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English A2

BLOQUE 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 3
MÓDULO 1: PLANNING MY VACATIONS ....................................................................................... 3
About the future ....................................................................................................................... 3
1. EL ORDEN DE LOS ADJETIVOS........................................................................................ 3
2. LA ESTRUCTURA DE UNA FRASE .................................................................................... 4
3. PRESENTE CONTINUO CON FUNCIÓN DE FUTURO ....................................................... 7
4. FUTURO CON GOING TO ............................................................................................... 8
Let’s practice! .................................................................................................................. 13
1. READING: VACATION PLANS ............................................................................... 13
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................ 15
MÓDULO 2: MY MEMORIES ........................................................................................................ 16
What I did ................................................................................................................................ 16
1. EL PASADO SIMPLE: VERBOS REGULARES E IRREGULARES ......................................... 17
2. PRONUNCIACIÓN DE LA TERMINACIÓN – ED ............................................................. 21
3. EL PASADO CONTINUO................................................................................................ 23
Let’s practice! .................................................................................................................. 27
1. READING: MY LAST HOLIDAYS BY LUCY .............................................................. 27
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................ 30
MÓDULO 3: SOCIAL LIFE ............................................................................................................. 32
Social Life................................................................................................................................. 32
1. PASADO SIMPLE VS PASADO CONTINUO .................................................................... 32
2. ADVERBIOS DE TIEMPO ............................................................................................... 35
3. FÓRMULAS DE CORTESÍA / AMABILIDAD .................................................................... 36
Let’s practice! .................................................................................................................. 37
1. READING: CLOTHES ............................................................................................. 37
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................ 40
KEY ANSWERS...................................................................................................................... 42

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¿Qué vas a ver en este módulo?

 Vacation Plans

 About the future

• El orden de los adjetivos

• La estructura de una frase
• Presente continuo con función futuro.
• Futuro con ‘Going to’.
• Futuro con ‘Will’ y diferencias entre ‘Will y Going to’.

 Learning words and expressions in context

• Vacation plans (planes de vacaciones)

• Leisure (tiempo libre)
• The weather (el tiempo atmosférico)

About the future


¿Te has preguntado alguna vez por qué en inglés decimos “Little White car” y no “White Little

Es porque en inglés tenemos un orden establecido para el uso de adjetivos para describir

El orden de los adjetivos generalmente se explica así:

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Ahora, esta es una descripción bastante detallada de un coche y generalmente no utilizaríamos
tantas palabras seguidas para describir una cosa. Es una descripción larga, pero es una buena
manera de demostrar el orden.

Así que, ¿por qué es importante el orden de los adjetivos? Si tienes dos palabras en el orden
incorrecto al describir un objeto, la gente de todas formas te entenderá. Aunque si sonaría
extraño para un hablante nativo de inglés si tienes las palabras en el orden incorrecto.

Por lo tanto, si deseas que tu inglés suene más fluido, será importante colocar los adjetivos en
el orden correcto.


Ordena los siguientes adjetivos.

1) A ……. woman. (Spanish/nice/old)

2) A……….. table (square/big/wooden)
3) A…………carpet (Russian/yellow/rectangular)
4) A………beach (beautiful/quiet/long)
5) A……… (Italian/fast/red)
6) An……….girl (cheerful/young/attractive)
7) A………..paintinG (Spanish/modern/marvellous)
8) An……… (old/interesting/German)
9) An…… (golden/old/Swiss)
10) A…………diamond (hexagonal/expensive/big)


• La estructura de la oración afirmativa en inglés :

Sujeto + Verbo + Objeto directo

I drink water
You read a book
We love them

• La estructura de la oración negativa, el auxiliar se sitúa delante del verbo principal:

Sujeto + Auxiliar negación + Verbo + Objeto directo

I don't drink water

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You don't read a book
We don't love them

• En la oración interrogativa, el auxiliar se sitúa al comienzo de la misma:

Auxiliar + Sujeto + Verbo + Objeto directo

Do I drink water?
Do You read a book?
Do We love them?

• Otros complementos de la oración (lugar, tiempo, etc.) se suelen situar al final de la


I drink water at lunchtime.

You read a book at the office.
We love the weather.

• Normalmente, el complemento de lugar va delante del complemento de tiempo:

I drink water at home at lunchtime.

You read a book at the office right now.
We love the weather today.

1. She lives in New York.

Frases afirmativas: Sujeto + verbo + nombre, adjetivo…

2. I don't like ice cream.

Frases negativas: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to do) + not + verbo +
nombre, adjetivo…

3. They have got a dog.

Frases afirmativas: Sujeto + verbo + nombre, adjetivo…

4. He is not tired.
Frases negativas con "to be": Sujeto + verbo + not + nombre,
adjetivo... El verbo auxiliar "do" no es necesario en las frases
negativas en que el verbo principal es "to be".

5. We don't live in Spain.

Frases negativas: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to do) + not + verbo +
nombre, adjetivo…

6. Has he got a car?

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Frases interrogativas con el verbo "have got": Have + sujeto + got +
nombre, adjetivo...?

7. Are they happy?

Frases interrogativas con el verbo "to be": To be + sujeto + noun,

8. Does he like dogs?

Frases interrogativas: Verbo auxiliar (to do) + sujeto + verbo + noun,

9. Carol doesn't go to the cinema.

Frases negativas: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to do) + not + verbo +
nombre, adjetivo…

10. Do they live near the hospital?

Frases interrogativas: Verbo auxiliar (to do) + sujeto + verbo + noun,


Ordena las palabras en el orden correcto para formar una frase.


happy / you / are : YOU ARE HAPPY

lives / she / New York / in

don't / like / I / ice cream

a / they / dog / got / have

not / is / tired / he

we / Spain / don't / live / in

got / car / has / he / a / ?

are / happy / ? / they

does / like / he / ? / dogs

go / Carol / doesn't / the / cinema / to

they / near / hospital / live / do / the / ?

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 Para formar el presente continuo debemos conjugar el verbo "to be" y a

continuación colocaremos el verbo principal de la oración en gerundio (infinitivo +

• I am drinking water
• She is not doing her homework.
• Are you dancing with Mark?

 Como hemos estudiado anteriormente, el Presente Continuo (también llamado

presente progresivo) se utiliza para expresar acciones que suceden en el mismo
momento en que se está hablando:

• I am studying English. Yo estoy estudiando inglés. (Está sucediendo ahora).

