Está en la página 1de 109

MOTOCONFORMADORAS La Motoconformadora es una mquina muy verstil usada para mover tierra u otro material suelto Su funcin principal

es nivelar, modelar o dar la pendiente necesaria al material en que trabaja. Se considera como una mquina de terminacin superficial. Su versatilidad esta dada por los diferentes movimientos de la hoja, como por la serie de accesorios que puede tener. Puede imitar todo los tipos de tractores, pero su diferencia radica en que la Motoniveladora es ms frgil, ya que no es capaz de aplicar la potencia de movimiento ni la de corte del tractor. Debido a esto es ms utilizada en tareas de acabado o trabajos de precisin. Los trabajos ms habituales de una Motoconformadora son los siguientes: - Extendido de una hilera de material descargado por los camiones y posterior nivelacin. - Reperfilado de taludes. - Excavacin, reperfilado y conservacin de las cunetas en la tierra. - Mantenimiento y conservacin.
La Motoniveladora

INDICE Introduccin 3 Objetivos del Trabajo 4 La motoniveladora 5 Componentes de la Motoniveladora 6 Pie de la hoja vertedera 7 Taln de la hoja vertedera 7 Giro del crculo 7 Vertedera 8 Bastidor 10 Eje delantero 10 Motor 11 Tren de Potencia 14

Transmisin 14 Frenos 16 Sistema Hidrulico 17 Cabina 17 Mantenimiento de la Motoniveladora 19 Mtodo de Trabajo de la Motoniveladora 22 Otros dispositivos Adicionales 25 Costos del equipo 27 Conclusiones 28 Bibliografa 29 Introduccin En Obras Civiles, muchos proyectos de movimientos de tierra exigen que la plataforma este acabada con cuidado, de tal forma que la superficie sea uniforme y plana, sin ondulaciones o surcos. Aunque un conductor habilidoso puede conseguir, en muchos casos con un buldozer, resultados mas adecuados, la Motoniveladora ha sido concebida especialmente para refinar la explanada, la superficie de la subbase en las carreteras, as como los desmontes y los rellenos, para igualar taludes de las presas de tierra y conservar los caminos de arrastre de obras. Se trata de una maquina de auto-desplazable que sustenta sobre sus dos o tres ejes. Los grandes proyectos de carreteras de los ltimos aos han necesitado maquinas mas pesadas y robustas, y la configuracin con tres ejes ha demostrado ser la necesaria para poder soportar el potente motor que llevan y proporcionar mejor traccin, por lo que actualmente es el tipo de mayor aceptacin. Objetivos Objetivo principal

El objetivo del trabajo es dar a conocer al curso la importancia de la Motoniveladora en obras de movimiento de tierras para la cual fue concebida.

Objetivos Especficos

Conocer e identificar sus componentes. Comprender su mtodo de trabajo en obra. Conocer Aplicaciones alternativas al perfilado de tierra.

La Motoniveladora En el mercado podemos encontrar diferentes Modelos de Motoniveladoras, las cuales se clasifican segn su peso y potencia de acuerdo a las funciones especificas para las cuales son requeridas. Para nuestro trabajo trabajaremos con un modelo estndar de la fbrica volvo modelo G720B. La G720B es una de las mquinas ms populares de la lnea de Motoniveladoras Volvo. Con 15 422 kg (34 000 lb) y 164 -198 CV (122-148 kW), estas unidades ofrecen una elevada productividad en todas las aplicaciones.

Definicin: Mquina muy verstil usada para mover tierra u otro material suelto.

Su funcin principal es nivelar, modelar o dar la pendiente necesaria al material en que trabaja. Se considera como una mquina de terminacin superficial. Su versatilidad esta dada por los diferentes movimientos de la hoja, como por la serie de accesorios que puede tener. Puede imitar todo los tipos de tractores, pero su diferencia radica en que la Motoniveladora es ms frgil, ya que no es capaz de aplicar la potencia de movimiento ni la de corte del tractor. Debido a esto es ms utilizada en tareas de acabado o trabajos de precisin.

Los trabajos ms habituales de una Motoniveladora son los siguientes:

Extendido de una hilera de material descargado por los camiones y posterior nivelacin. Refino de explanadas Reperfilado de taludes. Excavacin, reperfilado y conservacin de las cunetas en la tierra. Mantenimiento y conservacin

Importante: Las Motoniveladoras no son mquinas para la produccin, sino para realizar acabados, ya sea nivelacin y/o refino. Componentes de la Motoniveladora

1. Pie de la hoja vertedera Es el extremo ms adelantado de la hoja en relacin con el sentido de marcha. Es, generalmente, el extremo que est ms prximo a las ruedas delanteras de la mquina. 2. Taln de la hoja vertedera Es el extremo ms retrasado de la hoja en relacin con el sentido de marcha. Es, generalmente, el extremo que est ms prximo a las ruedas en tndem de la mquina. 3. Giro del crculo Permite una rotacin de 360 grados del crculo y la hoja vertedera para adaptar el ngulo de la hoja al tipo de material o caractersticas de la aplicacin. El ngulo de la hoja es muy importante porque permite que el material ruede a lo largo de ella, aumentando la productividad de la Motoniveladora. Normalmente, una Motoniveladora desplaza el material de un lado al otro del rea que se est nivelando, en vez de empujarlo hacia adelante. Este desplazamiento del material por rodadura de un lado a otro de la hoja, hasta su vertido lateral, requiere menos potencia motor que si tuviera que ser empujado. Para conseguir esta accin de rodadura hay que hacer uso simultneamente de varias de las posibilidades de la mquina, como el giro del crculo, el desplazamiento lateral de la barra de tiro y la inclinacin de la hoja vertedera. (Se dispone, como opcin, de un embrague deslizante ajustable para proteger el mando del crculo de las altas fuerzas horizontales que se producen en las aplicaciones severas. Dientes endurecidos, cortados en el exterior del crculo para mximo esfuerzo de 0palanca y mnimo desgaste. El crculo se apoya en seis puntos mediante tres placas de fijacin ajustables y tres zapatas-gua ajustables, para mximo apoyo del crculo y mejor distribucin de la carga. Las placas y zapatas revestidas de DURAMIDEMR evitan el contacto entre metales y aseguran mxima vida til. DURAMIDEMR es un material de apoyo sinttico que maximiza la vida de servicio y disminuye el mantenimiento del crculo. Dimetro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.683 mm (66,25") Espesor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 mm (1,25") Zapatas-gua ajustables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Placas de fijacin ajustables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4.-Vertedera Vertedera estndar con cantoneras reemplazables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.658 mm x 635 mm x 22 mm (12' x 25" x 7/8") Material de la hoja: Acero al alto carbono SAE 1050 Borde: De templado total, acero al boro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 mm x 16 mm (6" x 5/8") Espaciado de los pernos:. . . . . . . . . . . 152 mm (6") Tamao de los pernos. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 mm (5/8") Rieles de deslizamiento apoyados en cojinetes al DURAMIDEMR.

Acero 1050

Gracias a la buena penetracin de temple que tiene este acero, es apto para piezas de maquinas que deban soportar esfuerzos altos, longitudinales y transversales, pero sin impactos continuos. Acero al boro El Boro logra aumentar la capacidad de endurecimiento cuando el acero esta totalmente desoxidado. Una pequea cantidad de Boro, (0.001%) tiene un efecto marcado en el endurecimiento del acero, ya que tambin se combina con el carbono para formar los carburos que dan al acero caractersticas de revestimiento duro. Temple y revenido: Al dar a los aceros al carbono un temple y revenido se consiguen muy buenas caractersticas cuando el perfil es delgado. En un acero al carbono bien templado o revenido, el valor del lmite elstico suele llegar a ser un 75% de la carga de rotura. (Dimensiones con vertedera estndar) IZQUIERDA DERECHA Alcance fuera de los neumticos - bastidor articulado

................3.048 mm (120,0") .......3.035 mm (119,5") Alcance fuera de los neumticos - bastidor recto ...................2.019 mm (79,5")..........2.007 mm (79,0") Deslizamiento de la hoja ..........673 mm (26,5") .............673 mm (26,5") Desplazamiento lateral del crculo ..........775 mm (30,5") .............749 mm (29,5") Angulo mximo de inclinacin en talud ..........90 .....................................90 Distancia de hoja a tierra ....................445 mm (17,5") Profundidad de corte de la hoja........813 mm (32,0") Inclinacin hidr. de la hoja............44 adel.; 6,5 atrs La excelente movilidad de la hoja permite ngulos empinados para cavar zanjas y formar aludes exteriores ms all del ancho total de la mquina.

5. Bastidor: El bastidor o chasis es el elemento metalico que sirve de soporte a todos los mecanismos que llevan consigo una Motoniveladora. 6. Eje delantero Las ruedas delanteras soportan una larga viga puente de donde cuelga la hoja vertedera. En algunos tipos de maquinas la viga va unida mediante un pivote al chasis trasero para permitir el giro en un circulo reducido, una mayor manejabilidad, y permite avanzar con el bastidor en ngulo en relacin con sentido de marcha, manteniendo las ruedas paralelas. En otros tipos la unin es rgida y el control de direccin solo es posible en el eje delantero. El diseo permite que las ruedas: (a) se inclinen unos 18 a cada lado de la vertical para resistir los empujes laterales cuando, por ejemplo, la hoja vertedera trabaja en posicin inclinada, y (b) trabajen a diferentes niveles para perfilar cunetas, peraltes, y otras tareas anlogas . La combinacin de ambos dispositivos permite que la direccin pueda controlarse sin necesidad de concentracin excesiva por parte del conductor, liberando as su atencin a favor de la hoja vertedera. Tipo: Armadura de acero soldada por robot, con escuadras de refuerzo para aumentar la resistencia a la torsin. Oscila en un solo pasador pivote central de 80 mm (3,15") de dimetro. Inclinacin de las ruedas. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 (D. e I.) Oscilacin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 (arriba y abajo) Altura libre sobre el suelo. . . . . . . . 610 mm (24,0")

Un solo cilindro de inclinacin de las ruedas de 102mm (4") de dimetro con vlvula de traba es equipo estndar. Como equipo opcional se ofrecen dos Cilindros de inclinacin de las ruedas de 76 mm (3") de dimetro con vlvula de traba.

7.-Motor Caractersticas G720B Marca/Modelo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volvo D7DGBE2 Tipo. . . . 4 tiempos, turboalimentado y postenfriado Cilindros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 en lnea Dim. Interior y carrera. . . . . . . . . . . 108 x 130 mm (4,25" x 5,11")

Cilindrada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,1 l (436 pulg3) Rendimiento neto mximo del motor a 1.900 RPM (per SAE J1349). . . . . . 126-157 kW (169-210 hp) Potencia bruta nominal al freno a 2.200 rpm Velocidades de avance 1, 2 y marcha atrs 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 kW (170 hp) Velocidades de avance 3-8, y marcha atrs 2-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 kW (205 hp) Potencia neta nominal al freno a 2.200 rpm Velocidades de avance 1,2 y marcha atrs 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 kW (164 hp) Par motor a 1100 rpm. . . . . 831 Nm (613 lbpie) Aumento de par motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51% Velocidades de avance 3-8 y Marcha atrs 2-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 kW (198 hp) Par motor a 1.400 rpm . . . . 950 N.m (701 lbpie) Aumento de par motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43% Rendimiento: Potencia neta nominal al freno en Condiciones normales J1349/ISO 3046-2 con, bomba de aceite para lubricacin, filtro de aire, silenciador, alternador y ventilador de enfriamiento. El motor cumple con los estndares de emisiones de escape EPA Tier II y EU Stage II. El sistema de enfriamiento del motor est diseado con instalaciones singulares de enfriador y utiliza un ventilador muy eficiente, de Velocidad variable e impulsado hidrulicamente. Motor provisto de purificador de aire de dos etapas y doble elemento del tipo seco con aspirador del escape e indicador de servicio. Arranque de 24 voltios y sistema elctrico con alternador de 1.920 vatios (80 amperios) sin escobillas, con regulador de voltaje interno. Dos bateras de 12 voltios de servicio pesado, sin mantenimiento, con 660 amperios de arranque en fro (CCA) y capacidad de reserva de 160 minutos por batera. Se ofrecen bateras de 1.300 CCA, como opcin. El sistema incluye la desconexin de la batera.

8.-Tren de potencia: El motor 3306 tiene una buena prestacin y un bajo consumo de combustible. La servotransmision permite cambiar de velocidad sobre la marcha y tiene proteccin electrnica para evitar la sobre velocidad del motor, para la mayor productividad la transmisin directa tiene ocho velocidades de avance y cuatro de marcha atrs.

9.-Transmisin La transmisin es servotransmitida, con ocho velocidades marcha adelante. Sus principales caractersticas son el control de cambio electrnico, proteccin de sobre velocidad de motor, una sola palanca permite controlar la velocidad, sentido de la marcha y freno de estacionamiento, tiene un pedal de marcha lenta, el servicio del freno de estacionamiento interno puede realizarse sin desmontar la transmisin, tiene un conector de diagnosis para mayor facilidad de localizacin de averas, montada elsticamente al bastidor. Marca/Modelo Volvo 8400 Servotransmisin de mando directo, totalmente secuencial. El motor no se puede arrancar si la transmisin est engranada. Una sola palanca para la transmisin con Smart Shifter electrnico suministra autodiagnstico electrnico. El embrague maestro de discos mltiples, montado en el volante, es enfriado y lubricado por aceite, para larga duracin. Velocidades de viaje a 2.200 rpm con neumticos estndares: Un solo regulador de la palanca proporciona el acceso rpido a ocho velocidades uniformemente caminadas delanteras y cuatro reversas para emparejar cualquier trabajo. Avance Marcha Atrs Veloc. .....kmh.........mph Veloc. .....kmh .........mph 1................4,4............2,8 1................4,4 ...........2,8

2................6,2............3,9 3................8,5............5,3 2................8,5 ...........5,3 4............. 11,9............7,5 5.............16,9 ...........10,5 3.............16,9.........10,5 6.............23,6 ...........14,7 7.............32,7 ...........20,4 4.............32,7.........20,4 8.............45,7 ...........28,5

8.-Frenos Los frenos de servicio son frenos de disco baados en aceite de accionamiento neumtico, en los cubos de cada una de las cuatro ruedas motrices, estos estn sellados y libres de ajustes, adems son lubricados y refrigerados por aire, la superficie de frenado total es de 23948 cm2. Frenos de servicio: Operados a pedal

Los frenos de servicio de discos en aceite activados hidrulicamente, resistentes al debilitamiento, ubicados en las cuatro ruedas del tndem, son autoajustables, totalmente sellados y no requieren mantenimiento. El sistema tiene dos circuitos de frenado transversales para un frenado uniforme en ambos lados de la Motoniveladora. Incluye reserva de potencia y sistema de alarma para el operador (visual y sonoro). Freno de estacionamiento Activado con muelle y desactivado hidrulicamente, independiente, de discos, en el eje de salida de la transmisin, con accin efectiva en las cuatro ruedas propulsoras del tndem. Incluye sistema de alarma visual y sonoro si el freno est puesto y la transmisin engranada. La transmisin no engrana si el freno de estacionamiento est puesto. Sistema de freno cumple con la prctica recomendada SAE J1473 de octubre de 90 y J1152 de abril de 80; ISO 3450 de enero 28de 93. Volvo utiliza componentes de freno sin asbesto.

9.Sistema hidrulico: El sistema hidrulico con censor de carga reduce el consumo de potencia del motor y el calentamiento del sistema. Las vlvulas de control proporcionan caudal hidrulico equilibrado y permiten controlar los implementos con gran suavidad y precisin. El sistema hidrulico de centro cerrado detecta la demanda de carga y mantiene una presin en el sistema de 24 bar (350lb/pulg2) por encima de la presin de carga. Los mandos del sistema estn dispuestos segn las

normas de la industria, con palancas de poco esfuerzo y corto recorrido ubicadas en el pedestal ajustable de la direccin. El sistema tiene vlvulas de bloqueo para evitar la desviacin de los cilindros bajo carga en los siguientes circuitos: izamiento de la hoja, inclinacin de la vertedera, deslizamiento del crculo, inclinacin de las ruedas, viraje del crculo y articulacin. Las caractersticas del sistema hidrulico incluyen bomba de pistn axial de presin y flujo compesados, de carrera variable con alto rendimiento, para multifunciones parejas. El eje de impulsin de la bomba viene con articulaciones Perma Lube U. Presin mxima . . . . . . . . 186 bar (2.700 lb/pulg2) Salida a 2.200 rpm . . . 0-284 lpm (0-75 U.S. gpm) Filtracin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 micrones, tipo de rosc

10.Cabina: Una buena posicin del varillaje de la hoja, la forma del capo del motor y las ventanillas amplias aseguran excelente visibilidad del operador en todas las direcciones. La amplitud de la cabina, cmodo asiento de suspensin, suavidad de los mandos de control y bajo nivel de ruido crean un ambiente de trabajo muy productivo.

Todos los controles estn ubicados en u arco de 90 al frente, a la derecha del operador. La cabina encerrada tiene un asiento de suspensin totalmente ajustable, tapizado con tela como caracterstica estndar y viene con cinturn de seguridad de 76 mm (3"). Ubicados hacia adelante del operador estn los manmetros de presin de aceite del motor, temperatura del refrigerante y nivel de combustible, el indicador de mandos de la transmisin y la pantalla multifuncin electrnica de monitoreo. Ubicados en el pedestal totalmente ajustable de la direccin se encuentran los siguientes interruptores: traba/destraba del diferencial, luces de emergencia, combinacin de indicadores de giro, clapson y haz alto de los faros. Los controles del calefactor y limpia/lava parabrisas (si los trae) e interruptores de luces y accesorios estn agrupados en la consola del lado derecho del operador. Esta consola contiene tambin la llave de arranque y acceso al interruptor de circuito y al panel de fusibles. El pedal de aceleracin/deceleracin y el estrangulador manual de tipo deslizante son equipo estndar. Tambin lo son los espejos retrovisores de ambos lados y un espejo interior convexo. Los niveles de ruido interiores en la cabina del operador promedian 75 dB(A) segn ISO 6394 (cabina cerrada).

