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Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria

Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

¡Bienvenido profe!
A los alumnos de 3° grado que están por egresar de la secundaria se les aplica un examen para ser admitidos
en una nueva institución en donde podrán seguir con su carrera educativa; es por este motivo que uno de los
intereses al adquirir esta guía es que tú como docente prepares a tus estudiantes para que se sientan más
seguros al contestar dicha prueba.

La siguiente guía tiene como fin retomar temas gramaticales importantes que ayudarán a que tu alumno se
prepare para su examen de admisión.

La guía se conforma por explicaciones sobre temas de gramática en el idioma inglés así como una recopilación
de ejercicios en cada una de ellas. En cada inicio de tema podrás tener un pequeño tip o consejo que te
ayudará a mejorar tu práctica docente.

Los temas que contiene esta guía son:

▪ Orden de adjetivos al formar una oración

▪ Artículos “a” “an” y “the”
▪ Productos contables y no contables
▪ Contracciones
▪ Verbo “to be” en 1° y 3° persona
▪ Pronombres personales y posesivos
▪ Preguntas “WH questions”
▪ Presente simple
▪ Pasado simple (verbos regulares e irregulares)
▪ Pasado continuo
▪ Presente perfecto
▪ Preposiciones de tiempo
▪ Tiempo futuro
▪ Condicionales
1.- Condicional cero
2.- Primera condicional
3.- Segunda condicional
4.- Tercera condicional
5.- Condicional mixta
▪ Lecturas de comprensión
▪ Examen simulador*

Al finalizar cada tema puedes encontrar una serie de ejercicios para fortalecer lo aprendido.

Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

Order of Adjectives

▪ Prepara tu clase con contenido sobre el acomodo de palabras. (Al ser grupo de 3° deberían tener conocimientos previos sobre oraciones simples)
▪ Explica a tus estudiantes el orden en que deben ir los adjetivos al momento de describir algún objeto.
▪ Hagan anotaciones en su cuaderno o proporciona una hoja blanca que podrán anexar a su cuadernillo.


How old or young

What do you think How big or small is
someone or What is the shape? What colour is it? Where is it from? What is it made of? What is it used for?
about something? it?
something is?

awful, beautiful, alarm (clock)

cute, delicious, easy, dining (table)
brick, cotton,
friendly, funny, big, enormous, black, blond, blue, Brazilian, British, football (field)
adolescent, ancient, flat, irregular, oval, copper, gold, iron,
handsome, huge, large, little, brown, grey, Chinese, French, frying (pan)
modern, new, old, rectangular, round, leather, plastic,
interesting, kind, short, small, thin, magenta, pinkish, Italian, lunar, racing, sport (car)
young square, triangular porcelain, silk, silver,
lovely, mean, nice, tiny red, white, yellow Spanish, western rock (chair)
steel, wooden, wool
pretty, silly, smart, sailing (boat)
strange, ugly sleeping (bag)
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

Articles: a, an, or the?

▪ Prepara la clase para tus alumnos.
▪ Aquí te dejo una breve explicación del uso de los artículos “a”, “an” y “the”.
▪ Despues de repasar la información pueden resumirla y posteriormente realizar un mapa de
conceptos para mejorar la comprensión. (La explicación tambien está en el cuadernillo de los

‘The’ frente a ‘A’ / ‘An’

Una buena regla de oro es preguntar si el nombre que está siendo modificado es el único de su clase o si
existe más de una forma/caso. Si es el único de su clase o usted se está refiriendo a solo un ejemplo
específico, utilice ‘the’:

• The assay was conducted to identify the organism responsible for the outbreak. (Esta oración se refiere a
un ensayo, organismo y brote específico.)
• Fíjese: Los artículos normalmente no aparecen en los títulos, secciones de encabezamientos y leyendas de
figuras. ("The effect of different culture temperatures on bacterial growth kinetics" y "The characterization
of a new ginsenoside compound" ambos deben incluir 'the' porque se mencionan resultados específicos.)

Sin embargo, si el nombre que usted está modificando es uno entre muchos (por ejemplo, un ejemplo o
un solo miembro de un grupo), usted debe usar ‘a’ o ‘an’:

• A standard genome sequencing protocol was used to identify an exciting new species of Escherichia. (El
protocolo usado fue uno de los múltiples protocolos de secuenciación disponibles, y otras especies
de Escherichia ya han sido identificadas).

Otras veces en las que usar ‘the’ (y veces en las que NO se usa)

Si usted se está refiriendo a un sustantivo como representativo de cada caso/individuo (por ejemplo, una
discusión general), puede ser adecuado usar ‘the’ con la forma singular del sustantivo. ‘The’ se usa
principalmente en la redacción académica cuando se hace referencia a las máquinas, animales y órganos

• The smartphone has made it easier for employees to work from home.
• The dolphin is considered one of the smartest animals.
• The lung contains over 300 million alveoli.
• Fíjese: Es más común usar la forma en plural del nombre en casos como estos, pero recuerde omitir el
artículo. (Smartphones have made it easier for employees to work from home. Dolphins are considered
some of the smartest animals. Lungs contain over 300 million alveoli.)
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Sin embargo, no todos los sustantivos requieren un artículo cuando se usan de esta forma general. Los
sustantivos totales (o sustantivos incontables), los cuales se refieren a cosas abstractas o incontables, no
necesitan un artículo:

• Temperature can be expressed in Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.

• Knowledge is the key to happiness. (Pero: "The knowledge that she was receiving an award made her
happy" requiere un artículo debido a que se está haciendo referencia a un entendimiento específico.)

La mayoría de los nombres propios (tales como los nombres de países o personas) tampoco requieren un

• Tesla was one of the greatest inventors of all time.

• The samples were collected in Hebei Province.
• Los nombres propios colectivos son una excepción: the Middle East and the Great Lakes
• Cuando el nombre de una persona es parte de una teoría, prueba, etc., puede ser más natural usar 'the'
(por ejemplo, “the Doppler effect” o “the Riemann hypothesis”). Sin embargo, usted no debe usar 'the' si el
nombre es posesivo (por ejemplo, Tukey's test, Riemann's hypothesis).

‘A’ frente a ‘An’

‘A’ se usa delante de palabras que empiezan con sonidos consonantes (“a sample” o “a model”), incluso si
el sonido consonante se hace por medio de una vocal (“a unit”). Por el contrario, ‘an’ se usa delante de
palabras que empiezan con sonidos vocálicos (“an equation” o “an element”), incluso si la palabra empieza
con una consonante muda (“an hour”).


Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

Complete the sentences using a, an or the.

1. Picasso was _______ artist.

2. He is _____ honest man.

3. I study at _____ small university in London.

4. We used to live in _____ city centre.

5. Are you _____ teacher?

6. It takes me _____ hour to get to work.

7. My cousin is _____ surgeon.

8. It looks like it’s going to rain. Do you have _____ umbrella?

9. I have _____ one year old daughter.

10. Singer Justin Bieber comes from _____ ordinary family.

11. These days Angelina Jolie enjoys _____ life of _____ Hollywood film star.

12. My brother lives in _____ apartment in _____ city centre.

13. School children in _____ UK have to wear _____ uniform.

14. Is there _____ petrol station near here?

15. It’s very near here. Go straight on and it’s on _____ left.

16. Is France _____ European country?

17. I’ve got _____ spare ticket for tonight’s concert. Do you want to come?

18. Simon thought he heard burglars so he rushed downstairs and phoned _____ police.

19. Do you want to go to _____ cinema tonight?

Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Productos contables y no contables
▪ Prepara la clase para tus alumnos y contesta los ejercicios antes de hacerlo con tus estudiantes, así
podrás repasar si tienes alguna duda.
▪ Aquí te dejo una breve explicación del uso de contables y no contables.
▪ Repasa la información con tus estudiantes y contesta los ejemplos que aparecen en las páginas
siguientes. Si lo crees conveniente puedes distribuir el tema en 2 sesiones

¿Contable o incontable?

Sustantivos contables
Son aquellos que tienen una forma singular y plural.
• Where is the cucumber? It is in the fridge.
• Where are the cucumbers? They are in the fridge.
• Podemos usar los artículos indeterminados en inglés: ‘a’ y ‘an’.
• Podemos contarlos usando números: a cucumber, one cucumber, 2 cucumbers, 4 cucumbers.
Sustantivos incontables
Son aquellos que tienen una única forma y solo admiten el verbo en singular.
• Is there any bread left?
• No podemos usar ‘a’ o ‘an’.
• La forma no varía, siempre es bread.
• No podemos contarlos sin ayudarnos de otras palabras. Sería incorrecto decir one bread, two
breads. Necesitamos añadir otras palabras que nos permitan cuantificarlos: a piece of bread, grain
of sugar, a useful bit of advice, etc.
So, let’s try to make this clear!
Con sustantivos contables usamos: few, a few, fewer, many, several.
Con sustantivos incontables usamos: little, a little, less, least, much.
• Few apples.
• A few suitcases.
• Fewer biscuits.
• Many students.
• Several years.
• Little food.
• A little sugar.
• Less coffee.
• The least amount of time.
• Not much money.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Ejemplos de nombres incontables:

Algunos pueden ser contables e incontables:

Her father is a millionaire, he has many businesses. (compañías)
It’s been a pleasure doing business with you. (hacer negocios)
Have you read the works of Shakespeare? (obras)
Have you finished your work? (trabajo)


Countable and Uncountable Nouns

c= countable noun u= uncountable noun

Directions: Write ‘c’ for a countable noun and ‘u’ for an uncountable noun

____ snow
____ socks
____ rice
____ noses
____ cars
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Directions: Write the proper indefinite article—‘a’ or ‘an,’ or the proper plural—‘some’

____ elephant
____ tiger
____ egg
____ rice
____ sand
____ sandwiches
____ horse
____ bus
____ eggs
____ snow

Fill in the blank a or an

1. May I have ____ hotdog, please?

2. Teacher Don asked us to move ____ desks.
3. Do you want ____ popcorn?
4. I want to watch _____ movie.
5. I would like to have ____ electric car.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

Contractions: Complete list of contractions

▪ Prepara la clase para tus alumnos y contesta los ejercicios antes de hacerlo con tus estudiantes, así
podrás repasar si tienes alguna duda.
▪ La información aparece en la guía de tus estudiantes, cuida que entiendan cada parrafo; al estar en
otro idioma pueden sugrir dudas pero favorecerá la habilidad lectora en tus alumnos.

