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Psicología Educativa 20 (2014) 47-52

Vol. 20, No. 1, Junio 2014

ISSN: 1135-755X

Psicología Educativa
Revista de los Psicólogos de la Educación

Psicología Educativa Director/Editor

José Antonio León

Directores Asociados/Associate Editors

Inmaculada Escudero Domínguez
Robert F. Lorch, Jr.
José Antonio Luengo Latorre
Pamela Maras
Manuel Martín-Loeches
María José Navas 
Rosario Ortega Ruiz
Fernando Sánchez-Sánchez
Paul van den Broek
Lieven Verschaffel Educational Psychology

A Journal for Educational Psychologist

Academic stress as a predictor of chronic stress in university students

Blanca Elizabeth Pozos-Radilloa*, María de Lourdes Preciado-Serranoa, Martín Acosta-Fernándeza, María de
los Ángeles Aguilera-Velascoa, and Diemen Darwin Delgado-Garcíab
University of Guadalajara, México

Clínica Rio Blanco, Los Andes, Chile



Manuscript received: 12/11/2013 The aim of this study was to examine the correlation and predictive value between the Academic Stress
Revision received: 21/02/2014 Inventory (ASI) and the Stress Symptom Inventory (SSI) in university students and its association with age
Accepted: 26/03/2014 and gender in both inventories. We evaluated a representative and random sample of 527 students at a
public university in 2012. A multiple regression analysis was carried out. The results showed that IEA
situations that correspond to classroom intervention, mandatory work, and doing an exam predict high-
Academic stress
level chronic stress; being a female and 18, 23, and 25 years old were associated mostly to stress. We
Chronic stress
College students conclude that accurate identification of stressors could help understand stress and its harmful effects on
Logistic regression college students.
© 2014 Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid. Production by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

El estrés académico como predictor del estrés crónico en estudiantes universitarios


Palabras clave:
Estrés crónico El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la correlación y el valor predictivo entre el Inventario de Estrés
Estrés académico Académico (IEA) y el Inventario de Síntomas de Estrés (ISE) en estudiantes universitarios, así como su aso-
Estudiantes universitarios ciación con la edad y género en ambos inventarios. Se evaluó una muestra representativa y aleatoria de 527
Regresión logística estudiantes de una universidad pública en el año 2012. Se usó análisis de regresión múltiple. Los resultados
mostraron que las situaciones del IEA que corresponden a intervención en clase, trabajos obligatorios y la
realización de un examen predicen un nivel elevado de estrés crónico; el género femenino y las edades de 18,
23 y 25 años se asociaron mayormente con el estrés. Se concluye que la identificación exacta de estresores
podría ayudar a entender el estrés y sus efectos dañinos en estudiantes universitarios.
© 2014 Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid. Producido por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

Stress is considered to be a physiological reaction of an organism competitiveness, lack of technological resources, lack of supervision,
where diverse defense mechanisms come into play in order to or insufficient organization of time which produces what is called
confront a situation which is perceived as threatening or of increased chronic stress. (Tapia, Guajardo, & Quintanilla, 2008)
demand. Under the “cognitive-transactional model”, psychological The symptoms of academic stress result in a particularly
stress according to Lazarus and Folkman (1986, p. 63) is defined as “a worrisome health concern. Not only adults are at risk for stress, the
particular relationship between the individual and his surroundings demands of modern life, even during grade school, have caused the
which is judged by him to be threatening or to overwhelm his appearance of this malady more and more frequently in children and
resources and which puts his well being at risk”. Specifically, facing teens, in which both endogenous and exogenous demands interact to
the typical problems which may be present for students in their negatively influence the academic performance and achievement of
academic environment, stress may be a natural and necessary the students. (e.g., Caldera, Pulido, & Martínez, 2007; Segredo,
reaction for survival in these areas, where different factors are Veloso, & Rodríguez, 2004). Specialized literature indicates that
involved including academic overload, group projects, academic stress has been studied in diverse university circles
(Aselton, 2012; Berrío & Mazo, 2011), developing different focuses
and models. One study analyzed the potential explanatory-predictive
*Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dra. Blanca
effect of daily stress on somatic symptomology of neuroticism
Elizabeth Pozos Radillo. Paseo de los Virreyes 706 A-19. Virreyes Residencial. (Santed, Sandín, Choron, & Olmedo 2000). Another study performed
Zapopan, Jalisco, México. C. P. 45110. E-mail in Mexico by Preciado-Serrano and Vázquez-Goñi in 2010 explores