Mantenimiento de la Motoniveladora Se puede definir mantenimiento como el conjunto de actividades que se realizan a un sistema, equipo o componente para asegurar que contine desempeando las funciones deseadas dentro de un contexto operacional determinado. TIPOS DE MANTENIMIENTO Segn el tipo de actividad el mantenimiento se clasificar de la siguiente manera: MANTENIMIENTO CORRECTIVO El mantenimiento correctivo es una estrategia en la cual se permite funcionar el equipo hasta la falla y solo hasta ese momento se decide realizar la reparacin o cambio de pieza. MANTENIMIENTO PREVENTIVO El mantenimiento preventivo es una estrategia en la cual se programan peridicamente las intervenciones en los equipos, con el objeto principal de inspeccionar, reparar, conservar y/o reemplazar componentes. Las intervenciones se realizan an cuando la mquina este operando satisfactoriamente. MANTENIMIENTO PREDICTIVO

El mantenimiento predictivo, es una estrategia que busca por medio de la medicin y el anlisis de diversos sntomas que la mquina emite al exterior, establecer su condicin mecnica y su evolucin en el tiempo. Una de sus grandes ventajas es que se lleva a cabo mientras la mquina est funcionando y solo se programa su detencin cuando se detecta un problema y se desea corregir. MANTENIMIENTO PROACTIVO El mantenimiento proactivo es una estrategia de mantenimiento que pretende maximizar la vida til operativa de las mquinas y sus componentes, identificando y corrigiendo las causas que originan la falla.

BENEFICIOS DEL MANTENIMIENTO Los beneficios ms relevantes alcanzados en una organizacin con la aplicacin de un mantenimiento oportuno son: la disminucin del riesgo, previniendo la probabilidad de ocurrencia de fallas indeseables, la mejora de los niveles de eficiencia de la instalacin o equipo, la reduccin de costos operativos e incremento de la produccin. Adems de estos prolonga la vida til de los equipos, cumplimiento de los requerimientos de seguridad y el mejoramiento de la imagen de la organizacin con un realce de la impresin de clientes y entorno, as como el incremento de la moral de los trabajadores que operan los equipos e instalaciones.

OBJETIVOS DEL MANTENIMIENTO En el caso del mantenimiento su organizacin e informacin debe estar encaminada a la permanente consecucin de los siguientes objetivos: Optimizacin de la disponibilidad del equipo productivo. Disminucin de los costos de mantenimiento. Optimizacin de los recursos humanos. Maximizacin de la vida de los equipos.

Mtodos de trabajo de la Motoniveladora La hoja vertedera puede trabajar en diversas posiciones para: Nivelar y reperfilar, en plano horizontal, con la hoja centrada o girada hacia un lado u otro (fig. 6.5.a.). Si la hoja se coloca en horizontal pero con un cierto ngulo respecto a la marcha el material se amasar hacia el extremo de la hoja y formara un caballn. Por el contrario, con la hoja perpendicular a la direccin de la marcha, solo se obtiene la extensin o reperfilado del material. Nivelar y reperfilar un talud o una cara vertical (fig. 6.5.b) Construir cunetas (fig.6.5c). La hoja vertedera se inclina, tanto en planta como respecto a la vertical, y se coloca de forma que sobresalga un poco de las ruedas, por el lado de la cuneta a excavar. As se forma un caballn a lo largo del borde de la cuneta. Esta se va profundizando gradualmente por capas, manteniendo las ruedas interiores dentro la cuneta. Rellenar de zanjas o desniveles (fig.6.5d.), La operacin es similar a la que se realiza para formar un caballn.

Control de la hoja Sin control, la hoja se orienta en el plano que determinan las irregularidades del terreno, pero como la hoja puede posicionarse mediante cilindros hidrulicos, el conductor puede imponer ciertas medidas de control, independiente de la posicin que puedan adoptar las ruedas. No obstante, para conseguir superficies muy planas y regulares, es necesario utilizar algn dispositivo de nivelacin. En las obras de carreteras, frecuentemente se instalan alambres a lo largo de la obra, y unos sensores instalados en la hoja controlan su altura automticamente. Como solucin alternativa, un rayo lser activa unas clulas fotoelctricas que, a su vez, actan sobre unos gatos hidrulicos; estos, situados entre la hoja y el chasis de la niveladora, se encargan de ajustar la posicin de la hija vertedera. Velocidades recomendadas Km/h Nivelacin de caminos provisionales de obra 4-9 Escarificacin (p.e. estabilizaciones) 8-18 Formacin de cunetas 4-8 Extendido de materiales 4-10 Nivelacin y reperfilado 9-40 Limpieza de nieve 8-20 Desplazamientos propios 10-40

Otros dispositivos adicionales Muchas niveladoras tambin llevan montado un escarificador montado justo delante de la hoja vertedera. Se sube o se baja hidrulicamente, y se utiliza para disgregar el suelo, as, facilitar el trabajo de la Motoniveladora. Tambin puede colocarse un ripper, en la parte trasera de la Motoniveladora, y una hoja convencional de buldzer, en la parte delantera.

Ripper trasero

Pala de Limpieza de nieve

Ripper delantero

Limpieza de nieve Costos del equipo Aspectos econmicos a considerar al momento de trabajar con Motoniveladoras. Adquisicin del equipo (valor promedio): $ 50.000.000.Costos de arriendo segn ondac para la Motoniveladora

Septiembre/octubre 2004 N 280 Sub-bases y bases Para fines de presupuesto se tiene los siguientes costos de operacin para los siguientes materiales a utilizar segn ondac y trabajando con un rendimiento promedio de la Motoniveladora $14.000.0-/hora Base con agregado granular m3 6.098 Motoniveladora 160 HP 0.033 hor 14000 462 1 hora = $14.000.Base con material chancado m3 6098 Motoniveladora 160 HP 0.033 hor 14000 462 1 hora = $14.000.Base estabilizada m3 6291 Motoniveladora 160 HP 0.033 hor 14000 462 1 hora = $14.000.Conclusiones Con respecto a todo lo tratado anteriormente, en forma general se puede decir que este equipo es uno de los ms indispensables al momento de trabajar en construcciones de movimiento de tierras en trminos de acabado superficial, puesto que con la Motoniveladora se puede nivelar, modelar o dar la pendiente necesaria al material en que trabaja. Tambin, podemos mencionar su versatilidad la cual esta dada por los diferentes movimientos de la hoja, como por la serie de accesorios que puede tener. La Motoniveladora es ms frgil, ya que no es capaz de aplicar la potencia de movimiento ni la de corte del tractor, Debido a esto es ms utilizada en tareas de acabado o trabajos de precisin. La Motoniveladora tambin la podemos ver en trabajos de anexos al acabado superficial del terreno, por ejemplo, en la limpieza de nieve en caminos, para lo cual se adapta una pala en su parte delantera, que permite una limpieza gil y oportuna en el lugar de trabajo. Bibliografa

Maquinas y Mtodos Modernos en Construccin-Frank Harris Manual de Maquinaria de Construccin- Manuel Daz del Ro

Direcciones en Internet: parcimento%2520G6.doc+servotransmisi%C3%B3n*definicion&hl=es&lr=lang_es es.html

motoniveladoras de Volvo: es como se construyen y se conservan las carreteras en todo el mundo.

Con ms de 130 aos de experiencia, las motoniveladoras Volvo estn diseadas con componentes de probada eficacia que ofrecen un vida til fiable. La versatilidad de las motoniveladoras es lo que las hacen nicas en operaciones de movimiento de tierra, construccin de carreteras, levantamiento de nieve, desfonde, escarificacin, arado y empuje. Se trate de trabajos de nivelacin en precisin en el modo de marcha ultralenta, aplicaciones de alta velocidad, operaciones de desmonte pesado o el uso de la traccin integral, la mquina siempre ofrece la productividad prevista. Utilice motoniveladoras Volvo y lleve a buen trmino el trabajo todos los das. Caractersticas principales de la gama de motoniveladoras Volvo:

Garanta vitalicia del bastidor (opcional) que incluye el enganche y los cojinetes de la articulacin para mayor tranquilidad. Sistema de giro de la corona de dos engranajes y transmisin directa que ofrece una resistencia mxima para retener o girar suavemente la hoja al desplazarse con plena carga. Cabina Volvo ROPS/FOPS con cmodo asiento de suspensin, direccin inclinable y visibilidad sin obstculos que reduce el cansancio y aumenta la comodidad y la seguridad. Opcin entre mandos tradicionales o tipo palanca universal, para adaptarse a operadores de cualquier nivel de experiencia. Avanzadas transmisiones de 8 y 11 velocidades (opcional) en los modos manual o Auto que suavizan los cambios de marcha y optimizan el rendimiento. Pocas necesidades de mantenimiento y fcil acceso a todos los componentes con el exclusivo cap trasero que es fcil de levantar.

Compre mquinas nuevas o de ocasin a su distribuidor local de Volvo Construction Equipment. Seleccione una de las motoniveladoras para ms informacin sobre caractersticas, especificaciones, folletos, etc.:


Peso operativo

Potencia neta del motor

Nuevas G930B, G940B, G946B y G960B! 15 658 kg 17 558 kg 119 197 kW (155 264 hp) G970 G976 G990 18 900 kg 19 800 kg 22 100 kg 156 186 kW (210 250 hp) 168 198 kW (225 265 hp) 168 198 kW (225 265 hp)

motoniveladoras G930B, G940B, G946B y G960B: mquinas perfectas para allanar el camino al progreso
Tratndose de motoniveladoras, ha llegado al lugar adecuado. Las motoniveladorasG930B, G940B, G946B y G960B de Volvo se basan en un inigualable legado de innovaciones que se inici hace ms de 100 aos. Hoy en das, estas motoniveladoras se utilizan para ripar, despejar y construir el camino del progreso. Se trate de construir carreteras, mover tierra, quitar nieve, ripar o escarificar, sta es la maquinaria pesada adecuada para hacerlo. Desde operaciones de nivelacin con traccin a todas las ruedas hasta empuje pesado y nivelacin precisa, tenemos las motoniveladoras perfectas para usted. Caractersticas clave de las motoniveladoras G930B, G940B, G946B y G960B :

Potente motor Etapa 3b

Mayor potencia y par con ocho ajustes de potencia y proteccin automtica del sobrerrgimen. Proporciona mayor rendimiento, as como menos aceleraciones, una recuperacin ms rpida, mayor ahorro de combustible y menos emisiones.

Seleccin de cajas de cambios

Las cajas de cambios de 8 y 11 velocidades estn provistas de cambio de sentido de la marcha para cambiar sin esfuerzos entre marcha adelante y marcha atrs sin utilizar los frenos o el pedal de marcha ultralenta. El sistema opcional de 11 velocidades ofrece ms marchas en la gama de trabajo, as como marchas ms lentas para nivelacin precisa y marchas ms rpidas para quitar nieve y desplazarse.

Varios ajustes de potencia

Tres u ocho ajustes cuando est equipada con la caja de cambios opcional de 11 velocidades. Desarrolla de forma automtica la potencia ptima en cada marcha, para reducir el patinaje de las ruedas y el consumo de combustible.

Seleccin de mandos

Seleccione mandos hidrulicos normales o mandos opcionales tipo joystick que ofrecen una respuesta proporcional de las funciones hidrulicas, la articulacin, la direccin y la caja de cambios. La opcin tipo joystick dispone de botones y activadores para controlar todos los implementos principales.

Doble sistema de direccin

Cuando la mquina est equipada con mandos opcionales tipo joystick, el operador puede optar por maniobrar con los joysticks a velocidades de hasta 20 Km/h (12 mph) o utilizar el volante tradicional a velocidades ms altas.

Sistema de telemtica CareTrack

Incluido como equipamiento de serie*, proporciona informacin para aumentar la productividad como informes de consumo de combustible, informes de posicin geogrfica, informes de mantenimiento, etc. *En mercados en los que est disponible CareTrack. Consulte su distribuidor Volvo. Sea nueva o usada, de alquiler o de leasing, las motoniveladoras Volvo le permiten controlar la potencia y el rendimiento de las operaciones de allanamiento y nivelacin. Estudie la manera en que las motoniveladoras G930B, G940B, G946B y G960B de Volvo pueden mejorar su rendimiento:

16M Motor Grader

The 16M motor grader represents a revolution in operational efficiency, visibility, service ease and overall productivity, setting the new standard and building on the legacy of high quality you can trust. SPECIFICATIONS Units: US | Metric

Engine Base Power (all gears) - Net 297 hp Engine Model Cat C13 ACERT VHP Displacement 763 in3 Structures, Drawbar, Circle, Moldboard Front Frame Structure Continuous top and bottom plate construction provides consistency and strength. The flanged box section design removes welds from high stress areas, improving reliability and durability, and increasing resale values for the customer. Rear Frame Structure

The box-sectioned hitch design and cast axle mounting helps resist torsion loads and ensure structural durability. The integrated bumper ties the rear frame together as a single, solid unit, so the frame can withstand heavy-duty applications such as ripping. Articulation Hitch A large tapered roller bearing at the lower pivot carries loads evenly and smoothly. This joint is sealed to prevent contamination in this critical area. A mechanical locking pin prevents frame articulation to help ensure safety when servicing or transporting the machine. Circle Construction Our one-piece forged steel circle is built to stand up to high stress loads and provide structural durability. The front 240 of circle teeth are hardened to reduce wear and ensure component reliability. Drawbar Construction The A-frame drawbar features a tubular design for high strength and optimum durability. Aggressive Blade Angle With a long wheelbase the operator can obtain aggressive moldboard angles so material rolls more freely along the length of the blade. This is particularly helpful when handling very dry materials or cohesive soils. Better material control gets the job done faster, requires less power and saves fuel. Top-Adjust Drawbar Wear Strips The patented top-adjust wear strips dramatically reduce drawbar/circle adjustment time. By removing the access plates on top of the drawbar, shims and wear strips can easily be added or replaced. This feature reduces service downtime and lowers overall machine operating costs. Replaceable Wear Inserts Tough, durable nylon composite wear inserts reduce rotational friction for maximum circle torque and longer component life. They are located between the drawbar and circle, and between the support shoes and circle. High load-resistant brass wearstrips are placed between the blade mounting group and moldboard. This sacrificial wear system can be replaced easily and helps keep components tight for fine grading. Moldboard The optimal curvature and large throat clearance help move material quickly and efficiently. Heat-treated moldboard rails, hardened cutting edges and end bits, and large diameter bolts assure reliability and longer service life. The moldboard side shift cylinder is positioned on the left side to eliminate snow wing interference. Moldboard Positioning The blade link bar design extends the possibilities for moldboard positioning, most beneficial in mid-range bank sloping and in ditch cutting and cleaning. Shimless Moldboard Retention System The unique shimless moldboard retention system reduces the potential for blade chatter. Vertical and horizontal adjusting screws keep the moldboard's wear strips aligned for precise blade control and dramatic reductions in service time.

Power Train Smooth Shifting Transmission The 16M combines several key innovations to ensure smooth, powerful shifts throughout the gear range. Electronically Controlled Shifting The full Electronic Clutch Pressure Control (ECPC) system optimizes inching modulation and smooths shifting between all gears and directional changes. This provides outstanding control and also extends the life of the transmission by reducing stress on the gears. Engine Over-Speed Protection

Helps protect the transmission and extend component life by preventing downshifting until a safe travel speed has been established. Modular Rear Axle The 16M incorporates a bolt-on modular rear axle design, which offers easy access to differential components, improves serviceability and contamination control, and lowers maintenance time and operating costs. The result is a rugged machine you can rely on for years to come. Front Axle The Caterpillar sealed spindle keeps the bearings free from contaminants and lubricated in a light-weight oil (1). This durable, low-maintenance design reduces your owning and operating costs. Two tapered roller bearings (2) support the wheel spindle. The Cat Live Spindle design places the larger tapered roller bearing outboard where the load is greater, extending bearing life. Gear Selection Eight forward and six reverse gears give the operator a wide operating range. The specifically designed range of gears ensures maximum productivity in all earthmoving applications. Programmable Autoshift The operator can easily customize various shift parameters through Cat Messenger to match the specific application requirement. This optional feature automatically shifts the transmission at optimal points so the operator can focus on the work, improving safety, productivity and ease of operation. Inching Pedal Allows precise control of machine movements in any gear with low pedal effort and excellent modulation, critical in close-quarter work or finish grading. Hydraulic Brakes The oil bathed, multi-disc service brakes are hydraulically actuated (1), providing smooth predictable braking and lower operating costs. With brakes located at each tandem wheel, the 16M offers the largest total brake surface area in the industry (2), delivering dependable stopping power and longer brake life. Automatic Differential Lock This standard feature automatically unlocks the differential during a turn, and re-locks once the machine is straight. A momentary override pedal can be actuated with the operators left heel if necessary. This helps make the machine easier to operate and provides additional protection to lower power train components.

Engine ACERT Technology ACERT Technology allows Cat engines to supply more power per unit of displacement without causing premature wear. This breakthrough technology reduces emissions during the combustion process by using advanced technology in the air and fuel systems, in conjunction with integrated electronics. ACERT Technology enhances overall engine performance while dramatically reducing exhaust emissions. Performance The Cat C13 engine meets specific performance requirements for 16M applications. Its superior torque and lugging capability can pull through sudden, short-term increases in loads, maintaining consistent, desirable grading speeds to get the work done faster without downshifting. Hydraulic Demand Fan The hydraulic demand fan automatically adjusts cooling fan speed according to engine cooling requirements. This system reduces demands on the engine, putting more horsepower to the ground and improving fuel efficiency. Exhaust Emissions Compliant The Cat C13 with ACERT Technology meets or exceeds all U.S. EPA Tier 3 and European Union Stage IIIa emissions control standards.

