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Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

¿Qué es Spelling Bee?

Es un concurso en el que los niños, generalmente de primaria deletrean palabras delante

de la audiencia. La idea de Spelling Bee proviene de los Estados Unidos, donde han sido
extremadamente populares durante varios años. Hoy en día, las competiciones de Spelling
Bee, también se llevan a cabo en el Reino Unido, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Canadá e
Indonesia. También se han vuelto más populares en México en los últimos años y se llevan
a cabo a lo largo del país.

¿Por qué realizar un Spelling Bee?

El evento de Spelling Bee ayuda a los estudiantes a mejorar su ortografía, aumentar su

vocabulario, y desarrollar el uso correcto del inglés. También ayudan a desarrollar la
confianza en sí mismos y lo que es más importante ¡es divertido!

¿Por qué es importante la ortografía?

¡Poder deletrear correctamente es genial! La ortografía precisa es una de las subhabilidades

de la escritura. Además, ser capaz de pronunciar una palabra sobre la base de su forma
escrita es una habilidad útil para hablar. La ortografía de más del setenta por ciento de las
palabras en inglés es predecible Sin embargo, tres por ciento de las palabras son tan
irregulares que deben aprenderse como elementos individuales. Muchas de estas
ortografías irregulares son palabras muy comunes como uno, dos, serían, son y fueron. Esta
actividad de Spelling Bee es una manera emocionante de ayudar a los estudiantes a superar
cualquier dificultad que tengan para deletrear palabras problemáticas.

¿A quién necesitas para un Spelling Bee?

Hay tres actores importantes en un Spelling Bee:

Los participantes: las competiciones Spelling Bee son para todos, ya sea un experto o un
principiante. Cualquier niño que aprende inglés es elegible para participar en un concurso
de ortografía.
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

Los jueces: el trabajo de los jueces es controlar el concurso y mantenerlo funcionando sin
problemas. Es importante tener dos jueces para concursos dentro del colegio y tres para
concursos entre escuelas.

Los pronunciadores: Quizás el papel más importante en un Spelling Bee es el de los

pronunciadores. Se recomiendan dos pronunciadores, preferiblemente maestros, aunque
tener uno está bien. La pronunciación impecable es una necesidad para cualquiera que esté
considerando un papel como pronunciador.

¿Qué necesitas para un Spelling Bee?

Contenedores (pueden ser peceras): Estos son para las bolas de unicel numeradas.

Bolitas de unicel con números o cualquier cosa que resulte similar.


Banderas una roja y una verde.

Fases de la actividad de spelling bee

Fase 1 (Salón: 31 de marzo). La primera exposición de spelling bee, es el resultado del estudio
durante los meses enero a marzo, en el cual todo alumno está involucrado. Los que más
palabras hayandeletreado, serán los finalistas y se preparan con un listado para la siguiente

Nota: no es necesario memorizar todas las palabras, se debe considerar al alumno y evitar
el estrés que pueda causar.

Fase 2 (Colegio: 19 de mayo). Se hace la convocatoria para realizar la exposición a mediados

del mes demarzo, donde participan los finalistas de cada grado (de 4º. a 6º). Y se lleva a
cabo en un tiempo especial en la escuela. La convocatoria deberá incluir a los padres y demás

Fase 3 (Filantrópica: 27 de junio). En el mes de abril, se hace la convocatoria para decidir el

representantede la filantrópica. En un evento donde participa el finalista de cada colegio,
otorgando el reconocimiento y el pase a la final del SEA Chiapas.
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

Fase 4 (SEA-UMCH: 19 de julio). Se concentran a los finalistas de las filantrópicas en el lugar

de convocatoria y participan hasta tener un finalista de todo el territorio.

¿Qué más necesito para el Spelling Bee?


Mesa/sillas para los jueces.

Sillas para los participantes

Tómbola y/o peceras.

Bolas de unicel.

Obsequio para participantes.

Reglas de Spelling Bee

Spelling bee se realizan oralmente y son concursos de precisión en lugar de velocidad. Para
estar seguros de la palabra que van a deletrear, los participantes deben tener la
oportunidad de pedir repeticiones (2 veces), frases de muestra (1 vez) y el significado de la
palabra en si (1 vez).
Repetición de la palabra:
I. Could you repeat the Word please?
II. Could you repeat it again, please?
Frases muestras:
I. Could you use it in a sentence, please?
Significado de las palabras.
I. Could you tell me the definition, please?

