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Block # 1

Student book!

By Rayner Ruiz
Queridos Estudiantes de
True English Academy,

¡Es un honor darles la bienvenida a True

English Academy! En nombre de todo nuestro
equipo, estamos emocionados de tenerlos a
bordo en este viaje hacia la fluidez en inglés.
Sabemos que están aquí con un propósito, un
objetivo que trasciende las fronteras
lingüísticas y que cambiará sus vidas de
maneras que aún no pueden imaginar.

. El Poder del Inglés en el Mundo

Antes que nada, permítannos compartir algunas estadísticas impactantes. Actualmente, más
de 1.5 mil millones de personas en todo el mundo están aprendiendo inglés. Sin embargo, lo que
es aún más sorprendente es que solo un pequeño porcentaje de ellos se convierte en
verdaderos hablantes bilingües. ¿Por qué? Porque el camino hacia la fluidez en inglés no es
fácil, pero es tremendamente gratificante.

Dedicación, Tiempo e Inversión

A lo largo de este viaje, descubrirán que la dedicación, la inversión de tiempo y la creencia en
ustedes mismos son elementos clave. Nuestros profesores están aquí para guiarlos, pero la
verdadera transformación proviene de su compromiso y constancia. Sean humildes para recibir
orientación, trabajen arduamente y verán los resultados.

El Poder del Inglés en el Mundo

Antes que nada, permítannos compartir algunas estadísticas impactantes. Actualmente, más
de 1.5 mil millones de personas en todo el mundo están aprendiendo inglés. Sin embargo, lo que
es aún más sorprendente es que solo un pequeño porcentaje de ellos se convierte en
verdaderos hablantes bilingües. ¿Por qué? Porque el camino hacia la fluidez en inglés no es
fácil, pero es tremendamente gratificante.
Dedicación, Tiempo e Inversión
A lo largo de este viaje, descubrirán que la dedicación, la inversión de tiempo y la creencia en
ustedes mismos son elementos clave. Nuestros profesores están aquí para guiarlos, pero la
verdadera transformación proviene de su compromiso y constancia. Sean humildes para recibir
orientación, trabajen arduamente y verán los resultados.

Un Año Puede Hacer la Diferencia

Recuerden que en un año, todo puede cambiar. Un año dedicado a aprender inglés puede
marcar la diferencia para el resto de sus vidas. Las oportunidades que se les presentarán
serán innumerables, tanto en el ámbito profesional como en el personal.

Bienvenidos a una Comunidad Global

En True English Academy, no solo se unen a un curso de inglés, sino a una comunidad global de
soñadores y logradores. Todos nosotros aquí compartimos el mismo objetivo: convertirnos en
hablantes bilingües y explorar un mundo lleno de posibilidades.

.Crean en Ustedes Mismos

Finalmente, crean en ustedes mismos tanto como creemos en ustedes. Juntos, alcanzaremos
alturas que nunca imaginaron posibles.
Les damos la bienvenida a True English Academy, donde el aprendizaje es un viaje emocionante
y significativo. ¡Estamos ansiosos por ver todo lo que lograrán!

Con entusiasmo,
El Equipo de True English Academy
About the Author!

Lic. Rayner Ruiz Ayala

Rayner Ruiz Ayala, Licenciado en Periodismo

y certificado por la Universidad de
Cambridge, es el apasionado educador y
autor detrás de la serie "PROCESS". Con
más de 16 años de experiencia en la
enseñanza del idioma inglés, Rayner ha
canalizado su amor por el lenguaje y su
profunda comprensión de las emociones
humanas en la creación de estos libros.

Cada volumen de "PROCESS" es un reflejo de las vivencias personales de Rayner, quien ha

experimentado de primera mano la influencia transformadora que el inglés tiene en la
comunicación y conexión humana. Su metodología única entrelaza los aspectos técnicos del
idioma con el poder expresivo de las emociones, facilitando un aprendizaje que no solo educa
sino que también inspira.

La serie de seis libros ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para equipar a los estudiantes con las
habilidades necesarias para dominar un inglés avanzado y profesional. A través de su enfoque
personal y empático, Rayner no solo busca impartir conocimientos, sino también encender una
chispa de entusiasmo por el aprendizaje y la automejora.

Rayner continúa su labor educativa con la convicción de que enseñar inglés va más allá de las
aulas: es abrir puertas a nuevas oportunidades y crear puentes entre culturas. Su serie
"PROCESS" es la culminación de su compromiso con la educación y su deseo de compartir el
poder de la comunicación efectiva y afectiva.

Step # 1
1. My English Journey & 12 Magic Tenses
2. The Alphabet
3. Dates
4. Numbers
5. CLUB: E-Mails & Speaking
“My English Journey”
What do you expect of this English diploma?

Why is it so important for you What talents do you have to

to speak English? accomplish this goal?

What external factors might What would you say and promise
make you leave the course? to yourself?

Are you ready for this journey?

1 Step # 1
"The 12 Tenses Magic"
Scan this CODE, watch the video
and take notes.

Tense Example

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

4. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

4. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

4. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

2 Step # 1
The Alphabet

ei bi ci di i

ef gi eich ai yei

kei el em en

pi qiu ar es ti

iu vi dobleiu x guai zi

3 Step # 1
"Short and Long Vowels"
EXERCISE 1. Listen to the words your teacher mentions. Write the word in the corresponding


Vowels pronounced in a short form Vowels that sound like their name

a e i o u a e i o u
apple elephant pig fox bug cake seat ice-cream rose unicorn

1. ______________________ 1. ______________________
2. ______________________ 2. ______________________
3. ______________________ 3. ______________________
4. ______________________ 4. ______________________
5. ______________________ 5. ______________________

6. ______________________ 6. ______________________
7. ______________________ 7. ______________________
8. ______________________ 8. ______________________
9 ______________________ 9 ______________________
10. _____________________ 10. _____________________
11. ______________________ 11. ______________________
12. ______________________ 12. ______________________
13. ______________________ 13. ______________________
14. ______________________ 14. ______________________
15. ______________________ 15. ______________________

4 Step # 1
“Spelling Practice”
EXERCISE 2. Listen to the words being spelled. Write down the words on the corresponding lines..