Hydraulics Advanced Electro-Hydraulic System The 16M incorporates a state-of-the-art electro-hydraulic system. This technology is the foundation for revolutionary changes of the machine and implement controls. Advanced joystick controls provide unmatched controllability with precise, predictable hydraulic movements and the reliability you expect from Caterpillar. Blade Float Blade float is built into the blade lift control valves and is optional for some auxiliary hydraulic functions. The blade float feature allows the blade to move freely under its own weight. By floating both cylinders, the blade can follow the contours of the road when removing snow. Floating only one cylinder permits the toe of the blade to follow a hard surface while the operator controls the slope with the other lift cylinder. Cat XT Hose Caterpillar hose technology allows high pressures for maximum power and reduced downtime. Intelligent routing minimizes exposure to damage. Hose clips prevent hose rubbing and excessive vibration for lower owning and operating costs. Independent Oil Supply Large, separate hydraulic oil supply prevents cross-contamination and provides proper oil cooling, which reduces heat build-up and extends component life. Load Sensing Hydraulics (PPPC) The time proven load-sensing system and the advanced Proportional Priority Pressure-Compensating (PPPC, or triple-PC) electro-hydraulic valves on the 16M are designed to provide superior implement control and enhanced machine performance in all applications. Continuous matching of hydraulic flow and pressure to power demands creates less heat and reduces power consumption. Balanced Flow Hydraulic flow is proportioned to ensure all implements operate simultaneously with little effect on the engine or implement speeds. If demand exceeds pump capacity, all cylinder velocities are reduced by the same ratio. The result is improved productivity in all applications. Consistent and Predictable Movement PPPC valves have different flow rates for the head (red) and rod (blue) ends of the cylinder. This ensures consistent extension and retraction speeds for each cylinder, and gives the operator a consistent and predictable response every time an implement control is moved. Integrated Electronic Solutions Smart Machine The 16M fully integrates all core systems creating a Smart Machine. The Cat data link shares key data among systems, optimizing machine performance while preventing potential machine damage. Electronic Technician (Cat ET) Cat ET is a two-way communication tool that gives service technicians easy access to stored diagnostic data and lets them configure the machine parameters through the Cat Data Link. This integrated feature reduces machine downtime and lowers operating costs. Diagnostics Cat Messenger, combined with full systems integration, enhances the diagnostic capability of the 16M. Machine system errors are displayed in text as well as with fault codes, allowing service technicians and operators to quickly analyze critical data, increasing machine availability. Machine Security System (MSS)

The optional MSS uses electronically coded keys to limit usage by specific individuals or times of the day. MSS deters theft, vandalism and unauthorized use. Product Link The optional Product Link system streamlines diagnostic efforts, and reduces downtime, maintenance scheduling and costs by providing a communication flow of vital machine data and location. Product Link gives automatic updates on machine parameters such as machine hours, machine condition, location, fault codes and alarms directly to your office computer. Cat Messenger Standard on the 16M, Cat Messenger provides real-time machine performance and diagnostic data with an easy-touse interface. Messenger monitors all system data and alerts the operator of any faults through a digital text display that can be shown in multiple languages. Low Battery Elevated Idle After the 16M is at low idle for an extended period and low system voltage is detected, idle speed is raised. This ensures adequate system voltage and improves battery reliability. Automatic Engine Deration Protects the C13 engine by automatically lowering engine torque output and alerting the operator if critical conditions are detected. Optional Automatic Blade Control The Caterpillar AccuGrade System automatically controls the blade, improving operator efficiency and productivity. AccuGrade technology reduces the need for traditional su rvey stakes or grade checkers, so you can reach grade faster and in fewer passes than ever before. AccuGrade Attachment Ready Option The AccuGrade System is fully integrated into the machine design, making installation quick and easy. Integral hydraulic and electrical components are standard on the 16M (Grade Control Ready). The AccuGrade Attachment Ready Option provides additional mounting brackets, cab controls and electrical harnesses for easy installation of the Cross Slope, Sonic, Laser, GPS or ATS electronics kits.

Work Tools and Attachments Moldboard Options A 4.9 m (16 ft) moldboard is standard on the 16M from the factory. Ground Engaging Tools (GET) A wide variety of Caterpillar GET is available on the 16M, including cutting edges, graderbits and end bits, all designed for maximum service life and productivity. Variable Float The optional variable float feature gives the operator the ability to select the amount of down force the blade has when it is in float. This allows the operator to easily follow the contour of the haul road when removing only the loose material, increasing productivity and cutting edge life. Front Mounted Groups A front mounted push plate/counterweight can be ordered on the 16M. A Caterpillar Work Tools front lift group can be combined with a front dozer blade for added versatility. Ripper The 16M optional ripper is made to penetrate tough material fast and rip thoroughly for easier material movement with the moldboard. The ripper includes three shanks with the ability to add four more if needed. Automatic Lubrication System

The optional Lincoln Centro-Matic AutoLube System maintains the proper grease lubrication on working surfaces, significantly extending component life. Contaminants are purged from open pins and bushings to help prevent dirt from damaging critical components.

Safety Steel Tandem Walkways Perforated raised steel walkways cover the tandems. This provides a sturdy platform for standing and walking, and additional protection for the brake lines. Operator Presence System The Operator Presence System keeps the parking brake engaged and hydraulic implements disabled until the operator is seated and the machine is ready for safe operation. Secondary Steering System The standard secondary steering system automatically engages an electric hydraulic pump in case of a drop in steering pressure, allowing the operator to steer the machine to a stop. Speed Sensitive Steering The steering software automatically provides an infinitely variable ratio between the joystick and the steer tires, resulting in less sensitive steering as the ground speed increases. Low Sound and Vibration Levels Isolation mounts for the cab, engine and transmission maximize operator comfort and help to minimize sound and vibration. These modifications provide a quieter and more comfortable working environment, optimizing operator focus. Hydraulic Lockout A simple switch located in the cab disables all implement functions while still providing machine steering control. This safety feature is especially useful while the machine is roading. Brake Systems Brakes are located at each tandem wheel to eliminate braking loads on the power train. In addition, the brake systems are redundant and utilize accumulators to enable stopping in case of machine failure, further increasing operational safety. Drop-Down Rear Lights Optional drop-down lights fold out from the rear of the machine. This creates a wider, lower profile to be better aligned with passenger cars. Window-Cleaning Platform The optional window-cleaning platform provides easy access to all windows. Rearview Camera Visibility is further enhanced with an optional Work Area Vision System (WAVS) through a 178 mm (7 in) LCD color monitor in the cab. Developed specifically for rugged applications, this durable camera improves productivity and increases operator awareness of surroundings. Circle Drive Slip Clutch This standard feature protects the drawbar, circle and moldboard from shock loads when the blade encounters an immovable object. It also reduces the possibility of abrupt directional changes in poor traction conditions, protecting the machine, operator and surroundings. Blade Lift Accumulators This standard feature uses accumulators to help absorb impact loads to the moldboard by allowing vertical blade travel. Blade lift accumulators reduce unnecessary wear and help to avoid unintended machine movement for increased operator safety.

Engine Shutoff Switch An engine shutoff switch is located at ground level on the left rear of the machine, allowing anyone nearby to shut it down in case of an emergency. Electrical Disconnect Switch A battery disconnect switch, located inside the left rear enclosure, provides ground-level lockout of the electrical system to prevent inadvertent starting of the machine. Rear Fenders To help reduce objects flying from the tires, as well as build-up of mud, snow or debris, optional rear fenders can be added. Additional Safety Features The 16M has many additional standard safety features, including laminated glass on the front windows and doors, back-uplights and sounding alarm, black glare-reducing paint on the front frame and engine enclosure, lockable doors, and conveniently located grab rails for added safety.

Serviceability and Customer Support Grouped Service Points The 16M groups daily service points in the left side service center to help ensure proper maintenance and inspection routines. Extended Service Intervals The 16M extended service intervals, such as 500-hour engine oil changes and 4000-hour hydraulic oil changes, reduce machine service time and increase availability. Ecology Drains Conveniently located ecology drains shorten service times and help keep the environment safe by preventing spills. Diagnostics and Monitoring The 16M integrates Cat Messenger, Cat Electr onic Technician and SOSSM Sampling ports for easy monitoring and fast troubleshooting, keeping your machine up and running. Machine Selection Make detailed comparisons of the machines under consideration before purchase. Cat dealers help you size the right machine for your operations and can estimate component life, preventative maintenance cost, and the true cost of production. Purchase Consider the financing options available, as well as day-to-day operating costs. Look at dealer services that can be included in the cost of the machine to yield lower equipment owning and operating costs over the long run. Grouped Component Rebuilds Rebuilds take your machine out of service. Caterpillar designs components in groups to be rebuilt at the same time, maximizing uptime. Maintenance Services Repair option programs guarantee the cost of repairs up front. Diagnostics programs such as Scheduled Oil Sampling, SOSSM analysis, Coolant Sampling and Technical Analysis help avoid unscheduled repairs. Product Support You will find nearly all parts at our dealer parts counter. Cat dealers use a world-wide computer network to track instock parts to minimize machine down time. Save money with genuine Cat Reman parts. You receive the same warranty and reliability as new products at substantial cost savings.

Engine Base Power (all gears) - Net 221 kW Engine Model Cat C13 ACERT VHP Displacement 12.5 L Bore 130 mm Stroke 157 mm Torque Rise 50% Max torque 1710 Nm Speed @ rated power 2000 RPM Number of cylinders 6 Derating altitude 4572 m Std - Fan speed - max 1200 RPM Std - Fan speed - min 550 RPM Std - Ambient Capability 43 C Hi Ambient - Fan speed - max 1450 RPM Hi Ambient - Fan speed - min 550 RPM Hi - Ambient Capability 50 C Weights Gross Vehicle Weight - base 26959 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - base, front axle 7414 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - base, rear axle 19545 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - max 35672 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - max, front axle 11201 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - max, rear axle 24471 kg Moldboard Width

4.877 m Height 787 mm Thickness 25 mm Arc radius 413 mm Throat clearance 126 mm Cutting edge - width 203 mm Cutting edge - thickness 25 mm End Bit - width 152 mm End Bit - thickness 19 mm Blade pull - max GVW 22024 kg Blade pull - base GVW 17591 kg Down pressure - max GVW 19979 kg Down pressure - base GVW 13224 kg Dimensions Height - front axle center 688 mm Height - top of cab 3703 mm Height to exhaust stack 3405 mm Height to top of cylinders 3088 mm Ground clearance at rear axle 407 mm Length - front tire to end of rear frame 9963 mm Length - counterweight to ripper 11672 mm Length - front axle to moldboard 3069 mm Length - front axle to mid tandem 6985 mm Length - between tandem axles 1841 mm Width - tire center lines 2509 mm Width - outside rear tires 3096 mm

Width - outside front tires 3096 mm Operating Specifications Top Speed - Fwd 53.9 km/h Top Speed - Rev 42.6 km/h Turning Radius (outside front tires) 8.9 m Steering range - left/right 47.5 Articulation Angle - left/right 20 Fwd. 1st 4.5 km/h Fwd. 2nd 6.3 km/h Fwd. 3rd 9 km/h Fwd. 4th 12.4 km/h Fwd. 5th 19.3 km/h Fwd. 6th 26.8 km/h Fwd. 7th 37 km/h Fwd. 8th 53.9 km/h Rev. 1st 3.6 km/h Rev. 2nd 6.8 km/h Rev. 3rd 9.8 km/h Rev. 4th 15.2 km/h Rev. 5th 29.3 km/h Rev. 6th 42.6 km/h Service Refill Fuel Capacity 492 L Cooling System 46.5 L Hydraulic system - total 114 L Hydraulic system - tank

65 L Engine Oil 30 L Differential / Final Drives 114 L Tandem housing (each) 121.5 L Circle drive housing, each 8L Front wheel spindle bearing housing 0.9 L Power Train Forward/Reverse Gears 8 Fwd/6 Rev Transmission Direct drive, power shift, countershaft Brakes - service Oil-actuated, oil-disc Brakes - service, surface area 49830 cm2 Brakes - parking Spring applied, hydraulically released Brakes - secondary Oil-actuated, oil-disc Hydraulic System Circuit type Electro-hydraulic load sensing, closed center Pump type Variable piston Pump output 280 L/min Maximum system pressure 24150 kPa Reservoir tank capacity 65 L Standby Pressure 3100 kPa Frame Circle - diameter 1822 mm Drawbar - height 203 mm Height - front axle center 688 mm Front axle - wheel lean, left/right 18.2 Front axle - total oscillation per side 32.0

Circle - blade beam thickness 50 mm Blade Range Circle centershift - right 597 mm Circle centershift - left 647 mm Moldboard sideshift - right 1094 mm Moldboard sideshift - left 740 mm Maximum blade position angle 65 Blade tip range - forward 40 Blade tip range - backward 5 Maximum shoulder reach outside of tires - right 2587 mm Maximum shoulder reach outside of tires - left 2282 mm Maximum lift above ground 395 mm Maximum depth of cut 488 mm Ripper Ripping depth, maximum 452 mm Ripper shank holders 7 Shank holder spacing - max 500 mm Shank holder spacing - min 445 mm Penetration force 10163 kg Pryout force 15323 kg Machine length increase, beam raised 1610 mm Scarifier Tandems Height 648 mm Width 236 mm Sidewall thickness - inner

22 mm Sidewall thickness - outer 22 mm Drive chain pitch 63.5 mm Wheel axle spacing 1841 mm Tandem oscillation - front up 15 Tandem oscillation - front down

24M Motor Grader

The 24M delivers multiple technological breakthroughs to give you the best return on your investment

Engine Base Power (all gears) - Net 397 kW Engine Model Cat C18 ACERT Displacement 18.1 L Bore 145 mm Stroke 183 mm Max torque 2389 Nm Speed @ rated power

1800 RPM Number of cylinders 6 Derating altitude 1676 m Std - Fan speed - max 1300 RPM Std - Fan speed - min 60 RPM Std - Ambient Capability 50 C Weights Gross Vehicle Weight - base 62457 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - base, front axle 18862 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - base, rear axle 43595 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - max 66138 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - max, front axle 19907 kg Gross Vehicle Weight - max, rear axle 46231 kg Moldboard Width 7.315 m Height 1067 mm Thickness 50 mm Arc radius 550 mm Throat clearance 162 mm Cutting edge - width 330 mm Cutting edge - thickness 29 mm End Bit - width 203 mm End Bit - thickness 25 mm Dimensions Height - front axle center 858 mm Height - top of cab 4452 mm

Height to exhaust stack 4322 mm Height to top of cylinders 3846 mm Ground clearance at rear axle 607 mm Length - front tire to end of rear frame 14194 mm Length - counterweight to ripper 16102 mm Length - front axle to moldboard 4048 mm Length - front axle to mid tandem 10278 mm Length - between tandem axles 2285 mm Width - tire center lines 3450 mm Width - outside rear tires 4225 mm Width - outside front tires 4280 mm Operating Specifications Top Speed - Fwd 43 km/h Top Speed - Rev 41.2 km/h Turning Radius (outside front tires) 12.4 m Steering range - left/right 47.5 Articulation Angle - left/right 25 Fwd. 1st 3.6 km/h Fwd. 2nd 5.7 km/h Fwd. 3rd 9.6 km/h Fwd. 4th 15 km/h Fwd. 5th 27.7 km/h Fwd. 6th 43 km/h Rev. 1st 5.4 km/h Rev. 2nd 14.3 km/h Rev. 3rd

41.2 km/h Service Refill Fuel Capacity 1326 L Cooling System 90 L Hydraulic system - total 264 L Hydraulic system - tank 135 L Engine Oil 60 L Differential / Final Drives 184 L Tandem housing (each) 322 L Circle drive housing, each 7.5 L Front wheel spindle bearing housing 4L Power Train Forward/Reverse Gears 6 Fwd / 3 Rev Transmission Automatic, electronic power shift Brakes - service Oil-actuated, oil-disc Brakes - service, surface area 101508 cm2 Brakes - parking Spring applied, hydraulically released Brakes - secondary Oil-actuated, oil-disc Hydraulic System Circuit type Electro-hydraulic load sensing, closed center Pump type Variable piston Pump output 550 L/min Maximum system pressure 24150 kPa Standby Pressure 3100 kPa Frame Circle - diameter 2631 mm

Drawbar - height 215 mm Drawbar - thickness 16 mm Front-top/bottom plate - width 514 mm Front-top/bottom plate - thickness 50 mm Front-side plates - width 415 mm Front-side plates - thickness 25 mm Height - front axle center 858 mm Front axle - wheel lean, left/right 18 Front axle - total oscillation per side 32 Circle - blade beam thickness 160 mm Blade Range Circle centershift - right 5338 mm Circle centershift - left 5332 mm Moldboard sideshift - right 4902 mm Moldboard sideshift - left 4528 mm Maximum blade position angle 35 Blade tip range - forward 40 Blade tip range - backward 0 Maximum shoulder reach outside of tires - right 3228 mm Maximum shoulder reach outside of tires - left 3222 mm Maximum lift above ground 634 mm Maximum depth of cut 657 mm Ripper Ripping depth, maximum 454 mm Ripper shank holders 7 Shank holder spacing - max

604 mm Shank holder spacing - min 593 mm Penetration force 11856 kg Pryout force 17386 kg Scarifier Tandems Height 1040 mm Width 353 mm Sidewall thickness - inner 25 mm Sidewall thickness - outer 30 mm Drive chain pitch 76 mm Wheel axle spacing 2285 mm Tandem oscillation - front up 20 Tandem oscillation - front down

Steering and Implement Controls Ease of Operation The revolutionary joystick controls make the 24M easier to operate without sacrificing control. The intuitive joystick control pattern allows both new and experienced operators to become productive quickly. Logical grouping of hydraulic functions in the joysticks allow any operator to easily control several functions at the same time. This allows the operator to be more productive and remain comfortable throughout the work shift. Electronic Throttle Control Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) provides the operator with easy, precise, and consistent throttle operation. An automatic and manual mode on a single switch offers flexibility for different applications and operator preference. Ripper Control Pod An infinitely variable roller switch controls the rear ripper for easy and comfortable control. Articulation Return-to-Center This exclusive feature automatically returns the machine to a straight frame position from any articulation angle with the touch of a single button. Return-to-Center helps improve productivity and safety by allowing the operator to focus on controlling the moldboard. Left Joystick Functions The left joystick primarily controls the machine direction and speed. 1 - Steering: Lean joystick left and right 2 Articulation: Twist joystick left and right 3 - Articulation Return to Center: Yellow thumb button 4 - Wheel Lean: Two black thumb buttons 5 - Direction: Index trigger shifts transmission to forward, neutral or reverse 6 - Gear Selection: Two yellow thumb buttons upshift and downshift 7 - Left moldboard lift cylinder: Push joystick to lower, pull joystick to raise Left moldboard lift cylinder float: Pushing joystick through detent engages float

Right Joystick Functions The right joystick primarily controls the Drawbar, Circle and Moldboard functions. 1 - Right moldboard lift cylinder: Push joystick to lower, pull joystick to raise Right moldboard lift cylinder float: Pushing joystick through detent engages float 2 - Moldboard slide: Lean joystick left and right 3 - Circle turn: Twist joystick left and right 4 - Moldboard tip: Thumb switch fore and aft 5 - Drawbar center shift: Thumb switch left and right 6 - Electronic Throttle Control: Top trigger button is resume and decrement 7 - Differential Lock/Unlock: Bottom trigger button

Engine ACERT Technology ACERT Technology allows Cat engines to supply more power per unit of displacement without causing premature wear. This breakthrough technology reduces emissions during the combustion process by using advanced technology in the air and fuel systems, in conjunction with integrated electronics. ACERT Technology enhances overall engine performance while dramatically reducing exhaust emissions. Superior Lugging Performance The Cat C18 engine meets specific performance requirements for 24M applications. Its superior torque and lugging capability can pull through sudden, short-term increases in loads, maintaining consistent, desirable grading speeds to get the work done faster without downshifting. Exhaust Emissions Compliant The Cat C18 with ACERT Technology meets or exceeds all U.S. EPA Tier 3 and European Union Stage IIIa emissions control standards. Hydraulic Demand Fan The hydraulic demand fan automatically adjusts cooling fan speed according to engine cooling requirements. This system reduces demands on the engine, putting more horsepower to the ground and improving fuel efficiency. Compression Brake The optional three phase compression brake enables higher travel speeds downhill, while reducing wear on brake components. This improves overall productivity and lowers maintenance costs. Ether Starting Aid This standard feature helps cold-weather startups in extreme temperatures. The system monitors engine coolant temperature to prevent ether from being injected into a hot engine.