Sin embargo, el Presente Continuo tiene más usos que veremos a continuación.


Usamos el presente continuo para hablar de planes futuros que ya han sido
organizados, planeados o confirmados. Por ejemplo, si ya hemos quedado
previamente con alguien o tenemos una cita.

• I am playing football tomorrow in the afternoon.

• She is flying to Rome next Friday.

Vamos a comparar el futuro con will con el presente continuo con función futuro en
los siguientes ejemplos:

• After work I will do the shopping. Después de trabajar haré la compra. (Es
algo improvisado que se me está ocurriendo en el momento, no lo tenía
• Pablo and I are going to the cinema next Saturday in the afternoon. Pablo y
yo iremos al cine el sábado que viene por la tarde. (Ya hemos quedado
para ir al cine, está planeado).
• I think it will rain tomorrow. Creo que lloverá mañana. (Es una suposición,
no estoy segura al 100% que vaya a ocurrir).

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• I am playing tennis with Carmen tomorrow at 12.00 h. Jugaré con Carmen
al tenis mañana a las 12.00 h. (Ya he quedado con Carmen, es un plan fijado
con anterioridad).

Diferentes tiempos verbales para hablar del futuro

- I will go to London next

WILL 60% DE PROBABILIDADES DE QUE Aún no he comprador los billetes
OCURRA LA ACCIÓN de avión. Tan sólo he pensado
que sería buena idea ir a Londres,
pero no es nada seguro.
- I am going to have a
shower tonight
Puedo ir de vuelta a casa tras un
BE GOING TO 80% PROBABILIDADES DE QUE día de trabajo y tengo la intención
OCURRA LA ACCIÓN de ducharme cuando llegue, es
decir, es una de las cosas que
tengo intención de hacer antes de
irme a dormir.
- I am getting married next
99% PROBABILIDADES DE QUE Ya tenemos fecha, y está todo
PRESENT CONTINUOUS OCURRA LA ACCIÓN organizado para la ceremonia. En
otras palabras, es una cita muy
importante que va a ocurrir a no
ser que haya una causa mucho
mayor y urgente.


Traduce al inglés estas oraciones.

1 Igrid va a jugar al fútbol mañana.

2 No voy a estudiar Inglés el año que viene.

3 ¿Vas a salir esta noche?

4 Chris no va a venir a la fiesta el sábado.

5 ¿Qué vas a hacer el viernes por la noche?



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 Podemos utilizar la estructura GOING TO para expresar futuro. Su forma requiere la

presencia del auxiliar TO BE.
 Aunque veremos a continuación la forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa con
más detalle, adelantamos a continuación la estructura:

Sujeto + to be + going to + verbo en infinitivo.




Sujeto + verbo to be (conjugado en presente) + going to + verbo

• I am going to wash my car (yo voy a lavar mi coche).

• She is going to wash her car (ella va a lavar su coche).
• They are going to wash their car (ellos van a lavar su coche).


Sujeto + verbo to be en negativa (conjugado en presente) + going to + verbo

• I am not going to wash my car (yo no voy a lavar mi coche).
• She isn’t going to wash her car/ She is not going to wash her car (ella no va a
lavar su coche).
• They aren’t going to wash their car/ They are not going to wash their car (ellos
no van a lavar su coche).


Verbo to be (conjugado en presente) + sujeto + going to + verbo

• Are you going to wash your car? (¿Vas a lavar tu coche?).

• Is she going to wash her car? (¿Vas a lavar su coche?).
• Are there going to wash their car? (¿Van a lavar su coche?).


Para expresar decisiones meditadas con anterioridad, planes o intenciones futuras.

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Cuando decimos “I am going to do something” (voy a hacer algo) quiere decir que
hemos decidido hacerlo, nuestra intención es hacerlo. También lo usamos para las
acciones que ya hemos planificado.

• On Saturday I’m going to visit my mother. (el sábado voy a visitor a mi

• They are going to buy a house next month. (ellos van a comprar una casa el
mes que viene).
• I am going to travel to New York in August. (voy a viajar a Nueva York en

Esta manera de hablar del futuro, en muchos casos, puede sustituirse por presente
continuo con función de futuro.

• I'm seeing Rocío this evening. Veré a Rocío esta noche (He quedado con ella).
• I'm going to see Rocío this evening. Voy a ver a Rocío esta noche. (Tengo la
intención de verla).

Cuando vemos que algo va a pasar porque es muy evidente (predicciones

basadas en lo que uno ve)

• Look at the sky. It’s going to rain (mira el cielo. Va a llover).


Escribe las frases usando la forma ‘to be going to’. No uses la contracción.

Tomorrow I/watch TV/in the evening
At the weekend I/clean/the house
On Monday I/go/study English

I/do/my homework
Mark/buy/a new motorbike


You/meet/friends/on Saturday night?

Karen/have a baby?


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¿Presente continuo con función de futuro o ‘going to’? Elige la respuesta que
corresponda en cada caso.

1. She can't go to your party this afternoon, because she _________ the doctor at

a) Is going to see
b) Is seeing

2. Paul and I __________ married next month. We would like to invite you to the

a) Are getting
b) Are going to get

3. The sky is dark and full of clouds. It________________ .

a) Is going to rain.
b) Is raining.

4. Peter ______________ a plane tomorrow at 8.00.

a) Is taking
b) Is going to take

5. They are going to the beach because they _____________.

a) Are going to sunbathe

b) Are sunbathing

6. I have got my camera here because I ___________ photos.

a) Am taking
b) Am going to take




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 La partícula will puede expresar futuro. Veremos sus principales usos a

continuación, pero primero conozcamos su estructura.

 Debemos tener en cuenta que 'will' es un modal, por lo que seguirá las normas
básicas de los modales; es decir, tiene que ir acompañado del verbo principal de
la oración en infinitivo.

 La estructura es la siguiente:

Sujeto + will + verbo en infinitivo + complementos.

• I will help you with your homework. (Te ayudaré con tus deberes).


Recordemos los principales usos del futuro con will antes de ver las principales
diferencias que tiene con el futuro con going to:

Usos del futuro con will

Se utiliza para hablar de predicciones de futuro basado en cosas que no son

tan evidentes.

• I think the weather will be great next weekend. (Creo que hará un tiempo
buenísimo el próximo fin de semana).

También utilizamos esta estructura para hacer decisiones espontáneas.

• I'm tired. I'll go to bed. (Estoy cansado. Me iré a la cama).

