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2015 La Edición original de los Estándares Educativos Nacionales-Ingles, de 1ro. a 9no.

Grado, son propiedad de la Secretaría de Educación de Honduras. Presidencia de la

República Secretaría de Estado en el Despacho de Educación Sub Secretaría de Asuntos
Técnicos Pedagógicos Sub Secretaría de Asuntos Administrativos y Financieros Dirección
General de Currículo y Evaluación Sub Dirección General de Educación Básica Secretaría
de Educación Revisión Técnico-Gráfico y Pedagógica Comayagüela, M.D.C. Honduras,
C.A. Estándares Educativos Nacionales-Ingles 1ro - 9no grado, Edición año 2011 ISBN:
Neyra Gimena Paz E. Eda Mayra Meza Levis Nohelia Escober Dirección General de
Tecnología Educativa Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial de los Estándares
Educativos Nacionales- Inglés de 1ro a 9no grado, por cualquier medio, sin el permiso por
escrito de la Secretaría de Educación. Ref. LPI-SEDUC-001-2015 "Impresión y
distribución de Textos y Adquisición de Materiales Escolares en el Marco de la Propuesta
Curricular del Plan EFA-2015". Financiamiento Fondo Común. DISTRIBUCIÓN
GRATUITA - PROHIBIDA SU VENTA Stan d a r d s 1 1st - 9th Level ÍNDICE
.................................................. 3 NORMAS
..................DARDOS Y
COMPONENTES.................................................................................................... 9
NIVEL............................................ 11 Bloque 1: Comunicación. Componente 1:
Comunicarse en otro idioma. Los estudiantes utilizan otro idioma para comunicarse con
los demás................................................. 11 Bloque 2: Cultura. Componente 1: Adquirir
conocimiento y comprensión de otras culturas. Los estudiantes utilizan su comprensión de
la cultura para comunicarse y funcionar apropiadamente en otra cultura.......... 20 Bloque
3: Conexiones Componente 1: Conectar con otras disciplinas y adquirir información. Los
estudiantes utilizan su comprensión de otra lengua y cultura para reforzar y ampliar sus
conocimientos de otras disciplinas y viceversa............................... 25 Recuadro 4:
Comparaciones. Componente 1: Desarrollar una visión de la naturaleza del lenguaje y la
cultura. Los estudiantes demuestran una comprensión de las similitudes, diferencias e
interacciones entre
idiomas................................................................................................................ 33 Bloque
5: Comunidades. Componente 1: Participar en comunidades multilingües en el hogar y en
todo el mundo. Los estudiantes utilizan sus conocimientos de lengua y cultura para
enriquecer mi vida y ampliar mis
oportunidades............................................................................................................. 37 2
(TRADUCCIÓN)....................................................................................................... 43
.................................................................. 47 BLOQUE, COMPONENTE, ESTÁNDAR E
INDICADOR DE LOGRO......................................... 47 BLOQUE 1: Comunicación.
COMPONENTE 1: Comunicarse en otra
lengua............................................................................ 49 BLOQUE 2: Cultura.
COMPONENTE 1: Obtiene conocimiento y comprensión de otras
culturas...........................53 BLOQUE 3: Conexiones. COMPONENTE 1: Relacionan con
otras disciplinas y adquieren en información.....................55 BLOQUE 4: Comparaciones.
