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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de

Facultad de Medicina

Enfermedades por
Tuberculosis pulmonar y
Equipo 5
● Chavez Garcia Amina
● González Santiago Eufracio
● Juarez Cruz Mauricio Josafat
● Rojas Mendez Marvin
● Solís Cespedes Bertha Mariana
Tuberculosis osteoarticular
Epidemiología y Patogenia
10-35%: Casos de tuberculosis
2%: De todos los casos de

● Zonas con alta endemia: Se

desarrolla en el 1° año después
de la infección pulmonar primaria 1. Columna
- Jóvenes vertebral
● Países industrializados: torácica o
Reactivación tardía y pacientes
2. Cadera
adultos 3. Rodilla
4. Hombro
Espondilitis tuberculosa
Sitios: ● ½ de los casos
● Clínico: Difícil - Retraso
● Vértebras torácicas inferiores y
● Resonancia magnética
lumbares superiores
○ Útil en etapa temprana
● Afectación del cuerpo vertebral
● Hallazgos:
adyacente al disco
○ Edema de la médula ósea
● Diseminación a vértebras
superiores e inferiores
Hallazgos significativos:

Complicaciones: ● Diseminación subligamentosa

● Localización paraespinal
● Colapso vertebral ● Absceso circunscrito con edema
○ Cifosis → Absceso frío
○ Deformidad de Gibbus
Diagnóstico diferencial:
● Infecciones piógenas
○ Brucelosis
○ Infección micótica
○ Tumores metastásicos
○ Sarcoidosis
○ Staphylococcus aureus

Columna lumbar

Menos de 2 niveles vertebrales

Destrucción del cuerpo vertebral y disco

Artritis tuberculosa Fisiopatología

Generalidades: ● Dada por osteomielitis o diseminación

● 2° manifestación más común ○ Vasos sanguíneos sinoviales
● Síntomas inespecíficos ● Congestión persistente
○ Consecuencia de inflamación ● Engrosamiento de la membrana sinovial
del revestimiento sinovial ● Derrame articular

Hallazgos radiográficos:
● Articulación sacroilíaca ● Imágenes normales
● Caderas ● Osteoporosis periarticular
● Rodillas ● Erosión del hueso marginal - Periferia
● Monoarticular ● Estrechamiento del espacio articular
● Sinovitis significativa → Etapa
Diagnóstico diferencial:
○ Cartílago articular: Intacto ● Artropatías inflamatorias
○ Artritis reumatoide
● Anquilosis ○ Gota
● Degeneración ● Celulitis o miositis → Artritis séptica
Osteomielitis tuberculosa
Radiografía simple:
● Osteopenia en la metáfisis
● Fémur, tibia, huesos de las manos ● Lesiones líticas
y pies ● Esclerosis mínima
● Unifocal
● Multifocal: Pediátricos
Resonancia magnética:
● Edema de la médula
● Bacilos → Metáfisis de huesos ● Abscesos intraóseos
largos ● Centro caseoso
● Lesiones granulomatosas → ● Anomalías de músculos adyacentes y
Nódulos casificantes → tejidos blandos extraóseos
● Reabsorción trabecular
Osteomielitis tuberculosa
Tratamiento y seguimiento:

● No existen pautas específicas ● No es necesario una biopsia o

● Quimioterapia antituberculosa: evaluación bacteriológica →
6-18 meses Respuesta al tratamiento
● Reparación quirúrgica de la cifosis ● Respuesta: Hallazgos clínicos y
● Abscesos: Drenaje externo guiado radiológicos
por ecografía o tomografía
Tuberculosis miliar
● Enfermedad clínica resultante de la
diseminación hematógena
● “Miliar”
○ 1700 - John Jacobus Manget
■ Comparó el pulmón con
nódulos blancos firmes con
semillas de mijo
● Surge por
○ Infección primaria progresiva
○ Reactivación de un foco latente
● TB progresiva y ampliamente diseminada ¿Pulmonar o extrapulmonar?
Epidemiología: Factores de riesgo:
● 2018 - Informe Global Tuberculosis
● Edad: Adultos jóvenes y
de la OMS: 10 millones de
adolescentes; Ancianos
personas desarrollaron TB
○ Masculino
● 1.3 millones de muertes
● Condiciones médicas:
● 1-2% de los casos de tuberculosis
● 20% de todas las formas en
Enfermedad primaria progresiva Reactivación de un foco latente Infección iatrogénica

