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Verbos Modales

Can May Could Might p.ej. I can: (puedo/s)

Affirmative: can I can drive
Puedo/s conducir

Will Would

Shall Should

Must Ought to

Negative: can't / cannot I cannot read

No puedo/s leer

Interrogative Can ...? Can you speak Spanish?

Pods/sabs hablar espaol?

You can play chess

T puedes/sabes jugar al ajedrez

You can't say that

No puedes decir eso

Can you play chess?

Pods/Sabs jugar al ajedrez?

He can go if he wants
l puede ir si quiere

He can't finish this now

l no puede terminar esto ahora

Can we tell you something?

Podemos decirte algo?

That can be very difficult

Eso puede ser muy difcil

She can't read without glasses

Ella no puede leer sin anteojos

Can she go out tonight?

Puede ella salir esta noche?

It can be raining
Puede estar lloviendo

It cannot be so easy
(algo) No puede ser tan fcil

Can it fly?
(algo)Puede volar?

We can do that very easily We can't understand this Podemos hacer eso muy
facilmente No podemos entender esto

Can we start tomorrow?

Podemos empezar maana?

Anybody can have bad luck

Cualquiera puede tener mala suerte

You can't be so crazy

No puedes estar tan loco

Can I be with you?

Puedo estar contigo?

The film can be very boring

El film puede ser muy aburrido

They cannot live here

Ellos no pueden vivir aqu

Can they stay with us?

Pueden ellos quedrse con nosotros?

Affirmative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...



I You He She It We You They

cannot can't

go come work live speak ...


Interrogative I you go ? he come ? she work ? it live ? we speak ? you ... they

May: (puede que, podra, quiz). Se usa para expresar Possibility/Permission

Affirmative: may I may finish tomorrow
Puede que termine maana (quiz)

Negative: may not

Puede que no trabaje maana

Interrogative: May ...?

Podra usar su telfono?

I may not work tomorrow May I use your telephone? May you tell me something?
Podra Ud. decirme algo?

You may be wrong

T podras estar equivocado

He may not be right

Quiz l no tenga razn

He may go to Paris tomorow

l puede que vaya a Pars maana

They may not know that

Ellos quiz no sepan eso

May I ask you a question?

Podra hacerle un pregunta?

That may be a mistake

Eso podra ser un error

It may not be so easy

Puede no ser tan fcil

May I interrupt you?

Puedo interrumpirlo?

It may be very raining

Podra estar lloviendo

It may not be a good idea

Podra no ser una buena idea

May we suggest something?

Podramos sugerir algo?

That may be a good sign

Esa podra ser una buena seal

It may not be permitted

Quiz no est permitido

May they come to my house?

Podramos ellos venir a mi casa?

She may give us a surprise

Esta podra darnos una sorpresa

He may not play in the street

l no puede jugar en la calle

May you call me later?

Podra Ud. llamarme ms tarde?

Affirmative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...


Negative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...

may not

Interrogative I you he she it we you they go ? come ? work ? live ? speak ? ...


Will Modifica al verbo que sigue: p.ej. I will go = Ir , She will work = Ella trabajar
Affirmative: will I will speak English
Hablar ingls

Negative: will not/ won't Interrogative Will ...? I will not say that
No dir eso

Will you come to the party?

Vendrs a la fiesta?

You will understand soon

T entenders pronto

You won't be here tomorrow

No estars aqu maana

Will you play chess with me?

Jugars al ajedrez conmigo?

He will go to Paris
l ir a Pars

He won't go to Madrid
l no ir a Madrid

Will he visit the Eiffel Tower?

Visitar l la torre Eiffel?

That will be very exciting It won't be boring

Eso ser muy emocionante No ser aburrido

Will she go out tonight?

Saldr ella esta noche?

It will be raining in a minute

Estar lloviendo en un minuto

We will not stay inside

No nos quedaremos adentro

Will it fly?

We will do that very easily

Haremos eso muy facilmente

They won't understand this

Ellos no entendern esto

Will they start tomorrow?

Empezarn ellos maana?

Everybody will see this

Todo el mundo ver esto

She won't call anybody

Ella no llamar a nadie

Will I be with you?

Estar contigo?

We will be very tired

Estaremos muy cansados

They will not live here

Ellos no vivirn aqu

Will they stay with us?

Se quedarn con nosotros?