1135-755X/ © 2014 Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid. Producido por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.
48 B. E. Pozos-Radillo et al. / Psicología Educativa 20 (2014) 47-52

the relationship between the stress profile and burnout in Mexican one of the situations offers a scaled answer of 5 points (1 no stress,
university students, using a statistical regression model in which the 5 high stress) where each participant gives a value according to his
existence of a significant correlation is reported. Other studies are or her perception of whether or not it produces stress.
directly related to perception, life events and school activities (e.g., The eleven situations considered to be potential stress generators
Díaz, 2010; Matheny, Roque-Tovar, & Curlette, 2008; Pulido et al., are: test taking (EA1), oral presentations (EA2), class participation
2011; Román, Ortiz, & Hernández, 2008), as well as academic (EA3), seeking help from tutors (EA4), academic overload (EA5),
strategies and school performance (e.g., Broc & Gil, 2008; Caldera, et overly large class size (EA6), lack of time (EA7), obligatory assignment
al., 2007; Díaz, 2010; Martínez, 2010; Sohail, 2013). These studies (EA8), homework (EA9), group projects (EA10), and competition
conclude that timely evaluations favor the application of efficient among classmates (EA11). The reliability in terms of internal
interventions in order to lower the stress levels, lower the associated consistency corresponds to an alpha coefficient by Cronbach of .90,
worrisome thoughts and prevent the deterioration of performance of which is considered satisfactory. In order to establish association, the
the students (Caldera, et al., 2007). score is converted from ordinal values into a cardinal level of
Based on these conclusions, the objective of this study was to academic stress in the following way: if the value was 1-2 it was
examine the correlation predictive value of the Academic Stress considered low level; a value of 3, moderate level; and between 4-5,
Inventory (ASI) over the Stress Symptoms Inventory (SSI) in university high level.
students, as well as their association with age and gender in both The Stress Symptom Inventory (SSI), a questionnaire which was
inventories. developed and approved by Lipp and Guevara (1994), contains a list
It is appropriate to mention on one hand that in the bibliographic of 42 psycho-physiological symptoms characteristic of chronic stress
research no predictive studies reporting the relationship between which is based on a three phase model developed by Selye (alarm,
ASI and SSI were discovered, and particularly studies related to resistance, and exhaustion). In 1988, Dominguez adapted it for use in
university students. Therefore, this study is considered Mexico by means of a content validation and reported an alpha
groundbreaking in the exploration of this relationship. internal consistency rating by Cronbach of .94, which indicates an
On the other hand, because the symptoms associated with stress acceptable degree of reliability. The classification of high, moderate,
are present in a high percentage of the population of Mexico, this and low levels of chronic stress was carried out by mean and standard
study is important in order to support evidence for the transactional deviation (SD). Furthermore, high level is considered two and three
theory of stress and its negative manifestations in academic fields. SD above mean, medium level ± 1 SD and low level stress 2 and 3 SD
We hope that in the near future models can be constructed to explain below mean (Pozos-Radillo, Torres, Aguilera, Acosta, & González,
the role of the situations and components of academic stress in order 2008). Variables gender and age (in five year increments) are also
to be able to predict the presence of chronic stress. presented.
The present study has as its purpose to prove the following
hypothesis: the ASI situations (test taking, oral presentations, Data Analysis
classroom participation, seeking help from tutors, academic overload,
overly large class size, lack of time, obligatory assignments, Pearson’s analysis of correlation was used to pinpoint the
homework, group projects, and competition among students) are information about the predictive value and, in order to determine the
predictive of a high level of chronic stress (SSI) and are associated to validity of the measurements obtained, we carried out an analysis of
age and gender of university students. regression by steps for the ASI and SSI by simultaneously introducing
the equation of measurement to the level of significance (p < .05). In
Method these analyses, the variables appear in order in the equation according
to the percentage of the explained variance.
Sample and Procedure Afterwards, a hierarchical analysis of multiple regression was
applied to determine the predictive value of the situations of the ASI
A cross-sectional and analytical study was performed during the in which the Introduce method was used with the ASI situations. With
2012 school year with university students with physical education this procedure, an incremental value of prediction of the variable
and sports majors from a public university in Guadalajara, Mexico. included in third place (ASI) was obtained, once the effect of the
Total enrollment was 976 students (63% men and 37% women) from second and the first was controlled.
which a simple random selection with an expected prevalence of In order to explore the statistically significant difference of gender
64.5% (Marty, Lavín, Figueroa, Larraín, & Cruz, 2005), a 70% accepted and age in chronic stress (SSI), as it relates to academic stress situations
minimum frequency and with 99% precision (Lwanga & Lameshow, (ASI), the bi-variant associations were tracked through an analysis of
1991), which produced 527 individual interviews of university the contingency charts. In these contingency charts the categories of
students. the ASI and SSI (high, moderate and low) were evaluated and were
The selection of this university population was carried out by transformed into dichotomies, with values of “0” or “1”; a high level
random and proportional numbers, taking into consideration gender rating was considered as risk. In order to carry out the association of
and scholastic cycles. The list of students registered for the 2012 school risk calculation the Odds Ratio (OR) was estimated with a CI of 95% and
year was used to select those who would voluntarily answer the a level of significance of p < .05. The data was tabulated and processed
surveys under an informed consent status. The investigative protocol using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), Version 15 for
and informed consent form were reviewed and approved with Windows XP, with university license.
reference number IISO/CI/11/2012-2013 in adherence to the Helsinki
Declaration of 2008 in terms of the ethics of investigation of human Results
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations
In order to carry out this study, 527 students from a public
The Academic Stress Inventory was used (ASI; Polo, Hernández, & university were interviewed, of whom 311 (59%) were women and
Pozo, 1999) validated by the Spanish Society of Anxiety and Stress. 216 (41%) men; the age range was 18-33 years with an average age of
This is a questionnaire with eleven situations which were considered 21.07 (± 1.80) years. The descriptive analysis of the SSI, according to
potential stress generators in students in the academic arena. Each the levels present, showed that 35.3% (186) of the students showed a
B. E. Pozos-Radillo et al. / Psicología Educativa 20 (2014) 47-52 49

