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SHOWTIME produce


Para 40 CAFÉ Gran Vía



ALFRED, regidor del programa concurso.

MISS FIONA WORDINGTON, directora y presentadora del programa.
LUCY PERFECT, concursante finalista de New York (US).
A. J., concursante finalista de Londres (GB), concretamente del barrio de Brixton.
SIBELIUS, el perrito de Lucy.
CAT callejero, amigo de Alfred.
AUDIENCE, ríen, aplauden, cantan y bailan.

ESCENA 1. Alfred suspira por Miss Worthington y habla con un gato.

(Alfred está mirando en las pantallas imágenes grabadas de Fiona presentando Radio Music Show. Él
pasa adelante y atrás repetidas veces su fragmento preferido, de diez segundos: ella sonríe y mira a
cámara dulcemente mientras canta la cortinilla de inicio del programa. Suspira. Mira al público, les da
la bienvenida. Bromea con ellos.)
(ALFRED) - You may sit down. The show will be starting in a few minutes. You may eat and drink, but
do keep quiet when we go live. Anyway, in 30 minutes we will have a break.

(A una señora mayor le trata amablemente, le prepara el asiento, o le lanza un fino piropo)
(ALFRED) - Oh, what a beautiful lady!

(A algunos niños les dirige una broma que les mantenga atentos)
(ALFRED) - I have a cat friend who lives just round the corner. Some days when I see him in the
morning, he greets me. He's really shy, and bad music scares him. But if we're lucky today and the songs
are good, he may show up over there. Watch out!

(ALFRED) - (Llama la atención del auditorio.) Now pay attention, when I show you this sign
(Laughters) laugh!. When I show you this one (Applause), you must clap. Very good! And what about
this one?.(SILENCE).. Correct, silence!

(Alfred bromea con el público haciéndoles reír, aplaudir y callar alternativamente. De pronto, pierde el
interés y se fija de nuevo en la imagen de Fiona en pantallas, y vuelve a retroceder en el video. Suspira
melancólico. Aparece un gato a su lado. La luz decora el espacio de belleza romántica. De un bolsillo de
Alfred aflora un inmenso corazón.)
(ALFRED) - (Suspira) I love that woman. She is so beautiful, so sweet, so strong... Miss Fiona
Worthington... What if today I find the courage...! I tell her I love her...

Try to plant a house in the forest
Try to build a tree in the yard
Try to see the world without looking
You can do it, just give it a try
You can do anything you want I’m
It's all in you, you only need
to keep on the right track
If the World makes you feel a part
It's not big deal, you are more than that
just keep on the right track
Try to sing with one single Word
You can do anything you want I’m
It's all in you, you only need
to keep on the right track
Oh oh oh oh oh oh (x2)
La la la la, la la la la la
Try to feel the best in the world
Try to scream as loud as you can
You can do anything you want
It's all in you, you only need
to keep on the right track
If the the World makes you feel a part
It's not big deal, you are more than that
just keep on the right track.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (x2)

(ALFRED) - There she is, so gorgeous, That is the image of her that i like the most. You will meet her.
She will come in about... (Mira su reloj) 2 minutes! (Explicando orgulloso) She is the hostess at our song
contest... Radio Music Show!

(CAT) - Meaow! Meaow!

(ALFRED) - Hi cat! Did you come to make ¹me company?
(CAT) - I heard your horrible meaows. I can´t stand hearing you! Listening to your stupid love moans is
(ALFRED) - My moans of love are not stupid!
(CAT) - Meaow, you are a fool in love.
(ALFRED) - Why?
(CAT) - have you told her that you love her?
(Alfred mira las pantallas con la imagen de Miss Worthington.)
(ALFRED) – Miss Worthington? (Tímidamente) No.
(CAT) - Speak the truth! Did you talk to her or not?
(ALFRED) - Nope!
(CAT) - Never?
(ALFRED) - Never!
(CAT) - Silly man in love!
(ALFRED) - (Apenado) I have never told her about my love for her. I do not dare. I can't speak. I am
speechless. At work she's always angry. I just see her at work. (Ilusionado) Today I made her breakfast.
(CAT) - Did you made her breakfast?
(ALFRED) – And I put a flower.
(CAT) - Why? What's up today?
(ALFRED) - Today is a special day, it's the grand finale day. It is the final for the Song of the year
Contest. She's going to shine with inner light today, it's the day when she recieves our aplause and cheers,
she will be radiant, happy. (Enseña la bandeja que entregará a Miss Worthington).
(CAT) - Meaow, then kneel before her, speak face to face, and tell her that you love her.
(ALFRED) - Knee you say?
(CAT) - You are a coward. Silly in love and a coward,meaow!

