Está en la página 1de 116





METODOLOGÍA DE DISEÑO. ................................................................................................... 6

1. ANÁLISIS DE CARGA ........................................................................................................... 7

1.1. Cargas Muertas............................................................................................................... 7
1.2. Cargas Vivas .................................................................................................................. 7
1.3. Carga de Viento.............................................................................................................. 7
1.3.1. Procedimiento analítico .................................................................................................. 7
1.3.2. Presión por velocidad ................................................................................................... 13
1.4. Análisis Sísmico ........................................................................................................... 19
1.4.1. Espectro NSR – 10 ....................................................................................................... 19
1.4.2. Zona de amenaza sísmica ............................................................................................. 20
1.4.3. Efectos locales .............................................................................................................. 23
1.4.4. Coeficiente de importancia .......................................................................................... 24
1.4.5. Espectro de Diseño NSR – 10 ...................................................................................... 25

2. COMBINACIONES DE CARGA ........................................................................................ 26

3. PROPIEDADES DE LOS MATERIALES .......................................................................... 27

4. BASES GENERALES DE DISEÑO SISMO RESISTENTE ............................................. 32

4.1. Capacidad de disipación de energía mínima requerida. ............................................... 32
4.2. Sistemas estructurales .................................................................................................. 32
4.3. Configuración estructural de la edificación. ................................................................ 32

5. MODELACIÓN ESTRUCTURAL ...................................................................................... 34

5.1. Modelo ......................................................................................................................... 34
5.2. Período fundamental de la edificación ......................................................................... 35
5.3. Método de la fuerza horizontal equivalente ................................................................. 36
5.4. Método del análisis dinámico....................................................................................... 36

6. DISEÑO DE ELEMENTOS ESTRUCTURALES .............................................................. 38

6.1. Criterio De Diseño ....................................................................................................... 38
6.1.1. DISEÑO DE DINTELES ............................................................................................. 38
6.1.2. DISEÑO DE MUROS.................................................................................................. 38
6.1.3. DISEÑO DE TECHOS ................................................................................................ 38
6.1.4. DISEÑO DE ESTRUCTURA EN VOLADIZO .......................................................... 38
6.2. DISEÑO DE CIMENTACIÓN .................................................................................... 39
6.2.1. LOSA DE CIMENTACIÓN ........................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
6.3. DISEÑO DE ANCLAJES ............................................................................................ 45
6.4. REVISIÓN DE DERIVAS .......................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.


Lista de figuras
Figura 1-1: Zonas de Amenaza eólica aplicable a Estructuras para la NSR-10............................ 9
Figura 1-2: Factor de efecto Ráfaga estructuras Rígidas ............................................................ 12
Figura 1-3: Factor de efecto Ráfaga estructuras Flexibles .......................................................... 13
Figura 1-4: Fuerzas en SPRFV .................................................................................................. 14
Figura 1-5: Espectro de diseño ................................................................................................... 19
Figura 1-6: Zonas de Amenaza Sísmica aplicable a estructuras para la NSR-10 en función de Aa
y Av. 20
Figura 1-7: Mapa de valores de Aa. ............................................................................................ 21
Figura 1-8: Mapa de valores de Av............................................................................................. 22
Figura 1-9: Espectro de Diseño................................................................................................... 25
Figura 5-1: Modelo De La Estructura En El Programa ScotSteel .............................................. 34
Figura 6-1: Valores máximos de momentos en la losa de cimentación (tonf)¡Error! Marcador
no definido.


Lista de tablas
Tabla 1-1: Valores del coeficiente de importancia, I ...................................................................... 10
Tabla 1-2: Coeficiente de Exposición de presión por velocidad..................................................... 11
Tabla 1-3: Coeficiente de Exposición de presión por velocidad ............................................... 15
Tabla 1-4: Valores del coeficiente Fa, para la zona de periodos cortos del espectro ................ 23
Tabla 1-5: Valores del coeficiente Fv, para la zona de periodos cortos del espectro ................ 24
Tabla 1-6: Valores del coeficiente de importancia, I ................................................................. 24
Tabla 1-7: Datos básicos del espectro NSR-10 ......................................................................... 25


La presente memoria técnica contiene el cálculo estructural para la construcción de una edificación
compuesta por perfiles metálicos livianos conformados en frío, con la metodología constructiva
conocida como Steel Framing; esta construcción está destinada para ser de uso residencial y constará
de un solo nivel estructural y una unidad de vivienda. La construcción estará ubicada en el municipio
de El Retiro en el departamento de Antioquia, las secciones entramadas de muros están constituidas
por perfiles en C tipo PHR con galvanizado anticorrosivo G90, con parales separados a distancias
que van entre los 40 y los 60 centímetros, estos elementos conforman paneles que son debidamente
reforzados en las zonas de ventanas, vanos y puertas, con el fin de conformar sistemas de muros con
rigidez suficiente para soportar las cargas dispuestas por la Norma Sísmica Colombiana. Todos los
perfiles utilizados para la elaboración de este diseño se obtuvieron con el fin de cumplir los requisitos
de resistencia sísmica que se presentan en la norma NSR-10 y la AISC 360-10, todo esto respaldado
por el decreto 1711 emitido el 13 de diciembre de 2021, en el cual se exponen las modificaciones y
adiciones que se hacen en la norma para admitir este tipo de sistema constructivo.

El sistema de resistencia tanto sísmica como para cargas verticales utilizadas es el de pórticos de
acero resistentes a momentos combinados con muros en entramado de perfiles metálicos con
capacidad de disipación moderado de energía (DMO) debido al tipo de zona de amenaza sísmica en
la que se encuentra la estructura.



Las normas colombianas que rigen el diseño estructural de cualquier tipo de edificación “Reglamento
Colombiano De Construcción Sismo Resistente NSR-10” del año 2010 se implementarán para el
diseño de esta estructura. Fundamentando todo lo relacionado con la metodología constructiva a
utilizar (Steel Framing) en el decreto 1711 emitido el 13 de diciembre de 2021.

La estructura debe diseñarse para que tenga resistencia y rigidez adecuadas ante las cargas mínimas
de diseño prescritas por el Reglamento y debe, además, verificarse que dispone de rigidez adecuada
para limitar la deformabilidad ante las cargas de servicio, de tal manera que no se vea afectado el
funcionamiento de la edificación.

Para cumplir con estas consideraciones se realizará un análisis Dinámico Elástico Espectral, el cual
será ajustado basado en la cortante basal obtenida por el método de la fuerza horizontal equivalente.


Cuando se ejecuta el análisis de una estructura, estas deberán ser evaluadas o sometidas a por lo
menos 2 estados de carga, las cargas gravitacionales (Carga Muerta y Carga Viva), las cargas por
sismo (sismo representado en un espectro de Aceleración), y la carga de viento.

1.1. Cargas Muertas

DE ELEMENTOS NO ESTRUCTURALES) de la Norma Sismo Resistente Colombiana (NSR-
10) obtenemos:

Carga muerta residencial 𝟐𝟎𝟎
Carga muerta acabados 𝟏𝟓𝟎
Carga muerta cubierta 𝟑𝟕 ⁄ 𝟐

1.2. Cargas Vivas

Resistente Colombiana (NSR-10) obtenemos:

Carga viva residencial 𝟏𝟖𝟎 ⁄ 𝟐
Carga viva cubiertas 𝟑𝟓

1.3. Carga de Viento

De la NSR-10 obtenemos:

B.6.1.1 — PROCEDIMIENTOS PERMITIDOS — Las cargas de diseño para edificios y otras

estructuras, incluyendo el SPRFV y todos los componentes y elementos de revestimiento de estos,
se determinarán usando uno de los siguientes procedimientos:

Método 1 — Procedimiento Simplificado, para edificios que cumplan los requisitos especificados
en la sección B.6.4

Método 2 — Procedimiento Analítico, para edificios que cumplan los requisitos especificados en la
sección B.6.5.

Método 3 — Procedimiento de Túnel de Viento como se especifica en la sección B.6.6.

1.3.1. Procedimiento analítico

a) La velocidad básica de viento V, y el factor de dirección de viento Kd se determinarán de
acuerdo con la sección B.6.5.4.


b) El factor de importancia l se determinará de acuerdo con la sección B.6.5.5.

c) Se determinará para cada dirección de viento una o unas categorías de exposición Kz y un
coeficiente de exposición para la presión por velocidad Kh, de acuerdo con la sección
d) El factor topográfico Kzt, se determinará de acuerdo con la sección B.6.5.7.
e) El factor de efecto de ráfaga G o Gf, según aplique, se determinará de acuerdo con la sección
f) La clasificación de cerramiento se determinará de acuerdo con la sección B.6.5.9.
g) El Coeficiente de Presión Interna GCpi se determinará de acuerdo con la sección B.
h) El Coeficiente de Presión Externo Cp o GCpf o los Coeficientes de Fuerza Cf, según aplique,
se determinarán de acuerdo con la sección B. o B. respectivamente.
i) La presión por velocidad qz o qh, según aplique, se determinará de acuerdo con la sección
j) La Carga de Viento de Diseño p o F se determinará de acuerdo con las secciones B.6.5.12,
B.6.5.13, B.6.5.14 y B.6.5.15, según aplique.

Edificio bajo — Edificio cerrado o parcialmente cerrado que cumpla con las siguientes condiciones:

Altura media de la cubierta (h) menor o igual a 18 m (60 ft)

Altura media de la cubierta (h) no excede la menor dimensión horizontal del edificio


La velocidad de viento básica, V usada en la determinación de las cargas de viento de diseño edificios
y otras estructuras se tomará de la Fig. B.6.4-1, excepto con lo especificado en las secciones B.
y B. Se supondrá que el viento proviene de cualquier dirección horizontal.

B. — Factor de Dirección de Viento

El Factor de Dirección de Viento, Kd, se determinará con la tabla B.6.5-4. Este factor solo aplicará
cuando se use juntamente con las combinaciones de carga especificadas en las secciones B.2.3 y

Para este caso Kd=0.85


Figura 1-1: Zonas de Amenaza eólica aplicable a Estructuras para la NSR-10

Fuente. Norma NSR-10


Para El Retiro tenemos una Zona 4 y una velocidad de viento básica de 150 Km/h usando las
combinaciones de carga expuestas en B.2.4.

El factor de importancia, I, para el edificio u otra estructura debe determinarse de la tabla B.6.5-1 de
acuerdo con los grupos de uso presentados en la sección A.2.5

Tabla 1-1: Valores del coeficiente de importancia, I

Fuente. Norma NSR-10

Para el Grupo I —I = 0.87

B. — Categorías de Exposición para el SPRFV

B. — Edificios y Otras Estructuras — Las cargas de viento para el diseño del SPRFV
determinadas de la fig. B.6.5-3 deberán basarse en las categorías de exposición definidas en la
sección B., para cada dirección de viento considerada.

B. — Edificios Bajos — Las cargas de viento para el diseño del SPRFV de edificios bajos
se determinarán usando una presión por velocidad qh basada en la categoría de exposición que
produzca las mayores cargas de viento para cualquier dirección de viento donde se usen los
coeficientes de presión externa GCpf dados en la fig. B.6.5-7.

Según lo anterior, al edificio no clasificar como edificios bajos, se diseñará el SPRFV según la fig.

B. — Coeficiente de Exposición de Presión por velocidad

Basado en la categoría de exposición determinada en la sección B.6.5.3, se define de la Tabla B.6.5-

3 un coeficiente de exposición de presión por velocidad Kz o Kh, según aplique. Para una edificación
que se ubique en una zona de transición entre categorías de exposición, es decir cerca de un cambio
de rugosidad de terreno, se permitirá tomar valores intermedios de Kz o Kh, siempre y cuando se
determinen por medio de un método racional de análisis definido en la literatura reconocida.


Tabla 1-2: Coeficiente de Exposición de presión por velocidad

Fuente. Norma NSR-10

B. — Factor Topográfico

El efecto de aumento de velocidad de viento se incluirá en el cálculo de cargas de viento de diseño

usando el factor Kzt:

𝐾𝑧𝑡 = (1 + 𝐾1 𝐾2 𝐾3 )2

Donde: K1, K2 y K3 se dan en la Fig. B.6.5-1.

Si el sitio o la localización de la estructura no cumplen las condiciones especificadas en la sección

B., entonces Kzt =1.0.

Este caso Kzt=1.0



Figura 1-2: Factor de efecto Ráfaga estructuras Rígidas

Fuente. NSR-10


Figura 1-3: Factor de efecto Ráfaga estructuras Flexibles

Fuente. NSR-10

Para el caso de la cubierta metálica, la frecuencia fundamental se encuentra por encima de 1 Hz, por
lo cual se clasificará como una estructura rígida. Por lo tanto, la norma permite tomar un valor de
G=0.85 o llevar el respectivo procedimiento de cálculo, dando un valor de G=0.85, por lo cual este
será el valor elegido.

1.3.2. Presión por velocidad

La presión por velocidad, qz, evaluada a la altura z se calculará con la siguiente expresión:

qz=0.613KzKztKdV l en (N/m2); V en m/s (B.6.5-13)


Donde Kd es el factor de dirección de viento definido en la sección B., Kz es coeficiente de

exposición de presión por velocidad definido en la sección B., Kzt es el factor topográfico
definido en la sección B. y qh es la presión por velocidad calculada usando la ecuación B.6.5-
13 a la altura media de la cubierta, h

Para el cálculo de presión por velocidad qz, se tomaron incrementos de 0.5m en altura desde el nivel
del terreno.

Figura 1-4: Fuerzas en SPRFV

Fuente. Elaboración Propia


Tabla 1-3: Coeficiente de Exposición de presión por velocidad




Fuente. Elaboración Propia

Para la elaboración de los análisis de viento se tomó la zona más desfavorable de la edificación y
con esta se calculó la presión por velocidad de viento pata todas las zonas de cubierta existentes.


1.4. Análisis Sísmico

1.4.1. Espectro NSR – 10

Figura 1-5: Espectro de diseño

Fuente. Norma NSR-10


1.4.2. Zona de amenaza sísmica

Figura 1-6: Zonas de Amenaza Sísmica aplicable a estructuras para la NSR-10 en función de
Aa y Av.

Fuente. Norma NSR-10


Figura 1-7: Mapa de valores de Aa.

Fuente. Norma NSR-10


Figura 1-8: Mapa de valores de Av.

Fuente. Norma NSR-10


Tomando el espectro a utilizar en la Norma NSR-10, y sabiendo que la estructura se encuentra en

una Zona 3 para valores de Aa y Zona 4 para valores de Av, tenemos que para El Retiro Aa = 0.15
y Av = 0.20 para una zona de amenaza sísmica intermedia.

1.4.3. Efectos locales

De título A (A.2.4.4 — DEFINICIÓN DEL TIPO DE PERFIL DE SUELO) de la Norma Sismo

Resistente Colombiana (NSR-10) obtenemos la Tabla A.2.4-1 Clasificación de los perfiles de suelo:

Según el estudio de geotécnico tenemos un perfil Tipo D para el suelo de cimentación.

De título A (A. de la Norma Sismo Resistente Colombiana (NSR-10) obtenemos la tabla

A.2.4-3 (NSR-10) de la que se toman los valores del coeficiente Fa que amplifica las ordenadas del
espectro en roca para tener en cuenta los efectos de sitio en el rango de períodos cortos del orden de
T0, como muestra la figura A.2.4-1 (NSR-10). Para valores intermedios de Aa se permite interpolar
linealmente entre valores del mismo tipo de perfil.

Tabla 1-4: Valores del coeficiente Fa, para la zona de periodos cortos del espectro

Fuente. Norma NSR-10

Para la estructura Aa = 0.15 y para el perfil de suelo D tenemos que Fa = 1.5

De título A (A. de la Norma Sismo Resistente Colombiana (NSR-10) obtenemos la tabla

A.2.4-4 (NSR-10) donde se dan los valores del coeficiente Fv que amplifica las ordenadas del
espectro en roca para tener en cuenta los efectos de sitio en el rango de períodos intermedios del
orden de 1s. Estos coeficientes se presentan también en la figura A.2.4-2 (NSR-10). Para valores
intermedios de Av se permite interpolar linealmente entre valores del mismo tipo de perfil.


Tabla 1-5: Valores del coeficiente Fv, para la zona de periodos cortos del espectro

Fuente. Norma NSR-10

Para la estructura Av = 0.20 y para el perfil de suelo D tenemos que Fv = 2.00

1.4.4. Coeficiente de importancia

En esta sección se definen los grupos de tipo de uso y los valores del coeficiente de importancia.

De título A (A. de la Norma Sismo Resistente Colombiana (NSR-10) obtenemos:

A. — Grupo I — Estructuras de ocupación normal — Todas las estructuras cubiertas por
el alcance de esta norma que no se clasifiquen dentro de los grupos II, III y IV.

El Coeficiente de Importancia, I, modifica el espectro, y con ello las fuerzas de diseño, de acuerdo
con el grupo de uso a que esté asignada la edificación para tomar en cuenta que para estructuras de
los grupos II, III y IV deben considerarse valores de aceleración con una probabilidad menor de ser
excedidos que aquella del diez por ciento en un lapso de cincuenta años considerada en el numeral
A.2.2.1. Los valores de I se dan en la tabla A.2.5-1.

Tabla 1-6: Valores del coeficiente de importancia, I

Fuente. Norma NSR-10


Para el Grupo I — Estructuras de ocupación normal - tenemos un coeficiente de importancia I =


1.4.5. Espectro de Diseño NSR – 10

Finalmente se obtiene:

Tabla 1-7: Datos básicos del espectro NSR-10

Aa 0.15
Av 0.20
Fa 1.50
Fv 2.00
I 1.00
To 0.18
Tc 0.85
TL 4.80

Fuente. Elaboración propia

Figura 1-9: Espectro de Diseño

Espectro Elastico de Aceleraciones de Diseño

como fraccion de g


Sa (g)




0 1 2 3 4 5
T (s)

Fuente. Elaboración propia


Las combinaciones de carga con las cuales se obtiene la envolvente máxima de esfuerzos en los
miembros estructurales, para este caso se tomaron las siguientes, como lo recomienda el Código

Para el diseño de los elementos estructurales de acero:

En donde:

D: Carga muerta, la cual incluye el peso propio de los elementos

L: Carga Viva

Lr: Carga viva de Cubierta

W: Carga de Viento

EX: Sismo en la dirección X

EY: Sismo en la dirección Y

Para los análisis de carga que realizan las combinaciones de carga serán las siguientes:

C1: B.2.4-1

C2: B.2.4-2

C3: B.2.4-3

C4: B.2.4-4

C5: B.2.4-5



Los materiales con los cuales se realiza el presente estudio y deben corresponder a los que se
utilizarán en la construcción de la obra son:

Acero ASTM A-572 Gr. 50 Para elementos estructurales

Módulo de Elasticidad del Acero 𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐌 𝐀 − 𝟓𝟕𝟐 = 𝟐𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝑲𝒈𝒇⁄𝒎𝒎𝟐

Esfuerzo del Acero a la cadencia Estructuras Perlines 𝒇𝒚 = 𝟑𝟓𝟏𝟓 𝑲𝒈𝒇⁄𝒄𝒎𝟐

Acero ASTM A-36 Para platinas de conexión y placa base

Módulo de Elasticidad del Acero 𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐌 𝐀 − 𝟑𝟔 = 𝟐𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝑲𝒈𝒇⁄𝒎𝒎𝟐

Esfuerzo del Acero a la cadencia Estructuras Perlines 𝒇𝒚 = 𝟐𝟒𝟓𝟎 𝑲𝒈𝒇⁄𝒄𝒎𝟐

Acero ASTM A-500 Gr. C Para perfiles estructurales cuadrados y circulares

Esfuerzo del Acero a la cadencia 𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐌 𝐀 − 𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐆𝐫. 𝐜 𝒇𝒚 = 𝟑𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝑲𝒈𝒇⁄𝒄𝒎𝟐

Acero ASTM F1554 Gr. 55 para pernos de anclaje.

Acero ASTM A307 para pernos de conexión.

Acero ASTM A194 para tuercas de conexión.

Acero ASTM F436 para arandelas de conexión.

Soldadura con electrodo E70XX

Concreto de fundaciones, f’c = 21 MPa.

Varillas o barras de acero corrugadas sismorresistentes para construcción con resistencia de

60.000 psi (libras de presión por pulgada cuadrada) para refuerzo de concreto – cabillas – rebars
(reinforcing / reinforcement steel bars) ASTM A706 – ASTM A615.

Para los perfiles que componen la estructura de Steel Framing se usarán perfiles de Acero
modelados en frío tipo PHR-C, con acero A653 Gr.50. El proceso de elaboración del material se
hace según la normativa y cuenta con las siguientes características físicas, de las cuales se pueden
resaltar los valores de capacidad de resistencia a flexión y compresión.






• CAPACIDAD DEL MIEMBRO A FLEXIÓN (En función de la longitud efectiva en


• CAPACIDAD DEL MIEMBRO A COMPRESIÓN (En función de la longitud efectiva

en metros)

Para los elementos de unión entre los perfiles, como los remaches y tornillos se usan elementos con
las siguientes especificaciones, es importante resaltar que en los anexos de diseño se encuentran los
valores máximos de carga transmitidos entre elementos, con los cuales se puede corroborar que
ninguna unión está superando las capacidades máximas de resistencia de los remates y tornillos.
También se anexan las características del material de galvanizado que se usa para evitar la corrosión,
debido a la zona en la que se encuentra el proyecto.










4.1. Capacidad de disipación de energía mínima requerida.

Para Dibulla que se encuentra en una Zona de amenaza y movimientos sísmicos intermedios, se
requiere una capacidad de disipación de energía moderada (DMO) para los muros de entramados
metálicos formados por perfiles livianos modelados en frío.

4.2. Sistemas estructurales

De título A (A.3.2.1 — TIPOS DE SISTEMAS ESTRUCTURALES) de la Norma Sismo Resistente
Colombiana (NSR-10) obtenemos:

A. — Sistema de muros de carga — Es un sistema estructural que no dispone de un pórtico

esencialmente completo y en el cual las cargas son resistidas por los muros de carga y las fuerzas
horizontales son resistidas por muros estructurales o pórticos con diagonales.

Para la definición específica de este sistema constructivo, nos remitimos al Decreto 1711 de la NSR-
10, el cual en su taba F.4-A.8-1, el cual especifica que para paneles sísmicos con entramados de
perfiles doblados en frío y con enchapes en tableros de madera o láminas de metal el valor de R0 =

4.3. Configuración estructural de la edificación.

Para efectos de diseño sísmico la estructura debe clasificarse como regular o como irregular en planta
y en altura o como redundante o con ausencia de redundancia de acuerdo con los requisitos de la
Norma Sismo Resistente Colombiana (NSR-10).

La reducción del valor de r para estructuras irregulares y con ausencia de redundancia cuando una
estructura se clasifique como irregular, el valor del coeficiente de capacidad de disipación de energía
r que se utilice en el diseño sísmico de la edificación, debe reducirse multiplicándolo por φp, debido
a irregularidades en planta, por φa debido a irregularidades en altura, y por φr debido a ausencia de
redundancia, como indica la ecuación:

𝑹 = ∅𝒂 × ∅𝒑 × 𝑹𝟎

Cuando una edificación tiene varios tipos de irregularidad en planta simultáneamente, se aplicará el
menor valor de φp, análogamente, cuando una edificación tiene varios tipos de irregularidad en altura
simultáneamente, se aplicará el menor valor de φa.

Para el tipo de estructura que tiene muros de resistencia sísmica de entramados de paneles doblados
en frío, según F.4-A.8-1, y para una capacidad de disipación moderada (DMO) tenemos un valor de
R0 = 5

φp = coeficiente de reducción de la capacidad de disipación de energía causado por irregularidades

en planta de la edificación. Para la revisión de estas irregularidades se analizaron los casos


contenidos en la tabla A 3-6 de la NSR-10, en la que se encuentran los siguientes tipos de


Tipo 1aP: Irregularidad torsional

TABLE: Diaphragm Max Over Avg Drifts

Story Output Case Case Type Step Type Item Max Drift Avg Drift Ratio

Piso 1 EQY LinRespSpec Max Diaph D1 Y 0.005469 0.005458 1.002

Piso 1 EQX LinRespSpec Max Diaph D1 X 0.003493 0.003354 1.041

Por medio de los datos entregados por el modelo podemos evidenciar que los valores de irregularidad
torsional en los diafragmas no supera los valores estipulados por norma

Tipo 3P: Discontinuidades en el diafragma

Se tiene una estructura de un solo nivel con elementos continuos en toda su composición, por lo cual
no hay variaciones ni aberturas que afecten el diafragma.

Tipo 4P: Desplazamientos en el plano de acción

Las estructuras de muros de un solo nivel no aplican para estas revisiones ya que todos los elementos
son continuos en su composición y no se presenta ningún tipo de desplazamiento que afecte la rigidez
de la estructura.

φp = 1.0

φa = coeficiente de reducción de la capacidad de disipación de energía causado por irregularidades

en altura de la edificación. Para la revisión de estas irregularidades se analizaron los casos contenidos
en la tabla A 3-6 de la NSR-10, en la que se encuentran los siguientes tipos de irregularidades:

Tipo 4A: Desplazamientos en el plano de acción

Las estructuras de muros de un solo nivel no aplican para estas revisiones ya que todos los elementos
son continuos en su composición y no se presenta ningún tipo de desplazamiento que afecte la rigidez
de la estructura.

Tipo 5aA: Discontinuidad en la resistencia

No se presentan variaciones en la resistencia ya que se tiene una estructura de un solo nivel en la que
todos los elementos están compuestos del mismo material, por lo cual la resistencia sería igual en
toda la composición de la estructura.

φa = 1.0

Finalmente tenemos:

𝑹 = 𝟏. 𝟎 × 𝟏. 𝟎 × 𝟓 = 𝟓



5.1. Modelo
Mediante el uso del programa de computación ScotSteel se analizó la estructura
tridimensionalmente. El programa calcula inicialmente la matriz de rigidez, considerando
deformaciones axiales y de corte. Para la obtención de las fuerzas sísmicas de diseño se utiliza el
método de la fuerza horizontal equivalente para el diseño de los elementos.

Figura 5-1: Esquema estructural de la vivienda

Fuente. Elaboración Propia

METODOLOGÍA DEL ANÁLISIS — Deben tenerse en cuenta los siguientes requisitos, cuando se utilice
el método de análisis dinámico elástico espectral:

(a) Obtención de los modos de vibración — Los modos de vibración deben obtenerse utilizando
establecidas de dinámica estructural. Deben utilizarse todos los modos de vibración de la estructura
que contribuyan de una manera significativa a la respuesta dinámica de la misma, cumpliendo los
requisitos de A.5.4.2.

(b) Respuesta espectral modal — La respuesta máxima de cada modo se obtiene utilizando las
ordenadas del espectro de diseño definido en A.5.3.2, para el período de vibración propio del modo.


(c) Respuesta total — Las respuestas máximas modales, incluyendo las de deflexiones, derivas, fuerzas
en los pisos, cortantes de piso, cortante en la base y fuerzas en los elementos, se combinan de una
manera estadística para obtener la respuesta total de la estructura a los movimientos sísmicos de
diseño. Deben cumplirse los requisitos de A.5.4.4 en la combinación estadística de las respuestas
modales máximas.

(d) Ajuste de los resultados — Si los resultados de la respuesta total son menores que los valores
mínimos prescritos en A.5.4.5, los resultados totales del análisis dinámico deben ser ajustados como
se indica allí. El ajuste debe cubrir todos los resultados del análisis dinámico, incluyendo las
deflexiones, derivas, fuerzas en los pisos, cortantes de piso, cortante en la base y fuerzas en los

(e) Evaluación de las derivas — Se debe verificar que las derivas totales obtenidas, debidamente
ajustadas de acuerdo con los requisitos de A.5.4.5, no excedan los límites establecidos en el Capítulo

(f) Fuerzas de diseño en los elementos — Las fuerzas sísmicas internas totales de los elementos, Fs ,
debidamente ajustadas de acuerdo con los requisitos de A.5.4.5, se dividen por el valor del
coeficiente de capacidad de disipación de energía, R , del sistema de resistencia sísmica, modificado
de acuerdo con la irregularidad y la ausencia de redundancia según los requisitos de A.3.3.3, para
obtener las fuerzas sísmicas reducidas de diseño, E , y se combinan con las otras cargas prescritas
por este Reglamento, de acuerdo con el Título B.

(g) Diseño de los elementos estructurales — Los elementos estructurales se diseñan y detallan
siguiendo los requisitos propios del grado de capacidad de disipación de energía correspondiente del
material, de acuerdo con los requisitos del Capitulo A.3.

5.2. Período fundamental de la edificación

El valor del período fundamental de la edificación, T, debe obtenerse a partir de las propiedades de
su sistema de resistencia sísmica, en la dirección bajo consideración, de acuerdo con los principios
de la dinámica estructural, utilizando un modelo matemático linealmente elástico de la estructura.

A.4.2.2 — Alternativamente el valor de T puede ser igual al período fundamental aproximado, Ta,
que se obtenga por medio de la ecuación A.4.2-3.

𝑻𝒂 = 𝑪𝒕 𝒉∝

Donde Ct y ∝ tienen los valores dados en la tabla A.4.2-1.

Pórticos resistentes a momentos de acero que resisten la totalidad de las fuerzas sísmicas y que no
están limitados o adheridos a componentes más rígidos, estructurales o no estructurales, que limiten
los desplazamientos horizontales al verse sometidos a las fuerzas sísmicas.

𝑪𝒕 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟒𝟗

∝= 𝟎. 𝟕𝟓

𝑻𝒂 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟒𝟗 ∙ 𝟒. 𝟗𝟔𝟎.𝟕𝟓 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟔𝒔𝒆𝒈


𝑪𝒖 𝑻𝒂 = 𝟏. 𝟐𝟕 ∙ 𝟎. 𝟏𝟔 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟏 𝒔𝒆𝒈

5.3. Método de la fuerza horizontal equivalente

Con el fin de determinar que el análisis estructural es adecuado, haremos un análisis sísmico del
modelo por medio de la cortante basal y el método de la fuerza horizontal equivalente, en donde:

𝑽𝒎𝒋 = 𝑺𝒂𝒎 𝒈𝑴𝒎𝒋

El valor máximo de Sam es el valor leído del espectro elástico de aceleraciones, Sa, para el período
de vibración Tm correspondiente al modo de vibración m. El cortante modal total en la base, Vtj,
en la dirección j se obtiene combinando los cortantes contribuidos por cada modo, Vmj, en la misma
dirección de acuerdo con el procedimiento de A.5.4.4.

𝑪𝒖 ∗ 𝑻𝒂 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟏 𝒔𝒆𝒈

𝑺𝒂𝒎𝑪𝒖∗𝑻𝒂 = 𝟎. 𝟓𝟔𝟐𝟓

Tenemos que el peso de la estructura es 65.32 kN

𝑽𝒎𝒋 = 𝑺𝒂𝒎 𝒈𝑴𝒎𝒋 = 𝟎. 𝟓𝟔𝟐𝟓 × 𝟔𝟓. 𝟑𝟐 𝐤𝐍 = 𝟑𝟔. 𝟕𝟒𝟐𝟓 𝐤𝐍

5.4. Método del análisis dinámico

Se obtendrán los modos de vibración de la estructura que contribuyan de una manera significativa a
la respuesta dinámica, si los resultados de la respuesta total son menores que el 80 por ciento del
cortante dinámico total en la base, se realizara un Ajuste de los resultados mediante el siguiente
factor de modificación:

𝟎. 𝟖


Vs = cortante sísmico de diseño en la base de la estructura, calculado por el método de la fuerza

horizontal equivalente.

Vtj = cortante sísmico en la base total en la dirección horizontal j.

También se sabe que la cortante basal para el Análisis Dinámico Elástico Espectral según la norma
es del 80% del cortante del análisis estático.

En dirección X:


𝑽𝒔 𝟑𝟔. 𝟕𝟒 𝐤𝐍
𝟎. 𝟖 = 𝟎. 𝟖 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟓𝟒𝟐
𝑽𝒕𝒋 𝟑𝟒. 𝟒𝟏 𝒌𝑵

En dirección Y:

𝑽𝒔 𝟑𝟔. 𝟕𝟒 𝐤𝐍
𝟎. 𝟖 = 𝟎. 𝟖 = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟓𝟕𝟖
𝑽𝒕𝒋 𝟑𝟎. 𝟔𝟗 𝒌𝑵

No se requiere ajuste en ninguna de las dos direcciones.


Se aplican las cargas correspondientes teniendo en cuenta las combinaciones de carga para las
envolventes máximas, se procede con la resolución de toda la estructura obteniendo los siguientes
resultados: desplazamientos y giros en los nudos, fuerzas axiales, cortantes y momentos en los
miembros y reacciones y momentos en los Apoyos para el correspondiente diseño.

Se diseñan los elementos estructurales utilizando el Método de la Resistencia Última, de

conformidad con lo establecido en el capítulo C y F de la norma NSR-10. Para el grado moderado
de disipación de energía (DMO).

6.1. Criterio De Diseño

RESISTENTE, NSR – 10, la estructura aquí diseñada, es capaz de resistir, además de las fuerzas que
le impone su uso, los temblores pequeños o de poca intensidad sin daño, temblores moderados sin
daño estructural, pero posiblemente con algún daño en los elementos no estructurales, y un temblor
fuerte con daños a elementos estructurales y no estructurales pero sin colapso de la estructura, con
un riesgo mínimo de la pérdida de vidas humanas. Toda la información de diseño se contiene en
cada uno de los anexos, en los cuales se revisan las consideraciones de espesor de los elementos
estructurales, su resistencia a la flexo-compresión y la revisión de pandeos locales, todo esto con el
fin de mostrar que las características de los elementos destinados a soportar las cargas son las óptimas
para la elaboración del proyecto.


Toda la información correspondiente al diseño de los elementos estructurales tipo dinteles se
encuentra en el Anexo 1 de las presentes memorias de cálculo.


Toda la información correspondiente al diseño de los elementos estructurales tipo muros se encuentra
en el Anexo 2 de las presentes memorias de cálculo.


Toda la información correspondiente al diseño de los elementos estructurales tipo techo se encuentra
en el Anexo 3 de las presentes memorias de cálculo.


Toda la información correspondiente al diseño de los elementos estructurales que componen las
cerchas se encuentra en el Anexo 4 de las presentes memorias de cálculo.




A continuación, se presentan las comprobaciones de las vigas de cimentación donde se apoyan los
muros de mampostería, las cuales cumplen con dimensiones de 0.40m X 0.40m y con refuerzo
mínimo de 3 barras #6 arriba y abajo.









En este punto se realizará la revisión de los anclajes de pernos expansivos que se disponen en los
muros cada 0.61 metros, con el fin de amarrarlos al sistema de contrapiso y conseguir que se trabaje
como una unidad estructural, otorgándole estabilidad. Para este proceso se revisan los pernos
expansivos con ayuda del software Etabs y el programa Hilti Profis, con estas dos herramientas se
consigue encontrar los valores de fuerza máxima a los cuales estarán sometidos los pernos, tanto por
cortante como por extracción, y también a determinar el calibre y la profundidad de los anclajes

Para este caso se encontró que los pernos cada 0.61 metros cumplen con los requisitos de carga
exigidos por la estructura, deben ser pernos expansivos de ½”, los cuales tienen una longitud de 3”.






La presente memoria de cálculo consta de cincuenta y dos (52) páginas más Anexos y no deben
reproducirse, salvo íntegramente, sin la aprobación por escrito. Los resultados contenidos en ella se
relacionan únicamente con los cálculos estructurales del proyecto mencionado en el pie de página.

Ingeniero Calculista:


Project Name: CASA M+D Project No: 0
Address: 0
Company: 0 Detailer: 0
Member reference: Lintel 1 - linteles <2.12m

wall height: [mm] 2900

nog spacing: [mm] 1450
no of nogs: [no] 1
section: C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
single or back to back? single
wall position: external
stud - t/b plate connection: 1 rivet

lintel depth [mm] 300

brace pitch [deg] 60
connection [-] 1r
plate thickness [mm] 0.55
plate material [-] G550
plate connection [-] rivets
no of studs [no] 2
tc doube plate? [-] FALSE
bc double plate? [-] FALSE


load combinations:
C1 - 1.35 x G
C2 - 1.2 x G + 1.5 x Q
C3 - 1.2 x G + Su + phi_c x Q
C4 - 1.2 x G + W_down + phi_c x Q
C5 - 0.9 x G + W_up

Axial load summary: axial load in typ. Stud for combinations 1 to 5

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
level type LW [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
1f roof 2500 2.07 2.99 2.39 3.35 -1.15

2.065956 2.990093 2.390176 3.352659 -1.14979

Bending summary:
bending due to eccentricity 0 0 0 0 0
bending due to face load 0 0 0 0.966038 0.966038
bending due to combined ecc. and face l. 0 0 0 0.627924 0.627924
governing 0 0 0 0.966038 0.966038

Effective lengths:
Minor: [mm] 1150
Major: [mm] 2300

Section capacities:

bending [kNm] 1.12
buckling [kNm] 0.972962
tension [kN] 44.3
compresion [kN] 21.04921
Ixx [cm^4] 20.18236

Back to back:
bending [kNm] 2.24
buckling [kNm] 2.176021
tension [kN] 88.6
compresion [kN] 52.46206
Ixx [cm^4] 40.36473

Connection capacity: [kN] 4.536

Single sections

Strength Checks:
0.85*M/phi*Mb+N/phi*Nc 0.098149 0.142053 0.113552 1.003228 0.869905 1.003228

M/phi*Mb 0 0 0 0.992883 0.992883 0.992883

face load (applied only to external walls): [kPa] 0.58806
allowable: calculated:
19.33333 11.79341 CSI 0.610004

max. downwards load: [kN] 3.352659
max. uplift: [kN] -1.14979

Connection CSI: [-] 0.739122

Max. CSI [-] 1.003228

mode of faliure: 5 [-] strength

Lintel lattice:


max. span [m] 2.12
forces in TC: compression [kN] 7.6718328
tension [kN] 2.6310348

diagonal angle: [rad] 1.0471976

panel length: [m] 0.3464102

moments in TC: bending+ (TC web in compresion) [kNm] 0.1750681

bending- (TC web in tension) [kNm] 0.0600391

shears in TC: shear due to uplift [kN] 1.3865448

shear due to down [kN] 4.043025

top chord effective lengths:

minor: [m] 0.3117691
major: [m] 0.81
total strength of TC:
compresion: [kN] 28.7
tension: [kN] 44.3
bending: [kNm] 0.31
buckling: [kNm] 0.31
shear: [kN] 14.17248

load cases for TC:

load case 1 - load downwards:
max. compresion: [kN] 7.6718328
max. tension (always zero): [kN] 0
max.bending: [kNm] 0.1750681
max. shear: [kN] 4.043025

load case 2 - load upwards:

max. compresion (always zero): [kN] 0
max. tension: [kN] 2.6310348
max.bending: [kNm] 0.0600391
max. shear: [kN] 1.3865448

design checks:
LC1-down LC2-up Max. CSI
bending: M/phiMs 0.5647359 0.1936747 0.5647359

buckling: M/phiMb 0.5647359 0.1936747 0.5647359

compresion: N/phiNc 0.2673112 0 0.2673112

tension: T/phiTc 0 0.0593913 0.0593913

comb. Bnd+Axl: N/phiNc+Cm.M/phiMb 0.7473367 0 0.7473367

comb. Bnd+T: T/phiTc+M/phiMb 0.5647359 0.0593913 0.5647359

comb. Bnd+shr: (M/phiMs)^2+(V/Vc)^2 0.4003073 0.0470813 0.4003073

forces in BC: compresion [kN] 2.6310348
tension [kN] 7.6718328

diagonal angle: [rad] 1.0471976

panel length: [m] 0.3464102

moments in BC: bending+ (web in compresion) [kNm] 0.0600391

bending- (web in tension) [kNm] 0.1750681

shears in BC: shear due to uplift [kN] 1.3865448

shear due to down [kN] 4.043025

bottom chord effective lengths:

minor: [m] 0.3117691
major: [m] 0.891

total strength of BC:

compresion: [kN] 28.7
tension: [kN] 44.3
bending: [kNm] 0.31
buckling: [kNm] 0.31
shear: [kN] 14.17248

load cases for BC:

load case 1 - load downwards:
max. compresion (always zero): [kN] 0
max. tension: [kN] 7.6718328
max.bending: [kNm] 0.1750681
max. shear: [kN] 4.043025

load case 2 - load upwards:

max. compresion: [kN] 2.6310348
max. tension (always zero): [kN] 0
max.bending: [kNm] 0.0600391
max. shear: [kN] 1.3865448

design checks:
LC1-down LC2-up Max. CSI
bending: M/phiMs 0.5647359 0.1936747 0.5647359

buckling: M/phiMb 0.5647359 0.1936747 0.5647359

compresion: N/phiNc 0 0.0916737 0.0916737

tension: T/phiTc 0.1731791 0 0.1731791

comb. Bnd+Axl: N/phiNc+CmM/phiMb 0.4800255 0.2562972 0.4800255

comb. Bnd+T: T/phiTc+M/phiMb 0.7379149 0.1936747 0.7379149

comb. Bnd+shr: (M/phiMs)^2+(V/Vc)^2 0.4003073 0.0470813 0.4003073

Forces in Diagonal:

Max. support reaction (down): [kN] 4.043025

Max support reaction (uplift): [kN] 1.3865448
Max Support reaction: [kN] 4.043025

Angle of diagonal to horizontal: [rad] 1.0471976

Max compresion in diagonal: [kN] 4.6684832

Effective lengths of diagonals: minor: [m] 0.3464102

major: [m] 0.3464102

Compressive capacities of diagonals: minor: [kN] 28.7

major: [kN] 28.7

Max CSI for diagonal: [-] 0.1626649

Load onto connection equal to force in diagonal: [kN] 4.6684832

connection capacities:

1r 2.268
2r 4.536
1r+1t 5.668

capacity of the connection: [kN] 4.536

connection CSI: [-] 1.029207

deflection ratio for wind: [l/?] 200
deflection limit for wind (in no case more than 20mm): [mm] 10.6

deflection limit for SW (hardcoded as l/300 + no more than 15mm): [mm] 7.0666667

deflection limit for imposed load/snow (hardcoded as l/200 + no more than 20mm): [mm] 10.6

summary of service loads:

c1 service line load - up [kN/m] 2.1894417

c2 service load -down (wind) [kN/m] 2.6390004
c3 service load - down (sw) [kN/m] 1.7409988
c4 service load - down (imposed) [kN/m] 0.875

case Ixx d. max. d CSI

[cm^4] [mm] [mm] [-]
c1 641.07579 0.4491343 10.6 0.0550825
c2 641.07579 0.5413552 10.6 0.0663926
c3 641.07579 0.3571423 7.0666667 0.0657007
c4 641.07579 0.1794944 10.6 0.0220135


Top Chord 0.7473367

Bottom Chord0.7379149
Diagonal 0.1626649
Connections 1.029207
Deflection 0.0663926

Max.: 1.029207

1 Licensor's undertakings and warranties:

1.1 SCS will make available all information on upgrades to and Enhancements of the Software to the Licensee.
1.2 SCS warrants that the Software, when used in the specified operating environment, will conform to its specifications.
The Software's specifications and specified operating environment can be found in the Documentation.
1.3 The warranty in clause 1.2 does not apply if:
a) the failure to comply is caused by the Licensee's failure to comply with this agreement; or
b) the Licensee is using the Software in a manner not reasonably contemplated by SCS.
1.4 SCS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Software or that SCS will correct all Software defects.
If the Software does not function as warranted the SCS will use all reasonable endeavours to correct the defect by way of
correction or fix to enable the Software to conform to its specification. If the correction or fix is required by a fault that
is not primarily caused by the Software but is primarily caused by equipment or software other than the Software,
SCS may charge a fee (based on a time and materials rate) calculated at SCS's standard rates as notified to the Licensee.
1.5 SCS does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, compliance or lawfulness of any design produced
by the Software. The Licensee will be responsible to ensure that any design produced by the Software complies with the
particular requirements of a project and complies with all building/engineering codes and/or compliance regimes and all laws,
rules and regulations applicable in the legal jurisdiction of any particular project (“Compliance”). The Licensee will be
responsible for obtaining independent engineering advice and certification to ensure that the designs produced
by the Software meets Compliance.
1.6 If the Software fails to comply with the warranties in this clause 1 the Licensee's remedy is limited to SCS repairing or replacing
the Software or providing a workaround that does not detrimentally affect core functionality.
1.7 The warranty in clause 1.6 is SCS's sole warranty and the Licensee's sole remedy and replaces all other warranties or conditions,
express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent
permitted by law.
Project Name: CASA M+D Project No: 0
Address: 0
Company: 0 Detailer: 0
Member reference: Lintel 2 max 3.79m

wall height: [mm] 2900

nog spacing: [mm] 1450
no of nogs: [no] 1
section: C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
single or back to back? single
wall position: external
stud - t/b plate connection: 1 rivet

lintel depth [mm] 300

brace pitch [deg] 60
connection [-] 1r+1t
plate thickness [mm] 0.55
plate material [-] G550
plate connection [-] rivets
no of studs [no] 3
tc doube plate? [-] FALSE
bc double plate? [-] FALSE


load combinations:
C1 - 1.35 x G
C2 - 1.2 x G + 1.5 x Q
C3 - 1.2 x G + Su + phi_c x Q
C4 - 1.2 x G + W_down + phi_c x Q
C5 - 0.9 x G + W_up

Axial load summary: axial load in typ. Stud for combinations 1 to 5

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
level type LW [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
1f roof 1500 1.25 1.81 1.45 2.03 -0.70

1.253676 1.814466 1.450421 2.034481 -0.69772

Bending summary:
bending due to eccentricity 0 0 0 0 0
bending due to face load 0 0 0 0.977028 0.977028
bending due to combined ecc. and face l. 0 0 0 0.635068 0.635068
governing 0 0 0 0.977028 0.977028

Effective lengths:
Minor: [mm] 1150
Major: [mm] 2300

Section capacities:

bending [kNm] 1.12
buckling [kNm] 0.972962
tension [kN] 44.3
compresion [kN] 21.04921
Ixx [cm^4] 20.18236

Back to back:
bending [kNm] 2.24
buckling [kNm] 2.176021
tension [kN] 88.6
compresion [kN] 52.46206
Ixx [cm^4] 40.36473

Connection capacity: [kN] 4.536

Single sections

Strength Checks:
0.85*M/phi*Mb+N/phi*Nc 0.059559 0.086201 0.068906 0.950205 0.869302 0.950205

M/phi*Mb 0 0 0 1.004179 1.004179 1.004179

face load (applied only to external walls): [kPa] 0.58806
allowable: calculated:
19.33333 11.92757 CSI 0.616944

max. downwards load: [kN] 2.034481
max. uplift: [kN] -0.69772

Connection CSI: [-] 0.448519

Max. CSI [-] 1.004179

mode of faliure: 5 [-] strength

Lintel lattice:


max. span [m] 3.79
forces in TC: compression [kN] 14.711504
tension [kN] 5.0452715

diagonal angle: [rad] 1.0471976

panel length: [m] 0.3464102

moments in TC: bending+ (TC web in compresion) [kNm] 0.1877853

bending- (TC web in tension) [kNm] 0.0644005

shears in TC: shear due to uplift [kN] 1.4872655

shear due to down [kN] 4.3367165

top chord effective lengths:

minor: [m] 0.3117691
major: [m] 0.81
total strength of TC:
compresion: [kN] 28.7
tension: [kN] 44.3
bending: [kNm] 0.31
buckling: [kNm] 0.31
shear: [kN] 14.17248

load cases for TC:

load case 1 - load downwards:
max. compresion: [kN] 14.711504
max. tension (always zero): [kN] 0
max.bending: [kNm] 0.1877853
max. shear: [kN] 4.3367165

load case 2 - load upwards:

max. compresion (always zero): [kN] 0
max. tension: [kN] 5.0452715
max.bending: [kNm] 0.0644005
max. shear: [kN] 1.4872655

design checks:
LC1-down LC2-up Max. CSI
bending: M/phiMs 0.6057591 0.2077435 0.6057591

buckling: M/phiMb 0.6057591 0.2077435 0.6057591

compresion: N/phiNc 0.512596 0 0.512596

tension: T/phiTc 0 0.1138887 0.1138887

comb. Bnd+Axl: N/phiNc+Cm.M/phiMb 1.0274912 0 1.0274912

comb. Bnd+T: T/phiTc+M/phiMb 0.6057591 0.1138887 0.6057591

comb. Bnd+shr: (M/phiMs)^2+(V/Vc)^2 0.4605774 0.0541698 0.4605774

forces in BC: compresion [kN] 5.0452715
tension [kN] 14.711504

diagonal angle: [rad] 1.0471976

panel length: [m] 0.3464102

moments in BC: bending+ (web in compresion) [kNm] 0.0644005

bending- (web in tension) [kNm] 0.1877853

shears in BC: shear due to uplift [kN] 1.4872655

shear due to down [kN] 4.3367165

bottom chord effective lengths:

minor: [m] 0.3117691
major: [m] 0.891

total strength of BC:

compresion: [kN] 28.7
tension: [kN] 44.3
bending: [kNm] 0.31
buckling: [kNm] 0.31
shear: [kN] 14.17248

load cases for BC:

load case 1 - load downwards:
max. compresion (always zero): [kN] 0
max. tension: [kN] 14.711504
max.bending: [kNm] 0.1877853
max. shear: [kN] 4.3367165

load case 2 - load upwards:

max. compresion: [kN] 5.0452715
max. tension (always zero): [kN] 0
max.bending: [kNm] 0.0644005
max. shear: [kN] 1.4872655

design checks:
LC1-down LC2-up Max. CSI
bending: M/phiMs 0.6057591 0.2077435 0.6057591

buckling: M/phiMb 0.6057591 0.2077435 0.6057591

compresion: N/phiNc 0 0.1757934 0.1757934

tension: T/phiTc 0.3320881 0 0.3320881

comb. Bnd+Axl: N/phiNc+CmM/phiMb 0.5148953 0.3523754 0.5148953

comb. Bnd+T: T/phiTc+M/phiMb 0.9378473 0.2077435 0.9378473

comb. Bnd+shr: (M/phiMs)^2+(V/Vc)^2 0.4605774 0.0541698 0.4605774

Forces in Diagonal:

Max. support reaction (down): [kN] 4.3367165

Max support reaction (uplift): [kN] 1.4872655
Max Support reaction: [kN] 4.3367165

Angle of diagonal to horizontal: [rad] 1.0471976

Max compresion in diagonal: [kN] 5.0076088

Effective lengths of diagonals: minor: [m] 0.3464102

major: [m] 0.3464102

Compressive capacities of diagonals: minor: [kN] 28.7

major: [kN] 28.7

Max CSI for diagonal: [-] 0.1744811

Load onto connection equal to force in diagonal: [kN] 5.0076088

connection capacities:

1r 2.268
2r 4.536
1r+1t 5.668

capacity of the connection: [kN] 11.336

connection CSI: [-] 0.4417439

deflection ratio for wind: [l/?] 200
deflection limit for wind (in no case more than 20mm): [mm] 18.95

deflection limit for SW (hardcoded as l/300 + no more than 15mm): [mm] 12.633333

deflection limit for imposed load/snow (hardcoded as l/200 + no more than 20mm): [mm] 18.95

summary of service loads:

c1 service line load - up [kN/m] 1.313665

c2 service load -down (wind) [kN/m] 1.5834002
c3 service load - down (sw) [kN/m] 1.0445993
c4 service load - down (imposed) [kN/m] 0.525

case Ixx d. max. d CSI

[cm^4] [mm] [mm] [-]
c1 641.07579 2.7525859 18.95 0.1888318
c2 641.07579 3.3177751 18.95 0.2276046
c3 641.07579 2.1887994 12.633333 0.2252327
c4 641.07579 1.1000579 18.95 0.0754657


Top Chord 1.0274912

Bottom Chord0.9378473
Diagonal 0.1744811
Connections 0.4417439
Deflection 0.2276046

Max.: 1.0274912

1 Licensor's undertakings and warranties:

1.1 SCS will make available all information on upgrades to and Enhancements of the Software to the Licensee.
1.2 SCS warrants that the Software, when used in the specified operating environment, will conform to its specifications.
The Software's specifications and specified operating environment can be found in the Documentation.
1.3 The warranty in clause 1.2 does not apply if:
a) the failure to comply is caused by the Licensee's failure to comply with this agreement; or
b) the Licensee is using the Software in a manner not reasonably contemplated by SCS.
1.4 SCS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Software or that SCS will correct all Software defects.
If the Software does not function as warranted the SCS will use all reasonable endeavours to correct the defect by way of
correction or fix to enable the Software to conform to its specification. If the correction or fix is required by a fault that
is not primarily caused by the Software but is primarily caused by equipment or software other than the Software,
SCS may charge a fee (based on a time and materials rate) calculated at SCS's standard rates as notified to the Licensee.
1.5 SCS does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, compliance or lawfulness of any design produced
by the Software. The Licensee will be responsible to ensure that any design produced by the Software complies with the
particular requirements of a project and complies with all building/engineering codes and/or compliance regimes and all laws,
rules and regulations applicable in the legal jurisdiction of any particular project (“Compliance”). The Licensee will be
responsible for obtaining independent engineering advice and certification to ensure that the designs produced
by the Software meets Compliance.
1.6 If the Software fails to comply with the warranties in this clause 1 the Licensee's remedy is limited to SCS repairing or replacing
the Software or providing a workaround that does not detrimentally affect core functionality.
1.7 The warranty in clause 1.6 is SCS's sole warranty and the Licensee's sole remedy and replaces all other warranties or conditions,
express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent
permitted by law.
Project Name: CASA M+D Project No: 0
Address: 0
Company: 0 Detailer: 0
Member reference: Lintel 3 - 4.73max

wall height: [mm] 2900

nog spacing: [mm] 1450
no of nogs: [no] 1
section: C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
single or back to back? single
wall position: external
stud - t/b plate connection: 1 rivet

lintel depth [mm] 300

brace pitch [deg] 60
connection [-] 1r+1t
plate thickness [mm] 0.55
plate material [-] G550
plate connection [-] rivets
no of studs [no] 3
tc doube plate? [-] TRUE
bc double plate? [-] TRUE


load combinations:
C1 - 1.35 x G
C2 - 1.2 x G + 1.5 x Q
C3 - 1.2 x G + Su + phi_c x Q
C4 - 1.2 x G + W_down + phi_c x Q
C5 - 0.9 x G + W_up

Axial load summary: axial load in typ. Stud for combinations 1 to 5

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
level type LW [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
1f roof 1500 1.25 1.81 1.45 2.03 -0.70

1.253676 1.814466 1.450421 2.034481 -0.69772

Bending summary:
bending due to eccentricity 0 0 0 0 0
bending due to face load 0 0 0 0.977028 0.977028
bending due to combined ecc. and face l. 0 0 0 0.635068 0.635068
governing 0 0 0 0.977028 0.977028

Effective lengths:
Minor: [mm] 1150
Major: [mm] 2300

Section capacities:

bending [kNm] 1.12
buckling [kNm] 0.972962
tension [kN] 44.3
compresion [kN] 21.04921
Ixx [cm^4] 20.18236

Back to back:
bending [kNm] 2.24
buckling [kNm] 2.176021
tension [kN] 88.6
compresion [kN] 52.46206
Ixx [cm^4] 40.36473

Connection capacity: [kN] 4.536

Single sections

Strength Checks:
0.85*M/phi*Mb+N/phi*Nc 0.059559 0.086201 0.068906 0.950205 0.869302 0.950205

M/phi*Mb 0 0 0 1.004179 1.004179 1.004179

face load (applied only to external walls): [kPa] 0.58806
allowable: calculated:
19.33333 11.92757 CSI 0.616944

max. downwards load: [kN] 2.034481
max. uplift: [kN] -0.69772

Connection CSI: [-] 0.448519

Max. CSI [-] 1.004179

mode of faliure: 5 [-] strength

Lintel lattice:


max. span [m] 4.73
forces in TC: compression [kN] 28.318854
tension [kN] 9.7118761

diagonal angle: [rad] 1.0471976

panel length: [m] 0.3464102

moments in TC: bending+ (TC web in compresion) [kNm] 0.2343601

bending- (TC web in tension) [kNm] 0.0803732

shears in TC: shear due to uplift [kN] 1.8561387

shear due to down [kN] 5.4123137

top chord effective lengths:

minor: [m] 0.3117691
major: [m] 0.81
total strength of TC:
compresion: [kN] 57.4
tension: [kN] 88.6
bending: [kNm] 0.62
buckling: [kNm] 0.62
shear: [kN] 28.34496

load cases for TC:

load case 1 - load downwards:
max. compresion: [kN] 28.318854
max. tension (always zero): [kN] 0
max.bending: [kNm] 0.2343601
max. shear: [kN] 5.4123137

load case 2 - load upwards:

max. compresion (always zero): [kN] 0
max. tension: [kN] 9.7118761
max.bending: [kNm] 0.0803732
max. shear: [kN] 1.8561387

design checks:
LC1-down LC2-up Max. CSI
bending: M/phiMs 0.3780001 0.1296341 0.3780001

buckling: M/phiMb 0.3780001 0.1296341 0.3780001

compresion: N/phiNc 0.4933598 0 0.4933598

tension: T/phiTc 0 0.1096149 0.1096149

comb. Bnd+Axl: N/phiNc+Cm.M/phiMb 0.8146599 0 0.8146599

comb. Bnd+T: T/phiTc+M/phiMb 0.3780001 0.1096149 0.3780001

comb. Bnd+shr: (M/phiMs)^2+(V/Vc)^2 0.1793439 0.0210932 0.1793439

forces in BC: compresion [kN] 9.7118761
tension [kN] 28.318854

diagonal angle: [rad] 1.0471976

panel length: [m] 0.3464102

moments in BC: bending+ (web in compresion) [kNm] 0.0803732

bending- (web in tension) [kNm] 0.2343601

shears in BC: shear due to uplift [kN] 1.8561387

shear due to down [kN] 5.4123137

bottom chord effective lengths:

minor: [m] 0.3117691
major: [m] 0.891

total strength of BC:

compresion: [kN] 71.75
tension: [kN] 110.75
bending: [kNm] 0.775
buckling: [kNm] 0.775
shear: [kN] 35.4312

load cases for BC:

load case 1 - load downwards:
max. compresion (always zero): [kN] 0
max. tension: [kN] 28.318854
max.bending: [kNm] 0.2343601
max. shear: [kN] 5.4123137

load case 2 - load upwards:

max. compresion: [kN] 9.7118761
max. tension (always zero): [kN] 0
max.bending: [kNm] 0.0803732
max. shear: [kN] 1.8561387

design checks:
LC1-down LC2-up Max. CSI
bending: M/phiMs 0.3024001 0.1037073 0.3024001

buckling: M/phiMb 0.3024001 0.1037073 0.3024001

compresion: N/phiNc 0 0.1353572 0.1353572

tension: T/phiTc 0.2557007 0 0.2557007

comb. Bnd+Axl: N/phiNc+CmM/phiMb 0.2570401 0.2235084 0.2570401

comb. Bnd+T: T/phiTc+M/phiMb 0.5581008 0.1037073 0.5581008

comb. Bnd+shr: (M/phiMs)^2+(V/Vc)^2 0.1147801 0.0134996 0.1147801

Forces in Diagonal:

Max. support reaction (down): [kN] 5.4123137

Max support reaction (uplift): [kN] 1.8561387
Max Support reaction: [kN] 5.4123137

Angle of diagonal to horizontal: [rad] 1.0471976

Max compresion in diagonal: [kN] 6.2496015

Effective lengths of diagonals: minor: [m] 0.3464102

major: [m] 0.3464102

Compressive capacities of diagonals: minor: [kN] 28.7

major: [kN] 28.7

Max CSI for diagonal: [-] 0.2177562

Load onto connection equal to force in diagonal: [kN] 6.2496015

connection capacities:

1r 2.268
2r 4.536
1r+1t 5.668

capacity of the connection: [kN] 11.336

connection CSI: [-] 0.5513057

deflection ratio for wind: [l/?] 200
deflection limit for wind (in no case more than 20mm): [mm] 20

deflection limit for SW (hardcoded as l/300 + no more than 15mm): [mm] 15

deflection limit for imposed load/snow (hardcoded as l/200 + no more than 20mm): [mm] 20

summary of service loads:

c1 service line load - up [kN/m] 1.313665

c2 service load -down (wind) [kN/m] 1.5834002
c3 service load - down (sw) [kN/m] 1.0445993
c4 service load - down (imposed) [kN/m] 0.525

case Ixx d. max. d CSI

[cm^4] [mm] [mm] [-]
c1 839.44049 5.0997405 20 0.3314831
c2 839.44049 6.1468715 20 0.3995466
c3 839.44049 4.0552082 15 0.3514514
c4 839.44049 2.0380871 20 0.1324757


Top Chord 0.8146599

Bottom Chord0.5581008
Diagonal 0.2177562
Connections 0.5513057
Deflection 0.3995466

Max.: 0.8146599

1 Licensor's undertakings and warranties:

1.1 SCS will make available all information on upgrades to and Enhancements of the Software to the Licensee.
1.2 SCS warrants that the Software, when used in the specified operating environment, will conform to its specifications.
The Software's specifications and specified operating environment can be found in the Documentation.
1.3 The warranty in clause 1.2 does not apply if:
a) the failure to comply is caused by the Licensee's failure to comply with this agreement; or
b) the Licensee is using the Software in a manner not reasonably contemplated by SCS.
1.4 SCS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Software or that SCS will correct all Software defects.
If the Software does not function as warranted the SCS will use all reasonable endeavours to correct the defect by way of
correction or fix to enable the Software to conform to its specification. If the correction or fix is required by a fault that
is not primarily caused by the Software but is primarily caused by equipment or software other than the Software,
SCS may charge a fee (based on a time and materials rate) calculated at SCS's standard rates as notified to the Licensee.
1.5 SCS does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, compliance or lawfulness of any design produced
by the Software. The Licensee will be responsible to ensure that any design produced by the Software complies with the
particular requirements of a project and complies with all building/engineering codes and/or compliance regimes and all laws,
rules and regulations applicable in the legal jurisdiction of any particular project (“Compliance”). The Licensee will be
responsible for obtaining independent engineering advice and certification to ensure that the designs produced
by the Software meets Compliance.
1.6 If the Software fails to comply with the warranties in this clause 1 the Licensee's remedy is limited to SCS repairing or replacing
the Software or providing a workaround that does not detrimentally affect core functionality.
1.7 The warranty in clause 1.6 is SCS's sole warranty and the Licensee's sole remedy and replaces all other warranties or conditions,
express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent
permitted by law.
Project Name: CASA M+D Project No: 0
Address: 0
Company: 0 Detailer: 0
Member reference: Lintel 4 Ventanal Pasillo

wall height: [mm] 2900

nog spacing: [mm] 1450
no of nogs: [no] 1
section: C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
single or back to back? single
wall position: external
stud - t/b plate connection: 1 rivet

lintel depth [mm] 300

brace pitch [deg] 60
connection [-] 1r
plate thickness [mm] 0.55
plate material [-] G550
plate connection [-] rivets
no of studs [no] 3
tc doube plate? [-] FALSE
bc double plate? [-] FALSE


load combinations:
C1 - 1.35 x G
C2 - 1.2 x G + 1.5 x Q
C3 - 1.2 x G + Su + phi_c x Q
C4 - 1.2 x G + W_down + phi_c x Q
C5 - 0.9 x G + W_up

Axial load summary: axial load in typ. Stud for combinations 1 to 5

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
level type LW [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
1f roof 650 0.54 0.79 0.63 0.88 -0.30

0.54326 0.786269 0.628516 0.881608 -0.30235

Bending summary:
bending due to eccentricity 0 0 0 0 0
bending due to face load 0 0 0 0.977028 0.977028
bending due to combined ecc. and face l. 0 0 0 0.635068 0.635068
governing 0 0 0 0.977028 0.977028

Effective lengths:
Minor: [mm] 1150
Major: [mm] 2300

Section capacities:

bending [kNm] 1.12
buckling [kNm] 0.972962
tension [kN] 44.3
compresion [kN] 21.04921
Ixx [cm^4] 20.18236

Back to back:
bending [kNm] 2.24
buckling [kNm] 2.176021
tension [kN] 88.6
compresion [kN] 52.46206
Ixx [cm^4] 40.36473

Connection capacity: [kN] 4.536

Single sections

Strength Checks:
0.85*M/phi*Mb+N/phi*Nc 0.025809 0.037354 0.029859 0.895435 0.860377 0.895435

M/phi*Mb 0 0 0 1.004179 1.004179 1.004179

face load (applied only to external walls): [kPa] 0.58806
allowable: calculated:
19.33333 11.92757 CSI 0.616944

max. downwards load: [kN] 0.881608
max. uplift: [kN] -0.30235

Connection CSI: [-] 0.194358

Max. CSI [-] 1.004179

mode of faliure: 5 [-] strength

Lintel lattice:


max. span [m] 4.73
forces in TC: compression [kN] 9.9294007
tension [kN] 3.4052617

diagonal angle: [rad] 1.0471976

panel length: [m] 0.3464102

moments in TC: bending+ (TC web in compresion) [kNm] 0.101556

bending- (TC web in tension) [kNm] 0.0348284

shears in TC: shear due to uplift [kN] 0.8043268

shear due to down [kN] 2.3453359

top chord effective lengths:

minor: [m] 0.3117691
major: [m] 0.81
total strength of TC:
compresion: [kN] 28.7
tension: [kN] 44.3
bending: [kNm] 0.31
buckling: [kNm] 0.31
shear: [kN] 14.17248

load cases for TC:

load case 1 - load downwards:
max. compresion: [kN] 9.9294007
max. tension (always zero): [kN] 0
max.bending: [kNm] 0.101556
max. shear: [kN] 2.3453359

load case 2 - load upwards:

max. compresion (always zero): [kN] 0
max. tension: [kN] 3.4052617
max.bending: [kNm] 0.0348284
max. shear: [kN] 0.8043268

design checks:
LC1-down LC2-up Max. CSI
bending: M/phiMs 0.3276001 0.1123496 0.3276001

buckling: M/phiMb 0.3276001 0.1123496 0.3276001

compresion: N/phiNc 0.3459721 0 0.3459721

tension: T/phiTc 0 0.0768682 0.0768682

comb. Bnd+Axl: N/phiNc+Cm.M/phiMb 0.6244322 0 0.6244322

comb. Bnd+T: T/phiTc+M/phiMb 0.3276001 0.0768682 0.3276001

comb. Bnd+shr: (M/phiMs)^2+(V/Vc)^2 0.1347072 0.0158433 0.1347072

forces in BC: compresion [kN] 3.4052617
tension [kN] 9.9294007

diagonal angle: [rad] 1.0471976

panel length: [m] 0.3464102

moments in BC: bending+ (web in compresion) [kNm] 0.0348284

bending- (web in tension) [kNm] 0.101556

shears in BC: shear due to uplift [kN] 0.8043268

shear due to down [kN] 2.3453359

bottom chord effective lengths:

minor: [m] 0.3117691
major: [m] 0.891

total strength of BC:

compresion: [kN] 28.7
tension: [kN] 44.3
bending: [kNm] 0.31
buckling: [kNm] 0.31
shear: [kN] 14.17248

load cases for BC:

load case 1 - load downwards:
max. compresion (always zero): [kN] 0
max. tension: [kN] 9.9294007
max.bending: [kNm] 0.101556
max. shear: [kN] 2.3453359

load case 2 - load upwards:

max. compresion: [kN] 3.4052617
max. tension (always zero): [kN] 0
max.bending: [kNm] 0.0348284
max. shear: [kN] 0.8043268

design checks:
LC1-down LC2-up Max. CSI
bending: M/phiMs 0.3276001 0.1123496 0.3276001

buckling: M/phiMb 0.3276001 0.1123496 0.3276001

compresion: N/phiNc 0 0.1186502 0.1186502

tension: T/phiTc 0.22414 0 0.22414

comb. Bnd+Axl: N/phiNc+CmM/phiMb 0.2784601 0.2141474 0.2784601

comb. Bnd+T: T/phiTc+M/phiMb 0.5517401 0.1123496 0.5517401

comb. Bnd+shr: (M/phiMs)^2+(V/Vc)^2 0.1347072 0.0158433 0.1347072

Forces in Diagonal:

Max. support reaction (down): [kN] 2.3453359

Max support reaction (uplift): [kN] 0.8043268
Max Support reaction: [kN] 2.3453359

Angle of diagonal to horizontal: [rad] 1.0471976

Max compresion in diagonal: [kN] 2.7081607

Effective lengths of diagonals: minor: [m] 0.3464102

major: [m] 0.3464102

Compressive capacities of diagonals: minor: [kN] 28.7

major: [kN] 28.7

Max CSI for diagonal: [-] 0.094361

Load onto connection equal to force in diagonal: [kN] 2.7081607

connection capacities:

1r 2.268
2r 4.536
1r+1t 5.668

capacity of the connection: [kN] 4.536

connection CSI: [-] 0.5970372

deflection ratio for wind: [l/?] 200
deflection limit for wind (in no case more than 20mm): [mm] 20

deflection limit for SW (hardcoded as l/300 + no more than 15mm): [mm] 15

deflection limit for imposed load/snow (hardcoded as l/200 + no more than 20mm): [mm] 20

summary of service loads:

c1 service line load - up [kN/m] 0.5692548

c2 service load -down (wind) [kN/m] 0.6861401
c3 service load - down (sw) [kN/m] 0.4526597
c4 service load - down (imposed) [kN/m] 0.2275

case Ixx d. max. d CSI

[cm^4] [mm] [mm] [-]
c1 641.07579 2.8936814 20 0.1880893
c2 641.07579 3.4878417 20 0.2267097
c3 641.07579 2.3009956 15 0.1994196
c4 641.07579 1.156446 20 0.075169


Top Chord 0.6244322

Bottom Chord0.5517401
Diagonal 0.094361
Connections 0.5970372
Deflection 0.2267097

Max.: 0.6244322

1 Licensor's undertakings and warranties:

1.1 SCS will make available all information on upgrades to and Enhancements of the Software to the Licensee.
1.2 SCS warrants that the Software, when used in the specified operating environment, will conform to its specifications.
The Software's specifications and specified operating environment can be found in the Documentation.
1.3 The warranty in clause 1.2 does not apply if:
a) the failure to comply is caused by the Licensee's failure to comply with this agreement; or
b) the Licensee is using the Software in a manner not reasonably contemplated by SCS.
1.4 SCS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Software or that SCS will correct all Software defects.
If the Software does not function as warranted the SCS will use all reasonable endeavours to correct the defect by way of
correction or fix to enable the Software to conform to its specification. If the correction or fix is required by a fault that
is not primarily caused by the Software but is primarily caused by equipment or software other than the Software,
SCS may charge a fee (based on a time and materials rate) calculated at SCS's standard rates as notified to the Licensee.
1.5 SCS does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, compliance or lawfulness of any design produced
by the Software. The Licensee will be responsible to ensure that any design produced by the Software complies with the
particular requirements of a project and complies with all building/engineering codes and/or compliance regimes and all laws,
rules and regulations applicable in the legal jurisdiction of any particular project (“Compliance”). The Licensee will be
responsible for obtaining independent engineering advice and certification to ensure that the designs produced
by the Software meets Compliance.
1.6 If the Software fails to comply with the warranties in this clause 1 the Licensee's remedy is limited to SCS repairing or replacing
the Software or providing a workaround that does not detrimentally affect core functionality.
1.7 The warranty in clause 1.6 is SCS's sole warranty and the Licensee's sole remedy and replaces all other warranties or conditions,
express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent
permitted by law.
Project Name: CASA M+D Project No: 0
Address: 0
Company: 0 Detailer: 0
Member reference: Wall 1

wall height: [mm] 4883

nog spacing: [mm] 1628
no of nogs: [no] 2
section: C90_37-0.95BMT-G550
single or back to back? single
wall position: internal
stud - t/b plate connection: 1 rivet
wall lining: 1 side (direct fix to frame)
spacing of lining fixings: [mm] 0
assumed eccentricity of gravity loads: [mm] 0
stud spacing: [mm] 407
considered level [-] 1f

load combinations:
C1 - 1.35 x G
C2 - 1.2 x G + 1.5 x Q
C3 - 1.2 x G + Su + phi_c x Q
C4 - 1.2 x G + W_down + phi_c x Q
C5 - 0.9 x G + W_up

Axial load summary: axial load in typ. Stud for combinations 1 to 5

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
level type LW [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
1f roof 3600 1.914085 2.470639 2.070639 2.712383 -0.4089

1.914085 2.470639 2.070639 2.712383 -0.4089

Bending summary:
bending due to eccentricity 0 0 0 0 0
bending due to face load 0 0 0 0.422723 0.422723
bending due to combined ecc. and face l. 0 0 0 0.27477 0.27477
governing 0 0 0 0.422723 0.422723

Effective lengths:
Minor: [mm] 1300
Major: [mm] 3900

Section capacities:

bending [kNm] 1.495462
buckling [kNm] 0.994248
tension [kN] 58
compresion [kN] 17.51689
Ixx [cm^4] 20.18236

Back to back:
bending [kNm] 2.990924
buckling [kNm] 2.719205
tension [kN] 116
compresion [kN] 35.03433
Ixx [cm^4] 40.36473

Connection capacity: [kN] 4.536

Single sections

Strength Checks:
0.85*M/phi*Mb+N/phi*Nc 0.109271 0.141043 0.118208 0.516237 0.368443 0.516237

M/phi*Mb 0 0 0 0.425168 0.425168 0.425168

face load (applied only to external walls): [kPa] 0.58806
allowable: calculated:
32.55333 0 CSI 0

max. downwards load: [kN] 2.712383
max. uplift: [kN] -0.4089

Connection CSI: [-] 0.597968

Max. CSI [-] 0.597968

mode of faliure: 5 [-] connection

1 Licensor's undertakings and warranties:

1.1 SCS will make available all information on upgrades to and Enhancements of the Software to the Licensee.
1.2 SCS warrants that the Software, when used in the specified operating environment, will conform to its specifications.
The Software's specifications and specified operating environment can be found in the Documentation.
1.3 The warranty in clause 1.2 does not apply if:
a) the failure to comply is caused by the Licensee's failure to comply with this agreement; or
b) the Licensee is using the Software in a manner not reasonably contemplated by SCS.
1.4 SCS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Software or that SCS will correct all Software defects.
If the Software does not function as warranted the SCS will use all reasonable endeavours to correct the defect by way of
correction or fix to enable the Software to conform to its specification. If the correction or fix is required by a fault that
is not primarily caused by the Software but is primarily caused by equipment or software other than the Software,
SCS may charge a fee (based on a time and materials rate) calculated at SCS's standard rates as notified to the Licensee.
1.5 SCS does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, compliance or lawfulness of any design produced
by the Software. The Licensee will be responsible to ensure that any design produced by the Software complies with the
particular requirements of a project and complies with all building/engineering codes and/or compliance regimes and all laws,
rules and regulations applicable in the legal jurisdiction of any particular project (“Compliance”). The Licensee will be
responsible for obtaining independent engineering advice and certification to ensure that the designs produced
by the Software meets Compliance.
1.6 If the Software fails to comply with the warranties in this clause 1 the Licensee's remedy is limited to SCS repairing or replacing
the Software or providing a workaround that does not detrimentally affect core functionality.
1.7 The warranty in clause 1.6 is SCS's sole warranty and the Licensee's sole remedy and replaces all other warranties or conditions,
express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent
permitted by law.
Project Name: CASA M+D Project No: 0
Address: 0
Company: 0 Detailer: 0
Member reference: Wall 1-External

wall height: [mm] 2900

nog spacing: [mm] 1450
no of nogs: [no] 1
section: C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
single or back to back? single
wall position: external
stud - t/b plate connection: 1 rivet
wall lining: 1 side (direct fix to frame)
spacing of lining fixings: [mm] 0
assumed eccentricity of gravity loads: [mm] 0
stud spacing: [mm] 407
considered level [-] 1f

load combinations:
C1 - 1.35 x G
C2 - 1.2 x G + 1.5 x Q
C3 - 1.2 x G + Su + phi_c x Q
C4 - 1.2 x G + W_down + phi_c x Q
C5 - 0.9 x G + W_up

Axial load summary: axial load in typ. Stud for combinations 1 to 5

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
level type LW [mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
1f roof 2500 1.275273 1.667763 1.389986 1.835641 -0.31993

1.275273 1.667763 1.389986 1.835641 -0.31993

Bending summary:
bending due to eccentricity 0 0 0 0 0
bending due to face load 0 0 0 0.447301 0.447301
bending due to combined ecc. and face l. 0 0 0 0.290745 0.290745
governing 0 0 0 0.447301 0.447301

Effective lengths:
Minor: [mm] 1150
Major: [mm] 2300

Section capacities:

bending [kNm] 1.12
buckling [kNm] 0.972962
tension [kN] 44.3
compresion [kN] 21.04921
Ixx [cm^4] 20.18236

Back to back:
bending [kNm] 2.24
buckling [kNm] 2.176021
tension [kN] 88.6
compresion [kN] 52.46206
Ixx [cm^4] 40.36473

Connection capacity: [kN] 4.536

Single sections

Strength Checks:
0.85*M/phi*Mb+N/phi*Nc 0.060585 0.079232 0.066035 0.477978 0.397993 0.477978

M/phi*Mb 0 0 0 0.459731 0.459731 0.459731

face load (applied only to external walls): [kPa] 0.58806
allowable: calculated:
19.33333 5.460656 CSI 0.282448

max. downwards load: [kN] 1.835641
max. uplift: [kN] -0.31993

Connection CSI: [-] 0.404683

Max. CSI [-] 0.477978

mode of faliure: 5 [-] strength

1 Licensor's undertakings and warranties:

1.1 SCS will make available all information on upgrades to and Enhancements of the Software to the Licensee.
1.2 SCS warrants that the Software, when used in the specified operating environment, will conform to its specifications.
The Software's specifications and specified operating environment can be found in the Documentation.
1.3 The warranty in clause 1.2 does not apply if:
a) the failure to comply is caused by the Licensee's failure to comply with this agreement; or
b) the Licensee is using the Software in a manner not reasonably contemplated by SCS.
1.4 SCS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Software or that SCS will correct all Software defects.
If the Software does not function as warranted the SCS will use all reasonable endeavours to correct the defect by way of
correction or fix to enable the Software to conform to its specification. If the correction or fix is required by a fault that
is not primarily caused by the Software but is primarily caused by equipment or software other than the Software,
SCS may charge a fee (based on a time and materials rate) calculated at SCS's standard rates as notified to the Licensee.
1.5 SCS does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, compliance or lawfulness of any design produced
by the Software. The Licensee will be responsible to ensure that any design produced by the Software complies with the
particular requirements of a project and complies with all building/engineering codes and/or compliance regimes and all laws,
rules and regulations applicable in the legal jurisdiction of any particular project (“Compliance”). The Licensee will be
responsible for obtaining independent engineering advice and certification to ensure that the designs produced
by the Software meets Compliance.
1.6 If the Software fails to comply with the warranties in this clause 1 the Licensee's remedy is limited to SCS repairing or replacing
the Software or providing a workaround that does not detrimentally affect core functionality.
1.7 The warranty in clause 1.6 is SCS's sole warranty and the Licensee's sole remedy and replaces all other warranties or conditions,
express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent
permitted by law.
Project Name: CASA M+D Project No: 0
Address: 0
Company: 0 Detailer: 0
Member reference: Canopy

section type: C90_37-0.95BMT-G350

rafter spacing: 407
max. nog/batten spacing: 1800
support width 10
roof or canopy: roof
supports lining: no
nogs or end plate over support: yes
skilion roof ? no
span: 1.1 m

roof panels, cantilever, single sections

simple load cases:

C1 wind uplift service: [kPa] 0.65
C2 wind uplift ultimate: [kPa] 1.15
C3 wind presure service: [kPa] 0.39
C4 wind presure ultimate: [kPa] 0.69
C5 roof dead load: [kPa] 0.35
C6 roof imposed load: [kPa] 0.28
C7 roof snow load service: [kPa] 0.23
C8 roof snow load ultimate: [kPa] 0.23
C9 ceiling dead load [kPa] 0.30
C10 ceiling live load [kPa] 0.00
C11 roof point load [kN] 0.45

roof imposed load multiplyer: [-] 1.00

flexural rigidity of roof rafter, kb [kNm] 30.33
flexural rigidity of crossing members, kc [kNm] 3.50
number of crossing members, nc [no] 1.10
load distribution factor for partial area loads [-] 0.88
load distribution factor for point loads [-] 0.41

load combinations for serviceability limit state:

S1 wind uplift: [kPa] 0.65
S2 wind downwards: [kPa] 0.39
S3 G [kPa] 0.35
S4 Q [kPa] 0.28
S5 S [kPa] 0.23

deflection limits:
[l/?] [mm]
S1 150 50
S2 150 50
S3 200 20
S4 180 30
S5 200 50
governing service load [kPa] 0.65
relevant relative deflection limit [l/??] 150.00

governing service load [kPa] 0.35

relevant fixed deflection limit [l/??] 20.00

load combinations for ultimate limit state:

1.35G: [kPa] 0.47
1.2G+1.5Q: [kPa] 0.84
1.2G+wind down: [kPa] 1.11
0.9G+wind up: [kPa] 0.83
1.2G+S [kPa] 0.65

governing down: [kPa] 1.11

governing up: [kPa] 0.83
governing: [kPa] 1.11

span [m] 1.10

max. nog spacing [m] 1.80
rafter spacing [m] 0.41


Ultimate moment (due to UDL) [kNm] 0.27

Ultimate moment (due to point load) [kNm] 0.84

Lateral Torsional Buckling Effective Length [m] 1.44

Buckling resistance: [kNm] 0.83

Bending/Buckling CSI [-] 1.02


Ultimate Shear (due to UDL) [kN] 0.50

Ultimate Shear (due to point load) [kN] 0.86

Shear capacity of the section [kN] 8.29

Shear CSI [-] 0.10

Bearing width: [m] 0.01

Line of nogs present over support: [y/n] yes

Contribution of line of nogs to strength of support: [kN] 2.07

Strength of support (including any contribution of nogs): [kN] 7.40

Ultimate load on support [kN] 0.64

Bearing CSI 0.09

DEFLECTION (relative limit):

Deflection limit: [l/?] 150.00

Moment under service load [kNm] 0.16

Effective second moment of area [cm4] 20.18

Governing service load: [kPa] 0.65

Deflection [mm] 1.19

Deflection limit [mm] 7.33

Deflection CSI [-] 0.16

DEFLECTION (fixed limit):

Deflection limit: [mm] 20.00

Moment under service load [kNm] 0.09

Effective second moment of area [cm4] 20.18

Governing service load: [kPa] 0.35

Deflection [mm] 0.65

Deflection CSI [-] 0.03


Bending / Buckling [-] 1.02

Shear [-] 0.10
Bearing [-] 0.09
Deflection [-] 0.16

Max. CSI [-] 1.02

created by version: 140901R_d2587

date 28-11-yyyy

1 Licensor's undertakings and warranties:

1.1 SCS will make available all information on upgrades to and Enhancements of the Software to the Licensee.
1.2 SCS warrants that the Software, when used in the specified operating environment, will conform to its specifications.
The Software's specifications and specified operating environment can be found in the Documentation.
1.3 The warranty in clause 1.2 does not apply if:
a) the failure to comply is caused by the Licensee's failure to comply with this agreement; or
b) the Licensee is using the Software in a manner not reasonably contemplated by SCS.
1.4 SCS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Software or that SCS will correct all Software defects.
If the Software does not function as warranted the SCS will use all reasonable endeavours to correct the defect by way of
correction or fix to enable the Software to conform to its specification. If the correction or fix is required by a fault that
is not primarily caused by the Software but is primarily caused by equipment or software other than the Software,
SCS may charge a fee (based on a time and materials rate) calculated at SCS's standard rates as notified to the Licensee.
1.5 SCS does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, compliance or lawfulness of any design produced
by the Software. The Licensee will be responsible to ensure that any design produced by the Software complies with the
particular requirements of a project and complies with all building/engineering codes and/or compliance regimes and all laws,
rules and regulations applicable in the legal jurisdiction of any particular project (“Compliance”). The Licensee will be
responsible for obtaining independent engineering advice and certification to ensure that the designs produced
by the Software meets Compliance.
1.6 If the Software fails to comply with the warranties in this clause 1 the Licensee's remedy is limited to SCS repairing or replacing
the Software or providing a workaround that does not detrimentally affect core functionality.
1.7 The warranty in clause 1.6 is SCS's sole warranty and the Licensee's sole remedy and replaces all other warranties or conditions,
express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent
permitted by law.
Project Name: CASA M+D Project No: 0
Address: 0
Company: 0 Detailer: 0
Member reference: Canopy

section type: C90_37-0.95BMT-G350

rafter spacing: 407
max. nog/batten spacing: 1800
support width 10
roof or canopy: roof
supports lining: no
nogs or end plate over support: yes
skilion roof ? no
span: 5.3 m

roof panels, span, btb sections

simple load cases:

C1 wind uplift service: [kPa] 0.65
C2 wind uplift ultimate: [kPa] 1.15
C3 wind presure service: [kPa] 0.39
C4 wind presure ultimate: [kPa] 0.69
C5 roof dead load: [kPa] 0.35
C6 roof imposed load: [kPa] 0.25
C7 roof snow load service: [kPa] 0.23
C8 roof snow load ultimate: [kPa] 0.23
C9 ceiling dead load [kPa] 0.30
C10 ceiling live load [kPa] 0.00
C11 roof point load [kN] 0.45

roof imposed load multiplyer: [-] 1.00

flexural rigidity of roof rafter, kb [kNm] 0.54
flexural rigidity of crossing members, kc [kNm] 3.50
number of crossing members, nc [no] 5.30
load distribution factor for partial area loads [-] 0.52
load distribution factor for point loads [-] 0.41

load combinations for serviceability limit state:

S1 wind uplift: [kPa] 0.65
S2 wind downwards: [kPa] 0.39
S3 G [kPa] 0.35
S4 Q [kPa] 0.25
S5 S [kPa] 0.23

deflection limits:
[l/?] [mm]
S1 150 50
S2 150 50
S3 300 20
S4 200 30
S5 200 50
governing service load [kPa] 0.35
relevant relative deflection limit [l/??] 300.00

governing service load [kPa] 0.35

relevant fixed deflection limit [l/??] 20.00

load combinations for ultimate limit state:

1.35G: [kPa] 0.47
1.2G+1.5Q: [kPa] 0.80
1.2G+wind down: [kPa] 1.11
0.9G+wind up: [kPa] 0.83
1.2G+S [kPa] 0.65

governing down: [kPa] 1.11

governing up: [kPa] 0.83
governing: [kPa] 1.11

span [m] 5.30

max. nog spacing [m] 1.80
rafter spacing [m] 0.41


Ultimate moment (due to UDL) [kNm] 1.59

Ultimate moment (due to point load) [kNm] 1.32

Lateral Torsional Buckling Effective Length [m] 1.44

Buckling resistance: [kNm] 2.02

Bending/Buckling CSI [-] 0.79


Ultimate Shear (due to UDL) [kN] 1.20

Ultimate Shear (due to point load) [kN] 1.12

Shear capacity of the section [kN] 16.57

Shear CSI [-] 0.07

Bearing width for support [m] 0.01

Line of nogs present over external support: [y/n] yes

Contribution of line of nogs to bearing strength of external support: [kN] 4.14

Bearing strength of edge support (including any contribution of nogs): [kN] 14.81

Ultimate load on edge support: [kN] 1.20

Bearing CSI 0.08

DEFLECTION (relative limit):

Deflection limit: [l/?] 300.00

Moment under service load [kNm] 0.50

Effective second moment of area [cm4] 40.36

Governing service load: [kPa] 0.35

Deflection [mm] 18.13

Deflection limit [mm] 17.67

Deflection CSI [-] 1.03

DEFLECTION (fixed limit):

Deflection limit: [mm] 20.00

Moment under service load [kNm] 0.50

Effective second moment of area [cm4] 40.36

Governing service load: [kPa] 0.35

Deflection [mm] 18.13

Deflection CSI [-] 0.91


Heavy connection required for uplift greater than: [kN] 3.00

Max uplift: [kN] 0.90

Heavy connection required? [y/n] n


Bending / Buckling [-] 0.79

Shear [-] 0.07
Bearing [-] 0.08
Deflection [-] 1.03

Max. CSI [-] 1.03

created by version: 140901R_d2587

date 28-11-yyyy

1 Licensor's undertakings and warranties:

1.1 SCS will make available all information on upgrades to and Enhancements of the Software to the Licensee.
1.2 SCS warrants that the Software, when used in the specified operating environment, will conform to its specifications.
The Software's specifications and specified operating environment can be found in the Documentation.
1.3 The warranty in clause 1.2 does not apply if:
a) the failure to comply is caused by the Licensee's failure to comply with this agreement; or
b) the Licensee is using the Software in a manner not reasonably contemplated by SCS.
1.4 SCS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Software or that SCS will correct all Software defects.
If the Software does not function as warranted the SCS will use all reasonable endeavours to correct the defect by way of
correction or fix to enable the Software to conform to its specification. If the correction or fix is required by a fault that
is not primarily caused by the Software but is primarily caused by equipment or software other than the Software,
SCS may charge a fee (based on a time and materials rate) calculated at SCS's standard rates as notified to the Licensee.
1.5 SCS does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, compliance or lawfulness of any design produced
by the Software. The Licensee will be responsible to ensure that any design produced by the Software complies with the
particular requirements of a project and complies with all building/engineering codes and/or compliance regimes and all laws,
rules and regulations applicable in the legal jurisdiction of any particular project (“Compliance”). The Licensee will be
responsible for obtaining independent engineering advice and certification to ensure that the designs produced
by the Software meets Compliance.
1.6 If the Software fails to comply with the warranties in this clause 1 the Licensee's remedy is limited to SCS repairing or replacing
the Software or providing a workaround that does not detrimentally affect core functionality.
1.7 The warranty in clause 1.6 is SCS's sole warranty and the Licensee's sole remedy and replaces all other warranties or conditions,
express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent
permitted by law.
Project Name: CASA M+D Project No: 0
Address: 0
Company: 0 Detailer: 0
Member reference: Canopy

section type: C90_37-0.95BMT-G350

rafter spacing: 407
max. nog/batten spacing: 1800
support width 10
roof or canopy: roof
supports lining: no
nogs or end plate over support: yes
skilion roof ? no
span: 3.85 m

roof panels, span, single sections

simple load cases:

C1 wind uplift service: [kPa] 0.65
C2 wind uplift ultimate: [kPa] 1.15
C3 wind presure service: [kPa] 0.39
C4 wind presure ultimate: [kPa] 0.69
C5 roof dead load: [kPa] 0.35
C6 roof imposed load: [kPa] 0.25
C7 roof snow load service: [kPa] 0.23
C8 roof snow load ultimate: [kPa] 0.23
C9 ceiling dead load [kPa] 0.30
C10 ceiling live load [kPa] 0.00
C11 roof point load [kN] 0.41

roof imposed load multiplyer: [-] 1.00

flexural rigidity of roof rafter, kb [kNm] 0.71
flexural rigidity of crossing members, kc [kNm] 3.50
number of crossing members, nc [no] 3.85
load distribution factor for partial area loads [-] 0.56
load distribution factor for point loads [-] 0.41

load combinations for serviceability limit state:

S1 wind uplift: [kPa] 0.65
S2 wind downwards: [kPa] 0.39
S3 G [kPa] 0.35
S4 Q [kPa] 0.25
S5 S [kPa] 0.23

deflection limits:
[l/?] [mm]
S1 150 50
S2 150 50
S3 300 20
S4 200 30
S5 200 50
governing service load [kPa] 0.35
relevant relative deflection limit [l/??] 300.00

governing service load [kPa] 0.35

relevant fixed deflection limit [mm] 20.00

load combinations for ultimate limit state:

1.35G: [kPa] 0.47
1.2G+1.5Q: [kPa] 0.80
1.2G+wind down: [kPa] 1.11
0.9G+wind up: [kPa] 0.83
1.2G+S [kPa] 0.65

governing down: [kPa] 1.11

governing up: [kPa] 0.83
governing: [kPa] 1.11

span [m] 3.85

max. nog spacing [m] 1.80
rafter spacing [m] 0.41


Ultimate moment (due to UDL) [kNm] 0.84

Ultimate moment (due to point load) [kNm] 0.75

Lateral Torsional Buckling Effective Length [m] 1.44

Buckling resistance: [kNm] 0.83

Bending/Buckling CSI [-] 1.01


Ultimate Shear (due to UDL) [kN] 0.87

Ultimate Shear (due to point load) [kN] 0.94

Shear capacity of the section [kN] 8.29

Shear CSI [-] 0.11

Bearing width for edge support [m] 0.01

Line of nogs present over external support: [y/n] yes

Contribution of line of nogs to bearing strength of external support: [kN] 2.07

Bearing strength of edge support (including any contribution of nogs): [kN] 7.40

Ultimate load on edge support: [kN] 0.94

Bearing CSI 0.13

DEFLECTION (relative limit):

Deflection limit: [l/?] 300.00

Moment under service load [kNm] 0.26

Effective second moment of area [cm4] 20.18

Governing service load: [kPa] 0.35

Deflection [mm] 10.10

Deflection limit [mm] 12.83

Deflection CSI [-] 0.79

DEFLECTION (fixed limit):

Deflection limit: [mm] 20.00

Moment under service load [kNm] 0.26

Effective second moment of area [cm4] 20.18

Governing service load: [kPa] 0.35

Deflection [mm] 10.10

Deflection CSI [-] 0.50


Heavy connection required for uplift greater than: [kN] 3.00

Max uplift: [kN] 0.65

Heavy connection required? [y/n] n


Bending / Buckling [-] 1.01

Shear [-] 0.11
Bearing [-] 0.13
Deflection [-] 0.79

Max. CSI [-] 1.01

created by version: 140901R_d2587

date 28-11-yyyy

1 Licensor's undertakings and warranties:

1.1 SCS will make available all information on upgrades to and Enhancements of the Software to the Licensee.
1.2 SCS warrants that the Software, when used in the specified operating environment, will conform to its specifications.
The Software's specifications and specified operating environment can be found in the Documentation.
1.3 The warranty in clause 1.2 does not apply if:
a) the failure to comply is caused by the Licensee's failure to comply with this agreement; or
b) the Licensee is using the Software in a manner not reasonably contemplated by SCS.
1.4 SCS does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Software or that SCS will correct all Software defects.
If the Software does not function as warranted the SCS will use all reasonable endeavours to correct the defect by way of
correction or fix to enable the Software to conform to its specification. If the correction or fix is required by a fault that
is not primarily caused by the Software but is primarily caused by equipment or software other than the Software,
SCS may charge a fee (based on a time and materials rate) calculated at SCS's standard rates as notified to the Licensee.
1.5 SCS does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, compliance or lawfulness of any design produced
by the Software. The Licensee will be responsible to ensure that any design produced by the Software complies with the
particular requirements of a project and complies with all building/engineering codes and/or compliance regimes and all laws,
rules and regulations applicable in the legal jurisdiction of any particular project (“Compliance”). The Licensee will be
responsible for obtaining independent engineering advice and certification to ensure that the designs produced
by the Software meets Compliance.
1.6 If the Software fails to comply with the warranties in this clause 1 the Licensee's remedy is limited to SCS repairing or replacing
the Software or providing a workaround that does not detrimentally affect core functionality.
1.7 The warranty in clause 1.6 is SCS's sole warranty and the Licensee's sole remedy and replaces all other warranties or conditions,
express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent
permitted by law.
ANEXO 4 - DISEÑO DE CERCHAS Truss T5 (2 ply)