high level of chronic stress, 44.8% (236) moderate levels, and 19.9% The correlation coefficient obtained by analysis of chronic stress
(105) low levels. After the analysis of the situations of the ASI, 32.8% through regression by steps, initially revealed that the situations of
(173) showed high levels of stress when taking a test; 25.4% (134) classroom participation (EA3), obligatory homework (EA8), and test
from competitiveness among classmates; 18.6% (98) from lack of taking (EA1) met the predictive criteria with a significant value (R2 =
time; 18% (95) from oral presentations; 17.8% (94) from overly large .26, F = 13.3, p < .05). The EA3 situation presented a stronger
class size; 17.5% (82) from seeking help from tutors; 17.1% (90) from correlation according to the adjusted R2; in the first model, the last
homework; 16.7% (88) from obligatory assignments; 15.9% (84) from situation had a 21% SSI prediction, with an F = 25.2 and a p < .05.
group projects; and 15.5% (82) from class participation, academic Nevertheless, when EA8 and EA1 situations were introduced the
overload or both. The breakdown and description of this data, prediction only increased by 5%. The rest of the situations were
according to gender, is shown in Table 1; the age distribution is excluded because they had either an insignificant or a negative
shown in Table 2. correlation. The results showed a significant increase in the
explanation of the ASI and SSI, as appraised by the university
Predictive Value of the ASI as it relates to the SSI students. When the EA3 equation was introduced the additional
predictive value related to the situations EA8 (p < .01) and EA1 (p <
Table 3 indicates the correlations between the SSI scores and the .05), as reported in Table 4.
ASI situations. The analysis reveals that the positive correlations,
which indicated a moderate strength, were situation EA3 (r = .63, p < Analysis of Association for the ASI and SSI with Age and Gender
.01), followed by EA8 (r = .49, p < .01); the situation EA1 showed a
weak correlation (r = .21, p < .01). Other situations presented a non- In the exploration to determine the association between high
significant correlation with r less than .20: r = 12 for EA2, r = .13 for levels of the SSI and the ASI situations, with the variable of gender
EA4, r = .16 for EA5, r = .14 for EA6, r = .11 for EA7, r = .10 for EA9, r = and age (Table 5) it was found that the high level of chronic stress
.16 for EA10. Situation EA11 yielded r = .01, which was considered a (SSI) was related by means of the OR with the feminine gender
very low correlation and was therefore not included. variables (OR = 1.47) and with the age of 25 years (OR = 6.3) The

