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Analyze this informa on carefully

En inglés tenemos tres principales preposiciones que enen doble uso, pueden ser empleadas para expresar
posiciones de lugares o empo. En este caso retomaremos su uso específico para describir empo.

In/ at/ on estas son las preposiciones que analizaremos en esta ac vidad. Al momento de buscarlas en cualquier
diccionario o traductor nos encontraremos que la interpretación comun para estas es en. Por lo tanto como
hispanohablantes na vos, al momento de asimilar que at, in y on significan en en español tendemos a usarlas
indis ntamente sin detenernos a pensar que nos pueden traer malos entendidos al momento de expresar un

IN : Se u liza con fechas no específicas donde no se conoce el período o la fecha exacta, por ejemplo: meses del año
sin mencionar el día, años, siglos, en la mañana, en la tarde, en verano entre otras.

Ejemplos : She will graduate from high school in July. / I was born in 1929 / my birthday is in September / I go to
school in the morning.

ON: Esta preposición ene dos principales usos: el primero es para describir fechas exactas donde se mencione el
mes y el día y el segundo es para referirse a los días de la semana o fines de semana por lo que su traducción literal
puede ser en y a las.

Ejemplos: I will have a mee ng on Monday a ernoon. / Her birthday is on April 6th. / I take swimming classes on
Saturdays. / The concert is going to be on May 10th. / I'm coming back on weekend.

AT: este preposición se u liza para mencionar las horas del día y además para indicar fechas de fes vidades con
nombre propio como es el caso de Christmas, Halloween, Valen ne's day or Thanksgiving. Por o o lado puede ir con
night o midnight

Ejemplos: The movie starts at 7 o' clock. / I wake up at 7: 15 am. / She gets home at night. / I'll see my dad at
Christmas. / I hate to be alone at San Valen ne's Day.

NO PREPOSITION: No obstante, en algunos casos no se usa ninguna preposición, en casos donde las fechas o
periodos de empos donde aparecen las siguientes alabras: everyday, next, last, some mes, every night etc.

2 Put in the correct preposi on (at, in, on, or no preposi on):

1. There was a loud noise which woke us up ____ midnight.

2. Do you usually eat chocolate eggs ____ Easter?

3. What are you doing ____ the weekend?

4. ____ last week, I worked un l 9pm ____ every night.

5. My father always reads the paper ____ breakfast me.

6. She plays tennis ____ Fridays.

7. The trees here are really beau ful ____ the spring.
8. I’ll see you ____ Tuesday a ernoon, then.

9. Shakespeare died ____ 1616.

10. She studies ____ every day.

11. John is going to buy the presents ____ today.

12. In my hometown the shops open early ____ the morning.

13. She met her husband ____ 1998.

14. The party is ____ next Saturday.

15. We are mee ng ____ Friday morning.

16. I o en get sleepy ____ the a ernoon.

17. His daughter was born ____ August 23rd.

18. Mobile phones became popular ____ the nine es.

19. The mee ng will take place ____ this a ernoon.

20. Luckily the weather was perfect ____ her wedding day.

3 Write your own sentences using in, on, and, at.

1 _____________________________________________________________________________

2 _____________________________________________________________________________

3 _____________________________________________________________________________

4 _____________________________________________________________________________

5 _____________________________________________________________________________

4 Write correct or incorrect on the line of each sentence.

__________. 1 Today I have a roman c date with the most beau ful woman on 9 o' clock evening.

__________. 2 When I was studying n Zacatecas city, I used to cook my meal in the morning..

__________. 3 When my sister lived here, she used to clean the house in Saturday.

__________. 4 My family used to visit my grandma at Christmas and New year.

__________. 5 My boyfriend and I used to go to the beach on July every year.

__________. 6 When I was in kinder garden, I used to take a nap at 10:15 am.

__________. 7 They used to go to the cinema in weekend.

__________. 8 I didn't use to play soccer in 2015, but now I love to play soccer everyday.

5 Creat by teams a video tutorial in which you explain the preposi ons of me.

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