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.…you should move back home with your family.

.... the government should lower fuel prices.

.…we can combat climate change by…

.… [football player, musician or actor name] is better than…

... [city name] has the best street food.

Siento que debería volver a casa con su familia. Últimamente has extrañado mucho tu hogar y realmente
creo que no es bueno para ti estar lejos de casa.

Es una paradoja. Por un lado, en mi sincera opinión, el gobierno debería bajar los precios del combustible,
porque el actual sistema alimentario mundial depende en gran medida del combustible y el transporte, y
los aumentos de los precios del combustible ejercen presión sobre todos los aspectos del sistema
alimentario comercial. Por otro lado, me parece que podemos combatir el cambio climático reduciendo
el dióxido de carbono, y por eso el gobierno no debería bajar los precios de los combustibles. Parece un
circulus vitiosus.

Creo firmemente que todos pensamos que De Niro y Pacino son dos grandes actores, no hay duda al
respecto, pero desde mi punto de vista, De Niro es mejor por un pelo. Destaca por su increíble versatilidad
como actor, se ha reinventado a sí mismo como un tipo diferente de actor, retratando hábilmente a
personas de diferente índole.

Desde mi perspectiva, Estambul tiene la comida callejera más deliciosa. Probé pastelería borek- flacky,
simit- un pretzel, kumpir- papas al horno rellenas con cualquier cosa, desde ketchup y encurtidos hasta
aceitunas y salchichas, ¡y es lo mejor! Por cierto, los kebabs doner turcos se pueden encontrar en casi
todas las ciudades de Europa.

I feel like he should go home to his family. You've been missing home a lot lately and I really think it's not
good for you to be away from home.

It is a paradox. On the one hand, in my honest opinion, the government should lower fuel prices, because
the current global food system relies heavily on fuel and transportation, and increases in fuel prices put
pressure on all aspects of the system. commercial food. On the other hand, it seems to me that we can
combat climate change by reducing carbon dioxide, and that is why the government should not lower fuel
prices. It looks like a circulus vitiosus.

I firmly believe that we all think that De Niro and Pacino are two great actors, there is no doubt about it,
but from my point of view, De Niro is better by a hair. Noted for his incredible versatility as an actor, he
has reinvented himself as a different kind of actor, skillfully portraying people of different walks of life.

From my perspective, Istanbul has the most delicious street food. I tried borek- flacky pastry, simit- a
pretzel, kumpir- baked potatoes stuffed with anything from ketchup and pickles to olives and sausage,
and it's the best! By the way, Turkish doner kebabs can be found in almost every city in Europe.

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