Environment Truss T5 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.035 0.015 0.438 0.472 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.054 0.020 0.438 0.487 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.133 0.059 0.279 0.393 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.169 0.063 0.255 0.373 OK
5-6 0.203 0.090 0.203 0.378 OK
Importance Level 2
19/20/21/22/23 6-7 0.251 0.093 0.283 0.451 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500 166
9 - 7-8 0.258 0.113 0.182 0.403 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150 24/25 24°
17/18 8-9 0.313 0.116 0.291 0.505 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.294 0.129 0.153 0.405 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 15/16 26/27 10 - 11 0.354 0.130 0.298 0.541 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.313 0.136 0.127 0.394 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 13/14 28/29 12 - 13 0.374 0.137 0.302 0.558 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 30 13 - 14 0.314 0.135 0.107 0.365 OK
9 24° 50/51/52/53 14 - 15 0.372 0.134 0.295 0.551 OK
11/12 48/49 54
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.298 0.126 0.141 0.388 OK
46/47 16 - 17 0.351 0.125 0.213 0.456 OK
9/10 55/56 17 - 18 0.275 0.114 0.187 0.430 OK
18 - 19 0.312 0.108 0.537 0.795 OK
44/45 57/58
Load Summary 7/8 19 - 20 0.236 0.092 0.538 0.773 OK
BC 20 - 21 0.208 0.086 0.422 0.630 OK
166 59/60
Load Value 5/6 42/43 9 - 21 - 22 0.199 0.081 0.441 0.640 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1089.744 24 .01 22 - 23 0.283 0.113 0.455 0.738 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350
° 23 - 24 0.256 0.087 0.333 0.514 OK
3/4 40/41
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.204 0.084 0.234 0.409 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.179 0.062 0.283 0.413 OK
1/2 38/39 26 - 27 0.151 0.062 0.226 0.356 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
27 - 28 0.095 0.033 0.277 0.360 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 24°
4 669 28 - 29 0.080 0.033 0.278 0.358 OK
Heel 434 BC Heel 434 29 - 30 0.004 0.006 0.264 0.260 OK
Truss Summary 34/35
Bottom Chord
31 - 32 0.039 0.021 0.179 0.176 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.038 0.026 0.248 0.237 OK
32/33 33 - 34 0.107 0.084 0.301 0.259 OK
Level 1
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 31 34 - 35 0.093 0.091 0.182 0.256 OK
Width (m) 5.79 35 - 36 0.153 0.138 0.160 0.248 OK
Height (m) 2.35 36 - 37 0.131 0.143 0.132 0.254 OK
37 - 38 0.188 0.183 0.155 0.260 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1089.744
38 - 39 0.159 0.187 0.106 0.264 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.210 0.214 0.111 0.259 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
40 - 41 0.176 0.217 0.077 0.255 OK
BC Span (m) 5.79 41 - 42 0.219 0.232 0.086 0.255 OK
Steel (2 ply) (m) 52.35 42 - 43 0.182 0.233 0.054 0.242 OK
Weight (2 ply) (kg) 73.03 43 - 44 0.214 0.237 0.083 0.265 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 4.364 (Node: 13 - SLS-024) 44 - 45 0.177 0.236 0.087 0.265 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -3.555 (Node: 14 - SLS-001) 45 - 46 0.198 0.229 0.053 0.236 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.795 Reaction @ Node 60 Reaction @ Node 31 46 - 47 0.163 0.227 0.114 0.301 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.773 47 - 48 0.177 0.215 0.355 0.384 OK
Max. Ult 5.027 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 5.027 (ULS-002)
Status Pass 48 - 49 0.139 0.205 0.293 0.375 OK
Min. Ult -2.568 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.936 (ULS-044)
49 - 50 0.140 0.188 0.280 0.412 OK
50 - 51 0.108 0.168 0.280 0.386 OK
Node Deflections Summary 51 - 52 0.085 0.324 0.621 0.710 OK
52 - 53 0.152 0.201 0.621 0.773 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 53 - 54 0.094 0.147 0.168 0.214 OK
Dead 44 -3.546 12.000 0.296 SLS-001 54 - 55 0.108 0.138 0.172 0.196 OK
Live 14 -2.503 23.160 0.108 SLS-002 55 - 56 0.062 0.094 0.194 0.264 OK
Wind 13 4.364 38.600 0.113 SLS-024 56 - 57 0.075 0.094 0.202 0.264 OK
57 - 58 0.025 0.038 0.232 0.252 OK
58 - 59 0.031 0.038 0.455 0.418 OK
Member Deflections Summary 59 - 60 0.035 0.013 0.375 0.410 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
31 - 1 0.103 0.036 0.013 0.104 OK
Dead 42 -4.038 12.000 0.337 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 60 - 30 0.009 0.008 0.001 0.009 OK
Live 2 0.616 2.358 0.261 SLS-002 2 - 32 0.056 0.067 0.007 0.067 OK
Live Point 18 0.241 2.138 0.113 SLS-044 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
1 (18.500, -18.494) -0.015 (SLS-001) -0.010 (SLS-002) -0.007 (SLS-029) -0.006 (SLS-003) 0.018 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (1276.637, 144.918) -2.260 (SLS-001) -1.591 (SLS-002) -0.849 (SLS-037) -0.878 (SLS-003) 2.822 (SLS-024) 2R
33 - 3 0.151 0.054 0.018 0.156 OK
Wind 12 -4.968 38.600 0.129 SLS-024 2 (69.648, 4.278) -0.191 (SLS-001) -0.137 (SLS-002) -0.108 (SLS-028) -0.076 (SLS-003) 0.241 (SLS-024) 2R 38 (1711.227, 338.410) -2.804 (SLS-001) -1.974 (SLS-002) -1.069 (SLS-037) -1.089 (SLS-003) 3.489 (SLS-024) 2R 4 - 34 0.042 0.053 0.005 0.053 OK
3 (500.456, 196.086) -0.994 (SLS-001) -0.702 (SLS-002) -0.357 (SLS-037) -0.387 (SLS-003) 1.252 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 39 (1760.931, 360.540) -2.868 (SLS-001) -2.019 (SLS-002) -1.098 (SLS-037) -1.114 (SLS-003) 3.565 (SLS-024) 2R 35 - 5 0.108 0.037 0.013 0.111 OK
4 (550.024, 218.156) -1.092 (SLS-001) -0.770 (SLS-002) -0.394 (SLS-037) -0.425 (SLS-003) 1.372 (SLS-024) 2R 40 (2195.520, 554.031) -3.254 (SLS-001) -2.290 (SLS-002) -1.262 (SLS-037) -1.264 (SLS-003) 4.029 (SLS-024) 2R
6 - 36 0.030 0.041 0.004 0.041 OK
5 (984.747, 411.707) -1.810 (SLS-001) -1.275 (SLS-002) -0.670 (SLS-037) -0.704 (SLS-003) 2.268 (SLS-024) 2R 41 (2245.225, 576.161) -3.295 (SLS-001) -2.319 (SLS-002) -1.289 (SLS-038) -1.279 (SLS-003) 4.075 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1034.318, 433.777) -1.905 (SLS-001) -1.342 (SLS-002) -0.708 (SLS-037) -0.740 (SLS-003) 2.384 (SLS-024) 2R 42 (2679.814, 769.653) -3.505 (SLS-001) -2.467 (SLS-002) -1.415 (SLS-038) -1.361 (SLS-003) 4.317 (SLS-024) 2R 37 - 7 0.085 0.028 0.010 0.088 OK
7 (1469.041, 627.328) -2.517 (SLS-001) -1.773 (SLS-002) -0.952 (SLS-037) -0.978 (SLS-003) 3.140 (SLS-024) 2R 43 (2729.518, 791.782) -3.521 (SLS-001) -2.478 (SLS-002) -1.421 (SLS-038) -1.367 (SLS-003) 4.333 (SLS-024) 2R 8 - 38 0.019 0.032 0.002 0.032 OK
8 (1518.612, 649.398) -2.591 (SLS-001) -1.825 (SLS-002) -0.984 (SLS-037) -1.007 (SLS-003) 3.229 (SLS-024) 2R 44 (3164.108, 985.274) -3.546 (SLS-001) -2.496 (SLS-002) -1.442 (SLS-040) -1.377 (SLS-003) 4.344 (SLS-024) 2R 39 - 9 0.063 0.018 0.007 0.065 OK
9 (1953.334, 842.950) -3.057 (SLS-001) -2.152 (SLS-002) -1.178 (SLS-038) -1.187 (SLS-003) 3.795 (SLS-024) 2R 45 (3213.812, 1007.404) -3.534 (SLS-001) -2.487 (SLS-002) -1.439 (SLS-040) -1.372 (SLS-003) 4.323 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (2002.905, 865.020) -3.109 (SLS-001) -2.189 (SLS-002) -1.212 (SLS-036) -1.208 (SLS-003) 3.856 (SLS-024) 2R 46 (3648.401, 1200.896) -3.375 (SLS-001) -2.375 (SLS-002) -1.357 (SLS-041) -1.310 (SLS-003) 4.108 (SLS-024) 2R
10 - 40 0.007 0.024 0.001 0.024 OK
11 (2437.628, 1058.571) -3.408 (SLS-001) -2.399 (SLS-002) -1.343 (SLS-038) -1.323 (SLS-003) 4.208 (SLS-024) 2R 47 (3693.389, 1220.925) -3.353 (SLS-001) -2.360 (SLS-002) -1.346 (SLS-042) -1.302 (SLS-003) 4.079 (SLS-024) 2R 41 - 11 0.045 0.008 0.005 0.047 OK
12 (2487.199, 1080.641) -3.435 (SLS-001) -2.418 (SLS-002) -1.389 (SLS-038) -1.334 (SLS-003) 4.238 (SLS-024) 2R 48 (4002.495, 1358.548) -3.139 (SLS-001) -2.212 (SLS-002) -1.277 (SLS-044) -1.220 (SLS-003) 3.808 (SLS-024) 2R 12 - 42 0.009 0.016 0.001 0.016 OK
13 (2921.922, 1274.192) -3.552 (SLS-001) -2.501 (SLS-002) -1.429 (SLS-038) -1.380 (SLS-003) 4.364 (SLS-024) 2R 49 (4069.357, 1388.317) -3.029 (SLS-001) -2.135 (SLS-002) -1.229 (SLS-044) -1.178 (SLS-003) 3.662 (SLS-024) 2R
43 - 13 0.027 0.014 0.003 0.027 OK
14 (2971.493, 1296.263) -3.555 (SLS-001) -2.503 (SLS-002) -1.439 (SLS-040) -1.381 (SLS-003) 4.362 (SLS-024) 2R 50 (4220.430, 1455.579) -2.794 (SLS-001) -1.968 (SLS-002) -1.093 (SLS-044) -1.085 (SLS-003) 3.348 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (3406.216, 1489.814) -3.484 (SLS-001) -2.453 (SLS-002) -1.424 (SLS-040) -1.353 (SLS-003) 4.254 (SLS-024) 2R 51 (4265.289, 1475.552) -2.743 (SLS-001) -1.931 (SLS-002) -1.062 (SLS-042) -1.065 (SLS-003) 3.274 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
14 - 44 0.022 0.010 0.003 0.022 OK
16 (3455.786, 1511.884) -3.459 (SLS-001) -2.435 (SLS-002) -1.386 (SLS-041) -1.343 (SLS-003) 4.218 (SLS-024) 2R 52 (4307.793, 1456.623) -2.629 (SLS-001) -1.851 (SLS-002) -1.010 (SLS-041) -1.021 (SLS-003) 3.142 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 45 - 15 0.018 0.024 0.002 0.024 OK
17 (3726.122, 1632.245) -3.328 (SLS-001) -2.343 (SLS-002) -1.339 (SLS-042) -1.293 (SLS-003) 4.046 (SLS-024) 2R 53 (4470.552, 1384.139) -2.368 (SLS-001) -1.669 (SLS-002) -0.894 (SLS-041) -0.921 (SLS-003) 2.841 (SLS-024) 2R 16 - 46 0.035 0.015 0.005 0.036 OK
18 (3776.260, 1654.568) -3.300 (SLS-001) -2.326 (SLS-002) -1.315 (SLS-044) -1.283 (SLS-003) 4.012 (SLS-024) 2R 54 (4519.292, 1362.433) -2.297 (SLS-001) -1.618 (SLS-002) -0.862 (SLS-041) -0.893 (SLS-003) 2.757 (SLS-024) 2R
47 - 17 0.034 0.037 0.004 0.037 OK
19 (4166.979, 1828.528) -2.939 (SLS-001) -2.072 (SLS-002) -1.204 (SLS-044) -1.143 (SLS-003) 3.547 (SLS-024) 2R 55 (4937.515, 1176.179) -1.637 (SLS-001) -1.152 (SLS-002) -0.607 (SLS-042) -0.635 (SLS-003) 1.959 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (4220.314, 1852.274) -2.783 (SLS-001) -1.960 (SLS-002) -1.092 (SLS-044) -1.081 (SLS-003) 3.338 (SLS-024) 2R 56 (4987.505, 1153.917) -1.531 (SLS-001) -1.077 (SLS-002) -0.566 (SLS-042) -0.594 (SLS-003) 1.833 (SLS-024) 2R 18 - 48 0.066 0.032 0.009 0.066 OK
21 (4265.017, 1872.177) -2.631 (SLS-001) -1.851 (SLS-002) -1.017 (SLS-041) -1.021 (SLS-003) 3.136 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 57 (5330.728, 1001.064) -0.917 (SLS-001) -0.645 (SLS-002) -0.335 (SLS-043) -0.356 (SLS-003) 1.097 (SLS-024) 2R 49 - 19 0.042 0.037 0.005 0.043 OK
22 (4302.636, 1855.428) -2.601 (SLS-001) -1.831 (SLS-002) -0.997 (SLS-041) -1.010 (SLS-003) 3.110 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 58 (5380.718, 978.801) -0.812 (SLS-001) -0.570 (SLS-002) -0.295 (SLS-043) -0.315 (SLS-003) 0.970 (SLS-024) 2R 20 - 50 0.025 0.064 0.003 0.064 OK
23 (4351.185, 1833.812) -2.547 (SLS-001) -1.795 (SLS-002) -0.966 (SLS-041) -0.990 (SLS-003) 3.056 (SLS-024) 2R 59 (5726.587, 824.770) -0.137 (SLS-001) -0.095 (SLS-002) -0.049 (SLS-049) -0.053 (SLS-003) 0.160 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
24 (4736.966, 1662.051) -1.987 (SLS-001) -1.400 (SLS-002) -0.742 (SLS-042) -0.772 (SLS-003) 2.382 (SLS-024) 2R 60 (5771.515, 804.762) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
22 - 52 0.121 0.150 0.016 0.150 OK
25 (4790.989, 1637.999) -1.879 (SLS-001) -1.323 (SLS-002) -0.700 (SLS-042) -0.730 (SLS-003) 2.251 (SLS-024) 2R 23 - 53 0.137 0.041 0.017 0.140 OK
26 (5134.370, 1485.116) -1.288 (SLS-001) -0.907 (SLS-002) -0.475 (SLS-043) -0.500 (SLS-003) 1.541 (SLS-024) 2R 54 - 24 0.023 0.039 0.003 0.039 OK
27 (5184.202, 1462.929) -1.186 (SLS-001) -0.835 (SLS-002) -0.435 (SLS-042) -0.461 (SLS-003) 1.420 (SLS-024) 2R
25 - 55 0.103 0.032 0.012 0.105 OK
28 (5527.583, 1310.046) -0.552 (SLS-001) -0.387 (SLS-002) -0.199 (SLS-044) -0.214 (SLS-003) 0.657 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (5577.500, 1287.821) -0.425 (SLS-001) -0.298 (SLS-002) -0.153 (SLS-043) -0.164 (SLS-003) 0.506 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
56 - 26 0.039 0.054 0.005 0.054 OK
30 (5771.515, 1201.441) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.003 (SLS-055) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R 27 - 57 0.132 0.043 0.016 0.136 OK
31 (18.500, -415.241) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 58 - 28 0.052 0.070 0.007 0.070 OK
32 (258.461, -308.403) -0.516 (SLS-001) -0.366 (SLS-002) -0.183 (SLS-036) -0.202 (SLS-003) 0.652 (SLS-024) 2R
29 - 59 0.152 0.050 0.018 0.156 OK
33 (308.155, -286.278) -0.644 (SLS-001) -0.455 (SLS-002) -0.227 (SLS-036) -0.251 (SLS-003) 0.810 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
34 (742.639, -92.833) -1.403 (SLS-001) -0.989 (SLS-002) -0.513 (SLS-037) -0.545 (SLS-003) 1.761 (SLS-024) 2R
35 (792.344, -70.703) -1.501 (SLS-001) -1.057 (SLS-002) -0.551 (SLS-037) -0.583 (SLS-003) 1.881 (SLS-024) 2R
36 (1226.933, 122.788) -2.175 (SLS-001) -1.531 (SLS-002) -0.813 (SLS-037) -0.845 (SLS-003) 2.718 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss F5 (2 ply)

Environment Truss F5 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 2R+4T 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.212 0.212 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.000 0.061 0.257 0.196 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.000 0.061 0.255 0.296 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.000 0.219 0.360 0.454 OK
5-6 0.000 0.219 0.360 0.363 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.000 0.219 0.312 0.344 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.000 0.211 0.286 0.305 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.000 0.186 0.149 0.265 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.000 0.153 0.209 0.232 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.000 0.120 0.172 0.178 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.000 0.089 0.200 0.189 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.002 0.058 0.165 0.137 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 2423 13 - 14 0.003 0.028 0.214 0.210 OK
14 - 15 0.000 0.000 0.090 0.114 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. Bottom Chord
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 - 17 0.000 0.000 0.344 0.344 OK
17 - 18 0.081 0.000 0.283 0.364 OK
18 - 19 0.081 0.000 0.449 0.530 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.346 0.000 0.483 0.773 OK
20 - 21 0.291 0.000 0.482 0.772 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.346 0.000 0.481 0.771 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 195.000 22 - 23 0.280 0.000 0.186 0.466 OK
Floor Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.294 0.000 0.190 0.437 OK
Floor Live Load (kPa) 0.500 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 - 25 0.203 0.000 0.186 0.389 OK
Floor Point Load (kN) 1.10 25 - 26 0.189 0.000 0.166 0.314 OK
26 - 27 0.118 0.000 0.160 0.268 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 T3
27 - 28 0.092 0.001 0.122 0.203 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
28 - 29 0.038 0.002 0.116 0.154 OK
29 - 30 0.000 0.000 0.092 0.092 OK
Truss Summary Heel 178 BC 2423 Heel 178 Webs
16 - 1 0.022 0.030 0.003 0.030 OK
Item Value 30 - 15 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.003 OK
Level 2 2 - 17 0.112 0.000 0.015 0.111 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 18 - 3 0.024 0.000 0.003 0.023 OK
Width (m) 2.42 19 - 4 0.000 0.431 0.000 0.431 OK
Height (m) 0.18 5 - 20 0.146 0.000 0.021 0.144 OK
6 - 21 0.051 0.003 0.007 0.050 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 195.000
7 - 22 0.002 0.034 0.000 0.034 OK
Screw Spacing (mm) 250.000
23 - 8 0.063 0.000 0.009 0.063 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
9 - 24 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.048 OK
BC Span (m) 2.42 25 - 10 0.072 0.000 0.010 0.072 OK
Steel (2 ply) (m) 16.22 11 - 26 0.000 0.046 0.000 0.046 OK
Weight (2 ply) (kg) 22.62 27 - 12 0.065 0.001 0.009 0.065 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0.007 (Node: 19 - SLS-003) 13 - 28 0.000 0.041 0.000 0.041 OK
Reactions and Loads (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -0.575 (Node: 30 - SLS-003) 29 - 14 0.062 0.003 0.009 0.061 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.454 Reaction @ Node 21 Reaction @ Node 18 Reaction @ Node 16 CT Load T3 (Node: 22)
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.773 Max. Ult 7.606 (ULS-016) Max. Ult 1.414 (ULS-005) Max. Ult 1.253 (ULS-003) Max. Ult 9.806 (ULS-002)
Status Pass Min. Ult 0.407 (ULS-004) Min. Ult -3.744 (ULS-016) Min. Ult -1.850 (ULS-016) Min. Ult 9.806 (ULS-002)

Node Deflections Summary

Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live30 -0.575 15.904 0.036 SLS-003

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live28 -0.575 15.904 0.036 SLS-003

Nodes / Deflections (mm)

Node Position (x,y) Dead + Live Joint
1 (18.500, -24.420) 0.000 (SLS-003) 2R
2 (73.509, -24.420) 0.005 (SLS-003) 2R
3 (347.956, -24.420) 0.000 (SLS-003) 2R
4 (622.105, -24.420) -0.005 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
5 (677.056, -24.420) 0.000 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
6 (749.056, -24.420) 0.000 (SLS-003) 2R
7 (803.651, -24.420) -0.006 (SLS-003) 2R
8 (1144.033, -24.420) -0.098 (SLS-003) 2R
9 (1204.235, -24.420) -0.122 (SLS-003) 2R
10 (1546.537, -24.420) -0.242 (SLS-003) 2R
11 (1606.750, -24.420) -0.266 (SLS-003) 2R
12 (1949.052, -24.420) -0.398 (SLS-003) 2R
13 (2009.255, -24.420) -0.422 (SLS-003) 2R
14 (2349.522, -24.420) -0.554 (SLS-003) 2R
15 (2404.116, -24.420) -0.575 (SLS-003) 2R
16 (18.500, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R
17 (294.559, -155.580) -0.007 (SLS-003) 2R
18 (347.778, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R
19 (401.955, -155.580) 0.007 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
20 (677.056, -155.580) 0.001 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
21 (749.056, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R
22 (942.642, -155.580) -0.038 (SLS-003) 2R
23 (1003.004, -155.580) -0.057 (SLS-003) 2R
24 (1345.163, -155.580) -0.168 (SLS-003) 2R
25 (1405.378, -155.580) -0.192 (SLS-003) 2R
26 (1747.678, -155.580) -0.319 (SLS-003) 2R
27 (1807.893, -155.580) -0.344 (SLS-003) 2R
28 (2150.064, -155.580) -0.477 (SLS-003) 2R
29 (2210.394, -155.580) -0.500 (SLS-003) 2R
30 (2404.116, -155.580) -0.575 (SLS-003) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss F1


Site Data Legend
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00
Building Data
Country Code NZ CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021
Building Function A
Importance Level 2
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
Roof Type Gable
Building Length (m) 16.00
Building Width (m) 9.00 1526
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40
Enclosed? Enclosed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report.

Load Summary
Load Value
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 2210.440
Floor Dead Load (kPa) 0.350
Floor Live Load (kPa) 0.500
Floor Point Load (kN) 1.10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0

Truss Summary F11 F7

Item Value Heel 178 BC 1526 Heel 178

Level 2
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
Width (m) 1.53
Height (m) 0.18
Loaded Width (mm) 2210.440
Screw Spacing (mm) 250.000
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
BC Span (m) 1.53
Steel (m) 5.27
Weight (kg) 7.36
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0
Max. Deflection Down (mm) 0
Max CR - Top Chord 0
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss F2 (2 ply)

Environment Truss F2 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 2R+4T 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.593 0.593 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.000 0.173 0.763 0.590 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.000 0.163 0.121 0.193 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.000 0.163 0.183 0.317 OK
5-6 0.000 0.076 0.183 0.231 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.000 0.076 0.138 0.115 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.000 0.000 0.108 0.108 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.000 0.000 0.097 0.112 OK
Roof Type Gable Bottom Chord
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.000 0.000 0.123 0.123 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 1529 11 - 12 0.226 0.000 0.616 0.841 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.268 0.000 0.610 0.822 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.268 0.000 0.233 0.445 OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 - 15 0.100 0.000 0.210 0.310 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.100 0.000 0.160 0.259 OK
16 - 17 0.000 0.000 0.205 0.205 OK
17 - 18 0.000 0.000 0.131 0.131 OK
Load Summary 10 - 1 0.000 0.093 0.000 0.093 OK
18 - 9 0.047 0.000 0.009 0.046 OK
Load Value 2 - 11 0.331 0.000 0.059 0.321 OK
Floor Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 12 - 3 0.060 0.000 0.011 0.060 OK
Floor Live Load (kPa) 0.500 4 - 13 0.037 0.000 0.007 0.037 OK
Floor Point Load (kN) 1.10 5 - 14 0.000 0.223 0.000 0.223 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 15 - 6 0.026 0.000 0.005 0.026 OK
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 16 - 7 0.137 0.000 0.024 0.138 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
8 - 17 0.000 0.045 0.000 0.045 OK

Truss Summary
F4 F11 F8/F7
Item Value
Level 2 Heel 178 BC 1529 Heel 178
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G550
Width (m) 1.53
Height (m) 0.18
Loaded Width (mm) 0
Screw Spacing (mm) 250.000
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
BC Span (m) 1.53
Steel (2 ply) (m) 10.57
Weight (2 ply) (kg) 14.74
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0.198 (Node: 2 - SLS-003)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -3.395 (Node: 9 - SLS-003)
Reactions and Loads (kN)
Max CR - Top Chord 0.593
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.841 Reaction @ Node 12 Reaction @ Node 10 CT Load F4 (Node: 13) CT Load F11 (Node: 44) CT Load F8 (Node: 15) CT Load F7 (Node: 44)
Status Pass Max. Ult 13.807 (ULS-010) Max. Ult -2.823 (ULS-003) Max. Ult 1.266 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 1.177 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 0.859 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 1.177 (ULS-002)
Min. Ult 6.756 (ULS-003) Min. Ult -9.874 (ULS-010) Min. Ult 1.266 (ULS-002) Min. Ult 1.177 (ULS-002) Min. Ult 0.859 (ULS-002) Min. Ult 1.177 (ULS-002)
Node Deflections Summary
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live18 -3.393 9.945 0.341 SLS-003

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live16 -3.393 9.945 0.341 SLS-003

Nodes / Deflections (mm)

Node Position (x,y) Dead + Live Joint
1 (18.500, -24.420) 0.010 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
2 (72.640, -24.420) 0.198 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
3 (580.868, -24.420) -0.440 (SLS-003) 2R
4 (635.007, -24.420) -0.649 (SLS-003) 2R
5 (691.547, -24.420) -0.865 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
6 (1051.966, -24.420) -1.908 (SLS-003) 2R
7 (1412.742, -24.420) -3.042 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
8 (1469.280, -24.420) -3.249 (SLS-003) 2R
9 (1510.280, -24.420) -3.395 (SLS-003) 2R
10 (18.500, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
11 (296.964, -155.580) -0.009 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
12 (356.451, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R
13 (635.007, -155.580) -0.648 (SLS-003) 2R
14 (997.805, -155.580) -1.709 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
15 (1052.144, -155.580) -1.908 (SLS-003) 2R
16 (1106.453, -155.580) -2.108 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
17 (1469.280, -155.580) -3.254 (SLS-003) 2R
18 (1510.280, -155.580) -3.393 (SLS-003) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss F3

Environment Truss F3 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 2R+4T 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.582 0.582 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.000 0.140 0.748 0.608 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.000 0.295 0.544 0.490 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.000 0.295 0.544 0.490 OK
5-6 0.000 0.223 0.401 0.311 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.000 0.156 0.312 0.313 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.000 0.089 0.285 0.283 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.000 0.032 0.222 0.190 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.000 0.000 0.205 0.207 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 Bottom Chord
Building Width (m) 9.00 1530 11 - 12 0.000 0.000 0.312 0.312 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.183 0.000 0.505 0.688 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.487 0.000 0.549 0.934 OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 - 15 0.487 0.000 0.382 0.766 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.291 0.000 0.361 0.652 OK
16 - 17 0.257 0.000 0.279 0.482 OK
17 - 18 0.117 0.000 0.261 0.378 OK
18 - 19 0.053 0.000 0.183 0.227 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.107 OK
Load Value 11 - 1 0.000 0.090 0.000 0.090 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 2405.586 20 - 10 0.035 0.002 0.006 0.034 OK
Floor Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 2 - 12 0.295 0.000 0.053 0.286 OK
Floor Live Load (kPa) 0.500 13 - 3 0.000 0.197 0.000 0.197 OK
Floor Point Load (kN) 1.10 4 - 14 0.304 0.000 0.055 0.296 OK
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
5 - 15 0.000 0.111 0.000 0.111 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
16 - 6 0.163 0.000 0.029 0.160 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
7 - 17 0.000 0.095 0.000 0.095 OK
18 - 8 0.135 0.000 0.024 0.132 OK
Truss Summary 9 - 19 0.000 0.045 0.000 0.045 OK

Item Value Heel 178 BC 1530 Heel 178

Level 2
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G550
Width (m) 1.53
Height (m) 0.18
Loaded Width (mm) 2405.586
Screw Spacing (mm) 250.000
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
BC Span (m) 1.53
Steel (m) 5.16
Weight (kg) 7.20
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0.109 (Node: 13 - SLS-003)
Reactions and Loads (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -2.368 (Node: 10 - SLS-003)
Max CR - Top Chord 0.608 Reaction @ Node 14 Reaction @ Node 11 CT Load F4 (Node: 24)
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.934 Max. Ult 9.460 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 0.185 (ULS-003) Max. Ult 1.266 (ULS-002)
Status Pass Min. Ult 4.912 (ULS-003) Min. Ult -4.348 (ULS-011) Min. Ult 1.266 (ULS-002)

Node Deflections Summary

Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live20 -2.367 9.953 0.238 SLS-003

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live18 -2.367 9.953 0.238 SLS-003

Nodes / Deflections (mm)

Node Position (x,y) Dead + Live Joint
1 (18.500, -24.420) 0.007 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
2 (72.833, -24.420) 0.099 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
3 (464.793, -24.420) 0.013 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
4 (519.124, -24.420) -0.020 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
5 (573.855, -24.420) -0.101 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
6 (890.402, -24.420) -0.787 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
7 (950.880, -24.420) -0.980 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
8 (1269.356, -24.420) -1.781 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
9 (1330.473, -24.420) -1.933 (SLS-003) 2R
10 (1511.500, -24.420) -2.368 (SLS-003) 2R
11 (18.500, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
12 (238.918, -155.580) 0.051 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
13 (298.594, -155.580) 0.109 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
14 (519.124, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
15 (700.784, -155.580) -0.331 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
16 (761.435, -155.580) -0.505 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
17 (1079.743, -155.580) -1.287 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
18 (1140.237, -155.580) -1.463 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
19 (1467.012, -155.580) -2.267 (SLS-003) 2R
20 (1511.500, -155.580) -2.367 (SLS-003) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss F6

Environment Truss F6 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 2R+4T 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.525 0.525 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.000 0.131 0.675 0.544 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.000 0.273 0.446 0.433 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.000 0.273 0.446 0.433 OK
5-6 0.000 0.203 0.360 0.287 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.000 0.139 0.280 0.273 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.000 0.071 0.306 0.306 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.000 0.000 0.225 0.225 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.000 0.000 0.077 0.184 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 Bottom Chord
Building Width (m) 9.00 1530 11 - 12 0.000 0.000 0.270 0.270 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.171 0.000 0.449 0.619 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.450 0.000 0.489 0.845 OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 - 15 0.450 0.000 0.324 0.676 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.265 0.000 0.303 0.566 OK
16 - 17 0.229 0.000 0.215 0.396 OK
17 - 18 0.092 0.000 0.198 0.291 OK
18 - 19 0.000 0.000 0.188 0.188 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.000 0.000 0.147 0.147 OK
Load Value 11 - 1 0.011 0.082 0.002 0.082 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1144.581 20 - 10 0.053 0.015 0.010 0.052 OK
Floor Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 2 - 12 0.270 0.000 0.048 0.261 OK
Floor Live Load (kPa) 0.500 13 - 3 0.000 0.415 0.000 0.415 OK
Floor Point Load (kN) 1.10 4 - 14 0.250 0.000 0.046 0.243 OK
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
5 - 15 0.000 0.098 0.000 0.098 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
16 - 6 0.143 0.000 0.026 0.141 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
7 - 17 0.000 0.087 0.000 0.087 OK
18 - 8 0.151 0.000 0.027 0.149 OK
Truss Summary 9 - 19 0.014 0.049 0.003 0.049 OK

Item Value Heel 178 BC 1530 Heel 178

Level 2
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G550
Width (m) 1.53
Height (m) 0.18
Loaded Width (mm) 1144.581
Screw Spacing (mm) 250.000
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
BC Span (m) 1.53
Steel (m) 5.23
Weight (kg) 7.30
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0.082 (Node: 13 - SLS-003)
Reactions and Loads (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -1.649 (Node: 10 - SLS-003)
Max CR - Top Chord 0.544 Reaction @ Node 14 Reaction @ Node 11 CT Load F9 (Node: 18)
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.845 Max. Ult 7.212 (ULS-011) Max. Ult 0.587 (ULS-003) Max. Ult 0.425 (ULS-002)
Status Pass Min. Ult 2.612 (ULS-003) Min. Ult -4.012 (ULS-011) Min. Ult 0.425 (ULS-002)

Node Deflections Summary

Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live20 -1.648 6.497 0.254 SLS-003

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live18 -1.648 6.497 0.254 SLS-003

Nodes / Deflections (mm)

Node Position (x,y) Dead + Live Joint
1 (18.500, -24.420) 0.005 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
2 (72.769, -24.420) 0.074 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
3 (482.732, -24.420) 0.012 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
4 (537.000, -24.420) -0.012 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
5 (591.380, -24.420) -0.065 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
6 (973.922, -24.420) -0.648 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
7 (1033.687, -24.420) -0.782 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
8 (1416.121, -24.420) -1.473 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
9 (1470.500, -24.420) -1.573 (SLS-003) 2R
10 (1511.500, -24.420) -1.649 (SLS-003) 2R
11 (18.500, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
12 (247.922, -155.580) 0.043 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
13 (307.470, -155.580) 0.082 (SLS-003) 2R+4T
14 (537.000, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
15 (751.676, -155.580) -0.271 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
16 (811.595, -155.580) -0.391 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
17 (1195.808, -155.580) -1.064 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
18 (1255.700, -155.580) -1.184 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
19 (1470.500, -155.580) -1.575 (SLS-003) 2R
20 (1511.500, -155.580) -1.648 (SLS-003) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss F7

Truss F7 Identical Trusses

F7 (Level 2) F11 (Level 2)
Site Data Legend
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 2 Identical Trusses.
Building Data 2R 2R+2T
Country Code NZ (2 on this level)
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load
Building Function A Forces
Importance Level 2
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500 Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150 Top Chord
Roof Type Gable 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.258 0.258 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 2-3 0.101 0.000 0.376 0.431 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 3-4 0.157 0.000 0.220 0.378 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 4-5 0.266 0.000 0.357 0.553 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 5-6 0.266 0.000 0.218 0.451 OK
6-7 0.378 0.000 0.405 0.697 OK
4194 7-8 0.345 0.000 0.224 0.537 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report.
8-9 0.449 0.000 0.432 0.786 OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 9 - 10 0.390 0.000 0.215 0.602 OK
10 - 11 0.483 0.000 0.445 0.826 OK
11 - 12 0.400 0.000 0.217 0.616 OK
Load Summary 12 - 13 0.473 0.000 0.442 0.815 OK
13 - 14 0.375 0.000 0.219 0.581 OK
Load Value
14 - 15 0.418 0.000 0.426 0.755 OK
Loaded Width (Defined) (mm) 370.000
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 15 - 16 0.312 0.000 0.219 0.489 OK
Floor Dead Load (kPa) 0.350
16 - 17 0.339 0.000 0.364 0.623 OK
Floor Live Load (kPa) 0.500 17 - 18 0.232 0.000 0.222 0.428 OK
Floor Point Load (kN) 1.10 18 - 19 0.226 0.000 0.313 0.477 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 19 - 20 0.128 0.000 0.226 0.353 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 20 - 21 0.069 0.000 0.305 0.347 OK
Heel 178 BC 4194 Heel 178 21 - 22 0.000 0.000 0.267 0.267 OK
Bottom Chord
Truss Summary 23 - 24 0.000 0.000 0.137 0.137 OK
24 - 25 0.000 0.061 0.195 0.184 OK
Item Value
25 - 26 0.000 0.121 0.250 0.204 OK
Level 2
26 - 27 0.000 0.161 0.147 0.255 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G550
27 - 28 0.000 0.204 0.189 0.256 OK
Width (m) 4.19 28 - 29 0.000 0.229 0.157 0.286 OK
Height (m) 0.18 29 - 30 0.000 0.264 0.202 0.321 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 370.000 30 - 31 0.000 0.272 0.146 0.324 OK
Screw Spacing (mm) 250.000 31 - 32 0.000 0.299 0.187 0.351 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000 32 - 33 0.000 0.293 0.129 0.334 OK
BC Span (m) 4.19 33 - 34 0.000 0.306 0.180 0.356 OK
Steel (m) 13.31 34 - 35 0.000 0.287 0.139 0.334 OK
Weight (kg) 18.57 35 - 36 0.000 0.287 0.183 0.339 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0 (Node: 44 - SLS-003) 36 - 37 0.000 0.253 0.142 0.305 OK
Reactions (kN) 37 - 38 0.000 0.239 0.210 0.297 OK
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -4.416 (Node: 11 - SLS-003)
Max CR - Top Chord 0.826 38 - 39 0.000 0.205 0.163 0.277 OK
Reaction @ Node 44 Reaction @ Node 23 39 - 40 0.000 0.177 0.202 0.236 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.356 Max. Ult 2.240 (ULS-023) Max. Ult 2.239 (ULS-003) 40 - 41 0.000 0.137 0.157 0.249 OK
Status Pass Min. Ult 0.611 (ULS-003) Min. Ult 0.610 (ULS-023) 41 - 42 0.000 0.098 0.259 0.201 OK
42 - 43 0.000 0.042 0.202 0.180 OK
Node Deflections Summary 43 - 44 0.000 0.000 0.153 0.153 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 23 - 1 0.070 0.000 0.013 0.069 OK
Dead + Live33 -4.411 13.980 0.316 SLS-003 44 - 22 0.077 0.000 0.014 0.075 OK
2 - 24 0.000 0.080 0.000 0.080 OK
25 - 3 0.129 0.000 0.023 0.127 OK
Member Deflections Summary 4 - 26 0.000 0.068 0.000 0.068 OK
27 - 5 0.099 0.000 0.018 0.098 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 6 - 28 0.000 0.056 0.000 0.056 OK
Dead + Live32 -4.424 13.980 0.316 SLS-003 29 - 7 0.083 0.005 0.015 0.082 OK
8 - 30 0.017 0.045 0.003 0.045 OK
Nodes / Deflections (mm) 31 - 9 0.064 0.016 0.012 0.063 OK
10 - 32 0.036 0.034 0.006 0.035 OK
Node Position (x,y) Dead + Live Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead + Live Joint 33 - 11 0.046 0.028 0.008 0.045 OK
1 (18.500, -24.420) -0.003 (SLS-003) 2R 31 (1574.560, -155.580) -4.097 (SLS-003) 2R 12 - 34 0.054 0.023 0.010 0.053 OK
2 (72.949, -24.420) -0.229 (SLS-003) 2R+2T 32 (1944.253, -155.580) -4.392 (SLS-003) 2R 35 - 13 0.028 0.038 0.005 0.038 OK
3 (440.720, -24.420) -1.447 (SLS-003) 2R+2T 33 (2004.175, -155.580) -4.411 (SLS-003) 2R 14 - 36 0.076 0.026 0.014 0.076 OK
4 (500.631, -24.420) -1.643 (SLS-003) 2R 34 (2373.868, -155.580) -4.329 (SLS-003) 2R 37 - 15 0.007 0.049 0.001 0.049 OK
5 (870.326, -24.420) -2.701 (SLS-003) 2R 35 (2433.866, -155.580) -4.282 (SLS-003) 2R
16 - 38 0.087 0.001 0.016 0.086 OK
6 (930.246, -24.420) -2.865 (SLS-003) 2R 36 (2826.569, -155.580) -3.792 (SLS-003) 2R
39 - 17 0.000 0.059 0.000 0.059 OK
7 (1299.941, -24.420) -3.670 (SLS-003) 2R 37 (2885.384, -155.580) -3.683 (SLS-003) 2R
18 - 40 0.100 0.000 0.018 0.099 OK
8 (1359.862, -24.420) -3.782 (SLS-003) 2R 38 (3224.438, -155.580) -2.959 (SLS-003) 2R
9 (1729.557, -24.420) -4.258 (SLS-003) 2R 39 (3285.096, -155.580) -2.798 (SLS-003) 2R
41 - 19 0.000 0.069 0.000 0.069 OK
10 (1789.477, -24.420) -4.309 (SLS-003) 2R 40 (3600.965, -155.580) -1.918 (SLS-003) 2R 20 - 42 0.133 0.000 0.024 0.130 OK
11 (2159.172, -24.420) -4.416 (SLS-003) 2R 41 (3661.490, -155.580) -1.725 (SLS-003) 2R+2T 43 - 21 0.000 0.075 0.000 0.075 OK
12 (2219.092, -24.420) -4.402 (SLS-003) 2R 42 (3977.223, -155.580) -0.715 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
13 (2589.834, -24.420) -4.131 (SLS-003) 2R 43 (4034.999, -155.580) -0.500 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
14 (2649.285, -24.420) -4.054 (SLS-003) 2R 44 (4175.379, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R
15 (3036.373, -24.420) -3.392 (SLS-003) 2R
16 (3095.340, -24.420) -3.256 (SLS-003) 2R
17 (3412.891, -24.420) -2.464 (SLS-003) 2R
18 (3473.412, -24.420) -2.285 (SLS-003) 2R
19 (3789.285, -24.420) -1.332 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
20 (3849.795, -24.420) -1.127 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
21 (4123.963, -24.420) -0.208 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
22 (4175.379, -24.420) -0.003 (SLS-003) 2R
23 (18.500, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R
24 (225.787, -155.580) -0.730 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
25 (285.849, -155.580) -0.954 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
26 (655.407, -155.580) -2.103 (SLS-003) 2R
27 (715.329, -155.580) -2.284 (SLS-003) 2R
28 (1085.022, -155.580) -3.228 (SLS-003) 2R
29 (1144.944, -155.580) -3.367 (SLS-003) 2R
30 (1514.638, -155.580) -4.015 (SLS-003) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss F8

Environment Truss F8 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.351 0.351 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.102 0.000 0.531 0.588 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.168 0.000 0.277 0.445 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.255 0.000 0.479 0.682 OK
5-6 0.267 0.000 0.210 0.444 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.326 0.000 0.520 0.794 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.310 0.000 0.184 0.494 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.336 0.000 0.572 0.854 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.284 0.000 0.195 0.464 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.271 0.000 0.530 0.748 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.183 0.000 0.285 0.468 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.112 0.000 0.588 0.652 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 2680 13 - 14 0.000 0.000 0.337 0.337 OK
Bottom Chord
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.000 0.000 0.188 0.188 OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 - 17 0.000 0.064 0.245 0.238 OK
17 - 18 0.000 0.126 0.298 0.235 OK
18 - 19 0.000 0.161 0.157 0.286 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.000 0.201 0.190 0.264 OK
20 - 21 0.000 0.206 0.143 0.265 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.000 0.233 0.176 0.290 OK
Loaded Width (Defined) (mm) 425.000 22 - 23 0.000 0.212 0.126 0.259 OK
Floor Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.000 0.214 0.176 0.272 OK
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 - 25 0.000 0.172 0.145 0.278 OK
Floor Live Load (kPa) 0.500
Floor Point Load (kN) 1.10 25 - 26 0.000 0.138 0.282 0.227 OK
26 - 27 0.000 0.071 0.232 0.236 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
27 - 28 0.000 0.000 0.180 0.180 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
15 - 1 0.079 0.000 0.011 0.078 OK
Heel 178 BC 2680 Heel 178
Truss Summary 28 - 14 0.078 0.000 0.011 0.077 OK
2 - 16 0.000 0.088 0.000 0.088 OK
Item Value 17 - 3 0.134 0.000 0.019 0.132 OK
Level 2 4 - 18 0.000 0.069 0.000 0.069 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 19 - 5 0.092 0.006 0.013 0.091 OK
Width (m) 2.68 6 - 20 0.022 0.049 0.003 0.049 OK
Height (m) 0.18 21 - 7 0.065 0.022 0.009 0.064 OK
8 - 22 0.052 0.028 0.007 0.052 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 425.000
23 - 9 0.034 0.104 0.005 0.104 OK
Screw Spacing (mm) 250.000
10 - 24 0.089 0.021 0.012 0.088 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
25 - 11 0.000 0.067 0.000 0.067 OK
BC Span (m) 2.68 12 - 26 0.135 0.000 0.019 0.134 OK
Steel (m) 8.55 27 - 13 0.000 0.090 0.000 0.090 OK
Weight (kg) 11.93
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0 (Node: 28 - SLS-003)
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -0.908 (Node: 8 - SLS-003)
Max CR - Top Chord 0.854 Reaction @ Node 28 Reaction @ Node 15
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.290 Max. Ult 2.071 (ULS-015) Max. Ult 2.071 (ULS-003)
Status Pass Min. Ult 0.455 (ULS-003) Min. Ult 0.455 (ULS-015)

Node Deflections Summary

Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live22 -0.903 8.933 0.101 SLS-003

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live20 -0.913 8.933 0.102 SLS-003

Nodes / Deflections (mm)

Node Position (x,y) Dead + Live Joint
1 (18.500, -24.420) -0.002 (SLS-003) 2R
2 (73.087, -24.420) -0.090 (SLS-003) 2R
3 (414.843, -24.420) -0.439 (SLS-003) 2R
4 (475.029, -24.420) -0.498 (SLS-003) 2R
5 (818.705, -24.420) -0.748 (SLS-003) 2R
6 (878.902, -24.420) -0.786 (SLS-003) 2R
7 (1223.703, -24.420) -0.900 (SLS-003) 2R
8 (1283.355, -24.420) -0.908 (SLS-003) 2R
9 (1697.065, -24.420) -0.837 (SLS-003) 2R
10 (1756.357, -24.420) -0.806 (SLS-003) 2R
11 (2153.399, -24.420) -0.546 (SLS-003) 2R
12 (2213.078, -24.420) -0.490 (SLS-003) 2R
13 (2607.114, -24.420) -0.094 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
14 (2661.445, -24.420) -0.002 (SLS-003) 2R
15 (18.500, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R
16 (212.773, -155.580) -0.229 (SLS-003) 2R
17 (273.120, -155.580) -0.308 (SLS-003) 2R
18 (616.652, -155.580) -0.611 (SLS-003) 2R
19 (676.852, -155.580) -0.659 (SLS-003) 2R
20 (1020.525, -155.580) -0.846 (SLS-003) 2R
21 (1080.810, -155.580) -0.870 (SLS-003) 2R
22 (1447.569, -155.580) -0.903 (SLS-003) 2R
23 (1506.399, -155.580) -0.892 (SLS-003) 2R
24 (1925.347, -155.580) -0.715 (SLS-003) 2R
25 (1985.103, -155.580) -0.671 (SLS-003) 2R
26 (2381.052, -155.580) -0.337 (SLS-003) 2R
27 (2440.845, -155.580) -0.258 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
28 (2661.445, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss F9

Environment Truss F9 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.272 0.316 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.097 0.000 0.634 0.688 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.158 0.000 0.257 0.405 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.191 0.000 0.555 0.716 OK
5-6 0.189 0.000 0.210 0.375 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.162 0.000 0.552 0.688 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.096 0.000 0.301 0.397 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.000 0.000 0.366 0.366 OK
Roof Type Gable Bottom Chord
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.000 0.000 0.139 0.139 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.000 0.061 0.185 0.186 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 1889 12 - 13 0.000 0.119 0.225 0.184 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.000 0.121 0.079 0.172 OK
14 - 15 0.000 0.142 0.123 0.182 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 - 16 0.000 0.103 0.111 0.198 OK
16 - 17 0.000 0.072 0.290 0.218 OK
17 - 18 0.000 0.000 0.239 0.239 OK
Load Summary 10 - 1 0.069 0.000 0.010 0.068 OK
18 - 9 0.029 0.009 0.004 0.028 OK
Load Value 2 - 11 0.000 0.172 0.000 0.172 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 300.000 12 - 3 0.109 0.000 0.015 0.109 OK
Floor Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 4 - 13 0.024 0.094 0.003 0.094 OK
Floor Live Load (kPa) 0.500 14 - 5 0.050 0.058 0.007 0.058 OK
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 6 - 15 0.075 0.016 0.010 0.075 OK
Floor Point Load (kN) 1.10
16 - 7 0.000 0.136 0.000 0.136 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
8 - 17 0.135 0.000 0.019 0.134 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0

Truss Summary
Heel 178 BC 1889 Heel 178
Item Value
Level 2
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
Width (m) 1.89
Height (m) 0.18
Loaded Width (mm) 300.000
Screw Spacing (mm) 250.000
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
BC Span (m) 1.89
Steel (m) 6.03
Weight (kg) 8.42
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0.000 (Node: 9 - SLS-003)
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -0.181 (Node: 14 - SLS-003)
Max CR - Top Chord 0.716 Reaction @ Node 18 Reaction @ Node 10
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.239 Max. Ult 1.755 (ULS-010) Max. Ult 1.843 (ULS-003)
Status Pass Min. Ult 0.241 (ULS-003) Min. Ult 0.244 (ULS-001)

Node Deflections Summary

Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live14 -0.181 6.175 0.029 SLS-003

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live13 -0.185 6.175 0.030 SLS-003

Nodes / Deflections (mm)

Node Position (x,y) Dead + Live Joint
1 (18.500, -24.420) -0.001 (SLS-003) 2R
2 (72.898, -24.420) -0.037 (SLS-003) 2R
3 (527.543, -24.420) -0.149 (SLS-003) 2R
4 (587.369, -24.420) -0.158 (SLS-003) 2R
5 (1043.941, -24.420) -0.180 (SLS-003) 2R
6 (1103.774, -24.420) -0.177 (SLS-003) 2R
7 (1560.351, -24.420) -0.104 (SLS-003) 2R
8 (1620.667, -24.420) -0.079 (SLS-003) 2R
9 (1870.917, -24.420) 0.000 (SLS-003) 2R
10 (18.500, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R
11 (269.467, -155.580) -0.086 (SLS-003) 2R
12 (328.960, -155.580) -0.110 (SLS-003) 2R
13 (785.866, -155.580) -0.178 (SLS-003) 2R
14 (845.253, -155.580) -0.181 (SLS-003) 2R
15 (1302.271, -155.580) -0.155 (SLS-003) 2R
16 (1361.659, -155.580) -0.144 (SLS-003) 2R
17 (1826.312, -155.580) -0.026 (SLS-003) 2R
18 (1870.917, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss F4