Cuando hacemos promesas.

• I promise I will go to the party. (Te prometo que iré a la fiesta).

1. Para expresar acciones futuras. 5. Para expresar decisiones meditadas
con anterioridad, planes o
I will eat Spanish omelette today. intenciones futuras

2. Se usa “will” con acciones I am going to travel to Scotland this

voluntarias, decisiones espontáneas summer
que decidimos a la hora de hablar.

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I am going to buy a dress for the party.
I will go to the cinema today (lo acabo de
pensar, no lo tengo planeado) 6. Cuando vemos que algo va a pasar
porque es muy evidente
3. Para dar nuestro ofrecimiento, servicios (predicciones basadas en lo que
o ayuda.
uno ve).
If you are ill, I will clean the house.
There are many dark clouds. It’s
4. Para predicciones going to rain.

Tomorrow it will rain.


¿Going to o futuro con will? Elige la respuesta que corresponda en cada caso:

1. Look at those clouds, it will rain/is going to rain.

2. Can't you open the box? Don't worry, I will open/am going to open it for you.
3. We won’t be/are not going to be in time for the show if we don't hurry!
4. The cat has been sick for a few days so I will take/am going to take it to the vet.
5. This year I will win/am going to win the lottery for sure.
6. In 2060 the president of America will be/is going to be a woman.

Let’s practice!

A trip to Asia

Liz was excited. She was going to Asia with her mom. Neither of them had ever
travelled out of the United States before. They are going to fly to Hong Kong. After
staying in Hong Kong for three nights, they are travelling on their cruise ship to
Shangai and Beijing.

“Beijing is inland, so we have to take about a two-hour bus ride to get there from the
port. I forget the name of the port. Anyway, we´re going to see the Great Wall, the
Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. It´s going to be so cool!” she told the
neighbor Jane.

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From China, the cruise ship would go to Pusan in South Korea and finally to Tokyo.
From Tokyo, they would catch a flight back to Los Angeles.

“The trip is going to last three weeks. It´s only going to cost us 3.000 € each, if we can
control our urge to shop”, she laughed.

To be excited – estar entusiasmado, emocionado

Cruise – crucero
To stay – permanecer, quedarse
Inland – en el interior, tierra adentro
Port – puerto
Neighbor – vecino
To catch – coger, tomar
To last – durar, persistir
To urge – urgir


Elige la respuesta correcta.

1. How did Liz feel about her trip?

a. She was a little bit scared about her cruise ship.
b. She was really happy and looking forward to it.
c. She was happy to travel out of the United States again.

2. Who was her partner in the trip?

a. She did the trip in her own.
b. She did the trip with her mother.
c. She did the trip with her neighbor Jane.

3. Had they travelled out of the United States before?

a. Yes, they had travelled to Hong Kong for three nights.
b. Yes, both of them had travelled before to China and Korea.
c. No, they had never travelled out of the Unites States before.

4. How are they travelling to Shanghai and Beijing?

a. They are travelling on a cruise ship.
b. They are catching a flight to arrive there.
c. In this occasion, they are not travelling to Shanghai and Beijing.

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5. How are they going back to Los Angeles?
a. They are travelling in a cruise ship.
b. They are taking a flight back to Los Angeles.
c. They are taking a bus to return to Los Angeles.

6. How long will be the trip?

a. The trip is going to last 3 days.
b. They will be travelling for three months.
c. The length of the trip is 3 weeks.



Awesome impresionante The views from the castle were awesome.
To guess suponer, adivinar I guess there are ten people in the room
Yup (informal) sí Yup! I want to go there.
abuela My grandma lives with me.
Yeah (informal) sí Yeah! I passed my exam!
Trip viaje The trip to Seville was very nice.
Wine farms viñedos I visited a beautiful wine farm last weekend.
Met (to meet) encontrarse I met my brother on the street.
Wine bottling plantas embotelladoras de I went to a wine bottling plant and I liked
plants vino very much.
Tasted (to taste) probar I tasted haggis in Edinburgh and I liked!
Together juntos We are going to work together.
I have some ideas in mind for decorating this
In mind en mente
Choice elección There is no perfect choice.
Airfare tarifa aérea I usually find very good airfares.
excited entusiasmado Liz was excited
they are travelling on their cruise ship to
cruise crucero
inland en el interior Beijing is inland
port puerto I live near the port
neighbor vecino She is a nice neighbor
catch coger they would catch a flight back to Los Angeles

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last durar The trip is going to last three weeks
urge deseo, ansia we can control our urge to shop

Holidays are coming Se acercan las vacaciones
It’s been years since I last went there Han pasado años desde la última vez que fui allí
That sounds cool. Will you be staying at a Suena genial. ¿Te vas a quedar en casa de un
relative’s? familiar?
A couple of weeks Un par de semanas
To go on treks Dar largos paseos
I had an amazing time! ¡Me lo pasé genial!
My folks were around Mi gente estaba por allí
How did you spend your summer vacation? ¿Cómo pasaste las vacaciones?
A good deal Una ganga
No-frill airlines Compañías aéreas baratas
ever since desde entonces


¿Qué vas a ver en este módulo?

 Your last vacation

 What I did
• El pasado simple: verbos regulares e irregulares
• Pronunciación del pasado en – ed
• El pasado continuo

 Learning words and expressions in context

• Your last holidays (Tus últimas vacaciones)

• Sports (Deportes)
• Your last job (Tu último trabajo)

What I did

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 En este módulo vas a aprender cómo expresar el pasado en inglés. Hay dos tipos de
verbos: los regulares y los irregulares.


El pasado simple se usa en los siguientes casos:

- Para hablar de acciones acabadas en un periodo de tiempo en el pasado.

• I saw him yesterday. (Le vi ayer).

- Para narrar o describir hechos en el pasado.

• They lived in the country; their house was very old. (Vivían en el
campo; su casa era muy vieja).


Para formar la oración afirmativa en pasado, debemos tener en cuenta el verbo, que
puede ser regular o irregular:

Regular verbs
Se forman añadiendo la terminación –ed al verbo. Si el verbo termina en –e añadimos
solo la –d.

• I want > I wanted (Yo quiero > Yo quería).

• She wants > She wanted (Ella quiere > Ella quería).
• I love Paul > I loved Paul (Quiero a Paul > Quería a Paul).