(ALFRED) - Ok, ok! I'll do it...(on his knees) What if today I find the courage...!
(CAT) - Meaow!
(Ella entra gritando, el gato huye, él sorprendido compone la reverencia, se arrodilla y le presenta la

ESCENA 2. Miss Worthington enfría los ánimos.

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (Ataque habitual) Alfred!

(Entra Miss Worthington vestida de calle, con un paraguas.)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (Al público) Wharis this? That many people here already? Are they here to
help or to disturb?

(Ella se para delante de Alfred, interrogante. Él hace amago de hablar, pero no puede.)
(ALFRED) - Ahh Miss Worthington, I…!
(Silencio inquietante)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - I’m Fiona Worthington, yes! What are you doing there, clowning already?
(ALFRED) - (Derrotado) I… meaow!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Dont be dumb, I'm not in the mood for nonsense. What's this, a croissant?
(Lo prueba y con cara de asco lo tira en la bandeja) As hard as brick!
(Sin mirar a Alfred, toma el café y lo prueba, pone cara de asco y lo tira a la papelera.)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - It's cold, disgusting cold coffee!
(Vuelve hacia Alfred y le da un manotazo a la bandeja que hace saltar por los aires la flor. Le amenaza
con el dedo.)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Alfred, Stop all this in mess and start working! Do you know what day is
today? The grand finali of the Contest. And do you know what will happen if we don't get a hit? (Al
público) If we don't find a hit... all these people will come back home! There will be no more Radio
Music Show! The program will be over! (Mira a Alfred) And we will have no job, Alfie! Disaster!!!
(Después de despreciar al público, estrangula a Alfred, que sigue arrodillado, con las manos desnudas.)

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - We have low share, if we don't have a winner today, we won't see (ichoder)
each other again, because we'll both be unemployed! aninployd
(ALFRED) - Really?
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Pick up all this mess! Go! Go! We have to be ready for the beginning of the
show before the two contestants arrive.
Do you know who they are?
(Alfred se levanta pesadamente, triste.)
(ALFRED) - No, no I don't,
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - There are two of them, a boy and a girl. The girl is from New York, her
name is Lucy Perfect and she's a perfectly spoild modern girl. Youth, Yuth that's what she has, She is
young! The boy is from Brixton in London, one of those urban artists who had one inspired day, and now
he's in the grand finale of a contest. Hurry up!
(Miss Worthington va a preparar su vestuario y espacio de locución, no escucha ni ve a Alfred.)

ESCENA 3. Alfred canta una balada optimista. (40 SEG DE ESCENA)

(Alfred recoge la flor angustiado, despacio, con toda la carga dramática. Vuelve a sonar el tema BLUES
DE ALFRED. Aparece el gato, que maúlla en los coros de la canción. Alfred llora, y canta.)
(ALFRED) - All my illusions are shattered, all my joy spoiled. I'll have to give up my dreams. I'll have to
be sad. How different it would be to be happy, full of illusion, in love with life... The world is wonderful,
life is fantastic, clouds are pink when there's love, but me... I can only be sad...

(La voz de Miss Worthington rompe el aire.)

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (Ataque habitual) Alfred!
(En la pantalla se enciende la cuenta atrás: ON AIR IN 100 seconds (Or 1 minut and 40 seconds). Sonido
de alerta y sintonía marcha. Alfred recoge la descomposición de su corazón y prepara el set para grabar
la entrada y saludo al programa concurso. Miss Worthington aparece con la indumentaria del programa,
igual o parecida a la que hemos visto en el video. )
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Stop this nonsense non sens
and get back to work! Before the contestants arrive we have to transmit/broadcast the jingle. (A la
audiencia) It's the grand finali of Radio Music Show! Alfred! Today I need this song to be the best song
(gong) ever. Maybe today is the last time I sing it! (Se le oscurece el rostro) We need a happy ending or
it’s the end of the show.
(Alfred muestra al público el cartel: APLAUSOS. El público aplaude, Fiona les hace callar con un gesto
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Shut up (Shat up), show a little respect.
(CAT) - Meaow!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - What was that?
(CAT) – (Apareciendo en manos de Alfred) Meaow!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - That's a cat. Is there a cat here?

