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MPOSM3000.doc Version B

PIGNAT s.a. 6 Rue Calmette BP 11 69741 GENAS France

Documento N°
Lista de modificaciones
Índice Fecha Página Modificaciones y motivos
A 21.02.07 CREACIÓN

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MPOSM3000.doc Version B


1. INFORMACIONES DE SEGURIDAD .............................................................................................. 6

1.1. ResponsabiliDADES ............................................................................................................................ 7

1.2. LOs riesgos en juego ............................................................................................................................ 8
2. BASES TEÓRICAS .............................................................................................................................. 9

2.1. SÍmbolOs uTILIZADOS .................................................................................................................... 10

2.2. Ósmosis y presión osmótica ............................................................................................................... 11
2.3. PrincipIO De lA ÓSMOSIS INVERSA ............................................................................................. 12
2.4. MECANÍSMO DIFUSIONAL Y ECUACIONES globales de flux ................................................. 14
2.5. TaSA DE CONVERSIÓN ................................................................................................................. 16
2.6. SELECTIVIDAD O TASA DE RECHAZO ...................................................................................... 16
2.7. BALANCE GLOBAL DE MATERIA .............................................................................................. 17
2.8. FENÓMENO DE POLARACIÓN ..................................................................................................... 18
3. PRESENTACIÓN DE LA UNIDAD ................................................................................................ 21

3.1. IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LA UNIDAD .............................................................................................. 22

3.2. CondiCIONES DE USO .................................................................................................................... 22
3.3. ContrA indicaCIONES ....................................................................................................................... 23
3.4. DIAGRAMA DEL EQUIPO ............................................................................................................. 24
3.5. DescripCIÓN DE LA UNIDAD ........................................................................................................ 25
4. MONTAJE, INSTALACIÓN Y PUESTA EN MARCHA.............................................................. 27

4.1. SOPORTE DE LA UNIDAD ............................................................................................................. 28

4.2. MaNTENIMIENTO DE LA UNIDAD .............................................................................................. 28
4.3. MonTAJE ........................................................................................................................................... 28
4.4. ConsignAs de instalación ................................................................................................................... 29
4.5. conexión a los servicios...................................................................................................................... 29
4.6. Protección de los equipos ................................................................................................................... 30
4.7. PUESTA BAJO TENSION DEL EQUIPO ....................................................................................... 30
4.8. PrEPARACION DEL EQUIPO ......................................................................................................... 31
5. BOLETÍN DEL USUARIO ............................................................................................................... 32

5.1. CALIBRACIÓN DE LOS CONDUCTÍMETROS ............................................................................ 33

5.2. CURVAS DE CALIBRACIÓN ......................................................................................................... 33
5.3. UtilizAción del módulo ...................................................................................................................... 35
5.4. DEterminaCIÓN de la presiÓn osmÓtiCA deL AGUA DE LA CIUDAD ....................................... 36
5.5. Determinación de la permEabilidad AL AGUA de la membranA dE ÓsmosIS inversA .................. 38
5.6. VERIFICACIÓN DE LA LEY DE Van’t Hoff ................................................................................. 39
5.7. Selectividad de la membrana .............................................................................................................. 41
5.8. VErificaCIÓN DE LOS BALANCES DE MATERIA ...................................................................... 43
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5.9. Paro del equipo................................................................................................................................... 45

5.10. Limpieza de la unidad ........................................................................................................................ 46
5.11. ALMACENAMIENTO DE LA UNIDAD ........................................................................................ 46
5.12. cuidado DE LA UNIDAD .................................................................................................................. 47
5.13. MANTENIMIENTO .......................................................................................................................... 47
6. EJEMPLO DE ESTUDIO Y RESULTADOS ................................................................................. 48

6.1. ESTUDIO PROPUESTO ................................................................................................................... 49

6.2. PresIÓN OSMÓTICA DEL AGUA DE LA RED MUCICIPAL ...................................................... 49
6.3. CURVAS DE CALIBRACIÓN ......................................................................................................... 51
6.4. ESTUDIO DE LA SELECTIVIDAD DE LA MEMBRANA ........................................................... 57
6.5. ESTUDIO A y constantE ................................................................................................................... 61
6.6. Optimización del módulo de Ósmosis................................................................................................ 62
6.7. DeTERMINACIÓN DEL FACTOR DE POLARIZACIÓN ............................................................. 64
7. ANEXOS.............................................................................................................................................. 66

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La osmosis inversa es parte de las técnicas de separación a través de membranas. Entre las otras
técnicas membranarias, se pueden distinguir la nano-filtración, la ultrafiltración y la micro-
Estos procesos difieren particularmente por su naturaleza y el desempeño de la membrana
Para la osmosis inversa, las membranas utilizadas son membranas densas que dejan ´pasar el
solvente pero representan una barrera a los solutos. El proceso es sobretodo utilizado en
aplicaciones de desmineralización del agua o de la concentración de soluciones

El módulo de osmosis inversa OSM/3000 permite mostrar a los estudiantes la puesta en marcha
de una técnica membranaria, también permite caracterizar la membrana de osmosis y estudiar
los parámetros esenciales del proceso: flujos, presión transmembrana, calidad del permeato.

El estudio se realiza a partir de agua de la red municipal y de agua salobre (solución acuosa de
cloruro de sodio) y propone definir:
 la presión osmótica del agua de la red municipal
 la permeabilidad de la membrana frente al agua de la red municipal
 la presión osmótica de las soluciones salobres estudiadas.
 La tasa de rechazo del módulo de ósmosis inversa.
 La tasa de conversión del módulo de ósmosis inversa.
 La evolución de la tasa de conversión en función de la tasa de rechazo para
diferencias de presión dadas.
 La evolución de la tasa de rechazo en función de la diferencia de presión
transmembrana para tasas de conversión fijas.

Este estudio permite por lo tanto s los estudiantes de tomar conciencia de las condiciones de
operación en las cuales los módulos de osmosis inversa funcionan para una producción
Será igualmente posible aprovechar los problemas de optimización del proceso de ósmosis:
investigación de las condiciones de operación ideales para acoplar cantidad y calidad del

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La unidad de estudio de la ósmosis inversa es muy similar a una unidad industrial:

Esta presenta por lo tanto los mismos riesgos que los encontrados en la industria, con la única
diferencia que las cantidades de productos y flujos puestos en juego son pequeños.

1.1.1. Responsabilidad del constructor

La unidad de estudio de la ósmosis inversa es una unidad didáctica: esta unidad está destinada a
la enseñanza y a la observación del fenómeno de concentración o dilución por ósmosis inversa
de soluciones acuosas de cloruro de sodio, en las condiciones siguientes:
- temperatura de la solución de alimentación: ambiente (enfriamiento con serpentín).
- presión de la solución de alimentación en el tanque de almacenamiento: presión atmosférica.

Los riesgos encontrados en esta unidad son idénticos a los presentados en el medio industrial:
su uso debe hacerse bajo control de los profesores y en un local apropiado del cual el
constructor habrá dado sus especificaciones previamente.
Ver el capítulo “usos” en este documento.

Todo uso de esta unidad fuera de las recomendaciones técnicas indicadas por el constructor no
compromete la responsabilidad de la empresa en caso de incidentes o accidentes ocurridos
durante las manipulaciones no especificadas.

1.1.2. Responsabilidad del usuario

Cada profesor y sus alumnos manipulando el equipo deberán seguir las instrucciones de uso
señaladas por el constructor en la carpeta técnica proporcionada con la unidad.

El profesor deberá tomar igualmente en cuenta las medidas necesarias para el trabajo
experimental en un laboratorio de ingeniería química como:

 una vestimenta correcta: bata de algodón, portar lentes de seguridad (googles)

 una actitud correcta: no correr, no fumar,…
 asegurar las condiciones de seguridad en el momento de transportar los productos
 almacenar los productos químicos en un lugar apropiado
 usar los volúmenes en cantidad correcta con relación al volumen útil de la unidad.
 ......

Esta lista no es exhaustiva y deberá ser completada por el equipo pedagógico en función de las
especificidades de este.

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1.2.1. Riesgo químico

La unidad de estudio de la ósmosis inversa funciona con agua de la red municipal como
Par las manipulaciones propuestas, se recomienda el uso de los productos siguientes:
- soluto: cloruro de sodio
- calibración del conductímetro (constante de la celda): soluciones de calibración de cloruro de
- calibración conductimétrica (curva de calibración): solución de cloruro de sodio en agua de la
red municipal
- mantenimiento: solución acuosa de metasulfito de sodio.

El uso de estos productos químicos no están exentos de riesgos, es por lo tanto muy
recomendable leer las fichas de seguridad de los productos. Se debe tener atención
especialmente en los riesgos de proyecciones.

Se aconseja imperativamente utilizar protección personal: bata de algodón, lentes de seguridad,

guantes de protección en el momento de realizar los trabajos prácticos, TP, y para las
manipulaciones de productos químicos, respetar las instrucciones de seguridad presentadas en
el modo de operación y anotar en la bitácora de operación todas las prácticas realizadas en el

1.2.2. Riesgo eléctrico

La unidad presenta el riesgo eléctrico por el funcionamiento de la bomba: una estación de
arranque/paro de la bomba permite hacerla funcionar.
Los conductímetros funcionan con una pila a fin de limitar el uso de tensión eléctrica en la

1.2.3. Riesgo térmico

No hay riesgos en particular durante el funcionamiento normal del equipo.
No olvidar de poner en marcha la circulación de agua fría por el serpentín interno del tanque de
alimentación durante las operaciones de recirculación, a fin de evitar que la temperatura del
agua sea superior a 35 °C (protección de la membrana de ósmosis).

1.2.4. Riesgo mecánico

A nivel de la bomba: las piezas en rotación no están accesibles.

1.2.5. Seguridad de la instalación

Es importante respetar las consignas de seguridad presentadas en el curso de modo de operar, a
fin de no dañar las diferentes partes de la instalación.
Así, con el propósito de preservar la integridad de la membrana, es imperativo instalar antes del
equipo un filtro de 25 m con el fin de detener las partículas en suspensión del agua de
alimentación, así también un filtro de carbón activo para eliminar el cloro del agua alimentada.
Estos ya están instalados en la unidad en el momento de la entrega y deben ser cambiados
cambiarse cuando estén sucios o saturados.

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Av permeabilidad de la membrana m²
B permeabilidad de la membrana a las sales m.s
CF concentración de las sales en la carga mol.m
CP concentración global de sales en el permeato mol.m
CR concentración global de sales en el retentato mol.m
CM concentración de sales la capa de polarización mol.m
j coeficiente de presión osmótica -
-2 -1
Js flux específico local de sales mol.m .s
3 -2 -1
Jv flux específico del solvente m .m .s
k coeficiente de transferencia de masa m.s
3 -1
QF flujo de alimentación m .s
3 -1
QP flujo de permeato m .s
3 -1
QR flujo de retentato m .s
-1 -3
R constante de los gases perfectos (8,316 ) J.mol .m
SM superficie de la membrana m²
T temperatura K
TRexp tasa de rechazo observada experimentalmente -
TRreal tasa de rechazo real -
U velocidad del fluido m.s
Y tasa de conversión -
γ factor de polarización -
 presión osmótica Pa
P diferencia de presión transmembrana Pa
 diferencia de presión osmótica Pa

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La ósmosis inversa es un método de desalación de aguas salobres o de mar, extensamente
usado a nivel industrial.
La ósmosis puede definirse como el paso espontáneo de un líquido (solvente) de una solución
concentrada a través de una membrana semi-permeable permitiendo así el paso de moléculas de
solvente (generalmente el agua) y no de moléculas disueltas o de iones (soluto).

Esta transferencia se sigue hasta que la presión constituida por la diferencia de nivel de ambos
líquidos sea suficiente para detenerla.

El equilibrio se alcanza y la diferencia de nivel entre los dos niveles representa la presión

Solución concentrada agua

Sentido del flux de agua


La presión osmótica puede ser estimada por la relación de VAN' T HOFF.

  j R  T C

En la cual : presión osmótica (en Pa)

j: coeficiente de presión osmótica (adimensional)
-1 -1
R: constante de los gases perfectos (8.316 J.Mol .K )
T: temperatura (K)
C: concentración de sales (mol.m )
El coeficiente j depende de la ionización del soluto. Y vale:
1 para una molécula disociada.
2 para una molécula diatómica totalmente disociada.

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¿Cuál es la presión osmótica creada por una solución de concentración 1 g.l de cloruro de
sodio a 20°C?
El peso molecular del NaCl es de 58.5 g.mol

En primera aproximación: j = 2.

Este valor esta sobreestimado debido a que las interacciones electrostáticas son despreciables
C  17.1 mol.m
O sea que   83300 Pa
Es decir  0.83 bar

La medición de la presión osmótica da 0.786 bar.


Si ahora se aplica una presión hidrostática superior a la presión osmótica sobre la solución
concentrada, el solvente es entonces forzado a pasar a través de la membrana en sentido

Es posible obtener un agua en la cual los iones están casi ausentes, el permeato.


Solución concentrada Agua


Sentido del flux del agua

La solución de sal se concentra.

Sin embargo, hay un aumento de la presión osmótica que limita rápidamente la producción de
permeato: es por esto que es imposible trabajar en “filtración frontal”.

El método retenido es pues la filtración tangencial donde la solución de agua salobre que hay
que tratar, la carga, circula tangencialmente a la membrana

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Bajo el efecto de la presión, una fracción del agua atraviesa la membrana para formar el

El resto es rechazado para dar una solución más concentrada llamado retentato.*




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Para explicar la transferencia de masa a través de las membranas de ósmosis inversa, el
mecanismo más frecuentemente retenido es el mecanismo difusional.

Este tipo de mecanismo se basa en que la transferencia de solvente y de soluto a través de la

membrana se lleva a cabo en varias etapas solubilización-difusión. Así, el soluto y el solvente
se disuelven en la membrana de ósmosis y se difunden al interior de esta, bajo el efecto de los
gradientes existentes de un lado y de otro de la membrana: gradiente de concentración,
gradiente de presión.

A partir de esta hipótesis de solubilización-difusión, es posible deducir algunas ecuaciones

teóricas que describen el proceso de ósmosis inversa.

2.4.1. Ecuación de flux específico del solvente

El flujo específico del disolvente a través de la membrana es proporcional a la diferencia de

presión motriz reinante de ambos lados de la membrana.

JV = AV . ( P -  ) (1)
3 -2 -1
JV: flux especifico local de solvente a través de la membrana (m .m .s )
2 -1
AV: permeabilidad de la membrana ante el disolvente (m )
P: diferencia de presión aplicada a los lados de la membrana (Pa)
: diferencia de presión osmótica a los lados de la membrana (Pa)

Recordatorio de la relación de VAN' T HOFF:

 = j.R.T.(CM - CP) (2)

CM: concentración global de sal en el agua a tratar en la superficie de la membrana (mol.m )
CP: concentración global en el permeato (mol.m )

2.4.2. Ecuación del flux específico de sal

De acuerdo a los fenómenos de difusión, una pequeña fracción del soluto emigra a través de la
El flux creado puede ser estimado por:

JS = B. (CF - CP) (3)

-2 -1
JS: flux específico local de sal a través de la membrana (mol.m .s )
B: permeabilidad de la membrana frente al soluto (m.s )
CF: concentración global de sal en el agua a tratar (mol.m )
CP: concentración global del permeato (mol.m )
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El flujo de alimentación se divide en dos partes después de pasar por la membrana.

Así, si se designa por QF el flux de alimentación, QP el flux de permeato y QR el flux de

retentato, se puede definir entonces la tasa de conversión Y como:

Y P

La tasa de conversión representa la fracción del flujo de alimentación que atraviesa la

Se puede también calcular por: Y = QP/(QP+QR).
La tasa de conversión es un indicador de la cantidad de permeato producido, pero no indica
la calidad del permeato.


La selectividad de la membrana de ósmosis inversa se caracteriza por la relación TR, tasa de

 CP
TR  C F  1 CP (5)

CF: concentración del soluto (cloruro de sodio por ejemplo) en solución alimentada
CP: concentración del soluto en el permeato.

La tasa de rechazo del soluto también se conoce como tasa de retención de la membrana. Esta
permite caracterizar de forma cualitativa el proceso de ósmosis.

En el caso de la desalación de agua, el producto a valorizar es el permeato. Es deseable por lo

tanto que la concentración de sal sea la más baja posible, es decir, que Cp tiende hacia 0. En ese
caso, la tasa de rechazo de sal tiende hacia 1.

Se constata experimentalmente que la tasa de rechazo depende de las condiciones de trabajo,

especialmente del flujo de alimentación y de la presión aplicada sobre la membrana.

Entre más cercano sea TR a 1, mayor será la calidad del permeato.

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Balance global de materia:

QF = QP + QR

Balance para el soluto:

CF x QF = CP x QP + CR x QR

Con Q los flujos en L/h y C las concentraciones en mol/L para un balance molar.

Con Q los flujos en L/h y C las concentraciones en g/L para un balance másico.

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Cuando el disolvente atraviesa la membrana, se separa a nivel de interfase líquido-membrana
de la mayoría de las sales en solución.

Hay por lo tanto una acumulación de estas últimas a lo largo de la membrana, formando así
una capa límite, llamada capa de polarización de la membrana.

2.8.1. Capa de polarización

La concentración global aumenta hasta el flux incidente de sales sea compensado por un flux
de retrodifusión hacia la solución.

Consecuentemente, la concentración, al contacto con la membrana, es ms elevada e igual a C M,

entonces no es igual a CF en la solución salina.
Es posible mostrar que la relación que vincula estas dos concentraciones sea:

C C
 (C F  C P)  exp( J V ) (6)
CF: concentración del soluto en la solución alimentada (mol.m-3)
CP: concentración del soluto en el permeato (mol.m-3)
CM: concentración del soluto en la superficie de la membrana (mol.m-3)
Jv: flux específico local del solvente a través de la membrana (m3.m-2.s-1)
k: coeficiente de transferencia de masa en la capa de polarización (m.s-1)

Este coeficiente de transferencia de masa depende de la naturaleza del soluto, y del solvente
pero sobre todo de las condiciones hidrodinámicas impuestas.

Consecuencias de la aparición de la capa de polarización:

- disminución del flux de permeato:
El aumento de la concentración en la superficie de la membrana va a corresponder a una
presión osmótica muy elevada.
Basándose en la ley de Van’t Hoff, si la concentración aumenta, la presión osmótica aumenta.
Si la presión global aplicada sobre la membrana se mantiene idéntica, la presión realmente
utilizable para la transferencia de soluto, P - , es más baja.
De la ecuación (1), si P -  disminuye, entonces el flux de solvente disminuye,
consecuentemente se tendrá una disminución del flujo de permeato.

- variación de la selectividad:
La tasa de rechazo real será diferente de la tasa de rechazo observada (ver más adelante).

- taponamiento de la membrana: en el caso de compuestos que forman sales insolubles, podrá

haber aparición de precipitados en la superficie de la membrana si el límite de solubilidad de
las sales es rebasado.

El fenómeno de polarización en la superficie de la membrana es un fenómeno reversible: si el

gradiente de concentración o el gradiente de presión se invierten entonces la polarización

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2.8.2. Factor de polarización

Se define el factor de polarización γ como:

γ  CM (7)

Este permite tener una evaluación de la relación entre la concentración de la solución

alimentada y la concentración en la superficie de la membrana.

Es posible determinar experimentalmente el factor de polarización. En efecto, la medición de

las concentraciones de las soluciones de la alimentación y del permeato, se puede calcular la
tasa de rechazo observada TRexp:

 CP
TR exp
 CF  1 CP (5)exp

Entonces, la concentración en la superficie de la membrana no es igual a CF sino a un valor CM

que es imposible medir experimentalmente. Se puede definir entonces la tasa de rechazo real:

 CP
TR réel
 CM  1 CP (5)real

Combinando las ecuaciones (5) y (8), se puede deducir que:

1  TRexp
(C M  C P ) TR

(C F  C P ) 1  TR réel

TR réel

La ecuación (6) escrita bajo la forma logarítmica y simplificada da entonces:

1  TRexp 1  TRréel J
ln( )  ln( ) V
TR exp TR réel

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En el caso del régimen de flujo turbulento, el análisis dimensional conduce a la ecuación de

Chilton Colburn, dando la correlación entre el coeficiente de transferencia de masa k y la
velocidad del fluido circulando, U (m.s-1):

k  cste  Re  Sc
0.8 0.33
con Reynolds proporcional a U, se deduce:

k = cste x U0.8 (10)

La ecuación (9) da:

1  TRexp 1  TRréel J
ln( )  ln( )  cste V
TR exp TR réel U
1  TRexp J V
Trazando los valores de ln( ) en función de 0 .8
, se obtiene entonces una recta que
TR exp U
1  TRréel
corta al eje de las ordenadas en ln( ) . Esto nos permite tener acceso al valor de la tasa
TR réel
de rechazo real y de ello deducir el factor de polarización por la relación:

 (12)
1  TRréel

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3.2.1. Productos utilizados
Solvente: agua de la red municipal
Soluto: cloruro de sodio

El diseño de la unidad de ósmosis inversa es compatible con los diferentes productos.
Los materiales para las partes en contacto con los productos utilizados son:
Acero Inoxidable 316 L.
Mangueras de vinil reforzado.
Membrana de ósmosis: película compuesta (composite).

Es recomendable validar la resistencia de estos materiales teniendo en cuenta las

concentraciones y las condiciones de operación.

3.2.2. Volúmenes reaccionantes máximos

Tanque de alimentación: 210 Litros

Tanque de retentato: 100 Litros
Tanque de permeato: 100 Litros

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3.2.3. Punto de funcionamiento

La unidad de ósmosis inversa ha sido dimensionada para el punto de funcionamiento siguiente:

Alimentación: solución salina de agua de la red a 8 g/L

Temperatura de alimentación: ambiente (enfriamiento con serpentín)
Flujo de alimentación: 2 200 L/h
Presión río arriba de la membrana: 16 bar

En estas condiciones se obtiene:

Flujo de retentato: alrededor de 2 000 L/h

Flujo de permeato: alrededor de150 L/h
Concentración del permeato: alrededor de 0.04 g/L

3.2.4. Límites de funcionamiento

Presión rio arriba de la membrana: 18 bar (valor límite de la bomba)
Temperatura de la solución: 35 °C


La lista de contra indicaciones no es exhaustiva y deberá ser completada por las contra
indicaciones relacionadas con la manipulación de los reactivos utilizados y por las
instrucciones específicas del laboratorio de ingeniería química.

Sin embargo, es importante hacer notar que está prohibido:

 trabajar con soluciones que estén a una temperatura superior a 35°C.
 de introducir partículas sólidas en el tanque de alimentación y por lo tanto en la
 utilizar soluciones que taponen la membrana.
 dejar la unidad en funcionamiento sin vigilancia de un operador experimentado en el
uso de estos equipos.
 Introducir reactivos no compatibles con los materiales de construcción de la unidad.
 ………

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3.5.1. Descripción general
1. Tanque de almacenamiento del agua salobre, capacidad 210 litros, con circuito de
enfriamiento por serpentín de cobre, alimentado con agua fría. Alimentación de agua de
la red municipal con filtro de cartucho.
2. Bomba de alta presión del módulo de ósmosis, presión máxima 21 bar a 1.2 m3/h.
3. Circuito de alimentación del módulo de ósmosis con tubería de by-pass, válvula de
regulación y medición de presión en la entrada del módulo.
4. Membrana de ósmosis inversa.
5. Circuito de retentato con válvula de regulación y medidor de presión en la salida del
módulo, válvula de toma de muestra, medición del flujo. Medidor de conductividad y de
temperatura con sonda externa.
6. Circuito de permeato con válvula de toma de muestra y medición del flujo. Medidor de
conductividad y de temperatura por sonda externa.
7. Alimentación de agua del tanque con filtro de retención de partículas y filtro de carbón
activo, alimentación de agua hacia el circuito de enfriamiento del tanque.
8. Tanque de recuperación del permeato, capacidad 100 litros.
9. Tanque de recuperación de retentato, capacidad 100 litros.

3.5.2. Descripción de las válvulas

V1 válvula de alimentación de la bomba.
V2 válvula de recirculación de la solución alimentada.
V3 válvula de alimentación de la membrana de ósmosis inversa.
V4 válvula de regulación del flujo de concentrado.
V5 válvula de toma de muestra del retentato.
V6 válvula de toma de muestra del permeato.
V7 válvula de descarga del tanque de alimentación.
V8 válvula de alimentación del circuito de enfriamiento del tanque.
V9 válvula de alimentación de agua al tanque.
V10 válvula de aislamiento de la alimentación general de agua.
V11 válvula de descarga del tanque de almacenamiento del retentato.
V12 válvula de descarga del tanque de almacenamiento del permeato.
V13 válvula de selección del rotámetro « flujos altos » en el circuito del permeato.
V14 válvula de selección del rotámetro « flujos bajos » en el circuito del permeato.

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3.5.3. Descripción de los medidores

FI1 rotámetro de 300 a 3000 L/h para medir el flujo de retentato.
FI2 rotámetro 60 a 600 L/h para medir el flujo de permeato.
FI3 rotámetro 15 a 150 L/h para medir el flujo de permeato.
LLS detector de nivel bajo en el tanque de alimentación.
PI1 manómetro de carátula para medir la presión de descarga de la bomba.
PI2 manómetro de caratula para medir la presión de entrada a la membrana.
PI3 manómetro de carátula para medir la presión en la salida de la membrana, lado
del retentato.
TI1 temperatura del retentato o alimentación (sonda integrada al conductímetro).
TI2 temperatura del permeato o alimentación (sonda integrada al conductímetro).
1 conductímetro portátil digital en el circuito del retentato.
2 conductímetro portátil digital en el circuito del permeato.

3.5.4. Parte eléctrica

Conmutador general de puesta bajo tensión.
Marcha / Paro de la bomba.
Dos conductímetros, tecnología portátil, pantalla de temperatura y de conductividad (cambio de
gama automática).

3.5.5. Seguridad
Detección del nivel en el tanque:

La bomba centrifuga de alta presión no puede ser puesta en marcha mientras el nivel de agua
en el tanque no sea superior al nivel de detección de LLS (situado arriba del nivel de
descarga/vaciado del tanque).

Cebado de la bomba:

Es importante llenar la voluta de la bomba con agua por el tapón situado en la parte alta del
cuerpo, de manera de facilitar su cebado.
Para esto, cerrar la válvula de aislamiento de la aspiración de la bomba, llenar la voluta
utilizando un embudo.

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Todas las intervenciones sobre la unidad PIGNAT deben ser realizadas bajo la
responsabilidad de un técnico de la empresa PIGNAT.


El diseño de las unidades PIGNAT es de tipo auto portado, es decir, que todos los equipos
están fijos en un chasis de acero inoxidable soldado, tipo mecano.


La sociedad Pignat fabrica dos tipos de equipos: las máquinas fijas y las máquinas móviles.

Máquinas fijas:
El mantenimiento de este tipo de máquina se realiza con un montacargas.
Una barra fija situada en el frente permite asegurar un transporte fácil de la máquina.

Las patas disponen de un sistema que permite nivelar el chasis.

Máquinas móviles:
La movilidad de las máquinas se asegura con 4 rodajas auto pivotantes de las cuales dos tienen
En el momento de usar el equipo, es importante bloquear los frenos.
Durante el mantenimiento, es importante verificar que la máquina no esté conectada a los
servicios (principalmente eléctrico, agua fría o nitrógeno).

La unidad de ósmosis inversa es una unidad móvil.

Montaje en planta:
Las máquinas son pre montadas en la planta de PIGNAt por técnicos experimentados que
trabajan bajo las reglas del arte de construir equipos piloto para ingeniería de procesos.
Este pre montaje permite realizar la validación de las máquinas antes de su instalación final en
el laboratorio del cliente.

Montaje en sitio:
El montaje en sitio lo realiza el personal de la empresa PIGNAT.
La validación del montaje se realiza en el momento de hacer los ensayos de hermeticidad
hidráulica por el responsable del laboratorio.

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La unidad debe ser instalada en un laboratorio técnico destinado a los trabajos prácticos de
ingeniería química.
Esto implica las condiciones siguientes:
Ventilación del equipo: los vapores emitidos durante la operación, la carga y descarga
de la unidad deben ser captados y extraídos rápidamente.
En el uso estándar del módulo de ósmosis inversa, las soluciones no generan vapores
Iluminación del equipo: el uso del equipo es compatible con un ambiente iluminado
convenientemente. Es importante vigilar que la máquina sea situada en un lugar donde
la iluminación sea correcta.
La adición de medios de iluminación específicos será realizada por el cliente.
Emisión de ruido: El nivel sonoro producido por la máquina no rebasa los 80 dB. La
emisión de ruido se debe al motor de la bomba multietapas.
Consignas de seguridad: Las instrucciones de seguridad vinculadas al uso de la
máquina deberán ser fijadas en las proximidades del equipo por el cliente. La máquina
está equipada de pictogramas que señalan los riesgos existentes.


La conexión a los servicios la realizan los técnicos de PIGNAT y su buen funcionamiento se
verifica en el momento de realizar los ensayos de validación finales en sitio.

La conexión se realiza en las diferentes redes puestas a disposición en las proximidades de la


Se pueden instalar válvulas de aislamiento entre la red y la conexión de la máquina por el


La máquina está equipada con sus propias válvulas de aislamiento, accesibles fácilmente
al operador.

Conexión eléctrica:
La conexión eléctrica se realiza con clavija (unidad dotada de rodajas)
La alimentación eléctrica es: 3X 400V + T / 50Hz / 6 Amperes.
Esta requiere en la red de una protección eléctrica diferencial de alta sensibilidad corriente
arriba, 30 mA.

Conexión a la red municipal de agua (3 bar máximo):

La conexión a la red de agua municipal la realiza el técnico de la empresa Pignat en el

momento de poner en servicio la unidad. El agua se utiliza a la vez para la alimentación del
banco de ósmosis inversa y para el enfriamiento por recirculación en el serpentín interno del
tanque de alimentación. La empresa Pignat proporciona las mangueras de conexión a la unidad.

Evacuación de las aguas usadas:

La evacuación dese hace a nivel del piso utilizando las válvulas de descarga de la unidad.
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La instalación funciona bajo presión relativamente elevada (de 0 a 20 bar). Es importante
respetar las condiciones de operación con el fin de no dañar la membrana:

 la membrana debe ser puesta bajo presión progresivamente,

 de la misma forma, en el momento de parar el equipo la membrana debe ser llevada a
presión nula progresivamente.
 la bomba no debe funcionar en seco.

Seguir el modo de operar indicado enseguida.


Bloquear los frenos de las rodajas.

Verificación de la alimentación de agua fría al serpentín:

- abrir la válvula general de alimentación al laboratorio,
- cerrar V9,
- abrir V10,
- abrir V8,
- verificar que el agua fluya por las tuberías.

Llenado del tanque de alimentación:

- Abrir la válvula general de alimentación de agua al laboratorio,
- cerrar V7,
- cerrar V8,
- abrir V10,
- abrir V9,
- Llenar el tanque hasta el sello de detección del controlador de nivel (40 litros)

Arranque de la bomba:
Atención, no poner en marcha la bomba antes de haber llenado el tanque de alimentación y
haber abierto las válvulas adecuadas: ver párrafo “preparación del equipo”:
- cerrar la válvula V3, abrir la válvula V2 completamente,
- abrir la válvula V1,
- Oprimir el botón de arranque de la bomba.

Encendido de los conductímetros:

Oprimir el botón ON del conductímetro portátil y esperar que la fase de inicialización del
aparato sea terminada: en la pantalla se observa entonces la conductividad en tiempo real.

Pensar en cargar la pila en caso de que si no se ilumine la pantalla al oprimir el botón.

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Verificar que el equipo esté vacío y limpio.

Recordatorio: la limpieza y lavado de la unidad son parte de la operación.

Verificar que todas las válvulas estén cerradas.

4.8.1. Cebado de la bomba

Ver la documentación proporcionada en la carpeta técnica.

Atención: la circulación del agua se hace por el by-pass V2 de la membrana de ósmosis.

Cerrar V7.
Llenar el tanque con agua de la red (50-60 litros): abrir V9 y V10.
En tanto que no se alcance el nivel mínimo de líquido, la bomba no podrá arrancarse.
El nivel de seguridad está arreglado desde la planta.

Abrir las válvulas V1 y V2.

La válvula V3 está cerrada.

Encender la bomba P.
Si la bomba no permite obtener el flujo de agua será necesario cebarla.

Apagar la bomba.
Desatornillar el tapón situado arriba de la carcasa para dejar escapar el aire.
Volver a colocar el tapón y poner en marcha de la bomba.
Hacer esto varias veces hasta que la bomba este cebada.
Apagar la bomba.
Cerrar las válvulas V1 y V2.

4.8.2. Configuración del equipo

El equipo puede funcionar recirculando las soluciones, permeato y retentato en el tanque de

Esta configuración es necesaria cuando se estudia la caracterización de la membrana.
El equipo puede funcionar en producción, es decir, que el permeato y el retentato pueden ser
colocados en un tanque de almacenamiento.
Esta configuración es utilizada para realizar balances de materia.
Este cambio de configuración se realiza cambiando las conexiones a la salida de los rotámetros
de retentato y de permeato.
Es suficiente orientar las dos mangueras, ya sea por separado en cada uno de los tanques o sea
hacia el tanque de alimentación de 200 L.

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Duración total de la calibración: 40 minutes
Revisar el boletín técnico del conductímetro proporcionado en la carpeta técnica
Entregado con el equipo.

Determinación de la constante de la celda:

La determinación de la constante de la celda tiene por objeto asegurar que el valor de la
conductividad indicada sea exacta.
Para esto, es necesario utilizar la solución de calibración de la conductividad que convenga.

Es práctico utilizar las soluciones de calibración valoradas de KCl de concentración 0.1 mol/L,
0.01 mol/L y 0.001 mol/L.

Esta calibración se debe hacer al principio de cada práctica, TP.


En el transcurso de la operación de caracterización del proceso de ósmosis inversa, es
importante conocer las concentraciones de las diferentes muestras.
Estas concentraciones están definidas a partir del valor de conductividad de cada muestra.
Para esto es importante realizar las curvas de calibración: concentración (g/l) en función de la

5.2.1. Preparación de las soluciones salinas de concentración conocida:

Habiendo realizado las experiencias con agua de la red municipal, se aconseja utilizar
igualmente el agua de la red para preparar las soluciones NaCl que servirán para trazar las
curvas de calibración…
Las gamas de concentración no son las mismas a nivel de la sonda de medición del circuito de
retentato y del circuito del permeato: será por lo tanto necesario adaptar las concentraciones y
la zona de trazado de la curva de calibración.
Se dan a título de ilustración dos series de soluciones que pueden ser utilizadas para las

Circuito de permeato: agua de la red - 0.2 g/L – 0.5 g/L - 1 g/L – 2 g/L – 3 g/L.

Circuito de retentato: 4 g/L - 6 g/L - 8 g/L - 10 g/L - 12 g/L - 14 g/L.

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5.2.2. Trazado de las curvas de calibración

Para cada solución de concentración conocida, medir el valor de la conductividad.

Las mediciones deben hacerse a temperatura ambiente.
Esperar algunos segundos para que el valor de la conductividad se estabilice.

Lavar bien con agua permutada el electrodo entra cada medición.

Anotar en una tabla el resumen de valores de conductividad y las concentraciones
Trazar la curva de calibración representativa de la conductividad en función de la

Si se está en la zona lineal de las sondas, será posible efectuar una regresión lineal y
determinar la relación de tipo ax+b.

Conductividad =a x (concentración) + b.

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Para todas las operaciones realizadas en este equipo, el protocolo de utilización se mantiene
Es importante respetar los puntos siguientes:

5.3.1. Antes de encender la bomba

 Antes de encender la bomba, asegurarse que el nivel del agua en el tanque sea
suficiente: el detector de nivel debe autorizar el funcionamiento de la bomba.
 Abrir las válvulas: V1, V2, V4 y V14.
 Encender la bomba.

5.3.2. Meter bajo presión el módulo

 Abrir lentamente, pero completamente la válvula V3.
 Leer el valor de presión del módulo y los flujos obtenidos en los diferentes rotámetros,
permeato y retentato.
 Para aumentar la presión, cerrar la válvula V2 o/y la válvula V4.
 Tomar los datos teniendo cuidado de aumentar progresivamente la presión del módulo:
 ajustar la presión baja: 0.5 bar, hacia la presión alta: 18 bar.
 Si el flujo de permeato rebasa la gama de FI3, abrir V13 y cerrar V14 para emplear el
rotámetro FI2.

5.3.3. Antes de parar el módulo

 Abrir la válvula V2 para hacer bajar la presión en el módulo.
 Abrir la válvula V4.
 Cerrar la válvula V3.
 Apagar la bomba.

5.3.4. Medición volumétrica del permeato

Para bajas presiones aplicadas a la entrada al módulo y si el rotámetro FI3 no es suficiente
(flujo < 15 L/h), es necesario medir el volumen/tiempo el flujo de permeato.
 Utilizar una probeta de 500 ml y un cronómetro.
 Regular las condiciones de operación respetando los párrafos anotados arriba y esperar
de 2 a 3 minutos.
 Desplazar la manguera de la válvula V6 hacia la probeta.
 Abrir la válvula V6 y poner en marcha el cronómetro.
 Medir el tiempo necesario para obtener 200 a 400 ml de permeato.
 Determinar el flujo por la relación: volumen/tiempo.

5.3.5. Medición de las conductividades

 Hacer la calibración del conductímetro.
 Con la ayuda de vasos, tomar una muestra de retentato (por la válvula V5) y el
permeato (por medio de la válvula V6)
Antes de tomar una medida:
 Encender el conductímetro.
 Sacar la sonda e introducirla rápidamente en el agua.
 Leer el valor de la conductividad y de la temperatura.

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5.4.1. Recordatorio
El flujo específico de solvente a través de la membrana es proporcional a la diferencia de
presión motriz que reina de una y otra parte de la membrana.

JV = AV . ( P -  ) (1)
3 -2 -1
JV: flux específico local de solvente a través de la membrana (m .m .s ).
2 -1
AV: permeabilidad de la membrana frente al solvente (m ).
P: diferencia de presión aplicada de una y otra parte de la membrana (Pa).
: diferencia de presión osmótica de una y otra parte de la membrana (Pa).

5.4.2. Parte experimental

Duración total de la operación: 20 minutes
Para un flujo de circulación fijo en la superficie de la membrana, medir el flujo de permeato
obtenido en función de la presión aplicada sobre la membrana.
La presión osmótica se define gráficamente por un flujo de solvente igual a 0.

Abrir V10.
Llenar el tanque con agua de la red (50 a 60 litro): abrir V9.
Verificar la alimentación del circuito de enfriamiento con agua de la red abriendo V8.
Abrir V1 y V2 completamente.
Encender la bomba.
Abrir V3 lentamente.
Fijar el flujo de retentato: por ejemplo 1000 L/hora.
Este valor deberá ser constante durante toda la operación a las diferentes presiones.

Imponer una presión “rio arriba” de la membrana jugando con las válvulas V2 y V4:
Comenzar por una presión baja y aumentarla progresivamente.
A esta presión se le llama: presión transmembrana
La presión transmembrana es igual a la media de presiones medidas en la entrada y en la salida
del módulo del lado del retentato menos la presión de la salida del módulo del lado del
permeato. Estas presiones se leen en los manómetros del lado del retentato. Del lado del
permeato, la presión es nula puesto que se está a la presión atmosférica (presión relativa).

Hacer mínimo 4 ensayos para presiones comprendidas entre 2 y 6 bar.

Esperar de 2 a 3 minutos para que la membrana sea acondicionada, es decir, que la capa límite
se desarrolle.

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Determinar el flujo de permeato QP:

Sea por medición Volumen/tiempo a nivel de retorno de la tubería de permeato en el tanque
de alimentación.
Sea por lectura directa en los rotámetros FI2 y FI3.

IMPORTANTE: la temperatura del agua en el tanque no debe variar mientras se toman

las mediciones.
Se puede jugar con el flujo de agua en el circuito de enfriamiento.

Para un mismo flujo de circulación, obtener al menos 6 puntos a presiones diferentes.

Renovar la operación para flujos de circulación diferentes:
1500 L/h, 2000 L/h, 2500 L/h ….
Nota: ensayar tomando los mismos valores de presión aplicada.

5.4.3. Discusión de resultados

Trazar la curva poniendo el valor de flujo de permeato QP en función de la presión
transmembrana aplicada.
Por extrapolación, definir gráficamente el valor de la presión por un flujo de permeato nulo.
Este valor es igual a la presión osmótica del agua.

Será necesario tomar los puntos más próximos de QP=0 y después extrapolar la recta para
obtener la intersección de esta con el eje de las abscisas.
En efecto, la presión osmótica corresponde a la presión mínima transmembrana que se debe
aplicar para obtener el permeato: esta corresponde por lo tanto al punto QP = 0.

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5.5.1. Recordatorio
A partir de las mediciones efectuadas, es posible deducir un valor experimental de la
permeabilidad de la membrana al solvente utilizado.

Recordemos que:

JV = AV . ( P -  ) (1)

3 -2 -1
JV: flux específico local de solvente a través de la membrana (m .m .s ).
2 -1
AV: permeabilidad de la membrana frente al solvente (m ).
P: diferencia de presión aplicada de uno y otro lado de la membrana (Pa).
: diferencia de presión osmótica de uno y otro lado de la membrana (Pa).

5.5.2. Discusión de resultados

A partir de los datos experimentales obtenidos arriba:

Calcular el flux de permeato

La superficie filtrante de la membrana está dada en la carpeta técnica como: SM = 7.6 m².

Se calcula entonces: JV=QP/SM.

Cuidado con las unidades.
Jv m.s-1
Qp m3.s-1
SM m2
P bar

Trazar, para cada flujo de circulación, la curva representando J V en función de la presión

transmembrana aplicada.

Es una recta de la cual la pendiente da el valor de la permeabilidad de la membrana al agua.

Para membranas compuestas, el orden de magnitud es de 3,5 x 10–7

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Duración de la operación: 1H40
5.6.1. Verificación de la ley de Van’t Hoff
La presión osmótica puede ser estimada por la relación de VAN' T HOFF.

  j R  T C

En la cual : presión osmótica (en Pa)

j: coeficiente de presión osmótica (adimensional)
-1 -1
R: constante de los gases perfectos ( 8.316 J.Mol .K )
T: temperatura (K)
C: concentración de sales (mol.m )

El agua proviene de la red de distribución del laboratorio.
No es necesario trabajar con agua desmineralizada.
Es importante en ese caso tener definida la presión osmótica del agua de la red municipal.

5.6.2. Preparación de la solución salina

Se propone trabajar con varias soluciones de alimentación con concentraciones diferentes:
1 g/L – 3 g/L – 6 g/L – 8 g/L - 12 g/L.

Si el tanque está vacío, llenarlo con 60 litros de agua de la red abriendo V10 y después V9.

Verificar la alimentación del circuito de agua de enfriamiento por agua de la red: abrir la
alimentación general del agua y después V10 y V8.

Agregar al tanque la cantidad de cloruro de sodio necesario para obtener la concentración

inicial deseada: 1g/L por ejemplo.

Nota: disolver la sal en un poco de agua antes de mezclarla en el tanque para facilitar la


Abrir V1 y V2 completamente.
Poner en funcionamiento la bomba P.
Abrir completamente V2 y esperar algunos minutos para que la solución alimentada se
homogenice completamente.
Apagar la bomba.

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Medir la conductividad de la solución de alimentación.

Utilizar una de las dos sondas de conductividad.
Introducir la sonda en el tanque de alimentación.
Anotar el valor de la conductividad.
Deducir a partir de la recta de calibración el valor de la concentración exacta de alimentación,

5.6.3. Determinación de las presiones osmóticas

Retomar el modo de operación para la determinación de la presión osmótica.
Para una solución de alimentación de concentración 1g/l
Fijar el flujo de retentato: por ejemplo 1000 litros/hora
Este valor deberá ser constante durante toda la operación a las diferentes presiones.
Tomar el flujo de permeato en función de la presión aplicada sobre el módulo de ósmosis.

 la temperatura del agua en el tanque no debe variar a lo largo de la toma de datos.
 Se puede jugar con el flujo de agua en el circuito de enfriamiento.
 La membrana debe ser sometida a variaciones de presión evolutivas. Es
importante reducir la presión aplicada sobre la membrana abriendo V2 y V4 y
luego cerrando V3 antes de apagar la bomba.

Llenar la tabla de valores dando QP en función de la presión transmembrana.

Rehacer estas mediciones para nuevos valores de concentración de la solución de


5.6.4. Discusión: verificación de la ley de Van’t Hoff

Para cada valor de concentración de la solución de alimentación, determinar gráficamente el
valor de la presión osmótica:
 Trazar la curva dando el valor del flujo de permeato QP en función de la presión
transmembrana aplicada,
 Extrapolar la recta y anotar el valor de presión correspondiente a la intersección con el
eje de las abscisas,
 Este valor de presión corresponde al valor de P - . Para la solución estudiada.

Hacer una tabla de resultados que dé para cada concentración el valor de P -  obtenido.
Trazar la curva que represente (P - ) = f (concentración).

Atención con las unidades:

Trabajar en unidades « prácticas », es decir, las concentraciones en g/L y las presiones en bar, o
sea en U.S.I, es decir, las concentraciones en mol.m-3 y las presiones en Pa.
A partir de la recta obtenida, se puede igualmente encontrar el valor de la presión osmótica del
agua de la red municipal: esta corresponde a la presión leída sobre la curva para C = 0.
Este valor debe concordar con aquel obtenido en la experiencia procedente.

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Duración total de la operación: 120 minutes
El estudio de la selectividad o de la tasa de rechazo de la membrana Rm se hace para dos series
de ensayos:
- una serie a presión constante
- una serie a tasa de producción constante
Estas dos series de mediciones serán realizadas a partir de una solución de concentración
próxima a 8 g/L de sal.

5.7.1. Ensayo a presión constante:

La diferencia de presión P está definida como la variación de presión entre la presión del lado
del retentato de la membrana y del lado del permeato.
Esta P se lee en los manómetros fijos del lado del retentato, la presión del permeato es igual a
la presión atmosférica.

Fijar la P jugando con la apertura o cerrado de las válvulas V2 y V4.

Esperar de 2 a 3 minutos para alcanzar la estabilidad del sistema.

Para una misma P:

Hacer una decena de datos para una misma P haciendo variar el valor del flujo de
- determinar los flujos QR y QP (ya sea por medición de volumen/tiempo para los valores bajos
de QP, o por lectura en los rotámetros).
- determinar los valores de conductividad del permeato y del retentato.
- verificar la conductividad de la solución de alimentación.

Renovar estas mediciones para valores crecientes de la P.

A título de ilustración y para una concentración de 8 g/L.

Presión aplicada: P = 16 bar, P = 14 bar, P = 12 bar y P=11 bar.
Flujo de retentato de 500 a 2500 L/h.

Llenar la tabla de resultados como se indica abajo:

P=……bar Cond F(μS) CF=……g/L

Punto 1 Punto 2 etc
QR (L/h)
Cond R (mS)
CR (g/L)
QP (L/h)
Cond P(μS)
CP (g/L)

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5.7.2. Ensayos a tasa de conversión constante

Se recuerda que Y designa la tasa de conversión, es decir, la fracción de flujo de alimentación

que atraviesa la membrana.
Se propone tomar datos a tasa de conversión fija haciendo variar los valores de presión

Por ejemplo, se podrá trabajar a Y = 0.04 Y = 0.05 Y=0.07 y Y = 0.09 y hacer variar la P
entre 11 y 18 bar.

Calcular los flujos de retentato y el permeato de manera de obtener la tasa de conversión

Jugando con las válvulas V2, V3 y V4, ajustar los dos flujos QP et QR.
Anotar en una tabla de resultados para cada punto los valores de conductividad y de presión.

Ejemplo de resultados:

Y = 0.05 CF =……g/L
Punto 1 Punto 2 Punto 3
QR (L/h) 2500 2300 2100
CondR (mS)
CR (g/L)
QP (L/h) 130 120 110

5.7.3. Discusión de resultados

Calcular para cada punto:
 La tasa de conversión Y
 La tasa de rechazo de la membrana Rm.

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Se conocen los flujos y las concentraciones de uno y otro lado de la membrana.

Es por lo tanto posible establecer los balances de materia sobre el solvente y sobre el soluto y
verificar la coherencia de los resultados.

El balance de materia es igual a:

QmAxCA = QmRxCR + QmPxCP

A: para la alimentación
R: para el retentato
P: para el permeato
Qm: flujo másico, kg/h
C: concentración másica, g/L

5.8.1. Optimización del proceso de ósmosis inversa

A partir de los resultados obtenidos a P y Y constantes, es posible trazar:

- el juego de curvas que dan las evoluciones de la tasa de rechazo del módulo en función de la
presión transmembrana, para valores de tasa de conversión Y constantes.
- el juego de curvas que dan las evoluciones de la tasa de rechazo del módulo en función de la
tasa de conversión Y, para valores de presión transmembrana constantes.

El estudio de estas series de curvas permite poner en evidencia el compromiso a encontrar entre
la calidad del permeato y la cantidad del permeato producido.

Es posible también determinar las condiciones de funcionamiento del módulo que son
requeridas para obtener una producción y una calidad dadas.

Se podrán también poner en evidencia los límites del proceso, viendo por ejemplo que un flujo
de permeato superior a 500 L/h será difícilmente obtenido debido a la limitación de la presión
transmembrana a 21 bar.

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5.8.2. Cálculo del factor de polarización

Se puede por ejemplo calcular el valor del factor de polarización para la experimento con
solución de alimentación de 8 g/L y a una tasa de conversión constante Y = 0.05.
Calcular los valores de TRexp, de JV y determinar U.

El diámetro de entrada del flux de alimentación en la membrana está dado en las

especificaciones técnicas: D = 0.75 pulgadas = 19.05 mm. (Debe validarse de acuerdo a la
membrana utilizada)

La sección de paso del líquido es por lo tanto igual a:

S=πD²/4 o sea 2.85 10-4 m².

La velocidad del fluido en la membrana se calcula por lo tanto por U=QF/S.

1  TRexp J V
Trazar los valores de ln( ) en función de 0 .8
TR exp U
La recta corta al eje de las ordenadas en ln( réel
TR réel
De aquí deducir la tasa de rechazo real y calcular el factor de polarización.

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5.9.1. Paro de la operación

Al finalizar cada operación cuando la membrana esté bajo presión, es importante parar la
unidad de la manera siguiente

Abrir V2 completamente.
Cerrar V3 et V4.
La presión sobre la membrana decrece.
Parar la bomba P.
Cerrar V1.
Vaciar el tanque por V7.

5.9.2. Lavado de la instalación

Cerrar V7.
Llenar al máximo el tanque de alimentación con el agua de la red municipal.
Abrir V1 y V2.
Arrancar la bomba P.

Abrir lentamente V3.

Fijar una P del orden de 10 bar.

Hacer funcionar la instalación durante 10 minutos.

Abrir V2 completamente.
Cerrar V3 et V4.
Parar la bomba P.

Cerrar V1.
Vaciar el tanque por V7.

Repetir esta operación hasta que el agua este clara y su conductividad igual a aquella del agua
de alimentación inicial.

5.9.3. Lavado con una solución bactericida

Repetir la operación de lavado adicionando al agua de la red municipal un bactericida:

(solución de formol a la concentración de 0.1 a 0.2 %).

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5.9.4. Paro de la instalación

Cerrar todas las válvulas
Vaciar el tanque por V7.

Apagar la unidad usando el selector general localizado en el gabinete eléctrico.

Detener la alimentación del circuito de agua de enfriamiento.

Es importante que la membrana sea almacenada con una solución bactericida si la unidad no
se utiliza durante un período de más de un mes.
Las válvulas de aislamiento de la membrana deben estar cerradas: V3 y V4


5.10.1. Notas
La limpieza de la unidad comprende el interior y el exterior de la unidad.
La limpieza interior se hace después de cada operación y cuando los períodos de no uso de la
unidad son superiores a 2 semanas.
La limpieza exterior se hace al final de cada operación de la unidad.

5.10.2. Limpieza interior

Referirse al párrafo « limpieza de la instalación ».

5.10.3. Limpieza exterior del equipo

Utilizar un trapo y agua de la red para limpiar las superficies exteriores de la unidad de ósmosis


Vaciar y lavar la unidad y después introducir una solución bactericida para dejar mojada la

Apagar la unidad con la ayuda del selector general situado en la parte posterior de la unidad.

Desconectar la conexión eléctrica de la unidad y desconectar la manguera de alimentación de


Si el equipo no se utiliza durante un largo tiempo, retirar las pilas de los conductímetros.

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5.12.1. Revisión
La revisión frecuente de la unidad es parte integrante de las operaciones realizadas en el
Esto comprende:

 Redacción de las condiciones de operación y resultados obtenidos en la bitácora de

 El vaciado de la unidad.
 La limpieza interna y externa del equipo.
 El paro del equipo.

5.12.2. Revisión específica

La revisión específica es responsabilidad del responsable de la unidad
Después de leer los diferentes boletines del constructor de los equipos integrados en la unidad,
es importante realizar el mantenimiento específico a cada pieza sensible:

 Verificar el estado de las mangueras.

 Verificación general de las piezas
 Verificar el estado de taponamiento del filtro de agua, debe cambiarse una vez por
año aproximadamente.
 Verificar las sondas de conductividad y los accesorios de seguridad.

Los boletines del constructor se suministran con el equipo en la carpeta técnica de la unidad.

El mantenimiento de la unidad debe ser realizado por un técnico habilitado por la empresa
Todas las piezas defectuosas deberán ser reemplazadas por piezas certificadas de origen.
La lista de piezas que componen la unidad se tiene en la carpeta técnica de la unidad.
Es importante prever una visita anual de mantenimiento con el fin de verificar el buen
funcionamiento de la unidad.

Todas las operaciones de mantenimiento serán especificadas en una bitácora de mantenimiento

precisando las operaciones realizadas ya sea de revisión o de mantenimiento, así como el
nombre de la persona que haga las intervenciones.

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Ref. OSM/3000



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El estudio propuesto es experimentar en el módulo de ósmosis inversa con el fin de definir las
características y parámetros que afectan la calidad del permeato obtenido.

La operación se desarrolla en varias etapas:

 Un estudio destinado con agua de la red municipal para determinar la presión osmótica
del agua de la red
 Un estudio a partir de soluciones salobres de concentración variante 1.5 a 12 g/L para
verificar la ley de Van't Hoff
 Estudio selectivo de la membrana:
estudio a presión transmembrana ΔP constante de una solución a 8 g/L
estudio de la tasa de conversión Y constante de la solución a 8 g/L
 Realización de los balances de materia
 Calculo de la permeabilidad de la membrana
 Investigación del factor de polarización


Se trabaja con 60 L de agua de la ciudad.
Flujo de retentato constante QR=1000 L/h.

Datos experimentales

ΔP (bar) QR (L/h)
2 35
3 60
4 75
6 120
8 155
10 195
12 225
14 255
16 285

Trazar la recta QP=f(ΔP): tener en cuenta esencialmente los puntos para los cuales ΔP sea
inferior a 6 bar: la regresión lineal es mejor y la determinación de la presión osmótica también.

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Se obtiene la gráfica siguiente:

Pressión osmótica del agua



/ 80
Q 60

A partir de la regresión lineal, se obtiene la relación:

QP = 20.857 x ΔP – 5.7143
Qp: L/h
P: bar

La presión osmótica corresponde al punto de la recta para el cual: QP = 0 o sea

Δπ=5.7143/20.857 = 0.27 bar.

Δπ (agua de la red) = 0.27 bar.

Este valor de presión osmótica varía de un sitio a otro en función especialmente de la dureza
del agua de la red municipal.

Se pueden realizar otros ensayos con valores de flujo de retentato diferentes:
1500 L/h – 2000 L/h ….

En todo caso, la presión osmótica obtenida será idéntica a la determinada en las condiciones
señaladas antes.

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La conductividad de las soluciones salinas no evoluciona linealmente.

Es importante por lo tanto realizar varias curvas en función de las concentraciones.

Se han preparado soluciones de 0,5g/L, 1g/L, 2g/L, 4 g/L, 5g/L, 6g/L, 8g/L, 10g/L y 12g/L.
Estas soluciones se prepararon con agua de la red municipal que también sirve para preparar las
soluciones estudiadas en el curso de la ósmosis inversa.

Para el permeato, es decir, para las soluciones débilmente concentradas:

conductividad del permeato

s 4000
e 3500
i 3000
o 2500
i 2000
y = 1940.8x + 306.8
m 1500
é R² = 0.9981
Relación inversa:iv CP (g/L) = 5.15 10-4 x ΩP (μS) – 0.158

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Para el retentato, es decir, para las soluciones concentradas:

conductividad del retentato / alimen

s 9000
n 8000
m 7000
s 6000
r 5000
i 4000
m y = 1654.5x + 519.36
t 3000 R² = 0.9949
Relación inversa:iv CR (g/L) = 6.04 10-4 x ΩR (μS) – 0.314
Nota importante: c se constata que para valores superiores a 2 g/l (o sea alrededor de 3.4 10-2
-1 u
d de la linealidad entre la conductividad y la concentración.
mol.L ) se está fuera
Para facilitar losncálculos, se toma igualmente una aproximación lineal sobre todo el intervalo
o pero será necesario mantener en la memoria que el error de estimación de
de concentraciones,c
la concentración es mayor si C > 2g/L.

Para lograr las mejores estimaciones, es preferible realizar varios segmentos de recta en función
de la gama de concentración.

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Presión osmótica de soluciones salinas

6.3.1. Mediciones
Condiciones de operación:
60 Litros de agua de la red municipal
100 g de NaCl
Conductividad medida: 3.14 mS
Concentración: 1.46 g/L.
Se hacen la serie de mediciones haciendo variar ΔP y se anota los gastos obtenidos.
Les resultados están indicados en la tabla siguiente:

1.46 g/L
ΔP bar Qp L/h
4 50
5 75
6 95
8 140
10 180
12 210

Presión osmótica del agua a 1.46g/l

P 80
La definición de la presión osmótica se obtiene de la misma manera que para los ensayos con
agua de la red municipal.
A partir de la gráfica de arriba, la presión osmótica se determina para un flux de permeato igual
a 0.
Presión osmótica = 38.143 / 22.286 = 1.71 bar

La presión osmótica obtenida para la solución de concentración 1.46 g/l es igual a 1.71

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Se concentra enseguida la solución y se repiten los mismos experimentos.

3.1 g/L
ΔP bar Qp L/h
6 55
7 78
8 100
10 138
12 175
14 210

5.9 g/L
ΔP bar Qp L/h
8 55
9 75
10 95
11 115
12 130
14 165

8.8 g/L
ΔP bar Qp L/h
10 45
11 60
12 80
13 100
14 115

12 g/L
ΔP bar Qp L/h
15 65
16 80
17 95
18 110
19,6 140

Tabla resumida:

Concentración de sal
1,46 1,71
3,1 3,26
5,9 5,25
8,8 7,65
12 11

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6.3.2. Verificación de la ley de Van’t Hoff

Se traza la curva que da el valor de la presión osmótica en función de la concentración de

cloruro de sodio:

Variación de la presión osmótica en fun



a 8
e 6
o 4
Se obtiene la relación experimental:
ΔP (bar) = 0.860 x C (g/L) + 0.397

Verificación de la ley teórica

En teoría: ΔP(Pa) = j.R.T.C(mol.m-3) + Δπ(Pa)

Recordatorio: las soluciones se hacen con agua de la red municipal.

Es por lo tanto importante de tener en cuenta la presión osmótica obtenida para el agua de la
Conversión de unidades (Pascal en bar, mol.m-3 en g/L, °C en K y R en USI):
Para una solución de sal de concentración másica C (g/L) a 25°C

[NaCl] 58.5 g.mol-1

R = 8.31 USI
Temperatura: 20 °C o sea 298 K

Se tiene la relación teórica:

ΔP (Pa) = j.R.T.C (mol.m-3) + Δπ (Pa)

ΔP (bar) = (2x8.31x298xC(g/L)/(58.5.10-3x101325)) + Δπsolvente (bar)

O sea:

ΔP (bar) = 0.836 x C(g/L) + Δπsolvente (bar)

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Se ve que el valor experimental es muy próximo al valor dado por la ley, se ha verificado la
coherencia de los resultados experimentales.

Además, se encuentra sobre la curva el valor experimental de Δπsolvente (correspondiente al

punto C = 0.

Se lee Δπsolvente ~ 0.4 bar.

Este valor es un poco elevado con respecto al valor precedente encontrado, pero se mantiene
del mismo orden de magnitud.
Además, es necesario tener en cuenta las inexactitudes de las lecturas de presión, se constata
igualmente que la aproximación lineal es un poco menos exacta para bajos valores de presión.

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Se trabaja con una solución de 8.8 g/L para efectuar las mediciones.
La tabla siguiente recapitula los resultados obtenidos:
3 -2 -1
Nota: el valor de JV se da en la tabla correspondiente a JV . 106 en m .m .s

DP(bar) 16 CF(g/l) 8.66 SM(m²) 7.6

Qr(l/h) 2300 2000 1500 1200 1000 700 500

Qp(l/h) 155 150 140 140 140 140 140
Y 0.063 0.070 0.085 0.104 0.123 0.167 0.219
Condp(µS) 347 375 368 394 421 446 491
JV 5.665 5.482 5.117 5.117 5.117 5.117 5.117
Cp(g/l) 0.021 0.035 0.032 0.045 0.059 0.072 0.095
TR 0.998 0.996 0.996 0.995 0.993 0.992 0.989

DP(bar) 14 CF (g/l) 8,66

Qr(l/h) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500

Qp(l/h) 120 120 115 115 100
Y 0.046 0.057 0.071 0.103 0.167
Condp(µS) 445 462 490 512 599
JV 4.386 4.386 4.203 4.203 3.655
Cp(g/l) 0.071 0.080 0.094 0.106 0.150
TR 0.992 0.991 0.989 0.988 0.983

DP(bar) 12 CF (g/l) 8,66

Qr(l/h) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500

Qp(l/h) 80 80 80 75 70
Y 0.031 0.038 0.051 0.070 0.123
Condp(µS) 613 614 654 688 779
JV 2.924 2.924 2.924 2.741 2.558
Cp(g/l) 0.158 0.158 0.179 0.196 0.243
TR 0.982 0.982 0.979 0.977 0.972

DP(bar) 11 CF (g/l) 8,66

Qr(l/h) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000

Qp(l/h) 65 60 60 60 60
Y 0.021 0.023 0.029 0.038 0.057
Condp(µS) 710 751 745 745 795
Jv 2.376 2.193 2.193 2.193 2.193
Cp(g/l) 0.208 0.229 0.226 0.226 0.251
TR 0.976 0.974 0.974 0.974 0.971

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6.4.1. Cálculo de la permeabilidad de la membrana, AV

Recuérdese que

JV = AV . ( P -  ) (1)

3 -2 -1
JV: flux específico local del solvente a través de la membrana (m .m .s )
2 -1
AV: permeabilidad de la membrana frente al solvente (m )
P: diferencia de presión aplicada de uno y otro lado de la membrana (Pa)
: diferencia de presión osmótica de uno y otro lado de la membrana (Pa)

A partir de mediciones para la solución salina de concentración 8,8 g/L, se hace una tabla de
valores calculando JV. media para cada experimento para el cual ΔP cambia.

Nota: sobre las gráficas: DP = P y DPi = 

En la gráfica obtenida adjunta para el flujo de retentato QR = 2500 L/h

Variación de Jv con DP

1 5
- 4
e 2
La regresión lineal da la relación siguiente:

JV x 106 = 0.6115xP – 4.4878.

Presión osmótica

Investigación de la presión osmótica correspondiente a 8.8 g/L usando la gráfica.

Esta corresponde al valor para el cual el flux de solvente se anula, o sea:
0 = 0.6115 x P – 4.4878 bar
P = 4.4878/0.6115 = 7.34 bar

Este valor corresponde a la presión osmótica vinculada a la concentración de sal, así como a la
de la red municipal.

Se encuentra el valor definido en el experimento de verificación de la ley de Van't Hoff.

Presión osmótica = 7.38 bar para la solución de concentración 8.8 g/l

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Permeabilidad de la membrana
JV = AV . ( P -  ) (1)

JV: flux específico

3 -2 -1
Local a través de la membrana (m .m .s )
2 -1
AV: permeabilidad de la membrana frente al solvente (m )
P: diferencia de presión aplicada de uno y otro lado de la membrana (Pa)
: diferencia de presión osmótica de uno y otro lado de la membrana (Pa)

La regresión lineal da Jv = 0.6115.10-6 (DP-DPI)

Por identificación, se deduce que AV =

Se sabe que 1 Bar = 1.013.105 Pa = 1.013.105 kg.m-1.s-2

2 -1
El valor de Av es igual a 6.10-7 x 1.013.105 = 0.06 m

6.4.2. Balance de materia sobre el cloruro de sodio

Se verifican los balances para el experimento a 14 bar por ejemplo:

Se mide:

QR = 2000 L/h o sea 2000 kg/h CR = 9.43 g/L

QP = 120 L/h o sea 120 kg/h CP = 0.08 g/L

QF = 2120 L/h o sea 2120 kg/h CF = 8.7 g/L

A nivel de la alimentación, se tiene nsal = 2120 x 8.7 = 18.44 kg/h

Permeato + retentato: nsal = (120 x 0.08) + (2000 x 9.43) = 18.87 kg/h.

El balance se verifica si se tiene en cuenta las inexactitudes de la determinación a fuertes

concentraciones de sal, a partir de las mediciones de conductividad (ver el párrafo curvas de
Se sobre estima ciertamente un poco la concentración de la alimentación.

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6.4.3. Variación de la tasa de conversión Y y de la tasa de rechazo TR con la

presión transmembrana
Para la solución de concentración 8.8 g/L y para un flujo de retentato igual a 200 L/h
Se traza la evolución de Y en función de ΔP:

Variación de Y con

Y 0.04

Variación de la tasa de rechazo en función

de conversión a P = 14 bar

t 0.992
r 0.990
d 0.988
a 0.986
Se constata en laTprimera gráfica que entre mayor sea ΔP, mayor es la tasa de conversión, lo
que se traduce por un aumento del flujo de permeato.
Aumentar ΔP permite por lo tanto producir más permeato.
Falta saber si la calidad del permeato se mantiene la misma.

La segunda gráfica muestra que a ΔP constante, entre mayor sea la tasa de conversión (es decir,
mayor producción), menor es la tasa de rechazo: la calidad del permeato disminuye.
Será necesario encontrar un compromiso entre la cantidad de producto y la calidad del mismo:
Se podrá trabajar ya sea a fuertes presiones con una tasa de conversión baja o a presiones
menos grandes con tasas de conversión más elevadas.

Página 60 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B


Para la solución salina a 8.7 g/L, se obtienen los resultados siguientes:

Y 0.04 CF (g/l) 8.7

Qr(l/h) 2300 2000 1800 1600 1400

Qp(l/h) 100 90 80 70 60
Condp(µS) 422 452 512 565 624
Cp(g/l) 0.059 0.075 0.106 0.133 0.163
DP 14.6 13 12.6 12 11.4
TR 0.993 0.991 0.988 0.985 0.981

Y 0.05 CF (g/l) 8.7

Qr(l/h) 2500 2300 2100 1900 1500

Qp(l/h) 130 120 110 100 80
Condp(µS) 404 418 459 495 561
Cp(g/l) 0.050 0.057 0.078 0.097 0.131
DP 15 14.2 14 13.3 12.2
TR 0.994 0.993 0.991 0.989 0.985

Y 0.07 CF (g/l) 8.7

Qr(l/h) 2100 1900 1700 1350 1200

Qp(l/h) 160 140 130 100 90
Condp(µS) 352 385 407 490 565
Cp(g/l) 0.023 0.040 0.052 0.094 0.133
DP 16.8 15.8 15 13.5 13
TR 0.997 0.995 0.994 0.989 0.985

Y 0.09 CF (g/l) 8.7

Qr(l/h) 1800 1500 1200 1000 800

Qp(l/h) 180 150 120 100 80
Condp(µS) 303 351 426 493 556
Cp(g/l) -0.002 0.023 0.061 0.096 0.128
DP 18.4 17 15.2 14 12.8
TR 1.000 0.997 0.993 0.989 0.985

Página 61 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B


Traza de la serie de curvas ΔP y Y = cste

Serie de curvas TR=f(Y)



m 0.980
u 0.970

Serie de curvasTR = f(P)


o 0.990
r 0.985
a 0.980

Página 62 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B

Se observa que:

- a tasas de conversión iguales, la tasa de rechazo del módulo aumenta con la ΔP: para tener un
permeato de mayor calidad, será necesario aumentar la presión.

- a presión constante, entre mayor sea la tasa de conversión, menor será la tasa de rechazo: la
calidad es menos buena.
Se encuentra el hecho que es necesario establecer un compromiso entre la cantidad y la calidad.

Determinación de las condiciones de trabajo: ejemplo

Admitiendo que se desea tratar una alimentación de QF = 2000 L/h de concentración 10 g/L en
sal, y teniendo una tasa de rechazo del módulo igual a 0.99.

A partir de la tasa de conversión deseada:

Se desea por lo tanto una concentración de permeato de 0,1 g/L.

Para una tasa de conversión Y = 0.04:

Se determina gráficamente que es necesario trabajar alrededor de ΔP = 12.8 bar.
Se produce entonces una cantidad de permeato QP igual a 0.04 x 2000 = 80 L/h.

Para una tasa de conversión de Y = 0.09:

Se determina gráficamente que es necesario trabajar a ΔP = 14.5 bar.
Pero se produce más: QP=0.09 x 2000 = 180 L/h.

Estudiando la serie de curvas TR = f (Y), vemos que si se desea trabajar a TR = 0.99 y Y =

0.05, esto no será posible debajo de 14 bar.

Página 63 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B


Se trabaja a partir de los resultados experimentales obtenidos para Y= 0.05 con la solución
salina de concentración 8.7 g/L.

Se calcula J V
para cada punto medido. Recuérdese que la sección de entrada de la
0 .8
membrana vale 2.85 10-4 m².

U (m.s-1) = (QF(L/h) x 10-3 m3)/(2.85 10-4 x 3600 s)

1  TRexp 1  TRexp
Se calcula enseguida ln( ) y después se traza la curva ln( ) en función de
TR exp TR exp

0 .8
Tabla de valores:

Y 0.05 Co(g/l) 8.7

Qr(l/h) 2500 2300 2100 1900 1500

Qp(l/h) 130 120 110 100 80
Condp(µS) 404 418 459 495 561
Cp(g/l) 0.050 0.057 0.078 0.097 0.131
DP 15 14.2 14 13.3 12.2
TR 0.994 0.993 0.991 0.989 0.985
Jv 4.75 4.39 4.02 3.65 2.92
U 2.56 2.36 2.15 1.95 1.54
Jv/U0,8 0.11 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.27
LN -5.11 -4.95 -4.70 -4.49 -4.18

Página 64 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B

Curva experimental:

determinación del factor de polariz

0.00 0.10 0.20

)r -4.00
l -4.50
Se calcula el valor correspondiente a la intersección de la recta con el eje de las ordenadas

1  TRréel
Se ve que: –5.6972 = ln( ) o sea TRreal = 0.997.
TR réel

A partir de los resultados experimentales de arriba, se calcula el valor de la tasa de retención

TRexp media.
La media permite encontrar el valor:
TRexp medio = 0.990 aprox.

El factor de polarización es igual a   o sea γ = (1-0.990)/(1-0.997) = 3.33.
1  TRréel

Se sabe también que γ = CM/CF por lo tanto se ve que la concentración local en la capa de
polarización es alrededor de 3 veces más elevada que la concentración en la solución

Página 65 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B

Ref. OSM/3000



Página 66 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B

medición de la concentración por conductimetría
Lado permeato

Concentración g.l-1

 μS

Regresión lineal:

Lado retentato

Concentración g.l-1

 μS

Regresión lineal:


P bar

QP L/h

Determinación de la presión osmótica para el solvente:

Página 67 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B


CF= g/L
P bar

QP L/h

CF= g/L
P bar

QP L/h

CF= g/L
P bar

QP L/h

CF= g/L
P bar

QP L/h

CF= g/L
P bar

QP L/h


CF g/L

π bar

Página 68 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B


P = Bar CondFμS CF g/l

QR L/h

CondR μS

CR g/L

QP L/h

CondP μS


JV m3.m-2.s-1


P = Bar CondFμS CF g/l

QR L/h

CondR μS

CR g/L

QP L/h

CondP μS


JV m3.m-2.s-1


Página 69 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B

P = Bar CondFμS CF g/l

QR L/h

CondR μS

CR g/L

QP L/h

CondP μS


JV m3.m-2.s-1


P = Bar CondFμS CF g/l

QR L/h

CondR μS

CR g/L

QP L/h

CondP μS


JV m3.m-2.s-1


Página 70 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B


Evolución de tasa de retención TR en función de la diferencia de presión transmembrana

Y= CondFμS CF g/l

QR L/h

CondR μS

CR g/L

QP L/h

CondP μS


P (bar)


Y= CondFμS CF g/l

QR L/h

CondR μS

CR g/L

QP L/h

CondP μS


P (bar)


Página 71 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B

Y= CondFμS CF g/l

QR L/h

CondR μS

CR g/L

QP L/h

CondP μS


P (bar)


Y= CondFμS CF g/l

QR L/h

CondR μS

CR g/L

QP L/h

CondP μS


P (bar)


Página 72 de 73
MPOSM3000.doc Version B


CF= g/L


QR L/h

CondR μS

CR g/L

QP L/h

CondP μS


P (bar)

3 -2 -1
JV (m .m .s )

U (m.s-1)

JV / U0.8

1  TRexp
ln( )
TR exp

Cálculo del factor de polarización:

Página 73 de 73
Genas le 31-03-2015
214111 92 OSM/3000 V001
000527 6/000.A


(2161100216B) BOMBA MULTICELULAR I304 2.2KW 230/400V 60HZ
SN : CSZ1057SM
003 30.303.001.2806
004 40.415.001.1951
008 228 DEBITMETRE 300L/H-3000L/H DFM350 DN:40 Ø:50 RAC.PVC 60°C
(46285) ROTAMETRO 300L/H-3000L/H DFM350 DN:40 Ø:50 RAC.PVC 60°C
009 055 DEBITMETRE 60L/H- 600L/H DFM350 DN:25 Ø:32 RAC.PVC 60°C
(46276) ROTAMETRO 60L/H- 600L/H DFM350 DN:25 Ø:32 RAC.PVC 60°C
010 118 DEBITMETRE 15L/H- 150L/H DFM170 DN:15 Ø:20 RAC.PVC 60°C
(47505) ROTAMETRO 15L/H- 150L/H DFM170 DN:15 Ø:20 RAC.PVC 60°C
(76GG 26/34) VALVULA DE AGUJA I316L Ø9 1"G
(5811/458113-8) VALVULA DE BOLA 1/4"G PASO REDUCIDO I316
022 819 TUBE DE PRESSION 1 ELEMENT 4040 DE600 (300PSI/21BAR)

Page 1/...
Genas le 31-03-2015
214111 92 OSM/3000 V001
000527 6/000.A

026 60.629.000.3797
60.629.000.3 797 TUBE CUIVRE RECUIT 12 X 14 EN ROULEAU
(2122200F) TUBO COBRE 12X14
029 266 FLEXIBLE VINYL ARME Ø 30X40 -15°C À +60°C
030 264 FLEXIBLE VINYL ARME Ø 19X26 -15°C À +60°C
031 263 FLEXIBLE VINYL ARME Ø 15X21 -15°C À +60°C
032 254 FLEXIBLE VINYL ARME Ø 12.5X18 -15°C À +60°C
033 265 FLEXIBLE VINYL ARME Ø 25X34 -15°C À +60°C

Page 2



Tel: +33.(0) PLAN N°: PE2001-1
Fax: +33.(0)




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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 Bornier : X1 A B
12 Nomenclature matériel A B

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A 05/05/2014 CREATION GRS 1 3
Document n° : 5917/60B LISTE DES FOLIOS Logiciel SEE v. 4.10
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- Circuits de puissance (courant alternatif ou continu) : NOIR

- Circuits de commande alimentés en courant alternatif : ROUGE
- Commun des bobines : IVOIRE ou BLANC
- Circuits de commande alimentés en courant continu : BLEU FONCE
- Source (ou circuit d'asservissement venant d'un autre compartiment)
non coupée par le dispositif de sectionnement général de l'armoire considérée : ORANGE

Repères des fils WEIDMULLER TMI12/TMI15

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Document n° : 5917/60B REPERES FILERIE Logiciel SEE v. 4.10
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Nombre : 1 Nombre : 1
Fond : BLANC Fond : BLANC
Texte : NOIR Texte : NOIR
Remarques : 8S1 Remarques : 8S2



Nombre : 1
Fond : BLANC
Texte : NOIR
Remarques : 7Q1


+ A01
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Document n° : 5917/60B ETIQUETTES Logiciel SEE v. 4.10
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Nombre : 1 Nombre : 1
Fond : BLANC Fond : BLANC
Texte : NOIR Texte : NOIR
Remarques : 8S1 Remarques : 8S2



Nombre : 1
Fond : BLANC
Texte : NOIR
Remarques : 7Q1


+ A01
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Document n° : 5917/60B LABELS Logiciel SEE v. 4.10
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X1 X1
1 2


1 3

25A 2 4

7L2 7L2 7L2


7N2 7N2 7N2

1 3

2 4

+/+ -/-






T 4
A 2


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A 05/05/2014 CREATION GRS 5 8
Document n° : 5917/60B ALIMENTATION Logiciel SEE v. 4.10
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7L2 7L2 7L2

7N2 7N2 7N2

1 3 5



12 14
2 4 6 é
u 9-3


l 11

U1 V1 W1 PE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6




REF: ACS355-01E-09A82 DO GND

U2 V2 W2 PE VAR EMC 17 18 19 20 21 22 7 8
é é
n n
f o
u u
l l
b b

U V W 1


T 1 T 1
1 W 1 W E M E U
E 2 P 2
P . M 2 P
2 U V
M V P 0
O 0 2
P 3 x

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Document n° : 5917/60B VARIATEUR Logiciel SEE v. 4.10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

9 9
21 22 24
9S1 9ALI
ROUGE 3 9-7
22 21
9-10 6 r

13 22 24 3
9S2 9KA1 2
VERT 9-3 r
14 21 o
9-5 7
X1 X1
4 5

12 14





10 10

A1 X1 A1 X1
9KA1 9S2 9ALI 9S1
24V A2 VERT X2 24V A2 ROUGE X2
9-3 9-3

2 2 2
1 1 1 N 1
P P P O U R P 1
E 1 E T P E

I P +
V T + U

14 12 i 11 8-12

24 22 i 21 9-5 D
14 12 i 11 9-3
24 22 i 21 9-10

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Document n° : 5917/60B COMMANDE Logiciel SEE v. 4.10
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0,40 0,25




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YSL-JZ 4G0,75²
H07 RN-F 3G4²

1x230V + T


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Document n° : 5917/60B Bornier : X1 Logiciel SEE v. 4.10
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7U1 7 ALIMENTATION 100-240VAC/24-28VDC, 0.63A ML15.241 PULS 1
8A1 8 VARIATEUR ACS350 A MONTER EN ARMOIRE, 2.2kW 9.8A, 200-240VAC MONO ACS355-01E-09A82 ABB 1

B 09/02/2015 MAJ GRS
A 05/05/2014 CREATION GRS 11
Document n° : 5917/60B Nomenclature matériel Logiciel SEE v. 4.10

60 Hz
in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

Vertical multistage centrifugal electric pumps available in various versions:

cast iron (EVMG), AISI 304 stainless steel (EVM), AISI 316 stainless steel

• Civil, industrial, agricultural and fire-fighting pressure boosting systems
• Primary water treatment plants, reverse osmosis, seepage, etc.
• Moving moderately aggressive fluids
• Boiler loading
• Washing, heating systems and air-conditioning

• Reliable, strong, silent and easy to service
• The EVM pumps can be coupled with standard EIC motors
• They offer state-of-the-art technical solutions
• The EVM vertical multistage pumps (hydraulic parts) are in compliance
with the 94/9/CE Directive on ATEX products (they belong to Group II,
Category 2)
• Oval counter-flanges, “N” version, already included
• Round counter-flanges, “F” version, as accessories

• Maximum working pressure: 16 bar, 25 bar, 30 bar for EVM32 - EVM45 only
• Rotation speed: ≈ 3500
• Temperature of the liquid: from –15°C to +120°C;
from –15°C to +85°C (for EVMW)
• Self-ventilated 2 pole asynchronous motor
• Class of insulation F (B for temperature rise)
• IP55 Protection rating
• Three phase voltage 220/380V ±5% 60Hz (up to 4 kW included),
three phase voltage 265/460V ±5% 60Hz (up to 4 kW included),
three phase voltage 380V ±5% Delta conn. 60Hz (5.5 kW and above)
three phase voltage 460V ±5% Delta conn. 60Hz (5.5 kW and above)

• Lower pump body, external casing, seal housing disc, impellers, nozzles,
shaft casing, joint cover and small elements in contact with the liquid
in AISI 304 (EVM), AISI 316 (EVML) [“EVMG” version: body in cast iron
and hydraulic parts in AISI 304]
• Tie-rods and small elements not in contact with the liquid in galvanised steel
• Shaft in AISI 316
• Bearings in contact with the liquid in tungsten carbide
• Motor support and base in cast iron
• Mechanical seal in SiC/Carbon/EPDM (models 3-5-10-18)
• Mechanical seal with cartridge as per standard in SiC/Carbon/FPM
(models 32-45-64)
(F= round counter-flanges; N= oval counter-flanges)

• Version with WRAS approval (EVMW 3-5-10-18)
• ATEX version for complete electric pump
• Three phase voltage 220/380V ±5% 60Hz (5.5 kW and above)
for EVM 3-5-10-18
• Three phase voltage 265/460V ±5% 60Hz (5.5 kW and above)
for EVM 3-5-10-18

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 3 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


EVM 10 2 N 6 / 1.1
Power output in kW
1.5 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.5 11
60 Hz
Flanges N Oval flanges
F Round flanges
N° of impellers
2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 16
m3/h at max. efficiency
3 5 10 18

EVM version in aisi 304

EVML version in aisi 316
EVMG version in cast iron


EVM 32 2 - 2 F 6 / 5.5
Power output in kW
4.0 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30
60 Hz
Round flanges
N° of reduced diameter impellers
0 1 2 3 4
N° of impellers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
m3/h at max. efficiency
32 45 64

EVM version in aisi 304

EVML version in aisi 316
EVMG version in cast iron


The EVM 32-45-64 pumps house the mechanical seal with cartridge as per standard.
All of the components of the mechanical seal constitute just one part on one shaft sleeve. The mechanical seal is ready to be installed between the
pump shaft and the motor shaft.
The benefits of this type of seal are:
• Easy to install
• Safety and easy to use

We are at your disposal to evaluate all demands and requirements in order to find the best solution for your plants and applications.

Mechanical seal cover

Lock ring
Mechanical seal
DIN standard SiC/Carbon/FPM

Lock ring

Stop screw


Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 4 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 5 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


Max. Q=Flow rate Weight [kg]
Motor working l/min 25 50 75 90 120 160 200 250 300 350 400 440
Model pressure m3/h 1,5 3,0 4,5 5,4 7,2 9,6 12 15 18 21 24 26,4 Pump +
[MPa] Pump motor
[HP] [kW] Mec
H=Head [m]
EVM(.) 3 2N6/0.37 0,5 0,37 71 24,3 20,0 13,9 9,3 - - - - - - - - 11,0 16,8
EVM(.) 3 3N6/0.55 0,75 0,55 71 36,5 30,0 20,8 14,0 - - - - - - - - 12,0 18,2
EVM(.) 3 4N6/0.75 1,0 0,75 80 48,5 40,0 27,7 18,6 - - - - - - - - 12,0 20,4
EVM(.) 3 5N6/1.1 1,5 1,1 80 61,0 50,0 34,7 23,3 - - - - - - - - 13,0 24,1
EVM(.) 3 6N6/1.1 1,5 1,1 80 73,0 60,0 41,5 27,9 - - - - - - - - 14,0 25,1
EVM(.) 3 7N6/1.5 2,0 1,5 90 S 85,0 70,0 48,5 32,6 - - - - - - - - 14,0 28,0
EVM(.) 3 8N6/1.5 2,0 1,5 90 S 97,0 80,0 55,5 37,2 - - - - - - - - 14,0 28,0
EVM(.) 3 9N6/2.2 3,0 2,2 90 L 109,0 90,0 62,5 42,0 - - - - - - - - 15,0 31,0
EVM(.) 3 11F6/2.2 3,0 2,2 90 L 134,0 110,0 76,0 51,0 - - - - - - - - 16,0 32,0
EVM(.) 3 12F6/2.2 3,0 2,2 90 L 146,0 120,0 83,0 56,0 - - - - - - - - 17,0 33,0
EVM(.) 3 13F6/3.0 4,0 3,0 100 L 2.5 158,0 130,0 90,0 60,5 - - - - - - - - 18,0 40,8
EVM(.) 3 15F6/3.0 4,0 3,0 100 L 182,0 150,0 104,0 70,0 - - - - - - - - 21,0 43,8
EVM(.) 3 18F6/4.0 5,5 4,0 112 M 219,0 180,0 125,0 83,5 - - - - - - - - 25,0 47,8
EVM(.) 5 2N6/0.75 1,0 0,75 80 - 26,6 24,2 22,4 17,7 8,3 - - - - - - 12,0 20,4
EVM(.) 5 3N6/1.1 1,5 1,1 80 - 39,9 36,3 33,6 26,6 12,5 - - - - - - 12,0 23,1
EVM(.) 5 4N6/1.5 2,0 1,5 90 S - 53,0 48,5 45,0 35,4 16,6 - - - - - - 13,0 27,0
EVM(.) 5 5N6/2.2 3,0 2,2 90 L - 66,5 60,5 56,0 44,5 20,8 - - - - - - 14,0 30,0
EVM(.) 5 6N6/2.2 3,0 2,2 90 L - 80,0 72,5 67,0 53,0 24,9 - - - - - - 14,0 30,0
EVM(.) 5 7N6/3.0 4,0 3,0 100 L - 93,0 85,0 78,5 62,0 29,1 - - - - - - 15,0 37,8
EVM(.) 5 8N6/3.0 4,0 3,0 100 L - 106,0 97,0 89,5 71,0 33,2 - - - - - - 16,0 38,8
EVM(.) 5 10N6/4.0 5,5 4,0 112 M - 133,0 121,0 112,0 88,5 41,5 - - - - - - 18,0 40,8
EVM(.) 5 11F6/4.0 5,5 4,0 112 M - 146,0 133,0 123,0 97,5 45,5 - - - - - - 22,0 44,8
EVM(.) 5 12F6/4.0 5,5 4,0 112 M - 163,0 150,0 138,0 110,0 55,0 - - - - - - 23,0 45,8
EVM(.) 5 14F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S 2.5 - 190,0 174,0 161,0 129,0 64,5 - - - - - - 25,0 63,6
EVM(.) 5 16F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S - 218,0 199,0 184,0 147,0 73,5 - - - - - - 27,0 65,6
EVM(.) 5 19F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S - 260,0 236,0 219,0 175,0 87,5 - - - - - - 29,0 69,4
EVM(.) 10 2N6/1.5 2,0 1,5 90 S - - - 30,8 29,5 26,9 23,4 18,1 11,5 - - - 18,0 32,0
EVM(.) 10 3N6/2.2 3,0 2,2 90 L - - - 46,0 44,5 40,5 35,0 27,1 17,3 - - - 20,0 36,0
EVM(.) 10 4N6/3.0 4,0 3,0 100 L - - - 61,5 59,0 54,0 46,5 36,1 23,0 - - - 22,0 44,8
EVM(.) 10 5N6/4.0 5,5 4,0 112 M - - - 77,0 74,0 67,5 58,5 45,0 28,8 - - - 23,0 45,8
EVM(.) 10 6N6/4.0 5,5 4,0 112 M - - - 92,5 88,5 81,0 70,0 54,0 34,5 - - - 24,0 46,8
EVM(.) 10 8N6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S - - - 123,0 118,0 108,0 93,5 72,0 46,0 - - - 31,0 69,6
EVM(.) 10 10F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S - - - 158,0 153,0 140,0 123,0 96,0 63,0 - - - 35,0 75,4
EVM(.) 10 11F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S - - - 174,0 168,0 154,0 135,0 106,0 69,5 - - - 38,0 78,4
EVM(.) 10 12F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 2.5 - - - 190,0 183,0 168,0 147,0 115,0 75,5 - - - 43,0 83,4
EVM(.) 10 14F6/11 15 11 160 M - - - 221,0 214,0 196,0 172,0 133,0 88,0 - - - 46,0 108,5
EVM(.) 10 16F6/11 15 11 160 M - - - 253,0 244,0 224,0 197,0 154,0 101,0 - - - 48,0 110,5
EVM(.) 18 1F6/2.2 3 2,2 90 L - - - - - 22,1 21,3 19,8 17,9 15,4 12,3 9,5 26,0 42,0
EVM(.) 18 2F6/3.0 4,0 3,0 100 L - - - - - 44,0 42,5 39,6 35,7 30,8 24,6 19,0 27,0 49,8
EVM(.) 18 3F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S - - - - - 66,5 64,0 59,5 53,5 46,0 36,9 28,5 29,0 67,6
EVM(.) 18 4F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 1.6 - - - - - 88,5 85,0 79,0 71,5 61,5 49,0 38,0 31,0 71,4
EVM(.) 18 5F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S - - - - - 111,0 107,0 99,0 89,5 77,0 61,5 47,5 38,0 78,4
EVM(.) 18 6F6/11 15 11 160 M - - - - - 135,0 131,0 124,0 115,0 102,0 85,0 69,5 41,0 103,5
EVM(.) 18 7F6/11 15 11 160 M - - - - - 158,0 153,0 145,0 134,0 118,0 99,0 81,0 44,0 106,5
EVM(.) 18 8F6/15 20 15 160 M - - - - - 180,0 175,0 166,0 153,0 135,0 113,0 93,0 44,0 131,1
EVM(.) 18 10F6/15 20 15 160 M 2.5 - - - - - 225,0 219,0 207,0 191,0 169,0 142,0 116,0 54,0 141,1
EVM(.) 18 11F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L - - - - - 248,0 241,0 228,0 210,0 186,0 156,0 128,0 56,0 153,5
EVM(.) 18 12F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L - - - - - 270,0 263,0 249,0 229,0 203,0 170,0 139,0 57,0 154,5
1,6 MPa= 16 bar
2,5 MPa= 25 bar

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 6 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


Max. Q=Flow rate Weight [kg]
Model working l/min 250 450 600 700 800 950 1100 1200 1500 1700
pressure m3/h 15 27 36 42 48 57 66 72 90 102 Pump Pump +
[HP] [kW] Mec [MPa] motor
H=Head [m]
EVM(.) 32 1-0F6/4.0 5,5 4 112 M 31.4 28,3 24,3 20,6 16,5 - - - - - 56,0 78,8
EVM(.) 32 2-2F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S 52,5 43,5 33,6 25,7 - - - - - - 58,0 96,6
EVM(.) 32 2-0F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 63 56,6 48,5 41,0 33,1 - - - - - 58,0 98,4
EVM(.) 32 3-3F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 79 65,3 50,5 38,5 - - - - - - 74,0 114,4
EVM(.) 32 3-0F6/11 15 11 160 M 94 85,0 72,5 62,0 49,5 - - - - - 74,0 136,5
1,6 110 93,5 74,5 59,0 - - - - - -
EVM(.) 32 4-3F6/11 15 11 160 M 77,0 139,5
EVM(.) 32 4-0F6/15 20 15 160 M 125,0 113,0 97,0 82,5 66,0 - - - - - 77,0 164,1
EVM(.) 32 5-3F6/15 20 15 160 M 143 124,0 99,5 79,5 61,5 - - - - - 96,0 183,1
EVM(.) 32 5-2F6/15 20 15 160 M 148,0 130,0 107,0 86,5 67,5 - - - - - 96,0 183,1
EVM(.) 32 5-0F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L 157 141,0 121,0 100,0 79,5 - - - - - 96,0 193,5
EVM(.) 32 6-3F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L 174 152,0 124,0 100,0 77,5 - - - - - 99,0 196,5
EVM(.) 32 6-0F6/22 30 22 180 M 189 170,0 145,0 121,0 95,5 - - - - - 99,0 196,5
EVM(.) 32 7-3F6/22 30 22 180 M 206 180,0 148,0 120,0 93,0 - - - - - 99,0 262,0
2,5 210 186,0 155,0 127,0 99,5 - - - - -
EVM(.) 32 7-2F6/22 30 22 180 M 102,0 265,0
EVM(.) 32 7-0F6/30 40 30 200 L 220 198,0 169,0 141,0 112,0 - - - - - 102,0 265,0
EVM(.) 32 8-3F6/30 40 30 200 L 237 209,0 172,0 140,0 109,0 - - - - - 105,0 333,0
EVM(.) 32 8-0F6/30 40 30 200 L 252 226,0 194,0 161,0 127,0 - - - - - 105,0 333,0
EVM(.) 32 9-3F6/30 40 30 200 L 268 237,0 196,0 160,0 125,0 - - - - - 105,0 333,0
3,0 283 255,0 218,0 181,0 143,0 - - - - -
EVM(.) 32 9-0F6/30 40 30 200 L 108,0 336,0
EVM(.) 32 10-4F6/30 40 30 200 L 295 259,0 213,0 173,0 135,0 - - - - - 108,0 336,0
EVM(.) 45 1-1F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S - 28,0 26,3 24,6 22,3 17,7 11,9 - - - 108,0 336,0
EVM(.) 45 1-0F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S - 36,9 35,6 34,4 32,7 28,8 23,8 20,0 - - 56,0 94,6
EVM(.) 45 2-2F6/11 15 11 160 M - 56,5 53,5 50,5 46,0 37,7 26,9 - - - 56,0 96,4
EVM(.) 45 2-1F6/11 15 11 160 M - 65,5 63,0 60,0 56,5 49,0 38,7 - - - 58,0 120,5
EVM(.) 45 2-0F6/15 20 15 160 M - 74,5 72,0 70,0 67,0 60,0 50,5 43,5 - - 58,0 120,5
EVM(.) 45 3-3F6/15 20 15 160 M - 85,0 80,5 76,5 70,0 57,5 42,0 - - - 58,0 145,1
EVM(.) 45 3-2F6/15 20 15 160 M 1,6 - 94,0 90,0 86,0 80,5 69,0 53,5 - - - 74,0 161,1
EVM(.) 45 3-1F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L - 103,0 99,5 96,0 91,0 80,0 65,5 54,5 - - 74,0 161,1
EVM(.) 45 3-0F6/22 30 22 180 M - 112,0 109,0 106,0 101,0 91,0 77,5 67,0 - - 74,0 171,5
EVM(.) 45 4-3F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L - 122,0 117,0 112,0 104,0 89,0 68,5 53,0 - - 74,0 237,0
EVM(.) 45 4-2F6/22 30 22 180 M - 131,0 127,0 122,0 115,0 100,0 80,5 65,5 - - 77,0 174,5
EVM(.) 45 4-1F6/30 40 30 200 L - 140,0 136,0 131,0 125,0 111,0 92,5 78,0 - - 77,0 240,0
EVM(.) 45 4-0F6/30 40 30 200 L - 149,0 145,0 141,0 135,0 122,0 104,0 91,0 - - 77,0 305,0
EVM(.) 45 5-3F6/30 40 30 200 L - 160,0 154,0 148,0 139,0 120,0 95,0 76,5 - - 77,0 305,0
EVM(.) 45 5-2F6/30 40 30 200 L - 169,0 163,0 157,0 149,0 131,0 107,0 89,0 - - 96,0 324,0
EVM(.) 45 5-1F6/30 40 30 200 L - 178,0 172,0 167,0 159,0 142,0 119,0 102,0 - - 96,0 324,0
EVM(.) 45 5-0F6/37 50 37 200 L 2,5 - 187,0 182,0 177,0 170,0 153,0 131,0 114,0 - - 96,0 324,0
EVM(.) 45 6-3F6/37 50 37 200 L - 197,0 190,0 183,0 173,0 151,0 122,0 100,0 - - 96,0 338,0
EVM(.) 45 6-2F6/37 50 37 200 L - 206,0 200,0 193,0 183,0 162,0 134,0 113,0 - - 99,0 341,0
EVM(.) 45 6-1F6/37 50 37 200 L - 215,0 209,0 203,0 194,0 173,0 146,0 125,0 - - 99,0 341,0
EVM(.) 64 1-1F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S - - 30,7 29,8 28,9 27,4 25,3 23,5 15,6 - 99,0 341,0
EVM(.) 64 1-0F6/11 15 11 160 M - - 38,5 37,7 36,8 35,6 33,9 32,5 26,0 19,9 70,0 110,4
EVM(.) 64 2-2F6/15 20 15 160 M - - 62,0 60,5 59,0 56,5 53,0 49,5 35,3 - 77,0 139,5
EVM(.) 64 2-1F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L - - 70,0 68,5 67,0 64,5 61,5 58,5 45,5 33,4 81,0 168,1
EVM(.) 64 2-0F6/22 30 22 180 M - - 77,5 76,0 75,0 73,0 70,0 67,5 56,0 45,0 94,0 191,5
EVM(.) 64 3-3F6/22 30 22 180 M - - 93,5 91,0 89,0 85,5 80,5 76,0 55,0 - 94,0 257,0
1,6 - - 101,0 99,0 97,0 93,5 89,0 84,5 65,5 47,0
EVM(.) 64 3-2F6/30 40 30 200 L 99,0 262,0
EVM(.) 64 3-1F6/30 40 30 200 L - - 109,0 107,0 105,0 102,0 97,5 93,5 75,5 58,5 99,0 327,0
EVM(.) 64 3-0F6/30 40 30 200 L - - 117,0 115,0 113,0 110,0 106,0 103,0 86,0 70,0 99,0 327,0
EVM(.) 64 4-3F6/30 40 30 200 L - - 132,0 130,0 127,0 123,0 116,0 111,0 85,0 60,5 99,0 327,0
EVM(.) 64 4-2F6/37 50 37 200 L - - 140,0 138,0 135,0 131,0 125,0 120,0 95,5 72,0 108,0 336,0
EVM(.) 64 4-1F6/37 50 37 200 L - - 148,0 146,0 143,0 139,0 134,0 129,0 106,0 83,5 108,0 350,0
1,6 MPa= 16 bar
2,5 MPa= 25 bar
3,0 MPa= 30 bar

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 7 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316





Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 8 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316





Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 9 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316





Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 10 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316





Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 11 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

EVM(.) 32 1-0 F6/4.0 (4.0 kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER: 136 mm EVM(.) 32 3-3 F6/7.5 (7.5kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER: 125 mm
EVM(.) 32 2-2F6/5.5 (5.5 kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER: 125 mm EVM(.) 32 3-0 F6/11 (11kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER: 136 mm
EVM(.) 32 2-0 F6/7.5 (7.5 kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER: 136 mm EVM(.) 32 4-3 F6/11 (11kW)- n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER: 136 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER: 125 mm
EVM(.) 32 4-0 F6/15 (15kW) - n.4 IMPELLERS DIAMETER: 136 mm

