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A finales de los años setenta, la banda se convirtió en una de las más

populares dentro de la música disco norteamericana, sus temas sonaron en

todos los boliches, bares, radios, películas, marchas del orgullo gay y aún hoy

perduran en la memoria de la gente. Conozca en que ocupan sus días los

integrantes de esta peculiar formación


Village People se formó a fines de la década del setenta, cuando el compositor

y productor Jacques Morali descubrió a Felipe Rose, un bailarín que solía
actuar disfrazado de indio en Greenwich Village, Nueva York, a Victor Willis y a
Alex Briley, a quienes había visto cantando en el musical de Brodway titulado
The wiz.

A partir de ese momento se realizó un casting del cual surgieron los otros tres
integrantes que compondrían el sexteto Village People: Glenn Hughes, David
Hodo y Randy Jones.

La característica principal era sus particulares vestuarios que consistían en

disfraces que representaban a un soldado (Alex Briley), a un indio nativo de
Norteamérica (Felipe Rose), a un motociclista de tachas y cuero (Glenn
Hughes), a un obrero de la construcción (David Hobo), a un cowboy (Randy
Jones) y a un policía (Victor Willis).
Victor Willis era la voz principal y el resto se encargaba de efectuar los coros,
todo mezclado con ritmos musicales pegadizos y unas coreografías simpáticas
que terminaban de redondear un espectáculo que giraba entre lo bizarro y lo
surrealista pero imposible de olvidar.

En 1977 editan su primer LP titulado Village People, que incluía los temas San
Francisco (You've got me), In Hollywood (Everybody is a star), Fire Island y
Village People. Un año más tarde llegó el disco Macho man, cuyo homónimo
single fue todo un éxito y les permitió alcanzar la fama masiva.

Pero la explosión multitudinaria que los pondría en el firmamento de las

estrellas musicales llegaría tan solo un año después cuando publican su tercer
trabajo Cruisin', que incluyó la súper conocida YMCA.

En 1979 Victor Willis abandona la formación y es sustituido por Ray Simpson

con quien editan el disco Go West y su corte de difusión In the navy, continúa
manteniéndolos al tope de todos los rankings mundiales. Aprovechando la
popularidad, ese mismo año lanzan al mercado un disco doble llamado Live
and sleazy, que incluía todos sus hits.

La carrera del grupo ascendió a la velocidad de un rayo y en poco tiempo

lograron convertirse en reyes de la música disco, brindando conciertos por
todos los países y transformándose en iconos de la comunidad gay.

En 1980 protagonizan una película pseudo biográfica que se tituló Can't stop
the music y que estaba co-protagonizada por Steve Guttenberg, Bruce Jenner,
Valerie Perrine, Paul Sand, June Havoc, Tammy Grimes y dirigida por Nancy
Walker. Ese mismo año Randy Jones renuncia y en su lugar se incorpora Jeff

Durante la década del ochenta, la música disco empieza a considerarse como

pasada de moda, y surgen así otras bandas con un estilo diferente. Este nuevo
período trae aparejado consigo un rotundo fracaso en los siguientes materiales
discográficos de Village People: Renaissance (1981), Fox on the box (1982), In
the street (1983) y Sex over the phone (1985).

En 1986 la banda decide dar por finalizado un ciclo y tras separarse, cada uno
de sus integrantes inicia la carrera como solista.

Pero después de tirar las plumas, el cuero y las tachas? ¿Qué fue de la vida de
los díscolos miembros de Village People?

Luego de fracasar con su música cada uno por separado, en 1988 deciden
juntarse nuevamente editando el álbum Greatest hits, y un año más tarde
continúan con Greatest Hits '89 Remixes.

En 1990 aparecen como invitados en un episodio cómico de la sitcom Married

with children y actúan en varios programas de televisión tales como: Tonight
show with Jay Leno, The Rosie O'Donnell Show, Oprah, Good morning
América, The Caroline Rhea show y Dick Clark's 50th Anniversary of American

En 1994 mezclan otra recopilación de temas llamada The very best of Village
People y graban el himno de la selección alemana de fútbol, Far away in
América, para el mundial realizado en los Estados Unidos. Además filman el
documental Village People go north down under, donde comparten la música y
la cultura con los aborígenes de Australia.

Un año después sufren una nueva modificación ya que el actor Eric Anzazone
ocupa el lugar que deja Glenn Hughes, quien fallece el 4 de marzo de 2001 en
Nueva York a causa de un cáncer de garganta.

En 1997 grabaron We want you para el mercado alemán y posteriormente fue

distribuido por varios países europeos. En el 2000 y en el 2001 lanzan dos
álbumes más de grandes éxitos bautizados Greatest hits with two millenium
remixes y 20th Century masters the millenium collection, respectivamente.
En el 2003 son invitados especiales de Ozzy y Sharon Osbourne en el reality
show emitido por la señal MTV, The Osbournes.

En la actualidad se encuentran brindando una serie de conciertos por distintos

países de Europa y algunos de Centroamérica, además planean concluir su
gira en Estados Unidos.


