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CAPÍTULO MW 1981 - Contrainsurgencia

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La masacre de este tipo de comportamiento es demasiado universal en el mundo de

la artes marciales, por no hablar de la matanza del pueblo, la matanza, e incluso
matando a todos la vida de un planeta por la masacre, en el mundo de los artes
marciales , de vez en cuando.
Después de todo, para el universo ininitely incomparable, incluso un planeta como Sky
Planeta de derrames que fue destruido durante el día, ¿no se notará. Incluso si alguien lo
sabía, sería siento como que era sólo un montón de talento divina. La persona pequeña
del nivel del mar solamente.
Sin embargo, los genios de masas de masacre, especialmente matan a un grupo de
talentos del nivel verdadero Dios, son extremadamente raros en el mundo de artes
Verdaderas fuerzas Nivel Dios tienen un total de sólo unos pocos de los treinta y tres
cielos. ¿Quién se atreve a provocar, y que pueden provocar aford?
Esto equivale a una declaración directa de la guerra con una gran fuerza. Las
consecuencias son muy graves!
Delante de Lin Ming, más de 20 genios del palacio Santo buena fortuna luchaban con
todo el peso, pero incluso si se combinan la fuerza de 20 personas, junto con el
ampliication de la carne de la naturaleza implantados en sus cuerpos, que pudieron
no sacudirlo. Lin Ming solo.
Un ield fuerza terrible, que mantienen irmly tan estable como la roca de Gibraltar!
En este momento, Lin Ming ha ido a la tercera persona. Esta escena hace sentir a todos
Para reproducir una fuerza tan abrumadora en el juicio final no depende de la base de
cultivo, sino en el talento. Si el talento también se activa, entonces el talento del hombre
frente a él es más que las sumas totales de los t alentos de estos más de 20 Good Fortune
Palace Santa discípulo. Para superhigh muchos!
Esto es impensable.
Otro sonido ligero, Lin Ming sacó la carne y la sangre del artista marcial tercer San Race.
Y estos carne y sangre fueron alimentados a la Pequeña Negro Dragón.
carne silvestre contiene una energía asombrosa. Pero el apetito dragón de Little Negro es
increíble, se traga, traga directamente, y no necesita ni siquiera para masticar.
A continuación, el discípulo fourthth buena fortuna palacio Santo, que fue de nuevo
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muerto por Lin Ming, era como matar a los pollos. Deje que la parte contraria,
simplemente no tienen resistencia.
“Muertes Muertes talento es como cerdo ... Esto mata a una persona en Kills, buena
fortuna Palace Santa no sabe cuánto ...”
Alguien se contrajo el cuello. hablando en secreto.
El crecimiento de estos buenos genios Fortune Palace Santa es la acumulación de
innumerables tesoros cielo y tierra, que fueron cultivadas por el Palacio Santo buena
fortuna durante cientos de años.
Con el fin de esta acción, San emperador buena fortuna es una preparación cuidadosa.
Pasaron sus recursos invertidos en ellos y el conjunto del palacio Santo buena fortuna, la
generación más joven de élite.
Junto con la transformación beneicial de carne silvestre y la sangre, se puede decir
que el valor de cada una de las más de 20 personas es más que el valor de 1.000
vidas en todo Derrame de Planet Sky.
Especialmente la grasa que ha sido matado por Lin Ming es el principal líder del palacio
Santo buena fortuna. Él es peor que Santo Niño buena fortuna. Sin embargo, en
comparación con el Príncipe Imperial Na Qi, que es exactamente lo mismo.
Si Lin Ming mate a este grupo de personas, que es equivalente a arruinar el Palacio
Santo buena fortuna.
El mundo de las artes marciales. La vida se mide por valor. En opinión del artista marcial
Asura Road, Lin Ming mata a una persona y se siente como la destrucción de miles de
Uno tras otro, la velocidad del asesinato de Lin Ming era lento. No era él quien que ría
torturar al discípulo San Race. Es realmente un control pequeño haz verdadera esencia,
que separa la carne dispersa de la sangre salvaje alrededor del cuerpo de San discípulo
de carreras. Es un trabajo que consume fuerza espiritual. Incluso si Lin Ming lo hace, no
es sencillo.
Sin embargo, este tipo de comportamiento ha permitido la antigua Fortune Palace Santo para
sobrevivir y el crack.
No hay ningún punto en este tipo de lucha. Sólo es incapaz de esperar a que el sabor
de la muerte y dejar que la SUFER sufering más dolorosa en el mundo! En particular,
la naturaleza de la causa de la muerte de su carne y sangre de la causa de la muerte,
deja su cuero cabelludo sensación espeluznante, incluso si el restablecimiento mental
del artista marcial, a través de la situación de la época, también ansioso de inmediato
“Palo de golf! Nos mata, se le inished, buena fortuna palacio Santo no le fallará!”
Un discípulo buena suerte de palacio Santo estaba loco antes de soplido muerto. Esto se
debía a que en el momento antes de la muerte, la fuerza ield debilitado, lo que le permite
obtener la capacidad de hablar.
Sin embargo, su intimidación no cambia nada. La carne y la sangre de su cuerpo salvaje
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fue sacado de nuevo a cabo por Lin Ming!

persona del asesino es un asesino constante, y el artista marcial San raza, incluyendo el
artista marcial de Asura Road, en abrumadora mayoría, está en camino!
Lin Ming no tiene ningún tipo de corazón para matar a estas personas. no arrugar el
En este momento, poco a poco, las barreras que cerraban el golfo debilitados, y varios
igures poco visibles, retiro de silencio.
Estas personas son de pluma flotante montaña divina.
Al ver la imagen trágica del discípulo buena fortuna palacio Santo, todos se pusieron boca
abajo con pelos INE y extremidades entumecidas.
A pesar de que se pasivamente involucrados en esta acción, pero todavía están
agrupados con el discípulo buena fortuna palacio Santo. Después de este hombre mata a
los Discípulos del palacio Santo buena fortuna, e s probable que matarlos!
“Ustedes ... ¿a dónde vas!”
Después de matar a decenas de discípulos buena fortuna Palace Santa en una fila, Lin
Ming repente volvió a mirar a los cuatro discípulos de pluma flotante Divina Montaña de.
Matando a tanta gente, sus manos no estaban contaminados con una gota de sangre, y
que todavía estaban brillando.
En este momento, cuatro discípulo flotante de la pluma de la montaña divina cayó en el
Encabezada por la ropa en escala de grises, las mujeres son aún más tez pálida, y ella
sabe que se enfrenta a la mayor crisis de la supervivencia nunca.
En este momento, el escape debe estar muerto, estancia, y la mayor parte no tiene vida!
Su cerebro rápidamente gira, apretó los dientes, y dijo: “Usted tiene la capacidad de
matar a todos en la cancha, o va a matar a todos los mensajes de la lista Fortune Palace
Santo buena y la Montaña Divina flotante pluma. Sin duda filtrarse. Se ve obligada a ser
la muerte de pleno derecho de la raza Santa!”
“A no ser, que ha arraigado en Asura Road o la raza del alma, de arraigar súper refugios
gripe verdadero de Dios para usted! Pero usted es una clase de personal, la raza
humana no tiene verdadero Dios en absoluto!”
dificultad de la mujer vestido de gris de aliento declaró que tenía la in tención de cambiar el
odio y dejar que la mayoría de la gente de pie en el mismo frente.
Este es un medio de auto-preservación, y si las mujeres vestidos de gris desean, la
atmósfera en el ield pánico rápidamente, mucha gente mira a la tez de Lin Ming ha
En efecto, si el hombre frente a él teme que el Fortune Palace Buena Santo y no
quiere noticias revelación, matará a todos.
“¿Quién eres tú que eres? Con su talento, es imposible para registrarse como una
persona desconocida y es imposible salir en ningún momento!”
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La mujer vestido de gris atacado Lin Ming de nuevo, cuestionando la identidad de Lin
En las personas opinión, el talento sin par de este tipo de opresión Sheng Mei, Santo
Niño buena fortuna de su existencia, es en sí poco razonable.
Por otra parte, nació en la raza humana precaria, aún más increíble.
Cuando se mencionó la raza humana, la mujer vestido de gris, no pudo evitar pensar en
Lin Ming hace miles de años, a pesar de que Lin Ming ya se mueren. Sin embargo, su
punto pasado, aunque San raza juega deliberadamente, no podía ocultar.
Tales como las mujeres de la ropa de color gris, en Lin Ming nació 2.000 años después
de la muerte del joven, el nombre Lin Ming sentía como a truenos resonando en los
propios oídos, sino que dejó que el fundador de Floating Feather Montaña Divina - Dios
Rey flotante Pluma personalmente matar a la gente!
Un Verdadero Dios no tiene en cuenta su identidad para un Santo Señor. Con dicho
tratamiento, uno se puede imaginar lo terrible de Lin Ming!
“Esta persona, que no debería ser Lin Ming ...” La mujer vestido de gris negó la idea
de que acababa de salir de su mente.
Después de todo, Juicio final es una prueba para los jóvenes. De acuerdo con la ley aquí,
incluso si Lin Ming sigue vivo, que también es una edad ósea de mil años de edad, no es
un junior en absoluto. Incluso si la fuerza del presente de Lin Ming es un pliegue grave de
Santo Niño buena fortuna de, pero llegó a este espacio Juicio Final, en virtud de la
supresión de la ley, miles de años de antigüedad que, bajo las restricciones de la ley,
nunca será capaz de jugar eiciency una batalla de combate tales aterradora.
La mujer habla gris-revestida, Lin Ming ha sido las visitas de sus brillantes.
En este momento, ya había algunos investigadores que estaban cerca de las mujeres
vestidos de gris.
Se miraron la mirada de Lin Ming y tenían miedo. El hombre frente a él no se veía como
una persona con una gran protección de potencia máxima, ya que aún podría tener un
gran potencial de capacidad de asilo bajo la amenaza del palacio Santo buena fortuna.
Una mano se contó, y la mayoría de las fuerzas numéricas ya han estado aquí. El
hombre frente a él no es un miembro de cualquiera de las influencias.
“Llama la odio es bueno!”
Lin Ming vio la reacción de todo el mundo, mira a los ojos de ropa femenina, brilló una
luz fría, en este momento, cambiando el odio, provocando la ira se popular, y después
buscar un giro favorable en el caos es sin duda la forma más inteligente. Por desgracia,
no hay ningún punto en él. Con una fuerza absoluta, que puede dominar la vida y la
muerte de todos!
obedecerme y vivir en mi contra!
Lin Ming observó a medida que más y más autores de los ensayos, que fueron abrazado
por las mujeres de color gris vestido, con frialdad sonrió y dijo: “Te di el poder de elección,
la elección de pie detrás de la mujer, morir con ella, o salir de ella, También es posible
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La voz de Lin Ming es como un demonio. En el corazón de la prueba, un grupo de
personas ha sido inconscientemente lejos de la mujer vestido de gris.
“No sea ingenuo. ¿Crees que te dejaré ir !?”A la vista de esta escena, la mujer vestido de
gris gritó desesperadamente. ya estaba en pánico, sin tener en cuenta si este enfoque
podría realmente llevar ella. vitalidad.
Sin embargo, a pesar de sus gritos, el número de personas que salen de ella sigue
aumentando. La razón es muy sencilla. Contra el hombre, no hay esperanza en absoluto,
y las opciones que dió a él. Tal vez en realidad no matar a ellos tampoco.
Al poco tiempo, alrededor de la mujer vestido de gris, sólo había tres Discípulos de
pluma flotante Divina Montaña de.
Y este momento, Lin Ming disparó!
La velocidad de su disparo fue extremadamente rápido. Una pistola de lanceado a través
del vacío. Próximo trimestre, al igual que un enemigo volador, golpea la diana. Protección
del cuerpo astral Esencia de la mujer protección gris fue traspasado al instante a través, y
la sangre voló. fue cerrado de golpe, y fueron traspasados. La carne salió como este.
Con la enterró, también hay un discípulo pluma divina montaña flotante.
Dos personas murieron sin suspenso, Lin Ming no tiene ninguna, San Carrera suave y la
guerra raza humana, flotante pluma divina Mountain también involucrado, flotante secretaria
de la pluma de la Divina Montaña, también manchadas con la sangre de la raza humana.
Sin embargo, todavía hay un hombre y una mujer dos Discípulos de pluma flotante
montaña divina, Lin Ming no mató, las guarda, Lin Ming y otras funciones.
He-señas, cerraron las dos individuos con una ield vigor.
Las dos personas se sorprendieron y su tez era pálida. Se miraron la mirada de Lin Ming,
y se odiaban y temían.
(La segunda será tarde. Vamos a ir a la cama rimero.)
...( continuará )

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CAPÍTULO MW 1982 - Provocar conflictos

" Capítulo previo CRUDO Siguiente capítulo "

En este momento, en vida, se quedaron discípulos y de discípulos en camino Asura

docenas sólo el congelado pluma divina de montaña. Cuando Lin Ming volvió su mirada
a estos discípulos Asura Road, todos contuvieron la respiración. .
Entre estas personas, Lin Ming vio a varios chicos jóvenes que vestían uniformes y

llevaban siete crestas de color. Miró la ropa, estas personas, desde Divino Divino Vacío País!
Vacío divina Vacío
Alma Divina divina País es una de las dos fuerzas Nivel Dios verdadero en Asura Road. El
Emperador, fundada por el Divino Divino Vacío País, es el hermano de la Divina niebla
celeste veneramos. También tiene una animosidad profundamente arraigada con niebla
Divina Celestial veneramos.
“Youguys, comehere!”
Lin Ming señaló que el discípulo del Divino Divino Vacío País. Durante un tiempo,
varias personas fueron tez pálida.
Sin embargo, todavía se siguen las instrucciones de Lin Ming y se acercaron.
Lin Ming señaló dos discípulos flotante pluma divina montaña que estaban que

aprisiona.Vacío discípulos divina divina del País tragados. ¿Por qué utilizar Ataque espiritual?
Este poderes
es posible quehumanidad divina, no entiendo Ataque espiritual? Sin embargo, también
Raza humana no es buena en el dominio del alma después de todo.
Confunde a la duda, discípulo Divino Vacío divina del País todavía lo hizo.
Lin Ming incluso conined las acciones de los dos discípulos flotante pluma divina
montaña, pero no Conine su alma del mar. Para romper a través de sus defensas
del alma del mar, que no fue fácil para causar daño a sus vidas. Sólo el alma herida
de la derecha no fue fácil. discípulos del Divino Vacío divina del País se puede decir
que sea total.
Finalmente, se completó la meta, y las dos disciplinas de la Divina Montaña de todos
estaban en un estado de conciencia.
Después de revisar las condiciones de estos dos de los discípulos, Lin Ming es muy
“Wasgood, theprocessingsaregoingtohappen ...”
Lin Ming dicho, todo el mundo tiene cambios tez y cae en la bodega de hielo. "Tú..."
Sin esperar a que estas personas responden, Lin Ming está en pleno desarrollo,
como la erupción del volcán de color negro.
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Este gas es negro Fuerza alma de Lin Ming!

Así aterradora fuerza del alma, los discípulos del Divino Divino Vacío País fueron

sacudidos al instante! Han crecido en su boca y sus ojos han salido. "¿¡Cómo podría

ser esto!?"

Se originó a partir Divino Divino Vacío País, que son a su vez la raza del alma, tener
comprensión de la fuerza del alma. Originalmente se pensó que Lin Ming era una clase
personal y no podía ser tan destacada en los logros del alma. Por lo tanto, tienen que
utilizar el ataque espiritual antes de que ellos dejan salir.
Pero ahora, viendo la fuerza del alma entró en erupción en el cuerpo humano, es
simplemente increíble!
Ya sabes, esto es bajo la supresión de la Ley Camino Asura. Si está fuera, ¿cuánto va a
su Fuerza del alma? miedo de que el venero de la raza celeste del alma es tan!
Una raza humana. Superando Alma carrera celestial veneramos en la fuerza del alma?
una fuerza de gran alcance tal, junto con una fuerza del alma terribles tal, el hombre
frente a él. ¿Es la reencarnación Asura carretera principal?
La idea de absurda fue tan impactante que era una escena realista, lo que llevó a la
inevitable aparición de sus cerebros.
En este momento, un cubo negro apareció frente a Lin Ming, girando lentamente.
El cubo negro tiene un patrón misteriosa en su superficie. Tan pronto como aparece, se
colapsa por completo el espacio a su alrededor. Un poco de luz divina recoge en el
espacio. Que fluye lentamente a este cubo negro, parece que entre los cubos, hay un
universo real.
Este cubo negro, naturalmente, es un cubo mágico.
Con los años, Lin Ming ha restaurado toda la fuerza del alma, y debido a la
reencarnación del mundo, ver la muerte y la muerte, la experiencia de ganancia entra en
el mundo, y la fuerza del alma de Lin Ming se rompe a través del reino del pasado. Se
consiguió una más perfecta Alma eterna.
Alma eterna, es decir, la misma fuerza del alma, en términos de intensidad, que los de
los personajes de pico de la carrera del alma. Pero en términos de calidad, no es
comparable a cualquiera!
En este momento, se utilizó alma eterna perfecta del cubo mágico par a conducir cubo
mágico. Realmente armar a Inger!
Durante un tiempo, la situación de la decoloración, enormes nubes cubren este espacio,
todo discípulo camino Asura sentía ilusión y alma del mar cayeron.
De hecho, cuando estas personas vieron el cubo mágico, sus ojos no podían moverse.
Parecían haber olvidado el peligro, se olvidó de todo, sólo el objeto divino en sus ojos, y
entonces su alma del mar, debido al cubo mágico, estaba completamente abierta.
Tanta gente, nadie puede resistirse a Lin Ming, lo rimero de Lin Ming que hacer es
borrar los recuerdos de lo que acaba de pasar todas las personas.
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Alma eterna, que se desarrolló con Lin Ming, una vez más, más el cubo mágico divina
Artefacto, pueden hacer esto perfectamente, dejando solo Dios verdadero.
la memoria borrando es como una sabia penal, después del crimen, borrar sus
propias huellas criminales, puede ser hecho sin defectos, que es cuando no hay
omisión en este penal, todas las trazas, incluso si lleva un pelo, un poco de cuero
comida, una partícula de polvo se borra el tiempo de limpieza, entonces no hay nada
para demostrar que él ha tenido alguna vez una escena del crimen criminal, Incluso
la bailif más sabia del mundo, en la cara de dicha escena del crimen criminal
también es también en una pérdida , no se puede hacer ladrillos sin paja !,
Lin Ming, es un criminal de este tipo, porque sabe que borró la memoria de estas
personas. Cuando estas personas regresan, la persona que las sondas será divino
emperador vacío del alma, Dios Rey pluma flotante.
La fuerza de Lin Ming es incluso peor que estos dioses verdaderos, pero a causa de
cubo mágico y eterno del alma, Lin Ming calcula segundo en la técnica de borrar los
recuerdos. Este universo es que nadie puede ser el rimero.
Después de borrar la memoria de todos con seriedad, Lin Ming ha comprobado en
repetidas ocasiones varias veces. Después de cierto sin dejar ningún rastro, él
comenzará a forjar recuerdos.
El blanco de memoria que borra causas de memoria no se puede explicar. Es natural de
falsificar la nueva memoria sea perfecto.
Sin embargo, es muy diicult para borrar la memoria, forjar la memoria.
Si se trata de forja sin fundamento, Lin Ming no puede garantizar para mantener Dios
Pero Lin Ming tiene otra manera, es decir, para crear la ilusión “Realhappening”, por lo
que estas personas se sumergen en la escena que Lin Ming quiere que vean.
De esta manera, las personas que van a ver estas escenas irmly creen que lo que

sucedió en este momento es cierto. Ellos mismos piensan que es cierto, entonces la memoria es

la percepción
originales verdadera
es la dememoria.
verdadera Dios es más
Qué sutil.
puede Deja que comprobar algunos de los
¿ellos ven?
Por lo tanto, Lin Ming no está en la memoria forja, pero es igual a su guía . Deja que
estos Asura Road y flotantes discípulos de pluma divina de montaña tienen una
memoria real.
Por lo tanto, bajo el control del Ming Lin, recuerdos del memorial de estos Asura
carreteras volvieron al momento cuando vieron aparecer los fantasmas de l pantano de
Ellos finde para capturar el tesoro y llegar al lugar del accidente, ighting con los
Discípulos del Fortune Palace Santo buena y la Montaña Divina flotante pluma.
Los Discípulos del palacio Santo buena fortuna tuvieron Transformación del cuerpo.
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Convocaron el poder de la sangre salvaje y los siniestros graves hechos.

Y esta vez, el espacio del Juicio Final repente decoloración, menor castigo celestial!
Por un tiempo. Numerosos Ley de Asura runa se condensa en la Divina trueno,
cerrando en más de 20 Cuerpo de Fortune Palace Santa discípulos después de la
transformación del cuerpo. Volaron en el castigo divino.
Lin Ming simuló la falsa apariencia de que la ley Juicio Final no permitió vivir Abismo
diablo de existir, por otra parte entiende la comprensión de Lin Ming de Asura Celestial
Dao, y esta ilusión de castigo celestial vino a él.
Este punto, independientemente de lo que ve Dios Verdadero, no hay fallo, debido a la
comprensión de Lin Ming de la Ley de Asura. No hay duda de que el rimero de treinta y
tres cielos!
En cuanto a la muerte de Abismo El diablo de la prueba final, Lin Ming no tiene miedo
de conirmation de la próxima prueba final de San emperador buena fortuna. Después
de todo, Juicio final es impredecible. Y sus reglas no se pueden hacer clara, San
emperador buena fortuna no pensar que, antes de ver a través de la memoria del
monumento, escena Castigo Celestial verdadera incomparable, de hecho, está
familiarizado con el pueblo de Asura Celestial Dao falsificados.
A continuación, aún no inished, el punto culminante de Lin Ming de
“Carefulpreparation” acaba de comenzar.
Después de los Discípulos del Fortune Palace Buena Santo fueron borrados, pero el
otro discípulo camino Asura. Con el fin de robar el bebé, tiro discípulos el Frozen pluma
divina de montaña de nuevo.
Como resultado, la pluma flotante Montaña Divina murió en dos discípulos, incluyendo
el blanco de las señoras, y dos disciplinas se vieron gravemente herido antes de huir.
La razón de que estos dos discípulos pueden escapar sigue siendo el otro discípulo
camino Asura con el fin de correr al vuelo en busca de tesoros y vuelo interior.
Todo es muy realista y muy razonable.
Al final, la disciplina divina Vacío divina del País, con la superioridad de fuerza, cogió un
tesoro y huyó!
Y a partir de la memoria divina Vacío divina del discípulo País. Lin Ming también encontró
alguna información útil, es decir, trajeron algunos elementos valiosos para el uso de una
sola vez. Ellos pueden jugar un papel muy importante en el acaparamiento de tesoros,
como la matriz de ilusión perturbada, como el tiempo de escape, divina inscripción
Talismán y así sucesivamente.
Estas cosas. Naturalmente coniscated por Lin Ming, y en la ilusión de la experiencia de
la divina Vacío discípulo divina País. Estas cosas se usan de forma natural por ellos.
Muestran su sabiduría y valor, junto con la suerte, ind difícil robar el tesoro y un tiro
de todo el mundo, con el tiempo de huir hacia el valle de la montaña de una
montaña remota.
Ellos se llenaron de alegría, porque esperaban que esto podría ser un tesoro para Dios
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Ellos están entregando los tesoros, y que todavía están estudiando aquí para ver si hay
una ola de conflictos en el uso de los locales. En este momento, la escena de su
colapso se produjo.
Diablo Relic repente dejó escapar demoníaco Qi!
Estos demoníaco Qi, se condensan en el cielo en un enorme fantasma, con una
similitud con la cabeza del fantasma en un pantano de Blackwater comenzar.
El fenómeno es demasiado grande. Li mil personas pueden verlo.
Como resultado, todo el mundo se sentía atraído, y la posición de forma natural siguió
Divino Vacío divina del discípulo País.
Los otros de los discípulos de la carretera Asura, todos corrieron, incluyendo dos
discípulos gravemente heridos de Frozen pluma divina montaña.
Vacío discípulos divina divina del País fueron presa del pánico inexplicable. Antes de
que tuvieran la oportunidad de escapar en virtud de su suerte, esta vez frente a tantas
personas, la mayoría de ellos se plantarán, y no sería lo suficientemente bueno al paso
pasos del discípulo Fortune Palace Santa!
En este momento, la cabeza del fantasma de los grandes en el cielo de repente Difused
y se convirtió en una fuerza ield que cubre un radio de varios cientos de millas. Todo el
mundo estaba envuelto en el aire negro y perdió el conocimiento ...
Esta es también la parte inal de Lin Ming.
Para la transición de la falsa memoria a la memoria real.
Incluso si la técnica de Lin Ming en la memoria de pseudo-mortalidad ya superó
Treinta y tres cielos, él todavía no podía garantizar que el ratón blanco que había
hecho sus manos y Ingers hacer la transición de falsa memoria a la memoria real no
parece tan confuso y confundido . .
A pesar de que es sólo una huella, es muy probable que se descubran en virtud de la
percepción verdadera de Dios.
Pero si los dejaron fatigan y se despiertan de nuevo, ellos creen que todo lo que
ocurrió antes de realmente ya no es cierto. ¿Qué tan cierto sondas Dios solamente
explorarán sus recuerdos “Fulltruth”.
Lin Ming hizo que el tiempo de éstos ilusión de, los “Whitemouse” que había sido
trasladado a la
"Evento"Valle de la montaña.
Y no era Lin Ming, que se movían en. Fueron guiados por la ilusión y volaron a sí

mismos. El paisaje que veían en el camino era del todo cierto.

Incluso si ellos atacan y esquivar los movimientos en el aire, las expresiones de cada uno
son realistas en la ilusión.
En cuanto a muy fuertes pérdidas de la secretaria, también después de un gran círculo,
hasta la aparición cabeza del fantasma los dos flotante pluma divina de montaña, que no
eran reacios a volver.
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En este momento, THEAD se abrió de golpe, y todo el mundo cayó en coma.

Todo es perfecto, por supuesto. Cuando estas personas se despiertan, se trata de una
gran cantidad de días más tarde. En ese momento, Juicio final es todo.
Estas personas piensan que estaban inconscientes durante tanto tiempo bajo la fuerza
ield creado por Relic Diablo y también estaban protegidos del ataque feroz bestia en el
Juicio Final.
Pero ellos no se sentirán afortunados, especialmente los discípulos del Divino Divino Vacío
País ...
No es que se perdió la oportunidad de continuar el juicio de, pero que iban a
despertar y ind que Diablo reliquia desapareció después de la erupción del ield
fuerza, dónde fueron, y que no sabían que, lo peor de todo era que otros pensarían
que Relic diablo tenía en sus manos, y todo su cuerpo está claro ...
Esta vez, Lin Ming ya se ha ido a la quinta planta del Juicio Final solo. Diablo

Relic, se ha incluido en el Anillo espacial por Lin Ming.

El Pequeño Dragón Negro está saciado con la comida y el vino y duerme en el espacio
mágico del cubo. Se devora la carne del salvaje y se fusiona en una gran bola de carne
roja en su abdomen. Este albóndiga aún no ha tenido tiempo para que reine. .
Esta vez, Lin Ming se puede decir que volver a casa con una carga completa.
Sin embargo, él no tiene tiempo para estudiar Diablo Relic, pero sólo puede sentir
que contiene la energía pura e incomparable. Si puede reine este poder, o tiene una
gran ventaja para sí mismo y para el Pequeño Dragón Negro.
Desde el cuarto piso hasta el quinto piso, todavía hay pruebas, como la Puerta de Derecho
por dos o tres capas.
La última vez que Lin Ming llegó a la prueba final, el puesto de control aquí fue el
treinta y tres cielos Dios Plataforma de sellado. Lin Ming subió con facilidad. Esta
vez, la escena cambió, y se convirtió en una prueba de la magia matriz de matanza.
Naturalmente, no hay ningún problema.
Después de Lin Ming transmite fácilmente, el inal entró en el quinto piso. En este
momento, Lin Ming hizo un sonido en su mente.
“Yourway, it'saninsult ...”
La voz era un poco débil y algo etéreo. Lin Ming fue muy familiarizados con ella. Venía de
niebla Divina Celestial veneramos.
Con los años, la subnutrición del cubo mágico, misterioso espíritu de Celestial
veneramos la fuerza del alma a pesar de que ha sido tan precariedad de la ira de la
vida, pero no se ha extinguido, es más tiempo, todo en el sueño profun do.
Lin Ming sonrió y dijo, “Seniorawake?”
(4.000 palabras)
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CAPÍTULO MW 1983 - lucha eterna de hielo de congelación

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“Despertó ... Me parece a dormir por otros mil años?” “Um, exactamente

1.058 años ...” sonrió Lin Ming.

Hace más de 1.000 años, divina niebla celeste veneramos despertó a sólo diez días, y luego
dormir más profundamente, ha estado dormido hasta ahora.
Cubo Mágico tiene un alma efect estable. la condición de niebla celeste divina veneramos
ahora no es una mala. Mientras él está en un estado de sueño, Espíritu la fuerza del alma no es
ni debilitó ni reforzado.
“Su este tiempo, fue un gran lío de Vacío divina.”
Divina niebla celeste veneramos dijo débilmente, San emperador buena fortuna está tan
preocupado por este pedazo de Diablo Relic. Naturalmente, no se detendrá. Vacío divina divina
País es más débil que la buena fortuna palacio Santo, pero están dentro de Asura Road. Asilo
de la Ley Camino Asura, San emperador buena fortuna no debe levantarse precipitadamente
una mano.
"Quizás. la circulación del Karma, Vacío divina tiene un odio con sus predecesores, y estoy
tan amable con mis predecesores. Es normal a cobrar intereses sobre la divina Vacío divina
País ...”
La respuesta de Lin Ming estaba en calma. Era una persona con una clara repugnancia. Le
disparó a los descartes de la Fortune Palace Santa Bien y el flotante de la pluma de la
montaña divina porque eran originalmente las relaciones hostiles, y por no hablar de que ya
habían matado a muchos discípulos Asura Road justo después de que habían capturado el
tesoro. Ellos simplemente dejarlos ir. Dentro de unos pocos miles de años, el número de
élites raza humana para morir aumentará.
En cuanto a la Divina Vacío divina País, Lin Ming tuvo que hacer frente a sólo el Divino Vacío
Alma emperador, y discípulo Divino Vacío divina del País, con Lin Ming tenían nada profundo
odio sombrero de resentimiento, por lo que estas personas se dejó ir.
“Sí ... rencores Samsara, la circulación del karma ...”
En respuesta al resentimiento de Vacío divina, divina niebla celeste veneramos mostró su
corazón. Desde que fue sellado en el cubo mágico, Vacío divina probablemente pensó que
estaba muerto ...
“Sin embargo, lo que se hace hoy en día sólo está causando algunos problemas para
Vacío divina. Que no puede desprenderse de su fundación “.
Divina niebla dijo débilmente, Lin Ming suavemente inclinación de cabeza, “No espero que
este asunto sea capaz de originar cualquier tipo de guerra, a lo mejor, es transferir la atención
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de San emperador buena fortuna, y, siento que puede que no sea capaz de vivir en Saint.
Emperador buena fortuna, es posible que algunos puntos cuestionables ind ...”
Lin Ming no le importa si el conflicto que provocó conducirá a la guerra. Su propósito principal es
ocultar su paradero.
“Um, mantener su propia seguridad. No revelar la noticia de que usted todavía está viviendo
es más importante que cualquier otra cosa, tener un montón de tiempo para eso ...”
Divina niebla celeste veneramos dijo esto, de nuevo caer en un sueño profundo.
fortaleza actual de Lin Ming no es suficiente. De acuerdo con la sugerencia de niebla Divina
Celestial veneramos, debe completar al menos la Técnica de Gran Reencarnación, la séptima
revolución, y la base de cultivo debe ser actualizado a la Celestial veneramos, incluso el reino
celestial veneramos.
Pero Lin Ming sintió ámbito veneramos Celestial. Para ser demasiado largo tiempo.
Al mismo tiempo, se inscribió en la caja dúo ley y dio consideración a la técnica de Gran
Reencarnación. Lin Ming dudaba de que había estado dentro de diez mil años. Nadie puede
romper a través de veneramos Celestial.
Esta velocidad es mucho más lento que el emperador Sakyamuni. Es incluso

más lento que el Santo Niño buena fortuna.

Este es el precio del cultivo de Gran Reencarnación Técnica. En este

momento, Lin Ming ha entrado en la prueba final quinta planta.

pero el del Juicio
suelo Final,tiene
del piso los detalles especíicos a pesar de que han cambiado todo el tiempo,
permanecido sin cambios. Los porteros aquí son Eterna Raging Flame y Hielo de

congelación eterna. Ese año, Lin Ming cooperó con Sheng Mei. Matar hielo de congelación

Eterna, la reputación de gran chirrido. Hoy en día, llega a este nivel solo, solo, frente Eterna

hielo Congelación y Llama Eterna que rabia.

Lin Ming, quien desarrolló la técnica de Gran Reencarnación, se aprovechó de la edad ósea en
el Juicio Final. El ataque Eterna Raging Flame no pudo representar una amenaza a Lin Ming.
Con su comprensión de la Ley del Fuego, fácilmente evitado todo.
A continuación, eterna llama que rabia se convirtió en un huevo de Phoenix, y Lin Ming se
quedó con las manos y lo miró en silencio.
No atacó. En lugar de ello, se espera a que el huevo de Phoenix para ocultar e incuba en
hielo de congelación eterna.
elección de Lin Ming murió en el eterno huelgas forma de hielo de congelación del tutor ive
nivel. Es el fin de obtener un mayor grado de terminación.
Debido a Eterna hielo de congelación, se fija con los atributos de Lin Ming.
Todo el aire frío comience la convergencia entre el cielo y la tierra, flotan en el aire superior.
La ley se congeló terribles conined el cielo. Se puede ver claramente que en el centro de la
convergencia de aire frío, el punto del punto de hielo frío, el centro comienza a condensarse en
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una miniatura frío hielo Phoenix.

Con la convergencia de aire frío, el fénix es cada vez más y más grande, y el aura congelada
entre el cielo y la tierra también se está librando!
temblores de la tierra, uno tras otro diez mil pies del glaciar de taladros subterráneos, stands de
La boca de Lin Ming, seguido por una sonrisa, eterno hielo de congelación, separada por
mucho desde hace miles de años, inalmente ighting con ella otra vez!
Una vez, Lin Ming estaba esperando Sheng Mei usar profunda formación cielos de hielo, que
estaba peligrosamente peligroso para bloquear el ataque de hielo de congelación eterna.
Cuando Eterna hielo de inmovilización se agota y se convirtió en huevos de hielo, Lin Ming
elimina del hielo. Con golpe completo de Dark Dragon Spear, matar Eterna hielo de
Esta vez, Lin Ming no tenía la intención de esperar. En el momento en que apareció Eterna
congelación de hielo, Lin Ming corrió hacia afuera!
Se enfrentó a la cima de la Eterna hielo Congelación y tenía la intención de vuelo con

Eterna congelación del hielo! Una acción tan loco, si es visto por Sheng Mei, que sin

duda será impactado.

Con una longitud de voz distante, Dark Dragon lanza vuela fuera del anillo espacial de Lin Ming!
Esta arma no se ha producido durante miles de años. Desde hace varios miles de años, Lin
Ming nunca ha hecho una EFORT completa en su condición de pico.
Ahora, Lanza del Dragón Oscuro regresa a la mano del maestro y envía una oleada de
emoción, como si en este momento, Alma de Dragón del Dragón Divino, revivió en el
cuerpo de la lanza!
Una cadena de frío se reunieron en haces, condensando cada vez más robusto, en un
viento tan helado, la ira violenta de hielo eterno de congelación, parecía irritó
inesperadamente tener una humanidad, a desafiar su autoridad!
Voló a Lin Ming. Su velocidad se acercaba pico. Antigua Roc se rumoreaba. Sin el derecho
del espacio, que era un cuarenta y inco mil kilómetros.
El frío hielo Phoenix, aunque tiene una velocidad ligeramente inferior a la antigua Roc, pero
es deinitely no inferiores a muchos, naturalmente, la misma, es en el caso de no utilizar el
derecho del espacio, como la velocidad, es la velocidad real, superará reacción de la gente!
Porque, su ataque no dará lugar a la fluctuación de la ley, de manera que la persona no
puede comprender plenamente las huellas.
Eterna de hielo de congelación apareció al instante delante de Lin Ming. Se extendió el frío
del frío, garra, llegó a agarra de Lin Ming!
Por debajo de esta garra, que cubre el ield fuerza de hielo. Cualquier criatura, bajo la ield
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vigor, será congelada al mismo tiempo que el cuerpo mortal y alma.

Por lo tanto, si se quiere evitar Eterna congelación ataque de hielo, no es sencillo
velocidad es suficiente, y hay que ser capaz de competir contra el ield fuerza en el ataque
de hielo de congelación Eterna!
la contracción plástica de Lin Ming. El cuerpo se retira. En ese momento, todo el cuerpo
emite llamas negro, encendido de la llama, y con el verdadero significado de Nirvana
renacimiento, se quema directamente a través de la fuerza de ield hielo.
Lin Ming paso pie está vacía. El cuerpo desaparece como el humo. En la velocidad, que
no es tan bueno como el eterno hielo de congelación. Por lo tanto, no dudes en utilizar el
derecho del espacio. Sin embargo, el derecho del espacio, que dejó atrás Eterna hielo de
congelación, incluso si utiliza derecho del espacio de manera arbitraria. Eterna de hielo de
congelación también se Inds diicult para bloquear lugar de Lin Ming con la fluctuación de la
En un instante, Lin Ming ha aparecido detrás Eterna hielo de congelación.
En la parte superior de la cabeza de Lin Ming, hay nueve grandes estrellas. La brillantez de
estas grandes estrellas se infunde en el cuerpo mortal de Lin Ming. En su cuerpo es de color
violeta Mansión Dao Palace, Celestial Retribución Dao Palace y doble Extremos Dao Palace.
Cielos Dao ojo palacio 11 aperturas!
Dark Dragon lanza infunde los Nueve Estrellas Celestial Mans, con gran energía de la
detonación del espacio EON.
Tormenta divina, como gotas universales nueve cielos, flotaba sobre la columna vertebral de la
Eterna hielo de congelación.
La parte trasera de Phoenix, puede llevar a la montaña de color azul oscuro, sin embargo
después Lin Ming esta lanza | arma, no solamente la fuerza de hielo ield roto, incluso
aquellos plumas de hielo hermosas se rompen por libras. Siéntase libre para volar.
La sangre del hielo azul, que fluye hacia fuera, no es en realidad una muestra de sangre en
absoluto, pero el elixir mundo, que es la potencia más pura de hielo. Si el artista marcial
hielo puede obtener una gota. Será como un tesoro supremo.
Eterna de hielo de congelación está enojado que guarda la prueba final quinto piso de poco
más de Hundr millones de años. Durante este período, alguien una vez aplastado el huevo
congelada que se ha formado, pero nunca ha sido capaz de hacer daño desde el frente!
Gruñó, una vez más apresurado a Lin Ming!
“Ka Kaká!”
Vacío se congela, se rompió! Un haz de luz azul, escupió desde la boca de la congelación
del hielo eterno, el pecho de la incidencia perpendicular Lin Ming!
Esta columna de hielo y la luz es terrible en fuerza y es muy superior a la base de cultivo
después de Lin Ming fue suprimida.
Después de todo, era la congelación del hielo eterno de la condición de pico, cuando fue
creado, fue por defecto que no era imposible de ser derrotado en la condición de pico.
Lin Ming no esquivar, su doble pupila de repente se contrajo en un agujero de alfiler, y los
alumnos estaban cubiertos con numerosos patrones densos. En este momento, se abrió tres
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Tres alumnos de diez mil Ley Emptiness!
Con cielos ojo Dao Palacio de Lin Ming, fue sólo un instante que la Ley de frío de hielo
utilizado por congelación del hielo eterno era conocido por Lin Ming. A los ojos de Lin Ming,
que ya no era la luz azul deslumbrante, pero la composición de numerosas esencias fríos.
Estructura de la ley.
todo el cuerpo Thunderire Fuerza de Lin Ming estalló, detrás de la cual surgió la gran
audición posterior sombra de Dios Árbol fantasma, dos cadenas de choque fuerza, la
energía del miedo se rompió a través del cielo, golpeó Yang Shan en el caos, auge de la
energía de origen!
En virtud de la supresión de la ley, se compensó la deiciency de la base de cultivo. El
carámbano emitida por la congelación del hielo eterno se rompió duro por Lin Ming!
La congelación del hielo eterno es la ira más violenta, el cuerpo a cuerpo con Lin Ming!
Es como alas comunes y afiladas garras de la hoja de borde, y ambos son armas temibles.
Otro impacto frontal, el cuerpo de Lin Ming voló hacia atrás, pero no se cayó fuera del
viento. se llevó a cabo con mayor frecuencia, con ighting Eterna congelación del hielo!
El vuelo del cuerpo mortal, el enfrentamiento de la energía, el Dragón Oscuro lanza en
las manos de Lin Ming, por completo se convirtió en un dragón Negro volar. En el cielo,
dragón y fénix sostienen!
Alrededor de las diez mil pies de Glacy, no todo podía soportar esta tormenta de energía
terribles, ruidos colapso.
El hielo que cae como una colina cae en la tierra y se convierte en un agua helada. Si el
mundo es un escenario del fin del mundo. (¿Quieres saber más “tendencia Splendid” De
“Martial Mundial”? Ahora abrir la carta de micro, haga clic en el signo “+” en la parte
superior derecha, la opción para agregar amigos en el número público incremento, buscar
“” prestar atención a el número público, nunca se pierda cada vez actualización!) (No se ha

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CAPÍTULO MW 1984 - Abierto séptimo piso

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En una guerra de cerca agarrar protract, Lin Ming inalmente fue alcanzado por
congelación del hielo eterno. Las garras terribles phoenix, con unas pocas decenas de
pies largos y profundos en el frío, cortado en cuerpo mortal de Lin Ming!

La sangre vuela tiro, al instante congelado por el hielo frío en R carámbano, el cuerpo de
Lin Ming como un meteoro sale volando, un montón de tierra en el anterior!

Hielo, había una grieta en la telaraña, una huelga, eterno hielo de congelación de
esbozó una traza de orgullo humano, que los gritos, los vuelos de poca profundidad,
directos a la del hielo del azul!
Sin embargo, en el momento en que estaba cerca de la cueva de hielo, las aristas del
arma negro, con el poderoso potencial de energía, brotó y agrietados todo!

Esta lanza carretera | resplandor del arma, se precipita en el pecho de la Eterna congelación
del hielo!
Eterna de hielo de congelación hizo un piar agudo. Tenía pluma azul en él y una vez
más sangre contaminación. El gol de Lin Ming, que se condensa Asura Celestial Ley
Dao, reúne el poder sobrenatural de
Treinta y tres cielos, además de la bendición de Dao Palace Nueve Estrellas, que está
cerca de su huelga más fuertepero todavía no logra penetrar en el cuerpo de la Eterna hielo de
congelación de. .

Eterna de hielo de congelación fue inundado por la luz negro sin fin, y violentamente a rodar
en el aire. Bingyun, a miles de millas de distancia, estaba impresionado!
Justo en este momento, Lin Ming de sangre del cuerpo supuración salió de los glaciares
rotos. Su teletransporte apareció detrás de la congelación del hielo eterno y disparó de

Un fuerte ruido, la columna vertebral de hielo eterno de congelación, esta vez no es sólo
una forma sencilla de la sangre azul, pero también hay una grieta en el mismo tiempo.

Esto significa que la Ley de hielo frío que forma su cuerpo tiene grietas.
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El poder de la eterna hielo de congelación, se está debilitando!

De hecho, aunque Lin Ming no puede matar Eterna congel ación de hielo corto tiempo,
pero que puede competir con el eterno
La congelación de hielo. Lin Ming ganó este vuelo.
De acuerdo con las reglas del Juicio Final, el guardián de la quinta planta, ya sea en la
forma de la Eterna Raging Flame o congelación del hielo eterno, después de que se ha
reunido toda su fuerza, consumirá estas fuerzas en un momento en su ataque, finalmente
extendiéndose tubos de escape, se convierten en los huevos de hielo y llamas.

Este huevo y huevo de hielo llama, es la parte inferior de su fuerza.

Eterna hielo de congelación pertenece al tipo más débil de oponente, lo que resulta en
su condición de pico. Si no puede ayudar a Lin Ming, a continuación, después de que
se hace más débil, es aún más predecible.
Por lo tanto, cuando Lin Ming y otra lanzazo estaban en el abdomen de la Eterna
congelación del hielo, la resultado de esta batalla era básicamente una conclusión inevitable.

abdomen eterno de hielo de congelación también tenía grietas.

Un disparo y un disparo, continuo ataque de Lin Ming, golpean la cara hacia

abajo. La congelación del hielo eterno tiene cada vez más grietas en este

ataque tormentoso!
cayeron las plumas de hielo. La sangre azul de la esencia de hielo también se balancea.
Con un ruido fuerte, eterno hielo de congelación ya no podía resistir el ataque continuo
desde Lin Ming, y su cuerpo se estrelló a lo largo de la grieta de los muchos. El aire de
frialdad difundir libremente, Eterna congelación del hielo, del mismo modo que explotó
en el aire en una niebla destrozada!

La terrible frialdad barre el aire, formando una tormenta de hielo, vigilando la expansión
incesante de la presentes hielo vórtice, Lin Ming suavemente relajar la respiración.
La prueba ive-cuento se ha acabado. La congelación del hielo eterno murió

antes que el huevo Preserv! Y. solo.

Como dijo Eterna hielo de congelación, después de la creación de Asura Road, nunca ha
habido un asunto tan en el
historia de diez mil millones de años.
Con la muerte de la Eterna hielo de congelación, los glaciares comienzan a derretirse, y el
hielo y la nieve se desvanecen lentamente. Cinco pisos de espacio de ensayo han restaurado la
apariencia original.

Entonces. Lin Ming tomó un vistazo a su propio grado de finalización ...

De hecho, en este momento, Lin Ming no importa el grado de nada. entraría en el séptimo
piso del Juicio Final y de conseguir la plena Asura Celestial libro.
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Se elegirá para matar hielo de congelación eterna de tal manera diicult. Más es la fuerza
de fin de detectar propia.

“El grado de terminación, 95!”

Este grado de terminación. Fue sólo tres puntos más que el tiempo rimero de Lin Ming
cuando Juicio Final mató Eterna hielo de congelación.
Lin Ming conjeturó que la capacidad de matar de hielo de c ongelación Eterna solo sería
ya capaz de lograr un grado completo de finalización. Ahora, se trata de una
overcompletion, pero tiene miedo de que el camino de Asura Maestro no esperaba que
esto suceda. Por lo tanto, no hay reglas adicionales para Lin Ming.

“95, parece que las terminaciones último punto de IVE se encuentran en la prueba final
del séptimo piso!”
Lin Ming pensó de esta manera y salió de la prueba final del Sexto Piso.
El sexto piso del Juicio Final es un caos. El cielo y la tierra aquí están todos los colores.
No pueden discernirse en absoluto. Sólo las líneas mágicas sin fin de la ley son
abrumadoras. Se puede utilizar como el único escenario de esta capa.
Sexto Piso ensayo no es peligroso, es una capa utilizada para descansar y recomp ensas
de premios.
Cuando el tiempo anterior de Lin Ming llegó a este nivel, la recompensa Lin

Ming ya había conseguido. Esta vez, Lin Ming es con el fin de abrir el séptimo

piso con el destino de jade imperial. “Retumbó!”

Cuando Lin Ming entró en la región de la Sexta Planta Centro, tierra colapsó y formó un
Este abismo sin fondo, parece estar conectado a otro universo a

continuación. Y en el centro del abismo, una enorme escultura Blackstone

flota lentamente.

Esta escultura Blackstone es una escultura de Asura Dios de la Guerra. Lleva a cabo
Dragón Lanza, que llevaba una batalla negro armadura, todo el cuerpo que cubre la escala de
ierce, debajo del pie del Dragón Divino, que todo el cuerpo de arriba a abajo, illed con una antigua aura,
cruel, la gente asustada.

Por encima de la armadura de combate de guerra a Dios, hay tres canales de cuchara al lado
del otro.
Al lado de la ranura, Lin Ming ha leído una vez. Es la escritura muy familiar: “Treinta y tres
cielos, Asura patrimonio, Personalidad Peerless, gran destino, Persona del Paso ...”

El texto completo, pero más de 100 palabras, dijo, es la llave para abrir el destino de jade
imperial séptimo piso ¡Tres!
Para aquellos que estén interesados, no miran para el emperador de Jade. Sin embargo,
el emperador de Jade se puede ind por su propia iniciativa. Sin embargo, si no envía
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Emperador de Jade a sus manos, ellos no lo saben.

Después de mucho tiempo, Lin Ming ya se había reunido Emperador de Jade, pero
ahora, el momento es en realidad madura, y es el momento para iniciar el séptimo piso.

En este momento, el estado mental de Lin Ming es muy tranquilo.

Antes de volar lentamente a la estatua de Asura, sacó 11 de los tres Emperador de Jade.
Los tres bloques de Emperador de Jade son similares en apariencia, pero las líneas y las
texturas son completamente diferent. En cuanto a Profesor Lin Ming que está proicient en
la Ley de Asura, hay poco claros vínculos legales entre los tres Emperador de Jade y su
superficie. Las líneas de graba también parecen ser los modelos más bellas y armoniosas
en el mundo.
Lin Ming cerró los ojos y en silencio sintió la conexión entre la escultura de Asura y jades
imperiales tres destino. Entonces Lin Ming comienzan coloca los tres Emperador de Jade en
la estatua de Asura ....
... (¿Quieres saber más “tendencia Splendid” De “Martial Mundial”? Ahora abrir la carta de
micro, haga clic en el Signo “+” en el upperight, opción para agregar amigos en el número público
incremento, buscar “” prestar atención al número público, nunca se pierda Cada actualización!) (No se ha


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CAPÍTULO MW 1985 - emperador cementerio

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Tres Emperador de Jade, 11 colocado en el canal primicia, las líneas y las grietas son
exactamente los mismos. En ese momento, toda la estatua iluminada el resplandor
Davine. Al mismo tiempo, el vacío debajo de la estatua fija del vórtice del espacio.
el cuerpo de Lin Ming fue succionado directamente en el vórtice. Escena-revolución,
próximo trimestre, Lin Ming ha aparecido en un mundo de ceniza gris oscuro.
Ya en Lin Ming entraron en el ensayo final para el momento rimero, enterado de que existía
el séptimo piso, y sabían que tres destino jades imperiales eran la clave para el séptimo
piso. Lin Ming había estado preguntando cuál es la prueba final del séptimo piso se vería
Habrá ciertas pruebas invertidas, o una capa puramente gratificante?
Esta idea fue aún más fuerte cuando Lin Ming obtuvo el tercer destino de jade imperial,
pero debido a las dificultades de Lin Yu durante este período, y diversas causas
objectiveive, comenzó el séptimo piso a ser pospuesta una y otra vez. .
Hoy en día, Lin Ming, finalmente, en realidad entró en el séptimo piso y vio todo aquí

... En este momento, presenta la escena, pero Lin Ming fue conmocionado y


vio un cementerio.
Este es un mundo puro de color gris ceniza, cielo caos, la tierra es ridícula. En esta
tierra, hay miles de tumbas.
Estas tumbas sólo se ocuparon una tierra de diez pies, la unificación de las lápidas hechas
de roca de ceniza de color gris o negro, revelando un gusto solemne y solemne.
Lin Ming no sabe si se trata de la protección de una matriz, o la roca de una lápida
fundido después de una bendición especial. En resumen, diez mil millones de años han
pasado. Estas lápidas están todavía intactas, pero todavía se pueden leer el texto de su
ine tallar inscrib. Profunda, pertenece a los años de aura.
Lin Ming llegó antes de una lápida. Esta grave palabra es en la parte frontal del
monumento. Está escrito en el lenguaje antiguo dios del cla n, con sólo unos pocos
caracteres: “grave emperador Cielo Supremo blanca del arco iris veneramos Xian de
Lápidas de los mortales generalmente se inscriben, y los nombres de los hijos y nietos
también están grabados.
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Y esto no tiene nada lápida en la parte delantera, sólo el nombre y el título de la tumba
La palabra emperador Supremo Cielo debe ser el nombre del universo, que es uno de los
treinta y tres cielos.
En la impresión de Lin Ming, no hay memoria del emperador Supremo Cielo. Sin
embargo, no es de extrañar que el tiempo es demasiado largo y el cambio de nombre
de treinta y tres cielos de no es sorprendente. Por no mencionar que hace diez mil
millones de años, treinta y tres cielos tuvieron el desarrollo próspero para Onest Capa
Cielo, pero ahora se han desarrollado sólo dieciséis capas de días universo. Otros diez
séptima capa Cielo son todavía salvaje.
Blanca del arco iris veneramos Xian Kao, Xian Kao es el nombre, un apellido muy singular,
y un nombre muy singular. Sin embargo, para los pueblos antiguos que eran hace diez mil
millones de años, temo que es el tiempo normal y el nombre popular.
En cuanto a la blanca del arco iris venero, es, naturalmente, el título de la tumba
Lo que es Su Santidad? Lin Ming no está claro. Suena como que no es más débil que el
título de Celestial veneramos. De esta manera, hay decenas de miles de tumbas
desconocidas en este espacio. No son las tumbas en cada tumbas son expertos de nivel o
por encima de veneramos Celestial? ¿Qué?
Lin Ming se siente un poco difícil de imaginar. Es necesario saber que toda la esfera
divina sólo 200- 300 veneramos Celestial.
San Race, Alma Carrera séptima capa cielo, Número de venera Celestiales por carrera. Es
decir, mil.
En comparación con la parte delantera, un cementerio enterrado junto a decenas de
miles de palabras Celestial Veneran, que realmente deja sensación de Lin Ming increíble.
A pesar de que dijo hace diez mil millones de años fue la era de cien clanes
hegemonía, y fue también la era de primordial Dios clan, clan Celestial dictaminó
Treinta y tres cielos. En ese momento, los talentos en numerosos, de élite, pero ... Si
usted dijo casualmente, estarían enterrados durante decenas de miles de personas.
Celestial veneramos, Lin Ming todavía se siente un poco fuera de lugar.
Lin Ming piensa de esta manera. Para la parte posterior de la lápida, aquí es similar a la
lápida mortal, tallado el epitafio de la tumba principal.
Después de más de 100 palabras y Lin Ming habían leído, él tropezó en secreto. De
acuerdo con la descripción, esta grave maestro es realmente experto nivel veneramos
Celestial. Y no es un venero Celestial ordinaria. Si lo pones ahora, Lin Ming conjeturas
basa en información difusa, que puede ser equivalente a una posición central, o en el
venero Celestial superior.
Sin embargo, un talento de hace diez mil millones de años tal, su destino es inal: “Los
huesos están perdiendo, enterrado en esto.”
Esta tumba es sólo una tumba espada, no hay tal cuerpo de “Xian Kao” en absoluto.
En el corazón de Lin Ming, al lado, se veía en la próxima tumba del cielo Por encima de la
concubina mágico cielo Yuan Chun.
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El cielo Por encima del cielo, es también la capa Onest Cielo que Lin Ming no ha
escuchado, se atreven a llamar a este nombre, miedo de que el cielo Por encima del cielo
es también el pico del universo de primer nivel en treinta y tres cielos antes de hace diez
mil millones de años?
El maestro tumba Yuan Chun es una hembra. De acuerdo con los registros de la
epitafio, ella también es una mujer arrogante del talento abrumador. Su vida es
deslumbrante. Sin embargo, su destino está inal: “Murió en la catástrofe de treinta y
tres cielos y enterrado mi vida. Aquí."
Esta tumba es sólo la tumba de Yuan Chun que contiene la ropa sin el cuerpo.
Lin Ming miró más allá y vio muchos igures destacados de la antigüedad. Algunas
personas se presentaron los antecedentes familiares y la vida entera de uno. Llegaron
de diferentes universos de Treinta y tres cielos de. Todos ellos eran maestros poderosos
y reyes!
Su fuerza, en comparación con la corriente Celestial veneramos no inferior en todos los
Pero de estas personas, muy pocas personas salieron de los restos. La mayoría de ellos
fueron enterrados armaduras de combate, armas y ropas de guerra. También había tumbas
utilizado por el maestro del rey durante su vida, etc. Algunas personas incluso se construyó
un monumento. Una etiqueta, nada en la tumba no lo es.
Además, estos epitafios mencionan el término “Treinta y tres cielos” Más de una

vez. Magia concubina imperial Yuan Chun, que murió en Treinta y tres cielos.

Wu Sheng Huang Yu, que murió en la catástrofe Treinta y tres cielos.

Hielo Fairy Maiden Yun Meng, que murió en las catastróficas Treinta y tres cielos ...
Lin Ming supuso que estas personas estaban después de la catástrofe. Alguien
establece speciically un sepulcro para ellos. Después de la guerra, era muy diicult IND a
los huesos de estas personas. Por lo tanto, sólo la tumba que contiene la ropa sin el
cuerpo se hizo un monumento.
Al darse cuenta de estos recuerdos, inexplicables de Lin Ming.
En los últimos diez mil millones de años de la historia del universo, la gran tribulación del
universo, lo que puede ser descrito como una “catástrofe”, ha entrado en erupción muchas
Cada vez, no sé cuántos expertos morir e incluso una carrera seguirá la instrucción.
El destino de los treinta y tres cielos en el epitafio es, obviamente, más ancho y más
influyente que la raza humana.
En esos años, éstas eran expertos sin par que murieron en la catástrofe, aunque
hubieran sido omnipotente, pero se mantuvo en este mundo después de su muerte.
Sólo esta pieza de ropa que contiene la tumba no tiene el cuerpo.
Nadie se acuerda de su nombre. Nadie traza toda la vida de su ser. Hay lápidas solamente
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Lin Ming era un pensamiento incómodo poco de esto.

La persona de nuevo abled, a continuación, la carrera formidable, si se coloca en el río
del tiempo final, es sólo una de las olas, cuando se convierte en imagen brillante
incomparable, pero termina. Pronto desaparecerá en el flujo perpetuo y no quedará nada.
Esta es también la razón de muchas artes marciales, dispuesto a convertirlo en polvo.
Siguieron subiendo IND a la vida eterna, pero después de todo, nadie tuvo éxito ...
“Tal vez la catástrofe Treinta y tres cielos fue la guerra que estalló hace diez mil millones de
años. La guerra llevó a la disminución de la Primordial Dios clan de la prosperidad.
Después de la guerra, los Asura carretera principal y el creador de la Sagrada Escritura
desaparecieron. Dejaron a los sitios del patrimonio de Asura Road y origen onírico
universo. Así que ... ¿Estas tumbas se construyeron por el camino de Asura Maestro?”
Lin Ming pensó en estas ideas. Sin más consideraciones, no pudo verificarlo.
Fue a las profundidades del cementerio, donde las nubes de ceniza gris claro flotaban. A
medida que avanzaba Lin Ming, niebla diversges gradualmente. Lin Ming vio el final del
Aquí hay un gran Clif!
Y bajo la Clif, no es un abismo. Pero el cielo infinito!
Esta sensación es como un viejo Continente profundamente en las profundidades de las
estrellas, y luego roto aquí!
Lin Ming se paró en el borde de la Clif y observó a los millones y las estrellas gigantes.
Ellos destellaron en el horizonte lejano. Eran solo y solitario. Que parecía haber tenido
extremadamente gloriosos años, y que continuarían existiendo.
Y en el cielo estrellado. En el lugar donde Lin Ming no sabía a qué distancia, flotaba un
gran escenario blanco. Al ver el momento de esta etapa blanco, espíritus inspira de Lin
Ming, sus ojos no podían moverse por más tiempo.
Esta etapa blanco. Al igual que las estrellas de una enorme, tiene una forma cónica
cuadrada de arriba a abajo. Hay pasos en la ladera de la etapa, un total de 30 de tercer
orden ...
“Plataforma de sellado Dios!”
alumno-encoge de Lin Ming, cuando Lin Ming participó en la esfera divina Primera
Reunión Martial semi, inspeccionar el lugar de inal, es la plataforma de sellado Dios.
El sellado Plataforma Dios, una imitación hecha por vasto universo celeste veneramos,
consiguió accidentalmente un trozo de la Plataforma de sellado Dios que fue construido por
los Hace tres mil millones, seis y cien millones de años, la raza humana Dios Verdadero
Dios sellado Celestial veneramos. Universo Celestial veneramos integra este pedazo de
disco embestido en su propia copia, dejando Plataforma de sellado Dios con el espíritu de
una antigua plataforma de sellado Dios.
Sin embargo, de hecho, tres mil millones, hace seiscientos millones de años, Dios Celestial
sellado veneramos hizo lo
“Primera edición” Plataforma de sellado Dios, que es también una copia.
Si Lin Ming no responde mal, Dios Celestial sellado veneramos participó en la
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prueba inal de Asura Road. Cuando la cuarta planta entró en el quinto piso, su
prueba era subir la Plataforma de sellado Dios.
Y que la plataforma de sellado Dios es mucho diferent de la Plataforma de sellado que Dios
Lin Ming ve!
En frente de esta Plataforma de sellado Dios, a pesar del aura que emite, o la cantidad
de energía temerosa que contiene, Lin Ming es aturdido e inquieto.
Tal vez, el lado de la plataforma de sellado Dios que se colocó en el cuarto piso hasta el
quinto piso era en realidad una proyección de esta verdaderamente Dios Plataforma de
Incluso Plataforma de sellado Dios no se llama Plataforma de sellado a Dios en absoluto.
Se debe tener su nombre. El nombre de la plataforma de sellado Dios es justo, porque de
Dios sellado Celestial veneramos.
Lin Ming piensa así, su cuerpo se eleva lentamente en el aire, y él con cautela vuela hacia la
Plataforma de sellado Dios profundamente en el cielo.
Y así como él voló cientos de millas, bajó lentamente su velocidad. miraba a la Plataforma
de sellado Dios profundamente en el cielo, y hubo un destello de color del asombroso en las
En la parte superior de la plataforma de Dios sellado Treinta y tres cielos, claro!
Ni una sola persona, pero dos personas ... a pesar de que están muy separados, sólo dos
puntos de limón difusos se pueden ver, pero la sensación de Lin Ming es un Sweps,
todavía ver su aspecto.
Estos dos individuos, vestidos de ropas blancas, parecen viejos, ya sea con una
sonrisa en la cara, parecen estar esperando por sí mismos.
El cuerpo de Lin Ming se detuvo, vaciló un poco, y luego voló hacia los dos ancianos.
... (¿Quieres saber más “tendencia Splendid” de “World Martial”? Ahora abrir la carta de micro,
haga clic en el signo “+” en la parte superior derecha, la opción para agregar amigos en el
número público incremento, buscar “”, prestar atención al número público, nunca se pierda
Cada actualización!) (No se ha

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MW CAPÍTULO 1986 - protector

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Lin Ming está lejos de la observación de los dos ancianos. En realidad la gente, en el juicio final,
Lin Ming ha visto como el examinador más de una vez, tales como Negro Asura antes, y el
fantasma Asura carretera principal con Lin Ming. Sombra.
Pero esas personas son sentido divino que los expertos fueron, no taoísta.
Pero los dos ancianos de pie sobre la plataforma de sellado de Dios delante de ellos, Lin
Ming cree que son personas vivas.
Esto lo sorprendió.
Estos dos individuos no tienen nada que ver con el Maestro Camino Asura? En la era de la
vida con los Asura carretera principal, nadie podía vivir tanto tiempo sin morir.
La Plataforma de sellado Dios es unos pocos miles de millas de clifs de Lin Ming. Lin Ming
voló sobre el vacío y poner los pies en la plataforma de sellado Dios. Este es el piso de la
plataforma de sellado Dios en la parte superior de la más pequeña, pero aún así, tiene un
radio de cien millas. Muy amplio.
Los dos ancianos se destacan diez millas de distancia de Lin Ming. Se ven bien y estar con
la sonrisa en la cara. Se diicult para contar su carrera.
“La generación más joven conoció a la generación anterior.”
Lin Ming hizo una visita de cortesía y respeto. encontró que la aparición de los dos ancianos
es sorprendentemente similar. Parece que son hermanos gemelos.
Los dos ancianos no hablan, pero se veían a Lin Ming, cabeceo satisied.
“No sabe cómo llamar a la generación de más edad?” Gana terreno de Lin Ming, que tenía
demasiadas palabras para pedir, por un momento que no sabía dónde pedir.
“Llamé 'Che', que es una palabra.” Uno de los anciano tocó la barba y dijo.
“Negro de tinta ...” dijo otro anciano.
Lin Ming encontrado que los dos viejos todavía tenían algunos diferences. El anciano llamado
Che, que tenía los ojos azul hielo, era tan claro como el agua de manantial.
Y otro hombre de edad, los ojos son de color negro.
Parece que sus nombres se pueden vincular a los colores de sus ojos.
Lo que hace Lin Ming extraño es que. Es realmente sorprendente que dos personas son tan
viejo y sus ojos son tan brillantes como los bebés.
Lin Ming no puede dejar de preguntarse lo que el ámbito de estos dos ancianos que
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realmente es. Desde el exterior, que son como una persona normal.
“La generación más vieja se le preguntó en un sueño, se pregunta si las dos personas
mayores están aquí?”, Preguntó Lin Ming.
“Estamos ... Juicio Final, que es también el guardián de Asura Road.”
"¿Guardián? ¿Por cuánto tiempo ha vigilado este lugar?”El corazón de Lin Ming el predecesor
en unos saltos, de hecho, tenía una conjetura como antes, pero siento que la edad de la prueba
final es realmente demasiado tiempo. Es increíble que desee proteger esta prueba final.
“Seiscientos millones de años se han guardado, y no pueden recordar exactamente ...”
Che sonrió y dijo Lin Ming escuchó un golpe en su corazón. Seiscientos millones de años,
puede Dios Verdadero vivir tanto tiempo?
Lin Ming no sabe que el pico verdadero Dios puede vivir mucho tiempo. En términos
generales, después de romper un reino, Shou Yuan es tres veces el número original. Si
Celestial veneramos va al verdadero Dios, esto también es cierto. Que Dios Verdadero
también vivió tres mil cuatrocientos millones de años, seiscientos millones de años, un poco
“Mi clan tiene originalmente una larga vida, y mi tiene otro método de larga duración. La
mayoría de las veces, Mi son en el sueño profundo, o pasar tiempo en tiempo de formación
Estaba claro que las dudas de Lin Ming explican de esta manera. Sin embargo, Lin Ming
todavía se siente conmocionado. El viejo Tres Vidas de la raza humana también utilizó un
método de extensión de vida similar, pero vivió trescientos millones de años más tarde.
Repercusión se refleja. es a pesar de que todavía está vivo, sino que todo el cuerpo es
un aura de muerte. Hay sentimientos casi. No hay absolutamente ningún espíritu delante
de estos dos ancianos.
“Precisa dicho, somos ... Espíritu paciente clan, todo en este mundo, no hay espíritu. Mi clan
es el espíritu de la miríada de cosas. Mi vida, Mo Said es más que la raza humana, es más
que Dios Primordial clan. Tenemos que pasar mucho tiempo, junto con el tiempo de
formación y algunos métodos de extensión de la vida. Mi clan puede tener mil millones de
años de vida ...”
“En cuanto a la vigilancia de Asura Road y prueba final, que es la misión de mi familia.
Hemos estado vigilando este lugar hace diez mil millones de años “.
El espíritu de palacio Espíritu clan fue revelado poco a poco, a pesar de que probablemente
explica por qué se podrían guardar el Juicio Final hasta ahora, pero Lin Ming todavía se
siente un corazón-choque inexplicable, diez mil millones de años, es demasiado lejos.
Durante el tiempo, varias veces en la catástrofe universo, muchos más razas han surgido,
prosperado, y destruido. En cuanto a las sectas y dinastías, que son próspera, son
Sin embargo, tal familia existe desde hace die z mil millones de años, y durante diez mil
millones de años, se ha fulilling su misión y dejar Lin Ming se asuste!
“Palacio Espíritu ... Incluso los más jóvenes fueron una vez experimentado ...”
Lin Ming se acordó de los espíritus de palacio que se encontraron en el anterior Clan Fénix,
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pero los espíritus de palacio eran mucho menos potentes que los dos ancianos en frente de
“He He, Junior, es muy agradable. Hace miles de años, en emperador grabado de piedra en Gran
desierto, he visto sus letras!”
Esta vez la tinta está abierto y su voz es más ronca que el Che. Lin Ming oye un golpe en su
“Emperador grabado de piedra !?”
Por supuesto, recuerda que cuando él llegó a rimero el tiempo del ensayo Asura Road, se
encontró Pequeño demonio Xian y Monster Rey Du Yu en el gran desierto. Las tres personas
se reunieron para grabar la piedra grabada emperador. Él y Pequeño demonio Xian completó
las letras perfectamente. Parece que para los mil millones de años, no hay muchas personas
que pueden perfectamente grabe. (Pequeño presagio dejó en el capítulo 1460, polo militar es
demasiado largo. Se estima que todo el mundo olvida también. Si usted está interesado,
puede volver atrás y mirar a través.)
Inesperadamente, en ese momento, los dos ancianos se dieron cuenta ellos mismos, y
sorprendieron Lin Ming. En ese momento, el yo y el presente tenían una gran cantidad de
diference. Pueden estos dos ancianos reconocer a simple vista?
“¿Cómo hicieron las dos personas mayores reconocen la generación más joven?” El corazón
de Lin Ming fue imponente. ind debe salir de estas cosas, de lo contrario, sería reconocido
inmediatamente por San emperador buena fortuna y que iba a morir.
“Debido al Emperador de Jade ... y la Ley de Asura en su cuerpo!” Los puntos de tinta a baja
del abdomen de Lin Ming. “Usted parece tener experimentado algo que ha provocado que se
someta a un cambio renacer. Si no distinguir cuidadosamente, realmente no lo
reconocemos.”Fuera de ti, pero no se puede ir mal con el emperador de Jade y la Ley de
Asura en su cuerpo. No habría tal cosa en el mundo. “
En tinta negro, Lin Ming suavemente relaja y se siente como que no hay defecto visible después
de su renacer. Emperador de Jade y Derecho Camino Asura, San emperador buena fortuna no
son usables.
“Ven, niño, te llevo a conseguir lo que quieres.”
Che decía esto, hizo señal Lin Ming. Salieron de la Plataforma de sellado Dios y volaron más
profundamente en el vacío.
El trío no voló lejos. Después de que llegaron a un vacío, Cheld la mano. En un vacío, el cielo
estrellado se rasgó abierto, y una de bronce antiguo libro de espesor estaba volando fuera de
En la portada de este libro de bronce antigua, los caracteres “Asura Celestial libro? Volumen
Están escritos en el lenguaje antiguo dominio dios.
Al ver este antiguo libro, Lin Ming tiene una gran felicidad en su corazón. Esto es
exactamente lo que está buscando, “Asura Celestial libro”!
Esencia, Qi y Alma se reunieron, Lin Ming también consiguió el libro lleno de Asura Celestial libro.
Y esto todavía no se inished, tinta negro también vacío abierto en este momento, desde la
grieta espacio, sacó una moneda antigua, hay una armadura negro.
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La moneda antigua es pintoresco y sencillo. Con cadenas de superficie y gemelos, Lin Ming
acaba de tomar una mirada y adivinó lo que había dentro.
Este debe ser el avatar de la energía de los tres partidos de la Asura Celestial libro.
Después de frenar este avatar, incluso si las tres colecciones imagen de usuario son iguales,
si los otros tres avatar base de cultivo de gran éxito, y entonces la única fusión, de Lin Ming
Dao Asura Celestial también entrar en un ámbito completamente nuevo!
En cuanto a la armadura, Lin Ming tiene una sensación muy familiar. Parece que esta
armadura y líneas de sangre de todo el cuerpo están débilmente eco.
Lin Ming sacó Dark Dragon Spear, con este partido armadura negro, y se encontró que tanto
causó una ligera resonancia, como si el que fueron creados.
“Dark Dragon Armor, puede adjuntar todo el cuerpo, además de lograr que una defensiva,
sino también mejorar directamente su fuerza, si reine que, combinado con Dark Dragon
Spear, se puede jugar una más potente efectividad de combate.”
La tinta negro explicó lentamente que el Dark Dragon Armor fue entregado a Lin Ming tomó la
armadura con las dos manos. Seria bueno había sido dicho y dijo: “! Agradecido de alto nivel”
“Ha Ha, no tiene que darme las gracias. Esto es lo que el Señor veneramos dejado atrás.
Sólo les Guard “.
Lin Ming sabe que el Señor veneramos en tinta Negro es el Camino Asura Maestro.
En cuanto a Asura carretera principal, Lin Ming tiene demasiadas cosas que quiero saber. no
puede dejar de preguntarse: "La generación más joven siempre ha tenido algunos problemas.
“Cuando se le preguntó que ...” sonrió Che.
de Lin Ming inspira profundamente, dijo: “La generación más joven le gustaría saber ...
Hace diez millones de años, el todopoderoso Asura carretera principal, es que todavía en el
mundo? Si existe, ¿dónde está el predecesor Primordial Dios clan parece ser la raza de la
tercera edad, la raza se destruye ... de alto nivel que ...”

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MW CAPÍTULO 1987 - Untitled

" Capítulo previo CRUDO Siguiente capítulo "

Lin Ming se detuvo aquí. sentía que estaba pidiendo un poco desagradable, pero tenía
tales dudas. había sido previendo que los Asura carretera principal no murió, pero la
destrucción de primorial Dios clan y por qué el camino de Asura Maestro permaneció
sin atender ¿?
acaba de ver como esta, su propia carrera fue haciendo cada vez más decreciente,
hasta la destrucción ...
“Veneramos Señor lo respetaba ...”, dijo Chee aquí, y suspiró ligeramente. “Algunas cosas no
son tan simples como viste, veneramos Señor respetado, Él tiene un tiempo difícil ...”
Che no dirigió directamente a la pregunta de Lin Ming, pero Lin Ming todavía
débilmente oyó el sonido de las cuerdas. Asura carretera principal, temo que
todavía está en el mundo!
¿Dónde fue de todos estos años?
Un personaje que es un miedo tal, si se ha ocultado mundo en este universo de diez
mil millones de años, Lin Ming se siente un poco inimaginable.
Esto diez mil millones de años, no dejó ningún rastro?
En medio de esto, el universo experimentó un cierto número de subidas y bajadas.
Esto involucra a la familia de la carretera principal Asura, secta, y la carrera
correspondiente. ¿Se hacen la vista gorda a ella?
Y ... Su cumpleaños es tan largo, y por qué es tan ansioso por salir del linaje, este
camino Asura, e incluso el origen onírico de las criaturas, creador de la Sagrada
Escritura, ¿cuál es la signiicance de su existencia?
“Cuando los predecesores de Asura golpean Asura Road, a fin de elegir un sucesor?”
Lin Ming siente que Asura carretera Maestro ha creado un gran mundo tales. Es
solamente con el fin de seleccionar un sucesor. Parece ser descabellada.
“Asura Road es un movimiento del Señor veneramos respetado. Speciically, cuando se sabe
que, que, naturalmente, lo saben, y cuando usted no debe saberlo, puede pedir ningún uso ...”
Indiferente a la tinta, no respondió a la pregunta de Lin Ming.
Lin Ming vaciló. La apertura se le preguntó: "¿No sabe de la antigua generación 'no
sabe cuándo?'
“Usted debe saber que cuando usted ha dominado el destino de la propia, a partir de la pieza
de ajedrez para el jugador de ajedrez.”
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Hablar con claridad y de manera significativa, de Lin Ming inspira profundamente, el

control de su propio destino, se convirtió en un jugador de ajedrez ...
camino propio es larga ...
Al ver la expresión de Lin Ming, tinta negro sonrió y dijo: “No se puede ser cursi. Puede ser
una pieza de ajedrez. Es asombroso. chessgame universo esta Treinta y tres de los cielos
es demasiado grande, pero no hay mucho pieza de tablero de juego en el tablero. Cada
persona que puede ser una pieza tablero de juego es una persona sin igual. Y la mayoría
de la gente, ni siquiera un pedazo tablero de juego, son sólo polvo en el tablero ...”
“Su gas es increíble. Ha sido hace diez mil millones de años. Era la persona enferma rimero
a la prueba final, y la segunda colección fue el destino de jade imperial. Su futuro es
inimaginable “.
"¿El segundo? ¿Quién es el rimero?”Lin Ming se sorprendió.
La tinta negro dijo: “Señor veneramos respetado cree que hay una” fina “en este mundo. Es
una manifestación completa del transporte aéreo y el karma. El destino de jade imperial se
limitó a la suerte. La persona de interés, Emperador de Jade tomará la iniciativa de venir a
las manos. La colección rimero es el destino de jade imperial, que es de tres mil millones,
Dios Celestial Dios sellado veneramos.
“Dios sellado Celestial venero!”
En Theart de Lin Ming, Shakes, 3 mil millones, y el líder de la raza humana, que es más
de seis millones de millones de años, salvo los personajes míticos de la esfera divina. el
destino de forma inesperada, también se reunieron jade imperial!
No es de extrañar que Dios sellado Celestial veneramos creado la Plataforma de
sellado Dios. Parece que en realidad está viendo el cuerpo principal de Dios sellado
Plataforma de.
Este sellado Plataforma de Dios ...
Lin Ming volvió la cabeza para Plataforma de sellado Dios no está lejos. sentía cada
vez más que la Plataforma de sellado Dios no era un artefacto divina ordinaria. Fue
colocado en el séptimo piso de la prueba final, y parecía a silenciar la Ley de Asura.
borde. convergencia débil del gran potencial mundo!
Plataforma de sellado Dios está aquí, ¿cuál es el significado de hacer?
Lin Ming no le preguntó mucho más. sabía que esto debe ser algo que sólo podía
explorar después de convertirse en un jugador de ajedrez.
Sólo se preguntó: “Dos personas mayores. Dios sellado Celestial veneramos también el cultivo
de Asura Celestial Dao? ¿Él también consigue Asura Celestial Dao avatar dejado por el
camino de Asura Maestro?”
Che fue asentir: “También tiene el cultivo. Pero la profundidad de su cultivo no es tan buena
como la que ... Ustedes son los últimos diez mil millones de años, la Ley de Asura se dio cuenta
de la persona más profundo ... En cuanto a los tres principales avatares, entonces el camino de
Asura Maestro se detuvo y más de uno conjunto..."
Si lo hace, es sensato. En los últimos diez mil millones de años, alguien habría
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alcanzado el nivel de la configuración Asura carretera principal y consiguió su

propia oportunidad.
En cuanto a theritage heredada por Dios sellado Celestial veneramos, Lin Ming fue
dado solamente un disco savaged para “Sellado Gran Ley de Dios” y no ind la Regla
celeste Dao Asura. Esto no es sorprendente. propio método de cultivo de Lin no es
todo de ellos están relacionados con la Ley Dao Asura Celestial. De hecho, le
gustaría transformar la Ley Celestial Dao Asura en un método de cultivo que se
adapte a mis necesidades. Es un asunto extremadamente poderosa.
"Los dos mayores pueden conocer las cosas de Dios sellado Celestial Veneran? Por
ejemplo ... 3 mil millones, Human Race Gran Tribulac ión ...
Lin Ming preguntó jade imperial destino nuevo, Dios Celestial sellado venero ha
reunido, pero aún en la Gran Tribulación de morir antes de los tres mil millones,
hace seiscientos millones de años, esto deja Lin Ming expresar la emoción.
¿Los números grandes de destino siguen sin derrotar a San Race?
Sellado mencionado Dios Celestial veneramos y tres mil millones, la expresión de la
raza humana Gran Tribulación, hace seiscientos millones de años, el Che y la tinta
negro, dio a luz a un homenaje.
de tinta negro dijo: “Sello Divino es una gran personalidad, que él llamó la época tumultuosa Gran
Tribulación, y su base de cultivo, tiene el cultivo al Dios Verdadero superior, una vez que se
rompe a través del dominio de Dios Verdadero, e incluso puede llegar a ser el mismo como el
venero Señor respetado de la persona “.
Los RIMEROS unas palabras de tinta negro dan a Dios sellado Celestial Venerate
una muy alta valoración. En la Edad Antigua, el supremo y verdadero Dios a pesar
de que es raro, pero la acumulación de una época es también considerable.
Sin embargo, ninguno de estos dioses verdaderos supremos eran capaces de
romper con el dominio de Dios Verdadero, y la tinta negro describió a Dios sellado
Celestial veneran como un posible avance del Dominio Dios Verdadero. Se trata de
una valoración deinitely miedo!
“Desafortunadamente, Gran Tribulación el original Gran sellado Celestial de veneramos en
realidad estaba ganando experiencia. Pero hubo un accidente. El Santo Carrera San
emperador, se asoció con el abismo solitario demonio. la sequía del año fue aún más aterrador
que la desaparición actual. Sello divina a pesar de que es de gran alcance, pero San Race
Dios verdadero, que es más cómodo con los números, y el desierto de Dios verdadero, se
sigue diicult a apoyar “.
“Cuando Dios sellado Celestial veneramos en realidad tenía una vía de escape, era renunciar a
la raza humana, deje esfera divina por su cuenta, vaya a la carretera Asura u otro mundo,
entonces con la fuerza del sello divino, San Race sería incapaz de distinguir él cómo, sin
embargo ... Su elección fue de vuelo para la raza humana. Al final, unió a los muchos raza
humana mismos lugares de Celestial Veneran, fuego de combustión de la vida, para sellar el
espíritu del desierto, y reprimir y Kill San Race Verdadero Dios ...”
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La tinta revela débilmente esta historia. Su descripción es muy breve, pero Lin Ming
todavía puede imaginar los tres mil millones, la batalla trágica y magniicent de hace
seiscientos millones de años, Dios Celestial sellado veneramos, Lin Ming sacriiced
para la raza humana. En la misma mente, nació profundo respeto.
Theritage de la raza humana es tal como Dios sellado Celestial veneramos, Primordius
Celestial veneramos, y lo desconocido Celestial venero que fue sacriiced para la raza
Sin ellos, Lin Ming no podía crecer por sí mismo. Incluso después de consiguió
cubo mágico, se encontró que la raza humana había muerto y sólo algunos
mortales fueron apenas logrando mantener una débil existencia. ¿Dónde está Ming
en busca de la herencia y los recursos?
mantener silencio esto en mente, Lin Ming estaba a punto de decir algo, y de
repente hubo un aura en su mente.
Lo que acaba de decir de tinta negro es
“Dios sellado Celestial veneramos une a muchos raza humana Heavenly mismos lugares
veneramos, fuego de combustión de la Vida, sella el alma del desierto, y reprimir y Kill San
Race Dios Verdadero”.
Sellar el alma desolada! ?
Lin Ming reminiscencia del Dios Sellado gran despliegue oculto y misterioso en el
subsuelo de la antigua capital imperial.
En rimer, Lin Ming no pudo ind esta matriz en absoluto si no había Poco

Yu'er. Cielos Firmamento antiguo sello, Dios Sellado Gran Array, es que ...

El sello de Dios en el sellado gran gama es el alma salvaje! ?

Originalmente Lin Ming vio que el tiempo de formación antigua era extraño, Dios
Celestial sellado venerar a qué personaje, el sello estampó, podría ser tan grande?
Junto con el antiguo sello firmamento cielos reprimir a los tres mil millones,
seiscientos millones de años, lo que podemos vivir en estas terribles ciudades para
tres mil seiscientos millones de años?
Cuando se escucha tono de los cielos Firmamento antiguo sello Artefacto del
Espíritu, parecía que tenía que ser sellado hacia abajo. Incluso el Espíritu Artefacto
tuvo que utilizar varios métodos secretos para renovar sus vidas ...
Si se sella, vitalidad formidable para inimaginable, Shou Yuan también crece abismo
solitario demonio, que todo puede ser explicado!
Lin Ming sentía excitado en su mente.
El Santo Emperador buena fortuna puede controlar la naturaleza salvaje de manera
arbitraria. Incluso se utiliza diversos materiales, energía y alma divina para fertilizar
la hambruna. A continuación, se separa la carne salvaje y carne. Cuando se utiliza
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el uso de herramientas, todo esto se debe a que el alma de la naturaleza ha sido

suprimida. !
Perder el alma del alma, es un gran instinto única bola de carne, junto con el santo
emperador buena fortuna con Grandmist Espíritu de bolas, naturalmente, puede
Si usted puede pensar en formas de controlar el alma de salvaje, ¿qué pasará?
Che y tinta negro trajeron sin darse cuenta una pieza valiosa e importante de
información para Lin Ming! (El tema de los cielos Ancient Seal Firmamento se
explicó en el Capítulo 1150. Además, fue
mencionado en el capítulo 1900. De hecho, el capítulo 1900 era en realidad igual a
Illing pozos. Si todo el mundo no prestó atención y olvidar, pueden volver. Echar un
Con el fin de conirm, Lin Ming preguntó: “Puesto que los dos predeces ores sabían que
la batalla, sabían ellos el espíritu de la antigua Sello Sello cielos firmamento? Dios
sellado Celestial veneramos usado por Dios sellado Celestial veneramos, y lo utilizó.
Espíritu del tesoro?”
“Firmamento antiguo sello cielos ...” La tinta negro se hunde ligeramente y se dice: “El sello
antiguo firmamento cielos y la Plataforma de sellado Dios fueron creados por Dios sellado
Celestial veneramos usando material de la prueba final. Ese año, estos dos artefactos eran
Dios sellado Celestial veneramos es el arma mágica más importante, pero más tarde,
Plataforma de sellado Dios fue golpeado en la raza humana Gran Tribulación, y inalmente
sellan el alma de Dios, Dios sellado Celestial veneramos se basa en, es de hecho Ancient
Seal cielos firmamento ...”
Tanto la tinta negro y el Che, parecían estar en el orden de Dios sellado Celestial
veneramos. Esto es probablemente porque Dios sellado Celestial veneramos fue la
única persona que ha establecido el destino de jade imperial. Su todo lo que estaba
protegida por el protector de Asura Road. La familia se refiere. (no

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CAPÍTULO MW 1988 - Misterio de la púrpura de la tarjeta

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Las palabras de los dos ancianos despedidos último rastro de la ansiedad de Lin Ming. es
necesario disponer del alma desolada, tan pronto como sea posible.
Sin embargo, incluso si alma salvaje pasa por tres mil millones de mil millones,
seiscientos millones de años de represión, que sin duda no será capaz de tratar con él.
Lin Ming estima que su reino actual no es suficiente.
También debe mejorar la base de cultivo.
No sabía cuánto tiempo tenía vida Artefacto Espíritu de cielos Firmamento antiguo sello,
una perfecta Espíritu tesoro. Su cuerpo principal podría existir durante diez mil millones
de años, pero Artefacto Espíritu no podría sobrevivir durante tanto tiempo. Su naturaleza
era como la vida.
Por ejemplo, Dark Dragon Spear y Dark Dragon Armor en las manos de Lin Ming, y su
Espíritu artefacto es muerto.
“¿Cuál es el problema?” Los dos ancianos sonrieron y se miraron Lin Ming.
Lin Ming pensó por un momento y dijo: “Todavía hay dos problemas para los jóvenes.
El rimero uno está a punto”Sagrada Escritura. “Las dos personas mayores saben
esta herencia?”
“Sagrada Escritura” ... “Tinta y Chevalier, parece que estaban atrapados e n ciertos
recuerdos.” El creador de “Sagrada Escritura” era inmortal Sovereign. era el oponente
de veneramos Respetado Señor, pero más tarde él era pequeño. Disparidad perdió a
manos de Jehová con veneramos. Más tarde, se hicieron amigos ... “
Los dos ancianos dijeron hace estas diez mil millones de años de historia, su descripción
de éstos historia es muy simple, pero Lin Ming sabe que esto puede implicar muchos
“Inmortal Sovereign, todavía en el mundo?”, Preguntó Lin Ming de nuevo.
Los dos ancianos negaron con la cabeza. “Sólo somos guardianes del Señor veneramos
respetado. no sabía sobre Sovereign inmortal ...”
“Que dos personas mayores saben si hay un hembras sin par en la persona que está
cerca de Sovereign inmortal. tiene mucho talento y se proicient en la Ley de la Vida y la
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Esto es lo que Lin Ming más quería saber. Antes de que el hielo frío espejo de Asura
Mystic Realm, Lin Ming vio a una mujer sin par que era exactamente igual Sheng Mei.
Ella es también la última oponente de la guerra de Lin Ming.
Lin Ming le gustaría saber cuál es la relación que tiene con Sheng Mei.
Sin embargo, Lin Ming no tuvo la respuesta. Los dos ancianos negaron con la cabeza
de nuevo. Obviamente, no sabían demasiado sobre los diez mil años atrás en in mortal
Lin Ming era un poco decepcionado en su corazón. intuitivamente sentía que este
secreto tenía una mayor relación con el secreto de Mei Sheng.
Lin Ming añadió: “El último tema. ¿Los dos ancianos saben Piedra de la Vida Eterna,
Grandmist Espíritu de bolas, y una tarjeta púrpura, estas tres piezas de la Divina
Tres Artefacto divina siempre ha sido una cuestión de corazón de Lin Ming.
Especialmente el último artefacto divina, la tarjeta púrpura, Lin Ming le gustaría saber
dónde estaba.
“Tres Artefacto divina ...”
Al oír la mención de tres artefactos divinos de Lin Ming, la visión de los dos ancianos se
convirtió significativa.
“Tres artefactos divinos son los más misteriosos cosa del universo. Existían muy
temprano y temprano. Antes del nacimiento del Señor veneramos respetado, había
leyendas sobre los tres Artefacto divina de que había diferentes en el tiempo diferent.
Diferent población. Los nombres, nombres para ellos, no tienen sentido ...”
“Veneramos Respetado Señor cree que estas tres piezas de la Divina Artefacto son
cosas que dejan el último era cósmica. Puede ser Gran Mundo que todavía no ha
crecido, pero pudo haber sido formado tras el colapso universal de la última era ...”
“Era Cósmica?” Lin Ming dio una idea. Esta palabra, que fue el tiempo rimero oído.
“Veneramos Señor cree que el universo Treinta y tres cielos también tiene la vida y la
muerte. Nuestro universo actual Treinta y tres cielos es de cero, formado durante la
erupción ... Y antes de los cosmos entra en erupción, no debe haber otro universo súper.
También puede tener treinta y tres cielos. Tal vez es de 36 días. Tal vez es sólo Onest
Capa Cielo. Nadie puede decir Celestial Ley Dao en ese momento “.
“Venerar a Jehová con el proceso de desarrollar el nacimiento de un universo a la
destrucción, la llamada era cósmica.”
“Tres artefactos divina. Ellos son la condensación de la 'ine', 'qi', y 'dios', entonces el
universo partido es el material, la energía, la Ley Dao Celestial. El Señor veneramos
especula que los tres artefactos pueden ser divinos después de la última destrucción súper
universo. La sustancia, la energía, y la Ley Dao Celestial, naturalmente, se condensan en
tres artefactos divinos. Su existencia es muy misteriosa, y venerar a Jehová con agrado
también ha recibido uno de ellos, que es la tarjeta de color púrpura que usted ha dicho ....”
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Después de escuchar a los dos ancianos, Lin Ming se sorprendió, Asura carretera
principal, y tenía una tarjeta púrpura!
De hecho, al principio tenía una suposición similar. incluso se sospecha que todo el Camino
Asura fue creado por el Camino Asura Maestro basado en la púrpura de la tarjeta.
“¿Es púrpura de la tarjeta todavía en la mano senior de Asura?”
“Used to ...” La tinta negó con la cabeza ligeramente. “No estaba allí.”
“Este ...” Lin Ming se sorprendió. “¿Hay alguien que puede robar la tarjeta púrpura de la
mano senior de Asura? O, si senior de Asura envió la tarjeta púrpura?”
El Artefacto divina preciosa es tan increíble.
“Speciically no está claro, el Señor veneramos respetado dejó bandera púrpura. dijo que
antes de su edad, que tenía un experto sin igual y quería recoger tres artefactos divinos.
pensaron que podían recogerlos y ser capaz de participar en la buena fortuna. La vida
eterna era inmortal, e incluso el universo Treinta y tres cielos en ese momento de
establecer una sangrienta tormenta. Sin embargo, al final, el adicto sin par de la Divina
Artefacto de morir. Tres Artefacto Divina participó en numerosas competiciones expertos
locos. Desaparecieron, y nadie sabía dónde estaban “.
“Cruzado una gran cantidad de Hundr millones de años, volvieron a aparecer, y un
conjunto de perturbaciones en enormes de, y luego desaparecieron más a menudo. Son
como la maldición de este mundo, su apariencia, a menudo siguen universo Gran
“Tres artefactos divinos también han creado expertos sin igual, pero más son para un
sinnúmero de maestros de gran alcance, secta que ser destruido, e incluso una raza se corta
“Así que muchas tormentas y tempestades, para los tres artefactos divinos, se han
convertido en la historia de paso. No importa
cómo cambia el mundo, nunca han cambiado ... Parece que están pasando por siempre y han
estado allí hasta el día de la destrucción universal. ...”
“Incluso veneramos Señor una vez se pensó que después de la destrucción de todo el
universo, el nuevo universo se basa en tres artefactos divinos ... Naive ... si es así, tres
artefactos divinos, sólo un viajero y testigo de este universo, que originalmente , la
existencia de la distancia, el artista marcial puede usar, pero su característica poco
insigniicant, después de todo, por carretera Martial Dao puede ir muy lejos, todavía tiene
que mirar a su propio ...”
“Hacen caso omiso del mundo. Incluso si es a causa de ellos, se crea una perturbación
sin fin. Por sí Tri-divina Artefacto, es un asunto trivial. Es como el polvo en ellos. Es trivial
“De esta manera, de venerar a Jehová con la búsqueda de los tres artefactos divinos
se desvanecerá. atribuirá todo a una palabra 'borde'. Tres Divinas artefactos pueden
crear un experto incomparable, pero también pueden causar un desastre de una
enorme. borde'."
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“Veneramos Respetado Señor no es en la pluma y la mención de pluma y tinta de la

tarjeta púrpura. acaba de decir que si es posible, que traerá cuestión inconcebible para el
mundo, o su propietario le dará al mundo un giro favorable. Pero también advirtió
descendiente no se adhieren a ella, porque 'margen' es una fuerza que no se puede
obtener ...”
Después de los dos ancianos inished hablando de esto, Lin Ming escuchó sus

pensamientos. Todo, mira “Razón” ...

Lin Ming mismo efecto había perseguido la púrpura de la tarjeta. Grandmist Espíritu del
grano estaba en manos de san
Emperador buena fortuna. Lin Ming no pudo conseguirlo ahora. se preguntó si era posible
que la tarjeta púrpura estaba oculto en Asura Road. Ahora, sin embargo, oyó dos. Las
palabras que el anciano le divulgó, la búsqueda de la púrpura de la tarjeta de Lin Ming
repente se desvaneció mucho.
Como dijo el Camino Asura Maestro, los tres artefactos divinos son en realidad objetos
divinos que exceden el mundo, pero en realidad son único testigo del universo. Pueden
crear experto, pero son más destrucción. El verdadero camino Martial Dao se basa en Sal
de ti mismo ...
“Gracias por las dos personas mayores, los entendidos para los más jóvenes ...”
Lin Ming rindió homenaje a los dos viejos y respetados del Santo Race. Todavía tenía
que vuelo por su cuenta ... Los dos ancianos se rió: “No tenemos mucho que agrad ecer.
Sólo se les diga lo que sabe. Tienes Diablo
Relic, que fue cuando el Señor veneramos respetado mató a un dios impresionante
abismo diablo de Dios. Si puede reine, su cuerpo mortal, el poder de Qi y sangre, y la
base de cultivo de todos obtendrán una enorme promoción. En conjunción con el tercer
volumen del libro Asura Celestial, obtendrá una ventaja de inconcebible ...”
Los ancianos dicho, Lin Ming tuvo un movimiento de cabeza, y esta vez vuelve a tomar Juicio
Final. Sus ganancias son de hecho demasiado grande.
Lin Ming no está claro. Cuando habla con los dos ancianos y comienza a estudiar el
tercer volumen del libro Asura Celestial, el tiempo para la prueba final para abrir está
por venir.
En el mar Asura en este momento, los puntos fuertes de muchas carreteras, Asura buena
fortuna palacio Santo, y flotante Pluma montaña divina, están a la espera para el retorno a
sus discípulos.
Antes capullo del gusano publicó una foto de Mu Qianyu en Weixin, esposa rimero de Lin
Ming, rimero propietario femenina Cielo Derrame del planeta, pintado muy bien, a pesar
de que, pequeño rebaño no apareció durante mucho tiempo, Keke ...... Si está
interesados, prestar atención a la cantidad de público Weixin el gusano de seda (_,
búsqueda de capullo del gusano también), respondió “hijos de fuego”, o “Mu Qianyu”, se
puede ver.
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CAPÍTULO MW 1989 - Fin de la prueba

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Asura mar, se eleva sobre el mar, en estas plataformas de observación, ha congregado a

muchos de Saint Señor, Rey del Mundo, son todos de Asura Road, Incluso treinta y tres
expertos variado grupo de los cielos.
En esta profunda área de la zona marítima, Santo Niño buena fortuna llevó sus manos y dio
un paso en la seda de damasco de los dioses, mirando a los cristales de imagen en frente de
él. Según las estimaciones, había también un cierto doble horas, pruebas finales.
Los discípulos de su buena fortuna palacio Santo traerá noticias sobre inal Diablo Reliquia de!
Este equipo fue seleccionado por su Santo Hijo buena fortuna. Además de la última vez
implantado de carne y hueso, que era el santo emperador buena fortuna. En otras
ocasiones, era el Santo Niño buena fortuna. Se puede decir que esta fuerza que es un
descendiente directo del Santo Niño buena fortuna de, y también es un momento importante
para el Santo Niño buena fortuna para demostrar su capacidad.
Por otra parte, una vez Devil Relic es llevado de nuevo, la fuerza de San carrera será mucho
mayor. Santo Niño buena fortuna también recibirá un muchas ventajas. Si él es aplastar un
tema tan importante, entonces él va a ceder por el palacio en Santo buena fortuna.
Difamación, incluso San emperador buena fortuna, va a ser muy decepcionado con él.
Santo Niño buena fortuna a pesar de que ha sido designado como el sucesor del San
Carrera del Santo emperador, pero su estado no es del todo es de ninguna manera
inamovible. Después de todo, el santo emperador buena fortuna tiene una larga vida, y quién
sabe más adelante va a nacer Lo que no es inferior al Santo Niño buena fortuna, incluso la
generación joven más talento, Santo Niño buena fortuna debe aprovechar todas las
oportunidades para consolidar su influencia y mejorar su propia fuerza.
Como resultado, el Santo Niño buena fortuna es diicult de calmarse cuando se abre el juicio
Observó el cristal por un tiempo, y camina de un lado a otro en esta lujosa habitación de lujo.
Se preocupaba por lo que fue inesperado.
En este momento, el cristal de la imagen de repente sacudió, Santo Niño buena fortuna elevó
un corazón, sabía que esta aura. Fue San emperador buena fortuna que estaba en contacto
con él.
tople día del Juicio Final, San emperador buena fortuna solo una vez en contacto con él. Esta
es la segunda vez. Para San emperador buena fortuna, que no aparecería sin un asunto
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“Emperador ancestral!”
Santo Niño buena fortuna ve al hombre-ag medio, respetuosa caída en medio de cristales de
imagen. San emperador buena fortuna miraba al Santo Niño buena fortuna, tez micro
sumideros, y dijo:
“Salí de la carne de la izquierda salvaje en los discípulos en la Santa
Palace. Probablemente perdido 1!”
En las palabras de San emperador buena fortuna, dejar que una pérdida de 1 en el corazón de
Santo Niño buena fortuna. Esto significa que más de 20 discípulos enviados de su buena
fortuna Palace Santa de este tiempo tiene
Ya mató a 78 personas!
Esta pérdida es ya bastante grande!
Cada uno de ellos, buena fortuna palacio Santo ha invertido en los recursos y eforts de
innumerables. En un sentido lógico, su fuerza es superior a la resistencia media de la prueba
final y otras disciplinas. ¿Cómo podía una pérdida tan grande!
“Eran ... cuando murieron?” Santo Niño buena fortuna estaba un poco nervioso. no
preocuparse por la muerte de varios discípulos. Lo que le preocupaba era que esas
personas no podían llevar a cabo Diablo Relic.
“De acuerdo con el cálculo del tiempo, fue el momento en que el juicio cuarto piso se
acercaba. Entonces ... alguien carne muerta, desesperada incesante, y se sigue reduciendo
... En otras palabras, casi todo el tiempo, una persona muere ...”
El Santo Emperador buena fortuna sólo puede sentir la existencia o la desaparición de la
carne y la sangre. Lo que había sentido antes era la carne y la sangre del ser salvaje tiró de
las riendas en el pequeño cuerpo de dragón Negro.
La sangre de dragón Negro poco. A veces es rápido, a veces lento, y en general es una
reducción continua de 1, lo que hace San emperador buena fortuna siente misterio
“Diablo Relic está enterrado en el piso final del juicio final. De acuerdo con la percepción de
los antepasados del emperador, desde el momento en que se digiere la carne cruda, el
discípulo que envió debería haber tomado Diablo Relic! En cuanto a por qué la muerte
continúa después que sólo pueden ser estas personas entran en el quinto piso, morir en el
quinto piso ...”
Santo Niño buena fortuna frunció el ceño e hizo una suposición tal. Esta es la suposición más
De hecho, el Santo Niño buena fortuna y el Santo Emperador buena fortuna ya no son
capaces de confiar únicamente en tales selecciona la información misterio insondable para
restaurar lo que estaba sucediendo en ese momento.
Escuchar la descripción de Santo Niño buena fortuna. La tez San emperador Buena de la
Fortuna es poco a poco fría y resuelta, del Juicio Final quinta planta. En la cara de la
eterna llama que rabia y la congelación del hielo eterno, morir tiene una gran cantidad de
En ese momento, se dieron órdenes al discípulo buena fortuna palacio Santo. Todo se basa
en Diablo Relic y el juicio podría ser abandonada.
El quinto piso no debe entrar, evitar accidentes, y dejar que Diablo Relic se perderá. ¿Estos
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discípulos tratan a sus órdenes como consejo descuido?

Santo Niño buena fortuna se arrodilló sobre una rodilla y dijo: “Niño enseña no hay plazas.
Después de otro doble-hora, que va a salir. niño niños se castigue según las leyes de Santo
“La esperanza que traen Diablo Relic ... que vaya!”
desvanece imagen de San emperador buena fortuna de su sonido inal, con ligero
escalofrío, este complexión Santo Niño buena fortuna no es de buen aspecto.
A pesar de que la noticia traída por el Santo Emperador buena fortuna lo hizo enojar,
pero al menos se demostró que cuando el cierre del ensayo cuarta planta y el juicio
quinto piso se abrieron, los discípulos del Santo Palace buena fortuna todavía se
mantuvieron intactas. , En este caso, la probabilidad de que reciban Diablo Relic no dice
el noventa por ciento seguro es aproximadamente la misma.
Después de todo, Santo Niño buena fortuna tenía plena conidence sobre el ejército que
había construido. cree que en las circunstancias, hay uno de los discípulos de gran alcance
podría representar una amenaza a su “Ejército de los residuos”, incluso estos veinte años
más o menos. Buena Fortuna Holy Palace discípulo, puede destruir por completo otras
Pensado en esto, Santo Niño buena fortuna tenía un poco de tranquilidad. llevado a dos
manos y voló hacia arriba. A continuación una cuarta parte, la sangrienta retuerce para
formar un canal de carne y hueso, permitiendo que el niño santo suerte de volar fuera de su
hábitat natural.
El Mar Asura estaba rota, y una gran cantidad de agua de mar fluyó hacia abajo como una
cascada. La inmensa, el cuerpo sin arrepentimiento emergió del mar Asura, y el Santo Niño
buena fortuna estaba de pie en la superficie de la tierra estéril.
En el cielo, una mujer que llevaba un vestido de color verde agua, el nivel de pie, paso pie de
loto verde, miró Santo Niño buena fortuna con un aspecto débil.
La mujer, que estaba flotando Pluma Divina Montaña Dios Rey pluma flotante, se sentó el
discípulo directo rimero Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
El ensayo final de pluma flotante de la montaña divina fue dirigido por el Fairy Maiden
Qinglian. Su apariencia no es excepcional, pero su temperamento es polvoriento y hace
que las personas se sienten impredecible.
Tanto la pluma flotante Montaña Divino y la buena fortuna palacio Santo a pesar de que son
misma influencia, pero la competencia entre ellos no es pequeña. Santo Niño buena fortuna y
Fairy Maiden Qinglian no son las adecuadas.
Ambos eran la élite rimero de la influencia respectiva, y estaban atados de “San Race”.
"¡Oye! Parecía Fairy Maiden Qinglian es conident con el discípulo de prueba en la
montaña flotante pluma divina “.
Santo Niño buena fortuna vuela hacia el cielo. Su posición de flotación es un poco más de
un pie de Fairy Maiden Qinglian. Esto hace que el Santo Niño buena fortuna mira con
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condescendencia a Fairy Maiden Qinglian.

“Es mejor de lo que la buena fortuna palacio Santo. Más de 20 discípulos son
enviados. Es probablemente todas las beneicios de Juicio Final “.
Hada de discapacidad de la Doncella Qinglian a inferior, la boca del Santo Niño buena fortuna
es una sonrisa. “No se puede decir que usted tiene una ventaja completa, pero obtener el
valor de las cosas. miedo de que el valor total de las cosas que otras personas obtienen es
Santo Niño buena fortuna tiene la intención de decir de esta manera. Esta frase cae en
oídos de los demás. Es sólo una lucha emocional, pero sólo Santo Niño buena fortuna sabe
que él está diciendo que el valor del diablo Relic ha sido baja, no sé cuánto es con el fin de
evitar el diablo Relic está disfrazada por persona, verdadero y falso, pero para que la
persona más tacto no se les permite cosechar la buena fortuna palacio Santo.
Al ver la incredulidad aparente de Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Santo Niño buena fortuna sonrió y
desdén era demasiado perezoso para discutir.
Por no hablar de cualquier otra cosa, los restantes 2 Discípulos del palacio Santo buena
fortuna conducirá inevitablemente a un triturador pobres. De acuerdo con la estimación
de San emperador buena fortuna, estas personas fueron al final de prueba quinto piso y
a pesar de que le violaron. Mando, pero si vas a la quinta planta, el grado de terminación
será sin duda superior. Esto hará que Santo Niño buena fortuna ganar el honor completo.
“Este tipo que ayudó al San carrera realmente tomó el camino de Asura como su sitio ...” En la
multitud, la gente vio la lucha apasionada entre el Santo Niño buena fortuna y Fairy Maiden
Qinglian. Algunos dicen expresiones de enojo.
“Long Cheng Hermano, que escuchó esta vez, también está bien preparado Divino Divino
Vacío País. Por lo menos, hay 34 disciplinas que tienen un grado de terminación de más de
70, y algunas personas incluso superan los 75.”
Vacío divina divina país es uno de los únicos dos verdaderas fuerzas de Dios en el
Camino Asura en Mongolia Interior. Naturalmente, el fondo es profundo. Otras fuerzas
Celestial Veneran por lo general tienen una reputación de Divino Divino Vacío País.
Ahora, debido a la existencia y el clamor de San Race, las fuerzas de Asura Road
esperan que el vacío de la Divina País divina a hacer todo lo EFORT para tener éxito
pondrá estas personas ajenas al siguiente nivel.
“75 es sólo un objetivo, pero ... Es casi alcanzable. Esta vez tenemos un Discípulo del Divino
Divino Vacío País. El objetivo es el quinto piso, y debe ser capaz de obtener el grado de poca
Además ...”
Cheng largo dirigido por el Divino Divino Vacío País es un medio paso Celestial veneramos.
La barba de su boca está ligeramente inclinado hacia arriba. Ellos Divino Divino Vacío País
también es muy agresivo. Ellos planean para ganar la batalla. Naturalmente, todavía modesta
modesta. Frases, sentimientos más profundos no pueden esperar para esperar el resultado.
“Quinto Piso ... increíble! Ese nivel es muy peligroso, pero los discípulos de su país están bien
equipadas, y con la cooperación mutua, que debe ser capaz de tener logros!”
Otras influencias complementan que los discípulos de la misma divina del país en general,
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pueden formar un orden de batalla, que es una combinación de potencia, un grupo de

discípulos débiles para hacer frente a la guardia del IVE-capa, no quiere decir que se puede
acabar con él, pero al menos lastima sus puntos fuertes. Todavía es posible conseguir
terminaciones más precisos.
En este momento, el nivel del mar de Asura Mar establece repentinamente del vórtice de la
enorme, una entrada de la cueva profunda apareció en el nivel del mar, que era como la
boca del animal salvaje de una enorme y constante enguling el agua de mar!
Juicio final, inalmente abrió!
Todos los discípulos que salen de la prueba serán enviados a la zona marítima en el radio
cercano. Después de eso, es natural que convergen en la plataforma de observación.
Este es el momento de probar cada gran EFORT para cultivar las generaciones más

jóvenes de logro! (No Continuará

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CAPÍTULO MW 1990 - Tormenta grande

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“No sé cómo tenemos un palo de golf especial en nuestra familia ...”

“Juicio Final es demasiado competitivo. Nuestro fondo es demasiado superficial. Pueden
completar con éxito el juicio de la Puerta de Derecho. Estoy contento..."
Hay voces privadas Elder de alguna secta, muchos de ellos secta, de hecho, no consiguió
la capacidad del final Juicio manera, pero debido a una coincidencia y el transporte aéreo,
sólo ocasionalmente, cuidadosamente discípulos cultivan, además de un ensayo preciosa
Qualiication, esperanzas futuras de la secta están puestas en él. Si discípulo mueren,
entonces el la pérdida es demasiado grande.
“Sal, es mis discípulos de la nieve blanca como la nieve, Ha Jaja!”
Un anciano se rió. La gente miraba en la dirección de lo que dijo. puntos de vista correctos.
Un joven voló lentamente. fue enviado al cielo virtual sólo unos pocos kilómetros de distancia
desde el nivel del mar. fue inmediatamente llevado por su secta. Encontró.
Estas personas inmediatamente avanzaron a conocer a alguien y vieron si fueron
heridos en la Sección discípulo.
En este momento, otra secta los halló dentro de la disciplina. Estos discípulos no entraron
en el cuarto piso, pero después de pasar la Puerta de Derecho, todos tenían la
satisfacción de satisi.
Estos recompensa algunos métodos de cultivo, el derecho y el Cielo y la Tierra del tesoro que
se crían desde el la energía de la prueba final.
De estas cosas, Lin Ming no tiene en cuenta de forma natural, pero para las artes
marciales de la pequeña secta, puede ser suficiente para cambiar su destino.
“Ha Ha, viendo esta sesión de Asura Road es una buena Ah!”, “No

saben lo que las mayores fuerzas de Asura Road están.”

Algunas personas susurrada, muchas personas miraron Divino Divino Vacío País.
Cheng largo tocó la barba. mostró su auto-conidence con una boca ligeramente inclinada,
pero de hecho, él también tenía algunas preocupaciones y tenía miedo de cualquier
“Parecía rápida, es el discípulo del Divino Divino Vacío País. Están fuera!”‘Es

el líder del equipo Bai Hua, ja, ja, que son bien!’
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Bai Hua es el discípulo núcleo de la Divina Vacío divina País. También es el foco de esta
generación de la Divina
Vacío País divina. Mientras todo lo que es correcto, es casi lo mismo.

Cheng largo suavemente relajarse respiración.

“Gran Hermano mayor, ¿cómo estás?”

Los discípulos con Divino Divino Vacío País dijo, dando la bienvenida Bai Hua, sin embargo,
eran descubrimientos accidentales. Vacío discípulos divina divina del País son psiquiatras,
con el ceño fruncido, y parece que la encountere lo mismo que el miedo de la materia.
“Bai Hua, ¿qué pasa?”
De largo Cheng era un poco sorprendido al ver el aspecto de Bai Hua. Vacío divina divina
País no se había comprometido unos pocos discípulos. Lo que era digno de pena?
Cuando nos encontramos Bai Hua, Long Cheng descubrió que algunas de las otras
influencias estaban mirando divinaVacío País divina. A continuación, utilice verdadera esencia de
hablar a sus mayores.
Después de la charla, todas estas personas miraron a los ojos y miraron a los cambios e n
el aspecto Divino Vacío del discípulo divina País.
“Elder ... nosotros ...” inicio de Bai Hua voz pero dudamos.
Santo Niño buena fortuna ve esto en sus ojos. La sonrisa de desdenes, en su opinión, estas
personas soncontrarrestada, la mayoría de ellos son de bor de cuestiones, que no vale la pena prestar
atención en absoluto. En comparación con el diablo Relic, es incluso una sonrisa.
“Estúpido Divino Vacío País divina!”
Desde el fondo del corazón, Santo Niño buena fortuna bajó la vista sobre la divina Vacío
divina País. Este Divino Divino Vacío país a pesar de que también es un Dios de verdad.
Pero a los ojos de su buena fortuna palacio Santo, Divino Vacío emperador alma, pero
uno de la parte inferior del Dios Verdadero, es mucho peor que la pluma flota nte montaña
Esta vez, los discípulos del palacio Santo buena fortuna, no destruyó todos estos Divino
Divino Vacío discípulos del país?
Santo Niño buena fortuna pensó maliciosamente, con impaciencia que les espera que el
Palacio Santo buena fortuna había sobrevivido, 2 de los discípulos.
Sin embargo, en este momento. La sonrisa en el rostro del Santo Niño buena fortuna de
repente se congeló.
Escuchó a alguien hablar de Divino Divino Vacío País. "...¡es verdad! El Divino Vacío discípulo
divina país tiene un hueso negro. Es claro como el cristal. El valor es incalculable!”
negro de huesos? Inestimable valor?
El corazón de Santo Niño buena fortuna es un estanca, difíciles de conseguir cierto es ...
Negó su propia idea. Después de todo, la prueba final tiene una gran cantidad de
posibilidades, y no es sorprendente que haya cosas ocasionalmente similares.
Pero esta vez. La secretaria de la pluma de la Divina Montaña flotante también
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salió. Que en realidad sólo salieron con dos disciplinas, y, obviamente, que

resultaron heridos.

“¿Quién te hirió chicos? ¿Qué pasa con su gran hermana mayor?”Fairy Maiden Qinglian vio a
dos discípulos de Frozen pluma divina montaña, llegando a su situación, y una cara elegante
enfría súbitamente.
“Alma Divina atacado herida ...”
En los años de San Race, con frecuencia enviado discípulos a Asura Road, muchas veces
de Fairy Maiden Qinglian en el Camino Asura, y el método de cultivo de algunas grandes
fuerzas potenciales sobre Asura Road fue el fin de resolver el problema, ello s hiriendo a
dos de flotación de la fuente de la pluma de la montaña divina. Eso
parece ser el método de cultivo de la Divina Vacío divina País ...
“Gran hermana mayor ... muertos ...”
resentir los dos de resciple dijo que Fairy Maiden Qinglian enmascaran de inmediato la
En este momento, vórtice del Juicio Final comienzan convergente, lo que significa que el
Juicio Final debe ser cerrado, el hacia fuera, o incluso los discípulos, han salido, no salió, y son
Hasta este momento, las muchas personas mayores presentes en el lugar descubrieron los
discípulos de que morían, eran mucho más que sus expectativas originales!
En este momento, en todo el pueblo, el Santo Niño buena fortuna estaba llena de
conidence, pero el cuerpo se congeló de repente.
“Los discípulos de mi buena suerte palacio Santo! ¿Cómo no salen?”
Santo Niño buena fortuna completamente aturdido. visto como el vórtice de la salida de la
prueba final se redujo y se estrechan hasta que desapareció.
Pero tienen más de 20 discípulos de la buena fortuna de Holy Palace. Estos regalos religiosos
salvajes que fueron cuidadosamente cultivadas por su Santo Hijo buena fortuna ni siquiera
han salido. ¿Han sido aniquilados? ¿Cómo puede ser esto?
Discípulo de mi buena suerte palacio Santo, ninguno salió! ? Santo Niño buena fortuna,
todo el cuerpo Mans de oro de cuatro tiro, un temblor temblor, Mar Asura ha puesto de un
ierce Haitao debido a la violenta ira del Santo Niño buena suerte de. olas del mar agitado,
barrida por.
Obviamente, San emperador buena fortuna también dijo que hay 2 más discípulos vivo!
Santo Niño buena fortuna es como un león gruñó. adelantado a una pequeña influencia y
agarró una de las discípulos que acababan de salir de la prueba final.
“Said, lo que sucedió en la prueba final!”
Santo Niño buena fortuna en este momento, los ojos rojos en la sangre,

como una bestia furiosa. Esta acción es realmente crítico para él. no puede

aford a fallar en absoluto!

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“Yo ...... yo ...” El discipshen estaba horriied por la mirada, Santo Niño buena fortuna a
pesar de que era sólo elGran Rey Mundial del pico, pero en términos de fuerza, que fue el gran maestro
de la acepción de Transcend Cielo. Tenían un gran Mundial. El poder del rey no puede detenerlo.
“Ustedes ... que tenía un discípulo del palacio Santo buena fortuna, y ... Ley edredón de Asura
... ... Fallo muertos, inished ...”
El discurso del hombre fue apretada, y cuando habló por completo, Santo Niño buena
fortuna escuchó el deseo de roer.
Juicio por la Ley de Asura! ? ¡Cómo podría ser esto! ?

Por un momento, Santo Niño buena fortuna sintió zumbido cabeza, no pudo explicar a San
emperador buena fortuna. ¿Qué hay de Diablo Relic? ¿Quién es diablo Relic?
Sí, algunas personas habían dicho previamente que los discípulos Divino Vacío divina de
país consiguió un hueso negro. Es diablo Relic?
Santo Niño buena fortuna simplemente brilló esta idea y descubrió que los discípulos de
muchos influencia en el ield actuó y dio la vuelta al discípulo del Divino Divino Vacío País.
Durante un tiempo, los discípulos del Divino Vacío País Divino todo estaba pálido, e
incluso varios Elder dirigido por el Divino Divino Vacío país fue el cutis y se diicult a ver el
Cheng largo miraba la gente alrededor de la Divina País Divino Vacío, voz fría: “Damas y
caballeros, ¿qué significa esto?”
"¿Qué quieres decir? Daoist largo no tiene que instalar tonto este momento. ¿Qué le pasó a la
prueba final cuarta planta. ¿No sus discípulos le dicen?”
Antes de un tesoro tan grande, nadie podía ser aliviada, especialmente el Santo Niño buena
fortuna, cuando su rostro estaba distorsionado por completo.
Las cosas ya han desarrollado hacia la dirección de la peor!
Originalmente este tiempo Santo Niño buena fortuna dirigió el equipo, todo se basa en el
principio de bajo perfil, con el fin de responder a otras influencias, sosteniendo Diablo Relic
entrar en el cuerpo del Desolado, dejando Asura carretera directamente.
Pero ahora, la exposición cuestión del diablo Relic, Asura carretera todas las fuerzas
vendrá. Después de todo, hay dos Verdadero Dios, no es su carrera de casa de San
Carrera de, una vez que el vuelo, será ceder por!
“Usted está planeando para levantar una mano ahora? Viejo, ya escuchó Divino Vacío Alma
emperador ... es viejo, me temo que mientras 20 las tasas de interés, que pueden llegar ...”
Cheng largo tez sombría, el asunto es demasiado serio, tuvo que salir de su Divino
Divino Vacíopatrona del país Divino Vacío Alma emperador! (no

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CAPÍTULO MW 1991 - Refinación Diablo Relic

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Por Dios Verdadero, en un plano cósmico, sobre todo aspirante a un universo, tales
como el camino de Asura, es cierto que el tiempo que un tiempo muy corto, se puede
llegar a cualquier rincón del avión.
Durante un tiempo, la atmósfera sobre el mar Asura era un tanto extraña. Todo

el mundo es de alrededor Divino Divino Vacío país, pero nadie tiene una mano

A medidaRealmente
extremo. que pasabanoelsabía
tiempo, Santo Niño buena fortuna tez apenas podía ver el
cómo hablar a San emperador buena fortuna.
"Volvió a decir, el hueso negro que busca no está en las manos de mi Divino
discípulo País Divino Vacío. Cuando estaba en la prueba final del cuarto piso, que
ya estaba en el suelo. Desapareció. Si alguien no lo cree , se puede explorar mi
Divino Divino Vacío. País subordina al azar Un anillo espacial de los discípulos, si
se puede ind lo que quiere, mi Divino Divino Vacío país nunca frunce el ceño!
Cheng larga llevó al equipo a explicar descaradamente.
Originalmente Divino Vacío País divina como un poder verdadero Dios, simplemente
desdeñar tal demostración, pero es una cuestión de gran importancia, de acuerdo a la
Divina Vacío divina País subordinados discípulo trae noticias, este asunto debe ser un
buen plan de Fortune Palace Santo, El resultado fue un accidente y que fracasaron.
Cuando se trata del palacio de Santo buena fortuna, Divino Divino Vacío país tiene
que tener cuidado. Esta es una influencia muy de los treinta y tres cielos que no están
dispuestos a ofend.
Cheng largo miraba al Santo Niño buena fortuna, pensamientos destellaron en la
mente. Esta materia extraña en el ensayo fue completamente más allá de las
“¿Cuál es el uso de búsquedas de su anillo espacial ... Un pequeño hueso, hay 100
maneras de ocultar para que otros no pueden ind que ...”
Por el lado de San Race, alguien dijo gloomyly que es demasiado fácil para el artista
marcial para ocultar cosas, como poner algo que se oculta en una distorsión espacio
con coordenadas desconocidas, y no lleva en absoluto. Que el verdadero Dios no
puede hacer nada.
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Cheng largo es muy tonto para comer Coptis, pero no está siendo ser capaz de decir eso.
Durante un tiempo, la atmósfera sobre el mar Asura hizo cada vez más sombrío. Nadie
hablaba. Sólo la brisa del mar barrió a través de las grandes olas y golpeó los pilares de la
Alguien duda de que la Divina Vacío emperador Alma ha llegado, pero todavía no ha
Hay un Dios Verdadero presente y no hay nada que puedan hacer al respecto. Tal vez
incluso entonces, Diablo Relic, ha caído en manos de la Divina emperador Alma Vacío.
Algunas de las fuerzas de Asura Road, comienzan a retirarse.
Sin embargo, Santo Niño buena fortuna no se iba. mirado en Long Cheng, y tuvo que
morder la bala. escribió el tramsmit información para San emperador buena fortuna ...
Como las mareas del Mar Asura, Lin Ming sigue siendo en la prueba final del séptimo
piso, y su juicio va a durar mucho tiempo. El “Asura Celestial libro” es originalmente un
proceso largo. Y Lin Ming reine Diablo Relic en el séptimo piso.
Solo,, cielo estrellado frío y solitario, Lin Ming ritmo poco a poco, el caos igura.
La Ley del Tiempo y Espacio parece estar completamente perdido en él. Una estrella,
una galaxia es como una alta montaña, un río, fácilmente atravesado por él.
Al parecer lentos pasos, un paso grande es la distancia entre diez mil. Su

objetivo es ser el centro de este cielo estrellado.

Finalmente, después de un palo de incienso de tiempo, se fue a la región

central. Sentado con las piernas cruzadas, Lin Ming está envuelto en la

oscuridad sin fin

En este momento. Aquellos aparentemente seco solitario, para destruir por completo las
estrellas, floreció la luz más deslumbrante.
La forma estrellas aúllan, transportados en el vacío, convergieron en una línea de
matrices montañosas, en torno a Lin Ming, entrelazado en el vacío.
Al final, estas estrellas estelares han condensado en un horno de montaña-como,
Un amplio stock de Chaotic Qi. Vibrante en el trípode. Llevar la ley impredecible
mundo, el horno de la caldera es muy extraño.
Lin Ming flota y las rodillas en su mayor centro del horno de la luz estelar.

Los dos ancianos aparecieron lentamente delante de Lin Ming.

