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O 2

ENGLI S H 3Y4 m e d io

Carmen Patricia Ortega Becerra • Viviana Andrea Césped Pardo




O 2

ENGLI S H 3Y4 m e d io

Semestre 2 - 3º Medio
Carmen Patricia Ortega Becerra
Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas, Universidad de Chile.
Magíster en Lingüística, mención teorías de aprendizaje de la lengua
inglesa, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Viviana Andrea Césped Pardo
Grado de Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas,Universidad de Chile.
Profesora de Inglés para Educación Básica y Media.
Bachiller en Estudios Iniciales de Ed. Lengua Inglesa, Universidad Mayor.
Magister en Ciencias de la Educación e investigación
con Mención en Docencia Superior, Universidad Central.



La Guía Didáctica para el Docente de Inglés 3°y 4° Medio se presenta en cuatro tomos, los cuales
contienen las sugerencias metodológicas para las 8 unidades del Texto del Estudiante.

La introducción general de la Guía Didáctica para el Docente y los apéndices generales que se
encuentran en las páginas finales se repiten en ambos tomos de igual manera.
La foliación de los dos tomos de la Guía Didáctica para el Docente es correlativa en lo que
respecta a las unidades correspondientes al Texto del Estudiante.
En cuanto a las páginas iniciales y finales, para su mayor comprensión, las mismas han sido
foliadas en números romanos y también de manera correlativa.

Introducción.............................................................................................................................. i

Estructura de la GDD............................................................................................................ iii

Expresiones para el manejo de la clase................................................................ v

OBJETIVOS DE APRENDIZAJE DEL SEMESTRE.................................................................. vii

UN T Health and Modern Life........................................................ 112

Propuesta de planificación..................................................................................... 112

Apéndice de contenido complementario........................................................ 148

Apendice de material complementario fotocopiable........................... 151

Complementary activity........................................................................................... 152

Final test............................................................................................................................. 156

Writing template........................................................................................................... 158

Solucionario..................................................................................................................... 159
- Texto del Estudiante ........................................................................................................... 159
- Actividades complementarias............................................................................................. 159
- Examen Final...................................................................................................................... 160

Transcripciones............................................................................................................. 160


UN T Volunteer Work and Entrepreneurs........................... 164

Propuesta de planificación.................................................................................... 164

Apéndice de contenido complementario........................................................ 199

Apendice de material complementario fotocopiable........................... 201

Complementary activity........................................................................................... 202

Final test............................................................................................................................. 206

Writing template........................................................................................................... 208

Solucionario..................................................................................................................... 209
- Texto del Estudiante ........................................................................................................... 209
- Actividades complementarias.............................................................................................. 211
- Examen Final....................................................................................................................... 211

Transcripciones............................................................................................................. 212

READING BANK............................................................................................................................ ix

APÉNDICE DE RÚBRICAS.......................................................................................................... xi

BIBLIOGRAFÍA............................................................................................................................. xx


3° y 4° de Enseñanza Media ha sido escrito especialmente para Contenidos
cumplir con los objetivos de aprendizaje de 3° y 4° Medio de
Los contenidos en Inglés 3° y 4° Medio se tratan en las secciones
Educación Media, y con el propósito de proveer a los estudiantes
Language in use e English Sounds, en las que los estudiantes
de un texto cautivante y motivador.
observan rasgos de la lengua inglesa en contexto para descubrir
Los contenidos de 3° y 4° Medio han sido organizados en ocho cómo funcionan. En estas secciones, los estudiantes tienen la
unidades, desarrolladas en base a temas que han probado ser de oportunidad de poner en práctica lo aprendido con actividades que
interés para nuestros estudiantes, sugeridos por el Ministerio de favorecen el uso de la lengua.

Educación. Los temas son motivadores, y se enfocan

principalmente en asuntos relacionados con el mundo actual y la Fundamento teórico
realidad de los estudiantes, como el trabajo, la salud y la vida Con respecto al marco teórico que respalda, tanto la didáctica de la
moderna, derechos y deberes de la juventud, sueños y anhelos, especialidad como la metodología pedagógica general propuesta
entre otros. en Inglés 3° y 4° Medio, se pueden puntualizar los siguientes
Los contenidos en cada unidad han sido organizados de acuerdo a enfoques:
las funciones que los alumnos deberán llevar a cabo en inglés y • Enfoque comunicativo. Todas las unidades en inglés 3° y 4°
considerando el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades del idioma. Medio están orientadas al desarrollo de las competencias
La competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes es considerada comunicativas específicas para el nivel. La lengua inglesa es
como el manejo de funciones que necesitan para comunicarse presentada como una herramienta para la comunicación de
dentro de un determinado rango de situaciones. mensajes y acceso a conocimientos y no como un objeto de
Este acercamiento permite a los estudiantes ver el lenguaje como estudio en sí misma y fuera de contexto.
una herramienta necesaria, y le da un propósito claro al contenido Este enfoque en particular, apunta a desarrollar la competencia
gramatical y léxico, de modo que “el aprendizaje de la lengua sea comunicativa de los estudiantes a través del uso de actividades
resultado de la creación de procesos de interacción correctos en la en pares y grupos, juegos de roles, y proyectos. También incluye
sala de clases” (Richards, 2006). contribuciones de otras propuestas pedagógicas, especialmente
las de “Task-Based Learning” (Aprendizaje a través de tareas), y
Estructura de una unidad del proyecto “Cooperative Language Learning” (Aprendizaje Cooperativo).
J.C. Richards, en su trabajo “Materials development and
Páginas iniciales research–making the connection” indica que: “Se pide a los
Una entrada de unidad de dos páginas en donde se hace una estudiantes que participen en actividades que están basadas en
introducción al tema a través de actividades en las que se activan la el trabajo cooperativo, más que en un acercamiento
motivación, la curiosidad y el interés de los estudiantes. individualista del aprendizaje. Se espera que estos se sientan
cómodos al escuchar a sus pares y que no solo dependan del
Do you remember? Diseñada para la activación de
profesor como un modelo”.
los conocimientos previos.
Cuerpo de la unidad
En ese sentido, nuestra propuesta pedagógica se caracteriza por
enfatizar el aprendizaje a través de la interacción en el idioma
Cuatro lecciones temáticas, a lo largo de las cuales se cubren los tres extranjero, introducir textos auténticos en las situaciones de
ejes: comunicación oral, comprensión lectora y proceso de escritura. aprendizaje, proveer oportunidades para que los estudiantes no
solo se enfoquen en el lenguaje, sino también en el proceso de
Check your progress. Evaluación de proceso al final de la lección 2. aprendizaje mismo y, por último, considerar las experiencias
Páginas finales personales de los estudiantes como un elemento importante del
aprendizaje en la sala de clases.
Subject Connections. Conecta el tema de la unidad con otra disciplina
del currículum. • Enfoque basado en tareas. Muchas actividades en inglés 3° y
Project. Un proyecto destinado a aplicar lo aprendido durante 4° Medio están orientadas a la realización de tareas prácticas que
la unidad. motivan a los estudiantes y requieren el uso de la lengua inglesa.
Final Check. Evaluación final. La Guía Didáctica del Docente, por su parte, ofrece sugerencias
específicas para adaptar ciertas actividades del Texto del
Synthesis: Revisión del aprendizaje de toda la unidad.
Estudiante a una metodología basada en tareas.

Este enfoque específico está también relacionado al aprendizaje • Conocimientos previos: Se activan en la sección Do you
a través de experiencias en la sala de clases, donde la experiencia remember?, que se encuentra inmediatamente luego de las
personal inmediata es vista como uno de los puntos páginas iniciales de la unidad, antes de comenzar la primera
fundamentales del aprendizaje. Como D. A Kolb indica en su lección, y tiene como objetivo activar los conocimientos previos
trabajo Experiential Learning (1984): “La experiencia personal de la unidad. Además, se activan constantemente a lo largo del
inmediata le da vida, textura y significado personal subjetivo a trabajo con los ejes curriculares, en las etapas de antes de la
conceptos abstractos y, al mismo tiempo, entrega un punto de lectura y antes de la audición.

referencia concreto y públicamente compartido para evaluar las • Modelos de proceso: Se presentan en forma explícita en las
implicaciones y validez de ideas creadas durante el proceso de secciones de práctica guiada de las habilidades de producción y
aprendizaje”. también por medio de ejemplos en aquellas actividades que lo
Este enfoque puede verse reflejado en el proyecto a través de las requieren. El Cuaderno de Actividades, además, cuenta con un
variadas conexiones entre los contenidos y las experiencias banco de templates de escritura y textos de producción oral.
personales de los alumnos, abordadas a través de preguntas y • Monitoreo del aprendizaje: El texto cuenta con variadas
actividades en que los estudiantes expresan sus opiniones secciones dedicadas al monitoreo del aprendizaje a lo largo de la
personales y relacionan los contenidos con su entorno inmediato, unidad, como la sección Exit slip, al final de cada lección,
además de las conexiones inter-curriculares y los proyectos destinada a la reflexión sobre lo aprendido. Además, cuenta con
grupales que se presentan en todas las unidades. las secciones Check your Progress, en la mitad de la unidad, y
• Enfoque de proceso. El enfoque para desarrollar los ejes Final Check, al final de cada unidad, dedicadas a la evaluación
curriculares está orientado al tratamiento de las habilidades como de lo aprendido y a la reflexión y formulación de estrategias
un proceso. Este proceso se concibe distinguiendo tres etapas: personalizadas para el desarrollo de los aprendizajes futuros, a
antes, durante y después en el caso de la audición y la lectura, y través de una rúbrica con estrategias explícitas sobre cómo
práctica guiada en el caso de la producción oral y escrita. abordar errores.
• Enseñanza explícita de estrategias de aprendizaje. Inglés 3° y • Repaso: La sección Synthesis, al final de la unidad, ofrece una
4° Medio está basado en la enseñanza explícita de las estrategias instancia de repaso de los contenidos vistos hasta ese momento.
de aprendizaje. Algunas de estas estrategias consisten en hacer El resto de las prácticas instruccionales mencionadas anteriormente
predicciones, tomar nota, focalizar la atención, sintetizar, repetir se trabajan mediante la Guía Didáctica, con estrategias específicas
frases y palabras, entre otras. de instrucción directa.
• Enfoque interdisciplinario. Inglés 3° y 4° Medio adopta este Respecto de la naturaleza de las actividades presentes en el libro,
enfoque en la sección especial llamada Subject Connections. En todas estas tienen una orientación pedagógica, es decir, cada una
esta sección, se relaciona el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa con contiene un propósito que va más allá de la práctica del lenguaje
una o más disciplinas curriculares. por sí mismo. Esto se refleja en el proyecto mediante las variadas
Otro de los enfoques considerados para la creación de este actividades de análisis, comprensión y reflexión que los estudiantes
proyecto es la Instrucción Explícita, que incluye prácticas tales deben realizar en el idioma extranjero, donde los aspectos técnicos
como activación de conocimientos previos, estrategias de del idioma no son el foco principal, si no la utilización de este en
pensamiento en voz alta, andamiaje, modelos, práctica guiada, pos de una comprensión y comunicación de ideas efectiva y fluida.
modelamiento de habilidades, retroalimentación correctiva,
preguntas para monitorear el aprendizaje y repasos. Las siguientes
secciones y recursos del Texto del Estudiante, desarrollan algunas
de las estrategias de instrucción explícita que se indican:

estructura de la gdd
SEMESTRE Health and Modern Life
Semestre 2 - 3º Medio Semestre 2 - 3º Medio
Unidad 3: Health and Modern life Tiempo: 28 horas Unidad 4: Volunteer work and entrepreneurs Tiempo: 28 horas ProPUesTa de PlaNificacióN
Objetivos de Aprendizaje Objetivos de Aprendizaje



Comprensión Oral Comprensión de Lectura Expresión Oral Expresión Escrita AE LECCIONES CLASES TIEMPO AE LECCIONES CLASES TIEMPO
Comprensión Oral Comprensión de Lectura Expresión Oral Expresión Escrita
AE 09 AE 10 AE 11 AE 12 AE 13 AE 14 AE 15 AE 16 OA 9 OA 11
Demostrar comprensión de Leer y demostrar comprensión Expresarse oralmente por Escribir textos descriptivos y Demostrar comprensión de Leer y demostrar comprensión Expresarse oralmente por Escribir textos descriptivos y Demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e información Expresarse oralmente por medio de monólogos de
ideas principales e información de ideas principales e medio de monólogos de narrativos breves y simples de ideas principales e información de ideas principales e medio de monólogos de narrativos breves y simples de explícita en textos orales simples de variada extensión y de aproximadamente tres minutos de extensión y de diálogos de Clase
Entrada de unidad Clase 1 Lección 3 4h. pedagógicas
explícita en textos orales información relevante en textos aproximadamente tres minutos aproximadamente 150 explícita en textos orales información relevante en textos aproximadamente tres aproximadamente 150 interacciones que presentan un uso auténtico del lenguaje, 1h. pedagógica aproximadamente 16 intercambios breves y simples, que 14 - 17
simples de variada extensión y descriptivos, informativos, de extensión y de diálogos de palabras, como cartas y reseñas simples de variada extensión y descriptivos, informativos, minutos de extensión y de palabras, como entrevistas e como videos de interés general, entrevistas grabadas y incorporen las funciones comunicativas de años anteriores, las
de interacciones que presentan narrativos y expositivos aproximadamente 16 relacionadas con la salud y la de interacciones que presentan narrativos y expositivos diálogos de aproximadamente itinerarios, relacionados con el partes de discursos famosos relacionados con la salud y la funciones de describir acciones pasadas que continúan en el
un uso auténtico del lenguaje, auténticos, simples y de variada intercambios breves y simples, vida moderna. Para ello, deben: un uso auténtico del lenguaje, auténticos, simples y de variada 16 intercambios breves y trabajo voluntario y el vida moderna y que contemplan las funciones de describir presente y la forma en que se realizan las acciones. Para ello,
como videos de interés general, extensión, como entrevistas, que incorporen las funciones • Aplicar el vocabulario temático como entrevistas grabadas, extensión, como bitácoras, simples que incorporen las emprendimiento. Para acciones pasadas que continúan en el presente, describir la deben:
entrevistas grabadas y partes catálogos, folletos e informes, comunicativas de años de la unidad. avisos publicitarios, programas informes y entrevistas, funciones comunicativas de ello, deben: forma en que se realizan las acciones y expresar actitudes • Utilizar frases hechas, expresiones idiomáticas y oraciones breves
de discursos famosos relacionados con la salud y la anteriores, las funciones de de conversaciones radiales y/o relacionados con el trabajo años anteriores y las funciones personales. Para ello, deben: Clase
• Describir acciones del pasado • Aplicar el vocabulario temático y simples conectadas entre sí. Lección 4 4h. pedagógica
relacionados con la salud y la vida moderna. Para ello, deben: describir acciones pasadas que televisivos relacionados con el voluntario y el de expresar condición sobre un 18 - 21
que continúan en el presente, de la unidad. • Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad y palabras clave, Do you Remember? Clase 2 1h. pedagógica • Aplicar vocabulario temático de la unidad.
vida moderna y que • Usar estrategias de lectura continúan en el presente y la como she has been feeling tired trabajo voluntario y el emprendimiento. Para posible evento presente o • Utilizar primer condicional para expresiones y frases hechas. • Describir acciones del pasado que continúan en el presente.
contemplan las funciones de rápida y focalizada. forma en que se realizan las for two months. emprendimiento y que ello, deben: futuro. Para ello, deben: expresar condición sobre un • Identificar acciones pasadas que continúan en el presente. • Caracterizar acciones.
describir acciones pasadas que • Reconocer vocabulario temático acciones. Para ello, deben: • Caracterizar acciones como they contemplan las funciones de • Usar estrategias de lectura • Utilizar frases hechas, posible evento presente o • Identificar descripciones acerca de la forma en que se realizan • Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores:
continúan en el presente, de la unidad, palabras y frases • Utilizar frases hechas, eat well. expresar un posible evento rápida y focalizada. expresiones idiomáticas y futuro, como if you help me las acciones. • Pronunciar de manera inteligible sonidos de años anteriores y

describir la forma en que se clave. expresiones idiomáticas y • Dar coherencia a sus ideas presente o futuro y exponer un • Reconocer vocabulario temático oraciones breves y simples with the dishes I will help you • Reconocer expresiones relacionadas con actitudes personales sonidos /z/ y /s/.
realizan las acciones y expresar • Identificar acciones pasadas que oraciones breves y simples mediante el uso de conectores punto de vista. Para conectadas entre sí. frente a situaciones. • Utilizar estrategias para dar señales de acuerdo o desacuerdo. Subject Connections Clase 22 1h. pedagógica
de la unidad, palabras y frases with the homework.
actitudes personales. Para ello, deben: • Aplicar vocabulario temático de • Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores:

3° Medio - Semestre 2
continúan en el presente. conectadas entre sí. como provided that, as long as. clave. • Dar coherencia a sus ideas
ello, deben: • Reconocer vocabulario temático la unidad. • Discriminar sonidos que interfieren con la comprensión del Lección 1 Clase 3 - 7 5h. pedagógicas
OA 12
• Identificar descripciones acerca • Aplicar vocabulario temático de • Aplicar el uso de elementos • Identificar expresiones de mediante el uso de conectores

3° Medio - Semestre 2
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la forma en que se realizan la unidad. ortográficos, tales como signos de la unidad, frases y palabras condición referidas a posibles • Utilizar primer condicional para como provided that, texto y sonidos /z/ y /s/ propios del inglés. Escribir textos descriptivos y narrativos breves y simples de

Unidad 3
de la unidad y palabras clave, las acciones. • Describir acciones del pasado de interrogación y exclamación, clave, expresiones y frases eventos presentes o futuros. expresar condición sobre un nevertheless. • Recurrir a estrategias, como el uso de conocimientos previos aproximadamente 150 palabras, como cartas y reseñas

Unidad 3
expresiones y frases hechas. • Reconocer expresiones que continúan en el presente, el punto, la coma y la hechas. • Realizar inferencias sobre la base posible evento presente o • Aplicar el uso de elementos sobre el tema o reconocer claves no verbales y gestos. relacionadas con la salud y la vida moderna. Para ello, deben:
• Identificar acciones pasadas que relacionadas con actitudes como she has been feeling tired mayúscula. • Identificar expresiones de del contexto y de información futuro, como if you help me ortográficos, tales como signos • Integrar la expresión oral y/o escrita. • Aplicar el vocabulario temático de la unidad. Clase
Project 2h. pedagógicas
continúan en el presente. personales. for two months. • Utilizar estrategias variadas de condición referidas a posibles explícita. with the dishes, I will help you de interrogación y exclamación, • Describir acciones del pasado que continúan en el presente. 23 y 24
• Identificar descripciones acerca • Realizar inferencias sobre la base • Caracterizar acciones como they corrección, coherencia y eventos presentes o futuros. • Reconocer expresiones para with the homework. el punto, la coma y OA 10 • Caracterizar acciones.
de la forma en que se realizan del contexto y de información eat well. cohesión de textos escritos, • Reconocer expresiones para exponer puntos de vista. • Relacionar ideas por medio del la mayúscula. Leer y demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e Lección 2 Clases 8 - 11 4h. pedagógicas • Dar coherencia a sus ideas mediante el uso de conectores.
las acciones. explícita. • Relacionar ideas por medio del como uso de conectores, exponer puntos de vista. • Reconocer la relación entre uso de conectores como • Utilizar estrategias variadas de información relevante en textos descriptivos, informativos, • Aplicar el uso de elementos ortográficos, tales como signos de
• Reconocer expresiones • Reconocer la relación entre uso de conectores como as identificación de propósito y • Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores provided that, nevertheless. corrección, coherencia y narrativos y expositivos auténticos, simples y de variada interrogación y exclamación, el punto, la coma y la mayúscula.
relacionadas con actitudes ideas por medio de conectores long as. audiencia y uso de modelos ideas por medio de conectores como provided that, • Pronunciar de manera inteligible cohesión de textos escritos, extensión, como entrevistas, catálogos, folletos e informes, • Utilizar estrategias variadas de corrección, coherencia y cohesión
como provided that, sonidos de años anteriores y relacionados con la salud y la vida moderna. Para ello, deben: Final Check
personales frente a situaciones. como provided that, as long as. • Pronunciar de manera inteligible escritos. nevertheless. como uso de conectores, de textos escritos, como uso de conectores, identificación de Clases 25 1h. pedagógica
nevertheless. sonidos /z/ y /s/ en palabras And Review
• Reconocer la relación entre • Integrar la expresión oral sonidos de años anteriores y • Integrar la expresión oral identificación de propósito • Usar estrategias de lectura rápida y focalizada. propósito y audiencia y uso de modelos escritos.
ideas por medio de conectores y/o escrita. sonidos /z/ y /s/ en palabras • Discriminar sonidos que y/o escrita. como zero y sad. y audiencia y uso de • Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras y
como provided that, as long as. como zero y sad. interfieren con la comprensión • Utilizar estrategias de modelos escritos. frases clave. OFT
del texto y sonidos /z/ y /s/ autocorrección. Check Your Progress Clase 12 1h. pedagógica
• Discriminar sonidos que • Utilizar estrategias para dar • Identificar acciones pasadas que continúan en el presente. Usa las habilidades comunicativas para exponer ideas,
interfieren con la comprensión señales de acuerdo o propios del inglés en palabras • Identificar descripciones acerca de la forma en que se realizan opiniones, sentimientos y experiencias de manera coherente y
del texto y sonidos /z/ y /s/ desacuerdo. como zero y sad. las acciones. fundamentada.
propios del inglés en palabras • Recurrir a estrategias, como el • Reconocer expresiones relacionadas con actitudes personales. Evaluación formativa 2 Clase 26 1h. pedagógica
• Da ejemplos de enfermedades propias de la vida moderna.
como zero y sad. uso de conocimientos previos • Realizar inferencias sobre la base del contexto y de • Explica los riesgos de los estilos de la vida moderna.
• Recurrir a estrategias, como el sobre el tema o reconocer información explícita. • Establece relaciones entre los problemas de salud y los hábitos
uso de conocimientos previos claves no verbales, gestos y • Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores: de la vida moderna.
sobre el tema o reconocer entonación. • Integrar la expresión oral y/o escrita. Evaluación Formativa 1 Clase 13 1h. pedagógica
claves no verbales y gestos. • Integrar la expresión oral Muestra confianza en sí mismo y sentido positivo ante la vida.
• Integrar la expresión oral y/o escrita. • Manifiesta opinión crítica frente a ciertos malos hábitos de la vida
y/o escrita. moderna. Evaluación Final Clase 27 1h. pedagógica
• Explica las ventajas de estilos de vida saludable.
• Señala aspectos de la vida que han cambiado en las últimas


Al principio de cada tomo, la Guía Didáctica del Docente cuenta Al principio de cada unidad, la Guía Didáctica del Docente
con una tabla con todos los Objetivos de Aprendizaje cubiertos en cuenta con una propuesta de planificación.
el semestre.


Healthy happiness Before reading
Lesson 4
UN T Page 66 – Student’s Book

Health and Modern Life

1 Is there a formula to be happy? For Dr. Amit Sood, there is one. Read the text below desarrollo
lesson 4 Healthy happyness and discuss the questions. Before reading 2 Look at the examples in the Student’s Book and choose the correct option.


clase 18
1 Discuss. Share your conclusions with the class. a. Why is it important to work with expectation? 1. Is there a formula to be happy?
For Dr. Amit Sood, there is one.
3 a. My parents have been going to the gym for three months or so.
a. What is happiness to you? b. Do you need to put equal effort into caring for yourself and others? b. They have been working in front of blue light screens since 2010.
b. Look at the pictures. What do you think make them happy? c. What do you understand by “nurturing”? Read the text below and discuss Doctors have been saying for ages that having physical activity and a healthy
c. What do you feel when you feel happy? d. What are the 2 formulas for happiness? the questions. Activities from the Student’s Book c. diet are essential to have a better and longer life.
Invitar a los estudiantes a ver y opinar Organice a los estudiantes en grupos People have been talking about sleep hygiene for the last few years.
d. Do you think happiness is good for health? Why? d.
en torno a que es la felicidad indicando: e indíqueles que discutan las
e. How does your body express happiness?
Watch the video What is Happiness? preguntas de la actividad. Page 62 – Student’s Book
f. Do you think happiness may have effects on relationships or work?
Learn How to Be Happy In Life and Monitorear. Posteriormente, invítelos
discuss with your partners whether it is The key to happiness in a compartir sus ideas con el resto del
3 Transform the sentences with highlighted verbs into negative and interrogative form. Page 66 – Student’s Book


difficult or not to make a change to be

happy, and can we spread this
2 simple formulas curso: In groups, discuss the 1 Write suitable questions for the sentences in exercise 2.
questions in exercise 1. Then, share a. How long have your parents been going to the gym?
happiness to society. them with the rest of the class to 1. Technology hasn´t improved the lives of many people.
“H = R-E, or happiness equals reality minus expectations” Dr. Sood says.
How long have they been working in front of blue light screen?
What is Happiness? Learn How to Be Has technology improved the lives of many people? b.
Happy In Life Dr. Sood has spent his career How long have doctors been saying that having physical activity and a
researching the keys to cierre 2. The American Psychological Association’s Stress in America Survey 2017 c. healthy diet are essential to have a better and longer life?
Link: doesn’t show that 99 percent of adults own an electronic device.
happiness, and says it can be
Invite a sus alumnos a compartir las d. How long have people been talking about sleep hygiene?
much simpler than some people Does the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America Survey
desarrollo make it. A lot of it, he says, preguntas que discutieron en grupos con 2017 show that 99 percent of adults own an electronic device?
1. Discuss. Share your conclusions 2 Read a part of the lyrics of a very famous song and discuss with your partner. comes down to focusing on the el resto de la clase, y explicar si están
with the class. things you can control. de acuerdo con el texto o no, 3. The survey also doesn’t report that between 2005 and 2015, the Page 68 – Student’s Book
Los estudiantes, en grupos de 3 o 4 a. What does it mean when it says “But when you worry you make it double”? justificando sus respuestas. Dígales: percentage of adults using social media sky rocketed from 7 percent to
“You cannot always change 65 percent. 1 Complete the mind map of the words yoga and H T with vocabulary that you think you might
estudiantes, dan sus opiniones b. What’s the attitude described in the second verse? Explain.
reality, but you can always work Now, let’s share the opinions you hear in the recording. Compare with your classmates.
discussed with the rest of the class. Does the survey also report that between 2005 and 2015, the
fundamentadas respecto de las with expectation” he says. “And
Make sure to express if you agree or
percentage of adults using social media sky rocketed from 7 percent to
preguntas presentadas en la actividad. the more your expectations
are reasonable, perhaps a little disagree with the text and explain why.
65 percent? yoga
In groups discuss the question and
support your answers. Monitorear.
Don’t wor��, be happy lower, the happier you will be.” 4. Rates of technology and social media don’t use are therefore climbing.
Social Media is usually deceptive when portraying “real life”.
by Bobby McFer�in Do rates of technology and social media use are therefore climbing?
Elegir alumnos en forma aleatoria Along with managing your
para dar su opinión indicando: expectations, Dr. Sood says happiness can also be maximized by putting
5. The two most popular social network sites doesn’t boas a combined
Here’s a little song I wrote equal effort into caring for yourself and others.
(Nombre del alumno) what is Don’t wor�� Ain’t got no place to lay your head monthly user base of 2 billion people.
You might want to sing it note for note
happiness for you? What kind of Don’t wor��, be happy (Ooh) be happy Somebody came and took your bed “ f have four pieces of chocolate, can give you all four. t’ll make you Does the two most popular social network sites boas a combined monthly meditate calm focus attention
things makes you feel happy (Nombre In ever� life we have some t�ouble (Ooh) don’t wor��, be happy Don’t wor��, be happy happy; it’ll make me miserable” Dr. Sood says. user base of 2 billion people?
del alumno)? etc. (Ooh) don’t wor�� The landlord say’ your rent is late “ can eat all four. t’ll make me happy, and it’ll make you miserable.
But when you wor�� you make it double 6. Recent research found that teenagers aged 13 to 17 years old haven’t
(Ooh) be happy He may have to litigate think true happiness is in eating two chocolates yourself and giving away
2. Read to part of the lyrics of a very Don’t wor��, be happy two. So you are nurturing yourself, and you are nurturing others. t is in this shifted their preferred social media platforms.
(Ooh) don’t wor��, be happy Don’t wor��, be happy
famous song and discuss with your Don’t wor��, be happy now synergy, in this combination that you will find the greatest happiness.” Have recent research found that teenagers aged 13 to 17 years old
partner. So if you need more happiness in your life, just remember two simple
shifted their preferred social media platforms? H T
Invite a los estudiantes a leer parte de formulas: two for me plus two for you equals happiness, and happiness = 7. Social media and text messaging haven’t become an integral part of how
la canción Don’t worry be happy Taken from: R-E, or reality minus expectations. individuals interact with their social groups.
indicando: Don’t worry be happy is a Source:
Have social media and text messaging become an integral part of how
song written by Bobby Mcferrin that 3 Find the song and play it in class. Do you like it? Why? individuals interact with their social groups?
topped the charts 30 years ago. Read muscles training effort
part of the lyrics and discuss the
questions below with a group of 78 UN T 3 LESSON 4 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 4 79
3. Find the song and play it in class. cierre clase 19 from 5 to over 100 years old people about 30 UN T 3 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 3 31
Do you like it? Why? the question What makes you happy?, this is
A partir de la canción escuchada en la
Los estudiantes escuchan y expresan iNicio what people said:
actividad previa, invite a los alumnos a Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del
su opinión sobre la canción. Si es Iniciar la clase invitando a los estudiantes a What Makes You Happy? | 0-100
expresar su opinión señalando: Discuss with
posible entregue a los estudiantes una escuchar una encuesta sobre la felicidad para Link: Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar
your partners. Why don’t we need to worry
guía con la letra de la canción.
when we have a problem? Laughing is highly luego compartir sus impresiones. Si no la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y
contagious. Are worries contagious as well? cuenta con conexión a internet, puede contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas

preparar la encuesta de antemano, escribirla,

What kind of things should “worry” us? con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad. con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.
How may “not worrying” be beneficial for y darle los datos a los alumnos de forma oral
our physical and mental health? Indique: In a survey conducted to people

132 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 4 3º MEDIO 3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 4 133

La Guía Didáctica del Docente cuenta con sugerencias La Guía Didáctica del Docente cuenta con sugerencias
metodológicas y minimizados para cada una de las páginas del metodológicas y minimizados para cada una de las
Texto del Estudiante. páginas del Cuaderno de Actividades.

La Guía Didáctica del Docente

incluye una sección llamada
aPéNdice de coNTeNido aPeNdice de maTerial
comPlemeNTario comPlemeNTario foTocoPiaBle

Apéndice de Material
Este apéndice contiene material fotocopiable que el profesor puede utilizar
lesson 1 Live longer and better Las palabras clave a menudo se repiten en un texto, pero como complemento a las actividades sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.
como probablemente sabe, si está acostumbrado a escribir
Ventana pedagógica ensayos, estas son frecuentemente reemplazadas por complementary activity Diagnostic Test

Complementario Fotocopiable,
sinónimos, otras palabras con un significado igual o similar.


Esta actividad fotocopiable tiene como objetivo complementar las Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo evaluar la conducta
Editor’s Marks Si una palabra resiste sus intentos de entenderla, tal vez cobre actividades vistas a lo largo de la unidad, reforzando de entrada de los alumnos. Puede realizarla antes de comenzar la
Explique a los alumnos que la tabla Editor’s Marks, muestra sentido como un sinónimo de una palabra clave. principalmente las habilidades orales y de escritura. Puede primera lección.
el tipo de marcas que tienen que utilizar para corregir y utilizarla al finalizar una clase, dependiendo del ritmo de trabajo
Fuente: Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:

La Guía Didáctica del Docente

verificar su escritura. Ilustra errores comunes y distingue l de sus estudiantes.

el cual incluye actividades

diferentes marcas, según sea cada caso. Explique a los Propiciar conversaciones en torno a una lectura colectiva,
estudiantes lo útil que es usar las marcas del editor en la donde los estudiantes tengan oportunidades de participar Diagnostic test
medida que revisan su escritura. Cuénteles lo que esta práctica extendidamente y de oír un lenguaje específico, preciso y Great Good OK Not good enough
les ayudará a detectar su errores comunes y mejorar su variado respecto de los temas aludidos. Es importante (11 points) (10 – 9 points) (8 - 7 points) (Less than 7 points)

incluye una sección llamada

considerar que el vocabulario es el predictor más importante

fotocopiables adicionales (junto

You are achieving the You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
de comprensión lectora. learning goals. You can easily achieve the highest you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Fuente: Keep on working hard! score by analyzing the few mistakes you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
Ventana de enseñanza you made. areas in the evaluation.
Modelando estrategias Formative Tests

Apéndice de Contenido
lesson 2 An active life

a su descripción de uso y tablas

Lectura: Answering Question Estas actividades evaluativas tienen como objetivo complementar a
las evaluaciones de proceso sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.
Responder preguntas sobre el texto es otra estrategia que Ventana de enseñanza Puede utilizarlas al finalizar las primeras o las últimas dos
ayuda a los estudiantes a enfocarse en el significado del texto.
lecciones de la unidad.
Los profesores pueden ayudar al modelar el proceso de hacer Modelando estrategia: Listening

Complementario, con soporte

buenas preguntas y estrategias para encontrar las respuestas Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:

de evaluación) tales como

Nuestra interpretación depende de lo que esperamos escuchar.
en el texto. Formative Test 1
Si lo que escuchamos no cumple nuestras expectativas, nos
Las preguntas pueden ser efectivas porque: lleva a malas interpretaciones. Por otro lado, si somos capaces Great Good OK Not good enough
- Dan a los estudiantes un propósito para la lectura de predecir con precisión lo que escucharemos, nuestra ( 20 points) (19 – 17 points) (16 – 12 points) (Less than 12 points)
- Centran la atención de los alumnos en lo que habilidad auditiva será mucho mas eficiente.

teórico para cada una de las

You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
deben aprender.

actividades complementarias,
La habilidad de realizar predicciones depende ampliamente de goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
- Ayudan a los alumnos a pensar activamente mientras leen.
nuestra experiencia previa tanto del mundo como de la Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
- Alientan a los estudiantes a monitorear su comprensión.
lengua, de lo que se sepa del hablante, como también de la few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.
- Ayudan a los alumnos a revisar el contenido y relacionar lo
intensión del hablante. Por lo tanto para desarrollar esta
que han aprendido con lo que ya saben. Formative Test 2

lecciones del Texto del

habilidad los estudiantes deberían concentrarse en estar

evaluaciones de diagnóstico,
Fuente: consientes de su conocimiento previo y utilizarlo como base Great Good OK Not good enough
comprehension para la predicción y compresión de lo expuesto oralmente. (15 points) (14 – 12 points) (12 – 9 points) (Less than 9 points)

Fuente: Jiang, Yongme. (2009) Predicting Strategy and Listening Comprehension.

You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
Asian Social Science. Vol.5, N°1. goals. Keep on working hard! You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to

Estudiante (información útil

Ventana de enseñanza highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.

evaluaciones formativas, extra

few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.
Modelando estrategias
Pensamiento critico
Lectura: Identificando palabras claves final Test Template
Las palabras clave son palabras que son especialmente Make text-to-world connections. Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo complementar el Este template es un modelo de un artículo, que tiene como

sobre lenguaje, vocabulario,

importantes para el significado del texto. Pueden ayudarlo a Las conexiones de texto a mundo son las conexiones más Test Final sugerido en el Texto del Estudiante. Puede utilizarlo al objetivo complementar el template sugerido para esta unidad en el

tests, y templates de texto

comprender el significado global y los puntos principales. A grandes que un lector aporta a una situación de lectura. Todos finalizar la unidad con sus estudiantes, para que cuenten con un Cuaderno de Actividades. Puede fotocopiarlo y entregarlo a sus
menudo aparecen en el título, si es que hay uno. Si tiene tenemos ideas sobre cómo funciona el mundo que va más allá instrumento extra con el cual puedan analizar sus fortalezas y alumnos para que cuenten con otro modelo del texto que tienen
dificultades con las palabras en un título, intente encontrarlas de nuestras experiencias personales. Aprendemos sobre cosas debilidades y evaluar su desempeño a lo largo de la unidad. que producir.
en el cuerpo del texto, donde el contexto lo ayudará a a través de la televisión, películas, revistas y periódicos. A

metodología y estrategias).
comprenderlas. menudo son las conexiones de texto a mundo que los



2. a. Because it is fundamental to active living and in turn the exameN fiNal

solUcioNario health and wellbeing of the community.

b. When we incorporate physical activity into our daily routines.
1. a. ii b. i c. ii d. i e. i
2. Multiple answers may be provided.
c. By building environment such as pedestrian and cycle paths,
sport and recreation facilities, public open space, parks and 3. a. responsibly b. carefully c. slowly d. fast e. happily
b. Digital detox is one of the most helpful ways to manage town squares. 5. a. decreases b. regular c. other stress hormones
TexTo del esTUdiaNTe d. With programs such as healthy lifestyle and travel behaviour
stress related to technology use. d. promote sleep. e. Daily
Página 72 c. Only a 28%. change programs, campaigns, information, education, clubs, 5. Cohesion 1
cost to participant, technology and a broad range of Coherence 1
1. a. People should: Keep track of sleep patterns and schedules,
initiatives that encourage participation in active lifestyles. Vocabulary 5
teens should be going to bed and waking up at around the GUía didÁcTica e. Open-ended answer. Grammar 5
same time every day, create a sleep-friendly physical
Writing structure 3


environment., Keep a consistent bedtime routine, keep a acTiVidades comPlemeTarias Formative test 2
consistent bedtime routine among others. 1. b. on time 7. b. kiss and hug 1. a. ii b. iv c. i d. v e. iii
People shouldn’t: Do homework, read a book, or listen to 2. a. late 8. a. kiss 2. Cohesion 1
music in bed, use sleeping time to watch television, cram in Coherence 1
3. c. both hands 9. b. impolite
more studying, use the computer, talk on the phone, or Vocabulary 5
exercise, or sleep in to catch up on sleep they missed during 4. c. arrive late 10. c. 3 feet
Grammar 5
the week. 5 c. call first 11. c. red christmas cards Writing structure 3
b. A bedroom shouldn’t be warmer than 75 degrees, since it can 6. b. not acceptable 12. a. Thailand
make it harder to fall and stay asleep.
2. a. More intense physical activity out of school resulted in Diagnostic test
higher test scores and improved reading comprehension. 1. a. A constant checker is a person who constantly, almost obses
b. Research shows increased participation in physical activity sively, checks their emails, texts, and social media accounts.
leads to better grades. b. 43 percent of U.S. individuals.
c. Short amounts of exercise benefit executive functions.
d. Regular physical activity may increase blood flow to the
c. Constant checkers present higher stress levels .
d. 52 percent check texts. 44 percent check social media. 65

La Guía Didáctica del Docente

brain. percent of adults constantly check personal emails.
e. 42 percent.

3. Respuestas
f. Constant checkers than non-constant checkers feel 28 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 3 - PAGE 61 - EXERCISE 2 29 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 3 - PAGE 69 - EXERCISE 2
Final debate: Respuesta abierta disconnected from their family. And one third of constant
i. “We tend to think of physically fit and being sedentary as Yoga and HIIT: the perfect pair
checkers say that they are unlikely to meet with friends and
being two separate things, but you can be physically fit and

incluye las transcripciones de

Página 75
family in person due to social media. Most of us are more or less familiar with yoga, less so with
Language in use still suffer from sedentary behaviors. I was alarmed about
2. a. 4 This excessive technology and social media use has the amount of time I spend sitting down, so I immediately HIIT. Some people feel intimidated by HIIT, but some others
1. a. manner paved the way for the “constant checker”. love it.
got a desk where I could work standing up.”
1. a. She easily eliminated transoils from her diet. b. Constant checkers stress runs higher than for those who don’t A common misconception is that most people see HIIT, as
b. Laureen drastically changed her way of thinking about ii. “I got lots of houseplants. I recently went round our flat and
engage with technology as frequently.

La Guía Didáctica del Docente

counted them up and I have 47! “If you are an asthmatic, being all about lifting heavy weights and doing high intensity

todos los audios

healthy eating after her sickness. c. 4 And constant checkers who have convinced themselves workouts only. It is true to some extent. Similarly to yoga, it
c. Mrs. Alamos frequently takes crafting classes as a way to houseplants can be a really good option. They reduce lots of
that the act of “refreshing” regularly is totally fine. benefits not only physical, but many other aspects of our life
challenge her brain. allergens from the air, much more efficiently than any kind
d. Constant checkers are also more negatively impacted by as well. Yoga and HIIT, share a number of the same benefits:
d. Learning a new skill will help you associate things differently. of air filter can do.”
social media, mainly by discussions on politics.
iii. “I now walk a couple of miles to a coffee shop where I’ll do HIIT improves your strength and endurance, and so does
e. 65 percent of Americans agree that “digital detox’ is

incluye un solucionario con

yoga. The only difference is yoga is a purely bodyweight form

correspondientes al Texto del

Página 86 important for mental health. an hour of work. It means that my sedentary work gets
interrupted regularly by activity.” of exercise while HIIT, is not.
2. Benefit 1: Raw walnuts Fills you up. Oysters Heart-healthyç f. 4 Digital detox has helped people connect with friends and
made it easier to interact and stay in touch with family and iv. “When we stopped moving as a species and started The flexibility that yoga develops can bring your HIIT,
Coffee Boost mental focus. Dark chocolate Eating pleasure training to the next level: overhead squats, back squats, and
Benefit 2: Raw walnuts Keep blood-sugar levels steady friends. farming… one of the things we started to do was build
temporary shelters to live in. We now spend most of our time other movements can benefit hugely from yoga practice.
Oysters Improve circulation. Coffee Alertness. Dark chocolate

todas las respuestas del Texto

Formative test 1

Estudiante, Cuaderno de
Antioxidant indoors and it’s having all kinds of harmful effects on our Yoga helps at muscle tightness after HIIT, workout, speeds up
1. a. My parents have been going to the gym for three months
Nutrient 1: Raw walnuts Magnesium. Oysters Omegra-3 fatty bodies. Light levels are important and outdoor activity too. recovery, and reduces soreness.
or so.
acid. Coffee Riboflavic. Dark chocolate Oleic acid So send your kids out to play! Outdoor light is better than But let›s listen to some people who have seen the benefits
b. They have been working in front of blue light screens
Nutrient 2: Raw walnuts Phosophorus. Oysters Zinc. Coffee indoor light.” of both.
since 2010.
Potassium. Dark chocolate Fiber c. Doctors have been saying for ages that having physical v. “Blue light wakes you up in the morning and your body Alex, Pasadena.

del Estudiante y Material Actividades, y Material

Suggested serving: Raw walnuts One handfull. Oysters 6 to activity and a healthy diet are essential to have a better and stops releasing the sleep hormone called melatonin, so, I’ve been doing Yoga and HIIT, for about three years now and
12. Coffee 300mg per day. Dark chocolate 2 or 4 small squares longer life. clearly, the current recommendations are you shouldn’t be there is no doubt they complement each other.
a day. d. People have been talking about sleep hygiene for the last using blue screens before you go to bed because it might be Sandra, Carson City.
few years. keeping your body awake”.
3. a. 42 percent of constant checkers say that political and I have been mixing yoga with all my other training and have
e. I haven’t been meditating since I was operated, and I really

Fotocopiable Complementario.
cultural discussions on social media cause them stress. noticed immediate gains from it. For me yoga is a new

Fotocopiable Complementario.
feel I need it.



Instrumentos de evaluación Cómo aplicar los instrumentos de evaluación instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford • Davis, Randall. Randall´s ESL Cyber
UnIt 3
Estos instrumentos de evaluación son herramientas que usted Autoevaluación • Azarnoosh, M. (2013). Peer assessment in Press. Listening Lab [en línea]
puede usar para medir el trabajo de los estudiantes. Entregue suficientes copias de los instrumentos a los estudiantes y an EFL context: Attitudes and friendship • Ikhsan, M. (2017). THE ALTERNATIVE
Son guías que tienen el objetivo de evaluar el desempeño y que se pídales que los usen para evaluar objetivamente su propio progreso bias. Language Testing in Asia. 3:11. STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING muchas actividades de comprensión
basan en un amplio rango de criterios, más que en puntajes en una tarea o proyecto determinado. La evaluación que hagan de • Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., READING SKILL FOR EFL STUDENTS. auditiva con diferentes temas.
numéricos. su rendimiento no debería constituir una calificación formal. Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., Komposisi: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, • English Club [en línea]
Volume 2

Tomo 22
Sastra, dan Seni, 18(1), 107-118.
Tomo 2

La Guía Didáctica del Docente

&Rumble, M. (2012). Defining twenty-

Los instrumentos de evaluación que aquí encontrará, incluyen: Evaluación de pares doi: sitio de interés y material de apoyo para
first century skills. In Assessment and
- Rúbricas Muchas veces, toma tiempo implementar esta práctica en la sala de v18i1.6517 docentes.
teaching of 21st century skills (pp. 17-66).
- Cuestionarios clases, por lo que debe ser paciente y permitirse modelar este tipo • Lugavere, M., (2018). Genious Food. New
Springer Netherlands.
- Hojas de observación de clases de evaluación. Debe enfatizar que la evaluación de pares, como la York. HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
• Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, • BBC Podcasts [en línea]
Además, estos instrumentos comprenden una sección que difiere autoevaluación, tiene como principal objetivo ayudar a todos a • Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J.
J. (2013). Best practices in writing

incluye un Apéndice de
mejorar su trabajo y desempeño. Al utilizarla, los estudiantes
de otros métodos tradicionales de evaluación, ya que examinan los instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford (2011). Classroom Instruction that Works:
toman consciencia de que estos instrumentos proveen evidencia podcasts para trabajar comprensión
procesos mismos de aprendizaje y muestran claramente cómo Press. Research-based Strategies for Increasing
que sustenta sus juicios y opiniones, en caso de que su evaluación auditiva.
trabajar con la evaluación de proceso. Los instrumentos comunican • Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J. Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA:
no coincida con la del docente. Nuevamente, proporcionar el • Podcasts in English: Listen and learn [en
en forma detallada explicaciones sobre lo que se considera (2011). Classroom Instruction that Works: Association for Supervision and
tiempo suficiente para la revisión post evaluación es crucial. línea]
excelencia al ejecutar cada tarea, y también proveen de sugerencias Research-based Strategies for Increasing Curriculum Development.

