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Usar pasivas en tus writings B1, B2 Y C1 va a hacerlos más formales y vas a poder demostrar que
dominas la gramática inglesa como un pro. Además, es una estructura que aparece muchísimo
en el Use of English y tenerlas claras es la base para el siguiente paso, las Impersonal Passives.

En este vídeo te explico cómo pasar de activa a pasiva con un truquito que espero que te ayude.

Cómo pasar a PASIVA en inglés- Tutorial fácil con ejercicios


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En toda pasiva necesitamos identificar el sujeto, verbo y objeto.

Una vez la tengamos analizada, nuestro objeto y sujeto se cambiarán de sitio, así:

sujeto verbo objeto

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Después simplemente contaremos cuántas palabras tiene la acción y sumaremos +1. El

resultado son las palabras que necesitaremos en nuestra oración pasiva.

¿Y ahora? Muy fácil. En nuestra última línea escribiremos el verbo en V3 (participio) (con -ed si
es regular o con la tercera columna si es irregular)

Ya casi estamos. Solo tendremos que analizar en qué tiempo verbal está la frase y conjugar el
verbo TO BE con ese mismo tiempo.


1. The thief stole a wallet last week

2. Students should bring notebooks on Monday

3. My sister has won two competitions this term

4. Simon makes delicious pancakes for breakfast

5. She must speak Chinese in her next meeting

6. That technician is repairing laptops every day

7. The vet fed the animals before their operation

8. Sofia catches the train before 10 a.m every single day

9. Parents are buying too many devices to educate their children

10. I have found a stray dog this evening


1.A wallet was stolen by the thief last week.

2. Notebooks should be brought by students on Monday.

3. Two competitions have been won by my sister this term.

4. Delicious pancakes are made by Simon for breakfast.

5.Chinese must be spoken (by her) in her next meeting.

6. Laptops are being repaired by that technician every day.

7. The animals were fed by the vet before their operation

8. The train is caught by Sofia before 10 a.m every single day.

9. Many devices are being bought by parents to educate their children.

10. A stray dog has been found this evening.

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