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O 3

ENGLI S H 3Y4 m e d io

Carmen Patricia Ortega Becerra • Viviana Andrea Césped Pardo




O 3

ENGLI S H 3Y4 m e d io

Semestre 3 - 4º Medio
Carmen Patricia Ortega Becerra
Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas, Universidad de Chile.
Magíster en Lingüística, mención teorías de aprendizaje de la lengua
inglesa, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Viviana Andrea Césped Pardo
Grado de Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas,Universidad de Chile.
Profesora de Inglés para Educación Básica y Media.
Bachiller en Estudios Iniciales de Ed. Lengua Inglesa, Universidad Mayor.
Magister en Ciencias de la Educación e investigación
con Mención en Docencia Superior, Universidad Central.



La Guía Didáctica para el Docente de Inglés 3°y 4° Medio se presenta en cuatro tomos, los cuales
contienen las sugerencias metodológicas para las 8 unidades del Texto del Estudiante.

La introducción general de la Guía Didáctica para el Docente y los apéndices generales que se
encuentran en las páginas finales se repiten en ambos tomos de igual manera.
La foliación de los dos tomos de la Guía Didáctica para el Docente es correlativa en lo que
respecta a las unidades correspondientes al Texto del Estudiante.
En cuanto a las páginas iniciales y finales, para su mayor comprensión, las mismas han sido
foliadas en números romanos y también de manera correlativa.

Introducción.............................................................................................................................. i

Estructura de la GDD............................................................................................................ iii

Expresiones para el manejo de la clase................................................................ v

OBJETIVOS DE APRENDIZAJE DEL SEMESTRE.................................................................. vii

UN T Youth Rights and Responsibilities................................ 220

Propuesta de planificación.................................................................................... 220

Apéndice de contenido complementario........................................................ 255

Apendice de material complementario fotocopiable........................... 258

Complementary activity........................................................................................... 259

Final test............................................................................................................................. 263

Writing template........................................................................................................... 265

Solucionario..................................................................................................................... 266
- Texto del Estudiante ........................................................................................................... 266
- Actividadescomplementarias.............................................................................................. 267
- Examen Final...................................................................................................................... 268

Transcripciones............................................................................................................. 269


UN T Discoveries and Creations ................................................ 272

Propuesta de planificación.................................................................................... 272

Apéndice de contenido complementario........................................................ 308

Apendice de material complementario fotocopiable........................... 310

Complementary activity............................................................................................ 311

Final test............................................................................................................................. 315

Writing template........................................................................................................... 317

Solucionario..................................................................................................................... 318
- Texto del Estudiante ........................................................................................................... 318
- Actividades complementarias............................................................................................. 320
- Examen Final...................................................................................................................... 320

Transcripciones............................................................................................................. 321

READING BANK............................................................................................................................ ix

APÉNDICE DE RÚBRICAS.......................................................................................................... xi

BIBLIOGRAFÍA............................................................................................................................. xx


3° y 4° de Enseñanza Media ha sido escrito especialmente para Contenidos
cumplir con los objetivos de aprendizaje de 3° y 4° Medio de
Los contenidos en Inglés 3° y 4° Medio se tratan en las secciones
Educación Media, y con el propósito de proveer a los estudiantes
Language in use e English Sounds, en las que los estudiantes
de un texto cautivante y motivador.
observan rasgos de la lengua inglesa en contexto para descubrir
Los contenidos de 3° y 4° Medio han sido organizados en ocho cómo funcionan. En estas secciones, los estudiantes tienen la
unidades, desarrolladas en base a temas que han probado ser de oportunidad de poner en práctica lo aprendido con actividades que
interés para nuestros estudiantes, sugeridos por el Ministerio de favorecen el uso de la lengua.

Educación. Los temas son motivadores, y se enfocan

principalmente en asuntos relacionados con el mundo actual y la Fundamento teórico
realidad de los estudiantes, como el trabajo, la salud y la vida Con respecto al marco teórico que respalda, tanto la didáctica de la
moderna, derechos y deberes de la juventud, sueños y anhelos, especialidad como la metodología pedagógica general propuesta
entre otros. en Inglés 3° y 4° Medio, se pueden puntualizar los siguientes
Los contenidos en cada unidad han sido organizados de acuerdo a enfoques:
las funciones que los alumnos deberán llevar a cabo en inglés y • Enfoque comunicativo. Todas las unidades en inglés 3° y 4°
considerando el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades del idioma. Medio están orientadas al desarrollo de las competencias
La competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes es considerada comunicativas específicas para el nivel. La lengua inglesa es
como el manejo de funciones que necesitan para comunicarse presentada como una herramienta para la comunicación de
dentro de un determinado rango de situaciones. mensajes y acceso a conocimientos y no como un objeto de
Este acercamiento permite a los estudiantes ver el lenguaje como estudio en sí misma y fuera de contexto.
una herramienta necesaria, y le da un propósito claro al contenido Este enfoque en particular, apunta a desarrollar la competencia
gramatical y léxico, de modo que “el aprendizaje de la lengua sea comunicativa de los estudiantes a través del uso de actividades
resultado de la creación de procesos de interacción correctos en la en pares y grupos, juegos de roles, y proyectos. También incluye
sala de clases” (Richards, 2006). contribuciones de otras propuestas pedagógicas, especialmente
las de “Task-Based Learning” (Aprendizaje a través de tareas), y
Estructura de una unidad del proyecto “Cooperative Language Learning” (Aprendizaje Cooperativo).
J.C. Richards, en su trabajo “Materials development and
Páginas iniciales research–making the connection” indica que: “Se pide a los
Una entrada de unidad de dos páginas en donde se hace una estudiantes que participen en actividades que están basadas en
introducción al tema a través de actividades en las que se activan la el trabajo cooperativo, más que en un acercamiento
motivación, la curiosidad y el interés de los estudiantes. individualista del aprendizaje. Se espera que estos se sientan
cómodos al escuchar a sus pares y que no solo dependan del
Do you remember? Diseñada para la activación de
profesor como un modelo”.
los conocimientos previos.
Cuerpo de la unidad
En ese sentido, nuestra propuesta pedagógica se caracteriza por
enfatizar el aprendizaje a través de la interacción en el idioma
Cuatro lecciones temáticas, a lo largo de las cuales se cubren los tres extranjero, introducir textos auténticos en las situaciones de
ejes: comunicación oral, comprensión lectora y proceso de escritura. aprendizaje, proveer oportunidades para que los estudiantes no
solo se enfoquen en el lenguaje, sino también en el proceso de
Check your progress. Evaluación de proceso al final de la lección 2. aprendizaje mismo y, por último, considerar las experiencias
Páginas finales personales de los estudiantes como un elemento importante del
aprendizaje en la sala de clases.
Subject Connections. Conecta el tema de la unidad con otra disciplina
del currículum. • Enfoque basado en tareas. Muchas actividades en inglés 3° y
Project. Un proyecto destinado a aplicar lo aprendido durante 4° Medio están orientadas a la realización de tareas prácticas que
la unidad. motivan a los estudiantes y requieren el uso de la lengua inglesa.
Final Check. Evaluación final. La Guía Didáctica del Docente, por su parte, ofrece sugerencias
específicas para adaptar ciertas actividades del Texto del
Synthesis: Revisión del aprendizaje de toda la unidad.
Estudiante a una metodología basada en tareas.

Este enfoque específico está también relacionado al aprendizaje • Conocimientos previos: Se activan en la sección Do you
a través de experiencias en la sala de clases, donde la experiencia remember?, que se encuentra inmediatamente luego de las
personal inmediata es vista como uno de los puntos páginas iniciales de la unidad, antes de comenzar la primera
fundamentales del aprendizaje. Como D. A Kolb indica en su lección, y tiene como objetivo activar los conocimientos previos
trabajo Experiential Learning (1984): “La experiencia personal de la unidad. Además, se activan constantemente a lo largo del
inmediata le da vida, textura y significado personal subjetivo a trabajo con los ejes curriculares, en las etapas de antes de la
conceptos abstractos y, al mismo tiempo, entrega un punto de lectura y antes de la audición.

referencia concreto y públicamente compartido para evaluar las • Modelos de proceso: Se presentan en forma explícita en las
implicaciones y validez de ideas creadas durante el proceso de secciones de práctica guiada de las habilidades de producción y
aprendizaje”. también por medio de ejemplos en aquellas actividades que lo
Este enfoque puede verse reflejado en el proyecto a través de las requieren. El Cuaderno de Actividades, además, cuenta con un
variadas conexiones entre los contenidos y las experiencias banco de templates de escritura y textos de producción oral.
personales de los alumnos, abordadas a través de preguntas y • Monitoreo del aprendizaje: El texto cuenta con variadas
actividades en que los estudiantes expresan sus opiniones secciones dedicadas al monitoreo del aprendizaje a lo largo de la
personales y relacionan los contenidos con su entorno inmediato, unidad, como la sección Exit slip, al final de cada lección,
además de las conexiones inter-curriculares y los proyectos destinada a la reflexión sobre lo aprendido. Además, cuenta con
grupales que se presentan en todas las unidades. las secciones Check your Progress, en la mitad de la unidad, y
• Enfoque de proceso. El enfoque para desarrollar los ejes Final Check, al final de cada unidad, dedicadas a la evaluación
curriculares está orientado al tratamiento de las habilidades como de lo aprendido y a la reflexión y formulación de estrategias
un proceso. Este proceso se concibe distinguiendo tres etapas: personalizadas para el desarrollo de los aprendizajes futuros, a
antes, durante y después en el caso de la audición y la lectura, y través de una rúbrica con estrategias explícitas sobre cómo
práctica guiada en el caso de la producción oral y escrita. abordar errores.
• Enseñanza explícita de estrategias de aprendizaje. Inglés 3° y • Repaso: La sección Synthesis, al final de la unidad, ofrece una
4° Medio está basado en la enseñanza explícita de las estrategias instancia de repaso de los contenidos vistos hasta ese momento.
de aprendizaje. Algunas de estas estrategias consisten en hacer El resto de las prácticas instruccionales mencionadas anteriormente
predicciones, tomar nota, focalizar la atención, sintetizar, repetir se trabajan mediante la Guía Didáctica, con estrategias específicas
frases y palabras, entre otras. de instrucción directa.
• Enfoque interdisciplinario. Inglés 3° y 4° Medio adopta este Respecto de la naturaleza de las actividades presentes en el libro,
enfoque en la sección especial llamada Subject Connections. En todas estas tienen una orientación pedagógica, es decir, cada una
esta sección, se relaciona el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa con contiene un propósito que va más allá de la práctica del lenguaje
una o más disciplinas curriculares. por sí mismo. Esto se refleja en el proyecto mediante las variadas
Otro de los enfoques considerados para la creación de este actividades de análisis, comprensión y reflexión que los estudiantes
proyecto es la Instrucción Explícita, que incluye prácticas tales deben realizar en el idioma extranjero, donde los aspectos técnicos
como activación de conocimientos previos, estrategias de del idioma no son el foco principal, si no la utilización de este en
pensamiento en voz alta, andamiaje, modelos, práctica guiada, pos de una comprensión y comunicación de ideas efectiva y fluida.
modelamiento de habilidades, retroalimentación correctiva,
preguntas para monitorear el aprendizaje y repasos. Las siguientes
secciones y recursos del Texto del Estudiante, desarrollan algunas
de las estrategias de instrucción explícita que se indican:

eSTRUcTURa de La Gdd
SEMESTRE Youth Rights and Responsibilities
Semestre 1 - 4º Medio Semestre 2 - 4º Medio
Unidad 5: Youth Rights and Responsibilities Tiempo: 28 horas Unidad 6: Discoveries and Creations Tiempo: 28 horas ProPUesTa de PlaNificacióN
AE 03
Objetivos de Aprendizaje Objetivos de Aprendizaje


Expresarse oralmente por medio de monólogos de


Comprensión Oral Comprensión de Lectura Expresión Oral Expresión Escrita Comprensión Oral Comprensión de Lectura Expresión Oral Expresión Escrita AE LECCIONES CLASES TIEMPO aproximadamente tres minutos y de diálogos de Clase
aproximadamente 16 intercambios breves y simples, que Lección 3 4h. pedagógicas
AE 01 AE 02 AE 03 AE 04 AE 09 AE 10 AE 11 AE 12 AE 01 13 - 16
incorporen las funciones comunicativas de años anteriores y
Demostrar comprensión de ideas Leer y demostrar comprensión Expresarse oralmente por Escribir textos descriptivos y Demostrar comprensión de Leer y demostrar comprensión Expresarse oralmente por Escribir textos descriptivos y Demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e información
las funciones de solicitar y dar información de manera
principales e información de ideas principales e medio de monólogos de narrativos breves y simples de ideas principales e información de ideas principales e medio de monólogos de narrativos breves y simples de explícita en textos orales simples de variada extensión y de
indirecta. Para ello, deben:
explícita en textos orales simples información relevante en textos aproximadamente tres aproximadamente 150 explícita en textos orales información relevante en textos aproximadamente tres minutos aproximadamente 150 interacciones que presentan un uso auténtico del lenguaje, Entrada de unidad Clase 1 1h. pedagógica
de variada extensión y de informativos, descriptivos y minutos y de diálogos de palabras, como cartas, correos simples de variada extensión y informativos, descriptivos y y de diálogos de palabras, como cartas, correos como anuncios, charlas o conferencias, relacionados con • Utilizar frases hechas, expresiones idiomáticas y oraciones breves y
interacciones que presentan un narrativos auténticos, simples y aproximadamente 16 electrónicos y solicitudes, de interacciones que presentan narrativos auténticos, simples y aproximadamente 16 electrónicos y solicitudes de derechos y deberes de la juventud y que contemplan las simples conectadas entre sí.
uso auténtico del lenguaje, como de variada extensión, como intercambios breves y simples, relacionados con derechos y un uso auténtico del lenguaje, de variada extensión, como intercambios breves y simples trabajo, relacionados con funciones de solicitar y dar información de manera indirecta • Aplicar vocabulario temático de la unidad. Clase
Lección 4 5h. pedagógica
anuncios, charlas o conferencias, solicitudes y artículos que incorporen las funciones deberes de la juventud. Para como poemas, anuncios y artículos, cartas y solicitudes de que incorporen las funciones sueños y anhelos. Para y describir procesos y hechos en secuencia. Para ello, deben: • Aplicar la estructura de pregunta indirecta. 17 - 21
relacionados con derechos y relacionados con derechos y comunicativas de años ello, deben: entrevistas, relacionados con trabajo, relacionados con comunicativas de años ello, deben: • Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores: In other
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras clave,
deberes de la juventud y que deberes de la juventud. Para anteriores y las funciones de sueños y anhelos y que sueños y anhelos. Para anteriores y las funciones de • Incorporar las funciones de años words…, For instance…, Even though, Such as y So (if ).
• Incorporar las funciones de expresiones y frases hechas.
contemplan las funciones de ello, deben: solicitar y dar información de contemplan las funciones de ello, deben: describir situaciones anteriores. • Utilizar expresiones para hacer peticiones formales.
años anteriores. • Identificar el orden de los elementos en las preguntas indirectas. Do you Remember? Clase 2 1h. pedagógica
solicitar y dar información de manera indirecta. Para ello, describir situaciones • Reconocer vocabulario temático hipotéticas y persuadir. Para • Aplicar el vocabulario temático • Pronunciar de manera inteligible sonidos de años anteriores y
• Reconocer vocabulario temático • Aplicar el vocabulario temático • Identificar expresiones para dar y reportar información de forma
manera indirecta y describir deben: hipotéticas o irreales en de la unidad, palabras, frases y ello, deben: de la unidad. sonidos /ð/ y /θ/.
de la unidad, palabras, frases y de la unidad. indirecta.
procesos y hechos en secuencia. expresiones clave. • Utilizar frases hechas, • Aplicar la estructura de el futuro y persuadir. Para expresiones clave. • Utilizar frases hechas, • Aplicar el uso del segundo • Identificar expresiones para describir procesos y secuencia de Subject Connections Clase 22 1h. pedagógica
Para ello, deben: ello, deben: • Identificar estructuras que condicional. AE 04
• Identificar el orden de los expresiones idiomáticas y pregunta indirecta, por ejemplo: expresiones idiomáticas y hechos.

describen situaciones • Usar verbos y frases modales Escribir textos descriptivos y narrativos breves y simples de
• Reconocer vocabulario temático elementos en las preguntas oraciones breves y simples Can you tell me where the bank • Reconocer vocabulario temático oraciones breves y simples • Reconocer expresiones para hacer peticiones formales.
hipotéticas y posibilidades como it might be a good idea, it aproximadamente 150 palabras, como cartas, correos
de la unidad, palabras clave, indirectas. conectadas entre sí. is? de la unidad, conectadas entre sí. • Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores: In
electrónicos y solicitudes, relacionados con derechos y deberes

4° Medio - Semestre 1
expresiones y frases hechas. • Reconocer la relación entre • Aplicar vocabulario temático • Utilizar expresiones para hacer palabras clave, expresiones y irreales en el futuro. • Aplicar vocabulario temático might be better if you save the other words…, For instance…, Even though, Such as y So (if ).
• Identificar expresiones money for the trip. Lección 1 Clase 3 - 6 4h. pedagógicas de la juventud. Para ello, deben:
• Identificar el orden de ideas por medio de conectores de la unidad. peticiones formales, como frases hechas. de la unidad. • Discriminar sonidos que interfieren con la comprensión del

4° Medio - Semestre 1
• Aplicar la estructura de • Identificar estructuras que para persuadir. • Aplicar el uso del segundo • Relacionar ideas por medio del • Incorporar las funciones de años anteriores.

Unidad 5
los elementos en las como as long as, even though, Could you open the door, texto y sonidos /ð/ y /θ/. Clase
preguntas indirectas. even if. pregunta indirecta, por please? Would you mind not describen situaciones • Reconocer la relación entre condicional, usando verbos y uso de conectores como in fact, • Recurrir a estrategias, como el uso de conocimientos previos • Aplicar el vocabulario temático de la unidad. Project 2h. pedagógicas
23 y 25
ideas por medio de conectores as long as, even though, even if, • Aplicar la estructura de pregunta indirecta.

Unidad 5
• Identificar expresiones para dar • Usar estrategias de lectura ejemplo: Can you tell me smoking here, please? hipotéticas y posibilidades frases modales como it might sobre el tema o reconocer claves no verbales, gestos,
y reportar información de rápida y focalizada. where the bank is? • Relacionar ideas por medio del irreales en el futuro. como in fact, as long as, even be a good idea, it might be provided that. entonación y detalles relevantes. • Utilizar expresiones para hacer peticiones formales.
forma indirecta. • Discriminar información • Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores como as • Identificar expresiones though, even if, provided that. better if… • Aplicar el uso de elementos • Integrar la expresión oral y escrita. • Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores: In other
• Identificar expresiones para relevante de la accesoria uso de conectores como even long as, even though, even if. para persuadir. • Usar estrategias de lectura • Expresar coherencia en las ideas ortográficos, como signos de words…, For instance…, Even though, Such as y So (if ).
describir procesos y secuencia para sintetizar el significado though, even if. • Aplicar el uso de elementos • Reconocer la relación entre rápida y focalizada. mediante el uso de conectores interrogación y exclamación, el AE 02 Lección 2 Clases 7 - 10 4h. pedagógicas • Aplicar el uso de elementos ortográficos, como signos de
de hechos. del mensaje. • Utilizar expresiones para ortográficos, como signos de ideas por medio de conectores • Realizar inferencias a partir del como in fact, even though, even punto, la coma y la mayúscula. Leer y demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e interrogación y exclamación, el punto, la coma y la mayúscula.
• Utilizar estrategiasvariadas, Final Check Clases
• Reconocer expresiones para hacer • Integrar la expresión oral hacer peticiones formales interrogación y exclamación, el como in fact, as long as, even texto y justificarlas. if, provided that. información relevante en textos informativos, descriptivos y • Utilizar estrategias variadas, como elaboración y corrección de 2h. pedagógica
• Integrar la expresión oral como elaboración de modelo And Review 25 y 26
peticiones formales. y escrita. como Could you open the punto, la coma y la mayúscula. though, even if, provided that. • Pronunciar de manera inteligible narrativos auténticos, simples y de variada extensión, como modelo escrito.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas door, please? • Utilizar estrategias variadas, • Discriminar sonidos que y escrita. sonidos de años anteriores y escrito, corrección, conciencia solicitudes y artículos relacionados con derechos y deberes
por medio de conectores como • Pronunciar de manera como elaboración de modelo interfieren con la comprensión sonidos /ð/ y /θ/ en palabras de propósito y de audiencia. de la juventud. Para ello, deben: OFT
as long as, even though, even if. inteligible sonidos de años escrito, corrección, conciencia del texto y sonidos /ð/ y /θ/ como the, three. Usa las habilidades comunicativas para exponer ideas,
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras, frases y
• Discriminar sonidos que anteriores y sonidos /ð/ y /θ/ de propósito y de audiencia. propios del inglés en palabras • Utilizar variadas estrategias, opiniones, sentimientos y experiencias de manera coherente y
expresiones clave. Check Your Progress Clase 11 1h. pedagógica
interfieren con la comprensión en palabras como the, three. como the, three. como autocorrección, fundamentada.
• Identificar el orden de los elementos en las preguntas indirectas. Clase
del texto y sonidos /ð/ y /θ/ • Utilizar variadas estrategias, • Recurrir a estrategias, como el reformulación de oraciones y • Describe actividades de riesgo para la juventud y sus Evaluación formativa 2 2h. pedagógica
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores: : In 27 y 28
propios del inglés en palabras como autocorrección, uso de conocimientos previos uso de señales lingüísticas. other words , For instance , Even though, Such as y So (if ). consecuencias.
como the, three. reformulación de oraciones y sobre el tema o reconocer • Usar estrategias de lectura rápida y focalizada. • Señala las obligaciones que tiene la juventud.
• Recurrir a estrategias, como el uso uso de señales lingüísticas. claves no verbales, gestos, • Discriminar información relevante de la accesoria para sintetizar • Expresa opinión sobre los derechos que tiene la juventud en
de conocimientos previos sobre entonación y detalles relevantes. el significado del mensaje. la sociedad.
el tema o reconocer claves no • Integrar la expresión oral • Integrar la expresión oral y escrita. Muestra interés en desarrollar habilidades y conocimientos con
verbales, gestos, entonación y y escrita.
el fin de aplicarlos en su futuro campo académico y/o laboral.
detalles relevantes.
Evaluación Formativa 1 Clase 12 1h. pedagógica • Explica los derechos de la juventud en la sociedad.
• Integrar la expresión oral y escrita. Evaluación Final Clase 29 1h. pedagógica
• Señala los deberes y responsabilidades de la juventud con la
familia y la sociedad.
• Explica los riesgos de no cumplir con ciertos deberes y
proporciona ejemplos.


Al principio de cada tomo, la Guía Didáctica del Docente cuenta Al principio de cada unidad, la Guía Didáctica del Docente
con una tabla con todos los Objetivos de Aprendizaje cubiertos en cuenta con una propuesta de planificación.
el semestre.


Defining human rights
Lesson 1
oralmente. Por ejemplo, puede UN T Page 120 – Student’s Book

Youth Rights and Responsibilities

clase 2
1 Read this article and answer the questions below. dibujar el diagrama en la pizarra e 1 c. In pairs, choose a human right you would like to know in depth, and search for some


Strategy in mind ir invitando a los estudiantes a pasar
Before listening information about it. Organize the information you have collected and write a short paragraph
do you remember?
adelante para completarlo. (5-6 sentences).

Las actividades diseñadas para esta

Responsibilities of Citizenship 1 54 Brainstorm some words and expressions related to the
concept below. Complete the diagram in the Activity Book.
Use of previous knowledge.
2. Think about what you already
sección permitirán activar los know about the topic. Have a look
conocimientos previos del estudiante. at pictures (a-d) and decide which
Activities from the Student’s Book
You are a citizen of the country where Human Rights Human right: The right to education is recognized as a human right in
Explique a sus estudiantes que, una vez you were born. Usually, citizens live in human rights they illustrate.
que hayan elaborado sus planes de their country as loyal members of society. Antes de comenzar la actividad, Page 117 – Student’s Book international conventions, which recognize a right to free, compulsory
aprendizaje en la sección anterior, Many countries also have options, so
obtenga las ideas de los estudiantes
2 Think about what you already know about the topic. Have a look at pictures (a-d) and 1
revisarán lo que pueden hacer y saber people who are not natural-born citizens
decide which human rights they illustrate. sobre el significado de la globalización primary education for everybody and an obligation to develop secondary


can become citizens of that country.

en inglés, antes de comenzar esta When they complete the requirements, del concepto. Anímelos a trabajar en
unidad. Para empezar, es importante que they are called “naturalized citizens”. a b parejas y escriba una lista de palabras education accessible to all.
los estudiantes relacionen los conceptos que les vengan a la mente.
As a citizen of your country, you have
de Rights y Duties a su vida cotidiana. some rights, but you have duties and Haga que los estudiantes observen Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Additionally, this right includes a responsibility to provide basic education
responsibilities, too. U.S. law, for example, las imágenes y las relacionen con los
iNicio for individuals who have not completed primary education. Also, it
guarantees the rights and duties of all derechos humanos que ellos conocen.
Para introducir la actividad, puede
Citizens of a country are usually issued a passport.
citizens. It doesn´t matter what U.S. Digales: Have a look at the pictures encompasses the obligations of the students to avoid discrimination at all
preguntar sobre la ciudadanía de todos state the citizen lives in, the rights are They should obey all laws. In wartime,
Luego prégunteles: What do they
los alumnos presentes, y si conocen a equal for all citizens. This is because the they must serve in the armed forces
refer to? What do you think they are? levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards of education
U.S. Constitution is the supreme law when required to.They have to pay taxes
algunas personas con nacionalidades to support the services and programs of Anímelos a usar su creatividad para Human Rights
of the land. The rights of citizens of the
distintas a la suya. Motivelos a United States are protected in the Bill of the government. Good citizens vote in explicar y expresar los derechos que and to improve the quality of education.
compartir las similitudes y diferencias Rights. A citizen has the right to speak elections to manifest their opinion on pueden identificar.
que ven con esas personas. Dígales: Are without restraint and the right to religious how the government should be run. In
all people present Chilean citizens? freedom. A citizen who is accused of a addition to a national citizenship, people cierre
are citizens of a state and a city. They have
Were you all born in Chile? Do you crime has a right to a fair trial and a trial
c d Invite a los estudiantes a compartir sus
with a jury. In exchange for their rights, similar rights and responsibilities in each Page 121 – Student’s Book
know anyone who comes from another citizens have duties and responsibilities. level of citizenship. opiniones sobre el tema, expresando
country? Can you explain the cual de los derechos presentados ellos Answers will vary. Answers will vary. 3 Brainstorm and write some ideas you think you will find in the text.
similarities and differences you see in Taken and adapted from: consideran el más importante en sus
people from other countries? vidas actuales y por qué. Dígales:
Which of the rights just presented do
desarrollo Answers will vary. Answers will vary.
a. Can you define “citizen” in your own words? you consider to be the most important
1. Read this article and answer the b. What is a naturalized citizen? in your everyday life? Why do you think
questions below. c. Which are some of the duties and responsibilities of a citizen? that? Share your answers with the Page 119 – Student’s Book
Invite a sus alumnos a abrir sus d. What are two rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution? whole class. 1 In pairs, read and complete the following statements. Then, share your ideas with the class.
libros. Dígales: Open your book on
page 3 and read the text in silence. a. Human rights Human rights are the rights…you have simply because you´re human. Piece of news: Positive
clase 4
Asegúrese de que están entendiendo
2 Discuss which of the underlined words in the text express: for Youth Paper.
todo el texto. Deles suficiente tiempo a. Addition iNicio
The Declaration of Human Rights…is based on the
b. The Declaration of Human Rights
para leerlo cuidadosamente. Después b. Contrast
3 You are going to listen to a recording about human rights. Think of what you already know 3. You are going to listen to a principle that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
de que terminen, pídales lo siguiente: c. Reason
about this topic and write, in your notebook, a list of ideas you think will be included in it. recording about human rights.
Discuss questions a-e in pairs. Think of what you already know When a human right is violated…the mechanisms
c. When a human right is violated
Answers will vary. Answers will vary.
Compruebe las respuestas oralmente. about this topic and write, in your to address those violations are weak
116 UN T 5 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 1 117
notebook, a list of ideas you think
2. Discuss which of the underlined will be included in it.
words in the text express: Explique a sus alumnos que
Después de terminar de discutir cierre posible sobre las dificultades que creen que actitudes que desarrollarán. El objetivo de Pregúnteles: Do you know any expressions 54 UN T 5 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 5 55
enfrentarán en el futuro y las medidas que esta unidad es escuchar un texto sobre los related to the topic of human rights? escucharán una grabación sobre
las preguntas, invítelos a mirar Para cerrar, motive a los estudiantes a los derechos humanos. Pídales que
nuevamente el texto, que se tomarán para mejorar su desempeño. derechos humanos para demostrar In your opinion, which are those words
compartir si sienten que las personas con hagan una lluvia de ideas y anticipen Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del
enfoquen específicamente en las distintas nacionalidades comparten sus
comprensión y reflexionar sobre el tema, y or expressions that are related to it? 1. Indique a los alumnos que completen el crucigrama y que compartan sus res-
clase 3 luego dar una presentación sobre uno de los Aliéntelos a dar respuestas sin temor a lo que oirán. Si es necesario, Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar
palabras destacadas y se imaginen mismos derechos y responsabilidades, y que revise lo visto la clase anterior. Por
puestas con la clase. Permítales utilizar un diccionario, de ser necesario. Puede
derechos humanos a elección. que esten buenas o malas, para que las la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y
qué representan. Diga a sus justifiquen sus respuestas. Dígales: Do you ejemplo, usted puede decirles lo dibujar el crucigrama en la pizarra y que algunos estudiantes pasen adelante a
estudiantes: Focus on the underlined escriban en el diagrama y ayúdeles a contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas
think people from other countries living in Defining Human Rights completarlo. Dígales: Complete the crossword puzzle. You can use a dictionary

lesson 1 desarrollo pensar qué pueden hacer para mejorar, siguiente: What do you think the
words. Luego, pregúnteles: What do Chile have the same rights and responsibilities con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.
Before listening resolver problemas, obtener ayuda en caso recording is about? Explíqueles: You if necessary. Draw the puzzle on the board and invite some students to the front
they express? How do you know? as Chilean citizens? Explain. iNicio are going to have some time to think
Support your ideas. Asegúrese de 1. Brainstorm some words and expressions que lo necesiten, etc. Dígales: Write all the to complete it.
Al terminar, los estudiantes deben reflexionar Dé a los alumnos unos minutos para leer lo words you can think of in the diagram in about what you think the recording is
que entienden las ideas y no pase a la sobre el trabajo que realizaron en esta sección. que harán en la lección 1, ayudándoles a related to the concept below. Complete going to be. Check your notes from
fase siguiente si es que no es así. the diagram in the Activity Book. your Activity Book. Revise sus respuestas
Anímelos a que sean lo más específicos identificar el contenido, las habilidades y las previous class, if necessary.


UNIT55 lEccIóN
lESSON 1 225

La Guía Didáctica del Docente cuenta con sugerencias La Guía Didáctica del Docente cuenta con sugerencias
metodológicas y minimizados para cada una de las páginas del metodológicas y minimizados para cada una de las
Texto del Estudiante. páginas del Cuaderno de Actividades.

La Guía Didáctica del Docente

incluye una sección llamada
aPéNdice de coNTeNido aPeNdice de maTerial
comPlemeNTario comPlemeNTario foTocoPiaBle

Apéndice de Material
Este apéndice contiene material fotocopiable que el profesor puede utilizar
lesson 1 Defining Human Rights Ventana de habilidades de aprendizaje como complemento a las actividades sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.
Ventana de enseñanza Estrategias de comprensión auditiva: Predicción
complementary activity Diagnostic Test

Complementario Fotocopiable,
Cuando los alumnos hacen predicciones antes de escuchar,


Modelando las estrategias Esta actividad fotocopiable tiene como objetivo complementar las Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo evaluar la conducta
generan hipótesis sobre el tipo, el propósito o el contenido de de entrada de los alumnos. Puede realizarla antes de comenzar la
actividades vistas a lo largo de la unidad, reforzando
Explique a los estudiantes que, cuando escuchan, también es un texto. Estas hipótesis proporcionan un marco y mejoran la primera lección.
principalmente las habilidades orales y de escritura. Puede
posible obtener la “imagen completa” pero con una diferencia comprensión.
utilizarla al finalizar una clase, dependiendo del ritmo de trabajo Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:
crucial: la información viene en una secuencia. Y en esa

La Guía Didáctica del Docente

Fuente: Anderson, n. J. (2005). l2 strategy research. Handbook of research in de sus estudiantes.
secuencia de información, hay palabras de contenido (los

el cual incluye actividades

second language teaching and learning (757-772). Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum
sustantivos, adjetivos y verbos) que pueden ayudarles a formar Associate
Diagnostic test
esa imagen. A menudo llamamos a esto “escuchar lo esencial”.
Por ejemplo, las palabras “comida”, “amigos”, “diversión”, Great Good OK Not good enough
“parque” y “día soleado” tienen sus propios significados, pero Ventana de habilidades de aprendizaje (9 points) (8 – 7 points) (6 - 5 points) (Less than 5 points)

incluye una sección llamada

cuando se escuchan en secuencia, pueden ayudar a formar el

fotocopiables adicionales (junto

Estrategia de comprensión auditiva: Enfoque en la You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
contexto de un picnic. información relevante the learning goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Fuente: Ahmed, R. (2015). Voices: Five essential listening skills for English learners. Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
Retrieved from: https://www. ve-essential- Invite a los estudiantes a escuchar en inglés enfocándose en few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.
listeningskills-english-learners información relevante como algunas palabras claves que les

Apéndice de Contenido
permitan desarrollar la idea y entender el mensaje principal.

a su descripción de uso y tablas

Formative Tests
Dígales que no es necesario entender todas las palabras cuando
Estas actividades evaluativas tienen como objetivo complementar a las evaluaciones de proceso sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.
Ventana de habilidades de aprendizaje escuchan, que se enfoquen en ciertas palabras y no todos los
Puede utilizarlas al finalizar las primeras o las últimas dos lecciones de la unidad.
detalles que no alterna el mensaje.
Estrategia de comprensión auditiva: Uso de conocimiento Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:

Complementario, con soporte

previo Fuente: Equipo editorial

de evaluación) tales como

Explique a sus alumnos que ahora que es hora de recodar qué Formative Test 1
saben y cuánto conocen sobre el tema de la primera lección de Great Good OK Not good enough
la unidad. Por ejemplo, puede invitarlos a mirar las fotografías lesson 2 Giving Responsibilities to Young People ( 20 points) (19 – 17 points) (16 – 12 points) (Less than 12 points)
e inferir de qué se tratará el texto auditivo.

teórico para cada una de las

You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
Teoría e investigación

actividades complementarias,
Fuente: Equipo editorial. goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
Estrategias de comprensión de lectura few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.
Ventana pedagógica La investigación respalda que la instrucción explícita de
estrategias de comprensión aumenta la comprensión de los Formative Test 2

lecciones del Texto del

Uso de diagramas para registrar conocimientos previos estudiantes. Además, el uso de un repertorio de estrategias de

evaluaciones de diagnóstico,
Great Good OK Not good enough
Los diagramas son herramientas muy útiles que los docentes comprensión de lectura mejora el razonamiento de los lectores.
(15 points) (14 – 12 points) (12 – 9 points) (Less than 9 points)
pueden promover en el aula para que los estudiantes registren La instrucción explícita generalmente involucra un proceso de
sus aprendizajes previos de una manera gráfica y visual. varios pasos, durante el cual los maestros gradualmente liberan You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
Sobre todo, son muy prácticos en las etapas finales de cada la responsabilidad de los estudiantes. goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to

Estudiante (información útil

Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
lección o unidad, ya que permiten a los estudiantes volver a

evaluaciones formativas, extra

Fuente: McLaughlin, M. (2012). Reading comprehension: What every teacher needs
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.
ellos para contrastar aprendizajes y completar con nuevos to know. The Reading Teacher, 65(7), 432-440.
aprendizajes y posterior contraste con lo ya aprendido.
Fuente: Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J. (2011). Classroom Instruction final Test Template
that Works: Research-based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo complementar el Este template es un modelo de un correo electrónico formal,

sobre lenguaje, vocabulario,

Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Test Final sugerido en el Texto del Estudiante. Puede utilizarlo al fotocopiable, que tiene como objetivo complementar el template

tests, y templates de texto

finalizar la unidad con sus estudiantes, para que cuenten con un sugerido para esta unidad en el Cuaderno de Actividades. Puede
instrumento extra con el cual puedan analizar sus fortalezas y fotocopiarlo y entregarlo a sus alumnos para que cuenten con otro
debilidades y evaluar su desempeño a lo largo de la unidad. modelo del texto que tienen que producir.


UNIT 5 255 metodología y estrategias). 258 UNIDAD 5 APENDIcE DE MATERIAl cOMPlEMENTARIO fOTOcOPIABlE 4º MEDIO


solUcioNario TraNscriPcioNes
TexTo del esTUdiaNTe Página 120
Speaking workshop
Página 115
1. b. i. Education What are human rights? SOUNDS - EXERCISE a
1. Respuestas abiertas ii. Opinion de los estudiantes. Cerciorese de que sus A human is a member of the homo-sapiens species, a man, a. The idea of human rights is that…
opiniones tengan que ver con el tema y que estén woman or child; In other words, a person. b. Throughout the centuries and across societies…
Página 116
minimamente fundamentadas. Rights are “guarantees”; So human rights are the rights you

1. Respuestas sugeridas have simply because you´re human.
a. a native or naturalized person who owes loyalty to a Página 121
government and is entitled to protection from it The idea of human rights is that each one of us, no matter who
1. a. youth; b. jobless; c. wealth; d. decrease
b. People who are not natural-born citizens can become citizens we are or where we are born, is entitled to the same basic rights SOUNDS - EXERCISE b
of that country. Página 122 and freedoms. Human rights are not privileges, and they cannot
be granted or revoked. They are inalienable and universal. That / ð / the- though – them - their - those – they
c. They have a duty to serve on a jury when asked. They should Key words
may sound simple, but it gets incredibly complicated as soon as / θ / thing – think - throughout
obey all laws. In wartime, they must serve in the armed complain: (v) To express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness,
forces when required to. They have to pay taxes to support anyone tries to put the idea into practice. What exactly are the
resentment, or grief.
the services and programs of the government. basic human rights? Who gets to pick them? Who enforces them,
wonder: (v) To think or speculate curiosity.
d. A citizen has the right to speak without restraint and the right and how? 64
support: (v) To bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part.); STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 5 - PAGE 120 - EXERCISE 1a
to religious freedom. serve as a foundation for. The history behind the concept of human rights is long.
- In other words…
2. a. and behavior: (n) Manner of behaving or acting. Throughout the centuries and across societies, religions, and
- For instance…
b. but improve: (v) To bring into a more desirable or excellent condition. cultures, we have struggled with defining notions of rightfulness,
- Even though…
c. because Hotspot: (n) A place of significant activity. justice, and rights. But one of the most modern affirmations of
- Such as…
universal human rights emerged from the ruins of World War II,
- So (If)…

La Guía Didáctica del Docente

Página 117 Smart Reading with the creation of the United Nations.
a. Young people are facing an uncertain future because their

2. Los conceptos presentados son: a. Libertad (freedom), b. In 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal
libertad de culto o religión (religious freedom), c. Libertad de dreams of education and job opportunities have disintegrated, Declaration of Human Rights, which was written by an
expresión (fredom of speech), d. derecho migratorio (right to for reasons far beyond their control. international committee chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt. This 65 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 5 - PAGE 126 - EXERCISE 1
migration). b. “Positive for Youth” wants to provide more opportunities and document lays the basis for the modern international human My daughter, Madeline, is nine years old. She has some chores

incluye las transcripciones de

better support to teens. rights law.
c. A significant benefit of providing support to the youth is, for to do at home and they will change as she gets older. She will
Página 118
The declaration is based on the principle that all human beings have more responsibilities but, for now, these are her daily
2. The text is a report, and its purpose is to inform about human example, a 25% reduction in anti-social behavior.
are born free and equal in dignity and rights. It lists 30 articles chores:
rights. recognizing, for instance, the principle of nondiscrimination and
Página 122 She starts with making her bed every morning. Then, she puts

La Guía Didáctica del Docente

3. All pictures are related to human rights. a. Equality; b. World the right to life and liberty. It refers to negative freedoms, like the

todos los audios

Your analysis things away in her room. Today it wasn’t that messy. It is her
War II; c. Justice; d. 30 articles of human rights. freedom from torture or slavery, as well as positive freedoms, responsibility to keep her room clean. She does the dishes she
Posibles respuestas
4. a. Human rights are the rights you have simply because you´re such as the freedom of movement and residence. It encompasses uses, too. She started doing this during her summer break. It is
a. Youth and opportuinities
human. basic civil and political rights, such as freedom of expression, also her responsibility to pick up her toys, because she is the
b. They were promised a wealth of prospects if they stayed in
b. No, it’s been discussed for centuries, but the modern religion, or peaceful assembly, as well as social, economic, and one that plays with them. As I always say, if you make a mess,
education or took up the wide range of training opportunities.
cultural rights, such as the right to education and the right to

incluye un solucionario con

affirmations come from after WWII.

correspondientes al Texto del

c. it a tsunami of jobless young people and many more teenagers you must clean it up.
c. In 1948. freely choose one’s occupation and be paid and treated fairly.
wondering what the future holds.
d. Some of them are: freedom from torture or slavery, freedom d. This is a program, supported by local partnerships, where buses In past decades, international human rights law has grown,
of movement and residence, freedom of expression, religion, and vans drive into local areas and provide youth services such deepening and expanding our understanding of what human
or peaceful assembly, etc. as sport, education, IT, music, fun activities as well as sexual rights are, and how to better protect them. So if these principles STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 5 - PAGE 127 - EXERCISE 1

todas las respuestas del Texto

are so well-developed, then why are human rights abused and

Estudiante, Cuaderno de
health advice. a. Bullying
Página 119
e. It means that the cost of the program is low compared to the ignored time and time again all over the world?
b. Smoking cigarettes or illegal drugs
1. Las Respuestas pueden variar. Revise que estas sean pertinentes benefits it brings to young people and society. The problem, in general, is that it is not at all easy to universally
respecto de lo que escucharon en la pista de audio. enforce these rights or to punish transgressors. Even though the c. Decreased communication
2. Las Respuestas pueden variar. Revise que estas sean pertinentes Página 124 Universal Declaration of Human Rights is highly authoritative d. Wasting money

del Estudiante y Material

respecto de lo que escucharon en la pista de audio y el tema de Language in Use and respected, it is a declaration. It is not a hard law.

Actividades, y Material
e. Not sleeping enough
los derechos humanos. iii. Alternatives Then, when individual countries violate it, the mechanisms to f. Riding a bike without a helmet or talking on the phone.
address those violations are weak. So, although the main bodies
1. Respuestas abiertas. Cerciórese de que sus respuestas
within the UN in charge of protecting human rights monitor and
justifiquen el por qué están de acuerdo (agree) o en desacuerdo
investigate violations, they cannot force states to change a policy

Fotocopiable Complementario. Fotocopiable Complementario.

or compensate a victim, for example.



Instrumentos de evaluación Cómo aplicar los instrumentos de evaluación • Ikhsan, M. (2017). THE ALTERNATIVE muchas actividades de comprensión
Estos instrumentos de evaluación son herramientas que usted Autoevaluación • Azarnoosh, M. (2013). Peer assessment in STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING auditiva con diferentes temas.
puede usar para medir el trabajo de los estudiantes. Entregue suficientes copias de los instrumentos a los estudiantes y an EFL context: Attitudes and friendship READING SKILL FOR EFL • English Club [en línea]
Son guías que tienen el objetivo de evaluar el desempeño y que se pídales que los usen para evaluar objetivamente su propio progreso bias. Language Testing in Asia. 3:11. STUDENTS. Komposisi: Jurnal
basan en un amplio rango de criterios, más que en puntajes en una tarea o proyecto determinado. La evaluación que hagan de • Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni, sitio de interés y material de apoyo para
numéricos. su rendimiento no debería constituir una calificación formal. Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., 18(1), 107-118. doi:https://doi. docentes.