A contraction is a shortened form of words or phrases. They are formed by removing

one or more letters from a word or words replacing the letter or letters with an
apostrophe. Contractions also allow us to form one short word from two single words.

Contractions are very popular in the English language, so it is

important that you understand them and know how to use them.

Tips for using contractions in writing:

1. Feel free to use contractions in friendly letters and informal writing. Contractions shorten words
in English and many people use them in their informal writing.
2. Limit the use of contractions in formal writing (business letters, essays, reports, speeches,
professional e-mails). Use contractions in formal writing only when it would sound stranger to not
use them.
3. Use contractions in quoted text if the original quote contains contractions. You should not
change the original quote, even if you are writing a formal essay.


I'm I'll I'd I've I'd
I am I will I would I have I had
you're you'll you'd you've you'd
you are you will you would you have you had
he's he'll he'd he's he'd
he is he will he would he has he had
she's she'll she'd she's she'd
she is she will she would she has she had
it's (or 'tis) it'll it'd it's it'd
it is it will it would it has it had
we're we'll we'd we've we'd
we are we will we would we have we had
they're they'll they'd they've they'd
they are they will they would they have they had
that's that'll that'd that's that'd
that is that will that would that has that had
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
who's who'll who'd who's who'd
who is who will who would who has who had
what's/what're what'll what'd what's what'd
what is/what are what will what would what has what had
where's where'll where'd where's where'd
where is where will where would where has where had
when's when'll when'd when's when'd
when is when will when would when has when had
why's why'll why'd why's why'd
why is why will why would why has why had
how's how'll how'd how's how'd
how is how will how would how has how had

WORDS (negating a verb) CONTRACTION

is not isn't
are not aren't
was not wasn't
were not weren't
have not haven't
has not hasn't
had not hadn't
will not won't
would not wouldn't
do not don't
does not doesn't
did not didn't
Cannot can't
could not couldn't
should not shouldn't
might not mightn't
must not mustn't

WORDS (woulda-shoulda-coulda) CONTRACTION

would have would've
should have should've
could have could've
might have might've
must have must've
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés


she would have she'd've (colloquial)
it is not 'tisn't (archaic)


of o'
of the clock o'clock
madam ma'am
never-do-well ne'er-do-well
cat-of-nine-tails cat-o'-nine-tails
jack-of-the-lantern jack-o'-lantern
will-of-the-wisp will-o'-the-wisp
it was 'twas (archaic)


Directions: Replace the underlined words with an affirmative or negative contraction. Example: I
am I’m happy to meet you.

9) The store will not _________ open early.

1) We will ________ see you at English class next
week! 10) James and Joe have not _________ left yet.
2) There is ________ no milk in the refrigerator. 11) You should not _________ cheat.
3) There will ________ be time to chat later. 12) Jose has not _________ taken out the trash
4) It is ________ raining today.
13) I could not _________ do it even if I tried.
5) I think it will _________ snow later.
14) He is _________ almost twenty one years old.
6) I was not ________ home last night.
15) I am _________ as old as he is.
7) Mary does not _________ eat meat.
16) English is not ________ very hard!
8) Donald cannot _________ swim.

Desarrolla el tema de tus alumnos en

una clase. Recuerda separar 1° y 3°
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Verb to Be
1. Write the missing
words of the verb
2. Write the missing
To Be ( affirmative 3. Write the missing words of
words of the verb To
form): the verb To Be (negative
Be (interrogative form):
I am I´m
Am I …?
You ____  You´re I am not ______
she ____  ______ You ____  You aren´t
He ____  ______ she ____  ______
It ____  ______ He ____  ______
We ____  ______ It ____  ______
You ____  ______ We ____  ______
____________ You ____  ______
5. Make negative
4. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of
a) I´m Mary. the verb to be.
___________________ a) He _______ Mark.
_ b) you _______ my friend.
b) Mark is a good student. c) Susan _______ my sister.
___________________ d) I _______ student.
_ e) Tim _______English.
f) Mrs. Smith _______ a teacher.
g) Mark and Susan _______ twins.
6. Put the words in the right g) They _______ scientists.
a) am / I / student / a
b) a / student / is / Mary
__________________________ 8. Make questions for these answers.
c) not / my brother / Tim / is
__________________________ a) ________________________________________?
d) happy / are / we ? No, I´m not Spanish. I´m Portuguese.
e) Tim and Sue / not / are / late. b) ________________________________________?
__________________________ Yes, they are my friends.

c) ________________________________________?
No, we aren´t brother and sister.
7. Find the correct answer.
d) ________________________________________?
a) Are you a teacher?
1. Yes, I am 2. No, they aren´t Yes, She is new here.

b) Am I late? a) ________________________________________?
1. Yes, she is 2. No, you aren´t No, They aren´t happy.

c) Is Mary at school?
1. Yes, I am 2. Yes, she is
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

▪ Desarrolla el tema para tus alumnos. Contesta los ejercicios para recordar el contenido y puedas
responder dudas
Personal Pronouns

You use personal pronouns to

refer to yourself, the people
you are talking to, or the Singular Plural
people or things you are
talking about. There are two
types of personal pronouns: 1st person I we
2nd person you you
- Subject pronouns- are 3rd person he / she / it they
used to refer to the
subject of a clause. Object
- Object pronouns- can be
the direct or indirect Singular Singular
object of a clause or the
object of a preposition. 1st person me us
2nd person you you
3rd person him / her / it them

B) Circle the correct answer:

A) Complete with personal pronouns
I / me don´t understand.
Who are _______? They are my
Who said that? - It was she / her.
Tell us / we your address.
Where is Mary? _______ at home.
This isn´t for you, it´s for he / him.
Are Mary and Sue from France?- No,
I really like them / they.
_______aren´t. _______ are from
Ask she / her why she / her is crying.
Is Mark from Portugal, too?- No, C) Put in he, him, her, she, they or them.
_______ is from Greece.
Where are _______from?- Does your brother speak English? - _______
_______´m from Portugal. understands a lithe.
How old is Tom? - _______ is 16. I´m seeing Mary and Sue tomorrow.- Oh, give
Is this your pen? - Yes, _______ is. _______ my love
Are these your books? - No, _______ Your boss is here. - Ask _______ to wait a
aren´t. moment.
Where are your friends? _______ are late.
Have you spoken to Mrs. Smith? - I´m going to
phone _______ later.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

D) Complete the sentences with the personal pronouns (subject and object)
Susan is Portuguese. _______ lives in Lisbon.
I didn´t see _______ because he was behind the bus.
Look at the cat. _______ is sleeping
They don´t know the way. Can you help _______, please?
I am here because she _______.
My best friend and I get on very well. _______ are inseparable.
This pens is Mary´s. give it to _______, please.
We are here! Look at _______.

E) Replace the underlined words by a personal pronoun.

She didn´t see the match.

I decided to talk to the boy.
My sister and I went to the party.
I can´t find my keys.
The girl was running around the park.
She sent the boy a message.

F) Five of the following sentences are wrong. Correct them.

I like Mary. She is my best friend.
Look at he. He is crying!
Is that Ben ? - Yes, It´s he.
Why is Mary with him?
Mark is busy. I think him needs help.
Them want your phone number.
Susan doesn´t like I.
Don´t tell them anything, please.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

A- Replace the noun(s) by the correct personal pronoun.

1. Mary _____________________________
2. Peter and John ____________________
3. My dog Silver ______________________
4. London ___________________________
5. The students _______________________
6. My house __________________________
7. My sister and I ______________________
8. Mrs Parker ________________________
9. Your mother ______________________
10. The cat ___________________________

B- Fill in the blanks with the personal pronouns.

1. ________ is my sister.
2. ________ is a happy boy.
3. ________ is a very hot day.
4. ________ am 15 years old.
5. Tom and I are neighbours. ________ are very good friends.
6. I love my dog. ________ is so clever.
7. Laura and Sarah are American. ________ live in Boston.
8. I live in Ashford. ________ is a nice town.

C- Complete the text with personal pronouns.

________ am Peter Smith. ________ am 13 years old.
________ live with my parents, my brother and sister. ________ are a happy family.
my father is an engineer, ________ works with computers. My mother is a receptionist; ________ works in a
hotel. Paul is my brother and ________ is 15. Jane is my sister and ________ is ten. My brother, my sister and I
go to school together. ________ attend the same school. ________ are students.
________ live in Edinburgh. ________ is in Scotland. ________ live in a house. ________ is small but comfortable.

