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Lic. Jos Trinidad Viesca Ramrez

Alumno: Jos Guillermo Hernndez Daz Ciclo: Julio-Agosto Clave:33111050 Horario: 7:00 pm- 8:40 pm Carrera: LPM

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NDICE INTRODUCCIN-----------------------------------------------------------------INFORMACIN INSTITUCIONAL-------------------------------------------Misin:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visin:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Filosofa Institucional:------------------------------------------------------------ACTIVIDADES DE APRENDIZAJE-------------------------------------------PERFIL DESCRIPTIVO----------------------------------------------------------EJEMPLO DE EJERCICIOS DE APRENDIZAJE REALIZADOS POR EL ALUMNO------------------------. SELECCIN DE TRABAJOS ACADMICOS QUE MUESTRAN SU APRENDIZAJE.-----------------------------------------------BIBLIOGRAFA----------------------------------------------------------------------CONCLUSIONES EN EL CURSO---------------------------------------------EVALUACIN-----------------------------------------------------------------------INSTRUMENTOS DE EVALUACIN DEL CURSO-----------------------REFLEXIN FINAL DE LA MATERIA----------------------------------------3 4 4 4 4 5 5 7 26 34 35 36 36 39

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como resultado de su

do globalizado exigen que

rincipal del

progresivamente el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas de orden superior y desarrollar la capacidad de apreciar otros estilos de vida, tradiciones y maneras de pensar. El aprendiza micos, laborales y otros propios del mundo juvenil.

The demands that society imposes on the graduates of the educational system are many and varied. The changes experienced by the country as a result of their increasing participation in the globalized world requires that students graduate with a management of a foreign language to enable them to successfully deal with various communicative situations and at the same time, encourages their active participation in higher education or employment. In this context, the English language is particularly important given its widespread use to the international level, in the field of communications in general and in particular in the commercial, technological and scientific. The main purpose of the English curriculum is to give the students the skills to use language as a tool to enable them to access information and solve simple communicative situations of various kinds, both orally and in writing. It is also an important purpose to promote the development of progressively higher order cognitive skills and develop the ability to appreciate other lifestyles, traditions and ways of thinking. Learning English as a foreign language is therefore the purpose of training and personal growth as well as instrumental purposes order for academic-economic, labor and other things that young people themselves.

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INFORMACIN INSTITUCIONAL Misin: F Visin: Brindar servicios de educacin superior de calidad, en las reas administrativas y sociales. Ofrecer programas de licenciatura, profesional asociado, diplomados y cursos a la comunidad del noroeste de Mxico. Incorporar en tres meses a sus egresados al mercado de trabajo. Modelo educativo profesionalzate. Flexibilidad de su oferta acadmica impartida en ciclos continuos y por horarios y cuotas accesibles. Contar con profesores de amplia experiencia profesional y educativa. Filosofa Institucional: Lealtad: Los integrantes de la comunidad universitaria consideremos la fidelidad como un valor excelso que enaltecemos en nuestro que hacer diario. Justicia: Los integrantes de la comunidad universitaria actuamos con la constante y perpetua voluntad de dar cada cual lo que le corresponde conforme a sus mritos o actos. Honestidad: Los integrantes de la comunidad universitaria actuamos con sinceridad y honradez en nuestras tareas y en congruencia entre los pensamientos, palabras y acciones. Responsabilidad: Los integrantes de la comunidad universitaria llevamos a cabo nuestras actividades con integridad, con sentido del propsito y apegados a los objetivos institucionales. Esfuerzo: Los integrantes de la comunidad universitaria usamos nuestra mxima energa para cumplir con los objetivos trazados. Creatividad: Los integrantes de la comunidad universitaria resolvemos los problemas con imaginacin, conocimientos y con un espritu de mejora continua.