1. Los participantes escogen una bola numerada de un contenedor y el pronunciador lee la

palabra de una lista de palabras correspondiente.

2. Las palabras se dice una vez.

Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

3. Los participantes deben repetir la palabra antes y después de deletrearla, por ejemplo.
"apple -a,p,p,l,e- apple".

4. El pronunciador debe responder a la solicitud del participante: repetir la palabra, leer la

definición o dar una oración de muestra.

5. Si los participantes deletrean mal una palabra, son eliminados.

6. Si los participantes que han sido eliminados, o alguien de la audiencia, comienza a

susurrar las respuestas, asintiendo con la cabeza o sacudiendo la cabeza, deben irse

7. Los participantes tienen un minuto para deletrear la palabra correctamente.

8. Uso de a) mayúsculas, b) - c) espacio.


a) June

capital [J], u,n,e.

b). self-study

s,e,l,f, (hyphen) s,t,u,d,y.

c). run away

r,u,n, (space) a,w,a,y.

Especificaciones generales

1. Los concursos de Spelling Bee comprenden una serie de rondas. Cada participante debe
deletrear una palabra por ronda

2. Hay tres rondas iniciales en las que los participantes acumulan puntos según la cantidad
de palabras escritas correctamente.
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

a) Palabra deletreada correctamente = 5 puntos (bandera verde)

b) Palabra deletreada incorrectamente = 0 puntos (bandera roja)

c) Los participantes pueden comenzar de nuevo, incluso si han deletreado incorrectamente

la palabra, siempre que sea durante el período de tiempo especificado y antes de la segunda
repetición. Después de este punto, se marcarán y no podrán repetir la palabra. Tenga en
cuenta que esto solo está permitido durante las primeras tres rondas y no se aplica a la
ronda final.

3. Los jueces suman los puntos del participante para ver quién pasa a las rondas finales.
Solo los participantes con 15 puntos pasarán a las siguientes rondas.

4. Las tres rondas finales se llevarán a cabo de acuerdo con las reglas que se describen a

Rondas finales

1. Una vez que el pronunciador le ha dado una palabra a un participante para que deletree,

Hay que pronunciar la palabra antes y después de deletrearla. Si no lo hacen, son


2. El participante puede pedirle al pronunciador que repita la palabra. El participante

puede solicitar lo siguiente.
Repetición de la palabra:
I. Could you repeat the Word please?
II. Could you repeat it again, please?
Frases muestras:
I. Could you use it in a sentence, please?
Significado de las palabras.
I. Could you tell me the definition, please?

3. Habiendo comenzado a deletrear la palabra, un participante puede detenerse y

Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

comenzar de nuevo. Sin embargo, al volver, no puede haber cambio de letras, o su

secuencia, a partir de los primeros pronunciados. Si las letras o sus secuencias se cambian
en la repetición, el participante será eliminado.
Los participantes tienen un minuto en el micrófono. Si un participante excede su tiempo
asignado, los jueces pueden decidir si solicitar o no un deletreo inmediato. Los jueces pueden
descalificar a cualquier participante que ignore una solicitud de deletreo inmediato.
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

Lista de
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

accountant A person whose job is to keep or The accountant stopped working

inspect financial accounts
allergy Damaging immune response by the Usually my allergy comes out
body to a substance, especially because of the pollen
pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust,
to which it has become
apple pie Pie made with apples I love apple pie
Architect Person who designs buildings and in My house is being design by an
many cases also supervises their architect
Argentinian relating to Argentina or its people Lionel Messi is an Argentinian
football player
arrive To reach or get to destination I arrive home at 3 p.m. everyday

