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Lina Casuscelli | Mara Jos Gandini

Actividades Complementarias


Introduccin Chat 1 Lessons 1 -6 Lessons 7-12 Lessons 13-18 Lessons 19-24 Chat 2 Lessons 1 -6 Lessons 7-12 Lessons 13-18 Lessons 19-24 Chat 3 Lessons 1 -6 Lessons 7-12 Lessons 13-18 Lessons 19-24 Answer key

3 4 6 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40

Por qu un cuadernillo fotocopiable? Este material ha sido pensado para acompaar la serie Chat y tiene por objetivo responder al pedido de los docentes usuarios de la serie, quienes en las sucesivas capacitaciones han manifestado el deseo de contar con mayor cantidad de ejercitacin con el propsito de aanzar an ms los contenidos presentados, reforzar algunos de los conceptos y disponer de mayores recursos a la hora de planicar las clases. De la organizacin El cuadernillo consta de 12 bloques de ejercitacin, los que se corresponden con cada una de las cuatro consolidaciones en los tres niveles de Chat. Las actividades se presentan en contexto y han sido creadas teniendo en cuenta las estructuras gramaticales y aspectos sintcticos y morfolgicos ms importantes trabajados a lo largo de Chat. Cabe destacar que algunos aspectos gramaticales estn ms trabajados que otros, decisin que tomamos en funcin del nivel de complejidad de cada tema. Recordemos que la presentacin de las actividades en contexto ayuda al alumno a pensar en la estructura de la lengua no como elementos a memorizar sino como herramientas para expresar o transmitir una idea. Si como docentes hacemos nfasis en esto, notaremos en el alumno un aprendizaje ms sostenido y valioso que facilitar a su vez el uso de esas estructuras en contextos diferentes. Cmo usar este cuadernillo Es importante aclarar que este cuadernillo no puede reemplazar el trabajo con el libro de texto sino que acompaa y sostiene el proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje como una herramienta ms para el desarrollo exitoso de nuestras clases. Como estrategia pedaggica, es vlido permitirle al alumno consultar el libro de texto al momento de realizar las actividades ya que se transforma en una excusa volver al contenido anteriormente presentado y, de esa manera, aanzar el conocimiento de la lengua extranjera. Las actividades diseadas se pueden usar para consolidar lo aprendido en clase, ya sea como ejercitacin complementaria dentro de la misma clase o bien asignada como tarea para el hogar, segn lo considere necesario cada docente. Como docentes sabemos que no todos nuestros alumnos mantienen el mismo ritmo de trabajo y, muchas veces, aquellos que terminan rpidamente se convierten en factor de distraccin para aquellos que necesitan ms tiempo para comprender y resolver la ejercitacin. En esos momentos, la ejercitacin de este cuadernillo permite a los alumnos del primer grupo seguir trabajando y consolidando sus conocimientos a la vez que el docente puede seguir acompaando a los que tienen mayor dicultad. Para esto es necesario hacer una segunda aclaracin: las actividades no siguen una secuencia lineal, por lo que el docente puede asignar diferentes actividades a diversos grupos sin necesidad de seguir un orden especco. Contar con este cuadernillo fotocopiable permite tener las actividades listas para entregar a los alumnos en el momento que el docente crea conveniente. Sin embargo, por su formato y caractersticas de diseo, las actividades tambin pueden ser copiadas en el pizarrn ya sea por el docente o por algn alumno. Dichas actividades pueden ser llevadas a cabo en forma individual, en pequeos grupos o con el total de alumnos de nuestra clase. Muchas de las actividades en este cuadernillo pueden ser consideradas disparadoras para que otros docentes puedan seguir creando y agregando las suyas propias. Asimismo, cabe la posibilidad de que el alumno pueda imitar el tipo de ejercitacin y realice actividades para sus compaeros, por supuesto bajo la supervisin del docente. Cmo encarar la correccin de las actividades Al nal de este cuadernillo estn las respuestas de las actividades. En algunos casos, el docente podr facilitarle las respuestas a los alumnos para que ellos mismos aprendan a monitorear su propio aprendizaje y desarrollen autonoma y responsabilidad. En estos casos, el objetivo y el feedback que se espera no es el de computar la cantidad de errores que cometieron sino ayudarlos a descubrir el motivo de confusin o la falta de atencin hacia determinadas formas de la lengua extranjera. Sabemos por experiencia que la repeticin de ejercicios no basta para incorporar nuevos conceptos - es necesario que el alumno reexione. Una vez realizado este paso, la ejercitacin adquirir otro valor y otro signicado tanto para el docente como para el alumno. Recordemos que darle al alumno la posibilidad de identicar su error, analizar el origen del mismo y buscar la manera de corregirlo son instancias de aprendizaje tan valiosas como la explicacin del docente y la realizacin de las actividades que ste les asigna. Es nuestro anhelo que este nuevo material pueda acompaar an ms al docente en esta tarea de guiar a nuestros alumnos en la aventura de aprender, dndoles nuevas oportunidades de explorar y usar la lengua extranjera.

Chat 1

Lessons 1-6

Your name Class Date / /

1. Orden la secuencia y escrib en tu carpeta.

a. ten-eight-nine-seven-ve-six ve-six-seven-eight-nine b. eighteen-seventeen-fteen-sixteen-nineteen c. one-three-two-six-ve-four d. twelve-fteen-fourteen-thirteen e. nine-eleven-ten-twelve

3. Tus compaeros nuevos te saludan y se presentan. En tu carpeta escrib cmo lo hacen.

a. Name: Carola Ibaez Age: 12 Nationality: Argentinian My name is Carola Ibaez. Im twelve. Im Argentinian. b. Name: Pedro Texeira Age: 14 Nationality: Brazilian c. Name: Marcos Ruiz Age: 13 Nationality: Mexican d. Name: Susana Mrquez Age: 15 Nationality: Spanish e. Name: Soa Norton Age: 17 Nationality: Canadian f. Name: Pierre Berau Age: 18 Nationality: French g. Name: Katherine Jones Age: 16 Nationality: Australian

2. Escrib las palabras en el orden correcto. Atencin! Hay una palabra de

ms en cada lnea.

your where - name - ? - Whats

Whats your name? Karina:


names my am Karina



you ? where are from what



from I am Mexican Mexico



old how are ? you from



sixteen Im am

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Chat 1

Lessons 1-6

Your name Class Date / /

4. Las siguientes personas estn visitando tu ciudad. Mir el cuadro y escrib la informacin correspondiente en tu carpeta.
Name a. Susan b. Jackeline c. James Last name Freire Robson Brown Smith Ribera Age Nationality 19 17 14 15 18 Brazilian (Sao Pablo) Canadian (Toronto) English (Liverpool) American (Los Angeles) Argentinian (Paran)

b. You: Hi, whats your name?

Jackeline: 5. You: How old are you?

Jackeline: 6. You: Where are you from?

Jackeline: 7. c. You: James: You: James: d. You: Rebecca, are you from England? James, are you from England?

d. Rebecca e. Joaqun

a. Susan Freire is nineteen. She is Brazilian. She is from Sao Pablo.

Are you fteen?


5. Te encontrs con esa misma gente. Qu te responden? Complet los dilogos.

a. You: Susan: You: Susan: You: Susan: You: Susan: Hi, whats your name?

Rebecca: 10. You: Are you fteen?

My name is Susan.

Rebecca: 11. e. You: Joaqun: You: Joaqun: Joaqun, are you from Argentina?

Whats your last name?


How old are you?


Are you seventeen?


Where are you from?



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Chat 1

Lessons 1-6

Chat 1

Lessons 7-12

6. Ahora te preguntan a vos. Complet.

A: You: A: You: A: You: A: You: A: You: Are you from England?

1. Escrib las siguientes palabras en las columnas correspondientes.

student - thirteen - Italy - yellow - England four - teacher - eyes - actress - brown reporter - twenty - Argentina - red - blue eleven - Japan - hair

No, Im not. / Yes, I am.

Are you from Brazil?


Are you from Argentina?


a. Parts of the body (2 words) b. Colours

Are you 14?


red -

(4 words)
c. Countries (4 words) d. Occupations (4 words) e. Numbers (4 words)

Are you 16?


7. Complet con la letra correcta en el casillero correspondiente.

a. Italy b. Canada c. Spain d. Brazil e. Mexico f. Germany German a Italian Mexican Brazilian Spanish Canadian

2. Escrib en letras.
a. 12 b. 21 c. 27 d. 32 e. 13 f. 43 g. 57 twelve

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Chat 1

Lessons 7-12

Your name Class Date / /

3. Complet usando a or an.

a. b. c. a doctor engineer teacher d. e. f. actress athlete reporter

d. He is an actor. . (football player) e. My friends are Italian. . (Argentinian) f. They are teachers.