▪ Los temas son sencillos y rápidos. Con todos los ejercicios que hay podrás despejar dudas.
▪ Focaliza tu atención en los errores de tus estudiantes, esto facilitará que detectes los problemas que
puedan existir en el desarrollo de la actividad.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

WH Questions
▪ Prepara la clase para tus alumnos y contesta los ejercicios antes de hacerlo con tus estudiantes, así
podrás repasar si tienes alguna duda.
▪ La información aparece en la guía de tus estudiantes, así que pueden leer en plenaria la
información para despejar dudas.
▪ Este tipo de preguntas son importantes para la lectura de comprensión en el examen de admisión.
¡Que no pasen desapercibidas!

Las WH-Question Words son partículas interrogativas que utilizamos para hacer preguntas en inglés. Suelen
causar mucha confusión a principiantes ya que se escriben de manera muy similar [empiezan por wh- (.who,
where) o contienen wh (HoW)]. Éstas son:


WHO > Se utiliza para preguntar por alguien y significa "quién" o "quienes".
Who ate the cake? (¿Quién se comió la tarta?)
Who did you see yesterday? (¿A quién viste ayer?)
Who were those men you were with? (¿Quienes eran esos hombres con los que estabas?)

WHOSE > se utiliza para expresar posesión en forma de pregunta y significa "de quién" o "de quienes".
Whose jacket is this? (¿De quién es esta chaqueta?)
Whose jackets are these? ¿De quienes son estas chaquetas?)

WHAT > se utiliza para preguntar por algo y significa "qué", "cual" o "cuales".
What did you say? (¿Qué has dicho?)
What is the capital of Argentina? (¿Cuál es la capital de Argentina?)

-What + nombre
What colour are her eyes? (¿De qué color son sus ojos?)
What time is it? (¿Qué hora es?)
What day is it today? (¿Qué día es hoy?)

--> podemos añadir sort of, kind of or type of para preguntar por "qué tipo de", "qué clase de".
What sort of music do you listen to? (¿Qué tipo de música escuchas?)
What kind of clothes do you like? (¿Qué tipo de ropa te gusta?)
What type of person are you? (¿Qué clase de persona eres?)

WHICH > suele confundirse con what ya que también significa "qué" o "cuál". La diferencia es que which se
utiliza para preguntar por algo cuando hay varias opciones.
There are four jackets. Which is yours? (Hay cuatro chaquetas. ¿Cuál es la tuya?) (cuál de las cuatro)
We can take bus 10, 20 or 25. Which goes to the city centre? (Podemos coger el autobús número 10, 20 o
25. ¿Cuál (de ellos) va al centro?)

- Which + nombre
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Which bus did you take: 10, 20 or 25? (¿Qué autobús cogiste: el 10, el 20 o el 25?)
Which teacher did you talk to: Amanda or Lewis? (¿Con qué profesor hablaste: con Amando o con Lewis?)

What is the tallest building in the world? (¿Cuál es el edificio más alto del mundo?)
Which is taller: The Eiffel Tower or The Empire State? (¿Cuál es más alto: la torre Eiffel o el Empire State?)

What colour are her eyes? (¿De qué color tiene los ojos?)
Which colour do you prefer: red or black? (¿Qué color prefieres: rojo o negro?)

WHERE > se utiliza para preguntar por un lugar y significa "dónde" o "adónde".
Where were you born? (¿Dónde naciste?)
Where are you from? (¿De dónde eres?)
Where is the museum? (¿Dónde está el museo?)

WHEN > significa"cuándo".

When is your birthday? (¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?)
When did she arrive? (¿Cuándo llegó?)

WHY > se utiliza cuando queremos pregunte el porqué de algo. Significa "por qué".
Why are you sad? (¿Por qué estás triste?)
Why didn't you tell me? (¿Por qué no me lo dijiste?)

--> a este tipo de preguntas se contesta con "because", que significa "porque".
Why is she happy? (¿Por qué está feliz?)
Because she passed her exam (porque aprobó el examen)

HOW > Se utiliza cuando queremos preguntar "cómo" o "cuán".

How are you? (¿Cómo estás?)
How was the party? (¿Cómo estuvo la fiesta?)
How do you go to work? (¿Cómo vas a trabajar?)

--> Variantes de how. La traducción de how variará en función del adjetivo o sustantivo que lleve detrás.

How much > "¿Cuánto? (incontables)

How much is this t-shirt? (¿Cuánto cuesta esta camiseta?)
How much water do you drink? (¿Cuánta agua bebes?)

How many > "¿Cuánto? (contables)

How many friends do you have? (¿Cuántos amigos tienes?)
How many books have you read? (¿Cuántos libros has leído?)
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
How often > "¿Cón qué frecuencia?" "¿cuántas veces?" "¿cada cuánto tiempo?". A esta pregunta se suele
contestar con adverbios o expresiones de frecuencia.

How often does she go to the cinema? (¿Cada cuánto tiempo va ella al cine?)
She never goes to the cinema (ella nunca va al cine)
How often do you go to the gym? (¿Con qué frecuencia vas al gimnasio?)
I go to the gym twice a week (Voy al gimnasio dos veces por semana)

How + adjetivo > Se utiliza para pregunta "cómo de", "cuán": how big (cómo de grande, cuán grande), how
tall (cómo de alto, cuán alto), how far (cómo de lejos, cuán lejos).... Como decíamos antes, la traducción
de how variará en función del adjetivo que lleve detrás e intentaremos que sea lo más natural posible en
nuestra lengua materna.

How big is your car? (¿Qué tamaño tiene tu coche?)

How tall is he? (¿Cuánto mide?)
How far is it from here to the airport? (¿Qué distancia hay de aquí al aeropuerto?)
How old are you? (¿Cuántos años tienes?)
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Presente simple
▪ Prepara la clase para tus alumnos y contesta los ejercicios antes de hacerlo con tus estudiantes, así
podrás repasar si tienes alguna duda.
▪ La información aparece en la guía de tus estudiantes, cuida que entiendan cada párrafo; al estar en
otro idioma pueden surgir dudas pero favorecerá la habilidad lectora en tus alumnos


I walk I don’t walk Do I walk?
You walk You don’t walk Do you walk?
He walks He doesn’t walk Does he walk?
She walks She doesn’t walk Does she walk?
It walks It doesn’t walk Does it walk?
We walk We don’t walk Do we walk?
You walk You don’t walk Do you walk?
They walk They don’t walk Do they walk?

Yes, I / you / we / they do
Yes, he / she / it does
No, I / you / we / they don’t
No, he / she / it doesn’t


Third person singular
We add –s to the verb to form the third
person singular (he, she, it).
I drink – he drinks We use the Present Simple:
I run – he runs • for habits and actions that
we do regularly:
BUT He visits his friends every
• We add –es to verbs that end in –ss, Sunday.
-sh, -ch, -x, -o. She goes to school by bus.
I watch – he watches • for general truths:
• With verbs ending in consonant + y, The sun rises in the East.
we change the –y to –ies. • for permanent situations:
I cry – he cries He lives in Athens.
But with verbs ending in vowel + y,
we just add –s as usual.
I play – he plays
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

A. Write the third person singular of the following verbs.

help ____________ play _____________

kiss ____________ go _______________
watch ____________ wash _____________
tidy ____________ teach ____________
like ____________ drive ______________
enjoy ____________ carry ____________
cry ____________ fly ____________
mix ____________ start ____________

B. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. Peter and his friends __________ to school by bus. (go)

2. Elephants __________ leaves and grass. (eat)
3. David's father __________ in a hospital. (work)
4. The bank opens at 9.30 and __________ at 4.30. (close)
5. Tom and Jim __________ football every day after school. (play)
6. Mr Jones is a teacher. He __________ History. (teach)
7. Our lessons __________ at 9.00 and __________ at 3.30. (start / finish)
8. My pen friend __________ in Japan. (live)
9. Mary and her brother __________ cartoons every Sunday morning. (watch)
10. John __________ his room every day. (tidy)

C. Complete the blanks with the Present Simple of the verbs in the box.


Mr Letty is a postman. He doesn't work in the post office. He always works outside in the streets.
He __________ letters to all the people in the neighborhood every day. He doesn't __________
but he __________ his motorbike. At the weekend, Mr Letty doesn't work. He __________. He __________ the
countryside, so he always __________ to his country house with his wife. Mr and Mrs Letty __________ in the
river and they __________ in the woods every weekend.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

C- Change into the interrogative.

1. I am intelligent.
2. Kate is English.
3. It is an Elephant.
4. He is a teacher.
5. They are in the bedroom.
6. Jim is sitting.
7. The book is on the desk.

Verb To Be
8. The orange is on the table.
9. The bike and the ball are in the garden.
10. Clara and Roy are friends.
A- Complete with am (‘m), is (‘s), are:

D- Change into the negative.

1. What’ _______ your name?
2. My name _______ Anna.
1. I am intelligent.
3. _______ you Portuguese?
4. yes, I _______.
2. Kate is English.
5. _______ you from Lisboa?
6. No, I’_______ not.
3. It is an Elephant.
7. Where _______ you from?
8. I’_______ from Coimbra.
4. He is a teacher.
9. Oh, it’_______ a nice town.
10. Yes, it _______.
5. They are in the bedroom.
6. Jim is sitting.
B – Write the complete forms of the
7. The book is on the desk.
1. She’s a nice girl.
8. The orange is on the table.
2. Who’s the teacher?
9. The bike and the ball are in the garden.
3. What’s that?
10. Clara and Roy are friends.
4. Rose isn’t here.
5. You’re a pop star.
6. He isn’t John.
7. Who’s that girl?
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

Past simple
▪ Prepara la clase para tus alumnos y contesta los ejercicios antes de hacerlo con tus estudiantes, así
podrás repasar si tienes alguna duda.
▪ La información aparece en la guía de tus estudiantes, cuida que entiendan cada párrafo; al estar en
otro idioma pueden surgir dudas pero favorecerá la habilidad lectora en tus alumnos.