EVM(.) 32 5-3 F6/15 (15kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 125 mm EVM(.) 32 6-3 F6/18.5 (18.5kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 125 mm
EVM(.) 32 5-2 F6/15 (15kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm / n.2 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 125 mm EVM(.) 32 6-0 F6/22 (22kW) - n.6 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm
EVM(.) 32 5-0 F6/18.5 (18.5kW) - n.5 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 12 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

EVM(.) 32 7-3 F6/22 (22kW) - n.4 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 125 mm EVM(.) 32 8-3 F6/30 (30kW) - n. 5 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 125 mm
EVM(.) 32 7-2 F6/22 (22kW) - n.5 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm / n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 125 mm EVM(.) 32 8-0 F6/30 (30kW) - n. 8 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm
EVM(.) 32 7-0 F6/30 (30kW) - n.7 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm

EVM(.) 32 9-3 F6 30/(30kW) - n.6 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 125 mm EVM(.) 45 1-1 F6/5.5 (5.5kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 127 mm
EVM(.) 32 9-0 F6 30/(30kW) - n.9 IMPELLERS DIAMETER= 136 mm EVM(.) 45 1-0 F6/7.5 (7.5kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 143 mm
EVM(.) 32 10-4 F6 30/(30kW) - n.6 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 136 mm / n.4 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 125 mm

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 13 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

EVM(.) 45 2-2 F6/11 (11kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 127 mm EVM(.) 45 3-3 F6/15 (15kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 127 mm
EVM(.) 45 2-1 F6/11 (11kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 127 mm EVM(.) 45 3-2 F6/15 (15kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 127 mm
EVM(.) 45 2-0 F6/15 (15kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm EVM(.) 45 3-1 F6/18.5 (18.5kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 127 mm
EVM(.) 45 3-0 F6/22 (22kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm

EVM(.) 45 4-3 F6/18.5 (18.5kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 127 mm EVM(.) 45 5-3 F6/30 (30kW) - n. 2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 127 mm
EVM(.) 45 4-2 F6/22 (22kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 127 mm EVM(.) 45 5-2 F6/30 (30kW) - n. 3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.2 iMPELLERS DIAMETER = 127 mm
EVM(.) 45 4-1 F6/30 (30kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 127 mm EVM(.) 45 5-1 F6/30 (30kW) - n. 4 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 127 mm
EVM(.) 45 4-0 F6/30 (30kW) - n.4 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm EVM(.) 45 5-0 F6/37 (37kW) - n. 5 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 14 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

EVM(.) 45 6-3 F6/37 (37kW) - n. 3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 127 mm EVM(.) 64 1-1 F6/7.5 (7.5kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 131 mm
EVM(.) 45 6-2 F6/37 (37kW) - n. 4 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 127 mm EVM(.) 64 1-0 F6/11 (11kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 143 mm
EVM(.) 45 6-1 F6/37 (37kW) - n. 5 IMPELLERS DIAMETER= 143 mm / n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 127 mm

EVM(.) 64 2-2 F6/15 (15kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 131 mm EVM(.) 64 3-3 F6/22 (22kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 131 mm
EVM(.) 64 2-1 F6/18.5 (18.5kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 131mm EVM(.) 64 3-2 F6/30 (30kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 131 mm
EVM(.) 64 2-0 F6/22 (22kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm EVM(.) 64 3-1 F6/30 (30kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 131 mm
EVM(.) 64 3-0 F6/30 (30kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 15 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

EVM(.) 64 4-3 F6/30 (30kW) - n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 131mm
EVM(.) 64 4-2 F6/37 (37kW) - n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.2 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 131mm
EVM(.) 64 4-1 F6/37 (37kW) - n.3 IMPELLERS DIAMETER = 143 mm / n.1 IMPELLER DIAMETER = 131mm

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 16 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 17 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


P. Mec Dimensions [mm]
MODEL max. Mot.
EVM(.) 3 2N6/0.37 1,6 71 50 241 215 160 206 142 114 100 149 180 210 G 1" - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø105
EVM(.) 3 3N6/0.55 1,6 71 50 262 215 160 206 142 114 100 149 180 210 G 1" - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø105
EVM(.) 3 4N6/0.75 1,6 80 50 293 232 160 206 160 139 100 149 180 210 G 1" - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø120
EVM(.) 3 5N6 1.1 1,6 80 50 314 232 160 206 160 139 100 149 180 210 G 1" - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø120
EVM(.) 3 6N6/1.1 1,6 80 50 335 232 160 206 160 139 100 149 180 210 G 1" - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø120
EVM(.) 3 7N6/1.5 1,6 90 S 50 366 267 160 206 180 148 100 149 180 210 G 1" - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 3 8N6/1.5 1,6 90 S 50 387 267 160 206 180 148 100 149 180 210 G 1" - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 3 9N6/2.2 1,6 90 L 50 408 267 160 206 180 148 100 149 180 210 G 1" - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 3 11F6/2.2 2,5 90 L 75 475 267 - 250 180 148 100 149 180 210 Ø25 Ø63 Ø85 Ø115 16 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 3 12F6/2.2 2,5 90 L 75 496 267 - 250 180 148 100 149 180 210 Ø25 Ø63 Ø85 Ø115 16 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 3 13F6/3.0 2,5 100 L 75 537 306 - 250 196 155 100 149 180 210 Ø25 Ø63 Ø85 Ø115 16 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 3 15F6/3.0 2,5 100 L 75 579 306 - 250 196 155 100 149 180 210 Ø25 Ø63 Ø85 Ø115 16 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 3 18F6/4.0 2,5 112 M 75 642 306 - 250 196 155 100 149 180 210 Ø25 Ø63 Ø85 Ø115 16 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 5 2N6/0.75 1,6 80 50 265 232 160 206 160 139 100 149 180 210 G 1'' 1/4 - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø120
EVM(.) 5 3N6/1.1 1,6 80 50 293 232 160 206 160 139 100 149 180 210 G 1'' 1/4 - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø120
EVM(.) 5 4N6/1.5 1,6 90 S 50 331 267 160 206 180 148 100 149 180 210 G 1'' 1/4 - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 5 5N6/2.2 1,6 90 L 50 359 267 160 206 180 148 100 149 180 210 G 1'' 1/4 - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 5 6N6/2.2 1,6 90 L 50 387 267 160 206 180 148 100 149 180 210 G 1'' 1/4 - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 5 7N6/3.0 1,6 100 L 50 435 306 160 206 196 155 100 149 180 210 G 1'' 1/4 - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 5 8N6/3.0 1,6 100 L 50 463 306 160 206 196 155 100 149 180 210 G 1'' 1/4 - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 5 10N6/4.0 1,6 112 M 50 519 306 160 206 196 155 100 149 180 210 G 1'' 1/4 - 75 - - 2 M10 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 5 11F6/4.0 2,5 112 M 75 572 306 - 250 196 155 100 149 180 210 Ø32 Ø71 Ø100 Ø140 20 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 5 12F6/4.0 2,5 112 M 75 600 306 - 250 196 155 100 149 180 210 Ø32 Ø71 Ø100 Ø140 20 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 5 14F6/5.5 2,5 132 S 75 667 328 - 250 220 161 100 149 180 210 Ø32 Ø71 Ø100 Ø140 20 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 5 16F65.5 2,5 132 S 75 723 328 - 250 220 161 100 149 180 210 Ø32 Ø71 Ø100 Ø140 20 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 5 19F6/7.5 2,5 132 S 75 807 328 - 250 220 161 100 149 180 210 Ø32 Ø71 Ø100 Ø140 20 4 Ø14 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 10 2N6/1.5 1,6 90 S 80 343 267 200 252 180 148 130 190 215 250 G 1''1/2 - 100 - - 2 M12 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 10 3N6/2.2 1,6 90 L 80 373 267 200 252 180 148 130 190 215 250 G 1''1/2 - 100 - - 2 M12 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 10 4N6/3.0 1,6 100 L 80 423 306 200 252 196 155 130 190 215 250 G 1''1/2 - 100 - - 2 M12 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 10 5N6/4.0 1,6 112 M 80 453 306 200 252 196 155 130 190 215 250 G 1''1/2 - 100 - - 2 M12 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 10 6N6/4.0 1,6 112 M 80 483 306 200 252 196 155 130 190 215 250 G 1''1/2 - 100 - - 2 M12 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 10 8N6/5.5 1,6 132 S 80 554 328 200 252 220 161 130 190 215 250 G 1''1/2 - 100 - - 2 M12 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 10 10F6/7.5 2,5 132 S 80 614 328 - 280 220 161 130 190 215 250 Ø40 Ø79 Ø110 Ø150 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 10 11F6/7.5 2,5 132 S 80 644 328 - 280 220 161 130 190 215 250 Ø40 Ø79 Ø110 Ø150 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 10 12F6/7.5 2,5 132 S 80 674 328 - 280 220 161 130 190 215 250 Ø40 Ø79 Ø110 Ø150 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 10 14F6/11 2,5 160 M 80 764 403 - 280 248 195 130 190 215 250 Ø40 Ø79 Ø110 Ø150 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø350
EVM(.) 10 16F6/11 2,5 160 M 80 824 403 - 280 248 195 130 190 215 250 Ø40 Ø79 Ø110 Ø150 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø350
EVM(.) 18 1F6/2.2 1,6 90 L 90 373 267 - 300 180 148 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø140
EVM(.) 18 2F6/3.0 1,6 100 L 90 383 306 - 300 196 155 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø160
EVM(.) 18 3F6/5.5 1,6 132 S 90 444 328 - 300 220 161 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 18 4F6/7.5 1,6 132 S 90 484 328 - 300 220 161 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 18 5F6/7.5 1,6 132 S 90 524 328 - 300 220 161 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø300
EVM(.) 18 6F6/11 1,6 160 M 90 594 403 - 300 248 195 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø350
EVM(.) 18 7F6/11 2,5 160 M 90 634 403 - 300 248 195 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø350
EVM(.) 18 8F6/15 2,5 160 M 90 674 498 - 300 317 238 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø350
EVM(.) 18 10F6/15 2,5 160 M 90 754 498 - 300 317 238 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø350
EVM(.) 18 11F6/18.5 2,5 160 L 90 794 542 - 300 317 238 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø350
EVM(.) 18 12F6/18.5 2,5 160 L 90 834 542 - 300 317 238 130 190 215 250 Ø50 Ø92 Ø125 Ø165 21 4 Ø18 Ø12 20 Ø350
1,6 MPa= 16 bar
2,5 MPa= 25 bar

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 18 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 19 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


P. Mec Dimensions [mm]

MODEL max. Mot. H H2 H3 E B C BM BL BY1 BW SA SG D1 D2 H8 SN D3 BF BH A
EVM(.) 32 1-0F6/4,0 1,6 112 M 105 503 306 320 196 155 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 160
EVM(.) 32 2-2F6/5,5 1,6 132 S 105 524 328 320 220 161 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 300
EVM(.) 32 2-0F6/7,5 1,6 132 S 105 524 328 320 220 161 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 300
EVM(.) 32 3-3F6/7,5 1,6 132 S 105 572 328 320 220 161 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 300
EVM(.) 32 3-0F6/11 1,6 160 M 105 703 403 320 248 195 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 4-3F6/11 1,6 160 M 105 751 403 320 248 195 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 4-0F6/15 1,6 160 M 105 751 498 320 317 238 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 5-3F6/15 1,6 160 M 105 799 498 320 317 238 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 5-2F6/15 1,6 160 M 105 799 498 320 317 238 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 5-0F6/18,5 1,6 160 L 105 799 542 320 317 238 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 4 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 6-3F6/18,5 2,5 160 L 105 847 542 320 317 238 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 6-0F6/22 2,5 180 M 105 847 577 320 360 268 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 7-3F6/22 2,5 180 M 105 895 577 320 360 268 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 7-2F6/22 2,5 180 M 105 895 577 320 360 268 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 350
EVM(.) 32 7-0F6/30 2,5 200 L 105 910 658 320 399 300 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 400
EVM(.) 32 8-3F6/30 2,5 200 L 105 958 658 320 399 300 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 400
EVM(.) 32 8-0F6/30 3,0 200 L 105 958 658 320 399 300 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 400
EVM(.) 32 9-3F6/30 3,0 200 L 105 1006 658 320 399 300 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 400
EVM(.) 32 9-0F6/30 3,0 200 L 105 1006 658 320 399 300 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 400
EVM(.) 32 10-4F6/30 3,0 200 L 105 1054 658 320 399 300 170 210 240 280 Ø65 Ø110 Ø145 Ø185 23 8 Ø18 Ø14 35 400
EVM(.) 45 1-1F6/5.5 1,6 132 S 140 546 328 365 220 161 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 300
EVM(.) 45 1-0F6/7.5 1,6 132 S 140 546 328 365 220 161 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 300
EVM(.) 45 2-2F6/11 1,6 160 M 140 749 403 365 248 195 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 45 2-1F6/11 1,6 160 M 140 749 403 365 248 195 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 45 2-0F6/15 1,6 160 M 140 749 498 365 317 238 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 45 3-3F6/15 1,6 160 M 140 822 498 365 317 238 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 45 3-2F6/15 1,6 160 M 140 822 498 365 317 238 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 45 3-1F6/18.5 1,6 160 L 140 822 542 365 317 238 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 45 3-0F6/22 1,6 180 M 140 822 577 365 360 268 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 45 4-3F6/18.5 1,6 160 L 140 894 542 365 317 238 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 45 4-2F6/22 1,6 180 M 140 894 577 365 360 268 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 45 4-1F6/30 1,6 200 L 140 909 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 45 4-0F6/30 1,6 200 L 140 909 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 45 5-3F6/30 2,5 200 L 140 981 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 45 5-2F6/30 2,5 200 L 140 981 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 45 5-1F6/30 2,5 200 L 140 981 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 45 5-0F6/37 2,5 200 L 140 981 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 45 6-3F6/37 2,5 200 L 140 1053 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 45 6-2F6/37 2,5 200 L 140 1053 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 45 6-1F6/37 2,5 200 L 140 1053 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø80 Ø120 Ø160 Ø200 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 64 1-1F6/7.5 1,6 132 S 140 546 328 365 220 161 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 300
EVM(.) 64 1-0F6/11 1,6 160 M 140 677 403 365 248 195 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 64 2-2F6/15 1,6 160 M 140 749 498 365 317 238 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 64 2-1F6/18.5 1,6 160 L 140 749 542 365 317 238 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 64 2-0F6/22 1,6 180 M 140 749 577 365 360 268 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 64 3-3F6/22 1,6 180 M 140 821 577 365 360 268 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 350
EVM(.) 64 3-2F6/30 1,6 200 L 140 837 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 64 3-1F6/30 1,6 200 L 140 837 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 64 3-0F6/30 1,6 200 L 140 837 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 64 4-3F6/30 1,6 200 L 140 909 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 64 4-2F6/37 1,6 200 L 140 909 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
EVM(.) 64 4-1F6/37 1,6 200 L 140 909 658 365 399 300 190 251 266 331 Ø100 Ø140 Ø180 Ø220 20 8 Ø18 Ø14 45 400
1,6 MPa= 16 bar
2,5 MPa= 25 bar
3,0 MPa= 30 bar

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 20 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

EVM 3-18 SECTIONAL VIEW Pump without bearings

EVM 3-18 SECTIONAL VIEW Pump with individual bearing

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 21 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


Ref. Name
005-1 Suction stage EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
005-2 Intermediate stage EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
005-3 Support stage kit EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
005-4 Final stage EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
006 Pump body Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561 EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
007 External casing EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
021 Impeller EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
031 Shaft EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
044-1 Bearing Tungsten carbide
048 Impeller nut A2-70 UNI 7323 (with stainless steel insert) A4-70 UNI 7323 (with stainless steel insert)
051 Motor adapter Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561
052-1 Bearing Tungsten carbide
056 Bearing -
075 O-Ring EPDM FPM
107 Wear ring EPDM/EN 1.4301(AISI 304) PTFE/EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
111 Mechanical seal SiC/Carbon/FPM
O-Ring (external casing) EPDM FPM
115 O-Ring (stage) EPDM FPM
O-Ring (seal-holder flange) EPDM FPM
120-1 Joint screw Galvanised steel 6.8 class ISO 898/1
140 Joint Brass OT 58 UNI 5705/Carbon
160 Pump body base - Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561
162 Motor support Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561
212 Cap EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
128-5 Nut - Galvanised steel
273 Washer EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 22 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

EVM 32 SECTIONAL VIEW Pump without bearings

EVM 32 SECTIONAL VIEW Pump with individual bearing

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 23 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


Ref. Name
005-1 Suction stage EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
005-3 Support stage kit EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
005-4 Final stage EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
006 Pump body Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561 EN 1.4308 (ASTM CF8) EN 1.4408 (ASTM CF8M)
007 External casing EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
021 Impeller EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
031 Shaft EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
044-1 Bearing Tungsten carbide
045 Flange half-ring EN 1.402 (AISI 420)
048 Impeller nut A2-70 UNI 7323 (with stainless steel insert) A4-70 UNI 7323 (with stainless steel insert)
052-1 Bearing Tungsten carbide
056 Bearing -
075 O-Ring EPDM FPM
107 Wear ring EPDM/EN 1.4301(AISI 304) PTFE/EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
111-1 Mechanical seal SiC/Carbon/FPM
111-2 Mechanical seal (cartridge) EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
111-3 Seal seat EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
111-4 Sealing ring Brass OT 58 UNI 5705 EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
O-Ring (external casing) EPDM FPM
O-Ring (stage) EPDM FPM
O-Ring (seal-holder flange) EPDM FPM
O-Ring (seal cover) EPDM FPM
120-1 Joint screw Galvanised steel 6.8 class ISO 898/1
130-1 Screw A2-70 UNI 7323
140 Joint Brass OT 58 UNI 5705
140-1 Motor joint Carbon
140-2 Joint Carbon
160 Pump body base - Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561
162 Motor support Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561
212 Cap EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
273 Washer EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
613 Flange Carbon - -

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 24 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

EVM 45-64 SECTIONAL VIEW Pump without bearings

EVM 45-64 SECTIONAL VIEW Pump with individual bearing

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 25 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


Ref. Name
005-4 Final stage EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
006 Pump body Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561 EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
007 External casing EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
012 Suction cover EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
021 Impeller EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
031 Shaft EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
044-1 Bearing Tungsten carbide
044-2 Bearing Tungsten carbide
045 Flange half-ring EN 1.402 (AISI 420)
048 Impeller nut A2-70 UNI 7323 (with stainless steel insert) A4-70 UNI 7323 (with stainless steel insert)
051 Motor adapter Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561
052-2 Bearing Tungsten carbide
056 Bearing -
075 O-Ring EPDM FPM
081 Bush PTFE
107 Wear ring PTFE/EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
111-1 Mechanical seal SiC/Carbon/FPM
111-2 Mechanical seal (cartridge) EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
111-3 Seal seat EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
111-4 Sealing ring Brass OT 58 UNI 5705 EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
115-1 O-Ring (external casing) EPDM FPM
115-2 O-Ring (stage) EPDM FPM
115-4 O-Ring (seal-holder flange) EPDM FPM
115-5 O-Ring (seal cover) EPDM FPM
120-1 Joint screw Galvanised steel 6.8 class ISO 898/1
120-2 Tie-rod EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
128-2 Screw Carbon EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
130-1 Screw A2-70 UNI 7323
140 Joint Brass OT 58 UNI 5705
140-1 Motor joint Carbon
140-2 Joint Carbon
160 Pump body base - Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561
162 Motor support Cast iron EN-GJL-200-EN 1561
212 Cap EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
273 Washer EN 1.4301(AISI 304) EN 1.4401 (AISI 316)
613 Flange - Carbon


Ref. Name Material Ref. Name Material Ref. Name Material
1 Fixed part Carbon 1 Fixed part Carbon 1 Fixed part Carbon
2 Rotating part SiC 2 Rotating part SiC 2 Rotating part SiC
3 Gasket FPM 3 Gasket FPM
3 Gasket EPDM (FPM for EVML)

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 26 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


P Full load efficency Full load current

and power-factor [A]

Model Mec
Motor η%
[HP] [kW] cos ø 220V 265V 380V 460V
EVM(.) 3 2N6/0.37 0,5 0,37 71 67,7 0,72 2,1 1,7 1,2 1,0
EVM(.) 3 3N6/0.55 0,75 0,55 71 72,4 0,72 2,9 2,4 1,7 1,4
EVM(.) 3 4N6/0.75 1 0,75 80 82,0 0,73 3,4 2,7 1,9 1,6
EVM(.) 3 5N6/1.1 1,5 1,1 80 83,0 0,76 4,6 3,8 2,7 2,2
EVM(.) 3 6N6/1.1 1,5 1,1 80 83,0 0,76 4,6 3,8 2,7 2,2
EVM(.) 3 7N6/1.5 2 1,5 90 S 84,3 0,88 5,7 4,7 3,3 2,7
EVM(.) 3 8N6/1.5 2 1,5 90 S 84,3 0,88 5,7 4,7 3,3 2,7
EVM(.) 3 9N6/2.2 3 2,2 90 L 86,3 0,84 8,2 6,8 4,7 3,9
EVM(.) 3 11F6/2.2 3 2,2 90 L 86,3 0,84 8,2 6,8 4,7 3,9
EVM(.) 3 12F6/2.2 3 2,2 90 L 86,3 0,84 8,2 6,8 4,7 3,9
EVM(.) 3 13F6/3.0 4 3 100 L 87,7 0,82 10,5 8,7 6,1 5,0
EVM(.) 3 15F6/3.0 4 3 100 L 87,7 0,82 10,5 8,7 6,1 5,0
EVM(.) 3 18F6/4.0 5,5 4 112 M 87,7 0,82 14,7 12,1 8,5 7,0
EVM(.) 5 2N6/0.75 1 0,75 80 82,0 0,73 3,4 2,7 1,9 1,6
EVM(.) 5 3N6/1.1 1,5 1,1 80 83,0 0,76 4,6 3,8 2,7 2,2
EVM(.) 5 4N6/1.5 2 1,5 90 S 84,3 0,88 5,7 4,7 3,3 2,7
EVM(.) 5 5N6/2.2 3 2,2 90 L 86,3 0,84 8,2 6,8 4,7 3,9
EVM(.) 5 6N6/2.2 3 2,2 90 L 86,3 0,84 8,2 6,8 4,7 3,9
EVM(.) 5 7N6/3.0 4 3 100 L 87,7 0,82 10,5 8,7 6,1 5,0
EVM(.) 5 8N6/3.0 4 3 100 L 87,7 0,82 10,5 8,7 6,1 5,0
EVM(.) 5 10N6/4.0 5,5 4 112 M 87,7 0,82 14,7 12,1 8,5 7,0
EVM(.) 5 11F6/4.0 5,5 4 112 M 87,7 0,82 14,7 12,1 8,5 7,0
EVM(.) 5 12F6/4.0 5,5 4 112 M 87,7 0,82 14,7 12,1 8,5 7,0
EVM(.) 5 14F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S 88,5 0,85 - - 11,3 9,3
EVM(.) 5 16F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S 88,5 0,85 - - 11,3 9,3
EVM(.) 5 19F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 89,5 0,86 - - 14,8 12,2
EVM(.) 10 2N6/1.5 2 1,5 90 S 84,3 0,88 5,7 4,7 3,3 2,7
EVM(.) 10 3N6/2.2 3 2,2 90 L 86,3 0,84 8,2 6,8 4,7 3,9
EVM(.) 10 4N6/3.0 4 3 100 L 87,7 0,82 10,5 8,7 6,1 5,0
EVM(.) 10 5N6/4.0 5,5 4 112 M 87,7 0,82 14,7 12,1 8,5 7,0
EVM(.) 10 6N6/4.0 5,5 4 112 M 87,7 0,82 14,7 12,1 8,5 7,0
EVM(.) 10 8N6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S 88,5 0,85 - - 11,3 9,3
EVM(.) 10 10F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 89,5 0,86 - - 14,8 12,2
EVM(.) 10 11F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 89,5 0,86 - - 14,8 12,2
EVM(.) 10 12F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 89,5 0,86 - - 14,8 12,2
EVM(.) 10 14F6/11 15 11 160 M 90,3 0,85 - - 21,8 18,0
EVM(.) 10 16F6/11 15 11 160 M 90,3 0,85 - - 21,8 18,0
EVM(.) 18 1F6/2.2 3 2,2 90 L 86,3 0,84 8,2 6,8 4,7 3,9
EVM(.) 18 2F6/3.0 4 3 100 L 87,7 0,82 10,5 8,7 6,1 5,0
EVM(.) 18 3F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S 88,5 0,85 - - 11,3 9,3
EVM(.) 18 4F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 89,5 0,86 - - 14,8 12,2
EVM(.) 18 5F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 89,5 0,86 - - 14,8 12,2
EVM(.) 18 6F6/11 15 11 160 M 90,3 0,85 - - 21,8 18,0
EVM(.) 18 7F6/11 15 11 160 M 90,3 0,85 - - 21,8 18,0
EVM(.) 18 8F6/15 20 15 160 M 91,0 0,88 - - 28,4 23,5
EVM(.) 18 10F6/15 20 15 160 M 91,0 0,88 - - 28,4 23,5
EVM(.) 18 11F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L 91,7 0,87 - - 34,9 28,8
EVM(.) 18 12 F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L 91,7 0,87 - - 34,9 28,8

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 27 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316


P Full load efficency Full load current

and power-factor [A]

Model Mec
Motor η%
[HP] [kW] cos ø 265V 460V 660V
EVM(.) 32 1-0F6/4.0 5,5 4 112 M 87,7 0,82 12,1 7,0 -
EVM(.) 32 2-2F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 S 88,5 0,85 - 9,3 6,5
EVM(.) 32 2-0F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 S 89,5 0,86 - 12,2 8,5
EVM(.) 32 3-3F6 7.5 10 7,5 132 S 89,5 0,86 - 12,2 8,5
EVM(.) 32 3-0F6/11 15 11 160 M 90,3 0,85 - 18,0 12,6
EVM(.) 32 4-3F6/11 15 11 160 M 90,3 0,85 - 18,0 12,6
EVM(.) 32 4-0F6/15 20 15 160 M 91,0 0,88 - 23,5 16,4
EVM(.) 32 5-3F6/15 20 15 160 M 91,0 0,88 - 23,5 16,4
EVM(.) 32 5-2F6/15 20 15 160 M 91,0 0,88 - 23,5 16,4
EVM(.) 32 5-0F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L 91,7 0,87 - 28,8 20,1
EVM(.) 32 6-3F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 L 91,7 0,87 - 28,8 20,1
EVM(.) 32 6-0F6/22 30 22 180 M 91,3 0,89 - 34,0 23,8
EVM(.) 32 7-3F6/22 30 22 180 M 91,3 0,89 - 34,0 23,8
EVM(.) 32 7-2F6/22 30 22 180 M 91,3 0,89 - 34,0 23,8
EVM(.) 32 7-0F6/30 40 30 200 L 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 32-8-3F6/30 40 30 200 L 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 32 8-0F6/30 40 30 200 L 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 32 9-3F6/30 40 30 200 L 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 32 9-0F6/30 40 30 200 L 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 32 10-4F6/30 40 30 200 L 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 45 1-1 F6/5.5 7,5 5,5 132 88,5 0,85 - 9,3 6,5
EVM(.) 45 1-0 F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 89,5 0,86 - 12,2 8,5
EVM(.) 45 2-2 F6/11 15 11 160 90,3 0,85 - 18,0 12,6
EVM(.) 45 2-1 F6/11 15 11 160 90,3 0,85 - 18,0 12,6
EVM(.) 45 2-0 F6/15 20 15 160 91,0 0,88 - 23,5 16,4
EVM(.) 45 3-3 F6/15 20 15 160 91,0 0,88 - 23,5 16,4
EVM(.) 45 3-2 F6/15 20 15 160 91,0 0,88 - 23,5 16,4
EVM(.) 45 3-1 F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 91,7 0,87 - 28,8 20,1
EVM(.) 45 3-0 F6/22 30 22 180 91,3 0,89 - 34,0 23,8
EVM(.) 45 4-3 F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 91,7 0,87 - 28,8 20,1
EVM(.) 45 4-2 F6/22 30 22 180 91,3 0,89 - 34,0 23,8
EVM(.) 45 4-1 F6/30 40 30 200 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 45 4-0 F6/30 40 30 200 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 45 5-3 F6/30 40 30 200 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 45 5-2 F6/30 40 30 200 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 45 5-1 F6/30 40 30 200 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 45 5-0 F6/37 50 37 200 92,4 0,9 - 56,0 39,1
EVM(.) 45 6-3 F6/37 50 37 200 92,4 0,9 - 56,0 39,1
EVM(.) 45 6-2 F6/37 50 37 200 92,4 0,9 - 56,0 39,1
EVM(.) 45 6-1 F6/37 50 37 200 92,4 0,9 - 56,0 39,1
EVM(.) 64 1-1 F6/7.5 10 7,5 132 89,5 0,86 - 12,2 8,5
EVM(.) 64 1-0 F6/11 15 11 160 90,3 0,85 - 18,0 12,6
EVM(.) 64 2-2 F6/15 20 15 160 91,0 0,88 - 23,5 16,4
EVM(.) 64 2-1 F6/18.5 25 18,5 160 91,7 0,87 - 28,8 20,1
EVM(.) 64 2-0 F6/22 30 22 180 91,3 0,89 - 34,0 23,8
EVM(.) 64 3-3 F6/22 30 22 180 91,3 0,89 - 34,0 23,8
EVM(.) 64 3-2 F6/30 40 30 200 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 64 3-1 F6/30 40 30 200 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 64 3-0 F6/30 40 30 200 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 64 4-3 F6/30 40 30 200 92,0 0,87 - 47,0 32,8
EVM(.) 64 4-2 F6/37 50 37 200 92,4 0,9 - 56,0 39,1
EVM(.) 64 4-1 F6/37 50 37 200 92,4 0,9 - 56,0 39,1

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 28 EVM_60 Hz

in cast iron, AISI 304, AISI 316

The specifications given refer to the curves illustrated in our catalogues and Data Book (see
All of the performance curves are calculated according to ISO 9906 Attachment A.

TolleranzeTolerance according to ISO 9906 Annex A.

The curves refer to an effective speed of the 50 Hz asynchronous motors.
The measurements are made with water temperature of 20°C and cinematic viscosity of √= 1 mm2/s (1 cSt).
In order to prevent the risk of overheating, the pumps must not be used at a flow rate below 10% of the maximum efficiency flow rate.
During selection of the pumps, there is a safety margin of at least 1 m.

Symbols: Q = Flow rate [m3/h]

H = Head [m]
P =
1 Power absorbed by the electric line
P =
2 Power yielded to the motor axis (power absorbed by the pump)

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 29 EVM_60 Hz

Your Life, our Quality. Worldwide. 30 EVM_60 Hz
EBARA Pumps Europe network

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EBARA Pumps Europe S.p.A. NORTH-EAST Region: EBARA Pumps Europe S.p.A. UNITED KINGDOM
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EBARA Pumps Europe S.p.A. RUSSIA
Phone +7 985 7672672

The contents of this publication should not be considered binding. EBARA Pumps Europe S.p.A. reserves the right to make changes considered appropriate without prior notice. Code 479705388 02/14

EBARA Pumps Europe S.p.A. EBARA Corporation

Via Pacinotti, 32 11-1, Haneda Asahi-cho, Ohta-ku,
36040 Brendola (Vicenza), Italy Tokyo 144-8510
Phone +39 0444 706811 - Fax +39 0444 405811 Japan
e-mail: Phone +81 3 6275 7598 - Fax +81 3 5736 3193
ELETTROPOMPE EBARA............................................................................... ISTRUZIONI ORIGINALI
Manuale d’uso e manutenzione (Parte 1 di 2)....................................................................................... 2 I

EBARA Motor-driven Pumps............................... TRANSLATION FROM ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS

User’s Maintenance Manual (Part 1 of 2).............................................................................................. 6 GB


Manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien (1e partie de 2)................................................................................ 10 F

EBARA-Elektropumpen......................................... ÜBERSETZUNG DER ORIGINAL ANWEISUNGEN

Gebrauchs- und Instandhaltungshandbuch (Teil 1 von 2)................................................................... 14 D


Manual de uso y mantenimiento (Primera parte de dos).................................................................... 18 E

ELPUMPAR EBARA.................................. Översättning av den ursprungliga bruksanvisningen

Instruktionsbok för drift och underhåll (del 1 av 2).............................................................................. 22 S

ELEKTROPUMPEN EBARA............................ Oversættelse af den originale brugsanvisning

Brugs- og vedligeholdelsesanvisninger (Afsnit 1 af 2)........................................................................ 26 DK

EBARA-SÄHKÖPUMPUT............................................................Käännös alkuperäisestä ohjeet

Käyttö- ja huolto-ohje (osa 1/2)........................................................................................................... 30 FIN

EBARA ELEKTRISCHE POMPEN....... Vertaling van de oorspronkelijke gebruiksaanwijzing

Handleiding voor gebruik en onderhoud (Deel 1 van 2)...................................................................... 34 NL

ELETROBOMBA EBARA.......................................................Tradução das instruções originais

Manual para o uso e manutenção [parte 1 de 2]................................................................................. 38 P

ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΑΝΤΛΙΕΣ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΑΣ................. Μετάφραση του πρωτοτύπου των οδηγιών χρήσης

Οδηγίες χρήσης και συντήρησης (Mέρος 1 από 2) ....................................................................... 42 GR

ELEKTROČERPADLA EBARA.......................................................Překlad originálního návodu

Návod k použití a údržbě (Část 1. z 2)................................................................................................ 46 CZ

POVRCHOVÉ ELEKTRICKÉ ČERPADLÁ..................................Preklad originálneho návodu

Návod na použitie a údržbu (Časť 1. z 2)............................................................................................ 50 SK

ELEKTROPOMPY EBARA................................................... Tłumaczenie oryginalnej instrukcji

Instrukcja użytkowania i konserwacji (Część 1 z 2)............................................................................ 54 PL

Электронасосы EBARA.............................................. Перевод оригинальной инструкции

Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (Часть 1 из 2).............................................. 58 RU

EBARA Elektro Pompaları........................................................ Orijinal talimatların çeviri

Kullanım ve bakım kılavuzu (2 kısmın 1. kısmı).................................................................................. 62 T

.................................................................................................................................................. 69

Stampato su carta riciclata - Nessun albero è stata abbattuto  ....................................................................................................................................................

- Marchio “Angelo Blu” / Printed on recycled paper - No trees have .................................................................................................................................................. 73
been cutted down - mark “Blue Angel”

Manuale 442170380_J.indd 1 25/09/14 16.02

1. INTRODUCCIÓN Cuando reciban la bomba, comprueben que la misma no tenga roturas
Este manual de instrucciones está constituido por dos folletos: en la o golpes de relieve; en este caso informen enseguida a quien se la haya
PRIMERA PARTE, se encuentra información general sobre toda nues- entregado. Después, tras haber sacado la bomba, verifiquen que no se
tra producción y en la SEGUNDA PARTE, información específica para hayan producido daños durante el transporte. Si se hubieran producido,
la bomba eléctrica que han comprado. Las dos publicaciones son com- comuníquenlo dentro de un plazo de 8 días al distribuidor.
plementarias, por lo tanto verifiquen tener las dos. Comprueben además sobre la placa de la bomba eléctrica que las ca-
Aténganse a las disposiciones en ellas contenidas para lograr un buen racterísticas presentadas sean las que Ustedes han requerido.
rendimiento y el correcto funcionamiento de la bomba. Para otras in- Las partes siguientes, ya que normalmente se deterioran, gozan de
formaciones, pónganse en contacto con el distribuidor autorizado más una garantía limitada:
Si encontraran informaciones contrarias en las dos partes, aténganse a • Cojinetes
lo indicado en la parte segunda (específica del producto). • Cierre mecánico
• Retenes
Si se presenta una avería que no esté prevista en el cuadro “Búsqueda
En la redacción del manual de instrucciones ha sido utilizada la siguien- averías” (Cap. 10.1), pónganse en contacto con el distribuidor autori-
te simbología: zado más cercano.
E ¡CUIDADO! Riesgo de dañar la bomba o la instalación 5. ADVERTENCIAS GENERALES DE SEGURIDAD
Antes de poner en marcha la bomba eléctrica, es imprescindible que la
Riesgo de dañar a personas y cosas
persona que la utilice sepa efectuar todas las operaciones explicadas en
este manual (PRIMERA Y SEGUNDA PARTE), y que las aplique cada
vez durante el uso o el mantenimiento de la bomba eléctrica.
Riesgo de tipo eléctrico ELÉCTRICA
Quien utiliza la bomba debe respetar con exactitud las normas
de prevención de accidentes, vigentes en los varios países;
2. ÍNDICE además hay que tener en cuenta las características de la bom-
ba (véase “Datos técnicos” en la SEGUNDA PARTE).
1. INTRODUCCIÓN pág. 18 Use guantes de protección durante las fases de mantenimien-
2. ÍNDICE pág. 18 to y manutención de la bomba.
Durante la reparación o el mantenimiento de la bomba, hay
que interrumpir la electricidad, para evitar una imprevista
5. ADVERTENCIAS GENERALES DE SEGURIDAD pág. 18 puesta en marcha que podría perjudicar a personas y cosas.
7. INSTALACIÓN, DESINSTALACIÓN Y TRASLADO pág. 19 El aparato puede ser usado por niños de más de 8 años y por
personas con discapacidades físicas, sensoriales o mentales,
o sin la experiencia o los conocimientos necesarios, siempre y
cuando lo hagan bajo la supervisión de un adulto responsable,
10. MANTENIMIENTO Y REPARACIÓN pág. 20 o hayan recibido instrucciones para el uso seguro del apara-
11. DESMANTELAMIENTO pág. 21 to y comprendido los riesgos inherentes al mismo. Los niños
12. DOCUMENTACIÓN TÉCNICA ANEXA pág. 21 no deben jugar con el aparato. Las operaciones de limpieza y
13. DECLARACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD pág. 73 mantenimiento a cargo del usuario no deben ser llevadas a
cabo por niños sin vigliancia.
3. DATOS DE IDENTIFICACIÓN DEL FABRICANTE Cada operación de mantenimiento, instalación o desplazamien-
3.1 DATOS DEL FABRICANTE to de la bomba con la instalación eléctrica bajo tensión, puede
EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A. producir graves accidentes, incluso mortales, en personas.
Dirección de la fábrica: Cuando pone en marcha la bomba, la persona tiene que evitar
Via Pacinotti, 32 - 36040 BRENDOLA (VI) ITALIA estar descalza, o peor, en el agua y tener las manos mojadas.
Teléfono: 0444/706811 - Fax: 0444/706950 - Télex: 480536
Quien la utilice no tiene que llevar a cabo iniciativas persona-
Sede legal: les o intervenciones que no estén admitidas en este manual.
Via Campo Sportivo, 30 - 38023 CLES (TN) ITALIA
Teléfono: 0463/660411 - Fax: 0463/422782 5.2. PROTECCIÓN Y PRECAUCIONES SIGNIFICATIVAS
Todas las bombas eléctricas están proyectadas para que las
Vea etiquetas 6.1 para bombas eléctricas de superficie partes en movimiento sea inofensivas mediante el uso de
en FIG.6 carenados. Por lo tanto, el constructor declina cualquier res-
6.2 para bombas eléctricas sumergibles ponsabilidad por daños provocados por haber violado dichos
Para el tipo de producto vea la segunda parte. dispositivos.
Cada conductor o parte en tensión está eléctricamente aislado
4. GARANTÍA Y ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA respecto a la masa; existe además una ulterior seguridad que
LA INOBSERVANCIA DE LAS INDICACIONES PRESENTADAS EN consiste en la conexión de las partes conductoras accesibles
a un conductor de tierra, así las partes accesibles no resultan
ser peligrosas en caso de avería en el aislamiento principal.


Manuale 442170380_J.indd 18 25/09/14 16.02

5.3. RIESGOS RESIDUALES PARA BOMBAS DE SUPERFICIE d) Las BOMBAS DE SUPERFICIE no están previstas para usos transpor-
Los riesgos residuales son: tables y a afuera, excepto donde se indica (véase la segunda parte).
a) Posibilidad de entrar en contacto (aunque no accidentalmente) con e) Consultar el capítulo “Preparación para la utilización” en la segunda
el ventilador de enfriamiento del motor atravesando los agujeros de la parte para instrucciones más específicas.
cubierta de este con objetos delgados (como destornilladores, baston- 7.3. DESINSTALACIÓN
cillos y objetos parecidos). Para trasladar o desinstalar la bomba es necesario:
b) En las bombas monofásicas una posible puesta en marcha inespera- a) Cortar la alimentación eléctrica.
da debido al reajuste automático del protector del motor, en el caso de b) Soltar los tubos de impulsión y aspiración (si existen) si son dema-
que se haya activado debido al sobrecalentamiento del motor. siado largos o embarazosos.
c) Si existen, soltar los tornillos que sujetan la bomba a la superficie de
La bomba eléctrica que han comprado ha sido proyectada y construida d) Si existe, tener en mano el cable de alimentación.
según las normas siguientes: e) Levantar la bomba con medios adecuados en función del peso y del
tamaño de la misma (véase en la placa de características).
nas): 7.4. TRASLADO
- UNI EN ISO 12100 La bomba eléctrica está embalada en una caja de cartón y, si su peso
• RIESGOS DE CARÁCTER ELÉCTRICO (Anexo I Directiva Máqui- y tamaño lo requieren, fijada en un pallet de madera; de modo que el
nas): traslado no presenta problemas especiales.
- UNI EN ISO 12100 En cada caso encontrará el peso total impreso en la caja.
• RIESGOS DE OTRO TIPO (Anexo/Norma Maquinaria): 7.5. ALMACENAMIENTO
- 2006/42/EC Anexo 1 a) El producto debe guardarse en un lugar cubierto y seco, lejos de
fuentes de calor, y protegido contra suciedad y vibraciones.
Los componentes eléctricos y los correspondientes circuitos instalados b) Proteja el producto contra la humedad, fuentes de calor y daños E
en las bombas respetan las normas CEI EN 60204-1. mecánicos.
c) No apoye objetos pesados sobre el embalaje.
7. INSTALACIÓN Y DESINSTALACIÓN, TRANSPORTE Y d) El producto debe almacenarse a una temperatura ambiente de entre
ALMACENAMIENTO +5 °C y +40 °C (41 °F y 104 °F) con una humedad relativa del 60%.
a) Utilizar tuberías metálicas para evitar que puedan ceder con la de- CABLEADO ELÉCTRICO UN INTERRUPTOR DIFERENCIAL DE
presión que se crea durante la aspiración o en materia plástico con ALTA SENSIBILIDAD (0.03 A).
un cierto grado de rigidez.
¡CUIDADO! La alimentación de la electrobomba que no cuenta con enchu-
b) Soportar y alinear las tuberías para que no creen esfuerzos sobre la
fe debe realizarse mediante una conexión permanente al cua-
dro eléctrico con interruptor, fusibles e interruptor térmico ca-
c) Evitar, si se utilizan tubos flexibles de aspiración y de incursión, do-
librado conforme a la corriente absorbida de la electrobomba.
blarlos para evitar estrangulamientos.
d) Sellar las eventuales conexiones de los conductos: las filtraciones La red debe tener una instalación de tierra eficiente, según
de aire en el tubo de aspiración influyen negativamente sobre el las normas eléctricas existentes en el País: esta responsa-
funcionamiento de la bomba. bilidad está a cargo del instalador
e) En el tubo de incursión, a la salida de la bomba eléctrica, se aconse- En caso de bombas eléctricas no dotadas de cable de ali-
ja montar en este orden una válvula antirretorno y un registro. mentación, para conectarse con la red eléctrica utilizar un
f) Fijar las tuberías a la cubeta, o a partes fijas, para que no sean cable según las normas vigentes del país y de la sección
soportadas por la bomba eléctrica. necesaria teniendo en cuenta la longitud y la potencia apli-
g) Evitar el empleo en la instalación de demasiadas curvas (cuellos de cadas y la tensión de la red.
cisne) y válvulas.
h) En las BOMBAS DE SUPERFICIE instaladas sobre batiente, el tubo Si existe, la clavija de la versión monofásica debe estar conec-
de aspiración debiera contar con una válvula de pié y un filtro para tada a la red eléctrica en un ambiente interior lejano de rocia-
impedir la entrada de cuerpos extraños y su extremo debiera estar dos, chorros de agua o lluvia y en modo tal que la clavija sea
sumergido a una profundidad de por lo menos dos veces el diá- accesible.
metro del tubo. Además, debiera tener una distancia de una vez y
media el diámetro del tubo desde el fondo de la cubeta. Las versiones trifásicas no tienen protector del mo-
Para aspiraciones superiores a los 4 metros, utilizar, para lograr un tor en su interior por lo que la protección contra la
mejor rendimiento, un tubo de diámetro superior (se aconseja 1⁄4 de sobrecarga es responsabilidad del usuario.
pulgada superior en aspiración). BOMBAS ELÉCTRICAS DE SUPERFICIE
a) Colocar la bomba sobre una superficie llana lo más cerca posible MEDECER EL PANEL DE BORNES O EL MOTOR
de la fuente de agua dejando alrededor un espacio libre suficiente – En la versión Monofásica, realizar la conexión según la protección
para efectuar las operaciones de utilización y mantenimiento en termoamperométrica “P” interior (FIG.1) o exterior (FIG.2).
condiciones de seguridad. En cada caso dejar un espacio libre de al – En la versión Trifásica, después de haber conectado al panel de
menos 100 mm delante del ventilador de enfriamiento de las bom- bornes el cable de alimentación en estrella (FIG.3) o en delta
bas de superficie. (FIG.4), controlar, mirando la bomba eléctrica por el lado del motor,
b) Para bombas sumergidas/sumergibles, bajarlas con una cuerda que el ventilador de enfriamiento gire según la dirección de la flecha
fijada a la manilla o a los ganchos correspondientes. adhesiva aplicada en la protección del ventilador. En caso contrario,
c) Utilizar tubos con un diámetro adecuado (véase la segunda parte) con invertir dos de los tres cables en la base del motor.
manguitos roscados, que se conectan a las bocas de aspiración e im- BOMBAS ELÉCTRICAS SUMERGIBLES
pulsión de la bomba eléctrica o a las contrabridas roscadas incluidas. – En la versión Monofásica insertar la clavija en una toma de corriente.


Manuale 442170380_J.indd 19 25/09/14 16.02

– En la versión Trifásica (FIG.5), controlar que el sentido de rotación 10.1. BÚSQUEDA DE AVERÍAS
del motor sea hacia la derecha mirando la bomba eléctrica desde SÍNTOMAS
arriba, procediendo como sigue: con la bomba eléctrica todavía no CAUSA REMEDIO
fijada a la instalación, conectar el cable de alimentación al cuadro
eléctrico y accionar por un instante el interruptor de alimentación: Comprobar el
Falta contador de la línea
la bomba eléctrica arrancará y sufrirá un contragolpe que deberá de electricidad eléctrica
ser hacia la izquierda, visto por la parte superior de la bomba. Si
es erróneo (derecha), invertir dos de los tres cables en el panel de Comprobar la
Enchufe conexión eléctrica a
bornes del cuadro eléctrico. mal insertado la línea
En la FIG.7 se muestran las tensiones estándares indicadas en la placa Comprobar el panel
de características con las tolerancias respectivas. Conexión de bornes y el cuadro
LA BOMBA eléctrica errónea eléctrico
Para la bombas equipadas con flotante, regular el largo del cable del (el motor no gira) Interruptor automático Rearmar el interruptor/
flotante respecto al valor mínimo y máximo del agua (véase la segunda saltado/fusibles que- cambiar los fusibles y
parte). mados verificar la causa
Verificar que los automatismos de la instalación no provoquen un número Flotante Verificar que el flotante
de arranques por hora superior a lo indicado en FIG.8 para las bombas bloqueado alcance el nivel ON
de superficie, y en la segunda parte para las bombas sumergidas y su-
Activación de la pro-
mergibles. Se rearma automática-
tección térmica mente (monofásica)
la línea
el restablecimiento
a) Nuestras bombas eléctricas de superficie están proyectadas para el filtro/orificio
en aspiración
funcionar en lugares cuya temperatura ambiente no sea superior a Limpiar la válvula y
los 40°C y la altitud sobre el nivel del mar no sea superior a 1000 m. LA BOMBA Válvula de pié cerrada comprobar su funcio-
b) Nuestras bombas eléctricas no pueden ser utilizadas en piscinas o NO FUNCIONA namiento
lugares análogos. (el motor gira)
c) El funcionamiento prolongado de la bomba eléctrica con el tubo de Cebar la bomba
impulsión cerrado puede causar daño por sobrecalentamiento. Comprobar la válvula
d) Se deben evitar los arranques y los apagados demasiado frecuentes de retención en im-
Bomba vacía
de la bomba eléctrica (controlar en FIG.8 el número máximo). pulsión
e) En caso de falta de atención se debe cortar el circuito de alimenta- Comprobar el nivel del
ción eléctrica. líquido
9.2. PUESTA EN MARCHA Presión demasiado Cerrar parcialmente
a) Poner en marcha la bomba dos o tres veces para averiguar las con- baja la salida
diciones de la instalación. Instalación de sección Revisar
b) Operando en la parte de impulsión, inducir una rápida subida de pequeña la instalación
presión un par de veces.
c) Comprobar que ruido, vibraciones, presión y tensión eléctrica se Limpiar tubos,
Instalación sucia
mantengan a niveles normales. válvulas, filtros
9.3. PARADA Nivel del agua dema- Parar la bomba o su-
a) Cerrar gradualmente el paso de agua en la parte de impulsión para siado bajo mergir la válvula de pie
evitar que en los tubos y en la bomba se produzcan sobrepresiones LA BOMBA
a causa del golpe de ariete. FUNCIONA Erróneo sentido
b) Interrumpa la alimentación eléctrica. con poco caudal de rotación Invertir dos fases
(sólo trifásica)
10. MANTENIMIENTO Y REPARACIÓN Alimentar la bomba con
Errónea tensión de
Se aconseja solamente controlar periódicamente el funcionamiento la tensión indicada en
correcto, y en especial prestar atención al surgimiento de ruidos y vi- la chapa
braciones anómalos y, para las bombas de superficie, de eventuales Fugas en los tubos Revisar las junturas
pérdidas del cierre mecánico.
Las principales operaciones y las más frecuentes de mantenimiento Revisar
Presión elevada
son las siguientes: la instalación
− Sustitución del cierre mecánico.
LA BOMBA SE PARA Alta temperatura del La temperatura supera
− Sustitución de los retenes.
TRAS BREVES los límites técnicos de
− Sustitución de los rodamientos líquido
− Sustitución de los condensadores
Cuando no se va a utilizar la bomba de superficie por mucho tiempo, (intervención de la
protección térmica) Fallo interno Consultar al distribuidor
es aconsejable que quede vacía quitando los tapones de vaciado y de más cercano
cebado, lavarla cuidadosamente con agua limpia, y vaciar el agua para
evitar dejar depósitos en su interior. LA BOMBA SE PARA
Esta operación tiene que efectuarse siempre que exista riesgo de conge- TRAS BREVES Pequeña diferencia
Aumentar la diferencia
lación, para evitar roturas de los componentes de la propia bomba. FUNCIONAMIENTOS entre presión
entre las dos presiones
En las bombas sumergidas, la eventual sustitución del cable de alimen- (aplicaciones de máxima y mínima
tación la debe realizar solamente un centro de asistencia autorizado. presurización)


Manuale 442170380_J.indd 20 25/09/14 16.02

TRAS BREVES Regular la presión
Presión máxima de-
FUNCIONAMIENTOS máxima a valores
masiado alta
(aplicaciones de inferiores
Caudal demasiado
Reducir el caudal
Consultar al distribuidor
más cercano
LA BOMBA VIBRA Tubos irregulares Fijarlos bien
o hace demasiado Cojinete que hace Consultar al distribuidor
ruido cuando fun- ruido más cercano
ciona FIG. 2
Cuerpos exteriores
rozan con el ventilador Retirarlos
del motor
Purgar la bomba y/o
Cebado erróneo
rellenarla de nuevo

Al desmantelar las bombas seguir cuidadosamente las normas vigen-
tes del país, verificando no dejar en el interior de la bomba residuos
del fluido utilizado.
La mayoría de nuestras bombas está libre de materiales particularmen-
te contaminantes. Los casos particulares están indicados en el capítulo FIG. 3
“Desmantelamiento” en la SEGUNDA PARTE.

Este símbolo presente en la bomba indica que la misma no se puede

eliminar junto a desechos domésticos.

Esta norma está relacionada solamente con la eliminación de los equi-

pos por parte de privados en el territorio de la Unión Europea.
Es responsabilidad del usuario eliminar todos los equipos entregán-
dolos a un centro de recogida designado con el objetivo de reciclar y FIG. 4
eliminar los equipos eléctricos.
Para obtener otras informaciones sobre los centros de recogida de los
equipos, póngase en contacto con el ente local encargado de la elimi-
nación de desechos o con el centro donde fue comprado el producto.
Las bombas sujetas a estas normas son las siguientes familias de pro-
BEST monofásica
AGA – AGE – AGF monofásica versión “GARDEN”


Ver FIG. 1-2
Ver FIG. 3-4-5
Ver FIG. 6.1-6.2 (el constructor se reserva el derecho de realizar even-
tuales modificaciones).


Manuale 442170380_J.indd 21 25/09/14 16.02

FIG. 6.1 FIG. 6.2

Modello pompa • Pump model • Modèle pompe • Pumpenmodell • Modelo bomba • Pumpens modell • Pumpemodel • Pumpun malli • Model pomp • Modelo
1) “TYPE” bomba • Μοντέλο αντλίας • Model čerpadla • Model čerpadla • Model pompy • Модель насоса • Pompa modeli • •
Mese. Anno di produzione e numero di serie (alfanumerico) • Month. Year of manufacture and serial number (alphanumerical) • Mois. Année de fabrication
et numéro de série (alphanumérique) • Monat. Jahr der Herstellung und Seriennummer (alphanumerisch) • Mes. Año de fabricación y número de serie
(alfanumérico) • Månad. Tillverkningsår och serienummer (alfanumeriskt)r • Måned. Produktionsår og serienummer (alfanumerisk) • Kuukausi. Valmistusvuosi
2) ja sarjanumero (aakkosnumeerinen) • Maand. Bouwjaar en serienummer (alfanumeriek) • Mês. Ano de produção e número de série (alfanumérico) • Μήνας.
CODE” Έτος παραγωγής και αριθμός σειράς (αλφαριθμητικός) • Měsíc. Rok výroby a výrobní číslo (alfanumerické) • Mesiac. Rok výroby a výrobné číslo
(alfanumerické) • Miesiąc. Rok produkcji i numer seryjny (alfanumeryczny) • Месяц. Год производства и серийный номер (буквенно-цифровой). • Ay.
Üretim yılı ve seri numarası (alfabetik) • •
Indicazione dei punti di portata minima e massima • Maximum and minimum flow rate points • Indication des débits MINI et MAXI. • Angabe des min. und des
max. Durchsatzes • Indicación de los puntos de caudal mínimo y máximo • Indikation om punkter för min. och max. kapacitet • Indikation om minimums- og
maksimumskapacitetspunkterne • Minimi- ja maksimivirtausnopeuspisteet • Indicatie minimum- en maximumdebiet • Indicações dos pontos de capacidade
3) “Q” mínima e máxima • Ένδειξη ελάχιστων και μέγιστων τιμών παροχής • Údaje o minimálním a maximálním dopravovaném množství • Údaje o minimálnom
a maximálnom dopravovanom množstve • Wskazanie punktów minimalnej i minimalnej nośności • Указание точек минимальной и максимальной
производительности • Minimum ve maksimum kapasite noktaları işareti • •
Indicazione dei punti di prevalenza corrispondenti alla minima e massima portata • Head points corresponding to maximum and minimum flow rate •
Indication des H.M.T. correspondant aux débits MINI et MAXI. • Angabe der Förderhöhe, die dem min. und dem max. Durchsatz entsprechen • Indicación
de los puntos de presión correspondientes a los caudales mínimo y máximo • Indikation om uppfordringshöjdspunkter som motsvarar min. och max.
kapacitet • Indikation om prævalenspunkterne, svarende til minimums- og maksimumskapaciteten • Minimi- ja maksimivirtausnopeutta vastaavat
painekorkeuspisteet • Indicatie van de opvoerhoogte overeenkomstig het minimum- en maximumdebiet • Indicações dos pontos de prevalência
4) “H” correspondentes á mínima e á máxima capacidade • Ένδειξη τιμών ανύψωσης που αντιστοιχούν στη μέγιστη και ελάχιστη παροχή • 1. Údaje
o dopravní výšce (výtlaku) odpovídající minimálnímu a maximálnímu dopravovanému množství • Údaje o dopravnej výške (výtlaku) odpovedajúcej
minimálnemu a maximálnemu dopravovanému množstvu • Wskazanie punktów wysokiego ciśnienia odpowiadających minimalnego i maksymalnej
nośności • Указание точек напора, соответствующих минимальной и максимальной производительности • Minimum ve maksimum kapasite için
basınç yüksekliği noktaları işareti • •
Prevalenza massima • Maximum head • Hauteur MAXI • Max. Förderhöhe • Presión máxima • Max. uppfordringshöjd •
5) “Hmax” Maksimum prævalens • Maksimipainekorkeus • Max. opvoerhoogte • Prevalência máxima • Μέγιστη ανύψωση • Maximální dopravní výška • Maximálna
dopravná výška • Ciśnienie maksymalne • Максимальный напор • Maksimum Basınç Yüksekliği • •
Tensione/i nominale/i • Rated voltage/s • Tension/s nominale/s • Nennspannung/en • Tensión/es nominal/es • Märkspänning • Nominalspænding •
6) “V~” Nimellisjännite/-jännitteet • Nominale spanning(en) • Tensões / os nominais/ i • Ονομαστική (ές) Τάση (εις) • Jmenovité napětí • Menovité napätie •
Napięcie/a nominalne • Номинальное напряжение (напряжения) • Nominal gerilim/ler • •
Prevalenza minima • Minimum head • Hauteur MINI • Min. Förderhöhe • Altura de elevación mínima • Min. uppfordringshöjd • Minimum prævalens •
7) “Hmin” Minimipainekorkeus • Minimale opvoerhoogte • Prevalência mínima • Ελάχιστη ανύψωση • Minimální dopravní výška • Minimálna dopravná výška •
Ciśnienie minimalne • Минимальный напор • Minimum Basınç Yüksekliği • •
Potenza nominale del motore (potenza resa all’asse) • Rated motor power (power delivered at axis) • Puissance nominale du moteur (puissance rendue
à l’axe) • Nennleistung des Motors (Leistungsabgabe an der Achse) • Potencia nominal del motor (potencia en el eje) • Motorns märkeffekt (axeleffekt) •
Motorens nominaleffekt (nytteeffekt på akslen) • Moottorin nimellisteho (akselin antoteho) • Nominaal vermogen van de motor (vermogen overgebracht op
8) “P2” as) • Potência nominal do motor [potência resistência eixo] • Iσχύς του κινητήρα (ισχύς στον άξονα) • Jmenovitý výkon motoru (výkon v ose) • Menovitý
výkon motora (meraný na osi) • Nominalna moc silnika (moc na osi) • Номинальная мощность двигателя (отдаваемая мощность на оси) • Motorun
nominal gücü (eksene verilen güç) • •
Potenza nominale del motore espressa in HP (horse power) • Rated motor power expressed in HP (horse power) • Puissance nominale du moteur
exprimée en HP (horse power) • Nennleistung des Motors, ausgedrückt in HP • Potencia nominal del motor en HP (horse power) • Motorns märkeffekt i
hästkrafter• Motorens nominaleffekt udtrykt i HP (hestekræfter) • Moottorin nimellisteho hevosvoimina • Nominaal vermogen van de motor uitgedrukt in
9) “HP” HP (“horse power”: paardekracht) • Potência nominal do motor expressa em HP [ horse power] • Ονομαστική ισχύς του κινητήρα εκφραζόμενη σε ΗP
(δύναμη ίππου) • Jmenovitý výkon motoru vyjádřený v HP (koňská síla) • Menovitý výkon motora meraný v HP (horse power=konská sila) • Nominalna
moc silnika wyrażona w koniach mechanicznych • Номинальная мощность двигателя, выраженная в Л.С. (лошадиных силах) • HP (beygir gücü)
olarak belirtilmiş motorun nominal gücü • •
Frequenza • Frequency • Fréquence • Frequenz • Frecuencia • Frekvens • Frekvens • Taajuus • Frequentie • Frequência • Συχνότητα • Kmitočet •
10) “Hz” Frekvencia • Częstotliwość • Частота • Frekans • •
Corrente nominale • Rated current • Courant nominal • Nennstrom • Corriente nominal • Märkström • Nominalstrøm • Nimellisvirta • Nominale stroom •
11) “A” Corrente nominal • Ονομαστικό ρεύμα • Jmenovitý elektrický proud • Menovitý prúd • Prąd nominalny • Номинальный ток • Nominal akım •

Potenza assorbita dalla linea elettrica • Power absorbed by the electrical line • Puissance absorbée par la ligne électrique • Leistungsaufnahme der elektrischen
Leitung • Potencia absorbida por la línea eléctrica • Effektförbrukning • El-linjens absorberede effekt • Ottoteho sähköverkosta • Geabsorbeerd vermogen door het
12) “P1” elektriciteitsnet • Potência absorvida da linha elétrica • Ισχύς που απορροφάται από την ηλεκτρική γραμμή • Příkon • Moc pochłonięta przez linię elektryczną •
Мощность, потребляемая от электросети • Elektrik hattı tarafından emilen güç • •
Tipo di motore (monofase o trifase) • Motor type (single phase or threephase) • Type de moteur (monophasé ou triphasé) • Motortyp (Einphasig oder
Drehstrom) • Tipo de motor (monofásico o trifásico) • Motortyp (enfas eller trefas) • Motortype (monofase eller trefase) • Moottorin tyyppi (yksi- tai
13) “Phase” kolmivaihe) • Motortype (éénfasig of driefasig) • Tipo de motor [monofásica ou trifásica] • Είδος κινητήρα (μονοφασικός ή τριφασικός) • Typ motoru
(jednofázový nebo třífázový) • Druh motora (jednofázový alebo trojfázový) • Rodzaj silnika (jednofazowa lub trójfazowa) • Тип двигателя (однофазный
или трехфазный) • Motor tipi (mono faz veya trifaz) • •


Manuale 442170380_J.indd 74 25/09/14 16.02

Velocità di rotazione • Rotational speed • Vitesse de rotation • Rotationsgeschwindigkeit • Velocidad de rotación • Rotationshastighet • Rotationshastighed
14) “min-1” • Pyörimisnopeus • Rotatiesnelheid • Velocidade de rotação • Tαχύτητα περιστροφής • Rychlost otáčení • Rýchlosť otáčok • Prędkość obrotowa •
Скорость вращения • Rotasyon hızı • •

Massima profondità di funzionamento • Maximum operating depth • Profondeur maximale de fonctionnement • Max. Einsatztiefe • Máxima profundidad
de funcionamiento • Maximalt driftdjup • Maksimal driftsdybde • Maksimikäyttösyvyys • Maximumdiepte voor functionering • Máxima profundidade de
15) “∇/m” funcionamento • Μέγιστο βάθος λειτουργίας • Maximální provozní hloubka • Maximálna prevádzková hĺbka • Maksymalna głębokość działania •
Максимальная глубина работы • Maksimum çalışma derinliği • •

Capacità del condensatore (solo per monofase) • Capacitor capacity (single phase only) • Capacité du condensateur (seulement pour monophasé) •
Kapazität des Kondensators (nur für einphasige Version) • Capacidad del condensador (sólo monofásico) • Kondensatorns kapacitet (endast enfas) •
Kondensatorkapacitet (angår kun monofase) • Kondensaattorin kapasitanssin (vain yksivaihe) • Condensorvermogen (alleen éénfasig) • Capacidade
16) “μF” do condensador [somente para monofásica] • Χωρητικότητα του πυκνωτή (μόνο για μονοφασικό μοντέλο) • Kapacita kondenzátoru (pouze u
jednofázového čerpadla) • Kapacita kondenzátora (len pre jednofázu) • Pojemność kondensatora (jedynie dla jednofazowej) • Емкость конденсатора
(только для однофазного) • Kondansatör kapasitesi (sadece mono faz) • •

Tensione del condensatore (solo per monofase) • Capacitor voltage (single phase only) • Tension du condensateur (seulement pour monophasé) •
Spannung des Kondensators (nur für einphasige Version) • Tensión del condensador (sólo monofásico) • Kondensatorns spänning (endast enfas) •
Kondensatorspænding (angår kun monofase) • Kondensaattorin jännite (vain yksivaihe) • Condensorspanning (alleen éénfasig) • Tensão do condensador
17) “Vc” [somente para monofásica] • Τάση του πυκνωτή (μόνο για μονοφασικό μοντέλο) • Napětí kondenzátoru (pouze u jednofázového čerpadla) • Napätie
kondenzátora (len pre jednofázu) • Napięcie kondensatora (jedynie dla jednofazowej) • Напряжение конденсатора (только для однофазного) •
Kondansatör gerilimi (sadece mono faz) • •

Grado di protezione della pompa • Pump protection rating • Degré de protection de la pompe • Schutzgrad der Pumpe • Grado de protección de la bomba •
Elpumpens kapslingsklass • Pumpens beskyttelsesgrad • Pumpun suoja-aste • Beschermingsgraad van de pomp • Grau de proteção da bomba • Βαθμός
18) “IP” προστασίας της αντλίας • Stupeň ochrany čerpadla • Stupeň ochrany čerpadla • Stopień zabezpieczenia • Класс защиты насоса • Pompa koruma
derecesi • •

Classe di isolamento motore e tipo di servizio • Motor insulation class and type of service • Classe d’isolation du moteur et type de service • Isolierungsklasse
“Ins. C. des Motors und Betriebsart • Clase de aislamiento motor y tipo de servicio • Motorns isolation och användningstyp • Motorens isolationsklasse og servicetype
19) • Moottorin eristysluokka ja käyttötyyppi • Klasse motorisolatie en type werking • Classe de isolamento motor e tipo de serviço • Τάξη μόνωσης του κινητήρα
F S1” και είδος λειτουργίας • Stupeň izolace motoru a typ použití• Trieda izolácie motora a typ použitia• Klasa izolacji silnika i rodzaju obsługi • Класс изоляции
двигателя и тип работы • Motor izolasyon sınıfı ve hizmet tipi • •

20) “ kg” Peso • Weight • Poids • Gewicht • Peso • Vikt • Vægt • Paino • Gewicht • Peso • Βάρος • Hmotnosť • Hmotnosť • Ciężar • Масса • Ağırlık • •

Codice articolo pompa • Pump item code • Code article pompe • Artikelnummer der Pumpe • Código artículo bomba • Elpumpens art. nr • Pumpeartikelkode
21) “P/N°” • Pumpun tuotekoodi • Artikelcode pomp • Código artigo bomba • Κωδικός της αντλίας • Kód výrobku čerpadla • Kód typu čerpadla • Kod artykułu pompy •
Артикул насоса • Pompa ürün kodu • •

Efficienza motore al 50% del carico e della tensione nominale • Motor efficiency at 50% of the load and rated voltage • Efficacité moteur à 50% de la
charge et de la tension nominale • Wirkungsgrad des Motors bei 50% Last und Nennspannung • Eficiencia motor al 50 % de la carga y de la tensión
nominal • Motorns verkningsgrad vid 50 % belastning och märkspänning • Motoreffektivitet ved 50 % af belastningen og den nominelle spænding •
Eff. "IE" Moottorin hyötysuhde 50 %:n nimelliskuormituksella ja -jännitteellä • Motorrendement op 50% belasting en nominale spanning • Eficiência do motor
(50%) a 50 % da carga e da tensão nominal • Απόδοση κινητήρα στο 50 % του φορτίου και της ονομαστικής τάσης • Účinnost motoru při 50% zátěži
a jmenovitém napětí • Účinnosť motora pri 50 % záťaži a menovitom napätí • Sprawność silnika przy 50 % obciążenia i napięciu znamionowym
• Эффективность двигателя при 50 % нагрузки и номинального напряжения • Yükün ve nominal gerilimin %50’sindeki motor etkinliği •

Efficienza motore al 75% del carico e della tensione nominale • Motor efficiency at 75 % of the load and rated voltage • Efficacité moteur à 75 % de la
charge et de la tension nominale • Wirkungsgrad des Motors bei 75% Last und Nennspannung • Eficiencia motor al 75 % de la carga y de la tensión
nominal • Motorns verkningsgrad vid 75 % belastning och märkspänning • Motoreffektivitet ved 75 % af belastningen og den nominelle spænding •
Eff. "IE" Moottorin hyötysuhde 75 %:n nimelliskuormituksella ja -jännitteellä • Motorrendement op 75 % belasting en nominale spanning • Eficiência do motor
(75%) a 75 % da carga e da tensão nominal • Απόδοση κινητήρα 75 % του φορτίου και της ονομαστικής τάσης • Účinnost motoru při 75 % zátěži
a jmenovitém napětí • Účinnosť motora pri 75 % záťaži a menovitom napätí • Sprawność silnika przy 75 % obciążenia i napięciu znamionowym
• Эффективность двигателя при 75 % нагрузки и номинального напряжения • Yükün ve nominal gerilimin %75’indeki motor etkinliği •

Efficienza motore al 100% del carico e della tensione nominale • Motor efficiency at 100 % of the load and rated voltage • Efficacité moteur à 100 %
de la charge et de la tension nominale • Wirkungsgrad des Motors bei 100% Last und Nennspannung • Eficiencia motor al 100 % de la carga y de
la tensión nominal • Motorns verkningsgrad vid 100 % belastning och märkspänning • Motoreffektivitet ved 100 % af belastningen og den nominelle
Eff. "IE" spænding • Moottorin hyötysuhde 100 %:n nimelliskuormituksella ja -jännitteellä • Motorrendement op 100 % belasting en nominale spanning • Eficiência
(100%) do motor a 100 % da carga e da tensão nominal • Απόδοση κινητήρα 100 % του φορτίου και της ονομαστικής τάσης • Účinnost motoru při 100 %
zátěži a jmenovitém napětí • Účinnosť motora pri 100 % záťaži a menovitom napätí • Sprawność silnika przy 100 % obciążenia i napięciu znamio-
nowym • Эффективность двигателя при 100 % нагрузки и номинального напряжения • Yükün ve nominal gerilimin %100’ündeki motor etkinliği •

Indice che misura la qualità della pompa rispetto la sua efficienza • Index measuring the quality of the pump with respect to its efficiency • Indice qui mesure
la qualité de la pompe par rapport à son efficacité • Index für Qualität der Pumpe in Bezug auf ihren Wirkungsgrad • Índice que mide la calidad de la bomba
con respecto a su eficiencia • Index som mäter kvaliteten på pumpen i förhållande till dess effektivitet • Indeks, der måler pumpens kvaliteten i forhold til
dens effektivitet • Vähimmäishyötysuhdeindeksi • Getal dat de kwaliteit van de pomp met betrekking tot het rendement hiervan uitdrukt • Índice que mede
25) “MEl>” a qualidade da bomba em relação à sua eficiência • Δείκτης που μετράει την ποιότητα της αντλίας σε σχέση με την απόδοσή της • Index, který měří
kvalitu čerpadla vzhledem k jeho účinnosti • Index, ktorý vyjadruje kvalitu čerpadla vzhľadom k jeho účinnosti • Wskaźnik, który mierzy jakość pompy w
stosunku do jej sprawności • Коэффициент измерения качества насоса относительно его эффективности • Etkinliğine göre pompanın kalitesini ölçen
gösterge • •

Efficienza idraulica della pompa • Hydraulic efficiency of the pump • Efficacité hydraulique de la pompe • Hydraulischer Wirkungsgrad der Pumpe •
“Hyd. Eficiencia hidráulica de la bomba • Pumpens hydrauliska effektivitet • Pumpens hydrauliske effektivitet • Pumpun hydraulinen hyötysuhde • Hydraulisch
26) rendement van de pomp • Eficiência hidráulica da bomba • Υδραυλική απόδοση της αντλίας • Hydraulická účinnost čerpadla • Hydraulická účinnosť
Eff.” čerpadla • Sprawność hydrauliczna pompy • Гидравлическая эффективность насоса • Pompanın hidrolik etkinliği •


Manuale 442170380_J.indd 75 25/09/14 16.02

Fig. 7
Voltage indicated in the label Tolerance Operative
110 [V] ± 6% 103 - 117 [V]
115 [V] ± 6% 108 - 122 [V]
220 [V] ± 6% 207 - 233 [V]
230 [V] ± 10% 207 - 253 [V]
240 [V] ± 6% 226 - 255 [V]
208-230 [V] ± 6% 196 - 244 [V]
220-230 [V] ± 6% 207 - 244 [V]
230-240 [V] -10% +6% 207 - 255 [V]
Other [V] ± 5% –

Operative Range
Voltage indicated in the Tolerance Delta connection “∆” Star connection “Y”
220 ∆/ 380 Y [V] ± 6% 207 - 233 ∆ 357 - 403 Y [V]
240 ∆/ 415 Y [V] ± 6% 226 - 253 ∆ 390 - 440 Y [V]
230 ∆/ 400 Y [V] ± 10% 207 - 253 ∆ 360 - 440 Y [V]
220-240 ∆/ 380-415 Y [V] ± 6% 207 - 253 ∆ 360 - 440 Y [V]
230-240 ∆/ 400-415 Y [V] -10% +6% 207 - 253 ∆ 360 - 440 Y [V]
230 [V] ± 10% 207 - 253 ∆ not available
400 [V] ± 10% not available 360 - 440 Y [V]
208 - 230 [V] ± 5% 198 - 242 ∆ not available
460 [V] -10% +6% not available 414 - 488 Y [V]
Other [V] ± 5% – –

Fig. 8
Nominal motor power (P2) [kW] Closed couple pumps [N.°] EVM, 3S, 3P [N.°]
≤ 1.85 40 35
2.2 ÷ 4 30 30
5.5 – 7.5 20 20
9.2 ÷ 13 15 15
15 – 18.5 12 15
22 – 30 12 12
37 – 45 / 8
55 / 4


Manuale 442170380_J.indd 76 25/09/14 16.02

Noi, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A con sede in Via Campo Sportivo, Wij van de firma EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A met zetel in Via Campo
30 38023 Cles (TN) ITALY, dichiariamo sotto la nostra responsabilità che Sportivo, 30 38023 Cles (TN) ITALIË, verklaren onder eigen verantwoorde-
i nostri prodotti sono in conformità alle disposizioni delle seguenti direttive lijkheid dat onze producten conform zijn met de beschikkingen van de vol-
Europee: Direttiva Macchine 2006/42/CE; Direttiva Bassa Tensione gende Europese richtlijnen: Machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EG; Laagspannings-
2006/95/CE; Direttiva Compatibilità Elettromagnetica 2004/108/CE; richtlijn 2006/95/EG; Richtlijn Elektromagnetische Compatibiliteit 2004/108/
Direttiva 2011/65/CE (RoHS); EG; Richtlijn 2011/65/CE (RoHS);
We, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., with head office in Via Campo Nós, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A com sede em Via Campo Sportivo, 30
Sportivo, 30 38023 Cles (TN) – ITALY, hereby declare under our own 38023 Cles (TN) ITALY, declaramos sob a nossa responsabilidade que os
responsibility that our products conform to the provisions of the following nossos produtos estão em conformidade com as disposições das seguintes
European directives: Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC; Low Voltage diretivas europeias: Diretiva das Máquinas 2006/42/CE; Diretiva de Baixa
Directive 2006/95/EC; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/ Tensão 2006/95/CE; Diretiva de Compatibilidade Eletromagnética 2004/108/
EC; Directive 2011/65/CE (RoHS); CE; Diretiva 2011/65/CE (RoHS);
EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A, établie à Via Campo Sportivo, 30 Εμείς, η EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A με έδρα επί της Via Campo
38023 Cles (TN) ITALIE, déclare sous sa responsabilité que ses produits Sportivo, 30 38023 Cles (TN) ITALY, δηλώνουμε υπεύθυνα ότι τα
sont conformes aux dispositions des directives européennes suivantes : προϊόντα μας είναι σύμφωνα με τις προδιαγραφές των ακόλουθων
Directive Machines 2006/42/CE ; Directive basse tension 2006/95/CE ; Ευρωπαϊκών οδηγιών: Οδηγία Μηχανών 2006/42/ΕΚ, Οδηγία Χαμηλής
Directive compatibilité électromagnétique 2004/108/CE; Directive 2011/65/ Τάσης 2006/95/ΕΚ, Οδηγία Ηλεκτρομαγνητικής Συμβατότητας
CE (RoHS) ; 2004/108/ΕΚ, Οδηγία 2011/65/ΕΚ (RoHS).
Wir, die Firma EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A mit Sitz in Via Campo My, firma EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A se sídlem ve Via Campo Sportivo,
Sportivo, 30 38023 Cles (TN) ITALY, erklären auf eigene Verantwortung, dass 30 38023 Cles (TN) ITÁLIE, prohlašujeme na naši odpovědnost, že naše
unsere Produkte den Vorschriften der folgenden europäischen Richtlinien výrobky jsou ve shodě s nařízeními níže uvedených Evropských směrnic:
entsprechen: Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG; Niederspannungsrichtlinie Směrnice o Strojních zařízeních 2006/42/ES; Směrnice o Nízkém napětí
2006/95/EG; Richtlinie über Elektro­magnetische Verträglichkeit 2004/108/ 2006/95/ES; Směrnice o Elektromagnetické kompatibilitě 2004/108/ES;
EG; RoHS-Richtlinie 2011/65/EG; Směrnice 2011/65/CE (RoHS);


La empresa EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A con sede en Via Campo My, firma EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A so sídlom vo Via Campo Sportivo,
Sportivo, 30 38023 Cles (TN) ITALIA declara bajo su exclusiva responsabilidad 30 38023 Cles (TN), TALIANSKO, vyhlasujeme na našu zodpovednosť, že
que sus productos cumplen con las disposiciones establecidas en las naše výrobky sú v zhode s nariadeniami nižšie uvedených Európskych
siguientes directivas europeas: Directiva Máquinas 2006/42/CE; Directiva Baja smerníc: Smernica o Strojných zariadeniach 2006/42/ES; Smernica o
Tensión 2006/95/CE; Directiva Compatibilidad Electromagnética 2004/108/CE; Nízkom napätí 2006/95/ES; Smernica o Elektromagnetickej kompatibilite
Directiva 2011/65/CE (RoHS) 2004/108/ES; Smernica 2011/65/CE (RoHS);
Vi, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A med huvudkontor i Via Campo Spółka EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A z siedzibą przy Via Campo
Sportivo, 30 38023 Cles (TN), ITALIEN, försäkrar under vårt ansvar att våra Sportivo, 30 38023 Cles (TN) ITALY, deklaruje na własną odpowiedzialność,
produkter överensstämmer med bestämmelserna i följande europeiska że jej produkty są zgodne z wymaganiami zawartymi w następujących
direktiv: Maskindirektiv 2006/42/EU, Lågspänningsdirektiv 2006/95/EU, dyrektywach wspólnotowych: Dyrektywa Maszynowa 2006/42/WE;
Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet 2004/108/EU, Direktiv 2011/65/EU (RoHS). Dyrektywa Niskonapięciowa 2006/95/WE; Dyrektywa Zgodności
Elektromagnetycznej 2004/108/WE; Dyrektywa 2011/65/WE (RoHS);
Vi, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A med hjemsted i Via Campo Мы, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., ответственно заявляем, что Наша
Sportivo, 30 38023 Cles (TN) ITALY, erklærer under eget ansvar, at продукция соответствует Директиве по механическому оборудованию
vores produkter stemmer overens med reglerne i følgende europæiske 2006/42/CE, Директиве по низковольтному оборудованию 2006/95/CE,
direktiver: Maskindirektivet 2006/42/EF; Lavspændingsdirektivet 2006/95/ Директиве по электромагнитной совместимости 2004/108/CE, Директиве
EF; Direktivet om elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet 2004/108/EF; Direktiv 2011/65/CE (RoHS) и Директиве по экодизайну 2009/125/CE
2011/65/EF (RoHS);
EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A, kotipaikka osoitteessa Via Campo Şirket merkezi Via Campo Sportivo, 30 38023 Cles (TN) – İTALYA adresinde
Sportivo 30, 38023 Cles (TN), ITALIA, vakuuttaa omalla vastuullaan, bulunan EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A. olarak, ürünlerimizin aşağıdaki
että tuotteet vastaavat vaatimuksia seuraavissa eurooppalaisissa Avrupa direktiflerinin hükümlerine uygun olduğunu kendi sorumluluğumuz
direktiiveissä: Konedirektiivi 2006/42/EY, Pienjännitedirektiivi 2006/95/ altında beyan ederiz: 2006/42/AT sayılı Makine Direktifi, 2006/95/AT sayılı
EY; Sähkömagneettinen yhteensopivuusdirektiivi 2004/108/EY; Direktiivi Düşük Voltaj Direktifi; 2004/108/AT sayılı Elektromanyetik Uyumluluk
2011/65/EU (RoHS); Direktifi; 2011/65/AT sayılı Direktif (RoHS);

Mr. SHU NAGATA Managing director (Brendola, 9 September 2014)


Manuale 442170380_J.indd 77 25/09/14 16.02

Manuale 442170380_J.indd 78 25/09/14 16.02
Manuale 442170380_J.indd 79 25/09/14 16.02
cod. 442170380 rev. J - 09.2014


Unit 7 - Zodiac Business Park Maille Nord 2 z.o.o.
High Road - Cowley 6/10 Avenue Montaigne ul. Minska 63
Uxbridge - Middlesex 93160 noisy le grand, 03-828 Warszawa, Poland
UB8 2GU, United Kingdom France Phone: +48 22.330.81.18
Phone: +44 1895.439.027 Phone: +33 155.851.616 Fax: +48 22.330.81.19
Fax: +44 1895.439.028 Fax: +33 155.851.639
Via Pacinotti, 32
C/Cormoranes 6y8. Philipp-Reis - Str. 15 Проспект Андропова, 18 корпус 7
Phone: +39 0444.706.811
Poligono La Estación, 63128 DIETZENBACH, Germany 115432 Москва
Fax: +39 0444.706.950
28320 PINTO (MADRID), Spain Phone: +49 6074.827.90 Тел. +7 (499) 683-01-33
Plants: Cles, Brendola
Phone: +34 916.923.630 Fax: +49 6074.827.942
Fax: +34 916.910.818

Manuale 442170380_J.indd 80 25/09/14 16.02

Manuale d’istruzione all’uso e alla manutenzione ...............................................................2 I

Operating and maintenance manual .....................................................................................8 GB

Manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien ..................................................................................... 14 F

Benutzungs- und wartungshandbuch................................................................................. 20 D

Manual de instrucciones de empleo y manutención......................................................... 26 E
\Instruktionsbok för drift och underhåll ............................................................................. 32 S


\Brugs- og vedligeholdelsesanvisninger............................................................................. 38 DK


Käyttö- ja huolto-ohjeosa 2.................................................................................................. 44 FIN


Instructiehandleiding voor gebruik en onderhoud............................................................. 50 NL

Manual de instruções para o uso e a manutenção ........................................................... 56 P


Εγχειρίδιο οδηγιών χρήσης και συντήρησης ........................................................................ 62 GR


Příručka k použití a údržbě .................................................................................................. 68 CZ


Príručka na použitie a údržbu ..............................................................................................74 SK


Podręcznik instrukcji użytkowania i konserwacji .............................................................. 80 PL


\Инструкции по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию ......................................................... 86 RU


Kullanım ve Bakım kılavuzu ................................................................................................ 92 T

EVM ΢τδϠϟ ΔϴΤτγ Δϴ΋ΎΑήϬϛ ΕΎ˷Ψπϣ

Stampato su carta reciclata - Nessun albero è stata abbattuto
- Marchio “Angelo Blu” ⁄ Printed on resycled paper - no trees have ..................................................................................................................................
2 ˯ΰΟ ΔϧΎϴμϠϟ ϭ ϡ΍ΪΨΘγϹ΍ Ε΍ΩΎηέϹ ΐϴΘϛ 102
been cutted down - mark “Blue Angel”

libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 1 6-02-2009 9:30:32

EL EXPLOTADOR SE DEBE ENCARGAR DE LA CONSERVACIÓN No se pueden utilizar para mover agua sucia, agua con ele-
DE ESTE MANUAL vada presencia de ácidos o bases y, por lo general, líquidos
corrosivos, agua con temperaturas superiores a lo indicado
1. INTRODUCCIÓN en el cap. 5, agua de mar.
El presente manual de instrucciones está compuesto por Además, no son idóneas para desplazar líquidos inflama-
dos partes: la PARTE 1 ilustra en modo general nuestra línea bles ni explosivos.
de productos y la PARTE 2 contiene informaciones específi-
cas relativas a la electrobomba que usted ha adquirido. Es- Las electrobombas no deben funcionar nunca en ausen-
tas dos publicaciones son complementarias y, por lo tanto, cia de liquido.
se debe asegurar de poseer las dos partes.
Es necesario atenerse a las disposiciones contenidas en 4. ELECTROBOMBAS EVM WRAS
el manual para lograr el máximo rendimiento y el funciona- Las electrobombas EVMW están aprobadas por WRAS.
miento correcto de la electrobomba. Si desea otras informa- A diferencia de las bombas EVM estándares, están realiza-
ciones, póngase en contacto con el distribuidor autorizado das con materiales específicos para bombear agua potable.
más cercano a usted.
Antes de utilizar las electrobombas, hacerlas funcionar con
Si encuentra informaciones discordantes en ambas partes,
agua limpia al caudal nominal como sigue:
aténgase a las especificaciones del producto en la PARTE 2.
EVMW3 60 minutos (mínimo) EVMW18 15 minutos (mínimo)
PARCIAL, DE LAS ILUSTRACIONES Y/O DEL TEXTO. EVMW5 30 minutos (mínimo) EVMW32 15 minutos (mínimo)
EVMW10 30 minutos (mínimo) EVMW45 15 minutos (mínimo)
En este manual de instrucciones se ha utilizado la siguiente
E simbología para resaltar las consecuencias de no respetar EVMW64 15 minutos (mínimo)
las indicaciones:
CUIDADO! Riesgo de producir daños a la bomba o a la instalación
Riesgo de producir daños a las personas o a las U.M. EVM EVMW
cosas Temperatura máx del
°C -15 +120 ≤85
líquido bombeado

Riesgos de naturaleza eléctrica Cdad máx / dim. máx.

