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1. If I have time, we have lunch together.

Si tengo tiempo, almorzamos juntos

2. If you scratch, you will hurt yourself.

Si te rascas, te lastimarás

3. If the water boils, add the noodles.

Si el agua hierve, agregue los fideos

4. If you are hot, we open the window.

Si tiene calor, abrimos la ventana

5. If it hurts, put ice on it.

Si duele, ponle hielo

6. If you're thirsty, help yourself to water.

Si tiene sed, sírvase beber agua.

7. If you don't understand the slogan, let me know.

Si no entiende el lema, avíseme.

8. If you were more applied, you would have better grades.

Si fueras más aplicado, tendrías mejores calificaciones

9. You'd screw up less if you kept quiet.

Te arruinarías menos si te mantuvieras callada/o

10. If you need help, give me a call.

Si necesitas ayuda, llámame.

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