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Nombre del Proyecto:

“Strategic Negotiation Plan”

Nombre de la Organización:


La microempresa TicQro, se dedica al desarrollo de software. Es una empresa de
reciente creación y está conformada por varios jóvenes recién egresados de la
Recientemente, el propietario de una cadena de tiendas de conveniencia les solicitó
una cotización para el desarrollo de un software para el control de su caja e
inventarios. La idea es que dicho software se convierta en su sistema institucional y
que sea instalado en todos sus puntos de venta, lo cual, representa instalar el
software en 30 equipos, 12 en Querétaro, 6 en San Juan del Río y 12 más en San
Luis Potosí.
El cliente manifiesta que el software que actualmente se maneja, ya tiene muchos
años y cada vez es más complicado adecuarlo a las nuevas disposiciones legales y
fiscales, además de que su actual proveedor ya no le brinda soporte técnico
oportuno. Lo cual le ocasiona pérdida de información, incluso problemas ante la
autoridad fiscal.
Dentro de las peticiones iniciales que el cliente realiza a TicQro, están:
1. Que el software incluya el código fuente.
2. Un software competitivo a un bajo precio por equipo.
3. Que el software tenga la funcionalidad para facturar.
4. Que el software permita la supervisión remota de aspectos como los
inventarios, ventas, facturación desde las oficinas matrices en Querétaro.
5. Instalación del software por parte de TicQro en una noche.
6. Capacitación a 30 personas (15 en Querétaro, 6 en San Juan del Río y 9
en SLP) por parte de TicQro.
7. Soporte técnico en tiempo real.
8. Propuesta inicial $ 50,000.00
Previo a la reunión en donde TicQro presentará su cotización y negociarán los
términos de un posible contrato, los jóvenes empresarios, tienen cierta duda o temor
respecto a lo que ahí sucederá. Sin embargo, usted como parte del equipo de los
jóvenes empresarios, recordó sus clases de negociación empresarial y les explicó
que pueden elaborar un Plan Estratégico de Negociación.
Por lo que el día de hoy usted y sus socios, se reúnen para elaborar dicho plan, el
cual contendrá los siguientes puntos:
1) Pre negotiation
a) Price of the product/service (your initial offer).
The initial price put by our organization of the requested service is sixty thousand
Mexican pesos, since the client's requirements are high, it is agreed to make a new
offer about the requested training making only 5 with the highest training and so they
can impart training for new operators.
b) Type of negotiation.
we will rely on collaborative negotiation, to satisfy the interests of both parties and
thereby reach a point benefit for both parties, with this we will achieve a greater profit
at a lower investment cost than originally budgeted with the 15 trainings In addition
to proprondra that the code stays initially 1 year with our company to finally seat it
and that it can be modified.
c) Objectives.
1. have a greater olgura in our company
2. negotiate more capital for the project
3. have at least two days of implementation
4. have a better planning about customer requirements
d) Concessions.
1. exclusive contract for software maintenance
2. source code modification agreement.
3. the code cannot be delivered to the requesting company to avoid plagiarism
4. the code can be seceded if an agreement is reached that benefits both parties
after a year
5. freedom of user interface design

e) Times (place, time, estimated time of the duration of the negotiation).

The negotiation will take place on October 20 at the requesting company's facilities
at 5:00 p.m. with, for two hours with intervals of 45 minutes to negotiate and 15 to
carry out direct communications between the directors

d) Media of communication.
In this case, the means of communication is planned to be a very pleasant meeting,
with the greatest possible comfort for both parties and the best attention of the staff
by our company.
e) Communication style to use.
The persuasive communication style will be used since with it we can have a more
direct communication channel with the contracting company, this will make us see
sure of our words, that we are willing to negotiate and above all to have a different
treatment with the client

j) Factor matrix.
Conceiving the correct client-seller relationship is important since with this we
ensure more work in the future, likewise in future projects, this company could
recommend us and in this way both of us will benefit, since by having more
concessions we will be able to offer more products and new services.

k) Personal tactics that they will use to start the negotiation.

The one in charge of speaking will be Luis Angel Contreras, the analysts of the deal
will be Jonathan Garcia and Maximiliano, the one in charge of helping to decline or
accept offers will be Carlos Campos, and finally, Zoel Ashley will be in charge of
verifying that the objectives of the negotiation are being met.
2) Cross Trading
a) Points to be discussed in this phase.
● Software price
● Price for training
● Training dates
● Training schedule
● Number of training sessions.
● Price for extra training
● Place of training.
● The final price and the form of payment are established.
● Installation day
● Installation time
● Price per number of devices that can be connected
● Price per amount of information that can be saved.
● Form of collection (if it is sale of software or rental of software)
● Improvement proposals.
● Mention of what type of information needs to be saved
● If it has any specific structure or design
● If you must follow any regulations
● If advancement or prototyping is going to be required
● Results delivery dates
● Prototype delivery date
● Final delivery date

b) Arguments (why they should buy the software from us).

We are engineers recently graduated from UTEQ but with a lot of practice and a lot
of knowledge in software development, so lack of experience is not a limitation when
knowledge is vast.
On the other hand, we have always liked to do things well, to meet the requirements
point by point, we also like to propose improvements or the implementation of new
technologies or more efficient solutions.

c) Attitudes/skills to use in this stage.

● Listen proactively
● Assertiveness
● Persuasive ability
● Patience
● Self-confidence
d) Points to be awarded.
Dates of advances or deliveries of prototypes
Final project delivery date
Modifications: This is only valid while the points with which the project must comply
are being considered, subsequently there are no changes.

e) Points to demand.
Characteristics of the project: This refers to the fact that once the points have been
discussed, the client agrees with everything that was discussed.
payment dates
Number of payments:
Purchase commitment: This means that if they commit to buy 20 units 20 units we
have to sell

f) Trading Strategy(s) to be used in this stage.