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PERFIL DESCRIPTIVO DE CLASE M AT E R I A : Ingls III HB08 CICLO: Del 16 de julio al 16 de agosto del 2012 H O R A R I O Lunes a jueves 19 21 y 21-23 horas :

M A E S T R O Lic. Jos Trinidad Viesca Ramrez :

O B J E T I V O D E L C U R S O : El alumno aplicar los conocimientos en la estructuracin de ideas en el idioma ingls, lo cual le permitir una m,ayor comprensin y prctica de comunicacin en diversos escenarios de su vida diaria. B I B L I O G R A F A : T O P N O T C H 2 E D I TO R I A L P E A R S O N L O N G MA N ISBN 0-13223044-5 C ALI FIC ACIN ORDIN ARI A (PONDER ACIN) Exmenes parciales(4) Resoluciones 20 % 20 % c/seman varias Informes 10 Examen final escrito 15 % acadmicos % Portafolio de 1 0 Exposiciones 10 evidencias aprend % % 15 Examen final oral % 100 TOTAL %



REGLAS 1. El alumno es responsable de conocer sus faltas y retardos. Entrada: 1 pm. 2 retardos=1 falta. 4 faltas= E.Extraord. 2. El alumno que se sorprenda copiando en exmenes, tareas o trabajos, obtendr cero (0) de calificacin en el curso. 3. Es responsabilidad del estudiante hablar inmediatamente con el maestro cuando tenga problemas con el material de clase, sus calificaciones, etc. De esta manera evitaremos problemas en el fin del ciclo. 4. Slo se justifican inasistencias por un evento organizado por la Universidad, justificado en tiempo y forma. 5. Prohibido traer encendidos telfonos celulares dentro del aula, ni prendido en modo silencioso. 6. No se permite la salida del aula mientras no ha terminado la clase. Se integrar a equipos de trabajo, evitar usar lenguaje vulgar, agresivo o humillante en el saln contra compaeros, aunque se lleven entre s. 7. La clase es de 2 horas con receso de 10 minutos en cada hora o de una hora con cuarenta minutos si no hay receso. 8. No se permiten alimentos ni bebidas dentro del aula, fumar, platicar. Tampoco estar en redes sociales, redactando el portafolio o distrado en asuntos ajenos a la clase. Es obligatorio el respeto y cordialidad entre alumnos y profesor. 9. El alumno deber hablar en ingls lo mximo posible en clase. Habr penalizacin para quien no hable en ingls.

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Debern entregarse en computadora al profesor las tareas, investigaciones, proyectos, portafolio, etc en forma puntual, limpia, con presentacin y de calidad. Entregar copias de exposiciones a sus compaeros en tiempo y forma. 11. Desde el primer da de clase, el alumno traer el libro. En casa escuchar a diario el CD y contestar el Workbook. 12. Lo no previsto, se indicar en el m omento oportuno para el desarrollo ptimo de cada sesin acadmica. Gracias C AL E N D A R I Z A C I N S ESI F ECHA Temas y Sub temas

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Julio 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31 Agosto 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16

Unit 1 Life. Opening. Ice break dynamic. Teams. The Present Perfect Tense. The Present Perfect: Yes/No and information questions. Past participle of regular and irregular verbs. Yet, already, ever and before. Past participle of the verbs. Talk about customs around the world. Talk about tourist activities. Exposition. Team 1 1st. Partial Eval Unit 2. Entertainment. Review of the present perfect. Since and before. Would rather. Give reasons for lateness. Ways to express likes and dislikes. Talk about movies and describe them. Object pronouns. It and them. Exposition. Team 2. 2d. Partial Evaluation Unit 3. Hotels. W w . Had better. Review of have to, must, should and could. Take and leave telephone messages. Talk about hotels, room amenities, services and room features. Exposition. Team 3. 3d. Partial Eval. Unit 4. Resources. The past continuous. Review of the simple past tense. Vehicles: parts of cars and trucks. Report problems with machines. Talk about bad driving behaviors. Transportation and commuting. Sociability: Demonstrate politeness, respond appropriately. Exposition. Team 4. 4th. Partial Evaluation. Unit. 5. Relationships. Count and non count nouns; indefinite quantities and amounts. Portfolio & Project Revision. Some, any, a lot of, many and much. Some one and anyone. Talk about personal care products and salon services. Exposition. Team 5 Roll play: Visiting and exercising in a fitness club/ beauty club. Final Evaluation.

EXAMEN EXTRAORDINARIO: El da 20 de agosto 2012; se indicar Lugar, Fecha y Hora.

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Ejemplo de Ejercicios de Aprendizaje realizados por el Alumno.

Wednesday, july 18th 2012 1. A: have you seen the taj majal? B: I visited india in 2002 the taj majal was fantastic Visit 2. A: has the new restaurant opened? B: no, it Open/not 3 A: Eat 4. A: have they bought their tickets? B: I think so they went to the travel agency last week Go 5. A: have you met the new teacher? B: no. the class has Start/not 6. A: has your daughter been to Europe? B: well, she went to the U.K. last year. Go But she Be/not to any other countries. d ? B: B I ate a big lunch only two hours ago. maybe next week

THUERSDAY July 19, 2012

A: welcome to Rio have you ever been here before? B: B Iw

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It was really beautiful. A: B: A: ?N H I B W I k ? k ?