COMPONENTE 1: Desarrolla un enfoque hacia
...................59 BLOQUE 5: Comunidades. COMPONENTE 1: Participan en comunidades
multilingües en casa y en cualquier otro lugar del
mundo...................................................................................................................... 51
................ 63 Stan d a r d s 3 1º - 9º Nivel PRESENTACIÓN La Secretaria de Educación,
en el proceso de transformación del Sistema Nacional de Educación como respuesta a la
aspiración de la sociedad hondureña plasmada en la propuesta presentada por el Foro
Nacional de Convergencia (FONAC), ha elaborado las Normas Nacionales de Inglés
Educativo para la Educación Básica que guiarán mes a mes el trabajo del maestro
en el aula. Las Normas Nacionales de Educación se basaron en el Diseño Curricular
Nacional de Educación Básica para el área de contenido de inglés. Están alineados
con los Estándares Educativos Nacionales, que tienen los objetivos definidos de lo
que se debe enseñar y los estudiantes deben lograr durante el proceso de
aprendizaje. Asimismo, las Normas Nacionales de Educación observaron una estrecha
relación con los contenidos de la DCNB sin alcance de ninguna literatura específica, por lo
que se recomienda el uso de múltiples recursos y textos disponibles, invitando a los
profesores a ser creativos y gestores en su enseñanza, buscando así complementar un
proceso educativo de calidad. Las Normas Nacionales de Educación reflejan la
coherencia, la alineación y el enfoque gradual entre los diferentes niveles educativos y
están diseñadas para facilitar la práctica pedagógica de los maestros en el aula,
proporcionando la información necesaria para planificar, asignar tiempo y trabajo para
desarrollar contenidos organizados para cada semana, mes y año, y evaluar el proceso
educativo. Considerando que la eficacia de este documento es una de las principales
preocupaciones de la Secretaría de Educación, se espera que el uso y la gestión por
parte de los docentes se orienten hacia la participación activa para la validación,
integrado en un proceso que permite la crítica constructiva en la consecución de la
calidad de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje ejercicio para los estudiantes y beneficioso
para la calidad de la educación del país. 4 English / Inglés PRESENTACIÓN La
Secretaría de Educación, en el marco de la transformación del Sistema Educativo
Nacional y en respuesta a las aspiraciones de la sociedad hondureña plasmada en la
propuesta presentada por el Foro Nacional de Convergencia (FONAC), ha elaborado los
Estándares Educativos Nacionales de Inglés para la Educación Básica que servirán para
orientar mes a mes la labor docente en el aula de clase. Los Estándares Educativos
Nacionales están elaborados con base en el Diseño Curricular Nacional para la
Educación Básica (DCNB) para el área de Inglés. Están además alineados con los
Estándares Educativos Nacionales, que son los objetivos que definen lo que se
debe enseñar y lo que los alumnos y alumnas deben lograr durante su proceso de
aprendizaje. Así mismo, los Estándares Educativos Nacionales observan una
estrecha relación con los contenidos del DCNB, sin enmarcarse en ninguna
bibliografía específica, por lo que se recomienda el uso de múltiples recursos y textos
disponibles en el medio, invitando al docente a ser creativo y gestor en su labor
docente, procurando de esa manera complementar un proceso educativo de calidad. Los
Estándares Educativos Nacionales reflejan coherencia, alineación y gradualidad
entre los diferentes niveles educativos y tienen como finalidad facilitar la práctica
pedagógica de los docentes en el aula de clase, brindándole los elementos necesarios
para planificar, distribuir el tiempo de trabajo y organizar los contenidos a desarrollar en
cada semana, mes y año, así como para evaluar los procesos educativos. Siendo que la
efectividad de este documento es una de las mayores preocupaciones de la Secretaría de
Educación, se espera que el uso y manejo por parte de los docentes se oriente a la
participación activa para su validación, integrándose a un proceso que permita la crítica
constructiva en el logro de la calidad, tanto del ejercicio docente como del aprendizaje de
los alumnos y alumnas y que redunde en beneficio de la calidad educativa del país. Stan
d a r d s 5 1º - 9º Nivel de Inglés Aquí están las Normas Nacionales de Educación de
Inglés de primer a noveno Sub-niveles. Todos los bloques y componentes se distribuyen
en todos los subniveles ENGLISH STANDARDS MAP Stan d a r d s 9 1º - 9º Nivel
STANDARDS AND COMPONENT Bloque 1: Comunicación. Bloque 2: Cultura. Bloque 3:
Conexiones. Normas de componentes en inglés 1. Comunicarse en otro idioma. Norma 1:
Los estudiantes entablan conversaciones, proporcionan y obtienen información, expresan
sentimientos y emociones e intercambian opiniones (interpersonales). Estándar 2: Los
estudiantes entienden e interpretan el lenguaje escrito y hablado en una variedad de
temas (interpretativo). Estándar 3: Los estudiantes presentan información, conceptos e
ideas a un público de oyentes o lectores sobre una variedad de temas (presentación).
Normas Componentes 1. Adquirir conocimiento y comprensión de otras culturas. Norma 1:
Los estudiantes demuestran una comprensión de la relación entre las prácticas y
perspectivas de la cultura estudiada. Norma 2: Los estudiantes demuestran una
comprensión de la relación entre los productos y las perspectivas de la cultura estudiada.