The negotiation strategy is WIN to WIN, because they will have an efficient service
that meets all their requirements or requests and we will gain experience, recognition
and money.

g) Alternatives (If plan A fails, have a plan B, C, D; write briefly at least two
● PLAN A: If it fails for a short time after delivery, the corrections will be made
immediately without charge, and they will be compensated with a free monthly
payment (in case the rental model is used)
● PLAN B: If the project is not completed on the agreed date, then the client will
be offered an apology and given 2 options
1. Reimbursement of money and the project is not concluded
2. The project is completed on another date, but with a 50% discount
3)Fine Negotiation
a) Identification of fine points or difficult to treat in this phase.
Negotiating the initial price of the quote, it is necessary to make a total count of the
components and supplies required to carry out the mentioned project, in order to
have very clear profit and investment percentages.
Project delivery time, it is required to be aware of the real time that is needed for the
elaboration, to avoid setback problems. It can become a difficult point, due to the
time required by the company.
Lack of empathy on the part of the company, that there is no win-win.
Availability times for personal advice.

b) Points to grantor.
There will be a limit regarding the amount of money that is proposed, approximately
a margin of 5%, mainly assuring the profit and investment.
The time could realize a margin of 1 week before the delivery, with respect to the
Provision on our part for staff training.

c) Points to demand.
Consider that the project is quite extensive, due to the number of requirements and
the number of places where it will be implemented, which should be valued in the
amount of money mentioned, in addition to time, if efficiency is required in the
project, time will be necessary to carry it out correctly.

d) Negotiation Strategy to be used in this stage.

Transaction strategy:
This strategy is characterized by the fact that the parties do not complicate
themselves with the matter to be negotiated. Both agree to give in to mutual claims
and quickly solve their conflict or need, dividing the difference between benefits and
possible risks. Now, although the parties obtain a profit, it will only be divided and
distributed without maximizing the interests of the parties.
e) Attitudes/skills to use in this stage.
● Self knowledge.
● Empathy.
● Active listening.
● Assertiveness.
● Argumentative and persuasive capacity.
● Patience.
● Concretion.
● Self confidence.
f) Legal and commercial terms.
The company that accepts to use and produce one of the chosen products must use
the formulations established for the elaboration of the product and that it be as the
original idea.
● Maintain constant communication about the results obtained in the use of the
● The company will take care of the necessary analyzes for its sale.
● The company will have to bear 70% of the total expenses
● The name of the product may be chosen by the company.
● The product must be harmless.
● The product must inform all the elements it has.
● The company will be responsible for the tests carried out for the
g) Time.
The time of elaboration will be 30 days with their respective corresponding tests and
approximately 30 more days for training and installation in plants. Giving a total of 2
i) Alternatives (If plan A fails, have plan B, C, D; write maybe at least two
Plan A: The negotiation will be carried out, making known the elements that make it
up, making it an efficient software, giving an initial price of $50 thousand pesos,
having a negotiation margin of 5%, in addition to 2 months of realization, in terms of
implementation, assembly and installation and training.
Plan B: The negotiation will be carried out, revealing the elements that comprise it,
meeting only the basic needs, giving an initial price of $45,000 pesos, with a 5%
negotiation margin, in addition to 1 month with 30 days to realization, using that time
on implementation, assembly and installation, and training.
j) Need for intervention of specialists for legal aspects-commercial and
A Lawyer will be used who will be in charge of the legal and commercial terms,
formulating a document to protect the rights and privacy of the company, in order to
make use of his information, and signing a confidentiality document.
h) Preliminary agreement.
LOI (Letter of intent)/ MOU (Memorandum of understanding)
a) Cierre de Acuerdos
It is expected that at the end of the negotiation the agreements will be settled by both
parties, understanding that the company makes it easy to reduce training and thus
increase the profit for our organization.

b) Fechas de aplicación
The delivery dates will be from October 1-22, the pseudocode with which the code
will be developed.
From 22 to 25 modifications will be made at the request of the client
From October 25 to November 3
Implementation date from November 3 to December 7 at night

c) Resultados obtenidos
While many people think of negotiations as a contest in which one side wins and the
other loses, in reality, negotiations involve a more complex mix of winning and losing.
The outcome of almost all bipartisan negotiations can be classified as win-lose (one
side benefits to the detriment of the other), lose-lose (both sides are worse off after
the negotiation), or win-win (both sides come out of the closet). ) ahead). If the
negotiation fails, no agreement has been reached and the parties are forced to seek
alternative solutions.

d) Comparación entre lo planeado y lo obtenido

We consider that the results obtained are adequate and the approach to the problem
and the solution that we were giving to each scenario was the most optimal, likewise
the performance of the team and each of its managers was adequate, having as
main objective the persuasion of the company to reduce training and increase
implementation time

e) Áreas de Oportunidad
El software contable registra y procesa las transacciones históricas que se generan
en una empresa o actividad productiva: las funciones de compras, ventas, cuentas
por cobrar, cuentas por pagar, control de inventarios, saldos, producción de
artículos, nóminas, etc.

f) Archivo de lecciones aprendidas

In a negotiation, those involved need each other to achieve their objectives and it is
very important to prepare and plan how to approach it, thus ensuring a better result.
The better you understand each other's perceptions and interests, the better you will
work to resolve differences.

We cannot resolve differences if we do not understand them

- Generally "we do not know how little we know"
Always assume that you need to know more
- It is enough for one of the parties to adopt a constructive strategy to achieve
- We have to be “curious”. What does the other care about?

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