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Eje del mal y la Guerra contra el terrorismo

Tras la Guerra de 2001 en Afganistn, el presidente de Estados Unidos George W. Bush situ a
Iraq dentro de lo que denomin como eje del mal, acusando al rgimen de Saddam Hussein de
tener gran cantidad de armas de destruccin masiva, de tener vnculos con Al Qaeda, y de ser
un peligro inminente para la Humanidad. Acusaciones que fueron fuertemente contestadas por
algunos polticos, ciudadanos y expertos que se oponan a los planes de invasin de Iraq.
El 29 de noviembre de 2001 se aprobaba la lista de artculos que las prximas inspecciones
examinaran y su procedimiento de anlisis, y fijaba en el 30 de mayo de 2002 la fecha en la que
se comenzara a aplicar. Asimismo se subrayaba la obligacin de Iraq de cooperar con la
aplicacin de las resoluciones.
Se forma la coalicin
Tras presionar al Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, incluso con la presentacin de
pruebas, algunas de las cuales resultaron ser falsas, para que aprobara una resolucin
apoyando explcitamente la invasin, el presidente de los Estados Unidos, George Bush recab
el apoyo de un grupo de pases para formar una alianza que invadiese Iraq para derrocar al
gobierno de Saddam Hussein. Esta coalicin, que recibi el nombre de Coalicin de la voluntad,
estaba formada por pases como los propios Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido, Espaa, Portugal,
Italia, Polonia, Dinamarca, Australia o Hungra. Recibi tambin el apoyo de la Repblica Checa,
Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, los estados blticos de Estonia, Letonia y Lituania, las islas
mediterrneas de Malta y Chipre; el estado de Israel o el de Kuwait. Europa estuvo dividida entre
partidarios y detractores. As, Francia, Alemania y Rusia manifestaron su total oposicin a
medidas de fuerza contra Iraq y fueron partidarios de una salida negociada a la crisis. Francia,
miembro permanente del Consejo de Seguridad, abogaba por la continuidad de la labor de los
inspectores y anunci su intencin de vetar cualquier documento que legitimase explcitamente
el ataque.
El 16 de marzo de 2003, se produjo la Cumbre de las Azores, donde los lderes de los Estados
Unidos, Reino Unido, Espaa y Portugal anunciaron un ultimtum al rgimen de Saddam
Hussein para que procediera al desarme.
La reaccin de la opinin pblica mundial fue abrumadoramente contraria, hacindose notar
especialmente en las manifestaciones mundiales contra la guerra de Iraq, pero no fue tenida en
cuenta por la alianza.
El entonces jefe del ejecutivo espaol, Jos Mara Aznar, aludi a que la intervencin responda
a la conviccin generalizada de que aquel rgimen constitua una amenaza para sus vecinos y
para los propios pases occidentales. Record que en ocasiones las intervenciones militares se
hacen bajo el mandato de la ONU, como en el caso de Afganistn en 2002, y en otras ocasiones,
sin mandato expreso de Naciones Unidas, como en el caso de la Guerra de Bosnia en 1992.
Afirm tambin que Espaa no particip en esa guerra sino que nicamente apoy a los aliados,
pero que en ningn caso el ejrcito espaol particip de la invasin.
Defensa del dlar
Muchos analistas coinciden en afirmar que la verdadera razn para la invasin de Iraq fue la
decisin de Saddam Hussein de cotizar el petrleo en euros y exigir que ste se pagara en la

