave some in my purse.

kay, would you hand me that bottle of water that is on the table, please? [Susan] Sure. Oops! I dropped the aspirin on the floon How clumsv of me! Did you see that boy with the swollen leg? lSusanl Yes. I heard he had stuck his foot inside a beehive and he got badly stung. [Jim] Ouch! Look. They are taking that lady inside and she just arrived! [Susan] Jim, she just had a heart attack! She has a more serious emergency than yours. Uiml Oh! I didn't realize that. [Susan] Would you like to go outside for a few rninutes? Maybe the foesh air will do you some good. [Jim] No. Why don't we sit on that couch between the lobby and the cafeteria? [Susan] That sounds good.








Qu hizo Susan en el correo? What did Susan do at the post office? Susan mand unas cartds y unos paquetes. Susan sent sorne letters and sm packages. Qu hay aI lado de la cafetera? What is next to the coffee shop? Al lado de la cafetera hay una biblioteca nueoa. Next to the coffee shop there is a brand new librarL Cmose llama eI supermercado? What's the supermarket's name? El sunermercados llama "Food Fair". The supemarket's nme is t'Food Faintt Cundollevar Susan a Lily al veterinario? When will Susan take Lily to the vet? Tan pronto como se instale en su dpartamento. As soon as she gets settled in her apartment. Qu estn construyendo sobre la colina? What are they building on the hill? Estn construyendn un centro comercial sobre la colina. They are building a mall on the hill. Cmose enter Susan de esta comunidad? How did Susan frnd out about this community? Nancy, la amiga de Jim se Ia sugiri. Because, Nancy, rfim's friend suggested it.

necesitauiuir en m apartamento. [Susan] TWo and a half years, His house is infected with temites so he needs to live in ny apartnent for a qhile. lTtorl En ingis se dice literalmente dos y medio aos, two and a half years. Y qu uas a hacer? lJimi So, what are you going to do? lTtorl Creo oue me debera cotnorar un sitio.

Fin de la leccin 8. End of lesson 8.


I think I should buy myself a place.fThtorl En este caso rnyself (pronombre reflexivo estudiado en la leccin 5) se utiliza para dr nfasis. g.ustaiia compror un apartomento o una coso? .Te lJlml iVould you like to buy m apartment or a house? lTtrtorl Note eI uso del condicional con would explicado en la leccin 4. Un apartamento. lSusnl An apartment. IT'r:tor] Deberas de llamar a Unuersal Realty. Pregunta por Nanc,. EIIa es una bueno amisa ma. tJ l m I Youihould call Universal Realty. Ask for Nancy. She's a good friend of mine. lT\rtorl Fjese en el condicional should (estudiado en la leccin 4). nenes su nmero de telfono? ISusan] Do you have their phone nunber?

En esta leccin va a estudiar las preposiciones de lugar. Una preposicin es una palabra que siroe de nexo entre diferentes palabras de la frase. Escuche las siguientes preposiciones de lugar y reptalas a continuacin: enldentro - in [pause] Repeat. in lpause] sobre - on lpause] Repeat. on Lpausel fuera - ou;t [pause] Repeat. out [pause] dentro - inside lpause] Repeat. inside [pause] - outside lpause] Repeat. outside [pause] fueralafuera entre -between lpause] Repeat. between lpausel En esta leccin tambin anrender eI uso de las interiecciones. Una interl'eccin es una plabra que expresa una emcin, como por ejemplo asombro, dolor o equivocacin. Oh, Oops, Ouch, Wow y Help son algunas interjecciones en ingls que se estudiarn en el dilogo. Section II. Key words and phrases foon the dialog sala de espera - waiting roon [pausel Repeat. waiting roon lpause] sala de emergencia - emergency room lpause] Repeat. emergency room Lpausel cio - appointment [pause] Repeat, appointment [pause] enfermera / o - nurse [pause] Repeat, nurse lpausel clnica - clinic [pause] Repeat. clinic fpause] brazo roto - broken arm fpause] Repeat. broken arm [pause] ataque al corazn - heart attack lpause] Repeat. heart attack fpause] 44

