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destructión link

Newgrounds accounts are free and registered users see fewer ads! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ZabuJard responds: these are my friends i have their backs they are the closest thing to blood that i have. Hahahaha You are crazy bro, this time you fooled me, I really believed it hahahahaha ***CONTENIDO GRAFICO*** (Se recomienda
discreción). Fotografías con fines informativos y educativos."Daisy's Destruction" ("La Destrucción de Daisy") es un vídeo de CP creado en el año 2012 por Peter Scully, distribuido en la Dark Net bajo la empresa 'No Limits Fun' y vendido por 10.000 dólares estadounidenses.En realidad "Daisy’s Destruction" NO es un solo vídeo como tal, se trata de
una serie de 4 mini vídeos (algunos mencionan que en realidad son 5) que pertenecen a la serie "Daisy’s Destruction". Cada uno de ellos de estos clips eran comercializados en la llamada Hurt2Core, donde aparte de esta serie de vídeos asimismo se aportaba material a solicitud de lo que demandaban los usuarios de pago de la página. Esto en la Deep
Web se conoce como "Dark Room" o bien "Red Room", páginas en las que los miembros pagan una cantidad determinada a cambio de recibir sus solicitudes.Los clips comienzan con la pequeña en un baño y empezando todos y cada uno de los actos con 2 cómplices de Scully, Angel y Lovely, para después pasar a una cama y seguir asimismo a Scully.
Las 2 adolescentes torturadoras fuman reposadamente, se besan con Scully y participan por partes.Lo que ocurre después es demasiado horrible para ahondar en detalles, pero la pequeña es torturada tanto física como psicológicamente; incluyendo torturas escatológicas, torturas físicas con pinzas, cera y objetos punzocortantes; todo esto mientras
yace maniatada, gritando desgarradoramente y colgada boca abajo de sus piernas.Debido a los fuertes chillidos, le taparon la cabeza en múltiples ocasiones con una almohada y estuvo a punto de fallecer ahogada. Una mañana Daisy despertó en una de las tumbas que habían sido obligadas a cavar otras 2 chicas victimas de Scully. Se había
desmayado y al creerla fallecida la echaron como una muñeca rota a la fosa para, por la mañana, cubrirla de tierra y enmudecer sus chillidos por siempre.Al momento de la viralidad del infame video, se corrió el rumor en internet que, en realidad, "Daisy´s Destruction" se compone de 5 partes. En la quinta supuestamente veríamos a la pequeña siendo
asesinada y desmembrada. Sin embargo, esta parte nunca ha sido vista, por lo que se considera que fue inventada junto con otros supuestos videos de la Dark Net, tales como "Baby Burguer", "Dafu Love", entre otros.Scully promocionó la compilación de clips con estas palabras gancho para sus seguidores:"La introducción de la destrucción de la
margarita (Daisy)…"Ven a ver la ruina mental de una pequeñaQue se usa como una herramienta…Ella aprenderá a agradar a su señora…Su cuerpo va a ser arrasado…Ella colgará todo para su diversión…Te atreverías a presenciar la destrucción de Daisy?(Se hace un doble juego con deshojar una margarita puesto que Daisy significa margarita).
Watch Daisys destruction full video uncensored video here on VP97. You can also easily search other videos from the Internet, or go through the search results. Daisys destruction full video uncensored is what you just searched for. Here are some Daisys destruction full video uncensored related info and videos.

Can you see the video results for it? Video Portal 97 allows you to find other videos such as Daisys destruction full video uncensored or Daisys NLF too. And then watch them right here. More and more people are watching movies and videos via the Internet on their mobile devices via streaming video, embedded players and HTML5 on video sites. Is
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and videos that you see on this site are embedded from 3rd party websites. © 2023 Tamugaia Is/was it that really piss poor made trailer that was making the rounds a few months ago?Just out of safety, I would never even think to watch that video. Who knows who would show up at your door. Yeah well1 lunatic 1 ice pick and the 3 guys 1 hammers
are easily found in the surface web. And they are both extremely graphic. I’m sure Daisy’s destruction can be easily found, if you knew how to access it. Of course not on google but still...:/ I guess the link was some sort of virus. This seems most likely. I don't think anybody would be stupid enough to advertise the real video on youtube. Were there any
comments under the video before it was removed? I guess the link was some sort of virus. This seems most likely. I don't think anybody would be stupid enough to advertise the real video on youtube. Were there any comments under the video before it was removed?Certainly the wouldn't be stupid enough to advertise it, but to advertise it would imply
some sort of (percieved) benevolence in their part, in that it's a product they want to sell or they think it's important people have access it. Change the scenario to some spastic wants an easy way to drum up controversy and provoke a negative reaction, on however small a scale, and it seems infinitely more believable. That's what used to happen on
KIK back in the day (who knows, maybe it still does). Though this is certainly not light conversation and by no means a bragging point, it was through a gore chat on KIK that I saw a 2-3 minute section of Daisies Destruction (though I don't think many people realised that's what it was, I verified it through descriptions of credible cases and comparing
it with censored screenshots that got released and I presume are still available). Anyway, my point being that such things can easily be found on the surface web.Frankly I hate how terribly edgy anything to do with Daisies Destruction is, threads like these always send a chill down my spine (through no fault of anyones here, just reminds me of when I
was -regrettably only moreso of- a edgy tool. First published at 12:11 UTC on March 10th, 2019. Well we are back as you guys cant get enough of the deep web. This time we find some LEGIT sites drugs, pedos, snuff and what i think is a site with daisys destruction - still included in this video but it was fun till that point - Also WONNA BUY A … MORE

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