Ppm/mm 50 / 0,1 ÷ 0,25 –
cuerpos sólidos
Presión máxima de 1.6 ÷ 3.0 Ver tabla en
ejercicio cap.12.3
Diámetro de la
1. INTRODUCCIÓN pág. 26 sección de impulsión
2. ÍNDICE pág. 26 * G 1” ÷ Ø 100mm
Diámetro de la
3. DESCRIPCIÓN Y EMPLEOS DE LA ELECTROBOMBA pág. 26 sección de aspiración
5. DATOS TÉCNICOS pág. 26 * = roscado según UNI ISO 228
10. LOCALIZACIÓN DE AVERÍAS pág. 29 T.E.F.C. (motor cerrado con
11. DEMOLICIÓN pág. 30 ventilación forzada)
Grado de protección IP 55
100 ≤ 0.55
3.1. DESCRIPCIÓN N. máx arranques 60 0.75÷3,0
La sigla EVM distingue una amplia gama de bombas mul- por hora 30 4÷9.2
tietapas verticales con bocas en línea. Dimensionadas para 15 11÷22
siete caudales nominales (3, 5, 10, 18, 32, 45, 64 m3/h), las 8 30÷37
electrobombas EVM prevén varios modelos con un número de
etapas diferentes, según las exigencias de presión. Clase de aislamiento F (con sobretemperatura
La sigla de identificación de los modelos se describe en el y sobretemperatura clase B)
Cap.12.4 junto con la descripción de la placa de datos.
Tipo de servicio Continuo S1
Estas electrobombas, de construcción robusta, garantizan Datos eléctricos Ver placa del motor
una larga duración y una constancia de las prestaciones si
se utilizan según las indicaciones del manual en el cap. 5.
Se utilizan para desplazar líquidos limpios y otros modera- 5.3. PLACA DE DATOS DE LA BOMBA
damente agresivos, incluso a una cierta temperatura; y para En el cap. 12.5 se muestra la placa de datos de aluminio
desplazar otros líquidos compatibles con los materiales em- aplicada a las bombas de la serie EVM y las demás descrip-
pleados (agua potable EVM tipo WRAS). ciones numéricas.


libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 26 6-02-2009 9:30:42

5.4. INFORMACIONES SOBRE EL RUIDO AÉREO acoplamiento hacia el motor hasta que tope; en el mis-
mo momento, fijar de manera uniforme los tornillos de
Potencia Tamaño 50 Hz 60 Hz fijación del acoplamiento;
[Kw] del motor LpA [dB]* LwA [dB]** LpA [dB]* LwA [dB]** h) Probar a girar por un par de vueltas el acoplamiento veri-
ficando si está fijado correctamente al motor;
0,37 71 <70 – <70 – i) Conectar de forma provisional, los tubos de descarga y
0,55 71 <70 – <70 – de aspiración y abrir la válvula de descarga;
0,75 80 <70 – <70 – j) Llenar la bomba de agua como se describe en el cap.7;
1,1 80 <70 – <70 – k) Quitar las dos protecciones del acoplamiento (no 4 tornillos);
1,5 90 <70 – 71 81 l) Conectar el motor a la línea eléctrica como se describe
2,2 90 <70 – 71 81 en el cap.6.3;
3 100 70 70 75 85 m) Accionar por algunos minutos la electrobomba;
4 112 73 83 78 88 n) Controlar que el ruido y las vibraciones estén a un nivel
5,5 132 73 83 78 88 normal;
7,5 132 73 83 78 88 o) Detener la bomba quitando la alimentación del motor;
11 160 77 88 82 93 p) Quitar del soporte del motor las dos protecciones del
acoplamiento (No 4 tornillos);
15 160 77 88 82 93
q) Inspeccionar el interior de soporte verificando la eventual
18,5 160 77 88 82 93 presencia de agua. En caso de pérdida de agua de la jun-
22 180 79 90 84 95 ta mecánica a realizar la operación de colocación del aco-
30 200 81 92 86 97 plamiento (Ref.i) después de haber vaciado la bomba;
37 200 83 94 88 99 r) Quitar las dos protecciones del acoplamiento (no 4 tornillos).
La tabla indica los valores de emisión sonora máximos para s) Desconectar las tuberías de aspiración y descarga si se
las electrobombas EVM con motores AEG. han realizado de manera provisional; E
* Nivel de presión sonora - Media de los trazados a un metro t) Electrobomba lista para la instalación.
de distancia de la bomba. Tolerancia ±2,5 dB.
** Nivel de potencia sonora. Tolerancia ±2,5 dB. 6.1.2. BOMBAS CON COJINETE EN EL ACOPLAMIENTO:
a) Colocar la bomba en posición vertical;
EL CONSTRUCTOR SE RESERVA LA POSIBILIDAD DE MODIFICAR b) Alzar el motor y llevarlo a la posición vertical con el eje
LOS DATOS TÉCNICOS EN ARAS DE MEJORÍAS Y ACTUALIZACIONES. dirigido hacia abajo y colocarlo sobre la bomba. Prestar
atención durante la inserción del eje en el acoplamien-
6. PREPARACIÓN PARA LA UTILIZACIÓN to, la lengüeta debe corresponder con el alojamiento del
acoplamiento. De lo contrario, girar lentamente el aco-
CON INSTRUMENTOS DE LEVANTAMIENTO ADECUADOS, c) Con el motor colocado encima de la bomba y el eje del
RESPETANDO LAS NORMAS ANTIACCIDENTES. motor correctamente insertado en el acoplamiento, girar
SE DEBE PRESTAR ATENCIÓN YA QUE LOS GANCHOS el motor para hacer coincidir los orificios de los tornillos;
DE LEVANTAMIENTO DEL MOTOR NO SON IDÓNEOS d) Insertar y fijar de manera uniforme los tornillos de fija-
ción del motor.
6.1. ACOPLAMIENTO AL MOTOR e) Conectar aunque de forma provisional los tubos de des-
Los motores que van acoplados a las bombas EVM tienen carga y de aspiración y abrir la válvula de descarga;
que estar conformes con las normas IEC y tener el resorte de f) Llenar la bomba de agua como se describe en el cap.7;
precarga colocado según el esquema mostrado en la fig. 4. si es necesario, quitar las 2 protecciones del acopla-
Las operaciones de acoplamiento motor/bomba se deben miento;
realizar con el motor no alimentado eléctricamente. g) Volver a montar las dos protecciones del acoplamiento
Debido a que después de el acoplamiento se recomienda una (no 4 tornillos) si se han quitado en el punto anterior;
prueba funcional, si los espacios lo permiten, se aconseja rea- h) Conectar el motor a la línea eléctrica como se describe
lizar el acoplamiento después de que la bomba se ha anclado en el cap.6.3;
en la posición de trabajo y se ha conectado a las tuberías de i) Accionar por algunos minutos la electrobomba;
aspiración y descarga. De lo contrario, la prueba funcional se j) Controlar que el ruido y las vibraciones estén a un nivel normal;
debe realizar con conexiones hidráulicas provisionales. k) La electrobomba está lista para la instalación.


a) Colocar la bomba en posición vertical; Ver las notas indicadas en la sección 7.1 de la parte 1 del
b) Quitar del soporte del motor las dos protecciones del manual.
acoplamiento (No 4 tornillos);
c) Desenroscar los tornillos de fijación y quitar el acoplamiento: 6.2.1. AMBIENTE
d) Alzar el motor y llevarlo a la posición vertical con el eje
dirigido hacia abajo y colocarlo sobre la bomba. Prestar CUIDADO! INSTALAR LA ELECTROBOMBA EN UN AMBIENTE
atención a que la lengüeta del eje motor y el alojamiento VENTILADO PROTEGIDO DE LA INTEMPERIE (LLUVIA,
del eje de la bomba estén alineados; HIELO, ...).
e) Insertar y fijar de manera uniforme los no 4 tornillos de
fijación del motor; Recordarse de los límites de temperatura ambiente y de
f) Colocar las dos mitades del acoplamiento alineando los cota altimétrica del cap. 12.1.
alojamientos de la lengüeta con las lengüetas del eje de Colocar la electrobomba a una cierta distancia de las
la bomba y del motor. Insertar los no 4 tornillos de fija- paredes, del techo o de otros obstáculos para permitir las
ción del acoplamiento y fijarlos ligeramente; operaciones de fijación, y el empleo y la manutención en
g) Utilizar dos destornilladores para hacer palanca entre condiciones de seguridad.
el soporte del motor y el acoplamiento para empujar el La electrobomba se debe instalar sólo en posición vertical.


libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 27 6-02-2009 9:30:42

6.2.2. ANCLAJE del panel de bornes y en las figuras indicadas en cap. 12
Fijar la bomba con pernos a una base de hormigón o a una de la parte 1.
estructura metálica adecuada. Si la base de hormigón está Conectar primero el cable amarillo verde al borne PE, deján-
integrada con la estructura de cemento armado de los edifi- dolo más largo para que este último sea el que se separe en
cios habitados, se recomienda utilizar soportes antivibración caso de tirón accidental.
para no molestar a las personas. Para la fijación, marcar Si la caja del panel de bornes está colocada una posición
con una punta los centros de los 4 orificios de la base de incómoda para la conexión del cable, se puede cambiar su
la bomba sobre la superficie de apoyo. Desplazar momentá- posición girando el motor 90° o 180° o 270°. Para hacer-
neamente la electrobomba y con el taladro realizar 4 orificios lo, es necesario quitar los 4 tornillos que fijan el motor a la
para tornillos de Ø 12 para bombas EVM 3, 5, 10, 18 y de Ø linterna, levantar el motor sólo lo necesario para permitir la
14 para bombas EVM 32 ,45, 64. Volver a colocar la bomba, rotación, sin quitar el acoplamiento entre el eje motor y el de
alinearla con las tuberías y apretar bien los tornillos. la bomba. Luego, volver a atornillar los 4 tornillos.
La posición de los orificios de fijación está escrita en el
cap.12.2. 7. LLENADO DE LA BOMBA
Además de las recomendaciones indicadas a continuación DE QUE LA MISMA SEA COLOCADA E INSTALADA EN SU
se deben respetar las indicaciones generales de la sección POSICIÓN FINAL DE UTILIZACIÓN, ESTA OPERACIÓN
7.1 de la parte 1 del manual y las indicaciones de la fig. 1. SE DEBE EFECTUAR CON LA BASE ELÉCTRICA DEL
SOPORTAR LA MÁXIMA PRESIÓN DE EJERCICIO DE La bomba y la tubería de aspiración se deben llenar de agua.
LA BOMBA. Como se especifica en la sección 9 de la parte 1, accionar
E En la sección de descarga, antes de la válvula antirretorno la bomba sin agua causa inexorablemente serios daños a
y la válvula de cierra, que se recomiendan en la sección 7e) algunos componentes internos de la misma.
de la parte 1 del manual, se aconseja instalar también un Realizar la operación de llenado con la caja del panel de bor-
manómetro. nes cerrada y con la alimentación eléctrica desconectada.
Usar los soportes adecuados para las tuberías de aspiración
y descarga, para evitar que ejerzan esfuerzos excesivos so- 7.1. LLENADO DE LA BOMBA INSTALADA SOBRE EL NIVEL
bre las bridas de la bomba. DE LÍQUIDO
Si la bomba está instalada sobre el nivel del líquido (nivel a) Desenroscar el tapón hexagonal situado sobre la camisa
del líquido más bajo que la bomba) y alimenta un circuito externa a la altura del soporte superior (quitar las protec-
abierto, es necesario instalar en el extremo de la tubería ciones del acoplamiento donde sea necesario);
aspiración una válvula de pie. En este caso, se aconseja uti- b) Con la ayuda de un embudo, llenar de agua la tubería de as-
lizar una tubería que se debe conectar a la bomba. piración y el cuerpo de la bomba hasta el desbordamiento;
c) Volver a enroscar el tapón hexagonal hasta bloquearlo;
CUIDADO! ASEGURARSE QUE LA SUMA ENTRE EL DESNIVEL AGUA / d) Secar bien las eventuales pérdidas de agua;
BOCA DE ASPIRACIÓN Y LAS PÉRDIDAS DE CARGA EN LA e Volver a montar las protecciones del acoplamiento si se
SI LA SUMA ENTRE LOS VARIOS FACTORES QUE ACTÚAN a) Desenroscar el tapón hexagonal;
CONTRA LA CAPACIDAD DE ASPIRACIÓN SUPERA LA b) Abrir la compuerta de la sección de aspiración hasta que
EXISTE EL FENÓMENO DE CAVITACIÓN, QUE AFECTA c) Volver a enroscar el tapón hasta bloquearlo. Arranque y
Una vez terminadas las conexiones hidráulicas, eléctricas
6.3. CONEXIÓN ELÉCTRICA (FIG. 3 PÁG. 103) y el llenado queda sólo el control del sentido de rotación
Atenerse a las prescripciones de la sección 8 de la PARTE 1 antes de poner a funcionar la bomba.
del manual y a las siguientes notas. Arrancar la electrobomba (interruptor del cuadro de mando
Antes de proceder a la ejecución de la conexión, verificar en “on”) con la válvula de cierre con descarga cerrada.
que la tensión y frecuencia de la línea correspondan a las Controlar el sentido de rotación a través de las ranuras de
que se indican en la placa. la protección de del ventilador del motor. Es fácil detectar el
Entre la línea y la electrobomba se debe insertar un cuadro sentido de rotación cuando arranca o se detiene. El sentido
de mando con los siguientes dispositivos (si no se especifica correcto es el sentido horario mirando el motor desde el lado
de manera diferente en las normas locales): del ventilador (indicado también por la flecha situada en el
- Interruptor con distancia de apertura de los contactos de soporte superior). Si fuera erróneo, desconectar la bomba (in-
al menos 3 mm; terruptor en “off”) e invertir la posición de los dos cables de
- Dispositivo de protección de cortocircuito (fusibles o inte- alimentación en el cuadro o en el panel de bornes del motor.
rruptor magneto-térmico);
- Interruptor diferencial de alta sensibilidad (0.03 A); 8.2. MARCHA
- Se recomienda un dispositivo de protección contra el Arrancar la bomba con la válvula de cierre de descarga ce-
funcionamiento en seco que se debe conectar a un flota- rrada, luego abrirlas gradualmente. La electrobomba debe
dor, a sondas o a otro instrumento equivalente. funcionar de manera regular y silenciosa. Cerrar la válvula
Los esquemas de las colecciones están dentro de la tapa de cierre y verificar que la presión que se lee en el manó-


libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 28 6-02-2009 9:30:43

metro de descarga indique un valor próximo a Hmax de la
placa. (La aproximación se debe imputar principalmente a CAUSA REMEDIO
las tolerancias y a las eventuales presiones de agua de aspi-
ración). Si la presión leída en el manómetro es muy inferior Falta de Contactar al suministrador
a Hmax, repetir el llenado (aire en la bomba). electricidad para su restablecimiento
Si los dos valores están próximos esto significa que la bomba Interruptor
Rearmar el
trabaja correctamente y los eventuales funcionamientos inco- automático
interruptor o
rrectos con la válvula de cierre abierta casi siempre se deben disparado o
cambiar los
imputar a problemas de tipo eléctrico o mecánico del motor, o fusibles que-
más frecuentemente, a la cavitación de la bomba debido a: mados
- excesivo desnivel o excesivas pérdidas de carga en la Esperar por
Activación de
sección de aspiración, el restable-
la protección
- contrapresión en la sección de descarga demasiado baja, cimiento de Si la avería
- problemas relacionados con la temperatura del líquido. LA BOMBA NO térmica in- la protección
FUNCIONA corporada (si se vuelve a
En relación con los factores que reducen y o influyen en la térmica presentar,
capacidad de aspiración, y, por tanto en las prestaciones de El motor no gira existe) o del incorporada
relé térmico contactar con
la electrobomba, ver la sección de localización de averías o rearmar el el Servicio de
del cuadro de
en el cap. 10. relé térmico Asistencia
Leer también las indicaciones del manual PARTE 1 cap. 9. en el cuadro
Respecto a las advertencias del punto 9.1 a) se precisa que para Verificar
temperaturas y altitudes mayores de las especificadas, la poten- Activación del el nivel de
cia producida por el motor se reduce y en necesario prever un sistema de agua y/o la
motor con una obtención superior. Para esto ver el cap. 12.1. protección de conexión co-
Verificar en la instalación la ausencia de golpes de ariete o
la marcha en rrecta de los E
seco dispositivos
picos de presión causados por válvulas de cierre rápido que del sistema
superen 1,5 veces la presión nominal de la bomba. Con el
pasar del tiempo, pueden causar daños a la bomba. La bomba no Llenarla
Evitar el funcionamiento de la bomba con la válvula de cie- se llena (secc. 7)
rre de descarga cerrada por más de unos segundos. Nivel de agua Atención ya
Además, se debe evitar el funcionamiento continuado de la LA BOMBA NO bajo (si falta Restablecer el que la junta
bomba con un caudal inferior al mínimo especificado en la FUNCIONA un sistema de nivel de agua mecánica
placa, para evitar posibles sobrecalentamientos del líquido El motor gira protección) pudiera estar
que se bombea y para no sobrecargar inútilmente los cojine- Válvula de pie dañada
tes de la bomba o del motor. Desbloquearla
bloqueada o
o limpiarla
filtro obstruido
Tensión de
ANTES DE REALIZAR CUALQUIER OPERACIÓN DE alimentación Verificar si hay caídas de
MANUTENCIÓN EN LA ELECTROBOMBA, DESCONECTAR fuera de los tensión excesivas debido a un
LA ALIMENTACIÓN ELÉCTRICA. límites acep- dimensionamiento incorrecto
tables por el de la línea o de los cables
Las operaciones de manutención y/o reparación deben ser motor
realizadas sólo por técnicos calificados.
Si se debe drenar la bomba, asegurarse que el líquido descar- Volver a calibrar según la co-
del térmico
gado no cause daños a personas o cosas y que no contamine rriente de placa del motor
el medioambiente. Reducir el
La electrobomba no necesita manutención ordinaria. Realizar Sobrecarga Verificar la
caudal es-
sólo algunos controles periódicos, como se aconseja en la del motor potencia
secc. 10 de la parte 1 del manual, cuya frecuencia depende debido a líqui- absorbida real
la descarga
LA BOMBA do denso y/o por la bomba
del líquido que se bombea y de las condiciones operativas. o sustituir el
SE DETIENE viscoso según el líqui-
Dichos controles pueden dar una indicación aproximada de motor con uno
DESPUÉS DE do bombeado
la exigencia de intervenciones de manutención extraordina- más potente
UN BREVE FUN- La bomba
ria preventiva, evitando tenerlas que realizar después que se
CIONAMIENTO suministra un
producen inconvenientes imprevistos. debido a la Reducir el caudal estrangulan-
Las primeras intervenciones de manutención extraordinaria caudal mayor
activación de do la descarga
que el máximo
que necesitan generalmente las electrobombas EVM son la la protección de placa
sustitución de la junta mecánica y de los cojinetes del motor. térmica
No obstante, estos componentes, típicamente sujetos al des- Cuadro ex-
puesto al sol Proteger el cuadro del sol o
gaste, pueden durar mucho más si la electrobomba se utiliza o a otras fuen- de fuentes de calor.
de manera correcta. tes de calor
DEBEN PEDIR RECAMBIOS ORIGINALES A NUESTRA RED ños frenan la Desmontar contactar con
DE VENTA Y ASISTENCIA. y limpiar la el Servicio
rotación de los bomba de Asistencia
Cojinetes del Sustituir los En este caso, el
motor desgas- cojinetes motor también
Ver también la sección 10.1 de la PARTE 1. ruidos


libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 29 6-02-2009 9:30:43

CÓMO SE PRE- Cota Temperatura °C
SENTA LA AVERÍA (m) 0 10 20 30 40 45 50 55 60
La bomba,
cuando se cierra 0 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80
el interruptor, Motor en cor- Verificar y
500 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80
no logra dar ni una tocircuito sustituir
vuelta o, al máximo 1000 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80
da algunas media-
svueltas y luego 1500 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.92 0.87 0.82 0.78
se dispara el inter- Cortocircuito Verificar y vol-
ruptor automático por conexión ver a conectar 2000 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.76
o se queman los errónea correctamente Llamar a un
fusibles electricista
a tierra de Diámetro de Distancia entre Distancia entre ejes
La protección corriente por Modelo los orificios ejes del lado en del lado transversal
Verificar y
diferencial se daños en el bomba línea con las bocas a las bocas
sustituir el
dispara después aislamiento componente mm mm mm
del cierre del del motor, de eléctrico a EVM3
los cables
interruptor tierra 100 180
o de otros EVM5
componentes 12
eléctricos EVM10
130 215
E La bomba da Pérdidas en la Verificar, limpiar o sustituir EVM18
algunas vueltas válvula de pie EVM32 170 240
en sentido
contrario a las Pérdidas en EVM45 14
la tubería de Verificar y reparar 190 266
paradas EVM64
Cojinetes del
motor desga- Sustituir los cojinetes 12.3. TABLA DE PRESIÓN MÁXIMA DE EJERCICIO DE LAS
Para esto, Modelo bomba
extraños entre Desmontar contactar con Presión EVM3 EVM5 EVM10 EVM18
y limpiar la el Servicio máxima de
partes fijas y bomba de Asistencia ejercicio Hz
La bomba vibra más cercano
50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60
y emite ruidos
anómalos Reducir el caudal estrangulan-
do la descarga Si la cavitación 1.6 2-15 2-9 2-16 2-10 2-14 2-8 2-6 1-6
persiste, verificar: 2.5 18-26 11-18 18-24 11-19 15-22 10-16 7-16 7-12
Bomba que - Desnivel en aspiración
presenta cavi- - Pérdidas de carga en aspi-
tación ración (diámetro de tubos, Modelo bomba
codos, etc.) Presión
- Temperatura del líquido EVM32 EVM45 EVM64
máxima de
- Contra presión en descarga Hz
50 60 50 60 50 60
11. DEMOLICIÓN 1.6 1-7 1-5 1-6 1-4 1-6 1-4

Ver secc. 11 de la parte 1 del manual. 2.5 8-12 6-8 7-9 5-6 6-7 –

3.0 12-14 8-10 10 – – –

(Esquemas, Tablas, Diseños, Notas Técnicas)
Cuando la electrobomba está instalada en un lugar cuya EVM 10 2 N 5 1,5
temperatura ambiente es mayor de 40°C y/o su cota altimé-
trica es superior a 1000 m sobre el nivel del mar, la potencia
que puede suministrar el motor se reduce. Potencia del motor en kW,
La tabla que se anexa indica los factores de reducción en 5=50Hz / 6=60 Hz
función de la temperatura y de la cota. Para evitar sobreca- N = Bridas ovaladas, Bridas circulares
lentamientos, el motor se debe cambiar con otro cuya po- Número de rodetes (de 2 a 26)
tencia nominal multiplicada por el factor correspondiente a Caudal m3/h al máximo del rendi-
la temperatura y a la cota ambiental sea mayor o igual que miento (3, 5, 10, 18, 32, 45, 64)
la del motor estándar. Tipo de bomba
El motor estándar se puede utilizar sólo si el usufructo pue- EVM = versión base AISI304
de aceptar una reducción del caudal, obtenida estrangulan- EVML = versión AISI316,
do la descarga, hasta la corriente absorbida por un factor EVMG = versión arrabio,
igual al de corrección. EVMW = versión Wras


libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 30 6-02-2009 9:30:43

12.5. PLACA DE DATOS c) La válvula de pie tiene una pérdida de carga elevada (eleva-
das pérdidas de carga en aspiración);
d) La bomba se utiliza a un caudal próximo al caudal máximo
de placa (el NPSHr aumenta al aumentar el caudal a un
valor superior al de máximo rendimiento);
e) La temperatura del agua es elevada. (Con 80- 85°C ya es
probable que la bomba se deba colocar debajo del nivel de
f) La cota altimétrica es elevada (lugares montañosos).
FIG. 1

1) “TYPE” Modelo bomba

2) “Q” Indicación de los puntos de caudal mínimo
y máximo
Indicación de los puntos de altura de eleva-
3) “H” ción correspondientes al caudal mínimo y
4) “Hmax” Altura de elevación máxima
5) “Hmin” Altura de elevación mínima
Potencia nominal del motor (potencia sumini-
6) “P2” strada en el eje) E
7) “HP” Potencia nominal del motor expresada en Hp
(horse power)
8) “Hz” Frecuencia
9) “min-1” Velocidad de rotación
10) “P/N°” Código artículo bomba
11) “N” Códigos de materiales


ELECTROBOMBAS EVM (FIG.1-FIG.2) b) Pendiente positiva;
12.7. EVITAR LA CAVITACIÓN c) Curva de amplio rayo
Como bien se conoce, la cavitación es un fenómeno destruc- d) Tuberías con soportes independientes;
tivo para las bombas, que se produce cuando el agua aspira- e) Diámetro del tubo de aspiración ≥ diámetro de la boca de la
da se transforma en vapor dentro de la bomba. Las bombas
f) Reducción excéntricas.
EVM están equipadas con partes hidráulicas internas en acero
inoxidable. Por lo tanto, éstas sufren la cavitación menos que FIG. 2
otras realizadas con materiales menos valiosos, pero también
pueden ser afectadas por este fenómeno.
Es por ello que es necesario instalar las bombas respetando las
leyes físicas y las reglas relativas a los fluidos y a las bombas.
Indicamos aquí los resultados prácticos de dichas reglas y leyes
En condiciones ambientales estándares (15°C, y a nivel del
mar), el agua se transforma en vapor cuando está sujeta a una
depresión mayor de 10.33 m. Por esto, 10.33 m es la altura
máxima teórica de levantamiento del agua. Como todas las
bombas centrífugas, las bombas EVM no logran aprovechar
toda la altura de levantamiento teórica a causa de una pérdida
interna llamada NPSHr, que se debe sustraer. Por tanto, la ca-
pacidad de aspiración teórica de cada bomba EVM es de 10.33
mm menos su NPSHr en el punto de trabajo considerado.
El NPSHr de las bombas EVM se puede consultar en las curvas
de catálogo y se debe considerar ya en la fase de selección
de la bomba.
Cuando la bomba esta colocada debajo del nivel del líquido o
debe aspirar agua fría desde 1 o 2 m con tubo corto, con una o
dos curvas amplias, el NPSHr se puede pasar por alto. El NPS-
Hr es más importante mientras más difícil es la instalación. La
instalación es difícil cuando: a) Inmersión insuficiente;
a) El desnivel de aspiración es elevado; b) Pendiente negativa, creación de sacos de aire;
b) El tubo de aspiración es largo y/o tiene muchas curvas y/o c) Curva brusca, pérdida de carga;
tiene muchas válvulas (grandes pérdidas de carga en aspi- d) Diámetro del tubo < diámetro de la boca de la bomba, pér-
ración); didas de carga.


libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 31 6-02-2009 9:30:44

FIG. 3 - ABB. 3 - BILD. 3 - KUVAT 3 - ΕΙΚ.3 - OBR.3 - RYS. 3 - РИС.3 - RES.3 -

FIG. 4 - ABB. 4 - BILD. 4 - KUVAT 4 - ΕΙΚ.4 - OBR.4 - RYS. 4 - РИС.4 - RES.4 - 4

1. Direzione del carico - 2. Cuscinetto di spinta - 3. Molla di precarico
1. Load direction - 2. Thrust bearing - 3. Preload spring
1. Sens de la charge - 2. Palier de butée - 3. Ressort de précharge
1. Lastrichtung - 2. Lager - 3. Vorspannfeder
1. Dirección de la carga - 2. Cojinete de empuje - 3. Resorte de precarga
1. Lastens riktning - 2. Trycklager - 3. Förspänningsfjäder
1. Belastningsretning - 2. Trykleje - 3. Forspændingsfjeder
1. Kuorman suunta - 2. Painelaakeri - 3. Esikuormitusjousi
1. Richting van de lading - 2. Stuwblok - 3. Vooraf geladen veer
1. Direcção de carga - 2. Rolamento de carga axial - 3. Mola de pré-carga
1. Κατεύθυνση φορτίου - 2. Ωστικό ρουλεμάν - 3. Ελατήριο προφόρτισης
1. Směr natažení - 2. Axiální ložisko - 3. Předpjatá pružina
1. Smer natiahnutia - 2. Axiálne ložisko - 3. Predpätá pružina
1. Kierunek obciążenia - 2. Łożysko naciskowe - 3. Sprężyna do
wstępnego obciążenia
1. Направление нагрузки - 2. Упорный подшипник - 3. Пружина
предварительной нагрузки
1. Yük yönü – 2. Ýtme rulmaný– 3. Önyükleme yayý
ϲϗΎΒΘγϻ΍ ϦΤθϟ΍ ϙήΒϧί .3 – ϊϓΪϟ΍ ΓΩΎγϭ .2 – ΔϨΤθϟ΍ ϩΎΠΗ΍ 1


libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 103 6-02-2009 9:31:10

1) Noi, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., dichiariamo sotto la ns. 1) EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A. erklærer, under eget ansvar, at vores
responsabilità che i ns. prodotti “EVM” (forniti senza motore) sono in produkter “EVM” (leveret uden motorer) overholder anvisningerne i
conformità alla direttiva macchine 2006/42/EC. Maskindirektivet 2006/42/EC.
2) I prodotti sopra nominati, non devono essere messi in servizio fino a 2) Ovennævnte produkter må aldrig sættes i drift før anlægget, hvori
quando il macchinario, in cui devono essere incorporati, non sia stato de skal installeres, er blevet erklæret i overensstemmelse med
dichiarato conforme alle disposizioni della direttiva 2006/42/EC. forskrifterne i direktiv 2006/42/EC.


1) We, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., declare under our own 1) EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A. ilmoittaa vastuullisena, että (ilman
responsibility that our products “EVM” (supplied without motor) are in moottoria toimitettavat) EVM -tuotteet ovat koneita koskevan
conformity with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. neuvoston direktiivin 2006/42/EC.
2) The above-mentioned products must not be put into service until the 2) Edellä mainitut tuotteet saadaan ottaa käyttöön vasta kun koneistosta,
machinery into which it is to be incorporated have been declared in johon ne liitetään, on annettu vakuutus direktiivin 2006/42/EC.
conformity with the provisions of Directive 2006/42/EC. vaatimusten mukaisuudesta.


1) Nous, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., déclarons sous notre 1) Wij, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., verklaren onder onze
responsabilité que nos produits “EVM” (fournis sans moteur) sont verantwoordelijkheid dat onze producten ”EVM” (geleverd zonder
conformes à la Directive Machine Conseil 2006/42/EC. motor) overeenstemmen met de Machinerichtlijn 2006/42/EC.
2) Les produits mentionnés ci-dessus ne peuvent pas fonctionner jusqu’à
ce que les machines dans lesquelles ils doivent être incorporés ne 2) Bovengenoemde producten mogen niet in werking worden gesteld totdat
soient pas déclarées en conformité avec la Directive Machine Conseil er verklaard is dat de machine, waarin zij geïntegreerd moeten worden,
2006/42/EC. overeenstemt met de bepalingen van de richtlijn 2006/42/EC.


1) Die Firma, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., erklärt unter ihrer vollen 1) Nós, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., declaramos sob a nossa
Verantowortung, daß die Produkte “EVM” (ohne Motor geliefert) den responsabilidade que os produtos “EVM” (forneça sem motor) estão
Maschinenrichtlinien 2006/42/EC. conformes a Directriz Máquinas Conselho 2006/42/EC.
2) Die oben genannten Produkte dürfen nicht in Betrieb genommen 2) Os produtos acima denominados não devem ser usados, até que a
werden, solange die Anlage in der sie eingebaut werden nicht den EU- maquinaria, na qual devem ser incorporados, ainda não foi declarada
Richtlinien 2006/42/EC. entsprechend erklärt wurde. conforme a disposição da Directriz da 2006/42/EC.


1) EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., declara bajo su responsabilidad que 1) Eμείς η EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A. δηλώνουμε με δική μας ευθύνη,
sus productos “EVM” (suministrados sin motor) cumplen con la ότι τα προϊόντα μας “EVM” (άνευ κινητήρα) είναι εναρμονισμένα με
Directiva de Máquinas 2006/42/EC. την οδηγία μηχανημάτων E.K. 2006/42/EC.
2) Los productos antes citados no deben ponerse en servicio hasta que 2) Tα άνωθεν προϊόντα δεν μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν μέχρις ότου το
la maquinaria en la cual deben instalarse sea declarada conforme a μηχάνημα, στο οποίο θα ενσωματωθούν, δηλωθεί εναρμονισμένο στις
las disposiciones de la directiva 2006/42/EC. διατάξεις της οδηγίας E.K. 2006/42/EC.


1) Vi, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., intygar på eget ansvar att våra 1) Firma EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A. prohlašuje na vlastní zodpovědnost,
produkter “EVM” (levererade utan motor) uppgyller kraven enligt že naše výrobky ”EVM” (dodávané bez motorů) odpovídají požadavkům
Rådets direktiv avseende maskiner 2006/42/EC. směrnice o strojních zařízeních 2006/42/EC.
2) Ovannämnda produkter kan inte tagas i bruk förrän maskinerma i vilka 2) Shora uvedené výrobky nesmí být uvedeny do provozu, dokud zařízení,
de skall installeras har intygats uppfylla kraven enligt föreskrifterna i do kterého jsou zabudovány nebylo prohlášeno jako odpovídající
EG:s direktiv avseende maskiner 2006/42/EC. předpisům směrnice 2006/42/EC.


1) My, niżej podpisani, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., oświadczamy świadomi 1) Firma EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A. prehlasuje na vlastnú
własnej odpowiedzialności, że nasze wyroby ”EVM” (dostarczane bez zodpovednosť, že naše výrobky ”EVM” (dodávané bez motorov)
silnika) odpowiadają wymogom dyrektywy maszynowej 2006/42/EC. odpovedajú požiadavkám smernice o strojnom zariadení 2006/42/EC.
2) Produkty wymienione powyżej nie powinny być uruchamiane do chwili, 2) Hore uvedené výrobky nesmú byť uvedené do prevádzky, pokiaľ
gdy urządzenia, w których maja zostać zamontowane, nie zostaną zariadenie, do ktorého sú zabudované, nebolo prehlásené ako
zadeklarowane jako zgodne z zaleceniami dyrektywy 2006/42/EC. odpovedajúce predpisom smernice 2006/42/EC.


1) Мы, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A., под свою ответственность 1) Biz, EBARA PUMPS EUROPE S.p.A. şirketi, (motorsuz olarak tedarik
заявляем, что изделия нашего производства ”EVM” (поставляемые edilen) ”EVM” ürünlerimizin 2006/42/EC.
без двигателя) соответствуют директиве по машинам 2006/42/EC.
2) Указанные выше изделия не должны запускаться в эксплуатацию до тех 2) Yukarıda adı geçen ürünler, bunların eklenecekleri makinenin,
пор, пока оборудование, в которое они должны встраиваться, не будет 2006/42/EC. sayılı yönerge hükümlerine uygunluğu beyan
признано соответствующим положениям директивы 2006/42/EC. edilmedikçe kullanılmamalıdır.


2006/42/EC President

12 January 2009

libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 104 6-02-2009 9:31:14


libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 105 6-02-2009 9:31:14

libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 106 6-02-2009 9:31:14
cod. 442170313 rev. D

Unit 7 - Zodiac Business Park Maille Nord 2 ul. Minska 63
High Road - Cowley 6/10 Avenue Montaigne 03-828 Warszawa, Poland
Uxbridge - Middlesex 93160 NOISY LE GRAND, France Phone: +48 22.330.81.18
UB8 2GU, United Kingdom Phone: +33 155.851.616 Fax: +48 22.330.81.19
Phone: +44 1895.439.027 Fax: +33 155.851.639
Fax: +44 1895.439.028
Via Pacinotti, 32
C/Cormoranes 6y8. Philipp-Reis - Str. 15
Phone: +39 0444.706.811
Poligono La Estación, 63128 DIETZENBACH, Germany
Fax: +39 0444.706.950
28320 PINTO (MADRID), Spain Phone: +49 6074.827.90
Plants: Cles, Brendola
Phone: +34 916.923.630 Fax: +49 6074.827.942
Fax: +34 916.910.818

libretto_EBARA_313_nuovo.indd 108 6-02-2009 9:31:14

Caudalímetro con flotador

Ventajas Presión Nominal (H2O, 20°C)

• Rangos de medición escalonados orientados a la práctica según • PN 10
• Longitud de montaje = denominación de tipo 165 mm Temperatura Del Medio
• Longitud de montaje = denominación de tipo 170 mm • véase diagrama de presión y temperatura
• Longitud de montaje = denominación de tipo 185 mm Presión De Servicio
• Longitud de montaje = denominación de tipo 200 mm
• Véase diagrama de presión y temperatura
• Longitud de montaje = denominación de tipo 335 mm
• Longitud de montaje = denominación de tipo 350 mm Tamaño Constructivo
• Exactitud de la medición según VDI/VDE 3513 • DN 25 - DN 65
• Materiales con una absorción de humedad reducida aumentan
la estabilidad del valor de medición Viscosidad
• Automatización del proceso por componentes opcionales como • Para fluidos que divergen del H2O
sensor de valores medidos ZE 3000 o contactos de valor límite • DN 10 - DN 40: máximo 200 a 350 mPas
ZE 950/ZE 951 • DN 50 - DN 65: máximo 500 mPas
• Escalas especiales en dependencia de la característica del fluido
Exactitud De La Medición
Aplicaciones • Clase 4 conforme a VDI/VDE 3513, hoja 2
• Construcción de instalaciones químicas • VDI = Asociación de Ingenieros Alemanes
• Tratamiento de aguas • VDE = Asociación de Electrotécnicos Alemanes

Principio De Medición Medida Flotador

• El fluido –agua, aire, químicos líquidos o gaseosos– circula por • PVDF sin magneto
el caudalímetro vertical de abajo a arriba. Por las fuerzas de la • PVDF con magneto encapsulado a prueba de líquido para el
corriente el flotador se eleva exento de rozamiento e indica con registro electrónico de los valores medidos
su canto de lectura superior (diámetro mayor) directamente el
Juntas Tóricas
volumen de flujo en la escala del tubo de medida.
Versión • EPDM
• El tubo de medida cónico está equipado en serie con una escala
de rango de medición en l/h para el agua de 20°C. El tubo tiene
• Tubo de medida: PVC-U, PA, PSU Unión roscada DIN 8063 con
listones de cola de milano exteriores con dos indicadores de
unión socket para encolar DIN ISO (PVC-U)
valor nominal desplazables para el marcado óptico del volumen
• Tubo de medida: PVDF Unión roscada (rosca especial) con unión
de paso mínimo y máximo o para la recepción del sensor de
socket para soldar DIN ISO (PVDF)
valores medidos ZE 3000 o de los contactos de valor límite ZE
• Unión con rosca interior (GTW/VA) a petición
950, ZE 951.
• Unión socket para soldar DIN ISO (PP, PE) a petición
• En el tubo de medida se encuentra el flotador, en serie de PVDF,
así como el receptor del flotador. Posición De Montaje
• vertical
Gama Rango De Medición
• véase tabla rango de medición Dirección Del Flujo
• De abajo a arriba
• Fluidos líquidos o gaseosos neutros o agresivos, técnicamente Accesorios
puros, si los componentes de las válvulas que contactan con • Escalas especiales
los fluidos son resistentes a la temperatura de servicio conforme • Sensor de valores medidos ZE 3000 para la automatización del
a la lista de resistencia ASV! proceso
• Para los fluidos gaseosos no se debe emplear ningún tubo de • Contacto de valor límite ZE 950, ZE 951 para el registro de flujo
medida de PVC. mínimo o máximo para la automatización del proceso

> hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas 1
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador

Diagrama de presión y temperatura Diagrama de presión y temperatura

Tubo de medida PVC-U Tubo de medida PVDF

P = Presión de servicio P = Presión de servicio

T = Temperatura T = Temperatura
1 = diagrama PVC-U tubo de medida 1 = diagrama PVDF tubo de medida
2= diagrama PVC-U conexión 2= diagrama PVDF conexión
Diagrama de presión y temperatura
Tubo de medida PA

P = Presión de servicio
T = Temperatura
1 = diagrama PA tubo de medida
2= diagrama PVC-U conexión
Diagrama de presión y temperatura
Tubo de medida PSU

Conversión de las unidades de flujo

P = Presión de servicio
T = Temperatura
1 = diagrama PSU tubo de medida
2= diagrama PVC-U conexión

2 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas > hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador

Indicación de funcionamiento
Un funcionamiento seguro de la válvula presupone que ésta se
instale, opere, mantenga o repare por personal cualificado y
autorizado conforme a lo prescrito observando la protección en
el trabajo (UVV=Prescripciones de prevención de accidentes), las
prescripciones de seguridad, las normas, directivas o hojas
informativas correspondiente como p. ej. DIN, DIN EN, DIN ISO y
DVS. A un uso conforme a lo prescrito pertenece el cumplimiento
de los valores límites indicados para la presión y la temperatura
así como la comprobación de la resistencia.
¡Todos los componentes que contactan con el medio tienen que
ser »resistentes« conforme a la lista de resistencia ASV!
Para los fluidos gaseosos no se debe emplear ningún tubo de
medida de PVC.

> hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas 3
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 170

Gama Rango De Medición

• de 5 a 400 l/h

Cuerpo PVC-U

Tamaño d(mm) 20 20 20 20
rango de presión DN(mm) 15 15 15 15
DN(pulgada) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
G(pulgada) 1 1 1 1
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 5-50 15-150 25-250 40-400

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47504 47505 47506 47507

encolar socket DIN 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg

Cuerpo PVC-U flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 20 20 20 20
DN(mm) 15 15 15 15
DN(pulgada) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
G(pulgada) 1 1 1 1
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 5-50 15-150 25-250 40-400

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47687 47688 47689 47690

encolar socket DIN 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg

Cuerpo PA

Tamaño d(mm) 20 20 20 20
rango de presión DN(mm) 15 15 15 15
DN(pulgada) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
G(pulgada) 1 1 1 1
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 5-50 15-150 25-250 40-400

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47520 47521 47522 47523

encolar socket DIN 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg

4 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas > hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 170

Cuerpo PA flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 20 20 20 20
DN(mm) 15 15 15 15
DN(pulgada) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
G(pulgada) 1 1 1 1
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 5-50 15-150 25-250 40-400

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47703 47704 47705 47706

encolar socket DIN 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg

Cuerpo PSU

Tamaño d(mm) 20 20 20 20
rango de presión DN(mm) 15 15 15 15
DN(pulgada) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
G(pulgada) 1 1 1 1
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 5-50 15-150 25-250 40-400

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47536 47537 47538 47539

encolar socket DIN 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg

Cuerpo PSU flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 20 20 20 20
DN(mm) 15 15 15 15
DN(pulgada) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
G(pulgada) 1 1 1 1
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 5-50 15-150 25-250 40-400

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47719 47720 47721 47722

encolar socket DIN 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg 0,10 kg

> hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas 5
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 170

Cuerpo PVDF

Tamaño d(mm) 20 20 20 20
rango de presión DN(mm) 15 15 15 15
DN(pulgada) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
G(pulgada) 1 1 1 1
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 5-50 15-150 25-250 40-400

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVDF FPM 141968 141969 141970 141971

soldar socket DIN ISO Peso 0,14 kg 0,14 kg 0,14 kg 0,14 kg

Cuerpo PVDF flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 20 20 20 20
DN(mm) 15 15 15 15
DN(pulgada) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
G(pulgada) 1 1 1 1
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 5-50 15-150 25-250 40-400

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVDF FPM 141972 141973 141974 141975

soldar socket DIN ISO Peso 0,14 kg 0,14 kg 0,14 kg 0,14 kg

6 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas > hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 170


d(mm) 20
DN(mm) 15
DN(pulgada) 1/2
PN(bar) 10


d 20
G 1
L 170
L1 176

> hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas 7
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 350

Gama Rango De Medición

• de 15 a 50.000 l/h

Cuerpo PVC-U

Tamaño d(mm) 32 32 40 40 50 50 63
rango de presión DN(mm) 25 25 32 32 40 40 50
DN(pulgada) 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
G(pulgada) 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 3/4
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 60-600 100-1.000 150-1.500 250-2.500 200-2.000 300-3.000 400-4.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 46276 46277 46279 46280 46284 46285 46289

encolar socket DIN 0,48 kg 0,48 kg 0,71 kg 0,71 kg 1,05 kg 1,05 kg 1,53 kg

Cuerpo PVC-U

Tamaño d(mm) 63 63 75 75 75
rango de presión DN(mm) 50 50 65 65 65
DN(pulgada) 2 2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
G(pulgada) 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 600-6.000 1.000-10.000 1.500-15.000 2.500-25.000 10.000-50.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 46290 46291 46295 46296 127865

encolar socket DIN 1,53 kg 1,53 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg

Cuerpo PVC-U flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 32 32 40 40 50 50 63
DN(mm) 25 25 32 32 40 40 50
DN(pulgada) 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
G(pulgada) 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 3/4
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 60-600 100-1.000 150-1.500 250-2.500 200-2.000 300-3.000 400-4.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47580 47581 47583 47584 47588 47589 47593

encolar socket DIN 0,48 kg 0,48 kg 0,71 kg 0,71 kg 1,05 kg 1,05 kg 1,53 kg

4 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas > hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 350

Cuerpo PVC-U flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 63 63 75 75 75
DN(mm) 50 50 65 65 65
DN(pulgada) 2 2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
G(pulgada) 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 600-6.000 1.000-10.000 1.500-15.000 2.500-25.000 10.000-50.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47594 47595 47599 47600 127867

encolar socket DIN 1,53 kg 1,53 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg

Cuerpo PA

Tamaño d(mm) 32 32 40 40 50 50 63
rango de presión DN(mm) 25 25 32 32 40 40 50
DN(pulgada) 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
G(pulgada) 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 3/4
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 60-600 100-1.000 150-1.500 250-2.500 200-2.000 300-3.000 400-4.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 46303 46304 46306 46307 46311 46312 46316

encolar socket DIN 0,48 kg 0,48 kg 0,71 kg 0,71 kg 1,05 kg 1,05 kg 1,53 kg

Cuerpo PA

Tamaño d(mm) 63 63 75 75 75
rango de presión DN(mm) 50 50 65 65 65
DN(pulgada) 2 2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
G(pulgada) 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 600-6.000 1.000-10.000 1.500-15.000 2.500-25.000 10.000-50.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 46317 46318 46322 46323 127868

encolar socket DIN 1,53 kg 1,53 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg

> hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas 5
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 350

Cuerpo PA flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 32 32 40 40 50 50 63
DN(mm) 25 25 32 32 40 40 50
DN(pulgada) 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
G(pulgada) 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 3/4
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 60-600 100-1.000 150-1.500 250-2.500 200-2.000 300-3.000 400-4.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47607 47608 47610 47611 47615 47616 47620

encolar socket DIN 0,48 kg 0,48 kg 0,71 kg 0,71 kg 1,05 kg 1,05 kg 1,53 kg

Cuerpo PA flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 63 63 75 75 75
DN(mm) 50 50 65 65 65
DN(pulgada) 2 2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
G(pulgada) 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 600-6.000 1.000-10.000 1.500-15.000 2.500-25.000 10.000-50.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47621 47622 47626 47627 127870

encolar socket DIN 1,53 kg 1,53 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg

Cuerpo PSU

Tamaño d(mm) 32 32 40 40 50 50 63
rango de presión DN(mm) 25 25 32 32 40 40 50
DN(pulgada) 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
G(pulgada) 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 3/4
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 60-600 100-1.000 150-1.500 250-2.500 200-2.000 300-3.000 400-4.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 46330 46331 46333 46334 46338 46339 46343

encolar socket DIN 0,48 kg 0,48 kg 0,71 kg 0,71 kg 1,05 kg 1,05 kg 1,53 kg

6 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas > hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 350

Cuerpo PSU

Tamaño d(mm) 63 63 75 75 75
rango de presión DN(mm) 50 50 65 65 65
DN(pulgada) 2 2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
G(pulgada) 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 600-6.000 1.000-10.000 1.500-15.000 2.500-25.000 10.000-50.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 46344 46345 46349 46350 127871

encolar socket DIN 1,53 kg 1,53 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg

Cuerpo PSU flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 32 32 40 40 50 50 63
DN(mm) 25 25 32 32 40 40 50
DN(pulgada) 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
G(pulgada) 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 3/4
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 60-600 100-1.000 150-1.500 250-2.500 200-2.000 300-3.000 400-4.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47634 47635 47637 47638 47642 47643 47647

encolar socket DIN 0,48 kg 0,48 kg 0,71 kg 0,71 kg 1,05 kg 1,05 kg 1,53 kg

Cuerpo PSU flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 63 63 75 75 75
DN(mm) 50 50 65 65 65
DN(pulgada) 2 2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
G(pulgada) 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 600-6.000 1.000-10.000 1.500-15.000 2.500-25.000 10.000-50.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVC-U EPDM 47648 47649 47653 47654 127873

encolar socket DIN 1,53 kg 1,53 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg 2,10 kg

> hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas 7
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 350

Cuerpo PVDF

Tamaño d(mm) 32 32 40 40 50 50 63
rango de presión DN(mm) 25 25 32 32 40 40 50
DN(pulgada) 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
G(pulgada) 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 3/4
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 60-600 100-1.000 150-1.500 250-2.500 200-2.000 300-3.000 400-4.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVDF FPM 141994 141995 141996 141997 141998 141999 142000

soldar socket DIN ISO

Cuerpo PVDF

Tamaño d(mm) 63 63 75 75 75
rango de presión DN(mm) 50 50 65 65 65
DN(pulgada) 2 2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
G(pulgada) 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 600-6.000 1.000-10.000 1.500-15.000 2.500-25.000 10.000-50.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVDF FPM 142001 142002 142003 142004 142005

soldar socket DIN ISO

Cuerpo PVDF flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 32 32 40 40 50 50 63
DN(mm) 25 25 32 32 40 40 50
DN(pulgada) 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
G(pulgada) 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 2 3/4
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 60-600 100-1.000 150-1.500 250-2.500 200-2.000 300-3.000 400-4.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVDF FPM 142008 142009 142010 142011 142012 142013 142014

soldar socket DIN ISO

8 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas > hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 350

Cuerpo PVDF flotador imán

Tamaño flotador magnético magnético magnético magnético magnético

rango de presión d(mm) 63 63 75 75 75
DN(mm) 50 50 65 65 65
DN(pulgada) 2 2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2
G(pulgada) 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2
Gama rango de medición(l/h) 600-6.000 1.000-10.000 1.500-15.000 2.500-25.000 10.000-50.000

Conexión Juntas tóricas Nº de ident.

PVDF FPM 142015 142016 142017 142018 142019

soldar socket DIN ISO

> hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas 9
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador, DFM 350


d(mm) 32 40 50 63 75
DN(mm) 25 32 40 50 65
DN(pulgada) 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2
PN(bar) 10 10 10 10 10


d 32 40 50 63 75
G 1 1/2 2 2 1/4 2 3/4 3 1/2
L 350 350 350 350 350
L1 356 356 356 356 356

10 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas > hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador

Listas de piezas

DFM 165-200 DFM 335-350

Posición Cantidad Denominación dos diferentes receptores de flotador para el rango de medición:
1 1 Tubo de medida de 15 a 150 l/h; de 30 a 300 l/h
2 1 Flotador de 1.000 a 10.000 l/h; de 10.000 a 50.000 l/h
3 1 Receptor del flotador
4 2 Tuerca de racor Posición Cantidad Denominación
5 2 Manguito 1 1 Tubo de medida
6 2 Junta tórica 2 1 Flotador
7 2 Indicador de valor nominal 3 1 Receptor del flotador
4 2 Tuerca de racor
5 2 Manguito
6 2 Junta tórica
7 2 Indicador de valor nominal

> hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas 11
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
Caudalímetro con flotador

12 Salvo posible modificaciones técnicas > hoja técnica n°: 394060 - 2012/05/15
ASV Stübbe GmbH & Co. KG · Hollwieser Str. 5 · D-32602 Vlotho · Tel. +49(0)5733. 799-0 · Fax +49(0)5733. 799-200 · ·
HD 2306.0 Conexiones
Entrada conductividad/sondas
de temperatura Conector 8 poles macho DIN45326

Medida de conductividad del instrumento Resolución

Rango de medida 0.00…19.99 μS/cm 0.01 μS/cm
Rango de medida 0.0…199.9 μS/cm 0.1 μS/cm
Kcell=1 200…1999 μS/cm 1 μS/cm
2.00…19.99 mS/cm 0.01 mS/cm
20.0…199.9 mS/cm 0.1 mS/cm
Rango de medida 200…1999 mS/cm 1 mS/cm
Precisión (conductividad) ±0.5%1 digit

Medida de resistividad del instrumento

Rango de medida hasta 100MΩ∙cm/(*)
Rango de medida 5.0…199.9Ω∙cm 0.1Ω∙cm
Kcell=1 200…999Ω∙cm 1Ω∙cm
1.00k…19.99kΩ∙cm 0.01kΩ∙cm
20.0k…99.9kΩ∙cm 0.1kΩ∙cm
100k…999kΩ∙cm 1kΩ∙cm
1…10MΩ∙cm 1MΩ∙cm
Rango de medida 0.5…5.0Ω∙cm 0.1Ω∙cm
Precisión (resistividad) ±0.5%±1digit

Medida de los sólidos totales disueltos (con coeficiente χ/TDS=0.5)

Rango de medida 0.00…19.99 mg/l 0.05 mg/l
Rango de medida 0.0…199.9 mg/l 0.5 mg/l
Kcell=1 200…1999 mg/l 1 mg/l
2.00…19.99 g/l 0.01 g/l
20.0…99.9 g/l 0.1 g/l

Análisis de las aguas

Rango de medida 100…999 g/l 1 g/l
Precisión (conductividad) ±0.5%1 digit

Medida de temperatura del instrumento

Rango de medida Pt100 -50…+200°C
Rango de medida Pt100 -50…+200°C
Resolución 0.1°C
Precisión ±0.25°C
HD 2306.0 Deriva después de 1 año 0.1°C/año
Compensación temperatura
automática/manual 0…100°C con α =0.00…4.00%/°C
El HD 2306.0 es un instrumento portátil con un visualizador LCD grande. Mide la conductividad, T
Temperatura de referencia 20°C o 25°C
la resistividad en los líquidos, los sólidos totales disueltos (TDS) con sondas combinadas de
conductividad y temperatura de 2 y 4 anillos. Mide la temperatura con sondas que tienen un Factor de conversión χ/TDS 0.4…0.8
sensor Pt100 o Pt1000 de inmersión, penetración o contacto. Constante de celda K (cm-1) 0.1, 0.7, 1.0 y 10.0
La calibración de la sonda puede ser realizada automáticamente sobre una o más soluciones
estándares de 147 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm, 12880 µS/cm o 111800 µS/cm. Soluciones estándares reconocidas automáticamente (@25°C)
La sonda de temperatura se reconoce automáticamente cuando se enciende el instrumento. 147 µS/cm
La función Máx., Mín. y Avg calcula los valores máximo, mínimo y promedio. 1413 µS/cm
Otras funciones son: la medida relativa REL, la función Auto-HOLD y el apagado automático 12880 µS/cm
excluible. 111800 µS/cm
El instrumento tiene el grado de protección IP67.
Constantes de celda pre-configuradas K=0,01 - K=0,1 - K=1 - K=10
Magnitudes medidas: χ, Ω, TDS, °C, °F
(Longitud x Anchura x Altura) 140x88x38 mm
Peso 160g (completo de baterías)
Materiales ABS
Visualizador 2x4½ dígitos más símbolos
Área visible: 52x42 mm

Condiciones de trabajo
Temperatura de trabajo -5 … 50°C
Temperatura de almacenamiento -25 … 65°C
Humedad de trabajo relativa 0 … 90% RH, sin condensación
Grado de protección IP67

Baterías 3 baterías 1.5V tipo AA
Autonomía 200 horas con baterías alcalinas de 1800mAh
Corriente absorbida cuando el
instrumento está apagado < 20µA
Análisis de las aguas 355
(*) La medida de resistividad se consigue por el recíproco de la medida de la conductividad: Sondas de temperatura completas de módulo SICRAM
la indicación de la resistividad, cerca del hondo escala, aparece como en la tabla siguiente. TP87: Sonda de inmersión sensor Pt100. Vástago de la sonda Ø 3 mm, longitud 70 mm.
K cell = 0,1 cm-1 Longitud del cable: 1 metro.
TP472I.0: Sonda de inmersión, sensor Pt100. Vástago Ø 3 mm, longitud 230 mm. Longitud
Conductividad (μS/cm) Resistividad (MΩ∙cm)
del cable: 2 metros.
0.01 μS/cm 100 MΩ∙cm TP473P.0: Sonda de penetración, sensor Pt100. Vástago Ø 4 mm, longitud 150 mm. Longitud
0.02 μS/cm 50 MΩ∙cm del cable: 2 metros.
0.03 μS/cm 33 MΩ∙cm TP474C.0: Sonda de contacto, sensor Pt100. Vástago Ø 4 mm, longitud 230 mm, superficie de
0.04 μS/cm 25 MΩ∙cm contacto Ø 5 mm. Longitud del cable: 2 metros.
TP475A.0: Sonda para aire, sensor Pt100. Vástago Ø 4 mm, longitud 230 mm. Longitud del
Sondas de temperatura Pt100 de 4 hilos y Pt1000 de 2 hilos TP472I.5: Sonda de inmersión, sensor Pt100. Vástago Ø 6 mm, longitud 500 mm. Longitud
Modelo Tipo Campo de utilizo Precisión del cable: 2 metros.
TP47.100 Pt100 de 4 hilos -50…+200°C Clase A TP472I.10: Sonda de inmersión, sensor Pt100. Vástago Ø 6 mm, longitud 1.000 mm. Longitud
del cable: 2 metros.
TP47.1000 Pt1000 de 2 hilos -50…+200°C Clase A
TP87.100 Pt100 de 4 hilos -50…+200°C Clase A Sondas de temperatura sin módulo SICRAM
TP87.1000 Pt1000 de 2 hilos -50…+200°C Clase A TP87.100: Sonda de inmersión sensor Pt100. Vástago de la sonda Ø 3 mm, longitud 70
mm. Cable de conexión de 4 hilos con conector, longitud 1 metro.
Deriva en temperatura @20°C 0.005%/°C TP87.1000: Sonda de inmersión sensor Pt100. Vástago de la sonda Ø 3 mm, longitud 70
mm. Cable de conexión de 2 hilos con conector, longitud 1 metro.
CÓDIGOS DE PEDIDO TP47: Conector para conectar las sondas: Pt100 directa de 4 hilos y Pt1000 de 2 hilos.
HD2306.0: El conjunto se compone de: instrumento HD2306.0, 3 baterías alcalinas de 1.5V,
manual de instrucciones y maleta. Las sondas de conductividad, las soluciones de
calibración y las sondas de temperatura se deben pedir por separado.
HD22.2: Portaelectrodos para laboratorio compuesto por una placa base con un agitador
magnético incorporado, portaelectrodos ajustable en altura. Alimentado por instrumentos
de banco de la serie HD22... con cable HD22.2.1 (opcional) o con alimentador SWD10
HD22.3: Portaelectrodos para laboratorio con base de metal. Brazo flexible portaelectrodos
para el posicionamiento libre. Para electrodos Ø 12mm.

Sondas de conductividad
Véase los códigos de pedido y las características indicados en la tabla “Datos técnicos de las

Soluciones estándares de conductividad

HD8747: Solución estándar de calibración 0.001 mol/l igual que 147 µS/cm @25°C, 200 cc.
HD8714: Solución estándar de calibración 0,01 mol/l igual que 1413 µS/cm @25°C, 200 cc.
HD8712: Solución estándar de calibración 0,1 mol/l igual que 12880µS/cm @25°C, 200cc. HD8747 HD8714 HD8712 HD8711
HD87111: Solución estándar de calibración 1 mol/l igual que 111800 µS/cm @25°C, 200 cc.
Sondas de conductividad de 2 y 4 lectrodos


16 50 20
5µS…200 mS/cm L=1.5m

SP06T Celda de Ø 12
4 electrodos D=5

35 120
1 µS…500 µS/cm L=1.5m

SPT01G Celda de
2 electrodos

35 130
10 µS…10 mS/cm L=1.5m

SPT1G Celda de D=5.5
2 electrodos

35 130
500 µS…200 mS/cm L=1.5m

SPT10G Celda de D=5.5
2 electrodos

356 Análisis de las aguas

REV. 1.1
10 Mar. 2005


El nivel de calidad de nuestros instrumentos es el resultado de una evolución continua del

propio producto. Este hecho puede dar lugar a diferencias entre lo que describe este
manual y el instrumento que ha comprado. No podemos excluir completamente errores en
el manual y nos disculpamos por ello. Los datos, las imágenes y las descripciones que
contiene este manual no tienen ningún valor jurídico. Nos reservamos el derecho de
efectuar modificaciones y correcciones sin previo aviso.
Conductímetro -Termómetro

- 2 -

1. Entrada para sondas, conector de 8 polos DIN45326.

2. Símbolo de batería: indica el nivel de carga de las baterías.
3. Indicadores de función.
4. Línea de visualización secundaria.
5. Tecla DATA/ENTER: en funcionamiento normal visualiza el máximo (MAX), el mínimo
(MIN) y la media (AVG) de la medidas corrientes. En el interior del menú confirma la selección
6. Tecla χ/TDS: selecciona la visualización entre conductibilidad, resistividad, TDS (sólidos
totales disueltos);en el interior del menú anula el valor configurado mediante las flechas. En
calibración, hace salir del procedimiento de calibración.
7. Tecla : en el interior del menú aumenta el valor corriente. En calibración aumenta el valor del
buffer nominal visualizado.
8. Tecla °C/°F/MENU: permite seleccionar la unidad de medida y entrar en el menú, pulsando al
mismo tiempo la tecla DATA. Para salir del menú en cualquier momento, pulse la tecla MENU
9. CAL: pone en marcha el procedimiento de calibración.
10. Tecla /REL: activa la modalidad de medida relativa (visualiza la diferencia entre el valor
actual y el memorizado en el momento en el que se ha pulsado la tecla); para volver de nuevo a
la medida normal, pulse una segunda vez la tecla. En el interior del menú disminuye el valor
corriente. En calibración disminuye el valor del buffer nominal visualizado.
11. Tecla ON-OFF/AUTO-OFF: apaga y enciende el instrumento.
12. Símbolos MAX (valor máximo), MIN, (valor mínimo) y AVG (valor medio).
13. Línea de visualización principal.
14. Línea de los símbolos y de los comentarios.

- 3 -

1. CARACTERISTICAS GENERALES ........................................................................................................................ 5

2. DESCRIPCION DE LAS FUNCIONES..................................................................................................................... 6
3. EL MENU DE PROGRAMACION ............................................................................................................................ 9
4. LA MEDIDA DE LA CONDUCTIBILIDAD .......................................................................................................... 11
4,1 SONDA ESTANDAR .................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 SONDAS DE DOS O CUATRO ELECTRODOS ................................................................................................................ 12
4.3 CELDAS CON SENSOR DE TEMPERATURA ................................................................................................................. 12
4.4 ELECCION DE LA CONSTANTE DE CELDA ................................................................................................................. 12
4.5 COMPENSACIÓN AUTOMÁTICA O MANUAL DE LA CONDUCTIBILIDAD ..................................................................... 13
4.6 CALIBRACION DE LA SONDA ................................................................................................................................... 13
4.6.1 Calibrado de conductibilidad automática con solución tampón memorizada ................................................ 13
4.6.2 Calibrado de conductibilidad automática con solución tampón no memorizada ........................................... 14
4.6.3 Tabla de las soluciones tampón a 147μS/cm, 1413μS/cm, 12.88mS/cm y 111.8mS/cm ............................... 16
4.7 SONDAS DE TEMPERATURA Pt100 y Pt1000 ENTRADA DIRECTA ............................................................................. 16
4.7.1 Medida de temperatura................................................................................................................................... 16
4.7.2 Conexión del conector TP47 .......................................................................................................................... 17
5. ADVERTENCIAS ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
6. AVISOS DEL INSTRUMENTO Y MAL FUCIONAMIENTO ............................................................................. 21
7. ALMACENAJE DEL INSTRUMENTO .................................................................................................................. 21
8. AVISO DE BATERIA DESCARGADA Y SUSTITUCION DE LA MISMA....................................................... 22
8.1 ADVERTENCIAS SOBRE EL USO DE LAS BATERIAS .................................................................................................... 22
9. CARATERISTICAS TECNICAS ............................................................................................................................. 23
DATOS TECNICOS DEL CONDUCTIMETRO –TERMOMETRO............................................................................................. 23
9.2.1 Sondas de conductibilidad de 2 y 4 electrodos............................................................................................... 25
9.2.2 Sondas de temperatura Pt100 de 4 hilos y Pt1000 de 2 hilos ......................................................................... 26
10. CODIGOS DE PEDIDO .......................................................................................................................................... 27
10.1 SONDAS DE CONDUCTIBILIDAD ............................................................................................................................. 27
10.2 SOLUCIONES ESTANDAR DE CONDUCTIBILIDAD .................................................................................................... 27
10.3 SONDAS DE TEMPERATURA .................................................................................................................................. 27

- 4 -

El Conductímetro –Termómetro HD2306.0 es un instrumento portátil que, con un visualizador de

grandes dimensiones LCD para una mejor la visualización de los datos registrados, permite efectuar
medidas de:
• conductibilidad;
• resistividad en los líquidos;
• sólidos totales disueltos (TDS);
con sondas combinadas de conductibilidad y temperatura de 2 y 4 anillos.

Registra sólo la temperatura, utilizando sondas con sensor Pt100 o Pt1000 de inmersión,
penetración o contacto.

La calibración de la sonda se puede efectuar de forma automática en una de las soluciones tampón a
147μS/cm, 1413μS/cm, 12880μS/cm o 111.800μS/cm(véase cap. 4)

Con este instrumento es posible calcular los valores máximo, mínimo y medio de las medidas
adquiridas, utilizando la función MAX, MIN y AVG, respectivamente.

Otras funciones disponible son:

• la medida relativa REL;
• el apagado automático excluible.

Para mayores detalles, consulte el capítulo 2.

- 5 -
El teclado del Conductímetro –Termómetro HD2306.0 está formado por teclas con doble función.
La función que se encuentra en la parte superior de la tecla es la “función principal”, la que se
encuentra en la parte inferior es la “función secundaria”.
Cuando el instrumento se encuentra en condiciones de medida estándar, está activada la función
Una vez que se haya entrado en el Menú de configuración, pulsando simultáneamente las teclas
DATA+°C/°F, se activa la función secundaria.
La presión de una tecla se acompaña con “beep” de confirmación: si se pulsa una tecla errónea, la
duración del “beep” es mayor. A continuación se describen en forma detallada las funciones que
tiene cada tecla.


Esta tecla tiene dos funciones:

• ON/OFF: pulsar esta tecla para encender o apagar el instrumento.
El encendido activa, durante unos segundos, todos los segmentos del visualizador, pone en marcha
un auto-test que incluye el reconocimiento de la sonda conectada en la entrada y coloca el
instrumento en la condición de medida estándar. En el visualizador aparecerá:

mm min 23
k µ cm s


• AUTO/OFF: cuando el instrumento se enciende, es posible desactivar la función de

Autoapagado pulsando simultáneamente esta tecla con a tecla "CAL".

Si en el momento del encendido del instrumento, no está conectada ninguna sonda para registrar la
temperatura, en la línea secundaria aparece el valor de la última temperatura configurada
manualmente. El símbolo de la unidad de medida (°C o °F) parpadea y una letra "m" que significa
"manual" se enciende al lado del símbolo de batería.
Atención! Sustituya las sondas con el instrumento apagado.

Desactivación del Autoapagado

El instrumento dispone de la función de Autoapagado (AutoPowerOff): después de 8 minutos de

inactividad, el instrumento se apaga automáticamente. Para desactivar esta función hay que pulsar
simultáneamente las teclas ON/OFF y CAL.
En este caso recuerde de apagar el instrumento con la tecla ON/OFF: al desactivar el Autoapagado
el visualizador muestra el símbolo de la batería que parpadea.
- 6 -
Tecla χ/TDS/ESC

La tecla "χ/TDS" tiene dos funciones:

• χ/TDS: pulsando sucesivamente esta tecla se selecciona la visualización entre: conductibilidad,
resistividad, TDS (sólidos totales disueltos).
• ESC: una vez que se haya entrado en el MENU, mediante las teclas DATA+°C/°F, la tecla
χ/TDS tendrá la función de anular el valor de los parámetros configurado, mediante las flechas
 y .
• En calibración, hace salir de la fase de calibración.


La tecla DATA se utiliza para las siguientes funciones:

• DATA: en medida normal, cuando esta tecla se pulsa una vez se obtiene la visualización del
valor máximo (MAX) de las medidas adquiridas por las sondas conectadas al instrumento,
actualizándolas con la adquisición de las nuevas muestras;
- pulsando una segunda vez se obtiene la visualización del valor mínimo (MIN);
- pulsando por una tercera vez se obtiene la visualización del valor medio (AVG).
La frecuencia de adquisición es de 1 segundo.
Los valores MAX, MIN y AVG permanecen en la memoria mientras el instrumento está
encendido, aunque se salga de la función de visualización DATA. Con el instrumento apagado
los datos precedentemente memorizados se eliminan. Durante el encendido, el instrumento
automáticamente empieza a memorizar los valores MAX, MIN y AVG.
Para poner a cero los valores precedentes e iniciar una nueva sesión de medidas:
• pulse la tecla DATA hasta que aparezca el mensaje FUNC_CLRD;
• utilizando las flechas  y , seleccione YES;
• confirme con DATA/ENTER.
• ENTER: una vez que se haya entrado en el MENU, mediante las teclas DATA+°C/°F, la tecla
DATA tendrá la función de ENTER y permitirá desplazar los varios parámetros en el interior
del MENU y de confirmar el parámetro visualizado. En calibración adquiere el valor del buffer


Una vez que se haya entrado en el MENU, mediante las teclas °C/°F/MENU y DATA, la tecla 
permite aumentar el valor del parámetro seleccionado en el MENU.

- 7 -

La tecla °C/°F se utiliza para las siguientes funciones:

• °C/°F pulsando esta tecla, se selecciona la unidad de medida de la temperatura, escogiendo
entre grados Celsius (°C) y grados Fahrenheit (°F).

• MENU: el menú incluye cinco voces a configurar (véase el cap. 3):

• K CELL (Constante de celda)
• ALPH_T (Coeficiente de temperatura αT)
• REF_TEMP (Temperatura de referencia)
• TDS (Factor de conversión χ/TDS)
• Probe type (tipo de sonda)
- al menú se accede pulsando, simultáneamente DATA+°C/°F: aparecerá la primera voz del
menú de programación del instrumento;
- para modificar el valor visualizado, utilice las flechas y ;
- para confirmar la modificación y pasar a la voz sucesiva, pulse DATA/ENTER;
- para eliminar la modificación pulse χ/TDS/ESC;
- para salir del menú pulse de nuevo la tecla °C/°F.

Tecla CAL

Pulsando esta tecla, pone en marcha el procedimiento de calibración.(véase el cap. 4).

Tecla / REL

La tecla "" se utiliza para las siguientes funciones:

• : una vez que se ha entrado en el MENU, pulsando simultáneamente DATA+°C/°F, la tecla
 permitirá disminuir el valor del parámetro seleccionado en el MENU.
• REL: al pulsar la tecla, visualiza la diferencia entre el valor actual y el medido. En el
visualizador, a la izquierda, aparece la expresión "REL". Para volver a la medida normal, pulse
de nuevo la tecla.

- 8 -

Para acceder al menú de programación, pulse simultáneamente, las teclas

Las voces a configurar son las siguientes (en orden):

1. K CELL (Constante de celda) configura el valor nominal de la constante de celda de la sonda
de conductibilidad. Se admiten los valores 0.1, 0.7, 1.0 y 10 cm-1 (con tolerancias del –30% al
+50% del valor nominal).
Atención! La constante de celda se introduce antes de poner en marcha el calibrado de la sonda.
Si el valor real de la constante de celda supera los límites –30% o +50% del valor nominal, se
genera una señal de error ERR. En ese caso es necesario verificar que el valor configurado sea
correcto, que las soluciones tampón se encuentren en buen estado y por lo tanto proceder con una
nueva calibración. La modificación de la constante de celda comporta la puesta a cero de una
calibración anterior.
- para modificar el valor visualizado utilice las flechas y ;
- para confirmar la modificación y pasar a la voz sucesiva, pulse DATA/ENTER;
- para eliminar la modificación pulse χ/TDS/ESC;
- Para salir del menú pulse de nuevo la tecla °C/°F.
2. ALPH_T (Coeficiente de temperatura αT): el coeficiente de temperatura αT es la medida en
porcentaje de la variación de conductibilidad con la temperatura y se expresa en %/°C (o en
%/°F). Los valores admitidos varían de 0.00 a 4.00%/°C.
- para modificar el valor visualizado utilice las flechas y ;
- para confirmar la modificación y pasar a la voz sucesiva, pulse DATA/ENTER;
- para eliminar la modificación pulse χ/TDS/ESC;
- para salir del menú pulse de nuevo la tecla °C/°F.
3. REF_TEMP (Temperatura de referencia): indica la temperatura con la que se normaliza el
valor de conductibilidad visualizado y puede ser igual a 20°C o 25°C.
- para modificar el valor visualizado, utilice las flechas y ;
- para confirmar la modificación y pasar a la voz sucesiva, pulse DATA/ENTER;
- para eliminar la modificación pulse χ/TDS/ESC;
- Para salir del menú pulse de nuevo la tecla °C/°F.
4. TDS (factor de conversión χ/TDS): representa la relación entre el valor de conductibilidad
medido y la cantidad de sólidos totales disueltos en la solución, expresada en mg/l (ppm) o g/l
(ppt). Este factor de conversión depende de la naturaleza de las sales presentes en la solución:
en el tratamiento y en el control de la calidad de las aguas, donde el componente principal es el
CaCO3 (carbonato de calcio), se utiliza normalmente un valor de aproximadamente 0.5. En las
aguas que se utilizan en la agricultura, para la preparación de los fertilizantes y en la hidroponía,
se utiliza un factor de aproximadamente 0.7. El rango es 0.4…0.8:
- para modificar el valor visualizado, utilice las flechas y ;
- para confirmar la modificación y pasar a la voz sucesiva, pulse DATA/ENTER;
- para eliminar la modificación pulse χ/TDS/ESC;

- 9 -
- Para salir del menú pulse de nuevo la tecla °C/°F.

5. Probe type (tipo de sonda): en la línea de los comentarios aparece la expresión

“PRBE_TYPE". La línea principal en el centro del visualizador indica el tipo de sensor de
temperatura conectado al instrumento.
Se pueden conectar en entrada sondas combinadas de conductibilidad/temperatura con sensor
Pt100 o Pt1000 o sondas de sólo temperatura:
• Pt100 de 4 hilos
• Pt1000 de 2 hilos
El instrumento reconoce automáticamente durante el encendido las sondas de temperatura: el
instrumento configura la voz de menú Probe Type y el usuario no puede modificarla. Si no está
conectada una sonda de temperatura o una sonda combinada con sensor de temperatura, el
instrumento visualiza “- - - -”.

- 10 -
El Conductímetro –Termómetro HD2306.0 funciona con:
• sondas combinadas de conductibilidad/temperatura;
• sondas de sólo conductibilidad de 2 o 4 electrodos;
• sondas de temperatura.
La temperatura se puede medir con sondas con sensor Pt100 de 4 hilos, Pt1000 de 2 hilos y se
utiliza para la compensación automática de la conductibilidad.
De la medida de conductibilidad, el instrumento obtiene:
• la medida de resistividad en los líquidos (Ω, kΩ, MΩ);
• la concentración de sólidos totales disueltos (TDS), según el factor de conversión χ/TDS
modificable desde el menú (véase capítulo 3).
La indicación de la conductibilidad, de la resistividad o los TDS (sales totales disueltas) se muestra
en la línea principal del visualizador, la temperatura en la línea secundaria.
Las sondas de conductibilidad se calibran periódicamente. Para facilitar la operación, están
previstas cuatro soluciones de calibración automática:
• solución 0,001-Molar de KCl (147μS/cm @25°C),
• solución 0,01-Molar de KCl (1413μS/cm @25°C),
• solución 0,1-Molar de KCl (12880μS/cm @25°C),
• solución 1-Molar de KCl (111800μS/cm @25°C).

No está prevista la calibración de las sondas de temperatura por parte del usuario:
El reconocimiento de las sondas se produce en el momento del encendido del instrumento y no
cuando el instrumento está ya encendido, por lo tanto, si se activa una sonda con el
instrumento encendido, es necesario apagarlo y encenderlo de nuevo.


Los instrumentos se suministran de serie con la sonda SPT06 combinada de conductibilidad y

temperatura a 4 electrodos.
La zona de medida de la celda está delimitada por una campana de Pocan.
Una llave de emplazamiento, presente en la parte terminal de la sonda, orienta correctamente la
campana en la introducción en la sonda.
Para la limpieza es suficiente estirar la campana a lo largo del eje de la sonda sin girarla.
No es posible efectuar medidas sin esta campana.

El campo de medida en temperatura con la sonda va desde 50°C hasta +90°C.

- 11 -
El Conductímetro-Termómetro HD2306.0 utiliza sondas de dos o cuatro electrodos para la medida
de la conductibilidad.
Las sondas de cuatro electrodos son más aptas para medidas en soluciones de alta conductibilidad,
en un rango extendido o en presencia de contaminantes.
Las sondas de 2 electrodos operan en un campo de medida más restringido pero con una precisión
que se puede comparar con las sondas de cuatro electrodos.
Las sondas pueden ser de vidrio o de material plástico: las primeras pueden trabajar en presencia de
contaminantes agresivos, las demás resultan más resistentes a los golpes, más adecuadas al uso en
ámbito industrial.


Las sondas disponen de sensor de temperatura Pt100 incorporado miden simultáneamente la
conductibilidad y la temperatura: es decir, permite la corrección automática del efecto de esta últi-
ma en la conductibilidad de la solución.


La constante del celda Kcell es un dato que caracteriza la celda y depende de su geometría: se expresa en
No existe una celda que permita medir toda la escala de conductibilidad con suficiente exactitud
Por este motivo se utilizan celdas con una constante distinta que permiten efectuar medidas exactas
en escalas distintas.
La celda con constante K = 1cm–1 permite efectuar medidas de baja conductibilidad a
conductibilidad relativamente altas.
La celda de medida teórica está formada por dos placas metálicas de 1 cm2 separadas una de la
otra por 1 cm. Una celda de este tipo tiene una constante de celda Kcell de 1 cm–1.
NOTA: El número, la forma, el material y las dimensiones de las placas son muy diversas de un
modelo a otro, de un productor a otro.
Las sondas de constante K baja se utilizan preferiblemente para valores de conductibilidad bajos,
las sondas de constante K alta para valores elevados.
A modo indicativo, el campo de medida se muestra en el diagrama siguiente:

10 MΩ⋅ cm 1 0.1 0.01 1 kΩ⋅ cm 0.1 0.01

50 20 5 2 0.5 0.2 0.05 0.02 0.005 0.002 0.5 0.2 0.05 0.02 0.005 0.002





0.02 0.05 0.2 0.5 2 5 20 50 200 500 2 5 20 50 200 500

0.1 μS/cm 1 10 100 1 mS/cm 10 100

Ultrapure Pure Industrial Sewage Concentrated
water water water water solutions

- 12 -

La medida de la conductibilidad se refiere a una temperatura estándar, llamada temperatura de

referencia T_REF: el instrumento propone la conductibilidad que la solución tendría si se situara a
la temperatura T_REF.
Esta temperatura puede ser 20°C o 25°C según la configuración efectuada desde el menú en la voz
T_REF (véase cap 3).
El aumento del valor de la conductibilidad para cada variación de un grado de temperatura es una
característica de la solución y está indicado con el término “coeficiente de temperatura αT”:
entran los valores de 0.00 a 4.00%/°C, la gran parte de las soluciones. El valor por defecto es
Cuando se encuentra presente una sonda combinada con sensor de temperatura, el instrumento
aplica automáticamente la función de compensación de la temperatura, y propone en el visualizador
la medida referida a la temperatura de referencia Tref según el coeficiente αT.
En ausencia de sonda de temperatura, el visualizador inferior indica la temperatura de
compensación configurada manualmente (default=25°C).
Para evidenciar esta condición de funcionamiento, el símbolo °C o °F que se encuentra cerca del
valor de la temperatura parpadea de forma intermitente. En el visualizador, cerca del símbolo de
batería (si está encendido), se enciende una “m” (manual).

Como variar manualmente la temperatura

Para variar manualmente la temperatura de compensación , siga los pasos siguientes:
• pulse una vez la tecla °C/°F: el valor de la temperatura indicada inicia a parpadear;
• con las flechas configure el valor de temperatura de la solución;
confirme pulsando DATA/ENTER: el visualizador deja de parpadear y la temperatura presente en
el visualizador se utiliza para la compensación.
• Para cambiar la unidad de medida de °C a °F en compensación manual, pulse dos veces la tecla


El calibrado de la sonda se puede efectuar sobre uno, dos, tres o cuatro puntos utilizando las
soluciones estándar reconocidas automáticamente por el instrumento (calibración automática) u
otras soluciones de valor conocido (calibración manual).
El símbolo CAL parpadea cuando desde el menú se modifica la constante de celda (véase la
descripción de la voz K_CELL en el capítulo 3).

4.6.1 Calibrado de conductibilidad automática con solución tampón memorizada

El instrumento es capaz de reconocer cuatro soluciones estándar de calibrado:
• solución 0,001-Molar de KCl (147μS/cm @25°C),
• solución 0,01-Molar de KCl (1413μS/cm @25°C),
• solución 0,1-Molar de KCl (12880μS/cm @25°C),
• solución 1-Molar de KCl (111800μS/cm @25°C).
Utilizando una de estas soluciones, el calibrado es automático; el procedimiento puede repetirse con
otra de las restantes soluciones estándar de hasta un máximo de cuatro puntos diversos.
El calibrado manual es posible con una solución de conductibilidad distinta de la que se utiliza en el
calibrado automático.

- 13 -
La temperatura de la solución para el calibrado automático tiene que estar comprendida
entre 15°C y 35°C: si la solución se encuentra a una temperatura inferior a 15°C, es
compensada a una temperatura de 15°C. Si la temperatura es superior a los 35°C, es
compensada a una temperatura de de 35°C.

1. Encienda el instrumento con la tecla ON/OFF.

2. Configure la constante de celda de la sonda seleccionándola entre los valores admitidos 0.1, 0.7,
1.0 ó 10.0.
3. Sumerja la celda conductimétrica en la solución de calibrado de forma que los electrodos estén
cubiertos de líquido.
4. Sacuda ligeramente la sonda de forma que salga el eventual aire presente en el interior de la
celda de medida.
5. Si la sonda de conductibilidad no dispone del sensor de temperatura:
• pulse la tecla °C/°F
• con las flechas  y , introduzca manualmente el valor de temperatura de la
solución muestra (configuración manual de la temperatura).
• Confirme con DATA/ENTER.
6. Pulse la tecla CAL. En la línea de los comentarios aparecerá la unidad de medida (μS/cm o
mS/cm). En la línea central, el valor de conductibilidad de la solución a la temperatura medida o,
si la sonda no se encuentra presente, a la temperatura introducida manualmente. En la línea
inferior, el valor del buffer estándar más cercano compensado en temperatura.
Si la medida se encuentra en TDS, o en medida de resistividad, pulsando la tecla CAL, el
instrumento se coloca automáticamente en calibración de conductibilidad.
7. Pulse la tecla DATA/ENTER para confirmar el valor visualizado. Se visualiza el valor nominal
de la constante de celda (KCELL) y el coeficiente de temperatura configurado αT. La tecla
DATA/ENTER, pulsada varias veces, permite repetir la calibración en el mismo punto, por
ejemplo a un valor más estable.
8. Para concluir la calibración de la sonda, pulse la tecla χ/TDS/ESC. Si en cambio se quiere
efectuar otra calibración sobre un buffer diferente repita el procedimiento de calibración desde el
punto 3.
9. Limpie la sonda con agua. Si a continuación se efectúan medidas a baja conductibilidad,
aconsejamos limpiar la sonda con agua destilada o bidestilada.

El instrumento está calibrado y listo para ser utilizado.

4.6.2 Calibrado de conductibilidad automática con solución tampón no memorizada

El calibrado manual es posible con soluciones a cualquier conductibilidad y temperatura, siempre
que se encuentre dentro de los límites de medida del instrumento y se conozca la conductibilidad de
la solución a la temperatura a la que se efectúa la calibración. Efectúe lo siguiente:
1. Encienda el instrumento pulsando la tecla ON/OFF.
2. Configure la constante de celda de la sonda seleccionándola entre los valores admitidos: 0.1,
0.7, 1.0 ó 10.0.
3. Sumerja la celda conductimétrica en la solución a conductibilidad conocida de forma que los
electrodos estén cubiertos de líquido.
- 14 -
4. Sacuda ligeramente la sonda en forma que salga el eventual aire presente en el interior de la
celda de medida.
5. Pulse la tecla °C/°F y la tecla DATA, para entrar en el menú; pulsar la tecla DATA hasta la
voz ALPH. Se visualiza el coeficiente de temperatura αT. Tome nota del valor visualizado
porque tendrá que configurarlo de nuevo al final del procedimiento. Sitúe el valor en 0,00
utilizando las teclas flecha. De esta forma se excluye la compensación de temperatura en la
medida de conductibilidad.
6. Según la temperatura detectada, determine la conductibilidad de la solución de calibrado,
obteniéndola de la tabla que especifica la conductibilidad en función de la temperatura.
7. Seleccione la medida de conductibilidad pulsando la tecla χ/TDS/ESC.
8. Pulse la tecla CAL. Se encenderá el símbolo CAL. En la línea de los comentarios aparecerá la
unidad de medida (μS/cm o mS/cm). Si la conductibilidad de la solución de calibrado se
encuentra suficientemente cercana (de -30% a +50%) a las soluciones para el calibrado , la
línea secundaria del visualizador visualiza el valor, en caso contrario, visualiza el valor
calculado según las configuraciones corrientes. En la línea central se presenta el valor de
conductibilidad de la solución según las configuraciones corrientes de la constante de celda.
9. Con las teclas flecha, configure el valore di conductibilidad determinado en el punto 5 y
confirme con DATA/ENTER. Si aparece la indicación de error ERR, véase la nota citada más
10. Se visualiza el valor nominal de la constante de celda (K_CELL) y el coeficiente de
temperatura αT configurado en 0. La tecla DATA/ENTER, pulsada varias veces, permite
repetir la calibración en el punto, por ejemplo a un valor más estable.
11. Para concluir la calibración de la sonda, pulse la tecla χ/TDS/ESC.
12. Entre de nuevo en el MENU y seleccione la voz ALPH: introduzca de nuevo el coeficiente de
temperatura tal como estaba configurado antes del calibrado.
13. Limpie la sonda con agua. Si a continuación se efectúan medidas a baja conductibilidad,
aconsejamos limpiar la sonda con agua destilada o bidestilada.

El instrumento está calibrado y preparado para ser utilizado.

• Si se pulsa χ/TDS/ESC sin haber pulsado nunca la tecla DATA/ENTER, la calibración se
abandona, se continuarán a utilizar los valores anteriores.
• Al confirmar la calibración con la tecla DATA/ENTER, el instrumento verifica que la
corrección a aportar a la conductibilidad no supere los límites del 70% o del 150% del valor
teórico. Si la calibración se rechaza, porque se considera excesivamente alterada, se obtendrá el
mensaje CAL ERR, seguido de un tono de aviso prolongado. El instrumento permanece en
calibración y mantiene los valores de calibración anteriores.
• Las causas de error más frecuentes son debidos a un funcionamiento erróneo de la sonda
(incrustaciones, suciedad…) o al deterioro de las soluciones estándar (mal estado de
conservación, alteraciones debidas a la contaminación con soluciones a diversa
conductibilidad,… )
• Si la medida se encuentra en resistividad en o en TDS, pulsando la tecla CAL, el instrumento se
coloca automáticamente en calibración de conductibilidad.

- 15 -
4.6.3 Tabla de las soluciones tampón a 147μS/cm, 1413μS/cm, 12.88mS/cm y 111.8mS/cm
A continuación se muestran las soluciones tampón, reconocidas automáticamente por el
instrumento, en función de la temperatura.

°C µS/cm µS/cm mS/cm mS/cm °C µS/cm µS/cm mS/cm mS/cm

15.0 121 1147 10.48 92.5 26.0 150 1440 13.13 113.8
16.0 124 1173 10.72 94.4 27.0 153 1467 13.37 115.7
17.0 126 1199 10.95 96.3 28.0 157 1494 13.62 117.7
18.0 128 1225 11.19 98.2 29.0 161 1521 13.87 119.8
19.0 130 1251 11.43 100.1 30.0 164 1548 14.12 121.9
20.0 133 1278 11.67 102.1 31.0 168 1581 14.37 124.0
21.0 136 1305 11.91 104.0 32.0 172 1609 14.62 126.1
22.0 138 1332 12.15 105.9 33.0 177 1638 14.88 128.3
23.0 141 1359 12.39 107.9 34.0 181 1667 15.13 130.5
24.0 144 1386 12.64 109.8 35.0 186 1696 15.39 132.8
25.0 147 1413 12.88 111.8


El instrumento acepta en entrada sondas directas de temperatura de Platino con resistencia de 100Ω
(Pt100) y 1000Ω (Pt1000).
Las sondas Pt100 están conectadas a 4 hilos, las Pt1000 a 2 hilos; la corriente de excitación se
escoge de forma que minimice los efectos de autocalentamiento del sensor.
Se verifica que todas las sondas con entrada directa de 2 o 4 hilos entren en la clase A de
tolerancia según la norma IEC751 - BS1904 - DIN43760.
El instrumento reconoce las sondas de temperatura durante el encendido (véase la descripción en la
voz de menú Probe Type en el capítulo 3).

La unidad de medida °C o °F se puede escoger para la visualización, pulsando la tecla


4.7.1 Medida de temperatura

La medida de temperatura de inmersión se efectúa introduciendo la sonda, un mínimo de 60 mm,

en el líquido en el que se quiere efectuar la medida; el sensor se encuentra situado en la parte
terminal de la sonda.
En la medida por penetración la punta de la sonda tiene que entrar unos 60 mm como mínimo, el
sensor se encuentra introducido en el extremo de la sonda.
NOTA: En la medida de temperatura en bloques congelados es conveniente efectuar, con una
herramienta mecánica, una cavidad en la que se pueda introducir la sonda de punta.
Para efectuar una medida correcta por contacto la superficie de medida tiene que ser plana y lisa, la
sonda tiene que ser perpendicular al plano de medida.
La interposición de una gota de pasta conductora o de aceite entre la superficie y la sonda
(no utilice agua o disolventes) ayuda a efectuar una medida correcta y, además, mejora el
tiempo de respuesta.

- 16 -
4.7.2 Conexión del conector TP47
Las sondas producidas por Delta Ohm disponen todas de conector.
El dispositivo HD2306.0 funciona también con sondas Pt100 directas de 4 hilos, y Pt1000 de 2
hilos producidas por otras casas: para la conexión al instrumento está previsto el conector TP47 al
que se tienen que soldar los hilos de la sonda.

A continuación se explican las instrucciones para la conexión de la sonda de Platino o de Níquel al

módulo TP47. El módulo TP47 se suministra equipado con pasacables y tapones de goma para
cables con un diámetro máximo igual a 5mm. Para abrir el módulo y poder conectar una sonda, es
necesario hacer lo siguiente:
1. desatornille el pasacables;
2. saque el tapón de goma;
3. desenganche la etiqueta con un cutter;
4. desatornille el anillo del lado opuesto del módulo tal como se indica en la figura;

5. abra las dos cápsulas del módulo: en su interior se encuentra el circuito impreso al que se tendrá
que conectar la sonda. A la izquierda se encuentran los puntos 1…4 en los que se tienen que
soldar los hilos del sensor. En el centro de la placa se encuentran presentes los puentes
JP1…JP4 que, para algunos tipos de sensor, se cierran con una gota de estaño:

4 No se usa
3 Ni1000
2 Pt1000
1 Pt100 3 hilos

Atención! Antes de efectuar las soldaduras, haga pasar el cable de la sonda a través del pasacables y
el tapón de goma.

- 17 -
6. Suelde los hilos del sensor de temperatura tal como se muestra en la tabla:
Sensor Conexión a la placa Puente a cerrar

4 JP4
Pt100 3 JP3
Pt100 4 hilos 4 hilos 2 JP2
1 JP1

4 JP4
Pt1000 3 JP3
Pt1000 2 hilos 2 hilos 2 JP2
1 JP1

Los sensores Pt100 y Pt1000 se pueden soldar directamente a las clavijas del conector, sin recurrir
a la placa TP47, tal como se indica en la tabla siguiente:

Sensor Conexión directa al conector Puente a cerrar


Pt100 4 hilos Ninguno

Conector visto desde el interior del módulo TP47

Puente entre las clavijas
Pt1000 2 hilos
Puente entre las clavijas

Conector visto desde el interior del módulo TP47

- 18 -
Los hilos de la sonda combinada conductibilidad/temperatura Pt100 se tienen que soldar
directamente en el conector tal como se indica en la tabla siguiente:

Sensor Conexión directa al conector Puente a cerrar

Sonda de
conductibilidad Puente entre las clavijas
de 2 electrodos 1y4
Sensor de Puente entre las clavijas
temperatura 2y5

Conector visto desde el interior del módulo TP47

Sonda de
de 4 electrodos
Sensor de

Conector visto desde el interior del módulo TP47

Controlo que las soldaduras estén limpias y que se efectúen perfectamente.

7 . cuando haya completado la operación de soldadura, cierre las dos cápsulas;
8. introduzca el tapón de goma en el módulo;
9. atornille el pasacables y el anillo. Esté atento para que el cable no se enrolle mientras atornille el
pasacables. Ahora la sonda ya está preparada.

- 19 -

1. No exponga las sondas a gases o líquidos que pudieran corroer el material del sensor o de la
sonda. Después de la medida limpie cuidadosamente la sonda.
2. No doble los conectores haciendo fuerza hacia arriba o hacia abajo.
3. Cuando introduzca el conector de la sonda en el instrumento no doble o fuerce los contactos.
4. No doble las sondas y no las deforme ni las deje caer: se pueden deteriorar de forma irreparable.
5. Utilice la sonda más adecuada al tipo de medida que se quiere efectuar.
6. Las sondas de temperatura no se utilizan generalmente en presencia de gas o líquidos corrosivos,
el recipiente en el que se encuentra el sensor es de acero inoxidable AISI 316, AISI 316 y plata
para la sonda de contacto. Evite que las superficies de la sonda entren en contacto con
superficies pegajosas o sustancias que puedan corroer o deteriorar la sonda.
7. Evite procurar golpes violentos o shock térmicos a las sondas de temperatura de Platino por
encima de 400°C y por debajo de –40°C puesto que se podrían deteriorar de forma irreparable.
8. Para obtener una medida fiable, evite variaciones de temperatura demasiado veloces.
9. Las sondas de temperatura por superficie (contacto) tienen que mantenerse en posición vertical
respecto de la superficie. Aplique aceite o pasta conductiva de calor entre la superficie y la
sonda para mejorar el contacto y reducir el tiempo de lectura. No utilice absolutamente agua o
disolventes con esta finalidad. La medida de contacto es siempre una medida muy difícil de
efectuar, proporciona datos muy dispares y depende de la habilidad del usuario.
10. La medida en superficies no metálicas precisa mucho tiempo a causa de su escasa
conductibilidad térmica.
11. Las sondas no están aisladas respecto de la vaina externa, esté muy atento para no entrar en
contacto con partes en tensión (superior a 48V): podría ser peligroso, no sólo para el
instrumento, sino también para el usuario que podría electrocutarse.
12. Evite efectuar medidas en presencia de fuentes de alta frecuencia, microondas o fuertes campos
magnéticos, porque no serían muy creíbles.
13. Limpie cuidadosamente las sondas después de utilizarlas.
14. El instrumento es resistente al agua, es IP67, pero no se tiene que sumergir en el. Los conectores
de las sondas tienen que disponer de las juntas de estanqueidad. Si cae dentro del agua, controle
que no se haya producido alguna infiltración. El instrumento tiene que manejarse de forma que
el agua no pueda penetrar por el lado de los conectores.

- 20 -

En la tabla se enumeran las indicaciones del instrumento en las diversas situaciones de

funcionamiento: las señalaciones de error, las indicaciones suministradas al usuario.

Indicaciones del
ALPH coeficiente de temperatura αT
BATT TOO LOW Indicación de carga de las baterías insuficiente, aparece cuando se enciende el
CHNG NOW instrumento. El instrumento emite un beep largo y se apaga. Sustituya las baterías.
CAL Aparece cuando, durante la calibración, el valor leído supera los límites de -30% o
ERR +50% del valor del buffer compensado en temperatura.
CAL Todavía no se ha efectuado un calibrado o se ha modificado en el menú el valor de la
parpadeante constante de celda (véase la descripción de la voz del menú K_CELL en la pág 9)
CAL Error del programa: aparece cuando se enciende durante unos segundos. Póngase en
LOST contacto con el proveedor del instrumento.
Aparece si la sonda de conductibilidad/temperatura mide un valor que supera el rango
previsto o la resistividad es superior a 10MΩ.
FUNC CLRD puesta a cero de los valores máx, mín y medios efectuada
KCEL constante de celda K
No se ha conectado una sonda con sensor de temperatura La letra “m” indica que la
temperatura visualizada se ha introducido manualmente.
PLS_EXIT >>> FUNC Se ruega salir con la tecla ESC >>> función reservada a la calibración de fábrica
PRBE_TYPE tipo de sonda conectada
REF_TEMP temperatura de referencia
Error del programa de gestión del instrumento. Póngase en contacto con el proveedor
del instrumento y comuníquele el código numérico # que aparece en el visualizador.
TDS sólidos totales disueltos
UNDR límite mínimo superado


Condiciones de almacenaje del instrumento:
• Temperatura: -25...+65°C.
• Humedad: menos de 90%HR sin condensación.
• En el almacén evite los puntos en los que:
• la humedad es alta;
• el instrumento está expuesto a los rayos solares directos;
• el instrumento está expuesto a una fuente de alta temperatura;
• se encuentran presentes fuertes vibraciones;
• hay vapor, sal y/o gas corrosivo.

El envase del instrumento es de material plástico ABS: no utilice disolventes incompatibles para

- 21 -

El símbolo de batería
en el visualizador se muestra constantemente el estado de carga de las baterías. A medida que las
baterías se descargan, el símbolo se "vacía" y luego, cuando la descarga se ha reducido todavía más,
empieza a parpadear:

Cuando se llega a esta condición, es necesario cambiar las baterías lo antes posible.
Si se continua a utilizarlo, el instrumento no asegura una medida correcta. Los datos en memoria no
se pierden.
Si el nivel de carga de las baterías es insuficiente, cuando se enciende el instrumento aparece
el siguiente mensaje:
El instrumento emite un tono de aviso largo y se apaga. En este caso sustituya las baterías
para poder encender de nuevo el instrumento.
Para sustituir las baterías, siga los pasos siguientes:
1. apague el instrumento;
2. desatornille en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj el tornillo de cierre de la tapa del
compartimiento de las baterías;
3. sustituya las baterías (3 baterías alcalinas de 1.5V - tipo AA);
4. cierre de nuevo la tapa atornillando el tornillo en el sentido de las agujas del reloj.

Fallos en el encendido despues del cambio de batérias
Puede suceder que el instrumento no se ponga en marcha correctamente después de la sustitución de
las baterías, en este caso aconsejamos repetir la operación. Espere unos minutos después de
desconectar las baterías, de forma que los condensadores del circuito puedan descargarse
completamente, y luego introduzca las baterías.


• Si el instrumento no se utiliza durante un largo periodo, saque las baterías.

• Si las baterías están descargadas, sustitúyalas en cuanto le sea posible.
• Evite pérdidas de líquido por parte de las baterías.
• Utilice baterías de estaño y de buena calidad, posiblemente alcalinas. En los negocios se
encuentran a veces baterías nuevas con una capacidad de carga insuficiente.

- 22 -


Dimensiones ( Largo x Ancho x Alto) 140x88x38mm
Peso 160g (incluidas las baterías)
Materiales ABS
Visualizador 2x4½ números más símbolos
Área visible: 52x42mm
Condiciones operativas
Temperatura operativa -5 … 50°C
Temperatura de almacén -25 … 65°C
Humedad relativa de trabajo 0 … 90% UR sin condensación
Grado de protección IP67
Baterías 3 baterías 1.5V tipo AA
Autonomía 200 horas con baterías alcalinas de
Corriente absorbida con instrumento apagado < 20μA
Entrada conductibilidad/sondas de temperatura Conectores 8 polos machos DIN45326
Unidad e i medida µS – mS - Ω - kΩ - MΩ - mg/l - g/l
°C - °F
Medida de la conductibilidad del instrumento
Resolución con Kcell=0.1 0.01μS en el rango 0.00…19.99μS
Rango de medida (Kcell=1) / Resolución 0.0…199.9μS / 0.1μS
200…1999μS / 1μS
2.00…19.99mS / 0.01mS
20.0…199.9mS / 0.1mS
Exactitud (conductibilidad) ±0.5% ±1digit f.e.
Medida de la resistividad del instrumento
Rango de medida / Resolución 4.0…199.9Ω / 0.1Ω
200…999Ω / 1Ω
1.00k…19.99kΩ / 0.01kΩ
20.0k…99.9kΩ / 0.1kΩ
100k…999kΩ / 1kΩ
1…10MΩ / 1MΩ
Exactitud (resistividad) ±0.5% ±1digit f.e.
Medida de los sólidos totales disueltos (con coeficiente χ/TDS=0.5)
Resolución con Kcell=0.1 0.05mg/l en el rango 0.0…19.99mg

- 23 -
Rango de medida (Kcell=1) / Resolución 0.0…199.9 mg/l / 0.5 mg/1
200…1.999 mg/l / 1 mg/1
0.0…19,99 g/l / 0,01 g/1
20,0…199,9 g/l / 0.1 g/1
Exactitud (sólidos totales disueltos) ±0.5% ±1digit f.e.
Medida de la temperatura del instrumento
Rango de medida Pt100 -50 … +200°C
Rango de medida Pt1000 -50 … +200°C
Resolución 0.1°C
Exactitud ±0.25°C f.e.
Deriva a 1 año 0.1°C/año
Compensación de la temperatura automática/manual 0…100°C con αT=0.00…4.00%/°C
Temperatura de referencia 20°C ó 25°C
Factor de conversión χ/TDS 0.4…0.8
Constante de celda K (cm ) 0.1, 0.7, 1.0 y 10.0
Soluciones estándar reconocidas automáticamente (@25°C)
Normas estándar EMC
Seguridad EN61000-4-2, EN61010-1 nivel 3
Descargas electroestáticas EN61000-4-2 nivel 3
Transistores eléctricos rápidos EN61000-4-4 nivel3,
EN61000-4-5 nivel3
Variaciones de tensión EN61000-4-11
Susceptibilidad a las interferencias electromagnéticas
Susceptibilidad a las interferencias electromagnéticas
EN55020 nivel B

- 24 -

9.2.1 Sondas de conductibilidad de 2 y 4 electrodos

K=0.7 16 50 20

SPT06 0…90°C
Ø 12
Celda de D= 5 Ø 17

4 electrodos

K=0.1 35 120

SPT01G 0…80°C
D= 5.5
Celda de
2 electrodos

K=1 72 120

SPT1 0…50°C
Celda de D= 5.5
2 electrodos

K=1 35 130

SPT1G 0…80°C
D= 5.5
Celda de
2 electrodos

K=10 35 140

SPT10G 0…80°C
D= 5.5
Celda de
2 electrodos

- 25 -
9.2.2 Sondas de temperatura Pt100 de 4 hilos y Pt1000 de 2 hilos

Modelo Tipo Rango de empleo Exactitud

TP47.100 Pt100 de 4 hilos -50…+200°C Clase A
TP47.1000 Pt1000 de 2 hilos -50…+200°C Clase A
TP87.100 Pt100 de 4 hilos -50…+200°C Clase A
TP87.1000 Pt1000 de 2 hilos -50…+200°C Clase A

Características comunes
Resolución 0.1°C
Deriva en temperatura @20°C 0.005%/°C

- 26 -
HD2306.0K El kit consta de: instrumento HD2306.0, sonda combinada de
conductibilidad/temperatura SPT06 3 baterías alcalinas de 1.5V, solución
estándar de calibración HD8712 (12880μS/cm), manual de instrucciones, maletín.
Las sondas de conductibilidad y soluciones distintas se tienen que solicitar por


Véanse los códigos de pedido que se indican en los datos técnicos de las sondas.


HD8747 Solución estándar de calibrado 0.001mol/l igual a 147μS/cm @25°C - 200cc.

HD8714 Solución estándar de calibrado 0.01mol/l igual a 1413μS/cm @25°C - 200cc.
HD8712 Solución estándar de calibrado 0.1mol/l igual a 12880μS/cm @25°C - 200cc.
HD87111 Solución estándar de calibrado 1mol/l igual a 111800μS/cm @25°C - 200cc.


TP47.100 Sonda de inmersión, sensor Pt100 directo de 4 hilos con conector. Vaina sonda Ø
3mm, L = 230mm. Cable de conexión de 4 hilos con conector, L = 2 m.
TP47.1000 Sonda de inmersión, sensor Pt1000. Vaina sonda Ø 3mm, L = 230mm. Cable de
conexión de 2 hilos con conector, L = 2 m.
TP87.100 Sonda de inmersión, sensor Pt100. Vaina sonda Ø 3mm, L = 70mm. Cable de
conexión de 4 hilos con conector, L = 1 m.
TP87.1000 Sonda de inmersión, sensor Pt1000. Vaina sonda Ø 3mm, L = 70mm. Cable de
conexión de 2 hilos con conector, L = 1 m.
TP47 Sólo conector para la conexión de la sonda Pt100 directa de 4 hilos , Pt1000 de 2

- 27 -
Questo certificato deve accompagnare l'apparecchio spedito al centro assistenza.
IMPORTANTE: La garanzia è operante solo se il presente tagliando sarà compilato in tutte le sue parti.

This guarantee must be sent together with the instrument to our service centre.
N.B.: Guarantee is valid only if coupon has been correctly filled in all details.

Le certificat doit porter le cachet du revendeur et la date d'achat. A défaut, la garantie sera comptée à partir
de la date de la sortie d'usine.
ATTENTION: Pour bénéficier de la garantie, le présent certificat doit obligatoirement accompagner
l'appareil présumé défectueux.

Dieser Garantieschein muss der Spedition beigelegt werden, wenn das Gerät an das
Kundendienstzentrum gesandt wird.
WICHTIG: Die Garantie ist nur gültig, wenn dieser Abschnitt bis ins Einzelne ausgefüllt ist.

Este certificado debe acompañar al aparato enviado al centro de asistencia.

IMPORTANTE: La garantía es válida solo si el presente cupón ha sido completado en su totalidad.

Instrument type ‰ HD2306.0

Serial number


Date Date
Inspector Inspector

Date Date
Inspector Inspector

Date Date
Inspector Inspector

Safety EN61000-4-2, EN61010-1 LEVEL 3
Electrostatic discharge EN61000-4-2 LEVEL 3
Electric fast transients EN61000-4-4 LEVEL 3
Voltage variations EN61000-4-11
Electromagnetic interference susceptibility IEC1000-4-3
Electromagnetic interference emission EN55020 class B

- 28 -
KQ-3120NFPKG/2T/0,04M/AS Detectores capacitivos

1: Superficie activa
2: Botones de programación
3: LED
Made in Germany

Características del producto

Detector capacitivo
Carcasa con forma cúbica, de plástico
Cable de conexión con conector
Función Teach
Bloqueo electrónico
Alcance 12 mm; [nb] no enrasable
Aplicación Detector de posición y detección de materiales a granel secos y fluidos líquidos a
través de paredes no metálicas de depósitos o en tubos de derivación.
Datos eléctricos
Alimentación DC PNP
Tensión de alimentación [V] 10...30 DC
Consumo [mA] < 17
Clase de protección III
Protección contra inversiones de
polaridad sí
Función de salida normalmente abierto / normalmente cerrado programable
Caída de tensión [V] < 2,5
Corriente de salida [mA] 100
Protección contra cortocircuitos pulsada
Resistente a sobrecargas sí
Frecuencia de conmutación [Hz] 10
Rango de detección
Alcance [mm] 12
Alcance real (Sr) [mm] 12 ± 10 %
Precisión / diferencias
Histéresis [% del Sr] 1...15
Deriva del punto de
conmutación [% del Sr] -20...20
KQ-3120NFPKG/2T/0,04M/AS Detectores capacitivos

Tipo de transmisión COM1 (4,8 kBaud)

Revisión IO-Link 1.1
Norma SDCI IEC 61131-9 CDV
IO-Link Device ID 371d / 000173h
Perfiles Smart Sensor
Modo SIO sí
Datos del proceso analógicos ninguna
Tiempo mínimo del ciclo de
proceso [ms] 100,8
Condiciones ambientales
Temperatura ambiente [°C] -25...80
Grado de protección IP 65 / IP 67
Homologaciones / pruebas
CEM EN 61000-4-2 ESD: 8 kV AD
EN 61000-4-3 HF radiado: 10 V/m
EN 61000-4-4 Burst: 2 kV
EN 61000-4-6 HF guiado: 3V
EN 55011: clase B
Resistencia a choques 30 g 6 Schocks / 11 ms Halbsinus
EN 60068-2-27: (x,y,z)
Resistencia a las vibraciones (10...55 Hz) / 1 mm de amplitud,
periodo de oscilación 5 min., 30
min. por cada eje con resonancia
EN 60068-2-6: o 55 Hz
MTTF [años] 725
Datos mecánicos
Montaje no enrasable
Materiales de la carcasa Carcasa: PBT (fibra de vidrio reforzada); Botones-pulsadores: TPE-U; tapa: PC
(fibra de vidrio reforzada)
Peso [kg] 0,025
Indicaciones / elementos de mando
Indicación del estado de
conmutation LED amarillo
Conexión eléctrica
Conexionado cable PVC / 0,04 m; con conector M8

4: OUT / IO-Link
Cantidad por pack [Pieza] 1
ifm electronic gmbh • Friedrichstraße 1 • 45128 Essen — Nos reservamos el derecho de modificar características técnicas sin previo aviso. — ES — KQ6004 — 11.04.2013
Operating instructions
Capacitive sensors
09 / 2013
80003301 / 00
1  Preliminary note���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
1.1  Symbols used������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
2  Safety instructions�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
3  Functions and features����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
3.1  Application examples�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
4 Installation�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
4.1  Use as a level sensor������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
4.1.1  Installation on tanks with a mounting adapter��������������������������������������5
4.1.2  Mounting adapter bore hole dimensions����������������������������������������������6
4.1.3 Installation on bybass pipes with a mounting adapter���������������������������6
4.2  Use as proximity sensor��������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
4.2.1  Installation and installation remarks�����������������������������������������������������7
4.2.2  Minimum distances�������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
4.2.3  Sensor bore hole dimensions���������������������������������������������������������������8
4.3  Notes on laying of the connection cable��������������������������������������������������������8
5  Electrical connection��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
5.1 Wiring������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
5.2  Unit versions with auto-detect�����������������������������������������������������������������������9
6  Operating and display elements������������������������������������������������������������������������10
7 Settings��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
7.1  Basic teach empty state������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
7.2  Adjustment teach full state��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
7.3  Modified basic teach empty state���������������������������������������������������������������� 11
7.4  Locking / unlocking��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
7.5 IO-Link���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
7.5.1  General information����������������������������������������������������������������������������13
7.5.2  Device-specific information�����������������������������������������������������������������13
7.5.3  Parameter setting tools�����������������������������������������������������������������������13
8 Operation�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
9  Maintenance, repair, disposal����������������������������������������������������������������������������14
10 Terms���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14

1  Preliminary note
1.1  Symbols used
• Operating elements are indicated as follows:
Example: [OUT OFF] = Button “OUT OFF“.
• An instruction is indicated by “►“.
Example: ► Mount the unit as shown.
• A reaction to the action is indicated by “>“.
Example: > Yellow LED on.
Important note
Non-compliance can result in malfunctions or interference.
Supplementary note.