Affirmative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...


Negative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...

will not won't



I you

go ? come ?

he she it we you they

work ? live ? speak ? ...

Affirmative: shall I shall speak English

Hablar Ingls

Negative: shall not I shall not say that

No dir eso

Interrogative Shall ...? Shall I drive you home?

Te llevo a tu casa?

We shall go to the movies

Iremos al cine

We shall not be here tomorrow

No estaremos aqu maana

Shall we eat now?

Comemos ahora?

Must (deber). p.ej. I must = (debo). p/ Obligation/Assumption (obligacin ms fuerte

que should) Affirmative: must A student must study
Un estudiante debe estudiar

Neg: must not/ mustn't I must not waste my time

No debo desperdiciar mi tiempo

Interrogative Must...? Must you go there now?

Debes ir ah ahora?

An athlete must train hard

Un atleta debe entrenar duro

You mustn't drink and drive

No debes beber y conducir

Must I call them?

Debo llamarlos?

He must follow a diet

l debe seguir una dieta

She mustn't see this

Ella no debe ver esto

Must he study this?

Debe l estudiar esto?

That must be near It must be closed

Debe de estar cerrado (supongo)

You must not tell lies We must not steal

No debemos robar

Must she stay in bed?

Debe ella quedarse en cama?

Eso debe de estar cerca (supongo) No debes decir mentiras

Must it be sent today?

Debe ser enviado hoy?

We must hurry
Debemos apurarnos

They mustn't speak that way

Ellos no deben hablar de esa forma Ella no deber llegar tarde

Must they start tomorrow?

Deben ellos empezar maana?

Everybody must pay taxes She mustn't arrive late

Todos deben pagar impuestos

Must I be with you?

Debo estar contigo?

The kids must not play Ellos deben levantarse temprano here They must get up early

Must they stay here?

Deben ellos quedarse aqu?

Los nios no deben jugar aqu

Affirmative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...


Negative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...

must not mustn't

Interrogative I you go ? he come ? she work ? Must it live ? we speak ? you ... they

p.ej. I could : (pude/podra) Depende del contexto Affirmative: could I could finish tomorrow
Podra terminar maana

Neg: couldn't /could not Interrogative: Could ...? I couldn't finish tomorrow Could I finish tomorrow?
No podra terminar maana Podra terminar maana?

You could work here

T podras trabajar aqu

That couldn't be possible

Eso no podra ser posible

Could you come here, please?

Podras venir aqu por favor?

He could win, if he tried

l podra ganar si tratara

He couldn't get there on time

l no podra llegar all a tiempo

Could he lend me his car?

Podra l prestarme su auto?

She could know that

Ella podra saber eso

She couldn't dance last night

Ella no pudo bailar anoche

Could she dance last night?

Pudo bailar ella anoche?

It could be very raining

Podra estar lloviendo

It coudn't fly
(algo) No pudo/podra volar

Could we get a discount?

Podramos obtener un descuento?

That could be a good business

Ese podra ser un buen negocio

They couldn't run so fast You couldn't call me

Uds. no pudieron/podran llamarme

Could we start tomorrow?

Ellos no podran correr tan rpido Podramos empezar maana?

This could be a good idea

Esta podra ser una gran idea

Could you call me?

Podran/pudieron llamarme?

They could live here

They could be kidding

Could they live here?

Podran ellos vivir aqu?

Ellos pudieron/podran vivir aqu Ellos podran estar bromeando

Affirmative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...


Negative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...

could not couldn't



I you he she it we you they

go ? come ? work ? live ? speak ? ...

Might : (podra, quiz). Se usa para expresar Remote Possibility (casi igual que
el may) Affirmative: might I might finish tomorrow
Podra terminar maana (quiz)

Negative: might not I might be resting tomorrow He might not be right

Quiz l no tenga razn

Interrogative: Might...? Might I use your telephone? Might you tell me something?
Podra Ud. decirme algo?

Podra estar descansando maana Podra usar su telfono?

You might be wrong

T podras estar equivocado

He might go to Paris tomorow

l podra ir a Pars maana

They might not know that

Ellos podran no saber eso

Might I ask you a question?

Podra hacerle un pregunta?

That might be a mistake

Eso podra ser un error

It might not be so easy

Podra no ser tan fcil

Might I interrupt you?

