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Guía de Estudio Módulo 5

Mi mundo en otra lengua

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 1

Campo(s) disciplinar(es): Módulo: Mi mundo en otra lengua

Nivel: Competencias disciplinares básicas:

2. Instrumentos CB12. Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos
y conceptos explícitos e implícitos en un texto,
considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en
el que se recibe.
CB2. Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de
su contenido con el de otros, en función de sus
conocimientos previos y nuevos.
CB4. Produce textos con base en el uso normativo
de la lengua, considerando la intención y situación
CB8. Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso
comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica
CB10. Identifica e interpreta la idea general y
posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en
una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos
previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural.
CB11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera
mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,
congruente con la situación comunicativa.
CB12. Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y
comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas,
producir materiales y transmitir información.


Realiza la actividad ¿Con qué saberes cuento? de las pags. 12 a 14 del libro
electrónico, corrobora tus respuestas e el Apéndice 1.

Unidad 1
My name is…
What am I going to do and how?
Una de las acciones más comunes para iniciar una conversación es saludar y esperar que el
interlocutor también lo haga.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 2

¿No es así? Lo más probable es que tú lo hagas así, pues desde pequeño tus padres te
habrán acostumbrado a ello. En algunas ocasiones habrás saludado con gestos, pero lo más
común es que lo hayas hecho de manera verbal, usando la lengua oral o escrita.
Lo habrás hecho de manera informal para entablar conversación con alguien interesante, en
un lugar público o al entrar a la escuela.
Es posible que en breve lo hagas en el mundo laboral. Sí, en ese mundo que exige, hoy más
que antes, saber expresarse en inglés para saber comunicarse, pero también para
obtener un trabajo bien remunerado. No cabe duda de que el inglés es un idioma que sirve
de puente para mejorar expectativas de empleo. ¿Lo sabías?

What is the purpose?

El propósito de esta unidad es que desarrolles tus competencias para dar información
sobre ti mismo al relacionarte con otras personas, sobre todo en un contexto laboral. Para
lograrlo aplicarás nociones gramaticales y vocabulario relacionado con cómo presentarte,
lo que involucra: describirte a ti mismo y a otras personas, tanto de forma oral como

Which will be the results of my work?

Con todo lo que harás, al término de la unidad, estarás capacitado para aplicar las nociones
gramaticales y el vocabulario para presentarte y describirte.

Formal greetings (Saludos formales):

Formal gretting Traducción Pronunciación
Hi Hola (jai)
Hey Hola (jei)
Hello Hola (jelou)
How is it going? ¿Cómo te va? (jao ar yu duing)
What´s up? ¡Qué tal! (uats op)
What´s going on? ¡Qué pasa! (uats going on)

Informal Greetings (Saludos informales):

Informal gretting Traducción Pronunciación
Good morning Buenos días (gud morning)
Good afternoon Buenas tardes (gud afternun)
Good evening Buenas noches (gud ivening)

Al igual que en español, para saludar por teléfono se utiliza el saludo de acuerdo con el tipo
de llamada. Si es una llamada de trabajo se utilizan saludos formales. Y para conversaciones
con amigos son más utilizados los saludos informales.
With friends: (con amigos)
Mary: Hi!, My name is Mary. (¡Hola!, Mi nombre es Mary.)
Michele: Hello, I´m Michelle. (Hola, yo soy Michel.)
Mary: Nice to meet you. (gusto en conocerte)
Michele: Nice to meet you, too. (el gusto es mío)
Pronombres personales
I Yo
You Tú
He Él

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 3

She Ella
It Para referirse a un
animal o a un objeto
We Nosotros
You Ustedes
They Ellos

Verb to be: (verbo ser o estar)

Verb to be
Forma completa Contracción Traducción Pronunciación
I am I´m Yo soy – Yo estoy (Ai am) – (aim)
You are You´re Tú eres - Tú estás (You are) – (yur)
He is He´s Él es - Él está (Ji is) - (Jis)
She is She´s Ella es - Ella está (Chi is) – (Chis)
It is **** It´s Eso es - Eso está (It is) – (Its)
We are We´re Nosotros somos – (Wi ar) - (wir)
Nosotros estamos
You are You´re Ustedes son – (You are) – (yur)
Ustedes están
They are They´re Ellos son – (Dey are) – (Deir)
Ellos están
**El pronombre It es utilizado para referirse a animales o cosas.
Using the verb to be: (usos del verbo to be)
1. I am Sophie. I´m highschool student. (Yo soy Sofi. Yo soy estudiante de preparatoria)
2. She is Bertha. She is cooking the dinner. (Ella es Bertha. Ella está cocinando la cena)
3. They are wathching the t.v. They are my friends. (Ellos están viendo televisión. Ellos
son mis amigos)
4. It is Lacy. It´s my dog. It´s 4 years old. (Él es Lacy. Es mi perro. Él tiene 4 años).


Realiza la actividad 8 sobre la forma correcta del verbo ser o estar de la
pag. 23 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Verb to be. Affirmative and negative forms.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 4

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 5
Conversation. (conversación)


Realiza la actividad 10 sobre presentación entre un cliente y tú en una cena
formal de la Pág.26 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.
Section 2. Where are you from? . . . Nationalities (¿De dónde eres?) Nacionalidades

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 6


Realiza las actividades 13 y 14 sobre nacionalidades de las págs., 28 y 29,
revisa tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.
Possessive adjectives. (Adjetivos posesivos)
Los adjetivos posesivos se usan para hablar de características u objetos que le pertenecen a
una persona. Ejemplo: My name is Lucía.


Realiza la actividad 15 sobre possesive adjective de la pág., 30, corrobora
tus respuestas en el apéndice 1.
What is your occupation? . . . (¿Cuál es tu ocupación?)

Otras ocupaciones: Counselor, university teacher.


Realiza la actividad 20 sobre ocupaciones de la pág. 35, corrobora tus
respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 7

Section 4. I am…, you are… . . . (Yo soy, tú eres)
Adjetives. Describe physical appearance. (Adjetivos. Describen apariencia física)

Otros adjetivos:
Small – pequeño Clean – limpio Dirty - Sucio
Heavy – pesado Slim - ligero


Realiza la actividad 30 sobre información personal, que aparece en la pág., 42,
corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Personal information . . . Wh Questions. (Información personal. Wh preguntas)

Para recopilar información sobre un determinado punto has usado preguntas abiertas que
comienzan con What, Where, Who, When, How. A estas palabras se les denomina wh words
y a las preguntas que con éstas se formulan se les denomina wh-questions.

Wh-Questions. Examples. (Wh-questions. Ejemplos.)

a) Where are they from? They are from Cancun.

b) Where does your grandpa live? My grandpa lives in Monterrey.

c) How many aunts do you have? I just have one aunt.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 8

d) Where does your aunt live? My aunt lives in California

e) Where does your family live? My family live in Guadalajara.

f) What does your mom do? My mom is a secretary.

g) What does your dad do? My dad is a lawyer.

h) How many uncles do you have? I have six uncles.

i) How many siblings do you have? I have seven siblings.

j) What do you do? I am a dancer.


Realiza la actividad 31 sobre Wh question de la pág. 43 del libro de texto,
corrobora tus respuestas en el apéndice 1.

Farewells. Despedidas
Recomendaciones de estudio

Pon especial atención en otros conceptos agregados en las listas de vocabulario.

Revisa especialmente los temas de pronombres personales.

Identifica los pronombres posesivos y sus características.

Identifica el verbo To Be y sus diferentes conjugaciones.

Identifica cuáles son las Wh questions y sus usos.

Unit 2.
Where is my book?... (¿Dónde está mi libro?)

What am I going to do and how?

El esfuerzo y el trabajo constante siempre es recompensado, por ello entre más habilidades
desarrolles mayor expectativa de crecimiento personal, profesional y laboral puedes tener.
Saber comunicarte en inglés te dará la oportunidad de acercarte a otros mundos y a otras
personas, ¿no lo crees?
Sin embargo, todavía falta camino por andar. Es necesario aprender el manejo de la lengua,
poco a poco. Ya sabes cómo iniciar una conversación dando información general de tu
persona pero eso no lo es todo, para mantener una conversación es importante ampliar tu
vocabulario, conocer un mayor número de palabras. ¿Has pensado cómo podrías referirte a
distintos objetos básicos y lugares sin saber nombrarlos?

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 9

What is the purpose?
El propósito de esta unidad es que continúes desarrollando tus saberes para describir de
manera detallada objetos personales en sus dimensiones y formas, además de
localizarlos dentro de una habitación y una casa.

Which will be the results of my work?

Con lo que harás estarás capacitado para utilizar las nociones gramaticales y el vocabulario
propuesto, presentar y describir objetos personales y saber cómo localizarlos. Trabajarás
para expresarte de forma oral y escrita, asumiendo una actitud autónoma y perseverante
hacia tu aprendizaje.

My house… (Mi casa)

Parts of a house. (Partes de una casa)

1 Wall Pared 5 Kitchen Cocina

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 10

2 Bedrooms Recámaras 6 Laudry room Cuarto de lavado
3 Closet Guardarropa 7 Dinning room Comedor
4 Bahtroom Baño 8 Living room Sala

Nota: floor también se conoce como flat.

1 Bed Cama 9 Floor Piso

2 Window Ventana 10 Coffee table Mesa de centro
3 Stove Estufa 11 Sofa Sofá (sillón
4 Sink Lavabo 12 Shower cabin Regadera
5 Refrigerator Refrigerador 13 Door Puerta
6 Chair Silla 14 W.C. toilet Taza de baño
7 Picture Cuadro/foto 15 Bed Cama
8 Table Mesa

What color is the… (¿De qué color es el…)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 11



Realiza la actividad 12 sobre características de la ropa de la pág. 61 del libro
de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

How is my… (¿Cómo es mi…)

Personal belongings (Objetos personales o pertenencias)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 12

Some adjetivess… (Algunos adjetivos) Sirven para describir objetos.

More adjetives… (Más adjetivos)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 13


Realiza la actividad 18 sobre la descripción de objetos según su forma, color y
material de la pág. 66 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice

En español no importa el orden en que se construye tal descripción, pero en inglés sí. La
regla establece que los adjetivos subjetivos o de opinión (opinion adjectives) se colocan
antes que los de hecho (fact adjectives). De tal manera que las ideas quedan expresadas

Para describir de manera todavía más precisa se aumentan palabras que delinean al objeto
o a la persona y la expresión puede construirse así:

This is my… (Este es mi…)

Para indicar la cercanía o lejanía de los objetos, en inglés se utilizan los adjetivos

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 14

Examples. (Ejemplos)
a) That car is Sally’s. (Sally is the owner of the car.)
b) That is her car. (The possessive adjective her is modifying the noun car.)
Possessive adjective + noun
(her) (car)
c) That car is hers. (The possessive pronoun hers is replacing the noun Sally’s.)
Possessive adjective + noun


Realiza la actividad 29 sobre pronombre posesivo o adjetivo posesivo de la
pág. 74 del libro de texto, corrobora tus repuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Además de estos artículos para definir a los objetos también se utiliza el artículo definido the,
cuyos usos son los siguientes:

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 15

Prepositions. (Preposiciones)
Preposiciones de lugar, permiten referir dónde están las cosas. At, in, on son algunas
preposiciones. Ejemplos:

at = se usa para señalar que estás en un punto específico: en la puerta, en la entrada, en la

parada de autobús.
in = se usa para señalar que estás en un lugar cerrado o un área determinada: en el jardín,
en el centro, en la ciudad, en la casa, en México,

Existen otras preposiciones como:

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 16


Realiza la actividad 34 sobre descripción de elementos de un espacio físico de
la pág. 78 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el anexo 1.

Recomendaciones de estudio:

La actividad 34 te ayudará a reforzar varios temas de la unidad. Recuerda revisar las
respuestas en el Apéndice.

Revisa especialmente los temas de preposiciones

Identifica los diferentes adjetivos y sus funciones.

Identifica los nombres de las partes de una casa.

Clasifica los diferentes sustantivos (partes de la casa, ropa, objetos personales).

Identifica la lista de palabras para describir formas en los objetos.

Unit 3. I can speak english and… (Yo puedo hablar inglés y…)

What am I going to do and how?