Normas de componentes 1. Conectar con otras disciplinas y adquirir información. Norma
1: Los estudiantes refuerzan y amplían sus conocimientos de otras disciplinas a través del
lenguaje mundial. Norma 2: Los estudiantes adquieren y utilizan información de diversas
fuentes disponibles únicamente en el idioma mundial, utilizando tecnología, medios
impresos, audiovisuales, datos y recursos humanos (interdisciplinarios). 10 Español /
Inglés Bloque 4: Comparaciones. Bloque 5: Comunidades. Normas Componentes 1.
Desarrollar la comprensión de la naturaleza de la lengua y la cultura. Estándar 1: Los
estudiantes demuestran una comprensión de la naturaleza del lenguaje a través de la
comparación del idioma estudiado y el suyo propio. Norma 2: Los estudiantes demuestran
una comprensión del concepto de cultura a través de comparaciones entre las culturas
estudiadas y las propias. Component Standards 1. Participate in multilingual communities
at home and around the world. Standard 1: Students use the world language both within
and beyond the school setting. Standard 2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long
learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. Stan d a r d s 11
1st - 9th Level Standard 1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain
information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions (interpersonal). Sub-
Level 1 1. Exchange simple greetings and farewells for the correct time of day (e.g., good
morning/ afternoon/ evening) (can be pictured activity). 2. Respond to simple oral
commands (e.g., line up, sit down, open your note book, get your pencil etc). 3. Use
courtesy phrases to express needs and wants, (e.g., May I go to the bathroom please?
May I barrow your pencil/eraser, sharpener, ruler please? /Thank you/ You’re welcome). 4.
Identify colors, describing school environment (e.g., What color is your pencil? It’s yellow).
5. Identify the days of the week on a calendar up to 31. Answer questions such as: What
day is today? / How many days are there in a week? (cardinal numbers). 6. Identify dates,
(e.g. birthdays, national celebrations, etc.) using ordinal numbers up to 31. 7. Identify and
act out emotions; match feelings with pictures and ask classmates how they feel, (e.g.,
How do you feel today? I’m happy, I’m sad, I’m fine, I’m sick). 8. Introduce themselves,
their family members, and pets (e.g., me, my mother, my father, and my pet, etc). 9.
Respond to simple questions about themselves (age, feelings, birthday, etc.) and
surroundings (e.g., What is the weather like today? It’s warm/ places in city, right, left, front
and back). Sub-Level 2 1. Give simple commands or instructions to classmates and
teacher, (e.g., get in pairs, get in groups of three, underline…, make a circle, highlight…).
2. Identify oneself on the phone. Ask how someone is. (e.g., Julio, hi. This is Maria. How
are you?) 3. Express likes and dislikes on a variety of topics (e.g., animals, sports, food,
hobbies). 4. Describe routines (e.g., wake up, get up, go to school, go to church, sports,
meals). Give time framework (hour, day, month, today, yesterday, tomorrow) for when
activities are performed. 5. Ask and respond in simple conversations to questions about
peers and teachers (e.g., How are you? Where do you live? What time do you eat lunch?
How many family members do you have)? 6. Identify and describe themselves and
members of immediate and extended family (e.g., I am tall, my uncle is short, my aunt is
blonde). 7. Ask and state location of places and things (e.g., “Where is the zoo? The zoo is
behind the park.”). Block, Component, Standard and Indicator per Level Block 1:
Communication. Component 1: Communicate in another language. Students use another
language to communicate with others. 12 English / Inglés Sub-Level 3 1. Expand
communicative abilities based on new information (e.g., vacation, activities related to the
family, information about student’s community), using there is and there are. 2. Participate
in extended exchanges with others using interrogation (e.g., What, When, Which, Where,
Who, How many, How much, How and Why, and ask about the school government, artistic
groups, sports, favorite musicians, movies, etc). 3. Engage in activities that describe future
plans (e.g., dream home, ideal vacation, ideal friend, etc). 4. Acquire goods and services
through basic communicative skills (e.g., ordering food in a restaurant, purchase goods at
a supermarket, purchase at a drug store, at the general stores, school supplies, and
others). 5. Exchange opinions, feelings and emotions (e.g., I’m proud, I admire the hero, I
hate drugs etc). 6. Accept and decline invitations. Sub-Level 4 1. Engage in conversational
activities based on activities and holidays common to their communities. 2. Use transitional
words or phrases to sustain conversations (e.g., First, on the first hand, on the other hand,
finally, etc). 3. Give a one sentence opinion about problems in the communities and
surrounding areas. 4. Provide and obtain information about ways of solving problems in
school, community, and their surroundings. 5. Describe themselves and the members of
their family and best friend (e.g., physical features, hobbies and interests, likes and
dislikes, and personality traits). 6. Relate the sequence of a story by following the
illustrations and saying the key words (e.g., first, second, next, finally, etc). Sub-Level 5 1.