Estos dos ancianos están vigilando este mundo de “Che” Y “de tinta Negro”.
“La absorción de Diablo Relic es un mal riesgo porque este Abismo Diablo fue matado
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por el Señor veneramos. Su potencia es igual a Dios Verdadero! A pesar de que, el

cuerpo principal del Abismo Diablo se detuvo por veneramos Señor. El resto Es sólo
una parte de su cuerpo, y se pasó a través de diez mil millones de años en el plano de
prueba final. También se vio debilitada por una gran cantidad de esencia del demonio,
pero después de todo, su cultivo base es demasiado baja. Para absorberla, hará que
su cuerpo sea la enorme carga, e incluso el riesgo de estallido y perece “.
Después de Lin Ming se estableció en el vacío, la tinta entre los dos ancianos, dijo
“Así que dos preparado este 'vacío Galaxy Caldero' para usted, obtener apoyo de la
potencia de esta galaxia lado, y suprimir el poder del diablo Relic”.
Esta vez fue el Che.
“Vacío Galaxy Caldero?”
Al oír el nombre del horno de la caldera, Lin Ming dio una idea de la herencia de la
original. no debe saberlo, pero que acaba de ver el registro del Vacío Galaxy Caldero
cuando leyó el libro viejo en Dios Primordial clan.
Este vacío Galaxy Caldero no es una herramienta mágica sino un conjunto de técnicas
secretas para el método de cultivo y la matriz de unificarse.
Es una sucesión de mil millones, hace diez mil millones de años ailiated con los
Asura carretera principal, por primera vez por un Dios clan maestro matriz y la
medicina píldora Primordial.
El arrayer utiliza la técnica secreta alquimia del Vacío Galaxy Caldero. No requiere
caldero píldora y llamas. Puede hacer bolitas de medicina sólo con el poder de las
estrellas. Incluso es posible utilizar el poder de las estrellas de las estrellas para
suprimir y reine uno mismo. El efect es extraordinario.
Sin embargo, la disposición de esta matriz, con el poder para comenzar a quemar las
estrellas circundantes, consume una cantidad considerable de Qi y sangre, más el
cambio en secreto, y es extremadamente diicult para arreglar completamente el Vacío
Galaxy Caldero.
En Primordial Dios clan de hoy, este patrimonio ha pasado hace tiempo. El libro
antiguo es también una subestimación del nombre del Vacío Galaxy Caldero. Lin
Ming no creo que hoy en día hay un destino.
“Dos de las generaciones mayores estaban interesados.”, Dijo Lin Ming sinceramente.
Lin Ming no sabía que la creación original de Asura carretera principal de Asura
carretera estaba en orden. se limitó a lo que los dos guardianes hicieron por sí mismos,
y que hizo Lin Ming sentir que realmente vieron a sí mismo como el Camino Asura
Maestro. Sucesores, con el fin de entrenarlo, se pueden describir como esmerado.
“Además de Nulo Galaxy caldero. Tengo un poco de Cielo y Tierra del
tesoro aquí, rimer lugar rompiendo horno de la caldera del diablo Relic, y
los tesoros del espíritu celestial éstos están contaminados con el poder del
diablo Relic y puede ser fundido en espíritus útiles para su cuerpo. Jugo,
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esto aliviará Diablo Diablo Esencia de Relic, ayudará a absorber él, que
reine ...”dijo el Che, mientras que lanzó varios tipos de cosas maravillosas
de Vacío Galaxy Caldero.
Abyss Diablo es diicult domesticar, ya sea cuando están vivos o cuando mueren.
Cuando Primorius Celestial venerar a apoderarse del cuerpo Abismo Diablo, fue
asimilado por el alma y se volvió en sí en un demonio.
Y San emperador buena fortuna, sigue confiando en Grandmist Espíritu de bolas para
controlar el desierto sin alma.
Por lo tanto, Lin Ming frenar Diablo Relic, el Che y tinta negro son muy cuidadosos, y
todo es perfecto, para asegurarse de que no hay omisiones.
Una hierba amarilla aparentemente se había perdido, pero envió a la tragedia de la
Verdadera Dragon. Se explotó en estrellas fuerza y se convirtió en un sabio de
Una pieza de suelo que no fue bien conocido fue tirado, excitado por la fuerza
Galaxy, y estalló en rayos brillante, como si se tratara de un continente de color
caqui, y todo el cuerpo de Lin Ming se había condensado una capa de tierra amarillo
armadura-como cosas. Sólo pensar que este momento es como el diamante no es
malo, diez mil generaciones inmortal.
Una píldora de la medicina rota fue introducida. Como una nube continua de satén, el
sonido de los nueve cielos fue en realidad sonaba, y Dios el rey se sentó en medio de la
Cuando la innumerable misterioso tesoro Espíritu Celestial fue arrojado en el horno
de la caldera, Lin Ming lo colocó en el horno de la caldera, y el negro joya-como
Diablo Relic chocó.
Este diablo Relic es como un gran centro de vórtice, una fuerte explosión, dentro de un
resplandor oscuro de la energía de la sangre, que se funde en el jugo extraño el
fundido del Espíritu Celestial.
Al instante el jugo es como el agua, la luz negro laca de estruendo hirviendo, y el aire
en el interior sagrado está infectado con el diablo Relic como la tinta.
Cuando la tinta que invadió Diablo Relic tocó el cuerpo, Lin Ming se estremeció y
sintió que había una fuerza extraordinaria en su cuerpo. Fue illed con el movimiento
del aire de Gran Dao y bajó el agujero en su propio cuerpo y se fue
desesperadamente al cuerpo. Perforado en.
Es como de incontables gigantes tienen un martillo de hierro y la huelga en él.
Algunos puntos de acupuntura se vuelven más meticuloso y estable en el impacto, y
pueden adaptarse a las fuerzas más grandes.
Originalmente igual que el diamante no es malo cuerpo, bajo el impacto de este poder,
se hace más y más tenaz ......
“Efectivamente, era una buena cosa.” Sentimientos más íntimos de Lin Ming lo
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sorprendieron. En el cultivo momento, el cuerpo mortal se ha embarcado en el pico,

y llegó a un cuello de botella. Cualquier ganancia es extremadamente diicult.
Si se rompe a través de este cuello de botella, la fuerza física de Lin Ming
se elevará a un nivel más alto, pero esto diicult, como subir al cielo, y hoy
en día, vio la esperanza!
“Little Negro, que también se encuentran en un mismo lugar!”
En este momento, Lin Ming no se olvidó de la Pequeña Negro Dragón. La potencia
contenida en Devil Relic era demasiado fuerte. Era equivalente al diablo de Dios
Verdadero. Después de su muerte, podría no ser completamente absorbido por sí
Dejó a los pequeños Negro Dragón practican el cuerpo con uno mismo, y todavía no puede
“Hǒu Hǒu Hǒu.” Originalmente, el Pequeño Dragón Negro, que sigue cultivando la
sangre de la hambruna, gritó de alegría, y se sumerge en la fusión jugo de la
medicina fundido. Fue éxtasis, y avidez devorado el espíritu de tinta similares.
Fue bestia originalmente divina, la inteligencia inusual, el cuerpo también es dura
como divina hierro, el cuerpo general de la medicina, Little raíz Negro dragón no
tiene un efect, que puede ser utilizado como alimento come nada, pero se tragó Este
elixir negro, que sólo bebió un poco, sintieron que no podían beber más.
Su eructo de comenzar éxitos satisied, un rostro negro comienzan a llegar a ser roja, y se
En su piel, los puntos de acupuntura del cuerpo, la carne y la sangre están llenos de
rayos inconmensurable, terminando el Pequeño Dragón Negro.
“Vacío Galaxy Caldero, y estos jugos espíritu, además de mi base de cultivo, deben ser
capaces de devorar a alrededor del 20% de la fuerza del diablo Relic ...”
Después de Lin Ming entra Vacío Galaxy Caldero, se ha de deducir las consecuencias
de la ingestión Diablo Relic y llegó a la conclusión.
Sin embargo, sabía que con el fin de obtener una resistencia más fuerte, tiene que
romper el límite de su propia. ¿Qué pasaría si realmente se tragó Diablo Relic, es
difícil de predecir. (no

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CAPÍTULO MW 1992 - Diablo Fuerza

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: Si quieres saber más de su voz y le gustaría recibir más sugerencias de usted, la

búsqueda de número público WeChat ahora y prestar atención a ella. Dar más apoyo a
“World Martial”!
En Vacío Galaxy Caldero, Lin Ming ojos cerrados, introduzca la fusión Intención Martial, y
ajustar todo para la condición óptima.
Este diablo Relic es la fuerte esencia diablo que los Asura carretera principal había
matado en el pasado. Era mucho más fuerte que el caos Venerate Celestial aprovechar
diablo del cuerpo. Lin Ming tuvo que ser cautos.
Lin Ming tocado el aro del Territorio y extrae muchos Celestial y del tesoro de la Tierra
desde el anillo espacial.
Con los años, Lin Ming también ha recogido muchos tesoros preciosos, tales como
huelgas para matar expertos sin igual, o el talento de pico. Sus cosas en el anillo espacial
naturalmente pertenecen a Lin Ming.
Estos medicamentos valiosos son aún precioso, pero para Lin Ming, que ya se ha
inclinado al cuello de botella del cuerpo mortal, el efect no es signiicant. Incluso si se
traga todos los de su cuerpo, se diicult para ejercer cualquier efect templado en su
cuerpo mortal.
Así que por un largo tiempo, estos medicamentos Divinas fueron acumulados por él a
excepción de las entregas ocasionales.
Hoy en día, estos medicamentos son útiles Spirit. jugos medicinales de estos fármacos se
pueden utilizar como agente de extracción del Diablo Relic, la extracción de los puntos
fuertes del diablo tiránicos, haciéndolos más suaves y fáciles de absorber.
Cuando todos los medicamentos entran en la tinta de color negro, la medicina aden
aura volatiliza lentamente, concisa en el vacío, maravillosa incomparable.
El medicamento en sí también se ha derretido en el bautismo de las estrellas. En estos
medicamentos, como si hay otros mundos, es obvio que no hay mucho en sí mismo, pero
la sensación de dar a la gente es como el vasto océano.
La mezcla hierva, una ola de la medicina, como si todos los cielos sabios con el disparo,
constantemente bombardeados en Diablo Relic.
Y esta vez, es válido fuera Galaxy Caldero. Che y negro de tinta dos ancianos, también
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juntos, para ayudar a Reining del Diablo Relic.

Diablo Relic oscilaba, había un ruido de zumbido, su extraordinaria eicacy, la fuerza
que Dios a partir de los dos viejos, y la luz de las estrellas ininite en el Vacío Galaxy
Diablo Relic consolida la esencia ininite y simplemente se derrite. Se tomó una gran
cantidad de energía a partir de los dos ancianos.
Después de pasar un tiempo de dos horas, Diablo Relic ya había tenido una pequeña vuelta.
Con la fusión de Fuerza Diablo del diablo Relic, el océano elixir original, casi se

ha secado. La Fuerza Diablo en este momento ya ha llegado a su punto más alto.

“¿No es suficiente, de nuevo!”

Lin Ming ojos brillaban en una llama de luz, y la frente sumergen en el sudor. Ahora que
la fuerza diablo se ha superado, se ha superado el 20%. Lin Ming no es fácil, incluso si
se los traga. Pero tenía un plan para comenzar, para romper su límite si era como el
Pequeño Dragón Negro. Si comes lo suficiente, no va a comer. Incluso si se puede
TEMPERE su propia carne, no es suficiente para romper el cuello de botella.
“Palo de golf, ¿no le parece suficiente?”
Al ver la locura de Lin Ming, el Che y sus ojos, todos vieron un rastro de ansiedad en los
ojos del otro. Incluso si Lin Ming alcanzó el 100 por ciento de la finalización de la prueba
final, los dos ancianos ya tienen un interés demostrado en él. Comprensión. Pero ver Lin
Ming tragar fortalezas de veinte IVE del Diablo Relic a la vez, sino que también se sentían
demasiado arriesgado.
Esta es la esencia de la energía de los últimos años que Abyss diablo de Dios Verdadero
es equivalente a!
Lin Ming no parece escuchar el Che y las advertencias de tinta negro. contempló el
jugo negro, negro-tonos delante de sus ojos.
Lin Ming repente abrió la boca como una ballena dragón absorbe el agua, tragar estos
jugos negros en su estómago.
Esta mezcla de tres intensidad cuerpo jugo a entrar del Diablo Relic. Lin Ming sólo se
siente como se ha metido en diez soles para ser soplado aparte.
Un deseo sanguinario cruel. Perforado a cabo desde el alma más interna del alma.
incomparable voz loco, como si viniera de ininity y distantes años, entró en el cuerpo
de Lin Ming y se metió en su alma.
Sentado con las piernas cruzadas en el cuerpo principal de Lin Ming del Vacío centro de
la galaxia Caldero, los ojos bien cerrados, se ven separados. Hay un halo de sa ngre ...
Casi por el poder del diablo contragolpe Relic controlará la luz de la estrella de vacío
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Galaxy Caldero. Es como una aguja de punta pinchado en el cuerpo de Lin Ming.
Este poder es a pesar de que no lo suficiente como para competir con el D iablo Diablo
Esencia de Relic, pero vamos a Lin Ming tiene una claridad instantánea.
Está de vuelta al cielo ... Una de las estrellas de la Palaciegas Dao Palace emerge en el
interior del mar de la conciencia, se eleva Árbol de Herética Dios, Uno Thunder D ragon
viaja por todo el mundo ... Cada pieza de ley, cada tipo de fuerza, comienza Suprime el
diablo la imagen de la Divina Alma.
Al mismo tiempo, la represión, había una imagen de una acción que pasa a Lin Ming en el
interior del mar de la conciencia.
... Fue una guerra sin límites. Sangre envió el cielo lleno de sangre, y se formó un
océano de sangre en el suelo. Se empapó la tierra.
Las innumerables demonios están matando y gritando. Uno de los demonios parece ser
el rey de todos los demonios. Su cuerpo brota de la luz negro sin límites, y cada luz
oscura se condensa en un dragón de profundidad.
La escena es un giro, cerrando de golpe, y el vacío es desgarrada por grandes
extensiones de extensiones.
El oscuro abismo del mundo, el Samurai Asura con el día Qi alta, que fue golpeado
con un Rey Demonio en la sangre. El Rey Demonio era cojo, protagonizada por la
interrupción, zumbido, los accidentes de medios de vida, pero incluso si tal una
postura poderosa, todavía era un refugio paso a paso antes de la lanza larga oscura
en poder del Asura Samurai.
Cada paso de la retirada, el cuerpo está ligado a un agujero en la sangre que no se
pueden curar de. Al final, la cabeza del Rey Demonio fue usado por una lanza larga
“... Camino Asura Maestro ?! Estos ... son éstas memoria incompleta en Devil Relic?”
Los recuerdos eran demasiado complicado, demasiado apresurado, Lin Ming no tuvo tiempo
de darse cuenta, de repente, se vio envuelto por el engulf dolor sin límites, y fue devuelto a
partir de estas memorias.
Diablo Fuerza, illed con el cuerpo de Lin Ming, el impacto directo de sus líneas de
sangre de todo el cuerpo, órganos internos estalló!
Lin Ming ojos rojos en la sangre, se adhieren a los dientes.
Estas fortalezas del diablo, sin embargo, han sido los mismos que los Asura carretera
principal. Incluso si sólo unos pocos, se aplasta un planeta.
Lin Ming este tiempo, toda la fuerza, detrás de él, surgieron nueve grandes estrellas, las
nueve estrellas y vacía Galaxy Caldero estrella de la luz en sí, apoyand o el cuerpo de Lin
Lin Ming abrió cuatro Palacios Dao y inspiró el poder de Asura Blood. Ka ka ka

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carne de Lin Ming se está arrastrando, los meridianos renacen, y las heridas de los
órganos internos comienzan a sanar.
Su cuerpo es demasiado pervertida, ya pesar de que aunque destrozado por el impacto de
estos poderes Diablo Relic, continúa sanando.
Al mismo tiempo, el poder de la Ley de los Asura grapps en su cuerpo es como una
montaña en la casa. Junto con el exterior del Vacío Galaxy Caldero, seguido de los
puntos fuertes de estrellas y tratado de suprimir el impacto portazos de Diablo Relic.
El cuerpo de Lin Ming se convirtió en un gran battleield, con olas de la piel y del agua,
caída y el levantamiento.
En este momento, la carne, los meridianos y los órganos internos de Lin Ming
renacieron constantemente, y que fueron rotos por la fuerza Diablo, y que han nacido
de nuevo.
En el proceso de este tipo, Lin Ming interrumpiera del dolor de lo inhumano, pero ha sido

la celebración de sus dientes. Poco a poco, Diablo Fuerza se detuvo lentamente por Lin


El poder negro más mínimo, mezclado con líneas de sangre de Lin Ming, integrado en su
mundo interior, integrada en su mar espiritual ...
De repente, los ojos de Lin Ming se convierten en escarlata!
Esto no se parece a los ojos de los seres humanos y parece que una feroz bestia.
Al ver esta escena, Chee y negro de tinta de dos cuclillas en Theart del anciano y devorar
Diablo Relic. No sólo es el cuerpo mortal probable que soportar el impacto y mueren,
también el alma del mar puede ser destruido por la voluntad del diablo. Una vez, que está
en el fin de perder el alma de los muertos.
“Ka Kaká!”
Lin Ming apretó el doble de IST y sus dientes se convirtió en punto.
Su piel comienza a rasgar, y un pico de hueso largo se extiende desde la herida!
Este pico de hueso, que demuestra negro puro, es algo similar a la punta del hueso del
cuerpo de Primordium Celestial veneramos, pero su superficie persistente con miedo
denso demoníaco Qi parece ser más afilado y más aterrador que el hueso del pico
Primorius Celestial venero!
“Este palo de golf, ¿no reine Fuerza diablo por completo, sino que, al mismo tiempo que
frenar, y es la fusión, que tiene la intención de controlar completamente este poder, dejar
que el propio cuerpo tiene Devil fuerza! Esta..."
“Ahora que Diablo Fuerza se ha integrado en el cuerpo del palo de golf, comienzan a
cambiar su estructura de la carrocería!”
Al ver esta escena, la tinta negro y Chee se miraron entre sí, los cuales son en miniatura,
las fuerzas de fusión, y la fuerza que se utiliza después de treinta y tres cielos se llama
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Dios de fuerza.
Y hacerlo coincidir, es la fuerza de Diablo Diablo Abismo, esto es una especie de, más allá
del poder de la Ley de los Treinta y tres cielos.
Lin Ming realmente quiere introducir Diablo fuerza en su cuerpo y controlarlo por
completo! (Mi de la novela “World Martial” tendrá más nuevos contenidos en la
plataforma WeChat oicial, y se le dará el 100% de la lotería grandes rituales a la gran
familia! Ahora abrir la carta de micro, haga clic en el signo “+” en la parte superior
derecha “Añadir amigo”, la búsqueda de número público“y seguir, juego de
velocidad!) (No

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CAPÍTULO MW 1993 - Vida palacio embrión DAO

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: Si quieres saber más de su voz y le gustaría recibir más sugerencias de usted, la

búsqueda de número público WeChat ahora y prestar atención a ella. Dar más
apoyo a “World Martial”!
De acuerdo con los datos obtenidos por Dios Primordial clan, muchos expertos
creen que los antiguos Abismo Diablo no es de treinta y tres cielos.
La oscuridad Abismo, donde se encuentra Abismo Diablo, también parece ser un área
más allá de la independencia junto a treinta y tres cielos.
Es muy misterioso. No se sabe qué tan grande, tan profundo que es, y dónde
Entre la oscuridad Abismo, hay algunos Diferencias entre la ley mundial y la Ley de
los Treinta y tres cielos. La energía utilizada por Abyss diablo también es diferentes
a partir de los treinta y tres cielos de artes marciales.
Esto también hace que la sabiduría de los Treinta carrera de tres cielos, y Abyss
diablo parece ser un enemigo natural entre el humanoide vida sabiduría capturado
Abismo diablo no puede ser domesticado, pero no puede tomar el cuerpo de ellos, y
Abyss diablo atrapado vida inteligencia humanoide Básicamente , se come
Ahora que Lin Ming reines Diablo Relic, a pesar de que se Diferent de
apoderarse del cuerpo, hay similitudes. Eso es derrotar la voluntad que
pertenece originalmente a Abyss diablo!
Sólo Lin Ming no necesita integrar el alma del diablo Abismo, ni tampoco es necesario
utilizar el cuerpo mortal del Abismo diablo.
Este proceso es extremadamente peligroso. Si no se tiene cuidado, Lin Ming no
puede controlar Diablo Fuerza, y que puede llegar a ser un monstruo mitad
Un pase minutos, Little Negro Dragón también revivió de la somnolencia original,
viendo Lin Ming, el cuerpo es siempre cambiante, ojos oscuros, algo curioso y
En este momento, Lin Ming, que es equivalente a la transformación del cuerpo
Asura, añade una capa de Transformación diablo del cuerpo. se cubre con
armadura negro de hueso, y la columna vertebral se extiende desde la raíz de la
MTLED Novels Hom e Abou t Novels

columna vertebral para formar un pico de hueso alto. . Desde el coxis hasta el
cuello, los picos de hueso son cada vez más y más. Su tormenta costilla de cadena,
como el granito negro, en el codo, es una lámina ósea similar a la Primorius
Celestial venero!
Un rugido del Temeroso, el rostro de Lin Ming hacia arriba, un zumbido agradable,
Parece que este vacío sacudió suavemente. luz de la estrella de vacío Galaxy
Caldero, Todo se rompió por Lin Ming.
Los ojos de Lin Ming, siempre escarlata, parecían reflejar demonios charco de
sangre. En el infierno, había demonios destrozos, y experto desgarro.
Las escenas se prolongó durante una media hora completa y Lin Ming dieron una
pena. Parecía haber sido convertido en un demonio.
Durante este período, el Che y negro de tinta dos ancianos están nerviosos.
Siempre mirando los mínimos cambios en el cuerpo de Lin Ming, más se miraron
ellos, el más sorprendido que eran.
“Era tan largo, sus ojos no han vuelto a Ching Ming. Parece que fue ighting con la voluntad
del diablo Abismo en el Mar del alma ...”
"Este palo de golf, que es demasiado conident. No ha contenido la Fuerza
Diablo en energía fuente pura de acuerdo a lo que originalmente enseñamos.
Se absorbe lentamente, pero tiene la intención de dominar directamente esta
fuerza. A pesar de que está muerto. Abyss diablo, pero querer controlarlo.
“De acuerdo con el sentido común, la fuerza de la raza humana del Abismo diablo no se puede
controlar en absoluto. Incluso si prensas temporales de este palo de golf por esta fuerza, pero
la voluntad perteneciente a Abyss Diablo permanecerán en el cuerpo de este palo de golf. Sólo
tiene que esperar por él. Cuando es débil, esto puede explotar, tratando de apoderarse del
cuerpo y usurpar su alma del mar. Por el tiempo, consecuencia inconcebible ...”
Cuanto más los dos ancianos arrugados, más arrugados. Ahora están preocupados
de que Lin Ming no podría incluso hacer un Tames temporales Diablo Fuerza, y el
tiempo era demasiado largo. Fuerza del alma de Lin Ming se puede agotar. Si es
así. Lin Ming ahora perderá Sea Soul!
Y cuando los dos ancianos dudaron en darse por vencido, sin importar las
consecuencias, y utilizaron su fuerza de voluntad para intervenir en Lin Ming alma
del mar, de repente uno de los nueve estrellas que flotaban en el cielo fue una de
las estrellas. ¡Luz roja!
Esta estrella es como si estaba manchada de sangre.
"Esto es..."
Los dos ancianos se sorprendieron y no tuvo tiempo de reaccionar. Esta
estrella, la estrella roja, lanzó una recta r resplandor. Este camino resplandor
sólo tiene un grosor pie. Atraviesa diez mil vacío, y el empuje hacia abajo!
MTLED Novels Hom e Abou t Novels

Desde lejos, parecía como si Dios Espíritu ha utilizado de glóbulos rojos

Espada Divina para abrir cielo estrellado! Esta Luz Dao, es la perforación del

pecho izquierdo de Lin Ming, que es la ubicación del corazón.

En ese momento, el flujo de energía bostezando repente dejó de cesar, y la

explosión del músculo del cuerpo de Lin Ming también desapareció. Todo estaba
tranquilo y el cuerpo mortal de Lin Ming despertado voló lentamente de Vacío
Galaxy Caldero. Entonces, llegado al cielo.
Starlight con sangre, el cuerpo de Nutrir Lin Ming, ppasses !, P!
El cielo silencioso de la original, sirably sonaba un latido rítmico.
Este latido del corazón es fuerte y poderosa, como si el corazón de Primordius
Celestial veneramos late en la antigua tumba de la Eterna Demonio Abismo!
Incluso si el experto del Nivel Mundial Rey, cerca de aquí, escuchando el sonido
de los latidos del corazón, toda Qi cuerpo va a ser tirado, sintiendo el torrente
sanguíneo para estar con su resonancia, el cuerpo roto a cabo del general!
Este es un sonido que pertenece a los latidos del corazón de Lin Ming!
A pesar de que los cuerpos mortales de Lin Ming han sido lo suficientemente potente
como para alcanzar el reino de estos años, pero su corazón nunca ha sido tan
poderoso. Esto simboliza el poder de su Qi y sangre, que ha llegado a un ámbito
inconcebible, en comparación con el tiempo máximo del año. Primordius Celestial
veneramos es nada menos!
“Este palo de golf, en el Dao Palace Nueve Estrellas?”
Che y Moe se miraron unos a los ojos y miraron el rojo brillante de las estrellas en el
cielo. Los dos ancianos tenían una gran cantidad de conocimiento sobre el cultivo
de las majoraces y 30 de tres Dao celestial. Naturalmente, ellos eran claras. Dao
Palace Nueve estrellas.
La estrella roja en el cielo ahora se llama Gran Puerta de la estrella. Embrión vida
de su partido Dao Palace está situado en el lugar del corazón del artista marcial.
Este embrión vida Dao palacio contiene poderes ininite de Qi y sangre.
Encenderlo, puede dejar que el artista marcial comprender profundamente el
poder de la vida, y dejar que su capacidad física para recuperar, al reino sin
adición, realizado como extremidades y el interior El renacimiento de órganos.
El artista Marsal general del Sistema Esencia cultivo ha sido entrenado a un nivel
muy alto reino. Sus brazos se han reducido de. Después de una buena
recuperación, sus brazos también pueden renacer.
Sin embargo, este brazo renacer es sólo un feto.
Para el Sistema Esencia de cultivación de alto nivel en artes marciales, Su cuerpo
mortal también pasa a través de la condensación de pulso, etapa Xiantian para
MTLED Novels Hom e Abou t Novels

eliminar las impurezas, a continuación, después de noveno nivel de vida

destrucción se convierte en alcohol del cuerpo, después de otra evolución de las
Divinas de transformación de nueve cambios, Let cuerpos mortales van además, en
el extremo, cada pulgada de su sangre y carne. No inusual.
Sin el cuerpo energía original templado, el estilo se puede poner en marcha se puede
reducir en gran medida.
Quieren hacer a recuperarse, para consumir el tiempo y la energía de masiva, esta
es también la razón por la que después de Tian Mingzi cortó la mano, lo afectar los
niveles directamente en el reino celestial veneramos, por lo tanto tener un profundo
odio enorme odio con Lin Ming.
Lo mismo puede decirse de Lin Ming en un principio, pero después de
comprender el feto, es diferent. La ley de la vida del embrión Dao palacio se
convertirá en una especie de marca de la marca. Las líneas profundas están
tallados en cada parte de la carne de Lin Ming. Sus órganos internos estallar,
fracturas en las extremidades, se convertirán en energía pura de vida, volver a su
cuerpo, y luego regenerarse. No hay ninguna diference del original.
Incluso si se detuvieron estas extremidades perdidas, el órgano que pesa sobre
la nueva vida de manera uniforme distribuirá la energía, lo que tendrá poco
El paso del tiempo continúa. Los ojos de Lin Ming, lo que refleja demonios charco de
sangre, eran en realidad de la sangre, y la gran puerta de la estrella con el color rojo
brillante en el cielo. Entre las mareas de energía de una ola, parece que se funde y
se convirtió en un torrente sanguíneo, que fue importado en el cuerpo mortal de Lin
Lin Ming, que se convirtió en un demonio, se puso roja brillante en el tiempo, al igual
que se puso en marcha en un estanque de sangre!
“Este palo de golf, en realidad con el diablo Fuerza, comenzó Embrión vida Dao palacio!”
“La Fuerza diablo su en su cuerpo. ¿Realmente temer el momento de su propio débil, ser
sacado de la voluntad del Abismo diablo? Sea Soul”
Che y tinta negro dos están muy preocupados, y esta vez, bajo el sello del vacío
Galaxy Caldero sinfín de estrellas, mar espiritual de Lin Ming, pero es completamente
otra escena.
Lin Ming llevaba una armadura de batalla sangrienta, de pie, frente a una
enorme sombra demonio fantasma en el cielo. Esta sombra diablo fantasma es
muy vaga, pero exuda incomparablemente grande aura, que es asombrosa.
Es en Devil Relic, que originalmente pertenecía a la voluntad del Abismo diablo.
Incluso después de diez mil millones de años de cierre, voluntad restante del
Abismo diablo. También supera el más Heavenly Venerate, que tiene el instinto
MTLED Novels Hom e Abou t Novels

"Tu poder. Dámelo por completo “.

Lin Ming enfrentó a la coacción de esta voluntad, y parecía tranquilo, como si estuviera
frente a olas de viento.
La voluntad del vacío da de una extraña sonrisa. "¡Eres fuerte! No puedo acabar con su
alma mar. Entonces voy a prestarle su poder para que temporalmente. Sin embargo, la
renta para los que presto mi es alta, me temo que no va a pagar. Desde entonces, eh!”
“Oh, alquilar?” Los labios de Lin Ming brillaban con una expresión feliz irónico.
“Te prestaré fuerza, y usar su cuerpo mortal para compensar lo! Su cuerpo
mortal, templado no es malo!”
La sombra fantasma ríe locamente, que no puede soportar Lin Ming, pero
también reconoce Lin Ming no puede hacerlo, siempre y cuando su voluntad se
esconde en el mar de la conciencia de Lin Ming, después de todo, se va a
esperar hasta que Lin Ming mar de la conciencia de débil que un día, luego de
nuevo. Se tardó más de su cuerpo mortal, incluso si se convirtió en un monstruo
mágico medio-y-media, que no le importa.
Cuando la sombra fantasma así calculado, su sonrisa se levantó de pronto, Lin Ming
extendió la mano derecha, en la palma de su mano, flotar con un cubo negro.
El cubo gira lentamente y parece succionar todo en el mundo.
“Esto ... Esto es ...”
Las pupilas del fantasma de sombra se contrajeron, y justo en ese momento, Mar
del alma de Lin Ming conjunto de una gran tormenta alma negro. La sombra
fantasma gritó y fue succionado directamente en esta tormenta!
"¡Ah ah!"
La sombra fantasma grita una y otra vez, los rasgos faciales están completamente
distorsionados. Esta tormenta es demasiado aterradora. Ya se ha perdido de forma
incompleta la mayor parte de la voluntad.
Después de todo, la sombra fantasma demonio explotó en esta tormenta de temor.
Una vez que sus saltos de voluntad, las piezas rotas apenas pueden sostener el
impacto de la tormenta temerosa alma. En un instante, estalla se rompen y
“Lo siento, yo no planeo dejar con toda voluntad.”
Lin Ming recogió en silencio el cubo mágico, cubo mágico de esta tarjeta, se
atrevió a modo sin escrúpulos la absorción Diablo fuerza.
Antes de ser disminuidos psíquicos, yo estaba confundido en un nombre que no
estaba disponible en Takeo. La razón era que el polo fue entrar en etapa avanzada.
El capullo del gusano estaba escribiendo el esquema del libro. Carvin era grave,
trató de escribir algo nuevo libro describe. De hecho, el libro está llevando papel. El
nombre no se ha resuelto todavía. Fue sólo con el fin de escribir el esquema y que
MTLED Novels Hom e Abou t Novels

era un buen nombre para su uso. Debido a que el esquema se repite muchas veces,
se hizo la inercia, y luego se metió en problemas (ahora se ha corregido).
El capullo del gusano dijo antes de que la actualización de abril se hará avanzar. Como
resultado de ello, ayer Carvin es de gran alcance. El segundo revisor ya ha emitido
11.518 puntos, que es casi el día siguiente. capullo del gusano a pesar de que dejó un
rastro en el capítulo único, pero realmente no quiere renovar la situación después de
las 12 de la inicio del mes. El tiempo del símbolo es muy ansioso. Lo si ento mucho.
Algunas personas han confundido sus nombres, y sospechan que el segmento es
un extracto del capullo del gusano de seda. A continuación, se puede tomar
libremente el contenido del capítulo. Baidu búsqueda sabrá si lo es. Creo que se
debería haber hecho, por supuesto, imposible IND.
La actualización de hoy sigue avanzando, y luego hay un lector de graves en el
capullo diciendo que Lin Ming debería haber adivinado que la supresión de la
Ancient Seal firmamento cielos es un alma salvaje. No se puede adivinar el
problema IQ. El capullo del gusano original no quiere explicar estas llamadas “” Hoy
en día, dijo algo de la escena, lo explicaría de pasada. Antes de Lin Ming realmente
no sabía sobre el Sello Antiguo cielos firmamento, todo el mundo sabría que debido
a que el capullo del gusano había hablado por boca de San emperador buena
fortuna, Lin Ming no hizo caso. A
... (Mi novela de “World Martial” tendrá más nuevos contenidos en la plataforma
WeChat oicial, y el 100% de la sorteos serán enviados a la gran familia! Ahora abrir la
carta de micro, haga clic en el signo “+” en el arriba a la derecha “Añadir un amigo,
buscar número público” y prestar atención al juego de velocidad!) (NO

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CAPÍTULO MW 1994 - Gran Rey Mundial

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: Si quieres saber más de su voz y le gustaría recibir más sugerencias de usted, la búsqueda
de número público WeChat ahora y prestar atención a ella. Dar más apoyo a “World Martial”!
Después de que los restos de la voluntad del Abismo Diablo se derrumbó por completo,
Fuerza diablo de Lin Ming se convirtió por completo con el fin de, sin dueño, y se rompió
por completo!
La inmensidad del mar es como el mar, afectando constantemente cuerpo alma del mar y
mortales de Lin Ming y también un impacto en su mundo interior.
Con la fuerza del diablo ierce afluencia ierce loco, la fuerza que Dios a Lin Ming
mundo interior es turbulento!
El cuerpo de Lin Ming emite un sonido estruendosa explosión. En este momento, sus ojos
ya no son de color rojo sangre, pero poco a poco clara.
En este momento, los ojos de Lin Ming no sólo en cuclillas y brillante. Estos adjetivos se
pueden describir como si contienen la reproducción y el nacimiento y la muerte de
innumerables vida, que contiene la evolución de las estrellas.
Promedio de los hombres y Lin Ming no se sienten anormal, pero si el héroe de artes
marciales-ley intensiva y Lin Ming se miran entre sí, pueden ver el misterio de los
alumnos de Lin Ming. Si Lin Ming muere, sus ojos se convertirá en el máximo tesoro
para muchas sectas.
“Lin Ming él, realmente suprimido el diablo!”
Junto a Nulo Galaxy Caldero, después de tocar los ojos de Lin Ming, los choques en el
corazón, a través de los ojos de los ojos, como si se puede ver que Lin Ming contiene un
universo real, la ley, la energía, y la sustancia de innumerables puede ser implícita . En
este universo, todo incluido!
“Pero la voluntad del diablo sigue siendo un peligro oculto en su cuerpo. Si Lin Ming
Sea Soul es herido en el futuro, me temo ...”tinta Negro estaba preocupado.
Sin embargo, el Che negó con la cabeza. “No necesariamente, siento que aparecerá al
demonio que se han eliminado por completo por Lin Ming en el momento inal. Siento una
tormenta alma terribles en erupción desde Lin Ming alma del mar. Esto probablemente no
es Lin. El poder que puede enviar Ming ...”
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Cuando Lin Ming lanzó el cubo mágico, que dirige Abismo diablo en lugar de Che y tinta
negro. El aura de cubo mágico, aunque aterrador, pero no escapó, como un artefacto divina
excesiva más allá del plano material, el Che no podía sentir la magia del cubo, pero pudo
desmayarse los cálculos del cuerpo de Lin Ming. Parece contener otro secreto.
“Este niño tiene un gran destino y puede realmente ser capaz de completar el deseo de
acariciar-largo de la década de venerar a Jehová con ...”
“Espero ... De todos modos, usted y yo debemos ayudarlo. A partir de
hoy, él es nuestro Maestro joven, si puede tener éxito o no ...”
Los dos ancianos se comunicaban con verdadera esencia, y esta vez, Lin Ming en vacío
Galaxy Caldero, la lenta recuperación de sus huesos empiezan, los huesos de los demonios,
escalas. Que desapareció por completo.
Lin Ming respondió a su cuerpo perfecto, y todo el cuerpo bañado desnudo en el
extremo de la luz estelar, su mundo interior. En la agitación de las dos fuerzas de seguir
conciencia de Lin Ming llegó a su mundo interior.
Él está de pie en el centro de la galaxia, con vistas a este universo.
Lin Ming vio incontables planetas en el universo, y algunos planetas eran extremadamente
desolado, pero algunos planetas producido innumerables vidas.
Estas vidas son tan pequeños como una hierba, una hormiga, y un árbol antiguo. La ballena,
Kunpeng, fue asumida por toda la sensación clara de Lin Ming. En ese momento, parecía tener la
sensación de que el tiempo que los pensamientos se mueven, pueden dar estas vidas una fuerza
poderosa, o que al instante pueden destruirlos.
Parece que en ese momento, Lin Ming se convirtió en el rey del universo del universo!
Se trata de un verdadero dominio de la sensación de un gran universo. Este sentimiento hace
Lin Ming intoxicado.
Sin embargo, él estaba intoxicado, pero no se pierde. es el control de la energía en su
cuerpo y en constante expansión este espacio.
Más de Muchos planeta fue creado, que también se desarrolló la vida de la inteligencia
humana. Hay un país próspero, con una secta próspera.
Ese es el templo de Dios Rey. Hay todos los cielos Ser Supremo en las sombras, con el
verdadero dragón, Qilin gruñido, diez millones de subidas y bajadas de ritmo Gran Dao, el
mundo de Lin Ming es cada vez más completa, la ilusión y la realidad no se puede decir.
Cuando Lin Ming consideró que el límite del universo se expandió a limitar, se detuvo.
Durante un tiempo, el poder de todo el universo fue completamente infundida en el cuerpo
de Lin Ming.
También se convirtió en uno con el universo. Se convirtió en el amo del mundo real, Gran Rey
La energía terrible se precipitó fuera del universo, que directamente se rompió el vacío
Galaxy Caldero, como un arco iris divino Dao, el ginseng recta horizonte!
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Todo el cuerpo de Lin Ming envuelto en esta divina Dao Rainbow, con un pelo largo y
negro al revés, su cuerpo, bañado en esta energía de la energía temerosa, vagando por el
mar de la ley de!
En ese momento, Lin Ming realmente rompió el Gran Rey mundo!
Los ojos de Lin Ming se abrieron de repente. Sus ojos izquierdo y derecho se echaron a
diferentes con rayos en este momento.
Su ojo izquierdo es la luz divina. Parece que hay una nube auspiciosa de siete colores,
presagio propicio, y el ojo derecho es horrible. Incluyendo la piscina demonios sangre,
campo de batalla de Asura, deje que la persona tome una mirada, la sensación de que el
alma se ha ingerido en el abismo sin fondo, alma del mar cayó.
“La vida del embrión Dao Palace, Gran Mundo Rey! Esta fuerza Diablo Diablo contenida en
Relic ha hecho mi fuerza un paso más allá. Ha habido una comparación entre ellos!”
Lin Ming apretó el doble de IST. Ahora se está muriendo a tener un partido moldeable.
Dejó jugar un juego vigoroso. Trate de ind a cabo en la fuerza de su límite es!
De Saint Señor, Rey del Mundo, a Gran Rey Mundial, Lin Ming pasó miles de años, el
cuarto mundo de la reencarnación!
Hoy en día, es como Nirvana Phoenix y su fuerza ya está volando!
Con un movimiento de su mano, el Cielo y el manto de la Tierra Yuan Qi cubrían todo el
cuerpo de Lin Ming.
Este manto jersey, es muy extraño, es Lin Ming improvisación, no se unió a la voluntad
de Lin Ming, pero dejar que el cielo y la tierra ley misma construcción.
Es de color negro en un lado, blanco, por un lado, y lleno de estrellas en una bata. La
disposición de estas estrellas implicó un misterio ininite, lo que hizo que el ginseng
Si se trata de un experto de clase mundial Re y, reunir toda la fuerza espiritual para
contemplar esta bata ley, y usted ver en la ley robe las sombras fantasma del diablo y
Dios Rey. Estos demonios y sombras de Dios rey son diferent, y todos ellos contienen
Gran Dao. Razón.
Esta es una túnica ley. Si se frenó crudamente, dejar que se condense en la sustancia y
libremente dársela a un experto mundial Rey, será capaz de hacer de él un tesoro
Cuando se trata de Lin Ming, este reino, algunas de sus cosas vanas se convertirá en un
tesoro supremo porque ya está cerca de la parte superior del universo!
Naturalmente, a vuelo de Saint Race, contra Gran Tribulación, la fuerza de Lin Ming no es
“Agradecido dos personas mayores.”
Lin Ming estaba en el aire, saludos, y los dos túnicas blancas y negras de este vestido
se lleva en él. En este momento, Lin Ming tenía un temperamento más inexplicable,
como si hubiera permanecido donde estaba el centro del universo, y fue la fuente de luz
y oscuridad.
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“El Joven Maestro no necesita para saludar a mis dos personas. Es a mí a dos personas. El
Señor veneramos tenía un gran regalo para mi familia. Mis ancestros de los clanes siempre
están sirviendo al Señor veneramos. Ahora, diez mil millones de años han pasado. Puede
joven maestro puede completar el deseo de acariciar-largo del venero de Jehová con agrado
Che y inkt negro wo viejo, el nombre de Lin Ming ha cambiado. En la interlocución, que eran
en realidad un profundo homenaje a Lin Ming, lo que hizo Lin Ming corrió para ayudar a
ellos. “Dos personas mayores, esto puede ser así, jóvenes pueden absorber Diablo Relic,
apoyándose en las dos mayores. A medida que los predecesores de Asura, tienen
obligaciones de herencia para los más jóvenes. Si los predecesores Asura tienen largo
acariciar desea, la generación más joven debe ir al agua y al pisar ire a completar. No se
niega en ninguna circunstancia “.
“Deseo-acariciar largo de veneramos Señor, joven maestro no tiene que preocuparse. Ahora
Joven Maestro puede aumentar su propia fuerza. Hasta que un día, joven maestro puede
lograr un verdadero Dios. Tal vez realmente puede cambiar el patrón del mundo “.
Los dos ancianos siguen siendo reacios a revelar los secretos de Asura Road, y Lin Ming ya
no se pide.
“Joven Maestro, hemos referido varias veces y tienen algunas sugerencias para la joven
maestro. Este espacio de prueba final es el punto central de la características de la tierra
Asura Road, la energía de origen y el derecho, que reúne una variedad de pura energía y el
derecho. En los últimos diez mil millones de años, muchos tesoros cielo y la tierra se han
cultivado bajo la alimentación de energía. Algunos de ellos no han sido quitados por retador
de ensayo y son recogidos por mi clan. Joven Maestro puede utilizar estos recursos en este
espacio final de prueba séptimo piso. El cultivo durante cientos de años, para consolidar
completamente ámbito de Young Maestro Gran Rey Mundial. ¿Qué piensa joven maestro?”
“Um, a continuación, los dos problemas mayores.” Lin Ming estuvieron de acuerdo con un
poco de pensamiento.
Su gran Reencarnación técnica que hay que hacer en el mundo exterior con el fin de
perfecta disposición, pero la consolidación del dominio por sí solo es en este espacio
Juicio Final pero es el resultado con la mitad de la EFORT.
Después de cultivar aquí por varios cientos de años y, a continuación, salir a Inish en la
técnica séptima revolución Gran reencarnación, entonces Lin Ming cree que él también
debe tener una resistencia fuerte, a San Carrera a establecer de una tormenta! ( Mi
novela “Martial mundo” tendrá más nuevos contenidos en la plataforma WeChat oicial. Al
mismo tiempo, el 100% de la sorteos serán enviados a la gran familia! Ahora abrir la
carta de micro, haga clic en el signo “+” en el la parte superior derecha “Añadir amigo”, la
búsqueda de número público “y seguir, juego de velocidad!) (No

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MTLED Novels Home About Novels

CAPÍTULO MW 1995 - San Furioso

" Capítulo previo CRUDO Siguiente capítulo "

: Si quieres saber más de su voz y le gustaría recibir más sugerencias de usted, la

búsqueda de número público WeChat ahora y prestar atención a ella. Dar más apoyo a
“World Martial”!
Cuando Lin Ming fue en la Final de prueba Séptimo Piso esmerado cultivo, en Asura Road,
había una gran distants elaboración de la cerveza!
Esta agitación implicará una gran cantidad de gran potencial. Por no hablar de las fuerzas
Celestial Veneran. Al igual que el poder de Dios el verdadero nivel, habrá tantos como
Ellos son los verdaderos fuerzas Nivel de Dios Asura Road, Divino Vacío País divina e
igualando el cielo divina País, y la influencia de la buena fortuna Palace Santa y flotante
pluma divina montaña de treinta y tres cielos San Carrera de.
En este momento, en el palacio de Santo buena fortuna, Santo Niño buena fortuna se
puso en cuclillas en el suelo, con la cabeza entre las manos entierra, y el ambiente no
podía estar fuera.
Antes alabó el mar, formó el “Cuerpo de Ejército” Para asegurar que la misión se completó
sin errores. De lo contrario, estaría sujeta a ningún castigo. En un instante, el ejército estéril
fue completamente destruida, y el Santo Niño buena fortuna interrumpiera desastrosa
Cuando Santo Niño buena fortuna tomó prisionero y abrazó la cabeza para reportar la
“desaparición del diablo Relic y la buena fortuna Holy Palace discípulo devueltos sin un
retorno de la Ley Camino Asura” Para San emperador buena fortuna, era persona en su
totalidad. Todo se ha ido.
Santo Niño buena fortuna, una vez orgulloso de sí mismo, está tendido en el suelo como
un perro amarillo.
“Esta ... Esta persona es un bebé que fue atrapado ... en Asura Road. Él ... él es un
cultivador de artes marciales suelta. Antes de entrar en el espacio de prueba final, la
batalla con experiencia ...”
Santo Niño buena fortuna puso en marcha un prisionero a su alrededor. El joven es retador
de un ensayo de Asura Road. ha sido prohibido de la acción y toda la base de cultivo
cuerpo. sólo puede parpadear y no se puede ni siquiera hablar. En este momento está
enojado y rencoroso. En cuanto a la Santo Niño buena fortuna, la observó con temor en la
dirección del Santo Niño buena fortuna, lo sabía. Entre la oscuridad, ocultar el diablo que
decidió ser dueño de su vida y muerte.
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Él no tuvo más remedio que enviar por el aire y la oportunidad de llegar a este punto, y
él consiguió de forma inesperada una muestra de prueba qualiication fi nal. Pensaba
que iba a volar y que no esperaba que iba a ser Santo después de salir de la prueba
final. Niño buena fortuna se sorprendió. Risible que también se considera un genio con
gran destino, y ahora está en las manos de esta super influencia. Sin em bargo, es tan
débil como una hormiga.
Él no tenía la escuela, no influyen en el apoyo, murió aquí, ni siquiera una persona que
pidió su argumento, el pensamiento de él, que estaba muy desespera en su corazón.
“Si algo necesita ser conirmed bajo la ascendencia de emperador, le puede
pasar ...”
Santo Niño buena fortuna empujó suelta Cultivador de artes marciales de la mala suerte
fuera. sentía nervioso. Sin embargo, en respuesta a él, que era la tristeza desde hace
mucho tiempo. San emperador buena fortuna en la oscuridad no dijo caracteres mitad, lo
que hizo Santo Niño buena fortuna aún más inconsciente y su cuerpo. temblando
No hay ninguna señal de la erupción temeroso. Una docena de tentáculos rojos en línea
recta, como un solo punto de conos, penetran directamente del cultivador de artes
marciales suelta, junto con el cuerpo del Santo Niño de Buena Fortuna.
Santo Niño buena fortuna grita, con más de una docena de agujeros sanguíneos que
recorren el cuerpo. Y que Cultivador suelta de artes marciales, está lleno sangrar por la
boca, flashs sobre el cuerpo interrumpiera sus grandes pérdidas, muriendo!
En este momento, una sangrienta mano grande surgió de la oscuridad, agarrando la culata
en T directamente del artista marcial cultivador flojo.
El Cultivador de artes marciales Loose estaba luchando con ierce lucha. Sus ojos eran
prominentes. sintió que tenía miles de gusanos en su mente. Este dolor le hizo esperar
para que se abra inmediatamente.
Esta sensación duró sólo unos momentos, pero para este Cultivador de artes
marciales Loose, fue una experiencia dolorosa indescriptible.
En este momento, los tentáculos sangrientas se retiraron lentamente y la gran mano
regresaron. El Cultivador de artes marciales suelta cayó directamente al suelo como un
montón de carne podrida. La sangre fluía a la playa. No hay más vitalidad.
La memoria en su mente fue leído por San emperador buena fortuna en el mismo
En el lado, Santo Niño buena fortuna ha sido tez pálida, la frente es sudor frío. Es doloroso,
pero también por el miedo en su corazón.
tenía incluso más de una docena de agujeros de sangre en su cuerpo, pero la mayoría de
los agujeros de sangre en estos agujeros de sangre arterial llevaban algunos órganos
menos importantes en su cuerpo. No había nada en el corazón genuino, los pulmones, el
cerebro y la médula espinal.
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Se puede observar que San emperador buena fortuna no quería matarlo. Esto hizo que
se sintiera aliviado whilealsoworryingaboutthepunishmenthewillface.
Insistió en el dolor intenso de todo el cuerpo, se levantó, siguió agachado en el suelo, y
todo él era espesa sangre pegajosa, lo que le hizo caer completamente en agua con
“Las sanciones de Asura Celestial Dao?”
En la oscuridad, la voz profunda de San emperador buena fortuna vino. Con el sonido de
pasos “Clip clopclip clopclip golpeteo”, un hombre de mediana edad de altura poco a poco
se fue.
En la memoria del Cultivador de artes marciales flojo, el santo emperador buena fortuna
vio la escena escena quería ver. La transformación mágica de la ley, y la inmensa y frágil
aura, lo hicieron sin saber que este sanciones Celestial Dao se forjaron deliberadamente.
La memoria del artista marcial cultivador flojo hizo imposible que San emperador suerte
de ind cualquier lugar falsificación.
Desde el principio hasta el final, todo lo que pasó en el juicio final no parecía tener ningún
problema. Sin embargo, sólo un único punto hizo la maravilla de Saint emperador buena
fortuna ...
Después de Asura Celestial Dao sancionado, más de 20 disciplinas de su buena fortuna
palacio Santo todos murieron. Entonces, ¿por qué la carne y la sangre de su cuerpo no
desaparecen al instante?
San emperador buena fortuna siempre se ha sentido la existencia de carne silvestre y la
sangre. Han desaparecido lentamente y de forma continua durante un largo período de
tiempo. Se siente como si alguien se ha tragado la carne y la sangre y poco a poco reines
ella ....
Si la ley Asura Celestial Dao no permite Abismo diablo para entrar Juicio Final, no deben
momentánea la carne y la sangre de todo el Salvaje ser destruidos al instante cuando se
baja el castigo divino?
¿Por qué quiere matar lentamente después de un largo período de

tiempo? El Santo Emperador buena fortuna se pierde en sus

No hay
Este no ningún problema
es un lugar para con la memoria, y no es como algunas personas hacen falsedad.
explicación. De hecho, no es realmente imposible ind una explicación. Es sólo un

poco exagerado ... Saint emperador buena fortuna recuerda esta información, la tez

es sombrío.

“Debe ser ... No puede ser una manipulación secreta ...”

El Santo Emperador buena fortuna negó esta idea. tiene la capacidad de hacer todo esto en
secreto. Y dejar que él ind sin defectos, me temo que al menos uno de los objetos personales
de lo ordinario a Dios el Dios de nivel, como el Divino Emperador Soul Void, se necesita.
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Sin embargo, este tipo de edad ósea de la persona no es imposible entrar Juicio Final.
San emperador buena fortuna cerró los ojos percepción, pero se encontró. La sangre del
desierto ha sido ya no queda mucho, y su posición, San emperador buena fortuna tiene
ninguna garantía de medios.
Esto sucede, lo que significa que la carne y la sangre se encuentra en un espacio más allá

de su formidable capacidad de sentir. Este espacio, con toda probabilidad, es el espacio de

la prueba final.
En otras
final. Estopalabras, la sangre
es aún menos del desierto
probable que se encuentra todavía en el espacio de prueba
alguien ha manipulado todo esto en secreto. De lo contrario, la prueba final ha terminado.
Esta persona no debe ser capaz de permanecer en el interior.
¿Es realmente la ley de la prueba final, matando a los Discípulos del palacio Santo

buena fortuna? ¿Dónde han ido Diablo Relic? ¿Está en las manos de Vacío Alma

Divina emperador?

O bien, es la ley de Juicio Final, con el fin de impedir la existencia de Abismo Diablo Diablo
de conseguir Relic, y simplemente sellado Diablo Relic arriba?
Hubo un destello de pensamiento en la mente de San emperador buena fortuna,
haciéndolo más y más violentas. Diablo Relic era demasiado importante para él.
Sin embargo, lo que hace ahora es inútil. Incluso si él personalmente fue a la Ruta de Asura,
no tendría sentido.
Miró el Santo Niño buena fortuna, y no se impaciente agitó la mano, “te lo pierdas. Esta vez
la destrucción del discípulo Santo Palace fue debido a las sanciones de Asura Road, casi a
la fuerza mayor, me ahorraré pecas!”
“Padre ancestral de Xie Huangzu hizo una buena fortuna.” Santo Niño buena fortuna a
toda prisa aliviado Xien con baño propio, y luego arrastró el cuerpo de heridos graves
pérdidas, dando un paso atrás desde el templo con una huella de sangre.
Sin embargo, él salió de la hora del templo, pero vio una persona. A: Junior Príncipe
Imperial Xi Shen era muy reacios a cumplir.
En el Palacio Santo buena fortuna, el emperador era el segundo sólo al Santo Niño buena
fortuna. Na Qi fue también el emperador. Más tarde, Na Qi murió por Lin Ming. El título del
emperador estaba vacío.
Hasta hace 1.800 años, el Palacio Santo buena fortuna tenía otra fuente de genio.
Después de pasar menos de mil años, se rompió a través de World Rey y no era rival para
su artista marcial. San emperador buena fortuna por lo tanto le dio el título de emperador.
El centro de atención de limusina gana, y muchas personas en el interior de Saint Race lo
apoyan, dándole la ambición de reemplazar Santo Niño buena fortuna!
Esto también hace que la contradicción entre Santo Niño buena fortuna y el Príncipe
Imperial Xi Shen subida recta. San emperador buena fortuna se veía en sus ojos, pero lo
ignoró. Parece ser feliz de ver este tipo de competencia.
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En estos años, Brooks realizó ojo brillante en el battleield raza humana y agarró el centro
de atención fresca del Santo Niño buena fortuna.
Para estos, Santo Niño buena fortuna no le importa. Lo que más teme es que en algún día
de San emperador buena fortuna pierde conidence en él y establece Santo Niño. En ese
caso, su ambición será aplastado!
Y corriente, este es un factor incómodo que puede dar lugar a un resultado tan !,
"¿Oh? Este no es su Santa Alteza? ¿Cómo es tan embarazoso?”
Las cerraduras de visión de corriente están en los agujeros de sangre impactantes en
Santo Niño buena fortuna. Había una sonrisa sardónica en la comisura de la boca.
Probablemente sabía lo que era.
ojos Santo Niño de la buena fortuna frío, no dijo una palabra, caminando lentamente,
dejando la corriente de ver la parte de atrás del Santo Niño buena fortuna, sonrisa fría ...
El tiempo pasa, no sé los años, no lo siento. Tres años han pasado.
En lo profundo de la oscuridad del cielo estrellado, Lin Ming se sentó en un vacío y se paró
frente a él con un hombre de cabello obscuro exactamente igual que él.
Este hombre de cabello oscuro, vestido con una túnica de los colores de más alto en curso,
con los ojos claros y una niebla vaga en su cuerpo, surgió como la energía de origen
condensado en el pico.
Este hombre de cabello oscuro es avatar Sistema Esencia Cultivo de Lin Ming, también
el tercer avatar.
Este avatar, de Asura carretera principal, recogió diez mil tipos de cielo y tierra espíritus, tiró
de las riendas con más alta Comienzo Qi, y después se condensa la esencia de estos
espíritus en una gran formación de recolección esencia, con un origen del mundo. Energía
llegó a suministrar, y los años después de someterse gloriosa se detuvo lentamente.
Este avatar es una esencia cuerpo de energía pura. Tanto si se absorbe cielo y la tierra
Yuan Qi o utiliza el eiciency del cielo y la tierra Yuan Qi, es un reino que no puede ser
alcanzado por un artista marcial ordinario.
Después de Lin Ming era el dueño del avasar del Sistema de Cultivo Esencia, desarrolló los
tres avatares de Asura Celestial Dao. Ya tenía una colección. (La novela “World Martial”
tendrá más nuevos contenidos en la plataforma WeChat oicial. Al mismo tiempo, el 100%
de la sorteos serán enviados a la gran familia! Ahora abrir la carta de micro, y haga clic en
el signo “+” “Añadir amigo” en la parte superior derecha. Búsqueda de número público “” Y
seguir, juego de velocidad!) (No

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CAPÍTULO MW 1996 - Poco Yu'er

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: Si quieres saber más de su voz y le gustaría recibir más sugerencias de usted, la

búsqueda de número público WeChat ahora y prestar atención a ella. Dar más apoyo
a “World Martial”!
Los tres avatares, sentados alrededor de Lin Ming, y antes de Lin Ming, el “Asura
Celestial libro” Volumen tres.
El libro antiguo de bronce de espesor, cada una de las cuales se ha condensado cielo
y la tierra Yuan Qi y Taichu fuerza original, si el artista marcial general, incluso si se
agrega la fuerza completa de la cabeza, es difícil ver estas palabras, sólo se sienten
que es algunos impredecible La runa, no saben su significado real.
La mente de Lin Ming entra completamente Intención etéreo Martial, una y otra vez, la
estimación cuidadosa.
En sus ojos, este libro “Asura Celestial libro” es como un universo. Las palabras pueden
Celestial libro illusionize una estatua del demonio Dios Ser Supremo, transiguring una
espléndida capilla, una vasta galaxia ...
Después de frenar los tres avatares, la comprensión de Lin Ming de los Asura
Celestial libro ha habido una comparación entre ellos. Los misterios de la contiene
en estos escritos están profundamente impresas en la mente de Lin Ming.
Pasan los años, año tras año, cuando Lin Ming convirtió el “Asura Celestial libro” Tres
veces por encima, el tiempo había pasado durante diez años. Lin Ming encontró que este
“Asura Celestial libro” Volumen tres era el conjunto de Asura Celest ial libro. La esencia, el
volumen de la ley contenida en este volumen es casi igual a la suma total de los
RIMEROS dos volúmenes de Asura libro de Heavenly!
Originalmente Lin Ming cree que el Asura carretera principal tiene una comprensión de
la misma esencia, Qi y Espíritu. Sin embargo, parece que el camino Asura Maestro no
es un Espíritu de Dios. todavía tiene su propia experiencia. Bueno en.
Lo que hace mejor sistema de cultivo es Esencia! Es normal que pensar en ello, Asura
carretera principal, que era el dueño de la tarjeta púrpura y púrpura de la tarjeta, que es la
condensación de la esencia de la energía universal. Es el objeto más elevado divina del
Sistema Esencia cultivo.
Esta es la razón por la carretera principal Asura puso el volumen Asura Celes tial libro tres
en la prueba final del séptimo piso como una razón para la mayor esencia de su herencia.
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Cuando Lin Ming volvió a la última página de “Asura Celestial libro” Volumen 3,
vislumbró ella. Esta página no graba ningún texto, ni tampoco dejar ningún rastro de
la ley de, pero completo en blanco, sólo en este bronce en blanco. El centro de la
página, con un canal rectangular primicia.
Este canal primicia, emana un aura extraña. Deje Lin Ming entrever ligeramente.
Esta ranura se ... ... de onda mente Lin Ming en el cerebro, que es más ancha que la
proporción de la longitud de este canal primicia, y luego recordar que cuando se
rompió a través de los Treinta y Tres Capas cielos Vida Destrucción visto cuando el
púrpura fenómeno de la tarjeta, la conjetura de que este canal primicia realmente
debería estar en la púrpura de la tarjeta es.
Tarjeta púrpura ......
Lin Ming tocó suavemente el canal pala y sintió los temblores del aura y de la mente
que pertenecían a la Divina Artefacto de.
“No sé si esta tarjeta púrpura misteriosa, cómo fue originalmente afectar los niveles de
cultivo de la carretera principal Asura ...”
De acuerdo con el Che y la tinta negro, los tres artefactos divinos es probable que
sean después de la última súper universo se derrumbó. La cohesión de los tres
restantes “sustancias”, “Energía”, y “Ley”, su principal papel principal, no es para
ayudar al artista marcial en el cultivo. Son los viajeros de este universo. Incluso
puede ser el punto de partida para la siguiente ráfaga universo.
No importa lo que son, lo que pueden obtener a partir de estos tres artefactos divinos sólo
es trivial. miedo de que incluso los Asura carretera principal no es la excepción.
“Cuando veneramos Respetado Señor escribió” Asura Celestial libro, “Pasó cien millones de
años, y cada vez que tenía nueva sensibilidad, se unió al Asura Celestial libro. En ese
momento, la tarjeta púrpura fue colocado en Asura. La última página del libro Celestial 3
Sólo más tarde, pero desapareció “.
En este momento, Lin Ming sonó un viejo sonido detrás de él. Lin Ming no mirar hacia
atrás. siendo tocado el canal de bola de la púrpura de la tarjeta de colocado originalmente
en el libro Asura Celestial. Algunas extrañas palabras: “Tres Asura Celestial libro.
escritores asura las usaron para un total de Hundr millones de años?”
Lin Ming se sorprendió por este punto del tiempo.
“Sí, pero el Señor veneramos respetado no está escribiendo todo este Hundr millones de años
de escribir el libro Asura Celestial. Cien millones de años es sólo el lapso de tiempo que el
Señor veneramos Respetado ha completado más de los Asura Celestial libro. Entre ellos,
veneramos Respetado Señor sigue haciendo su propia materia. Por ejemplo, establece Asura
Road, y fue también el comienzo del tiempo ...”
Después Después de venerar a Jehová con completado el Camino Asura, este “Asura
Celestial libro” Volumen tres era siempre en la prueba final del séptimo piso. La persona
rimero para abrir fue el sello divino de la raza humana. Después de eso, se abrió sello
divino. En ese momento, a pesar de que la tarjeta púrpura ya no está allí, sello divino
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todavía quita el aura que pertenece a púrpura tarjeta de ... “

“Um? El aura de la tarjeta púrpura?”, dijo Lin Ming a su corazón un poco. "¿Que es eso?"
“Tarjeta púrpura siguió al Señor veneramos Respetado demasiado tiempo. Venerar de Jehová
con aura, la ley, la energía y la mezcla púrpura de la tarjeta, se acumulan durante un largo
período de tiempo, y que poco a poco va a dar a luz a un aura de inteligencia. Usted puede
pensar en él. Es Artefacto Espíritu “.
“Pero este Espíritu artefacto es diferentes de lo general Celestial veneramos Espíritu del tesoro y
el verdadero Dios Espíritu Espíritu Artefacto Espíritu. El verdadero espíritu de Dios Espíritu
Espíritu Artefacto puede controlar por completo el verdadero tesoro que Dios Espíritu. Se puede
decir que el amo del Espíritu del tesoro, sino tres. El Espíritu artefacto creado por la divina
artefacto no tiene esta capacidad, pero siguen siendo capaces de tener un efect beneicial en los
tres artefactos divinos, porque ellos mismos también se derivan de la aureola de los tres Artefacto
divina de, que se considera como el medio entre el usuario y Artefacto divina. puente……"
“La inteligencia aura similar al artefacto del Espíritu, arrebatado por Dios sellado Celestial
veneramos?” Lin Ming escuchó esta descripción, su mente brillaba, no podía ..
“¿Qué tipo de inteligencia es que el aura?” Lin Ming soltó de.
“Durante mucho tiempo, la propia aura espiritual cambiará. Cuando se tiene la sabiduría
Espíritu, y el sello divino se lo llevó, era una mirada de la niña. Más tarde, la niña era todavía
tres mil millones, hace seiscientos millones de años. La raza humana Gran Tribulación, jugó
un papel en sellar el alma del Espíritu Espíritu ...”
Dos ancianos a tres mil seiscientos millones de años atrás Dios sellado Celestial
veneramos entra Juicio Final, DERECHOS contra la invasión de principio y al final de
la Santa Race con el fin de resolver, después de todo, Dios sellado Celestial
veneramos fue sólo una colección de Qi destino caracteres de jade imperial, todo
queda registrado por la familia Guardian, pero la familia no ayuda protector de Dios
sellado Celestial veneramos al vuelo contra sus enemigos. Su misión es simplemente
el testimonio y la tutela.
“Niña ...” Lin Ming cerró los ojos y mostró muchas escenas en su mente durante un
breve instante de tiempo. La niña, sin suspenso, que era pequeña Yu'er, que podría
utilizar Violeta Cristal Sol y Nueve Soles Jade. Niña misteriosa para la comida.
Como resultado, se explican muchas cosas.
Violeta Cristal y Sun Nueve Soles Jade son cristales de la energía de origen,
mientras que poco Yu'er originalmente es el aura de inteligencia que se desarrolló
de la púrpura de la tarjeta. utiliza la energía como alimento. No más normal.
Cuando Lin Ming rimero encontró poca Yu'er, se encontraba en la antigua capital
imperial de True Martial Gran Mundo. En Reino Divino, esto no es un lugar especial.
Incluso puede ser poco visible, pero bajo la antigua capital imperial, Dios Celestial
sellado venero ha dejado a Dios Sellado Gran Array, que suprimió el alma afectada
suficientemente tres mil seiscientos millones de años!
Para éstos, Little Yu'er ya no recordaba nada. Tal vez su tiempo es demasiado largo,
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muchos recuerdos se han perdido, o que es de 3 mil millones, la batalla de la Gran

Tribulación que tuvo lugar hace más de seiscientos millones de años, y ella perdido
demasiado fuertes, causando la pérdida de su memoria.
Sin embargo, incluso si se ha perdido la memoria, instintivamente vaga en torno a Dios
Sellado gran gama ...
Este sello misterioso gran formación, bloqueado por Dios sellado Celestial Venero con
una matriz, incluso si es verdadero Dios vino a la capital Imperial Imperial puede no
ser capaz de IND. Pero poco Yu'er puede ind su lugar ...
Con estas ideas en mente, se dispersaron las nubes sospechosas en la mente de

Lin Ming. Al igual que en poco Yu'er, también existe la niña. Es decir Hong'er en

el origen onírico universo.

Cuando Lin Ming entró en el origen onírico universo, cuando tomó un tesoro Qilin,
que estaba bloqueado por misteriosa niña escarlata. La niña era muy similar a Little
Yu'er. fue introvertido, tartamudeó y habló con su pasado. No lo recuerdo, pero hay
una habilidad especial.
Lin Ming es bajo su guía. La antigua Battleield del Río de la estrella se encuentra donde
fue testigo de la batalla entre los Asura carretera principal y el creador Sagrada
Escritura inmortal Sovereign y sintió el aura residual de los Asura Celestial Dao ley de.
Hong'er parece ser el fin de resolver el origen onírico universo. Al mismo tiempo,
también tiene capacidad asombrosa entendimiento para el cuerpo del alma.
Especialmente en Fallen Cordillera de Dios, etapa alcoba Lin Ming iluminado,
compitiendo con Sheng Mei.
En ese momento, Lin Ming tuvo una gran cantidad de no ser capaz de ver en el
escenario alcoba. Hong'er puede ver que sin su constante orientación sobre su lado,
Lin Ming no podría haber superado Sheng Mei y ganó el oro Escritura de página
durante el alkove.

Por otra parte, la existencia de Hong'er. Sheng Mei no percibió, e incluso el

emperador alma no lo percibe.
Pero al mismo tiempo. Hong'er puede sensación de cubo mágico. una vez se quedó
mirando el vientre de Lin Ming y sabía cubo mágico estaba en su mundo interior.
En todo esto, Lin Ming no tiene ninguna duda de que Hong'er, es el aura de
inteligencia que evolucionó cubo mágico!
Así Hong'er seguía diciendo que había un olor agradable-sabores en su cuerpo y
unas sensaciones de su familiar especial. Debido a esto, Hong'er, que se quedó sin
habla y tartamudea, insistió en lo siguiente.
Los dos ancianos hicieron Lin Ming pensar en muchas cosas.
Desde este punto de vista, el pasado del cubo mágico en el control remoto también se
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llevó a cabo por un experto sin igual, de modo que se desarrolló Hong'er.
Y esta persona que sostiene el cubo mágico puede ser inmortal creador soberano de
la Sagrada Escritura!
La vida útil de Hong'er y Little Yu'er no siempre puede ser eterna. También pueden
morir, volver a la energía pura y volver a los tres artefactos divinos. Los tres Artefacto
divina seguirá existiendo hasta la desaparición de este universo ...
Después de pensar en esto, Lin Ming tocó la parte inferior del abdomen. sentía que
necesitaba para visitar el Origen Sueño Universo, ind Hong'er, ayudarla a ayudarse
a sí misma ...
Con su ayuda, él debe ser capaz de controlar mejor el cubo mágico!
Lin Ming sabe que el cubo mágico es un objeto divina de un universo único Samsara.
Es sólo un punto trivial para usarlo, y tiene un mayor potencial, a la espera para que
usted descubra ...
Después de todo, un día, Lin Ming, vienen con el cubo mágico directamente, usando
como arma directamente, con San emperador buena fortuna, y el emperador del

juego para móviles de Wu Ji, la prueba rápida, el tiempo especíica especíica no es

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es muy molesto. Por lo tanto, generalmente no es posible utilizarlo como una beta
cerrada. fuga de la cárcel de Apple parece estar temporalmente no disponible. Tal
vez el segundo lote se puede utilizar. Si está interesado, puedes buscar por el foro
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Los ríos de los que pasan los años, una ola, es un tranquilo diez mil años.
Como la más terrible ley en el universo, el tiempo es abrumadora. no sé donde empezó,
no sé lo que es. Incluso si un universo es la destrucción, a continuación, con el
nacimiento de la próxima universo, la rueda del tiempo también comenzará a girar.
En un largo período de tiempo, la batalla entre el género humano y San Raza, y la caída del
reino divino, parece ser sólo una parte de los años de río, que ha sido visible durante un
periodo de cerca de 10.000 millones de años.
A partir de este punto de calibración, ahora se ha pasado a 5.000 años.
La élite de la raza humana, que había renunciado esfera divina, había llegado a un mundo
salvaje donde fue pionero en la zona fronteriza, rompieron con la feroz bestia, y continuó la
gloria de la raza humana ...
Tienen una herencia de más de 99 razas humanas, y estas herencias, aunque se efectúen
en un deslizamiento de jade método de cultivo, son diicult de transmitir. Tienen que tener un
poco de instrucción.
Naturalmente, además de la enseñanza del Maestro, su propia experiencia de ganancia
es más importante, y precisamente este universo salvaje es el mejo r lugar para el juicio.
Sin embargo ... tal vez este lugar es demasiado cruel ...
Un grito vino, sobre un bosque salvaje, un hombre fue arrojado al cielo, luchando loca.

Sin embargo, la escena trágica se llevó a cabo.

Un enorme maza cayó y estaba tumbado en el hombre.

Temerosa del impacto, dejar que este hombre estallar directamente en una masa de niebla
en la sangre!
"¡Un porche!”
Una mujer estaba gritando, lleno era lágrimas en los ojos, y el hombre que acababa de
morir en el aire era su hermano más joven.
Al lado de esa mujer. Un hombre sacó su loco!
La mujer fue incluso el corazón roto, pero ella no hizo nada estúpido con el monstruo. se
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recuperó rápidamente y aprieta los dientes y comience huido con los hombres a su
Matando a su hermano menor es un antiguo gigante.
Se trata de una especie de carrera no inteligente humanoide, y son también uno de los
misteriosos carreras de todo el universo salvaje.
Su disposición natural es feroz y son extremadamente ricas en el atributo de Ataque-
Atributo. Ellos usarán toda la vida que pueden matar como alimento. Entre ellos se
encuentra la raza humana.
hace 5.000 años, la élite de la raza humana se trasladó al universo salvaje y se expone a un
gran peligro. Este Universo Wild fue illed con terribles bestias feroces, una raza
extraterrestre, y la misteriosa Ley Dao Celestial evolucionó a partir de la bestia demonio. .
existencias de estos delincuentes han experimentado la muerte de miles de años en este
universo salvaje. Se han convertido en extremadamente potente a sí mismos, y van a
matar a todos los que ven la vida.
Human Race es atacado de forma natural. Con el fin de abrir la Raza Humana, Human
Race y la bestia feroz Primordial enfrentaron muchos años en esa guerra. Existe incluso la
raza humana Celestial venerar a morir.
Sin embargo, poco a poco, la raza humana ha abierto también varios de los principales
lugares de sobrevivencia. Cada lugar tiene que sobrevive al menos diez asientos Celestial
Veneran. Al mismo tiempo, estos lugares vivos están equipadas con una serie de diez sub-
abrigos para evitar cualquier futuros brotes. tiempo de guerra, fue encontrado por el
descendiente de élite de la raza humana. Vivir en un lugar de residencia tales.
Originalmente sus padres eran o persona sin par o la raza humana amo poderoso.
originalmente nacieron con ricos recursos y disfrutado de vida superior. Sin embargo,
debido a la gran tribulación hace 5.000 años, todo había desaparecido.
Ellos nacieron. Frente a vuelo de bruto!
Ahora los descendientes de la raza humana, si es el hijo de Celestial veneramos o el
genio, todas las personas experimentan un concurso iguales, brutal. Es en este universo
salvaje para desarrollar territorio!
En el universo salvaje. Las bestias del demonio feroz bestia, la carrera extranjero antiguo
y evoluciona reglas del Celestial Dao son ininitely sin fin, y Heavenly veneramos con
frecuencia no tomar medidas para limpiar el peligro que rodea el territorio raza humana.
Esta tarea se entregó luego a la raza humana. generación joven.
Este es el juicio!
Cada año en la experiencia de ganancia hay una gran cantidad de la raza humana élites
mueren, pero al mismo tiempo, no son más maduros élites Human Race que crecen. Ellos se
hicieron cargo de la misión de rejuvenecimiento de la raza humana de la mano de su padre y
se convirtió en el soldado solemne.
Históricamente, la raza humana nunca ha experimentado un período tal oscuridad. Esta es
una prueba para una carrera. Cuando se sostiene, Phoenix Nirvana puede renacer sin ser
sostenido. Se trata de una destrucción total.
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“Bang! Bang!”
Después de un par de hombres y mujeres que huyen de atrás, un gigante del desierto está
sosteniendo una maza enorme, golpeando loca y otra vez.
Muchos árboles de gran tamaño se han tropezado como la paja en dicha onda.
Esto es muy desesperada de los corazones de los hombres y las mujeres. La velocidad de
la antigua gigante es mucho más rápido que ellos.
"¡No te asustes!”
Un académico ropa gritó que estaba volando con 45 discípulos para salvar al hombre y la
mujer dos jóvenes.
Este par de hombres y mujeres vio gran alegría en los corazones de estos hombres y
mujeres alfabetizadas. Sin embargo, aún no habían tenido tiempo de ser feliz. Ellos vieron
las caras de los escribas de la sombrías.
“Desolateancientgiant, royalfamily!”
En el corazón de los literatos y los literatos, este gigante del desierto es como una abeja.
Tiene una jerarquía estricta. El gigante antigua inmediata pertenece a la familia real. Su
eiciency batalla de combate es más fuerte que el gigante promedio desierto. .
Los escribas de camisa azul apuntaron con un Inger y un camino de luz azul se disparó
desde su cuf manga. Cada luz azul era una espada volar.
Ropa erudito tiene 36 espadas voladores que pueden formar una matriz de espadas.
La luz de la espada se balanceaba como una tormenta. El gigante rugió salvaje,
sosteniendo una maza para la lluvia espada. Sin embargo, cuando la maza estaba a punto
de romper la lluvia de espadas y las lluvias, la lluvia era igual que la espada
siendo dispersa por el ish, por lo que evita la maza, y luego se reunieron en el cielo, y
inalmente se condensan en uno enorme. espada de luz incomparable, abajo en
cuclillas imparable!
Los hombros de hombro del antiguo gigante se puso en cuclillas por esta espada mango. La
herida era de diez pies de profundidad.
Los pocos discípulos detrás del erudito eran brillantes. Sin embargo, no podían tener la
suerte de ver a este gigante salvaje captado la palabra luz en el interior de él y lo aplastó
El gigante de la espada azul explotó en un punto de luz sin fin. Y esto naranja silvestre de
repente se convirtió ojos de color rojo sangre, los músculos de su entera del cuerpo es
espeluznante como una marea, su cuerpo mortal comenzó a hincharse, el pequeño medio
cuerpo que fue inaugurado, la enorme herida impactante también se curan lentamente.
"¡Estuvo mal!”
Las sudaderas frías en la frente dan a luz a sudar frío. El gigan te antigua inmediata es
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no sólo la familia real, sino también el gigante paso en la familia real. No es el eiciency
“Runsaway! I'vedrawnittoattention.YouseparateRunsaway!”
Los escribas de la camisa azul emitió la orden más calmada por un corto tiempo. El hombre
discípulo en torno a él escuchó a su corazón. El peligro de fuga indiscriminada en esta jungla
salvaje puede ser imaginado, y especialmente el académico ropa que dejó el tiempo es
prolongar Todo apunta a que el desastre!
La discípula, que fue cazado previamente por el gigante salvaje, no pudo evitar gritar.
Los hermanos literarios trató de gritar, y al mismo tiempo, rodeados alrededor de 36 más
espadas voladoras,
y en este momento, el bosque sonaba el fuerte sonido de “Hǒuhǒuhǒu”, y la tierra se
estremece hacia arriba, en un lugar distante. En la jungla. Disponer de 78 gigantes de las
colinas del desierto generales a la vez!
Estos antiguos gigantes estaban en cuclillas músculos y la piel era de color frío, en
general. Ni siquiera pensar en dejar ni rastro de una cicatriz en su piel dura, temeroso.
Al ver estas apariciones de 78 repente el gigante desierta, el corazón de estudioso del chico
de repente sintió un fregadero, y sólo sintió frío detrás de él, y todo su cuerpo estaba frío.
Entre los 78 gigantes antiguos desiertos, hay tres familias reales. En este

bosque, cuatro gigantes reales surgieron al mismo tiempo!

La desesperación de Ininite, envolvió su corazón, por lo que muchos gigantes

antiguos abandonados. Es imposible escapar por separado. ¿Tienen que morir aquí
Los escribas de la camisa azul apretaban los labios, y hubo un destello de decisión en sus
ojos. estaba a punto de quemar la esencia de la sangre, y desesperadamente
desesperadamente detrás de los antiguos gigantes detrás de él, y mataron a un camino de
sangre. Y justo en ese momento, de repente se tropezó, se encontró. Estos 78 gigantes
salvajes surgió de repente no planean atacarlos. En su lugar, se dispersaron y huyeron y
parecían ser perseguidos.
Uno de los antiguos gigante no puede elegir la forma exacta debido a la ráfaga, la ropa hacia
Este desierto antigua gigante proviene de la familia real, y también es una familia real
avanzado. Aún más potente que el que el empleado literaria había tratado, su velocidad
era extremadamente rápido. Se rompe cuando se trata de dirigir a la tierra, y los altos
árboles que caen del cielo será regado como un pedazo de heno.
Varios jóvenes discípulos tras el estudioso ropa no ver esto desierta escape gigante.
Pensaron que el gigante se precipitaba para matarlos.
Antes y después del ataque, deben morir sin cementerio!
Del mismo modo que tenían esperanza de supervivencia, casi esperando la muerte, el
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cuerpo de este gigante fue abandonada repentinamente conmocionado y de repente perdió

su impulso.
En ese momento, la luz de un color gris ceniza penetró en su cuerpo.
En comparación con este enorme gigante antigua gigante, esta luz gris es como una
aguja ine era en general no es digno de mención, pero se ejecuta a través del cuerpo
del gigante salvaje y produce un vórtice negro.
Este vórtice negro está en el cuerpo del gigante antigua desolada, cada vez más grande y más
Grita una y otra vez, dos grandes manos agarra desesperadamente su propio pecho,
pero todavía no puede detener el paso de vitalidad, que por lo golpeó en el suelo, el
cuerpo en el formableable bajo la inercia de unos pocos pies de distancia Abrumado no
saben ¡muchos arboles!
Después de este gigante antigua desierta cayó, igura de un hombre joven juventud
apareció como un fantasma, aturdido a aparecer en el aire. Todo su cuerpo ardía una
llama negro, sosteniendo una larga lanza pálido azul, con un pelo negro.
No parecía estar muerto todavía el gigante salvaje debajo de él. Se tendió una mano
grande y trató de aplastar al joven. Sin embargo, el joven fue simplemente agitando su
larga lanza. Una luz divina de color carmesí descendía del cielo. La frente del gigante
La inflamación negro terribles explotó en los cerebros de los gigantes desiertas. En el
momento en el Mar del alma fue destruida, el gigante salvaje cortó su vitalidad y ya no
podía morir.
“Que ... Thatpeopleare ...”
Algunos jóvenes discípulos se sorprendieron cuando vieron esto presenta de repente.
Esto era demasiado fuerte y mató instantáneamente a la familia real avanzado.
Incluyendo el académico ropa también se sorprende incomparable, miraba a la lanza azul |
pistola en la mano de los jóvenes.
En este momento, un rugido salió de detrás de él. El gigante salvaje que había sido
herido por su propio cuerpo podría haber estado enojado debido a la muerte de sus
compañeros. Se llegó a las manos del académico ropa.
El niño literaria del genio literario se contrajo. Era demasiado tarde para hacer un ataque. Al
ver el flash de luz azul. La cabeza de la antigua gigante detrás de él estaba volando alto. La
presión arterial terribles formó una fuente de sangre. .
Lo mismo es el gigante salvaje familia real avanzada, fue golpeado por un golpe en la cabeza!
“Este ... Thisisstrong !?”
La mujer que fue cazado por el antiguo gigante del desierto se veía en la parte posterior
fugaz, y era extremadamente sorprendida en el corazón. El joven estaba persiguiendo a
distancia del otro extremo del gigante.
En cuanto a su velocidad temerosa, persiguiendo a esos gigantes salvajes es como una
oveja león persiguiendo. No hay suspenso en absoluto!
Efectivamente, a pocos momentos de interés, sino también un gigante salvaje se llevó a
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cabo a través del corazón, directamente cayó al suelo, este gigante desierto no es la familia
real, su cuerpo mortal no es fuerte, bajo el ataque de miedo de joven misterioso la explosión
corporal directo, casi rota por la mitad!
Estos joven discípulo no pudo evitar voló hacia el cielo para ver la guerra. Volaron hacia
el lado de los escribas azul-marrón, pero vieron la ropa escolar mirando a la parte
trasera de la juventud.
“MartialUncle, whoisthatman?”
Los escribas Qing Shaoshi hundieron un poco y dijo: “Ifnotmistakenlyguessed,
thisyouthiscalledLin Huang, whoisDivineDreamCity.”
Divina Dream City, es la estación rimero abierta por la raza humana en el universo salvaje.
Por lo tanto, la llamada “ciudad” de realidad es sólo un nombre. En realidad, divina
DreamCity incluye docenas de estrellas principales y un super continente. Es una
aglomeración de los más grande de la raza humana.
El Señor de la Divina Ciudad Ciudad de los Sueños es Líder Divino Sueño Celestial venero de la
raza humana.
Ahora, divina Sueño Celestial venero ha roto Dios Verdadero. es la columna vertebral de la
raza humana, independientemente de su estado o fuerza.
“DivineDreamCity? Wheredidactuallycomefrom?”Unos jóvenes discípulos se miraron entre sí, y
la raza humana no era un lugar fácil de recoger, porque lanzaderas en el universo salvaje
tendrían que ser basada en la fuerza del gran fuerte. No hay depósito.
Por no hablar de ellos, incluso el académico ropa no podía viajar entre los motivos de
recolección raza humana.
“LinHuang ... nowonder!”
In young disciple, someone had heard of Lin Huang’s name, but some people never heard it.
A woman could not help but ask, “Heisfamous?”
isterrible!”Said the disciples of the talking awe. “Youmaynotknowhim,buthisfatheryoushould
Lin Ming?
Hearing this name, other disciple breathed lightly and the young man, who was actually the
son of Lin Ming!
(4,000 words)
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World” !
For the Human Race of the Wild Universe, Lin Ming is a legendary name. No one knows, no one

knows. The confrontation between Human Race and Saint Race was almost a failure and then


But only in Lin Ming, Human Race completely overcame the limelight of Saint Race. Before
6,000 years
ago, Lin Ming was not only Number One Genius of Human Race, but also Number One Genius
of Thirty Three Heavens Great World!

Even Saint Race and Soul Race cannot deny this fact.
In that year, Lin Ming challenged Saint Race Number One Genius to be the Holy Child’s Holy
Child’s Holy Child Good Fortune with a Divine Development environment cultivation base, and
passed it in 60 years, and the Monster Emperor’s birthday. Feast pressure on the Holy Child Good
Fortune, a hit was earth- shattering, to stimulate the morale of Human Race, and even to a certain
extent afected the alliance of Saint Race and the monster and demon races.

That is a full win of Human Race!

If this victory was still limited to morale, it did not really hurt the Saint Race. Later, Lin
Ming went to Soul Realm alone to ind the method of salvation of the Human Race. It
was truly saving mankind. .
Lin Ming’s approach from that time’s point of view, originally was impossible to

accomplish. Even the wise Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate does not report anything.

Lin Ming irst tried to join the Soul Race. After the unsuccessful negotiations, he transferred to
Primordial God Clan, found Hope Ship spirit battleship among Primordial God Clan, and
Asura Law Decree who could penetrate Lamenting God Wall.
It was through this Asura Law Decree that the Human Race blew through the Thirty Three
Heavens and arrived at the Wild Universe, only to reserve the elite and inheritance of the
Human Race, otherwise the Great Tribulation of 6,000 years ago. The Human Race must
perish. Lots of Heavenly Venerate, geniuses, must all die. The Human Race will never turn
It can be said that without Lin Ming, there is no Human Race living in the Wild Universe.
However, it is a pity that Lin Ming only broke through the Saint Lord Realm community. Saint
Race dispatched God King Floating Feather to kill him personally. After all, the strength
disparity was too great. Lin Ming couldn’t escape this robber, otherwise many people think that
if Lin Ming’s ten thousand years grow, he can bring big reversal to the Human Race.
If history does not exist, Lin Ming will eventually die. stays in the only bloodlines in the
world. is Lin Huang in front of him.
Looking at this young man holding the blue spear|gun, clothes scholar made a ceremonious
move. “In the next God King Transcending Heaven, sit down and disciple young Hero Lin. can
seeing today. i’m fortunate enough for all my life. i’d like to thank Young Hero Lin for her help.
The grace of blue ink is in mind!”
As a King Disciple Heaven, the scribes of the blue shirt sit down on the disciple and are themselves
the cultivation base. They are the elders of Lin Huang.

However, between his words, he did not claim to be an elder. Instead, he was full of respectful
meaning. This is the status disparity of strength brought.
Lin Huang Punch ist: “Slight efort to raise his hand, the older generation remarked, the
younger generation came to Transcend Heaven. It is to seeing the seniors of Transcend
Heaven, the juniors brought the handwriting of Divine Dream predecessors, to giv e the
senior one of Transcend Heaven. View.”

Lin Huang’s answer was humility and courtesy. gave him a very comfortable feeling. Although
he was powerful even though powerful, he was introverted. stood in front of him with no
slightest pressure, but at the same time. And from his double pupil, he felt a sensation of
Lingyun as if to reverse the world, let the person acclaim.
“You are exactly the same as your father. When ran away from Divine Realm with the Human
Race elite troops 5,000 years ago, I had seen you father. I was very impressed...”

Suddenly heard the clothes scholar raised his own father, Lin Huang stunned.
That person’s respectful father. He has never seen him on one side, but his father has been
influencing his own life. From his birth to beginning, he listened to the unknown of his father’s
legend. Whenever he had a father’s deceased person, when he saw his own, Can’t help but
mention father’s passing...
In this regard, Lin Huang always listened quietly. was a child of childhood and he was proud
of his many times.

Including the word “Desolate” In Lin Huang’s name, it is related to his father.
Absurd, meaning wild, the Human Race came to the Wild Universe, and it was to face the
endless wildness, to constantly develops, unceasing to ight, the word wild, which means the
epoch’s begin.
In addition to this, Abyss Devil’s name is Absurd, and Lin Huang is not afraid of Abyss
Devil. Instead, reminds himself that to lead the Human Race through this Great
Tribulation, you need to go back mercilessly like Abyss Devil. Killed, callous’s ight.
In the end, it was Lin Ming’s mother and father who were the most important meaning of this
name Lin Huang. They met in the Great Wilderness of Asura Road. They will walk in the
same place, but also enter the Tragic Death Valley in the Great Wilderness, and then in the
absolute killing ield forced by Tian Mingzi, in order to break through the Dao Palace Nine
Stars combined into one.

Absurd one word in the Great Wilderness, this name, itself bears her mother’s thoughts on her
“Master’s he is retreating. If Young Hero Lin wants to seeing him, he needs to pass the secret
of the Transcend Heaven Shrine.”

Lin Huang hugs his ists and bids farewell to the clothes scholar. His igure disappears in the
sky as a long rainbow disappears, leaving behind a group of young disciple watching Lin
Huang, who is disappearing from the sky.

“He is the son of senior Lin Ming and the older one of Little Demon Xian...”
“Little Demon Xian’s predecessors were semi-phoenical, highly talented, and Senior Lin Ming
did not have to say, How strong should the talent be? How strong is his talent? His present
strength doesn’t know what realm...”
A young disciple said with some emotion that facing Lin Huang, he had the feeling of being
able not hold a candle.
The clothes scholar said: “Lin Huang’s inborn owns the royal family’s Divine Beast
bloodlines, and seems to have inherited from his father some special bloodlines that are
more powerful than Divine Beast bloodlines. What I speciically don’t know. , Lin Huang
Dual Cultivation of Body and Essence, Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate and several
other conident guidances from Heavenly Venerate’s, the strength of progress is
“Only because he owns the blood of royal family Black Phoenix, to experience nine times of
Phoenix Nirvana, the growth rate of cultivation base is not too negative. Present He, battle
battle eiciency has covered many older generations of Heavenly Venerate it, but I guess it’s not
Clothes scholar made such a judgment, other young disciples heard a thump in theart,
couldn’t help swallowing, even though the analysis of the clothes scholar sounded
reasonable, but thought about the younger one, well-manner The youth can match Heavenly
Venerate, and they all have feelings that are not incredible.

It seems that the opposite party does not seem to be any diferent from itself...
At this time, Lin Huang had entered Transcend Heaven. was resting in the room. thought for a
moment. sent a letter to his mother, Little Demon Xian...
Even though Lin Huang has already had a strong walking Wild Universe, but Little Demon
Xian is always worried about him. It can be said that Lin Huang is the life of Little Demon Xian.
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MW CHAPTER 1999 - Dark clouds

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This is a Continent of hundr million in size. In this Continent, the origin energy is very rich.
Magniicent jade palace, jade tree vivacious everywhere.
This Continent’s name is New Epoch Continent. It was 6,000 years ago when Divine Dream
Heavenly Venerate teamed up with several Human Race Heavenly Venerates. It is also the
largest Continent in all Human Races.
In the Wild Universe, which is full of dangers and killings, this is a rare pure land.
The name New Age is a symbol of the Great Tribulation victory of the Human Race and the
renaissance of Divine Realm.
In the center of this Continent, there is a huge divine tree. The crown of this divine tree is
towering clouds, enough to conceal the number of thousand Li’s range.
A serene Immortal Palace, float above the canopy of this divine tree, around the Immortal
Palace, surrounded by seven colorful auspicious clouds, there is a massive jade palace,
waterside pavilion cloister, there are many wild animals, spirit birds in the sky Flying, a
variety of scenery, beautiful.
Among the Immortal Palace, there is a garden that looked very ordinary. The garden is
planted with well-tended flowers and plants. It looked very reined.
The golden sun shines down and shines on the door. At a certain moment, the door is
pushed open by an element of White Jade common. A woman walks into the courtyard.
She looked delicate, beautiful, and has no skin. She looked like a person in the painting.
She wears a black knee-length dress to reveal her straight long legs and her white ankle
The woman is Lin Deming’s wife, Little Demon Xian of the half phoenix.
At this time, Little Demon Xian held a flower clipper in his hand and gently trimmed the
flowers and plants in the courtyard.
Her prunes were very patient, a seven color flowers were gently cut by her, and the falling
flower petal was lifted by the hand. Put it in the mouth and gently chewed.
The fragrant and sweet taste spreads out.
These flowers themselves are heaven and earth spirits, can be used for medicine, reines
excellent quality spirit pill.
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Another flower was picked by Little Demon Xian, placed in the mouth and slowly eaten.
After each perianth picks down, The spiritual energy that they have escaped has slowly
converged. Finally more and more. In the courtyard, it became a hazy mist.
Little Demon Xian looked at the haze and the gloomy spirit. Soon after, she gently used her
ingers to gently brush up the mist. The mist of energy was actually swiftly rising in the air. It
was only a matter of time. They congealed into a phantom shadow of a man.
This man is a sword and eyes like a star. The face is angular, holding a long spear, giving a
sharp feeling of the sword.
Little Demon Xian watched for a moment. Slightly sighed, right hand gently waved, The
man’s phantom shadow escaped and disappeared.
Little Demon Xian looked up to the sky and looked blank.
This 5,000-year period, Little Demon Xian’s cultivation base, reached a bottleneck. Divine
Dream Heavenly Venerate said that if you can’t break through your heart, then the barrier
of this cultivation base, she will be diicult to break, to delay the time too long.
Over the years, Little Demon Xian spent much of his time in gardening, living a life of food

and drink. She used it to cherish the meditation in her heart.

It is also a gain experience of your own state of mind.

could not accept the news that Lin Ming had passed away. Actually, she said. Even Saint
Race had already conirmed the death of Lin Ming. Even if she knew clearly that Lin Ming
had left the Human Race’s fugitive forces after God King Floating Feather’s chase, he chose an
almost mortal road, but Little Demon Xian But always tenacious believing, Lin Ming is still alive...
This may be a kind of obsession. Perhaps it is unwilling, perhaps the trust of Lin Ming’s
blind. I believe can, once again creation miracle...
However, 5,000 years have passed and she looked forward to it. Lin Ming did not return.

She gently touched her chest and pulled out a strange necklace from her collar.

This necklace is not beautiful. Its chain is very thick and its shape is very old. It is not it to
wear on the delicate jade neck of Little Demon Xian. But for many years, Little Demon Xian
has been carrying this necklace.
This is the irst gift Lin Ming gave her that year, and its name is Long Distance Heart
It can remember a person’s soul, aura, as long as they are on a plane. No matter how far
apart, the necklace’s master can use this necklace to communicate with the soul aura.
This necklace has a special signiicance for Little Demon Xian. When Little Demon Xian
returned from the Asura Road to the Demon Beginning Heavenly Palace, was pregnant with
Demon Beginning Heavenly Venerate under house arrest. Demon Beginning Heavenly
Venerate with child’s life. In order to marry Little Demon Xian and promise Holy Child Good
Fortune’s marriage, Little Demon Xian thought of this Long Distance Heart Connection. When
talking with Lin Ming’s smooth relationship, discussed the strategy. Then there was only Lin Ming. Battle
the Holy Child Good Fortune on the birthday feast of the Monster Emperor.
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Today, over 5,000 years have passed, Little Demon Xian has kept Long Distance Heart
In addition to commemoration, she has also been extravagantly hopeful that one day, when
she touched Long Distance Heart Connection, she could feel the branding of the soul that
had her dream-soul pull around.
Hands holding this bunch of unadorn necklaces, Little Demon Xian hesitated, closed eyes,
sinking his mind in it, static sensation...
In consciousness’s sea, it is boundless.
However, Little Demon Xian spent a long time in it. After all, she still couldn’t ind the
aura that she was extremely familiar with...
In the end, she opened the eyes without any gain.
She found that the array mark in the Long Distance Heart Connection seems to be getting
weaker. The Long Distance Heart Connection comes from the Asura Road. The core array is
actually a Divine Inscription Talisman. It has limited lifespan and usage. For so many years,
Little Demon Xian constantly uses the Long Distance Heart Connection to perceive Lin Ming’s
existence. Slowly, the array in it collapses.
Once the array collapses, and the memory of Lin Ming’s soul is also dissipated, it is no
longer connected with Lin Ming.
Touching Long Distance Heart Connection with your hand, you feel the fading marks that
are getting weaker and weaker. Little Demon Xian faintly sighs, and you will get a nice
“Younger Sister Xian’er...”
When Little Demon Xian put away her necklace, two other women appeared in the

courtyard. The two women, a robe wearing r color, look like a mature. Good manners.
Another wearing a yellow goose dress, beautiful eye hope, such as a family treasure.
The two women, Mu Qianyu and Qin Xingxuan, both of whom have cultivation bases, are
now Divine Monarch peaks.
The Divine Monarch has an exponential lifespan of more than 100,000 years. Without
considering the foundation and actual combat capability, there are many resources to
support the two women who broke through the Saint Lord. It is not a diicult matter.
When the Human Race elite evacuated Divine Realm and came to the Wild Universe, Mu
Qianyu and Qin Xingxuan as non-combatants, they obeyed Divine Dream Heavenly
Venerate’s arrangement and left the irst batch.
Mu Qianyu noticed the Long Distance Heart Connection that Little Demon Xian had just
retired. also knew what efect the necklace played and naturally it was clear that Little
Demon Xian had not found anything.
“Two Elder Sister came.” Little Demon Xian put away his thoughts and smiled.
In fact, Lin Ming was hunted down by God King Floating Feather. Little Demon Xian did not
have much contact with Qin Xingxuan and Mu Qianyu.
They originally knew each other, and there was a wide gap between them. There were
not many opportunities for coming and going. Looked very raw to each other.
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It wasn’t until Lin Ming passed away that many years of the same age that the three
females were sufering.
If you ignore the severe years spent in Tragic Death Valley, then Little Demon Xian is the
youngest of the three women. has always been called Mu Qianyu and Qin Xingxuan is Elder
“Huang’er has just sent a message. has already reached the Transcend Heaven community,
enter Transcend Heaven God...” Qin Xingxuan said.
Lin Huang is the only bloodlines Lin Ming has left in the world, before Lin Ming’s was of no
ixed abode. The gain experience of a single person was born and also set up many foes and
was often chased. So Lin Ming and Qing Xingxuan and Mu Qianyu had never left bloodlines.
At that time, the two women did not feel anything. Now Lin Ming’s is uncertain of One’s fate,
two females are all very regrets.
So Lin Huang, the son of Little Demon Xian, became their common child.
At this time. In the world of Transcend Heaven, Lin Huang stood in the main hall and took a
ceremonious dedication. “Lin Huang, a younger generation, has seen Transcend Heaven predecessors.”
In front of Lin Huang. Walking down from the seat of God, a tall, old man, with long red hair.
His hands were as big as the rush-leaf fan and his face was kindly smiling.
“Lin Huang, more than 4,000 years, you grow up...”
The birth of Divine Beast was originally very slow. Even more so, Lin Huang bloodlines. had
born a few hundred years in the parent substance before he was born. After he was born, he
did not open his eyes and deep sleep. In the year of hundred, bloodliness were fully developed, which
only grew like other children.
When Lin Huang was old, the battles between the Human Race and the Saint Race had
passed nearly a millennium.
Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate hosted a grand banquet for Lin Huang on the day when Lin
Huang was full. Many Human Race Heavenly Venerates participated, God King Transcending Heaven
was no exception. also saw Lin on year feast. Huang, In this 4,000 years, Lin Huang has become a
master of the Human Race.
“Transcend Heaven, this is the gift that Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate gave you, the late
God King Transcending Heaven, is the former Heavenly Venerate of Human Race ranks, and
his seniority is also almost the largest of the existing Human Race, Heavenly Venerate, has a
very high prestige in the Human Race, and Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate has something to
do with it. Often consult with God King Transcending Heaven.
However, Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate will contact God King Transcending Heaven
directly in the most situation.
God King Transcending Heaven took the handwriting sent by Divine Dream Heavenly
Venerate, and his senses sank into it. Slowly, his brow wrinkled.
This is a picture of the hand-sew, and the content of the image makes him extremely
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It was a huge red monster. After hitting the void, again and again, in the void, there was a
crack in the road, but these cracks were slowly to heal...
God King Transcending Heaven knows that this r monster is a waste!
The void it hits is Lamenting God Wall between Divine Realm and Wild Universe!
Saint Emperor Good Fortune, he already has an enough strength. Can he get through
Lamenting God Wall without paying too big a price?
(After the plot changes, we must think about it. Today we have changed it.)
... (The novel “Martial World” Will have more new content on the oicial WeChat platform,
and 100% of the big rituals will be given to the big family! Now open the micro letter, click
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To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2000 - Be in danger

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Lamenting God Wall, a barrier formed by Heavenly Dao Law, splits the Thirty Three Heavens,
irm incomparable.
Under the control of mysterious Heavenly Dao Law, some Lamenting God Walls will
periodically weaken, like the tide, while others, Lamenting God Wall, have been so strong.
These sturdy Lamenting God Wall, even Peak Heavenly Venerate, could not leave a trace on
Only True God can break through the cultivation base. However, this so-called openness is
only temporary and cannot be maintained.
For example, 105,000 years ago, Saint Emperor Good Fortune hunted Primordius Heavenly
Venerate, opened Lamenting God Wall, and failed to maintain for too long. After that, Lamenting
God Wall slowly recovered.
This time, however, it was totally diferent. Saint Emperor Good Fortune was using the
Lamenting God Wall.
The method of excavation is to destroy the most powerful ability!
The rush of peak time can devour heavenly Dao rules. This Lamenting God Wall, itself a kind
of Heavenly Dao rule, will be ilthy in the Saint Emperor Good Fortune and will constantly feed
the waste with Divine Realm’s resources, let it be in the mortal body. The time slowly returned
to the peak time of the year, it has been able to swallow Lamenting God Wall!
In the image of Divine Dream’s message form, Originally spherical, Become a huge red
worm, Little bit of oh eats Lamenting God Wall, It’s like a locust in a blockhead.
After seeing this situation, God King Transcending Heaven is shocked. According to this
speed, it will not take long before Lamenting God Wall will be worn out!
At this time, Lin Huang said: “Transcend Heaven is a senior. Divine Dream predecessors said
that it is not long enough to devour Lamenting God Wall. It may take a long time to drill a hole, but it is
necessary to drill an incomparable huge, large hole that can last for at least a thousand years. It takes a
long time...”
A Lamenting God Wall large hole, enough for Saint Race to attack the Wild Universe, will last
for hundreds of years and thousands of years, so as to guarantee the supply and information
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“How long does Divine Dream predict?” God King Transcending Heaven slowly returned to his
seat. Holding this hand-slip, was in doubt.
“Divine Dream’s predecessors also couldn’t predict...” Lin Huang shook his head. “Divine
Dream’s predecessors have two proposals. The irst is to strengthen the hidden array of Human Race’s
residence, making it diicult for Saint Race to ind us. The second is, Continue to use Hope Ship and God
Law Imperial Decree to explore the new Wild Universe, and send elites to the new universe to make the
Human Race bloom in all the surviving contact surfaces of the Thirty Three Heavens universe. It can greatly
delay the pace of Saint Race. After all, even if it is the peak time, it will take a long time to thoroughly drill a
complete Lamenting God Wall...”
“I know!” God King Transcending Heaven sighed.
To the new universal pioneer, it is only a word of understatement. However, the actual
implementation will inevitably mean countless bloodshed, sacriice...
This is a very diicult, thorny path of thorns.
Human Race, Is it really time to end of the line’s? Killed by hostile race to this point...

This robber, Human Race can survive it?

God King Transcending Heaven felt heavy when he thought of that ethereal future. He has been
thousand ten thousand years ago. There are not many Shou Yuan. He does not know whether he
can seeing the Human Race rebuilding in his own lifetime.
Nowadays the stormy Human Race, who wants to rebuild the splendid Martial Dao
civilization, must have a leader!
The present leader is Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate. She is also the

only True God expert in the Human Race.

However, according to God King Transcending Heaven, Divine Dream even though has
outstanding natural talent. But if you want to threaten Saint Emperor Good Fortune, you’ll
end up with too much...
To True God’s realm, every step is extremely diicult, not to mention that Saint Emperor Good
Fortune also has abandon avatar.
In addition to Divine Dream, there is Emperor Sakyamuni, who is still struggling with the True
God Domain. is outstanding in natural talent, but it seems to God King Transcending Heaven.
It is not enough for Emperor Sakyamuni to reach the height of Divine Dream at most.
In the end, the remaining person is... Lin Huang!
God King Transcending Heaven looked at Lin Huang. slowly got up, and before he went to Lin
Huang, he gently pressed Lin Huang’s shoulder.
“Transcend Heaven predecessors...” Lin Huang was overwhelmed.
“i’m old. If the Human Race and the Saint Race break out again, I will certainly be the
main force of the battle. Can you survive? I don’t know. I lived for so long. It’s
impossible to break through the True God. I was not afraid of death. I was afraid I
could not seeing hope when I was dead.”
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“If it is possible, I hope you can grow up to the he ight of your father that year.
I know it’s diicult, but think about your father. When he was lower than you
are now, I don’t know how much. You’re a favored man. Your father is just
Lower World. Civilians, the diference between your talents, resources,
teachers, and so on is not enough to describe Heaven and Earth. can walk
out and you should be able to come out.”
God King Transcending Heaven, both hands on the shoulders of Lin Huang, a pair of slightly
ilthy eyes, looking at Lin Huang’s face.
Lin Huang is the hope of the Human Race, but this hope is not enough.
Lin Huang is indeed a proud man of heaven. After he was born, he studied various Supreme
Divine Martial Might, resources assign, teacher, and he developed. True God does not have
anything diiculty.
But light into True God is far from enough to ight this Great Tribulation. In Saint Race, there is
also a younger generation that can be True True God.
For example, Holy Child Good Fortune, and for example, Imperial Prince Xi Shen who
recently emerged and limelight is winning.
In addition, Fairy Maiden Qinglian of Floating Feather Divine Mountain also has a “Possibility
achievement True God” .
Just the younger generation of Saint Race, there are three reserves of True God!

In the above, Saint Race truly True God, there are three.
Lin Huang is going to lead the Human Race over Saint Race. It may not be diicult to overcome
three younger generations. Even harder is to reach the realm of surmount Saint Emperor
Good Fortune in the future!
This point, with the current growth speed of Lin Huang’s, it can be said that the probability
is zero. You know, the upper True God cannot win today’s Saint Emperor Good Fortune!
Lin Huang also secretly traveled to Asura Road before completing the Final Trial with a
inish of 88, which is a bit worse than Sheng Mei’s second time attending Final Trial.
In fact, this is already the result of proud, you know, Sheng Mei has Great Reincarnation
Technique, and Lin Huang does not, Phoenix Nirvana from bloodlines is not as good as the Great
Reincarnation Technique.
However, this achievement cannot satisfy Lin Huang at all. His goal is more than 90, even reaching
his father’s past altitude!
“I know, I will work hard!”
Lin Huang gritted his teeth and said that in many of the younger generations of the Wild
Universe, Lin Huang is a dazzling name. It is the existence of can not hold a candle. However,
Lin Huang himself thinks that everything is too weak. His goal is his own father, who has always inspired
himself, brought glory to him, and brought him a tremendous pressure.
In that year, his father was able to scare the Saint Race Saint Emperor Good Fortune for only
more than 100 years of his birthday. sent God King Floating Feather to kill him. And now, Lin
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Huang, is far from such a shocking force.

“Child, I seeing your Inner World. It seems that you are eager to break the half step. Heavenly
Venerate. Don’t be too impatient. You want to have big success in the future. You have to hit
the solid foundation. Your father’s myth is not his. The cultivation speed casts it, but it’s the
law he’s enacted, the chance of accumulation, his experience, his life, his perseverance, etc.
Many aspects are determined by yours. Your path is long. Even if you break through the half
step, Heavenly Venerate, Your combat power has been improved, and the Human Race and
Saint Race battles are unlikely to be of any help for the upcoming, and if you die in this
catastrophe, it will be the instimable loss of the Human Race... ”
God King Transcending Heaven speaks long-term, Lin Huang’s numeric nod.
The cultivation speed is not everything. The road to Martial Dao requires patience. A single
bean sprout can germinate in only one night. In one season, rice can be harvested in just a
few months.
However, a True God-level spirit medicine, it often takes millions of years to breed.

Bean sprouts and paddy rice, just mortal food, can only eat after eating.

And those True God-level Spirit Medicine, can make countless great passions to ight, be
planted in Sect, become a town treasure, any one of its fruit, can change a expert’s destiny!
What Lin Huang wants to do is a Heaven and Earth Treasure. lacks temper, and what he has
more than his father is that time. has more time to grow himself until he provokes Human.
Race’s heavy burden.
This is a diicult and bumpy thorny path... (The novel “Martial World” Will have more new
content on the oicial WeChat platform, and 100% lottery big rituals will be given to the big
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public number “” And pay attention to speed’s grabs!) (not yet
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2001 - The sixth life

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In Divine Realm, a Small World adjacent to Scarlet Light World, there is a planet named
Dong Lan Xing.
The planet’s diameter two hundreds million four thousand in this planet is many times
larger than Sky Spill Planet.
However, it is too far away from the main defense of Scarlet Light World. In the
independent Small World on the edge of Scarlet Light World, there is no master in
Dong Lan Xing.
6,500 years ago, Divine Realm collapsed, many Holy Lands of Scarlet Light World were
destroyed by Saint Race, a large number of Human Race masters were killed, and the
extremely remote East Lan Xing was also ransacked in this catastrophe, at the time Lan
Xing’s The irst Sect, Dong Lanzong, was spotted by a squad of Saint Race.
The team requested that Dong Lanzong surrender all of his Spirit Medicine, resources,
and cultivation method cheats.
The Captain of the Saint Race team is only a Saint Monarch Realm expert. Dong
Lanzong is a Seventh Rank Sect. The Sect’s strongest Supreme Elder is also the Divine
Monarch Realm. Other Sect Masters and Elder are Divine Transformations. The Saint
Race team, Dong Lanzong, was extremely angry and could not wait to ight with them.
However, they also knew that in the face of the invasion of Saint Race, they were as
insigniicant as a group of ants. They had to accept their orders.
However, what they did not expect was that when they had handed over all the resources
one after another, the Saint Race team proposed to take 100 young lady human furnace
requests from Donglan. These human furnaces were included Dong Lanzong Sect Master’s
This caused all the disciples of Dong Lanzong to be angry. They had a battle with the Saint
Race team and killed many Saint Race martial artists. After all, more Saint Race martial artists
Followed, is the crazy retaliation of Saint Race, a Saint Race Saint Monarch peak expert
arrived, directly washed the Dong Lanzong, will kill all masters, sect some young lady.
The destiny of his pitiful had been expected to commit suicide.
This approach has even touched the nerves of Saint Race, who set of a massacre in East
Lan Xing, where tens of billions of humans died in the slaughter.
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At the time, people were worried and some of the East Lanzong legacy that
survived was also disintegrated.
When the Sect has nearly collapsed, there are some more Sect after the Saint Race
slaughtered. Came to Small World where East Lan Xing is located.
They meet with Dong Lanzong.
Among these Sect’s veins are some of the ancient principles of Ancient Phoenix Clan and
Ancient Dragon Clan.
On Ancient Phoenix Clan and Ancient Dragon Clan, dating back to their establishment,
only some experts found the bodies of four Divine Beast in Divine Beast Mystical Realm.
Since then, four Divine Beast Clan has been established and slowly developed into
Saint Lord and World King Level forces.
In the catastrophe of Divine Realm, such as the influences of such four Divine Beast Clan,
nature could not escape cleaning.
On Ancient Phoenix Clan is ine, because of the relationship with Lin Ming. At the time of
evacuat’s time, they were given special care, some masters in the clan and people related
to Lin Ming. Go to the Wild Universe.
But on Ancient Phoenix Clan there were Seventy Palaces, and there were still massive
disciples killed in the Holocaust, or fled, scattered, and deserted.
Among them, some exiles of exile, gathered in the East Lan Xing, joined forces with
other survivors of great potential to establish a new organization called Heaven and
Earth Alliance.
Inside the Heaven and Earth Alliance, there are many Sect heritages. The cultivation
method is miscellaneous.
The Divine Realm occupied by Saint Race simply does not allow the Human Race to
have a Saint Lord- class heritage. Once discovered, it is completely obliterated! In
addition to the beforehand’s looting, Heaven and Earth Alliance’s heritage, it seems to
have been unsightly in the high level martial artist.
So East Lan Xing had a strange scene. On this planet, there was a number of disciples
exceeding one billion. The internal relationship is intricately connected with Heaven and
Earth Alliance, but at the same time, Heaven and Earth Alliance have no masters inside, and
the structure is extremely loose.
But even so. Heaven and Earth Alliance is still Dong Lan Xing. Even the eastern planet
Lan Xing is located in the Smallest Planet in the world, the young Human Race disciple
aspires to the martial arts Holy Land.
The Heaven and Earth Alliance recruits disciples once every ten years. The inspection of
each time disciple is spectacular.
These young human race young artists from various remote planets tried their best to
pass the assessment and enter the Heaven and Earth Alliance. Because in addition to
the Heaven and Earth Alliance, at this Small World’s other places, they looked for Not
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This is the sadness of the Human Race martial artist under this big time.
Even if you are talented and talented, but you can’t ind the cultivation method jade slip,
there is no Master teaching, no resources, and no matter what genius is also neglected.
Even if Lin Ming lives in this era, can’t grow up. At the time of Lin Ming’s lack of
resources at Lower World, entered Divine Realm and entered Ancient Phoenix Clan,
and was then Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate and Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate.
Concern, this is all from outside help.
Not to mention anything else, there is no Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate, Lin Ming
can’t even get into Asura Road, then it is even more impossible to study Asura
Heavenly Dao.
Heaven and Earth Alliance’s heritage is called Heavenly Book Pavilion.
Every time the Heaven and Earth Alliance recruits new disciple, it will follow the
trial’s results and let these enter the Heavenly Book Club selection cultivation
method jade slip.
This is the moment when the new disciples are most excited. Theritage of such huge
volumes, before they could not even think about it.
However, the Heavenly Book Club has too much clutter and there is a limit to the
amount of time each enters into the discipline. Many times, their gains are not mean
A group of thrilling young disciple rushed into Heaven’s pavilion’s time to welcome
them. It was a middle-aged man in a dilapidated, casual half-suit lying on a chair.
This middle-ag person, it looked like it was Thirty-Forty years old, beard shit, with a
frosty face, had a wine pot in his hand, and the clothes on the body were very awkward,
but the strange thing was that his eyes were on that eye. It is not as imaginary as it is
without God. It is very bright, like the eyes of a teenager.
“Go in. You each have three double-hours to choose a cultivation method.”
Middle-ag people drank a drink and said indiferently. This indiference seems to give
people a feeling of seeing through life and death.
Seeing this middle-ag person, these young disciples have inexplicable feelings in their
“This is Uncle Who?”
Someone privately passeses messages.
“He is the guardian of the Heavenly Book Club. Do not underestimate He. It is said
that any cultivation methodHe in the Heavenly Book Club is knows from A to Z. If He
is willing to, it can be found for any one of the entericily Book Club’s disciples in a
short time. The most suitable cultivation method for He...”
The Senior Brothers of the Heaven and Earth Alliance explained the passing message.
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“Oh? Then let’s ask him, look at the cultivation method.”

“You still don’t expect it. Average person asked him not to understand it. But sometimes,
if you don’t ask him, he will suddenly guide you a little. The character of this senior is
very weird.”
Several individuals communicated quickly, and at this time, the middle -aged people had
already been closed in the chair.
This middle-ag person is Lin Ming of the sixth-century reincarnation. At this

time, 3,500 years have passed since Lin Ming’s Final Trial.

When Lin Ming was reincarnation of the Fourth Age, he returned to Asura Road and
spent a cultivation for 500 years at the Final Trial Seventh Floor. consolidated the realm
of Great World King, and opened Life Embryo Dao Palace of Dao Palace Nine Stars,
Then he left Asura Road and took a dip in Divine Realm.
Lin Ming’s ifth life, spent in Divine Realm’s starry sky, absorbed Divine Realm’s vast
world power to nourish the World Seed.
This time gain experience, is 2,000 years!
For 2,000 years, Lin Ming developed Great World King peak. It is just one step away from the
half step Heavenly Venerate. In fact, Lin Ming can break through whenever wants.
However, Lin Ming did not choose to break through. was reincarnation of the Sixth World
at a time when there was only one layer of soap bubble-frail membranes from the half step
Heavenly Venerate.
His cultivation base once more fell, and then he came to the East Lan Xing, entered the
Heaven and Earth Alliance with a young disciple of avatar.
He will choose this, just because the Heaven and Earth Alliance is inextricably linked to
Ancient Phoenix Clan.
Lin Ming is an old person. This is because of his natural disposition. Two are also in
order to be but karma’s circulation.
200 years after Lin Ming entered Heaven and Earth Alliance, entered the Heavenly Book
Club and sat here as a gatekeeper.
He silently realized the tranquility, relative to the killing of the fourth world, and the
ifth year 2000- year-long lonely painstaking cultivation, Lin Ming’s sixth world is like a
leisurely wild crane.
In this comfort, Lin Ming also saw too many too much of the Human Race youngster that
was pounded by reality.
They live in the end world of Human Race’s. Once they are born, they face the fate of being a
They are dead slaves, perhaps after they were born, until death, they did not sufer from
the oppression of Saint Race, they had not even seen the Clan of Saint Race, but it was
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not Saint Race who mercifully passed them, but they did not let them. Saint Race
crushes the value.
Once they have value, Saint Race will flock to the plunders.
Human Race is like a crop planted in the ground by Saint Race. Every time after a period
of time, they will come to harvest and take away the worthable things.
How many young people of Human Race can not be reconciled to this set of fate, they dream
of grasping their own destiny, dreaming when the Human Race will be able to kill Divine
Realm again, and they can also contribute to the revival of the Human Race.
Even if it is a ierce battle, it will be much brighter than the world in which there is no
However, in this world, people who can determine their own destiny are, after all, a
minority. In Saint Race, the proportion is still higher. In the Human Race, it is almost
However, it is almost equal to the opportunity of at zero, but there are still many
Human Race martial artist desperate to ight.
This may be because of the bloody nature of the martial artist, or just because of the
Young’s youthfulness in the Human Race, the young boy is not afraid of the tiger’s head.
In short, they did it.
Enter Heaven and Earth Alliance, was their irst step. Even though they passed through
layers of elites, they squeezed into their dream university with a proportion of one -
thousandth of vitality. But when they arrived here, they discovered that they were
actually only felt that the foot of the mountain that they were climbing had not even
stepped out. The mountain peak, but it had the irst stars, it was like...
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2002 - Struggling and destiny

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(second more)
Young disciples go out and look for opportunities to seeing if they can ind ruin above the
level of Saint Lord, looking for some incomplete cultivation methods and allowing them to
break through higher realms.
Naturally, this hope is too bad. The famous Mystic Realm in Divine Realm has already been
controlled by Saint Race. It is harder to look for a place of inheritance in the wilderness tha n to
look for a needle in a haystack.
So this is a mountainous place in front of their mountains. They have spent their whole lives and
have never reached the point road.
This is what the Divine Realm Human Race is faced with. Even if they desperately ight in the
wilderness, desperately gain experience, seek opportunities, save time for eating and sleeping
for breathtaking meditation, and they still can’t escape fate. The shackles.
This yoke is like a fence, and they are like fenced animals in a fence.
The fearless teenagers are full of hopes to enter Heaven and Earth Alliance, give their youth,
sway their sweat, and they try to write their personal glorious chapters with life and blood.
However... In the river that slowly lapsed, their sweat lowed through and youth lost. In the end,
everything they received was just the fact that they hadn’t changed, and the body that had
grown old...
This is fortunate. There are unfortunate persons. When young, they will buryes bone
wilderness. It will turn into dust. Only those who stay in the world will be absent.
This Heaven and Earth Alliance, even though it is atmosphere, is actually an end place for
many Human Race youth dreams. Such an organization, in Divine Realm’s 3,000 community,
doesn’t know how many.
This is the ability of the Human Race to organize under the existing conditions. The most
decent role is to pin their hopes and dreams.
Without experiencing such misery and depression, it cannot be imagined that people living in
this hopeless life are eager for the revival and glory of the race. This kind of obsession has
been engraved into their lives. With their blood classes in the same place, with their fate and
Humans are organisms that are susceptible to environmental infections.
In the tide where all the people are ighting hard, even the spiritless people will be brought up.
Becoming becomes strong and brave. This is a country. In the event of demise, there are
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many people with lofty ideals who throw heads and sprinkle the warm-blood courage.
In this case, Lin Ming saw some old people who were impressed by him in the Heaven and
Earth Alliance. Some old men. After working hard for a lifetime, it is still accomplishes nothing.
Even after Divine
Transformation Stage fails to break through, is unwilling and sad, and desolate.
Some older men, before their deathbed, called the younger generation to the side, pressing their
hearts full of grief and indignation, entrusting them with their desire for one’s entire life, such as
"Wild wild same race regaining the day of Divine Realm. Do not forget to say that the Father is in
the spirit of heaven.
However, the impression of Lin Ming by these two old men is not the deepest.
Lin Ming’s most memorable is the third type. They entered Heaven and Earth Alliance when
they were young. Once and for all, go out to ind opportunities, retreat from painstaking
cultivation, until they are old. Even if they have not achieved any success, they still do not give
up their hopes.
They took some of the maps from the old book turned over to ind the disk savaged disk, a careful
ratio of the contents of the map Savaged disk, and then in order to that trace of an uncertain
hope, betting on the wind and the year of the body to explore.
They seriously wipe those who have followed them for a lifetime. But in fact the texture of the
ordinary weapon, with a pot liquor, a number of bad quality wounds, called on a few severe
companions, they set of irmly and started.
Even if they are actually, they have already passed the age of being able to soar. Even if
they really ind ruin, they will have little efect on them.
But. They are still looking for, facing the wind and rain, facing the slowly falling sunset, and
decisively climbing the big peak like a star.
This is a non-regret journal.
Perhaps outsiders can’t understand what they are doing, and they already have established
results. A sharp contrast with their futile efort. Can not think of it, what is the signiicance of
their expeditions in the long run.
However, Lin Ming knows. They come to this step. Going chasing is no longer a more expert’s
opportunity, but chasing a belief. This belief, when they were able to let them die, calmly say, I
have ight for the resistance destiny...
After three double-hours, Lin Ming watched as these youngsters who had just become Heaven
and Earth Alliance disciple came out of the Heavenly Book Club. Lin Ming only silently took a
He had no time to feel that he had stayed here. It would no longer be possible to watch these
youngsters grow old.
Even though Lin Ming these years rule in one corner of the kingdom, has never heard of the
important matter between Human Race and Saint Race, but these days, Lin Ming has a feeling
that the world tide will surge.
The reasons for the formation of this sensation can not be explained, just like some people with big
destiny addicted, know how to deduction karma, like the same.
Lin Ming closed eyes and regained the spirit, and realized the tranquility on the eve of this
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In the limit time, intends to break through the half-step Heavenly Venerate realm that has been
suppressed for too long, and at the same time, to open a strong Dao palace, so that the Little
Black dragon also bred to length of body thousand Li, reaching the condition of half grown...
This world tide, he can no longer avoid, even if he is still no capital to ight against Saint
Emperor Good Fortune.
However, if you sit by and do nothing again, maybe the Human Race really needs to be a massive

surge... Lin Ming slowly opened his eyes and caught his eye. It was a young lady.
This young lady is very good in Lin Ming’s eyes. If she is returning peace ages for more than
6,000 years,
she can become Saint Lord peak. If she has the resources to support her, she even has the
chance to become World King. This is already a Heavenly Venerate pass. Mortal Step’s talent.
Unfortunately, reality is not if, Saint Race will not let this young lady grow up.
Lin Ming is very concerned about this young woman, not only because of her talent, but also
because of her surname Yan. This young lady comes out on Ancient Phoenix Clan, and Lin
Ming has something to do with them. Yan Family, they made a call more than 6,000 years
ago. Yan Yue’er’s young woman, Lin Ming had a history between Fire Spirit Star and Divine
Beast Mystical Realm trial, and Yan Yue’er.
It may be a coincidence that this young woman’s name also has a “Son” Character, called
Yan Ke’er. When the Ancient Phoenix Clan was broken apart, these were the legacy of
Ancient Phoenix Clan, and very few Ancient Phoenix were still preserved. Blood, after the
birth of Yan Ke’er, felt the great strength of this child’s talent, Yan Family inlicted these
Ancient Phoenix Blood into Yan Ke’er’s body without reservation.
In fact, if you return for thousands of years, these Ancient Phoenix Blood are only the lowest-
grade Phoenix Blood awards on Ancient Phoenix Clan. However, now, it is the most precious
thing that Ancient Phoenix Clan can provide.
This child is their hope. Even if everyone knows it, this hope is extremely embarrassing.
“Martial Uncle, previous time The unnamed jade slip you picked for Ke’er really suits Ke’er.
Ke’er has been involved for several months, and has a lot to gain. It should be sure to break
through the perfect Life Destruction. Maybe in the future. Ke’er can complete the Ninth Level
Life Destruction, and or she can consolidate Yuan Qi Cloud in the six and evenine...”
Yan Ke’er said, However, Lin Ming sighs in his heart, The Human Race genius has fallen to work
hard for the Ninth Level Life Destruction of Yuan Qi Cloud.
He looked at Yan Ke’er. The facial expression was complicated. He knew from Yan Ke’er’s
expression of shyly. Yan Ke’er came here today. Besides thanking him, he still wanted to ask him
how to choose cultivation method, and cultivation. Encountered’s issue.
“Martial Uncle...”
Yan Ke’er shouted softly, and she met Lin Ming when she was a teenager. This Martial Uncle gave
her too much guidance. When she was very young, some negligible directions could make her feel
good. Many days, and beneit a lot.
As she grew up, she increasingly felt that this Martial Uncle seemed to be a storyteller, and his
strength was also a mystery.
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She had quietly asked Elder of the Yan Family, but Elder said he could not feel Lin Ming’s
anomaly. According to his Inner World, he was just the Divine Transformation Initial Stage.
The time of adding Lin Ming enter Heaven and Earth Alliance is also well documented. From
the young age to the middle age, the growth course is clear. It really makes people unable to
believe what he is.
Maybe even though, Yan Ke’er or tenacious thinks that Lin Ming’s deep hide doesn’t show up.
looked decadent. People of Heaven and Earth Alliance think so. Yan Ke’er thinks of faint. Related
to Lin Ming’s story.
Martial Uncle may be Saint Lord too!
Yan Ke’er once made such a bold conjecture. This kind of conjecture made Yan Ke’er himself
startle and shook his head immediately. It was a bit bizarre.
However, Lin Ming has always been her most respected person. gives her advice much more than
Yan Family Elder.
“This world, you don’t go.”
Lin Ming asked when Yan Ke’er wanted to open an inquiry about what kind of jade slip this time
would choose.
Yan Ke’er snorted, “What did you say about Martial Uncle?”
“It doesn’t make sense to go in.” Lin Ming drank his head and constantly shook his head.
“Women... Especially attractive female, the base of the cultivation was promoted to Divine
Monarch Realm. Once it was detected by Saint Race, it was a disaster...”
In Divine Realm under Saint Race, the Human Race was killed by Saint Race without any
punishment. The thing of Human Race, Saint Race can be plundered arbitrarily, including the
maidenhood of Human Race young lady.
The beautiful Human Race female children with extremely high heavenly talent may not be born in
this world. When they are unable to protect their own, they can easily be taken away as human
furnace by Saint Race, and when their strength is increased to be able to kill. For some Saint Race
younger generations’ time, they will be concerned by the stronger Saint Race martial artist.
Because the strength of the Strong Race’s female Race is better, the situation is even worse!
Moreover, the Human Race young lady with a low base of cultivation has no possibility of
disguising the cultivation base in front of the Saint Race expert. Once discovered, it is a terrible
When Yan Ming calmly said the word “Beautiful woman” , Yan Ke’er’s face was still slightly red,
but immediately after Lin Ming’s words, Yan Ke’er complexion was pale and she knew
naturally. What is this so-call disaster?
“I asked you, knowing that maybe in the future, will you still choose to become
an expert?” Lin Ming asked Yan Ke’er earnestly and asked with a word.