Structures, Drawbar, Circle and Moldboard Front Frame Structure Continuous top and bottom plate construction provides consistency and strength. The flanged box section design removes welds from high stress areas, improving reliability and durability. Rear Frame Structure Two steel plates running the full length of the rear frame are integrated with the box section hitch. This helps resist torsion loads and ensure structural durability. The integrated steel tube unifies the rear frame and supports the engine, while helping the frame withstand heavy-duty applications. Articulation Hitch A large tapered roller bearing at the lower pivot carries loads evenly and smoothly. A mechanical locking pin prevents frame articulation to ensure safety when servicing or transporting the machine. Drawbar Construction The A-frame drawbar features a box-section design for high strength and optimum durability.

Circle Construction A one piece forged steel circle is built to stand up to high stress loads and provide structural durability. Six bolt-on tooth segments can be individually replaced and serviced for reduced downtime and cost. Replaceable Wear Inserts Tough, durable wear inserts reduce rotational friction for maximum circle torque and longer component life. They are located between the drawbar and circle, and between the support shoes and circle. High load-resistant brass wearstrips are placed between the blade mounting group and moldboard. This sacrificial wear system can be replaced easily and helps keep components tight for fine grading. Adjustable Rear Circle Drive An adjustable rear circle drive makes serviceability easier and faster, and also reduces component wear by keeping components tight. Yoke Plate Full-length yoke plate gives strength, support and protection to the circle. Aggressive Blade Angle With a long wheelbase the operator can obtain aggressive moldboard angles, so material rolls more freely along the length of the blade. This is particularly helpful when handling very dry materials or cohesive soils. Better material control gets the job done faster, requires less power and saves fuel. Moldboard The optimal curvature and large throat clearance help move material quickly and efficiently. Heat-treated moldboard rails, hardened cutting edges and end bits, and large diameter bolts assure reliability and longer service life. Push Plate/Counterweight A front mounted push plate/counterweight can be added on the 24M. Ripper The 24M standard ripper is made to penetrate tough material fast and rip thoroughly for easier material movement with the moldboard. The ripper includes three shanks with the ability to add four more if needed. Power Train Smooth Shifting Transmission The 24M combines several key innovations to ensure smooth, powerful shifts throughout the gear range. Electronically Controlled Shifting The full Electronic Clutch Pressure Control (ECPC) system smooths shifting between all gears and directional changes. This provides outstanding control and also extends the life of the transmission by reducing stress on gears. Lockup Clutch Torque Converter Permits the machine to operate in direct drive for more efficient operation at higher torque converter output speeds. Engine Over-Speed Protection Helps protect the transmission and extend component life by preventing downshifting until a safe travel speed has been established. Programmable Autoshift The operator can easily customize various shift parameters through Cat Messenger to match the specific application requirement. This standard feature automatically shifts the transmission at optimal points so the operator can focus on the work, improving safety, productivity and ease of operation. Modular Rear Axle The 24M incorporates a bolt-on modular rear axle design, which offers easy access to differential components, improves serviceability and contamination control, and lowers operating costs.

Front Axle The Cat sealed spindle keeps the bearings free from contaminants and lubricated in a light-weight oil (1). This durable, low-maintenance design reduces your owning and operating costs. Two tapered roller bearings (2) support the wheel spindle. The Cat Live Spindle design places the larger tapered roller bearing outboard where the load is greater, extending bearing life. Gear Selection Six forward and three reverse gears give the operator a wide operating range. The specifically designed range of gears ensures maximum productivity in all mining applications. Hydraulic Brakes The oil bathed, multi-disc service brakes are hydraulically actuated, providing smooth predictable braking and lower operating costs. With brakes located at each tandem wheel, the 24M offers large total brake surface area, delivering dependable stopping power and longer brake life. Hydraulics Advanced Electro-Hydraulic System The 24M incorporates a state-of-the-art electro-hydraulic system. This technology is the foundation for revolutionary changes of the machine and implement controls. Advanced joystick controls provide unmatched controllability with precise and predictable hydraulic movements, and the reliability you expect from Caterpillar. Load Sensing Hydraulics (PPPC) The time proven load-sensing system and the advanced Proportional Priority Pressure-Compensating (PPPC, or triple-PC) electro-hydraulic valves on the 24M are designed to provide superior implement control and enhanced machine performance in all applications. Continuous matching of hydraulic flow and pressure to power demands creates less heat and reduces power consumption. Consistent and Predictable Movement PPPC valves have different flow rates for the head and rod ends of the cylinder. This ensures consistent extension and retraction speeds for each cylinder, and gives the operator a consistent and predictable response every time an implement control is moved. Blade Float Blade float is built into the blade lift control valves. The blade float feature allows the blade to move freely under its own weight. By floating both cylinders, the blade can follow the contours of the haul roads. Floating only one cylinder permits the toe of the blade to follow a hard surface while the operator controls the slope with the other lift cylinder. Variable Float The optional variable float feature lets the operator select the amount of down force the blade has when it is in float. This allows the operator to easily follow the contour of the haul road when removing only the loose material, increasing productivity and cutting edge life. Balanced Flow Hydraulic flow is proportioned to ensure all implements operate simultaneously with little effect on the engine or implement speeds. If demand exceeds pump capacity, all cylinder velocities are reduced by the same ratio. The result is improved productivity in all applications. Cat XT Hose Cat hose technology allows high pressures for maximum power and reduced downtime. Intelligent routing minimizes exposure to damage. Hose clips prevent hose rubbing and excessive vibration for lower owning and operating costs. Independent Oil Supply Large, separate hydraulic oil supply prevents cross-contamination and provides proper oil cooling, which reduces heat build-up and extends component life.

Integrated Electronic Solutions

Smart Machine The 24M fully integrates all core systems creating a Smart Machine. The Cat data link shares key data among systems, optimizing machine performance while preventing potential machine damage. Electronic Technician (Cat ET) Cat ET is a two-way communication tool that gives service technicians easy access to stored diagnostic data and lets them configure the machine parameters through the Cat Data Link. This integrated feature reduces machine downtime and lowers operating costs. Diagnostics Cat Messenger, combined with full systems integration, enhances the diagnostic capability of the 24M. Machine system errors are displayed in text as well as with fault codes, allowing service technicians and operators to quickly analyze critical data, increasing machine availability. Machine Security System (MSS) The optional MSS uses electronically coded keys to limit usage by specific individuals or times of the day. MSS deters theft, vandalism and unauthorized use. Product Link The optional Product Link system streamlines diagnostic efforts, and reduces downtime, maintenance scheduling and costs by providing a communication flow of vital machine data and location. Product Link gives automatic updates on machine parameters such as machine hours, machine condition, location, fault codes and alarms. Optional Automatic Blade Control The Cat AccuGrade System automatically controls the blade, improving operator efficiency and productivity. AccuGrade Attachment Ready Option The AccuGrade system is fully integrated into the machine design, making installation quick and easy. Integral hydraulic and electrical components are standard on the 24M (Grade Control Ready). The AccuGrade Attachment Ready Option provides additional mounting brackets, cab controls and electrical harnesses for easy installation of the Cross Slope electronics kit. Cat Messenger Standard on the 24M, Cat Messenger provides real-time machine performance and diagnostic data with an easy-touse interface. Messenger monitors all system data and alerts the operator of any faults through a digital text display that can be shown in multiple languages. Low Battery Elevated Idle After the 24M is at low idle for an extended period and low system voltage is detected, idle speed is raised. This ensures adequate system voltage and improves battery reliability. Automatic Engine Deration Protects the C18 engine by automatically lowering engine torque output and alerting the operator if critical conditions are detected. Safety Operator Presence System The Operator Presence System keeps the parking brake engaged and hydraulic implements disabled until the operator is seated and the machine is ready for safe operation. Secondary Steering System The standard secondary steering system automatically engages a ground driven hydraulic pump in case of a drop in steering pressure, allowing the operator to steer the machine to a stop. Speed Sensitive Steering The steering software automatically provides an infinitely variable ratio between the joystick and the steer tires, resulting in less sensitive steering as the ground speed increases.

Low Sound and Vibration Levels Isolation mounts for the cab, engine and transmission maximize operator comfort and help to minimize sound and vibration. These modifications provide a quieter and more comfortable working environment, optimizing operator focus. Hydraulic Lockout A simple switch located in the cab disables all implement functions while still providing machine steering control. This safety feature is especially useful while the machine is roading. Brake Systems Brakes are located at each tandem wheel to eliminate braking loads on the power train. In addition, the brake systems are redundant and utilize accumulators to enable stopping in case of machine failure, further increasing operational safety. Circle Drive Slip Clutches Two standard circle drive slip clutches protect the drawbar, circle and moldboard from shock loads when the blade encounters an immovable object. It also reduces the possibility of abrupt directional changes in poor traction conditions, protecting the machine, operator and surroundings. Blade Lift Accumulators This standard feature uses accumulators to help absorb impact loads to the moldboard by allowing vertical blade travel. Blade lift accumulators reduce unnecessary wear and help to avoid unintended machine movement for increased operator safety. Rearview Camera Visibility is further enhanced with an optional Work Area Vision System (WAVS) through a 178 mm (7 in) LCD color monitor in the cab. Developed specifically for rugged applications, it improves productivity and increases operator awareness of surroundings. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lighting Optional HID lights can replace the standard halogen lamps. The powerful HID lights are four times brighter, improving night time visibility and safety. Electrical Disconnect Switch A battery disconnect switch provides ground-level lockout of the electrical system to prevent inadvertent starting of the machine. Engine Shutoff Switch An engine shutoff switch is located at ground level on the left rear of the machine, allowing anyone nearby to shut it down in case of an emergency. Window Cleaning Platform The optional window-cleaning platform provides an easier and safer access to all windows and improves ingress/egress to the cab with access from the rear. Steel Tandem Walkways Perforated raised steel walkways cover the tandems. This provides a sturdy platform for standing and walking, and additional protection for the brake lines. A stairway lamp illuminates the walkway and can be activated at ground level during entry and shut off with a switch in the cab. Fire Supression Mounting Plate The standard fire suppression mounting plate places the tanks in the optimum position for improved visiblity, ingress/egress and durability. Rear Fenders To help reduce objects flying from the tires, as well as a build-up of mud, snow or debris, optional rear fenders can be added.

Additional Safety Features The 24M has many additional standard safety features, including laminated glass on the front windows, back-up lights, sounding alarm, lockable doors, black glare-reducing paint on the front frame, engine enclosure and lift arms and conveniently located grab rails for added safety. Serviceability and Customer Support Grouped Service Points The 24M groups daily service points in the left side service center to help ensure proper maintenance and inspection routines. Extended Service Intervals The 24M extended service intervals, such as 500-hour engine oil changes and 4000-hour hydraulic oil changes, reduce machine service time and increase availability. Fast-Fill Fuel The 24M offers a standard Fast-Fill that allows customers to refuel in less than four minutes for fast, accurate filling and reduced downtime. Ecology Drains Conveniently located ecology drains shorten service times and help keep the environment safe by preventing spills. Automatic Lubrication System The standard Lincoln Centro-Matic AutoLube System maintains the proper grease lubrication on working surfaces, significantly extending component life. Contaminants are purged from open pins and bushings to help prevent dirt from damaging critical components. Grouped Components Rebuilds Rebuilds take your machine out of service. Caterpillar designs components to be rebuilt in groups, maximizing uptime. Diagnostics and Monitoring The 24M integrates Cat Messenger, Cat Electronic Technician and SOSSM Sampling ports for easy monitoring and fast troubleshooting, keeping your machine up and running. Machine Selection Make detailed comparisons of the machines under consideration before purchase. Cat dealers help you size the right machine for your operations and can estimate component life, preventative maintenance cost, and the true cost of production. Purchase Consider the financing options available, as well as day-to-day operating costs. Look at dealer services that can be included in the cost of the machine to yield lower equipment owning and operating costs over the long run. Maintenance Services Repair option programs guarantee the cost of repairs up front. Diagnostics programs such as Scheduled Oil Sampling, SOSSM analysis, Coolant Sampling and Technical Analysis help avoid unscheduled repairs. Product Support You will find nearly all parts at our dealer parts counter. Cat dealers use a world-wide computer network to track instock parts to minimize machine down time. Save money with genuine Cat Reman parts. You receive the same warranty and reliability as new products at substantial cost savings.

120M2 AWD Motor Graders

The M Series 2 continues the legacy of quality already established by Cat Motor Graders. The extensive validation program, combined with improvements to the manufacturing process, allows Caterpillar to further enhance our quality. The end result of this development process is a motor grader line with breakthrough technologies, tested in the field and built around real applications and real customer needs. M Series 2 Motor Graders meet U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim/EU Stage IIIB emission standards.

Engine Engine Model Cat C7.1 ACERT Base Power (all gears) Net 108 kW Displacement 7.01 L Bore 105 mm Stroke 135 mm Speed @ rated power 2,100 rpm Base Power (1st gear) Net 108 kW VHP Plus range Net 108-141 kW (145-189 hp) AWD range Net 114-156 kW (153-209 hp) Base Power (1st gear) Net (Metric) 108 kW VHP Plus range Net (Metric)

108-141 kW (147-192 hp) AWD range Net (Metric) 114-156 kW (155-212 hp) Global Emissions U.S. Tier 4 Interim/EU Stage IIIB Max torque 939 Nm Torque rise 45% VHP Plus gear 3F, Net 120 kW VHP Plus gear 1F, Net 108 kW VHP Plus gear 2F, Net 114 kW VHP Plus gear 4F, Net 126 kW VHP Plus gear 5F, Net 130 kW VHP Plus gear 6F, Net 134 kW VHP Plus gear 7F, Net 137 kW VHP Plus gear 8F, Net 141 kW Number of cylinders 6 Derating altitude 3048 m Hi Ambient Fan Speed Max 1,350 rpm Hi Ambient Fan Speed Min 500 rpm Hi Ambient Capability 50 C Frame Drawbar Thickness 9.5 mm Drawbar Width 76.2 mm Circle Diameter 1530 mm Circle Blade beam thickness 35 mm Drawbar Height 152 mm Front frame structure Height 280 mm Front frame structure Width 204 mm

Front-top/bottom plate Width 255 mm Front-top/bottom plate Thickness 22 mm Front axle Height to center 572 mm Front axle Wheel lean, left/right 18 Front axle Total oscillation per side 32 Weights Dimensions Operating Specifications Top Speed Fwd. 45.7 km/h Top Speed Rev. 36.1 km/h Turning radius, outside front tires 7.4 m Steering range left/right 47.5 Articulation angle left/right 20 Fwd. 1st 4 km/h Fwd. 2nd 5.4 km/h Fwd. 3rd 7.8 km/h Fwd. 4th 10.8 km/h Fwd. 5th 16.8 km/h Fwd. 6th 22.8 km/h Fwd. 7th 31.4 km/h Fwd. 8th 45.7 km/h Rev. 1st 3.1 km/h Rev. 2nd 5.9 km/h Rev. 3rd 8.5 km/h Rev. 4th 13.2 km/h Rev. 5th 24.8 km/h

Rev. 6th 36.1 km/h Service Refill Fuel Capacity 378 L Cooling system 49 L Hydraulic system Tank 64 L Engine Oil 30 L Trans./Diff./Final Drives 62.5 L Tandem housing (each) 59 L Front wheel spindle bearing housing 0.5 L Circle drive housing 7L Power Train Forward/Reverse Gears 8 Fwd/6 Rev Transmission Direct Drive, Powershift Brakes Service Multiple Oil Disc Brakes Service, surface area 23000 cm2 Brakes Parking Multiple Oil Disc Brakes Secondary Dual Circuit Hydraulic System Circuit type Parallel Pump type Variable Piston Pump output 210 L/min Maximum system pressure 24150 kPa Reservoir tank capacity 60 L Standby Pressure 4200 kPa All-Wheel Drive

Moldboard Moldboard Height 610 mm Moldboard Thickness 22 mm Arc radius 413 mm Throat clearance 123.9 mm Cutting edge Width 152 mm Cutting edge Thickness 16 mm End Bit Width 152 mm End Bit Thickness 16 mm Blade Pull Base GVW 10767 kg Blade Pull Max GVW 19998 kg Down Pressure Base GVW 6818 kg Down Pressure Max GVW 12354 kg Blade width 3.7 m Blade Range Circle centershift Right 656 mm Circle centershift Left 656 mm Moldboard sideshift Right 660 mm Moldboard sideshift Left 510 mm Maximum blade position angle 90 Blade tip range Forward 40 Blade tip range Backward 5 Maximum shoulder reach outside of tires Right 1905 mm Maximum shoulder reach outside of tires Left 1742 mm Maximum lift above ground 427 mm Maximum depth of cut 720 mm

Weights AWD Gross Vehicle Weight, max Total 22220 kg Gross Vehicle Weight, max Front axle 7110 kg Operating Wt, typically equipped Rear axle 13719 kg Operating Wt, typically equipped Total 18987 kg Operating Wt, typically equipped Front axle 5268 kg Gross Vehicle Weight, max Rear axle 15110 kg Ripper Ripping depth, maximum 226.5 mm Ripper shank holder spacing 534 mm Ripper shank holders 5 Penetration force 8024 kg Pryout force 2567 kg Machine length increase, beam raised 1053 mm Scarifier Front, V-Type, 5 or 11 tooth Scarifying depth, maximum 467 mm Mid, straight Scarifying depth, maximum 426 mm Mid, straight Scarifier shank holders 17 Mid, straight Scarifier shank holder spacing 111 mm Mid, straight Working width 1800 mm Mid, V-Type Scarifier shank holder spacing 116 mm Mid, V-Type Scarifier shank holders 11 Front, V-Type: Working width 1205 mm Front, V-Type, 5 or 11 tooth Working width 1031 mm Front, V-Type, 5 or 11 tooth Scarifier shank holders 5/11 Front, V-Type, 5 or 11 tooth Scarifier shank holder spacing 116 mm

Mid, V-Type Working width 1184 mm Mid, V-Type Scarifying depth, maximum 292 mm Standards Steering ISO 5010 Brakes ISO 3450, ISO 10265 ROPS/FOPS ISO 3471/ISO 3499 Sound ISO 6394; ISO 6395 Tandems Height 502 mm Width 172 mm Sidewall thickness Inner 14 mm Sidewall thickness Outer 16 mm Drive chain pitch 44.5 mm Wheel axle spacing 1510 mm Tandem oscillation Front up 15 Tandem oscillation Front down 25 Cab

Operator Station Visibility Angled cab doors, a tapered engine enclosure and patented sloped rear window assure excellent visibility to the work area. Maximum Control, Maximum Comfort Caterpillar has built the most comfortable cab in the industry, replacing the control levers and steering wheel with two joystick controls, and lengthening the cab for more leg room. Machine design features, like angled doors, provide excellent visibility. Operator Comfort The Cat Comfort Series suspension seat and arm/wrist rests are fully adjustable for improved comfort and productivity. Extra leg room, easy-to-reach long-life rocker switches and revolutionary joystick controls make this the most comfortable cab in the industry. Standard HVAC system

The high capacity system dehumidifies and pressurizes the cab, circulates fresh air, seals out dust and keeps windows clear. Low Interior Sound and Vibration Levels Multiple isolation mounts along with relocated hydraulic pump and valves significantly improve operator comfort and productivity. In-Dash Instrument Cluster Easy-to-read, high-visibility gauges and warning lamps keep the operator aware of critical system information.