Expand oral abilities based on new information about climate, seasons, school schedule.
2. Exchange opinions about problems in the country (e.g., I think, I believe, In my opinion,
etc). 3. Provide three reasons to support an opinion on how to solve current problems that
affect the country. 4. Respond to factual and interpretive questions audibly and clearly,
varying pace, tone, and stress to enhance meaning. 5. Exchange personal past events
and share the biography of a national or international celebrity. 6. Demonstrate an
awareness of dialects and regional variations. 7. Respond with simple, appropriate social
expressions with correct grammar (e.g., “I have hunger” vs. “I am hungry”, “It makes cold”
vs. “It is cold out”). 8. Relate the sequence of a movie video without the sound. 9. Identify
customs from target cultures that have been assimilated to daily life in the U.S. (e.g., Taco
Bell, Piñata at parties). Stan d a r d s 13 1st - 9th Level Sub-Level 6 1. Read a newspaper
article and respond orally to express an opinion about the topic. 2. Provide three reasons,
orally, using evidence from a text, to support an opinion about a problem in the global
community. 3. Write questions on a particular topic to use in an oral interview (e.g.,
classmate, guest speaker). 4. Follow instructions (building a paper boat, an invitation card,
a recipe, etc). 5. Express personal preferences to agree or disagree with someone else’s
opinion (e.g., express approval, disapproval, wants, preferences, ask and answer what
one likes best, give and respond to compliments). 6. Predict a sequence of events (e.g.,
preview video without sound and write own dialog). 7. Listen to a debate (e.g., the value of
specific cultural traditions) and draw conclusions based on the information provided. Sub-
Level 7 1. Initiate and maintain discussions where some responses may be unpredictable
(e.g., scenarios). 2. Provide an opinion on topics of social and personal interest (e.g.,
music, literature, the arts, and the sciences) and support with details and examples. 3.
Engage in extended conversations on a variety of topics. 4. Critique information presented
visually (through art, drama, etc). 5. Develop a logical argument on the advantages and
disadvantages of a proposed course of action (e.g., the year-round school, lowing the age
for getting a driver’s license to 15). Sub-Level 8 1. Listen to oral language (e.g., interview,
broadcast, lecture, etc.) and restate the facts presented. 2. Ask questions to reveal
another’s opinion/belief on a topic (e.g., environmental issues) and why they think the way
they do (e.g., What do you think about…? Why do you think so…?). 3. Sequence items
(presented visually) using transitional words or phrases (to sustain conversations). 4.
Persuade others to accomplish a given task (and give supporting details). 5. Analyze and
critique current events (e.g., social/ political/ music, literature, artistic performance, etc). 6.
Debate both sides of an issue (from a book, a magazine, a newspaper, etc.) developing a
logical argument. 7. Connect a common idiomatic expression with its literal meaning (e.g.,
“I know it like the back of my hand.” “It’s raining cats and dogs.”). Sub-Level 9 1. Use
formulaic expressions appropriately (e.g., state and accept an apology according to the
severity of the situation by using appropriate phrases and intonation: “I’m so sorry.”). 2.
Verbally distinguish between the roles of members in a community (e.g., a principal has a
different role from teachers and students, a priest has different roles from the
parishioners). 3. Provide information about future plans and hopes (e.g., I’ll go to La Ceiba
next weekend. / I hope the climate will improve). 4. Predict and narrate possible future
events in a short story. 5. Describe cause and effect (e.g., If I get a scholarship, I’ll buy a
computer). 6. Compare and contrast past and current information on a variety of topics. 7.
Comprehend the main idea of an oral discourse, asking and answering questions about it.
8. Describe past situations that are not longer true (e.g., We used to live in a big city. Now
we all live in a peaceful and quiet town). 14 English / Inglés Standard 2: Students
understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics (Interpretive).
Sub-Level 1 1. Listen and respond appropriately to greetings, farewells and statements of
feelings. 2. Listen to simple questions and commands on classroom topics by responding
correctly either orally or physically (e.g., Where is the trash can? Student says, “The trash
can is in the corner” or points to the trash can). 3. Recognize classroom objects in oral and
written forms (e.g., clock, door, pencil sharpener). 4. Orally supply missing word(s) to a
song, rhyme, game or story at correct time (e.g., Twinkle, twinkle little_____). 5. Use
pictures to tell the sequence of simple stories. 6. Listen to, imitate and use gestures in
simple songs, rhymes and stories (whenever possible they should be culturally authentic).