divisa europea y no en dlares. La medida de Saddam Hussein, en el 2000 desat una guerra de
divisas entre el euro y el dlar constituyndose en el primer desafo a la hegemona del dlar
como moneda de reserva internacional. Algunos economistas creen que un desplazamiento de
las reservas internacionales de los pases hacia otra divisa diferente al dlar tendra un gran
impacto sobre la economa estadounidense peor que la destruccin causada por una guerra.
Los primeros bombardeos
Un percance oblig a replantear los planes de invasin al negrsele al ejrcito estadounidense la
entrada desde Turqua lo que hubiera permitido realizar una rpida maniobra en tenaza para
tomar Bagdad. A pesar de todo, fuerzas especiales tomaron contacto con las milicias kurdas y se
plane un ataque coordinado de los guerrilleros desde el norte con apoyo de tropas
aerotransportadas siempre y cuando las operaciones en el sur marcharan segn lo previsto.
La invason empez con bombardeos sobre Bagdad mediante misiles Tomahawks y
cazabombarderos. Posteriormente se adentr en el desierto una columna invasora
estadounidense formada por numerosos tanques Abrams, vehculos blindados Humvee y
helicpteros artillados Apache y Blackhawk. Los Royal Marines britnicos por su parte tenan
como objetivo principal la toma de Bassora, la segunda ciudad ms populosa del pas.
Encontraron poca resistencia principalmente concentrada en UM Qasr puerto clave para afianzar
la entrada de tropas y pertrechos que se tom en seguida. Los americanos avanzaron rpido sin
apenas oposicin destacable hasta la llegada al puente de Nasiriya, punto donde el ejrcito
iraqu esperaba detener las fuerzas invasoras. Las bajas para la coalicin fueron ah mucho ms
importantes llegando a superar la treintena de muertos. De Nasirya llegaron las primeras
imgenes de americanos abatidos. A pesar del tiempo perdido en ese punto, la resistencia iraqu
pronto fue doblegada y el largo convoy invasor prosigui su travesa por el desierto. Al llegar a
los tan temidos anillos defensivos de la guardia republicana iraqu apenas s se encontr
oposicin destacable, seguramente debido a los demoledores bombardeos americanos contra
las lneas iraques y a la desercin masiva de las fuerzas iraques. Se tom en seguida el
aeropuerto de Bagdad y tras unas incursiones de tanteo con columnas de blindados a travs de
sus calles se tom la decisin de entrar en bloque y tomar la capital la cual cay sin resistencia
La ONU reconoce la autoridad
El 22 de mayo de 2003, dos meses despus de la invasin, el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU
reafirmaba la importancia de eliminar las armas de destruccin en masa iraques, de confirmar el
desarme de Iraq y de que los responsables del anterior rgimen iraqu rindieran cuentas por sus
crmenes y atrocidades. Adems, en esa resolucin reconoca la autoridad, la responsabilidad y
las obligaciones de Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido como potencias ocupantes bajo un mando
unificado e instaba a todos los Estados miembros de la ONU a colaborar para la reconstruccin y
rehabilitacin de la infraestructura econmica del pas. [15]
El conflicto fue breve, y con mnimas bajas para los ejrcitos invasores, debido en parte a la
enorme desigualdad entre los ejrcitos implicados: como consecuencia de una dcada de
embargo, Iraq careca de defensas antiareas, y su ejrcito y economa estaban en psimas
condiciones. En ningn momento del conflicto el ejrcito iraqu utiliz nada que se pareciera a un
arma de destruccin masiva, aunque s trajes ABQ.

Durante las operaciones militares de la invasin murieron 140 norteamericanos y 33 britnicos.