Ease of Operation Two electro-hydraulic joysticks require up to 78% less hand and wrist movement than conventional lever controls for greatly enhanced operator comfort and efficiency. The intuitive control pattern allows both new and experienced operators to quickly become productive. Electronically adjustable control pods help position joysticks for optimal comfort, visibility and proper operation. Joystick Functions

The left joystick primarily controls the machine direction and speed including steering, articulation, return-tocenter, wheel lean, gear selection, left moldboard lift cylinder and float. The right joystick primarily controls drawbar, circle and moldboard functions including right moldboard lift cylinder and float, moldboard slide and tip, circle turn, drawbar center shift, electronic throttle control and manual differential lock/unlock.

Intuitive Steering Control Joystick lean angle mirrors the steer tires turning angle. A brake tensioning system holds the joystick in position until the operator moves it. The steering control automatically reduces steering sensitivity at higher ground speeds for comfortable and predictable control. Electronic Throttle Control Provides easy, precise and consistent throttle operation. An automatic/manual mode switch offers flexibility for different applications and operator preferences. Articulation Return-to-Center Automatically returns the machine to a straight frame position from any angle with the touch of a button. Auxiliary Pod and Ripper Control (Optional) Ergonomically positioned to allow simple, comfortable operation for the multiple hydraulic options.

Four fingertip controls and a mini joystick maximize control of up to six hydraulic circuits. Individual functions can be programmed with Electronic Technician (Cat ET). The auxiliary hydraulic pod is provided when the machine is configured with three or more auxiliary functions. Infinitely variable roller switches provide precise control of the rear ripper and/or front lift group (when equipped).

Steering and Implement Controls Ease of Operation Two electro-hydraulic joysticks require up to 78% less hand and wrist movement than conventional lever controls for greatly enhanced operator comfort and efficiency. The intuitive control pattern allows both new and experienced operators to quickly become productive. Electronically adjustable control pods help position joysticks for optimal comfort, visibility and proper operation. Joystick Functions

The left joystick primarily controls the machine direction and speed including steering, articulation, return-to-center, wheel lean, gear selection, left moldboard lift cylinder and float. The right joystick primarily controls drawbar, circle and moldboard functions including right moldboard lift cylinder and float, moldboard slide and tip, circle turn, drawbar center shift, electronic throttle control and manual differential lock/unlock.

Intuitive Steering Control Joystick lean angle mirrors the steer tires turning angle. A brake tensioning system holds the joystick in position until the operator moves it. The steering control automatically reduces steering sensitivity at higher ground speeds for comfortable and predictable control. Electronic Throttle Control Provides easy, precise and consistent throttle operation. An automatic/manual mode switch offers flexibility for different applications and operator preferences. Articulation Return-to-Center Automatically returns the machine to a straight frame position from any angle with the touch of a button. Auxiliary Pod and Ripper Control (Optional) Ergonomically positioned to allow simple, comfortable operation for the multiple hydraulic options.

Four fingertip controls and a mini joystick maximize control of up to six hydraulic circuits. Individual functions can be programmed with Electronic Technician (Cat ET). The auxiliary hydraulic pod is provided when the machine is configured with three or more auxiliary functions. Infinitely variable roller switches provide precise control of the rear ripper and/or front lift group (when equipped).

Cat NOx Reduction System The Cat NOx Reduction System captures and cools a small quantity of exhaust gas, then routes it into the combustion chamber where it drives down combustion temperatures and reduces NOx emissions.

Aftertreatment Technologies To meet Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB emission standards and beyond, Cat aftertreatment components have been designed to match application needs. System components include a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), which uses a chemical process to convert regulated emissions in the exhaust system, and a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) that traps particulate matter that is carried into the exhaust stream. The DOC, DPF and Cat Regeneration System are contained in a Caterpillar designed Clean Emission Module (CEM) that protects the components, minimizes the aftertreatment footprint and simplifies maintenance. Cat Regeneration System The Cat Regeneration System is designed to work transparently, without any interaction needed from the operator. Under most operating conditions, engine exhaust is hot enough to oxidize soot through passive regeneration. If supplemental regeneration is needed, the Cat Regeneration System elevates exhaust gas temperatures to remove soot in the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). This is a process that happens automatically, but the operator can initiate the cycle when convenient or interrupt regeneration as needed. A soot level monitor can be viewed on the Cat Messenger screen and regeneration indicator lights are integrated into the front console. Emissions Technology Cat NOx Reduction System The Cat NOx Reduction System captures and cools a small quantity of exhaust gas, then routes it into the combustion chamber where it drives down combustion temperatures and reduces NOx emissions. Aftertreatment Technologies To meet Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB emission standards and beyond, Cat aftertreatment components have been designed to match application needs. System components include a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), which uses a chemical process to convert regulated emissions in the exhaust system, and a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) that traps particulate matter that is carried into the exhaust stream. The DOC, DPF and Cat Regeneration System are contained in a Caterpillar designed Clean Emission Module (CEM) that protects the components, minimizes the aftertreatment footprint and simplifies maintenance. Cat Regeneration System The Cat Regeneration System is designed to work transparently, without any interaction needed from the operator. Under most operating conditions, engine exhaust is hot enough to oxidize soot through passive regeneration. If supplemental regeneration is needed, the Cat Regeneration System elevates exhaust gas temperatures to remove soot in the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). This is a process that happens automatically, but the operator can initiate the cycle when convenient or interrupt regeneration as needed. A soot level monitor can be viewed on the Cat Messenger screen and regeneration indicator lights are integrated into the front console.

A Cat C7.1 ACERT engine and Cat Clean Emissions Module deliver the performance and efficiency that customers demand, while meeting Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB emission standards. The C7.1 ACERT engine has superior torque and lugging capability to pull through sudden, short-term loads and maintain consistent, desirable grading speeds to get work done faster without downshifting. The High Pressure Common Rail Fuel System improves precision and control with full electronic injection that boosts performance and reduces soot. Hydraulic Demand Fan The hydraulic demand fan automatically adjusts cooling fan speed according to engine cooling requirements. This reduces demand on the engine, putting more horsepower to the ground and improves fuel efficiency. Swing-out design allows easy access to cooling cores and reduces clean out time. Engine A Cat C7.1 ACERT engine and Cat Clean Emissions Module deliver the performance and efficiency that customers demand, while meeting Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB emission standards. The C7.1 ACERT engine has superior torque and lugging capability to pull through sudden, short-term loads and maintain consistent, desirable grading speeds to

get work done faster without downshifting. The High Pressure Common Rail Fuel System improves precision and control with full electronic injection that boosts performance and reduces soot. Hydraulic Demand Fan The hydraulic demand fan automatically adjusts cooling fan speed according to engine cooling requirements. This reduces demand on the engine, putting more horsepower to the ground and improves fuel efficiency. Swing-out design allows easy access to cooling cores and reduces clean out time.

Automatic Differential Lock Unlocks the differential during a turn, re-locks when straight, for easier operation and lower power train protection. Front Axle The Cat sealed spindle keeps bearings free from contaminants and lubricated in a light weight oil. The Cat Live Spindle design places the larger tapered roller bearing outboard where the load is greater, extending bearing life. Inching Pedal Allows precise control of machine movements and excellent modulation, critical in close-quarter work or finish grading. Smooth Shifting Transmission Several key innovations ensure smooth, powerful shifts.

Full Electronic Clutch Pressure Control (ECPC) system optimizes inching modulation for smooth shifts and directional changes, reducing stress on gears. Controlled Throttle Shifting helps to smooth directional and gear changes without using the inching pedal. Load Compensation ensures consistent shift quality regardless of blade or machine load. This standard feature automatically shifts the transmission at optimal points so the operator can focus on the work to help improve safety, productivity and ease of operation. Power Shift Countershaft Transmission and the Cat C7.1 ACERT engine m aximize power to the ground. Eight forward/six reverse gears optimize productivity. Engine Over-Speed Protection prevents downshifting until an acceptable safe travel speed has been established.

Bolt-On Modular Rear Axle Improves serviceability and contamination control with easy access to differential components. Hydraulic Brakes Hydraulically actuated, oil bathed, multi-disc service brakes at each tandem wheel (1) offer the industrys largest total brake surface area (2) for dependable stopping power and long brake life. The brake wear indicator/compensator system (3) maintains brake performance and indicates brake wear without disassembly, for fast servicing and longer brake service life. The spring-applied, hydraulically released multi-disc parking brake, sealed and oil-cooled for long life and low service, is integrated into the Operator Presence System to prevent unintended machine movement. Power Train

Automatic Differential Lock Unlocks the differential during a turn, re-locks when straight, for easier operation and lower power train protection. Front Axle The Cat sealed spindle keeps bearings free from contaminants and lubricated in a light weight oil. The Cat Live Spindle design places the larger tapered roller bearing outboard where the l oad is greater, extending bearing life. Inching Pedal Allows precise control of machine movements and excellent modulation, critical in close-quarter work or finish grading. Smooth Shifting Transmission Several key innovations ensure smooth, powerful shifts.

Full Electronic Clutch Pressure Control (ECPC) system optimizes inching modulation for smooth shifts and directional changes, reducing stress on gears. Controlled Throttle Shifting helps to smooth directional and gear changes without using the inching pedal. Load Compensation ensures consistent shift quality regardless of blade or machine load. This standard feature automatically shifts the transmission at optimal points so the operator can focus on the work to help improve safety, productivity and ease of operation. Power Shift Countershaft Transmission and the Cat C7.1 ACERT engine maximize power to the ground. Eight forward/six reverse gears optimize productivity. Engine Over-Speed Protection prevents downshifting until an acceptable safe travel speed has been established.

Bolt-On Modular Rear Axle Improves serviceability and contamination control with easy access to differential components. Hydraulic Brakes Hydraulically actuated, oil bathed, multi-disc service brakes at each tandem wheel (1) offer the industrys largest total brake surface area (2) for dependable stopping power and long brake life. The brake wear indicator/compensator system (3) maintains brake performance and indicates brake wear without disassembly, for fast servicing and longer brake service life. The spring-applied, hydraulically released multi-disc parking brake, sealed and oil-cooled for long life and low service, is integrated into the Operator Presence System to prevent unintended machine movement.

Heavy Duty Durability The frame, drawbar and one-piece forged steel circle are designed for durability in heavy duty applications. The strong A-frame drawbar uses a durable tubular design. The front 240 of circle teeth are hardened to reduce wear and ensure component reliability.

Articulation Hitch A large tapered roller bearing at the lower pivot carries loads evenly and smoothly. Sealed to prevent contamination, a locking pin prevents articulation for safety during service or transport. Aggressive Blade Angle Allows material to roll more freely along the blade, particularly dry materials or cohesive soils. Better material control gets the job done faster, requires less power and saves fuel. Fast, Easy Adjustment Means Tight Components Shims and patented top-adjust wear strips are easy to add or replace, dramatically reducing downtime and operating costs. Durable nylon composite wear inserts maximize circle torque and component life. Sacrificial brass wear strips between the blade mounting group and moldboard can be replaced easily. Shimless Moldboard Retention System uses vertical and horizontal adjusting screws to keep moldboard wear strips aligned for reduced blade chatter, precise blade control and dramatic reductions in service time. Moldboard Heat-treated rails, hardened cutting edges and end bits, and heavy duty bolts assure reliability and long service life. The link bar allows extreme moldboard positioning for bank sloping, ditch cutting and cleaning. Structures and DCM Heavy Duty Durability The frame, drawbar and one-piece forged steel circle are designed for durability in heavy duty applications. The strong A-frame drawbar uses a durable tubular design. The front 240 of circle teeth are hardened to reduce wear and ensure component reliability. Articulation Hitch A large tapered roller bearing at the lower pivot carries loads evenly and smoothly. Sealed to prevent contamination, a locking pin prevents articulation for safety during service or transport. Aggressive Blade Angle Allows material to roll more freely along the blade, particularly dry materials or cohesive soils. Better material control gets the job done faster, requires less power and saves fuel. Fast, Easy Adjustment Means Tight Components Shims and patented top-adjust wear strips are easy to add or replace, dramatically reducing downtime and operating costs. Durable nylon composite wear inserts maximize circle torque and component life. Sacrificial brass wear strips between the blade mounting group and moldboard can be replaced easily. Shimless Moldboard Retention System uses vertical and horizontal adjusting screws to keep moldboard wear strips aligned for reduced blade chatter, precise blade control and dramatic reductions in service time. Moldboard Heat-treated rails, hardened cutting edges and end bits, and heavy duty bolts assure reliability and long service life. The link bar allows extreme moldboard positioning for bank sloping, ditch cutting and cleaning.

Sharing key data among systems helps optimize machine performance and aids serviceability.

Cat Messenger, combined with full systems integration, enhances diagnostic capability. Machine system errors are displayed in both text and fault codes for quick analysis of critical data. Electronic Technician (Cat ET) lets service technicians access stored diagnostic data and configure machine parameters through the Cat Data Link. Low Battery Elevated Idle raises idle speed when low system voltage is detected, ensuring adequate system voltage and improving battery reliability.

Automatic Engine Deration protects the engine and aftertreatment by automatically lowering engine torque output and alerting the operator if critical conditions are detected.

Smart Machine Systems Sharing key data among systems helps optimize machine performance and aids serviceability.

Cat Messenger, combined with full systems integration, enhances diagnostic capability. Machine system errors are displayed in both text and fault codes for quick analysis of critical data. Electronic Technician (Cat ET) lets service technicians access stored diagnostic data and configure machine parameters through the Cat Data Link. Low Battery Elevated Idle raises idle speed when low system voltage is detected, ensuring adequate system voltage and improving battery reliability. Automatic Engine Deration protects the engine and aftertreatment by automatically lowering engine torque output and alerting the operator if critical conditions are detected.

All Wheel Drive (AWD) The AWD arrangement utilizes dedicated left and right pumps for precise hydraulic control. The infinitely variable pumps and motors maximize torque in each gear. This delivers the most power to the ground in the industry and increases productivity. Maximum Net Power When AWD is engaged, flywheel horsepower is automatically increased up to an additional 45 kW (60 hp) from base power. This offsets the parasitic losses and maximizes net power to the ground for increased productivity. Hydrostatic Mode Standard with AWD, this mode disengages the transmission and provides hydraulic power to the front wheels only. The ground speed is infinitely variable between 0-8 km/h (0-5 mph), perfect for precise finish work. Steering Compensation Cat Steering Compensation System enables a powered turn by adjusting the outside front tire speed up to 50% faster than the inside tire. The result is improved control, less damage to surfaces and a dramatic reduction of turning radius in poor underfoot conditions. All-Wheel Drive (AWD) All Wheel Drive (AWD) The AWD arrangement utilizes dedicated left and right pumps for precise hydraulic control. The infinitely variable pumps and motors maximize torque in each gear. This delivers the most power to the ground in the industry and increases productivity. Maximum Net Power When AWD is engaged, flywheel horsepower is automatically increased up to an additional 45 kW (60 hp) from base power. This offsets the parasitic losses and maximizes net power to the ground for increased productivity.

Hydrostatic Mode Standard with AWD, this mode disengages the transmission and provides hydraulic power to the front wheels only. The ground speed is infinitely variable between 0-8 km/h (0-5 mph), perfect for precise finish work. Steering Compensation Cat Steering Compensation System enables a powered turn by adjusting the outside front tire speed up to 50% faster than the inside tire. The result is improved control, less damage to surfaces and a dramatic reduction of turning radius in poor underfoot conditions.

Advanced Electro-Hydraulic System Incorporates a state-of-the-art electro-hydraulic system as the foundation for revolutionary changes in machine and advanced joystick controls. Blade Float Allows the blade to move freely under its own weight. By floating both cylinders, the blade can follow the contours of the road, especially useful when removing snow. Floating only one cylinder permits the toe of the blade to follow a hard surface while the operator controls the slope with the other lift cylinder. Independent Oil Supply Large, separate hydraulic oil supplies prevent cross-contamination and provide proper oil cooling, which reduces heat build-up and extends component life. Load Sensing Hydraulics (PPPC) The proven load-sensing system and the advanced Proportional Priority Pressure-Compensating (PPPC or triple P C) electro-hydraulic valves provide superior implement control and enhanced machine performance in all applications. Continuously matching hydraulic flow/pressure to power demands creates less heat and reduces power consumption.

Consistent, Predictable Movement PPPC valves have different flow rates for the head (red) and rod ends (blue) of the cylinder, ensuring consistent extension and retraction speeds. Balanced Flow Hydraulic flow is proportioned so all implements operate simultaneously with little effect on the engine or implement speeds.

Hydraulics Advanced Electro-Hydraulic System Incorporates a state-of-the-art electro-hydraulic system as the foundation for revolutionary changes in machine and advanced joystick controls. Blade Float Allows the blade to move freely under its own weight. By floating both cylinders, the blade can follow the contours of the road, especially useful when removing snow. Floating only one cylinder permits the toe of the blade to follow a hard surface while the operator controls the slope with the other lift cylinder. Independent Oil Supply Large, separate hydraulic oil supplies prevent cross-contamination and provide proper oil cooling, which reduces heat build-up and extends component life. Load Sensing Hydraulics (PPPC)

The proven load-sensing system and the advanced Proportional Priority Pressure-Compensating (PPPC or triple P C) electro-hydraulic valves provide superior implement control and enhanced machine performance in all applications. Continuously matching hydraulic flow/pressure to power demands creates less heat and reduces power consumption.

Consistent, Predictable Movement PPPC valves have different flow rates for the head (red) and rod ends (blue) of the cylinder, ensuring consistent extension and retraction speeds. Balanced Flow Hydraulic flow is proportioned so all implements operate simultaneously with little effect on the engine or implement speeds.