(CAT) - (Con insistencia a Alfred) Meaow, meaow, meaow!

(ALFRED) - Go away, I don't need you now.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Alfred, where's that cat?
(ALFRED) - (Escondiendo) I don't know Miss worthington.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Alfred, We can't go live on air with a cat around!
(CAT) - Meaow!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Alfred, get it now!
(ALFRED) - I can't, I don't know where it is.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - 15 fifteen secs! We go on air. With or without cat.
(ALFRED) - Meaow, with cat then.
(Alfred muestra al público el cartel: APLAUSOS. El público aplaude.)

(Rápidamente, Miss Worthington se coloca en el estrado, preparada para escenificar la presentación del
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - I want the flowers coming in slowly, for heaven's sake (SEIK), and get in
all the butterflies you can. Keep the cat back!

ESCENA 4. Presentación de Miss Worthington’s Show.

(ALFRED) – We go live in 5, 4, 3…
(Los números 3, 2, 1 y entrada los hace mudos con gesto, apartándose de ella. La luz y la pantalla
cambian. Carátula. Sintonía. Miss Worthington cambia de semblante, radiante.)
(Fiona avanza hacia la cámara cantando: Una flor huele bien, y un pájaro se posa en su mano, flores
que pasan, mariposas revolotean alrededor de ella, y ella las saluda.)


It's a beautiful day, yes it is!
How wonderful life could be
When you put a smile on your face you will see…
What a beautiful day it is indeed! indiid
Birds (Berds) fly free through Trugh the skies
andthe sunshines high
there's no place for worries
if everything looks fine
It's a beautiful day, yes it is!
How wonderful life can be
When you put a smile on your face you will see…
What a beautiful day it is indeed!
It's a marvelous feeling, Oh Lord! (Marvelus)
there's no better sensation I know
When you feel you can reach (rich) any dream with your hand
It's a beautiful day in the end.
Little mermaids sings the song above the beauty of the sea
I just wrote these words for you to sing with me.
It's a beautiful day, yes it is!
How wonderful life can be
When you put a smile on your face you will see…
What a beautiful day it is indeed!
It's a marvelous feeling, Oh Lord! (Marvelus)
there's no better sensation I know
When you feel you can reach (rich) any dream with your hand
It's a beautiful day in the end.

(Alfred muestra al público el cartel: APLAUSOS.)

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Good morning and welcome, my dear audience. And to you watching us on
the screens. Welcome all the public that is here at the studio, all of you around here, human or animal.
(Con cara de asco pensando en el gato)
(Alfred muestra al público el cartel: APLAUSOS.)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Today is a great day. It is the final for the Song of the year Contest.
(CAT) - Meaow!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Meaow music show, yes!
(Miss Worthington, incómoda por el imprevisto participante, se pasea por el escenario, la cámara le
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Today we will listen to the two finalist songs and then we will vote for the
winner. You are an important part of this show, so pay attention! The chosen/selected song will win the
grand prize and a chance to become a superstar!
Now my friends, I leave you with a summary of the best contestants in our show. We’ll be back in 5
minutes. See you soon!!
(La emisión se corta, la luz, el fondo pantalla, cambian.)

(ALFRED) - Out!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Alfred! (Enfadada) Where's that cat? Get it now!
(ALFRED) - I already threw him out.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Did you throw him out? Or did you throw him away in the trash can?
(ALFRED) - No, to the street. I told him to go outside.

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Alfred, Between you and me something has changed. You have
disappointed me and nothing will be the same again.
(Miss worthington se va a maquillarse.)