Dice un refrán popular ¡Mente sana en cuerpo sano! Para gozar de buena salud es
importante practicar algún deporte o realizar alguna actividad física además de contar con un
pasatiempo, un entretenimiento que permita tener ratos agradables. Según los especialistas
en el cuidado de la salud, este tipo de actividades pueden ser útiles para manejar el estrés
nervioso y la tensión que genera el trabajo, despejarse y lograr que una persona tenga una
mejor calidad de vida. Por ello, es recomendable la práctica de algún deporte y el desarrollo
de alguna afición o pasatiempo.
Si te invitaran a afiliarte a un centro comunitario (community center) o deportivo, ¿lo harías?
Hay varios que ofrecen actividades deportivas, recreativas y culturales. Para promover el uso
de ese tipo de centros es común dar facilidades de horario en el uso de las instalaciones y el
pago de la inscripción.
En la mayoría de los centros los requisitos indispensables son realizar los trámites y acudir a
una entrevista. Hay que entrevistarse con las personas encargadas del lugar. ¿Sabes qué
decir en la entrevista?, ¿qué vocabulario usar para hablar sobre deportes y pasatiempos que
ya practicas o que te interesaría practicar?

What is the purpose?

El propósito de esta unidad es que incrementes tus competencias comunicativas para dar
información sobre tus habilidades en torno a actividades físicas y pasatiempos. Es decir,
que describas qué haces en tu tiempo libre.

Which will be the results of my work?

Lo harás utilizando las nociones gramaticales y el vocabulario que se te propone en la unidad
y que te permitirá expresar tus habilidades en torno a actividades físicas y recreativas,
de manera oral o escrita, asumiendo una actitud autónoma y perseverante.

Sport and recreative activities… (Actividades deportivas y recreativas)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 17

En inglés se pueden usar los verbos play, do y go para expresar qué actividades realizas:

El significado del verbo play es jugar. Sin embargo, en inglés, también se usa
para referirse a la práctica de un deporte que se juega con pelota y a la ejecución de
instrumentos musicales. Así, es común decir: I play soccer two days per week, o Verónica
plays the guitar and the piano.
Así mismo, el verbo go se usa para los deportes que se realizan al aire libre: I go
hiking on weekends.

El verbo do se utiliza para referirse a los deportes cuando involucran un grupo

de actividades.


Realiza la actividad 4 sobre oraciones con do, go, play de la pág. 87 del libro de
texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el apéndice 1.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 18

I can… (Yo puedo…)
En una entrevista es común que se hable de lo que uno es capaz de hacer y pregunten
sobre ello. Ejemplos:

Can you swim? (¿Tú puedes nadar?)

Can you play tennis? (¿Tú puedes jugar tenis?)

Can you do aerobics? (¿Tú puedes hacer aerobics?)

Can you go hiking? (¿Tú puedes hacer excursionismo?)
Can se utiliza para expresar un tiempo que se conforma con un verbo principal en su forma
infinitiva, es decir sin conjugar el verbo como se observa en el siguiente ejemplo:

Can se utiliza para:


Realiza la actividad 8 para practicar tu pronunciación (leélas en voz alta) de la
pág. 89 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el apéndice 1.

Can. Formas interrogativa, afirmativa y negativa.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 19


Realiza las actividades 10 y 11 sobre el uso de Can de las págs. 90 y 91 del libro
de texto, revisar tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

My body is…
Parts of the body, parts of the head… (Partes del cuerpo, partes de la cabeza)


Realiza las actividades 14 y 15 sobre partes del cuerpo de la pág., 94 del libro
de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.


Realiza la actividad 20 sobre hobbies and sports de la pág. 96 del libro de
texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el apéndice 1.


Realiza la actividad 23 sobre uso de Can and Can´t Do de la pág. 98 del libro de
texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 20

You can…, He can… (Tú puedes, él puede…)


Realiza las actividades 25 y 26 sobre el uso de Can o Can´t, de las págs.,
99,100 y 101 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el apéndice 1.

Verbs. (Verbos)
Los verbos expresan la acción que una persona realiza en un tiempo determinado. Los
verbos tienen la función de indicar que la persona representada por un sustantivo o
pronombre, ejecuta una acción en un tiempo preciso: presente, pasado o futuro.

Verb Verbo Verb Verbo Verb Verbo

Drink Beber Eat Comer Cry Llorar
Smile Sonreir Talk Hablar Sing Cantar
Read Leer Run Correr Sleep Dormir
Walk Caminar Write Escribir Think Pensar

Otros verbos:
order = ordenar reorder = reordenar complete = completar
include = incluir regard = considerar refer = referirse
look at = mirar form = formar select = seleccionar
match = relacionar find = encontrar make = hacer
identify = identificar answer = contestar give = dar
use = usar

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 21

Recomendaciones de estudio:

Pon especial atención en otros conceptos agregados en la lista de verbos.

Revisa especialmente la diferencia entre I can, I do, I go.

Identifica el auxiliar Can y su forma negativa Can´t

Identifica los nombres de las partes del cuerpo.

Revisa la lista de hobbies y relaciónala con tus propias actividades recreativas.

Unit 4. This is what I like… (Esto es lo que me gusta…)

What am I going to do and how?

Seguramente te habrás dado cuenta que a nuestro país llega una gran cantidad de turistas
que viene de diferentes partes del mundo.
También sabrás que hoy más mexicanos tienen oportunidad de salir y visitar lugares fuera de
su sitio de residencia. ¿Qué harías si en un futuro tuvieras la oportunidad de viajar?, ¿qué
pasaría si en ese país tuvieses que hablar inglés?, ¿qué tendrías que hacer para viajar con
un grupo de personas con gustos distintos a los tuyos?
What is the purpose?
El propósito de esta unidad es que desarrolles tus competencias para manifestar
situaciones y objetos agradables y desagradables para referirte a ti mismo en relación
con las personas.
What will be the results of my work?
Con todo lo que harás, al término de la unidad, estarás capacitado para:
• Describir, de manera oral y/o escrita, lo que te gusta y lo que no te gusta con la finalidad
de expresarlos a las personas que te rodean.
• Formular preguntas mediante el uso del verbo auxiliar do y does y las Wh questions
para conocer tus gustos y lo que no te gusta.
• Describir lo que te gusta y lo que no te gusta de otra persona, con una actitud de respeto
hacia la información obtenida.


Realiza la actividad 3 sobre la descripción de sitios turísticos de la pág. 110
del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el apéndice 1.

Public places

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 22

Place Lugar Place Lugar Place Lugar
Bank Banco Cafe Cafetería Drugstore Farmacia
Clothes Tienda de
Bookstore Librería Cake shop Pastelería
shop ropa
Shoe shop Zapatería Laundry Lavandería Cathedral Catedral
Library Librería Sport center University Universidad
Hospital Hospital Supermarket Supermercado Theatre Teatro

Cuando se requiere elaborar preguntas para expresar lo que nos gusta y lo que no nos gusta
se usa el verbo auxiliar to do. Cuando se utiliza to do como verbo ordinario significa hacer.
Se diferencia del verbo to make porque éste se refiere a hacer de fabricar o construir con las
manos, por ejemplo: I like to make cakes (me gusta hacer pasteles). Do se utiliza como
auxiliar de otro verbo para preguntar, negar o enfatizar, tal y como se observa en el siguiente
ejemplo: Do you take the bus on the corner? No, I don’t. / Yes I do.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 23

How is the weather?... (¿Cómo está el clima?)


Realiza la actividad 7 sobre el uso de Can´t en la pág., 114 del libro de texto,
corrobora tus respuestas e el Apéndice 1.

The weather… (El clima)


Realiza la actividad 10 sobre el clima (The Weather) de la pág. 117 del libro de
texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 24

What do I want to eat and to drink… (Qué quiero comer y beber)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 25

Singular and Plural… (Singular y plural)
Por lo general, el plural de un sustantivo se construye añadiendo una “s” al singular, como es
el caso de dog / dogs . Sin embargo, cuando la palabra termina en o, ch, sh, ss o x el plural
se forma añadiendo al final “es” ; tal es el caso de tomato/tomatoes ; church /churches
; box/boxes. En el caso de que los nombres o sustantivos terminen con una consonante
seguida por y , como strawberry , lady y baby , entonces la y se transforma en “ies” . Así, el
plural de lady es ladies ; de baby es babies ; de fly es flies.


Realza la actividad 15 sobre el uso del plural de la pág. 120 del libro de texto,
corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.


Realiza la actividad 16 sobre lo que te gusta y lo que no te gusta comer de la
pág. 120 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Para redactar oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas en el tiempo presente simple

se utiliza el verbo auxiliar do/does.
Affirmative: I like apples (Me gustan las manzanas)
Negative: I do not (don’t) like apples. (No me gustan las manzanas)
Interrogative: Do you like apples? (Te gustan las manzanas)
Short answers:
Affirmative: Yes, I do. (Sí me gustan)
Negative: No, I don’t. (No me gustan)
¿En qué casos se usa do?, ¿en qué casos se usa does?
Do se utiliza con los pronombres I, you, we, they. Does se utiliza con las terceras personas
del singular: He, She, It.
Los verbos principales requieren del verbo auxiliar do para preguntar y negar. Por ejemplo:
He doesn’t like your green eyes (A él no le gustan tus ojos verdes).
Pero do no se puede utilizar con los verbo ser o estar (to be) y con los auxiliares can , could
, must, will , would. Porque estos verbos tienen su propia forma interrogativa y
Entonces, Do y does pueden usarse básicamente de dos maneras:
Como verbo principal, en el que do/does significan “hacer”. Examples:
Affirmative: I do my homework. (Yo hago mi tarea)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 26

She does her homework. (Ella hace su tarea)
Como “verbo auxiliar”, el cual se usa para preguntar y negar en el tiempo presente.
Examples: Negative: I don’t do my homework. (Yo no hago mi tarea)
She doesn’t do her homework. (Ella no hace su tarea)
Interrogative: Do I do my homework? (¿Hago yo mi tarea?)
Does she do her homework? (¿Hace ella su tarea?)
Short answer: (Respuestas cortas)
Yes, I do / No, I don’t. (Sí la hago/No la hago)
Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t. (Sí la hace/No la hace)


Realiza la actividad 18 y 19 sobre preguntar y redactar en forma afirmativa,
negativa de las págs. 123 y 124 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el
Apéndice 1.

Food and drinks… Comida y bebidas

Drinks. (Bebidas)

Water Agua Beer Cerveza

Juice Jugo Tea Té
Coffe Café Wine Vino

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 27

Milk Leche Soda/soft drink Refresco
Orange juice Jugo de naranja Hot cocoa Chocolate caliente

I like to eat turkey and fish. (Me gusta comer pavo y pescado.)
I love to eat cheese. It´s my favorite. (Me encanta comer queso. Es mi favorito.)
I don´t like to drink beer. I prefer red wine or tequila. (No me gusta beber cerveza. Yo prefiero
el vino tinto o tequila.)
I love to drink orange juice. (Me encanta beber jugo de naranja.)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 28

Animals… (Animales)

The dog is white. (El perro es blanco)
The lion is big. (El león es grande)
The bird is pretty. (El pájaro es hermoso)

Recomendaciones de estudio:

Identifica los lugares públicos y cómo solicitar información sobre los mismos.

Revisa especialmente los temas de auxiliar Do/Does

Identifica el vocabulario referente a comida y bebidas.

Identifica las estaciones del año y sus características.

Revisa los nombres de los diferentes animales.

Unit 5. What time do you get up… (¿A qué hora te levantas?)

What am I going to do and how?

Desde tiempos muy remotos, el ser humano se ha preocupado por el recuento de lo que le
acontece de manera personal y colectiva.
Por ello concibió y creó la noción de tiempo; sí, de la duración de las cosas sujetas al
cambio; del recuento de lo que se tarda alguien en hacer algo, en lapsos o etapas.
Desde siempre estamos contabilizando los minutos y las horas. Algunos de nosotros
comenzamos nuestro día muy temprano y trabajamos hasta el anocher, otros, no tan activos,
preferimos no dejar que el reloj guíe nuestra vida, pero éste lo hace. ¿Has reflexionado cómo
es tu estilo de vida?, ¿cómo tu rutina diaria?, ¿hasta dónde rige el reloj tus acciones?
¿Podrías describir las actividades que realizas en forma cotidiana y aquellas que llevan a
cabo otras personas?, ¿has meditado cómo puedes conversar sobre ellas?