Environment Truss F4 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.363 0.363 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.136 0.000 0.677 0.761 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.223 0.000 0.314 0.534 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.319 0.000 0.606 0.868 OK
5-6 0.330 0.000 0.200 0.518 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.374 0.000 0.640 0.953 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.330 0.000 0.200 0.518 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.320 0.000 0.606 0.868 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.223 0.000 0.314 0.534 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.136 0.000 0.676 0.761 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.000 0.000 0.363 0.363 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 Bottom Chord
Enclosed? Enclosed 2682 13 - 14 0.000 0.000 0.186 0.186 OK
14 - 15 0.000 0.086 0.244 0.258 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.000 0.168 0.296 0.260 OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 - 17 0.000 0.202 0.141 0.294 OK
17 - 18 0.000 0.249 0.178 0.305 OK
18 - 19 0.000 0.236 0.110 0.270 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.000 0.249 0.178 0.305 OK
20 - 21 0.000 0.202 0.141 0.294 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.000 0.167 0.296 0.260 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 625.688 22 - 23 0.000 0.086 0.244 0.258 OK
Floor Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.000 0.000 0.186 0.186 OK
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Webs
Floor Live Load (kPa) 0.500
Floor Point Load (kN) 1.10 13 - 1 0.086 0.000 0.012 0.085 OK
24 - 12 0.086 0.000 0.012 0.085 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
2 - 14 0.000 0.242 0.000 0.242 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
15 - 3 0.154 0.000 0.021 0.153 OK
4 - 16 0.000 0.165 0.000 0.165 OK
Heel 178 BC 2682 Heel 178
Truss Summary 17 - 5 0.090 0.023 0.012 0.090 OK
6 - 18 0.043 0.088 0.006 0.088 OK
Item Value 19 - 7 0.044 0.088 0.006 0.088 OK
Level 2 8 - 20 0.090 0.023 0.012 0.090 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 21 - 9 0.000 0.165 0.000 0.165 OK
Width (m) 2.68 10 - 22 0.154 0.000 0.021 0.153 OK
Height (m) 0.18 23 - 11 0.000 0.242 0.000 0.242 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 625.688
Screw Spacing (mm) 250.000
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
BC Span (m) 2.68
Steel (m) 8.44
Weight (kg) 11.77
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0 (Node: 24 - SLS-003)
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -1.357 (Node: 19 - SLS-003)
Max CR - Top Chord 0.953 Reaction @ Node 24 Reaction @ Node 13
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.305 Max. Ult 2.278 (ULS-013) Max. Ult 2.278 (ULS-003)
Status Pass Min. Ult 0.662 (ULS-003) Min. Ult 0.662 (ULS-013)

Node Deflections Summary

Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live19 -1.357 8.940 0.152 SLS-003

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead + Live17 -1.358 8.940 0.152 SLS-003

Nodes / Deflections (mm)

Node Position (x,y) Dead + Live Joint
1 (18.500, -24.420) -0.003 (SLS-003) 2R
2 (72.935, -24.420) -0.148 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
3 (531.074, -24.420) -0.820 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
4 (590.976, -24.420) -0.897 (SLS-003) 2R
5 (1051.041, -24.420) -1.283 (SLS-003) 2R
6 (1110.950, -24.420) -1.315 (SLS-003) 2R
7 (1571.014, -24.420) -1.315 (SLS-003) 2R
8 (1630.924, -24.420) -1.283 (SLS-003) 2R
9 (2090.988, -24.420) -0.897 (SLS-003) 2R
10 (2150.891, -24.420) -0.820 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
11 (2608.930, -24.420) -0.148 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
12 (2663.369, -24.420) -0.003 (SLS-003) 2R
13 (18.500, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R
14 (271.256, -155.580) -0.439 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
15 (330.740, -155.580) -0.556 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
16 (791.223, -155.580) -1.099 (SLS-003) 2R
17 (850.604, -155.580) -1.155 (SLS-003) 2R
18 (1311.197, -155.580) -1.357 (SLS-003) 2R
19 (1370.578, -155.580) -1.357 (SLS-003) 2R
20 (1831.171, -155.580) -1.155 (SLS-003) 2R
21 (1890.552, -155.580) -1.099 (SLS-003) 2R
22 (2351.042, -155.580) -0.556 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
23 (2410.506, -155.580) -0.439 (SLS-003) 2R+2T
24 (2663.369, -155.580) 0 (SLS-003) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T17

Environment Truss T17 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.396 0.396 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.038 0.008 0.742 0.767 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.061 0.017 0.423 0.484 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.086 0.020 0.584 0.661 OK
5-6 0.087 0.024 0.306 0.387 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.096 0.023 0.596 0.685 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.082 0.023 0.356 0.432 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.073 0.017 0.595 0.662 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.048 0.012 0.435 0.480 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.018 0.020 0.600 0.614 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.020 0.033 0.411 0.403 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 6879 12 - 13 0.044 0.059 0.543 0.508 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.015 0.026 0.448 0.448 OK
12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9/10 11/12 13/14 15/16 17/18 19/20 21/22 23/24 14 - 15 0.034 0.011 0.660 0.692 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.064 0.018 0.466 0.526 OK
16 - 17 0.090 0.023 0.630 0.715 OK
17 - 18 0.098 0.028 0.370 0.461 OK
18 - 19 0.113 0.028 0.644 0.749 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.101 0.029 0.337 0.433 OK
20 - 21 0.100 0.025 0.625 0.717 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.070 0.021 0.460 0.529 OK
Loaded Width (Defined) (mm) 890.000 22 - 23 0.043 0.010 0.798 0.828 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.000 0.000 0.422 0.422 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 Bottom Chord
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.000 0.000 0.236 0.236 OK
25 26/27 28/29 30/31 32/33 34/35 36/37 38/39 40/41 42/43 44/45 46/47 48 26 - 27 0.011 0.024 0.236 0.241 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
27 - 28 0.027 0.046 0.278 0.244 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
28 - 29 0.027 0.054 0.195 0.230 OK
29 - 30 0.038 0.066 0.111 0.138 OK
Truss Summary 30 - 31 0.030 0.061 0.140 0.179 OK
Heel 650 BC 6879 Heel 650 31 - 32 0.036 0.062 0.140 0.168 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.023 0.046 0.244 0.266 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.020 0.036 0.329 0.319 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 34 - 35 0.026 0.011 0.271 0.287 OK
Width (m) 6.88 35 - 36 0.051 0.015 0.332 0.370 OK
Height (m) 0.65 36 - 37 0.078 0.028 0.335 0.383 OK
37 - 38 0.042 0.012 0.313 0.350 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 890.000
38 - 39 0.014 0.022 0.309 0.302 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.028 0.048 0.228 0.241 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
40 - 41 0.030 0.057 0.228 0.262 OK
BC Span (m) 6.88 41 - 42 0.045 0.074 0.141 0.179 OK
Steel (m) 30.24 42 - 43 0.038 0.072 0.141 0.190 OK
Weight (kg) 42.19 43 - 44 0.047 0.076 0.115 0.160 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0.489 (Node: 18 - SLS-015) 44 - 45 0.033 0.063 0.210 0.252 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -0.494 (Node: 42 - SLS-044) 45 - 46 0.033 0.053 0.288 0.248 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.828 Reaction @ Node 48 Reaction @ Node 36 Reaction @ Node 25 46 - 47 0.013 0.027 0.253 0.260 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.383 47 - 48 0.000 0.000 0.253 0.253 OK
Max. Ult 2.634 (ULS-069) Max. Ult 5.601 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 2.502 (ULS-047)
Status Pass Webs
Min. Ult -0.957 (ULS-035) Min. Ult -2.545 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -0.861 (ULS-027)
25 - 1 0.095 0.023 0.010 0.100 OK
48 - 24 0.100 0.025 0.011 0.105 OK
Node Deflections Summary 2 - 26 0.035 0.066 0.004 0.066 OK
27 - 3 0.095 0.026 0.010 0.101 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 4 - 28 0.013 0.041 0.001 0.041 OK
Dead 43 -0.424 11.917 0.036 SLS-001 29 - 5 0.049 0.010 0.005 0.052 OK
Live 18 -0.329 14.300 0.023 SLS-002 6 - 30 0.034 0.018 0.004 0.036 OK
Wind 18 0.489 23.834 0.021 SLS-015 31 - 7 0.016 0.030 0.002 0.030 OK
8 - 32 0.071 0.017 0.007 0.075 OK
33 - 9 0.026 0.055 0.003 0.055 OK
Member Deflections Summary 10 - 34 0.111 0.030 0.011 0.117 OK
35 - 11 0.036 0.070 0.004 0.070 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
12 - 36 0.119 0.034 0.012 0.126 OK
Dead 18 0.471 11.917 0.039 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 37 - 13 0.133 0.039 0.013 0.142 OK
Live 22 0.201 2.871 0.070 SLS-002 14 - 38 0.044 0.078 0.004 0.078 OK
Live Point 22 0.799 2.871 0.278 SLS-048 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
39 - 15 0.109 0.030 0.011 0.116 OK
Wind 18 -0.565 23.834 0.024 SLS-015 1 (18.500, -24.420) -0.014 (SLS-001) -0.011 (SLS-002) -0.020 (SLS-027) -0.008 (SLS-003) 0.017 (SLS-007) 2R 31 (1549.294, -627.580) -0.313 (SLS-001) -0.243 (SLS-002) -0.424 (SLS-032) -0.170 (SLS-003) 0.366 (SLS-007) 2R
16 - 40 0.023 0.053 0.002 0.053 OK
2 (72.799, -24.420) -0.102 (SLS-001) -0.087 (SLS-002) -0.266 (SLS-028) -0.061 (SLS-003) 0.131 (SLS-007) 2R 32 (2080.939, -627.580) -0.286 (SLS-001) -0.220 (SLS-002) -0.381 (SLS-034) -0.154 (SLS-003) 0.331 (SLS-007) 2R
41 - 17 0.069 0.017 0.007 0.073 OK
3 (602.522, -24.420) -0.236 (SLS-001) -0.189 (SLS-002) -0.350 (SLS-028) -0.132 (SLS-003) 0.281 (SLS-007) 2R 33 (2140.668, -627.580) -0.269 (SLS-001) -0.208 (SLS-002) -0.371 (SLS-034) -0.145 (SLS-003) 0.312 (SLS-007) 2R
4 (662.233, -24.420) -0.250 (SLS-001) -0.197 (SLS-002) -0.335 (SLS-030) -0.138 (SLS-003) 0.295 (SLS-007) 2R 34 (2672.313, -627.580) -0.187 (SLS-001) -0.143 (SLS-002) -0.250 (SLS-036) -0.100 (SLS-003) 0.213 (SLS-007) 2R
18 - 42 0.018 0.028 0.002 0.028 OK
5 (1193.896, -24.420) -0.305 (SLS-001) -0.238 (SLS-002) -0.377 (SLS-030) -0.166 (SLS-003) 0.356 (SLS-007) 2R 35 (2732.041, -627.580) -0.114 (SLS-001) -0.087 (SLS-002) -0.214 (SLS-036) -0.061 (SLS-003) 0.140 (SLS-007) 2R 43 - 19 0.031 0.020 0.003 0.033 OK
6 (1253.607, -24.420) -0.310 (SLS-001) -0.243 (SLS-002) -0.419 (SLS-032) -0.170 (SLS-003) 0.364 (SLS-007) 2R 36 (3285.704, -627.580) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 20 - 44 0.054 0.012 0.005 0.057 OK
7 (1785.269, -24.420) -0.311 (SLS-001) -0.242 (SLS-002) -0.421 (SLS-032) -0.169 (SLS-003) 0.363 (SLS-007) 2R 37 (3346.387, -627.580) -0.075 (SLS-001) -0.057 (SLS-002) -0.074 (SLS-040) -0.040 (SLS-003) 0.082 (SLS-024) 2R 45 - 21 0.016 0.044 0.002 0.044 OK
8 (1844.980, -24.420) -0.298 (SLS-001) -0.232 (SLS-002) -0.390 (SLS-034) -0.162 (SLS-003) 0.350 (SLS-007) 2R 38 (3944.822, -627.580) -0.239 (SLS-001) -0.183 (SLS-002) -0.316 (SLS-040) -0.128 (SLS-003) 0.274 (SLS-015) 2R 22 - 46 0.101 0.028 0.010 0.107 OK
9 (2376.643, -24.420) -0.248 (SLS-001) -0.192 (SLS-002) -0.354 (SLS-034) -0.135 (SLS-003) 0.287 (SLS-007) 2R 39 (4004.904, -627.580) -0.284 (SLS-001) -0.218 (SLS-002) -0.339 (SLS-040) -0.153 (SLS-003) 0.324 (SLS-015) 2R 47 - 23 0.039 0.070 0.004 0.070 OK
10 (2436.354, -24.420) -0.215 (SLS-001) -0.166 (SLS-002) -0.268 (SLS-036) -0.116 (SLS-003) 0.251 (SLS-007) 2R 40 (4581.135, -627.580) -0.371 (SLS-001) -0.286 (SLS-002) -0.439 (SLS-042) -0.201 (SLS-003) 0.429 (SLS-015) 2R
11 (2968.016, -24.420) -0.087 (SLS-001) -0.068 (SLS-002) -0.193 (SLS-036) -0.047 (SLS-003) 0.105 (SLS-007) 2R 41 (4641.217, -627.580) -0.395 (SLS-001) -0.305 (SLS-002) -0.451 (SLS-042) -0.213 (SLS-003) 0.454 (SLS-015) 2R
12 (3028.345, -24.420) -0.025 (SLS-001) -0.021 (SLS-002) -0.040 (SLS-035) -0.015 (SLS-003) 0.040 (SLS-007) 2R 42 (5217.448, -627.580) -0.423 (SLS-001) -0.328 (SLS-002) -0.494 (SLS-044) -0.230 (SLS-003) 0.489 (SLS-015) 2R
13 (3626.078, -24.420) -0.115 (SLS-001) -0.090 (SLS-002) -0.119 (SLS-040) -0.063 (SLS-003) 0.134 (SLS-015) 2R 43 (5277.530, -627.580) -0.424 (SLS-001) -0.329 (SLS-002) -0.493 (SLS-044) -0.230 (SLS-003) 0.489 (SLS-015) 2R
14 (3686.747, -24.420) -0.199 (SLS-001) -0.153 (SLS-002) -0.292 (SLS-040) -0.107 (SLS-003) 0.226 (SLS-015) 2R 44 (5853.761, -627.580) -0.373 (SLS-001) -0.290 (SLS-002) -0.410 (SLS-046) -0.203 (SLS-003) 0.431 (SLS-015) 2R
15 (4262.996, -24.420) -0.319 (SLS-001) -0.247 (SLS-002) -0.357 (SLS-040) -0.173 (SLS-003) 0.370 (SLS-015) 2R 45 (5913.843, -627.580) -0.359 (SLS-001) -0.280 (SLS-002) -0.398 (SLS-046) -0.196 (SLS-003) 0.415 (SLS-015) 2R
16 (4323.060, -24.420) -0.347 (SLS-001) -0.269 (SLS-002) -0.421 (SLS-042) -0.188 (SLS-003) 0.401 (SLS-015) 2R 46 (6490.074, -627.580) -0.247 (SLS-001) -0.198 (SLS-002) -0.376 (SLS-048) -0.139 (SLS-003) 0.293 (SLS-015) 2R
17 (4899.308, -24.420) -0.408 (SLS-001) -0.317 (SLS-002) -0.459 (SLS-042) -0.222 (SLS-003) 0.474 (SLS-015) 2R 47 (6550.104, -627.580) -0.185 (SLS-001) -0.152 (SLS-002) -0.316 (SLS-048) -0.106 (SLS-003) 0.224 (SLS-015) 2R
18 (4959.373, -24.420) -0.423 (SLS-001) -0.329 (SLS-002) -0.493 (SLS-044) -0.230 (SLS-003) 0.489 (SLS-015) 2R 48 (6860.775, -627.580) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
19 (5535.621, -24.420) -0.411 (SLS-001) -0.321 (SLS-002) -0.484 (SLS-044) -0.225 (SLS-003) 0.477 (SLS-015) 2R
20 (5595.685, -24.420) -0.400 (SLS-001) -0.312 (SLS-002) -0.426 (SLS-046) -0.218 (SLS-003) 0.463 (SLS-015) 2R
21 (6171.934, -24.420) -0.319 (SLS-001) -0.251 (SLS-002) -0.373 (SLS-046) -0.176 (SLS-003) 0.373 (SLS-015) 2R
22 (6231.998, -24.420) -0.301 (SLS-001) -0.241 (SLS-002) -0.392 (SLS-048) -0.169 (SLS-003) 0.356 (SLS-015) 2R
23 (6806.298, -24.420) -0.124 (SLS-001) -0.107 (SLS-002) -0.300 (SLS-048) -0.075 (SLS-003) 0.158 (SLS-015) 2R
24 (6860.775, -24.420) -0.016 (SLS-001) -0.013 (SLS-002) -0.020 (SLS-049) -0.009 (SLS-003) 0.019 (SLS-015) 2R
25 (18.500, -627.580) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
26 (306.871, -627.580) -0.146 (SLS-001) -0.120 (SLS-002) -0.280 (SLS-028) -0.084 (SLS-003) 0.178 (SLS-007) 2R
27 (366.547, -627.580) -0.197 (SLS-001) -0.158 (SLS-002) -0.336 (SLS-028) -0.110 (SLS-003) 0.236 (SLS-007) 2R
28 (898.192, -627.580) -0.278 (SLS-001) -0.217 (SLS-002) -0.355 (SLS-030) -0.152 (SLS-003) 0.323 (SLS-007) 2R
29 (957.921, -627.580) -0.287 (SLS-001) -0.223 (SLS-002) -0.365 (SLS-030) -0.156 (SLS-003) 0.335 (SLS-007) 2R
30 (1489.565, -627.580) -0.318 (SLS-001) -0.246 (SLS-002) -0.425 (SLS-032) -0.172 (SLS-003) 0.369 (SLS-007) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T18

Environment Truss T18 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.055 0.034 0.511 0.565 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.074 0.041 0.651 0.713 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.187 0.122 0.428 0.614 OK
1957 4-5 0.230 0.129 0.496 0.688 OK
Building Function A
5-6 0.271 0.177 0.248 0.503 OK
Importance Level 2 9/10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18/19
8 6-7 0.349 0.189 0.339 0.631 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.356 0.194 0.525 0.795 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.226 0.138 0.514 0.706 OK
Roof Type Gable 7 9 - 10 0.221 0.150 0.367 0.579 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.276 0.151 0.415 0.646 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.276 0.151 0.313 0.544 OK
° 6
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 .32 5 12 - 13 0.223 0.143 0.180 0.392 OK
30 29
Enclosed? Enclosed 60 13 - 14 0.237 0.127 0.515 0.714 OK
17 14 - 15 0.183 0.113 0.346 0.527 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.176 0.091 0.488 0.637 OK
16 - 17 0.111 0.068 0.471 0.582 OK
4 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
3 27/28 17 - 18 0.067 0.032 0.635 0.680 OK
26 18 - 19 0.000 0.000 0.565 0.565 OK
Load Summary Bottom Chord
20 - 21 0.078 0.021 0.253 0.248 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.069 0.023 0.269 0.327 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1093.758 2 BC 2025 22 - 23 0.212 0.112 0.326 0.450 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.180 0.116 0.230 0.338 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.291 0.183 0.265 0.416 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 23/24 25 - 26 0.256 0.200 0.265 0.437 OK
26 - 27 0.262 0.208 0.289 0.444 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 °
.89 27 - 28 0.184 0.154 0.706 0.685 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 31
8 28 - 29 0.019 0.015 0.505 0.494 OK
2 00 28 - 30 0.230 0.392 0.389 0.509 OK
Heel 424 BC Heel 422
Truss Summary 21/22
30 - 31 0.201 0.174 0.211 0.358 OK
31 - 32 0.201 0.174 0.213 0.361 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.226 0.168 0.213 0.360 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.169 0.150 0.185 0.339 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 34 - 35 0.179 0.138 0.209 0.325 OK
Width (m) 3.48 35 - 36 0.121 0.111 0.298 0.382 OK
Height (m) 1.34 36 - 37 0.107 0.084 0.444 0.443 OK
37 - 38 0.043 0.043 0.366 0.385 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1093.758
38 - 39 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.317 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
20 - 1 0.129 0.068 0.017 0.130 OK
BC Span (m) 3.48 39 - 19 0.126 0.066 0.016 0.127 OK
Steel (m) 15.57 2 - 21 0.092 0.079 0.012 0.092 OK
Weight (kg) 21.72 22 - 3 0.197 0.104 0.023 0.201 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 2.328 (Node: 28 - SLS-024) 4 - 23 0.055 0.061 0.007 0.061 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -1.398 (Node: 28 - SLS-001) 24 - 5 0.137 0.141 0.016 0.142 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.795 Reaction @ Node 39 Reaction @ Node 20 6 - 25 0.040 0.061 0.005 0.061 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.685 7 - 26 0.080 0.028 0.011 0.079 OK
Max. Ult 3.196 (ULS-064) Max. Ult 3.328 (ULS-047)
Status Pass 27 - 8 0.137 0.109 0.018 0.139 OK
Min. Ult -2.469 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.572 (ULS-044)
10 - 29 0.047 0.064 0.263 0.256 OK
29 - 30 0.041 0.051 0.096 0.103 OK
Node Deflections Summary 11 - 31 0.077 0.016 0.010 0.077 OK
32 - 12 0.033 0.045 0.004 0.045 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 13 - 33 0.073 0.038 0.009 0.074 OK
Dead 28 -1.398 11.463 0.122 SLS-001 34 - 14 0.053 0.055 0.007 0.055 OK
Live 8 -0.933 13.756 0.068 SLS-002 15 - 35 0.108 0.054 0.014 0.110 OK
Wind 28 2.328 22.926 0.102 SLS-024 36 - 16 0.090 0.081 0.011 0.091 OK
17 - 37 0.158 0.086 0.020 0.160 OK
38 - 18 0.125 0.104 0.016 0.127 OK
Member Deflections Summary
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 27 -1.730 11.463 0.151 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm)
Live 2 0.388 2.463 0.158 SLS-002
Live Point 2 0.510 2.463 0.207 SLS-028 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
Wind 7 -2.907 22.926 0.127 SLS-024 1 (18.500, -17.470) -0.018 (SLS-001) -0.012 (SLS-002) -0.013 (SLS-027) -0.007 (SLS-003) 0.028 (SLS-024) 2R 31 (1794.119, 487.187) -1.304 (SLS-001) -0.907 (SLS-002) -0.907 (SLS-036) -0.558 (SLS-003) 2.138 (SLS-024) 2R
2 (66.521, 10.618) -0.172 (SLS-001) -0.122 (SLS-002) -0.197 (SLS-028) -0.068 (SLS-003) 0.294 (SLS-024) 2R 32 (1848.833, 487.187) -1.280 (SLS-001) -0.894 (SLS-002) -0.878 (SLS-036) -0.554 (SLS-003) 2.088 (SLS-024) 2R
3 (491.749, 259.336) -0.676 (SLS-001) -0.461 (SLS-002) -0.425 (SLS-033) -0.266 (SLS-003) 1.164 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 33 (2250.661, 487.187) -1.132 (SLS-001) -0.797 (SLS-002) -0.771 (SLS-039) -0.499 (SLS-003) 1.838 (SLS-024) 2R
4 (538.327, 286.580) -0.734 (SLS-001) -0.498 (SLS-002) -0.469 (SLS-033) -0.287 (SLS-003) 1.257 (SLS-024) 2R 34 (2310.600, 487.187) -1.089 (SLS-001) -0.768 (SLS-002) -0.745 (SLS-039) -0.482 (SLS-003) 1.767 (SLS-024) 2R
5 (965.836, 536.632) -1.095 (SLS-001) -0.739 (SLS-002) -0.746 (SLS-033) -0.432 (SLS-003) 1.865 (SLS-024) 2R 35 (2712.378, 487.187) -0.829 (SLS-001) -0.588 (SLS-002) -0.519 (SLS-039) -0.372 (SLS-003) 1.341 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1017.982, 567.132) -1.146 (SLS-001) -0.774 (SLS-002) -0.791 (SLS-033) -0.455 (SLS-003) 1.939 (SLS-024) 2R 36 (2772.297, 487.187) -0.766 (SLS-001) -0.545 (SLS-002) -0.467 (SLS-038) -0.345 (SLS-003) 1.239 (SLS-024) 2R
7 (1240.032, 697.010) -1.295 (SLS-001) -0.883 (SLS-002) -0.932 (SLS-033) -0.524 (SLS-003) 2.180 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (3173.453, 487.187) -0.427 (SLS-001) -0.308 (SLS-002) -0.279 (SLS-043) -0.198 (SLS-003) 0.690 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
8 (1479.695, 837.191) -1.361 (SLS-001) -0.933 (SLS-002) -0.977 (SLS-033) -0.560 (SLS-003) 2.274 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 38 (3234.559, 487.187) -0.310 (SLS-001) -0.225 (SLS-002) -0.219 (SLS-043) -0.145 (SLS-003) 0.505 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
9 (1525.607, 864.045) -1.324 (SLS-001) -0.910 (SLS-002) -0.942 (SLS-034) -0.550 (SLS-003) 2.196 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 39 (3457.391, 487.187) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
10 (1581.113, 864.009) -1.341 (SLS-001) -0.927 (SLS-002) -0.937 (SLS-036) -0.565 (SLS-003) 2.213 (SLS-024) 2R
11 (1794.119, 863.871) -1.307 (SLS-001) -0.910 (SLS-002) -0.920 (SLS-036) -0.560 (SLS-003) 2.144 (SLS-024) 2R
12 (2019.822, 863.724) -1.231 (SLS-001) -0.862 (SLS-002) -0.842 (SLS-037) -0.536 (SLS-003) 2.007 (SLS-024) 2R
13 (2079.800, 863.685) -1.203 (SLS-001) -0.846 (SLS-002) -0.819 (SLS-038) -0.528 (SLS-003) 1.958 (SLS-024) 2R
14 (2481.024, 863.425) -0.998 (SLS-001) -0.706 (SLS-002) -0.696 (SLS-039) -0.445 (SLS-003) 1.620 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (2541.995, 863.386) -0.938 (SLS-001) -0.665 (SLS-002) -0.592 (SLS-038) -0.419 (SLS-003) 1.522 (SLS-024) 2R
16 (2942.718, 863.126) -0.639 (SLS-001) -0.457 (SLS-002) -0.410 (SLS-041) -0.291 (SLS-003) 1.035 (SLS-024) 2R
17 (3003.666, 863.086) -0.568 (SLS-001) -0.408 (SLS-002) -0.334 (SLS-038) -0.261 (SLS-003) 0.920 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
18 (3403.049, 862.827) -0.164 (SLS-001) -0.124 (SLS-002) -0.191 (SLS-043) -0.081 (SLS-003) 0.271 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
19 (3457.391, 862.792) -0.016 (SLS-001) -0.012 (SLS-002) -0.013 (SLS-042) -0.008 (SLS-003) 0.026 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (18.500, -406.302) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
21 (255.148, -259.066) -0.362 (SLS-001) -0.248 (SLS-002) -0.234 (SLS-028) -0.142 (SLS-003) 0.626 (SLS-024) 2R
22 (301.055, -230.504) -0.456 (SLS-001) -0.311 (SLS-002) -0.279 (SLS-028) -0.178 (SLS-003) 0.782 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
23 (729.579, 36.111) -0.891 (SLS-001) -0.603 (SLS-002) -0.584 (SLS-033) -0.350 (SLS-003) 1.526 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (774.530, 64.078) -0.943 (SLS-001) -0.635 (SLS-002) -0.624 (SLS-033) -0.369 (SLS-003) 1.605 (SLS-024) 2R
25 (1297.438, 389.416) -1.268 (SLS-001) -0.855 (SLS-002) -0.893 (SLS-033) -0.504 (SLS-003) 2.143 (SLS-024) 2R
26 (1355.543, 425.567) -1.323 (SLS-001) -0.900 (SLS-002) -0.949 (SLS-033) -0.535 (SLS-003) 2.227 (SLS-024) 2R
27 (1414.101, 462.000) -1.374 (SLS-001) -0.940 (SLS-002) -0.986 (SLS-033) -0.564 (SLS-003) 2.297 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
28 (1454.583, 487.187) -1.398 (SLS-001) -0.958 (SLS-002) -0.997 (SLS-033) -0.577 (SLS-003) 2.328 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
29 (1679.891, 627.367) -1.351 (SLS-001) -0.932 (SLS-002) -0.934 (SLS-035) -0.568 (SLS-003) 2.231 (SLS-024) 2R
30 (1738.405, 487.187) -1.330 (SLS-001) -0.920 (SLS-002) -0.929 (SLS-036) -0.562 (SLS-003) 2.191 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T14

Environment Truss T14 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.055 0.035 0.494 0.548 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.068 0.038 0.629 0.687 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.173 0.116 0.409 0.582 OK
1089 4-5 0.209 0.119 0.479 0.652 OK
Building Function A
5-6 0.243 0.161 0.296 0.535 OK
Importance Level 2 14 15/16 17/18
11/12/13 6-7 0.286 0.164 0.514 0.726 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.279 0.183 0.242 0.512 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.322 0.185 0.497 0.765 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.278 0.183 0.333 0.595 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 9/10 10 - 11 0.288 0.162 0.774 0.987 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 31 11 - 12 0.173 0.106 0.556 0.694 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.185 0.132 0.119 0.302 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed .14 13 - 14 0.193 0.111 0.317 0.479 OK
31 78 14 - 15 0.193 0.111 0.351 0.504 OK
88 30 32/33/34 35/36 37
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 27 28/29 15 - 16 0.117 0.081 0.427 0.523 OK
16 - 17 0.069 0.037 0.633 0.682 OK
17 - 18 0.000 0.000 0.535 0.535 OK
Bottom Chord
Load Summary BC 1083 19 - 20 0.116 0.031 0.251 0.260 OK
20 - 21 0.099 0.031 0.266 0.364 OK
Load Value 34 21 - 22 0.239 0.112 0.323 0.478 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1026.614 22 - 23 0.200 0.114 0.228 0.340 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.305 0.160 0.155 0.401 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24/25 24 - 25 0.255 0.161 0.144 0.375 OK
12 25 - 26 0.334 0.195 0.152 0.405 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 .33 26 - 27 0.278 0.195 0.152 0.360 OK
31 27 - 28 0.327 0.204 0.156 0.459 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 3
22/23 304 28 - 29 0.241 0.181 0.255 0.407 OK
Heel 424 BC Heel 422 29 - 30 0.165 0.131 0.530 0.610 OK
Truss Summary 30 - 31 0.034 0.026 0.472 0.453 OK
30 - 32 0.194 0.316 0.367 0.454 OK
Item Value 20/21 32 - 33 0.148 0.122 0.303 0.437 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.148 0.122 0.441 0.524 OK
19 34 - 35 0.129 0.088 0.450 0.565 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
Width (m) 3.48 35 - 36 0.050 0.044 0.363 0.412 OK
Height (m) 1.89 36 - 37 0.000 0.000 0.204 0.204 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1026.614
19 - 1 0.126 0.066 0.016 0.127 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
37 - 18 0.122 0.069 0.016 0.123 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
2 - 20 0.091 0.077 0.012 0.091 OK
BC Span (m) 3.48 21 - 3 0.185 0.099 0.021 0.189 OK
Steel (m) 15.68 4 - 22 0.054 0.059 0.007 0.059 OK
Weight (kg) 21.87 23 - 5 0.127 0.054 0.015 0.131 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 2.637 (Node: 10 - SLS-024) 6 - 24 0.021 0.042 0.003 0.042 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -1.464 (Node: 10 - SLS-001) 25 - 7 0.090 0.025 0.011 0.094 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.987 Reaction @ Node 37 Reaction @ Node 19 8 - 26 0.014 0.029 0.002 0.029 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.610 27 - 9 0.049 0.026 0.006 0.051 OK
Max. Ult 3.180 (ULS-063) Max. Ult 3.248 (ULS-047)
Status Pass 10 - 28 0.066 0.042 0.008 0.066 OK
Min. Ult -2.699 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.017 (ULS-044)
29 - 11 0.154 0.110 0.020 0.156 OK
13 - 31 0.052 0.029 0.432 0.469 OK
Node Deflections Summary 31 - 32 0.077 0.048 0.220 0.288 OK
14 - 33 0.062 0.011 0.008 0.062 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 34 - 15 0.108 0.086 0.014 0.110 OK
Dead 10 -1.464 11.463 0.128 SLS-001 16 - 35 0.156 0.097 0.020 0.158 OK
Live 10 -0.968 13.756 0.070 SLS-002 36 - 17 0.132 0.098 0.017 0.134 OK
Wind 10 2.637 22.926 0.115 SLS-024

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 10 1.904 11.463 0.166 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm)
Live 2 0.369 2.395 0.154 SLS-002
Live Point 10 0.600 2.600 0.231 SLS-036 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
Wind 10 -3.504 22.926 0.153 SLS-024 1 (18.500, -17.353) -0.017 (SLS-001) -0.011 (SLS-002) -0.013 (SLS-027) -0.006 (SLS-003) 0.027 (SLS-024) 2R 31 (2572.300, 1147.956) -1.101 (SLS-001) -0.736 (SLS-002) -0.810 (SLS-036) -0.393 (SLS-003) 1.969 (SLS-024) 2R
2 (65.836, 11.248) -0.161 (SLS-001) -0.111 (SLS-002) -0.186 (SLS-028) -0.055 (SLS-003) 0.285 (SLS-024) 2R 32 (2624.646, 1041.187) -1.029 (SLS-001) -0.689 (SLS-002) -0.739 (SLS-036) -0.369 (SLS-003) 1.837 (SLS-024) 2R
3 (475.776, 258.948) -0.645 (SLS-001) -0.430 (SLS-002) -0.376 (SLS-033) -0.219 (SLS-003) 1.188 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 33 (2677.707, 1041.187) -0.928 (SLS-001) -0.624 (SLS-002) -0.643 (SLS-036) -0.337 (SLS-003) 1.651 (SLS-024) 2R
4 (522.145, 286.966) -0.702 (SLS-001) -0.467 (SLS-002) -0.414 (SLS-033) -0.238 (SLS-003) 1.286 (SLS-024) 2R 34 (2732.447, 1041.187) -0.829 (SLS-001) -0.559 (SLS-002) -0.548 (SLS-036) -0.305 (SLS-003) 1.465 (SLS-024) 2R
5 (933.759, 535.678) -1.069 (SLS-001) -0.708 (SLS-002) -0.661 (SLS-033) -0.363 (SLS-003) 1.959 (SLS-024) 2R 35 (3166.138, 1041.187) -0.422 (SLS-001) -0.291 (SLS-002) -0.286 (SLS-042) -0.165 (SLS-003) 0.740 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
6 (980.115, 563.688) -1.118 (SLS-001) -0.741 (SLS-002) -0.741 (SLS-032) -0.380 (SLS-003) 2.044 (SLS-024) 2R 36 (3215.254, 1041.187) -0.339 (SLS-001) -0.235 (SLS-002) -0.239 (SLS-042) -0.133 (SLS-003) 0.598 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
7 (1391.744, 812.408) -1.350 (SLS-001) -0.895 (SLS-002) -0.879 (SLS-033) -0.462 (SLS-003) 2.459 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (3457.391, 1041.187) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
8 (1438.085, 840.409) -1.370 (SLS-001) -0.907 (SLS-002) -0.944 (SLS-034) -0.469 (SLS-003) 2.487 (SLS-024) 2R
9 (1849.729, 1089.138) -1.446 (SLS-001) -0.954 (SLS-002) -1.003 (SLS-036) -0.496 (SLS-003) 2.606 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (1906.041, 1123.164) -1.464 (SLS-001) -0.968 (SLS-002) -1.123 (SLS-036) -0.505 (SLS-003) 2.637 (SLS-024) 2R
11 (2351.087, 1392.076) -1.317 (SLS-001) -0.877 (SLS-002) -1.060 (SLS-036) -0.462 (SLS-003) 2.371 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
12 (2393.385, 1417.634) -1.200 (SLS-001) -0.799 (SLS-002) -0.875 (SLS-036) -0.423 (SLS-003) 2.150 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
13 (2440.099, 1417.604) -1.150 (SLS-001) -0.770 (SLS-002) -0.829 (SLS-036) -0.411 (SLS-003) 2.058 (SLS-024) 2R
14 (2677.707, 1417.450) -0.929 (SLS-001) -0.626 (SLS-002) -0.643 (SLS-036) -0.338 (SLS-003) 1.654 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (2915.838, 1417.295) -0.677 (SLS-001) -0.459 (SLS-002) -0.440 (SLS-036) -0.252 (SLS-003) 1.195 (SLS-024) 2R
16 (2975.674, 1417.257) -0.596 (SLS-001) -0.409 (SLS-002) -0.372 (SLS-036) -0.228 (SLS-003) 1.053 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
17 (3402.898, 1416.980) -0.161 (SLS-001) -0.117 (SLS-002) -0.202 (SLS-042) -0.070 (SLS-003) 0.285 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
18 (3457.391, 1416.944) -0.015 (SLS-001) -0.011 (SLS-002) -0.012 (SLS-043) -0.006 (SLS-003) 0.026 (SLS-024) 2R
19 (18.500, -406.721) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
20 (246.880, -267.690) -0.343 (SLS-001) -0.230 (SLS-002) -0.217 (SLS-028) -0.117 (SLS-003) 0.633 (SLS-024) 2R
21 (293.235, -239.470) -0.435 (SLS-001) -0.290 (SLS-002) -0.261 (SLS-028) -0.147 (SLS-003) 0.792 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
22 (704.815, 11.087) -0.860 (SLS-001) -0.569 (SLS-002) -0.515 (SLS-033) -0.291 (SLS-003) 1.578 (SLS-024) 2R
23 (751.142, 39.289) -0.914 (SLS-001) -0.605 (SLS-002) -0.554 (SLS-033) -0.310 (SLS-003) 1.673 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (1162.800, 289.895) -1.226 (SLS-001) -0.811 (SLS-002) -0.797 (SLS-032) -0.417 (SLS-003) 2.240 (SLS-024) 2R
25 (1209.111, 318.087) -1.261 (SLS-001) -0.835 (SLS-002) -0.816 (SLS-032) -0.430 (SLS-003) 2.299 (SLS-024) 2R
26 (1620.784, 568.702) -1.416 (SLS-001) -0.936 (SLS-002) -0.972 (SLS-034) -0.485 (SLS-003) 2.567 (SLS-024) 2R
27 (1667.079, 596.885) -1.434 (SLS-001) -0.944 (SLS-002) -0.980 (SLS-034) -0.490 (SLS-003) 2.584 (SLS-024) 2R
28 (2266.350, 961.703) -1.390 (SLS-001) -0.918 (SLS-002) -1.111 (SLS-036) -0.481 (SLS-003) 2.496 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (2322.574, 995.930) -1.351 (SLS-001) -0.898 (SLS-002) -1.077 (SLS-036) -0.473 (SLS-003) 2.431 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
30 (2396.915, 1041.187) -1.308 (SLS-001) -0.872 (SLS-002) -1.025 (SLS-036) -0.462 (SLS-003) 2.351 (SLS-024) 2R+2T

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T13

Environment Truss T13 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.014 0.013 0.440 0.433 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.118 0.069 0.363 0.480 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.146 0.074 0.523 0.625 OK
205 4-5 0.201 0.122 0.339 0.537 OK
Building Function A
5-6 0.238 0.125 0.513 0.684 OK
Importance Level 2 14/15/16/17 6-7 0.245 0.147 0.265 0.502 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.283 0.149 0.532 0.768 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.251 0.148 0.234 0.471 OK
Roof Type Gable 12/13 9 - 10 0.283 0.149 0.544 0.752 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.217 0.127 0.283 0.468 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 34
11 - 12 0.208 0.103 0.550 0.695 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.137 0.075 0.432 0.544 OK
10/11 33
Enclosed? Enclosed ° 13 - 14 0.081 0.034 0.601 0.643 OK
.52 30/31/32/35 14 - 15 0.022 0.005 0.402 0.398 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 37 15 - 16 0.040 0.030 0.350 0.390 OK
38 8/9
16 - 17 0.019 0.009 0.425 0.437 OK
28/29 Bottom Chord
BC 158 18 - 19 0.081 0.003 0.437 0.489 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.196 0.078 0.530 0.492 OK
20 - 21 0.167 0.083 0.263 0.299 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.274 0.138 0.155 0.370 OK
4/5 26/27
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 868.210 22 - 23 0.230 0.141 0.155 0.346 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.309 0.170 0.130 0.382 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.257 0.171 0.110 0.321 OK
2/3 24/25
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.305 0.180 0.136 0.396 OK
1 .33 26 - 27 0.252 0.179 0.144 0.395 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 31 27 - 28 0.267 0.163 0.151 0.400 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 69
22/23 40 28 - 29 0.185 0.136 0.242 0.354 OK
Heel 424 BC Heel 424 29 - 30 0.175 0.112 0.319 0.440 OK
Truss Summary 30 - 31 0.088 0.069 0.290 0.378 OK
20/21 31 - 32 0.040 0.033 0.215 0.223 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.043 0.042 0.149 0.170 OK
Level 1 32 - 35 0.017 0.011 0.114 0.112 OK
18/19 33 - 34 0.072 0.062 0.339 0.377 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
Width (m) 3.48 Webs
Height (m) 2.45 18 - 1 0.026 0.010 0.003 0.026 OK
34 - 17 0.028 0.020 0.454 0.453 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 868.210
35 - 34 0.090 0.063 0.129 0.217 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
19 - 2 0.189 0.200 0.022 0.200 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
3 - 20 0.060 0.064 0.008 0.064 OK
BC Span (m) 3.48 21 - 4 0.137 0.140 0.016 0.143 OK
Steel (m) 15.76 5 - 22 0.025 0.042 0.003 0.042 OK
Weight (kg) 21.99 23 - 6 0.094 0.066 0.011 0.098 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 2.002 (Node: 8 - SLS-024) 7 - 24 0.012 0.028 0.002 0.028 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -1.058 (Node: 9 - SLS-001) 25 - 8 0.056 0.052 0.006 0.058 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.768 Reaction @ Node 35 Reaction @ Node 18 9 - 26 0.037 0.020 0.005 0.037 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.492 27 - 10 0.043 0.112 0.005 0.112 OK
Max. Ult 3.013 (ULS-062) Max. Ult 2.957 (ULS-047)
Status Pass 11 - 28 0.075 0.044 0.009 0.076 OK
Min. Ult -2.732 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -0.340 (ULS-044)
29 - 12 0.073 0.061 0.009 0.074 OK
13 - 30 0.121 0.075 0.015 0.123 OK
Node Deflections Summary 14 - 31 0.115 0.087 0.015 0.117 OK
16 - 33 0.130 0.079 0.017 0.131 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 9 -1.058 11.463 0.092 SLS-001
Live 8 -0.690 13.756 0.050 SLS-002
Wind 8 2.002 22.926 0.087 SLS-024

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 7 1.327 11.463 0.116 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm)
Live 13 0.266 2.459 0.108 SLS-002
Live Point 13 0.499 2.459 0.203 SLS-039 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
Wind 7 -2.576 22.926 0.112 SLS-024 1 (18.500, -17.300) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.000 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-027) 0.000 (SLS-003) 0.000 (SLS-024) 2R 31 (3245.806, 1557.821) -0.310 (SLS-001) -0.203 (SLS-002) -0.276 (SLS-039) -0.094 (SLS-003) 0.582 (SLS-024) 2R
2 (262.151, 132.152) -0.296 (SLS-001) -0.189 (SLS-002) -0.204 (SLS-029) -0.087 (SLS-003) 0.551 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 32 (3321.975, 1604.187) -0.197 (SLS-001) -0.129 (SLS-002) -0.176 (SLS-039) -0.060 (SLS-003) 0.370 (SLS-024) 2R
3 (308.162, 160.374) -0.371 (SLS-001) -0.239 (SLS-002) -0.302 (SLS-029) -0.110 (SLS-003) 0.686 (SLS-024) 2R 33 (3411.308, 1658.566) -0.071 (SLS-001) -0.046 (SLS-002) -0.060 (SLS-039) -0.022 (SLS-003) 0.133 (SLS-024) 2R
4 (750.513, 431.705) -0.701 (SLS-001) -0.456 (SLS-002) -0.498 (SLS-032) -0.210 (SLS-003) 1.337 (SLS-024) 2R 34 (3457.391, 1686.618) -0.003 (SLS-001) -0.002 (SLS-002) -0.003 (SLS-042) -0.001 (SLS-003) 0.005 (SLS-024) 2R
5 (796.524, 459.927) -0.739 (SLS-001) -0.481 (SLS-002) -0.574 (SLS-031) -0.222 (SLS-003) 1.406 (SLS-024) 2R 35 (3457.391, 1604.187) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
6 (1238.857, 731.248) -0.961 (SLS-001) -0.627 (SLS-002) -0.723 (SLS-032) -0.289 (SLS-003) 1.828 (SLS-024) 2R
7 (1284.885, 759.480) -0.984 (SLS-001) -0.642 (SLS-002) -0.806 (SLS-033) -0.296 (SLS-003) 1.866 (SLS-024) 2R
8 (1727.202, 1030.790) -1.058 (SLS-001) -0.690 (SLS-002) -0.851 (SLS-033) -0.318 (SLS-003) 2.002 (SLS-024) 2R
9 (1773.247, 1059.034) -1.058 (SLS-001) -0.690 (SLS-002) -0.855 (SLS-035) -0.318 (SLS-003) 1.996 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (2215.547, 1330.333) -0.981 (SLS-001) -0.636 (SLS-002) -0.810 (SLS-035) -0.293 (SLS-003) 1.836 (SLS-024) 2R
11 (2271.763, 1364.815) -0.948 (SLS-001) -0.616 (SLS-002) -0.702 (SLS-036) -0.284 (SLS-003) 1.772 (SLS-024) 2R
12 (2770.419, 1670.683) -0.684 (SLS-001) -0.447 (SLS-002) -0.532 (SLS-037) -0.207 (SLS-003) 1.282 (SLS-024) 2R
13 (2817.589, 1699.616) -0.641 (SLS-001) -0.420 (SLS-002) -0.447 (SLS-036) -0.194 (SLS-003) 1.202 (SLS-024) 2R
14 (3236.882, 1956.804) -0.299 (SLS-001) -0.197 (SLS-002) -0.271 (SLS-039) -0.091 (SLS-003) 0.564 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (3277.798, 1981.901) -0.208 (SLS-001) -0.135 (SLS-002) -0.144 (SLS-036) -0.063 (SLS-003) 0.388 (SLS-024) 2R
16 (3325.186, 1981.870) -0.136 (SLS-001) -0.089 (SLS-002) -0.094 (SLS-036) -0.042 (SLS-003) 0.254 (SLS-024) 2R
17 (3457.391, 1981.785) 0.000 (SLS-001) 0.000 (SLS-002) -0.008 (SLS-042) 0.000 (SLS-003) 0.001 (SLS-008) 2R
18 (18.500, -406.722) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
19 (63.485, -379.339) -0.112 (SLS-001) -0.068 (SLS-002) -0.099 (SLS-029) -0.031 (SLS-003) 0.180 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
20 (506.291, -109.792) -0.511 (SLS-001) -0.329 (SLS-002) -0.357 (SLS-029) -0.152 (SLS-003) 0.965 (SLS-024) 2R
21 (552.430, -81.706) -0.554 (SLS-001) -0.359 (SLS-002) -0.385 (SLS-032) -0.166 (SLS-003) 1.049 (SLS-024) 2R
22 (994.636, 187.476) -0.839 (SLS-001) -0.546 (SLS-002) -0.632 (SLS-031) -0.252 (SLS-003) 1.600 (SLS-024) 2R
23 (1040.792, 215.573) -0.875 (SLS-001) -0.569 (SLS-002) -0.652 (SLS-032) -0.262 (SLS-003) 1.659 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (1482.982, 484.745) -1.030 (SLS-001) -0.670 (SLS-002) -0.837 (SLS-033) -0.309 (SLS-003) 1.951 (SLS-024) 2R
25 (1529.155, 512.852) -1.040 (SLS-001) -0.678 (SLS-002) -0.845 (SLS-033) -0.313 (SLS-003) 1.968 (SLS-024) 2R
26 (1971.327, 782.013) -1.043 (SLS-001) -0.678 (SLS-002) -0.850 (SLS-035) -0.313 (SLS-003) 1.964 (SLS-024) 2R
27 (2017.517, 810.130) -1.036 (SLS-001) -0.670 (SLS-002) -0.845 (SLS-035) -0.309 (SLS-003) 1.935 (SLS-024) 2R
28 (2665.646, 1204.663) -0.778 (SLS-001) -0.502 (SLS-002) -0.580 (SLS-037) -0.232 (SLS-003) 1.446 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (2720.069, 1237.791) -0.724 (SLS-001) -0.472 (SLS-002) -0.553 (SLS-037) -0.218 (SLS-003) 1.354 (SLS-024) 2R
30 (3198.482, 1529.014) -0.387 (SLS-001) -0.252 (SLS-002) -0.333 (SLS-039) -0.116 (SLS-003) 0.724 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T6 (2 ply)