(ALFRED) - Ok, ok. If that’s how you want it, nothing will be the same around here. I'll have to look for
another love, a little less difficult...
(Se dirige a una mujer mayor que está sentada en lugar visible para todos. Cuando lo hace, un foco
ilumina la zona.)
(ALFRED) – Hmmm! You seem to be a nice lady!
(Alfred se acerca a ella y hace una galante actuación de magia, que levanta los aplausos del público.
Miss Worthington se percata de que algo pasa y sale a controlar.)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Alfred, the finalists are coming. Set up the studio.
(Alfred abandona a su galanteada y acude a preparar el escenario, listo para repetir la presentación del
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (Mirando fijamente a la señora) Who is this woman?
What do you want with Alfred?
(Miss Worthington vuelve al centro del set enfurecida por los celos. Pero cuando parece que va a
abroncar a Alfred, aparece en escena Lucy.)

ESCENA 5. Entrada y ensayo de Lucy Perfect.

(Entra por detrás Lucy Perfect, con perrito en un bolsito de mano, y un mando a distancia, con el que
desata la tormenta musical de su tema.)
(LUCY) - Hello, this is my music!
(Salta la música, luces y pantalla con sus imágenes, el foco la sigue hasta el escenario.)


Live is not good without love
nothing feels right without it
I'm feeling blessed in this world
'Cause I'm so deeply in love (with you) ni
(Lucy baja triunfal con coreografía y pose final en mitad del set.)
(LUCY) - I am Lucy Perfect, ready to win.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Nice to meet you, I'm Fiona Worthington, the show hostess. I see you have
everything under control.
(LUCY) - Everything under control, perfectly rehearsed and reviewed, I couldn't be here otherwise. I
dislike improvisation.f
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - That sounds fine to me. However I mast tell don the radio improvisation is
inevitable. Most especially around here darling, where everything is live! So I can warn you to be ready
to expect the unexpected.
(LUCY) - I will, thank you.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Would you like to rehearse once more?
(LUCY) - Perfect!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Perfect, perfect! (A Alfred, irónica, retirándose del plató) Second rehearsal!
(SACAR A LOS NIÑXs Del Público)

SEGUNDA RÁFAGA DEL TEMA DE PERFECTA (Tema completo, imagen y coreografía)

(LUCY) - Hello, this is my music!
(Aprieta el mando y salta la música, las luces y la pantalla con sus imágenes)
Live is not good without love
This is something we just can't deny
Live is not life without love
It's a power that you cannot fight
If you feel it let it flow
I know it's there and lights up my soul
don't feel ashamed, don't let it go
I understand for you it's unknown
but hold my hand and feel the love

LIve is not good without love
nothing feels right without it
I'm feeling blessed in this world
'Cause I'm so deeply in love (with you)
With the magic of love I can fly
as high as the sun and the stars
And the sound of music is like
The rhythm and beat of my heart
You're the one, you can make it too
Just take this chance, it's up to you
now go ahead and let it show
But every single one should know (that)
LIve is not good without love
nothing feels right without it
I'm feeling blessed in this world
'Cause I'm so deeply in love (with you)
(Coreografía y pose final. Miss Worthington aplaude y hace aplaudir al público.)

(SIBELIUS) - ¡Woof!
(LUCY) - (Corre a dar besitos a su perro) Thank you my love, my Puppy.

ESCENA 6. Entrada y ensayo de A. J..

(Suena una guitarra eléctrica, marca un ritmo, irrumpe en el espacio un guitarrista hip-hop con mucha
(A. J.) - (Hace participar al público) Hey y'all, little people! Say yes, say yes! When the music sounds,
the body moves! If the body vibrates is 'cause we're alive! C'mon, c'mon,say yes, say yes...
(Salta, rasguea la guitarra, suelta unos gritos y hace responder al público.)
(A. J.) - I've come here to bring you hope and joy. I come to meet new people, to live experiences...
where do I have to sing? Here? C'mon, do what your body asks, let's sing for a while...
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Thanks for cheering us up, we were very sad before you arrived.
(A. J.) - Ey!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Yes, I suppose you are A.J. EY JEY
(A. J.) - A.J. Yes, mi name is A.J. . I´m called A.J.. Sounds good A.J., c'mon y'all repeat after me A.J,
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Cool, Ok. Thank you, they are really happy now, but this is a radio show
and we have to follow a timing. Have you got anything ready for your performance?
(A. J.) - Something like... a song?
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Yes, a song would be fine...