What is the purpose?

El propósito de esta unidad es que identifiques tus actividades diarias para que las
describas, las expreses en horarios y te relaciones con las demás personas de tu

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 29

What will be the results of my work?
Al terminar tu estudio de la unidad estarás capacitado para describir cronológicamente tus
actividades habituales mostrando una actitud autónoma, de responsabilidad y
disciplina en la elaboración de tu horario y siendo perseverante en la búsqueda y el uso de
verbos y vocabulario respectivo.

A daily routine… (Una rutina diaria)

Para hablar del orden de las acciones se utilizan conectores o adverbios, palabras que
actúan junto con los verbos o adjetivos y denotan circunstancias de tiempo. Ahora, entonces,
hoy, ayer, mañana, antes, después, temprano, pronto, tarde, todavía, aún, ya, siempre,
nunca, jamás, son algunos de estos conectores.
- First (Primero)
- After (Después)
- Then (Luego)
- After that (Después de eso)
- Later (Más tarde)
- Finally (Finalmente)

I am Martha, a very busy woman. I’m a computer engineer. I get up early in the morning
because I have a lot of things to do. First, I take a quick shower. Then, I drink a cup of hot
coffee while I read my newspaper. After that, I take my dog for a long walk in the park. Then I
go to the office. Normally, I have a lot of meetings in the morning. I always have lunch with
clients. Later, I go back to the office where I work on my computer. Finally, I go home.
Actividad sugerida.

Realiza la actividad 5 sobre la temporalidad de la pág. 144 del libro de texto,
corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Activities… (Actividades)
swimming nadar watching television ver televisión
walking caminar dancing bailar
playing videogames jugar videojuegos running correr
sitting sentarse reading leer
writing escribir


Realiza la actividad 6 sobre actividades sedentarias y físicas de la pág. 144
del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Tip. (Consejo). Escuchar y leer las letras de las canciones en inglés, es una estrategia
eficiente para dominar el idioma. Al oír con atención no sólo se ejercita una de las
habilidades comunicativas básicas sino que desarrollas tu pronunciación y puedes engrosar
tu vocabulario.

What do you do every day… (¿Qué haces cada día?)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 30

More Verbs… (Más verbos)

Verb Verbo Verb Verbo

Watch Observar (se usa Have Tener
para decir ver t.v)
Listen Escuchar Wear Usar (ropa)
Play Tocar (música) o Eat Comer
Use Usar Visit Visitar
Read Leer Look Mirar

Vocabulary… (Vocabulario)

Verbos Adjetivos Adverbios Sustantivos

Empezar Rápido Después Día Gimnasio
Hacer Caliente Alrededor Mañana Parque
Tomar Largo Temprano Noche Hogar
Tener Mucho Siempre Noche Oficina
Cepillar Grande Tarde Cama Alberca
Dormir Cansado Finalmente Desayuno Centro
Regresar Después Escuela comunitario
Trabajar Antes Tarea
Enseñar Amigos
Ir Comida
Gustar Familia
Mirar alrededor Televisión
Dar Baile
Pensar Taza de café
Sentarse Agua
Practicar Perro

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 31

Jugar, tocar Refrigerio
instrumentos Citas
Observar Computadora
Hablar Periódico


Realiza la actividad 13 sobre actividades diarias de la pg. 151 y 152 del libro de
texto), corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

What time is it? /At what time...?... (¿Qué hora es?/¿A qué hora…?)

What time is it?

(Once en punto)
(Un cuarto para las diez)
(Nueve treinta)
(Tres en punto)
(Cinco para las sies)
(Doce y diez)
(Cuatro y cuarto)

Actividades sugeridas.

Realiza la actividad 16 sobre la hora de la pág. 154 del libro de texto, corrobora
tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.


Realiza las actividades 17 y 18 sobre el orden de eventos de las págs. 155 y
156 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

The days of the week… (Los días de la semana)

The days of the week
Monday Lunes
Weekdays Tuesday Martes
Wednesday Miércoles
Thursday Jueves
Friday Viernes

Weekend Saturday Sábado

Sunday Domingo

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 32

Months of the year
January February March April
(enero) (febrero) (marzo) (abril)
May June July August
(mayo) (junio) (julio) (agosto)
September Octuber November December
(septiembre) (octubre) (noviembre) (diciembre)

Using prepositions of time… (Uso de las preposiciones en el tiempo)


Realiza la actividad 23 sobre uso de las preposiciones at, in, or de la pág.
160 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.


Realiza la actividad 24 sobre el orden de los días de la pág. 161 del libro de
texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Diet for the week… (Dieta para la semana)

Frutas y vegetales

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 33

manzana sandía fresa pera
plátano toronja durazno uva
piña naranja ciruela cereza
chícharos cebolla jitomate ajo
papa champiñón apio maíz
espinaca pimiento verde lechuga pimiento rojo
zanahoria aceituna betabel


Realiza la actividad 25 sobre una dieta semanal de la pág.162 del libro de texto,
corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.


Realiza la actividad 28 sobre el tiempo de la pág. 164 y 165 del libro de texto,
corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Recomendaciones de estudio:

Revisa especialmente el tema de verbos.

Realiza principalmente las actividades 23 y 24 del libro de texto. No olvides revisar las
respuestas en el Apéndice.

Identifica las preposiciones y el uso adecuado de cada una.

Practica las diferentes formas de expresar la hora en Inglés.

Unit 6. Tell me about your family… (Cuéntame de tu familia)

What am I going to do and how?

Hasta ahora has centrado tu atención en describir quién y cómo eres. Puedes hablar sobre
las habilidades que posees para practicar deportes y pasatiempos, y sobre lo que te gusta y
lo que no. Lo más probable es que también seas competente para describir tus actividades
diarias y permanentes. Felicidades, ya tienes vocabulario y nociones gramaticales para
mantener una conversación sobre ti mismo. Pero describirse a uno mismo no lo es todo pues
somos seres sociales que nos integramos en grupos, el más importante de los cuales es la

What is the purpose?

El propósito de esta unidad es que expreses información general sobre los miembros de
tu familia para compartirla de manera responsable con otras personas.

What will be the results of my work?

Para lograrlo, aplicarás de manera responsable las nociones gramaticales y de
vocabulario requerido para solicitar y dar información acerca de los diferentes
miembros que conforman una familia, tanto de forma oral como escrita.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 34


Realiza la actividad 1 sobre los miembros de una familia de la pág. 172 del
libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Miembros de la familia
Parents - Padres Father - Padre Mother - Madre
Children - Niños Son - Hijo Sister - Hermana
Brother – Hermano Daughter – Hija


Realiza la actividad 7 acerca de la familia nuclear de la pág., 175del libro de
texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Family ties… (Lazos familiares)

Other family members… (Otros miembros de la familia)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 35


Realiza la actividad 10 sobre relaciones de parentesco de la pág. 178 del libro
de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Uso del apóstrofe (´): el poner un apóstrofe y una “s” al final del sustantivo denota posesión.
The mother´s Ana… La madre de Ana.
The Albert´s celphone… El celular de Alberto.


Realiza la actividad 11 sobre el uso de apóstrofe en las relaciones de
parentesco de la pág. 179 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el
Apéndice 1.


Realiza la actividad 14 sobre describir a tu familia extendida de la pág. 180 del
libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

What do you do?... (¿Qué haces?)

La pregunta What do you do? Equivale a preguntar What do you do for a living? (¿Qué haces
para vivir? O ¿a qué te dedicas?) o What is your occupation? (¿Cuál es tu ocupación?)

Occupations and Jobs… (Ocupaciones y empleos)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 36

Ocupaciones y empleos
Presidente de banco Conductor – chofer Recepcionista
Carpintero Profesor de danza Asesor de ventas
Cajero Mezclador de música Secretaria
Chef Doctor Cantante
Empleado Ingeniero Estudiante
Enfermera Azafata-sobrecargo Supervisor
Director de compañía Abogado Profesor


Realiza la actividad 17 para que practiques tu expresión oral en la pág. 182 del
libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice1.

Verb to have… (Verbo tener o haber)

El verbo to have tiene dos significados: haber y tener. Cuando lo utilizamos con las formas
simples de los tiempos verbales suele significar tener. Cuando lo utilizamos con las formas
compuestas por lo general significa haber. Como ya te habrás dado cuenta, hasta ahora lo
has utilizado en su forma simple, como en los siguientes ejemplos:
I have a beautiful family. (Yo tengo una hermosa familia.)
Barbara has two daughters. (Bárbara tiene dos hijas.)
Para negar o hacer preguntas, se utiliza junto con el verbo auxiliar do, por lo que se escribe
de la siguiente manera:
Do you have a sister? Yes, I do. (¿Tienes una hermana? Sí, la tengo).
How many brothers does he have? He has two. (¿Cuántos hermanos tiene él? Él tiene dos.)
Habrás notado que en los verbos en presente simple, a las terceras personas del singular
(He, She, It) se les agrega una “s” al conjugarlos, en este caso se cambia have por has.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 37

Have, has, do, does, don´t y doesn´t son verbos auxiliares básicos para plantear preguntas.

Es importante que no confundas palabras que suenan igual pero que se escriben diferente y
tienen diferente significado:
• There (adverb): There is a fly in my soup. Hay una mosca en mi sopa.
• They’re (they are): They’re my best friends. Ellos son mis mejores amigos.
• Their (possessive adjective): They live in their house. Ellos viven en su casa.


Realiza la actividad 23 sobre el uso de There y They´re de la pág. 188 del libro
de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.


Realiza la actividad 24 sobre el orden correcto de las preguntas de la pág. 188
y 189 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Recomendaciones de estudio:

Realiza la actividad número 20 de la página 184, para reforzar el tema de lazos
familiares y ocupaciones. Recuerda revisar el Apéndice para comparar tus

Identifica el género femenino y masculino de los miembros de la familia.

Identifica los diferentes tipos de profesiones y qué actividades implica cada una.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 38

Unit 7. Traveling around… (viajando)
What am I going to do and how?
México es un país con una gran actividad turística. Según la Secretaría de Turismo, en 2011
se recibieron más de 22 millones de turistas que visitaron playas, sitios arqueológicos,
bellezas naturales y pueblos mágicos. Los mexicanos recibimos una gran cantidad de
visitantes al año que se van satisfechos por la hospitalidad brindada; los extranjeros nos
perciben como personas simpáticas, alegres y amables.
Aunque México no es un país de destino de inmigrantes, también recibe personas que se
establecen en el país para trabajar o para vivir después de hacerlo.
Mientras en San Miguel de Allende y Guanajuato viven aproximadamente un millón de
estadounidenses, en la Ciudad de México habitan una cantidad considerable de centro y
sudamericanos. ¿Has tenido la oportunidad de conocer y recibir a extranjeros? ¿Qué harías
si tuvieras que ayudar a uno de ellos cuyo idioma nativo no es el español para adaptarse a
México? ¿Cómo lo guiarías?

What is the purpose?

En esta unidad trabajarás para proporcionar información oral y escrita sobre las ubicaciones
de lugares públicos, además de identificar y describir las partes de una casa.

What will be the results of my work?

Con todo lo que harás, al término de la unidad, estarás capacitado(a) para utilizar, de manera
responsable, las nociones gramaticales y el vocabulario propuesto en torno a tu medio
local, nacional e internacional para obtener y dar información sobre la ubicación de lugares
públicos. También serás capaz de aplicar las nociones gramaticales y el vocabulario
propuesto en torno a tu medio local para describir las partes de una casa.

El artículo a/an significan “Un/Una”. Ejemplos:

He works in a cafeteria. (Él trabaja en una cafetería.)
Her house has an attic. (Su casa tiene un ático.)

El artículo The, significa “El, la, los, las” Ejemplos:

The car over there is fast. (El carro de allá es rápido)
The teacher is very good, isn’t he? (El maestro es muy bueno, verdad?)
The machine ins´t working. (La máquina no está trabajando)
The chais are big. (Las sillas son grandes)

Activity. Read the following text. Use a dictionary if you need it.
(Lee el siguiente texto y responde las preguntas. Utiliza un diccionario si lo necesitas.)
The importance of home & family
After many hours of looking for food, a bird returns to its nest, taking supreme comfort in a
place that is warm and safe, far removed from the dangers and distractions of the world
outside. Your home and family are your nest, the center of your life. Both as children and
adults, our home and family are where we should feel most comfortable in the world. They
determine how you make your life decisions; they shape your attitudes, your awareness, your
self-esteem. A healthy home life is obviously a vital ingredient in the pursuit of a meaningful
How do you build a healthy home?