No, Io siento. Es un nmero local, as que su prefijo serd eI msmo que el nuestro. Ellos tambin tenen un nmero 800. Pero ..- no lo tenso en estos momentos. Llama al 417. La operadora te dar. la informacln que necesLtas. Note que en todos los Estados Unidos para averiguar cualquier nmero telefnico en cualquier ciudad o estado se llama al 'four, one, Nunca se dice four hundred and eleven. Y en caso de emergencias se llama al 911, o sea, ai 'hine, one, one." Los nmeros 800, 888 y otros con 8 son nmeros gratis para que clientes llamen a los negocios. Los nmeros 900 son nmeros con cargo al cliente que llama a ese negocio. En ingls los cientos se dicen one hundred, two huny as sucesivamente cuando se trata de cifras. dred, three hundred [Jim] No, I'm sorry. It's a local number so their area code will be the same as ours. They also have an 800 number. But . . . I don't have it right now. Call 4ll. The operator will give you the infornation you need. lTtorl Note la utilizacin del adjetivo posesivo their que se estudi en la leccin 5 y el pronombre posesivo ours que se estudi en la leccin 6. Gracias Jim. [Susan] Thank you Jim. [Ttor] De nada. Y dndc tu gustara uiuir? [Jim] You're welcome, So, where would you like to live? [Tto] Me gustarct quedarme en Ia ciudad. 37

La encuentro ns estimulante oue Ins suburbios. lSusanl I woufd like to stav in the citv I find it nore exciing than the suburbs. lTtorl Fjese en la utilizacin del comparativo que se estudi en Ia leccin 6. Lo entiendo. I how what you mean. ITtrtor] Esta es una frase coloquial que quiere decir literaLnente "s lo que quieres decir". Me gustara encontrar un apartanento dn tres domitorios, con balcn, lauadora y secadora.Oh, y debera de permitir mascotas. No podra uiuir sin mi gatita. lSusml I would like to frnd a three-bedroom apartment, with a balcony, washer and dryen Oh, and it should allow pets. I couldn't live without my kitta lTirtorl Un apartamento de tres cuartos se dice a three-bedroom apartment y se escribe con un guin ente three y bedroom.porque cumdo dos adjetivos califrcan un sustantivo se usa un guin corto entre ellos. Oh, ayer ui un anuncio de una casa a la uenta en el perid,ico. Tenn el dorrnitorio principal abajo y otros dos dorrnitorios arriba. Tena cocina, comedor,saia y do bos y rudio ms un garae para dos autotnuiles. todo nor dorcientos ueinte nil dIares.

Lo ueo ahora. Y debajo de esos estd la oficina del ueterinario.


Uiml I see it now. And under those trees there is a vet's office. lTlrtorl Casi siempre se dice vet y no veterinarian. Aqu vet's quiere decir "del veterinario". S. Pienso lkuar a LiIy tan pronto cono mz asientu. Y ad,iuina qu estn construyendoen esa colina? ISusan] Yes. I plan to take Lily aa aoon as I get settled. And guess what they are building on that hill? lTtorl Qu? [Jrml What? lT\rtorl Un centro comercal. Tbndr tendas por departamentos, cines, restdurdntes e incluso una peluquera. lSusanl Amall. It will have departnent etores, moe theaters, restaurants. and even a hairdresser. lT\rtorl ;Y cudndo lo terminardn?

l\ndwhen will it be completed? lTttorl

h, yesterday I saw a house fot sale ad in the newspaper. It had the master bedroom downstairs and two other bedrooms upstairs, It had a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, and two and a half bathrooms plue a two-car garage, all for two hundred and twenty thousand dollars. lTtorl Pero Jim, te oluidas que estoy buscando un apo,rtanento. Tengo un presupuestofijo, sabes? lSusanl But.fim, you forget I'm looking for an apartment. f'rn on a budget, you know? lTtorl Note que mientras en espaol se usa eI verbo fezer para decir "tengo un presupuesto fijo", en ingls se usa el verbo to be para decir 1omismo I'm on a budget. Trenesrazn. A propsito, quuas a hacer mientras esperasd mudarte a tu nueud uiuienda? lJiml You're right. By the way, what will you do while you wait to move into your new place? [Ttor] Tend,r oue uiuir en un motel durante un tiemoo.

El uerano prximo. lsusml ext su--en [T\rtor] Estupendo! Bien, parece que escogisteun buen lugar para tu nueuo hogar. A propsito, cmosupiste de esta zona? lJiml That'e great! Well, i looks like you chose a good location for your new home. By the way, how did you frnd out about this area? lTlrtorl T amiga Nancy de Uniuersal Realty tne la recotnend. ISusan] Your friend Nancy from Universal Realty recorrmended it. [Ttor] Te dije que ella te ayudara. Ftml I told you she would help you out. [T\rtor] Eres un buen atnigo, Jim. lSusanl You are a good foiend, Jim. Section V. Comprehensin 1. A Jim Ie gust el nuevo apartamento de Susan? Did Jim like Susan's new apartment? S, a Jirn le encant el nueuo apartamento de Susan. Yes, .Iim loved Susan's new apartment. 2. El apartamento de Susan tiene una vista del supermercado? Does Susan's apartment have a view of the supemarket? No, su aparfanento tiene una uista d,elparque. No, her apartment has a view ofthe park. 3. Adnde fue Susan ayer porla maana? \[here did Susan go yesterday morning? Susan fue aI coneo. Susan went to the post offrc.