Cat Grade Control Cross Slope Cross Slope is a factory installed machine control and guidance system that allows for accurate and real-time positioning of the moldboard without off-machine infrastructure. Harnesses, sensors and the in-cab display are fully integrated into the machine so the system is ready to work from the factory. The system helps the operator more easily achieve the desired cross slope by automating one end of the blade. The system also helps save time and materials so that even less experienced operators can achieve better results, more quickly. The system is designed for easy scalability, supporting all two- and three-dimensional upgrades to be fully compatible with all AccuGrade kits. AccuGrade Ready Option Optional factory-installed brackets and hardware make the grader ready for dealer installation of the AccuGrade grade control system. Installation is simplified, and integration of the components provides greater protection to enhance system reliability. Cat AccuGrade AccuGrade is a dealer-installed blade control system which enables operators to cut and fill to grade with increased accuracy, minimizing the need for traditional survey stakes and grade checkers. AccuGrade includes Cross Slope, Sonic, Laser, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and/or Universal Total Station (UTS) technologies to automatically control the blade. In-cab displays show precise elevation and real-time cut/fill information. More accurate blade positioning helps operators get to grade faster, with fewer passes than ever before. The AccuGrade System significantly improves grading productivity and accuracy by as much as 50 percent over conventional methods. Cat Product Link* Remote monitoring with Product Link improves overall fleet management effectiveness. Product Link is deeply integrated into machine systems. Events and diagnostic codes, as well as hours, fuel, idle time and other detailed information are transmitted to a secure web based application, VisionLink. VisionLink in cludes powerful tools to convey information to users and dealers, including mapping, working and idle time, fuel level and more. *Product Link licensing not available in all areas. Please consult your Cat dealer for availability. Integrated Technologies Cat Grade Control Cross Slope Cross Slope is a factory installed machine control and guidance system that allows for accurate and real-time positioning of the moldboard without off-machine infrastructure. Harnesses, sensors and the in-cab display are fully integrated into the machine so the system is ready to work from the factory. The system helps the operator more easily achieve the desired cross slope by automating one end of the blade. The system also helps save time and materials so that even less experienced operators can achieve better results, more quickly. The system is designed for easy scalability, supporting all two- and three-dimensional upgrades to be fully compatible with all AccuGrade kits.

AccuGrade Ready Option Optional factory-installed brackets and hardware make the grader ready for dealer installation of the AccuGrade grade control system. Installation is simplified, and integration of the components provides greater protection to enhance system reliability. Cat AccuGrade AccuGrade is a dealer-installed blade control system which enables operators to cut and fill to grade with increased accuracy, minimizing the need for traditional survey stakes and grade checkers. AccuGrade includes Cross Slope, Sonic, Laser, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and/or Universal Total Station (UTS) technologies to automatically control the blade. In-cab displays show precise elevation and real-time cut/fill information. More accurate blade positioning helps operators get to grade faster, with fewer passes than ever before. The AccuGrade System significantly improves grading productivity and accuracy by as much as 50 percent over conventional methods. Cat Product Link* Remote monitoring with Product Link improves overall fleet management effectiveness. Product Link is deeply integrated into machine systems. Events and diagnostic codes, as well as hours, fuel, idle time and other detailed information are transmitted to a secure web based application, VisionLink. VisionLink includes powerful tools to convey information to users and dealers, including mapping, working and idle time, fuel level and more. *Product Link licensing not available in all areas. Please consult your Cat dealer for availability.

Moldboard Options Standard 3.7 m (12 ft) or optional 4.3 m (14 ft). Left and right side extensions are also available. Ground Engaging Tools (GET) A variety of tools are available from Cat Work Tools, including cutting edges, graderbits and end bits, all designed for maximum service life and productivity. Front Mounted Groups A front mounted push plate/counterweight or front lift group are available. The front lift group can be combined with a front dozer blade or front scarifier for added versatility. Rear Ripper/Scarifier Made to penetrate tough material fast and rip thoroughly for easier movement with the moldboard. The ripper includes three shanks (with holders for five). Nine scarifier shanks can also be added for additional versatility. Snow Removal Work Tools Multiple snow plow, snow wing and mounting options increase machine versatility and utilization throughout the year. Work Tools and Attachments Moldboard Options Standard 3.7 m (12 ft) or optional 4.3 m (14 ft). Left and right side extensions are also available. Ground Engaging Tools (GET) A variety of tools are available from Cat Work Tools, including cutting edges, graderbits and end bits, all designed for maximum service life and productivity.

Front Mounted Groups A front mounted push plate/counterweight or front lift group are available. The front lift group can be combined with a front dozer blade or front scarifier for added versatility. Rear Ripper/Scarifier Made to penetrate tough material fast and rip thoroughly for easier movement with the moldboard. The ripper includes three shanks (with holders for five). Nine scarifier shanks can also be added for additional versatility. Snow Removal Work Tools Multiple snow plow, snow wing and mounting options increase machine versatility and utilization throughout the year.

Designed with Protection in Mind Features are designed to enhance operator and job site safety, such as drop-down rear lights and a rearview camera. Among many standard safety features are laminated glass, back-up lights, and perforated tandem walkways and grab rails. Operator Presence System The parking brake remains engaged and hydraulic implements disabled until the operator is initially seated and the machine is ready for operation. Secondary Steering System Automatically engages an electric hydraulic pump in case of a drop in steering pressure, allowing the operator to steer the machine to a stop. Hydraulic Lockout A simple switch located in the cab disables all implement functions while still providing machine steering control. This safety feature is especially useful while roading. Brake Systems Brakes are located at each tandem wheel to eliminate braking loads on the power train. Redundant brake systems utilize accumulators to enable stopping in case of machine failure, further increasing operational safety. Circle Drive Slip Clutch This standard feature protects the drawbar, circle and moldboard from shock loads when the blade encounters an immovable object. It also reduces the possibility of abrupt directional changes in poor traction conditions. Blade Lift Accumulators (Optional) This optional feature uses accumulators to help absorb impact loads to the moldboard by allowing vertical blade travel. Blade lift accumulators help reduce unnecessary wear and also help reduce impact loading for enhanced operator safety. Rearview Camera (Optional) Visibility is further enhanced with an optional Work Area Vision System (WAVS) through a 178 mm (7 in) LCD color monitor in the cab. Developed specifically for rugged applications, this durable camera improves productivity and increases operator awareness of surroundings. Front and Rear Fenders (Optional)

To help reduce objects flying from the tires, as well as build-up of mud, snow and debris, optional fenders can be added. Safety Designed with Protection in Mind Features are designed to enhance operator and job site safety, such as drop-down rear lights and a rearview camera. Among many standard safety features are laminated glass, back-up lights, and perforated tandem walkways and grab rails. Operator Presence System The parking brake remains engaged and hydraulic implements disabled until the operator is initially seated and the machine is ready for operation. Secondary Steering System Automatically engages an electric hydraulic pump in case of a drop in steering pressure, allowing the operator to steer the machine to a stop. Hydraulic Lockout A simple switch located in the cab disables all implement functions while still providing machine steering control. This safety feature is especially useful while roading. Brake Systems Brakes are located at each tandem wheel to eliminate braking loads on the power train. Redundant brake systems utilize accumulators to enable stopping in case of machine failure, further increasing operational safety. Circle Drive Slip Clutch This standard feature protects the drawbar, circle and moldboard from shock loads when the blade encounters an immovable object. It also reduces the possibility of abrupt directional changes in poor traction conditions. Blade Lift Accumulators (Optional) This optional feature uses accumulators to help absorb impact loads to the moldboard by allowing vertical blade travel. Blade lift accumulators help reduce unnecessary wear and also help reduce impact loading for enhanced operator safety. Rearview Camera (Optional) Visibility is further enhanced with an optional Work Area Vision System (WAVS) through a 178 mm (7 in) LCD color monitor in the cab. Developed specifically for rugged applications, this durable camera improves productivity and increases operator awareness of surroundings. Front and Rear Fenders (Optional) To help reduce objects flying from the tires, as well as build-up of mud, snow and debris, optional fenders can be added.

Renowned dealer service From helping you choose the right machine to financing and ongoing support, your Cat dealer provides the best in sales and service. Manage your costs with preventive maintenance programs like SOSSM analysis, Coolant Sampling and guaranteed maintenance contracts. Stay productive with best-in-class parts availability. Your Cat

dealer can even help boost your profits with operator training. And when its time for component replacement, your Cat dealer can help you save even more. Genuine Cat Remanufactured parts carry the same warranty and reliability as new products at savings of 40 to 70 percent for power train and hydraulic components. Customer Support Renowned dealer service From helping you choose the right machine to financing and ongoing support, your Cat dealer provides the best in sales and service. Manage your costs with preventive maintenance programs like SOSSM analysis, Coolant Sampling and guaranteed maintenance contracts. Stay productive with best-in-class parts availability. Your Cat dealer can even help boost your profits with operator training. And when its time for component replacement, your Cat dealer can help you save even more. Genuine Cat Remanufactured parts carry the same warranty and reliability as new products at savings of 40 to 70 percent for power train and hydraulic components.

M Series 2 Motor Graders are designed to benefit your business and reduce emissions.

Cat engine and aftertreatment meet U.S. Tier 4 Interim/EU Stage IIIB emission standards. Integrated machine systems and technologies improve productivity for greater accuracy, lower fuel use and reduced machine wear. Replaceable wear parts save maintenance time and cost, and extend major component life. Major structures and components are built to be rebuilt, reducing waste and replacement costs. Extended service intervals reduce maintenance time/cost and waste. A variety of safety features help safeguard operators and others on the job site.

Sustainability M Series 2 Motor Graders are designed to benefit your business and reduce emissions.

Cat engine and aftertreatment meet U.S. Tier 4 Interim/EU Stage IIIB emission standards. Integrated machine systems and technologies improve productivity for greater accuracy, lower fuel use and reduced machine wear. Replaceable wear parts save maintenance time and cost, and extend major component life. Major structures and components are built to be rebuilt, reducing waste and replacement costs. Extended service intervals reduce maintenance time/cost and waste. A variety of safety features help safeguard operators and others on the job site.

12M2 AWD Motor Graders

The M Series 2 continues the legacy of quality already established by Cat Motor Graders. The extensive validation program, combined with improvements to the manufacturing process, allows Caterpillar to further enhance our quality. The end result of this development process is a motor grader line with breakthrough technologies, tested in the field and built around real applications and real customer needs. M Series 2 Motor Graders meet U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim/EU Stage IIIB emission standards.

Engine Engine Model Cat C9.3 ACERT Base Power (all gears) Net 129 kW Displacement 9.3 L Bore 115 mm Stroke 149 mm Speed @ rated power 2,100 rpm Base Power (1st gear) Net 129 kW VHP Plus range Net 129-166 kW (173-223 hp) AWD range Net 136-181 kW (183-243 hp) Base Power (1st gear) Net (Metric) 129 kW VHP Plus range Net (Metric)

129-166 kW (176-226 hp) AWD range Net (Metric) 136-181 kW (186-246 hp) Global Emissions U.S. Tier 4 Interim/EU Stage IIIB Max torque 1247 Nm Torque rise 50% VHP Plus gear 3F, Net 144 kW VHP Plus gear 1F, Net 129 kW VHP Plus gear 2F, Net 136 kW VHP Plus gear 4F, Net 151 kW VHP Plus gear 5F, Net 155 kW VHP Plus gear 6F, Net 159 kW VHP Plus gear 7F, Net 163 kW VHP Plus gear 8F, Net 166 kW Number of cylinders 6 Derating altitude 3048 m Hi Ambient Fan Speed Max 1,550 rpm Hi Ambient Fan Speed Min 500 rpm Hi Ambient Capability 50 C Frame Drawbar Thickness 12.7 mm Drawbar Width 76.2 mm Circle Diameter 1530 mm Circle Blade beam thickness 40 mm Drawbar Height

152 mm Front frame structure Height 321 mm Front frame structure Width 255 mm Front-top/bottom plate Width 305 mm Front-top/bottom plate Thickness 22 mm Front axle Height to center 600 mm Front axle Wheel lean, left/right 18 Front axle Total oscillation per side 32 Weights Dimensions Operating Specifications Top Speed Fwd. 46.6 km/h Top Speed Rev. 36.8 km/h Turning radius, outside front tires 7.6 m Steering range left/right 47.5 Articulation angle left/right 20 Fwd. 1st 4.1 km/h Fwd. 2nd 5.5 km/h Fwd. 3rd 8 km/h Fwd. 4th 11 km/h Fwd. 5th 17.1 km/h Fwd. 6th 23.3 km/h Fwd. 7th 32 km/h Fwd. 8th 46.6 km/h Rev. 1st 3.2 km/h

Rev. 2nd 6 km/h Rev. 3rd 8.7 km/h Rev. 4th 13.5 km/h Rev. 5th 25.3 km/h Rev. 6th 36.8 km/h Service Refill Fuel Capacity 416 L Cooling system 56 L Hydraulic system Total 100 L Hydraulic system Tank 64 L Engine Oil 30 L Trans./Diff./Final Drives 65 L Tandem housing (each) 64 L Front wheel spindle bearing housing 0.5 L Circle drive housing 7L Power Train Forward/Reverse Gears 8 Fwd/6 Rev Transmission Direct Drive, Powershift Brakes Service Multiple Oil Disc Brakes Service, surface area 23000 cm2 Brakes Parking Multiple Oil Disc Brakes Secondary Dual Circuit Hydraulic System

Circuit type Parallel Pump type Variable Piston Pump output 210 L/min Maximum system pressure 24150 kPa Reservoir tank capacity 60 L Standby Pressure 4200 kPa All-Wheel Drive Moldboard Moldboard Height 610 mm Moldboard Thickness 22 mm Arc radius 413 mm Throat clearance 166 mm Cutting edge Width 152 mm Cutting edge Thickness 16 mm End Bit Width 152 mm End Bit Thickness 16 mm Blade Pull Base GVW 11687 kg Blade Pull Max GVW 15455 kg Down Pressure Base GVW 7423 kg Down Pressure Max GVW 13243 kg Blade width 3.7 m Blade Range Circle centershift Right 728 mm Circle centershift Left

695 mm Moldboard sideshift Right 660 mm Moldboard sideshift Left 510 mm Maximum blade position angle 90 Blade tip range Forward 40 Blade tip range Backward 5 Maximum shoulder reach outside of tires Right 1978 mm Maximum shoulder reach outside of tires Left 1790 mm Maximum lift above ground 480 mm Maximum depth of cut 715 mm Weights AWD Gross Vehicle Weight, max Total 24888 kg Gross Vehicle Weight, max Front axle 7715 kg Operating Wt, typically equipped Rear axle 14201 kg Operating Wt, typically equipped Total 20116 kg Operating Wt, typically equipped Front axle 5915 kg Gross Vehicle Weight, max Rear axle 17173 kg Ripper Ripping depth, maximum 426 mm Ripper shank holder spacing 533 mm Ripper shank holders 5 Penetration force 9386 kg Pryout force 12544 kg Machine length increase, beam raised

1031 mm Scarifier Front, V-Type, 5 or 11 tooth Scarifying depth, maximum 467 mm Mid, V-Type Scarifier shank holder spacing 116 mm Mid, V-Type Scarifier shank holders 11 Front, V-Type: Working width 1205 mm Front, V-Type Scarifying depth, maximum 1031 mm Front, V-Type Scarifier shank holders 5/11 Front, V-Type Scarifier shank holder spacing 467 mm Front, V-Type, 5 or 11 tooth Working width 1031 mm Rear Ripping depth, maximum 426 mm Front, V-Type, 5 or 11 tooth Scarifier shank holders 5/11 Front, V-Type, 5 or 11 tooth Scarifier shank holder spacing 116 mm Mid, V-Type Working width 1184 mm Mid, V-Type Scarifying depth, maximum 292 mm Rear Scarifying depth, maximum 426 mm Rear Working width 2133 mm Rear Scarifier shank holders 9 Rear Scarifier shank holder spacing 267 mm Standards Steering ISO 5010 Brakes ISO 3450, ISO 10265 ROPS/FOPS ISO 3471/ISO 3499 Sound

ISO 6394; ISO 6395 Tandems Height 506 mm Width 210 mm Sidewall thickness Inner 16 mm Sidewall thickness Outer 18 mm Drive chain pitch 50.8 mm Wheel axle spacing 1522.8 mm Tandem oscillation Front up 15 Tandem oscillation Front down 25 Cab

Operator Station Visibility Angled cab doors, a tapered engine enclosure and patented sloped rear window assure excellent visibility to the work area. Maximum Control, Maximum Comfort Caterpillar has built the most comfortable cab in the industry, replacing the control levers and steering wheel with two joystick controls, and lengthening the cab for more leg room. Machine design features, like angled doors, provide excellent visibility. Operator Comfort The Cat Comfort Series suspension seat and arm/wrist rests are fully adjustable for improved comfort and productivity. Extra leg room, easy-to-reach long-life rocker switches and revolutionary joystick controls make this the most comfortable cab in the industry. Standard HVAC system The high capacity system dehumidifies and pressurizes the cab, circulates fresh air, seals out dust and keeps windows clear. Low Interior Sound and Vibration Levels Multiple isolation mounts along with relocated hydraulic pump and valves significantly improve operator comfort and productivity. In-Dash Instrument Cluster Easy-to-read, high-visibility gauges and warning lamps keep the operator aware of critical system information.

Ease of Operation Two electro-hydraulic joysticks require up to 78% less hand and wrist movement than conventional lever controls for greatly enhanced operator comfort and efficiency. The intuitive control pattern allows both new and experienced operators to quickly become productive. Electronically adjustable control pods help position joysticks for optimal comfort, visibility and proper operation. Joystick Functions

The left joystick primarily controls the machine direction and speed including steering, articulation, return-tocenter, wheel lean, gear selection, left moldboard lift cylinder and float. The right joystick primarily controls drawbar, circle and moldboard functions including right moldboard lift cylinder and float, moldboard slide and tip, circle turn, drawbar center shift, electronic throttle control and manual differential lock/unlock.

Intuitive Steering Control Joystick lean angle mirrors the steer tires turning angle. A brake tensioning system holds the joystick in position until the operator moves it. The steering control automatically reduces steering sensitivity at higher ground speeds for comfortable and predictable control. Electronic Throttle Control Provides easy, precise and consistent throttle operation. An automatic/manual mode switch offers flexibility for different applications and operator preferences. Articulation Return-to-Center Automatically returns the machine to a straight frame position from any angle with the touch of a button. Auxiliary Pod and Ripper Control (Optional) Ergonomically positioned to allow simple, comfortable operation for the multiple hydraulic options.

Four fingertip controls and a mini joystick maximize control of up to six hydraulic circuits. Individual functions can be programmed with Electronic Technician (Cat ET). The auxiliary hydraulic pod is provided when the machine is configured with three or more auxiliary functions. Infinitely variable roller switches provide precise control of the rear ripper and/or front lift group (when equipped).