4. Eleg la opcin correcta.

g. Zack is Argentinian. This is my friend Elizabeth. years old. This is Carlos. b. His / Her last name is Rovira.
c. a.

. (reporters)

She / He is thirteen h. He is a dentist.

. (Canadian)

He / She is from Chile. i. Jennifer and Sue are American.

. (reporter)

Carla is my friend. d. Her / His telephone number is 8904 8987. This is a new teacher. e. Her / His name is Alejandra Garrido. f. She / He is Argentinian. Jennifer is a new student. g. She / He is very beautiful.

. (Canadian) j. They are singers. . (teachers) k. Ronaldo is Argentinian. . (Brazilian)

Her / His eyes are blue and


her / his

hair is very long.

5. Correg la informacin en las siguientes oraciones.

a. Carol is Argentinian. She is English b. She is a teacher. . (doctor) c. Stephen is English. . (French) She isnt Argentinian. . (English)

l. Chei Lou is Canadian. . (Japanese) m. They are reporters. . (lawyers) n. Carola and Manuel are Argentinian. . (Spanish) o. They are reghters. . (police ofcers)
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Chat 1

Lessons 7-12

Your name Class Date / /

6. Orden las siguientes palabras en una oracin y arm el dilogo.

a. Argentina - is - mother - your - from - ? Is your mother from Argentina? b. she - isnt. - no, - is - she - Italian.

7. Orden la siguiente conversacin.

a. Its Carhue 3454. b. Really! My address is Subira 3454! c. Franco Garrido. Where are you from, Paola? d. Hello, whats your name? e. Buenos Aires. Whats your address? f. Paola Benavidez. Whats your name? g. Im from Chile. And you? 1. d. Hello, whats your name?

c. she - teacher - is - a - ?

d. isnt. - no, - she

8. Eleg la respuesta correcta.

a. Whats your name? b. Where are you 1. My names Pablo Jurez. 2. His names Pablo Jurez. 3. Im from Canada. 4. Canadian. 5. Its Argentinian. 6. Its Aroz 786. 7. His names Facundo.

e. her - occupation - whats - ?

f. dentist - she - is - a

from? c. Whats your

g. is - she - old - how - ?

address? d. Whats your

friends name? 8. My names Facundo.

h. is - forty - she - old - years

e. How old is Facundo?

9. He is seventeen. 10. She is seventeen. 11. No, he is short. 12. No, he isnt. He is slim.

i. tall - is - she - ?

f. Is he tall?

j. isnt. - no, - she

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Chat 1

Lessons 7-12

Your name Class Date / /

9. Complet las siguientes preguntas usando las palabras dadas.

What - Who - How old - Where (x 2) a. Who s this?

11. En el siguiente aviso Carlo Panto busca un amigo por correspondencia. Lelo y completa su cha.

Pen Friends all over the World

Hello. My name is Carlo Panto. Im from Venice, Italy. Im 14 years old. Im a student in Venice Comprehensive School. My best friend is Paolo. Hes a student, too. Im not very tall. My eyes are blue and my hair is black. Write to: Via Pinetta 346, Venice, Italy.

Hes a famous actor. His names Juan Cruz. b. are you from? Im from Argentina. c. are you? Im seventeen. d. is his occupation? Hes a doctor. e. is your friend Zack from? He is from Canada. f. s this? My best friend, Jack.

a. Full name: Carlo Panto b. Age: c. Nationality: d. Occupation:

10. Us las siguientes palabras para escribir acerca de estos personajes en tu carpeta.
a. Mafalda Argentinian student short black eyes, black hair b. Ginbili Argentinian basketball player tall short hair, brown eyes c. Schumacher German car racer tall short hair, blue eyes

e. Friend: f. Physical Description:

a. Her name is Mafalda. She is


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Chat 1

Lessons 13-18

Your name Class Date / /

1. Ubic las siguientes palabras en el cuadro que corresponde. Despus agrega dos ms en cada columna.
running brother cat tennis dog potato sister meat uncle sh father hamster gymnastics football carrots chicken apples
a. Members of the family (3 words) b. Animals (4 words) c. Food (5 words) d. Sports (4 words)

3. Complet las oraciones. Us my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
a. This is my sister. Her name is Carla. teacher

b. The children are at school. is Mr. Smith. c. My mother is a dentist.

friend is a


dentist, too. d. This is a famous football player. favourite team is Boca Juniors. e. Ms. Garcia is our teacher. She is in ofce. f. My house is very nice. garden is

2. Quines son? Complet.

a. Your mothers son is your b. Your fathers daughter is your c. Your fathers son is your d. Your fathers father is your e. Your fathers mother is your f. Your sister is your mothers g. Your brother is your mothers brother. . . . . . . .

very big. g. My friends and I are very good students. teacher is Ms. Ferreira. h. We are twins. ninety-three years old. i. Paul, is this j. I like animals very much. animal is the hamster. k. Look at Ales dog. name is Bravo. pet? favourite grandmother is


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Chat 1

Lessons 13-18

Your name Class Date / /

4. Eleg la opcin correcta.

Carola is my best friend. a. Her / His family is very big! Her b. fathers / father name is Pedro. c. He / She is 44 years old. d. Her / His mothers name is Francisca.

6. Encontr la palabra escondida.

Food a. eatm b. ieccearm c. ppleas d. receal meat

He / She is 42 years old. f. He / They are Argentinian.

They are from Santiago. g. Carolas / Carola sisters are twins. They are Renata and Camila. They are 15 years old but they are so different! Renata h. is / are tall and Camila
k. i.


e. irdb f. eelphtna g. umap h. rocdielco

is / are short. Renatas hair is


long / tall

and black and Camilas hair is brown. Her brothers is / are 12 and 8. l. They / He are not twins! Carolas brothers and sisters m. are / is students. n. Her / Their school is not very big but it is very nice. They are very good students. Sports

i. seballab j. nneist

5. Le el dilogo y eleg la opcin correcta.

Tommy: Rod: Tommy: Rod: Tommy: Rod: Tommy: Rod:

k. unnrign l. mnasgyitcs

How old are you? / How are you? Where are you from? / Whats your job? Whats your name? / Whats your fathers

Im thirteen.

Im a student.

7. Us las palabras del ejercicio anterior y escrib acerca de vos. Us I like..., I dont like...

name? His names Marcos.


Does he like animals? / Do you like pets?

No, he doesnt. Do you like sports?

Tommy: Oh, really? e. Does he like sports? / Rod: Yes, he does. He loves football.


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Chat 1

Lessons 13-18

Your name Class Date / /

8. Le la siguiente conversacin y complet con la pregunta correspondiente.

a. You: Whats your name ?

9. Eleg la respuesta correcta. Atencin! Hay dos respuestas de ms.

a. Whats your friends nationality? b. Whats you mothers name? c. Whats your occupation?

1. Bermudez. 2. Fourteen. 3. He is American. Hes from Los Angeles. 4. No, I dont. I hate sports. 5. No, it isnt. Its very short. 6. No, Im not. 7. Its Rivadavia 938. 8. Clara. 9. Yes, I do. I love domestic animals.

New friend: Carlos Olivera. b. You: New friend: Im from Toronto. Im Canadian. c. You: New friend: Im a student. d. You: New friend: No, my father isnt a student! Hes a reporter. e. You: New friend: My fathers name Emilio. f. You: New friend: No, I dont. I hate sports! g. You: New friend: Yes, I do. I love animals. The hamster is my favourite animal. h. You: i. New friend: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

d. How old are you? e. Is your hair long? f. Do you like sports? g. Do you like animals? h. Whats your address?

10. Im a reghter.

a. 3









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Chat 1

Lessons 19 - 24

Your name Class Date / /

1. Ubic las siguientes palabras en la columna que corresponde. Despus agreg dos ms en cada una.
sing - sleep - red - T-shirt - scuba diving - rock climbing - sweater - tie - run - brown - skirt black - orange - eat - play - parachuting - reading
Actions (5 words) eat Clothes (4 words) Hobbies (4 words) Colours (4 words)

3. Us las palabras dadas y pregunt.

a. your mother / like / chocolate Does your mother like chocolate b. your teacher / like / sports ? c. your friends / like / football ? d. you / like / reading ?

2. Eleg la respuesta correcta y complet. Atencin! Hay dos respuestas de ms.

a. Where is your father from? b. Whats his last name? c. Whats his occupation? d. How old is he? e. Is he tall? f. Does he like sports? g. Does he like animals? h. Whats his address? i. What is he wearing? 1. Lezcano. 2. No, he doesnt. 3. He is from Crdoba. He is Argentinian. 4. Yes, he does. He loves iguanas. 5. No, he isnt. He is short. 6. No, Im not. 7. Its Jaramillo 4563, Villa Mara. 8. Thirty-seven. 9. He is a doctor. 10. Two. 11. A red sweater. a. 3 g. b. h. c. i. d. e. f.