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MW CHAPTER 2003 - Departure (three more)

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Facing Lin Ming’s question, Yan Ke’er was shocked.

If by his own strength breakthrough, was captured by Saint Race as human furnace.
But thinking about life is nothing, his own talent is not displayed, and inally depressed,
Yan Ke’er heart there is a kind of repression not being able to say.
She cannot accept such destiny.
Sometimes, the most painful thing in life is not to ight against fate but to fail. It is
even a truly efective opportunity to ight fate.
This makes people desperate.
Thought of this, Yan Ke’er gritted his teeth and said: “Even if I know the possible future, I
still want to cultivation, and become stronger!”
“Um... I know it.” Lin Ming said with a slight sigh. “Since it was your choice, I don’t have
much to say. Tonight’s three more, you come to Ancient Phoenix Hall ninee...”
Lin Ming said this sentence and left alone.
Leaving behind Yan Ke’er, Ancient Phoenix Church...
This is a cultivation chamber built on the veins of the Ancient Phoenix family. It can
only be used by the ancient Phoenix family’s martial artist, and Yan Ke’er, as a
genius on the Ancient Phoenix family, naturally has a secret room that can be used.
However, Lin Ming should not be qualiied to enter here. should not even know that his
cultivation room is a nine room.
Even though was puzzled, Yan Ke’er came to Ancient Phoenix Hall in the three days.
However, she did not seeing Lin Ming, only saw a farewell letter, in addition to a Spatial
Ring within the correspondence.
After seeing the Spatial Ring, Yan Ke’er paused slightly. It seemed to be a very good
Spatial Ring, far beyond what they usually use.
If you look at the Spatial Ring, she is only slightly sluggish. After sensation searches
into the Spatial Ring, she was thorously shaky.
There are hundreds of diferent jade slips in the Spatial Ring. It’s just a matter of
looking at the shine of those jade slips. It makes people feel a little gloomy. It’s the
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aura left behind by the years, or it’s The energy left by the expert is fluctuation of
This is heritage!
Yan Ke’er held his breath, and sensation searches into it. Even though only has the
Life Destruction cultivation base, it can also roughly distinguish these inheritance
levels, especially inheritance, and note the writing of one’s entire life and realm, so
that it will not be wrong.
By the strict control of Saint Race, and the inheritance of the Human Race of massive
extermination, she immediately got hundreds of sets.
There is an inheritance of minority, which can go from Life Destruction to nearly
Heavenly Venerate. It is almost like tailoring for her.
So massive, rich inheritance. Even if you don’t have an old Phoenix family
headquarters library at that time!
But now, it suddenly appeared in her hands. Everything was left behind by the
mysterious Mysterious Martial Uncle. This makes Yan Ke’er feel inconceivable.
After passing the jade slip, there are a large number of medicine pills and a part of Spirit

Artifact! Those medicine pills, just smelling medicine incense, all made Yan Ke’er scared

to speak.
to consume Lin Ming fought Devil Relic at the Final Trial Seventh Floor, Lin Ming in order
high level medicine pill he carried with him. couldn’t use these low -level medicine pills and
he left them. took out some of them casually. For the martial artist of Heaven and Earth
Alliance, it was a valuable and valuable treasure.
“Martial Uncle is what he is...”
Yan Ke’er felt a mess in his head. At this moment, he suddenly remembered the letter Lin
Ming left. took a swift and open look. The letter was completely blank. Ther e was no half
character, but when Yan Ke’er touched the letter with her hand, she felt that a letter of
Spiritual Force had poured out into her Soul Sea and matched her Spiritual Mark. A
letters soon sent a message to her mind.
This time, she only knew. Lin Ming left. didn’t say whether he was coming back, but Yan
Ke’er predicted that Martial Uncle might be a permanent left for this Small World and
would never return.
Yan Ke’er was shocked at this thought.
Before Lin Ming left, he left these jade slips and told Yan Ke’er that they could deal with
these cultivation methods jade slip. could whisper cultivation on her own, and she could
also share it with others, but every one more person to share, then The possibility of
future danger is even greater.
If the leak slip leaks, the entire Heaven and Earth Alliance will be destroyed.
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Lin Ming did not really support the Heaven and Earth Alliance until he knew that
excessive support would only cause the Heaven and Earth Alliance to draw the attention
of Saint Race. Such consequence would be conceivable. In Divine Realm, Lin Ming It is
also impossible to protect the Heaven and Earth Alliance. Otherwise, Saint Race’s
attention will be drawn to him. Then he is in danger.
Before the true departure, Lin Ming left a very rich cultivation method jade slip. Let Yan
Ke’er and Heaven and Earth Alliance choose whether to practice or not, to practice for
one person alone, or to practice for some people...
And once they are selected, they must be aware of the consequences...
Everyone is responsible for own choice, no matter whether the future is achievement or

destruction... This is the price against the destiny.

Watching these jade slips, Yan Ke’er is silent for a long time. The mysterious Martial Uncle
left. What is
his identity?
And what about these jade slips?
Yan Ke’er bite his teeth, and eventually took a step toward the room where was heading to
the Ancient Phoenix family Clan Head....
At this point, Lin Ming has left the small universe where Dong Lan Xing is located, enters
Scarlet Light World, and flies at a very quick speed to the border meeting points of Divine
Realm and Saint Gathering Heaven’s!
Lin Ming, intends to enter Saint Race Saint Gathering Heaven.
Since Divine Realm was invaded by Saint Race, Saint Race opened up many lanes
between Divine Realm and Saint Gathering Heaven. Each channel is wide enough to clog
a few stars to facilitate the plunder of Saint Race and material transportation. .

These passages are strictly controlled by the Saint Race ma rtial artist. Any human
races are strictly prohibited.
However, no matter how strict the Saint Race is on the control of the channel, it is
impossible to send True God to control the channel, and the reborn Lin Ming,
coupled with his terrible Spiritual Force and powerful Body Transformation Bone
Changing Art, True God came and looked at the many soldiers of Saint Race who
passed two clan channels. It was very diicult to ind Lin Ming.
What’s more, now it’s just a World Race for Saint Race who is responsib le for guarding
each passage.
Therefore, these layered checkpoints located inside and outside the tunnel were virtually
useless to Lin Ming. changed the appearance of the Saint Race martial artist into an
easy-going change.
In the Saint Race, Lin Ming is even more relaxed. has a great diversion and a fast
crossing over Saint Gathering Heaven. His goal is Soul Realm!
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Soul Realm, Origin Dream Universe, galaxy battleield! This is

where Lin Ming will arrive.

His purpose is to ind Hong’er and convince Hong’er to help himself.

When God Sealing Heavenly Venerate also had Little Yu’er to assist, now that Lin Ming
can get Hong’er’s to assist, he believes that Magic Cube’s strength can be further
And Hong’er’s understanding of the law also made Lin Ming st unned. When irst realized in
the Fallen God Mountain Range alcove stage, Hong’er could easily seeing the handwriting
of Law left by Immortal Sovereign. It’s natural to breathe drank water.
This is unmatched by Lin Ming. After all, Lin Ming is in cultivation and enlightenment
law, and Hong’er itself is condenses of law.
is law.
Before returning to the Wild Universe, one of Lin Ming’s irst tasks was to go under the
Ancient Imperial Capital, unravel the seal of the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal, and
deal with Wild’s soul.
However, before 3 billion, six or more than hundred million years ago, it was the True
God Extreme. Even before it was hurt and had to cooperate with Saint Race, it was the
approach of Asura Road Master and Immortal Sovereign’s.
Even if the wilderness fails, its soul is sealed by the town of three billion, and for six
hundred million years, it is extremely terrible.
Lin Ming does not have complete assurance against the soul of the desolate, and if
Hong’er can help, the odds are much greater.
The junction between the Saint Race and the Soul Race was more tightly controlled,
but it still could not stop Lin Ming’s footsteps. passed the trick and passed in the hall.
Next, Lin Ming change appearance into a Soul Race genius, mixed into a small sc hool,
easily took the token of enter Origin Dream Battleield, and has been in the school medium
to the opening of Origin Dream Battleield.
The killing of Origin Dream Battleield lasts for three years. When Lin Ming returned
to the long-lost Spiritual Universe and saw Emperor God Wall of Origin Dream
Battleield, was illed with emotion.
Glanced at Emperor God Wall, the name Lin Hanbing had engraved, and stayed high
beside Sheng Mei for more than 6,000 years. No one can surpass it.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2004 - Goodbye Hong'er

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In the Origin Dream Universe, many places exist law suppression. The Origin
Dream Battleield is such a place. Every entertaining Dream Battleield’s martial artist,
their cultivation base will be suppressed to the Soul Monarch territory (equivalent to
the Human Race Divine Monarch Realm. ), and less than Soul Monarch, will be
promoted to the Soul Monarch.
Even though everyone is suppressed to the same level as the cultivation base
realm, but the comprehension of the law, the cultivation method cultivation base is
maintained, in other words, the Heavenly Venerate expert in the Origin Dream
Battleield, or can instantaneously allow hundreds of Soul Development
environments. In puf of smoke.

When Lin Ming entered the Origin Dream Battleield, he was still protected by law.
used law to kill Ten Thousand Ghosts Heavenly Venerate which was restricted to
the cultivation base.
However, Lin Ming is now restricted by law.
His cultivation base even though is low, but because of law’s comprehension,
cultivation method, and bloodlines, he is probably the most fearsome Divine
Monarch Realm expert in all trial’s challenger of the Origin Dream Battleield.
The Origin Dream Battleield is very large. It is very diicult to ind a Little Girl in

such a vast place. However, Lin Ming knows where Hong’er is often haunted.

According to a direction in his memory, Lin Ming launched the move, an

unhurried flight. Soon, he saw a canyon in which a large number of martial

artists were gathered.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ming smiled.

This canyon he is very familiar, when Lin Ming entered the Origin Dream
Battleield for the irst time, it was here to ind Hong’er.
This is called Soul Cave, Hong’er’s home.
This is a very pro-found cave. There is a terrible Soul Beast condensed by the
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Spiritual Force of the Origin Dream Universe. There are also many dangers like the
Gate of Demons and Gods and the Spiritual Storm.
At this time, at the entrance of the Soul Cave, the trial’s martial artist has become
more and more, these are the disciples from Soul Realm great potential. Ordinary
disciples of small origins, can not venture to Soul Cave.

After waiting for the manpower of the enough, these people forcibly opened the Soul
Cave’s former Soul Force ield and ventured into the enter Soul Cave to seeing if
they could ind some precious Spirit Medicine that was bred by the Source Soul
Force in the Soul Cave.
These Spirit Medicines are Supreme treasures for Soul Race.
However, the Soul Cave cave entrance is a cluster of purple fog. This purple fog is
itself a force ield. If you want to enter it, you must break the purple fog force ield.
Need a very formidable strength.
With a half-double-hour time, these trial’s challenger inally gathered together and
stood on one by one, ready to forcibly punch through the force ield. The purple fog
outside the suddenly Soul Cave trembled slightly. This feeling is like a smoky
smoke. It was swallowed and passed through. The smoke was driven.
These trial’s challenger have been stunned for a moment. What’s wrong?
They don’t have certain people to go in, but think about such terrible force ields.
How could anybody enter in an instant, so that they couldn’t even seeing the
Ever since, these trial’s challenger have begun to continue to run. We plan to open
force ield.
At this time, Lin Ming’s early had entered Soul Cave, he instantly crossed the
distance in the general, went through the Gate of Demons and Gods in the Soul
Cave, Spiritual Storm, including those terrible Soul Beast in the Soul Cave, None of
them pose any threat to Lin Ming, exactly. They did not feel Lin Ming flying past

It was not until Lin Ming came to the deepest point of the Soul Cave that his
footsteps suddenly slowed down. At this time, his igure was as if they were some
of the collected image persistence.
At the deepest point of the Soul Cave, there is a beautiful underground mountain and
river, above the mountains, because the Soul Force is too strong and condensed into a
soul spring. The torrents of people are fascinating.

Before this beautiful mountain, there was a Soul Beast with an orangutan
appearance. This Soul Beast was a full-body golden igure. Strong build, it is the
master of this mountain. If at ordinary times, it will deinitely become the nightmare of
enter Soul Cave trial’s challenger’s, even if it is the peak Great World King facing
this terrible Soul Beast, under the suppression of law, it is very likely to be shredded
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by it!
After Lin Ming’s unexpect visitor suddenly appeared, the golden back orangutan-
begin was shocked, then violent anger, it tried to attack Lin Ming, but Lin Ming was
just facing away from it, not even back, Lin Ming’s eyes were about Looking at
theights of mountains and rivers at a 60-degree angle, do not know what to look at.
It seems to be extremely focused.
This disregard, there is no doubt that this is a provocation of the golden gorilla
authority, but do not know why, originally eagerly gilded gorilla, but inexplicable from
the front of this tiny human back, feel a sense of it Soul aura.
This stock aura, let it slowly retreat, In the end, it turned and escaped.
All of this, Lin Ming did not care at all. still looked at the 60-degree angle. In his
sight, there was a raised rock. On the rock, there was a Spirit Medicine, a small
amount of Soul Force’s. The spirit spring pours down, spilling over Spirit Medicine,
and let Spirit Medicine radiate faint’s medicine incense.
After a stick of incense time, next to this Spirit Medicine, a faint red energy slowly
formed. Then, as if the dense fog had fallen away, the safron in the fog was exposed.
The igure of a scarlet Little Girl appeared. Appeared.
She sat on the bulge rock, barely small feet, bare leg, two white Jade calves
rhythmically shaking, common pearl’s toes across the spiral spring, swings from a
circle ripples... ...
Little Girl is Hong’er.
She was exactly the same when Lin Ming irst saw her. For more than 6,000
years, she hadn’t grown up even irst faint trace.
It is still carved jade, like the porcelain doll’s attractive face, some timid
expression hanging on the face, is a little vigilant, but also some confused look at
Lin Ming.
“You, You... send, send, ind me?”
Little Girl was just confused by a small meeting. asked Lin Ming with an
unbelievable answer. Because she was a bit deaf, she was stuttering.

However, just after inishing this sentence, she twitched her ine nose, a pair of
dark lacquer, vivid’s big eye staring at Lin Ming’s lower abdomen.
Lin Ming knew that she had noticed Magic Cube.
Hong’er is a magical law living body that condensed the Soul Energy Supreme Being (a
very possible Immortal Sovereign) with the magic in the Magic Cube, condensing out of
many years.
Her level is much lower than the Magic Cube, but it is inextricably linked to the
Magic Cube, as if it were part of the Magic Cube.
In fact, when approaching the deep place of Soul Cave, Lin Ming has acquired the
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spirit of Hong’er’s aura by virtue of his greatly increased spirit Soul Force after his
six years of reincarnation, and his control strength over Magic Cube’s constant
enhancement. So he can look so arbitrarily at the bulge’s rock, or if Hong’er intends
to hide, even Sheng Mei and the Soul Emperor cannot ind a trace of her.
“Well? You are...”
When Hong’er irst saw Lin Ming, there was a strong sense of familiarity. Therefore,
there was a confus color in his eyes. Just at the moment, this kind of familiar feeling
became more intense, plus Lin Ming’s body. That smell of nice-smelling flavor, she
eventually ixed one thing. The middle-ag man in front of this middle age is the Great
Brother she saw at Origin Dream Battleield.

In fact, the change of appearance cannot be deceived by Hong’er. It is only after Lin
Ming has reincarnation for six consecutive times that even his own soul, aura, has
undergone some changes. This has caused Hong’er to fail to recognize the Lin’s
time. .

Hong’er’s response made Lin Ming very satisied with his Appearance Changing
Technique. had no intention of naming his identity before. It was in order to let
Hong’er distinguish.
The result was even hesitant about Hong’er. It seems that God God Floating
Floating, like True God, fears that cannot recognize himself.
“Elder Brother Lin, it’s you! You’re back!”
Hong’er said in surprise, suddenly jumping of the raised rock.
Lin Ming and Hong’er have not been in contact for a long time. They also have no
experience of death with other students. It is reasonable to say that their feelings
are not deep, but Lin Ming’s impression of Hong’er is too deep. This is naturally due
to Magic. The existence of Cube.
Hong’er has a natural attachment to Lin Ming. This is an instinct.
When Lin Ming left Origin Dream Universe, and Hong’er’s distinction time,
Hong’er had no spirit for many days. It felt like a kitten left the master.
“Um, come back!”
Lin Ming felt the truth in Hong’er’s eyes and the pleasant surprise without any
disguise. also moved sincerely.

For so many years, he was incognito, and today’s irst time can identify with old
friend as Lin Ming. This feeling makes him feel exceptionally warm.
“Elder Brother Lin, are you still leaving?”
“Leave, it’s not my world. There are a lot of things to do.”
Lin Ming said this, Hong’er disappointed all of a sudden, she was carrying a small
head, a low “Oh”
was even ashamed, but she did not know how to hide her feelings. There was nothing
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written on her face. Lin Ming smiled. touched Hong’er’s small head and said, “Hong’er,
would you like to leave with me?
Look at the world outside?”
“Huh?” Hong’er stayed, and shouted subconsciously.
“Leave away with Elder Brother Lin...”
She seemed to be in this strange world since she was conscious. She never went
outside to seeing what was out there. She never even thought that there was a world
This seems to be her instinct.
To this day, Lin Ming suddenly gave her a heart-wrenching inexplicable palpitation.
“The outside world is bigger and more exciting, but... it’s also more dangerous.” Lin
Ming said that at the time of these words, unfathomable mystery felt like he was a
kidnapping of Little Girl’s uncle, but he
came to Hong’ Er, that is, there has been a certain conidence and certainty. To
protect Hong’er, we must ight against this Great Tribulation.
At the same time, he also believes that Hong’er can follow his own words. can make
Hong’er grow more in the Magic Cube.
Hong’er stayed for a while and stared blankly at Lin Ming. From Lin Ming’s
expression and eyes, she seemed to read many things.
She bit her lip, nod hard, and said softly and irmly: “I would.”
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2005 - Half Step Heavenly Venerate

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(4,500 words, celebrating chapter broken 2,000.)

Hearing Hong’er’s reply, Lin Ming smiled. This smile contained tender feeling,
touching, and hope for the future.


Hong’er holds a small ist and shakes his head irmly.

Lin Ming said, holding up right hand. Between his palms, an ash-gray cube slowly
emerged from his flesh and slowly rotated.
As soon as saw the cube of ash-gray, Hong’er’s eyes could not move. She felt that

this cube seemed to be her life.

Lin Ming said this, Hong’er did feel like he was linked to the bloodlines in front of the so -
called magic cube, and there seemed to be a force calling her. became an energy flux,
not into the magic cube. .
At that moment, Lin Ming felt that his spiritual connection with the Magic Cube had
become tighter, and his original fuzzy law had become more and more clear. believed
that when Magic Cube was used again, he would certainly exert greater power.
Lin Ming shook his right hand and Magic Cube returned to his body. Then he gently
stomped and his body vanished into a void and disappeared.
After leaving Soul Cave, Lin Ming’s destination is the Star River’s ancient battleield in
Origin Dream Battleield.
In Origin Dream Battleield, he must stay for three years before the export will be
opened. Even if Lin Ming is powerful enough to change, this is the law of Origin
Dream Universe.
Use this time. He intends to break through the half-step Heavenly Venerate.
Returning to the ancient Battleield of the Star River again, looking at the neglect of the
star river, Lin Ming closed his eyes.
Previous time came here, Lin Ming realm is not enough, just fuzzy feeling to Asura Road
Master and Sacured Scripture master’s aura.
But at the moment, he was able to clearly crush the Star River, and was cracked open,
and the ancient crack did not destroy the space crack. Little resolution revealed the many
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details of the ight between the Asura Road Master and the Sacred Scripture master.
This is due to Lin Ming’s understanding of the sublimation of these two laws.
Lin Ming lingered in the Galaxy Voids, as if could hear the sound of the river flowing

from ancient times. His deep understanding of the world Great Dao’s. It has never been so clear.

Behind him, Hong’er followed and followed.

Came to a star that has not yet fully shattered’s. Lin Ming sat cross -legged in the

void. “Hong’er,i’mgoingtousetheDafaReiningChemi.i’llwatchyoufromfaraway.”

“Um!”Hong’er nod, form a burst of fuzziness, went far to the end of the galaxy. Heaven and earth

are all alone.

Lin Ming is in a silence, his physical strength is rapidly increasing, and he seems to be a
melting pot, which constantly stimulates the potential of the body.
Every hole in the body. Exudes ininite light.
At this moment, Lin Ming is a great sun burning and shines through the ages. All the
emptyness and darkness were torn apart and illed with vitality.
Suddenly, literally played thousands of seal art with his hands. Countless runes
expanded in all directions to the galaxy, like a wave of ripples, and instantly spread into
the range of ten million.
Many seemingly dead and shattered stars have flashed awe-inspiring stars.
A stock star light project from the star nucleus, void condensed into a silvery -like array line.
The array’s lines are intertwined. Lin Ming protects in the center and slowly evolves
into Void Galaxy Cauldron.
Not only that, behind the Void Galaxy Cauldron, there appeared a lofty huge Asura
phantom shadow, with a dark long spear, Baleful Blood Qi, and a rushing star, standing
behind Lin Ming, like a patron god.
Lin Ming is like a rock. Nothing was disturbed by any foreign object. In his hand, the jet
black was more like Moyu, full of bloodthirsty and ominous Devil Relic.
This Bone Relics still has 70% of strengths remaining. wants to make this 70% of
strengths. One-time reining, swallowing!
This is a crazy decision.
draws support from the Stars Forces of the Star Wars ancient battleield and lays out Void
Galaxy Cauldron. Then draw support from the battle of Asura Road Master and Sacred
Scripture master in this ancient battleield of the Star River. Suppress the strength of
Demon Essence in this Bone Relics.
The body can continue to continue eruption, Lin Ming’s double pupil in the Star River
birth and death, livelihood turnover.
His whole person imposing manner climbed up to a peak, and even a bloody flesh
was carrying True Dragon roar. At that moment, Lin Ming threw Devil Relic of control
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into Void Galaxy Cauldron, reining in star light, while Lin Ming Also jumped in.
Void Galaxy Cauldron’s secret method, Lin Ming has already mastered when left the
Final Trial Seventh Floor.
The Devil Relic tumbling in star light Imaginary Faction seems to have become
incomparable and thirsty for Lin Ming.
After all, it is the essence of the devil’s death. Even though the demon’s soul is
exterminated, there is an instinct to devour it.
It longs for a formable body, eager for the power of Qi and Blood, so Lin Ming’s body
has an ininite enticement for it.
This Devil Relic’s power is as good as Lin Lin’s body. Lin Ming is like a volcano.
A stock of blood and even a myriad of law powers, like a single yoke, bind D evil

Relic. In Qi and Blood, a rising stock Qi and Blood rushed directly to Devil Relic.

Each time Qi and Blood scour over Devil Relic, they will bring a vicious, cruel strength.
These forces turned into a violent evil, rising and snarling in the sea of bl ood. However, it
was soon bombed by bloodscrumbs overblokes over mystical power.
Divine Thunder continued, Devil Relic’s cruel aura was completely wiped out, turned into
the most purest strength, with Lin Ming fusion.
Compared to previous reinery Devil Relic, Lin Ming’s reining of this time is more calm.
He has devoured a large number of Devil Strength, and formed the seed of Devil
Strength in his body. This time he wants the power of pure. Use this strength to transform the body
and break through the half step Heavenly Venerate.
Time passes, 70% of Devil Relic’s power, and Lin Ming melted 30%. Only core core
components are left, and heart-like ups and downs.
Even Lin Ming’s Qi and Blood could no longer aford the core of Devil Relic.
This is the most critical part of Devil Relic and it is diicult to reine. Just as Lin Ming slowly
digested this force, from Devil Relic, the explosions projected a black glow, and the wisp
black glow most of them formed a phantom shadow of Abyss Devil in Lin Ming’s Soul
The Abyss Devil’s magniicent igure emerged. There were iron ash-gray’s double horns
on his head. They shone with lightning and the whole body was covered with a dark scale. Emitting a
cold metallic luster, foot step blood waves, control inside holding up a sly demon palace, directly rushed
into Lin Ming’s inside the sea of consciousness.
The demonic palace brings an imposing manner as if it can crush everything. Flying,
Where it passed, Lin Ming Soul Force’s annihilation of a large blockbuster will completely
crush Lin Mingyi’s Sea of Consciousness.
Lin Ming’s pupil micro, his time reining Devil Relic, has reached the inal moment.
Faced with this Devil Relic core key forces, this time his preparation is much more
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abundant than the irst time to devour Devil Relic. There is also much more experience,
and his strength at this time is considered to be a progressable progress.
In Void Galaxy Cauldron, the laws of Sacred Scripture and Heavenly Book were pulled
into the Sea of Consciousness by Lin Ming Soul Force.
Two major experts imprinted. After encountering the raging Abyss Devil, came to life.
After all, whether it is Immortal Sovereign or Asura Road Master is the life of human
intelligence, and the intelligent life’s hatred for the living thing such as Abyss Devil is
a nature imprinted in the bones, and it will not change at all.
Two kinds of high-law imprint, together suppress Abyss Devil!
This one Abyss Devil even though powerful, but it was killed by the Asura Road Master. It
had a natural fear for the Asura Road Master. As soon as felt the Asura Road Master
aura, the savage arrogance soared.
In the long run, the continual bombardment of the two law’s, the phantom shadow of
Abyss Devil screams again and again, and suddenly a bang erupts, that Abys s Devil is in
law, a complete explosion!
Lin Ming knows. At this moment, he has completely reined the inal wisp demonic
will of Devil Relic and thoroughly controlled this power!
At this time, numerous stars in Void Galaxy Cauldron pierced Lin Ming’s body, and
innumerable’s stars rune distributed ancient intent. Lin Ming sheltered them.
At this point, the inal core of Devil Relic was also blasted. Turned into the essence of the
most powerful strength, it was introduced into Lin Ming’s body.
His original change appearance has long since disappeared. has again become youth
Lin Ming who is strong and cold and resolute’s.
Lin Ming called out the Little Black Dragon at this time. Little Black’s dragon cheers and
heads into this ocean of energy.
Divine Beast’s body, has a strong endurance, at this time the Little Black Dragon is like a
sparrow wither’s thrown into the water, begin to absorb the power of greed!
Energy flows from its big mouth into the submerges, into its ive main internal organs
(entrails), begin to transform its body.
Compared to previous time in the Final Trial, the time has passed for thousands of years.
Little Black Dragon has grown to Dragon Clan’s youth and is more absorbed in this pure
Devil Energy.
The Dragon Horn of the Little Black Dragon became longer, and on the dragon’s tail
of the Little Black Dragon, gave birth to a bone spike like the Abyss Devil. It can be
imagined that this tail will cause terrifying damage to the human body. Now.
Slowly, the dragons, wings, and sharp claws, including Little Black, were afected by

this Devil Strength. After absorbing the Devil Strength, it is very diferent from the traditional royal
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Black Dragon.

At this time, Lin Ming didn’t care about it. Lin Ming’s body sounded like countless

drums. A drop of Devil Relic essence, like the stars combustion, burning Lin Ming’s body.

Seventy percent of the Devil Strength engulfed with Little Black Long Yi, more than 50%
of them, was swallowed by Lin Ming. His strength was stronger, and the pain was forged
on his forehead. He felt his own bones, and even Divine Soul seemed to be burned by
the Devil Relic essence.
But Lin Ming’s mortal body has been cultivated to an extremely perverted position,
reluctantly tolerate this huge Devil Strength, and is trying hard to pull this force and
impact the body.
In the flash of energy condensed into peak’s, in Lin Ming’s body, it seemed as if there was
a front door pushed open. The ininite endless Yuan Essence power was like a huge knock
on mountain Chui, crazy poured into Lin Ming’s Inner. World!
In Lin Ming’s Inner World, at this moment, the power of the majestic and ininite force
gathered together and converged in the central universe. Slowly evolved, and in the end
it was a huge humanoid light and shade!
This human-shaped light and shadow, the body is terrifying, it stretches out the palm
and seems to be able to hold a star!
The extreme facet of light seems to be above all sentient beings, and people simply do
not dare to look at it.
It is like a God King, aura shakes eon space, and Divine Light shines on the galaxy!
And take a closer look at the giant’s facial features. It was somewhat similar to Lin

Ming. This is the Heavenly Venerate that belongs to Lin Ming!

The so-called Heavenly Venerate is the supreme place between heaven and earth. To
reach this realm martial artist, you can make a true supremeness in your own Inner
The half-hearted Heavenly Venerate is only a virtual image.
The real Heavenly Venerate will be condensed into a real Supreme, truly shocking the
Great World King, Heavenly Venerate is hard to reach in a half step, many experts have
stuck in this step for life.
And once the achievement half step Heavenly Venerate, condense the supreme
phantom shadow, then transition to the substantializing supreme. Not so hard.
In other words, most half step Heavenly Venerate, as long as not die. All can become
Heavenly Venerate.
Between Heavenly Venerate and Great World King, there is also a diference between
this quality and the Heavenly Venerate, which is the half step of the perfect phantom
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shadow’s. It will be very simple to kill the Great World King of similar talent.
With the supremacy of the phantom shadow, Lin Ming’s own creation of Inner World has
also undergone tremendous and dramatic changes under the nourishment of Devil Relic.
In the past, once built Inner World. However, the world is only an endless fuzziness.
Although it is vast, it has many strengths.
With so much Devil Relic’s strength coming in, carrying a cold, dead aura, it triggered
a marvelous change.
The power of Lin Ming, whether it was the God Strength of the Law of the Thirty Three
Heavens or the power of life from the Sacred Scripture, was a strength that favored
And later. The power of Devil Relic absorbed by Lin Ming is pure darkness. The two

forces are the two extremes of Yin Yang’s.

The yin and yang are the foundations of the world’s most abundant sources.
Two strands of strengths entanglements, hitting together. As if the thunder roars
sounded in the cloud layer, the complex strength became chaotic. Begin has a touch
of vitality.
The side world was also cut of by the Yin Yang force. The brown darkness evolved from
time to time. It was as if the Black Tortoise was bearing an earth, and the sacred
atmosphere of a stock was dissipated.
This world is in the unceasing inflation, the chaotic world law also begin to fall under the
order of Yin Yang aura.
In fact, when Lin Ming accomplished World King, his Inner World was completely
diferent from the Inner World of the general martial artists.
And now, this diferent is further increased!
God Strength, the power of the magic, Inner World that two strengths evolved together,
let Lin Ming’s world be more and more beautiful.
Adding beforehand’s “SacredScripture”And “HeavenlyBook”To high law, Lin Ming at
Inner World, has completed the endless years, and no one can
accomplish it.
Even heroes such as the Asura Road Master, even if the talent is such a creator of the
Sacred Scripture, none of them are peaked at the Heaven and Earth Universe. One is at
the peak of the Human Universe.
Lin Ming’s derivation of the world in the body is equivalent to combining the big world
with the small world in the body.
Gathers God Strength and demonic strength, he slowly embarked on the road that no one
had ever been before.
If this Inner World is really reined, Lin Ming will no doubt surpass any genius from the
endless years.
When Lin Ming Inner World’s supreme phantom shadow was completely settled, Lin
Ming shouted and the body went straight!
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Under Lin Ming, Void Galaxy Cauldron bursts!
Lin Ming’s whole body Qi and Blood, Like a peerless God King, that moment, He whole
body shines, Eye- catching to the point.
The body feels himself has never been as powerful as it is today. Seems to be able to
reverse the galaxy, slaughter extinguishes god Buddha!
Dark Dragon Spear was scavenged, ball enters Lin Ming’s hands, a pleasant tremor, and
distant sound spreads around the entire world.
Then, with a terrifying dragon roar, a huge Black Dragon burst out from the shattered
star. Behind Lin Ming, wings inspires are empty!
Lin Ming is standing on the Black Dragon’s Dragon Head, grasps Dark Dragon Spear,
and his eyes look like electricity. looked at the endless sky overhead.
His goal has never been Saint Race, but this vast galaxy, Thirty Three Heavens, is the

eternal world. And this Human Race Great Tribulation,’s just his trial stone!
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2006 - Second visit to Ancient Imperial Capital

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Three years later, the trial of Origin Dream Battleield is coming to an end.
Lin Ming has been a traveler of this trial from beginning to end. No one has found him.
did not kill anyone in Origin Dream Battleield.
He stepped out of the ancient Battleield of the Star River and slowly walked toward the
exit of Origin Dream Battleield.
In these three years, Lin Ming has consolidated his own half step Heavenly V enerate
Originally Lin Ming guessed that because was too grand and the consumption time
was too long, might have to break through to Heavenly Venerate when was ten
thousand years old. But now it seems that I am afraid it will not be so long.
During the three years of gain experience, something Lin Ming did not expect occurred.
When Lin Ming absorbed the power of the world in the ancient battleield of the galaxy,
his inner phantom shadow of Inner World’s bathed in the force of the world, slowly
changed, and received the baptism of the power of the world.
Then, Lin Ming was surprised to seeing that had originally merged World Seed, begin and
his Soviet World’s guaranteed phantom shadow with Final Trial.
The core of the two Lin Ming’s Inner World, after going through a year, Fusion is the only
The World Seed, which appeared in the forehead place of the Giant Phantom Shadow,

is like an eye. This is equivalent to saying that in the forehead of Lin Ming’s supreme, a

world is embedded.

This is a strange scene. Lin Ming does not know what will happen if it evolves. However,
the direct change is that Lin Ming feels that the speed at which Inner World absorbs the
power of the world has accelerated a lot.
The fusion of two world cores is not as simple as adding one to two, but promoting each
other, and the efect is doubled on the basis of their sum.
Such speed, Lin Ming’s transition from Heavenly Venerate to Heavenly Venerate, is
bound to be very rapid.
This is for Lin Ming. It is a happy event, otherwise if Lin Ming fails to break through
Heavenly Venerate in the waves of the next world grand potential, then he can play a
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much smaller role.

Lin Ming echoed these thoughts in the heart, walking on the road and at a certain moment,
suddenly stepped and stopped himself.
He saw a lake with blue waves like jade before him. Lake water is very beautiful, but lake
is a deathly stillness. There is no vitality for Slight.
“Elder Brother Lin, what’s wrong?”
Hong’er has been turned into a Soul Energy, followed by Lin Ming, seeing Lin Ming’s
anomaly, could not help but ask.
“Nothing, think of all past events...” Lin Ming shook his head slightly, and at this time,
Hong’er also remembered.
Then. When Hong’er and Lin Ming came out of the ancient Battleield of Xinghe for the
irst time, they came to this lake and met the irst old youth. This is the leader Soul
Emperor of Thirty Three Heavens Soul Race’s.
Lin Ming just talked to him about sentence words, and felt that his realm was far from
what could at the time.
Even for a long time, Lin Ming could not tell whether the old youth was an enemy or a

friend to himself. Until Sheng Mei appeared, took away his Eternal Soul.

Thirty Three Heavens Soul Emperor, perhaps the most terrible person in this world...
Lin Ming shook his head and no longer thought. He just swept the lake with his senses.
This is really just an ordinary lake. There is no exception except for no vitality. However,
the ordinarily thing, sometimes contains truth that is not unusual.
“Soul Emperor, is he still reining Eternal Soul to complete Eternal Life Technique?”
Lin Ming does not know what the Soul Emperor is doing. Just think that the quietness of
Soul Race’s present is probably related to the souliness of Soul Emperor’s.
“Walks, the trial of Origin Dream Battleield is over.”
Lin Ming said this and left Hong Kong with Hong’er...
Divine Realm, True Martial Great World. Ancient Imperial Capital
Over 6,000 years ago, Ancient Imperial Capital was a bustling city on the True Martial
Great World main continent. Later, in the Human Race Great Tribulation, Ancient Imperial
Capital was ransacked, destroyed most of the time, and was later rebuilt. However, the
old city that ruled this hundr million year is no longer the Human Race, but the Saint
Race. .
True Martial Great Holy Land, once the control person of True Martial Great World’s, has
long since been destroyed. Even with its own industry, it has accumulated one million
years of resources and wealth. It was all received by a Saint Race named Golden Dra gon
Church. .
Today’s Ancient Imperial Capital is illed with hundreds of Saint Races, large and small. The
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Saint Race here controls all resources and wealth. The Human Race, however, is mostly
common people, miners, servants, cart drivers... and many more.
Lin Ming did not enter the city. It was only a sensation-sweeps. The heart was full of
emotion. The bustling business district of the past was still bustling. The shops in the
business district were already owned by Saint Race, while the native race of An cient
Imperial Capital was Often a shop waiter, gate child, can not aford to be an agent
storekeeper, responsible for the accounts.
Now Divine Realm’s Human Race can only make a living through such a way. The martial
cultivator road has been blocked.
Lin Ming shook his head and did not bother with this and did not stay at Ancient

Imperial Capital. He quietly came to the location designated by Little Yu’er, and walked

silently from here.

Nobody knows, when Lin Ming walked past the place, his igure was not included in
the earth, but to stay on the earth, it was Lin Ming’s illusion.
This illusion, even though Heavenly Venerate is here, cannot be broken. In fact, Ancient
Imperial Capital does not have Heavenly Venerate at all, and the Supreme Elder with the
highest cultivation base in Golden Dragon Hall is also just a Peak Great World King.
Lin Ming’s illusion has been to the depths of the mountains, which disappeared out of

thin air. At this time, Lin Ming has come to the deep underground of thousing Li.

Lin Ming walks through the ground at a constant speed. Surrounding his body is a black
force ield. This is the Grandmist Space that destroys all laws. Earth itself belongs to the
Law of Earth and is higher in the comprehension level of encountered Lin Ming. Afte r the
Grandmist Space, it will be taken for granted. Lin Ming is like this. It’s like taking a dive in
the void.
The temperature gradually increased. Under earth’s pressure, the earth and stone here
became harder. But all this, it was insigniicant for Lin Ming.
Under the thousand Li, Clear Sky Stone can isolate sensation.
This kind of stone is as expensive as gold in the mortal world, but it is not unusual for the
martial artist, but Clear Sky Stone also has a special function, which is the isolated
perception, when several thousand Li thick Clear Sky Stone layers accumulate. At the
time, it is very diicult for the general martial artists to penetrate their perceptions, not to
mention the masking array laid down by God Sealing Heavenly Venerate among the tr uly
grand formations.
Deep into the underground ive thousand Li, Lin Ming has completely bathed in the
magma ocean formed by Clear Sky Stone.
This kind of rock is originally pure white, it also forms the rock magma like milky-
white’s milk, its burning degree is terrifying, and the density is far ultra mercury, the
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pressure is terrible.
Bathing them, coupled with its shielding efect on perception, the general martial artist
simply as one who has eyes yet fails to see, even if Lin Ming, also felt that perception has
been limited.
Go to the deep place, where the Law of Space is already twisted. What Lin Ming is
looking for is the Space Node that Little Yu’er found.
After searching carefully, Lin Ming used the soul of his terrifying soul, Soul Force, to
discover the location of Space Node through Clear Sky Stone’s rock magma.
When Lin Ming came here, relying entirely on Little Yu’er’s guidelines, dived through the
Space Node.
Now, Lin Ming has today we are no longer as we have been. When he saw this Space Node
again, he had already noticed the mysticism.
There is no doubt that this is the array that God Sealing Heavenly Venerate laid out,
but because of the experience of three billion, six hundred million years, the array
gradually weakens, otherwise Lin Ming feels it is diicult to ind here, let alone enter
In this Space Node’s advance party for a while, Lin Ming felt that the front of his own
appeared a swirling space vortex, and thought a move directly through the past.
In the next quarter, Lin Ming had already passed through the terrible magma layer and
came to a very open space next to it.
Here, there is a huge Violet Sun Crystal ore!
When Lin Ming was at Sky Spill Continent, any mountain peak had ever seen had a grand
degree that was diicult to compare with the current Violet Sun Crystal ore.
This huge Violet Sun Crystal ore, which constitutes a huge “Sealing” Word, is where the
sealing Indian grand formation is.
Even from the perspective of Lin Ming now, the value of this Violet Sun Crystal Mounta in
is extremely terrifying.
Because, in this vein of Violet Sun Crystal Mountain, a world has been evolved. It seals
lakes, forests, grasslands, etc. Many pictures.
There are lofty trees, running deer, white stork, swimming ish, swinging water plant...
These things were not created by God Sealing Heavenly Venerate, but during the three
billion, six hundred million years ago, Violet Sun Stone Embryo was born in Violet Sun
Crystal, just like Spirit Essence that Lin Ming obtained at the time. Like Stone Emb ryo, it
was revealed by Divine Stone Spirit.
Even though these Violet Sun Stone Embryo, far less valuable than Lin Ming’s Spirit
Essence Stone Embryo, but so much added together, evolved into a world, then its value
is diicult to measure.
Lin Ming silently touched the crystal wall of Viillit Sun Crystal Mountain’s brilliance, and
watched the world of seal in Crystal Mountain, waiting...
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Waiting for a double-hour time, Lin Ming heard the ancient and distant sound. “You... was
more than 6,000 years ago... The Junior?”
The Artifact Spirit of Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal awoke.
After 6500 years, for the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal who lived at least three
billion, six hundred million years, it was just a flick of a inger, but for some unknown
reason, Lin Ming felt that this is over 6,000 years ago, Heavens Firmament Ancient
Seal’s voice seems to have become great changes, weaknesses...
The energy of the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal was signiicantly weakened
compared to that of that fearful existence.
How can this be?
Although the Artifact Spirit also has a long life, it will die after a long time, leaving only the
Divine Artifact’s main body in the world. But no matter how, it will not be just 6,500 years.
Let Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal be so weak!
“Predecessors, what’s wrong with you...” Lin Ming asked with some concern.

(not To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2007 - Pure Land

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Nuevo Nuevo Nuevo

“Really Was you...” Conirmed Lin Ming’s identity, and Heavens Firmament Ancient
Seal had some emotions. “Was you back in the end...”
“Yes, seniors, juniors are back...”
Lin Ming reverently performed a ceremony. did not know what Seals Firmament
Ancient Seal was under, but only felt that the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal’s
Artifact Spirit guarded a full three billion, six hundred million years. Too shocked.
Now, he learns that under the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal is the soul of the
repression. When a True God is the devil spirit, Lin Ming has a deep aspect in addition
to the shock.
That year God Sealing Heavenly Venerate, and Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal
Artifact Spirit, in order to victory in that Great Tribulation, paid too much.
“Um... you already?”
The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit looked strangely to Lin Ming,
who previously noticed Lin Ming’s realm half-hearted Heavenly Venerate.
After 6000 or 600 years, it became a half step Heavenly Venerate. This cultivation
speed even though it is extremely fast, but it is also not let Heavens Firmament Ancient
Seal Artifact Spirit surprised. After all, it knows that Magic Cube is in Lin Ming’s hands.
However, just now, it tried to explore Lin Ming’s Inner World, but astonish
discovery, Lin Ming’s Inner World, it simply couldn’t seeing through. The world
seems to be all-encompassing, containing complete and found law, as well as
mysterious terrifying power.
The young man in front of him is by no means an ordinary step, Heavenly Venerate,
and his true strength, Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit, is hard to
estimate. seems to fall asleep in his body with a Divine Dragon. If he wishes, he can
break out at any time. The Heavens and exterminating the power of Earth.
“The younger generation already knows a lot of things, and the great tribulation that the
older generation said has already erupted...” Said Lin Ming.
In the depths of the void, there was a sigh of grief. “Everything is a certain number... It will
come eventually.”
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit said. The void in front of Lin Ming
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was suddenly twisted, and the pure black rune gathered here. Slowly, rune evolved
into an old face.
This face, like a metal carving, is cold and full of sense of reality. Its eyes are empty
and deep. It seems that it is not an eye pupil in its eye socket. But two black holes.
Lin Ming knows that this metal face is the main body of Heavens Firmament Ancient
Seal Artifact Spirit’s.
At this moment, Lin Ming from the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit felt
a constant debilitating power. Compared to it more than 6,000 years ago, the power
of the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal is probably not half.
This puzzled Lin Ming.
“What did the seniors have experienced in these years, and why did they consume so many

energies?” “Because...there is a shortage.”

Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit in that dark colored eyes, flashed
mysterious star glow, “Desolate has come. I felt it, and it, too, it felt. The connection
between the soul and the human body and the instinctive agitation make it almost Regain
consciousness, I tried my best to suppress it. In the end,
it consumed too much original energy...naturally, it was not good either.”
The voice of Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit is a bit exhausted. The
“It” In this passage naturally refers to the spirit of the desert.
When Saint Emperor Good Fortune descended on Divine Realm, the soul of the desert
wanted to break out and the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit in deep
sleep awakened. In a war, both sides lost their lives.
However, in this way, the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit feels
that it must be the irst person to persist.
“I probably couldn’t hold it for many years...a short 4,000 years, a long 10,000
years, when it broke the seals, and when it was Ivanishes in the puf of smoke.
By that time, the Spirit of the Waste would return to it. In the mortal body. The
consequences would be disastrous.”
Even though Artifact Spirit, but lived three billion, six hundred million years, Heavens
Firmament Ancient Seal is already very old, and it has little remaining strength.
“i’m afraid. The spirit of the desert will not go back.” Lin Ming suddenly said.
“Um?” Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit.
“Predecessors probably don’t know yet. The blood of the desert has been surrendered by Saint
Emperor Good Fortune. Now it is his avatar, and this Human Race catastrophe was also inspired
by Saint Emperor Good Fortune.”
“Has been surrendered?”
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit, it does not seem to think that such a
powerful shortage will actually be surrendered.
“Yes, this is probably related to a Divine Artifact obtained by Saint Emperor Good Fortune. The
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younger generation came to ind his predecessors, which is inorder to the soul of the barren!”
“Um?” Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit was stunned. “What do you want
to do?”
“The younger generation wants to unlock the seal. From the soul of the desert, ind
opportunities to deal with the Saint Emperor Good Fortune!”
Lin Ming speaks amazingly. For a moment, Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal A rtifact
Spirit was shocked.
It looked at Lin Ming by mistake, unlocked the seal, and looked for the
opportunity to deal with Saint Emperor Good Fortune from the soul of the
“You know what you are talking about?” “I know, but I want to try it!”

Lin Ming’s irm statement, in order to this day, he has done too many preparations.
“You know the consequences of this?” Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit’s
sound enforces.
“If I lose it, I might be devoured by the soul of the barren spirit, and then the soul
of the desert will escape. It may choose to return to the desolate body, ight with
the Saint Emperor Good Fortune, even though I would love to seeing them both
lose, but I premonge that Saint The Emperor Good Fortune should have been
prepared. By that time, it had experienced three billion, six hundred million years,
and the frail soul of the weak will be overwhelmed by the Saint Emperor Good
Fortune. Finally, even Saint Emperor Good Fortune may have made bidal
clothes. ...”
After listening to Lin Ming, the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit looked
grim. It stared at Lin Ming’s eyes. Obviously, Lin Ming had already considered
everything very clearly.
A youngster who could cultivation in half a step to Heavenly Venerate in 6000 six
hundred years, and whose strength is Heavenly Venerate far beyond the half step,
and even beyond Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit, could not be a
random owner without full assurance. Man, otherwise he died long ago.
“Good! In that case, I bet you once!”
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit said after slowing the silence of a
stick of incense’s time. This seal, for it is really too much too much sense, this is the
life of its master’s cast, and Heavens
Firmament Ancient Seal existence of signiicants, is to guard the seal.

Now, it has to untie it with its own hands.

Naturally, if it doesn’t do this, then many years later, this seal or meetings
shattered, it’s better to gamble!
The main body of the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit’s
disappeared. At the same time, the huge Violet Sun Crystal Mountain began to melt
in front of Lin Ming. Inside the crystal mountain, there was a cave entrance,
allowing Lin Ming to walk in.
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Lin Ming did not immediately go in. Instead, adjusted the interest rate a bit, and
entered the best optimum condition of the fusion without any intention. This led him
to the Crystal Mountain Passage.
Step by step, Lin Ming walked slowly.
As he slowly drilled into the interior of Violet Sun Crystal Mountain, he saw a handful
of brilliant brilliance around the crystal mountain.
In each of these scripts, each stroke is as heavy as a mountain range, emitting a vast,
vigorous aura.
They come from God Sealing Heavenly Venerate’s talent, which has the mystery of
“God Sealing Great Law” . There is also a concept of Asura Heavenly Dao.
There are thousands of characters printed in the channel that Lin Ming walked
through. It is conceivable that the huge Violet Sun Crystal Mountain does not know
that there are many millions and millions of character seals.
Lin Ming feels that in each character seal, God Sealing Heavenly Venerate’s breadth
of spirit and determination are embodied.
He couldn’t help but touch the word seal. As his character, Lin Ming can imagine
theroic seal of God Sealing Heavenly Venerate’s heroes from those silver hook iron
Full use of a severe double-hour. Lin Ming came to the center of the God Sealing
Great Array. It was like a temple shrine. The temple was extremely bright. In its
center, float holds a big four-squared bronze seal!
Above the bronze seal, the pattern of flowers and birds and worms is engraved on
the lines. Above the great seal, there is a pan of Huanglong, which serves as the
handle of the great seal.
This is the main body of Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal’s.
But at this time, it was not the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal itself that
attracted Lin Ming’s attention. But other things in this temple.
There is a smashy bone here!
These cheekbones lie flat on the grand formation. There are dozens of them, arranged
in an arrange style like the petals of a sunflower. Many skeletons are colored in seven
colors, crystal clear, even though they have passed through billions of years, but they
still emit A solemn and sacred aura.
There is no doubt that this is the patella left by the peerless expert.
“This......This Will It?”
Lin Ming’s heart faint has some speculation. This made his words full of awe.
The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit’s old face emerged from
nowhere, and its metallic, generally icy face revealed a hint of sadness.
“This is the left of the Human Race Famed Elder of the blood sacriice God Sealing Great Array...”
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit, let Lin Ming’s heart shake, do not
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know spoken language.

“God Sealing Great Array to repel Scared Souls was pre-arranged. It took ten years to arrange
this array, and then the wildness was at least True God. The power of God Sealing Heavenly
Venerate is not enough to complete the seal. Extreme God’s strong grand formation method
can only draw support from other Human race expert blood sacriices. The core rune of these
arrays are written in the blood of Famed Elder. The formation of the array seals the black hole,
and then the expert’s Inner World collapses. Build...”
“This is a blood grandmother with a peerless expert, a grand seal formation.”
The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal is slow, but what it says makes Lin Ming
He looked at the rune of this grand formation. Sure enough, those rune are all
dappled dark red colors, which is the undefeat blood of the Human Race’s
powerful master’s. It evolved after years of glorious.
Before Lin Ming silently walked up to a bone, the cheekbones were awkward.
Obviously it was left by an old man. Lin Ming did not know his name. It was not
recorded in history.
No one knows that such a spirit of devotion to the Great Tribulation of three billion,
six hundred million years ago is an obscure sleep...
Lin Ming respectfully and tidyed the clothes and made a deep impression.
Later, Lin Ming got up and went on another cheekbones to feel the aura left behind by
these Human Race predecessors. Lin Ming’s eyes were wet and kept silent for a long
It can be imagined that the Human Race was also a dead end. At that time, they
did not have the Wild Universe as an escape route.
In order to cast this seal array, these Human Race expert blood sacriice themselves,
but for a result they can not see, this tragedy, let Lin Ming’s mind shiver.
Lin Ming has worshipped the last bone, and then he saw a word beside the skeleton.
“I would like to hundr million years of life, incarnation barrier, by the dry
lonesome of Ten Thousand Generations, Ten Thousand Generations, Ten
Thousand Generations, only willing to shelter i’s clansman, get a pure land!”
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2008 - Open seal

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Looking at the last words left by the expert for the grand party blood sacriice, Lin Ming felt
his own heart and was illed with a cavity sad scene.
This is an indescribable feeling. In the case of such infection, if you return the three billion,
six hundred million years, facing the Human Race’s Heaven and Earth Great Tribulation,
instead of Lin Ming making a choice, he will not frown. Stand here and sacriice your life.
When a race is still alive, in order to protect their family members, loved ones, children,
friends, and those thousands of ten million, perhaps just pass by, there is not much
intersection, but there is a flow of same blood in the bones. Ethnic people, sacriice their own
life, in exchange for everything as usual, then what is it?
Just wanting to shelter my clansman, get a pure land...
Lin Ming murmurs repeating this sentence, his deep feeling, and theavy burden on himself.
The frontier barrier is dozens of Human Race predecessors, Supreme Being, and uses his
own blood to cast, and that is to suppress Abyss Devil!
Now, Lin Ming wants to open this grand formation and release the demon.
If you can’t surrender it, it will mean ruining all the hard work of the Human Race’s
predecessors. So, does Lin Ming have any face countenance and face thero soul of
countless Human Races in the past sacriice?
“Junior, do you really want it?”
After Lin Ming, Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit sighed and said.
“I think so!”
Lin Ming backs Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit, double ist clenched, almost
crumb up void.
This is a ierce battle!
He took a deep breath and sat down in the center of the palace.
In Lin Ming forehead, Heavens Eye Dao Palace opened, and at the same time, his eyes
became a bit of a wheatman, above the eye pupil, full of strange patterns.
This is the Ten Thousand Law Emptiness state of three pupils.
In such conditions. Lin Ming saw a black hole hidden in this hall and distort the void. The
black hole continued to rotate, swallowing all the energy, material, and law of the world.
It is the formation core that the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit said.

The soul of the desert is sealed in this black hole.

“God Sealing Great Law” Lin Ming also learned, coupled with God and God Sealing
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Heavenly Venerate with Asura Heavenly Dao a pulse, at this time watching God Sealing
Great Array’s formation of the core, Lin Ming immediately deducted many things.
With Heavens Eye Dao Palace and three pupils to assist, the spirit of this array, brand mark
in Lin Ming mind. Little understood by him.
He wants to deal with the wild soul of the suppression under God Sealing Great Law, and
also needs to use this God Sealing Great Array itself.
Several days passed, and Lin Ming, who had been sitting still, suddenly stood up and began
walking around the formation core.
His double pupils are blazing with tens of thousands of rune flashing and deducing. The
origin energy of his Inner World was constantly emanated and interwoven in the void.
The essence of Dafa above Asura Heavenly Book was deduced by him to a peak.
His fleeting igures appeared in 33 places. Each igure at the foot of the stage has supreme
Great Dao Rune deducting a spiritual energy dense array line.
The lines of these arrays are intertwined and overlapped into another matrix.
At the moment when the law appeared, Chaotic Qi went straight to Nine Heavens. The
emptiness actually formed Yin Yang ish’s big vortex.
This vortex has Yin Yang two forces, but this is Yin Yang. Not simply Law of Yin and Yang,
but God Strength and Devil Strength!
Upon seeing this array vortex, Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit was

shocked. This force is...

For three billion years and six hundred million years, it has been a constant renewal of
the soul. Naturally, in order to solve the Devil Strength, Lin Ming now uses the power of
half the Devil Strength.
This made the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit unbelievable, Devil Strength.
It is almost impossible to be controlled by humans.
It will not doubt that Lin Ming is being seize the body by Abyss Devil because of Lin
Strength’s God Strength, which is pure incomparable. If it is Abyss Devil, it is absolutely
impossible to use this power.
Now the two forces are alternately played by Lin Ming, who live in peace with each other.
This makes the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit completely
In its cognition, this is absolutely an impossible scene.
However, there are many doubts in my heart. However, the Heavens Firmament Ancient
Seal Artifact Spirit did not bother Lin Ming. just watched quietly.
Among the profound vortex, like an endless black hole, it can destroy everything and
carry the ininite destruction aura.
At the same time faintly. This array has a separate image like the Bluestone Road in Asura
Road trial, which stretches limitless. There is a powerful Asura Heavenly Dao law crackdown on
every array line.
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Lin Ming’s main body, up and down in the array center, like God King vacated, in charge of
“This younger generation, this year has taken over everything...” Heavens Firmament
Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit Seeing this scene scene, minds shocked, just 6,500 years ago,
Lin Ming was one that it could kill at will. Unimportant person, but now he has mastered the
strength enough to make it scare.
At this time, Lin Ming suddenly looked at the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit
and said,
“Predecessors, begin!”
The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit gritted its teeth and determined that
there was a resolution of 12 points. A black divine glow was ired from it, directly onto the
main body of the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal in void.
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Teng fly!
This is equivalent to removing the formation eye block of the God Sealing Great Array. In
this way, the strength of array’s surges like the flood of the embankment.
Blocked three billion, God Sealing Great Array of six hundred million years, eventually
opened at this moment!
The terrible roar sound spreads out from the black hole, a dreadful ominous Baleful Qi
Breath shrouds the audience.
As if hell came to the world, the boundless sea of blood rose up and there were countless huge

shadows. The soul of the desert, come out!

The wild flesh is an ugly red meatball, but its soul is not. It is a ierce devil with 12 wings,
1,000 arms, and palms on each palm.
It is extremely tall, only 12 wings launch, you can cover the entire palace, its 1,000 arms,
each one is twice theight of Lin Ming!
And it’s still getting bigger!
The scared soul of Supine Tianchang laughs. The laughter is like a ghostly cry.
“Three billion, six hundred million years! Three billion, six hundred million years! Main body,
eventually! eventually came out! Oh!”
The spirit of the mouth of Desolate spits out people’s words. This is the old devil
language, somewhat similar to the ancient God Clan language. Those who understand
God Clan can understand it completely.
“Is this you brat, let me out? I don’t know what you want to do, but I will contain your
mortal body, devour your Qi and Blood, as you give me my thanks, oh!”
The Spirit of the Waste Spirit smiled, with 1,000 eyes on all its arms, staring at Lin Ming at
the same time!
These eyes are terrible evil eyes. There is a kind of ability that seems to be able to seeing
through people’s hearts, and what it sees is the worst part of the human mind. It seems to
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be able to ininitely enlarge all of a person’s negative mood.

“Be careful, it’s the devil domain!”
The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit reminds you at the same time, and
this sound reminds us of the spirit of hatred and hatred from the spirit of the desert!
It naturally recognizes the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit, which is the
old fogy, and holds it here for a full three billion years, six hundred million years!
With the suppression and bans of such a fearful time, the pain and sufering words could not
be described. Rao is extremely wild and absurd. Among the suferings that make person
grasps crazy, it is also almost soul collapse.
It has long been weak to the extreme. And all this is thanks to do obeisance Heavens
Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit!
Its hatred for Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit can ill a universe.
“First kill you this old bastard!”
The spirit of the desert did not manage Lin Ming, but it was the Heavens Firmament Ancient
Seal Artifact Spirit!
The 1,000 hands are like 1,000 spears and they will run through the bodies of the Heavens
Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit’s.
For a time, the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit was slightly changed, it
thought a moves, and was ready to enter the main body of the Heavens Firmament Ancient
Seal. Swear to death.
At this time, a cold drink came. “Your opponent is me!” “Buzz”

At that moment, at the foot of Lin Ming, countless Asura Heavenly Dao rune made

dazzling flash! A rule chain, like an Azure Dragon, arrives and binds wild’s spirit instantly.

Each of the array chains has the will of Asura Heavenly Dao, which is a supreme array
beyond Thirty Three Heavens.
The array also incorporates the essence of God Sealing Great Law. In addition to the wording
“Sealing” , there is another layer of “Obliteration” .
The Spirit of the Waste Spirit roared, and an ugly Blood Dragon drew in the spirit and pulled
the lines of an array.
The arrays of millions and millions rune are annihilating, and actually produce a squeaky,
crouching sad sound.
Lin Ming previously arranged array. It is impossible to pose a threat to the soul of the
desert, but it is destroyed by the destruction of ancient civilization.
It is even though weak. However, the demonstrated strength is extremely terrible!
“On Depends on you also want to grab me, use your Qi and Blood, do my food!”
The spirit of the desert to Lin Ming cull, Lin Ming’s did not say a word, his rapid retreat, his
hands quickly played thousands of seal art, eyes cold as the abyss of Nine Nether.
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Lin Ming’s ist bang is above the chest of his own, and shoots a blood arrow from his mouth,
directly merging into the chain of the released array.
In order to deal with the soul of the barren, Lin Ming is completely desperate! This is

a war he can never lose!

ago, carrying the hope of the Human Race, carrying three billion, six hundred million
sacriiced all the Human Race Supreme Being’s blood!
Lin Ming body’s blood essence, originally fused with Asura Road Master’s blood. When it is
integrated into the array, it completely pushes Asura Heavenly Dao law in the chain of law
to a peak.
The entire chain boils like flame lava, instantaneous red, and the explosion shoots a flame
that is 100 times warmer than the great sun true flame.
Unprepared, the Blood Dragon released by the Awakening Spirit was suddenly turned into ash, its
spirits were burned and shattered, and the blanks of the big group and big group appeared in the
place bound by the line of the array. was scolded with scary words.
The face of the desolate spirit increasingly iercely twists, it suddenly turned, Shining
looked Lin Ming, visions flashed a trace of shock and very ruthless color.
“Half step Heavenly Venerate cultivation base...familiar with Asura Heavenly Dao law, the
cultivation base is also strong enough to do so, how could this be possible...”
Soul spirit complexion grim, but immediately, it laughed, “I like the flesh and blood of
Human Race genius, even though you do not know what secrets and chances you
have, but it does not matter, I kill you with all my strength. , everything about you, it’s I!”
(Thirdly, it’s a little late, the load is a little big, and it’s written for a whole day.)
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2009 - Guild Warriors

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Lin Ming’s great strength, let the soul of the desert produced an enothermous interest, it
growled, awe- inspiring begin to burn their own Source Soul Force!
Flame ignition, the terrifying black inflammation that broke out after the Soul Force of the
Waste Spirit burns itself, burns through the void. This terrible heat has caused the Heavens
Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit to retreat a lot.
“This crazy man!”
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit has faced the grim, The Spirit of the
Wilderness was previously suppressed by three billion, six hundred million years, and in the
thousands of years beforehandhand, it has been constantly ighting Heavens Firmament
Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit. Soul Force is consuming do not know how much, now, it is so
crazy combustion Source Soul Force.
This will undoubtedly cause huge’s damage.
“Madman? Well, I believe that if I swallow you, I will pay for them.”
The spirit of the deserted soul looked at Lin Ming with a smile, and with 1,000 eyes licking
Demonshine, that feeling, like wick wolf watching a delicious game.
The Spirit of the Desolation is a devil of the Mean, very ruthless to other life, very ruthless
to himself, facing the opportunity to be able to escape, it can be desperate!
At this time, the Spirit of the Desert shot, and its 1,000 hands were turned into 1,000 giants
and rushed to Lin Ming.
“Be careful!”
The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit yelled, and the ancient bronze seal came
down like a mountainous shells. The numerous bangs were in the desert soul!
Fearful of the hit, the soul of the desert spirit startled, divided 300 giants rushed toward the
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal, was actually just a power of 1 hard to survive the hit!
Previously in the God Sealing Great Array, the Soul of the Wilderness was limited by the
array, losing to the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal, but now, it broke out of seals, and
after the combustion Source Soul Force. The situation is reversed!
“You must all die!”
The Spirit of the Badger face upwards growls, a pair of Demon of Demonic Qi’s dense is
issued a terrible killing intent!
The demon realm has expanded on the ground and enveloped Lin Ming and Heavens Firmament
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Ancient Seal!
700 giants, arbitrarily breaking the Grandmist Space around body protection Lin Ming

body. It’s awkward!

Grandmist Qi was devoured by the giants. Lin Ming has fallen into a siege.
In the evil spirits of the deserted soul, it has been determined that next quarter Lin Ming
will be swallowed by 700 giants at the same time. Soul Sea is torn to the fragment’s time.
That moment, a mysterious fearful. As if carrying the black glow of Heavenly Dao’s will as
the sword of God Spirit! To open up the world, Dense Demonic Qi in python’s form, as if it
had been poured into the hot molten ice, melted directly.
Hundreds of giant pythons were cut of by this Divine Dao light uneve root, black blood DC!
These black blood, are the Soul Force of the absurd soul body, Lin Ming attacks this time,
suddenly let the spirit of pitiful yell again and again.
The desolate spirit is like a cat that has been poured into the boiling water. It screams sharply
and carefreely, dragging the body of less than half of the magical hands. Rolling and jumping,
the whole body once more rushed out of Demonic Qi, protecting itself.
It’s a pair of black-painted eyes. Ominous ofense’s staring at Lin Ming, accurately speaking,
is staring at Lin Ming’s hand!
At this time, Lin Ming’s right hand, the palm of the hand gathers the endless black starlight,
the space has been slightly distorted, and in the Space Distortion, a grey-black’s cube
slowly rotates.
This cube is ancient and strange. Strange pattern above, exudes a mysterious mystery aura.
The Spirit of the Wilderness saw this thing and suddenly stayed there. There was an
unbelievable error in its pupils.
Immediately, there was no fear of it, and there was no reason to raise a chill in it.
“Stone of Eternal Life... This is Stone of Eternal Life! Why it’s in your hands!”
It clearly felt that a Spiritual Force that dreaded it was passes out of the Magic Cube!
Magic Cube, is the soul and all the diicultyual powers of Spiritual Power’s! At this moment,
the Spirit of the Waste is completely converted into Spiritual Force, naturally fearing Magic
“It’s a pity. wanted to hit you into pieces...”
Lin Ming holding Magic Cube in one hand, slowly approaching the soul of the desert, Magic
Cube is his trump card, a begin without use is also in order to be able to close the attack, a fatal
blow to the soul of the desert. However, Lin Ming did not think that this deserted soul is so
powerful. was able to survive the slaying of the slaying, only to be injured heavy heavy.
If general’s soul, as early as Lin Ming took Magic Cube, it was cut into pieces by Magic
Cube’s divine glow.
“Sure enough, it was at least True God’s very extreme, even close to the old devil of the
Asura Road Master’s. Even if it was suppressed by the three billion, it was so powerful for six
hundred million years... If I could control it, I would be facing Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
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What kind of situation?”

Lin Ming thought this way, his eyes became cold and resolute.
At this moment, the body of the spirit of the desert surged, its face showing a trace of pain,
and the wounds that were cut of by the Magic Cube, suddenly the demon fog, was to grow
new. Arm is normal.
At the same time, the body color of the desolate soul is also waning. It is

repairing your own body!

Seeing this scene, Lin Ming did not say an idle talk, directly throwing the Magic Cube out with the
power of his burning blood essence!
Naturally, will not give any opportunity for the recovery of the barren soul!
Magic Cube is linked to Lin Ming’s blood, and is driven by the strength of Lin Ming now. Had
already had one’s command!
This moment, Magic Cube rolled up the death soul storm, this stock of fearful strength, do
not know how many times stronger than the attack of Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal.
Such’s attack, makes the spirit of the desert crazy!
Its body has not yet been repaired, faced with life and death!
But the desperate spirit of billions of years ago in the Quartet campaign, the Supreme expert
who died in its hands do not know how much, these supreme blood, cast its inefable, will not
defeat the belief.
The body of the desolate spirit once more emerged a black flame, it burned all its own
Source Soul Force! General martial artist, Even if the Spiritual Force powerful Soul Race
martial artist, Burning all Source
Soul Force is also an instant death, but the absurd soul, but under the bear, This is simply

incredible. Even Lin Ming was stunned. Does it want to commit suicide?
“Be careful, the Spirit of the Desolation had swallowed up some unknown to expert. It reined
the souls
of these expert souls into souls essence, and locked it in their bodies. Now it burns not their
own Source Soul Force, but these stored spiritual souls. Essence, it’s going to work hard
with you!”
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit said quickly.
Lin Ming’s heart enlightened, No wonder the spirit of the desert is so hard to die. It was
suppressed by three billion, and there are such strengths in six hundred million years. It
turns out that many of Heaven’s Venerate, including True God’s soul, were blocked by it.
Soul Force consumes their spirits. In this case, it can naturally survive, even in the God
Sealing Great Array, it can always reach the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit
in bed of old age. Broken seals out.
Suddenly, the head of the desolate spirit broke one eye. This eye has a distinct flesh, similar
to the eye of its palm, but it is completely scarlet.
This is a ridiculous 1001 magic eye, the surface of the eye, the dark traces of the millions
and millions, flashing mysterious black light all the time.
In the black light, there is a sand rune like floating in a river.
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Even though this eye did not show any abnormalities, but only a glance, Lin Ming felt that it
was very strong without any reason, and the heart inside had a strange appearance.
A black light emerges from that strange eye, and mysterious dao rhythm is contained in

it. Brush

Black light is faster than lightning, and shoots into the magic of the void. This light-looking strikes
embodies the true God Spirit soul that was swallowed by billions of years ago!
With a bang, black light collided with the Magic Cube and shocked the energy shock wave.
The Spiritual Power released by the Magic Cube is also rewinded. The Magic Cube was reunited
with the Soul Force collapse and fly away after the death of True God!
But the wilderness is not at all unbearable, and it’s body shakes, and the body’s light dims a lot.
At this time, however, the ridiculous no matter how his own body hurts, its 1,001 magic eyes
are all red and bloody.
Hundreds of black divine glows rush out of the Soul of the Dead, these are the Heavenly
Venerate expert’s Soul Force, which is swallowed by the soul of billions of years ago, compared
to the True God Soul Force, Heavenly Venerate Soul Force naturally , But hundreds of
Heavenly Venerate expert Soul Force rushed out, but incomparable terrifying.
These Soul Forces, the Magic Cube layer wrap, the spirit of the desperate spells were again
heavily inflicted heavy losses, the cards to make out, cut of the Magic Cube.
It is now natural that it is impossible to reine the Magic Cube, but it is possible to surround
the Magic Cube with the force ield formed by the heavenly Venerate soul. As long as it takes a short time
to let Lin Ming fail to master Magic Cube, it will win.
“It’s over! You can die, this Stone of Eternal Life, it’s mine!”
Absurd and snarled, the strange eye of his forehead shot a great shield that blocked the sun and
covered the whole body.
In the inal time, it will not give Lin Ming a chance to defeat by sneak attack.
The wild spirit trembles violently. An Evil Dragon tentacles bulges behind him, and hundreds of
blood- colored spears shoot out. The burning flames burn, the ice rushes, the wind whines, and
Yin Yang’s counter chaotic...
The supreme Dao Law of various Thirty Three Heavens have appeared.
“This is the power of the Great Dao that it devoured!” Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal
Artifact Spirit’s pupil-shrinks, reminded again.
The intensity of the strongest Supreme Being Being of the Desolation is enguling. Now the
Dao Law that Wild has displayed is all of the supreme experts it defeated in the past,
swallowed the blood essence Divine Soul of experts, and swallows mastered their methods.
It was to wipe out Lin Ming completely.
This is a fearful ability to swallow the power of others for their own use. Lin Ming

did not hesitate and form violently quit.

beenHeavens Firmament Ancient Seal has once again come down. However, the wild soul that has
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desperately hitting, only used 1 Dao Law, and it will directly fly the Heavens Firmament

Ancient Seal. The trembling of the ierce of the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal is clearly at

the limit.
goal was at this time, was simply too lazy to bother with Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal. Its
Lin Ming!
Lin Ming is the master of Magic Cube. It will never inorder to kill Heavens Firmament
Ancient Seal and let Lin Ming have the opportunity to regain Magic Cube! (not
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2010 - Lost Wild-One's Soul

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“Ka kaKa!”
The Thirty Three Heavens Great Dao, controlled by the Spirit of the Waste, breaks the
Lin Ming’s personal appearance retired and retired to the array’s edge, facing the siege of
Thirty Three Heavens Great Dao!
However, when the desperate spirit intended to kill Lin Ming with a bang, suddenly it was
behind it, and the sound of xiū xiū xiū was heard.
Originally encircled by the soul of Heavenly Venerate, Magic Cube with Lin Ming’s temporary
Spirit spiritual connection, suddenly released a stock of Spiritual Force Storm!
The power of these Spiritual Storms is even inferior to the Spiritual Storm released by Lin
Ming who controlled Magic Cube before.
It’s awkward!
The Soul Force ield of Heavenly Venerate surrounded by the Magic Cube is crushed by
the Spiritual Storm. It is like countless chaos. Cutting a bunch of rotten pictures!
The spirit of the desert did not turn back, but it is very clear what happened behind the
scenes. Originally, Magic Cube, who has been contacted by Lin Ming for a while,
suddenly went crazy and
launched an attack on his own! How can this be?

The ghost of the desert was simply too late to think about it. At this point, the Magic
Cube was surrounded by a light red energy flow.
This energy energy fluxes, actually condensed into a adorable scarlet Little Girl phantom
shadow, this Little Girl face ruddy, eyes bright, looked very adorable.
Little Girl naturally is Hong’er. On the strength, Hong’er is better than Lin Ming. To be
exact, she is only the law’s coagulum. It cannot call the energy of the universe at all.
However, in the Magic Cube, Hong’er is like a ish in water, because she herself is a
Magic Cube evolved, even though not an Artifact Spirit, but it is similar to Artifact Spirit.
She can control the Magic Cube to a great extent and control the ability. Better than Lin

Ming! Hong’er looked at the horrible spirit of the desert, and flashed a resolute color in the

big eye.
Without any pause, Hong’er made a decisive move, and a vast source Soul Force burst forth
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Hong’er’s body. was full of red light and wrapped the Magic Cube completely.
For a moment, the Magic Cube flew out like lightning, and its flying instant, Divine Light
skyrocketed. After the original grey-black light fusion red light, it becomes extremely
radiant, like a shining star!
“Damn it!”
The sorcerer spirit anger, if it continues to attack Lin Ming, will undoubtedly be hit by the
Magic Cube behind it, in the case of the True God Heavenly Venerate Soul Force that has devoured its
body and spew it out without reservation. Such a blow, it must die!
It does not want to die. It can only reverse the strength of its own when it comes to hit
Lin Ming. Let 60% of the 30 three Heavenly Dao laws turn to Hong’er!
At the same time, the rest of the 30 three Heavenly Dao laws. Continue to attack Lin Ming!
It will not give up on Lin Ming’s attack, because it is clear that if to ignore Lin Ming
survives, with the mysterious Little Girl, it will die even worse.
The decision it made instantaneously and the attack was split was completely two -
pocketed, and it was diicult to win.
However this time. Lin Ming’s mouth sneers, his lip light moves, and instantly passe s
messages to the ears of the desolate spirit.
“Smart decision, but just think of Intelligent!”
Vortex whorl
Lin Ming turned his hands, and before him, there appeared the phantom shadow of the primal
chaos gossip, and this primal chaos was a gossip, but it was not composed of Yin Yang’s
power. It is composed of Devil Strength and God Strength.
With the advent of the phantom shadow of the gossip, the dreadful Heavenly Dao will
radiate with will, directly greeted by the thirty-three Heavenly Dao Act of the Spirit of the
The ierce explosion explosion sounds, Lin Ming’s body flies withdraws, and the desolate
spirit is also afected by energy. Severe trembling, blurred body!
Devil Strength! ? How can it be?
The panic-stricken color appears in the eyes of the desolate spirit. It is impossible to
imagine how Lin Ming can control Devil Strength with a Human Race!
Moreover, Lin Ming’s strength is also terrible. took half of Heavenly Venerate’s cultivation
base, and only minor wounds, he endured his own attack.
Just then, more terrifying attacks came.
This attack is coming from behind the soul of the desert, is Hong’er’s attack!
Hong’er sits behind the Magic Cube. Two small hands are in the same place. The
control’s space has been turned into an endless black hole. The Magic Cube is spinning in
this black hole. It seems to swallow up all the power between heaven and earth.
Buzz humming sound
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A circle of Spiritual Storm condenses into a demon force ield that emanate from the

realm of crush. The devil’s force ield only resisted a blink of time, and it crashed!
ablation, Storm
Flame swept through, Where it passed, Bloodspear breaks, Glacial glacial
extinguished, Great shield disintegrated... The thirty-three Heavenly Law doors from the other
supreme were shattered by the Spirit of the Waste, in Magic Cube suppresses chickens like dogs.
The soul of the barbarian soul screams, it underestimates the power of Lin Ming, Lin
Ming’s resistance makes it attack backlash, it is impossible to face the Magic Cube attack!
The result is already doomed! Oh!
the millCube’s Spiritual Storm begin The inal force ield defense concocted by the soul of
Desolate, the Blood Dragon behind the Wild-One’s Soul body, and its thousand article
arms, was destroyed in the fearful storm, force ield began to collapse solution.
The Spirit of the Silent Spirit issued a piercing pitiful yell, and all the True God and Heavenly
Venerate Soul Force that had condensed before it had been consumed. Now it is relying on its own Soul
Force to resist this attack. Hong' The Magic Cube controlled by er is equivalent to slicing meat on it. Every
time the storm rotates, it’s devouring the vitality of the barren soul!
This way, as long as it’s always breaths, it will vanishes in puf of smoke!
“Hong’er, ease it!”
In the terrible soul storm, Lin Ming suddenly shouted.
Hong’er listened to Lin Ming’s words and immediately relieved his strength. For a time,
the desolate soul had a breath of breath and avoided the fate of vanishes in puf of smoke.
It does not know why Lin Ming suddenly left Hong’er with his hands, but it is
undoubtedly a big celebration for it. It may have taken the chance to survive.
“Do not not kill me! I will give you the Lord!”
The Spirit of the Waste Spirit shouted and it was convicted that Lin Ming had a plan against it.
As long as Lin Ming’s greed was used, it could in turn swallow Lin Ming and occupy the Magic
The heart of the desolate spirit is full of hope, but Lin Ming did not ignore it at all. flew up
and grabbed the Magic Cube with one hand.
“Hong’er helped me.”
Lin Ming told Hong’er that Hong’er nod, placing two small hands on the Magic Cube, and
Lin Ming’s Soul Force fusion only.
The desolate spirit looked at Lin Ming with some trepidation, but at the same time, it
was full of temptations in its words.
“Youngster, you are the most terrible talent in all the races that I’ve seen throughout Thirty
Three Heavens. In the future, you can absolutely become the master of the universe. You have proven
your strength. As long as you let me go, I’m willing to assist you. Your servant, if you don’t believe it, you
can leave a slave seal in my body, or you may sign a contract with me. My strength and experience will
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bring you a unimaginable advantage. I’m there. No one will be your opponent. My can even gather a lot of
Abyss Devil to help you, this whole Thirty Three Heavens, the future is yours!”
The Spirit of the Waste Spirit said generously that it is very conident in its delusional
technology. It knows the greed of intelligent life. It also knows that any person with
ambition will have an interest in its discourse, and peerless talent, which There is no
ambition, or how could they go to the talent step?
The Soul of the Wilderness determined that he had found the opportunity to survive.
However, what it did not think of was that Lin Ming did not seem to hear it at all. It did
not even let Lin Ming take a look at it.
Lin Ming just helped Hong’er put two hands in position, his hand in Hong’er’s hands,
wrapping the Magic Cube in two layers, and Lin Ming slowly said: “Hong’er, you I teamed up and wiped
the Spiritual Mark of Wild-One’s Soul, but don’t hurt its soul body. i’m useful!”
In a word, like a stick, let’s leave the soul!
“Um!” Hong’er’s clever nod, red face, a pair of vivid eyes staring at the ghost of the Wild,
still aiming with Magic Cube aiming, she has intended to lose ground. As for Lin Ming’s
thinking that what are you doing, she wouldn’t ask, and she wouldn’t care. In short, Lin
Ming wanted to erase the imprint of this ugly monster. helped.
“You!You must erase the Spiritual Mark of the main body!!”
The desperate soul is mad. The only remaining demon eye on his forehead is almost bursting
and bleed. It eventually knows why Lin Ming let go of the seal, and why did not let it vanishes
in the puf of smoke at the crucial moment, because a begin, this Vicious’s humanity is about to erase its
own Spiritual Mark, and then swallows its own soul for his use!
The only death is vanishes in puf of smoke, but the Spiritual Mark is erased. From then on,
you lose yourself. This is more miserable than death, but after being wiped out of the Spiritual Mark, it is
devoured, making bridal clothes for the enemy who killed himself. , Strengthen the power of others, This
absolute ratio directly kills it also uncomfortable ten times!
At this time, the Spirit of Escape suddenly remembered Stone of Eternal Life! It seems that
Lin Ming is using the words of Stone of Eternal Life. It is really possible to do this!
“You can’t die!”
The poisonous curse, and Lin Ming actually sees the soul of the barren spirit. The eye is
full of contempt.
“It’s a pity that if you did your best and let all three of the three Heavenly Dao
methods attack me, even if you can’t kill me, you can inflict heavy losses on me,
and even make my soul lost, and can’t recover for centuries.” And even though you
can’t escape, but you can blew up, at least you’re not destiny by enslav, and i’m not
getting the beneits, but I’ve paid a heavy price. “
“But you are too greedy to kill me by attempting to severe with your wounds. Get Magic
Cube, your nature is enguling, destined to be greedy, and destined to make bidal clothe s
for me!”
Lin Ming said here that the Magic Cube has issued a bar of black beams. If the rope is
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same, the wild souls that have cut of all the arms will be given a setter.
Not only that, Lin Ming moved his mind and only listened to the sound of “Pū” . The eye of
the desolate soul forehead was also blinded by a bunch of black light and completely blinded.
At this time, the desolate soul has no way to resist it. (not To be


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MW CHAPTER 2011 - Lost Wild-One's Soul

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“Ka kaKa!”
The Thirty Three Heavens Great Dao, controlled by the Spirit of the Waste, breaks the
Lin Ming’s personal appearance retired and retired to the array’s edge, facing the siege of
Thirty Three Heavens Great Dao!
However, when the desperate spirit intended to kill Lin Ming with a bang, suddenly it
was behind it, and the sound of xiū xiū xiū was heard.
Originally encircled by the soul of Heavenly Venerate, Magic Cube with Lin Ming’s
temporary Spirit spiritual connection, suddenly released a stock of Spiritual Force Storm!
The power of these Spiritual Storms is even inferior to the Spiritual Storm released by
Lin Ming who controlled Magic Cube before.
It’s awkward!
The Soul Force ield of Heavenly Venerate surrounded by the Magic Cube is
crushed by the Spiritual Storm. It is like countless chaos. Cutting a bunch of rotten
The spirit of the desert did not turn back, but it is very clear what happened behind
the scenes. Originally, Magic Cube, who has been contacted by Lin Ming for a while,
suddenly went crazy and
launched an attack on his own! How can this be?

The ghost of the desert was simply too late to think about it. At this point, the
Magic Cube was surrounded by a light red energy flow.
This energy energy fluxes, actually condensed into a adorable scarlet Little Girl phantom
shadow, this Little Girl face ruddy, eyes bright, looked very adorable.
Little Girl naturally is Hong’er. On the strength, Hong’er is better than Lin Ming. To be
exact, she is only the law’s coagulum. It cannot call the energy of the universe at all.
However, in the Magic Cube, Hong’er is like a ish in water, because she herself is a
Magic Cube evolved, even though not an Artifact Spirit, but it is similar to Artifact
She can control the Magic Cube to a great extent and control the ability. Better than Lin

Ming! Hong’er looked at the horrible spirit of the desert, and flashed a resolute color in
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the big eye.

Without any pause, Hong’er made a decisive move, and a vast source Soul Force burst
forth from
Hong’er’s body. was full of red light and wrapped the Magic Cube completely.
For a moment, the Magic Cube flew out like lightning, and its flying instant, Divine
Light skyrocketed. After the original grey-black light fusion red light, it becomes
extremely radiant, like a shining star!
“Damn it!”
The sorcerer spirit anger, if it continues to attack Lin Ming, will undoubtedly be hit by
the Magic Cube behind it, in the case of the True God Heavenly Venerate Soul Force that has
devoured its body and spew it out without reservation. Such a blow, it must die!
It does not want to die. It can only reverse the strength of its own when it comes to
hit Lin Ming. Let 60% of the 30 three Heavenly Dao laws turn to Hong’er!
At the same time, the rest of the 30 three Heavenly Dao laws. Continue to attack Lin Ming!
It will not give up on Lin Ming’s attack, because it is clear that if to ignore Lin Ming
survives, with the mysterious Little Girl, it will die even worse.
The decision it made instantaneously and the attack was split was completely two-
pocketed, and it was diicult to win.
However this time. Lin Ming’s mouth sneers, his lip light moves, and instantly passes
messages to the ears of the desolate spirit.
“Smart decision, but just think of Intelligent!”
Vortex whorl
Lin Ming turned his hands, and before him, there appeared the phantom shadow of the
primal chaos gossip, and this primal chaos was a gossip, but it was not composed of Yin
Yang’s power. It is composed of Devil Strength and God Strength.
With the advent of the phantom shadow of the gossip, the dreadful Heavenly Dao will
radiate with will, directly greeted by the thirty-three Heavenly Dao Act of the Spirit of
the Waste.
The ierce explosion explosion sounds, Lin Ming’s body flies withdraws, and the desolate
spirit is also afected by energy. Severe trembling, blurred body!
Devil Strength! ? How can it be?
The panic-stricken color appears in the eyes of the desolate spirit. It is impossible to
imagine how Lin Ming can control Devil Strength with a Human Race!
Moreover, Lin Ming’s strength is also terrible. took half of Heavenly Venerate’s cultivation
base, and only minor wounds, he endured his own attack.
Just then, more terrifying attacks came.
This attack is coming from behind the soul of the desert, is Hong’er’s attack!
Hong’er sits behind the Magic Cube. Two small hands are in the same place. The
control’s space has been turned into an endless black hole. The Magic Cube is
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spinning in this black hole. It seems to swallow up all the power between heaven and
Buzz humming sound
A circle of Spiritual Storm condenses into a demon force ield that emanate from the

realm of crush. The devil’s force ield only resisted a blink of time, and it crashed!
ablation, Storm
Flame swept through, Where it passed, Bloodspear breaks, Glacial glacial
extinguished, Great shield disintegrated... The thirty-three Heavenly Law doors from the
other supreme were shattered by the Spirit of the Waste, in Magic Cube suppresses chickens like
The soul of the barbarian soul screams, it underestimates the power of Lin Ming, Lin
Ming’s resistance makes it attack backlash, it is impossible to face the Magic Cube attack!
The result is already doomed! Oh!
soul ofCube’s
the millSpiritual Storm begin The inal force ield defense concocted by the
Desolate, the Blood Dragon behind the Wild-One’s Soul body, and its thousand
article arms, was destroyed in the fearful storm, force ield began to collapse
The Spirit of the Silent Spirit issued a piercing pitiful yell, and all the True God and
Heavenly Venerate Soul Force that had condensed before it had been consumed. Now it is relying
on its own Soul Force to resist this attack. Hong' The Magic Cube controlled by er is equivalent to slicing
meat on it. Every time the storm rotates, it’s devouring the vitality of the barren soul!
This way, as long as it’s always breaths, it will vanishes in puf of smoke!
“Hong’er, ease it!”
In the terrible soul storm, Lin Ming suddenly shouted.
Hong’er listened to Lin Ming’s words and immediately relieved his strength. For a
time, the desolate soul had a breath of breath and avoided the fate of vanishes in puf of smoke.
It does not know why Lin Ming suddenly left Hong’er with his hands, but it is
undoubtedly a big celebration for it. It may have taken the chance to survive.
“Do not not kill me! I will give you the Lord!”
The Spirit of the Waste Spirit shouted and it was convicted that Lin Ming had a plan
against it. As long as Lin Ming’s greed was used, it could in turn swallow Lin Ming and
occupy the Magic Cube!
The heart of the desolate spirit is full of hope, but Lin Ming did not ignore it at all. flew
up and grabbed the Magic Cube with one hand.
“Hong’er helped me.”
Lin Ming told Hong’er that Hong’er nod, placing two small hands on the Magic Cube,
and Lin Ming’s Soul Force fusion only.
The desolate spirit looked at Lin Ming with some trepidation, but at the same time,
it was full of temptations in its words.
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“Youngster, you are the most terrible talent in all the race s that I’ve seen throughout
Thirty Three Heavens. In the future, you can absolutely become the master of the universe. You
have proven your strength. As long as you let me go, I’m willing to assist you. Your servant, if you
don’t believe it, you can leave a slave seal in my body, or you may sign a contract with me. My
strength and experience will bring you a unimaginable advantage. I’m there. No one will be your
opponent. My can even gather a lot of Abyss Devil to help you, this whole Thirty Three Heavens, the
future is yours!”
The Spirit of the Waste Spirit said generously that it is very conident in its delusional
technology. It knows the greed of intelligent life. It also knows that any person with
ambition will have an interest in its discourse, and peerless talent, which There is no
ambition, or how could they go to the talent step?
The Soul of the Wilderness determined that he had found the opportunity to survive.
However, what it did not think of was that Lin Ming did not seem to hear it at all. It
did not even let Lin Ming take a look at it.
Lin Ming just helped Hong’er put two hands in position, his hand in Hong’er’s
hands, wrapping the Magic Cube in two layers, and Lin Ming slowly said: “Hong’er, you I teamed
up and wiped the Spiritual Mark of Wild-One’s Soul, but don’t hurt its soul body. i’m useful!”
In a word, like a stick, let’s leave the soul!
“Um!” Hong’er’s clever nod, red face, a pair of vivid eyes staring at the ghost of the
Wild, still aiming with Magic Cube aiming, she has intended to lose ground. As for Lin
Ming’s thinking that what are you doing, she wouldn’t ask, and she wouldn’t care. In
short, Lin Ming wanted to erase the imprint of this ugly monster. helped.
“You!You must erase the Spiritual Mark of the main body!!”
The desperate soul is mad. The only remaining demon eye on his forehead is almost
bursting and bleed. It eventually knows why Lin Ming let go of the seal, and why did not
let it vanishes in the puf of smoke at the crucial moment, because a begin, this Vicious’s humanity
is about to erase its own Spiritual Mark, and then swallows its own soul for his use!
The only death is vanishes in puf of smoke, but the Spiritual Mark is erased. From
then on, you lose yourself. This is more miserable than death, but after being wiped out of the
Spiritual Mark, it is devoured, making bridal clothes for the enemy who killed himself. , Strengthen the
power of others, This absolute ratio directly kills it also uncomfortable ten times!
At this time, the Spirit of Escape suddenly remembered Stone of Eternal Life! It seems
that Lin Ming is using the words of Stone of Eternal Life. It is really possible to do this!
“You can’t die!”
The poisonous curse, and Lin Ming actually sees the soul of the barren spirit. The eye
is full of contempt.
“It’s a pity that if you did your best and let all three of the three Heavenly Dao
methods attack me, even if you can’t kill me, you can inflict heavy losses on me,
and even make my soul lost, and can’t recover for centuries.” And even though
you can’t escape, but you can blew up, at least you’re not destiny by enslav,
and i’m not getting the beneits, but I’ve paid a heavy price. “
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“But you are too greedy to kill me by attempting to severe with your wounds. Get
Magic Cube, your nature is enguling, destined to be greedy, and destined to make
bidal clothes for me!”
Lin Ming said here that the Magic Cube has issued a bar of black beams. If the rope is
same, the wild souls that have cut of all the arms will be given a setter.
Not only that, Lin Ming moved his mind and only listened to the sound of “Pū” . The
eye of the desolate soul forehead was also blinded by a bunch of black light and completely
At this time, the desolate soul has no way to resist it. (not To be


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MW CHAPTER 2012 - Imprisonment

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Hong’er looked focused, her two small hands are in the same place, holding the Magic
Cube of void float, while in Hong’er two small hands, Lin Ming extends his hands, the
same palm to the same Place, inject your own Soul Force into the Magic Cube.
With thelp of Hong’er, Lin Ming never felt that his Soul Sea was so close to the Magic
Cube. It felt like Magic Cube was part of his body and could be manipulated.
A black light shot directly into the Soul Sea of the Spirit of the Desolation. Drilled in from
the blind eye on his forehead and directed his Spiritual Mark!
The desolate spirits send sturdy groans. The voice is like illing one’s throat with glass

acid slag. In its body, begin creaks, it seems that something is cracking!

Lin Ming looked cold and resolute. At the time of inal, he deinitely can’t let the bleak
chance blew.
thought a move, that is all around the soul of the barren, a line of lines resembling a
blazing magma, bursting into the body of the soul of the barren spirit, tightly tra pped in
the wild, and huddled in large groups. , killing its will.
The Spirit of the Waste Spirit is struggling madly. However, the power of its whole body
is extremely confusing and cannot be condensed at all. At the same time, its Spiritual
Mark is constantly being consumed and its consciousness is becoming increasingly
It has been through millions and many years, and is almost imstant’s existence. Have
you ever thought that one day, it will experience such a scene!
Even God Sealing Heavenly Venerate sealed its spiritual time, and it was not so

scared. This is deinitely the most terrifying way of death!

It has beenThe
stagnated. unable
timeto move, it cannot speak, even the most basic thinking ability has
for a short period of time is as long as one hundred million years, and the pain it has
experienced during these times. . Compared to the past three billion, the total pain
experienced in the seals for the six hundred million years is more!
Lin Ming voice without any feelings, Magic Cube once again issued a black beam, like great
lance, bang, hit the wild Soul Sea.
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The absurd Spiritual Mark broke up in this moment and disappeared invisible...
Next quarter, the magic cube rolls up the black soul vortex, and directly loses the soul of the
autonomous independent consciousness, and is completely swallowed.
Lin Ming took a breath. In this battle, he spent a lot, not only from the consumption of
the Source Soul Force and the Asura blood essence, but also from the pressure on the
shoulders during this battle.
At this point, after Lin Ming, Artifact Spirit, who witnessed the Warrior’s Heavens
Firmament Ancient Seal, had no idea what to say. In this war, it barely played anything,
Lin Ming and Magic Cube. There is also the magic of Little Girl’s three, they surrender to
the soul of the desert.
And Lin Ming’s crazy plan also made the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit
terriied. He was actually a Soul Seal that wiped out the desolate spirit, and intended to
absorb the spirit of the desert.
“Junior, do you really want to absorb the spirit of the desert? You know, even if the Soul
Seal of the desert soul is obliterated, you swallow it and you risk braving the enolous,
because even if it is the soul without the soul, ther e is resistance and Enguling instinct.”
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit said it was good. When Lin Ming got the
Magic Cube, absorbed a little bit of soul fragments from the grain of rice, and then nearly
missed Soul Sea. The danger of without owner soul was equally high.
What is now placed before Lin Ming is once True God, and now though it has been
weakened, but it is also not to be overlooked. It is not an easy matter to devour it.
Lin Ming said: “The younger generation is not planning to do so for the time being. The
shortage may last for more than ive years. Maybe longer... The memory in the Soul Sea
is too large. The memories of the younger generations are like it. Ants in front of
elephants, ants wanting to swallow elephants, are not re alistic. It is impossible for
younger generations of Soul Sea to accommodate so many memories at one time, and
younger generations can only hold Wild-One’s Soul. Let it be used by me.”
A with no owner soul that has been wiped out of the Spiritual Mark’s, p lus Magic Cube’s
suppression, is deinitely not a problem.
“That...well!” Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit breathed a sigh of relief.
At this time, Lin Ming has been meditation and meditation. He swallowed the soul
medicine pill. After spending a double-hour time, he adjusted himself to the best optimal
condition. Then he took out the Magic Cube and led to the desolate spirit.
At this time, the desolate soul has condensed into a pure black light mass.
Lin Ming does not want to, directly press this light group into his own forehead,
immersed in the Soul Sea.
Lin Ming’s Soul Sea suddenly set of a huge wave!
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The soul of the desert is too strong, much stronger than Lin Ming’s soul.
At this time, Lin Ming Soul Sea accommodated the spirit of the desert, like a sea where the
area is not big. One day, suddenly fell into a star!
Ocean waves are swept.
Lin Ming’s facial color is slightly pale. grabs Magic Cubes and presses the Magic Cube into
his own forehead.
“Ka ka!”
At the moment, over Lin Ming’s Soul Sea, a huge Magic Cube was suppressed, and a black
and arrogant razor blasted. Under the black air, the wild soul of the irst time seemed to have
met cats. , Peaceful down at once.
The soul of the desert is too strong. Reining Wild-One’s Soul is an extremely diicult

process. Lin Ming, with the power of ideas, has become a spiritual cord.
These spirits, like sea serpent, drilled from the Lin Ming Soul Sea, drawing the waters of
the Soul Sea and wrapping the vast light layers formed by the desolate spirits.
The spirit of the Wild-One’s Soul crawls through the body, and the sharp tip of the
slasher taps into the Wild-One’s Soul like a sharp cone, and then drills into the Wild-
One’s Soul’s deepest place.
One after another energettic rope, more and more chains emerged in the Lin Ming Soul
Sea, the soul of the barren spirit was conined by layers, and inally, under the pull of
these iron ropes, the desolate spirit slowly submerged into Lin Ming’s Soul Sea,
completely immersed.
At that time, a wave of turbulence, unable to indescribable spirit Soul Force, was carried
along to these soul spirits to Lin Ming’s Soul Sea. This feeling immediately caused Lin Ming
to be paralyzed, like a lightning strike.
Lin Ming’s Soul Sea, Soul Force absorbed by these spirits, like leech Blood Absorbing.
In this way, slowly, the soul of the wasteland will be completely absorbed by Lin Ming’s
Soul Sea. Lin Ming’s Soul Sea strength and capacity will be enhanced by terrifying.
This is like a sea. It suddenly injects as much water as the stars. The depth and breadth
of the sea will be no comparison between them!
And to do so, there is also a beneit. Lin Ming saves the maximum limit of the spirit of the
desert, Lin Ming will have more initiative when ighting against the mortal body of the
Completely imprisoned the desolate Soul Empress. Lin Ming suddenly opened his eyes.
At this time, Hong’er was still standing behind Lin Ming. Two small hands pressed
against Lin Ming’s temple, and the magic cube was controlled by Lin Ming’s Soul Sea.
Lin Ming can be so smooth control of the soul, relying on the suppression of the Magic
Cube, which, of course, Hong’er is a big merit.
Seeing Hong’er’s forehead already oozing the sweat of close, Liu Haier is aixing to his
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face. Lin Ming has a warm feeling in his heart.

“Thank you, Hong’er.”
Lin Ming touched Hong’er’s small head. Hong’er smiled a little shyly. was happy to be
able to do something for Lin Ming.
Just Ming Lin’s absorption Desolate soul. The time passed in the Soul Sea was not long
enough, but in reality, two days and two nights have passed. During this time, Heavens
Firmament Ancient Seal has been paying attention to Lin Ming.
Looking at Lin Ming, the old Artifact Spirit deeply understood what “The younger
generation will be surpass us in time” !
The soul of the desert, really surrendered to him, who can think of. This Junior came
to seeing him this time. Not only did solve the grief that caused him to worry about
himself, but also thoroughly reined the imprisonment of the barren spirit and used it
for him.
Only 6,000 years have passed and Lin Ming has grown to such an extent. Give him another
6,000 years. What should be?
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit sighed, but suddenly remembered
something. glanced at Lin Ming and looked at Hong’er behind Lin Ming.
Feel the eyes of Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit, and some of Hong’er’s
feared students caught Lin Ming’s clothes.
Such timid’s Hong’er, it is hard to imagine could calmly and decisively ma nipulate
Magic Cube, inflict heavy losses.
“Is She an...Artifact Spirit of Stone of Eternal Life?”
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal just arrived incredible. Such levels as the three divine
tools have surpassed a universe. It is diicult for them to produce Artifact Spirit. Once
created, it should also be the formidable existence of destroying the Heavens and
exterminating the Earth’s, and the Little Girl in front of them is obviously not the case.
Lin Ming pulled over Hong’er’s cold small hands and motioned for her not to be nervous.
smiled and said: “Predecessors can think so, but Hong’er is accurate, it is a magic cube
in Law Cube. The special life formed by the information such as will, energy, Qi and
Blood left by peerless expert. When the irst time of th e younger generation saw senior, it
brought a Little Girl called Little Yu’er, which was similar to the others. Similar case, but
she should be the life body of the Purple Card, related to the Asura Road Master.”
“Little Yu’er...Purple Card...Asura Road Master...”
The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal was lost in thought. “It was the Little Girl... I
remembered her... When God Sealing Heavenly Venerate laid down the barrier of the
God Sealing Great Array, it seemed like he had left Divine Realm because of eve rything.
Go alone to Asura Road and explore the peerless chance... When he returns, it seems
that Truly brings back a Little Girl, but then I was already guarding the God Sealing
Great Array.”
“Unfortunately, God Sealing Heavenly Venerate did not have the opportunity to carry
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forward the inheritance that he had inherited. When he sealed the soul of the desolate,
he burned his life. And I’m also a beginner. My mission is to be three billion, six.
Hundred million years...”
The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal leisurely said that Lin Ming also listened with
respect. Three billion, six hundred million years alone guarding this place. How many
lonely, how many tribulations did the Artifact Spirit of Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal
It fears that it is not how many times it fought with the ghost of the barren spirit of
the seal. While continuing its mission, it is also consuming its own life.
It is like flare after ignition, always burning itself in a no-ones corner, illuminating the
road of Human Race.
Aware of this, Lin Ming respected the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit
The old Artifact Spirit laughed. “Would you salute me? If it weren’t for you, I was
destined to be consumed by the desolate soul. Now, I am free, and even though m y
life has been destroyed, but I live for another billion years. It’s not worth anything.
The premise is that I don’t accidentally die.”
The Life of Artifact Spirit is much longer than the Human Race, which is similar to that of
the Palace Spirit Clan.
Lin Ming Punch Boxing: “The older generation...the younger generation prepares to go to
the agglomeration Wild Universe of Human Race’s for a while and don’t know what the
seniors are planning?”
“Wild Universe?” Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit is slightly strange.
Lin Ming told the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal about the cause and efect of the
escape of the Human Race. The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal sounded more
shocking. It was when the previous time was met by Lin Ming, because Lin Ming owned
the Magic Cube, and Lin Ming thought that there may be an opportunity salvation.
However, it never occurred to me that when Lin Ming was the Saint Lord more than
6,000 years ago, it would have had such terrifying efects on the Great Tribulation of th e
Human Race and the Saint Race.
This Wild Universe, it can be said that because Lin Ming only had, Lin Ming really can be
said to be the son of ordinance!
“My old bones, if it still works, then display afterheat!” Said Heavens Firmament Ancient
Seal. Lin Ming heard a smile. knew that Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal had decided
to join him. Go to the Wild and ight for Saint Race!
His journey, this is begin! (not To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2013 - Barbarian entrance

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In the end of the universe, there is a humble spirit battleship that is slowly moving.
Within the spirit battleship, Lin Ming sat in the secret room, the soul of Desolate
slowly blending.
Even though the Spirit of the Waste has been completely surrendered to it, but to
digest it, it controls it thoroughly, and the flexible application, it needs certain time.
The soul of the desert, the beneits brought to Lin Ming are very great. The irst is Lin
Ming’s Soul Sea in the enhancement of fast.
This feeling is like a steady flow of spring water, watering Lin Ming’s Soul Sea.
From receiving the Wild-One’s Soul, to this interstellar interstellar travel for two
months, Lin Ming felt that his Soul Force had increased by 15%.
The total Soul Force in Wild-One’s Soul is not reduced.
This made Lin Ming intuitively feel the great strength of Wild-One’s Soul’s.
From this point of view, the Devil Relic previously acquired in the Final Trial space was
probably reined by the Asura Road Master, leaving only the force of the wait essence,
so could completely absorb it.
If it is the body of Abyss Devil who is full page, it is close to the level of the
wilderness. The essence of it left behind, afraid that you have eaten the
Heavenly Venerate, you may not be able to inish eating.
However, the strength formidable of Wild-One’s Soul also brought a lot of trouble

to Lin Ming. That is the memory contained in the soul of the desert.

Like the wilderness, living at least ive million years, or even longer, the monster, its
memory will be an unimaginable treasure trove of information!
Which is likely to involve the Darkness Abyss, ten billion years ago race war, including
the Asura Road Master, Immortal Sovereign, and many other historically secretive
Get these, for Lin Ming natural natural value is great.
Unfortunately, when Lin Ming tries to explore the memory of Wild-One’s Soul. His
spiritual sea was as if a cart was thrown on a ten thousand jin giant stone, which
was almost crushed.
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Lin Ming endured severe pain and sent these memories back.
The memory stored in the desolate Soul Sea is terrible. Not only does this memory
include the things it has experienced during the billions of years, it also includes those
expert, Supreme Being, which it devoured, and their memory and experience. The
desolate Soul Sea’s load was bearing down, sealed in its soul.
Lin Ming wants to retrieve what needs from the unimaginable memory of total quantity.
Just like the looked for a needle in a haystack, the search process, Lin Ming’s Soul Sea
is somewhat unbearable.
This allowed Lin Ming to once again feel the diference between humans and Abyss
Abyss Devil like Absurd, the main body is as big as the stars. What it can withstand
is not intelligent life, enguling skills, and wild talent. At this point, intelligent life cannot
And the same. Comprehending law is a gift for intelligent life, and Abyss Devil
cannot match it.
Slowly, Lin Ming can only temporarily put down this treasure trove of memory. He
believes that with the lapse of time, as his realm rises, he can slowly devour the
memories of Wild-One’s Soul for his own use.
At this time, Lin Ming, unknowingly, was approaching the entrance of the Wild
Before long, Lin Ming had already explored the entrance, which is Saint Race Saint
Emperor Good Fortune. Opened by Wild-One’s avatar.
This entrance, which has existed for hundreds of years, in other words, Saint Race had
entered the Wild Universe where hundreds of years ago.
However, the current Human Race is no longer as resistant as it wa s over 6,000

years ago. For such a long time, Human Race already has a True God expert.
Second. Human
God Wall. Race has God Law Imperial Decree which can penetrate Lamenting
With this
God Law Imperial Decree, you can play war with Saint Race.
You know, the diiculty of the Human Race to hit Lamenting God Wall is much smaller
than that of the Saint Race, as long as the severe days peak Heavenly Venerate has
lost a little blood essence.
Saint Race made use of Lamenting God Wall. It takes hundreds of years t o open a large
hole, and these times. Enough Human Race evacuated calmly.
Even the Human Race can send some cutting edges to the new universe to ind a good
place to stay, then use the large-scale spirit battleship to take away all the things that
can be taken away, and systematically complete the strategic shift.
Procrastinating tactics are not ininitely useable, because the Thirty Three Layered
Heavens of the Universe, only ten Seventh Layer Heaven is wild, and this Ten
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Seventh Layer Heaven is not for every Onest Layer Heaven suitable for living in
wisdom, and some heavy days are even more than wild Awful, including an endless
black hole and time and space storm, even if the Great World King enters them, it
may be fatal, such as the universe, impossible as the Human Race’s escape route.
Deducting these uninhabitable universes, there are not many universes that can give
way to the Human Race. There may be only seven Eighth Levels, and the seven Eighth
Level universe is not fully connected.
The Human Race retreated again and again, and soon would retreat into a universe
that had never retired.
At that time, Human Race will have a positive battle with Saint Race!
And the result of that war may not be suspicious at all. Human Race... will lose!
But even if they lose, Human Race will also be a ierce battle. Lin Ming believes that for
nearly 7,000 years, Human Race could not wait and die, and they will certainly develop
some strength to ight against Saint Race.
Otherwise Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate will become the Leader of Human Race.
In the inal battle, Human Race will let Saint Race seeing their background and the
inal so stubborn! Lin Ming believes that Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate will not let
himself down, and his own role is to
be the pen of the battle. Otherwise, Lin Ming’s strength growth will be faster, and will
not impossible a person to defeat the entire Saint Race.
He needs the strength of the Human Race and cooperates with him.
At this time, Lin Ming has already drifted out of his spirit battleship. thought a move.
The spirit battleship slowly shrank and he was included in Inner World.
Lin Ming is located far from the entrance of the Wild Universe, but Lin Ming can still
seeing the stern guard at the entrance.
The stationed at the entrance of the Wild Universe is no longer a spirited battleship fleet,
but a huge metal shrine. These metal temples are mostly private cars of the Peak
Heavenly Venerate’s, small one- point also have hundreds of miles in diameter, large-
scale, and even You can compare the small moon in the universe.
Between these metal temples, there are many spirit battleships, Spirit Beast shuttles
back and forth, and there is a team of patrolling martial artists.
“How are you going to pass?”
Next to Lin Ming, Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit asked, turned into an
old man, flesh and blood, with almost no diference between the person ofgenuine. This
is the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit created by God Sealing Heavenly
Venerate. Peak Spirit Treasure has the ability to seeing even most Heavenly Venerates.
“Mixes go in!”
Lin Ming speaks, stride goes to the entrance of the Wild Universe to reads!
Steps’s time, Lin Ming’s igure slowly blurs, so he hid in the Space Distortion. Even
Peak Heavenly Venerate could not ind Lin Ming’s position.
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But Lin Ming should be careful because... Saint Race also has three True God!
True God, is standing in the world’s most peak character. Every True God, even the most
common of the True God, is unfathomable! In case they are near the road junction at this
time, they are in danger.
Lin Ming held his breath and waited static until he saw a team of Saint Race’s spirit
battleship fly to the time of the entrance. only took a move and chose the most
insigniicant one of the team’s spirit battleship. Fly past.
The protective layer of the spirit battleship, which did not bring any blockage to Lin
Ming, was worn like a water surface. Next one quarter, he appeared in the
battleshipship cabin.
At this time, in front of Lin Ming, there was a military guard of Saint Race who stared
blankly at Lin Ming’s enter and was screaming.
However, Lin Ming’s form-dodges only listened to the dull thumping sound of “Peng”
And the unlucky Saint Race martial artist was stunned by Lin Ming. Lin Ming
immediately dropped him into Inner World.
Intention moves, the clothes of the unlucky Saint Race martial artist appeared instantly
on Lin Ming’s body, Lin Ming’s appearance changed constantly, and became exactly the
same as the Saint Race martial artist.
In this way, even with Saint Race True God, he is not impossible to peruse the
boundless many of the Saint Race martial artist, and naturally cannot ind Lin Ming of
change appearance.
In this way, Lin Ming followed the spirit battleship, and smoothly entered the
entrance of the Wild Universe.
This is a Saint Race spirit battleship sent to the battleield. Lin Ming’s sensation -sweeps
knows that the actual commander of the spirit battleship is a Great World King.
As such, the flagship of the spirit battleship fle et should be Commanding by Heavenly
It was not until Lin Ming flew into the channel of the hugely chimed out Lamenting
God Wall that Lin Ming could feel the horror of the complete Lamenting God Wall.
The Lamenting God Wall is ten-tenths thick. In the cross section of the deserted chisel,
the chaotic energy of the black is shining. This energy energy fluxes, like a burning
black flame, exudes fearfulness. Aura, anything close to it, may be destroyed by it.
“Already passing the Lamenting God Wall channel, direction Blue Horn Galaxy, driving at full
Lin Ming’s spiritual battleship commanded the command of the commander.
The spirit battleship suddenly accelerated, and soon the array was turned on and
begin to perform greater spatial teleportation.
Lin Ming’s calm and composed even in press of work stayed in the ship cabin.
Looking at the starry sky that passed quickly through the porthole, was illed with
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emotion for a moment.

Wild Universe, eventually came!
Human Race... this race he belongs to. After nearly 7,000 years, he can actually seeing
what the Human Race really looked like.
Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianyu, Qin Xingxuan, Lin Xiaoge, Divine Dream Heavenly
Venerate, Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate, and own child...
This one after another person he is familiar with, he can also actually meet with him
Lin Ming is like a hunter hiding in the shadows. When the spirit battleshipship lurks
and waits for a shot, he knows that the Wild Universe is extremely strong, and the
survivors of the Human Race must have gone to hide and ind them. It is not easy,
and following this Saint Race battleship, using their intelligence, the hope of inding
the Human Race will be much greater.
(Transition plot is diicult to write. The second will be very late. Let’s go to bed irst.)
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2014 - Untitled

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In the universe where Divine Realm, Soul Realm, and even Saint Race are located, the main
continent floating in the universe can often be seen. These Continents are not like planks, but
are surrounded by a layer of space and surrounded by an endless nebula. From the outside, it
looked like an ellipsoidal dome.
Among the stars in the main continent, there are many stars that are bigger than Sky Spill
Planet. It can be seen that this area of the main continent is.
In Divine Realm’s 3,000 community, every major world has at least one such major
continent, and these main continents are deinitely the most liveliest place in every major
world, such as Ancient Imperial Capital, or are located in True Martial Great World. On the
main continent.
However, in the Wild Universe, it is rare to seeing such a main continent. Instead of the
main continent, it is always possible to seeing a ilm of galaxy here.
These huge galaxy huge, stretched out a few thick spiral arms, extending 1e+ten kilometers.
Among the galaxies, there are one hundred billion, one trillion stars whose broad degree is
indescribable. According to the data collected by Saint Race, these galaxies of the Wild Universe
are actually Divine
Realm’s “Main continent” . However, in the past several billion years, what kind of fearful
strength struck the main continent? The fragments of the main continent are scattered into the
surrounding vast space, and they rotate around each other under the efect of gravity. This
forms a galaxy.
This time, Blue Horn Galaxy, the Saint Race martial artist, is one of them.
At his own Inner World, Lin Ming was shocked to learn of these materials from the mouth of
the bad luck Saint Race martial artist who was subdued by him through hypnosis.
If the Saint Race’s material is real, then who will break the main continent of the Wild

Universe? Such a huge main continent, one trillion times bigger than Sky Spill Planet,

was actually shattered...

This is beyond Lin Ming’s imagination, let alone True God. Even if Asura Road Master can
have such ability?
Lin Ming could not conirm whether the Asura Road Master could do it, but Lin Ming
intuitively felt that shattered on the main continent was probably related to the cataclysm
of ten billion years ago.
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When intelligent life had Thirty Three Layered Universe, every First Level universe had a
brilliant Martial Dao civilization, but after that war, the universe in which intelligent life could
exist was only the Sixteen layers of universe.
And the other half of the universe has become a barren wilderness and the extermination of
large populations. Is the big degree also because of the shranted on the main continent?
If this is really the case, then the battle between Human Race and Saint Race, compared to
this holocaust, is nothing at all.
After all, Saint Race could not achieve genocide in a short period of time.
“Ten billions of years ago, Great Tribulation...” Lin Ming muttered to himself, after the Human
Race, the Soul Race, and the Saint Race were all developed. Then ten billion years ago, who
would be a god? Clan’s opponent, is it Abyss Devil?
What kind of world is the Darkness Abyss where Abyss Devil is located, and what secret is there?
Lin Ming could not know these things, and Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit did
not know. Maybe only the two old men of Final Trial knew, but when they asked them before,
they answered yes. Only when one has mastered his own destiny and becomes a chess
player from a chess piece will know these things. Otherwise, may incur misfortune because
knows some hidden secrets.
At this time, Lin Ming has already followed Saint Race’s large unit, leaving the entrance of
the Wild Universe far away and jumping to the Blue Horn Galaxy again and again.
According to intelligence, Human Race has a power. It lurks in the Blue Horn Galaxy.
We have to say that when the main continent of the Wild Universe was broken, the
terrifying explosion that swept over 1e+ten kilometers of space formed a chaotic space, a
twisted force ield, and even a black hole, wormhole, etc. Environment, It is too easy to
hide personal appearance here.
The perception of the martial artist is very diicult to penetrate these spaces. Even if the True
God expert wants to search through a galaxy, it needs to consume considerable energy.
And there are too many galaxies in the Wild Universe. Saint Race True God could not ind
one by one, which gave the Human Race a respite.
While this fleet was at the Wild Universe entrance and Blue Horn Galaxy’s center zone, Lin
Ming suddenly stood up and stepped out of his spiritual battleship.
In the past few days, Lin Ming had obtained some information from the bad race’s Saint Race
martial artist. However, Lin Ming is not satisied with these information. needs more detailed
information. It is best to be able to maintain the approximate position of Little Demon Xian,
Divine Dream and others.
As for the accurate position, Lin Ming does not hold any hope. If Little Demon Xian and Divine
Dream are really found by Saint Race, then it is possible that the Saint Emperor Good Fortune
will personally shoot.
In order to get this information, there is a short cut, that is, the person with more control. Lin
Ming’s sensation spreads out in an instant, and the entire fleet will be covered.
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After an Empress of Heaven, yet another greater spatial teleportation, in a secret room on the
fleet fleet flagship, an emaciated old man sat on a chair, staring at the flesh of a pile red
presented in a daze.
This secret room looked like some type of Alchemist pharmacy. There is a big pill cauldron. There
is also a table. There are various bottles and cans on the table. Herbs.
A medicine pot in the table corner is still burning by the black flame, rolling the dark green air
bubbles. The medicine soup inside seems to be overflowing due to heating.
For this, the old man was unaware. just stared at this pile of red flesh. His face was already
very old, his body was thin and like a monkey, he wore a broad robe in dark green, and long
gown was everywhere. After a long time, he became more and more stagnant.
“The blood of the desert is indeed magical.”
Old men whispered, a pair of ilthy’s eyes, staring at this group of flesh and blood, and then he
could not help but open a Jade Box around him, and from the Jade Box, he took out a bloody
flesh of ist size.
This meat group is preserved in a special way, and it is absolutely fresh. When it comes
out, it is still shaking gently.
This is actually a human heart.
The old men took this one of him. Theart of Human Race World King was thrown directly into
the red blood of the wild. It was just a blink of an eye. The sharks who smelled the blood
generally rushed up and wrapped theart directly.
The ierce wriggling of the blood of the desert, a moment later, actually devoured theart
and turned it into a part of own!
Old man sensation for a while, There was a slight unexpected appearance in ilthy’s eyes.
"Ingested the heart of a Human Race World King, Completely converted to own nutrient, The
power of this flesh has obviously increased, If I mix with the blood of this desert, Through
constant enguling, Shou Yuan, who was able to make me almost originally depleted,
continues to continue for ten million years. It will even break the realm of middle rank
Heavenly Venerate in the future. ,
“But this way, I myself became a monster by enguling fresh. However, it does not matter.
The key is
that after I have melted the flesh and blood of the wild, I am afraid to become the most
faithful servant of Saint Emperor Good Fortune. To be completely controlled, such price
would be too heavy... Saint
Emperor Good Fortune will give my desolate flesh and blood, certainly will not give it, will
hold back one trick in it...”
The lean old man’s mind instantly turned his thoughts, but an enlightenment of a few more ten
million years of age really prevented him from letting go. hesitated for a moment, shouting to
the outside, “Comes!”
Moments later, the door was pushed open, a young submissive walked into the secret room.
“Goes to prison for human prisoner-of-war camp and chose me for six men and women.
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It’s under 18 years old, talented.”

The lean old man wants to verify that if the flesh and blood of the desert devour the live
person, it can bring him many life essences and delay his aging.
And at this time, he felt something was wrong.
“You still look at what are you doing, why aren’t you...”
The lean old man suddenly raised his head and sharp looked like an eagle to the young man.
The moment he looked up, the youth moved.
His speed is fast to ghosts, a black long spear in his hand is like a Viper’s throat

throb! The gun was too fast. It was hard to keep up with the nak eye of the old man.
After all, he was a Heavenly Venerate expert. In the moment of death and death, his body broke out
of the
black flame of terrifying’s. This is the life flame he cultivated when he became Alchemist.
It is also his trump card.
The moment the flame appeared, the entire secret room blessed by array instantly melted into
a molten iron. Everything in the room, except for pill cauldron and the blood of the barren,
exploded into fly ash!
This is because the flame is highly condensed, otherwise the spirit battleship will explode.
However, such a black flame condenses into the shape of a Fire Dragon, and it is time for
a prowling patter, and the black long spear penetrates the inflammation dragon from
beginning to end!
The black inflammation burst and the body protection Astral Essence of the lean old man
shattered like a glass. Then, in his incredible gaze, the long spear pierced his heart.
Long spear’s turns, the body of the lean old man suddenly startled, the whole body of
medriians was shattered by an overbearing incomparable strength!
“You...” The emaciated old man vomited blood, but the youth did not say a word. His ingers
shot seal arts again and again. A circle of mysterious Law of Asura Rune encircled the thin old
man and completely blocked him. energy of!
This young man is Lin Ming.
He is indiferent looking at the old man.
The meridians were abolished, theart was pierced, and energy was imprisoned. The old man
had become a rotten flesh, but because the Saint Race Heavenly Venerate was tempered’s
mortal body, it was an old man who died in the wind, in this situation It also maintains vitality
for the short life.
Lin Ming did not kill him. It was useful to keep him.
The lean old man was completely speechless. stared at a pair of bloody dead ish eyes, his
eyes protruding, illed with blood threads, and looked at Lin Ming with vileness.
At the same time, he was shocked by his heart. What kind of person is this young man? actually
has such a strengthful strength! Is he an Emperor Sakyamuni of Human Race? (not
To be continued
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MW CHAPTER 2015 - Controlled waste

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To surrender to this dry and thin old man, it was the irst time that Lin Ming had been playing
for Saint Race Heavenly Venerate for thousands of years. Unconsciously, Lin Ming’s strength
was already strong enough.
Venus Heavenly Venerate, with no resistance in his hands.
At this time, Lin Ming did not bother with this thin old man. His attention was on the flesh and
blood of the ruins.
Seeing this creepy flesh, Lin Ming frowned slightly.
Saint Emperor Good Fortune, has given the blood of the desert to Heavenly Venerate? How
many are World King and Saint Lord possessed by the blood of the desert?
Through the flesh and blood, more and more experts will become faithful servants of Saint
Emperor Good Fortune...
Thinking about here, Lin Ming looked at the blood of this group of people, and when they
suddenly came to the wits are sharpened, they realized what they were.
thoughts sank into his own Soul Sea, contacted the deserted soul in the Soul Sea, and
reached out for a move. The flesh of this wild group wriggled slowly and drifted toward Lin
This is not Lin Ming’s taking photos of the air, but the desperate flesh and blood take the
initiative to Lin Ming...
The flesh and blood of the desert has drifted in front of Lin Ming, floating in the palm of Lin
Ming. feels that the flesh of the wild in one self hand is unusual. This is similar to the
concentration essence of “Devil Relic” , probably the Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
Speciically for the Heavenly Venerate, even though there is only a head size, but the total
amount of energy contained in it is unusual.
Lin Ming can clearly feel that the desolate souls that were sealed in the Soul Sea, through
their Spiritual Force, flesh-and-blood relationships with the wild flesh.
At this time, Lin Ming seemed to have a feeling that as long as gave orders to this group of
wild flesh, would follow his own will.
Even let it self-destruction no problem.
But Lin Ming did not try it lightly, because he felt the Spiritual Mark of Saint Emperor Good
Fortune in the blood of this group.
Wild flesh and blood. With this world’s very fearful ability to engulf, it can absorb anything
that becomes its own energy and is used to supplement itself.
Once the blood of the wild is fused with the body of the martial artist, then the martial artist
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who is being fused will have such an ability to absorb the power of others.
In addition, Fusion’s bloody martial artist, but also Body Transformation.
This Body Transformation, Lin Ming seen in Final Trial. Originally Saint Lord’s martial artist,
after completing Body Transformation through the activation Desolate’s bloodlines, can
actually obtain a powerful fold in the short time before the strength of the beforehand,
completely crush the same order martial artist!
In the world of the martial artist, there are many people who will in order to become stronger,
in order to climb higher, in order to have a longer lifespan and to do anything.
For example, the thin and thin old man killed by Lin Ming can’t refuse to stay for ten million
more years. The Saint Emperor Good Fortune has grasped this point. In this way, sooner or
later, he will become an
absolute control in the universe.
God knows that when Saint Emperor Good Fortune took control of it all. What beneits will he
still get, after all, all the flesh and blood of the flesh are completely kept under his control,
whether he can pass through the flesh of the wild. In turn, he took away the essence of life
that he controlled the martial artist, so that he eventually broke through the boundaries of
True God and became as strong as the Asura Road Master.
Thinking about this, Lin Ming complexion is a little gloomy, even though he may not be
accurate, but he knows well about the fearful ambition of Saint Emperor Good Fortune’s.
Invading the Human Race is probably just the irst step in his ambition.
This time Great Tribulation. The two world-renowned Monsters, the Saint Emperor and the
Soul Emperor, showed of their tusks and began to implement their plans for hundreds of
millions of years.
They all consider themselves to be chess players.
Now, Lin Ming has already seen the chess of Saint Emperor Good Fortune a little bit. The
worst thing is that he still could not actually have completely understood Soul Emperor’s
Everyone wants to control this world checkerboard, which naturally includes Lin Ming.
He is waiting for what the old Trial two old men said. When he became a player from the board
game piece.
At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.
A group of Saint Lord Royal Guard rushed in. Just now, Lin Ming’s battle with the lean old man
led to a big sound. The entire secret room was destroyed.
“You’re... over... killing me and ruining the spirit battleship. You can’t go any further... Saint
Race will kill You, You’ll be shattered...”
The dry, thin old man who had only one breath left a hard panting. He can no longer speak,
but can still give a voice to Lin Ming.
Lin Ming looked at him indiferently, and at this time there was a shout from outside the door.
“Ming Gu Respected, what happened!”
Several guards rushed to the door of the reining medicine room. The door of the Assayer’s
division became molten iron, and the array had shattered long ago, so they rushed in
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However, when they saw reining medicine indoors, they were all slightly surprised.
“Flusters anything!”
A husky, haze, sound with severe points furiously rang, and the lean old man Ming Gu
wearing a dark green robe stood in the middle of the secret rooms, complexion is very
Around him is a pile of rubble, which vaguely sees a pile of things that turn into fly ash,
which seems to be dregs.
“Every old Gives roll!”
The snarling roar of the old man, the stupeies of the Saint Lord expert’s stunned face,
suddenly chilled, and then, under the supervision of Captain, they withdrew from the area
with a speed that was not inferior to any aspects.
“Ming Gu Respected is more and more disposition strange...”
After leaving this area, guards whispered.
“His life is ininite, and it is naturally weird. Many old people are like this. His may have
just tried another new type of life pill pill made by trial. The result failed.”
“Shut up and be known by Ming Gu Respected that we talk about him behind us. We must all
Several bodyguards said, already hidden, easily, they did not dare to come back to this secret
At this time, Lin Ming had already re-clothed the array and blocked the secret room. himself
returned to the Magic Cube space. In front of him, he was the master Ming Gu with only one
breath left.
At this time, Lin Ming also became exactly the same face as Ming Gu master. Even eyes and
aura were not caused by two.
“You...You......” The lean old man was shocked and inexplicable. almost felt like he was smashing
into a ghost. Even himself, he couldn’t distinguish the counterfeit goods in front of him for a time.
What was the diference with himself?
Lin Ming took the desolate flesh, step by step trend Ming Gu.
Then in Ming Gu’s stunned look, Lin Ming put the blood of the dead into the position of theart
of Ming Gu’s heart. The blood of the desolate was stained with the blood of Ming Gu. It was
like smelling bloody leeches. Drilled into the body of Ming Gu.
“ what?”
The blanch of Ming Gu complexion.
However, the desolate flesh and blood did not devour Ming Gu. It seems that Saint Emperor
Good Fortune had left an order in the Spiritual Mark he left behind. After the blood of the
desolate wilderness drilled into the body of Ming Gu, he became a tiny thread and drilled
into it. Every part of Ming Gu’s body.
The flesh and blood of the desert has brought about the power of Qi and Blood. Ming Gu feels
vitality of his life is recovering!
Power, slowly come back!
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Around Ming Gu’s body, the rune Lin Ming left behind disappeared. Ming Gu regained his
freedom at this moment.
Ming Gu suddenly stunned, this youngster, actually let him of?
Or believe that he is not his opponent, can let him knead, so let go of the imprisonment

of rune? In a flash, Ming Gu swept through a crazy thought of Body Transformation and

killed him!