Pero existen otros casos:

- Los verbos monosilábicos acabados en una sola consonante precedida

por una sola vocal duplican la consonante final delante de -ed.

• Rob – robbed
• Stop – stopped

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• Sin – sinned
• Hug – hugged

- Los verbos de dos o más sílabas que acaban en una sola consonante precedida
por una sola vocal, duplican la consonante final si el acento recae en la última

• Admit – admitted
• Prefer – preferred

- Los verbos acabados en consonante + y cambian la y por i ,y añade -ed,

pero no los acabados en vocal +y.
• Occupy – occupied
• Carry – carried
• Study – studied
• Play – played
• Enjoy - enjoyed

- Muchos verbos acabados en –i o –p normalmente duplican la consonante

final delante de –ed aunque no cumplan la regla del acento. Aunque existe la
excepción del verbo “travel” ya que per- mite la forma tanto duplicada como
sin duplicar.

• Travel – travelled/traveled- ambas son correctas

• Worship – worshipped

Para negar, no importa si el verbo es regular o irregular. Usamos la forma pasada de

“do not” (did not/ didn’t) seguido del verbo en infinitivo.

• I did not read / I didn’t read (Yo no leí/ leía)

• You did not read / You didn’t read (Tú no leíste/ leías)
• He did not read / He didn’t read (Él no leyó/ leía)
• She did not read / She didn’t read (Ella no leyó/ leía)
• It did not read / It didn’t read (Eso no leyó/ leía)
• We did not read / We didn’t read (Nosotros no leímos/ leíamos)
• You did not read / You didn’t read (Vosotros no leísteis/ leíais)
• They did not read / They didn’t read (Ellos no leyeron/ leían)

Para las oraciones interrogativas usamos también el auxiliar did o did not (didn’t),
seguida del sujeto y el verbo en infinitivo para formular preguntas.

• Did I read? ¿Leí/ Leía?

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• Did you read? ¿Leiste/ Leías?
• Did he read? ¿(Él) leyó/ leía?
• Did she read? ¿(Ella) leyó/ leía?
• Did it read? ¿(Eso) leyó/ leía?
• Did we read? ¿Leimos/ leíamos?
• Did you read? ¿Leísteis/ leíais?
• Did they read? ¿Leyeron/ leían?

Irregular verbs

Si el verbo que se va a conjugar en pasado pertenece a la lista que exponemos en la

página siguiente es un verbo irregular y conjuga con –ed. Al final tendremos que
coger su forma de la segunda columna de dicha tabla para todas las personas.
Comer; I ate yo comí. A continuación mostramos la tabla.

Infinitive Simple past Past participle Spanish

be Was/were been ser
become became become convertirse
begin began begun comenzar
bring brought brought traer
buy bought bought comprar
come came come venir
do did done hacer
dream Dreamt/dreamed Dreamt/dreamed soñar
drink drank drunk beber
drive drove driven conducir
eat ate eaten comer
feel felt felt sentir
find found found encontrar
Forget Forgot forgotten olvidar
get Got Got Tener, obtener
Give Gave Given dar
Go Went Gone ir
Have Had Had tener
Keep Kept Kept guardar
Know Knew Known saber
Learn Learnt/learned Learnt/learned aprender
Make Made Made hacer
Meet Met Met Conocer, encontrar
Pay Paid Paid pagar

Página 19
Put Put Put poner
Read Read Read leer
say Said Said decir
See Saw Seen ver
Sell Sold Sold vender
Send Sent Sent enviar
Sleep Slept Slept dormir
Speak Spoke Spoken hablar
Spend Spent Spent gastar
Take Took Taken tomar
Tell Told Told decir
Think Thought Thought pensar
Write Wrote Written escribir


Completa las oraciones con uno de estos verbos en pasado simple:

break swim make write spend buy drink

1. She ………………….. a cake an hour ago.

2. She ………………….. a hat last week.

3. The boy ………………….. a letter yesterday.

4. They ……………………. in the sea for an hour.

5. They ………………….. a lot of Coke last night.

6. She ………………… her arm last week.

7. He ……………………. all his money last week.

Completa cambiando a pasado simple los verbos que están entre paréntesis:

Last Saturday my father …. took…. (take) my friends and me to the circus. We

………(see) lots of things. My father …………………. (buy) us some popcorn and orange
juice. We ……………………. (eat) the popcorn and ………………………… (drink) the orange
juice. We …………………….. (laugh) at the funny clowns. There …………………. (be) a lion-

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The lions …………………… (do) tricks; they ………………………… (jump) through hoops. A girl
………………………. (ride) an elephant around the ring. We all ………………… (have) a
wonderful time.

Elige una opción para saber lo que Jean hizo (DID) o no hizo (DIDN’T or DID NOT) ayer

1. go shopping ( - ) … Jean did not go shopping yesterday.

2. clean the house ( + ) ………………………………………………………………

3. feed the cat ( + ) .………………………………………………………………

4. telephone Mary ( - ) ………………………………………………………………

5. watch a film on TV ( - ) ………………………………………………………………

6. visit her grandparents ( + ) ………………………………………………………………

7. make them a cake ( + ) ………………………………………………………………



 Como has aprendido en el módulo anterior en pasado hay verbos regulares e

irregulares. En este apartado vas a aprender cómo se pronuncian los verbos
regulares, a los que añadimos una-ed.

Básicamente, existen en inglés tres formas de pronunciar la terminación -ed de los

verbos cuando se enuncian en tiempo pasado. Vamos a ver cada uno:

Sonido [d]

Cuando el verbo termina en sonido vibrado (es decir, cuando al pronunciar la última
letra sientes que el sonido vibra en tu garganta), entonces, para pronunciar el pasado
en -ed, se utiliza el sonido vibrado [d].

• listen listened [lísend]

• study studied [stádid]

Página 21
• enter entered [énterd]
• receive received [risívd]
• memorize memorized [mémoraizd]
• jam jammed [yámd]
• rob robbed [róbd]
• clog clogged [clogd]

Sonido [t]

Cuando el verbo termina en sonido sordo (es decir, cuando al pronunciar la última
letra el sonido no vibra, solo truena en la garganta o en los labios y dientes),
entonces, para pronunciar el pasado en -ed, se utiliza el sonido sordo [t].