Environment Truss T6 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 2R+4T 1-2 0.004 0.006 0.296 0.292 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.087 0.038 0.246 0.333 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.116 0.043 0.289 0.375 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.169 0.075 0.238 0.383 OK
5-6 0.210 0.078 0.272 0.422 OK
Importance Level 2
18/19/20/21/22 164 6-7 0.230 0.102 0.195 0.392 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
4 - 7-8 0.281 0.105 0.292 0.493 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150 23/24 23 .97
16/17 ° 8-9 0.274 0.121 0.169 0.404 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.331 0.123 0.297 0.523 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 25/26
10 - 11 0.301 0.132 0.141 0.397 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 14/15 11 - 12 0.360 0.133 0.303 0.560 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.308 0.134 0.116 0.379 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 12/13 29 13 - 14 0.367 0.134 0.306 0.558 OK
4 24° 48/49/50/51 14 - 15 0.299 0.128 0.116 0.375 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 469 46/47 52 15 - 16 0.353 0.127 0.279 0.531 OK
16 - 17 0.271 0.114 0.221 0.445 OK
17 - 18 0.314 0.111 0.508 0.768 OK
8/9 44/45
18 - 19 0.223 0.088 0.507 0.730 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.216 0.089 0.336 0.552 OK
6/7 42/43 20 - 21 0.179 0.074 0.603 0.782 OK
BC 57/58
Load Value 166 21 - 22 0.265 0.107 0.618 0.883 OK
9 -
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1094.823 4/5 40/41 24° 22 - 23 0.241 0.084 0.368 0.531 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.203 0.083 0.235 0.408 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.177 0.062 0.285 0.413 OK
2/3 38/39
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.150 0.062 0.225 0.353 OK
1 26 - 27 0.094 0.033 0.275 0.358 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 36/37 27 - 28 0.080 0.033 0.277 0.356 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 24°
4712 28 - 29 0.004 0.006 0.267 0.263 OK
Heel 445 34/35 BC Heel 445 Bottom Chord
Truss Summary 30 - 31 0.035 0.000 0.367 0.401 OK
31 - 32 0.076 0.054 0.445 0.402 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.069 0.061 0.231 0.265 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.131 0.109 0.164 0.238 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 30/31 34 - 35 0.113 0.116 0.145 0.244 OK
Width (m) 5.79 35 - 36 0.172 0.160 0.170 0.256 OK
Height (m) 2.37 36 - 37 0.146 0.165 0.121 0.261 OK
37 - 38 0.199 0.197 0.126 0.257 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1094.823
38 - 39 0.168 0.200 0.090 0.257 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.214 0.221 0.095 0.254 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
40 - 41 0.179 0.223 0.065 0.245 OK
BC Span (m) 5.79 41 - 42 0.215 0.231 0.073 0.254 OK
Steel (2 ply) (m) 52.58 42 - 43 0.178 0.231 0.074 0.252 OK
Weight (2 ply) (kg) 73.34 43 - 44 0.203 0.228 0.066 0.240 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 4.179 (Node: 42 - SLS-024) 44 - 45 0.167 0.227 0.088 0.281 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -3.389 (Node: 42 - SLS-001) 45 - 46 0.178 0.211 0.223 0.308 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.883 Reaction @ Node 58 Reaction @ Node 30 46 - 47 0.143 0.207 0.183 0.306 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.728 47 - 48 0.134 0.179 0.191 0.322 OK
Max. Ult 5.051 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 5.051 (ULS-002)
Status Pass 48 - 49 0.114 0.174 0.191 0.309 OK
Min. Ult -2.593 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.932 (ULS-044)
49 - 50 0.075 0.287 0.587 0.663 OK
50 - 51 0.142 0.187 0.587 0.728 OK
Node Deflections Summary 51 - 52 0.089 0.137 0.195 0.216 OK
52 - 53 0.107 0.137 0.167 0.192 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 53 - 54 0.062 0.094 0.193 0.269 OK
Dead 42 -3.389 12.000 0.282 SLS-001 54 - 55 0.075 0.094 0.202 0.269 OK
Live 14 -2.372 23.160 0.102 SLS-002 55 - 56 0.025 0.038 0.231 0.251 OK
Wind 42 4.179 38.600 0.108 SLS-024 56 - 57 0.031 0.038 0.457 0.420 OK
57 - 58 0.036 0.014 0.376 0.412 OK
Member Deflections Summary 30 - 1 0.010 0.007 0.001 0.011 OK
58 - 29 0.009 0.008 0.001 0.009 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
31 - 2 0.152 0.053 0.018 0.157 OK
Dead 42 -3.840 12.000 0.320 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 3 - 32 0.050 0.063 0.007 0.063 OK
Live 24 0.447 1.913 0.234 SLS-002 33 - 4 0.125 0.044 0.014 0.129 OK
Live Point 17 0.263 2.278 0.116 SLS-043 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
1 (18.500, -18.494) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.003 (SLS-027) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (1542.805, 252.132) -2.487 (SLS-001) -1.748 (SLS-002) -0.937 (SLS-037) -0.964 (SLS-003) 3.107 (SLS-024) 2R
5 - 34 0.035 0.046 0.004 0.046 OK
Wind 13 -4.774 38.600 0.124 SLS-024 2 (262.227, 90.020) -0.495 (SLS-001) -0.345 (SLS-002) -0.175 (SLS-036) -0.191 (SLS-003) 0.620 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 38 (1985.379, 449.179) -2.934 (SLS-001) -2.063 (SLS-002) -1.120 (SLS-038) -1.138 (SLS-003) 3.653 (SLS-024) 2R 35 - 6 0.096 0.033 0.011 0.100 OK
3 (311.890, 112.131) -0.618 (SLS-001) -0.432 (SLS-002) -0.217 (SLS-036) -0.238 (SLS-003) 0.774 (SLS-024) 2R 39 (2035.103, 471.317) -2.983 (SLS-001) -2.097 (SLS-002) -1.147 (SLS-037) -1.157 (SLS-003) 3.711 (SLS-024) 2R 7 - 36 0.024 0.036 0.003 0.036 OK
4 (754.596, 309.237) -1.354 (SLS-001) -0.951 (SLS-002) -0.492 (SLS-037) -0.525 (SLS-003) 1.704 (SLS-024) 2R 40 (2477.677, 668.364) -3.263 (SLS-001) -2.295 (SLS-002) -1.293 (SLS-037) -1.266 (SLS-003) 4.044 (SLS-024) 2R
37 - 8 0.071 0.023 0.008 0.074 OK
5 (804.188, 331.316) -1.448 (SLS-001) -1.017 (SLS-002) -0.528 (SLS-036) -0.561 (SLS-003) 1.820 (SLS-024) 2R 41 (2527.400, 690.502) -3.288 (SLS-001) -2.313 (SLS-002) -1.301 (SLS-037) -1.276 (SLS-003) 4.072 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1246.894, 528.422) -2.100 (SLS-001) -1.476 (SLS-002) -0.781 (SLS-037) -0.814 (SLS-003) 2.632 (SLS-024) 2R 42 (2969.974, 887.549) -3.389 (SLS-001) -2.384 (SLS-002) -1.372 (SLS-039) -1.315 (SLS-003) 4.179 (SLS-024) 2R 9 - 38 0.012 0.028 0.002 0.028 OK
7 (1296.485, 550.501) -2.181 (SLS-001) -1.533 (SLS-002) -0.816 (SLS-037) -0.846 (SLS-003) 2.731 (SLS-024) 2R 43 (3019.698, 909.687) -3.387 (SLS-001) -2.383 (SLS-002) -1.372 (SLS-039) -1.315 (SLS-003) 4.172 (SLS-024) 2R 39 - 10 0.053 0.012 0.006 0.055 OK
8 (1739.192, 747.607) -2.702 (SLS-001) -1.900 (SLS-002) -1.025 (SLS-037) -1.048 (SLS-003) 3.373 (SLS-024) 2R 44 (3462.272, 1106.734) -3.302 (SLS-001) -2.324 (SLS-002) -1.316 (SLS-040) -1.282 (SLS-003) 4.049 (SLS-024) 2R 11 - 40 0.003 0.019 0.000 0.019 OK
9 (1788.783, 769.686) -2.762 (SLS-001) -1.942 (SLS-002) -1.048 (SLS-038) -1.071 (SLS-003) 3.444 (SLS-024) 2R 45 (3511.995, 1128.872) -3.284 (SLS-001) -2.311 (SLS-002) -1.309 (SLS-041) -1.275 (SLS-003) 4.022 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (2231.489, 966.792) -3.126 (SLS-001) -2.199 (SLS-002) -1.210 (SLS-038) -1.213 (SLS-003) 3.884 (SLS-024) 2R 46 (3956.991, 1326.997) -3.037 (SLS-001) -2.139 (SLS-002) -1.234 (SLS-043) -1.180 (SLS-003) 3.703 (SLS-024) 2R
41 - 12 0.034 0.009 0.004 0.035 OK
11 (2281.081, 988.871) -3.163 (SLS-001) -2.225 (SLS-002) -1.258 (SLS-037) -1.227 (SLS-003) 3.926 (SLS-024) 2R 47 (4001.157, 1346.661) -2.976 (SLS-001) -2.097 (SLS-002) -1.212 (SLS-043) -1.157 (SLS-003) 3.625 (SLS-024) 2R 13 - 42 0.017 0.011 0.002 0.017 OK
12 (2723.787, 1185.977) -3.353 (SLS-001) -2.359 (SLS-002) -1.329 (SLS-038) -1.301 (SLS-003) 4.145 (SLS-024) 2R 48 (4226.955, 1447.193) -2.683 (SLS-001) -1.889 (SLS-002) -1.055 (SLS-043) -1.042 (SLS-003) 3.237 (SLS-024) 2R 43 - 14 0.017 0.020 0.002 0.020 OK
13 (2773.378, 1208.056) -3.365 (SLS-001) -2.368 (SLS-002) -1.361 (SLS-039) -1.306 (SLS-003) 4.157 (SLS-024) 2R 49 (4289.796, 1475.171) -2.615 (SLS-001) -1.839 (SLS-002) -1.000 (SLS-041) -1.015 (SLS-003) 3.135 (SLS-024) 2R+4T
15 - 44 0.027 0.013 0.004 0.027 OK
14 (3216.084, 1405.162) -3.370 (SLS-001) -2.372 (SLS-002) -1.366 (SLS-039) -1.309 (SLS-003) 4.144 (SLS-024) 2R 50 (4322.851, 1460.454) -2.532 (SLS-001) -1.782 (SLS-002) -0.964 (SLS-041) -0.983 (SLS-003) 3.038 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
15 (3265.676, 1427.241) -3.355 (SLS-001) -2.361 (SLS-002) -1.337 (SLS-040) -1.303 (SLS-003) 4.120 (SLS-024) 2R 51 (4523.846, 1370.965) -2.255 (SLS-001) -1.588 (SLS-002) -0.844 (SLS-041) -0.876 (SLS-003) 2.714 (SLS-024) 2R
45 - 16 0.030 0.033 0.003 0.033 OK
16 (3708.382, 1624.347) -3.187 (SLS-001) -2.244 (SLS-002) -1.279 (SLS-041) -1.238 (SLS-003) 3.895 (SLS-024) 2R 52 (4572.659, 1349.232) -2.191 (SLS-001) -1.543 (SLS-002) -0.816 (SLS-042) -0.851 (SLS-003) 2.639 (SLS-024) 2R 17 - 46 0.055 0.028 0.007 0.056 OK
17 (3758.108, 1646.486) -3.166 (SLS-001) -2.230 (SLS-002) -1.263 (SLS-043) -1.230 (SLS-003) 3.867 (SLS-024) 2R 53 (4924.797, 1192.450) -1.631 (SLS-001) -1.147 (SLS-002) -0.602 (SLS-042) -0.633 (SLS-003) 1.961 (SLS-024) 2R 47 - 18 0.053 0.047 0.006 0.055 OK
18 (4174.236, 1831.758) -2.828 (SLS-001) -1.993 (SLS-002) -1.170 (SLS-043) -1.099 (SLS-003) 3.435 (SLS-024) 2R 54 (4974.802, 1170.187) -1.525 (SLS-001) -1.073 (SLS-002) -0.561 (SLS-042) -0.592 (SLS-003) 1.835 (SLS-024) 2R
19 - 48 0.005 0.032 0.001 0.032 OK
19 (4226.955, 1855.231) -2.680 (SLS-001) -1.887 (SLS-002) -1.058 (SLS-043) -1.041 (SLS-003) 3.236 (SLS-024) 2R 55 (5324.364, 1014.552) -0.914 (SLS-001) -0.642 (SLS-002) -0.332 (SLS-043) -0.354 (SLS-003) 1.097 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (4288.030, 1882.423) -2.483 (SLS-001) -1.746 (SLS-002) -0.952 (SLS-041) -0.963 (SLS-003) 2.972 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 56 (5374.370, 992.288) -0.811 (SLS-001) -0.569 (SLS-002) -0.293 (SLS-043) -0.314 (SLS-003) 0.973 (SLS-024) 2R 50 - 21 0.134 0.165 0.017 0.165 OK
21 (4329.320, 1864.069) -2.487 (SLS-001) -1.750 (SLS-002) -0.945 (SLS-041) -0.965 (SLS-003) 2.985 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 57 (5726.581, 835.473) -0.137 (SLS-001) -0.095 (SLS-002) -0.049 (SLS-048) -0.052 (SLS-003) 0.160 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 22 - 51 0.119 0.035 0.014 0.122 OK
22 (4379.805, 1841.628) -2.464 (SLS-001) -1.735 (SLS-002) -0.927 (SLS-041) -0.957 (SLS-003) 2.967 (SLS-024) 2R 58 (5771.515, 815.467) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 52 - 23 0.019 0.035 0.002 0.035 OK
23 (4725.093, 1688.147) -1.975 (SLS-001) -1.391 (SLS-002) -0.735 (SLS-042) -0.767 (SLS-003) 2.377 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (4775.112, 1665.913) -1.873 (SLS-001) -1.318 (SLS-002) -0.695 (SLS-042) -0.727 (SLS-003) 2.254 (SLS-024) 2R
24 - 53 0.102 0.032 0.012 0.105 OK
25 (5124.819, 1510.467) -1.283 (SLS-001) -0.903 (SLS-002) -0.471 (SLS-042) -0.498 (SLS-003) 1.542 (SLS-024) 2R 54 - 25 0.040 0.055 0.005 0.055 OK
26 (5174.679, 1488.304) -1.183 (SLS-001) -0.832 (SLS-002) -0.432 (SLS-042) -0.459 (SLS-003) 1.422 (SLS-024) 2R 26 - 55 0.132 0.043 0.016 0.136 OK
27 (5524.386, 1332.858) -0.550 (SLS-001) -0.386 (SLS-002) -0.198 (SLS-043) -0.213 (SLS-003) 0.658 (SLS-024) 2R
56 - 27 0.052 0.069 0.007 0.069 OK
28 (5574.331, 1310.657) -0.424 (SLS-001) -0.297 (SLS-002) -0.153 (SLS-043) -0.164 (SLS-003) 0.507 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
29 (5771.515, 1223.008) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.003 (SLS-054) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R
28 - 57 0.151 0.050 0.018 0.156 OK
30 (18.500, -426.532) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
31 (63.430, -406.528) -0.142 (SLS-001) -0.097 (SLS-002) -0.053 (SLS-029) -0.053 (SLS-003) 0.171 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
32 (508.486, -208.376) -0.934 (SLS-001) -0.654 (SLS-002) -0.334 (SLS-036) -0.361 (SLS-003) 1.173 (SLS-024) 2R
33 (558.210, -186.238) -1.031 (SLS-001) -0.723 (SLS-002) -0.371 (SLS-036) -0.399 (SLS-003) 1.296 (SLS-024) 2R
34 (1000.784, 10.809) -1.732 (SLS-001) -1.216 (SLS-002) -0.636 (SLS-037) -0.671 (SLS-003) 2.174 (SLS-024) 2R
35 (1050.507, 32.947) -1.823 (SLS-001) -1.280 (SLS-002) -0.673 (SLS-037) -0.706 (SLS-003) 2.286 (SLS-024) 2R
36 (1493.081, 229.994) -2.416 (SLS-001) -1.697 (SLS-002) -0.908 (SLS-037) -0.936 (SLS-003) 3.021 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T4 (2 ply)

Environment Truss T4 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.004 0.006 0.295 0.292 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.087 0.038 0.245 0.331 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.116 0.043 0.289 0.374 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.168 0.074 0.238 0.382 OK
5-6 0.209 0.078 0.272 0.421 OK
Importance Level 2
18/19/20/21/22 164 6-7 0.229 0.101 0.194 0.391 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
4 - 7-8 0.280 0.104 0.292 0.492 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150 23/24 23 .97
16/17 ° 8-9 0.273 0.120 0.169 0.403 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.330 0.122 0.297 0.522 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 25/26
10 - 11 0.299 0.131 0.141 0.396 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 14/15 11 - 12 0.358 0.132 0.301 0.547 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.307 0.133 0.116 0.378 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 12/13 29 13 - 14 0.365 0.133 0.306 0.557 OK
4 24° 48/49/50 14 - 15 0.298 0.128 0.116 0.374 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 469 46/47
51/52 15 - 16 0.352 0.127 0.280 0.531 OK
16 - 17 0.269 0.113 0.219 0.442 OK
17 - 18 0.313 0.111 0.498 0.757 OK
8/9 44/45
18 - 19 0.226 0.089 0.500 0.726 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.199 0.082 0.378 0.577 OK
6/7 42/43 20 - 21 0.194 0.080 0.455 0.649 OK
BC 57/58
Load Value 166 21 - 22 0.269 0.108 0.468 0.736 OK
9 -
Loaded Width (Defined) (mm) 1090.000 4/5 40/41 24° 22 - 23 0.240 0.084 0.331 0.493 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.202 0.083 0.220 0.393 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.177 0.062 0.267 0.395 OK
2/3 38/39
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.149 0.061 0.226 0.354 OK
1 26 - 27 0.094 0.033 0.275 0.357 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 36/37 27 - 28 0.080 0.032 0.276 0.355 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 24°
4712 28 - 29 0.004 0.006 0.266 0.262 OK
Heel 445 34/35 BC Heel 445 Bottom Chord
Truss Summary 30 - 31 0.035 0.000 0.365 0.400 OK
31 - 32 0.076 0.053 0.443 0.400 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.068 0.061 0.230 0.264 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.131 0.109 0.163 0.237 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 30/31 34 - 35 0.113 0.115 0.145 0.243 OK
Width (m) 5.79 35 - 36 0.171 0.159 0.169 0.255 OK
Height (m) 2.37 36 - 37 0.145 0.164 0.121 0.260 OK
37 - 38 0.198 0.196 0.125 0.256 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1090.000
38 - 39 0.167 0.200 0.090 0.256 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.213 0.220 0.095 0.252 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
40 - 41 0.178 0.222 0.065 0.244 OK
BC Span (m) 5.79 41 - 42 0.214 0.230 0.073 0.253 OK
Steel (2 ply) (m) 52.65 42 - 43 0.177 0.230 0.074 0.251 OK
Weight (2 ply) (kg) 73.44 43 - 44 0.202 0.227 0.064 0.238 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 4.126 (Node: 42 - SLS-024) 44 - 45 0.167 0.226 0.090 0.283 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -3.352 (Node: 42 - SLS-001) 45 - 46 0.177 0.210 0.236 0.313 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.757 Reaction @ Node 58 Reaction @ Node 30 46 - 47 0.143 0.206 0.194 0.311 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.733 47 - 48 0.136 0.181 0.294 0.419 OK
Max. Ult 5.028 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 5.029 (ULS-002)
Status Pass 48 - 49 0.105 0.162 0.294 0.394 OK
Min. Ult -2.582 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.924 (ULS-044)
49 - 50 0.083 0.313 0.589 0.677 OK
50 - 51 0.145 0.190 0.589 0.733 OK
Node Deflections Summary 51 - 52 0.089 0.137 0.178 0.208 OK
52 - 53 0.107 0.137 0.171 0.192 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 53 - 54 0.062 0.093 0.186 0.261 OK
Dead 42 -3.352 12.000 0.279 SLS-001 54 - 55 0.074 0.093 0.200 0.261 OK
Live 14 -2.345 23.160 0.101 SLS-002 55 - 56 0.025 0.037 0.232 0.251 OK
Wind 42 4.126 38.600 0.107 SLS-024 56 - 57 0.031 0.038 0.454 0.418 OK
57 - 58 0.035 0.014 0.375 0.410 OK
Member Deflections Summary 30 - 1 0.010 0.007 0.001 0.011 OK
58 - 29 0.009 0.008 0.001 0.009 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
31 - 2 0.151 0.053 0.017 0.157 OK
Dead 42 -3.798 12.000 0.316 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 3 - 32 0.050 0.063 0.006 0.063 OK
Live 24 0.440 1.914 0.230 SLS-002 33 - 4 0.124 0.044 0.014 0.129 OK
Live Point 17 0.306 2.430 0.126 SLS-043 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
1 (18.500, -18.494) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.003 (SLS-027) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (1542.805, 252.129) -2.464 (SLS-001) -1.732 (SLS-002) -0.932 (SLS-037) -0.956 (SLS-003) 3.075 (SLS-024) 2R
5 - 34 0.034 0.045 0.004 0.045 OK
Wind 13 -4.713 38.600 0.122 SLS-024 2 (262.227, 90.020) -0.491 (SLS-001) -0.343 (SLS-002) -0.174 (SLS-036) -0.189 (SLS-003) 0.614 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 38 (1985.379, 449.175) -2.906 (SLS-001) -2.043 (SLS-002) -1.114 (SLS-038) -1.127 (SLS-003) 3.614 (SLS-024) 2R 35 - 6 0.096 0.033 0.011 0.099 OK
3 (311.890, 112.131) -0.613 (SLS-001) -0.429 (SLS-002) -0.216 (SLS-036) -0.237 (SLS-003) 0.767 (SLS-024) 2R 39 (2035.103, 471.314) -2.955 (SLS-001) -2.077 (SLS-002) -1.141 (SLS-037) -1.146 (SLS-003) 3.671 (SLS-024) 2R 7 - 36 0.024 0.036 0.003 0.036 OK
4 (754.596, 309.237) -1.343 (SLS-001) -0.943 (SLS-002) -0.490 (SLS-037) -0.520 (SLS-003) 1.687 (SLS-024) 2R 40 (2477.677, 668.360) -3.230 (SLS-001) -2.272 (SLS-002) -1.286 (SLS-037) -1.253 (SLS-003) 3.997 (SLS-024) 2R
37 - 8 0.071 0.023 0.008 0.074 OK
5 (804.188, 331.316) -1.436 (SLS-001) -1.009 (SLS-002) -0.526 (SLS-036) -0.556 (SLS-003) 1.802 (SLS-024) 2R 41 (2527.400, 690.499) -3.255 (SLS-001) -2.290 (SLS-002) -1.294 (SLS-037) -1.263 (SLS-003) 4.024 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1246.894, 528.422) -2.081 (SLS-001) -1.463 (SLS-002) -0.778 (SLS-037) -0.807 (SLS-003) 2.606 (SLS-024) 2R 42 (2969.974, 887.545) -3.352 (SLS-001) -2.358 (SLS-002) -1.362 (SLS-039) -1.301 (SLS-003) 4.126 (SLS-024) 2R 9 - 38 0.012 0.028 0.002 0.028 OK
7 (1296.485, 550.501) -2.162 (SLS-001) -1.520 (SLS-002) -0.812 (SLS-037) -0.838 (SLS-003) 2.704 (SLS-024) 2R 43 (3019.698, 909.684) -3.350 (SLS-001) -2.357 (SLS-002) -1.362 (SLS-039) -1.300 (SLS-003) 4.118 (SLS-024) 2R 39 - 10 0.053 0.012 0.006 0.055 OK
8 (1739.192, 747.607) -2.678 (SLS-001) -1.883 (SLS-002) -1.020 (SLS-037) -1.039 (SLS-003) 3.338 (SLS-024) 2R 44 (3462.272, 1106.730) -3.262 (SLS-001) -2.296 (SLS-002) -1.304 (SLS-040) -1.267 (SLS-003) 3.990 (SLS-024) 2R 11 - 40 0.004 0.019 0.000 0.019 OK
9 (1788.783, 769.686) -2.737 (SLS-001) -1.925 (SLS-002) -1.043 (SLS-038) -1.062 (SLS-003) 3.409 (SLS-024) 2R 45 (3511.995, 1128.869) -3.244 (SLS-001) -2.284 (SLS-002) -1.296 (SLS-041) -1.260 (SLS-003) 3.964 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (2231.489, 966.792) -3.096 (SLS-001) -2.178 (SLS-002) -1.203 (SLS-037) -1.201 (SLS-003) 3.841 (SLS-024) 2R 46 (3956.991, 1326.994) -2.995 (SLS-001) -2.110 (SLS-002) -1.220 (SLS-043) -1.164 (SLS-003) 3.642 (SLS-024) 2R
41 - 12 0.034 0.009 0.004 0.035 OK
11 (2281.081, 988.871) -3.132 (SLS-001) -2.203 (SLS-002) -1.252 (SLS-037) -1.216 (SLS-003) 3.883 (SLS-024) 2R 47 (4002.015, 1347.039) -2.931 (SLS-001) -2.065 (SLS-002) -1.196 (SLS-043) -1.139 (SLS-003) 3.559 (SLS-024) 2R 13 - 42 0.017 0.011 0.002 0.017 OK
12 (2723.787, 1185.977) -3.318 (SLS-001) -2.335 (SLS-002) -1.320 (SLS-038) -1.288 (SLS-003) 4.095 (SLS-024) 2R 48 (4241.069, 1453.473) -2.646 (SLS-001) -1.862 (SLS-002) -1.044 (SLS-043) -1.027 (SLS-003) 3.182 (SLS-024) 2R 43 - 14 0.017 0.020 0.002 0.020 OK
13 (2773.378, 1208.056) -3.330 (SLS-001) -2.343 (SLS-002) -1.351 (SLS-039) -1.293 (SLS-003) 4.106 (SLS-024) 2R 49 (4289.803, 1475.171) -2.619 (SLS-001) -1.843 (SLS-002) -1.012 (SLS-043) -1.017 (SLS-003) 3.138 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
15 - 44 0.027 0.013 0.004 0.027 OK
14 (3216.084, 1405.162) -3.332 (SLS-001) -2.345 (SLS-002) -1.355 (SLS-039) -1.294 (SLS-003) 4.088 (SLS-024) 2R 50 (4332.120, 1456.331) -2.508 (SLS-001) -1.765 (SLS-002) -0.961 (SLS-041) -0.974 (SLS-003) 3.008 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
15 (3265.676, 1427.241) -3.316 (SLS-001) -2.334 (SLS-002) -1.325 (SLS-040) -1.288 (SLS-003) 4.064 (SLS-024) 2R 51 (4527.479, 1369.351) -2.220 (SLS-001) -1.563 (SLS-002) -0.837 (SLS-042) -0.862 (SLS-003) 2.671 (SLS-024) 2R
45 - 16 0.030 0.033 0.003 0.033 OK
16 (3708.382, 1624.347) -3.146 (SLS-001) -2.216 (SLS-002) -1.265 (SLS-041) -1.222 (SLS-003) 3.836 (SLS-024) 2R 52 (4572.660, 1349.235) -2.159 (SLS-001) -1.520 (SLS-002) -0.811 (SLS-043) -0.839 (SLS-003) 2.599 (SLS-024) 2R 17 - 46 0.054 0.027 0.007 0.055 OK
17 (3758.108, 1646.486) -3.125 (SLS-001) -2.202 (SLS-002) -1.249 (SLS-043) -1.215 (SLS-003) 3.808 (SLS-024) 2R 53 (4924.800, 1192.452) -1.610 (SLS-001) -1.133 (SLS-002) -0.601 (SLS-043) -0.625 (SLS-003) 1.934 (SLS-024) 2R 47 - 18 0.047 0.041 0.005 0.048 OK
18 (4202.084, 1844.157) -2.760 (SLS-001) -1.946 (SLS-002) -1.149 (SLS-043) -1.074 (SLS-003) 3.341 (SLS-024) 2R 54 (4974.806, 1170.189) -1.506 (SLS-001) -1.060 (SLS-002) -0.560 (SLS-043) -0.585 (SLS-003) 1.811 (SLS-024) 2R
48 - 19 0.027 0.058 0.003 0.058 OK
19 (4248.431, 1864.793) -2.628 (SLS-001) -1.850 (SLS-002) -1.041 (SLS-043) -1.021 (SLS-003) 3.163 (SLS-024) 2R 55 (5324.370, 1014.553) -0.903 (SLS-001) -0.635 (SLS-002) -0.332 (SLS-043) -0.350 (SLS-003) 1.083 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (4288.030, 1882.423) -2.500 (SLS-001) -1.758 (SLS-002) -0.965 (SLS-041) -0.970 (SLS-003) 2.993 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 56 (5374.376, 992.289) -0.801 (SLS-001) -0.562 (SLS-002) -0.293 (SLS-043) -0.310 (SLS-003) 0.960 (SLS-024) 2R 21 - 50 0.109 0.138 0.014 0.138 OK
21 (4330.009, 1863.763) -2.478 (SLS-001) -1.744 (SLS-002) -0.948 (SLS-041) -0.962 (SLS-003) 2.974 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 57 (5726.589, 835.473) -0.135 (SLS-001) -0.094 (SLS-002) -0.048 (SLS-048) -0.052 (SLS-003) 0.158 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 22 - 51 0.126 0.037 0.015 0.130 OK
22 (4376.360, 1843.159) -2.437 (SLS-001) -1.717 (SLS-002) -0.923 (SLS-042) -0.947 (SLS-003) 2.933 (SLS-024) 2R 58 (5771.523, 815.467) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 52 - 23 0.022 0.038 0.003 0.038 OK
23 (4725.095, 1688.145) -1.945 (SLS-001) -1.370 (SLS-002) -0.732 (SLS-043) -0.756 (SLS-003) 2.340 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (4775.114, 1665.911) -1.848 (SLS-001) -1.301 (SLS-002) -0.692 (SLS-043) -0.718 (SLS-003) 2.223 (SLS-024) 2R
24 - 53 0.102 0.032 0.012 0.105 OK
25 (5124.823, 1510.464) -1.268 (SLS-001) -0.892 (SLS-002) -0.471 (SLS-043) -0.492 (SLS-003) 1.523 (SLS-024) 2R 54 - 25 0.039 0.054 0.005 0.054 OK
26 (5174.684, 1488.301) -1.168 (SLS-001) -0.822 (SLS-002) -0.432 (SLS-043) -0.454 (SLS-003) 1.404 (SLS-024) 2R 26 - 55 0.131 0.043 0.016 0.135 OK
27 (5524.392, 1332.853) -0.544 (SLS-001) -0.382 (SLS-002) -0.198 (SLS-043) -0.211 (SLS-003) 0.650 (SLS-024) 2R
56 - 27 0.052 0.069 0.007 0.069 OK
28 (5574.337, 1310.653) -0.419 (SLS-001) -0.294 (SLS-002) -0.153 (SLS-043) -0.162 (SLS-003) 0.501 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
29 (5771.523, 1223.003) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.003 (SLS-054) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R
28 - 57 0.151 0.050 0.018 0.155 OK
30 (18.500, -426.536) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
31 (63.430, -406.532) -0.141 (SLS-001) -0.096 (SLS-002) -0.053 (SLS-029) -0.053 (SLS-003) 0.169 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
32 (508.486, -208.380) -0.927 (SLS-001) -0.649 (SLS-002) -0.333 (SLS-036) -0.358 (SLS-003) 1.162 (SLS-024) 2R
33 (558.210, -186.241) -1.023 (SLS-001) -0.717 (SLS-002) -0.370 (SLS-036) -0.396 (SLS-003) 1.284 (SLS-024) 2R
34 (1000.784, 10.805) -1.717 (SLS-001) -1.206 (SLS-002) -0.634 (SLS-037) -0.665 (SLS-003) 2.153 (SLS-024) 2R
35 (1050.507, 32.944) -1.807 (SLS-001) -1.269 (SLS-002) -0.670 (SLS-037) -0.700 (SLS-003) 2.264 (SLS-024) 2R
36 (1493.081, 229.990) -2.394 (SLS-001) -1.682 (SLS-002) -0.904 (SLS-037) -0.928 (SLS-003) 2.990 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T7 (2 ply)

Environment Truss T7 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.021 0.005 0.540 0.560 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.000 0.009 0.536 0.531 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.047 0.064 0.399 0.335 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.044 0.053 0.484 0.483 OK
5-6 0.107 0.154 0.466 0.583 OK
Importance Level 2
23/24/25/26 164 6-7 0.122 0.151 0.397 0.307 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500 4 -
21/22 23. 7-8 0.058 0.090 0.233 0.305 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150 97°
27/28 8-9 0.066 0.090 0.319 0.302 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.021 0.019 0.263 0.281 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 29/30 10 - 11 0.026 0.018 0.280 0.290 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.076 0.028 0.230 0.303 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 31/32 12 - 13 0.090 0.030 0.240 0.307 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 15/16 13 - 14 0.119 0.051 0.198 0.314 OK

1 2 54/55/56/57 14 - 15 0.140 0.053 0.249 0.362 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 489 13/14
58/59 15 - 16 0.151 0.068 0.169 0.316 OK
52/53 16 - 17 0.180 0.069 0.253 0.398 OK
60/61 17 - 18 0.175 0.076 0.146 0.312 OK
50/51 18 - 19 0.209 0.077 0.268 0.423 OK
Load Summary 9/10
62/63 19 - 20 0.182 0.077 0.093 0.256 OK
48/49 BC 64 20 - 21 0.216 0.077 0.215 0.383 OK
166 21 - 22 0.186 0.074 0.206 0.367 OK
Load Value 7/8 9 -
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1261.088 46/47 24 ° 22 - 23 0.219 0.073 0.666 0.847 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 5/6 23 - 24 0.138 0.054 0.659 0.797 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 44/45 24 - 25 0.145 0.059 0.556 0.682 OK
3/4 25 - 26 0.193 0.073 0.563 0.728 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 2
1 42/43 26 - 27 0.171 0.058 0.401 0.540 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
27 - 28 0.142 0.057 0.232 0.363 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
40/41 4 909 28 - 29 0.123 0.042 0.281 0.375 OK
Heel 445 BC Heel 445 29 - 30 0.100 0.040 0.241 0.333 OK
Truss Summary 38/39 30 - 31 0.039 0.013 0.356 0.391 OK
31 - 32 0.029 0.011 0.356 0.384 OK
Item Value 36/37 Bottom Chord
Level 1 34/35 33 - 34 0.041 0.012 0.524 0.544 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 33 34 - 35 0.063 0.046 0.524 0.494 OK
Width (m) 5.97 35 - 36 0.043 0.000 0.374 0.410 OK
Height (m) 2.45 T8/T3 36 - 37 0.032 0.006 0.462 0.481 OK
37 - 38 0.180 0.036 0.483 0.634 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1261.088
38 - 39 0.143 0.033 0.375 0.518 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.187 0.039 0.335 0.492 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
40 - 41 0.151 0.037 0.322 0.473 OK
BC Span (m) 5.97 41 - 42 0.068 0.001 0.391 0.451 OK
Steel (2 ply) (m) 55.63 42 - 43 0.051 0.001 0.250 0.301 OK
Weight (2 ply) (kg) 77.60 43 - 44 0.046 0.040 0.177 0.179 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 2.353 (Node: 56 - SLS-024) 44 - 45 0.040 0.042 0.163 0.181 OK
Reactions and Loads (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -2.092 (Node: 56 - SLS-001) 45 - 46 0.081 0.076 0.173 0.189 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.847 Reaction @ Node 64 Reaction @ Node 39 Reaction @ Node 33 CT Load T8 (Node: 57) CT Load T3 (Node: 42) 46 - 47 0.068 0.077 0.134 0.191 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.746 47 - 48 0.104 0.103 0.127 0.186 OK
Max. Ult 4.169 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 14.814 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 6.528 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 3.712 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 9.799 (ULS-002)
Status Pass 48 - 49 0.087 0.104 0.104 0.188 OK
Min. Ult -2.031 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -7.894 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.278 (ULS-044) Min. Ult 3.712 (ULS-002) Min. Ult 9.799 (ULS-002)
49 - 50 0.115 0.126 0.094 0.175 OK
50 - 51 0.096 0.127 0.074 0.176 OK
Node Deflections Summary 51 - 52 0.113 0.135 0.073 0.161 OK
52 - 53 0.094 0.135 0.101 0.159 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 53 - 54 0.106 0.143 0.379 0.470 OK
Dead 56 -2.092 12.000 0.174 SLS-001 54 - 55 0.086 0.142 0.506 0.605 OK
Live 23 -1.357 20.481 0.066 SLS-002 55 - 56 0.061 0.109 0.506 0.571 OK
Wind 56 2.353 34.134 0.069 SLS-024 56 - 57 0.059 0.241 0.659 0.710 OK
57 - 58 0.092 0.139 0.659 0.746 OK
58 - 59 0.058 0.098 0.177 0.169 OK
Member Deflections Summary 59 - 60 0.070 0.096 0.117 0.125 OK
60 - 61 0.039 0.063 0.195 0.234 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
61 - 62 0.046 0.060 0.260 0.231 OK
Dead 54 -2.331 12.000 0.194 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 62 - 63 0.003 0.006 0.214 0.208 OK
Live 28 0.401 2.193 0.183 SLS-002 63 - 64 0.002 0.002 0.148 0.146 OK
Live Point 26 0.321 2.168 0.148 SLS-052 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
1 (18.500, -18.494) -0.009 (SLS-001) -0.007 (SLS-002) -0.005 (SLS-027) -0.004 (SLS-003) 0.008 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (500.539, -211.735) -0.089 (SLS-001) -0.065 (SLS-002) -0.076 (SLS-030) -0.042 (SLS-003) 0.070 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
Wind 54 2.645 34.134 0.077 SLS-024 2 (125.960, 29.350) -0.173 (SLS-001) -0.125 (SLS-002) -0.072 (SLS-028) -0.078 (SLS-003) 0.152 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 38 (799.510, -78.632) -0.037 (SLS-001) -0.027 (SLS-002) -0.019 (SLS-030) -0.016 (SLS-003) 0.041 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 33 - 1 0.062 0.012 0.008 0.063 OK
3 (287.049, 101.072) -0.174 (SLS-001) -0.126 (SLS-002) -0.094 (SLS-029) -0.080 (SLS-003) 0.145 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 39 (849.859, -56.216) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 64 - 32 0.085 0.027 0.011 0.086 OK
4 (336.870, 123.253) -0.135 (SLS-001) -0.099 (SLS-002) -0.096 (SLS-029) -0.064 (SLS-003) 0.103 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 40 (1261.660, 127.119) -0.300 (SLS-001) -0.210 (SLS-002) -0.149 (SLS-042) -0.113 (SLS-003) 0.387 (SLS-024) 2R
2 - 34 0.175 0.061 0.022 0.174 OK
5 (613.907, 246.598) -0.070 (SLS-001) -0.052 (SLS-002) -0.065 (SLS-030) -0.033 (SLS-003) 0.061 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 41 (1311.564, 149.337) -0.390 (SLS-001) -0.274 (SLS-002) -0.181 (SLS-042) -0.148 (SLS-003) 0.496 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
6 (665.103, 269.392) -0.012 (SLS-001) -0.010 (SLS-002) 0.036 (SLS-043) -0.008 (SLS-003) 0.017 (SLS-010) 2R+2T 42 (1700.793, 322.623) -0.719 (SLS-001) -0.504 (SLS-002) -0.334 (SLS-042) -0.273 (SLS-003) 0.904 (SLS-024) 2R 35 - 3 0.096 0.093 0.012 0.098 OK
7 (1041.373, 436.918) -0.121 (SLS-001) -0.085 (SLS-002) -0.065 (SLS-042) -0.045 (SLS-003) 0.161 (SLS-024) 2R 43 (1750.697, 344.840) -0.776 (SLS-001) -0.544 (SLS-002) -0.360 (SLS-042) -0.294 (SLS-003) 0.972 (SLS-024) 2R 4 - 36 0.181 0.067 0.024 0.180 OK
8 (1091.804, 459.371) -0.195 (SLS-001) -0.137 (SLS-002) -0.093 (SLS-041) -0.074 (SLS-003) 0.251 (SLS-024) 2R 44 (2139.926, 518.126) -1.094 (SLS-001) -0.767 (SLS-002) -0.507 (SLS-042) -0.416 (SLS-003) 1.354 (SLS-024) 2R 37 - 5 0.136 0.163 0.017 0.163 OK
9 (1481.182, 632.734) -0.532 (SLS-001) -0.373 (SLS-002) -0.247 (SLS-042) -0.201 (SLS-003) 0.674 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 45 (2189.830, 540.344) -1.150 (SLS-001) -0.806 (SLS-002) -0.531 (SLS-043) -0.437 (SLS-003) 1.419 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (1530.937, 654.886) -0.597 (SLS-001) -0.419 (SLS-002) -0.275 (SLS-042) -0.227 (SLS-003) 0.753 (SLS-024) 2R 46 (2579.059, 713.630) -1.431 (SLS-001) -1.004 (SLS-002) -0.664 (SLS-043) -0.545 (SLS-003) 1.748 (SLS-024) 2R
6 - 38 0.183 0.064 0.024 0.181 OK
11 (1920.315, 828.248) -0.917 (SLS-001) -0.644 (SLS-002) -0.425 (SLS-042) -0.348 (SLS-003) 1.144 (SLS-024) 2R 47 (2628.963, 735.848) -1.475 (SLS-001) -1.035 (SLS-002) -0.686 (SLS-043) -0.562 (SLS-003) 1.797 (SLS-024) 2R 39 - 7 0.135 0.046 0.016 0.140 OK
12 (1970.070, 850.401) -0.975 (SLS-001) -0.684 (SLS-002) -0.452 (SLS-042) -0.371 (SLS-003) 1.212 (SLS-024) 2R 48 (3018.192, 909.134) -1.693 (SLS-001) -1.188 (SLS-002) -0.799 (SLS-042) -0.646 (SLS-003) 2.042 (SLS-024) 2R 8 - 40 0.049 0.065 0.006 0.065 OK
13 (2359.448, 1023.763) -1.277 (SLS-001) -0.896 (SLS-002) -0.591 (SLS-043) -0.486 (SLS-003) 1.571 (SLS-024) 2R 49 (3068.096, 931.352) -1.724 (SLS-001) -1.210 (SLS-002) -0.814 (SLS-043) -0.658 (SLS-003) 2.074 (SLS-024) 2R
41 - 9 0.164 0.054 0.019 0.169 OK
14 (2409.203, 1045.915) -1.327 (SLS-001) -0.932 (SLS-002) -0.615 (SLS-043) -0.506 (SLS-003) 1.628 (SLS-024) 2R 50 (3457.325, 1104.638) -1.865 (SLS-001) -1.309 (SLS-002) -0.907 (SLS-044) -0.713 (SLS-003) 2.220 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (2798.581, 1219.277) -1.578 (SLS-001) -1.108 (SLS-002) -0.736 (SLS-043) -0.602 (SLS-003) 1.915 (SLS-024) 2R 51 (3507.229, 1126.855) -1.882 (SLS-001) -1.322 (SLS-002) -0.913 (SLS-044) -0.720 (SLS-003) 2.234 (SLS-024) 2R
10 - 42 0.049 0.066 0.006 0.066 OK
16 (2848.336, 1241.430) -1.615 (SLS-001) -1.134 (SLS-002) -0.772 (SLS-042) -0.617 (SLS-003) 1.955 (SLS-024) 2R 52 (3896.458, 1300.141) -1.924 (SLS-001) -1.352 (SLS-002) -0.934 (SLS-046) -0.737 (SLS-003) 2.260 (SLS-024) 2R 43 - 11 0.129 0.042 0.015 0.133 OK
17 (3237.714, 1414.792) -1.794 (SLS-001) -1.260 (SLS-002) -0.850 (SLS-044) -0.686 (SLS-003) 2.149 (SLS-024) 2R 53 (3946.362, 1322.359) -1.915 (SLS-001) -1.345 (SLS-002) -0.935 (SLS-046) -0.733 (SLS-003) 2.245 (SLS-024) 2R 12 - 44 0.034 0.050 0.004 0.050 OK
18 (3287.469, 1436.945) -1.819 (SLS-001) -1.278 (SLS-002) -0.889 (SLS-044) -0.696 (SLS-003) 2.174 (SLS-024) 2R 54 (4332.598, 1494.313) -1.899 (SLS-001) -1.334 (SLS-002) -0.974 (SLS-048) -0.728 (SLS-003) 2.195 (SLS-024) 2R
45 - 13 0.102 0.031 0.012 0.105 OK
19 (3676.847, 1610.307) -1.912 (SLS-001) -1.344 (SLS-002) -0.922 (SLS-044) -0.732 (SLS-003) 2.260 (SLS-024) 2R 55 (4383.004, 1516.754) -1.947 (SLS-001) -1.370 (SLS-002) -0.989 (SLS-048) -0.748 (SLS-003) 2.229 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (3726.602, 1632.459) -1.913 (SLS-001) -1.345 (SLS-002) -0.927 (SLS-046) -0.733 (SLS-003) 2.257 (SLS-024) 2R 56 (4469.677, 1555.341) -2.092 (SLS-001) -1.475 (SLS-002) -1.062 (SLS-051) -0.806 (SLS-003) 2.353 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 14 - 46 0.023 0.038 0.003 0.038 OK
21 (4115.980, 1805.821) -1.911 (SLS-001) -1.343 (SLS-002) -0.948 (SLS-048) -0.732 (SLS-003) 2.228 (SLS-024) 2R 57 (4554.677, 1517.497) -1.864 (SLS-001) -1.316 (SLS-002) -0.972 (SLS-051) -0.719 (SLS-003) 2.118 (SLS-024) 2R 47 - 15 0.075 0.021 0.009 0.077 OK
22 (4165.558, 1827.895) -1.928 (SLS-001) -1.354 (SLS-002) -0.977 (SLS-048) -0.739 (SLS-003) 2.239 (SLS-024) 2R 58 (4777.595, 1418.247) -1.648 (SLS-001) -1.166 (SLS-002) -0.896 (SLS-052) -0.637 (SLS-003) 1.889 (SLS-024) 2R 16 - 48 0.011 0.030 0.001 0.030 OK
23 (4382.985, 1924.700) -1.928 (SLS-001) -1.357 (SLS-002) -0.982 (SLS-048) -0.740 (SLS-003) 2.206 (SLS-024) 2R 59 (4827.320, 1396.108) -1.610 (SLS-001) -1.139 (SLS-002) -0.886 (SLS-052) -0.622 (SLS-003) 1.846 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (4468.004, 1962.553) -1.781 (SLS-001) -1.255 (SLS-002) -0.884 (SLS-049) -0.685 (SLS-003) 2.012 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 60 (5228.066, 1217.684) -1.112 (SLS-001) -0.786 (SLS-002) -0.583 (SLS-052) -0.430 (SLS-003) 1.275 (SLS-024) 2R
49 - 17 0.055 0.011 0.007 0.057 OK
25 (4554.658, 1924.034) -1.843 (SLS-001) -1.302 (SLS-002) -0.963 (SLS-051) -0.711 (SLS-003) 2.098 (SLS-024) 2R 61 (5277.930, 1195.483) -1.030 (SLS-001) -0.728 (SLS-002) -0.534 (SLS-051) -0.398 (SLS-003) 1.183 (SLS-024) 2R 18 - 50 0.002 0.020 0.000 0.020 OK
26 (4606.757, 1900.875) -1.843 (SLS-001) -1.304 (SLS-002) -0.998 (SLS-051) -0.712 (SLS-003) 2.108 (SLS-024) 2R 62 (5678.585, 1017.100) -0.480 (SLS-001) -0.341 (SLS-002) -0.240 (SLS-052) -0.187 (SLS-003) 0.554 (SLS-024) 2R 51 - 19 0.034 0.009 0.004 0.035 OK
27 (5002.978, 1724.751) -1.415 (SLS-001) -1.001 (SLS-002) -0.784 (SLS-052) -0.547 (SLS-003) 1.622 (SLS-024) 2R 63 (5728.444, 994.902) -0.381 (SLS-001) -0.271 (SLS-002) -0.192 (SLS-052) -0.148 (SLS-003) 0.441 (SLS-024) 2R
20 - 52 0.013 0.013 0.002 0.013 OK
28 (5052.713, 1702.643) -1.333 (SLS-001) -0.943 (SLS-002) -0.705 (SLS-052) -0.516 (SLS-003) 1.529 (SLS-024) 2R 64 (5951.486, 895.597) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
29 (5453.587, 1524.451) -0.806 (SLS-001) -0.571 (SLS-002) -0.412 (SLS-051) -0.312 (SLS-003) 0.927 (SLS-024) 2R
53 - 21 0.037 0.010 0.004 0.038 OK
30 (5503.320, 1502.343) -0.731 (SLS-001) -0.519 (SLS-002) -0.372 (SLS-052) -0.284 (SLS-003) 0.843 (SLS-024) 2R 22 - 54 0.057 0.026 0.007 0.057 OK
31 (5900.987, 1325.576) -0.148 (SLS-001) -0.107 (SLS-002) -0.097 (SLS-056) -0.059 (SLS-003) 0.174 (SLS-024) 2R 55 - 23 0.075 0.081 0.010 0.081 OK
32 (5951.486, 1303.129) -0.012 (SLS-001) -0.009 (SLS-002) -0.007 (SLS-055) -0.005 (SLS-003) 0.014 (SLS-024) 2R
57 - 25 0.055 0.089 0.007 0.089 OK
33 (18.500, -426.341) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
34 (125.960, -378.499) -0.148 (SLS-001) -0.107 (SLS-002) -0.072 (SLS-028) -0.068 (SLS-003) 0.121 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 26 - 58 0.102 0.022 0.012 0.105 OK
35 (177.154, -355.707) -0.176 (SLS-001) -0.128 (SLS-002) -0.096 (SLS-028) -0.082 (SLS-003) 0.138 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 59 - 27 0.014 0.024 0.002 0.024 OK
36 (450.440, -234.039) -0.142 (SLS-001) -0.103 (SLS-002) -0.085 (SLS-030) -0.065 (SLS-003) 0.123 (SLS-024) 2R+2T