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 39

There are three key elements in building a peaceful home life: the relationships between
family members, the atmosphere of the home itself, and the way the home is run. When a
family shares principles and values, they grow together. In such homes, families stay up late
talking heart-to-heart about what’s on their minds. Children crowd around grandparents to
hear stories. Teenagers debate meaningful issues with each other and with their parents. The
whole family gets together —and not just on holidays— for evenings of songs, games, and
reminiscing. The home becomes alive, a source of energy and hope, of urgency and love. It is
not the tranquility of a house that makes it peaceful; it is the life within. The ultimate beauty in
a home is its emotional and spiritual warmth. There are many ways to beautify your home
spiritually, to invite goodness into your home. Talk with your family about goodness and your
responsibilities as good-hearted people. Invite guests into your home, and allow it to be used
as a place of gathering and reunion. Each healthy home is a microcosm of the entire
universe. Harmony at home, within a family, translates into harmony between families and
communities and nations. When there is no harmony between people who are related by
blood, how can we expect to create harmony between strangers?

Actividad: Answer “T” if it is true, and an “F” if it’s false. Check your answers in the
a) After weeks of looking for food, a bird returns to its nest.
b) Your home and family are your nest.
c) Your home and family determine how you make your life decisions
d) A healthy home is not a vital ingredient in the pursuit of a meaningful life
e) There are four key elements in building a peaceful home life.
f) When a family shares principles and values, they grow together.
g) Don’t invite guests into your home.
h) Each healthy home is a microcosm.
i) There are many ways to beautify your home spiritually.
j) Harmony at home translates into harmony between nations.


Realiza la actividad 8 sobre verdadero y falso de la pág. 206 del libro de
texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

There is/There are

There is/there are son expresiones que se utilizan para expresar la cantidad de objetos o
personas que se encuentran en un determinado lugar. Ambas formas significan “hay”. La
diferencia es que la primera se utiliza para el singular y la segunda para el plural. Ejemplos:
Affirmative: There is a kitchen in the townhouse. (Hay una cocina en la casa)
Negative: There isn’t any garden in the townhouse. (No hay ningún jardín en la casa)
Interrogative: Is there a bathroom in the townhouse? (¿Hay un baño en la casa?)
Short answer: Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. (Sí, si hay. No, no hay.)
Affirmative: There are two bedrooms and one bathroom in the townhouse. (Hay dos
recámaras y un baño en la casa.)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 40

Negative: There aren’t any parking places in the townhouse. (No hay lugares de
estacionamiento en la casa)
Interrogative: Are there any parking places in the townhouse? (Hay algunos lugares de
estacionamiento en la casa)
Short answer: Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. (Sí, sí hay. No, no hay)

Prepositions of place (preposiciones de lugar)

Prepositions of place
Above/sobre Across from/enfrente de Around/alrededor
At the end of/al final de Beside/junto a Next to/al lado de
Before/antes Between/ entre Opposite to/ opuesto a
Behind/ detrás In front of/ en frente de On the corner/ en la
Below/ abajo Inside of/ adentro de Under/ debajo

Recuerda que usamos la preposición on para dar la ubicación de lo que está en calles,
avenidas, bulevares: My house is on Chabacano Avenue. Usamos la preposición in para dar
la ubicación de las cosas que están en colonias, ciudades, países y continentes: My house is
in Monterrey.

Actividad sugerida.

Realiza la actividad 12 sobre el uso de preposición de lugar de la pág. 209 del
libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Where is..? (Dónde está…?)


M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 41


Realiza la actividad 19 sobre ubicación de lugares de la pág. 215 del libro de
texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Las preposiciones de lugar son palabras que nos permiten especificar la ubicación de algo
o alguien; se usan para decir dónde está un lugar o cosa; o dar la dirección de un
determinado sitio. Las frases más comunes para hacerlo son:
It’s on the left/right (Está a mano izquierda / derecha)
It’s near… (Está cerca de…)
It’s next to… (Está junto a…)
It’s on/at the corner of… (Está en la esquina de…)
It’s just around the corner (Está a la vuelta de la esquina)
It´s acroos from (Está del otro lado de…)

Example (ejemplo):
– Excuse me. Is there a grocery store near here?
– Yes, there’s one over on Prado Street.
– Where is Prado Street?
– First, go down this street for two more blocks. Then, turn right and go a block. The grocery
store is on your left.
– Thanks.
– Have a good day.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 42


Realiza la actividad 21 sobre preposiciones de lugar de la pág. 217 y 218 del
libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Preguntas para localizar lugares.

Where is…? (¿Dónde está…?)
How do I get to…? (¿Cómo puedo llegar a…?)
What’s the best way to…? (¿Cuál es la mejor forma de llegar a…?)
Is there a… around here? (¿Hay algún… cerca de aquí?)
Go straight on / go straight ahead / go along (Sigue derecho o recto)
Turn back / go back (Retrocede, vuelve)
Turn left / turn right (Da vuelta a la izquierda / da vuelta a la derecha)
Turn left / turn right and go four steps (Da vuelta a la izquierda / derecha y da cuatro
Take the first street on the left (Toma la primera calle a la izquierda)
Stop (Detente)
It’s on the left / right (Está a mano izquierda / derecha)
It’s near… (Está cerca de…)
It’s next to… (Está al lado de…)
It’s on / at the corner of… (Está en la esquina de…)
It’s just around the corner (Está a la vuelta de la esquina)

– Excuse me. Is there a grocery store near here?
– Yes, there’s one over Prado street.
– Where is Prado street?
– First, go down this street for two more blocks. Then, turn right and go a block. The
grocery store is on your left.
– Thanks.
– Have a good day.
Los puntos cardinales en inglés: North, South, East and West (norte, sur, este y oeste), y
se escriben con mayúscula.

Physical features… Características físicas

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 43

Physical features Características Physical features Características
físicas físicas
Mountain Montaña Beach Playa
Sea/ocean Mar/océano Hill Colina
Lake Lago Valley Valle
Stream Corriente River Río
Waterfall Cascada Bay Bahía


Realiza la actividad 34 sobre la descripción de un lugar turístico de la pág.
230 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Evaluación final.


Realiza la actividad, Am I ready?... ¿Estoy listo?, de las págs., 235 a 237,
corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 44

Recomendaciones de estudio:

Te recomendamos utilizar otras aplicaciones para dispositivos electrónicos o de
internet para reforzar tus conocimientos de Inglés.

Pon especial atención a la lista de verbos que anexamos en la sección “You can…He
can), ya que incluye algunos verbos utilizados en la redacción de las preguntas del
examen. Esta lista no se encuentra en el libro de texto.

Revisa especialmente el tema de preposiciones.

Identifica la lista de espacios públicos y cómo dirigirse a un lugar en específico.

Identifica el vocabulario relacionado con lugares recreativos.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 45


# Se Se # Se escribe Se
escribe pronuncia pronuncia
0 zero (tzirou) 10 ten (ten)
1 one (uan) 11 eleven (ileven)
2 two (tu) 12 twelve (tuelv)
3 three (thri) 13 thirthteen (thertin)
4 four (for) 14 fourteen (fortin)
5 five (faiv) 15 fifteen (firtin)
6 six (six) 16 sixteen (sixtin)
7 seven (seven) 17 seventeen (seventin)
8 eight (eigt) 18 eighteen (eigtin)
9 nine (nain) 19 nineteen (naintin)

# Se escribe Se pronuncia
20 twenty (tuenti)
21 twenty one (tuenti uan)
22 twenty two (tuenti tu)
23 twenty three (tuenti thri)
24 twenty four (Tuenti for)
25 Twenty five (Tuenti faiv)
26 Twenty six (Tuenti six)
27 Twenty (Tuenti
seven seven)
28 Twenty eight (Tuenti eit)
29 Twenty nine (Tuenti nain)

Los números del 20 al 99 utilizan la misma estructura que del 20 al 29. A continuación,
algunos ejemplos:
# Se escribe Se # Se escribe Se pronuncia
30 Thirty therty 60 Sixty sixty
31 Thirty one Therty one 67 Sixty seven Sixty seven
32 Thirty two Therty tu 68 Sixty eight Sixty eight
40 forty forty 69 Sixty nine Sixty nain
43 Forty three Forty thri 70 Seventy seventy
44 Forty four Forty 80 Eighty eighty
50 Fifty fifty 90 ninety nainty
55 Fifty five Fifty faiv 99 Ninety nine Nainty nain
56 Fifty six Fifty six 100 One hundred Uan jondred

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 46


2 B (bi)
3 C (ci)
4 D (di)
COLORS: 5 E (i)
6 F (ef)
7 G (yi)
8 H (eich)
9 I (ai)
10 J (yei)
11 K (kei)
12 L (el)
13 M (em)
14 N (en)
15 O (ou)
16 P (pi)
17 Q (kiu)
18 R (ar)
19 S (es)
20 T (ti)
21 U (iu)
22 V (vi)
23 W (dobl-iu)
24 X (ex)
25 Y (uia)
26 Z (zdi)
Color Traducción Pronunciación
a. White Blanco (juait)
b. Black Negro (blac)
c. Pink Rosa (pinc)
d. Rojo Red (red)
e. Yellow Amarillo (yelou)
f. Brown Café (braun)
g. Green Verde (griin)
h. Orange Naranja (oranch)
i. Blue Azul (blu)

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 47


1) Read the following uncompleted sentences and completa them.

1. An English man lives _____ Monterrey.

2. I'll meet you _____ seven.
3. _____ a clear day you can see forever.
4. The band travels ______ the road.
5. I´d like to live______ Mexico.

A) [1-in] [2-at] [3-on] [4-on] [5-in]

B) [1-in] [2-in] [3-at] [4-in] [5-on]
C) [1-on] [2-on] [3-at] [4-at] [5-at]
D) [1-at] [2-at] [3-on] [4-on] [5-in]

2) Match the sentences using the personal pronouns he, she, it or they.

1. He a._______ (Pablo) is from Mexico.

2. She b._______ (Arturo and Laura) are married.
3. It c._______ (The books) are mine.
4. They d._______ (Your mother) is at home.
e._______ (The door) is open.

A) [1-a] [2-d] [3-e] [4-b,c]

B) [1-e] [2-d] [3-c,e] [4-b,c]
C) [1-a] [2-e] [3-c] [4-b,e]
D) [1-e] [2-e] [3-c,d] [4-b]

3) Complete the next sentences with the correct possessive pronouns:

1. Our house is next to ______ .

2. That comb is ______ .
3. This land is ______.

A) [1-yours]  [2-Mine]  [3-theirs]

B) [1-your]  [2-Mine]  [3-their]
C) [1-your]  [2-My]  [3-theirs]
D) [1-yours]  [2-My]  [3-theirs]

4) Replace the underlined nouns with subject pronouns.

1. Mr. Santos will take us to the All-star game.

2. María and I will enjoy it very much.

A) He  She
B) He  You
C) He  We
D) He  They

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 48

5) Substitute the nouns with possessive adjectives.

1. My sister’s name is Maria. ______ name is Maria.

2. My parents' jobs are interesting. ________ jobs are interesting.
3. Mr. and Mrs. Moran’s eyes are blue. ________ eyes are blue.
4. Mrs. Barron’s children are funny. _________ children are funny.
5. My pet’s house is very big. ___________ house is very big.

A) Hers  Its  Their  Her  His

B) Her  Their  Her  Their  His
C) Hers  Their  Her  Their  Its
D) Her  Their  Their  Her  Its

6) Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb to be.

Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez ______ a very famous soccer player.

A) am
B) are
C) is
D) be

7) We use the verb "to be" to talk about:

A) Abilities and location.

B) Numbers and names.
C) Origin and occupation.
D) New and old.

8) Complete the next sentence with the correct form of the verb in present:

____ this a picture of Thailand?

A) Are
B) Was
C) Am
D) Is

9) Select the correct form of the verb "to have" for each sentence.

