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Colegio Marcela Paz

Miss Paola Stipo Correo:
Unidad 1: How do you feel?

Nombres: Apellidos: Curso: 4° Letra:

Fecha: 60% de Puntaje Puntaje Puntaje Logrado
__/05/20 exigencia Máximo: Aprobatorio: Obtenido No Logrado
22 pts. 13 pts.
Responden preguntas o completan oraciones con información relevante del
OA 7
texto leído.
Predicen el orden de eventos en una historia, con el apoyo de imágenes.
OA 8
Releen un texto para buscar o confirmar información.
Escriben consejos para una buena salud de acuerdo a imágenes o
información dada; por ejemplo: My stomach aches. You should go to the
OA 14 Responden preguntas acerca de la salud con expresiones de uso frecuente;
por ejemplo: How do you feel? I feel great.
Expresan estados de salud en oraciones de acuerdo a imágenes y usando el
vocabulario relacionado con la salud; por ejemplo: He has a stomachache.
Habilidad: Relacionar – Comprender – Aplicar.
Contenido: Should/Shouldn’t, problemas de salud y recomendaciones.

1. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the words from the
box What’s the problem with them? Observa la imagen y completa las
oraciones con las palabras del recuadro. ¿Qué problema tienen?
sore throat – earache – stomachache – broken arm – broken leg

1. The gorilla has a ________________________________________.

2. The dogs have a ________________________________________.
3. The monkeys have a _____________________________________
4. The elephant has an ____________________________________.
5. The giraffe has a ________________________________________
5 pts.

Colegio Marcela Paz
Miss Paola Stipo Correo:
Unidad 1: How do you feel?

2. Read the conversation between Paula and the doctor. Complete it with the
words from the box. Lee la conversación entre Paula y el doctor. Completa
con palabras del recuadro.

should - medicine - morning - stomachache - shouldn’t

Doctor: Hello, Paula. How can I help you?

Paula: I don’t feel well doctor. I have a ____________________________. (1)
Doctor: Paula you don’t feel well because you don’t eat healthy food. You
___________________ (2) eat more fruit and vegetables.
Paula: You are right doctor.
Doctor: Paula you _________________ (3) eat candies. They are not healthy.
You should take this __________________. (4) Two spoonfuls in
the_____________ (5) and come back in a week, OK?
5 pts.
Paula: All right doctor, I will.
3. Read the following text answer the questions and complete the sentences.
Lea el siguiente texto. conteste las preguntas y complete las oraciones.

1. Who is feeling sick? ______________________

mom / you / Jan
2. When she started to feel sick? On ____________________________

Colegio Marcela Paz
Miss Paola Stipo Correo:
Unidad 1: How do you feel?

Monday / Friday / Sunday

3. Jane has a _________________________________
sore throat / stomachache / earache
4. Jane also has a _____________________________
headache / broken leg / fever
5. Her mom gave her ______________________________
fruit / medicine / ice cream
6. After sleeping and having soup, Jan started to feel ______________________
sad / sick / better
6 pts.

4. Complete the email with your own information. Use the words from the box
Complete el correo con su propia información. Use palabras del recuadro.

lemonade - fever – broken – headache - sick - toothache

Miss Paola

Dear Miss Paola,

Today I feel _______________. (1) I have a terrible _______________ (2) and
also have a ______________. (3) My mother gave me a hot __________. (4)
My brother has a _________ (5) leg. He can’t run or jump. My sister has a
_______________. (6) She will visit the dentist today.
I have to stay at home.
See you next week!

6 pts.

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