La Guía Didáctica del Docente

&Rumble, M. (2012). Defining twenty-

Los instrumentos de evaluación que aquí encontrará, incluyen: Evaluación de pares • Kolbert , E., (2014). The Sixth Extinction.
first century skills. In Assessment and • BBC Podcasts [en línea]
- Rúbricas Muchas veces, toma tiempo implementar esta práctica en la sala de New York : Henry Holt and Company
teaching of 21st century skills (pp. 17-66).
- Cuestionarios clases, por lo que debe ser paciente y permitirse modelar este tipo • Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J.
Springer Netherlands. podcasts para trabajar comprensión
- Hojas de observación de clases de evaluación. Debe enfatizar que la evaluación de pares, como la (2011). Classroom Instruction that
• Donnelly, Jack. (2013). Universal human auditiva.
Además, estos instrumentos comprenden una sección que difiere autoevaluación, tiene como principal objetivo ayudar a todos a Works: Research-based Strategies for
rights in theory and practice. Ithaca:

incluye un Apéndice de
mejorar su trabajo y desempeño. Al utilizarla, los estudiantes • Podcasts in English: Listen and learn [en
de otros métodos tradicionales de evaluación, ya que examinan los Cornell University Press. Increasing Student Achievement.
toman consciencia de que estos instrumentos proveen evidencia línea]
procesos mismos de aprendizaje y muestran claramente cómo • Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, Alexandria, VA: Association for
que sustenta sus juicios y opiniones, en caso de que su evaluación
trabajar con la evaluación de proceso. Los instrumentos comunican J. (2013). Best practices in writing Supervision and Curriculum Development.
no coincida con la del docente. Nuevamente, proporcionar el podcasts con fichas de trabajo.
en forma detallada explicaciones sobre lo que se considera instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford • Teaching and Learning in Diverse and
tiempo suficiente para la revisión post evaluación es crucial. • Merriam-Webster: Dictionary and
excelencia al ejecutar cada tarea, y también proveen de sugerencias Press. Inclusive Classroom: Key issues for new

Evaluación, con un set de

Thesaurus [en línea]
claras para el docente. Evaluación docente - estudiante • Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J. teachers. Routledge Publishers.
Estos instrumentos han sido diseñados, sobre todo, para informar y Utilice los mismos instrumentos que los estudiantes emplearon (2011). Classroom Instruction that • Singhal, M. (2001). Reading Proficiency,
enriquecer la instrucción. Ellos son capaces de entregar una para autoevaluarse y para evaluarse en pares. Al entregar el Works: Research-based Strategies for reading Strategies, Metacognitive RECURSoS CRA
instrumento corregido, los estudiantes sabrán exactamente qué Increasing Student Achievement. Awareness and L2 Readers. The reading A continuación se detallan publicaciones
retroalimentación bastante completa, que los estudiantes siempre
hicieron bien y qué necesitan reforzar en el futuro. Alexandria, VA: Association for Matrix Vol. 1. No.1. que se pueden encontrar en las Bibliotecas

instrumentos de evaluación tales

necesitan para crecer en su proceso de aprendizaje.
Supervision and Curriculum Development. • Tomlinson, J., & Bott, L. (2013). How CRA (Centro de Recursos para el
Estas herramientas también pueden ser usadas en evaluación de En términos generales, el trabajo con estos instrumentos de Aprendizaje) a lo largo del país, las cuales
• McLaughlin, M. (2012). Reading intonation constrains pragmatic
pares y son útiles para entregar retroalimentación. Antes de la evaluación es relativamente sencillo. Identifique el número pueden ser utilizadas en las distintas
comprehension: What every teacher inference. In 35th Annual Conference of
evaluación, es necesario informar de los instrumentos para que los máximo de puntos para alcanzar el nivel máximo de rendimiento. unidades.
needs to know. The Reading Teacher, the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin,
estudiantes sepan cuáles son las expectativas que se tienen de su Típicamente, la escala aumenta/ decrece en un punto. La última • Helgesen, Marc, Brown, Steven (1996).
65(7), 432-440. Germany. Cognitive Science Society.

como rúbricas y escalas de

desempeño. columna muestra el puntaje obtenido, basándose en el rendimiento
• Richards, H. & F. Armstrong (eds.) (2010). • Ur. P. (2011) A course in language Active Listening Introducing.
observado en cada tarea. Cambridge University Press.
Luego, durante la fase de evaluación, se utilizan para otorgar • Roosevelt, E. (2000). Universal teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge:
valores a cada área que se desea evaluar. Una vez que a un El puntaje total se asigna simplemente sumando todos los valores declaration of human rights in English, Camdridge University Press. • Murphy, Raymond (1995).
instrumento le sea asignado un puntaje determinado, éste debe ser obtenidos. Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, SITIoS WEB English Grammar in Use.
entregado a los estudiantes para comunicar su calificación, y así Una vez que se han calculado los puntajes, se pueden expresar en Arabic. Bedford, MA: Applewood Books. • British Council [en línea] Cambridge University Press.

valoración, para evaluar el

dar información sobre sus fortalezas y debilidades. los criterios de desempeño, que son niveles descriptivos de • Teaching and Learning in Diverse and • Varios Autores (2007).
calidad, comenzando desde el nivel en el extremo inferior de Inclusive Classroom: Key issues for new sitio con actividades de comprensión Apuntes de inglés.
Las ventajas de usar una amplia gama de rendimiento y terminando con el del extremo superior. teachers. Routledge Publishers. auditiva y lectora. Parramón.
instrumentos de evaluación • Tomlinson, J., & Bott, L. (2013). How • Breaking News English [en línea] • Varios Autores.
intonation constrains pragmatic Diccionario Oxford Compact español-

desempeño de los estudiantes Una lista de referencias

Los docentes pueden incrementar la calidad de su instrucción inglés inglés-español.
directa al enfatizar y enfocarse en detalles en particular a la hora inference. In 35th Annual Conference of sitio con actividades de comprensión
the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, auditiva y lectora. Oxford University Press.
de evaluar, como modelo para los estudiantes. De esta forma, los • Varios Autores.
estudiantes pueden contar con guías explícitas sobre lo que los Germany. Cognitive Science Society. • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company.
• Ur. P. (2011) A course in language Education Place [en línea] Diccionario Pocket inglés-español
docentes esperan de ellos. Los estudiantes pueden usar estos español-inglés.
teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge:

bibliográficas y sitios web

instrumentos como una herramienta para enriquecer su

respecto de lenguaje, habilidades

Camdridge University Press. • ReadWriteThink: Internacional Reading Larousse.
aprendizaje. Los docentes pueden reutilizar estos instrumentos en • Varios Autores.
una gran variedad de actividades. Association [en línea]
UNIT 6 Gramática inglesa comunicativa.
• Azarnoosh, M. (2013). Peer assessment in Larousse.
sitio con material de apoyo para docentes.
an EFL context: Attitudes and friendship • Varios Autores.
• Technology: The Online Teacher Resource

colaborativas, proyectos consultada en la realización de

bias. Language Testing in Asia. 3:11. The Oxford Desk Dictionary and
• Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, Thesaurus.
una variada gama de material didáctico
J. (2013). Best practices in writing Oxford University Press.
para estudiantes y docentes.
instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford
• Davis, Randall. Randall´s ESL Cyber
Listening Lab [en línea]

generales y otras tareas. esta Guía Didáctica.


ENGLISH 3Y4 medio El CD-ROM incluido en esta guía,
cuenta con un set de expresiones para
el manejo de la clase, además de todas
las grabaciones usadas en la práctica de
la comunicación oral en el Texto del
Estudiante, Cuaderno de Actividades y
Guía Didáctica del Docente.

UN T 5 The Bicentennial Man (extract)

incontrovertible. We will, of course, replace
your robot.”

Nineteen Eighty Four - “Not at all,” said Sir. “There is no question of failure,
VOluMe 3

VOluMe 3
on his part. He performs his assigned duties perfectly.
Chapter 1 (Extract) The point is he also carves wood in exquisite fashion
and never the same twice. He produces works of art.”
The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was Mansky looked confused. “Strange. Of course, we’re
thirty-nine and had a bad ankle, went slowly, resting attempting generalized pathways these days. Really
several times on the way. On each landing, opposite Gerald Martin took Andrew to the regional offices creative, you think?”
the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face of the United States Robots and Mechanical
gazed from the wall. The black-mustachioed face gazed down from
Men Corporation. As a member or the Regional “See for yourself.” Sir handed over a little sphere
BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the every commanding corner. BIG BROTHER IS
Legislature, he had no trouble at all in gaining an of wood on which there was a playground scene in
caption beneath it ran. Inside the flat, a fruity WATCHING YOU, the caption said, while the
interview with the chief robo-psychologist. In fact, which the boys and the girls were almost too small
voice was reading out a list of figures which had dark eyes looked deep into Winston’s own. Down
it was only as a member of the Regional Legislature to make out, yet they were in perfect proportion and
something to do with the production of pig-iron. at street level another poster, torn at one corner,
that he qualified as a robot owner in the first place - they blended so naturally with the grain that it, too,
The voice came from an oblong metal plaque flapped fitfully in the wind. In the far distance, seemed to have been carved.
a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, in those early days when robots were rare.
which formed part of the surface of the right- Mansky was incredulous. “He did that?” He handed
hand wall. Winston turned a switch and the hovered for an instant, and darted away again Andrew did not understand any of this at the time,
with a curving flight. It was the police patrol, but in later years, with greater learning, he could it back with a shake of his head.
voice sank somewhat, though the words were still
distinguishable. The instrument (the telescreen) snooping into people’s windows. The patrols did review that early scene and understand it in its “The luck of the draw. Something in the pathways.”
could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting not matter, however. Only the Thought Police proper light.
mattered. Behind Winston’s back, the voice from “Can you do it again?”
it off completely. He moved over to the window: The robo-psychologist, Merton Mansky, listened
libertyDr “Probably not. Nothing like this has ever been
Right to life and ones are a smallish, frail figure, the meagerness of his body the telescreen was still babbling away about pig-
with a growing frown and more than once managed
used to merely emphasized by the blue overalls which were iron and the overfulfilment of the Ninth Three- reported.”
take ae to stop his fingers at the point beyond which they
Right to education
Year Plan. The telescreen received and transmitted
rial photo the uniform of the party. His hair was very fair, his would have irrevocably drummed on the table. He “Good! I don’t in the least mind Andrew’s being the
graphs. simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made,
skin roughened by coarse soap, blunt razor blades, had drawn features and a lined forehead, but he might only one.”
Rights and the cold of the winter that had just ended. above the level of a very low whisper, would be
picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained actually have been younger than he looked. “I suspect that the company would like to have your
Solar po
wer ca Outside, the world looked cold. Down in the within the field of vision which the metal plaque “Robotics is not an exact art, Mr. Martin,” Mansky robot back for study,” Mansky said.
n supp street, little eddies of wind were whirling dust and commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. explained. “I cannot explain it to you in detail,
ly clean “Not a chance!” Sir said with sudden grimness.
energy. torn paper into spirals, and though the sun was There was, of course, no way of knowing whether but the mathematics governing the plotting of the “Forget it.” He turned to Andrew, “Let’s go home,
shining and the sky a harsh blue, there seemed to you were being watched at any given moment. positronic pathways is far too complicated to permit now.”
Photocopiable material

Photocopiable material

be no color in anything, except the posters that of any but approximate solutions. Naturally, since Taken from: Asimov, I. (March 1991). Robot Visions. The bicentennial man. (p.
were plastered everywhere. Taken from: Orwell, G. (2008). 1984. (Chapter 1). Washington DC, USA: Signet Classics.
we build everything around the three laws, those are 245). New York: New American Library.

Discuss. Discuss.
a. What kind of society does the text describe? a. What is the theme of the text?
b. What is the setting? b. What do you think robots were created for?
c. What person is used in the narrative? c. What would be the impact of robots in our everyday life?
Right to Freed maof
ss Energ d. What is the theme of the text? d. What would be the impact of robots regarding health?
y is being
of Speech UN T 5
e. Would you like to live in a reality like the one described in the text? Why? e. Do you think robots will replace some human jobs in the future? Why?
Right to Freedom nsibiuslities
Youth rights and respo
ed to rep
Fossil Fu
wer is
a good
ve to pro

La Guía Didáctica del Docente incluye un banco de lecturas

duce ele
Discover ctricity.
ies and
ns UN

Láminas con imágenes a color relacionadas con el

T 6

adicionales fotocopiables al final de cada tomo, para reforzar las

tema de cada unidad, para complementar los competencias de comprensión de lectura y análisis desarrolladas
contenidos presentados en el Texto del Estudiante. en el Texto del Estudiante.


Expresiones para el manejo
de la clase


• Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Hello. / Hi.

• Goodbye. / See you tomorrow. / See you later.
• Have a nice weekend. / Enjoy your holiday.

Moods and feelings

A: How are you today?
B: I’m fine. / I’m great. / OK. / Very well, thank you. / I’m not very well. / I have a problem. / I’m feeling down. / I’m sad.

Asking for clarification

• Can you repeat that, please?
• Can you say that again, please?
• Sorry. I’m afraid I didn’t understand.
• Can you help me with this exercise, please?

• Well done! / Good! / Excellent! / Good work! / Congratulations!
• Do it more carefully. / Say it again. / Try to correct that, please.
• Not too bad. / You’ll do better next time. / Keep trying!

The date
A: What day is it today?
B: It’s Monday. / It’s Tuesday. / It’s Wednesday. / It’s Thursday. /
It’s Friday. / It’s Saturday. / It’s Sunday.
A: What’s the date today?
B: It’s (Monday) March 9th. / It’s (Monday) 9th March.

The weather
A: What’s the weather like today?
A: It’s sunny. / It’s cloudy. / It’s hot. / It’s cold. / It’s nice and warm. / It’s nice and cool. / It’s raining. / It’s snowing.

The time
A: What’s the time? / What time is it?
B: It’s one o’clock. / It’s two o’clock. / It’s three o’clock. / It’s ten o’clock. / It’s twelve o´clock.
A: What’s the time? / What time is it?
B: It’s quarter past nine. / It’s half past ten. / It’s five past eleven. / It’s ten past twelve. / It’s twenty past one. / It’s twenty five past two.
A: What’s the time? / What time is it?
B: It’s quarter to eight. / It’s twenty five to nine. / It’s twenty to ten. / It’s ten to three. / It’s five to four.


Turn-taking and permission
• Can I talk to you after the class?
• Excuse me; can I say something?
• Excuse me; can I leave the room for a minute?
• May I go to the bathroom?
• It’s your turn.
• Sorry, it’s my turn.

Some commands and instructions

• Answer the questions.

• Be quiet.
• Check your answers.
• Check your predictions.
• Close the door.
• Come to the board.
• Compare your answers.
• Complete the paragraph.
• Copy the instructions.
• Discuss the ideas in your group.
• Do exercise 1.
• Do not write in your book.
• Fill in the blanks.
• Find examples in the text.
• Find the cognates in the text.
• Listen to the recording.
• Look at the pictures.
• Look up these words in the dictionary.
• Make a list.
• Make some notes.
• Match the pictures.
• Name three activities.
• Open your books.
• Pay attention, please.
• Put the pictures in order.
• Read the instructions.
• Select the correct answer.
• Silence, please.
• Sit down.
• Stand up.
• Talk to your partner.
• That’s all for today, thank you.
• Work in groups of four.
• Work with your partner.
• Write the sentences.


Semestre 1 - 4º Medio
Unidad 5: Youth Rights and Responsibilities Tiempo: 28 horas
Objetivos de Aprendizaje

Comprensión Oral Comprensión de Lectura Expresión Oral Expresión Escrita

AE 01 AE 02 AE 03 AE 04
Demostrar comprensión de ideas Leer y demostrar comprensión Expresarse oralmente por Escribir textos descriptivos y
principales e información de ideas principales e medio de monólogos de narrativos breves y simples de
explícita en textos orales simples información relevante en textos aproximadamente tres aproximadamente 150
de variada extensión y de informativos, descriptivos y minutos y de diálogos de palabras, como cartas, correos
interacciones que presentan un narrativos auténticos, simples y aproximadamente 16 electrónicos y solicitudes,
uso auténtico del lenguaje, como de variada extensión, como intercambios breves y simples, relacionados con derechos y
anuncios, charlas o conferencias, solicitudes y artículos que incorporen las funciones deberes de la juventud. Para
relacionados con derechos y relacionados con derechos y comunicativas de años ello, deben:
deberes de la juventud y que deberes de la juventud. Para anteriores y las funciones de • Incorporar las funciones de
contemplan las funciones de ello, deben: solicitar y dar información de años anteriores.
solicitar y dar información de • Reconocer vocabulario temático manera indirecta. Para ello, • Aplicar el vocabulario temático
manera indirecta y describir de la unidad, palabras, frases y deben: de la unidad.
procesos y hechos en secuencia. expresiones clave. • Utilizar frases hechas, • Aplicar la estructura de
Para ello, deben: • Identificar el orden de los expresiones idiomáticas y pregunta indirecta, por ejemplo:
• Reconocer vocabulario temático elementos en las preguntas oraciones breves y simples Can you tell me where the bank
de la unidad, palabras clave, indirectas. conectadas entre sí. is?
expresiones y frases hechas. • Reconocer la relación entre • Aplicar vocabulario temático • Utilizar expresiones para hacer
• Identificar el orden de ideas por medio de conectores de la unidad. peticiones formales, como
los elementos en las como as long as, even though, • Aplicar la estructura de Could you open the door,
preguntas indirectas. even if. pregunta indirecta, por please? Would you mind not
• Identificar expresiones para dar • Usar estrategias de lectura ejemplo: Can you tell me smoking here, please?
y reportar información de rápida y focalizada. where the bank is? • Relacionar ideas por medio del
forma indirecta. • Discriminar información • Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores como as
• Identificar expresiones para relevante de la accesoria uso de conectores como even long as, even though, even if.
describir procesos y secuencia para sintetizar el significado though, even if. • Aplicar el uso de elementos
de hechos. del mensaje. • Utilizar expresiones para ortográficos, como signos de
• Reconocer expresiones para hacer • Integrar la expresión oral hacer peticiones formales interrogación y exclamación, el
peticiones formales. y escrita. como Could you open the punto, la coma y la mayúscula.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas door, please? • Utilizar estrategias variadas,
por medio de conectores como • Pronunciar de manera como elaboración de modelo
as long as, even though, even if. inteligible sonidos de años escrito, corrección, conciencia
• Discriminar sonidos que anteriores y sonidos /ð/ y /θ/ de propósito y de audiencia.
interfieren con la comprensión en palabras como the, three.
del texto y sonidos /ð/ y /θ/ • Utilizar variadas estrategias,
propios del inglés en palabras como autocorrección,
como the, three. reformulación de oraciones y
• Recurrir a estrategias, como el uso uso de señales lingüísticas.
de conocimientos previos sobre
el tema o reconocer claves no
verbales, gestos, entonación y
detalles relevantes.
• Integrar la expresión oral y escrita.


Semestre 2 - 4º Medio
Unidad 6: Discoveries and Creations Tiempo: 28 horas
Objetivos de Aprendizaje

Comprensión Oral Comprensión de Lectura Expresión Oral Expresión Escrita
AE 09 AE 10 AE 11 AE 12
Demostrar comprensión de Leer y demostrar comprensión Expresarse oralmente por Escribir textos descriptivos y
ideas principales e información de ideas principales e medio de monólogos de narrativos breves y simples de
explícita en textos orales información relevante en textos aproximadamente tres minutos aproximadamente 150
simples de variada extensión y informativos, descriptivos y y de diálogos de palabras, como cartas, correos
de interacciones que presentan narrativos auténticos, simples y aproximadamente 16 electrónicos y solicitudes de
un uso auténtico del lenguaje, de variada extensión, como intercambios breves y simples trabajo, relacionados con
como poemas, anuncios y artículos, cartas y solicitudes de que incorporen las funciones sueños y anhelos. Para
entrevistas, relacionados con trabajo, relacionados con comunicativas de años ello, deben:
sueños y anhelos y que sueños y anhelos. Para anteriores y las funciones de • Incorporar las funciones de años
contemplan las funciones de ello, deben: describir situaciones anteriores.
describir situaciones • Reconocer vocabulario temático hipotéticas y persuadir. Para • Aplicar el vocabulario temático
hipotéticas o irreales en de la unidad, palabras, frases y ello, deben: de la unidad.
el futuro y persuadir. Para expresiones clave. • Utilizar frases hechas, • Aplicar el uso del segundo
ello, deben: • Identificar estructuras que expresiones idiomáticas y condicional.
• Reconocer vocabulario temático describen situaciones oraciones breves y simples • Usar verbos y frases modales
de la unidad, hipotéticas y posibilidades conectadas entre sí. como it might be a good idea, it
palabras clave, expresiones y irreales en el futuro. • Aplicar vocabulario temático might be better if you save the
frases hechas. • Identificar expresiones de la unidad. money for the trip.
• Identificar estructuras que para persuadir. • Aplicar el uso del segundo • Relacionar ideas por medio del
describen situaciones • Reconocer la relación entre condicional, usando verbos y uso de conectores como in fact,
hipotéticas y posibilidades ideas por medio de conectores frases modales como it might as long as, even though, even if,
irreales en el futuro. como in fact, as long as, even be a good idea, it might be provided that.
• Identificar expresiones though, even if, provided that. better if… • Aplicar el uso de elementos
para persuadir. • Usar estrategias de lectura • Expresar coherencia en las ideas ortográficos, como signos de
• Reconocer la relación entre rápida y focalizada. mediante el uso de conectores interrogación y exclamación, el
ideas por medio de conectores • Realizar inferencias a partir del como in fact, even though, even punto, la coma y la mayúscula.
como in fact, as long as, even texto y justificarlas. if, provided that. • Utilizar estrategiasvariadas,
though, even if, provided that. • Integrar la expresión oral • Pronunciar de manera inteligible como elaboración de modelo
• Discriminar sonidos que y escrita. sonidos de años anteriores y escrito, corrección, conciencia
interfieren con la comprensión sonidos /ð/ y /θ/ en palabras de propósito y de audiencia.
del texto y sonidos /ð/ y /θ/ como the, three.
propios del inglés en palabras • Utilizar variadas estrategias,
como the, three. como autocorrección,
• Recurrir a estrategias, como el reformulación de oraciones y
uso de conocimientos previos uso de señales lingüísticas.
sobre el tema o reconocer
claves no verbales, gestos,
entonación y detalles relevantes.
• Integrar la expresión oral
y escrita.


Youth Rights and Responsibilities
Propuesta de planificación


AE 01
Demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e información
explícita en textos orales simples de variada extensión y de
interacciones que presentan un uso auténtico del lenguaje, Entrada de unidad Clase 1 1h. pedagógica
como anuncios, charlas o conferencias, relacionados con
derechos y deberes de la juventud y que contemplan las
funciones de solicitar y dar información de manera indirecta
y describir procesos y hechos en secuencia. Para ello, deben:
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras clave,
expresiones y frases hechas.
• Identificar el orden de los elementos en las preguntas indirectas. Do you Remember? Clase 2 1h. pedagógica
• Identificar expresiones para dar y reportar información de forma
• Identificar expresiones para describir procesos y secuencia de
• Reconocer expresiones para hacer peticiones formales.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores: In
other words…, For instance…, Even though, Such as y So (if ).
• Discriminar sonidos que interfieren con la comprensión del Lección 1 Clase 3 - 6 4h. pedagógicas
4° Medio - Semestre 1

texto y sonidos /ð/ y /θ/.

• Recurrir a estrategias, como el uso de conocimientos previos
Unidad 5

sobre el tema o reconocer claves no verbales, gestos,

entonación y detalles relevantes.
• Integrar la expresión oral y escrita.

AE 02 Lección 2 Clases 7 - 10 4h. pedagógicas

Leer y demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e
información relevante en textos informativos, descriptivos y
narrativos auténticos, simples y de variada extensión, como
solicitudes y artículos relacionados con derechos y deberes
de la juventud. Para ello, deben:
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras, frases y
expresiones clave. Check Your Progress Clase 11 1h. pedagógica
• Identificar el orden de los elementos en las preguntas indirectas.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores: : In
other words , For instance , Even though, Such as y So (if ).
• Usar estrategias de lectura rápida y focalizada.
• Discriminar información relevante de la accesoria para sintetizar
el significado del mensaje.
• Integrar la expresión oral y escrita.

Evaluación Formativa 1 Clase 12 1h. pedagógica

220 UNIDAD 5 Planificación 4º MEDIO

AE 03
Expresarse oralmente por medio de monólogos de

aproximadamente tres minutos y de diálogos de Clase
aproximadamente 16 intercambios breves y simples, que Lección 3 4h. pedagógicas
13 - 16
incorporen las funciones comunicativas de años anteriores y
las funciones de solicitar y dar información de manera
indirecta. Para ello, deben:
• Utilizar frases hechas, expresiones idiomáticas y oraciones breves y
simples conectadas entre sí.
• Aplicar vocabulario temático de la unidad. Clase
Lección 4 5h. pedagógica
• Aplicar la estructura de pregunta indirecta. 17 - 21
• Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores: In other
words…, For instance…, Even though, Such as y So (if ).
• Utilizar expresiones para hacer peticiones formales.
• Pronunciar de manera inteligible sonidos de años anteriores y
sonidos /ð/ y /θ/.
Subject Connections Clase 22 1h. pedagógica
AE 04
Escribir textos descriptivos y narrativos breves y simples de
aproximadamente 150 palabras, como cartas, correos
electrónicos y solicitudes, relacionados con derechos y deberes
4° Medio - Semestre 1

de la juventud. Para ello, deben:

• Incorporar las funciones de años anteriores.
Unidad 5

• Aplicar el vocabulario temático de la unidad. Project 2h. pedagógicas
23 y 25
• Aplicar la estructura de pregunta indirecta.
• Utilizar expresiones para hacer peticiones formales.
• Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores: In other
words…, For instance…, Even though, Such as y So (if ).
• Aplicar el uso de elementos ortográficos, como signos de
interrogación y exclamación, el punto, la coma y la mayúscula.
Final Check Clases
• Utilizar estrategias variadas, como elaboración y corrección de 2h. pedagógica
And Review 25 y 26
modelo escrito.

Usa las habilidades comunicativas para exponer ideas,
opiniones, sentimientos y experiencias de manera coherente y
• Describe actividades de riesgo para la juventud y sus Evaluación formativa 2 2h. pedagógica
27 y 28
• Señala las obligaciones que tiene la juventud.
• Expresa opinión sobre los derechos que tiene la juventud en
la sociedad.
Muestra interés en desarrollar habilidades y conocimientos con
el fin de aplicarlos en su futuro campo académico y/o laboral.
• Explica los derechos de la juventud en la sociedad. Evaluación Final Clase 29 1h. pedagógica
• Señala los deberes y responsabilidades de la juventud con la
familia y la sociedad.
• Explica los riesgos de no cumplir con ciertos deberes y
proporciona ejemplos.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 Planificación 221

clase 1 UN T Youth Rights and
Las actividades en estas páginas tienen
como propósito activar la motivación de
5 Responsibilities
los estudiantes hacia el tema de la
unidad. Permite que los estudiantes
reconozcan la importancia de los
objetivos de aprendizaje para sus
propias vidas. Además, permite que los
estudiantes establezcan metas
personales para la unidad, trazando una
guía del aprendizaje para lograrlas.

Para comenzar la clase, dígales a los
estudiantes lo siguiente: “We are going
to check the learning objetives for this
unit. So, open your books on page 114”.
Luego, de revisar los objetivos de la
unidad, invítelos a vincularse con la
unidad 5 del texto. Sugiérales mirar las
imágenes en la página 114
detenidamente. Luego, invítelos a dar
sus apreciaciones de lo que están
viendo. Puede pedirles: “Have a look at
the pictures” y pregúnteles: What can
you see? What do you think they are?
Invite a los estudiantes a discutir sobre
el 114.

Para enfocar la atención de los

estudiantes en un tema en particular, el
profesor puede hacer preguntas y dar un
tiempo limitado para responderlas. Esta
es una técnica muy efectiva para activar
el interés y la curiosidad de los
estudiantes, y también para motivarlos a
aprender más sobre el tema propuesto. “Rights and responsibilities
Utilice esta estrategia motivacional cada are different sides of
vez que presente un nuevo contenido o
tema. Para garantizar un resultado the same coin”.
positivo, haga preguntas que requieran
G. Edward Griffin
respuestas y explicaciones desarrolladas.
El límite de tiempo es el factor que
permitirá a los estudiantes centrar su 114 4º MED O

atención y evitar distracciones.

Motive a sus estudiantes y permítales Es posible que sus estudiantes no estén anterior, si nota que esta tarea es demasiado
explorar la unidad antes de comenzar a acostumbrados a trabajar con este enfoque exigente para ser abordada en inglés, puede
desarrollarla. Se sugiere que revisen y metacognitivo, ya que normalmente se les ha dejar que escriban sus metas en español.
reconozcan las diferentes secciones y enseñado a centrarse en el contenido en Recuerde siempre considerar los diferentes
señalen lo que más les ha llamado enfoques educativos más tradicionales. niveles y las diversas necesidades de los
su atención. Dígales que este es el espacio donde estudiantes. Por esta razón, es importante que
mantendrán un registro de sus metas de se tome el tiempo para modelar,
El propósito de esta sección es guiar a aprendizaje. No necesitan usar oraciones informándoles sobre la importancia de las
los estudiantes para establecer sus completas si deciden escribir sus metas en prácticas de establecimiento de objetivos y la
propios objetivos para la unidad y inglés. Si este es el caso, puede alentarlos a creación de un plan de aprendizaje.
diseñar un plan de aprendizaje que les usar palabras aisladas o frases sencillas que
ayude a lograr sus objetivos personales. les sean familiares. Como en la unidad


You will...
What for? Posteriormente, a partir de las
read and listen to texts about rights and responsibilities and express ideas
to recognize vocabulary and respuestas rescatadas de los diversos
expressions related to the topic.
about this topic in an effective and creative way. grupos solicite a los estudiantes
to understand main ideas and
practice the pronunciation of words beginning with sounds / ð / and /
specific information in written and compartir sus experiencias personales
θ /, ask indirect questions, make formal requests, link ideas through
oral texts. con el resto de la clase. Haga preguntas
connectors and put into practice the use of orthographic elements in
written texts. to develop communicative skills to como: Do you feel your rights are
to connect the topic of the unit with other subjects.
express ideas about the topic of respected by the rest? Give examples.
the unit.
Do you think you respect other people’s
You will also…
rights? Give examples. Do you feel you
use communicative skills to express ideas, opinions, feelings and
experiences in a coherent and clear way. have responsibilities as a young

show interest to develop skills and knowledge, in order to apply them in person? Explain.
your future academic and / or employment field.
En estas actividades, se usa el
conocimiento que los estudiantes ya
tienen sobre un tema determinado para
construir un esquema que apoyará la
1 Look at the pictures on page 114 and discuss these questions. Then, exchange opinions comprensión del texto a escuchar. Los
with other classmates. estudiantes relacionan, por medio de
predicciones, lo que ya conocen con lo
que van a ver.
What’s the difference
between rights and Which rights and
responsibilities? responsibilities can
you think of?



Can you exemplify the

quote on the previous page,
based on its pictures?

4º MED O UNIT 5 115

desarrollo para pensar en sus respuestas en grupos y

encontrar una razón que apoye sus ideas
1. Look at the pictures on page 114 and
(experiencias personales, documentales
discuss these questions. Then, exchange
que hayan visto sobre el tema, informa-
opinions with other classmates.
ción que hayan leído). De ser necesario,
Pida a los estudiantes nuevamente que
permita que sus respuestas las den en
vuelvan a mirar las imágenes e invítelos a
español, ya que el propósito de presentar
leer las preguntas del ejercicio 1. Luego,
el tema de la unidad es principalmente
dígales: You are going to work in groups
fomentar la motivación y el interés de los
in order to answer the questions below.
estudiantes. Para redondear, puede hacer
First, discuss the questions with your
que anticipen lo que aprenderán durante
group and share your opinión with the
la unidad.
rest of the class. Deles algo de tiempo



clase 2
1 Read this article and answer the questions below.

do you remember?

Las actividades diseñadas para esta

Responsibilities of Citizenship
sección permitirán activar los
conocimientos previos del estudiante. You are a citizen of the country where
Explique a sus estudiantes que, una vez you were born. Usually, citizens live in
que hayan elaborado sus planes de their country as loyal members of society.
aprendizaje en la sección anterior, Many countries also have options, so
revisarán lo que pueden hacer y saber people who are not natural-born citizens

can become citizens of that country.

en inglés, antes de comenzar esta When they complete the requirements,
unidad. Para empezar, es importante que they are called “naturalized citizens”.
los estudiantes relacionen los conceptos
As a citizen of your country, you have
de Rights y Duties a su vida cotidiana. some rights, but you have duties and
responsibilities, too. U.S. law, for example,
iNicio guarantees the rights and duties of all
Para introducir la actividad, puede
Citizens of a country are usually issued a passport.
citizens. It doesn´t matter what U.S.
preguntar sobre la ciudadanía de todos state the citizen lives in, the rights are They should obey all laws. In wartime,
los alumnos presentes, y si conocen a equal for all citizens. This is because the they must serve in the armed forces
U.S. Constitution is the supreme law when required to.They have to pay taxes
algunas personas con nacionalidades to support the services and programs of
of the land. The rights of citizens of the
distintas a la suya. Motivelos a United States are protected in the Bill of the government. Good citizens vote in
compartir las similitudes y diferencias Rights. A citizen has the right to speak elections to manifest their opinion on
que ven con esas personas. Dígales: Are without restraint and the right to religious how the government should be run. In
all people present Chilean citizens? freedom. A citizen who is accused of a addition to a national citizenship, people
are citizens of a state and a city. They have
Were you all born in Chile? Do you crime has a right to a fair trial and a trial
with a jury. In exchange for their rights, similar rights and responsibilities in each
know anyone who comes from another citizens have duties and responsibilities. level of citizenship.
country? Can you explain the
similarities and differences you see in Taken and adapted from:
people from other countries?

desarrollo a. Can you define “citizen” in your own words?

1. Read this article and answer the b. What is a naturalized citizen?
questions below. c. Which are some of the duties and responsibilities of a citizen?
Invite a sus alumnos a abrir sus d. What are two rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution?
libros. Dígales: Open your book on
page 3 and read the text in silence.
2 Discuss which of the underlined words in the text express:
Asegúrese de que están entendiendo
todo el texto. Deles suficiente tiempo a. Addition
para leerlo cuidadosamente. Después b. Contrast
de que terminen, pídales lo siguiente: c. Reason
Discuss questions a-e in pairs.
Compruebe las respuestas oralmente.
116 UN T 5 4º MED O
2. Discuss which of the underlined
words in the text express:
Después de terminar de discutir cierre posible sobre las dificultades que creen que
las preguntas, invítelos a mirar enfrentarán en el futuro y las medidas que
Para cerrar, motive a los estudiantes a
nuevamente el texto, que se tomarán para mejorar su desempeño.
compartir si sienten que las personas con
enfoquen específicamente en las distintas nacionalidades comparten sus clase 3
palabras destacadas y se imaginen mismos derechos y responsabilidades, y que
qué representan. Diga a sus justifiquen sus respuestas. Dígales: Do you
estudiantes: Focus on the underlined think people from other countries living in lesson 1 Defining Human Rights
words. Luego, pregúnteles: What do Chile have the same rights and responsibilities
they express? How do you know? as Chilean citizens? Explain. iNicio
Support your ideas. Asegúrese de Al terminar, los estudiantes deben reflexionar Dé a los alumnos unos minutos para leer lo
que entienden las ideas y no pase a la sobre el trabajo que realizaron en esta sección. que harán en la lección 1, ayudándoles a
fase siguiente si es que no es así. Anímelos a que sean lo más específicos identificar el contenido, las habilidades y las


Lesson 1 Defining human rights
oralmente. Por ejemplo, puede
dibujar el diagrama en la pizarra e
Before listening Strategy in mind ir invitando a los estudiantes a pasar
Use of previous knowledge. adelante para completarlo.
1 54 Brainstorm some words and expressions related to the
concept below. Complete the diagram in the Activity Book. 2. Think about what you already
know about the topic. Have a look
Human Rights at pictures (a-d) and decide which
human rights they illustrate.
Antes de comenzar la actividad,
2 Think about what you already know about the topic. Have a look at pictures (a-d) and
obtenga las ideas de los estudiantes
decide which human rights they illustrate. sobre el significado de la globalización

del concepto. Anímelos a trabajar en
a b parejas y escriba una lista de palabras
que les vengan a la mente.
Haga que los estudiantes observen
las imágenes y las relacionen con los
derechos humanos que ellos conocen.
Digales: Have a look at the pictures
Luego prégunteles: What do they
refer to? What do you think they are?
Anímelos a usar su creatividad para
explicar y expresar los derechos que
pueden identificar.

c d Invite a los estudiantes a compartir sus
opiniones sobre el tema, expresando
cual de los derechos presentados ellos
consideran el más importante en sus
vidas actuales y por qué. Dígales:
Which of the rights just presented do
you consider to be the most important
in your everyday life? Why do you think
that? Share your answers with the
whole class.

clase 4
3 You are going to listen to a recording about human rights. Think of what you already know 3. You are going to listen to a
about this topic and write, in your notebook, a list of ideas you think will be included in it. recording about human rights.
Think of what you already know
about this topic and write, in your
4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 1 117
notebook, a list of ideas you think
will be included in it.
actitudes que desarrollarán. El objetivo de Pregúnteles: Do you know any expressions Explique a sus alumnos que
esta unidad es escuchar un texto sobre los related to the topic of human rights? escucharán una grabación sobre
derechos humanos para demostrar In your opinion, which are those words los derechos humanos. Pídales que
comprensión y reflexionar sobre el tema, y or expressions that are related to it? hagan una lluvia de ideas y anticipen
luego dar una presentación sobre uno de los Aliéntelos a dar respuestas sin temor a lo que oirán. Si es necesario,
derechos humanos a elección. que esten buenas o malas, para que las revise lo visto la clase anterior. Por
escriban en el diagrama y ayúdeles a ejemplo, usted puede decirles lo
desarrollo pensar qué pueden hacer para mejorar, siguiente: What do you think the
Before listening resolver problemas, obtener ayuda en caso recording is about? Explíqueles: You
que lo necesiten, etc. Dígales: Write all the are going to have some time to think
1. Brainstorm some words and expressions about what you think the recording is
related to the concept below. Complete words you can think of in the diagram in
your Activity Book. Revise sus respuestas going to be. Check your notes from
the diagram in the Activity Book. previous class, if necessary.

UNIT55 lEccIóN
lESSON 1 225
While listening
While listening 1 61 Listen to the recording. While you listen for the first
Strategy in mind
time, check your predictions on page 117.
dentifying relevant information.
1. 61 Listen to the recording. While
you listen for the first time, check 2 Listen again and answer the questions.
your predictions on page 117. a. What type of recording is it? An interview? A piece of news? Or other?
Reproduzca la grabación una vez y b. What is its purpose?
dígales: As you listen, you should
confirm or correct their ideas in the 3 61 Listen again. Then, look at the pictures and discuss how they are connected to
previous section. the topic.
2. Listen again and answer the

questions. a b
Indique a los alumnos que deben
responder las preguntas que se
presentan, identificando si la
grabación es una entrevista, una
noticia u otro, además de su
propósito. Digales: Can you identify
the type of recording it is? What do
you think the purpose of the text is?
3. 61 Listen again. Then, look at the
pictures and discuss how they are
connected to the topic.
Anime a los alumnos a pensar en
cada imagen y en el tema de la c d
unidad. Para esto, dígales: Look at
the pictures below carefully Luego,
pregúnteles: What do you think the
connection between them is o in
which way are the pictures related
to the topic of the audio text? Revise
la pertinencia de las respuestas con
todo el curso.
4. 61 Listen to the first part of the
recording again, paying special
attention to specific information.
Then, answer these questions.
Explique a los alumnos que
escucharán nuevamente la primera
parte de la grabación relacionada
con el tema de la unidad. Anímelos
a trabajar en pares y responder las UN T 5 LESSON 1 4º MED O

preguntas. Puede decirles: Listen to

the first part of the recording again, existance of a declaration of human rights?
and then answer the questions below. What would happen if the declaration of
human rights didn’t exist? Exchange
opinions with your partners and then share
Invite a sus alumnos a que se junten en them with the whole class. Revise la
grupos pequeños y compartan su pertinencia de las respuestas y que se haga
opinión sobre la necesidad de la mención a derechos mencionados en el audio
existencia de una declaración de que escucharon anteriormente.
derechos humanos, y qué sucedería en
el mundo si esta no existiera. Dígales:
Get in groups and answer the following
questions. Is there a need for the

226 UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 1 4º MEDIO

4 61 Listen to the first part of the recording again, paying special attention to specific
information. Then, answer these questions in your notebook. partner. First, read the statement
a. How are human rights defined? below, and then discuss ideas. Then,
b. s the concept of human rights something recent? complete the ideas in your Activity
c. When did the UN General Assembly adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Book. Finally, share your ideas with
d. How many types of freedoms are there? Give examples. the class.

2. Discuss the following questions.
After listening
Explique a los estudiantes que deben
1 54 In pairs, read and complete the following statements. Write your answers in your Activity leer las preguntas que se proveen e
Book. Then, share your ideas with the class. iniciar una discusión sobre el tema de
los derechos humanos. Propicie un

a. Human rights…
b. The Declaration of Human Rights … ambiente apto para que los alumnos
c. When a human right is violated… puedan intercambiar sus opiniones.
Dígales: Get in group and discuss the
2 Discuss the following questions.
question below. Make sure you respect
your partners’ opinions, points of
a. What do you think is the most important human right? Why?
view and turns of participation.
b. What is, in your opinion, the most neglected human right? Why?
c. What are the main limitations of human rights today, and what do you think should be done to
strengthen the international protection of basic rights and freedoms? clase 6
d. What can we do against the violations of human rights?
e. Look at your own country. Do you think human rights are promoted and protected where you
live? Why / why not? Explique a sus alumnos que, basados en
el tema de los derechos humanos visto
en las lecciones anteriores, hoy darán
Speaking Giving a brief presentation una presentación oral. Puede invitarlos a
revisar las opiniones que discutieron la
English sounds
clase pasada. Dígales: Today, you are
going to give a brief oral presentation
a. 62 Listen to these extracts of the text and focus on the initial sounds. Are they similar about a human right. Revise the
or different? opinions you discussed the previous
b. 63 Listen to the recording. Pay attention to the initial sound of the words and repeat them. class with your partner.

/ ð/ / θ/ speaking
the - though - them thing - think Giving a brief
their - those - they throughout presentation
english sounds
a. 62 Indique a los alumnos que
escucharán una grabación con
extractos del texto que escucharon la
clase pasada y que deberán enfocarse
4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 1 119 en como suenan y si los sonidos son
similares o diferentes. Reproduzca la
grabación una vez y diga a los
clase 5 desarrollo alumnos: Listen carefully and focus
after listening on the first sound of the words. Are
they similar or different?
Invite a sus alumnos a repasar lo visto en la 1. In pairs, read and complete the
clase anterior. Recuérdeles que el tema visto following statements. Write your b. 63 Indique a los alumnos que,

fueron los derechos humanos y que hagan un answers in your Activity Book. Then, ahora, escucharán una grabación con
repaso de las respuestas dadas en la actividad 4 share your ideas with the class. distintas palabras y que deben
de la sección While Reading. Si es necesario, Invite a los alumnos a leer las afirmaciones enfocarse en los sonidos iniciales y
vuelva a reproducir el track xx. Dígales: Do incompletas que se proveen y que las repetirlas. Dígales: Listen to these
you remember what we saw last class? Open completen utilizando información de la words carefully and focus on
your books on page 118 and review the que escucharon en la pista de audio. Pida the initial sounds. Then, repeat
questions and answers in exercise 4. a los alumnos lo siguiente: Work with your them outloud.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 1 227

1. Preparing to speak
speaking a. 64 Listen to these connectors. Repeat them, paying special attention to intonation.
Giving a brief
n other words… For instance… Even though Such as So (if)
1. 64 Preparing to speak. b. Read this short paragraph and answer.
a. Explique a sus alumnos que van a i. What human right is it about?
escuchar una grabación con ii. Do you agree with the paragraph? Explain.
conectores útiles para la próxima
actividad, a los cuales deben poner The right to education is recognized as a human right in international
atención, respecto de entonación y conventions which recognize a right to free, compulsory primary
education for everybody and an obligation to develop secondary education
pronunciación. Digales: Listen to
accessible to all. Additionally, this right includes a responsibility to
the recording. As you listen to the

provide basic education for individuals who have not completed primary
connectors, repeat them, focusing education. Also, it encompasses the obligations of the students to avoid
your attention on intonation and discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum
pronunciation. standards of education and to improve the quality of education.
b. Indique a los alumnos que deberán Taken and adapted from:

leer un párrafo relacionado con

uno de los derechos humanos y c. n pairs, choose a human right you would like to know in depth, and search for some
information about it. Organize the information you have collected and write a short paragraph (5-6
que deben contestar las preguntas sentences) in your Activity Book.
que se indican. Dígales lo
siguiente: Now, you will have to 2. Practicing
a. Take turns to practice reading the presentation aloud.
read the paragraph below, answer
b. Correct each other´s mistakes.
the questions about it and share
them with the class. Make sure 3. Performing Our classmates...
you read the paragraph carefully Talk about the human right you have chosen in front of the class,
prepared the presentation
using your own words. f possible, use visual aids, such as photos,
and ask for help if there are any to enhance your presentation.
parts you don’t understand. used the expressions and the
4. Evaluating words studied in the lesson.
c. Sugiera a sus estudiantes reunirse
After you finish, join another pair and peer-evaluate your expressed ideas using their
con algún compañero para que performance, using the prompts in the box. own words.
elijan un derecho humano e Give positive feedback and suggestions to each other, paid attention to pronunciation.
investiguen sobre él. Luego, focusing on your strengths and making suggestions to improve
dígales “Think about a human your weaknesses.
right you would like to talk about
and search for information to
learn more about it and write a Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.
short paragraph about it in
your notebook”. 5 things ’ve learned
2. Practicing 4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
En parejas, los estudiantes se turnan 3 things that need improvement learned today...
para expresar sus opiniones, 2 questions have
utilizando la información en el 1 thing would like to learn more about
ejercicio previo y el vocabulario de
la lección. Permítales que se corrijan
entre ellos, si detectan algún error en 120 UN T 5 LESSON 1 4º MED O

el discurso de su compañero.
Dígales: Read your text again. Then,
4. evaluating personales, que pueden compartir con algunos
take turns to practice reading the de sus compañeros de clase. Anímelos a que
presentation aloud. Correct your Indique a sus alumnos: We could revise
previous lessons to practice the language sean lo más específicos posible, sobre las
mistake in pairs”. dificultades que creen que enfrentarán en el
used. We should be more rigorous when
3. Performing making notes. We could spend more time futuro y las medidas que tomarán para mejorar
Diga a los estudiantes: “After listening and repeating models of su desempeño. De ser posible, revise sus notas
practicing your presentation, talk de forma individual o en pares. Dígales:
spoken language.
about the human right in front of the Answer the Exit Slip at the bottom of the page
class. Sugiérales usar recursos cierre and keep record of your answers in your
audiovisuales para su presentación. exit slip notebook, so that I can check them and give
Puede decirles: You may use Los estudiantes reflexionan sobre el trabajo you some feedback.
visual aids in order to support que han realizado a lo largo de la lección y Puede reforzar esta lección con la página
your presentation”. mantienen un registro de sus respuestas 57 del Cuaderno de Actividades.

228 UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 1 4º MEDIO

Lesson 2 Giving responsibilities to young people
discuss, with your partner, which
words the pictures are related to.
Before reading Share your answers with the whole
1 Look at the pictures and discuss which concepts they are related to. Justify your answer.
2. Brainstorm and write, in your
jobless wealth decrease youth Activity Book, some ideas you
think you will find in the text.
a b Indique a los estudiantes que van a
leer una noticia y que, de acuerdo
a las fotos y conceptos que acaban
de revisar en el ejercicio 1, deberán

predecir y discutir los puntos
indicados. Dígales: Look at the
pictures and read the concepts in
exercise 1, in order to address the
points in exercise 2. Share your
answers with the whole class.
3. Brainstorm and write, in your
c d Activity Book, some ideas you
think you will find in the text.
El propósito de esta actividad es que
los estudiantes trabajen en grupos
haciendo predicciones. Para esto,
puede decirles: Discuss in groups
and write, in your Activity Book, a
list of ideas that you think you could
find in the text.

2 You are going to read a piece of news. According to the previous pictures and concepts,
predict and discuss.
a. What you think the text will be about.
b. Where the news happened.
c. How it will be related to the topic of the unit.

3 55 Brainstorm and write, in your Activity Book, some ideas you think you will find in
the text.