Evaluación, con un set de
claras para el docente. Evaluación docente - estudiante Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA: • Singhal, M. (2001). Reading Proficiency,
podcasts con fichas de trabajo.
Estos instrumentos han sido diseñados, sobre todo, para informar y Utilice los mismos instrumentos que los estudiantes emplearon Association for Supervision and reading Strategies, Metacognitive
• Merriam-Webster: Dictionary and
enriquecer la instrucción. Ellos son capaces de entregar una para autoevaluarse y para evaluarse en pares. Al entregar el Curriculum Development. Awareness and L2 Readers. The reading
Thesaurus [en línea]
retroalimentación bastante completa, que los estudiantes siempre instrumento corregido, los estudiantes sabrán exactamente qué • McLaughlin, M. (2012). Reading Matrix Vol. 1. No.1.
hicieron bien y qué necesitan reforzar en el futuro. comprehension: What every teacher • Tomlinson, J., & Bott, L. (2013). How

instrumentos de evaluación tales

necesitan para crecer en su proceso de aprendizaje.
needs to know. The Reading Teacher, intonation constrains pragmatic inference. RECURSoS CRA
Estas herramientas también pueden ser usadas en evaluación de En términos generales, el trabajo con estos instrumentos de A continuación se detallan publicaciones
65(7), 432-440. In 35th Annual Conference of the
pares y son útiles para entregar retroalimentación. Antes de la evaluación es relativamente sencillo. Identifique el número que se pueden encontrar en las Bibliotecas
• Richards, H. & F. Armstrong (eds.) (2010). Cognitive Science Society, Berlin,
evaluación, es necesario informar de los instrumentos para que los máximo de puntos para alcanzar el nivel máximo de rendimiento. CRA (Centro de Recursos para el
Teaching and Learning in Diverse and Germany. Cognitive Science Society.
estudiantes sepan cuáles son las expectativas que se tienen de su Típicamente, la escala aumenta/ decrece en un punto. La última Aprendizaje) a lo largo del país, las cuales
Inclusive Classroom: Key issues for new • Ur. P. (2011) A course in language

como rúbricas y escalas de

desempeño. columna muestra el puntaje obtenido, basándose en el rendimiento pueden ser utilizadas en las distintas
teachers. Routledge Publishers. teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge:
observado en cada tarea. unidades.
Luego, durante la fase de evaluación, se utilizan para otorgar • Saradananda. (2015). Mudras for modern Camdridge University Press.
valores a cada área que se desea evaluar. Una vez que a un El puntaje total se asigna simplemente sumando todos los life: Boost your health, re-energize your • Helgesen, Marc, Brown, Steven (1996).
valores obtenidos. SItIoS WEB
instrumento le sea asignado un puntaje determinado, éste debe ser life, enhance your yoga and deepen your Active Listening Introducing.
• British Council [en línea]
entregado a los estudiantes para comunicar su calificación, y así Una vez que se han calculado los puntajes, se pueden expresar en meditation. London: Watkins Publishing. Cambridge University Press.

valoración, para evaluar el

dar información sobre sus fortalezas y debilidades. los criterios de desempeño, que son niveles descriptivos de • Tomlinson, J., & Bott, L. (2013). How • Murphy, Raymond (1995).
sitio con actividades de comprensión
calidad, comenzando desde el nivel en el extremo inferior de intonation constrains pragmatic English Grammar in Use.
auditiva y lectora.
Las ventajas de usar una amplia gama de rendimiento y terminando con el del extremo superior. inference. In 35th Annual Conference of • Breaking News English [en línea]
Cambridge University Press.
instrumentos de evaluación the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, • Varios Autores (2007).
Germany. Cognitive Science Society. Apuntes de inglés.

Una lista de referencias

sitio con actividades de comprensión

desempeño de los estudiantes

Los docentes pueden incrementar la calidad de su instrucción Parramón.
directa al enfatizar y enfocarse en detalles en particular a la hora • Ur. P. (2011) A course in language auditiva y lectora.
teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge: • Varios Autores.
de evaluar, como modelo para los estudiantes. De esta forma, los • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company.
Camdridge University Press. Diccionario Oxford Compact español-
estudiantes pueden contar con guías explícitas sobre lo que los Education Place [en línea]
inglés inglés-español.
docentes esperan de ellos. Los estudiantes pueden usar estos UnIt 4
Oxford University Press.

bibliográficas y sitios web

instrumentos como una herramienta para enriquecer su organizadores gráficos en inglés y español.

respecto de lenguaje, habilidades

• Azarnoosh, M. (2013). Peer assessment in • Varios Autores.
aprendizaje. Los docentes pueden reutilizar estos instrumentos en an EFL context: Attitudes and friendship Juegos, worksheets, libros de trabajo,
Diccionario Pocket inglés-español
una gran variedad de actividades. bias. Language Testing in Asia. 3:11. actividades.
• Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., • ReadWriteThink: Internacional Reading
Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., Association [en línea]
• Varios Autores.

consultada en la realización de

colaborativas, proyectos generales

&Rumble, M. (2012). Defining twenty-first Gramática inglesa comunicativa.
century skills. In Assessment and teaching sitio con material de apoyo para docentes.
of 21st century skills (pp. 17-66). Springer • Technology: The Online Teacher Resource
• Varios Autores.
The Oxford Desk Dictionary and
• Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, una variada gama de material didáctico

esta Guía Didáctica.

J. (2013). Best practices in writing para estudiantes y docentes.

y otras tareas.
Oxford University Press.


ENGLISH 3Y4 medio El CD-ROM incluido en esta guía,
cuenta con un set de expresiones para
el manejo de la clase, además de todas
las grabaciones usadas en la práctica de
la comunicación oral en el Texto del
Estudiante, Cuaderno de Actividades y
Guía Didáctica del Docente.
READ nG BAnK Un t 4

Un t 3
Volume 2

Volume 2
A Healthy Lifestyle Dedicated Hearts
(Poem) Dedicated hearts like yours
Are not so easy to find.
Many months reflecting,
Years, perhaps. It takes a special person to be
So generous and kind.
Here is a new purpose for my life:
Everything I do, I will do alright; To care so much for your fellow man
Anything is possible as long as I try. Is a quality all too rare.
Living with respect! Respect for my body, respect for myself! Yet you give of your time and talents,
Taking charge of my life instead, For all in need to share.
Having the ability to change,
So thank you for being a volunteer,
Yearning to know my limitations.
We’re privileged to work with you.
If we do Living with purpose and intention,
We want you to know how appreciated you are,
volunt Increasing my knowledge about healthy foods,
e tone. work, eer Facing the new challenges of what I will do, Not just today, but the whole year through.

Weightlifting can
improve your muscl we will Exercising because I want to, not because I have to!
improv he
Your bodyweight
may affect your health. e peop lp Setting the example for my friends,
le’s lives Tracking what I eat, helping the rest do the same.
. Yes and no answers, and no more ‘maybes’,
Loving me for me, no matter ‘how bad’ or ‘how well’
Taken from:

Ending this battle. Healthy, not an option, it’s the only way!

Created by: Publishing Team

Photocopiable material

Photocopiable material

Discuss. Discuss.

Entrep a. What do you do to “respect your body”? a. s it difficult to find “dedicated hearts” in our everyday life?
people neurs are
b. What challenges will you take to have a healthy life? b. Do you think society retributes those dedicated hearts in any way?
c. Do you think the results are different when someone really enjoys exercising? c. Do you think volunteering is a rewarding experience? Why?
l detox” from time
to time. busine ho set up a d. Are you setting a good example of “healthy living”? Do you know someone who inspires you?
Try taking a “digita ss for pr e. How difficult is having a “healthy living”?
but also ofit,
rn life UN T 3
Health and Mode to impr
You should keep
’s lives ove


La Guía Didáctica del Docente incluye un banco de lecturas

er work
and entre
rs UN T

Láminas con imágenes a color relacionadas con el


adicionales fotocopiables al final de cada tomo, para reforzar las

tema de cada unidad, para complementar los competencias de comprensión de lectura y análisis desarrolladas
contenidos presentados en el Texto del Estudiante. en el Texto del Estudiante.


Expresiones para el manejo
de la clase


• Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Hello. / Hi.

• Goodbye. / See you tomorrow. / See you later.
• Have a nice weekend. / Enjoy your holiday.

Moods and feelings

A: How are you today?
B: I’m fine. / I’m great. / OK. / Very well, thank you. / I’m not very well. / I have a problem. / I’m feeling down. / I’m sad.

Asking for clarification

• Can you repeat that, please?
• Can you say that again, please?
• Sorry. I’m afraid I didn’t understand.
• Can you help me with this exercise, please?

• Well done! / Good! / Excellent! / Good work! / Congratulations!
• Do it more carefully. / Say it again. / Try to correct that, please.
• Not too bad. / You’ll do better next time. / Keep trying!

The date
A: What day is it today?
B: It’s Monday. / It’s Tuesday. / It’s Wednesday. / It’s Thursday. /
It’s Friday. / It’s Saturday. / It’s Sunday.
A: What’s the date today?
B: It’s (Monday) March 9th. / It’s (Monday) 9th March.

The weather
A: What’s the weather like today?
A: It’s sunny. / It’s cloudy. / It’s hot. / It’s cold. / It’s nice and warm. / It’s nice and cool. / It’s raining. / It’s snowing.

The time
A: What’s the time? / What time is it?
B: It’s one o’clock. / It’s two o’clock. / It’s three o’clock. / It’s ten o’clock. / It’s twelve o´clock.
A: What’s the time? / What time is it?
B: It’s quarter past nine. / It’s half past ten. / It’s five past eleven. / It’s ten past twelve. / It’s twenty past one. / It’s twenty five past two.
A: What’s the time? / What time is it?
B: It’s quarter to eight. / It’s twenty five to nine. / It’s twenty to ten. / It’s ten to three. / It’s five to four.


Turn-taking and permission
• Can I talk to you after the class?
• Excuse me; can I say something?
• Excuse me; can I leave the room for a minute?
• May I go to the bathroom?
• It’s your turn.
• Sorry, it’s my turn.

Some commands and instructions

• Answer the questions.

• Be quiet.
• Check your answers.
• Check your predictions.
• Close the door.
• Come to the board.
• Compare your answers.
• Complete the paragraph.
• Copy the instructions.
• Discuss the ideas in your group.
• Do exercise 1.
• Do not write in your book.
• Fill in the blanks.
• Find examples in the text.
• Find the cognates in the text.
• Listen to the recording.
• Look at the pictures.
• Look up these words in the dictionary.
• Make a list.
• Make some notes.
• Match the pictures.
• Name three activities.
• Open your books.
• Pay attention, please.
• Put the pictures in order.
• Read the instructions.
• Select the correct answer.
• Silence, please.
• Sit down.
• Stand up.
• Talk to your partner.
• That’s all for today, thank you.
• Work in groups of four.
• Work with your partner.
• Write the sentences.


Semestre 2 - 3º Medio
Unidad 3: Health and Modern life Tiempo: 28 horas
Objetivos de Aprendizaje

Comprensión Oral Comprensión de Lectura Expresión Oral Expresión Escrita

AE 09 AE 10 AE 11 AE 12
Demostrar comprensión de Leer y demostrar comprensión Expresarse oralmente por Escribir textos descriptivos y
ideas principales e información de ideas principales e medio de monólogos de narrativos breves y simples de
explícita en textos orales información relevante en textos aproximadamente tres minutos aproximadamente 150
simples de variada extensión y descriptivos, informativos, de extensión y de diálogos de palabras, como cartas y reseñas
de interacciones que presentan narrativos y expositivos aproximadamente 16 relacionadas con la salud y la
un uso auténtico del lenguaje, auténticos, simples y de variada intercambios breves y simples, vida moderna. Para ello, deben:
como videos de interés general, extensión, como entrevistas, que incorporen las funciones • Aplicar el vocabulario temático
entrevistas grabadas y partes catálogos, folletos e informes, comunicativas de años de la unidad.
de discursos famosos relacionados con la salud y la anteriores, las funciones de • Describir acciones del pasado
relacionados con la salud y la vida moderna. Para ello, deben: describir acciones pasadas que que continúan en el presente,
vida moderna y que • Usar estrategias de lectura continúan en el presente y la como she has been feeling tired
contemplan las funciones de rápida y focalizada. forma en que se realizan las for two months.
describir acciones pasadas que • Reconocer vocabulario temático acciones. Para ello, deben: • Caracterizar acciones como they
continúan en el presente, de la unidad, palabras y frases • Utilizar frases hechas, eat well.
describir la forma en que se clave. expresiones idiomáticas y • Dar coherencia a sus ideas
realizan las acciones y expresar • Identificar acciones pasadas que oraciones breves y simples mediante el uso de conectores
actitudes personales. Para continúan en el presente. conectadas entre sí. como provided that, as long as.
ello, deben: • Identificar descripciones acerca • Aplicar vocabulario temático de • Aplicar el uso de elementos
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la forma en que se realizan la unidad. ortográficos, tales como signos
de la unidad y palabras clave, las acciones. • Describir acciones del pasado de interrogación y exclamación,
expresiones y frases hechas. • Reconocer expresiones que continúan en el presente, el punto, la coma y la
• Identificar acciones pasadas que relacionadas con actitudes como she has been feeling tired mayúscula.
continúan en el presente. personales. for two months. • Utilizar estrategias variadas de
• Identificar descripciones acerca • Realizar inferencias sobre la base • Caracterizar acciones como they corrección, coherencia y
de la forma en que se realizan del contexto y de información eat well. cohesión de textos escritos,
las acciones. explícita. • Relacionar ideas por medio del como uso de conectores,
• Reconocer expresiones • Reconocer la relación entre uso de conectores como as identificación de propósito y
relacionadas con actitudes ideas por medio de conectores long as. audiencia y uso de modelos
personales frente a situaciones. como provided that, as long as. • Pronunciar de manera inteligible escritos.
• Reconocer la relación entre • Integrar la expresión oral sonidos de años anteriores y
ideas por medio de conectores y/o escrita. sonidos /z/ y /s/ en palabras
como provided that, as long as. como zero y sad.
• Discriminar sonidos que • Utilizar estrategias para dar
interfieren con la comprensión señales de acuerdo o
del texto y sonidos /z/ y /s/ desacuerdo.
propios del inglés en palabras
como zero y sad.
• Recurrir a estrategias, como el
uso de conocimientos previos
sobre el tema o reconocer
claves no verbales y gestos.
• Integrar la expresión oral
y/o escrita.


Semestre 2 - 3º Medio
Unidad 4: Volunteer work and entrepreneurs Tiempo: 28 horas
Objetivos de Aprendizaje

Comprensión Oral Comprensión de Lectura Expresión Oral Expresión Escrita
AE 13 AE 14 AE 15 AE 16
Demostrar comprensión de Leer y demostrar comprensión Expresarse oralmente por Escribir textos descriptivos y
ideas principales e información de ideas principales e medio de monólogos de narrativos breves y simples de
explícita en textos orales información relevante en textos aproximadamente tres aproximadamente 150
simples de variada extensión y descriptivos, informativos, minutos de extensión y de palabras, como entrevistas e
de interacciones que presentan narrativos y expositivos diálogos de aproximadamente itinerarios, relacionados con el
un uso auténtico del lenguaje, auténticos, simples y de variada 16 intercambios breves y trabajo voluntario y el
como entrevistas grabadas, extensión, como bitácoras, simples que incorporen las emprendimiento. Para
avisos publicitarios, programas informes y entrevistas, funciones comunicativas de ello, deben:
de conversaciones radiales y/o relacionados con el trabajo años anteriores y las funciones • Aplicar el vocabulario temático
televisivos relacionados con el voluntario y el de expresar condición sobre un de la unidad.
trabajo voluntario y el emprendimiento. Para posible evento presente o • Utilizar primer condicional para
emprendimiento y que ello, deben: futuro. Para ello, deben: expresar condición sobre un
contemplan las funciones de • Usar estrategias de lectura • Utilizar frases hechas, posible evento presente o
expresar un posible evento rápida y focalizada. expresiones idiomáticas y futuro, como if you help me
presente o futuro y exponer un • Reconocer vocabulario temático oraciones breves y simples with the dishes I will help you
punto de vista. Para de la unidad, palabras y frases conectadas entre sí. with the homework.
ello, deben: clave. • Aplicar vocabulario temático de • Dar coherencia a sus ideas
• Reconocer vocabulario temático • Identificar expresiones de la unidad. mediante el uso de conectores
de la unidad, frases y palabras condición referidas a posibles • Utilizar primer condicional para como provided that,
clave, expresiones y frases eventos presentes o futuros. expresar condición sobre un nevertheless.
hechas. • Realizar inferencias sobre la base posible evento presente o • Aplicar el uso de elementos
• Identificar expresiones de del contexto y de información futuro, como if you help me ortográficos, tales como signos
condición referidas a posibles explícita. with the dishes, I will help you de interrogación y exclamación,
eventos presentes o futuros. • Reconocer expresiones para with the homework. el punto, la coma y
• Reconocer expresiones para exponer puntos de vista. • Relacionar ideas por medio del la mayúscula.
exponer puntos de vista. • Reconocer la relación entre uso de conectores como • Utilizar estrategias variadas de
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores provided that, nevertheless. corrección, coherencia y
ideas por medio de conectores como provided that, • Pronunciar de manera inteligible cohesión de textos escritos,
como provided that, nevertheless. sonidos de años anteriores y como uso de conectores,
nevertheless. • Integrar la expresión oral sonidos /z/ y /s/ en palabras identificación de propósito
• Discriminar sonidos que y/o escrita. como zero y sad. y audiencia y uso de
interfieren con la comprensión • Utilizar estrategias de modelos escritos.
del texto y sonidos /z/ y /s/ autocorrección.
propios del inglés en palabras
como zero y sad.
• Recurrir a estrategias, como el
uso de conocimientos previos
sobre el tema o reconocer
claves no verbales, gestos y
• Integrar la expresión oral
y/o escrita.


Health and Modern Life
Propuesta de planificación


OA 9
Demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e información
explícita en textos orales simples de variada extensión y de
interacciones que presentan un uso auténtico del lenguaje, Entrada de unidad Clase 1 1h. pedagógica
como videos de interés general, entrevistas grabadas y
partes de discursos famosos relacionados con la salud y la
vida moderna y que contemplan las funciones de describir
acciones pasadas que continúan en el presente, describir la
forma en que se realizan las acciones y expresar actitudes
personales. Para ello, deben:
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad y palabras clave, Do you Remember? Clase 2 1h. pedagógica
expresiones y frases hechas.
• Identificar acciones pasadas que continúan en el presente.
• Identificar descripciones acerca de la forma en que se realizan
las acciones.
• Reconocer expresiones relacionadas con actitudes personales
frente a situaciones.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores:
3° Medio - Semestre 2

• Discriminar sonidos que interfieren con la comprensión del Lección 1 Clase 3 - 7 5h. pedagógicas
texto y sonidos /z/ y /s/ propios del inglés.
Unidad 3

• Recurrir a estrategias, como el uso de conocimientos previos

sobre el tema o reconocer claves no verbales y gestos.
• Integrar la expresión oral y/o escrita.

OA 10
Leer y demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e Lección 2 Clases 8 - 11 4h. pedagógicas
información relevante en textos descriptivos, informativos,
narrativos y expositivos auténticos, simples y de variada
extensión, como entrevistas, catálogos, folletos e informes,
relacionados con la salud y la vida moderna. Para ello, deben:
• Usar estrategias de lectura rápida y focalizada.
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras y
frases clave. Check Your Progress Clase 12 1h. pedagógica
• Identificar acciones pasadas que continúan en el presente.
• Identificar descripciones acerca de la forma en que se realizan
las acciones.
• Reconocer expresiones relacionadas con actitudes personales.
• Realizar inferencias sobre la base del contexto y de
información explícita.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores:
• Integrar la expresión oral y/o escrita. Evaluación Formativa 1 Clase 13 1h. pedagógica

112 UNIDAD 3 Planificación 3º MEDIO

OA 11
Expresarse oralmente por medio de monólogos de
aproximadamente tres minutos de extensión y de diálogos de Clase
Lección 3 4h. pedagógicas
aproximadamente 16 intercambios breves y simples, que 14 - 17
incorporen las funciones comunicativas de años anteriores, las
funciones de describir acciones pasadas que continúan en el
presente y la forma en que se realizan las acciones. Para ello,
• Utilizar frases hechas, expresiones idiomáticas y oraciones breves
y simples conectadas entre sí. Lección 4 4h. pedagógica
18 - 21
• Aplicar vocabulario temático de la unidad.
• Describir acciones del pasado que continúan en el presente.
• Caracterizar acciones.
• Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores:
• Pronunciar de manera inteligible sonidos de años anteriores y
sonidos /z/ y /s/.
• Utilizar estrategias para dar señales de acuerdo o desacuerdo. Subject Connections Clase 22 1h. pedagógica

OA 12
3° Medio - Semestre 2

Escribir textos descriptivos y narrativos breves y simples de

aproximadamente 150 palabras, como cartas y reseñas
Unidad 3

relacionadas con la salud y la vida moderna. Para ello, deben:

• Aplicar el vocabulario temático de la unidad. Clase
Project 2h. pedagógicas
• Describir acciones del pasado que continúan en el presente. 23 y 24
• Caracterizar acciones.
• Dar coherencia a sus ideas mediante el uso de conectores.
• Aplicar el uso de elementos ortográficos, tales como signos de
interrogación y exclamación, el punto, la coma y la mayúscula.
• Utilizar estrategias variadas de corrección, coherencia y cohesión Final Check
de textos escritos, como uso de conectores, identificación de Clases 25 1h. pedagógica
And Review
propósito y audiencia y uso de modelos escritos.

Usa las habilidades comunicativas para exponer ideas,
opiniones, sentimientos y experiencias de manera coherente y
Evaluación formativa 2 Clase 26 1h. pedagógica
• Da ejemplos de enfermedades propias de la vida moderna.
• Explica los riesgos de los estilos de la vida moderna.
• Establece relaciones entre los problemas de salud y los hábitos
de la vida moderna.
Muestra confianza en sí mismo y sentido positivo ante la vida.
• Manifiesta opinión crítica frente a ciertos malos hábitos de la vida
moderna. Evaluación Final Clase 27 1h. pedagógica
• Explica las ventajas de estilos de vida saludable.
• Señala aspectos de la vida que han cambiado en las últimas

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 Planificación 113

Health and Modern Life
clase 1
Las actividades en estas lecciones tienen
como propósito activar la motivación de
los estudiantes hacia el tema de la 3
unidad. Permite que los estudiantes
reconozcan la importancia de los
objetivos de aprendizaje para sus
propias vidas. Además, permite que los
estudiantes establezcan metas
personales para la unidad, trazando una
guía del aprendizaje para lograrlas.

Solicite a los estudiantes observar la
imagen en la página 61 y describirla:
(Nombre del alumnos) What can you
see in the picture? Luego los invita al
curso responder las siguientes
preguntas: What does the title of the unit
relate to the picture? What is the
relation between modern life and
health? Is modern life associated
positively or negatively to health?
Luego lea con los estudiantes la cita que
aparece en la parte inferior de la página,
pídales a los estudiantes que trabajen en
parejas/grupos y que traten de explicar
la cita con sus propias palabras,
indicándoles: Read the quotation below.
What do you think Nassim Nicholas
wanted to say with these words? Are we
aware that we are slaves to technology?
Monitorear. Pídales que fundamenten
sus respuestas con el fin de extender la
práctica oral del idioma. Invite a los
“The difference between
alumnos a compartir sus puntos de vista technology and slavery is
con el resto de la clase: What you said that slaves are fully aware
(Nombre del estudiante) was interesting,
could you share it with the rest of
that they are not free”
the class? Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Motive a sus estudiantes y permítales
explorar la unidad antes de comenzar a 60 3º MED O
desarrollarla. Se sugiere que revisen y
reconozcan las diferentes secciones y
señalen lo que más les ha llamado educativos más tradicionales. Dígales que las diversas necesidades de los estudiantes.
su atención. este es el espacio donde mantendrán un Por esta razón, es importante que se tome el
El propósito de esta sección es guiar a registro de sus metas de aprendizaje. No tiempo para modelar, informándoles sobre la
los estudiantes para establecer sus necesitan usar oraciones completas si importancia de las prácticas de
propios objetivos para la unidad y deciden escribir sus metas en inglés. Si este establecimiento de objetivos y la creación de
diseñar un plan de aprendizaje que les es el caso, puede alentarlos a usar palabras un plan de aprendizaje.
ayude a lograr sus objetivos personales. aisladas o frases sencillas que les sean
Es posible que sus estudiantes no estén familiares. Como en la unidad anterior, si
acostumbrados a trabajar con este nota que esta tarea es demasiado exigente
enfoque metacognitivo, ya que para ser abordada en inglés, puede dejar que
normalmente se les ha enseñado a escriban sus metas en español. Recuerde
centrarse en el contenido en enfoques siempre considerar los diferentes niveles y


parejas/grupos y que traten de
You will... What for? explicar la cita con sus propias
listen to texts about health and modern life, in order to identify to show comprehension by means of oral palabras, indicándoles: Read the
information about events that started in the past and are still in and written expression. quotation below. What do you think
progress. to boost your reading comprehension by Nassim Nicholas wanted to say with
read different types of texts about the topic of the unit. dentify integrating strategies into the process. these words? Are we aware that we
topic vocabulary and expressions related to health and modern life,
and make connections to the real world to improve comprehension.
to express opinions about health and are slaves to technology? in groups
modern life, making use of target
use dialogues and monologues to communicate with your teacher structures and topic vocabulary of the unit. discuss the questions below.
and classmates, making use of various learning strategies and to write cohesive and coherent texts, Monitorear. Pídales que fundamenten
correct pronunciation. making use of different strategies, sus respuestas con el fin de extender
produce written content in the form of individual sentences as structures and topic vocabulary of the unit, la práctica oral del idioma. Invite a
well as simple descriptive and narrative texts related to health and as well as orthographic elements of
los alumnos a compartir sus puntos

modern life. the level.
de vista con el resto de la casa: What
you said (Nombre del estudiante)
was interesting, could you share it
1 Read the quote and discuss. Support your answers.
with the rest of the class?
a. Can you define “modern life”? Discuss. 28 Listen to a short talk by a
b. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of modern life for our health?
health expert. How are the pictures
c. What do you think of the phrase “we are slaves to technology”? Discuss.
below related to what he says?
d. Have some aspects of modern life affected or changed your family relationships?
Indíqueles que seguirán trabajando
2 28 Listen to a short talk by a health expert. How are the pictures below related to what he en grupo. Explicar que deberán
says? Explain. escuchar atentamente el audio con el
a b c fin de relacionar las preguntas con
las imágenes. Monitorear. Pedir
voluntarios para responder las
siguientes preguntas frente al curso:
What did the expert say about
exposition to blue light at night?
What did he do to avoid sedentary
behaviors? What are the benefits of
d e
having plants at home? Why do
people need to do outdoor activities?

3. Discuss.
Para cerrar la clase, los estudiantes
pueden compartir sus opiniones
respecto de la pregunta propuesta.
3 Discuss. Indíqueles lo siguiente: Do you agree
a. Do you think the changes proposed by the expert can really help you improve your way of living? with Vybarr Cregan-Reid in the sense
that this small tips can help you to
change your unhealthy habits? In
3º MED O UN T 3
pairs, read the question and discuss.
Pida un voluntario para leer frente al curso la Invítelos a reflexionar sobre la importancia
sección You will... en el cuadro de de estos objetivos para sus vidas con el
presentación de los objetivos de la unidad. propósito de valorar esos objetivos a nivel
Luego, explíqueles que la pregunta ¿para personal.: How important are these
qué? se refiere a lo que podrán hacer una vez objectives to your own life?
que cumplan con cada objetivo. Pida a otro desarrollo
voluntario leer la sección What for?
Clarifique de ser necesario. Indique a los 1. Read the quotation and discuss.
alumnos que tanto los objetivos de lenguaje Support your answer.
como los transversales tienen igual Luego lea con los estudiantes la cita que
importancia dentro del desarrollo de aparece en la parte inferior de la página,
la unidad. pídales a los estudiantes que trabajen en



clase 2
1 What is the purpose of the text below? Take a quick look and discuss.

do you remember?
2 Read the text, pay special attention to the highlighted verbs and answer in pairs.
iNicio a. Which verbs are used to talk about the present?
Se sugiere al docente llevar imágenes b. Which verbs are used to talk about unfinished actions?
de cartoons del link indicado a
continuación. Presente su selección de
imágenes a la clase e invítelos a discutir How modern life affects our
sobre como la tecnología nos ha physical and mental health
afectado en la vida cotidiana. Se sugiere

realizar preguntas para iniciar el debate:

Are these cartoons a reflection of our Modern day living is a combination of evolving A recent research found that teenagers aged 13
society? Escriba en el pizarrón technology and social media. Communication to 17 years old have shifted their preferred social
vocabulario atingente para que los channels are changing every part of our lives media platforms.
so rapidly that it can be tough to adjust. Are
estudiantes puedan utilizarlos en technology and media affecting our physical and
They also found that although 91 percent of teens
sus exposiciones. mental health?
regularly use text messaging, 40 percent also use
the most popular messaging apps.
desarrollo Technology has improved the lives of many Social media and text messaging have become an
people, with almost half of adults in the United
1. What is the purpose of the text States unable to imagine life without their
integral part of how individuals interact with their
social groups. In fact, for many teenagers and
below? take a quick look and smartphone. young adults, text messaging and social media
discuss. The American Psychological Association’s Stress communication is now more frequent than in-
En este ejercicio, los estudiantes in America Survey 2017 shows that 99 percent person interactions.
deberán inferir el tipo de texto a of adults own an electronic device, around 86
partir de la estructura del texto. percent own a computer, 74 percent own a
Indique lo siguiente: Skim the text. smartphone, and 55 percent own a tablet.
According to picture, title, opening The survey also reports that between 2005 and
and closing sentences of the text, 2015, the percentage of adults using social media
skyrocketed from 7 percent to 65 percent.
what is its purpose? Support
your answer. Rates of technology and social media use are
therefore climbing. The two most popular social
2. Read the text, pay special attention network sites boast a combined monthly user base
to the highlighted verbs and of 2 billion people.
answer in pairs. Taken and adapted from:
En esta actividad, los estudiantes
deben leer el texto y poner atención a
ciertos elementos en el con el fin de
asociarlos con una determinada 3 30 In your Activity Book, transform the sentences with highlighted verbs into negative and
estructura gramatical. Invitar a los interrogative form.
estudiantes a realizar la actividad de
la siguiente manera: Read the
questions of the text, then read the
article and with a partner answer the
questions. What tenses do these verbs 62 UN T 3 3º MED O

represent? What do these tenses are

used for? Revisar las respuestas
en forma oral con los aportes de 3. In your Activity Book, transform the cierre
los alumnos. sentences with highlighted verbs into Se sugiere cerrar la clase invitando a los
negative and interrogative form. estudiantes a dar su opinión en torno a la
Invite a los estudiantes a trabajar en el siguiente pregunta: Has mocern life affected
libro de actividades: In your activity book, you physically or mentally? How?
transform those sentences in the text into
their interrogative and negative forms.
Invítelos a pasar al pizarrón a escribir las
oraciones para revisar. Let’s check the
sentences. 8 Volunteers to write the
sentences on the board, come close


Lesson 1 Living longer and better
exercise 1. Pida voluntarios para
compartir sus respuestas con el resto
Before reading de la clase. Pregunte: How oldest the
old is person in the world? Do you
1 Discuss with your classmates. think there is a “recipe” to live a
a. How many years do you think the oldest person in human history lived? long life? Would you like to live a
b. Do you think there is a secret to longevity?
long life?
c. Would you like to live a long life? Support your answer. 2. Read these secrets for a long,
happy and healthy life according
to a study. Look at the figures and
2 Read these secrets for a long, happy and healthy life, according to a study. Look at the discuss the questions below.

chart and discuss the questions below. Organice a los estudiantes en grupos
Centenarians’ top secrets to longevity de 3 o 4 estudiantes. Indíqueles que
observen atentamente el cuadro con
el fin de responder las preguntas:
Age Name Location Longevity secrets Read the chart and answer the
questions according to the
127 Leandra Becerra Mexico Chocolate, sleeping a lot.
information provided in it .
Monitorear. Comentar con la clase la
122 Jeanne Calment France Olive oil, chocolate, a glass of wine a day. información del cuadro.

119 Sarah Knauss USA No stress, not worrying about age, praying. cierre
Los estudiantes expresan su opinión
117 Emma Morano taly 3 eggs a day, being single. respecto de la preguntas: Can bad
eating habits make us live a shorter
116 Misao Okawa Japan Sushi, ramen noodles, sleeping 8 hours a day, relaxing. life? can having a positive attitude help
us live longer? Can having a healthy
Taken and adapted from: diet help us live longer or better?

a. Do you think having a healthy diet could help you live longer and better? Nota para el docente:
According to the Guinness Worl Record,
b. How can faith help people live longer? Explain.
the greatest fully authenticated age to
c. How relevant do you think sleeping well is to have a good and long life? which any human has ever lived is 122
d. How are attitude and relationships related to health? Explain. years 164 days by Jeanne Louise
e. Which of the “secrets” presented are the most important for you? Support your answer. Calment (France). She lived to the age
of 122 years, 164 days. She met Vincent
van Gogh when she was 12 or 13.

3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 1 63

more frequent now to see the elderly doing

things that are associated to adults or even
lesson 1 Live longer and better
to young people?
clase 3 desarrollo
iNicio Before reading
Llevar a la clase imágenes de adultos 1. Discuss with your classmates.
mayores realizando diferentes actividades En esta actividad los estudiantes, en
asociadas a gente más joven (surferar, viajar, grupos de 3 a 4 integrantes, deberán
andar en patineta, hacer deportes, etc.), e comentar preguntas sobre vivir muchos
invitarlos a dar sus opiniones en torno a las años. Instruya lo siguiente: With your
siguientes preguntas: Why do you think it is partners, work on the questions in

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 1 117

While reading

clase 4
Para introducir la lectura How to live to Key words
100 muestre a los estudiantes algunos life expectancy
de los retratos del link indicado más lifespan
daily treats
abajo y pregúnteles: How to you think crash diet
changes in society have affected elderly
people? Realice una lista en el pizarrón
con sus contribuciones.


desarrollo How to live to

While reading Strategy in mind
Key words dentifying key words.
Solicite a los estudiantes leer las
palabras en la sección Key words e
inferir sus significado indicando: Take a
look at the words in section Key words.
Paragraph 1
What is the meaning of life expectancy?
Worldwide, life expectancy is higher than ever before.
What does lifespan may refer to? What
In fact, a United Nations report shows that 20% of the
does daily treats mean? What is a population will be aged 65 years and older by 2050 — a
crash diet? figure which is likely to continue rising.

Strategy in mind
Uno de los objetivos que deben ser Smart Reading Paragraph 2
cubiertos en esta actividad es identificar 1. dentify the words you Although eating healthily has a strong showing in second
palabras claves dentro de un texto. consider to be central to the place, even more centenarians attributed their long
Explique a los estudiantes la meaning of the text and write
lifespans to less conventional advice involving daily treats
importancia de esta estrategia: An them in your notebook. Then,
such as chocolate, bacon or sugary drinks.
answer the questions orally.
important part of skimming is a. How do these words
underlining keywords. While you are capture the essence of
reading a text, you can identify the text?
important keywords that will help you to b. Can these words be
replaced by others with the
understand the global meaning of the same meaning but with a
text and the main features. Some stronger effect?
keywords that can be underlined are
names, dates locations, facts, figures etc.

Smart reading 64 UN T 3 LESSON 1 3º MED O

1. Identify the words you consider to
be central to the meaning of the
text. Underline them and answer cierre
the questions: Para cerrar la clase, puede solicitar a los
Solicite a los estudiantes realizar una estudiantes comentar sobre la siguiente
lectura general del texto e identificar pregunta: According to the information
palabras claves. Indique lo siguiente: presented previously, eating a healthy diet
Read the text and underline those proved to be one of the most important
words you think are central to the factors to live longer. What do you think
text. Then discuss the questions of would be a healthy diet? Give details.
the section with the class.

118 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 1 3º MEDIO

Paragraph 3 Your analysis indicar en que contextos esas frases
Elizabeth Sullivan, 104, sums up this paradox perfectly in a 1. Discuss, orally. Which fueron dichas: Why did the author
conversation with her doctor: paragraph mentions... mention the phrase “popular pieces
a. popular pieces of advice?
“I saw the doctor and he said, ‘Are you careful about what
b. a less conventional advice? of advice”? Which recommendation
you eat?’ and I said, ‘Certainly not, I have been drinking
c. that life expectancy is would be controversial, do you
three sodas a day for a long time’, and he said, ‘Oh my
goodness, that’s too much sugar. You will die if you keep
higher than before? think? etc.
d. features that centenarians
drinking that,’” she recounted.“But 10 years later he died do not carry out? 2. Discuss with your partners
and I had to change doctors. So I’m still drinking three
sodas a day and people said that’s bad for me but you
e. a controversial Los estudiantes dan sus opiniones en
know, not very many people live to be 104. So I guess the f. a paradox about base a lo que ellos consideran una
sugar in the sodas has kept me alive all this time.” healthy eating? dieta saludable. Solicite a un
2. Discuss with your partners estudiante leer la instrucción de la

According to the data actividad y pregunte: What do you
Paragraph 4 presented previously, having a consider to be a healthy diet? What
healthy diet proved to be one
Somewhat controversially, more centenarians of the most important factors
kind of food must a healthy diet
recommended a daily drink than abstaining from drinking to live longer. What do you include? Which kind of food should
alcohol entirely — seemingly claiming that a little bit of the think would be a healthy diet? be avoided?
bad stuff might do us some good after all.
Think critically
Las preguntas de esta sección ayudaran
Paragraph 5 a los estudiantes a poner en práctica
Other popular advice included staying active, keeping a diversas habilidades para desarrollar el
positive attitude, and maintaining relationships with family pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes.
and friends. Similarly, getting enough sleep, being nice to Señale: Read the questions in section
others, and having religious faith were also acknowledged Think critically, organize yourselves in
as important parts of living well into old age. groups of 3 or 4 to share your opinions.

Paragraph 6 Think critically cierre

Judging from the advice collated, striking a happy balance Make text-to-world connections Cierre la clase invitando a los
seems to be key to a long and healthy life. None of the Japanese and Mediterranean estudiantes a trabajar en parejas y dar su
centenarians featured in the research recommended crash diets are said to prolong life. opinión sobre la siguiente pregunta:
What could be the reason
diets or complete lifestyle renovations. Instead, their
for this? Which popular piece of advice
tips were tailored to their own lifestyles and practiced
How much do you think these mentioned in the text is the most
consistently. Most of them have been indulging in a daily
diets differ from ours? important for you? Support your answer.
glass of wine, eating plenty of vegetables, or simply keeping
a loving network of family and friends. Make text-to-self connections
Nowadays, Chileans live longer
than they did 50 years ago.
What are the factors that have
influenced having a longer life?

3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 1 65

clase 5 desarrollo
Your analysis
1. Which paragraph mentions...
Se sugiere al docente iniciar la clase
Revisar las preguntas con los estudiantes.
invitando a los estudiantes a hacer un
Invitarlos a leer nuevamente el texto con
resumen de lo leído la clase anterior.
el fin de encontrar la información
Invítelos a dar sus opiniones indicando lo
solicitada. Invite a estudiantes en forma
siguiente: In groups, discuss the about the
aleatoria a leer y responder las diferentes
daily treats you would like to take when you
preguntas. Who wants to read the
are older. Support your answer. Monitorear.
questions and give the answer? Para
extender la actividad pida a los alumnos

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 1 119

After reading

clase 6
Language in use
1. Read the sentences below. What do they have in common? Why is it used?
Plantee a los estudiantes la siguiente • ’ve been avoiding processed food for years.
declaración: Study Finds Dog Owners • Sally has been reading a pretty good book about how to keep a healthy mind.
Live Longer. Pídales organizarse en • Has your brother been talking about going vegan again?
grupos de 3 o 4 integrantes y dar sus Present Perfect Continuous is used for actions and situations that started in the past and are still
opiniones en relación a la siguiente in progress or have happened repeatedly up until the present.
declaración: Get in groups and discuss
the following statement: Study Finds 2. 31 This tense is also used with expressions that indicate the period of time, for example
Dog Owners Live Longer. Discuss with since and for. Look at the examples and choose the correct options below. Write the full

your classmates about the benefits of sentences in your Activity Book.

having a pet at home. Monitorear. • Example 1: My son has been suffering from anxiety since he applied for that job.
Posteriormente invite a los estudiantes a • Example 2: She hasn’t been smoking for over a year now.
escuchar una noticia, dando argumentos
a. My parents have been going to the gym for / since three months or so.
sobre ésta. Now listen to this piece of
news and check if your assumptions b. They have been working in front of blue light screens for / since 2010.
were mentioned. c. Doctors have been saying for / since ages that having physical activity and a healthy diet are
essential to have a better and longer life.
Study Finds Dog Owners Live Longer
d. People have been talking about sleep hygiene for / since the last few years.

after reading 1 31 Write suitable questions for the sentences in exercise 2 in your Activity Book.

language in use
1. Solicite a los estudiantes leer en Writing An article
parejas la sección Language in use
1. Organizing ideas
y determina que tiene en común esa
oraciones, su estructura y que expre- a. Have you ever heard the term “superfoods”? Look at the picture and read the text on the next
page and discuss the following questions:
sa esa estructura. Indique: Based on
i. Why was the term “superfood” coined for marketing purposes?
the sentences you have read, answer ii. What are “superfoods” supposed to do?
the question. iii. Do you think “superfoods” have the key to get a better and healthier life?
2. Explique a los estudiantes el uso de Support your answer.
las expresiones de tiempo Since y b. n groups, choose one of the “superfoods” mentioned below and do some research on its
For: We often use for and since when characteristics and benefits.
talking about time. SINCE is used
Beetroot Goji Avocado Pomegranate
when talking about a precise moment
in time. FOR when talking about a
period of time. Seaweed Kale Chia seeds
Luego, indique: Read the examples,
can you notice the difference? Now
read the sentences, and according
to what you have learned, circle
the correct time expression in

each sentence.
Una vez que hayan leído y respondido las cierre
1. Write suitable questions for the
preguntas del texto What are super foods?,
sentences in exercise 2, in your Organice a los estudiantes en grupos de 3 o 4
los estudiantes deben elegir un superalimento
Activity Book. integrantes, entregue una guía preparada
y buscar información sobre éste en el
Indicar: In your Activity book write anteriormente a partir de la infografía Will
laboratorio de computación. Monitorear su
the corresponding questions to the you live to be 100? y solicite a los
trabajo. Indicar lo siguiente: Organize
sentences in exercise 2, Language in estudiantes realizar el quiz. Indique: Take the
yourselves in groups of 3 or 4, and work in
use section. Posteriormente, invite quiz about the infographic Will you live to be
the first part of the section Writing. In this
voluntarios a leer las respuestas. 100? and discuss the results with your group.
opportunity you will have to write an article
Writing an article about a superfood of your choice. If any Will you live to be 100?
questions, raise your hand and I’ll go to Link:
En esta etapa de la lección, los
help you. will-live-100/
estudiantes deben organizar sus ideas.

120 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 1 3º MEDIO

What Are Superfoods? desarrollar y terminar la actividad.
Monitorear preguntando: What
Nutritionally speaking, there is no such thing as a superfood. The term was superfood did you choose? Have you
coined for marketing purposes to influence food trends and sell products. found reliable information about it? Do
The food industry gives the “superfood label” to nutrient-rich foods with a you have any questions about how to
supposed capacity to positively affect health. Though many foods could be write it?
described as “super”, it’s important to understand that there is no single food
that holds the key to good health or disease prevention. Apoyar a los jóvenes con estructuras
gramaticales y vocabulario en caso de
Taken and adapted from: que sea necesario. Instruya lo siguiente:
Read each step carefully. If any doubts,
2. Drafting feel confident to ask me. Monitorear.

Read the Writing Reference in your Activity Book on pages 40 and 41, about the Editor’s Marks Indique les el tiempo estimado para
features to include in your text, and then write an article in 140-190 words. Use realizar cada paso de la actividad.
Capital letter /
the information you collected. Write simple sentences and then put them into Lowercase
paragraphs, adding connectors you have learned in previous lessons. Remember: cierre
a. Give it an engaging title. exit slip
Add a word
b. Make sure each paragraph begins with a topic sentence.
ss Check spelling
En esta sección los estudiantes deben
c. ntroduce questions to capture the reader’s interest. auto evaluarse. Monitorear. Conversar
en forma individual con los estudiantes
d. nclude Present Perfect Continuous sentences whenever it is possible. Change place

3. Revising respecto sus puntos débiles y sugiérales

Organize your ideas in paragraphs and make sure you’ve included actividades complementarias o
The article...
all the elements mentioned previously. estrategias de aprendizaje para poder
4. Editing
has an engaging title.
reforzar el o los contenidos y lograr los
begins with a topic sentence.
Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, using objetivos de la unidad. Invite a los
includes engaging questions.
the Editor’s Marks. estudiantes a comentar su performance:
includes the writer’s
5. Publishing main ideas. What was the most important thing you
Write the final version of your article. is well-organized and learned (Nombre del estudiante? What
Exchange your article with a partner and evaluate each other’s
interesting for the reader. contents do you need to reinforce?
work, using the prompts in the box.
Los contenidos de esta unidad pueden
ser reforzados a través de las
actividades 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5 del libro
de actividades.
Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.

5 things ’ve learned
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
3 things that need improvement learned today...
2 questions have
1 thing would like to learn more about

3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 1 67

clase 7 Utilice la información en el link dejado a

continuación para llevar a cabo esta
iNicio actividad.
Realice la actividad Mito o Realidad en torno 15 Myths About a Healthy Diet You Need
a la alimentación, indicando lo siguiente: to Stop Believing
There are lots of discussions about healthy Link:
diets, what to eat, when to eat, and how inspiration-health/15-myths-about-a-healthy-
much to eat. But what is truth and what is diet-you-need-to-stop-believing-172255/
not? Let´s play Myth of Fact about a healthy
Retomar la actividad comenzada la clase
diet. I’ll read a statement and you will have
anterior, pidiendo a cada grupo comentar en
to guess if it is a myth or a fact.
que han estado trabajando. Solicitarles seguir
trabajando indicando el tiempo asignado para

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 1 121

Lesson 2 An active life

lesson 2 An active life

Before listening

clase 8 1 Answer these questions in pairs.

iNicio a. How many times a week do you do physical activity?

Se siguiere al docente introducir la clase b. How can physical activity be beneficial for health?
el concepto de HIIT (High Intensity c. What kind of problems can be caused by the lack of physical activity?
Interval Training) por medio del video
High Intensity Interval Training 2 Discuss the benefits of physical activity with the class. Then, rank the “top 5 benefits of
(HIIT) - Maximum Results, physical activity” that would make you stand up from your seat.

Minimum Time indicando lo siguiente:

Do you know what HIIT means? What
are the benefits of its workouts? Watch The Multiple Benefits of Physical Activity
the video to find out the answers. Invite
a los estudiantes comentar la ncreases Reduces • Risk of osteoporosis and
symptoms of arthritis.
información contenida en el video. • Fitness, stamina and energy. • Chronic illness and disability.
• Body fat, overweight
• Lean muscle, muscle • Mortality rates and risk of
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) strength and bone density. dying prematurely. and obesity.
- Maximum Results, Minimum Time • Flexibility, coordination, and • Risk of coronary heart • Falls and injuries in
older people.
Link: balance. disease, cardiovascular
disease and stroke. • Risk of developing dementia.
• mproved immune system.
• Risk of diabetes, high • Feelings of fatigue,
desarrollo • Healthy ageing, mobility,
cholesterol and high blood depression, stress and anxiety.
independence and quality of
Before listening life in older adults. pressure. • Risk of menstrual symptoms,
• Risk of colo-rectal and constipation and back pain.
1. Answer the questions in pairs.
• Mental health.
breast cancer. • Risk of postnatal depression.
• Memory, behavior, and
En esta sección los estudiantes en concentration. • Risk of asthma. • Demand on health services.
pareja comentan las preguntas de la
actividad. Monitorear. Invítelos a Created by Publishing Team.
compartir sus opiniones con el resto While listening
del curso: (Nombre del alumno) Can Key words
you share with us your opinion about 1 31 Complete the mind map of the words yoga and High- flexibility
Intensity Interval Training (H IIT) in the Activity Book, with
question 1? vocabulary that you think you might hear in the recording. Use
2. Discuss the benefits of physical the picture below to support your answers and compare with soreness
activity with the class. Then, rank your classmates. tightness
the “top 5 benefits of physical squats

activity” that would make you

stand up from your seat.
Organice a los estudiantes en grupos Strategy in mind
para trabaja en esta actividad.
Predict the topic of the audio
Indique los siguiente: Read the text track.
The Multiple Benefits of Physical
Activity, and discuss with your group
which of these would be your top 5
benefits. Share them with the class.