Table 1
Distribution of chronic stress levels according to the levels of academic stress situations and gender of college students at a public university, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2012

Chronic stress levels

High Medium Low

Gender Gender Gender

Academic Fem Mal Fem Mal Fem Mal

stress situations Levels Fx Fx Fx Fx Fx Fx

(EA1) High 46 26 47 24 20 10
Realization Medium 50 19 40 35 21 16
test Low 25 20 42 48 20 18

(EA2) High 32 10 32 10 5 6
Exhibition Medium 51 28 49 45 31 10
jobs Low 38 27 48 52 25 28

(EA3) High 21 19 26 11 3 2
Intervention Medium 41 18 46 39 9 9
in class Low 59 28 57 57 49 33

(EA4) High 30 8 26 21 6 1
Attend tutorials Medium 32 25 40 34 13 14
Low 59 32 63 52 42 29

(EA5) High 23 15 26 11 5 2
Academic Medium 38 21 32 31 16 12
Overload Low 60 29 71 65 40 30

(EA6) High 29 10 26 19 7 3
Overcrowding in Medium 38 28 26 30 16 13
the classroom Low 54 27 77 58 38 28

(EA7) High 27 12 29 19 6 5
Lack of time Medium 37 27 40 34 21 11
Low 57 26 60 54 34 28

(EA8) High 33 7 22 19 6 1
Jobs Medium 37 20 41 39 10 11
mandatory Low 51 38 66 49 45 32

(EA9) High 23 14 35 9 9 0
Tasks Medium 38 17 26 27 17 14
study Low 60 34 68 71 35 30

(EA10) High 28 18 22 7 7 2
Work Medium 27 8 29 24 10 8
group Low 66 39 78 76 44 34

(EA11) High 26 22 40 26 13 7
Competitiveness Medium 38 18 42 31 26 23
between mates Low 57 25 47 50 22 14

Note. Post. Questionnaire data SSI and ASI, Fem = female, Mal = male.
50 B. E. Pozos-Radillo et al. / Psicología Educativa 20 (2014) 47-52

Table 2
Distribution of high levels of chronic stress and academic stress according to the age of college students at a public university. Guadalajara, Mexico, 2012

High levels of chronic stress

High level Age Age Age

of academic 18 -21 22 - 25 26 y +

stress situations Age Fx % Fx % Fx %

(EA1) 18 - 21 44 8.3 34 6.5 17 3.2

Realization 22 - 25 28 5.3 37 7.0 13 2.5
test 26 y + 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EA2) 18 - 21 22 4.2 23 4.4 8 1.5