Diseminación: Hígado, bazo, Erosión en vasos sanguíneos o Raro

médula ósea y cerebro linfáticos
Años o décadas

Patrones clínicopatológicos:

Miliar aguda (Generalizada) Generalizada tardía Anérgica (No reactiva)

Periodo posprimario o Después del periodo primario Ausencia de granulomas

niños/adultos Asociada a Tuberculosis Diagnóstico: Tinciones de tejido
inmunocomprometidos pulmonar crónica y cultivos
2-6 meses después “Rápido” Poco común
Reacción granulomatosa
Manifestaciones clínicas: ● Inespecíficas y variadas
● Retraso en el crecimiento ● Subagudas o crónicas
● Fiebre de origen desconocido
● Disfunción de los sistemas
● Sudores nocturnos
● Anorexia
● Pérdida de peso
● Tos. disnea
● Dolor abdominal, náusea, vómito y
Diagnóstico: Criterios:

1. Presentación clínica compatible

2. Patrón miliar clásico en Rx de tórax
● Pancitopenia, anemia, 3. Lesiones pulmonares
leucopenia, leucocitosis reticulonodulares difusas,
● Anemia en la bilaterales
enfermedad crónica 4. Evidencia
● Elevación de VSG y PCR

Radiografía de tórax:
● Lesiones en forma de mijo, tamaño
discreto, distribuidas en todo el
● Primeras etapas: Tomografía
Tuberculosis miliar
Diagnóstico definitivo: Tratamiento:
● Aislamiento y detección de
micobacterias aisladas
● Muestra clínica
● Inoculación en agar
● Medios líquidos con

● Duración: Grupo de edad y sitio de

enfermedad primaria
● Pacientes anteriormente tratados:
Muestras para cultivo y pruebas de
● Cribado de diabetes y VIH
Baykan, A. H. (2022, 7 marzo). Extrapulmonary tuberculosıs: an old but resurgent problem - Insights into Imaging. SpringerOpen.

Rodriguez-Takeuchi, S., Eduardo Renjifo, M., & José Medina, F. (2019, 7 noviembre). Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis: Pathophysiology

and Imaging Findings. RadioGraphics. Recuperado 29 de marzo de 2023, de

Bernardo, J. (2021, 22 diciembre). Epidemiology and pathology of miliary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. UpToDate. Recuperado 29

de marzo de 2023, de


Bernardo, J. (2022, 21 octubre). Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of miliary tuberculosis. UpToDate. Recuperado 29 de

marzo de 2023, de

Tuberculosis infographics
Tuberculosis infection: How does it spread?
01 03
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun and name and is the second
the smallest of them all planet from the Sun

02 04
Mars Jupiter
Despite being red, Mars Jupiter is a gas giant
is a cold place. It’s full and the biggest planet
of iron oxide dust in the Solar System
Tuberculosis infographics

1 Mercury Mercury is the closest 75 % 50 % 100 % 60 %

planet from the sun

Despite being red, Mars is

2 Mars actually a cold place

Saturn is a gas giant and

3 Saturn has several rings

Neptune is the farthest

4 Neptune planet from the Sun
Tuberculosis infographics

24% 15%
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun and the name and is the second
smallest of them all planet from the Sun

30% 38%
Mars Jupiter
Despite being red, Mars is Jupiter is a gas giant and
actually a cold place. It’s the biggest planet in the
full of iron oxide dust Solar System

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Tuberculosis infographics
Treatment for tuberculosis

