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la Escritura Inca: Quipus, yupanas y tocapus

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Ruben Urbizagastegui
University of California, Riverside


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Artzi, Bat-Ami. The Secret of the Knot : Khipu No. 936 From the Maiman Collection. Thesis (M.A.)--
Hebrew University, 2009.

Brokaw, Galen. The Poetics of Khipu Historiography . Thesis (M.A.)--Indiana University, 2003.

Brokaw, Galen. Transcultural Intertextuality and Quipu Literacy in Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala's
Nueva Coronica y Buen Gobierno. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Indiana University, 1999.

Flores Amaru, David. El Quipu como estrategia en resolución de problemas de suma y resta de números
naturales (en los niños y niñas de 2do. año del primer ciclo de nivel primaria del área rural). Tesis
(Ciencias de la Educación)--Universidad Católica Boliviana, 2009.

Kilroy, Lauren Grace. Guaman Poma's illustrated khipus: Signs of literacy, emblems of Colonial
semiosis. Thesis (M.A.)--University of California at Los Angeles, 2004.

Levy, Joshua David. Khipu : a software system for recognition and rendering of hand-drawn knots .
Thesis (M.A. in Mathematics)--University of California at Berkeley, 2000.

Mackey, Carol J. Knot records in ancient and modern Peru. Thesis (Ph. D. in Anthropology)--University
of California at Berkeley, 1970.

Molina Munto, Antonia. Origen, función y finalidad de la escritura peruana en cuerda y nudos: el quipu.
Tesis (Doctoral)--Universidad de Alicante, 1976.

Moscovich, Vivana Ruth. Administración y contabilidad en el Imperio Inca: la yupana y el khipu. Tesis
(Ph.D.)--Hebrew University, 2008.

Pimentel Heredia, Nelson D. Amarrando colores: la producción del sentido en quipus Aymaras. Tesis
(Maestría)--Universidad de la Cordillera, La Paz, 2003.

Pärssinen, Martti. Tawantinsuyu: the Inca State and its political organization. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Turun
Yliopisto, Finland, 1992. Texto in Finlandés. Traducido al Español como “Tawantinsuyu : el
estado inca y su organización política”. Lima: Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, Fondo
Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú : Embajada de Finlandia, 2003.

Radicati di Primeglio, Carlos. Sobre seis quipus del antiguo Perú. Tesis (Doctor en Letras, con
especialidad en Historia)--Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1952.

Rock, James W. Thinkin’ Incan and applyin’ Mayan: multicultural science and math synesthesisa via the
cosmic chiasmic quipu connections curriculum. Thesis (M.A.)--Hamline University, Saint Paul,
Minnesota, 1997.

Abdi, S. Wali. Mathematical fallacies and paradoxes; Game theory: a nontechnical introduction;
Mathematics of the Incas: code of the Quipu. School Science & Mathematics, 100 (3): 161-162
Book review of: Mathematics of the Incas: code of the Quipu by Marcia Ascher and Robert

Allen, Catherine J. Knot-Words or Not Words. Anthropological Quarterly, 78 (4): 981-996 (2005).
Book review of: The Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village by Frank

Anonimo?. Narrative threads (Book). New York Review of Books, 49 (7): 29 (2002).
Book review of: Narrative Threads: accounting and recounting in Andean Khipu edited by Jeffrey
Quilter and Gary Urton.????

Arup, Sheila. Narrative threads: accounting and recounting in Andean Khipu. Textile: the Journal of
Cloth & Culture, 2 (1): 105-107 (2004).
Book review of: Narrative Threads: accounting and recounting in Andean Khipu edited by Jeffrey
Quilter and Gary Urton

Ayoub, Nina C. New Scholarly Books. Chronicle of Higher Education, 51 (13): A18-A19 (2004).
Book review of: The cord keepers: Khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village by Frank

Beyersdorff, Margot. Writing without words/words without writing: the culture of the khipu. Latin
American Research Review, 40 (3): 294-311 (2005).
Book review of three books: Inca Myths by Gary Urton; Narrative threads: accounting and
recounting in Andean Khipu edited by Jeffrey Quilter and Gary Urton; and, Signs of the Inka
Khipu: Binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by Gary Urton.

Bolton, Maggie. The cord keepers: Khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village. Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute, 12 (1): 257-258 (2006).
Book review of: The Cord Keepers: Khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village by Frank

Bolton, Maggie. Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records. Journal of
the Royal Anthropological Institute, 12 (1): 223-224 (2006).
Book review of: Signs of the Inka Khipu: Binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton.