2  Safety instructions
• Please read the product description prior to set-up of the unit. Ensure that the
product is suitable for your application without any restrictions.
• The unit conforms to the relevant regulations and EC directives.
• Improper or non-intended use may lead to malfunctions of the unit or to
unwanted effects in your application.
• That is why installation, electrical connection, set-up, operation and
maintenance of the unit must only be carried out by qualified personnel
authorised by the machine operator.

3  Functions and features
• capacitive sensor used as level or proximity sensor
• detects without contact metals, almost all plastics, glass, ceramics, wood,
paper, oils, greases, water and all hydrous materials and indicates their
presence by providing a switched signal
• automatic adjustment to the medium to be detected by means of programming
• in level applications the sensor detects the medium through the tank wall (only
suitable for non-metallic tanks)
3.1  Application examples

4  Installation
4.1  Use as a level sensor
4.1.1  Installation on tanks with a mounting adapter


The mounting adapter is to be ordered separately (order no. E12153 pack quantity
1 piece or E12154 pack quantity 10 pieces).
Figure A
►► Place the sensor with the lower part (1) into the mouting adapter. The sleeves
of the mounting adapter must engage with the lower cutouts of the sensor.
►► First slightly press the lower part of the sensor.
►► The sensor must be fully inserted into the mounting adapter (2).
>> You can hear the sensor snap in.
Figure B
►► Fix the sensor with the enclosed screws (3) to the adapter.
Figure C
►► Fix the mounting adapter including the inserted sensor to the tank at the
requested height using suitable screws (7).
The sensor can be inserted in the mounting adapter E12153 in both direc-
Do not place the mounting adapter including inserted sensor in the
immediate vicinity of metallic objects.

4.1.2  Mounting adapter bore hole dimensions

Do not place the mounting adapter including inserted sensor in the

immediate vicinity of metallic objects.
4.1.3 Installation on bybass pipes with a mounting adapter

The mounting adapter is to be ordered separately (order no. E12153 pack quantity
1 piece).
►► Fix the sensor to the bypass at the requested height with common cable ties.
►► Insert the cable ties through the existing openings of the mounting adapter and
tighten them firmly.

4.2  Use as proximity sensor
4.2.1  Installation and installation remarks
without mounting adapter with mounting adapter

1 1

3 3

2 2

1: sensing face Sn: nominal sensing range (see data sheet)

2: programming buttons A: distance = 8 mm
3: plastic plate B: width of the mounting adapter = 36 mm

►► Align the sensing face (1) to the object. Make sure that the programming but-
tons (2) remain accessible.
►► Adhere to the indicated minimum distances to metallic objects opposite and
beside the sensor (free space).
►► Non-metallic objects (e.g. plastic fixtures) are allowed within the lateral free
►► Fix the sensor with appropriate fixing screws to the designated location.
►► If the sensor is installed behind a plastic plate (3), the object will be detected
through the wall. Depending on the material used and the wall thickness the
sensor characteristics might change slightly. Do not use conductive plastics! If
possible, use thin walls.

4.2.2  Minimum distances
Installation of several sensors of the same type

Sn: nominal sensing range (see data sheet)

A: sensor distance 50 mm

4.2.3  Sensor bore hole dimensions



4.3  Notes on laying of the connection cable

►► Lay the cable as straight as possible and do not coil it.
►► If necessary, cut the cable to the required length.

5  Electrical connection
The unit must be connected by a qualified electrician.
The national and international regulations for the installation of electrical
equipment must be adhered to.
►► Disconnect power
►► Connect the unit

5.1  Wiring
p-switching (type ...FPKG... or ...FPOG...)

n-switching (type ...FNKG... or ...FNOG...)


BN = brown, BK = black, BU = blue

BN = OUT / IO-Link 4: OUT / IO-Link

5.2  Unit versions with auto-detect

On power up, unit types with auto-detect (types ...FAKG or ...FAOG...) detect
automatically if the output is connected to L- (p switching) or to L+ (n switching).
►► Disconnect the unit to acknowledge a change of the load connection.
Automatic load detection is only ensured when a resistor is switched in
series to a closed mechanical contact.

load detection is possible load detection impossible




6  Operating and display elements

1: sensing face
1 2 3 2: programming buttons
3: LED

7  Settings
7.1  Basic teach empty state
Using the basic teach empty state the unit suppresses the installation environ-
ment. The basic teach empty state resets the unit, an adjustment teach already
carried out is deleted.
►► Empty the tank until the level is at least 20 mm
below the sensor. 

Set the unit as normally open (output closes when the

tank is full):
►► Press [OUT OFF] for min. 2 s (max. 6 s).
>> While pressing the pushbutton the LED flashes
slowly. After releasing the pushbutton, the LED
goes out. 2-6s

Set the unit as normally closed (output opens when

the tank is full):
►► Press [OUT ON] for min. 2 s (max. 6 s).
>> While pressing the pushbutton the LED flashes
slowly. After releasing the pushbutton, the LED
lights continuously. 2-6s

The unit is now ready for operation. For the detection of media with a low dielectric
constant (e.g. plastic granulates or oils) no further setting is required.

7.2  Adjustment teach full state
Necessary for aqueous media. The sensitivity of the unit is optimised. Later on,
the adjustment teach full state can be repeated at any time, an adjustment teach
empty state already carried out is not affected.
A basic teach empty state must be carried out prior to the adjustment teach full
state (→ 7.1 Basic teach empty state)! If it is not possible to empty the tank, a
basic teach empty state can be carried out by simulating the empty state (e.g.
adjustment when not installed, adjustment at a higher position). For optimum
function it is necessary to carry out the “modified basic teach empty state“ → UK
7.3 Modified basic teach empty state) when the tank is emptied the next time.

►► Fill the tank until the sensing face of the unit is

>> For NO the LED lights, for NC it goes out.

Set the unit as normally open (output closes when the

tank is full):
►► Press [OUT ON] for min. 6 s.
>> While pressing the pushbutton the LED first flashes
slowly, after 6 s more quickly. After releasing the
pushbutton, the LED lights continuously. >6s

Set the unit as normally closed (output opens when

the tank is full):
►► Press [OUT OFF] for min. 6 s.
>> While pressing the pushbutton the LED first flashes
slowly, after 6 s more quickly. After releasing the
pushbutton, the LED goes out. >6s

7.3  Modified basic teach empty state

Recommended for deposits in the tank. Deposits are largely suppressed. This is
also recommended if it has not been possible to carry out a basic teach empty
state (e.g. if the sensor is set up on a full tank; details: → 7.2 Adjustment teach full
Later on, the modified basic teach empty state can be repeated at any time, an
adjustment teach full state already carried out is not affected.
►► Empty the tank until the level is below the sensing
face of the unit.
>> For NO the LED goes out, for NC the LED lights.

Set the unit as normally open (output closes when the

tank is full):
►► Press [OUT OFF] for min. 6 s.
>> While pressing the pushbutton the LED first flashes
slowly, after 6 s more quickly. After releasing the
pushbutton, the LED goes out. >6s

Set the unit as normally closed (output opens when

the tank is full):
►► Press [OUT ON] for min. 6 s.
>> While pressing the pushbutton the LED first flashes
slowly, after 6 s more quickly. After releasing the
pushbutton, the LED lights continuously. >6s

7.4  Locking / unlocking

The unit can be electronically locked to protect it against unintentional setting.
►► To lock press [OUT ON] and [OUT OFF] simulta-
neously for 10 s.
>> Acknowledgement: LED state (yellow) changes for
a short time (the lit LED goes out briefly or the LED
which is not lit lights briefly).
►► To unlock repeat this step. 10 s

If the unit does not react, it may be locked.

7.5  IO-Link
7.5.1  General information
This unit has an IO-Link communication interface which requires an IO-Link-
capable module (IO-Link master) for operation.
The IO-Link interface enables direct access to the sensor values and parameters
and provides the possibility to set the parameters of the unit during operation.
In addition communication is possible via a point-to-point connection with a USB
adapter cable.
You will find more detailed information about IO-Link at UK
7.5.2  Device-specific information
You will find the IODDs necessary for the configuration of the IO-Link unit and
detailed information about sensor values, diagnostic information and parameters
in the overview table at
7.5.3  Parameter setting tools
You will find all necessary information about the required IO-Link hardware and
software (e.g. ifm LINERECORDER SENSOR ZGS210) at

8  Operation
Check whether the unit operates correctly. Bring about a sensor response by
taking suitable measures.
Display by LEDs (indepedent of the programmed output function):
LED yellow OFF: switching output disabled
LED yellow ON: switching output enabled

9  Maintenance, repair, disposal
The operation of the unit is maintenance-free. To ensure a correct function:
• Keep the sensing face and a clear space, if any, free from deposits and foreign
When replacing the sensor ensure that installation is done in the same way and a
sensor with the same settings is used.
It is not possible to repair the unit.
After use dispose of the unit in an environmentally friendly way in accordance with
the applicable national regulations.

10  Terms
Active zone
Area above the sensing face in which the sensor reacts to the approach of the
Output function
Normally open: object within the active zone - output switched.
Normally closed: object within the active zone - output blocked.
Programmable: Choice between normally closed or normally open.
Positive switching: positive output signal (to L-).
Negative switching: negative output signal (to L+).
Power-on delay time
The time the sensor needs to be ready for operation after application of the
operating voltage (in the millisecond range).
Difference between the switch-on and the switch-off point.
Leakage current
Current for the internal supply of 2-wire units, also flows through the load when
the output is blocked.
Current consumption
Current for the internal supply of 3-wire DC units.

Switch point drift
Shifting of the switch point owing to changes of the operating conditions (e.g.
temperature, pressure, air humidity).
Short-circuit protection
ifm sensors which are protected against excessive current by means of a pulsed
short-circuit protection. The inrush current of incandescent lamps, electronic
relays and low resistance loads may cause this protection to cut in and turn the
sensor off!
Operating voltage UK
The voltage range in which the sensor functions safely. A stabilised and
smoothed direct voltage should be used! Take into account residual ripple!

Technical data and further information at

ADOGF040VAS0005E04 Sistemas de conexión

Características del producto

Conector hembra
Para sensores con
conector M8
Libre de siliconas
contactos dorados
Para zonas asépticas y húmedas en la industria alimentaria
Datos eléctricos
Alimentación AC/DC
Tensión de alimentación [V] 50 AC / 60 DC
Corriente de salida [A] 3
Clase de protección III
Condiciones ambientales
Temperatura ambiente [°C] -25...80, cULus: máx. 50 °C
Temperatura ambiente (movible) [°C] 5...80, cULus: máx. 50 °C
Grado de protección IP 65 / IP 67 / IP 68 / IP 69K
Datos mecánicos
Versión recto
Material del cuerpo Carcasa: PVC naranja; junta de estanqueidad: EPDM
Material de la tuerca de unión inox (1.4404 / 316L)
Par de apriete para la tuerca [Nm] 0,3...0,5
Peso [kg] 0,186
Conexión eléctrica
Conexionado cable PVC / 5 m;
4 x 0,34 mm² (42 x Ø 0,1 mm); Ø 4,9 mm
Color del revestimiento naranja
Colores de los
BK negro
BN marrón
BU azul
WH blanco

Cantidad por pack [Pieza] 1
ifm electronic gmbh • Friedrichstraße 1 • 45128 Essen — Nos reservamos el derecho de modificar características técnicas sin previo aviso. — ES — EVT135 — 08.08.2011

Made in Germany
Características del producto
Adaptador de montaje
Fijación de los tipos KQ5 y KQ6 a tubos y tuberías
Condiciones ambientales
Temperatura ambiente [°C] -25...80
Datos mecánicos
Versión Montaje de los KQ5 / KQ6 en tubos y tuberías mediante bridas sujetacables
Materiales de la carcasa Adaptador de montaje: PA 12 negro
Peso [kg] 0,006
Diámetro del tubo [mm] 8...250
Cantidad por pack [Pieza] 1
ifm electronic gmbh • Friedrichstraße 1 • 45128 Essen — Nos reservamos el derecho de modificar características técnicas sin previo aviso. — ES — E12163 — 22.06.2010
housings Plus 2P SX
for cartridges with standard flat seals

Filtration and treatment of water with neutral pH and drinking water.
Domestic use: filtration and treatment of drinking water, protection
of taps, boilers, washing machines, and other installations.
Technical use: pre-filtration, micro-filtration; protection of pumps,
heating systems, softeners, demineralising and chlorine-removing
appliances, reverse osmosis units.

Max working pressure _______________ 8 BAR
Max working temperature _____________ 45°C

Non-toxic materials, suitable for drinking water.
Head: reinforced polypropylene.
Transparent bowl: SAN.
O-ring: ETP.
Breather-valve: body polypropylene, O-ring ETP.
Cadet Junior Senior IN/OUT threads: CW 614 N brass inserts.

Cartridge housings with transparent bowl AS IN/OUT mm

height IN/OUT female threads with FO brass inserts threads A B

4” Cadet Plus 2P MFO SX AS 1/2” 169 133

4” Cadet Plus 2P AFO SX AS 3/4” 169 133
4” Cadet Plus 2P BFO SX AS 1” 175 145

7” Junior Plus 2P MFO SX AS 1/2” 241 133

7” Junior Plus 2P AFO SX AS 3/4” 241 133
7” Junior Plus 2P BFO SX AS 1” 247 145

10” Senior Plus 2P MFO SX AS 1/2” 315 133

10” Senior Plus 2P AFO SX AS 3/4” 315 133
10” Senior Plus 2P BFO SX AS 1” 321 145

VARIANTS available on minimum quantity

FP female plastic IN/OUT AB housings with opaque

threads, BSP type 3/4” e 1”. bowl, impermeable to the


-U- Spanner -S- wall bracket wall bracket 3/4” and 1”brass 4”, 7”, 10”
screws nipples with O-ring diffuser tubes
RL SX p o l y e s t e r f i l t e r i n g n e t - 5 0 m i c ro n
washable cartridge
Filtration of: sand, scales, rust.
Domestic use: filtration of drinking water, protection of taps,
boilers, washing machines and other installations.
Technical use: pre-filtration for water-pumps, irrigation systems,
protection of industrial installations.
Average life-span: about 24 months.
Maintenance: wash every 3 months.

Max working temperature _________ 45°C

Non-toxic materials, suitable for drinking water.
Filtering medium: polyester net.
Armouring: polypropylene.
End caps: polypropylene.
Flat seals: PVC.

5”M 4” 5” 7” 20” 10”

suitable cartridge cartridge mm recommended

housing model height A B C flow rate l/h

Mignon RL Mignon SX 50 mcr 5”M 122 50 20 500

Cadet RL 4 SX 50 mcr 4” 106 70 30 650
Medium RL 5 SX 50 mcr 5” 125 70 30 800
Junior RL 7 SX 50 mcr 7” 173 70 30 1100
Senior RL 10 SX 50 mcr 10” 250 70 30 1600
Master RL 20 SX 50 mcr 20” 505 70 30 3000

VARIANTS available on minimum quantity

Cartridges with different

filtration rates.

Product Information

DOW FILMTEC™ Membranes

DOW FILMTEC Fiberglassed Elements for Light Industrial Systems

Features DOW FILMTEC™ brackish water reverse osmosis membrane elements provide consistent,
outstanding system performance in light industrial applications.

 DOW FILMTEC LE-4040 delivers highest performance at lowest pressure resulting in

less energy usage and lower costs.
 DOW FILMTEC BW30-4040 is the industry standard for reliable operation and
production of the highest quality water.
 DOW FILMTEC BW30-2540 elements are designed for systems smaller than 1 gpm (0.2
m3/h) offering a hard shell exterior for extra strength.

Elements with a hard shell exterior are recommended for systems with multiple-element
housings containing three or more membranes, as they are designed to withstand higher
pressure drops.

Product Specifications
Feed Spacer Permeate Flow Rate Stabilized Salt
Product Part Number Thickness (mil) gpd (m3/d) Rejection (%)
LE-4040 275173 34 2,500 (9.5) 99.0
BW30-4040 80783 34 2,400 (9.1) 99.5
BW30-2540 80766 28 850 (3.2) 99.5
1. Permeate flow and salt rejection based on the following test conditions: 2,000 ppm NaCl, applied pressure: 150 psig (10.3 bar) for LE-4040 and 225 psig (15.5 bar) for
BW30-4040 and BW30-2540, 77F (25C) and 15% recovery.
2. Permeate flows for individual elements may vary +/-20%.
3. For the purpose of improvement, specifications may be updated periodically.
4. LE-4040 replaces BW30LE-4040.

Figure 1

Dimensions – Inches (mm)

Product A B C D
LE-4040 40.0 (1,016) 1.05 (26.7) 0.75 (19) 3.9 (99)
BW30-4040 40.0 (1,016) 1.05 (26.7) 0.75 (19) 3.9 (99)
BW30-2540 40.0 (1,016) 1.19 (30.2) 0.75 (19) 2.4 (61)
1. Refer to DOW FILMTEC Design Guidelines for multiple-element systems. 1 inch = 25.4 mm
2. BW30-2540 elements fit nominal 2.5-inch I.D. pressure vessel. BW30LE-4040 and BW30-4040 elements fit nominal 4-inch I.D. pressure vessel.

Page 1 of 2 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-00350-0911
Operating Limits  Membrane Type Polyamide Thin-Film Composite
 Maximum Operating Temperaturea 113F (45C)
 Maximum Operating Pressure 600 psi (41 bar)
 Maximum Feed Flow Rate - 4040 elements 16 gpm (3.6 m3/h)
- 2540 elements 6 gpm (1.4 m3/h)
 Maximum Pressure Drop 15 psig (1.0 bar)
 pH Range, Continuous Operationa 2 - 11
 pH Range, Short-Term Cleaningb 1 - 13
 Maximum Feed Silt Density Index SDI 5
 Free Chlorine Tolerancec <0.1 ppm
a Maximum temperature for continuous operation above pH 10 is 95F (35C).
b Refer to Cleaning Guidelines in specification sheet 609-23010.
c Under certain conditions, the presence of free chlorine and other oxidizing agents will cause premature membrane failure. Since oxidation
damage is not covered under warranty, DOW FILMTEC recommends removing residual free chlorine by pretreatment prior to membrane
exposure. Please refer to technical bulletin 609-22010 for more information.

Important Proper start-up of reverse osmosis water treatment systems is essential to prepare the membranes
Information for operating service and to prevent membrane damage due to overfeeding or hydraulic shock.
Following the proper start-up sequence also helps ensure that system operating parameters conform
to design specifications so that system water quality and productivity goals can be achieved.

Before initiating system start-up procedures, membrane pretreatment, loading of the membrane
elements, instrument calibration and other system checks should be completed.

Please refer to the application information literature entitled “Start-Up Sequence” (Form No. 609-
02077) for more information.

Operation Avoid any abrupt pressure or cross-flow variations on the spiral elements during start-up,
Guidelines shutdown, cleaning or other sequences to prevent possible membrane damage. During start-up, a
gradual change from a standstill to operating state is recommended as follows:
 Feed pressure should be increased gradually over a 30-60 second time frame.
 Cross-flow velocity at set operating point should be achieved gradually over 15-20 seconds.
 Permeate obtained from first hour of operation should be discarded.

General Information  Keep elements moist at all times after initial wetting.
 If operating limits and guidelines given in this bulletin are not strictly followed, the limited
warranty will be null and void.
 To prevent biological growth during prolonged system shutdowns, it is recommended that
membrane elements be immersed in a preservative solution.
 The customer is fully responsible for the effects of incompatible chemicals and lubricants on
 Maximum pressure drop across an entire pressure vessel (housing) is 50 psi (3.4 bar).
 Avoid static permeate-side backpressure at all times.

Regulatory Note These membranes may be subject to drinking water application restrictions in some countries:
please check the application status before use and sale.

DOW FILMTEC™ Membranes Notice: The use of this product in and of itself does not necessarily guarantee the removal of cysts and pathogens from water.
For more information about DOW Effective cyst and pathogen reduction is dependent on the complete system design and on the operation and maintenance of
FILMTEC membranes, call the Dow the system.
Water & Process Solutions business:
North America: 1-800-447-4369 Notice: No freedom from any patent owned by Dow or others is to be inferred. Because use conditions and applicable laws
Latin America: (+55) 11-5188-9222 may differ from one location to another and may change with time, Customer is responsible for determining whether products
Europe: (+32) 3-450-2240 and the information in this document are appropriate for Customer's use and for ensuring that Customer's workplace and
Pacific: +60 3 7958 3392 disposal practices are in compliance with applicable laws and other government enactments. Dow assumes no obligation or
Japan: +813 5460 2100 liability for the information in this document. NO WARRANTIES ARE GIVEN; ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF

Page 2 of 2 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-00350-0911
Water Solutions

FILMTEC™ Reverse Osmosis Membranes

Technical Manual
Table of Contents
1. Basics of Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration..............................................................................................7
1.1 Historical Background....................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Desalination Technologies and Filtration Processes .....................................................................................7
1.3 Principle of Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration ........................................................................................10
1.4 Membrane Description ................................................................................................................................13
1.5 Membrane Performance..............................................................................................................................14
1.6 FILMTEC™ Membrane Safe for Use in Food Processing...........................................................................15
1.7 Element Construction ..................................................................................................................................16
1.8 Element Characteristics...............................................................................................................................17
2. Water Chemistry and Pretreatment .............................................................................................................19
2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................19
2.2 Feedwater Type and Analysis .....................................................................................................................20
2.3 Scale Control...............................................................................................................................................24
2.3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................24
2.3.2 Acid Addition ...........................................................................................................................................25
2.3.3 Scale Inhibitor Addition ...........................................................................................................................26
2.3.4 Softening with a Strong Acid Cation Exchange Resin.............................................................................26
2.3.5 Dealkalization with a Weak Acid Cation Exchange Resin .......................................................................26
2.3.6 Lime Softening ........................................................................................................................................27
2.3.7 Preventive Cleaning ................................................................................................................................28
2.3.8 Adjustment of Operating Variables..........................................................................................................28
2.4 Scaling Calculations ....................................................................................................................................28
2.4.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................28
2.4.2 Calcium Carbonate Scale Prevention .....................................................................................................30 Brackish Water....................................................................................................................................30 Seawater.............................................................................................................................................34
2.4.3 Calcium Sulfate Scale Prevention ...........................................................................................................38
2.4.4 Barium Sulfate Scale Prevention /8/........................................................................................................40
2.4.5 Strontium Sulfate Scale Prevention.........................................................................................................40
2.4.6 Calcium Fluoride Scale Prevention .........................................................................................................41
2.4.7 Silica Scale Prevention ...........................................................................................................................45
2.4.8 Calcium Phosphate Scale Prevention .....................................................................................................49
2.5 Colloidal and Particulate Fouling Prevention...............................................................................................50
2.5.1 Assessment of the Colloidal Fouling Potential ........................................................................................50
2.5.2 Media Filtration........................................................................................................................................52
2.5.3 Oxidation–Filtration .................................................................................................................................53
2.5.4 In-Line Filtration ......................................................................................................................................53
2.5.5 Coagulation-Flocculation.........................................................................................................................54
2.5.6 Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration......................................................................................................................54
2.5.7 Cartridge Microfiltration ...........................................................................................................................54
2.5.8 Other Methods ........................................................................................................................................55
2.5.9 Design and Operational Considerations..................................................................................................55

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2.6 Biological Fouling Prevention ......................................................................................................................56
2.6.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................56
2.6.2 Assessment of the Biological Fouling Potential.......................................................................................56 Culture Techniques.............................................................................................................................57 Total Bacteria Count ...........................................................................................................................57 Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) ....................................................................................................57 Biofilm Formation Rate (BFR).............................................................................................................58
2.6.3 Chlorination / Dechlorination ...................................................................................................................58
2.6.4 Sodium Bisulfite ......................................................................................................................................60
2.6.5 DBNPA....................................................................................................................................................61
2.6.6 Combined Chlorine .................................................................................................................................61
2.6.7 Other Sanitization Agents .......................................................................................................................62
2.6.8 Biofiltration ..............................................................................................................................................62
2.6.9 Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration......................................................................................................................62
2.6.10 Ultraviolet Irradiation ...........................................................................................................................62
2.6.11 Use of Fouling Resistant Membranes.................................................................................................63
2.7 Prevention of Fouling by Organics ..............................................................................................................63
2.8 Prevention of Membrane Degradation.........................................................................................................63
2.9 Prevention of Iron and Manganese Fouling.................................................................................................63
2.10 Prevention of Aluminum Fouling .............................................................................................................64
2.11 Treatment of Feedwater Containing Hydrogen Sulfide ...........................................................................65
2.12 Guidelines for Feedwater Quality ............................................................................................................66
2.13 Summary of Pretreatment Options..........................................................................................................67
3. System Design ............................................................................................................................................70
3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................70
3.2 Batch vs. Continuous Process.....................................................................................................................73
3.3 Single-Module System.................................................................................................................................74
3.4 Single-Stage System ...................................................................................................................................75
3.5 Multi-Stage System .....................................................................................................................................75
3.6 Plug Flow vs. Concentrate Recirculation.....................................................................................................76
3.7 Permeate Staged System............................................................................................................................78
3.8 Special Design Possibilities.........................................................................................................................79
3.9 Membrane System Design Guidelines ........................................................................................................80
3.9.1 Membrane System Design Guidelines for 8-inch FILMTEC™ Elements ................................................81
3.9.2 Membrane System Design Guidelines for Midsize FILMTEC™ Elements..............................................82
3.10 The Steps to Design a Membrane System..............................................................................................83
3.11 System Performance Projection..............................................................................................................87
3.11.1 System Operating Characteristics ......................................................................................................87
3.11.2 Design Equations and Parameters .....................................................................................................89
3.11.3 Comparing Actual Performance of FILMTEC™ Elements to ROSA Projection ..................................93
3.12 Testing ....................................................................................................................................................93
3.12.1 Screening Test....................................................................................................................................93
3.12.2 Application Test ..................................................................................................................................93
3.12.3 Pilot Tests ...........................................................................................................................................94
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3.13 System Components...............................................................................................................................94
3.13.1 High Pressure Pump...........................................................................................................................94
3.13.2 Pressure Vessels ................................................................................................................................95
3.13.3 Shutdown Switches.............................................................................................................................95
3.13.4 Valves .................................................................................................................................................96
3.13.5 Control Instruments.............................................................................................................................96
3.13.6 Tanks ..................................................................................................................................................96
3.14 Materials of Construction, Corrosion Control ..........................................................................................98
3.15 System Design Considerations to Control Microbiological Activity..........................................................99
3.16 System Design Suggestions for Troubleshooting Success .....................................................................99
4. Loading of Pressure Vessels.....................................................................................................................101
4.1 Preparation................................................................................................................................................101
4.2 Element Loading........................................................................................................................................101
4.3 Shimming Elements...................................................................................................................................102
4.4 Element Removal ......................................................................................................................................103
4.5 Interconnector Technology for 8-inch Diameter FILMTEC™ Elements.....................................................103
4.5.1 New Interconnector Advantages ...........................................................................................................103
4.5.2 Summary of Large Element Interconnectors.........................................................................................105
4.6 Installing an Element Spacer.....................................................................................................................105
5. System Operation......................................................................................................................................107
5.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................107
5.2 Initial Start-Up............................................................................................................................................107
5.2.1 Equipment .............................................................................................................................................107
5.2.2 Pre-Start-Up Check and Commissioning Audit .....................................................................................108
5.2.3 Start-Up Sequence................................................................................................................................109
5.2.4 Membrane Start-Up Performance and Stabilization..............................................................................111
5.2.5 Special Systems: Double Pass RO .......................................................................................................111
5.2.6 Special Systems: Heat Sanitizable RO .................................................................................................111
5.3 Operation Start-Up ....................................................................................................................................111
5.4 RO and NF Systems Shutdown.................................................................................................................111
5.5 Adjustment of Operation Parameters ........................................................................................................112
5.5.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................112
5.5.2 Brackish Water......................................................................................................................................112
5.5.3 Seawater ...............................................................................................................................................113
5.6 Record Keeping.........................................................................................................................................113
5.6.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................113
5.6.2 Start-Up Report .....................................................................................................................................113
5.6.3 RO Operating Data ...............................................................................................................................114
5.6.4 Pretreatment Operating Data ................................................................................................................116
5.6.5 Maintenance Log...................................................................................................................................116
5.6.6 Plant Performance Normalization..........................................................................................................116
6. Cleaning and Sanitization..........................................................................................................................120
6.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................120
6.2 Safety Precautions ....................................................................................................................................120
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6.3 Cleaning Requirements .............................................................................................................................121
6.4 Cleaning Equipment ..................................................................................................................................121
6.5 Cleaning Procedure...................................................................................................................................123
6.6 Cleaning Tips ............................................................................................................................................124
6.7 Effect of pH on Foulant Removal...............................................................................................................125
6.8 Cleaning Chemicals...................................................................................................................................126
6.9 Cleaning Procedure for Specific Situations ...............................................................................................126
6.9.1 General Considerations ........................................................................................................................126
6.9.2 Sulfate Scale .........................................................................................................................................126
6.9.3 Carbonate Scale ...................................................................................................................................127
6.9.4 Iron Fouling ...........................................................................................................................................128
6.9.5 Organic Fouling.....................................................................................................................................128
6.9.6 Biofouling ..............................................................................................................................................129
6.9.7 Emergency Cleaning.............................................................................................................................130
6.10 Sanitizing RO/NF Membrane Systems..................................................................................................130
6.10.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................130
6.10.2 Hydrogen Peroxide and Peracetic Acid ............................................................................................130
6.10.3 Chlorinated and Other Biocidal Products..........................................................................................131
6.10.4 Heat Sanitization...................................................................................................................................131
7. Handling, Preservation and Storage..........................................................................................................133
7.1 General......................................................................................................................................................133
7.2 Storage and Shipping of New FILMTEC™ Elements ................................................................................133
7.3 Used FILMTEC™ Elements ......................................................................................................................133
7.3.1 Preservation and Storage .....................................................................................................................133
7.3.2 Re-wetting of Dried Out Elements.........................................................................................................134
7.3.3 Shipping ................................................................................................................................................134
7.3.4 Disposal ................................................................................................................................................134
7.4 Preservation of RO and NF Systems ........................................................................................................135
8. Troubleshooting.........................................................................................................................................136
8.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................136
8.2 Evaluation of System Performance and Operation....................................................................................136
8.3 System Tests.............................................................................................................................................138
8.3.1 Visual Inspection ...................................................................................................................................138
8.3.2 Type of Foulant and Most Effective Cleaning........................................................................................138
8.3.3 Localization of High Solute Passage.....................................................................................................139 Profiling.............................................................................................................................................139 Probing .............................................................................................................................................139
8.4 Membrane Element Evaluation .................................................................................................................141
8.4.1 Sample Selection ..................................................................................................................................141
8.4.2 DIRECTORSM Services .........................................................................................................................141
8.4.3 Visual Inspection and Weighing ............................................................................................................142
8.4.4 Vacuum Decay Test..............................................................................................................................142
8.4.5 Performance Test..................................................................................................................................143
8.4.6 Cleaning Evaluation ..............................................................................................................................143
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8.4.7 Autopsy .................................................................................................................................................143
8.4.8 Membrane Analysis...............................................................................................................................144
8.5 Symptoms of Trouble, Causes and Corrective Measures .........................................................................144
8.5.1 Low Flow ...............................................................................................................................................144 Low Flow and Normal Solute Passage .............................................................................................145 Low Flow and High Solute Passage .................................................................................................146 Low Flow and Low Solute Passage ..................................................................................................148
8.5.2 High Solute Passage.............................................................................................................................149 High Solute Passage and Normal Permeate Flow............................................................................149 High Solute Passage and High Permeate Flow ................................................................................150
8.5.3 High Pressure Drop...............................................................................................................................151
8.5.4 Troubleshooting Grid.............................................................................................................................153
9. Addendum .................................................................................................................................................154
9.1 Terminology...............................................................................................................................................154
9.2 Specific Conductance of Sodium Chloride (Table 9.1) ..............................................................................163
9.3 Conductivity of Ions ...................................................................................................................................164
9.4 Conductivity of Solutions ...........................................................................................................................164
9.5 Conversion of Concentration Units of Ionic Species..................................................................................166
9.6 Temperature Correction Factor .................................................................................................................167
9.7 Conversion of U.S. Units into Metric Units.................................................................................................168
9.8 Ionization of Carbon Dioxide Solutions......................................................................................................168
9.9 Osmotic Pressure of Sodium Chloride ......................................................................................................169
9.10 Osmotic Pressure of Solutions..............................................................................................................169
9.11 Testing Chemical Compatibilities with FILMTEC™ Membranes† ..........................................................170
9.12 Key Word Index.....................................................................................................................................177

Page 6 of 180 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-00071
1. Basics of Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration

1.1 Historical Background

Since the development of reverse osmosis (RO) and ultrafiltration (UF) as practical unit operations in the late 1950’s and
early 1960’s, the scope for their application has been continually expanding. Initially, reverse osmosis was applied to the
desalination of seawater and brackish water. Increased demands on the industry to conserve water, reduce energy
consumption, control pollution and reclaim useful materials from waste streams have made new applications economically
attractive. In addition, advances in the fields of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, coupled with advances in membrane
development, are making membranes an important separation step, which, compared to distillation, offers energy savings
and does not lead to thermal degradation of the products.

Basic membrane research is the foundation of FilmTec Corporation and the creation of the FILMTEC™ FT30 membrane in

Since then, new products have been developed and existing products have undergone improvements in their ability to
improve permeate quality and lower the total cost of water.

In general, RO membranes now offer the possibility of higher rejection of salts at significantly reduced operating pressures,
and therefore, reduced costs. Nanofiltration membrane technology provides the capability of some selectivity in the rejection
of certain salts and compounds at relatively low operating pressures.

FilmTec Corporation was founded in Minneapolis USA in 1977. After important and dramatically evolving product changes
and company development between 1981 and 1984, the FilmTec Corporation became a wholly owned subsidiary of The
Dow Chemical Company in August 1985.

To assure a continuous, consistent, high quality supply of FILMTEC products to the rapidly growing reverse osmosis and
nanofiltration markets, Dow has committed significant capital and other resources to upgrade and expand its manufacturing
capabilities at FilmTec. The adoption of ISO quality assurance programs coupled with investment in advanced
manufacturing techniques and equipment, ensure the highest levels of product performance and consistency.

Through the combination of selling only to approved water treatment companies and Dow’s sales network sustained by
Technical Service Centers, Dow assures the technical success of its FILMTEC products and the commercial and technical
success of its customers.

1.2 Desalination Technologies and Filtration Processes

FILMTEC™ reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membrane technologies are widely recognized to offer the most
effective and economical process options currently available. From small scale systems, through to very large scale
desalination, RO and NF can handle most naturally occurring sources of brackish and seawaters. Permeate waters
produced satisfy most currently applicable standards for the quality of drinking waters.

RO and NF can reduce regeneration costs and waste when used independently, in combination or with other processes,
such as ion exchange. They can also produce very high quality water, or, when paired with thermal distillation processes,
can improve asset utilization in power generation and water production against demand.

Figure 1.1 gives an approximate representation of the salinity range to which the main desalination processes can be
generally applied economically.

The most typical operating range of the four major desalination processes is shown in Figure 1.1. Also shown is typical
operating ranges for several generic FILMTEC membrane types.
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Figure 1.1 Major desalination processes

Sea Water RO
8,000 50,000

Brackish Water RO Membranes

50 12,000

Low Energy BW RO Membranes

50 2,000
Reverse Osmosis
50 50,000
300 10,000
Ion Exchange

10 Raw Water Salt Concentration (mg/l) 100,000

The various filtration technologies which currently exist can be categorized on the basis of the size of particles removed from
a feed stream. Conventional macrofiltration of suspended solids is accomplished by passing a feed solution through the filter
media in a perpendicular direction. The entire solution passes through the media, creating only one exit stream. Examples of
such filtration devices include cartridge filters, bag filters, sand filters, and multimedia filters. Macrofiltration separation
capabilities are generally limited to undissolved particles greater than 1 micron.

For the removal of small particles and dissolved salts, crossflow membrane filtration is used. Crossflow membrane filtration
(see Figure 1.2) uses a pressurized feed stream which flows parallel to the membrane surface. A portion of this stream
passes through the membrane, leaving behind the rejected particles in the concentrated remainder of the stream. Since
there is a continuous flow across the membrane surface, the rejected particles do not accumulate but instead are swept
away by the concentrate stream. Thus, one feed stream is separated into two exit streams: the solution passing through the
membrane surface (permeate) and the remaining concentrate stream.

Figure 1.2 Crossflow membrane filtration

There are four general categories of crossflow membrane filtration: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse

Microfiltration (MF)
Microfiltration removes particles in the range of approximately 0.1 to 1 micron. In general, suspended particles and large
colloids are rejected while macromolecules and dissolved solids pass through the MF membrane. Applications include
removal of bacteria, flocculated materials, or TSS (total suspended solids). Transmembrane pressures are typically 10 psi
(0.7 bar).

Ultrafiltration (UF)
Ultrafiltration provides macro-molecular separation for particles in the 20 to 1,000 Angstrom range (up to 0.1 micron). All
dissolved salts and smaller molecules pass through the membrane. Items rejected by the membrane include colloids,
proteins, microbiological contaminants, and large organic molecules. Most UF membranes have molecular weight cut-off
values between 1,000 and 100,000. Transmembrane pressures are typically 15 to 100 psi (1 to 7 bar).

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Nanofiltration (NF)
Nanofiltration refers to a speciality membrane process which rejects particles in the approximate size range of 1 nanometer
(10 Angstroms), hence the term “nanofiltration.” NF operates in the realm between UF and reverse osmosis. Organic
molecules with molecular weights greater than 200-400 are rejected. Also, dissolved salts are rejected in the range of 20-
98%. Salts which have monovalent anions (e.g. sodium chloride or calcium chloride) have rejections of 20-80%, whereas
salts with divalent anions (e.g. magnesium sulfate) have higher rejections of 90-98%. Typical applications include removal of
color and total organic carbon (TOC) from surface water, removal of hardness or radium from well water, overall reduction of
total dissolved solids (TDS), and the separation of organic from inorganic matter in specialty food and wastewater
applications. Transmembrane pressures are typically 50 to 225 psi (3.5 to 16 bar).

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Reverse osmosis is the finest level of filtration available. The RO membrane acts as a barrier to all dissolved salts and
inorganic molecules, as well as organic molecules with a molecular weight greater than approximately 100. Water molecules,
on the other hand, pass freely through the membrane creating a purified product stream. Rejection of dissolved salts is
typically 95% to greater than 99%.

The applications for RO are numerous and varied, and include desalination of seawater or brackish water for drinking
purposes, wastewater recovery, food and beverage processing, biomedical separations, purification of home drinking water
and industrial process water.

Also, RO is often used in the production of ultrapure water for use in the semiconductor industry, power industry (boiler feed
water), and medical/laboratory applications. Utilizing RO prior to ion exchange (IX) dramatically reduces operating costs and
regeneration frequency of the IX system. Transmembrane pressures for RO typically range from 75 psig (5 bar) for brackish
water to greater than 1,200 psig (84 bar) for seawater.

The normal range of filtration processes is shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3 Ranges of filtration processes

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1.3 Principle of Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration

How Reverse Osmosis Works

The phenomenon of osmosis occurs when pure water flows from a dilute saline solution through a membrane into a higher
concentrated saline solution.

The phenomenon of osmosis is illustrated in Figure 1.4. A semi-permeable membrane is placed between two compartments.
“Semi-permeable” means that the membrane is permeable to some species, and not permeable to others. Assume that this
membrane is permeable to water, but not to salt. Then, place a salt solution in one compartment and pure water in the other
compartment. The membrane will allow water to permeate through it to either side. But salt cannot pass through the

Figure 1.4 Overview of osmosis

Osmosis Reverse Osmosis

Water diffuses through a semi-permeable Applied pressure in excess of osmotic pressure
membrane toward region of higher reverses water flow direction. Hence the term
concentration to equalize solution strength. “reverse osmosis“.
Ultimate height difference between columns
is “osmotic” pressure.

As a fundamental rule of nature, this system will try to reach equilibrium. That is, it will try to reach the same concentration on
both sides of the membrane. The only possible way to reach equilibrium is for water to pass from the pure water
compartment to the salt-containing compartment, to dilute the salt solution.

Figure 1.4 also shows that osmosis can cause a rise in the height of the salt solution. This height will increase until the
pressure of the column of water (salt solution) is so high that the force of this water column stops the water flow. The
equilibrium point of this water column height in terms of water pressure against the membrane is called osmotic pressure.

If a force is applied to this column of water, the direction of water flow through the membrane can be reversed. This is the
basis of the term reverse osmosis. Note that this reversed flow produces a pure water from the salt solution, since the
membrane is not permeable to salt.

How Nanofiltration Works

The nanofiltration membrane is not a complete barrier to dissolved salts. Depending on the type of salt and the type of
membrane, the salt permeability may be low or high. If the salt permeability is low, the osmotic pressure difference between
the two compartments may become almost as high as in reverse osmosis. On the other hand, a high salt permeability of the
membrane would not allow the salt concentrations in the two compartments to remain very different. Therefore the osmotic
pressure plays a minor role if the salt permeability is high.

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How to Use Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration in Practice
In practice, reverse osmosis and nanofiltration are applied as a crossflow filtration process. The simplified process is shown
in Figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5 Reverse osmosis process

With a high pressure pump, feed water is continuously pumped at elevated pressure to the membrane system. Within the
membrane system, the feed water will be split into a low-saline and/or purified product, called permeate, and a high saline or
concentrated brine, called concentrate or reject. A flow regulating valve, called a concentrate valve, controls the percentage
of feedwater that is going to the concentrate stream and the permeate which will be obtained from the feed.

The key terms used in the reverse osmosis / nanofiltration process are defined as follows.

Recovery - the percentage of membrane system feedwater that emerges from the system as product water or “permeate”.
Membrane system design is based on expected feedwater quality and recovery is defined through initial adjustment of
valves on the concentrate stream. Recovery is often fixed at the highest level that maximizes permeate flow while preventing
precipitation of super-saturated salts within the membrane system.

Rejection - the percentage of solute concentration removed from system feedwater by the membrane. In reverse osmosis, a
high rejection of total dissolved solids (TDS) is important, while in nanofiltration the solutes of interest are specific, e.g. low
rejection for hardness and high rejection for organic matter.

Passage - the opposite of “rejection”, passage is the percentage of dissolved constituents (contaminants) in the feedwater
allowed to pass through the membrane.

Permeate - the purified product water produced by a membrane system.

Flow - Feed flow is the rate of feedwater introduced to the membrane element or membrane system, usually measured in
gallons per minute (gpm) or cubic meters per hour (m3/h). Concentrate flow is the rate of flow of non-permeated feedwater
that exits the membrane element or membrane system. This concentrate contains most of the dissolved constituents
originally carried into the element or into the system from the feed source. It is usually measured in gallons per minute (gpm)
or cubic meters per hour (m3/h).

Flux - the rate of permeate transported per unit of membrane area, usually measured in gallons per square foot per day
(gfd) or liters per square meter and hour (l/m2h).

Factors Affecting Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Performance

Permeate flux and salt rejection are the key performance parameters of a reverse osmosis or a nanofiltration process. Under
specific reference conditions, flux and rejection are intrinsic properties of membrane performance. The flux and rejection of a
membrane system are mainly influenced by variable parameters including:
• pressure
• temperature
• recovery
• feed water salt concentration

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The following graphs show the impact of each of those parameters when the other three parameters are kept constant. In
practice, there is normally an overlap of two or more effects. Figure 1.6, Figure 1.7, Figure 1.8 and Figure 1.9 are qualitative
examples of reverse osmosis performance. The functions can be understood with the Solution-Diffusion-Model, which is
explained in more detail in Section 3.11.2. In nanofiltration, the salt rejection is less depending on the operating conditions.

Not to be neglected are several main factors which cannot be seen directly in membrane performance. These are
maintenance and operation of the plant as well as proper pretreatment design. Consideration of these three ‘parameters’,
which have very strong impact on the performance of a reverse osmosis system, is a must for each OEM (original equipment
manufacturer) and end user of such a system.

With increasing effective feed pressure, the permeate TDS will decrease while the permeate flux will increase as shown in
Figure 1.6.

If the temperature increases and all other parameters are kept constant, the permeate flux and the salt passage will increase
(see Figure 1.7).

Recovery is the ratio of permeate flow to feed flow. In the case of increasing recovery, the permeate flux will decrease and
stop if the salt concentration reaches a value where the osmotic pressure of the concentrate is as high as the applied feed
pressure. The salt rejection will drop with increasing recovery (see Figure 1.8).

Feedwater Salt Concentration

Figure 1.9 shows the impact of the feedwater salt concentration on the permeate flux and the salt rejection.

Figure 1.6 Performance vs. pressure Figure 1.7 Performance vs. temperature
Permeate Salt Permeate Salt
Flux Rejection Flux Rejection

Pressure Temperature

Figure 1.8 Performance vs. recovery Figure 1.9 Performance vs. feedwater salt concentration
Permeate Salt Permeate Salt
Flux Rejection Flux Rejection

Recovery Feed Concentration

Table 1.1 shows a summary of the impacts influencing reverse osmosis plant performance.

Table 1.1 Factors influencing reverse osmosis performance

Increasing Permeate Flow Salt Passage
Effective pressure ↑ ↓
Temperature ↑ ↑
Recovery ↓ ↑
Feed salt correction ↓ ↑
Increasing ↑ Decreasing ↓

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1.4 Membrane Description

The FILMTEC™ membrane is a thin film composite membrane consisting of three layers: a polyester support web, a
microporous polysulfone interlayer, and an ultra thin polyamide barrier layer on the top surface. Each layer is tailored to
specific requirements. A schematic diagram of the membrane is shown in Figure 1.10.

Figure 1.10 Schematic cross-section of a FILMTEC thin film composite membrane

Polyamide, Microporous Polysulfone, Polyester Support Web, Ultrathin Barrier Layer

0.2 micro-m, 40 micro-m, 120 micro-m

FilmTec produces two different types of polyamide membranes for use in water purification. The first is the FT30 chemistry,
which is an aromatic polyamide and is used in all FILMTEC reverse osmosis membranes and the NF90 nanofiltration
membrane patented by John Caddotte at FilmTec in 1969. The second type is a mixed aromatic, aliphatic polyamide used
in all nanofiltration membranes and was also initially developed by John Caddotte at FilmTec. Thirty years of further
innovations at FilmTec have led to the broadest range of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes in the industry.
FILMTEC membranes cover a flux performance range from 0.04 to 0.55 gfd/psi (1 to 14 l/m2h bar). This 14 fold difference in
water permeability is covered by two polyamide types with small changes in composition and larger changes in the water
content of the membrane: the aromatic FT30 membrane and the aliphatic/aromatic nanofiltration membrane. The latter type
is sometimes referred to as polypiperazine membrane.

Figure 1.11 represents the approximate structure of the FT-30 aromatic polyamide membrane. The presence of both amine
and carboxylate end groups are shown.

Figure 1.11 Barrier layer of the FT30 aromatic polyamide membrane



Free Amine Carboxylate

The FT-30 membrane is an aromatic polyamide made from 1,3 phenylene diamine and the tri acid chloride of benzene. This
remarkably chemically resistant and structurally strong polymer contains carboxyllic acid and free (not reacted) amines at
different levels. High chemical stability makes it the most durable and easy to clean membrane material available.

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The approximate structure of most of the FILMTEC™ nanofiltration membrane is shown in Figure 1.12. This is an
aromatic/aliphatic polyamide with amine and caboxylates end groups.

Figure 1.12 Barrier layer of the aromatic/aliphatic polyamide nanofiltration membrane



Free Amine
Because of the trace additives and the different dissociation constants of the piperazine found in this polymer we are able to
have a wider range of both monovalent and divalent salts transporting through this polymer. This has allowed us to design a
wide range of nanofiltration membranes that have different salt selectivity for different separations.

The major structural support is provided by the non-woven web, which has been calendered to produce a hard, smooth
surface free of loose fibers. Since the polyester web is too irregular and porous to provide a proper substrate for the salt
barrier layer, a microporous layer of engineering plastic (polysulfone) is cast onto the surface of the web.

The polysulfone coating is remarkable in that it has surface pores controlled to a diameter of approximately 150 Angstroms.
The barrier layer, about 2,000 Angstroms thick, can withstand high pressures because of the support provided by the
polysulfone layer. The combination of the polyester web and the polysulfone layer has been optimized for high water
permeability at high pressure.

The barrier layer is relatively thick; making FILMTEC membranes highly resistant to mechanical stresses and chemical

1.5 Membrane Performance

FILMTEC™ thin film composite membranes give excellent performance for a wide variety of applications, including low-
pressure tapwater use, seawater desalination, brackish water purification, chemical processing and waste treatment. This
membrane exhibits excellent performance in terms of flux, salt and organics rejection, and microbiological resistance.
FILMTEC elements can operate over a pH range of 2 to 11, are resistant to compaction and are suitable for temperatures up
to 45°C. They can be effectively cleaned at pH 1 and pH 12. Their performance remains stable over several years, even
under harsh operating conditions.

The membrane shows some resistance to short-term attack by chlorine (hypochlorite). The free chlorine tolerance of the
membrane is < 0.1 ppm. Continuous exposure, however, may damage the membrane and should be avoided. Under certain
conditions, the presence of free chlorine and other oxidizing agents will cause premature membrane failure. Since oxidation
damage is not covered under warranty, FilmTec recommends removing residual free chlorine by pretreatment prior to
membrane exposure. Please refer to Section 2.6.3 for more information.

The parameters which characterize the performance of a membrane are the water permeability and the solute permeability.
The ideal reverse osmosis membrane has a very high water permeability and a zero salt permeability. The ideal
nanofiltration membrane has also a very high water permeability, but the ideal permeability of solutes might be zero or some
positive value, depending on the solute and on the application; for example zero permeability for pesticides and 50%
permeability for calcium ions.

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Membrane systems are typically designed and operated at a fixed average flux, see Section 3, Membrane System Design.
Membranes with a high water permeability require a low feed pressure and thus a low energy to operate at a given flux.
Table 1.2 shows a comparison of the performance of different membranes based on a given flux as typically encountered in
membrane systems.

Table 1.2 Performance of some FILMTEC™ membranes

Feed pressure (psi) 370 150 70 50
Feed pressure (bar) 25 10 5 3.5
Rejection (%)
Sodium chloride NaCl 99.7 99.4 98.6 80
Calcium chloride CaCl2 99.8 99.4 98.8 50
Magnesium sulfate MgSO4 99.9 99.7 99.2 99.3
At 18 GFD (30 l/m2h), 2,000 mg/l solute concentration, 25°C, pH 7-8, 10% recovery per 40-inch element.

As a general rule, membranes with a high water permeability (low feed pressure) also have a higher salt permeability
compared to membranes with lower water permeability. The permeability of solutes decreases (the rejection increases) with
an increase in the:

• degree of dissociation: weak acids, for example lactic acid, are rejected much better at higher pH when the
dissociation is high
• ionic charge: e.g. divalent ions are better rejected than monovalent ions
• molecular weight: higher molecular weight species are better rejected
• nonpolarity: less polar substances are rejected better
• degree of hydration: highly hydrated species, e.g. chloride, are better rejected than less hydrated ones, e.g. nitrate
• degree of molecular branching: e.g. iso-propanol is better rejected than n-propanol.

1.6 FILMTEC™ Membrane Safe for Use in Food Processing

Under the food additive provision of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, contact surfaces of components used in the
production of food, including water, must comply with established regulations set forth by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) in order to receive approval for safe use. In accordance with its long-standing commitment to quality,
petitions were submitted to the FDA for the FILMTEC™ FT30 reverse osmosis membrane and all FILMTEC NF membranes
for evaluation and approval.

The procedure for FDA approval is rigorous and thorough. First, a food additive petition must be submitted to the FDA. This
petition includes information about the chemical identity and composition of the component and its physical, chemical and
biological properties. The petitioner must also describe the proposed use of the component, including all directions,
recommendations and suggestions. Data must be included which establish that the component will have the intended effect
when used in this manner. In addition, experimental data must show the extent that the component directly or indirectly
affects the safety of the food with which it comes in contact. The petition must finally analyze the environmental impact of the
manufacturing process and the ultimate use of the component.

The FDA evaluates the petition for the specific biological properties of the component and its demonstrated safety for the
proposed use. The data and experimental methods are also evaluated for adequacy and reliability. As a guideline for this
evaluation, the FDA uses the principles and procedures for establishing the safety of food additives stated in current
publications of the Nation Academy of Sciences-National Research Council.

Reverse Osmosis and nanofiltration membranes received FDA clearance for use in processing liquid foods and in purifying
water for food applications. This clearance is published in the Code of Federal Regulations under Title 21, Section 177.2550,
Reverse Osmosis Membranes. The FT30 reverse osmosis membrane as well as all nanofiltration membranes comply with
this regulation.

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1.7 Element Construction

FILMTEC™ membranes are thin film composite membranes packed in a spiral wound configuration. Spiral wound designs
offer many advantages compared to other module designs, such as tubular, plate and frame and hollow fiber module design
for most of the reverse osmosis applications in water treatment. Typically, a spiral wound configuration offers significantly
lower replacement costs, simpler plumbing systems, easier maintenance and greater design freedom than other
configurations, making it the industry standard for reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes in water treatment.

The construction of a spiral wound FILMTEC membrane element as well as its installation in a pressure vessel is
schematically shown in Figure 1.13. A FILMTEC element contains from one, to more than 30 membrane leafs, depending on
the element diameter and element type. Using FilmTec’s unique automated manufacturing process, each leaf is made of two
membrane sheets glued together back-to-back with a permeate spacer in-between them. FilmTec’s automated process
produces consistent glue lines about 1.5 in (4 cm) wide that seal the inner (permeate) side of the leaf against the outer
(feed/concentrate) side. There is a side glue line at the feed end and at the concentrate end of the element, and a closing
glue line at the outer diameter of the element. The open side of the leaf is connected to and sealed against the perforated
central part of the product water tube, which collects the permeate from all leaves. The leaves are rolled up with a sheet of
feed spacer between each of them, which provides the channel for the feed and concentrate flow. In operation, the feed
water enters the face of the element through the feed spacer channels and exits on the opposite end as concentrate. A part
of the feed water – typically 10-20 % – permeates through the membrane into the leaves and exits the permeate water tube.

When elements are used for high permeate production rates, the pressure drop of the permeate flow inside the leaves
reduces the efficiency of the element. Therefore FILMTEC elements have been optimized with a higher number of shorter
membrane leaves and thin and consistent glue lines. The FILMTEC element construction also optimizes the actual active
membrane area (the area inside the glue lines) and the thickness of the feed spacer. Element productivity is enhanced by
high active area while a thick feed spacer reduces fouling and increases cleaning success. Such precision in element
manufacture can only be achieved by using advanced automated precision manufacturing equipment. A cross-section of a
permeate water tube with attached leaves is shown in Figure 1.14.

In membrane systems the elements are placed in series inside of a pressure vessel. The concentrate of the first element
becomes the feed to the second element and so on. The permeate tubes are connected with interconnectors (also called
couplers), and the combined total permeate exits the pressure vessel at one side (sometimes at both sides) of the vessel.

Figure 1.13 Construction of spiral wound Figure 1.14 Cross-section of a permeate water tube
FILMTEC RO membrane element through the side glue lines of the leaves
(arrows indicate even spacing of leaves)
Rolled Element
Feedwater Flow
(High Pressure) Permeate

Permeate Channel Spacer
Feedwater Channel Spacer
Permeate Tube

Glue Line

Permeate Channel Spacer

Brine Seal Concentrate

Feed Flow

Permeate Coupling Pressure

Collection Vessel

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1.8 Element Characteristics

FILMTEC™ elements cover a wide range of applications. They can be characterized by membrane type, outer wrap, size
and performance. The nomenclature of FILMTEC elements provides some of this information.

Elements less than 8 inches in diameter are named according to Table 1.3. The first part of the name indicates the
membrane and it’s typical use; for example, BW30 is a Brackish Water FT30 membrane used for brackish water. The
second part of the name indicates the element size; for example 2540 is an element with a diameter of 2.5 inches and a
length of 40 inches.

Table 1.3 Nomenclature of elements <8 inches

The element nomenclature for FILMTEC elements is for example as follows:

TW 30 - 40 40
| | | |_____ Length of Element in inches
| | |
| | |____Diameter of Element, divided by 10, in inches
| |
| | _________ FT30 - Element Family
|_________ TW - Tap Water
BW - Brackish Water
SW - Seawater
SWHR - Seawater High Rejection

Eight-inch elements are always 8 inches in diameter and 40 inches in length. They are named according to the actual active
membrane area in square feet, for example the BW30-400 element has an active membrane area of 400 square feet.

Some elements types have an extension to their name, e.g. FF or FR. These stand for special element or membrane
FR: Fouling Resistant
FF: Fullfit

The following membrane types are used with FILMTEC elements:
• NF270 – high productivity nanofiltration membrane for removal of organics with medium salt and hardness passage
• NF200 – nanofiltration membrane for high atrazine and TOC rejection, medium calcium passage
• NF90 – nanofiltration membrane for 90% salt removal, high removal of iron, pesticides, herbicides, TOC
• NF – nanofiltration membrane used in non-water applications
• TW30 – High rejection brackish water FT30 membrane, typically used for Tap Water RO
• TW30LP – ‘Low Pressure’ version of the TW30 membrane
• BW30 – High rejection Brackish Water FT30 membrane for brackish water RO
• RO – Reverse Osmosis membrane used in fullfit elements for sanitary applications
• HSRO – Heat Sanitizable version of the RO membrane used in fullfit elements
• BW30LE – ‘Low Energy’ version of the BW30 membrane
• SG30 – Semiconductor Grade FT30 membrane for ultrapure water RO
• SG30LE – Low Energy version of the SG30 membrane
• XLE – EXtremely Low Energy RO membrane for lowest pressure brackish water RO
• SW30 – SeaWater RO membrane, typically used for low salinity or cold seawater RO and high salinity brackish water RO
• SW30HR – SeaWater RO membrane with High salt Rejection, typically used for single pass seawater desalination
• SW30HRLE - SeaWater RO membrane with High salt Rejection, typically used for Low Energy seawater desalination
• SW30XLE – membrane for SeaWater desalination with eXtremely Low Energy consumption
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Element Size
The standard length of a membrane element is 40 inches (1,016 mm). For small and compact systems shorter elements are
available, such as 14 inches (356 mm) and 21 inches (533 mm).

Home Drinking Water RO elements are 12 inches long and 1.8 inches in diameter to fit into nominal 2-inch I.D. housings.

The standard diameter of FILMTEC™ elements is 2.5, 4 and 8 inches (61 – 99 – 201 mm). They are sized to fit into 2.5, 4
and 8 inch pressure vessels respectively.

Element Outer Wrap

The outer wrap of FILMTEC elements is either tape, fiberglass or a polypropylene mesh. Tap water and home drinking water
RO elements are tape wrapped, all other elements except fullfit elements are fiberglass wrapped. Fiberglass adds more
physical strength to the element for operation under harsh conditions. Fullfit elements have a designed bypass during
operation to minimize stagnant areas; such elements are optimal for applications requiring a sanitary design.

Element Performance
The performance of all FILMTEC elements is stated on their respective product information data sheets. An overview about
the available sizes and their flow performance range is shown in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4 FILMTEC element types

Element type Diameter Permeate flow1 at standard test conditions Maximum operating pressure
(inch) (GPD) (l/h) (bar) (PSI)
NF270 2.5, 4, 8 850 - 14,700 134 - 2,300 41 600
NF200 2.5, 4, 8 460 - 8,000 73 - 1,260 41 600
NF90 2.5, 4, 8 525 - 10,300 83 - 1,620 41 600
TW30 1.8 24 - 100 3.8 - 16 21 300
TW30, TW30HP 2, 2.5, 4 100 - 3,200 16 - 500 41 600
BW30 2.5, 4, 8 750 - 10,500 120 - 1,660 41 600
BW30LE 4, 8 2,000 - 11,500 320 - 1,830 41 600
XLE 2.5, 4, 8 330 - 13,000 52 - 2,040 41 600
SW30 2.5, 4 150 - 1,950 24 - 300 69 1,000
SW30HR 8 6,000 950 84 1,200
SW30HRLE 8 7,500 1,200 84 1,200
SW30XLE 8 9,000 1,400 69 1,200
1 Varying with different element dimensions and test conditions.

The standard element test conditions vary depending on the membrane type. Table 1.5 summarizes the test conditions used
to specify the performance of FILMTEC elements.

Table 1.5 Standard test conditions for FILMTEC elements

Element type Feedwater Temperature psi bar pH Recovery Test time
NF200 MgSO4, 2,000 ppm 77°F (25°C) 70 4.8 8 15% 20 min.
NF200 CaCl2, 500 ppm 77°F (25°C) 70 4.8 8 15% 20 min.
NF90 NaCl, 2,000 ppm 77°F (25°C) 70 4.8 8 15% 20 min.
LPTW Tapwater, 250 ppm 77°F (25°C) 50 3.45 8 15% 20 min.
BW30LE NaCl, 2,000 ppm 77°F (25°C) 150 10.3 8 15% 20 min.
XLE NaCl, 500 ppm 77°F (25°C) 100 6.9 8 15% 20 min.
TW30 NaCl, 2,000 ppm 77°F (25°C) 225 15.5 8 15% 20 min.
SW30 NaCl, 32,000 ppm 77°F (25°C) 800 55 8 10%† 20 min.
SW30HR NaCl, 32,000 ppm 77°F (25°C) 800 55 8 8% 20 min.
† 8% for 2.5 inch and 4 inch diameter elements.

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2. Water Chemistry and Pretreatment

2.1 Introduction

To increase the efficiency and life of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration (RO/NF) systems, effective pretreatment of the feed
water is required. Selection of the proper pretreatment will maximize efficiency and membrane life by minimizing:
• Fouling
• Scaling
• Membrane degradation

• Product flow
• Product quality (salt rejection)
• Product recovery
• Operating & maintenance costs

Fouling is the accumulation of foreign materials from feed water on the active membrane surface and/or on the feed spacer
to the point of causing operational problems. The term fouling includes the accumulation of all kinds of layers on the
membrane and feed spacer surface, including scaling. More specifically, colloidal fouling refers to the entrapment of
particulate or colloidal matter such as iron flocs or silt, biological fouling (biofouling) is the growth of a biofilm, and organic
fouling is the adsorption of specific organic compounds such as humic substances and oil on to the membrane surface.
Scaling refers to the precipitation and deposition within the system of sparingly soluble salts including calcium carbonate,
barium sulfate, calcium sulfate, strontium sulfate and calcium fluoride.

Pretreatment of feed water must involve a total system approach for continuous and reliable operation. For example, an
improperly designed and/or operated clarifier will result in loading the sand or multimedia filter beyond its operating limits.
Such inadequate pretreatment often necessitates frequent cleaning of the membrane elements to restore productivity and
salt rejection. The cost of cleaning, downtime and lost system performance can be significant.

The proper treatment scheme for feed water depends on:

• Feed water source
• Feed water composition
• Application

The type of pretreatment system depends to a large extent on feed water source (i.e., well water, surface water, and
municipal wastewater). In general, well water is a consistent feed source that has a low fouling potential. Well water typically
requires a very simple pretreatment scheme such as acidification and/or antiscalant dosing and a 5-µm cartridge filter.

Surface water, on the other hand, is a variable feed water source that is affected by seasonal factors. It has a high fouling
potential, both microbiological and colloidal. Pretreatment for surface water is more elaborate than pretreatment for well
water. Additional pretreatment steps often include chlorination, coagulation/flocculation, clarification, multimedia filtration,
dechlorination, acidification and/or antiscalant dosing.

Industrial and municipal wastewaters have a wide variety of organic and inorganic constituents. Some types of organic
components may adversely affect RO/NF membranes, inducing severe flow loss and/or membrane degradation (organic
fouling), making a well-designed pretreatment scheme imperative.

Once the feed water source has been determined, a complete and accurate analysis of the feed water should be made. The
importance of a feed water analysis cannot be overemphasized. It is critical in determining the proper pretreatment and
RO/NF system design.

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Finally, the application often determines the type or extent of RO/NF pretreatment required. For example, pretreatment in an
electronics application might be much more sophisticated than for a municipal system due to the different product water
quality requirements.

Pretreatment is a continuous water treatment process upstream of a continuous membrane process. Water treatment
chemicals may be dosed continuously or intermittently during operation of the RO/NF system. Any off-line application of
chemicals (i.e., when the system is not in production mode) is described in Section 6, Cleaning and Sanitization.

2.2 Feedwater Type and Analysis

The major water types being treated by RO/NF can be roughly characterized from the total dissolved solids (TDS) content
and the organic load (total organic carbon, TOC), see Figure 2.1.

• Very-low-salinity, high-purity waters (HPW) coming from the first RO systems (double-pass RO system) or the
polishing stage in ultrapure water (UPW) systems with TDS up to 50 mg/L.
• Low-salinity tap waters with TDS up to 500 mg/L.
• Medium-salinity groundwater with high natural organic matter (NOM) and TDS up to 5,000 mg/L.
• Medium-salinity brackish waters with TDS up to 5,000 mg/L.
• Medium-salinity tertiary effluent with high TOC and biological oxygen demand (BOD) levels and TDS up to 5,000
• High-salinity brackish waters with TDS in the range of 5,000–15,000 mg/L. Seawater with TDS in the range of 35,000

Figure 2.1 Major water types being treated by RO and NF

Beach Well Open Intake

Seawater Seawater

High Salinity Landfill

Brackish Leachate


Brackish Municipal
Water Wastewater

Surface Water
2nd Pass
RO Feed Low Salinity

Tap Water
Ultra Pure

Low Medium High

Organic (TOC) Load

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Seawater with TDS of 35,000 mg/L is considered standard seawater constituting, by far, the largest amount of water
worldwide. The composition is nearly the same all over the world. The actual TDS content may, however, vary within wide
limits from the Baltic Sea with 7,000 mg/L to the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf with up to 45,000 mg/L. The actual compositions
can be proportionally estimated from the standard seawater composition (Table 2.1). The water from seashore wells,
however, depending on the soil, influx from inland, etc., can often have salinity and composition quite different from water
taken from the sea itself.

Table 2.1 Standard seawater composition

Ion Concentration (mg/L)
Calcium 410
Magnesium 1,310
Sodium 10,900
Potassium 390
Barium 0.05
Strontium 13
Iron <0.02
Manganese <0.01
Silica 0.04 - 8
Chloride 19,700
Sulfate 2,740
Fluoride 1.4
Bromide 65
Nitrate <0.7
Bicarbonate 152
Boron 4-5
TDS 35,000 mg/L
pH 8.1

In Table 2.2 and Table 2.3, some chemical and physical characteristics of seawaters with different salinity are shown.

Table 2.2 Inorganic composition of seawater with different salinity

Water K (ppm) Na (ppm) Mg (ppm) Ca (ppm) HCO3 (ppm) Cl (ppm) SO4 (ppm) SiO2 (ppm)
Standard seawater - 32,000 ppm 354 9,854 1,182 385 130 17,742 2,477 0.9
Standard seawater - 35,000 ppm 387 10,778 1,293 421 142 19,406 2,710 1.0
Standard seawater - 36,000 ppm 398 11,086 1,330 433 146 19,960 2,787 1.0
Standard seawater - 38,000 ppm 419 11,663 1,399 456 154 20,999 2,932 1.0
Standard seawater - 40,000 ppm 441 12,278 1,473 480 162 22,105 3,086 1.1
Standard seawater - 45,000 ppm 496 13,812 1,657 539 182 24,868 3,472 1.2
Standard seawater - 50,000 ppm 551 15,347 1,841 599 202 27,633 3,858 1.4

Table 2.3 Salinity and conductivity of seawaters

Salinity Conductivity Factor
Location ppm μS/cm μS/(cm·ppm)
South Pacific <36,000 <51,660 1.43 - 1.44
Gran Canaria (Atlantic Ocean) 37,600 53,280 1.42
Sardinia (Mediterranean Sea) 40,800 57,240 1.40
Bahrain 42,500 59,350 1.40
Egypt (Red Sea) 44,000 62,990 1.38

The characteristic features of seawater have to be considered in the design and operation of the pretreatment and the
reverse osmosis process. As a consequence of the high salinity of seawater involving a high osmotic pressure, the recovery
of the system is limited to typically 40 to 50% in order to not exceed the physical pressure limits of the membrane element, or
to limit the energy consumption associated with higher feed pressures at higher recoveries, or to limit the salinity and/or the
boron concentration in the product water. Seawaters from open intakes may cause biofouling of the RO membranes if no
biofouling prevention measures are in place (see Section 2.6, Biological Fouling Prevention).
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Brackish Water
The composition of brackish waters is of extremely wide variation, and a water analysis is a must for a good process design.
Several examples of brackish water analyses are given in Table 2.4.

In brackish water treatment, the factor limiting recovery is mainly of a chemical nature (i.e., precipitation and scale formation
by compounds such as calcium carbonate or calcium sulfate). The potential for biofouling is also another limiting factor in
brackish water treatment. A number of methods are available to assess the biological fouling potential (see Section 2.6.2,
Assessment of the Biological Fouling Potential). In industrial and municipal wastewater treatment, a wide variety of organic
and inorganic constituents may be present. Thus, the limiting factors are sometimes governed by additional characteristics of
feed waters, for example the organic matter or the phosphate scaling potential.

Table 2.4 Examples of brackish water composition

Parameter Unit Well watera Well waterb Lake waterc Surface waterd Pretreated tertiary effluente
Calcium mg/L 84 113 54 102 40 - 64
Magnesium mg/L 6 2.7 23 11 ⎯
Sodium mg/L 36 23 87 20 150 - 200
Potassium mg/L 3.3 2 6.6 4 ⎯
Iron mg/L <0.05 0.2 0.05 ND-015 0.02 - 0.09
Manganese mg/L 0.01 0.1 <0.01 <0.01 <0.05
Barium mg/L 0.07 0.1 0.09 ⎯ 0.01 - 0.1
Strontium mg/L 0.7 1 1 ⎯ 0.2 - 1
Ammonium mg/L <0.05 ⎯ ⎯ 0.3 22 - 66
Aluminum mg/L 0.02 ⎯ 0.02 ND-0.15 0.03
Chloride mg/L 45 52 67 33 150 - 500
Bicarbonate mg/L 265 325 134 287 48.8 - 97.6
Sulfate mg/L 24 8 201 56 120 - 160
Nitrate mg/L 4.3 4 <1.0 15 40 - 60
Fluoride mg/L 0.14 0.7 ⎯ 0.25 0.7 - 0.7
Phosphate mg/L <0.05 0.6 0.01 1.2 6.1 - 12.2
Silica mg/L 9 11 3.1 7 - 17 6 - 10
Hydrogen Sulfide mg/L ⎯ 1.5 ⎯ ⎯ ND
TDS mg/L 478 377 573 400 500 - 1,300
TOC mg/L 1.5 10 3.6 2.4 20 - 30 (COD)
Color Pt <5 40 ⎯ <5 13 (Hazen)
Turbidity NTU ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 2 - 130 0.4 - 1.7
pH ⎯ 7.5 7.4 8.2 8 6.6 - 7.4
Conductivity μS/cm 590 ⎯ 879 400 - 700 700 - 2,200
Temperature °C 12 23 - 28 ⎯ 3 - 25 25 - 35
a. Well water: Germany
b. Well water: The Turnpike Aquifer in Florida (design of the Boynton Beach, FL Membrane Softening Water Treatment, Proc. AWWA Annual Conference, Eng.
And Op., 139 (1992))
c. Lake Mead, Nevada (2000)
d. River Oise, France
e. Tertiary effluent: industrial water in Jurong Island, Singapore (Water Reclamation – The Jurong Island Experience – SUT Seraya using Fouling Resistant RO
Membrane to Reclaim Wastewater, IDA, Bahrain (2002))

With such wide variation in feed water quality, the first step is to know the water characteristics. Before a projection of an RO
or NF system design can be run, a complete and accurate water analysis must be provided. A water analysis form (Table
2.5) must be completed and balanced to electroneutrality (i.e., anion and cation concentrations must be identical when
stated in terms of the calcium carbonate equivalent). If the water analysis is not balanced, the addition of either Na+ or Cl– to
achieve electroneutrality is recommended.

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Table 2.5 Water analysis for RO/NF

Sample identification: ............................................................................................................................................

Feed source: .........................................................................................................................................................
Conductivity: ................................................... pH: ............... Temperature (°C): ...........................

Feed water analysis: NH4 ..................... CO2 .....................
Please give units (mg/L as ion K ..................... CO32 – .....................
or ppm as CaCO3 or meq/L) Na+ ..................... HCO3– .....................
Mg2+ ..................... NO3– .....................
Ca2+ ..................... Cl– .....................
Ba2+ ..................... F– .....................
Sr2+ ..................... SO42– .....................
Fe2+ ..................... PO42– .....................
Fe (tot) ..................... S2– .....................
Mn2+ ..................... SiO2 (colloidal) .....................
Boron ……………... SiO2 (soluble) .....................
Al3+ .....................

Other ions: .............................................................................................................................................................

TDS (by method): ..................................................................................................................................................

TOC: ......................................................................................................................................................................
BOD: ......................................................................................................................................................................
COD: .....................................................................................................................................................................
AOC: ......................................................................................................................................................................
BDOC: ...................................................................................................................................................................

Total alkalinity (m-value): .......................................................................................................................................

Carbonate alkalinity (p-value): ...............................................................................................................................
Total hardness: ......................................................................................................................................................
Turbidity (NTU): .....................................................................................................................................................
Silt density index (SDI): .........................................................................................................................................
Bacteria (count/ml): ...............................................................................................................................................
Free chlorine: ........................................................................................................................................................

Remarks: ...............................................................................................................................................................
(odor, smell, color, biological activity, etc.) ....................................................................................................................................

Analysis by: ...........................................................................................................................................................

Date: ......................................................................................................................................................................

Ba2+ and Sr2+ must be analyzed at the 1 µg/L (ppb) and 1 mg/L (ppm) level of detection, respectively. It is also important that
the temperature be given as a range rather than an absolute value. Temperature variation can impact the scaling potential of
an RO system, especially when silica and bicarbonate levels in the feed water are high.

After the membrane system is in service, the feed water should be analyzed on a regular basis so that the pretreatment and
the plant operation can be adjusted accordingly. Many standards are available for water analysis techniques. It is
recommended to use the standards of ASTM International ( or the latest edition of “Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater”/1/.
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A guide for water analysis for reverse osmosis applications is given in ASTM D 4195 /2/; this can be applied to nanofiltration
as well. A listing of the relevant ASTM procedures and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater are
given in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 Standard procedures relevant to water analysis for RO/NF applications
ASTM Standard Methods /1/
Calcium and magnesium D 511 3500-Ca, Mg
Chloride D 512 4500-Chloride
Carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, carbonate D 513 4500-Carbon dioxide, 2320
Phosphorus D 515 4500-P
Sulfate D 516 4500-Sulfate
Aluminum D 857 3500-Al
Manganese D 858 3500-Mn
Silica D 859 4500-Silica
Dissolved oxygen D 888 4500-O
Iron D 1068 3500-Fe
Fluoride D 1179 4500-Fluoride
COD D 1252, D 6697 5220
Residual chlorine D 1253 4500-Cl
pH D 1293 4500-pH value
Lithium, potassium, sodium D 1428, D 3561 3500-Li, Na, K
Ammonia nitrogen D 1426 45---NH3
Particulate and dissolved matter D 1888 2560
Turbidity D 1889 2130
Total organic carbon (TOC) D 2579, D 4129, D 4839, D 5904 5310
Arsenic D 2972 3500-As
Boron D 3082 4500-B
Strontium D 3352 3500-Sr
Practices for sampling water D 3370 1060
Nitrite - nitrate D 3867 4500-Nitrogen
Silt density index D 4189 ⎯
Barium D 4382 3500-Ba
Microbiological contaminants in water F 60 ⎯
Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) D 1498 2580
BOD ⎯ 5210
AOC ⎯ 9217

2.3 Scale Control

2.3.1 Introduction

Scaling of RO/NF membranes may occur when sparingly soluble salts are concentrated within the element beyond their
solubility limit. For example, if a reverse osmosis plant is operated at 50% recovery, the concentration in the concentrate
stream will be almost double the concentration in the feed stream. As the recovery of a plant is increased, so is the risk of

Due to water scarcity and environmental concern, adding a brine (RO concentrate) recovery system to increase recovery
has become more popular. To minimize precipitation and scaling, it is important to establish well-designed scale control
measures and avoid exceeding the solubility limits of sparingly soluble salts. In an RO/NF system, the most common
sparingly soluble salts encountered are CaSO4, CaCO3, and silica. Other salts creating a potential scaling problem are CaF2,
BaSO4, SrSO4, and Ca3(PO4)2. Solubility products of sparingly soluble inorganic compounds are listed in Table 2.7.

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Table 2.7 Solubility products of sparingly soluble inorganic compounds
Substance Formula Temp. °C Solubility product Negative log Ksp
Aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3 25 3 × 10-34 33.5
Aluminum phosphate AlPO4 25 9.84 × 10-21 20
Barium carbonate BaCO3 25 2.58 × 10-9 8.6
Barium sulfate BaSO4 25 1.1 × 10-10 10
Calcium carbonate CaCO3 25 Calcite: 3.36 × 10-9 8.5
Aragonite: 6 × 10-9 8.2
Calcium fluoride CaF2 25 3.45 × 10-11 10.5
Calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2 25 2.07 × 10-33 32.7
Calcium sulfate CaSO4 25 4.93 × 10-5 4.3
Iron(II) hydroxide Fe(OH)2 25 4.87 × 10-17 16.3
Iron(II) sulfide FeS 25 8 × 10-19 18.1
Iron(III) hydroxide Fe(OH)3 25 2.79 × 10-39 38.6
Iron(III) phosphate dihydrate FePO4⋅2H2O 25 9.91 × 10-16 15
Lead carbonate PbCO3 25 7.4 × 10-14 13.1
Lead fluoride PbF2 25 3.3 × 10-8 7.5
Lead sulfate PbSO4 25 2.53 × 10-8 7.6
Magnesium ammonium phosphate MgNH4PO4 25 2.5 × 10-13 12.6
Magnesium carbonate MgCO3 12 2.6 × 10-5 4.58
25 6.82 × 10-6 5.17
Magnesium fluoride MgF2 18 7.1 × 10-9 8.15
25 5.16 × 10-11 10.3
Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 18 1.2 × 10-11 10.9
25 5.61 × 10-12 11.25
Magnesium phosphate Mg3(PO4)2 25 1.04 × 10-24 24
Manganese hydroxide Mn(OH)2 18 4.0 × 10-14 13.4
25 2 × 10-13 12.7
Strontium carbonate SrCO3 25 5.6 × 10-10 9.25
Strontium sulfate SrSO4 17.4 3.8 × 10-7 6.42
Zinc carbonate ZnCO3 25 1.46 × 10-10 9.84

The following design practices can be used to prevent scaling of a membrane.

2.3.2 Acid Addition

Most natural surface and ground waters are almost saturated with CaCO3. The solubility of CaCO3 depends on the pH, as
can be seen from the following equation:
Ca2+ + HCO3– ↔ H+ + CaCO3

By adding H+ as acid, the equilibrium can be shifted to the left side to keep calcium carbonate dissolved. Use food-grade
quality acid.

Sulfuric acid is easier to handle and in many countries more readily available than hydrochloric acid, however, additional sulfate
is added to the feed stream, potentially causing sulfate scaling (Sections 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5).

CaCO3 tends to dissolve in the concentrate stream rather than precipitate. This tendency can be expressed by the Langelier
Saturation Index (LSI) for brackish waters and the Stiff & Davis Stability Index (S&DSI) for seawaters. At the pH of saturation
(pHs), the water is in equilibrium with CaCO3.

The definitions of LSI and S&DSI are:

LSI = pH – pHs (TDS < 10,000 mg/L)
S&DSI = pH – pHs (TDS > 10,000 mg/L)

where the methods predicting pHs are different for LSI and S&DSI (see Section 2.4.2).

To control calcium carbonate scaling by acid addition alone, the LSI or S&DSI in the concentrate stream must be negative.
Acid addition is useful to control carbonate scale only.

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2.3.3 Scale Inhibitor Addition

Scale inhibitors (antiscalants) can be used to control carbonate scaling, sulfate scaling, and calcium fluoride scaling. There
are generally three different types of scale inhibitors: sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), organophosphonates and

SHMP is inexpensive but unstable compared to polymeric organic scale inhibitors. Minor amounts adsorb to the surface of
microcrystals, preventing further growth and precipitation of the crystals. Food-grade quality SHMP should be used. Care
must be taken to avoid hydrolysis of SHMP in the dosing feed tank. Hydrolysis will not only decrease the scale inhibition
efficiency, but also create a calcium phosphate scaling risk. Therefore, SHMP is generally not recommended.

Organophosphonates are more effective and stable than SHMP. They act as antifoulants for insoluble aluminum and iron,
keeping them in solution. Polyacrylates (high molecular weight) are generally known for reducing silica scale formation via a
dispersion mechanism.

Polymeric organic scale inhibitors are also more effective than SHMP. Precipitation reactions may occur, however, with
negatively charged scale inhibitors and cationic polyelectrolytes or multivalent cations (e.g., aluminum or iron). The resulting
gum-like products are very difficult to remove from the membrane elements. For dosage rates on all antiscalants, please
contact the antiscalant manufacturers. Overdosing should be avoided. Make certain that no significant amounts of cationic
polymers are present when adding an anionic scale inhibitor.

In RO plants operating on seawater with TDS in the range of 35,000 mg/L, scaling is not as much of a problem as in brackish
water plants because the recovery of seawater plants is limited by the osmotic pressure of the concentrate stream to 30-
45%. For safety reasons, however, a scale inhibitor is recommended when operating above a recovery of 35%.

2.3.4 Softening with a Strong Acid Cation Exchange Resin

In the ion exchange softening process, the scale-forming cations, such as Ca2+, Ba2+ and Sr2+, are removed and replaced by
sodium cations. The resin is regenerated with NaCl at hardness breakthrough. The pH of the feed water is not changed by
this treatment and, therefore, no degasifier is needed. Only a little CO2 from the raw water is present that can pass into the
permeate, creating a conductivity increase there. The permeate conductivity can be lowered by adding some NaOH to the
softened feed water (up to pH 8.2) to convert residual carbon dioxide into bicarbonate, which is then rejected by the
membrane. The rejection performance of the FT30 membrane is optimal at the neutral pH range.

With DOWEX™ ion exchange resins, the removal efficiency for Ca2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+ is greater than 99.5%, which usually
eliminates any risk of carbonate or sulfate scaling.

Softening with a strong acid cation exchange resin is effective and safe, provided the regeneration is done properly. It is
used mainly in small- or medium-size brackish water plants, but not in seawater plants.

A drawback of this process is its relatively high sodium chloride consumption, potentially causing environmental or economic
problems. With DOWEX MONOSPHERE™ ion exchange resins and a counter-current regeneration technique such as
Dow’s UPCORE™ system, it is possible to minimize the sodium chloride consumption to 110% of the stoichiometric value.

2.3.5 Dealkalization with a Weak Acid Cation Exchange Resin

Dealkalization with a weak acid cation exchange resin is used mainly in large brackish water plants for partial softening to
minimize the consumption of regeneration chemicals.

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In this process, only Ca2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+ associated with bicarbonate alkalinity (temporary hardness) are removed and
replaced by H+, thus lowering the effluent pH to 4–5. Because the acidic groups of the resin are carboxylic groups, the ion
exchange process stops when the pH reaches 4.2, where the carboxylic groups are no longer dissociated. It is, therefore,
only a partial softening. Only those scale-forming cations are removed that are bound to bicarbonate. This process,
therefore, is ideal for waters with high bicarbonate content. The bicarbonate is converted into carbon dioxide:

HCO3– + H+ ↔ H2O + CO2

In most cases, carbon dioxide is not desired in the permeate. It can be removed by degassing either in the permeate or in
the feed stream.

Degassing the permeate is favored where a potential for biofouling is suspected (e.g., surface waters, high TOC, high
bacteria counts). A high CO2 concentration on the membranes helps to keep bacteria growth low. Degassing the feed is
preferred when optimum salt rejection is the priority. Removing CO2 also leads to an increase in pH (see equation above),
and at pH >6 the rejection is better than at pH <5.

The advantages of dealkalizing with a weak acid cation exchange resin are:
• For regeneration, acid of not more than 105% of the stoichiometric value is needed. This minimizes operating costs and
environmental impact.
• The TDS value of the water is reduced (by the removal of bicarbonate salts) by either the amount of hardness or
alkalinity, whichever is lower. Accordingly, the permeate TDS value is also lower.

The disadvantages are:

• Residual hardness.
If complete softening is required, a sodium exchange process with a strong acid cation exchange resin can be added,
even in one vessel (layered bed). The overall consumption of regenerant chemicals via thoroughfare regeneration is still
lower than softening with a strong acid cation exchange resin alone. Due to the higher investment costs, however, this
combination will only be attractive for plants with high capacity. Another possibility to overcome this drawback of
incomplete softening is to dose an antiscalant into the dealkalized water.

• Variable pH of the treated water.

The pH of the dealkalized water ranges from 3.5–6.5 depending on the degree of exhaustion of the resin. This cyclic pH
variation makes it difficult to control the salt rejection of the plant. At pH < 4.2, the passage of mineral acid may increase
the permeate TDS content. It is therefore recommended that more than one filter be used in parallel and regenerated at
different times to minimize the variability in pH. Other possibilities to avoid extremely low pH values are CO2 removal or
pH adjustment by NaOH afterwards.

2.3.6 Lime Softening

Lime softening can be used to remove carbonate hardness by adding hydrated lime:
Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → 2 CaCO3 + 2 H2O
Mg(HCO3)2 + 2 Ca(OH)2 → Mg(OH)2 + 2 CaCO3 + 2H2O

The noncarbonate calcium hardness can be further reduced by adding sodium carbonate (soda ash):
CaCl2 + Na2CO3 → 2 NaCl + CaCO3

The lime-soda ash process can also be used to reduce the silica concentration. When sodium aluminate and ferric chloride
are added, the precipitate will include calcium carbonate and a complex with silicic acid, aluminum oxide, and iron.

With the hot lime silicic acid removal process at 60–70°C, silica can be reduced to 1 mg/L by adding a mixture of lime and
porous magnesium oxide.

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With lime softening, barium, strontium, and organic substances are also reduced significantly. The process requires a reactor
with a high concentration of precipitated particles serving as crystallization nuclei. This is usually achieved by upflow solids-
contact clarifiers. The effluent from this process requires media filtration and pH adjustment prior to the RO elements. Iron
coagulants with or without polymeric flocculants (anionic and nonionic) may be used to improve the solid-liquid separation.
Lime softening should be considered for brackish water plants larger than 200 m3/h (880 gpm). More details are described in
water treatment textbooks. /3, 4, 5/

2.3.7 Preventive Cleaning

In some applications, scaling is controlled by preventive membrane cleaning. This allows the system to run without softening
or dosage of chemicals. Typically, these systems operate at low recovery in the range of 25%, and the membrane elements
are replaced after 1–2 years. Accordingly, these systems are mainly small single-element plants for potable water from tap
water or seawater. The simplest way of cleaning is a forward flush at low pressure by opening the concentrate valve. Short
cleaning intervals are more effective than long cleaning times (e.g., 30 seconds every 30 minutes).

Cleaning can also be carried out with cleaning chemicals as described in Section 6. In batch processes like waste water
treatment, cleaning the membranes after every batch is common practice.

The cleaning procedure, cleaning chemicals, and frequency of cleaning need to be determined and optimized case by case.
Special care has to be taken not to allow a scaling layer to develop over time.

2.3.8 Adjustment of Operating Variables

When other scale-control methods do not work, the operating variables of the plant have to be adjusted in such a way that
scaling will not occur. The precipitation of dissolved salts can be avoided by keeping their concentration below the solubility
limit. This is accomplished by reducing the system recovery until the concentrate concentration is low enough.

Solubility depends also on temperature and pH. In the case of silica, increasing temperature and pH increases its solubility
(see Section 2.4.7). Silica is usually the only reason for considering adjustment of operating variables for scale control
because these adjustments have economic drawbacks (energy consumption) or other scaling risks (CaCO3 at high pH).

For small systems, a low recovery combined with a preventive cleaning program might be a convenient way to control

2.4 Scaling Calculations

2.4.1 General

Scaling calculations must be carried out in order to determine whether a sparingly soluble salt presents a potential scaling
problem in an RO system. The calculation procedures described in this section are adapted from the corresponding ASTM
standards, cited in the references /6, 7, 8/. To determine the scaling potential, you need to compare the ion product IPc of the
considered salt in the concentrate stream with the solubility product Ksp of that salt under conditions in the concentrate
stream. Generally, scale-control measures are not needed if IPc < Ksp.

The ion product IP of a salt AmBn is defined as

IP = [A]m[B]n Eq. 1
[A], [B] = molal concentrations of the corresponding ions

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For the concentration ranges present in RO applications, molal concentrations (mol/kg) can be considered equivalent with
molar concentrations (mol/L).

The concentration of ion species in the concentrate stream is usually not known, but can easily be estimated from the
concentration in the feed stream by multiplication with the concentration factor CF. The concentration factor is derived from
the recovery Y (expressed as a decimal):
CF = Eq. 2
1− Y

where the rejection is assumed to be 100%.

The solubility product Ksp is generally also expressed in molal concentrations and is dependent on ionic strength and
temperature as shown in the figures of this section.

The temperature in the concentrate stream is about the same as in the feed stream.

The ionic strength of the feed water is:

If =
∑m z i i
Eq. 3

mi = molal concentration of ion i (mol/kg)
zi = ionic charge of ion i

Where the water analysis is not given in molal (or molar) concentrations, the conversion is as follows:
mi = Eq. 4
1,000 MWi

ci = concentration of ion i in mg/L
MWi = molecular weight of ion i

Having calculated the ionic strength If of the feed stream with Eq. 3, the ionic strength Ic of the concentrate stream is
obtained from:
⎛ 1 ⎞
Ic = I f ⎜ ⎟ Eq. 5
⎝ 1− Y ⎠

With the ionic strength of the concentrate stream, the solubility product Ksp of scaling salt can be obtained (see Sections
2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.7).

Calculation example of the ionic strength of the concentrate (Ic):

Feed Water Analysis

Ion mg/L mol/L mol/kg
Ca2+ 200 5.0 × 10-3
Mg2+ 61 2.51 × 10-3
Na+ 388 16.9 × 10-3
HCO3- 244 4.0 × 10-3
SO42- 480 5.0 × 10-3
Cl- 635 17.9 × 10-3

The ionic strength If of the feed water is

lf =
1⎡ ⎛

2− ⎞
( − ⎤
4⎜ [Ca 2 + ] + [Mg 2 + ] + [SO 4 ] ⎟ + [Na + ] + [HCO 3 ] + [Cl − ] ⎥
2⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦
If =
{[ ] [
4 (5.0 + 2.51 + 5.0 ) × 10 − 3 + (16.9 + 4.0 + 17.9 ) × 10 − 3 ]}
I f = 0.0444

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With a recovery of, for example, 75% (Y = 0.75), the ionic strength of the concentrate becomes
⎛ 1 ⎞
Ic = 0.0444⎜ ⎟
⎝ 1 − 0.75 ⎠
Ic = 0.178

2.4.2 Calcium Carbonate Scale Prevention Brackish Water

For brackish waters with TDS < 10,000 mg/L in the concentrate stream, the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) is used to
express the scaling potential for calcium carbonate /6/.

The following data are needed to calculate the LSI of the concentrate stream (LSIc):
Caf = Calcium concentration in feed as CaCO3, mg/L
TDSf = Concentration of total dissolved solids in the feed, mg/L
Alkf = Alkalinity in feed as CaCO3, mg/L
pHf = pH of the feed solution
T = Temperature of the feed solution
Y = Recovery of the reverse osmosis system, expressed as a decimal

1. Calculate the calcium concentration in the concentrate stream, Cac, as CaCO3 in mg/L:
⎛ 1 ⎞
Ca c = Ca f ⎜ ⎟ Eq. 6
⎝ 1− Y ⎠

2. Calculate the total dissolved solids in the concentrate stream, TDSc in mg/L:
⎛ 1 ⎞ Eq. 7
TDS c = TDS f ⎜ ⎟
⎝1− Y ⎠

3. Calculate the alkalinity in the concentrate stream, Alkc, as CaCO3 in mg/L:

⎛ 1 ⎞
Alk c = Alk f ⎜ ⎟ Eq. 8
⎝ 1− Y ⎠

4. Calculate the free carbon dioxide content (C) in the concentrate stream by assuming that the CO2 concentration in the
concentrate is equal to the CO2 concentration in the feed: Cc = Cf. The concentration of free carbon dioxide in the feed
solution is obtained from Figure 2.2 as a function of the alkalinity and the pH of the feed solution.

5. Calculate the pH of the concentrate stream (pHc) using the ratio of alkalinity Alkc to free CO2 in the concentrate,
Figure 2.2.

6. From Figure 2.3 obtain: pCa as a function of Cac, pAlk as a function of Alkc, “C” as a function of TDSc and temperature
(temperature of the concentrate is assumed equal to temperature of the feed solution).

7. Calculate pH at which the concentrate stream is saturated with CaCO3 (pHs) as follows:
pHs = pCa + pAlk +" C" Eq. 9

8. Calculate the Langelier Saturation Index of the concentrate (LSIc) as follows:

LSIc = pHc − pHs Eq. 10

Adjustments of LSIc
In most natural waters, LSIc would be positive without pretreatment. To control CaCO3 scaling, LSIc has to be adjusted to a
negative value, except if adding a scale inhibitor (Section 2.3.3) or preventive cleaning (Section 2.3.7) is applied.

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The conditions for CaCO3 scale control are:
LSIc < 0 when no antiscalant is added
LSIc ≤1 when 20 mg/L sodium hexametaphosphate is in the concentrate stream
LSIc > 1 possible with polymeric organic scale inhibitors. For the maximum LSIc and required dosages, please refer
to the scale inhibitor manufacturer’s literature.

If LSIc is not within the above conditions, adjustments can be made by one of the following means. A new LSIc can then be
• The recovery, Y, can be lowered and LSIc can be calculated as above by substituting a new value for the recovery.
• Decreasing the calcium concentration in the feed solution by means of sodium cycle ion exchange. This will increase the
pCa and will therefore decrease the LSIc. Softening will not change the alkalinity or pH of the feed solution and the slight
change in TDSf may be considered negligible. After softening, the LSIc can be calculated as above using the lower value
for calcium concentration.
• Adding acid (HCl, CO2, H2SO4, etc.) to the feed solution changes the Alkf, Cf, and pH. The slight change in TDSf can
usually be neglected. Acid addition will decrease the LSIc; however, since many variables change with acidification, trial
and error computations are required to determine the amount of acid needed to obtain the desired LSIc. The number of
trial and error computations required to determine the amount of acid needed can be reduced greatly by using the pHs
calculated in Eq. 9. Since pHc will usually be 0.5 units higher than the pHf, the first computation can be made with an
acidified feed solution that is 0.5 units lower than the pHs.

For an assumed pH (pHacid), obtained from addition of acid to the feed solution, obtain the ratio of Alkacid/Cacid from
Figure 2.3. From this ratio, Alkf, and Cf, calculate the mg/L of acid used (x). For example, for H2SO4 addition (100%):
Alk acid Alk f − 1.02 x
= Eq. 11
C acid C f + 0.90 x

Calculate the total alkalinity of the acidified feed water (Alkacid) and the CO2 content in the acidified feed water (Cacid) as
Alk acid = Alk f − 1.02 x Eq. 12

C acid = C f + 0.90 x Eq. 13

Using Alkacid and Cacid for the new pH, calculate the LSIc.
If HCl (100%) is used for acidification, Eq. 11 is:
Alk acid Alk f − 1.37 y
= Eq. 14
C acid C f + 1.21 y

y = HCl (100%), mg/L

Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration in Operation

Once a reverse osmosis or nanofiltration system is operating, the Langelier Saturation Index can be directly calculated from
the analysis of Alkc, Cac, TDSc, and pHc of the concentrate stream and compared with the projected LSIc.

Use of Computers
The LSIc and the acid dosage required to adjust a certain LSIc can be determined using a personal computer and the
FILMTEC™ Reverse Osmosis System Analysis (ROSA) computer program. The ROSA computer program can be
downloaded here,

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Figure 2.2 pH versus methyl orange alkalinity/free CO2

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Figure 2.3 Langelier saturation index

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For high-salinity brackish waters with TDS > 10,000 mg/L in the concentrate stream and for seawaters, the Stiff & Davis
Stability Index (S&DSI) is used to express the scaling potential for calcium carbonate. The data needed to calculate the
S&DSI of the concentrate stream are the same as the data needed to calculate the LSI (Section 2.4.2). Additionally, the
molal concentrations of all ions in the feed solution are required, at least of all major ions (i.e., Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3–,
SO42–, and Cl–).

Calculations /7/
1. Calculate the calcium concentration in the concentrate stream, Cac, as CaCO3 in mg/L:
Ca c = Ca f Eq. 6
1− Y

2. Calculate the alkalinity in the concentrate stream, Alkc, as CaCO3 in mg/L:

Alk c = Alk f Eq. 8
1− Y

3. Calculate the ionic strength of the feed stream (If):

If =
∑m z i i
Eq. 3

4. Calculate the ionic strength of the concentrate stream (Ic):

⎛ 1 ⎞
Ic = I f ⎜ ⎟ Eq. 5
⎝ 1− Y ⎠

5. From Figure 2.4, obtain pCa as a function of Cac and pAlk as a function of Alkc. From Figure 2.5, obtain “K” as a
function of concentrate ionic strength and feed temperature.

6. Calculate the pH at which the concentrate stream is saturated with CaCO3 (pHs) as follows:
pHs = pCa + pAlk +" K"

7. Calculate the free carbon dioxide content (C) in the concentrate stream by assuming that the CO2 concentration in the
concentrate is equal to the CO2 concentration in the feed: Cc = Cf. The concentration of free carbon dioxide in the feed
solution is obtained from Figure 2.2 as a function of the alkalinity and the pH of the feed solution.

8. Calculate the pH of the concentrate stream (pHc) using the ratio of alkalinity (from Eq. 8) to free CO2 in the concentrate
(from Step 7), Figure 2.2.

9. Calculate the Stiff and Davis Stability Index of the concentrate (S&DSIc) as follows:
S & DSIc = pHc − pHs

Adjustments of S&DSIc
The S&DSIc in the concentrate stream will be positive with most natural high-salinity waters. In order to prevent CaCO3
precipitation and scaling, the S&DSIc has to be adjusted to a negative value by acid dosing. The S&DSIc can remain positive,
however, if CaCO3 precipitation is prevented by the dosage of a scale inhibitor (see Section 2.3.3). For the maximum allowed
S&DSIc and the required dosage, please refer to the scale inhibitor manufacturer’s literature.