He knew that after swallowing the flesh and blood of the barren, he could obtain the power
of Body Transformation. Even though he had never used it, he felt that after the fusion of the
flesh and blood of his own, this ability seemed to have become his instinct. .
As long as moves, can activate the fondness of the countryside.
Just as Ming Gu planned Body Transformation, he screamed and his body was in pain!
Listening to the light sound of “Pūpūpū” , countless blood ilaments are drilled from Ming Gu’s
flesh, like a steel wire that generally penetrates the body of Ming Gu. These scarlet ilaments
are the flesh of the wild fusion into Ming Gu. !
Ming Gu’s whole body burst hemorrhage fog, Even the eyeball was crushes by the blood
thread, and couldn’t die again.
After Ming Huang’s body was integrated into Ming Gu’s body, Lin Ming could still control
them because Lin Ming left him in the blood of the desert when Lin Ming brought this
desolate flesh into Ming Gu’s body. Spiritual Mark.
This Spiritual Mark carefully avoided the Spiritual Mark of Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
As a result, when the Spiritual Mark of Saint Emperor Good Fortune was not launched, Lin
Ming’s Spiritual Mark took control of the entire command of the desolate flesh while
The order that Lin Ming just gave to the group of wastes was scattered radiation and killed

Ming Gu. He succeeded.

This makes Lin Ming great happiness!

However, if we left behind the Spiritual Mark of the desolate flesh and the Spiritual Mark left
by Saint Emperor Good Fortune, what would the desolate humanity hear?
Lin Ming is not clear, but he is looking forward to this moment.
Unfortunately, he is still unable to verify the veriication result. cannot be found by Saint
Emperor Good Fortune to be able to control the existence of the flesh and blood as he
Next, Lin Ming’s palm a move, a black cube spins and flies, sucks all the Source Souls of
the lean old man, and directly erases the Spiritual Mark in the soul, turning it into a pure
Lin Ming will be the soul of the owner without the owner of Soul Sea, begin to read the
In the mind of the lean old man, the memories of the cultivation method, the law of
comprehension, the reining medicine, and so on, Lin Ming are totally unacceptable. They are all
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abandoned. What he wants to seeing is about the recent information of the Human Race and
the Saint Race!
The distribution of Human Race, present situation, strength relative strength, Saint Race
True God’s location!
Only when saw the irst piece of information, Lin Ming’s cold sweat was down.
This piece of information is: The wilderness is getting closer to the peak of the past. After
opening the second cosmic channel, the Saint Emperor Good Fortune began a long period of
retreat. During this time did not allow anyone to disturb him. One of the three Heavenly Dao
Laws, Law Essence Cultivation System that Human Race is good at! !
Saint Emperor Good Fortune, To make use of the wild, to get rid of the Human Race’s
Essence Cultivation System!
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2016 - Untitled

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30 Three Heavenly Dao, suit Human Race has two Great Dao, one is Dao Palace Nine Stars of
Body Cultivation System, and the other is Divine Transformation Nine Changes of Essence
Cultivation System.
...≦apex novel,
Before 3 billion, six or more than hundred million years ago, the waste swallowed the Human
Race Dao
Palace Nine Stars, which was equivalent to licking of an arm of the Human Race. This time,
it was the Divine Transformation Nine Changes of the Essence Cultivation System.
This is tantamount to putting the Human Race in the deathtrap!
If the human race’s Essence Cultivation System is swallowed up, then the Human Race
martial artist who controls the power of the Essence Cultivation System will lose strength?

Lin Ming recalled when irst broke through the Dao Palace Nine Stars. When Lin Ming broke
the Dao Palace Nine Stars in the tomb of Bai Qi, encountered obstacles from the Heavenly
Dao Dao Diagram, but after crushing the Heavenly Dao Dao Diagram, Lin Ming also broke
through Dao Palace Nine Stars.

And Dao Palace Nine Stars is now free to use.

This seems to mean that 30 three Heavenly Dao did not really disappear, but for some
reason they were sealed.

If we swallow up the Human Race’s Essence Cultivation System, then the most likely
result is that the human martial artist has been developed into an Essence Cultivation
System, and the original strength does not change.
However, without a modiied martial artist, it will encounter many diiculties in the
cultivation of the future. When breaking through the realm, it may even be countered
with the blocking of Heavenly Dao Dao Diagram like Lin Ming.

Similarly, some masters want to go a step further, for example, Emperor Sakyamuni wants
to break True God, and wants to break through Heavenly Venerate. It will be even harder!

This feeling is like ridiculing the relaxation of the karma between the Human Race and
the 30 three Heavenly Dao, devouring the race of a race.
As a result, Human Race was abandoned by Heavenly Dao! Aware
of this time, Lin Ming’s heart in a shakes!

Since ancient times, there have been no races in history that can exist for a long time. They
will always
decline for various reasons.
For example, Primordial God Clan, Heavenly Clan, they all declined because of the low
multiplication ability.

Many Primordial God Clan experts have been married for hundreds of thousands of lives.
However, did not leave behind a single child, and as watched it, Primordial God Clan’s
population became smaller and smaller and eventually died.

Is it possible, but also a similar to the Abyss Devil, devoured. Or has it reversed the
ethnic destiny of Primordial God Clan and Heavenly Clan, and let these two most
peak races 10,000,000 years ago slowly lose their multiplication ability, and most of
them died?

The more Lin Ming wants to feel more likely.

Abyss Devil, fearing Primordial God Clan, wiped out this race!
The Human Race now seems to be on the old route of Primordial God Clan’s. If the
Divine Transformation Nine Changes of the Essence Cultivation System and the Dao
Palace Nine Stars of the Body Cultivation System are blocked at the same time, the
Human Race will only have excellent Fertility, what is the diference with domestic

Let Saint Emperor Good Fortune succeed. Human Race will stand still and never have a
day. And Saint Emperor Good Fortune is equal to once and for all to solve the worry of
future trouble.
Lin Ming feels more and more time press.
However, the only good news is that consuming 30 3Heavenly Dao, it takes a long time
to consume wasteliness. During this time, Saint Emperor Good Fortune needs retreat.
This is Lin Ming. A chance.

There is no Saint Race of Saint Emperor Good Fortune. It’s like going to a minions tiger.
With these thoughts in mind, Lin Ming continues to read Ming Gu’s mem ory. Soon, he
found a lot of valuable information.

This piece of information is about desolate.

These years, after the devoured innumerable resources, a giant avatar has been
derived. This avatar is now under the control of Holy Child Good Fortune.

At the same time. Infertility breeds the flesh and blood of many similar Devil Relic’s. These
essences were given to some Saint Lord and World King of Saint Race, and they
possessed the capability of swallowing and Body Transformation. They formed a waste
The Waste Army naturally obeys orders in Saint Emperor Good Fortune, but now Saint
Emperor Good Fortune retreats. The Remnants of the Desert commanded Saint Race Five
Saint General.

The name of this ive Saint General was irst heard by Lin Ming when was in the Final
Trial for the second time. At that time, was called Saint Race.

They are the Holy Child Good Fortune for the family background of the Good Fortune Holy
Palace, the opened Fairy Maiden Qinglian for the Floating Feather Divine Mountain God King
Floating Feather, and the two major disciple Ao Ri and Xie Yue for God King Heavenly Astral.
However, this Ao Ri and Xie Yue are actually talented. relied on his age advantage to join the
Holy Child Good Fortune and Fairy Maiden Qinglian with an earlier step into the Heavenly
Venerate realm.

Now that Holy Child Good Fortune and Fairy Maiden Qinglian have entered the Heavenly
Venerate realm, Ao Ri and Xie Yue will not succeed immediately.
However, they have yet to sit still in the third and fourth place in the ive Saint General. Now
they are unable to sit still.

The ifth rising star has already made vigorous eforts to catch up. is Imperial Prince Xi
Shen of Good Fortune Holy Palace.

The talent of Imperial Prince Xi Shen seems to be inferior to Holy Child Good Fortune.
It is only a half Step-Heavenly Venerate cultivation base, but his battle eiciency has been
able to win many older generations of Saint Race Heavenly Venerate.

Five Saint General, headed by Holy Child Good Fortune and Fairy Maiden Qinglian, now
they are almost the strongest team in Saint Race Heavenly Venerate, the enemy of Human
Race, so many years, Human Race in their hands There are too many artists.

It is a pity that fortunately, the news about Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianyu, Qin
Xingxuan and others did not know this Ming Gu. This also means that they are still
alive. They just don’t know where they are hiding.

In order to ind the Accuracy position of the Human Race survivor, Saint Race has begun
to cultivate the Human Race.

These spies are mainly from prisoners of the Human Race.

Even if a race is in a time of survival or death, not everyone can contribute his own life to
the race. Under the threat of death and torture, there will always be people who are
betrayed, contracted with Saint Race, and then become spies.
In addition, there are also some Human Races, which are forcibly controlled by Saint Race, or
confused by Illusion Technique. They are also planted by slave prints. These people have
also been returned to the Wild Universe by massive, using them, localization Human Race.
In this way, Saint Race has already extinguished several Human Race

positions. This piece of information passed Lin Ming’s mind one by one.

His mastery of the battle between Saint Race and Human Race has been extremely
detailed, and this
time, Blue Horn Galaxy arrived.
Lin Ming through the porthole outside, watching the blue galaxy in front of huge eyes, that
one star is hiding in the ethereal nebula, full of ten billion, one hundred billion.

The Blue Horn Galaxy looked beautiful, but it hides some confused space, black holes,
and wormholes. This is actually the Great World main continent’s cemetery. Lin Ming, has
already planned to reill this cemetery. Some cheekbones.

He has already drafted a battle operation plan for Saint Race.

This plan is a bit crazy, and it is bound to set of a huge’s disturbance. wants to get a hit
before Saint Race reacts!

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MW CHAPTER 2017 - Little Demon Xian after 6,000 years

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At the Wild Universe, there is a jumbo galaxy named Hidden Dragon Galaxy.⊥apex novel,
ields,Hidden Dragon Galaxy is extremely complex. Its interior has endlessly twisted force
spatiotemporal storms, space faults, and simply not to be seen, but once it falls
into it, the Heavenly Venerate will vanishes in the black hole of the smoke.
Somewhere in this big galaxy, two elite Races of Human Race’s are hidden.
Hundreds of years ago, when Saint Race opened the front door of the Wild Universe
again, the Human Race was split.
Even though the Human Race uses the knowledge of the Wild Universe and the cover of
the galaxy, it can be with the Saint Race, but slowly, there will always be the Human Race
power found by the Saint Race.
Because the Human Race’s power is too great, it is still a thousand stars, hundreds of
thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands of people.
While there were many Human Races fleeing to the Wild Universe, the leaders of the
Human Race adopted a population policy that encourages childbirth. In 6,500 years, the
population can multiply for generations. Wild Universe’s population grows very fast.
This huge population base involves countless Heavenly Palaces, Spirit Battleships,
Sects, and a large number of low-ranking martial artists who want to make them
move like guerrillas is easier than done.
Even though the Human Races that fled to the Wild Universe are all elite, but after
more than 6,000 years of breeding, there will always be a considerable portion of the
Human Race’s talent talents are not very high, even though some of them have also
developed the Revolving Core. Life Destruction, however, regardless of the wars that
engulfed the two races, or the wild turbulent universe, they are nothing like mortals.
Such person, in fact, accounts for the vast majority of the wild Human Race.
So, once a racer’s pumped out Human Race planet is discovered by Saint Race, what
happens next will be a brutal barbaric plunder and killing!
The survivors who died after the killing would then be enslaved to the slaves in Saint
Race. It became the cannon fodder of the Wild Universe’s development later in Saint
Since the Wild Universe has been opened, the Saint Race plans to eat this piece of
fat unfavorably and make it the territory of their Saint Race.
It will only take hundr million years for the Wild Universe to become the Ninth
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Level universe of Saint Race. Even after winning the God Law Imperial
Decree, which is in the hands of Divine Dream, Saint Race can open up a
new universe more easily. . And let each First Level universe establish
contact, inally sprinkle the seed of Saint Race over Thirty Three Layered
Heavens, by then, Saint Race will undoubtedly become the universe irst
In the asteroid belt of the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, there is a floating White Jade
Immortal Palace, a woman wearing a black battle armour, looking through the window
of the Immortal Palace to a deep blue planet in the depths of the sky.
gently sigh, long body rises. A black hair like black ink is like a waterfall general
sprinkler on an icy battle armour.
She gently touched the window, from the surface of the crystal glazed window, invert
image to her fuzzy form, even though beautiful, but very embarrassing,
She is Lin Ming’s wife Little Demon Xian.
And she looked through the window. The Wei Lan Xing Chen is Si Ming Planet. This
star is inhabited by her people.
Little Demon Xian. Already own subjects...
900 years ago, Little Demon Xian had already broken through the Heavenly Venerate
realm and became the irst person in the Human Race to enter the Heavenly Venerate
realm with the exception of Ice Dream.
Being Heavenly Venerate means that Little Demon Xian is no longer a protected
youngster behind the elders. She has been able to provoke summer beam and assume
sole responsibility for an important task.
At the Wild Universe, every gathering of Human Race must have a Heavenly Venerate
seated, because the Human Race is a gathering place. It is possible that the Heavenly
Venerate-class Primordial Fierce Beast will be a massacre. If there is no He avenly
Venerate in town, the consequences would be disastrous.
Little Demon Xian, who broke the heavenly Venerate realm, accepted the task of
opening up the Human Race residence. At the same time, she also followed her people.
Because the time when Little Demon Xian became Heavenly Venerate was short, she
had only one planet, namely, Si Ming Planet.
This planet, named by Little Demon Xian himself.
All Human Races on Si Ming Planet volunteered to come here from other Human Race
gathering places. They became in order to the irst group residents in the inhabit area,
and were also pioneers.
They sowed the seed of the Human Race. Through hard work and construction, Si
Ming Planet slowly thrived.
Little Demon Xian knows that they will follow themselves and come from the trust of
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own. So, she also needs to be responsible to her people!

She will use her own hands to protect them, and let them enjoy a good and prosperous life.
Until slowly, expand the surrounding star territory, make this inhabit area bigger and
bigger, and let Wild Universe’s Human Race bloom.
However... Saint Race is here just 200 years after Si Ming Planet was

built! A heavy burden suddenly fell on Little Demon Xian’s delicate


As the planet’s lord, she must protect her people in the war. They came here to trust
in themselves. How could Little Demon Xian leave them alone and escape?
This battle between the wild Human Race and the Saint Race has been going on for
hundreds of years because the Wild Universe is too vast, the space inside the galaxy
is complex, plus a part of the Human Race, and it was relocated to another First
Level Wild Universe with God Law Imperial Decree. The front shop was too long and
it was extremely laborious to search, so the pace of Saint Race’s progress was much
But slower, they spent a few hundred years and found it here.

Hidden Dragon Galaxy, facing a World War!

Little Demon Xian shouldered the lives of several hundred million peoples and went to
the troops of Saint Race.
At this time, the only advantage of Little Demon Xian is that Si Ming Planet’s
position is very subtle, and there is room for turbulence and concealed array
shields. The Saint Race Corps is diicult to ind.
However, the position of the covert again could not hold back the time of the Saint Race,
and ten years ago, a legion of Saint Race entered the domain near Si Ming Planet.
Little Demon Xian’s taking the bull by the horns, leading her demon Immmaltal Palace
disciple, is still ten million miles away from Si Ming Planet in the Saint Race Co rps. It
deliberately reveals flaws to make Saint Race’s recognition discoverable, then begin
to escape. .
In this way, Little Demon Xian abruptly led away the Saint Race who had swung to the
main house gate.
The Saint Race of Little Demon Xian is also not someone who is easy to deal with.
There are two middle rank Heavenly Venerates in the army. They are proicient in
tracking. Little Demon Xian brings in a large number of Heavenly Palace disciple, and
also spirit. The battleship fleet could not get rid of the tracking. So, after leaving the
Hidden Dragon Galaxy with the Saint Race fleet, they had left the Hidden Dragon
Galaxy for another galaxy time and turned back to start with the Saint Race Corps.
Life and death strangle!
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This battle was extremely tragic. The two Saint Race Heavenly Venerates were all killed.
The Saint Race fleet was nearly destroyed. The Magic Palace also paid a rather heavy
heavy price.
The deceased at the Immortal Palace, all of whom were the most loyal followers of
Little Demon Xian when Si Ming Planet was not yet built...
However, they eventually killed the battleground and buried the stars...
In this regard, Little Demon Xian is very sad. Without going through the war, will never
be able to experience the feeling of dying while watc hing people is familiar with.
However, even if Little Demon Xian was extremely sad, she quickly walked out
because she knew that the followers who died in the war would rather seeing a strong
self. would carry the last of the war dead. Wishes, leading Si M ing Planet to ight.
Good fortune never come in in pairs. After this group of Saint Races was killed by
Little Demon Xian, stronger enemies came. This time the Holy Child Good Fortune,
and the Waste Legion!
Originally in the ight with two middle rank Heavenly Venerate, Little Demon Xian has
covered her face, and she also killed two people to kill her. Finally, the battleield was
clean. Little Demon Xian thought that his status would not be revealed, but The
arrival of Holy Child Good Fortune means that her whereabouts are probably known
by Holy Child Good Fortune!
Some things are diicult to explain. Little Demon Xian did not know how the Holy Child
Good Fortune could be seen. Perhaps it was intuition. Perhaps he really found clues,
or perhaps his arrival was just a coincidence.
In short, what Little Demon Xian wants to face is the Holy Child Good Fortune and the
terrible Waste Legion at the head of Saint Race Five Saint General!
Little Demon Xian was not afraid of Holy Child Good Fortune, but now Holy Ch ild
Good Fortune, has taken control of Wild-One’s avatar!
In the True God Level category, the wild body belongs to the top level, while the Wild -
One’s avatar is even less than the main body, but it also has a close to the center
position True God.
In the hands of the Holy Child Good Fortune, due to the strength limit of the Holy
Child Good Fortune’s, Wild-One’s avatar was able to play a harder discount, perhaps
with only the weakest True God Level.
But True God is True God after all. In Heavenly Venerate, it is absolute invincibility!
In addition, the wild’s regiment led by Holy Child Good Fortune is deinitely an elite in
the Saint Race’s elite!
The military oicers of those desolate regiments are often the World King and
Great World King of fusion blood of Desolate.
Especially those Great World King, Body Transformation, can compete with the
weakest Heavenly Venerate!
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Compared with the Abandoned Legion, Little Demon Xian’s deiant, the Immortal
Palace disciple, is not a level at all. Once the two encounter, the result of the battle is
attack somebody stronger than oneself. There is no suspense at all!
However, Little Demon Xian could not get any support from the Human Race headquarters.
All Heavenly Venerate of Human Race is not an opponent of Holy Child Good Fortune.
Even Emperor Sakyamuni cannot deal with Wild-One’s avatar.
Divine Dream alone can, but Divine Dream is faced with Saint Race’s other two big True
God God King Floating Feather and God King Heavenly Astral. is an enemy and she is
already tired.
Little Demon Xian, can only rely on myself.
She knows that she and the Holy Child Good Fortune are resentment. The birthday
feasts of the Monster Emperor more than 6,000 years ago were a thorn in the hearts
of the Forever child in the Holy Child Good Fortune. Once there is an opportunity to
unplug this thorn, Holy Child Good Fortune How can you let it go?
Little Demon Xian’s eyes, through the porthole, almost saw the Holy Child Good
Fortune’s ierce face that always had an evil smile.
Little Demon Xian bites his teeth and subconsciously touches his own chest.
In her clothes, there is a string ancient, has completely lost the gloss of the necklace,
it is Lin Ming gave her gift long Distance Heart Connection.

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MW CHAPTER 2018 - Leadership awareness

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For over 6,000 years, Little Demon Xian didn’t know how many times touched the
Long Distance Heart Connection, and tried to use it to call Lin Ming at multiple times.
The top of the dome said:
However, now that the Divine Inscription Talisman sealed in the Long Distance Heart
Connection has been used almost to crack, Lin Ming has no news.
Touching this tarnished necklace gently, Little Demon Xian’s mood fluctuates. If this
necklace is used again, short flash can be used. After that, the Divine Inscription
Talisman sealed in the main body of the necklace will burst. , And this Divine
Inscription Talisman, in addition to Lin Ming, basic nobody can draw it out in Thirty
Three Heavens...
Do not know many times before the occasions have failed, and now only one chance
left, how could it call him?
Little Demon Xian’s spooky sighing, Just then, Little Demon Xian heard a rushing and
messy sound of footsteps outside the room.
A group of people came in. Little Demon Xian put away his necklace and also expressed
his sad, lamented expression on his face.
There were 78 people who were the backbones of the Demon Immortal Palace. Among
them was a black clothed man headed by Lin Huang, the son of Little Demon Xian.
Since Si Ming Planet was precarious, Lin Huang ended his career in gain and
returned to Little Demon Xian. This is the only thing that can make Little Demon Xian
feel comfortable.
“Child had seen her mother!” Lin Huang, who was also a battle armour, hurriedly took a
hurry after entering the room, and other Demon Immortal Palace backbones followed the
“What happened?” Seeing the expressions on the face of Lin Huang and these
military oicers, Little Demon Xian jumped on her heart. knew that I was afraid that
there was a bad good story again.
Faced with the Battle of Saint Race, the commander of Human Race must have a formable
Lin Huang got up and said: “Our team of Wu Chang Heavenly Venerate and Long Ya
of Hidden Dragon Galaxy’s ally has been locked in the star territory of the saint
territory by the Holy Child Good Fortune. Carpet-style search, this will not last several
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months, they will probably be found by Saint Race.”

Lin Huang’s sound grim, Long Ya has not yet broken through Heavenly Venerate
realm. In fact, even if he breaks through, he is not an opponent of Holy Child Good
Fortune. And Wu Chang Heavenly Venerate. It is only a middle rank Heavenly
Venerate of the Human Race, but it is lost to the Holy Child Good Fortune.
Little Demon Xian stood up straight and a heart suddenly sank.
Actually, Long Ya and Wu Chang Heavenly Venerate were among them. The Holy Holy
Child Good Fortune did not know that there was a group of forces other than Little
Demon Xian in Hidden Dragon Galaxy. Long Ya and Wu Chang Heavenly Venerate were
in order. To cover Demon Immortal Palace, slowly discovered by Holy Child Good
Wu Chang Heavenly Venerate is more powerful than Si Ming Planet. Holy Child Good
Fortune did not ind Si Ming Planet, but gradually locked Wu Chang Heavenly
Venerate’s position.
This is really a bad new news.
At this time. At the Demon Immortal Palace backbone next to Lin Huang, stand up and ask
Little Demon Xian: “The team of the Palace Master, Long Ya and Wu Chang Heavenly
Venerate may not be able to last long. Are we on the side? Are we still rescued?”
When the military oicer of the Demon Immortal Palace asked, it was also Lin Huang
and others hurriedly asking for the primary primary cause of Little Demon Xian.
If you don’t save, you violate the principle of righteousness, and you have to face an
enemy that is very fearful. Almost equal to jumping into the iery pit, the most likely
outcome is. completely annihilated!
This is a diicult choice!
Can only be determined by Little Demon Xian.
Not a leader, unable to feel the pressure of the leader, Little Demon Xian had never
been so profoundly aware before became a leader that any decision of a leader on the
battleield was related to the life of one more people!
However, in this storm. She is the backbone of all people. It is the hope of all people.
Even if theart feels confused again, panic and at a loss. She must also calm herself and
make a decision.
Perhaps only one of the tens of thousands of roads that lay in front of her was a way
out, and must ind it out in this chaotic, nervous and desperate form!
Whether she can do it or not, she must do it!
“End will seeing Ming Gu Respected.”
In front of Lin Ming, stood a Saint Race World King, this World King is the general of the
third race of Saint Race Blue Horn Galaxy.
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“Is the material brought?”

Lin Ming procrastinated and emphasized that with the simulated hoarse sound, the
appearance of present, he looked like a thin, old man, exactly like the dead Ming Gu
Heavenly Venerate, plus he has already read the memory of Ming Gu. All things that
need attention will not be will not give oneself away. Even if Ming Gu’s son comes,
they cannot distinguish between true and false.
“All the materials you requested have been brought in. Please look at Ming Gu
Saint Race World King handed a few jade medals to Lin Ming Divine Sense. This inside
material includes a rough distribution of the troops of Saint Race, a map of Wild Universe
that has been explored, and those that may have The galaxies where Human Race is
stationed are all marked.
Lin Ming used only ten interest rates to read this information. Afterwards, he
frowned a bit. These materials were too sketchy. For example, the distribution
maps of the Saint Race Army only indicated a star territory roughly, and the star
territory was too large. It’s very diicult to ind them with just this little material.
Moreover, there are even fewer information about the Army of the Desert.
Lin Ming believes that within the Saint Race, there must be a more detailed material,
but it is not for himself.
“Is it not more detailed?”
Lin Ming throws the jade slip back to the World King of Saint Race, Saint Race World
King said in a dilemma: “Ming Gu Respected, those materials will not have the right to
read at the end, and... Ming Gu Respected seems to know only about Blue Horn .
Galaxy’s information is all right. What other materials do you want to do?”
That said, Saint Race World King said something, looking puzzled at Lin Ming’s
actions. If they were put on someone else, they would have been wary of this Saint
Race’s military oicer, but because of Lin Ming’s identity, granters exchange If not
genuine, all military passwords and secret codes are known, and the status plate is
correct. It cannot really be true. cannot doubt that a Saint Race Heavenly Venerate
would be a betrayer of Saint Race.
“If Ming Gu Respected really needs it, what information you want,
Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate has mastered some, you can ask him
for advice. Speaking, Ming Gu Respected came to the Blue Horn Galaxy
more than a day ago, has not visited Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate...
Saint Race World King cautiously opened the door. Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate
was the upper Heavenly Venerate and was the top commander of the Blue Horn
Galaxy. This time Ming Gu Heavenly Venerate came to the Blue Horn Galaxy, and
also cooperated with the Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate, originally Lin Ming came
to the Blue Horn Galaxy. The irst one is to visit Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate.
However, his disguised Ming Gu is not so strange because he is eccentric and h as no
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visiting words.
When heard Saint Race World King say this, Lin Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth.
“I understand.”
Lin Ming went directly to Heavenly Palace in Heavenly Venerate, Thundercloud.
Among the purple halls, the upper level of the Blue Horn Galaxy Corps is conducting a
military military conference.
“...we have been in this damn place for more than 20 years. We have used so many
people. However, there are only three Human Race planets found in the Blue Horn
Galaxy, and they are almost common people. It is equivalent to grabbing hundreds of
billions of ants. , It’s not enough to use the fertilizer to stuff teeth...”
An eye with a red blood thread and a wrinkled vein on his neck, Great World King, said
that he was from the Waste Legion and was commander of the Blue Horde Galaxy.
“Don’t worry, this kind of carpet search looked a bit stupid, but it’s the best way. Stick
to it and always ind out about these rats. Then must entertain them. i’m sure they will
regret it. To this world.”
A complexion is pale and Viper’s common man is faint, while the Thundercloud
Heavenly Venerate sitting on the irst place always doesn’t say a word, listening to
subordinate discussions.
At this moment, moved in theart and looked at the front door.
“Ming Gu Respected, is now in a meeting. Are you waiting?”
When the guards were spoking the door, the door was pushed away. Skinny, a skinny,
appeared in the hall.
Ming Gu who came in suddenly, let Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate complexion’s sink,
and originally did not like the Heavenly Venerate.
He was trying to say something about Li Wei. Just then, he saw a slight smile in Ming
Gu’s mouth, and then held out his hand. In his palm, there was a rotating black cube.
This black cube seemed to There is a magical power that makes the person look
seem to sink into the soul.
Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate was alert to a big deal. “What are you doing?”
An overwhelming force ield shrouded it, shielding the space of thousand feet’s,
everyone, and was enveloped in the force ield.
And this force ield is the power that Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate has never felt
before. Among the laws involved, he also knows that it is the Law of Grandmist!
“You...You are not Ming Gu!”
Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate’s violent anger, and just then, Lin Ming has stepped
forward, Magic Cube direct ejection in the hand, terrible soul vortex, swallowed
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Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate eyes blood red, his whole body screams, activates
his power from bloodlines in an instant.
And beside him, the military oicers of the two desolate legions also roared. The
whole body wriggled through the bleeding tentacles, and did not hesitate to lead
the flesh and blood. In the face of Heavenly Venerate, they could only choose the
Body as Great World King. Transformation into Abyss Devil, otherwise there is no
force at all!
However, they didn’t think of it. At the moment they just started Body Transformation,
their bodies suddenly seemed to be in chaos. They couldn’t move anymore. The red
tentacles behind them were like being attracted by bamboo flute. Snakes are
completely beyond their control.
Only moments ago, these originally tentatives rushing towards Lin Ming have turned
their way to their necks!
This moment of change, they were shock destroyed, they wanted to rebel, but frighten’s
discovery, their bodies seemed to have not been their own, and they couldn’t move at all.
“Pū! Pū!”
The military oicers of the two desolate regiments were so pierced by the tentacles
formed by the flesh and blood of the barrenness, and then their heads flew out so
that they did not pay attention.
This control ability of the Army of the Waste, Lin Ming had already been experimented
with Ming Gu earlier, now used as passing clouds and flowing water!
At the same time, Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate has been surrounded by the
Spiritual Storm sent out by Magic Cube, and despite his arrogance, it will not change
the established outcome.

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MW CHAPTER 2019 - War Overture

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Hidden Dragon Galaxy, in a magniicent hall, Holy Child Good Fortune sits on a big
chair, watching the map of the Star Sky projected by the Battle Recording Disk-
array. ,
He was dressed in a golden battle armour, with a cloak of mopping behind him. He had a
good wines in his hand and gently turned the glass. From time to time, he would point out
a place on the map. Then the maid beside him would A jewel will be picked up and
placed in the position referred to by Holy Child Good Fortune.

This gem has its own force ield and can float in the void.
Slowly, the star map of Holy Child Good Fortune was illed with half of the

gem mark. Looking at such a map, Holy Child Good Fortune’s mouth has

a pleas smile.

“Ji Xian’er, this time watching how you escape my Wutzushan!”

Some of Hidden Dragon’s Galaxy’s most suspicious areas have long been subjected to
the induction force ield by Saint Race. If the Human Race escapes through the sensor
force ield, the Saint Race will ind it, and then catch up with the hunter chasing the

What Saint Race wants to do now is to unceasing the search, and then shrink the range
of the sensor force ield’s.
With the absolute strength of support, this way of hunting Little Demon Xian’s
feelings, let Holy Child Good Fortune have a kind of pleasant sensations.
“Little Demon Xian, you actually have such a day. It’s going to be in my hands!”
Holy Child Good Fortune smirked and subconsciously grasped the palms, as if to
pinch Little Demon Xian in the general control.

In fact, for Holy Child Good Fortune, lived for so long, and enjoyed everything before.
Her peerless woman once had a passion for it, but after really conquering several of
them, his mind was lightened. Now he can satisfy him, and he only has the ambition
to ight for hegemony, Thirty Three Heavens.
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But Little Demon Xian is diferent. Little Demon Xian is his unfathomable shame. was
talked about in the Saint Race.
Engaged with a green hat when engaged, this has challenged a man’s limit. And if
there is worse than this, it is not only that people are brought green hat, and then they
want to get back to the time of the game, but also by the man who is younger than

Holy Child Good Fortune The lifelong sufering of the Monster Emperor was not

that great. Now think of Lin Ming, Holy Child Good Fortune teeth are tickled.

Holy Child Good Fortune is now a large enters. Heavenly Venerate is invincible. very
much hopes that Lin Ming is still alive. can crush Lin Ming under his feet.

Unfortunately, Lin Ming is dead, and the shame that Lin Ming defeated is no longer
available. Then he can only recover from Little Demon Xian, the woman Lin Ming
once loved, and he will turn Little Demon Xian into himself. The slave girl vented
freely on her body. Insults and insults, In this way, the solution to hate.
By catching Little Demon Xian, Holy Child Good Fortune will unplug this thorn in his
heart. In this way, he can attack True God in the condition of perfect’s.

Just in the Holy Child Good Fortune good wine, smug time. Suddenly there were several
people rushing in and kneeling. “His Highness was Holy Child, something happened.”
“What’s the Flusters!” Just how happy the mood is disrupted, Holy Child Good Fortune
frowns a little. Now Saint Race is making great strides. The “Accident” Of the so -call is
generally a problem with the tracking of the Saint Race army, or some captive camps.
What place is hijacked or something like that. “Anything thing?”
Several Saint Race disciple looked at one another. One of them said, “The Blue Horn Galaxy
was attacked by unidentiied people and sufered heavy losses. The Saint Lord and the saints
above the Saint Lord were almost completely lost!”
“Well!” The wine glass in the hands of Holy Child Good Fortune was directly crushed and
the bright red wine stained the carpet. As blood, “What did you say!?”
In the eyes of Holy Child Good Fortune, there is an unbelievable color.
Since the control Desolate of Saint Emperor Good Fortune began to devour Divine
Transformation Nine Changes Heavenly Dao Law, a considerable part of Saint Race’s
combat command was handed over to Holy Child Good Fortune. is very aware of the
dispatch of the Saint Race army. Blue Horn Galaxy has a The former Heavenly Venerate
was in the town, and the other Heavenly Venerate had just passed.

In addition to this, there are three Great World Kings that have blended in with
desperate flesh and blood, and at the critical moment, their Body Transformation
can fully exert Heavenly Venerate level power in a short period of time.

In other words, the Blue Horn Galaxy is equal to having ive Heavenly Venerate!
In addition, there are many Saint Lord, World King, and a large -scale hundred person.
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The cultivation base is at least the wild regiment of Saint Lord peak level!
Such a terrible force, even if the strongest forces of the Human Race’s existing Wild
Universe attack, they dare not say that they will deinitely be able to ight. What’s more
is that their elite will be completely destroyed!
Moreover, the Human Race is now a real threat to Mount Potuo, Primordial God C lan,
through the Heavenly God Palace, and so on. The Heaven Childhood Fortune is led by
Heaven Heavenly Venerate. The Holy Child Good Fortune is very clear about their
approximate positions. Do not think that under the restraint of the military strength of Saint
Race Seventh Layer Heaven, ten times of the Human Race, even if there is at least the
influence of Peak Heavenly Venerate, it can silently give the Blue Horn Galaxy ruinous.

This made the Holy Child Good Fortune frustrated. Did the Human Ra ce suddenly
produce a not-known peak Heavenly Venerate during these years?

Peak Heavenly Venerate is not a Chinese cabbage. If you don’t count Battlely Emperor
of Heavenly Clan and Di Wuhen of Primordial God Clan, Human Race’s Heaven
Heavenly Venerate level character, Holy Child Good Fortune can be counted by one
hand, even Little Demon Xian. After shes breaks through Heavenly Venerate, she does
not necessarily have the level of Peak Heavenly Venerate.
“How many people are there in the opposition party, what cultivation methods are used, and
what is the preferred battleield sample?” Holy Child Good Fortune even asked three
questions, but the answers from these men and women gave Holy Child Good Fortune’s
violent anger.
“Don’t know how many people there are, and the cultivation method is not clear. Those who saw
the true face of the killers were mostly dead... However, according to some news from the
surrounding survival disciple, the sky appeared a black round. The big vortex is like a black hole
falling in. As for the enemy...they...should...maybe...four...four people...”
“What? Only four people?”
Holy Child Good Fortune grabbed the collar. If it were four peerless masters, it
wouldn’t be diicult to kill Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate and Ming Gu Heavenly
Venerate, but it would be terrible to let the Blue Horn Galaxy’s troops fall almost
completely. .

This proves that the opposition party used array and force ield to achieve

unimaginable levels. Or, the strength of these four individuals has reached

...peak Heavenly Venerate! ?

Think of the latter as a possibility, Holy Child Good Fortune’s facial color has become
increasingly grim, where did the Human Race get four peak Heavenly Venerates? This
kind of fooling enemy is the most terrible.

Regarding the identities of these four individuals, Holy Child Good Fortune even thought of
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Soul Race. Is there a possibility Soul Race is undermined in the back?

Soul Race is always a taboo opponent of the Holy Child Good Fortune. Not to mention
the Holy Child Good Fortune. Even the Saint Emperor Good Fortune is extremely jealous
of the old fogy of the Soul Emperor. It is thought that the Soul Race may be faced by
Saint Race in the future. The most terrible enemy.

“Should not, Soul Race would have to rise a hand if it had to rise a hand. Human Race Saint
Race was more than 6,000 years ago. If they had to interfere, Divine Realm could not get it,
but then they did not rise a hand. The emperor ancestor replaced some of Divine Realm with
a price that wasn’t a big deal. Now that we have occupied Divine Realm, does the Soul Race
destroy our Heavenly Venerate team not too big nor too small? ”
Holy Child Good Fortune denied his own guess. would never even know what ghosts the
Soul Race was doing these years, but he believed that since the Soul Race had been
silent for so long, once it broke out, it would have been a storm. It might even have
involved a surprise. Day plot, It’s almost impossible to send people to clean up two cat
puppies. For the entire Soul Race, Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate and Ming Gu
Heavenly Venerate really count as cat puppies.

“Your Highness Holy Child, some of the star owners near the Blue Horn Galaxy have sent a
request for guidance. What will be done next step? Does it help to ind the influence of that
Holy Child Good Fortune hesitated a bit, saying: “Makes them stand by and wait for orders,
can silently exterminate Blue Horn Galaxy’s enemies, they are also unlikely to be caught, step
up their search for Hidden Dragon Galaxy, etc. Solved the trouble here, I personally will this
mysterious match, oh!”
Holy Child Good Fortune eyes shine, now you’ll seeing Little Demon Xian close the dead
end, of course
he would not give up Hidden Dragon Galaxy, otherwise let Little Demon Xian get to his lips
and fly again, then in the future want to be in this huge Finding her again in Wild Universe
is not an easy matter.
However, Holy Child Good Fortune did not expect that his nightmare was just beginning...

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MW CHAPTER 2020 - Black Dragon

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Lin Ming quickly shuttled in starry sky. had already obtained detailed information
about the killing of Saint Race’s army branch from Thundercloud Heavenly
Venerate, who was killed by him. Oh,
This information, not even in an exhaustive record in the jade slip, is a lot of
information in the mind of Thundercloud Heavenly Venerate, thanks to Magic
Cube, Lin Ming easily got it all.
It can be said that Lin Ming now knows the battle of the Saint Race Human Race
at the Wild Universe.
is going to go to a star territory called Fire God Galaxy’s, where he has another
Saint Race that he wants to exterminate.
He wanted to set up a bloody storm in the back of the Saint Race. He stirred up
and turned upside down. Let Saint Race’s ive Saint General have to pay attention
to him.
Lin Ming knew that the current Saint Emperor Good Fortune was unable to open up
because the management Desolate swallowed Heavenly Dao Law.
And God King Floating Feather and God King Heavenly Astral are ighting in the
same place with Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate.
In fact, Lin Ming suspects that Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate may not be the
opponent of these two large Heavenly Venerates. After all, they reach the level of
True God. At least they are all Emperor Sakyamuni geniuses. No one is weak,
Divine Dream Essence and Soul Dual Cultivation, It may be stronger, but it will not
be able to be an enemy.
Lin Ming speculates that God King Floating Feather and God King Heavenly Astral
will not necessarily do their best for Saint Emperor Good Fortune. Even if they for
some reason intervene in the race of Saint Race Human Race, they will not leave
Divine Dream at this time. , self-descending identities on such an unidentii unknown
enemy shot himself.
True God is arrogant, and an enemy that emerges suddenly does not cause their
Then, besides these three great True Gods, the one who is most likely to shoot
himself is only the Holy Child Good Fortune who has conidence in peak.
Lin Ming understands Holy Child Good Fortune, Lin Ming and Young Child Good
Fortune did many years of opponents, is very aware of the weakness of Holy Child
Good Fortune.
He used the Holy Child Good Fortune’s self-conidence to attract Holy Child Good
Fortune. In this way, he will be able to use his own plan, and in a short period of
time, he will complete a leap in his strength!
Lin Ming looked at the ash-gray vortex-like galaxy in distant place’s huge’s, eyes
flashing a killing intent, next one quarter. He tore the void and the igure
disappeared in such a void.
Lin Ming quickly shuttled in starry sky, diverted, and remembered in detail in his
mind the location of Saint Race’s forces, straight to Huanglong!
After several days, Lin Ming eventually came to the destination. Looking far, it was a
cluster of stars, he knew. This star is the Human Race inhabited by Saint Race, where
it lives with more than 10,000,000,000,000 Human Race.
In the words of Saint Race, it is just a natural prison. It is the
“Slaveconcentrationcamp”Of the Human Race.
After entering the Wild Universe, Lin Ming heard about the Human Race prisoners
and slaves. never saw the state of their lives.
The power of Saint Race. Just near the stars, every star is over. The Float has 12
Saint Race Holy Palaces. These Holy Palaces form a force ield with each other,
completely enveloping the stars below.
And such a force ield is not at all a break in the prisoner of war of the Human

Race on the Stars. To be precise, they are not prisoners of war at all. Just


This galaxy, named Fire God Galaxy, was originally extinguished by the Saint Race
during the battle. The Galaxy’s originally Human Race Heavenly Palace was mostly
non-combatants who had not reached the Divine Transformation.
Actually Fire God Galaxy. It has been occupied by Saint Race for more than 100 years.
For more than 100 years, for Martial Dao masters, it was only a time for meditation
and one retreat. However, for normal person, it was a lifetime...
The remaining Human Race folks on Fire God Galaxy are not talented. Under the rule
of Saint Race, they have no way to practice martial arts. This makes their strength drop
And more than 50 years ago, Fire God Galaxy came to a group of Saint Race pioneers.
These people are all from the native universe of Saint Race’s. They say it is white.
They are a group of people who have been mixed up in Saint Race. Many people are
even squatters and rogues. Because they are diicult to survive in Saint Gathering
Heaven, they are willing to come. Human Race’s “Wild Universe”.
If the people who have Saint Race the sight and sound of the wind whipping up
the water, who would like to come to this piece of barren land in their view is
completely awkward place?
The so-called pioneering of the Saint Race pioneers was actually a robbery. They
burned and robbed on the Fire God Galaxy and used the resources that have been
developed here, such as the medicine garden, ore, and the rich cultivation of
spiritual energy.
The army of Saint Race acquiesced to all this. The purpose of attacking the Wild
Universe has become obvious. First, expand the territory of Saint Race and
develop resources. It is advisable to seize the God Law Imperial owned by the
Human Race that can open Lamenting God Wall. Decree, for the Saint Race Saint
Emperor to complete his ambition to train to peak.
The second is to cut down the Human Race, stamps out the source of trouble,
completely solve the future trouble of the Human Race counterattack!
Song Yan is a normal person of Fire God Galaxy. is 200 years old and barely breaks
through Xiantian. is a standard Human Race common people.
When was born, the Wild Universe battle between Human Race and Saint Race had
already begun.
And his adult time, Fire God Galaxy fell, henceforth, with Fire God Galaxy in the billion
billion Human Race compatriots, became a slave.
When Song Yan was a child, also saw the Human Race compatriots 6,500 years ago in
the history book, because Divine Realm collapsed and fell into misery.
For more than 6,000 years, it was too far away for Song Yan that he did not expect
that the life of the country’s slaves would have been so fast.
This is a nightmare!
Song Yan originally has dreams of own, and also wants to be a warrior of Human
Race. does not need to be the most dazzling talent of those who are respected by
the person. only needs to be one of the most common, unknown warriors in the ire
god Heavenly Palace. That’s it.
To become the standard of the Vulcan Heavenly Palace most common ordinary
soldier is to step into the Divine Transformation period before the thouss of years.
However, this is too diicult for Song Yan.
He has no talent and no chance. In the end, his dream can only be a dream.
He had to accept the reality. At the time of the Houtian peak, he married a wife who
was not unaptive talent and most common, but he was deeply loving. He had three
adorable daughters, one male and two female.
However, these three children will be born with a nightmare that people can’t see.
There is also a group of greedy, devilish, devilish people.
Killing, robbery, rape, plundering young lady human furnace, abducting slaves.
Snatch young boy for blood sacriice...
Song Yan does not know when such a day will end. Maybe this war between Human
Race and Saint Race will last for thousands of years. Can he live for thousands of
Does his child, his grandson, and his great-grandson, live for thousands of

years? And this premise is... He can have grandchildren.

He is like an
continue, ant, facing the ice ages of glaciers who do not know how many years to
desperately on the ice, waiting for the advent of death.
A loud cry came. His Little Girl cried.
Song Yan smoked in his heart, looked up and saw himself, but saw himself 12-
year-old son, holding a three-year-old daughter.
He knew that his daughter was hungry.
In the Yan Yuan period, Song Yan, in the Wild Universe where the original energy
is confusing, is even hard to do it completely. He can still only eat very food in one
month, rely on drinking water and absorb Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi to supplement
But his son, daughter, and wife are not. They want to eat.

Past. In the world of the martial artist, because they are powerful, they have
mastered the power of conquering nature, because of food shortages and
starvation, it is simply unthinkable.
This is true only in the pure mortal society.
But now, Fire God Galaxy is playing this scene. Of the 10,000,000,000,000 common
people, at least nine people are unable to reach the realm of the valley. They need to
consume a massive foodstuf.
After the war, a large number of wild civilians did not have the protection of
soldiers. There is no way to face the open country Ferocious Beast, had to flock to
the city, leading to fertile farmland absurd......
The remaining foodstuf’s resources, in control of Saint Race’s bandits hands, 50
Violet Sun Stone can not buy a bag of millet, one million times higher than Divine
Realm prices, make you want to live only To mine in the mine tunnel, and in the
open country of Ferocious Beast, mining is equal to gambling, digging for three
years but still alive, hardly ever.
Because of the long-term hunger, originally Song Yan, Little Girl, who is a little fat,
has lost a lot.
Song Yan’s wife Zhou Hui is now feeding the littler’s daughter, hearing a child crying,
feels like a knife twisting in theart.
Her breast milk was long gone, and the dry snoring sucked up was actually a
psychological comfort to the little child.
Song Yan gritted his teeth and pulled a dark food out of his sleeve. After thinking
about it, knelt down and put it into his wife’s hand to get her second daughter.
The remaining piece, Song Yan stufed it with his son.
Looking at the food handed down in the father hand, young boy was still holding
Younger Sister silently. was 12 years old and even though he had noodles, he still had
a stubborn eye in his eyes.
“Whynotgetit?”Song Yan asked.
The young boy said stubbornly, with a strong 12-year-old boy in his eyes. Song

Yan’s tears rushed out.

He put the dark food directly into his son’s arms and stood up and said,
After that, he went outside the city.
Watching her husband seem to be walking outside the city, Zhou Hui suddenly
panicked. “You’regoing tohunt?Don’tyou?”
Outside the city, among distant wild forests, there are rich games, but there are
even more dangerous than mine tunnel hundred times!
Song Yan A novelist martial artist, enter wild forest, a variation mouse may give him to
Zhou Hui must hurry and cry. They are now the husband and wife of the family. If
her husband is dead, she and some children will be imagine!
However, Song Yan seems to be completely disappointed.
“Iwon’thaveanythingtodo,luckisgood.I don’tneedfoodforthismonth.”
He paused, and said: “IfIdon’tgo,childsupportisonlytendays...”
The second sentence of the word, Song Yan, was voiced with True Essence. Zhou
Hui’s hand froze all of a sudden.
She knows that over the years, the population of Fire God Galaxy has dropped by 2

for various reasons... Death, it’s really a near, near, matter...

Zhou Hui did not know what to say. At this time, Song Yan had thrown her hand
away and was trying to step out of the city. Suddenly, his complexion changed.
In the dark night of Blood Moon, he seemed to hear a strange sound. From far and

near. Then, the earth under his feet shook gently.

This trembling is very weak, but Song Yan will not feel wrong. looked at the water
on the ground. Clearly, the calm puddle of swam has swung a tiny layer of ripples.
The buzzing sound is getting stronger. Song Yan’s complexion suddenly

paled. Is it...

Song Yan seemed to be in order to conirm something. suddenly looked up at the sky.
There, Float had a bright moon, probably stained with blood...
Song Yan shivered and said, The station could not come to a stop.

“Whathappened?”Seeing the expression of Song Yan, Zhou Hui panicked.


Song Yan bitter smile, it is ten million, even billions of Ferocious Beast. The group
was attacking the city. In the Wild Universe, there was no shortage of Ferocious
In the past, there was a Human Race master who had not known how long beast tide
had happened.
But now, without the shock of the Human Race master, Fire God Galaxy,
eventually in the Blood Moon Hollow Night, which is the most likely to gather
Ferocious Beast. Outbreak of beast tide!
afraid that the city where they are is not the irst city to have been afected by the
beast. Naturally, it will never be the last one.
Song Yan embraced his own child. knew that this night they might be buried here!
Even though there are Royal Guard teams in their cities, these Royal Guard teams
are only composed of martial artists below the Divine Transformation period. These
Divine Transformation period martial artist, because when the age of Divine
Transformation was over the age of thousand, they failed to enter Heavenly Palace.
How could this ighting power resist the flood of beasts?
And at this time. In the urban center, several spiritual battleships soared and went
to the flies of the Heavenly Palace of Saint Race in the universe at an extremely
fast speed.
Song Yan recognizes that these are spiritual battleships for Saint Race pioneers.
Their originally’s occupation was robbers and bandits. They were only responsible for
plundering and collecting money. When they approached, they naturally did not have
the obligation to protect the Human Race.
Song Yan eyes blood red, he has never hated a race so. And this time, in
the city, sad’s toot blows!
The Human Race’s Guards gather.
In the regular army’s eyes, they are a group of mobs. Most of them are Divine
Transformation Period, Divine Sea Stage, and even Life Destruction Stage, and they
are still relatively weak in the same rank martial artists.
They are armed with various inferior weapons of diferent lengths, standing on the
city wall, and facing the dark, untamed animal tide!
In the city of Song Yan, only their backs can be seen at this time. In the dark night,
among them are many people who have stature rickets. They are gray-haired.
These warriors were all members of the group who had been eliminated in the
Heavenly Palace Warriors, but they still silently guarded the people of the Human
At that moment, Song Yan’s eye socket was red again. In his eyes, those people were
like a steel wall standing duty-bound not to turn back...
They are warriors!
The Saint Race came and they were not qualiied to ight. Because in front of the
stone, they didn’t even have eggs. At best, they could only be dust.
But now, in the face of destroying all the beast tides, the moment of their ight

has come... This... probably is also the last battle in their lives.
At this moment,
extraordinary in the faceas
tranquilities, of the forthcoming death, these ighters have
if this time, they are not meeting the beast tide that will soon destroy their
lives, but only the comfortable evening reunited with the family member, and
watching the sunless sunset...
On thead of the city, the old city guard commander, holding a long sword and
making his ight declaration, manifesto has only one sentence, but it is enough.
Yes, as a warrior, even a soldier who has been eliminated, they also have their own
mission and glory. That is ighting!
At this moment when ethnicity is about to be destroyed, the fate of the soldiers
should not be the death of the enemy under the oppression of the enemy, but the
death of a battleground!
Behind them, the common people of Fire God Galaxy’s have begun to walk towards
the city wall. Someone is holding a child. Someone is knocking down kiss land.
This piece of wild, is where they sweat, planting hope. They may be dead here. Then
let them use blood to water this piece of land.
Overwhelming World of Warcraft, has been rushed to the city wall, 66.0 meters
high city wall, for the powerful Ferocious Beast, is like skipping the threshold is
generally simple, in addition, the sky there is massive flight Ferocious Beast, their
speed, is several times faster than the speed of the human expert’s flight.
A killing, about to begin, Song Yan has illed a heart of blood, he picked up his
simple weapon, is trying to fly to the top of the city.
Just then, her wife suddenly pulled Song Yan.
He thought his wife would stop him, but she saw his wife stretch out a hand and
point to the sky.
The distant black night sky, hanging Blood Moon, and in Blood Moon, there is a
huge black phantom shadow, it opens wings, like Demon God of dark night.
That’s a Black Dragon!
Song Yan completely choked. Roar
Black Dragon raises thead of huge, one-cornered, face upwards growls!
The roar full of dignii reverberated four wild, with fearful of pressure, went
straight to nine, shattered milky way!
The common people in the city are suddenly stunned. Many people look up at the sky,
and they come from the coercion of the emperor in the beast. Everyone can clearly
feel the outrage. The Black Dragon’s roaring roar stopped in almost no time.
Numerous beasts tumbled to the ground in the function of inertia, and some crashed
into the city wall.
Then, ignoring the body that was injured in the chaos, they actually fell one by one
and shuddered under this pressure.
Black Dragon stunned the moon and the beasts shocked!
The guards on the walls are overwhelmed. What is this Black Dragon? At this

time, they discovered that the beast boom retreat.

These originally
they squat body,red eyes Ferocious Beast, this time there are deep awe in the eyes,
by step, carefully returned to the jungle, disappeared in the darkness...
Everything is quiet, only the wilderness surrounding strong winds raging a bitter
piece reminds people just what happened...
(The 4,000-character chapter, Yesterday’s debt has been added, Two days have
been lost in this month, but they have also been added. If the energy is not able to
keep up, maybe the twenty will take a day of. This month has been tightened. String
to now.)

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MW CHAPTER 2021 - Fate smile

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“What’s going on?” “Asshole...”

“War prepared!!”
In the Heavenly Palace of the high float of Saint Race, it has become a mess.
The beastly tide of erupts in an unnamed city below was only minor matter to them, but
the terrible Black Dragon roar, carrying the terrifying coercion of their fortress, felt their
Heavenly Palace trembles, and the Spirit Race ships of the Saint Race are just close to
the Saint Race Heavenly Palace. When they have not yet entered, they are blown away
by this terrifying storm.
“Mother, how to do it!”
The leader of a splendid one-eyed Saint Race is extremely angry, Just because of the
vibration and tumbling of the spirit battleship, Many of the high rank qualities that he had
searched out of the energy stone fell out of the way. He walked out of the secret room
with his anger, It was thought that it was subordinate operat improper, And hit stones.
However, he had no time to continue to curse, but he shut up. stared wide openly and
watched a bow in their spiritual battleship, just a few yards away, a huge’s black Dragon
Head slowly from Exploring the thick cloud.
The leader of the pioneer was completely sluggish. At this time, he vaguely saw that
beside the big dragon Dragon Horn, it seemed that a black clothed man was standing.
Behind this black clothed man, there are three men dressed in similar, and they seem to
be headed by the front man.
The three men jumped up from Dragon Head and headed straight to the top of the Race
Race Heavenly Palace.
The speed of the three of them reached the peak, and it was like flying dart into a Saint
Race Heavenly Palace. Compared to the huge Saint Race Heavenly Palace, their bodies
were as small as flying insects, but when they disappeared in Heavenly In the palace’s
protective layer, it was only momentary. Saint Race sky has a large explosion!
The turbulent flow of energy that is exploding is not a flame, but the black chaotic
energy that sweeps everything.
This terrible chaos energy will make its instant vanishes in puf of smoke!
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Sees with one’s own eyes, Several Saint Race martial artists rushed in to kill three
mysterious men, but they were entangled in that black energy and disappeared
From head to toe, no blood, no shattered limbs. It’s like falling into the boiling water.
Sames disappeared.
In this scene, the Saint Race pioneers became a pot gruel, and they wanted to escape.
However, they saw that there were many Saint Race spirit battleships who also wanted
to escape.
In the Saint Race army, the hierarchy, the color of the spirit battleship, and the size can
represent the level of the ride. The pioneers watched as even the spirit battleshipship
that World King rode in escaped. What are they waiting for?
However, just when they were about to flee, they saw the spirit battle ships that broke
hundreds of miles behind the Heavenly Palace range and slammed into an invisible
force ield.
Force ield tremors. Numerous rune lights up and flashed of, and then the chilling scene
took place. The spirit battleship that crashed into the force ield fell apart and exploded!
Three mysterious men blocked the sky, mysterious energy swept through, and then
everything evaporated!
The riders of the spirit battleship. Regardless of Saint Lord, World King, Great World
King, it was instantly spiked.
Seeing this scene, the Saint Race pioneers have long been scared. For them, World
King and Great World King are all high above the igure. They are usually not seen, but
now they are killed. . It’s like stepping on a group of ants!
At this time, people all understand that this planet, which has been laid out with a
force ield, has covered everyone!
No one can escape...
At this time. In Saint Race Heavenly Palace, suddenly a huge bloody phantom shadow
shoots up to the sky!
This scarlet centipede. The thousand Li is long enough, and it stretches out two rows of
massive claws. With the emergence of the blood centipede, the fearful pressure is
pouring down like a tide. All Saint Race martial artists are excited!
"Blood centipede Astral Essence totem, It is a symbol of bloodbloHeavenly Venerate
Body Transformation! ,
There are Saint Race martial artist shouting, morale rose, blood centipede is a rare
bloodlines of Saint Race, the blood gong centipede Heavenly Venerate guarding the
Vulcan domain is the owner of such bloodlines.
However, they had not yet had time to cheer. At this time, a darkness dragon with a length
of body of more than 1,000 snarled and rushed directly onto the huge phantom shadow.
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Like a hawk Bu snake, it directly held the blood centipede. ! !

And just then, standing on the back of the Black Dragon, the black clothed man who had
not been moving moved. His form disappeared like a ghost. Next quarter, dazzling
spear|gun glow runs through the sun and the moon. The phantom shadow instantly
smashed and turned into a rich fresh blood starry sky!
The coercion of the bloody Heavenly Venerate slowly diminished, and the world’s moments
were clean...
The blood gong centipede Heavenly Venerate is dead, from when he completed
bloodlines Body Transformation, to when he was killed by Lin Ming, a total time of less
than ten breaths, complete crush!
All Saint Race martial artists, have been frightened, a Heavenly Venerate, so it was
spike? What is the opposite party? Devil?
In the ruins of Saint Race Heavenly Palace, Lin Ming put away the bloody Heavenly
Venerate’s body.
In this battle of Saint Race, he did not have any hands and the benevolence of the
woman. Every time he played a Saint Race martial artist, it meant that several fellow
Human Races might be killed.
To participate in the war, if you want to make a military service in exchange for an
advantage, or you want to seize the loot for war in the war, then you must be aware
of being spoliator kills.
This battle, from the moment of bloody Heavenly Venerate being killed, the result of the battle
has no suspense.
The strength disparity is too big.
Lin Ming main body didn’t even get it. Light by three avatars is enough. Next,

just clean up the battleield cleanup.

air, Avatar
falling continued to ight, Lin Ming glanced at the stars under his feet and moved in the
straight from the upper air.
In human cities, people watch the splendid energy flow in the night sky, as beautiful as
the aurora, but these people know that this is not an aurora, but the energy flux
generated by a terrifying explosion.
“The Heavenly Palace of Saint Race... was destroyed!”
With the martial artist of Divine Sea, the battle in the upper air can already be seen
vaguely. The Heavenly Palace of Saint Race was bombed!
One stone provoked thousand waves, and the human mortals in the city were stunned.
The Heavenly Palace of Saint Race has been floating on the Fire God Galaxy for
hundreds of years. They have long been accustomed to the existence of the Heavenly
Palace, and the subconscious minds, it will always float to their death, now it was blown
The irst was the outbreak of the beastly boom. Then the Black Dragon blew of, the
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beasts blew away, and inally the Saint Race Heavenly Palace exploded. Everything that
happened during the short quarter of an hour was so subversive that they didn’t even
have time to think what it meant. .
“Saint race is over!” Suddenly people shouted.
“Our soldiers are back!”
Someone shouted again. And this sentence shocked everyone. Human Race,

is it back?

This war of disparity enormous war, has it been a reversal?

As if to answer the questions of the Fire God Galaxy, in the deep blue night sky, a burst
of even more splendid energy flow burst again. The Saint Race Heavenly Palace was
completely blown up, faintly, and it seems that the high dragon dragon roar spread all
over. World.
For a moment, Fire God Galaxy boiled.
“Our ighter is back!!”
People cry. Repressed the sadness of the hundred year, At this moment, the complete
eruption came out. People cry so much. Someone flew to the sky, others kissed the land,
and the unknown person was
hugged together. They tried to keep deep breath, but they could not suppress the blood
in their bodies. Their hearts beat at this moment!
If you do not experience hardship, you will not be able to feel how precious the
victory is at the moment. In order to freedom, in order to continue, even if timid,
then the weak Human Race, will not hesitate to kill the battleield, blood flow!
When Lin Ming walked on the street, he looked at the crowd in a crazy crowd. watched
as a teenager excitedly waved his arm and ran wildly. watched a mother’s eyes red. The
tears could not stop. Finally holding the child lying on the ground cries.
At that moment, Lin Ming suddenly understood that his life was already connected with
the tightness of the race, inseparable... He would always belong to this group. He
stepped up to today, able to ight for the continuation of the own race. He felt a heartfelt’s
Among the crazy crowd, Lin Ming’s tranquil behavior is very diferent. quietly shuttles
through the maddening crowd and slowly walks towards a family.
This is a family of ive. It is amazing that we can guarantee the family integrity in the
Song Yan originally got together with his wife and child, tears in tears until he saw a black
clothed youth appearing in front of his own tent.
The young man clearly walked down the street, but he seemed to be isolated from the
world. walked in the end of the river of time. This made Song Yan suddenly stunned.
“You are...”
Song Yan did not ask one of the questions. There was speculation in his heart, but could
not be sure. People like Song Yan don’t know much about the Fire God Galaxy. They’re
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also worse than they are. But

Lin Ming used sensation to cover the entire Fire God Galaxy’s time, but focused on the
Song Yan family. That’s just because of Song Yan’s. 12-year-old son.
Lin Ming discovered unexpectedly that this child possesses a very high martial cultivator
talent and has a irm and resolute character. It was born for Martial Dao.
Such a good seedling is wasted here. It is a pity.
Song Yan’s wife, tightening the hands of Song Yan, suddenly appeared black clothed
youth, making her slightly uneasy, even though cultivation base but Houtian, but
intuition feels this youth’s terrible.
“How are you,” Lin Ming told the Song Yan’s couple to show a faint smile, then leaned
over and asked Song Yan’s youngest son. “What’s your name?”
The 12-year-old boy looked at his father and looked straight into Lin Ming’s eyes.

replied, “Song Mo.” “Song Mo, OK, would you like to walk with me? Look at the outside

Lin Ming smiled.
This smile falls into the eyes of Song Yan and Song Mo. They do not understand what it
means at the moment.
It wasn’t until many years later that Song Mo had followed Long Ya and became an in -
order to Long Ya direct disciple. They learned that this young year with this smile was
exactly what existed.
This is probably from the smile of the fate of God...
Seeing that the book review area has a book friend saying that the silkworm cocoon
intentionally appetites, the silkworm cocoon hopes to write a battle of two races. Here it
writes to many people. These people are the background, but they are not symbols that
can be passed, Lin Ming Is the leading role, but it is not the only one. The silkworm
cocoon did not want to make a big battle. It became destined to be incapable of
satisfying everyone. In the end, war’s plot would be three-dimensional and multifaceted.
In addition, the last chapter was 5,000 words yesterday. It was wrong to say 4,000, even
though I ixed it immediately after half an minute after the update. However, pirates still
earliest possible time to copy to 4,000, but it was half past two at hal f-night, speechless.
I didn’t say that yesterday was an outbreak, it was just making up.
In addition to some postings in other places, I didn’t learn
elementary mathematics and said that I owe more to people. In
fact, I didn’t want to reply. This time, I would like to answer the
question again. The silkworm cocoon is even unpleasant, and
often it is delayed. In the case of the manuscript, I really couldn’t
do a ix point update. i’m very sorry for that. But I never reneged
on it. I never promised to repay my debt. I only talk once and I
don’t talk again.
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MW CHAPTER 2022 - Mysterious man identity mystery

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In the meteorite region of the Putuo Galaxy, a huge Buddhist statue floats statically. This
statue is actually a spirit battleship and it is the True God Level Spirit Treasure
accumulated by the Mount Potuo background. ,
Putuo Galaxy, named after Mount Potuo, is the base station for Mount Potuo former staf.
When Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate headed to the other First Level universe, wh en
confronted with God King Floating Feather and God King Heavenly Astral, Mount Potuo
actually became the command center of the current Human Race.
However, it is said that it is the command center, and the transmission of information is
very problematic. Not every star territory blocked by Saint Race can hold information
fluent information with Putuo Galaxy, such as the Hidden Dragon Galaxy where Little
Demon Xian is located. Joint promise for a long time.
In the case where Saint Race controls the absolute advantage, it is not diicult to block
the transfer passage with force ield.
Mount Potuo, because Emperor Sakyamuni is considered to be the strong influence of the
Human Race.
The Saint Race army with Putuo Galaxy is also the strongest. Apart from the absence of Holy
Child Good Fortune, there are Fairy Maiden Qinglian from Floating Feather Divine Mountain,
and Ao Ri, Xie Yue, two great sage. In addition, there are four veteran peak Heavenly
Venerate composed of Saint Race’s wartime proceedings powwow.
The main force of the Army of the Wilderness is also Putuo Galaxy.
Competing with so many experts, Emperor Sakyamuni also feels great pressure. daren’t
dare to relax. In particular, the existence of the Arakan Legion has caused Emperor
Sakyamuni to feel a lot of anxiety.
The Waste Army has a total of three thousand World King, eight hundred thousand Saint
Lord! Of these three thousand World Kings, there are 200 Great World Kings.
For Peak Heavenly Venerate, the World King expert’s Truly is nothing, but when 3,000
World King gathered, in particular, devoured World King of the flesh and blood, they
formed a battleield after a battleield, the power is unimaginable!
If they are simultaneously Body Transformation, it will be in a short time. Let Saint
Race suddenly ind the 200 weakest Heavenly Venerate’s super strength!
This terrible team, Emperor Sakyamuni seeing them only one word to escape!
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Fortunately fortunately, every time Body Transformation has great losses on Qi and Blood
of the Legion of Legion, it will even greatly shorten their life span. Therefore, between the
easy and the absurd, there will be no Body Transformation.
There is such a huge threat as the Abandoned Legion. Mount Potuo did not dare to face the
with Saint Race forces. Fortunately, Primordial God Clan and Heavenly Clan were also in
Putuo Galaxy. Di Wuhen and Battle Emperor had two peak Heavenly Venerate and Mount
Potuo aid each other. In this
way, Mount Potuo was barely able to do so. Can be influenced by the influence of Saint Race.
However, if we dare not frontage combat, the Human Race will always be in absolute
passive. If we are accidentally surrounded, we will lose all our games!
At this time. Among the major buddhist halls of Great buddha, Emperor Sakyamuni,
Great Unrestrained Buddha, Jun Biyue, Hang Chi, and many Mount Potuo’s eminent
monks, Lohan, are analyzing the complex’s war, and in the past few days suddenly. An
exciting news that appeared.
“The Saint Race has been destroyed ive bases in a row within three mo nths, died seven
Heavenly Venerates, and lost a total of 300 members of the Army of the Waste Legion!
really don’t know who it is...”
Hang Chi put down the combat report jade slip. Look to Emperor Sakyamuni and Great
Unrestrained Buddha, and wait to hear the comments of the two chairs.
Great Unrestrained Buddha did not speak. He slowly looked at buddha beads and waited
for Hang Chi to continue.
“Originally disciple also thought that the disastrous defeat behind the Saint Race was the
deliberate diversion of the Saint Race, but from the news we heard from the scout, this should
be true. This is the Saint Race Heavenly Palace savaged from our scout. Disk.”
In Hang Chi’s speech, pushed a savaged disk into the face of the Great Unrestrained
Buddha and Emperor Sakyamuni. When the two saw each other, it was diicult to tell what
the cultivation method was.
Aura from the savaged disk came to judges and destroyed Heavenly Palace. It seems to
be a very complex energy. It seems to have both the sacred Aura and the evil spirits. The
laws it contains are also diicult to distinguish for a time.
“What did the master ind?”
Asked by Jun Biyue of Little speech.
The Great Unrestrained Buddha licks buddha beads, and reads the Buddha’s name for a
long time. “Oh, old buddhist monk studied Mount Potuo’s book collection since childhood.
Even though his natural talent is dull, knows that is rich in knowledge, but this piece of
savaged disk The energy Aura, old buddhist monk contained in it can’t tell... It seems to
contain a little bit of God Strength’s character. The old buddhist monk can judge, it’s just
so much...”
After hearing the judgment of the Great Unrestrained Buddha, all the people in the main
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hall took a cool breath and were present in all the people. Even though Emperor
Sakyamuni was the strongest, but the knowledge was extensive, it was still the Great
Unrestrained Buddha, his life expectancy. Incomparably long, together with the
background of Mount Potuo’s rich, it is hard for people to imagine that this world i s actually
a kind of Great Unrestrained Buddha without perfect power.
Even if it is the savaged disk left by the attack of Saint Emperor Good Fortune, it should
not be diicult to recognize. Because Saint Emperor Good Fortune is stronger again, his
strength is still dominated by Astral Essence, which belongs to one of the three major
system strengths.
“That’s really strange...”
Hang Chi is full of curiosity about this mysterious man.
It is not surprising that the Great Unrestrained Buddha does not analyze anything with a
savaged disk. Because the power used by Lin Ming is a combination of God Strength and
Devil Strength. This power can be described as without parallel in history, Even Asura
Road Master and Immortal Sovereign failed to possess this species of strength.
In addition, the law that Lin Ming uses is the fusion of the Law of Asura and the Sacred
Scripture Law. This is another one where two people are facing each other. They can
barely seeing the Martial Dao peak on the top of the hill.
Strange’s strength, peak’s law, let the Great Unrestrained Buddha of experience vast also
“The news about this mysterious man, our understanding is ridiculous, but according to
what some witnesses said, it seems that when this mysterious man destroys Fire God
Galaxy, a dragon-like creature emerges. It has a length of body more than a thousand.
Here, it’s amazing! It’s somewhat similar to the dragon’s darkness dragon, but it also has
sharp bone spikes on its tail. Its wings are sharp, like point knife, and it loo ked even more
embarrassing. If one word is used to describe it, I think the devil The dragon is more
Hang Chi said, took out a Battle Recording Disk-array and started it up. A small
projection array projected the Black Dragon’s phantom shadow. T his is a
representation of Mount Potuo’s scout based on some eyewitness accounts.
Everyone saw this monster that looked like evil Mo Yi. They were all shocked and unable to
speak. Is it a species of the Wild Universe?
The Wild Universe is too big. It is not surprising that there is variation Divine Beast that
they have not seen.
However, at this time, Jun Biyue was thoughtful, and he was silent for a moment. In a
sudden, the people on the court were completely stunned.
What he said was, “You can’t remember remembering that more than 6,000 years ago,
Lin Ming fought against the Holy Child Good Fortune on the birthday feast of the Monster
Emperor. Among the many bets he made, it seems that... there is a dragon egg. ...”
“Lin Ming?dragon egg!?”
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Suddenly, Hang Chi stood up and said, “You shouldn’t think that the Black Dragon of
the suddenly presents was hatched by Lin Ming’s dragon egg!”
There are too many dragons in the world. To say that this devil’s dragon of present is the
dragon egg that Lin Ming took out more than 6,000 years ago, this kind of mental
association is really far-fetched.
“I just suddenly thought, even Peak Heavenly Venerate couldn’t even
destroy ive Saint Races in three months, even killing seven Saint Race
Heavenly Venerates, so that Saint Race could not escape even with so
many experts... ...Maybe Saint Race will mistakenly believe that the I
Human Race may have developed secret weapon, but... I myself know
for myself that this matter is not one of the known experts in the I
Human Race. , then this thing is paralyzed, if you say...”
“You said that Lin Ming is still alive!?” This time not only Hang Chi, all the people in the
entire hall were stunned by the assumption that Jun Biyue suddenly proposed.
Hang Chi thought for a moment and said: “If Lin Ming is alive, why wouldn’t anyone
seeing you for so many years? It’s okay for him to hold onto Saint Race, but there is no
reason to hold us... We don’t even present it in Fire God. Galaxy is not a dragon. Even
if it is a dragon, then according to Lin Ming’s original time with time, the time for
recloning was more than 6,000 years. It is deinitely not enough for the dragon egg to
grow to more than 1,000 years in length...”
“And, God King Floating Feather had personally conirmed the death of Lin Ming, Lin
Ming was no better, and he did not have the power of Transcend Heaven. deceived God
King Floating Feather while Saint Lord?”
When Hang Chi talked about the last few words, Jun Biyue was silent.
Indeed, Lin Ming is no longer able to fool God King Floating Feather with fake death.
Perhaps, this is only one-side wish.
A saddenly appearing in the rear of Saint Race’s nail, Saint Race will not be in any way to
sit by and do nothing.
The key is, how to ind him?
The opposite party seems to have only four individuals and a very strange Black
Dragon. They come without a trace. No one knows where they will be next for a quarter.
And the Holy Child Good Fortune is the most unreasonable. How did the opposition party
learn about the accurate position of their Saint Race army?
The terrain of the Wild Universe is complex, providing cover for the Human Race Army
and also providing cover for the troops of Saint Race.
The intelligence about the location of Saint Race is the most highest secrets of the Saint
Race military operation. Sometimes, this information does not even include the jade slip.
Since every army is marching constantly, their position is only in the commander. When
they interact with each other, they need to cooperate with each other when they int eract
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with each other. That is, they are installed in the brain of a diferent commander. In this
case, how can such information be known by that mysterious man?
Who will this person be?
Holy Child Good Fortune wanted to kill this mysterious man, but he could not bear to
ind Little Demon Xian who was about to get it.
After all, Holy Child Good Fortune bite his teeth and endure it. The appearance of
mysterious man made him step up his search for Little Demon Xian’s efort.
At this time, however, three people, Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Ao Ri, and Xie Yue, originally
confronted by Mount Potuo, quietly left Putuo Galaxy and took a spirit battleship and flew
toward the rear of the Saint Race.
And they lead, is the main force of the Saint Race Waste Army full 2,500 hundred World
King, and six million Saint Lord!
The remaining few corps of desolate, with four peak Heavenly Venerates, put a suspect
line under Putuo Galaxy.
And Fairy Maiden Qinglian and others plan to use the thunder method to ind out and kill
the mysterious man behind Saint Race.

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MW CHAPTER 2023 - Fairy maiden Qing company

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In the battle against the invading wildness of Saint Race, even the Human Race itself had to
admit that the strength of the Human Race was like an egg than a stone compared to the
Saint Race.
For more than 6,000 years, Human Race really did a lot of preparations, but these
preparations are mostly embodied in arrays and layouts, in order to hide personal appearance
and make guerrilla attacks with Saint Race.
As for the improvement of real hard power, it is not too much. It was actually 6,000 years.
It is too short for the Martial Dao road, which takes ten million years.
However, the strength of the Human Race has increased, and the strength of the Saint Race
has improved.
Wild war for hundreds of years, Saint Race has a severe mountain pressure on the Human
Race, the pressure of the Human Race not to gasp for breath.
The irst mountain is Saint Race Three True God!
The second mountain is able to swallow Heavenly Dao rules, can penetrate Lamenting God
Wall, itself almost immortal, peak time, rumors are not much weaker than the Asura Road
Master’s waste!
This was the year God Sealing Heavenly Venerate, burning his own life, together with many
Human Race expert blood sacriice, can not kill the fearful devil. In the face of desperation, the
Human Race really cannot afford the courage of its frontage resistance.
And the third block of the mountain, that is the desolate wasteland of the Legion!
If we say that in front of the two mountains, it is only a threat, let the Human Race’s
feel insurmountable, can not ight, to ight the conidence of the Human Race ighting
Then the third, the Waste Legion, is the real hangman of the Human Race!
For hundreds of years, don’t know many Human Race masters who died in the hands of the
Waste Legion!
The Abandoned Legion, proicient in battle arrays, can also undergo Body Transformation at
critical moments, enough to make a legion of people all step ight, plus Saint Race ive Saint
General, and the command of many Peak Heavenly Venerate. This is deinitely a nightmare for
Human Race Heavenly Venerate forces.
Even if Mount Potuo and Primordial God Clan, together with the two strongest influence
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influences of the Human Race other than Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate, teamed up,
they could only ight guerrillas with the Abandoned Legion, and did not even dare to
confront them directly.
Fortunately, the emergence of the Waste Legion is also not easy. The irst is willingness to
become a member of the Waste Legion, only minority Saint Race master, many Saint Race
expert can not accept such a variation, fear of future control by the Saint Emperor Good
Fortune, especially Heavenly Venerate has this scruples.
The second is to create a flesh-and-blood essence that needs to consume a lot of energy.
The more high level of bloody essence, such as being eaten up by Great World King and
Heavenly Venerate, the greater the consumption of the waste, the Saint Emperor Good
Fortune will not produce unlimited flesh and blood.
So many years have accumulated, and the army of waste is the size of 100,000.
Today, most of them and all elites are gathered on the Blood Cloud Galaxy, waiting for a

hunt. The commander of this hunting is Fairy Maiden Qinglian.

The blood Cloud Galaxy’s original presence was already taken over by Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
At this time in a main hall. Under the auspices of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, a simple military
meeting is being held.
“Your is such certain, that person will come to Blood Cloud Galaxy?”
On a gray clothing table. A red-haired man wearing a red heavy armor said in a buzzing
tone that the man looked like an iron tower. Even if he was sitting in a chair, he was half a
head taller than many people. If he stood up, he might have to reach a height. Five, this is
simply a giant.
The man’s red hair is open to the public. Like an lion of angry, in his hands, each has a red
giant sword. The great sword is a sword hilt which has three feet long. The average person’s
hands are very diicult to control, but this man is a one-handed one. Use great sword, double
This man is God King Heavenly Astral and sit down with disciple Ao Ri! And this

time on the man’s shoulder. Also sitting a young lady.

The young lady was weird. did not sit in a chair but sat on the man’s shoulder. had always
been the same. They were almost inseparable.
Contrary to men. The young lady is small and delicate, and her body is slim. His legs were
straight, and his waist was full. Her chest was not a stalwart, but she was very bulging. Her
facial features were nearly perfect. was a bit shorter than the normal height of Saint Race
young lady. was emerald colored. Dress and small and exquisite battle armour, people feel
that she looked like a fairy in the painting, mysterious and spiritual.
This young lady is Younger Sister Xie Yue of Ao Ri.
They are also the young elite of Saint Race. Even though they are slightly more talented than
Fairy Maiden Qinglian, they are proicient in the technique. Once they are together, Fairy
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Maiden Qinglian can hardly resist.

“I is not sure, but I don’t have any other way.” Fairy Maiden Qinglian gently
moved a piece of his face in front of him. In a moment, in front of
everyone, there was a complete map projection of the sky.
“The last galaxy where the mysterious man was destroyed is the Ancient Charm galaxy,
and the Ancient Charm galaxy has close ties with the ive galaxies nearby, but only the
Red Sun galaxy and the Golden Cicada galaxy have cooperated with the Ancient Charm
galaxy within the last month. Military operations.Many Heavenly Venerate forces, their
position will change coordinates with the search, If I am that mysterious man, I will choose
to have a galaxy of recent relation, so as to guarantee a strike will not appear after the
arrival of the battleield , ind out that the enemy has gone.”
“However Red Sun and Golden Cicada, the Red Sun has more military strength and Heavenly
Venerate is stronger. Under my understanding of the mysterious man’s simple message, he is
an extremely self- conident person of own strength. However, his purpose seems to be to
create big confusion in a short period of time, so obviously, where there are more persons,
where he will go.”
“The Red Sun Galaxy is closer to the Blood Cloud Galaxy. Just now, had contacted the person
of Blood Cloud Galaxy’s with the Heavenly Venerate of the Red Sun galaxy and let him know
the exact location of the Blood Cloud Galaxy. believe we cannot live in severe days. The
mysterious man will appear in the Red Sun galaxy. After destroying the Red Sun Galaxy, he
will get our exact location information through his special special method. After that, he will
certainly not let go of the Blood Cloud. Galaxy is a piece of fat. After all, this is the most galaxy
stationed in the Saint Race nearby in the nearby galaxies. With his conidence, he will not
make the second choice.”
“It’s just that I don’t know yet what he got in the way of intelligence. Wanting
Soul Sea’s incredibly powerful Heavenly Venerate to search, it’s a very, very
diicult matter...”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian said quietly his plan, but this plan made some people in the room
“Your mean, is it ready to sacriice the Red Sun galaxy?”
Ao Ri frowns slightly, wars, and sometimes requires a sacriice, but Fairy Maiden Qinglian
is so cold and indifferent that even when it is taken for granted that this just said, it still
makes Ao Ri feel uncomfortable.
This Fairy Maiden Qinglian, too cold blood, but such person, is indeed the most qualiied
commander on the battleield. War has never been an ideal war of righteousness, but the
worst, the most brutal and most unscrupulous killings.
“There is no way. I thought about deploying in the Red Sun Galaxy. However, it was too
late. We had to sacriice Red Sun Galaxy to win time for us. Even though it was cruel, you
should know that if you do not get rid of that mysterious, Man’s words, our troops will only
sacriice more.”
“Good...” Ao Ri shook his head, has nothing to say in reply.
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Xie Yue grinned. “Green lotus Younger Sister said it’s pretty good, but you’re certain that the
desolate army can kill him?”
“This worldOn does not have an absolute matter. I can only say that, to grasp more, I
estimate that the mysterious man is probably close to True God’s strength. Then Peak
Heavenly Venerate can’t do him at all. We gather four peak Heavenly Venerates. Add us
on, even if they can beat him, they can’t keep him.”
“Your is certain that he is not True God level?” Xie Yue asked with interest.
“The probability is extremely low.” Fairy Maiden Qinglian shook his head faintly. “Thirty
Three Heavens, True God is too little, Saint Race Seventh Layer Heaven, which can’t
beat three True Gods, Human Race Onest Layer Heaven for hundreds of millions of
years.” Aside from Divine Dream’s True God, it’s incredible. want to seeing another True
God. It’s completely out of nowhere. It’s almost impossible. This is the irst reason. “
"The second reason, the wilderness war, for several hundred years, the opposite party has
only come out. This is the proof that he is not the most important important evidence of the
True God expert. The Saint Emperor Good Fortune directed the Saint Race into the past.
During the Wild Universe, Divine Dream did not dare to appear in her hideaway array until the
Saint Emperor had no patience. After retiring from the Divine Transformation Nine Changes
Heavenly Dao, Divine Dream came out, with my Esteemed and God King Heavenly Astral.
The seniors played guerrillas. Similarly, only my Esteemed and God King Heavenly Astral
predecessors were enslaved. This mysterious man dared to appear.
“This means that he is a person who can be valued by a True God expert, but himself is
lost to True God. The greatest possibility is that he is a peerless talent and the future will
become True God. Therefore, he is afraid of being taken by True God. Killing! He just
wanted to create some confusion at the crucial time of the battle, and pin down us. If it is
truly True God, it is not bothered to kill ordinary Heavenly Venerate and create small
“In other words, we use the army of desolate, we are invincible, and draw support from
God grand formation, and extinction grand formation of two arrays, and even when the
key to the use of the ultimate strength of the Body Transformation’s, The probability of
killing this mysterious man has exceeded 80%.”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian said so much in one breath and it was well-founded that all the
people in the room had to be convinced.
“It’s wonderful, it’s wonderful.”
Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a beautiful young man came in with a clapping hand.
looked with a sly smile, a long hair, and delicate skin, and made women envy.
“Green lotus Senior Sister is really a hero in the women’s middle school. want to say that
if Fairy Maiden Qinglian takes control of Wild-One’s avatar instead of my disappointing
Senior Brother, and has the highest command of this wild war, Human Race has long
been Perish!”
Hearing this beautiful young man’s praise, Fairy Maiden Qinglian frowned slightly. At this time,
was able to enter into the highest military conference room of the Blood Cloud Galaxy, and was
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hostile to the Holy Child Good Fortune, and only had the last Saint General’s person. Imperial
Prince Xi Shen now.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2024 - Mysterious ancient book

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The Imperial Prince Xi Shen, Fairy Maiden Qinglian is not really impressed. Both the
Good Fortune Holy Palace peak disciple Holy Child Good Fortune and the Imperial
Prince Xi Shen have an enormous ambition. These two individuals are extremely
Among them, Holy Child Good Fortune even though he is overbearing, savage, cold
blood, but he has always been straight there and comes straight back, do not engage
in intrigue.
Naturally, in Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s view, this is entirely due to the developed military
force of the Holy Child Good Fortune, which is generally caused by the level of
But Imperial Prince Xi Shen, besides being cruel, he was extremely sinister, like a
Viper, and always let Fairy Maiden Qinglian feel jealous.
This time the Imperial Prince Xi Shen suddenly emerged. Naturally, it was in order
to compete for a credit. wanted to accumulate more exploits and be able to receive
the attention of Saint Emperor Good Fortune in the future.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian coldly glanced at the stream and glanced straight at the point: “You
want to add in and show the value of You! I don’t think that You’ve been able to pose any
threat to that mysterious man.”
“Ha Ha! green lotus Senior Sister really came straight to the point.” Imperial Prince Xi Shen
“My strength is far better than just green lotus Senior Sister. ...”
In Imperial Prince Xi Shen’s words, a thick black book was taken from the Spatial
Ring and placed in front of Fairy Maiden Qinglian. This is an exotic old book with a
blood red eye pattern on the title page. One eye is just like living. Fairy Maiden
Qinglian only thinks that does not look at this eye from any angle and will feel that
the eye is staring at herself.
Around the eyes, there are some mysterious patterns. There are also some taisma n
seals. These taliesman seals seem to be words, but Fairy Maiden Qinglian has
never seen these words.
The oldest text in the existing Thirty Three Heavens is probably the language used by
Primorial God Clan and Heavenly Clan. However, the text on the Black Book is not
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one of these words.

This is a mysterious, ancient book full of evil spirits. Fairy Maiden Qinglian looked
at its inexplicable feeling of sensation, as if it were an ominous portent of disaster
containing a viralent curse.
“An old book from Primordial Realm Ruins?” Asked Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
“Yeah!” Imperial Prince Xi Shen’s conflict acknowledgment, like this mysterious
ancient, obviously does not belong to the present era, but there are ancient books
that contain disturbing terrible power, and can only come from Primordial Realm
Ruins, to Fairy Maiden Qinglian. Can guess, Imperial Prince Xi Shen is not surprising.
“This very evil,” Ao Ri said with a frown. felt that this ancient book seemed
to have a magical power. To make him want to open it, and to look into the contents
of the ancient book, this feeling of being unknowingly bewitched by a book makes Ao
Ri’s heart restless.
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this book from the Jun Brothers made me feel
sour. Didn’t Junior Brother ever open it up and let us have a good time?”
Sitting on Ao Ri’s shoulder, Xie Yue giggle said with a smile, the stream creaked his
chin, and shook his head, “Oh, this book, I can’t open it...”
As soon as this statement was made, all the people were slightly surprised. Looking
back at this ancient book, this is actually a book that is not being able to open. What
exactly is there?
People are getting more and more curious.
“You can join!” Fairy Maiden Qinglian made the decision. When she took the ancient
book in stream and infused her Astral Essence into the ancient book, she had already
felt the power of the ancient book from the change of the surrounding energy of
fluctuation of energy.
Even though she does not want to give credit to the stream, but all of the premise is
based on the killing mysterious man, there are streams, the success ratio can be
another big, she naturally will not refuse.
That’s it. Blood Cloud Galaxy has already been in full swing deployment.
The Waste Legion, together with the array, was set up within ten days. Saint Race
used a whole set of this, a total of 108 Heavenly Venerate Spirit Treasure
In order to arrange these eight hundred Heavenly Venerate Besetting God Array, to
prevent mysterious man from escaping, Fairy Maiden Qinglian used a large number
of Violet Sun Crystal, Blood Demon Crystal and so on energy birds plundered from
the Wild Universe.
And just two days ago, mysterious man’s sixth hits arrived as expected. The Red Sun
galaxy adjacent to the Blood Cloud Galaxy was attacked. The mysterious man’s method
was neat. The Saint Race elite in the Red Sun Galaxy was almost completely destroyed!
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This also veriies the conjecture of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, so no surprise. After
another few days, mysterious man’s next goal. This is the Blood Cloud Galaxy.
The trap is already Bu, just wait for the mysterious man’s to walk into a trap.
“Ha HaHa! green lotus Senior Sister is really divine strategy!”
Ao Ri laughed, they laid out grand formation, it can be said that Heavenly Net, Ao Ri
couldn’t think of any escape of mysterious man.
“i’m really looking forward to it. With the diversion of the array and the cooperation of the
Abandoned Legion, I can even ight that mysterious man!”
Ao Ri spoke, two heavy swords collided with each other in a same place, and gave of
a crisp metal clash. The blood of his whole body boiled with thought of being able to
compete with such a master.
On his shoulders, Xie Yue is also laughing with giggle and can’t seem to wait any longer.
“The battleield is changing rapidly. No one can do anything. I just try to display the most
signiicant possibilities.”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian said this, Faint’s heart was uneasy, but did not know where
this unrest came from. This is purely sixth sense, from people with big destiny, the
perception of danger.
However, she has repeatedly considered her own layout, and there are no problems.
We should not make mistakes about the reasoning of mysterious man’s strength. Then
where is the problem?
Is it related to that ancient book?
Fairy Maiden Qinglian shook his head and did not think about it. Everything that
was costly and well- arranged was in order to this battle. If it were only because
of some misconception of its own void, it would be absurd.
She can only wait now.
However, this was waited for a full month, that mysterious man, did not appear
Blood Cloud Galaxy...... Calculated according to normal normal time, the other party
will attack with up to several severe days,
but he did not come...
People on the Blood Cloud Galaxy have waited for a while.
Ao Ri held two big swords every day, patrolling Heavenly Palace Square, looking at
starry sky from time to time, squeezing his mouth dry, spending so many thoughts,
sacriicing a dangerous situation under the influence of a Heavenly Venerate. If you
wait for an empty one, it will be a joke.
He didn’t want to tease the Holy Child Good Fortune.
“Green lotus Junior Sister...” Ao Ri often ran to the retreat of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, but
Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s answer was only one word!
In this regard, Imperial Prince Xi Shen only stroked the Black Book in the main hall.
did not make fun of Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s miscalculation because he knew that no
matter how clever the commander, it would be impossible to do everything. It’s
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accurate, at least if he is sitting in Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s position, he can’t do

However, slowly, the suspected array laid by Putu Galaxy, after the departure of
Fairy Maiden Qinglian, has caused the suspicion of Emperor Sakyamuni.
The people of Mount Potuo, who usually eat fasting Buddhas, are not very good at
snoring. The information provided by the original Mount Potuo’s scout feedback was
problematic, which also caused great diiculties for the analysis of Emperor Sakyamuni
and the Great Unrestrained Buddha.
Many people even though they may be in front of a double bluf strategy, they are also
worried that it is basically a trap set by Saint Race, allowing them to vote for
At this time, nobody dares to go ahead, otherwise, once the judgment is wrong, may
be completely destroyed.
Until one day, Emperor Sakyamuni alone, single-handedly broke into the ranks of Saint
can be called boldness because of one’s skill. There is only one person who comes
and goes freely. Even if he discovers that it is Saint Race’s strategy, he also has
certain assurance. But on the contrary, he can follow up with a victory with hot
As a result, he discovered that the Army of the Desert, together with the military oicers
of Saint Races such as Fairy Maiden Qinglian and Ao Ri Xie Yue, had already
disappeared from the Saint Race position!
When Emperor Sakyamuni took a big ight at Saint Race, was turned upside down.
Mount Potuo and God Clan, who had already been ready for the match, were also the
irst to kill. However, at this time, the Saint Race remnants passed arrays prepared in
advance. Escaped directly, let Human Race even though played a successful battle, but
did not kills to many people at all.
Scene of Such, let Emperor Sakyamuni’s heart burst into a sink.
“How could the saddle of Saint Race be vain?”
Ancient God Clan and Heavenly Clan arrived in advance with Mount Potuo, The
Battle Emperor Tuo Bagui said, Dozens years not to gasp for breath, Good is not
easy to initiate a counterattack, But hit a punch in the air, He was extremely upset.
The Great Unrestrained Buddha frowned and fell silent for a moment. said slowly:
“Amitabha, if the old buddhist monk did not guess wrong, Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Ao Ri Xie
Yue, and others, who have led the Saint Race Army Golden Cicada husking, fought It’s
been there, and the goal that they can value so seriously is that only unidentiied mysterious
Donor that they suddenly emerged behind...”
The words of the Great Unrestrained Buddha gave everyone a glimpse. Human Race
was both curious and grateful to this suddenly present’s ally. Now thanks to his restraint,
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the Human Race has a breathing room.

But if the corps of the slain army is going to kill the past, how could one person or
several people of the weak be against Saint Race?
That is Ah!
Not to mention a person, even if they had all the Disciples of Mount Potuo,
surrounded by the Legion of the Desert, they are also likely to be completely
“We have to inform him!” Said Tuo Bagui. However, when just exported, knew that had
said a silly word. The identity of the opposite party did not know. After crossing 1e+ten
kilometers, how could be contacted?
For a time, Many Races of Human Race did not know not to know what to do. Before
that, the joyful victory did not exist.
Now, they seem to be watching only, this mysterious man is against the desolate
“Fairy Maiden Qinglian is not an unfamiliar generation. The array of the Abandoned Legion is like
the Heavenly Net. The commanding party of the Abandoned Army has the command of Fairy
Maiden Qinglian. The battle eiciency is very terrible. i’m afraid...” Di Wuhen said anxiously.
“Great, ine...” The Great Unrestrained Buddha read a Buddha. “Blessed Buddha, it is not
a curse but a curse. Everything is a ixed number...”
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2025 - Kill Lin Ming

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When Putuo Galaxy’s defeated intelligence was passed back to Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s
time, Fairy Maiden Qinglian did not even ask the actual actual amount o f the casualties.
just quietly put down the battle report jade slip, and said to messenger: “Knew, you retire.
The marshals retreated and Ao Ri was screaming with a pair of bull’s eye. It was a month
and a half, too long.
"What to do, green lotus Junior Sister, you just gave the words Ah! in order to wait for
this guy, Putuo Galaxy, we ate defeat, and it was equal to licking out your ass and
playing for others. If you go out, it’s laughed. , Holy Child Good Fortune that fellows,
we have to take this thing to make an issue! Do we still wait like this?
Ao Ri is an anxious temperament. likes to go against the straight and direct straight back
collision. loses Putuo Galaxy in vain, not because of his lack of strength, but because he
takes the initiative to let go. This makes him feel very aggrieved.
“Do you want to retire Putuo Galaxy, tries to rectify an embarrassing situation?” Fairy
Maiden Qinglian asked in a rhetorical question, and suddenly let Ao Ri moan.
“That will continue to wait...”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian is still such a reply. A good hunter needs more than just a precise
arrow method, but also a good patience!
Ao Ri reluctantly withdrew.
In fact, not only Ao Ri, but also the Saint Lord and World Kings of the Waste Legion, have
all been snarled.
Only Imperial Prince Xi Shen, he did not seem to care for everything that happened to the
Blood Cloud Galaxy and Putuo Galaxy. still feels his still ancient and uncovered books in
his hands. occasionally looked The eye on the cover of the old book, his mouth a strange
Waiting, always making time appear extraordinarily long, especially when paying many
prices, staking everything on a single throw of the dice. Inexplicable results are always
The time was up to 20 days a month. On this day, Ao Ri, not being able to sit still,
carried a sword and patrolled near the Heavenly Palace.
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As for the members of the Waste Legion, then the wanderers are around the array,
the cultivation of the cultivation, the rest of the rest, even the Great World King. It’s
also not possible to hold a string and stand several months on the array’s post without
slacking of.
As the sun faded into the planet’s shadow, Ao Ri thought that the day was waiting for
the white time. During the crash, the Blood Cloud Galaxy Heavenly Palace’s surround sounded a
terrible explosion!
The sound propagated by Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi carries the fearful penetrability. The
Heavenly Palace’s Astral Essence shroud shatters directly below this energy wave!
Dark Snake’s Fire Snake swept into the sky, and the terrifying chaotic energy flow shoots
up to the sky. The nearby Saint Race spirit battleship is roughly crushed.
At the same time, a loud dragon roar as a rolling spring thunder rang through the

sky! Enemy! !
Ri is not Palace sounded an alarm. Seeing the fearful explosion, hear the alarm sound, Ao
surprised. In fact, he was so happy that he jumped straight up. “Your grandpa’s,
father’s father for 50 days, your inally came, and father and yours were all going to
have fried!”
Ao Ri lifted two sword general swords and rushed out directly!
In the commanding hall of Saint Race Heavenly Palace, Fairy Maiden Qinglian also
suddenly stood up. has continued to perform extremely calm these days, but is also very much looking
forward to the mysterious man.
Otherwise, all her eforts, including the cold-blooded sacriice of a Saint Race
Heavenly Venerate Corps, will be criticized. Even if she is indiferent, she needs to be
Fairy Maiden Qinglian did not panic, but radiated perception and carefully discerned it.
“Is him!”
In fact, no sense is needed. Through the glazed windows, she has seen the Devil Black
Dragon of length of body thousand Li, and the black clothed youth who came from the
At that moment, Fairy Maiden Qinglian looked across the far -away starry sky with the
youth standing on the head of the demon Black Dragon huge. Their mutual vision
completely ignores the distance of this space.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian even thinks that at this moment, she seems to just stand by a table
and stand in the main hall with the mysterious man.
She even felt that could seeing her own, clear reflection in her nephew!
His eyes, like the bottomless abyss, lead to the other plane of the universe, implying an
endless space- time.
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Fairy Maiden Qinglian instantly feels tremors, who is this man! ? Where did he come from?
She does not seeing through the other’s cultivation base, but certain is deinitely not
True God. She suddenly closed her eyes and Sever had a mysterious connection with the black
clothed man. “
Found me!”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s eyelids are jumping. The black clothed man feels unfathomable.
Even though not True God, his pressure on himself is no less than True God.
Such a chaotic scene, so many enemies, opposite party can actually be in a
construction of the secret, across the layers of the force ield and protection shield,
seeing oneself at a glance, how much keen insight!
Fairy Maiden Qinglian realized that this war, even if there was a wild regiment of
being in an impregnable position, was never easy.
And to this extent, the arrow must be made!
The beautiful voice of Fairy Maiden Qinglian spreads throughout the entire ield like
Phoenix’s cry.
At the same time, Fairy Maiden Qinglian jumped directly to open the dome of the
Heavenly Palace. Her entire body, like Fairy Maiden, appeared in a void.
Behind Prince Maiden Qinglian, Imperial Prince Xi Shen also appeared, holding the
weird Black Book in his hand.
As for Ao Ri, the muscles of his arms have already started to grow high. The blood vessel
on the arm is twisted like a cockroach, and it seems to explode.
Even though the eager hope in his heart rushed to ight with mysterious man, but still
tolerated, he knew he was not the opponent of this guy.
Without warning, 108 flags have appeared at the diferent places of the Saint Race
Heavenly Palace complex!
These flags are pure black. Above the flag, a red Blood Dragon is drawn. This is the
pattern of the tentacles of the desert.
108 flags were held in the hands of 108 Great World Kings.
Lin Ming knows without seeing the eyes. This 100 Great World King, all members of the
Legion of the Waste, because Lin Ming feels the essence of the blood o f the desert in
their body!
When 108 flags and the Waste Legion suddenly emerged, Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s
beautiful pupil stared into Lin Ming’s eyes. wanted to capture Lin Ming’s panic in the blink
of an eye. Now this situation is clear. It’s a trap, and the person in Calm couldn’t seeing
himself falling into a trap without any panic.
What’s more, the elite of the Abandoned Army is the trap that laid the trap. Today is a
person who is also formableable here than Emperor Sakyamuni. As long as it is not True
God, it is unable to escape even with wings!
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However, she was disappointed.

The mysterious man was still standing on the dragon’s head. His body was straight, like
a javelin sews above, and despite explosions of four, his energy was raging. let 108
flags flutter in the wind, but he looked very self-possessed!
The heart of Fairy Maiden Qinglian suddenly fell down...
In fact, as early as a month ago, Lin Ming had already reached the Blood Cloud
Galaxy. turned upside down the Saint area’s rear area these days, which seemed to
show publicity. Actually, he acted with extreme caution. explored it with perception
prior to the attack. Everything is as usual.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian is a qualiied female general, does not impossible criminal expose
preliminary mistakes, she gathers the force of Desolate many sergeants, deploys hides
array, carefully covers the traps, even if Lin Ming feels good, but as long as there is no
True God’s level of perception, still can not ind anything.
If it is for another person, it has already fallen into a trap, Fairy Maiden Qinglian can
successfully complete the siege plan.
Unfortunately, was confronted with Lin Ming. In addition to the perceptual exploration,
Lin Ming has a special feature that Fairy Maiden Qinglian did not expect. That is, Lin
Ming has a very sensitive response to the blood of the wild.
As long as it is within a certain range, Lin Ming’s absurd soul and Devil Strength,
which he can use skillfully, can make Lin Ming through the layers of array and feels
to the flesh’s existence of the wild.
And if it was Lin’s wild flesh which left Spiritual Mark’s, it was no matter how far
apart could feel it.
The 2,500-odd World King and the six-star Saint Lord’s Waste Legion, elite, are like Lin
Ming, like 62,500 red light groups scattered in the central zone of the center of the Saint
Race Heavenly Palace complex, like nighttime. The stars in the sky are striking.
Lin Ming can even judge how much devil essence they themselves contain, based on
the size and brightness of these red light masses, and infer the ability to combine
these absurd experts.
Even though Lin Ming did not fear the corps of the desert, but the trap of Saint Race still
made Lin Ming wary. lurked and secretly explored a lot. These days, the panic of Ao Ri
and others, he looked in the eyes.
At this time, Lin Ming and Fairy Maiden Qinglian looked at each other, and there was an
upset in Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s heart. She knew that the calm of this mysterious man
was not disguised at all. was already aware of his own arrangement.
How could this be possible? Using the Grand Formation under the Waste Legion, you
cannot ind it unless you are True God.
At this time, Fairy Maiden Qinglian could not igure out where the loopholes were. Faced
with this mysterious man, the opposite party was only one person one dragon, and
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obviously not True God, Fairy Maiden Qinglian could not ind out itself had any reason to
This war must win!
“Besetting God Array! Seal him!”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian sighed and sang, 100 Eight Great W orld King danced flags,
Demontic Qi Sen, ghostly, and it seemed that there were innumerable wraiths fluttering in
the sky, and the imprisoned ones were the souls of the deceased.
However, all Spirit Treasures such as flags and cymbals have sealed the soul of the
martial artist to enhance their might. This is the so -called ghost flag. These 108 flags are
not contaminated with many blood during the reining process.
A pole banner sends out darkness’s energy, connected to each other in the same place!
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2026 - Rebel

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These flags, all over the four sides, have high and low, some are on top of Lin Ming,
and some are at the foot of Lin Ming. The black energy flow they send is connected to
each other. Finally, they form a huge black light network. Lin Ming and Black Dragon
are completely enveloped in it.
This is the Besetting God Array, the irst step in the deployment of Fairy Maiden
Qinglian, is to prevent mysterious man from escaping!
“It turned out to be a Surrounding Array...”
Lin Ming looked at the huge black light network that trapped himself. Flas h almost
judged out the terrifying energy contained in this light network. The power of non -True
God Level is impossible to break through.
A battle involving two races, peak’s master is very important, but the logic of war has
never been more simple than anyone’s master, who’s peak master is stronger.
Thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of Saint Lord, World
King, and Great World King are combined in an array. The battle eiciency that they
can exert is unimaginable enough to be reversal war.
In front of Lin Ming, it is such a scene.
The Besetting God Array has just been laid out, and Fairy Maiden Qinglian is once
again a drink, “Killing God Array!”
Voids are changing and energy is surging. Outside the Besetting God Array, another 72
Great World Kings emerged, their bloody red plates in their various hands, and they were
stepped on by their feet, like blood oozing’s. Sacriicial altar generally.
When they stood 72 positions, the atmosphere in Besetting God Array has changed,
becoming a muted aura!
This feeling is like moving a blood pool and hell to this place. It feels like this martial
artist in the atmosphere of Killing God Array has a feeling of repressed body
bloodlines and diiculty in breathing.
It’s just a fallout that feels energy. It’s hard to imagine how Lin Ming, in the center of
the Killing God Array, sufered terrible killing intents.
Besetting God Array and Killing God Array. Perfect fusion, Besetting God Array’s
energy net, Killing God Array’s attack will not have any hindrance iris action, both with
each other.
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Lin Ming stands in the dragon head of Black Dragon’s, silently pulling out Dark Dragon
This gun, which has been modiied by Lin Ming, has hidden Dark Dragon Spear’s
brilliance, so that anyone who has seen it will not recognize it. But outsiders can at
least seeing it belong to the shape of the gun.
Seeing this shot, Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s pupil-shrinks, how is spear|gun this weapon,
reminds her of a man.
6,500 years ago, the man turned out and beat all the eleventh Thirty Three Heavens.
Then Fairy Maiden Qinglian was still in the hidden world of Floating Feather Divine
Mountain. never heard of his name.
At that time, Saint Race at the height of power, defeated the Human Race Great
World King. The Holy Child Good Fortune that suppresses the temperament of
Human Race, also disastrous defeat on that individual hand, face countenance
Even though the heart is not convinced. However, Fairy Maiden Qinglian also had to
admit that at that time, he was slightly younger than the Holy Child Good Fortune.
knew that she would be suppressed by Lin Ming regardless of talent, law, strength
and potential.
That was just a Saint Lord period, let his own Esteemed, personally kill the people!
The presence of mysterious Black Spear in the hands of mysterious man reminded
Lin Ming of Fairy Maiden Qinglian unfathomable mystery. even had an instant
doubt. Mysterious is not Ming Ming?
This is purely an intuition, even though she knew Lin Ming had already died in the hands
of Esteemed.
“No matter who you are, you must stay here today!”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian said to himself, a cold brightness flashed in her eyes. waved a
hand, besides the 100 Great World King that made up the Besetting God Array, and
the 702 Great World King that made up the Killing God Array. More than 1024
ordinary World King.
This is a total of 2048 ordinary World King. Strength is also injected into the
Besetting God Array and Killing God Array.
Next, out of 2,048 World Kings, there were 54,000 th ousand Saint Lords!
The Saint Lord’s power passes to World King, World King’s reinforce to Great World
One layer of buckle, layer overlay. Combine these fearful reinforcements with one
stroke. It is enough to kill any True God below.
Seeing such a scenario, it was Lin Ming who had been in an impregnable
position, or couldn’t help but breathe in the air.
Prior to this, Lin Ming even though perceived the existence of the remnant
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regiment, but before he did not know what kind of array Fairy Maiden Qinglian
had prepared for him, it was only known immediately. This was a combination of
the Surrounding Array and the Killing Array.
And all the martial artist igures and lineup methods it in with certain Heavenly Dao
rules. It is precisely within the total number of 2,500 hundred World Kings and six
million Saint Lords, and the rest of them are on the backseat. Once there are certain
World King Saint Lords killed, they will be on the bench, which can make array
powerful. to reach maximum.
In this array of Besetting God Array and Killing God Array, despite your strength, you can
go to the heavens, and it is useless to beat the dragons by hand. There is nowhere to go!
This is an accurate calculation of your own action, and then placed under the
Heavenly Net network, please enter the perfect trap!
Lin Ming had to admit that this Fairy Maiden Qinglian is a ierce match. can use the
wild regiment in oneself hand to reach the peak. Today, for someone else’s words, he
must have hated it.
“The Waste Army is really terrible!”
A tightly matched force became the meat grinder of the Human Race Saint Race.
The Human Race martial artist died in their hands, much more than the Human Race
martial artist who died in other Heavenly Venerates, including True God’s hands.
“The strength of the Human Race swallowed up by the Waste Legion. wonder if it will
provide the Emperor Emperor Good Fortune with the essence and origin energy
Lin Ming’s mind sudddenly passed such a thought. Perhaps when the Saint
Emperor Good Fortune formed a waste army, it was to let the waste produce a
man’s avatar, to separate the flesh, energy and Soul Force to complete the ambition
of own!
“This time, I can’t stop sedating. I really hate people who are injures oneself in
putting on a vain show. I can’t wait to tear his face of.”
Next to Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Imperial Prince Xi Shen said that every word in this
sentence is just like his little bites came out. touched the Spatial Ring, and he took out
the crustiication in his hand. Black Book with one eye.
At Imperial Prince Xi Shen’s side, Ao Ri and Xie Yue were also prepared and ready to shoot.
“Green lotus Junior Sister has not ordered yet. I can’t wait to get it!” Ao Ri held two big
swords and kept on knocking, giving a “Clang” Soun d.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian ignored Ao Ri, but looked at Lin Ming, his eyes flashing, and
the strange unease continued to linger in her mind, leaving her wondering where the
oversight was.
Once again, there is no problem with certain arrangement. After conirming that Lin
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Ming’s strength is not True God Level, the diferent glow in the eyes of Fairy Maiden
Qinglian becomes a mutederous aura. “I don’t believe, in this case you still have
make a. Comeback possible!rise a hand!”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian gave the order, the moment, 54,000 thousand Saint Lord,
broke out together with their strongest strength. This strength was injected into 2020
four World King, after their ampliication, like 10,000 seas pouring out of the madness.
The tides generally flooded into the inner 180 Great World Kings.
For a time, everything in the solar eruptions, starry sky, like thousands of suns, has
been enveloped by this dazzling ray!
Under this ray, Lin Ming felt like water. felt as if he was swimming in the sea of
consciousness. In this world of consciousness, it is boundless darkness. Among
the stars of this darkness, there are 60,000 blood flashes. Red stars.
All of these stars are within easy reach of Lin Ming.
Behind Lin Ming is a blood red ball. Around the ball, there are hundreds of
whiskers dancing like a twisted sun.
This is the phantom shadow projected by the absurd soul.
Lin Ming, who originally closed eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. At that moment, Lin
Ming’s forehead shot a divine glow. Tens of thousands of spiritual energy classes
were spar from the sea of Lin Ming’s consciousness, perpendicular incidence to the
surrounding 60,000 reds. Stars.
Energetic class shot into these stars centers, the moment of the Sea of
Consciousness, a variety of complicated information, like floods flooding to Lin
Lin Ming’s body stunned suddenly. Lin Ming felt that this moment seemed to have
thousands of lightnings plunging in his ear, causing him to have a complexion in a
flash, and Soul Sea almost falling!
As many as 60,000 shares of Soul Force’s fearful impacts, even though Lin Ming has
been prepared, but at this moment there is still a feeling that the soul is crushed into
ten million pieces!
On his forehead storm, sufered the pain of soul tears, and controlled all t he Spiritual
Force’s 11 uniforms!
Controlling 60,000 people at the same time is a great challenge for Lin Ming, thanks
to the sixth world of Lin Ming reincarnation, which has been gaining thousands of
years of experience in the dust, Soul Sea has already b een extremely powerful,
coupled with the spirit of fusion waste, Soul Sea The depth and breadth were all
increased by tenfold. So all this process was even painful, but it was still smooth.
The chaos that took place in the Sea of Consciousness is only an instant!
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When energy accumulated in Peaking God Array and Killing God Array reaches peak,
when everyone thinks that Lin Ming will be smashed into pieces, this huge array
suddenly reverses, and the crazy ierce of the center rushes toward the center. Power,
thinking about crazy radiation coming!
At that moment, like a supernova in the center explodes of the array, the wave of
fearful energy is like the sword of God Spirit that smashes everything, sweeping the
void in the trillion! !
The Imperial Prince Xi Shen eyes, with light and evil laughs on his face, have had a big
shock. He could no longer maintain his calm and calm expression on his face. He uttered
a terrible embarrassment, and the Black Book issued a black-red glow to protect his
entire body.
On the side of the Imperial Prince Xi Shen, Fairy Maiden Qinglian also had an instant
elegant face, her personal appearance rebelled, and her instincts flickered. A huge
green lotus emerged out of thin air and covered her body.
As for the original warm-up preparations, waiting for Ao Ri to rush to the large
explosion, watching the explosion in front of the eye, it is completely dumbfounded,
and he seems to have too late to distinguish what is happening.
“Stupid, fast block Ah!”
Xie Yue, who has already become beautifully faced, shouted and Ao Ri suddenly reacted.
The double giant sword crossed his chest and formed a cross star Astral Essence shield.
However, after all, because of his slow pace, he only listened to the sound of “Peng”
And Ao Ri’s Astral Essence shield shattered. fluttered out like a giant bear and slammed
blood. (not
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2027 - Beating the Emperor

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The pleasant Divine Light devoured everything, the sound disappeared completely, and the
entire universe space left only a bright layer of ball of light. It spread around with an
inconceivable speed.
It is like a sun is rapidly expanding. It has a very fearful, mighty place, where the big piece of
space is torn, and a powerful Space Storm is swept out.
In the ballions of light radiationions millions, the depth of darkness of the nebula, bright ray
in the line of sight, is extremely beautiful.
With the nebula smashing of the big piece and the big piece, the center of explosion is
sinking down, forming a huge energy hole.
Saint Race is located in the Heavenly Palace group of the Blood Cloud Galaxy. A ship’s
spirit battleship, a huge space fortress, are all blown away like toys in this devoured divine glow, and
they burst in Divine Light. The subsequent layer of decomposition eventually dissipates invisible, leaving
only a single dust, floating in space.
The Martial artist of Saint Race died instantly in the explosion of such, and below Heavenly
Venerate, it is almost impossible to survive.
This dazzling glow, which lasted for more than a dozen times, slowly extinguished.
When everything was over, the starry skies were emptied, and the ive hundred thousand
kilometers range was cleaned up. The Heavenly Palace, spirit battleship, and fortress of the Saint Race
all vanish, and none of them left.
It can be said that Saint Race’s Blood Cloud Galaxy base was uprooted.
Ao Ri looked at his own chest, stepping on footsteps of limp, he was energized by energy
energy inflict heavy losses, his body was fractured, and the internal organs were broken.
Somehow, the chest was exposed by Senran’s blood, apparently in large. In the explosion, he was
swept and seriously injured.
Ao Ri’s brain has not yet responded to what happened just now.
As for Xie Yue, was also lifted from Ao Ri’s shoulder as early as the explosion. Fortunately, she
was petite. The area that needs protection is also much smaller than Ao Ri. The injury is lighter than Ao
Ri. Her elegant face has an unusual blushing. It is clear that the attack has just used the Qi and Blood
power in her body. .
“This...This is...”
Xie Yue looked to Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
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Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s mouth was full of calm stance. Her robes were rags, long skirts were
torn, and her hair was broken. It looked extremely embarrassing.
Looking at the present scene, Fairy Maiden Qinglian has always been calm and bloody. does
not know where the problem lies.
“Why, why is this?”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s lost souls, and in front of her, the Abandoned Legion is still there!
The 60,000 people of the Abandoned Legion were themselves the initiators of this explosion.
They are located in the center of the array, equal to the hurricane’s eye of wind, and are
hardly afected.
This is also a matter of reason. Otherwise, the attack of the desolate Legion is suicide attack.
At this time, Fairy Maiden Qinglian saw that most people in the Waste Army had
completed Body Transformation.
They inspired the bloodlines of the desolate. With the power of Body Transformation, this blow
was completed!
This is equal to the 180 weakest Heavenly Venerate, more than 2,000 Great World Kings,
and ruinous attacks complete with many Martyr artists of Saint Lord Peak!
If it weren’t for such an attack, it would spread to surround without distinction. personally
sufered only a little impact of the extreme feat. Just that time the attack would make her
vanishes in the puf of smoke!
“They were in the order, but they were Body Transformation.”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian did not communicate Body Transformation to them before. Her
original intention is to strike irst. If the opposite party has any cards, consider Body
Transformation. Now, as Fairy Maiden Qinglian predicts, this mysterious man does have a
hole card, and this hole card makes her wholeheartedly crack!
Fairy Maiden Qinglian looked to Lin Ming. Confronted with Lin Ming’s eyes, she only felt
falling into the ice cell!
“He can control... The Waste Army!”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian said in a word that both Ao Ri and Xie Yue had shed cold sweat.
Anti-control of the Legion? How can this be! The Abandoned Legion is the squadron of the
Saint Emperor Good Fortune. In addition to the Saint Emperor Good Fortune, no one can
directly deprive them of their will. Directly direct them.
For example, Fairy Maiden Qinglian even though the Legion can be left alone, it is because
Saint Emperor Good Fortune handed over part of the military authorities to Fairy Maiden
Qinglian. Fairy Maiden Qinglian commands the Legion of the Desert, which is no diferent
from the mortal general’s general soldier. Each one has his own thoughts. On the battleield,
some disobedient soldiers appear as timid wars, runaways and even murmuring.
Now, the wild regiment controlled by that mysterious man is obviously not the case.
Because at this time, the Waste Legion has turned to their only remaining survivors in the
explosion. The 60,000 people, one eye and blood red, had only killing intent in their eyes
and completely lost their clarity.
There is no doubt that the Abandoned Legion has been completely controlled by this
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mysterious man and lost its will. At this time, they are just like a beggar. Even if the
mysterious man let them die, they will neverfrown!
A person who can control the desolate army, own strength and extremely capable person,
who is in the end?
“You...are people, or Abyss Devil?”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian said with a cold face. This question asked Ao Ri and Xie Yue’s ine
hair to be upside down. Of course, they knew Abyss Devil. But the origin of Abyss Devil was
hidden, but they were not
clear. It was because of Abyss Devil’s. Great strength, mysterious, and the natural
rivalrousness of the intelligent life with Thirty Three Heavens, let them fear.
Yes, this mysterious man emerged from nowhere, regardless of strength, or the power of the
control Desolate’s Legion. If used Abyss Devil to explain it, everything explained.
The mysterious man is probably a high-grade Abyss Devil. can already be turned into a
human form, and in appearance, there is no flaw at all.
In the center of the 60,000 Barrens Corps, Lin Ming heard Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s answer and
smiled at her mouth. This woman can always make the most reasonable judgment when Dense
Fog is heavy. This is a qualii commander. With the ability, if it is normal match, Fairy Maiden Qinglian
can accomplish a task with ease.
However, it is a pity that she is facing Lin Ming. All of her seeming reasonable judgments are
actually wrong.
This is because even if Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s brain hole is bigger, it is impossible to think
that the person killed by her Master not only did not die, but after the strength rose, it
unsealed 3 billion, and the wild sealed six hundred million years ago. Soul, and fully
immersed in the Sea of Consciousness, take full control of it.
“My spear|gun, and Black Dragon, seem to have not been questioned by her. It seems that
God King Floating Feather is convinced that My is dead...”
Lin Ming guessed that it might have been Soul Emperor’s shot and fooled God King Floating
More than 6,000 years ago, after being robbed of Eternal Soul by Sheng Mei, God King Floating
Feather disappeared and never appeared again.
So most of the time, the Soul Emperor used Soul Force and Spiritual Force, who far
surpassed any of the expert’s, to make God́s Floating Feather think was dead by creating
methods such as illusion, suspended animation, conscious world, and his unreadable
Because the Soul Emperor does not want to be found by God King Floating Feather himself,
God King Floating Feather will seeing his Eternal Soul captured, the exhausted end of his body,
causing the doubts of Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
Soul Emperor was playing dark chess in the next round. No one knew what he was planning
to do, including Lin Ming. It was completely untouchable.
While flashing this information in Lin Ming’s mind, smirked suddenly and his body
Seeing Lin Ming suddenly disappeared under the abandonment of the Army of the Desert,
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Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Yaoyue, and Ao Ri were all involved in the contract contraction. They
were physically repulsive. Their irst response was Lin Ming’s shot.
However, Lin Ming did not appear in front of these people. His forms flashed ten thousand
miles away. They appeared in the depths of the starry sky. A ist rumbles out!
Void was broken. With a pitiful yell, an image of a man hiding in the Space Distortion was
blown by Lin Ming like a dead dog.
This People’s mouth spits blood, the body is like a sack rolled from the summit.

This person is Imperial Prince Xi Shen.

Imperial Prince Xi Shen also held the mysterious Black Book in his hand. His body was
bloody, in an extremely diicult situation. Just now he intended to disguise himself as a
vanishes in puf of smoke in large explosion, and then escaped through Space Distortion. ,
This is not a wise method, and naturally it fails Lin Ming.
In fact, just after the large explosion, Lin Ming has already sent out his perception and locked
all the survivors.
He did not ind the Heavenly Venerate in the survivor where the Blood Cloud Galaxy was
originally located. The opposite party seemed to have been transferred. This made him
As for the other people, basically these are still standing in the ield.
Now, Lin Ming can control the afairs of the Abandoned Legion. It must not be revealed.
Otherwise, his plan will be diicult to implement. At least Holy Child Good Fortune will not dare to take
Wild-One’s avatar to ight oneself.
So all the people who witnessed this scene, Lin Ming are destined not to let them leave.
At this time, Imperial Prince Xi Shen was wielding his head and his eyes flashed with virulent ray.
was a proud man of heaven. When he was once inaccessible, when did he receive such an insult?
Is a ist pounds in the face, Imperial Prince Xi Shen nausea snort flew out, the whole face is
The creek made a roar, and he spread the shawl. The mortal body ka ka rang and he used his
Saint Race bloodlines to complete Body Transformation!
The vast majority of the upper Saint Race martial artist can undergo Body Transformation.
Unlike the Devil Body Transformation brought about by the desperate flesh and blood, Saint
Race’s bloodlines Body Transformation does not cost anything.
Streams naturally also have this ability.
“You still want Body Transformation?”
Lin Ming gave a sneer and punched the bang on the stream. The ist, containing dark
vigor, was struck in the stream and transmitted to his ive main internal organs (entrails)
and his whole body meridians.
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With the body of the creek as its center, the space around it collapsed, and stream bleeds
profusely from the head. The power of Body Transformation had just been gathered up.
Seeing this scene, the remaining three people in Saint Race Five Saint General are all complexion
The stream is one of the most dazzling geniuses in the young generation of Saint Race. Even
though because of age, He is the weakest in ive Saint General, But no weak many, Now in
the hands of Lin Ming, He is like a dough, Want to pinch how to pinch.
The gap is too great! (not To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2028 - Qinglian counterattack

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Another punch, the power of Demon God in Lin Ming, along with his ists, blew into
the body of the stream, locked the stream’s Qi and Blood, and let the stream almost
completely lose combat combat capability.
Lin Ming did not intend to kill the stream, He keeps the stream and there is still, And
this leads to the streampitiful destiny...
In the eyes of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Ao Ri, and Xie Yue, this is not at all a Heavenly
Venerate level expert. The match between the original Heavenly Venerate should be to
destroy the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, to break the stars, and to ight the
scenes. Waves are magniicent.
But what happened between Lin Ming and Imperial Prince Xi Shen was a violent
punches. Lin Ming was just hitting the stream, just like a mortal martial artist hitting a
bully in the market.
However, each time Lin Ming took a shot, light is the fall of hist’s ist is produced on
Emperor Prince Xi Shen, and can shatter the void. This scene reminds everyone that
the strength of each punch is terrifying.
This has further determined that Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s speculation about Lin Ming itself
is Abyss Devil. Otherwise, how can the physical intensity of stream variation Saint Race
bloodlines be disobedient?
The most frightening thing for Fairy Maiden Qinglian is that, after a while, such
violence would fall on his own body.
“How to do?”
Yaoyue’s rapid seeking, she didn’t want to fall in the hands of this “Abyss Devil” . In front of
this young man, could control the wilderness. Perhaps was also a series with the
wilderness. When she thinks about the ephemeral dancing tentacles, she shudders.
Once this young man is a demon, is entangled with those tentacles, and will certainly be
left with no bones to eat.
“Has been spelled with him, and it is dead, it’s rather broken !” Ao Ri gritted his teeth and
looked at Fairy Maiden Qinglian. will be reckless, but he will not die on the battleield.
Instead, everything will be Fairy Maiden Qinglian. This is also because Fairy Maiden
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Qinglian has won the respect of Ao Ri over the past few years on the battleield.
At this time, it is almost a hopeless situation for Fairy Maiden Qinglian and Ao Ri.
The opposite party is not only far superior to them, but also has control of the 60,000

barren army. How can this situation win?