Saturn Venus Mars

Mercury is the
smallest planet

Venus is the second Mars is full of iron oxide dust Saturn is a gas giant and has
Venus planet from the Sun and a cold place several rings

Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is the farthest Mercury is the closest planet
Mars planet of them all planet from the Sun to the Sun
Tuberculosis infographics

Mercury Jupiter
01 Mercury is the Jupiter is the 04
smallest planet biggest planet

Venus Venus
02 Venus is the second Venus has a 05
planet from the Sun beautiful name

Mars Neptune
03 Mars is actually a Neptune is very far 06
very cold place from the Earth
Tuberculosis infographics
The symptoms of tuberculosis

5% 15% 30% 50% 85%

Jupiter Neptune Mercury Saturn Venus
Jupiter is the Neptune is the Mercury is the Saturn is a gas Venus is the
biggest planet of farthest planet smallest planet of giant and has second planet from
them all from the Sun them all several rings the Sun
Tuberculosis infographics
What is the global impact of tuberculosis?

45% Mercury is the closest planet
to the Sun

30% Venus is the second planet
from the Sun

25% Jupiter is the biggest planet
in the Solar System
Tuberculosis infographics

1 2 3

Jupiter Mercury Mars

Jupiter is a gas giant and Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars is
the biggest planet in the planet to the Sun and the actually a cold place. It’s
Solar System smallest of them all full of iron oxide dust
Tuberculosis infographics
Several tests are used to diagnose tuberculosis

1 3 5
Jupiter Venus
Jupiter is the biggest Venus is the second
planet of them all planet from the Sun

Mercury Mars Saturn

Mercury is the Mars is actually a very Saturn is made of
smallest planet cold place hydrogen and helium
2 4
Tuberculosis infographics

Mars Neptune
Despite being red, Neptune is the fourth-largest
Mars is actually a cold place planet in the Solar System

Venus Earth
Venus has a beautiful name, It is the third planet from the
but it’s terribly hot Sun and where we live

Saturn Mercury
Saturn is a gas giant and Mercury is the smallest
has several rings planet in the Solar System
Tuberculosis infographics
Mercury is the closest 04 1
planet to the Sun
02 Neptune is the farthest 2
planet from the Sun
Venus is the second 05 3
planet from the Sun
Saturn 4 5
03 Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
Tuberculosis infographics
50% Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings

60% Jupiter is the biggest planet
of them all

70% Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun

40% Earth is the third planet
from the Sun
Tuberculosis infographics
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one. The
planet’s name has nothing to do
with the liquid metal

Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet. It’s terribly hot,
even hotter than Mercury. It’s the
second-brightest natural object
Tuberculosis infographics
Who is the most susceptible to tuberculosis?

01 02

Venus Mercury
Venus has a beautiful Mercury is the closest
name and is the planet to the Sun and
second planet from the the smallest one in the
Sun. It’s terribly hot Solar System

55% 90%
Tuberculosis infographics
What causes tuberculosis?

Saturn Venus Neptune Earth

Saturn is a gas Venus is the Neptune is the Earth is the
giant and has second planet farthest planet third planet
several rings from the Sun from the Sun from the Sun

01 02 03 04
Tuberculosis infographics

Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun and name and is the second
the smallest of them all planet from the Sun

Despite being red, Mars Jupiter is a gas giant

is a cold place. It’s full and the biggest planet
of iron oxide dust in the Solar System

Mars Jupiter
Tuberculosis infographics
Countries with high TB rates


Venus Mars Mercury Saturn Mercury

Venus has a very Mars is actually a It’s the closest planet It's a gas giant with It is the smallest
beautiful name very cold place to the Sun several rings planet of them all
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Tuberculosis infographics

Jupiter Saturn Neptune Mercury Venus

● Jupiter is the ● Saturn is a gas ● Neptune is the ● Mercury is the ● Venus is the
biggest planet of giant and has farthest planet closest planet to second planet
them all several rings from the Sun the Sun from the Sun