1. Andrea _______ short curly hair and brown eyes.

2. Alberto and my father __________ green eyes and wavy hair.
3. Sandra doesn’t _________ long hair.
4. I don’t ________ wavy brown hair.

A) has  have  has  have

B) have  has  have  have
C) have  has  has  has
D) has  have  have  have

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 49

10) Read the next sentences:

I'm a teacher.
You are in class.

Now, rephrase the sentences with the verbs in negative.

A) I'm not a teacher.

You isn´t in class.
B) I are not a teacher.
You aren't in class.
C) I aren't a teacher.
You aren´t in class.
D) I'm not a teacher.
You aren't in class.

11) Complete the sentence in present simple with the correct form of the verb "to have":

Bety and Ana _____ blond hair.

A) have
B) had
C) having
D) has

12) Read the next sentence:

Rolando's car is fast. It is red.

Which of the following options best expresses the same meaning as the sentence above?

A) He have a fast red car.

B) He has a fast red car.
C) He having a fast red car.
D) He had a fast red car.

13) Select 6 of these words and order them to form a coherent sentence.

1. Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez

2. is
3. soccer
4. are
5. great
6. a
7. player
8. greater
9. the
10. players

A) 1→ 4 → 9 → 8 → 3 → 10
B) 1→ 2 → 6 → 5 → 3 → 7
C) 1→ 4 → 6 → 5 → 3→ 10
D) 1→ 2 → 9 → 8 → 3 → 7

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 50

14) At, on, in, and under are examples of prepositions of :

A) time and direction

B) place and movement
C) place and time
D) movement and time

15) Complete the following sentence:

Here is ____ orange house besides _____ Tangamanga park. It has ____ lake and there are
flowers on the water.

A) an  a  an
B) an  the  a
C) a  the  an
D) the the  an

16) Choose the correct preposition for location.

“The mailbox is _____ the corner.”

A) on
B) into
C) in
D) under

17) Choose the correct preposition for location.

“Where is the computer? It's ___ the coffee table.”

A) in
B) on
C) at
D) under

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 51

18) Choose the correct preposition for location.

“Put the refrigerator ___ the kitchen.”

A) on
B) behind
C) in
D) at

19) Choose the correct indefinite articles for the following sentence.

She goes to ____ university in ___ enormous city.

A) an  a
B) an  an
C) a  a
D) a  an

20) Read the following group of words: when, where, what and who.
Identify the function of the words in the group. We use them to:

A) indicate a location.
B) show an action.
C) names and places.
D) ask questions.

21) Complete the following question.

“My name is Juan. ____ is your name?”

A) Who
B) Where
C) What
D) When

22) What is the correct question for the following sentence?

“_____ are we going to go on vacation?”

Because it´s summer.

A) Where
B) What
C) Why
D) When

23) What is the right answer for the following question?

"What's your sister's name?"

A) Vero is my sister.
B) Her name is Vero.
C) Yes, it's her name.
D) My name is Vero.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 52

24) Match each question with the correct answer:

1. What's her name? a. 25.

2. Where is she from? b. At work.
3. Where is she? c. Rosy.
4. How old is she? d. Colombia.

A) [1-d] [2-b] [3-c] [4-a]

B) [1-c] [2-b] [3-d] [4-a]
C) [1-c] [2-d] [3-b] [4-a]
D) [1-d] [2-c] [3-b] [4-a]

25) Arrange the following words to form a complete question:


A) Do you visit your native country how often?

B) How often do you visit your native country?
C) You do visit your native country how often?
D) How often do your visit you native country?

26) Complete the next sentences with the correct words:

1.You look great. ______ do you feel?

- Fine , thanks.
2.My brother and I ____ 26 years old.
3._____ is your brother's name? - Ricardo.
4._____ does he come? - At 4 o'clock.

A) [1-What]  [2-are]  [3-Who]  [4-What time]

B) [1-How]  [2-am]  [3-Who]  [4-When]
C) [1-What]  [2-are]  [3-What]  [4-When]
D) [1-How]  [2-am]  [3-What]  [4-What time]

27) What is the correct translation of: "Por favor preséntese al nuevo asesor"?

A) Introduce yourself please at the new tutor.

B) Present yourself please to the new tutor.
C) Please introduce yourself to the new tutor.
D) Please present yourself to the new tutor.

28) Match the questions on the left with the corresponding answers on the right:

Questions Answers
a. Lili
1. What's your name? b. L-I-L-I-A-N-A
2. I'm sorry. What's your first name c. It's Liliana Martínez.
again? d. M-A-R-T-I-N-E-Z
3. What do people call you? e. It's Liliana
4. How do you spell your last name? f. It's Martínez

A) [1-c] [2-f] [3-e] [4-b]

B) [1-e] [2-f] [3-e] [4-d]
C) [1-c] [ 2-e] [3-a] [4-d]
D) [1-e] [2-e] [3-a] [4-b]
M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 53
29) Choose the correct possesive adjective his, her, or their for each noun.

Possesive Sentences
1.His a.The Williams sisters are tennis players, _____ matches are always
2.Her great.
3.Their b.Barbra Streisand is a famous singer, _____ new video is great.
c.Sean Penn is an actor. ______ movies are very good.
d.My parents are very nice with me. I am ______ favorite son.

A) [1-b] [2-a] [3-a,c]

B) [1-d, c] [2-b] [3-a]
C) [1-c,d] [2-a] [3-a]
D) [1-c,d] [2-b] [3-d]

30) Choose an adjective for the sentence.

“She is a ______ actress and lives in Mazatlan. Everybody loves her.”

A) happy
B) empty
C) grouchy
D) popular

31) Read the word list:

1. above
2. white
3. under
4. messy
5. young
6. president

Answer the question: What are the qualifying adjectives?

A) 2, 4, 6
B) 2, 4, 5
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 1, 3, 4

32) Fill in the blank with the correct demostrative.

____________ girls over there are English.

A) Those
B) This
C) That
D) These

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 54

33) Choose the correct possessive adjective for the sentence.

“They are new students. _____ names are David and Ema.”

A) Our
B) Your
C) Their
D) Her

34) Choose the correct adjective for the sentence.

“ Yummy, my father makes ______ pasta.

A) colorful
B) horrible
C) awful
D) fantastic

35) Choose the correct adjective and preposition.

“I’m Italian. ____ family is ____ Rome.”

A) My  of
B) Our  of
C) My  from
D) Our  from

36) Read the text:

He is a terrible housekeeper. Perhaps, if you see his house, you find dirty clothes on the floor, bad
food in the refrigerator and dry flowers in the vase. He doesn't want to let you see his home. His
sister always visits him in July.

Now, identify the qualifying adjectives as they appear.

A) house, clothes, food.

B) go, see, find, want.
C) terrible, dirty, bad, dry.
D) their, his, her, our.

37) What does "elegant" mean?

A) Serious and dark colors.

B) Bright and expensive.
C) Refined and luxurious.
D) Dusty, old and classic.

38) In which sentence are the demonstratives incorrect?

A) That girls is buying a purple dress.

B) This book is boring.
C) Those jeans look good on you.
D) These sunglasses are great!

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 55

39) Read the following conversation:

A new house?! Great! It's nice to have your own place.

Does it have a _____ view? What does it look like?
Yes, it is in a very quiet neighborhood and there is a _____ lake in front of my house. It is ______.

Now, complete the text with the correct words in order to have a coherent conversation.

A) [1-huge]  [2-dirty]  [3-beautiful]

B) [1-nice]  [2-huge]  [3-beautiful]
C) [1-huge]  [2-huge]  [3-beautifully]
D) [1-nice]  [2-dirty]  [3-beautifully]

40) Complete the following sentence:

We use the auxiliary "can" to talk about ________.

A) professions
B) time and age
C) nationalities
D) possibility

41) Match the sentences with their corresponding use of the auxiliary ´can´.

1.Possibility. a. I can speak English.

2.Ability. b. Susana, can I drive your car while you´re out of town?
3.Permission. c. Can you give me a ride to school?
4.Request. d. Hey, my brother is free now, he can help you.

A) [1-d] [2-b] [3-a] [4-c]

B) [1-a] [2-d] [3-b] [4-c]
C) [1-d] [2-a] [3-c] [4-b]
D) [1-d] [2-a] [3-b] [4-c]

42) Identify the gramatically correct sentences with the modal CAN:

1. We have an indoor swimming pool at school. We can't swam even if it's cold!
2. I can buy my favorite fruit in that grocery store.
3. Can you speak French? No, I can't speak French, but I can speak Korean.
4. He can't asks questions for more information.

A) only 3
B) only 2
C) 3 and 4
D) 2 and 3

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 56

43) Decide which sentences use the grammar for the modal CAN correctly.

1. I don't can play soccer.

2. Rafael can go walking to his office.
3. She can plays soccer very well.
4. My aunt can sing in Spanish.
5. Anybody can to be president.

A) 2 and 4
B) 1 and 3
C) 2, 3, 5
D) 1, 4, 5

44) Answer the following question in the negative form:

Can David fly a plane?

A) No, he can't flying a plane.

B) No, he can't to fly a plane.
C) No, he can't fly a plane.
D) No, he can't flew a plane.

45) Form a question with the given words:

plasma / I / can / Where / buy / new / TV / a / ?

A) Where I can buy a new plasma TV?

B) Can buy I a new plasma TV where?
C) Where can I buy a new plasma TV?
D) Can I buy a new plasma TV where?

46) Choose the words that complete correctly the following sentence.

“ _____ _____ help me? This bag is very heavy.”

A) You can
B) To can
C) Can to
D) Can you

47) Reorder the following words to have an affirmative and coherent sentence in present.

1. can
2. the piano
3. she
4. very well
5. play

A) 3 → 1 → 5 → 2 → 4
B) 1 → 3 → 5 → 2 → 4
C) 3 → 1 → 5 → 4 → 2
D) 2 → 4 → 3 → 1 → 5

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 57

48) Choose the correct personal pronoun for the word (s) in brackets in each sentence.

1. ________ are beautiful. (The flowers).

2. ________ has two brothers. (My wife).
3. ________________ are in the same class. (Your brother and my sister).
4. __________ is playing cards in the garden. (My English teacher's father).

A) [1-They]  [2-She]  [3-They]  [4-He]

B) [1-They]  [2-He]  [3-They]  [4-I]
C) [1-You]  [2-She]  [3-They]  [4-She]
D) [1-They]  [2-She]  [3-You]  [4-He]

49) Choose a 3rd person singular pronoun from the following options.

A) They
B) We
C) You
D) It

50) Decide what personal pronoun corresponds to each of the following sentences.

1. What do you do? ______ am a student.

2. Where is Sara from? _____ is from England.
3. Who is it? _____ is Dante.
4. Pelé and you are great soccer players. ______ practice everyday.
5. Where are your friends? _______ are in Mexico, D.F.

A) [1-I]  [2-She]  [3-It]  [4-You]  [5-They]

B) [1-We]  [2-She]  [3-It]  [4-They]  [5-They]
C) [1-I]  [2-It]  [3-she]  [4-You]  [5-You]
D) [1-I]  [2-She]  [3-I]  [4-You]  [5-They]

51) Choose the correct and logical verb for the following sentence.

“Children ___ lunch at school.”

A) eat
B) run
C) drink
D) walk

52) How do we conjugate verbs in simple present?

A) We add an “s” or “es” to the simple form of the verb in 3rd

person of singular.
B) We add “ed” to the simple form of the verb in all the persons.
C) We add an “s” or “es” to the simple form of the verb in 3rd
person of plural.
D) We add “ing” to the simple form of the verb in all the persons.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 58

53) Choose the best verb to complete the following sentences.

1. She ________ four languages.

2. Erica is a teacher. She _____ French.
3. I always ______ the window at night because it is cold.
4. Those shoes ______ too much.
5. His job is great because he _______ a lot of people.

A) [1-speak]  [2-teaches]  [3-close]  [4-costs]  [5-meet]

B) [1-speaks]  [2-teaches]  [3-close]  [4-cost]  [5-meets]
C) [1-speaks]  [2-teach]  [3-closing]  [4-cost]  [5-meet]
D) [1-speak]  [2-teach]  [3-closing]  [4-costs]  [5-meets]

54) Choose the correct verb for the following sentence.