• walk walked [uókt]

• talk talked [tókt]
• stop stopped [stopt]
• jump jumped [yompt]
• laugh laughed [laft]
• practice practiced [práctist]
• match matched [matcht]
• watch watched [uátcht]
• wash washed [uásht]
• close closed [clost]

Sonido [êd]

Cuando el verbo termina en sonido [t] o en sonido [d] (observa que en los grupos
anteriores ninguno de los verbos termina en esos sonidos), entonces, para pronunciar
el pasado en -ed, se utiliza el sonido [êd], cuya vocal suena muy cerrada y breve.

• repeat repeated [ripírêd]

• invent invented [invéntêd]
• wait waited [uéirêd]
• want wanted [uántêd]
• decide decided [disáidêd]

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• add added [ádêd]
• include included [inclúdêd]
• need needed [nídêd]

¿Cuáles son las reglas?

• Todos los libros de gramática inglesa hablan de tres formas de pronunciar los
verbos que acaban en -ed .

• Estos tres sonidos son /d/, /t/ y /id/.

• Para saber cuándo poner cada uno de estos sonidos hay que conocer el sonido
que antecede a -ed. La explicación sigue: “si acaba en /b, v, g, g, dz, etc
(alfabeto fonético) , entonces el sonido es /d/; si acaba en /p, k, tf, etc. el
sonido es /t/ y si acaba en /t/ el sonido es /id/ .”

Escribe estos verbos en pasado e indica el número que corresponda (1,2,3) según la
pronunciación de los siguientes verbos . Mira estos ejemplos:

1 stop stopped /t/

2 phone phoned /d/

3 want wanted /id/

Quedaría así: stopped 1.

Help Smile
Save Laugh
Look Cry
Listen Taste
Hope Paint
Like Pull
Talk Push
Play Turn
Watch Switch on
Kiss Tidy
Work cook


Página 23

 En este módulo aprenderás como el pasado continuo en inglés, su forma y su



El pasado continuo se utiliza para acciones que ocurrieron en un momento

específico en el pasado. Como el presente continuo, se forma con el verbo "to be"
y el gerundio.

¿Cómo se forma?

Para formar el pasado continuo se utiliza el verbo auxiliar "to be" y el gerundio
(infinitivo + "-ing") del verbo. El verbo auxiliar "to be" está en el pasado simple, pero
ten en cuenta que "to be" es un verbo irregular.

Sujeto Auxiliar (to be)

I, He, She, It was
You, We, They were


Frases afirmativas

Estructura: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + gerundio.


• I was running (Yo estaba corriendo).

• They were eating ( Ellos estaban comiendo).

Frases negativas

Estructura: Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + "not" + gerundio.


Página 24
• He was not [wasn't] eating. ( Él no estaba comiendo).
• They were not [weren't] running ( Ellos no estaban corriendo).

Frases interrogativas

Estructura: Verbo auxiliar ("to be") + sujeto + gerundio?


• Were you playing? (¿Estabas tú jugando?)

• Were they eating? (¿Estaban ellos comiendo?)

¿Cómo lo usamos?

El pasado continuo lo utilizamos para una acción larga que ya en el pasado fue
interrumpida por otra acción. La acción que se interrumpe está en pasado continuo y
la acción que provoca la interrupción está en pasado simple.

"When" y "while" señalan el uso del pasado simple y continuo. En general, usamos el
pasado simple directamente después de "when" y el pasado continuo después de


• John called while I was watching the TV. (John llamó mientras estaba
viendo la televisión).
• I was watching the TV when John called. (Yo estaba viendo la televisión
cuando John llamó).

Se usa el pasado continuo para hablar sobre acciones en un tiempo específico en

el pasado.

• Susan wasn't living in Spain in 2010. (Susan no estaba viviendo en España en

el 2010).
• We were still working at 9 o'clock last night. (Todavía estábamos trabajando
a las 9 de la noche).

Aquí tienes una tabla que ejemplifica como se forma el pasado continuo en
afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo:

Página 25
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I was eating. Was I eating? I was not eating.
You were eating. Were you eating? You were not eating.
He/She/It was eating. Was he/she/it eating? He/She/It was not eating.
We were eating. Were we eating? We were not eating.
You were eating. Were you eating? You were not eating.

They were eating. Were they eating? They were not eating.

Completa las oraciones cambiando a pasado continuo los verbos que están entre

1. In 1989 I………………………………. (live) in Malaga.

2. When they wake up this morning, the sun ………………… (shine).

3. Peter …………………………. (try) to repair his car.

4. My cousin Susan……………………………….. (run) for an hour.

5. We …………………………….. (study) all the day.

6. Her grandfather …………………….. (die) when the doctor arrived.


Completa las oraciones usando uno de estos verbos, usando el pasado continuo.

wear read paint bake work

1. My sister .............. a new skirt last night at 9 o’clock.

2. At 8.30 she .............. a newspaper.
3. Sarah .............. the kitchen yesterday in the morning.
4. She .............. a cake this morning at 8 o’clock.
5. She .............. in Italy during 3 days last week.

Página 26

Escribe was / were + V-ing para completar las oraciones.

Por Ejemplo: Where (you / live) Where were you living in 1989? – In Malaga.

1. What (you / do) ............................... at four o’clock? –I was sleeping.

2. (it / rain) ...............................................when you went out? –Yes, it was.
3. Why (you/drive) slowly? –Because the road was very
4. What (your sister / cook) ................................for dinner? –She was cooking

Let’s practice!

My name is Lucy. Last year I went on holiday to south Spain with my best friends,
Joanna andLing. We stayed in brilliant four-star hotels, which had three swimming
pools. It was quite expensive but we really enjoyed and we all got great suntans. I
enjoyed visiting museums and monuments but Joanna and Ling did not like them.

We visited Malaga, Sevilla and Cordoba. In Malaga, while I was visiting the museums
and the cathedral, Joana and Ling were sunbathing In Cordoba, when I visited the
Mezquita, Joana and Ling were eating tapas. And in Seville, while I was exploring ‘The
Giralda’, they were taking a horse ride in a horse carriage.

The last day, I was having breakfast at 6 o’clock, because we needed to take our plane,
but Joanne and Ling were still sleeping. They woke up really late and we almost lost
our flight.

stayed - quedarse (pasado)

quite- bastante
expensive- caro
enjoyed- disfrutar
suntans- bronceados
sunbathing- tomando el sol
taking a horse ride- dando un paseo a caballo
horse carriage- coche de caballos
to take our plane- coger el vuelo
Página 27
still - aún
woke up - depertarse (pasado)

Contesta a las siguientes preguntas sobre el texto:

1. Where did Lucy go on holidays last year?

a. South Africa.
b. South America.
c. South Spain.