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

T7 (continued)

Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
28 - 60 0.073 0.021 0.009 0.075 OK
61 - 29 0.027 0.043 0.004 0.043 OK
30 - 62 0.122 0.039 0.014 0.126 OK
63 - 31 0.040 0.055 0.005 0.055 OK

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T9 (3 ply)

Environment Truss T9 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.003 0.004 0.222 0.219 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.076 0.032 0.214 0.290 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.102 0.037 0.218 0.306 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.147 0.064 0.180 0.317 OK
5-6 0.183 0.067 0.189 0.318 OK
Importance Level 2
18/19/20/21/22 164 6-7 0.201 0.087 0.144 0.329 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
4 - 7-8 0.245 0.089 0.203 0.356 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150 23/24 23 .97
16/17 ° 8-9 0.239 0.103 0.123 0.340 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.289 0.105 0.208 0.390 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 25/26
10 - 11 0.262 0.112 0.100 0.338 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 14/15 11 - 12 0.314 0.113 0.213 0.418 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.269 0.114 0.079 0.289 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 12/13 29 13 - 14 0.320 0.114 0.217 0.426 OK
4 24° 48/49/50 14 - 15 0.261 0.109 0.087 0.328 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 469 46/47
51/52 15 - 16 0.308 0.109 0.194 0.395 OK
16 - 17 0.236 0.097 0.164 0.376 OK
17 - 18 0.274 0.095 0.444 0.671 OK
8/9 44/45
18 - 19 0.198 0.076 0.446 0.643 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.176 0.071 0.333 0.509 OK
6/7 42/43 20 - 21 0.168 0.068 0.409 0.577 OK
BC 57/58
Load Value 166 21 - 22 0.234 0.092 0.420 0.654 OK
9 -
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1417.154 4/5 40/41 24° 22 - 23 0.210 0.072 0.253 0.391 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.177 0.071 0.175 0.338 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.155 0.053 0.212 0.329 OK
2/3 38/39
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.130 0.053 0.172 0.303 OK
1 26 - 27 0.082 0.028 0.240 0.312 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 36/37 27 - 28 0.070 0.028 0.241 0.310 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 24°
4712 28 - 29 0.002 0.004 0.202 0.199 OK
Heel 445 34/35 BC Heel 445 Bottom Chord
Truss Summary 30 - 31 0.030 0.000 0.320 0.350 OK
31 - 32 0.065 0.047 0.388 0.351 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.059 0.053 0.201 0.231 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.112 0.095 0.143 0.207 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 30/31 34 - 35 0.097 0.101 0.122 0.213 OK
Width (m) 5.79 35 - 36 0.147 0.139 0.148 0.224 OK
Height (m) 2.37 36 - 37 0.125 0.144 0.093 0.227 OK
37 - 38 0.170 0.172 0.110 0.221 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1417.154
38 - 39 0.143 0.175 0.068 0.224 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.182 0.193 0.076 0.217 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
40 - 41 0.152 0.194 0.047 0.213 OK
BC Span (m) 5.79 41 - 42 0.183 0.202 0.060 0.217 OK
Steel (3 ply) (m) 78.96 42 - 43 0.152 0.202 0.064 0.215 OK
Weight (3 ply) (kg) 110.15 43 - 44 0.173 0.199 0.055 0.205 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 3.584 (Node: 42 - SLS-024) 44 - 45 0.143 0.198 0.068 0.248 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -2.964 (Node: 42 - SLS-001) 45 - 46 0.151 0.184 0.208 0.279 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.671 Reaction @ Node 58 Reaction @ Node 30 46 - 47 0.122 0.180 0.172 0.268 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.628 47 - 48 0.116 0.158 0.217 0.340 OK
Max. Ult 6.603 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 6.603 (ULS-002)
Status Pass 48 - 49 0.090 0.143 0.217 0.324 OK
Min. Ult -3.308 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -2.453 (ULS-044)
49 - 50 0.070 0.272 0.501 0.578 OK
50 - 51 0.123 0.166 0.501 0.628 OK
Node Deflections Summary 51 - 52 0.076 0.120 0.154 0.182 OK
52 - 53 0.091 0.120 0.148 0.168 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 53 - 54 0.053 0.082 0.163 0.232 OK
Dead 42 -2.964 12.000 0.247 SLS-001 54 - 55 0.064 0.082 0.176 0.232 OK
Live 14 -2.036 23.160 0.088 SLS-002 55 - 56 0.021 0.033 0.202 0.219 OK
Wind 42 3.584 38.600 0.093 SLS-024 56 - 57 0.026 0.033 0.398 0.366 OK
57 - 58 0.031 0.012 0.328 0.359 OK
Member Deflections Summary 30 - 1 0.006 0.005 0.001 0.006 OK
58 - 29 0.005 0.006 0.001 0.006 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
31 - 2 0.132 0.045 0.015 0.137 OK
Dead 42 -3.358 12.000 0.280 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 3 - 32 0.043 0.055 0.006 0.055 OK
Live 24 0.383 1.913 0.200 SLS-002 33 - 4 0.109 0.037 0.013 0.113 OK
Live Point 17 0.201 2.408 0.083 SLS-043 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
1 (18.500, -18.494) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.002 (SLS-027) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (1542.820, 252.344) -2.179 (SLS-001) -1.503 (SLS-002) -0.622 (SLS-037) -0.829 (SLS-003) 2.671 (SLS-024) 2R
5 - 34 0.029 0.040 0.004 0.040 OK
Wind 13 -4.094 38.600 0.106 SLS-024 2 (262.230, 90.021) -0.434 (SLS-001) -0.297 (SLS-002) -0.116 (SLS-036) -0.164 (SLS-003) 0.533 (SLS-024) 2R 38 (1985.400, 449.393) -2.570 (SLS-001) -1.774 (SLS-002) -0.743 (SLS-038) -0.979 (SLS-003) 3.139 (SLS-024) 2R 35 - 6 0.084 0.028 0.010 0.087 OK
3 (311.892, 112.132) -0.542 (SLS-001) -0.372 (SLS-002) -0.144 (SLS-036) -0.205 (SLS-003) 0.666 (SLS-024) 2R 39 (2035.122, 471.531) -2.613 (SLS-001) -1.803 (SLS-002) -0.762 (SLS-037) -0.995 (SLS-003) 3.188 (SLS-024) 2R 7 - 36 0.020 0.031 0.003 0.031 OK
4 (754.604, 309.241) -1.187 (SLS-001) -0.819 (SLS-002) -0.327 (SLS-037) -0.452 (SLS-003) 1.465 (SLS-024) 2R 40 (2477.702, 668.581) -2.857 (SLS-001) -1.973 (SLS-002) -0.858 (SLS-037) -1.088 (SLS-003) 3.472 (SLS-024) 2R
37 - 8 0.061 0.019 0.007 0.064 OK
5 (804.195, 331.320) -1.269 (SLS-001) -0.875 (SLS-002) -0.351 (SLS-036) -0.483 (SLS-003) 1.565 (SLS-024) 2R 41 (2527.425, 690.719) -2.879 (SLS-001) -1.988 (SLS-002) -0.863 (SLS-037) -1.097 (SLS-003) 3.496 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1246.907, 528.428) -1.840 (SLS-001) -1.270 (SLS-002) -0.519 (SLS-037) -0.700 (SLS-003) 2.263 (SLS-024) 2R 42 (2970.005, 887.768) -2.964 (SLS-001) -2.048 (SLS-002) -0.909 (SLS-039) -1.130 (SLS-003) 3.584 (SLS-024) 2R 9 - 38 0.010 0.021 0.001 0.021 OK
7 (1296.497, 550.507) -1.912 (SLS-001) -1.319 (SLS-002) -0.542 (SLS-037) -0.728 (SLS-003) 2.348 (SLS-024) 2R 43 (3019.728, 909.906) -2.963 (SLS-001) -2.046 (SLS-002) -0.909 (SLS-039) -1.129 (SLS-003) 3.578 (SLS-024) 2R 39 - 10 0.040 0.011 0.005 0.041 OK
8 (1739.210, 747.615) -2.368 (SLS-001) -1.635 (SLS-002) -0.681 (SLS-037) -0.902 (SLS-003) 2.899 (SLS-024) 2R 44 (3462.307, 1106.955) -2.885 (SLS-001) -1.994 (SLS-002) -0.870 (SLS-040) -1.100 (SLS-003) 3.468 (SLS-024) 2R 11 - 40 0.001 0.014 0.000 0.014 OK
9 (1788.800, 769.694) -2.420 (SLS-001) -1.671 (SLS-002) -0.696 (SLS-038) -0.922 (SLS-003) 2.960 (SLS-024) 2R 45 (3512.030, 1129.093) -2.870 (SLS-001) -1.983 (SLS-002) -0.865 (SLS-041) -1.094 (SLS-003) 3.445 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (2231.512, 966.802) -2.738 (SLS-001) -1.891 (SLS-002) -0.803 (SLS-038) -1.043 (SLS-003) 3.336 (SLS-024) 2R 46 (3957.031, 1327.220) -2.650 (SLS-001) -1.833 (SLS-002) -0.815 (SLS-043) -1.011 (SLS-003) 3.166 (SLS-024) 2R
41 - 12 0.024 0.005 0.003 0.025 OK
11 (2281.103, 988.881) -2.770 (SLS-001) -1.913 (SLS-002) -0.835 (SLS-037) -1.055 (SLS-003) 3.372 (SLS-024) 2R 47 (4002.084, 1347.279) -2.593 (SLS-001) -1.794 (SLS-002) -0.799 (SLS-043) -0.990 (SLS-003) 3.095 (SLS-024) 2R 13 - 42 0.011 0.007 0.001 0.011 OK
12 (2723.815, 1185.990) -2.934 (SLS-001) -2.027 (SLS-002) -0.881 (SLS-038) -1.118 (SLS-003) 3.557 (SLS-024) 2R 48 (4240.034, 1453.221) -2.337 (SLS-001) -1.615 (SLS-002) -0.695 (SLS-043) -0.891 (SLS-003) 2.762 (SLS-024) 2R 43 - 14 0.011 0.014 0.001 0.014 OK
13 (2773.405, 1208.069) -2.945 (SLS-001) -2.035 (SLS-002) -0.902 (SLS-039) -1.122 (SLS-003) 3.567 (SLS-024) 2R 49 (4289.615, 1475.296) -2.309 (SLS-001) -1.596 (SLS-002) -0.672 (SLS-042) -0.880 (SLS-003) 2.718 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
15 - 44 0.020 0.011 0.003 0.020 OK
14 (3216.118, 1405.177) -2.947 (SLS-001) -2.036 (SLS-002) -0.904 (SLS-039) -1.123 (SLS-003) 3.552 (SLS-024) 2R 50 (4329.580, 1457.503) -2.219 (SLS-001) -1.533 (SLS-002) -0.641 (SLS-041) -0.846 (SLS-003) 2.615 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
15 (3265.708, 1427.256) -2.933 (SLS-001) -2.027 (SLS-002) -0.885 (SLS-040) -1.118 (SLS-003) 3.531 (SLS-024) 2R 51 (4527.690, 1369.299) -1.968 (SLS-001) -1.361 (SLS-002) -0.561 (SLS-042) -0.751 (SLS-003) 2.324 (SLS-024) 2R
45 - 16 0.026 0.025 0.003 0.027 OK
16 (3708.420, 1624.364) -2.783 (SLS-001) -1.924 (SLS-002) -0.844 (SLS-041) -1.062 (SLS-003) 3.334 (SLS-024) 2R 52 (4572.702, 1349.258) -1.915 (SLS-001) -1.324 (SLS-002) -0.545 (SLS-043) -0.730 (SLS-003) 2.263 (SLS-024) 2R 17 - 46 0.047 0.024 0.006 0.047 OK
17 (3758.145, 1646.503) -2.765 (SLS-001) -1.912 (SLS-002) -0.835 (SLS-043) -1.055 (SLS-003) 3.310 (SLS-024) 2R 53 (4924.840, 1192.476) -1.426 (SLS-001) -0.985 (SLS-002) -0.403 (SLS-043) -0.544 (SLS-003) 1.682 (SLS-024) 2R 47 - 18 0.041 0.034 0.005 0.042 OK
18 (4198.144, 1842.403) -2.445 (SLS-001) -1.693 (SLS-002) -0.768 (SLS-043) -0.934 (SLS-003) 2.909 (SLS-024) 2R 54 (4974.845, 1170.212) -1.334 (SLS-001) -0.922 (SLS-002) -0.375 (SLS-043) -0.508 (SLS-003) 1.574 (SLS-024) 2R
48 - 19 0.020 0.042 0.003 0.042 OK
19 (4246.230, 1863.812) -2.323 (SLS-001) -1.606 (SLS-002) -0.694 (SLS-043) -0.886 (SLS-003) 2.748 (SLS-024) 2R 55 (5324.407, 1014.577) -0.800 (SLS-001) -0.552 (SLS-002) -0.222 (SLS-043) -0.304 (SLS-003) 0.942 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (4288.072, 1882.442) -2.201 (SLS-001) -1.520 (SLS-002) -0.640 (SLS-041) -0.838 (SLS-003) 2.589 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 56 (5374.413, 992.313) -0.709 (SLS-001) -0.489 (SLS-002) -0.196 (SLS-043) -0.270 (SLS-003) 0.835 (SLS-024) 2R 21 - 50 0.095 0.122 0.012 0.122 OK
21 (4329.580, 1863.992) -2.191 (SLS-001) -1.514 (SLS-002) -0.632 (SLS-041) -0.835 (SLS-003) 2.583 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 57 (5726.625, 835.499) -0.120 (SLS-001) -0.081 (SLS-002) -0.032 (SLS-048) -0.045 (SLS-003) 0.138 (SLS-024) 2R 22 - 51 0.106 0.030 0.013 0.110 OK
22 (4369.298, 1846.337) -2.168 (SLS-001) -1.499 (SLS-002) -0.621 (SLS-042) -0.827 (SLS-003) 2.561 (SLS-024) 2R 58 (5771.559, 815.493) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 52 - 23 0.017 0.031 0.002 0.031 OK
23 (4725.136, 1688.166) -1.726 (SLS-001) -1.193 (SLS-002) -0.491 (SLS-043) -0.658 (SLS-003) 2.038 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (4775.155, 1665.932) -1.638 (SLS-001) -1.132 (SLS-002) -0.464 (SLS-043) -0.624 (SLS-003) 1.933 (SLS-024) 2R
24 - 53 0.089 0.027 0.011 0.092 OK
25 (5124.862, 1510.487) -1.123 (SLS-001) -0.776 (SLS-002) -0.315 (SLS-043) -0.428 (SLS-003) 1.323 (SLS-024) 2R 54 - 25 0.033 0.047 0.004 0.047 OK
26 (5174.722, 1488.323) -1.035 (SLS-001) -0.715 (SLS-002) -0.289 (SLS-043) -0.394 (SLS-003) 1.221 (SLS-024) 2R 26 - 55 0.115 0.037 0.014 0.118 OK
27 (5524.429, 1332.878) -0.482 (SLS-001) -0.332 (SLS-002) -0.132 (SLS-043) -0.183 (SLS-003) 0.565 (SLS-024) 2R
56 - 27 0.045 0.061 0.006 0.061 OK
28 (5574.374, 1310.677) -0.371 (SLS-001) -0.256 (SLS-002) -0.102 (SLS-043) -0.141 (SLS-003) 0.436 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (5771.559, 1223.028) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.002 (SLS-054) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R
28 - 57 0.132 0.042 0.016 0.136 OK
30 (18.500, -426.327) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
31 (63.430, -406.323) -0.125 (SLS-001) -0.083 (SLS-002) -0.035 (SLS-029) -0.046 (SLS-003) 0.147 (SLS-024) 2R
32 (508.492, -208.168) -0.819 (SLS-001) -0.563 (SLS-002) -0.222 (SLS-036) -0.311 (SLS-003) 1.009 (SLS-024) 2R
33 (558.214, -186.030) -0.904 (SLS-001) -0.623 (SLS-002) -0.247 (SLS-036) -0.343 (SLS-003) 1.115 (SLS-024) 2R
34 (1000.794, 11.019) -1.518 (SLS-001) -1.047 (SLS-002) -0.423 (SLS-037) -0.577 (SLS-003) 1.870 (SLS-024) 2R
35 (1050.517, 33.157) -1.598 (SLS-001) -1.102 (SLS-002) -0.447 (SLS-037) -0.608 (SLS-003) 1.966 (SLS-024) 2R
36 (1493.097, 230.206) -2.117 (SLS-001) -1.460 (SLS-002) -0.603 (SLS-037) -0.806 (SLS-003) 2.597 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T12

Environment Truss T12 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.010 0.010 0.546 0.540 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.111 0.042 0.450 0.561 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.144 0.048 0.570 0.678 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.215 0.083 0.432 0.638 OK
5-6 0.203 0.079 0.150 0.328 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.186 0.170 0.430 0.606 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.279 0.091 0.440 0.669 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.279 0.091 0.406 0.631 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.268 0.104 0.347 0.602 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 4956 10 - 11 0.351 0.113 0.545 0.837 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.325 0.123 0.313 0.635 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40
26° 4 56 7 8 9/10 11/12 13/14 15/16 17/18 19/20 21/22 23/24 25/26 27/28 29 12 - 13 0.399 0.128 0.532 0.866 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 23. 13 - 14 0.357 0.134 0.254 0.605 OK
908 14 - 15 0.426 0.135 0.545 0.903 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.371 0.138 0.216 0.578 OK
2 3 16 - 17 0.430 0.136 0.544 0.905 OK
17 - 18 0.365 0.135 0.244 0.601 OK
18 - 19 0.412 0.130 0.541 0.886 OK
Load Summary 36 19 - 20 0.340 0.125 0.286 0.621 OK
20 - 21 0.373 0.117 0.532 0.844 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.296 0.109 0.329 0.623 OK
34/35 37/38/39 40/41 42/43 44/45 46/47 48/49 50/51 52/53 54/55 56/57 58/59 22 - 23 0.313 0.098 0.520 0.779 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 664.635
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.235 0.087 0.368 0.602 OK
33 24 - 25 0.232 0.072 0.496 0.685 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 32
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.158 0.058 0.426 0.583 OK
26 - 27 0.130 0.040 0.517 0.631 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 BC 4843 27 - 28 0.060 0.022 0.457 0.517 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 30/31 8° 28 - 29 0.000 0.000 0.555 0.555 OK
1 153 Bottom Chord
Truss Summary Heel 446 BC Heel 443 30 - 31 0.044 0.007 0.493 0.537 OK
31 - 32 0.056 0.057 0.598 0.543 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.053 0.065 0.393 0.427 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.117 0.138 0.383 0.387 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 34 - 35 0.093 0.130 0.271 0.378 OK
Width (m) 5.79 35 - 36 0.005 0.021 0.279 0.284 OK
Height (m) 0.82 35 - 37 0.086 0.305 0.443 0.527 OK
37 - 38 0.121 0.177 0.443 0.578 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 664.635
38 - 39 0.121 0.177 0.402 0.330 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.164 0.202 0.488 0.428 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
40 - 41 0.151 0.222 0.261 0.458 OK
BC Span (m) 5.79 41 - 42 0.194 0.245 0.204 0.385 OK
Steel (m) 24.75 42 - 43 0.170 0.253 0.174 0.407 OK
Weight (kg) 34.52 43 - 44 0.211 0.269 0.188 0.368 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 3.873 (Node: 16 - SLS-024) 44 - 45 0.180 0.269 0.136 0.385 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -3.250 (Node: 16 - SLS-001) 45 - 46 0.218 0.279 0.137 0.334 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.905 Reaction @ Node 59 Reaction @ Node 30 46 - 47 0.181 0.272 0.122 0.372 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.578 47 - 48 0.213 0.275 0.170 0.358 OK
Max. Ult 3.116 (ULS-074) Max. Ult 3.161 (ULS-047)
Status Pass 48 - 49 0.172 0.260 0.165 0.404 OK
Min. Ult -1.507 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.406 (ULS-044)
49 - 50 0.198 0.256 0.216 0.384 OK
50 - 51 0.155 0.236 0.209 0.422 OK
Node Deflections Summary 51 - 52 0.173 0.223 0.260 0.398 OK
52 - 53 0.130 0.198 0.254 0.428 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 53 - 54 0.137 0.177 0.299 0.398 OK
Dead 46 -3.245 12.000 0.270 SLS-001 54 - 55 0.095 0.146 0.290 0.412 OK
Live 16 -2.473 23.160 0.107 SLS-002 55 - 56 0.091 0.119 0.310 0.378 OK
Wind 16 3.873 38.600 0.100 SLS-024 56 - 57 0.053 0.082 0.370 0.422 OK
57 - 58 0.034 0.045 0.601 0.555 OK
58 - 59 0.001 0.000 0.495 0.495 OK
Member Deflections Summary Webs
30 - 1 0.024 0.014 0.003 0.025 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
59 - 29 0.021 0.015 0.003 0.022 OK
Dead 44 -3.253 12.000 0.271 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 31 - 2 0.200 0.060 0.023 0.204 OK
Live 26 0.495 2.009 0.246 SLS-002 3 - 32 0.057 0.085 0.007 0.085 OK
Live Point 3 0.519 2.423 0.214 SLS-029 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
1 (18.500, -18.628) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-027) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-007) 2R 37 (1054.174, -38.489) -1.846 (SLS-001) -1.397 (SLS-002) -1.239 (SLS-039) -0.965 (SLS-003) 2.206 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
33 - 4 0.172 0.051 0.020 0.175 OK
Wind 16 -3.881 38.600 0.101 SLS-024 2 (261.240, 85.715) -0.462 (SLS-001) -0.345 (SLS-002) -0.284 (SLS-039) -0.235 (SLS-003) 0.554 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 38 (1104.460, -38.741) -1.964 (SLS-001) -1.487 (SLS-002) -1.329 (SLS-039) -1.028 (SLS-003) 2.344 (SLS-024) 2R 5 - 34 0.043 0.070 0.006 0.070 OK
3 (311.391, 107.273) -0.581 (SLS-001) -0.435 (SLS-002) -0.380 (SLS-029) -0.296 (SLS-003) 0.699 (SLS-024) 2R 39 (1159.348, -39.016) -2.090 (SLS-001) -1.583 (SLS-002) -1.425 (SLS-039) -1.095 (SLS-003) 2.490 (SLS-024) 2R 7 - 36 0.064 0.090 0.331 0.246 OK
4 (756.580, 298.640) -1.299 (SLS-001) -0.981 (SLS-002) -0.835 (SLS-039) -0.673 (SLS-003) 1.566 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 40 (1563.619, -41.040) -2.569 (SLS-001) -1.949 (SLS-002) -1.771 (SLS-039) -1.350 (SLS-003) 3.063 (SLS-024) 2R
36 - 37 0.074 0.124 0.109 0.168 OK
5 (801.765, 318.063) -1.412 (SLS-001) -1.067 (SLS-002) -0.926 (SLS-039) -0.734 (SLS-003) 1.692 (SLS-024) 2R 41 (1625.242, -41.348) -2.641 (SLS-001) -2.005 (SLS-002) -1.831 (SLS-039) -1.389 (SLS-003) 3.149 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (839.518, 334.291) -1.510 (SLS-001) -1.141 (SLS-002) -1.005 (SLS-039) -0.787 (SLS-003) 1.801 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 42 (2025.271, -43.351) -2.966 (SLS-001) -2.253 (SLS-002) -2.098 (SLS-038) -1.562 (SLS-003) 3.536 (SLS-024) 2R 8 - 38 0.066 0.009 0.009 0.066 OK
7 (887.738, 334.291) -1.624 (SLS-001) -1.229 (SLS-002) -1.087 (SLS-039) -0.848 (SLS-003) 1.939 (SLS-024) 2R 43 (2086.856, -43.660) -3.016 (SLS-001) -2.292 (SLS-002) -2.143 (SLS-039) -1.589 (SLS-003) 3.596 (SLS-024) 2R 39 - 9 0.122 0.031 0.015 0.123 OK
8 (1104.407, 334.291) -1.966 (SLS-001) -1.490 (SLS-002) -1.330 (SLS-039) -1.030 (SLS-003) 2.347 (SLS-024) 2R 44 (2486.902, -45.663) -3.198 (SLS-001) -2.432 (SLS-002) -2.340 (SLS-040) -1.687 (SLS-003) 3.812 (SLS-024) 2R 10 - 40 0.041 0.073 0.005 0.073 OK
9 (1333.478, 334.291) -2.292 (SLS-001) -1.738 (SLS-002) -1.568 (SLS-039) -1.203 (SLS-003) 2.733 (SLS-024) 2R 45 (2548.470, -45.971) -3.218 (SLS-001) -2.448 (SLS-002) -2.350 (SLS-040) -1.698 (SLS-003) 3.835 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (1393.643, 334.291) -2.394 (SLS-001) -1.816 (SLS-002) -1.645 (SLS-039) -1.258 (SLS-003) 2.855 (SLS-024) 2R 46 (2948.532, -47.974) -3.245 (SLS-001) -2.469 (SLS-002) -2.379 (SLS-042) -1.713 (SLS-003) 3.865 (SLS-024) 2R
41 - 11 0.095 0.025 0.012 0.096 OK
11 (1794.786, 334.291) -2.788 (SLS-001) -2.118 (SLS-002) -1.938 (SLS-039) -1.467 (SLS-003) 3.326 (SLS-024) 2R 47 (3010.084, -48.282) -3.235 (SLS-001) -2.462 (SLS-002) -2.373 (SLS-042) -1.708 (SLS-003) 3.853 (SLS-024) 2R 12 - 42 0.022 0.052 0.003 0.052 OK
12 (1855.764, 334.291) -2.848 (SLS-001) -2.163 (SLS-002) -2.032 (SLS-038) -1.499 (SLS-003) 3.396 (SLS-024) 2R 48 (3410.163, -50.286) -3.106 (SLS-001) -2.364 (SLS-002) -2.218 (SLS-043) -1.642 (SLS-003) 3.698 (SLS-024) 2R 43 - 13 0.071 0.015 0.009 0.072 OK
13 (2256.419, 334.291) -3.104 (SLS-001) -2.360 (SLS-002) -2.206 (SLS-040) -1.636 (SLS-003) 3.702 (SLS-024) 2R 49 (3471.698, -50.594) -3.066 (SLS-001) -2.334 (SLS-002) -2.194 (SLS-044) -1.621 (SLS-003) 3.650 (SLS-024) 2R
14 - 44 0.024 0.040 0.003 0.040 OK
14 (2317.375, 334.291) -3.140 (SLS-001) -2.388 (SLS-002) -2.304 (SLS-040) -1.656 (SLS-003) 3.744 (SLS-024) 2R 50 (3871.794, -52.597) -2.789 (SLS-001) -2.124 (SLS-002) -1.937 (SLS-044) -1.475 (SLS-003) 3.318 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (2718.052, 334.291) -3.245 (SLS-001) -2.469 (SLS-002) -2.361 (SLS-040) -1.713 (SLS-003) 3.867 (SLS-024) 2R 51 (3933.312, -52.905) -2.721 (SLS-001) -2.072 (SLS-002) -1.871 (SLS-043) -1.439 (SLS-003) 3.237 (SLS-024) 2R
45 - 15 0.051 0.022 0.006 0.052 OK
16 (2778.986, 334.291) -3.250 (SLS-001) -2.473 (SLS-002) -2.378 (SLS-042) -1.716 (SLS-003) 3.873 (SLS-024) 2R 52 (4333.426, -54.909) -2.308 (SLS-001) -1.758 (SLS-002) -1.562 (SLS-044) -1.221 (SLS-003) 2.744 (SLS-024) 2R 16 - 46 0.045 0.027 0.006 0.045 OK
17 (3179.686, 334.291) -3.198 (SLS-001) -2.435 (SLS-002) -2.348 (SLS-042) -1.690 (SLS-003) 3.810 (SLS-024) 2R 53 (4394.945, -55.217) -2.215 (SLS-001) -1.687 (SLS-002) -1.493 (SLS-044) -1.172 (SLS-003) 2.633 (SLS-024) 2R 47 - 17 0.030 0.036 0.004 0.036 OK
18 (3240.597, 334.291) -3.173 (SLS-001) -2.416 (SLS-002) -2.269 (SLS-043) -1.677 (SLS-003) 3.780 (SLS-024) 2R 54 (4795.514, -57.222) -1.686 (SLS-001) -1.284 (SLS-002) -1.118 (SLS-044) -0.892 (SLS-003) 2.003 (SLS-024) 2R
18 - 48 0.065 0.014 0.008 0.066 OK
19 (3641.319, 334.291) -2.968 (SLS-001) -2.261 (SLS-002) -2.136 (SLS-044) -1.570 (SLS-003) 3.534 (SLS-024) 2R 55 (4856.081, -57.526) -1.573 (SLS-001) -1.198 (SLS-002) -1.036 (SLS-044) -0.832 (SLS-003) 1.869 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (3702.208, 334.291) -2.915 (SLS-001) -2.221 (SLS-002) -2.029 (SLS-043) -1.542 (SLS-003) 3.470 (SLS-024) 2R 56 (5257.141, -59.534) -0.958 (SLS-001) -0.729 (SLS-002) -0.617 (SLS-044) -0.507 (SLS-003) 1.137 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 49 - 19 0.018 0.049 0.002 0.049 OK
21 (4102.953, 334.291) -2.567 (SLS-001) -1.956 (SLS-002) -1.755 (SLS-043) -1.359 (SLS-003) 3.055 (SLS-024) 2R 57 (5317.699, -59.837) -0.835 (SLS-001) -0.634 (SLS-002) -0.535 (SLS-044) -0.441 (SLS-003) 0.988 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 20 - 50 0.086 0.021 0.011 0.087 OK
22 (4163.819, 334.291) -2.487 (SLS-001) -1.895 (SLS-002) -1.690 (SLS-044) -1.317 (SLS-003) 2.959 (SLS-024) 2R 58 (5726.844, -61.886) -0.133 (SLS-001) -0.099 (SLS-002) -0.091 (SLS-052) -0.069 (SLS-003) 0.154 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 51 - 21 0.031 0.062 0.004 0.062 OK
23 (4565.063, 334.291) -2.012 (SLS-001) -1.533 (SLS-002) -1.350 (SLS-044) -1.065 (SLS-003) 2.392 (SLS-024) 2R 59 (5771.552, -62.110) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
24 (4624.972, 334.291) -1.910 (SLS-001) -1.455 (SLS-002) -1.273 (SLS-044) -1.011 (SLS-003) 2.271 (SLS-024) 2R
22 - 52 0.106 0.029 0.013 0.108 OK
25 (5026.673, 334.291) -1.331 (SLS-001) -1.014 (SLS-002) -0.871 (SLS-044) -0.705 (SLS-003) 1.582 (SLS-024) 2R 53 - 23 0.044 0.074 0.006 0.074 OK
26 (5086.587, 334.291) -1.215 (SLS-001) -0.925 (SLS-002) -0.790 (SLS-044) -0.643 (SLS-003) 1.443 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 24 - 54 0.125 0.037 0.016 0.127 OK
27 (5488.302, 334.291) -0.566 (SLS-001) -0.430 (SLS-002) -0.357 (SLS-045) -0.299 (SLS-003) 0.670 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
55 - 25 0.056 0.086 0.007 0.086 OK
28 (5548.533, 334.291) -0.419 (SLS-001) -0.317 (SLS-002) -0.266 (SLS-044) -0.220 (SLS-003) 0.494 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
29 (5771.552, 334.291) 0.002 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-054) 0.001 (SLS-003) -0.002 (SLS-024) 2R
26 - 56 0.147 0.046 0.018 0.149 OK
30 (18.500, -427.093) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 57 - 27 0.073 0.103 0.009 0.103 OK
31 (63.424, -408.319) -0.137 (SLS-001) -0.099 (SLS-002) -0.113 (SLS-029) -0.066 (SLS-003) 0.159 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 28 - 58 0.174 0.052 0.022 0.174 OK
32 (509.297, -221.989) -0.871 (SLS-001) -0.654 (SLS-002) -0.544 (SLS-039) -0.447 (SLS-003) 1.050 (SLS-024) 2R
33 (581.700, -191.732) -1.032 (SLS-001) -0.778 (SLS-002) -0.656 (SLS-039) -0.533 (SLS-003) 1.243 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
34 (903.306, -57.333) -1.550 (SLS-001) -1.171 (SLS-002) -1.018 (SLS-039) -0.806 (SLS-003) 1.859 (SLS-024) 2R
35 (949.651, -37.966) -1.639 (SLS-001) -1.239 (SLS-002) -1.084 (SLS-039) -0.854 (SLS-003) 1.964 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
36 (1037.542, -1.236) -1.813 (SLS-001) -1.372 (SLS-002) -1.214 (SLS-039) -0.948 (SLS-003) 2.168 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T11

Environment Truss T11 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 2R+4T 1-2 0.008 0.008 0.368 0.363 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.082 0.032 0.286 0.368 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.113 0.036 0.348 0.448 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.156 0.063 0.270 0.426 OK
5-6 0.205 0.066 0.368 0.521 OK
Importance Level 2
3982 6-7 0.214 0.085 0.286 0.498 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.272 0.087 0.478 0.692 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
12 13/14 15/16 17/18 19/20 21/22 23/24 25/26 27/28 29 8-9 0.256 0.100 0.309 0.545 OK
Roof Type Gable 8 9/10/11 9 - 10 0.235 0.093 0.305 0.523 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.231 0.217 0.313 0.530 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.325 0.103 0.332 0.584 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40
3. 52° 6 7 12 - 13 0.325 0.103 0.226 0.469 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 2 2 13 - 14 0.264 0.105 0.182 0.435 OK
197 14 - 15 0.336 0.105 0.373 0.638 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 40 15 - 16 0.274 0.106 0.151 0.419 OK
4 5 16 - 17 0.337 0.104 0.367 0.633 OK
17 - 18 0.268 0.103 0.169 0.432 OK
38/39 41/42/43 44/45 46/47 48/49 50/51 52/53 54/55 56/57 58 59 18 - 19 0.322 0.099 0.366 0.620 OK
Load Summary 2 3 19 - 20 0.250 0.095 0.199 0.444 OK
20 - 21 0.291 0.088 0.358 0.587 OK
Load Value 1 36/37 21 - 22 0.218 0.082 0.228 0.444 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 629.690 22 - 23 0.245 0.074 0.350 0.540 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 BC 3911 23 - 24 0.173 0.065 0.251 0.424 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 34/35 24 - 25 0.183 0.055 0.323 0.465 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.119 0.044 0.307 0.426 OK
26 - 27 0.105 0.031 0.395 0.484 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
27 - 28 0.044 0.016 0.310 0.351 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 32/33
3. 52° 28 - 29 0.000 0.000 0.349 0.349 OK
23 0 2 Bottom Chord
Truss Summary Heel 445 Heel 445 30 - 31 0.033 0.000 0.340 0.373 OK
30/31 31 - 32 0.055 0.042 0.437 0.395 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.048 0.048 0.203 0.229 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.104 0.102 0.166 0.245 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G550 34 - 35 0.084 0.107 0.166 0.251 OK
Width (m) 5.79 35 - 36 0.139 0.148 0.162 0.216 OK
Height (m) 1.25 36 - 37 0.111 0.151 0.110 0.222 OK
37 - 38 0.160 0.184 0.142 0.269 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 629.690
38 - 39 0.117 0.168 0.280 0.269 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.015 0.026 0.160 0.143 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
39 - 41 0.139 0.387 0.244 0.445 OK
BC Span (m) 5.79 41 - 42 0.134 0.197 0.215 0.380 OK
Steel (m) 25.14 42 - 43 0.134 0.197 0.166 0.248 OK
Weight (kg) 35.07 43 - 44 0.173 0.202 0.214 0.268 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 3.862 (Node: 16 - SLS-024) 44 - 45 0.137 0.203 0.095 0.281 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -3.164 (Node: 16 - SLS-001) 45 - 46 0.175 0.210 0.096 0.237 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.692 Reaction @ Node 59 Reaction @ Node 30 46 - 47 0.136 0.204 0.080 0.267 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.645 47 - 48 0.170 0.206 0.128 0.256 OK
Max. Ult 3.052 (ULS-074) Max. Ult 3.119 (ULS-047)
Status Pass 48 - 49 0.129 0.195 0.106 0.284 OK
Min. Ult -1.476 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.241 (ULS-044)
49 - 50 0.157 0.191 0.159 0.269 OK
50 - 51 0.115 0.176 0.133 0.292 OK
Node Deflections Summary 51 - 52 0.136 0.167 0.191 0.273 OK
52 - 53 0.096 0.148 0.161 0.290 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 53 - 54 0.108 0.133 0.223 0.268 OK
Dead 46 -3.160 12.000 0.263 SLS-001 54 - 55 0.071 0.111 0.181 0.272 OK
Live 16 -2.349 23.160 0.101 SLS-002 55 - 56 0.073 0.091 0.199 0.248 OK
Wind 16 3.862 38.600 0.100 SLS-024 56 - 57 0.040 0.063 0.269 0.305 OK
57 - 58 0.027 0.034 0.679 0.645 OK
58 - 59 0.000 0.000 0.528 0.528 OK
Member Deflections Summary Webs
30 - 1 0.019 0.009 0.003 0.020 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
59 - 29 0.019 0.009 0.003 0.020 OK
Dead 38 -3.173 12.000 0.264 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 31 - 2 0.156 0.045 0.024 0.165 OK
Live 3 0.568 2.392 0.238 SLS-002 3 - 32 0.045 0.063 0.008 0.063 OK
Live Point 7 0.595 2.352 0.253 SLS-033 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
1 (18.500, -18.580) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-027) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (1528.943, 230.819) -2.413 (SLS-001) -1.774 (SLS-002) -1.763 (SLS-033) -1.162 (SLS-003) 2.996 (SLS-024) 2R
33 - 4 0.128 0.037 0.020 0.136 OK
Wind 38 3.905 38.600 0.101 SLS-024 2 (260.231, 86.645) -0.493 (SLS-001) -0.358 (SLS-002) -0.340 (SLS-033) -0.232 (SLS-003) 0.611 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 38 (1833.871, 363.540) -2.701 (SLS-001) -1.989 (SLS-002) -1.866 (SLS-038) -1.310 (SLS-003) 3.333 (SLS-024) 2R 5 - 34 0.031 0.051 0.005 0.051 OK
3 (310.126, 108.365) -0.620 (SLS-001) -0.451 (SLS-002) -0.429 (SLS-033) -0.291 (SLS-003) 0.768 (SLS-024) 2R 39 (1881.995, 384.486) -2.749 (SLS-001) -2.024 (SLS-002) -1.913 (SLS-038) -1.335 (SLS-003) 3.388 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 35 - 6 0.106 0.027 0.016 0.112 OK
4 (748.854, 299.343) -1.335 (SLS-001) -0.978 (SLS-002) -0.931 (SLS-033) -0.636 (SLS-003) 1.664 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 40 (2018.076, 443.716) -2.848 (SLS-001) -2.102 (SLS-002) -2.021 (SLS-038) -1.391 (SLS-003) 3.500 (SLS-024) 2R
7 - 36 0.021 0.039 0.003 0.039 OK
5 (798.673, 321.029) -1.428 (SLS-001) -1.047 (SLS-002) -0.988 (SLS-033) -0.681 (SLS-003) 1.777 (SLS-024) 2R 41 (2047.001, 383.716) -2.864 (SLS-001) -2.115 (SLS-002) -2.041 (SLS-039) -1.401 (SLS-003) 3.517 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1237.401, 512.007) -2.055 (SLS-001) -1.509 (SLS-002) -1.461 (SLS-033) -0.985 (SLS-003) 2.555 (SLS-024) 2R 42 (2101.077, 383.464) -2.911 (SLS-001) -2.152 (SLS-002) -2.115 (SLS-040) -1.428 (SLS-003) 3.569 (SLS-024) 2R 37 - 8 0.088 0.020 0.013 0.093 OK
7 (1287.361, 533.755) -2.140 (SLS-001) -1.572 (SLS-002) -1.606 (SLS-033) -1.026 (SLS-003) 2.661 (SLS-024) 2R 43 (2153.866, 383.218) -2.957 (SLS-001) -2.187 (SLS-002) -2.193 (SLS-040) -1.454 (SLS-003) 3.619 (SLS-024) 2R 9 - 38 0.046 0.065 0.008 0.065 OK
8 (1718.610, 721.478) -2.607 (SLS-001) -1.918 (SLS-002) -1.878 (SLS-033) -1.258 (SLS-003) 3.233 (SLS-024) 2R 44 (2523.871, 381.491) -3.119 (SLS-001) -2.312 (SLS-002) -2.376 (SLS-040) -1.542 (SLS-003) 3.811 (SLS-024) 2R 11 - 40 0.041 0.064 0.166 0.183 OK
9 (1770.888, 744.234) -2.636 (SLS-001) -1.941 (SLS-002) -1.822 (SLS-038) -1.278 (SLS-003) 3.254 (SLS-024) 2R 45 (2585.316, 381.205) -3.137 (SLS-001) -2.326 (SLS-002) -2.379 (SLS-040) -1.552 (SLS-003) 3.831 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (1813.414, 762.746) -2.651 (SLS-001) -1.953 (SLS-002) -1.873 (SLS-038) -1.291 (SLS-003) 3.258 (SLS-024) 2R+4T 46 (2976.368, 379.380) -3.160 (SLS-001) -2.346 (SLS-002) -2.389 (SLS-042) -1.569 (SLS-003) 3.854 (SLS-024) 2R
40 - 41 0.033 0.068 0.164 0.175 OK
11 (1864.277, 762.746) -2.729 (SLS-001) -2.014 (SLS-002) -1.944 (SLS-038) -1.332 (SLS-003) 3.353 (SLS-024) 2R 47 (3037.794, 379.094) -3.149 (SLS-001) -2.339 (SLS-002) -2.383 (SLS-042) -1.565 (SLS-003) 3.840 (SLS-024) 2R 12 - 42 0.059 0.007 0.010 0.060 OK
12 (2101.077, 762.746) -2.914 (SLS-001) -2.154 (SLS-002) -2.114 (SLS-040) -1.430 (SLS-003) 3.573 (SLS-024) 2R 48 (3429.301, 377.267) -3.030 (SLS-001) -2.254 (SLS-002) -2.235 (SLS-043) -1.511 (SLS-003) 3.690 (SLS-024) 2R 43 - 13 0.057 0.014 0.009 0.058 OK
13 (2299.388, 762.746) -3.028 (SLS-001) -2.241 (SLS-002) -2.253 (SLS-040) -1.492 (SLS-003) 3.704 (SLS-024) 2R 49 (3489.774, 376.985) -2.993 (SLS-001) -2.227 (SLS-002) -2.212 (SLS-044) -1.494 (SLS-003) 3.643 (SLS-024) 2R
14 - 44 0.018 0.032 0.003 0.032 OK
14 (2358.319, 762.746) -3.065 (SLS-001) -2.271 (SLS-002) -2.342 (SLS-040) -1.513 (SLS-003) 3.747 (SLS-024) 2R 50 (3881.772, 375.156) -2.737 (SLS-001) -2.038 (SLS-002) -1.965 (SLS-044) -1.370 (SLS-003) 3.327 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (2750.455, 762.746) -3.162 (SLS-001) -2.346 (SLS-002) -2.388 (SLS-040) -1.567 (SLS-003) 3.861 (SLS-024) 2R 51 (3942.236, 374.874) -2.675 (SLS-001) -1.992 (SLS-002) -1.900 (SLS-043) -1.339 (SLS-003) 3.250 (SLS-024) 2R
45 - 15 0.039 0.016 0.007 0.040 OK
16 (2811.263, 762.746) -3.164 (SLS-001) -2.349 (SLS-002) -2.389 (SLS-042) -1.570 (SLS-003) 3.862 (SLS-024) 2R 52 (4334.244, 373.045) -2.294 (SLS-001) -1.710 (SLS-002) -1.604 (SLS-044) -1.151 (SLS-003) 2.784 (SLS-024) 2R 16 - 46 0.038 0.019 0.006 0.039 OK
17 (3203.412, 762.746) -3.116 (SLS-001) -2.316 (SLS-002) -2.359 (SLS-042) -1.551 (SLS-003) 3.798 (SLS-024) 2R 53 (4394.699, 372.762) -2.208 (SLS-001) -1.646 (SLS-002) -1.538 (SLS-044) -1.108 (SLS-003) 2.679 (SLS-024) 2R 47 - 17 0.023 0.028 0.004 0.028 OK
18 (3263.260, 762.746) -3.093 (SLS-001) -2.300 (SLS-002) -2.285 (SLS-043) -1.541 (SLS-003) 3.768 (SLS-024) 2R 54 (4786.716, 370.933) -1.720 (SLS-001) -1.282 (SLS-002) -1.176 (SLS-044) -0.865 (SLS-003) 2.082 (SLS-024) 2R
18 - 48 0.053 0.010 0.009 0.054 OK
19 (3655.865, 762.746) -2.904 (SLS-001) -2.161 (SLS-002) -2.156 (SLS-044) -1.451 (SLS-003) 3.533 (SLS-024) 2R 55 (4847.161, 370.651) -1.612 (SLS-001) -1.202 (SLS-002) -1.095 (SLS-044) -0.811 (SLS-003) 1.952 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (3715.720, 762.746) -2.854 (SLS-001) -2.125 (SLS-002) -2.054 (SLS-044) -1.427 (SLS-003) 3.471 (SLS-024) 2R 56 (5239.187, 368.822) -1.052 (SLS-001) -0.784 (SLS-002) -0.697 (SLS-045) -0.530 (SLS-003) 1.269 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 49 - 19 0.016 0.037 0.003 0.037 OK
21 (4108.339, 762.746) -2.533 (SLS-001) -1.888 (SLS-002) -1.789 (SLS-043) -1.270 (SLS-003) 3.077 (SLS-024) 2R 57 (5299.623, 368.540) -0.944 (SLS-001) -0.702 (SLS-002) -0.620 (SLS-045) -0.475 (SLS-003) 1.136 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 20 - 50 0.068 0.016 0.011 0.070 OK
22 (4168.179, 762.746) -2.460 (SLS-001) -1.833 (SLS-002) -1.728 (SLS-044) -1.233 (SLS-003) 2.987 (SLS-024) 2R 58 (5699.675, 366.674) -0.274 (SLS-001) -0.202 (SLS-002) -0.212 (SLS-052) -0.137 (SLS-003) 0.323 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 51 - 21 0.026 0.047 0.004 0.047 OK
23 (4560.812, 762.746) -2.022 (SLS-001) -1.508 (SLS-002) -1.401 (SLS-044) -1.016 (SLS-003) 2.452 (SLS-024) 2R 59 (5771.555, 366.338) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
24 (4620.639, 762.746) -1.925 (SLS-001) -1.435 (SLS-002) -1.325 (SLS-044) -0.967 (SLS-003) 2.333 (SLS-024) 2R
22 - 52 0.084 0.022 0.014 0.086 OK
25 (5013.286, 762.746) -1.392 (SLS-001) -1.038 (SLS-002) -0.937 (SLS-044) -0.701 (SLS-003) 1.684 (SLS-024) 2R 53 - 23 0.035 0.056 0.006 0.056 OK
26 (5073.099, 762.746) -1.287 (SLS-001) -0.960 (SLS-002) -0.861 (SLS-044) -0.648 (SLS-003) 1.556 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 24 - 54 0.098 0.028 0.016 0.100 OK
27 (5465.760, 762.746) -0.695 (SLS-001) -0.517 (SLS-002) -0.450 (SLS-045) -0.350 (SLS-003) 0.835 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
55 - 25 0.043 0.063 0.007 0.063 OK
28 (5525.890, 762.746) -0.537 (SLS-001) -0.399 (SLS-002) -0.348 (SLS-045) -0.270 (SLS-003) 0.644 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
29 (5771.555, 762.746) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-054) 0.001 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R
26 - 56 0.117 0.035 0.019 0.120 OK
30 (18.500, -426.606) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 57 - 27 0.062 0.084 0.010 0.084 OK
31 (63.426, -407.052) -0.148 (SLS-001) -0.104 (SLS-002) -0.105 (SLS-029) -0.067 (SLS-003) 0.176 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 28 - 58 0.139 0.040 0.023 0.143 OK
32 (504.621, -215.021) -0.926 (SLS-001) -0.675 (SLS-002) -0.643 (SLS-033) -0.438 (SLS-003) 1.150 (SLS-024) 2R
33 (554.578, -193.277) -1.022 (SLS-001) -0.748 (SLS-002) -0.708 (SLS-033) -0.485 (SLS-003) 1.272 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
34 (993.167, -2.379) -1.699 (SLS-001) -1.246 (SLS-002) -1.180 (SLS-033) -0.812 (SLS-003) 2.114 (SLS-024) 2R
35 (1043.124, 19.365) -1.792 (SLS-001) -1.314 (SLS-002) -1.270 (SLS-033) -0.857 (SLS-003) 2.228 (SLS-024) 2R
36 (1484.256, 211.369) -2.359 (SLS-001) -1.734 (SLS-002) -1.746 (SLS-033) -1.134 (SLS-003) 2.931 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T10