“ You ____ in México. Are you Mexican?”

A) buy
B) live
C) stay
D) leave

55) Choose which of the following sentences are in simple present .

1. Pelé played soccer for many years

2. The students will be scanning to find names in the article.
3. I eat a lot of vegetables.
4. Laura doesn't like classical music.
5. Gael Garcia is visiting his relatives.

A) 1, 3
B) 3, 4
C) 3, 4, 5
D) 1, 2, 5

56) Choose which of the following verbs best complete each sentence.

Sentences Verbs
1. He ________ two languages. a. teaches
2. Josue is a teacher. He _____ Spanish. b. cost
3. I always ______ the door at night. c. speaks
4. These gloves ______ too much. d. costs
e. close
f. opens

A) [1-c] [2-c] [3-f] [4-d]

B) [1-a] [2-c] [3-f] [4-d]
C) [1-a] [2-a] [3-e] [4-b]
D) [1-c] [2-a] [3-e] [4-b]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 59

57) Read the following sentence and fill in the blanks with the correct verbs:

I ______ a movie every Friday but he never ______ with me.

A) see  go
B) see  goes
C) sees  go
D) sees  goes

58) Choose a logical verb for the following sentence.

"We ____ higher education, digital technology and English for a better future."

A) invest
B) move
C) study
D) believe

59) Choose the correct form of the verbs for the following paragraph.

I have a very busy family. My twins always _____ shopping with their friends.

My son ______ with his friends and they _____ soccer after that. My wife ______ a lot of
appointments because she is a doctor.

A) goes  study  plays  has

B) go  studies  play  has
C) goes  study  play  have
D) go  studies  plays  has

60) Match the sentences according to like or dislike feelings.

a. My father loves Mexican food.

b. I think everybody hates going to the dentist.
c. We are crazy about playing soccer.
d. My sister really enjoys walking to school everyday.

A) [Like-b] [Dislike-a,c,d]
B) [Like-a,c,d] [Dislike-b]
C) [Like-c,d] [Dislike-a,b]
D) [Like-a,b] [Dislike-c,d]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 60

61) Look at the following picture.

Choose the option that best describes what Carolinas likes to do.

A) Carolina likes to dance in the party.

B) Carolina like to dances in the party.
C) Carolina like to dance in the party.
D) Carolina likes to dances in the party.

62) Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs.

Alice ______ to play soccer, but she ______ to play another ball game.

A) hates  likes
B) hate  like
C) hates  like
D) hate  likes

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 61

63) Read the following conversation:

Rocío: Wow, you look really nice today. I like your red jacket. Is it new?

Carolina: Thanks. Yes, it is. I like your black earrings.

Now, answer the following question: What are they talking about?
They are talking about ___________.

A) that Carolina and Rocío dislike Rocío´s earrings and clothes.

B) what Carolina and Rocío like about what each other is wearing.
C) what Carolina dislikes about her jacket and her earrings too.
D) that Carolina likes all of Rocío´s clothes except her earrings.

64) Find the sentences that are correct.

1. I don't play basketball anymore.

2. He doesn't spends his money wisely.
3. Do you study hard enough?
4. My parents doesn't like my friends.
5. Does she like to listen to music?

A) 1, 3, 5
B) 1, 2, 4
C) 1, 4, 5
D) 2, 3, 5

65) Complete the question in present:

Where _____ Noelia _____ ?

A) do  works
B) does  works
C) do  work
D) does  work

66) Fill in the blanks with the correct auxiliary.

The history teacher ______ know a lot about the transmission of diseases, but our science teacher

A) don't  does
B) doesn't  does
C) do  don't
D) does  don't

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 62

67) Match the following auxiliaries to their corresponding questions.

a. ______ your parents visit you?

1. Do b. ______ your friend climb mountains?
c. ______ students read magazines?
2. Does d. ______ the teacher play with you?
e. ______ she know English?

A) [1-b,d e] [2-a,c]
B) [1-b,c d] [2-a,e]
C) [1-a,c] [2-b,d,e]
D) [1-a,b] [2-c,d,e]

68) Change the following sentence into a negative statement.

My friend Miriam bakes cakes.

A) My friend Miriam don't bake cakes.

B) My friend Miriam doesn't bake cakes.
C) My friend Miriam don't to bake cakes.
D) My friend Miriam doesn't bakes cakes.

69) Choose the correct punctuation mark that should go after a question.

A) –
B) ?
C) .
D) !

70) What question word do you use to ask for the content of a book?

A) Who
B) When
C) Where
D) What

71) What question word do you use to ask about time?

A) What
B) Why
C) Where
D) When

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 63

72) Choose the combination of questions and answers that are correct according to the use
of question words (words with WH).

1. When do you live? I live in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

2. What time do you wake up on weekdays? At 6 a.m.
3. How do your friends travel? They travel by car.
4. Why does your sister want to learn English? To get a better job.
5. What are you coming to Mexico? Next week.

A) 1, 2, 4
B) 2, 3, 4
C) 2, 3
D) 1, 5

73) Read the following question and fill in the blank with the correct question word.

______ do you like on your tacos? Salsa or cream?

A) When
B) Who
C) What
D) Where

74) Read the following question and fill in the blanks to form a complete question:

_____ kind of soccer ball ______ you like the play with?

A) What / do
B) Who / does
C) What / does
D) Where / do

75) Which of the following questions are correct?

1. What kind of tacos do you like?

2. Where kind of tacos do you like?
3. What do you like to drink with your quesadillas?
4. Who do you like to drink with your quesadillas?

A) 1, 4
B) 2, 4
C) 2, 3
D) 1, 3

76) What is the logical and correct question for this answer?

I like movies with a lot of action.

A) What kinds of movie do you likes?

B) What kind of movies does you likes?
C) What kind of movies does you like?
D) What kind of movies do you like?

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 64

77) Complete this sentence:

When we use the words: "first, after, later, that, then" we are using adverbs of:

A) manner
B) place
C) time
D) frequency

78) Find the best word for each blank.

1. later To build a tree, _____ (a), choose a sturdy tree.

2. then ____(b), you should design the treehouse before you begin to
3. first build. _____ (c), you should start with the floor. ______ (d),
4. finally you build the walls. ____ (e), you can build the roof.
5. after that

A) [1-c] [2-b] [3-e] [4-d] [5-b]

B) [1-b] [2-c] [3-c] [4-e] [5-d]
C) [1-b] [2-c] [3-a] [4-d] [5-c]
D) [1-d] [2-b] [3-a] [4-e] [5-c]

79) Complete the following text:

Everyday I do many things.______, I get up. ______, I have breakfast. ______ that I go for a walk. _____, I
go to the store to buy my favorite lunch meat. When I get home, I make my favorite kind of soup. ______, I sit
down to enjoy my soup.

Use the following adverbs of time to fill-in the blanks so that the sentences make sense.

1. first
2. after
3. finally
4. later
5. then

A) 2 → 1 → 5 →  → 3
B) 1 → 5 → 2 → 3 → 
C) 3 → 2 →  → 5 → 1
D) 1 → 5 → 2 →  → 3

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 65

80) Select the correct order for the listed actions to make a cup of tea with sugar.

1. Then, you boil the water.

2. After that, you add the sugar.
3. First, we put some water in a pot
4. Finally, we fill the pot with boiling water.
5. Next, you rinse the mint and tea in boiling water.

A) 3 → 1 → 5 → 2 → 4
B) 3 → 1 → 2 → 5 → 4
C) 5 → 3 → 2 → 1 → 
D) 1 → 2 → 5 →  → 3

81) Put the following adverbs of time in the order they have to be.

1. then
2. after that
3. first
4. finally
5. later

A) 3 → 5 → 2 → 1 → 4
B) 3 → 1 → 4 → 2 → 5
C) 3 → 1 → 2 → 5 → 4
D) 3 → 2 → 5 → 1 → 4

82) Fill the blank in the sentence using the correct pronoun

Lee and Li are foreign students, ______ are from Hong Kong.

A) them
B) their
C) they
D) they´re

83) Punctuation marks are intentionally omitted in the following sentences.

Which of them are questions?

1. When do you have to register for the soccer team.

2. Where can I buy boots.
3. When people believe in something.
4. How do you like the English class.
5. When I have children.

A) 1, 2, 4
B) 3, 4, 5
C) 1, 2
D) 2, 3

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 66

84) Complete the sentences with the appropriate question word.

1. Where/When is your brother running? In the garden.

2. Who/Why is crying? The boy.
3. When/How old are you? Forty.
4. Why/Who is thirsty? My mother.

A) [1-Where] [2-Who] [3-How] [4-Who]

B) [1-Where] [2-Why] [3-When] [4-Why]
C) [1-When] [2-Who] [3-When] [4-Why]
D) [1-When] [2-Why] [3-How] [4-Who]

85) Choose the questions that are correct according to the use of question words.

1. What do you spell that?

2. What does that mean?
3. When is our anniversary?
4. Who is an apple?
5. Where is the bridge?

A) 1, 3, 4
B) 2, 3, 5
C) 1, 3, 5
D) 2, 4, 5

86) Choose a question word for the following question.

“___ can we get downtown?

A) Where
B) Who
C) What
D) How

87) Choose the best question word to complete the following questions.

1._______ is our wedding anniversary?

On July 26th.
2._______ do you buy enchiladas potosinas?
In Matehuala.
3._______ dog is that?
It's my sister's.
4._______ is your sister cooking?
Because she likes her job.

A) [1-What time] [2-Where] [3-Who] [4-When]

B) [1-What time] [2-When] [3-Who] [4-Why]
C) [1-When] [2-Why] [3-Whose] [4-How]
D) [1-When] [2-Where] [3-Whose] [4-Why]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 67

88) What is the correct question for the following answer?

Question: _________________________ ?
Answer: Alberto goes to school and then to soccer practice.

A) Where does Alberto go in the mornings

B) Why does Alberto go in the mornings
C) What time does Alberto go in the mornings
D) How does Alberto go in the mornings

89) What is the correct question for the following answer?

Question: _________________________?

Answer: I make the tacos.

A) What do they make

B) Why do you make the tacos
C) How do you make the tacos
D) Who makes the tacos

90) Choose the correct question word for the following questions.

1. What a.____ is my car? It's in your house.

2. When b.____ is the weather like? It's cloudy.
3. Where c.____ are you studying English? I have an
4. Why exam.
d.____ is your girlfriend's birthday? Next week.
e.____ are you there? Just because...

A) [1-b] [2-d] [3-a] [4-c,e]

B) [1-b] [2-c,d] [3-c] [4-c]
C) [1-b,d] [2-d] [3-c] [4-b,c,e]
D) [1-d] [2-c] [3-a,e] [4-e]

91) Choose the correct question word for the following question.

____ is the library? It´s on your left.

A) Who
B) Where
C) How
D) Whose

92) Read the following sentence and identify all of the personal pronouns and decide
whether they´re singular or plural.

We don't think it can work for him.

A) [it = singular] [him = singular]

B) [We = singular] [it = plural] [him = singular]
C) [We = plural] [him = singular]
D) [We = plural] [it = singular]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 68

93) Complete the following sentences with is or are.

a. There______ a big elephant in the circus.

b. There ______ two white dogs.
c. There ______ a yellow bird.
d. There ______ five flies in the room.
e. There ______ an apple for everybody.

A) [Is-a,b] [Are-c,d,e]
B) [Is-a,c,e] [Are-b,d]
C) [Is-b,c,d] [Are-a,e]
D) [Is-c,e] [Are-a,b,d]

94) Choose the correct possessive adjective to fill in the blank.

They have two children. ____ names are Elisa and Diego.

A) Their
B) Your
C) Her
D) My

95) Fill in the blank with the correct subject pronoun for the following sentence.

They say: “______ found them in the park.”

A) Them
B) Us
C) They
D) We

96) Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

Tomas has ______ English classes on Thursdays.

A) his
B) their
C) he
D) her

97) Choose the correct subject pronoun for the following sentences.

1. There are five pens on the desk. ________ are blue.

2. I have a beautiful sister. ______ works as a model.
3. You and your girlfriend can come to my house. _______ are always welcome.
4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are very polite. _______ never get angry.