Capital Letters Lowercase L

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T ,i,j,
, k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r
U,V,W,X,Y,Z ,s,t

1. ______________________ 16. ______________________

2. ______________________ 17. ______________________

3. ______________________ 18. ______________________

4. ______________________ 19 ______________________

5. ______________________ 20. ______________________

6. ______________________ 21. ______________________

7. ______________________ 22. ______________________

8. ______________________ 23. ______________________

9 ______________________ 24. ______________________

10. _____________________ 25. ______________________

11. ______________________ 26. ______________________

12. ______________________ 27. ______________________

13. ______________________ 28. ______________________

14. ______________________ 29 ______________________

15. ______________________ 30. ______________________

5 Step # 1
“ Dates ”
Important Information

To say the day you have to follow this order:

Months of the year
Number of the day in Ordinal Numbers
Example : July 12th, 1982

Ordinal Numbers February

1. Add th to the cardinal number to form the March

ordinal number: six → sixth
2. Add the last two letters of the written word April
to the figure. → 4th
3. Numbers in words: The ordinal numbers 1st → May
first, 2nd → second and 3rd → third are
irregular. Be careful with the spelling of the words June
for 5th, 8th, 9th, 12th and the words ending in -y.
1st - first 6th - sixth
2nd - second 7th - seventh August
3rd - third 8th - eighth
4th - fourth 9th - ninth September
5th - fifth 10th - tenth
When we use a number to refer to a year we November
usually divide de number in 2 parts.
For example: 1990 – We say nineteen nighty
2021: – We say twenty twenty - one

8 Step # 1
Listen and Write!
1. ____________________ 26. ____________________
2. ____________________ 27. ____________________
3. ____________________ 28. ____________________
4. ____________________ 29. ____________________
5. ____________________ 30. ____________________
6. ____________________ 31. ____________________
7. ____________________ 32. ____________________
8. ____________________ 33. ____________________
9. ____________________ 34. ____________________
10. ____________________ 35. ____________________
11. ____________________ 36. ____________________
12. ____________________ 37. ____________________
13. ____________________ 38. ____________________
14 ____________________ 39 ____________________
15. ____________________ 40. ____________________
16. ____________________ 41. ____________________
17. ____________________ 42. ____________________
18. ____________________ 43. ____________________
19. ____________________ 44. ____________________
20. ____________________ 45. ____________________
21. ____________________ 46. ____________________
22. ____________________ 47. ____________________
23. ____________________ 48. ____________________
24. ____________________ 49. ____________________
25. ____________________ 50. ____________________

9 Step # 1
Practicing dates

1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
6. ____________________
7. ____________________
8. ____________________
9. ____________________
10. ____________________

10 Step # 1
EXERCISE 1. Please write down the number you hear in letters, not as a digit. For example, if
you hear 'four', write 'F-O-U-R' instead of the numeral '4'."

0 1 2
___________ ___________ ___________
3 4 5
___________ ___________ ___________
6 7 8
___________ ___________ ___________
9 10 11
___________ ___________ ___________
12 13 14
___________ ___________ ___________
15 16 17
___________ ___________ ___________
18 19 20
___________ ___________ ___________

11 Step # 1
30 40 50
___________ ___________ ___________
60 70 80
___________ ___________ ___________
90 100 101
___________ ___________ ___________
1,000 1,478
___________ ______________________
12 Step # 1
Let’s practice the numbers!
EXERCISE 2. Listen to the words being spelled. Write down the words on the corresponding lines..

1. ______________________ 16. ______________________

2. ______________________ 17. ______________________

3. ______________________ 18. ______________________

4. ______________________ 19 ______________________

5. ______________________ 20. ______________________

6. ______________________ 21. ______________________

7. ______________________ 22. ______________________

8. ______________________ 23. ______________________

9 ______________________ 24. ______________________

10. _____________________ 25. ______________________

11. ______________________ 26. ______________________

12. ______________________ 27. ______________________

13. ______________________ 28. ______________________

14. ______________________ 29 ______________________

15. ______________________ 30. ______________________

13 Step # 1
Practicing Phone Numbers

1. _____________________________________________.

2. ____________________________________________.

3. ____________________________________________.

4. ____________________________________________.

5. ____________________________________________.

6. ____________________________________________.

7. ____________________________________________.

8. ____________________________________________.

9 ____________________________________________.

10. ___________________________________________.

11. ____________________________________________.

12. ____________________________________________.

13. ____________________________________________.

14. ____________________________________________.

15. ____________________________________________.

14 Step # 1
The 10 Basic questions
EXERCISE 1. Study the 10 basic questions used when introducing yourself. Practice with a
classmate in order.

Student 1 Student 2
1: Hello! 1: Hello!
2. What´s your name? 2. My name is Tony! Study t
@ at
3. How do you spell that? 3. It´s T - O - N - Y.
- hyph
4. Nice to meet you Tony. 4. Nice to meet you too. _ unde
5. What´s your last name? 5. My last name is Hernandez
6. How do you spell that? 6. It spells H - E - R - N - A - D - E - Z.
7. What´s your phone number? 7. My phone number is 307-605-1641
8. What´s you e-mail? 8. My e-mail is tony _
9. Where are you from? 9. I am from Phoeniz, Arizona
10. What´s your address? 10. My address is 110 Pearl Street. Phoenix, AZ

EXERCISE 2. Write down your personal information then let your classmates

Your Classmate you

1: Hello! 1: Hello!
2. What´s your name? 2. My name is ___________________________________.
3. How do you spell that? 3. It´s ___________________________________________.
4. Nice to meet you Tony. 4. Nice to meet you too.
5. What´s your last name? 5. My last name is _______________________________.
6. How do you spell that? 6. It spells _______________________________________.
7. What´s your phone number? 7. My phone number is ___________________________.
8. What´s you e-mail? 8. My e mail is ___________________________________.
9. Where are you from? 9. I am from _____________________________________.
10. What´s your address? 10. My address is ________________________________.