Brokaw, Galen. Andean texts: corpus of Incan khipu and colonial texts. Ethnohistory, 55 (1): 163-165
Book review of: Textos andinos: corpus de textos khipu incaicos y coloniales edited by Martti
Parssinen and Jukka Kivharju.

Brokaw, Galen. The cord keepers: Khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village. Ethnohistory, 53 (2):
442-443 (2006).
Book review of: The cord keepers: Khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village by Frank
Brokaw, Galen. The First New Chronicle and Good Government/Textos andinos: Corpus de textos
khipu incaicos y coloniales. Ethnohistory, 55 (1): 163-165 (2008).
Book review of: The First New Chronicle and Good Government by Felipe Guaman Poma de
Ayala, and Textos andinos: Corpus de textos khipu incaicos y coloniales edited by Martti
Parssinen and Jukka Kivharju.

Brotherston, Gordon. Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture : Ascher, M.
Ascher, R. The Times Literary Supplement, (4098): 1218 (1981).
Book Review of: Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture by Marcia Ascher
and Robert Ascher.

Covey, R. Alan. Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records. Latin
American Antiquity, 17 (3): 355-356 (2006).
Book Review of: Signs in the Inka Khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton..

Forbes, Thomas R. Cyrus Lawrence Day Quipus and witches’ knots: the role of the knot in primitive
and ancient cultures; with a translation and analysis of “Oribasius de Laqueis”. Journal of the
History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 24 (1): 97 (1969).
Book review of: Quipus and witches’ knots: the role of the knot in primitive and ancient cultures
by Cyrus Lawrence Day.

Goodrum, Matthew R. Signs of the Inka Khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records.
Isis: Journal of the History of Science in Society, 95 (3): 484-485 (2004).
Book Review of: Signs of the Inka Khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton.

Graubart, Karen B. Signs of the Inca Khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records.
Hispanic American Historical Review, 85 (1): 133-134 (2005).
Book Review of: Signs of the Inka Khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton.

Hall, Ingrid. Signs of the Inka khipu. Binary coding in the Andean knotted-string record. Journal de la
Société des Américanistes de Paris, 92 (1/2): 345-???? (2006).
Book review of: Signs of the Inka Khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton. Text in French.

Herrera, Alexander. Literatura sin letras? Reflexiones en torno a los khipu. Cuadernos de Literatura,
12 (22): 184-187 (2007). Text in Spanish.
Book review of: The cord keepers: Khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village by Frank

Hirst, K. Kris. Narrative Threads. .

Jackson, Margaret A. Narrative threads: Accounting and recording in Andean Khipu. Ethnohistory, 52
(2): 498-501 (2005).
Book review of: Narrative Threads: accounting and recording in Andean khipu edited by Jeffrey
Quilter and Gary Urton; and Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string
records by Gary Urton.
Jennings, Justin. Signs of the Inka Khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records. Journal
of Anthropological Research, 60 (1): 116-117 (2004).
Book Review of: Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton.

Konner, Melvin. Why we did it: an account of the driving forces behind the unfolding of human
civilization. Nature (London), 428: 123-124 (2004).
Book review of: of: A brief history of human race by Michael Cook. ???

Kunow, Marianna Appel. Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records.
Historian, 66 (4): 854-855 (2004).
Book Review of: Signs of the Inka Khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton

LeBlanc, Catherine J. Review of Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture.
American Antiquity, 47 (4): 915 (1982).
Book review of: Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture by Marcia Ascher
and Robert Ascher.

Long, Richard C. E. The Ancient Quipu or Peruvian knot record. Man, 24 (1): 11-12 (1924).
Book Review of: The ancient Quipu or Peruvian knot record by L. Leland Locke.

McDowell, John H. The cord kepers: khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village. Museum
Anthropology Review, 1 (3): 38-40 (2007).
Book review of: The cord keepers: khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village by Frank

Means, Phillip Ainsworth. The ancient Quipu or Peruvian knot record. American Anthropologist, New
Series, 26 (2): 269-271 (1924).
Book Review of: The ancient Quipu or Peruvian knot record by L. Leland Locke.

