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CEIP Ntra. Sra.

de Oreto y Zuqueca
Grantula de Cva. (Ciudad Real)

2nd Cycle of Primary



TTULO: FOOD NIVEL LINGSTICO: 2 Ciclo de Primaria IDIOMA: Ingls REA: Science Cultural Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y 3 de Educ. Primaria


8 sesiones

La unidad trata sobre los tipos de alimentos que existen, sus componentes nutritivos, y sobre todo la ALIMENTACIN SALUDABLE Y HBITOS ALIMENTICIOS de los alumnos y alumnas.

- Conocimiento e interaccin con el mundo fsico: Valorar la importancia de la buena alimentacin de una persona, conociendo los principales alimentos y sus nutrientes fundamentales. Interactuar con el mundo fsico reconociendo todo lo aprendido en la clase mediante la observacin del medio. Desarrollar habilidades para desenvolverse adecuadamente y con autonoma en los distintos mbitos de la vida. - Comunicacin lingstica: Ampliar y repasar el vocabulario relacionado con los alimentos. Utilizar el lenguaje como instrumento de comunicacin oral y escrita as como de representacin, interpretacin y comprensin de la realidad del alumnado. - Social y ciudadana: comprender algunos problemas de malos hbitos alimenticios que existen en la actualidad intentando analizar las causas y proponiendo soluciones para. - Tratamiento de la informacin y competencia digital: el alumnado desarrolla habilidades para buscar, obtener, procesar y comunicar informacin acerca de la alimentacin, tipos de alimentos y hbitos saludables. Dicha informacin se obtendr de distintas fuentes ya sea a travs de las TIC, enciclopedias, libros, etc. 2 - Aprender a aprender: atender y concentrarse durante las


First step: introducing the topic FOODLets start with a brainstorming

about food children already know. The teacher writes on the board all the food names to refresh the pupils memory:

The teacher shows this image to the children and they say all the names We have to play Bingo.

Then we do some oral questions What is Bread?, Do you like Milk?, What colour is a Banana?, Do you like Fish? Whats your favourite food? Whats your favourite drink? And the most important thing here WHY DO WE NEED FOOD? TO GROW UP AND TO HAVE ENERGY

Food is what we eat to live. We need food to have energy and grow.

These videos will help you to know more about FOOD

Read this text. Nutrients in food

We need food, water and oxygen to live. Nutrients are the substances our body needs to live, grow, and make repairs. Nutrients also give us energy. The main nutrients of food are: Carbohydrates give us energy. We need energy for everything we do, like running, playing, doing homework, studying, We can find carbohydrates in

bread, potatoes, rice, fruits, cakes, Proteins. Our body uses them to grow and repair itself. We can find proteins in meat, fish, eggs, nuts, milk and beans. Fats are needed by your body for energy. There are two types of fats: saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are in animal products, such as butter and fatty meat. Unsaturated fats are found in non-animal products such as olive oil and nuts. Vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are essential for our bodies. Minerals are nutrients that plants get from the soil and give them to you. Fruits and vegetables have a lot vitamins and minerals. Milk gives us calcium for our bones. Fibre is found in cereals, fruits and vegetables and helps the muscles of our intestine to move food efficiently in our digestive system. Water is vital for life. Its essential for us. We need water so we have to drink water and our body also obtains water from food.

Now we can complete these sentences. You can use the following example: - We can find carbohydrates in meals like: sugar, rice, spaghetti, cereals, bread, muffins, fruits, cakes, potatoes ... -We can find _____________in food like: __________________ ______________________________________________________ - We can find _____________in food like: __________________ ______________________________________________________ - We can find _____________in __________________ ______________________________________________________ - We can find _____________in food like: __________________ ______________________________________________________


Food have proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fibre, minerals and

There are different types of food. Some examples are: dairy products, vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, beans, cereals

Word Search about food with some new names to

learn more vocabulary. Can you guess what is the hippo going to eat?

Story telling time The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle.

First we watch the video and then pupils make the story with pictures in their notebooks. Maybe like a comic

Then they write all the food names the caterpillar eat and match

to their pictures.