Step # 1
EXERCISE 3. Listen to the 12 differente e-mails, being spelled and write them down.

1. _____________________________________________.

2. ____________________________________________.

3. ____________________________________________.
4. ____________________________________________. lope

5. ____________________________________________.
. dot
6. ____________________________________________.
- hyphen
_ underscore
8. ____________________________________________.
/ slash
9. ____________________________________________.
@ at
10. ___________________________________________. () parenthesis

11. ____________________________________________. # hash

12. ___________________________________________. , comMa

: colon

; semicolon

16 Step # 1
Instructions: Listen to 9 people saying their personal information. Write the
information given on your book.

Building # , Street name,
City, State, Country Zip Code

Name: ________________________
______ ___ ______ ______ _______________________________
Address: ___
Nu mb er: ( ___ ___ ___ ) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Phon e

Name: ________________________
___ ______ ___ ___ ______ ___ ___ ____________________________
______ ___ ___ ______ ___ ___ _________________________
Nu mb er: ( ___ ___ ___ ) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Phon e

Name: ________________________
______ ___ ______ ______ _______________________________
Address: ___
Nu mb er: ( ___ ___ ___ ) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Name: ________________________
Address: _____________________
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Phone Number: ( ___ ___ ___ )

17 Step # 1
Name: ________________________
ess: ______________________________________________________
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Phone Number: ( ___ ___ ___ )

Name: ________________________
dres s: ___________________________________________________
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Phone Number: ( ___ ___ ___ )

Name: ________________________
ess: ______________________________________________________
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Phone Number: ( ___ ___ ___ )

Name: ________________________
_________ ___ ______ ______ _______________________________
Addres s:
on e Nu mb er: ( ___ ___ ___ ) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Name: ________________________
Address: _____________________
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Phone Number: ( ___ ___ ___ )

18 Step # 1
Step # 2
1, Basic Math Equations
2. Articles A and And
3. Subject Pronouns
4. Verb To Be

Welcome to Step #2!

Hello, students!

Welcome to Step #2 of our fun learning journey! I am your teacher, and I

am very happy to see you all here. You are amazing students!
In this step, we are going to learn about numbers and simple math
equations. Do you know what an equation is? It is like a little math puzzle.
For example, 3+3 equals 6. Isn't that interesting

We use numbers every day. When we buy apples, count our toys, or look
at the clock, we are using numbers. This time, we will practice simple
equations that you see and use every day.

Also, we will keep practicing our subject pronouns like I, you, he, she, it, we,
and they. These words are important in English. We will use them a lot!
And, we will use the verb "to be" in sentences. Remember, "to be" is am, is,
and are. Like "I am excited" or "You are a student."

Are you ready to start? I know you are going to do great! Let's have fun
with numbers and English!

See you in class!

1 Step # 2
Math in English!
Instruction: Solve the following addition problems.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________________________________________.

Instruction: Calculate the results for these subtraction problems.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________________________________________.

Instruction: Multiply the following pairs of numbers.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________________________________________.

Instruction: Divide the numbers to find the results.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________________________.
5. _______________________________________________________________________.

2 Step # 2
“A / an”
Grammar Notes:
1.The use of the article A and An is based on the phonetic (sound) of the first letter in
a word, not on the orthographic (written) representation of the letter. If the first
letter makes a vowel sound, you use "an"; if the first letter makes a consonant sound,
you use "a." But, we have some exceptions.

"A" goes before words that begin with "An" goes before words that begin
consonants. with vowels:
a cat an apricot
a dog an egg
a purple onion an Indian
a buffalo an orbit

Use "an" before a slient "h." Because

the "h" does not have any phonetic
When "u" makes the same sound as
representation, the sound that
the "y" in "you," or "o" makes the
follows the article is a vowel; then,
same sound as "w" in "won," then a is
"an" is used.
used. The word-initial "y" sound
an honorable peace
("unicorn") is a glide [j] phonetically,
an honest error
which has consonantal properties;
consequently, it is treated as a
consonant, requiring "a."
a union
a united
a unicorn
a used
a U.S. citizen
a one man

3 Step # 2
A or an practice
EXERCISE 1. Writedown a or an and the noun.

1. 21. 41.
2. 22. 42.
3. 23. 43.
4. 24. 44.
5. 25. 45.
6. 26. 46.
7. 27. 47.
8. 28. 48.
9. 29. 49.
10. 30. 50.
11. 31. 51.
12. 32. 52.
13. 33. 53.
14. 34. 54.
15. 35. 55.
16. 36. 56.
17. 37. 57.
18. 38. 58.
19. 39. 59.
20. 40. 60.

4 Step # 2
Workbook Practice : # 1
A or An
EXERCISE 1: Choose "a" or "an" to complete the sentences.
1. There is _________ elephant at the zoo.
2. She wants to read ____________ book.
3. He eats _________ apple for lunch everyday.
4. There is _________ cat under the table.
5. I need _________ umbrella, it's raining.

EXERCISE 2: Identify and correct the mistakes in the use of "a" or "an."
1. I have a apple in my bag. 1. He is an teacher.
2. She is an doctor. 2. She eats a orange every morning.
3. It's a hour drive from here. 3. There is an book on the table.
4. I bought a egg for breakfast. 4. We have a hour before the movie starts.
5. They found an interesting rock. 5. I see a elephant in the wildlife documentary.

EXERCISE 3: Identify and correct the mistakes in the use of "a" or "an."
a an
__________________ __________________
ice cream
__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________

EXERCISE 4: Read the sentences. If the use of "a" or "an" is correct, write
'True.' If it's incorrect, write 'False.'

1. She is a honest person. ........................................ ( )

2. He drives a university bus. .............................. ( )
3. They have an interesting idea. ...................... ( )
4. She makes a amazing cake. ............................... ( )
5. It is an hour-long journey. .................................. ( )

“Subject Pronouns”
Grammar Notes:
1. The subject pronouns are: I, you, he, she, it, we and they.
2. The subject pronoun can replace the subject noun.