i gues3 I will have to live in a motel for a while. [T\rtor] Tengo una idea mejor! Podras compartir rni casa d,urante unu semanag Qute parece? l..,rml i have a better idea! You could be my roommate for a few weeks. What do you think? [T\rto] Se'Aoommate'de alguien quiere decir ser compaero o compaera de cuarto o de casa. Serla estupendo! lSusanl 38


--Section fV. Explaaation ofthe dialog lsound effects] lT\torl Me alegro tanto de que pudieras uer mi nueuo apdrtanento hoy, Jirn. [Susan] I'n so glad you could see my new apartment today.Iim. lTttorl ;Me 'Es encanta tu nueuo hopar! tiene una b'onita uista del parque y puedes encontrar espacioso, cerca todo lo que necesitas.Y adetnds estds en la planta baja! lJiml I love your new place! It's spacious, it has a nice view of the par\ and you have everything you need nearby. Plus you are on the frrst floor! [T\rtorl Note qre el verbo to love quiere decit querer, amdr peto tambin encanmr. Por ejemplo: Me encanta ese restdurante. I love that restaurant. Observe que first floor equivale a planta baja. El prirur piso es equivalente a second floon Es uerdad. Por eso quera que diranos un paaeo. Quiero ensearteIo estupenda que es estd comunid,ad. lSusanl That's true. That's why I wanted s to take a walk. I want o show you what a great community this is. lT\rtorl Veoque eI correo eata al lado de tu edificio dz apartamentos. lJiml I see that the post office is next to your apartment building. No es nagnfico? ,Ayerfui aI correo en cudnto acabaron de abrir. Pude mandar rnis cartas y mis paquetes enseguida,y ni siquiera tuue qle hacer cola.Estan cmodo! tDusanl Isn't that great? Yesterday I went into the post office the minute they opened. I could send my letters and packages in no time at all, and I didn't even have to wait in line. It's so convenient! [Tirtor] Fijese que la expresin the minute they opened quiere decir ez cuanto abrieron In no time at all quiere decir enseguida, inmediatamente. Veoque hay una biblioteca nueva al lado de esecaf. lJiml I see there is a new library by that coffee shop. lTtrtorl S. Pensopasar nuchas horas all. Mira, en frente de Ia tintorera hay y una delicatessenestupend,a detrs d ella estd el banco. lSusanl I plan to spend many hous there. Yes. Look, in front f the cleaners there is a great delicatessen and behind it there is the bank. [Ttor] Dndeest el supermercado? lJiml lVhere is the superrnarket? lTtrtorl Si te paras al lad.o mo y miras por encima de la torre de Ia iglesio uer.i eI letrero del suoe-rrercado. Dice "Food Fair" en letras grandes y rojas. [Susan] If you stand beside me and look over the church tower you'll see the supemarket sign. It says'Food Fair" in large, red letters. That would be great! lT\rtorl Tendramos que compartir las tareas donsticas , . . lJiml lVe would have to share the housevork. . . [T\tor] Por supuesto.De hecho, ru gusta lauar la ropa y pasar Ia aspirad,ora. [Susan] Of course. I actually like to do the laundry and to vacuun. lTtorl Mi lauaplatos est.roto en estos nonentos, as que tendremos que Iauar los olatos a tnano.

i{y ishwasher is broken right now, so we'll have to wash the dishes by hand. lT\rtorl No te preocupespor eso. [Susan] Don't worrJ about it. lTttorl Adems, mi aire acond,icionado estd funcionando rnuy bien. no

Also, my air contioner is not working very well. lTtorl


Puedn traer un uentilador que tengo en mi apartamento. [Susm] I can bring a fan I have at ny place. [Tbtor] Ercelente! [Jim] Excellent! lTlrtorl Gracias de nueuo,Jim. Hablar contgo pronto. lSusanl Thank you again, Jin. I'll talk to you soon. lT\rtorl Buenas noches,Susan. [Jim] Good night, Susan. Section V. Comprehension 1. Por qu Susan est llamando a Jim tan tarde? Why is Susan calling Jin so lae? Porque tiene un problema. Because she has a problem. 2. Ctnto tiempo ha vivido Susan en su apartamento? How long has Susan lived in her apartment? EIIa ha uiuido dos aos y nedio en su apartamento. She has lived in her a:partment for iwo and a half years. 3. Susan quiere comprar o alquilar un apartamento? poes Susan want to buy or to rent an apartment? Susan quiere corprar un apartdmento. Susan -wants tobuy an a'partment. 4. Qu nmero llama uno para pedir informacin? What number does one call to ask for information? Uno llama al 411 para pedir informacin. One calls 411 to ask for infomation. 5. Adnde le gustaravivir a Susan? I[here would Susan like to live? A Susan Ie gustara uuir en Ia ciudad. Susan would like to live in the city. 6. Cuntos domitorios quisiera tener Susan? How many bedrooms would Susan like to have? Susan ouisiera tener tres dormitorios. -would Susan like to have three bedrooms.