7. Identify letters, symbols, or common characters in alphabetic, phonetic or syllabic
systems. 8. Recognize beginning letters of posted classroom words. 9. Comprehend the
main idea of orally related personal anecdotes, songs, rhymes, familiar fairy tales and
other narratives (familiar and/or culturally related) based on well known age appropriate
themes. 10. Comprehend the main idea in highly illustrated texts in which cognates,
repetition, predictability and rhythm are used (stories, simple advertisements and/or other
literacy sources). 11. Compare differences between opposites (e.g., tall/short, big /small,
black/white). 12. Read aloud familiar words demonstrating initial awareness of
pronunciation, interaction, and stress. 13. Make connections between illustrations and
simple written texts (e.g., use picture dictionary, match illustrations with short phrases or
sentences). 14. Find key words in songs, rhymes, stories or games. Sub-Level 2 1.
Comprehend culture based material, listening to and imitating simple songs, rhymes and
stories. 2. Understand and use interaction, pronunciation and stress (e.g., recites aloud).
3. Decode new vocabulary using contextual clues from previous knowledge (e.g., “The dog
is inside the house.”). 4. Elaborate on a simple picture dictionary. 5. Read aloud a familiar
short story with correct intonation and pronunciation (e.g., language ladder or simple
rhymes). 6. Retell the main storyline after reading a short narrative text (magazines,
advertisements, newspapers, books, etc). 7. Listen to an announcement and identify the
main idea using contextual clues. 8. Understand and follow five steps directions for
classroom activities (e.g., origami, handcraft, etc). 9. Read and demonstrate
comprehension by acting out a fable using creativity in terms of staging, customs, values,
etc. Block 1: Communication. Component 1: Students understand what others are trying to
communicate in another language. Stan d a r d s 15 1st - 9th Level Sub-Level 3 1. Read
aloud authentic materials (newspapers, magazines, advertisements, etc.) with correct
intonation, pronunciation and stress. 2. Demonstrate understanding of written or oral text
by summarizing or paraphrasing (e.g., setting, characters, plot etc). 3. Read simple texts in
target language and answer simple questions (e.g., weather report, travel poster or
brochure, T.V. Guide, etc). 4. Use primary bilingual dictionary, picture dictionary or
glossary to access information. 5. Obtain information from short messages (oral or written)
(e.g., invitations, directions, announcements, appointments). 6. Predict the plot of a story
after looking a sequence of illustrations. 7. Read a text and identify features such as: title,
table of contents, chapters, headings, diagrams, charts, glossaries, and indexes. 8. Read
and prepare simple activities involving a series of steps (e.g., recipe, science experiment,
etc). 9. Read and perform a short simple story using creativity and imagination in terms of
staging, customs, values, and characterization. 10. Use a variety of idioms appropriately
both in speech and writing. Sub-Level 4 1. Read and respond to a variety of texts
(designing a poster, making a graph, etc). 2. Express viewpoints on newspaper articles
and other non-fiction texts, etc. 3. Summarize and establish sequence in a familiar event
(e.g., a soccer game). 4. Explore cultural components of Internet (where available). 5.
Read and respond to poetic texts by writing a rhyming poem (e.g., nonsense rhyming, the
diamond poem). 6. Predict the development of a story after reading the title or looking at
illustrations. 7. Read and indentify the main idea in authentic texts. 8. Listen to an oral text
and answer questions regarding main idea, setting, and characters. 9. Read aloud familiar
and unfamiliar texts with fluency and competent delivery. Sub-Level 5 1. Write a narrative
on a current issue. 2. Read and respond creatively to texts by performing a play. 3.
Examine and discuss socio-cultural elements represented in text (e.g., values, attitudes
and beliefs). 4. Identify the tone, mood, and/ or point of view of speakers. 5. Create a class
bulletin board on a theme using visual images, quotes, and personal writing. 6. Read and
summarize a story. 7. Identify organizational features of texts (e.g., paragraphs, diagrams,
titles, headings, table of contents, references). 8. Read and identify organizational features
in magazines and newspapers. 9. Use a variety of idioms, both in speech and writing. 16
English / Inglés Sub-Level 6 1. Read and comprehend unfamiliar texts using contextual
clues and words with more than one meaning (scientific articles, business articles). 2.