? e. your pets / like / cereal ? f. Zack / play tennis / now ? g. your teacher / watch TV / now ? h. your friends / do homework / now ? i. you / study / now ?


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Chat 1

Lessons 19 - 24

Your name Class Date / /

4. Orden las palabras y escrib la conversacin. Atencin! En cada lnea hay una palabra de ms.
a. Police ofcer: your / nationality / where / whats / ? Whats your nationality? b. You: Im / Buenos Aires / Argentina / from / Argentinian

5. Correg la siguiente informacin.

a. Zacks friend is a doctor. (reporter) No, he isnt a doctor. He is a reporter. b. Zacks mother is from Argentina. (Canada)

c. Zack likes football very much. (tennis)

c. Police ofcer: working / your / is / now / he / father / ?

d. Zacks sisters like reading very much. (swimming)

d. You: isnt. / no, / he / his / is / he / home / at

e. Zack is wearing a yellow T-shirt. (blue)

e. Police ofcer: your / father / wearing / sweater / fathers / a / is / red / ?

f. Zacks friends are playing tennis now. (football)

g. Zacks friend is watching TV now. (cook) f. You: he / yes, / is / not h. Zack and his friends are wearing shorts now. (jeans)

g. Police ofcer: is / fathers / hair / your / he / grey / ?

i. Zack and his friends are working now. (dance) h. You: it / isnt / no / is.

Police ofcer: OK, thank you.


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Chat 1

Lessons 19 - 24

Your name Class Date / /

6. Eleg la opcin que corresponde.

a. Whats your brother doing now? b. Is your mother at home? 1. Hes reading a book. 2. He likes reading. 3. No, she isnt wearing a sweater. 4. Yes, she is in her bedroom.

8. Completa con la pregunta correspondiente.

a. You: Do you like animals Tommy: No, I dont like animals very much. I like sports. ?

c. Describe your friend. 5. His hair is long and brown. 6. She is a doctor. d. Are you getting sick? 7. Yes, I am. Im sneezing. 8. Yes, Im sleeping. e. Does Hugo like school? f. Are Hugos parents working now? g. Is Hugo wearing a jacket? 9. Yes, he is going to school. 10. No, he doesnt. 11. No, they arent. They are at home. 12. No, they dont. 13. Yes, he is. Its a green jacket. 14. Yes, he does. He loves jackets.

? b. You: Tommy: Yes, I do. Football is my favourite sport. ? c. You: Tommy: No, he doesnt. My father doesnt like sports, but he likes animals! ? d. You: Tommy: Yes, he does. He likes big dogs, especially. ? e. You: Tommy: No, she doesnt. My mother doesnt like animals. f. You: Tommy: No, she doesnt! Sports are not very attractive for her. ?

? g. You: Tommy: No, she isnt watching TV. She is reading. h. You: Tommy: Shes reading novels. ?

7. Eleg la opcin correcta.

Zack: Joseph is a. my / his friend. Hes from b. Canadian / Canada. He is very handsome. c. Hes / His hair is short and black. His eyes d. are / is big and brown. He e. likes / like sports very much. He likes football, especially. But he f. doesnt like / likes swimming or running. g. Her / His wife is very beautiful, too. She doesnt like sports. She likes reading and watching TV.

? i. You: Tommy: No, she isnt reading a romantic novel. Shes reading a mystery novel.

read and watch /


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Chat 2

Lessons 1-6

Your name Class Date / /

1. Le las respuestas y eleg la pregunta correcta.


b. How old is he? . c. Is he from Canada? . d. Is he a reporter? . e. Does he like vegetables? .

Whats your name? /

Are you Constanza Rodriguez? No, Im not. Im Pamela Rodrguez.


Where are you from? / Where are you?

Im from Uruguay.

How are you? / How old are you?

Im fourteen.

Do you like adventure sports? / Do you have a computer?

Not very much.


3. Le sobre Pedro y complet con los siguientes verbos. Atencin! Hay un verbo de ms.
feel (x2) wear - eat study watch read play be drink - have

What is your mother like? / What does your mother look like?

Shes nice and sweet.

Pedro a. He b.

is having

a great time at the park. happy because he c. red and football now. He a

2. Mir esta informacin y respond las preguntas.

Name: Peter Jones Age: 27 Address: 1432 Derek Street Nationality: American Occupation: Teacher Favourite food: Broccoli, lettuce and sh a. Whats his last name? His last name is Jones .

his new trainers. They d. green. He e. (not)


a snack and g.

soda with his friends. Ana, his sister, isnt at the park. Shes at home: she h. her maths test. She i. (not) because she is nervous. She j. (not) TV because it doesnt help her concentrate. for well


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Chat 2

Lessons 1-6

Your name Class Date / /

4. Le esta descripcin y eleg la opcin correcta.

This is my friend Sue. a. She / Her is 13 years old.

6. Le las preguntas y eleg la respuesta correcta. Atencin! Hay una opcin de ms.
a. Where is Tom? I think he is at school. b. What is he doing at 7.30 pm?

She / Her mother is Mexican and her father is

from c. German / Germany. Sue is d. tall / long and slim. e. His / Her hair is f. long / tall and brown and her g. nose / eyes are big. Sue likes fruit h. and / but she doesnt like vegetables. She likes adventure sports: i. her / your favourite sport is rock climbing.

c. What is he studying?

d. Does he like science?

5. Le la respuesta y complet la pregunta. Us las siguientes palabras.

What What When Why Who Where
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yes, its his favourite subject. Hes studying science. I think he is at school. He is playing sports. He is studying with his friends.


What A T-shirt.

is he wearing?

b. Graciela. c. A book. d.

is reading a book?

is she reading?

7. Vocabulary: Food. Orden las letras y un las palabras con la ilustracin correcta. Atencin! Hay una ilustracin de ms.
a. etma meat

is she reading? In the living room.

b. otocalech c. cie rmaec d. waeerrsstbir e. ctiusbis f. ccekhni


is she reading? Because she has a test.


is the test? Tomorrow morning.


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Chat 2

Lessons 1-6

Your name Class Date / /

8. Mir este cuadro y encontr las respuestas correspondientes.

Tom Mexican food Reading novels Taking care of pets Peter Carol Susan Andrea

9. Ahora escrib la informacin de cada uno en tu carpeta.

Tom Likes Mexican food and taking care of pets, buts he doesn t like reading novels, fruit or

practising adveture sports.

10. Los alumnos de una escuela estn trabajando en un proyecto. La directora consulta a la docente sobre las actividades de los alumnos. Arm la pregunta y la respuesta siguiendo la gua.
a. What / Sue / doing? (draw for the project) What is Sue doing ? .

Fruit Practising adventure sports

Shes drawing for the project

b. What / Fernanda and Luz / doing? (surf the Internet) ? . c. Virginia / tennis? (No, read some information) ?

a. Who likes Mexican food? Tom, Susan and Andrea. b. Who likes adventure sports and reading novels?

c. Who doesnt like fruit but likes Mexican food?

. d. Juan Manuel / reading? (No, watch a special video)

d. Who doesnt like taking care of pets or practising adventure sports?

? .

e. Who likes practising adventure sports but doesnt like reading novels?

e. What / Fabrizio / doing? (listen to a conference) ? .


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Chat 2

Lessons 7-12

Your name Class Date / /

1. What time is it? Le la hora y eleg el reloj que corresponde.

a. Its half past seven. 1. b. Its a quarter to ve. 3. c. Its three oclock. 5. d. Its ten to four. 7. e. Its ve past six. 9. 10. 8. 6. 4. 2.

3. Le sobre la rutina de Laura y arm oraciones.

a. 7.00 wake up (always) She always wakes up at 7.00 oclock b. 7.15 breakfast (usually) . c. 7.30 work (always) . d. 10.00 Internet (never) . e. 12.15 lunch (sometimes) . .

2. Le la hora y un con el reloj correspondiente. Hay un reloj de ms.

f. afternoon tea (never) . g. 8.00 go to the gym (sometimes) .

a. Its three oclock.


b. Its half past three.


h. 9.30 dinner (usually) .

c. Its a quarter to three.


i. after dinner TV (sometimes) .

d. Its ten to three.


j. 11.30 listen to music (never) .

e. Its a quarter past three.


k. 12.00 bed (always) .

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Chat 2

Lessons 7-12

Your name Class Date / /

4. Escrib las siguientes palabras debajo de la categora correspondiente.

Tuesday history art belt Sunday science Thursday tie jacket
Days of the week School Subjects

6. Mir el cuadro y escrib oraciones siguiendo la informacin presentada.

Name Study maths Read comics Practise sports


Peter Simon John Alex


Ahora complet con dos ejemplos ms para cada categora.

a. Peter sometimes studies maths but he always reads comics and practises sports. b.