ask To request or make a question If you do not know something,

ask for it

athlete Person who is proficient in sports and If you are an excellent athlete
other forms of physical exercise you can go to the Olympics
baker Person who makes bread and cakes, I buy cakes With the best baker
especially as a trade
bald having a scalp wholly or partly lacking Old man are mostly bald
beans Edible seed, typically kidney-shaped, I like fried beans
growing in long pods on certain
leguminous plants
Bible Christian´s scriptures, consisting of We must read the Bible everyday
the Old and New Testaments.
bird A warm-blooded egg-laying A penguin is a bird too
vertebrate distinguished by having
feathers, wings, and a beak and most
being able to fly
bossy Person who likes to give people My superior is so bossy at work
orders in an arrogant way.
brave To be not afraid. To have courage. I am brave when I talk in public
break Separate or cause to separate into Don’t play with glass or you will
pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or break it

brush A device for cleaning or painting I use the brush to clean my shoe
builder Person who constructs something by The builder is lifting a tower
putting parts or material together
over a period of time
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

bull An uncastrated male bovine animal That bull has long horns
buy Obtain in exchange for payment In the candy store I buy treats
call To say in a loud tone/shout Give me a call when you find it.

carpenter Person who makes and repairs The carpenter is making my birds
wooden objects and structures house
cat A small domesticated carnivorous My cat is cute
mammal. It is widely kept as a pet or
for catching mice
cereal Grain used for food, such as wheat, I like cereal as cornflakes
oats, or corn
chimpanzee Great ape with large ears, mainly The chimpanzee is using tools
black coloration, and lighter skin on
the face.
Chinese Belonging to the people forming the Han Pin is my Chinese friend
dominant ethnic group of China
circus A traveling company of acrobats, In the circus are lots of shows
clowns, and other entertainers which
gives performances, typically in a
large tent, in a series of different
clean Free from dirt and impurities I clean my face every night

climb Move up by using hands and feet You have to climb to reach the
the top of the mountain

cook Person who prepares and cooks food, The cook made a great mole
especially as a job or in a specified
corn Cereal plant that yields large grains, I like boiled corn with chili
or kernels, set in rows on a cob
cotton candy Mass of fluffy spun sugar, usually pink Be sweet like a cotton candy
or white, wrapped around a stick or a
paper cone
cute Attractive in a pretty or endearing Cats are cute
decide Reach a decision about anything I decide to eat healthy

dentist Person qualified to treat the diseases Go to the dentist for the health
and conditions that affect the teeth of your teeth
and gums
dive Swim underwater using breathing Scuba dive is a great sport

do Perform an action I do my laundry

Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

dolphin Small gregarious toothed whale that The dolphin is making funny
typically has a beaklike snout and a noises
curved fin on the back
drive Operate and control the direction and If you are sleepy don’t drive
speed of a motor vehicle

driver Person who drives a vehicle My dad is a good driver

eat Put food into the mouth and chew At the break you can eat
and swallow it

elephant A heavy mammal with large ears, In the zoo sometimes you can
native to Africa, it is the largest living see the elephant
land animal
e-mail Message sent from one computer Your email was not delivered
terminal to other

Engineer Person who designs, builds, or The building is fixed by the

maintains engines, machines, or engineer plan
public works
farmer Person who owns or manages a farm Fresh milk is delivered by a
find Discover or perceive by chance or In the bible you can find the
unexpectedly truth

finish To end Get to de finish line

fireman Person who tends a furnace or the The fire has been calmed by the
fire fireman
flu Short for influenza Not using sweater made me had
a flu
fox Carnivorous mammal of the dog The fox is on danger of extinction
family with a pointed muzzle and
bushy tail
French Relating to France or its people or I want to speak French
french fries A thin strip of deep-fried potato Catchup with French fries are so
fried chicken Chicken seasoned and cooked by oil KFC sails fried chicken
and flour
friendly To be kind, supportive or helpful. We must be friendly to others.
funny Causing laughter, comical, hilarious, Clowns are funny
and joyful.
German Belonging to the people forming the German hotdogs are the best
dominant ethnic group of Germany
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

get up Rise or cause to rise from bed after I get up at 6 am

giraffe Large African mammal with a very The giraffe is the tallest animal
long neck and forelegs, having a coat on earth
patterned with brown patches
separated by lighter lines
go Travel or move in order to engage in Go to the doctor when you feel
a specified activity or course of action sick