Por lo que respecta al bando iraqu no se sabe con exactitud pero se calcula que varios miles.
El 16 de octubre de ese mismo ao, el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU autoriz a una fuerza
multinacional bajo mando unificado a tomar las medidas necesarias para contribuir al
mantenimiento de la seguridad y la estabilidad de Iraq e instaba a los Estados Miembros a que
prestasen su asistencia, incluidas explcitamente las fuerzas militares, a dicha fuerza
multinacional. [16]
Adems, ese mismo da, El Consejo de Seguridad acogi favorablemente la respuesta positiva
de la comunidad internacional, en foros como la Liga rabe, la Organizacin de la Conferencia
Islmica, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas y la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas
para la Educacin, la Ciencia y la Cultura al establecimiento de un Consejo de Gobierno
ampliamente representativo, como paso importante hacia un gobierno representativo y
reconocido internacionalmente.
Daos a civiles
El proceso de invasin produjo mltiples bajas civiles a pesar de la utilizacin de los llamados
"misiles inteligentes", lo que para unos es considerado un fracaso de su capacidad, y para otros
daos colaterales inevitables en todo conflicto militar. La revista britnica "The Lancet" cifraba en
octubre de 2006 en ms de 650.000 las bajas iraques desde la invasin, la inmensa mayora de
ellas civiles. En esas cifras se incluye a las vctimas de ataques y a los afectados por
malnutricin y enfermedades derivadas de la destruccin de infraestructuras civiles.
Aparte, se ha denunciado y probado el uso de armas prohibidas por parte del ejrcito
estadounidense, tales como bombas de racimo lanzadas sobre Bagdad o las bombas
incendiarias arrojadas contra la ciudad de Faluya.
Muchas viviendas civiles y algunos hospitales fueron afectados por la lluvia de fuego y algunas
ambulancias con heridos civiles fueron alcanzadas por proyectiles del ejrcito estadounidense.
Adicionalmente, museos y edificios considerados Patrimonio Histrico de la Humanidad se vieron
afectados por las explosiones o saqueados por grupos de civiles iraques en medio del caos
reinante durante el asedio y la posterior toma de Bagdad. El investigador venezolano, Fernando
Bez, estima que un milln de libros, diez millones de documentos y 14.000 piezas de arte se
perdieron durante la invasin. No obstante, fuentes rabes estiman que la cifra es excesiva y que
solo 170.000 piezas de todo tipo fueron robadas del Museo Nacional de Arqueologa de Bagdad,
tras la toma de esa ciudad por fuerzas norteamericanas el 9 de abril de 2003. El arpa de Ur, uno
de los primeros instrumentos musicales construidos por el hombre, fue destrozado por
saqueadores para robar los materiales preciosos de que estaba hecha. Es muy probable que los
soldados americanos hicieran la vista gorda ante los saqueos o incluso participaran en ellos.
Los invasores entraron en las ciudades, disparando a militares y milicianos. Las tropas
estadounidenses mataron, segn ellos accidentalmente, a los periodistas Tarek Ayub de AlYazira, al cmara de televisin Jos Couso de la cadena espaola Telecinco y al ucraniano Taras
Protsiuk de la agencia de noticias Reuters. Estos dos ltimos fallecieron por el disparo de un
tanque estadounidense contra el Hotel Palestina.
Los miembros de la dotacin del carro de combate sealaron en todo momento que recibieron
disparos desde el hotel y que, debido a la confusin, desconocan la existencia de periodistas y

que ellos vieron un hombre con algo al hombro (la cmara) que ellos identificaron como un
lanzamisiles. Sin embargo, el Hotel Palestina siempre estuvo bien sealizado y el ejrcito de los
EEUU garantiz desde el inicio de las operaciones la seguridad del edificio y de los que
estuviesen dentro, adems, las grabaciones demuestran que el tanque permaneci apuntando a
la ventana del hotel durante varios minutos antes de disparar y los ocupantes del hotel han
atestiguado, sin excepcin, que no se haba odo ni un solo disparo en la zona. No obstante,
tribunales de justicia de Estados Unidos (2004) y de Espaa (2006) han archivado el caso, que
ha sido considerado un accidente fortuito, dando la razn a los militares. Actualmente un tribunal
civil espaol ha puesto una orden de "Bsqueda y captura" internacional contra los ocupantes
del tanque y su inmediato superior, aunque el gobierno de EE.UU ya ha anunciado que no
permitir que sean detenidos en ningn pas.
El mando aliado haba advertido de que no se responsabilizaba de la seguridad de los
corresponsales destacados en Iraq, salvo los que acompaaban a sus tropas, tras haber recibido
un breve adiestramiento militar y haberse comprometido a cumplir unas condiciones en sus
movimientos y transmisiones (llamados periodistas empotrados o incrustados -embedded en
ingls-). Por otro lado un misil iraqu, certeramente lanzado hacia un centro de mando
estadounidense, mat a un soldado y al periodista espaol Julio Anguita Parrado, hijo del poltico
espaol Julio Anguita.
La postguerra
Tras la derrocamiento del rgimen de Saddam Hussein, la coalicin liderada por Estados Unidos
proclam su victoria. La primera medida de las fuerzas ocupantes fue la disolucin del ejrcito y
la polica iraques, lo que provoc graves problemas de inseguridad.
A pesar del gran xito militar de la invasin en s, se ha producido una larga posguerra que dura
hasta la actualidad y el ejrcito anglonorteamericano ha sufrido gran cantidad de bajas entre
muertos y heridos en un continuo goteo a manos de la resistencia iraqu y grupos extranjeros
venidos a combatir contra los americanos. Las armas del ejrcito regular fueron esparcidas
tiempo antes entre los resistentes y gran parte de oficiales y militares del antiguo ejrcito iraqu
que sin trabajo ni sueldo se dedican a trabajar como mercenarios para los grupos antiocupacin.
La gestin posterior de la ocupacin arroja un saldo, a da de hoy, de ms de 2.700 muertos
estadounidenses, ms de 110 britnicos y ms de 100 muertos de otros pases que se sumaron
a la ocupacin tras la victoria aliada. Todo eso sin contar con los miles de heridos y lisiados de
guerra. Las bajas de la insurgencia no tienen una cifra oficial, pero se calcula que multiplican por
diez a las aliadas.
El Iraq ocupado se ha convertido en un polo de atraccin para musulmanes de todo el mundo
que vienen a combatir en la yihad. A consecuencia de esto, no solo no se han reducido las
actividades terroristas en el mundo sino que, de hecho, se han incrementando ahora azuzadas
por el apoyo de EEUU y sus aliados a la ocupacin de Cisjordania por parte de Israel y la de los
propios EEUU a Iraq y Afganistn. Si antes solo exista un foco de tensin a orillas del Jordn
ahora existe otro mucho mayor a orillas del Tigris y el ufrates. Se esperaba que las
exportaciones de crudo iraqu permitieran a la coalicin anglo-norteamericana enjuagar en parte
el elevado coste de la invasin y de la ocupacin, sin embargo, los constantes sabotajes de las
lneas de suministro as como los ataques a las empresas encargadas de su extraccin
imposibilitan que se llegue siquiera a los niveles de extraccin en que se encontraba bajo el
rgimen de Saddam Hussein. El resultado de todas estas acciones ha revertido en una mayor