4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 2 121

clase 7 relationship between this lesson and the

previous one is? Share your ideas with your
Giving Responsibilities
to Young People
lesson 2
Before reading
iNicio 1. You are going to read a piece of news.
Lea el nombre de la lección en voz alta con According to the previous pictures and
la clase. Invite a los alumnos a identificar la concepts, predict and discuss.
relación entre el contenido de esta lección y Dé tiempo a sus estudiantes para buscar a
el tema de la anterior (Defining Human un compañero de trabajo. Luego dígales:
Rights). Digales: What do you think the Take a look at the pictures below. Then,

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 2 229

While reading
While reading 1 Read the text and confirm your predictions.
1. Read the text and confirm your
Ahora invite a sus estudiantes a Key words
leer el texto para que confirmen
sus predicciones en los ejercicios
previos. Si sus ideas fueron distintas, behavior “Positive for Youth”
pregúnteles: Why do you think your improve
ideas were so different from the ideas
in the text?
paper is a welcome step


Pida que los estudiantes observen el TS HEART AND MAY MAKE A REAL D FFERENCE.
texto en la página 9. Luego dígales que
By Barbara Hearn Mon 19 Dec 2021
encuentren el significado de las palabras
destacadas en el diccionario. Para esto,
les puede decir: Take a look at the text Young people are facing an uncertain future. As the 21st
century arrived, they were promised a wealth of
on pages 122-123. Then, find the Strategy in mind prospects if they stayed in education or took up the wide
meaning of the highlighted words in the range of training opportunities. Now, nearly 19 years on,
dentifying relevant information.
dictionary. Recuerde a los alumnos their dreams of education and job opportunities have
estas habilidades esenciales del disintegrated, for reasons far beyond their control.
While it is something of an adult pastime to complain
• Las palabras aparecen en orden about young people, we have to assume our
alfabético. responsibility for letting down a generation. The
economic crisis has brought with it a tsunami of jobless
• Las palabras normalmente aparecen
young people and many more teenagers wondering what
en su forma singular. Smart reading the future holds.
• Para averiguar el significado de las 1. Read the whole text and
expresiones, puede ser necesario buscar complete these sentences in Positive for Youth calls for a “new partnership approach”
in local areas – between businesses, charities, public
las palabras individuales y luego your notebook.
a. Young people are facing an services, the general public and young people – to
determinar el significado de la uncertain future because... provide more opportunities and better support to our
expresión. b. “Positive for Youth” teens. For businesses and charities, young people are
• El contexto debe tenerse en cuenta en wants to... their future employees and customers. For public
c. A significant benefit of
todo momento. providing support to the
services, early and positive support can reduce the
chances of public funds being wasted in expensive
youth is...
Smart Reading secure provision for teenagers, for example.
Diga a sus alumnos: You are going to
read the whole text in order to answer
the questions below. Do it in your

Invite a los alumnos a reflexionar sobre 122 UN T 5 LESSON 2 4º MED O
el texto que acaban de leer y las
preguntas que acaban de responder,
hipotetizando sobre los efectos que
tendría una iniciativa similar en nuestro
país. Dígales: Reflect upon the piece of
news you have just read. Which, do you
think, the effects of a similar initiative
applied in our country would be?
Discuss with your partner and share
your views with the whole class.

230 UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 2 4º MEDIO

Think Critically
Esta sección está diseñada para que los
estudiantes sean capaces de realizar una
We have been working with Business in the Community
for almost three years on On Route. This is a program actividad usando pensamiento crítico
supported by local partnerships, where buses and vans (Critical Thinking). En esta sección, en
drive into local areas and provide youth services such as primera instancia, los estudiantes
sport, education, T, music, fun activities as well as trabajan en grupo, discuten sus
sexual health advice. The buses work closely with the opiniones y desarrollan una respuesta,
police to identify “hotspots” where teenagers hang out. para luego compartirla con el resto de la
The cost of running a bus, especially when it is Your analysis clase. Dígales: In small groups, discuss
supported by volunteers and resources from local 1. Answer these questions about the ways in which the text may be

businesses, is low. The impact is high. Some examples in groups, orally. connected to Chilean reality, and if you
from various areas include 1,000 fewer deployments of a. What´s the main topic of think if there might be any other
the text?
police officers, a 34.6% decrease in inconsiderate
b. What were young people
solutions to the problems presented in
behavior and a 25% reduction in anti-social behavior. promised at the beginning the piece of news you have just read.
Al monitorear, identifique palabras o
of this century?
Positive for Youth aims to place teenagers and young
c. What has the economic
people at its heart. There is the accurate expectation crisis brought? expresiones significativas, y escríbalas
that teenagers themselves have the responsibility to d. What is On Route? en el pizarrón para que puedan ser
improve their local communities. The government e. “The cost of running a bus utilizadas por todos los estudiantes.
pioneered the idea that young people are capable of is low, the impact is high”.
assessing the quality of their local services. Another Can you explain
this phrase?
government-funded scheme is Young nspectors, which
trains some of the most disadvantaged young people Posteriormente, los estudiantes dan su
from poorer communities to inspect and report on local opinión personal frente al curso respecto
services. The Young nspectors scheme has, so far, de cómo podría ser aplicable una
helped change the lives of more than 1,400 young iniciativa como la vista en el texto en
people and improve more than 600 local services. sus propios barrios. Acepte opiniones
There is a legal requirement across public services to listen Think critically relacionadas con el tema y que utilicen
to the views of service users. Teenagers use many public Make text-to-world connections el vocabulario apropiado, visto durante
services such as police stations, clinics, clubs and libraries; Are you familiarized with the la clase. En esta sección, puede aceptar
and also spend as much as US$ 10 billion in shopping and topic of the text? respuestas en español, pero siempre
travel, up to age 19, via the commercial sector. They want n which way is the topic incentivando a los alumnos a que
to see services improved, not just for themselves but for connected to Chilean reality?
hagan su mejor intento por expresarse
their families and neighbors too. nvolving young people as Explain.
en inglés.
Young nspectors makes sense and is a way of developing Make text-to-self connections
young people’s self-esteem. Can you think of any other
solutions to the problems in the
piece of news you have read?
Which ones?
Taken and adapted from: Government’s Positive For Youth paper is a welcome step. Retrieved from

4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 2 123

clase 7 desarrollo
Your analysis
1. Answer these questions in groups.
Indique a sus alumnos que comiencen la
Exlique a sus alumnos que, a
clase revisando los apuntes de la clase
continuación, trabajarán en grupos para
anterior, respecto del texto de lectura con el
responder algunas preguntas de análisis
que continuarán trabajando. Si es necesario,
relacionadas con el texto. Dígales: Get in
deles algunos minutos para revisar el texto
groups. Then answer the questions below.
rápidamente de nuevo. Dígales: Check your
notes from the previous class and skim the
text again, in order to be ready to continue
working with it.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 2 231

After reading

clase 9
Language in use Connectors
iNicio Read and analyze these sentences from the text. Read the questions and discuss the
Indique a sus alumnos que comiencen la answers with your partner.
clase revisando los apuntes de la clase • they were promised a wealth of prospects if they stayed in education or took up the wide
anterior, respecto del texto de lectura range of training opportunities.
con el que trabajaron. Si es necesario, • ...provide youth services such as sport, education, T, music, fun activities as well as sexual
deles algunos minutos para revisar el health advice.
texto rápidamente de nuevo. Dígales: a. What do the words in bold link in each sentence?
Check your notes from the previous
i. Additional ideas ii. Opposite options iii. Alternatives
class and skim the text again, in order

to be ready to continue working.

desarrollo 1 Read the following statements from the text. Discuss if you agree or disagree with
Pida a los alumnos que enfoquen su these ideas.
atención en el cuadro de Language in - The government pioneered the idea that young people are capable of assessing the quality of
Use. Explíqueles que realizarán una their local services.
actividad relacionada con los conectores - There is the accurate expectation that teenagers themselves have the responsibility to improve
que vieron en el texto de lectura. Si es their local communities.
necesario, invítelos a volver a esa - nvolving young people as Young nspectors makes sense and is a means of developing young
página y motívelos a darles ejemplos si people’s self-esteem.

es necesario. Finalmente, invítelos a

trabajar con su compañero de puesto. Discuss with the class.
Dígales: Direct your attention to the a. Did you ask questions yourself, as you were reading? Which ones?
sentences below. These sentences are b. Are there any similar initiatives in your country?
from the text that you have read. Now,
work with your partner and do the
Writing A summary
activity. Check your answers as a class.
You will summarize the news article you have already read in this lesson.
after reading 1. 56 Organizing the ideas
Read the news article on pages 122 - 123 again and gather information from the title and
1. Read the following statements paragraphs as well. Complete the organizer in the Activity Book and fill it with the main idea of the
from the text. Discuss if you agree text and a few important details and key words.
or disagree with these ideas.
Invite a sus estudiantes a trabajar Specific information
en parejas, y que discutan si están
de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con las
ideas presentadas. Dígales: Discuss
the following statements with your Main idea
partners. Pregúnteles: Do you agree
or disagree? Why?
Specific information Specific information
2. Discuss with the class.
A continuación, explíqueles a 124 UN T 5 LESSON 2 4º MED O
sus estudiantes que trabajarán en
una discusión grupal. Para esto,
puede decirles: In groups, discuss clase 10 brainstorm all the ideas you can think of,
the questions below. Motívelos a related to the text, and write them in
dar respuestas lo más detalladas iNicio your notebook.
posibles, respecto de las preguntas Al comenzar la clase, indique a los alumnos Revise con toda la clase, de forma oral.
que se hicieron mietras leían que hoy escribir un resumen de la noticia que
y, principalmente, sobre si hay leyeron en esta lección. Invítelos a recordar
iniciativas similares, o con los de qué se trataba la noticia y que hagan una Writing
mismos objetivos, en su país. Para lluvia de ideas, en pequeños grupos, a summary
cerrar la clase, invítelos a compartir anotando todo lo que recuerden en su En esta etapa, pida a sus estudiantes revisar
sus respuestas con todo el curso, cuaderno. Dígales: Today, you are going to la noticia nuevamente. Cuénteles además,
de manera oral. Corrija errores de summarize the news article you have already que deberán trabajar en el taller de escritura
pronunciación, si es necesario. read in this lesson. Get in groups and basado en procesos y pasos. Guíelos para

232 UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 2 4º MEDIO

2. Drafting
On a separate sheet of paper, write some sentences summarizing the main ideas of each paragraph, lo siguiente: We are going to read
using your own words. Do not be afraid of making mistakes at this stage. these instructions together. If you
Put the sentences together into different paragraphs, using the information on the graphic organizer have any questions, we are going to
and connectors to link your ideas. Keep in mind that the summary must be much shorter than the check them as a class.
original news article.
Use the text below as a model.
3. revising
Explíqueles que es el momento de
revisar la gramática, puntuación y
The Universal Declaration of Rights was
adopted by the General Assembly of the United errores gramaticales. Para esto,
Nations in 1948. This declaration states rights pídales: Direct your attention to the
and fundamental freedoms to which all human Editor’s Marks on the Right. Luego
beings are entitled... Pregúnteles: Do you recognize any of

those points? Which ones?
3. Revising Finalmente pídales: Check for
Based on the Editor´s Marks on the right, check for grammar, punctuation grammar, punctuation and spelling
and spelling mistakes. mistakes based on the Editor’s
Editor’s Marks
4. Editing Capital letter /
Write the final version of your summary on a separate sheet of paper and revise it 4. editing
again. You can add more information, if needed. Punctuation Diga a sus estudiantes: Now, you are
5. Publishing Add a word going to write the final version of
Exchange summaries with another group, evaluate each other´s work and give
s Check spelling your summary. After that, you are
positive feedback and suggestions to improve their weaknesses. Change place going to revise again. If necessary,
Use the prompts in the box to help you evaluate your partners´ performance. add additional information.
5. Publishing
Our classmates... Ahora los estudiantes deben leer la
expressed their ideas clearly. versión final de sus resúmenes con
included the main idea and important cuidado y examinar de qué manera la
details using their own words. composición ha mejorado la calidad
used grammar and punctuation correctly. de su lenguaje. Es útil liderar esta
didn´t make major spelling mistakes. reflexión como una clase y guiar a
los alumnos tanto como sea posible,
utilizando preguntas e indicaciones.

Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class. cierre
exit slip
Write: Los estudiantes reflexionan sobre el
5 things ’ve learned trabajo que han hecho durante la lección
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing y escriben sus respuestas personales,
3 things that need improvement learned today... que pueden compartir con usted y
2 questions have algunos de sus compañeros de clase. Si
1 thing would like to learn more about los estudiantes tienen problemas con los
recursos para apoyar el habla, explique
que algunos de ellos son la entonación,
el tono de voz, el tono, la pronunciación
y el volumen. Proporcione ejemplos
que se vayan familiarizando cada vez más orales y escritos para ayudarlos a ver
1. organizing the ideas
con esta orientación y dejar de dirigir sus cómo estos recursos son útiles para
Dígales lo siguiente: You have to read the
esfuerzos hacia la escritura final de un texto transmitir el mensaje.
news article on pages 122 and 123 once
sino más bien en el proceso que esto implica. more. Collect relevant information from Asegúrese de dedicar el tiempo
Puede decirles: “Now you are going to work the text and complete the ideas in the suficiente para permitir que los
in a writing workshop. Here, you are going graphic organizer below. estudiantes reflexionen sobre su trabajo
to summarize the news article you have y mantenga un registro de sus
2. drafting respuestas personales.
already read in this lesson. Please, focus Lea las instrucciones de este proceso en
your attention on the process of writing, in forma grupal. Deténgase cada vez que sea
order to get a proper final version of your necesario para monitorear si están
text”. entendiendo lo que deben hacer. Dígales

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 2 233

1 65 Read and listen. Then, answer the questions in your notebook. 6 points
cHecK YoUr ProGress
iNicio My daughter, Madeline, is nine years old. She has some
Explique a sus estudiantes que, como ya chores to do at home and they will change as she gets older.
han repasado lo que estudiaron en las She will have more responsibilities but, for now, these are her
dos lecciones que acaban de terminar, daily chores. She starts with making her bed every morning.
ahora es tiempo de enfrentar el desafío Then, she puts things away in her room. Today it wasn’t that
de realizar las tareas que se detallan en messy. t is her responsibility to keep her room clean. She
does the dishes she uses, too. She started doing this during

las actividades 1 y 2. Deles tiempo para

her summer break. t is also her responsibility to pick up her
trabajar en grupos o en pares y ver si
toys, because she is the one that plays with them. As always
son capaces de realizar cada tarea.
say, if you make a mess, you must clean it up.
Monitoree su trabajo, caminando
alrededor de la sala de clases y observe Created by Publishing Team.
qué tan confiados se sienten con a. What´s Madeline’s routine?
estas actividades. b. Why is it her responsability to do her dishes and pick up the toys?

Puede reforzar esta lección con las c. What’s your opinion about doing chores when you are very young? Do you agree
or disagree? Express your opinion out loud.
páginas 58 y 59 del Cuaderno de
2 In pairs, take turns to read the following rights and responsibilities. Then, ask 8 points
1. 65 Read and listen to the the necessary questions to know your partner´s opinion.
recording. Then, answer the
questions in pairs. Right: have the right to speak freely and express my ideas and opinions.
Responsibility: have the responsibility to be respectful of other people´s ideas
2. In pairs, take turns to read the and opinions, even if they are different to mine.
following rights and responsibilities.
Then, ask the necessary questions Right: have the right to be treated the same as everyone else, no matter my age,
to know your partner´s opinion. sex, race, nationality, beliefs or other personal characteristics.
Responsibility: have the responsibility to treat others equally, without
3. In your notebook, summarize your discrimination.
partner´s opinions in exercise 2.
Write about 150 words. Then, 10 points
3 In your notebook, summarize your partner´s opinions in exercise 2.
share your text with the class.

Al terminar la clase, dígales que, en nterpret your results

base a las tareas realizadas en las Great! Good OK Not good enough
actividades 1, 2 y 3, deberán (24 points) (20-24 points) (13-19 points) (12 or less points)
autoevaluarse de acuerdo con los You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance You need to revise the
criterios de avance en la escala de the learning goals. Analyze can improve. Revise your contents and practice
Keep on working the few mistakes you mistakes and weakest more, in order to improve
rendimiento al final de la página. Antes hard! made. areas with your teacher. your performance.
de que empiecen, pídales que se fijen en
la escala y luego lean las descripciones.
Asegúrese de que comprendan bien los 126 UN T 5 CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 4º MED O

términos great, good, OK and not good

enough, para que la autoevaluación
sea efectiva. respecto a una meta. Se utiliza para orientar clase 13
el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje y
tomar decisiones oportunas que beneficien a
clase 12 los estudiantes con el fin que los estudiantes The consequences of
evaluación formativa estrechen la brecha entre el conocimiento lesson 3
irresponsible behavior
actual y las metas esperadas, y la forma de
La evaluación formativa es un proceso lograrlo. Invite a sus alumnos a realizar la iNicio
de evaluación continuo cuyo enfoque evaluación en silencio. Al terminar, revise el
considera la evaluación como parte del Lea el nombre de la lección en voz alta a la
desempeño de los alumnos con la rúbrica en clase. Invite a los alumnos a identificar la
trabajo cotidiano del aula, basado en la el Apendice de Material Complementario
búsqueda e interpretación de evidencia relación entre el contenido de esta lección y
Fotocopiable de la Unidad 5, página 261. el tema de la anterior (Giving Responsibilities
acerca del logro de los estudiantes
to Young People). Dígales: What’s the


Lesson 3 The consequences of irresponsible behavior
consequences of the risky behaviors
in the pictures.
Before listening
1 Look at the pictures and identify the risky situations. Then, listen to the recording and 3. Discuss about two other risky
check your answers.
behaviors and their possible
a b c consequences. Fill this graphic
organizer in your Activity Book
with your conclusions. Then, make
comparisons with other groups.
Los estudiantes trabajan en los
mismos grupos. Luego de una

discusión grupal, completan el
organizador en el Cuaderno de
d e f Actividades y cierran la clase
comparando las respuestas con
las de otros grupos. Explíqueles
lo siguiente: Copy this graphic
organizer in your notebook and fill
it in with your conclusions. Then,
compare it with other groups.

clase 14
2 Discuss the consequences of the risky behaviors above. Share your conclusions with the
rest of the class.
Para comenzar la clase, invite a los
3 56 Discuss about two other risky behaviors and their possible consequences. Fill this
alumnos a revisar lo que hicieron la
graphic organizer in your Activity Book with your conclusions. Then, make comparisons with clase pasada, en especial el diagrama
other groups. que completaron sobre comportamientos
Other youth risky behavior riesgosos de la juventud. Invite a
algunos alumnos al frente de la clase
para que resuman los temas tratados la
clase anterior. Dígales: Revise the
Risks Not wearnig sitbelt Smoking contents in the diagram you filled in the
previous class. (Nombre de alumno),
can you come to the front and remind
the whole class of the topics and risky
Get injured in an Have health
Consequences accident problems behaviors seen the previous class?

4 You are going to listen to a recording about a student who owns a credit card. n pairs,
write a list in your notebook with some predictions concerning the student´s behavior. 4. You are going to listen to a
recording about a student who
owns a credit card. In pairs,
4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 3 127 write a list in your notebook with
some predictions concerning the
student´s behavior.
relationship between this title and the topic luego dígales: Take a look at the pictures.
Indique a los alumnos que
seen in the previous lesson? Discuss. What type of risky situations are they?
escucharán un dialogo sobre una
Then, listen to the recording and ckeck
desarrollo estudiante que posee una tarjeta
your predictions.
de crédito y que, en su cuaderno,
Before listening
2. Discuss the consequences of the escriban una lista con predicciones
1. 66 Look at the pictures and identify risky behaviors above. Share your sobre el posible comportamiento
the risky situations. Then, listen to the conclusions with the rest of the class. de la estudiante. Dígales: “Work in
recording and check your answers. Invite a sus estudiantes a juntarse en pairs and write some predictions
Antes de comenzar la actividad, obtenga grupos y discutir sobre las consecuencias concerning the student’s behavior
ideas de los estudiantes sobre las de los comportamientos graficados en in the recording”. No revise las
situaciones riesgosas reflejadas en las las fotos. Digales: Work in groups y respuestas en esta instancia.
imágenes. Anímelos a trabajar en grupos y luego pídales lo siguiente: Discuss the

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 3 235

While listening
Strategy in mind
While listening 1 67 Listen to the recording. As you listen, check your ideas
Paying attention to intonation.
1. 67 Listen to the recording. As and predictions in exercise 4.
Paying attention to general and
you listen, check your ideas and relevant details.
predictions in exercise 4. 2 Look at the diagram and discuss some of those general
Invítelos a revisar sus predicciones aspects of the recording. Share your conclusions with the class.
del ejercicio anterior. Pregúnteles si
estas estaban correctas o no. Pídales Type
que compartan sus respuestas con su
compañero, si estas fueron diferentes.
Recording Purpose
Dígales: Listen to the recording,
paying attention, and check your

predictions with your partner. Speakers

2. Look at the diagram and discuss

some general aspects of the
3 57 67 Listen to the recording again. Focus on the relevant ideas and answer these
recording. Share your conclusions questions. Write your answers in your Activity Book.
with the class.
Invítelos a seguir trabajando en
pares, ahora para que miren el a. According to the conversation, which d. How does Kate plan on resolving her
item did Kate NOT purchase with her credit card problems?
diagrama y discutan sobre el tipo y credit card? i. She hopes that someone will give her
propósito del texto, además de los i. A digital camera the money.
hablantes que identifican. Dígales: ii. a plane ticket ii. She plans on getting a job to pay for her
Look at the diagram and discuss iii. a hat debts.
some general aspects of the b. What is one reason to explain
iii. She is going to return the items she
purchased with the card.
recording, such as type of text why she obtained a student credit card?
purpose and speakers. i. She wants to buy things at a discount e. What is Mark going to do for his friend
using the card. to help her manage her money?
3. 67 Listen to the recording again.
ii. She hopes to establish a good credit i. Help her find a better paying job to
Focus on the relevant ideas and rating. cover her expenses.
answer these questions. Write your iii. She doesn’t want to borrow from her ii. Teach her how to prepare a financial
answers in your Activity Book. parents. management plan.
Ponga el audio nuevamente e invite a c. What is one problem NOT mentioned in
iii. Both i and ii.
sus estudiantes a enfocarse en la the conversation?
información relevante. Para esto, i. t’s usually difficult to get out of debt.
puede decirles: Now, focus on the ii. The interest rates on student cards are
relevant information, as you listen to very high.
iii. Students often apply for more credit
the recording once more. Afterwards, cards than they need.
write your answers in your
Activity Book.

Invite a sus alumnos a que, en grupos,
comenten sobre la situación de la
estudiante en el diálogo, indicando 128 UN T 5 LESSON 3 4º MED O
cuales fueron los errores que cometió
Kate en su comportamiento. Dígales:
Get in groups and discuss which clase 15 desarrollo
mistakes Kate made when using her
language in use Use Indirect
credit card. Explain for the whole class iNicio
to hear. Invite a los alumnos a revisar lo que vieron
1. Invite a leer las oraciones y compararlas.
la clase anterior, para que recuerden la
Si es necesario, ayúdelos con la
situación de Kate y su comportamiento con
pronunciación y entonación. Dígales:
la tarjeta de crédito, revisen sus notas y
Read the questions below. Focus on
respuestas. Dígales: Revise your notes from
the structure, and intonation and
previous class. What was Kate’s situation?
pronunciation patterns.
Explain the situation to your partner.
2. Pregúnteles: Which questions have the
same meaning?

236 UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 3 4º MEDIO

Language in use ndirect Questions
trabajar en grupos. Luego, dígales:
1. Read and compare these questions. Discuss the questions below as
a. Can you tell me where you got all this? c. Where did you get all this stuff? a class.
b. Are you able to pay for all this? d. Do you know if you are able to pay for all this? 5. 67 Listen to the recording again
2. dentify the questions that convey the same meaning in exercise 1. use them to write some sentences
3. n pairs, discuss and analyze the grammatical difference of the questions in exercise 1. Pay in your notebook.
attention to the order of the elements. Then, check with your teacher. Ahora invite a sus alumnos a
4. 67 Listen to the conversation again and identify other indirect questions. Write your findings escuchar nuevamente el audio.
in your notebook. Dígales: We are going to listen to
5. Transform the indirect questions you have found into direct questions. Then, compare with the recording again. Pay attention
your classmate. and focus on the words below. Write

down some sentences where the
4 Discuss these questions with the class, according to Kate’s intonation. words are used, in your notebook.
a. Which of these pictures represents Kate´s attitude? Explain your choice. cierre
Invite a los estudiantes a compartir las
oraciones que acaban de escribir con el
resto de la clase, de forma oral, o en el
pizarrón. Dígales: Share the sentences
you have just written with the whole
class. Are there any volunteers who
i ii iii iv
want to come to the front and write
b. s Kate conscious of the consequences of her irresponsible behavior? them on the board?

5 67 Listen to the recording again. Focus on these specific words and use them to write some
clase 16
sentences in your notebook.
earn budget interest rate debt pay back cash borrow
Comience la clase diciendo a los
After listening
alumnos que revisen lo que vieron la
clase anterior, y que practiquen las
1 In small groups, answer the following questions about the recording. oraciones que escribieron con el
a. Do you think Kate´s behavior is appropriate? vocabulario visto. Dígales: Revise what
b. Do you agree or disagree with the existence of students’ credit cards? you did last class and practice the
c. Do you think credit cards lead to impulse spending? sentences you wrote out loud.
d. What are other dangers of having a credit card?
e. Can you imagine what consequences Kate may face? desarrollo
after listening
Read and answer these questions with your group.
a. What teenage irresponsible behavior can be usually seen in your country? 1. In small groups, answer the
b. Have you ever done anything risky? What have you done? following questions about the
c. Do you remember if there were any consequences? Which ones? recording.
d. Why do you think teens sometimes take risks? Cuénteles a sus estudiantes que
trabajarán en pequeños grupos.
4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 3 129 Luego, Dígales: Discuss and answer
the question below.

3. Ahora pídales que se enfoquen en el 5. Cúenteles que deben transformar las 2. Read and answer these questions
orden de los elementos en la preguntas. preguntas indirectas a directas. Luego, with your group.
Pregúnteles: Which is the order in the dígales que las comparen con sus pares. Motívelos a seguir trabajando en
questions? What do these questions have in Explíqueles: “Now, change the indirect grupos. Después de darles tiempo
common? questions into direct ones”. Luego, para leer y comprender las preguntas,
4. 67 Invítelos a escuchar la conversación pídales que las comparen con sus dígales lo siguiente: Read the
nuevamente. Pídales que identifiquen compañeros: “Compare your answers questions below. Then, answer them
las preguntas indirectas y motívelos a with your partner”. in your group and share them with
encontrar otros ejemplos en su cuaderno. the whole class.
4. Discuss these questions with the class,
Para ayudarlos, dígales: You are going to
according to Kate’s intonation.
listen to the conversation again. Try to
Después de haber modelado la estrategia
identify the indirect questions. As you find
de comprensión auditiva, invítelos a
them, write them in your notebook.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 3 237

Speaking Carrying out an interview
speaking In pairs, you are going to prepare a short interview about the duties of youth and the consequences
if you don’t carry them out. You must use both direct and indirect questions.
carrying out
an interview 1. Preparing to speak

A continuación, los estudiantes a. Listen to these expressions, paying attention to pronunciation and intonation.

prepararán una entrevista sobre los

riesgos de no cumplir con certeza los Can ask you Do you mind if ask
Excuse me! some questions? you a few questions?
deberes de los jóvenes y sus
consecuencias. Explíqueles que deberán
añadir preguntas directas e indirectas.
Sure, no problem! Of course!
1. Preparing to speak.

a. 68 Los alumnos deben escuchar

las expresiones y poner atención a b. Write a draft of your interview in your notebook, adding the necessary key words of the topic,
la pronunciación y entonación. direct and indirect questions as well as the expressions in exercise 1.a.
Dígales: Listen to these 2. Practicing
expressions. Focus on their a. Take turns to practice your interview. Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.
pronunciation and intonation. b. Correct each other´s mistakes.
b. A continuación, dígales: You are 3. Performing
going to write a draft of your Role play your interview in front of the class.
interview in your notebook. 4. Evaluating
Include the key words and direct After you finish, evaluate your work using the prompts in the box. Then, offer positive feedback to
and indirect questions you have each other, focusing on your strengths and making suggestions to improve your weaknesses.
learnt so far.
2. Practicing We...
Los estudiantes toman turnos para prepared our interview carefully.
practicar su entrevista. Se corrigen paid attention to pronunciation and intonation.
los errores. Para ayudarlos, puede used the necessary vocabulary and expressions.
decirles, lo siguiente: Work in pairs asked direct and indirect questions.
and take turn to practice your followed the suggested steps.
interview. Focus on the
pronunciation and intonation. You
may correct your mistakes.
3. Performing Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.
Los alumnos actúan su entrevista en
frente de la clase. Dígales: Act it out.
5 things ’ve learned
4. evaluating 4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
Lea en voz alta la información del 3 things that need improvement learned today...
cuadro. Invítelos a trabajar 2 questions have
diciendoles lo siguiente: Using the 1 thing would like to learn more about
prompts in the box, evaluate your
partner. Dígales que se enfoquen en
sus fortalezas y sus debilidades. 130 UN T 5 LESSON 3 4º MED O

cierre Proporcione ejemplos orales y escritos para

ayudarlos a ver cómo estos recursos son
exit slip
útiles para transmitir el mensaje.
Los estudiantes reflexionan sobre el trabajo
que han hecho durante la lección y escriben Asegúrese de dedicar el tiempo suficiente
sus respuestas personales, que pueden para permitir que los estudiantes reflexionen
compartir con usted y algunos de sus sobre su trabajo y mantenga un registro de
compañeros de clase. Si los estudiantes sus respuestas personales.
tienen problemas con los recursos para
apoyar el habla, explique que algunos de Puede reforzar esta lección con las páginas
ellos son la entonación, el tono de voz, el 61 y 62 y del Cuaderno de Actividades.
tono, la pronunciación y el volumen.

238 UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 3 4º MEDIO

Lesson 4 nterested in summer jobs?
the pictures to the corresponding
adjective. Finalizada la actividad,
Before reading sugiérales agregar otras características
que son importantes cuando se busca
1 Look at the people and identify their corresponding personality adjectives.Then, decide trabajo.
which of these characteristics are important when hunting for a job.
2. Fill in the chart, in the Activity
optimistic talkative bad-tempered shy insecure hard-working Book, with your strengths and
weaknesses. Then, share your list
a b c
with your partner and describe
your personality.
Dígales a sus estudiantes: Now

you are going to fill in the chart in
your Activity Book. You must write
your strengths and your weakness.
Luego de monitorear esta actividad,
invítelos a compartir su lista con sus
3. Look at these words and predict
how they will be connected to the
d e f text on page 132.
Motívelos a trabajar en grupos, luego
Dígales: Take a look at the words.
Pregúnteles: How do you think the
words below will be connected to the
text on the next page?

Para cerrar la clase, invite a sus alumnos
a que, en pares, lean las palabras de la
actividad 3, elijan tres de ellas y
expliquen de qué manera piensan que
2 57 Fill in the chart, in the Activity Book, with your strengths and weaknesses. Then, estarán relacionadas con el texto de las
share your list with your partner and describe your personality. páginas 123-133. Dígales: Get in pairs.
Read the words in exercise 3, pick 3 of
3 Look at these words and predict how they will be connected to the text on page 132.
them and explain in which whay you
think they will be related to the text on
wear employees applicant eye contact interviewer the next page. Write your reasons on a
interview attitude skill separate sheet of paper, and then read
them to the rest of the class.

4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 4 131

clase 17 con el resto de la clase. Dígales lo siguiente:

Ask your partner if they have ever had a
summer job or if they would like to have one.
Interested in Share with the class.
Summer Jobs?
lesson 4
iNicio 1. Look at the people and identify
their corresponding personality
Para comenzar la clase, pida a sus alumnos
adjectives. Then, decide which of these
que lean el título de la lección. Invítelos a
characteristics are important when
que, en parejas, compartan si alguna vez han
hunting for a job.
tenido un trabajo durante el verano o si les
Pídales a sus alumnos lo siguiente: Have a
gustaria tener uno, y que luego lo compartan
look at the pictures. Luego dígales: Match

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 4 239

While reading

clase 18 1 Skim the text to check your predictions in exercise 3.

Comience la clase diciendo a los
alumnos que revisen lo que vieron la Key words What should you know about
clase anterior, y que practiquen las show up getting a summer job?
oraciones que escribieron con el traits
vocabulario visto sobre el tema de los helpful By Christina Cress
trabajos de verano. Dígales: Revise what mock
May 30, 2022
you did last class and practice the
sentences you wrote out loud. Summer is here and school is out! To fill your long days of

summer, you’re considering getting your first job. Do you know

desarrollo what to expect?
While listening
1. Indique a los alumnos que deben leer
el texto de forma rápida, para obtener How should you prepare for a summer job?
palabras clave y corroborar sus What do companies look for in a teen applicant? According to Kay
predicciones hechas la clase anterior. Strategy in mind Meyers, Human Resource manager at an important company, her
Dígales: Skim the text and check your Skimming to find main and
top four qualities are: flexible availability and the ability to show up
on time, make eye contact and hold a conversation.
predictions in the previous exercises. general ideas quickly.
Pregúnteles: Were your predictions Scanning to find specific pieces Annika Tunberg, Director of Marketing, explained that they look for
someone who is both a hard worker and quick learner. No matter
correct? of information.
what you do, it’s important to show up for your job and have a
desire to be there.
Smart reading
1. In pairs, look through the text
quickly to get the main and
general ideas.
What skills do employers want teenagers
Invite a los estudiantes a utilizar las to have?
estrategias que acaba de modelar. En Smart reading No matter what job you end up getting, there are some traits that
la primera actividad de esta sección 1. n pairs, look through the text
almost every employer looks for in their employees.
dígales: “Skim the text and get the quickly to get the main and » Be self-motivated
main and general ideas”. general ideas. Employees who are self-motivated are hard workers, loyal, and
2. dentify the following have a strong commitment to their job. Employers don’t want to
2. Identify the following information information and write it in
constantly stand over their employees telling them what to do.
and write it in your notebook: your notebook:
They want you to show initiative. Suggest a policy change if you
a. What companies look for in
En esta actividad, invite a los a teen applicant. see something that isn’t working. Go that extra mile, above and
estudiantes a escanear el texto y b. Skills that employers want beyond what your employer expects of you.
obtener información específica. teens to have.
» Have a positive attitude
Dígales: Scan the text in order to find c. What to expect in
Employers see this as one of the biggest assets a teen can have.
an interview.
specific pieces of information.
Being positive affects not only your willingness to do the job, but
also your trainability and leads to a fun and more productive
work place.
Invite a sus alumnos a reflexionar sobre
las características que los empleadores 132 UN T 5 LESSON 4 4º MED O
generalmente requieren de sus
postulantes y si ellos están de acuerdo o
no con ellas. Indiqueles que compartan
sus opiniones en pequeños grupos.
Dígales: Do you agree with the skills
employers look for in teen applicants?
Get in small groups and share your
opinion about this issue.

240 UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 4 4º MEDIO

previous exercise”. Monitoreé la
» Be a people person Your analysis actividad asegurándose de que todos
The ability to interact with people is a plus in customer service jobs. están trabajando.
1. Answer these questions in
You need someone to be able to read people and put customers at small groups.
ease—especially if they’re upset about something. “The best thing a. Can you explain the Think Critically
employees can do is take care of the customer,” says Meyer. importance of Kay Meyer’s Esta sección está diseñada para que los
What should you expect in an interview?
top qualities in a teen estudiantes sean capaces de realizar una
applicant? Give examples.
b. Apart from the traits actividad usando pensamiento crítico
You found the job you want, you applied, now it’s time for your
interview! You can’t wear jeans, but there’s no need for you to go mentioned, which other (Critical Thinking). En esta sección, en
shopping for a suit or tie. A nice pair of pressed pants or a modest skills may employers look primeria instancia, los estudiantes
length skirt (below the knee) paired with a polo or button-down for? Explain.
c. Are there any other aspects
trabajan en grupo, discuten sus
shirt will work just fine. Just make sure whatever shirt you choose is opiniones y desarrollan una respuesta,

that must be taken into
wrinkle free!
account in a job interview? para luego compartirla con el resto de la
Show up on time! f you’re late for the interview, can they expect
f necessary, search for clase. Dígales: In small groups, discuss
extra information.
you to show up to work on time? Punctuality is important to if you have ever read other texts related
employers. t shows initiative and that you’re committed to doing a 2. Share your analysis with to the same topic y Decide if what you
other groups.
good job. have read in the text was useful in any
Make sure that, during the interview, you maintain good eye way.
contact. This shows you’re engaged and listening to them. Al monitorear, identifique palabras o
t’s also helpful for you to know the company you’re interviewing expresiones significativas, y escríbalas
with. Show that you’re interested in the company by preparing en el pizarrón para que puedan ser
questions for the interviewer. utilizadas por todos los estudiantes.
Make sure you know the skills you have for the job you’re applying
for. You can research the job you’re applying for online, check out
the company’s website or talk to someone who works for the
company you’re interviewing with.

Have you ever heard the phrase “practice makes perfect”? Recruit
a friend or a family member to have a mock interview. Here are
some things you can expect interviewers to ask you: What is your
greatest strength/weakness? Why should we hire you? And so on.
Think critically
Now that you know what’s out there and how to ace that interview, Make text-to-text connections
start applying! Have you ever read other texts
related to the same topic?
Did those texts provide the same
or different information? Explain.
Taken and adapted from:
what-every-teenager-should-know-about-getting-a-summer-job Make text-to-self connections
n your opinion, how useful was
the information you read in this
text? Explain.

4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 4 133

iNicio desarrollo
Comience la clase diciendo a los alumnos Your analysis
que revisen sus opiniones sobre las 1. Answer these questions in small groups.
características que los empleadores Indique a los alumnos que lean el texto
generalmente requieren de sus postulantes y nuevamente y respondan las preguntas en
si ellos están de acuerdo o no con ellas. pequeños grupos, luego de decirles: Work
Puede pedir a un par de voluntarios que in groups and answer the questions”
salgan al frente y compartan sus opiniones Revise las respuestas como grupo curso.
Dígales: Revise your opinions from last
class. Luego dígales: Can two volunteers 2. Share your analysis with other groups.
come to the front and share their opinions Dígales a sus alumnos: “Now exchan-
with the rest of the class? ge your ideas with other groups in the

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 4 241

After reading
cierre 1 Write down some questions, in your notebook, about the text you have just read. You can
after reading ask about something you are curious about or didn´t understand, as shown in the examples
below. Then, read out your questions in groups and discuss the answers.
1. Write down some questions, in
your notebook, about the text you
have just read. You can ask about Do you know what it means Why is it important to
something you are curious about “to go that extra mile, above prepare questions for
or didn´t understand, as shown in and beyond...”? the interviewer?
the examples below. Then, read
out your questions in groups and
discuss the answers.
Invítelos a sus alumnos a trabajar en

2 Discuss these questions in groups.

grupos. Dígales: Look at the examples
below. In groups, write down in a. Have you ever had a job interview? How was the experience? Did you search for information
your notebook questions as in the about the company? Did you prepare any questions to ask the employer afterwards? f you
haven’t, how do you imagine it would be?
examples, which are related to the
b. What factors, do you think, influence the decision to apply for a certain job? Your salary
text you have just read. Monitoreé requirement? Schedule? Your availability? Your personality?
la actividad y, para cerrar la clase,
invítelos a compartir sus preguntas y
compararlas como grupo curso. 3 Read the email below and discuss the following:
a. Which type of questions does the applicant ask?
clase 20 b. Which skills do you think are needed for the specific job on the email?

iNicio From:

Invite a sus alumnos a revisar las
preguntas que crearon al finalizar la
To Cc Cco

clase pasada, ya que estas son Subject To request some information

necesarias para las actividades de esta
clase. Invite a algunos alumnos a Dear Mr. Lee,
compartir sus preguntas frente a la am writing to you because am interested in applying for a position as a waiter in
clase. Dígales: Revise the questions you your cafeteria;
wrote last class. Are there any Could you please tell me the type of person you are looking for to fill this position?
And could you please tell me what my main duties would be?
volunteers who would like to share their
’ll be looking forward to your reply.
questions in front of the class?
desarrollo Harry Tyler

2. Discuss these questions in groups. Submit A

Dígales que discutirán en grupos:
“Work in groups and discuss the Created by Publishing Team.

following questions”. Asegúrese de

que están entendiendo las preguntas,
puede hacerlos leer en voz alta
para que se familiaricen con la
información. Pídale a un estudiante 134 UN T 5 LESSON 4 4º MED O

voluntariamente leer la pregunta,

dígale: “Who wants to read? Would
you like to read the question aloud”? cierre clase 21
Invite a sus alumnos a compartir las
3. Read the email below and discuss iNicio
respuestas de la actividad 3 con el resto de la
the following: Al comenzar la clase, invite a sus alumnos a
clase. Motívelos a que expresen, de forma
Dígales que discutiran 2 preguntas revisar nuevamente el modelo de email de la
oral, las habilidades que ellos piensan se
en pares después de leer el correo página 134, poniendo especial atención a su
necesitan para el trabajo del email y que
electrónico. Puede decirles: “Take estructura. Dígales: Look at the email on
justifiquen sus respuestas. Dígales: What do
a look at the email below, and then page 134 and pay attention to its structure.
you think the skills needed for this job are?
answer the questions. Check your Dígales que, en una hoja aparte, escriban sus
Justify your opinion out loud.
answers as a group”. ideas sobre como se estructura un email
formal y que intercambién sus ideas con sus
compañeros. On a separate sheet of paper,

242 UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 4 4º MEDIO

Writing A formal email

1. Organizing the ideas información. Primero,

magine that you are searching for a summer job and you need to write a formal email to the recomiéndoles: Focus on the
company to get some information. following expressions. Luego,
a. n pairs, talk about a summer job that you would like to apply for. Then, copy this graphic pregúnteles: What do you think
organizer in your notebook and fill it in with some information that you would like to know about they are? What do these have in
the job. common? What kind of
information do they ask? Cuando
Main duties hayan respondido, puede
motivarlos a leerlas en voz alta
Schedule como grupo cursos o de manera
individual. Dígales: Now, you can
read the questions aloud.

b. 69 Read and listen to these expressions to formally request for information.
2. drafting
Can you tell me …? Could you please tell me…? Do you think you could…?
En esta etapa, cuénteles que deberán
escribir un borrador con las ideas del
Would you kindly …? Would you please tell me…?
organizador gráfico incluyendo toda
2. Drafting la información para solicitar la
Based on the information in your graphic organizer, write a draft of your email, in Editor’s Marks información. Puede decirles: Now,
your notebook. Remember to include the necessary key words and expressions
Capital letter / you are going to write a draft of your
to request for information in a formal way, as shown in the example on page 134.
At this stage, do not care much about making mistakes.
email. Base your information and
Punctuation your ideas on your graphic
3. Revising Add a word organizer. You may include the
Based on the Editor´s Marks, check for grammar, punctuation and ss
s Check spelling expressions in exercise 1.
spelling mistakes.
Change place
4. Editing 3. revising
Write the final version of your email and revise it again. Ahora pídales: Check grammar,
You can add more information, if needed. My partner... punctuation, and spelling mistakes
5. Publishing wrote clear and well-organized ideas.
based on Editing Marks in the box.
Exchange writings with your partner, evaluate included enough vocabulary. 4. editing
each other´s work and give positive feedback and requested for information using formal Señale lo siguiente: “You are going
suggestions to improve each other’s weaknesses.
Use the prompts in the box to help you evaluate your
to write your final version of your
revised grammar and punctuation carefully.
partner’s performance. e-mail at this stage. You may include
extra information if necessary”.
5. Publishing
Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.
En pares presentan sus textos y luego
Write: se evalúan el trabajo. Recuérdeles
5 things ’ve learned que una parte esencial de esta etapa
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
es dedicarle el tiempo suficiente para
3 things that need improvement learned today... permitir que los estudiantes
2 questions have intercambien comentarios de apoyo.
1 thing would like to learn more about Explíqueles que deben basar su
evaluación en la información del
4º MED O UN T 5 LESSON 4 135 box. Puede decirles: “Using the
prompts in the box, Exchange your
text with your partner. Evaluate each
wrtie some ideas on how a formal email is a. Pídales trabajar en pares. Invítelos a other’s work giving positive feedback
structured and share your ideas with your hablar sobre un trabajo de verano que and suggestions to improve each
partners. les gustaría postular. Dígales: What other’s weakness”.
kind of summer job would you like to
desarrollo apply for? cierre
Writing Luego, invítelos a completar un exit slip
a formal email organizador gráfico en su cuaderno, Asegúrese de dedicar la parte final de la
1. organizing the ideas con la información que les gustaría lección para que los alumnos
Empiece esta actividad diciéndoles: Imagine saber sobre el trabajo. Revise la reflexionen sobre su desempeño en las
that you are looking for a summer job and información como grupo curso. tareas y luego discuta los resultados de
you need to write a formal e-mail to the b. 69 Ponga la grabación e invítelos a la autoevaluación en grupos pequeños y
company to get some information. escuchar expresiones para solicitar / o con el resto de la clase.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 lEccIóN 4 243


sUBJecT coNNecTioNs 1 In pairs, read the title of the text and look at the pictures. Predict what kind of information
social science the text will have.

iNicio 2 Read the text, look at the highlighted sentences and explain what they mean, in your
Explique a sus alumnos que esta etapa own words.
corresponde al cierre de cada módulo.
Dígales, además, que aquí se presentan 3 As you read, answer these questions.
diferentes tipos de textos y tareas para

permitir que los estudiantes apliquen lo a. What did Martin Luther King believe in? c. What does non-violence require?

que han aprendido y lo conecten con b. What does violence bring? d. What does violence provoke?

otras materias escolares.

4 Final debate: Discuss these questions in groups.
1. In pairs, read the title of the text
and look at the pictures. Predict a. What should we do to live in harmony with others?
what kind of information the text b. Do you think non-violence is part of your duties and responsibilities? Explain.
will have.
Invite a sus estudiantes a trabajar
en pares. Sugiérales trabajar con un Human Rights and Violence
compañero o compañera diferente.
“Non-violence in the Civil Rights struggle has meant not relying on arms
Luego indíqueles lo siguiente: Have and weapons”.
weapons”. Said Martin Luther King in his 1965 speech. He added “Non-
a look at the pictures on page 136, violence has also meant we do not want to instill fear to others or into the
then read the title of the text. Pregún- society of which we are part. It has meant that we don´t seek to win victory
teles: Who is the person in one of the over anyone. We seek to liberate our society and share in the self-liberation
pictures? What do you know about of all the people.”
him? Escuche sus respuestas y mo- Without doubt, violence often brings momentary results. Nations have
tívelos a tomar notas de estas: Write frequently won their independence in battle. But despite temporary victories,
violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problems: it
down your ideas in your notebook.
merely creates new and more complicated ones.“Violence
“Violence is immoral,”
immoral,” he
2. Read the text, look at the said,“It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible.”
highlighted sentences and explain According to Martin Luther King, practicing non-violence shows that we
what they mean, in your own have reached a superior level,
level, that we have escaped the blind fear that
incites panic and violence. Non-violence, for him, requires courage and self-
words. sacrifice. Violence is impractical and immoral because it develops hatred and
ends in destruction for all.
He pointed out that violence has come to be taken for granted as a means
3. As you read, answer these of solving problems. However, this violence engenders violence and it will
questions. never bring permanent peace. He also declared that we must exchange
En la medida que van leyendo, los ideas and opinions in peaceful dialogues. We must set an atmosphere of
estudiantes responden en pares las understanding and tolerance, an atmosphere of brotherhood and love.
preguntas que se presentan. Puede Taken and adapted from:
sugerirles lo siguiente: Work in pairs,
then, answer the questions below. 136 UN T 5 SUBJECT CONNECT ONS 4º MED O

4. Discuss these questions in groups.
Nuevamente, invite a sus alumnos
a discutir en grupos. Dígales que
después de leer, deberán contestar las
siguientes preguntas. Puede sugerir-
les leer primero las preguntas. Por
ejemplo, puede decirles: Read the
questions below y puede preguntales:
Do you understand these questions?