good listener Someone who gives you a lot of The psychologist is a good
attention when you are talking. listener
gorilla Powerfully built great ape with a large Gorillas are the largest animal on
head and short neck, found in the earth
forests of central Africa.
grasshopper Insect with long hind legs that are The grasshopper frequents
used for jumping and for producing a grassy places
chirping sound
hardworking Tending to work with energy and They are intelligent and
commitment; diligent. hardworking students
have Possess, own, or hold The dog have a toy

heavy Of great weight; difficult to lift or Elephants are too heavy

helpful To give help. To be useful, important, Books are very helpful to give
significant essential. information
homework Assignment teacher give to students Do your English homework
honest To be trustful, trustworthy. A company employees honest
housewife Person whose main occupation is A housewife needs to know how
caring for her family, managing to clean
household affairs, and doing
jealous Resentfully suspicious of rivalry, Joseph’s brothers were jealousof
possessive, demanding, him, but his father kept
monopolizing, envious, etc. wondering about the dream
(Gen 27:11)
jump Push oneself off a surface and into the Lets jump the rope
air by using the muscles in one's legs
and feet

kangaroo A large plant-eating marsupial with a A kangaroo can jump very high
long powerful tail and strongly
developed hind limbs
kind Essential gentle character. Teachers are kind with students
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

land A solid part of earth We are on Mexican land

lasagna Italian dish consisting of pasta cooked The chefs lasagna has a lot of
and layered with meat or vegetables, tomato
cheese, and tomato sauce
late Out of time Sometimes I am late for school
lazy To be inactive, passive or sleepy most If you are lazy you can’t finish
of the time. your work
leave Go away from When we grow up we leave

like To be pleased or enjoy with Treat others as you would like to

be treated

listen Make a conscious effort to hear. To You must listen indications

take advise

lizard Reptile that typically has a long body I confuse my iguana with my
and tail, four legs, movable eyelids, lizard
and a rough, scaly, or spiny skin
look Direct one’s eyes in order to see When you cross the street look
at both directions

love Strong affection for someone or Dogs love to play

mailman Person who is employed to deliver I send a letter by mailman
and collect letters and parcels
meet Come into the presence or company Nice to meet you
of someone by chance or

messy Disorder or not clean. Clean up your room because is

miss Title used before the name of an My uncle’s friend is Miss Umch
unmarried lady

mobile phone Telephone with access to a cellular My grandfather has a big and
radio system so it can be used over a heavy mobile phone
wide area, without a physical
connection to a network
mop Thick head of hair used to clean I mop the corners once a week

motorcycle Two-wheeled vehicle that is powered When you use motorcycle use a
by a motor and has no pedals helmet too
neat In order, organized, clean. Keep your room neat
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

nice Behaving in a gracious manner. Be nice with kids

organize Provide something in a structure of Documents are organize by the
order. boss
ostrich Flightless swift-running African bird The ostrich is the largest bird on
with a long neck and long legs earth
outgoing Act to be friendly with others The president must be outgoing
paint A colored substance which is spread Girls paint their nails with polish
over a surface or to cover something
with color

paint To make a pictures in color I like to paint

pancake Thin, flat cake of batter, usually fried Put syrup on your pancakes and
and turned in a pan it will be perfect
pass To move forward My dad pass the slow car

penguin Large flightless seabird with black Penguins cannot fly

upper parts and white underparts and
wings developed into flippers for
swimming under water
pizza Italian origin consisting of a flat,round I like pizza with extra cheese
base of dough baked with a topping
of tomato sauce and cheese
plane Powered flying vehicle with fixed I almost lost my plane pass
wings and a weight greater than that
of the air it displaces
plant Any group of leaving herb Lemon tea is a south American

play To take part in a game, sport or Let’s play ball

performing an instrument
polite To be gentile, kind or nice. We must be polite with others
practice Engage frequently or do something I practice my English everyday
an habit
pray To ask for, talk or implore to God It is good to pray three times a

prayer "Do not be anxious about

A solemn request for help or anything, but in everything,by
expression of thanks addressed to prayer and petition, with
God or an object of worship thanksgiving, present your
requests to God." Philippian 4:6
prosperous Being successful In God we can be prosperous
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