Ao Ri even
up with looked at Fairy Maiden Qinglian, but she did not expect her to really come
a solution.
At this time, Fairy Maiden Qinglian has slowly recovered from calm. silently touched her
Spatial Ring, transmitting tone channel: “We only have one chance...”
“Are there any chances?” Ao Ri’s eyes lit up.
“The army of the desert is even worse, but in reality, the strength of the members of the
Abandoned Army is very poor. In order to exert the aggression of the Abandoned Legion, a
grand formation must be arranged, and the grand formation must take a few moments, or
even ten times. The time of interest, in other words, we launched a sneak attack. We must
compress the ighting time in the interval, preferably within ive breaths!”
“His strength is too strong, we can’t kill His at all, but it’s possible within ive breath time, inflict
heavy lossesHis’ Sea of Consciousness, just let His come in short time to get back one’s
composure, and let the Legion of the Desert out of His Control, then I can kill it with the army
of the desert! To do this, everything must be perfect, plus a bit of luck, the actual assumption
of a Chengdu less than ...”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian slowly stated her plan. Let Ao Ri warm up at once.
“Has a good Chengdu!” Ao Ri said with a bright heart.
“Then, Good, you just have to attack it with all your strength. The rest of me will come and
arrange it.”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian gave an order and three people showed a tendency to come to
Lin Ming’s direct impact!
Regardless of Ao Ri, Xie Yue or Fairy Maiden Qinglian, this time is all about it!
Ao Ri snapped and did not hesitate to choose to burn the blood essence. The
bloodlines in Ao Ri are great sun bloodlines for Saint Race’s emperor. Once the blood
essence is burned, his strength will increase exponentially.
At this time had a flame totem on his body and a sun-flame appeared. Like ire War
And Xie Yue took out a pair of sickle, sickle brandishes. Formed ice-cold moonlight,
space was separated silently, two moon blade concealment in shattered void, vertical
section Lin Ming’s neck.
Between the two, Fairy Maiden Qinglian, who held a long sword, appeared to have no
fancy spikes. Compared to Ao Ri and Xie Yue, the sword of Fairy Maiden Qinglian was
very simple and without any special The special place, but also to use the toes should
know, Fairy Maiden Qinglian in the hopeless situation under the inal blow, must be no
In the face of the sharp attack from the three parties, Lin Ming did not move. only
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heard a furious roar. Under Lin Ming, Black Dragon rushed out and the thick tail of the
demon’s thorn swept.
After so many years of silence, the Black Dragon devoured a great deal of mortal essence,
and now the disposable erupts its strength. Even the stars must be smashed by the blow.
Whole body burns a great sun flame Ao Ri and Black Dragon’s tail flies without a hitch in
the same place! Ao Ri made an earth-shattering explosion. Body bloodlines are like hot
magma. The blood vessels on his
body are twisted to the peak. Because it is unable to withstand the load, it bursts!
Even so, Ao Ri was also pumped by the Black Dragon’s dragon tail. The sharp thorn of
the forest, almost to wear Ao Ri.
At this time, Xie Yue’s two rounds of crescent moons turned to Black Dragon’s eyes.
Even though the Black Dragon’s mortal body was extremely powerful, but his eyes
were still weak. Under the pressure of two rounds of cold moons, Black Dragon’s The
attack was slightly slow, and it crumbled the crescent moon with two huge claws.
So, after three great sages will launch an attack, Ao Ri and Xie Yue will be stopped by

Black Dragon alone. At this time, only one person, Fairy Maiden Qinglian, rushed to

Lin Ming.

Fairy Maiden Qinglian on Lin Ming!

There is no doubt that this is a showdown of diferences as much as to be beyond
Lin Ming holds Dark Dragon Spear, a Spear Thrust. This simple blow contains the
world grand potential. For a time, it seems that the power of ten million stars in starry
sky, complete infusion to Lin Ming’s gun. In the power!
Almost no one doubts that once the spear|gun clashes of Fairy Maiden Qinglian and Lin
Ming, is the end of spit|gun clashes.
However, Fairy Maiden Qinglian had no fear, and still came with a sword to Lin Ming.
had no gaudy of a sword. In the moment of approaching Dark Dragon Spear, suddenly
burst forth the darkness’s brilliance. This Dao Light shines directly at Lin. Ming’s
spiritual sea, the goal of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, is impressively Lin Ming’s Soul Sea!
At this time, Lin Ming suddenly discovered that the Fairy Maiden Qinglian broke out
with an unusually strong Spiritual Force. Before she could not suppress it with any
means, she was completely unaware that she was a martial artist of Soul and Body
Dual Cultivation!
The Universe 30 Great Dao can be divided into Essence, Qi and Soul three lines, Saint
Race is good at practice body, and it is very dull in the spiritual law cultivation, but it does
not rule out the genius. Soul and Body Dual Cultivation, just like Divine Dream Essence
and Soul Dual Cultivation, same as Lin Ming Essence, Qi and Soul triple cultivation.
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“So you have this hole card! Want to damage my Sea of Consciousness and take away the Waste
Lin Ming did not advance backwards, and had too much strength disparity. Lin Ming
had no weakness. Fairy Maiden Qinglian ended up combining Material Attack and soul
attack into one. The attack on Lin Ming spiritual sea was indeed a step of the famous
chess. It just surprised Lin Ming.
This is like two players playing chess. In the case that on e chess player already has no
board game piece, despite her playing chess technique, there is only a disasterrous
Even so, Lin Ming did not have a general idea. still injected the Soul Force into the Soul
Sea and made his Spiritual World impregnable. In this way, even if he did not fully defend
the Spiritual Attack of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, he would not be hurt.
However, just in the moment of Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s swords drop, Lin Ming
suddenly complexion’s changes.
In dazzling light, approaching peak’s flowing light, Lin Ming was shocked to discover that
on the back of the Fairy Maiden Qinglian sword, there is a fuzzy shadow, which is...a
feather! !
He is extremely sensitive to feathers. He will not forget that 6,000 years ago, a feather
of such, almost killed his life!
No doubt, this feather of Fairy Maiden Qinglian is coming from her Esteemed God King
Floating Feather!
Actually, Fairy Maiden Qinglian did not expect any achievement from her material and
soul combine attacks. started with Material Attack, and she made a sudden move
midway through the game, bursting into a powerful Spiritual Attack. This trick was just
in order to attract Lin Ming. The attention, let Lin Ming think, she is the idea stops here,
the cards are out.
The real killing is actually the feather that sticks to the sword blade.
It is originally on the back of the sword, coupled with dazzling flow light, and limit
attack speed hides, average person can not be found, in fact, even if found, it will
be awkward, do not understand what this feather is.
From one of the begin’s changes to hide, to the inal kill.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian has done everything perfectly well. It was almost inevitable, but
Lin Ming reacted instantly. didn’t want to. The whole body energy burst into peak, and
long spear swept away while the storm retreated!
Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s longsword was ired directly. gave a squeak and the tiger’s
mouth was instantly split open and bloody.
She only felt an instant, there was a rush of violent energy into her body, let her
complexion red, whole body Qi and Blood crest.
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Lin Ming attacked this time, even though it was not directed at Fairy Maiden Qinglian,
but the energy energy flux contained in Dark Dragon Spear still caused Fairy Maiden
Qinglian to sufer injuries.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s face flashed a hint of shock. had even known that Lin Ming
was diicult to deal with, but he did not seem to think it was too diicult for him to deal
with this level. Even a dexterous feather, he discovered.
At this time, this feather has already flew before Lin Ming!
It seemed to be slow, and it contained killing intent. This Murderous aura, however,
completely locked Lin Ming’s ability.
Feather straight floats, from the outside looked no diferent from ordinary bird feathers,
just inside Lin Ming’s three feet distance, an illusory woman igure metamorphosed
from the feather surface, the woman is... God King Floating Feather !
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2029 - Phantom shadow

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After more than 6,000 years, Lin Ming encountered the person who had originally chased his
own. At this time, God King Floating Feather, who was in front of Lin Ming, wore a layer of
pale-white veil, veil, and gestures, such as Ling Bo Fairy. Maiden.
She is one of the most low-key, mysterious of the three True Gods of Saint Race.
No matter which True God, it is a high-level Ninth Level cloud, overlooking the world.
Not to mention the true disparity between True God and Heavenly Venerate, the True God’s
unique talent, and the Thirty Three Heavens’s peerless genius. It’s also about Emperor
Sakyamuni’s standard.
The talent of Such, plus the advantages of the cultivation base, also makes it almost
impossible to use True God in Heavenly Venerate!
In their hands, a grain of sand can break the vault of heaven, and a feather can sweep away
the galaxy.
Now, before Lin Ming, it was such a feather, a feather that turned out of the God King
Floating Feather phantom shadow.
“Avatar of Floating Feather?”
Lin Ming’s vision of a concentrates, an incarnation of True God.
And originally Fairy Maiden Qinglian himself is the next Heavenly Venerate realm, plus
her talent, her strength is already a superior existence in Heavenly Venerate, God King
Floating Feather left her incarnation, not just peak Heavenly Venerate’s strength Rea lm,
otherwise it doesn’t matter much to Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
That is to say, God King Floating Feather wants to make an avatar enough for the
apprentice of this level of Fairy Maiden Qinglian to save his life. It costs a lot of cultivation
base and Qi and Blood.

This feather, no doubt, contains the God King Floating Feather’s virginal blood essence,
which is extremely precious.
Lin Ming did not expect God King Floating Feather to attach such a great importance to the
apprentice of Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
At this time, God King Floating Feather has been holding an energized long sword, a sword
to Lin Ming!
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God King Floating Feather’s incarnation, only part of the consciousness, her expression was
quiet at this time, eye pupil flashed a strange look.
This sword is like a Divine Mountain. As if to open the world, Lin Ming only felt the
space around the body was instantly locked, making it diicult for him to avoid.
However, Lin Ming did not intend to dodge at all. Instead, he wanted to try. God King
Floating Feather’s incarnation power is strong.
In the instant of Lin Ming, the power of Asura Blood was stimulated. His whole body
covered the black scale, and Dark Dragon Spear gave of an exhilaration. Go straight
At that moment, the phantom shadow of the Heretical God emerged behind Lin Ming. On his
spear’s body, the Thunder and flame howls interweave into a vast sea of color. Even Divine
Beast fell into the sea of this fearful. , will be turned into ash!
However, God King Floating Feather looked indiferently, and she thrashed on
Thunderire’s ocean, turning over thunder and flames in the ocean. After passing God
King Floating Feather’s body, she failed to bring harm to her. It was like she was in a
diferent time space. This scene, really like Fairy Maiden Ling Bo, elegant dust.
Only in this picture, the murdous aura contained in the painting makes people unable to
produce pleasant feelings.
God King Floating Feather’s sword separates the Thunderire ocean.

Sword Qi went straight from Lin Ming!

Seeing this scene, Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s heart has long been strained. Before that, she
raided the
sword on a feather blade attached to the sword blade. Only let Esteemed’s avatar and
Lin Ming face ight. was afraid that Esteemed’s incarnation wouldn’t kill Lin M ing. Now
God God Floating Feather broke open the Lingire ocean that Lin Ming played. Her heart
was rekindled.
Seeing this whistling Sword Qi, Lin Ming slammed back, and in his eyes glitters out the
taliesman seal of the Law of Asura, and at the same time, between Lin Ming forehead.
Heavens Eye Dao Palace opens.
He knew that Thunderire Strength failed to cause damage to God King Floating Feather, not
because of lack of power, but because the opponent had reached True God level, the
attainments on the law were already extremely high.
This is a set of incomplete Hearytical God Strength secret method. Under God King
Floating Feather’s hand, it’s no longer enough.
A tentative blow failed. Lin Ming no longer retains, his double-pinch eyes shrink, and at the
same time opened Heavens Eye Dao Palace, again turned on three pupils Ten Thousand
Law Emptiness!
Under the ield of vision of Tian Mu and three pupils, some of the energy flows in the
body of God King Floating Feather became clear. Lin Ming emptied his tai chi with
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both hands, presenting a black-gold two-color flow of energy in his body previous
Get together.
This black energy flow is Demonic Qisensen, and the golden energy flow is a great sun.
At the moment when the two energy flows meet, all the law an d origin energy of the
ambient space have been swept along. It seems that Lin Ming’s hands are the center of
this universe’s law.
A huge Yin Yang vortex slow form, it is like a Yin Yang Tai Chi diagram, but its law’s altitude,
but has far exceeded Law of Yin and Yang.
This round vortex, sword light with God King Floating Feather avatar, slammed in the

same place! Oh!

Sword light shattered, God King Floating Feather avatar’s face, flashed a hint of shock!
For an incarnation, it is just the disembodied body of God King Floating Feather, but still
possesses his own wisdom and consciousness. will have similar feelings to people.
Demon God vortex is overwhelming, crush everything, God King Floating Feather avatar
to protect the whole body with sword light, but after all, she just incarnate only, can not
stand up to the full Lin Ming!
The inal sword curtain has also been shattered. God King Floating Feather’s body
protection Astral Essence is like the vibration of the sails that are torn of by stro ng
Lin Ming shouted, Behind him is a nine-star phantom shadow, Starlight gathers Lin Ming’s
whole body, He broke out in no time weaker than Black Dragon’s great strength, This spear|gun
is a god god Floating Floating Feather’s body protection Astral Essence.
Body protection Astral Essence was pierced by Lin Ming. This shot pierced the chest of
God King Floating Feather!
White blozing oozing, like white snow falling hungmuy tea, God King Floating Feather
mouth overflowing a sturdy blood line, her long sword has already taken of, Divine Light
turned into energy dissipated, God King Floating Feather hands holding Dark Dragon
Spear’s spear’s body, a pair of beautiful lilies, looked incredible to Lin Ming.
At this time she and Lin Ming are within easy reach. The eyes are bleak. They are losing a
little brilliance. Lin Ming’s sword cuts the common face. The sword’s eyebrows and deep
eyes make God King Floating Feather flash a trace of his face. The color of confus, this
youth, seems to be familiar, but it is unfamiliar after all...
God King Floating Feather’s body burst into countless spots of light. These luminous
spots flew into the depths of the void like thousand ten million ireflies and disappeared
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At the center of the spot, a feather, such as jade, slowly descends. Lin

Ming gently reached out and pinched the feather in his hand.

This is a strange feather, only half foot long, looked like the plume of the white crane, it is
glittering and translucent carving, on Feather’s feather pole, carrying a faint blood line,
exquisite and beautiful.
Even though God King Floating Feather’s avatar has been crushed by Lin Ming, but
above this feather, Lin Ming still feels it formidable strength, it is shining with seven color
flowing light, it seems to take of from his own hand heartbeat come out.
Lin Ming put his hands together and pressed a taisman seal to seal the layer of feather
until it could no longer jump.
After all this, Lin Ming’s gains ground, with a faint smile, looked to Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2030 - Repression Tianjiao

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At this time Fairy Maiden Qinglian, has elegant face pale.

was talented and was selected as a direct disciple by God King Floating Feather. has
lived in the environment of many things around a center for thousands of years. One’s entire life has
never been suppressed by one person. Deadly.
Even if she racked her brains, the cards were cleared and she could not cause even a
single injury to the opponent.
“What about Also?”
Lin Ming calmly said, Fairy Maiden Qinglian clenched his lips, and when he hadn’t
thought about how to deal with it, suddenly, Lin Ming’s twin eyes burst into a killing
intent. seemed to instantaneous incarnation and became a ierce beast. Be fore Fairy
Maiden Qinglian!
His face groans, a ist pounds out.
This punch, solid pounding on the belly of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, body protection
Astral Essence burst, Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s body bent like a small fry!
At that moment, her eyes were illed with blood threads, and it seemed that the eyes
were to stand out. felt that Lin Ming was furious and verve’s strength rushed into her
body mercilessly, slamming her meridians!
This kind of pain makes her tremble, almost fainting!
After a ist, Lin Ming lifted his right hand, elbows down, and squatted directly on the
back of Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian spits out blood. almost hears the sound of her vertebra break. The
violent force once again rushes into her body, causing the internal organs to burst. Qi and Blood in
the body’s condenses are all broken.
Lin Ming has no mercy. This woman is too dangerous. often sets herself in a
dangerous situation. If it isn’t for him that some other people don’t even know the
cards, she may have already been counted dead.
With such a match, Lin Ming Naturally will not keep his hands. So whether the opposition
party chooses to surrender or resist, Lin Ming will beat her. Let her completely lose revolt
Naturally, like Imperial Prince Xi Shen, Lin Ming keeps Fairy Maiden Qinglian useful. God
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King Floating Feather just takes care of this apprentice Fairy Maiden Qinglian. Lin Ming
will not kill Fairy Maiden Qinglian. God King Floating Feather, there is no beneit to letting
her revenge.
Lin Ming guessed that now God King Floating Feather did not desperately use Human
Race. Otherwise, Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate is an enemy of two.
The God King Floating Feather is getting hot. don’t know what will happen. In the
aspect of the present, Human Race is already turbulent. Lin Ming doesn’t want to
make this war worse.
Cooking Fairy Maiden Qinglian, followed by Ao Ri and Xie Yue.
Ao Ri and Xie Yue at this time, how ugly the complexion would be, and even Fairy
Maiden Qinglian seems to be almost omnipotent person in Ao Ri. It was cleared up by
this mysterious man so savage.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian at least looked like a weak woman, and Ao Ri looked at her
physique. A big face is green. There is no doubt that he will only be worse.
At this time, Lin Ming had not say say a word, rushed to Ao Ri and Xie Yue...
This day, it was deinitely the most memorable day of the Saint Race Saint General.
They irst laid trap failure, then sufered a brutal beating of mysterious man, and inally
they were banned. Then it was thrown into the universe of darkness. This is the inner
world of the mysterious man.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian did not expect that Abyss Devil also had Inner World inside her
body, but at this time, still had the thought to study this.
Today is her day of complete failure, she drags in lots of people under the grand
formation of cloth, but she inally casts herself in the net. Imagine it is ironic...
Even though mysterious man did not kill her, but Fairy Maiden Qinglian did not have any
chance. His own fate might be even worse than death.
The three people looked at each other in Lin Ming’s Inner World. There was a faint sense
of hopelessness in their hearts. Although they were not even the top layer in Thirty Three
Heavens, but they were also in upper level, but in front of the mysterious man. . However,
babies are generally weak.
When Lin Ming suppressed Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Ao Ri, and Xie Yue, he turned to the
stream again. It is intended to suppress the stream.
At this time, Lin Ming discovered that was already in the middle of a man-shaped stream.
In his right hand, the mysterious Black Book that had been held was changed. His eyes
on the title page lit up in a red blood. Shine.
Lin Ming’s vision-concentrates, he had long noticed the appearance of this Black Book,
Black Book, irst thought of the “Sacred Scripture” Part of Death, but after he conirmed
it a little, he discovered that this was not “Sacred Scripture” . But it is a mysterious
ancient book whose origin is mysterious and which he could not discern at any time.
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Originally Lin Ming was planning to study this ancient book after planned to go down
the stream. I did not expect this time, Black Book has changed.
The blood red rays it emits are getting stronger and stronger, and the eyes are getting
brighter and brighter.
The red light, which eventually turned into a layer of bloody fog, shrouded in Imperial
Prince Xi Shen’s body, this blood fog slowly iniltrated the skin of Emperor Prince Xi
Shen, allowing Imperial Prince Xi Shen to The body glowed with a strange scarlet.
“This is...”
Lin Ming’s eyelid-jumps, he did not know what happened to Black Prince’s Imperial
Prince Xi Shen. This situation may be that Black Book is healing the stream, or the
stream is controlled by Black Book. However, no matter what, It is deinitely not a good
Lin Ming had almost no consideration, holding Dark Dragon Spear, a Spear Thrust into
the chest of Imperial Prince Xi Shen!
Blood splash, Imperial Prince Xi Shen, who has lost combat combat capability, has
absolutely no resistance. Lin Ming’s gun also avoided the heart of Imperial Prince Xi
Shen, but infused the destructive power of Demon God. Destroy all the lungs of Imperial Prince Xi
Even if the flesh of the powerful Saint Rac e Heavenly Venerate sufered such a blow
after being beaten, it was also a major disappointment.
Lin Ming did not intend to give any opportunity for the restoration of the stream. No
matter what happens to the Black Book, it always uses the stream as a medi um. As
long as the stream is crippled, a book can set of a storm.
After Lin Ming’s strike, blood fog was still in the continuous seepage to Imperial Prince Xi
Shen’s body, and his wounds were recovering quickly. This surprised Lin Ming, and he
reached out and directed the Black Book directly. Caught in the hand.
Starting with Black Book, Lin Ming felt that in this Black Book, there was always an
evil sexual aura. The eye of that bloody on the title page seemed to be staring at him.
At this time, Lin Ming also looked at the general writing on the surface of the Black Book.
After seeing these words, Lin Ming was surprised that Lin Ming had learned a lot about
the ancient writing word. Because he had a lot of Mystic Realm, he read many classics,
and he read many people’s memories. Writing, he never saw it.
At this time, the Black Book burst into a sudden force, almost broke from Lin Ming’s hand,
Lin Ming gave a glimpse of the heart, Demon God’s power surged, his hands, a hand
Divine Light, a hand Demonic Qi Sensen, the two hands immediately closed the Black
At this time, however, there was still a lot of bloody fog that had fallen into Imperial Prince
Xi Shen’s body, and these scarlet mists, to heal Imperial Prince Xi Shen’s body, also
made aura on Imperial Prince Xi Shen strange.
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At that moment, Lin Ming complexion grim a lot.

It seems that with the power of Demon God, he could not completely seal the Black
Lin Ming slightly frowned, two hands flipped, Magic Cube space opened, this Black Book,
was directly included in Magic Cube space.
The Magic Cube is the supreme Divine Artifact of the universe. The Magic Cube space is
also secluded from the world. Without the idea of own, nothing can pass through this
When the Black Book was thrown into the Magic Cube space, the blood fog that entered
Imperial Prince Xi Shen was cut of by the Magic Cube space.
However, even this is not dare to care about this strange Black Book Lin Ming.
He contacted the Heavens Forceament Ancient Seal in the Magic Cube space with the
Spiritual Force. The method of arranging array’s is good, but it will never be better than the Heavens
Firmament Ancient Seal.
When Lin Ming was introduced to the Magic Cube, only listened to the sound of
“Whorlwhorlwhorl” , and the magic cube space rune danced into a God Sealing Great
Array. The ancient book was irmly enveloped in it.
After the God Sealing Great Array was built, the body of the Heavens Firmament
Ancient Seal was directly repressed at the center of the grand formati on, pressing the
ancient book under the ancient seal!
When the ancient book was cracked down, the bloody eyes struggling violently, actually
made a harsh call.
A book will be called, which makes the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit also
very strange.
“What book is this?” The voice of Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal Artifact Spirit was
“It is not clear that this book seems to be evil. Let it be studied irst and
Lin Ming felt that this ancient book is not ordinary, But even if there is this ancient
book, Imperial Prince Xi Shen is far from Lin Ming’s opponent, Because the stream itself has not
yet broken through Heavenly Venerate, Even the cultivation base is lower than Lin Ming, The absolute
strength gap is here, It is not a book with an ancient ancient book that will make up for it.
After suppressing the ancient books, Lin Ming bluntly punched in Imperial Prince Xi Shen’s
body. After thoroughly rescuing wounds had just treated in ancient books, blocked the
whole body of the stream. Qi and Blood threw him into his Inner World like throw dead dog.
Lin Ming thought about it, and cast the feather layers left by God King Floating
Feather into the grand formation arranged by Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal.
Far beyond 1e+ten kilometers, there is another First Level Wild Universe across Lamenting
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God Wall.
A woman in white swept past the stars. In front of her, there was a cloud of purplish
clouds. These clouds were boundless, like a nebula, and a sea like illusion.
After seeing this cloud and fog, the white woman pointed out a layer of clear waves and
the clouds were divided by wave length divisions to reveal a misty starry sky. However, after a
moment, these clouds shrouded slowly. Seems inexhaustible general.
The white woman frowned slightly. stood still in front of the purple fog for a moment
and once again shot.
The purple clouds in front of her, in fact, Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate arranged
in the Divine Dream space illusion.
And this white woman is God King Floating Feather.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2031 - Furious Floating Feather

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God King Floating Feather has been playing with Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate for
many years. However, in fact, the time when they were really head-to-head was little, and
the time of whole- heartedly slaughters was almost non-existent.
When the two of them were more, they were only ighting against the break array,
competing against the law, and understanding the depth of the way to the Soul Sea.
They were two people, one was Essence and Soul Dual Cultivation, one was Soul and
Body Dual Cultivation, and they had a big relationship with Spiritual Force and Soul Sea
in their system. This made them both showdown methods emerge one After another
incessantly, sometimes a showdown of the soul array, it will last several years.
For the peerless master, it is very diicult to ind a match whose strength and closeness are
close to each other. Especially after floating real estate such as Floating Feather and
Divine Dream, there are only a handful of people in the universe who can get their full
The cultivation of the martial artist, after only a moment of retreat and enlightenment, is
ultimately lacking something. They also need the environment and need well-matches
and battles. This is also ten billion years ago. Develop one of the prosperous reasons.
Therefore, over the years, Floating Feather and Divine Dream seem to have formed a
tacit understanding in the ongoing duel. Their understanding of the Soul Sea and the
Spiritual Force has continued to deepen.
Floating Feather was originally not very enthusiastic about the races between Human
Race and Saint Race. The victory of Saint Race is not too important to her. participated
in this war because Saint Emperor Good Fortune gave her enough Reward, at the same
time, she also believes that Saint Emperor Good Fortune may dominate the world and
reach a higher realm. does not want to ofend Saint Emperor Good Fortune too much.
Her containment of Divine Dream in this First Level universe is already a great help for the
Human Race and the Saint Race. And there is an advantage that allows Floating Feather
to place Fairy Maiden Qinglian on the Human Race and Saint Race. The big war makes it
gain experience.
God King Floating Feather conident, with Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s strength, wisdom.
Together with the personal avatars had left for her, and the Legion of Legion assigned to
her by Saint Emperor Good Fortune, in the entire Wild Universe, there was no one who
could do anything for her.
She would be the strongest ist of the Saint Race army. Even Emperor Sakyamuni could
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not confront his own apprentice.

Even though each catastrophe, even though it will bring disaster to the Thirty Three
Heavens, but also the genius of all ethnic groups grow up as mushroom growth.
The war that sweeps the universe is the best battleground for gain experience green
According to God King Floating Feather, the greatest beneit of this Human Race Saint
Race battle. It is her ability to gain the discipline gain experience.
As an opponent of God King Floating Feather, Divine Dream is far from being so
comfortable and calm. can be said to be anxious!
However, even if she was worried about the Human Race, she had no better choice at
this time. couldn’t get God King Floating Feather, but she couldn’t beat Saint Emperor
Good Fortune. wanted to intervene in Heavenly Venerate. Then God King Floating
Feather and God King Heavenly Astral will not agree.
So at this time, she continued to confront God Gold Floating Feather. At the same time,
we must seize every opportunity to increase our own strength beyond the other.
She knew that the ultimate enemy of the Human Race was always Saint Emperor Good
Fortune. This is also the opponent she must face in the future.
Perhaps one day, she was able to imitate God Sealing Heavenly Venerate, and burned
his life to the Saint Emperor Good Fortune with an inflict heavy losses. That is what Divine
Dream can think of. This is the best result of this World War.
However, if you want to change to such a result, your hopes are extremely embarrassing.
The longer the Human Race Saint Race, the longer Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate
feels the great strength of God Sealing Heavenly Venerate’s. At irst, was faced with the
desolation of True God, and the Saint Race Saint Emperor who was not weaker than
Saint Emperor Good Fortune could eventually turn to the tide. It was an incredible feat.
Divine Dream thinks himself and God Sealing Heavenly Venerate, there is a big disparity.
The short time failed to break the Dreamland Space laid by Divine Dream Heavenly
Venerate. God King Floating Feather lost in thought. In fact, the array under Divine
Dream Heavenly Venerate did not infusion too many Soul Forces. The intensity was
weak. If God King Floating Feather is willing, she can completely eliminate this grand
formation with absolute strength. However, she did not do this, but only slowly deduced.
This is the exercise of his own perception of law.
However, it was only when God King Floating Feather deducted the law from the law.
suddenly Jiaoqu startled, suddenly gains ground. In the eyes, there was a trace of
consternation and no incredible conidence in the look.
In the moment before, she felt that she had been broken by the incarnation of Fairy
Maiden Qinglian’s body!
The incarnation of the body is a star of God King Floating Feather. Within the
Heavenly Venerate realm, it is almost invincible. Who is it?
How can this be! ?
What about the apprentice Fairy Maiden Qinglian?
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In God King Floating Feather’s view, Fairy Maiden Qinglian, who is nearly impossible
to be at risk, must now sufer a disastrous defeat! Otherwise she could not use the inal
card she had left for her.
In order to keep the completeness of Fairy Maiden Qinglian Divine Soul, let her break the
realm’s time can be more perfect, God King Floating Feather did not leave Fairy Maiden
Qinglian’s split soul to make the soul jade slip, but no fate jade slip in Hands, shes simply
didn’t know what happened to Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
This makes God King Floating Feather’s unbelievable color in his eyes, and it suddenly
becomes cold!
She perceives the feather that has been suppressed. However, to her surprise, is still able
to perceive the presence of feather feathers, but it seems to be sealed to a mysterious
space, which is a diferent degree. The blockade of space’s law made her unable to lock
the position of the feather.
Moreover, was obsessively feeling to herself, attached to her own blood essence on the
feather, slowly being reined!
This makes God King Floating Feather’s eyes, escaped Murderous Aura!
That is the power of the guilds left behind after shes breaks through True God. If it is
lost, the cultivation base of God King Floating Feather is a blow!
“In the end it will be Who!?”
God King Floating Feather smashed the white teeth and thought through the

mind. irst thought of Emperor Sakyamuni.

The only people who can break their own incarnation in the Human Race are Divine
Dream. Divine Dream is controlled by their own. Oneself’s incarnation is invincible in
the Human Race.
Unless there is another breakthrough by Emperor Sakyamuni.
However, the age of thinks Emperor Sakyamuni, God King Floating Feather felt that was
not impossible, and Emperor Sakyamuni was too young. According to his talent and the
current combat strength, it is not reasonable for him to suddenly achieve True God.
No matter who it is, God King Floating Feather will never light up this man.

If he hurts Fairy Maiden Qinglian, God King Floating Feather will never die!


God King Floating Feather’s jade palm force, originally Divine Dream Heavenly
Venerate’s dreamland array of direct explodes broken down, into a difuse Heavenly
Light feather.
At this time, God King Floating Feather naturally no thoughts and then slowly research to
break array, and she directly broke this array with absolute strength.
At this moment, God King Floating Feather is impatient to get back. is stepping out of
the void and trying to leave this star territory momentarily. At this moment, the
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surrounding force ield is distorted instantly. The Law of Space changes accordingly.
God King Floating Feather’s Great Void Transfer failed to perform.
Next quarter, Purple Mist gathered again and encircled God King Floating Feather.
The diference is that the purple haze of this time is no longer just a matter of compotion of
law, but has been infused with truly terrible power.
This is Divine Dream Space!
The Divine Dream space trembled slightly. Not far behind God King Floating Feather, a
blue woman, who is basically lifting the Gate of Opening curtains, generally tore the void,
stepping in Space Storm before the God King Floating Feather. .
The woman, somewhat similar to God King Floating Feather, is also a goddess, sitting high
on the Ninth Level, overlooking the world.
“Divine Dream!” God King Floating Feather still has muteous aura in his eyes. “Do you
want to stop me?”
Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate smiled. “I just felt that your mood in the Divine
Dream space was big fluctuation, and I broke my force ield with an absolute strength.
Then I naturally want to see. It seems... Do you have urgent matter?”
Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate is fluttering, the tone is at a moderate pace, like winter
din-dong’s cold spring, very pleasant.
But in God King Floating Feather’s ear, it was harsh.
“Step aside!”
God King Floating Feather said in a chilly tone.
“i’m afraid it’s not what you want.” Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate gently raised
right hand. At her ingertips, a petal was spinning slowly. faintly guessed, God King
Floating Feather’s panic, It may be related to the Battleield of Junior, but it is not a
good news for God King Floating Feather. Naturally it is good news for herself. In
any case, she will not let God King Floating Feather go back easily.
“Hedong 30 years, Hexi 30 years ago. Before you stopped me, I can’t go back to the
Wild Universe. Now, it’s my turn to keep you.”
God King Floating Feather’s sleeves, face guard, “You think if you have a God King
Heavenly Astral shot, can you keep me?”
“Remains for a time, it was a moment.” Divine Dream sounds indiferent, slowly took
out long sword...
The ethereal starry sky is boundless. In starry sky, there is a continent floating above

this Continent. This is a land in the Lin Ming Inner Body Universe.

And this time, Saint Race’s four Saint General Ao Ri, Xie Yue, green lotus, stream all
have been banned from Qi and Blood. Was thrown on this Continent.
Their bodies were locked by the law Incantation Seal and it was diicult to continously
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look at them.
“Mother, it hurts!” Ao Ri twisted his neck hard and made a squeaky skeletal joint
sound. “This dead devil, don’t know how to plan for us.”
Ao Ri said, his condition is still relatively good. At least can stand. The poorest is the
stream. The whole body’s bones are cut of. They are lying on the ground like a pile of
rotten meat. Groan.
At this time, Fairy Maiden Qinglian was carefully observing Lin Ming’s Inner World. was
delicate and she discovered the diference of the world.
“This world seems to be... There is no diference with the outside universe... Are we really
in Inner World?”
The voice of Fairy Maiden Qinglian is not clear. Is this Abyss Devil’s Inner World,
where the law, material, and origin energy are all so...
Ao Ri and Xie Yue had not yet had time to react. At this time, the space in front of several
people was distorted. Wearing black clothed, Lin Ming, who had long spear, had already
arrived on the Continent. Standing irm stood at a distance of ten people. Zhangyuan
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2032 - The magical effect of captives

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Seeing Lin Ming this evil star, Saint Race four Saint General suddenly a tight heart.
“What do you want?”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian said that they have all reached this ield and she can no longer
think of any possibility of escape. Now it is only possible to survive with the greed of
this mysterious man. imprisoned them, and he must be conspired, otherwise he would
have killed them long ago. Now.
Lin Ming did not speak, Fairy Maiden Qinglian transmitted to Ao Ri and Xie Yue tone
channel: “You listen to me for a while...”
Both Ao Ri and Xie Yue are secret nod. At this time, they can only count on Fairy Maiden
Qinglian. As for the stream, they can be completely ignored. can hardly speak.
Lin Ming’s did not say a word, foot step void, came straight to Fairy Maiden Qinglian, he has been
to Fairy Maiden Qinglian eyes, condescending, overlooking Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
The feeling of oppression that this brings is so strong that Fairy Maiden Qinglian breathes her
breath. Faced with such a mysterious expert as Lin Ming and his imposing manner on him, she
feels breathless.
She even feared Lin Ming’s brutality in the next quarter, restoring the nature of the devil. How
such a consequence would be, she could hardly imagine.
Biting his lips, the Fairy Maiden Qinglian complexion is slightly pale, saying: “Has conditions,
you can mention.”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian knows humane’s weakness, naturally, the premise is that the character
of this humanoid devil must be similar to human beings.
She has made up her mind that no matter what kind of requirements the opposition party
puts forward, she will neither accept the opposition party nor completely reject it.
This is the most likely negotiations way to survive.
If you refuse directly and let the other person not seeing hope, then he is very likely to kill
them directly. Similarly, if the promise is too happy, so that the opposite party will soon
reach its goal, then time he is
likely to silence a witness of crime.
She must ind a balance point from promises and disapprovals so that the opposition party
can seeing hope. Can’t get it right away.
This balance point is your own vitality!
“This is the most biggest test I have ever encountered in my entire life. I must count on
his psychology...”
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Fairy Maiden Qinglian spoke to herself like this, but she did not think that Lin Ming did not say
a word, but reached out his hand. At this time, four bloody meatballs floated above his palm!
These meat groups are also creeping slowly. It’s like four hearts.
Just around them, there is a small tentacles in the depths, like the jellyish’s tentacles,
constantly swinging.
Despite Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s countless calculations, she deinitely did not count such a
scene. does not need to use perception to explore. instantly realizes that this is a bloody waste!
In a flash, the elegant face of Fairy Maiden Qinglian is pale!
Now with the toes want to know what the other person wants to do, it is to implant the blood of
the waste into their four people’s body!
After seeing the mysterious man’s ability to control the Abandoned Legion. Fairy Maiden Qinglian
has no doubt that as long as is planted into the blood of the barren, becomes his embarrassment.
Completely obedient to him, completely independent autonomous consciousness.
Let her kneel down and she will squat, let her go to death, and she will die. Let her give up
Primordial Yin and she will ofer Primordial Yin. will become the most obedient, most tragic,
servant without thought.
She would rather die than want to become a slave for such.
“You kill me!”
Seeing the blood of the four groups of waste slowly floats under the control of Lin Ming. Fairy
Maiden Qinglian’s heart is shrank.
Behind Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Ao Ri and Xie Yue, including the half-dead stream, are all
feeling dead in the ice cellar. This is really worse than death.
“Want to die? Don’t dream.”
Lin Ming grabbed the neck of Fairy Maiden Qinglian and reached out for a move. A bunch of
wild flesh came to his hand.
These unrestricted flesh and blood, which Lin Ming extracted from the Saint Race martial
artist in part of the Waste Legion, are the essence of the essence. Enough to control a
Heavenly Venerate level expert!
Lin Ming wants to know what kind of combat power will play when the talent of the Saint Race
of the fourth Saint General fusions the blood of the desert.
This fragrant flesh and blood, but completely obeyed Lin Ming’s manipulation, after the
implantation had received a loyal super goon. Let them go to sweep the Saint Race.
Naturally, if Lin Ming is willing, can also take out the flesh and blood at any time. Also these
people are free.
It’s so convenient to own this stuf. Even Lin Ming’s plans for the Saint Emperor Good Fortune
are longing for something.
Saint Emperor Good Fortune seems to be planning to use the blood of the desert and slowly
control the world.
So Lin Ming himself, why can’t do that too?
“You!You...My Esteemed won’t let you go!”
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Fairy Maiden Qinglian complained that his voice was extremely diicult. moved out of her Master
as a deterrent. This has proved that she has reached the extreme fear. Otherwise, she would not say such
a price drop. This would beat a ight with a small child. Find the same feeling as parents.
However, at this time, Lin Ming had already grasped Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s neck and raised
her body.
Rao was Fairy Maiden Qinglian who calmed down completely. At this time, she completely
panicked. In Lin Ming’s hands, the constantly wriggling, spreading flesh and blood of a small
tentacle was already the most terrifying’s in the world. Devil.
“Anan is my servant.” Lin Ming said the sentence so that Fairy Maiden Qinglian could not wait
to die immediately. At the same time, Lin Ming clutched the right hand of the flesh and blood
in the Fairy Maiden Qinglian. Chest.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian made a pitiful yell!
At that moment, Fairy Maiden Qinglian felt only her own chest, and bit her flesh away and
drilled into her body.
Very strange, this point in the process is also diferent, just criss itchy, numb.
This strange feeling, so that Fairy Maiden Qinglian almost bite the tongue, would like to
plunge in pain, let yourself fainted.
The bloody flesh of the wild, the Fairy Maiden Qinglian eyes are full of blood thread, and her
pet’s shuddering iercely shouts.
However no matter how she struggles, she cannot change her own destiny.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian could not say a complete words. was full of fragrant sweat. The whole
person was like a ish out of the water. The clothes were soaked.
At this time, Lin Ming was still clutching the neck of Fairy Maiden Qinglian. His eyes were
cold and cold. This vision, Fall in the eyes of Ao Ri, Xie Yue, and stream , All their sweat DC,
They are all aware of a
little, Fall into this devil hand, They may even have died as a luxury!,
Slowly, the struggle of Fairy Maiden Qinglian was hard enough. Her saliva flowed out of saliva.
Lin Ming relaxed and the body of Fairy Maiden Qinglian suddenly became like noodles.
Lin Ming looked at her. At this time, the blood of the desert had turned into ilaments,
permeated theart of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, and then flowed along the blood stream in
each inch body of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, including Soul Sea of Fairy Maiden Qinglian. It
was also iniltrated by the blood of the desert.
Flesh of flesh and blood, with her completely melted in order to one.
As a more powerful form of life, among the mortal body of Fairy Maiden Qinglian and the life
form of the slash of flesh and blood, the desolate flesh dominates.
If Lin Ming is willing, he can let the blood of desolate be in a state of sleep. In this way, Fairy
Maiden Qinglian is like the average man, thinking and doing things are not afected, but once
the blood of the desert is activated, Fairy Maiden Qinglian is completely the servant of Lin
Ming. .
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Lin Ming looked at Fairy Maiden Qinglian, thought a move, and activated the blood of the desolate.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian shuddered with a confus color in her eyes. looked confusedly at Lin Ming.
her confusion in her eyes became respectful.
This feeling, like the preliminary life saw the king in his tribal group, there is a kind of
obedience and respect on the law bloodlines.
scrambled up from the floor, hugged Lin Ming’s body and kissed Lin Ming’s feet. “Green
lotus sees master.”
“Is very good.”
Lin Ming smiled. There are four Heavenly Venerate-class super goons. Together with the
remaining 90% of the deserted Legion, will ight on Saint Race and will be even more powerful!
And this four Saint General, especially green lotus, Ao Ri, Xie Yue, and God King Heavenly Astral
and God King Floating Feather are cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt.
At this time, Lin Ming turned to Ao Ri, Xie Yue and Stream.
Ao Ri’s eyes are prominent, his breath is like cattle, he looked in the eyes of Fairy Maiden
Qinglian, his body shivers. “Bastard, kind of you kill Lao Tzu, do his mother, can you kill Laozi? You come.
You kind of come here!”
Ao Ri pointed at his own neck, Red eyes, "Does his mother, Bastard you today not kill Laozi,
Father must have one day, Take your bastard and feed it... Hey... Ah!,
Ao Ri screamed in suddenly here because just in the moment, a group of wild flesh flew in from
Ao Ri’s big mouth that was opened by cursed Lin Ming.
Directly flew into his gut!
“Hey! Keke!”
Ao Ri stuck his neck desperately. The blood vessel on his neck was raised up like a pimple.
However, he simply couldn’t organize this thing into his body.
“Dry...Dry his mother...”
Ao Ri said with diiculty, the whole person flew up and fell heavily on the ground. hit the
ground with his head and beat hard on his chest. However, they were futile eforts.
He wanted to continue Lin Ming, but his voice was stuck and his voice was blurred.
“Want to provoke me with the aggressive method, and let me kill you in an angry way? By
such a low- level means, small children will not be fooled.”
Lin Ming looked indiferently at Ao Ri rolling on the ground. Because Ao Ri’s energy, Qi and
Blood were all blocked, he couldn’t even commit suicide because of the meridians. With the
wisdom of Ao Ri, he could only think of using radicals to anger Lin. Ming, in order to die, Lin
Xin did not mind at all.
Next, he turned to Xie Yue.
Xie Yue has already cried. really cried. Pear blossoms are rainy and people pity.
She looked at Lin Ming poorly, pressing her hands on her chest to match her height and
igure. It was like Jia Jiayu, who was only 14 or 5 years old but had grown too early.
“No, No, I will listen to you for everything. I don’t need you to implant that thing. i’d be
willing to be your servant, I beg you, you can do my everything.”
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To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2033 - Battle report

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Xie Yue pulled Lin Ming’s hand, and a pair of vivid’s big eyes seemed to speak.
Seeing Xie Yue’s reaction, Lin Ming gave a brief look. Ao Ri and Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s
reaction was all he expected. However, he did not seem to expect that the proud God God
disciple was born with such a lack of a bottom line.
“i’ve almost believed in acting well,” Said Lin Ming coldly. “In order to get rid of the destiny of
being a servant, you are also extremely useless.”
“I...I said it’s true, you can give I an order now...” Xie Yue was in a hurry, but at this time, Lin
Ming had put the blood of the desolate directly on Xie Yue’s lower abdomen, Xie Yue. A high-
decibel scream was made. Cry spreads didn’t know how far it was. It was hard to imagine that
under the condition of Qi and Blood being blocked, she could send such cry.
“i’m sorry to say that I still prefer to believe in the blood of the desert. If you don’t even
know that when I was confronted with God King Heavenly Astral, wouldn’t you still put
me in pieces? I would plant the blood of the desert. At that time I could at least pull
you back. ”
Lin Ming left this sentence and will no longer manage Xie Yue.
He has been walking to the side of stream, Streameyes, He gave a glimpse of Lin Ming,
Bitter smile, Did not say a word.
Lin Ming is not nonsense. directly puts the blood of the wild on the bare wound of the stream.
After a stick of incense time, the desolate flesh has been thoroughly fused with the four Saint
General, and Lin Ming has also slowly touched the rune blockade of these people, allowing
them to completely liberate the power of Qi and Blood.
As a result, as a powerful body of Saint Race, they slowly display function, and the bitterness
of beasts begins to heal. Even the scars are not left. Even the most injured Imperial Prince Xi
Shen is also slow. Slow restoration action, skeleton is a bit better.
There have been two double-hours. The four individuals recovered the original energy,
and they squatted in front of Lin Ming.
“The green lotus (Yanoyue, Ao Ri) seeing master.”
“Is very good, you are careful training these days, and then I will issue an order to you,
Brooks. You tell me, what is this Black Book? Where does it come from?”
Lin Ming has taken the Black Book out of Inner World.
The streamlined Religious Returns: “Returns to master’s words, this book was obtained from
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a tomb in the Primordial Realm Ruins, and it is speciically what it is. The subordinate does not
know, and the book The subordinates are unable to open the book, but they cannot read the
text, but they only know that it has a power of Demon Essence. Using it in battle can greatly
enhance the strength of the subordinates, but after using it, it will feel extremely tired. This,
the underworld try not to use this Black Book so as not to cause any permanence violation to
the body under it...”
The creator of the stream originally told Lin Ming what he knew. There was no concealment.
Lin Ming heard a slight frown. What Brooks knows is of no value to him.
“It was again from the Primordial Realm Ruins. There’s a secret from the
Primordial Realm Ruins to the background.”
Lin Ming has repeatedly heard the name of Primordial World. It does not belong to Thirty
Three Heavens. Some people think that it is a broken world left after the destruction of an
ancient world. Because of the relation of Darkness Abyss barrier, it has not been
completely shattered.
Because of the entrance of the Darkness Abyss, it is in Primordial World. The entrance
seems to be immortal, and even the Primordial World has become stable.
Primordial World. Currently under the control of Saint Race, it is a place with hidden
opportunities but also incomparable danger. If there is an airlifter and it is itself a strength
excels, inding the upper True God’s heritage in this Primordial Realm Ruins is not a strange
Lin Ming carefully studied the Black Book, and constantly tried to inject it into his various
strengths, including True Essence, Divine Essence, Astral Essence, God Strength, and Devil
Strength, but none of them worked.
Lin Ming engraved it again with Sacred Scripture Law and Asura Road Law. However, Law
Rune issued by Lin Ming was eventually destroyed in the fog of the cover of the surface of the
Black Book. Like mud cows entering the sea, they disappeared.
As a result, Lin Ming also had to give up studying this Black Book temporarily. It was thrown
into Inner World and continued to be suppressed by the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal.
Thought a move. Lin Ming removed the feathers left by God King Floating Feather from the Magic
Cube space.
This half-footed feather is very heavy. Like a cold spear, Lin Ming has no doubt that if this
feather is used, it can directly penetrate the mortal body of Saint Race Heavenly Venerate’s.
God King Floating Feather’s natural feather, this is a good thing, Lin Ming naturally will not be
However, Lin Ming felt that God King Floating Feather had added a law Incantation Seal to
this feather. felt a little careless and this feather would destroy itself.
Lin Ming even though there is an Incantation Seal that will contain Incantation Seal to
unravel, detachment self-destruction, it will take a lot of time.
Now the Human Race and the Saint Race are ighting each other. Every minute in the deceas
person, Lin Ming’s time is very precious. estimates that he would normally reine this life
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feather, which may take up to one year. can not aford it.
moved in the heart and looked at Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
“I want to reine your Esteemed lifeblood. Can you provide a sh ortcut?”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s mind-shake, a pair of watery eye pupils, flashed with a hint of
hesitation and pain. wanted to promise Lin Ming, but when she seemed to agree, she seemed
to lose something very important in her mind. It’s very sad for her.
Lin Ming was amazed at the emotions that radiated from the eyes of Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
The woman was not simple, she was implanted in the Sea of Consciousness, coupled with her
strong Spiritual Force control, she could still retain a trace of self-awareness. .
Unfortunately, her will is not bound to be an own match.
After Lin Ming reincarnation through the Sixth World, Wu Chang through the world, and Lin
Ming’s formidable faith, the Spiritual Force gap between the two is too great.
“Can? Or not Can?”
Lin Ming’s speech was sharpened, and Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s body shook it lightly. The
irst clear-eyed look blurred again.
squatted to the ground, and said: “Returns to master’s words, Esteemed’s ” Incantation
Seal “ In the guilty feathers, relates to my Floating Feather Divine Mountain’s True God
heritage ” Feather Transformation Scripture “, green lotus even though Seen the
complete Feather Transformation Scripture, but the cultivation base is limited. It cannot
be used for the master’s repeats, but it is just a repeats part. It allows the master to solve the law
Incantation Seal in the Esteemed constellation in a shorter time. Still barely.”
“Good!” Lin Ming rejoiced in his heart. “If you can reine your Esteemed lifeline, I will
remember you and give you rewards in the future. Let your strengths bring you up a level.”
Lin Ming’s optional promise, Fairy Maiden Qinglian followed God King Floating Feather for so
many years, God King Floating Feather can deliver something big many has taught, and the
rest is his own understanding, Fairy Maiden Qinglian wants to be in God King Floating. It is
not easy for Feather to point out that the short time on the Martial Dao road is improved, but
with Lin Ming, if Lin Ming learns some of his own exclusive laws, especially the things
realized by the Soul Realm alcove stage, teaches a little to Fairy. Maiden Qinglian’s words,
she will inevitably get more inspiration.
Naturally, the so-call advantage promised by Lin Ming just now, if Fairy Maiden Qinglian
heard when was awake, it would be very angry.
But now, Fairy Maiden Qinglian is imposing decree on every word of Lin Ming.
was flattered and said: “Is master service should be, green lotus did not dare to merit.”
In the utterance, she took out a jade slip of Feather Transformation Scripture, and passed
partial content of Feather Transformation Scripture directly to Lin Ming’s mind.
The “Feather Transformation Scripture” Jade slip in the hands of green lotus is only the front
part of “Feather Transformation Scripture” . Even if this part is passed through numerous
encryption, if there is no dense intent explanation of the Fairy Maiden Qinglian passes
message, Don’t understand what is in the records of Jaa Slip in Feather Transformation
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Lin Ming listened and watched. This “Feather Transformation Scripture” Jade slip
contained an ininite illusion, like a kaleidoscope.
Lin Ming applauded, good “Feather Transformation Scripture” , even though it talks about
Great Dao Law, it is a lot worse than “Sacred Scripture” , but the technical industry has
specialization, “Sacred Scripture” Expounds the life and Dao of Life and Death, while “Feather
Transformation Scripture” Elaborates on spirit, Illusion Technique, and Divine Sense attacks.
Many attack methods and details have almost reached peak.
Illusion Technique Great Dao, all-inclusive, is a step-by-step view of the peoples eyes
cannot take it all.
“If master doesn’t understand anything, can ask green lotus at any time.”
Full use of a double-hour time, Fairy Maiden Qinglian passes message ends, and said again.
“Is very good!” Lin Ming waved his hand. “i’m now closed for ten days. You can use
Therapy Protector!”
Saint Race Four Saint General retired, leaving Lin Ming alone. The inventory of the battles can be
described as huge.
Lin Ming received four loyal super goons, the Abandoned Legion, the Mysterious Black Book,
and Feather Transformation Scripture, as well as the bornblood essence left by God King
Floating Feather!
With so many advantages, it is a big ritual that Saint Race gave itself!
Lin Ming collected his emotions, and quickly entered fusion Martial Intent. Behind him,
Tree of Enlightenment slowly expansions branches and leaves.
Lin Ming’s body covered ininite stars, making him at the moment like Nine Heavens.
“Feather Transformation Scripture” Jade slip, and God King Floating Feather’s fatal feather,
floating quietly around Lin Ming, bathed in star light, sinking...
When Lin Ming reined the God King Floating Feather, he didn’t know that everything that
happened on the Blood Cloud Galaxy at that time had been acquired by many scouts and
then slowly passed back to the Wild Universe!
In Putuo Galaxy, a main hall.
Human Race’s Emperor Sakyamuni, Great Unrestrained Buddha, Jun Biyue, Di Wuhen of
Primordial God Clan, Battle Emperor Tuo Bagui, once with Lin Ming, God Clan female
Heavenly Venerate Lan Luo who entered Entera forbidden place, and many Military Team’s
military The oicers, the backbones, all gathered here.
This is a routine military conference. The primary primary coverage of the conference is
based on the latest battle report to discuss the next operational operation plan.

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MW CHAPTER 2034 - Great news

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The troops of Emperor Sakyamuni had previously defeated the Abandoned Legion in Putuo
Galaxy’s subsequent party. Even though it did not destroy many Saint Race troops, it was
also a complete recapture of Putuo Galaxy.
They are arguably the most powerful addition to Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate in the
extant influence of the Human Race.
Since they have established a irm footing, they naturally cannot rule in a corner of the
kingdom, but they must swim and take the initiative to give Saint Race a blow!
Now they are planning ofensive goals.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have now gathered a strength that is not small. I think we
must do the irst thing. It is to rescue our companions!”
“Before in order to delay time, our many people were scattered and hidden in the most
hidden corners of the Wild Universe. This naturally increased the diiculty of Saint Race in
inding us, but once the hidden clansmen were found, The result is that each race is
broken and continues. The Saint Race will only take us enough time. Sooner or later we
can uproot us.”
“We can’t sit still, and now we have to move and help those same races that are gradually
being forced into a hopeless situation!”
When Emperor Sakyamuni spoke of the key point of the meeting, the next question is: There
are so many influences in the Human Race. Many are in dire straits. So who are they to save?
People looked at Emperor Sakyamuni, and it was very diicult for Emperor Sakyamuni.
Saving a force at this time was equivalent to giving up other things. However, he must
“We have to think about the general situation. We have now locked in two of the most
important rescue points. One is to rescue the Hidden Dragon Galaxy! We broke of the
information relation with the Hidden Dragon Galaxy a long time ago. I guess Long Ya and
Little Demon Xian are probably already Surrounded, regardless of Little Demon Xian, Lin
Huang or Long Ya, is the hope of the future of the Human Race, especially Little Demon
Xian and Lin Huang, and Lin Ming have greatest relations. Lin Ming was born and died,
and exchanged for the Human Race. A slim chance of survival, opened the front door of
the Wild Universe’s. Now that Lin Ming has passed away, his descendant will be saved
"However apart from helping the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, there is also a rescue point, which
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is... mysterious man who emerged suddenly these days! Now all kinds of clues indicate that
the leaving of the Putuo Galaxy Abandoned Army was directed at this man. He won time for
us.We can’t sit by and do nothing. Not to mention this mysterious man is strong and strong.
The enemies’ enemies are friends. He may bring good news and favorable turn to our battle
with Saint Race. We can’t seeing it. With him in the hands of the Waste Legion...
When Emperor Sakyamuni spoke of this, some people had already frowned. “Can’t divide
Even though their forces are also very powerful, however, whether it is on the Holy Child
Good Fortune or on the Legion of the Waste, it is not enough to see, and divide the
soldiers. It is even weaker.
“This is what ourdays will discuss...” Said Emperor Sakyamuni, spreading out, “Weighing
the advantages and disadvantages, come up with the most efective plan...”
Emperor Sakyamuni said so. A burst of rapid footsteps transmits.
“Emergency information!”
The marshals shouted outside the main hall.
“Come in!”
In the heart of Emperor Sakyamuni, the military conference is generally not allowed to
be disturbed. Unless irst-level intelligence is provided, it will not be sent in. Now that the
missionary is at the entrance to the main hall, the important development level of
information can be imagined.
Over the years, Emperor Sakyamuni has received too much emergency information.
However, more than 90% of the information was bad bad news. The Wild Universe battle
came to an end. The Human Race was almost a failure. It failed again. There were very few
victories. Even occasionally, they were like the attack on the Putuo Galaxy. The residual
troops are the same. Simply supericial.
The current Human Race really needs a swift and hearty boost to boost morale!
“Where’s the news.” Emperor Sakyamuni complexion Grim, he is afraid of another bad news,
already stormy Human Race. Really can’t aford a continuous blow.
“Urgent information from the Blood Cloud Galaxy!” The messenger sent his hands to the
jade slip and the information was scolded. The information rank is also evaluated by the
Captain of the scouts team. It is exactly what it is and it is not known.
“Blood Cloud Galaxy!”
Emperor Sakyamuni’s eyelids jumped a few times. Is it about the mysterious man being
ambushed by a raging army?
Not only Emperor Sakyamuni, but all the people in the hall at this time were minded.
It was not easy to have a mysterious man who let Saint Race eat again and again. It will

not be over. Deeply inspires of Emperor Sakyamuni, probed consciousness into the

intelligence slip slip.

He was almost
Sakyamuni wasready to learn bad news, but when actually saw the jade slip, Emperor
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He even suspected that was wrong, repeated the combo report jade slip several times, and
inally completely lingered there, like petriied.
“What happened……”
“Emperor Sakyamuni predecessor, what happened?”
The human eye in the hall watched Emperor Sakyamuni look at the message but did not
speak. It was anxious.
After listening to people’s anxious inquiries, Emperor Sakyamuni suddenly reacted. looked at
the crowd and did not know what to say.
“ guys seeing it.”
Emperor Sakyamuni’s whole face of strange color, will pass the jade slip to other people.
These people immediately perceive the perception into the jade slip. This kind of battle report
is a Jade slip and could be used for exploration by multiple people at one time.
Then everyone saw the contents of the jade slip...
It was a content that made them stunned and thought they were dreaming.
This is deinitely an explosive news that can cause a sensation in Thirty Three Heavens!
The jade slip records some images, both of which are the post-war Blood Cloud Galaxy,
including some of the mutilated, celestial body pieces. In addition, the image also notes a
short six sentences:
“Blood Cloud Galaxy wars. It was discovered th at Fairy Maiden Qinglian strangled
mysterious man under ambushes under Blood Cloud Galaxy. From about one month to two
months, the mysterious man arrived and a war took place. The speciic battle process was
unknown. The investigation result is as follows”
“The principal force of the desolate Legion of Saint Race is annihilated in the Blood Cloud

Galaxy!” “Blood Cloud Galaxy Saint Race Heavenly Palace and spirit battleship have fallen


“Blood Cloud Galaxy assists assist force. In addition to people who are on missions, all who
are stationed at the main base have no lives!”
“Saint Race Four Saint General is missing!”
“Above situation, suspected by mysterious man, more situation, continuing veriication...”
For a time, the entire venue was silent, many people mouth slightly open, can not believe
everything written in the jade slip, but those images are really real, Heaven Race Palace
Group and spiritual battleship group of Saint Race, really inished!
And especially the almost invincible Legion, True God, basic nobody can withstand their
attacks, such regiment is completely annihilated! ?
Is it possible?
In fact, people once thought that maybe the mysterious man was very powerful. might have
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escaped the chase of the Waste Legion. However, it was limited to the mysterious man who
had previously learned the ambush of the Abandoned Legion and staggered with them.
As for the mysterious man who has destroyed the Legion of the Waste, it is an absolutely
unimaginable matter!
“This one... May be mistaken!”
Di Wuhen dared not say something certain. The news was too shocking. had personally seen
the terrible army of the desert. could not believe that someone had such skill.
"The squad Captain, who is responsible for investigating intelligence, is a big disciple
under the majestic consort, born with secret methods, thousands of Li eyes, and person
who hears distant voices. should be based on some traces, Saint Race’s reaction and far -
sighted combat combat. Picture, analysis of the information, and he mann er vigilant, even
if the information received some diferences, but it should not be too ridiculous...
The Great Unrestrained Buddha said slowly, even if this is the most calm and calmest time to
get the eminent monk, this time is diicult to calm down. While he is carrying the Buddha, he is
carrying the beads, but his buddha beads speed is obviously faster than usual. a lot of.
“Anyway, we have to be careful. Maybe it’s the false news that the Saint Race deliberately
spreads. What’s the trap?” Battle Emperor Tuo Bagui frowned and said he still couldn’t
believe everything on the combat report jade slip.
Emperor Sakyamuni shook his head and said: “This is not a possibility. If only the Fairy
Maiden Qinglian is searching for the Putuo Galaxy by the leader of the Waste Army, sooner or
later we will be defeated. And on the Hidden Dragon Galaxy side, there will be an accident.
Everything is excellent for Saint Race. Aspect, but the desperate army suddenly withdrew
from Putuo Galaxy, returning to Blood Cloud Galaxy, This gave us a chance to breathe.”
“Not to mention, the Heavenly Palace of the Blood Cloud Galaxy is really ruined, and the
fragments of the Heavenly Palace and spirit battleship have already been proved. If they are
acting on purpose, they need to destroy so many Heavenly Palaces and kill so many
disciples. At the same time, it also gave us a chance to breathe. It also boosted morale for us.
What is their purpose?”
When the words of Emperor Sakyamuni were said, everyone was silent.
Indeed, when the two militaries battle against each other, ruse of inflicting an injury on oneself
is not uncommon, but the use of ruse of inflicting an injury on oneself has always been a side
of weak. Did you eat enough?
“Was that mysterious man going to be Who?” God Clan Heavenly Venerate Lan Luo
murmured, a flash of unexpected appearance in his eyes.
“I want to know too. If there is a chance, I really want to meet him!”
After receiving news about the Army of the Desert in Mount Potuo, some of the great race
forces of the Human Race have also received news.
However, because the news of the annihilation of the Abandoned Legion remained to be
conirmed, they did not dare to announce it. When the Diversion released by Saint Race is
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avoided, it will not only make a joke, but will also impair the morale of Human Race.
These days, whether for the Human Race or Saint Race, it is hard to calm.
In fact, in the Blood Cloud Galaxy, Saint Race’s scouts went even more, but they also failed
to explore more intelligence.
Lin Ming even though has taken control of the Abandoned Legion. But today, nobody

knows this. Even the Saint Emperor Good Fortune did not know.

Because Lin Ming left the Spiritual Mark belonging to the Saint Emperor Good Fortune in the
Arakan Army group erased with Magic Cube, according to the experience of Saint Emperor
Good Fortune’s past, the Spiritual Mark is usually destroyed because the Waste Legion was
The flesh and blood of the desert were destroyed, and Spiritual Mark no longer existed. As for
the situation of the desolate flesh and blood being recriminat, the Saint Emperor Good
Fortune had never been encountereded.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2035 - Geduling Hidden Dragon Galaxy

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Hidden Dragon Galaxy, Good Fortune Holy Palace

The terrible noise came. The stunned Astral Essence dashed the white eye that was
visible to the naked eye and shattered the surrounding void. A red beast was
punched on the back by a tall man.
The beast of prey issued a mourning, and fell heavily on the ground.
The ground is hollowed by the impact of the big dragon, forming a deep hole in the
Great man then landed in the foothills of a rocky mountain. was naked on the upper
body, showing granite bodybuilding muscles, like a War God.
This big man with an upper body is Holy Child Good Fortune.
This space is the training ground for the Holy Child Good Fortune. It is a small world
sealed inside the Good Fortune Holy Palace. This beast of prey wounded by the Holy
Child Good Fortune is a cross between Divine Beast and Primordial Fierce Beast.
In the Good Fortune Holy Palace, a number of impure beasts are raised year-round
and used as sparring for the talented disciples of the Holy Palace. Although these
beasts are not pure blood, they are extremely precious, but they are used as
sandbag trainers here. It can be seen that the Good Fortune Holy Palace is rich and
“Your Highness Holy Child, take a break, and then beat this scarlet Dragon Beast to death.”
From Holy Child Good Fortune Behind, a woman with a wild wheat color skin and a
wild igure came up with a towel to wipe sweat for the Holy Child Good Fortune.
In the eyes of Holy Child Good Fortune, there was a trace of impatience and a
severe look. Now was in a very bad mood. This time vented a lot through training.
But in the chest, Nest was still burning.
This ire is coming from that mysterious man.
Holy Child Good Fortune got all news about Blood Cloud Galaxy earlier than Emperor
If it is normal, Imperial Prince Xi Shen and Fairy Maiden Qinglian have sufered a
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big loss. must have took some pleasure in others’misfortunes.

However, now, the Abandoned Legion is not “Losing a deicit,” But is completely
destroyed. Even Saint General is missing!
Holy Child Good Fortune can’t imagine how mysterious man did it.
For this reason, he was uneasy in his mind. sent people to the Blood Cloud Galaxy
for investigations. However, he could not ind anything.
Holy Child Good Fortune does not need to know and know that this mysterious man
will ind himself one day sooner or later.
However, Holy Child Good Fortune even had Wild-One’s avatar. also felt a
headache. did not know what the opposition party’s cards were, and how he
destroyed the Waste Legion.
“You need not worry about your Holy Highness. Don’t you know, you can’t tell Saint Emperor?”
Next to the Holy Child Good Fortune, the young female saw the thought of the Holy
Child Good Fortune, tentatively speaking.
“Notify emperor ancestor?” Holy Child Good Fortune’s brows were locked at once,
and young female suddenly chilled.
“You think that your Majesty Saint Emperor didn’t know if the Waste Army was destroyed? For
every Martial artist in the desolate Legion, there is a Spiritual Mark left by emperor ancestor. They
are die, and emperor ancestor knows what to do!”
Holy Child Good Fortune coldly said.
30 Three Heavenly Dao, is the universe’s most popular Great Dao. Even though it’s
devastating, it’s just a matter of the Karma’s relation between the Human Race and
30 three Heavenly Dao’s Divine Transformation Nine Changes.
But this karma link is also part of the Heavenly Dao Law, with a manual reversal of
the Heavenly Dao rule. Will be scoured!
This is not to say that stopping will stop.
In the process of enguling Divine Transformation Nine Changes, Absurd and Saint
Emperor Good Fortune will bear the Heavenly Tribulation.
Heavenly Tribulation is not uncommon in the world of the martial artist, but it will
withstand Heavenly Tribulation if it rises to Heavenly Dao.
But the Heavenly Dao rules are also high and low, such as the martial artist
breaking the Heavenly Venerate, the Supreme Divine Martial Might, the Supreme
divine pill, the Divine Beast, and the adulthood. Will invite Heavenly Tribulation.
And these Heavenly Tribulations are only low-level Heavenly Tribulation, which is
diferent from Heaven and Earth when it comes to digesting the Heaven Rank of
Divine Transformation Nine Changes.
Holy Child Good Fortune couldn’t imagine what the Heavenly Tribulation would be
like on the desert, but there is no doubt that if the desolate and Saint Emperor Good
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Fortune can withstand this Heavenly Tribulation, it will be Huge’s advantage!

Coupled with swallowing part of Heavenly Dao, the shortage may not be able to
complete evolution once again. The Saint Emperor Good Fortune is a step closer to
the realm of Beyond True God.
The high income also means High high risk. In fact, the Saint Emperor Good Fortune
also took a full hundr million years to prepare for this step. Tried three billion, six or
more million years ago, what happened to the desert.
This one is too dangerous. Accidentally, it is the end of the game!
At this time, Holy Child Good Fortune can’t bother Saint Emperor Good Fortune
anyway. In fact, now the position of Saint Emperor Good Fortune is closed, and even
Holy Child Good Fortune does not know.
In this matter, Saint Emperor Good Fortune will not believe anyone at all.
In particular, he also has one of the most biggest match Soul Emperors. Using this
person’s Transcend Heaven method, what he wants to get from the Holy Child Good
Fortune is really not a matter.
This mysterious Soul Emperor is always the most taboo igure of Saint Emperor
Good Fortune one’s entire life.
The Saint Emperor Good Fortune did not know until now what the Soul Emperor
had played. However, he had no doubt about the ambition of the Soul Emperor.
wanted to deal with the Soul Emperor and he had to rely on the Wild-One’s
If the desert can evolve again, enguling the ininite energy, material, and law of
the universe, ininitely approaching the realm of Beyond True God, then the
Saint Emperor Good Fortune can even use the wild to devour the air transport
of the Soul Emperor, even between the Soul Race and the Heavenly Dao.
At that time, Saint Emperor Good Fortune was not afraid of the Soul Emperor.
All the secrets related to this world chess game, and the true idea of Saint Emperor
Good Fortune, Holy Child Good Fortune is just the awareness of indistinct. In the
eyes of Saint Emperor Good Fortune, the world is diferent from that of his eyes.
The Saint Emperor Good Fortune sees only this world chess game. Now the only
players on the chessgame are the Saint Emperor Good Fortune and the Soul Emperor,
other people including myself, many Heavenly Venerates of the Saint Race, the Waste
Legion, Human Race. , Divine Dream Heavenly Vene rate and all other people are board
game pieces!
The only diference is that these pieces are big, small, important, and not important.
For these, Holy Child Good Fortune did not ind it sad. This is an inevitable inevitable
result caused by the absolute strength gap.
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Naturally he is not willing to be a board game piece forever, then he must constantly
improve his strength.
Now, mysterious man in front of him is his big challenge!
If this is too much to pass, would you also expect Saint Emperor Good Fortune,
who is not impossible prospect, to qualify for a chess player in the future?
Thought of this, Holy Child Good Fortune’s ights intent boiled. To

come and come, ight!

Holy Child Good Fortune transported Astral Essence. His body sweat and dirt
suddenly evaporated. wore a long gown and battle armour and strode out of Small
World to the conference hall. At this time, Scout came. The Jade slip is the Jade slip,
which makes Holy Child Good Fortune completely stunned.
This is a Scout of Saint Race, a piece of a crystal taken in the wreckage of the Blood
Cloud Galaxy Saint Race Heavenly Palace.
By mistake, the piece of shadow crystal is recording the incomplete image of the
mysterious man.
In this video, mysterious male foot step Black Dragon, holding long spear, gestures,
stars shattered! This scene was only momentary. However, when it was seen, Holy
Child Good Fortune suddenly burst
out, and complexion was suddenly ugly.
The military oicer of the Saint Race in the conference hall saw the Holy Child Good
Fortune got the intelligence jade slip and the complexion was suddenly gloomy, and
nobody dared to speak, afraid to touch him mildew head.
For a time, the hall was quiet.
Holy Child Good Fortune complexion once again passed through the thoughts.
“Weapon is spear|gun...mount is could it be so nice...”
Of course, remembers that, more than 6,000 years ago, his most shame battle was
defeated by Lin Ming on the Monster Emperor’s birthday feast, and was even hit by a
big realm Divine Monarch to play Saint Lord.
At the time, Lin Ming had a dragon egg in his bet!
Coupled with this mysterious man’s weapon...Holy Child Good Fortune suddenly
produced an unclear premonition.
Even though the person on the image, regardless of the cultivation method used, or
his appearance, does not have a border with Lin Ming, but Holy Child Good Fortune
always thinks this person may be Lin Ming.
This is purely intuition. Even God King Floating Feather said that Lin Ming was dead.
Holy Child Good Fortune felt a bit unbelievable. In his opinion, this Lin Ming’s life is
very hard. is really so died?
“Should not...”
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Holy Child Good Fortune felt a chill in his heart for a moment.
Once he was bitten by a snake for ten years, Holy Child Good Fortune even though
arrogant, but Lin Ming, he was unusual dreading, This is a piece of his heart to heal
“Pass on my order, send an emergency order! Call Saint Gathering Heaven stationed in
Heavenly Venerate into the Wild Universe! From the irst regiment to the sixth regiment, all
transferred to the Hidden Dragon Galaxy!”
Hearing the order of the Holy Child Good Fortune, the military oicer of Saint Race was
a little worried. What is Holy Child Good Fortune doing?
Saint Gathering Heaven is their supreme headquarters of Saint Race’s, where the
principal force of the Saint Race is all there. If the irst regiment to the sixth regiment
were all transferred, wouldn’t it be necessary to pile up the Hidden Dragon Galaxy?
So many people, is it just in order to deal with a Little Demon Xian?
“This... At that time, the order of Saint Emperor was to let this army guard the Saint Gathering
Heaven, to prevent the Soul Race from attacking. It was only to deal with the wild Human Race,
a race that has been crippled by us, not to have to drag in lots. Of people?”
“You are questioning me!”
Holy Child Good Fortune’s brow a lock, like a lion that is going to run out next quarter,
the general swallowed a mouthful of saliva, only after nod, Saint Emperor Good
Fortune retreat, Holy Child Good Fortune is already the most highest captain of Saint
Race. Of course, he must obey.
“What does the So Soul Race do?” Still, the old generals could not help but ask.
Holy Child Good Fortune said a little, and said: “Soul Race really is coming. Do you think
that those who have Peak Heavenly Venerate can hold it? It is not enough to give Saint
Gathering Heaven to them, but I foreseeing that they will not come. Otherwise, emperor
ancestor would not dare to retreat at this time. may have guessed some of the layout of the
old fogy of the Soul Emperor...”
“This... well.” A few senior generals look at each other in blank dismay, only nod’s

agreement. (not To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2036 - On the eve of the storm

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Among the uncertain space universe, Lin Ming sat back in silence. In front of him,
the blood essence of God King Floating Feather had been removed.
This piece of feather is itself the color of jade, and the bloodline in the middle is the
bornblood essence of God King Floating Feather. Now this blood line has condensed
at the tip of Lin Ming’s ingertips,
forming a bright red color. Flowing light.
Lin Ming beat her right hand and this red flowing light fell into Lin Ming’s body
and walked in his bloodlines...
With the support of Feather Transformation Scripture, the power of Floating Feather
and Lin Ming itself are not manly conflicts. Thi s force is like feathers and gentle, and it
becomes inextricably linked to Lin Ming’s muscles. Slight sound, such as a stream,
such as spring water, a time, Lin Ming feel whole body warm and warm.
However, with the power of recombination, Lin Ming would like to absorb it
completely. It is impossible to transform into a strength without being wasted. It is
like a meal of mortal eats, which can be absorbed by the human body and
transformed into its own flesh and blood. That part is rare.
Time passes, ten days passed, Lin Ming always closed and sat down, Heavenly Dao
talisman seal fell, Floating Feather’s bloodlines energy inally injected into Lin Ming’s
Inner World, gathered in the royal phantom shadow.
Lin Ming’s royal phantom shadow continues to grow and grow.
The phantom shadow becomes more and more convergent reality. The power of
Demon God gathers here. There are various Great Dao Law circulations.
At that moment, Lin Ming felt that he was really far from the boundary of Heavenly
Venerate with only a layer of thin ilm, so long as he had a little efort, he could truly
break the cocoon into a butterfly, condense the royal phantom shadow of Inner World
into an entity and step into Heavenly. Venerate realm!
Even Lin Ming has been faintly aware of the relationship between Heavenly Dao and
his own subtle thirty-three, as if there was a Heavenly Tribulation Strength brewing
above Nine Heavens.
Heavenly Venerate realm is a dividing line. In the recent 3600000000-year-long
history of Human Race, in addition to Divine Dream, True God is extinct, even the
most Human Race martial artist, who does not know that there is a True God Domain.
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Due to the restrictions of eyes and habits, they The titles of the Human Race True
God on Ancient Times are also Heavenly Venerate.
Heavenly Venerate, It means limit of Human Race Martial Dao. Once you enter the
heavenly Venerate realm, It is also a layer of people in the order of Divine Realm.
Really high sitting Nineth Layer Heaven, Overlooking the world.
Lin Ming inally stopped the breakthrough in the imminent breakthrough of the
heavenly Venerate realm. Then, the brewing Heavenly Tribulation above Nine
Heavens also disappeared.
God King Floating Feather blood essence is strong, but its strength is not yet

satisfactory to Lin Ming. Even though he could break through Heavenly Venerate, it

was actually a barely a breakthrough. What Lin Ming wants is thick and thin,


To become a peerless expert who needs strong patience, rice can be harvested in a
few months. The True God level Heaven and Earth Treasure tend to breed ten million
years. Lin Ming wants to be god level Spirit Treasure. To this end, he actually has a
better choice. That is Wild-One’s avatar controlled by Holy Child Good Fortune!
Lin Ming intends to plunder Wild-One’s avatar, and then the power of the massive Qi
and Blood of the saves in the Wild-One’s avatar, slammed the storm and shattered
the bottleneck of Heavenly Venerate!
“Holy Child Good Fortune... We were really destined to be a match. We had a ight
more than 6,000 years ago. Now, i’m coming back to you...”
Lin Ming smiled slightly. Actually, Lin Ming originally stirred wind and rain behind Saint
Race. It was in order to attract the Holy Child Good Fortune to capture the Wild -One’s
However, he did not expect that Holy Child Good Fortune was calm and did not come
to him. On the contrary, Fairy Maiden Qinglian and the Waste Legion came.
Even though the Remnants of the Wilderness are altogether far worse than the Wild -
Good’s avatar of the Holy Child Good Fortune, they are also given to Lin Ming as a
generous gift.
Now, since Holy Child Good Fortune does not come, Lin Ming plans to take the

initiative to ind him! “Green lotus. Where is the Good Child Good Fortune now?” Lin

Ming called Fairy Maiden Qinglian over. The green lotus eyeball moves and asks:

“Master is going to deal with Holy Child Good Fortune?”

“Not bad!”
Lin Ming nod, green lotus listened, it was a happy expression.
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She even though Lin Ming controlled the thoughts, but some of the preferences
before being controlled still remain. She is not in harmony with the Holy Child Good
Fortune. This time is thousands of years. Holy Child Good Fortune did not give her a
little shit, and the two types struggled. It was not a secret in the entire Saint Race.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian will be associated with stream, but also because of the
common enemy of Holy Child Good Fortune.
“Returns to master’s words, Holy Child Good Fortune never exchanges information
with us, but according to reports from green lotus, Holy Child Good Fortune has
been on the Hidden Dragon Galaxy for a long time.”
“Oh, what is he doing there?”
“It should be dealing with some important people in the Human Race. As
for the concrete ones, I don’t know. Holy Child Good Fortune is afraid
that after we knew the intelligence, we would also take a step and get
credit for him. So for the Human Race, Intelligence, he never shared with
“Um, I know, then we next station, go to Hidden Dragon Galaxy!”
Lin Ming said so, and also had some heart in her heart. I wonder if the important
important personage that Fairy Maiden Qinglian said is who?
For so long, the track record of the great races of the Human Race are kept strictly
conidential. Even beyond their own, even the other forces of the Human Race do not
know to prevent the Human Race from being accompanied by a spy controlled by Saint
This brings Lin Ming a very major challenge to the Human Race elite.
“Let’s go!”
Lin Ming said, in front of him, a black temple rotates and grows and expands to
hundreds of miles in size. This is exactly the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
Lin Ming irst flew into the Heavenly Palace, behind him, the four Saint Race Saint
General, two thousand World King, tens of thousands of Saint Lord, follow the
migratory locust!
Everyone did not enter the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace. The black temple of
the giant, after changing the shape slightly, the submerges were empty and
Because Lin Ming ended the association response of the Waste Legion, it caused a
storm in the Hidden Dragon Galaxy.
The Saint Race of Saint Gathering Heaven’s army, has rushed to Hidden Dragon Galaxy,
and Human Race Emperor Sakyamuni, etc., is also in the organization army advance
Hidden Dragon Galaxy.
There are more and more masters gathered here.
“The Dark Demon Monarch is coming!”
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In the Hidden Dragon Galaxy surrounding, Mount Potuo’s station, Emperor

Sakyamuni’s heart moved, at this time, the main hall’s front door was pushed open,
and a half face was faced with a silver face. The whole body was wrapped in a black
robe. The scholarly man pushed the door and came in.
Behind the scholarly man, there is also a black clothed young lady.
This black clothed young lady is extremely eye-catching, She looked only
appearance at the age of sixteen or seven. Not tall, But behind it was a dark red
color sword with a nine-metre length.
This sword’s sword blade style is very exaggerated, Like three big-to-small canine teeth
stacked in the same place, swordsword , Even the smallest fang sword blade, There are
also half a foot wide, So badly, Once in the human body, The damage caused can be
Such a sickle, which is even greater than the black clothed young lady, is so great
that it can only be slung back on the young lady’s back. With the black clothed young
lady’s white porcelain exquisite flesh, it gives a very Strong visual contrast.
The black clothed young lady named Mo Xiao is a direct disciple of Dark Demon
Monarch. is extremely talented and is known as Little Demon Xian’s se cond.
She was born 2,000 years later than Little Demon Xian, but now, there is also an order
to enter the Great World King.
From Great World King to half step Heavenly Venerate, many talents use thousands
of years of time, so the black clothed young lady even though is 2,000 years younger,
but the cultivation base will not fall too much like Jun Biyue and others.
“Demon Monarch, it’s great to seeing you!”
Emperor Sakyamuni even though is a monk, but he is a brawl, usually speaking
without the rules of the Great Unrestrained Buddha. The arrival of Dark Demon
Monarch makes Emperor Sakyamuni very excited.
In the level strength of the current Human Race, Heavenly Venerate, Dark Demon
Monarch is the layer of the most peak, and the Dark Demon Palace’s influence
preservation is also extremely intact. There is also a peerless talent Mo Xiao who will
grow up in the future.
“Fights Buddha, Great Unrestrained Buddha, and friends of God Clan, Heavenly Clan,
i’m glad to seeing you all standing safely here.”
Dark Demon Monarch’s right hand was placed on his chest and he performed a
ceremonious gesture. His feeling was a well-manner gentleman.
“You have also received news.”
“What do you mean by the Buddha’s Finger is the mysterious man who defeats the
Waste Legion, the collection Soldier Hidden Dragon Galaxy of Holy Child Good
“Right! I don’t know what Holy Child Good Fortune is doing. stunned and mobilized
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the army at this time. There was a feeling of decisive battle.”

“It should be against mysterious man. This mysterious man, sooner or
later to come to Holy Child Good Fortune, and Wild -One’s avatar alone,
Holy Child Good Fortune also feels unsafe, but to Saint River Race many
Heavenly Venerate to cooperate with him. It’s not like the style of Holy
Child Good Fortune. He’s a letter and even some arrogance, but this
time, in the face of this mysterious man, he is so careful! There are
multiple mysterious man’s weight in his heart.”
“Mysterious man is really powerful. Saint Race has been very active in these years .
After the Soul Race is quiet, they almost swept Thirty Three Heavens. No one can
beat the front, and that mysterious man, almost by their own eforts, makes Saint
Race. It’s terrible to eat such a loss! I have a hunch that mysterious man will come to
When Emperor Sakyamuni spoke of this, his eyes flashed brightly. At this time, the
messenger sent a message suddenly. Ten million miles in front of the troops
appeared and the troops of Saint Race appeared!
Dark Demon Monarch, and Emperor Sakyamuni quickly saw the information jade slip,
judging from the direction of the Saint Race’s armed drives, the opposite party came
from Saint Gathering Heaven.
People have long guessed that there will be a big battle in the Hidden Dragon Galaxy.
However, they did not think that this war will come so fast!
“What to do?” Dark Demon Monarch sought the opinion of Emperor Sakyamuni.
In the “Hits!” Emperor Sakyamuni eyes, there was a glistening war. They came to
Hidden Dragon Galaxy in order to support Little Demon Xian. It was also an order to
assist mysterious man. They couldn’t wait for the mysterious man to shoot. They
followed the mistake. At some point, they also took the initiative to attack. The troops
of Saint Race, facing the hard steel, created a ight for the mysterious man!
Emperor Sakyamuni is looking forward to the mysterious man and the Holy Child

Good Fortune! (not To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2037 - Confrontation

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In the deep black sky, there is a dark shadow floating in a huge, this is the second
regiments of Saint Race, a very mysterious and terrible one of the Saint Race
subordinates many regiment.
Saint Race second regiment, composed of ancient Saint Race.
Saint Race Seventh Layer Heaven, because the area is too large, Seventh Layer Heaven
is not close to each other, in the evolution of many years, Saint Race evolved the many
The ancient Saint Race is one of them.
Their body bloodlines are more powerful, their bodies are more robust, and their skin
is brownish-black. However, these are not the characteristics of the ancient Saint
Race. They are truly special in their spiritual battleship.
The spiritual battleship of the ancient Saint Race was not the Spirit Treasure that was
reined, but the true life.
These huge’s lives are fusiform, they have a length of body hundred miles, and the
body surface is full of countless green spots. These luminous spots are extremely
eye-catching in the dark twinkling of the unceasing twinkle. They have long
whiskers behind their bodies, and on their side, there are wading ins, which make
these things look far away, like the squid of the hovers in the water.
Naturally, they are milliions and millions times larger than squid, and they do not live
in the ocean, but live in starry sky, starry sky as their home, mortal body as the ship,
wandering in starry sky.
They are the Starry Sky Ancient Beast, a wild Ancient Monster beast living in the
Saint Race Saint Buddhist Heaven, and the ancient Saint Race also living in the Saint
Buddhist Heaven. Among them, the expert can surrender the Starry Sky Ancient
Beast with the formidable strength and Starry Sky. Ancient Beast signed a contract,
and these ancient beasts became their spirit battleship.
The ancient beast has another space in its body that can accommodate thousands of
very ancient soldiers. After being adult, the body of the body is more than 100 miles
long. It has terrible weird power. Their tentacles can take root in a planet’s center
from this planet. Absorb the essence. With the time of severe years, the planet’s
origin energy is dried.
The second regiment of the Saint Race, all of which are composed of the ancient Saint
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Race and these magniicent squids, are very frightening.

These big cuttleish, the weakest is the strength of the peak Saint Lord, there are
many already approached World King, headed by the thunder and long head of the
thieves, the Starry Sky Ancient Beast, is more than Heavenly Venerate.
As for the ancient Saint Race, the number of Heavenly Venerate is even greater.
The leader heavenly Venerate of the second regiment is also the ancient Cran Head of
Saint Race. As early as ten million years ago, reached the realm of Peak Heavenly
Venerate, and in peak Heavenly Venerate, is also an outstanding person.
In addition, several deputy chiefs of the Saint Race’s second regiment are also Peak
Heavenly Venerate!
The number of Heavenly Venerates in Saint Race is ten times that of the Human Race.
At this time, the full manifold station was obtained. The Saint Race was stationed in the
six main forces of Saint Gathering Heaven. It was taken casually and the number of
Heavenly Venerate was above 50.
“In front of the Human Race Corps. Attacked us!”
Inside the Starry Sky Ancient Beast, above a huge array plate projection, you can
seeing a golden Buddha. At this time, this golden statue of Golden Buddha has great
energy, in which terrifying energy is constantly condensing. It is obviously necessary
to issue a Thunder blow.
“The golden Buddha image, according to the data, is a group of monks at Mount Potuo.
The Emperor Sakyamuni headed by is the master of peak’s in the Human Race.”
On the main seat inside the Starry Sky Ancient Beast, a middle -aged man with a
whole body wrapped in a black battle armour said slowly, the Starry Sky Ancient
Beast. It is the flagship of the ancient Saint Race.
Just in this flagship, there are three peak Heavenly Venerate!
“With their Fights! The order that Holy Child Good Fortune gave us this time is to
surround Hidden Dragon Galaxy, build a blockade network, try to eliminate the
efective strength of the Human Race, and more importantly, the protract time,
especially the mysterious man. The intelligence of the time, now that the Human
Race has been delivered to the door, we are here to deal with them!”
This black middle-aged man. It is exactly the old Cran Head of the old Saint Race. In
the battle with the Human Race, their very old Saint Race can also be divided into
massive beneits. However, the amount of advantage is naturally dependent on the
military exploit of the races they stand for. If you can inflict heavy losses Mount Potuo,
it is deinitely a great merit.
Starry sky. The Starry Sky Ancient Beast, which is the very head of the ancient Saint
Race, was brought together to form a giant Starry Sky Ancient Beast of length of body
three thousand Li.
At the same time, within the Starry Sky Ancient Beast, dozens of Heavenly Venerates will
be able to inject that into the Starry Sky Ancient Beast and issue a terrifying black light.
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This black light collided with the golden light shot by the Mount Potuo Buddha
sculpture in the same place!
In a flash, as if a sun was detonated, hundreds of thousands of miles of empty space
was completely shattered, and the terrifying space-time storm escaped and swept
Two great vital forces, up to dozens of Heavenly Venerate’s grips, resulting in an
energy bombardment very terrifying, and that the terrifying’s explosion fallout, so that
the fleet of two great potentials is diferent even if it is separated by ive hundred
thousand kilometers. Degree of damage.
Inside the Golden Buddha, the brow wrinkles of Emperor Sakyamuni.
The power of the Saint Race is terrible. The diference between the absolute Heavenly
Venerate and the Human Race makes it hard to pass. The Holy Child Good Fortune now
assembles so many Heavenly Venerates from the Saint Race. On the absolute influence,
They are just countered with a regiment, and it’s so tricky.
So if other regiments come in again, it would be very hard for them to do anything
on the Hidden Dragon Galaxy.
And don’t forget, inside the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, there is also a Holy Child Good
Fortune with Wild- One’s avatar!
Even though because of the presence of the mysterious man, Saint Race sufered a
major loss. However, the strength of Saint Race is still far above the Human Race.
“These Trivial matters of Saint Race, if such consumes go on, our original formula’s
rescue aid program is very diicult to implement...”
Tuo Bagui and Lin Ming, who spoke at the time, had great gratitude for the Taigu
people. Therefore, they were especially helpful to rescue Little Demon Xian , Lin Huang
and Tuo Bagui.
When the Army Race in Mount Potuo was frightened by the strength of his opponent.
On the side of Saint Race, the handsome clan Clan Head also felt that Mount Potuo’s
power exceeded its own expectation.
“The number of opposite Heavenly Venerate should be much less than ours, and we
still have the Starry Sky Ancient Beast to cooperate. Battle battle eiciency will increase
by 50%. As a result ... it did not even suppress them.”
“Human Race really has How many people outstanding people, can not be
underestimated, what can we do? When the hit hits is deadlocked, blood spells are
not worth it.”
Ancient Saint Race even though they were greedy military exploits, but to make them
pay a painful price to replace the Saint Race’s military exploit, they would not do it.
“Not anxious. The order we received this time was to block the Hidden Dragon
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Galaxy. It blocked the Human Race and the mysterious man. It delayed the time.
There was nothing to be said about the opposition party. As long as the mission is
completed, there is still a military exploit.”
“Don’t know what Holy Child Good Fortune is planning on. It seems that Hidden
Dragon Galaxy, what’s important to Holy Child Good Fortune...”
This was discussed in ancient Saint Race, but the attack was not idle, and the battle was
already in impasse.
The Mount Potuo and the ancient Saint Race had their own injuries, ierce combat
lasted for a half- double-hour, Mount Potuo lost 78 spirit battleship. These spirit
battleships were actually some moving battles, and they were reined by the Peak
Array Master. The core of the array is then surrounded by a metallic metallic plate.
When the Human Race ighters who host the spirit battleship are distributed around the
battleield, they can gather their strengths in a short period of time and erupt from
terrifying attacks.
This is the most efective means of combat in the battle of the army. The strength of
the collective superimposes, and is always much larger than that of the individual.
After Mount Potuo lost 78 spirit battleships, the ancient Saint Race also dropped the
body of ten head Starry Sky Ancient Beast. The scarlet’s blood spilled over the eon
Even if neither side is desperate, the battle scene is still extremely tragic.
In the end, it was still the Human Race who irst withdrew because of the Scout
report. In the distant starry sky, another Saint Race army was approaching,
suspected to be another group army that Saint Race had transferred from Saint
Gathering Heaven, if Mount Potuo With match rubber, they will soon fall into a siege,
and they will sufer heavy losses.
Emperor Sakyamuni had no choice but to order the troops to withdraw.
The spirit race’s spirit battleship retired ten million of them, and then after two
greater spatial teleportations, it was only after inding a covert nebula.
As a result, they are farther away from the core region of Hidden Dragon Galaxy’s.
This caused many Human Race martial artists to frown. This time, the rescue aid
program was not well- designed. They had never thought of it before. The Hidden
Dragon Galaxy brought together so many Saint Race troops. It was a decisive battle.
“The Saint Race established the blockade network in the surround of the Hidden
Dragon Galaxy core. It was a second legion. It had already been with us. With a few
other regiments, the Saint Race’s military strength was ive times that of us. Not yet
Holy Child Good Fortune.”
In the conference hall, Human Race’s military oicers listened to the scout analysis
analysis report.
In fact, the Human Race’s troops did not arrive, such as the troops led by God King
Transcending Heaven and Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate.
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But even if they come, they are not reversal anything. The gap is too great.
With the strength of the Human Race, you can make guerrilla attacks with Saint Race.
However, once you have a direct direct engagement, you will have too many problems to
“Now we are in front of us. It is the second legion of the Saint Race and the third
regiment. Now that the two regiments have joined the division, it is impossible for us
to break through, but it seems that there is no intention to take the initiative. It is just
to open the array barrier. , waits for gains without pains...”
Saint Race’s array barrier, with only a thin layer, is easy to break, but once a high-
level martial artist rushes over, the barrier is immediately discovered. In addition, this
barrier also blocks message transmission. You can completely break the
communication between the barrier and the Human Race.
In this case, Hidden Dragon Galaxy is like an isolat island, isolated from the world.
Emperor Sakyamuni and others are convening an emergency military meeting to deploy
the next combat plan.
At this time, however, no one noticed that in the depths of the universe, the dark starry
sky was torn open, and a black midair castle, such as a ghost, drifted from the space
“Master, front discovers Saint race’s group army!” In the black castle, in a secret
room, the sound of green lotus came.
“Saint Race’s group army?”
In the secret room, the black clothed youth who had been meditating closed his eyes.
To help a friend busy, no responsibility to push a book, “Nine Heavens Death God
Biography” , Xuan imaginary kind new book.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2038 - Black Castle

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The front door of the secret room was pushed open and Lin Ming appeared at the
door. was like a sharp javelin, and he was carrying an compiling admiration
imposing manner.
The green lotus was saluting.
“Get up, what’s the matter, tell me.”
Lin Ming went to the porthole. Through the porthole, he could already seeing the
faint spots of light in the distant sky. It was a large-spirited spirit battleship.
Obviously there was a Saint Race in front of him.
“Returns to master’s words, have already ascertained that the front is the Saint Race’s Second
Army and Third Army. They should have been stationed at Saint Gathering Heaven, but they did
not know why. They were transferred to the Hidden Dragon Galaxy.”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s intelligence on Saint Race is in order to understand, just to
seeing the starry Sky Ancient Beast of the magniicent squid, count the numbers of
the Starry Sky Ancient Beast and know that the Second Army is turned out in full
strength. Now.
The third group army with the second group match is also called the Iron Lion
Regiment in Saint Race. This group army also has signiicant characteristics.
Their characteristics are in the spirit battleship they drive. These spirit battleships
look like a huge metal lion.
The Iron Lion Regiment is made up of the Saint Astral Heaven Tribe of Saint Race.
The Saint Astral Heaven Tribe is home to the best Array Master and Reiner Master
of Saint Race. They can lay out the most powerful array and then reine the top spirit
So the spirit of Lion Lion Regiment equipped weaponshipship, all are Heavenly
Venerate Spirit Treasure level.
Among them, the severe flagships are also not the least bit of compared to the
Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
Among the two military battles, the role of the spirit battleship is critical. The quality of
the array’s is directly related to the martial artist attack eiciency and defense
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Imagine that when Lin Ming played against Tian Mingzi, under the huge gap in
strength, was able to win a breather for himself with a Primal Beginning Heavenly
Palace. In the end, the war situation can be reversed.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian informed Lin Ming of the Second Legion of the Saint Race and
the information of the third regiment in detail, and even Fairy Maiden Qinglian even
the internal Sound transmission Mark of the certain armies knew that she could even
intercept some information if she wanted to. .
“According to the current situation, Holy Child Good Fortune should mobilize several group
troops to Hidden Dragon Galaxy, originally these group armies are responsible for guarding
Saint Gathering Heaven, deterring the Soul Race, will not easily move, but present. Good
Fortune suddenly assemble all these group armies. It is very unusual. If there is no wrong
guess, it may be for the master...”
“The troops of Saint Race stationed in Saint Gathering Heaven have a total of more than 400
Heavenly Venerate, and there are also peak Heavenly Venerates. These are Heaven Heaven
Venerates, each of which is hidden. Green Lotus does not know their speciic details. In addition,
every Saint Army team has its own expertise, such as the second group army with wild beast,
and the third group army with the Iron Lion Battleship of Heavenly Venerate Spirit Treasure...”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian said here that she carefully looked at Lin Ming, the unknown
army of Saint Race, plus many hidden masters. Master, what measures will be taken.
Lin Ming listened to Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s words, and narrowed his eyes to the
second regiment and third regiment of the distant place Saint Race. Brief and to the
point: “Kills used to pass!”
Only a three-word command made Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s heart slightly stagnate.
“Results in order!”
The second group army and the third group army of Saint Race was only half a full-
hour after the discovery of Lin Ming’s approach.
This is because Lin Ming only has a spirit battleship. The goal is too small to be
hidden. The Saint Race group’s target is too large to be hidden.
Secondly, it’s because Fairy Maiden Qinglian knows more about Saint Race. When
scouts herself, the scouts of Saint Race, how can they beat her?
“Has not known about the spirit of battleship!”
The group group of the Saint Race rang up and alarmed. At a distance of only ive
hundred thousand kilometers from their place of residence, a dark, black ink castle
The castle seems to be fully integrated into the space of darkness’s. It is hard to
discern, it is not seen on the surface. It is like a dead ghost town.
“What people? Stop it!”
A dignii sound spread throughout starry sky, this is a warning from Saint Race
Heavenly Venerate, this dark castle, itself is transformed from Primal Beginning
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Heavenly Palace.
Lin Ming suppresses the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal at the formation eye of the
Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace. The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal was originally
created for the grand formation. It is God God Spirit Treasure made by God Sealing
Heavenly Venerate and has it suppressing the Primal Beginning. Heavenly Palace’s
formation eye, Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace’s array is already powerful.
Original Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace is more than the flagship of the Iron Lion
Regiment between Bo Chung, but now, Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace has
achieved a great length compared to these spirit battleships.
The more Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace drifts closer, under the darkness’s
background, it is like an astride beast crouching in the depths of the universe,
murderous aura!
The commander of the group army of Saint Race made a ruthless order, an
unsolicited spirit battleship of this suddenly presents, and did not listen to the
warning, and the order was safe to destroy the fleet of theSaintRace.
According to the common sense, such a small scale spirit battleship, paired with the
Saint Race Race group armies, is like a mouse on a ierce tiger. It is fundamentally
diferent so much as to be beyond comparison. .
But now that the Saint Race coalition has received orders from the Holy Child
Good Fortune to be careful of a mysterious man, even though the military oicers
of the Saint Race all felt that the hearsay of this mysterious man was somewhat
exaggerated. However, military commands, they would not blindly Arrogant, so
committing what stupid mistake.
A dozen pirate battleships lighted Divine Light, over 20 Heavenly Venerates, and shot
Lin Ming. This was already a very fearful struck.
However, as people think, this black fortress will be destroyed in the Divine Light,
fortress surface, lit a haze of blood, when Divine Light from Saint Race Heavenly
Venerate ired on the blood fog. At that time, an incredible scene took place. This
blood fog just shook slightly and drove in Divine Light thoroughly.
More than a dozen of Heavenly Venerate’s joint attacks actually turned muddy into
the sea and disappeared. The black fortress did not have any abnormalities.
Saint Race’s martial artist suddenly surprised, and at this time, black fortress

suddenly accelerated! It is at the heart of the inconceivable speed, direct impact

Saint Race!

The speed of Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace originally was extremely fast,
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coupled with the transformation of True God Spirit Treasure Heavens Firmament
Ancient Seal’s. In all cases where Nine Suns Jade does not count cost combustion,
the speed of Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace can already exceed peak Heavenly
“Army Corps obeys orders, Body Transformation!”
In the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, the tens of thousands of saints in the
desert, the Saint Lord, two thousand World King, have already stood in the array.
With the order of Lin Ming, the soldiers of the desperate regiment’s soldiers sounded
embarrassed. The sound of explosion, a blood tentacles drilled from them, wanton
stretch publicity!
The wild regiment after Body Transformation can almost always be a big realm.
Saint Lord peak compares to World King, Great World King compares Heavenly Venerate!
The strength of the 54,000 thousand Saint Lords was brought together in the
2000 World King. Afterwards, it was 180 Ten Great World King. After their Body
Transformation, they were Heavenly Venerate’s level strength. They were two
hundred Heavenly Venerate. Their strength was very great. Terrifying!
You know, the Saint Race’s second group army and the third group army also
added more than 100 Heavenly Venerate buildings.
Even though the Heavenly Venerate of the Waste Legion is much weaker in
strength, however, because of the lack of common origin as close as flesh and
blood, the lineup coordination is far from the normal Saint Race martial artist can
In terms of ultimate strength, the Waste Army is even better, not to mention, within
these 180 Heavenly Venerates, there are Saint Race and Saint General!
At this time, in addition to Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Yaoyue, Ao Ri, and Stream have
completed the Body Transformation.
They originally had a Heavenly Venerate level of strength, and an outstanding
person in Heavenly Venerate. After Body Transformation, their strength has
reached the peak Heavenly Venerate level.
Ao Ri has transformed into Primordial Fierce Beast, Yaoyue became a masterpiece,
Stream is the most exaggerated, His clothes have been completely broken, The old
gentleman, It has now become ierce’s devil.
All the Spiritual Power of the Abandoned Legion was infused to Lin Ming’s body.
At this time, Lin Ming also shot it!
grabs Dark Dragon Spear with his right hand and suddenly inserts it on the
formation core. The Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal’s revolving is to suppress
the formation eye on top of Lin Ming.
Lin Ming’s hands clasped together, Devil Strength and God Strength broke out at
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the moment, terrifying’s strength blew out from Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace!
This is several times bigger than the explosion of the Blood Cloud Galaxy Saint Race
Heavenly Palace.
And this force is no longer like the non-undiferative spread of the Blood Cloud
Galaxy’s large explosion. Instead, it has an explicit directivity. After the energy is
condensed into a light beam, four scattered shots are ired!
This kind of attack eiciency has improved more than just a chance!
A series of three Iron Lion Battleships were hit by light beam and the instant
explosion collapsed! Highly condensed light beam, letting one heavenly Venerate of
three battleships die instantaneously These light beams are getting faster and
faster, and they are getting more and more ierce. Some beams
of light even penetrated through two spirit battleships!
“This is!!”
Seeing that terrible divine glow is about to devour everything, the Saint Heavens
coalition’s Peak Heavenly Venerate has a big earthquake!
Their igure disappears directly from the spirit battleship. The next moment has
already appeared in the boundless universe. Eight peak Heavenly Venerate shots
together. All the energy is connected together to hold the Primal Beginning Heavenly
Palace so that its energy cannot be sent out. Finally blew.
“Spread! Attack!”
With the command of Heaven Heavenly Venerate, the command was extremely
simple, and even people couldn’t understand it at all. However, the spirit battleship
of the alli armies responded extremely quickly. All the spirit battleship spread out at
the irst time, while pulling distance, it was also to Primal Beginning Heavenly.
Palace launches an attack!
They want to assist eight peak Heavenly Venerates and suppress the Primal Beginning
Heavenly Palace.
To do this, we have to say that the quality of the military in Saint Race’s is
terrible. Unfortunately, they are on Lin Ming!
“Bang! Bang!”
Another two Iron Lion Battleship was light beam piercing.
And just then, with a high-pitched dragon roar, the universe void was torn open, and
a huge dragon head of length of body thousand Li popped out of his head, licking his
amber eyes, staring coldly at starry. The prey in the sky...
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2039 - Destroyed

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The darkness dragon roared, and the terrible dragon roar formed a storm. It opened a
great mouth and bitten into a Starry Sky Ancient Beast of the ancient Saint Race!
The Starry Sky Ancient Beast of Barry was actually torn open by the Black
Dragon’s huge mouth, and made a deep scream. However, after all, it could not
break the Black Dragon’s huge mouth. Eventually it was torn of. Half body, and
these torn flesh were swallowed by Black Dragon.
Black Dragon doesn’t stop at all. It’s waving a thick tail, and a common wing like the
Blade Edge.
“Pang!” “Pang!” “Pang!”
A ship’s Iron Lion Battleship was swept by the dragon’s tail, one after another,
Starry Sky Ancient Beast, split into two by Black Dragon’s dragon wing!
Energy storm, blood sways!
Starry Sky Ancient Beast is a terrible monster in the sky, but how can it match the
Black Dragon who has king bloodlines while swallowing a lot of desperate flesh
Black Dragon pounced on a King of Starry Sky Ancient Beast of length of body
thousand Li. This huge’s cuttleish is equal to the body of Black Dragon. It is waving
a thick rough hand and wants to pierce the body of Black Dragon. , topple it from
However, the power of the Black Dragon is not at all comparable to the mollusc
underneath it.
Its claws are deeply inserted into the body of the Starry Sky Ancient Beast.
Hundreds of people cling to the thick tentacles. Under the Black Dragon’s claws,
it’s really like an ordinary squid tentacle.
“Attack! Attack the Black Dragon!”
A peak Heavenly Venerate exclaimed that the torn Starry Sky Ancient Beast, who was
his assignments Contract Beast, saw his Contract Beast’s is on the verge of death. His
heart was in drop blood.
However, he only said one sentence and there was no way to open mouth, and there
was no way to manage his Contract Beast. Because he felt that in the black fortress
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he was brewing a more terrifying’s energy storm, he was completely out of control.
Even with their eight peak Heavenly Venerates, plus the support of t he Third Army
and the Fourth Regiment, they can’t match the power of the black fortress!
It’s hard to imagine what a fearful character is in this black fortress!

At that moment,
World, within the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, from Lin Ming Inner
there were
three igures, these three igures. It is Lin Ming’s avatar.
They are exactly the same as Lin Ming, four individuals standing in the center of the
array, making Lin Ming’s imposing manner multiple times the enhancement!
Lin Ming emptied Taiji with both hands, and the power of Demon God together with his
“Sacred Scripture” And “Heavenly Book” Law was entered into the grand formation by
The remaining three Lin Ming, also their respective display methods, Essence, Qi,
Spirit three forces into the grand formation.
For a time, this grand formation was as bright as the sun, and the power of
terrifying was like ten million seas.
The energy burst came directly to the eight peak Heavenly Venerates around
the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace. They vomited blood together. Inverted!
At that moment, the meridians on their bodies broke somehow, and the energetic
consumption of Qi and Blood. Let their power drop to the lowest point.
Two of them, Peak Heavenly Venerate, screamed. At the moment they flew
backwards, Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace ired two slivers of light, directly
piercing these two peak Heavenly Venerates!
Blood flies shot, peak Heavenly Venerate’s mortal body is very good, was struck by
this terrifying’s light beam did not instantly die, but only through it.
However, in this war, there was no diference between light beam penetration and
immediate death. Black Dragon roared. It quickly swept the sky, extended two
huge paws, and ished the two peak Heavenly Venerates and swallowed them
As the top Divine Beast, Black Dragon has the ability to swallow and absorb the
essence of the expert into his own power.
In this battle, Black Dragon made good proits. Especially those Starry Sky Ancient
Beast, engulfed by Black Dragon’s slaughter, this scene is like a tiger into the flock,
blood sways, red sky.
With six peak Heavenly Venerate inflict heavy losses. Two peak Heavenly Venerate
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die, Saint Race is based on the eight Heavenly Venerate. Liancheng’s resistance
Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace’s energy net was torn open.
In a flash, the energy in the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace is just like the flood of
the embankment.
Bloody Divine Light will be sprayed with blood. Like Divine Sword, it runs through
the Regiments of the Saint Race.
These light beams are overwhelming. All the iron lions that have been hit are
immediately bursting in the spirit battleship, and those who are in the wild are
Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, like a huge meat grinder, rushed into the Saint
Race army. Wherever it passed, the Saint Race’s powerful combined fleet collapsed.
It was a massacre!
Far away, after a distance of ten million miles, the protest of Mount Potuo saw
Divine Light from the horizon shone.
“What happened?”
“Is there a ight with the Is Saint Race? Is it ighting?”
After the Saint Race was stationed, the Human Race naturally had to put its
eyeliner on guard. Ten million miles away was already the limit that the Human
Scout could detect. If they were closer, they could be discovered by the Saint
Race. Such consequence can be expected. And you know.
However, now that the coalition of the Saint Race suddenly saw such a big change, they
could not sit still.
“Look in the past! Be careful!” “Got it!”

The scout is a dangerous work. At this time, they naturally want to bounden their
The six World King Level scouts so silently broke into the void and quickly swept
away toward the place where the wars broke out!
More and more explosions, Divine Light is growing!
The fleet of the Saint Race had already been slain. They were originally elite,
but faced with this war of strength disparity so huge, facing the god of this god
of death common, they could not aford the courage to ight.
“Retreat! Separate retreat...”
The ancient Saint Race Clan Head reluctantly issued an order. However, just halfway
through his order, it suddenly disappeared. It was like being killed by a sword.
At this time, very old Cran Head of Saint Race, full body cold, pupil contraction, in
his surface Top ten feet away, a god of general black clothed separate space. It’s
like stepping into his own courtyard and stepping out of the space crack.
The man is holding a black long spear with eyes full of killing intent!
He suddenly understood that this black clothed person is the mysterious man
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mentioned in the mouth of Holy Child Good Fortune!

Even though Holy Child Good Fortune has repeatedly stated that this mysterious
man is no exception, but not personally, Clan Head of the ancient Saint Race can
never fully understand the meaning of Holy ChildGoodFortune.
Originally, he even thought that the Holy Child Good Fortune suddenly transferred the
Six Races of Saint Race to Hidden Dragon Galaxy. The only way to deal with a
mysterious man is to make a fuss over a trifling matter. But now he knew that he was
wrong, and wrong’s unusually outrageous!
The ancient Saint Race Clan Head looked at Lin Ming. In the eyes, red light flashed.
At that moment, he did not hesitate to burn the blood essence!
The power of Saint Race peak Heavenly Venerate, Qi and Blood is so powerful that
once it is burning, it is like a bright sun with flame ascension, and thousands of miles
around. All of this became hot with this Saint Race peak Heavenly Venerate burning
blood essence!
The ancient Saint Race is a bloody race. They are even cruel to the other’s race,
but it is truly time for survival. They will not back down!
Appeared around Lin Ming, it was also a regular peak Heavenly Venerate. They as if
by prior agreement burned blood essence. At this time, they have no escape route!
Lin Ming faces four peak Heavenly Venerates at the same time, and the remaining two
peak Heavenly Venerates are dealt with by Black Dragon.
As for the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, Lin Ming handed over to Fairy Maiden
Qinglian. originally possessed the ability to command the army of the desolation. Now
she has integrated into the flesh and blood of the desert, and the direction Desolate’s
regiment is more handy.
Lin Ming alone did not let Fairy Maiden Qinglian Body Transformation, it was in
order to let her have a sober mind, can command the desolate army.
The light beam is still spraying and the spirit battleship is being torn

apart! At this time, Lin Ming also shot it!

Four peak is
irst attack Heavenly
very Venerate points guard the Quartet, Lin Ming’s spear swept. The
old Saint Race Clan Head!
This Clan Head is the strongest among the four people, and Lin Ming’s irst goal is
him, that is out of absolute conidence in own strength!
Lin Ming’s attack is not fancy, it’s just a simple thorn. However, his speed is too
fast, faster than the limit of human response.
The gun whistled. Lin Ming behind the nine big stars float, ive strong Dao Palace
opened together, the power of Demon God is surging!
There was no time to dodge it. The Saint Race Clan Head had to snap and hold
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the battle-axe of the giant to Lin Ming!

At that moment, Lin Ming and Saint Race Clan Head were like two blocks of meteoric
rocks crashing into the same place.
Boom! !
The light energy ring that is visible to the naked eye spreads out like a beggar. After
this time clashes, the Saint Race Clan Head also flies out at the speed of a meteorite!
His body surface blood vessel explodes because of excessive force, his arms are
blood oozing, and the big axe in his hand is slightly curved, like a bow.
“Damn it!”
The other three Heavenly Venerate screamed and rushed to Lin Ming. Lin Ming
was full of bloodlines. was armed with long spear.
The three Heavenly Veneres who have burned the blood essence vomit blood and fly
out. They are basically slaughter lopsid!
The ancient Clan Head of the Saint Race had just risen. Seeing Lin Ming hurrying
again. slammed and took the giant axe he had bent, and leaned toward Lin Ming’s
However, Lin Ming did not flinch. Dark Dragon Spear took a shot.
Another time clashes, very old Saint Race Clan Head arm fracture, vomiting

blood! His body is like a broken blood bag, and White’s broken bones are

thousands of miles away, this scene is falling into the eyes of the Human
used the
pupil’s technique secret method to seeing what happened here.
Whether it is the black fortress that continuously sprays Divine Light’s, or the
enemy’s four, easily killing the peerless expert of Saint Race peak Heavenly
Venerate’s, they are stunned!
“That people, That people are That mysterious man!!”
There was a passes message that shocked the heart.
“It must be him. Only him!”
A few scouts look at each other in blank dismay.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2040 - Contact Human Race

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Human Race had long wanted to contact this mysterious man. However, under the
deterrence and blockade of Saint Race, the sphere of action was subjected to the
restraint of the Human Race, but the shadow of mysterious man could not be found at
In fact, not to mention the Human Race can not ind, even if Saint Race, is also considered
to be the location of the prospective mysterious man, set a trap for the opposition party,
the results of the entire army annihilated......
Until today, the scouts of Human Race witnessed this mysterious man with their own
eyes. How could they not be excited?
In the past few months, mysterious man’s name has spread throughout the Wild
Universe, and even Thirty Three Heavens probably knows.
The wave of energy from the explosion made these scouts unable to get close to each
other. Seeing that the spiritual battleship of the Saint Race had been destroyed, they
were all excited and inexplicable.
These Human Race scouts not long ago had just participated in the bloody battle
between Mount Potuo and Saint Race’s second regiment.
They personally experienced the power of Saint Race’s second regiment. The Starry Sky
Ancient Beasts that look like cuttleish general have been outrmented by their great
strength. They not only have amazing defensive power, but also are physically tough and
resilient. They can open up some attacks directly.
And their tentacles are even the nightmare of the enemy. Once they are entangled with
them, they will be sucked up by numerous suction cups and they will die.
Such a fearful monster is deinitely a nightmare for the Human Race.
Now, however, these monsters are directly penetrated by the Divine Light issued by the
black fortress and simply collapse at the irst blow.
And that terrible Black Dragon, killing these monsters is like a lion flu ttering rabbit. There
is no suspense.
Moreover, the mysterious man now faces not only the Saint Race second regiment but
also the third regiment Iron Lion Regiment.
With regard to the Iron Lion Regiment, Human Race’s intelligence is scant, but this does
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not prevent them from predicting the great strength of Iron Lion Regiment’s. It can be tied
to the forces of the Six Races of Saint Race. The comprehensive strength is deinitely not
in the Mount Potuo wartime alliance. !
However today. The two combined Saint Race super army is destined to sufer the
most terrifying destruction.
This war did not last long. Even if the four Great Heavenly Venerates joined hands, they
could not change anything.
Originally, Lin Ming had the ability to direct death feather floating Feather left the
direct suppression of plum feathers. At this time facing the four Heavenly Venerate,
Lin Ming’s strength is not what they can compete against.
Lin Ming and Spear Thrust wore the ancient Saint Race Clan Head’s throat. The death of
Clan Head also became the last straw to overwhelm the camel. Saint Race’s fleet can no
longer organize any efective attack. Under the crush of Primal Beginning Heavenly
Palace’s, they fought back from side to side and became a defeat!
Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, as the tiger enters the flock, the beam of energy
from the Waste Legion has condensed into two huge rounds of light. The light turns,
and one after another is the spiritual battleship.
At this time, Lin Ming’s three avatars were also killed from the Primal Beginning Heavenly
Palace. These three avatars grew together with Lin Ming. The strength early has already
been no comparison between them, those huge Starry Sky Ancient Beast under their
attack, are as vulnerable as the mollusks.
Another King level Starry Sky Ancient Beast was swept up by Black Dragon. Over the
years, Little Black has been transformed into a demon dragon. The bony spikes on his
body easily leave a ruinous damage on the body of the Starry Sky Ancient Beast!
Little Black is very unethical. It knows that it can’t destroy all the Saint Race fleets. It
speciically picks a big killing. A lot of Starry Sky Ancient Beasts snapped Soft’s neck by
Little Black for a moment.
The Saint Race’s coalition is getting more and more open, this time. Primal Beginning
Heavenly Palace, Lin Ming’s avatar, and Black Dragon each chose a direction to slay, a
blaze of light, and a few more Starry Sky Ancient Beasts left their bodies. At the same
time, the Black Dragon also left behind. Several Ir on
Lion Battleships.
Slowly, Divine Light shot by Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace became sparse. At this
time, the coalition of the Saint Race was already crippled by Lin Ming. Those remaining
spiritual battleships and huge beasts flew deep into the star s.
After leaving the battleield, some spirit battleships have a suicient time to start the
array. Enter space cracks and perform greater spatial teleportation.
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“Did not need to chase.”

Lin Ming waved. Both the Black Dragon and Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, which
chased Saint Race, stopped and Lin Ming’s three avatars flew back to Lin Ming’s Inner
Black Dragon at this time, full body blood oozing, this war, it was also subject to many
wounds, but it is extremely excited, amber eyes full of impatient expression.
Its two claws each captured a Starry Sky Ancient Beast of length of body thousand Li, and
the tail of the thick also tangled a little smaller. These huge’s cuttleish are supreme’s
delicacies in its eyes.
Seeing this scene, Lin Ming smiled.
For Black Dragon, these things are the best food. To know, these Starry Sky Ancient Beast
even though is not as good as Divine Beast, but it can also be said to be the second only to
the peak of Divine Beast in the universe, especially Starry Sky. The King of Ancient Beast is
stronger than many Divine Beasts.
The body of these ancient beasts is naturally a treasure of supremacy, and can rival the
value of the body of Divine Beast.
At that time, Lin Ming in order to take a big risk of Supreme Dragon Bone, you can think
about the value of these bodies.
Black Dragon can not wait to bite a King level Starry Sky Ancient Beast, begin big mouth
swallowed flesh and blood, eat them, Black Dragon can absorb nutrients from it, it is
good for its growth big.
Roc feeds on the flood dragon. Phoenix only eats the energy essence of the universe,
and Divine Beast’s food largely determines their growth.
Lin Ming touched his chin, form flashes, and collected the bodies of some ancient
beasts into Inner World. These are all treasures. is even rich in net worth, but he
cannot waste it.
After all this, Lin Ming flew into the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
At the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, the Arkansas Corps is still still ready in the
full battle array. However, at this time, the energy of the Arach Corps is nearly
exhausted. After the Body Transformation of the Arach Corps, the strength even
though it can rise to a big realm. This Body Transformation will not last long.
Now, Lin Ming explored the situation of the Aborigine Legion. Among them, 90% of
martial artists have already been overdrawn. It is diicult to recover within a few days.
Not even Bodyy’s Fairy Maiden Qinglian has a great deal of perspiration.

When Lin Ming came in, Fairy Maiden Qinglian took a sip.

“You did a good job!” Lin Ming said with appreciation. With the senior general of Fairy
Maiden Qinglian,
he can save many strengths. Fairy Maiden Qinglian is very sensitive to the war situation
and the judgement made is extremely reasonable. has her. The command’s wild
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regiment, even though it was not enough to destroy destructive power, Lin Ming was
inevitably lacking, but in some details, even better than Lin Ming.
“Thanked master’s praise.” Fairy Maiden Qinglian wiped the sweat from his face and revealed a
hearty smile. “Master, After this war, the ancient races of Saint Race and Sanctuary were very
heavy losses. Within thousands of years, do not want to reply to origin energy, but this time when
Holy Child Good Fortune gathered so many armies, green lotus always felt that something was
unusual, so took a few jobs for the master to interrogate. ”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian said, pointing behind the ingernail, where there was Heavenly
Venerate who was heavily insulted in the blast and was banned from whole body Astral
Essence. In addition, there were several experts in King level.
Lin Ming smiled slightly, even though he also had such plans, but Fairy Maiden Qinglian
had already done it for him in advance. saved a lot of trouble.
He was trying to interrogate these people. At this time, Lin Ming opened his heart and
turned to look out of the porthole. Just a moment later, he felt several light spots quickly
approaching the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
Somebody is coming!
Only a brief moment, Lin Ming has already igured out the speciic conditions of the
number, ethnicity, and cultivation base of these people.
“King level, human!?”
Lin Ming was surprised that opposite party turned out to be the Human Race!
To the Wild Universe, Lin Ming has naturally seen the Human Race compatriots more
than once, but only met some sufering common people. The King level of the Human
Race, Lin Ming is the irst
His form-dodges appeared moments outside the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
His heart is full of expectations. With World Race of Human Race, he can ind Human
Race Heavenly Venerate through them and then get news about Little Demon Xian,
Mu Qianyu and others.
What flew to Lin Ming at this time was the Scout of Human Race. They only had six
individuals, ive men and a woman.
After seeing Lin Ming, they are synchronously and salutes. Look at Lin Ming’s eyes, full of
respect and admiration.
In the world of the martial artist, strength has always been easy to be respected, not to
mention that Lin Ming has a great favor for their Human Race.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2041 - News of Little Demon Xian

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Lin Ming projected the perception to these Mount Potuo scouts and swept away in their Sea of
Consciousness to immediately recognize that these people were not under the control of Saint
Race and were not spies.
“Human Race Mount Potuo scout squadron third team seeing seniors!”
Said middle-ag man bows for head’s middle-aged man.
These scouts are ages of several ten thousand years’s. In their opinion, Lin Ming even though
it is young, but he is so powerful, it is mostly their predecessors.
“Mount Potuo!”
Lin Ming’s deeply inspires, when he heard the name, he illed with emotion. After more
than 6,000 years, he eventually found some clues about the most important people in
his life.
Mount Buddhauo’s war Buddha Emperor Sakyamuni and Great Unrestrained Buddha, should know
Little Demon Xian’s news now!
Before Lin Ming got a lot of information from the influence of the Saint Race, even though it
couldn’t be from the position of Little Demon Xian’s, but at least Lin Ming conirmed that Little
Demon Xian was still safe, otherwise Saint Race killed or seized Such an important important
personage, subordinate Heavenly Venerate cannot possibly not know.
“You are all Mount Potuo disciple?”
Considering that it is highly likely to ind Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianyu and others, Lin
Ming’s tone has become diicult to calm.
The middle-ag man headed by middle-aged said: “Only one part is. Now that Mount Potuo is
not a Sect. It is more of an alliance. Based on Mount Potuo’s original form staf staf, many of
the Human Race’s traveling powers are added. At Mount Potuo, for example, our scout team,
the Buddhist Disciple of Mount Potuo, and the Dark Demon Palace. Now the Mount Potuo
Wartime Alliance is under the command of Emperor Sakyamuni Senior Brother. It is a big
move on the concrete inite move. Degrees of freedom.”
“So that’s how it is.” Lin Ming nod, this situation is reasonable, and the two families in the war
are no longer based on Sect combat unit. It is an army based on Sect.
“Who are you in the league? Did Ji Xianer ever join?”
If Little Demon Xian is in the Wartime Alliance, Lin Ming will be completely relieved. Because
Mu Qianyu and Qin Xingxuan, they did not have the power to protect themselves in this Great
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Tribulation. Most of them were to follow Little Demon Xian.