5. Complet las siguientes preguntas usando las palabras dadas.

c. When Who Where What time How often d.

a. b.


do you live? In Balcarce. do you usually play football?

On Saturday. c. d. e. my brother. do you surf the Internet? Every day. do you usually go to sleep? At 11.30. do you live with? My mother and

7. Marc la palabra que pertenece a una categora diferente.

a. Sunday science Saturday Wednesday b. never usually in the afternoon always c. history arts geography school d. tie purple belt suit


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Chat 2

Lessons 7-12

Your name Class Date / /

8. Orden las siguientes oraciones.

a. never / Sofa / at 8 am. / gets up / at weekends Sofa never gets up at 8 am. at weekends b. go to sleep / usually / I / very late . c. Mark / in the afternoon / reads comics / sometimes . d. before dinner / takes a shower / always / Carol . e. on TV / never / we / sports programmes / watch . .

c. d. e.

breakfast a shower comics

11. Orden el siguiente dilogo.

a. How about this one? We have it in green, blue and red. b. Excuse me, I need a jacket, please. c. Thank you. d. Large size, please. e. The green one is really cool. f. What size? Small, medium or large? g. Here you are.
1. b 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

9. Le el texto y eleg la opcin correcta.

Hello, Im Santiago. I a. am / have 14 years old. I b. am / have one brother and three sisters. I live c. in / on Lans, d. at / on Derqui Avenue. My father doesnt live
e. with / to me. He f. live / lives in Flores. I visit g. he / him every week. We h. never / always play

12. Le el texto y eleg la opcin correcta.

Carol Gian is a popular musician. She a. play / plays many musical instruments. She is b. from / at Jujuy, but at the moment she c. lives / is living in Crdoba. Carol d. is / has short and slim. She has

football on Saturday. We love football.

big brown / brown big eyes. They / We are six and four years old. They go to

10. Complet con el verbo correspondiente. Atencin! Hay un verbo de ms.

go take read have eat drink a. b. eat lunch home

Carol has two children: Matas and Facundo.


school g. in / at the morning and Carol practises at that time. She also gives music lessons
h. on

/ in Tuesdays and Thursdays. She never

teaches at weekends i. but / and she gives concerts. Her dream is to play in a big stadium for many people.


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Chat 2

Lessons 13-18

Your name Class Date / /

1. Escrib el opuesto de estos adjetivos.

a. noisy quiet d. cold h e. clean d

3. Preguntale a Laura sobre su ciudad. Escrib las respuestas segn la gua.

a. You: schools? Are there any schools?

b. modern o c. small b

b. Laura: c. You: train station?

2. Mir los mapas de estos tres barrios y complet con la informacin que falta.
Green Town
Hospital Park

d. Laura: e. You:


Yellow Town

Orange Town
Post Ofce Bank

f. Laura: g. You: banks?

h. Laura:
Hospital Hospital School Bank

i. You: j. Laura:




School Hospital Park

Post Ofce





4. Ahora escrib sobre la ciudad de Laura.

In Lauras city, there are

a. In

there are three schools, two

hospitals, a park and a post ofce. b. In Orange town there is , and there are c. In Green town hospitals, two parks, a big school. three a bank and , there is .

5. A qu lugar se dirigen?
a. I need some eggs, sugar and milk. supermarket. b. Lets have a cup of tea and talk about your problem. .

c. I cant buy these books. Maybe they can lend them to me. .

d. I dont have any money. I need to cash this cheque. .


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Chat 2

Lessons 13-18

Your name Class Date / /

6. Mir el mapa y un. Hay una opcin de ms.

Cinema Gym

7. Mir esta lista y complet los espacios debajo con is, are, need o dont need.
Item I have I need

Mitre Avenue
Theatre School Cafe Bus Station Church

San Martn Avenue

socks shoes sweaters tie belts jacket

ve pairs one pair only two one two one

two pairs four two

a. Where is the cinema? b. Where is the church? c. Where is the school? d. Where is the caf? e. Where is the gym? 1. Its on Echeverra Street, between the school and the bus station. 2. Its on Mitre Avenue, next to the cinema. 3. Its on the corner of Mitre Avenue and Sarmiento Street. 4. Its on the corner of Mitre Avenue and Echeverra Street, opposite the theatre. 5. Its on the corner of Mitre Avenue and Echeverra Street, next to the gym. 6. Its on the corner of Echeverra Street and San Martn Avenue.
a. 5 b. c. d. e.

Echeverra Street

Sarmiento Street

In my suitcase, there a. socks I b.


ve pairs of

any more. There c. one more.

one pair of shoes. I d. There e. two more. There g. any more. There i. any more. There k. one more.

only two sweaters. I f. a tie. I h. two belts, I j. a jacket. I l.

8. Eleg la palabra correcta y escribila en el espacio correspondiente. Atencin! Hay una opcin de ms.
sunblock money batteries paper water - CDs a. Im thirsty. I need some water . .

b. The suns too strong. I think I need some

c. I want to write a note for my friend. I need some .


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Chat 2

Lessons 13-18

Your name Class Date / /

d. I want to buy a soda. I need some e. The CD player is not working. I think we need some .

b. are / female teachers / school / there / only / at . c. one / is / secretary / there / only .

9. Mir la foto de este cuarto por treinta segundos y complet las oraciones con lo que records.

d. breaktime / buy food / kiosk / there / a / is / to / at . e. are / TV sets / some / in / there / classrooms .

11. Eleg la opcin correcta.

Mara: Lets prepare lunch. Why dont we make a salad? Fer: Great idea! But we dont have a. some / any tomatoes. Mara: Check in the basket. There b. is / are ve a. The lamp b. The books c. The CDs d. The jacket e. The dogs is on the oor . . . . . Fer: Fer: tomatoes and c. one / two onions. Do we need d. some / any mayonnaise? go to the supermarket. Do we have f. some / any eggs? No, I dont think so. We need to buy

Mara: Yes, but we dont have e. some / any. Lets

some /any.

10. Orden las oraciones y despus escrib True (verdadero) o False (falso) de acuerdo a la realidad de tu escuela.
a. twenty / in / class / there / students / are / English / my There are twenty students in my English class.
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Mara: OK. Lets go then. We can also buy

h. some / any bread.


All right.


Chat 2

Lessons 19-24

Your name Class Date / /

1. Mir el cuadro y escrib sobre estos chicos.


3. Mir estas dos ilustraciones y escrib sobre lo que pueden o no hacer en estas condiciones.

a. Martn b. Julin c. Paula d. Andrs e. You

a. Martn can sing, use a computer and drive a car, but he cant play the guitar.

a. (run)

She can run

. . . .

b. (write a letter) c. (play tennis)

2. Ahora arm las preguntas y respondelas mirando el cuadro.

a. Martn / play the guitar? b. Julin and Paula / drive a car? c. Andrs / sing? d. Andrs and Martn / use a computer? e. Julin / sing?

d. (read a book)

a. Can Martn play the guitar? No, he cant. b. c. d. e. . . . . e. (ride a bike) f. (run) g. (swim) h. (surf the Internet) . . . .


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Chat 2

Lessons 19-24

Your name Class Date / /

4. Vocabulario. Un las palabras con la ilustracin correspondiente. Atencin! Hay un dibujo de ms.
1. 2.

6. Le las conversaciones y complet con much o many.

I need some carrots?

a. cheese b. bread

How a.


Just three.

4. c. tuna d. milk e. meat 5.


Can I have some cheese, please? How b. ?


A quarter kilo.

I need some tuna. How c. tuna do you need?

5. Eleg la opcin correcta.

a. a tin of cheese of tuna of soda of cheese of milk of mayonnaise of tuna of mayonnaise of crisps of tuna

A kilo, please.

Can I have some tomatoes? Yes, how d. Five, please. ?

b. half a kilo

c. a bottle

7. Orden el siguiente dilogo.

a. Yes, I need tomatoes, too. b. How much do you need? c. OK. Here you are. d. Can I help you? e. Anything else? f. Yes. I need some bread, please. g. Give me three, please. h. How many do you need? i. Half a kilo, please.
1. d 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

d. a jar

e. a packet


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Chat 2

Lessons 19-24

Your name Class Date / /

8. Mir las siguientes fechas y escrib la estacin del ao a la que corresponden.

a. March 21st June 20th b. June 21st September 20th c. September 21st December 20th d. December 21st March 20th Autumn

b. drinking / I / juice / prefer / soda / to

c. jazz / like / to / doesnt / Alberto / listening

d. Juan / like / football / Diego / and / playing

9. En qu estacin del ao caen los siguientes cumpleaos?

a. January 18th b. June 27th c. December 2nd d. May 29th e. February 7th f. November 18th g. September 30th h. March 10th i. October 26th j. July 1st Summer

e. novels / Gabriela / like / do / and / Graciela / reading / ?