Remember the food vocabulary and write sentences in your

notebook, please! 9

Oral practise with your partner. Make short dialogues:

What colour is the lollipop the cheese? How many plums did the caterpillar eat? Do you like strawberries?

Here you have two boys images and two words: FAT or FIT.


He eats cakes, sweets, biscuits and doesnt do any physical exercise.

He eats fruit and vegetables and he practises sport.

Whats better? FAT means not healthy and lazy person. FIT is related with healthy and sporty person. Children make sentences and they think about this question.

Do you know what is healthy food and sport? Learn about it.

Children have to learn healthy eating habits. Boys and girls need a balanced diet with food from all four food groupsvegetables and fruit, grain products, milk and meat. Children need 5 meals a day. Healthy snacks are just as important as the food you serve at meals. The best foods are whole, fresh and unprocessedfresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and meats; and home-cooked meals. Vegetables and fruit
4 servings/day Choose at least one dark


Vegetables and fruit are a source of vitamins, minerals and fibre.

2-3 years of age green and one orange

5 servings/day 4-8 years of age

6 servings/day 9-13 years of age

vegetable or fruit every day.

Grain products Grains are an important source of energy from carbohydrates.

3 servings/day Make at least half of the 2-3 years of age

grain products whole grain.

4 servings/day 4-8 years of age

6 servings 9-13 years of age 2 servings After children turn 2 years 2-8 years of age

Milk and alternatives Milk is a nutritious source of calories, as well as calcium and vitamin D, for growing children. Some milk alternatives (e.g., fortified soy beverage) have vitamin D added. Check labels for calcium and vitamin D content. Meat and alternatives Meat and alternatives are an important source of iron and protein.

old, you can offer lower fat milk (1% or 2% MF) or milk alternatives. Wait until children are at least 5 years old before offering skim milk.

3-4 servings 9-13 years of age

1 serving Choose a variety of lean 2-8 years of age

meat, fish, eggs, cheese, dried peas, beans and lentils. You eat at least 2 servings of fish per week.

1-2 servings 9-13 years of age


Take a look at this poster.


Role play with flashcards What do you want for breakfast? What do you want for lunch? And What do you want for dinner? At the supermarket At the restaurant


Look at these food pyramids pay attention to your teacher

s explanations and learn how to make a healthy menu. THE HEALTHY EATING PYRAMID


Copy these ideas about the pyramids.

Good nutrition is important to good health. This will give your body energy and help you to grow healthy and strong. Make right choices from every food group. Dont forget the physical activity. And . . . You will feel better today. You will stay healthy for tomorrow


Make a correct menu for you and your family. Try to explain.






We bring some supermarket magazines, we take a look at

them and in groups cut and paste pictures to make posters: HEALTHY FOOD With FRUIT, VEGETABLES, MILK, FISH, MEAT, CEREALS NON-HEALTHY FOOD Burgers, chocolates, cakes, chips, cola, crisps, sweets



Finally we complete our information about food with this

wallchart called British Food from our schoolmates of 5 Primary. (Thank you, friends!)

Click to see a Video about Food and Drinks in English


Science: FOOD

Level: 3 Primary

Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________

1.- Write six names of food and drinks for a good breakfast

___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2.- Why do you need FOOD? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3.- Can you write all the nutrients of these food?

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


4.- What do you think about this picture? Is this healthy food? Explain it, please!

5.- Why milk is so good and important for your health?

6.- Match words and pictures and then make sentences.


7.- Where can you find VITAMINS? Draw some food with vitamins.
Your drawings here.

8.- Write this words in two columns. fruit, cola, milk, crisps, fish, meat, sweets, vegetables, yoghourt, burgers, chocolates, cakes, chips, cereals, cola, candy, rice. HEALTHY FOOD ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ NON-HEALTHY FOOD ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ 19

________________________ ________________________ 9.- Do you know the names of the principal meals of the day? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________

10.- Choose some pictures and write a complete healthy menu for your dinner.


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