El "simple past" se utiliza para hablar de una acción que concluyó en un tiempo anterior al actual. La duración no es
relevante. El tiempo en que se sitúa la acción puede ser el pasado reciente o un pasado lejano.


▪ John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.

▪ My father died last year.
▪ He lived in Fiji in 1976.
▪ We crossed the Channel yesterday.

Siempre se utiliza el "simple past" para referirse a cuándo ocurrió algo, de modo que va asociado a ciertas
expresiones temporales que indican:

▪ frecuencia: often, sometimes, always

I sometimes walked home at lunchtime.
I often brought my lunch to school.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
▪ un tiempo determinado: last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago
We saw a good film last week.
Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva.
She finished her work atseven o'clock
I went to the theatre last night
▪ un tiempo indeterminado: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago People lived in caves a long time ago.
▪ She played the piano when she was a child.

Nota: el término ago es útil para expresar distancia temporal en el pasado. Se coloca después del periodo de tiempo
de que se trate: a week ago, three years ago, a minute ago.

Cuidado: el "simple past" del inglés puede parecerse a un tiempo verbal de tu propio idioma y, sin embargo, su
significado puede ser distinto.




Sujeto + raíz + ed

I skipped.


Sujeto + did not + infinitivo sin to

They didn't go.


Did + sujeto + infinitivo sin to

Did She arrive?

Interrogativa negativa
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Did not + sujeto + infinitivo sin to

Didn't You play?


Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

I walked I didn't walk Did I walk?

You walked You didn't walk Did you walk?

He walked He didn't walk Did he walk?

We walked We didn't walk Did we walk?

They walked They didn't walk Did they walk?


Sujeto Verbo

Be Have Do

I Was had did

You Were had did

He/She/It Was had did

We Were had did

Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Sujeto Verbo

You Were had did

They Were had did


La forma afirmativa del "simple past" es sencilla.

▪ I was in Japan last year

▪ She had a headache yesterday.
▪ We did our homework last night.

Para las formas negativa e interrogativa del "simple past" del verbo "do" como verbo ordinario, se emplea como
auxiliar "do", e.g. We didn't do our homework last night.
La forma negativa del verbo "have" en "simple past" suele construirse utilizando el auxiliar "do", aunque en ocasiones
solo se añade not o la contracción "n't".

La forma interrogativa del verbo "have" en "simple past" suele emplear el auxiliar "do".


▪ They weren't in Rio last summer.

▪ We didn't have any money.
▪ We didn't have time to visit the Eiffel Tower.
▪ We didn't do our exercises this morning.
▪ Were they in Iceland last January?
▪ Did you have a bicycle when you were young?
▪ Did you do much climbing in Switzerland?

Nota: para construir las formas negativa e interrogativa de todos los verbos en "simple past", se utiliza siempre el
auxiliar 'did''.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

Algunos verbos hacen el "simple past" de forma irregular. Estos son los más comunes.


▪ He went to a club last night.

▪ Did he go to the cinema last night?
▪ He didn't go to bed early last night.


▪ We gave her a doll for her birthday.

▪ They didn't give John their new address.
▪ Did Barry give you my passport?


▪ My parents came to visit me last July.

▪ We didn't come because it was raining.
▪ Did he come to your party last week?


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Past Simple

a) Yesterday evening I __________________ (work) hard till late because I __________________ (have) a
difficult task to do.
b) They __________________(climb) a very high mountain during their last holidays.
c) My mother __________________(give) me a new CD and my sister and I __________________(listen) to it
d) My aunt __________________(play) the violin when she __________________(be) young.
e) My mother __________________(not mind) and __________________ (give) them all her support.

2. Fill in the gaps with the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

a) The teacher __________ (not talk) when Mary arrived.

b) The pupils __________(play) when the bell rang.
c) Lucy __________ (do) her homework when someone knocked the door.
d) Mark´s parents __________(write) him a letter when they heard a crash.
e) Ann __________ (not sleep) when the alarm clock rang.
f) They __________(not watch) TV when their parents arrived.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

3. Put the following sentences into the correct tense, Simple Past or Past Continuous:

a) We ___________ (go) down the road at 100 Km/h when the wheel ________ (fall) off.
b) She nearly ________ (have) a heart attack when she _______ (see) the lion.
c) My mother _________ (get) dressed when she _________ (feel) a pain in her chest.
d) She _________ (fill) in a questionnaire when the pen _________ (run) out of wink.
e) Susan __________ (not/see) her friend because she ________(face) the other way.
f) Mike ________(fall) off the ladder while he __________ (paint) the ceiling.
g) While Ann _________ (cook) dinner, the phone _________ (ring)
h) Susan _________ (wait) for me at home when I _________ (arrive) yesterday.
i) What ___________ (you /do) at this time yesterday?
j) I ______________ (see) carol at the party. She ___________ (wear) a beautiful dress.
k) I ____________ (break) a plate last night. I ___________ (do) the washing up
l) __________(you/watch) TV when I _________ (arrive)?

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Past Simple
a) Yesterday evening I __________________ (work) hard till late because I __________________ (have) a difficult
task to do.
b) They __________________(climb) a very high mountain during their last holidays.
c) My mother __________________(give) me a new CD and my sister and I __________________(listen) to it
d) My aunt __________________(play) the violin when she __________________(be) young.
e) My mother __________________(not mind) and __________________ (give) them all her support.

2. Fill in the gaps with the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

a) The teacher __________ (not talk) when Mary arrived.

b) The pupils __________(play) when the bell rang.
c) Lucy __________ (do) her homework when someone knocked the door.
d) Mark´s parents __________(write) him a letter when they heard a crash.
e) Ann __________ (not sleep) when the alarm clock rang.
f) They __________(not watch) TV when their parents arrived.

3. Put the following sentences into the correct tense, Simple Past or Past Continuous:

a) We ___________ (go) down the road at 100 Km/h when the wheel ________ (fall) off.
b) She nearly ________ (have) a heart attack when she _______ (see) the lion.
c) My mother _________ (get) dressed when she _________ (feel) a pain in her chest.
d) She _________ (fill) in a questionnaire when the pen _________ (run) out of wink.
e) Susan __________ (not/see) her friend because she ________(face) the other way.
f) Mike ________(fall) off the ladder while he __________ (paint) the ceiling.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
g) While Ann _________ (cook) dinner, the phone _________ (ring)
h) Susan _________ (wait) for me at home when I _________ (arrive) yesterday.
i) What ___________ (you /do) at this time yesterday?
j) I ______________ (see) carol at the party. She ___________ (wear) a beautiful dress.
k) I ____________ (break) a plate last night. I ___________ (do) the washing up
l) __________(you/watch) TV when I _________ (arrive)?

Pasado Continuo
▪ REPASO de la clase para tus alumnos y contesta los ejercicios antes de hacerlo con tus estudiantes,
así podrás repasar si tienes alguna duda.
▪ La información aparece en la guía de tus estudiantes, cuida que entiendan cada párrafo; al estar en
otro idioma pueden surgir dudas, pero favorecerá la habilidad lectora en tus alumnos.

FORM: We form the Past Continuous from the past tense of be (was/were) + -
ing form.


Mary Was studying. Mary wasn´t studying. Was she studying?
Mary and Sue were Mary and Sue weren´t Were they studying?
studying. studying.
USE: We use the Past Continuous to say that something was in progress at a
certain time in the past.
Example: At 5 o´clock Mark was playing football with his friends.
NOTE: Verbs of thinking and feeling usually do not use the Past Continuous but
the Past Simple.
E.g.: think, know, see, hear, like.


A) Fill in the gaps with the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

g) The teacher __________ (not talk) when Mary arrived.

h) The pupils __________(play) when the bell rang.
i) Lucy __________ (do) her homework when someone knocked the door.
j) Mark´s parents __________(write) him a letter when they heard a crash.
k) Ann __________ (not sleep) when the alarm clock rang.
l) They __________(not watch) TV when their parents arrived.

B) Answer the following questions in a positive and negative way.

• Was Leticia playing football?
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
P: ____________________________________________________________________________
N: ____________________________________________________________________________
• Was Laura riding a bike?

P: ____________________________________________________________________________

N: ____________________________________________________________________________
• Were Eugenio and Alejandra sitting under a tree?
P: ____________________________________________________________________________

N: ____________________________________________________________________________

• Were Hector and Cesar drinking a coke?

• P: ____________________________________________________________________________

• N: ____________________________________________________________________________

C) Write sentences in the negative and affirmative:

Example: Mary / not draw / in class / (read) -- Mary wasn´t drawing in class. She was reading.

• The children / not play/ on the beach / (swim)

• _________________________________________________
• You / not listen to me / (talk)
• _________________________________________________
• My parents / not watch TV / (work)
• _________________________________________________

• Ann / not laugh / (cry)

• _________________________________________________

• My sister / not sleep / ( study)

• ________________________________________________

• I / not eat / (drink)

• _________________________________________________
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Repaso General, EJERCICIOS:

1. Write the sentences in the past: 2. Make affirmative (+), negative (-) or
interrogative sentences (?):
1. Mandy and Sam are in class.
………………………………………………………… 1. Tony was at the cinema yesterday.
2. Are you at home? (-) …………………………………………………
………………………………………………………… (?) …………………………………………………
3. There’s a book on the desk. 2. (+) …………………………………………………
………………………………………………………… (-)…………………………………………………
4. My friends are in the kitchen with me. Were there any potatoes for lunch?
………………………………………………………… 3. (+)…………………………………………………
5. The weather is cold and cloudy. Our sister wasn’t in class last week.
………………………………………………………… (?)…………………………………………………
6. The cat isn’t in the living room. 4. Some classmates were late last Friday.
………………………………………………………… (-) …………………………………………………
7. My pets are lovely. (?) ……………………………………………………
………………………………………………………… 5. (+) ………………………………………………………
8. Mary’s boyfriend is tall and well-built. My friends weren’t happy with the results.
………………………………………………………… (?) ……………………………………………………
9. Is there any coffee in your cup? 6. (+) …………………………………………………
………………………………………………………… (-)…………………………………………………
10. There aren’t any children in the pool. Was the CD cheaper than the DVD?