11. Reescrib estas oraciones usando los siguientes verbos con la forma - ing.
read eat play listen to - drink a. I hate tomatoes. I hate eating tomatoes. b. My grandmother likes rock music.

c. My sister doesnt like newspapers.

d. I like football but I prefer basketball.

10. Orden las siguientes palabras y arm oraciones.

a. watching / Hugo / does / TV / like / ? Does Hugo like watching TV?

e. My little brother likes TV.

f. I dont like juice.


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Chat 3

Lessons 1-6

Your name Class Date / /

1. Unscramble the words and write sentences. Attention! There is an extra word.
a. name his is Patricia Rauch her Her name is Patricia Rauch. b. sixteen she old is years he

2. Order these dialogues.

a. Dont move! Theres a rat behind you. Whats wrong? Dont move! Whats wrong? Theres a rat behind you.

c. is tall slim and or she

b. Whats wrong? Be careful. Theres a banana peel on the oor.

d. from is Spain she Spanish

e. has she one have brother

f. name his Francisco her is

c. Whats wrong? Look out! The oor is slippery!

g. like he playing likes video games

h. can speak Italian he Italy d. Theres a tarantula behind you. Whats wrong? Watch out!

i. his time he in playing - free tennis plays


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Chat 3

Lessons 1-6

Your name Class Date / /

3. Read the information and write a paragraph in your folder.

NAME: Jason Ford AGE: 15 OCCUPATION: student LIKES AND DISLIKES: sports, reading, computers ABILITIES: swim, Japanese DAILY ROUTINE: wake up (8.30 am), practise sports (9.00 am), have lunch (11.45 am), school (1.00 pm), do homework ( 7.00 pm) Jason is 15 years old.

c. He speaks good English everyday. d. My friends dont speak Italian e. I love languages, and Italian. f. I cant play the piano one. g. I want to ski I cant.

he practises


I study German

I dont have

h. On Saturdays, my mother cleans the house washes the clothes. i. I like sports I dont like computers.

4. Choose the right option.

a. Calamuchita is beautiful and / or quiet. b. I have an exam so / because I feel a little nervous. c. I want to sleep because / but I am very tired. d. Its very dark so / but I am scared. e. I can watch TV but / or study for my tests. f. I am doing gym so / because I am very fat. g. My friends play tennis and / but volleyball. h. I want to swim because / but the sea is dangerous. i. You can visit the museum and / but the cathedral.
a. Type b. Click c. Turn on d. Remove e. Press

6. There is one incorrect option in each category. Find it and cross it out.
a web address your name a button your user name on the icon on the word the button the image the computer the FF button - the light the TV the light - the DVD the CD the tape open the red button play the DVD

5. Complete using and, so, because, or but.

a. I play tennis because it is good exercise. b. I like music the time.

7. Read and order the instructions to use a CD player.

a. Insert the CD. b. Press open. c. Press play. d. Turn on the CD player.
1. d 3. 2. 4.

I listen to my CDs all

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Chat 3

Lessons 1-6

Your name Class Date / /

8. Now write down the instructions using rst, next, after that and nally.
Its easy to use a CD player. First...

g. My programme start /starts at 9 pm. h. Then / First I speak about general issues. i. Then / Finally I meet famous people. j. First / Finally I comment on important events in the country.

9. Complete the chart with these options.

the mixture - the oven - the ingredients the butter - the our and the butter - the cake for 30 minutes - the chocolate
a. Preheat b. Mix c. Cut d. Bake e. Stir f. Melt the oven,

11. Read and write T (true) or F (false).

My name is Natacha. Melisa Hofman is my best friend. We are students in 7th form at Escuela del Libertador. We are very good friends but we are different. Melisa is 12 but I am 13. She is very tall and Im very short. She likes sports very much but I hate sports. Every day, she wakes up early and goes swimming before breakfast. She goes to school in the afternoon and then, she plays tennis on Tuesday and Thursday. Melisas family is very big. Her two brothers - Nicols and Sebastin - like football very much. They are great football players. Her sisters name is Teresa. Teresa is only 2 years old. My family is very small. We are three: my mum, my dad and me.

10. Read about Penlope Right, an important reporter. Choose the right option.
a. I am working / work on TV. b. I can have / have a very important TV programme in the evening. c. At the moment I am working / work on cable TV. d. I always am meeting / meet famous people. e. In my programme we can speak about politics because / but we cant speak about religion. f. I usually prepare / prepares my programme in the afternoon.
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a. Melisa is Natashas friend.

b. Melisa is a student. c. Natacha is very tall. d. Natacha loves sports. e. Melisa has breakfast after swimming. f. Melisa practises tennis at weekends. g. Nicols is Sebastians brother.


Chat 3

Lessons 7 - 12

Your name Class Date / /

1.Write the past forms of these verbs.

a. study b. watch c. like d. stay e. visit f. live studied

3. Write sentences following the example.

a. My mother / visit / friend / last week. My mother visited her friend last week. b. My friend / play tennis / last Saturday.

c. I / travel / Brazil / last summer.

2. Read about Marcus diary. Write about his activities.

Visit Sue Watch lm Tidy room Study for geography test Stay home with headache Walk the dog in the park Play tennis with friends Stay home, watch TV

d. Two months ago / my brother / visit / the Science Museum.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

e. The teacher / help / students / last class.

f. Last night / I / watch / a horror lm.

g. I / play / sports / last year.

h. We / start / lessons / three months ago.

i. The students / study / for the test / yesterday. On Monday, he visited Sue and watched a lm.


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Chat 3

Lessons 7 - 12

Your name Class Date / /

4. Unscramble the letters and write the past forms of these verbs. Then, write the innitive form next to each.
a. swa b. newt c. danrk d. dah e. pestn f. layedp g. tea h. tsaedy i. meca was be

g. last Saturday my stayed friend front of computer in six for hours the - in h. visited summer Grandpa ago - us last i. my in friend money his spent CDs on

6. Write these dates in letters.

a. 1987 b. 1642 c. 1876 d. 1935 e. 1817 f. 1906 g. 2002 Nineteen eighty-seven.

5. Unscramble the words and write sentences in your folder. Attention! There is an extra word in each sentence.
a. cousin my to yesterday house stayed my came My cousin came to my house yesterday. b. on - friend my was saw lms two Saturday c. mother bought some my food party the a for d. to last year travelled we stayed Buenos Aires e. visited museums Obelisk the we and or f. from yesterday had of stomachache because I I ate lots chocolate - a
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h. 2006

7. Correct the information in the sentences below. Check the information in your text book.
a. Colombus discovered France. He didnt discover France. He discovered America. b. Jos Hernndez wrote El Quijote. c. Milstein discovered penicillin. d. Alexander Fleming won the Nobel Prize. e. Leonardo da Vinci invented the telephone. f. Jos Hernndez painted the Mona Lisa.


Chat 3

Lessons 7 - 12

Your name Class Date / /

8. Complete the questions using some of these verbs.

travel stay go visit see say study have take eat buy love

10. Mara had a terrible day yesterday. Write about her usual activities and her activities yesterday.
Activities Usually Yesterday

a. Did you study for the English test? b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. photographs at the party? the Science Museum in La Plata? a sweater for your mother? to the cinema last night? at home yesterday? my mothers cake? by plane? that spectacular view?

a. wake up b. breakfast c. bus to school d. school e. swimming f. home

6.00 am. 6.45 am. 7.15 am. 7.40 am. 2.00 pm. 5.00 pm.

7.30 am. No time! 7.50 am. 8.15 am. No swimsuit! No keys! Grandmas house!

a. Mara usually wakes up at 6.00 am, but yesterday she woke up at 7.30 am.

9. Order the conversation below.

a. b. c. d. 1 e. f. g. h. i. j. No, I didnt. But I visited Carlos Paz. Yes, I did. I loved it. And I had a great time. Oh, thats bad. Hi, Lucas! How are you? I was in Crdoba. I was on holiday. No, I didnt take any pictures. Do you have any pictures? Did you like it? Really? Did you visit Calamuchita? Fine! You didnt come to the party last week. Where were you?


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Chat 3

Lessons 13 - 18

Your name Class Date / /

1. Complete with was or were.


3. Write the dialogue following these cues.

a. trip to Mendoza? sick. How was your trip to Mendoza? fantastic! expensive? No, cheap. not feeling b. day at school? OK. exam / difcult?

Was Carol at school yesterday? . She c. her sister at school? sick, too.

B: No, she b. A:

B: No. I think she e. A: What happened? B: Her mother and father f.

well either. I think all of them sick. Maybe it h.


the food.