Monday July 23, 2012 Rules for pronounciation of ending ED in regular verbs

1. If the verb ends t, d, the regular verb is pronounced like id Wanted, needed, painted, added, waited

2. if the verb ends in F, k, P, S, CH, SH, X, the regular verb is pronounced like t. Looked, washed, worked, fixed, kissed, stopped, surfed T t t t t t t

3. If the verb ends in b, g, i (y), l, m, n, r, v, and vowel sound, the regular verb is pronounced like d Called, cleaned, played, changed

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Tuesday July 24, 2012 Unit 2 movies and entertainment Frida M to the screen by director Julie Taynor and / w w D R (A M )K search for her own identity in her paintings is covered in vivid color and with great sensibility Ashley Judd, Antonio Banderas, Geoffrey rush, and Edward Norton also star. Questionnaire 1. Where would you rather see a movie: at home or in the theater? In the home Why? Because is more confortable 2 H F ?N I F S K H kK

Which movie would you rather rent? Explain your choice. The food is better

Lisa -

You can see all the things missed. Dan - I really in the mood for a good classic movie.

And on a big screen! Lisa - much better than on the tube. Dan you know. I never saw Frida did you? Lisa no. I missed it. Dan they say it was great how about it? Lisa actually. Id rather see something el Dan deal! !T w D !

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(F) the theater shows old movies. (F)Dan prefers to rent a video rather than go to the movies (V) Lisa. Has already seen Frida (F) D F

(V) they decide. To see Dracula

About the movie Title: Batman the dark night rises Genre:Action Stars: Christian Bale, Anny Anthaway, Morgan freeman W ?

This the last movie of batman directed for chistopher nolan

Was it good? History What kind of movie was it? Amazing Do you recommend it? Of curse


Comedy, musical, drama,


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Unit 3 staying al hotels Unit GOALS. 1. Leave and take a message 2. checkin 3. Request housekeeping services 4. Choose a hotel

Wednesday August 1, 2012 Conversation A: S B: I ***** B: I S w W k ? I like to speak to Anne smith.

A: yes, please tell her Tim Klein called. Ill meet her at the hotel at three this afternoon. B: is that all? A: yes, thanks.

Exercise Use will and the base form of a verb to talk about the future. S Iw k Ok I (Affirmative) (negative statements)

Rewrite the following future statements and questions using will 1. im going to call her later today Ill go to call her later today


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2 S

She will go to stop at the from desk frist 3. My uncle is meeting my father at the airport He will meet my father at the airport 4. What time does the tour group get back? What time will the tour group get back? 5. When are they going to make the reservation? When will they go to make the reservation? 6. Where is your grandmother staying in Madrid? Where will your grandmother stay in Madrid?

Complete each conversation with HAD BETTER or had better not. Use contractions 1. A: is the museum very far from here? B: yes, it is. You ___ take a taxi 2. A: when does the meeting begin? B: two oclock sharp. We ___ be late. 3. A: it looks like rain. B: well, you ___ walk. Take the bus instead. 4. A: iss already 9:30! Im staruing. B: well, the restaurant closes at 10:30. We had better hurry.

Aux. modals Must M Have to Had better Should/ough to Could =

degrees of obligation


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Tuesday august 7th 2012 Unit 4: cars and driving. Unit goals:

1. describe an accident 2. get service at a service station 3. rent a car 4. understand international driving rules.

Insurance 1. How long does Mr. Ojinuma need the car for? 2. how much will it cost per day? 3. how much does he pay for the reservation?

1. the car rental agent knew mr. Ojinuma was coming for a car. 2. mr Ojinuma needs to show the agent his passport 3. the conservation is in an airport 4. mr. Ojinuma will return the car on august 14 in the morning 5. mr. Ojinuma pays for the car rental with a credit card t t

True false


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Simple past pasado continuo What were you doing last night at eight?