As for his own flesh, Lin Xiaoge, naturally followed by Little Demon Xian, and even Mu Qianxue,
may all accompany Little Demon Xian’s same place.
Hear Lin Ming suddenly mention the name Ji Xian’er. Scouts are all present at the scene. “Do
seniors know Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate?”
Several scouts stared at each other. As for the identity of the mysterious man, they were full
of speculation. The mysterious man knew Little Demon Xian. It surprised them. Is mysterious
man having some relationship with Monster Race or Demon Race?
But anyway, Little Demon Xian is already inseparable from the Human Race. My mysterious
man and Little Demon Xian have such relations. For Human Race, they are good deeds.
It’s just that Little Demon Xian’s situation is not optimistic...
“Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate? Yes. With Xian’er’s talent, it should also break through
Heavenly Venerate.” Lin Ming listened to his heart with emotion and did not know his own child.
What is realm?
After calculating that over 6,000 years have passed, his child is not much smaller than him.
Scouting the middle-ag person headed by the team, took a few words and said, “Returns to
the older generation, Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate is still missing, and it is suspected
in the Hidden Dragon Galaxy!”
“What?” Lin Ming heard the body suddenly startled. A heart suddenly tightened.
Lin Ming’s extreme response made the scouts clearly paralyzed. They even though they know
that mysterious man has something to do with Little Demon Xian, but did not expect mysterious
man to be so nervous Little Demon Xian.
“You said Ji Xian’er at Hidden Dragon Galaxy!?”
“Predecessors, Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate’s domain was sealed in Hidden Dragon
Galaxy. When the war broke out, Emperor Sakyamuni Senior Brother had been exchanging
intelligence with Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate to ight against Saint Race. Someday,
Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate met me. Mount Potuo’s connection was broken and the
breaks were severe years, and later we scouted to discover that the Holy Child Good Fortune had
blocked the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, and Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate had lost contact with
mys, probably because of this. ”
Scout leader said carefully. Between the Human Race forces, once the connection of severe years
broke. It would be even harder to contact them again, because between the diferent influences of
the Human Race, the Sound transmission Mark will be constantly replaced. This way to ensure
their own safety, otherwise it will take longer. Once the Sound transmission Mark is covered by the
Saint Race Interception, the consequences will be disastrous.
Several years of time were not linked, and there was no notice of each other between the
Sound transmission Mark and the other. The result was only getting more and more
Now Little Demon Xian’s situation, in fact, is all based on the clues of the Mount Potuo

Alliance. Hears scouts the words, Lin Ming’s complexion has been completely gloomy.
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At this time, the leader of the Scout faced Lin Ming. There was a kind of heart-stirring feeling.
temperature around his feelings dropped a lot.
The scout leader originally wanted to say a few words to let Lin Ming go to the Mount Potuo League
to serve as a guest, but to say half, swallowed back.
“What information do you have about Ji Xian’er?”
Lin Ming’s voice suddenly calmed down, but the scout leader heard that under this tranquil
sound, there was a strong killing intent!
“Does not have...Does not have anything else. The contact was broken for too long.
Everything about Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate was our speculation. Before we were
hunting the Mount Potuo Alliance, it was unable to defend. Oneself, the connection with the
Human influence of Human Race’s are all broken. Until now, senior extinction......extinguishes
the army of the desert, we have a chance to breathe, so Emperor Sakyamuni Senior Brother
led the alliance army and came to Hidden Dragon Galaxy rescue. ...”
The chief scout said so much in one breath, and his eyes carefully observed Lin Ming’s reaction.
“Your Sound transmission Mark.”
Lin Ming suddenly opened his mouth.
The leader’s scout gritted his teeth and pulled a jade slip from the Spatial Ring to Lin Ming. This
records the core array password of the Mount Potuo passes message grand formation. It is also
called the “Sound transmission Mark” . As long as Lin Ming builds a passes message itself, put the
jade slip in the array center and contact Mount Potuo.
This jade slip is more important than the lives of these six scouts. If the peacetime scout team
is in danger, if the escape is hopeless, the irst thing they will do is to destroy the jade slip.
Otherwise, if Saint Race only has to build an array, it can respond to array, fuzzy ixed Mount
Potuo position, which is naturally extremely dangerous. However, as scouts, they must keep
in touch with Mount Potuo.
But now, the scout leader gave the jade slip to such as Lin Ming.
Lin Ming reached out and jade slip shot like an arrow like flies. was sucked into the palm of Lin
Ming. Then Lin Ming’s form-dodges fell directly into the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
The castle of darkness started in an instant. The powerful array quickly moved and silently broke
the void. Then the castle fell directly into Space Storm and disappeared into boundless void.
Left six of the Human Race’s scouts, big-eyed and small-eyed, mysterious man undoubtedly
went to ind Little Demon Xian, and they thought that they could still ask mysterious man to
visit the Mount Potuo League.
“This...what do we do?”
One scout said, mysterious man appeared on the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, including the
destruction of the Third Legion of the Second Race of Saint Race. It would soon cause a big
storm, and then on the entire war between the Human Race and the Saint Race. More influence!
The headed scout took a deep breath and his eyes flashed.
“The jade slip imprint has been given to the mysterious man. We can only return to Mount
Potuo immediately and report the news we have discovered!”
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Scouting the leader waved, six people quickly broke into the void and flew in the opposite
direction of Lin Ming.
In the flight of the entire flight, the only feminine in the six scouts said: “I said Boss, mysterious
man, and Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate have a lot to do with each other. I always have
some mental association...”
“Said!” Scouting leader’s words are simple understand. In fact, in his own mind, there are also
mental associations. Let the subordinates speak, just in order to verify.
“Thinking that people who can be so nervous Demon Immortal Heavenly Venerate, the whole
Thirty Three Heavens can’t ind a few of them. If 11 is ruled out, the most likely person is, but
the person who is originally impossible is the most impossible!”
“I got it.” The scout leader took a deep breath and he felt the whole body’s
blood boiling.
Yes, now the numeric signs all seem to indicate that, after more than 6,000 years ago, with the
Saint Lord Stage cultivation base, turning to Thirty Three Heavens, almost alone, for the Human
Race, he found a igure in the legend of a retreat. not dead.
eventually... returned!
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2042 - Come back

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In the Mount Potuo Alliance, among the Golden Buddha, Emperor Sakyamuni, Great
Unrestrained Buddha, darkness Demon God and others sat round the table and
listened to the report of the scout.
“The general situation is like this!”
Scout leaders clearly explained the process of encountering mysterious man with
concise words. In addition, he also produced a Battle Recording Disk-array, which
recorded some of the scenes they saw.
It was the four major peak heavenly Venerate battles of Lin Ming and the scenes of
Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, the second kills Starry Sky Ancient Beast and
the Iron Lion Battleship.
Watching the scene in the court, Heavenly Venerate is already hard to describe their
Shock, excitement, worry, joy, all kinds of diferent moods surged into the heart,
making the entire hall unremarkable.
The scene in the array continued for about quarter of an hour’s time. Due to the
hurriedness of the records, the distance was so far apart that many pictures were v ery
vague, including Lin Ming’s face, which was not clearly recorded.
However, this does not prevent the Human Race powerful masters from the scene from
recovering the scenes that occurred at that time.
This ierce ighting process made them surging emotions and even one’s blood bubbles
up to the brim!
Especially when seeing the Black Dragon biting Starry Sky Ancient Beast, Lin Ming hitting
the Heaven Heavenly Venerate, the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace like a mincer,
when the Saint Race fleet rushed shattered, many Human Race martial artists couldn’t
help holding it. With his ists tight, his eyes sparkled with excit’s ray.
Tuo Bagui couldn’t help a ist thump on his own chest. Such a picture was so puzzling.
Just before the severe days, they vividly remembered the situation with the second Legion
of Saint Race. The kind of hate to oppose the party. But why can’t the feel of the opposite
party make Tuo Bagui crazy.
The Human Race, which had been suppressed for too long, eventually saw the hope of
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victory, even though they were still silent in the long night, but they had already seen the
dawn of the daybreak.
“This is mysterious man. It is a myth! It seems to him that nothing is impossible!”
Dark Demon Monarch said that he sincerely admires Lin Ming. actually has roughly
identiied the strength of Lin Ming. It is beyond peak Heavenly Venerate. can be
described as Heavenly Venerate invincible. This kind of combat efectiveness is
actually stronger than Emperor Sakyamuni. It is worse than True God.
According to common sense. It is diicult for a person who is not a normal True
God to play an important role in the battle that has swept the two races.
But the result is so bizarre, this mysterious man did it, he almost turned himself to the battle
“Maybe you shouldn’t call him mysterious man. Instead, you should call him Lin Ming.”
Emperor Sakyamuni said with a smile, many years ago, Emperor Sakyamuni did not
show such a smile from his heart.
“Lin Ming... Have you already been?”
Dark Demon Monarch looked over. didn’t have much contact with Lin Ming. had seen Lin
Ming at the Monster Emperor’s birthday party. Other times, his understanding of Lin Ming
only came from rumors and hearing.
“Is him!”
Jun Biyue stroking the long stain stinky long sword, said in a deinite way. At the Divine
Realm First Martial Meeting, he remembered the process of dealing with Lin Ming.
Emperor Sakyamuni said: “He called Little Demon Xian as Xian’er, the entire Thirty Three
Heavens, can be called as Little Demon Xian’s person, He cares about Little Demon Xian, plus
the Black Dragon, the long spear Many coincidences are superimposed. It is no longer
coincidences, but it is inevitable.”
“Lin Ming is not dead, he is back!”
“He is a person who can bring about miracles. After more than 6,000 years and more, He will
certainly give us a favorable turn!”
Emperor Sakyamuni couldn’t help but clench the handrail of the stone chair, so it can
be seen in his heart.
Many young disciples noted the look of Emperor Sakyamuni in their impression.
Emperor Sakyamuni is the commander of the Mount Potuo League. It can be said
that the second leader of the Human Race. Whenever he is very calm, it is rare for
him to feel so shocked.
“That personally. Is it really that much? It’s not as strong as True God, but it will give us a
favorable turn? Saint Emperor Good Fortune. But in True God, it’s expert.”
A young generation of disciples could not help but say.
The young disciple who can sit in this conference room are all geniuses. Most of them
were born in the Wild Universe. When they were born, Lin Ming was “Died.” They hadn’t
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seen Lin Ming. They just listened to Lin Ming’s legend. God Law Imperial Decree was
brought to the Human Race. initial’s talent was crowned Thirty Three Heavens.
In the history book of Human Race’s, Lin Ming’s description is unique, and coupled
with the processing of some storytellers, Lin Ming is almost omnipotent.
Of these, some of the young talents feel extremely proud and have worked hard to target
Lin Ming.
However, there are also some young talents who are always skeptical about these
rumors. They think that the Human Race deiied Lin Ming of the year. In doing so, it is
in order to give conidence to young generation, and the second is to be in some
people’s self-consolation. It is human nature to boast about the heroes of her own
Mo Xiao is one of the second kind people. For Lin Ming’s fanatical die-hard fans, she
often only asks, “ Is so powerful. How are you still dead?”
This sentence blocked the mouth of the many person.
However today, Learned that Lin Ming did not die, Mo Xiao eyes reveal a strange color.
She touched her sword, There is an indescribable feeling in my heart.
“After adjusting, after two double-hours, we set of!”
Emperor Sakyamuni suddenly said that the emergence of Lin Ming has boosted
morale, but now, it is not yet a moment of victory, because there is still a very
important matters that cannot be resolved. That is the safety of Little Demon Xian.
Previously because of the second race of the Saint Race and the third regiment being
stationed nearby, the Mount Potuo Alliance could not have been defeated. Now that the
obstacles have been cleared, Mount Potuo naturally has to arm forces to enter the
Hidden Dragon Galaxy!
Regardless of how much they can help Lin Ming, they have to use 12 points of efort.
Notice that Hidden Dragon Galaxy is so big. It is not an easy matter to ind Little
Demon Xian in the absence of Sound transmission Mark. However, Holy Child Good
Fortune did not ind some severe years. Looking for a needle in a haystack Described
In terms of combat, Mount Potuo is less flatter or toady than Lin Ming, but when it
comes to looking for people, they take advantage of many people and are always
better than Lin Ming.
Mount Potuo’s golden Buddha, as well as a number of spirit battleships, slowly breaks
void into the deep place of the Hidden Dragon Galaxy.
When departing from Mount Potuo, Holy Child Good Fortune also received this news.
The second regiment and the third regiment even though have been defeated, but
there are actually more spirit battleships, including the intelligence service of the Good
Fortune Holy Palace.
They defeated Lin Ming’s situation with the Coalition of Saint Race and reported it to
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Holy Child Good Fortune.

Because they are closer to Lin Ming, the information they record is more detailed than
Mount Potuo’s scout record.
At this time, in front of the Holy Child Good Fortune, the illusion projected by the
Battle Recording Disk- array continued to change. After another one, the Iron Lion spy
battleship burst and the Starry Sky Ancient Beast was killed.
The entire hall, only these silent pictures, in addition to a trace of sound, dozens of Saint
Race high-level generals hold their breath, the main hall can be heard.
Such a picture sees them to be fearful and apprehensive. They also know how exciting this is
to the Holy Child Good Fortune!
It should be noted that the original Saint Race several major regiments was the Holy
Child Good Fortune tune up against mysterious man. As a result, the troops did not
drive to the place and they were defeated by Lin Ming.
In front of the mysterious man, Saint Race has already experienced two defeats, which is
undoubtedly the major attack for the once arrogant Holy Child Good Fortune!
The Holy Child Good Fortune at the moment, just like a brewing volcano, people thought
he could erupt at any time. However, until the picture conclusion in the battle, Holy Child
Good Fortune is extremely silent.
His elbow supports on the desktop, a face mask in the shadow of the arm, people can
not seeing his expression.
The spokesmen who sent the Battle Recording Disk-array did not dare to reveal the
atmosphere, lest they be killed by the Holy Child Good Fortune.
“Draws back!”
The Holy Child Good Fortune suddenly said that if the commanding oicer received the
amnesty, sweated and left the conference hall.
All military oicers watched the Holy Child Good Fortune. did not expect that he was so
“You also retreated.”
Holy Child Good Fortune waved his hand. stood up from his position. It was only then
that people saw that Holy Child Good Fortune had red eyes. was like a furious beast,
and it made everyone jealous.
The military oicers in the hall looked at each other and withdrew from the Chamber,
leaving only the Holy Child Good Fortune. held the arm rest of the chair and the
twinkle killing intent.
“After all, you’re... the ordination...”
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MW CHAPTER 2043 - Restless night

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In the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, a ash-gray nebulas

A black palace slowly floats around the palace, surrounded by dozens of spirit
This black palace, as well as many spiritual battleships, are enveloped in an ash-
gray array, isolated from the outside space.
Such’s nebula, countless in the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, plus the hidden array of
arranges in the nebula, is the biggest stumbling force that the Human Race has
survived for many years.
However, this so-called maximum stumbling, in fact, most of the time the function
is just a protract time. In Saint Race’s words, it is just “Barely managing to
maintain a feeble existence” .
When Saint Race conducts a rug-style search, the hidden spots will eventually be
found in the Saint Race, and then there will be a massacre.
Saint Race calls this combat mode of operations “Hunting” From a ix goal,
searching, and hunting. It’s like a hunter hunting, and the result is just like hunting.
There is no suspense at all. The hunter has always been a hunter. Less will be hurt
by prey.
Now, the team in Hidden Dragon Galaxy is faced with the “Race hunting” Of the Human
Race. It has been precarious.
In the place where this force was stationed, the palace in the most central darkness,
the highest floor in a separate room
The room is large, but the exhibition arrangement is an extraordinary simplicity, an
octagonal obsidian table, two heavy and stocky black stone chair chairs, next to the
table, is a row of wall-side Ancient tree bookshelf, Bookshelf, and exhibitions of thick
ancient texts. Ancient text on the book is very old, few people can understand, in the
bookshelf is facing the direction, it is a broad bed, b sheet is pale Ash-gray. On the
ground in front of the bed was an upper berth with a black velvet rug.
The walls of the room were not too much carved, but the original tone and rough
style of the metal used in the constitution wall remained, and people seemed to feel
even depressing.
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At a certain moment, the front door of the room was pushed open. A black clothed
woman came in. was wearing a plain black dress, but the color of light on the beautiful
She is Little Demon Xian, the master of this room.
Everything in the room was quiet. Only the sound of footsteps of Little Demon Xian
was echoed in the air. slowly walked to the obsidian table and sat down. In such a
dark, gray-looking house, her delicate
appearance was out of tune.
She did not light the candlestick, but sat in a sombre environment for a while. She then
placed a Violet Sun Crystal on a small tray and opened the array plate.
At the time, in front of the black clothed woman’s body, there was a vast and

beautiful sky. This is a star chart of ive billion kilometers.

In fact,star
Every thishere,
star celestial chart, Little Demon Xian has long been printed in the mind.
every nebula, even a bigger meteorite. knows everything and closes her eyes. can copy
the celestial chart. However, every day, she spends a double-hour time on the celestial
She knows that the area lives in has not been hidden for too long. The search scope of
Holy Child Good Fortune has been reduced to a very small region. Small to even they
have been unable to move the place, because once the base moves, will inevitably
leave clues, then, the risk of exposure is even greater.
Time is getting more and more pressing, Little Demon Xian had to begin to consider
the worst results, her mind deduced the possibility of innumerable types and Holy
Child Good Fortune eventually confrontation...

Even though it is a losing battle, Little Demon Xian will not be willing to wait for
death. In the inal time, the result she wanted was to make as many people as
possible to escape from this catastrophe!
Naturally, it is impossible to want to escape completely. Someone must be left
behind to delay the time, these people. Will be fall guy.
Leave behind many people, escape many people, and how tactics are arranged. This is
what Little Demon Xian wants to consider.

However, no matter how she was arranged, she was the leader of this Human Race and
was also the most expert of all. must stay at the time of the danger approaching.
The group of victims needs a leader, and this leader can only be herself.
Only, if possible, she hopes that her child Lin Huang can escape this star territory

and leave safely. He is a continuation of his life with Lin Ming and is also the hope

of the Human Race.

Remembering hisMing.
remembered Lin own child, Little Demon Xian sighed softly, and she inevitably
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In a pair of watery eye pupils, she flashed a score of mournful. If Lin Ming was still
there, would How is it?
Touching the imaginary star lightly, the curtain of night gradually descends. The sun
spinning around the nebula slowly falls into the thick shadow. Little Demon Xian
gets up and makes a pot of misty tea for himself. This kind of green tea is made
from a thousand years of nectar. It has a sweet and sweet taste, and it has the efect
of raising souls. It allows Little Demon Xian to maintain energetic in continuous
In fact, she has not rested for a long time.
After taking two ine purple sand cups, Little Demon Xian poured two cups of misty
tea, leaving one cup for himself and the other cups, was pushed to the opposite

Then, Little Demon Xian and begin thinking, she has many issues to consider now.
For example, their Violet Sun Crystal reserves do not support arrays of hidden
bases, and they need to consume a lot of Violet Sun Crystals. These Violet Sun
Crystals follow their activities. The scope is getting smaller and smaller, and it is
getting harder and harder to mine.
She needs to ind a way to solve this dilemma. Otherwise, the grand formation of
the base will support less than a year. At that time, they will be found in the Holy
Child Good Fortune.
From time to time, Little Demon Xian cups the mouth of the cup and gently sips tea.
Slowly, her own cup of green tea was consumed by her, and the opposite cup was
still standing still. As if there was a person on the opposite side of the table, a chair
was left empty year-round. A person’s seat also leaves a cup.

This is the habit of Little Demon Xian. has been alone for years, but it seems like
two individuals are living.
Time passes, the original hot tea in the cup slowly went cold, while Little Demon Xian
was unaware.
After a double-hour, she turned of the array of inverted star maps and shook her
head, temporarily not thinking about Violet Sun Crystal’s problems, but rather
meditation breathing.
Under such environment, Little Demon Xian sat alone and quietly spent the quiet
night before this storm.
However, it seems to be doomed to be quiet tonight, and after the darkness,
before Little Demon Xian’s stone table was smashed, ash-gray’s Sound
transmission Mark lightened up. Obviously there was news to report back to her.

Looking at the glittering passes message in the dark night, Little Demon Xian’s pair
of cigarettes shrank slightly. felt that the flashing jade slip was like a demon eye. In
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fact, these years, once there was an emergency bad, The news came that the
results were bad urgent messages.
For example, Holy Child Good Fortune reduced the encirclement ring, for example,
their energy stones are not much left.
Even worse, once again, the Demon Immortal Palace scout team was captured by
Holy Child Good Fortune, in order to preserve the secrets. They conirmed that they
had no hope of escaping. They committed suicide with the poison ready in
This poison is extremely overbearing. It requires Great World King’s Alchemist for
reining and is limited to the martial artist below World King Level.
Once you take the poison of the Eater Eater, the poisoner will die within a few short
bursts, and this poison will also destroy the Suul Sea of the suicide victim. If the
enemy inds soul, it will not even ind anything worthy.
To put it plainly, this poison is a soul destroy.
This is a kind of pitiful death. However, Little Demon Xian had to be equipped with
such poisons for every scout team member. Alchemist of Demon Immortal Palace
often sent a new batch of toxins of the souls to Little Demon Xian. In her hands, she
felt that the things she held in her hands were like mountains and rivers.

In particular, Demon Immortal Palace’s expression of conidence when received the

poison, let her heart be cut as general ache.
However, she has no way, without an intense strength, she can only do so.
Shaking his head and throwing these thoughts away, Little Demon Xian left the
room and walked towards the passes message grand formation.
Demon Immortal Palace’s passes message distance Little Demon Xian’s room is very
close. At this time, around the passes message grand formation, there are already
several Demon Immortal Palace’s backbones waiting.
Seeing the arrival of Little Demon Xian, one of the youths moved his lips and wanted
to say something, but started to speak but hesitates.
“What’s up?”
Seeing the youth’s expression, Little Demon Xian’s smoke eyebrow was slightly
raised. The youth was named Tao An, born just after the Great Tribulation. It was the
faithful follower of Little Demon Xian and the backbone of Demon Immortal Palace.
He couldn’t speak at the moment and let Little Demon Xian realize that what had just
received was not a good news, otherwise wouldn’t be.
“Said it, don’t have to be afraid to say a word, but holy child Good Fortune has found us.”
Little Demon Xian sounds calm, Tao An voice is stagnant, and looked at the
surrounding Demon Immortal Palace backbone and say s: “Young Lady...Si Ming
Planet, something went wrong...”
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Tao An’s remark, suddenly let Little Demon Xian pump his heart!
Si Ming Planet is the only planet that Little Demon Xian owned in the Hidden Dragon
Galaxy’s inhabit area.
Si Ming Planet has hundreds of millions of people. These peoples have been
migrating from other galaxies in two to three hundred years. They are the
conident subjects of Little Demon Xian.
Little Demon Xian These years, Aiminruzi, when Saint Race invaded Hidden
Dragon Galaxy, Little Demon Xian also vowed to protect the people of Si Ming
Planet, let them enjoy a good and prosperous life, When Holy Child Good Fortune
repeatedly reduced the encirclement ring, Little Demon Xian could not continue to
stay on Si Ming Planet. had no choice but to leave.
Otherwise, she will not only be born to the Holy Child Good Fortune, but Si Ming
Planet may also be destroyed in the war.
Leaving Si Ming Planet is a helpless choice. Under normal circumstances, when Si
Ming Planet is discovered by Holy Child Good Fortune, there will naturally be a
hardship. However, Saint Race generally does not make sense for genocide of Human
Race’s common people. Instead, they lost some of the slaves that developed the Wild
But today, watching Tao An’s expression, afraid it is not the case!
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2044 - The last proud

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From the irst group’s entry to Si Ming Planet begin, Si Ming Planet is only a few hundred
years old. In the historical river of history of humanity evolves, for hundreds of years, but the
short irst moment was insigniicant.
Over the past few centuries, the population of Si Ming Planet has grown from billions to a
massive planet of billions. However, on the vast Si Ming Planet, there are still large areas of
uncultivated wilderness, and the Human Race has only taken up space on this planet. A small
part of the land, built about 100,000
large and small cities.
The name Si Ming Planet was taken from Little Demon Xian’s thoughts on Lin Ming.
Everyone on Si Ming Planet knows the love stories of Lin Ming and Little Demon Xian. The
story of the Monster Emperor’s birthday feast was reminiscent of people.
In the sufering of the Human Race today, when Holy Child Good Fortune was struck by Lin
Ming, Little Demon Xian inally broke free from the monster and demon races, and the story
of double light with Lin Ming would not be bothersome. .
For the troubled Si Ming Planet, this is their favorite legend.
In fact, most of the Si Ming Planet, who would have chosen to leave their hometown,
followed Little Demon Xian to the Si Ming Planet pioneer, and also came from the love of
Little Demon Xian, and the worship of Lin Ming.
After the establishment of Si Ming Planet, Little Demon Xian and the people of Si Ming
Planet were brought together. When they built the city’s time, they once lived together and
lived together.
In the city of the biggest big city in Si Ming Planet, there is a holy mountain. Above the
sacred hill stands a memorial hall of Lin Ming. The memorial palace has statues such as Lin
Ming and Little Demon Xian.
Every year, the Lin Ming Memorial Palace has massive wearers.
A few months ago, Saint Race discovered Si Ming Planet and put the planet into the bag
without any efort. The hundreds of billions of peoples on Si Ming Planet did not pose any
threat to the Saint Race army.
After Saint Race occupied Si Ming Planet. The irst piece of matter is to force Si Ming Planet
to change its name.
This planet, named Saint Descend Star.
The name was resisted by all Si Ming Planet, and Holy Child Good Fortune then issued
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an order. This is the order that brought hell to the people of Si Ming Planet.
In the past,
master of after Saint Race occupied a planet, it would plunder without restraint and kill the
Human Race. Common people reserved for coolies.
The pioneers of Saint Race, most like to send an unexpect wealth to these planets.
This time, however, Holy Child Good Fortune did not do so after occupying Si Ming Planet. It
should be said that he did not bother to do so.
His orders are all granaries of the plunders Si Ming Planet, and then block all 100,000
cities. No one is allowed to leave the city.
The residents of Si Ming Planet are mostly common people below Xiantian. They can’t help
but need to eat.
After the granary was ransacked. People’s foodstufs can only come from farmlands outside
the city, or prey in the wilderness.
However, Holy Child Good Fortune will be a city, then basic nobody can go out.
All Si Ming Planet people. They can only rely on the few remaining days in the family.
The Holy Child Good Fortune did not plan to let go of the city’s prohibiting. His meaning
is obvious. It is to starve all the common people of Si Ming Planet to death.
Imagine a group of hungry people locked up in a small city. What will happen?
Hunger, death, desperation. These will lead to humanity and fondness of the countryside. In
the extreme deicient situation of food, when many refugees become insanely hungry beasts,
it is likely that some people will go to ight in order to go to the food, to kill, or even to the
end. Eat person’s scene.
These are very interesting stars in the opinion of Holy Child Good Fortune.
This is how the Holy Child Good Fortune punished these people. Then he took a look and
under the sufering of hungry, how long their strength of spirit could last.
And there is one more important method that the Holy Child Good Fortune has adopted. It is
also in order to force Little Demon Xian.
He is very clear. Little Demon Xian left Si Ming Planet and will deinitely leave a eyeliner on
Si Ming Planet. Everything that happens in Si Ming Planet, these eyeliners will be reported
to Little Demon Xian.
Then he will have to seeing if Little Demon Xian will ignore her people.
Naturally, in the eyes of Holy Child Good Fortune, if Little Demon Xian came out of
reckless runs for the lives of hundreds of billions of people, she would be stupid.
But he also knows that sometimes people are such stupid.
Even if Little Demon Xian was a little guilty, it would be nothing to watch these people
starve to death. There was no loss to the Holy Child Good Fortune, but several
hundred million ants were dead.
Holy Child Good Fortune has shrunk the encirclement into several big nebulae. If Little
Demon Xian is not calm and wants to break through the blockade of Holy Child Good
Fortune, to rescue Si Ming Planet, Holy Child Good Fortune will be the irst Time to get
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On Si Ming Planet, the famine has been going on for a long time. The Si Ming Planet is
responsible for the Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate under the Holy Child Good Fortune.
Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate one’s entire life. Cruelty and bloodthirsty. This aflicts
people. Most suits him.
In fact, he was really excited when he received this order’s time.
This little by little tear of some of the pretentious hypocrisy of self-righteous tribes, let
them restore the natural disposition of the wild animal, is the most likes of Eternal Night
Heavenly Venerate.
From his point of view, Si Ming Planet is a planet with no background and no cohesion. It is
a few hundred years. How many cohesive forces can be cultivated from these human races
that have come out of Si Ming Planet?
However, in fact, the development of things did not think of such an expectation of Eternal
Night Heavenly Venerate.
When the famine persisted, letting Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate be extremely unhappy,
there was no originally expected confusion, robbery and killing on Si Ming Planet.
Those common people, even if they are hungry to limit, even if they are locked up in a n
airtight city, every day in this city there are people starved to death, they walk on the
road, they may seeing people fall at any time, but they But only silently endure it.
They endure hunger, endure the deicient economy, and the plague that is prevalent in the
city. They live like dead bodies every day.
In order to save physical strength, many people sit for a whole day.
As for the martial artists of the Houtian Stage, they are even rushing to time cultivation.
They want to ight under the conditions of such bad spells. Breaking through the hope of the
Tiantian as long as they have passed the Xiantian, they can rely on breathing Heaven and
Earth Yuan Qi. , And extremely fec food while living...
Occasionally, the patrolling soldiers of Saint Race passed away. When they looked at some
unpleasant Human Race martial artist, they whipped up and beaten, but the people of Si Ming
Planet still endured.
No one goes to robs, Nobody eats people, including suicide person, too.
There seems to be an order of invisible, in which all the sufering people are restrained and
they are only so stubborn. Stubborn to live...
They look like numb’s life, seemingly innermost feelings have been desperate.
However, Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate knows that genuine numb and desperate person
cannot endure all of this.
He discovered that many people had climbed up the holy mountain under such hungry
situation and went to visit the sculptures of Little Demon Xian’s and Lin Ming Memorial
This angered Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate.
It is easy for him to destroy Si Ming Planet. However, what he wants is not to kill these
people but to conquer!
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Saint Race wants to rule the Thirty Three Heavens, not to destroy all other tribes. Instead, they
will all be enslaved and all conquered!
A Dao Light’s column shoots down, Lin Ming Memorial Palace was destroyed!
Only the sculptures of Lin Ming and Little Demon Xian standing in front of the memorial
palace. Standing alone, this is where Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate intends to stay.
Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate issued a new order. asked Saint Race to open a ration on

the sacred hill. Giant’s meat is cooked and the cauldron’s rice is steamed.

Human Race refugees, as long as they are willing to walk to the sculpture in front of the
palace, spit on the sculptures of Lin Ming or Little Demon Xian’s, they can get a pot of meat,
fragrant rice ten catty.
Many people. After being rushed to the sacred mountain’s square, the fragrant valley
incense and the rich meat incense made it impossible for Many people to come to a stop. It
was from a physical craving that they could not resist this temptation.
However, when they knew they wanted to get these foods, their hearts were cold.
Many small children are left with saliva, but Respected is pulled behind them. Even if those
Small children are hungry, those Respected are trembling. However, nobody moved.
The square, which can accommodate 100,000 people, is quiet. No one walks to the front of the
sculpture, and no one can lead foodstufs that can save lives.
Engraved on the face of the elderly full of wind and frost. The bashful female is not covered
by the rags.
A numb face. It was like a row of rock sculptures, which became a eternal picture. They just
stood there and seemed to stand at the end of their lives.
If we go deep into their lives, we know that in the world of their darkness of depression,
there is always an indistinct dawn that illuminates the way forward.
They are convinced that their leaders will return and their team will also be back!
They came from Si Ming Planet, the most legendary hero of the Human Race history. They
have their pride. They can be killed and they can be stepped down with an absolute
strength, but they will not not bend the Waist, They will not be defeated, They will not be
Don’t eat charity food, this is the ultimate brilliance of a race near the end of its destruction!
Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate ended in complete anger. His orders were to aflict these
people and let Little Demon Xian panic out of the places whereabouts. Now, he has lost his
Since these people cannot be conquered, they are obliterated.
He issued a new order and slaughtered one hundred million people every day until all the
people of Si Ming Planet were killed!
After the order was issued, the response to him was still indiferent and numb. did not even
seeing too many fears in these outcastes eyes.
“Really have a strength of spirit. Since you are going to kill it, from your begin, is Ji Xian’er’s
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eyeliner near you? You are optimistic!”

Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate waved his hand and motioned that his subordinate could begin
be slaughtered. himself was disdain to murder these people. was such a noble status. killed
these people is a kind of gracious gift.
However, just in the moment he just waved and ordered, he felt a strange aura coming,
and inexplicable feelings instantly covered his whole body. was not able to distinguish
what it was, he suddenly felt a cold heart, and then he was blind. Looked at a b lood
oozing spear head, piercing straight from his chest.
Above blood, dazzling red...
{Thanks to Martial World’s fund-raising, became military’s hegemon, thank support. This
is the third, and it’s a bit slow. I continue to write. }
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2045 - Dawn (fourth more)

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Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate turned back in disbelief, but he saw a man with a cold face.
was wearing a black clothed eye in his eyes, as if he contained a pool of blood and hell.
This man, it is Lin Ming.
Lin Ming has been stranded on the Hidden Dragon Galaxy for a long time. originally this
Hidden Dragon Galaxy, as long as Lin Ming is willing to, can easily fly from one end of the
Hidden Dragon Galaxy to the other within a day.
However, going through Hidden Dragon Galaxy is easy. It is too hard to ind someone in the
Hidden Dragon Galaxy. Whether it’s looking for Little Demon Xian, or looking for the Holy
Child Good Fortune, it looked like a look for a needle in a haystack.
Fortunately, after Lin Ming owned the Magic Cube and broke the Saint Race’s second
regiment and the third regiment’s alli armies, Fairy Maiden Qinglian intentionally left several
openings for Lin Ming to interrogate.
Lin Ming reads these people’s memories through the Magic Cube. This is a hundred times
more detailed than the results obtained by the Soul Searching Technique. In the most
situations, the Soul Searching Technique is diicult to apply to the Heavenly Venerate. There
is an enormous limit.
Lin Ming took it a step further and found a few strongholds for Saint Race. spent ten days to
tie the pots away. After that, Lin Ming caught a new life and used Magic Cube to get the
information of recent.
Every valuable value of information, Lin Ming will pursue, Finally, he found a Sound
transmission Mark of the Good Fortune Holy Palace in a Saint Race stronghold!
It was disguised as a very ordinary jade slip, but with the Magic Cube, Lin Ming
could easily ind it.
According to this Sound transmission Mark, Lin Ming arranged the acoustic law array
and locked it here, which is Si Ming Planet.
In fact, this coordinate of Si Ming Planet is now not its original position.
Si Ming Planet’s original position, Mount Potuo Alliance has recorded, Saint Race in order to
avoid Si Ming Planet was easily found by Human Race, especially by Lin Ming, Holy Child
Good Fortune has draw support from Wild-One’s avatar’s strength . Si Ming Planet was
pushed away from the original track and a direct flight arrived.
This distance is not too far away from the encirclement of the Holy Child Good Fortune,
which is easy to manage and also conducive to covert.
In this way, the Holy Child Good Fortune can be used to force Little Demon Xian to
reveal his whereabouts with the common people who torture Si Ming Planet.
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Holy Child Good Fortune is not worried that Little Demon Xian will not know the new position
of Si Ming Planet because there is Little Demon Xian’s informer on Si Ming Planet.
As soon as Holy Child Good Fortune catches Little Demon Xian, Holy Child Good Fortune
can not only take a fool odor. With over 6,000 years of grievances, you can also threaten Lin
Ming with Little Demon Xian!
Just imagine what would be the situation if Little Demon Xian were swallowed in Wild-One’s
avatar and then Holy Child Good Fortune and Wild-One’s avatar were ighting together.
Under Lin Ming’s cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, Holy Child
Good Fortune has already been in an impregnable position.
This is the inal plan of Holy Child Good Fortune. Really he was struck by Lin Ming. Even
if there is Wild- One’s avatar, Holy Child Good Fortune does not feel safe, so he wants
to seize Little Demon Xian. This is equivalent to grabbing Lin Ming’s seven inches, which
can slowly torture Lin Ming.
Holy Child Good Fortune is looking forward to mastering the scene of the battle between Lin
and Ming after Little Demon Xian. wants to seeing Lin Ming’s expression of anger and limit’s.
Only in this way. Can solve his anger for more than 6,000 years.
However, Holy Child Good Fortune even though found a good way to deal with Lin Ming, but
could not count Lin Ming’s ability to collect information. In just two months, Lin Ming found Si
Ming Planet’s new position.
Unfortunately, Lin Ming did not ind Holy Child Good Fortune on Si Ming Planet, but this
is not a major problem either.
Lin Ming silently stuck his hand to Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate’s neck, inger slowly
efort. Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate felt his own neck cracked, his eyes protruding,
desperately grabbing Lin Ming’s hand, wanting Lin Ming’s wrist crumb.
However, Lin Ming’s mortal body is too strong, and the power is too terrifying. Nine big stars
appear behind him. Underneath the stars, Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate is like a yellow
dog that is caught by an iron clamp. It is impossible to break free.
Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate said with diiculty. At this time, all the Saint Race martial
artists were on the verge of encroaching on Lin Ming. Their faces were full of shock and
fear. They cannot imagine what kind of person they are. Powerful to such a situation, you
can quietly close to Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate, a Spear Thrust wearing his body
protection Astral Essence, also runs through his solid as temperament as Heavenly
Venerate Spirit Treasure tempered body.
When the long spear passed, Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate did not even get too big of the
impact, which proves that Spear Thrust just into the mortal body of Eternal Night Heavenly
Venerate’s, is not much harder than breaking open tofu.
With a snap, Lin Ming directly twisted the neck of Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate.

A downstage Heavenly Venerate is too weak for Lin Ming.

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Saint Race Heavenly Venerate, vitality is so stubborn, even if the chest is penetrated, the
neck is twisted, Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate even drew a breath, did not die.
He stared at the black clothed man, staring at the dead ish-like eyes, but was completely
speechless. Lin Ming tossed his hands and left the dead Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate
directly on the square of
the sacred mountain and lost himself to the sculpture of Little Demon Xian.
Lin Ming has banned the whole body Astral Essence of Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate’s,
making him not even a normal person.
Seeing that the incomparable Saint Race Heavenly Venerate, like the dead dog, was thrown
away, the body continued to twitch, and the Human Race refugees on the court were all
stunned. Who is this man in the sky?
The Human Race even though most of the squares are common people, but they also know what
the concept of Heavenly Venerate is. They can pinch down a Heavenly Venerate like an ant. How
powerful is this?
afraid that the second expert Emperor Sakyamuni of Human Race may not be able to do this!
“All of you!” Lin Ming floated above the sacred hill. Before stood up in his own sculpture,
exhaled the king’s aura and made everyone quiet.
All humans looked at Lin Ming, awe and worships.
At this moment, in their eyes, Lin Ming in front of them is like the god of heaven.
Lin Ming pointed to Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate, who was shaking constantly on the
ground, and said, “You Anyone of you who comes up to spit on him, you can get a pot of
meat, fragrant rice ten catty.”
Lin Ming said this sentence calmly, but fell into the ears of common people in the Human
Race, but they let them explode!
For this Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate, people want to eat raw meat and thirst to drink

their blood! Now spit on him, you can bring so sumptuous food, they are excited!
Nighthuman race of the Human Race immediately came forward. Want to spit on Eternal
Venerate, For a time, the square that can hold 100,000 people suddenly falls into chaos.
“Do not be crowded!”
Lin Ming is just a sentence, but with a calming charm, a moment, the common people of the
100,000 Human Race in the square suddenly hurt.
Before everyone systematically walked past Lin Ming’s sculpture, spit on the Eternal Night
Heavenly Venerate that was drawn from the ground. Some people felt uncomfortable and
stepped on his feet.
A beggar appearance of the old man. coughed out a thick phlegm and spit it on Eternal
Night Heavenly Venerate’s face.
A seven-year-old child unbuttoned his trousers and did not hesitate to soak his head against
the head of Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate.
The arrogant Heavenly Venerate, when there was such treatment, was trampled by a group of
common people.
Slowly, Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate was dying under humiliation and desperate
sufering. His neck fractured and was detained again by Whole Body Astral Essence. Not to
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mention suicide by the meridians. It is diicult to continously.

After the common people spit saliva, they order the oneself food in an orderly manner. The
Saint Race martial artist responsible for the care of food had long been scared and silly, and
they were pale complexion one by one, and they did not dare to block it.
Human Race’s common people, grasping the rice of the fragrant, eating the cook meat,
hungry for a month or two, suddenly eating such delicacy meals, is their life’s greatest happiness...
And this time. Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate has long been drowning in saliva.
Several Saint Race martial artists, complexion pale retreat, want to retreat into the crowd
and disappear. Just as they seeing it as a success, Lin Ming suddenly turned his head and
said, “Where do you want to go?”
Several Saint Race martial artist turned and fled on the spot. There was a smart point-
pointing Saint Race martial artist who pounced on the common people and wanted to use
common people as hostages. Want to talk to Lin Ming.
However, no matter what kind, it will not change their outcome.
The black spear|gun glow, popping from Lin Ming’s ingertips, flew into the bodies of these
people like flew dart, and then exploded in their bodies. They broke their body meridians.
Then, their body fell down so softly. Blood flowed to the ground.
Seeing these Saint Race experts suddenly cranky, loathsome appearance miserable, the Human
Race’s refugees bowed and cheered.
Even the timid young lady has no fear of such a miserable corpse.
Seeing this scene, a smile of Lin Ming’s understanding slowly flew to the sky. Si Ming Planet had
thousands of saints in the race. wanted 11 to be purged, and gave Si Ming Planet’s civilians a
comfortable life.
When Lin Ming flew away, many people bowed down and made their way to the ground.
They chanted the most sincere words in their mouths.
They didn’t get up on the ground for a long time. An eleven-year-old little child pulled his
father’s clothes and said hesitantly: “Father, what awesome Great Brother, just a bit like... a
bit like this What about sculpture?”
Immature’s sound is particularly clear on the square of peace. For a time, many people who
hear it are a little upset.
Like it?
It doesn’t feel like it, but don’t know why, but it’s similar...
People look at each other in blank dismay. For a time, they don’t know that anything is in the
heart. However, no matter who this black clothed person is, they can conirm that their
enduring night may be past. Begin evolved into a brilliant morning glow!
The square was peaceful for a while, and suddenly someone was crying. A ragged young
lady was too excited. could not contain her feelings, and tears were left behind. Finally she
fell to the ground, hiding her face with her hands and crying. !
A couple hugged together, tears rushed out, wiped tears away from each other, but then

they shed. There are men clenching their ists, face upwards big ......
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On this day, Si Ming Planet was completely crowded with shocked’s crowds. People ran on
the streets and cheered, telling the story of Human Race expert coming back!
They endured so many tribulations, and eventually ended the time of the conclusion!

Tears flow freely, and cries come and go.

After experiencing true tribulation and death, no one can remain calm in the face of sudden
freedom and victory.
Especially when people seeing starry sky, that block of heavenly palace symbolizing the
authority of Saint Race was destroyed, and the mood of all the Si Ming Planet Human Race
is like the volcanoes that are often ired by eventually eruption for a long time!
“Human Race, millions and millions of years of immortality!”
Someone shouted slogans, and more and more people shouted for this slogan. In the end, it
was a wave of shares that lingered in the 100,000 cities of Si Ming Planet’s wave after wave
of waves.
At this moment, everyone’s hearts are linked together.
In the revelry’s crowd, no nobody notes, A pretty woman, After seeing such a scene, Steps
sneak into an alley.
She walked into a room that was inconspicuous and opened a hidden array in the room,
revealing a secret room...
In the secret room, she put a jade slip in the center of an acoustic array. While doing all of this,
her heartbeat’s accelerations, flushed red, seemed extremely exciting.
She wants to pass on everything that happened to Si Ming Planet, including the image of
the mysterious black clothed man, to Little Demon Xian.
She is an intelligence oicer left by Little Demon Xian on Si Ming Planet...
She believes that the mysterious expert of this suddenly presents will deinitely make Demon
Immortal Heavenly Venerate excited.
(3,500 words, fourth more)
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2046 - Sound [He Wu-Zhi world alliance]

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Among the dark nebula of Hidden Dragon Galaxy’s, Little Demon Xian stood in front of
the bronze mirror and inished his own outit. At this time, the door was pushed away and a
woman in red came in softly.
“Younger Sister Xian’er.” Little Demon Xian turned around and the woman who came in was
Mu Qianyu.
Little Demon Xian licked his lips and said what he wanted to say. After all, he didn’t know
where to start. quietly turned around, in a section to straighten out her long whip.
“You still decided to go to Si Ming Planet?”
Mu Qianyu asked in a complex mood. was a little sad. had been supporting Little Demon Xian
for years. After Lin Ming passed away, she shoulders too many things.
Little Demon Xian shook his head bitterly.
“Said is going to Si Ming Planet. It was actually a battle with the Holy Child Good Fortune...
Before we went to Si Ming Planet, we passed through the barrier’s time, and the Holy Child
Good Fortune felt it. was sure to ambush it nearby. -One’s avatar, his speed is much faster
than ours. Next, it must be a slaughter of life and death. We...can’t walk to Si Ming Planet.”
Little Demon Xian is very clear about the conspiracy of Holy Child Good Fortune. In fact,
this is not a conspiracy at all. It is a very clumsy way to force her out.
However, Xiao Demon Xian can’t ignore the method of this shoddy. In fact, Little Demon Xian
even ignored her own subjects. Her battle with Holy Child Good Fortune is inevitable.
If this is the case, then you should not take the initiative.
It was better to be found out by the Holy Child Good Fortune, and to hunt
them of like a hunt. The soon- to-be decisive battle will undoubtedly spill
starry sky. For her, the best result is merely sacriicing herself, giving Holy
Child Good Fortune an injured heavy losses, which will give her followers an
opportunity to escape.
The atmosphere of the room is somewhat grim. Mu Qianyu took the comb and separated
Little Demon Xian’s black long hair from her hand and brushed it little by little. Her
movements were slow and meticulous.
Over the past few years, Mu Qianyu has combed hair for Little Demon Xian more than once.
sincerely loves Little Demon Xian, and Mu Qianxue has left. It has always been her support
of it all.
Because of his own strength, can share too little for Little Demon Xian.
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“Elder Sister, you don’t go. You stay with Xingxuan Elder Sister. After we had a battle with
Holy Child Good Fortune, Holy Child Good Fortune will not search for this nebula no
matter what the outcome.”
Little Demon Xian said, Mu Qianyu’s hand holding the comb froze.
She bit her lip and didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to stay. But what can she
change if she goes? It just died in vain, and if it fell into the hands of Holy Child Good
Fortune, the consequences would be even more disastrous.
If something is happening that is not irretrievable, it’s a matter of recovery. Ev en if was
dead, did not seeing Lin Ming.
Little Demon Xian guessed Mu Qianyu’s mind. just took Mu Qianyu’s hand and showed a bright
smile. However, this smile contained too many meaningful meanings that Mu Qianyu could not
help but fall. Tears come.
Maybe it was her last hair combing for Little Demon Xian, and when everything was over,
Little Demon Xian and Lin Ming. There must always be a person who worships and
cleansed the soul for them...
Mu Qianyu looked at his own mouth and tears silently fell. At this moment, Lin Huang pushed
the door and walked in. “Mother, Aunt Mu...”
Mu Qianyu hurriedly wiped his tears. “Huang’er is coming.”
“Um.” Seeing the tears on Mu Qianyu’s face, Lin Huang knew what had probably happened.
There is no more to say.
Over the years, Lin Huang has broken through the half step Heavenly Venerate. The original
God King Transcending Heaven’s suggestion to Lin Huang is not to rush through this layer of
realm. However, under the situation where Saint Race has invaded the wild, Lin Huang can’t
wait. . He advanced some 500 years ahead of Heavenly Venerate, but even Lin Huang
reached half step Heavenly Venerate. It also didn’t change anything. He had a Heavenly
Venerate level and was not even weak in Heavenly Venerate.
However, he faced the Holy Child Good Fortune but was like fluorite to Hao Yue. The gap was too
The Holy Child Good Fortune with Wild-One’s avatar is too strong and strong, and no one can
match the entire Human Race except Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate, including Emperor
“Huang’er, what matter must ind?” Little Demon Xian noticed that Lin Huang had a passes
message in his hand. This was just the news that had just been received.
For these, Little Demon Xian is already numb. What news is worse than it is now?
“It seems that an emergency case has occurred. This is the urgent information
from Si Ming Planet...”
Lin Huang spoke to the lent money on the table. After Violet Sun Crystal was placed,
projection appeared in the array.
These project-begins are a bit confusing. They are crowds of excites and many people enjoy
eating food with joy. Those miscellaneous grains that the martial artist can’t seeing are the
most treasured delicacies in the world.
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Seeing these, Little Demon Xian and Mu Qianyu are all stuck.
These projections are all people cheering Si Ming Planet. They were hungry and misery sufer.
They actually beat the Saint Race who had oppressed them on the ground. They even saw
one lying on the ground and died. The person drowned by drooling and thick phlegm, this
person, clearly is the former racer of Si Ming Planet reported by Saint Race at the ruler
Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate of Si Ming Planet’s!
“This is...”
Little Demon Xian’s face is full of incredible expressions. How could a Heavenly Venerate
fall to such pitiful fate and be overwhelmed with the salvation of common people?
The irst response of Little Demon Xian was Emperor Sakyamuni or Divine Dream Heavenly
However soon, the explanation given in the intelligence denied her thoughts. According to the
eye liner of Little Demon Xian, the rescue of Si Ming Planet was a mysterious man whom she
had never seen before.
He was wearing a black clothed, holding a long spear, and was intriguing in strength

terrifying. On the Battle Recording Disk-array, there is also a glimpse of the man.

The black clothed man in the image, waving the black long spear, defeated the palace of
Saint Race and the statue of the Holy Child Good Fortune on Si Ming Planet. It was as simple
as tearing down the sand castle.
After seeing the igure of this man, Little Demon Xian’s eyes could not be separated again.
Little Demon Xian almost shouted out. Her voice was very excited. Lin Huang was paralyzed.
His mother was little such so shocked.
“What happened?”
Lin Huang was not sure about it, but still stopped the Battle Recording Disk -array.
The scenes of the records in the array plate are not clear. It is obviously the reason that the
distance is too far apart. It only ilmed most of the black clothed man’s face, and the waving
long spear was also blurred in a flowing light because speed was so fast that it was not clear
at all.
This kind of shadow array can be recorded to this extent is a limit.
Little Demon Xian glanced at the man in the image, Mu Qianyu also looked delay, for a moment
didn’t know what to say. At that moment, she only felt her heart suddenly twitch. Makes her
feel like she has recovered what is the most important thing in life.
The appearance, the imposing manner, the waving black long spear, everything else, is like
an everlasting imprint on her heart. Even though the appearance of the glorious years has
changed even though his appearance has changed, many are imprinted in the bones. Things
cannot be changed.
Little Demon Xian Mu Qianyu looked at them, but they could not be sure. However, this
kind of experience has been tied to the same bed, and has also experienced the heart -
to-heart relationship formed by the death and adversity. Originally, it is not clear what is
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said. This is a kind of intuition and comes from the intuition of their imprints.
However, in this desperate environment, under the miss of the intense, this instinct is
enough to make Little Demon Xian and Mu Qianyu excited!
“Go to Asked you come to Qin.”
Little Demon Xian’s voice trembled. Lin Huang froze, nod.
After a few moments, Qin Xingxuan appeared in Little Demon Xian’s room. Along with Lin
Ming’s Younger Sister Lin Xiaoge.
“What happened.”
Qin Xingxuan and Lin Xiaoge saw the Battle Recording Disk-array and the images on the
array. They saw the black clothed man holding a long spear. The eyes of the two women
showed a hint of confusion.
“He is...”
Qin Xingxuan gently covered her mouth.
“First and so on.”
Little Demon Xian’s deeply inspires, calm down next mood, and then she gently unbuttoned
the collar of the clothes, took out a bunch of unadorn necklaces from the collar.
This necklace is the Long Distance Heart Connection!
You can also use last-time Long Distance Heart Connection. Record Lin Ming’s Soul Seal, as
long as Little Demon Xian launched the array on the Long Distance Heart Connection, you
can use it to ind Lin Ming, as long as they are in a plane, as long as Lin Ming has not died.
Seeing Long Distance Heart Connection. Mu Qianyu also held his breath and she was afraid
that it was all misconception.
They only had one chance. She didn’t want to shatter, didn’t want to die.
Seeing Long Distance Heart Connection, Lin Huang twitches the lip of dry. Of course he knows
the role of Long Distance Heart Connection. For these years, the mother has always regarded it
as a supreme treasure, and then reconstructed the reaction of her mother Ainity Aunt Mu. will
Realizing this inconceivable posibility, Lin Huang heartbeat’s acceleration. Similar

responses are also reflected in Qin Xingxuan and Lin Xiaoge.

At this time, Little Demon Xian has placed the Long Distance Heart Connection on the obsidian
with his ingers. moves slowly, as if she were afraid to disturb the fond dream. Little

Demon Xian injected his energy into the Long Distance Heart Connection.
The candlelightthe
environments, swayed gently in the room, and the light was a bit dim. Among such
Long Distance Heart Connection shimmered with faint glare.
Long Distance Heart Connection recorded Little Demon Xian and Lin Ming’s Spiritual Mark,
and only Little Demon Xian was able to launch the Long Distance Heart Connection.
At this time, Little Demon Xian’s heart mentioned blind eyes, she was afraid, feared that
everything was misconception, feared that the array in the Long Distance Heart Connection had
suddenly collapsed, and was afraid of all changes.
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With the injection of energy, the Long Distance Heart Connection’s ray flickers, afecting
everyone’s heart, inally, it quietly quieted down.
The people’s hearts were hanging in the air. In near desperation, the unadorn of the
necklaces, suddenly gently, slowly, like the deep sleep for nearly 7,000 years, the only way to
wake up, was a blur. The long- lost voice...
(First, 1,250 votes. Yesterday we said 500 votes plus one more chapter. Together with the
two guarantees, we will have four more now. If we break 1,500 at night, then we will have ive
more, dare to break 2,000, and will... ...Nima Six is more, and it is impossible to go up again.
If there were any unexpected events... then I...whole person gave it to you.)
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2047 - Meet with He Wuzhi's Divine Alliance

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Perhaps because the time is too long, the array of Long Distance Heart Connection
has been too broken, it is even diicult to deliver complete sound, only some fuzzy
However, even if it is blurred again, it is enough to ring someone’s heart in the
Listening to this to remember with eternal gratitude, only the voice in the dream, Little
Demon Xian can not help but burst into tears.
“Lin Ming!”
Mu Qianyu squatted softly and fell on the obsidian table.
She gently touched the Long Distance Heart Connection, her heart shivering, the person
of the dream- soul lingers, he is still alive!
Do not know how many griefs were carried and do not know how many hardships have
experienced. Over the nearly 7,000-year-old history of the river of history, they came
to the wild lands of this strange land, tolerate loneliness, despair, strangulation,
sacriice, and death.
All the hardships, all the grievances, turned into hot tears at this moment,

flowing freely. is back!

Because of his return, everything is no longer important!

It was like the dawn of a long night, like an endless winter, ushering in spring. It
seems that if the world had him, the cold and darkness would be far away.
“Elder Brother, Elder Brother really came back!”
Qin Xingxuan and Lin Xiaoge have long been troubled and hugged each

other. The tears flowed out, wiped again, and dried and classed down...

No one knows how much their tears are.

“He is the father...”
Lin Huang looked at the father in the shadow crystal and shook his body gently.
Is this the man who made him proud? He laid an indelible mark on his own life.
Today, he really appeared in front of himself. Lin Huang felt something untrue.
He gave his life and gave himself a talent of unequall.
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He saved the Human Race, the Human Race in the hopeless situation. found a breather
for enter Wild Universe.
When Lin Huang was born, listened to his father’s legendary growth. Whenever saw his
Human Race powerful master, touched his head and said, “Must have a good cultivation. Just
grow up like the same as your father.” Discourse.
The father is his hero. is the most respected person and he is the goal he wants

to pursue. Even if this goal is even higher!

My dad’s life was too dazzling, dazzling that anyone standing beside him was
As his son. When Lin Huang was born, he was faced with an innumerable attention.
was carrying the pride of his father and was also under more realistic pressure.
These years, his constant eforts, he boned his bones when he was three years old,
used the immature’s body to withstand the pain of the body’s hardened body, and
when he grew up, he left the city to develop wilderness, and he crawled in the wild
forest. Cultivation. Adventure, killing with Ferocious Beast...
He sufers from loneliness and loneliness and learns Supreme Divine Martial Might.
Study ight, study murder, he is temper himself every moment, persecutes himself,
nobody knows how much blood he has flowed, and has sweated like no one knows
that he is carrying many pressures. He never does. Tell it. Even face the mother.
In front of Little Demon Xian, he was forever just the son of the intimate, he would
comfort Little Demon Xian, and share the pressure on her shoulders for Little Demon
Only on an unmann’s night, he would take out his father’s portrait from the Spatial
Ring and sit in front of the portrait alone.
It is like the beast of a beast in an empty cave.
In this innumerable day and night, Lin Huang is getting stronger and he becomes a
new star in the order to Human Race. Become a lot of youngster catch up with the
He is so desperate, perhaps because in the subconscious mind, it is in order to, to
make people say, “He is not the son of Lin Ming.”
He does not want to insult this pride!
And today, own father. Finally came back.
He not only did not die, but also became more powerful!
His return. Originally is a miracle, and himself is also creating miracles forever!
Long Distance Heart Connection shattered, and the last glimmer of light in the array
disappeared. Among the halls, only the spooky candlelight was beating.
Little Demon Xian took a deep breath and wiped away tears. At this moment, there is
no longer any fear. No more sufering...
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Only because of him, world has an eternal bright.

At this time, as far as Si Ming Planet, Lin Ming in sit-ins opened his eyes.
He stood alone on the mountains, watching the long clouds in the sky, and the vast
wild earth. His eyes were wet.
He actually thought about whether Little Demon Xian could contact him with the Long
Distance Heart Connection. He entered the wilderness and all the Sound transmission
Marks have been replaced. Only Long Distance Heart Connection with his Soul Seal
can ind him. .
However, Long Distance Heart Connection is in Little Demon Xian’s hands. Only Little
Demon Xian can use it. After a long time, Lin Ming even suspects that the Long Distance
Heart Connection has been broken.
Today, in the one-of use of the inal of the Long Distance Heart Connection, the array
of frail cannot even pass the complete sound. Little Demon Xian is only in the short
time, using the own soul as the medium to move everyone in the room. Spiritual
Force passed to Lin Ming, no words, only Spiritual Force included, Blazing
incomparable sentiment!
These feelings, have already passed what they want to pass to Lin Ming.
Family members are all there. has sons, Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianyu, Qin
Xingxuan, Lin Xiaoge, and everyone is ine.
They are ine. They are waiting for their return!
In the past 7,000 years, besides the irst generation who lived with their parents,
Lin Ming was alone in his own time.
And now, he has found the family member. It’s nice...
In the previous passes message, Lin Ming already perceives the approximate
position of the Little Demon Xian Soul Seal. In the endless starry sky, the general
star territory is locked.
With its own perception intensity, it is not diicult to ind Little Demon Xian as long
as it has certain stars.
As for Si Ming Planet, Lin Ming has already dealt with the cleanliness. Before the rise a
hand, he sealed the area with an array. After the start, no one could escape. All the Saint
Races were found by Lin Ming and resolved.
Now the news here will not flow out for a long time. Saint Race will take a while to
react. Know that there is something wrong here and send someone to explore. In this
way, Lin Ming does not have to worry that Holy Child Good Fortune will send someone
to retaliate against Si Ming Planet.
However, in order to be on the safe side, Lin Ming left a transmission array and a squad
Desolate army. If something unexpected happened, they would be able to report to
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themselves at any time, and they would have to rush over for a short time.
Lin Ming’s shoots up to the sky. In the blink of an eye, he had already flown into the
space of the universe. Behind him, Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace was spinning
and Lin Ming’s igure was so submerged in Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
“Congratulates master, ind your own family.”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian quickly learned of this and congratulated with a smile. “Holy Child
Good Fortune is also around the master’s family. As long as the master goes there, look for
Holy Child Good Fortune just like took something out of the Pocket.”
Lin Ming laughed, for nearly 7,000 years. His irst time laughed so openly.
Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace quickly disappeared into the void and flew in the
direction of Little Demon Xian. At this time, Lin Ming had been was early impatient
to get back. wished to immediately return to Little Demon Xian and others.
On this day, among the nebula of darkness, Little Demon Xian’s station is boiling.
The news of Lin Ming’s return has not yet been announced. People just know that Si
Ming Planet has won a big victory. It seems that a peerless expert has arrived at
Hidden Dragon Galaxy. Will join them soon.
There is no more exciting news than this. At least, Si Ming Planet’s problem solves
the problem. They have no extra worries to worry about. They need not worry about
the threat of the Holy Child Good Fortune.
You know, Si Ming Planet’s people are intricately related to the Demon Immortal
Palace disciple, and even some of their family members.
Today, Little Demon Xian was early groomed. Dressed up, she took of the battle
armour and wore a luxurious black dress. The hair was meticulously combed and
the 3000 strands of hair were carefully picked up. Plug in the phoenix’s hairpin.
The well-dressed Little Demon Xian is like a painter.
Do the same. There are Mu Qianyu and Qin Xingxuan, two women facing the bronze
mirror, dressing a full double-hour, one will make an efort for a friend, in the former’s
struggle against Lin Ming’s pondering, and long-term They haven’t remembered how
long, and they haven’t dressed themselves so carefully.
The two girls carefully examined each other, and hairpin’s slight slopes were

all right. They are happily doing all this, early in theart has been illed with


After the grooming, Little Demon Xian told us to go down for a banquet and meet Lin
However, the banquet was only half prepared. The hideaway array of their resident
suddenly went trembling slightly. Little Demon Xian raised his head and saw a black
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castle. broke the void like the lofty mountain and appeared on the sky...
All Demon Immortal Palace disciple saw this castle and people looked at the sky for a
At this time, Little Demon Xian had mixed feelings. The tears swirled around the eye
socket. Even if the black castle had changed, had an eyes recognize. This is Primal
Beginning Heavenly Palace!
That year, in the God Burial Ridge of Asura Road, Little Demon Xian and Lin Ming
were forced by Tian Mingzi to have no way out. When they were at stake, Little
Demon Xian was brave in the middle of the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
Abandoning the shackles of family and ethnicity, Delivering everything to Lin Ming,
and Lin Ming’s private life... For Little Demon Xian, Primal Beginning Heavenly
Palace has too many vital qualities.
At this moment, in the midst of the crisis, Lin Ming’s arrival made Little Demon Xian
so thankful that had done such a decision.
When the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace stopped, Little Demon Xian had been
in trouble, direct flight, and far away, she had seen, a black clothed man standing on
the Heavenly Platform of the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, smiling and
watching Yourself.
In the dark starry sky, his angular faces, such as starry eyes, outstanding makings,
were at that moment, and they became the eternal picture......
[Write to Little Demon Xian and Lin Ming. Silkworm cocoon sent a picture of Little
Demon Xian on Weixin. I think it its the criteria in my heart, black armor, black
clothed, slight Loli, interested. If you look at it, pay attention to the public vermicular
signal of silkworm cocoon (_, click the top right-hand corner plus sign to search for
silkworm cocoon directly), follow the reply Little Demon Xian can see.
In addition, thanks to the 100,000 redness of the god of Wuzhi, another hero of the
achievement military! !】
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2048 - Blood connections (third more)

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After Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianyu, Qin Xingxuan, Lin Xiaoge all flew to Primal Beginning
Heavenly Palace.
On the Heavenly Platform, several females looked at Lin Ming and tears flow thousands of
They rushed into Lin Ming’s arms and clung to Lin Ming tightly in the same pl ace. At this
moment, all the hardships, grievances, all the pain, thoughts, all turned into blazing’s
sentiment, like a flame burning.
No one speaks, no words are needed, because their hearts are aixed together, and they can
clearly feel each other’s innermost feelings.
Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianyu, and Qin Xingxuan are like ish. Lin Ming is like water. Their
lives are linked together.
Lin Ming embraced them for a long time. This slowly separated. carefully wiped the tears of
their eyes for each woman and whispered, “You have sufered.”
Several girls cried again, Mu Qianyu said: “In these years, it was Younger Sister

Xian’er.” “Um, I know.”

Lin Ming stroking Little Demon Xian’s cheeks gently. renounced her allegiance of race for
Immediately afterwards, she was deemed dead. Then Little Demon Xian himself came to the
Wild with his unborn child. Universe, faced with this beautiful wild earth, faced with the eye-
catching Saint Race, she can imagine everything she can aford.
When thought about it, that innocent, weird Elf’s Little Girl’s appearance still echoed in Lin
Ming’s heart. Little Demon Xian at that time was so happy and happy.
went step by step to today, from an innocent young lady, to a Human Race Heavenly
Venerate carrying hundreds of millions of people’s lives and hopes, bearing the fate of the
Human Race, such transformation, let Lin Ming’s heart Incomparable pamper.
Lin Ming took the hand of Little Demon Xian and held it tightly. Gently kissed Little Demon
Xian’s forehead, V whispered in her ear bank: “Having me in, everything will be ine.”
Lin Ming’s sentence fell in the ears of Little Demon Xian, causing Little Demon Xian to feel a
pain in his heart.
Yes, no matter when and where, no matter how diicult the situation is, if he is there, he
will use his shoulder. Build a sky for yourself.
In the year of Asura Road, face Ming Ming’s chase with Lin Ming...
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Return from Asura Road, face the unborn child in the belly, face the marriage with Holy Child
Good Fortune, and also have Demon Beginning Heavenly Venerate of violent anger......
After that, in the face of the early outbreak of the Human Race catastrophe, even the vast
majority of the Heavenly Venerate of the Human Race feels hopeless.
It is he who is being duty-bound not to turn back to face this, leaving only a lonely back of
common people. silently bears it. Experience unimaginable hardships and hardships, and
ultimately, miracles. Change it all.
Impossible again and again, cast his myth.
He is a man who will always be able to stand behind him with conidence.
Little Demon Xian knew that he could never leave him alone. Every inch of her skin, every drop
of blood, and her soul, was completely his own...
“Yu’er, Xingxuan...” Lin Ming took Mu Qianyu and Qin Xingxuan in her arms. Feel their
heartbeat, feel their breath, originally, the two women should be at Lower World, have even
though not magniicent, but can also let mortal admires live. Let them cling to the war
disturbances of the Human Race Saint Race and withstand the loneliness of thousands of
years. Lin Ming feels sorry for them. He has secretly made up his mind to never let the two
girls sufer any further harm.
Finally, Lin Xiaoge...
He touched Lin Xiaoge’s head. The parents had passed away, even though they were at the last
moment of their parents’ lives. Keep guarding them and let them smile. However, Lin Xiaoge did
not meet his parents at the end. This must be a regret in her heart...
“Xiaoge, you grow up...”
Almost 7,000 years later, Lin Ming said the second time with exactly the same words...
The irst time he said this sentence was when he returned to Sky Spill Planet and saw Lin
Xiaoge’s technical stress at standing heroes in the Martial Art Tea Meeting.
At that time, Lin Xiaoge was a young man with good stature, youthful blood, and Lin Ming said
grew up and was physically mature.
This time, Lin Ming said that it was the transformation of Lin Xiaoge’s heart. After

thousands of years of hardship, people who carefree will also grow up... “Brother,

i’m ine.”

Lin Xiaoge clutched Lin Ming’s hand and clung Lin Ming irmly. Everything was silent.
The two brothers and sisters separated for a long time, Lin Xiaoge looked at Lin Ming, lip light
moves, “Brother... Do you know what happened to your parents? haven’t had a chance to
return to Sky Spill Continent in the Wild Universe for years, nor seen them. ...”
Lin Ming sighed and shook his head gently: “i’ll talk to you later.”
Looking at Lin Ming’s gaze, Lin Xiaoge looked at him as if understood anything, she slowly
nod, actually asked the time of this sentence, she vaguely guessed the result, the parents
could not live so long......
At this time, Lin Ming looked at Lin Huang.
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Seeing Lin Huang’s irst eye, Lin Ming can feel the touch of bloodlines contact from Lin Huang
body, even if Little Demon Xian does not explain in Long Distance Heart Connection, Lin Ming
can guess, this is own child.
Seeing his father suddenly over, Lin Huang was a little bit squeamish.
For Lin Huang, the father is the god of his heart, and he is the most admired, most respects
person. At this time he met with his father and his heartbeat accelerated a lot.
He put together a long gown, stepping forward, respectful kneeling in front of Lin Ming, a deep
“Child Ling Huang, met my father.”
Lin Ming received this worship, then raised his hands and helped Lin Huang up. Lin Huang
immediately felt the strength of the father hand.
It should be said that this is not support at all, but pressure.
It was a giant force stronger than any of the wild beasts that Lin Huang had ever seen. It
was like a ten thousand dynasty.
Lin Huang was surprised by the suddenness of his heart. Suddenly, Luck strength was
under pressure from his father. knew that this was his father trying his own way!
“Ka kaKa!”
Lin Huang’s body has already issued an explosive sound of joints.
Little Demon Xian was surprised at what was watching. Somewhat worried, but it didn’t
stop it.
Lin Huang breathes like a cow. Forehead oozes the sweat of the close. Eventually, he clings
to Lin Ming’s arm and stands up.
“Good!” Lin Ming said a Good character, and his eyes flashed with a strange look.
In Lin Ming’s view, the invasion of the Saint Race, for Mu Qianyu, Qin Xingxuan, Lin
Xiaoge, was their sufering. Lin Ming did not want them to sufer a little hardship and hurt a
However, for Lin Huang, own’s son, this is his temper!
There is no one to be around, what Lin Huang grew up in over 6,000 years, and Lin Ming is
looking forward to it.
“This evening, here, I try your strength.”
Lin Ming uttered this sentence. Lin Huang was shocked. didn’t think that he had met his
father for the irst time. What his father said was to try his own strength.
However, this sentence also made Lin Huang slowly excited.
It is what he expects to play against his father, who is the most reverent of his life.
“You just returned, just ighting with child?”
Little Demon Xian has some hidden bitterness, Lin Huang even though strong, but from his
birth, growing up to the present, he is lacking father love.
Lin Huang is like a growing small wolf, lonely, cold proud.
has strong self-esteem, strong appearance, and innermost feelings are also very fragile.
Little Demon Xian hopes that after Lin Ming returns, he can take care of Lin Huang.
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However, Lin Ming’s concern for Lin Huang’s approach was completely diferent from what
“Mother, let me ight with father.”
Lin Huang’s eyes flashed, Little Demon Xian looked at Lin Huang’s eyes, a little glimpse, and
suddenly understood the thoughts of Lin Huang’s heart...
Lin Huang was born talented, but he was not complacent, but he even tried harder than

anyone else. He will use his achievements to win everyone’s recognition and praise.

He cannot shame his father’s glory!

Even if everyone’s compliments add up, they can’t compare with Lin Ming’s personal
praise. Today, Lin Huang wants to get his father’s approval from his father’s lips!
The news of Lin Ming’s return came out at Demon Immortal Palace.
Lin Ming did not hide his identity anymore, because he knew that after own repeatedly,
whether it was Saint Race or Human Race, he probably guessed his identity, and continued
to conceal it, and he could not conceal it for a long time.
Human Race worships Lin Ming, but if we say Human Race, most worships Lin Ming’s
group of people, then deinitely Demon Immortal Palace and Si Ming Planet.
When conirming that the black castle that suddenly appeared in their territory today is Lin
Ming’s Heavenly Palace, Demon Immortal Palace is crazy!
For Si Ming Planet, for Demon Immortal Palace, the name Lin Ming has too many signiicants!
However, later, when they knew that Lin Ming had saved Si Ming Planet not long ago, and in
the process of inding Si Ming Planet, he had destroyed his two Saint Legions after his own
eforts. Even before, he also defeated. After the Desolation Legion, the Demon Immortal
Palace disciple’s madness was at its best!
The Human Race, which was chased by the dozens of races by Saint Race, was too eager to win.
They were fed up with the days of hiding from Tibet as if they were using the mouse. A hearty
victory, they are willing to exchange for life!
“Lin Ming! Lin Ming!”
People shouted Lin Ming’s name, wave after wave, like ocean waves, echoing between broad

nebulas. They cheered and they went around spreading the news.

Their hero came back. Lin Ming opened the Wild Universe for the Human Race. At that time,
he was just the Saint Lord. Now that Lin Ming can easily kill Heavenly Venerate, he will certainly
be able to lead the Demon Immortal Palace. Out Hidden Dragon Galaxy, lead the Human Race
back to the world!
In their dark desperate life, they saw the eternal lighthouse, a glimpse of light, fascinating them
and making them crazy!
Many people gathered in front of the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, shouting the
name of Lin Ming and the “Slogan of ” Human Race immortality “.
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“Elder Brother Lin, the disciples at Demon Immortal Palace want to seeing you,” Said Little
Demon Xian.
“I know.” Just a smiles of Lin Ming’s understanding, who was just
reunited with the family member, stood up and walked toward the square
of the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2049 - Desire (He Ling chaos Small League)

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When Lin Ming appeared, the disciples of the Demon Immortal Palace were even
more mad. They shouted from their hearts and shouted loudly at the highest heaven.
In the most danger of the Human Race, they need hero and need motivation.
“Reverend Lin, can you take us out?”
Someone asked in the crowd.
This sentence, so that the Demon Immortal Palace disciple cheering in the audience are a
lot quieter, yes, they want to play! This way they have enough of the time to hide Tibet!
Everyone, all watching brilliant Lin Ming, and their eyes full of strong hope.
“All of you!”
Lin Ming embarked on the front wall of Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace,
overlooking Demon Immortal Palace disciple. His voice was serious and serious.
Everyone listened attentively. For a time, the noisy square was completely quiet.
“Do you know that three billion, another hundred or six million years ago, another Great
Tribulation that Human Race encountered?”
A word from Lin Ming was asked to let the martial artist appear to be a little worried.
They thought that Lin Ming would say something about the spirit of the words.
However, Lin Ming did not think of the irst words.
“Know!” Many people answered in a loud voice.
“Very good... This Great Tribulation, I also know, and know that the general idea is better than
you...” Lin Ming seemed to be stuck in deep pondering, he looked at the endless Human Race
martial artists, and distant Place rolling black nebula, Silenced for a long time before slowly
saying: “Three billion, six and hundred million years ago, Human Race is like today, faced with
Saint Race that is several times stronger than them, facing the peak time , There are also
severe folds in their own Saint Race Heavenly Venerate and Saint Race True God!strength
disparity is too large, Human Race has no chance of winning, at least
in the eyes of normal thinking, they will be destroyed, enslaved. However that battle, Human Race
Do you know what it is?”
Lin Ming retorted that many people were somewhat upset. They even knew that three
billion, the Human Race Great Tribulation of six and hundred years ago, but the ti me
was too long, coupled with the great destruction of man at the time, many history had
been lost, they just It was known that God Sealing Heavenly Venerate led the Human
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Race ighters to win that battle. The speciic detail is not very clear.
“A race can stand upright in the Thirty Three Heavens, with its own independent territory,
sovereignty, and freedom. Then, it has either a formidable strength, or, has its own blood!
The blood of a nation is the people of this race, With the help of their bloodlines, for the power
of dignity and ights!”
“Three billion, six or more million years ago, Human Race knew the strength and Saint Race had
a huge disparity, but it was not shy! God Sealing Heavenly Venerate was in the God Sealing
Platform. Two hundred Heavenly Venerate, two hundred Divine Beast, hundreds Saint Saint Lord!
With Saint Lord as the soldier and Heavenly Venerate as the general, Human Race will ight for all
soldiers and kill him with Saint Race. In the end, God Sealing Heavenly Venerate leads dozens of
voluntary Human Race powerful masters. Build a grand formation, seal the soul of the barren!”
“That battle, Heavenly Venerate of Human Race, World King, and Saint Lord almost died.
Martial Dao civilization declined, inheritance was cut of, and it would take a little efort to
develop it. However, it was worth it because ... we have saved ... dignity!!!”
Lin Ming uttered the last few words with words. At one time, the audience was silent and
more than a hundred thousand Demon Immortal Palace disciple stood in the square. Or
float in starry sky, they all listen quietly. Expression respect and solemn on his face.
“Because of those sacriiced seniors, we don’t have to live like slaves. We can have our own
Martial Dao civilization. Even if it is not the best, we have our own territory. Even if only Onest
Layer Heaven, we redevelop, everything starts over. From the beginning, but we really
developed and let the Martial Dao civilization once again a bright time, Saint Race, but once
again, this time, they have greater ambition!”
“They want to step by step for the thirsty Three Heavens, their leader, Saint Emperor Good
Fortune, wants to merge with one organic whole, and inally suck dry Thirty Three Heavens, the
essence of the races, Beyond True God. He put the Soul Race. As the most biggest match, and
we humans as stepping stones, yes, just like the two knights are feeding the horse before they go
to the battleield, they treat us humans as horse grass.”
Lin Ming spoke these words calmly, and the martial artists at Dem on Immortal Palace
listened, and suddenly they got excited. Many people gasped and the blood vessels on
their necks swelled up. They seemed to burst on the spot, but because of Lin Ming
Standing on stage, they can’t speak. This is due to their respect for Lin Ming.
Lin Ming was silent about the time of severe breaths. Suddenly asked, “Do you want to be

horse grass?” “They are court death!”

There was a guy jumps up and shouted at his throat. Just now, Lin Ming’s silent breath
silenced him.
“Kill them!”
Someone took out two bright axes, awkwardly colliding.
“Spelled with them!”
“Went to his mother, have enough!”
The martial artists are all bloody, especially when the races are oppressed for such a
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long time. Whether they are themselves, or the races, they have a time of survival or
death. They are more like dynamite powder casks.
“I don’t want to!” Lin Ming said loudly. “i’s predecessors, not just God Sealing
Heavenly Venerate\; but also Primordius Heavenly Venerate\ who wants to
become a devil and have a battle with Saint Race; in order to Great Tribulation
And prolongs life three hundred million years, eventually in order to delay time
for Human Race elite enter Wild Universe and sacriice own Old Man Three
Lives... There are many, I don’t even know name of Heavenly Venerate, World
King, Saint Lord ... There are even more martial artists whose cultivation base
is even lower, and even the tragic civilians, who used their lives to exchange
them, and are standing here safely today. Is it in the order to let th e I go to be
“We took the loneliness of being forced to leave native place, enter wild, accompanied by
Ferocious Beast, strangled, temper, sacriice, we bathed in blood, fought in hash meat...”
“We gain our experience, improve the cultivation base, the painstaking cultivation, the Mystic
Realm, and walk on the life and death line. We are ours, Human Race! We come from Divine
Realm, we want to...go home!!!!”
Lin Ming said that in the end, the voice suddenly increased. Before Lin Ming, all
Demon Immortal Palace ighters erupted like thunder.
“We want to go home!” “Return Divine Realm!”
“Extinguished the Saint Race dog!”
“Human Race millions and millions are immortal!”
A wave of buzzing noises rang through the sky. When the blood of a race is ignited, they
can make a miracle.

Even now, the endless sword mountain is in front of these people, and they will rush in
without hesitation!
A bloody team, they will erupt incomparable ighting power, defeat ten times their
Like the cry of the tide, the time that lasted for a full quarter of an hour’s never
weakened. One by one, took out their weapons and pointed at the sky.
There are also women, carrying their own face, crying out loud!
They have to ight back, even if they are killed, they will also be buried in Divine Realm!
“Is very good! Then, after three double-hour breaks, come with me, we... kill it!”
Lin Ming waved his hand. Demon Immortal Palace disciple felt that they had to
explode. Even if Heavenly Venerate stopped in front of them, they also strategic place
up and knock them out!
Some people, who can’t wait to fly back to their place of residence, begin to pick up
medicine pills, weapons, and armor to prepare for the upcoming battle.
They can’t wait for a moment.
How about Holy Child Good Fortune? Even if they lost, but they died in battle!
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“Elder Brother Lin, this...” Little Demon Xian did not expect Lin Ming’s remarks to have
produced such a result.

Although the original Demon Immortal Palace’s even even though bloody, but if they
let them go to the front collision Holy Child Good Fortune, they still have inevitable
fear in their hearts, after all, the strength of the gap is too great.
“We are going to deal with Holy Child Good Fortune?”
Little Demon Xian asked, originally Lin Ming came, Little Demon Xian believes that Lin
Ming will reverse the situation and even let the Holy Child Good Fortune sufer a big
loss, but Little Demon Xian believes that Lin Ming will use long-term plans and use
some methods and tricks. In the inal defeat of Holy Child Good Fortune, she did not
think that Lin Ming had just arrived at the Demon Immortal Palace for a special
quarters time, and would directly lead the troops and the positive front impact of the
Holy Child Good Fortune!
This is too decisive!
“Three Three-hours started and it was too rushed. I thought you should at least consider the
matter of Holy Child Good Fortune.”
Little Demon Xian even thought that arm forces had been hasty, but everything was
still dominated by Lin Ming. This came from her unreserved trust in Lin Ming.
“Feast it? Let them continue to do it, but it’s not a dust feast, it’s a celebration feast! All the
dishes are ready, irst fought, and celebrate!”
Thanks to the continuous 300,000 floating messy little seven, became the mas ter of Wuji,
and eventually became a tyrant! ! This is the fourth more! 2,082 votes, Wu Ji fans military
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2050 - Good Fortune CorpsThank you Martial World!

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Hidden Dragon Galaxy, Good Fortune Holy Palace

In a room at the most peak of the Good Fortune Holy Palace, Holy Child Good Fortune
frowns and sits on a big chair.
He felt very annoyed. Since he knew that Lin Ming was still alive, he was uneasy.
On the one hand, he thought he could play against Lin Ming’s positive showdown.
stepped on his feet, folded his limbs, and scrapped his martial arts to feed the
wilderness, so that the Holy Child Good Fortune could be raised. , expelled Heart’s
On the other hand, Holy Child Good Fortune did not know what Lin Ming’s hand was.
This made him inevitably worried. knew that Holy Child Good Fortune was full of
conidence more than 6,000 years ago. After all, he was Saint Lord. The cultivation
base played Lin Ming Divine Monarch.
However, when Holy Child Good Fortune thought that Lin Ming could be easily
dismissed, the result was countered by Lin Ming.
Full time of conidence was made like this, and this time, Holy Child Good Fortune
did not know the details of Lin Ming, which made him even more indiferent and had
to be careful.
Holy Child Good Fortune had specially sent people to collect all the recent information
about Lin Ming. Lin Ming had only a few battle images. Holy Child Good Fortune had 11
In fact, Lin Ming is not worried about destruction Saint Race second, third regiment,
Holy Child Good Fortune.
In particular, when Lin Ming inally played against the four major players, Peak Heavenly
Venerate, he showed less than True God’s strength. In this way, Holy Child Good Fortune
is not afraid to know. His Wild-One’s avatar is center position True God. Even though
Wild-One’s avatar even hindered Holy Child Good Fortune’s cultivation base and soul
limit, the power he can exert is greatly reduced, but it is also stronger than Lin Ming’s
demonstrated strength.
In addition to this, Holy Child Good Fortune also has the Good Fortune Holy Palace’s
army of troops, which is a trump card!
Holy Child Good Fortune’s true worry is how Lin Ming cleans up the wasteland of the
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Sixteen thousand Saint Lord of the Waste Legion. 2500 most common World King, two
hundred Great World King, coupled with the Saint Race four Saint General leader, and
the resourceful Fairy Maiden Qinglian when the military strategist even though Holy
Child Good Fortune is not compatible with Fairy Maiden Qinglian, but he
Have to admit, Fairy Maiden Qinglian is a ierce character, other three Saint General, nor
soft persimmon.
After such a Body Transformation, the strength will multiply. A deserted army capable
of killing any one Heavenly Venerate level expert. Overnight evaporates are clean.
From Saint Saint General to the most common Saint Lord, no one actually lives.
This is too strange.
Holy Child Good Fortune guessed Lin Ming and other unused cards. The Abandoned
Legion was compromised on this hole card.
Moreover, when Lin Ming played against the peak Heavenly Venerate of the second
and third legions of Saint Race, the black castle was still attacking the Spirit raceship of
Saint Race, and its attack power was terrifying. At this point, let Holy Child Good
Fortune be very concerned about it. Is Lin Ming still a helper?
Holy Child Good Fortune’s irst thinks are Lin Ming’s three avatars. This avatar, who
he had learned more than 6,000 years ago, is quite powerful. But with these three
avatars alone, Holy Child Good Fortune can hardly believe that they can use the
power of the black castle to this extent.
He studies the light beam emitted by the black castle for a long time, but it is also
diicult to distinguish the law contained in these energies.
It is not surprising that Holy Child Good Fortune could not do anything about this,
because Lin Ming had long expected that if he couldn’t fully exploit the Saint Race, his
attack on the Saint Race spirit battleship using the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace
would be recorded.
The situation of these attacks. If analyzed by Holy Child Good Fortune, most of them
can identify the aura that belongs to the wild. After all, Holy Child Good Fortune owns
the most powerful Wild-One’s avatar.
As a result, Lin Ming’s ability to control the sec rets of the flesh and blood will be

revealed! Once Holy Child Good Fortune learned of this, would be particularly alert

and even flee. This is not what Lin Ming wants.

So Lin Ming only uses energy from the Waste Legion as a medium to inject energy into
the grand formation of the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace and Heavens Firmament
Ancient Seal, and then joins the Law of Asura and Sacred Scripture Law’s Incantation
Seal to drive it.
There are two insurances, especially the God Sealing Great Array that the Heavens
Firmament Ancient Seal knows. Or two cultivation’s of their own, up to high law, are not
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understandable by the Holy Child Good Fortune. In this way, Holy Child Good Fortune
wants to analyze the energy origins of these attacks through the appearance of the
attack. It’s too hard.
This is like boiling a pot of water with coal and boiling a pot of water with blockhead.
People can only rely on drinking water to judge whether the pot water is blockhead fever
or coal fever. It is almost impossible to do the same.
“Your Highness Holy Child, having a meal.”
A pretty female end came to the food, which is a good food made by Heaven and Earth
Treasure. However, Holy Child Good Fortune had no appetite. waved his hand angrily.
“You... notiied Eternal
Night Heavenly Venerate and let him speed up the action. Tomorrow it would be a
massacre. A slaughter of thousands of cities. I seeing Little Demon Xian. Isn’t this
little nanny really so worried!”
Holy Child Good Fortune has lost his patience. can’t study Lin Ming’s cards. can only
hope to catch Little Demon Xian.
The woman retire, she is ready to go to Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate passes
messages, Sound transmission Mark is the core secret of each army, Saint Race is
stationed on Si Ming Planet only Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate has a mark jade slip .
Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate was killed by Lin Ming. The mark nobody uses it, so that
Saint Race now does not know that Eternal Night Heavenly Venerate has actually been
When the woman went for only a short time, hurried back.
“What’s wrong?” Holy Child Good Fortune frowned and opened the passes message array
across the star territory for a moment. had no reason to come back so soon.
“Your Highness Holy Child. Just now our scout troops came to inform them that the
Human Race fleet broke our blockade net. It is suspected to be Ji Xian’er’s Demon
Immortal Palace!”
Holy Child Good Fortune listened, great joy! Little Niangpi, you

eventually can’t calm down!

Holy Child Good Fortune strode out of the room, direct impact proceedings hall, and
then, on the top of his passes message, he saw the projection of the Demon Immortal
Palace belonging to Little Demon Xian. The fleet’s fleet, which belongs to Demon
Immortal Palace’s!
Now the space where Demon Immortal Palace is located has already been placed
under the force ield, and it is impossible to perform greater spatial teleportation.
This group of fleets wants to fly out of the blocked space, at least 2-3 double-hours,
which is enough for them to seize this fleet 78 times!
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“Ha Ha Ha Ha!”
Holy Child Good Fortune laughed and smiled very nicely.
“And other have left you this time, so can make you enjoy it!” On the face of the Holy
Child Good Fortune, they reveally laugh. He is not very close to female sexual
attractiveness. In his long life, he experienced too many beauties, but it has gradually
become numb. However, Little Demon Xian and Holy Child Good Fortune are eager to
put her on the body. Hey.
This is a woman who once plundered his dignity. would brutally conquer it and
iercely retaliate against her! If possible, he would like to meet Little Demon Xian in
front of Lin Ming. If you want to insult her, then you can let him completely vent the
evil of the year!
“Selects soldiers, expeditions!”
Holy Child Good Fortune can’t wait any longer.
The Saint Race’s army is well-trained, ordered from the Holy Child Good Fortune,
and ready to set of for the whole army, using only less than a quarter of an hour’s
In order to be safe, Holy Child Good Fortune will bring all the troops that can

bring. This is a huge army. It is also a good Fortune Holy Palace.

Good Fortune Holy Palace, but Saint Race deserves its irst great vital force, its rogue
forces. It’s much more powerful than any other regiments in Saint Race.
Even the second and third legions of Saint Gathering Heaven teamed up with each other,
far less than the Good Fortune Holy Palace.
This force does not have digital designation. Its name, named after the Good Fortune
Holy Palace, is called the Good Fortune Corps.
The Good Fortune Corps even though not as illustrious as the Abandoned Legion, but
many of the Saint Race experts it possesses are as numerous as the hairs of an ox, one
by one likes thunder reverberating in one’s ears.
Good Fortune’s regiment murder is not much, but for Human Race, it is an enerrent
Besides Influence of any Human Race outside Divine Dream Heavenly Palace, hit the Good
Fortune Corps. Can only escape and escape.
This is the trump of the ace, plus the Holy Child Good Fortune and the Wild-One’s
avatar, which is almost exactly what the Saint Race is now at the Wild Universe’s
ultimate influence!
Such a fleet, the mighty opening to the depths of the universe, where the nebulae have
been washed away!
Especially in the deep space, that wild waste, it stretches the huge Long Yi-like
fearful tentacle. Bring an unparalleled sense of oppression!
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“Little Demon Xian, you wait, hahaha!”

On the surface of the muddy plasma, Holy Child Good Fortune’s voice sounded.
And this time, in the other starry sky. Demon Immortal Palace is also in the

rapid march. All Demon Immortal Palace disciple are ights intent boiling!
In fact, they
Fortune know that this will be a bitter ight. Their strength relative strength Good
used to describe the stone, it is no exaggeration.
Even Lin Ming, even if Lin Ming can make a miracle again, they know that they will
lose a lot in this battle!
This is unavoidable. Lin Ming is even more powerful and most constrained in Holy Child
Good Fortune. Can he be a person to deal with the entire Good Fortune Corps?
However, it is clear that this is the case, but no one wrinkles his eyebrows on this trip.
They are soldiers, blood flowing ebullition, how can they hide like old mice in old hau nt,
and then get digs out of the person bit by bit?
To die, but also died vigorously!
All ighters are ready in full battle array. At this time, among the Primal Beginning
Heavenly Palace that has been disguised as the most common spirit battleship, Lin
Ming is ighting with Lin Huang.
A dull thumping sound sounded and Lin Huang was directly shot of.
Lin Huang played a number of rounds on the floor. Numerous collisions were on the
wall. stood up again and tore away his tatter’s sleeveves, as cheetah general stared
at Lin Ming.
Both of them, the father and the son, suppressed the cultivation base at the Divine
Sea Stage. The ight was ight skill and law.
So far, Lin Ming only used one hand and the gap was too great.
“You guys...” Little Demon Xian listened to the buzzing noise. walked in
and saw it. It was silent. “You’re going to ight for a while. You don’t adjust the good
condition, but you’re doing it here. It!”
[Thanks to Martial World for raising money again, thanks for everybody’s mind, but
also thanks for the main organization, this is the ifth, and also the 1,500 votes of No.
29 plus, and the sixth and no write, because the write is also not written After this
war, the silkworm cocoon wanted to request a stay tomorrow. Thank you very much
everybody. Today, 2,000 monthly tickets a day, silkworm cocoon will remember
today’s glory!】
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2051 - The two opposing forces [Helian Xiaolian League]

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Lin Ming saw Little Demon Xian, and he said with a smile: “It’s all right, we suppressed the
cultivation base to the Divine Sea Stage, and the power was suppressed to the irst four
doors of the irst Inner Inner Hidden Gates. It was inexpensive and would not be injured. .”
Lin Ming and Lin Huang’s mortal bodies have Divine Beast bloodlines, formidable
incomparable. In the case of suppressing cultivation base, standing and being beaten will not
be a problem.
“Just warmed up before the war.” Lin Ming shrugged when saw that Little Demon Xian’s facial
color was not very good.
But Little Demon Xian still can’t laugh. Even with Lin Ming, facing the Holy Child Good
Fortune, facing the most powerful Good Fortune Corps of Saint Race, it’s hard for her to
get up easily.
All the people in this fleet are the ones who have been ighting with Little Demon Xian, the
most loyal soldiers.
Today, they watch deadly with the Holy Child Good Fortune. In the face of enemies ten times
stronger than themselves, they can still ignite boiling wars.
All of this comes from their race glory, from their bloody nature, and from the trust of Lin
However, they even though they are not afraid of dying, Little Demon Xian does not want
them to be so sacriiced. hopes that their own followers will survive as much as possible. They
are the most lovely people.
“Um, I know.”
Lin Ming understood the idea of Little Demon Xian and motioned that Lin Huang should not
ight. At this time, moved in a sudden heart and felt the turbulence of his deserted soul in
the Soul Sea.
This time, it was more than a few times stronger than when we encounte red a waste

army! There is no doubt that there is only one possibility!

“What’s wrong?” Sensitive Little Demon Xian noticed Lin Ming’s anomaly.
“It’s okay.”
Lin Ming waved his hand and walked out of the practice room to the square outside Primal
Beginning Heavenly Palace.
The Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace has been disguised as the flagship of the Demon
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Immortal Palace. The Holy Child Good Fortune originally did not have too many impressions
of the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace. With the camouflage of the Heavens Firmament
Ancient Seal array, he could not recognize it.
A lot of martial artists at Demon Immortal Palace. After knowing that Lin Ming came out,
also came to the platform of the spirit battleship and waited for Lin Ming.
One by one, such as Ching Chung stands straight!
This entire army, contains a solemn silence, deadly ironposing manner!
“In a while, we may have to ight with the arm of the Saint Race’s ace Good Good
Fortune. What do you think?”
Lin Ming smiled and asked, approaching such a war. All of the peoples’s strings were tight
and Lin Ming could still laugh. This suddenly made the manyy blink. It is the irst hero of
Human Race, and it can be laughed at this time.
Invisibly, Lin Ming’s calm and self-inflicted wounds, the tight strings in their minds, were a
little loose.
“Followed with them!” Martial artist shouted at the sleeves.
“Kills is enough, Kills two are making money. Even if it’s a bite, you have to bite of the
head of Saint Race!”
“Who’s afraid of death is Whom!”
There is a soldier’s appearance of People negligent’s shouting. However, by the time he
shouted this sentence, he noticed the Little Demon Xian mask frost standing beside Lin Ming.
He suddenly contracted his neck and changed his mouth and said, “Who is afraid of death,
Who is the kind!”
Lin Ming laughed. “You seem ready to sacriice?”
“Sacriice is fart, even if it’s the word Shanshan Guo, Brothers also brow and jump!”
Several guys shouted and shouted their necks. They waved the big sword in their hands
to signal their determination not to fear death.
“Listens to your words, we don’t seem to be ighting, but commit suicide?”
Lin Ming suddenly asked a few words, and let the martial artists who were present stare a bit.
Previously because of Lin Ming’s pre-battle mobilization before the war, because they were
suppressed for too
long, it was like a powder keg. It was bombed, and now with the Good Fortune Corps, this
is the enemy of the panic at the news. Tough head-on with toughness, They are all ready
to throw their heads and sprinkle the warm-blood preparation. This is taken for granted by
many people.
This must be a idid ight. Even if Lin Ming can handle the Holy Child Good Fortune, it is not
like the other Heavenly Venerate of the Good Fortune Corps. These people are ten times
stronger than their Demon Immortal Palace.
These powerful and thorny enemies must be handed over to them. They are holding on to
this powerful enemy and ighting for time for Lin Ming to deal with the Holy Child Good
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Most people take it for granted that the war should be such a hit. General to General, Soldier to
In the face of powerful enemies, they may even be annihilated, but they still ight without
fear of death. As for how much they sacriiced, they did not con sider it at all.
What they want is bloody and dignity!
Until Lin Ming asked such a question, many talented people were devastated. Is this battle
with a huge gap in strength and a favorable turn?
Maybe even Lin Ming already contacted the reinforcements long ago? Think of it

here, many people’s minds are agitated.

Lin Ming continued: “The fear of sacriice is an essential quality for an army with combat
However, not only brave warriors who are not afraid to die, but also ordinary man!
Meaningless sacriice is not desirable. This will only make you become an enemy’s
military. Exploit and show of the chatter, Even in the inal time, we should not easily give
up our own life, but use it in exchange for the maximum value!”
“If every one of you can do this, then we will will sweep away all obstacles!”
Lin Ming’s words let a lot of Human Race ighters calm down.
A bloody army is terrible, but a warm-blood regiment that can calm down is even more

terrible. Just then, Lin Ming pulled out Dark Dragon Spe ar.
A long trembling tone, like dragon roar, is passed into starry sky.
Lin Ming said loudly: “Now, everyone is on the line. You have about a stick of incense’s time
to prepare, and then we will meet with the Good Fortune Corps! By then, everyone will listen
to me!”
A stick of incense! !
After listening to Lin Ming, the Demon Immortal Palace disciple was suddenly shocked.
They had heard Lin Ming say, “For a while,” They had to ight, but they did not expect it.
This “For a while” Was so short!
Everyone runs to their place with the fastest speed.
“I?” Little Demon Xian said quickly.
“Follow me, Is good,” Said Lin Ming, stepping into the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
A stick of incense is extremely short-lived. In fact, when it wasn’t until a stick of incense,
Human Race’s troops saw the Good Fortune Corps of distant place.
The ship’s spirit battleship, a seated Heavenly Palace fortress, is as magniicent as the
steel unconquerable force!
The head of this legion was a huge’s scarlet ball. It waved a thick tentacle and was as

large as a star. This is naturally Wild-One’s avatar, and on the side of the Wild-One’s

avatar is a golden temple.

This shrine also has half of its size, among which Astral Essence is smoky and surrounded by
a golden
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mask. This is the Good Fortune Holy Palace True God Spirit Treasure level Immortal Palace!
This Immortal Palace, usually located in Saint Gathering Heaven, is the main shrine of the
influence of Saint Emperor Good Fortune!
And people called Saint Emperor Good Fortune a pulse, it is also used to refer to the Good
Fortune Holy Palace. It can be seen that the temple is terrible. It can be said to be the
terrestrial reference of Saint Gathering Heaven’s.
Now Saint Emperor Good Fortune, with the main body of the desolate, does not need draw
support from Good Fortune Holy Palace to ight anymore, and Holy Child Good Fortune also
does not use it. So Good Fortune Holy Palace was left to the Good Fortune Corps as its
flagship. .
Now responsible for driving Good Fortune Holy Palace is nine peak Heavenly Venerate, and
they can join forces to barely exert the power of this terrible war fort.
When the Demon Immortal Palace and the Good Fortune Corps meet, not talking about the
disparity of the huge power, just in the imposing manner, Good Fortune’s regiment has
inished pressing Demon Immortal Palace! The contrast between the two is like a robust man
vs previous baby.
“HaHaHa!Ji Xian’er, you are so stupid! You really came to the door.” Holy Child Good Fortune
stood on top of the wild flesh and laughed arbitrarily, like watching the game general at
Demon Immortal Palace. Fleet.
Among the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, Little Demon Xian is biting his white teeth and
staring at the Holy Child Good Fortune outside the Heavenly Palace array.
“Even though it’s easy to deal with you, I’m alone enough, but still I’m out of the strongest
strength, to ensure that nothing is lost, you’re not half chance, and I’m not going to make
mistakes, little darling kicks it, Let me be so dragged in lots of people to deal with you.
You too should be content!”
Holy Child Good Fortune said here, suddenly waved, “Blockade space!!”
After hes uttered an order, headed by Good Fortune Holy Palace, dozens of Saint Race spirit
battleships lighted Divine Light. These Divine Light shot into a void, linked up into a single
stretch huge net, and the light net continued to spread. In the end, a huge barrier was formed,
blocking the space of ive hundred thousand kilometers.
This grand formation, based on the main defense array of the Good Fortune Holy Palace,
is not easy to start or remove, and it may take a huge amount of energy to start.
After the grand formation is deployed, the general spirit battleship does not even want to break
through unless the spiritual battleship of Demon Immortal Palace launches a combo. However,
Holy Child Good Fortune naturally will not give them this opportunity.
“I like it?Ji Xian’er, this is a cage I prepared for you, in order to catch you,
but I took great pains, but you will soon understand why I missed you so
much, waiting for some severe days, I will give you a pleasant surprise!”
“If you know something, just come back to me, be my maidservant, serve me
well every day, then my will leave You a life, enjoy slowly.”
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Holy Child Good Fortune smiled arbitrarily. At this moment, the flagship of Demon Immortal
Palace responded. It was the voice of Little Demon Xian. It was cold and crisp.
“Stupid!” Simple two words, let Holy Child Good Fortune complexion’s sink.
Clear sound continued to ring, “If you know the point, quickly return to me, be my dog, but ...
... I still can not stand, there is such a dog, my looked sick.”
Little Demon Xian tit for tat, Holy Child Good Fortune smiled. “I’m very good. I’m
afraid I’m not in the fleet. Let a group of people come and die. Since you came, I’m
relieved. The flagship was given to me. Leave the rest to you and kill them one wiped
out to the last man. Don’t let one go.”
(Helian Lianmeng floats. This chapter complements yesterday’s 2,000 votes plus two more.
Six months from next month. Check the ballot papers. The monthly ticket is not wasted.)
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2052 - Lin MingVS Seiko

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Look at the exclusive story behind “Martial World” And listen to your suggestions for the
novel. Pay attention to the net public number (WeChat add friends - add the public number -
enter it), and tell me quietly!
Conirmed Little Demon Xian, Holy Child Good Fortune exposed Fang.
At this time, with the order of the Holy Child Good Fortune, the Good Fortune Corps began to
move. This was a sub-branch power army. A spiritual spiritship was launched and Demon
Immortal Palace’s fleet was surrounded.
Headed by Good Fortune Holy Palace, hundreds of spiritual battleships of the Good Fortune
Corps formed a battle array. Notice that each spirit battleship is an array of integrations.
Hundreds of grand formations are combined. It is actually a battleield group. These battleields
are able to exert terrifying powers through the cooperation of each other. Together, they can
strike a single blow on the energy intensity released by them. They are stronger fold than True
However, in the aspect of law, the spirit battleship battleield can not be compared with True God,
plus the energy of the attack can not be as concentrated as True God, so actual minacity, or even
worse than True God.
For the combination attack, it seems that no matter how advanced it is, it is diicult to reach
the level of True God.
However, such an area of destruction is very great, and the power is also an attack of an
enormous attack, It is a destructive blow to the spirit battleship group!
It is no exaggeration to say that if the Good Fortune Corps had enough time to prepare, with
the battleield group to complete a salvo, it would destroy the spirit battleship of Demon
Immortal Palace.
This is entirely a crush-style strength gap.
When you seeing the Saint Race spirit battleship headed by the Good Fortune Holy Palace,
you can’t help but feel relieved when it comes to Little Demon Xian and complexion
Just then, Lin Ming took Dark Dragon Spear and stepped out of the Primal Beginning Heavenly
“Elder Brother Lin!” Little Demon Xian pulled Lin Ming’s hand.
“You are waiting here.” Lin Ming gave Little Demon Xian a look of comfort, next a quarter. He has
already walked out of the front door.
“Ji Xian’er! Good Fortune’s regiment’s destruction of a strike. Can it be nearly as powerful as
stellar. Are you afraid? Don’t worry, I won’t let them attack you before i’m jealous of you. Only
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after I catch you, will I Let you seeing with your own eyes, your subordinates under this World
Extermination light vanishes in puf of smoke!”
Holy Child Good Fortune laughs, this time. The wildness as large as the stars has rapidly rushed
over to the flagship direct flight of the Demon Immortal Palace!
In contrast to the huge wilderness, the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace disguised as a flagship
is like a bird in front of a ierce tiger, completely diferent so much as to be beyond comparison.
However, when the wild dozens of tentacles were ready to go, the Holy Child Good Fortune’s
immediate spirit battleship suddenly released a black flash, and its appearance changed
enorrmously, and began to become taller, longer, and eventually streamlined. Spirit battleship,
turned into a black fortress.
Seeing this scene. Holy Child Good Fortune suddenly surprised, what! ?
The change of the spirit battleship made him suddenly give birth to an unlucky premonition.
Then, as watched, a man with long spear walked slowly out of the black fortress.
He wore a black battle armour, his eyes are dark and his eyes are deep.
At this point, the man is holding a long spear, and Sen’s spear head is directed at the forehead
of the Holy Child Good Fortune.
“You... are You!?”
Holy Child Good Fortune’s complexion has become extremely ugly for a while, at this time Lin Ming.
Has already restored the appearance of 6,500 years ago, even guessing without guessing, he is Lin
This is the man of nightmare common for Holy Child Good Fortune.
“Right... It was originally Right, because you took a step ahead of me and found Little
Demon Xian, so you just broke through my blockade and there is nothing to fear...”
Holy Child Good Fortune mouth spasm, his complexion getting gloomy. Eyes illed with killing
“You really like stubborn so stubborn, don’t die after being killed by True God! You swept the
second and third regiment coalition forces before you. Regiment of the total destruction,
Today, Are you planning to destroy me again? Ha Ha Ha Ha!” Holy Child Good Fortune
laughed. “More than 6,000 years ago, You and I were in a ight. That was my lifelong stigma.
Today, God gave me the chance to revenge. Since it is a fateful showdown, then I...I wish I
could not!! Today, I will have to look at you. What on earth! Let’s die!”
Holy Child Good Fortune burst into tears, and dozens of scarlet tentacles attacked together.
Like God Spirit’s spear, they rushed from all directions!
A burst of fearful explosion, the void was crushed, Holy Child Good Fortune’s shot, dozens of
shots, such as Mount Tai topless, directly submerged Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace!
The scene at this moment is like a mass of flesh and blood that will be swallowed up by the
Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
For a time, everyone was worried, especially the disciples of the Demomon Immortal Palace,
all holding their breath, and even though they had almost blind self-conidence for Lin Ming,
but right above the Holy Child Good Fortune, they took control of True. God-level Wild-One’s
avatar’s devil, Lin Ming and then strong, is also a war of diiculty!
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“Has killed Lin Ming! With your strongest attack, even the flesh and blood of this famine burst!”
Holy Child Good Fortune almost came out. did not recover the flesh and blood of the waste. did
not look under his blow. Lin Ming died and he did not die. instantly released himself to release
this waste of flesh and blood. Use this group of barren flesh to trap Lin Ming and use the
battleield group of the Good Fortune army to attack. This will ensure that this killing blow will not
Such a decidedly shameful approach would rather sacriice large pieces of wild flesh and blood,
and would not give Lin Ming’s least bit a chance to stand up!
In the blink of an eye, behind the Holy Child Good Fortune, battleield group begin headed by
Good Fortune Holy Palace gathers energy and prepares for World Extermination!
“Brothers! Chong! Cover Senior Lin Ming and Demon Immortal Palace!”
On the Demon Immortal Palace side, a man with a huge battle flag rushed out of the spirit
battleship. rode a wild beast, shouted, and rushed to the Saint Race’s fleet!
is a talented Human Race born after the Great Tribulation. is also the flag bearer of Demon
Immortal Palace!
Above his bloody banner, he draws the symbol of Demon Immortal Palace, which is a bath
hot nirvana black phoenix!
Black Phoenix, bloodlines of Little Demon Xian’s, bath hot nirvana, symbolizes the rebirth of
the Human Race!
“Kills Ah!”
“Followed with them!” “Kill the Holy Dog!”

The army of Demon Immortal Palace squatted, initials charges boldly regardless of one’s safety,
they rushed directly to the front of the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, surrounded by the
blood of the wild, with their fleet, forming the guardianship of Primal Beginning Heavenly.
Palace’s steel unconquerable force!
They face the attack of the Legion of Legion. Also gathers complete energy!
Even if their attack is weaker than the battleield of the Abandoned Legion, do not know how
many times. But at this time, no one is afraid, no one is back down, and everyone is afraid of
“The bead of rice is also dare to compete with Hao Yue!”
Holy Child Good Fortune gave a disdain sneer. extended the huge Blood Dragon tentacle and
drew straight to the Demon Immortal Palace disciple.
He locked the young man holding the banner headed by him. With Wild-One’s avatar’s
strength, as long as a blow, you can easily pump him into muddy flesh!
The war flag, is an army belief and symbol, the flag is down, and it is a blow to morale.
The tentacles of desolate territory were overwhelmed with overwhelming power. The
pressure of the huge’s locked the space around it, and people couldn’t even dodge.
The youth complexion’s changes holding the battle flag, in the flash of life and death. He
suddenly turned and exhausted the whole body strength to throw the war flag. The war flag
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whistled. It strove to break through the blockade of space and ired another flag bearer not
far away.
People can die, flags can’t fall!
“Brothers, in order to Human Race! Emergency!”
This young man exhausted the power of the inal Qi and Blood to shout out this earth-
shattering sentence. The morale of Demon Immortal Palace’s army is like eruption of volcano!
“In order to Human Race!”
People groan, the whole body’s blood is burning!
And when people think that the flag-bearer of Demon Immortal Palace wants bloody starry sky,
suddenly, not far behind the flag bearer. In the wild flesh and blood of Primal Beginning Heavenly
Palace’s, the group had also put out a Blood Dragon tentacle!
This Blood Dragon tentacles is even thicker than the shot from the Holy Child Good Fortune.
It crossed the void with an inconceivable speed, and it greeted the Holy Child Good Fortune!
Nether empty! As the mountain’s stout giant tentacles collide in the air, a deafening explosion
sound is made!
The terrible energy tide is turbulent and the flag bearer is flying directly! Because the other
tentative tentacles blocked the attack. The flag bearer is just Qi and Blood, but there is no serious
“This is...”
Everyone was stunned. Holy Child Good Fortune looked at this scene in an inconceivable way. In
the air, two tentacles are striking. It’s like a twisted Blood Dragon!
In contrast, did not own my own tentacle and contacted the Prima Beginning Heavenly Palace.
How can this be! ?
“I abandoned the waste of flesh and blood. Actually took the initiative to
shelter the Human Race’s standard-bearer. How could this be?”
Holy Child Good Fortune completely stupid.
At this time, the flesh and blood of the wild group that wrapped the Primal Beginning Heavenly
Palace’s slowly cracked and formed a passage.
A black clothed youth with a long spear walks slowly out of the channel. has a long hair and
loose hair. His clothes are scrupulous about every detail, his facial features are fortitude, his
faces are angular, and the whole body imposing manner is as abyss sea.
He inally settled on the surface of the flesh and blood, as if from the peerless War God on Nine
The flesh under his feet slowly bulges to form a high round platform that holds the man up.
This feeling is like the fearlessness of the common man of Demon God!
Seeing such scenes, not to mention the Holy Child Good Fortune and the Good Fortune Corps,
even the Discemony of the Demon Immortal Palace is completely paralyzed!
What exactly is going on?
“You said something wrong.” Lin Ming said faintly, and spear head pointed to Holy Child
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Good Fortune. “You and are not the ordained matchup...maybe have a life-size opponent in
this life, but he is not You, You, not worthy!”
Lin Ming’s calm’s sound, rang through the eon space, spread throughout the Demon Immortal
Palace, and also spread throughout the Good Fortune Corps!
Holy Child Good Fortune regarded Lin Ming as the biggest opponent of this life, and Lin Ming
just considered Holy Child Good Fortune as one of the goals to be surpassed, and this is
also the time. Now, Lin Ming has completed the duality of human body and mind. After
transformations, Holy Child Good Fortune can only be said to be his enemy, not his
opponent! Meat Pie’s good activity in the sky, cool mobile phones waiting for you to take! Pay
attention to the ~ point/public number (WeChat add friends - add the public number - enter it),
and immediately participate! Everyone has an award, and immediately pay attention to the
WeChat public number! (not

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MW CHAPTER 2053 - Erosion

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: Look at the exclusive story behind “MartialWorld”And listen to your suggestions for the
novel. Pay attention to the net public number (wechat add friends - add the public number -
enter it), and tell me quietly!
After listening to Lin Ming, Holy Child Good Fortune’s complexion has hardly seen the
He treats Lin Ming as the most biggest match, while Lin Ming just treats him as a comedian
clown. In front of his subordinates, humiliates him with merciless tramples!
This touches the nerves of Holy Child Good Fortune!
At this time, the entire starry sky, hundreds of thousands of Saint Race and the martial artists of
Demon Immortal Palace, are watching them both.
“You,notworthy”Three words, echoed in the ears of everyone, let the martial artist of the Good
Fortune Corps furious, and let one of the Human Race’s martial artist up to the brim.
What is domineering! What is pride!
If the common people say this kind of mental retardation, then the person will only think of
him as a madman, but in Lin Ming’s mouth, this sentence has unparalleled deterrence.
This is a kind of embarrassment and a joyous feeling!
The disciples of the Demon Immortal Palace gave a shouting screaming and shouted to the eon

space! At this moment, the death of Demon Immortal Palace disciple’s morale has reached the

bursting with Holy Child Good Fortune burst into a bang, and the flesh of the bone was
cracklings. His body was beginning to rise. The body surface had a sturdy bonemail. used the
power of Saint Race bloodlines. After the body to control the flesh and blood, Good Fortune body
can make own strength to reach the strongest!
The raging Holy Child Good Fortune burned the blood essence at this moment. From Wild-
One’s avatar, there were dozens of Blood Dragon tentacles, all tentacles. Shining divine
glow, direct impact Lin Ming!
At this time, even if a sun is in front of Holy Child Good Fortune, it seems to be torn by these
In the face of this strike of earththshaking, Lin Ming was just a move of intentions. Under
him, the bloody wilderness raged!
The limited blood and flesh that Lin Ming possesses is unlikely to evolve into hundreds of
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rugged tentacles when they are divided into more than 100 units to meet the Holy Child Good
Fortune. Each of the tentacles became the only big tree thickly thinned by the hundred people.
Compared to the Holy Child Good Fortune attack, Lin Ming’s attack is simply nothing but
speak of!
All the relatively delicate tentacles, all shot on these thicker tentacles. At that moment, the scene
of the thicker hand crush slender tentacle that people originally envisioned did not appear. On
the contrary, those originally belonged to Holy Child Good Fortune. The wild tentacles of the
controls have stopped!
Like the snakes that were hit by seven inches, these tentacle begin twitched.
And this time, people were shocked to discover that those iner tentacles. Like the Viper of
Blood Absorbing, sucking more flesh in Thipper’s tentacle!
Gu! Gu!
The tip of these thick tentacles was actually dry with the speed seen by the naked eye. The
strength of that stock of Qi and Blood, the essence of the flesh and blood, all passed through
these relatively slender tentacles, flowing into the blood of the wild under Lin Ming’s feet.
The blood of that famine was creeping violently.
On the other side, the Wild-One’s avatar belonging to the Holy Child Good Fortune was
disturbed by restlessness. It seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and begin made a deep
This situation surprised the Holy Child Good Fortune. Can Lin Ming control the shortage! ?

This conclusion. Let Holy Child Good Fortune be amazed by how this is possible! ?
with the now he has clearly felt that the Spiritual Force belonging to Lin Ming passed along
blood of the desert and began to penetrate the Wild-One’s avatar!
Holy Child Good Fortune. He had no time to ponder over how Lin Ming actually did it. If lost
Wild-One’s avatar, what would be the consequences? Simply unimaginable!
Without losing Wild-One’s avatar, he couldn’t escape Lin Ming’s quest. Even Saint Emperor
Good Fortune will not let him go.
He must die!
In a flash, the whole body of the Holy Child Good Fortune was cold sweat.
But immediately, there was a flash of embarrassment and madness on his face!
His face was as twists as earthworms. Lin Ming’s eyes were stained with blood, murderous aura.
Holy Child Good Fortune shouted.
At this time, behind him, the Good Fortune Corps had already prepared the battleield, and it
had accumulated more than a dozen interest, enough to send out the light of World
This is not as good as a small God attack on the Range, but the big range kills Beyond True
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God’s fearfulful of a strikes!

In critical condition, the Good Fortune Corps did not confuse. Under the direction of calm of the
Heaven Heavenly Venerate, with the Good Fortune Holy Palace as the core, the Good Fortune
Corps issued the World Extermination Light!
In a flash, all the sounds in the universe are swallowed!
The earth-shattering energy engulfed the eon space, before it converged on the Good
Fortune Holy Palace, curled up into a black energys ball, and the surrounding space was
broken. It was like a black hole in the legend.
Energy shoots from the black hole, directing to Lin Ming, and the spirit battleship fleet of
Demon Immortal Palace!
This black light is terrible, it covers the broad space, plus originally this piece of void is
blocked, the fleet of Demon Immortal Palace can’t dodge!
At this time, the embarrassing Holy Child Good Fortune segregated a large number of wild
tentacles. These tentacles did not directly direct Lin Ming, but they enveloped around Lin Ming
and formed a wall of flesh and blood, apparently to block Lin Ming’s. Dodge direction!
In fact, even if Holy Child Good Fortune did not do this, Lin Ming couldn’t avoid the light of
World Extermination. At this moment, his Spiritual Force was injected into Wild-One’s
avatar, and he was killing the Spiritual Mark of Saint Emperor Good Fortune. In order to
seize Wild-One’s avatar, once he has evaded himself, the spirit will be damaged. It is a
matter of minor matter. The key lies in his feet. The flesh of the wild who has seized control
will also be destructed.
And in this desolate state, there are Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, Little Demon Xian
and others still inside!
So Lin Ming is doomed not to avoid, he can not abandon Little Demon Xian, also may
abandon the Demon Immortal Palace’s 100,000 soldiers!
At this moment, the warriors of Demon Immortal Palace will not give up Lin Ming. They still
stand in front of Lin Ming, and they are not powerful spirit battleship. Face this blow.
“Brothers,attack!” “InordertoHumanRace!”


The warriors of the Demon Immortal Palace shouted slogans from the bottom of their hearts and
poured all their energy into the array of their spiritual battleship!
At this moment, nobody directs, but 100,000 ighters burn the blood essence, which is
unreserved combustion!
Because they know that this may be their life. In the end, it is also one of the most brightest

strikes! ! This is the brilliance of life burning, smashed like hot sun.
Martial artist, When a birthday is like a summer flower, Death is a spring thunder!
The attack of Demon Immortal Palace disciple, merged into a golden torrent, greeted the
light of World Extermination!
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The terrifying burst, the flash, the energy light, the shock, do not know that there are many
materials in the explosion annihilated......
However. The attack of Demon Immortal Palace disciple eventually lost to the light of World
Extermination. After the Light of World Extermination was slightly blocked, it was actually
the energy beam of the Demon Immortal Palace disciple. Being duty-bound not to turn back
direct impact!
The energy disparity is too big to contend with!
At that moment, the spirit battleship of dozens of Demon Immortal Palace disciples, like small
beasts under the impact of flash floods, was to be completely submerged.
And just then, at the foot of Lin Ming, the flesh of the wild blood that had been under his
control was cracked, in the flesh of the wild. The wrapped Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace
lit up the black light that swallowed everything!
Lin Ming cold voice ordered that among the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace, the 60,000
Legionnian Warriors had already completed Body Transformation long before the half quarter.
They had already prepared the battleield, and the energy was brewing to the peak, waiting for
the outbreak!
After passing one service to Saint Race. 1-2 months of the Restoration and Builds Up Strength
of the Waste Army, is in order to this blow!
At this moment, even Fairy Maiden Qinglian has Body Transformation!
Saint Race Four Saint General, Lin Ming’s three avatar, reduced the size of the Black
Dragon. After 200 Body Transformations, it compares to the Greatest King of Heavenly
The power of all humans and beasts is poured into the array without reservation! !
In particular, the flesh and blood of the wild that had just been plundered by Lin Ming’s feet
was a new force in the order.
The flesh of the barren flesh burns without reservation. The pleasing energy enters the Primal
Beginning Heavenly Palace, and the black light of the raft breaks through the universe!
Lin Ming’s voice sounded into the ears of Little Demon Xian, Little Demon Xian, Lin Huang,
and even some Demon Immortal Palace disciples who followed the Little Demon Xian enter
Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace. Together they poured their strongest strength. Combine
this with the destruction of the Heavens and exterminating the Earth!
This Divine Dao light, with Divine Light issued by Ten Thousand Demon Immortal Palace
disciple, meets in the same place, crashes with World Extermination!
The explosion that can tear the universe sounds, energy spurts thin, shatters the eon space,
collapses the galaxy!
In all of us, together with the desperate army, the destiny of blood desaturation of combustion
Desolate, the terrible power energy of the Good Fortune Corps was suppressed!
Next, the energy light begin retreat that the Good Fortune Legion issued, and the more it
retreat faster!
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In the end, Lin Ming’s blow swept the earth-shattering fearful strength, slamming the light of
World Extermination, and heading for the Good Fortune Legion!
Holy Child Good Fortune has witnessed a split, and hundreds of thousands of Saint Race
martial artists in another side of the Good Fortune Corps all attack!
Someone uttered a desperate scream; someone rushed out of the spirit battleship and fled
deep into the sky; someone turned in the direction of a spirit battleship and wanted to
evacuate the starry sky.
However, all the struggles were futile eforts. This Dao Light was too fast. It was faster than
all the spirit battleships and the flying speed of the martial artist. Not to mention that this
space had been locked by the Good Fortune Corps itself.
Is caught in one’s own trap! !
Divine Light exploded in the Good Fortune Legion, divine glow engulfed everything, nothing
in the ield of vision could see.
Before in order to arrange the battleield group issued the light of World Extermination, all
spiritual battleships of Good Fortune’s regiment are sufuses very closely, which directly
leads them to a thorough destruction!
A large block of Saint Race spirit battleship was hit by this Divine Light frontal, and it was
annihilated directly into a powder. Not even a point of detritus was left.
And the spirit battleship was swept by the explosion, exploded in the energy storm of
terrifying’s, and became brilliant ireworks!
Good Fortune Corps, sufered heavy losses in this attack.
The distant Holy Child Good Fortune looked at it all and his heart trembled. knew that, at
that moment, the Good Fortune Corps, the trump card of Saint Race, was already over!
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MW CHAPTER 2054 - Holy Road

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: Look at the exclusive story behind “Martial World” And listen to your suggestions for the
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The light of World Extermination, together with the fearful explosion of the desperate
army, will torn the protective shield of the originally desolate Legion like a soap bubble.
Look at the brilliant flash from starry sky far away from the millions and millions of miles
away. , It is like the sun explosion general dazzling.
The voluptuous wave of energy dissipated the black nebula, causing the star territory to be
completely destroyed, and the light to be transmitted even further!
The Saint Race’s trump card Good Fortune Corps was completely torn apart, half of the
remaining spirit battleship was not reached, and the Good Fortune Holy Palace remained.
It was originally located in the dead center of the light beam, but because it was a True
God Spirit Treasure, but reluctantly supported it, and the spirit battleship within 100 miles
of the Good Fortune Holy Palace, all vanishes in puf of smoke.
Even if those great distances are very far away, the still-spirited spirit battleship has been
damaged in the explosion just a few moments ago and its combat efectiveness has been
greatly reduced.
In fact, true fatal has a blow to morale. The old Good Fortune Corps is like a ierce tiger. The
absolute strength advantage has laid the belief that they must win. This is a fearful army who
has no fear of any opponent.
However, Lin Ming’s blow just shattered their arrogance and conidence. They

defeated and defeated thoroughly!

Even if it was a severe peak Heavenly Venerate, this time faced Lin Ming, the common man
of Demon
God, and also had a fear from the soul innermost soul. He is terrible. It’s impossible to beat!
And in the case of Saint Race, who had a low morale and had a heart for retreat and escape,
the morale of Human Race was at the height of power!
Just one full attack, let them one’s blood bubbles up to the brim!
Originally burned blood essence, the Human Race martial artist itself should be exhausted
by Qi and Blood overdraft. But this time, because of this big victory, all Human Race martial
artists have been crazy.
“Brothers, rush Ah!”
The military oicers of Demon Immortal Palace’s screamed, and all the sergeants felt like
they had seen the wicking wolf of meat.
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The war flag of Demon Immortal Palace was held high. The Black Phoenix embroidered
on the war flag seemed to be alive. It directed the angry Army of the Human Race, like a
point knife. Pierced Good Fortune Corps!
The irst salary of this Saint Race once faced the military oicer of the Demon Immortal
Palace at the ierce tiger. It was the irst time that the military oicer was defeated!
The earlier explosions have already ruined their formation. Now they are ighting each other,
chaos, and most importantly, according to the arrangement of the original battle group, the
more powerful the spirit battleship, the closer to the center of the battleield, bear the key.
Ofensive player’s mission.
When the Arakan Legion’s attack and the Light of World Exruption erupted. The spiritual
battleships in the middle were borne in the most recent explosion.
Those distant swordsmanship that can be preserved. To be much weaker, it can be said
that just one hit has destroyed nearly 3 strengths of the Good Fortune Corps.
Divine Light lasing, exploding, Demon Immortal Palace dying, Good Fortune retreats in defeat
again and again.
And this time, on the other side of the battleield. The wild flesh at the foot of Lin Ming, and
the Wild- Good’s avatar of Holy Child Good Fortune are still entangled. A lot of wild
essense is swallowed up by the flesh of wild in the body of Lin Ming.
At this moment, Holy Child Good Fortune’s complexion has hardly seen the extreme.
Lin Ming can devour, control, and control the blood and flesh essence. Even if these
Desolate’s flesh has the Spiritual Mark of Saint Emperor Good Fortune, it is useless! !
Holy Child Good Fortune did not know what Lin Ming did, but this is no longer important,
because. He has been forced to die end!
doesn’t like Fairy Maiden Qinglian, but also has her Master leaned out of the cultivation base
for her. Outside the body, Saint Emperor Good Fortune will sacriice himself to become an
apprentice. For him, everyone is just his board game piece.
So at this moment, in the face of Lin Ming, Holy Child Good Fortune has no cards. Or

should say. The so-called hole cards he owns are like nothing to Lin Ming.

At this moment, Holy Child Good Fortune felt deep despair!

He felt that Lin Ming was not the essence of flesh and blood. But in a little bit of sucking
their flesh and blood!
He was like an imprisoned prisoner. He was cut of by arteries. However, he watched
his own blood flowing, but he could only wait for blood to die.
This way of waiting for death, let the person mad!
Holy Child Good Fortune is crazy. has his own Spiritual Force’s crazy injection into the
desolate body. wants to ight Lin Ming for the control of the desolate.
However, just the moment it touched on the Lin Ming Spiritual Force, the Holy Child Good
Fortune complexion was pale, body giant shakes, and his nostrils had already shed blood.
The gap between the Spiritual Force between him and Lin Ming is too big!
And the Spiritual Force of the key Holy Child Good Fortune cannot control the Wild-One’s
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avatar at all. is relying on the Spiritual Mark of Saint Emperor Good Fortune to indirectly
control the shortage. Compared to Lin Ming, who has a desperate spirit, it is not
comparable at all. !
Holy Child Good Fortune yelled and jumped from the wilderness!
He held a heavy sword and leaned towards Lin Ming. At that moment, the whole body of Holy
Child Good Fortune blew out of golden Astral Essence, as if there was a golden sun in the
body of the Holy Child Good Fortune.
The aura of his whole person also changed this moment. The stars of the surrounding
sky were twisted in an instant, and they converged on the Holy Child Good Fortune. The
essence of the original energy, the energy, and the material dust of the universe were all
covered by the Holy Child Good. Fortune pumped away.
This is “Good Fortune Divine Art” By Holy Child Good Fortune. Once “Good Fortune
Divine Art” Is displayed, you can win world Good Fortune, which is to take away the
spiritual energy and vitality of Great Thousand World’s!
Those who are versed in “Good Fortune Divine Art” Can convert this energy into their
own strength, kill powerful enemy.
Today, Holy Child Good Fortune’s “Good Fortune Divine Art” Has been cultivation to a
very high realm. Once cast out, the Heavenly Venerate of weak point cannot be
established before the Holy Child Good Fortune because of their energy communication
with the outside world. By Sever, origin energy will be savagely taken by Holy Child Good
Only Peak Heavenly Venerate can barely respond to the Holy Child Good Fortune after
performing “Good Fortune Divine Art.”
However, for Lin Ming, in front of Lin Ming, peak Heavenly Venerate, it is diicult to gain a

foothold! This is the gap between the two!

In the Holy Child Good Fortune rise a hand’s flash, Lin Ming moved, but it was not his
own move. But it was the fall of his feet!
Dozens of Blood Dragon tentacles shoot straight out, pricking Holy Child Good Fortune!
Holy Child Good Fortune eyes, his “Good Fortune Divine Art” Can absorb the origin
energy of the universe, but it is impossible to plunder the original energy from the
This is the diference from the level.
In this tens of tentacles, Zuo rushes right, but He discovers with horror that in the hands of
Lin Ming, Wild-One’s avatar can exert its power far stronger than himself!
Every tentative tentacles of the wild are like living. They have their own thoughts, own
sensation, they cooperate with each other, every attack is perfect!
Holy Child Good Fortune flashed several consecutive attacks, but in the next attack, the
speed was a step slower. was pumped by the back of a Blood Dragon’s tentacle numerous!
Holy Child Good Fortune blew a blood stream. The ive main internal organs (entrails) in
the body fell across the sea and flew directly.
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At this time, Holy Child Good Fortune was full of humiliation. His own Wild-One’s avatar
was actually plundered by Lin Ming, and used it to deal with himself!
He mobilized several Saint Leg Race troops stationed in Saint Gathering Heaven. Waiting for
gains without waiting for Lin Ming, but this severe regiments was completely defeated by Lin
He led the Good Fortune Corps, this Saint Race’s trump card teacher to encircle the Little
Demon Xian, the result Good Fortune’s reproductive disintegrates!
From beginning to end, Holy Child Good Fortune didn’t even really deal with Lin Ming.
Lin Ming, who has been standing there without moving, he is in the gradual control Wild-
One’s avatar!
Holy Child Good Fortune rushed to Lin Ming. Lin Ming only used Wild-One’s avatar to deal

with him. Lin Ming’s approach, as he said before, he did not use Holy Child Good Fortune as

a match at all...