2. Complete with was, wasnt, were or werent.


No, easy.


you at the theatre with Facundo

concert? great!

yesterday? Yes, I b.

. it a good performance? fantastic!! The problem that we f. near the d.

band / good? excellent musicians.

It d.

lm at the cinema? not bad


the actors famous? but the actor i. really good.

boring? too long.

The actress h. Brad Pitt.



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Chat 3

Lessons 13 - 18

Your name Class Date / /

4. Match the innitive to the past form of the verbs. There is one extra past verb.
a. see b. leave c. watch d. eat e. drink f. do g. buy h. study i. go j. write 1. drank 2. watched 3. studied 4. bought 5. went 6. saw 7. wrote 8. ate 9. did 10. left 11. had

6. Test your knowledge! Correct the underlined information.

a. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1942. Christopher Columbus didnt discover America in 1942. He discovered it in 1492. b. King Ferdinand of Aragon sponsored Columbus expedition. c. Christopher Columbus made ve voyages to America. d. Ferdinand Magellan found a river that connected the Pacic and Atlantic oceans.

5. Choose the verb from the box and complete in the Past simple.
buy leave have - go watch write drink see be a. Yesterday we went to the cinema and

7. What did the Montero family do last year? Write the sentences using these cues.
a. (go to Mar del Plata) They went to Mar del Plata. b. (leave early in the morning)

a great lm! b. I so thirsty that I two c. (Mrs. Montero / buy a lot of food) a

litres of water in ten minutes. c. I got together with my friends and special programme on TV. We also some pizza and soda. d. Susan an article for the school e. (everyone / go into the sea) d. (family / stay in a small hotel)

magazine. Everybody said it was interesting. e. Tom was still dark.

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home early in the morning. It

f. (they all / have a great time)

Chat 3

Lessons 13 - 18

Your name Class Date / /

8. Comparatives. Meet the Great White Shark. Complete the blanks with the adjectives in the box.
faster heavier stronger cold bigger smaller - sharper

a lawyer and then c.

back to India.

He didnt have a good experience there so he


to go to Africa. One day, he was on

a train when the ticket collector e. him to go to another part of the train because

a. The great white shark is smaller than the whale shark but it is .

he was a coloured person and not a white one. Gandhi decided to ght unfair laws. He went back to India in 1915. He f. 45 years old and he was very famous. He wanted

b. It is more common in warm seas than in water. c. Females are than males.

to help his country. He started to use another strategy, fasting- not eating for a number of days. On January 30th, 1948 he was walking in the street. A young man looked at him and

d. It usually swims at 3.2 km per hour, but it can swim . It gets to 3.5p/h! than other

e. Its teeth and jaws are sharks: they can bite through metal!

his hands together- Indians say

9. Mahatma Gandhi. Read about him and complete with the verbs below in the correct tense.
take go be decide marry become tell put

hello in this way. Gandhi smiled. The young man


a gun from under his clothes and

killed him. The Prime Minister told India: The father of our nation is no more. Glossary: ght: luchar fasting: ayuno

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2nd, 1869 in India. At the age of 13, he a. married a very

unfair laws: leyes injustas killed: mat

young girl - it was an Indian custom. In 1888, Gandhi travelled to England. He b.


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Chat 3

Lessons 19 - 24

Your name Class Date / /

1. Into Space. Read this article and complete with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There is one extra verb.
wear fall go visit be watch On April 12th 1961, the rst man a. space. He b. forty-eight minutes. On May 5th 1961, the rst American astronaut went into space. His name was Alan Shepard. In July 1969, three American astronauts went into space in the Apollo XI. After three days in space, they were near the moon. The astronauts went into the moonship and landed on the moon. They

Glossary: moonship: nave/cpsula lunar landed: aterriz breathe: respirar keep them warm: mantenerlos abrigados step on: pisar



Russian and his name was

Yuri Gagarin. He was in space for one hour and

2. Correct these statements.

a. The rst man who went into space was the American Yuri Gagarin. The rst man who went into space was the Russian Yuri Gagarin. b. The American astronauts landed on the moon at the end of 1969. . c. The Apollo XI landed on the moon. . d. The spacesuits protected the astronauts from the hot weather. . e. Only Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon. .

spacesuits - special clothes to help

them to breathe and keep them warm. Neil Armstrong was the rst man to step on the moon. The other two astronauts were Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Later, the astronauts went back into the moonship and left. They went to the spaceship and then to the Earth. The spaceship d. into the sea and an American helicopter picked up the astronauts. Millions of people all over the world e. this special event on TV. It was an important event in human history.


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Chat 3

Lessons 19 - 24

Your name Class Date / /

3. Look at Tanias diary and write about what she is going or not going to do next week.

4. Order the following questions and answer them according to the cues.
a. Carol / visit her grandparents / next Friday? ()

10.00 am Go to the denti 7.30 pm Study with Brenda

Tuesday Wednesday

Is Carol going to visit her grandparents next Friday? Yes, she is. b. Santiago / go to football practice / Saturday afternoon? / football match . c. Camila / take guitar lessons / Saturday morning? / Saturday evening . d. Juan Manuel / play video games / Sunday morning? / sleep . e. Luca / study maths / weekend? ()

2.30 pm Me friends at the park


4.00 pm Cinema with Gabriela


9.00 pm Visit grandparents G ready for Fers party.

a. On Monday, Tania is going to go to the dentist at 10.00 and ... b. On Tuesday, she . c. On Wednesday, she . d. On Thursday, Tania . e. On Friday, she because she . .

. f. Virginia / practise handball / next Thursday? () . g. Facundo and Martn / nish homework / in the afternoon? () . h. Angie / go to cinema / Sunday evening? / rock concert . i. Marina / chat with her friends / Tuesday afternoon? / study for a history test. .


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Chat 3

Lessons 19 - 24

Your name Class Date / /

5. Look at Gabrielas diary for next week and complete the following dialogue.
Monday: Go swimming with Alberto and David Tuesday: Denti Wednesday: go roller skating with Angie Thursday: Stay at home help mum Friday: Saturday: Visit grandma Sunday: Go to the club with dad

6. Write the questions for the following answers.

a. What are they going to watch? They are going to watch a lm. b. Im going to visit my grandma. c. Yes, we are going to play football. d. ? No, he is going to study. He has a test tomorrow. ? Yes, she is going to go on holidays. ? ?


Why dont we go shopping this week? e.

Gabriela: Yes, why not? Tania: OK. When? You are always busy! What about Monday?

Gabriela: Well, on Monday I a. am going to go swimming with Alberto and David. Tania: What about Tuesday or Wednesday?

7. Order the following dialogue.

a. Did you go to Crdoba last summer, too? b. Yes, I think so. We want to go to Crdoba. c. Can you practise any sports in the lake? d. Hi, Susan. Are you going to go on holidays next summer? e. Did you have a good time in San Luis? f. Is it hot in summer? g. Fantastic! We loved San Luis. Its really unique! h. No, we didnt. We went to San Luis. i. Oh, yes. Very hot. But there are rivers and lakes. j. Yes, but I dont like water sports. 1. d 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10.

Gabriela: On Tuesday I b. and on Wednesday I c. Tania: Oh, you are really busy!

Gabriela: What about Friday? Im free. Tania: Great. Lets go shopping, then. See you at 5.00 pm.

Gabriela: OK. See you!


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Answer key Chat 1

Lessons 1 to 6
b. fteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen c. one two three four ve six d. twelve - thirteen fourteen - fteen e. nine ten eleven twelve Im sixteen. Im Australian. d. 10.No, Im from Los Angeles. 11.Yes, I am. e. 12. Yes, I am. 13. No, Im eighteen.

b. an c. a d. an e. an f. a

b. Jackeline Robson is seventeen. She is Canadian. She is from Toronto. c. James Brown is fourteen. He is English. He is from Liverpool. d. Rebecca Smith is fteen. She is American. She is from Los Angeles. e. Joaqun Ribera is eighteen. He is Argentinian. He is from Paran.

Answers will vary.

b. His c. He d. Her e. Her f. She g. She h. Her i. her

a. Italian b. Canadian c. Spanish d. Brazilian e. Mexican f. German

b. My names Karina. c. Where are you from? d. I am from Mexico. e. How old are you? f. Im sixteen.

b. She isnt a teacher. Shes a doctor. c. Stephen isnt English. Hes French. d. He isnt an actor. Hes a football player. e. My friends arent Italian. They are Argentinian. f. They arent teachers. They are reporters. g. Zack isnt Argentinian. Hes Canadian. h. He isnt a dentist. He is a reporter. i. Jennifer and Sue arent American. They are Canadian. j. They arent singers.

b. My name is Pedro Texeira. Im fourteen. Im Brazilian. c. My name is Marcos Ruiz. Im thirteen. Im Mexican. d. My name is Susana Mrquez. Im fteen. Im Spanish. e. My name is Soa Norton. Im seventeen. Im Canadian. f. My name is Pierre Berau. Im eighteen. Im French. g. My name is Katherine Jones.

a. 2. My last name is Freire. 3. Im nineteen. 4. Im from Sao Pablo, Brazil. b. 5. My name is Jackeline. 6. Im seventeen. 7. Im from Toronto, Canada. c. 8. Yes, I am. 9. No, Im fourteen.