2. Where did they stay?

a. In five-stars hotels.
b. In four-stars hotels.
c. In three- stars hotels.

3. What were Joanne and Ling doing in Malaga?

a. They were eating tapas.

b. They were sunbathing.
c. They were taking a horse ride.

4. What were Joanne and Ling doing in Cordoba?

a. They were eating tapas.

b. They were sunbathing.
c. They were taking a horse ride.

5. What were Joanne and Ling doing in Seville?

a. They were eating tapas.

b. They were sunbathing.
c. They were taking a horse ride.

Página 28
6. What was Lucy doing at 6 o’clock the last day?

a. She was sleeping.

b. She was eating lunch.
c. She was having breakfast.

7. What were Joanne and Ling doing at 6 o’clock the last day?

a. They were having breakfast.

b. They were sleeping.
c. They were taking a taxi.

Página 29


Diverse diverso Vietnam is very diverse
South sur Andalucia is in the south of Spain
North norte Sweden is in the north of Europe
Scenery paisaje I love the scenery of your country
Hiking senderismo I like hiking on Sundays
Ethnic groups grupos étnicos There are many ethnic groups in China
Farmers granjero Farmers work with animals
Tour guide guía turístico We had a tour guide in our trip
Alone solo I went alone to India
Plus más The flight plus the accommodation were very cheap
Rice fields campos de arroz There are many rice fields in the south of China
To spend gastar I don't spend too much money when I travel
Cash machine cajero automático I need a cash machine
Hostel hostal/albergue Where is the hostel?
To take
Llevar a alguien Please, take me home
stay quedarse We stayed at home
quite bastante It's quite expensive
expensive caro It's quite expensive
enjoy disfrutar we really enjoyed the party
suntans Bronceados We all got great suntans
sunbathing tomar el sol Joana and Ling were sunbathing
taking a horse dando un paseo en
They were taking a horse ride
ride caballo
horse carriage coche de caballos They were taking a horse ride in a horse carriage
to take a plane coger un avión We needed to take our plane
still aún We were still sleeping
wake up despertarse They woke up really
almost casi We almost lost our flight
flight vuelo We almost lost our flight

Página 30
Who did you meet along the way? ¿a quién conociste en el camino?
Many things Muchas cosas
He gave us a standard rate Él nos dio un precio habitual
Plus transportation to get to and from Vietnam Más el transporte para ir y venir de Vietnam
I thoroughly recommend it Lo recomiendo totalmente
To be lucky Tener suerte
He could show us all of the sites of the local area El pudo enseñarnos todos los lugares del lugar

Página 31

¿Qué vas a ver en este módulo?

 Use polite words

 Social Life

• Pasado simple vs Pasado continuo

• Adverbios de tiempo

• Fórmulas de cortesía y amabilidad

 Learning words and expressions in context

• Clothes

• Shops

Social Life



 Ya hemos visto como se construyen y usan el Pasado Simple y el Pasado Continuo.

 Vamos a repasar nuevamente cuál es el criterio diferenciador que nos ayude a

elegir cuándo usar uno u otro.

 El pasado continuo expresa la duración de una acción pasada y no indica si está

terminada, mientras que el pasado simple se refiere a una acción puntual que
empezó y acabó en el pasado.

• I worked last Saturday. Trabajé el sábado pasado.

• It was snowing at half past four yesterday. Estaba nevando a las cuatro y
media de ayer (no había acabado).


Página 32

• El pasado simple describe acciones acabadas y el pasado continuo no

especifica si las acciones finalizaron o no, sino que enfatiza que estaban en

He travelled around the world. Viajó por todo el mundo.

I was travelling around the world. Estaba viajando por todo el mundo.

• Para acciones simultáneas: si las acciones son consecutivas, los verbos

irán en pasado simple.

As I saw her I left the room. Cuando la vi dejé la habitación.

• Cuando hay un pasado simple y uno continuo este último resalta la duración de
la acción.
As I was watching tv the telephone rang. Cuando estaba viendo la tele sonó el

• Si las dos acciones tienen lugar durante un mismo periodo de tiempo se usará el
pasado continuo en las dos.

As I was having dinner, she was watching TV. Cuando estaba cenando ella estaba
viendo la tv.

• Para hablar de acciones habituales se suele usar el pasado simple.

She visited her parents every day. Visitaba a sus padres todos los días.

• Sin embargo podemos usar el pasado continuo para enfatizar que la acción tuvo
lugar temporalmente.

When I was ill he was visiting me twice a day. Cuando estaba enfermo me visitaba
dos veces al día (también es posible usar el pasado simple en las dos).

• En narraciones o historias se usa el pasado continuo para describir o ambientar

una acción.
He was walking quickly. He was not wearing her glasses. Suddenly
he fall... Estaba andando rápido. No llevaba sus gafas. De pronto
se cayó...
The Prime Minister died while he was sitting at his desk. El Primer

Página 33
Ministro murió mientras estaba sentado en su mesa.

• Con los verbos de estado en pasado, siempre que no tengan un significado

especial como ocurre en las diferencias entre presente simple y continuo.

I loved him. Le amaba (verbo estado pasado).

I was tasting his cake. Estaba probando su tarta (verbo acción voluntaria).
She was being silly. Estaba siendo tonta (verbo estado temporal).


Empareja los principios y finales de las oraciones:

1. They arrived early while I a. was still sleeping

2. Paul cooked dinner while we b. while I was watching TV.
3. The doorbell rang c. were having a glass of wine on the
4. He wrote six novels when Terrace.
5. She had a car accident because d. she was driving too fast.
6. We took a lot of photos while the e. were standing outside the church.
bride and groom f. he was living in Spain.

Completa la historia con los verbos que hay a continuación:
Was going / was walking / was saying / sounded / bumped /saw / was talking (2) /
was having / was going / walked / didn’t see / was coming.

I _______ Jerry in town this morning but he _________me. In fact, he __________

straight past me, I ________ into the bank as he _________out. He ___________ very
quickly and not looking where he ___________. He almost ______into me. He
___________to someone on his phone. I think he _________ an argument, he
_______ very angry. Like a lot of people when they talk on their mobile, he
__________ rather loudly and everybody could hear what he ________.