While listening
2. 29 Listen to a radio program talking cierre
1. Complete the mind map of the about how yoga and HIIT can work Para cerrar la clase invite a los estudiantes a
words yoga and HIIT in the together. Were the words in your “mind comentar en grupos la infografía Sedentary
Activity Book, with vocabulary map” mentioned? Lifestyle Statistics. Si es posible proyecte la
that you think you might hear in Ahora indique: Listen to a radio program infografía en el pizarrón o entréguela en
the recording. talking about how Yoga and HIT can work formato de guía. Señale: Read the
Indique: Complete the mind map with together and check if the concepts and infographic Sedentary Lifestyle Statistics.
concepts or ideas associated to the ideas in your mind map were mentioned. Analyze it in your groups. Monitorear.
words Yoga and HIIT in your activity Make comments with your partner. Sedentary Lifestyle Statistics
book, page 31. Then compare with
your closest classmates.

122 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 2 3º MEDIO

Your analysis
4. Muscle-strengthening activities
2 29 Listen to a radio program talking about how yoga and HIIT can work together and answer
in your notebook.
should be done involving major
muscle groups on 2 or more days
a. Were the words from your “mind map” mentioned?
a week.
b. dentify the sports in the pictures.
c. Which two pictures best represent the vocabulary from the recording? physical-activity-recommendations-18-64years.
a b c
Luego, permita que los estudiantes
compartan sus realidades con el resto de
la clase, preguntando: According to
what the WHO recommends, how have

you been doing? Is the amount of
physical activity you have been doing
appropriate, or less than appropriate?
What kind of physical activity have you
d e f been doing?

Your analysis
3. Listen again and choose the
correct option with your partner.
Indique a los estudiantes que
escucharán nuevamente el programa
radial y solicíteles realizar la
actividad señalando: Read the
Your analysis
statements in exercise. Listen to the
3 29 Listen again and choose the correct option with your partner. Answer in your notebook. radio program again and circle the
a. Yoga practitioners / Some people feel intimidated by High ntensity Training. correct alternative in each statement.
b. High ntensity Training and yoga improve your strength / 4. Which pictures from exercise 2
strength and endurance.
Think critically illustrate the vocabulary below?
c. Yoga / High ntensity Training helps with muscle tightness.
Make text-to-world connections
d. Practicing yoga / High ntensity Training complements
freediving training.
t is a fact that yoga has multiple i. bodyweight
e. High ntensity Training, cycling and diving are not / are fitness
benefits for physical health. ii. freediving
n this sense, do you think
practice examples. practicing yoga should be part of iii. mindfulness
the daily school schedule? iv.soreness
Make text-to-self connections v. squats
4 Which pictures from exercise 2 illustrate the vocabulary below?
How do you think yoga vi.weightlifting
can benefit your academic
i. bodyweight iv. soreness achievements? Invite a los estudiantes a observar las
ii. freediving v. squats imágenes y asociarlas a las palabras
iii. mindfulness vi. weightlifting presentadas de acuerdo a lo escuchado
en el audio: Look at the pictures and
3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 2 69 connect them to the words below. Check
your your classmates.

intensity aerobic physical activity cierre

clase 9
throughout the week or an equivalent Think critically
iNicio combination of both. Las preguntas de esta sección ayudaran
Se recomienda comenzar la clase leyendo 2. Aerobic activity should be performed in a los estudiantes a poner en práctica
las siguientes recomendaciones de la bouts of at least 10 minutes of duration. diversas habilidades para desarrollar el
Organización Mundial de la Salud a los 3. For additional health benefits, adults pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes.
estudiantes y comentarlas como curso. should increase their moderate intensity Señale: Read the questions in section
The World health Organization recommends: aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes Think critically, organize yourselves in
1. Adults aged 18–64 should do at least 150 per week, or engage in 150 minutes of groups of 3 or 4 to share your opinions.
minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic vigorous-intensity aerobic physical Monitorear.
physical activity throughout the week or activity per week, or an equivalent
do at least 75 minutes of vigorous- combination of moderate - and vigorous-
intensity activity.
3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 2 123
After listening

clase 10 1 30 Read and choose the correct answer with your partner. Answer in your notebook.
Then, listen and check.
a. Going on a diet means:
Se sugiere comenzar recordando a los i. you start a diet.
estudiantes lo indicado en el audio ii. you are in the process of dieting.
trabajado la clase anterior, por medio de b. Keeping fit means:
las siguientes preguntas: Previously, we i. becoming healthy though exercise.
listened to a radio program talking ii. exercising regularly to be healthy.
about how Yoga and HIIT can work c. Gaining weight means:
i. an increase in your body weight.
together. What do you remember about ii. a decrease in your body weight.
it? What is HIIT? What are the benefits d. n bad shape means:

of both activities? i. not having a healthy physical appearance.

ii. having a healthy physical appearance.
after listening
2 Take turns to read the sentences with the correct collocation.
1. 30 Read and discuss the correct a. ’ve put on 5 kilos since last year. No gym during that period really helped me
answer with your partner. Then, to gain / lose weight.
listen and check. b. You are in very good / bad shape, you look very healthy. What are you doing?
Solicite a los estudiantes leer las c. t took almost a year to get / keep fit, in order to run in the marathon.
palabras y elegir la definición d. The doctor recommended me to go / be on a low-salt diet.
alternativa. Señale: Read the words
below and choose the corresponding
definition. Indíqueles que escucharan Listen and check your answers from exercise 2.

un audio para revisar las respuestas

indicando: Listen to check. 4 Make sentences with the collocations you did not use in exercise 2. Use the picture below
to create your sentence. .
2. Take turns to read the sentences
with the correct collocation.
Indique a los alumnos que, en
parejas, deberán hacer turnos para
leer las oraciones y de acuerdo a su
contexto elegir el verbo correcto de
la siguiente manera: In pairs, take
turns to read the sentences with the
corresponding verb.
3. 31 Listen and check exercise 2.
Luego invítelos a escuchar las
oraciones para revisar: Let’s listen to
the correct sentences.

4. Make sentences with the
collocations you did not use in
execise 2.

Para cerrar la clase invite a los

estudiantes a poner las frases bad
shape, lose weight, keep fit y be on a
diet en una oración indicando: In
groups put the collocations bad
shape, lose weight, keep fit y be on a
diet in sentences. Then take turns to
share them with another group.

124 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 2 3º MEDIO

Speaking Talking about physical activity and active living

1. Preparing to speak have you been doing lately to live an

a. Tell your partner what you have been doing lately to live an active life. Give examples. active living? Give examples.
b. 32 Listen to the article Get into working out. Which of these statements are correct? Discuss. Señáleles que a continuación
i. Listening to music keeps you motivated to work out. escucharán un artículo y deberán
ii. Gear is not important for sport activities. tiquear las aseveraciones
iii. t is benefitial to have daily long workout sessions. mencionadas en el audio de las
iv. You don’t need to feel guilty if you miss a day of workout routine. siguiente forma: Listen to the article
2. Practicing and indicate the statements
a. n pairs, make some notes about what you will include in your speech. mentioned. Do it orally.
i. What, when and where you have been practicing.
ii. Why you have been practicing.
2. Practicing
iii. Positive aspects of your activity. Leer la instrucción e indicar a los

iv. Negative aspects of your activity. estudiantes lo siguiente: Take some
v. Sum up notes about your speech and include
b. nclude sentences expressing actions and situations that started in the past and are still the elements mentioned from a to c.
in progress.
c. nclude collocations covered in the lesson. 3. Performing
In pairs, take turns to give your
3. Performing
opinion, out loud. Then discuss, with
n pairs, take turns to give your opinion, out loud. Then discuss, with your partner, whether you agree
or not with her / his point of view. You can use some of the expressions below. your partner, whether you agree or
not with her / his point of view. You
You’re right, agree... think you are quite right can use some of the expressions
Actually, don’t agree... disagree... Los estudiantes hacen turnos para
My classmate intercambiar sus presentaciones y,
4. Evaluating posteriormente, dar su opinion sobre
expresses her / his ideas clearly.
Evaluate your partner’s performance, using the prompts in
ellas utilizando las frases indicadas.
the box. uses target grammatical structure.
justifies her / his points of view.
includes topic vocabulary. 4. evaluating
expresses her / his opinion about Evaluate your partner’s performance
other points of view.
using the prompts in the box
Lea en voz alta la información del
cuadro. Invítelos a trabajar
Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class. diciéndoles lo siguiente: Using the
prompts in the box, evaluate your
Write: partner. Provide your classmates
5 things ’ve learned with valuable feedback.
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
3 things that need improvement learned today...
2 questions have exit slip
1 thing would like to learn more about En esta sección, los estudiantes deben
auto evaluarse, enfocándose en sus
fortalezas y sus debilidades. Invite a los
3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 2 71 estudiantes a compartir los resultados de
su autoevaluación y evaluar qué
estrategias podrían utilizar para
clase 11 desarrollo poder conseguir el o los objetivos
1. Preparing to speak. menos logrados.
a. Discuss what you have been doing
Talking about physical lately to live an active life. Give Los contenidos de esta unidad pueden
activity and active living examples. ser reforzados a través de las
iNicio b. 32 Listen to the article Get into actividades 6 y 7 del libro de
working out. Which of these statements actividades.
Indique a los estudiantes lo que deben hacer:
You will work individually preparing short are correct? Discuss.
presentation about physical activity and Invite a los estudiantes compartir con la
active living. clase sobe lo que han hecho para tener un
estilo de vida activo preguntando: What

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 2 125

1 33 Listen to the following tips to have a healthy sleep and answer. 4 points
cHecK YoUr ProGress
a. Name 3 things people should and shouldn’t do as part of their bed routine.
Explique a sus estudiantes que es
b. What temperature is recommended for a bedroom and why?
tiempo de enfrentar el desafío de revisar
su progreso. Monitoree su trabajo,
caminando alrededor de la sala de clases 2 Read the text and write in your notebook what it says about: 8 points
y observe qué tan confiados se sienten a. students who exercise more. c. executive purposes.
con estas actividades. Dígales que, en b. physical activity and grades. d. blood flow.
base a las actividades realizadas en esta

sección, deberán autoevaluarse de Active kids learn better

acuerdo con los criterios de avance en la Did you know?
escala de rendimiento. • Most research shows that replacing • More intense physical activity out of
1. 33 Listen to the following tips to academic lessons with physical activity school resulted in higher test scores and
have a healthy sleep and answer.
does not have a detrimental impact on improved reading comprehension.
school grades – in fact some research • Physical activity intervention led to
a. Name 3 things people should shows increased participation in physical significant improvements in children’s
and shouldn’t do as part of their activity leads to better grades. math scores.
bed routine. • Most research in this field has found a • Students who exercised more participated
b. What temperature is recommended positive link between children’s physical in sports and achieved higher grade point
for a bedroom and why? activity participation and academic averages.
achievement. • Regular physical activity may increase
2. Read the text and write in your • Short amounts of exercise benefit memory blood flow to the brain.
notebook what it says about: and cognition.
a. students who exercise more. Taken and adapted from:

b. physical activity and grades.

c. executive purposes. 3 32 Write 5 sentences about what you have been doing lately to have a better 5 points
quality of life.
d. blood flow.
3. Write 5 sentences about what you 10 points
4 Final debate: Do you agree with the following statement? Explain.
have been doing lately to have a
better quality of life. “To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be
able to keep the mind strong and clear.”
final debate
Do you agree with the following Buddha

statement? Explain.
nterpret your results
Interpret your results
Great! Good OK Not good enough
(23 points) (17 - 22 points) (11 - 14 points) (1 or less points)
Converse con cada uno de sus You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance can You need to revise the
estudiantes acerca de sus resultados. Vea the learning goals. Analyze the few mistakes improve. Revise your contents and practice
en donde se encuentra el o los puntajes Keep on working hard! you made. mistakes and weakest
areas with your teacher.
more, in order to improve
your performance.
más bajos y ejercite y/o resuelva dudas
si es necesario: Did you achieve your 72 UN T 3 CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 3º MED O
learning goals (Nombre del estudiante)?
is there any particular content you
(Nombre del estudiantes) should clase 13 que los estudiantes estrechen la brecha entre
practice more? el conocimiento actual y las metas esperadas,
evaluación formativa y la forma de lograrlo. Invite a sus alumnos a
La evaluación formativa es un proceso de realizar la evaluación en silencio. Al
evaluación continuo cuyo enfoque considera terminar, revise el desempeño de los alumnos
la evaluación como parte del trabajo con la rúbrica en el Apendice de Material
cotidiano del aula, basado en la búsqueda e Complementario Fotocopiable de la
interpretación de evidencia acerca del logro Unidad 3, página 154.
de los estudiantes respecto a una meta. Se
utiliza para orientar el proceso de enseñanza
- aprendizaje y tomar decisiones oportunas
que beneficien a los estudiantes con el fin


Lesson 3 Brain Fitness
Before listening
Before listening
1. Discuss with your partner.
Una vez que los estudiantes hayan
1 Discuss with your classmates.
leído el texto, solicíteles organizarse
a. How important is it to have a “healthy mind”? en grupo y discutir las preguntas
b. What aspects of our everyday life can affect (positively and negatively) our mental health? indicando: After reading the text
c. s it important to have a healthy body in order to have a healthy mind? What food tell us about culture, in
d. Have you ever heard of the concept “brain fitness”? What do you think it means? groups discuss the questions below.
e. How are the images below related to the concept of “brain fitness”? Explain.
2. Discuss these questions, make

notes and share your answers with
the class.
Invite a los estudiantes a observar las
imágenes y en parejas responder las
preguntas de la actividad indicando:
Look at the pictures in exercise 2.
How old are they? Do you think an
adult brain is different from an
elderly brain? How? Why? In pairs,
read the questions and discuss.
Monitorear. Si el tiempo lo permite,
leer el siguiente extracto donde
encontrará la información a
2 Discuss these questions, make notes and share your answers with the class.
las preguntas realizadas en
esta actividad.
a. How do you think a teenager’s brain is different from an adult’s brain?
b. At what age do you think human brains are fully developed? cierre
c. What are the people in the pictures below doing for their mental health? Explain. Invite a los estudiantes a ver el video
d. How do you think memory changes with age? Explain. sobre como ejercitar sus cerebros: In the
video, you will see some brain exercises
such as mirror writing, line drawing,
read upside down, finger fitness and
magical DIY illusions. Una vez que lo
hayan visto, pídales compartir sus
impresiones con el resto del curso: Have
you ever tried any of these exercises
before? Was it difficult? Mencione a los
estudiantes los beneficios de Finger
fitness señalando lo siguiente: some of
the benefits of finger fitness are:
- Improves hand-eye co-ordination
- Fosters fine motor control
3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 3 73 - Improves sequential memory
- Promotes self-regulation
strategies to workout your brain? Were you - Promotes focused attention and
aware that? deliberate memory
lesson 3 Brain fitness Finalmente, reproduzca nuevamente el
Brain workout plan
Link: video e invítelos a realizar los ejercicios
clase 14
content/uploads/poster_brainArtboard-1.png presentados: Let’s watch the video again
iNicio and give it try!
Proyecte en el pizarrón la infografía Brain Si no cuenta con conexión a internet,
workout plan e invite a los estudiantes a dar resuma el contenido del video de
sus opiniones sobre lo leído realizando las antemano y describalo a sus alumnos.
siguientes preguntas: Can we exercise our 35 Brain training tips
brains? Do you put in practice any if these Link:

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 3 127

While listening

clase 15 Smart Listening

Key words
iNicio 1 34 Listen to some facts about our brain. Which facts did tease
Inicie la clase invitando a los you find most interesting? Take notes in your notebook and mental state
discuss them.
estudiantes a ver un video que relaciona fats
la comida con la memoria, indicando: flax seeds
Watch the video and discuss if food can 2 35 32 Listen to the second part of the text and complete

really help you to boost your memory. these sentences in your Activity Book.
Si no cuenta con conexión a internet, a. Brain fitness has…
Strategy in mind
resuma el contenido del video de b. Focus on fish oils from wild...
antemano y describalo a sus alumnos. c. Stories are a way to solidify… Completing sentences.

Secrets to a Super Memory, Pt 2 d. …exercise is a great “brain exercise” too.

Link: h e. To really help your brain stay young…

While listening 3 35 Listen to the second part once more and answer these questions.
Key words a. Look at the pictures below. In which other ways can you challenge your brain?
Solicite a los estudiantes leer las b. How often is it necessary to meditate to increase your brain fitness?
palabras en la sección Key words e c. Which kind of fat should you eliminate from your diet?
inferir sus significado: Take a look at d. How many hours per day does the average person watch TV?
the words in section Key words. What e. How can learning to cook, for example, improve your brain fitness?
does tease mean? What is the meaning
of mental state? What does fats refer
to? What does engage mean? What Think critically
does the concept flax seeds refer to? Make text-to-world connections
Global average life expectancy
Strategy in mind increased by 5.5 years between
Esta estrategia permite desarrollar en los 2000 and 2016. Due to this fact,
many brain training programs
estudiantes la habilidad de utilizar are offered to seniors all over
claves semánticas y sintácticas de textos the world. Do you think these
con contenidos específicos para training programs should
be part of each nation’s
completar partes de un texto. health care system to promote
Smart listening mental health?

1. 34 Listen to some facts about our Make text-to-self connections

What kind of action can we take
brain. Which facts did you find in order to promote brain fitness
most interesting? Take notes, in in our country? What can we do
your notebook, and discuss them. as a society?
Los estudiantes son invitados a
escuchar el texto, tomar notas y
comentar en parejas lo escuchado
indicando: Let’s listen to the text
Facts about our brains. Take notes of
what you listen and discuss them
with your partner. Monitorear. 74 UN T 3 LESSON 3 3º MED O

2. 35 Listen to the second part of the

text and complete these sentences Your analysis conexiones más grandes que un lector aporta
in your Activity Book. a una situación de lectura. Todos tenemos
Invitar a los alumnos a trabajar en su 1. Listen once more and answer these
ideas sobre cómo funciona el mundo que va
cuaderno de actividades. Reproduzca questions.
más allá de nuestras experiencias personales.
la segunda parte del audio con el fin En parejas, los estudiantes responder las
Aprendemos sobre cosas a través de la
de completar. Indique lo siguiente: preguntas de la actividad. Indique: In
televisión, películas, revistas y periódicos.
Read through the sentences, predict pairs, read the questions of the activity,
Invite a sus estudiantes a hacer conexiones
what types of information you need then listen to the audio again and answer.
del texto con el mundo. Para hacer esto,
for each of them and then listen to cierre puede organizar a los estudiantes en grupos
complete the sentences. Invitar Think critically de a cuatro e invitarlos a responder las
voluntarios a leer las oraciones preguntas presentadas.
Make text-to-world connections
Las conexiones de texto a mundo son las

128 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 3 3º MEDIO

After listening
Indique a los alumnos a leer las
Language in use Adverbs oraciones de la i a la iii, poner
atención a las palabras destacadas e
1. 36 Read and listen to the following sentences, paying special attention to the highlighted
words in bold. What do they convey?
identificar su uso de la siguiente
manera: Read sentence in exercise 1
a. manner
in the Language in use section. What
b. attitude
do the highlighted words have in
c. focus on specific information
common? What do they convey:
i. Frankly, don’t think spend too many hours in front of the TV. manner attitude or focus on specific
ii. Meditating has surprisingly helped me to develop concentration. information? Agregue: Adverbs of
iii. The first thing we eliminated from our diet was trans fats, clearly. manner modify the verbs telling us the
way something was done.

Adverbs can indicate “attitude”. n this particular case, the adverb is not related to the relationship
between subject and action.
1. Create four sentences in your
Example: Activity Book, using the following
Attitude: Clearly, it was a matter of time to see her change her diet. adverbs.
Relationship subject/action: Now, she can clearly see the consequences of her bad habit. Indique a los estudiantes lo siguiente:
Use the target adverbs of manner
and contextualize then in sentences
1 32 Create four sentences in your Activity Book, using the following adverbs. related to the topic of the lesson.
easily drastically frequently differently 2. What do these phrases from the
audio track mean? Write your
explanations in your Activity Book.
2 33 What do these phrases from the audio track mean? Write your explanations in the Indique a los estudiantes que en su
Activity Book. cuaderno de actividades deberán
a. solidify memories explicar el significado de los
b. challenge your brain conceptos indicados según el
c. help your brain stay young contexto. Señale: In your notebook,
write what those expressions mean
according to what you heard in the
3 Read and discuss this question in groups. Share your ideas with the whole class.
second audio. Organice a los
estudiantes en grupos de 3 o 4 para
comentar sus respuestas indicando:
According to the CNTV, during 2017, an average Chilean Organize in small groups and share
spent 813 hours consuming TV. Taking this fact into
consideration, what kind of initiatives would you promote to your answers. Monitorear. Pida
encourage people to turn off the TV? voluntario para leer sus respuestas
frente al curso: (Nombre del
estudiante) would you like to read
your answers, please?

3. Read and discuss this question in
groups. Share your ideas with the
3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 3 75 whole class.
En el mismo grupo en el que
trabajaron en la actividad anterior,
Make text-to-self connections. o 4 integrantes y dar sus opiniones respecto invitar a los estudiantes a dar sus
Al hacer conexiones de texto a su propia de la pregunta: Do we have any particular opiniones en torno a la pregunta
realidad, los estudiantes recurren a sus food manners that differentiate us from indicada: In the same groups, read the
conocimientos y experiencias anteriores para others Latin American countries?
conectarse con el texto. Para solicitar a los question below and discuss with your
alumnos que realicen conexiones de texto a desarrollo partners. Monitorear. Leer la pregunta
sí mismos, invítelos a reflexionar sobre la after listening frente al curso e invitarlos a dar
pregunta señalada. sus opiniones.
language in use Adverbs
clase 16 1. Read and listen to the following
iNicio sentences, paying special attention to
Se sugiere al docente comenzar la clase the highlighted words in bold. What do
organizando a los estudiantes en grupos de 3 they convey?

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 3 129

Speaking Talking about mental health

clase 17 1. Preparing to speak

a. Read the results of a study about anxiety,
iNicio depression and insomia during the Covid-19
Se sugiere comenzar la clase pandemic and discuss which results you found
surprising, interesting or worrying.
discutiendo la siguiente pregunta para
contextualizar la siguiente actividad:
What is mental health?
Posteriormente, lea la siguiente
definición a los estudiantes: Anxiety, depression and insomnia:
According to Medical News Today,
mental health refers to our cognitive,
the impact of COVID-19 on mental health

behavioral, and emotional wellbeing - it COVID-19 patients are at an increased risk of being diagnosed with anxiety,
is all about how we think, feel, and depression or insomnia. Here’s a closer look at how the SARS-CoV-2 virus can impact
behave. The term ‘mental health’ is your mental health:
sometimes used to mean an absence of ◆ Recent research has revealed that within three months of testing positive, almost 20% of
a mental disorder. people diagnosed with COVID-19 had psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, depression
or insomnia.
Mental health can affect daily life,
◆ One in four of those people had not received a psychiatric
relationships, and even physical health.
diagnosis before. The researchers said that the results are
Mental health also includes a person’s possibly underestimates of the actual number of cases.
ability to enjoy life - to attain a balance
◆ Researchers also found that people with a pre-existing
between life activities and efforts to
psychiatric disorder were 65% more likely to be diagnosed
achieve psychological resilience. with COVID-19 than those without.
The researchers say this finding was unexpected and needs
speaking further investigation. In the meantime, they say, having a
Talking about psychiatric disorder should be added to the list of risk
mental health factors for COVID-19.

En esta actividad, los estudiantes ◆ Sufferers of “long COVID” – who are still experiencing
symptoms months after testing positive – also appear to
deberán presentar su opinión respecto
experience mental health issues, which can be caused by
del texto leído. a range of factors including post-traumatic stress disorder
1. Preparing to speak. (PTSD), lethargy, fatigue and olfactory disorders such as a
loss of their sense of smell.
a. Read the results of a study about
anxiety, depression and insomia ◆ Even for those who have not tested positive, lockdown
during the Covid-19 pandemic and measures have increased feelings of loneliness, isolation,
restlessness and anxiety, as millions of people have been forced to adapt
discuss which results you found to new realities and make drastic lifestyle changes.
surprising, interesting or worrying. More and more people are seeking crisis mental health services as a result of
Solicite a los estudiantes leer el COVID-19.
texto para luego comentar con un ◆ Pandemics have had a tremendous impact on the mental health of affected populations
compañero sus impresiones throughout history. For example, there are reports that say that the Ebola virus caused
indicando: Read the text Anxiety, “widespread panic and anxiety, depression caused by the sudden deaths of friends,
relatives, and colleagues, and stigmatization and social exclusion of survivors.”
depression and insomnia: the
impact of COVID-19 on mental
health and discuss your 76 UN T 3 LESSON 3 3º MED O

impressions with a partner.

130 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 3 3º MEDIO

The Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1919 also had a long-standing Lea en voz alta la información del
impact on the mental health of survivors as a result of the massive cuadro. Invítelos a trabajar indicandoles
and sudden loss of life which led many people into a chronic state of lo siguiente: Using the prompts in the
helplessness and anxiety.
box, evaluate the partner you
◆ Even though the link between pandemics and mental health is well- practiced with.
documented and researched, there is still more research needed to
fully understand the causes and solutions. Scientists are still examining cierre
how COVID-19 affects the brain and the central nervous system to
determine how much that plays a role in receiving a diagnosis vs the exit slip
trauma of suffering with symptoms, and in some cases avoiding death. En esta sección los estudiantes deben
auto evaluarse enfocándose en sus
Adapted from: Anxiety, depression and insomnia: The impact of covid-19 on mental fortalezas y sus debilidades. Invite a los
estudiantes a compartir los resultados de

health. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Retrieved June 10, 2022, from

su autoevaluación y evaluar que

2. Practicing estrategias podrían utilizar para poder
Take notes of the facts you think are surprising, interesting or worrying in the article. Write some conseguir el o los objetivos menos
attitude adverbs, such as ‘sadly’, ‘unfortunately’, etc., next to the facts to help you convey the logrados.
meaning you want when sharing your opinion.
3. Performing Los contenidos de esta unidad pueden
Take turns to present your opinion to the rest of the group. Add if you agree with your classmates or ser reforzados a través de las
not. Explain why. actividades 9 y 10 del libro de
4. Evaluating actividades.
Use the prompts in the box to evaluate your classmates’ performance. Provide valuable feedback to
your partners.

My classmates...
made use of correct tone and volume of voice.
made use of correct pronunciation and intonation.
expressed her/his opinion coherently.
showed confidence.
made use of appropriate attitude adverbs to
convey meaning.

Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.

5 things ’ve learned
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
3 things that need improvement learned today...
2 questions have
1 thing would like to learn more about

3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 3 77

2. Practicing 3. Performing
Take notes of the facts you think are Take turns to present your opinion with the
surprising, interesting or worrying in the rest of the group. When finishing, make
study. Write some adverbs next to each of some comments of the points you share
the facts, to help you convey the meaning and the points you do not agree with.
you want when sharing your opinion. Invite a los estudiantes a presentar sus
Invite a los estudiantes a seguir las impresiones frente a otra compañero.
instrucciones de esta actividad: Read the
instruction of this section of the activity. 4. Performing
Remember to use adverbs of manner in Use the prompts in the box to evaluate
your exposition. your classmates’ performance. Provide
valuable feedback to your partners.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 3 131

Lesson 4 Healthy happiness

lesson 4 Healthy happyness

1 Discuss. Share your conclusions with the class.
clase 18 a. What is happiness to you?
iNicio b. Look at the pictures. What do you think make them happy?
c. What do you feel when you feel happy?
Invitar a los estudiantes a ver y opinar
d. Do you think happiness is good for health? Why?
en torno a que es la felicidad indicando:
e. How does your body express happiness?
Watch the video What is Happiness?
f. Do you think happiness may have effects on relationships or work?
Learn How to Be Happy In Life and
discuss with your partners whether it is

difficult or not to make a change to be

happy, and can we spread this
happiness to society.
What is Happiness? Learn How to Be
Happy In Life

1. Discuss. Share your conclusions 2 Read a part of the lyrics of a very famous song and discuss with your partner.
with the class.
a. What does it mean when it says “But when you worry you make it double”?
Los estudiantes, en grupos de 3 o 4
estudiantes, dan sus opiniones b. What’s the attitude described in the second verse? Explain.

fundamentadas respecto de las

preguntas presentadas en la actividad.
In groups discuss the question and
support your answers. Monitorear.
Don’t wor��, be happy
by Bobby McFer�in
Elegir alumnos en forma aleatoria
para dar su opinión indicando:
Here’s a little song I wrote
(Nombre del alumno) what is Don’t wor�� Ain’t got no place to lay your head
You might want to sing it note for note
happiness for you? What kind of Don’t wor��, be happy (Ooh) be happy Somebody came and took your bed
things makes you feel happy (Nombre In ever� life we have some t�ouble (Ooh) don’t wor��, be happy Don’t wor��, be happy
del alumno)? etc. (Ooh) don’t wor�� The landlord say’ your rent is late
But when you wor�� you make it double
(Ooh) be happy He may have to litigate
2. Read to part of the lyrics of a very Don’t wor��, be happy
(Ooh) don’t wor��, be happy Don’t wor��, be happy
famous song and discuss with your Don’t wor��, be happy now
Invite a los estudiantes a leer parte de
la canción Don’t worry be happy Taken from:

indicando: Don’t worry be happy is a

song written by Bobby Mcferrin that 3 Find the song and play it in class. Do you like it? Why?
topped the charts 30 years ago. Read
part of the lyrics and discuss the
questions below with a group of 78 UN T 3 LESSON 4 3º MED O

3. Find the song and play it in class. cierre
Do you like it? Why?
A partir de la canción escuchada en la
Los estudiantes escuchan y expresan
actividad previa, invite a los alumnos a
su opinión sobre la canción. Si es
expresar su opinión señalando: Discuss with
posible entregue a los estudiantes una
your partners. Why don’t we need to worry
guía con la letra de la canción.
when we have a problem? Laughing is highly
contagious. Are worries contagious as well?
What kind of things should “worry” us?
How may “not worrying” be beneficial for
our physical and mental health?

132 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 4 3º MEDIO

Before reading

1 Is there a formula to be happy? For Dr. Amit Sood, there is one. Read the text below desarrollo
and discuss the questions. Before reading
a. Why is it important to work with expectation? 1. Is there a formula to be happy?
b. Do you need to put equal effort into caring for yourself and others? For Dr. Amit Sood, there is one.
c. What do you understand by “nurturing”? Read the text below and discuss
d. What are the 2 formulas for happiness? the questions.
Organice a los estudiantes en grupos
e indíqueles que discutan las
preguntas de la actividad.
Monitorear. Posteriormente, invítelos
The key to happiness in a compartir sus ideas con el resto del

2 simple formulas curso: In groups, discuss the
questions in exercise 1. Then, share
“H = R-E, or happiness equals reality minus expectations” Dr. Sood says.
them with the rest of the class to
Dr. Sood has spent his career
researching the keys to cierre
happiness, and says it can be
much simpler than some people
Invite a sus alumnos a compartir las
make it. A lot of it, he says, preguntas que discutieron en grupos con
comes down to focusing on the el resto de la clase, y explicar si están
things you can control. de acuerdo con el texto o no,
“You cannot always change justificando sus respuestas. Dígales:
reality, but you can always work Now, let’s share the opinions you
with expectation” he says. “And discussed with the rest of the class.
the more your expectations Make sure to express if you agree or
are reasonable, perhaps a little disagree with the text and explain why.
lower, the happier you will be.”
Social Media is usually deceptive when portraying “real life”.
Along with managing your
expectations, Dr. Sood says happiness can also be maximized by putting
equal effort into caring for yourself and others.
“ f have four pieces of chocolate, can give you all four. t’ll make you
happy; it’ll make me miserable” Dr. Sood says.
“ can eat all four. t’ll make me happy, and it’ll make you miserable.
think true happiness is in eating two chocolates yourself and giving away
two. So you are nurturing yourself, and you are nurturing others. t is in this
synergy, in this combination that you will find the greatest happiness.”
So if you need more happiness in your life, just remember two simple
formulas: two for me plus two for you equals happiness, and happiness =
R-E, or reality minus expectations.


3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 4 79

clase 19 from 5 to over 100 years old people about

the question What makes you happy?, this is
iNicio what people said:
Iniciar la clase invitando a los estudiantes a What Makes You Happy? | 0-100
escuchar una encuesta sobre la felicidad para Link:
luego compartir sus impresiones. Si no
cuenta con conexión a internet, puede
preparar la encuesta de antemano, escribirla,
y darle los datos a los alumnos de forma oral
Indique: In a survey conducted to people

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 4 133

clase 19
While reading
While reading Key words
= S + C + V
our genetic conditions (things we voluntary conditions
Genetic predisposition predisposition can’t change: ethnicity, (things we can change:
iNicio Voluntary condition (accounts for for example) jobs, relationships,
Key words
roughly 50%) hobbies, location)
Healthy behaviors
Emotional payoffs
Solicite a los estudiantes leer las Metropolitan areas
Percentage of happy Americans by age

palabras en la sección Key words e 100

inferir sus significado señalando: Take a Health 80

look at the words in section Key words. 60

According to the topic of lesson: What Percentage of adults who exercise 40

does healthy behaviors refer to? What 30+ minutes, 5+ days a week


would emotional playoffs mean? What 27% 18-30 years 18

is genetic predisposition? What does 25% 31-49
28% 50-64
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90+

voluntary condition mean? What are 31% 65+

Healthy behaviors, like exercising and
eating right, have bigger emotional
Metropolitan areas? Exercise benefits: payoffs for lower-income individuals
• Releases endorphins (those who earn less than $36.000 a year).
Strategy in mind • Reduces stress Healthier people are
Strategy in mind • Prevents depression
La estrategia a desarrollar a través de • mproves sleep
happier than average.
Skimming and scanning for
estas actividades es Skimming and specific information.
• ncreases energy levels
• Builds muscle tone 26%
Scanning. Indicar a los estudiantes lo of Americans are obese.
siguiente: Skimming and scanning are Numbers of days with at least Americans spend as much as
two very different strategies for speed 30 minutes of exercise and
reported stress, happiness levels 90%
reading and they are used for different of their lives indoors.

purposes. Skimming refers to looking Drugs like nicotine and alcohol will, over
time, reduce the levels of serotonin and
only for the general or main ideas. Happiness
dopamine, the chemicals in your brain
Scanning is used to look only for a Stress that control when you feel happy.

specific fact or piece of information 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Only 48%

of Americans consider
without reading everything. themselves “very happy”.

desarrollo Marriage protects against normal

declines in happiness during
Smart reading adulthood which happens over time.
1. Before you read the text, find and Relationships Religiously speaking
underline the key words. Smart reading - The very religious, which
accounts from around 41% of
En esta actividad los alumnos aplican 1. Before you read the text, find adults, are much happier than the
el concepto de Scanning. con el fin the key words and write them
6 - 7 hours:
less-religious and non - believers.
- People with more than 10 friends
in your notebook.
de identificar palabras claves the amount of time spent in their congregation were
2. Skim the text and, with a
asociadas a las diferentes partes del partner, talk about 3 facts
socializing each day that
makes people happiest.
texto y su relación con el tema del that caught your attention
as happy in life as those who had
no friends in their congregation.
texto. Señale: Scan the text and and explain why.
Over the last few decades, - Nuns who expressed faith and
underline the words you think are women have become less happy optimism in their journals were
more likely to live longer than
keys words in the text. with their lives compared to men.
those who didn’t.

2. Skim the text and, with a partner,

talk about 3 facts that caught your 80 UN T 3 LESSON 4 3º MED O

attention and explain why.

Pida a los estudiantes organizarse en
parejas y comentar 3 hechos que le
llamaron la atención, justificando la Invite a los estudiantes a cerrar la clase
respuesta de la siguiente forma: Skim respondiendo, en una palabra, la pregunta
the text and find out 3 facts that What makes you feel happy?
caught your attention. With a partner
make comments, supporting your

134 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 4 3º MEDIO

- A research shows that both lottery winners and paralyzed accident victims
found their happiness levels went back to their previous life / before tragedy Your analysis
happiness levels in less than a year. Think critically
1. Answer in your notebook.
- Only 48% of Americans consider themselves “very happy”.
According to the text... Make text-to-world connections
Happiest States in the US a. which are the top 5 Las conexiones de texto a mundo son
1. Hawaii happiest countries in las conexiones más grandes que un
2. North Dakota
3. Minnesota
the world?
b. what is the effect of nicotine
lector aporta a una situación de lectura.
4. Alaska and alcohol consumption? Todos tenemos ideas sobre cómo
Location 5. Utah
6. Colorado
c. what are the benefits funciona el mundo que va más allá de
7. Kansas
of exercising? nuestras experiencias personales.
d. how many hours a
8. Nebraska
day do happy people Aprendemos sobre cosas a través de la
Happiest countries
9. New Hampshire
spend socializing? televisión, películas, revistas y
10. Montana
e. which are the happiest periódicos. A menudo son las

9. Canada 10. Sweden
7. Finland 4. Switzerland
careers? conexiones de texto a mundo que los
2. Norway 2. What do these numbers from profesores intentan mejorar cuando
1. Denmark
the text refer to? Answer in
your notebook.
enseñan lecciones de ciencias, estudios
3. Netherlands a. 90% sociales y literatura. Un ejemplo de una
b. $75.000 conexión de texto a mundo sería cuando
11. USA
5. Austria
6. srael c. 6 - 7 hours un estudiante dice: “Vi en la televisión
d. 30 + minutes
e. $36.000 una entrevista en que se hablaba de las
8. Australia
cosas que se describen en el texto”.
People who live in large metropolitan areas are happier and healthier than their Invite a sus estudiantes a hacer
rural counterparts: fewer are obese, fewer smoke cigarettes, more visit the dentist conexiones del texto con el mundo. Para
hacer esto, puede organizar a los
and they have easier access to fruits and vegetables.

Happiness brings us more estudiantes en grupos de a cuatro y

dígales: What would be the facts that
Career success, not vice-versa
make “urban” people happier that
The happiest careers are ones which involve
serving other people. Tops go to: those who live in rural areas?
1. Clergy
33% 2. Firefighters Make text-to-self connections.
Al hacer conexiones de texto a su
of people say they are very 3. Reservation agents
happy with their jobs.
30% of workers are engaged in their work, propia realidad, los estudiantes recurren
meaning they are involved, enthusiastic and a sus conocimientos y experiencias
93% contribute positively. Think critically
of people are happiest 52% are not engaged and anteriores para conectarse con el texto.
when they use their skills 18% are actively disengaged.
Make text-to-world connections
Why are “urban” people happier
Para solicitar a los alumnos que realicen
and strengths for 10+ Engaged workers are just about as happy on than those who live in rural conexiones de texto a sí mismos,
invítelos a reflexionar sobre la pregunta
hours. However, this refers the weekdays as they are on the weekends.
to only about 1 in 4 adults.
Beyond a household income of Make text-to-self connections señalada: Do you think Chileans living
$75.000 Do you think Chileans living in in urban areas are happier than those
a year, money does nothing for happiness. urban areas are happier than who live in rural areas? Support your
those who live in rural areas?
“My philosophy is, if you can’t laugh at yourself, life is Why? answer.
going to be pretty terrible for you”
-Alvin Wong, NY Times’ happiest American
Taken and adapted from:

3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 4 81

clase 20 desarrollo
Your analysis
Solicite voluntarios para leer las preguntas
Invite a los estudiantes a debatir en torno a la de la actividad 1 y 2 de la sección Your
siguiente información. En lo posible analysis. Luego organice a los estudiantes en
reproducir la canción: Since the 2013 grupos de 3 estudiantes y solicíteles
premiere of Pharrell William’s music video responderlas indicando: With the members of
for “happy”, people all over the globe have your group, read the text again and answer
created their own dance videos to the the questions in activity 1 and 2. Monitorear.
“infectious” hit song because it made them Motive a los estudiantes a leer las respuestas
feel happy. What do you think is the relation frente al curso para revisar: Who wants to
between happiness and music? read question a?

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 4 135

After reading

clase 21
Language in use Provided that / As long as
1. Read these examples. What’s the function of the words in bold? Discuss.
after reading a. Provided that he quits fast food, he can change his fitness routine.
language in use: Provided that b. You’ll sleep well soon, as long as you go to the doctor to treat your snoring problem!
/ As long as Provided that and As long as are used when the speaker / writer wants to establish specific
1. Read these examples. What’s the conditions or set limits on a situation. As long as is more common in spoken language; while
provided (that) is more formal and more common in written language.
function of the words in bold?
Pida a dos estudiantes leer las 1 Write 2 sentences in your notebook, based on the pictures below. Use the expressions as long
as and provided that.
oraciones de la actividad 1 de la

sección Language in use, analizar las

palabras en negrita e identificar su
uso. Indicar: Read the sentences,
analyze them. Pay attention to the
words in bold. What is the function
that conjunctions Provided that and
As long as have in those sentences?
Posteriormente, señale: Conjunctions
are used to connect phrases, clauses,
and sentences in order to form Language in use Comparing and Contrasting
complex sentences. Provided that
and As long as are subordinating 1. Read the examples below. What do the expression in bold want to convey in each sentence?
conjunctions, that means that they a. UK government has offered brain training programs for many years, just as the Chilean
are used to connect a clause that government lately.
cannot stand alone and connect it to b. n European countries, this program has been available in the private health system, while in
Chile, this benefit is only for those people in the public system.
another to make a complex sentence.
2. Use the expressions below to replace the target expression in exercise 1.
1. Write 2 sentences in your
in the same way nevertheless on the other hand as well as
notebook, based on the pictures
below. Use the expressions as long
as and provided that. 2 33 In pairs, discuss about the things that make you feel happy and why. Fill in the Venn

Pida a los estudiantes poner en Diagram in your Activity Book with the things you agree with and differ from.

practica lo que han aprendido de la

sección Language in Use indicando: Writing About the happiest moment of your life
Use the target conjunctions to write 1. Organizing ideas
sentences based on the pictures a. Read these sentences. What are the people describing? Discuss.
below in your notebook. Let’s read - “Spending a day at the beach by myself and feeling alive, serene, and actually enjoying
them to the class to check. Escriba being alone.”
algunos aportes en el pizarrón. - “My wedding day was the happiest day of my life.”
- “When created a piece of work and someone bought it.”
language in use comparing and
82 UN T 3 LESSON 4 3º MED O
1. Read the examples below. What
do the expression in bold want to
convey in each sentence? las frases indicadas por las presentadas en discutir sobre en tema indicado y comparar
Pida a dos estudiantes leer las la actividad. Señale: Replace the target y contrastar sus resultados. Indicar: In
oraciones de la actividad 1 de esta expression in 1 with those presented pairs talk about things that make you feel
sección, analizar las palabras en above. Is there any other expression we happy and why. Then compare and
negrita e identificar su uso indicando: can use to convey the same meaning? contrast the features you have in common
Read the sentences, paying attention and those you differ from.
1. In pairs, discuss about the things
to the words in bold. What do they makes you feel happy and why. In
want to convey? your notebook, make a Venn Diagram
2. Use the expressions below to and Fill in the Venn Diagram, in your
replace the target expression in Activity Book, with the things you
exercise 1. agree with and differ from.
Solicite a los estudiantes reemplazar Pida a los estudiantes trabajar en parejas,

136 UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 4 3º MEDIO

b. Think about the happiest day of your life. In your notebook, make a plan of the information you will
include, following this structure. Writing
First paragraph: Set the scene (Who, where and where).
about the happiest
Second paragraph: Write the main part of the story, and the background of the event.
moment of your life
Third paragraph: Write the climax of the story and the outcomes.
En esta etapa de la lección, los
2. Drafting
estudiantes deben organizar sus ideas
Use your notes to write the draft of your story. nclude the content covered during the lesson.
con el fin de escribir sobre el día más
feliz de sus vidas: Individually, you will
Remember that when writing a story you should: have to write a short text about the
• use narrative sentences in past tense (simple, continuous, happiest day of your life. Read the steps
past perfect or past perfect continuous).
carefully. If you have any questions, feel
• adjectives and adverbs to make your story more descriptive.
confident to ask. Monitorear. Indicarles

• use adverbs of sequence to describe the order of the events.
el tiempo asignado a cada etapa de la
3. Revising
Read the prompts in the box to check your draft and improve or complete cierre
the story. Editor’s Marks exit slip
4. Editing Capital letter /
En esta sección, los estudiantes deben
Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, using the Editor’s Marks. auto evaluarse. Conversar con cada uno
de ellos para cerciorarse en que aspectos
5. Publishing
a. Exchange a copy of your story with another partner.
Add a word
necesitan ejercitación extra o apoyo:
b. Evaluate your classmate’s work, using the prompts in the box. Provide s Check spelling What contents do you need to improve?
valuable feedback. Change place What contents do you think you manage
well? Do you have any questions?

The text...
includes all elements of a story.
follows a coherent and cohesive structure.
makes use of appropriate orthographic rules.

Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.

5 things ’ve learned
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
3 things that need improvement learned today...
2 questions have
1 thing would like to learn more about

3º MED O UN T 3 LESSON 4 83

cierre clase 22
Think critically iNicio
Los estudiantes comentan en grupo las Comenzar la clase con un breve debate,
preguntas de la sección Think critically. indicando lo siguiente: According to some
Monitorear. Invitarlos a compartir sus researches, happy people are more likely to
opiniones con la clase: In groups, make give charity. Actually, Pharrell William’s
comments on the questions in section Think Grammys hat was auctioned for $44.000.
critically. Then share your opinions with the That money went to From One Hand to
rest of your partners. Another, a charity that helps children learn
through technology and the arts. Do you think
there is a relationship between happiness and
charity? Support your answers.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 lEccIóN 4 137


sUBJecT coNNecTioNs 1 Discuss the questions.