Lessons 7 to 12
a. eyes, hair b. yellow, brown, blue c. Italy, England, Argentina, Japan d. student, teacher, actress, reporter e. thirteen, four, twenty, eleven

b. twenty-one c. twenty-seven d. thirty-two e. thirteen f. forty-three g. fty-seven

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Chat 1

They are teachers. k. Ronaldo isnt Argentinian. Hes Brazilian. l. Chei Lou isnt Canadian. Hes Japanese. m.They arent reporters. They are lawyers. n. Carola and Manuel arent Argentinian. They are Spanish. o. They arent reghters. They are police ofcers.

b. Where c. How old d. What e. Where f. Who

apples, sh d. running, tennis, gymnastics, football

e. Does he like sports?

b. ice cream c. apples d. cereal e. bird f. elephant g. puma h. crocodile i. baseball j. tennis k. running l. gymnastics

b. sister c. brother d. grandfather e. grandmother f. daughter g. son

a. Her name is Mafalda. She is Argentinian, she is a student. She is short and she has black eyes and black hair. b. His name is Ginbili. He is Argentinian, he is a basketball player. He is tall and has short hair and brown eyes. c. His name is Schumacher. He is German. He is a car racer. He is tall and has short hair and blue eyes.

b. Their c. Her d. His / Her e. her f. My g. Our h. Our i. your j. My k. Its

Answers will vary.

b. No, she isnt. Shes Italian. c. Is she a teacher? d. No, she isnt. e. Whats her occupation? f. Shes a dentist. g. How old is she? h. She is forty years old. i. Is she tall? j. No, she isnt.

b. Where are you from? c. Whats your job? d. Is your father a student, too? e. Whats his name? f. Do you like sports? g. Do you like animals?

b. fathers c. He d. Her e. She f. They g. Carolas h. is i. is j. long k. are l. They m. are n. Their

b. 14 years old c. Italian d. Student e. Paolo f. Hes not very tall. His eyes are blue and his hair is black.

b. 8 c. 10 d. 2 e. 5 f. 4 g. 9 h. 7

2. f 3. c 4. g 5. e 6. a 7. b

Lessons 13 to 18
a. sister, uncle, father b. cat, dog, sh, hamster c. potato, meat, carrots, chicken,

Lessons 19 to 24
Actions: sing, sleep, run, play Clothes: T-shirt, sweater, tie, skirt Hobbies: scuba

b. 3 c. 6 d. 7 e. 9 f. 11

b. Whats your job? c. Whats your fathers name? d. Does he like animals?

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Chat 1

diving, rock climbing, parachuting, reading Colours: red, black, brown, orange

doing (their) homework now? i. Are you studying now?

b. 1 c. 9 d. 8 e. 5 f. 2 g. 4 h. 7 i. 11

b. Im Argentinian / Im from Buenos Aires, Argentina. c. Is your father working now? d. No, he isnt. He is at home. e. Is your father wearing a red sweater? f. Yes, he is. g. Is your fathers hair grey? h. No, it isnt.

b. Does your teacher like sports? c. Do your friends like football? d. Do you like reading? e. Do your pets like cereal? f. Is Zack playing tennis now? g. Is your teacher watching TV now? h. Are your friends

b. No, she isnt from Argentina. Shes from Canada. c. No, he doesnt like football very much. He likes tennis. d. No, they dont like

reading. They like swimming. e. No, he isnt wearing a yellow T-shirt. Hes wearing a blue T-shirt. f. No, Zacks friends are not / arent playing tennis now. They are playing football. g. No, Zacks friend is not / isnt watching TV now. He /She is cooking. h. No, Zack and his friends are not wearing shorts now. They are wearing jeans. i. No, Zack and his friends are not working now. They are dancing.

f. 11 g. 13

b. Canada c. His d. are e. likes f. doesnt like g. His h. reading and watching

b. (And you?) Do you like football? c. Does your father like sports? d. Does he like dogs? e. Does your mother like animals? f. And does she like sports? g. Is she watching TV now? h. What is she reading? i. Is she reading a romantic novel?

b. 4 c. 5 d. 7 e. 10

Chat 2
Lessons 1 to 6
b. Where are you from? c. How old are you? d. Do you like adventure sports? e. What is your mother like? d. No, he isnt. e. Yes, he does.

b. Her c. Germany d. tall e. Her f. long g. eyes h. but i. her

d. Where e. Why f. When

b. feels c. is wearing d. are e. is not / isnt playing f. is eating g. is drinking h. is studying i. is not / isnt feeling j. is not / isnt watching

b. 6. He is studying with his friends. c. 2. Hes studying science. d. 1. Yes, its his favourite subject.

b. He is 27 years old. c. No, he isnt.

b. Who c. What


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Chat 2

b. chocolate c. ice cream d. strawberries e. biscuits f. chicken

a. Tom, Susan and Andrea b. Carol c. Tom and Andrea d. Susan e. Peter and Susan

Internet. c. Is Virginia playing tennis? No, shes studying the information. d. Is Juan Manuel reading? No, hes watching a special video. e. What is Fabrizio doing? Hes listening to a conference.

dinner. j. She never listens to music at 11.30. k. She always goes to bed at 12.00.

Clothes: tie, jacket Days of the week: Tuesday, Sunday, Thursday Subjects: history, art, science

c. Mark sometimes reads comics in the afternoon. d. Carol always takes a shower before dinner. e. We never watch sports programmes on TV.

b. have c. in d. on e. with f. lives g. him h. always

b. Peter likes taking care of pets, fruit and practising adventure sports but he doesnt like Mexican food or reading novels. c. Carol likes reading novels, taking care of pets and practising adventure sports but she doesnt like Mexican food or fruit. d. Susan likes Mexican food, fruit and practising adventure sports but she doesnt like reading novels or taking care of pets. e. Andrea likes Mexican food and reading novels but she doesnt like taking care of pets, fruit or practising adventure sports.

Lessons 7 to 12
b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 e. 10

b. When c. How often d. What time e. Who

b. Simon usually studies maths, he never reads comics and he sometimes practises sports. c. John sometimes studies maths, he usually reads comics but he never practises sports. d. Alex always studies maths, he usually reads comics and he usually practises sports.

b. go c. have d. take e. read

b. 6 c. 1 d. 2 e. 4

2. f 3. d 4. a 5. e 6. g 7. c

b. She usually has breakfast at 7.15. c. She always goes to work at 7.30. d. She never surfs the Internet at 10.00. e. She sometimes has / eats lunch at 12.15. f. She never has tea in the afternoon. g. She sometimes goes to the gym at 8.00. h. She usually has dinner at 9.30. i. She sometimes watches TV after

b. from c. is living d. is e. big brown f. They g. in h. on i. but

b. in the afternoon c. school d. purple

b. What are Fernanda and Luz doing? They are surng the

b. I usually go to sleep very late.


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Chat 2

Lessons 13 to 18
b. old c. big d. hot e. dirty

b. dont need c. is d. need e. are f. need g. is h. dont need i. are j. dont need k. is l. need

Lessons 19 to 24
b. Julin can use a computer and drive a car but he cant sing or play the guitar. c. Paula can sing, play the guitar and drive a car but she cant use a computer. d. Andrs can use a computer and play the guitar but he cant sing or drive a car. e. Answers will vary.

b. of cheese c. of milk d. of mayonnaise e. of crisps

b. much c. much d. many

a. Yellow town b. a school, a post ofce, two banks c. there are, there is, there is

2. f 3. b 4. i 5. e 6. a 7. h 8. g 9. c

b. sunblock c. paper d. money e. batteries

b. Yes, there are. c. Is there a train station? d. No, there isnt. e. Is there a hotel? f. Yes, there is. g. Are there any banks? h. Yes, there are. i. Is there an airport? j. No, there isnt.

b. Can Julin and Paula drive a car? Yes, they can. c. Can Andrs sing? No, he cant. d. Can Andrs and Martn use a computer? Yes, they can. e. Can Julin sing? No, he cant.

b. are on a chair c. are on the bed d. is on the oor e. is in the bed

b. Winter c. Spring d. Summer

b. There are only female teachers at school. c. There is only one secretary. d. There is a kiosk to buy food at breaktime. e. There are TV sets in some classrooms.