L TERARY C RCLE que no sea familiar a sus alumnos.
Mientras los grupos trabajan, observe y
brinde ayuda. Aliéntelos a justificar sus
1 Read this monologue and answer the questions in your notebook. respuestas.
Dígales: “Read the text and answer the
questions below. Then, share your
answers with the whole class”.

Disappointment cierre
Invite a sus alumnos a que reflexionen
Cynthia: Well it’s done, I’ve passed the point of no sobre sus responsabilidades actuales y si
creen que estas los ayudarán de alguna

return...I still can’t believe this has happened
to me! All my school life, I’ve been great, I’ve manera en el futuro, al sumarse al
always been a leader, almost always the first mundo laboral. Motívelos a justificar
in my class...until now. I don’t know what
happened. I’m furious at myself; I knew I should
sus respuestas y a compartirlas con el
have studied much harder. I feel terrible; I feel resto de la clase. Dígales: “Do you think
like I’ve disappointed everyone, my family, the responsibilities you have today will
including myself...Why didn’t I try harder, I help you, in any way, in the future? Can
should have paid more attention to my grades. you provide any examples? Share with
My Dad would tell me,“I know you are smart
the whole class.”
sweetheart, but it wouldn’t hurt to do just a little
extra credit to increase your average.” But no!
...You know most kids would have celebrated
the grades I got, but not me, it’s like I broke
some sacred chain!...Well it’s finally over. It´s too
late now, and there’s nothing I can do about it,
but cry a little tear and get on with life. But you
know what’s ironic?...As bad as I feel right away,
it’s like an enormous heavy load that has been
lifted off my shoulders... it’s like I’m FREE!

Retrieved and adapted from:

a. What responsibilities, do you think, Cynthia is talking about?

b. What do you think happened to Cynthia?
c. What do you think about Cynthia’s attitude towards herself?
d. What piece of advice would you give her?


clase 23 teenager? How do you carry on these

responsibilities? Share with the class.

liTerarY circle
Explíqueles que van a leer el texto con la
iNicio intención de encontrar información para
Invite a sus alumnos a reflexionar sobre responder las preguntas que se proveen.
cuáles son sus deberes como adolescentes y Será necesario que lo lean cuidadosamente.
como estudiantes. Motívelos a pensar sobre Podrán utilizar la estrategia de leer entre
como llevan a cabo estos deberes y si sienten líneas para encontrar la información. Si es
que los están cumpliendo de buena marea. necesario, lea las preguntas con toda la clase
Dígales: What are your responsibilties as a y deles ejemplos y explique el vocabulario


clase 24 PROJECT: Giving a presentation

I. Preparation
ProJecT: Giving a 1. Work in groups of four.
presentation 2. Read the instructions in the Procedure
section. Then, copy this chart in your
i. Preparation notebook and, according to your strengths
Los estudiantes trabajan en grupos de a and weaknesses, elaborate an action plan for
cuatro personas. the project.
3. Before you start, read the rubric at the end
A continuación leen las instrucciones en of the page carefully, so that you know, in
la sección de procedimiento. Infórmeles

advance, the areas that will be evaluated.

que deben elaborar un plan de acción.
II. Procedure
Puede decirles: In your groups 1. Reflect upon the rights and responsibilities
elaborate an action plan for the project that teens have, according to the law in your
country. Discuss:
based on your strengths and
What is the legal age to vote?
weaknesses. IV. Evaluation
At what age can you get a driving license?
What is the minimum age for employment? After you have finished the project, reflect on
ii. Procedure
What is the age of criminal responsibilities? your work and evaluate the group´s performance
Dígales que deben reflexionar sobre sus 2. Choose one of the topics in activity 1 and according to the following scale (answer in your
derechos y sus responsabilidades de carry out an investigation. notebook):
acuerdo a la ley. Si es posible, dígales lo 3. Visit some websites or a library, where 4 Excellent
siguiente: Read the questions below. you can get extracts of legal documents, 3 Good
Discuss in your groups. publications or opinions about the topic. 2 Satisfactory
4. Select the relevant information and organize 1 Needs improvements
En esta actividad, pídales lo siguiente: the main ideas in your notebook as follow.
Select one of the topics in exercise 1 in The group... Score
order to find out information. nformation 1 Details had a positive attit ude towards the
4 3 2 1
Sugiérales a sus alumnos: Carry out an assigned task.
investigation on your topic. You may nformation 2 Details completed the task on time. 4 3 2 1
visit some websites or a library, in order Topic acknowledged the sources of
to get information. nformation 3 Details information properly.
4 3 2 1

A continuación, indiqueles a sus followed the instructions carefully. 4 3 2 1

estudiantes lo siguiente: After finding nformation 4 Details
developed awareness of the
your information, select some ideas and importance of consulting reliable 4 3 2 1
write them in your notebooks. Copy the III. Presentation sources of information.

diagram provided to organize your 1. Present your findings to the whole class. First, worked collaboratively and responsibly
4 3 2 1
towards the common goal.
information. make a brief introduction. Then, each student
presents one part of the information. Finally,
iii. Presentation finish the presentation with a conclusion.
Dígales que en esta etapa deben 2. nvite classmates to ask two or three
questions about your topic.
presentar sus hallazgos a la clase. Los
puede motivar diciéndoles: Make a
short introduction. Then, present the 138 UN T 5 PROJECT 4º MED O

information. Don’t forget to include a

conclusion as a group.
Terminadas las presentaciones, puede invitar
Después de la presentación, los a los alumnos a evaluarse. Dígales: Reflect
estudiantes invitan a algunos on your work and evaluate the groups’
compañeros a formular dos a tres performance according to the scale below.
preguntas sobre el tema. Dígales lo
siguiente: Invite your classmates to ask
two or three questions about your topic.
After you have finished the project,
reflect on your work and evaluate the
group´s performance according to the
following scale.


F NAL CHECK desarrollo
1. 70 Read and listen to four

articles presented by the Unicef.

1 70 Listen to four articles presented by the Unicef. As you listen, match them with 4 points As you listen, match them with the
the corresponding rights below, on a separate piece of paper. corresponding rights below on a
separate piece of paper.
a. Access to information 2. In your notebook, write an email
to Unicef, asking for some extra
b. Non-discrimination details about children´s rights. You
must include the necessary formal
c. Right to privacy expressions to request information.

d. Freedom of thought, belief and religion 3. Read this paragraph in pairs.
Then, ask direct and indirect
questions about it.
2 In your notebook, write an email to Unicef, asking for some extra details
about children´s rights. You must include the necessary formal expressions to 10 points 4. Write a dialogue of about 16
request information. brief interactions related to the
risks and consequences of one
3 Read this paragraph in pairs. Then, ask direct and indirect questions about it. 6 points irresponsible behavior, on a
separate piece of paper. Practice
“From traditional jobs, such as babysitting and lawn care, to with a partner and role play it in
entrepreneurial ventures, such as computer repair services, part- front of the class.
time jobs for teens come in a variety of options. Besides earning and
spending money, part-time jobs teach responsibility and useful life skills.
Teenagers looking for jobs face some challenges, such as the knowledge clases 27 y 28
of child labor laws, age requirements, time managing, etc.
Taken and adapted from evaluación formativa
La evaluación formativa es un proceso
de evaluación continuo cuyo enfoque
4 Write a dialogue, of about 16 brief interactions, related to the risks and considera la evaluación como parte del
consequences of one irresponsible behavior, on a separate piece of paper. Practice 10 points
trabajo cotidiano del aula, basado en la
with a partner and role play it in front of the class.
búsqueda e interpretación de evidencia
acerca del logro de los estudiantes
nterpret your results respecto a una meta. Se utiliza para
Great! Good OK Not good enough
orientar el proceso de enseñanza -
(30 points) (25 - 29 points) (17 - 24 points) (16 or less points) aprendizaje y tomar decisiones
You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance is You need to revise the oportunas que beneficien a los
the learning goals. You can easily achieve the satisfactory, but you can contents and practice estudiantes con el fin que los
Keep on working highest score by analyzing improve. Revise the mistakes more, in order to improve
hard! the few mistakes you made. you made and reinforce the your performance. estudiantes estrechen la brecha entre el
weakest areas in the evaluation. conocimiento actual y las metas
esperadas, y la forma de lograrlo. Invite
a sus alumnos a realizar la evaluación
4º MED O UN T 5 F NAL CHECK 139 en silencio. Al terminar, revise el
desempeño de los alumnos con la
la integración de estrategias de estudio, y del rúbrica en el Apendice de Material
clases 25 y 26 Complementario Fotocopiable de la
desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y
habilidades lingüísticas. Unidad 5, página 262.

fiNal cHecK
Indique a los estudiantes que este Final
Check les permitirá, a ellos y a usted,
evaluar hasta qué punto han sido capaces de
lograr los objetivos de la unidad, a través de



Page 120 – Student’s Book

1 c. In pairs, choose a human right you would like to know in depth, and search for some
information about it. Organize the information you have collected and write a short paragraph
Youth Rights and Responsibilities
5 (5-6 sentences).

Activities from the Student’s Book

Human right: The right to education is recognized as a human right in
Page 117 – Student’s Book international conventions, which recognize a right to free, compulsory
primary education for everybody and an obligation to develop secondary
education accessible to all.


Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Additionally, this right includes a responsibility to provide basic education
for individuals who have not completed primary education. Also, it
encompasses the obligations of the students to avoid discrimination at all
levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards of education
Human Rights
and to improve the quality of education.

Page 121 – Student’s Book

Answers will vary. Answers will vary. 3 Brainstorm and write some ideas you think you will find in the text.

Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

Page 119 – Student’s Book
1 In pairs, read and complete the following statements. Then, share your ideas with the class.
a. Human rights Human rights are the rights…you have simply because you´re human. Piece of news: Positive
for Youth Paper.

b. The Declaration of Human Rights The Declaration of Human Rights…is based on the
principle that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
c. When a human right is violated When a human right is violated…the mechanisms
Answers will vary. Answers will vary.
to address those violations are weak

54 UN T 5 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 5 55

1. Indique a los alumnos que completen el crucigrama y que compartan sus res- Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del
puestas con la clase. Permítales utilizar un diccionario, de ser necesario. Puede Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar
dibujar el crucigrama en la pizarra y que algunos estudiantes pasen adelante a la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y
completarlo. Dígales: Complete the crossword puzzle. You can use a dictionary contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas
if necessary. Draw the puzzle on the board and invite some students to the front con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.

to complete it.
Page 124 – Student’s Book Page 128 – Student’s Book

1 c. Read the news article on pages 122-123 again and gather information from the title and 3 67 Listen to the recording again. Focus on the relevant ideas and answer these questions.
paragraphs as well. Complete the organizer and fill it with the main idea of the text and a few
important details and key words. a. According to the conversation, which d. How does Kate plan on resolving her

item did Kate NOT purchase with her credit card problems?
Specific information credit card? i. She hopes that someone will give her
i. A digital camera the money.
ii. a plane ticket ii. She plans on getting a job to pay for her
Answers will vary. iii. a hat debts.
iii. She is going to return the items she
b. What is one reason to explain purchased with the card.
why she obtained a student credit card?
i. She wants to buy things at a discount e. What is Mark going to do for his friend
Main idea using the card. to help her manage her money?
ii. She hopes to establish a good credit i. Help her find a better paying job to
rating. cover her expenses.
Answers will vary. iii. She doesn’t want to borrow from her ii. Teach her how to prepare a financial
parents. management plan.
iii. Both i and ii.
c. What is one problem NOT mentioned in
the conversation?
Specific information Specific information i. t’s usually difficult to get out of debt.
ii. The interest rates on student cards are
very high.
Answers will vary. Answers will vary. iii. Students often apply for more credit
cards than they need.

Page 127 – Student’s Book

Page 131 – Student’s Book
3 Discuss about two other risky behaviors and their possible consequences. Fill this graphic
organizer with your conclusions. Then, make comparisons with other groups. 2 Fill in the chart with your strengths and weaknesses. Then, share the list with your partner and
describe your personality.

Strengths Weaknesses
Other youth risky behavior

Wasting Drinking Adjectives describing Adjectives describing

Risks Not wearnig sitbelt Smoking characteristics. characteristics.
money alcohol

Get injured in an Have health Getting into Getting

Consequences accident problems debt intoxicated

56 UN T 5 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 5 57

Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del
Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar
la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y
contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas
con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad. con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.



2 Read the text and circle the correct options.

Activity Book

1 Read the definitions and complete the crossword. You can use a dictionary or ask your teacher Growing up equal
for help.
Most parents want their sons and daughters
Human Rights
to have equal chances of success when they
1 grow up. Today, equality of the sexes is largely
J required by public policy and law. (a) Although
2 / Because / However, old-fashioned ideas and a
lot of prejudice are still part of our culture and
this presents challenging questions for parents.
4 5 6 Gender stereotypes are rigid ideas about how
D I V boys and girls should behave. We all know
7 8 what these stereotypes are: A “feminine” girl
should be insecure and a little illogical in her


thinking. A “masculine” boy should be strong,
C unemotional, aggressive, and competitive. for Girls, Inc., this kind of practice prevents
10 boys and girls from acquiring important skills
R How are children exposed to these stereotypes? for their future lives.
According to the researchers David and
Myra Sadker of the American University of The Sorting Machine
11 Washington, D.C., boys and girls are often “The fact is,” says Nicholson,“that society
E functions as a kind of sorting machine
treated differently in the classroom. They found
out that, when boys speak, teachers usually regarding gender. In a recent survey, fifty-
offer constructive comments, and when girls eight percent of eighth-grade girls, but only
12 six percent of boys earned money caring for
T speak, teachers tend to focus on the behavior.
(b) In other words / For instance / On the other younger children. (g) On the other hand / On
hand, it´s more important how girls act rather top of that / Though, twenty-seven percent of
than what they say. boys, but only three percent of girls earned
money doing lawn work”.
Blue and Pink
The emphasis on differences begins at birth If we are serious about educating a generation
and continues throughout childhood. to be good workers (h) such as / such/ as
(c) So if / For instance / Also, few people would well as parents, we need to eliminate such
give pink baby´s clothes to a boy (d) and / as stereotypes as those mentioned previously.
/ or a blue blanket to a girl. Later, many of us Gender stereotypes are inevitably passed
2. (n) A responsibility to do 1. (n) Fairness, equity.
give dolls and miniature kitchenware to girls, to our children. (i) Even / But / Even if, by
something. 3. (n) The quality or state of being free. while boys receive more “masculine” toys becoming aware of the messages our children
8. (n) A moral rule or standard of 4. (n) A formal statement or announcement. (e) as well as / additionally / such as action
good behavior. receive, we can help them develop ways to
Proclamation. figures and construction sets. overcome these incorrect ideas. To counteract
11. (v) Arise, appear. 5. (adj) Not able to be transferred to another.
There´s nothing wrong with that. The problem these ideas, parents can look for ways to
12. (n) A person who breaks a law nherent. challenge and support their children, and to
arises when certain activities are deemed
or moral rule. encourage confidence in ways that go beyond
6. (n) The act of breaking a law or moral rule. appropriate for one sex (f) so/ but/ then not the
7. (adj) Existing everywhere or involving everyone. other. According to Heather J. Nicholson, Ph. society´s fixed ideas about differences between
D., Director of the National Resource Center boys and girls.
9. (n) A person who is a member of a particular country.
Taken and adapted from:
10. (n) Considered fair or morally acceptable.

58 UN T 5 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 5 59

1. Indique a los alumnos que completen el crucigrama y que compartan sus res- 2. Indique a sus alumnos que deben leer el texto y elegir los conectores correctos,
puestas con la clase. Permítales utilizar un diccionario, de ser necesario. Puede encerrándolos con un círculo, y que luego revisen las respuestas con el resto de
dibujar el crucigrama en la pizarra y que algunos estudiantes pasen adelante a la clase. Dígales: Now, read the text and choose the correct connector in each
completarlo. Dígales: Complete the crossword puzzle. You can use a dictionary case. Then, compare and check your answers with the rest of the class.
if necessary. Draw the puzzle on the board and invite some students to the front

to complete it.
3 Read the text on page 59 again and write the answers to these questions. 5 Discuss these questions in pairs.
a. What do parents want for their children? a. Should young people be given responsibilities? Answers will vary.
b. What are some common teenage responsibilities? Answers will vary.
They want them to have equal chances.
c. Do you believe children and teens should be assigned chores? Which ones? Why?

b. How are children exposed to gender stereotypes?
Answers will vary.
They are treated differently in the classroom; they are given different clothes, 6 71 Listen to the recording and choose the correct options.
toys, etc. a. What does the boy want to do at the c. What does the boy have to do in
c. What are the consequences of exposing boys and girls to gender stereotypes? beginning of the conversation? his bedroom?
They prevent boys and girls from acquiring important skills for their future lives. i. Go outside. i. Make his bed.
ii. Go play in a friend´s house. ii. Pick up his dirty clothes.
iii. Play video games. iii. Put his books in order.
d. What´s the role of society in gender stereotypes?
b. What is one thing the boy is NOT assigned d. Where will they go after the housework
society functions as a kind of sorting machine regarding gender. to do around the house? is done?
i. Take out the trash. i. To a movie.
4 In pairs, fill in the graphic organizer with brief ideas to summarize the text on page 59. ii. Vacuum the floors. ii. Out to eat.
Then, discuss about the topic using the expressions provided in the box below. iii. Wipe the walls. iii. To a ball game.

Main dea 7 71 Listen to the dialogue again. Pay attention to the sequence of activities. Then, in pairs, use
the connectors in the box, and pictures, to say what chores the boy needs to do.

Gender stereotypes

First, do the living room second, vacuum the floor after that, wipe the walls
Becoming aware of
They prevent boys and
rigid ideas, exposure messages children
to stereotypes in girls from acquiring receive, looking for
important skills for
school, from birth, etc. ways to challenge and
their future lives. support children.
Cause Effect Solution

Useful phrases to express oral opinion!

Then, put he books in order Later, clean the kitchen Next, sweep the floor.
• As see it, ... • You could say…
• Frankly, … • ´m quite convinced that… Connectors of sequence
• do believe/ feel/think … • Quite frankly…
First Second After that Then Later Next
• t could be said that… • My view on this is…
• My initial reaction is … • This may be controversial, but…
• Personally speaking… • t´s reasonable to say …

60 UN T 5 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 5 61

3. Indique a los alumnos que lean el texto en la página 58 nuevamente y contesten 5. Indique a a sus alumnos que deben discutir las preguntas en pares. Dígales: Get together
las preguntas. Dígales: Read the text on page 58 again and write the answers to in pairs and discuss these questions. 6. 71 Indique a sus alumnos que deben escuchar
these questions. 4. Luego, indique: Now, you’re going to fill in the graphic orga- un audio y, respecto de este, elegir la opción correcta. Dígales: Listen to the recording and
nizer with brief ideas to summarize the text on page 58 and, later, discuss about the choose the correct options. 7. Luego, indique: Listen to the dialogue again and, in pairs,


topic using the expressions provided in the box below. use the connectors in the box, and pictures, to say what chores the boy needs to do.


8 Read the text and write appropriate questions for the sentences below. ndirect Questions

• ndirect questions help us ask questions in a polite way.
• Start with expressions such as: Do you know…? Can / Could you tell me…?
• Add if / whether when there is no question word.
• The position of the verb changes in indirect questions. See the chart below.
Adolescents and young adults usually take Researchers have found several changes in
more risks than any other age groups. This the brain during puberty that are important in
risk-taking includes dangerous driving (e.g. explaining risky behavior. For instance, during ndirect
texting), drug use, excess drinking, and risky the adolescence period, there is an increased
sexual behavior. Despite educational efforts interest in peer relationships. Studies have Direct Question phrase Link Subject + Verb
to provide teens with information about this, shown that several areas of the brain make s there a train to Do you know if there is a train to London?
many adolescents continue to engage in adolescents more sensitive to the rewards of London? Can you tell me he studies politics?
risky behavior. peer relationships than adults. This motivates Does he study politics? Could ask they went to class?
teens to focus on their peers in decision- Did they go to class?
People often believe that teens engage in Questions she is going to get
risky behavior because they are not very good making situations that involve risky behavior. s she going to get married?
at evaluating risk. But early research in this So, the brain changes making teens more married?


area demonstrated that adolescents are just focused on the rewards of peers and being What time is the game? Could you tell me what the game is?
as good as adults at evaluating risk. So, teens included in peer activities. This increased Where does she live? Do you remember time she lives?
know that the behaviors are risky, but they still focus on peers occurs during a time when the Wh- Questions When did you leave? Do you think you where you left?
engage in them. brain is not yet ready to assist in mature self- How have you solved could tell me when you have solved the
regulation. These factors provide a “perfect the problem? how problem?
storm” of opportunities for risky behavior.
Taken and adapted from:
9 Transform your direct questions in exercise 11 into indirect questions.

a. Do you know what adolescents and young adults usually take? ?

b. Can you tell me what risk-taking includes? ?

a. What do adolescents and young adults usually take? ?
c. Do you know what people often believe? ?
More risks than any other age groups.

b. What does risk-taking include? ? d. Could you tell me if adolescents are worse than adults at evaluating risk? ?
Dangerous driving, drug use, excess drinking, and risky sexual behavior.
e. Can you tell me when there is an increased interest in peer relationships? ?
c. What do people often believe? ?
Teens engage in risky behavior because they are not very good at evaluating risk. f. Do you know whether the brain changes? ?
d. Are adolescents worse than adults at evaluating risk? ?
No, adolescents are just as good as adults at evaluating risk.

e. When is there an increased interest in peer relationships? ?

During the adolescence period.

f. Does the brain change? ?

Yes, making teens more focused on the rewards of peers and being included in peer activities.

62 UN T 5 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 5 63

8. Indique a los alumnos que deben leer el texto corto y escribir preguntas a las 9. Invite a los alumnos a analizar el cuadro con instrucciones y ejemplos sobre
respuestas que se proveen. Revíselas con ellos como grupo curso. Dígales: Read como construir Indirect Questions. Luego de eso, indíqueles que deben re-escribir
the text and write appropriate questions according to the answers. Then, let’s check las preguntas del ejercicio 11. Dígales: Analyze the chart about the construction of
them all together. indirect Questions. Then, transform your direct questions in exercise 11 into
indirect ones. You can ask for help if there is anything you don’t understand or if

you have any doubts.
10 72 Listen and identify the “odd words” in each group. 12 Write a 150-word composition based on your ideas from exercise 11. Use the connectors
provided in the box.
a. /ð/ b. /θ/
than their thunder them theater thirty thought though Connectors
then they therefore those thumb throw theme threw Addition: Exemplification Reformulation: Conclusion

that thief there these throat therapy thus threat - Also - For instance - n other words - n summary
- Besides - To illustrate - To put it in a different way - n brief
- n addition - Such as - To put it differently - n short
- Furthermore - Like - To sum up
11 Read this paragraph and fill in the graphic organizer with your ideas. - Moreover - e.g. - All in all

Responsibility is a wonderful attribute to have in a child, teenager, adult, employee, Respuestas variarán. Revise que utilicen los
Paragraph 1 (your opinion)
employer, you name it! When children are young, they can be assigned chores to
demonstrate that members of a family work together to maintain the home. In
addition, responsibility induces maturity and increases self-esteem, as the child
connectores que se proveen en el cuadro.
recognizes that he or she is a capable person.
Taken and adapted from: What are some common teenage responsibilities? Retrieved from: https://lifestyle.howstuffworks.
Paragraph 2 (Reason 1) Respuestas variarán. Revise que utilicen los
connectores que se proveen en el cuadro.

My opinion:
Answers will vary.
Paragraph 3 (Reason 2) Respuestas variarán. Revise que utilicen
Editor’s Marks
los connectores que se proveen en el cuadro.
Capital letter /

Reason 1: Reason 2: Reason 3: Add a word
Paragraph 4 (Reason 3) Respuestas variarán. Revise que utilicen
ss Check spelling
Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Answers will vary. s
los connectores que se proveen en el cuadro. Change place

Paragraph 5 (Restate your opinion) Respuestas variarán. Revise que utilicen los
Restate my opinion:
connectores que se proveen en el cuadro.
Answers will vary.

How did get here?

Check the whole unit and decide which aspects helped you complete this task. Score your
performance from one to four. Share your results with a partner.

64 UN T 5 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 5 65

10. 72 Explique a sus alumnos que deben escuchar e identificar las palabras que 12. Indique a los alumnos que deben escribir una coposición de alrededor de 150
no corresponden a cada grupo, respecto de su sonido inicial. Dígales: Listen and palabras, basada en sus ideas en el ejercicio 9. Dígales: Using the connectors
identify the “odd words” in each group. 11 Indíqueles que deben leer el párrafo provided in the box, write a 150-word composition based on your ideas from
que se provee y llenar el organizador gráfico con sus propias ideas y opiniones. exercise 9.Then, correct your partner and check with the class.


Indique: Read this paragraph and fill in the graphic organizer with your ideas.


WR T NG REFERENCE Formal email

How to write a formal email
Follow these five simple steps to make sure your English emails are
perfectly professional.

1. Begin with a greeting

Always open your email with a greeting, such as “Dear Lillian”. f your
To Bobby Gateway ( Cc Cco relationship with the reader is formal, use their family name (eg. “Dear Mrs.
Price”). f the relationship is more casual, you can simply say, “Hi Kelly”. f
Subject Ms Jacobs ( you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, use: “To whom it
may concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.
1. Dear Ms. Jacobs:
2. Thank the recipient
2. Thank you for inviting me to the meeting last week. enjoyed the SHRM meeting
and hearing about XYZ Corp’s new software. appreciated what you were saying f you are replying to a client’s inquiry, you should begin with a line of
about automation being the future of the field. thanks. For example, if someone has a question about your company, you


can say, “Thank you for contacting ABC Company”. f someone has replied
3. As mentioned when we spoke, am currently considering a degree in computer to one of your emails, be sure to say, “Thank you for your prompt reply” or
science and management, but am not sure if this combination would be “Thanks for getting back to me”. Thanking the reader puts him or her at
valuable to potential human resource recruiters. would really appreciate your ease, and it will make you appear more polite.
thoughts and advice on this subject. Could please take 30 minutes of your time
to talk to you by phone or meet you for coffee before or after classes one day, so
may get your feedback and insight?
3. State your purpose
f you are starting the email communication, it may be impossible to include
4. Thank you in advance for your time. will call your office next week to schedule
a line of thanks. nstead, begin by stating your purpose. For example, “ am
something if don’t hear back from you soon. ’m really glad ran into you at the
writing to enquire about …” or “ am writing in reference to …”.
meeting as you seem to be very experienced in the fields am learning about.
Make your purpose clear early on in the email, and then move into the main
5. Best Regards, text of your email. Remember, people want to read emails quickly, so keep
Bobby Gateway your sentences short and clear. You’ll also need to pay careful attention
to grammar, spelling and punctuation so that you present a professional
image of yourself and your company.
Submit A
4. Add your closing remarks
Before you end your email, it’s polite to thank your reader one more time
and add some polite closing remarks. You might start with “Thank you for
your patience and cooperation” or “Thank you for your consideration” and
then follow up with, “ f you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate
to let me know” and “ look forward to hearing from you”.

5. End with a closing

The last step is to include an appropriate closing with your name. “Best
regards”, “Sincerely”, and “Thank you” are all professional. Avoid closings
such as “Best wishes” or “Cheers” unless you are good friends with the
reader. Finally, before you hit the send button, review and spell check your
email one more time to make sure it’s truly perfect!

66 UN T 5 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 5 67

En esta sección se presenta un texto referencial, con el objeto de proporcionar a los students, employer-employee, etc. Read the section “How to write a formal email”
alumnos un ejemplo concreto de su estructura. and compare it to the example email, to corroborate if it follows the same structure.
Invite a los alumnos a leer en parejas el email formal de la sección Writing Para extender la actividad, se sugiere realizar preguntas de comprensión: What
Reference. Dígales: A formal email is a good way to start communicating with information must be included in a formal email? What structure does it have?
someone you don’t know very well and it os also one of the best ways to ask What’s the difference between a formal and an informal email, according to your

questions and inform people in the context of jobs, communication between teacher- experience?
Apéndice de contenido
Lesson 1 Defining Human Rights Ventana de habilidades de aprendizaje

Ventana de enseñanza Estrategias de comprensión auditiva: Predicción

Cuando los alumnos hacen predicciones antes de escuchar,

Modelando las estrategias
generan hipótesis sobre el tipo, el propósito o el contenido de
Explique a los estudiantes que, cuando escuchan, también es un texto. Estas hipótesis proporcionan un marco y mejoran la
posible obtener la “imagen completa” pero con una diferencia comprensión.
crucial: la información viene en una secuencia. Y en esa Fuente: Anderson, n. J. (2005). l2 strategy research. Handbook of research in
secuencia de información, hay palabras de contenido (los second language teaching and learning (757-772). Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum
sustantivos, adjetivos y verbos) que pueden ayudarles a formar Associate
esa imagen. A menudo llamamos a esto “escuchar lo esencial”.
Por ejemplo, las palabras “comida”, “amigos”, “diversión”,
“parque” y “día soleado” tienen sus propios significados, pero Ventana de habilidades de aprendizaje
cuando se escuchan en secuencia, pueden ayudar a formar el Estrategia de comprensión auditiva: Enfoque en la
contexto de un picnic. información relevante
Fuente: Ahmed, R. (2015). Voices: Five essential listening skills for English learners.
Retrieved from: https://www. ve-essential- Invite a los estudiantes a escuchar en inglés enfocándose en
listeningskills-english-learners información relevante como algunas palabras claves que les
permitan desarrollar la idea y entender el mensaje principal.
Dígales que no es necesario entender todas las palabras cuando
Ventana de habilidades de aprendizaje escuchan, que se enfoquen en ciertas palabras y no todos los
detalles que no alterna el mensaje.
Estrategia de comprensión auditiva: Uso de conocimiento
previo Fuente: Equipo editorial

Explique a sus alumnos que ahora que es hora de recodar qué

saben y cuánto conocen sobre el tema de la primera lección de
la unidad. Por ejemplo, puede invitarlos a mirar las fotografías Lesson 2 Giving Responsibilities to Young People
e inferir de qué se tratará el texto auditivo.
Fuente: Equipo editorial. Teoría e investigación
Estrategias de comprensión de lectura
Ventana pedagógica La investigación respalda que la instrucción explícita de
estrategias de comprensión aumenta la comprensión de los
Uso de diagramas para registrar conocimientos previos estudiantes. Además, el uso de un repertorio de estrategias de
Los diagramas son herramientas muy útiles que los docentes comprensión de lectura mejora el razonamiento de los lectores.
pueden promover en el aula para que los estudiantes registren La instrucción explícita generalmente involucra un proceso de
sus aprendizajes previos de una manera gráfica y visual. varios pasos, durante el cual los maestros gradualmente liberan
Sobre todo, son muy prácticos en las etapas finales de cada la responsabilidad de los estudiantes.
lección o unidad, ya que permiten a los estudiantes volver a Fuente: McLaughlin, M. (2012). Reading comprehension: What every teacher needs
ellos para contrastar aprendizajes y completar con nuevos to know. The Reading Teacher, 65(7), 432-440.
aprendizajes y posterior contraste con lo ya aprendido.
Fuente: Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J. (2011). Classroom Instruction
that Works: Research-based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement.
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development


UNIT 5 255
Ventana de Aprendizaje de Habilidades de nuestras experiencias personales. Aprendemos sobre cosas
Uso del diccionario a través de la televisión, películas, revistas y periódicos. A
menudo son las conexiones de texto a mundo que los
Recuerde a los alumnos estas habilidades esenciales del profesores intentan mejorar cuando enseñan lecciones de
diccionario: ciencias, estudios sociales y literatura. Un ejemplo de una
• Las palabras aparecen en orden alfabético. conexión de texto a mundo sería cuando un estudiante dice:
• Las palabras normalmente aparecen en su forma singular. “Vi un en la televisión una entrevista en que se hablaba de las
• Para averiguar el significado de las expresiones, puede ser cosas que se describen en el texto”.
necesario buscar las palabras individuales y luego determinar
Invite a sus estudiantes a hacer conexiones del texto con el
el significado de la expresión.
mundo. Lea las preguntas en voz alta y guíelos para que
• El contexto debe tenerse en cuenta en todo momento.
logren esa conexión:

Fuente: Equipo editorial.

¿Está familiarizado con el tema del texto?
¿De qué manera se relaciona el tema con la realidad
Teoría e investigación chilena? Explique.

Determinar la importancia de la información es una estrategia

Text-to-self connections
que los lectores utilizan para distinguir entre qué información
de un texto es más importante y qué información es interesante Al hacer conexiones de texto a uno mismo, los estudiantes
pero no es necesaria para la comprensión. Esta estrategia de recurren a sus conocimientos y experiencias anteriores para
lectura les permite a los estudiantes distinguir entre la conectarse con el texto. Para solicitar a los alumnos que
información más y menos importante presentada en los textos. realicen conexiones de texto a uno mismo, invítelos a
reflexionar sobre la pregunta señalada:
Fuente: Allen, T., Reeson. C. (March 15, 2015) Determing Importance: Helping
students recognize important points in content Text.https://beyondpenguins.ehe.osu. ¿Se te ocurren otras soluciones a los problemas en la noticia
que has leído? ¿Cuáles?

Teoría e investigación
Lesson 3 The consequences of irresponsible
Haciendo conexiones
La teoría de esquemas explica cómo nuestras experiencias,
conocimientos, emociones y entendimientos previos afectan lo Ventana de aprendizaje de habilidades
que aprendemos y cómo aprendemos. El esquema es el
conocimiento de fondo y la experiencia que los lectores aportan Estrategia de comprensión auditiva: Poner atención en la
al texto. Los buenos lectores recurren al conocimiento y la entonación.
experiencia previos para ayudarles a comprender lo que están Sugiérales escuchar el texto una vez, enfocándose en la
leyendo y, por lo tanto, pueden utilizar ese conocimiento para entonación en las preguntas directas e indirectas. Si es
establecer conexiones. Los lectores con dificultades a menudo necesario, ponga nuevamente la grabación para que hagan la
se mueven directamente a través de un texto sin detenerse a distinción. Pídales que descubran el patrón de entonación.
considerar si el texto tiene sentido en función de sus propios Estrategia de comprensión auditiva: Poner atención en los
conocimientos previos, o si su conocimiento puede usarse para detalles generales y específicos.
ayudarlos a entender materiales confusos o desafiantes. Al
Este tipo de estrategia requiere de un mayor análisis de la
enseñar a los alumnos cómo conectarse a un texto, pueden
información escuchada. Ayúdelos a familiarizarse con
entender mejor lo que están leyendo. El acceso a conocimientos
información específica y general. Puede invitarlos a escuchar y
y experiencias previas es un buen punto de partida para enseñar
parafrasear la información. También puede pedirles que
estrategias porque cada estudiante tiene experiencias,
contesten preguntas o completen alguna tabla con información
conocimientos, opiniones y emociones a las que puede recurrir.
más específica. Este tipo de ejercicio requiere de habilidades de
Fuente: Harvey, S., & Goudvis, A. (2007). Strategies that work: Teaching análisis, interpretación y evaluación.
comprehension for understanding and engagement. Stenhouse Publishers
Invítelos a escuchar y enfocarse en la idea general. Hágales
preguntas para guiar sus respuestas. Motívelos a volver a
Pensamiento critico escuchar y esta vez pregúnteles por detalles específicos.
Fuente: Equipo editorial.
Make text-to-world connections
Las conexiones de texto a mundo son las conexiones más
grandes que un lector aporta a una situación de lectura. Todos
tenemos ideas sobre cómo funciona el mundo que va más allá


Ventana de enseñanza He was a Baptist minister and social rights activist in the
Inferir el significado de la entonación y acentuación. United States in the 1950s and ’60s. He was a leader of the
American civil rights movements. He organized a number of
Explique que el lenguaje hablado proporciona información peaceful protests as head of the Southern Christian Leadership
sobre lo que sabemos, lo que hacemos y lo que queremos. Conference, including the famous March on Washington. In
Puede usarse para comunicar mucho más que el significado 1964 he won the Nobel Peace Prize, and, at the time, he was
exacto de las palabras. Nos permite entender lo que el hablante the youngest person to have done so.
siente sobre lo que está diciendo y nos ayuda a inferir
significados, es decir, podemos obtener más información de las Martin Luther King, Jr., is known for his contributions to the
palabras que su significado común. Una acentuación adecuada American civil right movement in the 1960s. His most
ayuda a las personas a entender exactamente cómo queremos famous work is his “I have a Dream” (1963) speech, in which
he spoke of his dream of a United States that is void of

que lo hagan. Los oyentes perderán una gran cantidad de
información si solo se enfocan en escuchar y entender las segregation and racism. King also advocated for nonviolent
palabras usadas, sin captar el significado que transmite la methods of protest. He organized and staged countless
entonación. marches and boycotts during the civil rights movement.
Fuente: Tomlinson, J., & Bott, L. (2013). How intonation constrains pragmatic Martin Luther King, Jr., influenced people around the world.
inference. In 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, In a time of civil unrest, King advocated for peaceful
Germany. Cognitive Science Society. approaches to some of society’s biggest problems. He
organized a number of marches and protests and was a key
figure in the U.S. civil rights movement. He was instrumental
Lesson 4 Interested in Summer Jobs?
in the Memphis sanitation worker’s strike, the Montgomery
bus boycott, and the March on Washington. His advocacy of
Ventana de enseñanza
peaceful protest has permeated into contemporary social
Relate a sus estudiantes que las técnicas de lecturas del justice movements.
Skimming y el Scanning son técnicas que utilizan movimientos Martin Luther King, Jr., was standing on a motel balcony in
rápidos de los ojos y palabras clave para moverse rápidamente Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968, when he was shot and
a través del texto con propósitos ligeramente diferentes. killed by James Earl Ray. An hour later, King died at St.
Mientras con la técnica de Skimming se está leyendo Joseph’s hospital. His death sparked a number of riots across
rápidamente para obtener una visión general del material, con the country. He is forever memorialized on the third Monday
la técnica de Scanning se lee rápidamente para encontrar of January every year—“Martin Luther King Jr. Day”—a
hechos específicos. holiday instated by U.S. Pres. Ronald Reagan.
Fuente: Equipo Editorial Fuente:

Ventana de aprendizaje de habilidades

Estrategias de comprensión lectora: Skimming y scanning
Explique a sus alumnos que el skimming se utiliza para buscar
las ideas principales de un texto, leyendo los primeros y
últimos párrafos. En esta instancia, puede ayudarlos, leyendo
velozmente parte del primer párrafo del texto.
Después de terminar de identificar la idea principal. Cuénteles
que el Scanning es una estrategia de exploración. Tiene que
ver con la búsqueda de información específica que ya se
conoce de antemano. Dígales que se enfoque en las primeras
oraciones de cada párrafo e identifique la información que
entrega cada párrafo.
Fuente: Equipo editorial.

Subject Connections
Para contextualizar a sus alumnos sobre la vida y obra de
Marin Luther King, puede leerles esta pequeña biografía, de
forma clara y pausada. Si es necesario, puede traducir algunos
fragmentos al español.
Martin Luther King, Jr., original name Michael King, Jr.,
(born January 15, 1929, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. -died April 4,
1968, Memphis, Tennessee).


Este apéndice contiene material fotocopiable que el profesor puede utilizar
como complemento a las actividades sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.

Complementary Activity Diagnostic Test


Esta actividad fotocopiable tiene como objetivo complementar las Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo evaluar la conducta
actividades vistas a lo largo de la unidad, reforzando de entrada de los alumnos. Puede realizarla antes de comenzar la
principalmente las habilidades orales y de escritura. Puede primera lección.
utilizarla al finalizar una clase, dependiendo del ritmo de trabajo Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:
de sus estudiantes.

Diagnostic test
Great Good OK Not good enough
(9 points) (8 – 7 points) (6 - 5 points) (Less than 5 points)
You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
the learning goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.

Formative Tests
Estas actividades evaluativas tienen como objetivo complementar a las evaluaciones de proceso sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.
Puede utilizarlas al finalizar las primeras o las últimas dos lecciones de la unidad.
Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:

Formative Test 1
Great Good OK Not good enough
( 20 points) (19 – 17 points) (16 – 12 points) (Less than 12 points)
You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.

Formative Test 2
Great Good OK Not good enough
(15 points) (14 – 12 points) (12 – 9 points) (Less than 9 points)
You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.

Final Test Template

Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo complementar el Este template es un modelo de un correo electrónico formal,
Test Final sugerido en el Texto del Estudiante. Puede utilizarlo al fotocopiable, que tiene como objetivo complementar el template
finalizar la unidad con sus estudiantes, para que cuenten con un sugerido para esta unidad en el Cuaderno de Actividades. Puede
instrumento extra con el cual puedan analizar sus fortalezas y fotocopiarlo y entregarlo a sus alumnos para que cuenten con otro
debilidades y evaluar su desempeño a lo largo de la unidad. modelo del texto que tienen que producir.


comPlemeNTarY acT V TY
1 Choose three rights and three responsibilities or chores. Then, write sentences using connectors to link
your ideas.

Belong to a Dusting
operty religion
Own pr

Educatio ity g
ial se
cur Sweepin
S o c

Tortu Respect th
e rights of

e you
r Priva
Clea Legal h
Nationality elp

Free to ex
p ress
undry Clean
Do la

2 Discuss in your groups. Then share your ideas with the class.
a. Do you respect other people’s rights?

b. Are human rights guaranteed in your country? Why? Why not?

c. Do you know any famous people who have fought for their rights?

d. What human rights organizations do you know about?

Photocopiable material
e. Do religions respect human rights? Why? Why not? Explain.

f. Do you know someone whose rights have been violated?

g. What rights should people who violate the rights have? Do they deserve rights?

h. Do you find it possible that everyone in the world will have the same rights in the future? Why/why not?


d aGNosT c TesT / 9 points

1 Read the article, find the connectors and classify them in the chart below. 5 points

Do children and teenagers have constitutional rights?

Under the law, children in the United States their parents, but they would face an uphill
are fully formed human beings with the battle there: The Liberty Clause of the 14th

same basic constitutional rights that adults Amendment gives parents the right to raise
enjoy. Like every other citizen, children have their own children, as long as there is no abuse
the right to due process under the law and or neglect.
the right to counsel. They’re also protected Although children and teens enjoy the same
against cruel and unusual punishment rights as their elders, the Supreme Court
and unreasonable searches and seizures. has repeatedly limited student rights to
However, the law also recognizes that free speech and expression in school. The
children aren’t physically and emotionally Court has also upheld censorship of school
mature enough to handle the responsibility newspapers and suspensions of students for
attached to legal activities like drinking, inappropriate language and behavior. Schools
let alone the right to vote or run for public have even been allowed to search students’
office. The law reconciles these two ideas private property without probable cause. In
by implementing ages of majority designed that particular case, New Jersey v. T.L.O., the
to define when a person has the ability Court found that a school’s responsibility to
to exercise his or her rights responsibly. educate and protect children trumps student
These usually vary by state, but they govern privacy, and allows school authorities more
everything from the right to drive to the right leeway than the police would have outside
to marry. school. The court ruled on that case in 1985,
There are some exceptions, however. In the but student rights have been further restricted
juvenile justice system, for example, children since then.
don’t receive bail, nor are they tried by juries Children and adults share many of the same
of their peers. Juveniles do have the right to rights under the law, but the exceptions to the
seek legal counsel if there’s a chance that rule make it clear that most children lack the
they could be tried as adults, as well as the maturity to truly understand what having those
right to a hearing before a judge. Children rights actually entails.
can also petition for legal emancipation from
Taken and adapted from:
Photocopiable material

Addition Contrast Reason and Cause Condition Comparison Option

2 Answer these questions according to the text. 4 points

a. What are children and teen’s rights under the juvenile justice system?
b. What measures have been taken regarding the relationship between children and schools?


formaT Ve TesT 1 / 20 points

1 Read the text and indicate if the statements are True (T) or false (F). 5 points

Are Human Rights Universal?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is half its individual members and considers duties to be

a century old, but critics are still asking whether more important than rights.
anything in our multicultural, diverse world can be Many also object to specific rights, which they say
truly universal. reflect Western cultural bias: the right, for instance,
Some ask, isn’t human rights an essentially Western to political pluralism, the right to paid vacations
concept, ignoring the very different cultural, and the rights of women. How can women’s rights,
economic and political realities of the South? Can for example, be universal when in some societies
the values of the consumer society be applied marriage is seen not as a contract between two
to societies that have nothing to consume, for individuals but as an alliance between lineages?
example? Some religious leaders argue that human rights
The fact is that there are serious objections to the can only be acceptable if they are founded on
concept of universal human rights. It is essential transcendent values of their faith, sanctioned by
to recognize that universality does not presuppose God. The Universal Declaration claims no such
uniformity. To assert the universality of human heritage – a draft reference to the Creator was
rights is not to suggest that our views of human consciously left out of the final text.
rights transcend all possible differences. Rather, it How can one respond to these objections?
is enough that they do not fundamentally contradict Concepts of justice and law, the legitimacy
the ideals and aspirations of any society, and that of government, the dignity of the individual,
they reflect our common universal humanity, from protection from oppressive or arbitrary rule and
which no human being must be excluded. participation in the affairs of the community are
Some philosophers have objected that the concept found in every society on the face of this earth.
of universal human rights is founded on an The challenge of human rights is to identify the
individualistic view of people, whose greatest need common denominators we all possess.
is to be free from interference by the state. Non-
Western societies often have a communitarian Taken and adapted from:
ethic which sees society as more than the sum of

Photocopiable material
a. There is a general consensus about the “not” universality of Human rights concerning
culture, religion, politics, etc.
b. Politicians indicate that the concept of universal human rights is founded on an
individualistic points of view from people who wants to be free from interference of the state.
c. n the Universal Declaration of Human Rights faith values were left out of the final text
d. Humans Rights reflect a strong Western cultural influence in relation to women’s rights.
e. Finding a common denominator would be the challenge, rather that focusing on the
impossibility of universalism.

2 Write a 100-word summary, on a separate sheet of paper, about the text you read in exercise 1. 15 points


formaT Ve TesT 2 / 15 points

1 Read the rights below and write the responsibilities associated to them 10 points

a. Right: have the right to speak freely and express my ideas and opinions and opinions even if
they are different to mine.

b. Right: have the right to be treated the same as everyone else, no matter my age, sex, race,
nationality, beliefs or other personal characteristics.