Physical education a. Students who are physically active tend to have better grades, school attendance, and
classroom behaviors. What do you think the reason for this is?
En esta sección, los estudiantes b. Why is, for most people, so difficult to start doing physical activity and being constant?
establecen vínculos entre la lengua
inglesa y otras disciplinas (Educación
Física). En esta ocasión, los estudiantes 2 37 Listen and say what the American Heart Association’s opinion is about...
escucharán, analizarán e interpretarán a. the kind of physical activity people should do.

un reportaje que habla sobre la relación b. people with disabilities or chronic conditions.
entre la actividad física y la salud. c. the relationship between physical activity and muscles.
d. consulting a health-care provider.
Para introducir el tema, inicie una breve
discusión en torno a la siguiente Listen again and decide which of these statements are true. Discuss and explain.

información: In January 2019, the a. Aerobics are exercises that are good for people’s health.
Ministerio del Deporte presented the b. When people get older, muscles lose strength and flexibility.
results of the survey Encuesta Nacional c. People who have a chronic condition need appropriate physical activity.
de Actividad Física y Deportes 2018, d. People who enjoy regular physical activity have lower death rates than the rest of the people.
which showed that the 81,3% of Chilean e. People with heart disease that are physically fit live longer and are prone to have fewer
population are inactive or fairly active. heart attacks.
Pauline Kantor, Minister of Sports, said
that the challenge is improving 4 Final debate: Discuss about the reasons behind this figure and what kind of actions can
infrastructure, and offering sport be taken to lower this rate. Use the pictures below to support your answer.
activities in squares and parks. What
other measures should the government According to CDC Healthy Schools (Centers of Disease Control and Prevention),
take to lower this rate? only 27.1% of high school students in the United States participates in, at least,
60 minutes per day of physical activity on all 7 days of the week.
1. Discuss the questions.
En parejas, los estudiantes comentan
las preguntas de esta sección
indicando: In groups, discuss the
questions in exercise 1. Monitorear.
Invitar a los estudiantes a compartir
sus opiniones con el resto del curso.
2. 37 Listen and say what is what
the American Heart Association’s
opinion about...
Los estudiantes leen las preguntas
para luego escuchar el reportaje. 84 UN T 3 SUBJECT CONNECT ONS 3º MED O
Señale: In groups of 3, read the
questions. Listen to the audio and
answer those questions. those questions. Check your answers with
a partner.
3. Listen again and decide which of
these statements are true. Discuss cierre
and explain. 4. Final debate. Discuss about the reasons
Pida a un voluntario leer las behind this figure and what kind of ac-
preguntas de esta actividad. Pregunte: tions can be taken to lower this rate.
(Nombre del alumno) can you read En grupos, los estudiantes comentan sobre
the questions in exercise 3? Invítelos la información presentada en el cuadro,
a escuchar nuevamente el texto y respecto de la cantidad de horas otorgadas
responder las preguntas: Let’s listen a la actividad física por estudiantes de
again and find out the answers to secundaria en Estados Unidos.


L TERARY C RCLE líneas para encontrar la información. Si
es necesario, lea las preguntas con toda
la clase y deles ejemplos y explique el
1 Read the excerpt from Go ask Alice. Discuss the questions, orally. Explain your answers. vocabulario que no sea familiar a sus
alumnos. Mientras los grupos trabajan,
observe y brinde ayuda. Aliéntelos a
justificar sus respuestas.
Dígales: “Read the text and answer the
questions below. Then, share your
December 4
answers with the whole class, and
ry , support your answers with contextual
Dear Dia ore. I don’t
tn’t diet anym true, I had information”.

sa ys I m us
Mama Well, It’s
hy she cares. not
really know w o w ee ks , bu t I know it´s cierre
r tw th at.
a bad cold fo causing it. I am sure of
th at is Desafíe a sus alumnos a ahondar en la
the diet morning I was
be so wrong? This ast última pregunta que acaban de
How ca n sh e it for breakf responder, de manera que compartan
m y us ua l half grapefru ld ea t so me
having r, I th in k you shou qué “tips” o consejos le darían a Alice
“D ea o” And e sh
and she said some milk to
eg gs an d… respecto de su alimentación. Luego de
bread and ead and a
t a slice of br eso, invítelos a decidir si creen que
made me ea bacon!
g and a little Alice lleva un estilo de vida sano o no,
scrambled eg
ly, at least,
four y que justifiquen sus respuestas.
That’s probab , maybe five, or six, Dígales: “Think a little bit more about
hundred calo more.
hu nd red calories the last question. What tips would you
or seven
e my own give Alice regarding her eating habits?
ust let me liv
I think she m on ’t like Do you think she’s leading a healthy
ld know I d
life. She shou wei gh t, it lifestyle? Why? Support your answers”.
I am over
myself when .
el sad
makes me fe

a. How does Alice feel? Why?

b. What is Alice trying to do?
c. How did Alice’s mother try to help her?
d. Do you think Alice has a healthy lifestyle?
e. What tips would you give Alice?


clase 24 dietas, y que compartan sus respuestas con

sus compañeros. Dígales: “Have you ever
gone on a diet? What did you do? What food
did you eat? Were they effective? Share your
liTerarY circle
answers with your partners.”
Pregunte a sus alumnos si alguna vez han
seguido alguna dieta para mejorar su salud. Explíqueles que van a leer el texto con la
Motívelos a que compartan los regímenes intención de encontrar información para
que siguieron y si estos dieron o no responder las preguntas que se proveen.
resultados. Luego de eso, invítelos a Será necesario que lo lean cuidadosamente.
reflexionar sobre la efectividad de estas Podrán utilizar la estrategia de leer entre


clase 25 PROJECT: Healthy Habits Poster

ProJecT: Healthy
Habits Poster Pictures of healthy
activities and habits
Un proyecto es una actividad grupal 1 large piece of
cardboard Markers
donde los alumnos (as) deben crear un
producto. En esta ocasión los
estudiantes deben realizar un poster
Preparation III. Presentation
sobre hábitos saludables según I.

rango etario. 1. Work in groups of 5. You will make a poster 1. Present your research and poster to your
of 4 healthy activities and/or habits for people classmates.
Se sugiere solicitar los materiales la of a particular age and present it to your
clase previa al proyecto. Si es posible, classmates. IV. Evaluation

se sugiere realizar la actividad en el 2. Elaborate an action plan for the project. After you finished the presentation, reflect on your
laboratorio de computación. Before you start, read the rubric carefully in work and evaluate you group’s performance,
order to know, in advance, the components according to the following scale (answer in your
i. Preparation that will be evaluated. notebook):
Se sugiere realizar un modelo del Note: f possible, work in the computer lab to
proyecto con el fin de presentarlo como search for information and make the poster. 4 Excellent
Ask your computer lab assistant for technical
referencia a los estudiantes. Pida un support.
3 Good
voluntario para leer al curso la 2 Satisfactory
1 Needs improvements
instrucción de la sección Preparación. II. Procedure
Presénteles el resultado final del 1. Your teacher will assign each group an The group... Score
proyecto realizado por usted con age range.
worked collaboratively and responsibly
antelación, de manera que los alumnos 20’s and 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s towards the common goal.
4 3 2 1

vean en forma concreta y tangible lo 2. Find some reliable sources (web pages or
completed the assigned work on time. 4 3 2 1
que se espera: Indique: experts’ opinions) to learn about healthy
habits of the people of the age range you
This is my poster about Healhty Habits. were assigned. Consider food, physical
presented all the information required. 4 3 2 1

Read the steps of the project. activity and mental health.

health acknowledged the source of
4 3 2 1
Monitorear. 3. Once you have gathered all the data, make a
information properly.

draft of the information you will include in followed the instructions carefully. 4 3 2 1
ii. Procedure your poster:
developed awareness about the
Incentive a los estudiante a trabajar de • Title importance of having healthy habits 4 3 2 1
manera ordenada y tranquila para lograr • Age range characteristics regardless of the age.
• Healthy habits and their benefits
un buen resultado. Indique el tiempo
4. Make your Poster.
asignado para esta sección de la
5. Be prepared to present your work to
actividad. Señale: I’ll assign you an age your partners.
group to work with, and according to
that, you will have to make a poster
presenting healthy activities or habits
for people of that age. Read the
instructions in the Procedure, carefully.
If any questions, raise your hand, and 86 UN T 3 PROJECT 3º MED O

I´ll go to your place to help you.

Monitorear. Al final de cada presentación, entregar
iii. Presentation retroalimentación a cada pareja acerca de
la presentación.
Dígales que en esta etapa deben
presentar su proyecto.

iV. evaluation
Terminadas las presentaciones, puede
invitar a los estudiantes a evaluarse:
Now it is time to reflect on your work
according to the scale below.


F NAL CHECK final debate
Invite a los estudiantes a formar grupos
y discutir la importancia que puede
1 In your notebook, write a 150-word paragraph, explaining the benefits of thinking 10 points tener en nuestra vida el humor y tener
positively and having healthy habits. una mente activa. Dígales: Stephen
Hawking said: “Keeping an active mind
2 33 38 Listen to how some food can contribute to our happiness and complete 12 points
has been vital to my survival, as has
the chart in your Activity Book. been maintaining a sense of humor”.
Discuss the importance that an active
mind and humor can have in our lives.
3 Read the text and answer the questions in your notebook. 6 points
Interpret your results

Effects of Social Media and Need for Digital Detox Una vez que los estudiantes hayan
Social media negatively affects a great “unplugging” or taking a “digital detox” analizado e identificado sus fortalezas y
proportion of “constant checkers”, is important for their mental health. debilidades en cuanto al logro de los
compared with those who do not check However, only 28 percent of those who objetivos de la unidad, invite a los
their phones as frequently. More than say this actually report doing so. alumnos a reflexionar sobre su
two in five “constant checkers” (42 Taking a “digital detox” is one of the desempeño interpretando sus resultados
percent) say that political and cultural
discussions on social media cause them
most helpful ways to manage stress según la tabla.
related to technology use” “Constant
stress, compared with 33 percent of checkers” could benefit from limiting
non-constant checkers. Additionally, 42 their use of technology and presence on clase 28
percent of “constant checkers” say they social media. Adults, and particularly
worry about negative effects of social parents, should set a good example for
media on their physical and mental
evaluación formativa
children when it comes to a healthy
health, compared with 27 percent of relationship with technology. La evaluación formativa es un proceso
people who don’t check as often. de evaluación continuo cuyo enfoque
Almost two-thirds of Americans (65 Taken and adapted from:
releases/2017/02/checking-devices.aspx considera la evaluación como parte del
percent) strongly agree that periodically trabajo cotidiano del aula, basado en la
búsqueda e interpretación de evidencia
a. What kind of information causes stress in “constant checkers”? acerca del logro de los estudiantes
b. Why is a digital detox beneficial? respecto a una meta. Se utiliza para
c. How many people do actually do a digital detox? orientar el proceso de enseñanza -
aprendizaje y tomar decisiones
4 Final debate: Stephen Hawking said: “Keeping an active mind has been vital to my oportunas que beneficien a los
10 points
survival, as has been maintaining a sense of humor”. Discuss the importance that an estudiantes con el fin que los
active mind and humor can have in our lives. estudiantes estrechen la brecha entre el
nterpret your results conocimiento actual y las metas
esperadas, y la forma de lograrlo. Invite
(38 points))
(30 - 37 points)
(22 - 29 points)
Not good enough
(21 or less points) a sus alumnos a realizar la evaluación
You are achieving the You are very well prepared. Your performance can You need to revise the en silencio. Al terminar, revise el
learning goals. Analyze the few mistakes improve. Revise your contents and practice desempeño de los alumnos con la
Keep on working hard! you made. mistakes and weakest areas
with your teacher.
more, in order to improve
your performance.
rúbrica en el Apendice de Material
Complementario Fotocopiable de la
Unidad 3, página 155.

Los contenidos de esta unidad pueden

ser reforzados a través de las
clases 26 y 27 desarrollo
actividades 11, 12, y 13 del libro
1. In your notebook, write a 150-word de actividades.
paragraph, explaining the benefits of
fiNal cHecK thinking positively and having healthy
2. 38 Listen to how some food can con-
Indique a los estudiantes que este Final
tribute to our happiness and complete
Check le permitira, a ellos y a le permitira,
the chart in your activity book.
evaluar hasta que punto han sido capaces de
lograr los objetivos de la unidad, a través de 3. Read the text and answer
la integración de estrategias de estudio, y del the questions.
desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y
habilidades lingüísticas.


142 TOMO 2

UN T Page 66 – Student’s Book

Health and Modern Life 2 Look at the examples in the Student’s Book and choose the correct option.

3 a. My parents have been going to the gym for three months or so.
b. They have been working in front of blue light screens since 2010.
Doctors have been saying for ages that having physical activity and a healthy
Activities from the Student’s Book c. diet are essential to have a better and longer life.
d. People have been talking about sleep hygiene for the last few years.
Page 62 – Student’s Book

3 Transform the sentences with highlighted verbs into negative and interrogative form. Page 66 – Student’s Book

1 Write suitable questions for the sentences in exercise 2.

a. How long have your parents been going to the gym?
1. Technology hasn´t improved the lives of many people.
Has technology improved the lives of many people? b. How long have they been working in front of blue light screen?
How long have doctors been saying that having physical activity and a
2. The American Psychological Association’s Stress in America Survey 2017 c. healthy diet are essential to have a better and longer life?
doesn’t show that 99 percent of adults own an electronic device. d. How long have people been talking about sleep hygiene?
Does the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America Survey
2017 show that 99 percent of adults own an electronic device?
3. The survey also doesn’t report that between 2005 and 2015, the Page 68 – Student’s Book
percentage of adults using social media sky rocketed from 7 percent to
65 percent. 1 Complete the mind map of the words yoga and H T with vocabulary that you think you might
hear in the recording. Compare with your classmates.
Does the survey also report that between 2005 and 2015, the
percentage of adults using social media sky rocketed from 7 percent to
65 percent? yoga
4. Rates of technology and social media don’t use are therefore climbing.
Do rates of technology and social media use are therefore climbing?
5. The two most popular social network sites doesn’t boas a combined
monthly user base of 2 billion people.
Does the two most popular social network sites boas a combined monthly meditate calm focus attention
user base of 2 billion people?
6. Recent research found that teenagers aged 13 to 17 years old haven’t
shifted their preferred social media platforms.
Have recent research found that teenagers aged 13 to 17 years old
shifted their preferred social media platforms? H T
7. Social media and text messaging haven’t become an integral part of how
individuals interact with their social groups.
Have social media and text messaging become an integral part of how
individuals interact with their social groups?
muscles training effort

30 UN T 3 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 3 31

Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del
Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar
la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y
contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas

con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad. con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.
Page 72 – Student’s Book Page 75 – Student’s Book

3 Write 5 sentences about what you have been doing lately to have a better quality of life. 2 What do these phrases from the text mean? Write your explanations.
a. I have been practicing yoga over a year. a. Solidify memories: To internalize a memory.

b. I have stopped eating fast food. b. Challenge your brain: To make a mental effort.

c. I go back walking home. c. Help your brain stay young: keep your mind active.

d. I eat more salad.

Page 82 – Student’s Book
f. I try to eat less sugar. 2 In pairs, discuss about the things that make you feel happy and why. Fill in the Venn Diagram
with the things you agree with and differ from.

Page 74 – Student’s Book

2 Listen to the second part of the track and complete these sentences.
a. Brain fitness has has basic principles: variety and curiosity .

b. Focus on fish oils from wild wild

. oil.
c. Stories are a way to solidify memories, interpret events and share moments. .

d. Physical exercise exercise is great “brain exercise” too.

e. To really help your brain stay young challenge it. .

Page 75 – Student’s Book

1 Create four sentences using the following adverbs.


Page 86 – Student’s Book

drastically: 2 38 Listen to how some food can contribute to our happiness. Complete

Raw walnuts Oysters Coffee Dark chocolate


differently: Suggested serving the

chart below.

32 UN T 3 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 3 33

Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del
Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar
la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y
contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas
con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad. con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.

144 TOMO 2

Activity Book 4 Discuss with your partners what the people in the pictures have been doing lately to have a
healthy life.

1 39 Listen to the text Teens and Sleep facts and circle the correct option.

a. Sleeping helps you to eat better / study better and manage the stress of being a teen.

b. t is unnatural / natural for teenagers not to be able to fall asleep before 11:00 pm.

c. A research found that only 15% / 50% reported sleeping 8 1/2 hours on school nights.

d. rregular sleep patterns can / can’t affect biological clocks and sleep quality.

e. Not many / Many teens suffer from treatable sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, insomnia,
restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea.

2 Unscramble the following collocations:

a. KEPE TF Keep fit I’ve reduced the amount of sugar and salt in my food. I’ve also been .....
b. SELO TGEHW Lose weight 5 Write the sentences in the correct order.
c. OODG EPSAH Good shape a. I have been listening to this music while meditating.

d. AHHYELT G VNL Healthy living listening been have to while music meditating. this

Feel well b. We have been reducing processed food from our diet lately.
food have our reducing processed diet We been lately. from
3 Write original sentences with the collocations from exercise 2. c. Have you been smoking in spite of the fact that the doctor prohibited?
a. How can I keep fit during winter time? Have fact in the prohibited? of been spite doctor you that
the smoking it
b. We don’t need to skip lunch to lose weight. He has been reading books about how to live better since he suffered that attack.
c. He is 78 and he is in very good shape.
to suffered books better been he He reading how has that
d. It is possible to have a healthy living no matter how busy you are. live attack. about since

e. Doing aerobics makes me feel weel!

6 40 Listen to the following facts about active living and tick the correct statements.
Present Perfect Continuous a. ✔ Moderate-intensity physical activity must be done preferably most or all days
of the week.
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (also known as the Present Perfect Progressive Tense)
shows that something started in the past and is continuing at the present time. b. According to some researches, health problems cause high levels of sedentary time.
• She has been sleeping 5 hours a day since she got that job. c. ✔ Sedentary behavior is not the same as a lack of physical activity.
• They have not been coming to the gym for a long time. ✔
d. People should get a massage when reaching a goal.
• Has he been eating properly after his operation?
e. ✔ People should set the alarm 30 minutes earlier to do some physical activity.
The Preposition for refers to an incomplete period of time, while since refers to a specific point
in time. f. People should challenge themselves for a maximum amount of “screen time” at work.

34 UN T 3 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 3 35

1. 39 Indique a los estudiantes leer las afirmaciones, escuchar el audio y encerrar 4. Indique: In groups, discuss what they have been doing to have a healthy life. Use
en un círculo la alternativa correcta, indicando: Read the sentences, listen to the the Present perfect continuous in your discussion. 5. Indique a los alumnos poner
audio and circle the correct alternative. 2. - 3. Pida a los estudiantes trabajar en las en orden las palabras de la actividad: Put those words in order to form sentences in
actividades 2 y 3 señalando lo siguiente: Unscramble the words in exercise 2, then Present perfect continuous. 6. Indique a los estudiantes que escucharán un audio y

write original sentences with those collocations. Read your sentences to another deberán tiquear las oraciones mencionadas en él: Listen to the audio Facts about
partner to check. Active living, and tick those sentences which were mentioned.
7 Read the infographic ‘Facts About Junk Food’ and answer the following questions. 9 Change the following adjectives into adverbs and write full sentences with them.

a. (fast) She fast lost weight following her doctor’s recommendations.

b. (nervous)
FACTS ABOUT JUNK FOOD c. (good) She wants to feel and look well.
TWO TAKEAWAY MEALS A WEEK? d. (responsible) My dad responsibly quit smoking after his was detected diabetes.
ONE = 3 SERVES OF f you eat one
One cafe style
13KG WE GHT GA N sundae for
muffin can contain
dessert every
night over a
10 teaspoons of e. (secret) Roland secretly stated going to the gym to lose weight.
sugar and nearly
one quarter of
MAX MUM DA LY SALT L M T consume you daily energy
18 K LOS requirements

= 13kg OF SUGAR Adverbs of manner

t has been estimated that consuming two medium
combo meals from a fast food outlet each week could
lead to a weight gain of 13kg in one year (if this meal
is consumed in addition to the food your body needs
17 Adverbs of manner describe how and in what way the action of a verb is carried out. Most of the

of the average
household food budget
and you don’t increase your physical activity) TEASPOONS OF FAT adverbs are formed by adding the suffix -ly at the end of the adjective, but there are exceptions:
in one serve of fish and chips
is spent on fast food
and eating out • When the adjective ends in -y, use -ily
• Adjectives ending in -le : remove the “e”.
TEASPOONS OF SUGAR $900+ • rregular: hard/hard, good/well, fast/fast, late/late, straight/straight, high/high.
N A 600mL BOTTLE OF The amount you will spend in one
year if you buy one standard Adverbs of manner can be placed at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sentence.
chocolate bar every day
High salt intake increases your risk of stroke REGULAR SOFT DR NK However, badly, hard, well, or fast are always after the verb, or placed between a verb and
an object.

For most people, there is no room for junk food in a healthy diet
10 Discuss.
1 teaspoon sugar = approximately 4 grams Alongside awareness, countries have started to fight back against the marketing and
1 teaspoon fat = approximately 5 grams
consumption of unhealthy foods with tax on harmful foods and drinks. For example, the UK has
* One junk food serve is equivalent to 600kJ, as per the discretionary food category in the Australian Dietary Guidelines. These foods should only be
consumed occasionally and in small amounts for good health introduced a tax on sugary drinks and cigarettes. Discuss with your partners:

a. Do you think this is a completely positive measure? Why?

It comes
comes from
from processed
processed food
food such
such as
as junk
junk b. Are there any other measures that governments can take instead of setting taxes?
a. Where does Australians’ salt intake come from?food,
food, snacks,
snacks, pre-prepared
pre-prepared meals
meals // sauces.
b. How many kilos of sugar will Australians consume if they have one sundae every night? c. s it necessary to prohibit certain products certain products or set taxes if campaigns
18 kilos of sugar.
c. How much energy intake comes from junk food? Adults 35% and Children 41%
are not effective?
I think that this kind of regulation is very helpful in the sense that...
d. What percentage of their food budgets do Australians spend on junk food? About $900.
Useful phrases to express oral opinion!

8 Discuss with your partners. Expressing opinion Making concessions Clarifying

Personally, I think Australians’s junk food habits are similar.... • think that… • Of course, many / some • By this mean…
a. Do you think our reality is similar to that of the Australians? • Here ’m referring to…
• t seems to me that… people argue…
b. How much junk food do you eat weekly? • would argue that… • t is sometimes argued… • To be more precise…
c. What kind of junk food do you eat? • do not believe that… • Admittedly… • That is to say…
d. How much money do you spend on junk food? • am unconvinced that… • While…
e. Do you think your junk food consumption is harmless for your health? • do not agree that…

36 UN T 3 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 3 37

7. Indique a los estudiantes leer la infografía y responder las preguntas con la 9. En esta actividad los estudiantes deberán transformar los adjetivos en adverbios
información contenida en el texto: Read the text Facts about junk food, and answer de modo y hacer una oración con ellos. Indique: Transform those adjective in ad-
the questions. Motívelos a leer sus respuestas frente al curso para revisar. 8. Orga- vers of manner and use then in sentences related to the topic of the unit.
nice a los estudiantes en grupos de 3 o 4 alumnos con el fin de discutir en torno a lo 10. Señale: In groups discuss the facts presented in exercise 10. Monitorear. Invite
leído en la actividad anterior. Señale: In groups discuss the questions based in what a los estudiantes a compartir sus opiniones con el resto del curso. What you said
you have just read in exercise 7. Monitorear. was interesting, can you share it with the class, please?

146 TOMO 2

11 Match the clauses. 13 Choose 2 of the Nutrition Facts and compare and contrast their information. Use vocabulary
such as similar to, just like, on the other hand, and whereas.
a. You can eat that snack i. d you will have a better sleep.
Boiled egg Peanut butter Tiramisu

b. We should move to Hawaii, ii. b since it’s the happiest state in the US.
c. People can improve their memory, iii. e as long as the size of the label is small. Nutrition Facts Nutrition Facts Nutrition Facts
d. As long as you reduce blue screen iv. c provided that they participate in Boiled egg Peanut butter Tiramisu
exposition, brain training programs. Seving Size: 1 large (50g) Seving Size: 2 tbsp (32g) Seving Size: 1 Seving (119g)
e. Some information in the footnote v. a as long as it is gluten free.
Amount Per Serving Amount Per Serving Amount Per Serving
won’t be present
Calories 78 Calories from Fat 48 Calories 188 Calories from Fat 143 Calories 392 Calories from Fat 274
% Daily Value* % Daily Value* % Daily Value*
Total Fat 5,3 g 8% Total Fat 16g 25% Total Fat 30 g 46%
12 Recount a story about a funny event related with healthy eating, sleeping habits, or active living.
Saturated Fat 1.6g 8% Saturated Fat 3g 15% Saturated Fat 17g 85%
Include the following:
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.7g Trans Fat 0g Trans Fat 0.3g
Monounsaturated Fat 2g Polyunsaturated Fat 3.6g Cholesterol 210mg 70%
Cholesterol 187mg 62% Monounsaturated Fat 6.6g Sodium 206mg 9%
Sodium 62mg 3% Cholesterol 0mg 0% Potassium 110mg 3%
Potassium 63mg 2% Sodium 152mg 6% Total Carbohydrates 24g 8%
Title The first time I traveled by plane. Total Carbohydrates 0.6g 0% Potassium 189mg 5% Dietary Fiber 0.2g 1%
Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Total Carbohydrates 7.7g 3% Sugars 14g
Paragraph 1: Set the scene.
Sugars 0.6g Dietary Fiber 1.8g 7% Protein 5.7g
Protein 6.3g Sugars 2.1g Vitamin A 24%
I clearly remember that day, It was on June 2016... Vitamin A 5.2% Protein 7g Vitamin C 0%
Vitamin C 0% Vitamin A 0% Calcium 8%
Calcium 1.9% Vitamin C 0% ron 6%
ron 3.3% Calcium 1.3% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. ron 3.8%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Paragraph 2: Write the main part of the story .
Editor’s Marks Source:

We have been waiting for ... Capital letter /


Punctuation I serving of peanut butter and 1 serving of boil egg have a similar
Add a word
s Check spelling Iron percentage. However the amount of calories per serving is
Paragraph 3: Write the climax and the outcome. Change place
higher in the case of the peanut butter.
When suddenly my dad started to ...

Expressions to compare and contrast

Similarly, likewise, in the same way, also, like, alike, similar, equal, comparable.
How did get here?
Check the whole unit and decide which aspects helped you complete this task. Score your n contrast, on the other hand, however, though, although, but.
performance from one to four. Share your results with a partner.

38 UN T 3 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 3 39

11. Invite a los estudiantes a formar oraciones completas con las clausulas pre- Invitar a los estudiantes a trabajar en parejas y comparar y contrastar la información
sentadas: In pairs, read the clauses and connect them to form complete sentences. nutricional de los productos indicando lo siguiente: In pairs choose two nutrition
Elija estudiantes en forma aleatoria para leer las oraciones y revisar. 12. Indique facts labels and compare and contrast them.

a los estudiantes que escriban una historia de algunos delos temas indicados en la
actividad siguiendo la estructura: Recount a story about one the topics mentioned
in the activity, following the target structure.

An Article gives factual and clear information about a particular issue. Before you write an article,
remember checking reliable sources.

Health Problems of Modern Living hyper-alertness, with users listening out for their mobile phones in
the same way a mother may listen out for her baby’s cry. Screen time
may also affect sleep through the impact of light waves on the brain,
The title should be informative yet interesting affecting melatonin, an important sleep-regulating hormone. The
enough to capture the reader’s attention. negative health effects of insomnia span from increased risks of physical
health problems such as reduced immunity, high blood pressure and
Have you ever wondered how many hours a day we spent sitting on high blood sugar to mental health problems such as substance abuse
a chair? Compared to our parents and grandparents, we spend much and depression.
more time sitting down than ever before. From the workplace to our n the rest of the paragraphs, provide extra
homes our bodies are sitting motionless behind desks, in traffic or information, supported by evidence.
behind TV and computer screens.
• Maintain an informative tone.
The first paragraph should keep the reader • Use easy and clear language.
interested and introduce the topic of the • nclude facts.
article at the same time. • Avoid repetition.
• nclude supporting quotations if necessary.
Scientists have found that there are serious health risks associated
with “sedentary behavior”, which refers to time spent in minimal With increases in both sedentary behavior and screen time in our
movement (sitting or lying). Research has found that a sedentary generation, the risks start to add up and can put your health at serious
lifestyle increases a person’s risk for a wide range of physical and risk. Clearly, limiting screen time and avoiding it at night would be a
mental health problems such as obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, good idea. In terms of sedentary behavior, the bad news is that doing
cardiovascular disease and depression. moderate or vigorous exercise 30 minutes a day is not enough to
counteract the risks posed by a whole day of sitting. The good news is
n the following paragraph, give some basic
that there are ways you can reduce the negative effects of sedentary
information and facts about the topic of the
behavior: in addition to proper exercise before or after work, break up
article. ntroduce each paragraph with a Topic
sentence. Topic sentences are statements
your day in the chair with short bouts of movement. This can be as
that tell us what the paragraph is about simple as walking down the hall to speak to your colleague instead of
and provide the text with a well-organized sending an email; taking a longer walk to the bathroom or meeting
structure. room than you would have otherwise; and instead of slouching in your
chair while on a call, stand or even pace while talking.

Scientists think that spending too much time in front of a screen may n the final paragraph, summarize the main
be especially harmful as it can reduce time spent socialising. This points of the article.
puts you at higher risk of depression, which makes you more likely
to be sedentary and so the vicious cycle begins. Computer screens Taken and adapted from:
are especially worrying: studies show higher rates of depression in
sedentary behavior that comes from watching computer screens than
from watching TV screens.
Mobile phone screens seem to bring a host of additional problems.
Studies of teenagers and college students have shown that mobile
phone use at night may affect sleep, causing insomnia. This is Before you write the final version of your article remember:
particularly a problem with young people, many of whom are displaying • Make sure references and quotes are clear and intelligible.

behavior akin to mobile phone addiction, which may cause a kind of • Check spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
• Proofread punctuation mistakes.

40 UN T 3 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 3 41

En esta sección se presenta un texto referencial, con el objeto de proporcionar a los An article is a non-fictional composition primarily to inform the reader about a
alumnos un ejemplo concreto de su estructura. particular subject based on facts. Read the article below and, with your partner
Invite a los alumnos a trabajar en parejas y leer la sección Writing Reference identify the different sections in it.
indicándoles lo siguiente:

Apéndice de contenido
Lesson 1 Live longer and better Las palabras clave a menudo se repiten en un texto, pero
como probablemente sabe, si está acostumbrado a escribir
Ventana pedagógica ensayos, estas son frecuentemente reemplazadas por
sinónimos, otras palabras con un significado igual o similar.

Editor’s Marks Si una palabra resiste sus intentos de entenderla, tal vez cobre
Explique a los alumnos que la tabla Editor’s Marks, muestra sentido como un sinónimo de una palabra clave.
el tipo de marcas que tienen que utilizar para corregir y
verificar su escritura. Ilustra errores comunes y distingue l
diferentes marcas, según sea cada caso. Explique a los Propiciar conversaciones en torno a una lectura colectiva,
estudiantes lo útil que es usar las marcas del editor en la donde los estudiantes tengan oportunidades de participar
medida que revisan su escritura. Cuénteles lo que esta práctica extendidamente y de oír un lenguaje específico, preciso y
les ayudará a detectar su errores comunes y mejorar su variado respecto de los temas aludidos. Es importante
escritura. considerar que el vocabulario es el predictor más importante
de comprensión lectora.

Ventana de enseñanza Fuente:

Modelando estrategias
Lectura: Answering Question Lesson 2 An active life
Responder preguntas sobre el texto es otra estrategia que Ventana de enseñanza
ayuda a los estudiantes a enfocarse en el significado del texto.
Los profesores pueden ayudar al modelar el proceso de hacer Modelando estrategia: Listening
buenas preguntas y estrategias para encontrar las respuestas
Nuestra interpretación depende de lo que esperamos escuchar.
en el texto.
Si lo que escuchamos no cumple nuestras expectativas, nos
Las preguntas pueden ser efectivas porque: lleva a malas interpretaciones. Por otro lado, si somos capaces
- Dan a los estudiantes un propósito para la lectura de predecir con precisión lo que escucharemos, nuestra
- Centran la atención de los alumnos en lo que habilidad auditiva será mucho mas eficiente.
deben aprender.
La habilidad de realizar predicciones depende ampliamente de
- Ayudan a los alumnos a pensar activamente mientras leen.
nuestra experiencia previa tanto del mundo como de la
- Alientan a los estudiantes a monitorear su comprensión.
lengua, de lo que se sepa del hablante, como también de la
- Ayudan a los alumnos a revisar el contenido y relacionar lo
intensión del hablante. Por lo tanto para desarrollar esta
que han aprendido con lo que ya saben.
habilidad los estudiantes deberían concentrarse en estar
Fuente: consientes de su conocimiento previo y utilizarlo como base
comprehension para la predicción y compresión de lo expuesto oralmente.
Fuente: Jiang, Yongme. (2009) Predicting Strategy and Listening Comprehension.
Asian Social Science. Vol.5, N°1.
Ventana de enseñanza

Modelando estrategias
Pensamiento critico
Lectura: Identificando palabras claves
Las palabras clave son palabras que son especialmente Make text-to-world connections.
importantes para el significado del texto. Pueden ayudarlo a Las conexiones de texto a mundo son las conexiones más
comprender el significado global y los puntos principales. A grandes que un lector aporta a una situación de lectura. Todos
menudo aparecen en el título, si es que hay uno. Si tiene tenemos ideas sobre cómo funciona el mundo que va más allá
dificultades con las palabras en un título, intente encontrarlas de nuestras experiencias personales. Aprendemos sobre cosas
en el cuerpo del texto, donde el contexto lo ayudará a a través de la televisión, películas, revistas y periódicos. A
comprenderlas. menudo son las conexiones de texto a mundo que los


profesores intentan mejorar cuando enseñan lecciones de Lesson 3 Brain fitness
ciencias, estudios sociales y literatura. Un ejemplo de una
conexión de texto a mundo sería cuando un estudiante dice: Evaluación para el aprendizaje
“Vi en la televisión una entrevista en que se hablaba de las
Autoevaluación del estudiante
cosas que se describen en el texto”.
El término “autoevaluación del estudiante” se utiliza como un
Invite a sus estudiantes a hacer conexiones del texto con el
“término general”, que abarca: autoevaluación del estudiante
mundo. Lea las preguntas en voz alta y guíelos para que
y autocontrol del alumno. En otras palabras, el enfoque está
logren esa conexión:
en la capacidad de los estudiantes para: Entender tanto las
¿Está familiarizado con el tema del texto?
intenciones de aprendizaje como los criterios de éxito. Usar
¿De qué manera se relaciona el tema con la realidad
estos criterios para juzgar lo que han aprendido y lo que aún
chilena? Explique.

necesitan aprender.
Fuente: Equipo editorial.
Make Text-to-self connections • Reflexionar sobre el proceso de aprendizaje para determinar
cómo aprenden mejor.
Al hacer conexiones de texto a uno mismo, los estudiantes • Actuar sobre la retroalimentación recibida de su profesor y
recurren a sus conocimientos y experiencias anteriores para sus compañeros.
conectarse con el texto. Para solicitar a los alumnos que • Establecer objetivos de aprendizaje en función de lo que aún
realicen conexiones de texto a uno mismo, invítelos a necesitan aprender.
reflexionar sobre la pregunta señalada: ¿Se te ocurren otras • Administrar la organización de su aprendizaje.
soluciones a los problemas en la noticia que has leído?
¿Cuáles? Fuente: Equipo editorial.

Fuente: Equipo editorial.

Ventana de enseñanza

Consejo de enseñanza Involucrar a los estudiantes en la autoevaluación

Modelos para hablar Al hacer que las metas de aprendizaje sean explícitas e
involucrar a los estudiantes en la autoevaluación, la
Los modelos son importantes porque los estudiantes pueden evaluación formativa puede hacer que los estudiantes se
explorar diferentes formas de expresar ideas. Cuando use un conviertan en agentes de su propio aprendizaje, aumentando
modelo oral, guíelos para identificar si necesitan apoyo. su motivación, autonomía, metacognición y aprendizaje. Al
Ayúdelos a: pedirles a los estudiantes que hagan público su pensamiento,
- Decidir la manera de expresar sus opiniones de acuerdo con las pruebas formativas pueden proporcionar andamios que
los recursos prosódicos. ayudan a los estudiantes a confrontar sus conceptos erróneos,
- Controle el uso de recursos prosódicos (volumen, tono, refinar y profundizar sus entendimientos, y pasar a niveles de
tono, pronunciación) experiencia más sofisticados.
- Use lenguaje no verbal y recursos prosódicos para crear un
Taken from: Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci,
efecto M., &Rumble, M. (2012). Definingtwenty-fi rstcenturyskills. In Assessment and
- Valor de las conductas propias y de otros. teachingof 21st centuryskills (pp. 17-66). Springer Netherlands.

Ventana pedagógica

Learning to learn
Puede darles a los estudiantes, tres consejos útiles para
ayudarlos a controlar sus nervios:
• Ser especialistas del tema que están presentando.
• Respirar profundamente antes e incluso durante la
presentación oral.
• Practicar en voz alta. La mejor manera de reducir la
ansiedad es ensayar.
Fuente: 9 HelpfulTips to Calm Your NervesBefore Speaking. Retrieved from https://

si se puede, despues poner ventana estrategia de completación

de oraciones.


Lesson 4 Healthy happyness

Ventana pedagógica Ventana pedagógica

Strategy in mind Antes de leer

Skimming for general ideas • Presente y haga que los estudiantes participen en el tema del
Invítelos a leer los primeros y últimos párrafos del texto. texto.
Pregúnteles sireconocieron ideas principales. Pídales que se • Obtenga lo que saben al respecto y ayúdeles a relacionarlo
las mencionen y que le digan como las identificaron. con sus propias experiencias.
Scanning to find specific information • Utilice las ilustraciones proporcionadas y / o utilice las

suyas propias.
Una vez realizado el skimming, invítelos a explorar el texto y
enfocarse en la información específica entregada en el texto. • Use esta inducción del tema para presentar el vocabulario y
las estructuras clave, y escríbalas en la pizarra.
Fuente: Equipo editorial
• Invite a los alumnos a predecir el contexto y formular
hipótesis sobre lo que aparecerá en el texto.
Ventana de aprendizaje de habilidades • Siempre pida a los alumnos que den un vistazo rápido al
texto e identifiquen las palabras afines y las que ya conocen.
Strategy in mind Esto les ayudará a formular hipótesis más informadas y
también a sentirse menos seguros cuando se enfrentan a un
Recuerde a sus alumnos que el skimming se utiliza para
nuevo texto.
buscar las ideas principals de un texto, leyendo los primeros y
últimos párrafos. En esta instancia, puede ayudarlos, leyendo • Dirija la atención de los alumnos a la estructura del texto y
velozmente parte del primer párrafo del texto. Después de ayúdeles a notar el diseño, la puntuación, los títulos, los
terminar de identificar la idea principal. Cuénteles que el subtítulos, etc., para identificar el tipo de texto que leerán.
scanning es una estrategia de exploración. Tiene que ver con Esto proporcionará pistas para ayudarles a entender el texto.
la búsqueda de información específica que ya se conoce de • Haga estas actividades rápidamente y aproveche el interés
antemano. Dígales que se enfoquen en las primeras oraciones creado para continuar con las actividades de lectura.
de cada párrafo e identifiquen la información que entrega
Fuente: Equipo editorial
cada párrafo.
Fuente: Equipo editorial


Este apéndice contiene material fotocopiable que el profesor puede utilizar
como complemento a las actividades sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.

Complementary Activity Diagnostic Test

Esta actividad fotocopiable tiene como objetivo complementar las Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo evaluar la conducta
actividades vistas a lo largo de la unidad, reforzando de entrada de los alumnos. Puede realizarla antes de comenzar la
principalmente las habilidades orales y de escritura. Puede primera lección.
utilizarla al finalizar una clase, dependiendo del ritmo de trabajo Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:
de sus estudiantes.
Diagnostic test
Great Good OK Not good enough
(11 points) (10 – 9 points) (8 - 7 points) (Less than 7 points)
You are achieving the You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
learning goals. You can easily achieve the highest you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! score by analyzing the few mistakes you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
you made. areas in the evaluation.

Formative Tests
Estas actividades evaluativas tienen como objetivo complementar a
las evaluaciones de proceso sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.
Puede utilizarlas al finalizar las primeras o las últimas dos
lecciones de la unidad.
Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:
Formative Test 1
Great Good OK Not good enough
( 20 points) (19 – 17 points) (16 – 12 points) (Less than 12 points)
You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.

Formative Test 2
Great Good OK Not good enough
(15 points) (14 – 12 points) (12 – 9 points) (Less than 9 points)
You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
goals. Keep on working hard! You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.

Final Test Template

Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo complementar el Este template es un modelo de un artículo, que tiene como
Test Final sugerido en el Texto del Estudiante. Puede utilizarlo al objetivo complementar el template sugerido para esta unidad en el
finalizar la unidad con sus estudiantes, para que cuenten con un Cuaderno de Actividades. Puede fotocopiarlo y entregarlo a sus
instrumento extra con el cual puedan analizar sus fortalezas y alumnos para que cuenten con otro modelo del texto que tienen
debilidades y evaluar su desempeño a lo largo de la unidad. que producir.


comPlemeNTarY acT V TY
Game: Trivia quiz
7 In most countries, when you meet someone for
Get organized in groups of 4 students; decide on who the first time, you aren’t supposed to .
will conduct the Trivia Quiz, while the others will write

a. wave
the alternative of each question on a piece of paper.
b. kiss and hug
Then, the student who conducted the quiz checks
c. greet
the answers. The student with the highest score is the
winner of the trivia. 8 In Peru, Columbia, Brazil, Bolivia and Mexico, it is
common to someone you have just
1 In the U.S., Canada and most European met for the first time.
countries, you’re expected to arrive a. kiss
for appointments or meetings. b. bow at
a. late c. ignore
b. on time 9 In the U.S., Canada and many European countries,
c. not on time it is to eat noisily or burp loudly in front
2 In Spain, you’re expected to arrive of others.
for most appointments or meetings. a. polite
a. late b. impolite
b. early c. o.k.
c. on time 10 In the U.S., people usually stand at least
3 In Japan, China, Korea and Vietnam, never pass apart from one another when they
something to an older person or superior with only talk or when they stand in line for something.
one hand; you’re expected to use . a. 10 inches
a. right hand b. 6 feet
b. eft hand c. 3 feet
c. both hands 11 Sending these items for Christmas is considered
4 In the U.S. and Canada, don’t if bad manners in Japan.
you’re invited to someone’s home. a. greetings
a. call b. party invitations
b. arrive early c. red christmas cards
c. arrive late 12 In
Photocopiable material

the honey moon lasts three

5 In the U.S. and Canada, you’re supposed to months and according to custom, the bride
if you plan to visit someone at home. covers all expenses.
a. go first without calling a. Thailand
b. arrive early b. ndia
c. call first c. Algeria

6 In many Asian countries, it is to visit 13 According to tradition, passengers of the train

your friends at home without invitation or prior passing over the Jamuna river in ndia, should
appointment. give tribute to the river by throwing this in it.
a. acceptable a. a shoe
b. not acceptable b. coins
c. unusual c. a piece of their clothing


d aGNosT c TesT / 15 points

1 Read the text The emergence of the ‘constant checker’ and answer the following questions. 6 points

a. What is a constant checker?

b. What percentage of US individuals are constant checker?
c. What is the main problem about being a constant checker?
d. What percentage of adults checks texts? Checks social media? Checks personal emails?
e. What percentage of people are concerned about the effects of social media on their health?

f. What does the text say about constant checkers and their family and friends?

The emergence of the ‘constant checker’

T he technological and social media
advances of the past decade have bred
the “constant checker.” A constant checker is
Stress levels among constant checkers are
considerably higher than they are among
people who do not engage with technology
a person who constantly, almost obsessively, and social media as frequently.
checks their emails, texts, and social media For example, 42 percent of constant checkers
accounts. This profile is synonymous with 43 worry about the effect of social media on their
percent of U.S. individuals. physical and mental health, compared with 27
Being continuously connected in this way percent of non-constant checkers.
has been linked with higher stress levels. Furthermore, as a result of technology, more
Moreover, 18 percent of individuals have constant checkers than non-constant checkers
identified technology use as a significant feel disconnected from their family, even when
source of stress. they are in the same room, and more than
On an average day in the U.S., 65 percent of one third of constant checkers say that they
adults constantly check personal email, 52 are unlikely to meet with friends and family in
percent and 44 percent check texts and social person due to social media.
media, respectively, and 28 percent say the
same about work emails. Taken and adapted from:

2 Put the words in the correct order to form coherent sentences. Thick those in Present Perfect tense. 10 points
a. “constant checker”. - technology and social media - use - the way - for the - This excessive -

Photocopiable material
has paved
b. higher than - as frequently. - for those who don’t engage - Constant checkers - stress runs with
c. And constant checkers who have convinced themselves that the act of “refreshing” regularly is
totally fine.
d. Constant checkers - by social media, - mainly by discussions on politics.- are also more
negatively impacted
e. “digital detox’ - agree that - 65 percent of Americans - mental health. - is important for
f. has helped people - made it easier to interact - connect with friends and - and stay in touch with
family and friends. - Digital detox


formaT Ve TesT 1 / 15 points

1 Read the sentences and complete them with the correct form of the verb and since and for. 5 points

have been saying haven’t been meditating have been talking

have been going have been working


a. My parents to the gym three months or so.

b. They in front of blue light screens 2010.
c. Doctors ages that having physical activity and a healthy diet are
essential to have a better and longer life.
d. People about sleep hygiene the last few years.
e. was operated, and really feel need it.

2 Read the text and answer the questions below. 5 points

What is Active Living?

Physical activity is fundamental to active living for children. Active living is supported by the
and in turn the health and wellbeing of our places in which we live – through the built
community. Active living is a lifestyle choice environment such as pedestrian and cycle paths,
where people incorporate physical activity into sport and recreation facilities, public open space,
their daily routines – active transport (cycling parks and town squares. It is also supported by
to work or school, walking to the bus stop or cultural and social factors and programs such
train station), playing with the kids, gardening, as healthy lifestyle and travel behaviour change
or catching up with friends for active fun. It also programs, campaigns, information, education,
includes competing in sport or participating in an clubs, cost to participant, technology and a broad
activity class or pursuit for pleasure and fitness. range of initiatives that encourage participation
The aim is to build in at least 30 minutes of in active lifestyles.
physical activity daily for adults and 60 minutes Taken and adapted from:
Photocopiable material

a. Why is physical activity so important?

b. When do you become an active person?

c. How is active living supported by authorities?

d. How have cultural and social factors determined our lifestyles?

e. Do you do physical activity or do you have an active living? Support your answer.


formaT Ve TesT 2 / 20 points

1 Sentences (i - v) were removed from the text Teens and Sleep Hygiene. Read the text and 5 points
connect those sentences with the corresponding paragraph (a - e).

i. f you have a history of chronic sleep deprivation.

ii. Jasmine Reese, M.D., from Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, shares some helpful tips.
iii. Meditate or listen to soothing music before bed.

iv. That means most of our teens are not getting the required sleep their bodies and minds need.
v. t is important to make sure you are fully rested.

Teens and Sleep Hygiene

After a fun summer break of staying up Which teen-related activities can be
late and sleeping in, it’s time for school affected?
again. Getting back to a good routine When thinking about teen drivers,
sleep schedule might be challenging, d. For example, a teen who
especially for our teens. a. stays up all night watching movies,
How much sleep do teens actually need? talking on the phone or gaming has been
According to the American Academy of compared to having a driving ability
Pediatrics, teens ages 13 to 18 years old similar to that of a severely intoxicated
need 8 to 10 hours of sleep routinely drunken driver. For teen athletes, getting
in order to promote optimal heath. good sleep allows you to have better
According to national statistics, only focus, reaction time, physical growth and
about 25 percent of high school students allows your body to recover from injuries
are actually getting the recommended and/or vigorous exercise.
eight or more hours of sleep each night. What are some helpful “sleep hygiene”
b. practices?
Why is sufficient sleep so important? Do’s:
Sleep is such an important part of all • Routine sleep schedule, even on the
of our daily lives. You should think of it weekends
as being just as important as food and • Avoid bright lights and screen time
water for your overall health. While you right before bed time
are sleeping, your brain actually stays • e.
pretty active in filtering out toxins, Don’ts:

Photocopiable material
forming neuronal connections, and • Drink caffeine late in the day
maintaining pathways you need to learn • Exercise right before bed
and make new memories. c. • Nap for more than 30 minutes during
and don’t get the required amount of the day
sleep your body needs, you actually have
a higher risk of chronic illnesses such Taken and adapted from:
as heart disease, high blood pressure,
diabetes and even depression.