Página 34

Los adverbios de tiempo nos muestran cuándo tiene lugar la acción. Normalmente
van colocados al final o al principio de la frase.
Algunos de estos adverbios son:

At the beginning Al principio

Finally Finalmente
Before Antes
Last week/month/year La semana/mes/año pasado
Sometimes Alguna vez
Tomorrow Mañana
Yesterday Ayer
Since Desde entonces

Hay algunos adverbios que pueden ir en mitad de la oración, como then, son y now.
Van detrás del verbo auxiliar o delante del verbo principal:

• I’m now at home. Yo ahora estoy en casa.

• She son left the office. En seguida se marchó de la oficina.


Elija el adverbio de tiempo que corresponda:

1. I went to the zoo.

Tomorrow / Yesterday

2. My brother doesn’t work here.

Since next month /since last month

3. We will go for a road trip.

Yesterday / tomorrow

4. I got what a wanted.

Finally / now

5. They aren’t here; they are playing tennis.

Now /finally

Página 35

Ordena las frases

1. they / on /always/ holiday/ are

2. hard/ test/ often / students/ study/ for/ a
3. my / weekend/ father/ the/ usually/ at/ work/ doesn't
4. in the kitchen / Sally/ carefully/ all morning/ worked
5. hardly ever/ class/ Sam/ comes /to.
6. solved/ Peter/ easily/ the / problem


Pedir con educación: Would like?

Would lo usamos para formar el Condicional, en este caso would like = “me
gustaría”, “quisiera”. Usamos would like para pedir algo de forma educada y lo
podemos contraer en la forma ‘d like.

Sujeto + would like + complemento

• I would like a coffee, please. Quisiera un café, por favor.

• I’d like some apples, please. Quisiera algunas manzanas, por favor.

Sujeto + would like + to + verbo

• I’d like to see her again. Me gustaría volver a verla otra vez
• I would like to go to the cinema. Me gustaría ir al cine.

También podemos usar would like para hacer ofrecimientos de forma educada.
No podemos usar la contracción.

Would + sujeto + like + infinitivo con tu / complemento

• Would you like some ice-cream? ¿Le apetece un poco de helado?

• Would you like to go to that restaurant? ¿Te apetece ir a ese restaurant?

Página 36

Elige la frase correcta:

1. Me gustaría ver algunas fotos

a) I would like to watch some pictures.

b) I would like to see some pictures.

2. ¿Te gustaría venir a la fiesta conmigo?

a) Would you like coming to the party with me?

b) Would you like to go to the party with me?

3. Quisiera un vaso de agua, por favor.

a) I would like to have a glass of water, please.

b) I would like having a glass of water, please.

Let’s practice!

Susan’s and Adam’s Clothes

Susan loves going shopping for clothes. She goes to the shopping centre with her
friends almost every Saturday.

She likes to wear jeans and T-shirts every day. She only wears a dress or a skirt and
blouse for parties or special occasions. She doesn't feel comfortable in high heeled
shoes and loves wearing casual and sporty clothes.

In winter, Susan wears a scarf, a hat and gloves on cold days. She doesn't like rainy
days because she hates to wear a raincoat and carry an umbrella.

Susan’s boyfriend, Adam, doesn’t buy many clothes, until last Saturday. He saw a great
pair of baggy trousers, with a lot of pockets and zips. Susan was with him when he
tried them on and they looked so cool!

They came home with a bag full of clothes. Susan bought two sweaters, and a black
belt to wear with her favourite blue dress. She doesn't have much extra money, so she
rarely buys expensive clothes.

Página 37
Susan and Adam are having dinner tonight with their friends and they are looking
forward to wear their new clothes!

to go shopping: ir de compras
shopping centre: centro comercial
almost: casi
to wear: llevar puesto
only: sólo
comfortable: cómodo
high heeled shoes: zapato de tacón
casual: informal
sporty: deportivo
to carry: llevar (un bolso, un paraguas)
until: hasta
baggy: holgado
pocket: bolsillo
zip: cremallera
to try on: probar (una prenda de ropa)
cool: colloquial “molón”, genial
full of: lleno de
expensive: caro
to look forward to: tener muchas ganas de algo, desear algo

Reading comprehension. Elige la respuesta correcta:

1. How often does Susan go shopping? She goes shopping…

a) everyday

b) every Saturday

c) twice a week

2. What does she usually like to wear? She likes to wear…

a) jeans and T-shirts

b) skirts and blouses

c) shorts and T-shirts

3. What does she wear for parties or special occasions? She wears…

Página 38
a) a tracksuit

b) a dress or a skirt and blouse

c) a raincoat

4. Does she like casual clothes?

a) Yes, she does

b) No, she doesn’t

5. Why doesn’t she like rainy days? Because…

a) she doesn’t like the rain

b) she hates to wear wellingtons

c) she hates to wear a raincoat and carry an umbrella

6. What did Adam buy last Saturday? He bought…

a) a shirt

b) a pair of baggy trousers

c) a pair of boots

7. Why doesn´t Susan buy expensive clothes? Because…

a) she doesn't have much extra money

b) she never goes shopping

c) she buys in the sales

8. How they feel about their new clothes?

a) They don’t like them

b) They feel comfortable

c) They are looking forward to wear them

Página 39


Grumpy Gruñon Grumpy was one of the seven dwarves
Chicken Pollo I love chicken
Carrot Zanahoria Carrots are rabits favorite meal
Yogurt Yogur Yogurt is very healthy
Green beans Judías verdes I'm cooking green beans with potatoes
Tray bandeja Bring your tray to the kitchen
Suddenly de pronto, de repente Suddenly, it started to rain.
ankle tobillo He broke his ankle playing tennis
bride novia (en la ceremonia de boda) The bride was wearing a wonderful dress
groom novio (en la ceremonia de boda) The groom was five minutes late!
straight recto, derecho Go straight to the point, please
almost casi He is almost 15 years old
argument discusión, pelea After a long argument, they decided to split up
split up romper (con la pareja) After a long argument, they decided to split up
to go shopping ir de compras I love going shopping
centro comercial Mall is the American word for shopping centre
almost casi I go to the cinema almost every Saturday
to wear llevar puesto William is wearing a tie.
only sólo I only want a sandwich for lunch.
comfortable cómodo My new sofa is very comfortable.
high heeled
zapato de tacón I´m looking for a pair of high heeled shoes.
casual informal Casual clothing is allowed at this job.
sporty deportivo My brother loves sporty cars.
to carry llevar (un bolso, un paraguas) The bag he´s carrying is very heavy
until hasta I´ll be here until 3.
baggy holgado Baggy trousers are recommended
pocket bolsillo I´m sure I have some money in my pocket
zip cremallera The zip of my trousers is broken.
to try on probar (una prenda de ropa) Would you like to try it on?
cool coloquial “molón”, genial That´s cool, mate!
full of lleno de The shop was full of clothes
expensive caro My dad´s car is really expensive
to look tener muchas ganas de algo,
Looking forward to hearing from you!
forward to desear algo
to mug atracar, asaltar, robar He was mugged in the city centre
to catch hold
agarrar con fuerza Djwhal Khul caught hold of his hand
His neighbor Thomas snatched the letter from his
to snatch robar, arrebatar

