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Buenos Aires, 22 de Julio de 2013 00198 Roma De nuestra consideracion: Continuando ‘con Jas conversaciones que hemos venido manteniendo con relacén a la ‘organizacién de los dos partidos amistosos entre la Seleccién italiana y la ‘Seleccién Argentina, por la presente informamos @ Uds. que en el contrato a Ser celebrado entre ambas Asociaciones se ha incluido la referencia a TyC ‘©80 sociedad por el cual ambas, en forma conjunta, organizaréin los partidos amistosos de la Seleccién Argentina a partir del 1* de enero de 2015. Saludamos a Ustedes stentamenie ae A, cae gate @ © ~@ om @ ‘ate ce anne SU CWRACHIC ABA |b 0700 ne tn fs $1172 8/75 8 couple tine! Deprecated Ga 2 an Pe Baro ht ‘Adedaarain tt Y / 400 C5 ola en a 4198/9017 8 adidas Asociacién det Futbol Argentino Atte. Dr. Julio Grondona Viaronte 1366/76 1053 Buenos Aires Argentina Re: agreement between adidas International Marketing B.V. ["adidas”) and Asociacién det Futbol Argentino {"AFA”] regarding sponsorship rights in relation to AFA and its National Team dated 18 July 2011 {the “Agreement” Dear President, Further to our letter of 3 May 2012, wewould hereby like'te confirm that with immediate eftect we have appointed: WORLDELEVEN, [CEO/ Guillermo Tofonil ‘Thames 169 San |sidro, B1609JUC, Buenas Aires, Argentina ("World Eleven") to arrange an annual exhibition match of the National Team and to exploit our commercial rights pa (Clause 6.9 of the Agreement. Please take this letter as notice from us that for each and every Contract Year going forward we intend to make use of our contractual right to arrange a National Team exhibition match. asin maracas seem soe, commen cee et basen Som 2a The Neberance toner secu otto sreus73 ree Fiat sr sas. = ‘Since we understand that there are no more dates available in 2012, we confirm that we may instead have two (2] match fixtures in 2014. = ‘Yours Sincerely, ‘For andion behalf of adidas International Marketing B.V.- TORNEGS ¥ COMPETENGIAS. 5 4 (ite Br igeaeia Gasaren Din ms cenaider ain Por fa presen, rauifcarnon gue TORNEOS: 26 aulerzads por esta Asseincstn, pare crganiaay @! parties de diltteal que: en ia fecha FIFA a cieputarse et 5 ds Sh obs parsculae, lo Sahat a Je biel ANGEL BAA ‘ERAN SOG DO UTR AGENT LL oe bath a“ Ss g @ ec @ ez etn: a cis " ‘

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