In Lauras city there are schools, banks, there is a hotel but there isnt a train station or an airport.

b. Winter c. Spring d. Autumn e. Summer f. Spring g. Spring h. Summer i. Spring j. Winter

b. She cant write a letter. c. She cant play tennis. d. She can read a book. e. He cant ride a bike. f. He cant run. g. He cant swim. h. He can surf the Internet.

a. supermarket b. coffee shop c. library d. bank

b. are c. two d. any e. any f. any g. some h. some

b. I prefer drinking juice to soda. c. Alberto doesnt like listening to jazz. d. Juan and Diego like playing football.

b. 3 c. 4 d. 1 e. 2

a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 6 e. 4


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Chat 2

e. Do Gabriela and Graciela like reading novels?

b. My grandmother likes listening to rock music. c. My sister doesnt like

reading newspapers. d. I like playing / watching football, but I prefer playing / watching basketball.

e. My little brother likes watching TV. f. I dont like drinking juice.

Chat 3
Lessons 1-6
b. She is sixteen years old. c. She is tall and slim. d. She is from Spain. e. She has one brother. f. His name is Francisco. g. He likes playing video games. h. He can speak Italian. i. He plays tennis in his free time. He likes sports and reading but he doesnt like computers. He can swim and speak Japanese. (From Monday to Friday), he wakes up at 8:30, he practises sports at 9.00 am, he has lunch at 11.45 am, he goes to school at 1.00 pm and he does his homework at 7:00 pm. d. the light e. the DVD j. Finally

2. b 3. a 4. c

b. T c. F d. F e. T f. F g. T

Its easy to use a CD. First, turn on the CD player. Next, press open. After that, insert the CD. Finally, press Play.

Lessons 7-12
b. watched c. liked d. stayed e. visited f. lived

b. so c. because d. so e. or f. because g. and h. but i. and

b. Be careful. Whats wrong? Theres a banana peel on the oor. c. Look out! Whats wrong? The oor is slippery! d. Watch out! Whats wrong? Theres a tarantula behind you.

b. the ingredients, the our and the butter c. the cake d. for 30 minutes, the cake e. the our and the butter, the ingredients f. the butter, the chocolate

On Tuesday, he tidied his room. On Wednesday, he studied for his geography test. On Thursday, he stayed home with a headache. On Friday, he walked the dog in the park. On Saturday, he played tennis with friends. On Sunday, he stayed home and watched TV.

b. so c. because d. or e. so f. and g. but h. and i. but

b. have c. am working d. meet e. but f. prepare g. starts h. First i. Then

He is a student and his last name is Ford.

b. the image c. the FF button


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Chat 3

b. My friend played tennis last Saturday. c. I travelled to Brazil last summer. d. Two months ago my brother visited the Science museum. e. The teacher helped his students last class. f. Last night I watched a horror lm. g. I played sports last year. h. We started our lessons three months ago. i. The students studied for the test yesterday.

hours in front of the computer. h. Grandpa visited us last summer. i. My friend spent his money on CDs.

b. Sixteen forty-two. c. Eighteen seventy-six. d. Nineteen thirty-ve. e. Eighteen seventeen. f. Nineteen oh six. g. Two thousand two. h. Two thousand six.

3. e 4. i 5. a 6. h 7. b 8. g 9. f 10. c

c. was d. Was e. was f. were g. Were h. was

b. was c. Was d. was e. was f. werent g. Were h. wasnt i. was j. was

b. Mara usually has breakfast at 6.45 am, but yesterday she didnt have breakfast. c. She usually takes the bus at 7.15 am, but yesterday she took the bus at 7.50 am. d. She usually arrives at / gets to school at 7.40 am, but yesterday she arrived at / got to school at 8.15 am. e. She usually goes swimming at 2.00 pm, but yesterday she didnt go swimming (because she forgot her swimsuit). f. She usually goes back home at 5.00 pm, but yesterday she didnt go home at 5.00 because she forgot her keys. She went to her grandmothers house.

b. Jos Hernndez didnt write El Quijote. He wrote Martn Fierro. c. Milstein didnt discover penicillin but he won the Nobel Prize in 1984. d. Alexander Fleming didnt win the Nobel Prize. He discovered penicillin. e. Leonardo da Vinci didnt invent the telephone. He painted the Mona Lisa.

a. How was your trip to Mendoza? It was fantastic! Was it expensive? No, it was cheap. b. How was your day at school? It was OK. Was the exam difcult? No, it was easy. c. How was the concert? It was great! Was the band good? Yes, they are excellent musicians. d. How was the lm at the cinema? It was not bad. Was it boring? No, it was too long.

b. went c. drank d. had e. spent f. played g. ate h. stayed i. came go drink have spend play eat stay come

b. My friend saw two lms on Saturday. c. My mother bought some food for the party. d. Last year we travelled to Buenos Aires. e. We visited museums and the Obelisk. f. I had stomach ache yesterday because I ate lots of chocolate. g. Last Saturday my friend stayed for six

b. Did you take c. Did you visit d. Did you buy e. Did you go f. Did you stay g. Did you eat h. Did you travel i. Did you see

Lessons 13-18
b. wasnt

2. j

b. 10

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c. 2 d. 8 e. 1 f. 9 g. 4 h. 3 i. 5 j. 7

d. The family stayed in a small hotel. d. Everyone went into the sea. e. They all had a great time.

a. is going to study with Brenda at 7:30. b. is not going to do anything. c. is going to meet her friends at the park at 2:30. d. is not going to go to the cinema with Gabriela at 4:00. e. is not going to visit her grandparents at 9:00 / is going to get ready for Fers party.

a. more dangerous b. colder c. bigger d. faster e. sharper

a. saw b. was, drank c. watched, had d. wrote f. left

b. became c. went d. decided e. told f. was g. put h. took

b. King Ferdinand of Aragon didnt sponsor Columbus expedition. Queen Isabel of Castile sponsored it. c. Christopher Columbus didnt make ve voyages to America. Christopher Columbus made four voyages to America. d. Ferdinand Magellan didnt nd a river that connected the Pacic and Atlantic oceans. Ferdinand Magellan found a strait that connected the Pacic and Atlantic oceans.

b. Is Santiago going to football practice on Saturday afternoon? No, he isnt. He is going to see a football match. c. Is Camila going to take guitar lessons on Saturday morning? No, she isnt. She is going to take guitar lessons on Saturday evening. d. Is Juan Manuel going to play video games on Sunday morning? No, he isnt. Hes going to sleep. e. Is Luca going to study maths at the weekend? Yes, she is. f. Is Virginia going to practice handball next Thursday? Yes, she is. g. Are Facundo and Martn going to nish their homework in

the afternoon? Yes, they are. h. Is Angie going to go to the cinema on Sunday evening? No, she isnt. She is going to go to a rock concert. i. Is Marina going to chat with her friends on Tuesday afternoon? No, she isnt. She is going to study for her history test. j. Is Fernando going to work tomorrow morning? Yes, he is.

b. am going to go to the dentist. c. am going to go roller skating with Angie.

Lessons 19-24
b. was c. wore d. fell e. watched

b. Who are you going to visit? c. Are you going to play football? d. Is he going to play football too? e. Is she going to go on holidays?

b. The American astronauts landed on the moon in July 1969. c. The moonship landed on the moon. d. The spacesuits protected the astronauts from the cold weather. e. The three astronauts stepped on the moon.

2. b 3. f 4. i 5. c 6. j 7. a 8. h 9. e 10. g

b. They left early in the morning. c. Mrs. Montero bought a lot of food.


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Datos de catalogacin bibliogrca

Casuscelli, Lina Chat Actividades Complementarias / Lina Casuscelli y Mara Jos Gandini 1 ed. - Buenos Aires: Pearson Education S.A., 2007. 48 p. ; 29 x 21 cm. ISBN 978-987-1147-97-7 1. Ingls-Enseanza. I. Casuscelli, Lina II. Gandini, Mara Jos III. Ttulo CDD 420.7

Pearson Education S.A. Av. Regimiento de Patricios 1959 (C1266AAF) Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Pearson Education Ro de la Plata: Directora Editorial: Silvina Ferrante Asistente Editorial: Luca Aguirre Correccin: Mara Ins Ocampo Tinta Fresca ediciones: Editor General: Jorge Ezequiel Snchez Directora Editorial: Susana Pironio Vicedirectora Editorial: Alina Baruj Diseo de interior: Eclipse Grca Creativa, bonacorsi diseo Diseo de tapa: Tinta Fresca Ilustraciones: John Amoss, Tracey Munz Cataldo, David Culson, Fred Pusterla, Andrew Shiff, Dan Tesser, George Thomson, Ron Zalme, Ivan Coutinho, Juan Noailles La editorial est a disposicin de los poseedores de los derechos de eventuales fuentes iconogrcas no identicadas.

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