EXERCISE 1: Fill in each black with the correct subject pronoun.

1. The table is big. ____________________
It is big.
2. Brenda is a teacher. ____________________ is a teacher.
3. My mother is in the kitchen. ____________________ is in the kitchen.
4. My father is in the room. ____________________ is in the room.
5. My sister and I like movies. ____________________ like movies.
6. My shoes are under the bed. ____________________ are under the bed.
7. Karla is my favorite teacher. ____________________ is my favorite teacher.
8. David is a great person. ____________________ is a great person.
9. Silvia and Maria are my favorite friends. ____________________ are my favorite friends.
10. Jose is my math teacher. ____________________ is my math teacher.
11. Medellin is in Colombia. ____________________ is in Colombia.
12. Marcos is a dancer. ____________________ is a dancer.
13. English is an easy language. ____________________ is an easy language.
14. George and Paco are brothers. ____________________ are brothers.
15. My computer is new. ____________________ is new.
16. My parents are in Australia. ____________________ are in Australia.
17. The house is huge. ____________________ is huge.
18. Romina is in kindergarden. ____________________ in kindegarden.
19. The soup is delicious. ____________________ is delicious.
20. My computer is grey. ____________________ is grey.
21. The cellphone is black. ____________________ is black.
22. The beer is cold. ____________________ is cold.
23. My sister is in the bank. ____________________ is in the bank.
24. Tom is very tall. ____________________ is very tall.
25. The pizza is hot. ____________________ is hot.

5 Step # 2
EXERCISE 2: Identify the Subject Pronoun (I, You, He, She, It, We and They).
Example: Table: _______________
1.Cars ________________________. 16. Milk _________________________.
2.Book _______________________. 17. The kids ____________________.
3.Dave _______________________. 18. Ana and Ron _______________.
4.Mom ______________________. 19. Mary _______________________.
5.Dad ________________________. 20. Buses ______________________.
6.Flower ______________________. 21. Ramiro _____________________.
7.Jack and I _________________. 22. Sylvia and I ________________.
8.Elephant __________________. 23. Sunglasses __________________.
9.Picture ____________________. 24. My brother ________________.
10.Houses __________________. 25. My friends _________________.
11.Sophia ___________________. 26. My parents ________________.
12.Ramón ___________________. 27. Kate _______________________.
13.Ramon and José ____________. 28. Jack _______________________.
14.Piano ______________________. 29. The cellphone _______________.
15.The teacher ________________. 30 Miss Rocio _________________.

EXERCISE 3: Looks what is in the circle and write the corresponding subject

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 Step # 2
Subject Pronouns
EXERCISE 1. Listen to the nouns being spelled and write down the
corresponding subject pronoun.

1. 21. 41.
2. 22. 42.
3. 23. 43.
4. 24. 44.
5. 25. 45.
6. 26. 46.
7. 27. 47.
8. 28. 48.
9. 29. 49.
10. 30. 50.
11. 31. 51.
12. 32. 52.
13. 33. 53.
14. 34. 54.
15. 35. 55.
16. 36. 56.
17. 37. 57.
18. 38. 58.
19. 39. 59.
20. 40. 60.

7 Step # 2
Workbook Practice : # 2
Subject Pronouns!
EXERCISE 1: Circle the correct subject pronoun for each sentence.
1. (He/She/It) is a cold day.
2. (I/You/We) are studying for the test.
3. (She/He/They) likes to read books.
4. (They/It/We) are playing soccer.
5. (I/He/She) am learning English.

EXERCISE 2: Match the subject pronouns to the correct nouns or names.

I- ( ) my teacher
you - ( ) Emily and Jack
he - ( ) Mr. Smith
she - ( ) the cat
it - ( ) the car
we - ( ) Helen and I
they - ( ) the students

EXERCISE 3: Write a sentence using each subject pronoun.

I: _______________________________________________
You: _____________________________________________
He: ______________________________________________
She: _____________________________________________
It: _______________________________________________
We: ______________________________________________
They: _____________________________________________

EXERCISE 4: Replace the underlined nouns in the sentences with the

correct subject pronoun.
→ ______ likes to play football.
1. Tom likes to play football.
2. Sara and I are in the same class. → ______ are in the same class.
3. The computer is new. → ______ is new.
4. My parents are on vacation. → ______ are on vacation.
5. The flowers are beautiful. → ______ are beautiful.

“Verb to BE Positive”
Grammar Notes:

1. The form of verb to be in simple present is: AM, IS, ARE

2. Use the form of BE for the following: location, classification, place of
origin, definition, weather, time, age and other description.

EXERCISE 1: Write the correct form of be in each sentence.

Example: He is a doctor.
1. I ________ a teacher. 16. You ________ at work.
2.She ________ in the bathroom. 17. Patty ________ a bad person.
3.We ________ from China. 18. Juan and I ________ at the gym.
4.You ________ tall. 19. I ________ from Arizona.
5.He ________ a good cook. 20. Today ________ Saturday.
6.Silvia ________ at the kitchen. 21. We _________ crazy.
7.They ________ at the park. 22. The doctor ________ my uncle.
8.She ________ beautiful. 23. My grandmother ________ old.
9. I ________ at the music store. 24. My dog ________ a good pet.
10.He ________ crazy. 25. The phone ________ new.
11. It ________ sunny today. 26. Oscar ________ from Arizona.
12.Paco ________ short. 27. The game ________ funny.
13.Alan and Ruben ________ friends. 28. The class _________ easy.
14.Sofia _________ 7 years old. 29. Tomorrow ________ Friday.

EXERCISE 2: Write three sentences using the verb to be.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________.
2. ____________________________________________________________________________.
3. ____________________________________________________________________________.

8 Step # 2
EXERCISE 3. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb TO BE.

Example: My mother is 63 years old.