Puedo interrumpirlo?

It might be very raining

Podra estar lloviendo

It might not be a good idea

Podra no ser una buena idea

Might we suggest something?

Podramos sugerir algo?

That might be a good sign It might not be permitted

Esa podra ser una buena seal Quiz no est permitido

Might they come to my house?

Podramos ellos venir a mi casa?

She might give us a surprise

Esta podra darnos una sorpresa

He might not want that

l podra no querer eso

Might you call me later?

Podra Ud. llamarme ms tarde?

Affirmative I You He She It We go come work live speak ...


You They

Negative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...

might not

Interrogative I you he she it we you they go ? come ? work ? live ? speak ? ...


Would Modifica al verbo que le sigue . p.ej. I would go = Ira, She would work =
Ella trabajara Affirmative: would I would speak English
Hablara ingls

Neg: would not/

I wouldn't say that
No dira eso

Interrogative Would ...? Would you come to the party?

Vendras a la fiesta?

You would understand soon

T entenderas pronto

You won't be here tomorrow

No estaras aqu maana l no ira a Madrid

Would you play chess with me?

Jugaras al ajedrez conmigo? Estudiara francs l?

He would go to Paris
l ira a Pars

He wouldn't go to Madrid Would he study French? It wouldn't be boring

No sera aburrido

That would be very exciting

Eso sera muy emocionante

Would she go out tonight?

Saldra ella esta noche?

It would be expensive
Sera muy caro

We wouldn't stay inside

No nos quedaramos adentro

Would it fly?

We would do that very easily

Haramos eso muy facilmente Todo el mundo vera esto

They wouldn't see me

Ellos no me veran

Would they start tomorrow?

Empezaran ellos maana? Estara yo contigo?

Everybody would see this She wouldn't call anybody Would I be with you?
Ella no llamara a nadie

We would be very tired

Estaramos muy cansados

They wouldn't live here

Ellos no viviran aqu

Would they stay with us?

Se quedaran con nosotros?

Affirmative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...


Negative I You He She It We You They

would not wouldn't

go come work live speak ...

Interrogative I you he she it we you they go ? come ? work ? live ? speak ? ...


Should (debera). Se usa para expresar una obligacin menor

Affirmative: should I should study more
Debera estudiar ms

Neg: should not/


Interrogative Should ...?

I shouldn't waste my time Should you go there now? No debera desperdiciar mi

Deberas ir ah ahora?

You shouldn't drink so T deberas conducir con cuidado much You should drive carefully He should eat less
l debera comer menos Eso debera estar prohibido No deberas tomar tanto l no debera ir sola No debera estar permitido No deberamos quedarnos afuera

Should I help them?

Debera ayudarlos?

She shouldn't go alone

Should he study this?

Debera l estudiar esto?

That should be prohibited It shouldn't be permitted It should be closed

Debera estar cerrado

Should she stay in bed?

Debera ella quedarse en cama? Debera volar?

We shouldn't stay outside Should it fly? They shouldn't know this

Ellos no deberan saber esto

We should hurry
Deberamos apurarnos

Should they start tomorrow?

Deberan ellos empezar maana?

Everybody should see this She shouldn't say that

Todo el mundo debera ver esto Ella no debera decir eso

Should I be with you?

Debera yo estar contigo?

They should be working

Ellos deberan estar trabajando

They shoudn't live here

Ellos no deberan vivir aqu

Should they stay here?

Deberan ellos quedarse aqu?

Affirmative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...


Negative I You He She It We You

should not shouldn't

go come work live speak ...


Interrogative I you go ? he come ? she work ? Should it live ? we speak ? you ... they

Ought to (debera). Se usa de forma similar al should

Affirmative: ought to I ought to study more
Debera estudiar ms

Negative: ought not to He ought not to drink

l no debera beber

Inte: Ought + S + to ...? Ought I to be here early?

Debera estar aqu temprano?

We ought to finish this now

They oughtn't to play at work

Ought we to leave now?

Deberamos irnos ahora?

Ellos no deberan jugar en el Deberamos termionar esto ahora trabajo

Affirmative I You He She It We You They go come work live speak ...

ought to

Negative I You He She

ought not to

go come work live

It We You They

oughtn't to

speak ...

Interrogative I you he she it we you they to go ? to come ? to work ? to live ? to speak ? ...


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