Exhibition jobs 22 - 25 16 3.0 19 3.6 3 0.6
26 y + 1 0.2 0 0 0 0

(EA3) 18 - 21 33 6.3 23 4.4 3 0.6

Intervention in class 22 - 25 7 1.3 14 2.7 2 0.4
26 y + 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EA4) 18 - 21 27 5.1 26 4.9 5 0.9

Attend tutorials 22 - 25 11 2.1 20 3.8 2 0.4
26 y + 0 0 1 0.2 0 0

(EA5) 18 - 21 29 5.5 22 4.2 5 0.9

Academic 22 - 25 9 1.7 15 2.8 2 0.4
overload 26 y + 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EA6) 18 - 21 25 4.7 29 5.5 7 1.3

Overcrowding in 22 - 25 14 2.6 16 3.0 3 0.6
the classroom 26 y + 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EA7) 18 - 21 28 5.3 28 5.4 9 1.7

Lack of time 22 - 25 11 2.1 19 3.6 2 0.4
26 y + 0 0 1 0.2 0 0

(EA8) 18 - 21 28 5.3 25 4.7 5 0.9

Jobs mandatory 22 - 25 12 2.3 15 2.8 2 0.4
26 y + 0 0 1 0.2 0 0

(EA9) 18 - 21 28 5.3 26 4.9 8 1.5

Tasks study 22 - 25 9 1.7 18 3.4 1 0.2
26 y + 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EA10) 18 - 21 36 6.8 16 3.0 5 0.9

Work group 22 - 25 10 1.9 13 2.5 4 0.8
26 y + 0 0 0 0 0 0

(EA11) 18 - 21 38 7.2 33 6.3 14 2.7

Competitiveness 22 - 25 10 1.9 30 5.7 5 0.9
between mates 26 y + 0 0 1 0.2 1 0.2

Note. Post. Questionnaire data SSI and ASI.

Table 3
Matrix of correlations between the scores on college students to the Stress Symptom Inventory (SSI) and the Academic Stress Inventory (ASI)


ISE ---

EA1 .21** ---

EA2 .12** .38** ---

EA3 .63** -.30 -.14 ---

EA4 .13** .08* .14** .35** ---

EA5 .16 **
.01 .17 **
.40 **
.29** ---

EA6 .14 **
.02 .10 **
.38 **
.46** .22** ---

EA7 .11** .08* .15** .33** .31** .37** .25** ---

EA8 .49 *
.06 .09 .05 1.00 **
1.00 **
.74** ---

EA9 .10 **
-.00 .19 **
.29 **
.38 **
.32 **
.39** .43** ---

EA10 .16** .05 .06 .33** .29** .29** .34** .26** .34** .43** ---

EA11 -.01** .11** .08* .14** .08* .19** .10* .10** .18** .16** .20** ---

Note. SSI = chronic stress, EA1 = conducting test, EA2 = exhibition of works, EA3 = classroom intervention, EA4 = Attend tutorials, EA5 = academic overload, EA6 = overcrowding in
the classroom, EA7 = lack of time, EA8 = compulsory labor, EA9 = study tasks, EA10 = workgroups, EA11 = competition among peers.
*p < .05, **p < .01.
B. E. Pozos-Radillo et al. / Psicología Educativa 20 (2014) 47-52 51