2 Read the text and write 5 indirect questions about punishments and consequences. 5 points

Punishments vs. Consequences: Teach Your Teen the Difference

That’s the problem with some favorite given in moments of anger and frustration.
go-to punishments—they make the teen The result of most punishments is that it
suffer for a little while, but they have little instills fear and resentment, it makes teens
impact on changing the behavior. To create reluctant to admit their mistakes, and most
consequences that are more effective, it importantly, it has little, if any, effect on
is important to start with understanding future behavior.
the difference between punishments and Consequences, on the other hand, are
consequences. They are not the same. They designed to teach teens to learn from their
serve very different purposes, and create mistakes. They encourage good behavior,
very different results. and teach teens to engage in more proactive
Punishments are used to impose suffering problem solving. Ideally, consequences end
of some kind and to make it clear who is up teaching teens that they are in control of,
in control. They are often unrelated to the and responsible for, their behavior.
problem behavior (taking away a phone
Photocopiable material

because your teen was mean to her brother, Taken from:
for example), and they are most often



f Nal TesT
/35 points

1 Read the text Human Rights History and answer the questions. 5 points

Human Rights History

A t first, in the year 3.000 BC, there were
no human rights. But then a man named
Cyrus the Great decided to change all that.
Human Rights was again a hot topic. They
drew up international agreements, broadly
granting many rights across Europe, but only
After conquering Babylon in 539 BC, he across Europe. The rest of the world somehow
did something completely revolutionary. He still didn’t qualify; instead, they got invaded,
announced that all slaves were free to go. He conquered and consumed by Europe’s massive
also said people had the freedom to choose empires.
their religion no matter what crowd they were But then, at the beginning of 20th century, a
a part of. They documented his words on a young lawyer from India decided that enough
clay tablet known as the Cyrus cylinder and was enough. His name was Mahatma Ghandi
just like that, human rights were born. The and, in the face of violence, he insisted that all
idea spread quickly to Greece, to India and people of Earth had rights, not just in Europe.
eventually to Rome. They noticed that people
naturally followed certain laws. They called Eventually, even Europeans started to agree,
this “natural law”, but it kept getting trampled but it wasn’t going to be that easy. Two world
on by those in power not until a thousand years wars erupted. Never had human rights been
later, in 1215, in England where people finally so close to extinction and never had the world
got a king to agree, through Magna Carta, that been more desperate for change.
no one can overrule the rights to people. Not So, the countries of Earth banded together
even a king. and formed the United Nations in 1945. Their
Many years later, the French, in 1789, had basic purpose was “…to reaffirm faith and
their own revolution, because they insisted that fundamental human rights, in the dignity and
their human rights weren’t just made up, they worth of the human person.”
were natural. The Roman concept of natural Everyone seemed to have a slightly different
law had become “natural rights”. idea of what human rights should be but under
Unfortunately, not everyone was so thrilled. In the supervision of Eleanor Roosevelt, in 1946,
France, in 1800, a general named Napoleon, they finally agreed on a set of Rights that

Photocopiable material
decided to overthrow the new French apply to absolutely everyone. The Universal
democracy and crowned himself emperor Declaration of Human Rights. The French
of the world. He almost succeeded, but the concept of natural rights have, finally, become
countries of Europe joined forces in 1814 and human rights.
fought against his invasion and defeated him.

a. Who was Cyrus the Great?

b. How were his words documented?
c. Why were human rights called “natural laws” at the beginning?
d. When were human rights close to extinction?
e. How did people come to an agreement about the concept of human rights?

4º MEDIO UN T 5 f NAl TEST 263

2 How are these pictures related to the text? Explain. 6 points

a b



3 73 Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps with the phrases you hear. 5 points

a. Excuse me, sir! ask you a few questions?

b. Sure, .
c. what human rights are?
d. was if everyone in the world has human rights.
e. to know why people want to have human rights?

4 Transform the indirect questions in exercise 3 into direct questions. 4 points

Photocopiable material

5 Write a 150-word text describing your rights, duties and responsibilities as a teenager. 15 points
Use the vocabulary and grammar you have learned so far.

Great! Good OK Not good enough

(35 - 33 points)) (32 - 28 points) (27 - 22 points) (21 or less points)
You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance can improve. You need to revise the
the learning goals. Analyze the few mistakes Revise your mistakes and contents and practice
Keep on working you made. weakest areas with your more, in order to improve
hard! teacher. your performance.

264 UN T 5 f NAl TEST 4º MEDIO

Wr T NG TemPlaTe
a formal ema l

To Recipient: main receiver of an e-mail

Cc… Carbon copy: Secondary receiver of an email

Bcc… Blind carbon copy: Secondary receiver of an email not seen by recipient

Attach: Blind carbon copy: Secondary receiver of an email not seen by recipient Recipient

From: JReeves@ Sender

Subject: Architect Assistant Subject

Dear Mr.Salgado, Greeting

am writing to you because am interested in applying for a position in

your company as an Architect Assistant. State your purpose

Thank you in advance for your time. have attached a cover letter,
resume, and certificates for your consideration. f you took a moment to
go through them to get a better picture of who am, would love to talk
to you in more detail regarding this amazing opportunity at your company.
Closing remarks
hope to hear back from you regarding my application.

’ll be looking forward to your reply. Regards, Complimentary closing

Jimmie Reeves Name signature

Photocopiable material


Texto del Estudiante Página 120
Speaking workshop
Página 115
1. b. i. Education
1. Respuestas abiertas ii. Opinion de los estudiantes. Cerciorese de que sus
opiniones tengan que ver con el tema y que estén
Página 116
minimamente fundamentadas.

1. Respuestas sugeridas
a. a native or naturalized person who owes loyalty to a Página 121
government and is entitled to protection from it 1. a. youth; b. jobless; c. wealth; d. decrease
b. People who are not natural-born citizens can become citizens
of that country. Página 122
c. They have a duty to serve on a jury when asked. They should Key words
obey all laws. In wartime, they must serve in the armed complain: (v) To express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness,
forces when required to. They have to pay taxes to support resentment, or grief.
the services and programs of the government. wonder: (v) To think or speculate curiosity.
d. A citizen has the right to speak without restraint and the right support: (v) To bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part.);
to religious freedom. serve as a foundation for.
2. a. and behavior: (n) Manner of behaving or acting.
b. but improve: (v) To bring into a more desirable or excellent condition.
c. because Hotspot: (n) A place of significant activity.

Página 117 Smart Reading

2. Los conceptos presentados son: a. Libertad (freedom), b. a. Young people are facing an uncertain future because their
libertad de culto o religión (religious freedom), c. Libertad de dreams of education and job opportunities have disintegrated,
expresión (fredom of speech), d. derecho migratorio (right to for reasons far beyond their control.
migration). b. “Positive for Youth” wants to provide more opportunities and
better support to teens.
Página 118 c. A significant benefit of providing support to the youth is, for
2. The text is a report, and its purpose is to inform about human example, a 25% reduction in anti-social behavior.
rights. Página 122
3. All pictures are related to human rights. a. Equality; b. World Your analysis
War II; c. Justice; d. 30 articles of human rights. Posibles respuestas
4. a. Human rights are the rights you have simply because you´re a. Youth and opportuinities
human. b. They were promised a wealth of prospects if they stayed in
b. No, it’s been discussed for centuries, but the modern education or took up the wide range of training opportunities.
affirmations come from after WWII. c. it a tsunami of jobless young people and many more teenagers
c. In 1948. wondering what the future holds.
d. Some of them are: freedom from torture or slavery, freedom d. This is a program, supported by local partnerships, where buses
of movement and residence, freedom of expression, religion, and vans drive into local areas and provide youth services such
or peaceful assembly, etc. as sport, education, IT, music, fun activities as well as sexual
health advice.
Página 119
e. It means that the cost of the program is low compared to the
1. Las Respuestas pueden variar. Revise que estas sean pertinentes benefits it brings to young people and society.
respecto de lo que escucharon en la pista de audio.
2. Las Respuestas pueden variar. Revise que estas sean pertinentes Página 124
respecto de lo que escucharon en la pista de audio y el tema de Language in Use
los derechos humanos. iii. Alternatives

1. Respuestas abiertas. Cerciórese de que sus respuestas

justifiquen el por qué están de acuerdo (agree) o en desacuerdo

266 UNIDAD 5 Solucionario 4º MEDIO

2. Las Respuestas pueden variar. Cerciórese de que estas sean b. Be self-motivated, have a positive attitude and be a
pertinentes al tema. people person.
c. Las respuestas pueden variar.
Página 126
1. a. She has some chores to do at home. She starts with making Página 133
her bed every morning. Then, she puts things away in her You analysis
room. It is her responsibility to keep her room clean. She 1. Las Respuestas pueden variar.
does the dishes, too. It is also her responsibility to do some
dusting. She just picks up her toys because she is the one that Página 134
plays with them. 2. Las Respuestas pueden variar.
b. Because she’s the one who uses them.
3. Las Respuestas pueden variar.
c. Respuesta abierta. Revise si utilizan expresión agree and

disagree. Página 136
2. Posibles respuestas: What rights do you have? What are your 3. a.He believed in non-violence.
rights? What are your responsibilities? What responsibilities do b.Violence brings more violence.
you have? c.It requires courage and self-sacrifice.
3. Respuesta abierta. Cerciórese de que los alumnos repliquen la d.It destroys community; it develops hatred and ends in
estructura de resumen vista en la lección pasada. destruction for all.
Página 127 4. Las Respuestas pueden variar.
1. a. Bullying Página 138
b. Smoking cigarettes or illegal drugs
1. Article 2: Non-discrimination.
c. Decreased communication
Article 14: Freedom of thought, belief and religion.
d. Wasting money
Article 16: Right to privacy.
e. Not sleeping enough
Article 17: Access to information.
f. Riding a bike without a helmet or talking on the phone.
3. Revise la pertinencia de las respuestas de sus alumnos, respecto
Página 128 de estructuras de preguntas directas e indirectas.
2. Tipo de grabación: dialogue 4. Las respuestas pueden variar.
Propósito: To create awareness of irresponsible money
Hablantes: Kate and Mark
Guía DidÁctica
3. a. i; b. ii; c. iii; d. ii; e. ii. Actividades complementarias
Página 129 Diagnostic test
4. ii 1. a. The law implemented ages of majority designed to define
5. Las respuestas pueden variar. when a person has the ability to exercise his or her
rights responsibly.
After listening b. Children don’t receive bail or are tried by juries of their
1. Las respuestas pueden variar. Cerciórese de que estas sean peers.
pertinentes y estén relacionadas con el tema tratado, de los c. Juveniles have the right to seek legal counsel if there’s a
comportamientos irresponsables en los jóvenes. chance that they could be tried as adults, as well as the right
2. Las respuestas pueden variar. to a hearing before a judge.
Página 131
d. The Court has repeatedly limited student rights to free
speech and expression in school. It has also upheld
1. a. insecure b. talkative c. hard-working d. optimistic censorship of school newspapers and suspensions of students
e. bad-tempered f. shy for inappropriate language and behavior. Schools have even
2. Las respuestas pueden variar. Cerciórese de que las respuestas been allowed to search students’ private property without
se relacionen con sus fortalezas y debilidades. probable cause.
3. Las Respuestas variarán. 2. Addition: And As well as
Página 132
Contrast: But However Although
Reason and Cause: due
Smart reading Condition: If
1. Las respuestas pueden variar Comparison: Than like
2. a. They look for someone who is both a hard worker and quick Option /Alternative: or
learner. They look for someone who has flexible availability 3. Multiple answers may be provided.
and the ability to show up on time, someone who makes
eye contact and can hold a conversation.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 Solucionario 267

Formative test 1
1. a. T b. F c. F d. T e. T
2. Cohesion 1
Coherence 1
Vocabulary 5
Grammar 5
Writing structure 3

Formative test 2
1. a. Responsibility: I have the responsibility to be respectful of
other people´s ideas and opinions even if they
b. Responsibility: I have the responsibility to treat others

equally, without discrimination.

2. Multiple answers may be provided by students.

examen final
1. a. He started with the concept of human rights.
b. On a clay tablet known as the Cyrus cylinder.
c. Because they weren´t made up. They were natural.
d. During the second world war.
e. With the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.
2. a. Information in paragraph 5.
b. Information in paragraph 7.
3. a. Excuse me! Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
b. Sure, no problem!
c. Could you tell me what human rights are?
d. I was wondering if everyone in the world has human rights.
e. I’d like to know why people want to have human rights?
4. a. May I ask you a few questions?
b. What are human rights?
c. Does everyone in the world have human rights?
d. Why do people want to have human rights?
5. Cohesion 1
Coherence 1
Vocabulary 5
Grammar 5
Writing structure 3

268 UNIDAD 5 Solucionario 4º MEDIO

What are human rights? SOUNDS - EXERCISE a
A human is a member of the homo-sapiens species, a man, a. The idea of human rights is that…
woman or child; In other words, a person. b. Throughout the centuries and across societies…
Rights are “guarantees”; So human rights are the rights you

have simply because you´re human.
The idea of human rights is that each one of us, no matter who 63
we are or where we are born, is entitled to the same basic rights SOUNDS - EXERCISE b
and freedoms. Human rights are not privileges, and they cannot
be granted or revoked. They are inalienable and universal. That / ð / the- though – them - their - those – they
may sound simple, but it gets incredibly complicated as soon as / θ / thing – think - throughout
anyone tries to put the idea into practice. What exactly are the
basic human rights? Who gets to pick them? Who enforces them,
and how? 64 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 5 - PAGE 120 - EXERCISE 1a
The history behind the concept of human rights is long.
- In other words…
Throughout the centuries and across societies, religions, and
- For instance…
cultures, we have struggled with defining notions of rightfulness,
- Even though…
justice, and rights. But one of the most modern affirmations of
- Such as…
universal human rights emerged from the ruins of World War II,
- So (If)…
with the creation of the United Nations.
In 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, which was written by an
international committee chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt. This STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 5 - PAGE 126 - EXERCISE 1
document lays the basis for the modern international human My daughter, Madeline, is nine years old. She has some chores
rights law. to do at home and they will change as she gets older. She will
The declaration is based on the principle that all human beings have more responsibilities but, for now, these are her daily
are born free and equal in dignity and rights. It lists 30 articles chores:
recognizing, for instance, the principle of nondiscrimination and She starts with making her bed every morning. Then, she puts
the right to life and liberty. It refers to negative freedoms, like the things away in her room. Today it wasn’t that messy. It is her
freedom from torture or slavery, as well as positive freedoms, responsibility to keep her room clean. She does the dishes she
such as the freedom of movement and residence. It encompasses uses, too. She started doing this during her summer break. It is
basic civil and political rights, such as freedom of expression, also her responsibility to pick up her toys, because she is the
religion, or peaceful assembly, as well as social, economic, and one that plays with them. As I always say, if you make a mess,
cultural rights, such as the right to education and the right to you must clean it up.
freely choose one’s occupation and be paid and treated fairly.
In past decades, international human rights law has grown,
deepening and expanding our understanding of what human
rights are, and how to better protect them. So if these principles STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 5 - PAGE 127 - EXERCISE 1
are so well-developed, then why are human rights abused and a. Bullying
ignored time and time again all over the world?
b. Smoking cigarettes or illegal drugs
The problem, in general, is that it is not at all easy to universally
enforce these rights or to punish transgressors. Even though the c. Decreased communication
Universal Declaration of Human Rights is highly authoritative d. Wasting money
and respected, it is a declaration. It is not a hard law. e. Not sleeping enough
Then, when individual countries violate it, the mechanisms to f. Riding a bike without a helmet or talking on the phone.
address those violations are weak. So, although the main bodies
within the UN in charge of protecting human rights monitor and
investigate violations, they cannot force states to change a policy
or compensate a victim, for example.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 Transcripciones 269

Mark: Hi, Kate. Nice jacket! And nice hat! That looks - Excuse me!
expensive! Can you tell me where you got all this? - Can I ask you some questions?
Kate: I bought it. I’m glad you like it. - Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Mark: Bought it? - Sure, no problem!
Kate: Yeah! - Of course!
Mark: But, can you tell me how much you paid for all this?
Where did you get the money?
Kate: I got it with this! A student credit card! 69 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 5 - PAGE 135 - EXERCISE 1b

Mark: A student credit card? How did you get one of these?
Can you tell me …?
Kate: I got an application on my email.
Could you please tell me…?
Mark: Don’t you think it is a bit risky? Do you know if you are
Do you think you could…?
able to pay for all this?
Would you kindly …?
Kate: I don’t think so! A credit card helps you build a credit
Would you please tell me…?
rating, and even buy things that you can´t pay with
cash…like the plane ticket I got recently.
Mark: What plane ticket?
Kate: Oh yeah, my roommate and I are going to Hawaii
during the school break and I needed some new clothes Article 2. The Convention applies to every child without
for that so… discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion,
Mark: I don´t want to hear it! Credit cards usually lead to language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or
impulse spending…as I can see here. And the interest say, whatever their family background.
rates of student credit cards are usually very high! How Article 14. Every child has the right to think and believe what
in the world are you going to pay off your credit card they choose and also to practice their religion, as long as they
bill? are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights.
Kate: Um, I’m not really sure, to be honest. Maybe I can Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of
borrow some money. parents to guide their child as they grow up.
Mark: Hey, let´s sit down and talk about how you´re going to Article 16. Every child has the right to privacy. The law should
pay things back, and maybe we can come up with a protect the child’s private family and home life, including
budget. protecting children from unlawful attacks that harm their
Kate: Yeah, maybe you’re right. I shouldn’t spend that much reputation.
money. Do you know if there is a part-time job available
Article 17. Every child has the right to reliable information
near our school? I could earn some money to pay my
from a variety of sources, and governments should encourage
debts, don´t you think?
the media to provide information that children can understand.
Mark: Yeah, that´s a good idea too. Governments must help protect children from materials that
Kate: Thanks! could harm them.

270 UNIDAD 5 Transcripciones 4º MEDIO

Son: Dad, can I go outside?
Dad: Well, did you get your Saturday´s chores done? A: Excuse me! Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Son: Aw, Dad. Do we have to? B: Sure, no problem!
Dad: Well, you know the rules. No going out until the work is A: Could you tell me what human rights are?
done. B: Human rights are entitlements that every individual in the
Son: So, what is my work? world possesses simply in virtue of the fact that he or she is
a human being.
Dad: Let me see. First, you have to clean the bathroom,
including the toilet. And don´t forget to scrub the bathtub. A: I was wondering if everyone in the world has human rights.

Son: Mm, I prefer to do the living room. B: Absolutely everyone. Criminals , heads of state, children,
men, women, African, Asian, unemployed, singers...
Dad: Well, okay, but you need to vacuum the living room and
the hall and be sure to dust everything. Oh, and don´t A: Even criminals and heads of state?
forget to wipe the walls and clean the coffee table. Next, B: Yes, absolutely everyone. Criminals and heads of state are
sweep and mop the kitchen floor and be sure to polish the human too.
dining table. A: I’d like to know why people want to have human rights?
Son: Okay. Okay. B: The power of human rights lies in the very fact that they
Dad: And make your bed. treat everyone as equal in terms of possessing human
Son: I´ve already made it! dignity.
Dad: Great. Then, pick up all your books and put them away.
Son: Anything else?
Dad: Yeah.
Son: But Dad! That´s not fair!
Dad: And then, how about going out for lunch and getting a
big milk shake, but you probably don´t want to do that!


a. than, their, thunder, them, then, they, therefore, those, that,
thief, there, these.
b. theater, thirty, thought, though, thumb, throw, theme, threw,
throat, therapy, thus, threat.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 5 Transcripciones 271

Discoveries and Creations
Propuesta de planificación


AE 05
Demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e información
explícita en textos orales simples de variada extensión y de
interacciones que presentan un uso auténtico del lenguaje, Entrada de unidad Clase 1 1h. pedagógica
como noticias, charlas o descripciones orales o audiovisuales,
relacionados con descubrimientos y creaciones recientes y
que contemplan las funciones de describir acciones y
eventos pasados, solicitar y confirmar información, y
comparar procesos y hechos. Para ello, deben:
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras clave,
expresiones y frases hechas. Do you Remember? Clase 2 1h. pedagógica
• Identificar acciones o procesos pasados en que el sujeto es
desconocido o no es importante.
• Identificar expresiones para solicitar o confirmar información.
• Identificar expresiones de comparación.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores: as
well as, and, also, so if, or, in other words, y because.
• Discriminar sonidos que interfieren con la comprensión del Lección 1
4° Medio - Semestre 1

texto y sonidos /ð/ y /θ/ propios del inglés. Clase 3 - 7 5h. pedagógicas
• Recurrir a estrategias, como el uso de conocimientos previos
Unidad 6

sobre el tema o reconocer claves no verbales, gestos,

entonación y detalles relevantes.
• Integrar la expresión oral y escrita.

AE 06
Lección 2
Leer y demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e Clases 8 - 10 3h. pedagógicas
información relevante en textos informativos, descriptivos y
narrativos auténticos, simples y de variada extensión, como
textos de divulgación científica y de innovación y artículos,
relacionados con descubrimientos y creaciones recientes.
Para ello, deben:
• Reconocer vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras, frases y
expresiones clave. Check Your Progress Clase 11 1h. pedagógica
• Identificar acciones o procesos pasados en que el sujeto es
desconocido o no es importante.
• Identificar expresiones para solicitar o confirmar información.
• Reconocer la relación entre ideas por medio de conectores:
conectores: as well as, and, also, so if, or, in other words, y
• Usar estrategias de lectura rápida y focalizada.
• Distinguir entre hecho y opinión. Evaluación Formativa 1 Clase 12 1h. pedagógica
• Integrar la expresión oral y escrita.

272 UNIDAD 6 Planificación 4º MEDIO

AE 07
Expresarse oralmente por medio de monólogos de
aproximadamente tres minutos y de diálogos de aproximadamente
16 intercambios breves y simples, que incorporen las funciones Lección 3 4h. pedagógicas
13 - 16
comunicativas de años anteriores y las funciones de describir
acciones pasadas en que el sujeto es
desconocido, y solicitar y confirmar información. Para ello, deben:
• Utilizar frases hechas, expresiones idiomáticas y oraciones breves
y simples conectadas entre sí.
• Aplicar vocabulario temático de la unidad.

• Utilizar el pasado de la voz pasiva. Lección 4 Clase 17- 20 4h. pedagógica
• Utilizar preguntas para solicitar y confirmar información.
• Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores: conectores: as
well as, and, also, so if, or, in other words, y because.
• Pronunciar de manera inteligible sonidos de años anteriores y
sonidos /ð/ y /θ/.
• Utilizar variadas estrategias, como autocorrección, reformulación
de oraciones y uso de señales lingüísticas.
Subject Connections Clase 21 1h. pedagógica
AE 08
Escribir textos descriptivos y narrativos breves y simples de
aproximadamente 150 palabras, como cartas y correos
electrónicos, relacionados con descubrimientos y creaciones
recientes. Para ello, deben:
4° Medio - Semestre 1

• Incorporar las funciones de años anteriores. Clase

• Aplicar el vocabulario temático de la unidad. Project 2h. pedagógicas
Unidad 6

22 y 23
• Utilizar el pasado de la voz pasiva.
• Utilizar preguntas para solicitar y confirmar información.
• Relacionar ideas por medio del uso de conectores: conectores: as
well as, and, also, so if, or, in other words, y because.
• Aplicar el uso de elementos ortográficos, como signos de
interrogación y exclamación, el punto, la coma y la mayúscula.
• Utilizar estrategias variadas, como elaboración de modelo escrito, Final Check Clases
2h. pedagógica
corrección, conciencia de propósito y de audiencia. And Review 24 y 25

Usa las habilidades comunicativas para exponer ideas,
opiniones, sentimientos y experiencias de manera coherente y
• Da ejemplos de aparatos tecnológicos que usa frecuentemente y
Evaluación formativa 2 Clase 26 1h. pedagógica
explica cómo estos le son útiles en su vida diaria.
• Señala aspectos positivos de algunos descubrimientos y
creaciones recientes.
• Elabora descripciones de algunos descubrimientos y creaciones
Muestra interés en desarrollar habilidades y conocimientos
con el fin de aplicarlos en su futuro campo académico y/o
• Explica las ventajas de algunas creaciones recientes para su vida
académica y laboral. Evaluación Final Clase 28 1h. pedagógica
• Señala las consecuencias de descubrimientos recientes en su vida
• Da ejemplos de creaciones recientes que le permitirán desarrollar
habilidades y adquirir conocimientos en su vida académica y

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 Planificación 273

clase 1 UN T Discoveries and
Las actividades en estas páginas tienen
los siguientes propósitos: Activar la
6 Creations
motivación de los estudiantes hacia el
tema de la unidad. Permite que los
estudiantes reconozcan la importancia
de los objetivos de aprendizaje para sus
propias vidas. Además, permite que los
estudiantes establezcan metas
personales para la unidad. A su vez,
traza una guía del aprendizaje para

lograr las metas personales de los

alumnos. Para lograr estos propósitos,
es importante que los estudiantes
dediquen tiempo a cada sección antes
de comenzar la unidad.

Para comenzar la clase de hoy, diga a
los estudiantes lo siguiente: We are
going to check the learning objetives for
this unit. So, open your books on page
141. Si usted lo prefiere, puede pedirles
a algunos alumnos que lean en voz alta
los objetivos y preguntarles a otros si
entendieron. Por ejemplo, les puede
decir: Can you read aloud, please? Did
you understand what your classmate
read? Explain.

Motive a sus estudiantes y permítales

conocer su texto antes de comenzar a
utilizarlo. Se sugiere que revisen y
reconozcan las diferentes secciones y
señalen lo que más les ha llamado
su atención. “Creativity often consists
El propósito de esta sección es guiar a of merely turning up what
los estudiantes para establecer sus is already there”
propios objetivos para la unidad y
diseñar un plan de aprendizaje que les Bernice Fitz-Gibbon
ayude a lograr sus objetivos personales.
Es posible que sus estudiantes no estén
acostumbrados a trabajar con este 140 4º MED O

enfoque metacognitivo, ya que

normalmente se les ha enseñado a exigente para ser abordada en inglés, puede
centrarse en el contenido en enfoques dejar que escriban sus metas en español.
educativos más tradicionales. Dígales Recuerde siempre considerar los diferentes
que este es el espacio donde niveles y las diversas necesidades de los
mantendrán un registro de sus metas de estudiantes. Por esta razón, es importante
aprendizaje. No necesitan usar que se tome el tiempo para modelar,
oraciones completas si deciden escribir informándoles sobre la importancia de las
sus metas en inglés. Si este es el caso, prácticas de establecimiento de objetivos y
puede alentarlos a usar palabras la creación de un plan de aprendizaje.
aisladas o frases sencillas que les sean
familiares. Como en la unidad anterior,
si nota que esta tarea es demasiado


You will... What for? 2. Look at the pictures and decide if
read and listen to descriptive and informative texts about discoveries and to recognize and apply key words they are discoveries or creations.
recent creations. and expressions related to the topic.
Explain the difference in your
convey ideas about the topic through opinions, dialogues and monologues. to understand main ideas and
specific information in written and
own words.
practice the pronunciation of words beginning with sounds / ð / and / θ /,
oral texts. Ahora, invite a los estudiantes a
use the past of Passive Voice to focus on actions, use Tag Questions to
confirm information, link ideas through connectors and put into practice to answer questions to demonstrate mirar las fotos y decidir si lo que
the use of orthographic elements in written texts. comprehension of oral and written muestran son descubrimientos
You will also… texts. (discoveries) o creaciones (creations).
use communicative skills to express ideas, opinions, feelings and to express ideas in a coherent way. Para cerrar la clase, indíqueles que
experiences in a coherent and based way. to develop communicative skills to
deben justificar sus respuestas.

express ideas about the topic of
show interest to develop skills and knowledge in order to apply them in your
the unit. Dígales: What’s the difference
future academic and / or employment field.
between creations and discoveries?
Explain. Luego pregúnteles: are these
pictures creations or discoveries?
How do you know? Explain.
1 Look at the picture on page 140 and discuss these questions. Then, exchange opinions
with the whole class. Para enfocar la atención de los
a. What discovery is exemplified with the picture?
estudiantes en un tema en particular,
b. Does this discovery have an impact on you and/or the world?
el o la docente pueden hacer
c. Did the discovery push the world to find a solution? How?
preguntas y dar un tiempo limitado
d. What creations are shown to solve the problem related to the situation in the picture?
para responderlas. Esta es una técnica
muy efectiva para activar el interés y
la curiosidad de los estudiantes, y
2 Look at the pictures and decide if they are discoveries or creations. Explain the difference in también para motivarlos a aprender
your own words.
más sobre el tema propuesto. Utilice
a b
esta estrategia motivacional cada vez
que presente un nuevo contenido o
tema. Para garantizar un resultado
positivo, haga preguntas que
requieran respuestas y explicaciones
desarrolladas. El límite de tiempo es
el factor que permitirá a los
estudiantes centrar su atención y
evitar distracciones.

4º MED O UN T 6 141

desarrollo tions below and finally, share your ideas

with the rest of the class. Monitoree esta
1. Look at the picture on page 140 and
actividad, deles tiempo para reflexionar,
discuss these questions. Then, exchange
y encontrar razones que apoyen sus ideas.
opinions with the whole class.
Revise la actividad como grupo curso.
Luego de revisar los objetivos de la uni-
dad, invítelos a vincularse con la unidad
6 del texto. Para esto, sugiérales mirar la
imágen en la página 140. Pregúnteles:
What can you see? What do you think
the unit is about? How do you know? A
continuación, dígales: First, you are going
to work in groups. Then, discuss the ques-



clase 2
1 Look at these pictures and answer the questions below. Discuss in groups.
do you remember? a. Which global challenges is society facing nowadays?
b. How is technology helping to solve those global challenges?
a b
Para empezar, es importante que los
estudiantes relacionen los conceptos de
Discovery y Creation a su vida cotidiana.
Plantee la siguiente pregunta para que
discutan de forma breve antes de
comenzar: Do think you live in an era of

discoveries, creations, or both? Explain.

1. Look at these pictures and answer c d
the questions below. Discuss
in groups.
Pida a los estudiantes trabajar en
grupos y sugiérales mirar las imágenes
en la página 142. Adicionalmente,
obtenga como clase, un vocabulario
clave asociado con las imágenes.
Por ejemplo, puede decirles: Look
at the pictures. Pídales: Think about
different words to describe the pic-
tures, y pregúnteles: What can you 2 74 Listen to the recording and check your ideas in exercise 1. Were your answers correct?
see? What do you think they are? A
continuación, invítelos a discutir en 3 68 74 Write three statements about the track you have just heard, in your Activity Book,
sus grupos y contestar las preguntas using some of the connectors below. You can listen again, if necessary.
de la actividad 1. Para esto, dígales:
Discuss the questions with your group as well as/and/ also however / even though /but such as /for instance
and share your opinión with the rest
of the class. Deles algo de tiempo para so if or in other words because
pensar en sus respuestas en grupos
y encontrar una razón que apoye sus
ideas. Comparten sus respuestas con el 4 Answer these questions.
curso. Copie las ideas más relevantes a. Has technology helped to solve any global issues before? Which ones? Give examples.
en la pizarra. b. n your opinion, what has been the greatest technological invention? Why? How has it
contributed to the world?
2. 74 Listen to the recording and
c. What other problems could technology solve?
check your ideas in exercise 1.
Were your answers correct?
Explíqueles que a continuación, es-
cucharán un audio para chequear sus 142 UN T 6 4º MED O

predicciones en la actividad 1. Para

esto, dígales: In order to check your
predictions in activity 1, I am going your Activity Book, using some of the Luego, explíqueles: You are going to
to play the recording once. Una vez connectors below. You can listen again, listen to the recording again. Then write
revisadas sus predicciones, invítelos if necessary. three statements using the expressions
a compartir sus ideas en caso de que Motívelos a trabajar en su libro from the box as you hear. Don’t forget to
fueran algo distintas. Dígales: Were de actividades. Cuénteles que, a work in your Activity Book.
your ideas the same as in the recor- continuación, van a escuchar el audio una
vez más y escribir tres oraciones usando cierre
ding? Were they different? Would you
los conectores que se proveen. Para esto, 4. Answer these questions.
like to tell us? Posteriormente, los es-
dígales: Focus your attention on the Para cerrar la clase, pida a los estudiantes
tudiantes comentan sus impresiones
expresssions provided. Do you know the leer las preguntas con su compañero y
con el resto de la clase.
meaning of these expressions? Revise con trabajar en pares. Para esto, dígales: Have
3. 74 Write three statements about ellos el significado de las expresiones. a look at the pictures. Then, discuss the
the track you have just heard, in questions with your partner.


Lesson 1 mpact of sea pollution
Before reading
Before reading
1. In pairs, identify the relationship
1 n pairs, identify the relationship between the pictures and the words below. between the pictures and the
words below.
trash household items sea life tide microplastic
Invite a sus estudiantes a inferir, a
partir de las imágenes. Para esto,
plankton jellyfish plastic netting recycling
pídales trabajar en pares y mirar las
imágenes y relacionarlas con las
a b c palabras en los cuadros. Primero,
puede preguntarles: Have you

recognized them? Have you seen
them before? Where? When? Espere
sus respuestas y luego dígales: Now,
you are going to match the pictures
to the words in the boxes. Revise las
respuestas como clase.
d e f
2. Discuss these questions in groups.
You may take notes of your ideas
in your notebooks.
Pida a los estudiantes trabajar en
grupos. Invítelos a leer las preguntas
del ejercicio 2. Luego, para cerrar la
clase, dígales: Discuss the questions
g h i with your group. Then, write down
your ideas in your notebook. Deles
algo de tiempo para pensar en sus
respuestas en grupos y encontrar una
razón que apoye sus ideas. Luego
revise sus respuestas como grupo
curso. Monitoree el trabajo y apoye
las consultas que surjan.

2 Discuss these questions in groups. You may take notes of your ideas in your notebooks.

a. What do you think are the major factors that contribute to sea pollution?
b. How is sea life being affected?
c. Which problems do you think the text will address?

4º MED O UN T 6 LESSON 1 143

clase 3 unidad. El objetivo de esta lección es que los

alumnos lean un texto sobre los efectos de la
contaminación en el océano para demostrar
lesson 1 Impact of sea pollution comprensión y reflexionar sobre el tema, y
que luego escriban un reporte sobre un
iNicio problema similar.
Dé a los alumnos unos minutos para leer lo
que harán en la lección 1, ayudándoles a
identificar el contenido, las habilidades y las
actitudes que desarrollarán. Si es necesario,
ayúdelos en la lectura y asegúrese de que se
están familiarizando con lo que harán en esta

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 1 277

While reading

clase 4 1 Read the text and

confirm your prediction
iNicio in exercise 2c.
Invite a sus alumnos a revisar lo visto la
clase anterior, que revisen el
vocabulario visto junto a las imágenes y Key words
que recuerden la discusión que tuvieron pristine
al final de la clase. Pida a algunos swept

voluntarios que resuman de forma breve

las respuestas dadas a las preguntas del
An Ocean of Plastic
ejercicio 3 de la página 143. Dígales: In resemble Plastic is polluting the seas, but there’s
still time to turn the tide.

groups, remember what you discussed

about last class. Is there a volunteer
who would like to summarize the By Jennifer Barone
opinions given? Today, it seems that no part of the ocean is safe from plastic.
In recent years, oceanographers have searched in vain for
desarrollo a pristine marine environment.“It’s a global problem,” says
While reading Chelsea Rochman, a marine ecologist at the University of
Strategy in mind Toronto in Canada.
1. Invite a sus estudiantes a confirmar Skimming to find main and It was discovered that plastic harms wildlife and introduces
sus predicciones en el ejercicio 2c. general ideas quickly.
dangerous chemicals into marine ecosystems. Once plastic
Motívelos a trabajar, diciéndoles: Scanning to find specific pieces
enters the environment, it lasts a long time.
of information.
“Now, it is your turn to check your
predictions. Read the text once”. INTO THE OCEAN
When people litter, or when trash is not properly disposed
Espere un tiempo prudente para of, things like plastic bags, bottles, straws, and foam beverage
que lean y luego pregúnteles: Were cups get carried to the sea by winds and waterways. About
your predictions correct? Were they 80 percent of ocean plastic originates on land. The rest comes
different? Why? Después de escuchar Smart reading from marine industries such as shipping and fishing.
sus respuestas, dirija su atención 1. n pairs, have a quick In 2015, it was calculated that at least 8 million tons of plastic
hacia las palabras destacadas en el look at the text to get the trash are swept into the ocean from coasts every year. That’s the
texto. Dígales: “Focus your attention main and general ideas. equivalent of a full garbage truck of plastic being dumped into
on the highlighted words in the 2. As you read, answer these
the sea every minute. If current trends in plastic production and
disposal continue, that figure will double by 2025. Last year, it
text” Luego, pregúnteles: What do questions in your notebook.
was predicted that by 2050, ocean plastic will outweigh all the
they express? Invítelos a buscar las a. What was discovered over
fish in the sea.
the plastic?
palabras en el diccionario. Asegúrese b. What are some properties
de que entienden las ideas y no pase of plastic that make it a
In today’s world, plastic is everywhere. It is found in shoes,
a la fase siguiente si es que no es así. problem pollutant? Cite
clothing, household items, electronics, and more. There are
evidence from the text.
different types of plastics, but they are all made of polymers—
Smart reading c. What was detected
in 2015? large molecules made up of repeating units. Their chemical
1. In pairs, have a quick look at d. Why is wildlife at risk? structure gives them a lot of advantages: They’re cheap and
the text to get the main and easy to manufacture, lightweight, water- resistant, durable, and
general ideas. can be molded into nearly any shape.
Invite a sus estudiantes a trabajar en
pares. Motívelos a leer rápidamente el 144 UN T 6 LESSON 1 4º MED O
texto e identificar las ideas generales.
Para eso, puede decirles: “Have a
quick look at the text. Then, identify mientras leen. Dígales: “Now you are general ideas you underlined in exercise 1 of
the main ideas”. Puede pedirles, por going to answer the questions below the Smart Reading section. After you finish,
ejemplo: “Underline the main ideas as you read” Revise las respuestas share the ideas, in your own words, in front
“. Además, pregúnteles lo siguiente: como clase. of the class.
“How do you think you identified the
main ideas? Explain.” Escuchelos cierre
atentamente, luego, invítelos a Invite a sus alumnos a cerrar la clase con una
compartir sus ideas con el resto de actividad grupal, en la que deben refrasear
la clase. las ideas principales subrayadas en el
2. As you read, answer these ejercicio 1 de la sección Smart Reading, y
questions in your notebook. presentarlas de forma oral frente a la clase.
Haga que respondan las preguntas Dígales: In small groups, rephrase the

278 UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 1 4º MEDIO

Unfortunately, some of the same properties that make plastics
great for consumer goods make them a problem pollutant. siguiente: Discuss the consequences
Plastic does not biodegrade or break down naturally. It just
of the statements in the “Your
fragments, or breaks into tiny pieces known as micro plastic,
and can stick around for hundreds or perhaps even thousands analysis” section, in groups.
of years. Your analysis Chequeé las respuestas oralmente.
Also, as plastic contains dyes and flame retardants, when 1. Read the statements below Think critically
it is not disposed of properly, those additives end up in the and, in groups, discuss the
environment. consequences they can have. Make text-to-world connections.
Plastic also tends to absorb harmful chemicals such as
a. Once plastic enters the Las conexiones de texto a mundo son
pesticides and industrial chemicals. So, if marine organisms eat
environment, it lasts a
las conexiones más grandes que un
long time.
that plastic, they may be exposed to higher concentrations of b. About 80 percent of ocean lector aporta a una situación de lectura.
these contaminants. plastic originates on land. Todos tenemos ideas sobre cómo
The rest comes from marine funciona el mundo que va más allá de

One of the biggest impacts of plastic pollution is its effect
industries such as shipping
and fishing.
nuestras experiencias personales.
on sea life. Seals, sea turtles, and even whales can become c. Scientists are also working Aprendemos sobre cosas a través de la
entangled in plastic netting. Sea turtles eat plastic bags which towards new materials televisión, películas, revistas y
resemble jellyfish, and pieces of micro plastic can resemble that are safer for periódicos. A menudo son las
the environment.
plankton, small organisms that many marine animals consume.
conexiones de texto a mundo las que los
In 2015, it was detected that nearly 700 marine species have
been observed entangled with or eating plastic. profesores intentan mejorar cuando
enseñan lecciones de ciencias, estudios
Plastic and its pollutants can even make it into our own food
supply. That means we are eating plastic, too.
sociales y literatura. Un ejemplo de una
conexión de texto a mundo sería cuando
TURNING THE TIDE un estudiante dice: “Vi una entrevista en
It was determined that one way to keep the ocean cleaner and la televisión, en que se hablaba de las
healthier is through cleanup efforts. Scientists are also working
towards new materials that are safer for the environment such
cosas que se describen en el texto”.
as a new polymer that breaks down more easily in seawater. Invite a sus estudiantes a hacer
Disposing of plastic properly for recycling or trash collection is conexiones del texto con el mundo. Para
a key step. hacer esto, puede organizarlos en grupos
Adapted from: An ocean of plastic. Retrieved from pequeños y decirles: Work in small
groups and discuss the questions below.
Luego, ellos leen las dos preguntas y
Think critically discuten sus respuestas, o puede
Make text-to-world connections invitarlos a hacer esa conexión de
Has Chile contributed to manera individual. Lea las preguntas en
reducing the production of
plastic? How? Do you think that voz alta y guíelos para que logren esa
there is anything else that should conexión: Has Chile contributed to
be done? Explain. reducing the production of plastic?
Make text-to-self connections How? Do you think that there is
How do you think the reduction anything else that should be done?
of plastic can affect your own
everyday life? Explain.

Make text-to-self connections.
Al hacer conexiones de texto a su
4º MED O UN T 6 LESSON 1 145 propia realidad, los estudiantes recurren
a sus conocimientos y experiencias
anteriores para conectarse con el texto.
clase 5 your own words, share the main ideas of the
Para solicitar a los alumnos que realicen
text seen last class.
iNicio conexiones de texto a sí mismos,
desarrollo invítelos a reflexionar sobre la pregunta
Para iniciar la clase, indique a los estudiantes señalada: How do you think the
que revisen lo que hicieron la clase pasada, Your analysis
reduction of plastic can affect your
para que retomen el texto de lectura. Invite a 1. Read the statements below and, in own everyday life? Explain and share
algunos voluntarios (que no hayan groups, discuss the consequences they your ideas.
participado la clase pasada) a compartir las can have.
ideas principales del texto de forma oral, en Invite a los alumnos a leer el texto
sus propias palabras, frente a toda la clase. nuevamente. Luego de eso, pídales
Dígales: come to the front of the class and, in conformar pequeños grupos e indique lo

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 1 279

After reading

clase 6
Language in use Passive Voice in Past Tense
iNicio Read and analyze these sentences from the text. Read the questions and discuss the answers
Para iniciar la clase, indique a los with your partner.
estudiantes que revisen lo que hicieron • t was discovered that plastic harms wildlife.
la clase pasada, para que recuerden el • t was predicted that by 2050, ocean plastic will outweigh all the fish in the sea.
tema de la unidad y el texto que
leyeron. Pida a un voluntario que What do the words in bold convey?
resuma lo hecho la clase anterior frente i. The action is the important element.
a toda la clase: (Nombre del alumno), ii. The person who did the action is the important element.
can you come to the front and briefly
summarize what we did last class?

1 68 Fill in this graphic organizer, in your Activity Book, with information about the problem
desarrollo of plastic in the ocean.
after reading
language in use Passive Voice Problem Cause(s) Effect(s) Solution(s)

in Past Tense
Indique a sus estudiantes lo siguiente:
Work in pairs and analyze the sentences 2 75 Listen to some news headlines and, in pairs, report them, using the Passive Voice. You
can use the pictures below to support your answers. .
below. Discuss and answer the
questions. Revise como grupo curso.
- It was discovered that plastic harms
- It was predicted that by 2050, ocean
plastic will outweigh all the fish in
the sea.
Invite a los alumnos a leer los
statements y decidir, respecto de las
oraciones de arriba, cual es el correcto:
Dígales: Read the statements below and
choose the correct option. Read the
sentences above again, if necessary. 3 dentify these elements in the text on pages 144 - 145. Check with the whole class.
Cuando respondan, revise diciendo: We
use the passive voice in past tense when Title ntroduction Cause(s) Effect(s) Solution(s) Source
the action is the important element in
the sentence, not the person who did
4 Discuss these questions in groups.
the action.
a. How do you feel about the situation of sea pollution in your country? Are you optimistic or
1. Fill in this graphic organizer, pessimistic? Why?
in your Activity Book, with b. What can you do to help prevent sea pollution?
information about the problem of c. Do you think we will ever be able to get rid of plastic? Why?
plastic in the ocean.
A continuación, digales a sus alumnos
lo siguiente: Direct your attention to 146 UN T 6 LESSON 1 4º MED O

the following graphic organizer. As

you can see, these are elements of any
news headlines and report them, using the cierre
non-literary text. Now you are going to
passive voice and your own word.
fill this in in your Activity Book, using 4. Discuss these questions in groups.
the information from the previous text Invítelos a compartr sus respuestas con el Invite a sus alumnos a discutir las
you read. Do it with a classmate. Deles resto de la clase. preguntas sobre el tema de la
un tiempo adecuado y luego revise sus 3. Identify these elements in the text on contaminación en el océano, en grupo. Al
respuestas como grupo curso. pages 144 - 145. Check with the whole terminar, invítelos a compartir sus
2. 75 Listen to some news headlines class. respuestas con toda la clase. Dígales:
and, in pairs, report them, using Motívelos a trabajar en grupos y luego Discuss the following questions in small
the Passive Voice. dígales: “Now you are going to identify groups. Then, organize your answers,
Invite a sus alumnos a seguir the elements of the text on pages 144- write them down, and share them with the
trabajando en sus grupos. Dígales: 145.” En cuanto terminen, revise la whole class, outloud.
“Work in your groups. Listen to some actividad como clase.