3. Fill in the blanks with: was, wasn’t, were

or weren’t.

Last weekend we ………… in Sitges with

Paula and John. It ………… their wedding
anniversary and there ………… a party to
celebrate it on Saturday. Tom and Susan
………… at the party because Susan’s mother
………… in hospital, but they …………… for
lunch on Sunday. The party ……… great.
There ……… a lot of people and there …………
a lot of food, too. However, Paul and John
………… a bit sad because their daughter
…………… at the party. She …………… in
London on a school trip, and so ………… we
because, Tony, our son , ………… with us. He
………… in Dublin with his girlfriend.
Anyway, it …………… a nice weekend and we
………… really happy there.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

Present perfect
Formación del "present perfect"

▪ Prepara la clase para tus alumnos y contesta los ejercicios antes de hacerlo con tus estudiantes, así
podrás repasar si tienes alguna duda.
▪ La información aparece en la guía de tus estudiantes, puedes explicar el tema en 2 o 3 sesiones
para evitar confusiones en los tiempos verbales.

El "present perfect" de cualquier verbo está compuesto por dos elementos: la forma apropiada del verbo
auxiliar to have (en presente) y el "past participle" del verbo principal. La forma del "past participle" de un
verbo regular es raíz+ed, e.g. played, arrived, looked. En cuanto a los verbos irregulares, consulta la Tabla
de verbos irregulares de la sección 'Verbos'.


Sujeto to have past participle

She has visited.


Sujeto to have + not past participle

She has not (hasn't) visited.


to have sujeto past participle

Has she visited?

Interrogativa negativa

to have + not sujeto past participle

Hasn't she visited?


Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

I have walked I haven't walked Have I walked?

You have walked You haven't walked. Have you walked?

He, she, it has walked He, she, hasn't walked Has he, she, it walked?

We have walked We haven't walked Have we walked?

You have walked You haven't walked Have you walked?

They have walked They haven't walked Have they walked?


El "present perfect" se emplea para señalar un vínculo entre el presente y el pasado. El tiempo en que
transcurre la acción es anterior al presente pero inespecífico y, a menudo, recae un mayor interés sobre
el resultado que sobre la propia acción.
¡CUIDADO! Puede que, en tu idioma, exista un tiempo verbal con una estructura similar pero es probable
que su significado NO sea el mismo.


▪ Una acción o situación iniciada en el pasado y que continúa en el presente. I have lived in Bristol
since 1984 (= todavía vivo allí.)

▪ Una acción realizada durante un periodo de tiempo aún no concluido. Shehas beento the cinema
twice this week (= la semana todavía no ha terminado.)

▪ Una acción repetida en un periodo temporal inespecífico situado entre el pasado y el

presente. We have visited Portugal several times.

▪ Una acción que ha concluido en un pasado muy reciente, lo que se indica mediante 'just'. I have
just finished my work.

▪ Una acción para la cual no es importante el momento preciso en que aconteció. He has read 'War
and Peace'. (= lo relevante es el resultado de la acción)

Nota: Cuando queremos dar o pedir información sobre cuándo, dónde o quién, empleamos el "simple


▪ They haven't lived here for years.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
▪ She has worked in the bank for five years.

▪ We have had the same car for ten years.

▪ Have you played the piano since you were a child?


▪ I have worked hard this week.

▪ It has rained a lot this year.

▪ We haven't seen her today.


▪ They have seen that film six times

▪ It has happened several times already.

▪ She has visited them frequently.

▪ We have eaten at that restaurant many times.


▪ Have you just finished work?

▪ I have just eaten.

▪ We have just seen her.

▪ Has he just left?


▪ Someone has eaten my soup!

▪ Have you seen 'Gone with the Wind'?

▪ She's studied Japanese, Russian, and English.


1. She ________________________ (already/finish) her English exercises.

2. Paul __________________ (just/eat). He doesn't want to eat any more.
3. ______________________ (you/ever/be) in London?
4. Kate __________________ (never/go) to Australia.
5. __________________ (you/hear) the news yet?
6. Mary ______________ (buy) a new house.
7. Paul and Mary ______________ (find) a job in Switzerland.

8. Tom has ______________ (celebrate) her birthday this morning.

9. ______________________ (you/ever/see) a Kangaroo? I saw one last year.
10. ____________________ (she/paint) her grandmother’s house yet?
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Ejercicio 1 El anciano Mr Stein está escribiendo sus memorias. Completa sus notas con el participio del
verbo entre paréntesis.
1. I have _____________ (do) many things in my life.
2. I’ve _____________ (travel) to many countries and I’ve _____________ (see) many beautiful places.
3. I’ve _____________ (meet) lots of interesting people all over the world.
4. I have _____________ (visit) cities in all 5 continents.
5. I’ve _____________ (sail) round the world and I’ve _____________ (climb) some of the highest mountains.
6. I have even4 _____________ (participate) in a north pole expedition.
7. I have _____________ (eat) fried ants in Africa.
8. I have _____________ (have) some difficult moments but I have _____________ (forget) all of them.

Ejercicio 2 Construye preguntas y respuestas cortas usando el present perfect.

1. you / phone / the doctor?
Have you phoned the doctor?
Yes, I have.

2. she / finish / her meal?

3. they / buy / a new car?

4. Harry / tell / you / the news?

5. John / go / on holiday?

6. Megan / open / her presents?

7. you / be / to the opera?

8. Rick and Emma / make / many mistakes?


▪ Esta sección tiene su hoja de respuestas para que puedas comparar lo que obtuviste.
▪ Como docentes podemos cometer errores, recuerda que necesitas tener el tema muy claro para
poderlo enseñar.
▪ La hoja de respuestas no viene en la guía del alumno.

Past or Present Perfect Tense – Simple form

Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

1. The President ___________________ (just come) out of the building and will make a speech in a
2. _________________________ (you ever be) to America?
3. ______________________________ (Churchill ever go) to America? – No, not that I know of.
4. ___________________________ (you see) this week’s magazine?
5. ________________________ (you wash) the car yet? – No, I haven’t. But I
__________________________ (already mow) the lawn.
6. We ___________________ (not have) many visitors last year; we ___________________ (have)
a lot more this year.
7. The last time I ___________________ (go) to Brighton was in August.
8. A few days ago I ___________________ (learn) that someone is planning to tear down the old
9. We __________________________ (always be) poor. We _____________________ (never
have) any money.
10. I love this film. I think it’s the fourth time I ___________________ (see) it.
11. It ___________________ (be) very dry so far this week, but it ___________________ (rain) a lot
last week.
12. I would like to meet a ghost but I _________________________ (never see) one before.
13. Marylyn Monroe ___________________ (play) in about 30 films.
14. _________________________ (you ever bake) your own bread? –Yes I ___________________
(try) it when I ___________________ (be) in high school but I ___________________ (not bake)
anything since then.
15. Janet ___________________ (be) very ill three years ago.
16. We ___________________ (move) here in 1993. We ___________________ (be) here for a long
time now.
17. Two people ___________________ (die) in a fire on Elm Street last night.
18. It ___________________ (take) ages to repair the car. I’m glad we’re finished now.
19. I ___________________ (find) the wallet I ___________________ (lose) yesterday.
20. The runner ___________________ (break) the world record in Frankfurt. Two days later he
___________________ (run) even faster.


Past or Present Perfect Tense – Simple form

1. The President has just come out of the building and will make a speech in a moment.
2. Have you ever been to America?
3. Did Churchill ever go to America? – No, not that I know of.
4. Have you seen this week’s magazine?
5. Have you washed the car yet? – No, I haven’t. But I have already mowed the lawn.
6. We didn’t have many visitors last year; we’ve had a lot more this year.
7. The last time I went to Brighton was in August.
8. A few days ago I learned that someone is planning to tear down the old building.
9. We have always been poor. We have never had any money.
10. I love this film. I think it’s the fourth time I’ve seen it.
11. It has been very dry so far this week, but it rained a lot last week.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
12. I would like to meet a ghost but I have never seen one before.
13. Marylyn Monroe played in about 30 films.
14. Have you ever baked your own bread? –Yes I tried it when I was in high school but I haven’t
anything since then.
15. Janet was very ill three years ago.
16. We moved here in 1993. We’ have been here for a long time now.
17. Two people died in a fire on Elm Street last night.
18. It took ages to repair the car. I’m glad we’re finished now.
19. I have found the wallet I lost yesterday.
20. The runner broke the world record in Frankfurt. Two days later he an even faster.
A) Put the words and expressions in the right column
We use at:
Wednesday, Easter, the aftenoon, my birthday , 1980, midday, the evening,
For exact time - at eight o´clock night, July, Christmas, 7 o'clock, winter, Sunday morning, Saturday,
Meal times - “ at breakfast. summer, 12.30, July 2nd, 2006, the morning, Monday
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria

Specific parts of the day - at night.