2 Write a text, on a separate sheet of paper, expressing your opinion about Teens and sleeping 15 points
habits. nclude Adverbs of manner and the conjunctions “Provided that” and “as long as”.


f Nal TesT
/ 35 points

1 Read the text How to Read Food Labels and circle the correct alternative. 5 points

a. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that food companies provide particular...

i. food packages. ii. information in Nutrition Facts labels.

b. On the Nutrition Facts label, the first nutrients listed are those which...
i. people should try to eat less. ii. people should eliminate from the diet.
c. Eating too many calories a day is linked to...
i. overweight. ii. overweight and obesity.
d. The statement that “Percentage Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet”
i. must be on all food labels. ii. may be on the label if it is big enough.
e. The number of calories and all the nutrient amounts are for...
i. each serving size. ii. the whole package.

How to Read Food Labels

Eating a nutritious diet is key to good health. Nutrients. Nutrients are substances in food
Therefore, it’s important to know what’s in that children’s bodies need to grow and all our
the foods you buy at the store. The US Food bodies need to work right. Americans tend to
and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that get too much of some nutrients, and not enough
food companies provide certain information of others. On the Nutrition Facts label, the first
in Nutrition Facts labels – those labels printed nutrients listed are the ones we should try to
on food packages. Here’s a guide to help you eat less of. They are: fat, saturated fat, trans fat,
understand what the information on the cholesterol, and sodium. The next nutrients
label means: listed are ones we should try to eat more of. They
Serving Size. The serving size tells you how include: dietary fiber, vitamins, calcium, and iron.
many cups or pieces of food you are expected to Footnote. The information after the asterisk (*)
eat, and how many servings are in each container on the label is called a footnote. The statement
of food. The number of calories and all the that “Percentage Daily Values are based on a 2,000
nutrient amounts are for each serving size, not calorie diet” must be on all food labels. The rest
necessarily for the whole package. That means of the information in the footnote may not be on
Photocopiable material

that, if a can of soup has 2 servings and you eat some food packages if the size of the label is too
the whole can, you’re getting twice as many small. But when it does appear, it’s always the
calories and twice as many nutrients as it says same. It doesn’t change from label to label. That’s
on the label. because it shows recommended dietary advice for
Calories. Eating too many calories a day is linked all Americans based on how many calories
to overweight and obesity, which raises your risk they eat each day. It’s not specific to any one
for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Eating food product.
foods with fewer calories can help you control
Taken from:
your weight. According to the FDA, 40 calories html
per serving is considered low, 100 calories is
moderate, and 400 calories or more is high.

156 UN T 3 f NAl TEsT 3º MEDIO

2 Based on the information provided in previous text, write 5 sentences using the conjunctions 5 points
“provided that” and “as long as”.


3 Transform the adjectives into adverbs of manner and complete the sentences. 5 points

slow careful happy responsible fast

a. She followed all the doctor’s indications to lower her blood sugar levels.
b. Teas and sodas have notable amounts of caffeine in them, so be sure to read your drink labels
in the late afternoon.
c. We suggest building your healthy habits in three key areas: diet, exercise
and lifestyle.
d. H T training is an amazing way to get fit and lose fat .
e. Living promotes a range of lifestyle habits that are important for overall health.

4 41 Listen to the text The benefits of meditation and circle the correct alternative. 5 points

a. 1. A review concluded on 3,515 participants about the benefits of meditating, indicated that not
only do meditators feel less stressed, but also that their levels of the “stress hormone” cortisol
increases / decreases measurably.
b. 2. One study conducted at Ohio State University showed that over the period of one month
/ regular mindfulness-based muscle relaxation exercises lowered the risk of breast
cancer recurring.
c. 3. Experts believe that meditation reduces the body’s responsiveness to cortisol and
other hormones / other stress hormones.
d. 4. There are also guided meditations that are designed to promote sleep. / improve sleeping.

Photocopiable material
e. 5. Weekly / Daily relaxing meditation has been found to relieve rritable Bowel
Syndrome symptoms.

5 Write a text, on a separate sheet of paper, comparing and contrasting Healthy living and 15 points
Unhealthy living.
Great! Good OK Not good enough
(35 - 33 points) (32 - 28 points) (27 - 22 points) (21 or less points)
You are achieving the You are very well Your performance can You need to revise the
learning goals. Keep on prepared. improve. Revise your contents and practice
working hard! Analyze the few mistakes mistakes and weakest more, in order to improve
you made. areas with your teacher. your performance.

3º MEDIO UN T 3 f NAl TEsT 157

Wr T NG TemPlaTe
aN arT cle

The title must be

How Being Happy Makes You Healthier informative and catching, to
catch the reader’s interest.
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of
human existence.”The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said these words more

The First paragraph must get

than 2,000 years ago, and they still ring true today. the attention of the reader
Happiness is a broad term that describes the experience of positive emotions, and introduce the topic of
the article.
such as joy, contentment and satisfaction. Emerging research shows that being
Questions may be included to
happier doesn’t just make you feel better — it actually brings a host of potential
engage the intended audience.
health benefits.
Being happy promotes a range of lifestyle habits that are important for overall
health. A study of more than 7,000 adults found that those with a positive well-
being were 47% more likely to consume fresh fruits and vegetables than their less
positive counterparts. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables have consistently been
associated with a range of health benefits, including lower risks of diabetes, stroke n the following paragraph,
and heart disease. give some basic information
and facts about the topic of
In the same study of 7,000 adults, researchers found that individuals with a the article.
positive well-being were 33% more likely to be physically active, with 10 or more ntroduce each paragraph
hours of physical activity per week. Regular physical activity helps build strong with a Topic sentence.
bones, increase energy levels, decrease body fat and lower blood pressure. Topic sentences are
What’s more, being happier may also improve sleep habits and practices, which is statements that tell what the
paragraph is about and to
important for concentration, productivity, exercise performance and maintaining provide cohesion to the text.
a healthy weight. This study found that sleep problems, including trouble falling
asleep and difficulty staying asleep, were 47% higher in those who reported low
levels of positive well-being. n the rest of the paragraphs,
provide extra information,
Being happy may help reduce stress levels. Normally, excess stress causes an supported by evidence.
increase in levels of cortisol, a hormone that contributes to many of the harmful • Maintain an informative tone.
effects of stress, including disturbed sleep, weight gain, type 2 diabetes and high • Easy and clear language.
• nclude facts.
blood pressure.
• Avoid repetition.
Happiness may protect the heart by reducing blood pressure, a major risk factor • nclude supporting quotations
for heart disease. A study of over 6,500 people over the age of 65 found that if necessary.
positive well-being was linked to a 9% lower risk of high blood pressure and a
Photocopiable material

13–26% lower risk of heart disease. Happiness may also reduce the risk of heart
disease, the biggest cause of death worldwide.
Scientific evidence suggests that being happy may have major benefits for your
health. For starters, being happy promotes a healthy lifestyle. It may also help
combat stress, boost your immune system and protect your heart. What’s more, it
may even increase your life expectancy.
While further research is required to understand how these effects work, there’s
no reason you can’t start prioritizing your happiness now.
Focusing on the things that make you happy will not only improve your life — it n the final paragraph(s),
summarize the main points of
may help extend it too.
the article.
Taken and adapted from:


Texto del Estudiante b. Digital detox is one of the most helpful ways to manage
stress related to technology use.
Página 72 c. Only a 28%.
1. a. People should: Keep track of sleep patterns and schedules,
teens should be going to bed and waking up at around the Guía DidÁctica
same time every day, create a sleep-friendly physical

environment., Keep a consistent bedtime routine, keep a Actividades complemetarias
consistent bedtime routine among others. 1. b. on time 7. b. kiss and hug
People shouldn’t: Do homework, read a book, or listen to 2. a. late 8. a. kiss
music in bed, use sleeping time to watch television, cram in
3. c. both hands 9. b. impolite
more studying, use the computer, talk on the phone, or
exercise, or sleep in to catch up on sleep they missed during 4. c. arrive late 10. c. 3 feet
the week. 5 c. call first 11. c. red christmas cards
b. A bedroom shouldn’t be warmer than 75 degrees, since it can 6. b. not acceptable 12. a. Thailand
make it harder to fall and stay asleep.
2. a. More intense physical activity out of school resulted in Diagnostic test
higher test scores and improved reading comprehension. 1. a. A constant checker is a person who constantly, almost obses
b. Research shows increased participation in physical activity sively, checks their emails, texts, and social media accounts.
leads to better grades. b. 43 percent of U.S. individuals.
c. Short amounts of exercise benefit executive functions. c. Constant checkers present higher stress levels .
d. Regular physical activity may increase blood flow to the d. 52 percent check texts. 44 percent check social media. 65
brain. percent of adults constantly check personal emails.
3. Respuestas e. 42 percent.
f. Constant checkers than non-constant checkers feel
Final debate: Respuesta abierta disconnected from their family. And one third of constant
checkers say that they are unlikely to meet with friends and
Página 75
family in person due to social media.
Language in use 2. a. 4 This excessive technology and social media use has
1. a. manner paved the way for the “constant checker”.
1. a. She easily eliminated transoils from her diet. b. Constant checkers stress runs higher than for those who don’t
b. Laureen drastically changed her way of thinking about engage with technology as frequently.
healthy eating after her sickness. c. 4 And constant checkers who have convinced themselves
c. Mrs. Alamos frequently takes crafting classes as a way to that the act of “refreshing” regularly is totally fine.
challenge her brain. d. Constant checkers are also more negatively impacted by
d. Learning a new skill will help you associate things differently. social media, mainly by discussions on politics.
e. 65 percent of Americans agree that “digital detox’ is
Página 86 important for mental health.
2. Benefit 1: Raw walnuts Fills you up. Oysters Heart-healthyç f. 4 Digital detox has helped people connect with friends and
Coffee Boost mental focus. Dark chocolate Eating pleasure made it easier to interact and stay in touch with family and
Benefit 2: Raw walnuts Keep blood-sugar levels steady friends.
Oysters Improve circulation. Coffee Alertness. Dark chocolate Formative test 1
Antioxidant 1. a. My parents have been going to the gym for three months
Nutrient 1: Raw walnuts Magnesium. Oysters Omegra-3 fatty or so.
acid. Coffee Riboflavic. Dark chocolate Oleic acid b. They have been working in front of blue light screens
Nutrient 2: Raw walnuts Phosophorus. Oysters Zinc. Coffee since 2010.
Potassium. Dark chocolate Fiber c. Doctors have been saying for ages that having physical
Suggested serving: Raw walnuts One handfull. Oysters 6 to activity and a healthy diet are essential to have a better and
12. Coffee 300mg per day. Dark chocolate 2 or 4 small squares longer life.
a day. d. People have been talking about sleep hygiene for the last
3. a. 42 percent of constant checkers say that political and few years.
cultural discussions on social media cause them stress. e. I haven’t been meditating since I was operated, and I really
feel I need it.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 solucionario 159

2. a. Because it is fundamental to active living and in turn the Examen Final
health and wellbeing of the community.
1. a. ii b. i c. ii d. i e. i
b. When we incorporate physical activity into our daily routines.
c. By building environment such as pedestrian and cycle paths, 2. Multiple answers may be provided.
sport and recreation facilities, public open space, parks and 3. a. responsibly b. carefully c. slowly d. fast e. happily
town squares. 5. a. decreases b. regular c. other stress hormones
d. With programs such as healthy lifestyle and travel behaviour d. promote sleep. e. Daily
change programs, campaigns, information, education, clubs, 5. Cohesion 1
cost to participant, technology and a broad range of Coherence 1
initiatives that encourage participation in active lifestyles. Vocabulary 5
e. Open-ended answer. Grammar 5
Writing structure 3

Formative test 2
1. a. ii b. iv c. i d. v e. iii
2. Cohesion 1
Coherence 1
Vocabulary 5
Grammar 5
Writing structure 3

i. “We tend to think of physically fit and being sedentary as Yoga and HIIT: the perfect pair
being two separate things, but you can be physically fit and
still suffer from sedentary behaviors. I was alarmed about Most of us are more or less familiar with yoga, less so with
the amount of time I spend sitting down, so I immediately HIIT. Some people feel intimidated by HIIT, but some others
got a desk where I could work standing up.” love it.
ii. “I got lots of houseplants. I recently went round our flat and A common misconception is that most people see HIIT, as
counted them up and I have 47! “If you are an asthmatic, being all about lifting heavy weights and doing high intensity
houseplants can be a really good option. They reduce lots of workouts only. It is true to some extent. Similarly to yoga, it
allergens from the air, much more efficiently than any kind benefits not only physical, but many other aspects of our life
of air filter can do.” as well. Yoga and HIIT, share a number of the same benefits:
iii. “I now walk a couple of miles to a coffee shop where I’ll do HIIT improves your strength and endurance, and so does
an hour of work. It means that my sedentary work gets yoga. The only difference is yoga is a purely bodyweight form
interrupted regularly by activity.” of exercise while HIIT, is not.
iv. “When we stopped moving as a species and started The flexibility that yoga develops can bring your HIIT,
farming… one of the things we started to do was build training to the next level: overhead squats, back squats, and
temporary shelters to live in. We now spend most of our time other movements can benefit hugely from yoga practice.
indoors and it’s having all kinds of harmful effects on our Yoga helps at muscle tightness after HIIT, workout, speeds up
bodies. Light levels are important and outdoor activity too. recovery, and reduces soreness.
So send your kids out to play! Outdoor light is better than But let›s listen to some people who have seen the benefits
indoor light.” of both.
v. “Blue light wakes you up in the morning and your body Alex, Pasadena.
stops releasing the sleep hormone called melatonin, so, I’ve been doing Yoga and HIIT, for about three years now and
clearly, the current recommendations are you shouldn’t be there is no doubt they complement each other.
using blue screens before you go to bed because it might be Sandra, Carson City.
keeping your body awake”. I have been mixing yoga with all my other training and have
noticed immediate gains from it. For me yoga is a new

160 UNIDAD 3 Transcripciones 3º MEDIO

approach to exercising and a chance to slow things down, Keep It Going
focus on breathing, and work on mind and body control. If you miss a day or a workout, don’t worry about it. Skip the
Oscar, Jersey. guilt and focus on what you will do tomorrow!
I´ve been practicing yoga for a long part of my life, and I
have great respect for it. I competed in freediving and it was 33 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 3 - PAGE 72 - EXERCISE 1
very important in my daily training.
Bretanny, Boston. What can I do to have a healthy sleep?
I have been trying to get friends and coworkers to supplement • Keep track of sleep patterns and schedules.
yoga with their workouts, even if it isn’t HIIT. I have been • Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Teens should be going to
doing yoga for years. It increases your flexibility, but more bed and waking up at around the same time every day,

than that, it is about understanding yourself. including non-school nights.
• Be consistent on weekends. Although teens can stay up a little
longer, they should not stay in bed longer on weekends. It will
STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 3 – PAGE 70 - EXERCISE 1 make it harder to get back on track for their regular schedule.
a. Going on a diet means that you start a diet. • Create a sleep-friendly physical environment.
b. Keeping fit means exercising regularly to be healthy. • The bedroom should be comfortable, cool, quiet, and dark. A
c. Gain weight means an increase in your body weight. bedroom that is warmer than 75 degrees can make it harder
to fall and stay asleep.
d. Bad shape means not having a healthy physical appearance.
• The bed should only be used for sleeping. Try not to do
homework, read a book, or listen to music in bed.
31 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 3 – PAGE 70 - EXERCISE 3 • Keep a consistent bedtime routine. Try doing less stimulating
activities such as reading or listening to calm music. Do not
a. I’ve put on 5 kilos since last year. No gym during that
use this time to watch television, study, use the computer, talk
period really helped me to lose weight.
on the phone, or exercise.
b. You are in very good shape, you look very healthy. What are
you doing?
c. It took almost a year to get fit, in order to run in the 34 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 3 - PAGE 74 - EXERCISE 1
Facts about our brain.
d. The doctor recommended that I go on a low-salt diet.
1. Your brain has about 86 billion neurons, which are cells of
the nervous system. Neurons are responsible for receiving
32 and transmitting nerve impulses;
2. The brain of an adult woman weighs about 1.3 kg; the brain
Get Into Working Out of an adult male weighs 1.5 kg. Unfortunately for men, the
Make It Yours weight of the brain does not say anything about its
Lean into your own personality to get into sports. Your intelligence;
favorite music, your ideal time of day and activities you 3. Your brain exists for about 2% of your body weight, but uses
actually enjoy are more likely to keep you motivated. up to 25% of your daily total energy requirements;
Stay Supported 4. Every day, we lose 85,000 neurons (cells), that is, 1 cell per
Make sure you have the right gear for each activity. That may second, or 31 million cells per year;
mean a new sports bra, a good shirt, sports shoes, etc. 5. Fortunately, we continue to create new connections
Break It Up throughout our lives. Every time you recall a memory or have
It’s OK to break up your total physical activity goal into a new thought, you make new connections in your brain;
shorter sessions. Aim for, at least, 150 minutes of moderate 6. The creation of new cells by mental activity is called
aerobic activity per week. Short bursts a few times a day can neuroplasticity;
get you there without feeling overwhelmed.
7. There are no pain receptors in your brain, this means your
Build It In brain can not feel any pain itself;
Create space in the natural flow of your life to add activity, so
it doesn’t feel like a chore. Sneak it into quality time with 8. There are about 150,000 kilometers of blood vessels in your
family and activities you’re already doing. brain. If you put this one after the other, it is almost 4 times
the complete circumference of the Earth!
Give It Time
It can take a while for a behavior to become a habit. Try to be 9. While you are awake, your brain generates 10 to 23 watts of
active around the same time each day – even if you don’t do energy. That is enough energy to make a low-energy light
the same every time. bulb shine.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 Transcripciones 161

Brain fitness has basic principles: variety and curiosity. Use What’s the link between physical activity and health?
these ideas to keep a healthy brain. Even with risk factors for heart disease such as high blood
Play Games pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol, people who enjoy regular
Brain fitness programs and games are a wonderful way to physical activity have lower death rates than people who have no
challenge your brain. Suduko, crosswords and electronic games risk factors but who aren’t physically active. What’s more, people
can all improve your brain’s speed and memory. These games with heart disease who are physically fit live longer and have
rely on logic, word skills, math and more. fewer heart attacks than heart patients who aren’t physically fit.
Meditation The facts are clear: Regular physical activity benefits people
Daily meditation is, perhaps, the single greatest thing you can do who have heart disease as well as those who don’t.

for your mind and body health. Meditation not only relaxes you, What type of physical activity is best?
it gives your brain a workout. By creating a different mental Any type of physical activity is good if it makes your muscles
state, you engage your brain in new and interesting ways while work more than usual. The heart is a muscle and benefits from a
increasing your brain fitness. workout just like other muscles in your body.
Eat for Your Brain Physical activity for your heart
Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats. Focus on fish oils from Physical activities that involve steady, rhythmic movement of the
wild salmon, nuts such as walnuts, seeds such as flax seed and legs and arms are called “aerobic” exercises and are especially
olive oil. Eat more of these foods and less saturated fats. good for the heart. Examples include brisk walking, running,
Eliminate transfats completely from your diet. swimming, cycling and dancing. Regular aerobic exercise
Tell Good Stories conditions the heart to pump blood to the whole body.
Stories are a way to solidify memories, interpret events and Adults with chronic conditions or disabilities should get regular
share moments. Practice telling your stories, both new and old, physical activity according to their abilities and should avoid
so that they are interesting, and fun. Some basic storytelling inactivity. Preferably, the activity should be spread throughout
techniques will go a long way in keeping people’s interest in the week. Great benefits can be achieved at up to 300 minutes of
what you have to say. moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 150 minutes of vigorous-
Turn Off Your Television intensity activity each week.
The average person watches more than 4 hours of television Physical activity for your other muscles
every day. Television can stand in the way of relationships, life Stretching and strengthening activities keep muscles working
and more. Turn off your TV and spend more time living and well. Include strength training in your exercise routine at least
exercising your mind and body. twice a week.
Exercise Your Body to Exercise Your Brain Muscles lose strength and flexibility as you get older. Common
Physical exercise is great brain exercise too. By moving your
tasks become more difficult, such as bending over to tie shoes,
body, your brain has to learn new muscle skills, estimate
opening a jar, lifting a bag of groceries or even getting out of a
distance and practice balance. Choose a variety of exercises to
chair. When your muscles aren’t in good shape, you’re more
challenge your brain.
likely to lose your balance and fall. Strengthening exercises can
Learn a New Skill
also help boost your metabolism so you get more benefit out of
Learning a new skill works multiple areas of the brain. Your
your aerobic activities and lose weight faster.
memory comes into play, you learn new movements and you
How to get started
associate things differently. Reading Shakespeare, learning to
Healthy adults generally do not need to consult a health-care
cook, etcetera, will challenge your brain and give you something
provider before becoming physically active. However, if you have
to think about.
Make Simple Changes a chronic condition, your doctor can help you plan an
We love our routines but, the more we do something, the less our appropriate physical activity program and may refer you to a
brains have to work to do it. To really help your brain stay formal cardiac rehabilitation program to help you learn to be
young, challenge it. Change routes to the grocery store, use your active safely. You may also need an exercise stress test before you
opposite hand to open doors and eat dessert first. All this will become active again.
force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again.


36 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 3 - PAGE 75 - EXERCISE 1 Raw walnuts
Walnuts fill you up and help keep blood-sugar levels steady.
i. Frankly, I don’t think I spend too many hours in front of
They’re also a good source of magnesium and phosphorus:
the TV.
Having low levels of magnesium has been linked to increased
ii. Meditating has surprisingly helped me to develop
risk of depression, while high levels of magnesium have been
linked to reduced symptoms of depression.
iii. The first thing we eliminated from our diet was trans fats,
Suggested serving: One handful

162 UNIDAD 3 Transcripciones 3º MEDIO

Oysters are heart-healthy and contribute to that great feeling Research shows that high levels of sedentary time can lead to
after eating, because they improve overall circulation. Oysters health problems. Sedentary time is the time we spend sitting, or
are also very high in essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty not moving very much. High levels of sedentary time are linked
acids. to poor health and increased risk of health problems (e.g. type
Oysters are also a great source of zinc — an undervalued 2 diabetes and heart disease). Sedentary behavior is not the
mineral, said Ramsey — and vitamin B12. Zinc has a role in same as a lack of physical activity. People who do enough
helping our bodies fight off stress and is essential to the part physical activity each day may still spend a lot of time sitting
for too long.
of the brain that regulates mood and memory.
Here are some tips on how to get started:
Suggested serving: Six to 12 oysters
• Choose an activity that you enjoy.

• Set small and achievable physical activity goals.
Coffee is practically a magic bean when it comes to mood • Reward yourself when you reach your goals e.g. massage.
lifting: The caffeine in coffee can boost mental focus and • Be active with friends or family by making a regular time to
alertness and athletic performance. Coffee consumption may meet to go walking or take part in other activities.
also protect against Type 2 diabetes and decrease the risk of • Make physical activity part of your day – set your alarm 30
depression. But the less you consume, the better it works. minutes earlier each morning or use your lunch break to go
Suggested serving: Coffee has about 150 mg of caffeine per for a walk.
cup. Limit consumption to about 300 mg caffeine per day and More technology often leads to more sedentary time. Set
consume it once a day, at the time you want to be most alert. yourself a goal for a maximum amount of ‘screen time’ for
Dark chocolate leisure each day.
“Dark chocolate is one of the biggest mood boosters,” Dark
chocolate not only provides immediate eating pleasure, but it
has a high percentage of cacao, which has more antioxidant 41 Teacher’s Book - Page 157 - EXERCISE 4
power than many other foods.
The benefits of meditation.
Suggested serving: Two to four small squares a day.
1. A literature review conducted in 2014 assessed 47 mindfulness
meditation trials that involved around 3,515 participants. The
review concluded that meditation is a useful tool that helps
ACTIVITY BOOK - UNIT 3 - PAGE 34 - EXERCISE 1 relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. And not only do
Teens and Sleep facts meditators feel less stressed, their levels of the “stress
• Sleep is vital to your well-being, as important as the air you hormone” cortisol decrease measurably.
breathe, the water you drink and the food you eat. It can even 2. One study conducted at Ohio State University showed that
help you eat better and manage the stress of being regular mindfulness-based muscle relaxation exercises
a teen. lowered the risk of breast cancer recurring. A different study
at Ohio State monitoring meditation’s effects on elderly
• Biological sleep patterns shift toward later times for both
patients concluded that mindfulness and relaxation exercises
sleeping and waking during adolescence -- meaning it is
practiced over the period of one month helped boost patients’
natural to not be able to fall asleep before 11:00 pm.
immune system.
• Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night to 3. Experts believe that meditation reduces the body’s
function best. Most teens do not get enough sleep — one responsiveness to cortisol and other stress hormones, which is
study found that only 15% reported sleeping 8 1/2 hours on similar to how blood pressure reducing medications work. It’s
school nights. one of meditation’s great health blessings.
• Teens tend to have irregular sleep patterns across the week 4. Meditation practice helps the body learn to relax, a benefit
— they typically stay up late and sleep in late on the that continues when it’s time to bed. It also trains the mind to
weekends, which can affect their biological clocks and hurt settle the attention on an object such as the breath and allow
the quality of their sleep. other thoughts and emotions to float by like clouds on a
• Many teens suffer from treatable sleep disorders, such as pleasant day. There are also guided meditations that are
narcolepsy, insomnia, restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea. designed to promote sleep. Harvard Medical School suggests
that focusing on a phrase such as “breathe in calm, breathe
out tension” beats counting sheep when it’s time to sleep.
40 ACTIVITY BOOK - UNIT 3 - PAGE 35 - EXERCISE 6 5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common bowel disorder
characterized by bloating, abdominal pain, cramps and
Along with healthy eating, being active and sitting less is an altered bowel behavior. Daily relaxing meditation has been
important part of maintaining a healthy weight. found to relieve its symptoms. Following a series of successful
Be Active Everyday studies, researchers now strongly recommended daily
Just 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (an meditation in its management.
activity that is energetic and raises your heart rate but doesn’t 6. A study conducted at the University of Utah suggested that
make you too breathless, such as fast walking) on most or all mindfulness contributes to better emotional and physical
days of the week is needed for good health. well-being.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 3 Transcripciones 163

UN T Volunteer Work
4 and Entrepreneurs
Propuesta de planificación


OA 13
Demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e información
explícita en textos orales simples de variada extensión y de
interacciones que presentan un uso auténtico del lenguaje, Entrada de unidad Clase 1 1h. pedagógica
como entrevistas grabadas, avisos publicitarios, programas
de conversaciones radiales y/o televisivos relacionados con el
trabajo voluntario y el emprendimiento y que contemplan
las funciones de expresar un posible evento presente o
futuro y exponer un punto de vista. Para ello, deben:
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, frases y palabras
clave, expresiones y frases hechas. Do you Remember? Clase 2 1h. pedagógica
• Identificar expresiones de condición referidas a posibles eventos
presentes o futuros.
• Reconocer expresiones para exponer puntos de vista.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores:
unless, nevertheless y provided that.
• Discriminar sonidos que interfieren con la comprensión del
3° Medio - Semestre 2

texto y sonidos /z/ y /s/ propios del inglés.

• Recurrir a estrategias, como el uso de conocimientos Lección 1 Clase 3 - 7 5h. pedagógicas
previos sobre el tema o reconocer claves no verbales,
Unidad 4

gestos y entonación.
• Integrar la expresión oral y/o escrita.

OA 14
Leer y demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e
información relevante en textos descriptivos, informativos, Lección 2 Clases 8 - 11 4h. pedagógicas
narrativos y expositivos auténticos, simples y de variada
extensión, como bitácoras, informes y entrevistas,
relacionados con el trabajo voluntario y el emprendimiento.
Para ello, deben:
• Usar estrategias de lectura rápida y focalizada.
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras y
frases clave. Check Your Progress Clase 12 1h. pedagógica
• Identificar expresiones de condición referidas a posibles eventos
presentes o futuros.
• Realizar inferencias sobre la base del contexto y de
información explícita.
• Reconocer expresiones para exponer puntos de vista.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores:
unless, nevertheless y provided that.
• Integrar la expresión oral y/o escrita. Evaluación Formativa 1 Clase 13 1h. pedagógica

164 UNIDAD 4 Planificación 3º MEDIO


OA 15
Expresarse oralmente por medio de monólogos de
aproximadamente tres minutos de extensión y de diálogos Clase
Lección 3 4h. pedagógicas
de aproximadamente 16 intercambios breves y simples que 14 - 17
incorporen las funciones comunicativas de años anteriores
y las funciones de expresar condición sobre un posible
evento presente o futuro. Para ello, deben:
• Utilizar frases hechas, expresiones idiomáticas y oraciones
breves y simples conectadas entre sí.
• Aplicar vocabulario temático de la unidad. Lección 4 4h. pedagógica
18 - 21
• Utilizar primer condicional para expresar condición sobre un
posible evento presente o futuro.
• Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores: unless,
nevertheless y provided that.
• Pronunciar de manera inteligible sonidos de años anteriores y
sonidos /z/ y /s/.
• Utilizar estrategias de autocorrección. Subject Connections Clase 22 1h. pedagógica

OA 16
3° Medio - Semestre 2

Escribir textos descriptivos y narrativos breves y simples de

aproximadamente 150 palabras, como entrevistas e
itinerarios, relacionados con el trabajo voluntario y el
Unidad 4

emprendimiento. Para ello, deben: Clase

Project 2h. pedagógicas
• Aplicar el vocabulario temático de la unidad. 23 y 24
• Utilizar primer condicional para expresar condición sobre un
posible evento presente o futuro.
• Dar coherencia a sus ideas mediante el uso de conectores:
unless, nevertheless y provided that.
• Aplicar el uso de elementos ortográficos. Final Check
• Utilizar estrategias variadas de corrección, coherencia y Clases 25 1h. pedagógica
And Review
cohesión de textos escritos, como uso de conectores,
identificación de propósito y audiencia y uso de
modelos escritos.

Muestra confianza en sí mismo y sentido positivo ante Evaluación formativa 2
la vida. Clase 26 1h. pedagógica
• Muestra interés por conocer trabajos voluntarios.
• Da ejemplos de trabajos voluntarios.
• Invita a participar en trabajos voluntarios.
Muestra interés en desarrollar habilidades y conocimientos
con el fin de aplicarlos en su futuro campo académico
y/o laboral. Evaluación Final
• Señala las ventajas del trabajo voluntario. Clase 27 1h. pedagógica
• Explica los requisitos para trabajos voluntarios en otros países.
• Explica cómo el inglés puede ser útil para participar en
trabajos voluntarios.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 Planificación 165

clase 1 UN T Volunteer Work
and Entrepreneurs
Las actividades en estas lecciones tienen
como propósito activar la motivación de
los estudiantes hacia el tema de la 4
unidad. Permite que los estudiantes
reconozcan la importancia de los
objetivos de aprendizaje para sus
propias vidas. Además, permite que los
estudiantes establezcan metas
personales para la unidad, trazando una
guía del aprendizaje para lograrlas.

Solicite a los estudiantes observar las
imágenes en la página 88 y solicite
voluntarios para comparar y contrastar
las imágenes indicando: (Nombre del
alumnos) Can you compare and contrast
two of these pictures? Una vez que los
estudiantes hayan realizado esta
actividad, invítelos a responder las
siguientes preguntas: What do all these
pictures have in common? Have you
ever met someone who does bring this
kind of help? What does that person do?
Pida un voluntario para leer frente al
curso la sección You will... en el cuadro
de presentación de los objetivos de
la unidad.
Luego, explíqueles que la pregunta
¿para qué? se refiere a lo que podrán
hacer una vez que cumplan con cada
objetivo. Pida a otro voluntario leer la
sección What for? Clarifique de ser “Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you.
necesario. Indique a los alumnos que Even if it is a little thing, do something for which
tanto los objetivos de lenguaje como los
transversales tienen igual importancia there is no pay but the privilege of doing it.
dentro del desarrollo de la unidad. Remember, you don’t live in the world on your own.”
Invítelos a reflexionar sobre la
importancia de estos objetivos para sus Albert Schweitzer
vidas, con el propósito de valorar esos
objetivos a nivel personal.: How 88 3º MED O
important are these objectives to your
own life?
Es posible que sus estudiantes no estén anterior, si nota que esta tarea es demasiado
Motive a sus estudiantes y permítales acostumbrados a trabajar con este enfoque exigente para ser abordada en inglés, puede
explorar la unidad antes de comenzar a metacognitivo, ya que normalmente se les ha dejar que escriban sus metas en español.
desarrollarla. Se sugiere que revisen y enseñado a centrarse en el contenido en Recuerde siempre considerar los diferentes
reconozcan las diferentes secciones enfoques educativos más tradicionales. niveles y las diversas necesidades de los
y señalen lo que más les ha llamado Dígales que este es el espacio donde estudiantes. Por esta razón, es importante que
su atención. mantendrán un registro de sus metas de se tome el tiempo para modelar,
El propósito de esta sección es guiar a aprendizaje. No necesitan usar oraciones informándoles sobre la importancia de las
los estudiantes para establecer sus completas si deciden escribir sus metas en prácticas de establecimiento de objetivos y la
propios objetivos para la unidad y inglés. Si este es el caso, puede alentarlos a creación de un plan de aprendizaje.
diseñar un plan de aprendizaje que les usar palabras aisladas o frases sencillas que
ayude a lograr sus objetivos personales. les sean familiares. Como en la unidad


sus opiniones frente al curso: What
You will... What for? are these people doing? Why do you
listen to texts about volunteer work and entrepreneurs, in order to identify to show comprehension by means think they are doing it? Do you think
experiences that happened before others. dentify topic vocabulary and of oral and written expression. they get any rewards for doing it?
make relations to support comprehension. Discriminate target sounds. to support the comprehension of
Use diverse strategies. Demonstrate comprehension by means of oral and a text, and integrate strategies to cierre
written expressions. oral and written expression.
read and show comprehension of, different types of texts about the topic Para cerrar la clase, los estudiantes
to express opinions about
of the unit. dentify topic vocabulary and expressions related to volunteer volunteer work and entrepreneurs, pueden compartir su experiencia o de
work and entrepreneurs and make relations to support comprehension. Use making use of target structures otros con respeto a realizar trabajo
diverse to express ideas orally and in written form. and topic vocabulary of the unit, voluntario indicando: Have you ever
communicate orally by means of dialogues and monologues, making use
of varied strategies and correct pronunciation. Express opinions, cohesively
coherently and cohesively.
volunteered? Have any member of your
to write cohesive and coherent
family or friend ever volunteered? What

and coherently, about volunteering, by means of target structures and texts, making use of different
vocabulary. strategies, structures and topic did she/he do? What organization did
communicate ideas related to health and modern life through sentences vocabulary of the unit, as well as she/he help?
and short descriptive texts. Make use of target structure, topic vocabulary orthographic elements of the level.
and orthographic elements of the level. Write cohesive and coherent texts, Si cuenta con acceso a internet, puede
making use of connectors and diverse strategies. invitar a los alumnos a visitar los
siguientes links con el fin de
interiorizarse en el tópico de la unidad:
Why volunteer?
1 Read the quote on page 88 and discuss with your partner.
a. What is your definition of volunteer work? volunteering/why-volunteer
b. Have you ever volunteered? Career Development: How
c. What organizations do volunteer work in your country? What kind of work do they do? Volunteering Can Create Opportunity
2 Describe the pictures below and discuss. blog/career-development-volunteerism/
a. What are these people doing? Describe the activities. Jóvenes solidarios en Chile: un 16%
b. Why do you think they are doing it? participa en voluntariado
c. Do you think they get any retribution for doing it? Link:

3º MED O UN T 4 89

desarrollo comenten las preguntas de la actividad 1,

indicándoles: Read the quotation below
1. Read the quotation on page 88 and
and answer the questions. Do not forget to
discuss with your partner.
support each answer. Monitorear. Invite a
Lea a los estudiantes la cita que aparece
los estudiantes a compartir sus opiniones
en la parte inferior de la página e invíte-
con las clases.
los a comentar como curso las siguientes
preguntas: Is it true that, wherever you 2. Describe the pictures below and discuss.
turn, there is someone who needs help? Indíqueles que , en grupo, ahora deberán
Is there any privilege in helping others? observar las imágenes, leer las preguntas
Is it our duty to do something since we de la actividad y compartir sus opinio-
are not alone in the world? Solicite a nes con los otros miembros del grupo.
los estudiantes que trabajen en parejas y Monitorear. Pedir voluntarios para dar



clase 2
1 Read the text and answer the questions.

do you remember? a. What did the Titi Fund do?

b. How long did it take them to carry out this donation?
iNicio c. What do these NYC schools have in common?
Escriba en el pizarrón la siguiente d. How did students feel?
aseveración: The government should
pay for some of the jobs volunteers do. JANUARY 16, 2020
Organice a los estudiantes en grupos de
4 integrantes, indíqueles leer la oración The Titi Fund Grants 5,000
en el pizarrón y debatir en torno a ella,

indicando los siguiente: Being a Wishes in New York City

firefighter is one of the most valued
Just in time for the holidays, 31 schools in families”, said Rachel Yaroschuk, a social
volunteer jobs in our country. New York City received some exciting news. worker from the Bronx.“Students are proud
Firefighters are conscious they need The Titi Fund of New York provided 5,000 and showing off their new winter coats!
resources; however they prefer those brand new coats to students living in need. Having something new that they wear with
resources being invested in training, The Titi Fund partnered with Operation pride honors the dignity of our students and
equipment, fire trucks, etc, rather than Warm to provide brand new winter coats to families. There is nothing better than seeing
kids and guardians smiling”.
in salaries. Read the statement and every school on the Operation Warm wish
discuss with your group. Monitorear. list located within the five NYC boroughs
(Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx,
desarrollo and Staten Island).
1. Read the text and answer All orders were placed, shipped, and received
the questions. in a two-week period, leading up to the
public school’s December vacation. School
En este ejercicio los estudiantes administrators were then able to surprise
deberán leer un texto no literario. their students with the gift of a new coat just
Indicar: Read the piece of news and, in time for the holidays.
in pairs, answer the questions. Invi- “We were thrilled to receive this generous
tar a estudiantes a leer las respuestas donation! Out of all NYC schools, we have
para revisar: (Nombre del estudiante) one of the highest number of students in
Can you read and answer question 1, temporary housing. Most of these students
live in shelters or are doubled-up with other
please? Who wants to read the next
one please?
Taken and adapted from:
2. Transform the following sentences
into the Passive voice. Write them 2 42 Transform the following sentences into the Passive voice. Write them in your

in your Activity Book. Activity Book.

En esta actividad, los estudiantes a. The Titi Fund partnered with Operation Warm to provide brand new winter coats to every school.
deben transformar las oraciones a voz b. School administrators were able to surprise their students with the gift.
pasiva. Recordales: The passive voice c. The Titi Fund of New York provided 5,000 brand new coats to students living in need.
is used to show interest in the person d. 31 schools in New York City received some exciting news.
or object that experiences an action
rather than the person or object that
performs the action. Invite a los estu- 90 UN T 4 3º MED O

diantes a pasar al pizarrón para revi-

sar las respuestas. Se sugiere además
aprovechar esta instancia para que cierre
expliquen en que consiste, gramati- Se sugiere cerrar la clase debatiendo en torno
calmente, esta transformación. a la siguiente afirmación: According to an
extension program of the Perdue University
in India, the most frequently-reported reason
for volunteering is “being asked”. The study
indicates: “There is a lesson here that all of
us need to remember: If we need help, we
need to ask!”. Do you think organizations
should ask for help or should wait for people
who really want to help?


Lesson 1 Volunteering
indicadas. Posteriormente solicite
voluntarios para leer las preguntas y
Before reading compartir las respuestas con el curso:
(Nombre del estudiante) Can you
1 Exchange opinions. read question 1 and give
a. What do you think about volunteering? your opinion?
b. Would you participate in a non-profit organization? Or would you find another way to help? 42 Read and listen to the
c. What kind of volunteer program would you be a part of?
following story and discuss the
d. Do you think you have the abilities to be part of a volunteering program?
questions with your partners.
e. What kind of characteristics should a volunteer have?
Los estudiantes leen y escuchan el
texto The Star Thrower y comentan

2 42 Read and listen to the following story and discuss the questions with your partners. sobre el. Indique lo siguiente: Read
and listen the tale The Star Thrower
and discuss in groups the questions.
The Star Thrower Monitorear. Invitar a los estudiantes
by Loren Eiseley
a compartir sus opiniones con
la clase.
Once upon a time, a man walking along a beach saw a boy picking up starfish 3. 43 Listen to what these people
and throwing them into the sea.
say about volunteering and discuss
He asked the boy why he was throwing starfish into the sea.
with your classmates. Support
The boy replied,“The tide is going out. If I don’t throw them in, they’ll dry up
and die.”
your answers.
Solicite a los estudiantes leer las pre-
The man smiled and said,“But, there are miles of beach and thousands of
starfish on every mile. You can’t possibly make a difference!” guntas de la actividad 3, e invítelos a
The boy smiled, bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it into the sea. escuchar algunos testimonios de gen-
“Well,” he said,“I made a difference for that one.” te que realiza voluntariado con el fin
de responder las preguntas indicadas.
Listen to these people talking about
Taken and adapted from: volunteering work and discuss the
a. Do you think one person can make a difference? questions with your partners. Se su-
b. Do you think a big number of people can make a difference? giere extender la actividad realizando
preguntas de comprensión como las
3 43 Listen to what these people say about volunteering and discuss with your
siguientes: How does Trevor Lytt-
classmates. Support your answers. leton feel about helping and why ?
What does Anna Jackson say about
a. What do all these people have in common? her role? What does Diane Hoffman
b. How do these people feel when they help others? say about volunteering?
c. What benefits do you get, personally,
by volunteering? cierre
d. What benefits, other than personal satisfaction, could you get by volunteering? Para cerrar la clase, puede presentar la
e. Should volunteering be rewarded in any way?
infografía Volunteering Things you
should know, la sección Volunteers’
rights and responsibilities indicando lo
3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 1 91 siguiente: Read the rights and
responsibilities of a volunteer. Do you
agree with them? Why should a volunteer
clase 3 indicates that those who volunteer typically be reliable? Why should a volunteer
contribute more than those who do not receive appropriate training? Why should
($2,295 to $1,009). Why do you think this they receive support and supervision?
lesson 1 Volunteering happens?
Si no cuenta con conexión a internet,
Source: Independent Sector,
iNicio puede preparar la infografía de
desarrollo antemano y llevarla impresa, para que
Se sugiere abrir la clase invitando a los sus alumnos puedan verla. Volunteering
estudiantes a dar su opinión en torno a la Before reading
Things you should know
siguiente información: According to a North 1. Exchange opinions.
American organization that brings together a Link:
En esta actividad los estudiantes, en grupo
diverse set of nonprofits, foundations, and wp-content/uploads/2016/07/
de 3 a 4 integrantes, deben comentar con
corporations, Trends in Volunteerism Volunteering-Victoria-Guide-to-
sus compañeros acerca de las preguntas

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 1 169

While reading

clase 4
iNicio Key words
Para introducir la lectura 7 Surprising schedule
benefits of volunteering pregunte a los spare
estudiantes: Do you think there are any beneficial
benefits in volunteering? Which ones? ease
Why? Realice una lista en el pizarrón elderly
con sus contribuciones. Presente a los
estudiantes el siguiente video,
indicando: A UK foundation launched

this video to motivate people to be part

of a global change. Can we really make Strategy in mind
a change? Understanding specific meaning
En caso de no ser posible acceder a este of words.
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time;
recurso, invite a los estudiantes a debatir
they just have the heart.“
en torno a la pregunta: Can an
individual really make a change? How? Elizabeth Andrew
Discuss with your partners.
Smart reading Don’t let a busy schedule stand between you and volunteering.
Making a world of difference Sparing as little as two hours per week to volunteer can give
1. 42 Read the text and
Link: complete the sentences in
you more benefits than you can imagine.
your Activity Book with the I’m not just talking about the warm and fuzzy feeling you get
desarrollo words provided. from helping people and animals. Science says volunteering has
While reading elderly sparing
a positive effect on your physical and mental health.
As wild as it may sound, volunteering may be more beneficial to
Key words shifted away
you than it is to those you’re helping. Below are some amazing
Solicite a los estudiantes leer las wealthier loneliness benefits of volunteering you may not know about.
palabras en la sección Key words e
a. Research indicates that
inferir sus significado indicando: Take a people have…the purposes 1. VOLUNTEER NG MAY HELP YOU L VE LONGER.
look at the words in section Key words. of volunteering. Volunteering improves your overall health, which
According to the topic of the lesson and b. This is similar to other consequently lowers the risk of premature death. The
researches, showing that
the title of the text, what does schedule people who donate to
amount of time you spend volunteering matters. A study
may refer to? What does spare mean? charity feel...
found that, if you volunteer more than 100 hours a year, you
will help your health last longer. That may seem like a lot of
What would shifted away mean? c. Are you interested in
time, but it only equates to about two hours a week.
What is wealthier? What does volunteering with the...?
d. There are many ways to
loneliness mean? join in with others and help 2. VOLUNTEER NG CAN MAKE YOU LESS LONELY.
conquer feelings of... Loneliness is one of those problems you should never ignore.
Strategy in mind e. … a few hours of your It increases your risk of heart disease, obesity, depression and
Uno de los objetivos que deben ser time volunteering can be anxiety. Luckily, if you volunteer for just a couple of hours
a brilliant way to make a
cubiertos en esta actividad es entender difference.
every week, you will help end your loneliness. In a study,
el significado de palabras. Indique lo researchers found that widows reduced their loneliness by
simply volunteering for this short amount of time.
siguiente: In order to contextualize the
meaning of a word you should identify
common types of context clues, such as

identifying the type or word, by

analyzing meaningful word parts such labra, y sus sufijos. Indique lo siguiente: Happen to Good People, indicated that
as root words and affixes. Once you have read the text, complete the people who volunteer:
Smart reading sentences in your Activity book with the Feel Good After Volunteering · 95%
words. Pay special attention to the root Feel Physically Healthier · 68%
1. Read the text and complete the words and affixes to infer their meaning
sentences in your Activity Book Feel Less Stress · 73%
and connect them to the corresponding Sleep Better · 58%
with the words provided. sentence.
Solicite a los estudiantes leer el texto Do you think volunteering can really make
y posteriormente completar las ora- cierre you feel happier and healthier? Does is
ciones con la palabra correspondien- Invite a los estudiantes a cerrar la clase depend on the type of volunteering program?
te del banco de palabras. Sugiérales comentando las siguiente información: Dr. How can volunteering and sleeping well
poner en práctica la estrategia de la Stephen Post, in his book Good Things have any relation? Can volunteering make
lección, identificando el tipo de pa- you feel less stresses?