Humiliation, frustration, despair, Holy Child Good Fortune is almost crazy in the last moments
of life. The whole blood essence of his whole body has already reached the peak. However,
he can attack him and greet him. It’s just a piece of Blood Dragon tentacle!
These tentacles are ininitely endless, and even if they break them, they can grow quickly,
and those broken tentacles are re-absorbed by the desolate main body. It is an undead
And as more and more wild flesh and blood are absorbed by Lin Ming, the wild tentacle of the
Holy Child Good Fortune’s is getting rougher. Increasingly dense!
Holy Child Good Fortune has been included in blood oozing. There are ive main internal
organs (entrails) shattered in the body. Wounds of large and small are countless.
His movements are getting slower and he knows that he has reached the edge of the death.
At the last time of his life, Holy Child Good Fortune’s lips showed a bit of bitter smile. His
inal one-time use of his full body of Astral Essence illed the whole body all the limbs and
bones. These energy are like boiling rock magma...
“Wants blew?”
In Lin Ming’s eyes, Han Mang blinked. could not have let Holy Child Good Fortune do his
wish. For him, Holy Child Good Fortune has great value.
A divine beam of Divine Light shoots from Lin Ming forehead like a sword from God Spirit and
runs through the Sea of Consciousness of Holy Child Good Fortune at an inconceivable
At that moment, the energy accumulated by the overhead Holy Child Good Fortune ran into a
lag. In the moment of this pause, a large tentacles of wildness came in direct flight and bit by
bit the Holy Child Good Fortune!
In a flash, the tiny tentacles of a few hundred earthworm commons penetrated into the body
of Holy Child Good Fortune. Like greedy leech, begin without restraint swallowed the flesh
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and body energy of Holy Child Good Fortune!

Holy Child Good Fortune eyes stand out and looked sluggish. At this moment, he is already
living with the dead.
The inal time of his life, he felt, Lin Ming devoured him with Wild-One’s avatar!
He took control of Wild-One’s avatar for so long, and Wild-One’s avatar did not know how
to swallow his many lives and energy. At the end of the day, actually ordered in Wild-
One’s avatar’s food! This is really an enormous satire!
Under the enguling of desolate, Holy Child Good Fortune’s mortal body slowly dries down, his
skin wrinkles together, the eye socket sinks, and his hair goes down.
At this time, the despondency of the desperate flesh swelled and sent the Holy Child Good
Fortune, which had already become the disabl person, to the Primal Beginning Heavenly
Palace... (The heavenly meal pie’s good activity, cool mobile phone, etc. you take! ~
Points/Public (WeChat add friends - add the public number - enter it), and immediately
participate! Everyone has an award and pay attention to the WeChat account now!) (Not yet
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2055 - Good Fortune's ambition

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: Look at the exclusive story behind “Martial World” And listen to your suggestions for
the novel. Pay attention to the net public number (wechat add friends - add the public
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When the Holy Child Good Fortune was devoured, the Good Fortune Corps was completely
The Saint Race always lacks the imposing imposing manner of the Human Race. This is not
to say that the Saint Race is not as good as the Human Race, but because the Saint Race is
not at the moment of race. They come to the Wild Universe, just in order to invade. , Just in
order to get beneits, after the Holy Child Good Fortune died, the Saint Race Corps crept on
Lin Ming naturally will not allow them to escape, especially if they control a True God
Spirit Treasure Good Fortune Holy Palace.
The True God Spirit Treasure of the palace type is extremely rare. How could Lin Ming
escape it?
Lin Ming gave the order, but in fact it was not ordered by Lin Ming. The disciples of the
Demon Immortal Palace had taken the initiative to chase it out!
The Saint Race Corps, like the migratory locust, generally disappeared and fled in all
In fact, even if the number of recognition of the Saint Race of the present surplus is
greater than the quantity of the spirit battleship of the Demon Immortal Palace, and Lin
Ming even though powerful, he can only pursue one direction. chooses to pursue,
naturally, Good Fortune Holy. Palace.
For the rest of the Saint Race fleet, Lin Ming did not intend to control it. As long as
pulled away, they would perform greater spatial teleportation and would not catch up.
At this time, Lin Ming opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the starry sky.
There, there was a fleet with a flew with a very fast speed.
There are not many fleets, but the speed is very fast, obviously crack troops!
This fleet-emergeence interweaved a irepower net and blocked the Saint Race of the big
piece. The Saint Race spirit battleship was destroyed on the spot.
Lin Ming slightly surprised. He didn’t know which side of the Human Race power was
expecting to be the dazzling flashes of just large explosion. To attract them, if there was
only a bit of a resolution, even if it was far away, it would not have guessed that the flash
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was normal. The phenomenon of the universe, not least of which there will be law aura,
they naturally know that the war broke out.
Reinforcements and Demon Immortal Palace’s fleet were attacked by two parties. The Saint
Race is like a rabbit chased by wolf on the grassland. Being able to choose the exact way
because of flurry.
One after another, the spirit battleship was defeated and the war’s result was no longer

suspicious... Lin Ming also caught up with the Good Fortune Holy Palace!
a dark sky background, Lin Ming’s scene to catch up with the Good Fortune Holy Palace is
huge’s octopus in the sea shells.
Desolated dozens of Blood Dragon tentacles wrapped the layers of the Good Fortune Holy
Palace, and the torrent of blood rushed into the Good Fortune Holy Palace. The entire Fort
Fortune Holy Palace was engulfed! !
When Lin Xian without swallows expert Qi and Blood, Lin Ming, as the master of the wild,
feels its blood and wildness deeply. In the absence of the soul, the flesh and blood of the
waste only engulf the instinct. And the more it is swallows, the more powerful it is!
When it swallows enough things, it can also split. Evolution of avatar, this is simply a
creature that violates Heavenly Dao!
According to Lin Ming originally, the more powerful organisms, the more diicult it is to
reproduce them. Even many powerful living entities are unique to the world.
Otherwise, if the number of powerful organisms is too large, they will become absolute
masters of the universe and destroy balance.
However, the absurdity seems to violate this common sense. Lin Ming does not know
whether there is any limit to the quantity of the avatar. If there is no limit, give it enough
time, it and its avatar will slowly flood the Thirty Three Heavens and swallow the entire
Thirty Three Heavens...
Such deduction, Lin Ming frightened.
And before Lenovo’s various, Lin Ming suddenly realized that certain possible, intention
moves, next a quarter. He has appeared in the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
Even though the ighting is over, there are still many things for Lin Ming. Even Wild-One’s
avatar, he did not have time to fully reine.
“Elder Brother Lin !”
Seeing Lin Ming comes in, Little Demon Xian Qiaolian flushed. Gently panting, this is the
excitement of defeating the Good Fortune Corps. It was also caused by the devastation
caused by excessive physical exertion. “Can control the waste?”
Little Demon Xian’s curious asking, she asked the time of this sentence, a lot of Demon
Immortal Palace disciple also looked to Lin Ming, this is their question.
Lin Ming smiled and said, “i’ll talk to you later. have a bit of matter to deal with.”
Lin Ming spoke in a flash, and came to the secret room. In this secret room, there was a
whole body of cognac, a man with edgy hair, and he was just Holy Child Good Fortune.
The former Holy Child Good Fortune was tall, with a large body on the shoulder, and an
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eyebrow and eyebrow stares. was unfathomable from the moment he was born. was
destined to his uncommon life, regardless of his life experience or his talent. Things
around a center are generally surrounded by people.
Because of this species, in the Saint Race, many peerless women knew that the Holy
Child Good Fortune was very ruthless and the woman was insigniicant to him, but was
still willing to come to the door to interact with the Holy Child Good Fortune’s sexual
However, now that Holy Child Good Fortune has been swallowed by Qi and Blood, it is no
longer adult.
When Lin Ming enters, Holy Child Good Fortune feels, but he does not respond. His eyes are
empty, his mouth is open and his mouth slowly flows out, like a walking dead body.
At this moment, Holy Child Good Fortune’s heart is dead, his ambition, his arrogance and
complete smash, he is slaughtered from the world Lord Lord he expected to become today’s
pitiful appearance. Now, he is not as dead.
Lin Ming slowly raised right hand. A black cube emerged from his palm.
The black light glitters and shines on the face of Holy Child Good Fortune. The eyelid of the
Holy Child Good Fortune moves slightly. sees the Magic Cube.
The Holy Child Good Fortune once owned the Grandmist Spirit Bead. There is a kind of
fuzzy introduction to the three divine tools. The appearance of the Magic Cube makes
him faintly aware of something, but it is not sure.
However, these are not important, even if it is learned what secret Lin Ming has.

bitter smile, hoarse said: “Kills ... I ...”

“If you wish!”

Lin Ming gently waved, and the soul of Holy Child Good Fortune was directly broken into
pieces and flew into the Magic Cube...
At this moment, Holy Child Good Fortune died completely. His Spatial Ring and weapon
were all handcufed by Lin Ming. had already lost the body of Qi and Blood. Lin Ming just
popped a ireball and turned it into an ash.
Next, Lin Ming’s thoughts have already appeared in the Magic Cube space.
Now that Lin Ming, using Magic Cube, is becoming more and more skilled, he can read
the memories contained in the soul fragments of the without owner directly like reading a
book without absorbing them.
For Lin Ming, the memory of Holy Child Good Fortune is very important. has a lot to read.
The most important of these is Good Fortune Divine Art!
Lin Ming’s biggest opponent at this stage is Saint Emperor Good Fortune, and “Good
Fortune Divine Art” Is the strongestest ability of Saint Emperor Good Fortune. It seems to
be a set of peak True God cultivation method!
Lin Ming’s current cultivation method is already enough. Just the Law of Asura and the Sacred
Scripture Law, which is Martial Dao to high law, are enough for him to understand. Lin Ming
has no energy and there is no need to learn a good one. Fortune Divine Art.
However, we must learn not to learn, so-called other side, is undefeated in many battles,
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Lin Ming now. It is to ind the weakness of Good Fortune Divine Art.
Holy Child Good Fortune is a Heavenly Venerate cultivation base. His understanding of
“Good Fortune Divine Art” Has been very profound in his memory. There are ten second
levels for “Good Fortune Divine Art.”
Holy Child Good Fortune practiced to the Ninth Level, but he knew the contents of Top ten

First Level. As for the last tenth second level, only the Saint Emperor Good Fortune knew.
than cultivation method is indeed the peak True God level. It is just a little less bad
the cultivation
method of the levels “Asura Heavenly Book” And “Sacred Scripture” .
Even Saint Emperor Good Fortune did not seem to be able to practice the cultivation method.
That is, this cultivation method. Not the original of Emperor Emperor Good Fortune, but
the ancient inheritance that he got.
In the memory of the Holy Child Good Fortune, “Good Fortune Divine Art” Comes from the
Primordial Realm Ruins. Its creator is no one know.
After Saint Emperor Good Fortune got “Good Fortune Divine Art” , spent hundr million years
and slowly joined his own understanding to improve the cultivation method.
Many peerless cultivation methods are not completed by one person. Including Lin Ming’s
study of “Sacred Scripture” And “Asura Heavenly Book” , also added his own six-star
reincarnation understanding, and slowly put two fusions. These two sets of peak martial
arts are completely diferent in Lin Ming’s hands.
Lin Ming read the contents of “Good Fortune Divine Art” Little by little, and the more
looked at it, the more shocked. “Good Fortune Divine Art” Lin Ming has long understood,
it can win the power of Good Fortune.
Good Fortune. It is natural that if True God comes to use it, it can even suck the essence
of a world and let the world become a dead territory!
However, when went deeper into understood, the thought that Lin Ming originally had in his
mind became clearer and more and more certain.
Lin Ming has long found that the power of “Good Fortune Divine Art” Devours the world is
similar to that of the wild!
What can be swallowed by the barren, but it is more focused on enguling flesh and blood.
“Good Fortune Divine Art” Is more focused on enguling the power of the world, if the
two are combined...
Lin Ming this moment, feeling cold in heart, Saint Emperor Good Fortune’s improvement
of “Good Fortune Divine Art” , is mostly focused on this aspect!
Ingesting flesh and blood is equivalent to swallowing human body.
The power to devour the world is equivalent to enguling the Heaven and Earth Universe.
This route to the culivation of the combination of “Sacred Scripture” And “Heavenly Book”
By Lin Ming, Human Universe, and Heaven and Earth Universe is actually happening to
hold the same view!
Lin Ming inally found out the way to go for Saint Emperor Good Fortune. His ambition is
too great! is to cultivate the law of swallowing to peak, Beyond True God, even beyond
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the Asura Road Master!

Think of this step, Human Race obviously can not meet him. He will

eventually have to shoot for the Soul Race!

Lin Ming even suspected that in the end, when Saint Emperor Good Fortune had swallowed up
to peak,
would Saint Race not let go?
When a person reaches that level, is he still human? The word monsters is not enough

to describe him. However, Saint Emperor Good Fortune will not stop his steps. Naturally,

it is because of ambition!
to theto turn into dust in the future, not willing to be subject to the highest Heavenly
extent of Saint Emperor Good Fortune, in addition to absolute strength and eternal life,
there is nothing to attract him. (Meat Pie’s good activity in the sky, cool mobile phones
waiting for you to take! Focus on the ~ point/public number (WeChat add friends - add the
public number - enter it), and immediately participate! Everyone has an award, and
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MW CHAPTER 2056 - Indivisible

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When Lin Ming came out of the Magic Cube space, he had become mentally distressed.
You know, the Saint Emperor Good Fortune is just one of the enemies that he hit. It is just a
Saint Emperor Good Fortune. It will be such a big chess game.
In the view of Saint Emperor Good Fortune, the only one who deserves to play against him is
the Soul Emperor. What is this Soul Emperor doing?
Recalling the Soul Emperor, Lin Ming inevitably remembered Sheng Mei.
Over 6,000 years ago, Lin Ming met with Sheng Mei at Soul Realm. Lin Ming wanted to pay
a price to promote the alliance between Human Race and Soul Race. However, the result
was rejected by Sheng Mei. Now think about it, it’s just another Normal, because of the Soul
Emperor and the Saint Emperor Good Fortune, the Human Race at the time was only a
small piece. For the Human Race, it was the Great Tribulation of the Last Day. Dead a
board game piece.
Recalling the conversation between Soul Realm and Sheng Mei, Lin Ming was silent. fell into
deep pondering and felt Dense Fog in front of his eyes...
“Whatdoyousigh?” “Sighedyourdestiny...”

Lin Ming recalled the sentence, thinking, his thoughts, and inally determined that after he
was chased by God King Floating Feather, he was transferred to a Sky Spill Planet by
Sheng Mei, and after stealing his Source Soul Force, he left the sad. Face...
Undoubtedly, Sheng Mei has the story of own. Because of Soul Emperor, her story seems to be
full of sad situations.
She was involuntarily, but after all, made a choice.
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Only Lin Ming did not know what secret facts were among them...
Little Demon Xian sees Lin Ming’s anomalies. Lin Ming shook his head.
“Nothing.Irememberedsome pastevents...IwasabitworriedaboutwhattheSoulRacewasdoing...”
Before Lin Ming met with Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianyu, and Qin Xingxuan, there were three
double- hours between the departure and the Holy Child Good Fortune War. Lin Ming spoke of
his years of experience, Little Demon. Xian also knows the things of Sheng Mei and Soul
Little Demon Xian did not continue this topic. Instead, said, “LongYaiscoming...”
“LongYa?”Lin Ming gave a brief look, remembering that the number of people who had just
been there was very small, but it was very powerful military reinforcements. Yes, Hidden
Dragon Galaxy not only has Little Demon Xian, but also Long Ya.
Over the years, they jointly controlled the Holy Child Good Fortune. Long Ya’s strength is even
weaker than that of Little Demon Xian. Besides Little Demon Xian’s side has Lin H uang, Long
Ya is obviously living very much on the Hidden Dragon Galaxy. Tough.
Presumably Long Ya was not far away from them. He saw the flash of the explosion and came
Little Demon Xian suddenly said, Lin Ming heard a slight glimpse, Long Ya’s age is about the
same size as him, 6,700 years broken Heavenly Venerate, it is somewhat exaggerated.
But this is probably because of the Great Tribulation, which has allowed many talents to
grow faster if this catastrophe continues. With the massive sacriice of the Human Race
martial artist, there will be more and more experts emerging.
Ebb Tide, catastrophe is hell for the weak, for genius, it may be growth of arena.
Lin Ming thought for a moment. One of the jade slips in the Spatial Ring was released. This
is the Sound Transmission Mark of the Mount Potuo Alliance. It’s time to get the Human
Race together.
Now that the irresistible forces of Saint Race have been slowly eliminated, the Human Race
even though will not speak of the counter-attacking time, but at least it is already possible to
confront the Saint Race positively before the closure of the Saint Emperor Good Fortune. .
And there is one more point. Lin Ming wants to get some news about Mu Qianxue by gathering
the Human Race. According to Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianxue left very early. Where did she
go? Little Demon Xian didn’t know either, Little Yu' Er also followed Mu Qianxue.
Maybe the Human Race has some Heavenly Venerate, where does Mu Qianxue go?
“WewillgobacktotheDemonImmortalPalacestation,”Said Lin Ming.
“LinMing,hahahaha!”In the bright main hall of the Demon Immortal Palace, a burly middle-
aged man strides forward, and behind him a group of silver armor ighters,
these silver armor ighters, seeing Lin Ming’s eyes clearly reveal the color of the excit.
This middle-ag man middle age, it is Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate, held out a big shot
on Lin Ming’s shoulder,
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Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate even said three good words, facial expression very excited!
That year, he and Divine Dream were the earliest beginners to pay attention to Lin Ming’s
Human Race Heavenly Venerate. At that time, Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate also just
thought that the younger generation was good and could become Heavenly Venerate in the
future, consciously trained. However, he did not expect that he was far away.
Underestimated Lin Ming, Lin Ming has created enough miracles to reverse the war
Who would have thought that the youth who still seemed to have some naivete in Vast
Universe Heavenly Venerate could become thero who strove to turn the tide in the Heaven
and Earth Great Tribulation.
Seeing Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate, Lin Ming is also very excited. knows that when Saint
Race invades the Human Race in full, in order to ensure that the Elite of Human Race can
withdraw from Divine Realm, safely arrive at Wild Universe, the army of Heavenly Venerate of
Human Race. , Headed by Divine Dream, head to Radiance Light World to block the Saint
And Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate is one of them. Lin Ming knows that with the strength of
Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate, it is not really strong in many Heavenly Venerates of Human
Race. is very worried about that battle, Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate die, After all, this is an
elder he respects. also knows about him.
Now, sees Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate is a good place to stand here. Lin Ming is pleased
with his heart.
“DivineDreampredecessors...”Lin Ming’s heart moves, “IheardthatDivineDream’sseniorisinthe
Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate shook his head and said:
turnaround!”Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate laughs. The appearance of Lin Ming was indeed
a favorable turn.
ofthecultivationmethoditself,themortalbodyofGodKingHeavenlyAstralispowerful,butinS oulSea
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on ofDivineDreamspace,youcanstillusebruteforcetobreakit.DivineDream’sspacehasaforceield
“Thisway...”Lin Ming softly relax, was also very afraid of Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate
with an enemy of two, What’s wrong, now it looked better.
..” Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate said a slight meal here. After
thinking about it, said with a smile: “Like
From seeing Lin Ming, Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate’s laughter has not stopped, for nearly
7,000 years, he never smiled so openly.
With Lin Ming notifying Emperor Sakyamuni, Emperor Sakyamuni informed the leaders of
the great race forces of the Human Race through his grunts’ Sound transmission Mark. For a
long time, many Human Race forces gathered at the Hidden Dragon Galaxy.
At this time, outside the Demon Immortal Palace, a large number of ordinary ighters have
been gathered. Some of them are the Saint Lord, and the young Divine Monarch Realm
expert, even some Divine Transformation Juniors who are still unable to go to the battleield
and are only armed reserves.
Seeing Lin Ming appear, these ighters are crazy.
When a nation is in distress, whether it is the soldiers who seeing a leader with high
prestige, or the people who have seen the triumphant returners, the excitement in their
hearts will be diicult to suppress.
Don’t know who called such a slogan, and then people shouted as if by prior agreement!
A wave of waves is like a tsunami, millions of martial artists, their shouting voices with fearful
impulses, tremorous eon space!
The soldiers shouted and shouted. Some people couldn’t help holding up their weapons. The
young ladies were happily weeping and hugging each other. At this moment, everyone’s hearts
were linked together and beaten together.
Everyone, whether it is an ordinary soldier, military oicer, or those who have a long life span,
Human Race Heavenly Venerate who has already experienced repeat diiculties, or Lin Ming,
who stands on Demon Immortal Palace stage to seeing great changes in the world. At this
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moment, they are all afected by this atmosphere. They feel the blood stream of the whole
body. In such shouts, they involuntarily speed up and make them unable to suppress
Their deepfeels, in times of distress, unprecedent’s unity and bloodyness of Human Race!
At that moment, Lin Ming couldn’t help but shed tears. His deep feeling, he would always
belong to this race, and he would also ight for this race. His family members, families, and
future generations were also in this race. It is inseparable from...
Some people in the book review area questioned a scenario written by silkworms. One hundred
thousand Si Ming Planet people did not eat charity food and refused to spit on the statues of Lin
Ming and Little Demon Xian. Some people felt false.
Didn’t want to reply. found that there were many people who questioned me. Then said
something of topic. In fact, everyone is accustomed to using the thinking of present people to
measure everything described in the book. When a nation is about to perish, it is not the
same. When the Han nationality vowed to resist the Qing Dynasty, Yangzhou on the 10th,
Jiading three slaughters and other national disasters, alone when the end of the Song
Dynasty, Yashan battle, the 100,000 soldiers, court oicials, common people, and Royal Clan
in the Song Dynasty fell to the sea after the defeat. No one surrendered, next day sea level
100,000 dead bodies, the Chinese elite died, Wen Tianxiang wrote “Lifeisancient.Who
doesnotdie,tostayintheartandshine,”And a series of loyal gentlemen Shu things, it can
explain everything .
Wen Tianxiang is not the only one. Shi Kefa is not typical. They are just representative of the
loyal gentlemen of the thousand ten million nations.
Before the Song Dynasty, the island nation respected the Chinese gods, Yashan battle, island
country grief, regardless of the threat of strong Mongolia, to pay tribute, the attitude of the island
country after the Song made a major turn, derogatory name China as a branch, South Korea
has a similar view of the Qing Dynasty This is also related to the clif mountain war and the
national disaster.
The silkworm cocoon is neither an angry youth nor a public igure. It does not discuss the
laughable place of the “TangFengHanYunCunDong”Advertised by Japan and South
Korea, nor does want to say that
“ThereisnoChinaaftertheclifmountainandnoHuaxiaaftertheMingDynasty.”No, it was just
felt that with the “Stableslavery”And “Doingslaverybutnotallowed”To describe China’s
moral courage, there was always a sense of disrespect for the ancient
Chinese loyal gentleman.
Wu Ji’s Late Stage, silkworm cocoon wrote some of Human Race’s moral courage, not
much ink, just want to write some bloody, and then joined the individual heroism complex, I
think, just eat charity food, compared to 100,000 It is not diicult for the military and civilians
to vote for the sea...
All of the above without personal personal view, is merely a statement of historical evidence.
It explains what cocoon writes. The topic is more sensitive. I think it should not be attacked
by some people.
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the ~ point/public number (WeChat add friends - add the public number - enter it), and
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MW CHAPTER 2057 - Hidden Dragon

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In the month after Lin Ming defeated the Good Fortune Corps, Wild Universe’s Human
Race was boiling!
The Mount Potuo Alliance, using a variety of news means, has been propagandizing Lin
Ming’s series of spectacular results in the past few months, including the Rebel Corps,
the Saint Race coalition, and the Good Fortune Corps.
This three consecutive and hearty victory, especially in the inal battle, Lin Ming killed
Holy Child Good Fortune, broke the trump card of Saint Race and pushed the morale
of Human Race to the extreme.
These days, all aspects of Human Race influences are excited to discuss the word
“Hidden Dragon!”
Emperor Sakyamuni, in the name of Lin Ming, convenes the influences of the Human
Race and the Hidden Dragon Galaxy.
Even though except for Lin Ming’s brilliant achievement, Emperor Sakyamuni didn’t say
a single word about future matter, but Hidden Dragon was used to make many people
feel it. This was the fact that the Human Race blew a counterattack horn and even punished
Divine. Realm’s symbol!
Swing Divine Realm! !
This is a fascinating sentence.
Still remember
“The Wild Wild same race took back the day of Divine Realm, and the family sacriiced
their fortune on the Father of Heaven.”
This is the obsession of the Human Race.
Whether it’s the Wild Human Race or the Divine Realm Human Race, in order to it,
people can sacriice everything!
With the lapse of time, Hidden Dragon’s Galaxy converges more and more Human
Races, and here gradually becomes the center of the Human Race’s regime. After the wild-war
start, this is the irst time the Human Race has a clear, dare truly. Bright independence of the flag.
When the forces of the Human Race converged more than half of the time, the powerful
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masters of the Human Race gathered together. A maximum meeting was held.
The attendees of this conference were all those with Heavenly Venerate above Human
Race, Emperor Sakyamuni, Great Unrestrained Buddha, Vast Universe Heavenly
Venerate, Hang Chi, Jun Biyue, Long Ya, Dark Demon Monarch, God King
Transcending Heaven, Di Wuhen, etc., all arrived.
This conference formulates is the plan of Human Race to counterattack Divine Realm!
According to Lin Ming’s memory from the Holy Child Good Fortune Soul Sea, the
Saint Emperor Good Fortune devoured the Essence Cultivation System of Divine
Transformation Nine Changes. It takes thousands of years of millennia to spend
thousands of energy energies and time.
During this period, once the midway terminates. This will be a serious serious damage to
Saint Emperor Good Fortune. In this case, Saint Emperor Good Fortune will be unable to
withstand the Heavenly Tribulation of counter changes to high heavens.
On the other hand, if Saint Emperor Good Fortune was baptized with Heavenly
Tribulation, and if he survived, he would receive an enormous advantage.
The Human Race is to ight this time, while retiring from the Saint Emperor Good
Fortune. The attack given to the major of Saint Race!
Stepping back 10,000 steps, even if Saint Emperor Good Fortune is desperate to leave,
the Human Race is at best restored to the state of hidings in the Wild Universe.
Saint Emperor Good Fortune is stronger again. Neither is impossible to a person to
destroy the Human Race.
In this terrain complex of the Wild Universe, once the Human Race is dispersed and
separated from each other in the Star territory of the First Level, the Saint Emperor
Good Fortune would like to ind the 11 of the Human Race to kill if had no men. Do
not know how much time to use.
As for Lin Ming and Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate, one of them can use Body
Transformation Bone Changing Art and the other is proicient in Illusion Technique and hidden
techniques. They can ind a place to hide in the universe and let Saint Emperor Good Fortune not ind it
for a lifetime.
Now the Human Race’s plan is to eliminate the Saint Emperor Good Fortune’s eagle
dogs as much as possible during these times. Every time a Saint Race Heavenly
Venerate is destroyed, the Human Race will be safer in the future.
At the meeting, the Human Race powerful masters have always recommended Lin Ming
as the Human Race leader when Divine Dream is not in. Full leadership of the Human
However, this proposal was rejected by Lin Ming.
Lin Ming’s reaction, let eye-stare of Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate, “Brat, you don’t
give up on this time, in the Human Race. Your prestige has reached its peak, even
exceeds Divine Dream. You don’t come, who come?” Do! “
However, Lin Ming still shook his head. “Thank you for your loved ones, but it’s really
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not suitable for juniors. There is actually a lot of things to do for juniors. Even though
can lead the Human Race army against Divine Realm, even if Divine Realm is
played, It does not mean that we have won the Saint Race in this battle, and the Saint
Emperor Good Fortune will not die. This battle will not end, and ... our enemies may not necessarily
be only Saint Race...”
Lin Ming said this, but it suddenly surprised the Human Race powerful master. “Did the
Soul Race have been standing by and watching these years, is going to have victory fall into one’s
In people opinion, Soul Race is a mysterious race that is comparable to Saint Race.
If eternal truth Lin Ming says, it would be too bad!
Lin Ming shook his head. “I don’t know exactly what i’m going to do. Forgive my
younger generation. No matter how dazzling our army has achieved on the battleield,
it’s not a shake for Saint Race. Including this Holy Child.” Good Fortune, four Saint
General, and others don’t understand that I have the ability to control the flesh and
blood. I called them to be caught of guard, and the entire Good Fortune Legion and
the Waste Legion. It looked like a magical success. It’s not too much! If we really
want to face Saint Race and Soul Race, there is only one possibility. It is the Human Race that
really has a character that can compete with Saint Emperor Good Fortune and the Soul Emperor! “
Lin Ming’s remarks came out. Heards were silent in the audience.
Lin Ming was right. In fact, the powerful masters in the ield also understand this,
but they are unconsciously not willing to face Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
The plan counter-attacks Divine Realm’s plan looked ambitious and uplifting
morale, but the fact cannot solve the Saint Emperor Good Fortune. Everything is
mirrored by Shui Yue.
The Saint Emperor Good Fortune is too strong. Unconsciously, some experts of the
Human Race have lost the courage to face him. They even do not want to think.
Emperor Sakyamuni indulged for a moment and said, “Lin Ming, you said Right, but
we still have to counterattack Divine Realm. As for the leading thing, let us do it.
You do your business, but the leader still wants you to name it. Light is your name,
Lin Ming promised it.
In this way, this supreme meeting inalized the results.
Lin Ming is the spiritual leader of Human Race. In the absence of Divine Dream,
both nominal and fact Lin Ming have the highest authority. However, the real
responsibility for the battle and the control of military authority is based on Emperor
Sakyamuni and Dark Demon. Monarch, God King Transcending Heaven, together
with some of the most influential Heavenly Venerate, formed the highest military
“Ladies and gentlemen, you have to deal with the combat issues of Divine Realm. You
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are responsible for the formulation. There are still some things to be done by the juniors.”
“I will not even participate in the ight against Divine Realm. I will leave the
Waste Legion and the Good Fortune Holy Palace to you...”
Lin Ming said this, Emperor Sakyamuni slightly surprised, “Will Lin Ming have
more important matter?”
“Um, I want to verify some of my own conjectures, but before that, I have to have
more productive strengths. I plan to break through Heavenly Venerate recently!”
Lin Ming’s intonation slow said that Lin Ming Inner World’s royal phantom shadow had
already formed and formed. In fact, when the previous time reining Floating Feather
was born, he could break through. Until now, naturally it is in order to Wild. -One’s
avatar flesh essence!
With Wild-One’s avatar’s Devil Strength, make up for the lack of Devil Strength in your
body and balance God Strength with Devil Strength. Once Lin Ming breaks Heavenly Venerate,
strength will change with quality.
“You want to break Heavenly Venerate!”
Hearing the intention of Lin Ming, Emperor Sakyamuni, Vast Universe, Dark Demon
Monarch and others were all moved.
The present many human Race powerful master, part of the people who just arrived at
Hidden Dragon Galaxy, did not even know Lin Ming’s speciic cultivation base.
Lin Ming’s law is too mysterious, the cultivation path is very diferent from the traditional
cultivation system of Human Race, so that most of them can not seeing Lin Ming’s realm,
they also think that Lin Ming has broken Heavenly Venerate.
Hearing that Lin Ming hadn’t arrived at Heavenly Venerate, they were all stunned.
They didn’t destroy the Holy Child Good Fortune and the Good Fortune Corps
without Heavenly Venerate. How did he do it? If Heavenly Venerate is broken, it’s still
OK. !
“It’s too good!” Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate laughed. “When you break
Heavenly Venerate, the Human Race is more than a Saint Race!”
Lin Ming smiled and said: “My broken Heavenly Venerate, may have to retreat f or
several months. During this time, God King Floating Feather may be coming. If she
comes, you’ll host Fairy Maiden Qinglian. Presumably, wouldn’t be in order to Saint
Emperor Good Fortune, who was only interested in her interests. chose to disregard
his own love for disciples.”
Lin Ming originally left Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Ao Ri, and Xie Yue, and he left a card.
Now, it is time to play this card. If necessary, he can withdraw the flesh and blood of
the wild planted in them. They also have three freedoms.
Thanks to Martial World for another glimmer of red, thank you for supporting all the
book friends in the cocoon.
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MW CHAPTER 2058 - True God musical arrived

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In Hidden Dragon Galaxy, an independent starry sky was isolated by an array, Lin Ming
closed eyes, and sat in the blood of the desert.
At the moment, Lin Ming has completely reined Wild-One’s avatar. This avatar is too
large. Even if Lin Ming has reined it, wants to have one’s command to control every
part of his body. Long-term adaptation.
This is still the result of Lin Ming Soul Force’s powerful control of the Wild Spirit.
For example, Holy Child Good Fortune, draw support from Saint Emperor Good
Fortune’s Spiritual Mark to control the Wild-One’s avatar, about the strength of
True God center position. In the wild, he can only use it to Heavenly Venerate.
When Lin Ming truly swims in the wild flesh and has full control of a True God -level
Wild-One’s avatar, Lin Ming deeply feels the terrifying of the wild. It looked from the
outside, but it’s just a big flesh, but Its interior is full of mysterious strength, complex
of law, like a magical and Demon Essence world.
In this world, full of bloodthirsty, wild aura, every blood energy in the sky, there are
Ten Thousand Demons phantom shadow ups and downs, crying.
But at the same time, this world is illed with divine material, it is full of Sequence God
Chain, boundless broad, composed of ininite law rune.
Some of the blood of these laws was formed by itself, and most of them were
swallowed by it. The ever- changing law constitutes Lin Meng’s bloody yet magical
Lin Ming in the law’s sea, constantly watching, looking for, his sensation flash can
pass through the chain of ten million road law order, those below Heavenly Venerate
level of law. He does not look at it at all. He is looking for something!
Even if Lin Ming is perceiving powerful, however, the bills are ridiculous, and the law
of enguling is too many. has several Spiritual Force overdrafts. Eventually, in this
complicated and endless mysterious world, he inds an unusual Sequence God
This Divine Dao chain traversed the sky, and it seemed to be covered with endless
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stars, faint. It presents nine kinds of colors, beautiful and dreamlike.

Seeing the moment of Sequence God Chain, Lin Ming’s heart in a shakes, eyes flashing
excit’s ray.
He feels this moment, Qi and Blood within himself is attracted by the power of Demon
Essence of this divine chain, accelerations of heartbeat, blood flow, Violet Mansion,
spinal column, forehead, heart and so on. Become hot, faint, marvelous feeling. Linked
to this divine chain.
“This is Was!”
Lin Ming breathed slightly, and this Divine Dao chain was after the Karma contact
between the Human Race and Dao Palace Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Law. The three 30
Heavenly Dao to high law chain that is condensed into!
If you cut it of and even reine it, what will happen?
This Divine Dao chain is not complete, it contains only a small part of the power of
the Dao Palace Nine Stars and the Human Race’s karma Samsara, and many other
strengths, is unquestionably blocked in the desolate main body, located in Saint
Emperor Good. Under the control of Fortune.
Only by gaining the main body of the waste, Lin Ming can really complete the relation
between the Human Race and Karma of Heavenly Dao. This is equal to doing a good
thing for the Human Race.
Three billion, six or more million years ago, the Emperor of the Ancient Times broke
the arm of the Human Race. Now, Lin Ming will take this arm back!
Even Lin Ming suspects that the air transportation of Primordial God Clan and
Heavenly Clan may also be blocked in the desert.
Why did the ancient clan fail and why could God Clan not reproduce? This may be
related to Abyss Devil.
Lin Ming sat down in front of the Sequence God Chain. didn’t cut it of the irst ti me.
After all, he was involved in the highest presence of 30 three Heavenly Dao. might
even induce Heavenly Tribulation.
With the strength of Lin Ming’s present, would like to shake this level of law. After

all, it’s too tough. So, he intends to break through Heavenly Venerate irst!

Until now. Lin Ming’s accumulation is enough, he spent 7,000 years, reincarnation
repairs, a little bit of a hit, and now, he is actually going to take this step!
Slowly, Lin Ming enters fusion Martial Intent. is like a stat ue, feeling the power of the
Wild-One’s avatar’s Demonic Path in front of him, and inciting Divine Strength in
Inner World. In his mind, there is an endless deduction. slowly forgot about the
passage of time.
Both of these two forces have the highest law presence. If we can achieve the harmony,
there will be inconceivable efects.
But this is also an extremely dangerous thing. If you want to make the two peak
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powers reach harmonious fusion, there will be millis and millions kinds of loss of the
balanc’s possibilty. Once the control is not good, it is the goale a devil’s fate.
For others to do it, it is suicide. Even Lin Ming should

be cautious.
The energy beam of light that melts into the blood of the desert, slowly into Lin Ming’s
body, blood
energy transpiration!
Demonic Qi in this flesh turned into a beam-like bloody red law, killing Lin Ming’s

Divine Soul. Lin Ming did not move, his body slowly invaded by red, like bathing

in the pool of blood and hell.

echoedrush to reine these Devil Strengths, instead evoked God Strength in his body
The so-called God Strength is the fusion of three energy types: Astral Essence, True
Essence, and Divine Essence.
Regardless of God Strength, Devil Strength, after all, it’s all energy.

Energy and law are two diferent things.

The amount of energy that is possessed is the symbol of the martial artist. It can almost
be equated with
the cultivation base level.
The comprehension of law is the measurement of the capacity usage ratio of the
martial artist. The higher the law is, the stronger the combat battle eiciency is.
The quality of energy is high or low, and so is law.
Lin Ming’s law is now almost standing on the peak of Martial Dao’s. blends “Sacred
Scripture” With
“Heavenly Book” . It can be said that it has never been seen!
In terms of energy, he also needs to integrate Demon God and embark on a path that has
never been seen before...
Slowly, Lin Ming has more and more Devil Strength in his body, and begins
without absorbing and reining.
One stock of Great Dao Law has been continuously drilled, bringing the strength of
Wild-One’s avatar’s to Lin Ming.
These forces are undoubtedly the essence of the power in the desolation. Every battle is
With more and more enguling, Lin Ming’s body has been completely blood red. has
infused a scarlet Devil Strength in every pore, and the blood mist transpires.
These forces are so powerful that even his almost diamond-immortal body is nearly
In the wild impacts of a stock, Lin Ming’s body ski n and even bone blood were
peeled of like fragments. However, these flesh flesh, where the life essence is
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turned into a red energy flow at the moment of spalling, was resorptioned. Lin Ming’s
body, eventually shedding, is only broken old skin.
The situation of Such, is continuing, one day, two month, two months...
Lin Ming does not know that this time retreat will be long, the Devil Strength
contained in the blood of the desolate is too strong, he wants to be hard enough to
absorb, and reach Yin Yang reconciliation in the body, this will be a long process, in
the middle must not be the worst.
And such a long time, enough to happen many matters! Floating

Feather came.
It’s very suddenly.
In fact, after the resignation of Lin Ming beginning, the leader of the Human Race of
Hidden Dragon Galaxy has been waiting for the arrival of Floating Feather. After all,
the order of the entire clan reunites. The location of their Hidden Dragon Galaxy is
already semi-published.
In addition, Fairy Maiden Qinglian has been pressured on them for several months.
Floating Feather does not come. It is not normal.
However, what they didn’t think of was that not only Floating Feather, but also God
King Heavenly Astral came along. His tall tower was like an iron tower. The whole
body was like a metal construction. There was no hair and eyelash, head was
crystal, and generally glittering and translucent carving .
If at ordinary times, God King Heavenly Astral will be full of brilliance, with brilliance
of formidable pressure, but now, these brilliance have weakened a lot, which means
that God King Heavenly Astral has consumed a lot in the recent period.
In the irst ight with Divine Dream, he was very hard. Two True

God consecutive arrived!

Emperor Sakyamuni, Dark Demon Monarch, God King Transcending Heaven lead the
Heavenly Venerate of the Human Race, while God Clan’s two legend levels are all mind-
shrinks and the complexion becomes very ugly!
In the face of both of them, the strength of their gathering at Hidden Dragon Gal axy is
really really worth not mentioning.
And just at the time of the extreme intensity of the Human Race, the distant sky once
more twisted.
A woman in a pale blue dress walks out. Her right hand holds an icy blue Divine
Sword. The left hand surrounds the sea-blue ribbon, like the goddess of Nine
Seeing this woman, Emperor Sakyamuni took a breath, Divine Dream!
Divine Dream also arrived, Human Race Saint Race, three True God consecutive arrived!
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MW CHAPTER 2059 - Untitled

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Seeing the appearance of Divine Dream, a cold brightness flashed through the eyes of
Floating Feather Heavenly Venerate’s.
If it weren’t for Divine Dream, she wouldn’t have long enough to return to the Wild
Thirty Three Layered Heavens is too broad. True God’s speed is faster and it is impossible
to fly through the First Level universe.
To shuttle between the universe, there must be greater spatial teleportation.
The use of greater spatial teleportation not only requires time, but also cannot be interrupted
halfway, that is, in combat battle conditions, it is almost impossible to complete.
Divine Dream can do nothing but Floating Feather, but it is only a matter of disturbing
Floating Feather to perform greater spatial teleportation, but it is not a matter of diiculty.
Until later, God King Floating Feather assisted God King Heavenly Astral to break the
shackles of Divine Dream Space. Under the restraint of God King Heavenly Astral, Floating
Feather got out of the room and cast greater spatial teleportation into the void.
Divine Dream naturally will not let Floating Feather return to the Wild Universe. Her
perception has already locked Floating Feather. Divine Dream and Floating Feather are chasing one
another. There are several times in the middle.
In addition to God King Heavenly Astral, three individuals took control of each other. It
took a few months of full time to barely return to the Wild Universe.
This time, regardless of Floating Feather, Divine Dream, or Heavenly Astral, are consumed.
At this point, suddenly appeared in the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, situation, all of a sudden
become complicated.
Seeing Emperor Sakyamuni et al., God King Floating Feather is frosty. Before she was
forced into the wild, she was rushed through the informational information network of Saint
Race at the time of the flight. knew that the Human Race had been brought together to the
Hidden Dragon Galaxy. She did not expect it. The convergence was so thorough that she
felt a cursory sweep. The Human Race Heavenly Venerate gathered by Hidden Dragon
Galaxy had big dozens. Among them, there were always peak Heavenly Venerates.
“Divine Dream, you chased me for so long, and you have been chasing me to the barbarians
from that unnamed universe. Now that you eventually catch up, are you going to deal with me
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urgently? Well now. We’ll be here again. One day!”

God King Floating Feather said, the feathers drifted around and formed an invisible force
ield. Fast’s expansion started.
The speed of this force ield is extremely fast, instantly covering the ive hundred
kilometers of star territory, completely covering the Human Race Alliance!
With this True God force ield, it is diicult for the Human Race to break through the shackles.
Once the three True Gods are ighting in the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, it will be a disaster for
the Human Race!
At this time. Floating Feather that face without the slightest show of feeling, has been
illed with the killing intent of the woods cold!
“HaHaHa! This proposal is good! Entangled with you for so long, it should be a bit real
today! Even if the consumption of Shou Yuan is nothing. Perhaps in this battle, this seat can
understand something may not be it!”
God King Heavenly Astral laughed, and the whole body slammed out with pure golden
Astral Essence. Like the flame of the brilliant combustion, most time with Divine Dream, he
was trapped in the Divine Dream space and he didn’t really follow. Divine Dream had a big
ight, which made God King Heavenly Astral extremely annoyed. Now he wants to vent his
will for a while!
The reactions of Heavenly Astral and Floating Feather. Let Divine Dream smoke eyebrow
wrinkle, after entering the Wild Universe, the message is transmitted more convenient,
Divine Dream has been in a short passes message, from the Emperor Sakyamuni knows Lin Ming’s
return news, this is a feel for delight The matter, however, did not expect that matter suddenly evolved to
this point.
Really ight here. The consequences will be disastrous.
“Lin Ming? Call him out!”
God King Floating Feather voice seems to come from the abyss of Nine Nether. Her avatar
is broken and reined by Lin Ming!
And the lover Fairy Maiden Qinglian is now alive and dead God King Floating Feather do
not know.
A begin to learn that Lin Ming is still alive. God King Floating Feather was extremely shocked
thousands of years ago. She distinct has killed Lin Ming.
However, in front of the fact, Floating Feather carefully recalled the past years of his own kill Lin
Ming. In the end, she came to a conclusion that shocked her and even feared a bit. That is,
there was a mysterious man, using an inconceivable technique, Illusion Technique, who was even
smarter than himself, and staggered over the sea to fool himself!
She may end up killing only a similar scapegoat to Lin Ming, but she believes it is Lin Ming.
Who is capable of doing this?
There is no doubt that the strength of this mysterious man is above him, and according to
the technique displayed by the other party, it must be the spirit of ine open spirit and the
peerless master of Spiritual Force’s. In this way, the identity of this man is ready to appear.
On the soul and the Spiritual Force, no one can match the Soul Race, and the Soul Race
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even though there are several True God, including the Asura Road has a Divine Void Soul
Emperor, but none of these people have the ability to fool themselves, it seems If you don’t
count some of the potential, or even do not know the hidden world of the end, there is also
the hearsay of Old Monster who lived from ten billion years ago and still do not know.
Then this person can only be Thirty Three Heavens Soul Emperor!
Floating Feather didn’t know why Soul Emperor helped Lin Ming. Is it in order to train him
and compete with Saint Race?
It’s a reasonable explanation, but in order to watch the tiger and raise a ierce tiger, Soul
Emperor is not afraid of raising tigers?
God King Floating Feather has a lot of doubts in his mind but now can’t even think about it.
This time, was in order to hold Lin Ming, to liquidate her incarnation and to be
exterminated, and to have this account of her life and death.
If Lin Ming does not come out, shes will wash the Hidden Dragon Galaxy!
At this time, it was a light from Divine Dao. A thin layer of force ield was sent from
Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate. It again covered the Hidden Dragon Galaxy.
However, this force ield range is very small, covering only the Human Race. Many
spirit battleships are equivalent to isolating Floating Feather and Human Race.
Seeing this scene, God King Heavenly Astral smirked: “Divine Dream, do you think you can
stop me with this? Damage is always easier than protection. Besides, we have two people!”
Heavenly Astral arms around her chest and the voice suddenly becomes muteous aura.
“There are also my two disciples. I will also ask them for an argument!”
The two God King aggressive, aspect becomes diicult to control, it seems that the battle
is ready to be set of!
This time, Emperor Sakyamuni stepped forward. Says: “The two God Kings don’t think that the
green lotus, Ao Ri, and Xie Yue trio slaughter the Human Race should be. The Human Race
millions and millions of lives should be the three of them’s military exploits. We should use
bones for them. Three people are paving the way to the True God Martial Dao? Once we rebel,
it hurts your inmates. Condemned by heaven and earth?”
There was no response from Floating Feather to Emperor Sakyamuni.
said blankly, “There is nothing wrong with the originality of the war. Only you kill me and
I kill you. The green lotus killed you. You kill her. It is right and wrong. Then, in turn, you
kill the green lotus, and I kill it. You are also in agreement with karma!”
“Yes, the war is indeed right and wrong. Since ancient times, the winner is the king,
loser is the villain! Then what I want to say is that no matter green lotus, Ao Ri, Xie Yue,
they are not dead and still live well.”
Emperor Sakyamuni said so, Floating Feather has a tight heart. In a breath of breath, green
lotus is still alive!
But... cold ice on her face didn’t resolve, “Makes her out.”
God King Floating Feather unquestionable said. However, Emperor Sakyamuni refused
flatly. “Sorry, this is impossible. Otherwise, once you forcibly take green lotus, you can
completely turn it over and destroy us. How do we believe you?”
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“You threaten me?” God King Floating Feather slowly landed, his body fluttering. Fearful
pressure, slowly penetrated into the force ield arranged by Divine Dream, enveloped in
Emperor Sakyamuni.
Emperor Sakyamuni slightly frowns, while carrying energy resistance, still proudly says:
“The threat is not enough, but your apprentice was Lin Ming’s gain. To release people, naturally, Lin
Ming should be the master.”
“Where is He?”
Asked God God Heavenly Astral. After he returned to the Wild Universe, he still had a ight with
Divine Dream. The intelligence also rushed through. only knew the appearance of Lin Ming, and
caused some reversal of the war situation.
He wants to seeing that this legend is Thirty Three Heavens Number One Genius. What kind of
Three Heads and Six Arms were the youth who escaped Floating Feather?
“Lin Ming. He is retiring.” “Closed?”
“Yes, he is“We
anything. breaking
took through Heavenly Venerate!” Emperor Sakyamuni did not hide
into account that Saint Race would worry that Lin Ming’s ability to reach True God level after
breaking through Heavenly Venerate was not the opponent’s two, so that it moved ahead of
time. Lin Ming, with backwards thoughts, can only treat the lovers in the two positions to be
here. Let the two people wait here for some quiet days.”
When Emperor Sakyamuni’s intonation slow came out, God King Heavenly Astral laughed.
“What did you say? After breaking Heavenly Venerate, strength dominates above True God.
This seat is not an opponent. , It’s so funny!”
God King Heavenly Astral relentlessly taunts.
The gap between True God and Heavenly Venerate is too great. This is not just from the realm
gap, but also from the talent gap.
True God is not a peerless person. When God King Heavenly Astral broke the Heavenly
Venerate, he had been able to ight against Peak Heavenly Venerate for a long time. But
later, don’t say Heavenly Venerate matches True God until God God Heavenly Astral. After
true achievement of True God, he dared not say that he could match the long-standing
existence of the achievement True God. could even say that he was weak in True God.
Those True God, Which talent was worse than Heavenly Astral at Heavenly Venerate? Are all the
same talents, similar cultivation base, who dare to say leapfrog?
Compared to God King Heavenly Astral’s taunt, Floating Feather thinks more.
She sank slightly and said: “You don’t need to use the radical method. It doesn’t work for
me. Lin Ming he retired at the Hidden Dragon Galaxy!”
Emperor Sakyamuni silent did not answer. Lin Ming did indeed retreat at the Hidden Dragon
Galaxy. Prior to Emperor Sakyamuni, had persuaded Lin Ming to ind a hidden place and
increase the diiculty of inding Floating Feather in search of him, in case the Floating Feather
became mad, regardless of green lotus. Life and death, it can’t be Lin Ming.
However, Lin Ming did not do this. The Human Race was recruited by Lin Ming. How could he
have just recruited the Human Race? hustles himself with a Golden Cicada and uses the Human
Race as bait and shield?
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And Lin Ming believes that Floating Feather will not rashly rise a hand, which involves all
aspects of reason...
[Second, time diference is chaotic. want to advance renewal. It’s a bit diicult, tomorrow
begin, try to be as early as possible.]
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MW CHAPTER 2060 - God King retreats

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: Look at the exclusive story behind “Martial World” And listen to your suggestions for
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“You can’t answer it and it’s nothing. I know, Lin Ming is here. He’s not afraid of it!”
Floating Feather cold voice said that there was a trace of anger in the spoken
language. felt that Lin Ming chose to break through Heavenly Venerate at the Hidden
Dragon Galaxy, and hosted Fairy Maiden Qinglian as the hostage here. It was a
provocation to her authoritative!
Before making this kind of provocation, Lin Ming passed a strict consideration and
inally made the decision.
For Lin Ming, it was impossible to lay down the Human Race that had just convened.
Secondly, let God King Floating Feather choose this time to shoot Lin Ming. would
like to weigh and weigh in conidence. In the end it is not worth it!
Once Floating Feather rises a hand, Fairy Maiden Qinglian is bound to be killed. It is still
one thing to lose his devoted devotees. And the key is that... Floating Feather will dare to
say that will deinitely kill Lin Ming?
Over 6,000 years ago, Lin Ming was just a Saint Lord, and his strength was not worth
mentioning. Floating Feather was a God King. also planted a True God Seal on Lin Ming. crossed over
several Great Worlds but failed. .
Even though the analysis may have been due to the involvement of the Soul Emperor,
the fact is that for Floating Feather, it is still an attack on the conidence.
She had thought that the inevitable success of the killings had all failed. Now, she is not
afraid to ensure successful killing. Can she be successful?
Now that Lin Ming is about to become Heavenly Venerate, and before Achievement
Heavenly Venerate, he has repeatedly made miracles and reversed the situation in Saint
Race. It has long been a character that cannot be easily dealt with.
Once Floating Feather set of a war on the Hidden Dragon Galaxy, wanted to kill the
Human Race fleet. Even killing 20-30 Heavenly Venerates may not be diicult.
However, it is not easy to kill Lin Ming.
Not to mention that Lin Ming himself has a lot to do with airships and is p articularly diicult.
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Moreover, there is Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate escorting them. At a crucial moment,
Floating Feather has no doubt that Divine Dream would rather sacriice dozens of Human
Race Heavenly Venerate. It will also save Lin Ming, which is n ot a diicult matter for Divine
Failed to kill Lin Ming, but delayed him to break through the realm, which is equal to
completely ofend Lin Ming, and will cause serious serious results.
For Lin Meng, such monarchous talents, his future achievement can not be imagined.
Even if can’t believe that Lin Ming can beat Heaven King Venerate to match his own God
King Heavenly Astral, must admit that in the near future, Lin Ming certainly can surpass
Once Lin Ming grows up. Will ind Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral to liquidate the
hatred. It will be diicult to predict when the outcome will be decided.
They killed the Human Race elite. The Human Race can’t aford it, but ofended but not able
to kill Lin Ming. How can they aford it?
In the inal analysis, the combination of Saint Emperor Good Fortune and interest
interest relations did not reach the situation in which Lin Ming was immortal.
Lin Ming is tantamount to believing that they will not get rid of it.
After being eaten by a Junior, Floating Feather naturally feels unhappy, but conversely.
Lin Ming did not kill green lotus, nor did he kill Ao Ri and Xie Yue. left an escape route
and did not want to really sin against Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral.
Lin Ming did not want to be an enemy of him. left an escape route for peaceful peaceful

settlement. Then the two of them, and Lin Ming continue to be an enemy, must also weigh and weigh.
Floating Feather is silent. has been killed in an imposing manner. It is not possible to
withdraw from
such a situation. Otherwise, I couldn’t justify it. Besides, she hasn’t seen Fairy Maiden
Qinglian yet.
“You are called Emperor Sakyamuni!”
Floating Feather looked blankly at Emperor Sakyamuni. In his heart, Emperor Sakyamuni
was also slightly shrieked. Emperor Sakyamuni had already endured her coercion time.
Even though there is a weakening of the Divine Dream force ield, the opposite party can
be without turning a hair. Still calm and talk to yourself, this hand alone is unusual.
“Yeah!” Said Emperor Sakyamuni, answering it with no humility.
“Good! Since Lin Ming dared to break Heavenly Venerate in the Hidden Dragon Galaxy and
waited for me to arrive, feared waiting a few more months for him to complete the retreat?”
“I waited for Lin Ming to break through Heavenly Venerate, I and look at him!”
When Floating Feather inished the sentence, actually withdrew her force ield blockade.
When saw the feathers dissipate, Emperor Sakyamuni took a breath. Just now even
though was calm, but in fact, his nerves are already tight!
Once the things Lin Ming left could not shake Floating Feather, she would have to rise a
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hand here. The consequences would be disastrous.

This is deinitely an unsustainable loss of the Human Race.
“Floating Feather, you just got it?”
God King Heavenly Astral totally did not expect that originally proud Floating Feather,
dragging in lots of people from the other First Level universe kills to wild, actually so stop
“Already certain green lotus safe, what do you want? Really want to blood wash the Hidden
Dragon Galaxy?” God King Floating Feather’s eyebrow a slight lifts, asked with True Essence
passes message.
However, God King Heavenly Astral heard an unusual potential from Floating Feather’s words.
“Floating Feather, you are anything meaning. Do you intend to slowly fade out of this race war?”
“I didn’t say that.” Floating Feather shook his head. “It’s just the present
situation. It’s diferent than before. You should also be clear that this battle
between Human Race and Saint Race is not an in order to Saint Race’s race
development.” Territory, even rudely, said that this race war was not in the
order of Saint Race. It was that person. wanted to achieve his ambition. You
didn’t want to ofend him. Second, he came up with it. The conditio ns were really
tempting and they only got involved. “
“If, what happened to the war situation? If the outcome of this war is diferent from
The question of floating Feather asked Heavenly Astral to take a sigh. For several
moments, he responded to what Floating Feather was referring to. was not dull, but he
did not think that Floating Feather would have such an idea.
“How could you possibly have such a thing, do you mean Lin Ming can strive to turn the tide? Can
you think of this Junior? Do you think that Good Fortune will not pay him?”
Heavenly Astral has some incomprehensible look to Floating Feather, how horrible the
Saint Emperor Good Fortune is, and Heavenly Astral has deep experience before.
In his opinion, Lin Ming was indeed a genius, but when the young time of Saint Emperor
Good Fortune was the same, everyone felt omnipotent. God King Heavenly Astral did not
believe Lin Ming as such a Junior, how could Saint Emperor Good Fortune be The gap is
too big.
“Provides for a rainy day, if there is one more plan, there will be one more escape route.”
“You are too careful! Our two God Kings, drag in lots of people to kill over, the result was a retreat,
Junior failed to break through Heavenly Venerate repulsed, Even the opposite party’s face did not
seeing , Spread out, just let people in the world smile!”
Heavenly Astral said with some anger.
Floating Feather is silent. have to admit that Heavenly Astral is not unreasonable. At
least in the opinion of the overstander, these things are completely nerve-racking. It is
also a big sneak sway.
However, prefers to be hypersensitive and does not want to in order to the beneits
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that have not yet been fulilled, and to provoke herself a terrible enemy of the future.
Floating Feather said: “You must stick with me. I don’t stop.”
“How do I get one person alone!” Heavenly Astral was speechless. Once Floating Feather
withdrew, he couldn’t get any waves.
Not to mention Lin Ming, just for Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate, and without Floating
Feather, the opposite party has a Divine Dream space. It’s enough for him to drink a pot.
If Divine Dream tries his best, maybe he’s in illusion. In the wrong direction, when it
comes time to attack with a big meteorite, it is 100 times more frightening than Lin Ming.
“Forget it, anyway, when we two decide together, it’s your idea, but for Lin Ming, I can only
say that because you were chasing after Lin Ming’s failure more than 6,000 years ago, your
conidence was afected. It’s a blow, so face Lin Ming will be timid.”
“Don’t forget, you chased him at that time. There was a fearful character that you suspected of
being a Soul Emperor’s. I didn’t have a half coin coin with Lin Ming. I lived so many years with
Heavenly Astral. A time was frightened because of the irst retired Junior. It’s really a humiliation!”
Heavenly Astral has said to be in an uncontrollable rage. “You have to wait for Lin Ming to
break Heavenly Venerate. Then wait. i’ll have to seeing if can Heavenly Venerate.”
This conversation between Heavenly Astral and F loating Feather was continued with the
True Essence passes message. Soon enough, Heavenly Astral turned away and instantly
disappeared into the black nebula.
Then, Floating Feather was slightly silent. looked at Divine Dream, swept her sleeves
and body into a seven-color feather, and she vanished.
It was not until the two God Kings disappeared that Emperor Sakyamuni took a
deep breath and the string that had been tense in his head slowly relaxed.
“Divine Dream Senior!” Emperor Sakyamuni looked to Divine Dream, at his age, when Divine
Dream is called for seniors.
“First back to the Heavenly Palace, everything reconsiders!” Divine Dream said simply, form
a dodges, has already flown to Mount Potuo Heavenly Palace.
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MW CHAPTER 2061 - I'm Heavenly Venerate

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: Look at the exclusive story behind “Martial World” And listen to your suggestions for the
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enter it), and tell me quietly!
At this time, Lin Ming is still in the desert, and he does not know anything about the outside

world. He had forgotten the time, forgot himself, and forgot everything.
He has spent a full three months, extracting Devil Strength, unceasing absorption, and unceasing
digestion from the essence of desolate flesh.
His mortal body, in such a wave of energy baptism, became scarlet.
At this time, on the top of Lin Ming, the power of Demon God condenses here to form the Yin Yang
revolving wheel of the primary chaos gossip, Divine Light of Huanghuang, and Lin Ming seems to
have nurtured a terrifying God Spirit.
At the same time, behind Lin Ming, a huge black phantom shadow emerged.
This black phantom shadow, with its extremely majestic face, seems to be above all sentient
beings. Looking closer, can ind Lin Ming’s shadow from his face.
This is the Venerable projection of Lin Ming Inner World’s. It’s huge and evenly tie, and the whole
body energy is flowing like a sea!
Lin Ming suddenly opened his eyes. Between his forehead, shot a Divine Dao Mang and went
straight through the sky.
At this moment, his chaos’s Inner World, suddenly under the impact of a big strength, broke a
At that moment, Lin Ming guided the power of the majestic Demon God in the body and rushed
to Inner World crazy.
The power of the original Demon God has been compressed to the peak in Lin Ming’s body. Once
these highly compressed Demon God burst out, they can easily break up the stars. With Lin
Ming’s incomparable flesh and Great Dao Law to high supreme. hardened his imstrsonment of
the strength of the strand in his body and could not be leaked.
It’s like concentrating your strength. At the peak, Lin Ming released it to Inner World in one
breath. In a flash, it was like ten million seas breaking the embankment. God tide went against
the sky and destroyed Zhou Yu!
When they rushed into Lin Ming’s Inner World, they instantly had a wider arena. Demon God’s
two prosperous growths were like the two sides of Yin Yang’s. Begin attack each other, kill!
This is enough to break through the ultimate power of the galaxy, with Lin Ming Inner World as
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the battleield. Once it has completely evolved into the Yin Yang storm, Lin Ming is unbearable.
Lin Ming’s intention to move, his Inner world’s huge royal phantom shadow, appeared
instantaneously in the center of two strands of strengths.
Lin Ming Inner World’s law strength, complete condensation, is contained in the royal phantom
shadow. At the same time, the grey-black Magic Cube vortex swirls and suppresses everything.
In Lin Ming’s Inner World. The rotating Magic Cube seems to be able to crush everything law,
heavy incomparable, as if one side of Great World is coming.
Under Lin Ming, make every efort. His Inner World, forming a very subtle node, interwove out
of a law Dao Pattern, an endless source of Void Shake, without bias and without favor to
isolate the Devil Strength and Inner World’s Divine Strength.
Then these two forces are centered on the royal phantom shadow of Lin Ming’s Inner World. Little
overflows go in and blends with each other.
The time passes slowly, under the long-time suppression. Once Devil Strength begin and God
Strength slowly fusion.
These forces, all absorbed by the royal phantom shadow of Lin Ming Inner World, gradually, this
royal phantom shadow is increasingly congealing reality!
A begin, its face full of digiii, can only ind some of Lin Ming’s shadows ambiguously. Later, its
face is more and more similar to Daoist. His body was covered with a solid black battle
armour, his eyes became divine, and his head grew black hair.
It became more and more like Lin Ming, and it inally became the incarnation of Lin Ming huge’s.
Its features, faces, stature proportions. All of them are replicas of Lin Ming, but their
temperament and Lin Ming have quite big diferences.
Lin Ming as a human being. is although serious in speech and manner, but it has emotions.
However, this royal phantom shadow has no afection, as if it were the supreme dominion of
universe with the myriad things as the beloved dog. It is an ice-cold heartless world gods!
In the moment when the royal phantom shadow was completely solidiied, Lin Ming’s Inner World
suddenly broke down, God Strength was entangled in the same place with Devil Strength, and
invisible’s law also spread wildly.
As Collapse’s place becomes more and more, Lin Ming’s inner Inner World is increasingly

chaotic. This is what Lin Ming needs.

Is the so-called breaking and standing.

The universe Yin Yang, like the power of Demon God, is also a thorough opposition. However, in
a big explosion of the universe, complete fusion and Yin Yang interacted to form this complex and
endless world.
This is the so-called Taoist one, one for two, two for three, three for myriad things.
The “Two” Here is Yin Yang. The so-called “Three” Is above Yin Yang, adding “Force” To each
other. What Lin Ming needs to do now is to follow the outbreak of the universe, and to break
the law’s natural
flaws in a big run-down, which leads to miracles.
This is Lin Min’s deep understanding of Heavenly Dao. It looked like a bad risk. In fact, it is a
correctly incomparable decision.
Just like the ancient universe is shattered, Lin Ming’s Inner World is also collapsed.
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With twinkle star, the most basic branding essence of law is dispersed in the chaos world.
More and more of these branding essences, some darkness, like black holes, some light, like great
sun. When the last Devil Strength and Divine Strength attacked each other and broke, Lin Ming
Inner World
eventually collapsed into a vast and incomparable huge Grandmist chaos.
It looked like the kind of ecstasy that was born when the universe was born.
In ininite hazy, only that jet black and dazzling two kinds of law are entangled.
Gradually, a large block of dark stigma and the bright stigma of the big piece, slowly revolving
like Yin Yang’s ish, reached a marvelous harmony.
In an instant, they rushed out of a gigantic unmatched rule.
Inner World’s chaotic beast is attributed to Ching Ming. A continuous law mountain range is
being formed. The ocean level has extended its sea level. Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and
Earth’s ive elements have reached the perfect harmonies. Tremendous changes.
At this moment, Lin Ming opened his arms in the void, and the surrounding Heaven and
Earth Yuan Essence forces flowed to him incessantly.
He double open. Eyes shot, dazzling light shining through the ages; his open mouth breath,
snort blowout, white gas as quiet dragon out of the sky, soaring the sky \; shouted to the
horizon, the sound reverberates horizon, as if shocking thunder bang endless.
At the moment behind Lin Ming, the Palatian is the sacred person of the mountain. The
condensing solid body has been extremely huge. The eyes of the eyes appear to be
suspended from the sun and the moon. It shines, and it emits incomparable terrifying’s aura.
The world of this side is trembling, and it is shaded by Lin Ming’s dazzling igure. As if all things
were surrendered on Sunday, present age God King was just his background.
Because he is here in this universe Heavenly Venerate! Lin Ming really

stepped into Heavenly Venerate!

In Lin Ming’s moment of accomplishing Heavenly Venerate, his originally arranged barrier was
completely flushed. For a moment, the sound of Great Dao sounded up to the sky! !
Terrifying Divine Light, scattered the nebula. Shine the Human Race fleet.
Everyone, whether in spirit battleship or spirit battleship. They saw this scene marvelous sight,
as if at that moment, their spiritual battleship was penetrated by Divine Light and became
completely transparent.
They all saw the heaven and the earth, the hand-footed royal phantom shadow, and the sky
evenly tie!
“This is it...”
“Lin Ming breaks Heavenly Venerate’s phenomenon!?”
Heavenly Venerate in Mount Potuo Heavenly Palace, seeing these phenomenon, all flying from the
Heavenly Palace!
Lin Ming broke the sight of Heavenly Venerate. It was just earth-shattering. They were ten
times bigger than they were random people.
In addition to Heavenly Venerate, other martial artists such as World King, Saint Lord, and
Divine Transformation Nine Change were shocked by the phenomenon between heaven and
earth and rushed out of the spirit battleship.
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It was only seen that ininite origin energy of the world was gathering, forming Yin Yang vortex
of the huge.
In the center of this vortex, there is a distinct igure. His body is blurred between the storms, but at
this moment, the phantom shadow is like a mysterious charm. Through the eyes of all martial
artists, he is deeply imprinted in their hearts. Eternal life is hard to wipe out!
“That personal shadow is Lin Ming!” “Terrible!”

Before this world of fearfulness, Mo is said to be the Saint Lord and World King. Even Heavenly
Venerate feels amazed!
At this time, the huge Yin Yang vortex that swept the world was still getting high and

strong! Buzz humming sound

All manner of submission, all heavens Great Dao resonance.
Lin Ming stretches freely in this Yin Yang vortex and absorbs the Strength of Heaven and Earth.
Law’s Luminary space, Jinqiao came across and shot Lin Ming forehead. This is the law of the
Heavenly Dao’s source, brilliant bright, as if it were able to cross the wrong paths and
There is a large wheel of black and white two air, appears in Lin Ming Dantian’s place, as if to
communicate the front door of life and death. This is the Source and Death Source Law of
Sacred Scripture, one of the world’s greatest Great Dao Laws.
Thunder Dragon and flame dragon emerged from the depths of the universe, roaring, and with
the source Thunderire Strength resonance in Lin Ming. Lin Ming’s whole body, every flame,
every flame, has become spiritual, surrounding the flame dragon and the Thunder Dragon’s
hee play...
All heavens laws have engulfed and merged into Lin Ming’s body, interwoven at his Inner
These Great Dao are degenerating, floating up and down in the void, constantly perfecting his
Great Dao rules of Inner World.
The spiritual energy inside is full of like running water, and it turns into rivers, lakes, and seas
in the void. There are golden scales flickering in the lake sea. They rise into the sky and turn
into the True Dragon. All sorts of phenomenon, to mention just a few...
And not far from Lin Ming’s breakthrough, there are two igures, standing in starry sky, watching

it all. The two individuals are Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral.
“Is Lin Ming broke the Venphenate of Heavenly Venerate’s.”
God King Floating Feather looked at Yin Yang vortex, complexion grim, in that round of huge.
Beside her, God King Heavenly Astral’s lips slightly opened, and the throat twitched. looked at the
round of the vortex. After a while he said dryly: “What energy is this?”
“Not clear!”
Floating Feather shook his head. Even if Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral are True God,
you can’t seeing through the power of Demon God! Because of this power, beyond their
......(Mete pie good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Focus on
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the ~ point/public number (WeChat add friends - add the public number - enter it), and
immediately participate! Everyone has an award and pay attention immediately WeChat
public number!) (Not yet
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2062 - Jiuxing ban!

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“Look past it!”

Floating Feather talks, Yin Yang vortex sweeping, area is getting bigger, has covered ten
ten thousand regions, can envelop next one planet.
“This phenomenon... really special... This brat!”
God King Heavenly Astral extremely angry said that he had to admit that Lin Ming’s
phenomenon when he broke Heavenly Venerate was much stronger than him. Normally,
the breakthrough of Heavenly Venerate’s phenomenon was done by the martial artist.
The embodiment.
As the martial artist broke the Heavenly Venerate moment, the body’s law will be
sublimated and upgraded to Heavenly Dao.
Naturally, Heavenly Dao also has high and low, with Great World Heav enly Dao, also has
3 Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Venerate Heavenly Dao, can only reach the lower Heavenly
Dao level in the small aspect that specializes in, however This is already terrible. It
means that a martial artist becomes Heavenly
Venerate, and it becomes a real world master.
In the three major systems, the First Level phenomenon is diferent in the Thirty Three
Layered Heavens Road. God King Heavenly Astral is also widely seen in these years.
However, Lin Ming, this kind of phenomenon, he has not seen and cannot recognize it.
At this time, the sudden change!
In the huge incomparable Yin Yang vortex, there is another energy surging, Heavenly
Dao Law gathering!
A thick layer of overcast clouds gathers together, and each shade seems to have a deep
Dao Pattern intertwined.
These Dao Patterns are extremely colorful and incomparable with great changes. It
seems that there is an unknown God Spirit that has carved the years into the sky and
shined through.
Between the Dao Pattern operations, only the sound of base Great Dao is heard, and
the endless mountain ranges in a collision collide with each other, with the world
resonance of this side.
With the rhythm of the Dao Pattern, the vibrations of the people are dithered and
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Divine Soul is shaken. This makes the crowd around feel the pressure of huge’s.

As the dark clouds grew, there was a stufy, thunder-like sound of drums. It seems
that there was a King God King knocking out the battle drum inside the dark clouds.
These Dao Patterns eventually threw into scarlet in dark clouds!
These scarlet thunder contain Balteful Qi, and with the boundless Great Dao Law,
shouting on top of Lin Ming!
Such as moist’s thunder and lightning, each wisp is thick as a mountain, tearing the star
territory of the party for a moment.
There is also a great sound from the Great Dao sound, as if it were the real sound of
the origin of the universe, like timely exhortation to virtue and purity, deafening.
“Heavenly Tribulation! The martial artist breaks Heavenly Tribulation of Heavenly
Venerate. Eventually comes! Real sound with Great Dao, Judgment of the Law with
interweaves of Law!”
Many Human Race martial artists felt the terrifying of Heavenly Tribulation.
They are mostly Human Race elites. They all know that when the martial artist b reaks
Heavenly Venerate, law sublimates into Heavenly Dao’s will. They themselves also
become the masters of heaven and earth. It is a challenge to Heavenly Dao, and
therefore to experience Heavenly Tribulation!
However, the Heavenly Venerate of the Human Race, often only a few hundred
thousand years, one of them, few of them witnessed the Heavenly Venerate crossing
Heavenly Tribulation!
Tribulation Clouds is getting richer. Everyone feels how terrifying the energy contained in
this dark cloud is, and many young martial artist simply cannot withstand this coercion
and wheeze. Some cultivation bases are weaker, even sweating, almost unbearable.
But no matter how hard, they are still stubborn bears all this, eyes staring at the
Tribulation Clouds in the sky.
This is Lin Ming’s robbery, and the chance is hard to ind!
In the past, a martial artist broken Heavenly Tribulation would invite good friends.
Including his own disciple to go to the ceremony, this is a rare challenge for the young
martial artist!
Because Heavenly Venerate will cross the Heavenly Tribulation, Great Dao Law will come.
For the young martial artist, it is the inspiration and baptism of the magniicent.
Buzz humming sound
Great Dao’s true voice flows. Mo is said to be a young younger generation. Even if
it is Human Race Heavenly Venerate, under such environment, a light pressure is
felt, such as Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate, Lan Qin and others. Their whole
body has already played a layer of goose flesh, under this Tribulation Clouds. They
also have some understanding.
For Heavenly Venerate, most of the amendments they have made have been inalized,
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and Mingwu is still a little less, but those World King and Great World King have greatly
Their cultivation base is higher than youngster, and understanding of Heavenly Dao
is deeper than youngster. Listening to the true sound of this Great Dao, there is a
feeling of whole body being washed. Their Dao foundation seems to be smashed by countless
hammers. It becomes more solid.
Especially the Great World Kings who approach Heavenly Venerate. In front of Heavenly
they only feel that they are like the preacher of the hears supreme, the cultivation barriers
that have been troubled for a long time, and they all have the sign of loose.
The confused Heavenly Venerate road seems to be clear because Lin Ming is
crossing Heavenly Tribulation.
This is deinitely an inestimable opportunity. Many World Kings are therefore wild with
joy and can’t wait to rush into Tribulation Clouds!
Naturally, the Tribulation Clouds are too terrifying. If they really rush in, they will
instantly vanishes in puf of smoke.
“This brat! has attracted 30 to Heavenly Venerate Heavenly Tribulation Clouds! To
high level, and it looked like power is still the most terrible kind.”
Calm face of God King Heavenly Astral said.
God King Floating Feather responded indiferently and said: “By Lin Ming’s present
strength, if not the 30 three Heavenly Tribulation Clouds, but strangely, this Formula
Clouds even though terrifying, but it is unlikely to afect other party. Instead, it would
be his only opportunity to use the Heavenly Tribulation to harden the body and
solidify the Dao foundation. Best of all.”
After listening to Floating Feather, God King Heavenly Astral’s face s ank. The new
Heavenly Venerate crossed the Heavenly Tribulation. It was a chance for the spectators.
However, the real best beggesticiary, Naturally, was the new Heavenly Venerate itself.
The more terrifying the Heavenly Tribulation, the greater the chance . God King Heavenly
Astral compares past years when passed the Heavenly Tribulation of the Tribulation
Clouds, which is a lot worse than Lin Ming. This makes him very uncomfortable.
At this time, under the invincible might of Heavenly Tribulation, Lin Ming’s body
glowed with every inch of skin.
Among the immeasurable ray, he is like a great sun float, and regardless of how powerful
the Heavenly Tribulation is, he has no influence on him. Even his brows are not wrinkled.
As the Heavenly Tribulation gets closer and closer, the strength of the fermentation is
becoming more and more terrifying. At this time, if there is no heart of Heavenly
Venerate, it may be possible to ight the Tribulation Clouds in advance.
However, no one would think that Lin Ming is not emboldened. will certainly wait for
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the Heavenly Tribulation to brewing to the peak before the battle begins.
“Similar limit!”
“Eventually want to begin!”
At this time, the Tribulation Clouds in the sky has expanded to hundreds of thousands
of miles, covering the entire star ield!
The energy contained therein has also been saturated. Even though there is also the
convergence of Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi, there are only a few in the end.
According to past experience, Heavenly Tribulation should be begin!
This time, not to mention the young younger generation, even the Emperor Sakyamuni,
Dark Demon Monarch, etc., all hold their breath and concentrate.
However, at this time, Lin Ming under Tribulation Clouds did not prepare for Heavenly
Tribulation. did not even look up. was still absorbed in the law mystical power, and the
world of the body was becoming more and more stable.
In the chaos, Yin Yang seems to be deconstructing myriad things.
The sacred goddess of sacred soars, condensed auspicious cloud linger. The vigorous,
heavy Devil Aura sinks like a blood-red Continent.
The surrounding law is also more and more concise and perfect.
Suddenly, Lin Ming opened a double pupil and his eyes were as if they were dark
chaos. Even if the next Heavenly Venerate gets a glance at him, feels a mindshake,
as if Divine Soul were to be absorbed by his vision hauling.
Seeing that Lin Ming aura eventually broke out, everyone could not be concentrate all

one’s attention on. This robbery, with its great momentum, is unprecedented.

It is hard to imagine what a scene of Lin Ming’s robbery. However, at this

time, !

In Lin Ming’s breath, the spouts are like lightning’s aura. They slammed deeply and the
galaxy on the other side shook.
In his body, rises from a huge aura, a starlight that oscillates from every pore, forms a
mysterious rune, turns into a Sequence God Chain, and shuttles through the dark clouds
of the boundless Heavenly Tribulation.
“What do you want to do?” To seeing this scene, some Human Race martial artist can
not help but stunned.
At the head of all doubts, the wonderful Great Dao rule wave appeared again in

Heavenly Tribulation. A little bit of starry sky, unexpectedly leaked from the dark clouds.

This is a very marvelous scene, obviously a thick Tribulation Clouds, which turned out to

be starry sky. Nine gigantic incomparables, stars emitting the breath of Great Dao Law appeared.
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Starlight starlight spilled over Lin Ming.

“This is...”
People stare and look at the nine stars. They seem to be imprisoned and blocked by a
chain link like the Red Dragon.
The chain radiates a law mystical power that is not able to resist, blocking the Divine
Light of Dao Palace Nine Stars, so that the stars cannot move.
“Is Dao Palace Nine Stars, this...”
On the ield, the Human Race martial artist has a lot of insight, and naturally recognizes
Dao Palace Nine Stars at a glance. The most profound understanding is actually God
King Heavenly Astral.
At this time, many people are concerned not with Dao Palace Nine Stars itself, but with
Dao Palace Nine Stars, the dark red color chain!
From their point of view, this chain link appears to be extremely slim. It is not worthy
of mentioning in comparison to the blazing goal stars, but the light of God Spirit that
interweaves makes people tremble.
“This is...”
In the eyes under Mount Potuo, Great Unrestrained Buddha white brow, flashed an
extraordinary splendor!
Great Unrestrained Buddha is old, he even though is Heaven Heavenly Venerate, but the
strength is much worse than Emperor Sakyamuni, but his knowledge is extremely rich,
seeing this dark red color divine chain, he irst thought that is three Billion, Dao Palace
Nine Stars, which was devastated by six hundred million years ago!
In fact, it was not the 30 three Heavenly Dao rule which devoured but the destiny
relation between the Dao Palace Nine Stars and the Human Race.
This phagocytosis itself is a law, law intertwined into a divine chain, locked the star light,
so that the Human Race martial artist, unable to withstand the dao Palace Nine Stars
star glow, so that this three billion, six hundred million years, The Human Race martial
artist from Dao Palace Nine Stars is almost extinct!
“So that’s how it is!”
Divine Dream whispered that she was still quiet in the eye pupils of the autumn
waters. At this time, the flood was a hint of ripples. It was diicult for her to feel calm at
the moment.
At this moment, eventually understands how absurd and Dao Palace Nine Stars, including
the Divine Transformation Nine Changes that Saint Emperor Good Fortune is currently
working on, is related to it!
To be continued
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MW CHAPTER 2063 - Shocking Military Song

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After devouring Dao Palace Nine Stars, star light is locked by Sequence God Chain
and is naturally isolated from Human Race.
Where do these originally belong to the Human Race’s star light?
Divine Dream doubts that these have all been swallowed up. In other words, they
devoured the airlift originally belonging to the Human Race and became their own
Originally Nine Stars Dao Light, which shines on the Human Race, has also been
transformed into a desert energy.
So... Now that Saint Emperor Good Fortune devours Divine Transformation Nine
Changes, it is deinitely a similar situation.
The Saint Emperor Good Fortune will not only destroy the Human Race, but also
devour the Human Race’s air transport.
The Strength of the Present of the Human Race has weakened. The Saint Emperor
Good Fortune will start eating the sword from the Human Race and slowly erode. In
the future, when he is strong, he will extend his tentacles to the Soul Race, and
swallow the air movement of the Soul Race. Drop it.
Even at the end of the day, Saint Emperor Good Fortune can rely on the wild, One
Hand Cover Heaven!
Thinking of this, while Divine Dream felt the ambition of Saint Emperor Good Fortune,
he could not help but worry about Lin Ming coming. is now able to make the Sequence
God Chain that blocks Nine Stars Heavenly Dao come out. Is it to cut it of?
Breaking the Heavenly Dao order is no diferent.
You will endure Heavenly Dao’s sanctions, stimulating the transformation of Heavenly
Tribulation! Now, in this area, Heavenly Tribulation is condensing on Lin Ming’s head,
and Lin Ming does not go to
robbery, but in this stall face Nine Stars Heavenly Dao, which is extremely dangerous!
All Human Race martial artists hold their breath. Only Minority Heavenly Venerate
knows what he is doing. At this time, the most Human Race martial artist is totally
When people couldn’t help but question, it was just then that they saw Lin Ming’s
to shoot up to the sky. was in void Zhongdabu!
His body inside resounds creaky, creaky sound, imitation Foshan Chuan fracture,

stars disintegration. He took out Dark Dragon Spear!

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Dark Dragon Spear. As if condensing a Great World, the endless Dao Pattern interweaves
on spear shafts, such as the Black Dragon!
A bloody red scales, showing a metallic, icy color, emerged from Lin Ming’s
body as if there were something to be struggling from within him.
At this moment, Lin Ming has used the power of Asura Blood!
At the same time, Lin Ming will be able to unveil the Five Great Dao Palace in the
body. This strong strong Dao Palace, the strength of the naine stars in the match’s
sky, faint, forms the order of the god splendor.
Lin Ming’s speed is getting faster and faster. At this point, has no Trigulation Clouds
in the sky in the eyes, but only the Sequence God Chain that runs through
Dark Dragon Spear Out! It seems as though we are going to break away from heaven
and earth, and we are stumbling on the chain of order.
At that moment, divine glow engulfed everything surrounding Zhou Yu. Even
Heavenly Venerate couldn’t help closing eyes under this divine glow.
And a young generation of martial artist. Already unbearable!
People exclaimed that the presence of the Human Race powerful master had opened
True Essence shields, sheltering the rapid retreat of the young disciples. Many people
have trouble breathing, and they almost crouch.
Among the divine glow, Dark Dragon Spear and Sequence God Chain were in the
same place, quietly silent, with no sound. But people can seeing that the endless rune
is annihilation, and impact fluctuation is like a frenzied wave.
Brush brush!
The void in front of Lin Ming was cut into innumerable fragments by this sweeping

energy tide. The divine chain of that dark red color was attacked by Lin Ming. Begin appeared to

God time seemed
Chain that to be freezing at that moment. In people eyes, only the Sequence
blocked Dao Palace Nine Stars was slowly turned into fragments like stars,
completely cracking!
The Dao Palace Nine Stars eventually lost their imprisonment and became
brighter. The endless starlight, which fell on Lin Ming’s body, was also sprinkled on
all Human Race martial artists.
This moment. Every Human Race martial artist feels that Qi and Blood in his own body
are accelerated under the starlight. Some of the original practitioners have practiced
the practice law, even the Martial artist of the Eight Inner Hidden Gates . Whole body Qi
and Blood seem to have condensed in this moment. Like rolling smoke, want to shoot up to
the sky!
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“Is Dao Palace Nine Stars! The Power of Dao Palace Nine Stars. I Feel
A martial artist was shocked and said that the speech is full of incredible!
The Human Race martial artist of those cultivations Eight Inner Hidden Gates is
actually holding the ability to open the “Gate of Opening” And increase their savvy.
The real Gate of Life, Gate of Death, and even higher Dao Palace Nine Stars, they
didn’t even think about it.
Because the cultivation Dao Palace Nine Stars, under the existing Heavenly Dao
rules, the resources of the consumption, even the Heavenly Venerate Holy Land,
cannot bear!
And the possibility of repair is equivalent to at zero!
In a variety of situations, especially if the Body Cultivation System is not too
overpowering, few people will have less than double the strength brought by the Dual
Cultivation of Body and Essence, and choose a path that is so diicult!
If we say that the average martial artist only feels the power of Dao Palace Nine
Stars, Lin Ming, who is already completely bathed in star light at this moment,
directly bears the baptism of Nine Stars’ star light!
At the moment of the Sequence God Chain break, Lin Ming faced Nine Heavenly
Stars Chen as a person who cut of the Sequence God Chain. There was an endless
star light. Like the sea tide, it poured down and poured directly on Lin Ming’s body!
This is the starlight that has accumulated three billion, six hundred million years!
Before desolate even though it was enguling star light, however, three of Heaven’s
Dao originally on huge incomparable, even if Law of Devouring is not strong, it is
impossible to devour all star light.
Because of the blockade of Sequence God Chain, these Nine Heavenly Stars have been
accumulate over many years and have formed a quality change!
Lin Ming’s physical begin is reborn as they inflict Lin Ming into the body.
His skin, bones, muscles, internal organs, become completely transparen t under the
illumination of Divine Light.
The ive strong Dao Palace in his body’s original’s, also the comfortable absorption
Divine Light, became increasingly grand and complex.
If you say that Dao Palace in begin Lin Ming is like a mortal imperial palace, now
the growing Dao Palace has already become Divine Dream’s Dream Heavenly
Palace and Saint Emperor Good Fortune’s Good Fortune Holy Palace!
After relieving Heavenly Dao’s bondage, the beneits Lin Ming gained were greatest.
Originally suppressed Dao Palace, it was several times stronger at this moment. The
surging force of them was no barrier with Lin Ming’s mortal body. !
This is like a blind blend, Dao Palace Nine Stars, turned into Lin Ming’s instinct.
At this moment, Lin Ming deeply feels that his power is growing wildly and it is
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diicult to measure it with numbers!

Undoubtedly, three billion, six or more million years ago, they devoured Dao Palace
Nine Stars and blocked the roads of the Human Race cultivation practice body. They
wanted to achieve incomparable diiculty.
But if it is really like Lin Ming, in the case of the blockade of the body, it is still
breaking the Heavenly Dao bondage, forced to open up Dao Palace Nine Stars, so
that once the closure of the Sequence God
Chain is resolved, Lin Ming’s The mortal body has restored contact with Dao Palace
Nine Stars originally. His strength in the Body Cultivation System will far exceed that of the 3 billion,
6 and 100 million years old Human Race martial artist normal cultivation Dao Palace Nine Stars.
In Martial Dao’s world, there are many repayments for a lot of money, and Lin Ming
paid more for Dao Palace Nine Stars. Now it’s even bigger!
The stars that Nine Heavenly Stars poured out are too much. Lin Ming’s body is
already saturated, and more star light is diicult to digest.
At this moment, Lin Ming did not hesitate to compose this ininite star and rush to

his own limbs! Bang!

Lin Ming’s arms and legs are in the moment of infusion energy. The blood vessels are
like a storm, almost blast open.
In the sky, one of the nine dazzling stars, suddenly flashing bright brilliance, like
the bright sun shining bright!
A star suddenly turns into a bright sun, and the martial artists are all shocked.
“What happened?”
Someone exclaimed.
“Military Song Star, one of the Is Dao Palace Nine Stars!”
Heavenly Venerate, who knows Dao Palace Nine Stars law, came slowly. Even though
the Dao Palace Nine Stars heritage of the Human Race has been lost, Heavenly Venerate
still sees these records in ancient books.
Military Song Star, is a star in the main ight and killing in Dao Palace Nine Stars,
opposite to Civil Song Star.
Dao Palace in Military Song Star match is the Sovereign Martial Dao Palace, also
known as the four-pole Dao Palace!
There are four poles in the sky, that is, the farthest land from the east, the west,
and the north, and the heaven and the earth.
People have four poles, that is, arms and legs, that is, person walks, work,
ighting, life, almost all actions are inseparable limbs!
The martial artist ight of the Essence Cultivation System can manifest Inner
World’s law, revolution Strength of Heaven and Earth.
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And the Body Cultivation System’s martial artist ight, rely on only four limbs!
Limbs look simple, but in fact it is the biggest manifestation of the Body Cultivation
System martial artist combat!
Therefore, Sovereign Martial Dao Palace, is a strong Dao palace which is extremely
important in Dao Palace Nine Stars. Once opened, the martial artist’s flesh power will
be enhanced by a severe fold.
Stars tremble, starlight’s circulation.
The Military Song Star on the horizon carries a great deal of air, is bright and square,
and has the oppression of peak. Every martial artist can receive an extremely
overbearing, strong, conining strength from the constriction!
Military Song Star is a star, killing decisively, gallops aspect!
Stars in Nine Stars are not just Military Songs, but Military Songs are full of strong,
rigid meanings! Military Song Star flashes, starlight’s tosses comes down, Lin
Ming only thinks that the body shoulders
and the legs are already saturated with the power of the starlight in the endless
compression, as if there was a volcanic eruption of the volcano inside.
“Sovereign Martial Dao Palace, open!”
Lin Ming rushed to Military Song Star against the star light.
The unparalleled background accumulation, coupled with his recent breakthrough in
Heavenly Venerate, let Lin Ming compress the starlight to the peak!
And at this time, a bloody Divine Thunder, with no sign of it, landed on Lin

Ming! Bang!
Lin Ming
speed physical
a slow, shock, blood lightning into the body of the moment, Lin Ming
overflowed a blood thread.
He paused a little, looking like a falcon-like vision to the sky, and saw that the
naine Heavenly Tribulation Cloud had condensed to the degree of fearfulness!
And it seems that the light of the surrounding Dao Palace Nine Stars is also
gathering in the Tribulation Clouds. The power of Tribulation Clouds has not yet
reached the maximum!
However, Heavenly Tribulation has arrived imminently! (not To be


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The Thunder above Nine Heavens screamed.

People discovered that before this time, their eyes mostly converged on the Military Song
Star. In fact, due to the emergence of the Dao Palace Nine Stars, the Tribulation Clouds
in the sky has already seen a startl day reversal!
The Heavenly Tribulation is not the appearance of a cloud at this moment. It is like a
golden lake.
In the lake, there are inexableable Dao Patterns of inexhaustible in the circulation,
giving birth to the horriic Heavenly Punishment Divine Lightning.
These Divine Thunder are bloody, golden color, purple, and more terrifying’s seven
Those seven-colored Thunder were quiet and strange, they all looked at one another,
and they all seemed to have lost their souls.
“This is a mutation of the Heavenly Tribulation’s! When Senior Lin crosses the Heavenly
Tribulation, breaks the Sequence God Chain and once again touches Heavenly Dao Law,
making the Heavenly Tribulation Strength even more terrible!”
“How about this Heavenly Tribulation, how can block it!?”
At this moment, many of the Human Race’s martial artists have changed
complexion, originally Lin Ming is faced with the highest of 30 three Heavenly
Tribulations, this once more mutation, Peak Heavenly Venerate will be bombarded
with vanishes in puf of smoke. It is a normal break through the martial artist of
Heavenly Venerate. Under this Tribulation Clouds, Mo said that it was a robbery.
The station could not come to a stop!
Lin Ming is their spiritual leader. is now in the prestige of the Human Race and has
even surpassed Divine Dream.
Once Lin Ming had any problems, the consequences would be disastrous.
In the direction of Demon Immortal Palace, Little Demon Xian has long sincerely
worried. Alongside her, Mu Qianyu and Qin Xingxuan also looked nervous. This
coercion was terrible. They were in the Heavenly Venerate force ield arranged by Little
Demon Xian. still feel the stifling aura among them...
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It is under a thunder chops!

Lin Ming’s body is still not moving. At this moment, the star light of his body’s
gatherers has reached the peak that he can currently reach. looked up and looked
at Heaven’s increasingly stronger Heavenly Tribulation.
In mind, Lin Ming holds Dark Dragon Spear. Triculation Clouds rushed to scarlet!
“Lin Ming!”
Little Demon Xian exclaimed, Human Race martial artist is also unexpected!
From afar, Lin Ming, a tiny form, rushes to the horrible Tribulation Clouds that represent
the extreme power of heaven and earth. This picture seems to have become an
More approaches to Tribulation Clouds, Heavenly Tribulation is more powerful
than exce, which is equivalent to the provocation of Heavenly Dao!
“He is using the Heavenly Tribulation to quench the body, and force the limits of Dao Palace
Nine Stars within his body!” Said Floating Feather’s vision brilliant, and beside Floating
Feather. Heavenly Astral complexion is ugly. This is crazy!
At that moment, the ininite thunder fell and all hit Lin Ming!
In the sparkle world of Goal Divine Light, from afar, Lin Ming has become the only one in
the world! Under the pleasant thunder, Lin Ming’s whole body was blood, and yelled,
“Sovereign Martial Dao
Palace. Open again!”
Even though the Heavenly Tribulation was interrupted when the Sovereign Martial
Dao Palace was opened for the irst time, Lin Ming did not take it for granted.
ignored the Heavenly Tribulation and made the second time impact!
Since Heavenly Tribulation enters the body. Lin Ming simply tempered his own body with
this Heavenly Tribulation Strength and tempered the Sovereign Martial Dao Palace.
Lin Ming’s mortal body seemed to burst in the moment. In the limit’s strength, Lin
Ming only felt that the terrifying Strength of Thunder was gathering up to his already
hot shoulders and legs, in those places like There are four leaf doors rumbling
The power of the stars was compressed into the limbs, and it was interwoven to create
a magniicent palace. These palaces are the Sovereign Martial Dao Palace!
This represents the emergence of the ultimate force of Dao Palace, bathing in the

ierce thunder! The thunder chops are on the temple and the temple is tempered.

Divine Thunder, Lin Ming is now using Heavenly Tribulation Thunder to beat Dao

Palace in his new life! At that moment, the power of Lin Ming’s whole body once

again climbed to a peak.

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A ist strike out, Zhou Yu smash. A foot kicks out. Galaxy shivers.

eventually completely opened this sixth Dao Palace!

At that moment, the world-famous chaos Demon God aura that Lin Ming imbedded in
the world overflowed like a wave of tides and surrounded the big Dao Palace.
The six Dao Palaces spread mystical power, and the Dao Palace Dao Pattern floated up
and down in the concise water of Chaotic Qi, as if they were staggered by the mountain
ranges. There was a marvelous fusion of each other.
Demon God Yin Yang represents the source of the most peak’s, and the Heavenly Dao
power represented by the Sixth Dao Palace. There will be no conflict at all.
Using this power as a medium, six seats of Dao Palace, begin vortexed by the yin in the
Yin Yang tide of Dao Pattern.
At this time, Lin Ming suddenly reached out! The force of law gathering, in the high
heaven, the chain that originally imprisoned the order of Dao Palace Nine Stars
was actually caught by Lin Ming.
This Sequence God Chain has already been cut of by Lin Ming. The Divine Soul of
the brand mark has been reined by Lin Ming, but its Source Law is still there,
powerful incomparable.
For these three billion, six hundred million years, the Sequence God Chain imprisoned
Dao Palace Nine Stars and endured endless star baptisms. The Heavenly Dao’s
strength essence of Dao Palace Nine Stars was brought together.
Lin Ming did not hesitate to smash the Sequence God Chain and integrate it directly into
its own body. These shattered Sequence God Chains were instantaneously turned into
countless tiny pieces of law and integrated into the Dao Palace.
The Sequence God Chain is able to imprison Dao Palace Nine Stars and now turns into
a silk thread, linking Lin Ming’s six big Dao Palaces together.
For a time, it seemed as if a bloodline connected to each other was created in Lin
Ming’s six big Dao Palace, originally responding to the six-star Dao Palace in
The six Dao Palace’s Nine Stars Dao Pattern is embedded in the same place, cross

intercross enwind. Their fusion, the real Great Dao fusion, Divine Strength resonance.

However, there is some independence between them and they still maintain a true
Great Dao source strength.
It can be said that it is a transformation and sublimation of the Great Dao

power. Hung booming.

With the sublimate of six large Dao Palace and the opening of Lin Ming Heavenly
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Eye, he only felt that his own acupoint had been opened with a fan door. It seemed
that there was a fairy living in it and chanted the ultimate Great Dao.
At this moment, Martial Dao’s heart continues to climb.
Some obscure things on the previous cultivation’s journey also drove out the clouds...
Ascending and ascending, Lin Ming’s whole body imposing manner followed by the
tumultuous giant trees, constantly rising.
Between the double eyes and the opening and closing, it seems that there are ininite
galaxy in the crushed, and it seems that there is a world in evolution.
This is beyond the performance of Heavenly Venerate, an evolution of Peak Great Dao.
When the big Dao Palace merged into each other Wujian, his body Qi and Blood
seemed to burn like flames, shoot up to the sky, turned into True Dragon winding,
the real Phoenix’s cry move, the Great Dao Law of the sidereal revolution was
buzzing , as if bowing to the foot of Lin Ming.
For those who saw this scene, the low-level martial artist was not known at all, and
the presence of Heavenly Venerate, God King, all shocked!
They could not tell what happened to Lin Ming. At this moment, Lin Ming flashed his
body and he rushed for 30 days with the Dark Dragon Spear once more.
This time, Lin Ming did not move forward. It seemed to break through the day!
The Heavenly Tribulation of that turbulent under Lin Ming’s repeated provocations, has
already been engulfed by ire, and it has become increasingly savage!
It is no longer a thunder, but the endless golden sea of Divine Thunder!

Lin Ming shouts and Dark Dragon Spear’s crazy ierce!

As if the vault of heaven were torn, Lin Ming’s shot would have directly opened the
golden sea of that thunderbolt!
Split into two!
Lin Ming’s big mouth engulfs the Strength of Thunder in the ocean, and is in full
swing. This time, Lin Ming’s goal is 30 days of Tribulation Clouds!
Tribulation Clouds is the most concentrated and most terrifying force of Heavenly
Punishment. Since ancient times, Heavenly Venerate has been extremely jealous of
Tribulation Clouds, and Lin Ming has now rushed to the Tribulation Clouds.
Lin Ming never hesitated, once more’s spear|gun chops out!
This gun, wrapped Lin Ming’s terrible power after opening Dao Palace, Dao Palace Nine
Stars, and the heart of supreme Martial Dao to step on 30 three heavenly Dao!
As if the power of the universe was torn out, among the shocking eyes of everyone,
the 30-day Tribulation Clouds on behalf of heavenly Dao to high rule was actually
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separated by Lin Ming!

“A Spear|Gun Break Tribulation Clouds!”
There is Human Race Heavenly Venerate exclaimed.
The two floating God Feathers and Heavenly Astral King Kings of Saint Race were very
shocked. They were peerless experts who had undergone the Heavenly Tribulation, and
were deep understanding. Lin Ming broke the 30 days of Tribulation Clouds. !
However, it was such a Tribulation Clouds that Lin Ming was literally

tearing! This power is terrible!


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MW CHAPTER 2065 - The Heavenly Dao

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Just in the instant that Tribulation Clouds was torn by Lin Ming with great strength, the
golden lake came with a deep and huge ripple. It was like the roar of Heavenly Dao. The
lake separated a gap, as if there was a Divine Sword. , Flowing away golden ray Great
Once this golden Great Dao appeared, it was directly lined with Lin Ming in the void.
In the lake, a golden war chariot pulled by a Thunder Dragon seemed to emerge from the
river of time and killed Lin Ming.
Above each war chariot stood a Golden Armored God Spirit. They were expressionless and
illed with endless auras, as if the universe had become a bloody battleield.
On the copper vehicle, there were many battles. Every trace of aura had a ierce aura, and it
seemed as if they had witnessed a ield wars before the ages.
“This...This is also Heavenly Tribulation? How can we not seeing the Thunder? Instead a row
of golden war chariot?”
A lot of Human Race martial artist lived, so Heavenly Tribulation’s heards never heard of
“Amitabha, these are the war chariots formed by Heavenly Punishment...” The Great
Unrestrained Buddha looked up at the sky, and the old long eyebrow shivered slightly. “The
man in this car should be...
Ancient God. Spirit!hearsay some of the peerless characters in the Thirty Three Heavens.
They battled the endless years. Later, they even though they died in the river of history, but
when they crossed the time of Heavenly Tribulation’s, they were remembered by Heavenly
Dao. They died. Even though the human body is turned into dust, the immortal Dao
foundation they have forged has not been destroyed, but it remains on Heavenly Dao...”
“If there is no mistake not guessed, the gold war chariot and Golden Armored
God Spirit that Lin Ming is facing now are the phantom shadows of the peerless
characters of the Ancient Times... Now they are manifested by Heavenly
Tribulation Strength.”
When we heard about the Great Unrestrained Buddha, many Human Race Heavenly
Venerate complexions have changed. On the Ancient Times’s peerless character, the
Heavenly Dao phantom shadow remains after death?
Even though don’t know what these phantom shadows are. But there is no doubt that all of
them present, besides Divine Dream, are afraid that no one will have the Heavenly Dao
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phantom shadow.
These Heavenly Dao phantom shadow even though are not true bodies, perhaps they are
only the power of 1 or even 1 for each of their life Top ten, but they were then able to reverse
the Fearful Character of Thirty Three Heavens’s. Now they have gathered so many, enough
terrifying It!
They are many people. May even kill True God!
In the face of these Heavenly Dao phantom shadows, Lin Ming did not hesitate or fear.
was stride treads out and Dark Dragon Spear was in his hands. After Dao Palace Nine
Stars’ sixth Great Dao’s palace fusion, Lin Ming’s whole body at that moment evoked an
ininite strength, and he had already started a boiling battle. Even a truly ancient
masterless expert stood before him. also has no fear, but also a war!
In the rapid flight. Behind his back was a skeleton bone like Abyss Devil, piercing the black
He was empty, and the whole person radiated like a thunder. There was a flooding
imposing manner in He’s floods, and Dark Dragon Spear gave of an exhilaration. Like
Black Dragon’s whistle, plunged into the sky!
The face of the Golden Armored God Spirit faceless, it pulled out the golden trenches,
strangled Lin Ming.
In the moment of Dark Dragon Spear touching the golden trenches, ten thousand feet of
irearms slammed and devoured everything. Surround the whole universe!
The space seems to be freezing in an instant. People only feel that there is only black Divine
Spear between the boundless world, blocking all space.
The golden color trench was directly cut of!
Together with the golden armor giant, which also broke the bone fracture with his arms,
and the black long spear broke golden color trenches, it directly fell on the armor of
Ancient God Spirit.
At that moment, there was no suspense in the armor, the golden armor giant. Directly
exploded by Dark Dragon Spear into endless light rain!
“Bang! Bang!”
Lin Ming rushes into the golden war chariot group. Dark Dragon Spear opens up!
Each spear|gun wields out, and the Ancient God Spirit phantom shadow’s golden weapon
intersects, huge percussion sound throughout the world.
It is hard to imagine how this is a collision of strength!
Another Golden Armored God Spirit is broken!
Lin Ming is like a War God of ierce incomparable. The situation is like a crack!
However, after all, the Ancient God Spirit around Lin Ming was too much. A total of more
than 20, when Lin Ming annihilated the two Golden Armored God Spirits, there was also a
Golden Armored God Spirit - Spear Thrust on the back of Lin Ming.
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In a flash, black scales shattered, blood sways.

The Human Race martial artist momentarily felt a strained heart. However, they still had
time to exclaim. They discovered that the gun on the Ancient God Spirit had penetrated only
half a pistol and could not stab it.
Lin Ming’s mortal body, like a most tenacious Divine Iron, can not be shaken!
Lin Ming turned a shot and smashed the head of the Golden Armored God Spirit!

Golden Armored God Spirit’s body a shakes and fell down.

At the same time, the flesh and blood behind Lin Ming wriggled. The speed seen by the naked
eye was
slowly rebirth restoration. The blood of the wound was stopped only for a few moments.
In the six Da Dao Palace of Dao Palace Nine Stars opened by Lin Ming, there was a Life
Embryo Dao
Palace with resible blood and resiliency, after opening Life Embryo Dao Palace, even if a
broken hand was broken, could regenerate new life. Tear a long foot into a long hole, fast to
heal is not a problem at all.
“After being attacked by a sneak, turned over and broke his head!”
Seeing such scenes, the whole martial artist is stunned, and this combat mode of operations is
too mad. It’s just scary.
Someone attacked him, hard anti-nothing, turned over the attack, but it recruited!
Originally Lin Ming was powerful. In addition to this mode of operations, who can ight

with him? At this time, Lin Ming and Golden Armored God Spirit smashed!
Golden Dao Pattern rippling, carrying boundless law Wei Li, one after another golden armor
warrior destroyed by Lin Ming!
Lin Ming killed a bloody road in numerous Ancient God Spirit phantom shadows. rushed
directly into the golden Tribulation Clouds.
Lin Ming is also a spear|gun wields out, squatting on the lake of golden lake, sparking the golden
waves of huge’s, Baleful Qi of Hao Tian, accompanied by the Great Dao Law of boundless, side
Lin Ming condenses.
Such as moist’s thunder and lightning, each wisp is thick as a mountain, tearing this side of
the world for a moment.
There is also a great sound from the Great Dao sound, as if it were the real sound of
the origin of the universe, like timely exhortation to virtue and purity, thought -provoking.
“On Ancient God Spirit, pool of heavenly lightning... Great Dao’s real sound...”
Divine Dream looked at Lin Ming, who had not entered the Lightning Pool, muttering.
The variousphenomenons of Heavenly Tribulation’s are manifested in the Heavenly Tribulation
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experienced by Lin Ming. This is a deadly Heavenly Dao punishment for other martial artists,
but for Lin Ming, it is a big Good Fortune. !
Golden Armored God Spirit has been killed by Lin Ming nearly half, and this time, Lin Ming is
constantly bombarding the golden lake!
After a hit and one strike, Dark Dragon Spear became a dragon of dancing darkness, tearing
this piece of Tribulation Clouds.
Every golden spray explosion has turned into countless pieces of law. Fragments of these
laws, majority sprinkles in the end of the stars, but still many are absorbed by Lin Ming!
In this continuous attack, the golden Tribulation Clouds are getting lighter, and those high
concentration energy can no longer be condensed into lake water, but become layers of
haze. Next, the fog looses. To come and go, Lin Ming’s body bathed in it and became
devoured and absorbed Heavenly Dao Law. Under his hand, Heavenly Dao after another was
killed. Among them, Lin Ming also shattered whole body scales.
His flesh is constantly to heal, and Heavenly Dao’s power is constantly weakening.

Those on Ancient God Spirit have been nearly killed by Lin Ming!
Seeing this scene, many Heavenly Venerate and God King were completely silent.
They have also experienced Heavenly Tribulation, but the way most people cross the
Heavenly Tribulation is to wait for the energy energy liberation of the Heavenly Tribulation.
They are passive and bear the healyly lightning baptism.
Lin Ming is directly killing Nine Heavens and ighting Heavenly Dao!
So crazy, almost suicide, but it depends on Lin Ming’s instimable strength and success!
After he smashed all the thunder of Ancient God Spirit and Heavenly Punishment, he
absorbed the power of Heavenly Dao.
People know that at this moment, Lin Ming has passed the Heavenly Tribulation perfectly. He
also genuinely achieved Heavenly Venerate!
(Originally arrived at 3 o’clock this afternoon is the end of the monthly ticket, silkworm
cocoon would like to be more a little more, even if it is a little earlier, and then seek the
inal double, just experienced a little thing, the matter may not be big, but the symbol
condition is The impact is very unsatisfactory. This month does not require a monthly
ticket. Thank you for your support.)
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2066 - Meet God King

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Star light is like water, swaying down, this star territory of Hidden Dragon Galaxy is
still illed with the Endless Great Dao Law debris, which is the remnant of Heavenly
All of the martial artists who live in them can feel this kind of light, but they have a great
deal of law and reason.
On top of Nine Heavens, Nine Stars Dao Palace has gradually disappeared, and
Tribulation Clouds have also dispersed. Only the golden bubbles are floating in the void.
They are like golden pearls, big and small, Ininite endless.
Lin Ming has already put away Dark Dragon Spear. stands still in this emptiness, closes
his eyes, and has long hair and light dance. At this moment, he is in this world. There is
already a kind of completely diferent feelings.
In Lin Ming’s eyes, this world is no longer the same!
After breaking through Heavenly Venerate, Lin Ming sees everything in the world and has a
sense of thoroughness and understanding.
If everything in the universe is compared to the scenery, then before the original Lin
Ming broke Heavenly Venerate, it was standing on the flat land to seeing the scene,
even though it was beautiful, but what was seen was limited.
But after broke Heavenly Venerate, Lin Ming seemed to stand on a tall building. Look
at the landscape of the world and the vision of the ield of vision is wider. Seeing more
clearly. Everything is beautiful.
And this tall building is Heavenly Dao Law!
Under Heavenly Venerate, the martial artist was suppressed by Heavenly Dao Law. After
Heavenly Venerate, the Heavenly Dao Law of the martial artist, which was already
equivalent to Heavenly Dao, was equal to the tall building!
Lin Ming did not have any spoken language. quietly realized the irst feeling after breaking
Heavenly Venerate. This feeling made him intoxicated and obsessed.
Every moment of shivering law in the surrounding space, he has a panoramic view. As long as
he is aware of a move, he can easily control these laws.
However, compared to Lin Ming’s calm, many Human Race martial artists were already
Lin Ming. This pinpoints all the hopes of the Human Race. Now, inally breaking
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Heavenly Venerate!
“It’s terrible. Just Heavenly Tribulation just invincible might, such fearful Heavenly
Tribulation, have been hacked down by Lin Ming. Maybe now Lin Ming, is able to
match God King!”
“Is Ah! Not only that, but he also broke the awkwardness of Dao Palace Nine Stars. I
could already feel the power of Dao Palace Nine Stars! Even though it was a little
vague, but Is if I really continue on this road Going on, you may not be able to
accomplish Dao Palace Nine Stars!”
A practice body martial artist said with excitement that he had previously known how the
Sequence God Chain was broken by Lin Ming. For the Human Race, this is a good news.
In fact, Dao Palace Nine Stars’ Sequence God Chain, a considerable part is still on the
ground, if you can open it all, you can completely release the Dao Palace N ine Stars. Let
all Human Race martial artists be free cultivation.
At this time, at the Divine Dream Heavenly Palace, Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate
poses an outstanding level. Like the world goddess, her clothes fluttering, beautiful pupil
flashing extraordinary splendor.
Her natural disposition is indiferent, such as a pool of non-wave autumn waters.
Especially after the Human Race Great Tribulation, Divine Dream has always been
especially serious in speech and manner, but today, because Lin Ming breaks H eavenly
Venerate perfectly. In Divine Dream’s heart, there are layers of embarrassment and it is
hard to calm.
As for Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate, Emperor Sakyamuni, and Tuo Bagui, they have not
been so restrained. They are already very excited.
“HaHaHa! Good!” Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate laughed.
“Amitabha, goodness and goodness.” The Great Unrestrained Buddha read the buddha
happily, clasping his hands together, gently swinging buddha beads, and his face is a
gentle smile.
And this time. On the Saint Race side, God King Heavenly Astral and God King Floating
Feather also looked silently at Lin Ming, who had broken each scene of Heavenly Venerate.
They all witnessed it.
“This brat!”
God King Heavenly Astral said in a deep voice that he felt the pressure. In addition to Saint
Emperor Good Fortune, Soul Emperor and other universal controls, God King Heavenly
Astral never thought about it.
He will also feel such pressure from other people, especially the opposite party is still a
Junior who is less than ten thousand years of life!
does not think that Lin Ming’s combat ability can really surpass him. However, it is just
such an imposing imposing manner that beyond him, it will not take long for anything!
At God King Heavenly Astral, floating Feather’s white clothing flutters. Whole body whole
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body seems to be infused with Heavenly Dao in order. At this point, she just looked at the
ininite endless golden droplets after the breaking of the Tribulation Clouds on Nine
Heavens. Silent, no one knows what she is thinking.
At this moment, there was a strong winds in the sky. Within Lin Ming, a golden big vortex
was set of. The endless golden droplets, all as young as swallowed, returned to Lin Ming.
Volume comes.
Lin Ming’s long inspires, a pleasant extension body, the thousands of ten thousand gold
droplets of ten thousand million fell into Lin Ming’s body, as if the snow fell on the pool
of water and disappeared.
With the increasing number of golden bubbles, Lin Ming’s body is like the bright sun
of golden. It has made a unique Divine Light!
In this dipping bath of Divine Light, Lin Ming was really alive and unforgettable.

The light went out slowly for a full quarter of an hour.

is now know that this is the light of the last Great Dao Law of Heavenly Tribulati on, which
absorbed by Lin Ming.
Those laws are all from Thirty Three Heavens to high law!
In addition to Lin Ming himself, nobody knew how much Lin Ming really gained, including
God King Heavenly Astral.
Starlight swayed, black clothed’s broken wind, Lin Ming fell from Nine Heavens, his
every action and every movement, and the surrounding law rippling.
As soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced,
“Lin Ming!”
After Lin Ming came back, Little Demon Xian shouted, she was very excited at the
moment, and beside her, Mu Qianyu, Qin Xingxuan, and others, also flickering in the
eyes, seemed to have tears left behind.
For women, men who can seeing their deep love become thero of the race. His achievements
have been watched by the countless people. What good pursuits do they have?
“Ha Ha Ha Ha, Lin Ming, From today, the Air Race of Human Race is going to be big
Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate said with a laugh.
“Lin Ming, you’ve always been legend, but in the past, your legend could only be passed for
one billion years. From today, your legend should be able to spread for ten billion years!”
Dark Demon Monarch praised stingy. What is the concept of the legend of ten billion
years. Tillty Three Heavens distributed all intelligent life, and the Martial Dao
civilization was all flowers blooming together.
At that time, did not know that there had emerged many ancient supreme talents, they
were ighting with humans, with heavens, and with predestinations, but in the end, they
were all dissipated in the dust of history.
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Only the Asura Road Master, and the Sacred Scripture creator Immortal Sovereign, their
legends are preserved, but they can retain the legendary reason also because they created
the Asura Road and the Origin Dream Universe respectively.
In these two places of inheritance, there have been martial artists who have obtained
massive advantages since the 10 billion years. They spread legends of Asura Road
Master and Immortal Sovereign’s. They passed on from generation to generati on.
So Dark Demon Monarch’s sentence is equivalent to listing Lin Ming on a level with the
Immortal Sovereign and Asura Road Master!
This is a fearful appraisal!
Many Human Race powerful masters have come to congratulate Lin Ming. The sound of a
sudden lingering on faintly, and the Human Race martial artist are all beaming.
At this time, a cold voice sounded subtle: “Lin Ming, I really did not misread you!”
Lin Ming looked up and saw a white woman’s standstand not far behind him. was God King
Floating Feather!
Atmosphere, all of a sudden condensed, cheering Human Race elite powerful masters, all

shut up. People are looking at God King Floating Feather, and they are alert!
“HaHaHa, brat, I admit that you’re strong. It’s probably the strongest Heavenly Venerate
i’ve ever seen,
but that’s how!” After God King Floating Feather, God King Heavenly Astral also stepped
out to face Lin Ming, even. Although was arrogant and arrogant, but his eyes were
extremely alert, it was clear that Lin Ming was really a weighted opponent, at least with
great potential.
“I had long foreseen that you were the dragon of the deep pool. I could
not kill you more than 6,000 years ago. I probably missed the best and
even the only chance.”
God King Floating Feather remarked that Human Race’s many martial artists stared
eagerly, especially Little Demon Xian, who looked at God King Floating Feather and
hated teeth.
Yes, it was because God King Floating Feather, Lin Ming had been uncertain of one’s
fate for more than 6,000 years. hurt her heart!
However, Lin Ming’s expression of faintness was indiferent. said: “You represent the
interests of Saint Race. I represent the Human Race. The war was right and wrong.
You missed the opportunity to kill me more than 6,000 years ago, but in the future, my
But you may not miss the opportunity to kill you.”
Lin Ming’s speech voice was faint, but nothing muledous aura was revealed, God King
Floating Feather had no response, and God King Heavenly Astral had a sudden glowers!
“Good brat brave! Do you think I can’t care for you today?”
“You can give it a try.” Lin Ming is unafraid. After mixing Dao Palace Nine Stars’s six big
Dao Palace and absorbing fragments of Thirty Three Heavens Great Dao Law, Lin Ming
has already touched the blood ebullition, and can even say that yearned for a battle with
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True God to prove his strength!

“Hey!” God King Heavenly Astral smiled and suddenly boiled intent. In fact, he knows that
today, he and Lin Ming are always playing a game, otherwise they couldn’t come to such
as. After watching the show, they patted the buttocks and went away. Otherwise, this
matter is not sent out to the world. Shame it?
People only think that Heavenly Astral is afraid of Lin Ming. Heavenly Astral

couldn’t stand it. must face up against Lin Ming!

Even though there was Divine Dream, he could not kill Lin Ming anyway, but at least he
played in an imposing manner, completely suppressing Lin Ming’s arrogance, and then
withdraw again.
At this time, however, God King Floating Feather suddenly held out his hand and stopped
Heavenly Astral.
“What are you doing to stop me?” God King Heavenly Astral frowned.
God King Floating Feather ignored him, but looked at Lin Ming. “My apprentice Fairy
Maiden Qinglian? Give her out!”
Lin Ming faced Floating Feather, but did not agree, but instead asked: “I can hand her out,
but what conditions do you use to exchange?”
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2067 - Lin Ming's conditions

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God King Floating Feather looked at Lin Ming. His eyes looked like a single arrow and shot
Lin Ming. Lin Ming was comfortable and unconvinced.
“You don’t marry a boy, you are not afraid of death from ish, and I’m not afraid of net
broken. Now that we have no meeting of minds, we’ll ight here!”
In God King Floating Feather’s speech, the whole body exhaled a killing intent. As the
feuding sprinkles fell in the sky, Divine Feather Force Field belonging to Floating Feather was
This Divine Feather Force Field can cover hundreds of thousands of miles, even millions of
miles, and it is easy to completely cover the star territory where the Human Race martial
artist is stationed!
As long as the three God King and Lin Ming are ighting here, for the Human Race fleet, it
is naturally a construction attack!
However, when Floating Feather was to be enveloped, the star was raised from the bottom
with a black mist. This mist was very thick and sticky. Every wisp was heavy like a star, and
after the mist appeared, the space was Huge’s pressure became extremely dense. For a
time, God King Floating Feather’s force ield could not be shrouded!
This is the Grandmist Space of Lin Ming!
Grandmist Qi, originally is the beginning of universe forms, the most original chaos, it
contains the ininite material, myriad things all have Grandmist Qi evolution.
Today’s Grandmist Space in Lin Ming’s hand, we have already today no are as as we have
been, Lin Ming has incorporated Law of Asura, a set of Heaven and Earth Universe’s to high
law into the Grandmist Space, making the Grandmist Space A qualitative change has taken
The same energy, similar material, driven by diferent laws, it has the power of diferent.
This is like a very high-quality arrow. Shooting with an ordinary bow, and shooting with a
covert god, that Might Diference is not a least bit bit.
“Um?” God King Floating Feather frowned slightly, an d this time, on top of Lin Ming’s
Grandmist Space. Another layer of seven color flowing light appeared!
The seven-color flowing light is dreamy and beautiful. After it enveloped the Grandmist
Space, the Grandmist Space is heavy, and it seems that there are endless changes. It is diicult to cope
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with. This is the Divine Dream space belonging to Divine Dream. !

Lin Ming and Divine Dream, two force ield fusions, are not moving like Divine
Mountain. Floating Feather’s Divine Feather Force Field, not only can no longer
oppress, but is forced out of layers!
As long as Divine Feather Force Field cannot gather, the Human Race fleet can fully prepare
for their good gap evacuation through the Grandmist Space and Divine Dream space. Divine
Dream and Lin Ming can persist with no time as long as they don’t persist for a long time. A
ight with Heavenly Astral and Floating Feather!
After seeing Floating Feather pressed together by the two men, God King Heavenly Astral
frowned, force ield. It is not his strong point, but he has a power and a strong body. However, under such
situation, it is diicult to work. Can’t help Floating Feather either.
God King Heavenly Astral said: “Floating Feather, idle talk so much you are you doing,

a battle!” For the martial artist, everything is imaginary, true right to speak, is the

strength of the hands! Even if you can’t kill the opposite party, but you can suppress

the opposition party, it’s enough.

The martial artist has its own proud heart. If the real technology is not as good as human,
then it is a short one. It is impossible to not make concessions.
For example, if Lin Ming is disastrously defeated by Heavenly Astral or Floating
Feather, he must unconditionally release Xie Yue, Ao Ri, and green lotus trio
unconditionally. Otherwise, the internal person of Human Race will feel Lin Ming lost his
conceit and lost his way.
At this time, however, Floating Feather only looked at Lin Ming. Opening: “So, what are
your conditions?”
Floating Feather even conceded, she really plan and Lin Ming talk about the conditions?

God King Heavenly Astral blinked and even the Human Race martial artist was

Galaxy. In Feather
fact, it and Heavenly Astral, originally imposing manner, kill Hidden Dragon
is in line with today’s confrontation between Saint Race and Human Race that Heavenly
Astral and Floating Feather are killing the Hidden Dragon Galaxy. Armed with Fairy Maiden
Qinglian and others with absolute force.
At least it was also threatened by force to force the Human Race to release peop le. Then
they left again. In the middle of this, there may be demonstrations with Divine Dream and
However, if Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral change to green lotus, Xie Yue, and
Ao Ri at a certain price, it’s really shameful to pass it out. They are two True Gods to a
True God!
Heavenly Astral does not believe that Floating Feather can tolerate this breath, even if she
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inds Lin Ming to be a dragon in the deep pool, and does not want to ofend Lin Ming, even
if she also believes that if Divine Dream is there, she cannot strike. Kill Lin Ming.
However, Floating Feather as God King, her innermost feelings also own arrogance. She cannot
be repeated again and again.
Sit to seeing if Lin Ming breaks through Heavenly Venerate, because attacking Lin Mi ng
at that time will not work, but it will only hurt. Second, let’s let go of a Junior breakthrough,
originally does not violate Floating Feather’s proud heart.
But now, Floating Feather’s concessions are unusual.
In fact, the age of Floating Feather is the smallest of Saint Race’s three True Gods, only
1,500 hundred ten thousand years.
When was still World King, the Saint Emperor Good Fortune was already True God and was
the supreme lord of Saint Race.
That year, Saint Emperor Good Fortune recruited Peerless’s peerless talent and opened up
a series of extremely excellent conditions to help Floating Feather break through True God’s
ultimate objective, leaving Floating Feather away from his division. , enter Good Fortune
Holy Palace, become a direct disciple of Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
However, it was rejected by Floating Feather. In the end, Floating Feather relied on own
strength to break True God.
This piece of history is secretive, many Saint Race martial artists do not know, Floating
Feather will not go publicity, but God King Heavenly Astral as the Saint God’s True God, but
knew very clearly.
And he also knew that Saint Emperor Good Fortune even failed to receive Floating Floating,
but later gave Freezing Feather a free help. After all, Floating Feather’s teacher’s gate is
much weaker than Good Fortune Holy Palace. The master gate is not enough to support
Floating Feather’s ability to become a True God genius.
This is why Floating Feather owes a favor to Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
More than 6,000 years ago, when the Human Race Great Tribulation broke out, Saint
Emperor Good Fortune was struck by Lin Ming and Primordial God Clan, draw support from
Asura Law Decree during the battle against Primordial God Clan. Coupled with the Saint
Emperor Good Fortune taboo Soul Emperor, had to hide in the void to heal.
Saint Emperor Good Fortune asked Floating Feather to hunt down Lin Ming, proud
Floating Feather, and as a True God, to kill a Saint Lord Stage Junior, also because of
this favour.
Lin Ming said: “I can release green lotus, Ao Ri, Xie Yue, but the requirement is that you and
God King Heavenly Astral can withdraw from this dispute between Human Race and Saint
Lin Ming spoke with a loud voice, and this condition made Floating Feather’s complexion
completely cold.
Beside him, God King Heavenly Astral is angry at peak.
This Lin Ming, who did he think he was? What does he rely on? ?
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Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral, who were originally reluctant to participate in the
Human Race and Saint Race battles, but due to the requirements of the Saint Emperor Good Fortune,
also due to the favours of past years, they also yielded with a show of reluctance. Joined in.
Now that they have joined, how could they be because of Lin Ming, that sentence of a Junior
in the hostile camp, withdrew from the war, and this was passed out, which is simply joke.
Even Floating Feather, even if she could not value her apprentice Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s
life, but in the face of such an unreasonable condition, such as Lin Ming, she would also refuse.
This is her principle and bottom line.
Mo is said to be Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral. Even if it is the Human Race, think
that Lin Ming’s words are a little crossed. If Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral go on
such complies, it’s dingy, and it’s still a martial artist.
Seeing that Floating Feather has moved murdous aura, Lin Ming said: “Do not not be
anxious, my condition has not been inished yet. After you with Heavenly Astral withdraw,
I will also withdraw, and I guarantee that there will be big Outside of Enmity’s Saint
Emperor Good Fortune, will no longer shoot Saint Race martial artists unless the other
party ofends me or wants to inflict harm on me, and it will take time for Saint Emperor
Good Fortune to leave, until This Lin thinks the time is ripe. My nature will go to the
decison battle of Saint Emperor Good Fortune!”
Lin Ming’s words sounds awkward and carefully analyzed, but can understand many of
his potential implications.
He classiied himself and Saint Emperor Good Fortune’s decisive battle as personal grievances,
and was placed outside the battle between Human Race and Saint Race.
More than 6,000 years ago, Floating Feather hunted Lin Ming’s hatred. did not attribute it to
Floating Feather, but to thead of Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
In the end, Lin Ming’s remarks also mean that even if Lin Race wins, even if Lin Ming can
reach the realm of the Asura Road Master of the same year, he will not start clearing and chasing the
Saint Race, nor will he have a Saint Race. The intention to erase from Thirty Three Heavens.
Because he has promised that he will no longer use Saint Saint Good Fortune, except for
other Saint Race who provoke and injure himself.
In fact, most of the people in Saint Race’s are innocent. Even the Saint Race ighters who
slaughtered the Human Race, their family members and children are innocent.
Lin Ming does not want to deprive Thirty Three Heavens of innocent lives and happiness.
The catastrophe of the universe is already enough. In the history of the river of history, do not
know how many races are erased.
Even in the future, ethnic destruction and new life are still there, but at least, Lin Ming
does not want a race to be vanishes in his hand.
Lin Ming made this proposal, and even Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate around him was a
little surprised. However, immediately she understood Lin Ming’s plan.
From Lin Ming’s point of view, there is only one archenemy of the Saint Race’s genuine, that is,
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the Saint Emperor Good Fortune.