Environment Truss T10 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 2R+4T 1-2 0.018 0.006 0.291 0.298 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.077 0.090 0.553 0.478 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.065 0.069 0.671 0.605 OK
2999 4-5 0.148 0.178 0.557 0.690 OK
Building Function A
5-6 0.163 0.170 0.535 0.424 OK
Importance Level 2 18 19/20 21/22 23/24 25/26 27/28 29/30 63
14/15/16/17 6-7 0.055 0.063 0.441 0.427 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.058 0.058 0.576 0.548 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.104 0.029 0.475 0.572 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.126 0.035 0.502 0.600 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.198 0.083 0.414 0.605 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.243 0.088 0.495 0.666 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.288 0.124 0.408 0.670 OK
3. 6° 10/11 47
Enclosed? Enclosed 8 2 13 - 14 0.350 0.127 0.636 0.880 OK
303 14 - 15 0.354 0.151 0.432 0.740 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 8 9 45/46
48/49/50 51/52 53/54 55/56 57/58 59/60 61/62 15 - 16 0.307 0.133 0.425 0.689 OK
16 - 17 0.302 0.310 0.419 0.696 OK
43/44 17 - 18 0.404 0.145 0.466 0.775 OK
6 7 18 - 19 0.404 0.145 0.286 0.583 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.346 0.147 0.236 0.548 OK
41/42 BC 2986 20 - 21 0.414 0.145 0.535 0.850 OK
Load Value 4 5 21 - 22 0.345 0.144 0.252 0.564 OK
Loaded Width (Defined) (mm) 1100.000 22 - 23 0.396 0.136 0.519 0.819 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 2 3 23 - 24 0.316 0.130 0.305 0.592 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 1 24 - 25 0.345 0.118 0.516 0.777 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.260 0.106 0.365 0.604 OK
26 - 27 0.263 0.089 0.492 0.689 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 37/38
27 - 28 0.179 0.073 0.445 0.611 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 79°
9 23. 28 - 29 0.150 0.050 0.540 0.662 OK
328 29 - 30 0.067 0.028 0.486 0.551 OK
Heel 445 35/36 BC
Truss Summary 30 - 63 0.000 0.000 0.590 0.590 OK
Bottom Chord
Item Value 33/34 31 - 32 0.102 0.060 0.628 0.622 OK
Level 1 32 - 33 0.083 0.000 0.639 0.710 OK
31/32 33 - 34 0.043 0.003 0.465 0.500 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
Width (m) 5.78 34 - 35 0.213 0.044 0.503 0.680 OK
Height (m) 1.68 35 - 36 0.160 0.035 0.415 0.575 OK
36 - 37 0.170 0.034 0.368 0.510 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1100.000
37 - 38 0.128 0.030 0.486 0.614 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
38 - 39 0.055 0.045 0.590 0.572 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
39 - 40 0.050 0.051 0.364 0.365 OK
BC Span (m) 5.78 40 - 41 0.136 0.121 0.302 0.375 OK
Steel (m) 26.24 41 - 42 0.117 0.126 0.302 0.382 OK
Weight (kg) 36.61 42 - 43 0.196 0.196 0.273 0.417 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 3.356 (Node: 20 - SLS-024) 43 - 44 0.165 0.202 0.284 0.423 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -2.739 (Node: 20 - SLS-001) 44 - 45 0.233 0.253 0.345 0.416 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.880 Reaction @ Node 62 Reaction @ Node 36 Reaction @ Node 31 45 - 46 0.170 0.218 0.480 0.460 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.710 46 - 47 0.016 0.022 0.282 0.273 OK
Max. Ult 3.956 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 9.897 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 3.346 (ULS-044)
Status Pass 46 - 48 0.197 0.511 0.358 0.630 OK
Min. Ult -1.900 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -6.005 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -3.882 (ULS-025)
48 - 49 0.193 0.256 0.316 0.513 OK
49 - 50 0.193 0.256 0.214 0.309 OK
Node Deflections Summary 50 - 51 0.232 0.260 0.259 0.327 OK
51 - 52 0.192 0.262 0.125 0.340 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 52 - 53 0.227 0.260 0.159 0.315 OK
Dead 50 -2.730 12.000 0.227 SLS-001 53 - 54 0.181 0.250 0.177 0.382 OK
Live 20 -2.003 20.443 0.098 SLS-002 54 - 55 0.205 0.238 0.226 0.362 OK
Wind 20 3.356 34.072 0.098 SLS-024 55 - 56 0.156 0.218 0.242 0.416 OK
56 - 57 0.168 0.196 0.292 0.389 OK
57 - 58 0.118 0.166 0.302 0.427 OK
Member Deflections Summary 58 - 59 0.115 0.135 0.343 0.394 OK
59 - 60 0.066 0.095 0.407 0.462 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
60 - 61 0.044 0.051 0.695 0.644 OK
Dead 46 -2.969 12.000 0.247 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 61 - 62 0.001 0.000 0.572 0.573 OK
Live 28 0.443 1.924 0.230 SLS-002 62 - 63 0.025 0.017 0.003 0.026 OK
Live Point 13 0.395 2.144 0.184 SLS-039 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
1 (18.500, -18.566) -0.004 (SLS-001) -0.003 (SLS-002) -0.007 (SLS-027) -0.002 (SLS-003) 0.006 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (1100.978, 50.737) -0.584 (SLS-001) -0.420 (SLS-002) -0.281 (SLS-039) -0.262 (SLS-003) 0.750 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
Wind 46 3.683 34.072 0.108 SLS-024 2 (161.517, 43.923) 0.023 (SLS-001) 0.017 (SLS-002) -0.053 (SLS-029) 0.011 (SLS-003) -0.030 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 38 (1150.898, 72.742) -0.729 (SLS-001) -0.525 (SLS-002) -0.350 (SLS-039) -0.327 (SLS-003) 0.933 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 31 - 1 0.045 0.013 0.006 0.045 OK
3 (211.643, 65.825) 0.053 (SLS-001) 0.039 (SLS-002) -0.092 (SLS-029) 0.026 (SLS-003) -0.072 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 39 (1558.178, 252.283) -1.302 (SLS-001) -0.938 (SLS-002) -0.646 (SLS-039) -0.587 (SLS-003) 1.659 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 32 - 2 0.172 0.162 0.021 0.173 OK
4 (452.954, 171.262) 0.014 (SLS-001) 0.010 (SLS-002) -0.082 (SLS-029) 0.007 (SLS-003) -0.017 (SLS-007) 2R+4T 40 (1608.091, 274.286) -1.394 (SLS-001) -1.004 (SLS-002) -0.691 (SLS-039) -0.629 (SLS-003) 1.772 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
3 - 33 0.251 0.109 0.033 0.249 OK
5 (504.197, 193.652) 0.052 (SLS-001) 0.036 (SLS-002) -0.039 (SLS-030) 0.023 (SLS-003) -0.064 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 41 (2015.377, 453.829) -1.890 (SLS-001) -1.363 (SLS-002) -0.962 (SLS-039) -0.858 (SLS-003) 2.393 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (871.622, 354.192) -0.251 (SLS-001) -0.182 (SLS-002) -0.120 (SLS-039) -0.113 (SLS-003) 0.328 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 42 (2065.284, 475.829) -1.970 (SLS-001) -1.420 (SLS-002) -1.031 (SLS-039) -0.894 (SLS-003) 2.492 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 34 - 4 0.193 0.186 0.024 0.194 OK
7 (922.159, 376.274) -0.377 (SLS-001) -0.272 (SLS-002) -0.176 (SLS-039) -0.169 (SLS-003) 0.485 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 43 (2475.094, 656.485) -2.350 (SLS-001) -1.697 (SLS-002) -1.317 (SLS-039) -1.073 (SLS-003) 2.966 (SLS-024) 2R 5 - 35 0.204 0.090 0.026 0.202 OK
8 (1329.488, 554.250) -0.982 (SLS-001) -0.709 (SLS-002) -0.478 (SLS-039) -0.442 (SLS-003) 1.258 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 44 (2545.396, 687.476) -2.432 (SLS-001) -1.758 (SLS-002) -1.310 (SLS-039) -1.117 (SLS-003) 3.055 (SLS-024) 2R 36 - 6 0.238 0.084 0.028 0.243 OK
9 (1379.353, 576.037) -1.091 (SLS-001) -0.787 (SLS-002) -0.535 (SLS-039) -0.491 (SLS-003) 1.393 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 45 (2750.978, 778.102) -2.585 (SLS-001) -1.871 (SLS-002) -1.272 (SLS-040) -1.201 (SLS-003) 3.213 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
10 (1786.687, 754.016) -1.622 (SLS-001) -1.170 (SLS-002) -0.818 (SLS-039) -0.734 (SLS-003) 2.061 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 46 (2817.636, 807.486) -2.639 (SLS-001) -1.910 (SLS-002) -1.306 (SLS-042) -1.229 (SLS-003) 3.271 (SLS-024) 2R+4T
7 - 37 0.084 0.106 0.011 0.106 OK
11 (1836.546, 775.801) -1.709 (SLS-001) -1.233 (SLS-002) -0.858 (SLS-039) -0.774 (SLS-003) 2.167 (SLS-024) 2R 47 (2983.806, 880.739) -2.687 (SLS-001) -1.950 (SLS-002) -1.366 (SLS-043) -1.264 (SLS-003) 3.312 (SLS-024) 2R 38 - 8 0.259 0.092 0.030 0.263 OK
12 (2243.887, 953.782) -2.150 (SLS-001) -1.552 (SLS-002) -1.140 (SLS-039) -0.979 (SLS-003) 2.718 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 48 (3018.963, 806.648) -2.689 (SLS-001) -1.953 (SLS-002) -1.375 (SLS-043) -1.268 (SLS-003) 3.311 (SLS-024) 2R 9 - 39 0.080 0.102 0.010 0.102 OK
13 (2293.886, 975.628) -2.220 (SLS-001) -1.603 (SLS-002) -1.250 (SLS-039) -1.012 (SLS-003) 2.805 (SLS-024) 2R 49 (3072.089, 806.427) -2.709 (SLS-001) -1.972 (SLS-002) -1.386 (SLS-044) -1.284 (SLS-003) 3.329 (SLS-024) 2R
40 - 10 0.201 0.069 0.024 0.204 OK
14 (2686.757, 1147.287) -2.525 (SLS-001) -1.827 (SLS-002) -1.356 (SLS-039) -1.164 (SLS-003) 3.169 (SLS-024) 2R 50 (3125.302, 806.205) -2.730 (SLS-001) -1.990 (SLS-002) -1.418 (SLS-045) -1.299 (SLS-003) 3.347 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (2742.728, 1171.743) -2.562 (SLS-001) -1.855 (SLS-002) -1.259 (SLS-040) -1.190 (SLS-003) 3.185 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 51 (3487.803, 804.696) -2.714 (SLS-001) -1.985 (SLS-002) -1.456 (SLS-046) -1.302 (SLS-003) 3.321 (SLS-024) 2R
11 - 41 0.055 0.081 0.007 0.081 OK
16 (2788.569, 1191.772) -2.581 (SLS-001) -1.870 (SLS-002) -1.312 (SLS-042) -1.208 (SLS-003) 3.183 (SLS-024) 2R+4T 52 (3548.129, 804.444) -2.697 (SLS-001) -1.974 (SLS-002) -1.445 (SLS-046) -1.296 (SLS-003) 3.299 (SLS-024) 2R 42 - 12 0.156 0.051 0.018 0.161 OK
17 (2836.219, 1191.772) -2.635 (SLS-001) -1.913 (SLS-002) -1.356 (SLS-043) -1.239 (SLS-003) 3.247 (SLS-024) 2R 53 (3932.412, 802.844) -2.520 (SLS-001) -1.848 (SLS-002) -1.285 (SLS-047) -1.218 (SLS-003) 3.077 (SLS-024) 2R 13 - 43 0.038 0.065 0.005 0.065 OK
18 (3072.089, 1191.772) -2.713 (SLS-001) -1.976 (SLS-002) -1.398 (SLS-044) -1.286 (SLS-003) 3.334 (SLS-024) 2R 54 (3992.729, 802.593) -2.470 (SLS-001) -1.812 (SLS-002) -1.264 (SLS-048) -1.195 (SLS-003) 3.014 (SLS-024) 2R
44 - 14 0.141 0.039 0.017 0.144 OK
19 (3266.758, 1191.772) -2.732 (SLS-001) -1.994 (SLS-002) -1.426 (SLS-045) -1.304 (SLS-003) 3.348 (SLS-024) 2R 55 (4377.022, 800.993) -2.146 (SLS-001) -1.577 (SLS-002) -1.050 (SLS-048) -1.043 (SLS-003) 2.614 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (3325.567, 1191.772) -2.739 (SLS-001) -2.003 (SLS-002) -1.465 (SLS-046) -1.312 (SLS-003) 3.356 (SLS-024) 2R 56 (4437.330, 800.742) -2.065 (SLS-001) -1.518 (SLS-002) -0.996 (SLS-047) -1.005 (SLS-003) 2.514 (SLS-024) 2R 15 - 45 0.075 0.092 0.010 0.092 OK
21 (3710.415, 1191.772) -2.641 (SLS-001) -1.936 (SLS-002) -1.417 (SLS-046) -1.273 (SLS-003) 3.230 (SLS-024) 2R 57 (4821.632, 799.141) -1.607 (SLS-001) -1.183 (SLS-002) -0.756 (SLS-047) -0.785 (SLS-003) 1.953 (SLS-024) 2R 17 - 47 0.054 0.082 0.215 0.234 OK
22 (3770.165, 1191.772) -2.607 (SLS-001) -1.911 (SLS-002) -1.332 (SLS-046) -1.258 (SLS-003) 3.186 (SLS-024) 2R 58 (4881.930, 798.890) -1.497 (SLS-001) -1.103 (SLS-002) -0.701 (SLS-048) -0.732 (SLS-003) 1.819 (SLS-024) 2R 47 - 48 0.047 0.079 0.192 0.205 OK
23 (4155.026, 1191.772) -2.354 (SLS-001) -1.729 (SLS-002) -1.218 (SLS-048) -1.142 (SLS-003) 2.872 (SLS-024) 2R 59 (5266.241, 797.290) -0.939 (SLS-001) -0.692 (SLS-002) -0.428 (SLS-048) -0.460 (SLS-003) 1.137 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
24 (4214.763, 1191.772) -2.289 (SLS-001) -1.683 (SLS-002) -1.124 (SLS-047) -1.112 (SLS-003) 2.792 (SLS-024) 2R 60 (5326.530, 797.039) -0.814 (SLS-001) -0.598 (SLS-002) -0.366 (SLS-048) -0.398 (SLS-003) 0.983 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
18 - 49 0.076 0.013 0.010 0.076 OK
25 (4599.637, 1191.772) -1.895 (SLS-001) -1.395 (SLS-002) -0.925 (SLS-050) -0.924 (SLS-003) 2.308 (SLS-024) 2R 61 (5718.793, 795.405) -0.148 (SLS-001) -0.107 (SLS-002) -0.083 (SLS-054) -0.072 (SLS-003) 0.173 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 50 - 19 0.064 0.021 0.008 0.065 OK
26 (4659.361, 1191.772) -1.800 (SLS-001) -1.325 (SLS-002) -0.854 (SLS-047) -0.878 (SLS-003) 2.190 (SLS-024) 2R 62 (5763.500, 795.219) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 20 - 51 0.030 0.033 0.004 0.033 OK
27 (5044.248, 1191.772) -1.285 (SLS-001) -0.947 (SLS-002) -0.598 (SLS-048) -0.629 (SLS-003) 1.561 (SLS-024) 2R 63 (5763.500, 1191.772) 0.002 (SLS-001) 0.002 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-056) 0.001 (SLS-003) -0.003 (SLS-024) 2R
52 - 21 0.033 0.030 0.004 0.033 OK
28 (5103.959, 1191.772) -1.170 (SLS-001) -0.862 (SLS-002) -0.537 (SLS-048) -0.573 (SLS-003) 1.420 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
29 (5488.859, 1191.772) -0.569 (SLS-001) -0.419 (SLS-002) -0.260 (SLS-054) -0.279 (SLS-003) 0.686 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
22 - 53 0.067 0.019 0.008 0.068 OK
30 (5548.889, 1191.772) -0.411 (SLS-001) -0.301 (SLS-002) -0.182 (SLS-048) -0.200 (SLS-003) 0.494 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 54 - 23 0.027 0.052 0.003 0.052 OK
31 (18.500, -426.450) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 24 - 55 0.096 0.032 0.012 0.098 OK
32 (63.407, -406.653) 0.045 (SLS-001) 0.033 (SLS-002) -0.039 (SLS-029) 0.022 (SLS-003) -0.064 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
56 - 25 0.048 0.071 0.006 0.071 OK
33 (307.322, -299.129) 0.013 (SLS-001) 0.011 (SLS-002) -0.091 (SLS-029) 0.008 (SLS-003) -0.019 (SLS-007) 2R+2T
34 (357.445, -277.033) 0.034 (SLS-001) 0.024 (SLS-002) -0.086 (SLS-029) 0.016 (SLS-003) -0.043 (SLS-024) 2R+4T 26 - 57 0.126 0.045 0.016 0.127 OK
35 (620.685, -160.990) -0.022 (SLS-001) -0.017 (SLS-002) -0.028 (SLS-030) -0.010 (SLS-003) 0.034 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 58 - 27 0.068 0.088 0.009 0.088 OK
36 (671.244, -138.702) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R+2T

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

T10 (continued)

Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
28 - 59 0.165 0.059 0.021 0.167 OK
60 - 29 0.094 0.117 0.012 0.117 OK
30 - 61 0.203 0.070 0.025 0.203 OK

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T2

Environment Truss T2 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.809 0.809 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.125 0.052 0.824 0.937 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.208 0.108 0.578 0.758 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.333 0.142 0.591 0.822 OK
5-6 0.338 0.175 0.402 0.691 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.446 0.190 0.634 0.949 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.403 0.208 0.316 0.656 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.485 0.207 0.638 0.983 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.403 0.208 0.316 0.656 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.446 0.190 0.634 0.949 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.338 0.175 0.402 0.691 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 3885 12 - 13 0.333 0.142 0.591 0.822 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.208 0.108 0.578 0.758 OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 - 15 0.125 0.052 0.824 0.937 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.000 0.000 0.809 0.809 OK
Bottom Chord
17 - 18 0.000 0.000 0.386 0.386 OK
18 - 19 0.069 0.079 0.500 0.470 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.172 0.157 0.607 0.554 OK
20 - 21 0.188 0.210 0.347 0.522 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.276 0.254 0.232 0.439 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1500.437 22 - 23 0.253 0.282 0.215 0.427 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.329 0.303 0.176 0.444 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.275 0.307 0.127 0.359 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.329 0.303 0.176 0.444 OK
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
26 - 27 0.253 0.282 0.215 0.427 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
27 - 28 0.276 0.254 0.232 0.439 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
28 - 29 0.188 0.210 0.347 0.522 OK
29 - 30 0.172 0.157 0.607 0.554 OK
Truss Summary 30 - 31 0.069 0.079 0.500 0.470 OK
Heel 374 BC 3885 Heel 374 31 - 32 0.000 0.000 0.386 0.386 OK
Item Value Webs
Level 1 17 - 1 0.181 0.079 0.024 0.178 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 32 - 16 0.181 0.079 0.024 0.178 OK
Width (m) 3.88 2 - 18 0.152 0.147 0.020 0.154 OK
Height (m) 0.38 19 - 3 0.227 0.105 0.029 0.225 OK
4 - 20 0.097 0.099 0.012 0.099 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1500.437
21 - 5 0.129 0.061 0.017 0.130 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
6 - 22 0.046 0.063 0.006 0.063 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
23 - 7 0.079 0.033 0.010 0.080 OK
BC Span (m) 3.88 8 - 24 0.028 0.032 0.004 0.032 OK
Steel (m) 14.43 25 - 9 0.028 0.032 0.004 0.032 OK
Weight (kg) 20.13 10 - 26 0.079 0.033 0.010 0.080 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 3.124 (Node: 24 - SLS-024) 27 - 11 0.046 0.063 0.006 0.063 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -2.210 (Node: 24 - SLS-001) 12 - 28 0.129 0.061 0.017 0.130 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.983 Reaction @ Node 32 Reaction @ Node 17 29 - 13 0.097 0.099 0.012 0.099 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.554 14 - 30 0.227 0.105 0.029 0.225 OK
Max. Ult 4.417 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 4.417 (ULS-002)
Status Pass 31 - 15 0.152 0.147 0.020 0.154 OK
Min. Ult -3.006 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -3.006 (ULS-044)

Node Deflections Summary

Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 24 -2.210 12.000 0.184 SLS-001
Live 8 -1.684 15.392 0.109 SLS-002
Wind 24 3.124 25.653 0.122 SLS-024

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 22 -2.216 12.000 0.185 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm)
Live 2 0.613 2.402 0.255 SLS-002
Live Point 2 0.549 2.402 0.229 SLS-028 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
Wind 8 -3.209 25.653 0.125 SLS-024 1 (18.500, -24.420) -0.020 (SLS-001) -0.016 (SLS-002) -0.011 (SLS-027) -0.011 (SLS-003) 0.029 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 31 (3603.187, -351.210) -0.583 (SLS-001) -0.459 (SLS-002) -0.288 (SLS-040) -0.321 (SLS-003) 0.840 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
2 (73.050, -24.420) -0.272 (SLS-001) -0.221 (SLS-002) -0.243 (SLS-028) -0.155 (SLS-003) 0.405 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 32 (3866.486, -351.210) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R+2T
3 (553.522, -24.419) -1.068 (SLS-001) -0.834 (SLS-002) -0.443 (SLS-032) -0.584 (SLS-003) 1.526 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
4 (615.075, -24.418) -1.183 (SLS-001) -0.919 (SLS-002) -0.537 (SLS-030) -0.643 (SLS-003) 1.681 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
5 (1096.800, -24.417) -1.748 (SLS-001) -1.353 (SLS-002) -0.777 (SLS-032) -0.947 (SLS-003) 2.476 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1158.359, -24.417) -1.836 (SLS-001) -1.422 (SLS-002) -0.909 (SLS-032) -0.995 (SLS-003) 2.601 (SLS-024) 2R
7 (1640.084, -24.416) -2.148 (SLS-001) -1.662 (SLS-002) -1.018 (SLS-032) -1.163 (SLS-003) 3.041 (SLS-024) 2R
8 (1701.643, -24.416) -2.178 (SLS-001) -1.684 (SLS-002) -1.094 (SLS-034) -1.179 (SLS-003) 3.082 (SLS-024) 2R
9 (2183.368, -24.414) -2.177 (SLS-001) -1.684 (SLS-002) -1.094 (SLS-034) -1.179 (SLS-003) 3.082 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (2244.927, -24.414) -2.148 (SLS-001) -1.662 (SLS-002) -1.018 (SLS-036) -1.163 (SLS-003) 3.041 (SLS-024) 2R
11 (2726.651, -24.413) -1.836 (SLS-001) -1.422 (SLS-002) -0.909 (SLS-036) -0.995 (SLS-003) 2.601 (SLS-024) 2R
12 (2788.210, -24.413) -1.748 (SLS-001) -1.353 (SLS-002) -0.777 (SLS-036) -0.947 (SLS-003) 2.476 (SLS-024) 2R
13 (3269.935, -24.412) -1.183 (SLS-001) -0.919 (SLS-002) -0.537 (SLS-038) -0.643 (SLS-003) 1.681 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
14 (3331.489, -24.411) -1.068 (SLS-001) -0.834 (SLS-002) -0.443 (SLS-036) -0.584 (SLS-003) 1.526 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
15 (3811.937, -24.410) -0.272 (SLS-001) -0.221 (SLS-002) -0.242 (SLS-040) -0.155 (SLS-003) 0.405 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
16 (3866.486, -24.410) -0.020 (SLS-001) -0.016 (SLS-002) -0.011 (SLS-041) -0.011 (SLS-003) 0.029 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
17 (18.500, -351.210) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R+2T
18 (281.771, -351.210) -0.583 (SLS-001) -0.459 (SLS-002) -0.288 (SLS-028) -0.321 (SLS-003) 0.840 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
19 (343.537, -351.210) -0.774 (SLS-001) -0.606 (SLS-002) -0.356 (SLS-028) -0.424 (SLS-003) 1.108 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
20 (825.134, -351.210) -1.438 (SLS-001) -1.114 (SLS-002) -0.615 (SLS-030) -0.780 (SLS-003) 2.038 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
21 (886.693, -351.210) -1.539 (SLS-001) -1.191 (SLS-002) -0.679 (SLS-032) -0.834 (SLS-003) 2.179 (SLS-024) 2R
22 (1368.418, -351.210) -1.991 (SLS-001) -1.539 (SLS-002) -0.968 (SLS-032) -1.077 (SLS-003) 2.816 (SLS-024) 2R
23 (1429.977, -351.210) -2.052 (SLS-001) -1.586 (SLS-002) -0.988 (SLS-032) -1.110 (SLS-003) 2.903 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (1911.701, -351.210) -2.210 (SLS-001) -1.707 (SLS-002) -1.110 (SLS-034) -1.195 (SLS-003) 3.124 (SLS-024) 2R
25 (1973.261, -351.210) -2.210 (SLS-001) -1.707 (SLS-002) -1.110 (SLS-034) -1.195 (SLS-003) 3.124 (SLS-024) 2R
26 (2454.985, -351.210) -2.052 (SLS-001) -1.586 (SLS-002) -0.988 (SLS-036) -1.110 (SLS-003) 2.903 (SLS-024) 2R
27 (2516.544, -351.210) -1.991 (SLS-001) -1.539 (SLS-002) -0.968 (SLS-036) -1.077 (SLS-003) 2.816 (SLS-024) 2R
28 (2998.269, -351.210) -1.539 (SLS-001) -1.191 (SLS-002) -0.679 (SLS-036) -0.834 (SLS-003) 2.179 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (3059.828, -351.210) -1.438 (SLS-001) -1.114 (SLS-002) -0.615 (SLS-038) -0.780 (SLS-003) 2.038 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
30 (3541.429, -351.210) -0.774 (SLS-001) -0.606 (SLS-002) -0.356 (SLS-040) -0.424 (SLS-003) 1.108 (SLS-024) 2R+2T

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T1


Site Data Legend
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00
Building Data FAIL
Country Code NZ CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load
Building Function A
Importance Level 2
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
Roof Type Gable
Building Length (m) 16.00
Building Width (m) 9.00
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40
Enclosed? Enclosed 0.4°
5 2
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report.

Load Summary
Load Value
Loaded Width (Defined) (mm) 1800.000
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 °
Truss Summary Heel 427 BC 3 Heel 393

Item Value
Level 1
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350
Width (m) 3.48
Height (m) 1.74
Loaded Width (mm) 1800.000
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
BC Span (m) 3.48
Steel (m) 13.98
Weight (kg) 19.50
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0
Max. Deflection Down (mm) 0
Max CR - Top Chord 0
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T15

Environment Truss T15 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.015 0.010 0.547 0.539 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.084 0.029 0.353 0.436 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.057 0.058 0.622 0.675 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.109 0.032 0.653 0.741 OK
5-6 0.109 0.032 0.552 0.627 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.097 0.035 0.455 0.545 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.097 0.028 0.802 0.899 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.072 0.023 0.566 0.628 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.032 0.009 0.821 0.853 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.017 0.034 0.563 0.555 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.063 0.086 0.684 0.665 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 6232 12 - 13 0.015 0.038 0.561 0.563 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.049 0.014 0.856 0.905 OK
25. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10/11 12/13 14/15 16/17 18/19 20 14 - 15 0.083 0.022 0.556 0.631 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 575 2
15 - 16 0.106 0.025 0.806 0.911 OK
16 - 17 0.101 0.031 0.461 0.555 OK
1 17 - 18 0.093 0.023 0.822 0.912 OK
18 - 19 0.052 0.017 0.600 0.653 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.000 0.000 0.728 0.728 OK
Bottom Chord
Load Value 21 - 22 0.012 0.004 0.368 0.368 OK
Loaded Width (Defined) (mm) 1200.000 22 - 23 0.041 0.043 0.446 0.403 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.042 0.069 0.347 0.382 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.042 0.069 0.140 0.172 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.055 0.073 0.176 0.181 OK
21/22 23/24/25 26/27 28/29 30/31 32/33 34/35 36/37 38/39 26 - 27 0.037 0.061 0.268 0.304 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
27 - 28 0.036 0.054 0.357 0.320 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
28 - 29 0.012 0.020 0.295 0.293 OK
29 - 30 0.055 0.013 0.384 0.432 OK
Truss Summary 30 - 31 0.114 0.039 0.392 0.506 OK
Heel 401 BC 6750 Heel 651 31 - 32 0.061 0.011 0.405 0.454 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.018 0.031 0.347 0.348 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.034 0.062 0.200 0.229 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 34 - 35 0.033 0.067 0.200 0.248 OK
Width (m) 6.75 35 - 36 0.049 0.076 0.128 0.165 OK
Height (m) 0.65 36 - 37 0.030 0.058 0.281 0.317 OK
37 - 38 0.027 0.039 0.454 0.415 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1200.000
38 - 39 0.000 0.000 0.374 0.374 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
21 - 1 0.034 0.006 0.004 0.034 OK
BC Span (m) 6.75 39 - 20 0.027 0.009 0.003 0.029 OK
Steel (m) 26.92 22 - 2 0.122 0.066 0.012 0.131 OK
Weight (kg) 37.56 4 - 23 0.028 0.069 0.003 0.069 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0.649 (Node: 7 - SLS-007) 5 - 24 0.082 0.015 0.009 0.086 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -0.625 (Node: 7 - SLS-033) 25 - 6 0.047 0.024 0.005 0.050 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.912 Reaction @ Node 39 Reaction @ Node 30 Reaction @ Node 21 7 - 26 0.048 0.014 0.005 0.051 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.506 27 - 8 0.017 0.047 0.002 0.047 OK
Max. Ult 2.752 (ULS-065) Max. Ult 7.546 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 2.832 (ULS-047)
Status Pass 9 - 28 0.114 0.040 0.011 0.123 OK
Min. Ult -1.096 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -3.445 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.046 (ULS-044)
29 - 10 0.045 0.077 0.004 0.077 OK
11 - 30 0.158 0.052 0.015 0.168 OK
Node Deflections Summary 31 - 12 0.168 0.054 0.016 0.178 OK
13 - 32 0.047 0.079 0.005 0.079 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 33 - 14 0.102 0.035 0.010 0.110 OK
Dead 7 -0.588 11.265 0.052 SLS-001 15 - 34 0.010 0.039 0.001 0.039 OK
Live 7 -0.452 13.518 0.033 SLS-002 35 - 16 0.040 0.012 0.004 0.043 OK
Wind 7 0.649 22.531 0.029 SLS-007 17 - 36 0.057 0.016 0.005 0.061 OK
37 - 18 0.017 0.052 0.002 0.052 OK
19 - 38 0.124 0.034 0.012 0.133 OK
Member Deflections Summary
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 21 -0.815 11.265 0.072 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm)
Live 17 0.284 3.765 0.075 SLS-002
Live Point 13 1.234 3.768 0.327 SLS-039 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
Wind 7 -0.928 22.531 0.041 SLS-007 1 (18.500, -18.192) 0.000 (SLS-001) -0.001 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-027) -0.001 (SLS-004) 0.002 (SLS-024) 2R 31 (3460.266, -377.813) -0.129 (SLS-001) -0.099 (SLS-002) -0.092 (SLS-039) -0.069 (SLS-003) 0.142 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
2 (441.272, 185.567) -0.183 (SLS-001) -0.102 (SLS-002) -0.166 (SLS-027) -0.065 (SLS-003) 0.161 (SLS-024) 2R 32 (4235.673, -377.813) -0.335 (SLS-001) -0.252 (SLS-002) -0.427 (SLS-039) -0.176 (SLS-003) 0.366 (SLS-024) 2R
3 (523.806, 225.344) -0.299 (SLS-001) -0.165 (SLS-002) -0.274 (SLS-029) -0.114 (SLS-003) 0.225 (SLS-007) 2R 33 (4296.512, -377.813) -0.387 (SLS-001) -0.292 (SLS-002) -0.446 (SLS-039) -0.204 (SLS-003) 0.423 (SLS-024) 2R
4 (620.600, 225.361) -0.498 (SLS-001) -0.325 (SLS-002) -0.516 (SLS-030) -0.227 (SLS-003) 0.456 (SLS-007) 2R 34 (5050.077, -377.813) -0.435 (SLS-001) -0.327 (SLS-002) -0.478 (SLS-041) -0.229 (SLS-003) 0.474 (SLS-024) 2R
5 (989.268, 225.424) -0.552 (SLS-001) -0.393 (SLS-002) -0.521 (SLS-030) -0.275 (SLS-003) 0.558 (SLS-007) 2R 35 (5110.917, -377.813) -0.445 (SLS-001) -0.336 (SLS-002) -0.480 (SLS-041) -0.235 (SLS-003) 0.487 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1362.334, 225.487) -0.563 (SLS-001) -0.421 (SLS-002) -0.501 (SLS-032) -0.295 (SLS-003) 0.604 (SLS-007) 2R 36 (5864.482, -377.813) -0.382 (SLS-001) -0.284 (SLS-002) -0.410 (SLS-043) -0.199 (SLS-003) 0.411 (SLS-024) 2R
7 (1422.545, 225.498) -0.588 (SLS-001) -0.452 (SLS-002) -0.625 (SLS-033) -0.317 (SLS-003) 0.649 (SLS-007) 2R 37 (5925.309, -377.813) -0.374 (SLS-001) -0.268 (SLS-002) -0.412 (SLS-043) -0.187 (SLS-003) 0.387 (SLS-024) 2R
8 (2167.548, 225.624) -0.510 (SLS-001) -0.392 (SLS-002) -0.537 (SLS-033) -0.274 (SLS-003) 0.562 (SLS-024) 2R 38 (6687.009, -377.813) -0.125 (SLS-001) -0.069 (SLS-002) -0.105 (SLS-043) -0.048 (SLS-003) 0.099 (SLS-024) 2R
9 (2228.370, 225.635) -0.459 (SLS-001) -0.349 (SLS-002) -0.419 (SLS-035) -0.244 (SLS-003) 0.501 (SLS-007) 2R 39 (6731.810, -377.813) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
10 (2973.372, 225.762) -0.191 (SLS-001) -0.146 (SLS-002) -0.313 (SLS-035) -0.102 (SLS-003) 0.210 (SLS-024) 2R
11 (3034.727, 225.772) -0.074 (SLS-001) -0.061 (SLS-002) -0.069 (SLS-033) -0.042 (SLS-003) 0.087 (SLS-007) 2R+2T
12 (3827.949, 225.907) -0.168 (SLS-001) -0.131 (SLS-002) -0.146 (SLS-039) -0.092 (SLS-003) 0.191 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
13 (3889.317, 225.918) -0.296 (SLS-001) -0.227 (SLS-002) -0.402 (SLS-039) -0.159 (SLS-003) 0.329 (SLS-024) 2R
14 (4642.883, 226.046) -0.412 (SLS-001) -0.314 (SLS-002) -0.459 (SLS-039) -0.219 (SLS-003) 0.455 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (4703.721, 226.057) -0.432 (SLS-001) -0.329 (SLS-002) -0.472 (SLS-041) -0.230 (SLS-003) 0.477 (SLS-024) 2R
16 (5457.288, 226.185) -0.425 (SLS-001) -0.323 (SLS-002) -0.469 (SLS-041) -0.226 (SLS-003) 0.467 (SLS-024) 2R
17 (5518.126, 226.195) -0.430 (SLS-001) -0.326 (SLS-002) -0.429 (SLS-043) -0.228 (SLS-003) 0.472 (SLS-024) 2R
18 (6271.177, 226.324) -0.301 (SLS-001) -0.214 (SLS-002) -0.379 (SLS-043) -0.150 (SLS-003) 0.310 (SLS-024) 2R
19 (6333.244, 226.334) -0.216 (SLS-001) -0.143 (SLS-002) -0.171 (SLS-043) -0.100 (SLS-003) 0.207 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (6731.810, 226.402) 0.000 (SLS-001) 0.000 (SLS-002) -0.009 (SLS-045) 0.000 (SLS-003) 0.001 (SLS-007) 2R
21 (18.500, -377.813) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
22 (63.541, -377.813) -0.158 (SLS-001) -0.071 (SLS-002) -0.122 (SLS-029) -0.047 (SLS-003) 0.095 (SLS-024) 2R
23 (934.638, -377.813) -0.536 (SLS-001) -0.352 (SLS-002) -0.511 (SLS-030) -0.245 (SLS-003) 0.494 (SLS-007) 2R
24 (989.268, -377.813) -0.544 (SLS-001) -0.385 (SLS-002) -0.501 (SLS-030) -0.269 (SLS-003) 0.547 (SLS-007) 2R
25 (1043.942, -377.813) -0.563 (SLS-001) -0.417 (SLS-002) -0.500 (SLS-032) -0.293 (SLS-003) 0.598 (SLS-007) 2R
26 (1764.627, -377.813) -0.566 (SLS-001) -0.434 (SLS-002) -0.601 (SLS-033) -0.304 (SLS-003) 0.623 (SLS-007) 2R
27 (1825.450, -377.813) -0.557 (SLS-001) -0.423 (SLS-002) -0.576 (SLS-033) -0.296 (SLS-003) 0.607 (SLS-007) 2R
28 (2570.452, -377.813) -0.391 (SLS-001) -0.295 (SLS-002) -0.391 (SLS-035) -0.206 (SLS-003) 0.424 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (2631.275, -377.813) -0.264 (SLS-001) -0.198 (SLS-002) -0.348 (SLS-035) -0.138 (SLS-003) 0.284 (SLS-007) 2R
30 (3398.109, -377.813) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R+2T

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T16

Environment Truss T16 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.011 0.014 0.647 0.637 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.127 0.076 0.533 0.660 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.215 0.106 0.746 0.916 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.183 0.105 0.169 0.318 OK
2807 5-6 0.159 0.098 0.455 0.609 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.254 0.125 0.540 0.745 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7-8 0.254 0.125 0.431 0.622 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150 4 8-9 0.231 0.133 0.355 0.578 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.273 0.132 0.648 0.876 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 ° 10 - 11 0.235 0.132 0.338 0.563 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 29 11 - 12 0.244 0.116 0.630 0.833 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 91 12 - 13 0.183 0.102 0.435 0.615 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.157 0.072 0.634 0.771 OK
3 14 - 15 0.078 0.043 0.527 0.605 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 22 15 - 16 0.000 0.000 0.639 0.639 OK
Bottom Chord
17 - 18 0.064 0.011 0.518 0.582 OK
18 - 19 0.111 0.065 0.629 0.568 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.124 0.104 0.362 0.436 OK
21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 20 - 21 0.123 0.109 0.534 0.565 OK
Load Value 20 21 - 22 0.006 0.007 0.343 0.343 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1096.169 19 21 - 23 0.156 0.292 0.379 0.457 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.166 0.161 0.379 0.500 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.166 0.161 0.212 0.306 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.211 0.174 0.257 0.321 OK
BC 2853 26 - 27 0.176 0.172 0.145 0.292 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
1° 27 - 28 0.209 0.177 0.143 0.301 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
31.8 28 - 29 0.155 0.154 0.204 0.333 OK
121 29 - 30 0.162 0.138 0.204 0.331 OK
Truss Summary Heel 422 BC Heel 423 30 - 31 0.096 0.099 0.336 0.406 OK
31 - 32 0.068 0.059 0.568 0.509 OK
Item Value 17 32 - 33 0.000 0.000 0.468 0.468 OK
Level 1 Webs
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 17 - 1 0.022 0.016 0.003 0.022 OK
Width (m) 3.61 33 - 16 0.024 0.013 0.003 0.024 OK
Height (m) 0.90 18 - 2 0.216 0.100 0.025 0.221 OK
3 - 19 0.074 0.083 0.010 0.083 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1096.169
20 - 4 0.013 0.016 0.002 0.016 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
6 - 22 0.082 0.090 0.173 0.199 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
22 - 23 0.079 0.083 0.064 0.106 OK
BC Span (m) 3.61 7 - 24 0.075 0.019 0.010 0.076 OK
Steel (m) 14.77 25 - 8 0.076 0.025 0.009 0.077 OK
Weight (kg) 20.60 9 - 26 0.021 0.032 0.003 0.032 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 1.776 (Node: 26 - SLS-024) 27 - 10 0.029 0.026 0.004 0.030 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -1.193 (Node: 26 - SLS-001) 11 - 28 0.072 0.029 0.009 0.073 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.916 Reaction @ Node 33 Reaction @ Node 17 29 - 12 0.042 0.056 0.005 0.056 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.582 13 - 30 0.117 0.056 0.014 0.119 OK
Max. Ult 3.148 (ULS-061) Max. Ult 3.304 (ULS-047)
Status Pass 31 - 14 0.087 0.088 0.011 0.089 OK
Min. Ult -2.272 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.882 (ULS-044)
15 - 32 0.169 0.078 0.021 0.170 OK

Node Deflections Summary

Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 26 -1.193 11.896 0.100 SLS-001
Live 9 -0.862 14.275 0.060 SLS-002
Wind 26 1.776 23.792 0.075 SLS-024

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 9 1.255 11.896 0.105 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm)
Live 3 0.306 2.620 0.117 SLS-002
Live Point 3 0.615 2.620 0.235 SLS-029 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
Wind 9 -1.902 23.792 0.080 SLS-024 1 (18.500, -17.586) 0.002 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-027) 0.001 (SLS-003) -0.002 (SLS-024) 2R 31 (2996.320, 52.763) -0.612 (SLS-001) -0.443 (SLS-002) -0.404 (SLS-039) -0.302 (SLS-003) 0.895 (SLS-024) 2R
2 (251.595, 114.478) -0.367 (SLS-001) -0.243 (SLS-002) -0.267 (SLS-029) -0.154 (SLS-003) 0.536 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 32 (3542.530, 52.763) -0.123 (SLS-001) -0.082 (SLS-002) -0.097 (SLS-039) -0.057 (SLS-003) 0.164 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
3 (307.674, 146.251) -0.501 (SLS-001) -0.338 (SLS-002) -0.427 (SLS-029) -0.213 (SLS-003) 0.744 (SLS-024) 2R 33 (3587.232, 52.763) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
4 (763.619, 404.573) -0.849 (SLS-001) -0.593 (SLS-002) -0.579 (SLS-029) -0.383 (SLS-003) 1.291 (SLS-024) 2R
5 (805.905, 428.531) -0.830 (SLS-001) -0.581 (SLS-002) -0.500 (SLS-032) -0.380 (SLS-003) 1.244 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
6 (858.673, 428.531) -0.916 (SLS-001) -0.649 (SLS-002) -0.610 (SLS-032) -0.428 (SLS-003) 1.374 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
7 (1167.223, 428.531) -1.069 (SLS-001) -0.767 (SLS-002) -0.691 (SLS-033) -0.511 (SLS-003) 1.600 (SLS-024) 2R
8 (1437.471, 428.531) -1.154 (SLS-001) -0.832 (SLS-002) -0.778 (SLS-034) -0.558 (SLS-003) 1.719 (SLS-024) 2R
9 (1498.587, 428.531) -1.187 (SLS-001) -0.862 (SLS-002) -0.883 (SLS-035) -0.580 (SLS-003) 1.770 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (2035.994, 428.531) -1.151 (SLS-001) -0.840 (SLS-002) -0.852 (SLS-035) -0.568 (SLS-003) 1.716 (SLS-024) 2R
11 (2097.569, 428.531) -1.121 (SLS-001) -0.818 (SLS-002) -0.748 (SLS-037) -0.554 (SLS-003) 1.669 (SLS-024) 2R
12 (2635.178, 428.531) -0.884 (SLS-001) -0.647 (SLS-002) -0.639 (SLS-037) -0.439 (SLS-003) 1.313 (SLS-024) 2R
13 (2696.753, 428.531) -0.828 (SLS-001) -0.607 (SLS-002) -0.496 (SLS-036) -0.412 (SLS-003) 1.229 (SLS-024) 2R
14 (3234.164, 428.531) -0.437 (SLS-001) -0.316 (SLS-002) -0.340 (SLS-039) -0.216 (SLS-003) 0.637 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (3296.452, 428.531) -0.320 (SLS-001) -0.229 (SLS-002) -0.189 (SLS-039) -0.156 (SLS-003) 0.461 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
16 (3587.232, 428.531) 0.001 (SLS-001) 0.001 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-041) 0.000 (SLS-003) -0.001 (SLS-024) 2R
17 (18.500, -405.141) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
18 (63.468, -377.246) -0.169 (SLS-001) -0.102 (SLS-002) -0.137 (SLS-029) -0.063 (SLS-003) 0.221 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
19 (649.414, -13.767) -0.751 (SLS-001) -0.513 (SLS-002) -0.558 (SLS-029) -0.328 (SLS-003) 1.130 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (704.685, 20.519) -0.818 (SLS-001) -0.569 (SLS-002) -0.564 (SLS-029) -0.366 (SLS-003) 1.242 (SLS-024) 2R
21 (756.664, 52.763) -0.877 (SLS-001) -0.613 (SLS-002) -0.566 (SLS-029) -0.397 (SLS-003) 1.331 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
22 (1007.620, 208.438) -0.982 (SLS-001) -0.695 (SLS-002) -0.623 (SLS-032) -0.457 (SLS-003) 1.480 (SLS-024) 2R
23 (1112.973, 52.763) -1.018 (SLS-001) -0.724 (SLS-002) -0.654 (SLS-032) -0.480 (SLS-003) 1.529 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (1167.223, 52.763) -1.065 (SLS-001) -0.763 (SLS-002) -0.680 (SLS-033) -0.508 (SLS-003) 1.593 (SLS-024) 2R
25 (1221.423, 52.763) -1.115 (SLS-001) -0.801 (SLS-002) -0.748 (SLS-034) -0.536 (SLS-003) 1.657 (SLS-024) 2R
26 (1736.391, 52.763) -1.193 (SLS-001) -0.867 (SLS-002) -0.887 (SLS-035) -0.584 (SLS-003) 1.776 (SLS-024) 2R
27 (1797.959, 52.763) -1.187 (SLS-001) -0.863 (SLS-002) -0.876 (SLS-035) -0.583 (SLS-003) 1.767 (SLS-024) 2R
28 (2335.568, 52.763) -1.044 (SLS-001) -0.761 (SLS-002) -0.716 (SLS-037) -0.516 (SLS-003) 1.550 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (2397.143, 52.763) -0.998 (SLS-001) -0.729 (SLS-002) -0.696 (SLS-037) -0.494 (SLS-003) 1.482 (SLS-024) 2R
30 (2934.752, 52.763) -0.680 (SLS-001) -0.496 (SLS-002) -0.421 (SLS-039) -0.338 (SLS-003) 1.003 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T19