280 UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 1 4º MEDIO

Writing A report

1. Organizing your ideas invítelos a revisar los elementos del

a. Choose one of these topics and research some information about it. texto vistos previamente, y también
las actividades relacionadas con los
ntensive farming Genetically modified food
esquemas de información y ejercicios
Radioactive contamination Any other similar topic you are interested in.
realizados. Dígales: Now you are
b. Reuse the graphic organizer on page 146 to arrange your findings. going to work on this stage of the
process. You may base your ideas on
2. Drafting
According to the information in your graphic organizer, write four brief Voice. You can use the
the information checked so far.
pictures below to support your answers. The first paragraph should include an introduction of the 3. revising
topic. n the second paragraph, you must write about the causes. n the third paragraph, you
should stablish the effects and, finally, in the fourth paragraph you need to close your text
Invite a sus alumnos a que revisen su
writing about the solution(s) of the problem of your topic. At this stage do not care much about escritura utilizando las marcas del

making mistakes. editor del cuadro. Para esto, solicite
Remember to start your report with a title, use enough connectors to link your lo siguiente: You are going to check
sentences and include some ideas in the Past Simple of the Passive Voice. Editor’s Marks your mistakes in your text,
Don´t forget to add the sources of information, at the end of the report.
Capital letter / punctuation and spelling rules. You
may use the Editor’s Marks.
3. Revising
Based on the Editor´s Marks, check for grammar, punctuation and Punctuation
spelling mistakes. Add a word
4. editing
ss Escriben la versión final de su reporte.
4. Editing
Dígales: Write down the final version
s Check spelling

Write the final version of your report on a separate sheet of paper, and
of your report. You may include
Change place
revise it again.
You can add more information if needed. additional information if you need.
5. Publishing My classmate 5. Publishing
Read your report to the class. expressed ideas clearly. Motive a sus alumnos a presentar sus
6. Evaluating
included a title, an introduction and a conclusion. reportes en frente de la clase. Para
Exchange reports with your classmate and
established the causes and effects of the problem. esto, puede decirles: Now that you
evaluate each other´s work. Give positive included the sources of information. have finished, you may read your text
feedback and suggestions to improve added some past ideas in Passive Voice. in front of the class. Who is first?
weaknesses. Use the prompts in the box to help used grammar and punctuation correctly. Any volunteers?
you evaluate your partners´ task. didn´t make major spelling mistakes.
6. evaluating
Finalmente, haga que los estudiantes
intercambien su trabajo. Dígales que
leer el texto de su pareja y verifiquen
Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.
el trabajo de su compañero poniendo
atención en los puntos del cuadro My
5 things ’ve learned classmate. Dígales además, que el
4 things ’ve found interesting objetivo de esta actividad es elevar su
The most important thing
3 things that need improvement learned today... conciencia sobre su escritura. Para
2 questions have realizar esta actividad, puede
1 thing would like to learn more about señalarles lo siguiente: Now, you are
going to work in pairs and exchange
your reports in order to evaluate each
4º MED O UN T 6 LESSON 1 147 other’s work. Use the information in
the the box “My classmate”.

clase 7 Luego de recopilar la información, pídales cierre

a sus estudiantes ordenarla, basándose en exit slip
Writing a report el organizador gráfico de la página 146. Los estudiantes reflexionan sobre el
iNicio Para esto, puede indicarles lo siguiente: trabajo que han realizado a lo largo de la
Based on the graphic organizer on page lección y mantienen un registro de sus
1. organizing your ideas. 146, reorganize your findings in exercise 1.
Dígales a sus alumnos: Direct your respuestas personales, que pueden
attention to the topics below. Then, select desarrollo compartir con algunos de sus
one of them and find information about it. 2. drafting compañeros de clase. Anímelos a que
You may use an encyclopedia, internet, Lea en voz alta la instrucción de la sean lo más específicos posible, sobre
libraries, etc. actividad. Pregunte a sus alumnos si están las dificultades que creen que
entendiendo lo que deben hacer en esta enfrentarán en el futuro y las medidas
parte del proceso. Para ayudarlos, que tomarán para mejorar su desempeño.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 1 281

Lesson 2 Bees at risk
clase 8

Before listening
lesson 2 Bees at risk 1 Think about what you already know about bees and use these pictures and words to
explain how honey is made. Check with the whole class.
Before listening honeycomb pollen beekeeper honey
1. Think about what you already
hive nectar collect pollinate
know about bees and use these
pictures and words to explain how
honey is made. Check with the

whole class.
Los estudiantes activan su
conocimiento previo a través de esta
actividad. Primero, indíqueles que
trabajarán en pares, vinculando las
imágenes con las expresiones. Puede
decirles, lo siguiente: Focus your
attention on the pictures below. Have
you seen this process before? When?
Explain. Match these pictures with
the expressions. Luego, de escuchar
sus ideas, invítelos a relacionar las
palabras con las imágenes. Revise
como clase.

2. You are going to listen to a
recording about the situation of
bees in the world. Brainstorm
key words that you believe will be
mentioned. Take notes in
your notebook.
Antes de comenzar la actividad,
obtenga las ideas de los estudiantes
sobre las palabras que creen serán
mencionadas en el audio. Anímelos a
trabajar en parejas y escriba una lista 2 You are going to listen to a recording about the situation of bees in the world. Brainstorm
de palabras que les vengan a la key words that you believe will be mentioned. Take notes in your notebook.
mente. Haga que los estudiantes
observen las imágenes en la actividad
anterior y las relacionen con el audio
que van a escuchar. Digales: Have a 148 UN T 6 LESSON 2 4º MED O
look at the pictures. Luego,
pregúnteles: What do they refer to?
What do you think the recording is While listening partners. You must answer the questions
about? Anímelos a usar su below. Revise sus respuestas con el curso.
1. 76 Listen to the recording once. While
creatividad y tomar notas en su
you listen, check your predictions. 3. 76 Listen to the recording again. As
cuaderno. Luego, pídales que
Reproduzca la grabación una vez y dígales: you listen, take notes in your notebook
expresen sus ideas con el curso.
As you listen, you should confirm or about the following points:
correct your ideas in the previous section. Reproduzca la grabación una vez y
2. Answer these questions with a classmate. dígales: As you listen, you should make
Anime a los alumnos a trabajar en pares some notes based on the phrases
y responder las preguntas. Para darle las provided. Revise la actividad en
instrucciones, puede decirles, lo siguiente: forma general.
Now, you are going to work with your

282 UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 2 4º MEDIO

While listening

1 76 Listen to the recording once. While you listen, check your predictions. desarrollo
language in use Tag Questions
2 Answer these questions with a classmate. Strategy in mind 1. 77 Antes de poner el audio, diga a
Listening for details.
sus estudiantes: Direct your attention
a. What type of recording is it?
to the expressions in bold. What do
b. What´s its purpose?
they mean? When do we use them?
Have you seen them before? Después
3 76 Listen to the recording again. As you listen, take notes in your notebook about the de escuchar sus ideas, invítelos a
following points: responder la pregunta. Digales:
What’s the function of the words in
Bees in the US Factors affecting bees’ health Measures to provide more food to bees bold? Answer.

4. 76 Listen to the first part of

Language in use Tag Questions the recording and answer these

questions. Write your answers in
1. 77 Read and listen to these sentences, paying attention to the short questions in bold. your notebook. Later, check your
• So, you can have much more data on bee populations, can´t you? answers with the class.
• t´s clear that bees in the United States are still struggling, isn´t it? Explique a los alumnos escucharán la
• Those aren´t good news, are they? primera parte de una grabación
• This looks better, doesn´t it? relacionada con el tema de la unidad.
a. What´s the function of the words in bold? Anímelos a trabajar en pares y
i. To get information
responder las preguntas. Puede
ii. To emphasize information decirles: Listen to the recording, and
iii. To confirm information then answer the questions below.
Revise las respuestas.

4 76Listen to the first part of the recording and answer these questions. Write your answers in
your notebook. Later, check your answers with the class. 5. Draw this graphic organizer in
a. What happened 10 years ago? your notebook. Then, listen to the
b. What does CCD mean? second part of the recording
c. What have countries created since the alarm was first raised? and fill it with the information
d. What percentage of bee colonies did the U.S lose over the 2015-16 winter? you hear.
e. s the situation in Canada better or worse than in the U.S.? Why? Indique a sus estudiantes que, para
f. What percentage has the wild bee diversity in U.S. dropped between 2008 and 2013?
cerrar la clase, deben copiar el
organizador en su cuaderno. Además,
dígales que, a continuación,
5 76 Draw this graphic organizer in your notebook. Then, listen to the second part of the
escucharán la segunda parte del
recording and fill it with the information you hear.
audio para confirmar sus respuestas.
Puede decirles la instrucción, de la
Causes Effects Solutions siguiente manera: Direct your
attention to the graphic organizer.
Complete with your ideas. Then,
listen to the second part of the
recording and check your answers.
Al terminar, invítelos a compartir sus
respuestas con el resto de la clase.
cierre clase 9
Puede dibujar le organizador en la
Para cerrar la clase, invite a sus alumnos a pizarra, para que los alumnos lo
que se junten en pares y compartan, de forma completen, pasando adelante.
oral, las notas que escribieron en el ejercicio Para iniciar la clase, indique a los estudiantes
3. Dígales: Share the information you wrote que revisen lo que hicieron la clase pasada,
in exercise 3 with the whole class. Motive a para que recuerden el tema de la unidad y el
sus alumnos a que hagan preguntas y corrijan audio que escucharon. Pida a un voluntario
a sus compañeros. Dígales: Ask questions if que resuma lo hecho la clase anterior frente a
you have any doubts and correct your toda la clase: (Nombre del alumno), can you
classmates if you catch any mistakes. come to the front and briefly summarize what
we did last class?

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 2 283

After listening

clase 10 1 Discuss these questions.

iNicio a. What other reasons could there be for bees declining in number?
Para iniciar la clase, indique a los b. Can you imagine other solutions to solve the problem? Propose some ideas.
estudiantes que revisen lo que hicieron c. How could your country be affected by the disappearance of bees?
la clase pasada, para que recuerden el
tema de la unidad y el audio que 2 69 Think of four questions that you would like to ask Simon or Andrea and write them in your
escucharon. Pida a un voluntario que Activity Book.
resuma lo hecho la clase anterior frente
a toda la clase: (Nombre del alumno),
Speaking Role playing an interview

can you come to the front and briefly 1. Preparing to speak


summarize what we did last class? a. 78 Listen and repeat these words from the recording. Focus on the pronunciation of the sounds
/ θ / and / ð /.
after listening / θ / thousands method anything sublethal both
/ ð / other that this although
1. Discuss these questions.
Haga que los estudiantes discutan.
b. 76 Work in groups. One of you will play the role of the interviewer and the other two
Para esto, dígales: In groups, discuss classmates will play the role of Simon and Andrea. Listen to the recording again, paying special
the question below. attention to your specific part. Take brief notes in your notebook.
2. Think of four questions that c. Prepare a draft with the information you are going to include. Add two new questions and some
Tag Questions to confirm information.
you would like to ask Simon or
Andrea and write them in your 2. Practicing
Activity Book. a. Take turns to practice the conversation. Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.
Pida a los alumnos lo siguiente: Work b. Correct each other´s mistakes.
in your Activity Book. What questions 3. Performing My classmates
would you like to ask them? Write Role play your conversation. Then, some groups prepared the conversation carefully.
down your ideas in your book. Then, may perform it in front of the class. asked and answer questions about the topic.
share your answers with the rest of 4. Evaluating confirmed information using Tag Questions.
the class. Evaluate your work using the prompts in the box. followed the suggested steps.
Then, offer positive feedback and suggestions to corrected each other with respect.
speaking each other.
role playing an interview
1. Preparing to speak
Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.
a. 78 Expliques a sus alumnos que
van a pronunciar dos sonidos Write:
diferentes. Dígales: In the 5 things ’ve learned
following exercise you are going 4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing
to differentiate two English 3 things that need improvement learned today...
sounds. Please, read them aloud, 2 questions have
then listen and repeat. What are 1 thing would like to learn more about
their differences?
b. 76 Explique a los alumnos
escucharán una grabación 150 UN T 6 LESSON 2 4º MED O

relacionada con una entrevista.

Anímelos a trabajar en grupos de c. A continuación dígales lo siguiente: 3. Performing
a tres y, luego, deberán hacer un Think about additional information you Role play your conversation. Then, some
juego de roles donde cada uno de are going to include in the conversation. groups may perform it in front of the
ellos practicará un papel. Puede Prepare a draft adding two questions to class. Dígales a los estudiantes: After
decirles: Listen to the recording the interview. Don’t forget to use Tag practicing your presentation, roleplay it in
once and identify the main ideas. Questions. front of the class.
Then, in groups of three, you
should slect one character in 2. Practicing 4. evaluating
order to role play. Listen again a. Dígales a sus estudiantes: Read your Asegúrese de que los estudiantes
and, as you listen, you are going text again. Then, take turns to practice intercambien comentarios y sugerencias
to take notes about your role. reading the presentation aloud. de mejoras de manera respetuosa,
b. A continuación, pídales lo siguiente: centrándose en sus puntos fuertes y
Correct your mistakes in pairs. proponiendo algunas acciones correctivas

284 UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 2 4º MEDIO


1 79 Read the dialogue. Then, complete the spaces with Tag Questions to confirm 10 points cHecK YoUr ProGress
the information. Write your answers in your notebook. Then, listen and check.
Explique a sus estudiantes que, como ya
han repasado lo que estudiaron en las dos
a. b. lecciones que acaban de terminar, ahora
Hello Derek, What are you Oh, Yes! Our environment is in great es tiempo de enfrentar el desafío de
reading? You look worried. danger, ...? realizar las tareas que se detallan en las
actividades 1 y 2. Deles tiempo para
trabajar en grupos o en pares y ver si son
An article about environment

The problem of environment pollution capaces de realizar cada tarea.
pollution. t says that this
has become a major threat for 1. Read the dialogue. Then, complete
situation is getting worse.
human beings as well as animals. the spaces with Tag Questions to
confirm the information. Write your
c. d. answers in your notebook. Then,
That´s right! On the other hand, listen and check.
Besides, the increase in temperature,
plants and animals are likely to
the Earth is suffering from droughts, 2. Choose one of the topics from the
be extinct as well. ...?
floods, the melting of the ice caps, etc. unit and create a dialogue similar
to the one above. Include Tag
Absolutely! As a consequence, we questions, connectors, amd the
Situations that aren´t have been suffering from various Passive Voice. Then, practice and
normal at all, ... ? kinds of diseases...? perform your dialogue in front of
the class.
Al terminar la clase, dígales que, en base
People should stop polluting the a las tareas realizadas en las actividades
environment and be aware of Yes, completely agree with you. 1 y 2, deberán autoevaluarse de acuerdo
harmful effect of their actions. con los criterios de avance en la escala
de rendimiento al final de la página.
Asegúrese de que comprendan bien los
términos great, good, OK and not good
2 10 points
Choose one of the topics from the unit and create a dialogue similar to the one
enough, para que la autoevaluación
above. nclude Tag questions, connectors, and the Passive Voice. Then, practice
and perform your dialogue in front of the class. sea efectiva.

nterpret your results clase 12

Great! Good OK Not good enough
(20 points) (19 - 16 points) (11 - 15 points) (11 or less points) evaluación formativa
You are achieving
the learning goals.
You are very well prepared.
Your performance
can improve. Revise your
You need to revise the
contents and practice
La evaluación formativa es un proceso
Keep on working the few mistakes you mistakes and weakest more, in order to improve de evaluación continuo cuyo enfoque
hard! made. areas with your teacher. your performance. considera la evaluación como parte del
trabajo cotidiano del aula, basado en la
4º MED O UN T 6 CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 151 búsqueda e interpretación de evidencia
acerca del logro de los estudiantes
respecto a una meta. Se utiliza para
para las áreas que necesitan mejorar. Anímelos a que sean lo más específicos
orientar el proceso de enseñanza -
Sugiérales: Evaluate your performances posible, sobre las dificultades que creen que
aprendizaje y tomar decisiones oportunas
using the prompts in the box. Deles enfrentarán en el futuro y las medidas que
que beneficien a los estudiantes con el
tiempo para realizar la evaluación. tomarán para mejorar su desempeño.
fin que los estudiantes estrechen la
Comenten como grupo curso.
brecha entre el conocimiento actual y las
cierre metas esperadas, y la forma de lograrlo.
exit slip Invite a sus alumnos a realizar la
Los estudiantes reflexionan sobre el trabajo evaluación en silencio. Al terminar,
que han realizado a lo largo de la lección y revise el desempeño de los alumnos con
mantienen un registro de sus respuestas la rúbrica en el Apendice de Material
personales, que pueden compartir con Complementario Fotoco-piable de la
algunos de sus compañeros de clase. Unidad 6, página 313.


Lesson 3 Sustainable energies
clase 13

Before listening
lesson 3 Sustainable Energies 1 How would you define the concept “renewable energy”? Discuss with the class.

Before listening 2 69 n pairs, look at the pictures and match them with the words below, in your Activity
Book. Which sources are renewable? Discuss.
1. How would you define the concept
“renewable energy”? Discuss with fossil fuels nuclear energy solar energy wind energy
the class.
Para comenzar, agrupe a sus alumnos, geothermal energy biomass energy hydroelectric energy

motívelos a definir el concepto como

clase y escuche atentamente sus a b c d
ideas. Dígales: Discuss the question
with the class. Revise como clase.

2. In pairs, look at the pictures and
match them with the words below,
in your Activity Book. Which
sources are renewable? Discuss.
Anímelos a trabajar en parejas e
invítelos a realizar la actividad en su
Cuaderno de Actividades. Haga que
e f g
los estudiantes observen las imágenes
y las relacionen. Finalmente, pídales
que discutan cuales de esos recursos
son renovables. Para ayudarlos en la
instrucción de esta actividad, usted
les puede decir, lo siguiente: “You
are going to work in pairs. Then, you
have to match the pictures to the
words in your notebook. Finally,
discuss if the sources are renewable
or not.
3. 80 Listen to some definitions and 3 80 Listen to some definitions and identify the corresponding energy sources from above.
identify the corresponding energy
sources from above.
Explique: “After listening to some You are going to listen to a recording titled Africa Sustainable Energy. What do you think the
major concerns will be? Which inventions will be used to deal with the problems? Write down
definitions, you are going to identify your ideas in your notebook.
the corresponding energy sources in
activity 2”.
152 UN T 6 LESSON 3 4º MED O
Invite a sus alumnos a compartir sus
respuestas de la actividad 3 y motívelos clases 14 y 15 desarrollo
a definir cada tipo de energía con sus 4. You are going to listen to a recording
propias palabras, basándose en todas las titled Africa Sustainable Energy. What
definiciones de energías renovables Para iniciar la clase, indique a los estudiantes do you think the mayor concerns will
vistos. Dígales: Share your answers in que revisen lo que hicieron la clase pasada, be? Which inventions will be used to
exercise 3 with the whole class. While para que recuerden el tema de la unidad y los deal with the problems? Write down
doing that, define each type of energy audios que escucharon. Pida a un voluntario your ideas in your notebook.
you mention, using your own words. que resuma lo hecho la clase anterior frente a Luego de pedirles que trabajen en parejas,
toda la clase: (Nombre del alumno), can you dígales a sus estudiantes: “Before listening
come to the front and briefly summarize what to a recording, you are going to write
we did last class? down some ideas about what you think the
recording is about?” Revise las ideas como

286 UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 3 4º MEDIO

While listening
Dígales: After listening to the
1 81 Listen to the recording and check your predictions.
recording again, indicate the purpose
Strategy in mind and main ideas of the text. Try to be
2 81 Listen again and discuss in pairs. Answering questions. as specific as possible.
a. Purpose of the listening. b. Main ideas. 3. 81 Listen to the recording and
answer the questions below,
3 81 Listen to the recording and answer the questions below, outloud. outloud.
Use the pictures to support your anwers. Explique a los alumnos que
a. What type of health problems can be caused by escucharán la grabación nuevamente.
using wood and kerosene for energy? Anímelos a trabajar y responder las
i. Lung problems preguntas de comprensión. Motívelos

ii. Skin problems a que revisen sus respuestas con toda
b. How many homes in central Kenya will benefit la clase. Puede decirles: Listen to
from electric power, when the hydroelectric the recording again and answer the
project is complete? comprehension questions by choosing
i. About 50 the correct option. Then, check your
ii. About 150 answers with the whole class.
c. What is the maximum capacity of the hydropower
turbine that the community expect to reach in the
near future?
i. 40 kilowatts
ii. 20 kilowatts
d. How many Kenyan homes are supplied with electric
power now? Namibia
i. 150
ii. 56
e. What have been the main traditional sources of
energy in Kenia?
i. Wood
ii. Wood and kerosene
f. What have been the main consequences of not using
green energies in Kenia?
i. Destruction of forests and lung problems
ii. Destruction of ecosystems and skin problems
g. n Namibia, the UN is helping to fund projects that
will increase the use of…
i. hydro power
ii. solar energy
h. What type of energy is used in the capital Kenya
of Namibia?
i. Hydroelectric
ii. A coal burning power plant

4º MED O UN T 6 LESSON 3 153

grupo curso. Revise la pertinencia de las las de sus compañeros. Dígales: Compare
respuestas, es decir, que todas estén your previous ideas with your classmates.
relacionadas con el tema de la unidad. Were they too different from each other?
While listening
2. 81 Listen again and discuss in pairs.
1. 81 Listen to the recording and check Ahora, reproduzca la grabación una vez
your predictions. más y señale a sus alumnos que deben,
Para comenzar la actividad de listening, primero, indicar el propósito del texto (si
reproduzca la grabación una vez y dígales: es informativo, narrativo, etcétera), y
As you listen, you should confirm or luego señalar las ideas principales de lo
correct their ideas in the previous section. que logran escuchar, de manera oral.
Invítelos a comparar sus respuestas con

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 3 287

4 81 Listen to the recording once more. Then, look at the pictures and discuss how they
4. 81 Listen to the recording once are related to the information you hear. Take notes in your notebook and then discuss with
more. Then, look at the pictures your group.
and discuss how they are related a b
to the information you hear. Take
notes in your notebook and then
discuss with your group.
Para cerrar la clase, explique a los
alumnos escucharán la grabación una
vez más. Anímelos a formar grupos y
explicar de qué manera las fotos
están relacionadas con la pista de
audio. Puede decirles: Now, listen to

the recording once more. As you c d

hear, in your groups decide how the
pictures below are related to the

after listening
1. In groups, discuss these questions.
Haga que los estudiantes discutan en
grupos. Para esto, dígales: In groups,
discuss the questions below. Invítelos
a compartir sus respuestas con toda After listening

la clase. 1 n groups, discuss these questions.

clase 16 a. How much energy do you think you use every day? Where does it come from?
b. Are there any problems of energy scarcity in your country?
Writing a survey c. Does your country use renewable energies? Which ones? Where?
d. How can new technology solve environmental problems?
Dirija la atención de sus alumnos hacia
la siguiente actividad. Explíqueles que, e. Can you think of a different green energy source that will be used in the future?

a continuación, deberán crear una

encuesta para saber el uso que sus Writing A survey

compañeros hacen de la energía. Para n pairs, you are going to create a simple survey to know your classmates´ use of energy.
aclarar la instrucción, dígales: Focus 1. Organizing the ideas
your attention on the following activity. a. 82 Listen and practice these expressions to request some information.
You must create a survey to know what
your classmates’ habits, concerning
May ask you a Could you please answer Do you mind if ask you
their use energy.
few questions? some questions? a few questions?
1. organizing the ideas
a. 82 Ahora, invite a sus estudiantes
a escuchar un audio y practicar las

expresiones. Dígales: Direct your

attention to the expressions below.
Can you read out loud? Espere a
que lean, luego ponga la grabación
y dígales: Now, I am going to play
the recording. Repeat the
expressions, as you hear them.

288 UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 3 4º MEDIO

b. Discuss some questions you would like to ask. You can ask open-ended (the person can
answer in any way they want) or closed-ended questions (the person chooses from one or several 3. revising
options). Then, copy this chart in your notebook and fill it with your ideas.
Invite a sus alumnos a que revisen su
Open-ended questions Closed-ended questions escritura utilizando las marcas del
editor del cuadro. Para esto, solicite
What type of bulbs do you use at home? Do you switch off the lights when you leave a room?
What do you do to save energy? Do you close the faucet while you brush your teeth? lo siguiente: You are going to check
your mistakes in your text,
2. Drafting punctuation and spelling rules. You
Organize and write your questions in your notebook without paying much attention to grammar or may use the Editor’s Marks. Deles
spelling mistakes. You may start with simple or general questions and finish with the most complex
tiempo y luego revise sus actividades
or specific ones.
en forma grupal.
3. Revising
4. editing

Based on the Editor´s Marks on the right, check for grammar, punctuation and
spelling mistakes. Editor’s Marks Escriben la versión final de su
4. Editing Capital letter / encuesta. Dígales: Write down the
final version of your survey. You may
Type the final version of your survey and check it again. You can add more
questions if needed.
Punctuation include additional information, if you
Add a word need.
5. Publishing ss
s Check spelling
Print ten copies of your survey and ask the questions to some of your 5. Publishing
classmates. Next session, you may present a graph to show the results of Change place
Motive a sus alumnos a imprimir sus
your study.
encuestas y aplicarlas a sus
6. Evaluating compañeros. Luego, dígales: You are
Use the prompts in the box to help you evaluate each other´s work and give positive feedback and going to present your survey now.
suggestions to improve each other’s weaknesses. Invítelos a aplicar la encuesta con sus
compañeros. Dígales: Now, survey
We... your classmates.
wrote clear and well-organized questions. cierre
included open and closed-ended questions.
requested for information using formal expressions.
6. evaluating
revised grammar and punctuation carefully.
Finalmente, haga que los estudiantes
intercambien su trabajo. Dígales que
lean el texto de su compañero y
verifiquen su trabajo, poniendo
atención a los puntos del cuadro.
Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class.
Dígales, además, que el objetivo de
esta actividad es elevar su conciencia
Write: sobre su escritura. Para realizar esta
5 things ’ve learned actividad, puede señalarles lo
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing siguiente: Now, you are going to
3 things that need improvement learned today... work in pairs and exchange your
2 questions have surveys, in order to evaluate each
1 thing would like to learn more about other’s work. Use the information in
the the box.

4º MED O UN T 6 LESSON 3 155 exit slip

Al finalizar, los estudiantes reflexionan
sobre el trabajo que realizaron en esta
b. Revise la explicación en el encabezado 2. drafting sección. Anímelos a que sean lo más
de esta actividad e invite a los Explique a sus estudiantes que a específicos posible sobre las dificultades
estudiantes a trabajar en parejas, continuación, trabajarán organizando su que creen que enfrentarán en el futuro y
pidiéndoles lo siguiente: In pairs, información. Cuénteles, lo siguiente: Now las medidas que tomarán para mejorar
decide on some questions you would that you have finished the previous su desempeño.
like to ask. Then, copy the chart below activity, you are going to write your
and complete it in your notebook. questions in your notebook. You don’t
Revise la información sobre open need to check your spelling mistakes at
ended questions y closed ended this stage.
questions en el apéndice de
información complementaria en la
página xx de este texto.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 3 289

Lesson 4 The rise of drones
clase 13

Before reading
lesson 4 The Rise of Drones 1 Look at the pictures and identify some uses of these technological devices. Discuss in
groups. Then, give examples of other devices and their applicability.
Before reading
1. Look at the pictures and identify
some uses of these technological
devices. Discuss in groups. Then,
give examples of other devices and

their applicability.
Invite a sus alumnos a comenzar la
clase mirando las fotos del ejercicio
1. Pregúnteles si reconocer algunos
de los elementos presentados y para
qué sirven. Puede, también, invitarlos
a que, en pequeños grupos, describan
los objetos que ven y expresen si,
alguna vez, han usado uno de ellos.
Dígales: In groups, direct your
attention to the pictures below. Do
you recognize the use of these
technological devices? Have you
ever used or seen any of them? What
have you used it for? Deles tiempo
para discutir en grupos, para que
luego compartan sus respuestas con
el resto de la clase.
2. Answer these questions in groups.
Invite a sus alumnos a formar grupos
y discutir las preguntas, eligiendo sus
dispositivos tecnológicos favoritos y
explicando, en sus palabras, sus
funciones. Dígales: Get in groups
and discuss the questions presented. 2 Answer these questions in groups.
Explain why you have chosen that a. What’s your favorite technological device? Why?
specific device and explain its b. Which function does this device have? Explain.
functions, using your own words.

156 UN T 6 LESSON 4 4º MED O

290 UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 4 4º MEDIO

3 Do you know what a drone is? Have you ever seen/used one? Make some comments.
Dígales: “Direct your attention to the
pictures below. What use could
4 Read the title of the text on page 158 and look at these pictures to predict the uses of drones have in these situations?
drones nowadays. Explain the uses in your own words and share with the class.
Discuss and then share your ideas
with the whole class.

Para cerrar la clase, invite a los alumnos
a compartir sus conclusiones respecto
del ejercicio 3 con el resto del curso.
Dígales: Share your conclusions with
the whole class. What makes you think

drones can serve those purposes?
Revise pertinencia de las respuestas y
resuelva dudas.

4º MED O UN T 6 LESSON 4 157

desarrollo 4. Read the title of the text on page 158

3. Do you know what a drone is? and look at these pictures to predict the
Have you ever seen/used one? Make uses of drones nowadays. Explain the
some comments. uses in your own words and share with
Lea directamente las preguntas del the class.
encabezado. Pregunte: Do you know what Al terminar la actividad 3, indique a sus
a drone is? Have you ever seen/used one? estudiantes que fijen su atención en las
Luego, invite a los alumnos a trabajar en fotos de la actividad 4 y explíqueles que
grupos para discutir estas preguntas y deberán discutir el uso que los drones
hacer comentarios. Dígales: You are going podrían tener en esas situaciones
to work in groups. Discuss and make especificas.
some comments.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 4 291

While reading
Do you know how many
clase 18
things drones can do for you?
1 Read the text and
confirm your predictions
iNicio in exercise 4.
Para iniciar la clase, indique a los The world´s first drone was created in 1907 by inventor
estudiantes que revisen lo que hicieron brothers Jacques and Louis Bréguet. These machines were first
la clase pasada, para que recuerden el Key words built for military pilots and gunners to use as target practice.
tema de la unidad y los audios que unmanned Today, the military remains the leading user of these small
escucharon. Pida a un voluntario que ally unmanned aerial vehicles, but as drones have become smaller
resuma lo hecho la clase anterior frente wizards and more affordable, people outside the military have begun
a toda la clase: (Nombre del alumno), gather
to use them. In 2016, more advanced drones were introduced,
can you come to the front and briefly thanks to smart computer vision and machine learning
technology which allowed them to avoid obstacles and

summarize what we did last class? intelligently track (and photograph) people, animals or objects
– rather than being limited to following a GPS signal.
Drones look like helicopters and, without a doubt, one of their
While reading strengths is the many different applications for which they can
1. Dígales: Now you are going to read Strategy in mind be used.
the text once and check your dentifying false information. Miniaturization has made it possible for drones to fit inside a
predictions in exercise 4. Después de rucksack or even on the palm of the hand, which makes them
our best ally in very different scenarios: they can monitor
confirmar sus predicciones, invítelos
crops, detect water leakages, monitor species in danger of
a leer el texto y trabajar en las extinction, find people in emergency situations, help predict
siguientes actividades. Para esto, the weather, speed up the electricity grid inspection and
puede decirles: Now that you have maintenance tasks.
Smart reading
checked you predictions, you may From a business point of view, the drone revolution is leading
1. n pairs, read the statements
read the text again and do the further and discuss if they are true or to an in-depth transformation of the main sectors of activity,
activities. false. Correct the false ones. since they can take on complex tasks and reduce costs.
a. The first drone was created The laws are being adapted and Europe is working on a
Smart reading at the beginning of the single law that regulates the airspace between the ground
1. In pairs, read the statements and 20th century.
b. Drones were originally
and an altitude of 150 m: the following will be mandatory: a
discuss if they are true or false. created with the purpose of
certification issued by the corresponding transport authority
Correct the false ones.
of each country, an authorization for the company, an
gathering data.
aeronautical civil responsibility insurance policy and an
Indique a los alumnos que deben c. Older drones are limited
identification number for each drone.
because they follow a
responder las preguntas, GPS signal.
identificando si la información es d. Today´s drones are limited
verdadera o falsa. Si son falsas, because of their reduction
invítelos a justificar sus respuestas. in size.
e. Drones are used today to
Si son falsas, invítelos a justificar sus carry out difficult tasks at a
respuestas. Dígales: Are these low cost.
statements true or false? Discuss in f. n Europe, there is more
pairs. Then, correct the false ones than one law that regulates
the airspace.
and share your answers with the
whole class. Revise las respuestas
como grupo curso.
158 UN T 6 LESSON 4 4º MED O

292 UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 4 4º MEDIO

entender este nuevo texto. Pregúnteles:
These small aerial wizards are already prepared to help us in Have you read about drones before?
many different missions. The most common uses are: What have you read? Was the
information similar or different to the
a. Your analysis
text of this lesson?
Drones make it possible for amateur filmmakers to get 1. Match these headings with
aerial shots. This is enabling things that the general the correct paragraphs in the Make text-to-self connections
population was never able to experience and, at the same text. Write your answers in Al hacer conexiones de texto a su
time, cutting costs off aerial photography in a huge way. your notebook.
- Rescue operations in natural
propia realidad, los estudiantes recurren
disaster zones a sus conocimientos y experiencias
- Predictive maintenance of anteriores para conectarse con el texto.
They can be used in prevention activities, by tracing
risk maps with aerial photographs; planning the fire
power grids Para solicitar a los alumnos que realicen

extinguishing operations, flying over the affected area - Fire fighting conexiones de texto a sí mismos,
using thermographic cameras and participating in the fire - Oil, gas and mineral invítelos a reflexionar sobre la pregunta
extinguishing operations as an active member, transporting exploration
señalada: How important will drones be
- Shooting video
up to 300 litres of nebulized water. in your future working life? How do you
- Services for isolated towns
c. and locations
think drones will contribute to the
knowledge of people in the near and far
They can scan affected areas with their thermographic
cameras to locate missing persons. Their reduced future?
dimensions allow them to go to places that are hard to reach
and find isolated persons; they can also deliver food and
water to survivors.

Power grids sometimes run through areas that are hard
to reach and, therefore, drones are the perfect solution
to inspect and service these grids. They speed up these
inspections and avoid having to interrupt the supply.
Likewise, they improve the service quality and continuity
and increase productivity.

Think critically
A German courier and logistics company made the first
delivery of goods using a drone: a package with medicines Make text-to-world connections
was sent from their office in Norddeich to the island of Juist. Have you read about drones
Therefore, drones can be used to deliver medicines and before? What have you read?
Was the information similar or
supplies to isolated towns and rural environments.
different to this text?
f. Make text-to-self connections
With the help of specific electromagnetic sensors, drones How important will drones be in
can be used to gather geological information to help your future working life? How do
you think drones will contribute
geophysicists identify and better approximate the location
to the knowledge of people in
and presence of minerals, oil, and natural gas. the near and far future?
Taken and adapted from:

4º MED O UN T 6 LESSON 4 159

Your analysis cierre

1. Match these headings with the correct Think critically
paragraphs in the text. Write your Make text-to-text connections
answers in your notebook. Para que efectivamente usen esta estrategia,
En esta actividad, invite a sus estudiantes podría modelar esta actividad para que los
a vincular los títulos con sus respectivos estudiantes hagan conexiones significativas.
párrafos en sus cuadernos. Para esto Por ejemplo, usted podría recordarles que, al
dígales: Focus your attention on the Your leer un texto, podemos recordar otros que ya
Analysis section. Can you see the hayan leído. Motive a su estudiantes a
headlines there? You are going to match considerar una variedad de textos que hayan
these headlines with the paragraphs in leído antes y que les podrían ayudar a
the text.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 4 293

After reading

clase 19
Language in use Passive Voice in Past Tense II
a. Read and analyze these sentences from the text.
Para iniciar la clase, indique a los • The world´s first drone was created in 1907.
estudiantes que revisen lo que hicieron • These machines were first built for military pilots.
la clase pasada, para que recuerden el b. n pairs, analyze the way the past tense of the Passive Voice is formed.
tema de la unidad y los audios que
escucharon. Pida a un voluntario que
resuma lo hecho la clase anterior frente
a toda la clase: (Nombre del alumno), 1 n groups, ask and answer questions about the information in the text. Follow the
can you come to the front and briefly examples below.

summarize what we did last class?

How can drones How can they be helpful What´s the impact of drones
desarrollo work as fire fighters? in agriculture? in natural disaster zones?
after reading
language in use Passive Voice
in Past Tense (II) 2 Discuss these questions in groups.
a. Invítelos a trabajar en el Language in a. What do you think of the use of drones? Are there any drawbacks?
Use diciéndoles: Direct your b. Do you know any other uses that haven´t been mentioned on this lesson?
attention to the sentences below. c. How do you think drones can help scientific studies?
What do these sentences have in d. What do you believe the future holds for drones?
common? Espere a que le respondan
y luego indique: Work in pairs and
Speaking A presentation about drones
answer the question. Revise como
You are going to make a presentation and express your opinion about drones.
grupo curso.
- The world´s first drone was created 1. Organizing your ideas
in 1907. a. 83 Read and listen to these expressions to give opinion. Then, practice them orally.
- These machines were first built for
military pilots. ´m convinced that… From my point of view... ´m certain that …
b. In pairs, analyze the way the past
tense of the Passive Voice is formed. To my mind … Speaking personally…

1. In groups, ask and answer b. 70 Discuss with your partner your opinion about drones. Then, fill in this chart in your Activity

questions about the information in Book with your own ideas.

the text. Follow the examples below.
Pros of drones Cons of drones
Motívelos a trabajar en grupos,
diciéndoles: Work in groups and
make questions and answers,
following the examples below. Revise
las respuestas como grupo curso.
Puede invitar a algunos a leer las
preguntas y a otros a responderlas
en forma alternada. Dígales: Did you 160 UN T 6 LESSON 4 4º MED O

finish? Who wants to read the first

question? Would you like to answer any volunteers who would like to come to the
question number…? front and share their answers? Remember
Invite a los grupos a compartir las opiniones
2. Discuss these questions in groups. you have to support your ideas.
discutidas en el ejercicio 2 con el resto de la
En esta actividad, invite a los clase. Puede invitar a algunos alumnos a
alumnos a discutir las preguntas pasar adelante para contestar o pueden
presentadas, en grupos. Indíqueles ahcerlo todos desde sus puestos, pero para
lo siguiente: Now you are going to que todo el curso escuche y se genere un
work in groups. You have to answer intercambio de opiniones. Dígales: Now, you
the questions. Make sure you support are going to share your opinions from
your ideas. exercise 2 with the rest of the class. Are there

294 UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 4 4º MEDIO

2. Preparing to speak
In your notebook, write a draft of your presentation using the information in your chart. Remember desarrollo
to include the necessary key words and expressions to give opinions and the Passive Voice in Past
Tense. Add appropriate connectors to link your ideas. At this stage, do not care much about making 2. Preparing to speak
mistakes. Remember to include: Explique a sus estudiantes que a
continuación, trabajarán escribiendo
ntroduction (Using the Passive Voice) Pros el borrador de su presentación.
Indíqueles, lo siguiente: Now that
Cons Opinion Conclusion you have finished the previous
activity, you are going to write a
3. Practicing
draft of your presentation. Please,
a. Practice the presentation with a partner. Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.
use the information in your chart.
b. Correct each other´s mistakes.
Remember to use expressions and

4. Performing passive structures you’ve learned
Give your presentation in front of the class. throughout the unit.
5. Evaluating 3. Practicing
After you finish, evaluate your work using the prompts in the box. Then, offer positive feedback Motívelos a practicar su
and suggestions to each other, focusing on your strengths and making suggestions to improve
your weaknesses. presentación. Para eso, dígales: You
are going to practice your
presentation with your parner.
We... Please, focus on your pronunciation
prepared the presentation carefully. and your intonation.
paid attention to pronunciation and intonation.
A continuación, pídales lo siguiente:
used the necessary vocabulary and expressions.
Correct other’s mistakes.
used the Passive Voice in Past Tense.
Gave my personal opinion about the topic. 4. Practicing
followed the suggested steps. Indique a sus estudiantes: Now, it is
corrected each other with respect. your turn to present it in front of the
class. Are you ready? Good luck!

5. evaluating
Los estudiantes deben responder a la
tabla de evaluación. Leen las oraciones
y marcan las opciones que mejor
representan su desempeño durante la
Exit slip Evaluate your performance. Discuss your answers with the class. unidad. En caso de que tengan dudas,
puede revisar los contenidos específicos
Write: estudiados hasta ahora. Dígales: Check
5 things ’ve learned your work and your classmate’s work,
4 things ’ve found interesting The most important thing using the information in the box. Ask for
3 things that need improvement learned today... help, if necessary.
2 questions have
1 thing would like to learn more about cierre
exit slip

4º MED O UN T 6 LESSON 4 161 Los estudiantes reflexionan sobre el

trabajo que han realizado a lo largo de
la lección y mantienen un registro de
clase 20 b. Ahora, puede desafiar a los estudiantes sus respuestas personales, que pueden
a discutir en pares sobre su opinión de compartir con algunos de sus
los drones. Dígales: What is your compañeros de clase. Anímelos a que
a presentation about drones opinion about drones? Do you think sean lo más específicos posible, sobre
You are going to make a presentation and they are useful or useless? Discuss with las dificultades que creen que
express your opinion about drones. your partner. Afterwards, fill in the enfrentarán en el futuro y las medidas
chart below, in your Activity Book and que tomarán para mejorar su
complete it with your ideas. desempeño.
1. organizing the ideas
a. 83 Invite a sus alumnos a practicar
algunas expresiones. Dígales: Read as
you listen to these expresions. Then
practice them with your classmates.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 lEccIóN 4 295


sUBJecT coNNecTioNs 1 n pairs, look at the figures of this pie chart and discuss the data. Then, answer the
maths questions below.

iNicio a. What information does it show?

b. Which are the most important factors in forest loss?
Explique a sus alumnos que en esta
c. Which has been the least important factor in deforestation?
clase interpretarán información de un
gráfico sobre un tema relacionado con Causes of tropical deforestation, 2000-2005
un problema medioambiental.

Pregúnteles si alguna vez han

interpretado información de un gráfico Logging
en otra asignatura, y con qué propósito.
Dígales: Today, we are going to interpret
information from a pie chart, related to Pasture
(cattle ranching)
a environmental problem. Have you ever 40%
Small-scale agriculture
(subsistence agriculture)
interpreted information from a graph? 15-20%
What for? Share with the class. 3%
er* Large-scale
desarrollo agriculture
(soy, oil palm, maize,
1. In pairs, look at the figures of this rice, etc)
pie chart and discuss the data. 15-20% *Other includes urbanization,
dams, infrastructure, mining,

Then, answer the questions below. non-agricultural fires

Pida a los alumnos trabajar en pares Retrieved from:

y dígales: Now you are going to
work interpreting some data on a pie 2 84 70 Listen and make notes of the information with the tropical deforestation data that
chart. The idea is that you answer you hear. Write your answers in your Activity Book.
the questions below using this Fact 1: Loss of rainforest in Atlantic coast of Brazil.
information. Monitoree y resuelva Fact 2: Loss of Central America’s rainforest.
las dudas cuando sea necesario. Fact 3: Loss of The Philippines’ rainforest.
2. 84 Listen and make notes of the Fact 4: Loss of Madagascar’s rainforest.
information with the tropical Fact 5: Loss of El Salvador’s rainforest.
deforestation data that you hear. Fact 6: Loss of Sumatra’s rainforest.
Write your answers in your
Activity Book. 3 n pairs, create a pie chart based on the data you have heard. Enter a title and data for your
Motívelos a trabajar en su libro pie chart.
de actividades. Explíqueles que
trabajarán en una actividad de 4 When you finish, join other classmates to share and compare your work. Take turns to ask
comprensión auditiva. Para esto, and answer questions about the information in your chart.
puede decirles: As you listen, you
may write down some ideas about
deforestation. 162 UN T 6 SUBJECT CONNECT ONS 4º MED O

3. In pairs, create a pie chart based

on the data you have heard. Enter la pertinencia de la información que
a title and data for your pie chart. entregan y que esta corresponda a los
Ahora es el turno de que ellos creen 4. When you finish, join other classmates
datos entregados en la pista de audio.
su propio gráfico. Cuénteles: You are to share and compare your work. Take
going to create your own pie chart turns to ask and answer questions
based on the data you heard. about the information in your chart.
Para esta actividad, usted les dirá: At this
stage you have to work in groups. Now,
you are going to share and compare
your data. You should take turns in
order to ask and asnwer the questions
about the information provided. Revise


L TERARY C RCLE y deles ejemplos y explique el
vocabulario que no sea familiar a sus
alumnos. Mientras los grupos trabajan,
1 Read this extract of a science fiction novel by Isaac Asimov. Then discuss the questions within observe y brinde ayuda. Aliéntelos a
your group.
justificar sus respuestas.
Dígales: “Read the text and answer the
questions below. Then, share your
The three rules of robotics answers with the whole class”.

Powell’s radio voice was tense in Donovan’s ear: “Now,
look, let’s start with the three fundamental rules of Desafíe a sus alumnos a ahondar en la
robotics -- the three rules that are built most deeply into última pregunta que acaban de

a robot’s positronic brain.” In the darkness, his gloved responder, de manera que compartan
fingers ticked off each point. con sus compañeros si ellos creen que
“We have: One, a robot may not injure a human being, or, alguna vez la tecnología avanzará lo
through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.” suficiente como para vivir con robots
muy avanzados. Dígales que justifiquen
“Right!” sus respuestas buscando información
“Two,” continued Powell, “a robot must obey the orders sobre este tema en internet o en alguna
given it by human beings except where such orders
enciclopedia y que compartan sus
would conflict with the First Law.”
respuestas con toda la clase. Dígales:
“Do you think we will ever live in a
“Right” world with very advanced robots?
“And three, a robot must Support your answers by looking for
protect its own existence information on the Internet or an
as long as such protection encyclopedia. Share your answers with
does not conflict with the the whole class”.
First or Second Laws.”

“Right! Now,
where are we?”

Adapted from: Asimov, I. (1950). I, Robot. Greenwich, Conn: Fawcett Publications.

a. Explain the three rules of robotics with your own words.

b. What do you think the novel is about? Why? Support your answer.
c. Do you agree with the rules of robotics presented? Why?
d. What would be your three rules of robotics? Write them in your notebook.
e. Do you think we will ever live in a world with very advanced robots? Support your answer.


clase 22 do you think the future will be, in terms of

transport, food, health and services? In
groups, share your opinions and reflections
with the whole class”.
liTerarY circle
iNicio desarrollo
Invite a sus alumnos a reflexionar sobre Explíqueles que van a leer el texto con la
como imaginan ellos el futuro, respecto de intención de encontrar información para
avances tecnológicos en aspectos como responder las preguntas que se proveen.
transporte, comida, salud y servicios. Será necesario que lo lean cuidadosamente.
Invítelos a que, en grupos, compartan sus Podrán utilizar la estrategia de leer entre
reflexiones con toda la clase. Dígales: “How líneas para encontrar la información. Si es
necesario, lea las preguntas con toda la clase


clase 23 PROJECT: A round-table discussion

ProJecT: A round-table I. Preparation 2. Start the discussion, respecting turns and

discussion 1. Work in groups of six students. time of participation.
2. Before you start, read the rubric at the end of 3. Use some of the expressions below to give
Este proyecto es una actividad grupal. En this activity, so that you know, in advance, the your opinion.
esta ocasión los estudiantes deben areas that will be evaluated.
generar una discusión de mesa redonda o Agreement Disagreement
“round table discussion”, donde deberán agree.
agree with you ...
don’t agree.
don’t agree with you ...
discutir un tema previamente escogido. share your view. disagree.