Present a brief report on a current event. 3. Read a text and represent it creatively (e.g.,
comic strips, play, video, etc). 4. Use the dictionary to determine the meaning of unfamiliar
vocabulary (idioms and words with multiple meanings). 5. Obtain and use information
through different media sources. 6. Use authentic documents to read and compare costs
of goods and services in the home (e.g., gasoline, food, shelter, etc). 7. Examine and
discuss social cultural elements within larger communities. 8. Compare and contrast the
motives of characters in a work of fiction Sub-Level 7 1. Read a piece of literature and
show comprehension through identifying the different elements of literature (setting, plot,
characters, etc). 2. Read aloud plays and poetry with fluency and confident delivery. 3.
Infer a writer’s assumptions, purpose, or point of view (e.g., in an editorial from a popular
newspaper, stories, etc). 4. Analyze recurrent themes across literary works. 5. Analyze
purpose, social context and tone of spoken and written discourse (a coach pep talk, a
presidential candidate speech, etc). 6. Interpret and explain the significance of information
presented visually. 7. Respond to a series of instructions that involve interrelated tasks
(e.g., how to set a cell phone, how to text message, how to open an account). Sub-Level 8
1. Recognize multiple meaning of words and apply them to different texts. 2. Read and
identify the different elements in non-fiction texts (e.g., in business communication). 3.
Analyze information presented (e.g., in resumes and cover letters). 4. Read literature (e.g.,
stories, folktales, etc.) and apply skills of critical analysis. 5. Read a poem and
demonstrate understanding through various tasks (e.g., identifying the theme, the pattern,
etc). 6. Read an authentic historical text and relate it to the present. Sub-Level 9 1.
Recognize multiple meanings of words and apply them to different academic settings
(technical schools, teachings schools, computer system schools, accounting schools, etc).
2. Establish contact with school or person via the Internet, or business letters. 3. Analyze a
variety of rhetorical styles found in writing (e.g., contracts, warranties, manuals,
informational materials, etc). 4. Analyze the features and rhetorical devices of at least two
types of documents intended for the general public (e.g., notices, signs, ads, newspapers,
magazines, junk mail promotions, etc). 5. Read material and analyze how clarity is
affected by patterns of organization, repetition of key ideas, syntax and word choice. 6. Do
research on (investigate) a particular content area and write and revise a paper which
contains all the required elements of research papers (e.g., introduction, thesis statement,
body parts, supporting details, evidence from various sources, conclusion, etc). Stan d a r
d s 17 1st - 9th Level Standard 3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an
audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics (Presentational). Sub-Level 1 1.
Identify and pronounce proper nouns (e.g. own name and classmates). 2. Identify and
label vocabulary connected to the lesson theme (personal introduction and items in the
classroom). 3. Complete simple sentences, phrases and/or short dialogues to accompany
illustrations. 4. Talk about pictures from simple stories, rhymes or songs (sequence in a
story). 5. Predict events in a story. 6. Trace, copy words or characters from various
sources (follow writing strategies employed in the L1) 7. Begin to write familiar words,
phrases and simple sentences in a meaningful context (school items, objects in the
classroom and at home). 8. Perform short conversations on topics related to school,
community and home. 9. Use information from a text or oral story to show sequence. 10.
Label pictures, diagrams, or charts. 11. Collaborate with the teacher creating a story. 12.
Spell common words correctly and take written dictation. Sub-Level 2 1. Spell common
words correctly and take written dictation. 2. Speak about situations related to the lesson
theme. 3. Write simple sentences related to the lesson theme. 4. Illustrate and discuss the
beginning, middle, and ending of a story through pictures and short sentences. 5.
Dramatize a fable and write a sentence about each part. 6. Predict events using pictures
from news papers. 7. Participate in posting illustrations or pictures with captions for the
student bulletin board. 8. Use a picture dictionary to create an alphabet based on a theme
(e.g., food alphabet, animal alphabet, cultural alphabet, etc). 9. Write simple descriptive
sentences given simple situations, (e.g., John is tall, short). Sub-Level 3 1. Spell common
words correctly and take written dictation. 2. Create and perform short skits, puppet shows
and role play. 3. Produce and use basic print, capitalization and punctuation conventions
(e.g., in English no inverted Spanish question marks, quotation marks, upper case for days
of the week, etc). 4. Write short narrative paragraphs (e.g., concrete topics about
themselves). 5. Begin to write for different purposes (e.g. the writing of a letter). 6. Write
and record a message (e...

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