inseguridad ciudadana que es vctima tanto del pillaje incontrolado que desborda a una polica
iraqu bastante incapaz as como de los ataques de las fuerzas de la resistncia.
Tambin el terrorismo islmico ha usado Iraq como argumento en sus ataques a Madrid y
Londres. Actualmente, todos los pases que mantienen tropas en ese pas siguen en la lista de
objetivos de la organizacin terrorista Al-Qaeda y estn bajo amenaza de ataque.

Axis of badly and the War against the terrorism

After the War of 2001 in Afghanistan, president of the United States George W. Bush located to
Iraq within which he denominated like axis of badly, accusing the regime of Saddam Hussein to
have great amount of arms of massive destruction, to have bonds with A the Qaeda, and of being
an imminent danger for the Humanity. Accusations that strongly were answered by some
politicians, citizens and experts who were against the plans of invasion of Iraq. The 29 of
November of 2001 the next article list was approved that the inspection would examine and their
procedure of analysis, and fixed to the 30 of May of 2002 the date in which it would be begun to
apply. Also the obligation of Iraq was emphasized to cooperate with the application of the
The coalition forms
After pressing to the Security Council of United Nations, even with the presentation of tests, some
of which turned out to be false, so that the invasion approved a resolution supporting explicitly,
the president of the United States, George Bush successfully obtained the support of a group of
countries to form an alliance that invaded Iraq to overthrow the government of Saddam Hussein.
This coalition, that received the name of Coalition of the will, was formed by countries like the
own United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Denmark, Australia or
Hungary. It also received the support of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Baltic states
of Estonia, Latvia and Lituania, the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Cyprus; the state of Israel
or the one of Kuwait. Europe was divided between 6 detractive those in favor and. Thus, France,
Germany and Russia showed their total opposition to measures of force against Iraq and were in
favor of a negotiated exit to the crisis. France, permanent member of the Security Council,
pleaded for the continuity of the work of the inspectors and announced its intention to veto any
document that legitimized the attack explicitly. The 16 of March of 2003, the Summit of Azores
took place, where the leaders of the United States, United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal
announced a ultimtum to the regime of Saddam Hussein so that he came to the disarmament.
The reaction of world-wide the public opinion was overwhelmingly opposite, being made notice
specially in the world-wide manifestations against the war of Iraq, but it was not considered by the
alliance. The then head of the Spanish executive, Jose Maria Aznar, alluded to that the
intervention responded to the generalized conviction that that regime constituted a threat for its
neighbors and the own western countries. It remembered that sometimes the armed interventions
become under the mandate of the UN, as in the case of Afghanistan in 2002, and other
occasions, without express mandate of United Nations, as in the case of the War of Bosnia in
1992. It also affirmed that Spain did not participate in that war but that it supported solely to the
allies, but that in no case the Spanish army participated in the invasion.