Esta actividad le permitirá a los alumnos have come to the don’t think so.
same conclusion. take a different view.
reforzar vocabulario y/o estructuras hold the same don’t share your view.
cubiertas a lo largo de la unidad. opinion. don’t think that’s quite
right. According to...
i. Preparation
Diga a sus alumnos que deben trabajar IV. Evaluation
en grupos de seis estudiantes (aprox) e After you have finished the project, reflect on
indíqueles: In your groups, read the II. Procedure your work and evaluate the group´s performance
according to the following scale (answer in your
rubric at the end of the activity, so that 1. Reflect upon the environmental problems that
you know, in advance, what areas will Chile and the world have. Then, discuss:
Which technological inventions have 4 Excellent
be evaluated. contributed to reduce or solve those 3 Good
problems? What pros and cons do those 2 Satisfactory
ii. Procedure inventions have? 1 Needs improvements
1. Indique a los alumnos lo siguiente: 2. Choose one of the inventions you have
Start a conversation about mentioned in the procedure, and carry out an The group... Score
environmental problems in Chile investigation about it. Find information about had a positive attitude towards the
4 3 2 1
its characteristics, contributions, advantages, assigned task.
and the world. Discuss the following disadvantages and so on.
questions: Which technological 3. Search for extra information, publications or
completed the task on time. 4 3 2 1
devices have contributed to reducing opinions about the topic. respected time and turns of
4 3 2 1
or solving those problems? What pros 4. Select the relevant information and organize
and cons do those devices have? the main ideas in your notebook as follows: stated agreement and disagreement
4 3 2 1
Debe dar a los estudiantes el tiempo through appropriate expressions.

suficiente para discutir las ideas y dar Topic of

Advantages Details acknowledged the sources of
4 3 2 1
su opinión sobre cada una de estas.
information properly.
discussion Disadvantages Details
2. Puede invitar a los alumnos a elegir followed the instructions carefully. 4 3 2 1

uno de los aparatos de los que han developed awareness of the

hablado en el proceso anterior y que III. Presentation
importance of consulting reliable 4 3 2 1
sources of information.
hagan una investigación sobre el 1. Come to an agreement with your partners
item seleccionado. Los estudiantes to select the moderator of the discussion
deciden cuál es el tema seleccionado and the participant that is going to begin the
round table.
y, opcionalmente, pueden dar razones
para su elección. Puede explicarles 164 UN T 6 PROJECT 4º MED O
lo siguiente: You may choose one
of devices you have talked about in
the previous tasks. Decide which is 4. Ahora, continue diciéndoles: “Now you participación y deje que cada participante
the selected device and, optionally, have new information. You must choose tenga la misma oportunidad de ser
you may give reasons for your the relevant information and organize it in escuchado. Dígales: Begin the round-table
choice. Then, find information your notebook”. discussion. Respect turns of participation
about it. Include its characteristics, and let each participant have an equal
contributions, advantages and iii. Presentation opportunity to be heard.
disadvantages. 1. Enfatice la siguiente instrucción: You need 3. Recuérdeles usar las expressions
3. Indique a los alumnos lo siguiente: to nominate both the student who will lead sugeridas abajo. Para esto, dígales: Use
Find additional information. There the round table and the one who will start the expressions in below to express your
may be publications or opinions about the discussion. opinion about the announcement of
the topic in many sources. Try online 2. Los alumnos comienzan la mesa redonda. your classmates.
sources or visit the school’s library. Anímelos a respetar los turnos de


F NAL CHECK clases 24 y 25

1 85 Read and listen to the text. Then, discuss the questions below. 10 points fiNal cHecK
Indique a los estudiantes que este Final
Air Pollution Check les permitirá, a ellos y a usted,
evaluar hasta qué punto han sido
capaces de lograr los objetivos de la

any of the solutions to air pollution are similar
to those for climate change, though it’s unidad, a través de la integración de

important to either make a concerted effort estrategias de estudio y del desarrollo
to drive less, or switch to a lower-emissions vehicle. del pensamiento crítico y habilidades
Switching over to green energy is also important, as that
will cut back on fossil fuel emissions. If you aren’t able to
install solar panels or wind turbines on your property or
if your utility gets its electricity from dirty energy sources,
consider signing up for a renewable energy producer, 1. 85 Read and listen to the text.
such as the ones that connect consumers to a 100 percent Then, discuss the questions.
renewable energy source to power their homes.
2. Write down an email to a
Taken from:
friend, telling her/him about a
technological device you usually
use. Include some general
a. How can technology solve or diminish this particular environmental problem? characteristics and the way it helps
b. Propose one more way to lower carbon emissions into the air. you to develop abilities and get
knowledge. Use a separate sheet
of paper.
2 Write down an email to a friend, telling her/him about a technological device you 10 points
usually use. Include some general characteristics and the way it helps you to
develop abilities and get knowledge. Use a separate sheet of paper. clase 26

evaluación formativa
La evaluación formativa es un proceso de
evaluación continuo cuyo enfoque
considera la evaluación como parte del
nterpret your results trabajo cotidiano del aula, basado en la
Great! Good OK Not good enough búsqueda e interpretación de evidencia
(20 points) (15 - 20 points) (13 - 15 points) (12 or less points) acerca del logro de los estudiantes
You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance is You need to revise the respecto a una meta. Se utiliza para
orientar el proceso de enseñanza -
the learning goals. You can easily achieve the atisfactory, but you can contents and practice
Keep on working highest score by analyzing improve. Revise the mistakes more, in order to improve
hard! the few mistakes you made. you made and reinforce the your performance. aprendizaje y tomar decisiones oportunas
weakest areas in the evaluation.
que beneficien a los estudiantes con el fin
que los estudiantes estrechen la brecha
entre el conocimiento actual y las metas
esperadas, y la forma de lograrlo. Invite a
sus alumnos a realizar la evaluación en
silencio. Al terminar, revise el desempeño
iV. evaluation cierre
de los alumnos con la rúbrica en el
Dígales: Now that you have finished your Los estudiantes reflexionan sobre el trabajo Apendice de Material Complementario
project, reflect on your work and evaluate que realizaron en esta sección. Anímelos a Fotocopiable de la Unidad 6, página 314.
the group´s performance, according to the que sean lo más específicos posible sobre las
following scale. dificultades que creen que enfrentarán en el
futuro y las medidas que tomarán para
mejorar su desempeño.



Page 150 – Student’s Book

2 Think of four questions that you would like to ask Simon or Andrea and write them below.
Discoveries and Creations Why are bees dying?
b. What can we do to save the bees?
Activities from the Student’s Book

Page 142 – Student’s Book

3 74 Write three statements about the track you have just heard, using some of the connectors Page 152 – Student’s Book
below. You can listen again, if necessary. 2 In pairs, look at the pictures and match them with the words below. Which sources are
renewable? Discuss.
as well as and also so if or in other words
a b c d


because however even though but such as for instance

a. Acepte como respuestas correctas oraciones relacionadas con la tecnología

en pos de resolver problemas tales como desastres naturales, salud,
educación y agricultura, que utilicen los conectores que se proveen.

Page 146 – Student’s Book

1 Fill in this graphic organizer with information about the problem of plastic in the ocean.
e f g

Plastic in the ocean.

littering, trash not properly
disposed of.


Plastic in the ocean.

i. b fossil fuels v. a geothermal energy
ii. d nuclear energy vi. e biomass energy
Solution(s) iii. g solar energy vii. c hydroelectric energy
Cleanup efforts, use of new materials iv. f wind energy
safer to the environment, disposing
of plastic properly, etc.
68 UN T 6 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 6 69

Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del
Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar
la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y
contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas
con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad. con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.

Page 160 – Student’s Book Activity Book
1 b. Discuss with your partner your opinion about drones. Then, fill in this chart with your
own ideas.
1 Read the text and complete with the vocabulary provided.

Pros of drones Cons of drones
littered swept recycled biodegrade entangled

environment trash plankton microplastics outweighs sea life

Low cost, have access to different Certain regulations
places, take photos must be followed
Plastic is a material that was made to last forever, yet it was found that 33 percent of all plastic -
water bottles, bags and straws - are used just once and
(a) littered into the sea. Plastic cannot (b) biodegrade ; it breaks down
into smaller pieces.
Page 162 – Student’s Book Disposed plastic materials can remain in the
(c)environmentfor up to 2,000 years and longer.
2 Listen and make notes of the information with the tropical deforestation data that you hear.
Fact 1: Loss of rainforest in Atlantic coast of Brazil. t was discovered that toxic chemicals leach out of plastic and are found in the blood and tissue
The Atlantic coast of Brazil has lost 90-95% of its rainforest. of nearly all of us. Exposure to them is linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity,
endocrine disruption and other ailments.
Fact 2: Loss of Central America’s rainforest. c.
Central America has 50% of its rainforests. Plastic is found (d) swept in even extremely remote areas of the Earth. t was
measured that in our oceans alone, plastic debris (e) outweighs zooplankton by a
Fact 3: Loss of The Philippines’ rainforest. ratio of 36-to-1.
The Philippines have lost 90% of its rainforests. Over 260 species, including invertebrates, turtles, fish, seabirds and mammals, were reported
to ingest or become (f) entangled in plastic debris, resulting in impaired movement
Fact 4: Loss of Madagascar’s rainforest. and feeding, reduced reproductive output, lacerations, ulcers and death.
Madagascar has lost 95% of its rainforests. d.
t was calculated that Americans discard more than 30 million tons of plastic a year. Only 8
Fact 5: Loss of El Salvador’s rainforest. percent gets (g) recycled . The rest ends up in landfills, is burned or becomes
El Salvador has lost 70-85% of its rainforests. (h) trash .
More than 5 trillion plastic pieces weighing over 250,000 tons afloat at sea.
Fact 6: Loss of Sumatra’s rainforest.
Even (i) plankton , the tiniest creatures in our oceans, are eating
Sumatra has lost 85% of its rainforests. (j) microplastics and absorbing their hazardous chemicals. The tiny, broken down
pieces of plastic are displacing the algae needed to sustain larger (k) sealife
who feed on them.
Taken and adapted from:

70 UN T 6 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 6 71

Estas actividades están directamente relacionadas con las actividades del Texto del 1. Indique a los estudiantes que deben leer y completar el texto con el vocabulario
Estudiante indicadas. Utilice los ejemplos de posibles respuestas dados para evaluar que se provee. Dígales lo siguiente: Now, read the text about the effects of plas-
la pertinencia de las respuestas, respecto de si están relacionadas con el tema y tic in the ocean and fill in the gaps with the words provided.
contenidos vistos durante la lección. Invite a los estudiantes a revisar sus respuestas
con toda la clase al momento de terminar la actividad.



2 Match the following headings with the appropriate paragraphs in the text in exercise 1. Passive Voice in Past Tense

Plastic poisons our food chain. Plastic threatens wildlife. • Use the Passive Voice when we are more interested in the action itself rather than in who or what
did the action.
• The object of the active form becomes the subject of the passive.
Plastic never goes away. Plastic piles up in the environment. • We add was/were when the main verb of the active is in past.
• We turn the main verb of the active into the past participle.
Plastic affects human health. • f we need or want to add the agent of the passive, we must use by.

3 Read the text on page 71 again and tick the best title.
Mathew took a lot of pictures at the party. Active
a. ( ) What is plastic pollution? a. Plastic never goes away.
b. ( ) Pollution by plastics additives.
b. Plastic affects human health.
c. ( ) What makes plastic hazardous?
c. Plastic threatens wildlife. Subject
d. Plastic piles up in the environment.
d. ( ) Plastic waste on land. A lot of pictures were taken tat the party (by Mathew). Passive
e. Plastic poisons our food chain.


4 Discuss this statement in groups using the expressions below. What’s your opinion? Further examples:

Active Passive
“Plastic is polluting the seas, but there’s still time to turn the tide.”
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
Penicillin was discovered in 1928 (by Alexander Fleming).
Jennifer Barone in 1928.
Someone stole my wallet. My wallet was stolen.
Mr. Wallace drove the children to school. The children were driven to school (by Mr. Wallace).
Asking someone´s opinion Agreeing with an opinion Disagreeing with an opinion
They found the documents this morning, The documents were found this morning.
What do you think about…? Of course. That´s different.
What´s your view on…? You´re absolutely right. don´t agree with you.
How do you see the situation? Yes, agree. That´s not entirely true.
What´s your opinion of …? think so too. On the contrary… 5 Make these sentences passive.
What are your ideas? That´s a good point. ´m sorry to disagree with you,
What are your thoughts on …? Exactly. but …
a. A virus infected my computer last month.
How do you feel about …? don´t think so either. Yes, but don´t you think…
What´s your position on …? So do . That´s not the same thing at all. My computer was infected by a virus last month.
That´s true. ´m afraid have to disagree.
b. The hurricane demolished the house two weeks ago.
Neither do . ´m not so sure about that.
couldn´t agree with you more.
The house was demolished by the hurricane two weeks ago.
c. Someone threw away the letters by mistake.
The letters were thrown away by mistake.
d. The cook prepared a nice dinner yesterday.
A nice dinner was prepared yesterday by the cook.

72 UN T 6 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 6 73

Invite a sus alumnos a realizar las actividades 2, 3 y 4 de esta página. Dígales lo Indique a los alumnos que lean el párrafo con las reglas sobre como construir la
siguiente: estructura de la voz pasiva en inglés y que, además, utilicen los ejemplos para
All the activities on this page are related to the effects of ocean pollution. Answer convertir en pasivas las oraciones de la actividad 5. Dígales: Read the rules of the
all of them and finish by discussing the statement in exercise 4. Make sure you use Passive Voice, and what it is used for. Then, look at the examples and transform the
the expressions provided in the chart. sentences in activity 5 into the Passive Voice.

6 Read the text and fill in the spaces with the correct form of the Past Simple Passive. 8 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

hive honeycomb pollen nectar

Mobile Phones pollinate beekeeper collect
were developed th
Mobile phones (a) (develop) throughout the 20 century.
n 1908, an American power company claimed that they had created a wireless phone. a. n spring, pollen may cause severe allergic reactions in a lot of people.
The company (b) was acussed (accuse) of fraud, but later the accusation beekeeper
b. The person who keeps honey bees is called .
(c) was dropped (drop).
c. Bees gather nectar from flowers and transform it into honey in their stomachs.
n 1949, an American company called AT&T (d) was started (start) in
St. Louis, Missouri. There were about 5,000 customers and about 30,000 calls d. There are different techniques used to collect the honey from the frames.
(e) were made (make) per week. e. The cells of the honeycomb are usually hexagonal in form.
At that time, the phones were still not mobile, so the equipment for making these calls f. Some farmers pollinate tomatoes by hand to ensure early fruit on plants.
(f) was measured (measure) at about 35 kg and had to stay in your house.
g. Bees communicate the location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive .
Later, several other wireless networks (g) were started (start) in Europe, but
they weren´t compatible with American networks. Service (h) was added
(add) throughout the rest of Europe shortly afterwards. 9 Read the text and number the paragraphs in the correct order.

The idea of cellular towers (i) was introduced (introduce) next. At first, each a. 3
mobile phone (j) was limited (limit) to service by only one cell tower. Then,
as new technology (k) was created (create), people (l) were allowed To protect our bees and agriculture, we need to shift from destructive industrial agriculture
(allow) to transfer their service from tower to tower. towards ecological farming. First and important steps are:
was invented 1. Ban all bee-harming pesticides.
n 1973, the first hand-held, truly mobile cellular phone (m)
2. Adopt a bee-action plan.
(invent). Since then, the technology has grown faster and faster until today, mobile 3. Promote ecological farming.
phones are so common that nobody thinks about them twice.

Taken and adapted from: b. 1

Since the late 1990s, beekeepers around the world have observed the mysterious and sudden
disappearance of bees, and report unusually high rates of decline in honeybee colonies.
7 Write full sentences using the Past Simple Passive.
c. 2
a. Harry Potter / write / 1997 Harry Potter was written in 1997.
b. the first email / send / 1973 The first email was sent in 1973. Bee-killing pesticides, in particular, pose the most direct risk to pollinators. The main reasons
for global bee-decline are linked to industrial agriculture, parasites/pathogens and climate
c. the first space shuttle / launch / 1981 The first space shuttle was launched in 1981. change. The loss of biodiversity due to monocultures and the wide -spread use of bee-killing
pesticides are particular threats for honey bees and wild pollinators.
d. the Eiffel Tower / build / 1887 The Eiffel Tower was built in 1887.
Taken and adapted from:
e. atoms / discover / in 1897 Atoms were discovered in 1897.
10 Label the paragraphs in exercise 9, using the words in the box.

Problem Causes Solutions

a. solutions, b. problem, c. causes.
74 UN T 6 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 6 75

Invite a los alumnos a desarrollar las actividades 6 y 7 de estas páginas, todas Invite a los alumnos a responder las actividades de esta página, todas relacionadas
relacionadas con el pasado pasivo (Simple Past Passive). Dígales: Answer activities con el problema de la desaparición de las abejas, sus causas y consecuencias.
6 and 7, all related to the use of the Simple Past Passive. Indíqueles lo siguiente: Answer activities 8, 9 and 10, all related to the problem of
bees disappearing, its causes and consequences.


304 TOMO 3

Tag Questions 12 86 Listen and circle the correct Tag Questions.

a. could he? / can he? can he?

• Use Tag Questions to ask for confirmation.

• They go at the end of statements. b. is it? / does it? is it?

• The subject in the statement matches the subject in the tag. c. doesn´t it? / hasn´t it? doesn´t it?
• f the statement is positive, the tag is usually negative and vice versa. d. doesn´t she? / has she? has she?
e. isn´t that? / isn´t it? isn´t it?
Verb Tense (+) Sentence (-) Tag (-) Sentence (+) Tag f. aren´t there / aren´t they? aren´t there?
Present Simple (Be) Emily is American, isn´t she? Emily isn´t American, is she?
Present Simple (Other verbs) You study German, don´t you? You don´t study German, do you? 13 Write three statements taken from the text in exercise 9, and add the corresponding Tag
Present Continuous They are coming, aren´t they? They aren´t coming, are they? Questions, as shown below.

Past Simple (Be) Jack was upset, wasn´t he? Jack wasn´t upset, was he? EXAMPLE: Since the late 1990s, beekeepers have observed the disappearance of bees,
haven´t they?
Past Simple (Other verbs) Bob and arrived late, didn´t we? Bob and didn´t arrive late, did we?
a. Answers may vary
Past Continuous Tom was studying, wasn´t he? Tom wasn´t studying, was he?
b. Answers may vary
Present Perfect They have finished, haven´t they? They haven´t finished, have they?
Modal Verbs Paul and Brad can come, can´t Paul and Brad can´t come, can c. Answers may vary
they? they?
You would do it, wouldn´t you? You wouldn´t do it, would you?
He´ll finish the course, won´t he? He won´t finish the course, will he? 14 87 Listen and classify the words you hear, according to their pronunciation.
The children should watch the The children shouldn´t watch the film,
film, shouldn´t they? should they?
We must be there at 9, mustn´t We mustn´t be there at 9, must we? /θ/ /ð/
we? Everything Although

Statements using barely, hardly, neither, no, nobody, none, nothing and seldom are treated as
negative statements.
EXAMPLES: (-) Nobody went to the meeting, (+) did they?
(-) Nothing is ready, (+) is it?
am right, aren´t ? This/That is Paul´s pen, isn´t it? / θ / thin, author, truth, method, / ð / gather, them, another, their,
There weren´t any problems, were there? These/Those aren´t foreigners, are they? thought, youth, earth those, neither

11 Complete with Tag Questions.

a. They´re on holiday this week, aren’t they? ?

b. You don´t take sugar in your coffee, do you? ?

c. He eats meat, doesn’t he? ?

d. You won´t be late,will you? ?

e. She was at the party, wasn’t she? ?

f. We´ve met before, haven’t we? ?

76 UN T 6 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 6 77

Indique a los alumnos que lean el párrafo con las reglas sobre como usar las “tag Invite a los alumnos a responder las actividades de esta página, todas relacionadas
questions” en inglés y que, además, utilicen los ejemplos para completar las con la construcción de oraciones utilizando las “Tag Questions”.
preguntas de la actividad 11. Dígales: Read the rules of the Tag Questions, and Indíqueles lo siguiente: Answer activities 12, 13 and 14, all related to the use of
what they are used for. Then, look at the examples and complete the questions in

Tag Questions. Feel free to consult the chart on page 75 again.

exercise 11.
15 Identify the type of energy shown on each picture. 17 Read the text on the previous page again and, in pairs, read the sentences and discuss if they
are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
a b c d
a. T The UK is doing a significant effort to implement more ecological energies.

b. F The UK is making less use of wind power.

c. T n 2017, the UK had its first coal-free day for over 150 years.

d. F The UK has the fourth cleanest energy system in the world.

e. F The UK has failed in reducing the quantity of coal used.

f. T The article says that nowadays the UK is using an excessive amount of gas.
a. geotermal energy c. fossil fuels g. T A wildlife charity was satisfied with the UK´s efforts to be greener.
b. biomass energy d. wind energy h. F The charity said the UK was turning its back on greener energy.

16 Read the text and match the highlighted words and phrases to their correct meaning below. 18 In groups, choose one role, read the instructions carefully, and express your ideas, using the
expressions in the chart below.

Growing a More Sustainable UK Role A – Buying from charity shops Role C – Becoming a vegetarian
You think buying from charity shops is the You think that becoming a vegetarian is the
The United Kingdom is doing a lot to increase The United Kingdom has been trying to reduce best way to conserve energy. Tell the others best way to conserve energy. Tell the others
its use of renewable energy. t is moving away the amount of coal it uses. Coal now supplies less three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong
from fossil fuels and increasing the use of green than seven per cent of the UK´s electricity. t was with their ways. Also, tell the others which with their ways. Also, tell the others which
energies, such as wind power, nuclear power appointed that it must now try to use less gas is the least useful of these (and why): taking is the least useful of these (and why): taking
and solar energy. New figures from the UK´s to make sure it meets its target for greenhouse shorter showers, becoming a vegetarian or shorter showers, buying from charity shops or
electricity provider show that the UK had gas emissions. The UK currently uses too much cycling more often. cycling more often.
its greenest year ever in 2017 for electricity gas. The conservation charity World Wildlife
production. t even had its first coal-free day for Fund said it was pleased that the UK is moving
Role B – Taking shorter showers Role D – Cycling more often
over 150 years. Thirteen clean energy records towards greener energy. t said: “We have never You think cycling more often is the best way
You think taking shorter showers is the best
were broken by UK in 2017. n June, wind, been cleaner or greener, and we are on target for way to conserve energy. Tell the others three to conserve energy. Tell the others three
nuclear and solar power produced more electricity an even better year in 2018.” t added: “Climate reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with
than gas and coal combined. t was the first time change is causing devastation on our nature their ways. Also, tell the others which is the their ways. Also, tell the others which is the
this has ever happened. The UK´s power system and wildlife, but we are at last facing up to the least useful of these (and why): buying from least useful of these (and why): taking shorter
is now the fourth cleanest in Europe and the challenge. We are turning our backs on polluting charity shops, becoming a vegetarian or showers, becoming a vegetarian or buying
seventh cleanest in the world. fossil fuels and embracing a new, clean future.” cycling more often. from charity shops.
Taken and adapted from:
Answers will vary.

a. provider : A company or organization that sells a product or service.

b. emission : The production and sending out of something, especially gas or radiation. Useful phrases to express opinion
c. renewable : A type of energy that is not gone forever when it is used.
• As far as ´m concerned… • t´s my conviction that… • To say the truth…
greener energy
: More eco-friendly energy. • tend to think that… • At first sight… • To be frank…
e. supplies : That generates or produces something. • take a different view at … • Generally speaking…
• hold the opinion that… • ´d like to point out that…
f. coal : A black rock found underground deposits and burnt for heating or power.

78 UN T 6 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 6 79

Invite a los alumnos a responder las actividades de esta página, todas sobre Invite a los alumnos a responder las actividades de esta página, las cuales son de
vocabulario relacionado a los tipos de energías, ya sea renovables o fósiles. comprensión y producción, relacionadas al uso de energías limpias.
Indíqueles lo siguiente: Answer activities 15 and 16, all of them about vocabulary Indíqueles lo siguiente: Answer activities 17 and 18, all of them related to the use
related to types of energies, such as renewable energies or fossil fuels. of cleaner energies.



19 Discuss these questions in groups. WR T NG REFERENCE For and Against Essay

a. How useful are drones?
b. How safe/dangerous are they?
c. Do you think people should have a A “for and against” essay is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is considered from opposing points of
license to fly drones? view. You should present both sides in a fair way by discussing them objectively and in equal detail. A good
d. Should they be banned? essay of this type should consist of:
Answers will vary. a. ntroduction- Paragraph 1- ntroduce the topic. The opening should engage the reader’s interest and
give a hint of what is to follow, without giving your opinion.
20 88 Listen to a radio conversation and complete the table with arguments for and
b. Main Body- Normally you have two paragraphs. n Paragraph 2, you state your arguments for and in
against drones.
Paragraph 3, your arguments against.

For Against c. Conclusion– n paragraph 4 you refer back to the topic and summarize. Here you can state your opinion
and say why you find one side more convincing than the other.

Points to consider
they can be used for transporting • Before you start writing your essay you should make a list of the points for and against the subject.


medical supplies, taking aerial • Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence which summarizes the topic of the paragraph. A topic
pictures, detecting water leaks, trafficking drugs, hazard to
aircraft, violation of privacy, sentence should be brief, clear and precise.
preventing crimes, doing aircraft • This is academic writing, so do not use informal style such as short forms, colloquial words or emotional
inspections. language.

Note: Although these are “balanced” arguments, if you feel that either the for or against side is stronger
and should be supported, this side should be presented in paragraph 4, thus leading the reader to your
21 88 Listen again and answer these questions. Then, discuss your answers in pairs. conclusion.
a. Are drones hazardous to aircrafts? Why? Why not? Useful expressions and linking words/phrases
They can be.
To explain/clarify To express To introduce points To introduce
To express contrast
b. Does Dr. Patel agree or disagree with the idea that drones may be unsafe? a point addition for or against examples
She agrees they can be a hazard, but they can also be very useful. n other words, … Furthermore… One convincing point/argument in Nonetheless… n particular…
That is to say… Moreover… favor/against of… Nevertheless… Particularly…
c. What do you think she means by saying that drones have the ability to be a “game changer”? Besides… A further common criticism of…
This/which means that… Despite (the fact that) … This is (clearly) illustrated/
Apart from…
Respuestas de los estudiantes. To put it another way… t could be argued that… n spite of (the fact that) … shown by the fact that …
What is more…
To put it differently… t is claimed/suggested While it is true to say that… For instance, …
d. How is a Japanese firm planning to use drones? t is widely argued that…
n few words… t cannot be denied that…
They were used to inspect Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.
Taken and adapted from: For and Against Essays. Retrieved from:
e. What does Dr. Yoge Patel say about regulating the use of drones?
As technology progresses, regulation and operational use need to then be
harmonized with it.
22 Based on the instructions below, write a 150-word essay, in your notebook, giving arguments
for and against the use of drones.

How did get here?

Check the whole unit and decide which aspects helped you complete this task. Score your
performance from one to four. Share your results with a partner.

80 UN T 6 4º MED O 4º MED O UN T 6 81

Invite a los alumnos a responder las actividades de esta página, las cuales son de En esta sección se presentan instrucciones y estructura de un ensayo de “pros”
comprensión y producción, relacionadas al uso de los drones, sus ventajas y y“contras” para que los alumnos realicen la actividad 22. Dígales: A “for and
desventajas. against” essay is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is addressed from
Indíqueles lo siguiente: Answer activities 19, 20 and 21, all of them related to the opposing points of view. Read the instructions and the useful expressions provided
use of drones, their advantages and disadvantages. below, in order to write your own essay. After you finish it, corroborate if it follows

the same structure.
TEST 3 – 4° MEDIO / 11 points

1 Read the text and answer true or false. Justify the false ones. 3 points

Going to school is a human right, just like the right to liberty and
security. It is perhaps the most important because it is fundamental
to enjoy the other rights. It is the gate for knowledge and innovation.
Without education there will be no progress, no equal opportunities and
no sustainable development. With the right to education, people can
understand the other rights they have and get profit from them. Thanks
to education, women empowered, children are safe, and disabled people
are treated with respect. Education is not just a right, but it is also a duty.
The government has to build schools, but the parents have to send their
children there and make sure they are leaning something.

Taken and adapted from:

a. T Sustainable development is a result of education.

b. F Thanks to education women can get a stable income.They get empowered.
c. F Only the government is responsible for the children´s right to education.
Not only the government, but also the parents.
2 Circle the correct connectors.
4 points
a. ´m not going out tonight. , can see you tomorrow if you like.
i. Although ii. However iii. Since
b. the car was quite old, it was still very reliable.
i. But ii. Even if iii. Although
c. The cricketer played badly. , he was extremely rude to a press photographer.
i. Additionally ii. Together with iii. And
d. Animals lions and tigers, are among the most ferocious species.
i. as well as ii. such as iii. though

3 Fill in the blanks with Tag Questions. 4 points

a. You have cleaned your bike, haven´t you? ?
b. They don´t watch much TV, do they? ?
c. Phil played handball yesterday, didn´t he? ?
d. Kevin won´t come tonight, will he ?

Mock TesT 109

Este MockTest puede ser encontrado en la página 109 del Cuaderno de Activida-
des. El Mock Test tiene como finalidad evaluar conocimientos cubiertos a lo largo
de las unidades del semestre. Puede utilizarlo al finalizar las actividades del
Cuaderno de Actividades correspondientes al semestre y apoyar el aprendizaje
de los estudiantes.


Apéndice de contenido
Lesson 1 Impact of sea pollution Lesson 2 Bees at risk
Palabras Clave Ventana de aprendizaje de habilidades
• Pristine: (adj) Characteristic of the earlier, or an earlier, Strategy: Listening for details

period or condition; original. Escuchar los detalles se refiere al tipo de escucha que hacemos
• Swept: (v) Past tense and past participle of sweep. Clean (an en la que no podemos permitirnos ignorar nada, porque no
area) by brushing away dirt or litter. sabemos exactamente qué información del texto auditivo será
• Dumped: (v) past tense and past participle of dump. To put necesario para completar la tarea. Este término se confunde a
down or drop something in a careless way. /To get rid of veces con escuchar información específica que se aplica a las
something unwanted, especially by leaving it in a place where ocasiones en las que no tenemos que entender todo lo que se
is not allowed to be. dice, sino solo una parte muy específica.
• Disposal: (n) The act of getting rid of something, especially
by throwing it away.
• Outweigh: (v) To be greater or more important than
something else.
• Resemble: (v) To look or be like someone or something. Ventana de enseñanza
Modelando las estrategias
Explique a los estudiantes que, cuando escuchan, también es
Ventana pedagógica posible obtener la “imagen completa” pero con una diferencia
Relate a sus estudiantes que las técnicas de lecturas del crucial: la información viene en una secuencia. Y en esa
Skimming y el Scanning son técnicas que utilizan movimientos secuencia de información, hay palabras de contenido (los
rápidos de los ojos y palabras clave para moverse rápidamente sustantivos, adjetivos y verbos) que pueden ayudarles a formar
a través del texto con propósitos ligeramente diferentes. esa imagen. A menudo llamamos a esto “escuchar lo esencial”.
Mientras con la técnica de Skimming se está leyendo Por ejemplo, las palabras “comida”, “amigos”, “diversión”,
rápidamente para obtener una visión general del material, con “parque” y “día soleado” tienen sus propios significados, pero
la técnica de scanning se lee rápidamente para encontrar hechos cuando se escuchan en secuencia, pueden ayudar a formar el
específicos. contexto de un picnic.
Fuente: Equipo Editorial Fuente: Ahmed, R. (2015). Voices: Five essential listening skills for English learners.
Retrieved from: https://www. ve-essential-
Para revisar la voz pasiva en pasado, puede accede al siguiente listeningskills-english-learners
link con sus alumnos
Si es posible, haga que los estudiantes visiten este enlace. Aquí ALERTA DE ERROR
encontrarán forma, uso y ejercicios que les ayudarán a entender
Sonidos / θ / and / ð /
la función de la voz pasiva en pasado de una manera mejor.
Recuerde que algunos estudiantes hispanoparlantes podrían
tener dificultades para expresarse , al pronunciar estos sonidos
(iniciales, intermedios, finales) cuando dicen palabras y/o para
entender a los nativos hablantes.
El sonido / θ / no existe en español solo en inglés. La tendencia
de los estudiantes sería pronunciar una /z/ u otro sonido al no
saber de la existencia de este sonido, como por ejemplo en las
palabras: birthday, anything, author, healthy, themes, theories,
methods, health, North,
El sonido / ð / es más suave y tiene vibración de las cuerdas
vocales. Es usado en palabras como mother, father, this, that,
then, etcétera.
Fuente: Equipo editorial.

308 4º MEDIO
Evaluación para el aprendizaje Lesson 4 The Rise of Drones
Autoevaluación del estudiante Key words
El término “autoevaluación del estudiante” se utiliza como un
• unmanned (adj) Not crewed/ Obsolote/Not trained
“término general” que abarca: autoevaluación del estudiante y
• ally (v) To place in a friendly association, as by treaty. / To
autocontrol del alumno. En otras palabras, el enfoque está en la
enter into an alliance.
capacidad de los estudiantes para: Entender tanto las
• wizards (n) Skilled or clever people/magicians.
intenciones de aprendizaje como los criterios de éxito. Usar
• goods (n) Possessions and personal properties.
estos criterios para juzgar lo que han aprendido y lo que aún
• gather (v) To collet from different places.
necesitan aprender:
• Reflexionar sobre el proceso de aprendizaje para determinar

cómo aprenden mejor. Ventana de aprendizaje de habilidades
• Actuar sobre la retroalimentación recibida de su profesor y
sus compañeros. Tips para identificar si la información es verdadera o falsa
• Establecer objetivos de aprendizaje en función de lo que aún • A primera vista, una oración puede parecer verdadera porque
necesitan aprender. contiene hechos y afirmaciones que son verdaderas. Sin
• Administrar la organización de su aprendizaje. embargo, si solo una parte de la oración es falsa, entonces
Fuente: Equipo editorial. toda la oración es falsa. Una oración puede ser en su mayoría
verdadera porque contiene información correcta, pero en
última instancia es falsa si contiene información incorrecta.
Lesson 3 Sustainable Energies • Explorar cada afirmación como si fuera cierta.
• Enfocarse en cada declaración como si fuera verdadera y
Language bank
luego determinar si alguna parte de la declaración es falsa.
Open Questions Solo una parte falsa en una declaración hará que toda la
Open questions are questions which cannot be answered with declaración sea falsa.
just ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Many of them begin with ‘wh’: why, where, • Tener en mente que para que una oración sea verdadera, cada
who etc. Open questions can be compared to closed questions, parte debe ser “verdadera”.
which need only yes or no answers. • Examinar a fondo las oraciones largas y las declaraciones.
Las oraciones largas a menudo contienen grupos de palabras
Example y frases separadas u organizadas por puntuación.
‘Why did you decide to study English?’ is an example of an • Leer cada conjunto de palabras y frases individualmente y
open question. Compare this with ‘Did you decide to study con cuidado. Si un conjunto de palabras o frase en la
English because it’s useful for work?’, a closed question. declaración es falso (incluso si el resto es verdadero), toda la
declaración es falsa y la respuesta es “falsa”.
Closed Questions
• Las declaraciones más largas pueden ser falsas puesto que
Yes / No questions are also called closed questions because cuanto más larga sea una declaración de verdadero / falso,
there are only two possible responses: Yes or No. When mayor será la probabilidad de que la declaración sea falsa.
forming a Yes / No question, it must include one of these verbs:
Be, DO, HAVE, or a modal verb.It is impossible to ask a Yes /
No question without one of these verbs.
Example Ventana pedagógica
Are elections next year?
Learning to learn
Puede darles a los estudiantes, tres consejos útiles para
ayudarlos a controlar sus nervios:
Ventana pedagógica • Ser especialistas del tema que están presentando.
• Respirar profundamente antes e incluso durante la
Editor’s Marks presentación oral.
Explique a los alumnos que la tabla Editor’s Marks muestra el • Practicar en voz alta. La mejor manera de reducir la ansiedad
tipo de marcas que tienen que utilizar para corregir y verificar es ensayar.
su escritura. Ilustra errores comunes y distingue diferentes Fuente:
marcas, según sea cada caso. Explique a los estudiantes lo útil yourfear-of-speaking.html
que es usar las marcas del editor a medida que revisan su
escritura. Señale que esta práctica les ayudará a detectar su
errores comunes y mejorar su escritura.
Fuente: Equipo editorial.


Este apéndice contiene material fotocopiable que el profesor puede utilizar
como complemento a las actividades sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.

Complementary Activity Diagnostic Test


Esta actividad fotocopiable tiene como objetivo complementar las Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo evaluar la conducta
actividades vistas a lo largo de la unidad, reforzando de entrada de los alumnos. Puede realizarla antes de comenzar la
principalmente las habilidades orales y de escritura. Puede primera lección.
utilizarla al finalizar una clase, dependiendo del ritmo de trabajo Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:
de sus estudiantes.
Diagnostic test
Great Good OK Not good enough
(15 points) (14 – 10 points) (9 - 7 points) (Less than 7 points)
You are achieving You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
the learning goals. You can easily achieve the highest you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! score by analyzing the few mistakes you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
you made. areas in the evaluation.

Formative Tests
Estas actividades evaluativas tienen como objetivo complementar a
las evaluaciones de proceso sugeridas en el Texto del Estudiante.
Puede utilizarlas al finalizar las primeras o las últimas dos
lecciones de la unidad.
Evalúela utilizando la siguiente tabla:
Formative Test 1
Great Good OK Not good enough
( 15points) (14 – 12 points) (12 – 9 points) (Less than 9 points)
You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.

Formative Test 2
Great Good OK Not good enough
(20 points) (19 – 17 points) (16 – 12 points) (Less than 12 points)
You are achieving the learning You are very well prepared. Your performance is satisfactory, but You need to revise the contents
goals. You can easily achieve the you can improve. Revise the mistakes and practice more, in order to
Keep on working hard! highest score by analyzing the you made and reinforce the weakest improve your performance.
few mistakes you made. areas in the evaluation.

Final Test Template

Esta actividad evaluativa tiene como objetivo complementar el Este template es un modelo de un reporte (fotocopiable), que tiene
Test Final sugerido en el Texto del Estudiante. Puede utilizarlo al como objetivo apoyar a los alumnos en la construcción de un
finalizar la unidad con sus estudiantes, para que cuenten con un determinado texto escrito. Puede fotocopiarlo y entregarlo a sus
instrumento extra con el cual puedan analizar sus fortalezas y alumnos para que cuenten con un modelo del texto que tienen que
debilidades y evaluar su desempeño a lo largo de la unidad. producir durante el desarrollo de la unidad.


comPlemeNTarY acT V TY
1 Identify the elements in the text and make a graphic organizer with the information asked, on a separate
sheet of paper.

Title ntroductio Cause(s)

Effect(s) Source

The impact of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is an think that the plastic is jellyfish, and they eat it. Other
intriguing and publicized environmental problem. This animals become entangled and trapped in the plastic.
soup of trash up to 10 meters deep and just below the Because the garbage blocks sunlight, algae is not growing
water surface is composed mainly of non-degradable as it should. With less algae, the entire food chain is
plastics. These plastic materials trap aquatic life and experiencing a negative disruption. In addition, the plastics
poison them. The problem relates to materials, science floating in the ocean are leeching harmful chemicals into
and the advent of plastics in modern life, an example of the water, which are likely entering the food chain.
the unintended consequences of technology. Measures for Reducing and Preventing Ocean
Marine debris and pollution, consisting mostly of Pollution
plastic trash, is accumulating in oceans around the The size, location, and extensive nature of the Great
world. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch exists in the Pacific Garbage Patch makes cleaning it impractical. A
northern Pacific Ocean, stretching between Japan and large number of ships would need to work for an entire
the United States. year to eliminate only a fraction of the plastic from the
How the Garbage Patch Accumulated water. Because cleanup is impossible, experts focus
About 80 percent of the plastic trash that makes up the their efforts on prevention of additional accumulation
Great Pacific Garbage Patch originated from land-based of plastic in the garbage patches. To prevent additional
activities occurring in North America and Asia. The problems, consumers should use biodegradable plastic
remaining 20 percent of the trash originated from boats when they choose to use plastic. Avoiding the use of
and ships on the ocean. From Asia, it takes trash only plastic whenever possible can also help reduce the
about one year to reach this destination. Because plastic garbage patches. Recycling plastic properly is another

Photocopiable material
does not decompose, it simply floats in the water, moving effective prevention measure.
along with ocean currents. Some photo degradation Think about what you use, consume, and discard in
occurs from sunlight, which breaks the plastic up into tiny average lifetime. Calculate this for every American and
pieces. Two separate zones of currents move two separate then for every person on Earth. Humans have left their
plastic patches in circular motions. Between the patches, a mark on 83 percent of Earth’s Surface. But it is a fact
convergence zone moves the plastic back and forth. that our world is mostly covered in water, which makes
Environmental Harm That Has Resulted up about 71% of the Earth’s Surface, while the other
Debris found in any region of the ocean can easily be 29% consists of continents and islands. What about
ingested by marine species causing choking, starvation, the impact of garbage in our lives? What can we do to
and other problems; Animals living in these areas are reduce our environmental impact?
experiencing significant harm from the plastic. Sea turtles Taken and adapted from:


d aGNosT c TesT / 15 points

1 Look at the pictures. Then, answer the questions. 10 points


a. What is the difference between a discovery and an invention? Explain.

b. What do these pictures represent? A discovery or a creation?

c. What does “clean energy” mean?

d. How many types of clean energy do you know? Mention them.

e. What is it the impact of clean energies in our everyday life?

8 Write 5 statements related to the topic discovery and creations, using some of the 5 points
connectors below.

as well as as well as and also however even though but

such as for instance so if in other words because

Photocopiable material






formaT Ve TesT 1 / 15 points

1 Transform the sentences below into the Passive Voice. 5 points

a. Otto Frederick Rohwedder of Daven port invented the brad slicing machine in 1998.

b. Ralph H. Baer invented the first video game console in 1972.

c. W.K von Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895.

d. Calvin Souther Fuller, Daryl Chapin and Gerald Pearson invented the solar cells in 1958.

e. Joy Mangano, an American inventor, crated the “Miracle Mop”, in 1990.

2 Write sentences in the Passive Voice using the verbs from the box. 10 points

paint shoot discover invent

build begin finish

a. The Whitehouse -between 1792 and 1800

b. The Parthenon-447 BCE-432 BCE

c. Hovercraft- Christopher Cockerell-1952

Photocopiable material
d. John Wilkes Booth -Lincon-1865

e. Penicillin- Alexander Fleming- 1928

f. Mona Lisa -Leonardo da Vinci-between 1503-1519


formaT Ve TesT 2 / 20 points

1 Complete the following dialogue with Tag questions. Then, listen and check your answers. 5 points

A: Hi David, may ask you a few questions?

B: Yes
A: Air Conditioning was invented in 1922, (a) ?

B: Exactly, it was invented by Willis Carrier in 1922.

A: When was the Atomic Bomb invented?
B: t was invented in 1945.
A: t was invented by J. Robert Oppenheimer, (b) ?
B: Yes, in fact it was invented by him and his team.
A: The ball-point-pen wasn’t invented by Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf, (c) ?
B: No, it wasn’t invented by them. t was invented by Ladisli Biro in 1938.
A: What did Ladisli Biro invent?
B: The internet.
A: What about the mobile phone? t was invented by Thomas Edison, (d) ?
B: No, it wasn’t. t was invented by Martin Cooper and his team between 1972 and 1973. Thomas
Edison invented the electric chair and the phonographs.
A: Guglielmo Marconi was one of the pioneers regarding long radio transmission, (e) ?
B: Yes, he was, indeed.

2 Write a 150 - word presentation about the appropriate use of water. nclude the following 15 points

Pros Cons
(Using the
Passive Voice)
Photocopiable material



f Nal TesT
/ 36 points

1 Read the text and answer True (T) or False (F). Justify the false statements out loud. 5 points

What is Environmental Pollution?

Pollution is the contamination of the Effects of Environmental Pollution
environment by introduction of contaminants The polluting gases mentioned above have an
that can cause damage to the environment interesting effect on climate. Essentially, these
and harm or discomfort to humans or other gases form a veil around the planet which holds
living species. heat in, increasing the overall temperature of
Environmental pollution is one the greatest the planet. The rise in planetary temperature, or
challenges that the world is facing today. It began global warming, is not immediately noticeable.
since the industrial revolution, increasing day by However, even a rise of a few degrees Centigrade
day and causing irreparable damage to the Earth. causes catastrophic changes in weather. This is
happening now.
Causes of Environmental Pollution
Pollution from cars, trucks, and other vehicles Solutions to Environmental Pollution
is, and has been, our major environmental Electric and hybrid vehicles and public
pollution issue for almost a century now. transportation systems may contribute. Also,
more radiation solutions are in the works, with
Fossil fuel emissions from power plants which various ecologically friendly power technologies
burn coal as fuel contributed heavily, along with being built every day.
vehicles burning fossil fuels, to the production of
smog which is a toxic gas which now surrounds Solar power is a fantastic solution. Now that solar
our once pristine planet. radiation is at a peak, we can get power from the
sun using solar panel systems. Other solutions
Carbon dioxide is another product from all of can be Wind power and Electromagnetic
the vehicles on the planet, as well as unreformed radiation (ER) reduction.
power plants and other industrial facilities.
Taken and adapted from:
Water pollution is a major issue. Many industries causes-effects-solutions-to-environmental-pollution.html

dump wastes into rivers, lakes, ponds, and

streams, in an attempt to hide wastes from
EPA inspectors.

Photocopiable material
a. Pollution can’t cause irreparable damage to humans or other living species.

b. Gases forming a veil around the planet can be considered a form of environmental pollution.

c. Fossil fuel emissions are not immediately noticeable.

d. This problem begun during the industrial revolution.

e. ndustries dump waste into rivers, lakes, and ponds.

4º MEDIO UN T 6 f NAl TEST 315

2 89 Listen to the conversation, then, complete the following chart by writing 2 open-ended 6 points
questions, 2 closed-ended questions, and 2 tag questions.

Open-ended questions Closed-ended questions Tag questions

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3 Choose one of the topics below. Then, make a graphic organizer with the information below. 10 points

Global warming Ocean pollution Endangered animals

Human footprint Internet and social media Sustainable energies

ntroduction Cons

Pros Opinion

4 Write a 150-word text about the topic you chose in the previous activity. Use Passive voice, Tag
15 points
questions, and connectors.
Photocopiable material

Great! Good OK Not good enough

(36 - 35 points)) (34 - 30 points) (29 - 24 points) (23 or less points)
You are achieving the You are very well Your performance can You need to revise the
learning goals. Keep on prepared. improve. Revise your contents and practice
working hard! Analyze the few mistakes mistakes and weakest more, in order to improve
you made. areas with your teacher. your performance.

