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Name: Zaima Ernestina Tovar

C.I. No. V-9.644.188

Ejercicio de Scanning

Seleccione un texto y escriba 4 preguntas puntuales sobre fechas,

sitios, entre otros (utilice una biografía referente a algún autor de su área de
experticia). Ver ejemplo.

1.- ¿Cuándo nació?

2.- ¿Dónde estudió?

3.- ¿Cuál fue su Carrera?

Rómulo Betancourt was born in Guatire (22 February 1908), a town

near Caracas, son of Luis Betancourt Bello (from Canary origins) and
Venezuelan Virginia Bello Milano, being the middle brother between his older
sister Teresa and younger sister Helena. Living along with his maternal
grandmother Maria Milano Bello and his uncle Luis Bello Milano.

From 1914 to 1920 Betancourt began his formal education at a private

school created by the community of Guatire and promoted by his own father.
In 1921, he moved along with his family to Caracas for high school,
graduating from the Liceo Caracas in 1926, the same year that his mother
died. In 1927 he entered the law faculty of Central University of Venezuela,
earning the first-year notable qualifications, working at the legal desk and at
the Bar Association of Caracas, having great interest in literature, writing
short stories and trying to establish a literary magazine.

Known as "The Father of Venezuelan Democracy", was President of

Venezuela from 1945 to 1948 and again from 1959 to 1964, as well as leader
of Acción Democrática, Venezuela's dominant political party in the 20th

1.- Cuando nació? El 22 de febrero de 1908, en Guatire.

2.- Donde estudió? En la facultad de Leyes de La Universidad Central

de Venezuela.

3.- Cual fue su carrera? Político.


Alfredo Romero Mendoza, nace en Caracas, Venezuela, el 07 de enero

de 1969. Es un abogado, conocido por su trabajo en la defensa de los
derechos humanos y especialmente en muchos casos de presos y
perseguidos políticos en Venezuela. Director ejecutivo de la ONG Foro Penal
y recientemente incorporado al equipo de académicos y expertos del Centro
de Derechos Humanos (Carr Center for Human Rights Policy) de la Escuela
Kennedy de Gobierno de la Universidad de Harvard, considerada como una
de las universidades más importantes del mundo.

Alfredo Romero se gradúa de abogado en la Universidad Católica

Andrés Bello, Caracas, en 1991. Realiza una maestría en Estudios
Latinoamericanos en la Universidad de Georgetown, Washington, DC, 1994.
Y posteriormente una maestría en Derecho Público Financiero en la
Universidad de Londres, London School of Economics and Political Science,

Entre el 2001-2002, fue relator de la Sala Constitucional del Tribunal

Supremo de Justicia. En el 2002 funda la Asociación Civil Vive (Víctimas
Venezolanas de Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos) fusionada
posteriormente con el Foro Penal Venezolano, una organización no
gubernamental sin fines de lucro venezolana, de la cual, es director ejecutivo.
En el 2007 fue reconocido como “Joven Líder Mundial” por el Foro
Económico Mundial, y miembro del Consejo de la Agenda Mundial en Estado
de Derecho del Foro Económico Mundial.

Recibe el diploma de Honor del Colegio de Abogados, como

reconocimiento al esfuerzo en el mejoramiento de las Instituciones Jurídicas
en el 2009, ese mismo año recibe un reconocimiento como Servidor Público,
por el Rotary Internacional. En 2014 es galardonado con la Orden
Bicentenaria del Colegio de Abogados, el más alto reconocimiento que
otorga esta entidad en el país. Ha recibido diversos reconocimientos por su
labor en Derechos Humanos, por diversas organizaciones públicas y
privadas dentro y fuera de Venezuela.

Es socio de la firma de abogados Himiob-Romero y se ha

desempeñado como profesor de derecho de la Universidad Central de
Venezuela y de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Ha participado como
ponente en diversos congresos de Derechos Humanos y Estado de Derecho,
nacional e internacionalmente, incluyendo eventos del Foro Económico
Mundial, el Foro de Justicia Mundial, entre otros. Ha escrito diversos artículos
sobre Derechos Humanos, Derecho Constitucional y Derecho Público. Autor
del libro “Relatos de muerte en vivo” y coautor del libro “Crímenes de Lesa
Humanidad, una perspectiva venezolana”. Músico, maratonista, casado,
padre de dos hijos.

1.- ¿Cuándo nació?

Nació en Caracas, Venezuela, el 07 de enero de 1969.

2.- ¿Dónde estudió?

En la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Caracas. Además, posee una

Maestría en Derecho Público Financiero en la Universidad de Londres.

3.- ¿Cuál fue su carrera?

Es profesor de derecho de la Universidad Central de Venezuela y de la

Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Defensor de los Derechos Humanos.

4. ¿Posee algún tipo de reconocimiento a nivel nacional e

Ha recibido diversos reconocimientos por su labor en Derechos
Humanos, por diversas organizaciones públicas y privadas dentro y fuera de


Alfredo Romero Mendoza, born in Caracas, Venezuela, on january 7,

1969. He is a lawyer, known for his work in the defense of human rights and
especially in many cases of prisoners and persecuted politicians in
Venezuela. Executive Director of the NGO Penal Forum and recently joined
the team of academics and experts of the Center for Human Rights Policy
(Carr Center for Human Rights Policy) of the Kennedy School of Government
of Harvard University, considered one of the most important universities of
the world.

Alfredo Romero graduated as a lawyer from Andrés Bello Catholic

University, Caracas, in 1991. He holds a master's degree in Latin American
Studies at Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 1994. And later a
master's degree in Public Financial Law at the University of London, London
School of Economics and Political Science, 1997.

Between 2001-2002, he was the rapporteur of the Constitutional

Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice. In 2002 he founded the Vive Civil
Association (Venezuelan Victims of Violations of Human Rights)
subsequently merged with the Venezuelan Criminal Forum, a Venezuelan
non-profit non-governmental organization, of which he is executive director. In
2007 he was recognized as "Young World Leader" by the World Economic
Forum, and a member of the Council of the World Agenda in Rule of Law of
the World Economic Forum.
He receives the diploma of Honor from the Bar Association, in
recognition of the effort in the improvement of Legal Institutions in 2009, that
same year he receives recognition as a Public Servant, by the International
Rotary. In 2014 he was awarded the Bicentennial Order of the Bar
Association, the highest recognition granted by this entity in the country. He
has received various awards for his work in Human Rights, by various public
and private organizations inside and outside Venezuela.

He is a partner of the law firm Himiob-Romero and has served as a law

professor at the Central University of Venezuela and the Andrés Bello
Catholic University. He has participated as a speaker at various congresses
on Human Rights and the Rule of Law, nationally and internationally,
including events of the World Economic Forum, the World Justice Forum,
among others. He has written several articles on Human Rights,
Constitutional Law and Public Law. Author of the book "Live death stories"
and co-author of the book "Crimes against Humanity, a Venezuelan
perspective." Musician, marathoner, married, father of two children.

1.- When was he born?

He was born in Caracas, Venezuela, on January 7, 1969.

2.- Where did you study?

At the Andrés Bello Catholic University, Caracas. In addition, he has a

Master's Degree in Public Financial Law at the University of London.

3.- What was your career?

He is a law professor at the Central University of Venezuela and the

Andrés Bello Catholic University. Humans right's defender.
4. Do you have any kind of recognition at national and international

He has received various awards for his work in Human Rights, by

various public and private organizations inside and outside Venezuela.

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