Defense of the dollar

Many analysts agree in affirming that the true reason for the invasion of Iraq was the decision of
Saddam Hussein to quote petroleum in euros and to demand that this one was paid in the
European currency and not in dollars. The measurement of Saddam Hussein, in the 2000 untied
to a currency war between euro and the dollar constituting itself in the first challenge to the
hegemony of the dollar like currency of international reserve. Some economists think that a
displacement of the international reserves of the countries towards another currency different
from the dollar would have a great impact on the American economy worse than the destruction
caused by a war.
The first bombings
A mishap forced to reframe the plans of invasion when denying him to it to the American army the
entrance from Turkey which had allowed to make a fast maneuver in pliers to take Bagdad. In
spite of everything, special forces took contact with the Kurd military services and an attack
coordinated of the guerrillas was planned from the north with support of airborne troops as long
as the operations in the south marched as planned. Invason began with bombings on Bagdad by
means of Tomahawks missiles and fighter bombers. Later a American invading column formed by
numerous Abrams tanks was entered in the desert, armored vehicles Humvee and equipped with
artillery helicopters Apache and Blackhawk. The Royal Marines British on the other hand had as
primary target the taking of Bassora, the second more populated city of the country. They mainly
found little resistance concentrated in UM Qasr key port to strengthen the entrance of troops and
equipments that was taken immediately. The Americans advanced express without hardly
remarkable opposition until the arrival to the bridge of Nasiriya, point where the Iraqian army
hoped to stop the aggressor forceses. The low ones for the coalition were much more important
there getting to surpass the dead some thirty. From Nasirya the first images of downcast
Americans arrived. To weighing del lost time in that point, the Iraqian resistance soon was folded
and the long invading convoy continued its passage by the desert. When arriving at so feared
defensive ring of the Iraqian republican guard as soon as yes was remarkable opposition, surely
due to the demolishing American bombings against the Iraqian lines and to the massive desertion
of the Iraqian forces. The airport was taken immediately from Bagdad and after incursions of
rough estimate with armored columns of through its streets the decision was taken to enter block
and to take the capital which fell without resistance some.
The ONU recognizes the authority
The 22 of May of 2003, two months after the invasion, the Security Council of the UN reaffirmed
the importance of eliminating the Iraqian weapons of mass destruction, to confirm the
disarmament of Iraq and of which the people in charge of the previous Iraqian regime rendered
accounts by their crimes and atrocities. In addition, in that resolution he recognized the authority,
the responsibility and the obligations of the United States and the United Kingdom as powers
occupants under an unified command and urged to all the States members of the UN to
collaborate on the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the economic infrastructure of pas.[15 ] the
conflict were brief, and with minimum losses for the invading armies, had partly to the enormous
inequality between the implied armies: as a result of one decade of embargo, Iraq lacked air
defenses, and their army and economy were in terrible conditions. At no moment of the conflict
the Iraqian army yes used nothing that was looked like a weapon of massive destruction,
although suits ABQ. During the combat operations of the invasion 140 North Americans and 33
British died. With regards to the Iraqian side he does not know himself with exactitude but one