Steering and Implement Controls Ease of Operation Two electro-hydraulic joysticks require up to 78% less hand and wrist movement than conventional lever controls for greatly enhanced operator comfort and efficiency. The intuitive control pattern allows both new and experienced operators to quickly become productive. Electronically adjustable control pods help position joysticks for optimal comfort, visibility and proper operation. Joystick Functions

The left joystick primarily controls the machine direction and speed including steering, articulation, return-to-center, wheel lean, gear selection, left moldboard lift cylinder and float. The right joystick primarily controls drawbar, circle and moldboard functions including right moldboard lift cylinder and float, moldboard slide and tip, circle turn, drawbar center shift, electronic throttle control and manual differential lock/unlock.

Intuitive Steering Control Joystick lean angle mirrors the steer tires turning angle. A brake tensioning system holds the joystick in position until the operator moves it. The steering control automatically reduces steering sensitivity at higher ground speeds for comfortable and predictable control. Electronic Throttle Control Provides easy, precise and consistent throttle operation. An automatic/manual mode switch offers flexibility for different applications and operator preferences. Articulation Return-to-Center Automatically returns the machine to a straight frame position from any angle with the touch of a button. Auxiliary Pod and Ripper Control (Optional) Ergonomically positioned to allow simple, comfortable operation for the multiple hydraulic options.

Four fingertip controls and a mini joystick maximize control of up to six hydraulic circuits. Individual functions can be programmed with Electronic Technician (Cat ET). The auxiliary hydraulic pod is provided when the machine is configured with three or more auxiliary functions. Infinitely variable roller switches provide precise control of the rear ripper and/or front lift group (when equipped).

Cat NOx Reduction System The Cat NOx Reduction System captures and cools a small quantity of exhaust gas, then routes it into the combustion chamber where it drives down combustion temperatures and reduces NOx emissions. Aftertreatment Technologies To meet Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB emission standards and beyond, Cat aftertreatment components have been designed to match application needs. System components include a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), which uses a chemical process to convert regulated emissions in the exhaust system, and a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) that traps particulate matter that is carried into the exhaust stream. The DOC, DPF and Cat Regeneration System are contained in a Caterpillar designed Clean Emission Module (CEM) that protects the components, minimizes the aftertreatment footprint and simplifies maintenance. Cat Regeneration System The Cat Regeneration System is designed to work transparently, without any interaction needed from the operator. Under most operating conditions, engine exhaust is hot enough to oxidize soot through passive regeneration. If supplemental regeneration is needed, the Cat Regeneration System elevates exhaust gas temperatures to remove

soot in the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). This is a process that happens automatically, but the operator can initiate the cycle when convenient or interrupt regeneration as needed. A soot level monitor can be viewed on the Cat Messenger screen and regeneration indicator lights are integrated into the front console. Emissions Technology Cat NOx Reduction System The Cat NOx Reduction System captures and cools a small quantity of exhaust gas, then routes it into the combustion chamber where it drives down combustion temperatures and reduces NOx emissions. Aftertreatment Technologies To meet Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB emission standards and beyond, Cat aftertreatment components have been designed to match application needs. System components include a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), which uses a chemical process to convert regulated emissions in the exhaust system, and a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) that traps particulate matter that is carried into the exhaust stream. The DOC, DPF and Cat Regeneration System are contained in a Caterpillar designed Clean Emission Module (CEM) that protects the components, minimizes the aftertreatment footprint and simplifies maintenance. Cat Regeneration System The Cat Regeneration System is designed to work transparently, without any interaction needed from the operator. Under most operating conditions, engine exhaust is hot enough to oxidize soot through passive regeneration. If supplemental regeneration is needed, the Cat Regeneration System elevates exhaust gas temperatures to remove soot in the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). This is a process that happens automatically, but the operator can initiate the cycle when convenient or interrupt regeneration as needed. A soot level monitor can be viewed on the Cat Messenger screen and regeneration indicator lights are integrated into the front console.

A Cat C9.3 ACERT engine and Cat Clean Emissions Module deliver the performance and efficiency that customers demand, while meeting Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB emission standards. The C9.3 ACERT engine has superior torque and lugging capability to pull through sudden, short-term loads and maintain consistent, desirable grading speeds to get work done faster without downshifting. The High Pressure Common Rail Fuel System improves precision and control with full electronic injection that boosts performance and reduces soot. Hydraulic Demand Fan The hydraulic demand fan automatically adjusts cooling fan speed according to engine cooling requirements. This reduces demand on the engine, putting more horsepower to the ground and improves fuel efficiency. Swing-out design allows easy access to cooling cores and reduces clean out time. Engine A Cat C9.3 ACERT engine and Cat Clean Emissions Module deliver the performance and efficiency that customers demand, while meeting Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB emission standards. The C9.3 ACERT engine has superior torque and lugging capability to pull through sudden, short-term loads and maintain consistent, desirable grading speeds to get work done faster without downshifting. The High Pressure Common Rail Fuel System improves precision and control with full electronic injection that boosts performance and reduces soot. Hydraulic Demand Fan The hydraulic demand fan automatically adjusts cooling fan speed according to engine cooling requirements. This reduces demand on the engine, putting more horsepower to the ground and improves fuel efficiency. Swing-out design allows easy access to cooling cores and reduces clean out time.

Automatic Differential Lock Unlocks the differential during a turn, re-locks when straight, for easier operation and lower power train protection. Front Axle The Cat sealed spindle keeps bearings free from contaminants and lubricated in a light weight oil. The Cat Live Spindle design places the larger tapered roller bearing outboard where the load is greater, extending bearing life. Inching Pedal Allows precise control of machine movements and excellent modulation, critical in close-quarter work or finish grading. Smooth Shifting Transmission Several key innovations ensure smooth, powerful shifts.

Full Electronic Clutch Pressure Control (ECPC) system optimizes inching modulation for smooth shifts and directional changes, reducing stress on gears. Controlled Throttle Shifting helps to smooth directional and gear changes without using the inching pedal. Load Compensation ensures consistent shift quality regardless of blade or machine load. This standard feature automatically shifts the transmission at optimal points so the operator can focus on the work to help improve safety, productivity and ease of operation. Power Shift Countershaft Transmission and the Cat C9.3 engine maximize power to the ground. Eight forward/six reverse gears optimize productivity. Engine Over-Speed Protection prevents downshifting until an acceptable safe travel speed has been established.

Bolt-On Modular Rear Axle Improves serviceability and contamination control with easy access to differential components. Hydraulic Brakes Hydraulically actuated, oil bathed, multi-disc service brakes at each tandem wheel (1) offer the industrys largest total brake surface area (2) for dependable stopping power and long brake life. The brake wear indicator/compensator system (3) maintains brake performance and indicates brake wear without disassembly, for fast servicing and longer brake service life. The spring-applied, hydraulically released multi-disc parking brake, sealed and oil-cooled for long life and low service, is integrated into the Operator Presence System to prevent unintended machine movement. Power Train Automatic Differential Lock Unlocks the differential during a turn, re-locks when straight, for easier operation and lower power train protection. Front Axle The Cat sealed spindle keeps bearings free from contaminants and lubricated in a light weight oil. The Cat Live Spindle design places the larger tapered roller bearing outboard where the load is greater, extending bearing life. Inching Pedal

Allows precise control of machine movements and excellent modulation, critical in close-quarter work or finish grading. Smooth Shifting Transmission Several key innovations ensure smooth, powerful shifts.

Full Electronic Clutch Pressure Control (ECPC) system optimizes inching modulation for smooth shifts and directional changes, reducing stress on gears. Controlled Throttle Shifting helps to smooth directional and gear changes without using the inching pedal. Load Compensation ensures consistent shift quality regardless of blade or machine load. This standard feature automatically shifts the transmission at optimal points so the operator can focus on the work to help improve safety, productivity and ease of operation. Power Shift Countershaft Transmission and the Cat C9.3 engine maximize power to the ground. Eight forward/six reverse gears optimize productivity. Engine Over-Speed Protection prevents downshifting until an acceptable safe travel speed has been established.

Bolt-On Modular Rear Axle Improves serviceability and contamination control with easy access to differential components. Hydraulic Brakes Hydraulically actuated, oil bathed, multi-disc service brakes at each tandem wheel (1) offer the in dustrys largest total brake surface area (2) for dependable stopping power and long brake life. The brake wear indicator/compensator system (3) maintains brake performance and indicates brake wear without disassembly, for fast servicing and longer brake service life. The spring-applied, hydraulically released multi-disc parking brake, sealed and oil-cooled for long life and low service, is integrated into the Operator Presence System to prevent unintended machine movement.

Heavy Duty Durability The frame, drawbar and one-piece forged steel circle are designed for durability in heavy duty applications. The strong A-frame drawbar uses a durable tubular design. The front 240 of circle teeth are hardened to reduce wear and ensure component reliability. Articulation Hitch A large tapered roller bearing at the lower pivot carries loads evenly and smoothly. Sealed to prevent contamination, a locking pin prevents articulation for safety during service or transport. Aggressive Blade Angle Allows material to roll more freely along the blade, particularly dry materials or cohesive soils. Better material control gets the job done faster, requires less power and saves fuel. Fast, Easy Adjustment Means Tight Components

Shims and patented top-adjust wear strips are easy to add or replace, dramatically reducing downtime and operating costs. Durable nylon composite wear inserts maximize circle torque and component life. Sacrificial brass wear strips between the blade mounting group and moldboard can be replaced easily. Shimless Moldboard Retention System uses vertical and horizontal adjusting screws to keep moldboard wear strips aligned for reduced blade chatter, precise blade control and dramatic reductions in service time. Moldboard Heat-treated rails, hardened cutting edges and end bits, and heavy duty bolts assure reliability and long service life. The link bar allows extreme moldboard positioning for bank sloping, ditch cutting and cleaning. Structures and DCM Heavy Duty Durability The frame, drawbar and one-piece forged steel circle are designed for durability in heavy duty applications. The strong A-frame drawbar uses a durable tubular design. The front 240 of circle teeth are hardened to reduce wear and ensure component reliability. Articulation Hitch A large tapered roller bearing at the lower pivot carries loads evenly and smoothly. Sealed to prevent contamination, a locking pin prevents articulation for safety during service or transport. Aggressive Blade Angle Allows material to roll more freely along the blade, particularly dry materials or cohesive soils. Better material control gets the job done faster, requires less power and saves fuel. Fast, Easy Adjustment Means Tight Components Shims and patented top-adjust wear strips are easy to add or replace, dramatically reducing downtime and operating costs. Durable nylon composite wear inserts maximize circle torque and component life. Sacrificial brass wear strips between the blade mounting group and moldboard can be replaced easily. Shimless Moldboard Retention System uses vertical and horizontal adjusting screws to keep moldboard wear strips aligned for reduced blade chatter, precise blade control and dramatic reductions in service time. Moldboard Heat-treated rails, hardened cutting edges and end bits, and heavy duty bolts assure reliability and long service life. The link bar allows extreme moldboard positioning for bank sloping, ditch cutting and cleaning.

Sharing key data among systems helps optimize machine performance and aids serviceability.

Cat Messenger, combined with full systems integration, enhances diagnostic capability. Machine system errors are displayed in both text and fault codes for quick analysis of critical data. Electronic Technician (Cat ET) lets service technicians access stored diagnostic data and configure machine parameters through the Cat Data Link. Low Battery Elevated Idle raises idle speed when low system voltage is detected, ensuring adequate system voltage and improving battery reliability. Automatic Engine Deration protects the engine and aftertreatment by automatically lowering engine torque output and alerting the operator if critical conditions are detected.

Smart Machine Systems Sharing key data among systems helps optimize machine performance and aids serviceability.

Cat Messenger, combined with full systems integration, enhances diagnostic capability. Machine system errors are displayed in both text and fault codes for quick analysis of critical data.

Electronic Technician (Cat ET) lets service technicians access stored diagnostic data and configure machine parameters through the Cat Data Link. Low Battery Elevated Idle raises idle speed when low system voltage is detected, ensuring adequate system voltage and improving battery reliability. Automatic Engine Deration protects the engine and aftertreatment by automatically lowering engine torque output and alerting the operator if critical conditions are detected.

All Wheel Drive (AWD) The AWD arrangement utilizes dedicated left and right pumps for precise hydraulic control. The infinitely variable pumps and motors maximize torque in each gear. This delivers the most power to the ground in the industry and increases productivity. Maximum Net Power When AWD is engaged, flywheel horsepower is automatically increased up to an additional 45 kW (60 hp) from base power. This offsets the parasitic losses and maximizes net power to the ground for increased productivity. Hydrostatic Mode Standard with AWD, this mode disengages the transmission and provides hydraulic power to the front wheels only. The ground speed is infinitely variable between 0-8 km/h (0-5 mph), perfect for precise finish work. Steering Compensation Cat Steering Compensation System enables a powered turn by adjusting the outside front tire speed up to 50% faster than the inside tire. The result is improved control, less damage to surfaces and a dramatic reduction of turning radius in poor underfoot conditions. All-Wheel Drive (AWD) All Wheel Drive (AWD) The AWD arrangement utilizes dedicated left and right pumps for precise hydraulic control. The infinitely variable pumps and motors maximize torque in each gear. This delivers the most power to the ground in the industry and increases productivity. Maximum Net Power When AWD is engaged, flywheel horsepower is automatically increased up to an additional 45 kW (60 hp) from base power. This offsets the parasitic losses and maximizes net power to the ground for increased productivity. Hydrostatic Mode Standard with AWD, this mode disengages the transmission and provides hydraulic power to the front wheels only. The ground speed is infinitely variable between 0-8 km/h (0-5 mph), perfect for precise finish work. Steering Compensation Cat Steering Compensation System enables a powered turn by adjusting the outside front tire speed up to 50% faster than the inside tire. The result is improved control, less damage to surfaces and a dramatic reduction of turning radius in poor underfoot conditions.

Advanced Electro-Hydraulic System Incorporates a state-of-the-art electro-hydraulic system as the foundation for revolutionary changes in machine and advanced joystick controls. Blade Float Allows the blade to move freely under its own weight. By floating both cylinders, the blade can follow the contours of the road, especially useful when removing snow. Floating only one cylinder permits the toe of the blade to follow a hard surface while the operator controls the slope with the other lift cylinder. Independent Oil Supply Large, separate hydraulic oil supplies prevent cross-contamination and provide proper oil cooling, which reduces heat build-up and extends component life. Load Sensing Hydraulics (PPPC) The proven load-sensing system and the advanced Proportional Priority Pressure-Compensating (PPPC or triple P C) electro-hydraulic valves provide superior implement control and enhanced machine performance in all applications. Continuously matching hydraulic flow/pressure to power demands creates less heat and reduces power consumption.

Consistent, Predictable Movement PPPC valves have different flow rates for the head (red) and rod ends (blue) of the cylinder, ensuring consistent extension and retraction speeds. Balanced Flow Hydraulic flow is proportioned so all implements operate simultaneously with little effect on the engine or implement speeds.

Hydraulics Advanced Electro-Hydraulic System Incorporates a state-of-the-art electro-hydraulic system as the foundation for revolutionary changes in machine and advanced joystick controls. Blade Float Allows the blade to move freely under its own weight. By floating both cylinders, the blade can follow the contours of the road, especially useful when removing snow. Floating only one cylinder permits the toe of the blade to follow a hard surface while the operator controls the slope with the other lift cylinder. Independent Oil Supply Large, separate hydraulic oil supplies prevent cross-contamination and provide proper oil cooling, which reduces heat build-up and extends component life. Load Sensing Hydraulics (PPPC) The proven load-sensing system and the advanced Proportional Priority Pressure-Compensating (PPPC or triple P C) electro-hydraulic valves provide superior implement control and enhanced machine performance in all applications. Continuously matching hydraulic flow/pressure to power demands creates less heat and reduces power consumption.

Consistent, Predictable Movement PPPC valves have different flow rates for the head (red) and rod ends (blue) of the cylinder, ensuring consistent extension and retraction speeds.

Balanced Flow Hydraulic flow is proportioned so all implements operate simultaneously with little effect on the engine or implement speeds.

Cat Grade Control Cross Slope Cross Slope is a factory installed machine control and guidance system that allows for accurate and real-time positioning of the moldboard without off-machine infrastructure. Harnesses, sensors and the in-cab display are fully integrated into the machine so the system is ready to work from the factory. The system helps the operator more easily achieve the desired cross slope by automating one end of the blade. The system also helps save time and materials so that even less experienced operators can achieve better results, more quickly. The system is designed for easy scalability, supporting all two- and three-dimensional upgrades to be fully compatible with all AccuGrade kits. AccuGrade Ready Option Optional factory-installed brackets and hardware make the grader ready for dealer installation of the AccuGrade grade control system. Installation is simplified, and integration of the components provides greater protection to enhance system reliability. Cat AccuGrade AccuGrade is a dealer-installed blade control system which enables operators to cut and fill to grade with increased accuracy, minimizing the need for traditional survey stakes and grade checkers. AccuGrade includes Cross Slope, Sonic, Laser, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and/or Universal Total Station (UTS) technologies to automatically control the blade. In-cab displays show precise elevation and real-time cut/fill information. More accurate blade positioning helps operators get to grade faster, with fewer passes than ever before. The AccuGrade System significantly improves grading productivity and accuracy by as much as 50 percent over conventional methods. Cat Product Link* Remote monitoring with Product Link improves overall fleet management effectiveness. Product Link is deeply integrated into machine systems. Events and diagnostic codes, as well as hours, fuel, idle time and other detailed information are transmitted to a secure web based application, VisionLink. VisionLink includes powe rful tools to convey information to users and dealers, including mapping, working and idle time, fuel level and more. *Product Link licensing not available in all areas. Please consult your Cat dealer for availability. Integrated Technologies Cat Grade Control Cross Slope Cross Slope is a factory installed machine control and guidance system that allows for accurate and real-time positioning of the moldboard without off-machine infrastructure. Harnesses, sensors and the in-cab display are fully integrated into the machine so the system is ready to work from the factory. The system helps the operator more easily achieve the desired cross slope by automating one end of the blade. The system also helps save time and materials so that even less experienced operators can achieve better results, more quickly. The system is designed for easy scalability, supporting all two- and three-dimensional upgrades to be fully compatible with all AccuGrade kits. AccuGrade Ready Option Optional factory-installed brackets and hardware make the grader ready for dealer installation of the AccuGrade grade control system. Installation is simplified, and integration of the components provides greater protection to enhance system reliability. Cat AccuGrade

AccuGrade is a dealer-installed blade control system which enables operators to cut and fill to grade with increased accuracy, minimizing the need for traditional survey stakes and grade checkers. AccuGrade includes Cross Slope, Sonic, Laser, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and/or Universal Total Station (UTS) technologies to automatically control the blade. In-cab displays show precise elevation and real-time cut/fill information. More accurate blade positioning helps operators get to grade faster, with fewer passes than ever before. The AccuGrade System significantly improves grading productivity and accuracy by as much as 50 percent over conventional methods. Cat Product Link* Remote monitoring with Product Link improves overall fleet management effectiveness. Product Link is deeply integrated into machine systems. Events and diagnostic codes, as well as hours, fuel, idle time and other detailed information are transmitted to a secure web based application, VisionLink. VisionLink includes powerful tools to convey information to users and dealers, including mapping, working and idle time, fuel level and more. *Product Link licensing not available in all areas. Please consult your Cat dealer for availability.