● It was named ● It's composed ● It's also the ● This planet's ● It’s a terribly hot
after the Roman mostly of fourth-largest name has nothing planet and its
god of the skies hydrogen object by to do with the atmosphere is
and lightning and helium diameter liquid metal poisonous
Tuberculosis infographics
Saturn 1 2 Mars
Saturn is a gas giant with Mars is a cold place full
several rings of iron oxide dust

Jupiter 3 4 Venus
Jupiter is the fifth planet Venus is the second
from the Sun and planet from the Sun

Neptune 5 6 Mercury
Neptune is the farthest Mercury is the closest
planet of them all planet to the Sun

Earth 7 8 Sun
Earth is the third planet It is the star at the center
from the Sun of the Solar System
Tuberculosis infographics

Mercury is the closest

planet from the sun Mercury 1 20%
Saturn is a gas giant
with several rings Saturn 2 40%
Mars is a cold place
full of iron oxide dust Mars 3 60%
Jupiter is biggest
planet of them all Jupiter 4 80%
Neptune is the farthest
planet of them all Neptune 5 100%
Tuberculosis infographics
Jupiter is a gas giant and Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars is Venus is the second planet
the biggest planet planet to the Sun actually a cold place from the Sun

Jupiter Mercury Mars Venus


Tuberculosis prevention


Neptune Earth Sun Saturn

Neptune is the farthest Earth is the third planet It is the star at the center Saturn is a gas giant with
planet of them all from the Sun of the Solar System several rings
Tuberculosis infographics

Dos during treatment Don’ts during treatment

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Mars is actually a very cold place

Venus is the second planet from the Sun Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all

Mars is actually a very cold place Neptune is far away from Earth

Neptune is far away from Earth Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
Tuberculosis infographics
Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet from the Sun

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
and the smallest of them all

Jupiter Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest

planet in the Solar System
Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings.
It's composed mostly of hydrogen
Tuberculosis infographics

85% Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun

50% Despite being red, Mars is a cold
place. It’s full of iron oxide dust

70% Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest of them all
Tuberculosis infographics
Pulmonary TB and TB outside the lungs

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

Mercury is the Venus is the second Despite being red, Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is made of
smallest planet in the planet from the Sun Mars is actually a very planet and it is a gas hydrogen and helium.
Solar System and it is very hot cold place giant as well It is a gas giant
Tuberculosis infographics
Testing for latent tuberculosis
Mars Neptune
Despite being red, 1 2 Neptune is the fourth-largest
Mars is actually a cold place planet in the Solar System

Venus Earth
Venus has a beautiful name, 4 3 Earth is the third planet from
but it’s terribly hot the Sun and where we live on

Saturn Mercury
Saturn is a gas giant and has 5 6 Mercury is the smallest
several rings planet in the Solar System
Tuberculosis infographics

01 02 03 04

Venus Jupiter Mars Mercury

Venus has a beautiful Jupiter is a gas giant and Despite being red, Mars is Mercury is the closest
name and is the second the biggest planet in the actually a cold place. It’s planet to the Sun and the
planet from the Sun Solar System full of iron oxide dust smallest of them all
Tuberculosis infographics
85% Mars is a very cold
place. It Is full of iron
oxide dust

25% Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun and
the smallest one

Neptune is the
50% farthest planet from
the Sun
Tuberculosis infographics
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun

Mercury Neptune
Mercury is the closest Neptune is the farthest
planet to the Sun planet to the Sun

Mars Venus
Despite being red, Mars is Venus is the second planet
a cold place from the Sun

Jupiter Saturn
It’s a gas giant and the Saturn is the ringed planet.
biggest planet It’s a gas giant
Tuberculosis infographics

Venus has a beautiful name and is the 1,200
second planet from the Sun

Mercury is the closest planet to the 3,400
Sun and the smallest one

Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest 5,600
planet in the entire Solar System

It is a gas giant and has several rings. 7,800
It’s composed of hydrogen and helium

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