calculates that several thousands. The 16 of October of that same year, the Security Council of
the UN authorized to a multinational force under unified command to take the measures
necessary to contribute to the observance of safety requirements and the stability of Iraq and
explicitly urged to the States Members to that they lent his attendance, including the troopses, to
this multinational force. [ 16 ] In addition, that same day, the Security Council favorably welcomed
the positive answer of the international community, in forums like Arab Liga, the Organization of
the Islamic Conference, the General Assembly of the United Nations and the United Nations for
the Education, Science and the Culture to the establishment of an Advice of widely representative
Government, like important step towards a government representative and recognized
Damages to civilians
The process of civil low invasion produced manifold in spite of the use of the calls "intelligent
missiles", which stops is considered a failure of its capacity, and for other inevitable collateral
damages in all military conflict. The British magazine "The Lancet" based in October of 2006 in
more than the 650,000 low Iraqians from the invasion, the immense majority of civil them. In
those numbers it is included to the victims of attacks and affected by malnutricin and the
diseases derived from the civil infrastructure destruction. Aside, it has been denounced and
proven the use of arms prohibited on the part of the American army, such as pumps of cluster
sent on Bagdad or the dropped incendiary bombs against the city of Faluya. Many civil houses
and some hospitals were affected in the fire rain and some ambulances with civil wounded were
reached about projectiles of the American army. , museums and buildings additionally considered
Historical Patrimony of the Humanity were affected by the explosions or sacked by groups of
Iraqian civilians in the middle of the ruling chaos during the siege and the later taking of Bagdad.
The Venezuelan investigator, Fernando Bez, esteem that a million books, ten million documents
and 14,000 pieces of art were lost during the invasion. However, Arab sources consider that the
number is excessive and that single 170,000 pieces of all type were robbed of the National
Museum of Archaeology of Bagdad, after the taking of that city by North American forces the 9 of
April of 2003. The ARPA of Ur, one of the first musical instruments constructed by the man, was
destroyed by plunderers to rob the precious materials of which it was done. It is very probable
that the American soldiers made the fat Vista before the sackings or they even participated in
them. The invaders entered the cities, shooting to the military and milicianos. The American
troops killed, according to them accidentally, to journalists Tarek Ayub de Al-Yazira, to the camera
of television Jose Couso of the Spanish chain Telecinco and to the ucraniano Taras Protsiuk of
the agency of the Reuters news. These two last ones passed away by the firing of a American
tank against the Palestine Hotel. The members of the dowry of the car battle indicated at any
moment that they received firings from the hotel and that, due to the confusion, did not know the
existence of journalists and who they saw a man with something the shoulder (the camera) that
they identified like a missile launcher. Nevertheless, the Palestine Hotel always well was
signalized and the army of the U.S.A. guaranteed from the beginning of the operations the
security of the building and of which they were inside, in addition, the recordings demonstrate that
the tank remained aiming at the window of the hotel during several minutes before shooting and
the occupants of the hotel have testified, without exception, that had not heard nor a single firing
in the zone. However, courts of justice of the United States (2004) and Spain (2006) have filed
the case, that he has been considered a fortuitous accident, giving the reason to the military. At
the moment a Spanish civil court has put an order of "Search and captures" international against
the occupants of the immediate tank and their superior one, although the government of the
U.S.A. already has announced who will not allow that they are stopped in no country. The allied
control had warned that it did not take responsibility of the security of the outstanding

correspondents in Iraq, except for which they accompanied his troops, after to have received a
brief military training and to have itself it jeopardize to fulfill conditions in its movements and
transmissions (calls embedded or inlaid journalists - embedded in English -). On the other hand
an Iraqian missile, accurately sent towards a American control center, killed to a soldier and the
Spanish journalist Julio Anguita Parrado, son of the Spanish politician Julio Anguita.
The postwar period
After the overthrow of the regime of Saddam Hussein, the coalition led by the United States
proclaimed its victory. The first measurement of the forces occupants was the dissolution of the
Iraqian army and the police, which caused serious problems of insecurity. In spite of the great
military success of the invasion in himself, one long postwar period has taken place that lasts until
the present time and the Anglo-American army has undergone great amount of losses between
dead and hurt in a continuous dripping at hands of the Iraqian resistance and foreign groups
come to fight against the Americans. The arms of the regular army were scattered time before
between resistant and the great part of officials and the military of the old Iraqian army who
without work nor pay dedicate themselves to work like mercenarios for the groups antioccupation.
The later management of the occupation throws a balance, to day of today, more than 2,700 died
American, more than 110 British and more than 100 died of other countries that were added to
the occupation after the allied victory. All that without counting with the thousands of wounded
and disabled military. The losses of the insurgency do not have an official number, but it
calculates that they multiply by ten to the allies. Occupied Iraq has become a pole of attraction for
Muslims worldwide who come to fight in yihad. As a result of this, nonsingle the terrorist activities
in the world have not been reduced but that, in fact, is being increased now urged on by the
support of the U.S.A. and its allies to the occupation of Cisjordania on the part of Israel and the
one from the own U.S.A. to Iraq and Afghanistan. If before single a center of tension to borders of
the Jordn existed now exists other much greater to borders of Tigris and ufrates. One hoped
that the exports of crude Iraqian allowed the Anglo-American coalition to partly rinse the high cost
of the invasion and the occupation, nevertheless, the constant sabotages of the lines of provision
as well as the attacks to the companies in charge of their extraction disable that it is arrived at
least at the extraction levels in which was under the regime of Saddam Hussein. The result of all
these actions has reverted in a greater citizen insecurity than she is victim as much of the
uncontrolled looting that it overflows to a quite incapable Iraqian police as well as of the attacks of
the forces of the resistncia. Also the Islamic terrorism has used Iraq as argument in its attacks to
Madrid and London. At the moment, all the countries that maintain troops in that country follow in
the list of objectives of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda and are under attack threat

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