316 UN T 6 f NAl TEST 4º MEDIO

Wr T NG TemPlaTe
a rePorT

Water is a basic resource that guarantees the life of all living beings on the
planet. However, its scarcity and pollution cause millions of people to have

poor access to this much-needed asset. Although there are processes such
as water treatment or desalination that facilitate its treatment, use and
consumption in areas with quality or supply problems, it is first necessary
to avoid its contamination. ntroduction

Humans are the main cause of water pollution, which is triggered in many
ways: by the dumping of industrial waste; due to temperature rise, that
cause the alteration of water by reducing the oxygen in its composition; Or
due to deforestation, which causes sediments and bacteria to appear under
the soil and therefore contaminate groundwater. In the same way, the
pesticides used in agricultural fields filter through underground channels
and reach the consumption networks; And also as a result of accidental
spillage of oil. Causes

Firstly, the disappearance of biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems. Also,

humans are harmed by the alteration in the food chain and by contracting
illnesses when drinking or using contaminated water. As you can see,
water pollution has a great impact in the environment. Effects

For all this, we must ensure water availability, its sustainable management
and sanitation for all, as reflected in the sixth of the Sustainable Conclusion
Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda.

Taken and adapted from:

Photocopiable material


Texto del Estudiante 2. a. It has been discovered that many species of sea birds die
because of eating plastic.
Página 141 b. It has been claimed that there is a huge patch of plastic in the
1. a. Global warming b. Respuestas abiertas. Pacific Ocean that covers 1.6 million square kilometers.
c. Respuestas abiertas. d. Respuestas abiertas. 3. Respuestas posibles:
Title: An ocean plastic

Página 142 Introduction: Today, it seems that no part of the ocean is safe
1. a. Education. b. Disaster relief. c. Farming. d. Health. from plastic. It was discovered that plastic harms wildlife and
4. Respuestas abiertas introduces dangerous chemicals into marine ecosystems. Once
plastic enters the environment, it lasts a long time.
Página 143 Cause(s): People litter, Trash is not properly disposed of, things
1. a. plankton b. recycling c. jellyfish d. sea life like plastic bags, bottles, straws, and foam beverage cups get
e. microplastic f. plastic netting d. trash carried to the sea by winds and waterways, shipping and
h. tide i. household items fishing.
2. Respuestas abiertas Effect(s) Sea life is affected, sea animals are damaged, wildlife
at risk, seals, sea turtles, and even hales can become entangled
Página 144 in plastic netting, sea turtles eat plastic bags which resemble
Smart reading jellyfish, and pieces of micro plastic can resemble plankton, etc.
2. Respuestas posibles Solution(s) Cleanup, a new polymer, disposing of plastic
a. It was discovered that plastic harms wildlife and introduces properly for recycling, trash collection
dangerous chemicals into marine ecosystems. / Once plastic Source: Adapted from: An ocean of plastic. Retrieved from https://scienceworld.
enters the environment, it lasts a long time.
b. Plastic does not biodegrade or break down naturally. Also, as Página 148
plastic contains dyes and flame retardants, when it is not 1. Posible respuesta: Bees pollinate and extract nectar from
disposed of properly, those additives end up in the flowers. Then, they go back to the hive, make honey and store it
environment. Plastic also tends to absorb harmful chemicals in their honeycomb. The beekeeper, then, extracts the the honey
such as pesticides and industrial chemicals. So, if marine from the honeycomb.
organisms eat that plastic, they may be exposed to higher 2. Las respuestas pueden variar.
concentrations of these contaminants.
c. It was calculated that at least 8 million of plastic trash are Página 149
swept into the ocean from coasts every year. 2. a. A news report. b. To inform about the problem of bees.
d. Because animals are eating plastic or micro plastic. 3. Las respuestas pueden variar.
Página 145 Language in use
Your analysis: 1. Respuestas abiertas. a. iii.

Página 146 4. a. Ten years ago, beekeepers in the U.S. raised the alarm that
Language in use thousands of their hives were mysteriously empty of bees.
i. b. Colony Collapse Disorder.
c. Many countries have created new monitoring methods to
2. Respuestas posibles
judge the status of their bees.
• wildlife at risk Cause(s) Effect(s) Solution(s) d. 28.1 per cent.
• endangered Plastic is • Seals, sea turtles, • Cleanup e. Better, with 16.8 loss, in contrast.
ocean species polluting and even hales can • A new f. 23 per cent.
and marine the seas become entangled polymer 5. Posibles respuestas
animals in plastic netting. • Disposing Causes: Diesel fumes, some pesticides, climate change, pests,
• Sea turtles eat of plastic viruses, predators.
plastic bags which properly for Effects: They may struggle to find food, they may get lost,
resemble jellyfish, recycling scarcity of certain foods for people.
and pieces of micro • Trash Solutions: Improve the environments in which they collect
plastic can collection food, planting flowers to provide them with food, eliminating
resemble planton. the use of pestivides when gardening, buying local honey.

318 UNIDAD 6 Solucionario 4º MEDIO

Página 150 Página 159
1. Las respuestas pueden variar. Your analysis
1. a. Shooting video b. Fire fighting
Speaking: 1. Practica de los estudiantes c. Rescue operations in natural disaster zones
d. Predictive maintenance of power grids
Página 151
e. Services for isolated towns and locations
1. b. isn’t it? c. aren’t they? d. are they? d. haven’t we? f. Oil, gas and mineral exploration
2. Las Respuestas pueden variar.
Página 160
Página 152
Language in use
1. Renewable energy: energy from a source that is not depleted b. It is formed by using the verb To Be in past + the Past Participle

when used, such as wind or solar power. of the verb.
2. a. geothermal energy b. fossil fuels c. hydroelectric energy 1. Las respuestas pueden variar. Revise la estructura de las
d. nuclear energy e. biomass energy f. wind energy g. solar preguntas y pertinencia con el tema de la lección.
energy 2. Las Respuestas pueden variar
3. 1. Solar energy 2. Geothermal energy 3. hydroelectric energy
4. Fossil fuels 5. Wind energy 6. Biomass energy Speaking
7. Nuclear energy 1. Las respuestas pueden variar. 2. Las Respuestas pueden variar.

Página 153 Página 162

2. a. Inform about the use of sustainable energy in Africa. 1. a. Causes of tropical deforestation, 2000-2005
b. Some African countries are starting to use their excess of b. Pasture, large-scale agriculture (soy, oil palm, maize, rice,
natural energy to meet their energy needs (hydroelectric and etc), small-scale agriculture (subsistence agriculture)
solar energy). c. Urbanization, dams, infrastructure, mining, non-agricultural
3. a. i, b. ii, c. i, d. ii, e. ii, f. i, g. ii, h. ii. fires.
1. 1. The Atlantic coast of Brazil has lost 90-95% of its rainforest.
Página 154
2. Central America has 50% of its rainforests.
2. a. Acepte definiciones y respuestas relacionadas con la energía 3. The Philippines have lost 90% of its rainforests.
hidroeléctrica (hydroelectric power). 4. Madagascar has lost 95% of its rainforests.
b. Acepte respuestas y definiciones relacionadas con Africa y 5. El Salvador has lost 70-85% of its rainforests.
los países mencionados en el texto de audio (Kenia y 6. Sumatra has lost 85% of its rainforests.
Namibia), y como se están utilizando las energías renovables
en esos países. Página 164
c. Acepte respuestas sobre el uso de combustibles fósiles (fossil 1. Las respuestas pueden variar.
fuels) (como carbón, kerosene, etcétera) y sus efectos 2. Las respuestas pueden variar.
dañinos para las personas y la naturaleza.
d. Acepte respuestas sobre la energía solar (solar power), sus
usos y beneficios. Guía DidÁctica
1. Respuestas abiertas Actividades complemeNtarias
Title: The impact of the Great Pacific Garbage patch
Página 155 1. b. Respuestas abiertas
Introduction: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is an
Página 157 intriguing and publicized environmental problem. This swirling
4. Exploring remote places, delivery, putting out fires, bringing soup of trash up to 10 meters deep and just below the water
help in natural disasters, filming surface is composed mainly of non-degradable plastics. These
plastic materials trap aquatic life and poison them by physical
Página 158
blockage or as carriers of toxic pollutants. The problem relates to
Smart reading materials science and the advent of plastics in modern life, an
1. a. T example of the unintended consequences of technology.
b. F. These machines were first built for military pilots and Cause(s): non-degradable plastics-plastic materials – materials
gunners to use as target practice. science
c. T Solution(s): Cleaning /Recycling/Reduce plastic use/Ban the bags/
d. F. These small aerial wizards are already prepared to help us plastic
in many different missions. Miniaturization has made it
Effect(s): Plastic harms wild life and introduces dangerous
possible for drones to fit inside a rucksack or even on the
chemicals into marine ecosystems. / Sea animals eat plastic/ Ocean
palm of the hand, which makes them our best ally in very
is polluted / Damages in human health
different scenarios
e. T f. T

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 Solucionario 319

Diagnostic test d. Solar cells were invented by Calvin Souther Fuller, Daryl
1. a. A discovery is recognizing something that already exists for Chapin and Gerald Pearson in1958.
the first time, that nobody has found before. An invention is e. The Miracle Mop was created by the American inventor Joy
creating something totally new with one’s own ideas and Mangano, in 1990.
development. 2. Multiple answers may be provided by students.
b. It is an invention called solar cells.
c. A solar cell is an electronic device that catches sunlight and Formative test 2
turns it directly into electricity 1. a. wasn’t it? - b. wasn’t it? - c. was it? - d. wasn’t it? -
d. Multiple answers may be provided. e. wasn’t he?
Solar cells are sustainable and renewable, low-maintenance, 2. Cohesion 1. Coherence 1. Vocabulary 5. Grammar 5.
eco-friendly and affordable. Writing structure 3.
Solar Water Heaters

Solar water heaters can be a reasonable alternative to examen final

conventional gas- or electric-powered models. Solar panels
heat water, they are used in outdoor solar lights, solar 1. a. F b. T c. F d. T e. T
cookers and small solar devices. 2. Open-ended questions: 1. Which invention has had the
e. Clean energy as energy derived from renewable, zero- greatest impact on society in the last 100 years? 2. Why do
emissions sources (“renewables”), as well as energy saved you think so?
through energy efficiency (“EE”) measures. Closed-ended questions: 1. Was it so popular? 2. Did he have
2. Multiple answers may be provided. a car accident?
Tag questions: 1. the toaster is one of the he greatest
Formative test 1 inventions, isn’t it? 2. today video games continue to be very
1. a. The brad slicing machine was invented by Otto Frederick popular, don’t they?
Rohwedder of Daven in 1998 3. Multiple answers may be provided.
b. The first video game console was made in 1972
by Ralph H. Baer. 4. Cohesion 1. Coherence 1. Vocabulary 5. Grammar 5.
c. X-rays were discovered by W.K von Roentgen in 1895. Writing structure 3.

74 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 142 - EXERCISE 2 patients and colleagues. Electronic Medical Records will
improve the patient experience, reduce costs for hospitals, and
How is technology helping to solve global challenges?
lead to higher quality care around the world.
Technology can be applied to help remedy a variety of wider
Disaster relief. Innovation in technology is providing new and
challenges facing society, from healthcare to environmental
more effective ways to deal with the impact of a disaster, from
sustainability – and technology leaders can play an important
improving the way survivors can communicate, to helping
part in driving that change through innovative thinking and
emergency services gain precious time and information.
collaboration. Some ways tech is helping to solve major
global challenges are: Drones can be used to drop off much-needed aid packages to
isolated areas, and mobile applications can help emergency
Education. Smart classroom technology is breaking down the
services respond more quickly and effectively by providing
walls of the traditional classroom and opening up new
crucial information quickly.
opportunities for students and teachers. For many students,
especially those in remote areas, developments in cloud, video Farming. According to the UN Food and Agriculture
conferencing, and wireless technology can offer access to Organization, we will need to produce 70% more food in 2050
classes, subjects, and teachers they might otherwise have compared to 2006 to support the world’s growing population.
never been able to reach. Farmers and agricultural companies are increasingly using
practical farming technologies or ‘smart farming’ solutions –
Healthcare. The digitization of hospitals and other healthcare
livestock monitoring, equipment testing, soil and weather
facilities will see a largely paper-based industry transition to
measurements – to intensify efficiency and productivity in their
more efficient Electronic Medical Records, allowing doctors
daily work
to access records from anywhere, as well as interact with

320 UNIDAD 6 Solucionario 4º MEDIO

75 spatial awareness, learning and memory.
Anything that damages such skills can make bees
a. Scientists have discovered many species of sea birds die struggle to find food, or even get lost.
because of eating plastic. Andrea: Because of this, bee populations are very
b. Researchers claimed that there is a huge patch of plastic in vulnerable to what we call “sub lethal stressors”,
the Pacific Ocean that covers 1.6 million square kilometers. factors that don´t kill the bees directly but can
affect their behavior, for example, diesel fumes and
some pesticides. In addition, apart from the climate
76 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 149 - EXERCISE 1 change, bees have to deal with pests, viruses and
predators that have been spread around the world
Interviewer: Please, let’s welcome Mr. Simon Klein, a PhD as a side-effect of international trade.

student specializing in bee cognition and Mrs. Simon: Bees have a huge impact on our food supply as
Andrea Barron, a professor in the department of they are the most important pollinators of many of
biological science at Macquarie University. the fruits and vegetables we eat. Dying bees
What can you tell us about CCD? scream a message to us that they cannot survive in
Simon: Ten years ago, beekeepers in the U.S. raised the our current agricultural and urban environments.
alarm that thousands of their hives were Interviewer: What can be done?
mysteriously empty of bees.
Simon: At a global level, to preserve our bees, we must
Andrea: And what followed was global concern over a improve the environments in which they collect
new phenomenon: colony collapse disorder. In food. Every small action can make a difference.
other words, CCD. To make things worse, we
Interviewer: Also, planting flower borders with bee-friendly
are also losing many of our populations of wild
flowers in gardens can provide food for both wild
bees, a situation that may have tragic
and domestic bees. People should reduce or
consequences for us as well as them.
eliminate the use of herbicides or pesticides when
Interviewer: Ten years after the initial alarm, what is the gardening.
current status of the world´s bee populations?
Simon: Another tempting option is to buy local honey.
Andrea: Since the alarm was first raised, many countries
Andrew: Which often has a more distinctive flavor than
have created new monitoring methods to judge
mass-produced, doesn´t it?
the status of their bees.
Interviewer: Of course! Well, thank you very much for all your
Interviewer: So, you can have much more data on bee
useful information.
populations, can´t you?
Simon: That´s right. Although monitoring them is still a
complex process. 77 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 149 -
Andrea: Beekeepers can tolerate up to 15 per cent losses LANGUAGE IN USE - EXERCISE 1
of colonies over winter, but the U.S. is massively - So, you can have much more data on bee populations,
above this figure, having lost 28.1 per cent of can´t you?
colonies over the 2015-16 winter.
- It´s clear that bees in the United States are still struggling,
Interviewer: It´s clear that bees in the United States are still
isn´t it?
struggling, isn´t it?
Andrea: Yes. Canada, by contrast, reported 16.8 per cent - That isn´t good news, is it?
losses. - This looks better, doesn´t it?
Interviewer: This looks better, doesn´t it?
Simon: Absolutely! But it´s still above the level of losses 78 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 150 - EXERCISE 1a
at which beekeepers can easily restock.
Andrea: Honey bees are not the only bees that we should / θ / thousands – method – anything – sub lethal - birth
care about: Wild bees are vital pollinators too, / ð / other – that – this – although
since some plants are pollinated by only one
wild bee species. Between 2008 and 2013, wild 79
bee diversity in the US dropped by 23 per cent. STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 151 - EXERCISE 1
Interviewer: Oh, that isn’t good news, is it? Sandra: Hello Derek, What are you reading? You look worried.
Andrea: Not, really. Derek: An article about environment pollution. It says that
Interviewer: Do you understand why this is happening? this situation is getting worse.
Simon: It´s a complex problem with many causes. Bees Sandra: Oh, Yes! Our environment is in great danger, isn’t it?
have to travel large distances to collect pollen Derek: The problem of environment pollution has become a
and nectar. They need finely tuned senses, major threat for human beings as well as animals.

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 Transcripciones 321

Sandra: Besides, the increase in temperature, the Earth is Namibia
suffering from droughts, floods, the melting of the ice In the southern African country of Namibia, energy is in short
caps, etc. supply. The nation imports 70% of its energy from South Africa. To
Derek: Situations that aren´t normal at all, are they? meet the rest of the electricity needs, Namibians rely on a
Sandra: That´s right! On the other hand, plants and animals hydropower plant in the north and on a coal burning plant in the
are likely to be extinct as well, aren’t they? capital. The country’s relatively small population is spread out over
a vast area, making it difficult to ensure that everyone has access
Derek: Absolutely! As a consequence, we have been suffering
to electricity, but one resource that Namibia has in abundance is
from various kinds of diseases, haven’t we?
sunshine. The UN is helping to increase the use of solar energy.
Sandra: People should stop polluting the environment and be People in a village in central Namibia have used different sources
aware of harmful effects of their actions. of energy until now.

Derek: Yes, I completely agree with you. With solar panels on every house, they have access to a light
source and can use electrical appliances. The UN’s main objective
is to help people finance the installation of solar energy systems in
80 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 152 - EXERCISE 3 their homes as well as install solar panels in public buildings like
1. It comes from the heat of the sun. You can use panels to trap schools and health clinics.
the energy and it can be saved for cloudy days.
2. It comes from the heat inside the earth. It is food for places
with volcanic activity. STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 154 - EXERCISE 1a
3. It takes energy from flowing water such as rivers, streams and May I ask you a few questions?
ocean currents. Could you please answer some questions?
4. They are extracted from the earth such as coal, oil and Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
natural gas. When they are burned to make energy, they
produce carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming.
5. It produces energy by moving blades or a turbine or mill. 83 STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 160 - EXERCISE 1a
6. It is produced from a plant or human waste. Wood is the most
common source, but now methane gas or vegetable oils are I’m convinced that…
being used to create energy. From my point of view…
7. It is produced by splitting atoms. There is a risk of accidents I’m certain that…
and this form of energy produces dangerous waste that is To my mind…
difficult to dispose of. Speaking personally…

Kenia Between 1960 and 1990, most of the deforestation occurred
With an average rainfall of over 3,000 millimeters per year and a large globally, with an increasing trend every decade.
amount of excess water from the snows of Mount Kenya, the Embu
• Brazil has the highest annual rate of deforestation today.
district in central Kenya has an abundance of water. But the region
lacks infrastructure and many communities are not in the country’s • The Atlantic coast of Brazil has lost between 90-95% of its
electric grids. Near the town of Chuka, a number of people have rainforest.
banded together to use hydropower to meet their electricity needs. • Central America has 50% of its rainforests.
With UN´s global environment facilities help, the community has set • South America has 70% of its rainforests.
up a hydropower turbine to supply power to 56 homes. The turbine • The Philippines have lost 90% of its rainforests!
currently provides 20 kilowatts of power and the community hopes • Madagascar has lost 95% of its rainforests!
that it will soon reach its maximum capacity of double that amount.
This would enable approximately 150 homes to benefit from electric • El Salvador has lost 70-85% of its rainforest due to heavy
power. Traditionally, people in the district have relied on wood and bombing during the civil war in 1984-1985.
kerosene as their main sources of energy. This means that forests • Sumatra has 15% of its rainforests left.
are being destroyed for firewood and respiratory health problems • Only 6% of Central Africa’s forests are protected by law.
caused by smoking fumes are very common.
The small hydropower plants allow them to use electricity for most
of their needs. Making renewable energy sources, like hydropower, STUDENT’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 165 - EXERCISE 1
accessible to the poor, is one way to address the infrastructure Many of the solutions to air pollution are similar to those for
problems in the country. It also helps to build a more sustainable climate change, though it’s important to either make a
environment by getting clean energy to those who need it most. concerted effort to drive less, or switch to a lower-emissions

322 UNIDAD 6 Transcripciones 4º MEDIO

vehicle. Switching over to green energy is also important, as drones are being used for aircraft inspections. In fact,
that will cut back on fossil fuel emissions. If you aren’t able to our drones were put into Fukushima.
install solar panels or wind turbines on your property or if Rob: Yes. Her company has used drones to inspect the
your utility gets its electricity from dirty energy sources, inside of the damaged Fukushima nuclear power
consider signing up for a renewable energy producer, such as station in Japan. And another example of drones
the ones that connect consumers to a 100 percent renewable being a game changer is UNICEF and the Malawian
energy source to power their homes. government testing drones for carrying medical
supplies. This could help save lives in remote places.
Neil: It seems like the sky’s the limit for the uses of
86 ACTIVITY BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 77 - EXERCISE 12 drones! I mean there’s no limit to what they can do.
a. He can’t, can he? But I am a little concerned about how they are

b. It isn’t the best, is it? regulated or controlled.
c. It goes down that road, doesn´t it? Rob: Well Dr Yoge Patel says because the technology is
d. Melissa hasn’t come back, has she? new, regulations – or legal controls - are developing
e. It’s perfect, isn´t it? all the time, listen:
f. There are enough people, aren´t there? Dr. Patel: As technology progresses, regulation and
operational use need then be harmonized with it.
And we are, as a community, going through that
87 ACTIVITY BOOK - UNIT 6 - PAGE 77 - EXERCISE 14 whole process of saying what is proportionate and
gather, thin, author, them, truth, method, another, their, thought, appropriate regulation to go with different uses of
those, youth, neither, earth. drones.
Rob: It’s good that they are making regulations suitable
and appropriate for what the drones are being used
88 for. They definitely need some control.
Neil: That´s right.
Rob: Hello I’m Rob and this is 6 Minute English. Joining
me today is Neil!
Neil: Hello. And today we’re discussing those pilotless TEACHER’S BOOK - UNIT 6 - Page 316 - EXERCISE 2
aircraft that we seem to be hearing and reading a lot Luke: In your opinion, which invention has had the greatest
about at the moment. impact on society in the last 100 years?
Rob: You mean drones. And yes, they are in the news quite Mary: From my point of view Luke, the toaster is one of the
often for good and bad reasons. They’ve been used greatest invention, isn’t it?
for many things from trafficking drugs, detecting
Lucy: I don’t share your view, Mary. Speaking personally,
water leaks and vigilance to prevent burglary, shop
video games are the best invention, aren’t they?
lifting and others. Apparently, drones seem to be
Mary: Why do you think so? I disagree…
everywhere now.
Lucy: Because when they hit the market, they were so popular
Neil: But are they safe and are they necessary? I’ve heard
and groundbreaking, weren’t they?
about them being a hazard to aircraft because
they’ve been flown close to airports. Mary: popular?
Rob: Well, in 2016, it was shown through figures that, in Luke: They were!!
the UK, there were 70 near misses involving drones. Lucy: Besides, today video games continue to be very popular,
And that’s more than double the year before. So that don’t they?
is a little worrying. Luke: Yes, they do!
Neil: Yes. And there’s the potential risk of people’s privacy Mary: When and where was the most famous video console
being invaded when a drone is flown over their invented?
property with a camera attached to it. Lucy: It was first released on April 21, 1989 in Japan.
Rob: Ah, but those cameras are also good at capturing Mary: Who invented it?
some great aerial footage – that’s the film recording Luke: It was invented by a man called Gunpei Yokoi.
of the view from above the ground. So, they’re not Mary: Was it invented by Gunpei Yokoi?
all bad. And Dr. Yoge Patel would agree. She is Lucy: Yes, it was.
CEO of Blue Bear, which supplies unmanned planes
Luke: Did he have a car accident?
and drones. Here she is speaking about drones on
the Woman’s Hour TV program: Lucy: Yes, he did. He was hit and fatally injured by two
passing cars…
Dr. Patel: They have the potential to be dangerous, agreed. They
also have, though, the ability to be a game changer in Mary: Wow….
both domestic use and in military use. So, some of our Luke: That’s a pity!

4º MEDIO UNIDAD 6 Transcripciones 323

UN T 5

Nineteen Eighty Four -

VOluMe 3

Chapter 1 (Extract)

The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was
thirty-nine and had a bad ankle, went slowly, resting
several times on the way. On each landing, opposite
the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face
gazed from the wall. The black-mustachioed face gazed down from
BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the every commanding corner. BIG BROTHER IS
caption beneath it ran. Inside the flat, a fruity WATCHING YOU, the caption said, while the
voice was reading out a list of figures which had dark eyes looked deep into Winston’s own. Down
something to do with the production of pig-iron. at street level another poster, torn at one corner,
The voice came from an oblong metal plaque flapped fitfully in the wind. In the far distance,
which formed part of the surface of the right- a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs,
hand wall. Winston turned a switch and the hovered for an instant, and darted away again
voice sank somewhat, though the words were still with a curving flight. It was the police patrol,
distinguishable. The instrument (the telescreen) snooping into people’s windows. The patrols did
could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting not matter, however. Only the Thought Police
it off completely. He moved over to the window: mattered. Behind Winston’s back, the voice from
a smallish, frail figure, the meagerness of his body the telescreen was still babbling away about pig-
merely emphasized by the blue overalls which were iron and the overfulfilment of the Ninth Three-
the uniform of the party. His hair was very fair, his Year Plan. The telescreen received and transmitted
skin roughened by coarse soap, blunt razor blades, simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made,
and the cold of the winter that had just ended. above the level of a very low whisper, would be
picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained
Outside, the world looked cold. Down in the within the field of vision which the metal plaque
street, little eddies of wind were whirling dust and commanded, he could be seen as well as heard.
torn paper into spirals, and though the sun was There was, of course, no way of knowing whether
shining and the sky a harsh blue, there seemed to you were being watched at any given moment.
Photocopiable material

be no color in anything, except the posters that

were plastered everywhere. Taken from: Orwell, G. (2008). 1984. (Chapter 1). Washington DC, USA: Signet Classics.

a. What kind of society does the text describe?
b. What is the setting?
c. What person is used in the narrative?
d. What is the theme of the text?
e. Would you like to live in a reality like the one described in the text? Why?


UN T 6

The Bicentennial Man (extract)

incontrovertible. We will, of course, replace
your robot.”
“Not at all,” said Sir. “There is no question of failure,

VOluMe 3
on his part. He performs his assigned duties perfectly.
The point is he also carves wood in exquisite fashion
and never the same twice. He produces works of art.”
Mansky looked confused. “Strange. Of course, we’re
attempting generalized pathways these days. Really
Gerald Martin took Andrew to the regional offices creative, you think?”
of the United States Robots and Mechanical
Men Corporation. As a member or the Regional “See for yourself.” Sir handed over a little sphere
Legislature, he had no trouble at all in gaining an of wood on which there was a playground scene in
interview with the chief robo-psychologist. In fact, which the boys and the girls were almost too small
it was only as a member of the Regional Legislature to make out, yet they were in perfect proportion and
that he qualified as a robot owner in the first place - they blended so naturally with the grain that it, too,
in those early days when robots were rare. seemed to have been carved.

Andrew did not understand any of this at the time, Mansky was incredulous. “He did that?” He handed
but in later years, with greater learning, he could it back with a shake of his head.
review that early scene and understand it in its “The luck of the draw. Something in the pathways.”
proper light.
“Can you do it again?”
The robo-psychologist, Merton Mansky, listened
“Probably not. Nothing like this has ever been
with a growing frown and more than once managed
to stop his fingers at the point beyond which they
would have irrevocably drummed on the table. He “Good! I don’t in the least mind Andrew’s being the
had drawn features and a lined forehead, but he might only one.”
actually have been younger than he looked. “I suspect that the company would like to have your
“Robotics is not an exact art, Mr. Martin,” Mansky robot back for study,” Mansky said.
explained. “I cannot explain it to you in detail, “Not a chance!” Sir said with sudden grimness.
but the mathematics governing the plotting of the “Forget it.” He turned to Andrew, “Let’s go home,
positronic pathways is far too complicated to permit now.”

Photocopiable material
of any but approximate solutions. Naturally, since Taken from: Asimov, I. (March 1991). Robot Visions. The bicentennial man. (p.
we build everything around the three laws, those are 245). New York: New American Library.

a. What is the theme of the text?
b. What do you think robots were created for?
c. What would be the impact of robots in our everyday life?
d. What would be the impact of robots regarding health?
e. Do you think robots will replace some human jobs in the future? Why?


Instrumentos de evaluación Cómo aplicar los instrumentos de evaluación
Estos instrumentos de evaluación son herramientas que usted Autoevaluación
puede usar para medir el trabajo de los estudiantes. Entregue suficientes copias de los instrumentos a los estudiantes y
Son guías que tienen el objetivo de evaluar el desempeño y que se pídales que los usen para evaluar objetivamente su propio progreso
basan en un amplio rango de criterios, más que en puntajes en una tarea o proyecto determinado. La evaluación que hagan de
numéricos. su rendimiento no debería constituir una calificación formal.

Los instrumentos de evaluación que aquí encontrará, incluyen: Evaluación de pares

- Rúbricas Muchas veces, toma tiempo implementar esta práctica en la sala de
- Cuestionarios clases, por lo que debe ser paciente y permitirse modelar este tipo
- Hojas de observación de clases de evaluación. Debe enfatizar que la evaluación de pares, como la
Además, estos instrumentos comprenden una sección que difiere autoevaluación, tiene como principal objetivo ayudar a todos a
de otros métodos tradicionales de evaluación, ya que examinan los mejorar su trabajo y desempeño. Al utilizarla, los estudiantes
procesos mismos de aprendizaje y muestran claramente cómo toman consciencia de que estos instrumentos proveen evidencia
trabajar con la evaluación de proceso. Los instrumentos comunican que sustenta sus juicios y opiniones, en caso de que su evaluación
en forma detallada explicaciones sobre lo que se considera no coincida con la del docente. Nuevamente, proporcionar el
excelencia al ejecutar cada tarea, y también proveen de sugerencias tiempo suficiente para la revisión post evaluación es crucial.
claras para el docente. Evaluación docente - estudiante
Estos instrumentos han sido diseñados, sobre todo, para informar y Utilice los mismos instrumentos que los estudiantes emplearon
enriquecer la instrucción. Ellos son capaces de entregar una para autoevaluarse y para evaluarse en pares. Al entregar el
retroalimentación bastante completa, que los estudiantes siempre instrumento corregido, los estudiantes sabrán exactamente qué
necesitan para crecer en su proceso de aprendizaje. hicieron bien y qué necesitan reforzar en el futuro.
Estas herramientas también pueden ser usadas en evaluación de En términos generales, el trabajo con estos instrumentos de
pares y son útiles para entregar retroalimentación. Antes de la evaluación es relativamente sencillo. Identifique el número
evaluación, es necesario informar de los instrumentos para que los máximo de puntos para alcanzar el nivel máximo de rendimiento.
estudiantes sepan cuáles son las expectativas que se tienen de su Típicamente, la escala aumenta/ decrece en un punto. La última
desempeño. columna muestra el puntaje obtenido, basándose en el rendimiento
observado en cada tarea.
Luego, durante la fase de evaluación, se utilizan para otorgar
valores a cada área que se desea evaluar. Una vez que a un El puntaje total se asigna simplemente sumando todos los valores
instrumento le sea asignado un puntaje determinado, éste debe ser obtenidos.
entregado a los estudiantes para comunicar su calificación, y así Una vez que se han calculado los puntajes, se pueden expresar en
dar información sobre sus fortalezas y debilidades. los criterios de desempeño, que son niveles descriptivos de
calidad, comenzando desde el nivel en el extremo inferior de
Las ventajas de usar una amplia gama de rendimiento y terminando con el del extremo superior.
instrumentos de evaluación
Los docentes pueden incrementar la calidad de su instrucción
directa al enfatizar y enfocarse en detalles en particular a la hora
de evaluar, como modelo para los estudiantes. De esta forma, los
estudiantes pueden contar con guías explícitas sobre lo que los
docentes esperan de ellos. Los estudiantes pueden usar estos
instrumentos como una herramienta para enriquecer su
aprendizaje. Los docentes pueden reutilizar estos instrumentos en
una gran variedad de actividades.


1. Listening comprehension

Name: Lesson: Date

Skills Points
1 2 3 4
Understanding key events Understands 1 or 2 Understands some of Understands many Understands most
or facts. events or key facts. the events or events or key facts, events in sequence or
key facts. mainly in sequence. understands most

Volume 3
key facts.
Understanding details. Gets few or no Gets some important Gets many important Gets most important
important details. details. details. details and key language.

Responding appropriately to Almost never. Sometimes. Most of the time. Nearly always.
features such as: laughter, silence,
etc., and / or accentuation,
intonation, and rhythm.
Answering questions. Answers questions Answers questions Answers questions Answers questions with
with incorrect with some with literal interpretation showing
information. misinterpretation. interpretation. higher level thinking.

Doing tasks. Provides limited Provides some Provides adequate Provides insightful
or no response response to teacher response to teacher response to teacher with
and requires with four with two or three one or no questions
many questions or five questions and questions and or prompts.
or prompts. prompts. prompts.
At the end of the session, the Answer factual Answer factual Summarize the Reveal the sequence of
listener is able to: questions on questions on general beginning, middle, events, providing details
general and specific and end of on dialog, and
information. information. the story. motivation of characters.
Total points

Photocopiable material


2. Reading comprehension

Name: Lesson: Date

Skills Points
1 2 3 4
1. Understands key Understanding one or Understanding some Understands many Understands most events in
events or facts. two events or key facts. of the events or key events or key facts, sequence or understands
facts. mainly in sequence. most key facts.
2. Understands Gets few or no Gets some important Gets many important Gets most important details
details. important details. details. details. and key language.
Volume 3

3. Identifies Identifies one or two Identifies one or two Identifies many topics or Identifies all characters or
characters or characters or topics characters or topics by characters by name in topics by specific name (Old
topics. using pronouns (he, generic name (boy, text (Ben, Giant). Ben Bailey).
she, it, they). girl, dog).
4. Answering Answers questions with Answers questions Answers questions with Answers questions with
questions. incorrect information. with some literal interpretation. interpretation showing
misinterpretation. higher level thinking.
5. Answering tasks. Provides limited or no Provides some Provides adequate Provides insightful
response and requires response to teacher response to teacher with response to teacher with one
many with four two or three questions or no questions
questions or five questions and prompts. or prompts.
or prompts. and prompts.
Total points

Taken and adapted from:

Photocopiable material


3. Writing process rubric

Step 1 2 3 4 Points
Planning / Gets no or limited key Gets few key words / Gets numerous key words Gets numerous and detailed
Brainstorming words / ideas. ideas / ideas. key words / ideas.
Uses no or limited key Uses few key words / Uses most of key words / Uses all of key words/ ideas
words / ideas from ideas from planning stage. ideas from planning stage. from planning stage.
planning stage. Shows weak organization Most of first draft Uses additional ideas.
Drafting Shows no organization and structure of first draft. is organized. First draft is
and structure of first highly organized.

Volume 3

Revising Does not add, delete Add, deletes or rearranges Adds, deletes or Adds, deletes or rearranges
or rearrange ideas a few ideas from the rearranges adequate ideas numerous adequate ideas
from the first draft. first draft. from the first draft. from the first draft.
Details are not specific Few details are specific Most details are specific All details are specific
and clear. and clear. and clear. and clear.

Editing Does not correct errors Corrects some errors of: Corrects most of errors of: Corrects all the errors of:
of: spelling, spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation,
punctuation, capitalization, and capitalization, and capitalization, and sentence
capitalization, and sentence structure. sentence structure. structure.
sentence structure.
Publishing Does not write the Writes part of the final Writes most of the final Writes the final copy in clear
final copy in clear copy in clear handwriting copy in clear handwriting handwriting or types it
handwriting nor types nor types it correctly on a or types it correctly on a correctly on a computer.
correctly on a computer. computer. Sentence fluency
computer. Sentence Sentence fluency is poor Sentence fluency is strong is strong.
fluency is poor. in most parts. in most parts.

Total points

4. Making connections

Dimension 4 3 2 1 Points
Text-to-self Without prompting, Without prompting, student With prompting, student With prompting, student
connections student can explain can explain connections can explain connections can explain connections
connections with own life with own life. However, with own life that are with own life. However,
that are closely related to they are vaguely related closely related to the text. they are vaguely related
the text. to the text. to the text.
Text-to-text Without prompting, Without prompting, student With prompting, student With prompting, student
Connections student can explain can explain connections can explain connections can explain connections

Photocopiable material
connections with other with other texts that are with other texts that are with other texts. However,
texts that are similar. vaguely similar to the text. very similar to the text. they are vaguely related
to the text.
Text-to-world Without prompting, Without prompting, student With prompting, student With prompting, student
connections student can explain can explain connections can explain connections can explain connections
connections with the with the world. However, with the world that are with the world. However,
world that are closely they are vaguely related to closely related to the text. they are vaguely related
related to the text. the text. to the text.
Total points


Rating Scales
1. Use of reading strategies

Name: Unit / Lesson: Date:

Always Sometimes Never
1. I make predictions before I read. 3 2 1
2. I understand the message-the text makes sense to me. 3 2 1
3. I know when I am having trouble understanding the text. 3 2 1
Volume 3

4. I know the main idea of the text. 3 2 1

5. I understand the words in the text. 3 2 1
6. I understand the punctuation. 3 2 1
7. I know how to find different parts of the text (chapters, pages, beginning, middle, end). 3 2 1
8. I can pick out clues from the reading to help me make an interpretation. 3 2 1
9. I give my opinion-make a judgment-about the text. 3 2 1
10. I support my opinion with details from the text. 3 2 1
11. I know the difference between fact and opinion. 3 2 1
12. I can see similarities and differences between the texts I read. 3 2 1
13. I can make connections between the text and my own life. 3 2 1
14. I can make connections between the text and other subjects. 3 2 1
15. I can pick out words from the story that help me work out the setting. 3 2 1
Photocopiable material


2. Oral exchange

Student is able to… Yes Partially Points

talk briefly about a topic. 4 3 2 1
ask and answer questions to keep the 4 3 2 1
conversation going.
answer questions including information and 4 3 2 1
use appropriate language expressions and 4 3 2 1

Volume 3
imitate the model and use correct intonation 4 3 2 1
and pronunciation.
speak naturally without unnecessary pauses. 4 3 2 1
Total points

3. Oral presentation

Name Date
Indicators Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Topic was covered deeply.
Presentation was well planned and coherent.
Presentation was practiced.
Relevant comments were included.
Opinions / conclusions were supported
by reasons.
Visual aids were useful.
Teacher’s comments

Created by: Publishing team.

4. Writing

Name Lesson Date

Indicators Acceptable Good Excellent
Punctuation uses accurate punctuation.

Photocopiable material
Capitalization uses capital letters to begin sentences and for names.
uses graphic organizers and writes a draft.
Content / ideas
adds details to improve the text.
uses subject/verb agreement.
Language and vocabulary uses adequate vocabulary and connectors.
writes complete sentences that make sense.
Spelling writes most words correctly.

Created by: Publishing team.


5. Project

Name(s): Date:
Process Satisfactory Excellent Points
1. Has clear vision of final product. 1 2 3
2. Properly organized to complete project. 1 2 3
3. Managed time wisely. 1 2 3
4. Acquired needed knowledge base. 1 2 3
Volume 3

5. Communicated efforts with teacher. 1 2 3

Product (Project) Satisfactory Excellent Points
1. Format. 1 2 3
2. Mechanics of speaking / writing. 1 2 3
3. Organization and structure. 1 2 3
4. Creativity. 1 2 3
5. Demonstrates knowledge. 1 2 3
Teacher’s comments:

Photocopiable material


Rating Scales
1. Cultural awareness and comprehension (OA B)

OBJECTIVE B: To develop cultural awareness and comprehension showing interest, respect and tolerance for one’s and other cultures.
Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Highly negative Negative Slightly negative Neutral Slightly positive Positive Highly
Criteria: Student demonstrates a attitude regarding… Points

Volume 3
his / her interactions with individuals from different countries.
the benefits of interacting with people from different countries.
his / her participation in international or intercultural social experiences.
his / her interest in developing intercultural relationships.
his / her desire to participate in intercultural experiences in the future.
the way in which his / her thinking has changed as a result of exposure to different cultures.
his / her understanding how learning about specific topics can be enhanced when done in a different culture.
the art of different cultures.
the music of different cultures.
the political systems or structures of different cultures.
the different art expressions of other cultures.
Self-awareness, taking perspective, empathy
the value of similarities and / or differences among cultures.
the need for tolerance toward different cultural practices, values or beliefs.
the need to provide comprehensive and balanced support for his / her conclusions regarding cultural differences and
the fact that differences among people and cultures may be neither good nor bad.
manifestations that are culturally unfamiliar.
Total points:

2. Self - evaluation: Interest in on-going and independent learning (OA C)

Statements Yes Needs improvement

I set challenging and relevant long-term goals.
I demonstrated autonomy in the learning process.

Photocopiable material
I identified strengths and weaknesses of the learning process.
I focused on weaknesses of the learning process.
I showed a positive attitude towards language learning.
I recognized the advantages of learning English for future academic or working life.
I shared the new information about a familiar topic.
I deepened knowledge about a topic by consulting bibliography or reference material.
I showed confidence when consulting reference material.


3. Self-evaluation: Collaborative work (OA D)

Statements Always Usually Often Rarely

I accepted the task with responsibility and carry it out on time.
I set and accepted common goals.
I reached an agreement and come to a decision after a general conversation.
I prioritized and planned group tasks.
I discussed group problems with respect.
I offered solutions and alternatives to solve problems.
Volume 3

I participated actively in order to accomplish tasks.

I showed a positive attitude towards group tasks.
I contributed to maintaining a friendly and cooperative environment.
I completed the assigned tasks on time.
I showed respect for others’ opinions.
Photocopiable material


UNIT 5 • Ikhsan, M. (2017). THE ALTERNATIVE muchas actividades de comprensión
• Azarnoosh, M. (2013). Peer assessment in STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING auditiva con diferentes temas.
an EFL context: Attitudes and friendship READING SKILL FOR EFL • English Club [en línea]
bias. Language Testing in Asia. 3:11. STUDENTS. Komposisi: Jurnal
• Binkley, M., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni, sitio de interés y material de apoyo para
Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., 18(1), 107-118. doi:https://doi. docentes.

&Rumble, M. (2012). Defining twenty- org/10.24036/komposisi.v18i1.6517

Bibliografía para el docente
first century skills. In Assessment and • Kolbert , E., (2014). The Sixth Extinction.
• BBC Podcasts [en línea]
teaching of 21st century skills (pp. 17-66). New York : Henry Holt and Company
Springer Netherlands. • Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J.
podcasts para trabajar comprensión
• Donnelly, Jack. (2013). Universal human (2011). Classroom Instruction that
rights in theory and practice. Ithaca: Works: Research-based Strategies for
• Podcasts in English: Listen and learn [en
Cornell University Press. Increasing Student Achievement.
• Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, Alexandria, VA: Association for
J. (2013). Best practices in writing Supervision and Curriculum Development.
podcasts con fichas de trabajo.
instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford • Teaching and Learning in Diverse and
• Merriam-Webster: Dictionary and
Press. Inclusive Classroom: Key issues for new
Thesaurus [en línea]
• Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., Pollock, J. teachers. Routledge Publishers.
(2011). Classroom Instruction that • Singhal, M. (2001). Reading Proficiency,
Works: Research-based Strategies for reading Strategies, Metacognitive Recursos CRA
Increasing Student Achievement. Awareness and L2 Readers. The reading A continuación se detallan publicaciones
Alexandria, VA: Association for Matrix Vol. 1. No.1. que se pueden encontrar en las Bibliotecas
Supervision and Curriculum Development. • Tomlinson, J., & Bott, L. (2013). How CRA (Centro de Recursos para el
• McLaughlin, M. (2012). Reading intonation constrains pragmatic Aprendizaje) a lo largo del país, las cuales
comprehension: What every teacher inference. In 35th Annual Conference of pueden ser utilizadas en las distintas
needs to know. The Reading Teacher, the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, unidades.
65(7), 432-440. Germany. Cognitive Science Society. • Helgesen, Marc, Brown, Steven (1996).
• Richards, H. & F. Armstrong (eds.) (2010). • Ur. P. (2011) A course in language Active Listening Introducing.
• Roosevelt, E. (2000). Universal teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
declaration of human rights in English, Camdridge University Press. • Murphy, Raymond (1995).
Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, SITIOS WEB English Grammar in Use.
Arabic. Bedford, MA: Applewood Books. • British Council [en línea] Cambridge University Press.
• Teaching and Learning in Diverse and • Varios Autores (2007).
Inclusive Classroom: Key issues for new sitio con actividades de comprensión Apuntes de inglés.
teachers. Routledge Publishers. auditiva y lectora. Parramón.
• Tomlinson, J., & Bott, L. (2013). How • Breaking News English [en línea] • Varios Autores.
intonation constrains pragmatic Diccionario Oxford Compact español-
inference. In 35th Annual Conference of sitio con actividades de comprensión inglés inglés-español.
the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, auditiva y lectora. Oxford University Press.
Germany. Cognitive Science Society. • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company. • Varios Autores.
• Ur. P. (2011) A course in language Education Place [en línea] Diccionario Pocket inglés-español
teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge: español-inglés.
Camdridge University Press. • ReadWriteThink: Internacional Reading Larousse.
Association [en línea] • Varios Autores.
UNIT 6 Gramática inglesa comunicativa.
• Azarnoosh, M. (2013). Peer assessment in Larousse.
sitio con material de apoyo para docentes.
an EFL context: Attitudes and friendship • Varios Autores.
• Technology: The Online Teacher Resource
bias. Language Testing in Asia. 3:11. The Oxford Desk Dictionary and
• Graham, S., MacArthur, C. and Fitzgerald, Thesaurus.
una variada gama de material didáctico
J. (2013). Best practices in writing Oxford University Press.
para estudiantes y docentes.
instruction. New York, NY: The Guilford
• Davis, Randall. Randall´s ESL Cyber
Listening Lab [en línea]

Guía Didáctica del Docente Tomo 3
Get Real English 3º y 4º medio
Reimpresión 2022 Ediciones Rau y Bodenburg
N° de Inscripción: 310818
ISBN: 9789568694685

Autoras Carmen Patricia Ortega Becerra

Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas, Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Lingüística,
mención teorías de aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Viviana Andrea Césped Pardo
Grado de Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas, Universidad de Chile. Profesora de
Inglés para Educación Básica y Media. Bachiller en Estudios Iniciales de Ed. Lengua Inglesa,
Universidad Mayor. Magister en Ciencias de la Educación e investigación con Mención en
Docencia Superior, Universidad Central.

Director Editorial Jorge Muñoz Rau

Editor a cargo Ariel Acosta Arancibia
Ruby Inostroza Domínguez
Diseño interior María Jesús Moreno Guldman
Diseño portada Cristina Sepúlveda Aravena
Diagramación digital Marcia Gutiérrez Pavez
Productor grabaciones Rodrigo González Díaz, Profesor de Inglés
Ingeniero grabaciones Ignacio Arriagada Maia, Ingeniero en Sonido
Fotografías 123RF Stock Photos
Gerente de Producción Cecilia Muñoz Rau
Asistente de Producción Lorena Briceño González

Guía Didáctica del Docente Tomo 3

Get Real English 3º y 4º medio
2020 Ediciones Rau y Bodenburg
N° de Inscripción: 310818
ISBN: 9789568694685

Guía Didáctica del Docente Tomo 3

Get Real English 3º y 4º medio
2021 Ediciones Rau y Bodenburg
N° de Inscripción: 310818
ISBN: 9789568694685

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O 3

ENGLI S H 3Y4 m e d io

Carmen Patricia Ortega Becerra • Viviana Andrea Césped Pardo



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