Festivals - at Christmas.
Some time expressions - at the moment; at the
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________
Prepositions of time

________________ ________________ ________________

We use on :
________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________
For the days of the week. - on Tuesday ________________ ________________ ________________
For dates - on 10th of January. ________________ ________________ ________________
For anniversaries- on my birthday ______________ ______________ ______________
For special days- on Christmas day. B) Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition: at, in or on.
Classes usually begin _______ summer, _______ September. Monday
children meet their new friends at school. Some of them have classes _______
the morning _______ nine o´clock and others have classes _______ the afternoon
We use in : _______ two o´clock. _______ the 15th of September, the first day of school, they
know their timetable.
For month of the year - In July
C) Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition: at, in or on.
For seasons - In Autumn
For years - In 1971
For parts of the day - In the evening We never go out _______ midnight.
( BUT at night) Mary gets up early _______ the morning.
I always play football _______ the weekend.
It´s hot here _______ summer.
WE DON´T USE AT / IN / ON BEFORE: Classes begin _______ 8.30.
_______ Saturday afternoon we usually go to the cinema.
This ... - This morning It´s cold _______ night.
Last ... - Last weekend. See you _______ lunch time.
Next ... - Next Saturday. We have short holidays _______ Christmas and Easter.
Every .. - Every day The leaves fall from trees _______ autumn.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

We use at:

• For exact time - at eight o´clock

• Meal times - “ at breakfast.
• Specific parts of the day - at night.
• Festivals - at Christmas.
• Some time expressions - at the moment; at the weekend.

We use on :

• For the days of the week. - on Tuesday

• For dates - on 10th of January.
• For anniversaries- on my birthday
• For special days- on Christmas day.

We use in :

• For month of the year - In July

• For seasons - In Autumn
• For years - In 1971
• For parts of the day - In the evening
( BUT at night)


• This ... - This morning

• Last ... - Last weekend.
• Next ... - Next Saturday.
• Every .. - Every day
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

A) Put the words and expressions in the right column

Wednesday, Easter, the afternoon, my birthday , 1980, midday, the evening, night, July, Christmas, 7
o'clock, winter, Sunday morning, Saturday, summer, 12.30, July 2nd, 2006, the morning, Monday

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________

B) Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition: at, in or on.

Classes usually begin _______ summer, _______ September. Monday children meet their new friends at school.
Some of them have classes _______ the morning _______ nine o´clock and others have classes _______ the
afternoon _______ two o´clock. _______ the 15th of September, the first day of school, they know their timetable.

C) Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition: at, in or on.

✓ We never go out _______ midnight.

✓ Mary gets up early _______ the morning.
✓ I always play football _______ the weekend.
✓ It´s hot here _______ summer.
✓ Classes begin _______ 8.30.
✓ _______ Saturday afternoon we usually go to the cinema.
✓ It´s cold _______ night.
✓ See you _______ lunch time.
✓ We have short holidays _______ Christmas and Easter.
✓ The leaves fall from trees _______ autumn.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Future WILL
▪ Prepara la clase para tus alumnos y contesta los ejercicios antes de hacerlo con tus estudiantes, así
podrás repasar si tienes alguna duda.
▪ En la guía del alumno sólo aparecen los ejercicios. El apunte que vayan a realizar que lo hagan en
su cuaderno o en hoja blanca para que lo puedan anexar a su guía.

Simple future: will/won’t

1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.

1 will Emma do what ? _________________________________________________________________________________________

2 shopping will go Emma ? ____________________________________________________________________________________
3 like Lara the T-shirt won’t ____________________________________________________________________________________
4 think she I will _______________________________________________________________________________________________
5 replace what MP3 players will ? _____________________________________________________________________________
6 won’t Alex pictures any take? ________________________________________________________________________________

2 Circle the correct word.

ALEX: What are you reading?

JAY: It’s a magazine called Music to your Ears. It’s about inventions and what
(1) will / won’t happen in the future.
ALEX: Well, one thing is sure. We (2) will / won’t be listening to CDs.
Everyone (3) will / won’t have an MP3 player.
JAY: I don’t know. I don’t think things (4) will / won’t change that much.
What do you think (5) will / won’t replace MP3 players?
ALEX : What do you mean? MP3 players (6) will / won’t be replaced.
JAY: That’s what people thought about LPs, and it’s difficult to find those now.
ALEX: Well, they might be replaced, but it (7) will / won’t be for a few more years.
JAY: I’m not so sure. There (8) will / won’t be another new music invention and everyone (9) will / won’t
want one.
ALEX: You could be right, but I (10) will / won’t change mine. It’s got all my favorite
music on it.

3 Write sentences about what Ramón will do when he goes back to Mexico.

1 He / go back to school. ✔__________________________________________________________________________________

2 He / take a vacation. ✘ ______________________________________________________________________________________
3 He / send lots of e-mails. ✔ ________________________________________________________________________________
4 I think he / see his friends. ✔ _______________________________________________________________________________
5 I’m sure he / forget his time in the U.S. ✘ ___________________________________________________________________
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Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés


▪ Prepara la clase para tus alumnos y contesta los ejercicios antes de hacerlo con tus estudiantes, así
podrás repasar si tienes alguna duda.
▪ La información aparece en la guía de tus estudiantes, por lo tanto se puede trabajar en plenaria.
▪ El tema de CONDITIONALS o CONDICIONALES se trabaja a lo largo de este bloque, puedes utilizar
una o dos sesiones para trabajar con cada una.

Los condicionales se emplean para especular acerca de lo que podría ocurrir, lo que puede haber ocurrido
y lo que desearíamos que ocurriese. En inglés, la mayoría de las oraciones que emplean el tiempo verbal
condicional contienen el término "if". Muchas de las construcciones condicionales del inglés se utilizan en
oraciones que incluyen verbos en pasado. Este uso se denomina "el pasado irreal" porque empleamos un
tiempo verbal de pasado pero no estamos refiriéndonos a algo que haya sucedido realmente. Hay cinco
formas principales de construir oraciones condicionales en inglés. En todos los casos, se componen de una
proposición o cláusula con "if" y una proposición principal. En muchas oraciones condicionales negativas
existe una construcción alternativa equivalente que usa "unless" en lugar de "if".

Tipo de oración Uso Tiempo verbal de la Tiempo verbal de la

condicional proposición "if" proposición principal

Tipo 0 Hechos generales Simple present Simple present

Tipo 1 Una condición posible y su Simple present Simple future

resultado probable

Tipo 2 Una condición hipotética y su Simple past Present conditional o

resultado probable Present continuous

Tipo 3 Una condición no real del Past perfect Perfect conditional

pasado y su resultado probable
en el pasado

Mixto Una condición no real del Past perfect Present conditional

pasado y su resultado probable
en el presente
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés


El "zero conditional" se utiliza cuando el tiempo al que nos referimos es ahora o siempre y la situación
es real y posible. Este tipo de condicional suele emplearse para hablar de hechos generales. El tiempo
verbal de ambas proposiciones es el "simple present". En las oraciones condicionales de tipo 0, el término
"if" puede normalmente sustituirse por "when" sin que cambie el significado.

Proposición "if" Proposición principal

If + simple present simple present

If this thing happens that thing happens.

If you heat ice it melts.

If it rains the grass gets wet.


▪ If you heat ice, it melts.

▪ Ice melts if you heat it.
▪ When you heat ice, it melts.
▪ Ice melts when you heat it.
▪ If it rains, the grass gets wet.
▪ The grass gets wet if it rains.
▪ When it rains, the grass gets wet.
▪ The grass gets wet when it rains.
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Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

▪ Este ejercicio tiene las respuestas, esa parte no está incluida en el cuadernillo del alumno
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
El "type 1 conditional" se emplea para referirse al presente o futuro cuando la situación es real. El
condicional tipo 1 se refiere a una condición posible y su resultado probable. En estas oraciones, la
cláusula "if" adopta el "simple present" y la proposición principal el "simple future".

Proposición "if" Proposición principal

If + simple present simple future

If this thing happens that thing will happen.

If you don't hurry you will miss the train.

If it rains today you will get wet.


▪ Ejercicio con hoja de respuestas. Las respuestas no vienen en el cuadernillo del alumno.

1. If I __________________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the cinema.

2. If you __________________ (get) back late, I __________________ (be) angry.

3. If we __________________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we __________________ (see) each other next week.

4. If he __________________ (come), I __________________ (be) surprised.

5. If we __________________ (wait) here, we __________________ (be) late.

6. If we __________________ (go) on holiday this summer, we __________________ (go) to Spain.

7. If the weather __________________ (not / improve), we __________________ (not / have) a picnic.

8. If I __________________ (not / go) to bed early, I __________________ (be) tired tomorrow.

9. If we __________________ (eat) all this cake, we __________________ (feel) sick.

10. If you __________________ (not / want) to go out, I __________________ (cook) dinner at home.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

11. I __________________ (come) early if you __________________ (want).

12. They __________________ (go) to the party if they __________________ (be) invited.

13. She __________________ (stay) in London if she __________________ (get) a job.

14. He __________________ (not / get) a better job if he __________________ (not / pass) that exam.

15. I __________________ (buy) a new dress if I __________________ (have) enough money.

16. She __________________ (cook) dinner if you __________________ (go) to the supermarket.

17. They __________________ (go) on holiday if they __________________ (have) time.

18. We __________________ (be) late if we __________________ (not / hurry).

19. She __________________ (take) a taxi if it __________________ (rain).

20. I __________________ (not / go) if you __________________ (not / come) with me.

ANSWER KEY: First Conditional Answers - (‘ll = will, won’t = will not)

1. If I go out tonight, I'll go to the cinema. 11. I’ll come early if you want.

2. If you get back late, I'll be angry. 12. They’ll go to the party if they are invited.

3. If we don’t see each other tomorrow, we'll see 13. She’ll stay in London if she gets a job.
each other next week.
14. He won’t get a better job if he doesn't pass
4. If he comes, I'll be surprised. that exam.