Mendoza, Zoila S. The cord keepers: khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village. American Historical
Review, 110 (5): 1573-1574 (2005).
Book review of: The cord keepers: khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village by Frank

Moore, David R. Cyrus Lawrence Day “Quipus and Witches Knots”. Oceania, 42 (4): 327 (1972).
Book review of: Quipus and witches’ knots: the role of the knot in primitive and ancient cultures
by Cyrus Lawrence Day.

Niles, Susan A. Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture. American Ethnologist,
10 (4): 814-815 (1983).
Book review of: Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture by Marcia Ascher
and Robert Ascher. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1981.

Nippgen, J. A Peruvian Quipu. Anthropologie, 40 (1): 192-192 (1930). Text in French.

Book review of: A Peruvian Quipu by Leslie Leland Locke. New York : Museum of the American
Indian, Heye Foundation, 1927.
Paca, A. Code of the Quipu. Fiberarts, 9: 58 (1982).
Book review of: Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture by Marcia Ascher
and Robert Ascher.

Platt, Tristan. The cord keepers: khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village. Journal of Latin
American Studies, 38 (1): 198-200 (2006)
Book review of: The cord keepers: khipus and cultural life in a Peruvian village by Frank

Poutrin, D. The ancient Quipu: a peruvian knot record. Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 10:
241 (1913). Text in French.
Book review of: The ancient Quipu: a peruvian knot record by Leslie Leland Locke.

Preub, K. T. The ancient Quipu or Peruvian knot record. Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, 57 (1-2): 157-158
Book Review of: The ancient Quipu, a peruvian knot record by Leslie Leland Locke.

Quispe-Agnoli, Rocío. Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in Andean knotted-string records.
American Anthropologist, New Series, 107 (1): 171-172 (2005).
Book review of: Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in Andean knotted-string records by Gary

Rauff, James V. Signs of the Inka Khipu. Mathematics and Computer Education, 39 (3): 262-263
Book review of: Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton.

Restivo, Sal. Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture: Ascher, M; Ascher, R. Isis:
Journal of the History of Science in Society, 73 (267): 296-297 (1982).
Book Review of: Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture by Marcia Ascher
and Robert Ascher.

Ristau, Jacob. Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records. Design
Issues, 22 (2): 94-96 (2006).
Book review of: Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton.

Robson, Eleanor. Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records.
American Scientist, 92 (2): 194-195 (2004).
Book review of: Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton.

Sillar, Bill. Communicative technologies in the ancient Andes: decoding the Inka khipu. Current
Anthropology, 46 (4): 690-691 (2005).
Book review of: Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andean knotted-string records by
Gary Urton.

Silverman, Helaine. Cultural evolution, political organization, and ritual practice in the Central Andes.
Ethnohistory, 50 (4): 713-724 (2003).
Parece Book review!!! VERIFICAR!!!
Stuart, David. Writting without words: alternative literacies in Mesoamerica and the Andes. American
Anthropologist, New Series, 98 (4): 864-865 (1996).
Book review of: Writing without words: alternative literacies in Mesoamerica and the Andes /
edited by Elizabeth Hill Boone and Walter Mignolo

Thompson, D. E. Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics and culture: Ascher, M. & Ascher,
R. Archaeology, 34 (6): 72 (1981).
Book review of: Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture by Marcia Ascher
and Robert Ascher. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 1981.

Tropp, Henry S. Mathematics of the Incas: code of the quipu. The Mathematical Gazette, 82 (494):
329-330 (1998).
Book review of: Mathematics of the Incas: code of the quipu by Marcia Ascher and Robert Ascher.

Urton, Gary. Code of the Quipu: a study in media, mathematics, and culture. Science, 216 (4548): 869-
870 (1982).
Book review of: Mathematics of the Incas: code of the quipu by Marcia Ascher and Robert Ascher.


Bueno, Monia Andreia Tomieiro. Codigo e arte: a etnomatematica dos Incas. Text in Portuguese.

Hirst, K. Kris. Cracking the Khipu Code: New Insights into the Administration of the Inca Empire.

Hirst, K. Kris. Knotty Problems: The Ancient Writing System of the Inca.

Hirst, K. Kris. Narrative Threads.

Hirst, K. Kris. Quipu (Khipu, Quipo): Quipu, Ancient Writing System of the Incas.

Hirst, K. Kris. South America's Oldest Writing System: Quipu Found at Caral Nearly 5000 Years Old.

Izquierdo, Manuel Arturo. The QDF file format: an electronic system to describe ancient andean khipus. . 2005.

Khipu Data Base Project.

O'Connor, J. J. and Robertson, E. F. History topic: Mathematics of the Incas.

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