170 UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 1 3º MEDIO

Your analysis
1. Read the questions and
choose the best answer Your analysis
according to the text. Answer 1. Read the questions and choose the
in your notebook.
a. What does the word
best answer according to the text.
“equates” mean? Los estudiantes leen nuevamente el
3. VOLUNTEER NG HELPS MPROVE SOC AL L FE. i. corresponds texto con el fin de identificar frases
If you work from home, chances are you don’t meet people ii. regards as identical y oraciones y su significado según
as much as you would like to. Well, if you volunteer, there is b. The writer uses the phrase su contexto. Read the questions in
“fuzzy feeling you get from
a great possibility that you will meet new people and make
helping” in the introduction section Your analysis, then read the
new friends.
to show that… text again and answer. Seleccione a
i. Helping people is a estudiantes en forma aleatoria a leer

Most times, we feel anxious or depressed because we focus
feeling that cannot las oraciones con sus respectivas
be described.
too much on ourselves. Working with people or pets will ii. Helping people is a respuestas.
shift the focus away from yourself. Researchers also say that feeling that cannot
if you help others, your brain will release chemicals which be seen. Think critically
make you feel happy. Spending time with animals also has c. What is a fact about anxiety Se sugiere organizar a los estudiantes en
and depression?
the same effect.
i. Brain releases “good” grupos de 3 o 4 integrantes y dar sus
5. VOLUNTEER NG CAN KEEP YOU PHYS CALLY ACT VE. chemicals when helping. opiniones respecto de las preguntas ahí
Volunteering can help you move more, whether you choose
ii. Helping people may planteadas. Get in groups of 3 or 4
mitigate anxiety and
to walk the pets in your local animal shelter or help the depression.
students and discuss the questions in
elderly. Moving more lowers the risk of conditions like e. What does the writer say
Think critically section. Monitorear.
arthritis, heart disease, and obesity. about skills? Escribir algunos de los aportes de los
i. Volunteering helps estudiantes recogidos durante el
6. VOLUNTEER NG HELPS YOU DEVELOP NEW SK LLS. people to become better monitoreo. Posteriormente, motive a los
Skill-based volunteering is a great way to gain more
ii. Teaching others helps estudiantes a presentar sus puntos de
experience and develop new skills. If you teach people your
skill, you will become a better leader and communicator. people to become better vista y compartirlos con el resto de la
leaders. clase. (Nombre del estudiante) you said
7. VOLUNTEER NG MAKES YOU FEEL L KE YOU HAVE MORE T ME. that..... Why did you say that?
You’ve probably heard that giving makes you feel wealthier.
The same is true for volunteering. A report from Harvard cierre
Business Review explains that giving your time away makes Think critically Entregue a los estudiantes los siguientes
you feel like you have more time. This should be encouraging Make text-to-world connections datos y pregunte: According to an
to those who use the excuse that they’re too busy to n your opinion, how can
volunteer. volunteering boost your
important survey, Volunteering brings
future career? “The Career success effect” since
Taken and adapted from:
Make text-to-self connections volunteers are more likely to get a job,
How important is volunteering in employers believe volunteering is a
our country? valuable add, and people who volunteer
Are we more reactive than are more likely to be promoted and
proactive when it comes to
volunteering? Why? increase their salaries. How can
volunteering help you have more
opportunities to get a job? How can it
help you to be promoted? How can
3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 1 93
having a employee who volunteers be
positive for the employer?

clase 5 skills can you develop in you work with

people? What kind of skills can you develop
iNicio if you work in the environmental area?
Se sugiere al docente iniciar la clase
invitando a los estudiantes a hacer un
resumen del texto leído la clase anterior.
Motívelos a dar sus opiniones respecto de la
aseveración 6 del texto, indicando: (Nombre
del alumno) Do you agree that volunteering
helps you develop new skills? What kind of

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 1 171

After reading

clase 6
Language in use Zero and First conditionals
iNicio Take a look at these examples and read the rules below.
Solicite a los estudiantes a visitar el link a. f you work from home, chances are you don’t meet people as much…
indicado con el fin de pensar más
b. f you volunteer for just a couple of hours every week, you will help end your loneliness.
profundamente que tipo de voluntariado
i. Zero conditional (example a) is used when talking about a general truth rather than a specific
es el más apropiado de acuerdo a sus instance of something.
intereses indicando: Visit the link below, ii. First conditional (example b) is used to express situations in which the outcome is likely (but
and take the quiz at the Quibblo not guaranteed) to happen in the future.
website. It will help you to think deeply
about your potential as volunteers.

What Type of Volunteer Work Should 43 Complete the sentences in your Activity Book with the Zero Conditional.
You Do? a. When have no time to volunteer,...
Link: b. f it rains while we are giving away lunch,...
En caso de no poder acceder a este c. When people want to help,...
recurso trabajar con el quiz What kind d. When you volunteer,...
of volunteer are you?, multicopiar y e. f someone comes in a wheelchair,...
entregar a los estudiantes con el fin de
determinar que tipo de voluntariado es 2 44 Listen to the questions and answer them, using the First Conditional. Then, ask them
el adequado según sus intereses. to your partner. Use the pictures below to support your answers.

What kind of volunteer are you? a b


after reading
language in use zero and first
Solicite a los estudiantes leer en parejas
la sección Language in use y
determinar cual es el intención de ellas
según su estructura. Indique:
Conditional sentences are statements c
used to express that the action in the
main clause (without If or When) can
only take place if a certain condition (in
the clause with If or When) is fulfilled.
Based on what you have read, what
would the grammatical structure of
those conditionals be? Entregue a los
estudiantes otros ejemplos significativos
con el fin de que ellos puedan
identificar la estructura para luego 94 UN T 4 LESSON 1 3º MED O
aplicarla en la actividad siguiente.
Zero conditional: If + Present simple,
Present simple 1. Complete the sentences in your Activity 2. 44 Listen to the questions and answer
Book with the Zero Conditional. them, using the First Conditional.
First conditional: If + Present simple,
Invite a los estudiantes a trabajar en pare- Then, ask them to your partner.
Will + Infinitive
jas y posteriormente solicíteles revisar y Invite a un estudiante a leer la instrucción
compartir sus oraciones con otro grupo: In de la actividad 2. Indique a los estudian-
pairs complete the sentence with the First tes que realicen turnos para preguntar y
conditional. Then exchange your senten- responder lo indicado en el audio: Listen
ces with another group and check. to the audio, then take turns to ask and
answer the target questions. Monitorear.

172 UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 1 3º MEDIO

Writing An essay
In groups of three, write an essay about the benefits of doing volunteer Work in your notebook. clase 7
1. Organizing ideas
a. Find more information about the benefits of doing volunteer work. You can visit the link below or Writing an essay
consult some other reliable sources within your reach. iNicio
En esta actividad, los estudiantes deben
b. Make a plan of the information you will include, according to the following structure.
First paragraph: ntroduce the topic. escribir un ensayo de opinión. Para ello
Second paragraph: Present the main argument supporting the positive aspects of volunteer invite a los estudiantes leer la sección
work. Writing Reference de la unidad 4 en el
Third paragraph: Further points supporting your argument. Activity book, e identificar su
Fourth paragraph: Summarize and conclude your exposition.
estructura y elementos.
2. Drafting

Use your notes to write the review. nclude conditional sentences. Also, remember: desarrollo
• Give it an engaging title. En esta etapa de la lección, los
• Give examples where possible. estudiantes deben organizar sus ideas.
• Use formal language.
Señale lo siguiente: In this activity, in
• Don’t use contractions.
• Use a range of grammatical structures.
Editor’s Marks groups of three students, you will have
Capital letter /
to write an essay presenting and
2. Revising
supporting the benefits of doing
Read the prompts in the box to check your draft and improve or complete
your essay.
volunteer work. Visit the link below to
Add a word find more information about the topic to
4. Editing
s Check spelling support your points. Read each step
Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, using the Editor’s Marks Change place carefully. If any doubts, feel confident to
in the box, and write the final version of your report on a separate sheet of paper.
ask me. Monitorear. Indíqueles el
5. Publishing tiempo estimado para realizar cada paso
a. Exchange your report with another group and evaluate each The report de la actividad.
other’s work, using the prompts in the box.
includes examples.
b. Discuss the result of the evaluation and offer supporting
includes conditional cierre
feedback to each other. Remember to show respect to all your
sentences. exit slip
partners’ ideas.
is coherent and cohesive. En esta sección, los estudiantes deben
is interesting for the reader. auto evaluarse. Monitorear. Conversar
en forma individual con los estudiantes
respecto de sus puntos débiles y
sugiérales actividades complementarias
Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class. o estrategias de aprendizaje para poder
reforzar el o los contenidos y lograr los
Write: objetivos de la unidad. Invite a los
5 things ’ve learned estudiantes a comentar su desempeño:
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing Who wants to share their exit slip with
3 things that need improvement learned today... the class? (Nombre del estudiante) what
2 questions have about you? What was the most
1 thing would like to learn more about important thing you learned (Nombre
del estudiante?)
3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 1 95 Los contenidos de esta unidad pueden
ser reforzados a través de las
job search would boost their willingness to actividades de la 1 a la 4 del libro de
volunteer. Do you think volunteering can actividades.
Lea a los estudiantes el resultado de un
help you in any way in for future professional
estudio sobre Millenials y el voluntariado, e
life? How? explain.
invítelos a compartir sus opiniones: A new
study released by an important institution Source:
reveals key insights into what motivates game-changer-millennials/
people to volunteer. While the survey
included all generations, the most surprising
results came from Millennials (ages 18-34).
According to the study, 35% of younger
Millennials (those you are starting out) said
offering opportunities to help their career or

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 1 173

Lesson 2 Volunteering abroad
clase 8

1 Discuss.
lesson 2 Volunteering abroad
a. Have you ever heard about volunteering abroad? What do you think it is?
iNicio b. What would be the benefits of volunteering abroad?
c. What would be the disadvantages of this kind of volunteering?
1. Discuss.
d. Look at the pictures below. Which benefits , do you think, would volunteer work bring
Iniciar la clases presentando el to these places?
concepto de Volunteering abroad
indicando: According to Global
crossroads “volunteering abroad is

the process of doing unpaid work

in a foreign country, oftentimes in
a developing country in great need,
with the goal of simply having a
positive impact on the people and
environment of that country”.
Read the questions in activity 1
and discuss them with a group of
partners. Monitorear. Invite a los
Jaiour, ndia. Burkina Faso, Africa Sattahip, Tailandia
estudiantes a compartir sus opiniones
con el resto de la clase.
Before listening

desarrollo 1 45 Listen to Jen Gale talking about what she’s passionate about and answer the questions.
Before listening a. Why did Jen travel?
1. 45 Listen to Jen Gale talking b. What motivated Jen to travel?
about what she’s passionate about c. Why does she feel lucky?
and answer the questions. d. What does Jen expect from volunteering abroad?
Los estudiantes escuchan el
testimonio de Jen Gale y responden 2 According to Jen, there are 12 reasons to volunteer abroad that will make you join
las preguntas. Señale: Listen to what her. Read them and rank your preferences from 1 to 5. Then, justify your answers and share
Jen Gale says about volunteering them with the whole class.
abroad. In pairs, answer questions
in exercise 1. Monitorear. Invítelos a 1. Volunteering gives you perspective. 7. You’ll meet other like-minded volunteers.
compartir sus respuestas con el resto 2. You learn how to live simply. 8. Future employers will rate your experience.
del curso. (Nombre del alumno) Can 3. You learn new skills…fast. 9. Your confidence will go through the roof.
you read and answer question 1, 4. You’ll work out what’s important to you. 10. You begin to embrace the unexpected.
please? 5. You’ll experience a new culture. 11. You’ll learn how to adapt quickly.
6. You’ll meet the greatest people in 12. t’s a springboard for travelling and
2. According to Jen, there are 12 host cities. vice versa.
reasons to volunteer abroad that
will make you join her. Read them
and rank your preferences from 1
to 5. Then, justify your answers 96 UN T 4 LESSON 2 3º MED O

and share them with the

whole class.
cierre Traveling to save the world by the numbers
En parejas, los estudiantes trabajan
en esta actividad indicando: Read Proyecte la infografía indicada e invite a los
the 12 reasons Jen Gales gives to alumnos a observarla y analizar los datos Si no cuenta con conexión a internet para
volunteer abroad. In pairs, rank your entregados en ella, indicando: Did you know desarrollar esta actividad “online”,
top 5 and talk about your preferences that Peru is the top country of choice for multicopiar y entregar a los estudiantes con
with your partner. Do not forget to volunteering abroad? Read the information el fin de que puedan analizar datos sobre el
support your answers. Invitar a los in the infographic Traveling to save the voluntariado.
estudiantes a compartir su ranking y world by the numbers and make comments
fundamentar. Which ones are your on the data provided in it.
top 5 reasons to volunteer abroad
(Nombre del alumno) and why?

174 UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 2 3º MEDIO

While listening

1 Look at the pictures, read the following statements and predict what the audio will be about. desarrollo
While listening
1. Look at the pictures, read the
following statements and predict
what the audio will be about.
Organice a los estudiantes en grupos
de tres alumnos y solicíteles observar
las imágenes y leer las oraciones,
con el fin de predecir que escucha-
rán en la siguiente actividad. Look
at the pictures and read the sen-

tences in exercise 1. What do you
think the audio you will listen to is
about? Discuss with your partners.
Monitorear. Escribir en el pizarrón
las predicciones que los estudiantes
realizaron durante su monitoreo.
2. 46 Volunteering Solutions is an
2 46 43 Volunteering Solutions is an organization that Key words organization that operates in more
operates in more than 20 countries, providing more than 100 highlights than 20 countries, providing more
volunteering options. Listen to what their project offers in Peru.
Complete the sentences in your Activity Book.
underprivileged than 100 volunteering options.
Listen to what their project offers
a. The speaker says volunteers will work and…heritage… in the
encompassing in Peru. Complete the sentences in
“land of ncas”.
your Activity Book.
b. Cusco local childcare center receives…kids between…and….
Organice a los alumnos en parejas,
c. According to the speaker, volunteers will have…
solicíteles escuchar información
d. This program is ideal for those volunteers who do not have Strategy in mind sobre un programa de voluntariado
time to…
e. The special requirement to join the medical program must be…
Predict content. en el extranjero. Monitorear. Indique:
Listen to what a 2-week volunteering
program abroad offers and complete
Think critically the sentences in exercise 1 in your
Make text-to-world connections Activity book. Then, check your
What kind of volunteering would you answers with another group. Pida
do abroad? Support your answer. voluntarios para leer las oraciones y
Make text-to-self connections revisar.
Do you know any organizations in Chile Pregunte a los estudiantes si las
which arrange volunteering abroad?
Do you think these kinds of programs predicciones realizadas en la
are accessible for Chilean teenagers? actividad 1 fueron correctas.

Think critically
3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 2 97
Las preguntas de esta sección ayudaran
a los estudiantes a poner en práctica
diversas habilidades para desarrollar el
clase 9 GLA Peru: Teen Volunteer Abroad in the pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes.
Andes Señale: Read the questions in section
iNicio Link: Think critically and take some notes of
Se sugiere al docente introducir la clase what you think of these topics. Once the
presentando el video GLA Peru: Teen Si no cuenta con conexión a internet para time is up, get in groups of 3 or 4 to
Volunteer Abroad in the Andes y realizar desarrollar esta actividad “online”, puede share your opinions. Monitorear.
peguntas de comprensión como por ejemplo: generar un resumen escrito del contenido del
What was the main problem in the Peruvian video, de antemano, y entregarlo a los
village those students helped? Was language estudiantes, con el fin de que puedan analizar
a barrier? How was this program a life una experiencia específica de voluntariado.
changing experience?

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 2 175

3 46 Listen again and answer the questions.
clase 10 a. How many days does the volunteering project last?
iNicio b. Mention 2 excursion volunteers will participate in.
c. How is this project convenient?
Se sugiere motivar a los estudiantes
d. What is the age requirement to participate in this project?
recordando lo indicado en el audio
e. How much is the 2-week project?
trabajado la clase anterior por medio de
las siguientes preguntas: Last class, we
After listening
listened to an audio track about a
volunteering program abroad. What do Language in use Unless
you remember about it?
Read these sentences and answer the questions below.
3. Listen again and answer

a. My dad said won’t go if ’m not 18. → My dad said won’t go unless ’m 18.
the questions.
b. f you don’t study, you won’t join → Unless you study, you won’t join the
Indique a los estudiantes que the volunteering program. volunteering program.
escuchen nuevamente el audio track i. What changed in the sentences on the right?
y respondan las preguntas: Let’s ii. What does the word in bold mean?
listen to the audio again and answer
the following questions. Solicite a los Unless
Unless means the same as f not. t is followed by the Present Tense, and the order of the words
estudiantes, en forma aleatoria, leer in the sentence does not make any difference.
las preguntas con sus respectivas
1 44 Write 5 sentences, in your Activity Book, about volunteering abroad, using Unless
desarrollo and f not. Share them with the class.
after listening
Speaking Choosing a volunteering program abroad
language in use Unless
You will decide on a two-week short term volunteering abroad travel program you would like to
Solicite a los estudiantes leer en parejas participate in and explain your decision to your partner.
la sección Language in use, analizar las
1. Preparing to speak.
oraciones y determinar el uso de la
conjunción Unless. Luego, indique: a. 47 Listen to one of the projects in Chile and answer.

Based on the sentences you have read, i. What is the project about?
ii. How does this project work?
answer the questions.
iii. What does the organization offer?
1. Write 5 sentences, in your Activity
Book, about volunteering abroad, b. What do these words mean? Explain and give examples.
using Unless and If not. Share
them with the class. join in improve effort motivate community
Solicite a los estudiantes escribir
5 oraciones relacionadas con el c. What kind of project would you join? Visit the link below and decide on a project in which you
tema de la lección, utilizando la would want to participate. f you don’t have nternet access, find some information in your library
conjunciones Unless y If not. Señale: or ask your teacher for help.
In pairs, write, in your Activity Book,
5 sentences using the conjunctions
Unless and If not. I’ll need
volunteers to write the sentences on 98 UN T 4 LESSON 2 3º MED O

the board to check.

cierre clase 11 good use of your time and feel free to ask if
you have any doubts. Monitorear.
Organizar la clase en grupos de 3 o 4 speaking
integrantes, e indicarles comentar si desarrollo
choosing a volunteering
realizarían este voluntariado 1. PrePariNG To sPeaK
program abroad
indicándoles: In groups, make some a. 47 Read the text and answer:
comments on whether you will take this iNicio Invite a los estudiantes a leer el texto
volunteering program or not. Support Organice a los estudiantes en parejas e de la actividad y responder las
your answers. indique lo que deben hacer: You will have to preguntas: With your partner read the
choose a two-week short term volunteering text Things you should better not do
abroad travel program and explain your in... and discuss the questions. Motive
partner why you made that decision . Make a los estudiantes a compartir sus
respuestas con el resto del curso.

176 UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 2 3º MEDIO

2. Practicing
a. Make some notes about what you must include in your conversation: cierre
i. Name of the project.
ii. What the program is about. exit slip
iii. Activities. En esta sección, los estudiantes deben
iv. Trips. auto evaluarse enfocándose en sus
v. Requirements: age, visa, health, vaccinations, etc. fortalezas y sus debilidades. Invite a los
vi. The reason(s) for your decision.
estudiantes a compartir los resultados de
b. nclude “Conditional sentences” (affirmative and negative).
su autoevaluación y evaluar que
c. nclude topic vocabulary covered in exercise 1b. estrategias podrían utilizar para poder
3. Performing
conseguir el o los objetivos menos
n pairs, take turns to give your opinion. Use some of the expressions in the box while speaking, to logrados.
make your points clear.
Los contenidos de esta unidad pueden

Fillers Giving reasons Enumerating ser reforzados a través de las
actividades de la 5 a la 9 del libro de
By the way... Since... Moreover... actividades.
What mean... Due to... n addition...
So... tell you this because... Furthermore...

4. Evaluating
Evaluate your partner’s performance using the prompts in the box.

My classmate
expresses her/his ideas clearly.
uses target grammatical structure.
uses topic vocabulary properly.
includes expressions to make clear
her/his point.
has an appropriate body language
while talking.

Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.

5 things ’ve learned
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
3 things that need improvement learned today...
2 questions have
1 thing would like to learn more about

3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 2 99

2. Practicing 4. evaluating
Leer la instrucción e indicar a los Lea en voz alta la información del cuadro.
estudiantes lo siguiente: Work on this Invítelos a trabajar diciéndoles lo
stage of the activity. Make good use of siguiente: Using the prompts in the box,
your time. Make sure you follow all the evaluate the partner you practiced with.
instructions provided, and consider all the Provide your classmates with valuable
elements you must include in your feedback.
conversation. Then, practice it orally. If
you have any questions, feel free to ask.
3. Performing
Los estudiantes hacer turnos para
intercambiar sus opiniones. Monitorear.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 2 177

1 48 Listen to the text Find What’s Right for You and connect each paragraph to its
cHecK YoUr ProGress corresponding picture below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
4 points

iNicio a b c d
Explique a sus estudiantes que es
tiempo de enfrentar el desafío de revisar
su progreso. Monitoree su trabajo,
caminando alrededor de la sala de clases
y observe qué tan confiados se sienten

con estas actividades. Dígales que, en 2 Read the text and answer the questions in your notebook. 4 points
base a las actividades realizadas en esta
sección, deberán autoevaluarse de Getting the most out of volunteering
acuerdo con los criterios de avance en la Ask questions. You want to make sure that the experience is right for your skills, your goals,
escala de rendimiento. and the time you want to spend. Questions might address your time commitment, if there’s any
training involved, who you will be working with, and what to do if you have questions during
desarrollo your experience.
1. 48 Listen to the text “Find What’s Make sure you know what’s expected. You should be comfortable with the organization
Right for You” and connect each and understand the time commitment. Consider starting small, so that you don’t overcommit
paragraph to its corresponding yourself at first. Give yourself some flexibility to change your focus, if needed.
picture below. Write your answers Don’t be afraid to make a change. Don’t force yourself into a volunteer role you dislike. Talk to
on a separate sheet of paper.
the organization about changing your focus or look for a different organization that’s a better fit.
f volunteering overseas, choose carefully. Some volunteer programs abroad can cause
1. Read the text and answer more harm than good if they take much-needed paying jobs away from local workers. Look for
the questions. volunteer opportunities with reputable organizations.
Taken and adapted from:
3. According to your personal
characteristics and abilities, what a. What kind of questions should volunteers ask to organizations?
kind of volunteer job would be b. Why do you think volunteers should be flexible if their focus changes?
most suitable for you? Discuss. c. What kind of organization must a volunteer look for when thinking about an
Explain orally overseas program?
Uso de gramática 3 puntos d. f volunteers are not enjoying themselves, what should they do?
Fluidez 2 puntos
Uso de vocabulario 3 According to your personal characteristics and abilities, what kind of volunteer job 10 points
(fillers, giving reasons, etc.) 2 puntos would be most suitable for you? Discuss.
El estudiante siguió
las instrucciones 2 puntos nterpret your results
Total 10 puntos Great! Good OK Not good enough
(18 points) (15 - 17 points) (11 - 14 points) (11 or less points)
cierre You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance can You need to revise the
the learning goals. Analyze the few mistakes improve. Revise your contents and practice
Interpret your results Keep on working hard! you made. mistakes and weakest more, in order to improve
Converse con cada uno de sus areas with your teacher. your performance.
estudiantes acerca de sus resultados.
Vea en donde se encuentra el o los 100 UN T 4 CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 3º MED O
puntajes más bajos y ejercite y/o
resuelva dudas si es necesario: How
good you did it (Nombre del clase 13 que los estudiantes estrechen la brecha entre
estudiante)? is there particular content el conocimiento actual y las metas esperadas,
you (Nombre del estudiantes) should evaluación formativa y la forma de lograrlo. Invite a sus alumnos a
reinforce? La evaluación formativa es un proceso de realizar la evaluación en silencio. Al
evaluación continuo cuyo enfoque considera terminar, revise el desempeño de los alumnos
la evaluación como parte del trabajo con la rúbrica en el Apendice de Material
cotidiano del aula, basado en la búsqueda e Complementario Fotocopiable de la Unidad
interpretación de evidencia acerca del logro 4, página 204.
de los estudiantes respecto a una meta. Se
utiliza para orientar el proceso de enseñanza
- aprendizaje y tomar decisiones oportunas
que beneficien a los estudiantes con el fin


Lesson 3 Meeting the new bosses!
1. Look at the pictures and discuss.
1 Look at the pictures and discuss. Solicitar a los estudiantes observar
a. Do you know what an “entrepreneur” is?
las imágenes y responder las
b. Have you ever heard these names: Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, Mark Zuckerberg,
preguntas indicando: Look at the
J.K. Rowling? What do they have in common? pictures. Do you recognize these
c. What has been their contribution to society? people? Do you know what they have
d. Do you know their stories? done? In groups, try to answer the
questions in activity 1.

Before reading

1. 49 Listen to 8 key entrepreneurial
skills all teenagers should
develop to become successful
entrepreneurs. Discuss with your
classmates which of these skills you
have and which ones you
must develop.
Invite a los estudiantes a
escuchar atentamente el texto 8
Entrepreneurial skills kids should
have y a discutir sobre habilidades
ahí mencionadas. Listen to the
8 Entrepreneurial skills kids
should have if you want to be an
entrepreneur, carefully. Then discuss
with the members of your group,
which of those skills you have and
which one you should develop.
Support your answers.
Before reading
1 49Listen to 8 key entrepreneurial skills all teenagers should develop to become Invite a los estudiantes a ver el siguiente
successful entrepreneurs. Discuss with your classmates which of these skills you have and video y comentar. Indique: Watch the
which ones you must develop.
video of the program Entrepreneurial
Skills Pass (ESP) that certifies students
a. Resilience e. Self-confidence from 15 to 19 years old who want to
b. nnovation and Creativity f. Empathy enter the world of work or to start their
c. ndustriousness g. Optimism own business. Would you like to be part
d. Curiosity h. Giving back of this program? Why? Should schools
in Chile have a similar program as part
of their curriculum? Discuss with your
3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 3 101 partners. Si no cuenta con acceso a
internet, puede preparar un resumen del
video de antemano y presentarlo a sus
industry? What would you say it would be
clase 3 alumnos de forma oral, o como estime
his contribution to society?
De no ser posible acceder a este recurso, leer
Introducing the Entrepreneurial Skills
lesson 3 Meeting the new bosses a los estudiantes parte de su biografía en el
Pass (ESP): A New Certification for JA
mismo link o desde otra fuente que usted
Invite a los estudiantes a ver el video Walt Cyprus Students
considere pertinente.
Disney - Mini Biography y posteriormente Link:
responder las siguientes preguntas: Is there Walt Disney - Mini Biography
any movie of his studio that you remember Link:
fondly? Why? What do you think has been
Walt Disney’s contribution to the movie

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 3 179

While reading
nterview with
clase 15
young entrepreneur
iNicio Key words
Organice a los estudiantes e indíqueles
comentar detalles sobre algún
emprendedor que conozcan, ya sea
entrepreneurial spirit
Raymond Lei
personalmente o por medio de las quotes
noticias que les haya llamado la
atención, señalando: In groups, talk
about an entrepreneur you know Raymond has an entrepreneurial
(personally or not) and share your spirit and proven results. We have

impressions about her/him. a lot to learn from him and he will

be sharing some things with us in
desarrollo Strategy in mind this interview.
While reading dentifying the purpose of a text.
Key words
Solicite a los estudiantes leer las
palabras en la sección Key words e
inferir sus significado indicando: Take a
look at the words in the section Key
words. According to the topic of the
Smart reading
lesson and the title of the text, what 1 Yeah! know you are Raymond, but my readers may
1. Skim the text, read the
does entrepreneurial spirit may refer statements below and choose not know you. Can you please introduce yourself?
to? What does pursue mean? What the correct option. Answer in My name is Raymond Lei and ’m a Business Major at
would goals mean? What is your notebook. UC Berkeley.
boundaries? What does quotes mean? a. The text is expository
/ argumentative /
Strategy in mind instructional / narrative.
b. The text is aimed at young
2 What makes you think you are an entrepreneur?
Identificar el propósito de un texto, people / entrepreneurs/ started my business,, at age 16, because
saw an opportunity. ’m 19 now, the company’s been
permitirá a los estudiantes determinar la public in general.
rapidly growing, and ’ve enjoyed the entire process.
c. The tone of the text is
finalidad comunicativa del emisor. Para informal / formal.
ello, los estudiantes deberán leer d. The writer uses opened
comprensivamente, atendiendo a la questions / closed 3 How did you build up an “entrepreneurial spirit”? Do
información explícita e implícita, questions. you believe you were born with it or did you develop it?
e. The purpose of the text is to
determinar el tipo de texto, el inform the audience about
’ve always been entrepreneurial. ’ve always liked
destinatario, entre otros. what entrepreneuring is doing things differently from the people around me.
/ increase the audience For instance, in high school, instead of joining existing
Smart reading knowledge of the topic / organizations, would create my own. didn’t quite like
encourage entrepreneurs the idea of following others, and preferred working in
1. Skim the text, read the statements to pursue their dreams. an “open” setting. Starting my own projects and being
below and choose the correct entrepreneurial allowed me to do this.
Invite a los estudiantes a leer el texto
y responder a la pregunta: What is 102 UN T 4 LESSON 3 3º MED O
the text about?
2. Invite a los estudiantes leer el
alternative. Invitar a estudiantes leer las Monitorear. Invitar a algunos estudiantes a
extracto de una entrevista a Raymond
oraciones para revisar las respuestas. compartir sus emprendimientos con el curso.
Lei e indíqueles leer las oraciones e
identificar la respuesta correcta, cierre
señalando: Read the extract of an En grupos, los estudiantes comentan sobre
interview with Raymond Lei, a young qué tipo de emprendimiento realizarían, por
entrepreneur, who talks about his qué y cómo lo llevarían a cabo, invitándolos
entrepreneurial spirit. Then read the de esta manera: In groups of 3 or 5 students,
statements and choose the correct talk about what kind of business would you
like to run, why and how you would do it.
Think about the possible drawbacks that you
can face and how you would overcome them.

180 UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 3 3º MEDIO

Your analysis Seleccione a alumnos en forma
1. According to the text, are aleatoria para revisar las respuestas:
these statements true or (Nombre del estudiante) can you
false? Discuss, orally.
a. Raymond started his
read statement 1, please?
business by the age of 19.
4 Which books motivated you to be an entrepreneur? b. When in high school, he Think critically
None. think the best motivation comes from your own created an organization. Invite a los estudiantes a reflexionar en
goals and ideas. Books tend to guide you to think in a c. During his last year in high
school, he invented ooshirts.
torno a las siguiente preguntas: Do you
certain way, while entrepreneurs need to think without
these boundaries. com. think that, due to technology,
d. Raymond went into the shirt entrepreneurs are more motivated to
business to drive down the take risks and run their own businesses?
What do you think motivates Chilean

5 How did you come up with an idea for the ooShirts e n the first year, the
website? company sold 1000 shirts. entrepreneurs?
During my second year in high school, was ordering shirts
for my school club with its logo printed on it. wanted a cierre
nice 3-color logo printed on a black shirt, and received Invite a los estudiantes a dar sus
budgets from several local and online companies. All of
opiniones respecto del uso de
them, unfortunately, had excessively high prices. did a
good bit of research on why their prices were so high and plataformas sociales para promover sus
concluded that the existing companies were inefficient. emprendimientos indicando: When used
Now, at this time, didn’t have that much knowledge on efficiently, social media can help to
how to run a business, so started off simple – directly bridge the gap between your product
selling printed shirts to other clubs at my school, and then and your potential customers. Discuss
growing it from there.
how these social media platforms can
help an entrepreneur in her/his business
and why.
6 Why did you go into the shirts industry and not any
other industry?
felt the prices could be driven down. Other than that, not
much. t’s actually a very difficult industry to be in.

8 guess you also faced some problems we all face when

starting, such as no visitors, things not moving well,
etc. How do you keep moving on, in spite of all these? Think critically
n the beginning, actually wasn’t expecting much. As
Make text-to-world connections
said previously, started off by selling to other groups at Do you think that, due to
my school. Selling a thousand shirts in a year was good technology, entrepreneurs are
enough for me. And in the first year, that’s how many sold. more motivated to take risks and
’ve been continually making upgrades to the website and run their own businesses?
thinking of new ways to improve the way do business.
Make text-to-self connections
What do you think motivates
Chilean entrepreneurs?
Taken and adapted from:

3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 3 103

clase 16 Your analysis

1. According to the text, are these
statements true or false? Discuss.
Inicie la clase entregando el siguiente dato Invitar a los estudiantes a leer nuevamente
para luego ser comentado: According to a la entrevista, con el fin de determinar si
survey, by 2019, over a 51% of young people las afirmaciones ahí presentes son
in USA either want to start a business or verdaderas o falsas. Señale: Read the
have already started one. What do you think statements in the exercise, then read the
motivates young people to take the risk? text again and find out whether they are
Discuss with your partners. true or false. Support the false ones.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 3 181

After reading

clase 17
Language in use Nevertheless / Provided that
1. 50 Read and listen to the following sentences, paying special attention to the highlighted
Se sugiere al docente comenzar la clase words.
organizando a los estudiantes en grupos i. Gina had been working for over a decade in the beauty business. Nevertheless, she just
de 3 o 4 integrantes y dar sus opiniones reached success 5 years ago.
respecto de la pregunta: If you were to ii. Provided that we meet the quality standards, we can start our business.
interview an entrepreneur you admire,
What does Nevertheless convey?
who would you interview? Why? What
a. a condition.
kind of questions would you ask her/ b. a contrast.
him? What piece of advice would you

ask her/him? What does Provided that convey?

a. a condition.
desarrollo b. a contrast.

after reading
language in use Nevertheless /
Provided that 1 44 Complete the sentences with Nevertheless and Provided that in your Activity Book.

1. 50 Este ejercicio tiene como a. Jordi is a clever strategist…he’s had several drawbacks with the implementation of the project.
objetivo que los estudiantes b. …the conditions are met; these negotiations can be completed within a couple of months.
discriminen el uso de las c. Emulation, …, is a prime factor for each entrepreneurial venture.
conjunciones Nevertheless d. There is always some place for good and positive information that might be the object of
y Provided that. Invite a los attention,…it is clear and relevant.

estudiantes a escuchar las oraciones

y determinar el uso de las palabras Writing An interview
destacadas dentro de la oración.
You are going to create an interview for a young entrepreneur.
Indique lo siguiente: Conjunctions Work in groups of three.
connect words, phrases, clauses, or
sentences. Coordinating conjunctions 1. Organizing ideas
a. Read some tips writers should take into account when interviewing someone in the text on
connect two equal parts of a sentence
page 105.
as it is the case of Nevertheless.
b. You can visit the link below, choose one of the young entrepreneurs cited and write a 7
Subordinating conjunctions connect -question interview.
two clauses: a main clause
(independent) to the other being f you don’t have nternet access, you can choose any entrepreneur you know or invent one.
subordinate (dependent), such a the c. Your interview must include the topics in blue and their corresponding answers.
conjunction Provided that. • History of the entrepreneur: Experience, education and current position.
• Origin of the business. Where the business idea came from.
1. Complete the sentences with
• Resources required. Amount of money required, how the entrepreneur got the money, etc.
Nevertheless and Provided that in
• Customer: Who the target is, how the entrepreneur got the first customers.
your Activity Book.
• Obstacles: What the biggest obstacles were and how he/she overcame them.
Solicite a los estudiantes utilizar
• Future: What the future goals for the firm are.
su Cuaderno de Actividades con el
fin de poner en práctica el uso de
las conjunciones presentadas en la 104 UN T 4 LESSON 3 3º MED O
actividad anterior señalando: In your
Activity Book, complete the sentences
with the target conjunctions. Then, Visit the link below, choose one of those
check your answers with a partner. young entrepreneurs and follow the steps to
Invite a estudiantes a leer las write your interview. If any
oraciones para revisar. doubts, feel confident to ask me. Monitorear.
Indíqueles el tiempo estimado para realizar
Writing an interview cada paso de la actividad.
En esta etapa de la lección, los cierre
estudiantes deben organizar sus ideas
Solicite a los estudiantes, comentar con otro
para producir un texto escrito. Señale lo
grupo sobre su elección de emprendedor y
siguiente: In this activity, in groups of
qué los motivó a elegir a esa/ese
three students, you will have to write an
emprendedor en particular.
interview with a young entrepreneur.

182 UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 3 3º MEDIO

Tips for interviews (Extract)
Preparing for the Interview conversation. Also, maintain eye contact as much
Research – Do as much research as possible. A as possible. exit slip
well-prepared reporter inspires confidence in Be Open – Don’t be too focused on your list En esta sección los estudiantes deben
the source. of questions, so that you don’t miss anything auto evaluarse. Monitorear. Conversar
Developing Questions – Once you’ve researched interesting. This attitude may take your interview
your topic, prepare a list of questions to ask. in an unexpected - but newsworthy - direction.
en forma individual con los estudiantes
respecto sus puntos débiles y sugiérales
Keys to a Successful Interview Maintain Control – Be open, but don’t waste
your time. If your source starts to talk about
actividades complementarias o
Establish a Rapport – When starting out, don’t
abruptly launch into your questions,“chitchat” a things that are of no use to you, politely – but estrategias de aprendizaje para poder
little first. This will help you “break the ice”. firmly – steer the conversation back to the topic reforzar el o los contenidos y lograr los
Keep it Natural – An interview can be at hand. objetivos de la unidad. Invite a los
estudiantes a comentar su performance:

uncomfortable, so keep things natural. Instead Wrapping Up – At the end of the interview, ask
of mechanically reading out your list of your source if there’s anything important that Who wants to share your exit slip with
questions, ask them naturally into the flow of the you hadn’t asked about. the class? (Nombre del estudiante) what
Taken and adapted from: about you? What was the most
important thing you learned (Nombre
2. Drafting
del estudiante? What did you find
Work in your notebook. After choosing your entrepreneur, write the questions
Editor’s Marks interesting about your investigation? Is
based on the information provided. Remember: Capital letter /
there something you need to imrpove?
• Write the answers in active voice. • Pay attention to punctuation.
Punctuation Los contenidos de esta unidad pueden
3. Revising Add a word ser reforzados a través de la actividad
Read the prompts in the box to check your draft and improve or complete ss
s Check spelling 3 del libro de actividades.
your essay.
Change place
4. Editing
Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, using
the Editor’s Marks in the box, and write the final version of The interview
your interview. includes key questions.
5. Publishing includes relevant questions about
a. Exchange your interview with another group and evaluate the entrepreneur.
each other’s work. includes answers in active voice.
b. Discuss the result of the evaluation and offer supporting has appropriate use of punctuation.
feedback to each other. Remember to accept all the ideas has a coherent and cohesive structure.
and opinions with respect.

Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.

5 things ’ve learned
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
3 things that need improvement learned today...
2 questions have
1 thing would like to learn more about

3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 3 105

iNicio desarrollo
Iniciar la clase retomando la lectura cubierta Posteriormente invite a los estudiantes a
la clase anterior realizando preguntas de seguir trabajando en su texto. Indíqueles el
comprensión como las siguiente: What does tiempo estimado para realizar las actividades
the expression “chitchat” refer to? Why restantes. Luego de que revisen su entrevista
should the interview “keep natural”? Should con el Editor’s Marks, invítelos a compartirlo
you stick strictly to list of questions? con sus compañeros para que puedan
revisarlo y corregirse el uno al otro,
utilizando la información en el cuadro.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 3 183

Lesson 4 Fundraising

lesson 4 Fundraising
1 Discuss.
clase 19 a. Do you know what fundraising is? How does it work? Find out and explain it. Use the pictures
below to support your answer.
b. How can fundraising be helpful?
Invitar a los estudiantes a responder las c. Do you know any Chilean fundraising campaigns?
siguientes preguntas con el fin de d. What is their purpose?
motivar a los estudiantes con el tema de e. How do they reach their goals?
la lección: Have you ever participated
in an event to raise funds for a worthy

cause? Did you ever wonder what it

takes to put on such an event? Would
you like to raise money to donate to a
group or person in need? Have you
ever been on a sports team that had a
team sponsor?

1. Discuss. Charity running. Brno, Czech Republic. Cancer Research Running. Southampton, UK. Charity Family Festival. Zaporozhia, Ukraine.

Los estudiantes, en grupos de 3 o

4 estudiantes, dan sus opiniones Before listening
fundamentadas respecto de las 1 51 Listen to the following fundraising challenges and connect them to the pictures.
preguntas de la actividad: Do you
know what a fundraising is? How a b

does it work? Find out and explain

it. How can a fundraising be
helpful? Do you know any Chilean
fundraising campaigns? What is
their purpose? How do they reach
their goals? Monitorear.

Before listening
1. 51Listen to the following c d

fundraising challenges and connect

them to the pictures.
Organice a los estudiantes en
parejas y indíqueles que escucharán
invitaciones a participar en desafíos
para recolectar fondos, las que
deberán conectar a las fotografías
Señale lo siguiente: In pairs, discuss
the questions in exercise 1. Then, 106 UN T 4 LESSON 4 3º MED O
share them with the rest of the class.
2. Do you remember the “Ice Bucket
Challenge”? Find information Ice Bucket Challenge: 5 things you cierre
about it and discuss the following should know
Invite a los estudiantes a debatir en torno a
questions. Link:
las siguientes preguntas: What groups in our
Organice a los estudiantes en grupos, society would be affected, if there were no
Proyecte la noticia accediendo al fundraising challenges or charity donations?
link indicado más abajo, e invítelos How would they be affected?
a responder las preguntas: Read the
piece of news and, in groups, discuss
the questions. En caso de no poder
proyectar la noticia, hacer copias de
ella o leerla al curso.

184 UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 4 3º MEDIO

2 Do you remember the “Ice Bucket Challenge”? Find information about it and discuss the
following questions. 1. 52 Listen to an interview about
a. Did you, or anyone you know, take part in it? organizing a fundraising event,
b. Do you think it was a good idea? and indicate and discuss with your
c. Do you know any other cause that made use of social media to raise money for charity? partners.
Indique: Listen to an interview with
Mark Rogers, who will give us some
While listening
useful tips when organizing fundrai-
1 52 Listen to an interview about organizing a fundraising sing events. Then, in groups discuss
Key words
event, and indicate and discuss with your partners. the questions. Monitorear.
a. How useful do you think these tips are for someone who wants
to make a fundraising event?
intricacies 2. 52 Listen again and indicate if the
stand out
statements are right or wrong.

b. f you were to make a fundraising event, which of these tips do measurable
you think you can manage easily? expertise Reproduzca nuevamente el audio y
c. Do you have any money management skills? solicite a los estudiantes indicar si
d. Would you feel confident to work with a large amount las aseveraciones presentadas son
of money? correctas o incorrectas, según lo
indicado en el texto: Listen to the
2 52 Listen again and indicate if the statements are right interview again. Read the statements
or wrong. Strategy in mind below and indicate whether they are
a. Attracting new donors is not that important. Relating audio with personal Right or Wrong. Check with a part-
b. Setting a fixed budget for your event is a bad idea. experience or background ner. Para extender la actividad, elija
c. Don’t use digital media. Be traditional and conservative.
knowledge. a estudiantes en forma aleatoria y
d. Contact traditional media, such as TV channels and radios. solicíteles leer las oraciones e indicar
si son o no correctas.

Think critically
Think critically
Make text-to-world connections
Make text-to-world connections.
Do you know about any fundraising events Las conexiones de texto a mundo son
abroad? What causes do they support? las conexiones más grandes que un
f you don’t know any, look for information lector aporta a una situación de lectura.
online or any reliable source.
Todos tenemos ideas sobre cómo
Make text-to-self connections funciona el mundo que va más allá de
What are the most common fundraising
events in our country? nuestras experiencias personales. Invite
a sus estudiantes a hacer conexiones del
texto con el mundo. Para hacer esto,
puede organizar a los estudiantes en
grupos pequeños y decirles: Work in
small groups and discuss the questions
below. Luego, ellos leen la pregunta y
discuten su respuesta, o puede invitarlos
a hacer esa conexión de manera
individual. Lea la pregunta en voz alta y
guíelos para que logren esa conexión:
3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 4 107 Do you know about any fundraising
events abroad? What causes do they
support? If you don’t know any, look for
clase 20 desarrollo information online or any reliable
While listening source.
Key words Make text-to-self connections.
Los estudiantes son invitados a trabajar en
Al hacer conexiones de texto a su propia
grupos y a dar sus opiniones en relación a la Solicite a los estudiantes leer las palabras en realidad, los estudiantes recurren a sus
siguiente pregunta: According to what you la sección Key words e inferir sus conocimientos y experiencias anteriores
have seen or read about fundraising events significado señalando: Take a look at the para conectarse con el texto. Para solicitar
abroad, what would be the most successful words in section Key words. According to the a los alumnos que realicen conexiones de
events? Run-a-thon, dollar walk, car wash, topic of lesson What does philantropist may texto a sí mismos, invítelos a reflexionar
bake sale, raffles or jeans day. refer to? What would intricacies mean? sobre la pregunta señalada: What would
What is stand out? etc. be the most common fundraising events
in our country?

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 4 185

After listening
after listening
English sounds /s/ or /z/
eNGlisH soUNds /s/ or /z/
1. 53 Listen to the following words and classify them /s/ or /z/.
1. 53 Indique a los estudiantes que
a. audience
escucharán y clasificarán palabras b. disaster
con los fonemas /s/ y /z/: Listen to c. raised
the following words and classify d. organize
them /s/ or /z/. Reproduzca e. minimize
nuevamente el audio y solicite a los 2. Create original sentences using the words in exercise 1. Share them with the class.
estudiantes repetir cada palabra
después de cada pausa. Listen again
and repeat after the pause.

Writing An event program

2. Los alumnos utilizan las palabras n groups of three students, you will write a 150-word event program.
presentadas en la actividad anterior
1. Organizing ideas
en contexto. Posteriormente, las leen a. Look at the ads on the following page. What are they promoting? What is their cause?
a un compañero con el fin de When will the activities be held? Where are the venues? How much is the admission?
practicar los fonemas: Write original
b. Choose one of those events and write the corresponding program, including 3 activities that will
sentences using the vocabulary in the take place during the event. t can be a music band, a comedian, a silent auction, a dancing
previous activity. Then, read them to group, or any other interesting activity.
a partner. c. The program must include the following information:

clase 21
iNicio • Name of the event
Invite a los estudiantes a debatir en • Short overview of the event
torno a la siguiente pregunta: Does your • Activity 1: Name of the activity, time, overview of the activity
community have needs that a fundraiser or short review of the artist.
could meet? Identify worthy causes • Activity 2: Name of the activity, time, overview of the activity
or short review of the artist.
together, and discuss what you could do
• Activity 3: Name of the activity, time, overview of the activity
to make a difference.
or short review of the artist.
Writing 2. Drafting
an event program Work in your notebook your notes to write the draft of your program. Look up the following
vocabulary and include it in the program.
En esta etapa de la lección, los
estudiantes deben organizar sus ideas count on join
para realizar el programa de un evento.
Señale lo siguiente: In this activity, in charity event raise money
groups of three students, you will have
to write a 150-word event program. 3. Revising
Read the prompts in the box to check your draft and improve or complete the program.
Read each step carefully. If any doubts,
feel confident to ask me. Monitorear.
Indíqueles el tiempo estimado para 108 UN T 4 LESSON 4 3º MED O
realizar cada paso de la actividad.

186 UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 4 3º MEDIO


t t i


N 10 An



May 3rd 2020 at 4 pm at the

Community Center in Arcadia
exit slip
En esta sección, los estudiantes deben
Park Family Housing: 2707 auto evaluarse. Monitorear. Conversar
Tennis Crescent, UBC en forma individual con los estudiantes
respecto sus puntos débiles y sugiérales
actividades complementarias o
Saturday June 20, estrategias de aprendizaje para poder
5:00 PM until 8:00 PM reforzar el o los contenidos y lograr los
The money raised with
Centerville Fire Station
objetivos de la unidad. Invite a los
the event will be sent to estudiantes a comentar su performance:

the Chilean community Who wants to share their exit slip with
the class? (Nombre del estudiante) what
as donation.

about you? What was the most

$15 All you can eat
per plate Spaghetti & Garlic bread important thing you learned (Nombre
del estudiante? Do you have any
Created by Publishing Team.
4. Editing
Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes using the Editor’s Marks Los contenidos de esta unidad pueden
Editor’s Marks
in the box. ser reforzados a través de las
5. Publishing
Capital letter /
Lowercase actividades 12, 13 y 14 del libro de
a. Exchange a copy of your program with another group. Punctuation
b. Evaluate your classmates’ work using the prompts in the box. Provide Add a word
valuable feedback. ss
s Check spelling

Change place
The text...
includes all elements required.
includes topic vocabulary.
follows a coherent and cohesive structure.
makes use of appropriate orthographic rules.

Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.

5 things ’ve learned
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
3 things that need improvement learned today...
2 questions have
1 thing would like to learn more about

3º MED O UN T 4 LESSON 4 109

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 lEccIóN 4 187


sUBJecT coNNecTioNs 1 Discuss the questions.

mUsic a. What do you think the people in the pictures are doing?
En esta sección, los estudiantes b. How important are advert songs to promote a good cause?
establecen vínculos entre la lengua c. How effective are songs to encourage people to donate for charity?
inglesa y otras disciplinas (Música). En d. Do you have a favorite advert song?
esta ocasión, los estudiantes leerán, e. Find out what “Band Aid” is and share it with the class.
analizarán e interpretarán el texto A

song for a good cause que habla sobre 2 54 Listen to the text and explain what the

la importancia de la música con el fin speaker means with the following phrases
de apoyar alguna causa. or statements.
a. Songs have long been powerful vehicles
iNicio for social change...
Para introducir el tema, reproduzca la b. ...high-profile celebrity fundraisers.
canción 1-800-273-8255 interpretada c. Some (songs) became instant anthems...
por Logic junto a Alessia Cara y Khalid, d. ...he helped cement the lifesaving digits
y pregúnteles si saben a que into the popular consciousness.
corresponde ese número. Señáleles los
siguiente: 1-800-273-8255 in the phone 3 54 Listen again and answer true, false
number of the National Suicide or “not mentioned”. Answer in your
Prevention Lifeline which help to notebook.
prevent suicide. This Lifeline provides a. Massive diffusion benefits singles.
24/7, free and confidential. b. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1. Discuss the questions. was created by Logic.
En parejas los estudiantes comentan c. The song is part of his third album.
las preguntas de esta sección d. The calls rose to 50% after the song
was released.
indicando: In pairs discuss the
e. 1-800-273-8255 was a chart hit.
questions How important are advert
songs to promote a product? How
effective are songs to encourage 4 Final debate
people to donate for charity? Do you Discuss: Some of the biggest advertisements in recent decades involve music. Non-profit
have a favorite advert song? Find organizations have also made use of songs to promote their campaigns and raise funds. How
out what “Band aid” is and share it effective have been songs to promote campaigns in your country? Think of some examples and
with the class. discuss with your class.

2. 53 Listen to the text and explain

what the speaker means with the
following phrases or statements.
Los estudiantes escuchan para luego
discutir las preguntas. Señale: In
groups of 3, read the questions. 110 UN T 4 SUBJECT CONNECT ONS 3º MED O

Listen to the audio about music

tradition and answer those questions.
3. Listen again and answer true,
4. Discuss this statement with your class.
false or “not mentioned”.
Organice a los estudiantes en grupos de 3
Pida a un voluntario leer las
o 4 integrantes, pídales leer la afirmación
preguntas de esta actividad y indicar
e invítelos a comentar sobre el rol de las
si las oraciones son verdaderas,
canciones para promover campañas en
falsas o no fueron mencionadas
nuestro país indicando: Read the
según el texto. Indique: Listen to the
statement and make comments on the
audio again and answer. (Nombre del
question. Monitorear. Invite a los
alumno) can you read statement 1,
estudiantes a compartir sus opiniones con
el resto del curso.


L TERARY C RCLE líneas para encontrar la información. Si
es necesario, lea las preguntas con toda
la clase y deles ejemplos y explique el
1 Read the poem and answer the questions in your notebook. Then, discuss the questions with vocabulario que no sea familiar a sus
your group.
alumnos. Mientras los grupos trabajan,
observe y brinde ayuda. Aliéntelos a
justificar sus respuestas.
Everyday Heroes Dígales: “Read the poem and answer
the questions below. Then, share your
Here’s to the everyday heroes, answers with the whole class”.
The volunteers who do what they can,

To ease the suffering of others, cierre
And be of service to their fellow man. Desafíe a sus alumnos a ahondar en la
May they know the true satisfaction última pregunta que acaban de
That comes from helping others responder, de manera que compartan
Less fortunate than themselves, con sus compañeros si ellos harían (o
But no less their sisters and brothers. han hecho) algún tipo de trabajo
May they feel the gratitude in our hearts voluntario y cual. Indíqueles que den
For all of the good that they’ve done. detalles del trabajo, si lo disfrutaron o
The appreciation that we all feel for them no, qué aprendieron, o, en el caso de
Is truly second to none. que nunca lo hayan hecho, por qué les
By Kelly Roper
interesa. Dígales: “Think a little bit
more about the last question. What
Retrieved from:
volunteer job would you do (or have
done) Why are you interested in that
particular job? Did you like it? Why do
you think you would like it, etc.

a. What kind of feelings does the poem describe about volunteering?

b. What images come to your head when you read the poem?
c. Do you consider volunteers as “heroes”? Why? Support your answer.
d. Would you do volunteer work? What? Share with your partners.


clase 23 algunos anónimos, y que compartan sus

visiones con el resto de la clase. Dígales: Do
you think there are heroes amongst us? Who
are they? Do you know any of them, even if
liTerarY circle
they are anonymous? Share with the class.
Invite a sus alumnos a reflexionar sobre
quienes ellos consideren son los “héroes” de Explíqueles que van a leer el poema con la
los tiempos modernos. Puede darle algunos intención de encontrar información para
ejemplos, como voluntarios, bomberos, responder las preguntas que se proveen.
filántropos, entre otros. Pregúnteles si Será necesario que lo lean cuidadosamente.
conocen algunos de estos héroes o incluso Podrán utilizar la estrategia de leer entre


clase 24 PROJECT: School fundraising project

ProJecT: Infographic about
customs around the world

Un proyecto es una actividad grupal Cardboard Markers

donde los alumnos (as) deben crear un
producto. En esta ocasión los
estudiantes deberán presentar una I. Preparation 4. Make a poster of the event. nclude:
i. Name of the event.
infografía de un proyecto para recaudar 1. Work in groups of 5. You will make a
ii. Purpose of the event.

fondos para su colegio. presentation of a fundraising project for your

iii. Goal of the event.
Se sugiere solicitar los materiales la 2. Elaborate an action plan for the project.
iv. Place and time of the event.
v. Admission price or selling price of the
clase previa al proyecto. Before you start, read the rubric carefully, in
order to know, in advance, the components
vi. mages related to event.
i. Preparation that will be evaluated.
5. Once you have gathered all the data, write the
Se sugiere realizar un modelo del II. Procedure steps and make the poster.
proyecto con el fin de presentarlo como 1. Choose a fundraising idea from the list below 6. Be prepared to present your work to your
referencia a los estudiantes. Pida un or one of your own. partners.
voluntario para leer al curso la Bingo night III. Presentation
instrucción de la sección Preparation. Car wash 1. Present your fundraising project and poster to
Presénteles el resultado final del Popcorn and movies the class.
proyecto realizado por usted con Bake sale
antelación, de manera que los alumnos Hot Dog Sale IV. Evaluation

vean en forma concreta y tangible lo After you finish the presentation, reflect on your
que se espera: Indique: Organize 2. Think about any improvements your school work an evaluate you group’s performance,
may need, and determine the purpose and according to the following scale (answer in your
groups, read the instructions of this the goal of the event. notebook):
stage and prepare your project. 3. Organize the event:
Monitorear. i. Set a budget: include all expenses and
4 Excellent
3 Good
incomes. 2 Satisfactory
ii. Procedure 1 Needs improvements
ii. Determine the cost of the admission or the
Incentive a los estudiantes a trabajar de selling price of the products.
manera ordenada y tranquila para lograr iii. Choose a date and venue. The group... Score
un buen resultado. Indique el tiempo iv. Make arrangements: tour the place where worked collaboratively and responsibly
4 3 2 1
asignado para esta sección de la your event will be held, and determine towards the common goal.
actividad. Señale: Read the instructions what supplies you can use and if you will completed the assigned work on time. 4 3 2 1
need something else.
in the Procedure section, carefully. If
v. Organize teams to manage all aspects of presented all the information required. 4 3 2 1
any questions, raise your hand, and I´ll the event, including set-up, and clean-up.
go to your place. Monitorear. vi. Specify each team’s function.
followed the instructions carefully. 4 3 2 1

developed awareness about the

iii. Presentation importance of volunteering.
4 3 2 1

Indique a los estudiantes que, en esta

etapa, deben presentar su proyecto: 112 UN T 4 PROJECT 3º MED O
Come to the front of the class and
present your School fundraising project.

iV. evaluation
Terminadas las presentaciones, puede
invitar a los estudiantes a evaluarse:
Now it is time to reflect on your work,
according to the scale below.
Al final de cada presentación, entregar
retroalimentación a cada pareja acerca
de su desempeño.


F NAL CHECK 3. Choose one of the institutions
below you would like to help,
and explain, in 150 words, their
1 Read the text and match the questions to the paragraphs. Write your answers on a 4 points mission, why you chose it and what
separate sheet of paper. you can do to help them.

Young Entrepreneur nstitute. Frequently Asked Questions Interpret your results

Una vez que los estudiantes hayan
a. With activities ranging from classes to competitions, apprenticeships to guest
speakers, we reach students through a wide variety of institutions, and support youth
analizado e identificado sus fortalezas y
entrepreneurship with community programs for kids and educators. debilidades en cuanto al logro de los
b. With the generous support of University School, community foundations and objetivos de la unidad, invite a los
alumnos a reflexionar sobre su

organizations, Young Entrepreneur nstitute is able to provide our services at no cost
to schools and organizations. desempeño, interpretando sus resultados
c. Give us a call, send us an email. We’ll get back to you right away. Call us at 216-831- según la tabla.
2200 or send an email to
d. Consider a donation or joining our advisory group. Contact Wendy Wercion at or 440-339-1885. clase 27
Taken and adapted from:
evaluación formativa
i. How can support Young Entrepreneur nstitute? La evaluación formativa es un proceso
ii. What does the Young Entrepreneur nstitute do? de evaluación continuo cuyo enfoque
iii. How can people get more information? considera la evaluación como parte del
iv. How does Young Entrepreneur nstitute get founds? trabajo cotidiano del aula, basado en la
búsqueda e interpretación de evidencia
2 55 Listen to a piece of news and answer the questions in your notebook. acerca del logro de los estudiantes
10 points
respecto a una meta. Se utiliza para
a. How much money did the man want to raise for charity?
orientar el proceso de enseñanza -
b. Was this challenge his first one?
aprendizaje y tomar decisiones
c. How many days did Mr. Kettell spend pushing the brussels sprout?
oportunas que beneficien a los
d. Was it a successful event? Explain.
estudiantes con el fin que los
estudiantes estrechen la brecha entre el
3 Work in your notebook. Choose one of the institutions below you would like to help, conocimiento actual y las metas
and explain, in 150 words, their mission, why you chose it and what you can do to
10 points esperadas, y la forma de lograrlo. Invite
help them.
a sus alumnos a realizar la evaluación
nternational Red Cross Techo. Un Techo para Chile en silencio. Al terminar, revise el
desempeño de los alumnos con la
nterpret your results rúbrica en el Apendice de Material
Great! Good OK Not good enough Complementario Fotocopiable de la
(24 points) (18 - 23 points) (14 - 17 points) (13 or less points) Unidad 4, página 205.
You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance can improve. You need to revise the
the learning goals. Analyze the few mistakes Revise your mistakes and contents and practice
Keep on working you made. weakest areas with your more, in order to improve
hard! teacher. your performance.


cierre desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y

habilidades lingüísticas.
clases 25 y 26
1. Read the text and match the questions
fiNal cHecK to the paragraphs. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.
2. 55Listen to a piece of news and
Indique a los estudiantes que este Final answer the questions.
Check le permitirá, a ellos y a usted, evaluar
hasta qué punto han sido capaces de lograr
los objetivos de la unidad, a través de la
integración de estrategias de estudio, y del



Page 94 – Student’s Book

UN T Volunteer Work 1 Complete the sentences with the Zero Conditional.

4 and Entrepreneurs a. When have no time to volunteer, I look for another way to help.

b. f it rains while we are giving away lunch, we move to the hall. of the shelter.
Activities from the Student’s Book
c. When people want to help, they do it unconditionally.

Page 90 – Student’s Book d. When you volunteer, you feel wealthy.

2 Transform the following sentences into the Passive voice. e. f someone comes in a wheelchair, Martin receives them by the main entrance.
a. The Titi Fund provided brand new winter coats to every school.
The Titi Fund partnered with Operation Warm to provide brand new winter
coats to every school on the Operation Warm in 5 NYC boroughs.


b. School administrators were able to surprise their students with the gift. Page 97 – Student’s Book
All orders were placed, shipped, and received in a two-week period, leading up to
the public school’s December vacation. 1 Volunteering Solutions is an organization that operates in more than 20 countries, providing
more than 100 volunteering options. Listen to what their project offers in Peru. Complete
c. The Titi Fund of New York provided 5,000 brand new coats to students living in need.
the sentences.
Out of
of all
all NYC
NYC schools,
schools, thse
thse 55 the
the highest
highest number
number of
of students
students in
in temporary
temporary housing.
Most ofof these
these students
students live
live in
in shelters
shelters or
or are
are doubled-up
doubled-up with
with other
other families.
families. a. The speaker says volunteers will work and witnessing heritage sites
d. 31 schools in New York City received some exciting news. in the “land of ncas”.

b. Cusco local childcare center receives 30 kids between 3

and 5 .

Page 92 – Student’s Book c. According to the speaker, volunteers will have

an open mind and flexible attitude for .
working in a new and different environment
1 Read the text and complete the sentences with the expressions provided. .
d. This program is ideal for those volunteers who do not have time to commit to a month or more

elderly sparing shifted away e. The special requirement to join the medical program must be at least 18 at the time .
of joining.
wealthier loneliness

a. Research indicates that people have shifted away the purposes of volunteering.

b. This is similar to other researches, showing that people who donate to charity feel wealthier .

c. Are you interested in volunteering with the elderly ?

d. There are many ways to join in with others and help conquer feelings of loneliness .

e. Sparing a few hours of your time volunteering can be a brilliant way to make a difference.

42 UN T 4 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 4 43

Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del
Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar
la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y
contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas
con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad. con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.

Page 98 – Student’s Book Activity Book
1 Write 5 sentences, about volunteering abroad, using Unless and f not. Share them with
the class.
1 Match the words in bold to their definitions below.

a. Unless I like their project, I’ll join that organization.
a. She’s signed up to give classes at the community college.
b. If we can’t go to the fundraising event, we can make a donative. b. You can count on us for the fundraising challenge next week!
c. The raffle night will be held at all cost.
c. We can reach our money goal, unless we can’t sell these products. d. The Cheese and Wine night is a fundraising event for a wildlife organization.
e. The program aims to spread the holiday spirit by inviting the locals to buy gifts for families
d. I won’t take the volunteering program abroad unless you go with me.
in need.

e. If you don’t boost yourself, you will never start your business. i. e : Not having enough money or food.
ii. b : To be confident that you can trust someone.

Page 104 – Student’s Book iii. d : The act of collecting or producing money for a
particular purpose, especially for a charity.
1 Complete the sentences with Nevertheless and Provided that.
iv. a : Agree to become involved in an organized activity.
a. Jordi is a clever strategist, nevertheless , he’s had several drawbacks with the v. c : t must be done or avoided, whatever happens.
implementation of the project.

b. Provided that the conditions are met; these negotiations can be completed within a 2 Write original sentences using the words below. Use the images to support your answers.
couple of months.
improve elderly motivate underprivileged entrepreneurial spirit
c. Emulation, nevertheless , is a prime factor for each entrepreneurial venture.

d. There is always some place for good and positive information that might be the object of
attention, provided that it is clear and relevant.

In need to improve my English if I want to take that volunteering program abroad.
I prefer do voluntary work with elderly rather than children.
We need to motivate our classmates to get the money to buy dippers for the
c. nursing home.
Next month we will participate in an fundraising event supporting unprivileged
d. people in the North, would you like to participate?

More and more people are finding the entrepreneurial spirit within themselves.

44 UN T 4 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 4 45

Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del 1. Indique: Read the definitions and then read the sentences paying special
Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar attention to the words in bold. Then connect them to their corresponding meaning.
la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y 2. Señale a los estudiantes lo siguiente: Using the words in the box write original
contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas sentences about the topic of the unit. Monitorear. Motive a los estudiantes a leer las
con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.


oraciones frente al curso y revisar.

194 TOMO 2

3 Complete the sentences with the corresponding form of the verb. 5 57 Listen to the information about volunteering in Fiji and tick the information mentioned.

a. f she (have) has a free evening tomorrow, she (take) will take me a. ✔ Location.

to the volunteering night.

b. Duration.
b. When you (help) help someone, you (have) have a sense of
accomplishment. c. ✔ Projects.

c. We (participate) will participate in the challenge, f Lucas (run) runs too. d. 3 weeks program fee.

d. f (get) get good marks, (go) will go to do some volunteering e. Special dietary requirements.
in Bolivia.
f. Medical requirements.
e. f you (raise) raise money for charity, you (need) need to make ✔
g. Meals.
it really clear who or what you are fundraising for.
h. ✔ Weekend itinerary.
Suva, Fiji.
4 56 Listen to the statements (a - d) and complete the clauses with the Zero or First conditional.
Share them with your partner. 6 57 Listen again. Which statement is true?
a. they won’t be able to buy all they need. a. The program offers to participate in 3 projects in Suva. All volunteers must be 18
to participate.
b. it’s absolutely necessary to promote our cause.
b. The program offers to participate in 1 project per week in towns in south east Fiji.
c. If you want to go with me. c. ✔ The program offers to participate in 1 of three projects in and around Suva. Fees go
from $340 for a period ranging from 1 week.
d. next year we will have to organize a big fundraising event.

7 Discuss with your partners about the pros and cons of volunteering abroad.
Zero Conditional and First Conditional
The zero conditional is used for when the time being referred to is now or always and the situation
is real and possible. The Zero Conditional is often used to refer to general truths. The tense in both
parts of the sentence is the simple present. n zero conditional sentences, the word “if” can usually
be replaced by the word “when” without changing the meaning. One of the main
drawbacks I could face
The First Conditional is used to refer to the present or future where the situation is real. The
type 1 conditional refers to a possible condition and its probable result. n these sentences, the “if”
is language, because...
clause is in the simple present, and the main clause is in the simple future.

Franciscan Center of Pomerini. Tanzania, Africa.

Expressions to clarify what you mean

• Sorry, lost my train of thought. • Let me explain that again.

• That’s not what meant to say. • Let’s try that one more time.
• Let me rephrase that. • Let me restate that.
• Let me start over.

46 UN T 4 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 4 47

3. Indique: Read the grammar box about conditionals, then read the sentences, 5. Instruya a los estudiantes: You’ll listen to an audio about Volunteering in Fiji.
identify the conditional and complete it with the corresponding verb form. 4. 56 Read the list below and check those features that were mentioned. 6. 57 Luego,
Señale lo siguiente: Now you will listen to the first part of sentence, you will have to indique: Read the statements below, listen to the audio and indicate wich of those
complete it with a clause using the corresponding conditional. statements is true. 7. Para finalizar, indique: Organize in groups of 3 or 4 students

and discuss about the pros and cons of volunteering abroad. You can use the
phrases in the box bellow to clarify want you mean.
8 Read the review and tick the false statements. 9 Based on the information provided in the previous activity, write 5 questions and underline their
corresponding answers in the text.

a. How long did the volunteer work in a large company?

Teaching English in Chile - A unique and rare opportunity of cultural exchange.
After eight years of working as a software
developer and project manager for a large
company, decided wanted to pursue d.
other passions. After researching several
different work/volunteer abroad programs, e.
found the English Opens Doors Program
in Chile. This program seemed to combine
my passion for teaching, traveling and 10 58 Listen two entrepreneurs talking and write C for Catherine Cook or W for Willow Tufano.
Hispanic culture, while being located in a
a. C She developed an online version of a yearbook.
safe country with a rich culture and sites.
states to spend Christmas with my family.
was placed in Cunco, Chile and taught
Overall, would say the best thing about
b. W She was 14 when she started her business.
English at a public school ranging from
5th to 12th grade. arrived in late July 2014 my journey was the connection made with c. W She is in the property business.
and would end up spending 4 months my students, teachers, host family, and
friends in Cunco. Of course, would also d. C She reports annual sales of 7 figures.
living in this community. lived with a host
family (husband and wife) along with their rank exploring Chile and learning Spanish C
e. Her site has attracted advertisers like ABC and Disney.
daughter who was also a teacher at my at the top of that list, but nothing is better
school. The family was great! They included than the friendships made and the impact f. W She got money cleaning houses and selling things on a website.
me in their daily activities and introduced left on the community. would also say
me to all their neighbors. My family was very that the most challenging aspect of the
trip was using Spanish to connect with my 11 59 Listen to the overview of these extreme challenges and match them to the pictures
patient and helped me a lot with learning
Spanish throughout my time in Cunco. My community outside of the classroom and,
school was very welcoming as well and at the beginning of my journey, the cold
had so much fun teaching English to my climate. was so sad to leave in December
students. could see a difference in my during Chile’s spring, because the weather
students speaking abilities in just a few was incredible and every day wasn’t in the
weeks, which was fun. Some of my high school would spend with students or my
schoolers would come into my class and friends hanging out in the town square.
speak English with me as an alternative am currently attending Spanish classes at a
to hanging out with their friends between local college and plan on returning to Chile
classes. was very excited about that. After in January of 2021, so that can see my a. Appalachian trail b. The Canoe Tucker Trail c. Wingwalking challenge.
the program traveled the south of Chile host family and friends again. Essex.
for a month and then returned home to the Taken and adapted from:
12 Discuss with your classmates which of these charities you would benefit and why.
a. ✔ The interviewee participated in a software project volunteer program. Charities raising money for animals’ shelters. Charities raising money for people with disabilities.
b. The interviewee was volunteering for four months.
Charities raising money for hospices. Charities raising money for community fundraising.
c. ✔ The interviewee was introduced to the community by other volunteers.
d. ✔ The interviewee traveled to the south of Chile for Christmas.
e. The interviewee indicated that the best thing about the program was the friendships
she made and the impact she left on the community.

d. The interviewee said that the climate wasn’t a problem at all.

e. The interviewee was required to speak Spanish.

48 UN T 4 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 4 49

8. Solicite a los estudiantes leer una reseña y tiquear las oraciones que con falsas 9. Indique: Write 5 questions based in the information found in the text, and underline
indicando: Read a review written by a volunteer who participated in the Chilean their corresponding answers. 10. 58 Luego, señale: Listen to an audio presenting
program English Opens Doors and tick those false statements. how two teenage girls started their own businesses. 11. 59 Listen to the following
extreme challenges and match them to the pictures. 12. Indique: Choose one of the
charities below and discuss why you chose it and what would be your contribution.

196 TOMO 2

13 Read the text and answer the questions. 14 Based on the information in exercise 13, organize a challenge to raise funds to support Charity
Water. Write a text explaining what the challenge is about, the purpose and its goal.
Respuestas abiertas

663 million people in the world live

without clean water. We will organized and extreme challenge callled ....

That’s nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide; or twice T ME

the population of the United States. The majority n Africa alone, women spend 40 billion hours a
lives in isolated rural areas and spends hours every year walking for water.
day walking to collect water for their family. Not Access to clean water gives communities more
only does walking for water keep children out of time to grow food, earn an income, and go to
school or take up time that parents could be using school -- all of which fight poverty.
to earn money, but the water often carries diseases
that can make everyone sick. Access to clean water EDUCAT ON
means education, income and health - especially Clean water helps keep kids in school,
for women and kids. especially girls.
Clean water changes everything. Less time collecting water means more time in
class. Clean water and proper toilets at school
HEALTH means teenage girls don’t have to stay home for a We will organized and extreme challenge callled ....
Diseases from dirty water kill more people every week out of every month.
year than all forms of violence, including war. Women are responsible for 72% of the water
43% of those deaths are children under five years collected in Sub-Saharan Africa.
old. Access to clean water and basic sanitation Editor’s Marks
When a community gets water, women and girls
can save around 16,000 lives every week. get their lives back. They start businesses, improve Capital letter /
their homes, and take charge of their own futures.

Add a word
ss Check spelling
Change place

a. 1 in 10 people worldwide; or twice the population of the United States. Goal

b. Access to clean water means education, income and health - especially for Our goal is to reach $500.000 in tickets and $200.000 in
women and kids. merchandizing to....
c. Diseases from dirty water kill more people every year than all forms of violence,
including war.
d.Access to clean water gives communities more time to grow food, earn an
income, and go to school.
e. Women are responsible for 72% of the water collected in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Taken from:

a. What percentage of people doesn’t have clean water?

b. Which social benefits does access to clean water provide?
c. What kills more people than war? How did get here?
d. n which way are communities being benefited when they get access to clean water?
Check the whole unit and decide which aspects helped you complete this task. Score your
e. Who is mainly in charge of water collecting in their communities? performance from one to four. Share your results with a partner.

50 UN T 4 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 4 51

13. Indique a los estudiantes leer un texto sobre el poder del agua limpia dentro de 14. Invite a los estudiantes a seguir trabando en los mismos compañeros con los
una comunidad y responder las preguntas señalando: Read a text about how the que trabajaron en la actividad anterior y realizar un Desafío para una campaña
access to clean water cont de agua. Indíqueles: In the same group, organize a challenge supporting
charity water. Present your challenge and indicate what it is about, indicate the

specific purpose of organizing this challenge and present your goals.

WR T NG REFERENCE Essay The thesis statement concisely
states the main idea or argument

An essay, according to the BAWE* classification, is a piece of writing which develops an argument and of the essay, sets limits on the
supports it with evidence. The purpose of an essay is to demonstrate or develop the ability to construct topic, and can indicate the
a coherent argument and employ critical thinking skills. organization of the essay.
Each paragraph should include
a Topic Sentence. The Topic
Sentence shows how the idea
relates to the thesis.

Trust is often an overlooked asset for charities. For

many organisations, trust can typically only come
on the agenda when things are going wrong. NPC’s
State of the Sector research report Charities taking
charge shows that nearly a third of charity leaders
The public trust problem is
Supporting details elaborate
think a loss of trust in the sector would have no upon the topic sentences and

not confined to charities effect on their organisation. The research also finds thesis. Supporting details should
include the writer’s own analysis.
a narrow association between trust and fundraising
Firstly, ... / On the other hand, ...
A growing mistrust and scepticism of organisations, rather than taking a more holistic view to trust.
The introduction is the first / For example, ... / Moreover, ...
experts and leaders has become a defining feature of paragraph of an essay. ts Trust is precious and fragile, so building and / Consequently, etc.
recent times, causing many to question established purpose is to introduce the maintaining trust with the public needs to be at the
reader to the topic and present
truths that they’ve traditionally held dear. Against heart of any charity’s strategy and operations. Just
the specific points.
a backdrop of increasing volumes of data and t should begin with a hook that as businesses are considering their wider societal
commentary, amplified by social media, and the catches the reader’s interest. impact and purpose, charities too need to consider
rise of ‘fake news’, it has become much harder for This hook could be a quote, an their impact and the relevance of their actions. It is
the public to both know who the experts are and to analogy, a question, etc. After the raison d’etre of the sector, and charities should Concluding Sentence: Each
trust them to get things right. This directly impacts getting the reader’s attention, paragraph should end with
be leading the way in terms of measuring and
the introduction should give a final statement that brings
many charities that are themselves experts in their demonstrating their impact and outcomes both
some background information together the ideas brought up in
field and rely on the public to listen to and respond on the topic. The ideas within to make decisions for themselves and to deliver the paragraph. t can serve as a
to their advice. In an increasingly digitalised world, the introduction should be outcomes for the people they serve and the wider transition to the next paragraph.
there’s a sense that it is harder to gain and retain general enough for the reader to public. Engaging with the public proactively,
trust. There are growing concerns among CEOs understand the main claim and communicating clearly and authentically.
gradually become more specific
about the impact of social media on the level of trust Considering your total impact will not only help in
to lead into the thesis statement.
in their industry. times of crisis, but also form critical building blocks
to continued success.
Source: The conclusion is the last
importance-of-trust-thats-a-problem/ paragraph of the assignment.
This section wraps up the ideas
of the essay and finishes with a
final comment. t may include
phrases such as:
On the whole, ... / n conclusion,

... / To conclude, .../ To sum up,

... / strongly believe that, etc.
* British Academic Written English

52 UN T 4 3º MED O 3º MED O UN T 4 53

En esta sección se presenta un texto referencial, con el objeto de proporcionar a los An essay is an extended piece of writing that presents and supports a thesis or
alumnos un ejemplo concreto de su estructura. proposition. There are many types of essays (argumentative, descriptive,
Invite a los alumnos a trabajar en parejas y leer la sección Writing Reference exploratory, etc.) but they all have the common objective of presenting and
indicándoles lo siguiente: defending a topic, based on the reliability of the facts and on the selection, critical
evaluation, organization, and presentation of these facts.

198 TOMO 2

TEST 2 – 3° MEDIO / 15 points


1 Read the text below and circle the word which best fits each gap. 15 points

Is Social Media Messing with Your Teen’s Mental Health? (Extract)

by Katie Hurley.
Social media dramatically changed the way we to make statements on a screen that would
communicate, socialize, and make and maintain (10) be difficult to verbalize face to
friendships. While there are (0) benefits to face. And disjointed shorthand conversations can
living in a (1) world, there are also easily result in misunderstandings. It
risks. Today’s youth miss out on critical social (11) help that digital communication
(2) development when they spend occurs at a rapid pace, one that is difficult to
the majority of their free time connected to and process at times.
interacting (3) a screen. They can In the UK, a survey was made to determine
also get lost in a world of unrealistic comparisons, the effects of social media use on issues such
cyberbullying, and feeling left out. as anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and body
Research shows an (4) in major image. Their findings show that a famous
depressive episodes from 8.7% in 2005 to 11.3% video streaming webpage had the most positive
in 2014 in adolescents and from 8.8% to 9.6% in (12) , while social media based on
young adults. The increase was larger and only personal profiles all had negative effects (13)
statistically significant only in the age mental health.
(5) of 12 to 20 years. Clearly (14) these findings might make you
depression is on the rise (6) teens, want to delete all social media apps and ban your
the question we need to ask (7) is teen from any digital communication, avoidance
how much does technology and social media isn’t the answer. A better bet is to understand
contribute to it? how and why your teen uses social media, stay
It’s no big secret that connecting (8) connected, and know (15) to look
texting, or social media can include harsh for, if your teen shows unexplained emotional
judgments and comparisons. It’s (9) changes.

0 a. advantages b. benefits c. risks

1 a. computers b. digital c. cyber
2 a. skills b. ability c. manners
3 a. over b. by c. through
4 a. increase b. boost c. upgrade
5 a. length b. field c. range
6 a. among b. between c. with
7 a. themselves b. ourselves c. myself
8 a. over b. via c. by
9 a. easier b. easiest c. easy
10 a. however b. although c. otherwise
11 a. doesn’t b. don’t c. won’t
12 a. force b. power c. impact
13 a. in b. on c. at
14 a. While b. During c. But
15 a. what b. that c. which

108 Mock TesT

Este MockTest puede ser encontrado en la página 108 del Cuaderno de

Actividades. El Mock Test tiene como finalidad evaluar conocimientos cubiertos
a lo largo de las unidades del semestre. Puede utilizarlo al finalizar las actividades
del Cuaderno de Actividades correspondientes al semestre y apoyar el aprendizaje

de los estudiantes.
Apéndice de contenido
Lesson 1 Volunteering relevante a medida que se realizan conexiones fascinantes en
todas las áreas temáticas.
Evaluando Estrategias Fuente:

Las Estrategias de evaluación permite al lector pensar
críticamente sobre el texto y hacer una juicio cognitivo o
afectivo. El docente puede utilizar las siguientes estrategias de Lesson 2 Volunteering abroad
evaluación después de la lectura por medio de las siguientes
actividades: (1) pensar como el autor; (2) evaluar el texto; (3) Ventana pedagógica
anticipar el uso del conocimiento; (4) monitoreo de
significado, sabiendo cuando ya el estudiante sabe, y cuanto Internet
no; (5) usar y crear esquemas, hacer conexiones entre lo Las lecciones asistidas pueden complementar la enseñanza al
nuevo y lo conocido, construir y activar conocimientos agregar una dimensión adicional a la sala de clases. Los
previos; (6) realizar preguntas, generar preguntas antes, alumnos lo utilizan para recopilar información sobre
durante y después de leer que te guíe más profundamente en diferentes temas o buscar ejercicios adicionales para practicar
el texto; (7) determinar importancia, decidir que lo más un elemento de idioma en particular. Internet ofrece a los
importante; (8) inferir utilizando el conocimiento previo y la estudiantes oportunidades ilimitadas para trabajar con
información del texto, predecir, concluir, emitir juicios, materiales que ellos mismos eligen y ofrece un entorno de
interpretar; (9) crear imágenes mentales; y (10) sintetizar. aprendizaje atractivo e interactivo.
Fuente: Fuente: Equipo editoria

Teoría e investigación
Ventana pedagógica
Curriculum Interdisciplinario
Consejos para desarrollar lecciones seguras en internet
A veces los estudiantes son reacios e incapaces de transferir el
• Nunca inicie las lecciones solicitando que los estudiantes
conocimiento a través de las áreas temáticas y de usar el
usen el internet y/o realicen búsquedas por su cuenta.
conocimiento para ayudarles a resolver nuevos problemas. En
• Solicite a los alumnos que busquen información específica,
la actualidad, las matemáticas y las ciencias van de la mano, y
no solo que naveguen por la web.
los estudios sociales nunca pueden entenderse sin leer
• Siempre indique a los estudiantes que escriban las URL de
documentos y literatura auténticos de diferentes períodos de
los sitios que utilizan para los informes en formato de
tiempo y perspectivas. Con la instrucción interdisciplinaria,
las áreas temáticas se entrelazan y exploran a través de un
• Se sugiere realizar una visita previa de los sitios antes de
tema o concepto global. En la vida real, no podemos aislar las
que los estudiantes los hagan.
matemáticas en 45 minutos de nuestro día. En su lugar,
utilizamos las matemáticas para ayudarnos a resolver los Fuente: Equipo editorial
problemas cotidianos en la cocina, en el jardín y para muchos
de nosotros en nuestros trabajos.
Ventana pedagógica
La investigación cerebral ha demostrado que la información
en nuestro cerebro está organizada en estructuras Explicando la gramática
esquemáticas. Estas estructuras se componen de bits de Dar ejemplos
información interconectados y sirven como marco para el Provea a los estudiantes de ejemplos contextualizados de la
conocimiento que adquirimos. Cuando el conocimiento de un estructura gramatical a presentar. Luego, base su explicación
alumno está conectado, es mucho más probable que aplique el en ellos, entregando nuevos ejemplos. Posteriormente, son los
conocimiento previo a una amplia variedad de situaciones estudiantes quienes ponen en práctica la estructura gramatical
nuevas. Adquirirán nueva información de una forma más y dan ejemplos.
accesible y podrán relacionarla mejor con el conocimiento
adquirido previamente. La instrucción interdisciplinaria La práctica
permite a los estudiantes comprender la interconexión de las Una vez que haya realizado la presentación y explicación de la
disciplinas y hace que el aprendizaje sea más significativo y estructura gramatical, realice una práctica simple, de la


estructura, que no necesariamente tiene que ser un “gap-fill”, Ventana pedagógica
sino que puede ser una lluvia de ideas, lo que implica que los
estudiantes den una determinada cantidad de ejemplos a partir Editor’s Marks
de un determinado elemento. Lo esencial es que los Explique a los alumnos que la tabla Editor’s Marks, muestra
estudiantes eliciten la mayor cantidad de oraciones posibles, la simbología utilizada para corregir textos. Ilustra errores
con el fin de que sientan que manejen la estructura y comunes y distingue diferentes marcas, según sea cada caso.
transmitan un mensaje significativo. Explique a los estudiantes lo útil que es usar las marcas del
Source: Ur. P. (2011) A course in language teaching: practice and theory. editor en la medida que revisan sus textos. Cuénteles lo que
Cambridge: Camdridge University Press. esta práctica les ayudará a detectar errores comunes y mejorar
su redacción.

Lesson 3 Meeting the new bosses

Lesson 4 fundraising
Ventana de enseñanza Ventana pedagógica
Ayudar a estudiantes con dificultades para escribir Incorporando estrategias auditivas
La producción escrita involucra múltiples habilidades en Un enfoque sobre como incorporar estrategias auditivas en
forma simultánea como la capacidad de utilizar el actividades de este tipo involucran en ciclo de actividades,
vocabulario, la organización del texto mismo y la ortografía. como se indica a continuación:
También implica complejos subprocesos tales como la
Paso 1: Actividad pre-auditiva.
generación de ideas y la transcripción de estas en un texto
En parejas, los estudiantes predicen las posibles palabras y
(Flower & Hayes, 1981), lo cual compromete procesos
frases que podrían escuchar, y esciben sus predicciones.
motores, el reconocimiento de palabras y de su significado, y
su procesamiento sintáctico en oraciones y párrafos (Cuetos, Paso 2: Escuchar el texto
2009). Debido a esto, la fluidez en la producción de un texto A medida que los estudiantes escuchen el texto, subrayan o
es difícil de adquirir para los escritores principiantes. encierran en un círculo aquellas palabras o frases que
predijeron correctamente. También deberían escribir nueva
Otras razones que contribuyen en la falta de fluidez en la
información a medida que escuchan.
producción de textos es que los estudiantes no tienen claro los
objetivos, y/o propósitos de un texto, y como revisarlo. Por Paso 3: Discusión basada en procesos en parejas.
este motivo sería mejor establecer objetivos específicos en la En parejas los estudiantes comparan lo que han entendido
revisión del texto,y dándoles instrucciones simples para del texto.
incorporar ideas en sus textos y hacerlos más interesantes. Paso 4: Escuchan el texto por segunda vez.
Fuentes: Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, J. (2013). Best practices in Los estudiantes se enfocan en aquellas partes del texto que le
writing instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford Pres causaron confusión, y toma notas de la nueva información.
Paso 5: Discusión grupal basada en procesos.
El docente realiza una actividad de compresión auditiva a los
Teoría e investicagión estudiantes y discute con ellos respecto de las estrategias
utilizadas para la comprensión del texto.
Como enseñar a revisar
Fuente: Richards, J. (2008). Listening and Speaking -From Theory to practice.
Investigaciones han revelado el impacto positivo de las New York: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from:
estrategias de revisión en la enseñanza de la producción de
textos (Grahan, & Harris, 2007; MacArthur, 2007). Algunas Ventana de aprendizaje
estrategias efectivas de revisión de textos escritos son las
siguientes: Incorporando estrategias auditivas
• Enseñanza explicita. Explicite el proceso de revisión a los Muchas investigaciones se han realizando evidenciando la
estudiantes, indicando los objetivos específicos de la importancia del trabajo colaborativo apoyando la tesis que el
revisión e identificando claramente el destinatario del texto. aprendizaje ocurre como parte de la interacción entre el
• Enfocarse en la claridad y el detalle. Los estudiantes estudiante y el entorno, o entre el estudiante y sus pares.
deberían ser capaces de responder a las preguntas: Hay algo Los resultados obtenidos realizados por el Departamento de
en el texto difícil de entender? Qué palabras podrían ser un Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Alicante durante el
aporte para hacer del texto uno más claro? 2011 y 2012 sobre el aprendizaje colaborativo han sido
• Realizar un práctica guiada y dar feedback a los estudiantes. satisfactorios; el alumnado lo valora de forma positiva no sólo
Fuente: Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, J. (2013). Best practices in para el aprendizaje teórico de conceptos, sino también como
writing instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford Press simulación de actividades que le sirvan para su incorporación
al mercado laboral.
Retrieved from:


Este apéndice contiene material fotocopiable que el profesor puede utilizar
como complemento a las actividades sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.

Complementary Activity Diagnostic Test

Esta actividad fotocopiable tiene como objetivo complementar las Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo evaluar la conducta
actividades vistas a lo largo de la unidad, reforzando de entrada de los alumnos. Puede realizarla antes de comenzar la
principalmente las habilidades orales y de escritura. Puede primera lección. Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:
utilizarla al finalizar una clase, dependiendo del ritmo de trabajo
de sus estudiantes.
Diagnostic test
Great Good OK Not good enough
(15 points) (14 – 10 points) (9 - 7 points) (Less than 7 points)
You are achieving the You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
learning goals. You can easily achieve the highest you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! score by analyzing the few mistakes you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
you made. areas in the evaluation.

Formative Tests
Estas actividades evaluativas tienen como objetivo complementar a
las evaluaciones de proceso sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.
Puede utilizarlas al finalizar las primeras o las últimas dos
lecciones de la unidad.
Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:
Formative Test 1
Great Good OK Not good enough
( 20 points) (19 – 17 points) (16 – 12 points) (Less than 12 points)
You are achieving the learning goals. You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
Keep on working hard! You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.

Formative Test 2
Great Good OK Not good enough
(15 points) (14 – 12 points) (12 – 9 points) (Less than 9 points)
You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
the learning goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.

Final Test Template

Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo complementar el Este template es un modelo de un ensayo (Essay) fotocopiable,
Test Final sugerido en el Texto del Estudiante. Puede utilizarlo al que tiene como objetivo complementar el template sugerido para
finalizar la unidad con sus estudiantes, para que cuenten con un esta unidad en el Cuaderno de Actividades. Puede fotocopiarlo y
instrumento extra con el cual puedan analizar sus fortalezas y entregarlo a sus alumnos para que cuenten con otro modelo del
debilidades y evaluar su desempeño a lo largo de la unidad. texto que tienen que producir.


In pairs, describe these set of pictures of entrepreneurship and volunteering. Compare and contrast them. Give
as many details as possible.

Set A
Volume 2

Set B
Photocopiable material


d aGNosT c TesT / 15 points

1 Read this invitation to participate in the volunteering week, and answer the questions below. 6 points

SVW - Student Volunteering Week

We are excited to announce that Student Volunteering Week 2019 will take place
from 11th – 17th February. Entering its 19th year, Student Volunteering Week aims

VOluMe 2
to celebrate the impact of student volunteers and encourage students to engage
in civic life. Student Hubs and the National Union of Students (NUS) are
supporting the Student Volunteering Network (SVN) to deliver the campaign.
Student Hubs believes that when students are supported to tackle social
challenges, learn about issues and connect with each other, both communities
and students benefit. SVW is a brilliant opportunity to demonstrate how social
action creates positive change. High quality social action enhances communities
and equips young people to become skilled, active citizens.
We are looking forward to building on the success of previous campaigns. Student
Volunteering Week 2018 saw 60 Colleges, Universities and Students’ Unions from
across the UK take part. Over 55,000 students were involved in various types of
social action during the week.

a. Do you think all schools in Chile must commit themselves with the community and generate a
volunteering program as part of the curriculum? Why?

b. What kind of program would help your community the most?

c. What actions would you take to carry out that program?

6 points

2 Complete the sentences with the correct tense: Present Simple, Present Perfect or Present
Perfect Continuous.

Photocopiable material
a. (think) about volunteer abroad for a couple of weeks.
b. He (volunteer) two hours every day, at a dog shelter.
c. We (be/not) here for more than an hour and we (receive) plenty of food.
d. We (find) that there are five different types of volunteer programs.
e. The UN Youth Volunteer initiative (offer) assignments from 6 months to a
maximum of 24 months.

3 Based on the sentences in exercise 2, write 3 sentences in the Passive Voice, on a separate 3 points
sheet of paper.


formaT Ve TesT 1 / 20 points

1 Read the sentences and complete them with the First conditional. 5 points

a. f win the lottery, .

b. They will donate 5% of the incomes, .
c. , we’ be happy to teach you what you will have to do.
d. f decide to get a gap year, .
VOluMe 2

e. f she goes to the community canteen today, .

2 Choose one of institution below you would like to help and explain, in 100-words, their mission, 15 points
why you chose it and what you can do to help them.

Techo para Chile CODEFF. Comité Nacional Pro Defensa de la Flora y Fauna
Photocopiable material


formaT Ve TesT 2 / 15
20 points

1 Read the following statements and make the corresponding question. 8 points

worked in the corporate beauty world until 26 but then my favorite shampoo brand was
discontinued. was so upset that decided that would create my own.

VOluMe 2
The problem that nearly all entrepreneurs or new businesses face is that potential customers
often do not want to be the first to try. They want to see that your business idea is proven and
tested before they try it.
An Antarctic explorer called Ernest Shackleton. read a book about him when was quite
young; think was about 16. t was about his epic journey to save his men and it was just his
determination never to give up and his struggle that was truly inspiring.
After six to seven months of struggle, it slowly took off. 10 years later, it’s sold in 70 countries
worldwide and has created a whole new category in haircare.

2 Read the sentences below. Which of them are making a wrong use of Nevertheless and
Provided that? Circle them. 7 points
a. A friend who hasn’t got much money may, nevertheless, be willing to contribute, for example by
organizing a fundraising concert, dinner, collection etc.
b. Nevertheless laws regarding fundraising are proliferating, and ethical practitioners, must be alert
to new laws.
c. Provided that the enthusiasm to look at your organization’s performance and figure out how to
do better next year is the hallmark of good leadership and a dedication.
d. Nevertheless, your nonprofit receives a percentage of sales through an arrangement with a
for-profit business, make sure you understand the implications of cause-related marketing and
commercial co-ventures.
e. Can our organization fundraise provided that it is not yet tax-exempt?
f. Provided that most charitable nonprofits rely upon the generosity, fundraising has a major role to
the charitable nonprofit community.

Photocopiable material
g. Supporting small non-profits in Latin America has many benefits. Nevertheless, before doing so,
take into account their visibility, donor understanding, covering operating cost, among others.


f Nal TesT
/ 15 points

1 Read the tips Jerome Katz highlights, to become a successful entrepreneur, and answer the 5 points
VOluMe 2

Tips to Return On Investment, From

Jerome Katz’s Experience & Research
1. Word Of Mouth you can do for them to make their service
This method of face to face communication better, it goes a long way to making them
is always number one for small businesses. feel special and appreciated.
Nothing can beat real human interaction 4. Have A Simple & Solid Business Plan
when it comes to building relationships. It Have a small simple business plan that
is also very low cost, and therefore, makes outlines what you sell, who you are selling
it the method with the best return on to and what the value proposition is for
investment. what you are selling. This ensures you
2. Website Marketing & Search Engine have a clear plan and that you can quickly
Optimization and effectively communicate your business
The rise of local digital media options (such idea to prospective customers or potential
as a website, search engine optimization, financiers.
online reviews, local online ads, etc.) has 5. Watch & Understand Your Numbers
presented a great opportunity for small Know what you need to charge to make a
businesses. This is a relatively inexpensive profit, and how much profit each customer
marketing method that has been shown to means to you. Know the profit difference
deliver a great return for small businesses. between all of your different products. If
3. Dealing Directly With Your Customers you don’t understand these numbers, it
& Up-Selling Or Cross-Selling will be hard to make decisions and run
Face to face time with the owner is your business successfully.
irreplaceable. People really appreciate
Taken and adapted from:
being able to talk directly to the owner of
the business. If you talk directly with your
customers, just to see if there is anything

a. Why do you think face to face communication is important for small businesses?
Photocopiable material

b. According to the text, how does digital media help small businesses?

c. Why is face-to-face time with customers important?

d. What does the text say about having a plan?

e. Why is it relevant to watch and understand numbers?