A) [1-They] [2-She] [3-You] [4-They]

B) [1-It] [2-Her] [3-They] [4-You]
C) [1-It] [2-Her] [3-You] [4-They]
D) [1-They] [2-She] [3-They] [4-You]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 69

98) Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

I do not have a computer, so I go to Roberto´s house and I play games on _____ computer in the

A) hers
B) he
C) their
D) his

99) We use "There" in different ways. In which of the following sentences do we use it to
indicate a position?

1. Please, look at the books over there.

2. There are different words.
3. Wait there until you can enter.
4. She knows there is a problem at home.

A) 2, 4
B) Only 4
C) Only 1
D) 1, 3

100) Fill in the blank with the possessive adjectives.

Alejandra can you lend us __________ mirror?

A) your
B) our
C) hers
D) mine

101) Arrange the following words to form a logical sentence.

us / making / green / surprises / he / by / it /

A) He surprises us it by making green.

B) He surprises us by making it green.
C) It surprises by us making he green.
D) It surprises he by making us green.

102) Arrange the following words to form a complete sentence.

in / keep / my / I / pocket / them

A) In my pocket them I keep.

B) I keep them in my pocket.
C) I keep my pocket in them.
D) Them I keep in my pocket.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 70

103) Mark which of these sentences use correctly the expressions THERE IS, THERE ARE:

1. There is a big dog in this house.

2. There are a woman on the street.
3. Are there any women?
4. There is many chairs.
5. There is many people.

A) 2, 3, 5
B) 1, 3
C) 1, 4, 5
D) 2, 4

104) Choose the correct form of the verb "to be" or the auxiliary in simple present for the
sentences below.

1. Do a.______ your teacher thirsty?

2. Does b.______ american people have everything?
3. Is c.______ you happy?
4. Are d.______ the weather nice in your country?
e.______ your uncle have a nice house?

A) [1-b] [2-e] [3-a,d] [4-c]

B) [1-b] [2-d] [3-c] [4-a,e]
C) [1-b,d] [2-a] [3-c] [4-e]
D) [1-d] [2-a,b] [3-e] [4-c]

105) Choose the correct form of the verb "to be" for the following sentence.

“Eduardo ___ a hardworking person.”

A) is
B) am
C) are
D) aren't

106) What is "there's"?

A) It is a location in singular form.

B) It is a possessive form of they.
C) It is a plural form of verb to be.
D) It is the contraction for there is.

107) What is "where's"?

A) It is a plural form of location.

B) It is a possessive form in singular.
C) It is a word for time expressions.
D) It is the contraction for where is.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 71

108) Fill in the blanks with the correct verb, subject and auxiliary.

______ Oaxaca ______ beaches?

Yes, _________.

A) Have  does  it does

B) Does  have  it does
C) Do  has  it do
D) Has  has  it has

109) Which of the following use the correct conjugation of the verb TO HAVE?

1. Farm children has chickens and goats as pets.

2. Humberto has a pet.
3. His dog have a long tail.
4. People around the world have pets.

A) 2, 4
B) 2, 3, 4
C) 1, 2, 4
D) 1, 4

110) Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs and auxiliary.

Do you ______ the project at home?

No, I _________ it at home.

A) Have  don´t have

B) Has  doesn´t has
C) Have  doesn't has
D) Has  don´t have

111) Look at the picture below. Which of the following statements are correct?

1. Her hair is straight.

2. She has black hair.
3. Her hair is curly.
4. She has short hair.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 72

A) 2, 4
B) 2, 3
C) 1, 3
D) 1, 4

112) Look at the picture below. Which of the following statements are correct?

1. His hair is gray.

2. He has a beard.
3. His hair is long.
4. He has dark hair.

A) 2, 3, 4
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 2, 4
D) 1, 3

113) Determine whether the following statements are true "T" or false "F".

1. English has two articles.

2. We call 'AN' a definite article.
3. We use THE before names of most countries or territories.
4. The article THE is used to refer to specific nouns.
5. We call THE the indefinite article.
6. We use A/AN depending on the sound the following word begins with.

A) T - T - F - F - T - T
B) F - T - T - T - F - F
C) T - F - F - T - F - T
D) F - F - F - F - T - T

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 73

114) Choose the correct article for the following sentence.

“The restaurant in front of the school has ____ tastiest food in the area”

A) a
B) the
C) at
D) an

115) What article best corresponds with the following statement?

My father in law has ______ evil laughter.

A) the
B) and
C) a
D) an

116) Choose the sentences that use the articles correctly.

1. You have an unusual problem.

2. She is from a European country.
3. You are an student.
4. Last week, I stayed in an hotel in Mexico.
5. I am at the zoo now, I see the biggest elephant!

A) 1, 2, 5
B) 3, 4
C) 2, 5
D) 1, 3, 4

117) Choose the correct article for the following sentence.

Use ___ with a noun beginning with the sound of a vowel.

A) at
B) an
C) the
D) a

118) Choose the correct definite article for the following sentence.

___ umbrella over there is color ful and square.

A) X
B) The
C) A
D) An

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 74

119) Complete the following sentence:

María tells her friends: “When I have problems and I need to solve them, I ask my mother for

A) the recommendation
B) one recommendation
C) a recommendation
D) recommendation

120) Decide whether to use the definite article THE or not. If it's not necessary to use it,
choose an X.

1. My dad likes ______ bananas.

2. I love _____ flowers on your table.
3. See you next ______ week.
4. I don´t always go by _______ train to Guanajuato.
5. Wow, you play ______ violin really well!

A) [1-X] [2-the] [3-X] [4-X] [5-the]

B) [1-X] [2-the] [3-the] [4-the] [5-X]
C) [1-the] [2-X] [3-the] [4-X] [5-the]
D) [1-the] [2-X] [3-X] [4-the] [5-X]

121) Complete the following sentence:

'Among', 'behind', 'in front of ' and 'between' are examples of

prepositions of _________.

A) place
B) movement
C) time
D) direction

122) Choose the correct preposition of place:

The ball is ____________ the two cubes.

A) between
B) under
C) in
D) on

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 75

123) Choose the correct preposition of place:

The ball is ____________ the cube.

A) above
B) under
C) in
D) on

124) Choose the correct preposition of place:

The ball is ____________ the box.

A) between
B) under
C) in
D) on

125) Choose the correct preposition of place:

The ball is ____________ the box.

A) in
B) on
C) above
D) under

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 76

126) Choose the correct adverb of time for the following sentence.

“I ____ finished my homework. I'm so tired.”

A) after
B) first
C) finally
D) then

127) Choose the correct preposition for the following sentence.

“The cat is hiding ____ the sofa.”

A) between
B) on
C) next to
D) under

128) Choose the correct preposition for the following sentence.

“The boxes are ____ the closet.”

A) under
B) next to
C) between
D) behind

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 77

129) Look at the image below and determine which preposition corresponds to each

1. behind a. Ramón is _____ Lalo.

2. next to b. Lalo is ______ Julio and Ramón.
3. between c. Lalo is ______ Ramón.

A) [1-a] [2-c] [3-b]

B) [1-c] [2-a] [3-b]
C) [1-c] [2-b] [3-a]
D) [1-b] [2-a] [3-c]

130) Choose the correct adverb of time for the following sentence.

“First she lived in a village. _____, she moved to the city.”

A) Later
B) Before
C) Then
D) Finally

131) Choose what part of speech is underlined in the following sentence.

Mariana pours milk into the glass.

A) Preposition.
B) Conjuction.
C) Adverb.
D) Verb.

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 78

132) The following is the picture of a flyer sent to you by the Museum of NYC:

What is the purpose of this flyer?

A) Give you an overview about the exhibits.

B) Inform what places New York City has to offer.
C) Give certain details of oddities in the city.
D) Tell people about New York's arts events.

133) Read the following uncompleted sentences and complete them.

1. We live_______ London.
2. I am ______the cinema now.
3. We are going _______ holiday next week.
4. _________ my wall, there are many picture postcards.
5. Who is the person _________ this picture?

A) [1-in] [2-in] [3-at] [4-in] [5-on]

B) [1-on] [2-on] [3-at] [4-at] [5-at]
C) [1-in] [2-at] [3-on] [4-on] [5-in]
D) [1-at] [2-at] [3-on] [4-on] [5-in]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 79

134) The following sentence includes an indefinite article:

"The mother bought a uniform for her daughter"

Is it correct to use "a" and not "an"? why?

A) Yes, because the pronunciation of "uniform" begins with the sound of a vowel and not a
B) No, because we use "a" when the following word doesn´t begin with a vowel, and the word
C) No, because the pronunciation of "uniform" begins with the sound of a consonant and not of a
D) Yes, because we use "a" when the following word begins with the sound of a vowel, and the
"uniform" doesn´t.

135) Choose the correct option of the modal can or can´t to complete the sentences:

1. Laura _______ teach English; she´s not a teacher.

2. Elena _______ run very fast; she likes to practice athletics.
3. David _______ speak four languages! it´s so easy for him!
4. Daniel _______ cook anything good. Nobody likes his food!

A) can, can to, can´t, can´t

B) can´t, can´t, can´t, can
C) can, can, can't, can't
D) can't, can, can, can´t

136) Complete the following sentences with can or can't:

1. Can you help me tonigh? Sorry, I ______.

2. There is a great party at 8, but I ______ go because I have homework.
3. My sister ______ win the competition! I'm sure because she practices everyday!
4. You ______ get a driver's license if you are not 18 years old.

A) can't  can't  can  can

B) can  can  can't  can't
C) can't  can't  can  can't
D) can  can't  can  can't

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 80

137) The following sentences use the definite article the:

1. The mother took out all the money she had and gave it to her child.
2. She lives in the North of the country we know so well.

Can it be eliminated in any situation and use nothing? why?

A) Yes, because we don´t specify how much money she had or the name of the country they are
talking about.
B) No, because we always have to use article "the" in every situation, you can´t use any noun
without an article.
C) No, because all the nouns are in plural, and in plural we never use articles of any kind, only for
singular nouns.
D) No, because "the" is obligatory to talk about specific or unique things, for example there is only
one mother and one North.

138) Choose the corresponding form of the verb TO BE for the following subjects:

1. You and your mother

2. The cats
3. Homework
4. My sister and I
5. The weather

A) [1-is] [2-are] [3-are] [4-are] [5-is]

B) [1-is] [2-is] [3-are] [4-am] [5-are]
C) [1-are] [2-is] [3-is] [4-am] [5-are]
D) [1-are] [2-are] [3-is] [4-are] [5-is]

139) Complete the conversation with the corresponding form of the verb TO BE, personal
pronoun or possessive adjective:

Luisa: Who is that boy? What is [1]_____ name?

Carlos: [2]________ name is Roberto.
Luisa: Is he [3]______ friend?
Carlos: No, [4]______ is [5]_____ cousin.
Luisa: Is he from Mexico?
Carlos: No, he and his sister [6]______ from Texas.

A) [1-your] [2-my] [3-his] [4-he] [5-your] [6-are]

B) [1-his] [2-his] [3-your] [4-he] [5-my] [6-are]
C) [1-his] [2-my] [3-his] [4-she] [5-your] [6-is]
D) [1-your] [2-his] [3-your] [4-she] [5-my] [6-is]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 81

140) Complete the following sentences with a logical adjective:

1. She is not tall, she is ________.

2. The shoe is not big, it's very _______.
3. It's a ______ blouse! It's my birthday present.
4. Please wash your pants, they're ______.
5. He needs to do exercise, he looks ______.
6. Let's buy a jacket, this one is very ______.

A) small, short, new, old, heavy, dirty

B) short, small, old, dirty, slim, old
C) small, short, old, old, slim, dirty
D) short, small, new, dirty, fat, old

141) Complete the questions with the logical WH word for the context:

1. ______ old are you?

2. ______ is your party? I need to check the date in my agenda.
3. ______ is your party? I need to know the address.
4. ______ is your favorite actor? I don't know his name!
5. ______ do we have to buy for the dinner?
6. ______ is your mom? Is she still sick?

A) How, When, Where, Who, What, How

B) What, When, Where, How, What, Who
C) How, Where, When, Who, Where, How
D) What, Where, When, How, Where, Who

142) Choose the list that includes only vocabulary regarding a house or apartment and NOT
another place:

A) bedroom, closet, tables, board, pencils

B) shower cabin, bedroom, sink, flat, bed
C) dining room, bedroom, gym, door, chair
D) reception, closet, kitchen, sink, computer

143) Choose the list that includes only vocabulary that refers to clothing:

A) gown, miniskirt, shirt, cups

B) tables, shoes, vest, socks
C) boots, tie, raincoat, skirt
D) scarf, pants, dress, calendar

144) Which of these lists includes vocabulary regarding shape?

