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Type II – Second conditional; Esta condicional se forma con 

would seguido de infinitivo en
la oración principal y otro en pasado en la subordinada.

If + past simple, …would + infinitive.

Esta estructura tiene dos usos. El primero es hablar de situaciones en el futuro que no es probable
que ocurran, se utilizan para hablar de nuestros sueños, nuestros deseos, etc.

● If I won the lottery, I would spend my life travelling  – Si ganara la lotería, me pasaría la
vida viajando.
● If you didn’t live so far away, I would visit you more often  – Si no vivieras tan lejos, te
visitaría más a menudo.
● If I had a bigger salary, I would buy a house  – Si tuviese un salario mayor, me compraría una

El segundo uso es para hablar de situaciones en el presente que no se pueden dar, porque son
imposibles. Con ellas, intentamos expresar nuestro punto de vista sobre algo que ha ocurrido (o
no), arrepentimientos, deseos y para dar consejo. ejemplo:

● If I were younger, I would travel more  – SI fuera más joven, viajaría más.
● If I were you, I would quit my job  – si yo fuera tú, dejaría mi trabajo.
● If I had her number, I would phone her right now  – Si tuviese su número, la llamaría ahora

Type III – Third conditional: Este condicional se forma con un verbo en participio de pasado y
precedido por would + have en la oración principal y otro en pasado perfecto en la subordinada.

If + past perfect, … would + have + past participle.

Se utiliza para hablar del pasado, describiendo una situación que no sucedió y de sus posibles
consecuencias. Por ejemplo:

● If I had woken up earlier, I would have arrived on time  – Si me hubiera levantado antes,
habría llegado a tiempo.

Se trata de situaciones hipotéticas y que ya no hay forma de cambiar. Se usan a menudo para
hablar de nuestros arrepentimientos, ¡pero no solo eso! También de situaciones en las que el
resultado fue positivo. 

● If I had stayed in my hometown, I would have never found my job  – Si me hubiese quedado
en mi ciudad, jamás habría encontrado mi trabajo.
● If I hadn’t taken the risk, I would have lost a great opportunity  – Si no me hubiese
arriesgado, habría perdido una gran oportunidad.


Completa la segunda mitad de las oraciones con el pasado simple y empareja con las imágenes.


1) …if I found a real girl. 6) …if I had a part-time job. 5

2) …if I studied more. 7) …if I did more exercise.


3) …if I won a medal. 8) …if I not watched so much 1 2


4) …if I not cried all the time. 9) …if I woke up early for
5) …if I ate healthy food. 10) …if I made my bed.

Completar las oraciones con los verbos entre paréntesis.

What would happen to

Earth if...?
1. If people were so careless, Earth wouldn’t be in danger.

2. The amount of waste would decrease if people started to buy reusable packages.

3. Many fish wouldn’t die if factories did dump so many chemicals into rivers and oceans.

4. If people bought more recycled paper, there wouldn’t be so much waste.

5. would you take these bottles to the bottle bank if I asked you to?

6. If people really did care about the environment, they wouldn’t try to save it.

7. If Paul thought more about the planet, he wouldn’t waste so much water.

8. We would be less worried if oil spills didn’t have such destructive effects.

9. If we consumed less, we would produce less waste material.

10. If we destroy the ozone layer, nothing would save us from the UV rays.
3. Completas las oraciones, aplicando las reglas del tercer condicional usando los verbos entre

1. If they HADN’T 2.  If Tom HAD PAID more 3. Sue WOULD HAVE 4. Paul WOULDN'T HAVE
UNDERSTOOD the attention, he WOULD PLAYED better if she HAD DRUNK so much coffee if
exercise, Mrs Wells HAVE ANSWERED the PRACTISED more he HAD FINISHED the
WOULD HAVE question. Project on time
EXPLAINED it again.

5. James WOULDN’T 6. If it HADN’T RAINED 7. Tim WOULDN’T 8.  If you HADN’T

HAVE CRIED if the doctor so much, Mary WOULD HAVE FELT so sad if his EATEN so much fast food,
injection. walk. CHEATED on him. PUT on weight

9. If I HAD SAVED some 10. Pete WOULDN’T 11. If Dan HAS DRIVEN 12. You WOULDN’T
money, I WOULD HAVE HAVE BROKEN his gift if carefully, he WOULDN’T HAVE HAD a heart attack if
GONE to the beach on he HADN’T FALLEN so HAVE CRASHED into the you HADN’T SMOKED so
holiday. badly. tree. much.

13. If they HAD GOT up 14. I WOULD HAVE 15. Harry WOULD HAVE 16. If the people next door
earlier, they WOULDN’T WRITTEN to sam if I PREPARED a good dinner HADN’T MADE so much
HAVE MISSED the school HAD KNOWN his address if his friends HAD noise, we WOULD HAVE
bus. PHONED in advance SLEPT all night long.

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