5. If we wait here, we'll be late. 15. I’ll buy a new dress if I have enough money.

6. If we go on holiday this summer, we’ll go to 16. She’ll cook dinner if you go to the
Spain. supermarket.

7. If the weather doesn’t improve, we won't have 17. They’ll go on holiday if they have time.
a picnic.
18. We’ll be late if we don't hurry.
8. If I don’t go to bed early, I'll be tired
19. She’ll take a taxi if it rains.
20. I won’t go if you don't come with me.
9. If we eat all this cake, we'll feel sick.

10. If you don’t want to go out, I'll cook dinner at

Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
El "type 2 conditional" se utiliza para referirse a un tiempo que puede ser ahora o en cualquier momento y
a una situación que no es real. Estas oraciones no aluden a hechos. El condicional tipo 2 se emplea para
hacer referencia a una condición hipotética y su resultado probable. En estas oraciones, la proposición "if"
adopta el "simple past" y la cláusula principal el "present conditional".

Proposición "if" Proposición principal

If + simple past present conditional o present continuous conditional

If this thing happened that thing would happen. (no tengo seguridad de que tal cosa sucedería) O
that thing would be happening.

If you went to bed earlier you would not be so tired.

If it rained you would get wet.

If I spoke Italian I would be working in Italy.


▪ Ejercicio con hoja de respuestas.

1. If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new job.

2. If he _________________ (be) younger, he _________________ (travel) more.
3. If we _________________ (not / be) friends, I _________________ (be) angry with you.
4. If I _________________ (have) enough money, I _________________ (buy) a big house.
5. If she _________________ (not / be) always so late, she _________________ (be) promoted.
6. If we _________________ (win) the lottery, we _________________ (travel) the world.
7. If you _________________ (have) a better job, we _________________ (be) able to buy a new car
8. If I _________________ (speak) perfect English, I _________________ (have) a good job.
9. If we _________________ (live) in Mexico, I _________________ (speak) Spanish.
10. If she _________________ (pass) the exam, she _________________ (be) able to enter university. May be freely
copied for personal or classroom use.
11. She _________________ (be) happier if she _________________ (have) more friends.
12. We _________________ (buy) a house if we _________________ (decide) to stay here.
13. They _________________ (have) more money if they _________________ (not / buy) so many clothes
14. We _________________ (come) to dinner if we _________________ (have) time.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
15. She _________________ (call) him if she _________________ (know) his number.
16. They _________________ (go) to Spain on holiday if they _______________ (like) hot weather.
17. She _________________ (pass) the exam if she _________________ (study) more.
18. I _________________ (marry) someone famous if I _________________ (be) a movie star.
19. We never _________________ (be) late again if we _________________ (buy) a new car.
20. You _________________ (lose) weight if you _________________ (eat) less


1. If I were you, I would get a new job.

2. If he were younger, he would travel more.
3. If we weren’t friends, I would be angry with you.
4. If I had enough money, I would buy a big house.
5. If she weren’t always so late, she would be promoted.
6. If we won the lottery, we would travel the world.
7. If you had a better job, we would be able to buy a new car
8. If I spoke perfect English, I would have a good job.
9. If we lived in Mexico, I would speak Spanish.
10. If she passed the exam, she would be able to enter university.
11. She would be happier if she had more friends.
12. We would buy a house if we decided to stay here.
13. They would have more money if they didn't buy so many clothes
14. We would come to dinner if we had time.
15. She would call him if she knew his number.
16. They would go to Spain on holiday if they liked hot weather.
17. She would pass the exam if she studied more.
18. I would marry someone famous if I were a movie star.
19. We would never be late again if we bought a new car.
20. You would lose weight if you ate less.

Ejercicios extraídos de

Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
El "type 3 conditional" se emplea para referirse a un tiempo situado en el pasado y a una
situación contraria a la realidad. Se basa en unos hechos que son opuestos a lo que se está expresando. El
condicional tipo 3 se utiliza para hacer referencia a una condición del pasado que no es real, así como a su
resultado probable en el pasado. En estas oraciones, la cláusula "if" adopta el "past perfect" y la
proposición principal el "perfect conditional".

Proposición "if" Proposición principal

If + past perfect perfect conditional o perfect continuous conditional

If this thing had happened that thing would have happened. (ninguna de tales cosas sucedió realmente)
that thing would have been happening.

If you had studied harder you would have passed the exam.

If it had rained you would have gotten wet.

If I had accepted that I would have been working in Milan.



1. If you ______________ (not / be) late, we ______________ (not / miss) the bus.
2. If she ______________ (study), she ______________ (pass) the exam.
3. If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________ (see) John.
4. If they ______________ (go) to bed early, they ______________ (not / wake) up late.
5. If he ______________ (become) a musician, he ______________ (record) a CD.
6. If she ______________ (go) to art school, she ______________ (become) a painter.
7. If I ______________ (be) born in a different country, I ______________ (learn) to speak a different language.
8. If she ______________ (go) to university, she ______________ (study) French.
9. If we ______________ (not / go) to the party, we ______________ (not / meet) them.
10. If he ______________ (take) the job, he ______________ (not / go) travelling.
11. He ______________ (be) happier if he ______________ (stay) at home.
12. She ______________ (pass) the exam if she ______________ (study) harder.
13. We ______________ (not / get) married if we ______________ (not / go) to the same university.
14. They ______________ (be) late if they ______________ (not / take) a taxi.
15. She ______________ (not / meet) him if she ______________ (not / come) to London.
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
16. He ______________ (take) a taxi if he ______________ (have) enough money.
17. I ______________ (call) you if I ______________ (not / forget) my phone.
18. We ______________ (come) if we ______________ (be) invited.
19. She ______________ (not / do) it if she ______________ (know) you were ill.
20. He ______________ (be) on time if he ______________ (leave) earlier.


1. If you hadn’t been late, we wouldn't have missed the bus.

2. If she had studied, she would have passed the exam.
3. If we had arrived earlier, we would have seen John.
4. If they had gone to bed early, they wouldn't have woken up late.
5. If he had become a musician, he would have recorded a CD.
6. If she had gone to art school, she would have become a painter.
7. If I had been born in a different country, I would have learnt to speak a
different language.
8. If she had gone to university, she would have studied French.
9. If we hadn’t gone to the party, we wouldn't have met them.
10. If he had taken the job, he wouldn't have gone travelling.
11. He would have been happier if he had stayed at home.
12. She would have passed the exam if she had studied harder.
13. We wouldn’t have got married if we hadn't gone to the same university.
14. They would have been late if they hadn't taken a taxi.
15. She wouldn’t have met him if she hadn't come to London.
16. He would have taken a taxi if he had had enough money.
17. I would have called you if I hadn't forgotten my phone.
18. We would have come if we had been invited.
19. She wouldn’t have done it if she had known you were ill.
20. He would have been on time if he had left earlier.
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Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
El "mixed type conditional" se utiliza para referirse a un tiempo situado en el pasado y a una situación que
todavía no ha concluido en el presente. Se basa en unos hechos que son opuestos a lo que se está
expresando. El condicional mixto se emplea para hacer referencia a una condición del pasado que no es
real y a su resultado probable en el presente. En estas oraciones, la proposición "if" adopta el "past
perfect" y la cláusula principal el "present conditional".

Proposición "if" Proposición principal

If + past perfect o simple present conditional o perfect conditional


If this thing had happened that thing would happen. (tal cosa no ocurrió, así que tal otra no está

If I had worked harder at I would have a better job now.


If we had looked at the map we wouldn't be lost.

If you weren't afraid of you would have picked it up and put it outside.
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Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

Reading and comprehension ▪ Trabaja las lecturas de

comprensión, las cuales van
aumentando de dificultad

Use the phrases to fill in I would like to book I can’t make it That works for me
the blanks of the
Can I have Would you like me to Do you mind

[Over the phone]

A: St. George’s Medical Services, Emma speaking. How may I help you?
B: Good afternoon. ___________________ an appointment with Dr. Willis for next week, preferably on Monday
A: Let me check her schedule next week. Hmmm… I’m sorry, I’m afraid she won’t be at the clinic on Monday
morning, but she has an opening in the afternoon at 3:00pm.
B: No, ____________________. I work full-time, so it has to be either in the morning or in the evening. What about
on Tuesday at 8:30am?
A: She’s busy at that time, but there’s an opening at 9:15am.
B: Great! _____________________ .
A: Okay. What’s your full name, please?
B: It’s Julia McDale. M-C-D-A-L-E.
A: Right. ____________________ your phone number, please?
B: It’s (321) 654 876 098.
A: Thank you. It’s booked. ________________________ text you a reminder on the day before?
B: Oh, that would be terrific! ______________________ sending it to my e-mail as well?
A: Of course not.
B: Thanks a lot.
A: Don’t mention it. Have a good day.

How can you complement the following sentences? There’s one example in the conversation.

I would like to book… I can’t make it to the… I’m afraid…

Do you mind… ? Would you like me to… ?

Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

River Thames

Fact File
Length: 346 km (215 miles)
Source: Kemble, near Cirencester
Mouth: Southend-on-Sea, Essex, UK

The River Thames is the second longest

river in the United Kingdom, behind the
River Severn. It rises at Thames Head in
Gloucestershire and flows into the North
Sea, passing through London, the country's capital. The Thames also runs through
towns and cities, including Reading, Oxford, and Windsor.
Some of the most famous events in British history have taken place on or near the
River Thames. Some of these include the Great Fire of London in 1666, the plot to
blow up the houses of Parliament in 1605, and the signing of the Magna Carta in
Read the information above and then answer the questions.