I He She was It

You We They were

WEDNESDAY august 8th 2012 The past continuous Form the past continuous with WAS or WERE ando present perfect What were you doing last night at eight? I was watching tv Was the car making that Norse this morning ? yes, it was w

The past continuous shows an action that continued The simple past tense shows an action that accused and that finished Exercise Complete the paragraph with the past continuous or the simple past tense I had an accident on the way to work. I WAS DRIVING slowly and I thought


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Arteria. ARTERIAL HIGHWAY Autopista. FREEWAY, TURNPIKE Autova. FREEWAY (es decir sin peaje) Calle. STREET Calle Cerrada con Retorno; Fondo de Saco. CUL DE SAC STREET Calle sin salida. DEAD-END STREET Calle Colectora. COLLECTOR STREET Calle Local. LOCAL STREET Calle de Sentido nico. ONE-WAY STREET Calle de Sentido nico Reversible, o Alterno. ONE-WAY REVERSIBLE STREET Calle con un Sentido Preferente. ONE-WAY PREFERENCIAL STREET Camino. ROAD Camino Vecinal. SUBSIDIARY ROAD, antes FARM TO MARKET ROAD Camino Local. LOCAL ROAD Carretera. HIGHWAY Carretera Internacional. INTERNATIONAL HIGHWAY Carretera Nacional. NATIONAL HIGHWAY Carretera Regional. REGIONAL HIGHWAY Carretera Secundaria. SECONDARY HIGHWAY Carretera Troncal. TRUNK HIGHWAY Carril de Cambio de Velocidad. SPEED CHANGE LANE Carril de Aceleracin. ACCELERATION LANE Carril de Deceleracin. DECELERATION LANE Carril de Parada. STORAGE LANE Carril Reversible. REVERSIBLE LANE Carril de Subida, Carril de ascenso. CLIMBING LANE Distribuidor del Trnsito. TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTOR Pasillo de Circulacin. AISLE FOR TRAFFIC MOVEMENT


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Phrasal verbs

Turn on - encender Of apagar Fill it up llenar tanque Can you drop the car off tomorrow morning of 9:00? aventar Sure what time can I pickit up? Recogerlo Turn them on Turn them off


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Thursday, august 9th 2012 Direct object placement with verbal phrases Main verb + other wort Turn + on = start (a machine) Turn + off = Fill + up =

Fill up it Fill it up Drop + it off

Monday august 13th 2012 Unit 5 Personal care and appearance Shampoo Conditioner Hand cream Soap Hairbrush Aspirin Acetaminophen Cough medicine Toothbrush Toothpaste Dental floss Razors Shaving cream


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Lipstick Lash lights Eye shadow Face powder Nail polish Headache pills

Classify the products and write them in the chart Hair care Tooth pelo care dientes Shampo Toothbru o sh Conditio Toothpa ner ste -Comb -Dental floss hairbrus h Skin care piel -Hand cream -soap Shaving afeitar -Razors -Shaving cream Make up maquillaje -Lipstick -Lash lights -Eye shadow -Face powder -Nail polish Medicine

-Aspirin Acetaminophen -Cough medicine -Headache pills


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IST OF V RBS INFINITIVO PASADO arise arose awake awoke bear bore beat beat become became begin began bend bent Bet bet bind bound Bite bit blow blew break broke bring brought build built burn burnt burst burst Buy bought catch caught choose chose cling clung come came cost cost creep crept Cut cut deal dealt Dig dug Do did draw drew drink drank drive drove Fall fell feed fed Feel felt fight fought Find found find out found out Flee fled Fly flew forbid forbade foresee foresaw forget forgot forgive forgave freeze froze Get got Give gave Go went grind ground grow grew hang hung have had hear heard hide hid Hit hit

PARTICIPIO SIGNIFICADO arisen Elevarse, surgir, originarse. awoken Despertar, mover, excitar. born Soportar, sostener, tolerar. beaten Batir,revolver, golpear, vencer. become Hacerse,tornarse,convertirse en. begun Empezar, iniciar. bent Doblar, inclinar, torcer. bet Apostar bound Atar, unir, enlazar. bitten Morder. blown Soplar broken Quebrar, partir, romper. brought Traer, llevar, conducir. built Construir, edificar. burnt Quemar, incendiar. burst Romper, reventar. bought Comprar caught Coger, asir, atrapar. chosen Escoger, elegir. clung Asirse, adherirse, pegarse. come Venir cost Costar crept Arrastrarse,deslizarse, pegarse. cut Cortar, dividir. dealt Tratar, tener que referirse. dug Cavar, ahondar. done Hacer, ejecutar. drawn Tirar, arrastrarse, atraer, dibujar. drunk Beber driven Impulsar, conducir, llevar, inducir. fallen Caer, disminuir. fed Alimentar, nutrir. felt Sentir, percibir, tocar. fought Pelear, combatir. found Encontrar, descubrir. found out Averiguar, investigar. fled Escapar, hur, evitar. flown Volar forbidden Prohibir. foreseen Prever, prevenir forgotten Olvidar (se) forgiven Perdonar frozen Congelar got (ten) Lograr, obtener, conseguir. given Dar, conceder. gone Ir (se), funcionar, resultar. ground Moler, triturar. grown Crecer, cultivar. hung Colgar, Suspender. had Tener, haber. heard Or, escuchar. hid (den) Ocultar, encubrir. hit Pegar, golpear, acertar.