Página 40
a thief ladrón Last night a thief broke into my house
to manage lograr, gestionar, arreglárselas He's clever at managing people
road trip viaje por carretera Last summer we made a road trip in Canada
twice dos veces I swim twice a week.
once una vez Once upon a time, a Danish prince...
doorbell timbre de la puerta Toll the doorbell just once.
mobile/cellular teléfono móvil I have got a new mobile

How’s your lunch? ¿Qué tal está tu almuerzo?
It smells great Huele de maravilla
She even noticed my new shirt Ella incluso se dio cuenta de mi camiseta nueva
To let them know… Para hacerles saber…
once/ twice / three times a day una /dos / tres veces al día
Can/May I help you? ¿Puedo ayudarle?
Yes, please. I’m looking for… Sí por favor. Estoy buscando…
What size do you want? ¿Qué talla quiere?
Estoy buscando una talla pequeña/ mediana/
I’m looking for a small/ medium/ large size
What colour are you looking for? ¿Qué color está buscando?
What colour do you prefer? ¿Qué color prefiere?
What colour would you like? ¿Qué color quiere?
The changing rooms are over there. Los probadores están allí
Can I try it on? ¿Me lo puedo probar?
Have you got a bigger/smaller one? ¿Tiene una talla más pequeña/ más grande?
Have you got the next size up / down? ¿Tiene una talla más/menos?
Have you got it in blue? ¿Lo tiene en azul?
They fit great. Le sientan genial.
It fits you. (the right size) Le queda bien (la talla adecuada).
It suits you. (the right 'look' for you) Le queda bien (es el “look” correcto)
I’d like blue/ red/ green/ black Querría azul/ rojo/ verde/ negro
Me lo llevo/ Me los llevo, por favor (lo quiero
I'll take it / them please. (I want to buy it / them)
I'll leave it / them thanks. (I don't want to buy it / Lo dejo/ Los dejo, gracias (No, quiero
them) comprarlos)
Would you like to pay with credit card or with
¿Quiere pagar con tarjeta o en efectivo?
How much is it? ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Do you take/ accept credit card? ¿Acepta tarjeta de crédito?
twice a day dos veces al día

Página 41






She lives in NY
I don’t like ice cream
They have got a dog
He is not tired
We don’t live in Spain
Has he got a car?
Are they happy?
Does he like dogs?
Carol doesn’t go to the cinema
Do they live near the hospital?



Página 42
Igrid is playing football tomorrow

I am not studying English next year

Are you going out tonight ?

Chris is not coming to the party on Saturday

What are you doing on Friday night ?




Tomorrow I am going to watch TV in the evening.

At the weekend I am going to clean the house.
On Monday I am going to study English


I am not going to do my homework.

Mark is not going to buy a new motorbike.


Are you going to meet your friends on Saturday night?

Is Karen going to have a baby?


1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. B



7. Look at those clouds, it is going to rain.

Página 43
8. Can't you open the box? Don't worry, I will open it for you.
9. We won’t be in time for the show if we don't hurry!
10. The cat has been sick for a few days so I am going to take it to the vet.
11. This year I will win the lottery for sure.
12. In 2060 the president of America will be a woman.



1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C




1. Made
2. Bought
3. Wrote
4. Swam
5. Drank
6. Broke
7. Spent


1. Saw
2. Bought
3. Ate
4. Drank
5. Laughed
6. Was
7. Did
8. Jumped
9. Rode

Página 44
10. Had


2. Jean cleaned the house

3. Jean fed the cat
4. Jean did not telephone Mary
5. Jean did not watch a film
6. Jean visited her grandparents
7. Jean made them a cake



Help Helped 1 Smile Smiled 2

Save Saved 2 Laugh Laughed 2
Look Looked 1 Cry Cried 3
Listen Listened 2 Taste Tasted 3
Hope Hoped 1 Paint Painted 3
Like Liked 1 Pull Pulled 2
Talk Talked 1 Push Pushed 2
Play Played 3 Turn Turned 2
Watch Watched 1 Switch on Switched on 1
Kiss Kissed 2 Tidy Tidied 3
Work Worked 1 cook Cooked 1



1. Was living
2. Was shining
3. Was trying
4. Were running
5. Were studying
6. Was dying


1. Was wearing

Página 45
2. Was reading

3. Was painting

4. Was baking

5. Was working


1. Were you doing

2. Was it raining

3. Were you driving

4. Was your sister cooking


1. C

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. B




1. A
2. C
3. B
4. F
5. D
6. E

Página 46

I ___saw____ Jerry in town this morning but he __didn’t see_______me. In fact, he

____walked______ straight past me, I _was going_______ into the bank as he __was
coming_______out. He __was walking_________ very quickly and not looking where
he __was going_________. He almost __bumped____into me. He ___was
talking________to someone on his phone. I think he _____was having____ an
argument, he _sounded______ very angry. Like a lot of people when they talk on their
mobile, he __was talking________ rather loudly and everybody could hear what he
_was saying_______.



1. Yesterday
2. since last month
3. tomorrow
4. Finally
5. Now


7. they / on /always/ holiday/ are

>> they are always on holiday

2. hard/ test/ often / students/ study/ for/ a

>> students study often hard for a test

3. my / weekend/ father/ the/ usually/ at/ work/ doesn't

>> my father doesn’t work usually at the weekend

4. in the kitchen / Sally/ carefully/ all morning/ worked

>>Sally worked all the morning carefully in the kitchen

5. hardly ever/ class/ Sam/ comes /to.

>> Sam comes hardly ever to class

6. solved/ Peter/ easily/ the / problem

Página 47
>> Peter solved easily the problem



1. B
2. B
3. A


1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C

Página 48

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