206 UN T 4 f NAl TEST 3º MEDIO

2 Based on the previous text, write 5 sentences expressing conditions. 5 points


VOluMe 2
3 Put the phrases in order. 5 points

a. five of them should be shut. - in Southampton, to run the libraries - Unless volunteers come

b. during your fundraising event - unless you tell them so! - that they can give - Donors might not

c. for a Volunteer t-shirt. - people must pay a fee - Unless volunteering only for a special event,

d. the remuneration of charity trustees - unless strict conditions are met. - n Scotland, is strictly

e. and unless it is managed wisely - Time is - nothing else can be managed. - the scarcest
resource for entrepreneurs,

4 60 listen to the text and tick the correct sentences. 5 points

a. Working from home can be an overwhelming experience.

b. Family and friends tend to think that those who work from home are less dedicated as
they are.
c. People who run their own business do not have weekends.

Photocopiable material
d. t is not tough to go back to a traditional work for those who worked at home previously.
e. For entrepreneurs it is possible to clock out their jobs.

5 Write an event program, on a separate sheet of paper, promoting a “Pet Adoption Day”. 15 points

Great! Good OK Not good enough

(35 - 33 points)) (32 - 28 points) (27 - 22 points) (21 or less points)
You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance can improve. You need to revise the
the learning goals. Analyze the few mistakes Revise your mistakes and contents and practice
Keep on working you made. weakest areas with your more, in order to improve
hard! teacher. your performance.

3º MEDIO UN T 4 f NAl TEST 207

Wr T NG TemPlaTe
aN essaY The introduction is the first
paragraph of an essay. ts purpose is
to introduce the reader to the topic

Why Fundraising Is Important

and present the specific
points. t should begin with a
hook that catches the reader’s
It seems obvious why fundraising is important: to raise funds for needed interest. This hook could be a
VOluMe 2

items, services and programs. Yet, raising funds has so many other benefits quote, an analogy, a question,
besides the obvious. etc. After getting the reader’s
attention, the introduction should
Often, budgets get cut, or less than ideal family situations mean that children give some background information
have to go without things or activities that their classmates receive, and later on the topic. The ideas within
the introduction should be
life opportunities may be diminished because of it. There are, unfortunately,
general enough for the reader to
needs of great variety all around us, and fundraising will most likely be an understand the main claim and
aspect of our lives for generations to come. But raising funds for a cause has a gradually become more specific to
lot more benefits than taking care of an obvious monetary need. lead into the thesis statement.

Fundraising is important for a variety of other reasons as well. For example,

The thesis statement concisely
it allows the children or other recipients of the funds (or what they purchase)
states the main idea or argument
to feel some pride of ownership. In many cases, the beneficiaries of funds of the essay, sets limits on the
that are raised are able to feel not as if they have received ‘charity,’ topic, and can indicate the
but as if they have actually earned the item or experience that the funds organization of the essay.
have provided. Each paragraph should include
a Topic sentence. The Topic
In the growing pressure from government to “do more with less,” it is Sentence shows how the idea
unfortunately true that the way that many schools and communities are relates to the thesis.
doing this is to cut out the programs that they deem as not being essential.
This often means that many childhood experiences will be lost as well. Field Supporting details elaborate
trips to see the capital, to perhaps stand for the first time inside a museum, or upon the topic sentences and
to attend their first play or concert, would be lost without many fundraising thesis. Supporting details should
programs. On top of that art programs at the schools themselves, like music, include the writer’s own analysis.
Firstly, ... / On the other hand, ...
theater and visual arts, are often the first area where cuts are made.
/ For example, ... / Moreover, ... /
Moreover, fundraising is one aspect of engaging children in civic minded Consequently, etc.
activities from a young age. It creates awareness in a young person that they
are part of a community, and that this position entails a certain amount of Concluding Sentence: Each
responsibility and also self empowerment. When they are raising funds for paragraph should end with a final
other segments of society, it teaches them to appreciate what they have statement that brings together the
and to understand that they have the ability, even from a young age, to ideas brought up in the paragraph.
t can serve as a transition to the
help others.
next paragraph.
It is a fact that children who participate in civic or public service from a young
age are more likely to carry on with that type of work into adulthood. On
the other hand, if young people are being helped by others who are doing The conclusion is the last paragraph
fundraising for a cause that affects them, they understand that there are of the assignment. This section
wraps up the ideas of the essay and
people who care about them outside of their immediate circle. This can help finishes with a final comment.
them to have a greater sense of self-esteem and self-worth, which can lead
On the whole, ... / n conclusion, ... /
to better life choices overall. To conclude, .../ To sum up, ... /
Adapted from: Why Fundraising s mportant strongly believe that...


Texto del Estudiante Página 96
1. a. For her it’s a combination seeing incredible sights, meeting
Página 89
exciting and different people, and coming back with
1. Respuestas abiertas stories to share with her friends.
2. a. They are all volunteering. Cleaning a beach, teaching kids, b. She wants to leave a socially conscious.
feeding dogs, giving lunch and giving medical help. c. Because she is part of a generation that has traveling as a

Página 90
d. Make traveling sustainable by giving something back.
1. a. The Titi Fund partnered with Operation Warm to provide 2. Respuestas abiertas
brand new winter coats to every school on the Operation
Warm in 5 NYC boroughs. Página 97
b. All orders were placed, shipped, and received in a two-week Smart listening
period, leading up to the public school’s December vacation. 1. a. witnessing / sites
c. Out of all NYC schools, thse 5 the highest number of b. 30 / 3 / 5
students in temporary housing. Most of these students live in c. an open mind and flexible attitude for working in a new and
shelters or are doubled-up with other families. different environment
2. a. Brand new winter coats were provided by The Titi Fund d. commit to a month or more
partnered with Operation Warm to every school. e. at least 18 at the time of joining.
b. Students were surprised with the gift by their School
administrators. Página 98
c. 5,000 brand new coats were provided to students living in Your analysis
need by the Titi Fund of New York. 1. a. Two weeks.
d. Some exciting news were received by 31 schools in New b. Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain, Humantay lagoon, Sacred
York City. Valley and Machu Picchu.
Página 91
c. Because it is for those who don not have much time.
d. Volunteers must be 17 years or older at the time of joining
1. Respuestas abiertas the project and at least 18 at the time of joining those who
3. a. They all volunteer. want to participate in Medical Program.
b. They all agree that is rewarding. e. 2 Weeks: $850; Extra Week: $175
c. Respuesta abierta.
d. Pespuesta abierta Language in use
i. “If.... not” was repalce but “Unless.
Página 92 ii. Unless means “except if”
Smart reading 1. a. Unless I like their project, I’ll join that organization.
1. a. shifted away b. If we can’t go to the fundraising event, we can make a
b. wealthier donative.
c. elderly c. We can reach our money goal, unless we can’t sell these
d. loneliness products.
e. Sparing d. I won’t take the volunteering program abroad unless you go
with me.
Página 93
e. If you don’t boost yourself, you will never start your
Your analysis business.
1. a. i b. i c. i d. ii
Página 99
Página 94 1. a. i. The program supports projects for people with physi
1. a. I look for another way to help. cal and or mental disabilities.
b. we move to the hall. of the shelter. ii. The program is mainly funded through charities and
c. they do it unconditionally. donations.
d. you feel wealthy. iii. This organization offers disabled participants a better
e. Martin receives them by the main entrance. quality of life and it is very self-rewarding to see the
2. Respuestas abiertas difference you make, while also becoming familiar with
the culture.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 Solucionario 209

b. Página 103
Join in: (Verb) to become involved in an activity with
Your analysis
other people.
1. a. False. He started his business at 16.
Improve: (Verb) to (cause something to) get better.
b. True
Effort: (Noun ) physical or mental activity needed to
c. False. He started his company in his second year in high
achieve something.
Motivate: (Verb) to cause someone to behave in a particular
d. True
Community: (Noun) the people living in one particular area or
people who are considered as a unit because of Página 104
their common interests, social group, or
Language in use

1. What does Nevertheless convey?

b. a contrast.
Página 100
What does Provided that convey?
a. a condition.
1. a. 2
b. 4 1. a. nevertheless
c. 1 b. Provided that
d. 3 c. nevertheless
2. a. Direct questions related to the way the organization works. d. provided that
b. They should be flexible in case it is necessary.
c. A volunteer should look for a reputable organization Página 106

d. He/she should talk to the organization about changing your 1. a. ii

focus or look for a different organization that is a better fit. b. i
c. iv
Página 101 d. iii
1. a. Respuesta abierta 2. Respuestas abiertas
b. Steve Jobs was the co-founded Apple Computers. Oprah
Winfrey is an American media executive, actress, talk show Página 107
host, television producer and philanthropist. Walt Disney Smart listening
was an American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and 1. Respuestas abiertas.
film producer and a pioneer of the American animation
industry. Mark Zuckerberg is an American technology Your analysis
entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is known for co-founding 1. a. F
and leading Facebook. J.K. Rowling is a British novelist, b. F
philanthropist, film producer, television producer and c. F
screenwriter, best known for writing the Harry Potter fantasy d. T
c. Respuesta abierta
Página 110

d. An entrepreneur is an individual who founds and runs a 1. Respuestas abiertas

small business and assumes all the risk and reward of the 2. a. Songs can inspire people to support a good cause to make a
venture. better world.
b. Famous people who like to help in different campaigns.
Página 102 c. There are songs that become specially importance in a very
Smart reading short time due to its content.
1. It is an interview with a young entrepreneur, Raymond Lei, who d. Through the song people inernalize the number.
runs this company when he was 16. He talks 3. a. True
about the way he started , why he made the decision to get into b. False
the business and the problems he has faced. c. True
2. a. Expository d. False
b. young people e. Not mentioned
c. informal
d. They are open-ended questions Página 110
e. To encourage entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams. 1. a. ii
b. iv
c. iii
d. i

210 UNIDAD 4 Solucionario 3º MEDIO

2. a. He wanted to raise $8,500 for a cancer charity Examen Final
b. No, it wasn’t.
1. a. Because it helps building relationships.
c. He spent 3 days.
b. Because it is a relatively inexpensive marketing method that
d. Yes, it was. He climbed the Mount Snowden.
delivers a great returns for small businesses.
3. - Cantidad de palabras: 2 puntos
c. Because by talking directly with the customers you can get
- Uso correcto de vocabulario/spelling: 3 puntos
feedback and provide a better service. Besides it makes
- Aplicación de las instrucciones correctamente: 2 puntos
people feel special and appreciated.
- Uso correcto de la gramática: 3 puntos
d. It must be simple and solid in order to quickly and
effectively communicate your business idea to prospective
Guía DidÁctica customers or potential financiers.
e. Because if you do not manage your business numbers it will

Actividades complemetarias be hard to make decisions and run it business successfully.
Diagnostic test 2. Open-ended answers.
1. a. Open-ended answers.
3. a. Unless volunteers come forward to run the libraries in
2. a. have been thinking b. volunteers c. haven’t been / have Southampton, five of them should be shut.
received d. have found e. offers b. Donors might not know that they can give during your
3. a. Plenty of food has been received in a few a hours. fundraising event unless you tell them so!
b. Five different types of volunteer programs were found in that c. Unless volunteering only for a special event, people must
website. pay a fee for a Volunteer t-shirt.
c. Assignments from 6 months to a maximum of 24 month are d. In Scotland, the remuneration of charity trustees is strictly
offered by the UN Volunteer initiative. prohibited unless strict conditions are met.
Formative test 1 e. Time is the scarcest resource for entrepreneurs, and unless it
1. Open-ended answers. ( First Conditional structure: If + present is managed wisely nothing else can be managed.
simple, will + verb) 4. b. 4 c. 4
2. Cohesion 1 5. Cohesion 1
Coherence 1 Coherence 1
Vocabulary 5 Vocabulary 5
Grammar 5 Grammar 5
Writing structure 3 Writing structure 3
Formative test 2
1. a. How did you start running your own business?/How did you
become an entrepreneur?
b. What was the major problem you have to face?
c. Is there anyone who inspire you? / Who inspires you?
d. What has your major achievement been?
2. a. 4 b. 4 e. 4 f. 4 g. ü

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 Solucionario 211

Once upon a time, a man walking along a beach saw a boy Why do we travel? To see incredible sights? To meet exciting and
picking up starfish and throwing them into the sea. He asked different people? To come back with stories to share with our
the boy why he was throwing starfish into the sea. friends? Or because we want to leave our mark in the world,
make a difference, and give a little back to our great Mother

The boy replied, “The tide is going out. If I don’t throw them
in, they’ll dry up and die.” Earth? For me, it’s a combination of everything, which is
precisely why volunteering abroad has become my perfect
The man smiled and said, “But, there are miles of beach and solution. I want to leave a socially conscious footprint which
thousands of starfish on every mile. You can’t possibly make a benefits not just me, but also those around me when I volunteer
difference!” abroad – exploring, not exploiting the cultures which I’m
The boy smiled, bent down, picked up another starfish, and immersed in.
threw it into the sea. So why volunteer abroad as part of your travels? We’re the
“Well,” he said, “I made a difference for that one.” generation who are lucky enough to have traveling as a hobby.
We shouldn’t forget that, just a few decades ago, traveling to
another country was something which you could only see in a
43 book (I know – can you imagine?!). Naturally then, it’s important
that we make traveling sustainable by giving something back.
“It enables me to get out of the house, otherwise I would just
be staying in, and it gives me a sense of purpose I didn’t have 46
Maggie Pardoe Short Term Volunteering Project in Peru
“I’m blessed that I can travel to these cool places and that I Volunteering Solutions provides a thrilling opportunity to do a
can give back. We all have the same 24 hours and you have to 2-week volunteer trip, which includes excursions to famous sites.
choose what to do with them. I recommend that others find This program is particularly convenient for volunteers who do
their passion. That’s how you’ll want to give back”. not have time to commit to a month or more of volunteering
Diane Hoffman abroad but would like to make some contribution and also
“It was so rewarding to see just how much the older people we travel along with other volunteers on the weekends to one of
welcomed appreciated our small act of kindness”. the most spectacular places in Peru.
Trevor Lyttleton Trip Highlights
“I think as a coach of any sport, but especially inclusive sports, • A perfect 2-week trip to Peru, encompassing volunteer work
you have a bigger role to play in helping players develop their and witnessing heritage sites in the “Land of Incas”.
independence, overall health and fitness, and their mental • Volunteer for the local communities of Cusco and work at the
well-being”. local childcare center of the city, housing 30 underprivileged
Anna Jackson little kids, aged between 3 and 5 years old, that have only 1
teacher, due to resource shortage.
• Responsibilities at the project include teaching the kids,
taking care of them and participating in fundraising activities
44 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 4 - PAGE 94 - EXERCISE 2 for the project.
• The project also includes excursions to Vinicunca Rainbow
a. What will you do after you graduate?
Mountain, Humantay lagoon, Sacred Valley and Machu
b. What will you do if you have time next Christmas? Picchu.
c. How do you think you will feel if you do volunteer work? Program Requirements
• Volunteers must be 17 years of age at the time of joining the
project. Medical Program volunteers must be at least 18 at
the time of joining.
• Volunteers need to have an open mind and flexible attitude
for working in a new and different environment. Volunteers
should bring energy and enthusiasm to make a difference.
• Must be in good health.
Cost: 2 Weeks: $850; Extra Week: $175

212 UNIDAD 4 Transcripciones 3º MEDIO

47 3. Industriousness
No matter how high they rise, the best entrepreneurs never
Volunteer in Chile, the project. avoid day-to-day, common work. To build a strong work
Give something back to humanity and show your support in a ethic, kids need to learn the value of hard work.
project for people who are often rejected by society, for having 4. Curiosity
a disability. Be a positive example for others, and make an Being curious about how the world works is a precursor to
effort to assist others and provide them with basic needs. identifying ways to make it a better place. Entrepreneurs are
This volunteer program is based in Chile and it supports life-long learners, always looking for ways to improve
projects for people with physical and or mental disabilities. themselves.
The program is mainly funded through charities and donations; 5. Self- Confidence
it maintains several homes and creative workshops attended by Believing in yourself and your abilities is essential for a

both adults and children. All the facilities are adapted to the successful life - providing the push to take risks and see
physical and psychological needs of the people. This things through. Entrepreneurship is all about having faith in
organization offers disabled participants a better quality of life your own idea.
and it is very self-rewarding to see the difference you make, 6. Empathy
while also becoming familiar with the culture. Being able to relate to and support others is an invaluable
skill for leadership. Successful entrepreneurs understand the
48 importance of empathy and establishing positive connections.
7. Optimism
Find What’s Right for You Entrepreneurs are a model of optimism -evangelizing for
Unlike school, with volunteering you get to pick what really better world and working to make it happen. And this
interests you and who, or what, is most deserving of your time. positive outlook provides social and health advantages.
Need some ideas to get you started? Here are just a few: 8. Giving back
1. Help kids learn and grow. Become a Big Brother or Big Entrepreneurs understand the importance of corporate
Sister, camp counselor, or volunteer for an after-school social responsibility. True visionaries want to make the
sports program. Special Olympics games and events are world better for everyone, not just themselves.
great ways to get to know special-needs kids.
2. Give back over the holidays. Serve dinner to the homeless in
Christmas, volunteer at your local food bank, or distribute 50STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 4 - PAGE 104 -
toys to kids. Your church, temple, mosque, or other place of LANGUAGE IN USE - EXERCISE 1
worship also may be able to use your help.
i. Gina had been working for over a decade in the beauty
3. Play with pets at a local animal shelter. Most shelters business. Nevertheless, she just reached success 5 years ago.
depend on volunteers to keep the cats and dogs happy and ii. Provided that we meet the quality standards, we can start
well exercised, and when you’re walking rescued dogs, you our business.
get a workout too.
4. Volunteer for a political campaign. If you’re interested in
politics, it’s a great way to find out how things work on the 51 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 4 – PAGE 106 - EXERCISE 1
inside. Even if you can’t vote, you can still work to get your
candidate elected — whether it’s the president or your mayor. i. Relay for life presents WATTER BATTLE!
A fundraiser to help find a CURE for Cancer!
Bring your family!
49 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 4 - PAGE 101 - EXERCISE 1 Admission is $5
We will be selling water balloons and water refills (at extra
8 Entrepreneurial skills kids should have.
The entrepreneurial mindset treats obstacles as challenges to Bring a towel and a water gun.
overcome, therefore, developing these skills early on will help Friday May 17th, from 2PM to 4:30 PM.
you in the years to come. ii. Pink Hair 2020 CANSA Challenge
1. Resilience Now available in THIS salon.
Life is full of obstacles, and developing a thick skin is essential We need you!
to getting on in life. Every entrepreneur needs resilience and Join us in raising money for CANSA by wearing Pink
determination to get back up when things are not going so extensions
well. The Pink Hair Challenge is back, where Great Lengths is
2. Innovation and Creativity donating the profits from the sale of our pink hair
Entrepreneurs need to think quick, solving complex extensions to the Cancer Association of South Africa.
problems with ingenious solutions. Creative thinking is September 1st - 31st.
essential for entrepreneurs to build their empires. #pinkhairshowsyoucare

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 Transcripciones 213

iii. 5K SUPER HERO RUN and 1K walk! 53STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 4 - PAGE 108 - ENGLISH
Child Guidance Resource Centers
Sunday, October 7th, 2020. 9AM
Williamson College of Trades, Media PA a. audience b. disaster c. raised d. organize e. minimize
Register at: CGRC.ORG/5K
Making healthy choices, one stride at a time.
iv. Duct-tape the Principal Fundraiser!
Yes! You read correctly! A Song for a Good Cause
We are duct taping Mr. Mantan to the wall. “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is
$2 per strip impossible to be silent,” Victor Hugo wrote in 1864 —
May 19th. Undercover area, 8:30 AM approximately 120 years before Band Aid existed. Songs have

Thank you for supporting Pa’s Princesses in the 2020 long been powerful vehicles for social change, either through
Mackay Relay For Life. the messages contained in their lyrics, or as high-profile
celebrity fundraisers.
52 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 4 - PAGE 107 - EXERCISE 1 As music started being recorded, mega-production benefit
singles became a very popular way to make a statement
Interviewer: And today we are with Mark Rogers, through songs. Some became instant anthems.
entrepreneur and philanthropist, who has raised
One big example of the impact of a song is when the artist
more than 10 million dollars for disabled
Logic named one of his songs with the telephone number of
children in our country. It’s nice to have you
hotline to prevent suicide. He helped cement the lifesaving
here, Mark.
digits into the popular consciousness. The song opens with
Mark Rogers: Thanks for having me! Logic rapping from the perspective of a caller. “1-800-273-
Interviewer: So, we are here to learn a bit more about the 8255” became the centerpiece of Logic’s third album,
intricacies of organizing a fundraising event and, “Everybody”, and addressed sociological issues in an
actually, make it stand out. We are anxious to emotional way. Within three weeks of the song’s release that
learn from an expert. Would you share some tips April, the calls to the Suicide Prevention Hotline rose 27%.
with us? This would rise to more than 50% after Logic performed the
Mark: Of course. First of all, you have to start by song in August at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards. The
asking yourself the right questions. For example, artist says this is the most important song he has ever written.
Who is my audience? What type of event will
attract this audience? What is the purpose of the 55
event? What is the best venue to attract the right STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 4 - PAGE 113 - EXERCISE 2
crowd? Etcetera. Man makes 1000-metre climb up a hill while pushing a
After you have defined these points, you can start Brussels sprout with his nose!
defining your “measurable goals”. People do many crazy things to raise money for charity. The
Interviewer: Measurable goals? What is that? latest crazy stunt came from an English man who decided to
Mark: Important details such as the exact amount of push a Brussels sprout up the highest mountain in Wales – with
money you want to raise, how to attract new his nose. He wanted to raise $8,500 for a cancer charity. Stuart
donors and sponsors, and so on. It’s also Kettell, 49, said he loves challenges and will try to do anything
important to know, exactly, how much money you for charity. His other challenges include walking 800
need to spend to achieve your goals too. kilometers on stilts and sitting in a box for a week. He said:
“I’ve seen, firsthand, the amazing results of cancer charities,
Interviewer: Interesting, I had never thought of that.
not only for the patients but their family and friends too.” He
Mark: So, when all this is defined, you have to start added: “People’s cancer stories inspire me even more to carry
worrying about the technical details, such as on, and my challenges are going to get even crazier”.
promotion, social media, and also contacting It took Mr. Kettell three days to push the Brussels sprout up the
local media, such as local TV channels or 1,085m-high Mount Snowden.
Interviewer: We can see it is a lot of work, but it’s definitely
worth it if it is for a good cause. ACTIVITY BOOK - UNIT 4 - PAGE 46 - EXERCISE 4
Mark: It’s difficult, but not impossible, and the people a. If they don’t get a donation,...
in need will definitely appreciate your effort. b. I won’t use social media sites unless...
Interviewer: Thanks very much for sharing your expertise c. I’ll buy some tickets for the potluck dinner...
with us, Mark.
d. If donating isn’t possible this year,...
Mark: Any time!

214 UNIDAD 4 Transcripciones 3º MEDIO

Volunteer in Fiji 1. Wingwalking challenge. Essex.
Volunteers are based throughout a variety of Fijian Working alongside the Skymax Aviation Team, we are able
communities, volunteering in and around Suva, on the south to offer this amazing challenge for you to experience the
eastern coast of mainland Fiji. thrill of a wing walking ride from this private aerodrome in
the heart of Essex, for one of our partner charities.
You can choose from 3 volunteer project options in Fiji,
including Teaching and Sports Education, Kindergarten and 2. Appalachian trail
Construction and Renovation. This trek offers you the challenge of trekking the
Appalachian Trail through the Smoky Mountain Range. The
With volunteer program fees starting from $340 for 1 week, you range stretches 800 square miles across central North

will not find a more affordable and trustworthy volunteer travel America and our trek focuses on the beautiful Smoky
organization in Fiji. Mountain Range south of Knoxville. The Smoky Mountains
Volunteers need to be 18 years or over to participate, unless National Park is America’s most visited National Park, with
volunteering with a parent or guardian. All volunteers are more visitors annually than the Grand Canyon, Yosemite
required to have adequate volunteer travel insurance and and Yellowstone combined.
provide a criminal background check. 3. The Canoe Tucker Trail
Volunteers have the weekends free and this time is more A guided canoe trip down the River Tweed, from KELSO to
commonly spent traveling farther afield in Fiji to one of the BERWICK, which forms the border between England and
pristine coastlines, beaches or rainforests. Scotland, starting 10am on a Saturday and finishing by
midday on Sunday.
Meals are served at the volunteer house 3 times per day during
the week. Breakfast and dinner are served during the weekends
and volunteers are responsible for their own lunches. 60TEACHER’S BOOK - UNIT 4 - PAGE 207 -
Running your own business is the American dream. Add “work
from home” to the mix and it sounds like paradise, right?
ACTIVITY BOOK - UNIT 4 - PAGE 49 - EXERCISE 10 However, many home-working entrepreneurs find themselves
Catherine Cook lost, overwhelmed and overworked.
Fifteen-year-old Catherine Cook and her brother were looking There are a few things nobody tells you about this kind of work:
at a yearbook and thought it would be a good idea to build a 1. You’ll get less respect.
social media website built around an online version of a There is still a bit of a stigma around working from home.
person’s yearbook. was launched and later Plus, your family and friends will often assume you are not
merged with an ad-sponsored site that allows users to post and as busy, stressed or dedicated as they are. You’ll need plenty
complete online quizzes. By 2006, the site had raised $4.1 of self-respect, and boundaries, to take these misconceptions
million in venture capital funding and had 3 million members on a regular basis.
worldwide. The site has attracted large advertisers like Disney
2. There’s no such thing as a weekend.
and ABC. Cook reports annual sales of “seven figures”.
Or holidays. Or clocking out. Working for yourself means
Willow Tufano time management, but it also means sacrifice. It could be
Willow Tufano is a 14-year old girl from Florida whose mom several years before you have a full vacation without
works in real estate. Florida was hit hard by the recession, and working, especially if you have clients around the world.
the price of houses dropped dramatically. Tufano had made 3. It gets tougher and tougher to get back.
some money already by clearing houses and selling the The longer you get used to working for yourself from home,
possessions on the Internet. So, when she presented the idea of the tougher it’ll be to ever “go back” to a more traditional
buying a house for herself, her mom was onboard and gave her job. You get used to setting your own schedule, getting paid
the support she needed. They bought a house and, in less than per project instead of per hour, and wearing whatever you
a year, they were renting it out for $700 a month. They have want in the home office.
already got their initial investment back. Tufano plans on
4. There’s no such thing as done.
buying her mother completely out in the coming years. With the
A deadline is a deadline, there is no clocking out and
housing market potentially picking back up again, she may see
forgetting about it. Plus, while it’s relatively easy to clock
an amazing appreciation unfold. Not bad for a 14-year old.
out and forget when you have a more traditional job, it’s
nearly impossible as an entrepreneur.
Don’t let these struggles of being an entrepreneur dissuade
you, if you are really dedicated. It really is the good life for
many. However, you need to be ambitious, driven and have
strong time management skills.

3º MEDIO UNIDAD 4 Transcripciones 215

Un t 3
Volume 2

A Healthy Lifestyle

Many months reflecting,

Years, perhaps.
Here is a new purpose for my life:
Everything I do, I will do alright;
Anything is possible as long as I try.
Living with respect! Respect for my body, respect for myself!
Taking charge of my life instead,
Having the ability to change,
Yearning to know my limitations.
Living with purpose and intention,
Increasing my knowledge about healthy foods,
Facing the new challenges of what I will do,
Exercising because I want to, not because I have to!
Setting the example for my friends,
Tracking what I eat, helping the rest do the same.
Yes and no answers, and no more ‘maybes’,
Loving me for me, no matter ‘how bad’ or ‘how well’
Ending this battle. Healthy, not an option, it’s the only way!

Created by: Publishing Team

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a. What do you do to “respect your body”?
b. What challenges will you take to have a healthy life?
c. Do you think the results are different when someone really enjoys exercising?
d. Are you setting a good example of “healthy living”? Do you know someone who inspires you?
e. How difficult is having a “healthy living”?


Un t 4

Volume 2
Dedicated Hearts
Dedicated hearts like yours
Are not so easy to find.
It takes a special person to be
So generous and kind.
To care so much for your fellow man
Is a quality all too rare.
Yet you give of your time and talents,
For all in need to share.
So thank you for being a volunteer,
We’re privileged to work with you.
We want you to know how appreciated you are,
Not just today, but the whole year through.

Taken from:

Photocopiable material
a. s it difficult to find “dedicated hearts” in our everyday life?
b. Do you think society retributes those dedicated hearts in any way?
c. Do you think volunteering is a rewarding experience? Why?


Instrumentos de evaluación Cómo aplicar los instrumentos de evaluación
Estos instrumentos de evaluación son herramientas que usted Autoevaluación
puede usar para medir el trabajo de los estudiantes. Entregue suficientes copias de los instrumentos a los estudiantes y
Son guías que tienen el objetivo de evaluar el desempeño y que se pídales que los usen para evaluar objetivamente su propio progreso
basan en un amplio rango de criterios, más que en puntajes en una tarea o proyecto determinado. La evaluación que hagan de
numéricos. su rendimiento no debería constituir una calificación formal.

Los instrumentos de evaluación que aquí encontrará, incluyen: Evaluación de pares

- Rúbricas Muchas veces, toma tiempo implementar esta práctica en la sala de
- Cuestionarios clases, por lo que debe ser paciente y permitirse modelar este tipo
- Hojas de observación de clases de evaluación. Debe enfatizar que la evaluación de pares, como la
Además, estos instrumentos comprenden una sección que difiere autoevaluación, tiene como principal objetivo ayudar a todos a
de otros métodos tradicionales de evaluación, ya que examinan los mejorar su trabajo y desempeño. Al utilizarla, los estudiantes
procesos mismos de aprendizaje y muestran claramente cómo toman consciencia de que estos instrumentos proveen evidencia
trabajar con la evaluación de proceso. Los instrumentos comunican que sustenta sus juicios y opiniones, en caso de que su evaluación
en forma detallada explicaciones sobre lo que se considera no coincida con la del docente. Nuevamente, proporcionar el
excelencia al ejecutar cada tarea, y también proveen de sugerencias tiempo suficiente para la revisión post evaluación es crucial.
claras para el docente. Evaluación docente - estudiante
Estos instrumentos han sido diseñados, sobre todo, para informar y Utilice los mismos instrumentos que los estudiantes emplearon
enriquecer la instrucción. Ellos son capaces de entregar una para autoevaluarse y para evaluarse en pares. Al entregar el
retroalimentación bastante completa, que los estudiantes siempre instrumento corregido, los estudiantes sabrán exactamente qué
necesitan para crecer en su proceso de aprendizaje. hicieron bien y qué necesitan reforzar en el futuro.
Estas herramientas también pueden ser usadas en evaluación de En términos generales, el trabajo con estos instrumentos de
pares y son útiles para entregar retroalimentación. Antes de la evaluación es relativamente sencillo. Identifique el número
evaluación, es necesario informar de los instrumentos para que los máximo de puntos para alcanzar el nivel máximo de rendimiento.
estudiantes sepan cuáles son las expectativas que se tienen de su Típicamente, la escala aumenta/ decrece en un punto. La última
desempeño. columna muestra el puntaje obtenido, basándose en el rendimiento
observado en cada tarea.
Luego, durante la fase de evaluación, se utilizan para otorgar
valores a cada área que se desea evaluar. Una vez que a un El puntaje total se asigna simplemente sumando todos los
instrumento le sea asignado un puntaje determinado, éste debe ser valores obtenidos.
entregado a los estudiantes para comunicar su calificación, y así Una vez que se han calculado los puntajes, se pueden expresar en
dar información sobre sus fortalezas y debilidades. los criterios de desempeño, que son niveles descriptivos de
calidad, comenzando desde el nivel en el extremo inferior de
Las ventajas de usar una amplia gama de rendimiento y terminando con el del extremo superior.
instrumentos de evaluación
Los docentes pueden incrementar la calidad de su instrucción
directa al enfatizar y enfocarse en detalles en particular a la hora
de evaluar, como modelo para los estudiantes. De esta forma, los
estudiantes pueden contar con guías explícitas sobre lo que los
docentes esperan de ellos. Los estudiantes pueden usar estos
instrumentos como una herramienta para enriquecer su
aprendizaje. Los docentes pueden reutilizar estos instrumentos en
una gran variedad de actividades.


1. Listening comprehension

Name: Lesson: Date

Skills Points
1 2 3 4
Understanding key events Understands 1 or 2 Understands some of Understands many Understands most
or facts. events or key facts. the events or events or key facts, events in sequence or
key facts. mainly in sequence. understands most

Volume 2
key facts.
Understanding details. Gets few or no Gets some important Gets many important Gets most important
important details. details. details. details and key language.

Responding appropriately to Almost never. Sometimes. Most of the time. Nearly always.
features such as: laughter, silence,
etc., and / or accentuation,
intonation, and rhythm.
Answering questions. Answers questions Answers questions Answers questions Answers questions with
with incorrect with some with literal interpretation showing
information. misinterpretation. interpretation. higher level thinking.

Doing tasks. Provides limited Provides some Provides adequate Provides insightful
or no response response to teacher response to teacher response to teacher with
and requires with four with two or three one or no questions
many questions or five questions and questions and or prompts.
or prompts. prompts. prompts.
At the end of the session, the Answer factual Answer factual Summarize the Reveal the sequence of
listener is able to: questions on questions on general beginning, middle, events, providing details
general and specific and end of on dialog, and
information. information. the story. motivation of characters.
Total points

Photocopiable material


2. Reading comprehension

Name: Lesson: Date

Skills Points
1 2 3 4
1. Understands key Understanding one or Understanding some Understands many Understands most events in
events or facts. two events or key facts. of the events or key events or key facts, sequence or understands
facts. mainly in sequence. most key facts.
2. Understands Gets few or no Gets some important Gets many important Gets most important details
details. important details. details. details. and key language.
Volume 2

3. Identifies Identifies one or two Identifies one or two Identifies many topics or Identifies all characters or
characters or characters or topics characters or topics by characters by name in topics by specific name (Old
topics. using pronouns (he, generic name (boy, text (Ben, Giant). Ben Bailey).
she, it, they). girl, dog).
4. Answering Answers questions with Answers questions Answers questions with Answers questions with
questions. incorrect information. with some literal interpretation. interpretation showing
misinterpretation. higher level thinking.
5. Answering tasks. Provides limited or no Provides some Provides adequate Provides insightful
response and requires response to teacher response to teacher with response to teacher with one
many with four two or three questions or no questions
questions or five questions and prompts. or prompts.
or prompts. and prompts.
Total points

Taken and adapted from:

Photocopiable material


3. Writing process rubric

Step 1 2 3 4 Points
Planning / Gets no or limited key Gets few key words / Gets numerous key words Gets numerous and detailed
Brainstorming words / ideas. ideas / ideas. key words / ideas.
Uses no or limited key Uses few key words / Uses most of key words / Uses all of key words/ ideas
words / ideas from ideas from planning stage. ideas from planning stage. from planning stage.
planning stage. Shows weak organization Most of first draft Uses additional ideas.
Drafting Shows no organization and structure of first draft. is organized. First draft is
and structure of first highly organized.

Volume 2

Revising Does not add, delete Add, deletes or rearranges Adds, deletes or Adds, deletes or rearranges
or rearrange ideas a few ideas from the rearranges adequate ideas numerous adequate ideas
from the first draft. first draft. from the first draft. from the first draft.
Details are not specific Few details are specific Most details are specific All details are specific
and clear. and clear. and clear. and clear.

Editing Does not correct errors Corrects some errors of: Corrects most of errors of: Corrects all the errors of:
of: spelling, spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation,
punctuation, capitalization, and capitalization, and capitalization, and sentence
capitalization, and sentence structure. sentence structure. structure.
sentence structure.
Publishing Does not write the Writes part of the final Writes most of the final Writes the final copy in clear
final copy in clear copy in clear handwriting copy in clear handwriting handwriting or types it
handwriting nor types nor types it correctly on a or types it correctly on a correctly on a computer.
correctly on a computer. computer. Sentence fluency
computer. Sentence Sentence fluency is poor Sentence fluency is strong is strong.
fluency is poor. in most parts. in most parts.

Total points

4. Making connections

Dimension 4 3 2 1 Points
Text-to-self Without prompting, Without prompting, student With prompting, student With prompting, student
connections student can explain can explain connections can explain connections can explain connections
connections with own life with own life. However, with own life that are with own life. However,
that are closely related to they are vaguely related closely related to the text. they are vaguely related
the text. to the text. to the text.
Text-to-text Without prompting, Without prompting, student With prompting, student With prompting, student
Connections student can explain can explain connections can explain connections can explain connections

Photocopiable material
connections with other with other texts that are with other texts that are with other texts. However,
texts that are similar. vaguely similar to the text. very similar to the text. they are vaguely related
to the text.
Text-to-world Without prompting, Without prompting, student With prompting, student With prompting, student
connections student can explain can explain connections can explain connections can explain connections
connections with the with the world. However, with the world that are with the world. However,
world that are closely they are vaguely related to closely related to the text. they are vaguely related
related to the text. the text. to the text.
Total points


Rating Scales
1. Use of reading strategies

Name: Unit / Lesson: Date:

Always Sometimes Never
1. I make predictions before I read. 3 2 1
2. I understand the message-the text makes sense to me. 3 2 1
3. I know when I am having trouble understanding the text. 3 2 1
Volume 2

4. I know the main idea of the text. 3 2 1

5. I understand the words in the text. 3 2 1
6. I understand the punctuation. 3 2 1
7. I know how to find different parts of the text (chapters, pages, beginning, middle, end). 3 2 1
8. I can pick out clues from the reading to help me make an interpretation. 3 2 1
9. I give my opinion-make a judgment-about the text. 3 2 1
10. I support my opinion with details from the text. 3 2 1
11. I know the difference between fact and opinion. 3 2 1
12. I can see similarities and differences between the texts I read. 3 2 1
13. I can make connections between the text and my own life. 3 2 1
14. I can make connections between the text and other subjects. 3 2 1
15. I can pick out words from the story that help me work out the setting. 3 2 1
Photocopiable material


2. Oral exchange

Student is able to… Yes Partially Points

talk briefly about a topic. 4 3 2 1
ask and answer questions to keep the 4 3 2 1
conversation going.
answer questions including information and 4 3 2 1
use appropriate language expressions and 4 3 2 1

Volume 2
imitate the model and use correct intonation 4 3 2 1
and pronunciation.
speak naturally without unnecessary pauses. 4 3 2 1
Total points

3. Oral presentation

Name Date
Indicators Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Topic was covered deeply.
Presentation was well planned and coherent.
Presentation was practiced.
Relevant comments were included.
Opinions / conclusions were supported
by reasons.
Visual aids were useful.
Teacher’s comments

Created by: Publishing team.

4. Writing

Name Lesson Date

Indicators Acceptable Good Excellent
Punctuation uses accurate punctuation.

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Capitalization uses capital letters to begin sentences and for names.
uses graphic organizers and writes a draft.
Content / ideas
adds details to improve the text.
uses subject/verb agreement.
Language and vocabulary uses adequate vocabulary and connectors.
writes complete sentences that make sense.
Spelling writes most words correctly.

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5. Project

Name(s): Date:
Process Satisfactory Excellent Points
1. Has clear vision of final product. 1 2 3
2. Properly organized to complete project. 1 2 3
3. Managed time wisely. 1 2 3
4. Acquired needed knowledge base. 1 2 3
Volume 2

5. Communicated efforts with teacher. 1 2 3

Product (Project) Satisfactory Excellent Points
1. Format. 1 2 3
2. Mechanics of speaking / writing. 1 2 3
3. Organization and structure. 1 2 3
4. Creativity. 1 2 3
5. Demonstrates knowledge. 1 2 3
Teacher’s comments:

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Rating Scales
1. Cultural awareness and comprehension (OA B)

OBJECTIVE B: To develop cultural awareness and comprehension showing interest, respect and tolerance for one’s and other cultures.
Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Highly negative Negative Slightly negative Neutral Slightly positive Positive Highly
Criteria: Student demonstrates a attitude regarding… Points

Volume 2
his / her interactions with individuals from different countries.
the benefits of interacting with people from different countries.
his / her participation in international or intercultural social experiences.
his / her interest in developing intercultural relationships.
his / her desire to participate in intercultural experiences in the future.
the way in which his / her thinking has changed as a result of exposure to different cultures.
his / her understanding how learning about specific topics can be enhanced when done in a different culture.
the art of different cultures.
the music of different cultures.
the political systems or structures of different cultures.
the different art expressions of other cultures.
Self-awareness, taking perspective, empathy
the value of similarities and / or differences among cultures.
the need for tolerance toward different cultural practices, values or beliefs.
the need to provide comprehensive and balanced support for his / her conclusions regarding cultural differences and
the fact that differences among people and cultures may be neither good nor bad.
manifestations that are culturally unfamiliar.
Total points:

2. Self - evaluation: Interest in on-going and independent learning (OA C)

Statements Yes Needs improvement

I set challenging and relevant long-term goals.
I demonstrated autonomy in the learning process.

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I identified strengths and weaknesses of the learning process.
I focused on weaknesses of the learning process.
I showed a positive attitude towards language learning.
I recognized the advantages of learning English for future academic or working life.
I shared the new information about a familiar topic.
I deepened knowledge about a topic by consulting bibliography or reference material.
I showed confidence when consulting reference material.


3. Self-evaluation: Collaborative work (OA D)

Statements Always Usually Often Rarely

I accepted the task with responsibility and carry it out on time.
I set and accepted common goals.
I reached an agreement and come to a decision after a general conversation.
I prioritized and planned group tasks.
I discussed group problems with respect.
I offered solutions and alternatives to solve problems.
Volume 2

I participated actively in order to accomplish tasks.

I showed a positive attitude towards group tasks.
I contributed to maintaining a friendly and cooperative environment.
I completed the assigned tasks on time.
I showed respect for others’ opinions.
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an EFL context: Attitudes and friendship • Ikhsan, M. (2017). THE ALTERNATIVE
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• Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., READING SKILL FOR EFL STUDENTS. auditiva con diferentes temas.
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Springer Netherlands. • Lugavere, M., (2018). Genious Food. New
Bibliografía para el docente
• Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, York. HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
• BBC Podcasts [en línea]
J. (2013). Best practices in writing • Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J.
instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford (2011). Classroom Instruction that Works:
podcasts para trabajar comprensión
Press. Research-based Strategies for Increasing
• Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J. Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA:
• Podcasts in English: Listen and learn [en
(2011). Classroom Instruction that Works: Association for Supervision and
Research-based Strategies for Increasing Curriculum Development.
Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA: • Singhal, M. (2001). Reading Proficiency,
podcasts con fichas de trabajo.
Association for Supervision and reading Strategies, Metacognitive
• Merriam-Webster: Dictionary and
Curriculum Development. Awareness and L2 Readers. The reading
Thesaurus [en línea]
• McLaughlin, M. (2012). Reading Matrix Vol. 1. No.1.
comprehension: What every teacher • Tomlinson, J., & Bott, L. (2013). How
needs to know. The Reading Teacher, intonation constrains pragmatic inference. Recursos CRA
65(7), 432-440. In 35th Annual Conference of the A continuación se detallan publicaciones
• Richards, H. & F. Armstrong (eds.) (2010). Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, que se pueden encontrar en las Bibliotecas
Teaching and Learning in Diverse and Germany. Cognitive Science Society. CRA (Centro de Recursos para el
Inclusive Classroom: Key issues for new • Ur. P. (2011) A course in language Aprendizaje) a lo largo del país, las cuales
teachers. Routledge Publishers. teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge: pueden ser utilizadas en las distintas
• Saradananda. (2015). Mudras for modern Camdridge University Press. unidades.
life: Boost your health, re-energize your • Helgesen, Marc, Brown, Steven (1996).
life, enhance your yoga and deepen your Active Listening Introducing.
• British Council [en línea]
meditation. London: Watkins Publishing. Cambridge University Press.
• Tomlinson, J., & Bott, L. (2013). How • Murphy, Raymond (1995).
sitio con actividades de comprensión
intonation constrains pragmatic English Grammar in Use.
auditiva y lectora.
inference. In 35th Annual Conference of Cambridge University Press.
• Breaking News English [en línea]
the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, • Varios Autores (2007).
Germany. Cognitive Science Society. Apuntes de inglés.
sitio con actividades de comprensión
• Ur. P. (2011) A course in language Parramón.
auditiva y lectora.
teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge: • Varios Autores.
• Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company.
Camdridge University Press. Diccionario Oxford Compact español-
Education Place [en línea]
inglés inglés-español.
Oxford University Press.
• Azarnoosh, M. (2013). Peer assessment in organizadores gráficos en inglés y español.
• Varios Autores.
an EFL context: Attitudes and friendship Juegos, worksheets, libros de trabajo,
Diccionario Pocket inglés-español
bias. Language Testing in Asia. 3:11. actividades.
• Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., • ReadWriteThink: Internacional Reading
Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., Association [en línea]
• Varios Autores.
&Rumble, M. (2012). Defining twenty-first
Gramática inglesa comunicativa.
century skills. In Assessment and teaching sitio con material de apoyo para docentes.
of 21st century skills (pp. 17-66). Springer • Technology: The Online Teacher Resource
• Varios Autores.
The Oxford Desk Dictionary and
• Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, una variada gama de material didáctico
J. (2013). Best practices in writing para estudiantes y docentes.
Oxford University Press.

Guía Didáctica del Docente Tomo 2
Get Real English 3º y 4º medio
Reimpresión 2022 Ediciones Rau y Bodenburg
N° de Inscripción: 310817
ISBN: 9789568694661

Autoras Carmen Patricia Ortega Becerra

Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas, Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Lingüística,
mención teorías de aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Viviana Andrea Césped Pardo
Grado de Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas, Universidad de Chile. Profesora de
Inglés para Educación Básica y Media. Bachiller en Estudios Iniciales de Ed. Lengua Inglesa,
Universidad Mayor. Magister en Ciencias de la Educación e investigación con Mención en
Docencia Superior, Universidad Central.

Director Editorial Jorge Muñoz Rau

Editor a cargo Ariel Acosta Arancibia
Ruby Inostroza Domínguez
Diseño interior María Jesús Moreno Guldman
Diseño portada Cristina Sepúlveda Aravena
Diagramación digital Marcia Gutiérrez Pavez
Productor grabaciones Rodrigo González Díaz, Profesor de Inglés
Ingeniero grabaciones Ignacio Arriagada Maia, Ingeniero en Sonido
Fotografías 123RF Stock Photos
Gerente de Producción Cecilia Muñoz Rau
Asistente de Producción Lorena Briceño González

Guía Didáctica del Docente Tomo 2

Get Real English 3º y 4º medio
2020 Ediciones Rau y Bodenburg
N° de Inscripción: 310817
ISBN: 9789568694661

Guía Didáctica del Docente Tomo 2

Get Real English 3º y 4º medio
2021 Ediciones Rau y Bodenburg
N° de Inscripción: 310817
ISBN: 9789568694661

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ENGLI S H 3Y4 m e d io

Carmen Patricia Ortega Becerra • Viviana Andrea Césped Pardo



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