Qu le dice Jim a Susan que haga mientras espera para comprar su nueva vivienda? What does Jim tell Susan to do while she waits to buv her new place? Jrn le dice a Susan que compartd su casa con 1. Jim tells Susan to be his roomrnate. Qu tareas domsticas le gusta hacer a Susan? What housework does Susan like to do? A Susan le gusta lauar la ropa y pasar la aspirad.oraSusan likes to do the laundry and to vacuum. Por qu Jim y Susan tendran que lavar los platos a mano? Why would Jim and Susm have to wash the dishes by hand? Poroue el lauaolatos de Jim est rotoBec-ause climts dishwasher is broken. 7.

vet's office [pause] centrocomeraial- mall fpause]Repeat, mall lpausel tlenda por deportamentos - department store [pause] Repeat, department store lpausel cine - movie theater lpause] Repeat. movie theater [pause] restaurdnte - restaurant [pause] Repeat, restaurant lpausel pel uqueria / pel uquera - hairdresser-[pausel Repeat, hair-dresser [pause] letrero - sign lpausel Repeat. sign lpausel colina -hill [pause]Repeat. hill lpausel F^ection III. Dialog lsound effects street noisesl usanl I'm so-glad you could see my nelv apartment today.Iim! lJiml I love vour new place! It's spcious, it lias a nice view of the park, and vou have everything you need nearby. Plus you-are on th first floor! lSusanl That's true. That's why I wanted us to take a walk. I_want to show you what a community this is. fJiml taP;".fi* the post office is next to vour apartment building. Isn't that great? Yesterday I went into the post offrce the minante they__open9{.-I colrld send my letteis and packages in no time at all, and I didn't even have to wait in line. It's so convenient! Uiml I see there is a new library by that coffee shop,

F in de la leccin 7. End of lesson


En esta leccin va a estudiar algunas preposiciones que expresan lugar. Escuche cada una de estas prepsicionies n ingls a iontiiuacin y frate de repetir cada una durante la pausa. Luego trate de repetirlas de nuevo. por encirna - over [pause] Repeat. over [pause] encina de - above [pausel Repeat. above lpause] debajo - wder lpausel Repeat. under [pause] al lado - beside lpausel Repeat. beside lpausej al lado de - next to [pausel Repeat. next to lpause] al lado de - by lpause] Repeat. by lpausel cerca d,e - near fpause] Repeat. neu lpause] enfrente d - in front of lpause] Repeat. in front of lpause] detrs de -behind Repeat. behind [pause] [pause] Section II. Key words and phrases fron the dialog espacioso - spacious lpausel Repeat. spacious [pause] uista - view lpausel Repeat, view [pause] cerca - nearby lpause] Repeat. nearby [pause] parque - park fpause] Repeat. park lpausel dar un paseo a pie - take a walk lpausel Repeat. take a walk lpause] coeo - post offrce lpausel Repeat. post of{ice [pause] edificio de apdrtamentos - apartment building lpause] Repeat. apartment building fpause] cartas - letters lpausel Repeat. letters lpausel paquetes - packages [pause] Repeat. packages lpause] hacer Ia cola - to wait in line lpause] Repeat. to wait in line fpause] nueuo / a - new fpause] Repeat. new fpause] linlorerio - cleaners lpause] Repeat, cleaners lpausel bonao -bank fpausel Repeat. bank lpausel supermercado - supemarket [pause] Repeat. supemarket lpausel iglesia- church lpause] Repeat. church lpausel drbol - tree [pause] Repeat, tree fpausel ofiaino del ueterinario - vet's office lpausel Repeat.

Yes, I plan to spend many hours there. Look, in front of the cleaners there is a great delicatessen, and behind it there is the bank. [Jim] Where is the superrnarket? [Susan] If yoF stand beside me and look over the church tower you'll see the supermarket sign. It.says "Food Fair" in large, red letters.

i se it now. And under those trees there is a vet's office. [Susan] Ycs. I plan to take Lily as soon as I get settled. And,guess what they are building on that hill? l .rrml What? lSusanl A mall. It will have department stores, movie theaters, restaurants. and even a hairdressen lJiml And wlen will it be completed? lusanl ext summer. [Jim] That's great! Well, it looks like you chose a good location for your new home. By the way, how did you fid out about this area? ISusan] Your friend Nancy fi:om Universal Realty recommended it. lJiml I.^told you she would help you out. lSusanl ou'rsa good friend, Jim. 41


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