1.The fridge _____________________________________________________________________.
2.The cat _______________________________________________________________________.
3.The bed _______________________________________________________________________.
4.My mom and my aunt __________________________________________________________.
5.My dad ________________________________________________________________________.
6.The car _______________________________________________________________________.
7.My sister ______________________________________________________________________.
8.The book ______________________________________________________________________.
9.My computer __________________________________________________________________.
10.The city ______________________________________________________________________.
11.My grandfather _______________________________________________________________.
12.The English course ____________________________________________________________.
13.The kitchen ___________________________________________________________________.
14.The hamburger _______________________________________________________________.
15.Water ________________________________________________________________________.
16.My friends ____________________________________________________________________.
17.The children ___________________________________________________________________.
18.The restaurant _______________________________________________________________.
19.This shampoo _________________________________________________________________.
20.My aunt _____________________________________________________________________.
21.Everybody _____________________________________________________________________.
22.The school ___________________________________________________________________.
23.My parents___________________________________________________________________.
24.My brothers _________________________________________________________________.
25. The TV ____________________________________________________________.

9 Step # 2
Workbook Practice : # 3
Verb To be: am/is/are
EXERCISE 1: Choose the correct form of the verb "to be" (am, is, are) to complete
the sentences.
1. I _____ happy.
2. You _____ my friend.
3. He _____ a teacher. am is are
4. She _____ in the garden.
5. It _____ cold today.
6. We _____ students.
7. They _____ at the cinema.

EXERCISE 2: Read the sentences. If the sentence uses the correct form of "to
be," write 'Correct.' If it's incorrect, write 'Incorrect.'

______________________ 1. I is a student.
______________________ 2. You are a good friend.
______________________ 3. He are a doctor.
______________________ 4. She is at home.
______________________ 5. It am a new car.
______________________ 6. We are in the park.
______________________ 7. They is my cousins.

EXERCISE 3: Write a sentence using each subject pronoun.

Nouns Subject Pronouns

Mr. Johnson _______________

The teachers _______________
The cat _______________
Maria and I _______________
The car _______________
Emily _______________
The students _______________
The computer _______________
You and Tom _______________
The dog and the cat _______________


For more
Step # 3
1, Verb to be - Contractions
2. Verb to be - Negative Form
3. Verb to be - Reading - Dictation
4. Verb to be - Spelling - Writing

Hello, everyone!

I am so excited to welcome you to Step #3 of our English adventure. You have been
doing great, and I am proud of you!

In this step, we will explore more about the verb "to be." We will learn how to shorten
words with contractions. For example, "I am" becomes "I'm," and "he is" becomes "he's."
It's fun and easy!

We will also learn to use the verb "to be" in its negative form. This means we will
make sentences like "I am not" or "she is not." It's very useful when you want to say
something is not true.

Next, get ready for some reading! We will read about people from around the world.
You will hear about different families and how they live. We will do a dictation
exercise about a family. This means I will read a story, and you will write it down. It's
a great way to practice listening and writing!

Are you ready to learn and have fun? I am sure you will do wonderfully in Step #3.
Let's keep learning and growing together!

See you in class!

- Your Teacher.
“Contractions with BE”
Grammar Notes:
1. Use contractions in spoken language and informal writing.
2. Do not make contractions with ‘s and nouns that finish with the sounds s, z,
sh or ch. Example: France is in Europe (NOT. France’s in Europe)
1. Do not make contractions with ‘re and plural nouns. Example, The trees are
beautiful. ( NOT. The trees’re beautiful)

EXERCISE 1. Rewrite the following sentences using contractions. If the contraction is

not possible, write NOT POSSIBLE.
They are at home. They’re at home.
The church is on Main avenue. NOT possible.

1. I am in high school. ____________________________________________________________________________.

2. We are good friends. ________________________________________________________________________.
3. Rocio is a great singer. _______________________________________________________________________.
4. Food is ready. ________________________________________________________________________________.
5. English is easy. _______________________________________________________________________________.
6. It is a beautiful day. _________________________________________________________________________.
7. My house is clean. ____________________________________________________________________________.
8. She is my girlfriend. __________________________________________________________________________.
9. The class is at 7 pm. _________________________________________________________________________.
10. My room is next to the bathroom. ___________________________________________________________.

EXERCISE 2: Write three sentences that are not possible to be contracted.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ____________________________________________________________________________.

1 Step # 3
EXERCISE 3. Rewrite the following sentences using contractions with the
verb TO BE.

Example: My mother is in New York right now. My mother’s in New York right now.

1.The microwave is in the kitchen.________________________________________________________.

2.The cat is on the sofa. _______________________________________________________________.
3.The bed is new. _______________________________________________________________________.
4.My mom and my aunt are from Mexico City. __________________________________________.
5.My dad is 53 years old. _______________________________________________________________.
6.The car is red and black. _____________________________________________________________.
7.My sister is angry with her boyfriend. _________________________________________________.
8.The book is very old. _________________________________________________________________.
9.My computer is white and grey. _______________________________________________________.
10.The city is full of tourists. ___________________________________________________________.
11.My grandfather is a happy person. ____________________________________________________.
12.The car is very fast. ________________________________________________________________.
13.The kitchen is dirty. __________________________________________________________________.
14.The hamburger is cold. _______________________________________________________________.
15.Water is a very important liquid. _____________________________________________________.
16.They are in the library. ______________________________________________________________.
17.The children are in the living room. ____________________________________________________.
18.The restaurant is full of customers. __________________________________________________.
19.This shampoo is very expensive. _______________________________________________________.
20.My aunt is brunette. ________________________________________________________________.
21.Everybody is happy today in the office. ________________________________________________.
22.They are far away from home. ______________________________________________________.
23.My mom and my dad are outside. ____________________________________________________.
24.They are with me. __________________________________________________________________.

EXERCISE 4: Write three sentences using contractions with the verb TO BE.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ________________________________________________________________________________.

2 Step # 3
Workbook Practice : # 4
Verb to Be + Contractions
EXERCISE 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct contracted form of the verb "to be."

1. I _____ happy today. (am)

2. He _____ at the party. (is)
3. You _____ my best friend. (are) ´m ´s ´re
4. She _____ is in the restaurant. (is)
5. We _____ in the zoo. (are)
6. It _____ next to the door. (is)
7. They _____ 20 years old. (are)

EXERCISE 2: Create your own sentences using the contracted form of "to be."