Environment Truss T19 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.010 0.016 0.663 0.652 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.156 0.100 0.547 0.690 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.268 0.136 0.743 0.906 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.223 0.139 0.164 0.346 OK
2858 5-6 0.193 0.126 0.696 0.889 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.320 0.164 0.707 0.975 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7-8 0.320 0.164 0.424 0.648 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150 4 8-9 0.292 0.177 0.350 0.607 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.365 0.180 0.631 0.900 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 ° 10 - 11 0.311 0.183 0.316 0.585 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 30 11 - 12 0.349 0.168 0.615 0.870 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 86 12 - 13 0.268 0.155 0.390 0.626 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.266 0.126 0.586 0.777 OK
3 14 - 15 0.168 0.097 0.566 0.717 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 2 23 15 - 16 0.101 0.047 0.769 0.856 OK
16 - 17 0.000 0.000 0.752 0.752 OK
Bottom Chord
1 18 - 19 0.079 0.016 0.646 0.724 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.141 0.075 0.783 0.713 OK
20 - 21 0.156 0.127 0.471 0.560 OK
22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Load Value 21 21 - 22 0.160 0.135 0.633 0.744 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1492.024 20 22 - 23 0.012 0.007 0.356 0.359 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 22 - 24 0.204 0.358 0.485 0.557 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.218 0.202 0.470 0.604 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.218 0.202 0.285 0.443 OK
BC 2870 26 - 27 0.279 0.220 0.345 0.465 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
° 27 - 28 0.239 0.231 0.182 0.357 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
.89 28 - 29 0.289 0.234 0.149 0.392 OK
159 29 - 30 0.223 0.221 0.198 0.375 OK
Truss Summary Heel 425 BC1 Heel 424
30 - 31 0.246 0.201 0.198 0.402 OK
19 31 - 32 0.168 0.168 0.332 0.455 OK
Item Value 18 32 - 33 0.154 0.127 0.553 0.554 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.062 0.064 0.456 0.468 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 34 - 35 0.000 0.000 0.372 0.372 OK
Width (m) 3.60 Webs
Height (m) 0.89 18 - 1 0.019 0.018 0.002 0.020 OK
35 - 17 0.168 0.082 0.022 0.170 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1492.024
19 - 2 0.264 0.133 0.031 0.269 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
3 - 20 0.099 0.101 0.013 0.101 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
21 - 4 0.023 0.019 0.003 0.024 OK
BC Span (m) 3.60 6 - 23 0.123 0.113 0.145 0.213 OK
Steel (m) 15.08 23 - 24 0.119 0.105 0.101 0.184 OK
Weight (kg) 21.03 7 - 25 0.089 0.029 0.012 0.090 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 2.494 (Node: 28 - SLS-024) 26 - 8 0.089 0.037 0.011 0.090 OK
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -1.660 (Node: 28 - SLS-001) 9 - 27 0.026 0.042 0.003 0.042 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.975 Reaction @ Node 35 Reaction @ Node 18 28 - 10 0.040 0.020 0.005 0.041 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.744 11 - 29 0.066 0.030 0.008 0.067 OK
Max. Ult 4.118 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 4.306 (ULS-002)
Status Pass 30 - 12 0.042 0.054 0.005 0.054 OK
Min. Ult -3.091 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -2.578 (ULS-044)
13 - 31 0.111 0.059 0.014 0.113 OK
32 - 14 0.093 0.087 0.012 0.095 OK
Node Deflections Summary 15 - 33 0.201 0.103 0.025 0.201 OK
34 - 16 0.150 0.131 0.019 0.153 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 28 -1.660 11.889 0.140 SLS-001
Live 10 -1.217 14.267 0.085 SLS-002
Wind 28 2.494 23.779 0.105 SLS-024

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 9 1.725 11.889 0.145 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm)
Live 15 0.445 2.433 0.183 SLS-002
Live Point 15 0.552 2.433 0.227 SLS-041 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
Wind 9 -2.623 23.779 0.110 SLS-024 1 (18.500, -17.432) 0.002 (SLS-001) 0.002 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-027) 0.001 (SLS-003) -0.003 (SLS-024) 2R 31 (2707.854, 39.669) -1.193 (SLS-001) -0.890 (SLS-002) -0.550 (SLS-038) -0.607 (SLS-003) 1.793 (SLS-024) 2R
2 (234.045, 109.980) -0.456 (SLS-001) -0.304 (SLS-002) -0.247 (SLS-029) -0.193 (SLS-003) 0.671 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 32 (2769.309, 39.669) -1.117 (SLS-001) -0.835 (SLS-002) -0.525 (SLS-039) -0.570 (SLS-003) 1.680 (SLS-024) 2R
3 (290.678, 143.457) -0.632 (SLS-001) -0.428 (SLS-002) -0.396 (SLS-029) -0.270 (SLS-003) 0.943 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 33 (3257.198, 39.669) -0.633 (SLS-001) -0.481 (SLS-002) -0.344 (SLS-041) -0.330 (SLS-003) 0.962 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
4 (705.191, 388.482) -1.075 (SLS-001) -0.759 (SLS-002) -0.529 (SLS-029) -0.492 (SLS-003) 1.649 (SLS-024) 2R 34 (3318.862, 39.669) -0.471 (SLS-001) -0.362 (SLS-002) -0.279 (SLS-041) -0.248 (SLS-003) 0.723 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
5 (752.936, 416.705) -1.062 (SLS-001) -0.756 (SLS-002) -0.471 (SLS-032) -0.497 (SLS-003) 1.607 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 35 (3585.300, 39.669) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R+2T
6 (815.738, 416.705) -1.223 (SLS-001) -0.882 (SLS-002) -0.601 (SLS-032) -0.585 (SLS-003) 1.850 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
7 (1089.592, 416.705) -1.439 (SLS-001) -1.048 (SLS-002) -0.689 (SLS-033) -0.702 (SLS-003) 2.171 (SLS-024) 2R
8 (1334.823, 416.705) -1.573 (SLS-001) -1.152 (SLS-002) -0.786 (SLS-035) -0.776 (SLS-003) 2.363 (SLS-024) 2R
9 (1395.924, 416.705) -1.625 (SLS-001) -1.197 (SLS-002) -0.890 (SLS-035) -0.809 (SLS-003) 2.444 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (1883.664, 416.705) -1.644 (SLS-001) -1.217 (SLS-002) -0.881 (SLS-035) -0.826 (SLS-003) 2.475 (SLS-024) 2R
11 (1945.119, 416.705) -1.621 (SLS-001) -1.201 (SLS-002) -0.818 (SLS-037) -0.815 (SLS-003) 2.439 (SLS-024) 2R
12 (2433.136, 416.705) -1.406 (SLS-001) -1.048 (SLS-002) -0.742 (SLS-037) -0.713 (SLS-003) 2.117 (SLS-024) 2R
13 (2494.592, 416.705) -1.340 (SLS-001) -0.999 (SLS-002) -0.616 (SLS-037) -0.681 (SLS-003) 2.016 (SLS-024) 2R
14 (2982.609, 416.705) -0.934 (SLS-001) -0.702 (SLS-002) -0.467 (SLS-039) -0.480 (SLS-003) 1.410 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (3044.060, 416.705) -0.846 (SLS-001) -0.641 (SLS-002) -0.376 (SLS-041) -0.439 (SLS-003) 1.285 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
16 (3530.704, 416.705) -0.245 (SLS-001) -0.196 (SLS-002) -0.245 (SLS-041) -0.135 (SLS-003) 0.387 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
17 (3585.300, 416.705) -0.022 (SLS-001) -0.017 (SLS-002) -0.012 (SLS-042) -0.012 (SLS-003) 0.033 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
18 (18.500, -407.481) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
19 (63.471, -379.503) -0.217 (SLS-001) -0.132 (SLS-002) -0.134 (SLS-029) -0.082 (SLS-003) 0.289 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
20 (623.554, -31.057) -0.956 (SLS-001) -0.659 (SLS-002) -0.519 (SLS-029) -0.423 (SLS-003) 1.453 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
21 (681.229, 4.825) -1.056 (SLS-001) -0.743 (SLS-002) -0.522 (SLS-029) -0.481 (SLS-003) 1.618 (SLS-024) 2R
22 (737.237, 39.669) -1.145 (SLS-001) -0.811 (SLS-002) -0.520 (SLS-029) -0.528 (SLS-003) 1.755 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
23 (956.063, 175.809) -1.305 (SLS-001) -0.939 (SLS-002) -0.611 (SLS-032) -0.621 (SLS-003) 1.982 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (1035.366, 39.669) -1.357 (SLS-001) -0.982 (SLS-002) -0.642 (SLS-032) -0.654 (SLS-003) 2.055 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
25 (1089.592, 39.669) -1.433 (SLS-001) -1.043 (SLS-002) -0.683 (SLS-034) -0.698 (SLS-003) 2.160 (SLS-024) 2R
26 (1143.695, 39.669) -1.510 (SLS-001) -1.102 (SLS-002) -0.753 (SLS-034) -0.741 (SLS-003) 2.263 (SLS-024) 2R
27 (1608.919, 39.669) -1.656 (SLS-001) -1.221 (SLS-002) -0.901 (SLS-035) -0.826 (SLS-003) 2.488 (SLS-024) 2R
28 (1670.364, 39.669) -1.660 (SLS-001) -1.225 (SLS-002) -0.895 (SLS-035) -0.830 (SLS-003) 2.494 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (2158.381, 39.669) -1.557 (SLS-001) -1.155 (SLS-002) -0.798 (SLS-037) -0.785 (SLS-003) 2.341 (SLS-024) 2R
30 (2219.837, 39.669) -1.513 (SLS-001) -1.123 (SLS-002) -0.784 (SLS-037) -0.764 (SLS-003) 2.273 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T20

Environment Truss T20 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.612 0.612 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.088 0.039 0.790 0.854 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.146 0.081 0.533 0.674 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.228 0.103 0.612 0.789 OK
5-6 0.227 0.125 0.377 0.593 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.291 0.131 0.643 0.874 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.255 0.140 0.298 0.535 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.291 0.131 0.643 0.874 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.227 0.125 0.377 0.593 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.228 0.103 0.612 0.789 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 3608 11 - 12 0.146 0.081 0.533 0.674 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.088 0.039 0.790 0.854 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 - 14 0.000 0.000 0.612 0.612 OK
Bottom Chord
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.000 0.000 0.335 0.335 OK
16 - 17 0.051 0.056 0.358 0.365 OK
17 - 18 0.128 0.110 0.434 0.438 OK
18 - 19 0.137 0.144 0.290 0.399 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.198 0.171 0.174 0.306 OK
20 - 21 0.175 0.184 0.174 0.322 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.221 0.192 0.142 0.282 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 1234.655 22 - 23 0.175 0.184 0.174 0.322 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.198 0.171 0.174 0.306 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.137 0.144 0.290 0.399 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.128 0.110 0.434 0.438 OK
26 - 27 0.051 0.056 0.358 0.365 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
27 - 28 0.000 0.000 0.335 0.335 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
15 - 1 0.137 0.064 0.018 0.138 OK
Truss Summary 28 - 14 0.137 0.064 0.018 0.138 OK
2 - 16 0.117 0.107 0.015 0.119 OK
Item Value Heel 422 BC 3608 Heel 422 17 - 3 0.162 0.080 0.020 0.165 OK
Level 1 4 - 18 0.066 0.075 0.008 0.075 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 19 - 5 0.095 0.042 0.012 0.097 OK
Width (m) 3.61 6 - 20 0.024 0.044 0.003 0.044 OK
Height (m) 0.42 21 - 7 0.051 0.019 0.006 0.052 OK
8 - 22 0.051 0.019 0.006 0.052 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 1234.655
23 - 9 0.024 0.044 0.003 0.044 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
10 - 24 0.095 0.042 0.012 0.097 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
25 - 11 0.066 0.075 0.008 0.075 OK
BC Span (m) 3.61 12 - 26 0.162 0.080 0.020 0.165 OK
Steel (m) 13.77 27 - 13 0.117 0.107 0.015 0.119 OK
Weight (kg) 19.20
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 1.765 (Node: 7 - SLS-024)
Reactions (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -1.195 (Node: 7 - SLS-001)
Max CR - Top Chord 0.874 Reaction @ Node 28 Reaction @ Node 15
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.438 Max. Ult 3.373 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 3.373 (ULS-002)
Status Pass Min. Ult -2.433 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -2.433 (ULS-044)

Node Deflections Summary

Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 7 -1.195 11.904 0.100 SLS-001
Live 7 -0.929 14.285 0.065 SLS-002
Wind 7 1.765 23.808 0.074 SLS-024

Member Deflections Summary

Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
Dead 20 -1.242 11.904 0.104 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm)
Live 2 0.368 2.624 0.140 SLS-002
Live Point 2 0.664 2.624 0.253 SLS-028 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
Wind 6 -1.813 23.808 0.076 SLS-024 1 (18.500, -24.420) -0.018 (SLS-001) -0.014 (SLS-002) -0.012 (SLS-027) -0.010 (SLS-003) 0.026 (SLS-024) 2R
2 (73.139, -24.420) -0.204 (SLS-001) -0.170 (SLS-002) -0.270 (SLS-028) -0.119 (SLS-003) 0.322 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
3 (597.928, -24.420) -0.682 (SLS-001) -0.537 (SLS-002) -0.407 (SLS-028) -0.376 (SLS-003) 1.021 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
4 (659.485, -24.420) -0.745 (SLS-001) -0.582 (SLS-002) -0.485 (SLS-030) -0.408 (SLS-003) 1.107 (SLS-024) 2R
5 (1185.618, -24.420) -1.039 (SLS-001) -0.808 (SLS-002) -0.614 (SLS-031) -0.566 (SLS-003) 1.536 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1247.180, -24.420) -1.085 (SLS-001) -0.844 (SLS-002) -0.741 (SLS-032) -0.591 (SLS-003) 1.603 (SLS-024) 2R
7 (1773.313, -24.420) -1.195 (SLS-001) -0.929 (SLS-002) -0.791 (SLS-032) -0.650 (SLS-003) 1.765 (SLS-024) 2R
8 (1834.875, -24.420) -1.195 (SLS-001) -0.929 (SLS-002) -0.791 (SLS-034) -0.650 (SLS-003) 1.765 (SLS-024) 2R
9 (2361.008, -24.420) -1.085 (SLS-001) -0.844 (SLS-002) -0.741 (SLS-034) -0.591 (SLS-003) 1.603 (SLS-024) 2R
10 (2422.570, -24.420) -1.039 (SLS-001) -0.808 (SLS-002) -0.614 (SLS-035) -0.566 (SLS-003) 1.536 (SLS-024) 2R
11 (2948.703, -24.420) -0.745 (SLS-001) -0.582 (SLS-002) -0.485 (SLS-036) -0.408 (SLS-003) 1.106 (SLS-024) 2R
12 (3010.261, -24.420) -0.682 (SLS-001) -0.537 (SLS-002) -0.407 (SLS-038) -0.376 (SLS-003) 1.021 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
13 (3535.031, -24.420) -0.204 (SLS-001) -0.170 (SLS-002) -0.270 (SLS-038) -0.119 (SLS-003) 0.322 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
14 (3589.670, -24.420) -0.018 (SLS-001) -0.014 (SLS-002) -0.012 (SLS-039) -0.010 (SLS-003) 0.026 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (18.500, -399.460) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
16 (303.985, -399.460) -0.385 (SLS-001) -0.308 (SLS-002) -0.306 (SLS-028) -0.216 (SLS-003) 0.585 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
17 (365.738, -399.460) -0.514 (SLS-001) -0.406 (SLS-002) -0.373 (SLS-028) -0.284 (SLS-003) 0.771 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
18 (891.752, -399.460) -0.883 (SLS-001) -0.687 (SLS-002) -0.543 (SLS-030) -0.481 (SLS-003) 1.305 (SLS-024) 2R
19 (953.314, -399.460) -0.936 (SLS-001) -0.727 (SLS-002) -0.566 (SLS-030) -0.509 (SLS-003) 1.382 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (1479.447, -399.460) -1.148 (SLS-001) -0.891 (SLS-002) -0.774 (SLS-032) -0.624 (SLS-003) 1.693 (SLS-024) 2R
21 (1541.009, -399.460) -1.173 (SLS-001) -0.910 (SLS-002) -0.784 (SLS-032) -0.637 (SLS-003) 1.730 (SLS-024) 2R
22 (2067.142, -399.460) -1.173 (SLS-001) -0.910 (SLS-002) -0.784 (SLS-034) -0.637 (SLS-003) 1.730 (SLS-024) 2R
23 (2128.704, -399.460) -1.148 (SLS-001) -0.891 (SLS-002) -0.774 (SLS-034) -0.624 (SLS-003) 1.693 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (2654.837, -399.460) -0.936 (SLS-001) -0.727 (SLS-002) -0.566 (SLS-036) -0.509 (SLS-003) 1.382 (SLS-024) 2R
25 (2716.399, -399.460) -0.883 (SLS-001) -0.687 (SLS-002) -0.543 (SLS-036) -0.481 (SLS-003) 1.305 (SLS-024) 2R
26 (3242.416, -399.460) -0.514 (SLS-001) -0.406 (SLS-002) -0.373 (SLS-038) -0.284 (SLS-003) 0.771 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
27 (3304.163, -399.460) -0.385 (SLS-001) -0.308 (SLS-002) -0.306 (SLS-038) -0.216 (SLS-003) 0.585 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
28 (3589.670, -399.460) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T8 (2 ply)

Environment Truss T8 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.005 0.003 0.101 0.122 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.000 0.001 0.073 0.107 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.023 0.009 0.286 0.307 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.055 0.018 0.324 0.366 OK
5-6 0.069 0.027 0.181 0.238 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.082 0.027 0.240 0.305 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.060 0.023 0.159 0.215 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.060 0.023 0.175 0.232 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.045 0.016 0.212 0.245 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.045 0.016 0.239 0.269 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.020 0.010 0.357 0.360 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 12 - 13 0.013 0.024 0.433 0.410 OK
1° 4601
Enclosed? Enclosed 17.2 13 - 14 0.026 0.048 0.378 0.396 OK
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 14 - 15 0.049 0.071 0.299 0.256 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 1 15 - 16 0.025 0.044 0.267 0.290 OK
16 - 17 0.013 0.018 0.348 0.330 OK
17 - 18 0.029 0.006 0.319 0.338 OK
18 - 19 0.072 0.018 0.371 0.433 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.100 0.031 0.306 0.405 OK
20 - 21 0.159 0.041 0.270 0.383 OK
Load Value 21 - 22 0.161 0.049 0.346 0.507 OK
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 700.000 22 - 23 0.192 0.049 0.346 0.507 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.192 0.049 0.203 0.339 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.133 0.042 0.174 0.307 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 30/31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 25 - 26 0.123 0.033 0.245 0.334 OK
26 - 27 0.073 0.024 0.254 0.319 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
27 - 28 0.043 0.011 0.356 0.394 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0 T12 T11 T9
28 - 29 0.000 0.000 0.350 0.350 OK
Bottom Chord
Truss Summary Heel 368 BC 4770 Heel 419
30 - 31 0.001 0.000 0.223 0.223 OK
31 - 32 0.014 0.017 0.270 0.253 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.024 0.035 0.155 0.177 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.043 0.052 0.138 0.107 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G350 34 - 35 0.036 0.052 0.093 0.112 OK
Width (m) 4.77 35 - 36 0.036 0.045 0.074 0.099 OK
Height (m) 0.42 36 - 37 0.036 0.045 0.324 0.282 OK
37 - 38 0.021 0.029 0.267 0.244 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 700.000
38 - 39 0.021 0.029 0.354 0.349 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.016 0.015 0.384 0.382 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
40 - 41 0.032 0.008 0.316 0.347 OK
BC Span (m) 4.77 41 - 42 0.076 0.019 0.303 0.368 OK
Steel (2 ply) (m) 43.34 42 - 43 0.094 0.031 0.251 0.345 OK
Weight (2 ply) (kg) 60.46 43 - 44 0.070 0.019 0.244 0.305 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 0.657 (Node: 50 - SLS-024) 44 - 45 0.024 0.008 0.390 0.414 OK
Reactions and Loads (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -0.641 (Node: 50 - SLS-001) 45 - 46 0.009 0.022 0.474 0.459 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.507 Reaction @ Node 57 Reaction @ Node 43 Reaction @ Node 30 CT Load T12 (Node: 30) CT Load T11 (Node: 30) CT Load T9 (Node: 30) 46 - 47 0.024 0.046 0.309 0.331 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.459 47 - 48 0.048 0.075 0.316 0.312 OK
Max. Ult 3.712 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 11.098 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 2.987 (ULS-047) Max. Ult 2.980 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 2.862 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 6.603 (ULS-002)
Status Pass 48 - 49 0.054 0.101 0.257 0.337 OK
Min. Ult -1.625 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -5.026 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -1.397 (ULS-044) Min. Ult 2.980 (ULS-002) Min. Ult 2.862 (ULS-002) Min. Ult 6.603 (ULS-002)
49 - 50 0.078 0.122 0.271 0.211 OK
50 - 51 0.078 0.122 0.220 0.194 OK
Node Deflections Summary 51 - 52 0.065 0.122 0.195 0.301 OK
52 - 53 0.066 0.100 0.195 0.280 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 53 - 54 0.043 0.078 0.163 0.229 OK
Dead 50 -0.641 9.000 0.071 SLS-001 54 - 55 0.038 0.055 0.287 0.232 OK
Live 22 -0.440 10.800 0.041 SLS-002 55 - 56 0.015 0.027 0.236 0.209 OK
Wind 50 0.657 17.999 0.036 SLS-024 56 - 57 0.000 0.000 0.171 0.171 OK
30 - 1 0.016 0.001 0.002 0.016 OK
Member Deflections Summary 57 - 29 0.078 0.022 0.010 0.079 OK
31 - 3 0.069 0.022 0.009 0.070 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
4 - 32 0.035 0.046 0.004 0.046 OK
Dead 48 -0.645 9.000 0.072 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 33 - 5 0.061 0.020 0.008 0.062 OK
Live 16 0.117 1.551 0.076 SLS-002 6 - 34 0.014 0.022 0.002 0.022 OK
Live Point 27 0.181 2.074 0.087 SLS-053 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
1 (18.500, -19.835) 0.000 (SLS-001) 0.000 (SLS-002) -0.003 (SLS-027) 0.000 (SLS-003) 0.000 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (1328.652, -344.553) -0.300 (SLS-001) -0.222 (SLS-002) -0.142 (SLS-035) -0.147 (SLS-003) 0.341 (SLS-024) 2R
35 - 7 0.015 0.026 0.002 0.026 OK
Wind 48 0.661 17.999 0.037 SLS-024 2 (172.748, 27.937) -0.022 (SLS-001) -0.014 (SLS-002) -0.073 (SLS-028) -0.009 (SLS-003) 0.021 (SLS-024) 2R 38 (1383.213, -344.553) -0.258 (SLS-001) -0.192 (SLS-002) -0.130 (SLS-035) -0.127 (SLS-003) 0.294 (SLS-024) 2R 36 - 8 0.006 0.011 0.001 0.011 OK
3 (228.571, 27.937) -0.095 (SLS-001) -0.070 (SLS-002) -0.053 (SLS-030) -0.046 (SLS-003) 0.108 (SLS-024) 2R 39 (1436.215, -344.553) -0.215 (SLS-001) -0.160 (SLS-002) -0.114 (SLS-036) -0.106 (SLS-003) 0.246 (SLS-024) 2R 9 - 37 0.064 0.019 0.008 0.065 OK
4 (289.444, 27.937) -0.170 (SLS-001) -0.127 (SLS-002) -0.150 (SLS-030) -0.086 (SLS-003) 0.197 (SLS-024) 2R 40 (1675.552, -344.553) -0.142 (SLS-001) -0.106 (SLS-002) -0.085 (SLS-037) -0.070 (SLS-003) 0.163 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
10 - 38 0.031 0.003 0.004 0.032 OK
5 (699.463, 27.937) -0.295 (SLS-001) -0.221 (SLS-002) -0.173 (SLS-030) -0.147 (SLS-003) 0.340 (SLS-024) 2R 41 (1732.784, -344.553) -0.102 (SLS-001) -0.076 (SLS-002) -0.075 (SLS-038) -0.051 (SLS-003) 0.118 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
6 (753.944, 27.937) -0.312 (SLS-001) -0.232 (SLS-002) -0.162 (SLS-032) -0.155 (SLS-003) 0.358 (SLS-024) 2R 42 (1995.424, -344.553) -0.033 (SLS-001) -0.025 (SLS-002) -0.024 (SLS-038) -0.016 (SLS-003) 0.038 (SLS-024) 2R 39 - 11 0.064 0.088 0.008 0.088 OK
7 (1014.071, 27.938) -0.334 (SLS-001) -0.247 (SLS-002) -0.170 (SLS-032) -0.164 (SLS-003) 0.380 (SLS-024) 2R 43 (2054.718, -344.553) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 12 - 40 0.169 0.050 0.022 0.171 OK
8 (1068.601, 27.938) -0.313 (SLS-001) -0.232 (SLS-002) -0.149 (SLS-033) -0.154 (SLS-003) 0.357 (SLS-024) 2R 44 (2387.150, -344.553) -0.141 (SLS-001) -0.099 (SLS-002) -0.061 (SLS-042) -0.057 (SLS-003) 0.144 (SLS-024) 2R 41 - 13 0.074 0.102 0.010 0.102 OK
9 (1123.131, 27.938) -0.291 (SLS-001) -0.216 (SLS-002) -0.146 (SLS-034) -0.144 (SLS-003) 0.333 (SLS-024) 2R 45 (2445.935, -344.553) -0.217 (SLS-001) -0.153 (SLS-002) -0.084 (SLS-044) -0.089 (SLS-003) 0.225 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
10 (1383.213, 27.938) -0.259 (SLS-001) -0.192 (SLS-002) -0.136 (SLS-035) -0.127 (SLS-003) 0.295 (SLS-024) 2R 46 (2756.088, -344.553) -0.369 (SLS-001) -0.260 (SLS-002) -0.147 (SLS-044) -0.151 (SLS-003) 0.381 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
14 - 42 0.128 0.039 0.016 0.129 OK
11 (1525.829, 27.939) -0.202 (SLS-001) -0.150 (SLS-002) -0.109 (SLS-036) -0.100 (SLS-003) 0.231 (SLS-024) 2R 47 (2814.873, -344.553) -0.419 (SLS-001) -0.296 (SLS-002) -0.161 (SLS-046) -0.171 (SLS-003) 0.432 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 43 - 15 0.117 0.032 0.015 0.118 OK
12 (1584.167, 27.939) -0.158 (SLS-001) -0.118 (SLS-002) -0.095 (SLS-037) -0.079 (SLS-003) 0.182 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 48 (3124.424, -344.553) -0.547 (SLS-001) -0.386 (SLS-002) -0.222 (SLS-046) -0.222 (SLS-003) 0.562 (SLS-024) 2R 16 - 44 0.053 0.082 0.007 0.082 OK
13 (1824.787, 27.939) -0.087 (SLS-001) -0.066 (SLS-002) -0.068 (SLS-038) -0.044 (SLS-003) 0.101 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 49 (3184.329, -344.553) -0.595 (SLS-001) -0.419 (SLS-002) -0.223 (SLS-046) -0.242 (SLS-003) 0.610 (SLS-024) 2R
45 - 17 0.159 0.043 0.020 0.160 OK
14 (1883.082, 27.939) -0.038 (SLS-001) -0.030 (SLS-002) -0.035 (SLS-038) -0.021 (SLS-003) 0.047 (SLS-015) 2R 50 (3361.399, -344.553) -0.641 (SLS-001) -0.451 (SLS-002) -0.202 (SLS-047) -0.260 (SLS-003) 0.657 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (2201.693, 27.940) -0.041 (SLS-001) -0.029 (SLS-002) -0.018 (SLS-046) -0.016 (SLS-003) 0.042 (SLS-024) 2R 51 (3513.399, -344.553) -0.565 (SLS-001) -0.398 (SLS-002) -0.228 (SLS-049) -0.233 (SLS-003) 0.584 (SLS-024) 2R
18 - 46 0.063 0.098 0.008 0.098 OK
16 (2261.466, 27.940) -0.098 (SLS-001) -0.069 (SLS-002) -0.052 (SLS-042) -0.040 (SLS-003) 0.102 (SLS-024) 2R 52 (3567.836, -344.553) -0.526 (SLS-001) -0.371 (SLS-002) -0.246 (SLS-049) -0.218 (SLS-003) 0.546 (SLS-024) 2R 47 - 19 0.146 0.038 0.019 0.147 OK
17 (2571.661, 27.940) -0.264 (SLS-001) -0.187 (SLS-002) -0.100 (SLS-044) -0.109 (SLS-003) 0.274 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 53 (3982.673, -344.553) -0.417 (SLS-001) -0.295 (SLS-002) -0.205 (SLS-051) -0.175 (SLS-003) 0.437 (SLS-024) 2R 20 - 48 0.049 0.080 0.006 0.080 OK
18 (2630.404, 27.940) -0.322 (SLS-001) -0.228 (SLS-002) -0.137 (SLS-044) -0.133 (SLS-003) 0.334 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 54 (4043.697, -344.553) -0.384 (SLS-001) -0.272 (SLS-002) -0.193 (SLS-051) -0.161 (SLS-003) 0.404 (SLS-024) 2R
49 - 21 0.106 0.028 0.014 0.107 OK
19 (2940.600, 27.941) -0.460 (SLS-001) -0.325 (SLS-002) -0.177 (SLS-046) -0.188 (SLS-003) 0.474 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 55 (4459.799, -344.553) -0.227 (SLS-001) -0.162 (SLS-002) -0.134 (SLS-053) -0.097 (SLS-003) 0.242 (SLS-024) 2R
20 (2999.314, 27.941) -0.514 (SLS-001) -0.363 (SLS-002) -0.213 (SLS-046) -0.209 (SLS-003) 0.529 (SLS-024) 2R 56 (4521.094, -344.553) -0.162 (SLS-001) -0.116 (SLS-002) -0.106 (SLS-053) -0.070 (SLS-003) 0.173 (SLS-024) 2R 22 - 50 0.045 0.076 0.006 0.076 OK
21 (3307.652, 27.941) -0.618 (SLS-001) -0.435 (SLS-002) -0.229 (SLS-046) -0.251 (SLS-003) 0.634 (SLS-024) 2R 57 (4751.630, -344.553) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R 23 - 51 0.052 0.013 0.007 0.053 OK
22 (3361.399, 27.942) -0.625 (SLS-001) -0.440 (SLS-002) -0.202 (SLS-047) -0.254 (SLS-003) 0.641 (SLS-024) 2R 52 - 24 0.028 0.051 0.004 0.051 OK
23 (3513.399, 27.942) -0.572 (SLS-001) -0.403 (SLS-002) -0.231 (SLS-049) -0.235 (SLS-003) 0.591 (SLS-024) 2R
24 (3743.939, 27.942) -0.495 (SLS-001) -0.350 (SLS-002) -0.236 (SLS-049) -0.206 (SLS-003) 0.516 (SLS-024) 2R
25 - 53 0.080 0.021 0.010 0.082 OK
25 (3805.232, 27.942) -0.460 (SLS-001) -0.326 (SLS-002) -0.221 (SLS-050) -0.193 (SLS-003) 0.482 (SLS-024) 2R 54 - 26 0.032 0.054 0.004 0.054 OK
26 (4221.332, 27.943) -0.329 (SLS-001) -0.235 (SLS-002) -0.175 (SLS-051) -0.139 (SLS-003) 0.348 (SLS-024) 2R 27 - 55 0.102 0.029 0.013 0.103 OK
27 (4282.357, 27.943) -0.290 (SLS-001) -0.208 (SLS-002) -0.143 (SLS-053) -0.124 (SLS-003) 0.309 (SLS-024) 2R
56 - 28 0.042 0.064 0.005 0.064 OK
28 (4697.219, 27.944) -0.095 (SLS-001) -0.069 (SLS-002) -0.096 (SLS-053) -0.042 (SLS-003) 0.104 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (4751.630, 27.944) -0.010 (SLS-001) -0.007 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-054) -0.004 (SLS-003) 0.011 (SLS-024) 2R
30 (18.500, -344.553) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R
31 (69.776, -344.553) -0.050 (SLS-001) -0.037 (SLS-002) -0.041 (SLS-030) -0.025 (SLS-003) 0.057 (SLS-024) 2R
32 (453.611, -344.553) -0.215 (SLS-001) -0.160 (SLS-002) -0.159 (SLS-030) -0.108 (SLS-003) 0.248 (SLS-024) 2R
33 (513.898, -344.553) -0.252 (SLS-001) -0.188 (SLS-002) -0.166 (SLS-030) -0.126 (SLS-003) 0.291 (SLS-024) 2R
34 (753.944, -344.553) -0.316 (SLS-001) -0.235 (SLS-002) -0.162 (SLS-032) -0.157 (SLS-003) 0.362 (SLS-024) 2R
35 (808.505, -344.553) -0.311 (SLS-001) -0.231 (SLS-002) -0.162 (SLS-032) -0.154 (SLS-003) 0.356 (SLS-024) 2R
36 (1068.579, -344.553) -0.316 (SLS-001) -0.234 (SLS-002) -0.151 (SLS-033) -0.155 (SLS-003) 0.360 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

Truss T3 (2 ply)

Environment Truss T3 Forces

Site Data Legend Nodes Compr. Ind Tens. Index Bend. Index CR Ratio Joint
Elevation ASL (m) 2000.00 Top Chord
Building Data 2R 2R+2T 1-2 0.000 0.000 0.610 0.610 OK
Country Code NZ 2-3 0.080 0.021 0.623 0.691 OK
CT Reaction
Wind Code AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 Load 3-4 0.146 0.049 0.451 0.597 OK
Building Function A 4-5 0.274 0.072 0.317 0.533 OK
5-6 0.304 0.100 0.246 0.550 OK
Importance Level 2
6-7 0.304 0.100 0.331 0.634 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Wind 1:500
7-8 0.419 0.110 0.329 0.659 OK
Annual prob. of exceed. - Snow 1:150
8-9 0.359 0.119 0.203 0.541 OK
Roof Type Gable 9 - 10 0.478 0.125 0.292 0.626 OK
Building Length (m) 16.00 10 - 11 0.400 0.132 0.241 0.640 OK
Building Width (m) 9.00 11 - 12 0.400 0.132 0.180 0.549 OK
Avg. Roof Height (m) 3.40 4237 12 - 13 0.480 0.126 0.231 0.585 OK
Enclosed? Enclosed 13 - 14 0.355 0.118 0.179 0.527 OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16/17 18 19 20 21 14 - 15 0.409 0.107 0.523 0.846 OK
For complete job environment details, refer to the job Enviroments Report. 15 - 16 0.284 0.094 0.525 0.809 OK
16 - 17 0.284 0.094 0.533 0.817 OK
17 - 18 0.273 0.072 0.685 0.901 OK
18 - 19 0.142 0.048 0.309 0.450 OK
Load Summary 19 - 20 0.087 0.023 0.618 0.692 OK
20 - 21 0.000 0.000 0.604 0.604 OK
Load Value Bottom Chord
Loaded Width (Actual) (mm) 700.000 22 - 23 0.000 0.000 0.301 0.301 OK
Roof Dead Load (kPa) 0.350 23 - 24 0.027 0.048 0.462 0.414 OK
Roof Live Load (kPa) 0.500 24 - 25 0.081 0.112 0.594 0.483 OK
Roof Point Load (kN) 1.100 25 - 26 0.094 0.166 0.362 0.491 OK
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 26 - 27 0.166 0.233 0.397 0.344 OK
Ceiling Dead Load (kPa) 0.300
27 - 28 0.166 0.233 0.106 0.323 OK
Ceiling Point Load (kN) 0
T4 T5 T6 28 - 29 0.143 0.254 0.181 0.344 OK
29 - 30 0.197 0.275 0.233 0.340 OK
Truss Summary 30 - 31 0.163 0.289 0.125 0.337 OK
Heel 419 BC 4237 Heel 419 31 - 32 0.219 0.307 0.160 0.351 OK
Item Value 32 - 33 0.219 0.307 0.118 0.340 OK
Level 1 33 - 34 0.164 0.291 0.123 0.401 OK
Steel C90_37-0.95BMT-G550 34 - 35 0.195 0.272 0.316 0.382 OK
Width (m) 4.24 35 - 36 0.140 0.248 0.246 0.336 OK
Height (m) 0.42 36 - 37 0.155 0.218 0.088 0.281 OK
37 - 38 0.155 0.218 0.290 0.299 OK
Loaded Width (mm) 700.000
38 - 39 0.093 0.165 0.375 0.503 OK
Purlin Spacing (mm) 2500.000
39 - 40 0.079 0.109 0.635 0.526 OK
Batten Spacing (mm) 3000.000
40 - 41 0.030 0.052 0.494 0.442 OK
BC Span (m) 4.24 41 - 42 0.000 0.000 0.264 0.264 OK
Steel (2 ply) (m) 35.69 Webs
Weight (2 ply) (kg) 49.79 22 - 1 0.169 0.045 0.029 0.172 OK
Max. Deflection Up (mm) 3.434 (Node: 10 - SLS-024) 42 - 21 0.164 0.044 0.028 0.167 OK
Reactions and Loads (kN)
Max. Deflection Down (mm) -3.239 (Node: 10 - SLS-001) 2 - 23 0.095 0.133 0.016 0.133 OK
Max CR - Top Chord 0.901 Reaction @ Node 42 Reaction @ Node 22 CT Load T4 (Node: 30) CT Load T5 (Node: 31) CT Load T6 (Node: 30) 24 - 3 0.233 0.063 0.039 0.234 OK
Max CR - Bottom Chord 0.526 4 - 25 0.084 0.121 0.014 0.121 OK
Max. Ult 9.799 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 9.806 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 5.029 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 5.027 (ULS-002) Max. Ult 5.051 (ULS-002)
Status Pass 26 - 5 0.198 0.051 0.032 0.201 OK
Min. Ult -4.326 (ULS-044) Min. Ult -4.329 (ULS-044) Min. Ult 5.029 (ULS-002) Min. Ult 5.027 (ULS-002) Min. Ult 5.051 (ULS-002)
6 - 27 0.003 0.007 0.001 0.007 OK
7 - 28 0.034 0.048 0.006 0.048 OK
Node Deflections Summary 29 - 8 0.080 0.022 0.013 0.082 OK
9 - 30 0.021 0.032 0.003 0.032 OK
Node Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo 31 - 10 0.052 0.014 0.008 0.054 OK
Dead 32 -3.185 12.000 0.265 SLS-001 11 - 32 0.003 0.007 0.001 0.007 OK
Live 10 -2.319 16.948 0.137 SLS-002 12 - 33 0.061 0.016 0.010 0.062 OK
Wind 10 3.434 28.246 0.122 SLS-024 34 - 13 0.028 0.043 0.005 0.043 OK
14 - 35 0.090 0.025 0.015 0.092 OK
36 - 15 0.039 0.054 0.006 0.054 OK
Member Deflections Summary 16 - 37 0.002 0.005 0.000 0.005 OK
17 - 38 0.196 0.051 0.032 0.196 OK
Member Maximum (mm) Limit (mm) Ratio Combo
39 - 18 0.092 0.132 0.015 0.132 OK
Dead 30 -3.213 12.000 0.268 SLS-001 Nodes / Deflections (mm) 19 - 40 0.227 0.061 0.038 0.228 OK
Live 2 0.614 1.957 0.314 SLS-002 41 - 20 0.093 0.129 0.015 0.129 OK
Live Point 14 0.237 2.464 0.096 SLS-040 Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint Node Position (x,y) Dead Live Live Point Snow Wind Joint
Wind 9 -3.502 28.246 0.124 SLS-024 1 (18.500, -24.420) -0.028 (SLS-001) -0.020 (SLS-002) -0.007 (SLS-029) -0.012 (SLS-003) 0.030 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 31 (1869.418, -396.654) -3.178 (SLS-001) -2.275 (SLS-002) -0.612 (SLS-035) -1.323 (SLS-003) 3.370 (SLS-024) 2R
2 (71.787, -24.420) -0.279 (SLS-001) -0.201 (SLS-002) -0.093 (SLS-028) -0.118 (SLS-003) 0.300 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 32 (2173.275, -396.654) -3.185 (SLS-001) -2.279 (SLS-002) -0.569 (SLS-036) -1.326 (SLS-003) 3.378 (SLS-024) 2R
3 (463.164, -24.420) -1.136 (SLS-001) -0.815 (SLS-002) -0.181 (SLS-035) -0.475 (SLS-003) 1.210 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 33 (2408.403, -396.654) -3.079 (SLS-001) -2.204 (SLS-002) -0.595 (SLS-038) -1.283 (SLS-003) 3.268 (SLS-024) 2R
4 (524.335, -24.420) -1.318 (SLS-001) -0.945 (SLS-002) -0.238 (SLS-030) -0.550 (SLS-003) 1.401 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 34 (2469.780, -396.654) -3.033 (SLS-001) -2.171 (SLS-002) -0.599 (SLS-038) -1.264 (SLS-003) 3.219 (SLS-024) 2R
5 (1026.215, -24.420) -2.214 (SLS-001) -1.586 (SLS-002) -0.363 (SLS-035) -0.922 (SLS-003) 2.348 (SLS-024) 2R+2T 35 (2894.955, -396.654) -2.738 (SLS-001) -1.960 (SLS-002) -0.504 (SLS-040) -1.141 (SLS-003) 2.906 (SLS-024) 2R
6 (1083.990, -24.420) -2.355 (SLS-001) -1.686 (SLS-002) -0.411 (SLS-033) -0.981 (SLS-003) 2.498 (SLS-024) 2R 36 (2959.391, -396.654) -2.619 (SLS-001) -1.875 (SLS-002) -0.483 (SLS-040) -1.091 (SLS-003) 2.780 (SLS-024) 2R
7 (1138.433, -24.420) -2.484 (SLS-001) -1.778 (SLS-002) -0.483 (SLS-033) -1.035 (SLS-003) 2.637 (SLS-024) 2R 37 (3263.477, -396.654) -2.117 (SLS-001) -1.516 (SLS-002) -0.368 (SLS-040) -0.883 (SLS-003) 2.248 (SLS-024) 2R
8 (1562.094, -24.420) -2.952 (SLS-001) -2.113 (SLS-002) -0.546 (SLS-033) -1.230 (SLS-003) 3.133 (SLS-024) 2R 38 (3491.408, -396.654) -1.663 (SLS-001) -1.191 (SLS-002) -0.285 (SLS-038) -0.695 (SLS-003) 1.769 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
9 (1623.190, -24.420) -3.034 (SLS-001) -2.172 (SLS-002) -0.599 (SLS-035) -1.264 (SLS-003) 3.220 (SLS-024) 2R 39 (3544.559, -396.654) -1.521 (SLS-001) -1.089 (SLS-002) -0.260 (SLS-038) -0.636 (SLS-003) 1.619 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
10 (2115.515, -24.420) -3.239 (SLS-001) -2.319 (SLS-002) -0.619 (SLS-035) -1.348 (SLS-003) 3.434 (SLS-024) 2R 40 (3937.848, -396.654) -0.815 (SLS-001) -0.585 (SLS-002) -0.140 (SLS-045) -0.342 (SLS-003) 0.871 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
11 (2173.275, -24.420) -3.183 (SLS-001) -2.278 (SLS-002) -0.568 (SLS-036) -1.325 (SLS-003) 3.376 (SLS-024) 2R 41 (3998.945, -396.654) -0.601 (SLS-001) -0.432 (SLS-002) -0.110 (SLS-045) -0.252 (SLS-003) 0.642 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
12 (2227.720, -24.420) -3.128 (SLS-001) -2.239 (SLS-002) -0.603 (SLS-038) -1.303 (SLS-003) 3.320 (SLS-024) 2R 42 (4218.421, -396.654) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R+2T
13 (2651.836, -24.420) -2.930 (SLS-001) -2.098 (SLS-002) -0.581 (SLS-038) -1.222 (SLS-003) 3.111 (SLS-024) 2R
14 (2712.936, -24.420) -2.892 (SLS-001) -2.071 (SLS-002) -0.527 (SLS-038) -1.206 (SLS-003) 3.070 (SLS-024) 2R
15 (3205.716, -24.420) -2.347 (SLS-001) -1.680 (SLS-002) -0.447 (SLS-040) -0.978 (SLS-003) 2.490 (SLS-024) 2R
16 (3263.477, -24.420) -2.116 (SLS-001) -1.515 (SLS-002) -0.367 (SLS-040) -0.882 (SLS-003) 2.246 (SLS-024) 2R
17 (3307.654, -24.420) -1.942 (SLS-001) -1.390 (SLS-002) -0.335 (SLS-038) -0.810 (SLS-003) 2.064 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
18 (3722.577, -24.420) -1.218 (SLS-001) -0.873 (SLS-002) -0.212 (SLS-043) -0.510 (SLS-003) 1.298 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
19 (3771.358, -24.420) -1.118 (SLS-001) -0.802 (SLS-002) -0.188 (SLS-038) -0.469 (SLS-003) 1.193 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
20 (4164.104, -24.420) -0.295 (SLS-001) -0.213 (SLS-002) -0.094 (SLS-045) -0.125 (SLS-003) 0.318 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
21 (4218.421, -24.420) -0.027 (SLS-001) -0.020 (SLS-002) -0.006 (SLS-044) -0.012 (SLS-003) 0.029 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
22 (18.500, -396.654) 0 (SLS-001) 0 (SLS-002) 0 (SLS-027) 0 (SLS-003) 0 (SLS-007) 2R+2T
23 (216.821, -396.654) -0.564 (SLS-001) -0.405 (SLS-002) -0.107 (SLS-028) -0.236 (SLS-003) 0.602 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
24 (276.601, -396.654) -0.784 (SLS-001) -0.562 (SLS-002) -0.139 (SLS-028) -0.328 (SLS-003) 0.836 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
25 (710.862, -396.654) -1.643 (SLS-001) -1.177 (SLS-002) -0.272 (SLS-030) -0.685 (SLS-003) 1.744 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
26 (775.332, -396.654) -1.832 (SLS-001) -1.312 (SLS-002) -0.297 (SLS-035) -0.763 (SLS-003) 1.944 (SLS-024) 2R+2T
27 (1083.990, -396.654) -2.357 (SLS-001) -1.687 (SLS-002) -0.412 (SLS-033) -0.982 (SLS-003) 2.500 (SLS-024) 2R
28 (1318.890, -396.654) -2.686 (SLS-001) -1.922 (SLS-002) -0.507 (SLS-033) -1.119 (SLS-003) 2.850 (SLS-024) 2R
29 (1380.264, -396.654) -2.793 (SLS-001) -1.999 (SLS-002) -0.530 (SLS-033) -1.164 (SLS-003) 2.964 (SLS-024) 2R
30 (1804.984, -396.654) -3.140 (SLS-001) -2.247 (SLS-002) -0.615 (SLS-035) -1.307 (SLS-003) 3.330 (SLS-024) 2R

Job Name CASA M+D

This engineering report generated from the Scottsdale Construction Systems Pty Ltd (Scottsdale) engineering software (Engineering Software) is derived from the designer’s inputs which have been used in the engineering Job Number
calculations conducted by the Engineering Software. The designer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for ensuring that:
1. the design matches the building plans and complies with all applicable building codes, standards and statutory requirements; and Detailer
2. data relating to the design input in the Engineering Software and data that appears in the engineering reports exactly matches that of the Design.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, where any issue arises as a consequence of or in connection with anything that is the designer’s responsibility, Scottsdale disclaims any and all liability relating to the issue and the designer
fully releases Scottsdale from any claims made in connection with the issue. Date 26 ene. 2024

Project File CASA D+M VF.sdp

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