Table 4 Discussion
Hierarchical multiple regression analysis of SSI (Stress Symptom Inventory) on each
of the academic stress situations ASI (Academic Stress Inventory)
The study demonstrated that a positive correlation exists between
ISE Beta ET (p) R2 F the ASI and some situations of the SSI, including class participation,
obligatory homework and test taking. The ratings show a dependency
Model 1 .21** 25.2
among the variables, that is, when one increases the other does as
EA3 .21 .04 < .01 well in constant proportion. These results permit us to validate our
Model 2 .24** 16.9 hypothesis. To our knowledge, this is the first predictive study which
EA3 .18 .04 < .01 identifies the existence of a relationship between the situations
which make up the ASI with the level of SSI in university students.
EA8 .12 .04 < .01
The resulting model of this investigation helps to confirm the
Model 3 .26* 13.3
transactional theory of social cognitive focus, where the interaction of
EA3 .17 .04 < .01 the stress variables was emphasized, based on the cognitive processes
EA8 .12 .04 < .01 which developed around a stressful situation as the internal
representation of the evaluations which are peculiar to and
EA1 .10 .03 < .05
problematic for the students and their academic environment.
Note. Questionnaire Data SSI and ASI, EA3 = classroom intervention, EA8 = compulsory Studies about stress (e.g., Arreola-Quiroz & Stucchi, 2010; Matheny
labor, EA1 = conducting test.
et al., 2008; Silva, 2009) mention that Mexico is considered among
*p < .05, **p < .01.
the countries with elevated stress levels. In the United States, 70% of
medical visits are for problems which are caused by stress, and a
quarter of the medications which are sold in that country are
academic stress situations (ASI) that were found to have a significant antidepressants or other types of drugs which affect the central
association were EA1 with feminine gender (OR = 1.48) and with the nervous system (Aselton, 2012; Cox & Mackay, 1981). Regarding
age of 23 (OR = 2.09); for EA3 the association was established with academic stress, previous studies have proven that stress is present
the age of 18 (OR = 2.89) and for EA8 only the feminine gender was in educational environments and furthermore that it is more frequent
significant with an OR = 1.70. The other situations did not show any with homework and tests, the lack of time to complete assignments,
significance with the variables of age and gender. and not having understood the material (e.g., Díaz, 2010; Pulido et
al., 2011; Román et al., 2008). Some factors are the cause of important
Table 5
differences in results such as those related to the different study
Association between high levels of chronic stress (SSI) and academic stress (ASI) in plans of the educational institution the students attend and which is
relation to age and gender of university students from a public university in the objective this study, since the educational model is oriented to
Guadalajara, Mexico professional competence, where not the tests but the students’
classroom participation is considered to be the best means of
Variables High level p OR CI (95%)
evaluation. Another probable cause for these differences is the
SSI (Chronic stress) variation in the study design, most importantly those who were
Gender female 125 .03* 1.47 1.02 - 2.14 involved in other situations which tackled the issues differently, and
Age 25 years 8 .00** 5.06 1.32 - 19.32 the tendency of the students to have poor academic achievement
(e.g., Broc & Gil, 2008; Caldera et al. 2007; Celis et al., 2001; Díaz,
ASI (Academic Stress)
2010; Martínez, 2010; Navea, 2012; Sohail, 2013).
EA1 In our study we also observed a significant association according
Gender female 113 .04* 1.48 1.01 - 2.16 to the OR between the levels of chronic and academic stress (EA1 and
Age 23 years 29 .00** 2.09 1.21 - 3.61 EA8) in women as compared to those of men, which therefore
implies that closer attention should be given to this population of
students. In other studies it has been found that the feminine gender
Age 18 years 16 .01* 2.18 1.19 - 7.01 present a higher risk of stress (e.g., Costarelli & Patsai, 2012; Leiner &
EA8 Jiménez, 2011; Pozos et al., 2008; Pulido et al., 2011). In terms of age,
Gender female 61 .03* 1.70 1.04 - 2.79 it was found that a relationship exists between a high chronic stress
level and 25 years of age; furthermore, for a high level of academic
Note. Questionnaire Data SSI and ASI, EA3 = classroom intervention, EA8 = compulsory
stress, a significant association was found between situation EA1 and
labor, EA1 = conducting test. OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval.
*p < .05, **p < .01. 23 years of age, and between situation EA3 and 18 years of age. Other
studies differ with these results, indicating that 21-year-old students
are at an increased risk for stress (e.g., Leiner & Jiménez, 2011; López
& López, 2011). The difference between these authors and the work
With regard to these analyses, we have made various contrasts presented here stems from the fact that the association between the
relative to the supposed independence, normality, and situations was more specific both for chronic stress as well as for the
homoscedasticity. In this sense, we must review the data, which does different situations of academic stress. Nevertheless, the average age
not show multicollinearity among the predictor variables. The in this study was 21 years. The age range which showed significant
average of the statistical values of “tolerance” carried out for the association was 18-25 years. Also, it was discovered that there is a
physical, psychological, and behavioral factors was set at .79, with no higher frequency of moderate levels of chronic stress, with a
value below .71. The proximity of these values and the maximum difference of 9.5% over high levels, which should be considered an
value (range 0-1) indicates the independence of the contributions of alarming situation. The instrument used (SSI) is based on
the predictor variables over the values of the eleven academic stress symptomatic evidence, which thereby shows that if no intervention
indicators, thereby showing that the variance of the residuals is strategy to reduce stress levels from moderate to low is put into
constant, proving that the residuals were distributed normally. The place, these rates could elevate to high levels at any moment, putting
average of the value (VIF = 1.24), with no value below 1.05, shows health and academic performance at risk. This could result in low
that there was no a collinearity problem. scholastic achievement or desertion by the students.
52 B. E. Pozos-Radillo et al. / Psicología Educativa 20 (2014) 47-52