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hold hurt keep know Lay lead lean learn leave lend let lie light lose make mean meet melt mistake misunderstan d overcome pay put read rebuild rid ride ring rise run saw say see seek sell send set shake shed shine shoot show shrink shut sing sink sit sleep slide smell speak speed spend

held hurt kept knew laid led leant learnt left lent let lay lit lost made meant met melted mistook misunders tood overcame paid put read rebuilt rid rode rang rose ran sawed said saw sought sold sent set shook shed shone shot showed shrank shut sang sank sat slept slid smelt spoke sped spent

held hurt kept known laid led leant learnt left lent let lain lit lost made meant met molten (old) mistaken misunders tood overcome paid put read rebuilt rid ridden rung risen run sawn said seen sought sold sent set shaken shed shone shot shown shrunk shut sung sunk sat slept slid(den) smelt spoken sped spent

Sostener,mantener,contener. Herir, daar, lastimar. Mantener,guardar,conservar. Conocer, saber. Poner, colocar. Guiar, llevar, conducir. Inclinar(se), apoyarse. Aprender, saber. Partir, irse, abandonar. Prestar Permitir, conceder. Tenderse, descansar, estar, situado. Alumbrar, iluminar, encender (se). Perder, malgastar. Hacer, confeccionar, producir. Significar,querer decir pretender. Encontrarse, satisfacer. Derretir(se), fundir(se). Equivocarse, comprender mal, errar Entender mal. Vencer, superar, sobreponerse. Pagar, recompensar. Poner,colocar, exponer. Leer,descifrar, marcar. Reconstruir Librarse, zafarse. Rodar, tener juego, funcionar. Tocar, sonar. Ascender,elevarse,levantarse, surgir. Correr, funcionar. Cortar con sierra, aserrar. Decir, afirmar. Ver, observar. Buscar, solicitar. Vender Enviar Instalar, establecer, colocar, fijar. Sacudir, lanzar, agitar. Derramar, esparcir, dejar caer. Brillar, relumbrar, sobresalir. Disparar, emitir, lanzar. Mostrar, excibir, probar, demostar. Encogerse, disminuir, desaparecer. Cerrar, impedir, exclur. Cantar Hundir, sumergir Sentarse, reunirse. Dormir Resbalar, deslizarse, escabullirse. Oler, percibir. Hablar, decir. Acelerar, apresurarse. Gastar, consumir, emplear (tiempo).


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spill spin split spoil spread spring stand steal stick stink strike swell swim swing take teach tear tell think throw thrust undergo understand undertake undo wake wear win wind withdraw write

spilt spun split spoilt spread sprang stood stole stuck stank struck swelled swam swung took taught tore told thought threw thrust underwent understoo d undertook undid woke Wore Won Wound Withdrew Wrote

spilt spun split spoilt spread sprung stood stolen stuck stunk struck swollen swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrown thrust undergon e understoo d undertake n undone woke (n) worn won wound withdrawn written

Derramar, verter, divulgar. Tornear, hilar, hacer girar. Partir, dividir, separar, reventar. Deteriorar, daar, inutilizar. Extender, esparcir, propagar. Saltar, soltar, brotar, surgir. Pararse, tolerar, estar (de pi). Robar, escabullirse. Pegar, adherirse, prender, fijar. Oler mal, apestar. Golpear, pegar, estallar. Hinchar, inflamar, engrosar. Nadar, flotar. Balancera(se), hacer girar. Tomar, llevar. Ensear Romper, despedazar, rasgar. Decir, contar, narrar. Pensar, creer. Lanzar, tirar, impeler, arrojar. Introducir con violencia, empujar, impeler Sufrir, experimentar, pasar por. Comprender. Emprender, comenzar algo. Desarmar, deshacer. Despertar, excitar. Gastar(se), consumirse, usar. Ganar, conquistar. Enroscar(se), serpentear, girar. Retirar, retractarse, quitar. Escribir.