punctual On time We need to be punctual at

read Have the ability to look at and Read the instructions
comprehend the meaning of written
or printed matter

receive Take or get something given I had received an important gift

respect Show honor or courtesy Parents need to be respect

responsible Able to do obligations Doing homework is being
rest Sleep or repose after an activity When I finish my work I can rest

rice Swamp grass which is widely Thailand rice cake are the best
cultivated as a source of food
ride Sit on and control the movement of The ride on that pony was well
an animal, especially a horse, typically
as a recreation or sport

rope Length of strong cord made by I use a rope to help me climb

twisting together strands of natural
fibers such as hemp or artificial fibers
rude To be discourteous If you hit your brother you are
run Move at a speed faster than a walk, I run when I get late
never having both or all the feet on
the ground at the same time

see Perceive with the eyes; discern You must see both sides of the
visually road after crossin

serious Aspect of not joking. Mom is serious when she is mad

ship Vessel larger than a boat for I traveled in the sea by ship
transporting people or goods by sea
shy Timid with others, not sociable. If I don’t know you, maybe I will
be shy
sing Make musical sounds with the voice, I sing to praise the lord
especially words with a set tune

sit Adopt or be in a position in which In the park you can sit on the
one's weight is supported by one's bank
buttocks rather than one's feet and
one's back is upright
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

skate Move on ice skates or roller skates in Most kids like to skate
a gliding fashion
ski Pair of long narrow pieces of hard You can ski only in the snow
flexible material, pointed and turned
up at the front, fastened under the
feet for gliding over snow

skirt Woman's outer garment fastened Sister Susan’s skirt is pretty

around the waist and hanging down
around the legs
sleep A condition of body and mind, in We must sleep at night eight
which the nervous system is relatively hours
slim Gracefully thin If you want to be slim you must
do exercise
Small Of a size that is less than normal or I have a small nose
smart To be bold, intelligent. Doctors are smart
smile Show pleasure or affection by an Give a smile if you are happy
upward curving of the mouth

snorkel A short curved tube for a swimmer to In the sea you can snorkel widely
breathe through while keeping the
face under water

speak Say something in order to convey Don’t be shy, speak loud

information, an opinion, or a feeling
special Distinctive or unique. God made you special
start To begin or go into action Do not start the game without

stay Continue in a place or condition I stay quiet when the pastor

specified preach

study The acquiring of knowledge by I study the history of the creation

reading or investigating

supportive Giving support or help to others. Coaches are supportive

surf Stand or lie on a surfboard and ride on Careful with the waves when you
a wave toward the shore surf

swim Propel the body through water by Whales can swim 14 miles per
using the limbs, or (in the case aquatic hour
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

animal) by using fins, tail, or other

bodily movement
talk Put ideas into words to speak Talk about the truth

teach Show or explain to someone how to The bible can teach too
do something

think Have a particular opinion, belief, or I think Jesus is coming soon

idea about someone or something

tortoise turtle, typically a herbivorous one The tortoise is faster than a snail
that lives on land
travel To go from a place to other You can travel by plain, bus or

truck Large, heavy motor vehicle used for The truck was exporting mango
unique There is no equal, one and only. Everyone is unique
Vet Veterinary surgeon My dog had a broken leg and I
took him to the vet
visit Go or come to see someone or On Sundays we visit our
something grandma

waiter Man whose job is to serve customers The waiter give me the account
at their tables in a restaurant of my food
walk Go on foot at a moderate pace If you walk in the morning you
will have energy all day

walrus Large gregarious marine mammal Most walrus live in the arctic
related to the eared seals, having two ocean
large downward-pointing tusks
wash Clean with water and, typically, soap After dinner you need to wash
or detergent the dishes

win Be successful or victorious in a Be persistent and you will win

contest or conflict the race

work Activity involving mental or physical Remember the Sabbath day by

effort done in order to achieve a keeping it holy. Six days you shall
purpose or result labor and do all your work…
Exodus 20:8-9(NIV)

write Mark letters or other symbols on a I write when I want to capture

surface, typically paper, with a pen or my ideas
similar implement
Dirección general / SEA Chiapas / Spelling bee 2022

writer Person who has written a particular Helen White was a writer

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