If the S&DSIc is unacceptable based on the above recommendation, adjustments can be made by one of the following
means. A new S&DSIc can then be calculated.
• The recovery can be lowered and the S&DSIc can be calculated as above by substituting a new value for the recovery.

• Decreasing the calcium and alkalinity concentrations in the feed solution by means of lime or lime-soda ash softening
will increase the pCa and pAlk and will therefore decrease the pHs.

• Addition of acid (HCl, CO2, H2SO4, etc.) to the feed solution either with or without lime or lime-soda ash softening
changes the Alkf, Cf, and pH. The slight change in If can usually be ignored. Acid addition will decrease the S&DSIc;
however, since many variables change with acidification, trial and error computations are required to determine the
amount of acid needed to obtain the desired S&DSIc.

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These computations have been described already in the previous section (Section, Brackish Water). For seawater
systems, a dosage of typically 10 mg/L sulfuric acid is required to achieve a pHf of about 7 and a negative S&DSI in the

RO/NF in Operation
Once an RO or NF system is operating, the S&DSIc can be directly calculated from the analysis of Alkc, Cac, pHc, and Ic of
the concentrate stream and compared with the projected S&DSIc.

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Figure 2.4 Conversion of calcium and alkalinity to pCa and pAlk

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Figure 2.5 “K” versus ionic strength and temperature

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2.4.3 Calcium Sulfate Scale Prevention

For the determination of the calcium sulfate scaling potential, a complete feed water analysis is required.

Calculation /8/
1. Calculate the ionic strength of the concentrate stream (Ic) following the procedure described in Section 2.4.1:
⎛ 1 ⎞
Ic − I f ⎜ ⎟ Eq. 5
⎝ 1− Y ⎠

2. Calculate the ion product (IPc) for CaSO4 in the concentrate stream:

IPc = ⎢ (
) ⎛ 1
Ca 2 + f ⎜
⎝ 1− Y
⎞⎤ ⎡ m
⎟⎥ ⎢ SO 4 f ⎜
⎠⎦ ⎣
2− ⎛ 1

⎝ 1− Y

(mCa2+)f = M Ca2+ in feed, mol/L
(mSO42–)f = M SO42– in feed, mol/L

3. Compare IPc for CaSO4 with the solubility product (Ksp) of CaSO4 at the ionic strength of the concentrate stream, Figure
2.6. If IPc ≥ Ksp, CaSO4 scaling can occur, and adjustment is required. For a safe and conservative pretreatment design,
adjustment should be made if IPc > 0.8 Ksp.

Calculation Example (continued from Section 2.4.1):

Ic = 0.178
IP c = 4 5 × 10 − 3 )][4 (5 × 10 )] = 4 × 10
−3 −4

K sp = 4.4 × 10 −4 (from Figure 2.2)

IPc = 0.9 Ksp therefore adjustments are required.

Adjustments for CaSO4 Scale Control

• If the IPc for CaSO4 is less than 0.8 Ksp, a higher recovery can be used with respect to CaSO4 scaling. Reiteration of the
calculations at higher recovery can be used to determine the maximum conversion with respect to CaSO4 scaling.
• If the IPc for CaSO4 is greater than 0.8 Ksp, a lower recovery must be used to prevent scaling. Reiteration of the
calculations at lower recovery can be used to determine the allowable recovery with respect to CaSO4 scaling.
• If the maximum allowable recovery is lower than desired, strong acid cation exchange resin softening (Section 2.3.4) or
weak acid cation exchange resin dealkalization (see Section 2.3.5) can be used to remove all or part of the Ca2+. This
will permit higher recovery of the reverse osmosis system with respect to CaSO4 scaling.
• Lime softening with lime or lime plus soda ash (see Section 2.3.6) will decrease the Ca2+ concentration and thus permit
higher recovery with respect to scaling by CaSO4.
• Addition of a scale inhibitor to the feed stream permits operation of the RO system above the Ksp value, when adequate
scale inhibitor is added according to the scale inhibitor manufacturer’s instructions.

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Figure 2.6 Ksp for CaSO4 versus ionic strength /9/

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2.4.4 Barium Sulfate Scale Prevention /8/

Barium sulfate is the most insoluble of all alkaline-earth sulfates. When present in water, it may lead to massive precipitation,
possibly acting as a catalyst for calcium sulfate and strontium sulfate scaling.

In most natural waters, barium is present at a level that would cause barium sulfate precipitation in the concentrate stream.
The critical feed concentration of barium may be as low as < 15 µg/L in seawaters, < 5 µg/L in brackish waters or even < 2
µg/L if sulfuric acid is dosed to brackish waters.

Calculation /8/
Prediction of BaSO4 scaling potential is performed in the same way as the previously described procedure for CaSO4.
1. Calculate the ionic strength of the concentrate stream (Ic) following the procedure described in Section 2.4.1:
⎛ 1 ⎞
Ic = I f ⎜ ⎟ Eq. 5
⎝1− Y ⎠

2. Calculate the ion product (IPc) for BaSO4 in the concentrate stream:

IPc = ⎢ m Ba 2 + f ⎜ )
⎛ 1
⎝ 1− Y
⎞⎤ ⎡ m
⎠⎦ ⎣
2− ⎛ 1
⎟⎥ ⎢ SO 4 f ⎜ )
⎝ 1− Y

(mBa2+)f = M Ba2+ in feed, mol/L
(mSO42–)f = M SO42– in feed, mol/L

3. Compare IPc for BaSO4 with the solubility product (Ksp) of BaSO4 at the ionic strength of the concentrate stream, Figure
2.7. If IPc ≥ Ksp, BaSO4 scaling can occur, and adjustment is required.

Adjustments for BaSO4 Scale Control

The adjustments discussed in Section 2.4.3 for CaSO4 scale control apply as well for BaSO4 scale control.

2.4.5 Strontium Sulfate Scale Prevention

Calculation /8/
Prediction of SrSO4 scaling potential is performed in the same way as the previously described procedure for CaSO4:
1. Calculate the ionic strength of the concentrate stream (Ic) following the procedure described in Section 2.4.1:
⎛ 1 ⎞
Ic = I f ⎜ ⎟ Eq. 5
⎝1− Y ⎠

2. Calculate the ion product (IPc) for SrSO4 in the concentrate stream:

IPc = ⎢ (
Sr 2 + f ⎜ (
⎛ 1 ⎞⎤ ⎡ m
⎟⎥ ⎢ SO 4 f ⎜
⎝ 1 − Y ⎠⎦ ⎣
2 − ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤
⎝ 1 − Y ⎠⎦

(mSr2+)f = M Sr2+ in feed, mol/L
(mSO42–)f = M SO42– in feed, mol/L

3. Compare IPc for SrSO4 with the solubility product (Ksp) of SrSO4 at the ionic strength of the concentrate stream, Figure
2.8. If IPc ≥ 0.8 Ksp, SrSO4 scaling can occur, and adjustment is required.

Adjustments for SrSO4 Scale Control

The adjustments discussed in Section 2.4.3 for CaSO4 scale control apply for SrSO4 scale control as well.

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2.4.6 Calcium Fluoride Scale Prevention

Fluoride levels in the feed water of as low as 0.1 mg/L can create a scaling potential if the calcium concentration is high. The
calculation of the scaling potential is analogous to the procedure described in Section 2.4.3 for CaSO4.

1. Calculate the ionic strength of the concentrate stream (Ic) following the procedure described in Section 2.4.1:
⎛ 1 ⎞
Ic = I f ⎜ ⎟ Eq. 5
⎝1− Y ⎠

2. Calculate the ion product (IPc) for CaF2 in the concentrate stream:
⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤ ⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤
( )
IPc = ⎢ m Ca 2+ f ⎜ ⎟⎥ ⎢ ( m −
F f⎜ ) ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ 1 − Y ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎝ 1 − Y ⎠⎦

(mCa2+)f = M Ca2+ in feed, mol/L
(mF–)f = M F– in feed, mol/L

3. Compare IPc for CaF2 with the solubility product (Ksp) of CaF2 at the ionic strength of the concentrate stream, Figure 2.9
/11/. If IPc ≥ Ksp, CaF2 scaling can occur, and adjustment is required.

Adjustments for CaF2 Scale Control

The adjustments discussed in Section 2.4.3 for CaSO4 scale control apply as well for CaF2 scale control.

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Figure 2.7 Ksp for BaSO4 versus ionic strength /10/

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Figure 2.8 Ksp for SrSO4 versus ionic strength /10/

KSP for SrSO4 at 25°C (77°F)

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Figure 2.9 Ksp for CaF2 versus ionic strength /11/

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2.4.7 Silica Scale Prevention

Dissolved silica (SiO2) is naturally present in most feed waters in the range of 1–100 mg/L. The prevailing forms of silica are
meta silicic acids as (H2SiO3)n with low n numbers. Since silicic acid is a weak acid, it is mostly in the undissociated form at
or below a neutral pH. Supersaturated silicic acid can further polymerize to form insoluble colloidal silica or silica gel, which
can cause membrane scaling. The maximum allowable SiO2 concentration in the concentrate stream is based on the
solubility of SiO2.

The scaling potential for the concentrate stream will be quite different from that of the feed solution because of the increase
in the concentration of SiO2 and the change in pH. It can be calculated from the feed water analysis and the RO operating

As the pH exceeds neutral, silicic acid dissociates into the silicate anion (SiO32-)n. This can react with calcium, magnesium,
iron, manganese or aluminum to form insoluble silicates.

It was indicated that aluminum is the most powerful precipitant of silicic acid /12/, and the occurrence of silica scaling is
mostly correlated with the occurrence of aluminum or iron /13/. It has been reported that, when Al3+ and Fe3+ coexist in the
pretreated feed water, silica is precipitated even below its saturation /14, 15/. Both Al3+ and Fe3+, therefore, must be less
than 0.05 mg/L in the feed water, even if the silica level is below saturation. Since Al3+ and Fe3+ salts are used for
coagulation in municipal and other industrial water processing, frequent and accurate measurements of these ions are
needed even though the feed water itself does not contain high levels of aluminum and iron ions. Fouling with metal silicates
may occur from a chemical reaction and precipitation process (scaling), and also from colloidal fouling with submicron
particles entering the membrane system. Feed water acidification and preventive acid cleanings are possible measures in
cases of a metal silica scaling potential. If colloidal silica and silicates are present in the feed water, a flocculation/filtration
process and/or a fine grade prefilter (1 µm or less) should be chosen.

The scaling potential of soluble silica (silicic acid) in the absence of trivalent metal cations can be calculated as follows. The
calculation requires the following data for the feed solution (after acid addition, if acid is used for control of calcium
• SiO2 concentration
• Temperature
• pH
• Total alkalinity

Calculation /16/
1. The SiO2 concentration in the concentrate stream is calculated from the SiO2 concentration in the feed solution and the
recovery of the reverse osmosis system:
⎛ 1 ⎞
SiO 2c = SiO 2f ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 1− Y ⎠

SiO2c = silica concentration in concentrate as SiO2, mg/L
SiO2f = silica concentration in feed as SiO2, mg/L
Y = recovery of the reverse osmosis system, expressed as a decimal

2. Calculate the pH of the concentrate stream from the pH of the feed stream using the procedure given in Section 2.4.2.

3. From Figure 2.10, obtain the solubility of SiO2 as a function of temperature (SiO2 temperature). The temperature of the
concentrate is assumed equal to the temperature of feed solution. If the temperature of the water is known to vary, use
the minimum temperature for calculations.

4. From Figure 2.11, obtain the pH correction factor for the concentrate pH calculated in Step 2.

5. Calculate the solubility of SiO2 corrected for pH (SiO2corr) by multiplying the solubility of SiO2 obtained in Step 3 by the
pH correction factor obtained in Step 4.

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6. Compare the silica concentration in the concentrate (SiO2c) obtained in Step 1 with the silica solubility (SiO2corr) obtained
in Step 5. Once a reverse osmosis system is operating, the scaling potential of SiO2 can be directly calculated from the
analysis of the concentrate stream and compared with the projected scaling potential calculated above. If SiO2c is
greater than SiO2corr, silica scaling can occur and adjustment is required.

Adjustments for Scale Control

• If SiO2c is less than SiO2corr, a higher recovery can be used with respect to scaling by silica. Reiteration of the
calculations at higher recovery can be used to determine the maximum conversion with respect to scaling by silica.
• If SiO2c is greater than SiO2corr, a lower recovery must be used to prevent scaling. Reiteration of the calculations can be
used to determine the allowable recovery with respect to scaling by silica.
• If the maximum allowable recovery is lower than desired, lime plus soda ash softening employing either magnesium
oxide or sodium aluminate can be used in the pretreatment system to decrease the SiO2 concentration in the feed
stream (see Section 2.3.6) and thus permit higher conversion with respect to scaling by silica. It is important that the
softening process be performed properly in order to prevent formation of insoluble metal silicates in the reverse osmosis
• Since the solubility of silica increases below a pH of about 7.0 and above a pH of about 7.8, pH adjustment with either
acid or base can permit a higher recovery with respect to silica scaling. For the high pH, however, CaCO3 scaling must
be prevented.
• The maximum allowable recovery with respect to silica scaling can be increased significantly by increasing the water
temperature using a heat exchanger. The maximum temperature permitted for continuous use is 45°C.
• Scale inhibitors such as high molecular weight polyacrylates can also be used to increase the solubility of silica.

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Table 2.10 Solubility of SiO2 versus temperature /16/

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Figure 2.11 SiO2 pH correction factor /16, 17/

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2.4.8 Calcium Phosphate Scale Prevention

Calcium phosphate fouling was not common until reverse osmosis technology was widely applied to municipal wastewater.
Due to water shortages, municipal waste water recycle or reuse has become one a major application area of reverse
osmosis. Along with this new application, preventive actions for calcium phosphate scaling are needed.

Phosphorus is a common element in nature and is widely distributed in many minerals. In natural water and waste water
streams, phosphorus compounds exist in the following forms: /18/
• Particulate phosphate
• Orthophosphate (PO43–): Orthophosphates may be present as H3PO4, H2PO4–, HPO42–, and PO43– depending on pH.
H2PO4– and HPO42– are the prevailing species in neutral waste water.
• Polyphosphates: Important components in textile washing powders and other detergents. Depending on the product,
they may contain 2–7 P atoms.
• Organic phosphorus: Phosphorus is an essential element for living organisms.

The most common mineral form of phosphorus is apatite, which is a calcium phosphate with variable amounts of OH–, Cl–,
and F– (hydroxy-, chloro-, or fluoroapatite). Some other phosphate minerals contain aluminum and/or iron. Because of their
low solubility, the following phosphate compounds can be considered as causes of phosphate scaling in an RO/NF operation
(see Table 2.8).

Table 2.8 Low solubility phosphate compounds

Compound Formula pKsp
Brushite CaHPO4⋅2H2O 6.68
Calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2 28.9
Octacalcium phosphate Ca4H(PO4)3⋅3H2O 46.9
Hydroxyapatite Ca5(PO4)3OH 57.74
Fluoroapatite Ca5(PO4)3F 60
Magnesium ammonium phosphate MgNH4PO4 12.6
Aluminum phosphate AlPO4 20
Iron phosphate FePO4 15

Calcium phosphate and apatites are less soluble in neutral and alkaline conditions and dissolve in acid /18/. Aluminum and
iron phosphates, however, are less soluble at moderately acidic conditions. Thus it is important to remove aluminum and iron
in a pretreatment step as well. Because of the complexity of phosphate chemistry, it is not easy to predict a threshold level of
phosphate scaling. The calcium phosphate stability index (SI), however, was proposed by Kubo et al /19/. The calcium
phosphate stability index is determined by the levels of calcium and phosphate present, pH, and temperature. A negative SI
signifies a low potential for calcium phosphate scaling; a positive value indicates the potential for calcium phosphate scaling.
SI is determined by the following equation:

SI = pHa – pHc
pHa = actual pH of a feed water
pHc = critical pH calculated by the following experimental equation:

11.755 − log(CaH) − log(PO 4 ) − 2 log t

pHc =
where :
CaH = Calcium hardness as ppm CaCO3
PO4 = Phosphate concentration as ppm PO4
t = Temperature as °C

Figure 2.12 shows the effect of critical phosphate concentrations of Ca3(PO4)2 scaling on feed calcium hardness and pH
based on the equation.

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Figure 2.12 Critical phosphate concentration under various pH at 25°C

pH = 6
PO 4 concentration (ppm )

pH = 7

pH = 8



10 100 1000

Calcium Hardness (ppm as CaCO 3 )

Note: When feed water contains high levels of fluoride, ammonia and aluminum, critical phosphate concentration might be lowered due to formation
of fluorapatite, aluminum phosphate, etc.

To minimize the risk of phosphate scaling, it is important to reduce not only orthophosphate, but also calcium, fluoride, and
aluminum concentration. A low feed pH helps to control phosphate scaling. Appropriate commercial antiscalants good for
phosphate scaling are also available.

Phosphate scaled membranes are best cleaned at low pH (see Chapter 6).

2.5 Colloidal and Particulate Fouling Prevention

2.5.1 Assessment of the Colloidal Fouling Potential

Colloidal fouling of RO elements can seriously impair performance by lowering productivity and sometimes salt rejection. An
early sign of colloidal fouling is often an increased pressure differential across the system.

The source of silt or colloids in reverse osmosis feed waters is varied and often includes bacteria, clay, colloidal silica, and
iron corrosion products. Pretreatment chemicals used in a clarifier such as aluminum sulfate, ferric chloride, or cationic
polyelectrolytes are materials that can be used to combine these fine particle size colloids resulting in an agglomeration or
large particles that then can be removed more easily by either media or cartridge filtration. Such agglomeration,
consequently, can reduce the performance criteria of media filtration or the pore size of cartridge filtration where these
colloids are present in the feed water. It is important, however, that these pretreatment chemicals become incorporated into
the agglomerates themselves since they could also become a source of fouling if not removed. In addition, cationic polymers
may coprecipitate with negatively charged antiscalants and foul the membrane.

Several methods or indices have been proposed to predict a colloidal fouling potential of feed waters, including turbidity, Silt
Density Index (SDI) and Modified Fouling Index (MFI). (see Table 2.9) The SDI is the most commonly used fouling index.

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Table 2.9 Various fouling indices
Index Definition or method
Turbidity Turbidity is an expression of the optical property of water that causes light to be scattered and absorbed rather than
transmitted in straight lines through the sample. Turbidity is caused by suspended and colloidal particulate matter such
as clay, silt, finely divided organic and inorganic matter, plankton and other microscopic organisms.

Test methods for turbidity of water are described in ASTM D1889 /20/, in ASTM D6698 /21/ and Chapter 2130 of
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 20th Editions /1/.

Turbidity is often used for online control of particle filtration processes. The turbidity of feed water to RO/NF should be
less than 1 NTU as one of the minimum requirements of feedwater.
SDI The Silt Density Index (SDI) can serve as a useful indication of the quantity of particulate matter in water and correlates
with the fouling tendency of RO/NF systems. The SDI is calculated from the rate of plugging of a 0.45 µm membrane
filter when water is passed through at a constant applied gauge pressure. The method is described below. For more
details refer to ASTM D4189 /22/.

SDI is sometimes referred to as the Fouling Index (FI)

MFI The Modified Fouling Index (MFI) is proportional to the concentration of suspended matter and is a more accurate index
than the SDI for predicting the tendency of a water to foul RO/NF membranes. The method is the same as for the SDI
except that the volume is recorded every 30 seconds over a 15 minute filtration period. The MFI is obtained graphically
as the slope of the straight part of the curve when t/V is plotted against V (t is the time in seconds to collect a volume of
V in liters). For more details refer to Schippers et al. /23/.

A MFI value of <1 corresponds to a SDI value of about <3 and can be considered as sufficiently low to control colloidal
and particulate fouling.

More recently, UF membranes have been used for MFI measurements. This index is called MFI-UF in contrast to the
MFI0.45 where a 0.45 µm membrane filter is used /24/.

Measuring these indices is an important practice and should be carried out prior to designing an RO/NF pretreatment system
and on a regular basis during RO/NF operation (three times a day is a recommended frequency for surface waters).

Equipment :

Figure 2.13 shows the equipment needed to measure SDI, including

• 47 mm diameter membrane filter holder
• 47 mm diameter membrane filters (0.45 µm pore size)
• 10–70 psi (1–5 bar) pressure gauge
• needle valve for pressure adjustment

Figure 2.13 Apparatus for measuring the silt density index





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1. Assemble the apparatus as shown in Figure 2.13 and set the pressure regulator at 207 kPa (30 psi or 2.1 bar).
2. Place the membrane filter carefully on its support.
3. Make sure the O-ring is in good condition and properly placed. Replace the top half of the filter holder and close loosely.
4. Bleed out trapped air, close the valve and tighten the filter holder.
5. Open the valve. Simultaneously, using a stopwatch, begin measuring the time required for the flow of 500 ml. Record
the time ti. Leave the valve open for continued flow.
6. Measure and record the times to collect additional 500 mL volumes of sample, starting the collection at 5, 10, and 15
minutes of total elapsed flow time. Measure the water temperature and check the pressure as each sample is collected.
7. After completion of the test, the membrane filter may be retained for future reference. Alternatively, the filter may be left
in operation after the test until clogged in order to collect suspended matter for analysis with analytical methods.
8. Calculation:
⎛ t ⎞ 100
SDI T = ⎜1 − i ⎟⋅
⎜ t ⎟ T
⎝ f ⎠
T = total elapsed flow time, min (usually 15 min, see Note)
ti = initial time required to collect 500 mL of sample, sec
tf = time required to collect 500 mL of sample after test time T, sec (usually 15 min)

Note: For this test method, 1-(ti/tf) should not exceed 0.75. If 1-(ti/tf) exceeds this value, use a shorter time for T; (i.e., 5 or
10 minute measurements in Step 6).

The guideline is to maintain SDI15 at ≤5. To minimize the fouling, however, SDI15 at <3 is recommended. A number of
pretreatment technologies have proven effective in SDI reduction, including media filtration (such as sand/anthracite),
ultrafiltration and cross-flow microfiltration. Polyelectrolyte addition ahead of filtration sometimes improves SDI reduction.

Methods to prevent colloidal fouling are outlined in the following.

2.5.2 Media Filtration

The removal of suspended and colloidal particles by media filtration is based on their deposition on the surface of filter grains
while the water flows through a bed of these grains (filter media). The quality of the filtrate depends on the size, surface
charge, and geometry of both suspended solids and filter media, as well as on the water analysis and operational
parameters. With a well-designed and operated filter, a SDI15 <5 can usually be achieved.

The most common filter media in water treatment are sand and anthracite. The effective grain size for fine sand filter is in the
range of 0.35–0.5 mm, and 0.7–0.8 mm for anthracite filter. In comparison to single sand filter media, dual filter media with
anthracite over sand permit more penetration of the suspended matter into the filter bed, thus resulting in more efficient
filtration and longer runs between cleaning. The design depth of the filter media is a minimum of 31 inches (0.8 m). In the
dual filter media, the filters are usually filled with 20 inches (0.5 m) of sand covered with 12 inches (0.3 m) of anthracite.

There are two types of filters employed, gravity and pressure filters. As the filter vessel for pressure filtration is designed for
pressurization, a higher pressure drop can be applied for higher filter beds and/or smaller filter grains and/or higher filtration
velocities. The design filtration flow rates are usually 4–8 gpm/ft2 (10–20 m/h), and the backwash rates are in the range of
16–20 gpm/ft2 (40–50 m/h). The available pressure is usually about 16 ft (5 m) of head for gravity filters, and 30 psi (2 bar) to
more than 60 psi (4 bar) for pressure filters. For feed waters with a high fouling potential, flow rates of less than 4 gpm/ft2 (10
m/h) and/or second pass media filtration are preferred. If the flow rate has to be increased to compensate for one filter that
goes out of service, the flow rate increase must be gradual and slow to prevent the release of previously deposited particles.

During operation, influent water to be filtered enters at the top of the filter, percolates through the filter bed, and is drawn off
through the collector system at the bottom. Periodically, when the differential pressure increase between the inlet and outlet
of the pressure filter is 4–9 psi (0.3–0.6 bar), and about 4.6 ft (1.4 m) for the gravity filter, the filter is backwashed and rinsed
to carry away the deposited matter. Backwash time is normally about 10 minutes. Before a backwashed filter is placed back
into service, it must be rinsed to drain until the filtrate meets the specification.

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Frequent shutdowns and start-ups should be avoided to minimize the release of previously deposited particulate matter.
Design and operational details of media filtration are available in water treatment textbooks /3, 4/.

2.5.3 Oxidation–Filtration

Some well waters, usually brackish waters, are in a reduced state. Typically, such waters contain divalent iron and
manganese, sometimes hydrogen sulfide and ammonium, but no oxygen; therefore, they are also called anoxic. Often the
oxygen has been used up (e.g., by microbiological processes) because the water is contaminated with biodegradable
organic substances, or the water is from a very old aquifer.

One method of handling anoxic waters is to oxidize iron and manganese by air, sodium hypochlorite or potassium
permanganate (KMnO4). The hydroxides formed can then be removed by media filtration. Hydrogen sulfide will be oxidized
to elemental sulfur that can be removed by media filtration as well.

Oxidation and filtration can be accomplished in one step by using a filter media with the ability to oxidize divalent iron and
manganese by electron transfer. Greensand is such a granular medium, which is a green (when dry) mineral glauconite. It
can be regenerated with KMnO4 when its oxidizing capability is exhausted. After regeneration, the residual KMnO4 has to be
thoroughly rinsed out to avoid oxidation damage of the membranes. This technique is used when <2 mg/L Fe2+ is present in
the raw water. For higher Fe2+ concentrations, KMnO4 can be continuously dosed into the inlet stream of the filter. In this
case, however, measures have to be taken to ensure that no permanganate can reach the membranes (e.g., by installation
of a carbon filter) (see Section 2.6.3, Chlorination/Dechlorination).

Birm filtration has also been used effectively for Fe2+ removal from RO feed water. With birm filtration a pH increase and
consequently a shift in the LSI value might occur, so care should be taken to avoid CaCO3 precipitation in the filter and in the
RO system.

Instead of media filtration, microfiltration or ultrafiltration (see Section 2.5.6) can be used to remove small iron and
manganese hydroxide particles formed from an oxidation process. This is a rather new technology for iron and manganese

The pretreatment of anoxic waters is described in more detail in Sections 2.9 and 2.10.

2.5.4 In-Line Filtration

The efficiency of media filtration to reduce the SDI value can be markedly improved if the colloids in the raw water are
coagulated and/or flocculated prior to filtration. In-line filtration can be applied to raw waters with a SDI only slightly above 5.
The optimization of the method, also named in-line coagulation or in-line coagulation-flocculation, is described in ASTM D
4188 /25/. A coagulant is injected into the raw water stream, effectively mixed, and the formed microflocs are immediately
removed by media filtration.

Ferric sulfate and ferric chloride are used to destabilize the negative surface charge of the colloids and to entrap them into
the freshly formed ferric hydroxide microflocs. Aluminum coagulants are also effective, but not recommended because of
possible fouling problems with residual aluminum. Rapid dispersion and mixing of the coagulant is extremely important. An
in-line static mixer or injection on the suction side of a booster pump is recommended. The optimum dosage is usually in the
range of 10–30 mg/L, but should be determined case by case.

To strengthen the hydroxide microflocs and thereby improving their filterability, and/or to bridge the colloidal particles
together, flocculants can be used in combination with coagulants or alone. Flocculants are soluble high molecular weight
organic compounds (e.g., linear polyacrylamides). Through different active groups, they may be positively charged (cationic),
negatively charged (anionic), or close to neutral (nonionic).

Coagulants and flocculants may interfere with an RO membrane indirectly or directly. Indirect interference occurs when the
compound forms a precipitate that is deposited on the membrane. For example, channeling of the media filter may enable
flocs to pass through and deposit on the membrane. A precipitate can also be formed when concentrating the treated feed
water, such as when aluminum or ferric coagulants are added without subsequently lowering pH to avoid supersaturation in

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the RO stage. Furthermore, reaction with a compound added after the media filter can cause a precipitate to form. This is
most noticeable with antiscalants. Nearly all antiscalants are negatively charged and will react with cationic coagulants or
flocculants present in the water. The membranes in several RO plants have been heavily fouled by a gel formed by reaction
between cationic polyelectrolytes and antiscalants.

Direct interference occurs when the compound itself affects the membrane resulting in a flux loss. The ionic strength of the
water may have an effect on the interference of the coagulant or flocculant with the membrane. If so, the result at brackish
water conditions could be different from that at seawater conditions. To minimize the risk of direct or indirect interference with
the RO membrane, anionic or nonionic flocculants are preferred rather than cationic flocculants. Overdosing must be

2.5.5 Coagulation-Flocculation

For raw waters containing high concentrations of suspended matter resulting in a high SDI, the classic coagulation-
flocculation process is preferred. The hydroxide flocs are allowed to grow and settle in specifically designed reaction
chambers. The hydroxide sludge is removed, and the supernatant water is further treated by media filtration.

For the coagulation-flocculation process, either a solids-contact type clarifier (see also Section 2.3.6 Lime Softening) or a
compact coagulation-flocculation reactor may be used. For details, please refer to the general water treatment textbooks /3, 4/.

2.5.6 Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration

Microfiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration (UF) membrane removes virtually all suspended matter and, in the case of ultrafiltration,
also dissolved organic compounds depending on their molecular mass and on the molecular mass cut-off of the membrane.
Hence, an SDI <1 can be achieved with a well-designed and properly maintained MF or UF system. There is both dead-end
and cross-flow filtration. Dead-end filtration has two streams, inlet and outlet. 100% of the feed passes through the UF or MF
filter medium (i.e.,100% recovery). In cross-flow filtration, there are three streams: feed, concentrate, and permeate. In UF
and MF hollow-fiber membranes, there are two different types of configurations: flow can be from outside-in or inside-out.
For outside-in configuration, there is more flexibility in the amount of feed to flow around the hollow fibers, whereas inside-
out configuration has to consider the pressure drop through the inner volume of the hollow fibers. Inside-out configuration,
however, offers much more uniform flow distribution through the bore of hollow fiber compared to the outside-in
configuration. Cross-flow UF/MF systems operate at high recovery and flux rate and so backwashing and air-scouring
techniques are frequently used to reduce fouling.

If a chlorine-resistant membrane material is used (e.g., polysulfone or a ceramic membrane), chlorine can be added to the
wash water in order to retard biological fouling. A review on microfiltration and ultrafiltration processes is given by Porter /26/.

2.5.7 Cartridge Microfiltration

A cartridge filter with an absolute pore size of less than 10 µm is the suggested minimum pretreatment required for every RO
system. It is a safety device to protect the membranes and the high pressure pump from suspended particles. Usually it is
the last step of a pretreatment sequence. A pore size of 5 µm absolute is recommended. The better the prefiltration the less
RO membrane cleaning required. If there is a risk of fouling with colloidal silica or with metal silicates, cartridge filtration with
1 to 3 µm absolute pore size is recommended. The filter should be sized on a flow rate according to the manufacturer’s
recommendation and replaced before the pressure drop has increased to the permitted limit, but at least every 3 months.

Backflushable filters as final safety filters are generally not recommended because of their risk of breakthrough in case of a
malfunction of their backflush mechanism, their lower efficiency and the higher biofouling risk. Backflushable fine filters may
be used upstream of the cartridge filters to protect them. They are however, no substitute for disposable cartridges.
The cartridge filter should be made of a synthetic nondegradable material (e.g., nylon or polypropylene) and equipped with a
pressure gauge to indicate the differential pressure, thereby indicating the extent of its fouling. Regular inspections of used
cartridges provide useful information regarding fouling risks and cleaning requirements.

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If the differential pressure across the filter increases rapidly, it is an indication of possible problems in the raw water supply or
in the pretreatment process. The filter provides some degree of short-term protection for the membranes while corrective
action is taking place.

Replacing cartridge filters more often than every 1 to 3 months usually indicates a problem with the pretreatment. The
cartridge filter, however, is not meant to be a major component for the removal of high amounts of filterable solids. This
would not only be an inefficient use of rather expensive filters, but would probably lead to premature failure of the membrane
system due to the high probability that some of the unwanted material will break through. An alternative approach would be
to use a second cartridge with larger pore size upstream.

2.5.8 Other Methods

Methods to prevent colloidal fouling other than those described in the previous sections also exist.

Lime softening has already been described as a method for silica removal (Section 2.3.6). Removal of iron and colloidal
matter are further benefits.

Strong acid cation exchange resin softening not only removes hardness, but it also removes low concentrations of iron
and aluminum that otherwise could foul the membrane. Softened water is also known to exhibit a lower fouling tendency than
unsoftened (hard) water because multivalent cations promote the adhesion of naturally occurring colloids, which are usually
negatively charged. The iron removal efficiency depends on the Fe species present. Fe2+ and Fe3+ are removed very well by
the SAC resin and, if in excess of 0.05 ppm, have a tendency to foul the membrane and catalyze its degradation. Colloidal or
organo-Fe-complexes are usually not removed at all and will pass through into the product water. Insoluble iron-oxides are,
depending on their size, filtered out depending on the flow rate and bed-depth used.

When dealing with higher concentration of ferrous iron, one needs special care to avoid ferric iron fouling. It was reported
that addition of SMBS was able to prevent membrane fouling

Antifoulants: certain scaling inhibitors, also called antifoulants, can handle iron. This pretreatment process can be used for
relatively low concentrations of iron.

2.5.9 Design and Operational Considerations

The prevention of colloidal fouling is not only a matter of the proper pretreatment selection, but also of the system design and
operation. As an extreme example, surface water could be pretreated by coagulation-flocculation and ultrafiltration. The RO
system could then operate with a high permeate flux, and almost no cleaning would be required. If the same water, however,
is just filtered with cartridge filtration, then the RO system would need much more membrane area, and more frequent
cleaning and maintenance would be required. A poor pretreatment process can be partially compensated for by adding more
membrane area and modifying the system (see Section 3, System Design), and by more frequent and/or harsh cleaning. On
the other hand, improving the pretreatment system means lower membrane costs.

To minimize the pretreatment effort and/or improve the feed water quality, the best available raw water quality should be
used. The location of the intake of surface water, including seawater, is of paramount importance. Contamination of the raw
water with waste water effluent may cause serious problems in the RO plant. A deep well close to the shore or the river is
preferred. If an open intake is required, it should be located well away from the shore and some meters below the water

New wells often release suspended matter in the first days of operation. Care must be taken that wells are properly rinsed
out. Fouling by iron oxide is also a common problem. It can be avoided by selecting noncorrosive materials (see Section
3.14, Materials of Construction, Corrosion Control).

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2.6 Biological Fouling Prevention

2.6.1 Introduction

All raw waters contain microorganisms such as bacteria, algae, fungi, viruses, and higher organisms. The typical size of
bacteria is about 1 µm. Microorganisms can be regarded as colloidal matter and removed during pretreatment as discussed
in Section 2.5. The difference between microorganisms and non-living particles, however, is the ability of microorganisms to
reproduce and form a biofilm under favorable conditions.

Microorganisms entering a RO/NF system find a large membrane surface where dissolved nutrients from the water are
enriched due to concentration polarization, thus creating an ideal environment for the formation of a biofilm. Biological fouling
of the membranes may seriously affect the performance of the RO system. The symptoms are an increase in the differential
pressure from feed to concentrate, finally leading to telescoping and mechanical damage of the membrane elements (see
Section 8.5.3, High Differential Pressure), and a decline in membrane flux. Sometimes, biofouling develops even on the
permeate side, thus contaminating the product water.

A biofilm is difficult to remove because it protects its microorganisms against the action of shear forces and biocidal
chemicals. In addition, if not completely removed, remaining parts of a biofilm lead to a rapid regrowth. Biological fouling
prevention is therefore a major objective of the pretreatment process. The control of microbiological activity is also part of
system design (see Section 3.15, System Design Considerations to Control Microbiological Activity), in the system operation
(see Chapter 5, System Operation), in the sanitization of systems (see Section 6.10, Sanitizing Membrane Systems) and in
the preservation of systems (see Section 7.4, Preservation of RO and NF Systems).

The various methods to prevent and control biological fouling are described in Sections 2.6.3 to 2.6.11. Each method has
specific advantages, but the optimum strategy is a combination of the different concepts.

The most successful approach is the limitation or removal of nutrients for microorganisms from the water in order to limit
biological growth. This can be achieved with biofiltration - see Section 2.6.8. The continuous addition of oxidation chemicals
such as chlorine may increase the nutrient level because organic substances may be broken down to smaller biodegradable
fragments. Dosing chemicals such as antiscalants or acids must be carefully selected because they may also serve as nutrients.

Other methods are based on chemicals that have a biocidal effect on microorganisms. These sanitization chemicals are
applied during the normal operation of the plant either as a continuous dosage to the feed water stream or preferably as a
discontinuous (intermittent) dosage in certain intervals. Preventive treatments are much more effective than corrective
treatments because single attached bacteria are easier to kill and remove than a thick, aged biofilm. Typical treatment
intervals are one to four per month, but they can be as short as one per day, depending on the feed water quality (e.g.,
waste water) or the permeate quality required (e.g., pharmaceutical-grade water). A third application mode is the off-line
application using separate cleaning equipment. This mode is dealt with in Section 6.10, Sanitizing Membrane Systems.

The attachment of bacteria to a membrane surface and their growth can be minimized by a surface modification of the membrane.
This concept is available with the FR (Fouling Resistant) series of FILMTEC™ membrane elements – see Section 2.6.11.

Other physical methods are targeted to remove microorganisms in the feed water with microfiltration or ultrafiltration (see
Section 2.6.9) or to kill them with UV radiation (see Section 2.6.10).

2.6.2 Assessment of the Biological Fouling Potential

The potential for biological fouling should be assessed during the project phase so that the system can be designed
accordingly. Warm surface waters generally have a higher biofouling potential than cold well waters. The regular assessment
of the microbiological activity of the feed water should also be part of the operating discipline of an existing plant so that any
increase of the microbiological activity can be responded to at an early stage.

Some techniques require water sampling, whereas others use online monitors. Sampling of microbiological activity can be
done using presterilized sampling containers. If the laboratory equipment needed for analysis of the microbiological samples
is not available at the RO plant site, an adequate laboratory should be found to perform the needed analysis not later than 8
hours after sampling. Samples should be stored in a refrigerator.
The minimum number of sampling points required is listed below:
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1. Intake (surface) or well, before addition of any chemicals.
2. After a clarifier, settling pond, sludge contact unit, or similar sedimentation process.
3. After filtration units (sand, multimedia, activated carbon, or other).
4. Just before the membranes, after addition of chemicals (normally after cartridge filtration).
5. Concentrate stream.
6. Permeate stream.

The frequency of sampling and analysis depends on the risk of biofouling. For surface water plants, a daily check of the feed
water (point 4) and a weekly check of all points are recommended. Culture Techniques

The concentration of bacteria in water is directly related to the biological fouling potential of the water. The number of colony
forming units (CFU) is a quantitative expression of the number of culturable microorganisms in a water sample. It is
determined according to Part 9000 of the Standard Methods /1/ by filtering a measured quantity of water through a
membrane filter. Subsequently, the organisms thus retained on the filter surface are cultured on the appropriate nutrient
medium to develop colonies, which are then observed and counted at low power magnification. Different media are used for
different microorganisms and different water types.

The main advantage of this method is that it can be performed easily without expensive equipment. The test results,
however, are only available after up to seven days, and the counted colonies may represent as little as 1-10 % or less of the
total bacteria count (TBC). Nevertheless, culture techniques are still valuable as indicators of the level and the trend of the
biological fouling potential.

They can be applied to monitor the water quality from the intake through the subsequent treatment steps up to the
concentrate stream and the permeate. An increase of the CFU is an indication of an increased biofouling potential. Total Bacteria Count

The total bacteria count (TBC) is determined with direct count techniques. These employ filtration of the water sample and
counting the retained microorganisms on the filter plate directly under a microscope. To make the microorganisms visible,
they are stained with acridine orange and viewed with an epi-illuminated fluorescent microscope /28/.

Thus, an accurate count of total microorganisms is obtained immediately. The types of microorganisms can be assessed and
differentiated from debris particles. Direct count methods are preferred, because they are much faster and more accurate
than culture techniques.

The concentrations of microorganisms in raw water, in the feed stream, and in the concentrate stream are helpful numbers
for assessing biological fouling potential. Other factors, however, like the concentration and the kind of nutrients or growth
promoting substances may be more important for the development of a biofilm. Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC)

The AOC test addresses the growth potential of microorganisms in a given water sample with given nutrients. It is a bioassay
with two well-defined pure cultures. From the maximum growth level of the two individual strains the AOC concentration is
calculated and expressed as µg/L of acetate C equivalents. The procedure is described in Part 9217 of the Standard
Methods /1/. Vrouwenvelder et al. observed severe biofouling in cases where the feed water had AOC values exceeding 80
µg/L /29/. Nederlof et al. proposed a standard of 10 µg/L to prevent biological fouling /30/, but in some cases biofouling may
be possible with AOC values even below 10 µg/L /29/.

Page 57 of 180 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-00071 Biofilm Formation Rate (BFR)

The BFR value is determined with an online operated biofilm monitor at a continuous flow rate of 0.2 m/s. The accumulation
of active biomass measured as ATP (adenosinetriphosphate) on the surface of glass rings in this monitor is determined as a
function of time /32/. BFR values exceeding 100 pg/cm2 ATP were observed with severe biofouling, and BFR values of less
than 1 pg/cm2 ATP were measured in cases of stable operation without any cleaning needs /29/. The BFR value is most
closely correlated with the degree of biofouling in a membrane plant /31/.

2.6.3 Chlorination / Dechlorination

Chlorine (Cl2) has been used for many years to treat municipal and industrial water and waste waters to control
microorganisms because of its capacity to inactivate most pathogenic microorganisms quickly. The effectiveness of chlorine
is dependent on the chlorine concentration, time of exposure, and the pH of the water. Chlorine is used for treating potable
water where a residual chlorine concentration near 0.5 mg/L is commonly used. In an industrial water treatment scheme,
fouling of water intake lines, heat exchangers, sand filters, etc., may be prevented by maintaining a free residual chlorine
concentration of 0.5–1.0 mg/L or higher, dependent on the organic content of the incoming water.

Chlorination for RO/NF pretreatment has been applied usually where biological fouling prevention is required (i.e., typically
for surface waters). Chlorine is added continuously at the intake, and a reaction time of 20–30 min should be allowed. A free
residual chlorine concentration of 0.5–1.0 mg/L should be maintained through the whole pretreatment line. Dechlorination
upstream of the membranes is required, however, to protect the membranes from oxidation.

FILMTEC™ membrane can withstand short-term exposure to free chlorine (hypochlorite); however, its resistance is limited.
The membrane can be used successfully in installations where system upsets result in temporary exposure to free chlorine.
Eventual degradation may occur after approximately 200–1,000 hours of exposure to 1 ppm concentrations of free chlorine.

The rate of chlorine attack depends on various feed water characteristics. Under alkaline pH conditions, chlorine attack is
faster than at neutral or acidic pH. Chlorine attack is also faster when iron or other transition metals are present either in the
water or on the membrane surface; these metals catalyze membrane degradation. Because of the risk of membrane
oxidation, chlorine is not recommended for intentionally sanitizing membrane systems.

Continuous chlorination and dechlorination of the feedwater has been standard for years. Biofouling problems downstream
of the point of dechlorination, however, are quite common. It is believed that chlorine reacts with the organic matter in the
water and breaks it down to more biodegradable fragments. Since there is no chlorine present on the membranes,
microorganisms can grow with an enhanced nutrient offering, unless the system is sanitized very frequently. Therefore, the
continuous chlorination/dechlorination method is becoming less popular.

Instead of continuous chlorination, chlorine is preferably applied off-line to the pretreatment section periodically. During off-
line chlorination, the feedwater has to be sent to drain prior to reaching the membranes. Before the system goes into
operation again, all chlorine containing feed water has to be rinsed out carefully, and the absence of chlorine must be
verified (e.g., by monitoring of the oxidation-redox potential (ORP)).

Chlorination Chemistry
Chlorine is most commonly available as chlorine gas and the hypochlorites of sodium and calcium. In water, they hydrolyze
instantaneously to hypochlorous acid:
Cl2 + H2O → HOCl + HCl
NaOCl + H2O → HOCl + NaOH
Ca(OCl)2 + 2 H2O → 2 HOCl + Ca(OH)2

Hypochlorous acid dissociates in water to hydrogen ions and hypochlorite ions:

HOCl ↔ H+ + OCl–

The sum of Cl2, NaOCl, Ca(OCl)2, HOCl, and OCl– is referred to as free available chlorine (FAC) or free residual chlorine
(FRC), expressed as mg/L Cl2. As discussed later, chloramines are formed from the reaction of chlorine with ammonia
compounds present in the water. These chlorine-ammonia compounds are referred to as combined available chlorine (CAC)

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or combined residual chlorine (CRC). The sum of free and combined available/residual chlorine is called the total residual
chlorine (TRC).

The germicidal efficiency of free residual chlorine is directly related to the concentration of undissociated HOCl.
Hypochlorous acid is 100 times more effective than the hypochlorite ion OCl–. The fraction of undissociated HOCl increases
with decreasing pH.

At pH 7.5 (77°F (25°C), 40 mg/L TDS), only 50% of free residual chlorine is present as HOCl, but 90% is present at pH 6.5.
The fraction of HOCl also increases with decreasing temperature. At 41°F (5°C), the HOCl mole fraction is 62% (pH 7.5, 40
mg/L TDS). In high-salinity waters, less HOCl is present (30% at pH 7.5, 25°C, 40,000 mg/L TDS).

Chlorine Demand
A part of the chlorine dosage reacts with ammonia nitrogen to combined available chlorine in a series of stepwise reactions:
HOCl + NH3 ↔ NH2Cl (monochloramine) + H2O
HOCl + NH2Cl ↔ NHCl2 (dichloramine) + H2O
HOCl + NHCl2 ↔ NCl3 (trichloramine) + H2O

These reactions are governed primarily by pH and chlorine-to-nitrogen weight ratio. Chloramine also has a germicidal effect,
albeit lower than that of chlorine.

Another part of the chlorine is converted to nonavailable chlorine. This chlorine demand is caused by the reaction with
reducing agents such as nitrite, cyanide, sulfide, ferrous iron, and manganese. Chlorine is also consumed by the oxidation of
organic compounds present in the water.

To determine the optimum chlorine dosage, best point of injection, pH, and contact time to prevent biofouling, ASTM D 1291
/33/ should be applied to a representative water sample. For further details, the Handbook of Chlorination /34/ is

The major difference between the chlorination chemistry of seawater and that of brackish water is the presence of bromide
in seawater in concentrations of typically 65 mg/L. Bromide reacts rapidly with hypochlorous acid to form hypobromous acid:
Br– + HOCl → HOBr + Cl–

Thus, in chlorinated seawater the biocide is predominantly HOBr rather than HOCl.

Hypobromous acid then dissociates to hypobromite ion as follows:

HOBr ↔ OBr– + H+

HOBr dissociation is less than HOCl dissociation. At pH 8, where 72% of HOCl is dissociated, about 17% of HOBr is
dissociated. In other words, effective treatment can be performed at a higher pH than in brackish water, where no bromide is

Both hypobromous acid and hypobromite ions interfere with free residual chlorine measurements and are included in the free
residual chlorine value.

The reactions of HOBr with other compounds of the water are analogous to the reactions of HOCl. Bromamines and
brominated compounds are the reaction products.

When RO or NF membrane is used in the RO/NF process, the feed must be dechlorinated to prevent oxidation of the
membrane. FILMTEC™ membranes have some chlorine tolerance before noticeable loss of salt rejection is observed. The
first sign of chlorine attack on RO/NF membrane is loss of membrane flux followed by an increase in membrane flux and salt
passage. Eventual degradation may occur after approximately 200–1,000 hours of exposure to 1 mg/L of free chlorine (200–
1,000 ppm-h tolerance). The rate of chlorine attack depends on various feed water characteristics. Under alkaline pH
conditions, chlorine attack is faster than at neutral or acidic pH. An acidic pH is preferred for better biocidal effect during
chlorination. Chlorine attack is also faster at higher temperatures and higher concentrations of heavy metals (e.g., iron), that
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can catalyze membrane degradation. Since oxidation damage is not covered under warranty, FilmTec recommends
removing residual free chlorine by pretreatment prior to exposure of the feed water to the membrane. Other oxidizing agents
such as chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and permanganate are capable of damaging RO/NF membranes also if
not used properly.

Residual free chlorine can be reduced to harmless chlorides by activated carbon or chemical reducing agents. An activated
carbon bed is very effective in the dechlorination of RO feed water according to following reaction:
C + 2Cl2 + 2H2O → 4HCl + CO2

Sodium metabisulfite (SMBS) is commonly used for removal of free chlorine and as a biostatic. Other chemical reducing
agents exist (e.g., sulfur dioxide), but they are not as cost-effective as SMBS.

When dissolved in water, sodium bisulfite (SBS) is formed from SMBS:

Na2S2O5 + H2O → 2 NaHSO3

SBS then reduces hypochlorous acid according to:

2NaHSO3 + 2HOCl → H2SO4 + 2HCl + Na2SO4

In theory, 1.34 mg of sodium metabisulfite will remove 1.0 mg of free chlorine. In practice, however, 3.0 mg of sodium
metabisulfite is normally used to remove 1.0 mg of chlorine.

The SMBS should be of food-grade quality and free of impurities. SMBS should not be cobalt-activated. Solid sodium
metabisulfite has a typical shelf life of 4–6 months under cool, dry storage conditions. In aqueous solutions, however, sodium
bisulfite can oxidize readily when exposed to air. A typical solution life can vary with concentration as follows:
Concentration (wt %) Solution life
10 1 week
20 1 month
30 6 months

Although the dechlorination itself is rapid, good mixing is required to ensure completion. Static mixers are recommended.
The recommended injection point is downstream of the cartridge filters in order to protect the filters by chlorine. In this case,
the SMBS solution should be filtered through a separate cartridge before being injected into the RO feed. Dechlorinated
water must not be stored in tanks.

When RO/NF membranes are fouled with heavy metals such as Co and Cu, residual SBS (up to 30 ppm) partially converts to
oxidants under the presence of excessive oxygen. When there is a heavy potential for metal fouling, SBS dosing amount
control must be optimized and oxidation conditions of the concentrate must be monitored by an oxidation-reduction potential
(ORP) meter /35/.

The absence of chlorine should be monitored using an oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) electrode downstream of the
mixing line. 175 - 200 mV threshold readings of the ORP have been typically applied. The electrode signal shuts down the
high pressure pump when chlorine is detected.

2.6.4 Sodium Bisulfite

Sodium bisulfite can be added into the feed stream (for a limited time period) during normal plant operation. This intermittent
application is often referred to as shock treatment. In a typical application, 500–1,000 mg/L NaHSO3 is dosed for 30 minutes.

Use only sodium metabisulfite (food-grade) that is free of impurities and not cobalt-activated. The treatment can be carried out
on every 24 hours or only when biogrowth is suspected. The efficiency of such treatment should be studied. The permeate
produced during dosage will contain some bisulfite, depending on the feed concentration, the membrane type and the operating
conditions. Depending on the permeate quality requirements, the permeate can be used or discarded during shock treatment.

Bisulfite is effective against aerobic bacteria but not against anaerobic microorganisms. Therefore, the efficiency of the shock
treatment should be carefully assessed using the techniques described in Section 2.6.2.

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2.6.5 DBNPA

DBNPA (2,2, dibromo-3-nitrilo-proprionamide) has the following characteristics:

• Compatible with the membrane
• Fast acting
• Cost effective
• Acceptable transportation, storage, stability and handling characteristics
• Broad spectrum control (e.g., planktonic and sessile organisms); algae control is seasonal and situational
• Biodegradable

There are several DBNPA-based products available. For more information about DBNPA or to find a supplier, refer to the
Dow Biocides website at

In RO systems operating with biologically active feed water, a biofilm can appear within 3–5 days after inoculation with viable
organisms. Consequently, the most common frequency of sanitization is every 3–5 days during peak biological activity
(summer) and about every 7 days during low biological activity (winter). The optimal frequency for sanitization will be site-
specific and must be determined by the operating characteristics of the RO system.

The standard method to apply DBNPA is slug (intermittent) dosing. The amount of DBNPA used depends on the severity of
the biological fouling. With a water less prone to biological fouling, using 10–30 mg/L of the active ingredient for 30 minutes
to 3 hours every 5 days can be effective. Because DBNPA is deactivated by reducing agents (such as sodium bisulfite used
for chlorine removal), a higher concentration of DBNPA will be required if there is residual reducing agent in the feed water.
The concentration of DBNPA should be increased by 1 ppm of active ingredient for every ppm of residual reducing agent in
the RO feed water. To remove the dead biofilm, an alkaline cleaning is also recommended. (see Section 6.9.6, Biofouling)
Biocides, their degradation products, and other ingredients in their formulations are not always completely rejected by RO
membranes. For this reason, during slug dosing, it may be necessary to discharge the permeate during biocide injection
because the permeate may contain slightly elevated levels of organics.

Note that although DBNPA is nonoxidizing, it does give an ORP response in approximately the 400 mV range at
concentrations between 0.5 and 3 mg/l. For comparison, chlorine and bromine give a response in the 700 mV range at 1
mg/l, which increases with increasing concentration. This increase in ORP is normal when adding DBNPA and it is
recommended the ORP set-point is by-passed during DBNPA addition.

2.6.6 Combined Chlorine

Sanitization with agents containing combined chlorine is generally not recommended. This includes such compounds as
chloramine, chloramine-T, and N-chloroisocyanurate. FILMTEC™ RO and NF membranes are resistant to low
concentrations of mild chlorinating agents. Their effectiveness as disinfectants at low concentrations, however, is limited.
These compounds can also slowly damage the membrane because they are in equilibrium with small amounts of free

For chloramine, the tolerance of the FT30 membrane is 300,000 ppm-h, which implies that dechlorination is not required.
Since chloramines are formed by adding ammonia to chlorine, however, it is possible that free chlorine will be present. Since
this free chlorine can be damaging to the membrane, dechlorination should still be considered. Moreover, iron catalyzes
membrane oxidation by chloramine. Thus care must be taken when chloramine is used as a sanitization agent.

The recommendation is to not use chlorine dioxide with FILMTEC membranes. FILMTEC membranes have shown some
compatibility with pure chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide that is generated on-site from chlorine and sodium chlorate,
however, is always contaminated with free chlorine that attacks the membrane.

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2.6.7 Other Sanitization Agents

Copper sulfate can be used to control the growth of algae. Typically, copper sulfate is fed continuously at concentrations of
0.1 to 0.5 ppm. pH of the water must be low (to prevent the precipitation of copper hydroxide). Generally the use of copper
sulfate, however, is not recommended due to the following:
• Commercial CuSO4 may contain some impurities detrimental to the RO membranes.
• CuCO3 and Cu(OH)2 tend to precipitate outside of a given pH range of operation, causing fouling to RO devices and
making CuSO4 ineffective.
• Copper ions can have negative effects on the environment.
• CuSO4 only works properly against a limited range of microorganisms (e.g., some algae) but has only a marginal effect
on most bacteria.
• Environmental protection standards of several countries limit the discharge amount of Cu salts, making it difficult to
change dosage of this chemical if the biolife situation of a given plant requires it.
• In some specific conditions, RO membrane is oxidized with persulfate generated from copper sulfate.

Ozone is an even stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine. However, it decomposes readily. A certain ozone level must be
maintained to kill all microorganisms. The resistance of the materials of construction against ozone has to be considered.
Usually, stainless steel is employed. Removal of ozone must be performed carefully to protect the membranes. Ultraviolet
irradiation has been used successfully for this purpose.

Iodine, quaternary germicides and phenolic compounds cause flux losses and are not recommended for use as
sanitization agents.

2.6.8 Biofiltration

Biofiltration is the biological treatment of water to reduce the organic constituents that either contribute directly to organic
fouling or provide carbon sources for the development of biofilms on the membrane surfaces. Processes include bank
filtration for river sources, soil passage and slow sand filtration. Filter beds of biologically active granular activated carbon
(GAC) are widely used in public water works, where the biological activity of the carbon filter is further enhanced by
treatment of the feed with ozone /3/. When such filters are operated at sufficiently low filter velocities (1–4 gpm/ft2 or 2–10
m/h) and with sufficiently high beds (6.5–10 ft or 2–3 m), most of the biolife activity takes place in the upper region of the
filter bed, and the filtered water is almost free of bacteria and nutrients.

Using biofiltration to prevent biofouling of RO/NF membrane systems has been demonstrated and advocated as a suitable
pretreatment method by several authors /29, 30, 36, 37/.

2.6.9 Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration

Microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) can remove microorganisms and especially algae that are sometimes very difficult
to remove by standard techniques. The MF/UF membranes should be made from a chlorine-resistant material to withstand
periodic treatment with biocides. MF/UF membranes, however, do not remove the low molecular weight fractions of organic
matter and other compounds that are nutrients for microorganisms. Pretreatment with MF/UF membranes helps to retard
and to control the onset of biofouling, but it is no safeguard by itself.

2.6.10 Ultraviolet Irradiation

Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation at 254 nm is known to have a germicidal effect. Its application has come into use especially for
small-scale plants. No chemicals are added, and the equipment needs little attention other than periodic cleanings or
replacement of the mercury vapor lamps. UV treatment is limited, however, to relatively clean waters because colloids and
organic matter reduce the penetration of the radiation.

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2.6.11 Use of Fouling Resistant Membranes

Use of FILMTEC™ FR (Fouling Resistant) membranes can minimize or retard biofouling significantly. The combination of FR
membranes and intermittent application of DBNPA has been particularly successful /38/. For more information about
FILMTEC fouling resistant (FR) membrane elements, please visit

2.7 Prevention of Fouling by Organics

Adsorption of organic substances on the membrane surface causes flux loss, which is irreversible in serious cases. The
adsorption process is favored with high molecular mass compounds when these compounds are hydrophobic or positively
charged. A high pH value helps to prevent fouling, because both the membrane and many organic substances assume a
negative charge at pH >9. Organics present as an emulsion may form an organic film on the membrane surface. These
organics must, therefore, be removed in pretreatment.

Organics occurring in natural waters are usually humic substances in concentrations between 0.5 and 20 mg/L TOC.
Pretreatment should be considered when TOC exceeds 3 mg/L. Humic substances can be removed by a coagulation
process with hydroxide flocs (Section 2.5.5), by ultrafiltration (Section 2.5.6), or adsorption on activated carbon. Removal of
color from high molecular weight organics is also possible by FILMTEC nanofiltration membranes.

Coagulation or activated carbon must also be applied when oils (hydrocarbons or silicone-based) and greases contaminate
the RO feed water at levels above 0.1 mg/L. These substances are readily adsorbed onto the membrane surface. They can
be cleaned off, however, with alkaline cleaning agents if the flux has not declined by more than 15%.

In waste water applications, the rejection and concentration of organics is a major objective. Depending on the kind of
substances, organics even in the percent concentration range can be handled and must be evaluated in field tests on a
case-by-case basis.

2.8 Prevention of Membrane Degradation

Apart from the fouling potential of certain substances in the RO feed water, the chemical resistance of the FILMTEC™
membrane element against such substances has to be taken into account. Generally, all oxidizing agents can harm the
membrane and must be removed by methods described in Section 2.6.3. The membrane element is stable against most
other chemicals in a pH range of 2–11 as long as these chemicals are dissolved and not occurring as an organic phase.

2.9 Prevention of Iron and Manganese Fouling

Iron fouling is very common. Like any fouling, it causes a performance loss of the membrane system, specifically flux loss. In
addition, the presence of iron makes the membrane more susceptible to oxidation damage. Fortunately, iron fouling can be
cleaned fairly easily; see Section 6.9.4. Some operators deliberately accept iron fouling up to 10% flux loss and then clean
the membranes with a predetermined frequency.

Typical sources of iron fouling are

• Anoxic aquifers containing soluble divalent iron and/or manganese
• Hydroxide flocs of oxidized iron and/or manganese from raw water
• Natural organic matter (NOM) containing iron complexes
• Hydroxide flocs from coagulation process
• Corrosion products from piping materials used for the feed water
• Silicates containing iron

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The methods to prevent fouling with colloidal and particulate iron have been described in Section 2.5. Iron silicates have
been discussed in Section 2.4.7. The pretreatment of water containing ferrous (divalent) iron is described below.

Anoxic waters typically contain divalent iron, manganese, or both. If water containing iron or manganese has taken up more
than 5 mg/L of oxygen, or has been chlorinated, Fe2+ (ferrous) is converted into Fe3+ (ferric), which forms insoluble colloidal
hydroxide particles that may foul RO/NF membranes. The oxidation of iron and manganese is given by:
4Fe(HCO3)2 + O2 + 2H2O → 4Fe(OH)3 + 8CO2
4Mn(HCO3)2 + O2 + 2H2O → 4Mn(OH)3 + 8CO2

Iron fouling occurs more frequently than manganese fouling because the oxidation of iron occurs at a much lower pH. Thus,
a fouling problem can be created even if the SDI is below 5 and the level of iron in the RO feed water is below 0.1 mg/L.
Waters with low alkalinity usually have higher iron concentrations than waters with high alkalinity, because the Fe2+
concentration is usually limited by the solubility of FeCO3.

One approach to avoid membrane fouling is to prevent oxidation and precipitation of iron and manganese by keeping the
water in the reduced state. The exposure of the water to air or to any oxidizing agent (e.g., chlorine) through the whole RO
process must be prevented. A low pH is favorable to retarding Fe2+ oxidation. At pH <6 and oxygen <0.5 mg/L, the maximum
permissible Fe2+ concentration is 4 mg/L.

If the anoxic process is used, care must be taken to avoid:

• Oxygen leakage into the feedwater
• Reaction of iron with silica to form insoluble iron silicate
• Oxidation by iron reducing bacteria resulting in acceleration of biofilm growth and iron deposit
• Blending of ferrous iron containing water with water containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S), since this could form an insoluble
black ferrous sulfide, FeS

Regular iron cleaning (see Section 6.9.4) will be necessary with the anoxic process.

The alternative method of handling anoxic waters is by oxidation-filtration as described in Section 2.5.3.

2.10 Prevention of Aluminum Fouling

Sources of aluminum fouling are:

• Flocs carry-over from a pretreatment process using aluminum based flocculants
• Post-precipitation of aluminum flocculants due to poor pH control
• Reaction of aluminum with silica, forming aluminum silicates
• Natural mineral silt and colloidal aluminum silicates

Aluminum silicate fouling can be found in the first and last stage of RO/NF plants. Even small aluminum concentrations (like
50 ppb) may result in a performance decline due to several factors:
1. Aluminum reacts with silica. Low silica concentrations (10 mg/L) can result in aluminum silicate fouling. The use of
aluminum based products in the pretreatment increases the risk of aluminum fouling significantly. Therefore, the use of
aluminum based products is not recommended. Iron based products are recommended instead.
2. The solubility of the aluminum is lowest at pH 6.5. This is the pH at which the flocculation should be run. The RO/NF
system should be operated preferably at pH 7-9 (dependent on the water analysis since calcium carbonate scaling
should be avoided) to keep aluminum in solution.
3. Antiscalants containing polymers (like acrylic acid based products) are sensitive to the presence of metals like iron and
aluminum. It is important to select the right antiscalant. Otherwise, the antiscalant is deactivated (poisoned) and
subsequently scaling and antiscalant fouling may occur in the membrane. In addition, the antiscalant fouling can act as
a nutrient for microorganisms and biofouling will occur.
4. Fine clay/sand particles. It is recommended to remove clay and sand particles in the pretreatment by either multimedia
filtration, ultrafiltration or microfiltration. It may be necessary to use coagulants in order to form larger particles that can
be removed by the subsequent filtration process.

To minimize aluminum fouling, it is recommended to keep aluminum in the feed water below 0.05 mg/L.
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2.11 Treatment of Feedwater Containing Hydrogen Sulfide

Some well waters, usually brackish waters, are in a reduced state typically lack of oxygen (therefore referred to as anoxic or
anaerobic) and the presence of iron, manganese, ammonium and/or hydrogen sulfide (H2S). H2S in ground water aquifers
usually occurs at concentrations of 0.5 to 5 mg/L as the result of the dissolution of minerals in geologic deposits or as
anaerobic bacterial activity on organic sulfur, elemental sulfur, sulfates and sulfites. The amount of sulfide dissolved in water
is pH dependent as shown in the following equations:

H2S + H2O = H3O+ + HS– pK1 = 7.0

HS– + H2O = H3O+ + S2- pK2 = 14.0

H2S levels as low as 0.1 mg/l can adversely affect the performance of RO or NF systems.

Prevention of Potential Problems on Feed/Concentrate Side of Membrane

The presence of H2S in feed water exposed to oxidants (e.g., oxygen in air, chlorine) can result in the precipitation of
elemental sulfur or metallic sulfides. The deposits can have a black sooty appearance or be a gray pasty residue that clogs
filter cartridges and coats the feedwater piping. Not only will these precipitated solids cause a higher than normal filter
cartridge replacement rate but, because the particle size for metallic sulfides and colloidal sulfur is in the sub-micron range, a
significant quantity of precipitants will pass through the typical 5 micron (µm) rated filter cartridge. These suspended solids
will accumulate in the feed/concentrate channel spacer of the RO or NF membrane elements, increasing the operating
differential pressure. Further accumulation of sulfur and metallic sulfides on the membrane’s surface will cause an increase
in salt passage and a decrease in flux reducing the system efficiency.

Air can also be introduced into the feed/concentrate area in RO or NF elements as a result of siphoning in the concentrate
piping. This is particularly likely when a long run of pipe is used for the concentrate line. A siphon breaker should be used to
prevent creation of the partial vacuum that tends to draw water from the feed/concentrate side of the membrane again
producing voids that can introduce air. Drain lines discharging directly to floor drains or trenches should be provided with a
suitable air-gap to avoid contamination problems associated with “cross-connections”. The use of spring-loaded check-
valves in the concentrate line will also help prevent siphoning. The piping arrangement should be designed to keep the RO
or NF membrane skid assembly “flooded” and free from air during idle periods.

Colloidal sulfur may be difficult to remove. A solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with a chelating agent such as EDTA is an
appropriate cleaner. If the foulant is not heavily composed of elemental sulfur, a phosphoric acidic solution may be capable
of dissolving out the sulfide components. High velocity permeate flushes may also be beneficial. See Section 6 for cleaning

Prevention of Potential Problems on Permeate Side of the Membrane

Since H2S is a gas, it passes through the membrane barrier layer and, under certain conditions, will precipitate as elemental
sulfur in the membrane microporous polysulfone substrate, polyester supporting web and permeate channel spacer. An
ivory to yellowish precipitate is formed on the “backside” on the membrane composite when H2S is exposed to an oxidizing
environment, such as on shutdown when air enters the permeate side of the system. There is a tendency for a reverse flow
of water from the permeate side of the membrane to the feed/concentrate side as the result of natural osmosis. This is
particularly significant in high salinity waters containing >6000 mg/l of total dissolved solids (TDS). This back-flow can
introduce air into the permeate side of the membrane element. A freshwater flush is recommended, especially for feeds
containing H2S, to displace the concentrated solution as part of any shutdown sequence. This eliminates any osmotic driving
force for back-flow. However, in locations that experience frequent losses of electrical power that lead to unscheduled
shutdowns where flushing is not possible, a “suck-back” or “draw-back” reservoir located in the permeate piping elevated
above the top pressure vessel is recommended. This draw-back tank should be of sufficient volume to makeup any back
flow due to osmosis that occurs during an unscheduled shutdown (see Section 3.13.6, Tanks).

Sometimes a technique is used to prevent a negative transmembrane pressure (higher pressure on the permeate side than on
the feed/concentrate side) greater than 5 psi (0.3 bar). This is commonly done using a dump valve to relieve pressure on the
permeate line upon system shutdown. For systems with feeds containing H2S, it must be done in such a manner so as not to
allow air to be introduced into the system. Siphoning is another condition that should not be overlooked in designing the
permeate piping for systems without a draw-back tank but with feeds containing H2S. Once again, the piping arrangement
should be designed to keep the RO or NF membrane skid assembly “flooded” and free from air during idle periods.

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The precipitation of elemental sulfur on the permeate side does not cause immediate degradation in performance, but over
time a gradual increase in feed pressure (net driving force) is observed that can eventually lead to severe loss of efficiency
(decrease in specific flux). It is virtually impossible to clean this precipitate from the “backside” of the membrane and
permeate channel spacer. Due to the typical aggressive nature of permeate (RO in particular), however, after correcting the
situation that caused the problem, just operating the system can restore the loss in specific flux over time, provided there are
no other serious fouling problems.

The best pretreatment for H2S is keeping the system under anaerobic conditions. The water must not be exposed to air (i.e.,
oxygen), chlorine or any other oxidizing agents from the well until it exits from the membrane system. H2S is removed from the
permeate (see ‘Post-treatment’ below). This rule applies to both brackish water and seawater and is of specific importance
when iron is present in the ground water. In fact, where it might normally be satisfactory to practice oxidation/media filtration
with greensand (glauconite), the presence of H2S becomes the overriding factor that eliminates this method of iron removal
from consideration.

Wells require a check valve to prevent reverse flow back into the well (exception: artesian wells). Back-flow of water into the
well will tend to create a vacuum. This can produce voids that will likely cause air containing oxygen to enter the system and
oxidize the H2S. The preferred technique to prevent this is to use submersible pumps with a check valve at the pump discharge
in the well. Check valves installed above ground may also work. These check valves must be “bubble tight”. If it isn’t possible
to prevent back-flow into the wells, then a special procedure should be employed upon start up to automatically purge the initial
flow from the well to waste. This will help extend the life of the filter cartridges as well as reduce fouling of the membrane.

Since gasses including H2S typically pass through RO and NF membranes, it is necessary to remove this objectionable
contaminate from permeate as a post-treatment step. The method employed in most membrane systems is air (gas)
stripping that employs a forced draft degasifier. This device uses a packed tower with counter current airflow to strip the H2S
out of the water. Note that this process will also remove any CO2 present (increasing the pH) while saturating the permeate
with oxygen, thus exacerbating the inherent aggressive nature of this water. To effectively remove sulfide with this method, it
must exist as H2S. Being pH dependent, this means that either acidification of the feed is done to achieve a permeate pH
<6.0 or the permeate is acidified to this point to allow for >90 % removal.

2.12 Guidelines for Feedwater Quality

Table 2.10 summarizes the limits of quality parameters of the feed water. It is recommended to respect these limits to ensure
successful operation of the membrane system. Otherwise, more frequent cleaning and/or sanitization may become
necessary. The concentrations correspond to the entry to the membrane for a continuous feed stream, including any
influences to the feed water from dosing chemicals or piping materials in the pretreatment line.

Table 2.10 Guidelines for feedwater quality

Component Unit Max. level Comments & conditions
SDI 1 5 See Section 3, System Design Guidelines
MFI0.45 1 4 Target: <1
Oil and grease mg/L 0.1 See Section 2.7, Prevention of Fouling by Organics
TOC mg/L 3 Synthetic organic compounds (SOC) have generally more adverse effects on RO/NF
membranes compared with natural organic matters (NOM).
- See Section 2.7, Prevention of Fouling by Organics
COD mg/L 10
AOC μg/l Ac-C 10 Target: <5
BFR pg/cm2 ATP 5 Target: <1
Free chlorine mg/L 0.1 Under certain conditions, the presence of chlorine and other oxidizing agents will cause
premature membrane failure. Since oxidation is not covered under warranty, FilmTec
recommends removing residual free chlorine by pretreatment prior to membrane exposure.
- See Section 2.6.3, Chlorination / Dechlorination
Ferrous iron mg/L 4 pH <6, oxygen <0.5 ppm
Ferric iron mg/L 0.05
Manganese mg/L 0.05
Aluminum mg/L 0.05

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2.13 Summary of Pretreatment Options

Table 2.11 summarizes the pretreatment options when specific risks for scaling and fouling are present. It is a quick
reference for “possible” and “very effective” methods. A combination of “possible” methods may also be “very effective”.

Table 2.11 Pretreatment options for scaling and fouling

Pretreatment CaCO3 CaSO4 BaSO4 SrSO4 CaF2 SiO2 SDI Fe Al Bacteria Oxid. agents Org. matter
Acid addition ● ○
Scale inhibitor antifoulant ○ ● ● ● ● ○ ○
Softening with IX ● ● ● ● ●
Dealkalization with IX ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Lime softening ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Preventive cleaning ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Adjustment of operation
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ●
Media filtration ○ ○ ○ ○
Oxidation filtration ○ ●
In-line coagulation ○ ○ ○ ○
Coagulation-flocculation ○ ● ○ ○ ●
Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration ● ● ○ ○ ○ ●
Cartridge filtration ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Chlorination ●
Dechlorination ●
Shock treatment ○
Preventive biocidal

GAC filtration ○ ● ●
○Possible ●Very effective

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1. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition, as published jointly by the American
Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Pollution Control Federation
2. ASTM D 4195 – 88 (Reapproved 2003): Standard Guide for Water Analysis for Reverse Osmosis Application
3. Water Quality and Treatment, 5th Edition, Prepared by the American Water Works Association, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New
York, 1999
4. Water Treatment Handbook, Degremont Company, 6th Ed 1991
5. Water Manual, WABAG, 2nd Ed. (2003)
6. ASTM D3739-94 (2003): Standard Practice for Calculation and Adjustment of the Langelier Saturation Index for
Reverse Osmosis
7. ASTM D4582-91 (2001): Standard Practice for Calculation and Adjustment of the Stiff and Davis Stability Index for
Reverse Osmosis
8. ASTM D4692-01: Standard Practice for Calculation and Adjustment of Sulfate Scaling Salts (CaSO4, SrSO4, and
BaSO4) for Reverse Osmosis
9. Marshall, W.L. and Slusher, R., “Solubility to 200°C of Sulfate and its Hydrates in Sea Water and Saline Water
Concentrates and Temperature, Concentration Limits,” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 13(1), 83 (1968)
10. Davis, J.W. and Collins, A.G., “Solubility of Barium and Strontium Sulfates in Strong Electrolyte Solutions,”
Environmental Science and Technology, 5(10), 1039 (1971)
11. Permasep B-10 Technical Information Manual, Section IV Projections, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. 1980
12. Vorum, M. and Williams, R.E., “A Study of Silica in High Recovery Reverse Osmosis Systems”, PB81-233587 (1979)
13. L. Dudley, “Combating the Threat of Silica Fouling in RO Plant – Practical Experiences”, Desalination & Water Reuse,
12(4), 28 (2003)
14. S.I. Graham, R.L. Reiz, and C.E. Hickman, “Improving Reverse Osmosis Performance though Periodic Cleaning”,
Desalination, 74, 113 (1989)
15. M. Luo and Z. Wang, “Complex Fouling and Cleaning-in-Place of a Reverse Osmosis Desalination System”,
Desalination, 141, 15 (2001)
16. ASTM D4993-89 (2003): Standard Practice for Calculation and Adjustment of Silica (SiO2) Scaling for Reverse
17. Alexander, G.B., Hester, W.M., Iler, R.K., “The Solubility of Amorphous Silica in Water”, Journal of Physical Chemistry,
58, 453 (1954)
18. M. Maurer and M. Boller, “Modelling of Phosphorus Precipitation in Wastewater Treatment Plants with Enhanced
Biological Phosphorus Removal”, Wat. Sci. Tech, 39(1), 147 (1999)
19. S. Kubo, T. Takahashi, H. Morinaga, and H. Ueki, “Inhibition of Calcium Phosphate Scale on Heat Exchanger: The
Relation between Laboratory Test Results and Tests on Heat Transfer Surfaces”, Corrosion’79, Paper No. 220, Atlanta
20. D1889 /ASTM D1889-00 Standard Test Method for Turbidity of Water
21. ASTM D6698-01 Standard Test Method for On-Line Measurement of Turbidity Below 5 NTU in Water
22. ASTM D4189-95 (2002): Standard Test Method for Silt Density Index (SDI) of Water
23. Schippers, J.C. and Verdouw, J.: The modified fouling index, a method of determining the fouling characteristics of
water, Desalination 32, 137 (1980)
24. Boerlage, S.F.E., Kennedy, M, Aniye, M.P. and Schippers, J.C.: Applications of the MFI-UF to measure and predict
particulate fouling in RO systems, J. Membrane Sci. 220, 97 (2003)
25. ASTM D4188-82 (Reapproved 1999): Standard Practice for Performing Pressure In-Line Coagulation-Flocculation-
Filtration Test

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26. Handbook of Industrial Membrane Technology, Ed.: Porter, M.C., Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey, U.S.A.
27. D4455-85(2002): Standard Test Method for Enumeration of Aquatic Bacteria by Epifluorescence Microscopy Counting
28. D4454-85(2002) Standard Test Method for Simultaneous Enumeration of Total and Respiring Bacteria in Aquatic
Systems by Microscopy
29. J.S. Vrouwenvelder and D. van der Kooij, Diagnosis, prediction and prevention of biofouling of NF and RO membranes,
Desalination, 139, 65 (2001)
30. MM Nederlof, JC Kruithof, JAMH Hofman, M de Koning, JP van der Hoek, PAC Bonne, Integrated multi-objective
membrane systems application of reverse osmosis at the Amsterdam Water Supply, Desalination, 119, 263 (1998)
31. J.S. Vrouwenvelder. In Press (2003)
32. D. van der Kooij, H.R. Veenendaal, C. Baars-Lorist, D.W. van der Klift and Y.C. Drost: Biofilm formation on surfaces of
glass and teflon exposed to treated water. Wat.Res., 29(7)(1995) 1655-1662
33. ASTM D1291-01: Standard Practice for Estimation of Chlorine Requirement or Demand of Water, or Both
34. White, G.C.: Handbook of Chlorination. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York (2nd ed., 1986)
35. M. Nagai, H. Iwahashi, Y. Hayashi, and Y. Ogino, “The Behavior of an Oxidizing/Reducing Agent in Seawater”,
Desalination, 96, 291 (1994)
36. T. Griebe, H.-C. Flemming: Biocide-free antifouling strategy to protect RO membranes from biofouling. Desalination
118 (1998), 153-156
37. C.F.Wend, P.S.Steward, W.Jones, A.K.Camper: Pretreatment for membrane water treatment systems: a laboratory
study. Water Research 37 (2003) 3367-3378
38. P. Sehn: Experiences with fouling resistant membranes in combination with intermittent biocide dosage. 9th Aachen
Membrane Colloquium March 18-20, 2003, Verlag Mainz, Aachen, ISBN 3-86130-185-7

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3. System Design

3.1 Introduction

An entire reverse osmosis (RO)/nanofiltration (NF) water treatment system consists of the pretreatment section, the
membrane element section, and the post-treatment section. Pretreatment techniques are discussed in Section 2, Water
Chemistry and Pretreatment. Post-treatment is employed to achieve the required product quality. In seawater desalination,
this is usually pH adjustment, rehardening and disinfection. In ultrapure water (UPW) production, the permeate is usually
post-treated by polishing ion exchange demineralization.

In this section, the membrane system is addressed. The system includes a set of membrane elements, housed in pressure
vessels that are arranged in a certain manner. A high-pressure pump is used to feed the pressure vessels. Instrumentation,
spare parts and tools for services are added as required. A clean-in-place (CIP) system facilitates cleaning of the
membranes. This is described in Section 6, Cleaning and Sanitization.

The membrane system is a complete plant with an inlet for feed water and outlets for permeate and concentrate. RO/NF
system performance is typically characterized by two parameters, permeate (or product) flow and permeate quality. These
parameters should always be referenced to a given feed water analysis, feed pressure and recovery. The goal of the
designer of an RO/NF system for a certain required permeate flow is to minimize feed pressure and membrane costs while
maximizing permeate quality and recovery.

The optimum design depends on the relative importance of these aspects. The recovery of brackish water systems is limited
by the solubility of sparingly soluble salts (see Section 2.4, Scaling Calculations)—90% is about the maximum. In seawater
desalination, the limit of about 50% recovery is dictated by the osmotic pressure of the concentrate stream, which
approaches the physical pressure limit of the FILMTEC™ seawater element.

Obtaining the requested salt rejection is mainly a matter of membrane selection. The NF (NF270 > NF200 > NF90), brackish
water (BW) (extra low energy (XLE) > BW30LE > BW30), SW (seawater), and SWHR (seawater high rejection) versions of
the FILMTEC NF and RO membrane have higher salt rejections in this order, but they also need higher feed pressures
under the same conditions. Therefore, the NF to BW30LE membrane is typically applied to feed waters up to 2,000 mg/L
total dissolved solids (TDS), BW30 up to 10,000 mg/l, and SW and SWHR to high salinity feed waters up to 50,000 mg/L.
For given operating conditions, the permeate quality can be calculated.

The feed pressure needed to produce the required permeate flow for a given membrane depends on the designed permeate
flux (permeate flow rate per unit membrane area). The higher the permeate flow per unit of active membrane area, the
higher the feed pressure. In seawater systems the permeate flux is relatively low even at maximum allowed pressure.
However, the permeate flux could be very high in brackish water systems without reaching the limit of 600 psi (41 bar) for
brackish water elements. Although it is tempting to increase the permeate flux to minimize the costs for membrane elements,
the flux has to be limited to minimize fouling.

From experience, the flux limit to be used in system design depends on the fouling tendency of the feed water. A system
designed with high permeate flux rates is likely to experience higher fouling rates and more frequent chemical cleaning. Only
experience can set the limits on permeate flux for different types of waters. When designing a membrane system for a
specific feed water, it is advantageous to know the performance of other membrane systems operating on the same water.
However, quite often there are no other membrane systems for comparison. Then the system design suggestions in Design
Guidelines for 8-inch (Section 3.9.1) and Midsize FILMTEC elements (Section 3.9.2) could be followed.

Further information required to design a system is best collected by using the forms of Table 3.1 and Table 3.2. The more
complete this information, the better the system design can be optimized towards the customer’s needs.

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Table 3.1 System design information

Quotation Number:.............. Date Requested:........................

Date Submitted: .................. Requested By: ...........................

Customer/OEM: .................................................................................................................................................
Proposed Location: ............................................................................................................................................
Brief Description:................................................................................................................................................

Required Product Flow Rate (gpd or m3/h): .......................................................................................................

Expected Recovery: ...........................................................................................................................................
Annual Water Temperature Range High °C: ...............................................................................................
Low °C:................................................................................................
Design °C: ...........................................................................................

NF/RO Plant: ˆ Indoors ˆ Outdoors

Designed for Continuous Use: ˆ Yes ˆ No

If not, state needed peak hourly capacity:......................

Plant Will Be Operated By: Enduser ˆ Yes ˆ No

Trained Personnel ˆ Yes ˆ No
Equipment Manufacturer ˆ Yes ˆ No
Others ˆ Yes ˆ No

Water Source: ˆ Well Water ˆ Softened water

ˆ Surface Water ˆ Filtered Effluent Water
ˆ Sea Water ˆ Other

Existing Pretreatment ˆ Yes ˆ No SDI...................................................................

List of Pretreatment Steps:.................................................................................................................................

Planned Pretreatment: .......................................................................................................................................

Bacterial Control: ˆ Yes ˆ No Dechlorination: ˆ Ac-Filter

Chlorine Used ˆ Yes ˆ No ˆ Na-Bisulfite
Chloramines Used: ˆ Yes ˆ No ˆ Other
Antiscalant Used: ˆ Yes ˆ No Which One?................................................

Desired Acidification: ˆ HCl ˆ H2SO4 ˆ None

Brief Description of Other Pretreatment Steps: ..................................................................................................

(e.g., clarification, flocculation, multimedia/sand filtration, etc............................................................................

Application: ˆ Potable Water

ˆ Industrial Supply for: ˆ Boiler Feed ˆ Pharma ˆ Electronics ˆ Other

Specify Water Quality Needed after RO Treatment: ..........................................................................................


State Other Desired Design Criteria:..................................................................................................................


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Table 3.2 Water analysis for reverse osmosis/nanofiltration

Sample identification: .............................................................................................................................................

Feed source: ..........................................................................................................................................................
Conductivity: .................................................... pH: ................ Temperature (°C): ............................

Feed water analysis: NH4+ ..................... CO2 .....................

Please indicate units (mg/L as ion K+ ..................... CO32 – .....................
or ppm as CaCO3 or meq/L) Na ..................... HCO3– .....................
Mg2+ ..................... NO3– .....................
Ca2+ ..................... Cl– .....................
2+ –
Ba .................... F .....................
Sr2+ ..................... SO42 – .....................
..................... PO4 .....................
Fe (tot) ..................... S2– .....................
Mn2+ ..................... SiO2 (colloidal) .....................
Boron ……………... SiO2 (soluble) .....................
Al .....................

Other ions:..............................................................................................................................................................

TDS (by method): ...................................................................................................................................................

COD: ......................................................................................................................................................................
BDOC .....................................................................................................................................................................

Total alkalinity (m-value):........................................................................................................................................

Carbonate alkalinity (p-value): ................................................................................................................................
Total hardness:.......................................................................................................................................................
Turbidity (NTU): .....................................................................................................................................................
Silt density index (SDI): ..........................................................................................................................................
Bacteria (count/mL): ...............................................................................................................................................
Free chlorine: .........................................................................................................................................................

Remarks: ................................................................................................................................................................
(odor, smell, color, biological activity, etc.).....................................................................................................................................

Analysis by: ............................................................................................................................................................

Date: ......................................................................................................................................................................

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3.2 Batch vs. Continuous Process

An RO/NF system is usually designed for continuous operation. The operating conditions of every membrane element in the
plant are constant with time. Figure 3.1 illustrates the continuous process mode.

Figure 3.1 Continuous RO process

In certain applications, when relatively small volumes (batches) of special feed waters occur discontinuously, e.g., waste
water or industrial process solutions, the batch operation mode is preferred. The feed water is collected in a tank and treated
subsequently. The permeate is removed and the concentrate is recycled back to the tank. At the end of the batch process, a
small volume of concentrate remains in the feed tank. After this has been drained, the membranes are typically cleaned
before the tank is filled again with a new batch. Figure 3.2 shows the batch operation mode.

Figure 3.2 Batch RO process

The semi-batch mode is a modification of the batch mode. In semi-batch mode of operation the feed tank is refilled with feed water
already during operation. The batch is terminated with the feed tank full of concentrate. This allows a smaller tank to be used.

Batch systems are usually designed with constant feed pressure and declining permeate flow while the feed becomes more
concentrated. The guidelines given in Design Guidelines for 8-inch (Section 3.9.1) and Midsize FILMTEC™ elements
(Section 3.9.2) should be applied to batch systems as well. However, the permeate flow limits are conservative and may be
exceeded, if justified by preceding test runs, and if an appropriate cleaning frequency is taken into account.

The batch process has the following advantages versus the continuous process:
• Flexibility when the feed water quality changes
• System recovery can be maximized batch by batch
• Cleaning is easily implemented
• Simple automatic controls
• Permeate quality can be controlled by termination of the process
• Permeate quality can be improved by total or partial second-pass treatment
• Favorable operating conditions for single (or low number) element systems, because the membranes are only in contact
with the final concentrate for a short time
• Expansion is rather easy
• Lower investment costs

The disadvantages are:

• No continuous permeate flow
• No constant permeate quality
• Large feed tank required
• Larger pump required
• Larger power consumption
• Longer residence time for feed/concentrate
• Higher total running costs
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The majority of RO systems are designed for continuous operation with constant permeate flow and constant system
recovery. Variations in feed water temperature and fouling effects are compensated for by adjusting the feed pressure. The
focus of this manual is therefore on the continuous process.

3.3 Single-Module System

A module consists of a pressure vessel with up to eight membrane elements, which are connected in series. The
concentrate of the first element becomes the feed to the second, and so on. The product tubes of all elements are coupled
and connected to the module permeate port. The permeate port may be located on the feed end or on the concentrate end
of the module.

Single-module systems are chosen when only one or a few membrane elements are needed for the specified permeate flow.
Figure 3.3 shows a module containing two FILMTEC™ elements. Feed water enters the system through the feed valve and
flows through the cartridge filter to the high-pressure pump. Alternate means of controlling pump discharge pressure are
described in Section 3.13.1, High Pressure Pump.

From the high-pressure pump, the feed water flows to the feed inlet connection of the module. The product stream should
leave the module at no more than 5 psi (0.3 bar) over atmospheric pressure. However, higher permeate pressure is
sometimes required, e.g., to feed the post-treatment section or to distribute the product without further pumping. Then the
feed pressure must be increased by the required value of the permeate pressure, but the specified maximum feed pressure
must be observed. In this case, extreme care must be exercised so that at any time, especially at emergency shutdowns, the
permeate pressure does not exceed the feed pressure by more than 5 psi (0.3 bar). The maximum permissible permeate
pressure is a feature of the pressure vessel.

The concentrate leaves the concentrate outlet connection at essentially the feed pressure. Pressure drop will usually amount
to 5–30 psi (0.3–2 bar) from feed inlet to concentrate outlet, depending on the number of membrane elements, the feed flow
velocity and the temperature. The concentrate flow rate is controlled by the concentrate flow control valve. The system
recovery is controlled by this valve and must never exceed the design set value.

In single-module systems, concentrate recycling is usually required to comply with the guidelines for element recovery. To
achieve system recovery of more than 50%, a part of the concentrate leaving the module goes to drain, while the other part
is recycled and added to the suction side of the high-pressure pump, thus increasing the feed flow to the module. A high
fraction of the concentrate being recycled helps reduce element recovery and thus the risk of fouling. On the other hand, it
has the following drawbacks:
• Larger (more expensive) high pressure pump.
• Higher energy consumption.
• Permeate quality decreases with more concentrate being recycled and added to the feed water.
• The rinse-out time at start-up after preservation or cleaning can be long. Preferably, no concentrate should be recycled
during the rinse-out period.

Figure 3.3 Single-module system

2 FILMTEC Elements

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3.4 Single-Stage System

In a single-stage system, two or more modules are arranged in parallel. Feed, product and concentrate lines are connected
to manifolds. Other aspects of the system are the same as in a single-module system. Single-stage systems are typically
used where the system recovery is less than 50%, e.g., in seawater desalination.

An example of a single-stage system is outlined in Figure 3.4. Each of the three pressure vessels houses six FILMTEC™

Figure 3.4 Single-stage system

6 FILMTEC Elements

6 FILMTEC Elements

6 FILMTEC Elements

3.5 Multi-Stage System

Systems with more than one stage are used for higher system recoveries without exceeding the single element recovery
limits. Usually two stages will suffice for recovery up to 75%, and three must be used for higher recovery. These numbers
are based on the assumption that standard pressure vessels with six elements are used. For shorter vessels housing only
three elements, for example, the number of stages has to be doubled for the same system recovery. Generally speaking, the
higher the system recovery, the higher the number of membrane elements that have to be connected in series. To
compensate for the permeate that is removed and to maintain a uniform feed flow to each stage, the number of pressure
vessels per stage decreases in the direction of feed flow. A typical two-stage system using a staging ratio of 2:1 is shown in
Figure 3.5. The staging ratio is defined as the ratio of pressure vessels in two adjacent stages, upstream
vessels:downstream vessels.

Figure 3.5 Two-stage system

Stage 1

Stage 2

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3.6 Plug Flow vs. Concentrate Recirculation

The standard RO system design for water desalination applications is the plug flow concept. In a plug flow system, the feed
volume is passed once through the system. A certain fraction Y of the feed passes across the membrane to produce
permeate. The feed is gradually concentrated and leaves the system at a higher concentration. Examples of plug-flow
systems are shown in Figure 3.1, Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5.

Concentrate recirculation is employed when the number of elements is too small to achieve a sufficiently high system
recovery with plug flow. Concentrate recirculation systems can also be found in special applications like process liquids and
waste waters. In systems with internal concentrate recirculation, a fraction of the concentrate stream out of the module (or
stage) is directed back to the feed side of the module (or stage) and mixed with the feed stream. Figure 3.3 shows a system
with internal concentrate recirculation.

Multi-stage systems can also be designed with internal concentrate recirculation for each stage, using a separate
recirculation pump. For example, the system shown in Figure 3.5 can be designed with concentrate recirculation instead of
plug flow, see Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6 Two-stage system with internal concentrate recirculation

The main advantage of the recirculation concept is the defined feed flow rate to the modules regardless of the degree of
fouling of preceding modules and the changes in feed water composition. Further aspects of the recirculation concept are
mentioned in Section 3.2, Batch vs. Continuous Process and Section 3.3, Single-Module System. A comparative summary is
given in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Comparison of plug flow and recirculation systems

Parameter Plug flow Recirculation
Feed composition Must be constant Can vary
System recovery Must be constant Can vary
Cleaning circuit More complicated Simple
Compensating fouling More difficult Easy
Membrane pressure from feed inlet to concentrate end Decreasing Uniform
Power consumption Lower Higher (15 - 20%)
Number of pumps (investment, maintenance) Lower Higher
Extension, varying the membrane area More difficult Easy
Taking individual stages of multi-stage systems in/out of service Not possible Possible
System salt passage Lower Higher

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The apparent salt passage of the system, SPs, also called system salt passage, is defined as the concentration of a
compound (may be a certain ion, an organic compound or TDS) in the permeate (Cp) related to its concentration in the feed
water (Cf):
SPs = Eq. 1

In plug flow systems, SPs is a function of the system recovery Y and the membrane salt passage SPM:
1 − (1 − Y )
SPs = Eq. 2

where the membrane salt passage is defined as the concentration of a compound in the permeate (Cp) related to its average
concentration on the feed-concentrate side (Cfc):
SPM = Eq. 3

In systems with internal concentrate recirculation, however, there is an additional dependence on the Beta
number β, which is defined as
permeate flow leaving the module
β= Eq. 4
concentrate flow leaving the module

For systems with the concentrate being partly recycled to the feed stream, the system salt passage is

SPs =
(1 + β)SP − 1 M
Eq. 5
Y (1 + β ) − Y (1 + β ) + β

For high system recoveries, the system salt passage of a recirculation system is much higher than that of a plug flow system.
This is demonstrated by a sample calculation, see Figure 3.7. The difference is less, however, for multi-stage systems with
recirculation loops for each stage. The system salt passage of such a system (for an example, see Figure 3.6) has to be
calculated by application of Eq. 5 to each stage.

Figure 3.7 System salt passage for a plug flow and a concentrate recirculation system
System Salt Passage (Fraction)

(β = 0.3)

System Recovery Y (Fraction)

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When the recirculated concentrate stream approaches zero, the β number approaches 1/[(1/Y) –1], and the recirculation
system becomes a plug flow system. A compromise between plug flow and recirculation systems is the tapered recirculation
system with a declining number of parallel modules per stage when viewed in feed flow direction (see Figure 3.8).

The recirculation pumps can be tailored in such a way that only a minor part of the concentrate leaving the stage is recycled
while the major part is flowing to the next stage (or to the concentrate outlet, for the last stage). Then, there are almost plug
flow conditions, but the advantages of the recirculation concept are still present.

Figure 3.8 Tapered recirculation system

3.7 Permeate Staged System

A permeate staged system may be considered for the following reasons:

• Standard permeate quality is not sufficient
• Post-treatment with ion exchange technology is not allowed (regeneration chemicals)
• Rejection of bacteria, pyrogens and organic matter is most important
• High reliability

The production of water for pharmaceutical and medical use is a typical application of permeate staged systems. A permeate
staged system is the combination of two conventional RO/NF systems where the permeate of the first system (first pass)
becomes the feed for the second system (second pass). Both RO/NF systems may be of the single-stage or multi-stage
type, either with plug flow or with concentrate recirculation.

Figure 3.9 shows a schematic flow diagram of a permeate staged RO system. The concentrate of RO II is recycled back to
the feed of RO I because its quality is usually better than the system feed water. Because the feed water to RO II is of high
quality (RO permeate), RO II can be designed for a higher recovery than RO I, and with fewer membrane elements (see
Section 3.9, Membrane System Design Guidelines).

Figure 3.9 Permeate staged system

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Instead of having a separate high-pressure pump for the second pass, the whole system can also be operated with one
single high-pressure pump, provided the maximum permissible feed pressure of the membrane element is not exceeded
(600 psi (41 bar) for BW elements). The second pass is then operated with the permeate backpressure from RO I. For the
maximum permeate backpressure allowed, please refer to Section 3.13.2, Pressure Vessels. Care must be exercised that
the permeate backpressure at no time exceeds the feed pressure by more than 5 psi (0.3 bar).

A surge tank can also be used to collect the permeate from the first pass. This tank must be carefully protected against dust
and microbiological contamination.

The conductivity is in many cases the most important quality parameter of the product water. Since carbon dioxide is not
rejected by the membrane, it is present in the product water, where it reacts to form carbonic acid and causes the
conductivity to increase. The passage of carbon dioxide can be prevented by adjustment of the feed water pH to RO I to a
value of about 8.2. At this pH, most carbon dioxide is converted into hydrogen carbonate, which is rejected well by the
membrane. Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda, NaOH) can be injected either into the permeate of RO I or into the feed of RO I.
The best product water conductivity can be achieved if the pH in the feed to RO I is optimized. This however implies that the
calcium carbonate scaling potential is under control at the required pH of 8.2 to 8.5. With this concept, a product conductivity
of typically < 1 µS/cm can be achieved.

The recovery of RO I is normally limited by the scaling potential of the feed water, but the recovery of RO II can be as high
as 90 - 95% in order to reduce system costs. On the other hand, a more moderate recovery for RO II helps to maximize the
product water quality at the expense of a larger first pass (which has then to treat the increased RO II concentrate flow rate).

3.8 Special Design Possibilities

There are a number of special design possibilities for specific requirements:

• Improve product quality:
− Use part or all seawater elements for brackish feed water
− Use seawater elements in one or both stages of a permeate staged system
− Recycle permeate of last stage into feed

• Increase system recovery:

− Feed the concentrate to a second system, after specific pretreatment

• Obtain high system recovery and uniform permeate flow per element with medium salinity feed water:
− Use booster pumps between stages to compensate for osmotic pressure increase
− Use declining permeate back pressure from first to last stage
− Use hybrid system design with tighter membranes in the first stage than in the second stage, e.g. BW30
membranes in the first and XLE membranes in the second stage

• Produce different permeate qualities:

− Separate the permeates from the different stages: the permeate from the first stage has the best quality—especially
when the first stage is equipped with higher rejection membranes

• Reduce the plant capacity to obtain just the required permeate quality:
− Blend the permeate with feed water

• Make provisions for later system extension:

− Use free space in pressure vessel (element spacer to replace element)
− Design module support racks to accommodate extra pressure vessels

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3.9 Membrane System Design Guidelines

The factor which has the greatest influence on the membrane system design is the fouling tendency of the feed water.
Membrane fouling is caused by particles and colloidal material which are present in the feed water and are concentrated at
the membrane surface. The Silt Density Index (SDI) value of the pretreated feed water correlates fairly well with the amount
of fouling material present. The concentration of the fouling materials at the membrane surface increases with increasing
permeate flux (the permeate flow rate per unit membrane area) and increasing FILMTEC™ element recovery (the ratio of
permeate flow rate to feed flow rate for a single element). A system with high permeate flux rates is, therefore likely to
experience higher fouling rates and more frequent chemical cleaning.