1. I'm: _______________________________________________
2. You're: ____________________________________________
3. He's: ______________________________________________
4. She's: _____________________________________________
5. It's: _______________________________________________
6. We're: _____________________________________________
7. They're: ____________________________________________

EXERCISE 3: Find the 15 times that the verb to be can be contracted.

A Day in the Park

Today, I am in the park. The sun is bright, and the sky is blue. There are many people here. My
friends are here too. We are in a picnic. The food is delicious. My best friend is very happy.
The children are next to the river. The weather is perfect for a day outside. It is a lovely day.
I am glad we are here.

Around us, there are several birds. Near the path, there is a beautiful garden. The flowers
are colorful. People are relaxed here.. Some are with family some are alone.

In the corner of the park, there is a playground. It is full of children. The park is a busy, happy
place. I am very happy to enjoy these moments.

“Verb to BE negative”
Grammar Notes:
1.We form the negative form of a sentence with NOT after the verb TO BE.
2.There are two forms of negatives with BE. See examples with your instructor.
3.There is only one negative form for the subject I = I’ m not.
4.NOT can contracted as n´t. For example: is not = isn’t , are not = aren’t

EXERCISE 1: Change the following sentences into negative form, use contractions. In
the second line, change the subject with a pronoun.
Positive: Sylvia is a teacher
Negative: Silvia is not a teacher
Negative contracted: Silvia isn´t a teacher

1. Randy is from Tokio. 5. My shoes are new.

________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
2. You are tall. 6. We are in English Class.
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
3. The sandwiches are fresh. 7. My favorite food is Chinese.
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
4. My friends are on vacation. 8. We are at home.
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

About you About a classmate

________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

3 Step # 3
EXERCISE 2: Use personal onformation to complete the following sentence to
make positive or negative sentences using the form of the verb TO BE.

1. We ___________________ from Mexico

1.I _________ from China. 11.The world _________ very big.

2.My mother _________ a doctor. 12.It _________ 3:00 p.m.
3.My friend _________ Rocio. 13.Tomorrow _________ Sunday.
4.The house _________ clean right now. 14.I _________ in my room.
5.My computer _________ on the kitchen table. 15.My father _________ at work right now.
6.We _________ taking Italian classes. 16.Cellphones _________ important for people.
7.My sister _________ 34 years old. 17.Math _________ difficult.
8.Jose _________ my best friend. 18.Vitamins _________ good for your body.
9.Today _________ Monday. 19.I _________ 23 years old.
10.Lasagna _________ delicious. 20.Sushi _________ expensive.

EXERCISE 3: Use the connector "BUT" to link a positive and a negative

sentence about the picture. Use simple present tense of the verb TO BE.

The kid is tall

but he isn´t good

4 Step # 3
Workbook Practice : # 5
Verb to Be positive & negative

Positive Traits: Negative Traits:

1. ____________________ 1. ____________________ Option
2. ____________________ 2. ____________________

3. ____________________ 3. ____________________
4. ____________________ 4. ____________________

Positive Traits: Negative Traits:

Option 1. ____________________ 1. ____________________

2. ____________________ 2. ____________________

3. ____________________ 3. ____________________
4. ____________________ 4. ____________________

Positive Traits: Negative Traits:

1. ____________________ 1. ____________________
2. ____________________ 2. ____________________ #3

3. ____________________ 3. ____________________
4. ____________________ 4. ____________________

My Friend Sarah
Hello, My name is Mark. I am 28 years old. I am from London. I have
a friend named Sarah. She is 26 years old. She is from Paris. She is a
nurse in one of the most impotant hopsitals in Paris. She is a very
nice person. She lives in a very small yellow house next to a beautiful
park. She is not married, but she is very happy. Her favorite color is
green. She likes to cook and watch movies. She is a very good friend.

1. What is Sarah's favorite color?
2. Where is Mark from?
3. What does Sarah do for a living?

My Weekend
Hi, I'm Lisa. I am 22 years old. I am from New York. I live in an
apartment with my sister. Her name is Emma. She is 25 years old. She
is a doctor. Our apartment is small but cozy. It is white and blue. We
are very close. We are not rich, but we are happy. On weekends, we
often go to the park. It is near our home. We enjoy spending time
there. It is beautiful with many trees.

1. Where is the park located?
2. What colors are Lisa and Emma's apartment?
3. What does Emma do for a living?

5 Step # 3
My Pet Cat
Hey there! I'm Laura. I am 30 years old. I am from Los Angeles. I have
a pet cat named Whiskers. She is five years old. She is small and
playful. She is brown . She isn't shy; she is very friendly. She is my best
friend. She is not just a cat; she is family. I love her very much.

1. What is the cat's name?
2. What color is Whiskers?
3. Where is Laura from?

My Hobbies

Hello, I'm Alex. I am 19 years old. I am

from Sydney. I am a student. I like to read
books. My favorite color is red. I also like
to play soccer with my friends. We are a
team. We are not professionals, but we
have fun. We practice in the park. We are
happy when we win. I am not good at
cooking, but I try. I am learning to cook
new recipes.

1. What is Alex's favorite color?
2. What does Alex like to do with friends?
3. What is Alex learning to do? .

6 Step # 3
Spelling: My Family

Score: _________________________

7 Step # 3
Spelling Quiz
1. 21. 41.
2. 22. 42.
3. 23. 43.
4. 24. 44.
5. 25. 45.
6. 26. 46.
7. 27. 47.
8. 28. 48.
9. 29. 49.
10. 30. 50.
11. 31. 51.
12. 32. 52.
13. 33. 53.
14. 34. 54.
15. 35. 55.
16. 36. 56.
17. 37. 57.
18. 38. 58.
19. 39. 59.
20. 40. 60.

