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Draft essay: Nelson Mandela

Where globalization means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now
have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the
poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal

Nelson Mandela Commented [u1]: Si pones una frase de Mandela siempre

pon entre comillas para que se entienda que es una frase
Many people believe that Mandela is one of the great moral and political y creo que es mejor que saques otra frase ms relacionada a
leaders, also considerate by them as an international hero whose lifelong la igualdad (discriminacin) y esta no tiene mucho que ver.

dedication to fight against racial oppression. Along this essay I will

demonstrate that Mandela did the right thing by fighting for what he believed
while presenting important things that Nelson Mandela did in South Africa and
showing the influence he has in our actual society. I will argue that Mandela Commented [u2]: Estos son los aspectos de tu ensayo, se
did the right thing by fighting for what he believed in. ms especfica no solo digas lo que hizo por frica si o que
pon las cosas que hizo por acabar por el racismo en frica .
To begin with; Mandela far from succumbing to the absolutism racist Y usa los aspectos como una forma de probaar tu hiptesis.

government; he organized a rebellion of nonviolent civil disobedience. After Commented [u3]: Esta es la hiptesis (lo que tratas de
demostrar) de tu ensayo, en vez de argue pon algo como
years of struggle against apartheid leaders wanted to end the resistance, probe, demostrate
carrying Mandela and other activists organizing an armed struggle from
Commented [u4]: Esto se supone que es de lo que t
secrecy. After that, he became a member of the African National Congress and quieres convencer a travs de tu ensayo, ponlo antes de los
actively worked to abolish apartheid policies of National Party in power. aspectos.
Another thing is that he built a new international image for South Africa,
managing to persuade multinational corporations to remain and invest in the
country. Commented [u5]: 1.- En cada prrafo de los aspecto
debes escribir una conclusin acerca de lo que escribiste, en
On the other hand, many people claim that Mandela didnt do enough to fight este caso sera como sus acciones ayudaron a frica y
against serious issues such as crime, corruption scandals in the ANC and porque consideras que fueron importantes.

AIDS, despite all Mandelas life demands that we take critical lessons from it-
lessons in the essence of extremely effective leadership, this are often framed
as manifestos in grace, humility, strength and forgiveness and some people
state that Nelson Mandela represented the purest form of all of these
characterizations. Commented [u6]: Tu segundo aspecto es la influencia de
Mandela ahora, escribe sobre eso si no por qu lo
In conclusion, many people feel that Mandela is a symbol of human rights also mencionas en la introduccin?... en este prrafo habla sobre
that it was unconditional love that allowed him to save and transform South su legado, sirvi lo que hizo? La gente en Sudfrica como lo
considera? Y alrededor del mundo? Habla acerca de su
Africa. It seems to me that everyone should be treated equally under the law importancia en estos tiempos y no te olvides de una
because we are all equal before God and forgiveness is something extremely conclusin.
special which we are given, and something precious we are to replicate to
others. Commented [u7]: En la conclusin final debes unir las
conclusiones de los prrafos de los aspectos y hacer una
There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass nueva final conclusin, aqu adems debes probar tu
through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the hiptesis entonces explica que lo que l hizo ayudo a frica
por muchas razones y que eso mejoro muchas cosas en el
mountaintop of our desires. pas y fue motivado por lo que el crea que era la igualdad..
eso escribe en la conclusin
Nelson Mandela
Commented [u8]: De nuevo usa y es mejor o iniciar
con una frase o terminar con una, sino puede ser
demasiadas frases y no te olvides NUNCA de escribir la
bibliografa as no copies textualmente.

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