A membrane system should be designed such that each element of the system operates within a frame of recommended
operating conditions to minimize the fouling rate and to exclude mechanical damage. These element operating conditions are
limited by the maximum recovery, the maximum permeate flow rate, the minimum concentrate flow rate and the maximum
feed flow rate per element. The higher the fouling tendency of the feed water the stricter are the limits of these parameters.
The proposed limits are recommended guidelines based on many years of experience with FILMTEC membranes.

The average flux of the entire system, i.e. the system permeate flow rate related to the total active membrane area of the
system, is a characteristic number of a design. The system flux is a useful number to quickly estimate the required number of
elements for a new project. Systems operating on high quality feed waters are typically designed at high flux values whereas
systems operating on poor quality feed waters are designed at low flux values. However, even within the same feed water
category, systems are designed with higher or lower flux values, depending on the focus being either on minimizing the capital
expenses or minimizing the long term operational expenses. The ranges of flux values given in the tables below are typical
numbers for the majority of systems, but they are not meant to be limits.

A continuous RO/NF process designed according to the system design guidelines and with a well-designed and operated
pretreatment system will show stable performance with no more than about four cleanings per year in standard applications.
Exceeding the recommended limits may result in more frequent cleanings, reduced capacity, increased feed pressure and
reduced membrane life. A moderate violation of the limits for a short time may be acceptable as long as the physical limits –
the maximum pressure drop and the maximum feed pressure – are not exceeded. On the other hand, a conservative
approach is to anticipate a higher fouling tendency and to design the system according to the stricter limits in order to enjoy a
trouble free system operation and an increased membrane life.

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3.9.1 Membrane System Design Guidelines for 8-inch FILMTEC™ Elements

The following tables show the recommended guidelines for designing RO systems with 8-inch FILMTEC elements according
to feed water type.

Table 3.4 Design guidelines for 8-inch FILMTEC elements in water treatment applications
Feed source RO Permeate Well Water Surface Supply Wastewater (Filtered Seawater
Municipal Effluent)
MF1 Conventional Well or MF1 Open intake
Feed silt density index SDI < 1 SDI < 3 SDI < 3 SDI < 5 SDI < 3 SDI < 5 SDI < 3 SDI < 5
Average gfd 21-25 16-20 13-17 12-16 10-14 8-12 8-12 7-10
system flux l/m2h 36-43 27-34 22-29 20-27 17-24 14-20 13-20 11-17
Maximum element recovery % 30 19 17 15 14 12 15 13

Active Membrane Area Maximum permeate flow rate, gpd (m3/d)

320 ft2 elements 9,000 (34) 7,500 (28) 6,500 (25) 5,900 (22) 5,300 (20) 4,700 (18) 6,700 (25) 6,100 (23)
365 ft2 elements 10,000 (38) 8,300 (31) 7,200 (27) 6,500 (25) 5,900 (22) 5,200 (20)
380 ft2 elements 10,600 (40) 8,600 (33) 7,500 (28) 6,800 (26) 5,900 (22) 5,200 (20) 7,900 (30) 7,200 (27)
390 ft2 elements 10,600 (40) 8,900 (34) 7,700 (29) 7,000 (26) 6,300 (24) 5,500 (21)
400 ft2 elements 11,000 (42) 9,100 (34) 7,900 (30) 7,200 (27) 6,400 (24) 5,700 (22)
440 ft2 elements 12,000 (45) 10,000 (38) 8,700 (33) 7,900 (30) 7,100 (27) 6,300 (24)

Element type Minimum concentrate flow rate2, gpm (m3/h)

BW elements (365 ft2) 10 (2.3) 13 (3.0) 13 (3.0) 15 (3.4) 16 (3.6) 18 (4.1)
BW elements (400 ft2 and 440 ft2) 10 (2.3) 13 (3.0) 13 (3.0) 15 (3.4) 18 (4.1) 20 (4.6)
NF elements 10 (2.3) 13 (3.0) 13 (3.0) 15 (3.4) 18 (4.1) 18 (4.1)
Full-fit elements 25 (5.7) 25 (5.7) 25 (5.7) 25 (5.7) 25 (5.7) 25 (5.7)
SW elements 10 (2.3) 13 (3.0) 13 (3.0) 15 (3.4) 16 (3.6) 18 (4.1) 13 (3.0) 15 (3.4)

Active area
Element type ft2 (m2) Maximum feed flow rate2, gpm (m3/h)
BW elements 365 (33.9) 65 (15) 65 (15) 63 (14) 58 (13) 52 (12) 52 (12)
BW or NF elements 400 (37.2) 75 (17) 75 (17) 73 (17) 67 (15) 61 (14) 61 (14)
BW elements 440 (40.9) 75 (17) 75 (17) 73 (17) 67 (15) 61 (14) 61 (14)
Full-fit elements 390 (36.2) 85 (19) 75 (17) 73 (17) 67 (15) 61 (14) 61 (14)
SW elements 320 (29.7) 65 (15) 65 (15) 63 (14) 58 (13) 52 (12) 52 (12) 63 (14) 56 (13)
SW elements 380 (35.3) 72 (16) 72 (16) 70 (16) 64 (15) 58 (13) 58 (13) 70 (16) 62 (14)
1 MF: Microfiltration - continuous filtration process using a membrane with pore size of <0.5 micron.
2 The maximum recommended pressure drop across a single element is 15 psid (1bar) or 50 psid (3.5 bar) across multiple elements in a pressure vessel, whichever
value is more limiting. We recommend designing at maximum of 80% (12 psid) for any element in a system.
Note: The limiting values listed above have been incorporated into the ROSA (Reverse Osmosis System Analysis) software. Designs of systems in excess of the
guidelines results in a warning on the ROSA printout.

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3.9.2 Membrane System Design Guidelines for Midsize FILMTEC™ Elements

The following tables show the recommended guidelines for designing RO systems with 2.5 and 4-inch FILMTEC elements in
light industrial and small commercial applications.

Light industrial systems in Table 3.5 have the same requirements as for large systems, requiring stable performance over
several years. They are typically for piloting large systems, with continuous operation, CIP facilities and none (or minimal)
concentrate recirculation. The expected membrane lifetime is more than 3 years.

Table 3.5 Design guidelines for FILMTEC elements in light industrial and small seawater applications
Feed source RO permeate Well water Softened Surface Wastewater
Municipal (filtered tertiary effluent) Seawater
MF1 Conventional Well or MF1 Open intake
Feed silt density index SDI < 1 SDI < 3 SDI < 3 SDI < 5 SDI < 3 SDI < 5 SDI < 3 SDI < 5
Typical target flux, gfd (l/m2h) 22 (37) 18 (30) 16 (27) 14 (24) 13 (22) 11 (19) 13 (22) 11 (19)
Maximum element recovery % 30 19 17 15 14 12 15 13

Element diameter Maximum permeate flow rate, gpd (m3/d)

2.5-inch 800 (3.0) 700 (2.6) 600 (2.3) 500 (1.9) 500 (1.9) 400 (1.5) 700 (2.6) 600 (2.3)
4.0-inch 2,300 (8.7) 1,900 (7.2) 1,700 (6.4) 1,500 (5.7) 1,400 (5.3) 1,200 (4.5) 1,800 (6.8) 1,500 (5.7)

Element type Minimum concentrate flow rate, gpm (m3/h)1

2.5-inch diameter 0.7 (0.16) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2)
4.0-inch diameter (except full-fits) 2 (0.5) 3 (0.7) 3 (0.7) 3 (0.7) 4 (0.9) 5 (1.1) 3 (0.7) 4 (0.9)
Full-fit 4040 6 (1.4) 6 (1.4) 6 (1.4) 6 (1.4) 6 (1.4) 6 (1.4) NA NA

Active area Maximum feed flow rate Maximum pressure drop per element Maximum feed pressure
Element type ft2 (m2) U.S. gpm (m3/h) psig (bar) psig (bar)
Tape-wrapped 2540 28 (2.6) 6 (1.4) 13 (0.9) 600 (41)
Fiberglased 2540 28 (2.6) 6 (1.4) 15 (1.0) 600 (41)
Seawater 2540 29 (2.7) 6 (1.4) 13 (0.9) 1,000 (69)
Tape-wrapped 4040 87 (8.1) 14 (3.2) 13 (0.9) 600 (41)
TW30-4040 82 (7.6) 14 (3.2) 13 (0.9) 600 (41)
Fiberglassed 4040 82 (7.6) 16 (3.6) 15 (1.0) 600 (41)
SW Fiberglassed 4040 80 (7.4) 16 (3.6) 15 (1.0) 1,000 (69)
Full-fit 4040 85 (7.9) 18 (4.1) 15 (1.0) 600 (41)
1 MF: Microfiltration - continuous filtration process using a membrane with pore size of <0.5 micron.
2 2We recommend that the pressure drop for new/clean elements be at least 20% below the maximum.
Note: The limiting values listed above have been incorporated into the ROSA (Reverse Osmosis System Analysis) software. Designs of systems in excess of the
guidelines results in a warning on the ROSA printout.

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In Table 3.6, the small commercial systems are typically between 1–6 elements that are either regularly replaced or else
cleaned (every half year or year) or performance loss is acceptable. The expected element lifetime is not more than 3 years.
This is a low-cost, compact solution for intermittently operated systems.

Table 3.6 Design guidelines for FILMTEC™ elements in small commercial applications
Feed source RO permeate Softened Municipal Well water Surface or Municipal
Feed silt density index SDI < 1 SDI < 3 SDI < 3 SDI < 5
Typical target flux, gfd (l/m2h) 30 (51) 30 (51) 25 (42) 20 (34)
Maximum element recovery % 30 30 25 20

Maximum permeate flow rate, gpd (m3/d)

2.5-inch diameter 1,100 (4.2) 1,100 (4.2) 900 (3.4) 700 (2.7)
4.0-inch diameter 3,100 (11.7) 3,100 (11.7) 2,600 (9.8) 2,100 (7.9)

Minimum concentrate flow rate1, gpm (m3/h)

2.5-inch diameter 0.5 (0.11) 0.5 (0.11) 0.7 (0.16) 0.7 (0.16)
4.0-inch diameter 2 (0.5) 2 (0.5) 3 (0.7) 3 (0.7)

Active area Maximum feed flow rate Maximum pressure drop per Maximum feed pressure
Element type ft2 (m2) U.S. gpm (m3/h) element1 psig (bar)
psig (bar)
Tape-wrapped 2540 28 (2.6) 6 (1.4) 13 (0.9) 600 (41)
Fiberglased 2540 28 (2.6) 6 (1.4) 15 (1.0) 600 (41)
Seawater 2540 29 (2.7) 6 (1.4) 13 (0.9) 1,000 (69)
Tape-wrapped 4040 87 (8.1) 14 (3.2) 13 (0.9) 600 (41)
TW30-4040 82 (7.6) 14 (3.2) 13 (0.9) 600 (41)
Fiberglassed 4040 82 (7.6) 16 (3.6) 15 (1.0) 600 (41)
SW Fiberglassed 4040 80 (7.4) 16 (3.6) 15 (1.0) 1,000 (69)
1 We recommend that the pressure drop for new/clean elements be at least 20% below the maximum.
Note: The limiting values listed above have been incorporated into the ROSA (Reverse Osmosis System Analysis) software. Designs of systems in excess of the
guidelines results in a warning on the ROSA printout.

3.10 The Steps to Design a Membrane System

The following steps are taken to design a membrane system:

Step 1: Consider feed source, feed quality, feed/product flow, and required product quality
The membrane system design depends on the available feed water and the application. Therefore the system design
information according to Table 3.1 and the feed water analysis according to Table 3.2 should be collected first.

Step 2: Select the flow configuration and number of passes

The standard flow configuration for water desalination is plug flow, where the feed volume is passed once through the
system. Concentrate recirculation is common to smaller systems used in commercial applications, as well as in larger
systems when the number of elements is too small to achieve a sufficiently high system recovery with plug flow. Concentrate
recirculation systems can also be found in special applications like process liquids and wastewaters.

An RO system is usually designed for continuous operation and the operating conditions of every membrane element in the
plant are constant with time. In certain applications, however, a batch operation mode is used, e.g., in treating wastewater or
industrial process solutions, when relatively small volumes (batches) of feed water are discharged non-continuously. The
feed water is collected in a tank and then periodically treated. A modification of the batch mode is the semi-batch mode,
where the feed tank is refilled with feed water during operation. See also Section 3.2, Batch vs. Continuous Process.

A permeate staged (double pass) system is the combination of two conventional RO systems where permeate of the first
system (first pass) becomes the feed for the second system (second pass). Both RO systems may be of the single-stage or
multi-stage type, either with plug flow or with concentrate recirculation. The production of water for pharmaceutical and
medical use are typical applications of permeate staged systems. As an alternative to a second pass, ion exchange may
also be considered.
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Step 3: Select membrane element type
Elements are selected according to feed water salinity, feed water fouling tendency, required rejection and energy
requirements. The standard element size for systems greater than 10 gpm (2.3 m3/hr) is 8-inch in diameter and 40-inch
long. Smaller elements are available for smaller systems.

The characteristics of FILMTEC™ elements and their use in specific applications are described in Section 1.8, Element
Characteristics. An interactive product selection guide is also available for a range of different applications in our web site.

For high quality water applications where very low product salinity is required, ion exchange resins are frequently used to
polish RO permeate.

Step 4: Select average membrane flux

Select the design flux, f, (gfd or l/m2-h) based on pilot data, customer experience or the typical design fluxes according to the
feed source found in Section 3.9, Membrane System Design Guidelines.

Step 5: Calculate the number of elements needed

Divide the design permeate flow rate QP by the design flux f and by the membrane surface area of the selected element SE
(ft2 or m2) to obtain the number of elements NE.
NE = Eq. 6
f .SE

Step 6: Calculate number of pressure vessels needed

Divide the number of elements NE by the number of elements per pressure vessel, NEpV, to obtain the number of pressure
vessels, NV – round up to the nearest integer. For large systems, 6-element vessels are standard, but vessels with up to 8
elements are available. For smaller and/or compact systems, shorter vessels may be selected.
NV = Eq. 7

Although the approach described in the following sections apply for all systems, it is especially applicable for 8-inch systems
with a larger number of elements and pressure vessels, which then can be arranged in a certain way. Small systems with
only one or a few elements are mostly designed with the element in series and a concentrate recirculation for maintaining the
appropriate flow rate through the feed/brine channels.

Step 7: Select number of stages

The number of stages defines how many pressure vessels in series the feed will pass through until it exits the system and is
discharged as concentrate. Every stage consists of a certain number of pressure vessels in parallel. The number of stages is
a function of the planned system recovery, the number of elements per vessel, and the feed water quality. The higher the
system recovery and the lower the feed water quality, the longer the system will be with more elements in series. For
example, a system with four 6-element vessels in the first and two 6-element vessels in the second stage has 12 elements in
series. A system with three stages and 4-element vessels, in a 4:3:2 arrangement has also 12 elements in series. Typically,
the number of serial element positions is linked with the system recovery and the number of stages as illustrated in Table 3.7
for brackish water systems and Table 3.8 for seawater systems.

Table 3.7 Number of stages of a brackish water system

System recovery (%) Number of serial element positions Number of stages (6-element vessels)
40 - 60 6 1
70 - 80 12 2
85 - 90 18 3

One-stage systems can also be designed for high recoveries if concentrate recycling is used.

In seawater systems the recoveries are lower than in brackish water systems. The number of stages depends on recovery
as shown in Table 3.8.

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Table 3.8 Number of stages of a seawater system
Number of serial Number of stages Number of stages Number of stages
System recovery (%) element positions (6-element vessels) (7-element vessels) (8-element vessels)
35 - 40 6 1 1 ⎯
45 7 - 12 2 1 1
50 8 - 12 2 2 1
55 - 60 12 - 14 2 2 ⎯

Step 8: Select the staging ratio

The relation of the number of pressure vessels in subsequent stages is called the staging ratio R.
NV(i + 1)

For a system with four vessels in the first and two vessels in the second stage the staging ratio is 2:1. A three-stage system
with four, three and two vessels in the first, second and third stage respectively has a staging ratio of 4:3:2. In brackish water
systems, staging ratios between two subsequent stages are usually close to 2:1 for 6-element vessels and less than that for
shorter vessels. In two-stage seawater systems with 6-element vessels, the typical staging ratio is 3:2.

The ideal staging of a system is such that each stage operates at the same fraction of the system recovery, provided that all
pressure vessels contain the same number of elements. The staging ratio R of a system with n stages and a system
recovery Y (as fraction) can then be calculated:
⎡ 1 ⎤n
R =⎢ ⎥
⎣ (1 - Y) ⎦

The number of pressure vessels in the first stage Nv(1) can be calculated with the staging ratio R from the total number of
vessels Nv.

For a two-stage system (n=2) and a three-stage system (n=3), the number of pressure vessels in the first stage is
NV(1) = for n =2
1 + R -1
NV(1) = for n = 3, etc.
1 + R + R -2

The number of vessels in the second stage is then NV(2) = and so on.

Another aspect for selecting a certain arrangement of vessels is the feed flow rate for vessel of the first stage and the
concentrate flow rate per vessel of the last stage. Both feed and concentrate flow rate for the system are given (from
permeate flow rate and recovery). The number of vessels in the first stage should then be selected to provide a feed flow
rate in the range of 35-55 gpm (8-12 m3/h) per 8-inch vessel. Likewise, the number of vessels in the last stage should be
selected such that the resultant concentrate flow rate is greater than the minimum of 16 gpm (3.6 m3/h). Flow rate guidelines
for different elements are given in Section 3.9, Membrane System Design Guidelines.

Step 9: Balance the permeate flow rate

The permeate flow rate of the tail elements of a system (the elements located at the concentrate end) is normally lower than
the flow rate of the lead elements. This is a result of the pressure drop in the feed/brine channel and the increase of the
osmotic pressure from the feed to the concentrate. Under certain conditions, the ratio of the permeate flow rate of the lead
element and the tail element can become very high:
• High system recovery
• High feed salinity
• Low pressure membranes
• High water temperature
• New membranes
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The goal of a good design is to balance the flow rate of elements in the different positions. This can be achieved by the
following means:
• Boosting the feed pressure between stages: preferred for efficient energy use
• Apply a permeate backpressure only to the first stage of a two-stage system: low system cost alternative
• Hybrid system: use membranes with lower water permeability in the first positions and membranes with higher water
permeabilities in the last positions: e.g. high rejection seawater membranes in the first and high productivity seawater
membranes in the second stage of a seawater RO system

The need for flow balancing and the method can also be determined after the system has been analyzed with ROSA.

Step 10: Analyze and optimize the membrane system

The chosen system should then be analyzed and refined using the Reverse Osmosis System Analysis (ROSA) computer

• Feed source: brackish surface supply water, SDI < 5
• Required permeate flow = 132 gpm (720 m3/d)
• Six-element pressure vessels to be used

1. Brackish surface supply water with SDI < 5; total permeate flow = 132 gpm (720 m3/d)

2. Select plug flow

3. BW30-365 (BW element with active membrane area of 365 ft2 (33.9 m2))

4. Recommended average flux for surface supply water feed with SDI <5 = 15.0 gfd (25 L/m/h)

5. Total number of elements =

(132 gpm)(1440 gpd/gpm) (720 m3 /d)(41.67 L/h)/(m3 /d)
= 35 or = 35
(15 gfd)/(365 ft ) (33.9 m2 )/(25 L/m2 /h)

6. Total number of pressure vessels = 35/6 = 5.83 = 6

7. Number of stages for 6-element vessels and 75% recovery = 2

8. Staging ratio selected: 2:1. Appropriate stage ratio = 4:2

9. The chosen system must then be analyzed using the Reverse Osmosis System Analysis (ROSA) computer
program. This program calculates the feed pressure and permeate quality of the system as well as the operating
data of all individual elements. It is then easy to optimize the system design by changing the number and type of
elements and their arrangement.

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3.11 System Performance Projection

3.11.1 System Operating Characteristics

Before a system performance projection is run, one should be familiar with the operating characteristics of a system. These
will be explained using a typical example. Figure 3.10 shows a two-stage system with three six-element pressure vessels
using a staging ratio of 2:1.

Figure 3.10 Typical two-stage configuration for spiral-wound RO/NF elements


IA 1 IA 2 … IA 6

II 1 II 2 … II 6

IB 1 IB 2 … IB 6 Concentrate

Two-stage systems are generally capable of operating at an overall recovery rate of 55 to 75%. For such systems the
average individual recovery rate per element will vary from 7 to 12%. To operate a two-stage system at an overall recovery
much higher than 75% will cause an individual element to exceed the maximum recovery limits shown in Section 3.9,
Membrane System Design Guidelines. When this happens, a third stage will have to be employed which places 18 elements
in series, shifting the average element recovery rate to lower values.

If two-stage systems are operated at too low a recovery (e.g. < 55%), the feed flow rates to the first-stage vessels can be too
high, causing excessive feed/concentrate-side pressure drops and potentially damaging the elements. For example, a
particular FILMTEC™ 8-inch element may have a maximum feed flow rate in the range of 50–70 gpm (11–16 m3/h)
depending on the water source. More information is available in Section 3.9, Membrane System Design Guidelines.

As a result, systems with lower than 50% recovery will typically use single-stage configurations. Maximum flow considerations
can also limit the staging ratio. It is unlikely to find systems with staging ratios greater than 3:1. When a single RO element is
run, the operating variables are readily measured, and performance can be easily correlated. When a large number of
elements are combined in a system with a multiple staging (i.e. combination of elements in parallel and in series) configuration
and only inlet operating variables are known, system performance prediction becomes considerably more complex. Feed
pressures and salt concentrations for each element in series are changing. The rate and extent of these changes are
dependent not only on the inlet conditions and overall recovery, but also on the stage configuration, i.e., staging ratio(s).

Figure 3.11 illustrates the dynamic nature of predicting system performance based on the sum of individual element
performances within the system. It shows how five different element performance parameters vary throughout the twelve
series positions in a 2:1 array of six-element pressure vessels. The system is operating at 75% recovery and 25°C with a
feed osmotic pressure of 20 psi (1.4 bar, which roughly corresponds to a 2,000 mg/L feed TDS). The inlet feed pressure has
been adjusted so that the lead BW element is producing 7,500 gpd (28.4 m3/d), the maximum recommended permeate flow
for this particular element used on a well water system with feed SDI < 3.

The top third of Figure 3.11 shows individual element permeate flows decreasing uniformly throughout the series configuration
from 7,500 gpd (28.4 m3/d) in the lead element of the first stage to approximately 3,300 gpd (12.5 m3/d) in the last element of
the second stage. The average element permeate rate is 5,800 gpd (22 m3/d) or 77% of the maximum allowable limit.

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Figure 3.11 Individual element performance in a system 2:1 array of 8-inch BW30 elements (example)

8,000 30.0

Permeate Flow (m3/d)

Permeate Flow (gpd)
7,000 27.5
6,000 Average Permeate Flow = 22 m3/d 22.5
4,000 15.0


Relative A-value
% Recovery


0 0.85
200 15

Pressure (bar)
Pressure (psi)

50 5

0 0
I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5 I-6 II - 1 II - 2 II - 3 II - 4 II - 5 II - 6

Element Series Position (Stage No. - Vessel Pos.)

Permeate flow decreases because the net driving pressure, ΔP – Δπ, is uniformly declining. (ΔP is the pressure difference
between the feed side and the permeate side of the membrane; Δπ is the osmotic pressure difference between both sides).
This is evident by looking at the two curves in the bottom third of the figure. The upper curve shows how the inlet feed
pressure to each element (Pfi) decreases due to the upstream concentrate-side pressure losses within each element.

The bottom curve shows how the inlet feed osmotic pressure to each element (πfi) is increasing as salt-free (mostly)
permeate is progressively removed by each upstream element, leaving behind a steadily increasing concentrate
concentration. The difference between these two pressure curves is roughly equivalent to the net permeation driving force.

The middle portion of Figure 3.11 exhibits two subtle but important effects. The left-hand scale shows how individual element
recovery varies within the twelve element (series) sequence. The break occurs between the first and second stages. In
general, the individual recovery profile will increase in both stages but typically more strongly in the first. The system
designer, utilizing a computer program, must verify that the last element in the first stage does not exceed the appropriate
recovery limit. As element recovery increases, the effective osmotic pressure that the membrane “sees” will be higher due to
concentration polarization. This inefficiency reduces permeate flows and can lead to membrane scaling or fouling if allowed
to go to excess.

The other curve in the middle portion of Figure 3.11 (right-hand scale) illustrates an interesting phenomenon exhibited by the
FILMTEC™ membrane. It shows that the membrane water permeability coefficient, or A-value, is a reversible function of salt
concentration, decreasing at higher salinity and increasing at lower salinity. The water permeability declines by almost 15%
in this example through the series of twelve elements, and this must be taken into consideration if an accurate design for
system permeate flow rate is to be obtained.

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3.11.2 Design Equations and Parameters

The performance of a specified RO system is defined by its feed pressure (or permeate flow, if the feed pressure is
specified) and its salt passage. In its simplest terms, the permeate flow Q through an RO membrane is directly proportional
to the wetted surface area S multiplied by the net driving pressure (ΔP – Δπ). The proportionality constant is the membrane
permeability coefficient or A-value. The familiar water permeation equation has the form:
Q = ( A)(S )(ΔP − Δπ ) Eq. 8

The salt passage is by diffusion, hence the salt flux NA is proportional to the salt concentration difference between both sides
of the membrane. The proportionality constant is the salt diffusion coefficient or B-value.
N A = B(C fc − C p ) Eq. 9

Cfc = feed-concentrate average concentration
Cp = permeate concentration

There are basically two ways to calculate the performance of a specified design: “Element-to-Element” and “Entire System”.

This is the most rigorous calculation method. It is too tedious for hand calculation, but it is suitable for computer calculations.
All the operating conditions of the first element must be known, including the feed pressure. Then the flow, pressure, etc., of
the concentrate, which is the feed to the second element, can be calculated. After calculating the results for all the elements,
the original feed pressure may be too high or low, so the trial and error process starts with a new pressure.

With the help of the FILMTEC™ Reverse Osmosis System Analysis (ROSA) computer program, accurate results can be
obtained very quickly, so this program can be used to modify and optimize the design of an RO or an NF system.
Accordingly, the entire system calculation method will not be described here. It is also not intended to outline the process of
the element to element computer calculation. However, the governing equations and parameters are given in Table 3.9.

In order to enable the determination of values for the terms A, ΔP, and Δπ in Eq. 8, the water permeation equation is
expanded to Eq. 10. The permeate concentration can be derived from Eq. 9 after conversion into Eq. 19. The design
equations are listed in Table 3.9, the symbol definitions in Table 3.11.

The subscript i in the equations of Table 3.9 indicates that they apply to the i th element in a sequence of n elements in a
series flow configuration. To accurately determine system performance, Eq. 10 is successively solved for each of the n
elements starting with an inlet set of conditions. The solutions depend on mass balances around each element for salt (Eq.
14) and water (Eq. 19), as well as correlations for individual element parameters such as concentrate-side flow resistance,
ΔPfc (Eq. 27c); temperature correction factor for water permeability, TCF (Eq. 16); polarization factor, pfi (Eq. 17), and the
membrane permeability coefficient for water, Ai (πi) (Eq. 28) which in the case of the FILMTEC FT30 membrane depends on
the average concentrate concentration or, alternatively, osmotic pressure. These solutions usually involve a suitable average
for the feed and permeate side hydraulic and osmotic pressures. For low recovery values typical of single element operation,
an accurate solution can be obtained using a simple arithmetic average of the inlet and outlet conditions. Even so, since the
outlet conditions are not known, iterative trial and error solutions are involved.

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Table 3.9 Design equations for projecting RO system performance: individual element performance
Item Equation Number
Permeate flow ΔPfc i 10
⎛ ⎞
Qi = Ai πi SE (TCF )(FF )⎜⎜ Pfi − − Ppi − π + π pi ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
Average concentrate-side osmotic pressure 11
⎛C ⎞
πi = π fi ⎜⎜ fc i ⎟(pfi )

⎝ Cf i ⎠
Average permeate-side osmotic pressure π pi = π fi (1 − R i ) 12

Ratio: arithmetic average concentrate-side to 13

Cfc i 1 ⎛ Cc i ⎞
feed concentration for Element i = ⎜⎜ 1 + ⎟

Cf i 2⎝ Cf i ⎠
Ratio: concentrate to feed concentration for Cc i 1 − Yi (1 − Ri ) 14
Element i =
Cf i (1 − Yi )
π f = 1.12(273 + T )
Feed water osmotic pressure 15
∑m j

Temperature correction factor for RO and NF 16a,b

⎡ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎤
membrane TCF = EXP⎢2640⎜ − ⎟⎥; T ≥ 25°C
⎣ ⎝ 298 273 +T ⎠⎦

⎡ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎤
TCF = EXP⎢3020⎜ − ⎟⎥; T ≤ 25°C
⎣ ⎝ 298 273 + T ⎠⎦
Concentration polarization factor for FILMTEC pfi = EXP[0.7Yi ] 17
8-inch elements
System recovery n 18
Y = 1 − [(1 − Y1 )(1 − Y2 )...(1 − Yn )] = 1 − ∏ (1 − Yi )
i =1

Permeate concentration 19
( )
C p j = B Cfc j (pfi )(TCF )

Entire System
Average values are used to calculate feed pressure and permeate quality if the feed quality, temperature, permeate flow rate
and number of elements are known. If the feed pressure is specified instead of the number of elements, the number of
elements can be calculated with a few iterations. The design equations for 8-inch BW30 FILMTEC™ elements are listed in
Table 3.10, the symbol definitions in Table 3.11.

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Table 3.10 Design equations for projecting RO system performance: system average performace
Item Equation Number
Total permeate flow 20
⎡C ⎤
Q = NE SE A π (TCF)(FF)Pf −
ΔP fc
Pp − π f ⎢ fc pf − 1 − R ⎥
⎣ f ⎦
Ratio: average concentrate-side to
− R ln(1 − Y / YL ) 21
feed concentration for system
Y − (1 − YL )ln(1 − Y / YL )
+ 1− R ( )
Limiting system recovery
YL = 1 −
( )( )
π f pf R 22

Pf − ΔP fc − Pp
Approximate log-mean concentrate-
Cfc ln(1 − Y ) 23
side to feed concentration ratio for =−
system Cf YL ,R =1
Average element recovery
Yi = 1 − (1 − Y ) 24
1/ n

Average polarization factor

pf = EXP 0.7Yi [ ] 25

Average concentrate-side osmotic 26

⎛C ⎞
pressure for system π = π i ⎜⎜ fc ⎟ pf

⎝ Cf ⎠
Average concentrate-side system 2 27a,b,c
pressure drop for FILMTEC™ 8-inch
ΔP fc = 0.04q fc
elements; 2 stages
⎡ 0.1(Q / 1440)⎤⎛ 1 ⎞
ΔPfc = ⎢ ⎥⎜⎜ + 1 − Y ⎟⎟
⎣ YNV 2 ⎦⎝ NVR ⎠
Individual FILMTEC 8-inch element, 1.7
or single-stage concentrate-side
ΔPfc = 0.01nq fc
pressure drop
A (π ) = 0.125 ; π ≤ 25
FILMTEC membrane permeability 28a,b,c
as a function of average
concentrate-side osmotic pressure
⎛ π − 25 ⎞
A (π ) = 0.125 − 0.011⎜ ⎟ ; 25 ≤ π ≤ 200
⎝ 35 ⎠
A (π ) = 0.070 − 0.0001(π − 200); 200 ≤ π ≤ 400
Permeate concentration 29
⎛N S ⎞
C p = BCfc pf (TCF )⎜ E E ⎟
⎝ Q ⎠

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Table 3.11 Symbol definitions
Q i
permeate flow of Element i (gpd)
∑ summation of all ionic species

Ai π i membrane permeability at 25° for Element i, a function Y system recovery (expressed as a fraction) = permeate
of the average concentrate-side osmotic pressure flow/feed flow
SE membrane surface area per element (ft2) n multiplication of n terms in a series

i =1

TCF temperature correction factor for membrane n number of elements in series

FF membrane fouling factor Q system permeate flow (gpd)

Pf i feed pressure of Element i (psi) NE number of elements in system

ΔPfc i concentrate-side pressure drop for Element i (psi) Qi average element permeate flow (gpd) = Q/NE

Pp i permeate pressure of Element i (psi) Aπ average membrane permeability at 25°C: a function of

the average concentrate-side osmotic pressure (gfd/psi)
πi average concentrate-side osmotic pressure (psi) Cfc average concentrate-side concentration for system (ppm)

πf i feed osmotic pressure of Element i R average fractional salt rejection for system

πpi permeate-side osmotic pressure of Element i (psi) π average concentrate-side osmotic pressure for system
pfi concentration polarization factor for Element i ΔPfc average concentrate-side system pressure drop (psi)

Ri salt rejection fraction for Element i YL limiting (maximum) system recovery (expressed as a
feed conc. - perm. conc.
feed conc.
Cfc i average concentrate-side concentration for Element i Yi average element recovery (expressed as a fraction)
Cf i feed concentration for Element i (ppm) pf average concentration polarization factor

Cc i concentrate concentration for Element i (ppm) q fc arithmetic average concentrate-side flow rate (gpm)
(=1/2(feed flow + concentrate flow)
Yi recovery fraction for Element i NV number of six-element pressure vessels in system (≈
permeate flow
feed flow
πf treated feed water osmotic pressure (psi) NV 1 number of pressure vessels in first stage of 2-stage
system (≈ 1/3 NV)
T feed water temperature (°C) NV 2 number of pressure vessels in second stage of 2-stage
system (≈ NV/3)
mj molal concentration of jth ion species NVR stage ratio (=NVI/NV2)

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3.11.3 Comparing Actual Performance of FILMTEC™ Elements to ROSA Projection

ROSA is a tool used to estimate stabilized performance for a specific RO or NF system under design or actual conditions.
This projected performance is based on a nominal performance specification for the FILMTEC element(s) used in that
system. A fouling factor of 1 in the projection is used to calculate the performance of new elements with exactly nominal flow
rate. A fouling factor < 1 should be applied when making a design for long-term operation.

In a real system, the elements may have a flow performance variation of +/-15% of the nominal value, or whatever variation
is specified for this element type. Also the salt rejection of an individual element may be higher or lower than the nominal
salt rejection (but not lower than the minimum salt rejection). Therefore, the measured stabilized performance is unlikely to
exactly hit the projected performance, but for systems with more than 36 new elements it should come close.

The actual fouling factor of a stabilized new RO system with at least 36 elements should range between 0.95 and 1.05. The
actual measured TDS of the permeate should be no higher than about 1.5 times the calculated TDS.

For systems with only one or a few elements, the deviation of the measured actual performance from the projected
performance may become as large as the specified element performance variation.

If the measured performance does not match close enough with the projected performance, go to Section 8, Troubleshooting
or visit the troubleshooting guide in our website.

3.12 Testing

For the desalination of standard waters with a defined origin and composition, system performance can be projected with
sufficient accuracy by using a computer program such as ROSA. However, in some cases, testing is recommended to
support the proper system design. These include:
• Unknown feed water quality
• Unknown variation of feed water quality
• Special or new applications, e.g., process or waste water effluents
• Special permeate quality requirements
• Extremely high system recoveries (>80%)
• Large plants >3.5 mgd (13,250 m3/d)

Testing is typically carried out at different subsequent levels:

3.12.1 Screening Test

The goal of a screening test is to select the appropriate membrane for the desired separation and to obtain a rough idea
about the flux (gfd or L/m2-h) and rejection properties of the membrane. A small piece of flat sheet membrane is mounted in
a “cell” and exposed to the test solution using the cross-flow mechanism. The method is fast, inexpensive, and requires only
small quantities of test solution. However, a screening test cannot provide engineering scale-up data and long-term effects of
the test solution on the membrane, nor does it provide data on fouling effects of the test solution.

3.12.2 Application Test

The application test provides scale-up data such as permeate flux and permeate quality as a function of feed pressure and
system recovery. The test typically involves the evaluation of a 15–60 gal (50–200 L) sample solution, using a 2540 (2.5-inch
x 40-inch) or 4040 (4.0-inch x 40-inch) sized element. The element is mounted in a test system with engineering features
that allow adjustments to the feed flow, feed pressure, and feed temperature in the ranges of the element operating limits.

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Determining Operating Pressure
The optimum operating pressure is determined by adjusting the feed pressure until the desired permeate quality and
permeate flux rate are obtained (typically between 6–20 gfd (10–34 L/m2-h)). Sufficient feed flow should be maintained to
ensure a low recovery rate (<5%) as the membrane flux rate is increased. Permeate and concentrate streams are recycled
back to the feed tank during this first test. The feed pressure at which the optimum permeate flux and permeate quality is
obtained is the feed pressure used for the second test, determining the recovery rate.

Determining Concentration Factor/Recovery Rate

To aid in the determination of the maximum single element recovery rate (permeate flow/feed flow) the second test is run in
batch mode. This is done by directing the permeate stream into a second container while returning the concentrate stream to
the feed tank. Both the permeate flow and permeate quality are monitored during the test. The test is stopped when the
permeate flow rate has declined to an uneconomically low value or permeate quality has declined below acceptable limits.
The concentration factor (CF) is then calculated by dividing the original feed volume by the remaining feed volume. The
recovery rate is calculated by subtracting the remaining feed volume from the original feed volume and then dividing by the
original feed volume.

Repeating the batch test will give an indication of membrane stability and fouling effects. However, long-term performance,
including the assessment of cleaning procedures, can only be obtained by pilot tests.

3.12.3 Pilot Tests

A pilot test is typically run in the field on the intended feed stream in a continuous operation mode. The pilot plant should
have at least one element, 40-inch length is recommended. Preferably the arrangement of elements will be similar to that of
the large-scale system. The permeate flow of the pilot plant should be at least 1% of the large-scale plant and should be run
for a minimum of 30 days. The objective is to confirm the system design and to fine-tune operating parameters as well as to
minimize the risk in large projects.

3.13 System Components

3.13.1 High Pressure Pump

The pump discharge pressure has to be controlled to maintain the designed permeate flow and not exceed the maximum
allowed feed pressure, which is:
600 psi (41 bar) for TW30, BW30, and NF elements
1,000 psi (69 bar) for SW30
1,200 psi (82 bar) for SW30HR elements

See the latest product information sheet to verify the correct limit.

A positive displacement pump cannot be throttled, so feed pressure is controlled by a backpressure valve in a bypass line
from the pump discharge to the pump suction. A pulsation damper (accumulator) on the pump discharge line is used to
minimize pressure surges. A relief valve ensures that the maximum allowed pressure will not be exceeded.

A throttling valve on the discharge line controls a centrifugal pump. Fixed speed motors are used with centrifugal pumps for
most membrane systems. Using a variable speed motor is an energy-saving alternative although the cost is higher. Variable
speed motors should be considered when there is greater than 5°C difference between the low and high feed-water

In seawater systems, typically 55 to 60% of the pressurized feed water leaves the system with about 870 psi (60 bar)
pressure in the concentrate stream. This energy can be recovered to decrease the specific energy demand of the system.
Energy recovery methods are:
• Pelton wheel
• Reverse turning turbine
• Piston type work exchanger
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The high-pressure concentrate is fed into the energy recovery device where it produces a rotating power output. This is used
to assist the main electric motor in driving the high-pressure pump. Compared to traditional pump drives, the energy
recovery system represents energy savings up to 40%.

3.13.2 Pressure Vessels

Pressure vessels are available with different diameters, lengths, and pressure ratings. When selecting a pressure vessel, the
chosen pressure rating must be high enough to allow for a pressure increase to compensate for irreversible fouling (typically
10% more than needed in a 3-year design).

When dynamic permeate backpressure is employed during plant operation, the limiting component for some pressure
vessels is the permeate port. Materials such as polyvinylchloride (PVC) are used for the permeate port on many pressure
vessels. The permeate pressure rating is a strong function of temperature, as shown in Table 3.12. Please consult with the
manufacturer of the pressure vessel for details on the specific vessel. Note that at static conditions, i.e., with the high-
pressure pump shut down, permeate backpressure must never exceed 5 psi (0.3 bar).

Table 3.12 Maximum dynamic permeate backpressure for pressure vessels with FILMTEC™ elements
Maximum dynamic permeate backpressure
Temperature (°F) Temperature (°C) psi bar
113 45 145 10.0
104 40 180 12.4
95 35 219 15.1
86 30 257 17.7
77 25 299 20.6
68 20 338 23.3

3.13.3 Shutdown Switches

The membrane elements must be protected against undue operating conditions. If there is a possibility that such conditions
can occur, for example, by a pretreatment upset, provisions must be made so that the system is shut down.

Some undue operating conditions and the provisions to prevent these are listed in Table 3.13.

Table 3.13 Provisions against undue operating conditions

Undue operating condition Provision
Too high feed pressure High pressure shutdown switch in the feed line
Insufficient feed pressure Low pressure shutdown switch in the pump suction line
Too high feed temperature High temperature switch in the feed line
Permeate pressure exceeding feed by more than 0.3 bar (5 psi) pressure Pressure relief mechanism in the permeate line
Too high concentration of colloidal matter in the feed Turbidity control in the feed line
Too high concentration of sparingly soluble salts in the feed Dosing pumps for acid and antiscalant should be electrically
interlocked with the feed pump drive
High pH shutdown switch
Oxidizing agents in the feed ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) control in feed line or chlorine
detection monitor with automatic shutdown
Oil in the feed Oil detector in feed line

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3.13.4 Valves

The following valves are typically included in a membrane system:

• Feed inlet valve to shut down the plant for maintenance and preservation.
• Valve on the pump discharge line or bypass line to control feed pressure during operation and feed pressure increase
rate during start-up.
• Check valve on pump discharge line.
• Check valve and atmospheric drain valve on permeate line to prevent permeate pressure from exceeding the feed
• Flow control valve on the concentrate line to set the recovery. (Caution: backpressure valve must not be used.)
• Valve in the permeate line to provide permeate drain during cleaning and start-up.
• Valves in the feed and concentrate lines (and between stages) to connect a clean-in-place system.

3.13.5 Control Instruments

To ensure proper operation of the RO or NF system, a number of control instruments are necessary. The accuracy of all
instruments is critical. They must be installed and calibrated according to manufacturer’s instructions.
• Pressure gauges to measure the pressure drop across the cartridge filter, the pressure on the pump inlet line and
discharge line, the feed pressure to the membrane element(s), the pressure drop between feed and concentrate of each
stage, and eventually the pressure in the permeate line. Liquid-filled gauges should contain membrane-compatible fluids
such as water in place of oils or other water-immiscible liquids.
• Flow meters to measure concentrate and total permeate flow rate, also permeate flow rate of each stage.
• Water meters in the permeate and feed line to log the total water volume treated and produced.
• Hour meter to log the total operating time.
• pH meter in the feed line after acidification to measure carbonate scaling potential.
• Conductivity meters in the feed line, concentrate line and permeate line to determine permeate quality and salt rejection.
• Sample ports on the feed, concentrate and permeate (total permeate and permeate of each stage) to enable evaluation of
system performance. A sample port on each pressure vessel permeate outlet is recommended to facilitate troubleshooting.

3.13.6 Tanks

Storing water in tanks should be generally kept at a minimum. When tanks are used, the inlet and outlet should be placed
that no stagnant zones are permitted. The tanks should be protected from dust and microbiological contamination. In critical
applications tanks are closed and vented through a HEPA-filter.

A feed tank is needed to provide the reaction time (20–30 min) when chlorine is used. The free volume of media filters can
be used for this purpose as well. Feed tanks are also frequently used as a buffer to allow continuous operation of the RO or
NF system (e.g., during backwash of filters). Systems that are operated in the batch or semi-batch mode require a feed tank.

A permeate tank is typically employed when the permeate is the product. Plant start-ups and shutdowns are initiated by low-
level and high-level signals from the permeate tank. The system capacity and the tank size should be designed so that the
RO or NF plant is allowed to run for several hours continuously. The less frequently the plant is shut down; the better the
system performance.

A draw-back tank is a small tank in the permeate line that provides enough volume for natural osmosis back-flow when the
system shuts down. It is typically employed in seawater systems, but not in brackish water systems. An empty draw-back
tank can cause air to be sucked back into the FILMTEC™ elements. This may create the following problems:
• Contamination of the permeate side of the membrane by airborne microbes and fungi.
• Hydraulic shocks and slugs of air that upset meters and set point controllers when the air is expelled from the system on
the next start-up.
• Drying of the membrane (flux loss).
• If the feed water is in a reduced status and contains H2S, Fe2+, Mn2+, etc., the air intrusion may cause fouling of the
membrane by oxidized and precipitated colloidal matter (see Section 2.11 Treatment of Feedwater Containing Hydrogen

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If the product water from an RO system is chlorinated, care must be exercised to ensure that the chlorine does not migrate
back to the membrane. Air breaks should be employed appropriately.

If a draw-back tank is used, its water level should be higher than the highest pressure vessel, but not exceeding 9.8 ft (3 m)
from the lowest vessel. To prevent contamination, the flow is in at the bottom and out at the top, and the tank must be
covered. Post-chlorination if performed must be done downstream of this tank.

The volume of a draw-back tank can be sized as follows:

VDBT = (25TE) – VPP

VDBT = Volume of draw-back tank (in liters)
TE = Number of installed elements
VPP = Volume of permeate piping between pressure vessels and draw-back tank (in liters)

Dosing tanks are required when chemicals are added to the feed water. They should be sized typically for a daily refill.

A cleaning tank is part of the equipment described in Section 6, Cleaning and Sanitization.

Optional Equipment
Various optional equipment and features are useful in operating and monitoring the system:
• A shutdown flush system flushes the feed-concentrate line with pre-treated feed water or with permeate after shutdown.
When antiscalants are used, a flush system is mandatory.
• Alarms for
− High permeate conductivity
− High concentrate conductivity
− Low feed pH
− High feed pH
− High feed hardness
− High feed temperature
− Low level in dosing tank
• Continuous recorder for
− Feed temperature
− Feed pH
− Feed and permeate conductivity
− Feed SDI
− Feed ORP
− Feed, permeate and concentrate pressure
− Permeate and concentrate flow

Ideally, a monitoring system is installed that allows on-line recording and processing of the important operating data of the
system. More information is available in Section 5.6, Record Keeping.

Control and motor starter panel with automation ensuring a safe plant operation. Automation for filter backwash, membrane
cleanings and plant flush outs can be incorporated.
• Clean, dry air system including compressor, air dryer, air control stations and complete pipe systems.
• Spare parts for 1 or 2 years of normal operation.
• Tools for general and special services.
• Options such as training, supervision and maintenance.

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3.14 Materials of Construction, Corrosion Control

From a corrosion point of view, a very harsh environment prevails in an RO water desalination plant. Hence the materials of
construction must possess a certain degree of corrosion resistance. This is true for both the exterior parts exposed to
spillage and a humid and saline atmosphere as well as for the interior of the system exposed to the wide variety of waters

Although not to be underestimated, the control of exterior corrosion can usually be overcome by using a surface coating
(painting, galvanizing, etc.) on materials likely to corrode (mild steel, cast iron, etc.) and by establishing a maintenance
program involving periodical flush down and cleaning, repair of leaks, etc.

Selecting materials of construction for the interior wetted system is a far more complicated task. Apart from being compatible
with the pressures, vibrations, temperatures, etc., existing in an RO system, the materials must also be able to withstand
potential corrosion attacks caused by the high chloride content of the feed water and concentrate stream, the aggressive
product water and the chemicals used for applications such as membrane cleaning.

Application of nonmetallic materials such as plastics, fiberglass, etc., are widely used for preventing corrosion and chemical
attacks as well in the low-pressure (< 145 psi/10 bar) part of the RO system as in the RO elements and pressure vessels.
However, it is usually necessary to use metals for the high-pressure (145–1,000 psi/10–70 bar) parts such as pumps, piping
and valves. Carbon and low alloy steels do not have sufficient corrosion resistance, and their corrosion products can foul the

Lined piping is usually not a realistic alternative because of the often compact piping design and relatively great amount of
connections and fittings needed. Al-bronze can be an alternative for pumps etc., but the risk of erosion corrosion and
chemical attacks must be taken into account. The most relevant material to be used for the high-pressure parts is stainless

The basic advantage with stainless steel is that it is very resistant to general corrosion and erosion corrosion. Stainless steel
is rarely attacked by galvanic corrosion, but it will influence the attack on the other metal in a two-metal couple (e.g. copper,
brass, etc.). Stress corrosion cracking of stainless steels in media containing chloride rarely occurs below 158°F (70°C) so it
does not need to be considered in an RO desalination plant.

Unfortunately, some stainless steels are prone to pitting and crevice corrosion in the waters occurring in an RO plant. Pitting
means localized attacks that result in holes in the metal. Pitting occurs where the passive film formed by chromium oxides
breaks and chlorides can attack the bare metal. Crevice corrosion is pitting associated with small volumes of stagnant water
caused by holes, gasket surfaces, deposits, and crevices under bolts, etc. In order to avoid pitting and crevice corrosion in
the RO water desalination plant the following recommendations can be given:

RO Plants with Concentrate Stream TDS below 7,000 ppm

Stainless steel type AISI 316 L with <0.03% C is the minimum demand for the pipe system because lower grade stainless
steels with higher carbon content will suffer from pitting in the welding zones (intergranular corrosion). For non-welded parts,
stainless steel type AISI 316 is usually acceptable.

RO Plants with Concentrate Stream TDS higher than 7,000 ppm

Stainless steel type 904 L is recommended for pipes and bends for welding and for similar parts without crevices. Where
crevices occur, such as at flange connections, in valves, in pumps, etc., stainless steel type 254 SMO or similar with ≥ 6% Mo
is recommended. These two higher alloy stainless steels can be welded together without risking galvanic corrosion. Sensor
elements of instruments may be coated or lined. The composition of the named stainless steels is given in Table 3.14.

Table 3.14 Composition of stainless steels

Usual designation UNS No. C% Cr% Ni% Mo% Cu% N%
AISI 316 S 31600 < 0.08 16.0 - 18.0 10 - 14 2.0 - 3.0 ⎯ ⎯
AISI 316L S 31603 < 0.03 16.0 - 18.0 10 - 14 2.0 - 3.0 ⎯ ⎯
904 L N 08904 < 0.02 19.0 - 23.0 23.0 - 28.0 4.0 - 5.0 1.0 - 2.0 ⎯
254 SMO S 31254 < 0.02 19.5 - 20.5 17.5 - 18.5 6.0 - 6.5 0.5 - 1.0 0.18 - 0.22

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Besides the above recommendations, general precautions must be taken during design and construction, such as:
• Design with a minimum of crevices and dead ends.
• Design the piping so that the flow velocity is above 5 ft/s (1.5 m/s). This promotes the forming and maintenance of the
passive film.
• Use backing gas when welding in order to avoid the weld oxide film forming a base for crevice corrosion.
• Pickle and passivate the pipe system as this gives the optimum safety against chloride attack.
• Flush the plant with low TDS water before a shutdown period.

3.15 System Design Considerations to Control Microbiological Activity

Biofouling is one of the most common and most severe problems in the operation of RO systems. It is particularly important
to control microbiological activity in plants using surface water or bacteria-contaminated water as a feed source. A properly
designed system is a prerequisite for success:
• If intermediate open basins or tanks are used, provisions should be made to allow for proper sanitization at that open
source and the part of the system downstream from it.
• If intermediate sealed tanks are used, their air breathing or ventilation systems should be equipped with bacteria-
retaining devices (e.g. HEPA filters).
• Blind, long pieces of piping should be avoided by design, and when unavoidable, should be periodically sanitized.
• The components of the pretreatment system such as pipes, manifolds, filters and retention tanks should be opaque to
sunlight to avoid enhancing the biological growth.
• Stand-by devices with large surfaces, like sand or cartridge filters, should be avoided. If they are not avoidable, drains
should be installed to allow discharge of the sanitization chemicals after the devices have been sanitized, and before
connecting them to the active system.
• It should be made possible to physically isolate the RO/NF section from the pretreatment by using a flange. This allows
to use chlorine for sanitizing the pretreatment section while the membranes are protected from chlorine contact. A drain
valve should be installed at the lowest point close to the flange, to allow complete drainage of the chlorine solution.
• Membrane selection: FilmTec offers membranes with a special surface that makes them more resistant against
biofouling. These so-called BW30FR elements are typically selected for surface waters and tertiary effluent treatment.
Other special element types are made with a full-fit configuration for applications requiring sanitary grade membrane
elements. The full-fit configuration minimizes stagnant areas and complies with FDA standards. See also Section 1,
Basics of Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration, and the relevant Product Information Sheets.

3.16 System Design Suggestions for Troubleshooting Success

When considering the design and purchase of large membrane systems, there are a number of possible equipment designs
and additions that can be added to help with future troubleshooting. Depending on the size and complexity of the system,
some or all of these suggestions could be discussed with your system supplier. None are required for successful operation,
but all make day-to-day operation and troubleshooting easier, quicker and more effective.

Access to Load and Troubleshoot the System

Even though membrane systems are quite compact, there is often a temptation to save even more floor space by crowding
equipment, pipelines and supports so close together as to limit access to the membrane system. Ideally, one should have
unrestricted access to both the feed and brine end of each and every vessel for loading, unloading and troubleshooting of
the membrane elements. When loading, at least the length of one element is necessary between the feed end of the vessels
and the nearest equipment or supports. When unloading, often more room could be used so that a large wooden board or
some other device can be used to push the element stack toward the brine end.

Connections Allowing Probing, Profiling and Sampling

When troubleshooting potential element problems, one of the first operations is always to attempt to localize any problem,
either to a stage, a vessel, or even to an element. Having sample points on all the vessel permeates greatly facilitates these
operations. Ideally, the permeate sample points can allow a probe tube to be passed through. Having additional sample
points on the feed, the concentrate and any interstage headers, can help localize problems to a stage and even allow for
mass balance measurements to corroborate flow measurements and ultimately setting of the system recovery.

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To control the microbiological activity, adequate sampling points should be provided to make a microbiological balance and
control in the plant possible. The minimum number of sampling points required are listed below:
1. Intake (surface) or well, before chlorination if any.
2. After a clarifier, settling pond, sludge contact unit, or similar sedimentation process.
3. After filtration units (sand, multimedia, activated carbon, or other).
4. After dechlorination (normally after cartridge filtration).
5. Concentrate stream.
6. Permeate stream.

Instrumentation to Allow Performance Monitoring by Stage

Beyond simple sample points, the next step in system sophistication is to instrument the stages so that performance data
can be gathered and normalized, showing day to day variation in the system performance against a reference condition such
as startup. Adequate instrumentation means having conductivity or TDS measurements, pressure measurements,
temperature measurements, and flow measurements on the feed, concentrate and permeate of each stage. Given this data,
performance of the stage can be monitored and early signs of trouble can be easily detected from the normalized data. Even
though a mass balance around the system can be used to eliminate some of the instrumentation, having all the
instrumentation means that the mass balance can be used to test the internal consistency of the data and thus monitor the
performance of the instruments.

Real-Time Online Normalization

In terms of system monitoring, online instruments feeding an ongoing and continuous normalization program is the ultimate.
For very large systems, or for systems with highly variable feed conditions, real-time control may be warranted.

Provisions to Clean Each Stage Individually

Many large systems are provided with so called clean in place systems (CIP). One design suggestion to consider is that by
providing sufficient piping and valving to clean each stage of a system individually will invariably make the cleanings more
effective. Cleaning multiple stages together means that dirt, debris, bio-mass and scale must be pushed from the first stage
and through subsequent stages before being removed from the system. CIP systems should also provide adequate flow
rates for effective cleanings as well as facilities to heat the cleaning solutions.

Permeate Flushing Capability

A potential system feature that can lower the frequency of cleanings is to provide for periodic permeate flushing of the
system. Permeate flushing is accomplished by recycling permeate or product water through the system at a high rate to
loosen and push out foulant layers before they adhere to the membrane surface. This capability is especially useful in
systems handling treated waste water.

SDI Measurement Device and Connection Points in the System

A great diagnostic tool especially for the pretreatment end of a system is having and using an SDI instrument. Like profiling
and probing the elements can localize a potential membrane problem, and SDI instrument with connections throughout the
pretreatment system can help quickly localize pretreatment problems.

Wet Lab at the Plant Site

Having the capability to do laboratory work at the plant site means that water analyses can be more easily monitored,
especially for setting up and maintaining pretreatment chemical additions.

Single Element Test Unit

Having a single element test unit at the plant can be a real advantage. Suspect membrane elements can be quickly tested
and judged good or bad. In addition, cleaning strategies can be tested and proven on fouled elements before tried on whole
stages of the plant.

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4. Loading of Pressure Vessels

This section provides guidelines for loading and unloading FILMTEC™ reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF)
elements. For additional loading instructions, contact the individual pressure vessel manufacturer.

4.1 Preparation

A schematic diagram of the RO system should be prepared for recording pressure vessel and element locations. It should
show the entire piping system for the skid as well. To identify individual element locations, use the FILMTEC™ serial
numbers written on each label. This diagram will help you keep track of each individual element in the system.

The following equipment is recommended:

• Safety shoes
• Safety glasses
• Rubber gloves
• Silicone lubricant
• Allen wrench
• Clean rags
• Glycerin

1. Load FILMTEC elements into the pressure vessels just prior to start-up.
2. Before assembling all components, check the parts list and make sure all items are present and in the right quantities.
3. Carefully remove all dust, dirt, and foreign matter from the pressure vessels before opening.
4. Remove all end cap assemblies and thrust rings (if provided) from all pressure vessels in the train or system.
Note: There are several manufacturers of pressure vessels used for spiral wound nanofiltration and reverse osmosis
elements. Refer to the manufacturer’s drawing for your pressure vessel during removal and installation of end cap assembly.
5. Spray clean water through the open pressure vessels to remove any dust or debris present in the vessels.
Note: If additional cleaning is required, create a swab large enough to fill the inside diameter of the pressure vessel.
Soak the swab in a glycerin/water solution (50 vol %) and move it back and forth through the pressure vessel until the
vessel is clean and lubricated.

4.2 Element Loading

1. Install the thrust ring in the concentrate discharge end of the vessel. Consult the manufacturer’s drawing for specific
information on the thrust ring positioning. This has to be done before the loading of any elements, otherwise you run the
risk of not putting it in.
2. Place the leading end of the first RO or NF element into the feed water end of the first pressure vessel and slide it in
approximately one-half of the element length. Note: Always load NF or RO elements into the feed water end of the
pressure vessel. Verify that the U-cup brine seal is properly seated in the end cap groove of the element such that the
brine seal opens in the upstream direction.
3. Install the interconnector into the permeate tube of the element. When installing o-rings, expand them slightly, do not roll
them into position. Prior to installation of the interconnector, lubricate the o-ring seals on the interconnector with a very thin
layer of silicone o-ring lubricant. Glycerin may be used but is generally not recommended. Although glycerin lubricates during
the initial installation, it quickly washes out during normal operation. Experience has shown that using a silicone lubricant
applied sparingly to the bore of 8-inch elements or the permeate water tube outer sealing surface for 4-inch and 2.5-inch
elements maintains the desired lubricity long after the initial start-up. For potable water and food processing applications, it's
recommended that the lubricant be Dow Corning 111 valve lubricant and sealant, which carries both FDA and NSF
approval. Materials other than glycerin and silicone lubricant must not be used, because they may damage the
membrane or components of the element.
4. Apply a thin layer of silicone lubricant to each brine seal.
5. Lift the next element into position and install the trailing end on the interconnector. Be very careful to hold the next element
so that the weight is not supported by the interconnector, and push the element into the pressure vessel until about one-
half of the element extends outside the vessel.

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Repeat these steps until all elements are loaded into the pressure vessels. The number of elements loaded into an individual
vessel will depend on the length of the elements and the vessel itself.

6. Install the downstream end cap assembly on each end of the pressure vessel:
a. Carefully position the downstream end cap assembly in the vessel and push the end cap assembly as a unit
squarely into the end of the element. Use care when seating the o-ring seal on the adapter into the element and
avoid pinching or rolling o-rings.
b. Rotate the end cap assembly to ensure proper alignment with the connecting piping.
c. Replace the hardware, sealing the end cap assembly in place. Refer to the pressure vessel manufacturer’s drawing.
7. Push the element stack from the feed end (upstream) towards the downstream end.
8. After the elements have been installed, it may be necessary to add shims to reduce the amount of “freeboard” or space
between the face of the lead element and the face of the adapter hub, with the vessel adapter being the component which
internally connects the element product water tube with the permeate port on the pressure vessel. This procedure helps
prevent movement and hammering of elements when the system starts and shuts down. Please refer to Section 4.3 for
additional detail. Continue these steps for each pressure vessel in the train or system.
9. Install the feed end cap assembly on each of the pressure vessels like the downstream end cap assembly. Close each
pressure vessel with the parts from the same vessel. Re-install any piping that was previously removed for element loading.

4.3 Shimming Elements

Pressure vessels for membrane elements are all built with a tolerance to allow for slight variations in the length of the
elements. This is referred to as freeboard. In operation, the elements can slip back and forth during start-up and shutdown,
causing wear to the internal seals. Additionally, the pressure vessel elongates when pressurized, which in the most extreme
case could push the whole stack of elements off of the lead end adapter, resulting in a severe feed-to-permeate leak.
Shimming the elements in a pressure vessel at the time they are loaded will minimize the shifting that occurs during start-ups
and shutdowns and ensures that the adapters are properly seated in the permeate tubes of the lead and tail elements.

Shims themselves are plastic spacer rings (like washers), usually about 0.20 inches (5 mm) thick with an inside diameter
slightly larger than the pressure vessel head end of the adapter. Figure 4.1 shows a drawing of a typical shim and the
placement of multiple shims on the adapter between the adapter hub and the pressure vessel head. Shims are always
placed on the feed end adapter, keeping the stack of elements tight against the thrust ring and end plug on the brine end of
the pressure vessel.

Figure 4.1 Shim and placement on feed end adapter

Shims can be purchased from your pressure vessel manufacturer. An alternative is to cut shims from an appropriately sized
piece of polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe. If cut from pipe, the shims must be free of burrs and must be cut parallel and flat to
work correctly.
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The process of shimming is performed after the membrane elements have been loaded. The element stack should be
pushed completely into the vessel such that the downstream element is firmly seated against the thrust ring at the brine end
of the vessel. Refer to the pressure vessel manufacturer’s instructions on loading elements. From this point the procedure is
as follows:

1. Remove the adapter o-ring and head seal from the feed end of these vessel components. This will assure that there is
no interference from any of the sealing components and minimize the force required to “seat the head.”
2. Remove the head and slide eight 0.20-inch (5-mm) spacers over the head end of the adapter that fits into the permeate
port. Add enough spacers so it is not possible to install the retaining rings.
3. Remove one spacer at a time until you can just install the retaining rings. The slight remaining movement is acceptable.
4. Remove the head and reinstall the adapter o-ring and head seal.
5. Close the vessel according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

In some extreme cases, when the vessel is very long and the stack of elements is short, you may have to shim on both the
feed and brine ends of the vessel. This only needs to be done when shimming on the feed end only will cause a leak past
the end of the adapter and into the permeate port in the pressure vessel head. In this case, shimming is done using the
same procedure as above except that shims are added to the brine end adapter first and an equivalent number and
thickness of 8-inch diameter shims are added to the thrust ring. If shims need to be added to the brine end of the vessel to
center the stack, shims must be added to both the adapter and the thrust ring to prevent telescoping damage to the elements
in operation.

4.4 Element Removal

Two operators are recommended when removing NF or RO elements from a train or system. Remove the element from each
pressure vessel as follows:

1. Disconnect the hard plumbing at each end of the pressure vessel. Refer to the vessel manufacturer’s drawing as
required. Mark or tag all removed items for return to the same location.
2. Remove the end cap assemblies from each end of the pressure vessel.
3. Push the NF or RO elements from the pressure vessel in the same direction as feed water flows. Push the elements out
one at a time. Support each element as it is being pushed out of the vessel until the element is free of the pressure

4.5 Interconnector Technology for 8-inch Diameter FILMTEC™ Elements

The interconnector between two membrane elements is a critical item in the overall performance of a reverse osmosis or
nanofiltration system. The interconnector conducts the low pressure product water from element to element and ultimately
out of a pressure vessel while keeping it separate from the high pressure feed and brine solutions. The interconnector must
therefore be strong enough to withstand the pressure of the feed as well as provide a perfect seal between the feed and
product water.

The new so-called “dog bone” interconnector addresses these needs and includes three features that give it advantages
over previous generations of interconnectors. The new interconnector replaces both the 4 o-ring seawater interconnector
and the 4 o-ring brackish water interconnector that was also used for nanofiltration elements.

4.5.1 New Interconnector Advantages

The “dog bone” interconnector offers three advantages over previous generations of interconnectors. The first advantage is
that total seal area of the dog bone interconnector is the same as the old 4 o-ring interconnector. It is the same because the
o-rings used are twice the cross-sectional diameter and the groove proportions are the same. Additionally, because the seal
footprint is larger with one large o-ring, the seal is more likely to bridge defects in the sealing surface. Having one large
footprint seal is an advantage over two small footprint seals. Figure 4.2 is a scaled drawing of two smaller o-rings and one
larger o-ring having twice the cross-sectional diameter.

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Figure 4.2 O-ring cross-section of old and new interconnector ends

The second advantage of the new interconnector is that it allows for misalignment of the product water tubes of elements.
Even though great effort is expended to make elements with the product water tube in the center, tolerances sufficient for
sealing cannot be maintained. Furthermore, the product water tube ends do not naturally line up because one end of the
element has a brine seal while the other does not. The brine seal naturally centers one end of the element in the pressure
vessel while the end without the brine seal sags in relation. Figure 4.3 illustrates the potential misalignment of two elements
and shows the enlargement of the interconnector alone. Because the interconnector has only one o-ring on each end and is
narrow in the middle, it is free to pivot and correct for misalignment of product water tubes.

Figure 4.3 Product water tube misalignment

A third advantage of the new interconnector is that the larger cross-section o-ring has less of a chance of “rolling out” of the
o-ring groove. When o-ring sealed parts slide back and forth, the o-ring has a tendency to extrude into the gap between the
two parts. In both the old and the new interconnector designs, the gap between the parts is the same. But since the ratio of
the o-ring diameter to the gap width is much larger for the new interconnector, there is much less chance of the o-ring
coming out of the groove and the seal being damaged or lost.

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4.5.2 Summary of Large Element Interconnectors

Table 4.1 summarizes the range of interconnectors used by FilmTec for 8-inch-diameter elements. It shows both the part
number of the interconnector and the part number and equivalence for the o-rings should they need replacement during
system maintenance.

Table 4.1 FILMTEC™ interconnector (coupler) summary

Interconnector Interconnector part number Replacement o-rings
ABS interconnector
FilmTec 266935

• Used in BW30-365, BW30-400, LE-400, • Each interconnector includes two 3-912

BW30-365-FR, BW30-400-FR, SG30-400, EPR o-rings (FilmTec part number 151705)
SW30HRLE-400, SW30HR-380, SW30HR-320,
NF-400 and Maple Sap Mark I elements
• Injection molded high impact ABS

Low energy interconnector

FilmTec 259171

• Used in BW30LE-440, XLE-440, SG30-430, • Each interconnector includes two 2-218

NF90-400, NF270-400, and NF200-400 elements EPR o-rings (FilmTec part number 216370)
• Injection molded high impact ABS

Full fit interconnector

FilmTec 255289

• Used in RO-390-FF, HSRO-390-FF, • Each interconnector includes two 3-912

and NF-390-FF elements EPR o-rings (FilmTec part number 151705)
• Polysulfone

iLECTM interlocking endcaps

FilmTec 249095

• Used in SW30HR LE-400i, SW30XLE-400i, • Each downstream iLEC includes one

BW30-440i, BW30-400/34i, and LE-440i 2-225 EPR o-ring (FilmTec part number
elements 232009) and one 2-124 EPR o-ring
• Injection molded high impact ABS

FilmTec 249101

• Used in SW30HR LE-400i, SW30XLE-400i, • Each upstream iLEC includes one 2-124
BW30-440i, BW30-400/34i, and LE-440i EPR o-ring
• Injection molded high impact ABS

4.6 Installing an Element Spacer

In some instances it is desirable to reduce the amount of water that a membrane system produces. In large systems, this is
often done by turning off banks of elements. In other systems the feed pressure is reduced, but reducing the feed pressure
will lower the overall water quality. Therefore, it may be necessary to remove the lead elements from a system and install
element spacers instead.

An element spacer, also called a “dead man,” is simply a standard product water tube without permeate holes. Proper
installation is critical to both performance and safety. Only one element spacer can be installed per pressure vessel, and it
must always be installed in the first or lead element position. If placed in any other position it may crack or break due to the
force being put on the product water tube.
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To install the spacer:
1. Remove the first or lead position element.
2. Remove and inspect the adapter and first interconnector, making certain that the o-rings are not rolled, compression set
(flat on one side), or otherwise damaged. Replace the o-rings if necessary.
3. Insert the interconnector in the spacer and push the spacer/interconnector into the second position element.
4. Insert the adapter and then replace the pressure vessel head. It may be helpful to only partially insert the interconnector
and adapter to leave room to line up the parts. Alternately, a guide stick can be inserted through the permeate port on
the vessel head to hold the spacer in line while the parts are pushed together.

Figure 4.4 shows an element spacer properly installed in a pressure vessel.

Figure 4.4 Element spacer properly installed in a pressure vessel

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5. System Operation

5.1 Introduction

Successful long-term performance of the membrane system (NF and RO) depends on proper operation and maintenance of
the system. This includes the initial plant start-up and operational start-ups and shut-downs. Preventing fouling, scaling,
plugging and degradation, e.g. by oxidation, of the membranes is not only a matter of system design, but also a matter of
proper commissioning and operation. Record keeping and data normalization is required in order to know the actual plant
performance and to enable corrective measures when necessary. Complete and accurate records are also required in case
of a system performance warranty claim

5.2 Initial Start-Up

Before initiating system start-up procedures, pretreatment checks, loading of the membrane elements, instrument calibration
and other system checks should be completed.

5.2.1 Equipment

The initial system start-up is typically performed just after the element loading. The material needed for element loading is
listed in Section 4.1, Preparation. For start-up, the following additional equipment is recommended - this should also be part
of the equipment at the site:

• Safety glasses when working with chemicals

• Thermometer
• pH meter
• Conductivity meter (range: from permeate to concentrate conductivity)
• SDI measuring equipment
• Adequate chemicals for cleaning, sanitization and preservation
• Scale to weigh one element
• Spare elements
• Single element test stand (for large systems > 500 elements)
• Bottles for water samples:
- Volume: at least 125 ml
- Material: HDPE (high density polyethylene)
- Number: sufficient to sample raw water, system feed, system permeate and system concentrate. In case of a
system with more than one train, each train is to be sampled separately. In case of systems with more than one
stage, permeate samples of the individual stages and feed/concentrate samples from in-between the stages have
to be added. The operating conditions of the membrane system during sampling have to be provided.
• Analysis equipment for:
- Total hardness
- Calcium
- Alkalinity
- Chloride
- Sulfate
- Iron
- Silica
- Free chlorine
- Redox potential
- Color (a large white container may suffice to detect color in the permeate)

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5.2.2 Pre-Start-Up Check and Commissioning Audit

After having loaded the elements into the pressure vessels and before starting up the membrane unit, make sure that the
whole pretreatment section is working in accordance with the specifications. If the pretreatment involved changing of the
chemical characteristics of the raw water, then a full analysis of the water entering the membrane unit must be made.
Furthermore, absence of chlorine, turbidity and SDI must be determined.

The raw water intake must be stable with respect to:

• Flow
• Turbidity
• Temperature
• pH
• Conductivity
• Bacteria (standard plate count)

The following checks of the pretreatment system and the membrane unit are recommended for the initial start-up (results to
be included in the start-up report):

Pre-Start-Up Checklist
□ Corrosion resistant materials of construction are used for all equipment from the supply source to the membrane
including piping, vessels, instruments and wetted parts of pumps
□ All piping and equipment is compatible with designed pressure
□ All piping and equipment is compatible with designed pH range (cleaning)
□ All piping and equipment is protected against galvanic corrosion
□ Media filters are backwashed and rinsed
□ New/clean cartridge filter is installed directly upstream of the high pressure pump
□ Feed line, including RO feed manifold, is purged and flushed, before pressure vessels are connected
□ Chemical addition points are properly located
□ Check/anti-siphon valves are properly installed in chemical addition lines
□ Provisions exist for proper mixing of chemicals in the feed stream
□ Dosage chemical tanks are filled with the right chemicals
□ Provisions exist for preventing the RO system from operating when the dosage pumps are shut down
□ Provisions exist for preventing the dosage pumps from operating when the RO system is shut down
□ If chlorine is used, provisions exist to ensure complete chlorine removal prior to the membranes
□ Planned instrumentation allows proper operation and monitoring of the pretreatment and RO system (see Section 3.13.5)
□ Planned instrumentation is installed and operative
□ Instrument calibration is verified
□ Pressure relief protection is installed and correctly set
□ Provisions exist for preventing the permeate pressure from exceeding the feed/concentrate pressure more than 5 psi
(0.3 bar) at any time
□ Interlocks, time delay relays and alarms are properly set
□ Provisions exist for sampling permeate from individual modules
□ Provisions exist for sampling raw water, feed, permeate and concentrate streams from each stage and the total plant
permeate stream
□ Pressure vessels are properly piped both for operation and cleaning mode
□ Pressure vessels are secured to the rack or frame per manufacturer’s instructions
□ Precautions as given in Section 4, Assembly and Loading of Pressure Vessels, are taken
□ Membranes are protected from temperature extremes (freezing, direct sunlight, heater exhaust, etc.)
□ Pumps are ready for operation: aligned, lubricated, proper rotation
□ Fittings are tight
□ Cleaning system is installed and operative
□ Permeate line is open
□ Permeate flow is directed to drain (In double-pass systems, provisions exist to flush first pass without permeate going
through the second pass)
□ Reject flow control valve is in open position
□ Feed flow valve is throttled and/or pump bypass valve is partly open to limit feed flow to less than 50% of operating feed flow
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5.2.3 Start-Up Sequence

Proper start-up of reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) water treatment systems is essential to prepare the
membranes for operating service and to prevent membrane damage due to excessive pressure/flow or hydraulic shock.
Following the proper start-up sequence also helps ensure that system operating parameters conform to design conditions so
that water quality and productivity goals can be achieved. Measurement of initial system performance is an important part of
the start-up process. Documented results of this evaluation serve as benchmarks against which ongoing system operating
performance can be measured.

Following is the recommended RO system start up sequence:

Typical Start-Up Sequence

a. Before initiating the start-up sequence, thoroughly rinse the pretreatment section to flush out debris and other
contaminants without letting the feed enter the elements. Follow the Pre-Start-up check described in Section 5.2.2, Pre-
Start-up Check and Commissioning Audit.

b. Check all valves to ensure that settings are correct. The feed pressure control and concentrate control valves should be
fully open.

c. Use low pressure water at a low flow rate to flush the air out of the elements and pressure vessels. Flush at a gauge
pressure of 30 to 60 psi (0.2 - 0.4 MPa). All permeate and concentrate flows should be directed to an appropriate waste
collection drain during flushing.

Air remaining in the elements and/or in the pressure vessels may lead to excessive forces on the element in flow
direction or in radial direction and causing fiberglass shell cracking, if the feed pressure is ramped up too quickly (see
also Section 8, Troubleshooting).

d. During the flushing operation, check all pipe connections and valves for leaks. Tighten connections where necessary.

e. After the system has been flushed for a minimum of 30 minutes, close the feed pressure control valve.

f. Ensure that the concentrate control valve is open.

Starting against a closed or almost closed concentrate valve could cause the recovery to be exceeded which may lead to
scaling .

g. Slowly crack open the feed pressure control valve (feed pressure should be less than 60 psi/0.4 MPa).

h. Start the high pressure pump.

i. Slowly open the feed pressure control valve, increasing the feed pressure and feed flow rate to the membrane elements
until the design concentrate flow is reached. The feed pressure increase to the elements should be less than 10 psi (0.07
MPa) per second to achieve a soft start. Continue to send all permeate and concentrate flows to an appropriate waste
collection drain.

If the feed pressure and/or the feed flow rate are ramped up too quickly, the housing of the elements may be damaged by
excessive forces in flow direction and/or in radial direction - especially if air is in the system - leading to telescoping
and/or fiberglass shell cracking (see Section 8, Troubleshooting).

j. Slowly close the concentrate control valve until the ratio of permeate flow to concentrate flow approaches, but does not
exceed, the design ratio (recovery). Continue to check the system pressure to ensure that it does not exceed the upper
design limit.

k. Repeat steps "i" and "j" until the design permeate and concentrate flows are obtained.

l. Calculate the system recovery and compare it to the system's design value.

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m. Check the addition of pretreatment chemicals (acid, scale inhibitor and sodium metabisulfite if used). Measure feedwater

n. Check the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) or the Stiff & Davis Stability Index (S&DSI) of the concentrate by measuring
pH, conductivity, calcium hardness, and alkalinity levels and then making the necessary calculations.

o. Allow the system to run for one hour.

p. Take the first reading of all operating parameters.

q. Check the permeate conductivity from each pressure vessel to verify that all vessels conform to performance
expectations (e.g., vessels with leaking O-rings or other evidence of malfunction to be identified for corrective action).

r. After 24 to 48 hours of operation, review all recorded plant operating data such as feed pressure, differential pressure,
temperature, flows, recovery and conductivity readings (please refer to Section 5.6). At the same time draw samples of
feedwater, concentrate and permeate for analysis of constituents.

s. Compare system performance to design values.

t. Confirm proper operation of mechanical and instrumental safety devices.

u. Switch the permeate flow from drain to the normal service position.

v. Lock the system into automatic operation.

w. Use the initial system performance information obtained in steps "p" through "r" as a reference for evaluating future
system performance. Measure system performance regularly during the first week of operation to ensure proper
performance during this critical initial stage.

Figure 5.1 Typical RO/NF system

Concentrate QI Conductivity



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5.2.4 Membrane Start-Up Performance and Stabilization

The start-up performance of an RO/NF membrane system and the time required to reach the stabilized performance
depends on the prior storage conditions of the membrane. Dry membranes and wet preserved membranes, if properly
stored, reach the same stabilized performance after some hours or a few days of operation. The flow performance of wet
membranes is typically stable right from the start, while dry membranes tend to start at a slightly higher flow. The salt
rejection of FILMTEC™ membranes in general improves during the first few hours or days of operation and remains stable
then. Wet membranes stabilize faster than dry membranes.

5.2.5 Special Systems: Double Pass RO

When a double pass system is started up, the first pass system must have been in operation for at least 24 hours before the
permeate of the first pass is fed to the membranes of the second pass. Otherwise a permanent flux loss of the second pass
may result. The pH of the feedwater to both passes have to be adjusted for optimum results in rejection. A final product
water conductivity of < 1 µS/cm is being obtained routinely from brackish water sources with double pass BWRO membrane

5.2.6 Special Systems: Heat Sanitizable RO

New HSRO heat sanitizable spiral elements must be pre-conditioned prior to initial use by exposure to hot water. Please
refer to Section 6.10.4, Heat Sanitization.

5.3 Operation Start-Up

Once a membrane system has been started up, ideally it should be kept running at constant conditions. In reality, membrane
plants have to be shut down and restarted frequently. Start/stop cycles result in pressure and flow changes, causing
mechanical stress to the membrane elements. Therefore, the start/stop frequency should be minimized, and the regular
operation start-up sequence should be as smooth as possible. In principle, the same sequence is recommended as for the
initial start-up. Most important is a slow feed pressure increase, especially for seawater plants.

The normal start-up sequence is typically automated through the use of programmable controllers and remotely operated
valves. The calibration of instruments, the function of alarms and safety devices, corrosion prevention and leak-free
operation have to be checked and maintained on a regular basis.

5.4 RO and NF Systems Shutdown

An RO/NF system is designed to be operated continuously. However, in reality membrane systems will start-up and
shutdown on some frequency. When the membrane system is shutdown, the system must be flushed preferentially with
permeate water or alternatively with high quality feedwater, to remove the high salt concentration from the pressure vessels
until concentrate conductivity matches feedwater conductivity. Flushing is done at low pressure (about 40 psi/3 bar). A high
feed flow rate is sometimes beneficial for a cleaning effect; however, the maximum pressure drop per element and per multi-
element vessel – as stated on the FILMTEC™ membranes product information sheet - must not be exceeded. During low
pressure flushing, the vessels of the last stage of a concentrate staged system are normally exposed to the highest feed flow
rates and therefore they show the highest pressure drop.

The water used for flushing shall contain no chemicals used for the pretreatment, especially no scale inhibitors. Therefore,
any chemical injection (if used) is stopped before flushing. After flushing the system, the feed valves are closed completely. If
the concentrate line ends into a drain below the level of the pressure vessels, then an air break should be employed in the
concentrate line at a position higher than the highest pressure vessel. Otherwise, the vessels might be emptied by a
siphoning effect.

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When the high pressure pump is switched off, and the feed/concentrate side had not been flushed out with permeate water,
a temporary permeate reverse flow will occur by natural osmosis. This reverse flow is sometimes referred to as permeate
draw-back or suck-back. Permeate suck-back alone or in combination with a feed-side flush may provide a beneficial
cleaning effect. To accommodate permeate suck-back, enough water volume should be available to prevent a vacuum from
being drawn or air being sucked back into the membrane element. For dimensioning a draw-back tank, see Section 3.13.6.

If the permeate line is pressurized during operation and the system shuts down, the membrane might become exposed to a
static permeate backpressure. To avoid membrane damage from backpressure, the static permeate backpressure must not
exceed 5 psi (0.3 bar) at any time. Check valves or atmospheric drain valves in the permeate line can be used to safeguard
the membrane. These safeguard valves need to work also and especially in case of non-scheduled shutdowns, e.g. because
of a power failure, or emergency shutdowns.

When the system must be shut down for longer than 48 hours, take care that:
• The elements do not dry out. Dry elements will irreversibly lose flux.
• The system is adequately protected against micro-biological growth, or regular flushing is carried out every 24 hours.
• When applicable, the system is protected against temperature extremes.

The membrane plant can be stopped for 24 hours without preservation and precautions for microbiological fouling. If
feedwater for flushing every 24 hours is not available, preservation with chemicals is necessary for longer stops than 48
hours. Please refer to Section 7.4 for further lay-up considerations.

5.5 Adjustment of Operation Parameters

5.5.1 Introduction

A membrane system is designed on the basis of a defined set of data such as the permeate flow, feedwater composition and
temperature. In reality, the plant operation has to be flexible to respond to changing needs or changing conditions.

5.5.2 Brackish Water

The normal way of operating brackish water RO and NF membrane plants is to keep the flows and thus the recovery
constant at the design values. Any change in the membrane flux, e.g. by temperature or fouling, are compensated by
adjusting the feed pressure. However, the maximum specified feed pressure must not be exceeded, nor should too much
fouling be tolerated (for cleaning, please refer to Section 6, Cleaning and Sanitization).

If the feedwater analysis changes such that the scaling potential increases, the system recovery has to be decreased, or
other measures have to be taken to cope with the new situation. Please refer to Section 2, Water Chemistry and

The most common situation is that the permeate capacity of the plant has to be adjusted to the needs. Normally, the capacity
is designed to meet the peak needs. Operating with overcapacity is generally not recommended. Thus, adjustment means
lowering the design permeate output. The easiest way is to shut the plant down when no permeate is needed. A high
start/stop frequency, however, can lower the performance and the lifetime of the membranes. A permeate buffer tank may be
used to allow a more constant operation.

Reducing the feed pressure is another way to reduce the permeate flow. Preferably, this is done by using a speed controlled
pump in order to save energy. Normally, the system recovery is kept constant when the permeate flow is reduced. It has to
be ensured by a system analysis using the computer program, that single element recoveries do not exceed their limits (see
Section 3, System Design). During low flow operation, the system salt rejection is lower than during design flow operation.
Also, you must be certain that minimum concentrate flows are maintained during low flow operation.

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5.5.3 Seawater

In principle, the operation parameters of seawater plants are adjusted the same way as in brackish water applications.
However, the maximum allowed feed pressure as specified on the product information sheet, and the permeate TDS are
often the limiting factors.

Decreasing feedwater temperature can be compensated by increasing the feed pressure up to the maximum. Once the
maximum pressure is reached, a further decreasing temperature causes the permeate flow to decrease.

Increasing temperature is compensated by lowering the feed pressure. This is only possible, however, as far as the tolerated
permeate TDS is not exceeded. Alternatively, increasing temperature can be compensated by taking a number of pressure
vessels out of service. By reducing the active membrane area, the feed pressure and the permeate TDS are kept about
constant. A system analysis has to be run to make sure that maximum element permeate flows are not exceeded. When
some vessels are taken out of service, they have to be properly isolated and preserved.

An increase in the feedwater salinity can be compensated by increasing the feed pressure up to the maximum. If further
pressure increase is not possible, than a lowered permeate flow and system recovery has to be accepted. A lower feedwater
salinity allows to decrease the feed pressure and/or to increase the system recovery and/or to increase the permeate flow.

The adjustment of the permeate capacity to reduced needs is normally accomplished by sufficiently dimensioned permeate

Big plants are split up into a number of identical trains. Then the number of trains in service can be adjusted to the needs.

5.6 Record Keeping

5.6.1 Introduction

In order to be able to follow the performance of the RO unit, it is necessary that all relevant data are collected, recorded and
kept on file. Apart from keeping track of the performance, the logsheets are also valuable tools for troubleshooting, and are
needed in the cases of warranty claims.

This chapter is for general guidance only and must not be used in place of the operating manual for a particular plant. Site-
dependent factors prevent specific recommendations for all record keeping. Thus, only the more general record keeping is
covered here.

5.6.2 Start-Up Report

• Provide a complete description of the RO plant. This can be done using a flow diagram and equipment, instrumentation,
and material list to show water source, pretreatment system, RO configuration and posttreatment system.
• Give results of checking according to check list (Section 5.2.2, Pre-Start-up Check and Commissioning Audit)
• Provide calibration curves of all gauges and meters based on manufacturers' recommendations.
• Record initial performance of RO and pretreatment system as provided below.

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5.6.3 RO Operating Data

The following data must be recorded and logged into an appropriate logsheet at least once per shift, unless otherwise stated
(see Table 5.1 for an example).

• Date, time and hours of operation.

• Pressure drop per filter cartridge and per stage.
• Feed, permeate and concentrate pressure of each stage.
• Permeate and concentrate flows of each stage.
• Conductivity of the feed, permeate and concentrate streams for each stage. Permeate conductivity of each pressure
vessel weekly.
• TDS of feed, permeate and concentrate streams for each stage. The TDS is calculated from the water analysis. It can
also be calculated from the conductivity (at 25°C) EC25 and an appropriate K factor:
TDS = K EC25

The K factor has to be determined for each specific stream. Typical K factors are shown in Table 5.2.

• pH of the feed, permeate and concentrate streams.

• Silt Density Index (SDI) or turbidity of the RO feed stream, or both.
• Water temperature of the feed stream.
• Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) of the concentrate stream from the last stage (for concentrate streams < 10,000 mg/l
• Stiff and Davis Stability Index (S&DSI) of the concentrate stream from the last stage
(for concentrate streams >10,000 mg/l).
• Calibration of all gauges and meters based on manufacturer’s recommendations as to method and frequency but no
less frequent than once every three months.
• Any unusual incidents, for example, upsets in SDI, pH and pressure and shutdowns.
• Complete water analysis of the feed, permeate and concentrate streams and the raw water at start-up and every week

The water analysis shall include:

- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Strontium
- Barium
- Iron (total, dissolved and ferrous)
- Aluminium (total and dissolved)
- Bicarbonate
- Sulfate
- Chloride
- Nitrate
- Fluoride
- Phosphate (total)
- Silica (dissolved)
- Total dissolved solids
- Conductivity
- pH

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Table 5.1 Reverse osmosis operating log (example)

Table 5.2 Factors for estimating TDS from conductivity

Water EC251 (mS/m) K
Permeate 0.1 - 1 0.50
30 - 80 0.55
Seawater 4,500 - 6,000 0.70
Concentrate 6,500 - 8,500 0.75

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5.6.4 Pretreatment Operating Data

Since the RO system performance depends largely on the proper operation of the pretreatment, the operating characteristics
of the pretreatment equipment should be recorded. Specific recommendations for all record keeping cannot be given,
because pretreatment is site dependent. Typically, the following items must be recorded:
• Total residual chlorine concentration in the RO feed (daily - unless known to be completely absent).
• Discharge pressure of any well or booster pumps (twice a day).
• Pressure drop of all filters (twice a day).
• Consumption of acid and any other chemicals (daily - if used).
• Calibration of all gauges and meters based on manufacturers' recommendations as to method and frequency but no
less frequent than once every 3 months.
• Any unusual incidents, for example, upsets and shutdowns as they occur.

5.6.5 Maintenance Log

• Record routine maintenance.

• Record mechanical failures and replacements.
• Record any change of membrane element locations with element serial numbers.
• Record replacements or additions of RO devices.
• Record calibration of all gauges and meters.
• Record replacement or additions of pretreatment equipment, for example cartridge filters and include date, brand name
and nominal rating.
• Record all cleanings of RO membranes. Include date, duration of cleaning, cleaning agent(s) and concentration, solution
pH, temperature during cleaning, flow rate and pressure (for cleaning procedures see Section 6, Cleaning and Sanitization).

5.6.6 Plant Performance Normalization

The performance of an RO/NF system is influenced by the feedwater composition, feed pressure, temperature and recovery.
For example, a feed temperature drop of 4°C will cause a permeate flow decrease of about 10%. This, however, is a normal

In order to distinguish between such normal phenomena and performance changes due to fouling or problems, the
measured permeate flow and salt passage have to be normalized. Normalization is a comparison of the actual performance
to a given reference performance while the influences of operating parameters are taken into account. The reference
performance may be the designed performance or the measured initial performance.

Normalization with reference to the designed (or warranted) system performance is useful to verify that the plant gives the
specified (or warranted) performance. Normalization with reference to the initial system performance is useful to show up
any performance changes between day one and the actual date.

Plant performance normalization is strongly recommended, because it allows an early identification of potential problems
(e.g. scaling or fouling) when the normalized data are recorded daily. Corrective measures are much more effective when
taken early.

A computer program called FTNORM is available for normalizing operating data and graphing normalized permeate flow and
salt passage as well as pressure drop. This program is available from our web site and requires Excel®
software. Alternatively, the measured plant performance at operating conditions can be transferred to standard (reference)
conditions by the following calculations:

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A. Normalized Permeate Flow

− Pps − πfcs
Pfs −
2 TCFs
QS = ⋅ ⋅ Qo (1)
Pfo − − Pp 0 − πfco TCFo

with Pf = feed pressure

2 = one half device pressure drop
Pp = product pressure
πfc = osmotic pressure of the feed-concentrate mixture
TCF = temperature correction factor
Q = product flow
subscript s = standard condition
subscript o = operating condition

The temperature correction factor follows the formula:

TCF = EXP [2640 x {1 / 298 – 1 / (273 + T)}]; T ≥ 25°C
= EXP [3020 x {1 / 298 – 1 / (273 + T)}]; T ≤ 25°C
where T = temperature as °C.

As standard conditions, we take either the design values or the conditions at initial performance as given in the start-up
report, so that a fixed reference point is available.

For the osmotic pressure, different formulas are available in the literature. A valid and practical short approximation is:

Cfc ⋅ (T + 320)
πfc = bar for Cfc < 20000 mg/l


0.0117 ⋅ Cfc − 34 T + 320

πfc = ⋅ bar for Cfc > 20000 mg/l
14.23 345

with Cfc = concentration of the feed-concentrate

Cfc can be calculated from following approximation:

Cfc = Cf ⋅ 1−Y

product flow
where Y = recovery ratio = feed flow

Cf = TDS feed mg/l

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B. The Normalized Permeate TDS is calculated from
Pfo - - Ppo - πfco + πp 0
2 Cfcs
C ps = C p o ⋅ ⋅ (2)
ΔPs Cfco
Pfs - - Pps - πfcs + πps

Terms not yet defined under A are:

Cp = product concentration as ion in mg/l
πp = osmotic pressure of the permeate in bar

Values of Start-Up:
Feed water analysis in mg/l:
Ca: 200 HCO3: 152
Mg: 61 SO4: 552
Na: 388 Cl: 633

Temp.: 59°F (15°C) Pressure drop: 44 psi (3 bar)

Pressure: 363 psi (25 bar) Permeate pressure: 14.5 psi (1 bar)
Flow: 660 gpm (150 m3/h) Permeate TDS: 83 mg/l
Recovery: 75 %

Values after 3 months:

Feed water analysis in mg/l:
Ca: 200 HCO3: 152
Mg: 80 SO4: 530
Na: 480 Cl: 850

Temp.: 50°F (10°C) Pressure drop: 58 psi (4 bar)

Pressure: 406 psi (28 bar) Permeate pressure: 29 psi (2 bar)
Flow: 600 gpm (127 m3/h) Permeate TDS: 80 mg/l
Recovery: 72 %

For the standard conditions we have:

Pf = 363 psi (25 bar)


—— = 181.5 psi (1.5 bar)

Cf = 1986 mg/l
Cfcs = 1986 ⋅ 1 − 0.75 = 3671 mg / l

πfc = 36.3 psi (2.5 bar)


TCFs = EXP [3020 x {1 / 298 – 1 / (273 + 15)}] = 0.70

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For the operating conditions we have:

Pf = 406 psi (28 bar)


Δ Po
—— = 29 psi (2 bar)

Cf = 2292 mg/l
ln ———
1 - 0.72
Cfc = 2292 x ————— = 4052 mg/l

πfc = 39.4 psi (2.72 bar)


TCFo = EXP [3020 x {1 / 298 – 1 / (273 + 10)}] = 0.58

Substituting these values in equations (1) gives:

25 - 1.5 - 1 - 2.5 0.70

Qs = ———————— x —— x 127
28 - 2 - 2 - 2.7 0.58

= 636 gpm normalized flow (144 m3/h)

Compared to the start-up conditions, the plant has lost 4 % capacity. This is a normal value after a period of 3 months.
Cleaning is not yet necessary.

The normalized permeate TDS is derived from equation (2):

28 - 2 - 2 - 2.72 + 0.06 3671

Cp = ——————————— x ——— x 80
25 - 1.5 - 1 - 2.5 + 0.05 4052

= 77 mg/l

Compared to the initial 83 mg/l, the salt rejection has slightly improved. Such behavior is typical for the initial phase.


1) Youngberg, D.A.: Start-up of an RO/DI Pure Water System. Ultrapure Water, March/April 1986, 46-50.
2) ASTM D4472-89 (Reapproved 2003): Standard Guide for Record Keeping for Reverse Osmosis Systems.
3) ASTM D4516-00: Standard Practice for Standardizing Reverse Osmosis Performance Data.
4) ASTM D4195-88 (Reapproved 2003): Standard Guide for Water Analysis for Reverse Osmosis Application.
5) Walton, V.R.G.: Electrical Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids – What is Their Precise Relationship? Desalination,
72 (1989) 275-292.

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6. Cleaning and Sanitization

6.1 Introduction

The surface of a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane is subject to fouling by foreign materials that may be present in the feed
water, such as hydrates of metal oxides, calcium precipitates, organics and biological matter. The term “fouling” includes the
build-up of all kinds of layers on the membrane surface, including scaling.

Pretreatment of the feed water prior to the RO process is basically designed to reduce contamination of the membrane
surfaces as much as possible. This is accomplished by installing an adequate pretreatment system and selecting optimum
operating conditions, such as permeate flow rate, pressure and permeate water recovery ratio.

Occasionally, fouling of the membrane surfaces is caused by:

• Inadequate pretreatment system
• Pretreatment upset conditions
• Improper materials selection (pumps, piping, etc.)
• Failure of chemical dosing systems
• Inadequate flushing following shutdown
• Improper operational control
• Slow build-up of precipitates over extended periods (barium, silica)
• Change in feed water composition
• Biological contamination of feed water

The fouling of membrane surfaces manifests itself in performance decline, lower permeate flow rate and/or higher solute
passage. Increased pressure drop between the feed and concentrate side can be a side effect of fouling.

Cleaning can be accomplished very effectively because of the combination of pH stability and temperature resistance of the
membrane and the element components. However, if cleaning is delayed too long, it could be difficult to remove the foulants
completely from the membrane surface. Cleaning will be more effective the better it is tailored to the specific fouling
problem. Sometimes a wrong choice of cleaning chemicals can make a situation worse. Therefore, the type of foulants on
the membrane surface should be determined prior to cleaning. There are different ways to accomplish this:
• Analyze plant performance data. Details are given in Section 8.2, Evaluation of System Performance and Operation.
• Analyze feed water. A potential fouling problem may already be visible there.
• Check results of previous cleanings.
• Analyze foulants collected with a membrane filter pad used for SDI value determination (see Section 2.5.1).
• Analyze the deposits on the cartridge filter.
• Inspect the inner surface of the feed line tubing and the feed end scroll of the FILMTEC™ element. If it is reddish-
brown, fouling by iron materials may be present. Biological fouling or organic material is often slimy or gelatinous.

6.2 Safety Precautions

1. When using any chemical indicated here or in subsequent sections, follow accepted safety practices. Consult the
chemical manufacturer for detailed information about safety, handling and disposal.
2. When preparing cleaning solutions, ensure that all chemicals are dissolved and well mixed before circulating the
solutions through the elements.
3. We recommend that the elements be flushed with good-quality chlorine-free water (20°C minimum temperature) after
cleaning. Permeate water is recommended. Prefiltered raw water or RO/NF feed water can be used for flushing out the
cleaning solution, however there is a risk that cleaning chemical and/or foulant precipitation may occur. Care should be
taken to operate initially at reduced flow and pressure to flush the bulk of the cleaning solution from the elements before
resuming normal operating pressures and flows. Despite this precaution, cleaning chemicals will be present on the
permeate side following cleaning. Therefore, when starting up after cleaning, the permeate must be diverted to drain for
at least 10 minutes or until the water is clear.

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4. During recirculation of cleaning solutions, there are temperature and pH limits. Please refer to Table 6.1.
5. For elements greater than 6 inches in diameter, the flow direction during cleaning must be the same as during normal
operation to prevent element telescoping because the vessel thrust ring is installed only on the reject end of the vessel.
This is also recommended for smaller elements. Equipment for cleaning is illustrated below.

Table 6.1 pH range and temperature limits during cleaning

Max Temp 50°C (122°F) Max Temp 45°C (113°F) Max Temp 35°C( 95 °F) Max Temp 25°C (77°F)
Element type pH range pH range pH range pH range
BW30, BW30LE, LE, XLE, Please contact Dow for 1 - 10.5 1 - 12 1 - 13
TW30, TW30HP, NF90 assistance
SW30HR, SW30HR LE, Please contact Dow for 1 - 10.5 1 - 12 1 - 13
SW30XLE, SW30 assistance
NF200, NF270 Not allowed 3 - 10 1 - 11 1 - 12
SR90 Not allowed 3 - 10 1 - 11 1 - 12

6.3 Cleaning Requirements

In normal operation, the membrane in reverse osmosis elements can become fouled by mineral scale, biological matter,
colloidal particles and insoluble organic constituents. Deposits build up on the membrane surfaces during operation until they
cause loss in normalized permeate flow, loss of normalized salt rejection, or both.