Score: _________________________
8 Step # 3
Writing: Verb To BE
1. Look at the Characters: The teacher will show you pictures of three international
2. Write About Each Character:
Write 2 positive sentences using the verb "to be" (e.g., "He is smart").
Write 2 negative sentences using the verb "to be" (e.g., "She is not mean").
3. Use Contractions: Try to use contractions like "He's" or "Isn't."
4. Be Respectful: Make sure your descriptions are respectful.
5. Review Your Work: Check your sentences for correct use of the verb "to be."

9 Step # 3

For more
Step # 4
1. Verb to be - Yes/No questions
2. Verb to be - Wh - questions
3. Verb to be - Countries & Nationalities (Vocabulary & Speaking)
4. Verb to be - Dictation & Reading Comprehension.

Welcome to Step #4!

Hello, wonderful students!

It's great to see you in Step #4! I am your teacher, and I am so excited to learn
with you. You are becoming fantastic English speakers!
In Step #4, we will explore new and fun things with the English language. Are you
Yes/No Questions with the Verb "to be": We will learn how to ask questions that
can be answered with 'yes' or 'no.' For example, "Are you a student?" or "Is she
from Brazil?" It's a great way to learn more about each other!
Wh- Questions with the Verb "to be": We'll also learn to ask questions starting
with 'who,' 'what,' 'where,' 'when,' 'why,' and 'how.' Like "Where is the cat?" or
"Who is your best friend?" These questions help us discover new information!
Countries and Nationalities Vocabulary: You'll learn how to talk about where
people are from. We will explore different countries and nationalities. You might
say, "I am from Italy" or "He is Japanese." It's a wonderful world, and we are all
part of it!
Dictation and Reading Comprehension: We are going to practice listening and
understanding English. I will read sentences or short stories, and you will write
down what you hear. Then, we will read together and understand the stories. It's
a fun way to improve your English skills!

I know you can do it! Each of you is special and capable of learning so much. Let's
continue our English adventure with excitement and curiosity.
See you in class, and let's have a great time learning!
“Yes / No Questions with Be”
Grammar Notes:
1.To ask a Yes/No question with BE, put a form of be before the subject.
2.We don’t use contraction for a short yes answer. Yes, it is. (Not: Yes, It’s)
3.We usually use a contraction for a short answer: No, it isn’t or no, it’s not.

EXERCISE 1: Change the following positive sentences into questions. Keep the same
Positive: Sylvia is a teacher
Negative: Silvia is not a teacher
Questions: Is Silvia a teacher?

1.They are your friends. _______________________________________________________________________.

2.I am a student. _____________________________________________________________________________.
3.She is a good dancer. ________________________________________________________________________.
4.He is a very good person. ____________________________________________________________________.
5.My grandma is at home ______________________________________________________________________.
6.My dog is a bulldog. _________________________________________________________________________.
7.This restaurant is very elegant. _____________________________________________________________.
8.This book is interesting. _____________________________________________________________________.
9.The kids are hungry. ________________________________________________________________________.
10. Your parents are from California. __________________________________________________________.
11.The pants are old. ___________________________________________________________________________.
12.Your shoes are beautiful. ___________________________________________________________________.
13.She is very tired. ____________________________________________________________________________.
14.My friends are in the bathroom. _____________________________________________________________.

EXERCISE 2: Write five yes/no questions for your classmates using the verb TO BE
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________.

1 Step # 4
EXERCISE 3: Write questions with the following subjects and complements. Then
write a short answer.
Tacos / delicious
Question: Are tacos delicious?
Answer: Yes, they are.

1. Beer / Healthy 6. Vacation / Fun

________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
2. Fruits / Healthy 7. The TV / On
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
3. Schools / Fun 8. The table / Ready
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
4. Spiders / Dangerous 9. My car / New
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

5. Italy / Big 10. Your country / Safe

________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

Now you try! Now you try!

________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

EXERCISE 4: Write five yes/no questions for yourself using the verb TO BE
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________.

2 Step # 4
Workbook Practice : # 5
Verb to Be Yes/No Questions
EXERCISE 1: Listen to the following 20 yes no questions in simple present using
the verb to be. You will have a few seconds to answer on the corresponding
1. ____________________ 11. ____________________
2. ____________________ 12. ____________________
3. ____________________ 13. ____________________
4. ____________________ 14 ____________________
5. ____________________ 15. ____________________
6. ____________________ 16. ____________________
7. ____________________ 17. ____________________
8. ____________________ 18. ____________________
9. ____________________ 19. ____________________
10. ____________________ 20. ____________________

EXERCISE 2: Convert the statements into yes/no questions using the present
simple form of the verb "to be." Then, write a positive and a negative answer
for each question.
1. Statement: They are students. 2. Statement: It is a sunny day.
Question: ______________________? Question: ______________________?
Positive Answer: _______________. Positive Answer: _______________.
Negative Answer: ______________. Negative Answer: ______________.

3. Statement: I am in the library. 4. Statement: You are late.

Question: ______________________? Question: ______________________?
Positive Answer: _______________. Positive Answer: _______________.
Negative Answer: ______________. Negative Answer: ______________.

5. Statement: He is my friend. 6. Statement: She is a singer.

Question: ______________________? Question: ______________________?
Positive Answer: _______________. Positive Answer: _______________.
Negative Answer: ______________. Negative Answer: ______________.

3 Step # 4
Countries & Nationalities


American Canadian Mexican Chinese


French Portuguese Brazilian Spanish


German Japanese Indian Russian


Italian Colimbian Korean Aregentinian

4 Step # 4
Listening : Countries & Natinonalities
EXERCISE 1: Listen to the following conversations and complete the information

Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________

City: _____________________ City: _____________________ City: _____________________

Country: __________________ Country: __________________ Country: __________________

Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________

Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________

City: _____________________ City: _____________________ City: _____________________

Country: __________________ Country: __________________ Country: __________________

Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________

Writing : Introducing Myself!

EXERCISE 1: Take 3 minutes to write a short introduction of yourself. Make
sure you give the folowing information. Use the “VERB TO BE”

Your complete name:

Nickname: This is me!
Favorite color or food:
Place of origen:


5 Step # 4
Speaking : Countries & Natinonalities
EXERCISE 1: Listen to your classmates introduce themselves. Fill in the the boxes
with their information.

Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________

Nickname: ________________ Nickname: ________________ Nickname: ________________
Age: _____________________ Age: _____________________ Age: _____________________
City: _____________________ City: _____________________ City: _____________________
Country: _________________ Country: _________________ Country: _________________
Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________

Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________

Nickname: ________________ Nickname: ________________ Nickname: ________________
Age: _____________________ Age: _____________________ Age: _____________________
City: _____________________ City: _____________________ City: _____________________
Country: _________________ Country: _________________ Country: _________________
Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________

Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________

Nickname: ________________ Nickname: ________________ Nickname: ________________
Age: _____________________ Age: _____________________ Age: _____________________
City: _____________________ City: _____________________ City: _____________________
Country: _________________ Country: _________________ Country: _________________
Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________

Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________ Name: ___________________

Nickname: ________________ Nickname: ________________ Nickname: ________________
Age: _____________________ Age: _____________________ Age: _____________________
City: _____________________ City: _____________________ City: _____________________
Country: _________________ Country: _________________ Country: _________________
Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________ Nationality: ______________

6 Step # 4
“WH- Questions with Be”
Grammar Notes:
1. A Wh- questions ask for information.
2. The Wh- word + BE can form a contraction.
3. We can use: What, Where, When, Why, Who, Which, How

EXERCISE 1: Write down the objective of each WH - Word.

What Where When Why

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Who Which How

________________ ________________ ________________

EXERCISE 2: Complete the following blanks with the correct question word.
___________________ are you from?
I am from Denver Colorado.

1. ___________________________ is your bag pack? It is in my room.

2. ___________________________ Is your little brother? He is at the park.
3. ___________________________ Is your birthday? It is on July 12th.
4. ___________________________ Is your mom? She is fine thanks.
5. ___________________________ Is your school? It is on Main Avenue.
6. ___________________________ Is your favorite drink? It is lemonade.
7. ___________________________ Are your shorts? They are in the washer.
8. ___________________________ Are the apples? They are in the fridge.
9. ___________________________ The meeting? The meeting is at 5:00 p.m.
10. ___________________________ Are you sad? i am sad because my class was cancelled.
11. ___________________________ Is your sister? She is fine. Thank you!
12. ___________________________ Is Denver? Denver is in Colorado.
13. ___________________________ Is that man? Than man is my father.
14. ___________________________ Are you? I’m at school.

7 Step 4
EXERCISE 3: Complete each question with a question word and the correct form of
BE. Then write a true answer for each question.

Who your favorite singer?
My favorite singer is Michael Jackson.

1.__________________________ your teacher? _________________________________________________.

2._________________________ your best friend? ______________________________________________.
3._________________________ your name? ____________________________________________________.
4._________________________ your birthday? ________________________________________________.
5._________________________ you from? _____________________________________________________.
6._________________________ you in this moment. ____________________________________________.
7._________________________ the weather? __________________________________________________.
8._________________________ the control remote? ___________________________________________.
9._________________________ your laptop? ___________________________________________________.
10. ________________________ the pencils? ___________________________________________________.
11. __________________________ the church? __________________________________________________.
12. _________________________ my brother? _________________________________________________.
13. _________________________ the next class? _______________________________________________.
14. _________________________ you hungry? __________________________________________________.
15.__________________________ your email? ___________________________________________________.
16.__________________________ your phone number? __________________________________________.
17.__________________________ Christmas? ___________________________________________________.
18. _________________________ Mother’s Day ________________________________________________.
19.__________________________ your shoes? __________________________________________________.
20._________________________ the library? __________________________________________________.

EXERCISE 4: Write five WH - questions for classmates using the verb TO BE.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________.

8 Step 4
Workbook Practice : # 6
Verb to Be + Wh-Questions
EXERCISE 1: Match the WH questions with their appropriate answers.

Questions: Answers:
A. Who is your English teacher? ______ It's sunny and warm.
B. Where are my shoes? ______ My favorite color is blue.
C. Why is the sky blue? ______ They are under the bed.
D. When is your birthday? ______ I don´t know.
E. How is the weather today? ______ My birthday is on July 9th.
F. What is your favorite color? ______ Mrs. Johnson is my English teacher.

EXERCISE 2: Fill in the blanks to complete the WH questions.

1. _______ is your favorite movie?
2. _______ are we meeting tomorrow?
3. _______ is the capital of France?
4. _______ are your parents' names?
5. _______ is it important to study English?
6. _______ is the weather like in winter?

EXERCISE 3: Read the WH questions and write your own answers.

1. Question: Why is the ocean salty?

Answer: ___________________________________________________________
2. Question: Where is the tallest building in the world?
Answer: ___________________________________________________________
3. Question: Who is the president of your country?
Answer: ___________________________________________________________
4. Question: What is the most popular sport in your country?
Answer: ___________________________________________________________
5. Question: How is your mood today?
Answer: ___________________________________________________________
6. Question: When is the next holiday?
Answer: ___________________________________________________________

9 Step 4

Central Park:
A Beautiful Place in New York City


10 Step 4

Total Words: 150 words.

Total Score:

11 Step 4
Reading Comprehension:
EXERCISE 1: Read the statements and write if they are true or false based on
the text.
1. Central Park is a small park in New York City. (True/False)
2. The park was constructed more than 150 years ago. (True/False)
3. There are no areas to play sports in Central Park. (True/False)
4. In the winter, Central Park is full of flowers. (True/False)
5. Many people, including tourists, visit Central Park. (True/False)

EXERCISE 2: Fill in the blanks using information from the text.

1. Central Park is as large as __________ football fields.

2. The park __________ in the year __________.
3. In Central Park, people can see birds, ducks, and __________.
4. During summer, the park is __________.
5. Central Park __________ for nature and fun.

EXERCISE 3: Answer the following questions.

1. Is Central Park located in New York City?
2. Is Central Park more than 200 years old?
3. Is Central Park popular with families and friends?
4. What is the size of Central Park compared to football fields?
5. Why is Central Park considered special in New York City?
6. What are some activities people do in Central Park?

12 Step 4

For more

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