Moldboard Options Standard 3.7 m (12 ft) or optional 4.3 m (14 ft). Left and right side extensions are also available. Ground Engaging Tools (GET) A variety of tools are available from Cat Work Tools, including cutting edges, graderbits and end bits, all designed for maximum service life and productivity. Front Mounted Groups A front mounted push plate/counterweight or front lift group are available. The front lift group can be combined with a front dozer blade or front scarifier for added versatility. Rear Ripper/Scarifier Made to penetrate tough material fast and rip thoroughly for easier movement with the moldboard. The ripper includes three shanks (with holders for five). Nine scarifier shanks can also be added for additional versatility. Snow Removal Work Tools Multiple snow plow, snow wing and mounting options increase machine versatility and utilization throughout the year. Work Tools and Attachments Moldboard Options Standard 3.7 m (12 ft) or optional 4.3 m (14 ft). Left and right side extensions are also available. Ground Engaging Tools (GET) A variety of tools are available from Cat Work Tools, including cutting edges, graderbits and end bits, all designed for maximum service life and productivity. Front Mounted Groups A front mounted push plate/counterweight or front lift group are available. The front lift group can be combined with a front dozer blade or front scarifier for added versatility. Rear Ripper/Scarifier

Made to penetrate tough material fast and rip thoroughly for easier movement with the moldboard. The ripper includes three shanks (with holders for five). Nine scarifier shanks can also be added for additional versatility. Snow Removal Work Tools Multiple snow plow, snow wing and mounting options increase machine versatility and utilization throughout the year.

Designed with Protection in Mind Features are designed to enhance operator and job site safety, such as drop-down rear lights and a rearview camera. Among many standard safety features are laminated glass, back-up lights, and perforated tandem walkways and grab rails. Operator Presence System The parking brake remains engaged and hydraulic implements disabled until the operator is initially seated and the machine is ready for operation. Secondary Steering System Automatically engages an electric hydraulic pump in case of a drop in steering pressure, allowing the operator to steer the machine to a stop. Hydraulic Lockout A simple switch located in the cab disables all implement functions while still providing machine steering control. This safety feature is especially useful while roading. Brake Systems Brakes are located at each tandem wheel to eliminate braking loads on the power train. Redundant brake systems utilize accumulators to enable stopping in case of machine failure, further increasing operational safety. Circle Drive Slip Clutch This standard feature protects the drawbar, circle and moldboard from shock loads when the blade encounters an immovable object. It also reduces the possibility of abrupt directional changes in poor traction conditions. Blade Lift Accumulators (Optional) This optional feature uses accumulators to help absorb impact loads to the moldboard by allowing vertical blade travel. Blade lift accumulators help reduce unnecessary wear and also help reduce impact loading for enhanced operator safety. Rearview Camera (Optional) Visibility is further enhanced with an optional Work Area Vision System (WAVS) through a 178 mm (7 in) LCD color monitor in the cab. Developed specifically for rugged applications, this durable camera improves productivity and increases operator awareness of surroundings. Front and Rear Fenders (Optional) To help reduce objects flying from the tires, as well as build-up of mud, snow and debris, optional fenders can be added. Safety Designed with Protection in Mind

Features are designed to enhance operator and job site safety, such as drop-down rear lights and a rearview camera. Among many standard safety features are laminated glass, back-up lights, and perforated tandem walkways and grab rails. Operator Presence System The parking brake remains engaged and hydraulic implements disabled until the operator is initially seated and the machine is ready for operation. Secondary Steering System Automatically engages an electric hydraulic pump in case of a drop in steering pressure, allowing the operator to steer the machine to a stop. Hydraulic Lockout A simple switch located in the cab disables all implement functions while still providing machine steering control. This safety feature is especially useful while roading. Brake Systems Brakes are located at each tandem wheel to eliminate braking loads on the power train. Redundant brake systems utilize accumulators to enable stopping in case of machine failure, further increasing operational safety. Circle Drive Slip Clutch This standard feature protects the drawbar, circle and moldboard from shock loads when the blade encounters an immovable object. It also reduces the possibility of abrupt directional changes in poor traction conditions. Blade Lift Accumulators (Optional) This optional feature uses accumulators to help absorb impact loads to the moldboard by allowing vertical blade travel. Blade lift accumulators help reduce unnecessary wear and also help reduce impact loading for enhanced operator safety. Rearview Camera (Optional) Visibility is further enhanced with an optional Work Area Vision System (WAVS) through a 178 mm (7 in) LCD color monitor in the cab. Developed specifically for rugged applications, this durable camera improves productivity and increases operator awareness of surroundings. Front and Rear Fenders (Optional) To help reduce objects flying from the tires, as well as build-up of mud, snow and debris, optional fenders can be added.

Renowned dealer service From helping you choose the right machine to financing and ongoing support, your Cat dealer provides the best in sales and service. Manage your costs with preventive maintenance programs like SOSSM analysis, Coolant Sampling and guaranteed maintenance contracts. Stay productive with best-in-class parts availability. Your Cat dealer can even help boost your profits with operator training. And when its time for component replacement, your Cat dealer can help you save even more. Genuine Cat Remanufactured parts carry the same warranty and reliability as new products at savings of 40 to 70 percent for power train and hydraulic components. Customer Support

Renowned dealer service From helping you choose the right machine to financing and ongoing support, your Cat dealer provides the best in sales and service. Manage your costs with preventive maintenance programs like SOSSM analysis, Coolant Sampling and guaranteed maintenance contracts. Stay productive with best-in-class parts availability. Your Cat dealer can even help boost your profits with operator train ing. And when its time for component replacement, your Cat dealer can help you save even more. Genuine Cat Remanufactured parts carry the same warranty and reliability as new products at savings of 40 to 70 percent for power train and hydraulic components.

M Series 2 Motor Graders are designed to benefit your business and reduce emissions.

Cat engine and aftertreatment meet U.S. Tier 4 Interim/EU Stage IIIB emission standards. Integrated machine systems and technologies improve productivity for greater accuracy, lower fuel use and reduced machine wear. Replaceable wear parts save maintenance time and cost, and extend major component life. Major structures and components are built to be rebuilt, reducing waste and replacement costs. Extended service intervals reduce maintenance time/cost and waste. A variety of safety features help safeguard operators and others on the job site.

Sustainability M Series 2 Motor Graders are designed to benefit your business and reduce emissions.

Cat engine and aftertreatment meet U.S. Tier 4 Interim/EU Stage IIIB emission standards. Integrated machine systems and technologies improve productivity for greater accuracy, lower fuel use and reduced machine wear. Replaceable wear parts save maintenance time and cost, and extend major component life. Major structures and components are built to be rebuilt, reducing waste and replacement costs. Extended service intervals reduce maintenance time/cost and waste. A variety of safety features help safeguard operators and others on the job site.

Motoniveladora Articulada MM 135 C

La Motoniveladora Articulada MM 135 C es de fabricacin robusta, fabricada especialemente para trabajos continuos. La transmisin posee un antibloqueo que optimiza el grip en terrenos sueltos o pedregosos. Los componentes de la motoniveladora Michigan son de calidad internacional y protegidos con la Garanta total Michigan complementada con las garantias internacionales de Cummins para el moteor, Husco para el sistema hidrulico y Optima para el sistema elctrico y electrnico. Caractersticas tcnicas Descripcin tcnica Motoniveladora Articulada MM 135 Modelo Motor Cummins (Garantia Argentina) Chasis Articulado para hoja niveladora Sistema Elctrico/Electrnico Optima (Suizo) Caja De Cambio Y Convertidor Z F (Alemania) Sistema Hidrulico Y Vlvulas Husco (Usa) Presin del sistema hidrulico Transmisin A Cadena Rodillo Diferencial Auto Blocante (especial grip) Cabina con aire acondicionado/calefaccin Dimensiones Dimensiones (L x A x H) Dimensiones hoja niveladora (L x H) Radio De Giro mm mm 8250 X 2595 X 3350 3660 X 610 7.500 Mpa Kw/Hp MM 135 C 100/135 SI SI SI SI 18 SI SI SI

Diametro ruedas Distancia Entre Hojas Trocha delanteras Trocha trasera Velocidades mximas 1 marcha hacia adelante 2 marcha hacia adelante 3 marcha hacia adelante 4 marcha hacia adelante 1 marcha hacia atrs Pesos Peso total Opcionales Ua escariicador delanteros/traseros Ancho hoja niveladora frontal

mm mm mm mm

1.300 6.060 2.150 2.340

km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h

5,47 9,47 12,4 20,96 25,69



SI mm 2.750

Comparar con otros modelos Las motoniveladoras MICHIGAN estn fabricadas con el concepto de mejor y mayor prestacin en el tiempo. Su virtud es la versatilidad en el trabajo, dispone del sistema antibloqueo GRIP para una transmisin segura en terrenos sueltos o pedregosos. Dimensiones Dimensiones Motoniveladora Articulada MM 135 10581204 MM 135 C



Dimensiones Dimensiones (L x A x H) Dimensiones hoja niveladora (L x H) Radio De Giro mm mm 8250 X 2595 X 3340 3660 X 610 7.500

Diametro ruedas Distancia Entre Hojas Trocha delanteras Trocha trasera Peso total Peso tren delantero Peso tren trasero Opcionales Ua escariicador trasera (Ripper) Ancho hoja niveladora frontal

mm mm mm mm kg. kg. kg.

1.300 6.062 2.150 2.340 12.000 3.000 9.000

SI mm 2.750

Informacin extra El diagrama que ofrecemos es algunos de los trabajos que el operador realiza con la motoniveladora MICHIGAN, con la creatividad del operador y la versatilidad de esta mquina se puede efectuar los ms diversos trabajos. Uso y posiciones

Motor Cummins - 135 HP Todos los productos MICHIGAN estn respaldados en el tiempo para una mayor y mejor amortizacin disponiendo de stock permanente de piezas y repuestos.

Motoniveladora Articulada MM 165 C

La Motoniveladora Articulada MM 165 C es de fabricacin robusta, fabricada especialemente para trabajos continuos. La transmisin posee un antibloqueo que optimiza el grip en terrenos sueltos o pedregosos. Los componentes de la motoniveladora Michigan son de calidad internacional y protegidos con la Garanta total Michigan complementada con las garantias internacionales de Cummins para el moteor, Husco para el sistema hidrulico y Optima para el sistema elctrico y electrnico. Caractersticas tcnicas Descripcin tcnica Motoniveladora Articulada MM 165 C Modelo Motor Cummins (Garantia Mundial) Chasis Articulado para hoja niveladora Inclinacin lateral para ambos lados Sistema Elctrico/Electrnico Optima (Suizo) Caja De Cambio Y Convertidor Z F (Alemania) Sistema Hidrulico Y Vlvulas Husco (Usa) Presin del sistema hidrulico Transmisin A Cadena Rodillo Diferencial Auto Blocante Dimensiones Dimensiones (L x A x H) Dimensiones hoja niveladora (L x H) Radio De Giro Diametro ruedas Distancia Entre Hojas Trocha delanteras Trocha trasera Velocidades mximas 1 marcha hacia adelante km/h 5.47 mm mm mm mm mm mm 8250 X 2595 X 3340 3660 X 610 7.500 1.400 6.060 2.150 2.340 Mpa Hp MM 165 C 165 SI SI SI SI SI 18 SI SI

2 marcha hacia adelante 3 marcha hacia adelante 4 marcha hacia adelante 5 marcha hacia adelante 6 marcha hacia adelante 1 marcha hacia adelante 2 marcha hacia adelante 3 marcha hacia adelante Pesos Peso total Peso tren delantero Peso tren trasero Opcionales Ua escariicador trasera (Ripper) Ancho hoja niveladora frontal

km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h

9.47 12.40 20.96 25.69 40.35 5.47 12.40 25.69

kg. kg. kg.

15.000 4.150 10.900

SI mm 2.750

Comparar con otros modelos Las motoniveladoras MICHIGAN estn fabricadas con el concepto de mejor y mayor prestacin en el tiempo. Su virtud es la versatilidad en el trabajo, dispone del sistema antibloqueo GRIP para una transmisin segura en terrenos sueltos o pedregosos. Dimensiones Dimensiones Motoniveladora Articulada MM 165 C 10581208 MM 165 C


Dimensiones Dimensiones (L x A x H) Dimensiones hoja niveladora (L x H) Radio De Giro mm mm 8250 X 2595 X 3340 3660 X 610 7.500

Diametro ruedas Distancia Entre Hojas Trocha delanteras Trocha trasera Pesos Peso total Peso tren delantero Peso tren trasero Opcionales Ua escariicador trasera (Ripper) Ancho hoja niveladora frontal

mm mm mm mm

1.300 6.060 2.150 2.340

kg. kg. kg.

15.000 4.150 10.900

SI mm 2.750

Informacin extra El diagrama que ofrecemos es algunos de los trabajos que el operador realiza con la motoniveladora MICHIGAN, con la creatividad del operador y la versatilidad de esta mquina se puede efectuar los ms diversos trabajos. Uso y posiciones

Motor Cummins - 165 HP Todos los productos MICHIGAN estn respaldados en el tiempo para una mayor y mejor amortizacin disponiendo de stock permanente de piezas y repuestos.

Motoniveladora Articulada MM 220 C

La Motoniveladora Articulada MM 220 C es de fabricacin robusta, fabricada especialemente para trabajos continuos. La transmisin posee un antibloqueo que optimiza el grip en terrenos sueltos o pedregosos. Los componentes de la motoniveladora Michigan son de calidad internacional y protegidos con la Garanta total Michigan complementada con las garantias internacionales de Cummins para el moteor, Husco para el sistema hidrulico y Optima para el sistema elctrico y electrnico. Caractersticas tcnicas Descripcin tcnica Motoniveladora Articulada MM 220 C Modelo Motor Cummins (Garantia Mundial) Chasis Articulado para hoja niveladora Inclinacin lateral para ambos lados Sistema Elctrico/Electrnico Optima (Suizo) Caja De Cambio Y Convertidor Z F (Alemania) Sistema Hidrulico Y Vlvulas Husco (Usa) Presin del sistema hidrulico Transmisin A Cadena Rodillo Diferencial Auto Blocante Dimensiones Dimensiones (L x A x H) Dimensiones hoja niveladora (L x H) Radio De Giro mm mm 8250 X 2595 X 3340 3660 X 610 7.800 Mpa Hp MM 220 C 220 SI SI SI SI SI 18 SI SI

Diametro ruedas Distancia Entre Hojas Trocha delanteras Trocha trasera Velocidades mximas 1 marcha hacia adelante 2 marcha hacia adelante 3 marcha hacia adelante 4 marcha hacia adelante 5 marcha hacia adelante 6 marcha hacia adelante 1 marcha hacia adelante 2 marcha hacia adelante 3 marcha hacia adelante Pesos Peso total Peso tren delantero Peso tren trasero Opcionales Ua escariicador trasera (Ripper) Ancho hoja niveladora frontal

mm mm mm mm

1.400 6.362 2.150 2.340

km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h

5.20 7.91 12.40 11.78 17.69 24.81 35.85 11.78 24.81

kg. kg. kg.

17.000 5.900 11.100

SI mm 2.750

Comparar con otros modelos Las motoniveladoras MICHIGAN estn fabricadas con el concepto de mejor y mayor prestacin en el tiempo. Su virtud es la versatilidad en el trabajo, dispone del sistema antibloqueo GRIP para una transmisin segura en terrenos sueltos o pedregosos.

Dimensiones Dimensiones Motoniveladora Articulada MM 220 C 10581212 MM 220 C


Dimensiones Dimensiones (L x A x H) Dimensiones hoja niveladora (L x H) Radio De Giro Diametro ruedas Distancia Entre Hojas Trocha delanteras Trocha trasera Pesos Peso total Peso tren delantero Peso tren trasero Opcionales Ua escariicador trasera (Ripper) Ancho hoja niveladora frontal mm SI 2.750 kg. kg. kg. 17.000 5.900 11.100 mm mm mm mm mm mm 8250 X 2595 X 3340 3660 X 610 7.800 1.300 6.362 2.150 2.340

Informacin extra El diagrama que ofrecemos es algunos de los trabajos que el operador realiza con la motoniveladora MICHIGAN, con la creatividad del operador y la versatilidad de esta mquina se puede efectuar los ms diversos trabajos. Uso y posiciones

Motor Cummins - 220 HP

Todos los productos MICHIGAN estn respaldados en el tiempo para una mayor y mejor amortizacin disponiendo de stock permanente de piezas y repuestos.

Una Motoniveladora o Motoconformadora, es una mquina de construccin que cuenta con una larga hoja metlica (cuchilla) empleada para nivelar terrenos. Generalmente presentan tres ejes: la cabina y el motor se encuentran situados en la parte posterior, sobre los dos ejes tractores, y el tercer eje se localiza en la parte frontal de la mquina, estando localizada la hoja niveladora entre el eje frontal, y los dos ejes traseros. En ciertos pases como Finlandia, la mayora de las motoniveladoras estn equipadas con una tercera cuchilla, localizada frente al eje delantero. La principal finalidad de la motoconformadora es nivelar y afinar bases y subbases de vialidades, asi como tambien patios y plataformas. Una de las caractersticas que dan gran versatilidad a esta mquina es que es capaz de realizar el refino de taludes con distintas inclinaciones. La considerada mayor Motoniveladora del Mundo fue construida en 1980 por Humberto Acco, un contratista de Portogruaro, cerca de Venecia en el norte de Italia. Como no encontraba mquinas adecuadas para ciertos trabajos que tenia contratados se decidi a construirlas l mismo. Se construyo especialmente para una obra contratada en el desierto de Libia que finalmente no se comenz por culpa del embargo Americano a Libia de 1980. La mquina se utiliz en algunos trabajos de explanacin en Italia y esta plenamente operativa en las instalaciones de ACCO. Se construy primero un prototipo y luego la mquina definitiva con algunas mejoras. Esta maquina pesa unas 200 Tm. y monta dos motores Caterpillar uno de 1000 CV. en la parte trasera y otro de 700 en la delantera, la cual pertenece a la cabeza tractora de una mototrailla Caterpillar 657. La hoja (cuchilla) tiene una longitud de 10 metros.

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