(A pelo, sin acompañamiento, alocadamente por el escenario.)
(A. J.) - (sing with me)
la la la la la
Music really rocks!
(do you agree?)
Yeah yeah yeah yeahMusic really rocks!
(gimme more)
mo mo mo more
Music really rocks!
(now your turn)
wo wo wo wow
Music Really Rocks!
(En cuanto acaba, al público, entusiasta) I’ts a lovesong, believe it or not!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (Al joven cantante A. J.) Excuse me, but in here we have tecnicians to
connect your band, your own backgrounds if you have, and you could even use a microphone, so the
audience can listen to your awesome sounds, (A. J. se acerca al micro) we even apreciate your poetry.
(A. J.) - Hey babe, I gotcha! I am connecting, don't trip off! I have it all with me!
Fine, let's try one more time!

(SACAR A LOS NIÑXs Del Público)


(Con todo, mucho mejor, ideal y encantador hip hop, con imágenes y coreografía.)
(A. J.) - Walking down the street looking at my feet
With my music on and wearing baggy jeans
nothing really matters if you're apart from the rest
heading to the west I might find a fest
hang out with me join to my group
love sining funny songs, that's what I do
(sing with me)
la la la la la
Music really rocks!
(do you agree?)
Yeah yeah yeah yeahMusic really rocks!
(gimme more)
mo mo mo more
Music really rocks!
(now your turn)
wo wo wo wow
Music Really Rocks!
Dunno who I am, dunno what I do
but believe me, I'm not a fool!
I'm a messy boy my music is my joy
(Escuchan mucho más agradecidos, el perro, el gato, Alfred, y Miss Worthington.)
(A. J.) - There it is!

ESCENA 7. Confrontación entre contrincantes.

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (Ataque habitual) Alfred, where are you?! (Miss Worthington le indica que
obligue a aplaudir al público)


(Pantalla cuenta atrás ON AIR IN 30 MINUTS. Sonido de alerta y sintonía marcha.)
(A. J.) - (Escéptico) Hi, I’m A.J., from London.
(LUCY) - ¡Ah! I.J.?
(A. J.) - (Escéptico) No, A.J.
(LUCY) - ¡Ah! I.J.
(A. J.) - (Molesto) No, A.J.
(LUCY) - ¡Ah! (Lucy retira la mano asqueada y se pone un pañuelo para estrechar la de A. J.) Hello,
I’m Lucy Perfect, from New York.
(A. J.) - You believe you are better than everyone else, don't you?
(LUCY) - It's quite easy being better than you.
(A. J.) - You are not going to win with your pretty dresses and your poshy gestures, not here (maybe in
an old time cabaret)
(LUCY) - Colours are Beauty. (Menospreciando su vestimenta)
(A. J.) - Live music will decide who's best.
(LUCY) - You envy me, don’t you?
(A. J.) - You want to be seen.
(LUCY) - Ah, you are such a wise dog...

(A. J.) - (Intensamente) Excuse me, music is soul, emotion!

(LUCY) - (Confrontada) Oh no, music is perfection, precision.

(A. J.) - A song is a feeling.

(LUCY) - A song is a mathematical formula.
(A. J.) - A mathematical formula wont win a musical contest.
(LUCY) - Of course it will ,you ignorant.
(A. J.) - Me, ignorant? You are so vain.

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Alfred! get these two out of my radio set! (No está en escena)
(LUCY) - I'm a winner.
(A. J.) - That's false, you haven't won any contest.
(LUCY) - What would you know? You haven't been to any.
(A. J.) - You've won in your dreams.
(LUCY) - A street singer!
(A. J.) - A dancer!
(Un pisotón destinado a A. J. aplasta el pié de Alfred, y un gesto de desprecio de A. J. acaba en bofetón a
(LUCY) - You are not a musician.
(A. J.) - You are not a musician.

(Desde fuera, a los lados del set, siguen abroncándose)

(LUCY) - My song will win.
(A. J.) - My song will win.
(LUCY) - I’ll win!
(A. J.) - No, I’ll win!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Shut up, you spoild children! We go live in 5...
(Los números 3, 2, 1 y entrada los hace mudos con gesto, apartándose de ella. La luz y la pantalla
cambian. Carátula. Sintonía. Miss Worthington cambia de semblante, radiante.)