Elements should be cleaned when one or more of the below mentioned parameters are applicable:
• The normalized permeate flow drops 10%
• The normalized salt passage increases 5 - 10%
• The normalized pressure drop (feed pressure minus concentrate pressure) increases 10 - 15%

If you wait too long, cleaning may not restore the membrane element performance successfully. In addition, the time
between cleanings becomes shorter as the membrane elements will foul or scale more rapidly.

Differential Pressure (∆P) should be measured and recorded across each stage of the array of pressure vessels. If the feed
channels within the element become plugged, the ∆P will increase. It should be noted that the permeate flux will drop if
feedwater temperature decreases. This is normal and does not indicate membrane fouling.

A malfunction in the pretreatment, pressure control, or increase in recovery can result in reduced product water output or an
increase in salt passage. If a problem is observed, these causes should be considered first. The element(s) may not require
cleaning. A computer program called FTNORM is available from FilmTec for normalizing performance data of FILMTEC™
RO membranes. This program can be used to assist in determining when to clean and can be downloaded from our web site

6.4 Cleaning Equipment

The equipment for cleaning is shown in the cleaning system flow diagram (Figure 6.1). The pH of cleaning solutions used
with FILMTEC™ elements can be in the range of 1–13 (see Table 6.1), and therefore, noncorroding materials of construction
should be used in the cleaning system.

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Figure 6.1 Cleaning system flow diagram
To Storage Tank
(Normal Operation)
To Cleaning Tank
(Cleaning Operation) V4

Permeate To Drain
From Storage Tank (Normal Operation)
To Cleaning Tank
(Cleaning Operation)
V6 V2

DP Differential Pressure Gauge

TANK Chemical Mixing Tank, polypropylene or FRP FI Flow Indicator
IH Immersion Heater (may be replaced by cooling FT Flow Transmitter (optional)
coil for some site locations) PI Pressure Indicator
TI Temperature Indicator V1 Pump Recirculation Valve, CPVC
TC Temperature Control V2 Flow Control Valve, CPVC
LLS Lower Level Switch to shut off pump V3 Concentrate Valve, CPVC 3-way valve
SS Security Screen–100 mesh V4 Permeate Valve, CPVC 3-way valve
PUMP Low-Pressure Pump, 316 SS or V5 Permeate Inlet Valve, CPVC
non-metallic composite V6 Tank Drain Valve, PVC, or CPVC
CF Cartridge Filter, 5-10 micron polypropylene with V7 Purge Valve, SS, PVC, or CPVC
PVC, FRP, or SS housing

1. The mixing tank should be constructed of polypropylene or fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP). The tank should be
provided with a removable cover and a temperature gauge. The cleaning procedure is more effective when performed
at a warm temperature, and we recommend that the solution be maintained according to the pH and temperature
guidelines listed in Table 6.1. We do not recommend using a cleaning temperature below 15°C because of the very
slow chemical kinetics at low temperatures. In addition, chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate might precipitate at low
temperatures. Cooling may also be required in certain geographic regions, so both heating/cooling requirements must
be considered during the design. A rule of thumb in sizing a cleaning tank is to use the approximate volume of
the empty pressure vessels and then add the volume of the feed and return hoses or pipes. For example, to
clean ten 8-inch-diameter pressure vessels with six elements per vessel, the following calculations would apply:

A. Volume in Vessels
Vvessel = πr 2 l ; where r = radius; l = length

3.14(4 in.)2 (20 ft)(7.48 gal/ft3 )

Vvessel =
144 in.2 /ft 2
Vvessel = 52.2 gal/vessel
V10 vessels = 52 x 10 = 522 gal (2.0 m3)

B. Volume in Pipes, assume 50 ft length total; 4-in. SCH 80 pipe

Vpipe = πr 2 l ; where r = radius; l = length

3.14(1.91in.)2 (50 ft)(7.48 gal/ft3 )

Vpipe =
144 in.2 /ft 2
Vpipe = 30 gal
V10 vessels + pipe = 522 + 30 = 552 gal (2.1 m3)

Therefore, the cleaning tank should be about 550 gal (2.1 m3).

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2. The cleaning pump should be sized for the flows and pressures given in Table 6.2, making allowances for pressure loss
in the piping and across the cartridge filter. The pump should be constructed of 316 SS or nonmetallic composite

Table 6.2 Recommended feed flow rate per pressure vessel during high flow rate recycle
Max Temp 50°C (122°F) Max Temp 45°C (113°F) Max Temp 35°C( 95 °F) Max Temp 25°C (77°F)
Element type pH range pH range pH range pH range
BW30, BW30LE, LE, XLE, Please contact Dow for 1 - 10.5 1 - 12 1 - 13
TW30, TW30HP, NF90 assistance
SW30HR, SW30HR LE, Please contact Dow for 1 - 10.5 1 - 12 1 - 13
SW30XLE, SW30 assistance
NF200, NF270 Not allowed 3 - 10 1 - 11 1 - 12
SR90 Not allowed 3 - 10 1 - 11 1 - 12

3. Appropriate valves, flow meters and pressure gauges should be installed to adequately control the flow. Service lines
may be either hard-piped or hoses. In either case, the flow rate should be a moderate 10 ft/s (3 m/s) or less.
4. Ensure that the concentrate and permeate return lines are submerged in the cleaning tank to minimize foaming.

6.5 Cleaning Procedure

There are six steps in the cleaning of elements:

1. Make up cleaning solution.

2. Low-flow pumping. Pump mixed, preheated cleaning solution to the vessel at conditions of low flow rate (about half of
that shown in Table 6.2) and low pressure to displace the process water. Use only enough pressure to compensate for
the pressure drop from feed to concentrate. The pressure should be low enough that essentially no or little permeate is
produced. A low pressure minimizes redeposition of dirt on the membrane. Dump the concentrate, as necessary, to
prevent dilution of the cleaning solution.
3. Recycle. After the process water is displaced, cleaning solution will be present in the concentrate stream. Then recycle
the concentrate and permeate to the cleaning solution tank and allow the temperature to stabilize. Measure the pH of
the solution and adjust the pH if needed.
4. Soak. Turn the pump off and allow the elements to soak. Sometimes a soak period of about 1 hour is sufficient. For
difficult fouling an extended soak period is beneficial; soak the elements overnight for 10-15 hours. To maintain a high
temperature during an extended soak period, use a slow recirculation rate (about 10 percent of that shown in Table 6.2).
5. High-flow pumping. Feed the cleaning solution at the rates shown in Table 6.2 for 30-60 minutes. The high flow rate
flushes out the foulants removed from the membrane surface by the cleaning. If the elements are heavily fouled, a flow
rate which is 50 percent higher than shown in Table 6.2 may aid cleaning. At higher flow rates, excessive pressure drop
may be a problem. The maximum recommended pressure drops are 15 psi per element or 50 psi per multi-element
vessel, whichever value is more limiting. Please note that the 15 psi per element or the 50 psi per multi-element vessel
should NOT be used as a cleaning criteria. Cleaning is recommended when the pressure drop increases 15%.
Pressure drop above 50 psi in a single stage may cause significant membrane damage.
6. Flush out. RO permeate or deionized water is recommended for flushing out the cleaning solution. Prefiltered raw water
or feed water should be avoided as its components may react with the cleaning solution: precipitation of foulants may
occur in the membrane elements. The minimum flush out temperature is 20°C.

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6.6 Cleaning Tips

1. It is strongly recommended to clean the stages of the RO or NF system separately. This is to avoid having the removed
foulant from stage 1 pushed into the 2nd stage resulting in minimal performance improvement from the cleaning. If the
system consists of 3 stages, stage 2 and stage 3 should also be cleaned separately. For multi-stage systems, while each
stage should be cleaned separately, the flushing and soaking operations may be done simultaneously in all stages. Fresh
cleaning solution needs to be prepared when the cleaning solution becomes turbid and/or discolored. High-flow
recirculation, however, should be carried out separately for each stage, so the flow rate is not too low in the first stage or
too high in the last. This can be accomplished either by using one cleaning pump and operating one stage at a time, or by
using a separate cleaning pump for each stage.
2. The fouling or scaling of elements typically consists of a combination of foulants and scalants, for instance a mixture of
organic fouling, colloidal fouling and biofouling. Therefore, it is very critical that the first cleaning step is wisely chosen.
FilmTec strongly recommends alkaline cleaning as the first cleaning step. Acid cleaning should only be applied as the first
cleaning step if it is known that only calcium carbonate or iron oxide/hydroxide is present on the membrane elements. Acid
cleaners typically react with silica, organics (for instance humic acids) and biofilm present on the membrane surface which
may cause a further decline of the membrane performance. Sometimes, an alkaline cleaning may restore this decline that
was caused by the acid cleaner, but often an extreme cleaning will be necessary. An extreme cleaning is carried out at pH
and temperature conditions that are outside the membrane manufacturer’s guidelines or by using cleaning chemicals that
are not compatible with the membrane elements. An extreme cleaning should only be carried out as a last resort as it can
result in membrane damage. - If the RO system suffers from colloidal, organic fouling or biofouling in combination with
calcium carbonate, then a two-step cleaning program will be needed: alkaline cleaning followed by an acid cleaning. The
acid cleaning may be performed when the alkaline cleaning has effectively removed the organic fouling, colloidal fouling
and biofouling.
3. Always measure the pH during cleaning. If the pH increases more than 0.5 pH units during acid cleaning, more acid
needs to be added. If the pH decreases more than 0.5 pH units during alkaline cleaning, more caustic needs to be
4. Long soak times. It is possible for the solution to be fully saturated and the foulants can precipitate back onto the
membrane surface. In addition, the temperature will drop during this period, therefore the soaking becomes less
effective. It is recommended to circulate the solution regularly in order to maintain the temperature (temperature should
not drop more than 5°C) and add chemicals if the pH needs to be adjusted.
5. Turbid or strong colored cleaning solutions should be replaced. The cleaning is repeated with a fresh cleaning solution.
6. If the system has to be shutdown for more than 24 hours, the elements should be stored in 1% w/w sodium metabisulfite

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6.7 Effect of pH on Foulant Removal

In addition to applying the correct cleaning sequence (alkaline cleaning step first), selecting the correct pH is very critical for
optimum foulant removal. If foulant is not successfully removed, the membrane system performance will decline faster as it is
easier for the foulant to deposit on the membrane surface area. The time between cleanings will become shorter, resulting in
shorter membrane element life and higher operating and maintenance costs.

Most effective cleaning allows longer system operating time between cleanings and results in the lowest operating costs.

Figure 6.2 and 6.3 below show the importance of the selecting the right pH for successful cleaning.

Figure 6.2 Effect of pH on the removal of calcium carbonate

2 .5
Relative change permeate flow

1 .5

0 .5

2 % c itric HCl @ pH H C l@ p H 2 , H C l@ p H 1 , H C l@ p H 1 ,
a c id @ p H 4 , 2 .5 , 3 5 C 35C 25C 35C

R e c o m m e n d e d C le a n in g C o n d itio n s

L e s s E ffe c tiv e M o re E ffe c tiv e

Calcium carbonate is best removed by cleaning with hydrochloric acid at pH 1-2.

Figure 6.3 Effect of pH on the removal of biofouling


Relative change permeate flow



2% STPP + 0.8%
8 NaEDTA@35C

pH 10 pH 11 pH 12

Less Effective More Effective

Biofouling is best removed by cleaning at pH 12.

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6.8 Cleaning Chemicals

Table 6.3 lists suitable cleaning chemicals. Acid cleaners and alkaline cleaners are the standard cleaning chemicals. Acid
cleaners are used to remove inorganic precipitates (including iron), while alkaline cleaners are used to remove organic
fouling (including biological matter). Sulfuric acid should not be used for cleaning because of the risk of calcium sulfate
precipitation. Specialty cleaning chemicals may be used in cases of severe fouling or unique cleaning requirements.
Preferably, RO/NF permeate should be used for the preparation cleaning solutions, however, prefiltered raw water may be
used. The feed water can be highly buffered, so more acid or hydroxide may be needed with feed water to reach the desired
pH level, which is about 2 for acid cleaning and about 12 for alkaline cleaning.

Table 6.3 Simple cleaning solutions

Cleaner 0.1% (W) NaOH 0.1% (W) NaOH 0.2% (W) 1.0% (W) 0.5% (W) 1.0% (W)
and pH 12, 35°C and pH 12, HCI, 25°C and Na2S2O4, 25°C H3PO4 , 25 °C NH2SO3H , 25°C
max. or 1.0% 35°C max. or pH 1 - 2 and pH 5 and and pH 3 - 4
(W) Na4EDTA 0.025% (W) pH 1 - 2
and pH 12, Na-DSS and pH
Foulant 35°C max. 12, 35°C max.

Inorganic Salts (for example, CaCO3) Preferred Alternative Alternative

Sulfate Scales (CaSO4, BaSO4) OK
Metal Oxides (for example, iron) Preferred Alternative Alternative
Inorganic Colloids (silt) Preferred
Silica Alternative Preferred
Biofilms Alternative Preferred
Organic Alternative Preferred
The temperatures and pH listed in Table 6.3 are applicable for BW30, BW30LE, LE, XLE, TW30, TW30HP, SW30HR,
SW30HR LE , SW30XLE, SW30 and NF90 membrane elements. For more information regarding the allowed
temperatures and pH for cleaning, please refer to Table 6.1.

1. (W) denotes weight percent of active ingredient.
2. Foulant chemical symbols in order used: CaCO3 is calcium carbonate; CaSO4 is calcium sulfate; BaSO4 is barium sulfate.
3. Cleaning chemical symbols in order used: NaOH is sodium hydroxide; Na4EDTA is the tetra-sodium salt of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid and is available from The
Dow Chemical Company under the trademark VERSENE* 100 and VERSENE 220 crystals; Na-DSS is sodium salt of dodecylsulfate; Sodium Laurel Sulfate; HCI is
hydrochloric acid (Muratic Acid); H3PO4 is phosphoric acid; NH2SO3H is sulfamic acid; Na2S2O4 is sodium hydrosulfite.
4. For effective sulfate scale cleaning, the condition must be caught and treated early. Adding NaCl to the cleaning solution of NaOH and Na4EDTA may help as sulfate
solubility increases with increasing salinity. Successful cleaning of sulfate scales older than 1 week is doubtful.
5. Citric Acid is another cleaning alternative for metal oxides and calcium carbonate scale. It is less effective. It may contribute to biofouling especially when it is not
properly rinsed out.

6.9 Cleaning Procedure for Specific Situations

6.9.1 General Considerations

Each cleaning situation is different; therefore, specific cleaning recommendations are dependent on the type of foulant.
Consult the general cleaning instructions for information that is common to all types of cleaning such as suggested
equipment, pH and temperature limits and recommended flow rates; then apply the specific recommendation as needed.

6.9.2 Sulfate Scale

The following cleaning procedure is designed specifically for a system that has had sulfate scale precipitated in the
elements. Sulfate scales are very difficult to clean, and if their presence is not detected early, the likelihood of cleaning
success is very low. More than likely, a flow loss will occur that cannot be recovered. To regain performance of the
membrane system, it may take several cleaning and soak cycles.

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Cleaning Procedure
There are seven steps in cleaning elements with sulfate scale.
1. Make up the cleaning solution listed from Table 6.4.
2. Introduction of the cleaning solution.
3. Recycle the cleaning solution for 30 minutes.
4. Soak the elements in the cleaning solution for 1-15 hours.
5. High-flow pumping.
6. Flush out.
7. Restart.

Table 6.4 Sulfate scale cleaning solutions

Cleaning solutions Solution
Preferred 0.1 wt % NaOH
1.0 wt % Na4EDTA
pH 12, 30°C maximum
Cleaning chemical formula in order used: NaOH is sodium hydroxide; Na4EDTA is the tetrasodium
salt of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid and is available from The Dow Chemical Company under
the trademark VERSENE™ 100 and VERSENE 220 crystals.
For effective sulfate scale cleaning, the condition must be caught and treated early. Adding 1%
NaCl to the cleaning solution of NaOH and Na4EDTA may help because sulfate solubility
increases with increasing salinity.

6.9.3 Carbonate Scale

The following cleaning procedure is designed specifically for a system that has had carbonate scale precipitated in the
elements. In severe calcium carbonate scaling, the cleaning solution may have to be heated to above 35°C. Typical
calcium carbonate cleaning is conducted at 20-25°C. The cleaning procedure is considered complete when the pH of the
cleaning solution does not change during recycle and/or high flow pumping.

It may be possible to recover severely scaled elements by acid cleaning. Calcium carbonate scales dissolve easily in acids
by releasing carbon dioxide. This can be observed as a foaming/bubbling reaction.

Cleaning Procedure
There seven steps in cleaning elements with carbonate scale.
1. Make up the cleaning solution listed from Table 6.5.
2. Introduction of the cleaning solution.
3. Recycle. Recycle the cleaning solution for 10 minutes or until there is no visible color change. If at anytime during the
circulation process there is a color change, dispose of the solution and prepare a new solution as described in step 2.
Maintain the pH for effective cleaning. Add additional cleaning chemical as needed to maintain pH.
4. Soak. For lightly scaled systems, a soak time of 1-2 hours is sufficient. Severely scaled systems can also be recovered
with extended soak times. Severely scaled elements should be soaked individually outside of the pressure vessel in a
vertical position. Check pH and adjust as required, or replace cleaning solution.
5. High-flow pumping.
6. Flush out.
7. Restart.

Table 6.5 Carbonate scale cleaning solutions

Cleaning solutions Solution
Preferred 0.2 wt % HCl (pH 1 - 2, 35°C)
Alternative 2.0 wt % citric acid
Alternative 0.5% H3PO4
Optional 1.0% Na2S2O4
Cleaning chemical formula in order used: HCl is hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid); H3PO4 is
phosphoric acid, Na2S2O4 is sodium hydrosulfite.

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6.9.4 Iron Fouling

The following cleaning procedure is designed specifically for a system that is fouled with iron.

Cleaning Procedure
There are seven steps in cleaning elements with iron fouling.
1. Make up the cleaning solution listed from Table 6.6.
2. Introduction of the cleaning solution.
3. Recycle.
4. Soak. Soak times are essential for sodium hydrosulfite to be effective. Soak time will vary depending on the severity of
the fouling. A typical soak time is 2-4 hours.
5. High-flow pumping.
6. Flush out.
7. Restart.

Table 6.6 Iron fouling cleaning solutions

Cleaning solutions Solution
Preferred 1.0 wt % Na2S2O4 (pH 5, 30°C)
Alternative 2.0 wt % citric acid
Alternative 0.5% H3PO4
Alternative 1.0% NH2SO3H
Cleaning chemical formula in order used: Na2S2O4 is sodium hydrosulfite; H3PO4 is phosphoric
acid; NH2SO3H is sulfamic acid.

Additional Information
The sodium hydrosulfite has a very pungent odor, so the room must be well ventilated. Follow all safety regulations and
procedures. Contact time is key to successful cleaning. The solution will sometimes change many different colors. Black,
brown, yellow are all very normal for this type of cleaning. Anytime the solution changes color, it should be disposed of and
a new solution prepared. The length of time and the number of soaking periods will depend on the severity of the fouling.

6.9.5 Organic Fouling

The following cleaning procedure is designed specifically for a system that has been fouled with organic species such as
humic and fulvic acids, antiscalants, or oils.

Cleaning Procedure
There are eight steps in cleaning elements fouled with organics, but the six steps are conducted first with a high pH cleaning
solution and then repeated with a low pH cleaning solution.
1. Make up the desired high pH cleaning solution selected Table 6.7.
2. Introduction of the cleaning solution.
3. Recycle the cleaning solution for 30 minutes. If a color change occurs, dispose of the cleaning solution and prepare a
fresh solution.
4. Soak.
5. High-flow pumping.
6. Flush out.
7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 with cleaning solution of HCl at pH 2.
8. Restart.

Additional Information
For maximum effectiveness, the temperature of the cleaning solutions must be above 25°C. Elevating the temperature of the
cleaning solution will assist in organic removal from the membrane surface. Some organics such as oils are very difficult to
remove. To remove them, experiment with different soak times for optimum effectiveness. In addition, the most effective
cleaning solution usually contains a surfactant such as Na-DDS or perhaps some commercially available membrane
cleaners containing surfactants or detergents that can help remove the oils. Consult your chemical supplier for their

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If the organic fouling is the result of overfeeding of a coagulant used for feed water pretreatment, reversing the order of the
cleaners can be more effective. To determine the proper order of the cleaning solutions (high pH followed by low pH or vice
versa), try to gather a sample of the organic foulant from your system. With the sample, try treating it with caustic and then
acid and vice versa to determine qualitatively which order of cleaning solution treatment dissolves the foulant better. If both
treatments appear to work equally, it is usually better to clean with the high pH solution first.

Table 6.7 Organic fouling cleaning solutions

Cleaning solutions Solution
Preferred 0.1 wt % NaOH
pH 12, 30°C maximum, followed by:
0.2% HCl
pH 2, 45°C maximum
Preferred 0.1 wt % NaOH
0.025 wt % Na-DDS
pH 12, 30°C maximum, followed by:
0.2% HCl
pH 2, 45°C maximum
Alternate 0.1 wt % NaOH
1.0 wt % Na4EDTA
pH 12, 30°C maximum, followed by:
0.2% HCl
pH 2, 45°C maximum
Cleaning chemical formula in order used: NaOH is sodium hydroxide; HCl is hydrochloric acid
(muriatic acid); Na-DDS is sodium salt of dodecylsulfate; sodium laurel sulfate; Na4EDTA is the
tetrasodium salt of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid and is available from The Dow Chemical
Company under the trademark VERSENE™ 100 and VERSENE 220 crystals.

6.9.6 Biofouling

The following cleaning procedure is designed specifically for a system that has been fouled with biological matter.

Cleaning Procedure
There are seven steps in cleaning elements with biofouling.
1. Make up the cleaning solution listed from Table 6.8.
2. Introduction of the cleaning solution.
3. Recycle.
4. Soak.
5. High-flow pumping.
6. Flush out.
7. Restart.

Table 6.8 Biofouling cleaning solutions

Cleaning solutions Solution
Preferred 0.1 wt % NaOH
pH 13, 35°C maximum
Preferred 0.1 wt % NaOH
0.025 wt % Na-DDS
pH 13, 35°C maximum
Alternate 0.1 wt % NaOH
1.0 wt % Na4EDTA
pH 13, 35°C maximum
Cleaning chemical formula in order used: NaOH is sodium hydroxide; Na-DDS is sodium salt of
dodecylsulfate (sodium lauryl sulfate); Na4EDTA is the tetrasodium salt of ethylene diamine
tetraacetic acid and is available from The Dow Chemical Company under the trademark
VERSENE 100 and VERSENE 220 crystals.

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Additional Information
By experience, the cleaning solution of Na4EDTA with caustic has been found to be slightly less effective than a standard
caustic solution or a solution of caustic and Na-DDS.

For any solution, contact time is critical. Several overnight soaks may be necessary to restore the system performance.
After the elements are clean it is very beneficial to clean one additional time to clean off the last remaining biofilm layer on
the surface of the membrane. Any remaining biofilm will tend to attract and trap dirt, so an extra cleaning will increase the
time between cleanings. In the event of severe biofouling, slug dosing of a biocide may be required to enhance the results of
the cleaning procedure. Please refer to Section 2.6.5 for details regarding biocide usage.

When biofouling is an operational problem, regular sanitization procedures as described in Section 6.10 are recommended
after cleaning.

6.9.7 Emergency Cleaning

When cleaning has not been carried out in time, e.g., the differential pressure (ΔP) has already doubled, or the normalized
product flow has dropped by 50%, the success of the previously described cleaning processes may be limited. If those
standard cleaning techniques fail to remove the foulants, more harsh cleaning methods can be tried.

Please contact your Dow representative for recommendations. It has to be stressed, however, that no warranty can be given
on the efficiency of any cleaning, nor on the membrane performance after such cleaning attempts.

6.10 Sanitizing RO/NF Membrane Systems

6.10.1 Introduction

The sanitization of RO/NF membrane systems as described in this chapter is the application of biocidally effective solutions
or hot water to the membranes while the system is offline, i.e. not in production mode. The online dosage of biocidal
chemicals while the system is in production mode is dealt with in Section 2.6, Biological Fouling Prevention.

Membrane systems are sanitized in order to keep the number of living microorganisms at an acceptably low level. There are
two main reasons why sanitization is required:
a) Smooth operation. Microorganisms may grow into a biofilm at the membrane and feed spacer surface and cause
biofouling. Biofouling is a major threat to system operation, and regular sanitization is part of a strategy to control
biofouling. Regular sanitization helps to keep the level of biological growth low enough to avoid operational problems.
In RO systems operating with biologically active feed water, a biofilm can appear within 3–5 days after inoculation with
viable organisms. Consequently, the most common frequency of sanitization is every 3–5 days during peak biological
activity (summer) and about every 7 days during low biological activity (winter). The optimal frequency for sanitization
will be site-specific and must be determined by the operating characteristics of the RO system.
b) Permeate water quality. Some applications, for example in food and pharmaceutical industries, require a high product
water quality with respect to microbiological parameters. Although RO and NF membranes are theoretically rejecting
100% of microorganisms, any minute leakage in the membrane system may allow the permeate water to get
contaminated. The risk of contamination is much higher with a biofilm present on the feed side; therefore the membrane
has to be kept in a sanitary state. Regular sanitizations in these applications are required to ensure the microbiological
quality of the permeate water, even if no operational problems are encountered.

6.10.2 Hydrogen Peroxide and Peracetic Acid

Hydrogen peroxide or a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid has been used successfully for treating biologically
contaminated reverse osmosis and nanofiltration systems that use FILMTEC™ membranes. Commercially available
hydrogen peroxide/peracetic acid solutions come in a concentrated form and are diluted with RO/NF permeate to obtain a
0.2% (by weight) peroxide solution.

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There are two factors that greatly influence the rate of hydrogen peroxide attack on the membrane: temperature and iron.
The disinfecting solution should not exceed 77°F (25°C). FT30 membrane samples tested with 0.5% hydrogen peroxide at
34°C showed a very high salt passage after several hours. At 24°C, however, membrane samples demonstrated
compatibility with 0.5% hydrogen peroxide after 96 hours.

The presence of iron or other transition metals in conjunction with hydrogen peroxide solutions can also cause membrane
degradation. FT30 membrane samples were tested using a 0.15% solution of hydrogen peroxide and tap water containing
iron. After 150 hours, the salt passage of the membrane began to increase dramatically. Continuous exposure at this
concentration may eventually damage the membrane. Instead, periodic use is recommended.

For biologically contaminated RO systems using the FILMTEC™ membrane, the following procedure for applying hydrogen
peroxide solutions is recommended:
1. Any type of deposit on the membrane or other parts of the system should be removed with an alkaline cleaner before
sanitizing. Removal of these deposits, which harbor microorganisms, will maximize the degree of sanitization. After
alkaline cleaning, flush the system with RO permeate.
2. Clean the RO system with acid as described in Section 6.9.4 to remove any iron from the membrane surface. Flush the
system with RO permeate.
3. Circulate a solution of 0.2% (by weight) hydrogen peroxide diluted with RO permeate at a temperature below 77°F
(25°C) for 20 min. A pH of 3–4 gives optimal biocidal results and longer membrane lifetime.

6.10.3 Chlorinated and Other Biocidal Products

Applying free chlorine, chlorine dioxide or biocidal agents containing combined chlorine is generally not recommended, see
Section 2.6.3 and 2.6.6.

Iodine, quaternary biocides and phenolic compounds cause flux losses and are not recommended for use as biocidal agents.

6.10.4 Heat Sanitization

The HSRO series of FILMTEC™ elements can be sanitized with hot water. It is the preferred method in food and
pharmaceutical applications. The advantages of hot water as a sanitization agent are:
• May reach areas chemicals do not (dead legs, etc…)
• Easy to validate
- Simpler to monitor heat than chemical concentrations
- Easier to demonstrate complete distribution of heat
• No need to rinse out chemicals
• No need to store chemicals
• Minimizes waste disposal issues
• No need to approve chemicals

New HSRO heat sanitizable spiral elements must be pre-conditioned prior to initial use by exposure to hot water. Suitable
quality water must be used during all pre-conditioning steps. This water is chlorine-free, non-scaling/fouling water. RO
permeate is preferred, but the RO membrane must have been in operation for at least 24 hours before permeate water is
used for pre-conditioning. Alternatively, prefiltered feedwater may be used.

An appropriate conditioning procedure consists of the following:

1. Flush to drain with suitable quality water at low pressure and low permeate flow rate.
2. Recycle warm water (45°C or less) at very low trans-membrane pressure (<25 psig / 1.7 bar) with a maximum feed
pressure of 45 psig (3 bar).
3. Introduce hot water to the system to increase temperature to 176°F (80°C).
4. Keep trans-membrane pressure below 25 psig (1.7 bar) when warm or hot water (45°C or higher) is being fed to the
5. Maintain temperature for 60-90 minutes.
6. Allow system to cool to 45°C or below.

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7. Flush to drain with suitable water quality at very low trans-membrane pressure (<25 psig / 1.7 bar) with a maximum feed
pressure of 45 psig (3 bar).

HSRO membranes have high water permeability before they have been pre-conditioned. After pre-conditioning, they attain
their specified flow and salt rejection performance during operation at normal temperature. The performance will remain
stable irrespective of subsequent additional sanitization cycles. The procedure for regular sanitization may be the same as
described above, but ultimately is the responsibility of the end-user. Certain industries have required sanitizing procedures
that may be different from our procedures.

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7. Handling, Preservation and Storage

7.1 General

FILMTEC™ membrane elements should be handled in such a way that biogrowth and change in membrane performance
during long-term storage, shipping or system shutdowns are prevented. The elements should preferably be stored and
shipped outside the pressure vessels and loaded into the pressure vessels just prior to start-up.

Follow accepted safety practices when using biocide solutions as membrane preservations. Always wear eye protection.
Consult the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets as supplied by the manufacturer of the chemicals.

7.2 Storage and Shipping of New FILMTEC™ Elements

New FILMTEC™ elements are tested and shipped either in dry condition or as wet and preserved elements. Wet elements
are preserved in a standard storage solution containing a buffered 1 wt % food-grade sodium metabisulfite (SMBS). The
storage solution prevents biological growth during storage and shipping of elements. For preservative Material Safety Data
Sheets please visit the Answer Center at

Wet elements are bagged in a durable, oxygen-barrier composite plastic bag and preservative solution is delivered prior to
vacuum sealing. Precise preservative volume and high bag integrity help ensure a stable preservative environment during
transportation and storage.

Dry FILMTEC elements are bagged and sealed in a robust plastic bag. They do not require any preservation solution, but
they should be kept in their sealed bag until they are used.

Please follow these guidelines for storage of FILMTEC elements:

• Store inside a cool building or warehouse and not in direct sunlight.
• Temperature limits: 22°F to 95°F (-4°C to +35°C).
- New dry elements will not be affected by temperatures below 22°F (-4°C).
- Elements stored in 1% SMBS will freeze below -4°C, but the membrane will not be damaged, provided the elements
are thawed before loading and use.
• Keep new elements in their original packaging.
• Preserved elements should be visually inspected for biological growth 12 months after shipment and thereafter every
three months. If the preservation solution appears to be not clear the element should be removed from the bag, soaked
in a fresh preservation solution and repacked. Refer to bulletin #609-02104 for guidelines. In case no equipment for re-
preservation (fresh solution, clean environment, bag sealing device) is available, the elements can be left in their original
packaging for up to 18 months. When the elements are then loaded into the pressure vessels, they should be cleaned
with an alkaline cleaner before the plant is started up.

7.3 Used FILMTEC™ Elements

7.3.1 Preservation and Storage

Any FILMTEC™ element that has been used and removed from the pressure vessel for storage or shipping must be
preserved in a preservation solution as follows:
• Use the standard storage solution of 1% food-grade SMBS (not cobalt-activated) in good-quality water (preferably
reverse osmosis (RO) or nanofiltration (NF) permeate).
• Soak the element for 1 h in the solution; keep it in a vertical position so that the entrapped air can escape. Allow it to drip
out, and seal it into an oxygen barrier plastic bag. We recommend reusing the original bag or original spare bags
available from Dow. Do not fill the plastic bag with the preservation solution—the moisture in the element is sufficient,
and leaking bags might create a problem during transport.

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• Identify the element and the preservation solution on the outside of the bag.
• The storage conditions are the same as for new elements – see Section 7.2.
• Re-preserved elements should be visually inspected for biological growth every three months. If the preservation
solution appears to be not clear the element should be re-preserved and repacked as above.
• The pH of the preservation solution must never drop below pH 3. In the absence of a buffer such as is used in the
original preservative for wet FILMTEC™ elements, a pH decrease can occur when bisulfite is oxidized to sulfuric acid.
Therefore, the pH of the bisulfite preservation solution should be spot checked at least every 3 months. Re-preservation
is mandatory when the pH is 3 or lower.
• Wear protective gloves and sleeves to avoid prolonged contact with skin and sleeves when working with preservative.

7.3.2 Re-wetting of Dried Out Elements

Elements that have dried out after use may irreversibly lose water permeability. Re-wetting might be successful with one of
the following methods:
• Soak in 50/50% ethanol/water or propanol/water for 15 min.
• Pressurize the element at 150 psi (10 bar) and close the permeate port for 30 min. Take care that the permeate port is
reopened before the feed pressure is released. This procedure can be carried out while the elements are installed in a
system. In this case, the pressure drop from the feed side to the concentrate side must not exceed 10 psi (0.7 bar)
during high pressure operation with closed permeate port – otherwise the permeate backpressure near the concentrate
end will become too high. Preferably, the permeate port is not completely closed but throttled to a value equal the
concentrate pressure. Then there is no need for a special pressure drop limit.
• Soak the element in 1% HCl or 4% HNO3 for 1–100 h. Immerse the element in a vertical position to allow the entrapped
air to escape.

7.3.3 Shipping

When FILMTEC™ elements have to be shipped, they must be preserved with a preservation solution according to Section 7.3.1.

Make sure that:

• The plastic bag does not leak.
• The element is properly identified.
• The preservation solution is correctly labelled.

We recommend using the original packaging with the original polystyrene foam cushions to protect the element from mechanical
damage. Elements with non flush-cut product water tubes should be protected against damage to the product water tube ends.

The membrane elements will not be damaged by freezing temperatures during shipping provided the elements are thawed
before loading and use.

7.3.4 Disposal

Used FILMTEC™ elements can be disposed of as municipal waste, provided:

• No preservation solution or other hazardous liquid is contained in the element.
• No depositions of hazardous substances are on the membranes (e.g., elements used in waste water treatment).

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7.4 Preservation of RO and NF Systems

The procedure of shutting down an RO/NF system has been described in Section 5.4. FILMTEC™ elements must be
preserved any time the plant is shut down for more than a maximum of 48 h to prevent biological growth. Depending on the
previous operational history of the plant, it will be necessary in almost all cases to clean the membranes prior to shutdown
and preservation. This applies to cases when the membranes are known or assumed to be fouled.

After cleaning, the preservation should follow within the next 10 h as follows:
1. Totally immerse the elements in the pressure vessels in a solution of 1 to 1.5% SMBS, venting the air outside of the
pressure vessels. Use the overflow technique: circulate the SMBS solution in such a way that the remaining air in the
system is minimized after the recirculation is completed. After the pressure vessel is filled, the SMBS solution should be
allowed to overflow through an opening located higher than the upper end of the highest pressure vessel being filled.
2. Separate the preservation solution from the air outside by closing all valves. Any contact with oxygen will oxidize the SMBS.
3. Check the pH once a week. When the pH becomes 3 or lower, change the preservation solution.
4. Change the preservation solution at least once a month.

During the shutdown period, the plant must be kept frost-free, and the temperature must not exceed 113°F (45°C). A low
temperature is desirable.

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8. Troubleshooting

8.1 Introduction

Loss of salt rejection and loss of permeate flow are the most common problems encountered in reverse osmosis (RO) and
nanofiltration (NF). Plugging of the feed channels associated with pressure drop increase is another typical problem. If the
rejection and/or the permeate flow decreases moderately and slowly, this may indicate a normal fouling which can be
handled by proper and regular cleaning (see Section 6, Cleaning and Sanitation). An immediate decline in performance
indicates a defect or misoperation of the plant. In any case, it is essential that the proper corrective measure is taken as early
as possible because any delay decreases the chance of restoring the plant performance – apart from other problems that
might be created by an excessively low permeate flow and/or too high permeate TDS.

A prerequisite for early detection of potential problems is proper record keeping (see Section 5.6) and plant performance
normalization (see Section 5.6.6). This includes proper calibration of all instruments. Without accurate readings it might be
too late before a problem is detected and corrected.

Once a performance decline has been identified, the first step in solving the problem is to localize the problem and to identify
the cause(s) of the problem. The first step is to evaluate the performance and the operation of the system. This can be done
using the data of the record keeping logsheet or of some additional on-line measurements. Then some checks and system
tests should be made. Troubleshooting is much more effective if certain system features and equipment are provided, see
Section 3.16, System Design for Troubleshooting Success. If the system data is not sufficient in determining the cause(s)
and to recommend corrective action, one or more membrane elements must be taken from the plant and analyzed. Element
performance analysis includes non-destructive and destructive analysis. Finally, corrective measures are taken to restore the
plant performance and to avoid future problems.

Further reading: W.Byrne (Ed.): Reverse Osmosis, Chapter 7 /1/.

8.2 Evaluation of System Performance and Operation

If the performance of the membrane system is not satisfactory, the first step is to evaluate the performance and the operation
of the entire system. This is done on the basis of normalized plant data, see Section 5.6.6, Plant Performance Normalization.
When the actual normalized plant performance is compared against the performance at start-up, any significant performance
deterioration can be identified.

In case that the initial system performance at start-up is not satisfactory, a comparison of the actual system performance with
the ROSA projected system performance under actual conditions is helpful.

ROSA is a tool used to estimate the stabilized performance of a new RO or NF system under design conditions, but it can
also be used to estimate the performance of an existing RO/NF system under prevailing actual conditions. This projected
performance is based on the nominal performance specification for the FILMTEC™ element(s) used in that system. A fouling
factor of 1.00 in the projection is used to calculate the performance of new elements with exact nominal flow rate. A fouling
factor of < 1 should be applied when making a design for long-term operation. In a real system, the elements may have a
flow performance variation of +/-15% of the nominal value, or whatever variation is specified for this element type. Also the
salt rejection of an individual element may be higher or lower than the nominal salt rejection (but not lower than the minimum
salt rejection). Therefore, the measured stabilized performance is unlikely to exactly hit the projected performance, but for
systems with more than 36 new elements it should come close.

The actual fouling factor of a stabilized new RO system with at least 36 elements should range between 0.95 and 1.05. The
actual measured TDS of the permeate should be no higher than about 1.5 times the calculated TDS.

For systems with only one or a few elements, the deviation of the measured actual performance from the projected
performance may become as large as the specified element performance variation.

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If the normalized actual performance has deteriorated too much compared to the initial performance, or the measured actual
performance does not match close enough with the projected performance, check the following:

• Are all meters, sensors and pressure gauges calibrated?

Troubleshooting Tip:
Use simple mass balance equations to confirm accuracy of flow and conductivity instruments. RO/NF systems should
be operated at design flow and recovery rates in order to ensure trouble-free operation. Damage to membrane
elements can result from operation at elevated flow rates, and fouling can result from flow rates which are too low to
prevent deposition of particulate matter. Scaling or fouling can occur in RO systems when operated at above design
recovery rates.

Equations 1 and 2 provide a simple method to check the accuracy of flow and conductivity meters. These equations
should be used as an indicator and are not intended to replace periodic calibration of instruments. If deviation from
unity is observed in equation 2, the accuracy of one of the meters is compromised, and calibration should be

1. Feed flow = Permeate flow + Brine flow

2. (Feed flow) (Feed Conductivity) = 1 +/- 0.05

(Permeate flow) (Permeate Conductivity) + (Brine flow) (Brine Conductivity)

In order for equation 2 to be valid, conductivity measurements should be taken after all chemical additions and
accurately reflect the feed water.

• Has the system stabilized? It should have been in continuous operation for 24 to 72 hours when the readings are taken.
Systems that have been in operation for extended time should be investigated by the evolution of the normalized system
performance data. This can be done with the FTNORM program as described in Section 5.6.6.

• Has permeate pressure been taken into account? Neglected permeate pressure results in a higher than projected feed

• Is there any significant pressure losses from the feed to the concentrate? ROSA 5 and earlier versions anticipate a
pressure loss in the piping of 5 psi (0.35 bar) per stage in addition to the pressure loss in the FILMTEC™ elements.
Restrictions in feed or concentrate headers would result in higher pressure losses than projected. Check the distance of
the pressure sensors from the feed and concentrate end of the pressure vessels. The locations of the pressure sensors
should be as close as possible to the pressure vessel and in sufficient distance from valves or other places of high

• Check the Process and Instrumentation Diagram of the system:

- Are provisions made to avoid undue operating conditions? See Section 3.13.3, Shutdown Switches
- Are the necessary valves installed? See Section 3.13.4, Valves
- Are provisions made for efficient troubleshooting? See Section 3.16, System Design for Troubleshooting Success.
- Are provisions made to avoid siphoning of the pressure vessels during shutdown periods? See Section 5.4, RO
and NF System Shutdown

• Check the start-up and shut-down procedure: is it safe with respect to hydraulic shocks, permeate backpressure and
back-flow of permeate? See Sections 5.2 to 5.4 for start-up and shut-down procedures.

• Check the cleaning procedure and chemicals used: is the procedure efficient and the chemicals safe with respect to
membrane damage? See Chapter 6, Cleaning and Sanitization.

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• How frequently is the system being cleaned? A high cleaning frequency (more than once per 4-6 weeks) may indicate a
poor performance of the pretreatment or a RO/NF system operating outside of the design guidelines. As a guideline,
anything from one to three chemical cleanings per year is considered good, while four and up to to six annual cleanings
are typically still considered acceptable. A higher cleaning frequency is normally not justifiable and it is usually more
economical to improve the pretreatment system.

• Have water analyses been performed? The conductivity is not sufficient for the calculation of TDS rejection. Particularly,
carbon dioxide (CO2) in the feed water will pass into the permeate, create carbonic acid and increase the permeate

• Check the application of chlorine and other oxidizing chemicals – this can indicate a potential oxidation problem.

• Check the replacement rate of prefilters – a high replacement rate can indicate a potential fouling problem. A too low
replacement rate e.g. of cartridge filters may also post a risk (sudden collapse, etc.).

• Check the SDI logsheets: the feed SDI should be consistently <5 or <3, depending on the system design.

• Check the scaling calculations and confirm the dosage rates of chemicals, e.g. scaling inhibitor.

If all this has been considered and the observed system performance is still outside of expectations, perform the system
tests as described next.

8.3 System Tests

After the available data of the system operation and performance have been checked and investigated, the system will be
inspected and tested in more detail.

8.3.1 Visual Inspection

• How clean is the plant? Mold and biogrowth in tanks and pipes are indicators of a biofouling problem. Leaking vessels
may suck air when the system shuts down and lead to hydraulic shock at start-up and premature fouling, especially in
SW conditions.
• Open a pressure vessel at the feed side: is there any fouling present on the face of the lead element? A biofilm on a wet
surface feels slippery. Any smell? Are the elements properly shimmed (see Section 4.3, Shimming Elements)?
• Open a pressure vessel at the concentrate side: scaling feels like sanding paper to the touch.
• Remove the elements from one or from several vessels and check the couplers for torn, damaged or misplaced O-rings.
Replace O-rings. See Section 4.5 for interconnector technology.
• Inspect the elements for fouling, scaling and mechanical damage – check at least one lead element and one tail

8.3.2 Type of Foulant and Most Effective Cleaning

• How does the system respond to different cleanings? The efficiency of a specific cleaning is an indication for a specific
fouling problem. See Section 6.9, Cleaning Procedure for Specific Situations.
• How does the cleaning solution coming out of the system look? The initial cleaning solution exiting from the membrane
system may contain high amounts of removed foulants. Analyze the spent cleaning chemical for metals and TOC and
compare with a fresh solution. The type of foulant can be estimated from the comparison of the analyses of the used
and the unused cleaning solution.

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8.3.3 Localization of High Solute Passage Profiling

If a system exhibits high solute passage, one of the first steps in troubleshooting is to localize the source. A loss in solute
rejection may be uniform throughout the system, or it could be limited to the front or to the tail end of the system. It could be
a general plant failure, or it could be limited to one or few individual vessels. To localize high solute passage in a system, it is
first recommended to profile the system. To profile a system, all individual vessel TDS or conductivity or other relevant
quality values are checked. A well designed system contains a sample port located in the permeate stream from each
vessel. Care must be taken during sampling to avoid mixing of the permeate sample with permeate from other vessels. All
permeate samples are then tested for their concentration of dissolved solids with a TDS or conductivity meter. In
nanofiltration applications, specific analytical methods for sulfate or other relevant compounds have to be used. The
permeate samples of all pressure vessels in the same stage should give readings in the same range. Notice that from one
stage to the next the average permeate TDS or conductivity usually increases, because for example the second stage is fed
with the concentrate from the first stage. To determine the solute passage of all pressure vessels from their permeate
concentration, the concentration of the feed stream to each stage must also be measured. The solute passage is the ratio of
the permeate concentration to the feed concentration. Then the high solute passage of the system can be assigned to the
first or the last stage, or to individual vessels. Probing

If one pressure vessel shows a significantly higher permeate concentration than the other vessels of the same stage, then
this vessel should be probed. The procedure allows locating a problem within a pressure vessel while online without
unloading elements. Probing involves the insertion of a plastic tube (approx. 1/4 inch (6 mm) in diameter) into the full length
of the permeate tube (see Figure 8.1) in order to measure the permeate conductivity at different locations inside the pressure
vessel. This can be accomplished by isolating the vessel from it’s permeate manifolds and use the open permeate port, or
by removing the opposite end cap’s permeate plug. When the permeate manifolds remain in place, it must be ensured that
no permeate from other vessels can influence the probing. If the system operates with a permeate backpressure, the probed
vessel must be disconnected from the system permeate; otherwise permeate from the other vessels will enter into the
probed vessel.

The use of a modified tube fitting according to Figure 8.2 eliminates water leakage at the point of entry. This device can be
used at the opposite end of the pressure vessel from the product header piping, with the permeate manifold remaining in
place even under a moderate permeate backpressure. A ½ inch ball valve is connected to the permeate port. It is fitted with
a ¼ inch plastic Parker tube fitting which has been modified by drilling the body to allow a ¼ inch plastic probe tubing to pass
completely through the fitting. In addition a short piece (2 inches (5 cm)) of very supple thin wall gum rubber tubing which fits
snugly over the end of the nylon probe tubing and protrudes approximately 1/2 inch will prevent hangups at the product tube
adapters and the product tube interconnectors.

While the membrane system is operating at normal operating conditions, water is diverted from the permeate stream of the
vessel in question. A few minutes should be allowed to rinse out the tubing and allow the membrane system to equilibrate.
For an RO system, the TDS or the conductivity of the permeate sample from the tubing can then be measured with a hand-
held meter and the data recorded. It is desirable to set up the conductivity meter for continuous indication utilizing a flow
through cell or the arrangement shown in Figure 8.1. This measurement should reflect the TDS of the permeate being
produced by the FILMTEC™ element at that position. For a NF system, the permeate conductivity might not be sensitive
enough to localize a leakage. Instead, the sulfate concentration in the sample should be determined.

The tubing is then pulled out six inches (15 cm) from the end and a sample is taken to measure the conductivity at the
adaptor/element interface. Then the tubing is extracted eight inches (20 cm) and another sample is taken. The tubing is then
withdrawn in further increments to obtain a conductivity profile (see Figure 8.1). The sampling locations should be every
eight inches (20 cm) so that every fifth sample marks the coupler connection for two elements. This allows for multiple
measurements per element plus checking of all coupler/adaptor O-rings. The tube can be marked so that the desired
sampling locations can easily be accessed.

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Taking a conductivity reading at 8 inch intervals for each element, allows closer scrutiny for determining exactly which o-ring
seal of a coupler (interconnector) has a leak. Similarly the probe should be positioned some distance away, as well as at the
end of the adaptor, to check the integrity of the o-ring seal at the pressure vessel head assembly (end plug). Figure 8.2
illustrates this by showing how to position the probe to check for leaks at the o-ring seal for the product tube adaptors in the
permeate hub of the end plug. The sketch illustrates the probe at the “start” position typical for 8” elements where the
normally plugged permeate port is used to connect the probing apparatus and insert the probe tubing. The dimensions will
vary depending on manufacturer and model of the actual pressure vessels. It is usually recommended to open up one of the
pressure vessels to determine exactly the correct dimensions for positioning the probe tube. After this is done a table should
be made listing dimensionally all the locations where pauses are required during withdrawal of the probe tubing for recording
conductivity measurements.

Accurately positioning the probe for these data points can be accomplished by using an additional o-ring (size 108 for ¼”
O.D. tubing) as an indicator just outside the tube fitting. With the probe completely inserted to the start position, and the
indicator o-ring at the outside face of the tube fitting, the measurement for the next predetermined position can be made
accurately with a tape measure since the o-ring will move along with the tubing as the probe is withdrawn. Then keeping the
probe stationary slip the indicator o-ring back to the tube fitting in preparation for the next withdrawal measurement. This
simple trick has proved very effective in accurately positioning the probe with as many as seven elements in series.

A normal conductivity profile shows a steady increase of the permeate produced at the feed side of the pressure vessel
towards the concentrate end of the vessel. An unusually large deviation from this profile locates the source of the high salt
passage problem. O-ring problems are generally indicated by a step change in the conductivity profile at coupler/adaptor
locations, while a marked increase outside this region points to a leakage from an element, e.g. due to a backpressure

The normal (reference) conductivity profile depends also on the location of the probing tube entry and on the flow direction of
the permeate out of the probed vessel. Figure 8.1 shows an arrangement with probing from the concentrate end of the
vessel with the permeate flowing to the concentrate side as well. The first sample from the feed side end of the vessel
represents the permeate produced at exactly that location. As the tube is gradually pulled out from the vessel, the sample
represents the combined permeate which is produced upstream of the sample location. The last sample represents the
permeate of the entire vessel.

If the vessel is connected to the permeate manifolds and/or the probing tube is inserted from the feed side of the vessel, the
reference conductivity profile changes accordingly. The accuracy of the method is best where the sample is least influenced
by permeate from upstream membranes. This has to be born in mind when the results are evaluated.

Figure 8.1 Conductivity profile

Feed Concentrate




1 2 3 4 5 6

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Figure 8.2 Permeate probing apparatus for spiral wound membrane

Note: Tube fitting modified by extending the ¼ inch bore through the body and discarding the gripper ring.

8.4 Membrane Element Evaluation

8.4.1 Sample Selection

When the causes of a plant performance loss are not known, or when they have to be confirmed, one or more elements of
the system have to be analyzed individually. The element(s) which should be analyzed are those with a step increase in the
conductivity profile.

When there is a general plant failure, a front-end element or a tail-end element should be selected, depending on where the
problem is located. Typical front-end problems are fouling problems; typical tail-end problems are scaling problems. When
the problem cannot be localized, an element from both ends of the system should be taken.

Sampling a second element from a neighbor position is advisable when cleaning tests are planned. Then one of the
elements can be used to analyze the fouling layer and to perform lab scale cleaning tests, the results of which can then be
applied to the other element.

8.4.2 DIRECTORSM Services

FilmTec offers an element analysis service called DIRECTOR Service, including a variety of inspection, diagnostic and
testing procedures. In warranty cases, the Dow Quality Department must be involved.

The examination, testing and analysis of membrane elements can also be carried out by an external laboratory. Larger
installations often have the capabilities for evaluating membrane elements at the site. A visual inspection and some simple
checks at the site can provide some quick and valuable information.

The procedures which are described in the following are based on ASTM Standard Methods and Practices whenever possible.
These methods are recommended for membrane element evaluation, but not all of these methods are offered by DIRECTOR
Services. On the other hand, DIRECTOR Services offers some specific evaluations which are not described here. The details,
the conditions and element return procedures are available from our web pages (

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8.4.3 Visual Inspection and Weighing

The visual inspection of membrane elements provides information about a potential fouling or scaling problem. The element
is inspected for discolorations of the outer wrapping and the fiberglass or tape wrap. The element is also inspected for any
deposits or foreign matter. Telescoping and fiberglass damage would indicate excessive hydraulic loads or improper
pressure vessel loading. The permeate water tube is inspected for mechanical damage which could cause salt passage. The
brine seal is inspected for condition and proper installation.

8.4.4 Vacuum Decay Test

A FILMTEC™ element with a high salt passage should first be checked if leaks are present with feed/concentrate water
leaking into the permeate side of the element. Leaks may occur through damage of the membrane surface itself by
punctures or scratches or by delamination and physical damage of the membrane by e.g. permeate backpressure or water
hammer. The vacuum decay test as described in the following may be used to detect leaks or to confirm the mechanical
integrity of a FILMTEC element. The method is based on ASTM Standards D3923 /2/ and D6908 /3/.

The vacuum decay test is a tool to detect leaks or to confirm the integrity of FILMTEC RO and NF elements after they have
been in operation. It can be applied to a single element or to a complete pressure vessel containing several elements. Before
testing, the element has to be drained from water present in the feed channels and in the permeate leaves. The pressure
vessel to be tested must not contain any water. The permeate tube of the element is evacuated and isolated. The rate of the
vacuum decay indicates mechanical integrity or a leak of the membrane element. A mechanically intact element and also a
chemically damaged membrane would still hold the vacuum, but a mechanically damaged membrane would not.

This test is useful as a screening procedure and is not intended as a mean of absolute verification of a leak. However, the
test allows identifying leaking elements or O-rings within a short time. It also helps to distinguish between chemical
membrane damage (which would not show up as a leak) and mechanical membrane damage. The test can be applied in the
field to test a large number of elements when a single element test unit is not available, or if not enough time is available for
performance testing.

The procedure is as follows (see Figure 8.3):

a. Drain the element.
b. Seal one end of the permeate tube with a suitable leak-tight cap.
c. Connect the other end of the permeate tube to a vacuum gauge and a valved vacuum source.
d. Evacuate the element to 100-300 mbar absolute pressure.
e. Close the isolation valve and observe the reading on the vacuum gauge. Note the rate at which the vacuum decays. A
rapid decay (greater than 100 mbar pressure increase per minute) will indicate the presence of a leak.
f. Slowly release the vacuum and allow the element to reach atmospheric pressure before disconnecting.
g. The test should be repeated several times to confirm it’s reproducibility.

Testing a complete pressure vessel allows including the couplers and adaptors into the leak test. The procedure is the same
as described with the difference that the permeate port at one side of the vessel is closed, and the vacuum is pulled from the
permeate port of the other side. Feed and concentrate ports may be open.

Figure 8.3 Vacuum decay test

Vacuum meter

Vacuum pump


Ball valve
Special Stopper

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8.4.5 Performance Test

The standard element performance test is used to determine the solute rejection and the permeate flow rate of a FILMTEC™
element under FILMTEC Standard Test Conditions. The test results can then be compared with the specification of the
element in question. The element performance is determined before and after any cleaning trial in order to assess the
efficacy of the treatment.

The apparatus for the standard test consists of a feed holding tank equipped with a thermostated heat exchanger system to
maintain the feed solution at 25±1°C, a pump to provide the required pressure and feed flow rate, and a reverse osmosis
device. A detailed description is given in ASTM D4194-03 /4/. A synthetic test solution is used as feed water. Permeate and
concentrate are recycled back to the feed tank.

Sodium chloride is used as a test solute for reverse osmosis. For nanofiltration, magnesium sulfate and calcium chloride are
used as well. The salt concentration and the feed pressure are given in the Standard Test Conditions in the product
information sheet of the relevant FILMTEC element. The feed flow rate should be adjusted to obtain the element recovery as
indicated in the mentioned Standard Test Conditions. The feed water pH should be adjusted to a pH of 8 by adding HCl or
NaOH. For a summary of the standard test conditions, see Section 1.8, Table 1.5.

The following data are recorded one hour after start-up, and repeated 2 to 3 hours after start-up, and hourly thereafter until
three successive permeate flow rates (corrected to 25°C) and salt passages agree within 5% (relative):
• Feed, concentrate, and permeate pressures
• Permeate and concentrate flows (use calibrated flow meters or a calibrated volume container and stopwatch)
• Permeate temperature
• Conductivity of feed, permeate and concentrate, or chloride content of the three streams.

The permeate flow rate should be corrected to 25°C using the formulas given in Section 6.7, Plant Performance
Normalization. The salt rejection is calculated from the permeate conductivity Kp and the feed conductivity Kf:
Rejection, % = (1 – — ) x 100

8.4.6 Cleaning Evaluation

When the permeate flow rate of the tested element is too low compared with the specified value, a cleaning can be tried.
Cleaning cannot be successful however, when the membrane itself is damaged, or when the membrane is heavily
fouled/scaled (typically when the permeate flow is < 50% of specification).

The cleaning evaluation includes the establishment of cleaning procedures, their realization on membrane samples and
subsequent performance testing. The cleaning evaluation may be performed on membrane elements after performance
testing or on membrane flat sheet coupons after the destructive autopsy. Cleaning is carried out according to the cleaning
procedure described in Section 6, Cleaning and Sanitation.

When the cleaning test has proven effective, the treatment can be applied to the whole RO system.

8.4.7 Autopsy

After the previously described tests have been done, the ultimate method to determine the cause(s) of a performance loss is
the destructive analysis (autopsy) of the FILMTEC™ element. The Dow Quality Department must be involved if destructive
analysis is required in warranty cases.

The element is cut lengthwise to allow the membrane to be unrolled. Two to four cuts must be made, on opposite sides, just
deep enough to penetrate the element casing. The element should be unrolled carefully so as to not damage the membrane
surface. The structural integrity of the leaves is inspected. The membrane is fully examined and samples of the membrane
and/or of the foulant are taken for analysis or plate and frame tests.

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Pressure Dye Test: To determine the cause(s) and the location of a salt passage, the element is operated with a
pressurized dye solution prior to the autopsy. Rhodamine B can be used as a dye. A pink permeate would indicate a
damaged membrane. The dyed element is autopsied and examined for the location of dye passage. Damaged areas of the
membrane will attain a pink color. This evaluation allows to distinguish between chemical (e.g. oxidative) membrane
damages and mechanical damages, e.g. from permeate backpressure.

8.4.8 Membrane Analysis

The morphology of deposits is determined with a stereo and standard light microscope or a scanning electron microscope (SEM).

Information about the chemical elements contained in the membrane or its fouling/scaling layer is obtained from Energy
Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Spectroscopy. Samples of the membrane “as is” and of the cleaned and rinsed
membrane, and of the isolated and dried foulant/scalant can be analyzed by EDXRF. The result gives a semi-quantitative
composition of chemical elements of the membrane and the foulants. This method can also furnish evidence of halogen
damage to the membrane. Typical elements found are Ca, Ba, Sr, S (scaling), Fe, Si, Pb, Zn (colloidal fouling) and Cl, Br, I
(oxidation damage). However, purely organic fouling and biofouling can not be detected by this method.

ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy) is being used to quantitatively determine metals and silica on the
membrane surface.

Impurities which have been organically bound to the membrane surface can be identified with ESCA testing (Electron
Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis). This test is predominantly used to identify the source of oxidation.

Plate and Frame Testing is performed after the destructive autopsy. Round coupons are cut from the membrane of the
autopsied element and placed in a plate and frame apparatus. The coupons can be cleaned or treated with different
chemicals. The performance of the different plates with the differently treated membrane samples can be compared against
control coupons.

Slimy deposits or foulants from the membrane surface may be scraped off and then microbiological test be done on these
samples. The microbiological test would reveal the presence of bacteria and the kind of bacteria present which may in turn
allow to devise an anti-biofouling strategy.

8.5 Symptoms of Trouble, Causes and Corrective Measures

Trouble with the performance of an RO/NF system normally means at least one of the following:
• Loss of normalized permeate flow rate; in practice this is normally seen as a feed pressure increase in order to maintain
the permeate output.
• Increase in normalized solute passage; in RO this is typically associated with an increase in permeate conductivity.
• Increase in pressure drop: the difference between feed pressure and concentrate pressure at constant flow rate
becomes larger.

From such symptoms, their location and kind of occurrence, the causes of the trouble can often be determined. In the
following sections, the mentioned three main troubles are discussed systematically.

8.5.1 Low Flow

If the system suffers from loss of normalized permeate flow performance and the problem can be localized, the general rule is:
• First stage problem: deposition of particulate matter; initial biofouling
• Last stage problem: scaling
• Problem in all stages: advanced fouling

A low flow performance may be combined with a normal, a high or a low solute passage. Depending on this combination,
conclusions as to the causes may be drawn.
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Low permeate flow associated with normal solute passage can have the following causes:

a. Biofouling and Natural Organic Matter (NOM):

Biofouling of the membranes is indicated by the following changes in the operating parameters, predominantly at the front
end of the system:
• Permeate flow decreases when operated at constant feed pressure and recovery.
• Recovery decreases when operated at constant feed pressure, in cases where biofouling is advanced to large biomasses.
• Feed pressure has to be increased if the permeate flow is to be maintained at constant recovery. Increasing the feed
pressure is however self-defeating when done for a long time, since it increases the fouling, making it more difficult to
clean later.
• Differential pressure increases sharply when the bacterial fouling is massive or when it is combined with silt fouling.
Since pressure drop across the pressure vessels can be such a sensitive indicator of fouling, it is strongly recommended
that provisions for installing differential pressure monitoring devices be included for each stage in a system.
• Solute passage remains normal or even low at the beginning, increasing when fouling becomes massive.
• High counts of microorganisms in water samples taken from the feed, concentrate, or permeate stream indicate the
beginning or the presence of biofouling. For proper microbiological monitoring see Section 2.6.2, Assessment of the
Biological Fouling Potential. When biofouling is suspected, the system should be checked according to the items
described in Section 3.15, System Design Considerations to Control Microbiological Activity.
• Biofilms feel slippery to the touch, often have a bad smell
• A quick test for biofouling is the burn test: a sample of biofilm is collected with a spatulum or the point of a knife and
incinerated over the flame of a lighter. The smell of a burnt biofilm is like the smell of burnt hair. (This is really just a
quick test for an indication but not for a proof.)

Figure 8.4 and Figure 8.5 are photos of a biofouled membrane and feed spacer, taken after element autopsy.

Figure 8.4 Picture of biofilm on membrane surface

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Figure 8.5 Picture of feed spacer with biofilm

Causes for biofouling are mostly the combination of a biologically active feedwater and improper pretreatment.

The corrective measures are:

• Clean and sanitize the entire system, including the pretreatment section and the elements. See Section 6 for details. An
incomplete cleaning and disinfection will result in rapid re-contamination.
• High pH soak and rinse – see cleaning instructions, Section 6
• The installation or optimization of the pretreatment system to cope with the fouling potential of the raw water (see
Section 2.6, Biological Fouling Prevention).
• Installation of Fouling Resistant (FR) elements.

b. Aged Preservation Solution

Elements or RO systems preserved in a bisulfite solution can also become biologically fouled, if the preservation solution is
too old, too warm, or oxidized by oxygen. An alkaline cleaning usually helps to restore the permeate flow. Renew
preservative solution if storing elements. Store in cool, dry, dark environment.

c. Incomplete Wetting
FILMTEC™ elements that have been allowed to dry out, may have a reduced permeate flow, because the fine pores of the
polysulfone layer are not wetted. The techniques to re-wet dry membranes are described in Section 7.3.2, Re-wetting of Dried
Out Elements. Low Flow and High Solute Passage

Low flow associated with high solute passage is the most commonly occurring condition for plant failure. Possible causes

a. Colloidal Fouling
To identify colloidal fouling:
• Review recorded feedwater SDI’s. The problem is sometimes due to infrequent excursions or pretreatment upsets.
• Analyze residue from SDI filter pads.
• Analyze accumulations on prefilter cartridges.
• Inspect and analyze deposits on feed scroll end of 1st stage lead elements.

The corrective measures are:

• Clean the elements depending on foulant (see cleaning instructions, Section 6).
• Adjust, correct and/or modify the pretreatment.

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b. Metal Oxide Fouling
Metal oxide fouling occurs predominantly in the first stage. The problem can more easily be localized when permeate flow
meters have been installed in each array separately. Common sources are:
• Iron or aluminium in feedwater (see Section 2.9, Prevention of Iron and Manganese Fouling and Section 2.10,
Prevention of Aluminum Fouling.)
• Hydrogen sulfide with air in feedwater results in metal sulfides and/or elemental sulfur (see Section 2.11, Treatment of
Feed Water Containing Hydrogen Sulfide).
• Corrosion of piping, vessels or components upstream of membrane elements.

To identify metal oxide fouling:

• Analyze feedwater for iron and aluminium.
• Check system components for evidence of corrosion.

Iron fouling can easily be identified from the look of the element – see Figure 8.6 for example.

Figure 8.6 Picture of iron fouled feed side of an element with telescoping damage and signs of mechanical force

The corrective measures are

ƒ Clean the membrane elements as appropriate (see cleaning instructions, Section 6).
ƒ Adjust, correct and/or modify the pretreatment
ƒ Retrofit piping or system components with appropriate materials.

c. Scaling
Scaling is a water chemistry problem originating from the precipitation and deposition of sparingly soluble salts. The typical
scenario is a brackish water system operated at high recovery without proper pretreatment. Scaling usually starts in the last
stage and then moves gradually to the upstream stages. Waters containing high concentrations of calcium, bicarbonate
and/or sulfate can scale a membrane system within hours. Scaling with barium or with fluoride is typically very slow because
of the low concentrations involved.

To identify scaling:
• Check feedwater analysis for the scaling potential at prevailing system recovery.
• Analyze the concentrate for levels of calcium, barium, strontium, sulfate, fluoride, silicate, pH and Langelier Saturation
Index (Stiff & Davis Saturation Index for seawater). Try to calculate the mass balance for those salts, analyzing also
feed water and permeate.
• Inspect concentrate side of system for scaling.
• Weigh a tail element: scaled elements are heavy.
• Autopsy tail element and analyze the membrane for scaling: the crystalline structure of the deposits can be observed
under the microscope. A foaming reaction with acid indicates carbonate scaling. The type of scaling is identified by a
chemical analysis, EDXRF or ICP analysis.
• Scaling is hard and rough to the touch – like sand paper. Cannot be wiped off.

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Photographs of scaled membranes are shown in Figure 8.7.

Figure 8.7 Picture of scaled membrane surface with imprints from the feed spacer

The corrective measures are:

• Cleaning with acid and/or an alkaline EDTA solution (see cleaning instructions, Section 6). An analysis of the spent
solution may help to verify the cleaning effect.
• Optimize cleaning depending on scaling salts present.
• Carbonate scaling: lower pH, adjust antiscalant dosage.
• Sulfate scaling: lower recovery, adjust antiscalant dosage and type.
• Fluoride scaling: lower recovery, adjust antiscalant dosage or type. Low Flow and Low Solute Passage

a. Compaction and Intrusion

Membrane compaction and intrusion is typically associated with low permeate flow and improved salt rejection. Compaction
is the result of applied pressure and temperature compressing the membrane which may result in a decline in flux and salt
passage. Intrusion is the plastic deformation of the membrane when pressed against the permeate channel spacer under
excessive forces and/or temperatures. The pattern of the permeate spacer is visibly imprinted on the membrane. Intrusion is
typically associated with low flow. In practice, compaction and intrusion may occur simultaneously and are difficult to
distinguish from each other. Although the FILMTEC™ membrane shows little compaction and intrusion when operated
properly, significant compaction and intrusion might occur under the following conditions:
• high feed pressure
• high temperature
• water hammer

Water hammer can occur when the high pressure pump is started with air in the system.

Damaged elements must be replaced, or new elements must be added to the system to compensate for the flux loss. If new
elements are installed together with used elements, the new elements should be loaded into the tail positions of a system to
protect them from too high flux operation. New elements should be distributed evenly into parallel positions. It should be
avoided to have vessels loaded exclusively with new elements installed in parallel with other vessels containing exclusively
used elements. This would cause an uneven flow distribution and recovery of the individual vessels.

For example, if six elements of a 4(6):2(6) system are to be replaced, the new elements should go into position 4,5 and 6 of
each of the two vessels of the 2nd stage. Likewise, if six elements are to be added, they should go into positions 5 and 6 of
the 3 vessels of the 2nd stage of an enlarged 4(6):3(6) system. If for some reason this is not possible, at least positions 1
and 2 of the first stage should not be loaded with brand new elements.
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b. Organic Fouling
The adsorption of organic matter present in the feed water on the membrane surface causes flux loss, especially in the first
stage. In many cases, the adsorption layer acts as an additional barrier for dissolved salts, or plugs pinholes of the
membrane, resulting in a lower salt passage. Organics with a high molecular mass and with hydrophobic or cationic groups
can produce such an effect. Examples are oil traces or cationic polyelectrolytes, which are sometimes used in the
pretreatment. Organics are very difficult to remove from the membrane surface.

To identify organic fouling:

• Analyze deposits from filter cartridges and SDI filter pads.
• Analyse the incoming water for oil and grease, as well as for organic contaminants in general.
• Check pretreatment coagulants and filter aids, especially cationic polyelectrolytes.
• Check cleaning detergents and surfactants.

The corrective measures are:

• Clean for organics (see cleaning instructions, Section 6). Some organics can be cleaned successfully, some cannot
(e.g. heating oil).
• Correct pretreatment: use minimal coagulant dosages; monitor feedwater changes to avoid overdosing.
• Modify pretreatment, i.e. oil/water separators.

8.5.2 High Solute Passage High Solute Passage and Normal Permeate Flow

High solute passage at normal permeate flow may have different causes.

a. Leaking O-Ring
Leaking O-rings can be detected by the probing technique (see Probing - Section Inspect O-rings of couplers,
adapters and end plugs for correct installation and as-new condition. Replace old and damaged O-rings. Also see
Interconnector Technology - Section 4.5.

O-rings may leak after exposure to certain chemicals, or to mechanical stress, e.g. element movement caused by water
hammer. Proper shimming of the elements in a pressure vessel is essential to minimize the wear to the seals (see Shimming
Elements – Section 4.3). Sometimes, O-rings have simply not been installed, or they have been improperly installed or
moved out of their proper location during element loading. For replacement O-rings, see Table 4.1: FILMTEC™
interconnector summary in Interconnector Technology - Section 4.5.

b. Telescoping
FILMTEC elements can be mechanically damaged by an effect called telescoping, where the outer membrane layers of the
element unravel and extend downstream past the remaining layers. A modest telescoping does not necessarily damage the
membrane, but in more severe cases the glue line and/or the membrane can be ruptured.

Telescoping is caused by excessive pressure drop from feed to concentrate. Make sure that a thrust ring is used with eight
inch elements to support the elements’ outer diameters.

The operating conditions that lead to excessive pressure drop are detailed in High Differential Pressure - Section 8.5.3.
Telescoping damage can be identified by probing and by a leak test (see Vacuum Decay Test – Section 8.4.4). Replace the
damaged element(s) and correct the causes.

c. Membrane Surface Abrasion

Crystalline or sharp-edged metallic particles in the feed water may enter into the feed channels and scratch the membrane
surface. This would cause salt passage increase from the lead elements. Check the incoming water for such particles.
Microscopic inspection of the membrane surface will also reveal the damage. Damaged membranes must be replaced. The
prefiltration must be verified to cope with this problem. Ensure that no particles are released from the pump and the high
pressure piping, and the piping has been rinsed out before the start-up.

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d. Permeate Backpressure
When the permeate pressure exceeds the concentrate pressure by more than 5 psi (0.3 bar) at any time, the membrane may
tear. The damage can be identified by probing and by the leak test (see Vacuum Decay Test – Section 8.4.4) and confirmed
by a visual inspection during autopsy.

When a leaf of a backpressure damaged element is unrolled, the outer membrane typically shows creases parallel to the
permeate tube, usually close to the outer glue line. The membrane delaminates and forms blisters against the feed spacer
(see Figure 8.8). The rupture of the membrane occurs mostly in the edges between the feed-side glue line, the outer glue
line, and the concentrate-side glue line.

Figure 8.8 Picture of membrane with permeate backpressure damage High Solute Passage and High Permeate Flow

a. Membrane Oxidation
A high salt passage in combination with a higher than normal permeate flow is mostly due to oxidation damage. When free
chlorine, bromine, ozone or other oxidizing chemicals are present in the incoming water, the front end elements are typically
more affected than the others. A neutral to alkaline pH favors the attack to the membrane.

Oxidation damage may also occur by disinfecting with oxidizing agents, when pH and temperature limits are not observed, or
when the oxidation is catalyzed by the presence of iron or other metals (see Sanitizing RO and NF membrane systems -
Section 6.10). In this case, a uniform damage is likely.

A FILMTEC™ element with just oxidation damaged membrane is still mechanically intact when tested with the vacuum
decay test - Section 8.4.4. The chemical membrane damage can be made visible by a dye test on the element or on
membrane coupons (see Autopsy – Section 8.4.7). Autopsy of one element and analysis of the membrane can be used to
confirm oxidation damage. No corrective action is possible. All damaged elements must be replaced.

b. Leak
Severe mechanical damage of the element or of the permeate tubing can allow feed or concentrate to penetrate into the
permeate, especially when working at high pressures. The vacuum test will show a distinct positive response. Possible
causes are discussed in the next section.

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8.5.3 High Pressure Drop

High differential pressure, also called pressure drop or Δp from feed to concentrate, is a problem in system operation
because the flux profile of the system is disturbed in such a way that the lead elements have to operate at excessively high
flux while the tail elements operate at a very low flux. The feed pressure goes up which means increased energy
consumption. A high differential pressure causes a high force in flow direction on the feed side of the element. This force has
to be taken by the permeate tubes and, in the case of 8" elements, by the membrane scrolls and the fiberglass shells of
adjacent elements in the same vessel. The stress on the last element in the vessel is the highest: it has to bear the sum of
the forces created by the pressure drops of upstream elements.

The upper limit of the differential pressure per multi-element vessel is 50 psi (3.5 bar), per single fiberglassed element 15 psi
(1 bar). When these limits are exceeded, even for a very short time, the FILMTEC™ elements might become telescoped and
mechanically damaged.

Eight-inch elements will break circumferentially at any location of the fiberglass shell, or the endcap will be pushed out, or the
spokes of the endcap will break, or the feedspacer will be pushed out from the concentrate channels. Although such damage
is easily visible, it does not normally affect the membrane performance directly. However, they indicate that the differential
pressure has been too high. Cracks around the endcap cause bypass of feedwater and may lead to fouling and scaling.

Photos of elements with telescoping damage are shown below.

Figure 8.9 The endcap has been pushed off Figure 8.10 Picture of damaged fiberglass shell

Figure 8.11 High pressure drop due to biofouling has

pushed out the feed spacer

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An increase in differential pressure at constant flow rates is usually due to the presence of debris, foulants or scale within the
element flow channels (feed spacer). It usually occurs together with a decreasing permeate flow, and the causes for that
have been discussed in Section 8.5.1.

An excessive pressure drop occurs when the recommended maximum feed flow rates (Section 3.9.1, Tables 3.4 - 3.6) are
exceeded. It can also occur when the feed pressure builds up too fast during start-up (water hammer). The effect is
dramatically increased with a foulant being present, especially biofilm causes a high pressure drop.

Water hammer, a hydraulic shock to the membrane element, can also happen when the system is started up before all air
has been flushed out. This could be the case at initial start-up or at operational start-ups, when the system has been allowed
to drain. Ensure that the pressure vessels are not under vacuum when the plant is shut down (e.g. by installation of a
vacuum breaker); otherwise air might enter into the system. In starting up a partially drained RO system, the pump may
behave as if it had little or no backpressure. It will suck water at great velocities, thus hammering the elements. Also the high
pressure pump can be damaged by cavitation.

The feed-to-concentrate differential pressure is a measure of the resistance to the hydraulic flow of water through the
system. It is very dependent on the flow rates through the element flow channels and on the water temperature. It is
therefore suggested that the permeate and concentrate flow rates be maintained as constant as possible in order to notice
and monitor any element plugging that is causing an increase in differential pressure.

The knowledge of the extent and the location of the differential pressure increase provide a valuable tool to identify the
cause(s) of a problem. Therefore it is useful to monitor the differential pressure across each array as well as the overall feed-
to-concentrate differential pressure.

Some of the common causes and prevention of high differential pressure are discussed below.

a. Bypass in Cartridge Filters

Cartridge filters have to protect the RO system from large debris that can physically block the flow channels in the lead-end
elements. Such blocking can happen when cartridge filters are loosely installed in their housing, connected without using
interconnectors, or completely forgotten.

Sometimes cartridge filters will deteriorate while in operation due to hydraulic shock or the presence of incompatible
materials. Cellulose- based filters should be avoided because they may deteriorate and plug the FILMTEC™ elements.

b. Pretreatment Media Filter Breakthrough

Occasionally, some of the finer media from sand, multimedia, carbon, weak acid cation exchange resin, or diatomaceous
earth pretreatment filters may break through into the RO feedwater.

c. Pump Impeller Deterioration

Most of the multistage centrifugal pumps employ at least one plastic impeller. When a pump problem such as misalignment
of the pump shaft develops, the impellers have been known to deteriorate and throw off small plastic shavings. The shavings
can enter and physically plug the lead-end RO elements. It is suggested that the discharge pressure of RO pumps be
monitored before any control valves as part of a routine maintenance schedule to see if the pump is maintaining its output
pressure. If not, it may be deteriorating.

d. Scaling
Scaling can cause the tail-end differential pressure to increase. Make sure that scale control is properly taken into account
(see Section 2.3), and clean the membranes with the appropriate chemicals (see Section 6.8). Ensure that the designed
system recovery will not be exceeded.

e. Brine Seal Issues

Brine seal damage can cause a random increase in differential pressure. Brine seals can be damaged or “turned over”
during installation or due to hydraulic surges. This results in a certain amount of feedwater bypass around the element and
less flow and velocity through the element, thus exceeding the limit for maximum element recovery. When this occurs, the
element is more prone to fouling and scaling. As a fouled element in one of several multi-element pressure vessels becomes
more plugged, there is a greater tendency for the downstream elements to become fouled due to insufficient concentrate
flow rates within that vessel.

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In case of fullfit or heat sanitizable elements there are no brine seals installed. This is to deliberately encourage a flow
around the sides of the elements to keep them free from bacterial growth. Brine seals should not be installed in plants that
use fullfit elements as there is no groove in the element to keep the brine seal in place, it would eventually become dislodged
and cause unpredictable problems in the system.

f. Biological Fouling
Biological fouling is typically associated with a marked increase of the differential pressure at the lead end of the RO system.
Biofilms are gelatinous and quite thick, thus creating a high flow resistance. Corrective measures have been described in

g. Precipitated Antiscalants
When polymeric organic anti-scalants come into contact with multivalent cations like aluminium, or with residual cationic
polymeric flocculants, they will form gumlike precipitants which can heavily foul the lead elements. Cleaning will be difficult;
repeated application of an alkaline EDTA solution may help.

8.5.4 Troubleshooting Grid

Changes of the permeate flow, the salt passage and the differential pressure are symptoms which can be attached to
specific causes in many cases. Although, the symptoms of different causes may over-lap in reality, and the symptoms are
more or less pronounced in specific cases. An overview of symptoms, their possible causes and corrective measures are
given in the troubleshooting grid of Table 8.1.

(An interactive troubleshooting guide with direct links to cleaning and remediation methods is available from the Dow Water
Solutions website under Technical Service Center - )

Table 8.1 Symptoms, causes and corrective measures

Permeate flow Salt passage Differential pressure Direct cause Indirect cause Corrective measure
Free chlorine, ozone,
↑ ⇑ → Oxidation damage Replace element
Permeate backpressure; Replace element, improve
↑ ⇑ → Membrane leak
abrasion cartridge filtration
↑ ⇑ → O-ring leak Improper installation Replace o-ring
Damaged during element
↑ ⇑ → Leaking product tube Replace element
⇓ ↑ ↑ Scaling Insufficient scale control Cleaning, scale control
Cleaning, improve
⇓ ↑ ↑ Colloidal fouling Insufficient pretreatment
Contaminated raw water, Cleaning, disinfection,
↓ → ⇑ Biofouling
insufficient pretreatment improve pretreatment
Oil; cationic polyelectrolytes Cleaning, improve
⇓ → → Organic fouling
water hammer pretreatment
Replace element or add
⇓ ↓ → Compaction Water hammer

↑ Increasing ↓ Decreasing → Not changing ⇑ Main symptom


(1) Wes Byrne (Ed.): Reverse Osmosis – A Practical Guide for Industrial Users. 2nd Ed. Tall Oaks Publishing Inc., 2002.
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting RO Systems, pp. 437-494
(2) ASTM D3923-94(2003)e1 Standard Practices for Detecting Leaks in Reverse Osmosis Devices
(3) ASTM D6908-03 Standard Practice for Integrity Testing of Water Filtration Membrane Systems
(4) ASTM D4194-03 Standard Test Methods for Operating Characteristics of Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Devices

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9. Addendum

9.1 Terminology

AAS Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.

AOC Assimilable Organic Carbon.
Anionic polyelectrolyte Usually acrylamide and acrylamide and acrylic copolymers, negatively charged, used for
coagulation/flocculation, see Polyelectrolytes.
Anthracite A granular hard coal used as a filtration media, commonly used as the coarser layer in dual
and multimedia filters.
Antifoulant See antiscalant.
Antiscalant A compound added to a water which inhibits the precipitation of sparingly soluble inorganic
Anti-telescoping device A plastic or metal device attached to the ends of a spiral wound cartridge to prevent
movement of the cartridge leaves in the feed flow direction, due to high feed flows.
Array An arrangement of devices connected to common feed, product and reject headers; that is, a
2:1 array.
ATD See anti-telescoping device.
ATP Adenosine triphosphate.
Autopsy The dissection of a membrane module or element to investigate causes of unsatisfactory
Availability The on-stream time or rated operating capacity of a water treatment system.
A-value Membrane water permeability coefficient. The coefficient is defined as the amount of water
produced per unit area of membrane when net driving pressure (NDP) is unity, a unit of
measurement is m3/hr/m2 /kPa.
Backwash Reverse the flow of water with/without air either across or through a medium designed to
remove the collected foreign material from the bed.
Bacteria Any of a class of microscopic single-celled organisms reproducing by fission or by spores.
Characterized by round, rod-like spiral or filamentous bodies, often aggregated into colonies
or mobile by means of flagella. Widely dispersed in soil, water, organic matter, and the bodies
of plants and animals. Either autotrophic (self-sustaining, self-generative), saprophytic
(derives nutrition from non-living organic material already present in the environment), or
parasitic (deriving nutrition from another living organism). Often symbiotic (advantageous) in
man, but sometimes pathogenic.
Bactericide Agent capable of killing bacteria.
Bacteriostat Substance that prevents bacterial growth and metabolism but does not necessarily kill
Bank A grouping of devices. See array, block, train, RO train.
Bar Unit of pressure; 14.50 lbs/in2, 1.020 kg/cm2, 0.987 atm, 0.1 MPa.
BDOC Biodegradable Dissolved Organic Carbon.
Bed depth The depth of the filter medium or ion exchange resin in a vessel.
Biocide A substance that kills all living organisms.
Biological deposits The debris left by organisms as a result of their life processes.
Biomass Any material which is or was a living organism or excreted from a micro-organism.
Biostat A substance that inhibits biological growth.
Block A grouping of devices in a single unit having common control. See array, bank, train.
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand. The amount of dissolved oxygen utilized by natural agencies in
water in stabilizing organic matter at specified test conditions.
Boundary layer A thin layer at the membrane surface where water velocities deviate significantly less than
those in the bulk flow.
Brackish water Water with an approximate concentration of total dissolved solids ranging from 1,000 to
10,000 mg/L. See high brackish water, seawater.

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Breakpoint chlorination The point at which the water chlorine demand is satisfied and any further chlorine is the
chlorine residual, the "free" chlorine species.
Break tank A storage device used for hydraulic isolation and surge protection.
Brine The concentrate (reject) stream from a crossflow membrane device performing desalination.
Portion of the feed stream which does not pass through the membrane. See Concentrate.
Brine (concentrate) seal A rubber lip seal on the outside of a spiral wound cartridge which prevents feed by-pass
between the cartridge and the inside pressure vessel wall.
Brine system staging A process in which the concentrate, under pressure, of a group of membrane devices is fed
directly to another set of membrane devices to improve the efficiency of the water separation.
B-value. Salt diffusion The coefficient is defined as the amount of salt transferred per unit area of membrane when
coefficient the difference in salt concentration across the membrane is unity. A unit of measurement is
BWRO Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis.
CAC Combined Available Chlorine.
Calcium carbonate A method for expressing mg/L as ion in terms of calcium carbonate. Concentration in calcium
equivalents (mg/L as carbonate equivalents is calculated by multiplying concentration in mg/L of the ion by the
CaCO3) equivalent weight of calcium carbonate (50) and dividing by the equivalent weight of the ion.
Carbonate hardness The hardness in a water caused by carbonates and bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium.
The amount of hardness equivalent to the alkalinity formed and deposited when water is
boiled. In boilers, carbonate hardness is readily removed by blowdown.
Cationic polyelectrolyte A polymer containing positively charged groups used for coagulation/flocculation, usually
dimethyl - aminoethyl methacrylate or dimethyl-aminoethyl acrylate. See polyelectrolyte.
CFU Colony forming unit; unit used in the measure of total bacteria count (TBC).
Channeling Unequal flow distribution in the desalination bundle or filter bed.
Chelating agents A sequestering or complexing agent that, in aqueous solution, renders a metallic ion inactive
through the formation of an inner ring structure with the ion.
Chemical feed pump A pump used to meter chemicals, such as chlorine of polyphosphate, into a feed water supply.
Chloramine A combination of chlorine and ammonia in water which has bactericidal qualities for a longer
time than does free chlorine.
Chlorine Chemical used for its qualities as a bleaching or oxidizing agent and disinfectant in water
Chlorine demand The amount of chlorine used up by reacting with oxidizable substances in water before
chlorine residual can be measured.
Chlorine, residual The amount of available chlorine present in water at any specified time.
Chlorine, free available The chlorine (Cl2), hypochlorite ions (OCl-), hypochlorous acid (OHCl) or the combination
thereof present in water.
Chlorine, total available The sum of free available chlorine plus chloramines present in water.
CIP Cleaning-in-place.
Citric acid C3H4(OH)(CO2H)3, membrane cleaning chemical.
Clarifier A tank in which precipitate settles and supernatant overflows, a liquid-solids separation unit
using gravity to remove solids by sedimentation.
Coagulant Chemical added in water and wastewater applications to cause destalization of suspended
particles and subsequent formation of flocs that adsorb, entrap, or otherwise bring together
suspended matter that is so fine, it is defined as colloidal. Compounds of iron and aluminum
are generally used to form flocs to allow removal of turbidity, bacteria, color, and other finely
divided matter from water and waste water.
COD-chemical oxygen The amount of oxygen required under specified test conditions for the oxidation of water borne
demand organic and inorganic matter.
Colloid A substance of very fine particle size, typically between 0.1 and 0.001 pin in diameter
suspended in liquid or dispersed in gas. A system of at least two phases, including a
continuous liquid plus solid, liquid or gaseous particles so small that they remain in dispersion
for a practicable time.
Colony forming unit (CFU) Unit used in the measure of total bacterial count (TBC).
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Compaction In crossflow filtration, the result of applied pressure and temperature compressing a polymeric
membrane which may result in a decline in flux.
Composite membrane A membrane having two or more layers with different physical or chemical properties.
Membrane manufactured by forming a thin desalinating barrier layer on a porous carrier
Concentrate The stream exiting a crossflow membrane device which has increased concentration of
solutes and particles over the feed stream. Portion of the feed stream which does not pass
through the membrane. The stream in which dissolved solids or particulates, or both, are
concentrated in a membrane separation process.
Concentration Factor, CF The ratio of the feed quantity (or feed stream) over the concentrate quantity (or concentrate
CB (brinewater concentration)
CF =
CF ( feedwater concentration)
Concentration polarization The increase of the solute concentration over the bulk feed solution which occurs in a thin
boundary layer at the feed side of the membrane surface, resulting from the removal of the
Concentrate recycle A technique for improving recovery in which a fraction of the concentrate is recycled through
the membrane system.
Conductivity The property of a substance's (in this case, water and dissolved ions) ability to transmit
electricity. The inverse of resistivity. Measured by a conductivity meter, and described in
microsiemens/cm or micromhos/cm, µS/cm.
Contaminant Any foreign substance present which will adversely affect performance or quality.
Corrosion products Products that result from chemical or electrochemical reaction between a metal and its
CPU Chloroplatinate unit (color indicator).
CRC Combined Residual Chlorine.
Crossflow membrane A separation of the components of a fluid by semipermeable membranes through the
filtration application of pressure and flow parallel to the membrane surface. Includes the processes of
reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and microfiltration .
Dalton An arbitrary unit of molecular weight, 1 1/2 the mass of the nuclide of carbon 12. Unit of
measure for the smallest, size of the molecular retained by an ultrafilter.
Dead end filtration A process in which water is forced through a media which captures the retained particles on
and within it, where the process involves one influent and one effluent stream.
Deionization (Dl) The removal of ions from a solution by ion exchange.
Demineralization The process of removing minerals from water.
Desalination See demineralization.
Detergent A cleansing agent; any of numerous synthetic water soluble or liquid-organic preparations
that are chemically different from soaps but resemble them in the ability to emulsify oils and
hold dirt in suspension.
Disinfection The process of killing organisms in a water supply or distribution system by means of heat,
chemicals, or UV light.
Dissolved solids The residual material remaining after filtering the suspended material from a solution and
evaporating the solution to a dry state at a specified temperature. That matter, exclusive of
gases, which is dissolved in water to give a single homogeneous liquid phase.
Double pass RO system RO system in which the permeate is further desalinated by a subsequent RO system.
Element The component containing the membrane, generally replaceable, such as a spiral wound
ERD Energy recovery device.
ERT Energy recovery turbine.
FAC Free Available Chlorine.
FDA Food and Drug Administration (USA).

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Feed The input solution to a treatment/purification system or device, including the raw water supply
prior to any treatment. The liquid entering the module.
Feed channel spacer A plastic netting between membrane leaves which provides the flow channel for the fluid
passing over the surface of the membrane and increases the turbulence of the feed-brine
Feed water That water entering a device or process.
Ferric chloride A coagulant, solid as FeCl3 or liquid as FeCl3 · 6H2O.
Ferric sulfate Fe2(SO4)3 · 9H2O, a coagulant.
Ferrous sulfate FeSO4 · 7H2O, a coagulant.
FI Fouling Index.
Filtrate The portion of the feed stream which has passed through a filter.
Floc A loose, open-structured mass produced by the aggregation of minute particles.
Flocculent Chemical(s) which, when added to water, form bridges between suspended particles causing
them to agglomerate into larger groupings (flocs) which then settle or float by specific gravity
Flocculation The process of agglomerating fine particles into larger groupings called flocs.
Flux The membrane throughput, usually expressed in volume of permeate per unit time per unit
area, such as gallons per day per ft2 or litres per hour per m2.
Fouling The reduction of flux due to a build-up of solids on the surface or within the pores of the
membrane, resulting in changed element performance.
Fouling index (FI) See SDI.
FRC Free Residual Chlorine.
Freeboard The space above a filter bed in a filtration vessel to allow for expansion of the bed during back
Free (available) chlorine Chlorine existing as hypochlorous acid or its dissociated ions. Chlorine remaining after the
demand has been satisfied.
FRP Fiberglass reinforced plastic.
Fungus Primitive plants distinguished from algae by the absence of chlorophyll.
GAC Granular Activated Carbon.
GD Gallons per day. See GPD.
GFD (GPDSF) Unit of permeate rate or flux; gallons per day per square foot of effective membrane area.
GPD Unit of flow rate; gallons per day. See GD.
Gravity filter A filter through which water flows through it by gravity.
Greensand A mineral (glauconite), used as a filtration medium. See manganese greensand.
Groundwater-water Confined in permeable sand layers between rock or clay; that part of the subsurface water
that is in the saturated zone.
Halogen Any element of the family of the elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine (definition for
purpose of this standard).
Hardness The polyvalent-cation concentration of water (generally calcium and magnesium). Usually
expressed as mg/L as CaCO3.
Header See manifold.
Head loss The reduction in liquid pressure usually associated with the passage of a solution through a
filter media bed.
Heavy metals Elements having a high density or specific gravity of approximately 5.0 or higher. A generic
term used to describe contaminants such as cadmium, lead, mercury, etc. Most are toxic to
humans in low concentration.
High brackish water Water with an approximate concentration of total dissolved solids ranging from 10,000 to
30,000 mg/L. See brackish water and seawater.
High-purity water Highly treated water with attention to microbiological, particle, organics and mineral reduction
or elimination.
HPC Heterotrophic plate count. Formerly called SPC.
HPW High Purity Water.
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Humic acid A variety of water-soluble organic compounds, formed by the decayed vegetable matter,
which is leached into a water source by runoff or percolation. Present in most surface and
some ground waters. Higher concentrations cause a brownish tint. Difficult to remove except
by adsorption, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration or reverse osmosis.
In-line coagulation A filtration process performed by continually adding a coagulant to the raw feedwater and then
passing the water through a filter to remove the microfloc which has been formed.
Interconnector A device to connect adjacent membrane elements in series and to seal the product channel
from the feed brine channel.
Ion exchange A reversible process by which ions are interchanged between a solid and a liquid with no
substantial structural changes in the solid; ions removed from a liquid by chemical bonding to
the media.
Ionic strength Measure of the overall electrolytic potential of a solution, the strength of a solution based on
both the concentrations and valencies of the ions present.
Ionization The disassociation of molecules into charged particles (ions).
Langelier Saturation An index calculated from total dissolved solids, calcium concentration, total alkalinity, pH, and
Index, LSI solution temperature that shows the tendency of a water solution to precipitate or dissolve
calcium carbonate.
Leaf The sandwich layer of flat-sheet membrane/product channel spacer/flat-sheet membrane,
glued together on the sides and across the outer end in a spiral wound element.
Lime soda softening Use of lime and Na2CO3 for softening water.
LSI Langelier Saturation Index, measure of CaCO3 solubility in brackish waters. See S&DSI.
Manganese greensand A manganese dioxide coated greensand used as a filter medium for removal of manganese
and iron. See greensand.
Manifold An enlarged pipe with connections available to the individual feed, brine and product ports of a
desalination device.
Mass Transfer Coefficient Mass (or volume) transfer through a membrane based on driving force.
Membrane Engineered thin semipermeable film which serves as a barrier permitting the passage of
materials only up to a certain size, shape, or electro-chemical character. Membranes are used
as the separation agent in reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and
microfiltration, as disc filters in laboratories, and as pleated filter cartridges, particularly for
Membrane area The active area available for micro, nano and ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis.
Membrane compaction See compaction.
Membrane configuration The design and shape of a given membrane element (cartridge) such as tubular, spiral wound
or hollow fiber.
Membrane element A bundle of spiral membrane envelopes bound together as a discrete entity.
Membrane filter Geometrically regular porous matrix; removes particles above pore size rating by physical size
Membrane salt passage SPm is the concentration of a compound in the permeate related to its average concentration
on the feed/concentrate side.
Membrane softening Use of crossflow membrane to substantially reduce hardness ions in water. See nanofiltration.
MF Microfiltration.
MFI Modified Fouling Index.
MGD (MGPD) Millions of gallons per day.
Microfiltration (MF) Filtration designed to remove particles in the approximate range of 0.05 to 2 µm.
Microbe Bacteria and other organisms that require the aid of a microscope to be seen.
Microorganism See microbe.
Microsiemens Unit of measurement of water purity by electrical conductivity; one micromho; reciprocal of
resistivity. See megohm, ohm.
Milliequivalent per litre A weight-volume measurement obtained by dividing the concentration expressed in milligrams
(meq/L) per litre by the equivalent weight of the substance or ion. If specific gravity is unity meq/L is
the same as epm.
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Milligram per litre (mg/L) A weight-volume measurement which expresses the concentration of a solute in milligrams
per litre of solution. When specific gravity is unity mg/L = ppm. When specific gravity is not
unity, mg/L divided by specific gravity of solution equals ppm.
Mixed-bed A physical mixture of anion-exchange and cation-exchange materials.
Module A membrane element combined with the element's housing. Pressure vessel containing
membrane element(s).
Molality (-m1) Moles (gram molecular weight) of solute per 1,000 g of solvent.
Molarity (m1) Moles (gram molecular weight) of solute per litre of total solution.
Molecular Weight Cut Off The rating of a membrane for the size of uncharged solutes it will reject. Also referred to as
(MWCO) nominal molecular weight cut off (NMWCO).
Multimedia filter Filter with a bed consisting of three or more separate filter media. The coarsest, lowest density
at the top and the finest, highest density at the bottom.
NaHMP Sodium hexametaphosphate, an antiscalant.
Nanofiltration (NF) A crossflow process with pore sizes designed to remove selected salts and most organics
above about 300 molecular weight range, sometimes referred to as loose RO.
Nephelometer A device used to measure mainly the turbidity of water with results expressed in
nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). Measures light at 90°.
Nonionic polyelectrolyte Neutral charged polymers, usually polyacrylamides, used for coagulation / flocculation. See
Normalization Converting actual data to a set of reference conditions in order to "standardize" operation to
common base.
NF Nanofiltration.
NOM Natural Organic Matter.
NTU See nephelometer.
OEM Original equipment manufacturer.
O&M Operation and maintenance.
Operating pressure The gage hydraulic pressure at which feedwater enters a device.
ORP Oxidation-Reduction Potential.
Osmosis The spontaneous flow of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated
solution through a semipermeable membrane until chemical potential equilibrium is achieved.
Osmotic pressure A measurement of the potential energy difference between solutions on either side of a
semipermeable membrane. A factor in designing the operating pressure of reverse osmosis
equipment. The applied pressure must first overcome the osmotic pressure inherent in the
chemical solution in order to produce any flux.
Oxidation-reduction The electromotive force developed by a noble metal electrode immersed in the water, referred
potential to the standard hydrogen electrode.
Oxygen demand The amount of oxygen required for the oxidation of waterborne organic and inorganic matter
under the specified test conditions.
Parts Per Billion (ppb) A measure of proportion by weight, equivalent to a unit weight of solute per billion unit weights
of solution (approximate pg/L or mg/m3 in dilute solutions).
Parts Per Million (ppm) A measure of proportion by weight, equivalent to a unit weight of solute per million unit
weightsof solution (approximate mg/L or g/m3 in dilute solutions).
Pass A treatment step or one of multiple treatment steps producing in a membrane system a
product stream.
Permeable Allowing material to pass through.
Permeate The portion of the feed which passes through the membrane, also called product.
Permeate channel spacer Fabric that mechanically supports the membrane and drains the permeate to the permeate
tube, see product (permeate) channel spacer.
Permeate collector fabric See Permeate channel spacer.
Permeate flux Permeate flow rate per unit membrane area, expressed commonly as l/m2 h (or GFD).
Plant capacity Manufacture of product per unit time, expressed as m3/day, m3/h, GPD, MGD.
Plugging factor See fouling factor and SDI.

