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Management of tourism planning.

Organizations in México
Abril Andrea Vazquez Marun

In Mexico.
National Government organizations.
Asociación centro de rehabilitación para ciegos.
This project is aimed at poor patients in rural areas of the state of Morelos in Mexico,
who suffer from visual diseases such as cataract, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy,
who are treated at the ACREC ophthalmological clinic, and do not have enough
money to have surgery and recover their sight. With surgery, people recover their
vision and improve their quality of life.
Intra-government organizations.

Puerta Abierta I.A.P.

Aims Empower girls, boys and youth to prevent violence. Puerta Abierta knows that
the most important legacy these children can receive is love from the institution
caregivers within this new family and the opportunity for quality education. This
project will allow them to build a world full of opportunities and achievements.
National Producer organizations.
Mexico's National Agriculture Council (CNA)
Organismo cúpula que representa, defiende y promueve el sector Agroalimentario

National Non-producer organizations.

CONSAR is the National Commission for the Pension System and its fundamental
task is to regulate and supervise the pension system (SAR). The system is made up
by the workers’ individual saving accounts that, in turn, are managed by the pension
fund managers called AFORE.
National Single Investment organizations.

Nacional Financiera contribuye al desarrollo económico de México, facilitando el

acceso de las mipymes, emprendedores y proyectos de inversión prioritarios al
financiamiento y otros servicios de desarrollo empresarial, así como contribuir a la
formación de mercados financieros y fungir como fiduciario y agente financiero del
Gobierno Federal, que permita impulsar la innovación, mejorar la productividad, la
competitividad, la generación de empleos y el crecimiento regional.

In Quintana Roo.
Local Government Organizations.

Disminuir y enfrentar el rezago de las condiciones de vida y productivas del pueblo

maya y las comunidades indígenas, de igual manera busca revitalizar, normativizar
y promocionar la lengua y cultura de los grupos étnicos existentes en el Estado de
Quintana Roo en todos los ámbitos de la vida social y bajo el ejercicio pleno de sus
derechos lingüísticos a través del trabajo coordinado con las comunidades
indígenas, con otras instituciones gubernamentales y privadas. Contribuyendo a una
sociedad equitativa e incluyente.
Local Producer Organizations.
Fundación Produce Quintana Roo A.C.

It's dedicated to helping the little business to start off by financing and promoting
Local Non-producer Organizations.
They seek to influence the policies, programs and regulatory frameworks that govern
or affect forestry activity and the territories, through its forestry public policy
advocacy program (Incifor), which is nourished by the experiences of working with
ejidos and communities of our regional offices.
Single Interest Organizations.

The Akumal Ecological Center is a non-profit organization that focuses on issues

related to sustainability and improved management of the ecosystems of Akumal
and its surroundings.

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