(Fiona avanza hacia la cámara cantando: Una flor huele bien, y un pájaro se posa en su mano, flores
que pasan, mariposas revolotean alrededor de ella, y ella las saluda.)
It's a beautiful day, yes it is!
How wonderful life can be
When you put a smile on your face you will see…
What a beautiful day it is indeed!
Birds fly free through the skies
and the sun shines high
there's no place for worries
if everything looks fine
It's a beautiful day, yes it is!
How wonderful life can be
When you put a smile on your face you will see…
What a beautiful day it is indeed!
It's a marvelous feeling, Oh Lord!
there's no better sensation I know
When you feel you can reach any dream with your hand
It's a beautiful day in the end.

(Alfred muestra al público el cartel: APLAUSOS.)

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Well my dear friends, what amazing propossals came to our show, all songs
were really good. We have 2 amazing songs but just 1 can survive…
(A. J.) - You are not perfect!
(LUCY) - Street-rat!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Here are theñ about me? I'm not dangerous, I'm kind and loving to
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - I am not interested, we have to work.
(ALFRED) - Work, work, you can't work when you are beaten, insulted and shouted at!
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Alfred, have you gone mad? We'll be on air in ten seconds.
(ALFRED) - I won't let you shout at me again. I'm on a strike.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - On a strike?
(ALFRED) – Yes, On a strike!

(ALFRED) - Right now!
(Alfred se sienta y no toma ningún elemento de la fantasía de Presentación)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (Angustiada) Alfred? ¡Alfred!
(Los números 3, 2, 1 y entrada los hace mudos con gesto, apartándose de ella. La luz y la pantalla
cambian. Carátula. Sintonía. Miss Worthington cambia de semblante, radiante.)
(Cuando acaba, Alfred muestra al público el cartel: RISAS. -El público lo hace-. Miss worthington
amaga un llanto que reprime a tiempo.)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Dear audience, public watching here or from your houses. We have reached
the most important moment of this grand finale: we are going to listen to the two best songs, the finalists.
Firstly I will introduce you to the american contestant Lucy Perfect, from New York!
(Lucy entra en cámara y saluda sonriente. En un momento dado, Lucy muestra unas enormes tijeras con
mala idea. Ante la pasividad de Alfred, Miss Worthington toma el cartel de APLAUSO y se lo muestra al
público, que responde)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Ok and now the other contestant from London, United Kingdom, with you
A.J. eY jEY
(A. J. entra como una tromba en el set, saluda donde no debe, hasta que Miss Worthington le coloca
hacia cámara, y entonces sonríe mucho más, y enseña al perrito que tiene escondido en la ropa. Alfred le
ve y se sorprende. Miss Worthington muestra al público el cartel de APLAUSO, y el público aplaude.)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - And without further delay, we are going to listen to the first song. The
beautiful and tender Lucy Perfect will sing the song "Life is not good without love " which has rhythm
and you're going to love. Remember we'll see both performances and later we'll vote for the winning
I leave you now with Lucy Perfect and "Life is not good without love”

ESCENA 10. Crisis de Miss Worrhington

“Show must go on”

(ALFRED) - On your own in 5, 4, 3…

ESCENA 11. Votación y empate. Crisis.

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (Al público) My dear Audience. I don’t care what other people may think,
let them as they like. But I need you to tell me which song was the best. Please, vote, raise your hands.
(Tiene un abatimiento momentáneo, que empuja a Alfred)
Votes for Lucy Perfect?! hands up! (Los cuenta o hace que los cuenta, aparece un porcentaje en
Very good, 74. And now votes for A.J., hands up! (Los cuenta o hace que los cuenta, aparece el mismo
porcentaje en pantalla) It can't be, they have the same number of votes. This is bad news.
We don't have a winner
But it can't be, without a winner nothing makes sense.

(ALFRED) - Miss Worthington, I've always loved you. When I give you a gift, you don't like it, but I
don't mind. I know you are aware of me. (Miss worthington está como ida, sofocada, se siente atraída
por Alfred y rehúye su mirada) And when you don't treat me right, I think you're telling me that you like
me. You like my presents, the way I look at you. Is it true? Do you love me?

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (En un ataque de llanto, Miss worthington confiesa) Yes!