As long as Saint Emperor Good Fortune is resolved, the battle of Human Race Saint Race
will end naturally.
The solution can not he, the following battleield even if all the way song of victory, then
the outcome of the many, no meaning!
As a result, Lin Ming continued to intervene in the battle between the Human Race and
the Saint Race. The signiicance is small.
It can even be said that gain does not equal the loss, because it is impossible for him to
beat the person who can kill it. In fact, it cannot be temper Lin Ming’s strength.
What wants is a stronger challenge.
At this moment, Divine Dream predicted that Lin Ming, afraid to leave.
This Human Race Great Tribulation will no longer provide enough space for Lin Ming to
grow up before the Saint Emperor Good Fortune exits. Lin Ming also knows that after he leaves, Divine
Dream will have an enemy two and will be extremely diicult. , so forced to leave Floating Feather and
Heavenly Astral, is Lin Ming before leaving, for the Human Race the Great Tribulation last made matter.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2068 - Talk about collapse

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“Lets us, with you to withdraw from the battle between Human Race and Saint Race?”
Heavenly Astral frowned. didn’t like to be arranged. Feeling like such is what Lin Ming said.
What does he say and say, isn’t he faceless?
“That Divine Dream?”
Floating Feather’s vision flutters beside Lin Ming.
At this point Divine Dream stood still not far from Lin Ming, white clothing born. She did
not speak, waiting for Lin Ming to answer for her.
“Divine Dream predecessors are still involved in this Human Race and Saint Race battle
to make up for the incompatibility between the strength of the Human Race and the Saint
Race. It’s just you, I and Heavenly Astral.”
Lin Ming calmly made this statement, Heavenly Venerate of the Saint Race is much more
than the Human Race. Without the Divine Dream checks, the Human Race cannot face the
Saint Race in the frontal frontal battleield.
However, these words fell in the ears of Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral, but they were
extremely harsh!
“What did you say?” Heavenly Astral’s words suddenly cooled.
Originally Lin Ming proposed to let them withdraw from the battle at the same time.
Heavenly Astral would not accept it because he did not like to be arranged by Lin Ming.
Now, this transaction is not coordinat’s time, he is even more angry!
Did Divine Dream, a True God expert, kill the Heavenly Venerate of their Saint Race!
Lin Ming said: “This worldOn any anything has the principle of equivalent exchange, Human
Race Saint Race two race battles, Saint Race out of many strengths, Human Race also quit
many strengths, so that originally is fair.”
Lin Ming didn’t explain it well. One explanation, God King Heavenly Astral’s whole bo dy
killing intent, was calm face, and the gloomy saying: “You mean, You alone, you can top
me and Floating Feather. , so we have three together withdraws, is the equivalent
Lin Ming agrees with it. “You, understand, can also, this transaction, m y withdrawal, also
means the exit of Wild-One’s avatar, and... I am alone, and I may not be able to make up
for you and Floating Feather’s withdrawal on the Saint Race. The combat power was lost. I
can’t naturally have an enemy two at the moment, but it won’t take long. My thinking is all
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Lin Ming again and again. After three more stimuli, God King Heavenly Astral could not
resist. exploded like a powder barrel. His facial features, his expression, it was as if he
was going to step forward for the next quarter and he seized Lin Ming’s neck. Lin Ming
“You court death!”
Heavenly Astral eventually endured the peak. With the sound of “Ka kak a” , his mortal
body began to rise. On his forehead, there appeared a tiny-like mysterious pattern of
nine’s head. His whole body emerged from the ancient rune. His skin changed from the
crystal-clear color to the light scarlet.
God King Heavenly Astral has launched his bloodlines and completed the Saint Race
Body Transformation!
Wars, is ready to be set of!
Lin Ming’s vision brilliant, in fact, he early expected that this war is inevitable!
The language may be sharp weapon, but the negotiation between martial artist. It has
always been determined by strength. If we can not convince others from the spoken
language, we can only overwhelm him in military force!
Lin Ming wants to withdraw from Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral at the expense of
one person. If one does not play, it is impossible. Whether Floating Feather or Heavenly
Astral, their proud heart does not allow them to promise. Down.
And this time. Floating Feather also stepped forward. The white dress floated and her hair
fluttered. The raised feathers appeared beside her. Obviously. This condition, she can not
She really did not want to intervene in the war between Human Race and Saint Race. She
understands that the battle between Saint Race and Human Race is actually more of an
ambition of in order to Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
However, after all, she is a Saint Race’s martial artist. also does not want to seeing the end
of the Saint Race defeated by the Human Race.
When she could not tolerate Divine Dream suppressing her people with absolute strength, she
stood by.
When Floating Feather opened her force ield, Divine Dream also pulled out a long sword.
Under star light, her temperament became ierce, like a sharp and cold proud.
The battle between the three True God and Lin Ming are ready to be set of!
At this time, Lin Ming stopped Divine Dream, “Divine Dream predecessors, let me come,
this condition is originally between me and Saint Race two True God, you intervene, you
can not make them convinced, even if we If you win, it will only mean that you and I,
Heavenly Astral and Floating Feather, will withdraw from the Great Tribulation.”
Lin Ming said calmly and calmly, Heavenly Astral breathed a sigh. “How do you join
forces? Do you really think that if you join together, you will certainly win us?”
“Who is strong, Who is weak, he only knows!” Lin Ming’s indiferent reply, he looked to
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Heavenly Astral, and he was struggling. “i’m alone, I have to deal with both of you,
naturally, one by one, I don’t use Wild.” -One’s avatar, as a price to let you separate from
me! “
The strength of Wild-One’s avatar’s is terrible. When originally in the hands of Holy Child
Good Fortune, Wild-One’s avatar approached, and even equal to center position True God.
In the hands of Lin Ming, Wild-One’s avatar was taken away by Lin Ming’s essence of
massive flesh and blood. The power has fallen a lot, but it is also the comparative form of
ableness of the lower True God.
But the strength of even though precocious declines, and Lin Ming is much stronger than
Holy Child Good Fortune. Whether it is the Spiritual Force or the it to the desolate, he is
far from being comparable to the Holy Child Good Fortune.
In the hands of Lin Ming, the position of the next True God will play a stronger strength
than when the previous Holy Child Good Fortune took control!
If Lin Ming himself can compete with any of Heavenly Astral and Floating Feather,
then with Wild-One’s avatar, he may not be able to ight the two with the strength of
waste and the volume of fearfulness.
“Good! Very Good! i’ll ight with you! As long as you have the strength to compete with me,
I will withdraw from this race between Human Race and Saint Race! And I swear, if there
is any one in the future, there is no one for this seat. The hostility’s Human Race shot,
then let my Dao foundation crack, the cultivation base is completely abandoned!”
“Besides, if this seat does not win you, then the two unscrupulous apprentices of this tribe
will also withdraw from this war and return honestly to the cultivation! If they fail, they will
never come out of shame, People have captured the threat!”
God King Heavenly Astral is moving a true flame gas.
Lin Ming said: “Good! Said it and meant it. If so, I also promised that if I could lucky enough
to make you fulill my promise, then I will withdraw my wild regiment, and I will no longer add
it to Saint Race and Human Race. In the war, only use them to protect my family.”
Since Lin Ming talked about the withdrawal of the Human Race and Saint Race, he would
naturally withdraw completely. The Waste Legion strictly speaking is also a part of his
strength. naturally will not play word games on this.
In the talking room, Lin Ming looked at Floating Feather, Floating Feather is silent. This is
equivalent to the default of this condition, in other words, between she and Lin Ming, too!
As for the contract anything, it does not have to be signed at all. Regardless of Lin Ming or
the two True Gods, they are all persons with a proud heart. If they say something, they will
be like stars crashes and will not regret it.
Stepping back 10,000 steps, even if one side repents, then the other party can tear up the
agreement and join the war. It does not lose anything.
Lin Ming’s silent exploration Dark Dragon Spear, form a dodges, has escaping from the
starry sky and flew beyond the hundred miles.
The battle between True God is not trivial. does not want to enter the younger generation of
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Human Race into volume. Otherwise, they will be destroyed by energy attacks.
Reserve a hundred miles, enough Divine Dream to expand the force ield, and shelter all
Human Race martial artists.
Heavenly Astral narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Ming outside the hundred miles. silently
pulled out a dark golden heavy sword. This handle sword is naturally True God Spirit
Heavenly Astral, is a person who has reached peak’s in the Body Cultivation System!
“Be careful, he is not simple!”
God King Floating Feather
“I know! Even though I don’t want to admit it, but just look at the
phenomenon of this brat Heavenly Venerate Heavenly Tribulation, I know
he really has a bit of skill, but then what, did not play, who do not know
who is stronger in the end weak.”
“At least, ten million years ago, I didn’t really kill anyone! I told Divine Dream that she
didn’t even ight with me. I always got some illusion against me. The stomach is
God King Heavenly Astral has been boiling for war. took the golden sword and slowly flew
to Lin Ming.
At this time, looking at the back of God King Heavenly Astral, all Human Race martial artists
held their breath. Before Lin Ming and Saint Race, two of the True God’s negotiations
contents, they naturally heard clearly. This was a It is the future war of Human Race!
Silkworm cocoon always said, hopes everybody don’t wait, because my schedule is messy,
i’ve always inished it, no matter what time I seeing readers in the book review area are still
waiting, i’m sorry, then The silkworm cocoon will not be updated after 12 in the morning.
However, after 12 o’clock, I will keep it in the morning.
In addition, the book review area readers ask how to add silkworm cocoon Weixin, seeing
message everybody people do not know what “Wei letter public number” Is, you can remove
the “Wei” Grass radical after Baidu.
Click on “Add friends to select the bottom line of the public number search input cocoon ()
search to ind.” Previous manyy map, have changed high-deinition version, Little Demon
Xian, Mu Qianyu, Qin Xingxuan, Tian Mingzi, Primordius Heavenly Venerate, replying to
the name can seeing their chart, some dissatisied, silkworm cocoon let person change.
There are also scene maps and skill maps of Wuchi Mobile Games. You can seeing that
the map is “Skill” And you can do it well. Afterwards, they will be issued one after another.
Sheng Mei, “Rare” And others, and the “Animals” Chart, are making person draws.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2069 - Heavenly Astral

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In the star sea, Lin Ming and Heavenly Astral are away from the distance opposition.
Star light, murderous aura grim, this side space seems to be more dense because of invisible
energy. Everyone is watching this battle. Divine Dream has opened its own force ield and
protected Human Race
Lin Ming, Spirit Spirit Leader of Human Race. Healing Heavenly Venerate. Welcome King War
God! At this time God King Heavenly Astral, arms crossed on his chest, the golden Sword
handle huge,
inserted between his arms, this action is not despised Lin Ming, but God King Heavenly
Astral comprehend Divine Art method “Heavenly Astral Saint Body” Starting time of the
ighting time, the cross arms seem to not be able to move quickly, but such movement but
God Star Heavenly Astral body Astral Essence integrated into a potential.
Lin Ming’s starting style is more unusual, he stands volley, right hand stretches out, spear
head taps empty. His eyes are tightly closed, in order to perceive and lock this void. In fact,
for Lin Ming’s martial artists, there is no diference in closing eyes. It’s just closed eyes that
can make him mind more tranquiler. The Inner Body Universe is better integrated with the
Heaven and Earth Universe.
This is a state that is similar to the Celestial Being, and it is also the manifest of the Law of
Asura and Sacred Scripture Law!
Time seems to freeze at this moment.
God King Heavenly Astral shot, his moves are suddenly, and it’s almost peak!
God King Heavenly As a person who reached the peak’s in the Body Cultivation System, God
King Heaven may have a disadvantage in the law and force ield. However, he is actually closer to
the universe peak!
Formidable’s physique, which brings terrifying power, also gives him matchless speed!
No one could seeing how God King Heavenly Astral originally had his arms on the same place.
The Heavenly Venerate felt only a single flower. God King Heavenly Astral had become a Divine
Dao light!
Before God King Heavenly Astral stirred up with the “Heavenly Astral Saint Body” , all the
momentum was infused and attacked Lin Ming. It’s not his golden Sword, but his ist!
In fact, to the extent of God King Heavenly Astral, his mortal body is already comparable to
True God Spirit Treasure. His ist is no diferent from his sword in attack.
Void collapse, which engulfed Space’s Space Storm. These storms merged with God King
Heavenly Astral and merged into one organic whole. As if Lin Ming was not facing a punch, it was
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a star that crashed!

Everyone held their breath. This is the gap between True God and Heavenly Venerate. Faced
with such a Godight of God King Heavenly Astral, the presence of Heavenly Venerate, most of
the resistance, is hard to come up with. The feeling of a landslide and tsunami is simply not
At this time, Lin Ming moved, like Divine Dragon, who has been longing for a long time.
Suddenly open eyes!
Lin Ming a Spear Thrust out, no gaudy of a strike, straight thrust God King Heavenly Astral’s ist.
Fearful’s hit. The ininite space-time storm was suddenly shattered, leaving only the great
potential bred by God King Heavenly Astral. The unreserved crush was on Lin Ming’s Dark
Dragon Spear.
Boxing spear|gun intersection!
Formidable pressure, so that the Dark Dragon Spear twisted, bent like a bow,
At the same time, God King Heavenly Astral’s body protection Astral Essence was also
punctured, leaving a little golden bloodstain.
The blood was burned in Astral Essence. Like a Divine Fire, it shines like a hot sun.
At the same time the two separated, Dark Dragon Spear slammed straight, and God King
Heavenly Astral and Lin Ming each flew back hundreds of miles, and stopped in the void!
Whoever failed to do this attack seemed to be evenly matched. However, many Human Race
martial artists have had some cold sweat on their foreheads. This God King Heavenly Astral is
terrible. They vaguely know the level of black long spear on Lin Ming’s hand. It seems that in
True God Spirit Treasure, Absolute high grade. And God King Heavenly Astral can even ight with
his ist against Divine Spear, his mortal body should be strong to what kind! ?
Even though. God King Heavenly Astral’s ist was also injured, but then...
People go to God King Heavenly Astral, and God God Heaven Heavenly Astral throws a right
hand. The blood on his ist is frozen. Those golden blood are actually skin-sucked. Then the
wound on his hand is seen in the nak eye. The speed to heal, soon, the injury just
Seeing such a terrifying physical restoration ability, the Human Race martial artist is in the
heart of a virtual person, able to physically defend against the fearful defense of True God
Spirit Treasure’s, plus the recoverability of the formidable, which is simply perfect defense!
For the Human Race Heavenly Venerate on the court, such an enemy, standing in the same
place to ight for them, they all have nothing to do, let alone with its positive showdown.
Is this God God Heavenly Astral’s strength? Of course, none of them could be True God’s.
Lin Ming narrowed his eyes and watched God King Heavenly Astral’s right hand, whisper:
“So that’s how it is, you are talking about physical strength, and it’s far above the level of
True God...”
Each True God has its own special skill, such as God King Great Brahma of Soul Race. His
advantage is in spirit and Soul Sea. Divine Dream Heavenly Venerate is balanced development
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on the Essence Cultivation System and Spirit Cultivation System, style fluctuations, so that God
King Heavenly Astral is diicult to make. God King Floating Feather, also similar to Divine Dream,
has very high altments in Soul Sea Illusion Technique, mortal body reinement.
As for God King Heavenly Astral, He repaired mortal body, mortal body to turn into a god, The
system of sole, Against the other two systems, See the great strength of the mortal body of God
King Heavenly Astral, Such people, Absolutely gifted diferent in Body Cultivation System, and,
He also used his talent to peak!,
“My physical strength is better than True God Spirit Treasure not inferior in any aspects, but
True God Spirit Treasure is dead, destroying it is even though it is not easy, you can do it,
and My is proicient in various cultivation methods. My body, infusion Astral Essence,
revolution ” Heavenly Astral Saint Body “, the strength will climb ten times! Your attack is
very strong, unfortunately cannot break My’s defense, everything is futile eforts!”
God King Heavenly Astral sneered that Human Race True God Divine Dream had failed to show
him how was, just trapped him.
“So it was...” Lin Ming looked blank, how was physically strong, his mortal body strength,
the same formidable incomparable, especially after the seal of Dao Palace Nine Stars was
untied, Lin Ming even longed for a frontage with the master of the practice body. War!
At that moment, the Six Great Dao Palace was opened at the same time by Lin Ming! Behind
Lin Ming, emerged a brilliant big star, endless stars, infusion to Lin Ming’s mortal body,
merged six Great Dao palace into one organic whole!
Together with Dark Dragon Spear in Lin Ming’s hand, it became star light at that moment, full
of silvery brilliance, Dark Dragon Spear is Peak’s True God Spirit Treasure, but if it can’t
infusion enough power, it will play The power will be greatly reduced.
Now, after injecting star light, Dark Dragon Spear seems to have lived, burst dragonroar
gunshots, whispered into the void, spread throughout the eon space.
God King Heavenly Astral narrowed his eyes, “Wants ight against me in the practice body?
Ha Ha, come on!!”
God King Heavenly Astral speaks, explodes roars, and is a ist to Lin Ming’s pounds! Lin

Ming faceless, a spear|gun wields out!

The second hit by the two, the golden Astral Essence, the silver starlight, turned into a terrible
energy storm that swept between spear|gun-ists!
This time, Dark Dragon Spear did not bend anymore. It was like an unrivalled Divine Dragon,
breaking through the stars!
God King Heavenly Astral is the God King of the practice body. The speed of the body is
approaching the limit, and Lin Ming is not worth it. Let’s keep up with the speed of God King
Heavenly Astral!
The two of them played fast, but the quick’s quick price was not replaced with the weakening
of the attack force. In fact, each attack can sweep up an energy storm. Every storm can be
born and maintained. It was a long time but not an end. From afar, the distant place’s sky
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was full of gold and silver two- colored huge vortex!

A giant meteorite in the size of a near-thousand Li was caught in the money vortex and
immediately exploded into fragments, which turned into dust.
This is hard to imagine. The attack of the two of them will be multi-terrifying. The weak
Heavenly Venerate will be involved in it. The absolute skeleton will not exist!
With such high speed attacks, there is such a possibility for each blow. Who can ight with them!
“Ha Ha! Happy! Happy!” God King Heavenly Astral’s squeaking noise came out, and he was
able to laugh in such a ierce battle to prove that he still had ample force.
In this kind of big laughter, the whole body of God King Heavenly Astral made an eruption,
his body begin exaggerated, and the skin was covered in a faint scarlet color. Mysterious
rune once before appeared between the foreheads. Reappears out, completed his own
Bloodlines Body Transformation!
After the void collapses, God King Heavenly Astral after Body Transformation can punch a
void in the universe. Lin Ming’s body violent quit!
He was holding long spear and glanced at God King Heavenly Astral.
The irst time, God King Heavenly Astral crosses the heavy sword in his hands!
This heavy sword is almost as wide as the door panel. The sword blade is longer than the
normal man’s height, but it falls in the hands of God King Heavenly Astral. The length of the
heavy sword is just right.
This handle sword, which looked like a dark gold, is no diferent from the common sword.
However, Lin Ming discovered that when light passes through the handle sword, the curve of
the light occurs, and the imitation buddha’s radiance is drawn by the handle sword. Or the
space around it is distorted.
“Sword Name Dark Star!” Seeing Lin Ming noticed Sword in his own hand, God King Heavenly
Astral reveals a hint of color.
“This seat achievement True God had once closed cultivation on a dark star, with the horrible
gravity of dark stars, tempered its own flesh. After I really broke True God, when I left, I tried
to complete a complete strength. From the dark star, a piece of material was broken. It was
eight-thousand-thick, three-inch wide and one-foot long. After returning, I retired for a
thousand years, and this dark star material was made into a thin, long sword embryo. With
sword as the core, cast it with a large amount of demon steel, inally casting into a heavy
sword! I didn’t sacred it, didn’t even engrave the demon mark on its surface mark, it was
True God Spirit Treasure, but there wasn’t any Divine powers, array, but with its weight of
fearful, and its hardness, it is the best weapon for me!”
God King Heavenly Astral made a few remarks, many people were a little confused at some time,
dark star? what is that?
To be continued
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MW CHAPTER 2070 - Jianqiang blockade

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“Dark Star... It was a terrible celestial body that evolved after the stars were old, and the
Heavenly Venerate that hadn’t developed enough bases...”
On the Human Race side, the Great Unrestrained Buddha explained slowly that some Junior
Human Race martial artists simply do not know what the dark star is. In fact, in the Wild
Universe, they have not seen this celestial body.
Dark star’s gravity is very terrifying. It is a small piece of material on the surface. It is
placed on ordinary planet and is heavier than the mountain peak.
The general martial artist does not fall on the dark star. Even if it is too close to the dark
star, it must be torn apart by its strength of fearful strength. Heavenly Astral can actually
dig away a material from the dark star, cast to turn into a god sword, it is hard to imagine
what the realm strength of his realm...
“In the order of casts supreme Divine Body, actually cultivation in dark star, temper
mortal body, also excavated a heavy weapon, it is crazy.” Lin Ming whispered, staring at
God The sword in King Heavenly Astral’s hand, on quality, may not be as good as its
own Dark Dragon Spear. However, on the weight, Dark Dragon Spear’s proportion is
still many times larger than the Dark Range Spear.
Such a sword, if played at high speed, will be hard to imagine! At this

time, God King Heavenly Astral moved.

He waved a dark star sword, a word chops!

This sword speed is not fast, but it contains the great potential of the God King
Heavenly Astral attack. It is impossible to avoid the lock of the void.
Lin Ming’s pupil micro, when the body retreats, the whole body buzzes and the dark red
color’s scale appears on him. At this moment, he uses the power of Asura Blood.
Space fetters was broken, and God King Heavenly Astral was in an empty space.
The terrible momentum erupted. God King Heavenly Astral’s sword will crush the vault of
heaven, forming a huge black gap. Space Storm sweeps out and produces a huge’s
God King Heavenly Astral laughs again and again. He repeatedly took out the severe
sword. Each swords was like a millimeter and millions of landslides. The stars shattered.
This terrible attack was linked up into a single stretch.
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Lin Ming did not attack again. evaded every time. Each word he seemed to avoid the
danger and danger, but actually it was just right.
“Consume my strength? Then try it!”
In the eyes of God King Heavenly Astral, there was a flash of light on physical strength. God
King Heavenly Astral crowns Saint Race! “Heavenly Astral Saint Body” Is originally a
cultivation method known for endurance. God King Heavenly Astral can ierce combat for a
hundred days without fail.
Not only that, God King Heavenly Astral’s speed is getting faster and faster! This dark
star sword was even astonishingly heavy, but it was connected with God King Heavenly
Astral under the influence of the potential. There was a sense of unity between humans
and swords.
Sword swept the void and locked Lin Ming’s dodging direction. Lin Ming couldn’t break free.
Take Dark Dragon Spear’s cross piece!
Fearful weight pours down. Even Dark Dragon Spear who infused Starlight’s power is bent.
Lin Ming only feels a huge earthquake. His body once more flew back, limit’s speed cut
starry sky.
God King Heavenly Astral catches up and the sword glows!
Every sword glow. They cut the void and left a scary sword mark. Some of these sword
marks are hundreds of miles long, and some are even as long as they are. There are even
only one person high!
Usually the martial artist ights, even if it is the stability plane of Thirty Three Heavens’s
tear space is not diicult. Just after the space is torn, it rolls out of Space Storm, and it
will soon be healed. This is the ability of space self-repair.
However, the space crack that was launched by God King Heavenly Astral has always
existed. It seems to want to heal, but there is an instrengths to stop it, and it to heal half.
Reopen again.
Slowly, more and more sword marks, thousands of sword mark even into a piece, actually
formed a huge dark golden light network!
This light net, will lock this piece of space!
For a time. The entire void has become extremely heavy and sticky. Lin Ming and God King
Heavenly Astral have been sealed!
“This is the word mark just started by God King Heavenly Astral!?”
There is martial artist this suddenly realized. Just now God King Heavenly Astral ired
hundreds of thousands of swords, a sword and a sword in time and sp ace. People
thought that these time and space sword marks were only made by God King Heavenly
Astral’s sword glow too strong. Now it seems that this is actually God King Heavenly
Astral is interested in it!
Thousands of space-time swords and scars are linked together, compressing Lin Ming’s
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battle space with God King Heavenly Astral within hundreds of miles. For the two True God
Level experts, hundreds of miles of space require only one instant. It can be crossed. This
is not a distance at all.
In this way, Lin Ming can naturally be forced within the minimum range, causing great
diiculty for his dodge, and at the same time the strength of God King Heavenly Astral can
reach its peak!
“This Heavenly Astral, it’s horrible. I didn’t expect him to have so much.” On the Human
Race side, God King Transcending Heaven said.
“These sword marks are not general space issures, but the embodiment of sword
potential! Each word of Heavenly Astral contains a huge amount of 'potential'. These
sword potentials remain in the fragmented space issure and are still sharp.
Incomparable, it is still constantly cutting the space, preventing the space from self -
healing. If you hit these space crack marks, it will also be attacked by the sword
potential. The consequences will be absolutely miserable, and even though it is not like
Heavenly Astral will directly smash a sword. , but it is not something that Heavenly
Venerate can aford.”
“True God, no one is not terrible. God King Heavenly Astral is afraid of accomplishment
in the force ield, but his hand is enough to make up for the lack of force ield.”
Dark Demon Monarch looked at the opening of the grim. The force ield is forming a
space around the martial artist. The arrangement of law is beneicial to his combat
status. Its main leading role is repression and blockade.
Now, the time and space marks of God King Heavenly Astral are undoubtedly equivalent.
Once the ight range is limited to death, the flesh is powerful and can exert the strongest
At this time, Lin Ming silently perceives the law of the surrounding space among the space
that is blocked by thousands of space-time sword marks. Each word mark is under his
sensation locking.
His perception penetrates the word mark and wears it again.
In Lin Ming’s mind, this sword mark is not true impregnable. However, God King Heavenly
Astral naturally takes the opportunity to attack when opens the sword net.
At this time, God King Heavenly Astral has been imposing manner to kill!
Hundreds of miles away, 1 instant, God King Heavenly Astral’s sword cuts, like a mountain
With limited space, Lin Ming did not return. He pushed his own body strength to peak, and
Dark Dragon Spear whistled.
Lin Ming’s arms once again shook with great tremors. The tiger’s mouth was numb. The
dark star sword was too heavy. With the fearful gravity, it was hard to stop.
Under huge’s inertia, Lin Ming’s body flies back quickly, and numerous hits are on the Jianhen
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The light net trembled violently, the clothes behind Lin Ming. Instantly tearing, revealing a
close-itting black flexible soft armor, flexible soft armor also tears, behind him, there have
been shallow bloodstains.
It was only this impact that people could seeing that this scary net was terrible. If it
hadn’t just hit Lin Ming, and if a Heavenly Venerate crashed into it, it would have
already been torn apart.
This is the fearful place of God King Heavenly Astral’s, even if his sword has already
passed. However, the remaining sword mark still has a lotful of lethality, which is the
power of sword potential!
Lin Ming shreds and tears the shattered flexible soft armor directly. He was naked in
the upper body, with a bloody mottled black scale. His wound, also at the speed stop
visible to the naked eye, was only due to persistent destruction of the word potential.
Lin Ming’s mortal body to heal speed was slower than Heavenly Astral. A lot.
“Lin Ming, it’s over. You are even outstanding. But you still have to lose to me. Even
though I can hit you in sword online again and again, constantly draining your strength,
but I don’t plan to do this, I won’t Give you a breath of breath!”
God King Heavenly Astral speaks, shouts, his mortal body, is actually more than ever!
His skin color becomes dark red. There are more and more incantations on the body.
seems to have used some kind of secret method, or he has had more Body
Transformation, regardless of which type. There is no doubt that it is. God King
Heavenly Astral has become more powerful than before.
used to use his full strength.
“Dark star shatters extinguishes!”
God King Heavenly Astral held the sword with both hands, high over his head. The flash,
the dark star sword shot an endless flash, covered all the void in the sword net, God Star
Heavenly Astral’s dark star sword rushed out violently, for a moment, took out 1,000 sword!
With 1,000 swords, each sword was a three-fourth might when God King Heavenly Astral hit
it. Thousands of swords spread all over the world, blocking everything.
At that moment, Lin Ming’s plastic contraction, between his forehead, glowed with the
burning Heavenly Eye, and his eyes, which also became needlepoints, were covered with
scrambl text, he was opening Heavens Eye Dao Palace. At the same time, Ten Thousand
Law Emptiness with three pupils is also used!
When God King Heavenly Astral reached peak on strength attainments, he sacriiced, but
it was law’s might.
Under the dual covers of the tentural Ten Thousand Law Emptiness and Heavenly Eye of
the three students, the 1,000 swords became completely diferent. They appeared to be
overwhelming, blocking any possibility of dodge. However, in the eyes of Lin Ming, they The
arrangement is missing the perfection on the law, some sword speed is fast, and some
sword light speed is slow.
In order to pursue a more powerful attack, God King Heavenly Astral inevitably sacriiced a
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small part of the attack speed, which gave Lin Ming an opportunity to dodge.
His foot step is empty. Like a rain swift, rushes into the sea of swords and light!
“Do you want to commit suicide? Hahaha! Come on!”
God King Heavenly Astral laughed. If he had a chance to kill Lin Ming, he certainly
wouldn’t mind. It’s just that this hope is small.
However, in the moment when Jianguang completely shrouded Lin Ming, the incredible
scene of God King Heavenly Astral occurred. Lin Ming ished through the sword light, and
saw more than 90% of sword light. One percent fell on Lin Ming’s body.
At this moment, nine stars flashed in the sky, and star glow became a piece in this flash.
God King Heavenly Astral’s’s sword net cannot block Nine Heavenly Stars light. Ininite
stars are empty. Condensed into a star sea.
Lin Ming’s spear|gun wields out, infusion this piece star sea, rushed to God King Heavenly
Astral’s 1,000 Jianmang!
Star sea to sword sea!
[Insert Book: Metropolis Novels, Immortality, Book number:three million, Two hundred
and eighty- nine thousand, Three hundred and nineteen, Introduction: “Anti -Flag, 0.1
light, The warmth of youth thrives on ire. If there is tomorrow, Let’s shout ” We are
Brother “ Together. Everyone is interested to go and see, Book page hangs on the
direct bus, However, it must be delayed for several hours before it can be displayed. ,
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2071 - reverse

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Star sea collides with Jianmang, star sea is torn, and sword glow is also engulfed. At
this moment, black brilliance shrouds everything, originally God King Heavenly Astral
clothed under sword net, under such a ierce collision, crazyce’s Swaying, where
attached’s sword potential seems to be falling apart!
In a flash, God King Heavenly Astral was swamped by star sea.
In this end-to-end starlight of the Dao Palace Nine Stars’s, God King Heavenly Astral
feels like a mortal being soaked in the heavy mercy. The blood of own has seemed
to be burning!
His sword potential is compressed, and his perception is blocked by star light!
Perception is not God King Heavenly Astral’s longevity, but at this moment, God King
Heavenly Astral can also feel Lin Ming’s rapid approaching because he feels a
murderous aura!
God King Heavenly Astral yelled and suddenly stepped forward. Dark Star squatted!
The sword is divided like the sun and moon. With the fearsome weight of the dark
star sword, God King Heavenly Astral splits the sea of Nine Stars directly.
The Dark Star Sword collided with the black long spear strike. The terrible weight
brought with it an unstoppable force attack. The endless Strength of Nine Stars was
swept by this sword and burst into a broken glow in the air!
The black long spear is bent directly by the non-front dark star sword bow! Lin Ming’s
body flew back under strong recoil, and the unpredictable Astral Essence swept over his
chest, causing Lin Ming to spray out a string of blood.
“Death it!”
God King Heavenly Astral smirked. knew that just the sword, his sword Gang had been
swept to Lin Ming!
God King Heavenly Astral is very clear about the terrifying of his own word, which is by
no means the human mortal body can bear!
His whole body rang out with the rumbling of the bone joints, and the body rushed
straight out, followed by a victory with hot pursuit!
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God King Heavenly Astral scores a number of swords, and the endless sword is
contracted. Formed a special sword potential space, banned Lin Ming’s dodge direction!
“Not good!”
On the Human Race side, there is Heavenly Venerate exclaimed. This sword
potential space is like a huge meat grinder. This is a potential sword, and once it is
sealed into it, it will be directly stranded by the sword potential.
Even if Lin Ming is brave and ierce, protecting Body’s True Essence is bound to be
compressed by the sword potential, and is subject to control. He wants to break open
the space of swordsmanship. It will inevitably take some time. How would God King
Heavenly Astral give him this opportunity? In this sword potential space, God King
Heavenly Astral’s attack power will reach peak, and Lin Ming is likely to be
able to avoid God King Heavenly Astral’s next blow!
“By your blood, God’s sword!”
God King Heavenly Astral’s voice is as loud as lightning rolling, vast and ruthless, and
stride treads out, a sword strangled. Destroy everything!
At this moment, God King Heavenly Astral’s sword potential space suddenly shivered,
thinking that Lin Ming was locked in the sword’s potential space. Do not know what
method suddenly rushed out, he holds a black long spear, a spear|gun cuts under!
God King Heavenly Astral hardly reacted for a time. Even though the Jianshi space
shook, even though it was clearly shattered, how did Lin Ming break free?
Between the light and the ire, he had no time to think about it. The whole body Astral
Essence of God King Heavenly Astral burned like a broken sun in space!
In the ierce impact, in Lin Ming’s hands, there appeared a round of black revolving
wheel, a phantom shadow of a dozen feet of high Asura demon, emerging behind Lin
Ming, slowly pushing the black revolving wheel.
This black revolving wheel seems to devour all the grinding pans, in the constant
enguling of God King Heavenly Astral’s Kim Mang!
This is Lin Ming’s Ten Thousand Demons Life and Death Wheel.
Asura Heavenly Dao annihilates everything. The golden rune is constantly

crushed. God King Heavenly Astral yelled, a sword cut on top of the black

revolving wheel. “Oh!”

also Thousand Demons Life and Death Wheel. However, God King Heavenly Astral was
kicked back
by the force of the law. His body was brightly colored with abnormal redness. Whole
body Qi and blood burst!
God King Heavenly Astral retreated. Under the influence of the huge law, his fl esh
inevitably flew out. At this moment, however, another murderous aura appeared ghostly
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behind God King Heavenly Astral.

In a flash, God King Heavenly Astral only thought that the ine hair was standing
upside down.
He was struck by Lin Ming, but Lin Ming was absolutely uncomfortable. His energy
was just as strong. As stars erupts, Lin Ming could not easily resist. If he used the old
one, he could not be in. Such a short time, once more attack!
At this time, however, behind Lin’s Heavenly King Astral, Lin Ming has been holding a
long spear and slashed directly behind him. Once more, the Asura Phantom Shadow, a
huge revolving wheel, and the Asura phantom shadow are rotated between his arms. .
It’s just that this revolving wheel’s color is no longer black, but purple.
The purple revolving wheel is like a soul vortex, and everything must be

minced. Avatar! ?
God King Heavenly
extremely Astral suddenly passed over this idea. Under the cover of the
fast ofense
and defense and the brilliant star sea, Lin Ming spread out his three avatars, but God
King Heavenly Astral perceives his restraint. Can ind!
Lin Ming’s speed is too fast. don’t think God King Heavenly Astral was drowned in
the sea of star glow, and the far-sighted Human Race peak Heavenly Venerates
didn’t even seeing Lin Ming’s avatar.
And the most frightening thing is that Lin Ming’s avatar comes from Asura Heavenly
Dao law. The strengths of the three avatars all have direct relationships with his
ontostrengths. The stronger the main body, the stronger the avatar!
God King Heavenly Astral struggled to turn the body and forced Qi and Blood to
make a hard ight back.
has a sword cuts on top of the purple revolving wheel. This purple revolving wheel
is also from Asura Heavenly Dao, but it is Ten Thousand Yuan Samsara Wheel!
Terrible energy energy burst, God King Heavenly Astral this sword did not retreat this
huge revolving wheel, but forced back Lin Ming’s avatar.
The Asura phantom shadow is holding a revolving wheel. It’s heavy on the chest of
God King Heavenly Astral!
God King Heavenly Astral spurts blood and his body flies out like a meteorite!
Total body strength is terrible, the body strength is far higher than Divine Beast’s God
King Heavenly Astral, hit by an attack heavy losses!
At this moment, the fourth Lin Ming appeared!
“And also!?”
God King Heavenly Astral eyes blood red. Before this, God King Heavenly Astral and
God King Floating Feather all the way to kill. played with Divine Dream Heavenly
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Venerate. There was no too much information communication with Saint Race. just
knew. After Lin Ming returned to the Human Race, the Human Race achieved a
series of big wins. However, Lin Ming had three avatar’s news, but he did not have
time to understand. In fact, even if he understood, God King Heavenly Astral may not
be able to make it. Too good protection, because God King Heavenly Astral even
though is powerful, but his ight technique, whether attack or defense, is extremely
monotonous and lacks change.
While Lin Ming’s studies are heterogeneous, the battles are ever-changing, making
people virtually impossible to guard against!
God King Heavenly Astral can’t tell whether Lin Ming is the main body or avatar. only
feels that the opposite party is in the order with the darkness star. The speed is
approaching peak. The attack trajectory makes people unpredictable.
He didn’t use weapon, but took palms to shoot himself!
At that moment, God King Heavenly Astral gnawed the tip of tongue, forcing a drop of
blood essence! This blood essence is not as instantaneous combustion as an ordinary
martial artist burns blood essence,
but it is turned into a puf of golden blood, covering his whole body.
God King Heavenly Astral took Astral Essence, but in a short time, the fourthth

attack! This sword, looking to lie on top of Lin Ming’s palm!

Suddenly, everyone was shocked by this scene. This dark star sword was so
powerful that they all looked in their eyes. The terrible weight mingled with God King
Heavenly Astral’s full blow, even the royal family Divine Beast. The whole body will
be broken and it will be broken into muddy flesh.
The body of flesh and blood is simply unstoppable!
In the moment when Lin Ming’s palms and heavy sword intersected, a black and
white Yin Yang igure suddenly appeared above Lin Ming’s palm. This Yin Yang igure,
with its vast aura, was inescapable. Constraining feeling.
This is the amalgamation of the forces of Lin Ming Demon God. God King Heavenly
Astral’s sword is so fancy that it is lying above the Yin Yang chart.
God King Heavenly Astral spurted a blood stream because he continued to force Astral
Essence’s backlash regardless of his sensational Qi and Blood.
Lin Ming’s body flew backwards again under the huge impact function, but God
King Heavenly Astral still had time to breathe a sigh of relief.
He felt a strong incomparable strength rushing straight along his dark star sword, like
the bones of the skeleton, into his flesh.
God King Heavenly Astral was stagnant. found out that in the attack just now, Lin
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Ming had infused Yin Mo’s igure with evil Mo Yi. This force rushed into his body with
a The shares of the fearful charms that dies in everything but corruption engulfs his
flesh and blood!
His mortal body is losing his life!
This is the fusion of Lin Ming’s Devil Strength and the Sacred Scripture Law’s part of
Death. The strength of death suddenly enveloped God King Heavenly Astral.
What happened! ?
God King Heavenly Astral was shocked!
If it is normal, such a corrosive force, he can completely turn whole body Astral
Essence, suppress it with absolute strength, Qi and Blood, and incinerate it.
However, because God Gold Heaven Heavenly Astral repeatedly raised Astral
Essence, even with a strength of blood essence’s strength, four consecutive attacks
exceeded the limit, which caused a momentary loss of Qi and Blood in God King
Heavenly Astral.
And the power of Demon Essence is to take advantage of this opportunity and drive
directly into the life of God King Heavenly Astral!
God King Heavenly Astral is extremely powerful in physical defense. However, in
the continuous continuous attack of Law, God King Heavenly Astral cannot resist
with his human body.
Once the power of Qi and Blood is in deicit, it is not strong enough. Whenever a l ittle
comes, it is corrupted by the power of Demon Essence and swallowed. It becomes
part of the strength of Demon Essence, and it is used to strengthen this strength. The
quantity itself, in this way, forms a vicious circle.
God King Heavenly Astral’s complexion changed!
He did not think that originally he had a superior war, because of a previous negligence,
there has been a big reversal!
Or rather, this is not negligence at all, but the pitfall that Lin Ming deliberately laid

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MW CHAPTER 2072 - Heavenly Astral defeated

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In fact, when God King Heavenly Astral mistakes Lin Ming’s main body begin and
mistakenly believes that Lin Ming is conined to the sword potential space, God King
Heavenly Astral has a disadvantage in this battle.
One step is wrong, and every step is lost. Lin Ming’s pursues to the end and hit hard are
consecutive attacks and he expands his strengths again and again. evades Heavenly Astral’s
Qi and Blood again and again.
Eventually, in the last attack, God King Heavenly Astral Qi and Blood were exhausted. Lin
Ming directly shot a blow!
And this strike, Lin Ming is hitting snakes seven inches, Sacred Scripture part of Death
and Devil Strength, directly eroding Heavenly Astral originally little Qi and Blood, let him to
stand up from failure.
This continual attack, even before Lin Ming was calculated.
From a deadlock in a begin, to a reversal between suddenly, everything happens suddenly.
After grasping the mistakes of the opposition party, Lin Ming did not give Heavenly
Astral the slightest chance to continue until the last, leaving Heavenly Astral powerfully.
At this time, Heavenly Astral’s beforehand prepare’s sword potential space was torn apart,
wears a black clothed, and Lin Ming, who had already broken of the long spear, had rushed
out of the sword potential space.
He threw away the gun in his hand. This gun, just a high grade Heavenly Venerate Spirit
Treasure, was captured by Lin Ming after killing the Saint Race a peak Heavenly
Venerate. He naturally couldn’t resist the Dark Star Sword attack, even once. Attack will
not work.
Four Lin Ming, scattered four weeks, they did not have any stay, once more running
inside the body.
Lin Ming main body, grasps Dark Dragon Spear, whole body Yin Yang’s power fusion,
spear head directed at God King Heavenly Astral, this force is impressively the power of
Lin Ming’s Demon God.
Around Lin Ming, three kinds of color energies emerged in the other three avatars, which are
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Astral Essence and True Essence. Divine Essence, matches Thirty Three Heavens Great Dao
of Essence, Qi and Soul.
Four Lin Ming teamed up and strength doubled.
Watching Lin Ming’s imposing manner become more and more prosperous, God King
Heavenly Astral flashed a glimmer of humiliation and anger. Heavenly Astral was indeed
very powerful in the mortal body, but he lacked changes and it became his irreparable
The ierce tiger fell into the ocean’s sea, and it was not able to exert a tenths strength.
The same shark was stranded on the beach. The ighting power that can be exerted
is also extremely limited.
This is the disadvantage of lack of change.
In the battle just now, Lin Ming used Heavenly astral in a clever way, which made him
disagree with his heart.
once more crunched the tip of tongue and spit out a blood essence. When this blood
essence appeared, he dazzlingly glowed with the divine glow, the God of Heaven
Heavenly Astral’s Strength of Death, under this divine glow, like a ierce. White snow
under the sun. In the rapid ablation!
He paid of the Devil Strength and Law of Death that were raging in the body a t the cost of
burning blood essence.
Lin Ming eyes flashed, three avatar hands. Three huge revolving wheels emerged,
respectively, black, purple and cyan.
At this time, Lin Ming naturally would not give God King Heavenly Astral any chance to
turn around. was about to attack. At this moment, a cold, indiferent sound came.
“This is it!”
With this chilly sound, the rising feathers sprinkles down and shroud Lin Ming and
Heavenly Astral. The appearance of the feathers made the space sluggish all of a
sudden. The energy operation became extremely slow. A white woman’s clothes fluttered
between Lin Ming and God King Heavenly Astral. The person was God King Floating.
“It’s over, Heavenly Astral. You lost.”
Heavenly Astral Qi and Blood shake, breathe like a cow. He had just been able to flexibly
mobilize Astral Essence in the body and was trying to ight with Lin Ming again, but was
stopped by Floating Feather.
Obviously, he is not convinced.
“The flame burning essence is already dishonorable. While the burning blood essence has not yet
gained superiority’s time, it is already lost!”
Heavenly Astral can burn blood essence. Lin Ming naturally can also burn the blood
essence. This is not originally a life and death war. It is just a battle to decide the rig ht to
speak. If all of them burn the blood essence to ight, it would be better to have a slaughter
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for life and death. Exit the battleield and talk about it.
In fact, at the level of True God, it is not easy to ight with people under ordinary
circumstances. Because once they are afected by what is not an irreversible wound, it is
not normal Heaven and Earth Treasure can be cured, and at least it must be True God
level. Spirit Medicine can work.
However, the number of True God-level Spirit Medicine is not necessarily more than
that of True God. Sometimes, some kind of Spirit Medicine who needs to search for Thirty Three
Heavens is diicult to ind.
Even if it is found, reining it is a very troublesome matter. Many Alchemists do not
have this ability at all.
God King Heavenly Astral looked at Floating Feather, looked at Lin Ming again, even
though he was not willing to admit it, but had to say that Floating Feather was talking about
the fact that this battle he lost.
Even though he lost under Lin Ming’s calculations and Qiao Jin, he was very reluctant to
lose, but he lost and lost. There is no excuse.
And God King Heavenly Astral also knows that Lin Ming played with the Body Cultivation
Technique Dao Palace Nine Stars for a long time and did not use other law.
After unraveling the Sequence God Chain imprisoned by Dao Palace Nine Stars, Dao
Palace Nine Stars after six Great Dao’s palace fusion has been an extremely powerful
type of attack method possessed by Lin Ming. is also eager to test himself. Body
Cultivation Technique’s level, Heavenly Astral is the best experimental subject.
It has to be said that God King Heavenly Astral has already reached the peak on the
Body Cultivation System. The two are better than the Body Cultivation Technique.
Naturally, Heavenly Astral’s big is advantageous.
In this case, though, Heavenly Astral completely suppressed Lin Ming, but God King
Heavenly Astral did not win in a short period of time, and even used bloodlines Body
Lin Ming, a human, Body Blossom Technique alone, able to compete with Heavenly
Astral to this extent, is enough to make Heavenly Astral admire.
Therefore, Heavenly Astral ended up with Astral Essence tumbling in his body when
Floating Feather stepped in. After his body cleared, the Body Cultivation System became
its own short board, and he was able to exercise nobody on the practice body talent. And,
just relying on the practice body to achieve True God.
This is of course great, but since ancient times, many True Gods have been dual
cultivation, even triple cultivation, and they have more than one knowledge of the Law of
the Thirty Three Heavens, such persons, who may be slower in cultivation speed, but
achieve True After God, their potential is greater.
God King Heavenly Astral took a deep look at Lin Ming, body into a flowing light, instantly
disappearing into the star’s end.
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This is equal to his own defeat.

At the same time, Floating Feather also looked to Lin Ming.
Starry sky is like black ink, Lin Ming holds Dark Dragon Spear standing, eyes deep as

water. Endless’s starlight was sprinkled on Lin Ming’s body and flowed like mercury.

At this moment, looking at Lin Ming in starry sky, the inexplicable incitement of God
King Floating Feather, this kind of incitement comes from a kind of strange i ntuition.
feels suddenly as if she feels like standing in front of her own youth. Thirty Three
Heavens became a mysterious and tall, it seems that today she witnessed the birth
and continuation of a legend....
“Heavenly Dao...”
God King Floating Feather feels a bit like this. looked up at the sky and spooky’s
vision continues. It seems to extend to the end of the universe.
Maybe this time will not be calm...
She regained her thoughts, her eyes focused on Lin Ming’s body, and r lips lightened her
eyes. “Ten days later, I’m in a ight with you. This period is enough for you to return to
Lin Ming nod, thought, he summoned Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
After Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace appeared, it was rotated and zoomed in. Three
igures flashed out of the Primal Beginning Heavenly Palace.
The three individuals are Ao Ri, Xie Yue, and Fairy Maiden Qinglian.
At this time, Lin Ming had already taken away the flesh and blood of their wild bodies, and
they also had independent thinking. However, their cultivation base was completely
conined by Lin Ming to Asura Heavenly Dao. Now they have no battle battle eiciency.
“You are free.”
Lin Ming spoke and waved his hand directly to push this Fairy Maiden Qinglian and
others to God King Floating Feather.
originally did not intend to really embarrass three people.
However, after resuming independent thinking, everything that these three people
experienced after being surrendered by Lin Ming remained in memory.
Think of all the things before, three people have a feeling of wanting to die.
In particular, Fairy Maiden Qinglian, thinking of her former name for Lin Ming’s actions,
looked at Lin Ming’s eyes almost burst into flames.
The humiliation of extreme surged into her heart. Now she can’t wait to tear Lin Ming and
commit suicide!
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MW CHAPTER 2073 - Expert is respected

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Fairy Maiden Qinglian sees God King Floating Feather, directly in the void, whole life does
not have such humiliation.
By Lin Ming surrendered, when the slave girl of several months, called Lin Ming is
master, Lin Ming, who has no independent independent personality, she now really
seeing her Master in non-face!
At this moment, Fairy Maiden Qinglian did not say anything about Floating Feather as
She enmity, immediately killing Lin Ming and the like.
Even though was even angry, did not lose his senses. From the perspective of the present
situation, I am afraid that the freedom obtained was not a threat to Force Feather’s use of
force, but was achieved through certain negotiations.
Otherwise, Lin Ming will not take away the flesh and blood of them for a few days in
advance, and they will not be able to hold their cultivation base and liberate their freedom of
thought. This is obviously waiting for negotiations to “Handle” The good hostage and get
ready to “Delivery” .
Including Lin Ming’s expression of calm, and Floating Feather cold and resolute face, all the
signs let Fairy Maiden Qinglian guess that Floating Feather probably had something to pay,
and only then changed to own freedom.
This made Fairy Maiden Qinglian feel extremely uncomfortable. didn’t tell her face and she
let Master humiliate with her.
She stared at Lin Ming with hatred, and the eyes could not wait to kill Lin Ming.
However, in face of such vision, Lin Ming is indiferent and apparently does not put green
lotus’s hatred at heart. said coldly to Fairy Maiden Qinglian: “You led the army of Saint Race
and killed Human Race elite. Many, naturally, we There is nothing wrong with the question
of race opposition, You do nothing wrong, and in that case, I kill you, but also nothing
wrong.However, I left you with a life, just let You be humiliated for several months, You can’t
stand it!You dignity is so important, The sexual life of my Human Race elite is so
“I would like you to kill I!” Fairy Maiden Qinglian said with a

gnashing of teeth. Lin Ming sneers, he knows that Fairy

Maiden Qinglian is really such thinks.

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“You and my Human Race have big enmity. You land in my hands. How to deal with
You is mys freedom. If you have strength, you can handle my!”
“Your tens of thousands of Saint Race martial artists have been killed under my control
these past few months. It is also regarded as a sin to make up for Your. I let you know
today, Your Today, Your Jealousness and It’s no bother. Anytime in the future. Yours is
welcome to come to me for revenge, as long as Your has this strength, but if Your is
implicated in my family and friends, and if you threw them into hands, then I pledge to
revoke Your’s cultivation base, cut Your body, and let Your in the Human. Race
innumerable humiliations and die!”
Lin Ming is extremely vicious. naturally knows what Fairy Maiden Qinglian is most afraid of. If
there are countless she used to think of ants, she should be worse than the dreadful disciple
of ants that deiles her body. That absolute ratio kills her. Uncomfortable 10,000 times.
Hear Lin Ming’s words. Fairy Maiden Qinglian complexion is young. is proud of her life.
Today, Lin Ming is so mercilessly trampled on dignity.
“I killed you!”
Fairy Maiden Qinglian beautiful eye. She really wanted to rush in. She had a war with Lin
Ming. However, she knew very well that her technology was not as good as hers and she
was far behind.
Lin Ming has already stated that has the ability to wait for revenge. But can

has beenup
catching in with
this life. If nothing unexpected happens, I am afraid that I have no hope of
Lin Ming. Even Lin Ming’s 1, tens of 1 are not. The disparity of the future will only get farther

and farther! This makes Fairy Maiden Qinglian particularly humiliated and uncomfortable.

“Sound!” God King Floating Feather mask frost, suddenly open.

“Master!” Fairy Maiden Qinglian is full of grievances and she bites her lip. Standing behind
God King Floating Feather, the tears in the eye pupil were forcibly suppressed by her. could
not accept her tears in front of her personal enemy.
Today, it is too shameful. In addition to the previous months, it was absolutely the
darkness of Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s life!
Floating Feather ignored Fairy Maiden Qinglian. Instead, looked at Lin Ming and Shen
Sheng said, “We have two clear!”
Lin Ming did not kill green lotus and others. There is no such thing as Fairy Maiden
Qinglian who has made it extremely inexplicable except to be humiliated. For example,
God King Floating Feather now sees that the Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s Primordial Yin is
complete, and Lin Ming has not picked up her.
In fact, as Lin Ming said, green lotus led the Abandoned Legion, killed many Human Races,
and the war was ruthless. So Lin Ming can’t overreact to what green lotus did.
Lin Ming didn’t do the irst, Floating Feather wouldn’t do 15, and she didn’t attack Lin
Ming or the Human Race fleet when Lin Ming broke Heavenly Venerate.
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They have kept the inal bottom line with each other.
Otherwise, everything will become unmanageable, Floating Feather will not kill Lin Ming,
but will face the retaliation of Lin Ming’s future, and lose the lover.
Lin Ming even though will not die, but it will fail because of the breakthrough of Heavenly
Venerate. At least a few hundred years, or even thousand years of accumulation
strength, will break through.
Such price, two parties are not willing to bear.
Concluding this dispute with a martial arts contest is already the least costly result.
In fact, when Lin Ming broke Heavenly Venerate, did not choose to hide. Instead, faced the
arrival of Floating Feather with the Human Race army. Floating Feather guessed what Lin
Ming might want to do.
“Ten days later, you and I are here!” Floating Feather once more said words.
However, when this sentence came out, Fairy Maiden Qinglian, standing behind Floating
Feather, was completely shocked.
She does not incredible look back to his Master, can hardly believe his own ear. What?

Ten days later, his own Esteemed actually had to play against Lin Ming! ? How can

this be! ?
Including Ao Ri around Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Xie Yue also opened his eyes, mouth micro
Zhang, silly
look to Lin Ming.
Lin Ming on Floating Feather! ?
It seems Lin Ming, just Heavenly Venerate?
When they were originally surrendered, Lin Ming was still Heavenly Venerate. Now he feels
Lin Ming’s cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds. is probably Heavenly
Heavenly Venerate battle True God ... ... thought of this, Ao Ri and Xie Yue are breathless,
God King Floating Feather even though only the next True God, but she is deinitely not
weak in the next True God, can you say, Lin Ming has Do you have capital to compete with
Floating Feather?
This made them feel like dreams. It seems that Lin Ming is in front of t hem, and it is
diicult for them to look up at once.
“This Lin is waiting here!” Lin Ming’s tranquil reply.
God King Floating Feather took a look at Lin Ming again. waved her body and turned her
into feathers. These feathers covered Fairy Maiden Qinglian, Ao Ri and Xie Yue. It
disappeared into the starry sky...
Space reverses, Floating Feather, green lotus and others were flying fast. At this time,
Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s complexion was completely green. opened her mouth and could
not help asking God King Floating Feather with her rapid flight. “Master, you ... you have to
ight with Lin Ming, are you ... you want to suppress the cultivation base?”
God King Floating Feather glanced at green lotus. Fairy Maiden Qinglian immediately
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shrank her neck and she felt erroneous remark.

“Do not suppress.”
A simple reply, falling in the ear of green lotus, makes her brain buzz. Do not


Fairy Maiden Qinglian was in a daze in a moment, and her thoughts were very
confusing. Even her heart felt a desperate feeling, even though she had known for a
long time that it was unrealistic to ind Lin Ming’s revenge, but at this moment, she was
more profoundly aware. . How unrealistic this is, Lin Ming is horrible!
Ao Ri and Xie Yue also heard clearly. They were completely shaken.
That Lin Ming. Really has the ability to compete with True God, which is simply

unacceptable! They are geniuses, but compared to Lin Ming, it’s too far!
The Saint Race even though looked down on the Human Race, but admired the expert, Lin
appearance, let Ao Ri, Xie Yue’s heart surpass a complex thoughts.
Floating Feather was silent for a moment, and said with a lengthy length: "Was that teacher
was beginning to break Heavenly Venerate. Within the ten strokes, barely contend with
Peak Heavenly Venerate, and legendary Soul Race’s peerless talent Sheng Mei, available
at Heavenly Venerate Initial. The stage defeated Peak Heavenly Venerate, and even later,
it was able to defeat some of the peak Heavenly Venerate. I used Was to be a limit, but
compared to Lin Ming.
“Information, In the Ancient Times ten billion years ago, Thirty Three Heavens was full of
intelligent life, Martial Dao was a splendid civilization, and Heavenly Venerate was a huge
number. The Holy Land was everywhere, True God was not a minority, but afraid that era
was also It’s hard to have a match with Lin Ming. just don’t know. What happened to those
two years...”
Floating Feather speaks, green lotus, Ao Ri, Xie Yue three look at each other in blank
dismay, their indistinct awareness, Floating Feather’s two who are there...
Asura Road Master! Immortal Sovereign!

They are absolute legends. That is what people really can’t expect. Lin Ming, now they are

on this path. This is a legend.

In the future,
Asura Road Lin Ming will have an enormous posibility, become the same character as the
Master, create a Great World, inherit ten billion years, and have several ten billion years!
Thought of this, even Fairy Maiden Qinglian had even felt that if Lin Ming could become
such a superexpert, then she had been surrendered by Lin Ming and became Lin
Ming’s female servant. It was not too hard to accept.
Fairy Maiden Qinglian was unwilling to accept to be a Lin Ming slave girl. It was a proud
heart. However, the past, Asura Road Master and Immortal Sovereign are afraid to have
slaves. If they put the servants of past years into the present, they are afraid to be better
than themselves. And Ao Ri, Xie Yue three people add up much more!
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In this case, what qualiications does Fairy Maiden Qinglian feel insulted?
Thought of this, Fairy Maiden Qinglian sighed and stopped speaking, including Ao Ri and
Xie Yue, who also fell silent.
They all have complex state of mind, and if you’re welcome, at their current level, if
you return to ten billion years ago, even if you send them to the ranks of the Asura
Road Master as servants, they may not accept it!
After a while, Xie Yue couldn’t help asking, “i’m a senior of Floating Feather. Do you think
Saint Race... can you win?”
“Don’t know...” Floating Feather shook his head. “When he only had Saint Lord Stage,
Saint Emperor Good Fortune did not kill him. Now he has grown up and has the capital
of self-protection. He, just with his present strength, just ind a place to hide and hide the
array, then no one can ind him... What will happen to the future of Saint Race, what
level Lin Ming will grow up, everything must be seen 'Air transport' two words...”
Floating Feather inished this sentence, No longer say, Her body is turned into a flowing
light, With green lotus et al, Disappear together in the star sea. (not,
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2074 - Explore Wild-One's Soul again

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The departure of the two Saint Race God Kings also means this battle. Lin Ming has
already won.
First defeat Heaven King Venerate’s cultivation base God King Heavenly Astral, and
Floating Feather ten days later.
A Heavenly Venerate, within ten days, is able to battle two True Gods continuously,
which is doomed to leave the legend.
Hundreds of miles away, the watching Human Race martial artist has already b een a joy!
People shouted and shouted, all the spirit battleship burst out with brilliant brilliance,
and shot straight into the sky.
The Human Race Heavenly Venerate, such as Emperor Sakyamuni and Vast Universe,
breathed a long breath and was very excited.
This battle is of extraordinary signiicance. It is doomed to be loaded with history. As
long as the Human Race is immortal, it will become immortal milestone.
Lin Ming defeated True God with Heavenly Venerate cultivation base. Naturally, it was
an inspiration for ethrmous morale of Human Race, and soon after Heavenly Astral
withdrew from the Human Race Saint Race, it would greatly beneit the Human Race’s
counterattack on Divine Realm’s plan!
All Human Race martial artists have already been vigorous. Human Race and Saint
Race have a blood debts that lasted for more than 6,000 years.
Even though not to the extent of genocide, the Human Race is bound to have a sad price for
Saint Race.
In the celebration of the Human Race martial artist, Lin Ming only revealed a little, and
came alone in the secret room of his retreat.
rejected the proposal proposed by Emperor Sakyamuni to hold the title conferring
ceremony for himself, but he intended to use the ten days that Floating Feather left
to explore the memories of Wild-One’s Soul.
In that year, Lin Ming could not shake the memory of the desolate, the primary primary
cause was that his own Soul Force was limited, and the memory of the desolate was too
large. This billions of years came, and wondered how m any wise lives were consumed,
the memories of these intelligent lives, They were all rubbed into the deserted Soul Sea.
Gradually sifting the information that is worthy of oneself from these memories is an
extremely tedious and arduous process.
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Lin Ming just tried it a little. feel a splitting headache, and now, Lin Ming has already
achieved Heavenly Venerate. After learning about Sacred Scripture Law and
experiencing Life and Death Samsara, after seeing the world’s hundred state, Lin Ming’s
accomplishments on the Soul Force are also Achieve extraordinary achievement.
Even though naturally not as strong as God, but in terms of quality. But it has exceeded

a lot of True God. In this case, Lin Ming eventually had a certain assurance, and two

degrees explored Wild-One’s Soul.

Even if the probe is not too many things, at least it can make Lin Ming against Abyss
Devil, and there is a preliminary and general understanding.
Prior to this, Lin Ming knew nothing about the secrets of Darkness Abyss.
Time passes, the nearest stars to Lin Ming’s small patch of stars, slowly submerged in

the clouds. Night. Deeply incomparable.

Lin Ming meditation and let himself enter into Fusion Martial Intent. At

this time, In front of Lin Ming. It is Soul Sea.

This is the
ideology Soul Sea belonging to Lin Ming, Lin Ming at this time, has been transformed into
entered his own Spiritual World.
The huge Spiritual Force formed a share of the sea breezes, desperately boasting, in the
end of the Soul Sea’s, the water-docking ground, huge Wild-One’s Soul. Locked by
hundreds of thick energetic ropes, hung up, and most of the volumes, were submerged
under the Soul Sea.
Lin Ming’s body-flies rises and drifts towards Wild-One’s Soul.
He slowly raised the right hand. In his palm, the endless starlight condensed and slowly
condensed into a black cube. This is the Magic Cube.
After the Magic Cube appeared, a little girl, Little Girl, sat on the surface of the Magic
Cube with an adorable gentle smile. called sweetly, “Elder Brother Lin!”
“Hong’er. You help me, surrender Wild-One’s Soul!”
Lin Ming said that looked at Grim. It is not easy to read the memory of the desolate.
Hong’er’s daring and impetuous righteousness is not much to say. Her body is
transformed into a flowing light, and the Magic Cube slowly flies.
Lin Ming also injected his own Soul Force into the Magic Cube.
The Magic Cube releases the dark divine glow. This divine glow is getting richer, and
the energy is constantly accumulating. It has reached the limit that Lin Ming can
At this moment, Lin Ming sang a low voice and Divine Dao blazed out from the corner of
the Magic Cube and shot directly onto the Wild-One’s Soul.
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Like being cut by a sharp god sword, Wild-One’s Soul suddenly trembled, and this Dao
Light cut a huge’s gap!
The comfortable Soul Force flowed out from the gap place. Lin Ming did not hesitate.
held Magic Cube and swiped his head. Magic Cube rolled up a black vortex and
absorbed all of the desolate Soul Force.
Soul Force condenses inside the Magic Cube. It is like a water vapor icing, and it turns
into tiny fragments.
These fragments are all black, probably color glaze, and Lin Ming’s bites continue to
push the Magic Cube, erasing the Spiritual Marks in these fragments, and eventually
turning them into memory without the owner.
Afterwards, Lin Ming adjusted his interest and read them directly.
These memories are almost all from the intelligent life swallowed by the wild, not the
memory of the vain original, and even though there are many cultivation methods,
arrays, Alchemy Technique, the method of the reiner, the Mystic Realm message,
and other valuable things. However, this does not mean anything to Lin Ming.
Lin Ming directly discards these memories, leaving the essence of the purest soul,
infused into his own Soul Sea, and growing Soul Force.
Only those who can’t absorb it can return to Wild-One’s Soul. In this

practice, the least bit is not wasted.

Next, Lin Ming
out some of and begin to move the Magic Cube, cuts open Wild-One’s Soul, and took
wild’s memories.
This is already the most feasible method Lin Ming can think of.
Even though this method eiciency is low, it is only because of Lin Ming’s strength limit.
Again and again, Lin Ming felt that his Soul Force was nearly overdrawn, Hong’er
was also head full of sweat water, and the small face was flushed with red. It was
obviously consumed too much.
Lin Ming’s clenches teeth, after cutting of some of the wild memories, said to Hong’er:
“Hong’er, today stops, rests, and tomorrow, we continue, we take time, and some time,
even if mortals move mountains, also After the association moved.”
“Nom” Of “Um!” Hong’er’s clever, she is a life body formed by Magic Cube, has a
special sentiment to Lin Ming, can do things for Lin Ming, she is very happy.
Lin Ming touched Hong’er’s small head and let her return to the Magic Cube for a break,
while Lin Ming’s Spirit Body also entered Magic Cube. Begin to read last part of a
memory .
Originally Lin Ming did not hold much hope, but what he did not think was that this
time reading gave him a surprise!
In these newly formed memories of the without owner, eventually found the memory of
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the dead body! These memories are about the text used by Abyss Devil.
That is abyss writing!
This is a very ancient, far ultra ancient God Clan language mysterious writing, which load
bearing long long history let Lin Ming frightened!
Every text is very tedious. It should be said that they are not only words but also a

mark of law. Law rune to make the text, which seems strange to Lin Ming.

Because it involves the law rune, especially the high-level law rune, the ordinary
martial artist is very diicult to master. In other words, the text in the wild memory that
oneself sees should be a high level language in the Darkness Abyss. Not mastered
by general devil.
Lin Ming looked at these words, and suddenly flashed in his mind, the shape of these
words. He clearly saw it once!
Inspire racing, Lin Ming stepped out and came to a place in the Magic Cube space
where a Black Book slowly floated. This Black Book was acquired by Lin Ming from
Imperial Prince Xi Shen.
The creek was one of the four Saint Generals and was captured by Lin Ming.
Unfortunately, his bad luck, Master is Saint Emperor Good Fortune, Lin Ming and Saint
Emperor Good Fortune have long been dead, nature can not miss the stream.
So far, Stream is still controlled by Lin Ming, Lin Ming is the most loyal servant.
Unfortunately, Brooks is not very knowledgeable about the Black Book. just got this
thing in the Primordial Ruins and knew it had an ininite charm. It can be used as the use
of weapon. What’s in the records is anything. doesn’t know. Even Stream can’t open the
Black Book.
Lin Ming is still considered to be knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and knows many
ancient heritages. I also don’t understand the scrambl text on the Black Book.
Until now, Lin Ming has read a part of the memory of the wild. know that the scrambl
text on the Black Book is actually abyss writing, and it is a kind of extremely high
middle grade grade and very diicult to master. It can be said to be the sign of Law of
Lin Ming even though the memory was strong, but only read one, it was impossible to
copy these law marks. only had more information on the memory fragments. Little bit of
the explanation on the cover of the Black Book. Text...
“Lin Ming, what’s wrong?”
Above the Black Book, there is a grand formation seal, which is the array under the
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal.
Before Lin Ming, because felt that the Black Book was extremely strange, suppressed it
with the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal. Now can seeing that Lin Ming has a
surprising color, Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal could not help but ask.
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“Predecessors, the younger generation read the memory of the savage and can already
read a very small part of the Black Book...”
“Oh?” A heartshake in the heart of Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal. Originally sealed by
himself, from Darkness Abyss!
And, it’s a talent from Abyss Devil!
Over the past few months, the Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal has been suppressing
the Black Book. It has faintly felt its terrible. It is not anythings True God Spirit Treasure.
It is just a handwritten note.
A handwritten letter, with words written in it, and law, can achieve the power similar
to True God Spirit Treasure. It can be used as a town enemy. It is simply
“What did you read out?” Asks Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal to look at grim, any
intelligent life of Thirty Three Heavens, and mentioning Abyss Devil, there is a deep
In this billions of years, Darkness Abyss is completely isolated from Thirty Three
Heavens. However, people have guessed based on various signs. Among Darkness
Abyss, there is bound to be an extremely fearful existence.
Darkness Abyss is profound, and the hidden fearful power is probably many times
greater than the strength of Thirty Three Heavens’ intelligent life.
Just out of a barrenness, it is so terrifying. Who knows what is in Abyss Devil? What
level of existence is there?
“Still is reading.” Lin Ming is engrossed in his words and cherishes words like gold. feels
that this Black Book is not like a cultivation method.
What exactly is it, he is not clear, “Read only a few characters out”

“What is it?” Asked Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal.

“The irst character is wild!”

Previously, the appearance of Heavenly Astral was incorrectly written. In fact, I
remember that when I inished writing that stress, I clearly deleted the word “Washed
hair,” But the time to send it was still there. I wondered if it was a problem with the
preservation time. To delete the result and forget it, er, it has been corrected.】
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2075 - Lin Ming Battle Floating Feather

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Hearing this word, Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal gave a slight glimpse. Isn’t this
secrecy law caused by the shortage? So absurdly stated the name of own?
“The word 'Desolate' seems to be a match for abyss writing... a basic Law of Devil...”
Lin Ming looked at mysterious abyss writing on the title page, saying in a thoughtful
“What’s the word behind?” “Deep! Chou!”

Lin Ming read that this pronunciation was based on Lin Ming’s memory. In fact, in the
Human Race language, there was no matching text.
“Deep” And “Chou” , without exception, also match the foundation Law of Devil in abys

writing. The three texts were combined to give Lin Ming a strange association.

“The younger generation thinks... Minghe Zhou, maybe with the waste...”

“Um?” Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal moves in the heart.

Lin Ming was slightly addicted and said, “The younger generation has a hunch that each
of the most basic Law of Devil symbols in abyss writing matches a formidable Abyss
Devil, and the absurdity is just one of them! The other two on this title page! The text is
meditation! They all match a similar fearful existence. They are the t otems of Abyss
Devil. don’t know whether the other two totems are in the end, they are hidden in the
abyss, or they are dead... ...”
Lin Ming said, Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal is also a slight lag. Lin Ming’s
speculation is not unreasonable. If it is so, then it is not a good news, and a wasteland is
already so terrible. And in the third billion, six hundred million years ago, was sealed by
God Sealing Heavenly Venerate Divine Soul, so Lin Ming was able to draw support from
Magic Cube to surrender it, otherwise, Lin Ming face the peak time of death must be no
“How many are there such powerful demons?”
Heavens Firmament Ancient Seal sound grim.
“It’s not clear, it shouldn’t be much. Maybe it’s not more than a hand, maybe a little
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more. On the title page, only three records were recorded.”

In Lin Ming’s speech, he continued to turn his attention to other words on the title page.
believes that as he continues to interpret wild’s memory, he can inally turn this mysterious
Devil Ancient Book open to explore the secrets.
This has great signiicance on the future development of the wisdom of Thirty Three
Heavens. Abyss Devil is like a ierce tiger entrenched in the side of Thirty Three Heavens’
lives, making Lin Ming uneasy.
After this, Lin Ming began a brief retreat. explored the memory of Wild-One’s Soul every
day. Slowly, he read more and more.
However, in the end, Lin Ming was too brief. During this retreat, even though had read
out some of the contents, still failed to thoroughly open this mysterious book.
This puzzled Lin Ming, which is what you are doing. It does not look like a cultivation
method. Is it just a history book that records the history of Abyss Devil?
History book, written for descendant. Is it necessary to write with the most
complicated and diicult to understand abyss writing?
afraid that this law writing can only be read if there is a higher level in Abyss Devil.
Lin Ming’s mind is full of doubts, his faint thinking, the important secret recorded in this
Devil Ancient Book, perhaps it has a greatest value for himself.
Time goes by. Ten days later, Lin Ming faced the second ight. In

this battle, he will play against God King Floating Feather!

This is a crucial battle. Lin Ming’s heart is faint, and God King Floating Feather is stronger
than God King
Heavenly Astral. This war is not easy.
In a inal day, Lin Ming did not try to explore Wild-One’s Soul again. Instead, it
adjusted its state to the highest peak.
On the day of the engagement, the Human Race martial artist of Hidden Dragon Galaxy has
already gathered in the star territory that the hands of beforehand Lin Ming and God King
Heavenly Astral played together.
Divine Dream, Emperor Sakyamuni, God King Transcending Heaven and others stood at
the forefront of the battleield and waited to witness this historical time.
Behind them, a force ield has been laid. With the exception of Divine Dream Heavenly
Venerate, the major Heavenly Venerate teamed up with Grand Layout.
These arrays are divided into dozens of regions. The Human Race fleet, together with
millions of elites, are scattered throughout the dozens of regions. Here, they can be
protected by the grand formation and will be much safer.
All Human Race martial artists are very excited.
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The process of watching True God’s ight is a great chance for them. If they are talented
generations, they will be able to comprehend their many things.
Prior to this, Human Race had only one True God Divine Dream, and watched two
consecutive True God- level battles within just ten days. This is a unimaginable matter for
Human Race elite.
At the moment, in front of Divine Dream, Lin Ming volleyed and stood a few hundred
miles away. Dark Dragon Spear was carried behind him. The spear head reflected the
“Elder Brother Lin ......”
Far, Little Demon Xian looked at Lin Ming’s presence, even though the great distance was
very far, but under the sensation of Little Demon Xian’s, Lin Ming’s every slight
expression, she could seeing it clearly, and Floating In this battle of Feat her, Little Demon
Xian also felt the pressure of enormous. cares about Lin Ming and is naturally uneasy.
Beside Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianyu, Qin Xingxuan, and others are all ight

mind. Feeling the attention of several women, Lin Ming looked over and smile d.


Lin Ming speaks light language, and this game with Floating Feather doesn’t play. No
one knows what the result will be. However, Lin Ming will not die in the battle, but if
loses, then the Human Race will be hard. Even the plan to counteratta ck Divine Realm
will be temporarily suspended.
Little Demon Xian gently nod, people begin to wait.
Floating Feather is a punctual person, only half a moment away from the appointed time,
during the open, in the starry sky, the feathers sprinkles, these feathers floating in front
of Lin Ming, star light, beautiful, such as Dream is illusion...
Lin Ming quietly pulled out Dark Dragon Spear and his eyes became sharp.
Floating Feather came and she was like a spirit of night. In this way, in front of Lin Ming, all
the feathers converged, condensed around the Floating Feather, and turned into a seven -
color energies. Floating Feather reached out her indiference. In this seven color energies,
gently draw a long sword.
The blade edge of this sword is only 12 inches wide, but the blade is surprisingly long,
full six feet long, and the sword blade is soft and boneless. After Floating Feather pulled
the sword out, the sword blade was not stressful. The left and right swing, like a flowing
clear water.
Obviously this handle sword, soft to peak.
Lin Ming narrowed his eyes to the handle sword. At True God’s step, their weapons were
not to be underestimated. Before the Heavenly Astral’s weapon, Lin Ming was surprised.
In particular, Saint Race still guards the Primordial Realm Ruins. How could Saint God’s
True God not get some powerful Spirit Treasure from Primordial World?
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The atmosphere froze for a moment. Within a few hundred miles, several million Human
Race elite martial artistes did not make a sound. Two True God class masters confronted
each other. The formidable pressure made them hold their breath unconsciously. .
This is a battle for the fate of all of them. They are naturally extremely nervous.
“Today’s World War I, I will witness your future. Let’s get it...” Floating Feather said
Lin Ming is also very polite, aura suddenly a sinks, the energy surging in the body, behind
Lin Ming, faint’s congealing has become a huge royal phantom shadow, this respecter,
upright, expressionless, with a The vests boundless imposing manner, and the
indiference and indiferentness of heaven and earth.
After the emergence of the royal phantom shadow, Lin Ming’s imposing manner
changed, becoming huge incomparable, and its law is also even with Heavenly Dao tie.
Stepping out of the treads and breaking stars, Dark Dragon Spear seems to have become
Divine Dragon.
The distance between the two became an instant in no time. Lin Ming’s shot crossed the
barrier of space, as if the teleport was in front of God King Floating Feather, and the thrust
thrust of God King Floating Feather’s forehead!
In the face of the cold spear|gun glow, God King Floating Feather’s is without turning a
hair. shakes her hand with one hand. For example, the wave common sword comes to
Dark Dragon Spear’s counter volume.
Compared to the Dark Dragon Spear of the ierce incomparable, God King Floating
Feather’s soft sword seems to be fragile, but when the spear|gun sword meets, this handle
sword, but suddenly bursts out of the Divine Light of the seven color.
The energy burst, the fearful impact forms a pleasant Divine Light, as numerous Golden
Sword generally four dispersions shoots!
The space was splintered like a rotten painting under the energy cutting of this energy.
Divine glow was dazzling. People couldn’t look at it. At this time, Lin Ming rushed to the
opposite party with Floating Feather. This one was True. God level wars, start here!
(Today is only one more. Tomorrow two more, Houtian added more.)
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2076 - Softk

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High sea, like galaxy collapses, Lin Ming holding Dark Dragon Spear, opening up!
With each shot, Lin Ming infused the extremely terrifying power of the body. With the sound of
squeaking, Lin Ming’s mortal body began to pull up, and the body surface covered the black
bone armor and scale.
He activated Asura Blood in the body.
After Lin Ming broke through the Heavenly Venerate Realm community, activating Asura Blood
would not have caused too much physical burden on Lin Ming. Prior to this, Lin Ming would
use Asura Blood only when desperate.
Under Lin Ming’s spear|gun wields, like Optimus Prime collapsed, the power of such madness,
accompanied by countless black thunder dances, carrying Nine Heavenly Stars light, imposing
manner, craavage galaxy!
Floating Feather’s is without turning a hair, long sword in the show hand, directly greets Lin
Ming this gun!
Dark Dragon Spear on the inger suppy sword!
What to see, this is a showdown of as much as to be beyond comparison.
The weapon’s inferiority, let people originally thought that God King Floating Feather would
avoid Lin Ming’s hit, but she did not!
“Be careful Spiritual Attack!”
In the Human Race team, someone shouted!
This is also the idea of many Human Race martial artist. No one thinks that God King Floating
Feather’s inger supple sword can take advantage of Dark Dragon Spear’s collision.
People clear God King Floating Feather is very powerful, but in almost everyone’s mind, God King
Floating Feather, as a martial artist of Soul and Body Dual Cultivation, according to the battle
mode she had shown before, and her weapon , God King Floating Feather has very high attitudes
in the soul, Illusion Technique, and Spiritual Force. In terms of the practice body, she acts as a
feminine female, perhaps not very good at it, at least. She should be better than Lin Ming.
In particular, Lin Ming, who has already started Asura Blood, uses the power of Dao Palace
Nine Stars! However, in this case, God King Floating Feather still met with the tough head-on
with toughness of Lin
Ming, so the most likely explanation is that there is still hidden mystery in the attack of God
King Floating Feather!
Including Lin Ming, also prepared for the defense of Soul Sea at the moment of attack, he will
not leave any enemy flaws!
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However, when this handle is around the suppl sword, it really hits Dark Dragon Spear in the
same place. Lin Ming’s complexion has changed!
Floating Feather did not iniltrate the soul attack on the sword at all, but rather with absolute
strength and skill, do positive preying with yourself!
If you say that the power of Dark Dragon Spear is like rock hitting the ground, you can
easily disintegrate the high mountain and penetrate earth. The strength of the Supple
sword in Floating Feather’s hands is like the deep sea. It has the power of unequall accommodation.
Even though the meteorite hits the sea, even though it can blow out the turbulent tsunami. But it is diicult to
really blow the sea, as long as the meteorite’s explosion is over, sea surges out of the tide. Or will return, the
sea, is still the sea.
Now Astral Essence of God King Floating Feather gives Lin Ming this feeling!
In the instant that Dark Dragon Spear slammed the soft sword, all of Felter’s Astral Essence
was shaken by the force of Lin Ming. Dark Dragon Spear drove straight in and straightened the
soft sword. However, the soft sword has no power. Even the Floating Feather holding it is like
a cottonton wool blowing in the wind. The violent energy storm blown by Dark Dragon Spear
However, when Lin Ming’s forces drove straight to kill the Floating Feather, Floating Feather’s
Astral Essence returned. Not only did they retreat themselves, but they also carried some of
the strengths belonging to Lin Ming’s, instantly overwhelming Dark Dragon Spear. The forward God
Strength that you carry. It’s like seawater drowns the meteorite that fell into the sea.
The ierce eruption of mad ierce, Lin Ming’s power was wilfully broken, bright eye -catching,
but it did not damage Floating Feather. Instead, it was Lin Meng’s strength Beng. The six-
foot soft sword in Floating Feather’s hands is like a soul snake that turns into a spirit
snake. It is swept along by Dark Dragon Spear, vertical section Lin Ming’s wrist!
Lin Ming’s palm is as strong as Divine Iron, but Lin Ming has no doubt that as long as it is
cut by this sword, its own palm will probably fall out!
The power of Floating Feather contains a god secret issue with smart power, wearing away
the rock with water god secret method!
Lin Ming did not hesitate, right hand hold a spear, left hand punched the soft sword that
climbed along the Dark Dragon Spear.
Lin Ming’s ists squatted on the ridge of the soft sword. This is the most fragile and attacking
force of the handle sword. Even so, the sword ridge of Floating Feather’s suppple sword must
not be overlooked.
As Lin Ming ists fell on the ridge of the sword, millions and young strands of the small
God Strength went deeper and the power of the shock broke out.
With the power of such vibration, a True God Spirit Treasure without any energy infusion can
be made into a powder, and God King Floating Feather’s six-foot sword can be played
Lin Ming ired his gun and retired. His left ist was already stained with blood.
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Just now the vibration eruption, called Flow like Silk, comes from Lin Ming’s most begin to
learn the Divine Realm practice body cultivation method.
At the time, Lin Ming’s Body Tearing Bone Shattering Fist had equal good results from
diferent methods.
Great Dao Simpliied, Law of Vibration may not be considered a found law, but as long as it is
used correctly, even in the True God level, it can play its own role.
When a person’s leg is stained with a Blood Absorbing blister, it’s very hard to unplug it. It
often pulls the blister of. It’s still Blood Absorbing, but shaking it of is much easier. On a big leg, the water
leech will fall.
Just that moment, Lin Ming shook the soft sword coiled around Dark Dragon Spear with the
power of the formableable vibration. Otherwise, Lin Ming could only repeal the gun.
Lin Ming and Floating Feather have already retreated and separated by several thousand feet.
Floating Feather is armed with a soft sword. His look is indiferent. This handle sword is still
swinging right and left. It is like a water plant in a running water. It is not stressful.
However, it has played battle battle eiciency, but it is chilling!
As long as you focus on Floating Feather’s Astral Essence, it can become soft, it can be
sudden and tough, and everything changes, all to do as one pleases.
This time, everyone’s Human Race martial artist, have been sweating.
This ight is too important, and Floating Feather is too strong. hasn’t even used her Divine
Feather Force Field, nor has she demonstrated her Soul Force’s ight skill.
If Floating Feather does her best, her ighting style will certainly change, making people
virtually impossible to guard against!
In this case, Lin Ming can not win, is an unknown! Floating Feather,

obviously stronger than Heavenly Astral.

Even though Lin Ming won Heavenly Astral ten days ago, there was no suspense victory.
However, after careful investigation, it was related to Lin Ming’s calculations and Heavenly
Astral’s mistakes.
Because of the lack of pre-war information, Heavenly Astral did not recognize Lin Ming’s
avatar at the most critical moment, and used most of his strengths to attack Lin Ming’s Spirit
Essence Stone Embryo.
One step wrong chess, making Lin Ming seize the opportunity, with lightning speed, avatar main
body Qi, repeatedly blows, does not give God King Heavenly Astral breathing space, the result of
each attack is consumed empty God King Heavenly Astral The power of Qi and Blood eventually defeated
God King Heavenly Astral.
Floating Feather, obviously will not commit such a mistake.
She is a calm and clever ighter, Lin Ming wants to defeat her, and only with the strength of the
absolute, positive suppression!
Can he do it?
“Lin Ming...”
Little Demon Xian looked at Lin Ming, clenching her lips.
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Not far from her side, Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate secretly clenched her ists, not even in

her heart. Everyone is watching the igure hundreds of miles away.

At this time, Lin Ming in the starry sky took a deep breath. was slow and relieved the Body
Transformation of Asura Blood. The nine big stars behind Lin Ming also lost a lot of light.
This scene was a shock to people.
After Lin Transformation of Body Transformation, it still lacks advantages. Is it even worse to
release Body Transformation?
“Lin Ming wants what are you doing?” “Do not know!”

No one thinks that Lin Ming will give up. is not a person of such. This can only mean that Lin
Ming has no intention.
At this time, Floating Feather looked at Lin Ming, a happy expression in his mouth. “Save
physical strength?”
Floating Feather’s words can’t be appreciated or ironic.
Lin Ming indiferently said: “You are using a lot of power. I naturally won’t be silly and will give
you more manual strengths. You really did amazing things in practice, beyond my
expectations, but there is a little My doesn’t have an expectation error. That’s your practice body
technique. Actually, it’s the law way. You’re the practice body absolute cultivation base. It’s better than God
King Heavenly Astral!”
Saint Race practice body surgery, even though it is a kind of 30 three Heavenly Dao, but the
change of law involved is far less than the Divine Transformation Nine Changes of Human
Race, so the Human Race
has superior superiority feeling in the law. Think of Saint Race as a simple-minded guy.
However, Saint Race is proud to go straight ahead and forward straight back and positive
front surgery. It is also considered that the Martial artist of Human Race is a woman who
wears embroidery.
Today, Saint Race practice body surgery is in Floating Feather’s hands, but not so.
She introduced more changes and laws, and in the Saint Race practice body, got out of her
own road. Wears away the rock with water, handles big issue with smart power, it looked like
it is not a found law,
but if you apply them to the True God level battle, restraining True God’s strength, it is
completely diferent.
This is like using a simple lever principle, tilting a planet.
Lin Ming even though accidentally, but he still maintains the original assertion, God King
Floating Feather is always a delicate female, she is because of the weak practice body
technique, so had to walk to wear away the rock with Water, the road of leveraging power, If
you have an absolute power, then why should you borrow strength?
In the face of such Floating Feather, Lin Ming is no longer trying his best, but intends to use
skill to win. Using the power of complete, Lin Ming can only rely on the explosion to win, but
with a small part of strength, Lin Ming can be better. Take control and reach peak on the skill.
At this time, after Lin Ming, there were three avatars.
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They each held a long spear, these long spear, are the peak Heavenly Venerate Spirit Treasure
that Lin Ming seized after killing Saint Race Heavenly Venerate.
Since God King Floating Feather already knows the existence of the three avatars, it is not
possible. Avatar sneak attacks have no meaning, and it is not as good as they are.
The three avatars, along with Lin Ming main body, scattered around God King Floating
Feather, and a slender pair of God King Floating Feather, all of a sudden.
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2077 - Untitled

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Lin Ming moved, his main body took the lead, and he threw a shake with Dark Dragon Spear.
When shrill cry and Dark Dragon Spear’s spear head shuddered violently, originally the
two-inch wide Dark Dragon Spear had a gunire in the ierce tremor, because of the
trembling of the high-spe. The afterimage of the gunhead became a piece. It looked like it
has become a three-foot size.
The vibration in the spear shaft is originally terrifying. Especially like the divine weapon
like Dark Dragon Spear, if it encounters Heavenly Venerate Spirit Treasure, it can directly
play Heavenly Venerate Spirit Treasure with a smashing.
Not only that, the Dark Dragon Spear trembling, its spear head position will be more blurred, a
Spear Thrust, do not know the guntip’s accurate position.
Seeing the fuzzy spear head, God King Floating Feather flashed a hint of color on his
face. Facing the Dark Dragon Spear whose position is diicult, it was naturally diicult to
wrap it with a long sword for many hours.
Dark Dragon Spear danced a strange arc curve, and the tangential point of the arc is just the
god King Floating Feather’s threat!
The Floating Feather storm quits. At this moment, she feels the killing intent!
One left and one right, one was wearing black clothed, one was wearing blue clothed, Lin
Ming was almost identical in appearance!
Two long spear’s attack trajectory crosses in same place, purple clothes Lin Ming’s shot speed
is much slower, and blue clothed Lin Ming’s shot speed is extremely surprisingly quick.
A quick one and a slow one give two diferent feelings to the two guns. However, it is hard
to accept that these two poles are obviously diferent in spear|gun. They are actually driving
in tandem. Together, the spear|gun does not exceed the speed. Slow spear also did not fall
This is the feeling of extreme disorder in time and space. Obviously these two guns contain
Law of Time, which is two kinds of Concept. If you cannot understand the mysticism, it is
impossible to dodge.
God King Floating Feather certainly knows the Law of Time and Space, but the key she faces
is far more than the Law of Time and Space. At this time, last black clothed Lin Ming also
He is located in the rear area of God King Floating Feather’s, and shot in the back of God King
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Floating Feather. This shot contains the power of Flow-like Silk, and millions and millions of
small, vibrant bunches roar together. As a boiling sea tide!
Four Lin Ming attacks at the same time, four diferent laws, block all the determining
directions of God King Floating Feather!
Since God King Floating Feather has the skills of handling big issue with smart power,
absolute strength can’t beat it, then Lin Ming just compares it with Floating Feather.
Lin Ming’s skills and methods of battle can be very varied, especially with the help of the three
avatars, and can reach peak.
Floating Feather is formidable, even if she alone face any Lin Ming main body or avatar
ighting skills, she can calmly resolve. However, at the same time, it is greatly diferent.
Floating Feather’s intention of a sinks, between her forehead. The ray burst out and the
golden feathers of the sharp dazzling lasing came out, forming an absolute force ield around
the Floating Feather.
Floating Feather, eventually launched her Divine Feather Force Field!
Four Lin Ming moves, complete bombardment over the force ield, and a violent tremor in
the force ield!
Terrifying energy bursts into brilliant ireworks in the universe, illuminating a space of ive
hundred kilometers range.
Seeing this scene. Many Human Race martial artist eventually relieved, Finally, God King
Floating Feather used force ield.
If Lin Ming can’t force Floating Feather’s Divine Feather Force Field, Lin Ming will lose.
Seeing the emergence of Divine Feather Force Field, Lin Ming shouted. Behind him, there was
a black Asura phantom shadow, Asura phantom shadow. Eye if stars.
At the moment when the Asura phantom shadow appeared, Lin Ming’s three avatars also
gathered around the Lin Ming main body. Each avatar’s hand appeared with a mysterious
ancient revolving wheel!
This comes from the three revolving wheels of Asura Heavenly Dao, which unite together in an
instant to form the ancient Wheel of Destiny. Numerous bombardments on Divine Feather
Force Field.
Lin Ming shouted loudly and only heard a loud noise. Divine Realm force ield, so Lin Ming
was literally tearing!
There are a lot of feathers attracting attackers, Lin Ming holding long spear, stepping into

the air. His speed is very fast, with spear head pointing at Floating Feather’s chest.

In the same way, Dark Dragon Spear shook violently under Lin Ming’s technique, making
it impossible for anyone to understand the trajectory.
Seeing this scene, the beautiful pupil of God King Floating Feather swept past the color of
surpris. However, the color of this surpris became cold and cold.
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Her eyes, momentarily lost my eyes, became pure white, and in an instant, an endless white
storm emanated from God King Floating Feather.
This is Spiritual Storm!
The invisible Spiritual Storm, which was in the hands of God King Floating Feather, was
condensed into substance.
A barrage of wind, like dancing silver snakes, clawed their teeth, rushed out of Divine Light,
and rushed to Lin Ming.
Spiritual Attack!
God King Floating Feather has used her spiritual secret method!
Almost everyone has speculated that God King Floating Feather has an amazing talent in the
Spirit Cultivation System, and the Body Cultivation System is weak.
Now King God Floating Feather has used her power from the Soul Sea. It also proves that
God King Floating Feather began to treat this duel very seriously and has even gone all out.
As long as Lin Ming can guarantee unbeaten north, then this ight will win!
But how scary the Spiritual Storm of God King Floating Feather is, no one knows.

Lin Ming can’t stop it, nobody knows.

For individuals
Ming, this such as Little Demon Xian, Mu Qianyu, Qin Xingxuan, who are close to Lin
time the palms are all sweaty, so-call care is chaotic, and even though reason tells them,
Lin Ming will not be in danger if it is defeated. However, the recruits pointed to Soul Sea’s
Spiritual Attack but they could not easily relax.
After all, the Divine Soul attack is more terrible than the Material Attack. If you are not
careful, it will cause a permanent damage to the Sea of Consciousness!
Spiritual Storm swept, Lin Ming did not retreat, his forehead has emerged Heavens Eye Dao
Palace, eyes also opened three pupils Ten Thousand Law Emptiness state, he is like a rainy
swift in the shuttle, upstream.
A silver snake, Spiritual Storm, swept toward Lin Ming. Lin Ming did not shy away. was
holding Dark Dragon Spear, a spear|gun chops!
With Dark Dragon Spear, the Spiritual Attack against virtualization!
All the martial artists watching the game, especially the on-site Human Race Heavenly
Venerate, held their breath. Among their general knowledge, Spiritual Attack invisible no
substance, it was almost impossible to resist with Material Attack, and only some specialized
defenses were Spiritual. Attack’s magical tool has such an efect.
Or, the martial artist also injects Spirit Soul Force into his attack. This is equivalent to Divine
Soul’s natural catastrophic battle against Divine Soul. The two strong encounters, naturally the
strong side win, and it can even Defeating a side’s Spiritual Force forcing the Soul Sea of the
opposition party, hitting it!
Now, with Lin Dark Storm’s Spiritual Storm attacked by Dark Dragon Spear, Lin Ming is
using his own Soul Force to face of with God King Floating Feather!
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People don’t know how strong Lin Ming’s Soul Sea is, but God King Floating Feather’s great
strength in the Spiritual Force has already struck root in the hearts of the people. Even though
they embrace Lin Ming very much, but really from the perspective of the sane perspective,
than the soul Soul Force, Floating Feather deinitely above the Lin Ming!
In the instant that Dark Dragon Spear touched Spiritual Storm, even Divine Dream Heavenly
Venerate was already running full body energy to avoid any accident.
However, the scene that followed happened to make everyone unexpected.
A loud explosion, the giant storm silver dragon flying in the skys, was directly cut of by Lin
Ming’s Dark Dragon Spear!
People heart suddenly surprised, too late to react, saw the silver light, countless law rune flying,
these law rune presents the color of the seventh color, with a gentle and ethereal spirit,
apparently from God King Floating Feather Law rune.
God King Floating Feather Spiritual Force rune contained in the storm silver dragon was
dispelled by Lin Ming!
At that moment, God King Floating Feather looked at her eyebrows. felt that. Just now, Lin
Ming appeared to be casual, but it contained a highly compressed Soul Force.
Lin Ming condenses Soul Force into a Blade Edge. It does not follow up with a victory with hot
pursuit. The strike is attacking the weak point of Floating Feather Spiritual Storm!
If it is not incomparable to Floating Feather’s cultivation method, Lin Ming can no lon ger
do this with genius.
“Feather Transformation Scripture!”
God King Floating Feather looked suddenly cold and looked at Lin Ming. This time, Lin Ming
had already opened Heavens Eye Dao Palace, keeping the three pupil Ten Thousand Law
Emptiness status with God King Floating Feather.
“You got a part of Feather Transformation Scripture from my mouth, and absorbed my
blood essence... You such procedure, which is sealed in my life’s feathers. It really
Think of his own life’s feathers being absorbe d by Lin Ming, God King Floating Feather’s
angry fury, and unrelenting irony.
Lin Ming’s several months before surrendering to Fairy Maiden Qinglian’s time, in order
to solve God King Floating Feather’s seal on his life-threatening feathers, unfairly order
Fairy Maiden Qinglian surrendering the most core of God King Floating Feather. True
God Level cultivation method “Feather Transformation Scripture” , and spent a lot of time
to ine-tune.
Even though Lin Ming has not used this cultivation method, nor has been able to
cultivation it to a very high realm.
However, just to understand it, it is not diicult to gain insight into its weaknesses. In
particular, a loyal servant like Fairy Maiden Qinglian points aside and tells Lin Ming about
her cultivations of Feather Transformation Scripture. As a result, Feather Transformation
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Scripture, in particular, it had a few secrets for Lin Ming.

Not only that, but Floating Feather has left the feathers of Fairy Maiden Qinglian, and part
of Floating Feather’s “Feather Transformation Scripture” Law has been imprinted. These
branding laws have also been impressed by Lin Ming. According to their own.
Now that Lin Ming ights with God King Floating Feather, God King Floating Feather doesn’t
move Feather Transformation Scripture. However, once Feather Transformation Scripture is
used, Lin Ming can use three pupils and Heavens Eye Dao Palace to seeing short time. Clear
the distribution of law among the floating style of Floating Feather, and use your own
understanding of Feather Transformation Scripture to get a step-by-step approach!
This is also a big reliance on Lin Ming and Floating Feather. (not To be


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MW CHAPTER 2078 - Full-fledged Floating Feather

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In the face of God King Floating Feather’s question, Lin Ming’s facial color was as
usual. said: “This Lin’s control of the mind of the mind of the nobles and their handing
over the ” Feather Transformation Scripture “ Is truly dishonorable. However, this Lin
is a Fairy Maiden. In Qinglian, only the half step Heavenly Venerate cultivate base,
and the hole card that Fairy Maiden Qinglian took is your
“Subsequently This Lin has just broken through Heavenly Venerate and is facing your

main body.” “So some means are also forced to be helpless. This is not what This Lin

Lin Ming’s
Ming’s remarks came straight to the death of God King Floating Feather. Indeed,
approach was dishonorable. However, she played a True real Level against a newly
broken Heavenly Venerate Junior. It is absurd to make the opposition party’s practice
conform to the so-called Martial Dao principle.
In fact, this is because Lin Ming’s strength has reached the True God Level. After
subconsciously nobody treats him as Heavenly Venerate, the way everyone thinks about
problems has changed.
Floating Feather looked at Lin Ming. Vision gradually cooled and resolute. gently
reached out her hand. The long sword in her hand disappeared and disappeared. It was
apparent that Floating Feather had earned the Spatial Ring.
She no longer intends to use weapon.
This scene, let Lin Ming slightly stunned, many Human Race martial artist is also a bit
puzzled for a while, but one thing is certain, Floating Feather put away the weapon will
certainly not be modesty, this time she, perhaps You must do your best and come up
with stronger cards.
Everyone held their breath and waited for the floating Feather’s movements.
Slowly, God King Floating Feather was covered in a faint glare, and her Divine Feather
Force Field became even more powerful.
A circle of Spiritual Storm spreads around God King Floating Feather. T his is still
Feather Transformation Scripture, but it is a more high-grade law and moves in
Feather Transformation Scripture.
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Feather Transformation Scripture is a unique cultivation method of God King Floating

Feather, but it was not created by God King Floating Feather. In fact, in this world,
Martial Dao civilization civilization development to this level, no one can grow out of
nothing’s own set of high level cultivation method, but must stand on the basis of
predecessors, synthetic comprehensive creation.
This is just like mortal civilization is a step-by-step development, an original primitive
tribe, it is impossible to suddenly reclamation within a year, to build a resplendent in
gold and jade green palace.
This is the importance of inheritance. Feather Transformation Scripture comes down
to it. Most of them are the results of previous generations. Naturally, God King
Floating Feather is one of the great successes. It has also added many of its own
understandings and improvements.
Even though God King Floating Feather passed Feather Transformation Scripture to
Fairy Maiden Qinglian without any reservation, however, Fairy Maiden Qinglian could
still realize that she was limited. Finally, Feather Transformation Scripture at First
Level did not understand her. It’s also not clear that Lin Ming’s advice is naturally
“Lin Ming, you’re really strong, but in my opinion, the threat that you brought with
Heavenly Venerate is still far worse than Divine Dream. i’m jealous of you, but it’s just jealous of
your future. And now, I More concerned about Divine Dream...”
God King Floating Feather talks, his eyes fluttering gently, drifting to Divine Dream, which
is hundreds of miles away. Divine Dream is ten thousand years older than her youth.
And with such long-term ighting, God King Floating Feather couldn’t igure out the
details of Divine Dream. didn’t know what ight method Divine Dream had. However, she conirms
that in front of Divine Dream, what she wants to accomplish is not easy. For example, how would Lin
Ming, who was Heavenly Venerate’s irst half-step, be an almost impossible matter?
However, what God King Floating Feather did not expect was that had a battle with
Divine Dream. The few cards kept were actually in the ight against Lin Ming. Need to come up!
God King Floating Feather flat hands, a beautiful feathers emerge from her arm.
“I didn’t think that it will take you to the point where you are at war!
You want to use the inal level of Feather Transformation Scripture.”
Floating Feather said here, the body suddenly lit seven color Divine Light, and then.
More and more brilliant feathers appear on the floating Feather’s body surface, her ine face. There
have also been a variety of feathers general Incantation Seal.
A sound of light sound, behind God King Floating Feather, the clothes were torn, and a
pair of huge and white wings spread out.
Each of these wings has theight of an adult man. It has a wingspan of more than
two feet and a width of ive feet. As long as two wings are folded together, God
King Floating Feather’s body can be easily wrapped.
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Lin Ming looked suddenly, Floating Feather actually has wings?

This is not the wings of energy transforms, but the flesh of genuine wings, the power
from bloodlines! The wings fluttered gently, letting Floating Feather stop in the void.
At this time, she was dressed in a
long white dress. With this pair of wings, she was like a beautiful angel on earth.
Not only Lin Ming, but the martial artist who watched the Human Race stunned. And
then, it wasn’t over. It was just begin.
Behind the wings, a gorgeous tail feather stretches out from behind God King Floating
Feather. This tail feathers is up to three feet long. It is like the tail of the phoenix.
However, unlike the phoenix, this is a kind of no one has ever seen. Tail feathers.
One by one, tail feathers stretched out one after another, gorgeous and bright, God King
Floating Feather’s body gradually blurred, she was fully integrated into the deities, and
became a Seven Colors Divine Luan!
In theart of Lin Ming’s shakes, is God King Floating Feather like Little Demon Xian, and
half of Divine Beast’s blood relationships?
Lin Ming does not know whether this is Divine Beast in the traditional tradition sense,
but he can be sure that this only Seven Colors Divine Luan’s bloodlines intensity, deinitely not worse
than the royal family Divine Beast!
People say that Little Demon Xian’s bloodlines were hard to seeing in one year of
Divine Realm. Now, God King Floating Feather in front of Lin Ming seems to have
bloodlines like Little Demon Xian.
Before this, basic nobody knew that people only knew the feather’s feather of God
King Floating Feather. The force ield was Divine Realm force ield, but it did not
produce too many associations.
Until now it was clear to people that the feathers of God King Floating Feather did not
come from her personal preference, but from her bloodlines. These feathers were part of
her body.
“Did not expect that Floating Feather had such bloodlines...”
On the side of the Human Race, Dark Demon Monarch said that he can’t help but look at
Little Demon Xian.
Because of the similarities of bloodlines, in fact, the most Feeling Feather is still able
to feel Little Demon Xian at this time. As the Black Phoenix royal family, she has to go
through Nine times Nirvana, and her faint feelings to it, God King Floating Feather’s
bloodlines seems to have to Experience similar transformation, and she may have
reached the highest realm, or close perfect.
“It seems that Feather Transformation Scripture is originally the most
suitable secret method for bloodlines cultivation... Even its initial inventor
has similar bloodlines with you, or it has been transformed into This way,”
Said Lin Ming, the whole body Demon God’s power rush ed away. At this
moment, he felt the formidable threat from Floating Feather’s.
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Floating Feather did not answer Lin Ming’s question, but instead said, “Remind you
that I can use the Saint Race Body Cultivation Technique to reach the peak while revealing the
bloodlines main body!”
Floating Feather moved, coupled with Seven Colors Divine Luan with a tail body
length of 257.4 meters, her body was approaching the degree of inconceivable.
Among Lin Ming’s ield of vision, she was almost flash vanishes.
God King Floating Feather’s pair of claws raids, cross-expansive sky!
Lin Ming’s piston contraction, Dark Dragon Spear rushes out as the body retreats!
Even though it was a momentary response, Lin Ming was still infused with mad and
incomparable tremors on Dark Dragon Spear. shivered violently enough to instantly shatter Dark
Dragon Spear of Heavenly Venerate Spirit Treasure. Spear Thrust On the paws of Seven Colors
Divine Luan!
The Seven Colors Divine Luan transigured by Floating Feather contained divine
power, originally Lin Ming thought that Body Cultivation Technique was the floating
Feather’s weakness, but when she revealed the main body, Lin Ming was deeply feeling.
Terrifying to Floating Feather.
When the Phoenix Blood Spear collided with God King Floating Feather’s claws, the ierce
tremor was endured by the God King Floating Feather. Dark Dragon Spear was suddenly
caught by her left paw, and then the right paw slammed.
With a loud explosion, Lin Ming split open, stufy snort|hum, and the bodys flew
At the same time, God King Floating Feather was not too relaxed. just caught Dark
Dragon Spear’s left paw and was injured.
However, regardless of God King Floating Feathe r, form a dodges arrives, waving the
right claw, straight grasp Lin Ming’s chest!
The speed of the limit, so that all surprised, legend inborn will be familiar with the most
sophisticated wind of the Blue-Winged Roc, but this is much faster than the Divine Beast
It was too late for people to exclaim, and God King Floating Feather’s claw was
caught by Lin Ming.
“Dao Palace Nine Stars!”
Lin Ming’s plastic contraction, Nine Heavenly Stars light, flash gathering, and mad
infusions all around Lin Ming’s body. At the same time, the power of Asura Blood in
his body has already burnt.
Rich energy forms a frantic body protection energy layer. Lin Ming has no time to
dodge. raises his elbow, and Dark Dragon Spear is tightly attached to the small
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That moment of injury heavy losses, let Lin Ming feel arm above, as if by a giant
mountain, the body protection energy layer directly burst open, Lin Ming body full of
great shock, arm bone almost shattered.
Under this great strength, his mouth overflowed a blood thread and his body was

thrown out! And Dark Dragon Spear, also got rid of this moment!

“Spear|Gun took it!”

There is the Human Race martial artist exclaimed, Little Demon Xian is the palm of the
hand is all cold sweat!
Weapon, is the second life of the martial artist. During the battle, long spear in Lin Ming’s
hands once broke. Before the battle with God King Heavenly Astral, Lin Ming sacriiced several pieces
of Heavenly Venerate Spirit Treasure long spear, but Lin Ming rarely gives spear a hand. As a martial
artist, even if loses consciousness or even the death time, will hold his own weapon.
Sometimes, when removing their weapons from the dead martial artist, they must
cut of their ingers.
“Spiritual Attack!”
In Divine Dream’s eyes, Han Mingman’s eyes flashed. It wasn’t god King Floating
Feather’s absolute strength that was able to get Lin Ming’s guns of. In fact, the absolute strength
was Heavenly or even Heavenly Astral. However, God King Floating Feather was a ierce one. There is
a Spiritual Attack in the claws, which makes people virtually impossible to guard against! (not
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2079 - King of God

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“How did This...This block!”

The Human Race Heavenly Venerate was shocked to say that Floating Feather in the
incarnation Seven Colors Divine Luan was able to exhibit the terrible Body Cultivation
Technique while implicating the Divine Soul attack!
This is also the inal First Level of Feather Transformation Scripture, giving Floating Feather’s
ight method!
This combat comb capability is undoubtedly a nightmare for the enemy! Under the influence
of Floating Feather after Body Transformation, people have been able to resist. Even if they
barely block, they have to bear the spiritual energy impact of Feather Transformation
Scripture. There isn’t much martial artist to squat.
Divine Dream’s speculation is good. In the instant that God’s Floating Feather claw landed on
Lin Ming’s arm, Lin Ming only felt an immense amount of energy, along Lin Ming’s flesh
meridians, direct impact Lin Ming’s spiritual sea. .
Even Lin Ming, this time is also a sudden pale of facial color, he felt that the overbearing
incomparable strength penetrated his Soul Sea, turned into a huge feather, like long spear,
straight thrust.
As long as it is hit by this hit, Lin Ming’s Soul Sea will deinitely sufer! Even if you

don’t leave repercussion, but this war is basically lost.

At this moment, Lin Ming’s Spirit Body appeared in the Sea of Consciousness!
“Wild-One’s Soul!”
He uttered a shout and behind him, the wild soul that was immersed in the Lin Ming spiritual sea
was manicated. From it, extended innumerable tentacles, like the Blood Dragon.
The Blood Dragon tentacle and God King Floating Feather’s broken day feathers do not know
that there was a lot of man-made time shocks. Each burst of sound made Lin Ming’s complexion
even paler.
Even though Lin Ming knows, using Magic Cube, it would be much easier to defend against Soul
Sea, but now Lin Ming doesn’t want Floating Feather to know the secret of Magic Cube. At least
for now, the time is not yet ripe.
Again and again, this formidable feather was beaten.
Finally, at the moment when the feathers are about to reach Lin Ming Soul Sea, ten consecutive
Blood Dragons slashed down and eventually crushed the feathers!
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Feathers were broken into countless spots and Lin Ming’s Soul Sea was not injured.
However, with Lin Ming’s present strength, it is impossible to fully control the Wild-One’s
Soul, just forcefully calling the force of Wild-One’s Soul. For Lin Ming, it’s not too small.
Soul Sea’s duel was just a flash. Just as Lin Ming opened the eye’s instant, Floating Feather was
caught in front of him again.
This strike, directing Lin Ming’s Heavenly Spirit, is hard to avoid!
In particular, Lin Ming’s Dark Dragon Spear had long since taken away. fought against the blow
with his flesh and blood, and he absolutely must abandon one arm. The result of this battle can
be imagined.
At the moment, black clothed Lin Ming, purple clothes Lin Ming and blue clothed Lin Ming.
Divided into three directions, left and right, killing God King Floating Feather, one of them
slammed God Gold Floating Feather into Lin Ming’s claws. Another two people’s hands long
spear piercing God King Floating Feather’s eye!
Lin Ming’s three avatars have independent thoughts. They are both controlled by Lin Ming and
can act independently. At this moment, Avatar’s rescue, all of a sudden resolved Lin Ming’s
crisis. God King Floating Feather took a picture. , Swept wings. Three avatars were directly
swept away, and Lin Ming main body also took the opportunity of attack locking from God King
Floating Feather’s.
Dark Dragon Spear made a noise and returned to Lin Ming’s hands.
Lin Ming bluntly shot down. This shot, Lin Ming used a complete strength. opened Dao Palace
Nine Stars to peak, and Demon God’s unreserved infusion to Dark Dragon Spear. For a time. On
the surface of Dark Dragon Spear, a Yin Yang map of black and white two colors was formed.
The gun broke into the sky and is overwhelming! The power of Demon God, like Sacred Fire,
burns eon space!
God King Floating Feather made a shrill, high-pitched clear cry. She had just repelled Lin Ming’s
avatar with her wings. She could only use the pair of claws to resist Lin Ming main body’s strike.
That moment. The voice was engulfed. The iery Divine Light swept the void. Hundreds of
miles away, the Human Race martial artist took the brunt of it. It was directly enveloped by
Divine Light. People saw it with an asteroid and directed it under the illumination of Divine
Light. Begin shattered, melt!
“Be careful!”
The Human Race martial artist exclaimed and opened up Body’s True Essence to resist the
energy fallout leaked from the array.
“Awful, there are protective shields that are laid out in advance, but they can also leak in so
many energies. Let us resist all.”
The Saint Lord-class Human Race elite complexion has changed. Faced with this kind of fearful
strength, even the Heavenly Venerate expert’s exposes are in the void and are very likely to be
seriously injured.
People’s instinctive desire to withdraw to more farther places. At this time, Divine Dream shot a
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colorful divine glow and integrated into the protective grand formation. The grand formation was
immediately consolidated and energy was not leaked.
Seeing this scene, people softly relax and look at Divine Dream’s eyes with awe.
The energy impact of the asteroids can be greatly afected. Divine Dream can be so reserson’s
resists. This is terrible for the True God Level Master.
At this time, the explosion of Divine Light has dissipated, people are looking to the center of
the battleield, but seeing God King Floating Feather pair of claws blood oozing, the
abdominal feathers are also full of blood, this blood does not come from Lin Ming , because
its color is very strange, even though it is red for the main body, but there are seven color
Floating Feather was injured and it was not light!
But Lin Ming, on the other hand, was hurt even harder. His one arm had been deformed and
twisted with a strange angle, apparently having a bone fracture.
The only other arm left is all blood. It is evident that he sufered signiicant heavy losses in
the previous collision.
Not only that, his complexion also has some morbid states of paleness, it seems that in the
explosion just now, there is still a contest between Spiritual Force!
Looking at Lin Ming’s blood, Little Demon Xian shivered, Mu Qianyu, Qin Xingxuan, Lin Xiaoge
and others were extremely nervous.
It was terribly ierce that the ight had reached this stage.
Far away, Lin Huang looked at Lin Ming and the state of mind was complicated.
Lin Ming, who is always the object of his warships and the goal of his chase, is also inspiring Lin
Huang to advance.
Compared to the tension of the Human Race, God King Floating Feather looked at Lin
Ming’s eyes gravely, using Feather Transformation Scripture’s inal First Level, revealing the
combination of main body, Spiritual Attack and Material Attack, and his own Saint Race.
Body Cultivation Technique applied to peak, it can be said that Floating Feather has gone
all out.
But even though suppressed Lin Ming, failed to defeat him!
It was at this time that the scene where Floating Feather’s eyelids had glided.
Lin Ming reached out to the left hand and held down his own right arm, clenches teeth.
A light sound, broken bones were connected, Lin Ming gently moved right hand, even though
the arm trembled with light, but the obvious joint had no problem.
With the activation of the Life Embryo Dao Palace of Dao Palace Nine Stars, the martial artist
will receive unequall’s restoration resilience, which can completely break the arm rebirth, and
even the body can be connectedagain.
Lin Ming is now holding a spear in the left hand. His right arm does not move, but is wrapped
in energy and recovers at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.
Lin Ming’s eyes are deep. has gathered three avatars around him. Obviously he intends to delay
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for some time.

His arm can recover fully within twenty breaths in the mass mass consumption Qi and Blood.
At these times, there must be avatar to contain it.
Floating Feather looked cold and rushed directly!
Her limit speed was once again played. Obviously, she didn’t plan to give Lin Ming time to
recover, or she simply wanted to try Lin Ming’s limit.
When the strong winds rose, Floating Feather and four Lin Ming moved together.
The cozy energy created a fearful storm in the universe. The speed of ive igures was
approaching the peak. Even the Heavenly Venerate was hard to see. The ordinary martial artist
could only seeing a series of afterimages.
Even though they couldn’t seeing their movements, but the energy storm that constantly slashed
dependents planet reminded everyone how terrifying they were!
If it weren’t the force ield that Divine Dream opened, in hundreds of distances such as the
close distance, all Human Race martial artists in addition to the severe peak Heavenly
Venerate, no one could stand still, Heavenly Venerate below, even more instantaneous
vanishes. In puf of smoke, this is the absolute strength diference!
Lin Ming holds a spear with his left hand, draws a full moon round, tangentially to Floating
Feather’s belly, Floating Feather is blocked by right wing, a claw comes to Lin Ming’s grasps,
but at this time, Lin Ming avatar to Floating Feather The back and eye attacks, but let her
attack had to slow down, Lin Ming flashed a body, space shrank in his feet to inch, he
instantly appeared in a few tens of thousands of feet away.
“Your battle is just protract time? Your arm should be ine!”
Floating Feather looked cold and resolute, Lin Ming’s avatar is too annoying, even though each
of them is a lot worse than the main body, but they have a strong defense, moreover mutual
understanding, it is diicult to damage it. .
“Just restored!” Lin Ming said, opening his right arm with his hand and Dark Dragon Spear
handing it to right hand.
“May dare to frontage a war!?”
Floating Feather eyes cold, imposing manner broke out.
“If you wish!”
Lin Ming shouted and held a spear with both hands. Once again, the huge Asura phantom
shadow surfaced behind Lin Ming. At this time, Lin Ming, the whole body was blood, and the
body’s wounds were unknown to many places. was like a meteor and rushed to God King
Floating Feather.
One after another explodes once more than just the huge ones, even though the distance
between the millions and millions, you can seeing the bright light that sparked deep in the sky.
Thousands of miles away, the protective shield shook violently. In addition to Divine Dream, the
complexion of Emperor Sakyamuni, Dark Demon Monarch, and others all changed. This is what
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a kind of fearful ight is.

This time clashes, Lin Ming’s arm does not have a bone fracture. uses the force of the vibration
to remove the impact of the huge, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Ming’s body
sinks abruptly. actually was riding on the Floating Feather. On the back!
This is the weakness of the defense of God King Floating Feather that he has long favored!
When God King Floating Feather became the Bird of God, he rode on the back of God King
Floating Feather to avoid her many attacks. (more than 10 points and more)
To be continued

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MW CHAPTER 2080 - Final Results

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God King Floating Feather’s strongest attack is the two wings and a pair of claws. The
wings are on the sides of the body. The pair of claws is in the abdomen. The back is the
blind area of the Floating Feather attack!
This is like the word that can be described as being unable to back down. Riding on
the back of a wild beast is the safest thing. It is not necessarily down.
Lin Ming is like the top of Mount Tai, and the legs infused the power of broken stars,
suddenly gripping the back of God King Floating Feather!
In the frenzy of the explosion just now, God King Floating Feather instantly lost
balance and exclaimed. also did not respond. Lin Ming actually used this method of
At this time, Lin Ming grabbed Dark Dragon Spear with blood oozing’s arms, suddenly a
Spear Thrust!
Floating Feather’s body protection Astral Essence shatters, blood shoots, feathers fly!

Floating Feather made a clear roar, which contained the wrath of God King!

She was not angered by Lin Ming. Instead, was angered by Lin Ming riding on her back.
The wings suddenly showed of, and terrible energy broke out. Lin Ming’s several
avatars all flew out like broken kites, but Lin Ming’s main body twisted his legs and
stuck the floating Feather’s body. was dumped!
Lin Ming burst into full body energy, grasps Dark Dragon Spear, and shot it again!
Clear cracks, God King Floating Feather vomit blood, body flutters!
This scene, so that all Human Race martial artist are all dumbfounded, the ighting
actually hit such a irigid degree, Lin Ming riding in Floating Feather’s body!
In particular, did not dare to make public appearances. In fact, God King Heavenly
Astral, who is still paying close attention to this war, is still staggering.
He is the most well-known Floating Feather, and Floating Feather is so proud that was
beaten by a human. Mo is said to be Floating Feather, and the average Divine Beast
is also very intolerably tolerant of being riding on the body. This is deinitely an insult,
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and it’s no wonder that Floating Feather is so frightened!

Once again, Floating Feather made a terrible buzz!
At that moment, her whole body seemed to be burning sun. Numerous god feathers
fell of from Floating Feather. Four scattered shots!
Divine Feather Spear! !
This is tens of thousands of seven colored feathers, no undiferentiat attacks in all
directions, many of them on the feathers, but also contains the God King Floating
Feather’s lifeblood!
The God Feather Transformation became a long spear, and every long spear wa s a
pleasant one. The spurt shoots out the guns, divide expansive sky!
This is an attack by God King Floating Feather, and God King Floating Feather is a
desperate move. does not use her life at all.
If, under normal circumstances, this battle with Lin Ming, even if she eventually won
over Lin Ming, she would not use this trick, because this is her card, is also an
overdraft for her Qi and Blood!
But now. Because Lin Ming rides on her back, she can’t get rid of Lin Ming for a time,
and she has to use her life-saving moves!
God feather Floating Feather’s god feather. After energy infusion, each quality is close to
True God Spirit Treasure.
So many gods scattered lasing, it is simply a nightmare!
In the face of this frantic ofensive, Lin Ming certainly cannot continue to ride on
Floating Feather! In fact, in the instant of Floating Feather’s activation of Divine
Feather Spear, he felt terrible killing
intent, and violently withdrew, but only for a moment, his thigh was still worn by a god
feather hole. Bloody!
Gun glow lasing, seven color Divine Light engulf the sky!
Lin Ming’s piston contraction, holding Dark Dragon Spear of!
The gun awn formed by a Divine Dao plume was smashed by Lin Ming directly. His body
also flew away from this moment, avoiding the impact of a gun awn.
Spear|gun glow is increasing, flying Divine Feather Spear intertwined with each other,
forming a killing ocean.
Lin Ming shouted loudly behind him. Asura phantom shadow once more appeared, he
pushed the wheels of the three huge fates, rotating like a grinding wheel.
Ka ka ka
One by one Divine Feather Spear was crushed by the grinding disc. Lin Ming’s body
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retreated. However, spear|gun glow too much. As retired, two more spear|gun glow
pierced Lin Ming’s lower abdomen and shoulders, respectively. He tried to avoid his own
physical problems.
However, in the instant that Divine Feather Spear shot himself in the flesh, the
implication of Spiritual Attack made Lin Ming’s nostrils more blood!
This is an extremely igid ight. At this level, it is beyond the limits of the martial arts
contest. It is almost the same as life and death.
All the martial artist who watched the game were stunned, even Divine Dream
Heavenly Venerate, who spoke breathlessly, ighting frigid to such a degree that was
not expecting.
In her impression, God King Floating Feather did not need to play his hand in the ight
against Lin Ming.
“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!” ...
Divine Light is splendid, guns are rushing to the sky, and countless god feathers are torn
by Lin Ming with unparalleled combat power. However, Lin Ming is also cut and bruised
all over. At the end of the feathers attack, it was another Divine Feather Spear, piercing
Lin Ming’s chest!
If the average Human Race Heavenly Venerate, with such an injured heavy losses,
also broke half life, there is no combat combat capability.
Lin Ming, on the other hand, chewed his teeth and pulled Divine Feather Spear into his
body. The power of revolution Life Embryo Dao Palace was used to stop wounds.
Today’s battle is the most ierce battle after his return to wilderness!

At this time,
Floating the wavy goddess began to roll back and fell into the body of God King
The few Divine Feather Spears caught by Lin Ming, even though they failed to break
free, but they were immediately taken away by Qi and Blood, and they became dull.
These Qi and Blood naturally supplemented the body of God King Floating Feather.
Obviously it would be unrealistic to win in the eyes of Floating Feather.
God King Floating Feather at this time, still maintains the form of Seven Colors
Divine Luan, but her back has been bloody, broken bones, it was just hard Lin Ming
came out!
She’s a pair of cold eyes, staring Lin Ming, Lin Ming’s absolute wound is heavier than
She, but Lin Ming has a better recovery power with Life Embryo Dao Palace, and
Floating Feather is just attacking. It also afected Qi and Blood.
Really, the Floating Feather will have a bigger chance of winning, but that has no

meaning. Because you go on ighting, you are dead and slaughters.

And both sides of the ight, afraid that at that time will inevitably overwhelm the life
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“This is the end!”

God King Floating Feather suddenly said, Lin Ming gave him a glimpse of a drop in
the power of Demon God. At this time, his hand holding Dark Dragon Spear trembled
with trembling. was hurt too much. Not to mention that before he had even sufered
huge heavy losses, which was the last blow of Floating Feather, there were three
wounds that he sufered to make the body transparent!
Life Embryo Dao Palace helped Lin Ming heal the wounds. At this time, Lin Ming’s
three avatars stared at Floating Feather at Lin Ming’s side Protector and the entire
Lin Ming’s way of ighting is to recover with Life Embryo Dao Palace after injury. The
three avatar delays.
This way of combat can also be consumed with Floating Feather, but Lin Ming does
not know that the last Divine Feather Spear trump card of Floating Feather can be
used several times. If he comes back two more times, he can’t stand it any longer.
“So far?” Lin Ming looked at Floating Feather.
“Fought is meaningless!” Floating Feather looked coldly at Lin Ming, apparently because
of Lin Ming’s riding on her.
In fact, her heart was very complicated at this time. Lin Ming’s great strengt h was still
beyond her expectations. had never thought of it before. would use Divine Feather
Spear in this battle.
Hearing Floating Feather, all Human Race martial artists breathed a sigh of relief.
Actually just in their opinion, Floating Feather has always been in the upper hand. Can
Lin Ming really persist in their hearts? Not the end.
“Lin Ming...”
Little Demon Xian grinned and almost cried.
“It’s inally over...” Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate also wiped cold sweat. “It’s over!”
Vast Universe Heavenly Venerate is not afraid of people, but the ighting has just hit
that level, and it is really diicult for him to get up easily. A heart has long been
hanging in the blind.
“So... what about gambling?”
Lin Ming looked at Floating Feather, Shen Sheng said, even though said before, dare
not draw, or Lin Mingsheng, can prove that Lin Ming has the equivalent of Saint Race
True God, can let Floating Feather and Heavenly Astral Perform gambling.
However, Lin Ming felt that he did not have true tying. Because of the situation, he
had a disadvantage.
“Gambling is about the same!”
Floating Feather said coldly, she had long been born out of thearts of the Human Race
and Saint Race battle.
The Battle for the Original Human Race Saint Race began with the ambition of Saint
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Emperor Good Fortune. Floating Feather did not want to ight for Saint Emperor
Good Fortune at all.
As for the inal inal output of the Human Race and Saint Race wars, in fact, even if the
Human Race wins, the Saint Race will not shake the foundation. When the Human
Race had only Onest Layer Heaven, Saint Race would occupy Divine Realm, it would
be impossible to have all Human Races. Kill.
Now, in turn, there isn’t much Human Race elite, and Saint Race Seventh Layer Heaven
is uncountable. Among them, Heavenly Venerate and Peak Heavenly Venerate are more
than a human times more than a Human Race. Human Race can’t really make a Saint
Race. .
And the most dangerous Lin Ming. Having pledged to withdraw with himself and Heavenly
Astral, they have attributed the grievances to a person of Saint Emperor Good Fortune.
As for the blood debts of Saint Race and Human Race’s, they are still recovered by the
own arm of Human Race.
In this case, what reasons does Floating Feather continue to insist?
Originally this war, just give yourself a reason to draw a right withdrawal, labeled as
this appearance, irst, Lin Ming’s strength exceeds expectations, and second, naturally
because Lin Ming inally ofended Floating Feather’s move.
Thought of this, Floating Feather looked at Lin Ming resentfully. Unfortunately, she
was not impossible to Lin Ming’s to be what a pity what kind of, and there was no way
to liquidate this account.
“You remember it for me!”
Floating Feather left these words cold and cold. After she had inished, she had no
time to stop. became a flowing light and flew deeper into the universe.
Lin Ming suddenly stumbled, he did not think Floating Feather walk so crisp.

This battle between yourself and the two True Gods ended.

(Three more)
To be continued

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