At the end of the seventies, the band became one of the most popular in
American disco music, their songs were played in all the nightclubs, bars, radio
stations, movies, gay pride marches and still remain in the memory of today.
people. Find out how the members of this peculiar group spend their days

Village People was formed in the late 1970s, when songwriter and producer
Jacques Morali discovered Felipe Rose, a dancer who used to perform as an
Indian in Greenwich Village, New York, Victor Willis, and Alex Briley, whom he
had seen singing in the Broadway musical titled The wiz.

From that moment on, a casting was carried out from which the other three
members that would make up the Village People sextet emerged: Glenn
Hughes, David Hodo and Randy Jones.

The main feature was their particular costumes that consisted of costumes
representing a soldier (Alex Briley), a native North American Indian (Felipe
Rose), a studded and leather biker (Glenn Hughes), a construction worker
(David Hobo), a cowboy (Randy Jones) and a policeman (Victor Willis).

Victor Willis was the main voice and the rest were in charge of performing the
choirs, all mixed with catchy musical rhythms and some nice choreographies
that finished off a show that rotated between the bizarre and the surreal but
impossible to forget.

In 1977 they released their first LP titled Village People, which included the
songs San Francisco (You've got me), In Hollywood (Everybody is a star), Fire
Island and Village People. A year later came the album Macho man, whose
eponymous single was a success and allowed them to achieve massive fame.

But the massive explosion that would put them in the firmament of musical stars
would come just a year later when they published their third album Cruisin',
which included the well-known YMCA.

In 1979 Victor Willis left the group and was replaced by Ray Simpson with
whom they released the album Go West and its broadcast track In the Navy,
which continues to keep them at the top of all the world rankings. Taking
advantage of their popularity, that same year they released a double album
called Live and sleazy, which included all their hits.

The group's career rose at lightning speed and in a short time they managed to
become kings of disco music, giving concerts in all countries and becoming
icons of the gay community.

In 1980 they star in a pseudo-biographical film called Can't stop the music and
which was co-starred by Steve Guttenberg, Bruce Jenner, Valerie Perrine, Paul
Sand, June Havoc, Tammy Grimes and directed by Nancy Walker. That same
year Randy Jones resigned and Jeff Olson joined in his place.

During the eighties, disco music began to be considered as out of fashion, and
thus other bands with a different style emerged. This new period brings with it a
resounding failure in the following Village People recording materials:
Renaissance (1981), Fox on the box (1982), In the street (1983) and Sex over
the phone (1985).

In 1986 the band decided to end a cycle and after breaking up, each of its
members began a career as a soloist.

But after throwing away the feathers, leather and studs? What happened to the
wayward members of the Village People?
After failing with their music each one separately, in 1988 they decided to get
together again, editing the Greatest hits album, and a year later they continued
with Greatest Hits '89 Remixes.

In 1990 they appeared as guests in a comedy episode of the sitcom Married

with children and acted in several television programs such as: Tonight show
with Jay Leno, The Rosie O'Donnell Show, Oprah, Good morning America, The
Caroline Rhea show and Dick Clark's 50th Anniversary of American and stand.

Canciones de Village People

1. YMCA (en español)
3. In The Navy (en español)
4. Village People
5. The Sound Of The City
6. Sophistication
7. Sodom and gomorrah
8. Sex over the phone (en español)
9. Manhattan Woman
10. Magic Night
11. Macho Man (en español)
12. Macho Man
13. In The Navy
14. Ready for the 80's
15. My Roommante
16. I Wanna Shake Your Hand
17. I Love you to Death
18. I Am What I Am
19. Hot Cop
20. Go West (en español)
21. Go West
22. Fire island
23. Citizens of the world
24. Can't stop the Music
25. Big Mac
26. Kung Fu Fighting
27. Key west
28. San Francisco (You've got me)
29. Samantha
30. Just a Gigolo
31. It's Time to Rock and Roll
32. Action Man
33. 5 O'clock in the Morning
34. Milkshake
35. In Hollywood (everybody is a Star)
36. Liberation
37. Sex over the phone
38. Do you wanna spend the Night?


Young man, there’s no need to feel down

I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young man, because you’re in a new town
There’s no need to be unhappy

Young man, there’s a place you can go

I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough
You can stay there
And I’m sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

They have everything for you men to enjoy
You can hang out with all the boys

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

You can get yourself clean

You can have a good meal
You can do what about you feel

Young man, are you listening to me?

I said, young man, what do you want to be?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams
But you got to know this one thing:
No man does it all by himself
I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf
And just go there, to the YMCA
I’m sure they can help you today

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

They have everything for you men to enjoy

You can hang out with all the boys

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

You can get yourself clean

You can have a good meal
You can do whatever you feel

Young man, I was once in your shoes

I said, I was down and out with the blues
I felt no man cared if I were alive
I felt the whole world was so tight

That’s when someone came up to me

And said, young man, take a walk up the street
There’s a place there called the YMCA
They can start you back on your way

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

They have everything for you men to enjoy

You can hang out with all the boys
It’s fun to stay at the YMCA
It’s fun to stay at the YMCA

Young man, young man, there’s no need to feel down

Young man, young man, get yourself off the ground

YMCA, just go to the YMCA

Young man, I was once in your shoes

I said, I was down and out with the blues

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