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Polarization See concentration polarization.
Polyelectrolyte Synthetic (or natural) molecules, containing multiple ionic groups, used as coagulants and
flocculants; available as anionic, cationic and nonionic.
Polymers A substance consisting of molecules characterized by the repetition of one or more types of
monomeric units.
Porosity That portion of a membrane filter volume which is open to fluid flow, also known as void volume.
Post treatment The addition of chemicals to the product or concentrate stream to make it suitable for the
desired end use application.
Post treatment Utilization of equipment such as degasifiers to make the product or concentrate stream, or
both, suitable for the desired end use application.
Pressure filtration Filtration performed in an enclosed pressurized filter vessel.
Pressure vessel The vessel containing one or more individual membrane elements and designed to withstand
safely the hydraulic pressure driving the separation mechanism.
Pretreatment Processes such as chlorination, filtration, coagulation, clarification, acidification which may be
used on feedwater ahead at membrane devices to improve quality, minimize scaling and
corrosion potential, control biological activity.
Product channel spacer The fabric or other material through which permeate water flows after it passes through the
(permeate carrier) flat sheet membrane.
Product staging A process in which the permeate from one membrane plant is used as the feed to another
membrane plant in order to further improve product quality.
Product tube The tube at the center of the spiral wound cartridge which collects permeate water
Productivity Flow rate of product water.
Product water Purified water produced by a process. See Permeate.
Projection A calculation usually performed by a software package, which predicts the performance of
parts or all of a water plant.
Pyrogens Any substance capable of producing a fever in mammals. Often a bacterial endotoxin such as
lipo polysaccaride generated by gram negative bacteria at destruction. Chemically and
physically stable, pyrogens are not necessarily destroyed by conditions that kill bacteria.
Raw water Water which has not been treated. Untreated water from wells, surface sources, the sea or
public water supplies.
Recovery – Y (conversion) The ratio of product quantity (permeate stream flow rate) over the feed quantity (feed stream
flow rate), given as fraction or in percent.
Reject Brine, (concentrate) stream from a desalination device. Portion of the feed stream which does
not pass through the membrane.
Rejection The ability of the membrane to hinder certain elements from passing through. Expressed as 1
minus the ratio between the concentration in the product and the feed.
Retentate See concentrate.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) The separation process where one component of a solution is removed from another
component by flowing the feed stream under pressure across a semipermeable membrane.
RO removes ions based on electro chemical forces, colloids, and organics down to 150
molecular weight. May also be called hyperfiltration.
RO Reverse Osmosis.
RO train One of two or more complete RO installations, including membranes and high pressure pump
operating in parallel.
S&DSI Stiff & Davis Stability Index.
Salinity The concentration of inorganic salts in water.
Salt flux Amount of dissolved salt passing through the membrane, moles per day per square unit of
membrane area. salt passage, SP- SP =
Sanitization Reduction in the number of bacterial contaminants to safe levels. See disinfection.
Saturation The point at which a solution contains enough of a dissolved solid, liquid, or gas so that no
more will dissolve into the solution at a given temperature and pressure.

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SBS Sodium bisulfite, NaHSO3.
Scale inhibitor A chemical which inhibits the growth of micro-crystals (inhibits precipitation of sparingly
soluble salts). See antiscalant.
Scaling The build-up of precipitated salts on a surface, such as membranes, pipes, tanks, or boiler
condensate tubes
SDI - Salt Density Index An index calculated from the rate of plugging of 0.45 µm membrane filter. It is an indication of
the amount of particulate matter in water, sometimes called fouling index.
S&DSI Stiff and Davis saturation index, measure of CaCO3 solubility in seawater or highly saline
water. See LSI.
Seawater Water with an approximate concentration of total dissolved solids ranging from 30,000 to
60,000 mg/L. See brackish water, high brackish water.
Sedimentation The precipitation or settling of insoluble materials from a suspension, either by gravity or
artificially. For example, centrifuge, pressure.
Semipermeable membrane A membrane which preferentially allows the passage of specific compounds while rejecting
SHMP Sodium HexaMetaPhosphate. (NaHMP).
Siemens A measure of electrical conductance in water, equivalent to a mho. See Mho, Ohm.
Slime Biological deposits of gelatinous or filamentous matter.
SMBS Sodium MetaBiSulfite, Na2S2O5.
Softening See membrane softening.
Softener Water treatment equipment that uses a sodium based ion-exchange resin principally to
remove cations as calcium and magnesium.
Solids contact clarifier Water treating device used in lime softening, waste water treatment and coagulation processes.
Solubility product [M+]a [X-]b/[MX] where the brackets indicate the concentrations of the components of the
ionization equilibrium M aXb Æ aM+ + bX. For sparingly soluble salts [MX] is essentially unity.
Solutes Matter dissolved in a solvent.
Solvent Here defined as water.
SPC Standard (heterotrophic) plate count. Measurement method for enumerating bacteria.
Specific flux Flux divided by net pressure driving force.
Spiral wound cartridge A crossflow membrane element design consisting of a product tube, flat membrane leaves,
feed channel spacers, anti-telescoping devices, and brine (concentrate) seal.
Spiral wound membrane A flat sheet membrane with one or more feed channel spacers and barrier layers, all of which
are rolled into a spiral configuration.
Stage A sequestial arrangement of pressure vessels, usually reject staged such as 2:1 array,
sometimes permeate staged as in double pass RO.
Staging See brine staging and product staging.
Standard test conditions The parameters under which a membrane manufacturer tests devices for flow and salt
Sterilization Destruction or removal of all viable organisms.
Stiff & Davis Stability An index calculated from total dissolved solids, calcium concentration, total alkalinity, pH and
Index, S&DSI solution temperature that shows the tendency of a water solution to precipitate or dissolve
calcium carbonate. S&DSI is used primarily for seawater RO applications.
STP Sodium triphosphate - Na5P3O10, a cleaning agent.
STPP Sodium tripolyphosphate. See STP.
Supersaturation A state in which the inorganic salt(s) are in solution at a level higher than the respective
solubility product.
Suspended solids (SS) Solid organic and inorganic particles that are held in suspension in a liquid.
SWRO Seawater reverse osmosis.
System salt passage SPS is the concentration of a compound in the permeate related to its concentration in the
feed water, also called apparent salt passage.
TBC Total Bacteria Count, the total number of viable microorganisms present in the sample,
excluding anaerobic organisms.
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TDS Total Dissolved Solids, usually expressed as mg/l or ppm (parts per million).
Telescoping The movement of the outer layers of a spiral wound cartridge in the direction of the feed flow
caused by excessive pressure drop through the feed channel spacer.
Temperature correction Defines the effect of temperature on permeate flow relative to a base temperature (25°C), is
factor (TCF) mainly a function of fluid characteristics but also membrane polymer.
Thin film composite (TFC) See composite membrane.
Threshold treatment The process of stopping precipitation at the start of occurrence; usually does not stop the
formation of nuclei but does inhibit growth. See antiscalant.
THM Trihalomethanes; a group of low molecular weight molecules which can result from
chlorination of organics typically found in surface water.
THMP Trihalomethane precursors; organic molecules found in water which have the potential of
reacting with chlorine to form THMs.
Thrust collar A plastic cylinder placed between the last spiral wound cartridge and vessel end plate to
support the last cartridge in a pressure vessel against telescoping.
TOC Total Organic Carbon, a measure of the level of organic constituents in water.
TOCI Total organic chlorine.
TOX Total organic halides.
TOXFP Total organic halide formation potential.
Train A grouping of devices. See array, bank, block.
Transmembrane pressure The net driving force across the membrane. The hydraulic pressure differential from the feed
side to permeate side less the osmotic pressure differential on each side.
TRC Total Residual Chlorine.
Trisodium phosphate Na3PO4 · 12H2O, a cleaning agent.
TSS Total suspended solids. Concentration of undissolved solids in a liquid, usually expressed in
mg/L or ppm.
Turbidity A suspension of fine particles that scatters or absorbs light rays.
Turbidity, nephelometric An empirical measure of turbidity based on a measurement of the light-scattering
(NTU) characteristics (tyndall effect) of the particulate matter in the sample.
Ultrafiltration UF A process employing semipermeable membrane under a hydraulic pressure gradient for the
separation of components in a solution. The pores of the membrane are of a size which allow
passage of the solvent(s) but will retain non-ionic solutes based primarily on physical size, not
chemical potential.
UPW - ultra pure water Water generally used in semiconductor industry having specifications (chemical, physical and
biological) for extremely low contaminant levels.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation Wave lengths between 200 to 300 nm. These wave lengths have a strong germicidal effect.
The maximum effect is at 253.7 min.
Viable Ability to live or grow. For example, bacteria, plants.
VOC (Viable Organism A measure of biological activity (living or growing) in water.
VOC (Volatile Organic An organic compound with a vapor pressure higher than water.
Water softener A vessel having a cation resin in the sodium form that removes cations such as calcium and
magnesium from water and releases another ion such as sodium. The resin is usually
regenerated. See softener.
Y Conversion, recovery.
Zero discharge A condition whereby a facility discharges no process effluent.

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9.2 Specific Conductance of Sodium Chloride (Table 9.1)
μmhos/cm ppm μmhos/cm ppm μmhos/cm ppm μmhos/cm ppm μmhos/cm ppm μmhos/cm ppm μmhos/cm ppm
10 5 640 317 1,525 766 3,650 1,899 9,300 5,047 22,500 13,013 62,000 38,561
20 9 650 323 1,550 770 3,700 1,917 9,400 5,103 22,750 13,167 63,000 39,239
30 14 660 328 1,575 792 3,750 1,945 9,500 5,159 23,000 13,321 64,000 39,917
40 19 670 333 1,600 805 3,800 1,972 9,600 5,215 23,250 13,474 65,000 40,595
60 28 680 338 1,625 817 3,850 1,999 9,700 5,271 23,500 13,628 66,000 41,273
70 33 690 343 1,650 830 3,900 2,027 9,800 5,327 23,750 13,782 67,000 41,961
80 38 700 348 1,675 843 3,950 2,054 9,900 5,383 24,000 13,936 68,000 42,629
90 42 710 353 1,700 856 4,000 2,081 10,000 5,439 24,250 14,089 69,000 43,307
100 47 720 358 1,725 868 4,100 2,136 10,200 5,551 24,500 14,243 70,000 43,985
110 52 730 363 1,750 881 4,200 2,191 10,400 5,664 24,750 14,397 71,000 44,663
120 57 740 368 1,775 894 4,300 2,245 10,600 5,776 25,000 14,550 72,000 45,341
130 61 750 373 1,800 907 4,400 2,300 10,800 5,888 25,500 14,858 73,000 46,091
140 66 760 378 1,825 920 4,500 2,356 11,000 6,000 26,000 15,165 74,000 46,697
150 71 770 383 1,850 932 4,600 2,412 11,200 6,122 26,500 15,473 76,000 48,053
160 75 780 388 1,875 945 4,700 2,468 11,400 6,243 27,000 15,780 77,000 48,731
170 80 790 393 1,900 958 4,800 2,524 11,600 6,364 27,500 16,087 78,000 49,409
180 85 800 399 1,925 971 4,900 2,580 11,800 6,485 28,000 16,395 79,000 50,087
190 90 810 404 1,950 983 5,000 2,636 12,000 6,607 28,500 16,702 80,000 50,765
200 95 820 409 1,975 996 5,100 2,692 12,200 6,728 29,000 17,010 81,000 51,443
210 100 830 414 2,000 1,000 5,200 2,748 12,400 6,843 29,500 17,317 82,000 52,121
220 105 840 419 2,025 1,022 5,300 2,805 12,600 6,970 30,000 17,624 83,000 52,799
230 110 850 424 2,050 1,034 5,400 2,861 12,800 7,091 30,500 17,932 84,000 53,477
240 115 860 429 2,075 1,047 5,500 2,917 13,000 7,213 31,000 18,239 85,000 54,155
250 120 870 434 2,125 1,073 5,600 2,973 13,200 7,334 31,500 18,547 86,000 54,833
260 125 880 439 2,150 1,085 5,700 3,029 13,400 7,455 32,000 18,854 87,000 55,511
270 130 890 444 2,175 1,098 5,800 3,085 13,600 7,576 32,500 19,161 88,000 56,130
280 135 900 449 2,200 1,111 5,900 3,141 13,800 7,698 33,000 19,469 89,000 56,867
290 140 910 454 2,225 1,124 6,000 3,197 14,000 7,819 34,000 20,084 90,000 57,545
300 145 920 459 2,250 1,137 6,100 3,253 14,200 7,940 34,500 20,391 91,000 58,223
310 150 930 464 2,275 1,140 6,200 3,309 14,400 8,061 35,000 20,698 92,000 58,901
320 155 940 469 2,300 1,162 6,300 3,365 14,600 8,182 35,500 21,006 93,000 59,579
330 160 950 474 2,325 1,175 6,400 3,421 14,800 8,304 36,000 21,313 94,000 60,257
340 165 960 480 2,350 1,188 6,500 3,477 15,000 8,425 36,500 21,621 95,000 60,935
350 171 970 485 2,375 1,200 6,600 3,533 15,250 8,576 37,000 21,928 96,000 61,613
360 176 980 490 2,400 1,213 6,700 3,589 15,500 8,728 37,500 22,235 97,000 62,291
370 181 990 495 2,425 1,226 6,800 3,645 15,750 8,879 38,000 22,543 98,000 62,969
380 186 1,000 500 2,450 1,239 6,900 3,701 16,000 9,031 38,500 22,850 99,000 63,647
390 191 1,020 510 2,475 1,251 7,000 3,758 16,250 9,182 39,000 23,158 100,000 64,325
400 196 1,040 520 2,500 1,264 7,100 3,814 16,500 9,334 39,500 23,465
410 201 1,080 540 2,550 1,290 7,200 3,870 16,750 9,486 40,000 23,773
420 206 1,100 550 2,600 1,315 7,300 3,926 17,000 9,637 41,000 24,387
430 211 1,120 561 2,650 1,344 7,400 3,982 17,500 9,940 42,000 25,002
440 216 1,140 571 2,700 1,371 7,500 4,038 17,750 10,092 43,000 25,679
450 221 1,160 581 2,750 1,398 7,600 4,094 18,000 10,247 44,000 26,357
460 226 1,180 591 2,800 1,426 7,700 4,150 18,250 10,400 45,000 27,035
470 231 1,200 601 2,850 1,453 7,800 4,206 18,500 10,554 46,000 27,713
480 236 1,220 611 2,900 1,480 7,900 4,262 18,750 10,708 47,000 28,391
490 241 1,240 621 2,950 1,508 8,000 4,318 19,000 10,852 48,000 29,069
500 247 1,260 632 3,000 1,535 8,100 4,374 19,250 11,015 49,000 29,747
510 252 1,280 642 3,050 1,562 8,200 4,430 19,500 11,169 50,000 30,425
520 257 1,300 652 3,100 1,589 8,300 4,486 19,750 11,323 51,000 31,103
530 262 1,320 662 3,150 1,617 8,400 4,542 20,000 11,476 52,000 31,781
550 272 1,340 672 3,200 1,644 8,500 4,598 20,250 11,630 53,000 32,459
560 277 1,360 682 3,250 1,671 8,600 4,654 20,500 11,784 54,000 33,137
570 282 1,380 692 3,300 1,699 8,700 4,710 20,750 11,937 55,000 33,815
580 287 1,400 702 3,350 1,726 8,800 4,767 21,000 12,091 56,000 34,493
590 292 1,420 713 3,400 1,753 8,900 4,823 21,250 12,245 57,000 35,171
600 297 1,440 723 3,450 1,781 9,000 4,879 21,500 12,399 58,000 35,849
610 302 1,460 733 3,500 1,808 9,100 4,935 21,750 12,552 59,000 36,527
620 307 1,480 743 3,550 1,835 9,200 4,991 22,000 12,705 60,000 37,205
630 312 1,500 754 3,600 1,863 9,216 5,000 22,250 12,860 61,000 37,883
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9.3 Conductivity of Ions
Table 9.2 Conductivity of ions expressed as μS/cm per meq/l, infinitely diluted
Ion 68°F (20°C) 77°F (25°C) 212°F (100°C)
H+ 328 350 646
Na+ 45 50.1 155
K+ 67 73.5 200
NH4+ 67 73.5 200
Mg++ 47 53.1 170
Ca++ 53.7 59.5 191
OH- 179 197 446
Cl- 69.0 76.3 207
HCO3 36.5 44.5 ⎯
NO3- 65.2 71.4 178
H2PO4- 30.1 36.0 ⎯
CO3-- 63.0 72.0 ⎯
HPO4-- ⎯ 53.4 ⎯
SO4-- 71.8 79.8 234
PO4--- ⎯ 69.0 ⎯

Source: Landolf-Börnstein 6° edition Band II/7

9.4 Conductivity of Solutions

Table 9.3 Conductivity of solutions, acids, alkalies and salts 77°F (25°C) expressed as μS/cm per meq/l
Concentration in meq/l
Component Infin. diluted 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 100.0
HCl 426 425 423 421 415 412 399 392
HNO3 421 420 417 416 410 407 394 386
H2SO4 430 424 412 407 390 380 346 317
H3PO4 419 394 359 336 264 223 133 104
NaOH 248 247 246 245 241 238 227 221
KOH 271 270 269 268 264 261 251 246
NH4OH 271 109 49 36 17 12 5.6 3.9
NaCl 126 126 124 124 121 118 111 107
Na2SO4 130 128 126 124 117 113 97.7 90.0
Na2CO3 124 122 120 119 112 108 93.2 86.3
NaHCO3 96.0 95.2 94.2 93.5 90.5 88.4 80.6 76.0
KCl 150 149 148 141 144 141 133 129

The graphs on the following page relate the conductivity of a solution containing one given chemical to the concentration of
this chemical.

The conductivity of solutions at other temperatures can be calculated by multiplying conductivities at 77°F (25°C) with the
correction factors in the following table. These factors are only valid for diluted solutions as they presuppose total ionic
dissociation of the chemical.

Table 9.4 Conductivity correction factors

32°F (0°C) 64°F (18°C) 77°F (25°C) 122°F (50°C)
HCl 0.66 0.89 1.00 1.37
H2SO4 0.66 0.87 1.00 1.38
NaCl 0.53 0.86 1.00 1.57
NaOH 0.54 0.89 1.00 1.51
KOH 0.55 0.89 1.00 1.50

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Figure 9.1 Conductivity of ionic solutions at 77°F (25°C)

16 NH3
Conductivity, μS/cm

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Concentration, g/m (mg/l)

Figure 9.2 Conductivity of ionic solutions at 77°F (25°C)

Conductivity, μS/cm

Concentration, g/m3 (mg/l)

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9.5 Conversion of Concentration Units of Ionic Species

The following table gives conversion factors for the conversion of concentration units of ionic species given as gram of the
ion per liter (g/L) into equivalent per liter (eq/L) or of gram of CaCO3 equivalents per liter (g CaCO3/L).

Table 9.5 Conversion factors for the conversion of concentration units of ionic species
Compound Formula Ionic weight Equivalent weight Conversion to g CaCO3/L eq/L
Positive ions
Aluminium Al+++ 27.0 9.0 5.56 0.111
Ammonium NH4+ 18.0 18.0 2.78 0.0556
Barium Ba++ 137.4 68.7 0.73 0.0146
Calcium Ca++ 40.1 20.0 2.50 0.0500
Copper Cu++ 63.6 31.8 1.57 0.0314
Hydrogen H+ 1.0 1.0 50.0 1.000
Ferrous iron Fe++ 55.8 27.9 1.79 0.0358
Ferric iron Fe+++ 55.8 18.6 2.69 0.0538
Magnesium Mg++ 24.3 12.2 4.10 0.0820
Manganese Mn++ 54.9 27.5 1.82 0.0364
Potassium K+ 39.1 39.1 1.28 0.0256
Sodium Na+ 23.0 23.0 2.18 0.0435

Negative ions
Bicarbonate HCO3- 61.0 61.0 0.82 0.0164
Carbonate CO3-- 60.0 30.0 1.67 0.0333
Chloride Cl- 35.5 35.5 1.41 0.0282
Fluoride F- 19.0 19.0 2.63 0.0526
Iodide I- 126.9 126.9 0.39 0.0079
Hydroxide OH- 17.0 17.0 2.94 0.0588
Nitrate NO3- 62.0 62.0 0.81 0.0161
Phosphate (tri-basic) PO4--- 95.0 31.7 1.58 0.0315
Phosphate (di-basic) HPO4-- 96.0 48.0 1.04 0.0208
Phosphate (mono-basic) H2PO4- 97.0 97.0 0.52 0.0103
Sulfate SO4-- 96.1 48.0 1.04 0.0208
Bisulfate HSO4- 97.1 97.1 0.52 0.0103
Sulfite SO3-- 80.1 40.0 1.25 0.0250
Bisulfite HSO3- 81.1 81.1 0.62 0.0123
Sulfide S-- 32.1 16.0 3.13 0.0625

Carbon dioxide CO2 44.0 44.0 1.14 0.0227
Silica SiO2 60.0 60.0 0.83 0.0167
Ammonia NH3 17.0 17.0 2.94 0.0588

1 Calculations based on conversion to monovalent species

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9.6 Temperature Correction Factor

Table 9.6 Temperature correction factor†

Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature
Temperature Correction Temperature Correction Temperature Correction Temperature Correction Temperature Correction
°C Factor °C Factor °C Factor °C Factor °C Factor
10.0 1.711 14.0 1.475 18.0 1.276 22.0 1.109 26.0 0.971
10.1 1.705 14.1 1.469 18.1 1.272 22.1 1.105 26.1 0.968
10.2 1.698 14.2 1.464 18.2 1.267 22.2 1.101 26.2 0.965
10.3 1.692 14.3 1.459 18.3 1.262 22.3 1.097 26.3 0.962
10.4 1.686 14.4 1.453 18.4 1.258 22.4 1.093 26.4 0.959
10.5 1.679 14.5 1.448 18.5 1.254 22.5 1.090 26.5 0.957
10.6 1.673 14.6 1.443 18.6 1.249 22.6 1.086 26.6 0.954
10.7 1.667 14.7 1.437 18.7 1.245 22.7 1.082 26.7 0.951
10.8 1.660 14.8 1.432 18.8 1.240 22.8 1.078 26.8 0.948
10.9 1.654 14.9 1.427 18.9 1.236 22.9 1.075 26.9 0.945
11.0 1.648 15.0 1.422 19.0 1.232 23.0 1.071 27.0 0.943
11.1 1.642 15.1 1.417 19.1 1.227 23.1 1.067 27.1 0.940
11.2 1.636 15.2 1.411 19.2 1.223 23.2 1.064 27.2 0.937
11.3 1.630 15.3 1.406 19.3 1.219 23.3 1.060 27.3 0.934
11.4 1.624 15.4 1.401 19.4 1.214 23.4 1.056 27.4 0.932
11.5 1.618 15.5 1.396 19.5 1.210 23.5 1.053 27.5 0.929
11.6 1.611 15.6 1.391 19.6 1.206 23.6 1.049 27.6 0.926
11.7 1.605 15.7 1.386 19.7 1.201 23.7 1.045 27.7 0.924
11.8 1.600 15.8 1.381 19.8 1.197 23.8 1.042 27.8 0.921
11.9 1.594 15.9 1.376 19.9 1.193 23.9 1.038 27.9 0.918
12.0 1.588 16.0 1.371 20.0 1.189 24.0 1.035 28.0 0.915
12.1 1.582 16.1 1.366 20.1 1.185 24.1 1.031 28.1 0.913
12.2 1.576 16.2 1.361 20.2 1.180 24.2 1.028 28.2 0.910
12.3 1.570 16.3 1.356 20.3 1.176 24.3 1.024 28.3 0.908
12.4 1.564 16.4 1.351 20.4 1.172 24.4 1.021 28.4 0.905
12.5 1.558 16.5 1.347 20.5 1.168 24.5 1.017 28.5 0.902
12.6 1.553 16.6 1.342 20.6 1.164 24.6 1.014 28.6 0.900
12.7 1.547 16.7 1.337 20.7 1.160 24.7 1.010 28.7 0.897
12.8 1.541 16.8 1.332 20.8 1.156 24.8 1.007 28.8 0.894
12.9 1.536 16.9 1.327 20.9 1.152 24.9 1.003 28.9 0.892
13.0 1.530 17.0 1.323 21.0 1.148 25.0 1.000 29.0 0.889
13.1 1.524 17.1 1.318 21.1 1.144 25.1 0.997 29.1 0.887
13.2 1.519 17.2 1.313 21.2 1.140 25.2 0.994 29.2 0.884
13.3 1.513 17.3 1.308 21.3 1.136 25.3 0.991 29.3 0.882
13.4 1.508 17.4 1.304 21.4 1.132 25.4 0.988 29.4 0.879
13.5 1.502 17.5 1.299 21.5 1.128 25.5 0.985 29.5 0.877
13.6 1.496 17.6 1.294 21.6 1.124 25.6 0.982 29.6 0.874
13.7 1.491 17.7 1.290 21.7 1.120 25.7 0.979 29.7 0.871
13.8 1.486 17.8 1.285 21.8 1.116 25.8 0.977 29.8 0.869
13.9 1.480 17.9 1.281 21.9 1.112 25.9 0.974 29.9 0.866
Corrected Flow Rate = (Measured Flow Rate)*(TCF @ Feed Water Temp.)

† This table appears in Form No. 609-00139

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9.7 Conversion of U.S. Units into Metric Units

1 inch (in.) = 2.54 cm = 0.0254 m

1 foot (ft.) = 0.3048 m

1 square foot (sq. ft.) = 0.0929 m2

1 gallon (US) = 3.785 l

1 pound per square inch (psi) = 0.069 bar

1 gallon per minute (GPM) = 0.227 m3/h

= 0.063 l/s

1 gallon per day (GPD) = 0.003785 m3/d

= 0.158 l/h

1 million gallons per day (MGD) = 157.73 m3/h

= 3,785 m3/d

1 gallon per sq. ft. and day (GFD) = 1.70 l/m2h

9.8 Ionization of Carbon Dioxide Solutions

Figure 9.3 Ionization of carbon dioxide solutions as functions of the pH at 77°F (25°C)
Mol Fraction x 100


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9.9 Osmotic Pressure of Sodium Chloride

Figure 9.4 Osmotic pressure of sodium chloride

Osmotic Pressure (kg/cm2)

Osmotic Pressure (psi)

mg/L NaCl (Thousands)

9.10 Osmotic Pressure of Solutions

Figure 9.5 Osmotic pressure of solutions

Magnesium sulfate
Sodium chloride
Lithium chloride

Ethyl alcohol

Zinc sulfate
Sea water



Osmotic pressure (MPa)

Increasing molecular

5 10 15 20 25 30
Concentration in water (% by weight)

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9.11 Testing Chemical Compatibilities with FILMTEC™ Membranes†

Summary Chemicals are usually added to membrane systems to prevent and remove biogrowth and to
prevent membrane fouling and scaling. These chemicals must not, by themselves, negatively
affect the membrane performance. The following describes some of the testing procedures that
may be used to identify whether or not these chemicals are compatible with thin film composite
membranes. These test procedures, specifically, are designed to indicate whether or not the
chemical either dissolves or alters the polyamide surface of the membrane or whether the flow of
product water through the membrane is affected.

Test procedures involve both 1) the testing of membrane coupons or elements after soaking in the
examined solution and 2) the continuous addition of the chemical to the membrane element during
operation. Soak tests are useful in determining whether a chemical compound degrades the
membrane. Meanwhile, the continuous addition of a chemical to the membrane element during
operation is a means to simulate actual operating conditions using the test chemical. For example,
in antiscalant compatibility determinations, a 1000-hour continuous operation test is recommended.
It is important to note that the following procedures examine only if the chemical appears to be
compatible and whether detrimental effects are observed. These procedures do not determine
efficacy or whether chemical has been proven useful. Also, even though the following tests are
indication of compatibility, field observations and experience are, by far, the most reliable indication
of compatibility and success.

It is important to note, that other test methods on compatibility determinations have been
successful. Some of these methods developed by suppliers of membrane chemicals include such
techniques as exposing the membrane to elevated levels of a particular chemical for a shorter
period of time rather than at a normal use level for a longer period of time. Hence, the exposure in,
for example, ppm-hours is the same. Other methods include examination of the membrane surface
by microscopy and/or other analytical techniques that ascertain changes in or damage to the
membrane. Such methods are often reliable when practiced by experienced personnel with a firm
grasp of membrane technology and the chemistry of their products.

Even though a chemical may appear to be compatible, it is no indication that problems will not
occur. For example, gross overfeeding of a particular chemical can foul all types of membranes
through the convective deposition of a large amount of chemical onto the membrane surface. This
idea can be extended to the compatibility of a particular product at a low level which may cause
catastrophic effects at higher levels through its inadvertent high level addition by such practices as
its continuous addition independent of whether the membrane system is in operation or not. Also, a
compatible chemical may be incompatible with other chemicals used in the system. For example,
cationic flocculants often can foul a membrane by their reaction with negatively charged
antiscalants. Hence, it is imperative that one consider the total membrane chemical addition
system and the proper integration of the various chemical products in the membrane system. Also
it is important to determine whether the chemical is compatible with the materials of construction
used in storage and handling equipment.

The following discussions address testing procedures for chemical compatibility in each of the
following five categories:
• coagulants and flocculants
• antiscalants
• cleaning chemicals
• biocides
• membrane preservatives

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Details – Test
Equipment and
Specific Test

Test Equipment Flat Cell Unit. Two types of test loops have been used for laboratory chemical compatibility
testing. The first one has many flat cells in series, 8-10, where flat sheet membrane coupons
are tested. The flow schematic is shown in Fig. 1a. A test cell could be shut off by closing a
ball valve on the permeate side. Testing could also be done on a stacked membrane plate
and frame apparatus with a system design similar to the schematic in Fig. 1a.

Standard test conditions for FILMTEC™ FT30 membranes are taken from Section 1.8,
Table 1.5. Measurements are taken about two hours after start. The brine flow rate is will
depend upon the specific test cells used and should conform to recommendations of the test
cell supplier.

As shown in Fig. 1a, the concentrate is returned to the feed tank. The permeate is directed
to a drain except for the 10-30 minutes, when it is collected in a beaker for measuring
permeate flow rate.

Figure 9.6 Flow schematic

a. Flat Cell Test Unit F1

CV Check Valve
F1 Flow Indicator
FV Flow Control Valve
FV LE Level Control
PCV Backpressure Regulator
PD Pulsation Dampener
TE P1 Pressure Indicator
T1 PSH High Pressure Switch
PCV PV Pressure Control Valve
TE Thermistor
T1 Temperature Indicator
Feed Tank Test cells, 8-10

Positive Displacement
Pump Permeate

b. Element Test Unit

4 Spiral Wound
Feed Tank

LE Positive
Displacement Carbon
Pump Filter FV

P1 F1


Drain Metering Pump Permeate

Chemical Solution
t b T t d

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Element Test Units. Fig. 1b shows the flow schematic of the second test loop. It contains
two parallel lines, each consisting of two pressure vessels in series. Small elements, such
as 2.5 inch diameter by 14 inches long are often used for these tests. A metering pump
adds the chemical which is tested for membrane compatibility to one of two parallel lines.
The concentrates and permeates from both lines go to drain. There are two elements per
line. If something in the feed water is affecting the membrane performance, this should be
noticeable for the elements in both lines. With this type of apparatus, one is better able to
establish an effect level due to the presence of a “standard” line and a “test” line. This type
of laboratory device can be expanded to, for example, a system using 8" FILMTEC™
membrane elements operated off a side stream in a full scale membrane water treatment
unit. The same schematic as shown in Fig. 1b could be used.

In laboratory tests, a common feed is softened tap water with typical anion concentrations of
300 mg/l bicarbonate, 15 mg/l chloride and 11 mg/l sulfate and conductivity 550 microS/cm.
It may also contain free chlorine, which must be removed by a carbon filter. Feed and
permeate conductivities are measured and it is assumed that the conductivities are made up
from sodium bicarbonate alone. Gage pressure is in the range of 50-80 psi (350-400 kPa),
resulting in a fairly low permeate flux making it possible to operate with a fairly low water
and chemical consumption. Typical feed flow rate per line has been about 0.2-0.4 l/minute.
The feed water temperature should be fairly constant, so there is no need for temperature

If the line gage pressure is above 50 psi (350 kPa) most of the time, there is no need for the
feed tank or pump.

Antiscalants A suitable antiscalant must pass two tests, a microbiological growth test and a membrane
compatibility test.

Microbiological Growth Test. An antiscalant is typically transported in concentrated form.

It is diluted in a tank from where it is added to the feed water to the membrane unit. It is
important that there is no microbiological growth in the antiscalant solution entering the
membrane unit. Typically there is no growth in the concentrated antiscalant solution, but
there can be growth when it is diluted below a certain concentration. To determine minimum
concentration of antiscalant in the dilution tank, a microbiological growth test is carried out.
This is normally performed by the antiscalant manufacturer.

The antiscalant is diluted with chlorine-free water to different concentrations in beakers,

which are stored for one month. Typical concentrations are 1, 6, 10 and 25 percent as
supplied. A beaker with chlorine-free water is used as control. Either the solutions are
inoculated with microorganisms or the beakers are open to the air for “natural” inoculations.
Microbial plate counts are taken once weekly during the one-month storage time. The
lowest concentration of antiscalant for which there is a decline in plate counts with time will
be the lowest concentration in the dilution tank for which the antiscalant is approved.

Preferably, the microbiological test is carried out before the 1,000-hour membrane
compatibility test which is described below. The reason for this is that if there is a change in
the biocide composition in the antiscalant, the membrane compatibility test has to be

Membrane Compatibility Test. For an antiscalant to be considered compatible for use, the
antiscalant must be fed to spiral wound elements containing the membrane for 1,000 hours
without loss of performance. A setup as shown in Fig. 1b, or similar system, would be

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satisfactory for such a determination. Initially one must establish a baseline. This is achieved
by operating the system for at least 12 hours without chemical addition. The test can not be
considered valid if the permeate flow rate is more than 15 percent below the expected value
for a clean membrane. The baseline for a membrane is established without antiscalant with a
test using a solution and a pressure as shown in Section 1.8, Table 1.5.

After the baseline is established, the antiscalant is then added continuously for at least 1,000
hours. The normalized permeate flow and salt passage or rejection should remain relatively
constant during this time for the chemical to be deem compatible. The upper concentration
limit for compatibility will be the maximum concentration of the chemical in the concentration

Coagulants and Coagulants and flocculants have been tested in the setup shown in Fig. 1b. The elements are
Flocculants first operated with softened tap water for at least a day to ascertain that they are stabilized.
Then the chemical to be compatibility tested is added to the feed water to one of the two
parallel lines to make up about a 5 ppm solution. If chemical addition for one week does not
significantly affect the element normalized permeate rate or salt passage, the chemical is
considered satisfactory.

In general, coagulants and flocculants may interfere with membranes either directly or
indirectly. Indirect interference occurs when the compound forms a precipitate which is
deposited on the membrane. For example, channeling of the media filter may enable flocs to
pass through and become deposited on the membrane. A precipitate can also be formed
when concentrating the treated feedwater, such as when aluminum or ferric coagulants are
added without subsequently lowering pH to avoid supersaturation in the system itself.
Furthermore, a reaction with a compound added after the media filter can cause a precipitate
to form. This is most noticeable with antiscalants. Nearly all antiscalants are negatively
charged and will react with cationic coagulants or flocculants present in the water. Several
systems have been heavily fouled by gel formed by the reaction between cationic
polyelectrolytes and antiscalants. Therefore, it is important to test all coagulants and
flocculants based on the possibility that some of these products will come into contact with
the antiscalant.

Direct interference occurs when the compound itself affects the membrane resulting in a flux
loss. The ionic strength of the water may have an effect on the interference of the coagulant
or flocculant with the membrane. To minimize the risk of direct or indirect interference with
the membrane, anionic or nonionic flocculants are preferred rather than cationic ones.
Overdosing must be avoided.

Cleaning As one would expect, cleaning chemicals can be used at a wide range of conditions such as
Chemicals cleaning frequency, cleaning time and temperature. Due to this ambiguity, the discussions on
cleaning chemicals will be based on a cleaning frequency in the order of once a month or

The flat cell test loop, as shown in Fig. 1a, with membrane coupons has been used for
cleaning chemical compatibility tests.

A cleaning chemical that provides excellent cleaning performance may also degrade a
membrane resulting in a decrease in the salt rejection of the membrane with time. This
degradation might not be visible after only one cleaning. For determining cleaning chemical
compatibility, membrane coupons (at least three) are soaked in the normal strength cleaning

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solution for two weeks and then tested at standard test conditions. Ideally, the temperature of
the soak solution should be the maximum allowed cleaning temperature.

A cleaning chemical is considered compatible if a two-hour cleaning does not lower the
membrane flux or salt rejection and a two-week soak test does not lower the salt rejection.

The steps for the Two-Hour Cleaning Test and the Two-Week Soak Test in Cleaning Solution
are listed as follows:

Two-Hour Cleaning Test

1. Test the membrane at standard test conditions (Section 1.8, Table 1.5).
2. Clean with double the normal strength of the cleaning solution by circulating the solution
over the membrane at recommended cleaning temperatures and 50 psig for two hours.
3. Rinse out the cleaning solution. Use low conductivity water for this to be able to check that
both permeate side and brine side of the membranes have been rinsed out effectively.
4. Retest at the standard test conditions. Flux loss shall be less than five percent and there
should be no increase in salt passage compared to the initial test in item 1 above.

Two-Week Soak in Cleaning Solution

1. Test the membrane at standard test conditions (Section 1.8, Table 1.5).
2. Soak the membrane in normal strength cleaning solution at normal cleaning temperature for
two weeks.
3. Rinse out the cleaning solution. Use low conductivity water for this to be able to check that
both permeate side and brine side of the membranes have been rinsed out effectively.
4. Repeat at test conditions according to item 1 above. There shall be no increase in salt
passage compared to the initial test in item 1 above.

Biocides Like cleaning chemicals, biocides can cause the membrane to lose salt rejection and/or water
permeability. Biocides possibly could be in contact with the membrane continuously for a long
period, e.g., biocides used for membrane storage or continuous addition to feed water, or
added intermittently, e.g., biocides used for periodical disinfection or “shock” treatments. A
satisfactory biocide must not negatively affect the membrane performance during one-year
contact. Like other compatibility tests, both “soak tests” and “continuous tests” are often
completed to determine chemical compatibility and satisfactory performance.

An initial one-week test observing the effect of the continuous addition of a biocide on the
water permeability of the membrane is often recommended. If the result is that the biocide
has no negative effect on the water permeability of the membrane, a one-year soak test is
then carried out.

An alternative, used more extensively in recent years, is a 1,000-hour continuous

compatibility test similar to that of antiscalant testing.

All biocide tests are generally carried out at 20-25°C. The solution pH might have an
influence on how the biocide affects the membrane, especially when the molecular structure
of the biocide changes with pH or when an oxidation reaction might take place.

Option 1
One-Week Continuous Operation Test. The continuous operation test is required when the
water permeability of the membrane decreases during the soak test, which has been the

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case for almost all tested biocides. The test unit in Fig. 1b is used for the continuous
operation test. The elements are operated for at least one day before the biocide is added to
make certain that the elements are stabilized.

After the elements are stabilized, the biocide is added to the feed water to make up the
maximum concentration for which the biocide will be approved. If there is no significant
decrease in water permeability or salt rejection during one week of continuous biocide
addition, the biocide is assumed be a good candidate in not affecting the water permeability
of the membrane and the longer term “soak test” can then be pursued.

Soak Test. The biocide solutions to be tested are placed into glass jars with lids. The
concentration of the biocide is the maximum approval concentration. As controls, a jar with
standard storage solution (1 percent sodium bisulfite solution) and an empty jar are used.
About 20 coupons of each membrane type, to be tested, are placed in each jar. Two coupons
of each type membrane from each jar are tested after a soak time of:

1. 1 week
2. 2 weeks
3. 4 weeks
4. 2 months
5. 4 months
6. 6 months
7. 1 year

The coupons are used only once and are discarded after the test. Some biocide solutions
have a shorter lifetime than one year and these must be replaced with fresh biocide solution
at suitable interim intervals.

If the salt passage of the membrane soaked in the biocide solution for one year has not
increased significantly, the biocide is assumed not to degrade the membrane.

The combined data from the one year soak test and one week continuous operation test
often is enough for a decision whether to determine if a biocide is compatible. However, if
one or the other test indicates questionable results, a long term continuous operation test is
required, either in the laboratory or in the field.

In cases where the biocide will only be used intermittently, for example, once a week for a
few hours such as in a “shock treatment”, it may not be necessary to do the one-year soak
test. The continuous test hours of exposure for the expected life of the membrane at the
biocide dosage level may be sufficient. For example, if a biocide is used for 30 minutes per
week at 400 ppm, a continuous test at 400 ppm for 130 hours (30 min/week x 52 weeks /yr. x
5 years) may be sufficient.

Option II
1,000-Hour Continuous Operation Test. Similar to the test for antiscalants, for a biocide
can to be considered compatible, the biocide must be fed to spiral wound elements
containing the membrane for 1,000 hours without loss of performance. Based upon recent
experience, this test appears to be preferred despite its greater time requirement. A setup as
shown in Fig. 1b is satisfactory for such a determination. Initially one must establish a
baseline. This is achieved by operating the system for at least 12 hours without chemical
addition. Normally, the test can not be considered valid if the permeate flow rate is more than
15 percent below the expected value for a clean membrane. The expected flow value of

Page 175 of 180 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-00071
FILMTEC™ flatsheet membranes can be derived from the published flow specification of the
respective membrane element and the published value of the active membrane area of that

After the baseline is established, the biocide is then added continuously for at least 1000
hours. The normalized permeate flow and salt passage should remain relatively constant
during this time for the chemical to be deem compatible. The upper concentration limit for
compatibility will be the maximum concentration of the chemical in the concentration stream.

Membrane Membrane preservatives are biocide solutions used to prevent biogrowth and change in
Preservatives membrane performance during extended storage times. Thus, the biocide used must have a
long lifetime. Surfactants and/or humectants are often present in the solution to keep the
membrane wet. Consequently, any of those compounds could affect the membrane negatively
either in directly or indirectly by interacting with other parts of the element and the formation of
compounds harmful to the membrane.

A compatible membrane preservative should not exhibit any significant decrease in water
permeability or salt rejection properties of the membrane element during one year storage. A
means to perform the test is to store five tested elements fully immersed in the storage solution
and test one of them after 2, 4, 6 and 12 months storage. A new element is tested each time
and is returned to the storage solution following the test. The fifth element is included in the test
as a spare to use if the test data of any of the other elements is in doubt. Two elements stored
in the present storage solution, one percent sodium bisulfite, should be used as controls. These
are tested at the same time as any one of the other five elements. If the membrane
performance in the preservative solution is maintained, the same test should continue for years
with element test once or twice yearly to learn about the lifetime of the storage solution.

Before wet elements are stored, the elements are initially soaked in the storage solution for
about one hour and then drained and bagged. There should not be any biological growth in the
bag or deterioration of the bagged elements performance during the shelf life of the storage
solution. To examine whether another membrane preservative solution can be used for bagged
element storage, elements are tested and then soaked for 1, 2 or 20 hours in the membrane
preservative solution. Then the elements are drained and bagged. After 2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 and
48 months storage, two elements from each soak time are taken out from their bags. Microbial
plate counts are taken of the storage solution in the bag, and the elements are tested. The
element performance is measured both before and after permeate pressure is applied to
determine whether the membrane dries when stored. Permeate pressure is most easily applied
by shutting the permeate port at a feed pressure of at least 150 psi (1,000 kPa) pressure above
the osmotic pressure of the feed solution. Three soak times, seven test times, and duplicate
elements, result in 42 elements per storage solution to test. To save storage space, small
elements are often used. Again, the one percent sodium bisulfite solution is used as a control.
Since one-hour soak time is sufficient for the control, only 14 control elements are required.

† This section is pulled Form No. 609-00291

Page 176 of 180 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-00071
9.12 Key Word Index
Abrasion - 150 Burn test - 146 Conductivity meter - 97
Acid addition - 27 B-value - 90 Conductivity profile - 140-141
Acid cleaner - 126 Continuous process - 75, 76
Acridine orange - 59 CAC - 60 Continuous test - 171, 175-177
Activated carbon - 59, 62, 64, 65 Calcium - 26-29, 47 Control instruments - 97
Adsorption - 65 Calcium carbonate - 27, 28, 32 Copper sulfate - 64
Agglomeration - 52 Calcium fluoride - 28, 43 Corrosion - 65, 99, 148
Air - 110, 149, 153 Calcium phosphate - 28, 51 Coupler - 106
Air break - 98, 112 Calcium sulfate - 40, 42 CRC - 61
AISI - 99 Calibration - 138 Crevice corrosion - 99
Alarms - 98 Carbon dioxide - 29, 32, 36, 81, 169 Crossflow - 10
Al-bronze - 99 Carbonate scaling - 28-29, 32-39, 126, 129, 148
Algea - 58 Cartridge filter - 56, 153 DBNPA - 63
Alkaline cleaner - 126 Cationic polymers/polyelectrolytes - 28, 52, 150, Dealkalization - 28, 40
Aluminum - 28, 47, 51, 66, 69, 148 Centrifugal pump - 95 Dechlorination - 60
Aluminum coagulants - 55, 56 CF - 31, 95 Degasifier - 68
Aluminum silicates - 66 CFU - 59 Delamination - 143
Ammonium - 55 Check list - 109 Desalination - 9
Anoxic - 55, 65, 66, 67 Chemical compatibility - 171-177 Design equations - 90-93
Anthracite - 54 Chloramine - 61, 63 Design guidelines - 82-84
Antifoulant - 28, 57 Chlorinated biocidal products - 134 Destructive analysis - 144
Antiscalant - 28, 33, 56, 58, 66, 154, 173-174 Chlorination - 60 Detergent - 150
AOC - 59 Chlorine - 56, 58, 60, 69, 98 Diatomaceous earth - 153
Apatite - 51 Chlorine demand - 61 Differential pressure - 54, 57, 58, 123, 146, 152-154
Apparent salt passage - 79 Chlorine dioxide - 62, 63, 134 Direct count - 59
Application test - 94 Chlorine tolerance - 16, 61, 63 DIRECTOR Service - 142
Applications - 11 Clay - 66 Disposal - 136
ASTM - 25, 142 Cleaning chemicals - 126, 174-175 Distillation - 9
ATP - 60 Cleaning frequency - 82, 139, 174 Dosing pump - 96
Automation - 98 Cleaning procedure - 125 Dosing tank - 98
Autopsy - 144, 151 Cleaning pump - 125 Double pass - 84, 112
A-value - 90 Cleaning solution - 123, 125, 139 Dow sales offices - 181
Cleaning system - 124 DOWEX™ - 28
Back-flow - 67, 97 Cleaning tank - 124 Draw-back - 67, 97, 113
Backflushable filter - 56 Cleaning test - 142, 144, 175 Dry element - 135, 136
Backwash - 54 Clean-in-place (CIP) - 97, 101
Bacteria - 58-59 Coagulant - 56, 174 EDXRF - 145, 148
Bank filtration - 64 Coagulation-flocculation - 56 Electrodialysis - 10
Barium - 28, 29 COD - 69 Element construction - 18
Barium sulfate - 42 Colloidal fouling - 52-57, 147 Element outer wrap - 20
Barrier layer - 15 Colloidal silica - 47, 56 Element performance - 20, 144
Batch process - 75, 84, 97 Combined chlorine - 63 Element removal - 104
Beta number - 79 Compaction - 149 Element replacement - 149
BFR - 60 Compatibility - 171-177 Element size - 20
Biocides - 63, 132, 133, 175-177 Computer program - 90 Element spacer - 81, 106
Biofilm - 58, 126, 139, 146 Concentrate recycling/recirculation - 76, 78, 84 Element types - 19, 85
Biofiltration - 64 Concentrate valve - 13, 76, 110 Emergency cleaning - 132
Biofouling/biological fouling - 21, 58-65, 100, 132, Concentration factor - 31, 95 End cap - 102
146, 154
Birm - 55 Concentration polarization - 58, 89, 91 Energy consumption - 23
Booster pump - 81 Concentration units - 167 Energy recovery - 95
Brackish water - 24 Conditioning - 134 Equipment - 102, 107
Brine seal - 102, 153-154 Conductance - 164 ESCA - 145
Bromide - 61 Conductivity - 81, 112, 116, 165-166 Ethanol - 136

Page 177 of 180 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-00071
FAC - 60 Hydrogen peroxide - 62, 133 MONOSPHERE™ - 28
FDA - 17 Hydrogen sulfide - 55, 66-68, 148 Multi-stage - 77
Feed concentration - 14 Hydroxide floc - 56, 65, 126
Feed flow rate - 125 Hypochlorite - 60 Nanofiltration - 11, 65
Feed pressure - 14, 72, 96, 110, 113, 114, 125, Hypochlorous acid - 60, 62 Net driving pressure - 89, 90
145, 149
Feed spacer - 18, 147 NOM - 65, 146
Feed tank - 97 ICP - 145, 148 Nomenclature - 19
Feedwater pH - 16, 98 Inhibitor - 28 Normalization - 101, 117-120
Feedwater type - 22, 82 In-line filtration - 55
Ferric chloride - 55 Intake - 57, 59 Oil - 65, 96, 150
Ferric coagulants - 55 Integrity - 143 Operating data - 115
Ferric sulfate - 55 Interconnector - 104-106 Operating log - 116
Ferrous iron - 61, 66, 69 Intrusion - 149 Operating pressure - 95
FilmTec Corporation - 9 Iodine - 64, 134 Organic fouling - 126, 131, 150
Filtration - 10, 11 Ion exchange - 9, 84, 85 Organics - 22, 29, 61, 65, 150
Flat cell - 172 Ion product - 30, 31 O-ring - 102, 104-106, 139-141, 150
Flocculant - 56, 57, 174 Ionic strength - 31 ORP - 60, 62, 63, 96
Flocculation/filtration - 47 Iron - 28, 47, 51, 55, 57, 65-67, 69, 130, 133, 148 Orthophosphate - 51
Flow - 13 Osmosis - 12
Flow balance - 86-87 K factor - 115 Osmotic pressure - 12, 89, 91, 170
Flow configuration - 84 KMnO4 - 55 Oxidation damage - 55, 60, 151
Flow meter - 97 Oxidation filtration - 55
Fluoride scales - 43, 46, 126, 148-149 Langelier - 27 Oxidizing agents - 62, 96
Flush system - 98 Leak - 143, 150-151 Ozone - 62, 64
Flushing - 110, 112, 126 Light industrial system - 83
Flux - 13, 72, 85 Lime softening - 29, 30, 40, 48 Passage - 13
Food processing - 17 Loading - 102-106 Peracetic acid - 133
Fouling - 21, 72, 122 Low flow - 146-150 Performance - 13, 137
Fouling factor - 94, 137 LSI - 27, 33, 111 Performance test - 144
Fouling index - 53 Lubricant - 102 Permanganate - 62
Fouling tendency - 82 Permeability - 12, 17, 90
FR membrane/element - 65, 147 Macrofiltration - 10 Permeate - 13
FRC - 60 Magnesium - 47 Permeate (back)pressure - 76, 81, 87, 96, 113,
138, 140, 143, 151
Freezing - 135, 136 Maintenance - 99, 117 Permeate concentration - 91-93
FTNORM - 117, 123, 138 Manganese - 47, 55, 61, 65-67, 69, 148 Permeate flow - 13, 90-93, 144, 145
Full-fit - 19, 100 Mass balance - 101 Permeate flushing - 101
Fungi - 58 Materials - 99, 122 Permeate staged system - 80, 81, 84
Mechanical damage - 152 Permeate tank - 97, 113, 114
Galvanic corrosion - 99 Media filter - 153 Permeate tube - 18
Glycerin - 102 Media filtration - 54 pH meter - 97
Gravity filter - 54 Membrane - 15, 19 pH range - 126
Grease - 65 Membrane degradation - 65 Phenolic disinfectant - 134
Greensand - 55 Membrane salt passage - 79 Phosphate - 51
Membrane system - 72 Phosphate scaling - 51, 52, 126
Heat sanitization - 134 Metal oxides - 122, 126, 148 Phosphorus - 51
HEPA filter - 97, 100 Metal silicates - 47, 48, 56 Pilot test - 95
Hexametaphosphate - 28, 33 MFI - 53 Pitting - 99
High flow pumping - 125 MFI-UF - 53 Plate & frame - 18, 145
High pressure pump - 95 Microfiltration - 10, 55, 56, 64 Plug flow - 78, 84
Hollow fiber - 18 Microorganism - 58 Polyacrylates - 28, 48
Hour meter - 97 Mixing tank - 124 Polyamide - 15
HSRO - 134 Module - 18, 76, 77 Polyester web - 15
Humic substances - 65 Molal/molar - 31 Polyphosphates - 51
Hybrid system - 81 Monitoring - 98, 101 Polysulfone - 15, 147

Page 178 of 180 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-00071
Positive displacement pump - 95 Shutdown - 112-113 Temperature - 14, 48, 114, 133, 134, 149
Post-chlorination - 98 Shutdown switches - 96 Temperature Correction Factor - 91, 118, 168
Post-treatment - 72 Silica - 28, 29, 47, 126 Temperature limits - 96, 113, 123, 135, 136
Potassium permanganate - 55 Silicate - 47, 65 Temperature units - 168
Preservation - 113, 135, 136 Silicic acid - 47 Test unit - 144, 172-173
Preservation solution - 135, 147 Silicone lubricant - 102 Testing - 94-95, 144
Preservatives - 177 Silt - 126 Thrust ring - 102, 150
Pressure drop - 92-93, 125, 145, 150, 152-154 Silt density index - 53, 54 TOC - 65
Pressure dye test - 145 Single-module - 76 Transmembrane pressure - 10, 11
Pressure filter - 54 Single-stage - 77 TRC - 61
Pressure gauge - 97 Siphoning - 67, 112 Troubleshooting grid - 154
Pressure vessel - 96, 102-106 Slow sand filtration - 64 Tubular - 18
Pretreatment - 21, 117, 122 Small commercial system - 83 Turbidity - 53, 96
Pretreatment chemicals - 52, 111 SMBS - 62, 135, 136
Preventative cleaning - 30, 47 SMO - 99 U.S. units - 169
Probing - 100, 140, 151 Soak - 125 U-cup brine seal - 102
Profiling - 100, 140 Soak test - 171, 175-177 Ultrafiltration - 10, 55, 56, 64
Pump impeller - 153 Soda ash - 29, 48 UPCORE™ - 28
Sodium bisulfite - 62 UV - 64
Quaternary germicides - 64, 134 Sodium chloride - 164, 170
Sodium hydroxide - 81 Vacuum decay test - 143
Record keeping - 114-117 Sodium hypochlorite - 55 Valves - 97
Recorder - 98 Softening - 28, 40, 57 Viruses - 58
Recovery - 13, 14, 72 Soil passage - 64 Visual inspection - 139, 143, 151
Recycle - 125 Solubility product - 27, 30, 31
Reducing agents - 61 Solute passage - 140, 145, 150-151 Water analysis - 24-26
Rejection - 13 Solute rejection - 140, 144 Water hammer - 143, 149, 150, 153
Reverse flow - 113 Spiral wound - 18 Water meter - 97
Reverse Osmosis - 11, 12 Stabilized performance - 94, 112, 126, 137 Water permeation - 90
Re-wetting - 136, 147 Staging ratio - 77, 86 Weighing - 143, 148
Rhodamine - 145 Stainless steel - 99 Well - 57, 59, 68
ROSA - 33, 87, 90, 94, 137 Standard seawater - 23 Wet element - 135
Standard test - 20, 144 Wetting - 147
S&DSI - 27, 36, 111 Start/stop - 112, 113
Safety - 122 Start-up - 107-112, 114 X-ray analysis - 145
Salinity - 22, 23, 114 Stiff & Davis - 27
Salt passage - 13, 79, 90 Storage - 112, 135
Salt rejection - 13, 72, 94 Strontium - 28, 29
Sample port - 97 Strontium sulfate - 42
Sampling points - 59, 100-101 Suck-back - 67, 113
Sand - 54, 66 Sulfate scaling - 28, 40-42, 126-127, 148-149
Sanitization - 58, 63, 132, 134 Sulfides - 66, 67
Sanitization chemicals - 58, 64 Sulfur - 67, 68, 148
SBS - 62 Surfactant - 150
Scale inhibitor - 28, 33, 40, 48 Suspended matter - 56
Scaling - 21, 26-52, 122, 139, 148-149, 153 Symbol definitions - 93
Screening test - 94 System checking - 107
SDI - 53, 54, 56, 101 System recovery - 91-93, 110
Seawater - 23, 36, 61, 114 System salt passage - 79
SEM - 145
Semi-batch - 75, 84, 97 Tanks - 97
Shimming - 103-104 Tapered recirculation system - 80
Shipping - 135, 136 TBC - 59
SHMP - 28 TCF - 91, 118
SHMP, hydrolized - 28 TDS - 22, 116
Shock treatment - 62 Telescoping - 150
Page 179 of 180 ™® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 609-00071
Dow Water Solutions Offices.
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Notice: The use of this product in and of itself does not necessarily guarantee the removal of cysts and pathogens from water. Effective cyst and pathogen reduction is
dependent on the complete system design and on the operation and maintenance of the system.

Notice: No freedom from any patent owned by Seller or others is to be inferred. Because use conditions and applicable laws may differ from one location to another and
may change with time, Customer is responsible for determining whether products and the information in this document are appropriate for Customer’s use and for ensuring
that Customer’s workplace and disposal practices are in compliance with applicable laws and other governmental enactments. Seller assumes no obligation or liability for the

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Tel. +34 93 298 80 00/01 · Fax +34 93 298 80 06
08908 L’HOSPITALET DE LLOBREGAT Barcelona (Spain)
Société Lyonnaise de Robinetterie e-mail:
14, rue Crépet - 69363 LYON cedex 07 - FRANCE
Tél. : 04 78 58 34 81 - Fax : 04 78 69 50 98 - Internet :
Réf. : 76GG

Válvula de Aguja extremos roscados.
Threaded ends Needle valve.
Características Features
1. Válvula de Aguja. 1.Needle valve.
2. Construcción en acero inoxidable AISI 316 2. Made of Stainlees steel AISI 316.
3. Extremos roscados según DIN 2999 std. 3. Threaded ends according DIN 2999 std.
4. Estopada de eje en PTFE + Grafito. 4. Stem Packing PTFE + Graphite.
5. Presión máxima de trabajo 3000 Lbs. 5. Max. Working pressure 3000 Lbs.
6. Rango Presión / Temperatura: 6. Pressure / Temperature Range:
1/4"-1/2” = 220 Bar / 260 ºC. 1/4"-1/2” = 220 Bar / 260 ºC.
3/4"-1 1/4" = 220 Bar / 240 ºC. 3/4"-1" = 220 Bar / 240 ºC.
1 1/2" – 2” = 210 Bar / 200 ºC 1 1/2" – 2” = 210 Bar / 200 ºC

Nº Denominación / Name Material Acabado Superficial/Surface

1 Cuerpo / Body AISI 316 ------

2 Bonete / Bonnet AISI 316 ------

3 Tuerca prensaestopas / Nut AISI 316 ------

4 Aguja / Needle Acero Inoxidable 316 / S.S. 316 ------

5 Eje / Stem Acero Inoxidable 316 / S.S. 316 ------
6 Estopada / Stem packing Teflón + graffito / PTFE + graphite ------
7 Prensaestopas / Packing nut Acero Inoxidable 316 / S.S. 316 ------
8 Volante / Handwheel Aluminio / Alluminium Pintado / Painted
9 Tuerca / Nut Acero Inoxidable 304 / S.S. 304 ------
10 Arandela / Washer Acero Inoxidable 304 / S.S. 304 ------


Tel. +34 93 298 80 00/01 · Fax +34 93 298 80 06
08908 L’HOSPITALET DE LLOBREGAT Barcelona (Spain)
Société Lyonnaise de Robinetterie e-mail:
14, rue Crépet - 69363 LYON cedex 07 - FRANCE
Tél. : 04 78 58 34 81 - Fax : 04 78 69 50 98 - Internet :


Ref Medida/ PN Dimensiones/Dimensions (mm) Peso/

Size (Lbs) Weight
E H L K (Kg)
2223 02 1/4" 3000 25 85 50 3 0.568
2223 03 3/8” 3000 30 100 55 4 0.550
2223 04 1/2" 3000 34 115 60 6 0.516
2223 05 3/4" 3000 40 120 70 8 0.722
2223 06 1” 3000 45 138 75 9 0.984
2223 07 1 1/4” 3000 57 165 90 11 2.127
2223 08 1 1/2 ” 3000 67 185 100 15 2.950
2223 09 2” 3000 78 195 120 18 4.050


( H2O – 20 ºC Flujo Horizontal / Horizontal flow).


3233 GP

2-way Diaphragm Valve, stainless

steel body, manually operated,
port connection DN 8-50

• Cold-formed pipe valve body

• Hermetical separation of fluids from the
operating mechanism by diaphragm
• Zero dead volume
• Various surface finishes
Type 3233 GP can be combined with...

Type 2031 GP Type 8034

Version with Flow meter
pneumatic actuator

The manually-operated diaphragm valve in

Technical data
compact form of the Type 3233 GP consists
of a flow-optimised stainless steel body with Port connection DN 8 - 50
various surface finishes, a diaphragm and a Body material
manual actuator. Cold-formed pipe valve body Stainless steel 1.4404, 316L
Actuator materials
The diaphragm is both a switch element and a Hand wheel and bonnet
sealing element to the outside. It can be easily DN 8-50 PPS or stainless steel
replaced. The flow can be continually adjusted DN 65-100 Grey cast iron, white epoxy coated
with the handwheel.
Seal material EPDM, PTFE/EPDM (FKM on request)

The valves have no dead volume and can be Media Neutral gases and liquids, high purity, sterile,
aggressive or abrasive fluids
mounted to be self-draining. This enables high
flow capacities and a variety of applications to Viscosity Up to viscous
be realised. Surface quality Glass-beaded (1.6 μm)
Media temperature -10 to +130 °C
Briefly up to +150 °C for steam sterilisation
Recommendation for draining operation
α = 15 up to 35º Ambient temperature Up to +130 °C, briefly up to +150 °C
plus 1º to 5º inclination to the pipe axis. Port connections
• Threaded ports G 1/4 to G2
• Welded acc. to EN ISO 1127/ISO 4200 or DIN 11850 Series 2
• Flanged acc. to DIN EN 1092-1
Installation As required, preferably with actuator in upright position.
Tilted 15 to 30° to the horizontal and inclined 1° to 5°
to the flow direction for draining operation.
Options Locking function p. 1/6
3233 GP

Technical data, continued

Kv values and weight

Port connection DN Kv value water Kv value water Max. Weight [kg]

[mm] [m3/h] port connection operating pressure
DIN 11850 S2 [bar] Welded Flanged
[m3/h] [kg] [kg]
8/10 1.0 1.0 10 0.26 –
15 6.5 4.0 10 0.6 2.0
20 12.0 4.5 10 1.0 2.8
25 18.0 12.5 10 1.1 3.2
32 33.0 17.0 10 3.2 6.3
40 45.0 24.5 10 4.0 7.4
50 56.0 35.0 7/101) 4.8 9.5
see ordering chart p. 3

Flow rate: Kv value water [m3/h]

Measured at +20°C, 1 bar pressure at valve inlet and free outlet.

Pressure values [bar]

Gauge pressures with respect to the prevailing atmospheric pressure.


DN 8-50: PPS or stainless steel 316L

Sinter metal guide

DN 8-50: PPS or stainless steel 316L


Stainless steel 316L/1.4404


Suitable for foodstuffs/sterile applications

• The composition of the EPDM and PTFE/EPDM diaphragms corresponds to the Code of Federal Regulations,
published by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA).

p. 2/6
3233 GP

Ordering chart for valves (other versions on request)

Welded body according to EN ISO 1127/ISO 4200 or DIN 11850 Series 2, stainless steel, cold-formed body,
inside glass-beaded, different material combinations

Handwheel/bonnet PPS/PPS Handwheel/bonnet PPS/St. st.

Port connection

External Ø [mm]

Item no. EPDM

Item no. PTFE/

Item no. PTFE/

Max. operating

Item no. EPDM

Kv value water
pressure [bar]




size) [mm]
DN [mm]



Acc. EN ISO 1127/ISO 4200
8 8 13.5 10 1.0 704 943 704 945 704 939 704 941
15 15 21.3 10 6.5 435 241 435 253 435 235 435 247
20 20 26.9 10 12.0 435 242 435 254 435 236 435 248
25 25 33.7 10 18.0 435 243 435 255 435 237 435 249
32 32 42.4 10 33.0 435 244 435 256 435 238 435 250
40 40 48.3 10 45.0 435 245 435 257 435 239 435 251
50 50 60.3 7 56.0 435 246 435 258 – –
10 56.0 – – 435 240 435 252
Acc. DIN 11850 Serie 2
10 8 13.0 10 1.0 704 944 704 946 704 940 704 942
15 15 19.0 10 4.0 435 265 435 277 435 259 435 271
20 15 23.0 10 4.5 435 266 435 278 435 260 435 272
25 20 29.0 10 12.5 435 267 435 279 435 261 435 273
32 25 35.0 10 17.0 435 268 435 280 435 262 435 274
40 32 41.0 10 24.5 435 269 435 281 435 263 435 275
50 40 53.0 10 35.0 435 270 435 282 435 264 435 276

Seal: FKM

Threaded body, with stainless steel, cold-formed body, inside glass-beaded, different material combinations

Handwheel/bonnet PPS/PPS Handwheel/bonnet PPS/St. st.

(Diaphragm size)
Port connection

Item no. EPDM

operating pres-

Item no. PTFE/

Item no. PTFE/

Item no. EPDM
threaded port

water [m3/h]





sure [bar]
DN [mm]

Kv value




8 8 G 1/4 10 1.0 704 949 704 950 704 947 704 948
15 15 G 1/2 10 6.5 435 289 435 300 435 283 435 294
20 20 G 3/4 10 12.0 435 290 435 301 435 284 435 295
25 25 G1 10 18.0 435 291 435 302 435 285 435 296
32 32 G 1 1/4 10 33.0 435 156 435 303 435 286 435 297
40 40 G 1 1/2 10 45.0 435 292 435 304 435 287 435 298
50 50 G2 7 56.0 435 293 435 305 – –
10 56.0 – – 435 288 435 299

Seal: FKM

p. 3/6
3233 GP

Ordering chart for valves (other versions on request), continued

Flanged body according to DIN EN 1092-1, with stainless steel, cold-formed body, inside glass-beaded,
different material combinations

Handwheel/bonnet PPS/PPS Handwheel/bonnet PPS/St. st.

(Diaphragm size)
Port connection

Item no. EPDM

Item no. PTFE/

Item no. PTFE/

Max. operating

Item no. EPDM

Kv value water
pressure [bar]




DN [mm]





Acc. DIN EN 1092-1 port

15 15 4 x 90° 10 6.5 435 091 435 103 435 097 435 109
20 20 4 x 90° 10 12.0 435 092 435 104 435 098 435 110
25 25 4 x 90° 10 18.0 435 093 435 105 435 099 435 111
32 32 4 x 90° 10 33.0 435 094 435 106 435 100 435 112
40 40 4 x 90° 10 45.0 435 095 435 107 435 101 435 113
50 50 4 x 90° 7 56.0 435 096 435 108 – –
10 56.0 – – 435 102 435 114

Seal: FKM

Dimensions [mm]

Welded body Flanged body

DN 8 and DN 10 DN 15-50 DN 15-50
Acc. EN ISO 1127/ISO 4200 and Acc. EN ISO 1127/ISO 4200 and Acc. DIN EN 1092-1
DIN 11850 S2 DIN 11850 S2

Threaded body
DN 8-50

Body dimensions Welded Threaded Flanged

Ori- EN ISO 1127/ISO 4200 DIN 11850 S2 All EN ISO 1127/ DIN 11850 S2 DIN EN
fice ISO 4200 1092-1
DN Ø D1 H1 H2 Ø D1 H1 H2 L s D2 s D2 G L1 D3 L2
8/10 35 54 59 35 54 59 90 1.6 13.5 1.5 13 G 1/4 85 – –
15 80 87 94 80 85.5 92.5 110 1.6 21.3 1.5 19 G 1/2 102 95 130
20 80 93 104 80 87.5 94.5 119 1.6 26.9 1.5 23 G 3/4 118 105 150
25 80 97 109 80 94 105 129 2.0 33.7 1.5 29 G1 127 115 160
32 114 115 130 80 97.5 109.5 148 2.0 42.4 1.5 35 G 1 1/4 146 140 180
40 114 120 139 114 114 128 161 2.0 48.3 1.5 41 G 1 1/2 159 150 200
50 114 135 160 114 121 140 192 2.0 60.3 1.5 53 G2 191 165 230

p. 4/6
3233 GP
fill out
You can
Diaphragm valves – request for quotation ld s directly
the fie
P D F file
in the
Please fill out and send to your nearest Bürkert facility* with your inquiry or order nting
before pri
Company Contact person out the fo

Customer no. Department

Address Tel./Fax

Postcode/town E-Mail

= mandatory fields to fill out Quantity Required delivery date

Operating data
Process medium
Type of media Liquid Steam Gas
nominal unit
Flow rate (Q, QN, W)
Temperature at valve inlet standard unit:
Liquid Q = m3/h;
Absolute pressure at valve inlet Steam W = kg/h;
Gas QN = Nm3/h
Steam sterilisation temperature

Valve features
Specification key
automatically transferred 3233-2-0 VA NO05
from next page

Surface finish (if not standard) internal μm external μm

Attestation of compliance with the order EN-ISO 10204 2.1 (Item-No. 440 788)
Test report EN-ISO 10204 2.2 (Item-No. 803 722)
Certification of Conformity for the Surface Quality DIN4762-DIN4768-ISO/4287/1
Certification of Conformity for Pickling and Electropolishing Processes
FDA and USP compliance
3A certificate

Comment / sketch

reset formular

p. 5/6
3233 GP

Valve features, specification key

Example 15 AB VA SA40 D050 NO05

Specification key
Please make a choice

Surface finish, internal
NO05 Internal glass beaded Ra=1.6μm

ORIFICE [mm] (Diaphragm size)

15 D050 Top and handwheel PPS
20 D051 Top stainless steel, handwheel PPS
25 D052 Top and handwheel stainless steel

AB EPDM in food quality
EU advanced PTFE/EPDM in two pieces
ET advanced PTFE (bonded on EPDM)

VA Cold-formed stainless steel


Welded Flange Thread Clamp

Port EN ISO 1127/ DIN 11850 Port DIN EN 1092-1 Port G Port ISO 2852
conn. ISO 4200 Series 2 conn. conn. conn. SMS 3017
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
15 FD22 - L=130 mm, Ø=95 mm
8 SA40=13.5x1.6 20 FD23 - L=150 mm, Ø=105 mm 8 GM82 - G 1/4 8 TC51=Clamp 34 - for tube ISO 4200
10 SA41=17.2x1.6 SD40=13x1.5 25 FD24 - L=160 mm, Ø=115 mm 15 GM84 - G 1/2 10 TC41=Clamp 34 - for tube ISO 4200
15 SA42=21.3x1.6 SD42=19x1.5 32 FD25 - L=180 mm, Ø=140 mm 20 GM85 - G 3/4 15 TC42=Clamp 34 - for tube ISO 4200
20 SA43=26.9x1.6 SD43=23x1.5 40 FD26 - L=200 mm, Ø=150 mm 25 GM86 - G 1
20 TC43=Clamp 50.5 - for tube ISO 4200
25 SA44=33.7x2.0 SD44=29x1.5 50 FD27 - L=230 mm, Ø=165 mm 32 GM87 - G 1 1/4
25 TC44=Clamp 50.5 - for tube ISO 4200
32 SA45=42.4x2.0 SD45=35x1.5 40 GM88 - G 1 1/2
40 TC46=Clamp 64 - for tube ISO 4200
40 SA46=48.3x2.0 SD46=41x1.5 50 GM89 - G 2
50 TC47=Clamp 77.5 - for tube ISO 4200
50 SA47=60.3x2.0 SD47=53x1.5

To find your nearest Bürkert facility, click on the orange box

In case of special application conditions, Subject to alteration.

please consult for advice. © Christian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG 1205/11_EU-en_00891893

p. 6/6
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234, 3235, 3239

Manually operated diaphragm valves, Diameter DN 8 - DN 100

Handbetätigte Membranventile, Nennweiten DN 8 - DN 100
Vannes à membrane, commandé manuelle, Piston section nominale DN 8 - DN 100

Operating Instructions
Manuel d‘utilisation
We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice.
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
Sous réserve de modifications techniques.

© 2011 - 2014 Bürkert Werke GmbH

Operating Instructions 1402/04_EU-ML_00809435 / Original DE

Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

1 Operating Instructions.................................................................4 7 Structure and Function............................................................ 12

1.1 Symbols........................................................................................ 4 7.1 Structure.....................................................................................12
1.2 Definition of the Term “Device”............................................... 4 7.2 Type description.......................................................................12
7.3 Function......................................................................................13
2 Authorized use.......................................................................................5
2.1 Restrictions.................................................................................. 5 8 Installation............................................................................................. 13
8.1 Safety instructions....................................................................13
3 Basic safety instructions...........................................................5
8.2 Before installation.....................................................................14
4 General information.........................................................................7 8.3 Installation..................................................................................16
4.1 Contact Addresses.................................................................... 7 9 Maintenance, Cleaning................................................................. 18
4.2 Warranty....................................................................................... 7 9.1 Safety instructions....................................................................18
4.3 Information on the Internet....................................................... 7 9.2 Maintenance work....................................................................18
5 System description.............................................................................7 10 Repairs......................................................................................................... 19
5.1 General description................................................................... 7 10.1 Safety instructions....................................................................19
5.2 Intended application area......................................................... 7 10.2 Replacing the diaphragm.......................................................20
5.3 Conformity.................................................................................... 7
5.4 Standards..................................................................................... 7 11 Spare parts, Accessories......................................................... 22
11.1 Order table.................................................................................22
6 Technical data.........................................................................................8
11.2 Handwheel locking device option........................................24
6.1 Description of the type label.................................................... 8
6.2 Labeling of the forged body..................................................... 8 12 Packaging, Storage, Disposal............................................... 24
6.3 Operating conditions................................................................. 8
6.4 General technical data............................................................11

english 3
Type 3
 232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Operating Instructions

1 Operating Instructions Caution!

The operating instructions describe the entire life cycle of the device. Warns of a possible danger!
Keep these instructions in a location which is easily accessible to
▶▶ Failure to observe this warning may result in a medium or minor
every user and make these instructions available to every new owner
of the device.

The operating instructions contain important safety Note!

Warns of damage to property!
Failure to observe these instructions may result in hazardous ▶▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in damage to the
situations. device or the equipment.
▶▶ The operating instructions must be read and understood.

1.1 Symbols Indicates important additional information, tips and


Warns of an immediate danger!

▶▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in a fatal or serious Refers to information in these operating instructions or in
injury. other documentation.

Warning! →→designates a procedure which you must carry out.

Warns of a potentially dangerous situation!
▶▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in serious injuries or
death. 1.2 Definition of the Term “Device”
In these instructions, the term “device” always refers to the Type
3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234, 3235 and 3239.

4 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Authorized use

2 Authorized use 2.1 Restrictions

Non-authorized use of the devices may be dangerous to people, If exporting the system/device, observe any existing restrictions.
nearby equipment and the environment.
▶▶ The diaphragm valves of Types 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234, 3235 3 Basic safety
and 3239 are designed for the control of contaminated, ultra-pure
or sterile media, as well as for abrasive or aggressive media (also instructions
with higher viscosity).
These safety instructions do not make allowance for any
▶▶ The devices may be used only for media which do not attack
the body and seal materials (see type label). Information on the • Contingencies and events which may arise during the installation,
resistance of materials to the media is available from your Bürkert operation and maintenance of the devices.
sales office or on the Internet at: • Local safety regulations – the operator is responsible for observing
▶▶ During use observe the authorized data, the operating condi- these regulations, also with reference to the installation personnel.
tions and conditions of use specified in the contract documents
and operating instructions. These are described in the chapters
„System description“ and „Technical data“. The diaphragm valves Types 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234, 3235
▶▶ The device may be used only in conjunction with third-party devices and 3239 were developed with due consideration given to the
and components recommended and authorized by Bürkert. accepted safety rules and are state-of-the-art. Nevertheless,
▶▶ Correct transportation, correct storage and installation and care- dangerous situations may occur.
ful use and maintenance are essential for reliable and faultless
▶▶ When closing the valve, tighten it hand-tight only. Overtighten-
ing may prematurely damage the diaphragm.
▶▶ Use the device only as intended.

english 5
Type 3
 232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Authorized use


Danger – high pressure! General hazardous situations.

▶▶ Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and To prevent injury, ensure that:
vent the lines.
• The system cannot be activated unintentionally.
Risk of electric shock!
• Do not put any loads on the body (e.g. by placing objects on it
▶▶ Before reaching into the device or the equipment, switch off the or standing on it).
power supply and secure to prevent reactivation!
• Do not make any external modifications to the device body. Do not
▶▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment! paint the body parts or screws.
• Installation and repair work may be carried out by authorized
technicians only and with the appropriate tools.
• After an interruption in the power supply or pneumatic supply,
Danger of bursting from overpressure! ensure that the process is restarted in a defined or controlled
▶▶ Observe the specifications on the type label for max. control
and medium pressure. • The device may be operated only when in perfect condition and
▶▶ Observe permitted medium temperature. in consideration of the operating instructions.
• The general rules of technology apply to application planning and
operation of the device.

Risk of burns/risk of fire if used continuously through hot

device surface!
▶▶ Keep the device away from highly flammable substances and
media and do not touch with bare hands.

6 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
General information

4 General information 5 System description

4.1 Contact Addresses 5.1 General description

Germany Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234, 3235 and 3239 is a manually con-
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems trolled diaphragm valve with diaphragm seal. The valve is self-draining
Sales Center in appropriate installation position.
Christian-Bürkert-Str. 13-17
D-74653 Ingelfingen 5.2 Intended application area
Tel. + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 111
The diaphragm valve of Type 3232 is designed for the control of con-
Fax + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 448
taminated and aggressive media. The valves of Type 3233, 3233 K,
3234, 3235 and 3239 can be used even for ultra-pure or sterile media
International with a higher viscosity.
Contact addresses can be found on the final pages of the printed The valves may only control media which do not attack the body and
operating instructions. seal materials (see type label). Information on the resistance of materials
And also on the Internet at: to the media is available from your Bürkert sales office.

4.2 Warranty 5.3 Conformity

The warranty is only valid if the device is used as intended in accordance Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234, 3235, 3239 conforms with the EC
with the specified application conditions. Directives according to the EC Declaration of Conformity.

5.4 Standards
4.3 Information on the Internet
The applied standards, which verify conformity with the EC Direc-
The operating instructions and data sheets for Types 3232, 3233, tives, can be found on the EC-Type Examination Certificate and / or
3233 K, 3234, 3235, 3239 can be found on the Internet at: the EC Declaration of Conformity.

english 7
Type 3
 232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Technical data

6 Technical data 6.2 Labeling of the forged body

Batch number/
6.1 Description of the type label manufacturer sign
Body material Production number/
Company logo order number
Seal material (F-part)
Material Serial number
Orifice Surface quality
Pressure stage
(Diaphragm size)
text (optional)
Connection orifice
3233 25,0 EPDM VS and pipe dimensions
Made in Germany

TG44 Pmed 10bar

Fig. 2: Labeling of the forged body

00442376 W36LP
6.3 Operating conditions
Identification number of the
Production date Danger of bursting from overpressure!
(encoded) If the device ruptures, the medium may cause injuries, chemical
Line connector, burns or scalds!
Max. medium pressure ▶▶ Do not exceed the maximum medium pressure. Observe specifi-
cations on the type label!
▶▶ Observe permitted ambient and media temperature.
Fig. 1: Location and description of the type label

8 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Technical data

6.3.1 Allowable temperatures 6.3.2 Maximum permitted medium pressure

Ambient temperature for actuators: Permitted medium pressure depending on the medium temperature:
Material Temperature
DN 15 - 65
PPS Up to 130 °C (briefly up to 150 °C) 10

Medium pressure [bar]

Stainless steel Up to 130 °C (briefly up to 150 °C)
Gray cast iron Up to 130 °C (briefly up to 150 °C)
Tab. 1: Ambient temperature for actuators 6 PVDF
4 PP
Medium temperature for body: PVC
Body material Temperature
Stainless steel -10 ... +140 °C
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
PVC (see PT-Graph) -10 ... +60 °C
Temperature [°C]
PVDF (see PT-Graph) -10 ... +120 °C
PP (see PT-Graph) -10 ... +80 °C Fig. 3: Graph of medium pressure / Medium temperature
Tab. 2: Medium temperature for body
Medium temperature for diaphragms:

Material Temperature Remarks

-10 ... +130 °C Steam sterilization up to +150 °C
FKM Dry up to +150 °C, otherwise only
-5 ... +130 °C
briefly up to +150 °C
Tab. 3: Medium temperature for diaphragms

english 9
Type 3
 232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Technical data

Maximum permitted medium pressure Maximum permitted medium pressure

The values apply to body made of: The values are valid for body made of:
• Plastic, • VA pipe reshape body with welded support (DIN 11850 series 2)
• VA forged steel and VA precision casting, VA block material as well Orifice Max. switchable medium pressure [bar]
as VA tube-formed body with socket, DIN welding neck flange and (Diaphragm
welded connection in accordance with EN ISO 1127 (ISO 4200) Handwheel and Handwheel PPS /
attachment PPS Attachment stainless steel
DN [mm]
Orifice Max. switchable medium pressure [bar] EPDM/FKM PTFE/ EPDM/FKM PTFE/
(Diaphragm advanced advanced
Handwheel and Handwheel PPS / PTFE/ PTFE/
attachment PPS Attachment stainless steel laminated laminated
DN [mm]
EPDM/FKM PTFE/ EPDM/FKM PTFE/ advanced advanced
advanced advanced PTFE PTFE
PTFE/ PTFE/ 4/6/8/10 10 10 10 10
laminated laminated
advanced advanced 15 10 10 10 10
PTFE PTFE 20 10 10 10 10
4/6/8/10 10 10 10 10 25 10 10 10 10
15 10 10 10 10 32 10 10 10 10
20 10 10 10 10 40 10 10 10 10
25 10 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 10
32 10 10 10 10 Tab. 5: Maximum permitted medium pressure
40 10 10 10 10
50 7 7 10 10
Tab. 4: Maximum permitted medium pressure

10 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Technical data

Maximum permitted medium pressure 6.4 General technical data

Orifice Max. switchable medium pressure [bar] Materials
Handwheel and attachment stainless steel Body Pipe reshape body (VA), Precision casting
DN [mm] EPDM / FKM PTFE/advanced PTFE/ (VG), Forged steel (VS), PP, PVC, PVDF
laminated advanced
PTFE Actuator Handwheel and attachment PPS
Handwheel PPS and attachment stainless
65 5 5 steel
80 5 5 Handwheel and attachment stainless steel
100 5 5 DN 65 to DN 100
Tab. 6: Maximum permitted medium pressure Diaphragm EPDM, PTFE, FKM

Medium connection Welded connection according to DIN EN
1127 (ISO 4200), DIN 11850 series 2
other connections on request

Flow media Type 3232; contaminated, aggressive,
ultrapure, sterile media and media with higher

Installation position
In any position, floor drain valve type 3235;
actuator face down

english 11
Type 3 232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Structure and Function

7 Structure and Function 7.2.2 Types 3234, 3235 and 3239

Type Body Structure

7.1 Structure
The manually actuated diaphragm valve consists of a manual actuator
and a 2/2-way valve body.
7.2 Type description T-Valve body
Type 3234
The types differ in the body.

7.2.1 Type 3232, 3233 and 3233 K

Handwheel with position

indicator (see chapter 7.3.1)
Tank bottom Tank bottom
valve valve with
Type 3235 welding flange


Diaphragm body
Y-Valve body
Type 3239
Port connection

Fig. 4: Example of the 2/2-way valve type 3232, 3233

and 3233 K Tab. 7: Structure. Types 3234, 3235 and 3239

12 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

7.3 Function 8 Installation

The manual actuation of the handwheel transfers the force via a spindle
and opens and closes the valve. 8.1 Safety instructions
7.3.1 Position indicator
Actuator size DN 4, DN 6, DN 8, DN 10, DN 65, DN 80 and DN 100 Risk of injury from high pressure in the equipment!
When the valve is opened, a yellow mark is visible between the ▶▶ Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
attachment and the handwheel.
Risk of injury due to electrical shock!
Actuator size DN 15 to DN 50 ▶▶ Before reaching into the device or the equipment, switch off the
From DN 15 a yellow cylinder provides information on the valve power supply and secure to prevent reactivation!
position: ▶▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment!
• Yellow cylinder completely retracted in the handwheel:
Valve closed (CLOSED position)
• Yellow cylinder projects all the way out of the handwheel:
Valve opened (OPEN position) Risk of injury from improper installation!
▶▶ Installation may be carried out by authorized technicians only
and with the appropriate tools!
Risk of injury from unintentional activation of the system and
an uncontrolled restart!
▶▶ Secure system from unintentional activation.
▶▶ Following assembly, ensure a controlled restart.

english 13
Type 3  232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

8.2 Before installation

• Before connecting the valve, ensure the pipelines are flush. Angle α: 10° to 40°
• The flow direction is optional. Inclination to the line axis 1° – 5°

8.2.1 Installation position general

Installation for self-drainage of the body
Fig. 5: Installation position for self-drainage of the body
It is the responsibility of the installer and operator to ensure
Mark for self-drainage
Installation for leakage detection

One of the bores (in the actuator base) for monitoring

leakage must be at the lowest point.

8.2.2 Installation position 2/2-way valve

• The manually actuated diaphragm valve can be installed in any Fig. 6: Mark for the correct installation position
To ensure self-drainage:
→→Install body inclined by angle α = 10° to 40° to the horizontal
(see Fig. 5). Forged and cast body feature a mark which must
face upwards (12 o’clock position, see Fig. 6).
→→Observe an inclination angle of 1° – 5°.
→→One of the bores (in the actuator base) for monitoring leakage
must be at the lowest point.

14 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

8.2.3 Installation position T-valve Type 3234 8.2.5 Installation of the tank bottom valve
For the installation of the T-valves into circular pipelines, we recommend Type 3235
the following installation positions:
For further information on containers and welding instructions,
When media is supplied: When media is removed: please refer to the standard ASME VIII Division I.

It is recommended to weld the valve prior to the container

installation. However, it is possible to weld the valves to ready-
assembled containers.
Prior to welding, please check to ensure that:
• The tank bottom valve does not collide with other equipment compo-
Fig. 7: Installation position type 3234 nents and assembly/disassembly of the actuator is always possible.
• A minimal distance between two welding joints three times the
8.2.4 Installation position Y-valve Type 3239 thickness of the container wall is adhered to.
For the installation of the Y-valves into systems, we recommend the It is recommended to weld the valve in the center of the drain
following installation positions: to ensure optimum draining of the container.
When media is supplied: When media is removed:
The diameter of the hole in the container and the flange must be equal.
The valve has two welding edges to make welding and positioning
of the valve easier. The length of the welding edges is approximately
3 mm. In case the thickness of the container wall exceeds 3 mm, the
valve must be positioned as shown in Fig. 9.
→→Prior to welding the valve, grind the outlet wall.

Fig. 8: Installation position type 3239

english 15
Type 3  232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

8.2.6 Preparatory work

→→Clean pipelines (sealing material, swarf, etc.).
Grinding point
→→Support and align pipelines.
on tank Devices with welded or glued body:

Before welding or gluing the body, the actuator and the

Fig. 9: Grinding point on tank diaphragm must be removed.

Prior to commencing the welding process, check the charge

number indicated on the supplied manufacturer‘s certificate
3.1.B. 8.3 Installation
Procedure: Warning!
→→Position the flange into the hole so that the flange surface is Risk of injury from improper installation!
tangent to the drain surface.
Non-observance of the tightening torque is dangerous as the
→→Tack 4 welding points and check the position of the valve. device may be damaged.
→→Weld the valve evenly to the inside and outside of the container, ▶▶ Observe tightening torque during installation (see „8.3.2 Tight-
with gas being supplied and using welding material compatible ening torques for diaphragms“).
with the valve‘s stainless steel 316 L (DIN 1.4435).
→→Allow the welds to cool down before burnishing and cleaning 8.3.1 Devices with welded or glued body
them according to the applicable specifications.
These instructions assist in the installation of the tank bottom valves and Note!
allow the prevention of deformation and softening within the containers. To prevent damage!
Please observe the applicable laws and regulations of the Before welding or gluing the body, the actuator and the diaphragm
respective country with regard to the qualification of welders must be removed.
and the execution of welding work.

16 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

Procedure: 8.3.2 Tightening torques for diaphragms

→→Cross-loosen fastening screws and remove actuator with dia-
phragm from the body. Actuator PPS or stainless steel
→→Weld or glue body in the pipeline. (Diaphragm size)
Diaphragm Diaphragm
EPDM / FKM PTFE/advanced
→→After welding or gluing in the body, smooth the body surface (if DN [mm] PTFE/laminated
required) by grinding. advanced PTFE
→→Clean the body carefully. 8 2 2,5
→→Place actuator on the body. 15 3,5 4
→→Lightly cross-tighten the fastening screws until the diaphragm is 20 4 4,5
between the body and actuator.
25 5 6
Do not tighten screws yet.
→→Activate the diaphragm valve twice to position the diaphragm 32 6 8
correctly. 40 8 10
→→Tighten the fastening screws up to the permitted tightening 50 12 15
torque (see tables in chapter „8.3.2 Tightening torques for Tab. 8: Tightening torques for diaphragms. Actuator PPS or
diaphragms“). stainless steel

Actuator stainless steel

Orifice Diaphragm Diaphragm
(Diaphragm size) EPDM / FKM PTFE/advanced
DN [mm] PTFE/laminated
advanced PTFE
65 20 30
80 30 40
100 40 50
Tab. 9: Tightening torques for diaphragms. Actuator stainless steel

english 17
Type 3
 232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Maintenance, Cleaning

9 Maintenance, Cleaning 9.2 Maintenance work

9.1 Safety instructions 9.2.1 Actuator

Danger! The actuator of the diaphragm valve is maintenance-free provided it
is used according to these operating instructions.
Risk of injury due to electrical shock!
▶▶ Before reaching into the system , switch off the power supply 9.2.2 Wearing parts of the diaphragm valve
and secure to prevent reactivation!
▶▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations Parts which are subject to natural wear:
for electrical equipment! • Seals

Warning! • Diaphragm
→→If leaks occur, replace the particular wearing parts with an appro-
Risk of injury from improper maintenance! priate spare part (see Chapter 11).
▶▶ Installation may be carried out by authorized technicians only
and with the appropriate tools! A bulging PTFE diaphragm may reduce the flow-rate.
Risk of injury from unintentional activation of the system and
an uncontrolled restart!
▶▶ Secure system from unintentional activation.
9.2.3 Service life of the diaphragm
▶▶ Following maintenance, ensure a controlled restart.
The service life of the diaphragm depends on the following factors:
• Diaphragm material,
• Medium,
• Medium pressure,
• Medium temperature.

18 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

9.2.4 Cleaning 10 Repairs

Commercially available cleaning agents can be used to clean the
outside. 10.1 Safety instructions
Note! Danger!
Avoid causing damage with cleaning agents.
▶▶ Before cleaning, check that the cleaning agents are compatible Risk of injury from high pressure in the equipment!
with the body materials and seals. ▶▶ Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
Risk of injury due to electrical shock!
▶▶ Before reaching into the system , switch off the power supply
and secure to prevent reactivation!
▶▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment!


Risk of injury from improper maintenance!

▶▶ Installation may be carried out by authorized technicians only
and with the appropriate tools.
▶▶ Observe the tightening torques.
▶▶ On completion of the work check valve for leaks and function.
Risk of injury from unintentional activation of the system and
an uncontrolled restart!
▶▶ Secure system from unintentional activation.
▶▶ Following maintenance, ensure a controlled restart.

english 19
Type 3
 232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

10.2 Replacing the diaphragm

Manual actuator

Risk of injury from discharge of medium (acid, alkali, hot media)!

4 fastening screws
It is dangerous to remove the device under pressure due to the
sudden release of pressure or discharge of medium.
▶▶ Before removing a device, switch off the pressure and vent the lines.
▶▶ Completely drain the lines. Diaphragm

Fastening types
Orifice Fastening types for diaphragm
(Diaphragm size)
4 fastenings
8 Diaphragm buttoned screws

15 Diaphragm with Diaphragm buttoned

20 bayonet catch
Mark tab for direction
25 of flow
40 Diaphragm with Fig. 10: Replacing the diaphragm
Diaphragm screwed in
50 bayonet catch
80 Diaphragm with
Diaphragm screwed in
100 bayonet catch
Tab. 10: Fastening types for diaphragm

20 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

Replacement of the diaphragm 10.2.1 Tightening torques for diaphragms

Actuator PPS or Stainless steel
→→Clamp valve body in a holding device (applies only to valves not Orifice
yet installed). Diaphragm Diaphragm
(Diaphragm size) EPDM / FKM PTFE/advanced
→→Cross-loosen fastening screws and remove actuator with dia- DN [mm] PTFE/laminated
phragm from the body. advanced PTFE
→→Detach or unscrew old diaphragm. If attachment is with a 8 2 2,5
bayonet catch, loosen the diaphragm by turning it 90° (see table
15 3,5 4
„Tab. 10: Fastening types for diaphragm“).
20 4 4,5
→→Turn handwheel all the way clockwise (CLOSED position).
→→Install new diaphragm in the actuator (see „Tab. 10: Fastening 25 5 6
types for diaphragm“). 32 6 8
→→Turn handwheel all the way counter-clockwise (OPEN position). 40 8 10
→→Align diaphragm. 50 12 15
Note marker for direction of flow! Tab. 11: Tightening torques for diaphragms, actuator PPS or
→→Place actuator back on the body. stainless steel
→→Lightly cross-tighten the fastening screws until the diaphragm is
Actuator stainless steel
between the body and actuator.
Do not tighten screws yet. Orifice Diaphragm Diaphragm
(Diaphragm size) EPDM / FKM PTFE/advanced
→→Activate the diaphragm valve once to position the diaphragm DN [mm] PTFE/laminated
correctly. advanced PTFE
→→Tighten the fastening screws with the valve in the open position up 65 20 30
to the permitted tightening torque (see tables in chapter „10.2.1
80 30 40
Tightening torques for diaphragms“).
100 40 50
→→Check the tightening torque of the screws again.
Tab. 12: Tightening torques for diaphragms, actuator stainless steel

english 21
Type 3
 232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Spare parts, Accessories

11 Spare parts, Accessories 11.1 Order table

11.1.1 Order tables for manual actuators
Risk of injury and/or damage by the use of incorrect parts! (types 3232, 3233 and 3233 K)
Incorrect accessories and unsuitable spare parts may cause injuries
and damage the device and the surrounding area. Handwheel and Handwheel PPS,
attachment PPS attachment stainless steel
▶▶ Use only original accessories and original spare parts from
Bürkert. Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm
size advanced advanced
The following spare parts are available for the manually actuated DN [mm] PTFE/ PTFE/
diaphragm valves type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234, 3235 and 3239: laminated laminated
advanced advanced
• Manual actuator complete,
• Diaphragm.
4, 6, 8, 10 194 809 194 809 194 808 194 808
Manual actuator 15, 20* 432 977 432 978 432 979 432 980
20, 25* 432 984 432 985 432 986 432 987
25, 32* 432 991 432 992 432 993 432 994
32, 40* 432 998 432 999 433 000 433 001
40, 50* 433 005 433 006 433 007 433 008
Diaphragm 50 433 012 433 013 433 014 433 015
Tab. 13: Order table for manual actuator
* Valves type 3233 K with welded support according to DIN 11850 S2, with
OD weld-on ends, with ANSI and JIS welding neck flange

Manual actuators for orifice DN 65, DN 80 and DN 100 on

Fig. 11: Spare parts request.

22 english
Type 3232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239

Handwheel and Handwheel and 11.1.2 Order table for diaphragms

attachment stainless attachment stainless
steel steel (for T or tank bottom Orifice Order numbers for diaphragms
valve) (Diaphragm
EPDM EPDM FKM PTFE Advanced Laminated
Connection (AB) (AD) (FF) (EA) PTFE advanced
Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm DN [mm]
size PTFE
DN [mm] advanced advanced 4, 6, 8, 10 677 663 688 421 677 684 677 674 679 540 677 694
PTFE/ PTFE/ 15, 20* 677 664 688 422 677 685 677 675 679 541 677 695
laminated laminated
advanced advanced 20, 25* 677 665 688 423 677 686 677 676 679 542 677 696
PTFE PTFE 25, 32‘ 677 667 688 424 677 687 677 677 679 543 677 697
4, 6, 8, 10 194 810 194 810 441 264 441 264 32, 40* 677 668 688 425 677 688 677 678 679 544
15, 20* 427 753 432 981 441 265 441 270 40, 50* 677 669 688 426 677 689 677 679 679 545 677 698
20, 25* 427 754 432 988 441 266 449 128 50 677 670 688 427 677 690 677 680 679 546 677 699
25, 32* 427 755 432 995 441 267 441 271 65 677 671 688 428 677 691 677 681 679 743
32, 40* 427 756 433 002 - - 80 650 082 688 429 650 083 650 087 679 744
40, 50* 427 757 433 009 441 268 441 276 100 650 084 688 430 650 085 650 088 679 745
50 427 758 433 016 441 269 441 277 Tab. 15: Order table for diaphragms
Tab. 14: Order table for manual actuators * Valves type 3233 K with welded support according to DIN 11850 S2, with
* Valves type 3233 K with welded support according to DIN 11850 S2, with OD weld-on ends, with ANSI and JIS welding neck flange
OD weld-on ends, with ANSI and JIS welding neck flange
Further information on spare parts can be found on the data
sheets for the piston-controlled diaphragm valves type 3232,
3233, 3233 K, 3234 and 3235. The data sheets can be found
on the Internet at:

english 23
Type 3
 232, 3233, 3233 K, 3234,
3235, 3239
Packaging, Storage, Disposal

11.2 Handwheel locking device option 12 Packaging, Storage,

The handwheel locking device option (from actuator size DN 15 to Disposal
DN 50) prevents unintentional or unauthorized operation of the valve. Note!
Handwheel can be locked in 12 detent positions per revolution (30°
each). Transport damages!
Inadequately protected equipment may be damaged during
Lock transport.
→→Using a key, press the pin • During transportation protect the device against wet and dirt in
Pin into the lock and turn all the shock-resistant packaging.
way to the left. • Avoid exceeding or dropping below the allowable storage
→→Remove key. temperature.
Valve is locked.
Incorrect storage may damage the device.
• Store the device in a dry and dust-free location!
• Storage temperature: -40 … +55 °C.
Fig. 12: Handwheel with lock

Damage to the environment caused by device components con-

taminated with media.
• Dispose of the device and packaging in an environmentally friendly
• Observe applicable regulations on disposal and the environment.

Observe national waste disposal regulations.

24 english

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