(ALFRED) - Then why don't you treat me right?
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (En otro ataque de llanto, Miss worthington confiesa) Because I'm scared of
loosing you! I'm scared you might mayt leave! (De pronto se transforma en una hidra) That you might
go with whoever smiles at you.. (Casi ataca a la espectadora galanteada)
(Los enamorados se quedan mirándose a los ojos con timidez, apenas se atreven a juntar sus manos. Los
jóvenes aplauden, hacen aplaudir al público con el cartel


(ALFRED) - Miss Worthington…
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Call me just Fiona.
(ALFRED) - I don't know what to say.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Don't say nothing.
(ALFRED) - You know … I am speechless.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - My words towards you haven't been nice. I must start again.
(ALFRED) - What I feel for you is...
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Never mind, you don't need words.



(Los contrincantes hablan en primer plano)

(LUCY) - Sibelius? Sibelius? Where are you?
(A. J.) - Your dog is here, take it
(LUCY) - Well, you have a wonderful accent.
(A. J.) - Thanks. By the way, you are not so disgusting as you look. Actually, you are a great singer.
(LUCY) - And you are very talented. You are such a musical poet.
(A. J.) - Oh, thanks, so are too!
(LUCY) - (Descubriendo la idea) You know what? Miss Worthington’ song, Fiona’s song sounds really
nice. It could be a great hit.
(A. J.) - Why don't we do it? There’s still time.

ESCENA 12. La solución final.

(Pantalla cuenta atrás ON AIR IN 30 MINUTS)

(MISS WORTHINGTON) - (Miss worthington da un paso al frente) Ok guys, we have to close the
program. I'll take the chance to resign for ever...
(LUCY) - Don't, we can fix it
(A. J.) - We can do something.
(A. J.) - Your song is perfect, it could be a hit.
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - But I'm not going to sing in a contest.
(LUCY) - Why?
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Because I don't wanna do it, I don't like contests.
(A. J.) - We need someone to sing Fiona’s song.
(LUCY) - The Audience!
(Miran hacia la audiencia)
(A. J.) - Do you think there will be someone brave enough to sing?
(LUCY) - (Hacia el público) Does anyone want to sing?
(A. J.) - (Hacia el público) Does anyone want to sing?
(LUCY) - Somebody young and unexperienced?
(A. J.) - Someone brave enough?
(Coinciden en una niña de 7 u 8 años -no 4, no 10-)
(LUCY) - She wants to sing!
(LUCY Y A. J.) - (Triunfales) Do you want to sing Fiona?


(Alfred, Lucy y A. J. acompañan a Fiona caminando hacia la cámara, unas mariposas revolotean
alrededor, es la niña voluntaria que las mueve.)
(TODOS) - It's a beautiful day, yes it is!
How wonderful life can be
When you put a smile on your face you will see…
What a beautiful day is indeed!
Birds fly free through the skies
and the sun shines high

there's no place for worries
if everything looks fine
It's a beautiful day, yes it is!
How wonderful life can be
When you put a smile on your face you will see…
What a beautiful day is indeed!
It's a marvelous feeling, Oh Lord!
there's no better sensation I know
When you feel you can reach any dream with your hand
It's a beautiful day in the end
A little mermaid sings a song
about the beauty of the sea
I just wrote these words
for you to sing with me
It's a beautiful day, yes it is!
How wonderful life can be
When you put a smile on your face you will see…
What a beautiful day is indeed!
It's a marvelous feeling, it is!
there's no better sensation I know
When you feel you can reach any dream with your hand
It's a beautiful day in the end.
(Micrófono en mano, Miss Worthington es la reina del programa)
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Dear radio listeners, gathered public here in the studio, dear friends
following us from your screens... Our program has come to an end. Plenty of weird, wonderful things
have happened. And we have a surprise for you. There were two champions, two great artists, so good
they triggered a crisis. There was a draw after voting. Both of them deserve the prize, they are both
winners. But they decided the winner song will be the one sung by the all of this finalists.

(Cuando acaba, Alfred muestra al público el cartel: APLAUSOS. El público lo hace. Alfred y los jóvenes
cantantes les hacen aplaudir a rabiar. Miss Worthington, con la niña de la mano, convoca la votación
(MISS WORTHINGTON) - Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming today. See you in the next





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