This study has among its strengths the large and representative Costarelli, V., & Patsai, A. (2012). Academic examination stress increases disordered
eating symptomatology in female university students. Eating and Weight Disorders,
sampling of students. In this sample 54% of total enrollment for
17, 64-69.
physical education and sports majors of this university were Cox, T., & Mackay C. (1981). A transactional approach to occupational stress. In E. N.
interviewed. This includes more students than other studies Corlett & J. Richardson (Eds.), Stress, work design, and productivity (pp. 91-113).
Chichester, UK: Editorial Wiley.
concerning academic stress (e.g., Díaz, 2010; Pulido et al., 2011;
Díaz, M. (2010). Estrés académico y afrontamiento en estudiantes de Medicina. Revista
Román et al., 2008). It is likewise important to mention the limitations de Humanidades Médicas, 10(1), 2-10.
of this study, which lie principally in the existence of other factors Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S., (1986). Cognitive theories of stress and the issue of
which could have an influence on chronic and academic stress at the circularity. In M. H. Appley & R. Trumbull (Eds.), Dynamics of Stress. Physiological,
Psychologcal, and Social Perspectives (pp. 63-80). New York, NY: Plenum.
time the survey was taken, such as the social, economic, and cultural Leiner, C. M., & Jiménez, T. P. (2011). Un estudio comparativo del estrés percibido en
characteristics which were not evaluated in this study. estudiantes de ciencias administrativas y biológicas en tiempos de violencia.
In conclusion, our study determined that only the following Contaduría y Administración, 233, 105-125.
Leon, J. A. (2010). La Comprensión de la Causalidad Narrativa Mediante el Análisis de
situations of the Academic Stress Inventory (ASI), class participation, una Tarea de Resumen. Un Estudio Comparativo entre Universitarios y Estudiantes
obligatory assignments and test taking, are predictive of the de 4º de ESO. Psicología Educativa, 16, 157-176. DOI: org/10.5093/ed2010v16n2a6
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women are at an increased risk to develop high levels of chronic López, V. F., & López, M. M. (2011). Situaciones generadoras de estrés en los estudiantes
stress; also, the 23-year-old female has a higher risk of developing de enfermería en las prácticas clínicas. Ciencias de la Enfermería, 17(2), 47-54. DOI:
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Lwanga, S. K., & Lameshow, S. (1991). Sample size determination in health studies. World
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