Tuesday August 7th 2012 unit 4 cars and driving

unit goals 1.-Describe an accident 2.-Get Service at a service station 3.-Rent a car 4.-Understand international driving rules

Vocabulario Suddenly- sorpresivamente Trooper- Patrulla Slippery road - camino resvaloso Pedestrian crossing- cruze peatonal Insurance- Seguro de auto


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1.-How long does Mr. Ojinuma need the car for? 11 days 2.-How much willit cost per day? 39 E 3.- how much does he pay for the reservation? 429

The car rental agent knew Mr. Ojinuma was coming for a car Mr. Oijuma needs to show the agent his passport The conversation is in an airport Mr. Ojiuma will return the car on agust 14 in morning Mr Oijuma pays for the car rental with credit card


Write if the following nouns are countable or uncountable noun Comb countable Scissors countable Toothpaste uncountable Sunscreen uncountable Dental floss uncountable Body lotion uncountable Razor countable Nail clipper countable Make up uncountable Toothbrush countable Soap uncountable Deodorant uncountable Shaving cream uncountable Water uncountable Oil uncountable Rice uncountable Wheat uncountable Flour uncountable


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Use some and any

We bought some nail files They need some soap

Use any in negative sentences I dont have any razors and i dont want any Complete the conversation between a husband and a wife getting ready for family trip Dana do we have : any any/many Neil: Yes we have a lot of many/a lot A lot of countable , uncountable many and much : negative sentences many: countable shampoo

Dana and Maggie uses ?

a lot of much/a lot of

conditioner. Is there

any many/any

Neil : No there isnt

any some/any some some/any

conditioner. And we dont have much much/many upon my way home.

toothpaste, either. I can pick

Dana: Hey , Adams shaving now . Does he need

any any/much lotion

razor blades?

What about

some some/many


He doesnt shave everyday. He can use mine.

Someone affirmative Anyone .- negative and interrogative


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Seleccin de Trabajos Acadmicos que muestran su aprendizaje.


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T O P N O TC H 2 E D I T O R I A L P E A R S O N L O N G M A N ISBN 0-13- 223044-5


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Conclusiones en el curso Cada dia el ingles es una herramienta muy imporante en el mundo laboral, por ello es tan importante el aprendizaje de este idoma para nosotros. En ingles tres fuimos desde pasado hacia futuro de una manera dinamica y facil de aprender.

Each day the English is a very imporant in the workplace, so it is important to learn this Idoma for us. In English three of us went from past to future in a dynamic and easy to learn. Ejemplos detallados y sencillos, ademas de las polemicas entre el salon hicieron que la clase fuera muy entretenida, ademas de que el grupo al ser pequeo casi no contaba con distracciones. Detailed examples and simple addition to the controversies between the classroom made the class was very entertaining, plus the small group to be had almost no distractions.


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EVALUACIN Instrumentos de evaluacin del curso Exmenes


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Reflexin final de la materia

Agradezco profundamente al Lic Jos Trinidad Viesca Ramirez toda la passion y dedicacion que mostro a cada momento a su profesion de maestro. Su conocimiento sobre el tema, hizo que la clase fuera mas dinamica para nosotros. Siempre con ejemplos claros y reales, con lo que era mas sencillo para nosotros saber donde teniamos un error y donde teniamos que corregir. Muchas gracias maestro, me parece excelente que sigan existiendo mas docentes com usted, apasionados por su trabajo, y que estan en constant renovacion de tecnicas y estudios, ojala nos volvamos a encontrar mas adelante , espero que la siguiente ves que lo vea podamos entablar una platica competamente en ingles. Mucho exito I am deeply grateful to Mr Jos Trinidad Ramirez Viesca all the passion and dedication he showed at every turn to his profession of teacher. His knowledge on the subject, made more dynamic sort out for us. Always clear and real examples, so it was easier for us to know where we had an error and where we had to correct. Teacher thank you very much, I think it's great that there are still more teachers like you, passionate about their work, and are in constant renewal of techniques and studies, I hope we meet again later, hopefully see you next see us engage in competamente talk in English. much success


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