1. How long is the River Thames? ___________ km

2. What is the capital of England? ______________________
3. Which year did the Great Fire of London happen? ___________
4. Unscramble the following words from the text.
s r o i w n d ______________________
t r i h s y o ______________________
i a e r p l m n a t ______________________
4. The River Thames is the second longest river in the United Kingdom. What is the longest river
in the United Kingdom?
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Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

All About Me

My name is Valerie Martinez. I’m 25 years old and I am catholic. My birthday is the 5th of January. I’m a secretary
at Franklin High School. I was born in Sacramento, California and I live in Stockton, California, at 2718 Louis Ct.,
zip code 95203. I live there with my husband, his name is Carlos Fernandez, and our anniversary is the 8th of
June. My school is University of the Pacific (UOP), I studied at that college. I studied languages and learned to
speak Spanish, English, French and German. I like reading in all languages, one of my favorite books is called A
Thousand Splendid Suns. When I have spare time, I also like to watch movies, one of my favorite movies is
Forest Gump, especially when he says “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to
get.” I also like watching Bones and Friends on television. On weekends, my husband and I go to clubs, we like
to listen and dance salsa and hip hop. When we’re tired, we don’t go out; we just play poker or monopoly. I
think everyone should enjoy their life like we do, like my grandmother used to say “Life’s too short to be sad.”
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
think – myslet

People often think that Halloween is an American holiday. But in fact, it comes from the Celts of holiday – svátek

Ireland. Today, people don't do the same as the old Celts: they don't have a big good meal before in fact – ve
winter and don't leave their houses cold and without light
the same as – totéž
for the night, so spirits don't want to live there. This day, jako
the souls of dead people can come back if they find a without – bez
person to stay in his or her body. However, wearing scary spirits – duchové
masks and costumes – to make the spirits go away – is an soul – duše
old Celtic tradition. dead – mrtvý

Today, people and especially children enjoy Halloween if – jestli, když

costume parties. They dress up as witches, vampires and find – najít

ghosts, but also heroes. however – nicméně

Children in masks go from house to house and when the door open, they say: Trick or treat! If they scary – strašidelný
witch – čarodějnice
don't get sweets, they do something bad, for example throw eggs at the house.
ghost – duch
Typical symbols of the holiday are horror characters: spiders, black cats, witches and ghosts, but
hero – hrdina
also big orange autumn vegetables: pumpkins. You can cook excellent pumpkin soup or bake a
throw – hodit
pie, and make a lantern from the peel.
pumpkin – dýně
Great Britain and the USA celebrate Halloween every year on the last October day.
lantern – svítilna
True or false?
peel – slupka
1. Halloween is an American holiday.
celebrate – slavit
2. The tradition of costume parties comes from the Celts.
3. People celebrate Halloween in winter.
who – kteří
4. Children say Trick or treat! to get pumpkins.
other – další
5. If spirits see scary masks, they go away. believe – věřit
6. Spirits can stay here if they find a flat.
Answer the questions:
1. What three things can you make from a pumpkin?
2. What bad thing can children do to people who don't give them sweets?
3. What are the symbols of Halloween?
4. Do you know other American or British traditions?
5. Do you believe in ghosts?
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
The Tale of the Three Brothers
There were once three brothers who were travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight. In time, the
brothers reached a river too deep to wade through and too dangerous to swim across. However, these
brothers were learned in the magical arts, and so they simply waved their wands and made a bridge appear
across the treacherous water. They were halfway across it when they found their path blocked by a hooded
And Death spoke to them. He was angry that he had been cheated
out of three new victims, for travellers usually drowned in the river.
But Death was cunning. He pretended to congratulate the three
brothers upon their magic, and said that each had earned a prize
for having been clever enough to evade him.

So the oldest brother, who was a combative man, asked for a wand
more powerful than any in existence: a wand that must always win
duels for its owner, a wand worthy of a wizard who had conquered
Death! So Death crossed to an elder tree on the banks of the river,
fashioned a wand from a branch that hung there, and gave it to
the oldest brother.

Then the second brother, who was an arrogant man, decided that he wanted to humiliate Death still further,
and asked for the power to recall others from Death. So Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and
gave it to the second brother, and told him that the stone would have the power to bring back the dead.

And then Death asked the third and youngest brother what he would like. The youngest brother was the
humblest and also the wisest of the brothers, and he did not trust Death. So he asked for something that
would enable him to go forth from that place without being followed by Death. And Death, most unwillingly,
handed over his own Cloak of Invisibility.

Then Death stood aside and allowed the three brothers to continue on their way and they did so, talking
with wonder of the adventure they had had, and admiring Death’s gifts.
In due course the brothers separated, each for his own destination.

J.K. Rowling, The Tales of Beedle the Bard

1. Match the words in bold to their synonyms.

1. wade through a) tricky

2. treacherous b) avoid
3. cunning c) to walk with effort through a substance, such as water
4. evade d) designed
5. fashioned e) allow
6. enable f) smart
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
What I did in Texas!

A cowboy is travelling on his horse when he sees a bar. He decides to stop for a few drinks, so he ties his
horse outside the bar, walks into the bar, sits right up at the counter and orders a few beers. This cowboy is
new in town, so he notices some of the other bar patrons1 giving

him funny looks2, and he suspects that they'll try something funny,

but he continues to drink. When he's satisfied, he pays for the beers
and walks out of the bar only to find his horse missing3.
However, he keeps his cool4, struts5 back into the bar, puts on

a really mean look6 and says, "Look, I don't know what you did to

my horse out there... but I'm planning to make a move on within

the next five minutes, and if my horse isn't back where it's supposed
to be by then7, well... I'm gonna have to do here what I did in Texas!"
The cowboy sneers8. "And I don't wanna do what I did in Texas!"
The cowboy glares at everyone before returning to the counter

and ordering another couple of beers. The other customers9 seem a bit shaken, and sure enough after 5
minutes, the cowboy walks out and finds his horse tied where it was supposed to be.
Just as he's about to leave, the barman approaches him and asks, "I'm just curious, partner. What was it

you did in Texas that you didn't want to do here?" The cowboy turns to the barman, gives a lopsided
grin10 and replies, "I had to walk home!11"

Write a translation or explanations to the phrases below

bar patron - ………………………………….
to give someone funny looks - ………………………………….
walks out... to find his horse missing - ………………………………….
to keep one's cool - ………………………………….
to strut - ………………………………….
to put on a mean look - ………………………………….
by then - ………………………………….
to sneer - ………………………………….
customer - ………………………………….
to give a lopsided grin - ………………………………….
I had to walk home! - ………………………………….
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés
Answer the questions and fill the gaps

1. Who is travelling on his horse? 8. What does he ____________?

2. What does the cowboy see? 9. Who is _________________?
3. Where does the cowboy ______ his 10. Who is _____________?
horse? 11. Who keeps his cool _________ back into
4. Where does the cowboy sit at the bar? the bar?
5. What does he _______? 12. Who puts on really _________ look?
6. What does the cowboy __________? 13. Who is _________ to be back?
7. Who gives him funny looks? 14. Who ____________?

Fill the gaps

A cowboy is travelling on his horse when he sees a bar. He __________ to stop for a few drinks, so he
__________ his horse ___________ the bar, walks into the bar, sits right up at the _____________ and ___________ a
few beers. This cowboy is new in town, so he ______________ some of the other bar ____________ giving him

funny looks, and he _____________ that they'll ______________ something funny, but he ___________ to drink. When

he's __________, he pays for the beers and walks out of the bar only to find his horse ___________________.
However, he keeps his cool, ______________ back into the bar, puts on a really __________ look and says,
"Look, I don't know what you did to my horse out there... but I'm planning to make a _____________ on within
the next five minutes, and if my horse isn't back where it's ________________ to be by then, well... I'm gonna

have to do here what I did in Texas!" The cowboy _____________. "And I don't wanna do what I did in Texas!"
The cowboy _____________ at everyone before returning to the _____________ and ____________ another
____________ of beers. The other __________ seem a bit shaken, and sure _______________ after 5 minutes, the
cowboy walks out and finds his horse _____________ where it was __________________ to be.
Just as he's about to leave, the barman __________________ him and asks, "I'm just _________________,

partner. What was it you did in Texas that you didn't want to do here?" The cowboy turns to the barman,
gives a _________________ grin and _________________, "I had to walk home!"

Write a story with the words

decide tie counter Order

notice suspect satisfy strut
mean suppose sneer Glare
customer approach curious grin
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés


Contables y no contables. (Recuperado el 01 de septiembre de 2019)

Contractions (Recuperado el 01 de septiembre de 2019)

WH Questions (Recuperado 02 de septiembre de 2019)

OSLCollective Worksheets (Recuperado el 02 de septiembre de 2019)

Presente Simple (Recuperado el 02 de septiembre de 2019)

Pasado simple (Recuperado el 03 de septiembre de 2019)

Pasado continuo (Recuperado el 03 de septiembre de 2019)

Presente perfecto (Recuperado el 04 de septiembre de 2019)

Worksheet (Recuperado el 04 de septiembre de 2019)


Condicionales (Recuperado el 06 de septiembre de 2019)

Fisrt conditional (Recuperado el 05 de septiembre de 2019)
Guía para examen de admisión a la preparatoria
Asignatura Segunda Lengua, Inglés

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