A) metal, wood, plastic, leather

B) big, small, wide, long
C) triangular, square, rectangular, round
D) heavy, fat, thin, slim

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 82

145) Complete the sentences with the corresponding possessive adjective or possessive

1. This is my book and ______ (you) is there.

2. ______ (she) car is here but I don't see her.
3. Is this _____ (we) new house? It's great!
4. I have my purse but where is ______(she)?

A) [1-yours] [2-her] [3-our] [4-hers]

B) [1-you] [2-her] [3-ours] [4-hers]
C) [1-yours] [2-hers] [3-ours] [4-her]
D) [1-you] [2-hers] [3-our] [4-her]

146) Complete the paragraph using the prepositions AT, IN or ON:

Elena is [1]____ home, she is looking for the keys to the car [2] ___ her purse.
But she can't find them, she remembers she put them [3] ____ the table. Maybe she should look
____ her bedroom.

A) [1-in] [2-on] [3-in] [4-on]

B) [1-at] [2-in] [3-on] [4-in]
C) [1-at] [2-in] [3-in] [4-on]
D) [1-in] [2-on] [3-on] [4-in]

147) Choose DO, PLAY or GO to complete the following sentences:

1. They _______ surfing at the beach.

2. Canadians like to ______ hockey.
3. You have to _______ exercise if you want to be thin.
4. Let's ______ bungee jumping. It's amazing!!
5. We need a court to ______ tennis!

A) [1-go] [2-do] [3-do] [4-play] [5-do]

B) [1-go] [2-play] [3-do] [4-go] [5-play]
C) [1-do] [2-do] [3-go] [4-play] [5-do]
D) [1-do] [2-play] [3-go] [4-go] [5-play]

148) Reorder the words to form a coherent sentence using CAN:

you/ to /can/ store/ buy/ and/ milk/ go/ the/ ?

A) Can you buy milk and go to the store?

B) You can buy milk and go to the store?
C) Can you go to the store and buy milk?
D) You can go to the store and buy milk?

149) Choose the list that includes only names of the parts of the human head and face:

A) ear, nose, jaw, lip

B) leg, nose, jaw, lip
C) leg, hand, chin, eye
D) ear, arm, chin, eye

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 83

150) Complete the sentences choosing a logical hobbie for the context:

1. She wants to take up _________ because she wants to sell her visual art.
2. David is interested in _________ stamps. He has more than 200!
3. Lisa wants to take up ________ because she likes handcrafts.
4. Irma studies __________ and she won the best picture award last year!

A) [1-photography] [2-painting] [3-pottery] [4-painting]

B) [1-painting] [2-collecting] [3-pottery] [4-photography]
C) [1-photography] [2-collecting] [3-pottery] [4-painting]
D) [1-pottery] [2-painting] [3-collecting] [4-photography]

151) Select CAN or CAN'T for the context of these sentences:

1. Sara _______ go to school. The doctor said she needs to rest.

2. Esther won the race again! She ______ run really fast!
3. Mario ______ travel to the USA. He doesn't have a visa.
4. _______ you bake cookies? Wow! they're good!

A) [1-can] [2-can't] [3-can't] [4-can]

B) [1-can't] [2-can] [3-can] [4-can't]
C) [1-can] [2-can't] [3-can] [4-can't]
D) [1-can't] [2-can] [3-can't] [4-can]

152) Match the places on the left with their description on the right:

Places Description. A place where

1. bus station a. you can observe paintings, sculptures and other arts.
2. craft market b. you can buy fresh bread and cookies.
3. museum c. you buy tickets and travel by bus.
4. airport d. somebody prepare meals for you.
5. bakery e. you buy or sell hand-made works of art.
f. you can buy tickets and travel by plane.

A) [1-f] [2-e] [3-a] [4-c] [5-d]

B) [1-f] [2-a] [3-e] [4-c] [5-d]
C) [1-c] [2-a] [3-e] [4-f] [5-b]
D) [1-c] [2-e] [3-a] [4-f] [5-b]

153) Complete the following paragraph with the names of the four seasons:

Luis likes [1]________ because he can go surfing, but also he likes [2]_______ because the snow
is beautiful and he can go skiing. Sometimes he feels sad in the [3]_______ but only when it's
cloudy or the leaves begin to fall. Finally his favorite season is the [4]_______ because it's sunny
and plants become green again!

A) [1-spring] [2-winter] [3-fall] [4-summer]

B) [1-spring] [2-fall] [3-winter] [4-summer]
C) [1-summer] [2-winter] [3-fall] [4-spring]
D) [1-summer] [2-fall] [3-winter] [4-spring]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 84

154) Complete the dialogue choosing one of the auxiliaries DO or DOES in affirmative or
Sergio - Hi! How are you? How are your siblings? ______ your sister still work at the same

Elsa - No, she [2]_______ work there anymore. She got married and she and her husband
_______ live here.

Sergio - And what about your parents?[4] ______ they still have that coffee shop?

Elsa - Yes, they[5] _____.

A) [1-do] [2-don't] [3-doesn't] [4-does] [5-does]

B) [1-does] [2-don't] [3-doesn't] [4-do] [5-do]
C) [1-do] [2-doesn't] [3-don't] [4-does] [5-does]
D) [1-does] [2-doesn't] [3-don't] [4-do] [5-do]

155) Find the mistakes in the following sentences and choose the correct options:

1. Ceci don't like her teachers.

2. Pablo and Ana goes surfing to Cancun every year!
3. Daniela love avocado in her sandwiches.
4. Does Cristy and Laura have a cat?

A) likes, surf, loving, does

B) likes, go, loving, do
C) doesn't, surf, loves, does
D) doesn't, go, loves, do

156) Which of these lists includes only names of animals?

A) rabbit, tulips, tiger, turtle

B) turtle, dog, carnation, lion
C) rabbit, butterfly, tiger, bear
D) turtle, dog, butterfly, grass

157) Complete the paragraph with the correct sequence of words:

Laura gets up early in the morning, [1]________ she takes a shower, [2]_______ she eats breakfast.
___________ she goes to work, [4]_________ she comes back home.

A) [1-first] [2-then] [3-after that] [4-finally]

B) [1-after that] [2-first] [3-later] [4-then]
C) [1-first] [2-later] [3-then] [4-finally]
D) [1-after that] [2-then] [3-later] [4-finally]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 85

158) Make sentences matching columns:

1. I wear a. the stars at night

2. I visit b. a magazine
3. I read c. a computer at work
4. I use d. my parents
5. I watch e. a new dress

A) [1-c] [2-d] [3-b] [4-e] [5-a]

B) [1-c] [2-a] [3-c] [4-e] [5-b]
C) [1-e] [2-d] [3-b] [4-c] [5-a]
D) [1-e] [2-a] [3-c] [4-b] [5-d]

159) Choose the numbers that represent the time as it is in written form:

a. It's a quarter past eleven.

b. It's five to ten.
c. It's a quarter to seven.
d. It's ten past five.

A) [a = 11:15] [b = 9:55] [c = 6:45] [d = 5:10]

B) [a = 11:15] [b = 10:05] [c = 6:45] [d = 10:05]
C) [a = 10:45] [b = 10:05] [c = 7:15] [d = 10:05]
D) [a = 10:45] [b = 9:55] [c = 7:15] [d = 5:10]

160) Reorder the words to make a logical sentence:

Mondays/ to/ the/ Pablo/ like/ go/ doesn't/ to/ on/ movies

A) Pablo doesn't like on Mondays to go to the movies.

B) Pablo on Mondays doesn't like to go to the movies.
C) On Mondays Pablo doesn't like to go to the movies.
D) Pablo doesn't like to go to the movies on Mondays.

161) What concept do these words refer to?

immediately, quite early, in a hurry, long ago, evening, every year

A) hobbies
B) time
C) routines
D) past

162) Which of these lists includes only vocabulary regarding family members?

A) parents, sun, cousin, aunt

B) parents, son, cousin, aunt
C) parents, son, cousin, ant
D) partners, son, cousin, aunt

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 86

163) Which of these lists includes only female family members?

A) uncle, daughter, niece, sister-in-law

B) aunt, son, niece, stepmother
C) aunt, daughter, niece, sister-in-law
D) cousin, daughter, nephew, niece

164) Identify the professions described:

1. A person who assists at a hospital but they can't prescribe medicine.

2. A person who will play music at a party, using different albums or cd's and mixing songs.
3. An instructor of body movements for different styles of music.
4. A person who conducts instruction about different subjects like science.

A) [1-nurse] [2-musician] [3-teacher] [4-dance instructor]

B) [1-doctor] [2-musician] [3-teacher] [4-scientist]
C) [1-doctor] [2-disc jockey] [3-dance instructor] [4-teacher]
D) [1-nurse] [2-disc jockey] [3-dance instructor] [4-teacher]

165) Answer the questions according to the information given in the paragraph:

My name is Estela, I'm 32 and I have a great family. I'm married, my husband is
Carlos, who is 35. We are both doctors and we have 2 kids, Silvia and Martin. I also
have a brother named Luis, who is 34 and a sister named Fernanda who is 28. Luis's
wife, Valeria, is a wonderful nurse and she's my best friend too. They have a beautiful
baby named Lisa.

1. Who is Estela's best friend?

2. What is Estela's niece's name?
3. How old is Estela's husband?

A) [1-Silvia] [2-Valeria] [3-thirty four]

B) [1-Valeria] [2-Silvia] [3-thirty five]
C) [1-Silvia] [2-Lisa] [3-thirty four]
D) [1-Valeria] [2-Lisa] [3-thirty five]

166) Which of these lists includes only vocabulary regarding family members:

A) niece, mother, grandfather, partner

B) grandmother, son, cousin, boss
C) nephew, aunt, cousin, brother-in-law
D) sister, brother, friend, sister-in-law

167) Complete the following paragraph with the articles A, AN or THE:

My name is Sandra, I live in [1]_____ enormous house in Mexico City.

It has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. My bedroom has [2]____ bathroom with [3]____ huge bathtub.
_____ tub is wonderful especially after work when I need to relax. [5]_____ house has a big
garden too!

A) [1-a] [2-a] [3-the] [4-an] [5-a]

B) [1-an] [2-the] [3-the] [4-a] [5-a]
C) [1-an] [2-a] [3-a] [4-the] [5-the]
D) [1-a] [2-a] [3-an] [4-the] [5-the]

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 87

168) Look at the picture and complete the sentences with a preposition:

1. The tree is _________ the house.

2. The dog's house is _________ the tree and the house.
3. The lamp in the living room is ___________ the sofa.
4. The TV in the studio is __________ the computer.

A) [1-between] [2-next to] [3-above] [4-behind]

B) [1-below] [2-between] [3-next to] [4-in front of]
C) [1-next to] [2-between] [3-beside] [4-behind]
D) [1-beside] [2-next to] [3-behind] [4-in front of]

169) Which of the following lists includes only vocabulary regarding public places:

A) mall, cinema, street, signpost, bridge

B) cinema, bathroom, school, restaurant, mall
C) signpost, restaurant, mall, street, bedroom
D) street, bridge, school, factory, kitchen

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 88

170) Look at the map and complete the sentences:

1. The post office is _________ First St. and Main St.

2. The police station is _______ the bank and the store.
3. The drugstore is ________ the police station.

A) [1-on the corner of] [2-between] [3-accross from]

B) [1-across from] [2-next to] [3-in front of]
C) [1-next to] [2-between] [3-across from]
D) [1-behind] [2-next to] [3-on the corner of]

171) Which list includes only vocabulary regarding expressions to ask for directions:

A) go up, go straight, pull, turn back

B) turn right, give me, turn back, stop
C) turn left, go straight, take, stop
D) take, go straight, it's near, push

172) Choose the list that includes only vocabulary regarding places to visit and their
physical features:

A) see, valley, look, river, hill

B) mountain, river, sea, lake, buy
C) mountain, river, see, lake, bay
D) sea, valley, lake, river, hill

M5. Mi mundo en otra lengua 89

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