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Vocabulario HSK Level 2

Hanzi Pinyin i ba English love [a grammatical word indicating a suggestion or a rhetorical question] eight father [a family name: "White"] hundred help newspaper Beijing cup; glass [a measure word for books] to compare leave; differance; classify; other; dont no, not you are welcome, dont mention it dish tea long sing to eat go or come out ship, boat to wear taxi, cab times order follower ever from wrong fault Spanish amar [palabra que indica sugerencia o pregunta retrica] ocho pap [un apellido: "Blanco"] cien ayuda peridicos Pekn copa; vaso [un clasificador para libros o cuadernos] comparar dejar, marcharse; diferencia; clasificar; otro; no no de nada plato t largo cantar comer ir o salir buque, barco llevar puesto, vestirse taxi orden secuencia desde jams nunca intrincado rozar escalonar equivocado falta grande llamar por telfono jugar al baloncesto todos sin embargo llagar [partcula posesiva que se usa despus de un pronombre, nombre o adjetivo] Page 1 of 8

b bba bi bi bngzh bozh Bijng bizi bn b bi

b b kqi ci ch chng chngg ch ch chun chun chzch c cng cu

d d dinhu d ln qi dji dnsh do de

big make a phone call to play basketball everyone but to arrive, reach [possesive particle used after a pronoun, noun or adjective]: s

Vocabulario HSK Level 2

de [a particle used after a verb or an adjetive to express possibility or capability] grade wait point, o'clock computer television film, movie younger brother first understand thing, anything both, all to read couple, pair, opposite Im sorry, excuse me much, many; how (old, high, big, tall, etc) how many, how much two son restaurant room airplane very real great extremely minute waiter high, tall tell inform happy [a measure word or counting word, describes a class of objects] elder brother to give bus kilogram company work dog expensive [aspectual partical]; go across, pass; across, through; spend time; fault, mistake [una partcula que se usa detrs de un verbo o adjetivo para expresar posibilidad o capacidad] clase grado esperar punto, en punto ordenador television pelcula hermano menor primero comprender entender cosa, algo ambos, todos leer pareja, par, opuesto lo siento, disculpe mucho; cmo (de viejo, alto, grande, etc) cunto dos hijo restaurante habitacin avin extraorinario especial minuto camarero alto decir informar contento [palabra para medir or contar, describe una clase de objetos] hermano mayor dar autobs kilogramo compaa trabajar perro caro [partcula aspectual]; atravesar, pasar; por; pasar tiempo; defecto, Page 2 of 8

dng din dinno dinsh dinyng ddi dy dng dngxi du d du dubuq du dusho r r zi fn gun fngjin fi j fichng fnzhng fwyun go gos goxng g

gge gi gnggngqch gngjn gngs gngzu gu gu gu

Vocabulario HSK Level 2


hi hizi Hny ho ho hoch h h hi hn hng humin hun yng hu hu hud huchzhn j ji jin

still, yet; even more; also, else child Chinese Mandarin number, date good, well, fine yummy, delicious (food) and drink black very red behind welcome return can, be able to answer train station, railway station how many family, home [a measure word for countable articles]; document call, is called classroom airport eggs elder sister presentation introduce near, close enter drilling today then nine feel, think open, start; drive coffee begin, start see, watch see examination, test, quiz

todava, an; an ms; adems, otro nio/a, hijo/a, menor chino mandarn numero, dia bien rica, buena (comida) y beber negro muy rojo detrs bienvenido volver, regresar poder, ser capz de contestar estacin de tren, estacin de ferrocaril cuntos familia, hogar [un clasificador para artculos contables]; documento llamarse clase aeropuerto huevos hermana mayor presantar introducir cerca entrar hoy entonces nueve parecer, sentirse, pensar abrir, start; conducir caf empezar, comenzar ver ver examen, prueba, test Page 3 of 8

jio jio sh jchng jdn jijie jisho jn jn jntin ji ji jude k kfi kish kn knjin kosh

Vocabulario HSK Level 2

k knng ky kui kui kui l li losh le lesson possible may OK, all right [measure word for various objects] fast happy come teacher [grammatical word that indicates a completed or finished action] tired troublesome cold leave go away away without inside, in, at two (followed by a classifier), a few zero six road tourism [ending word for a question] to sell to buy mother slow busy cat none, nothing, no every, each it doesn't matter, that's all right younger sister door cooked rice tomorrow name that which man leccin posible probable OK, bien [palabra de clasificador para diversos objetos] rpido contento, alegre venir profesor se usa detras de un verbo o adjetivo para denotar la terminacion de una accion ocambio cansado fatigado fro separarse salir dentro, en dos (seguido de clasificador), unos pocos cero seis calle viajar [palabra final en una pregunta] vender comprar mam lento ocupado gato niguno, nada, no cada, todo no pasa nada, no importa hermana menor puerta arroz cocido maana nombre eso; ese/esa, aquel/aquella cul, qu hombre

li lng l l ling lng li l lyu ma mi mi mma mn mng mo mi mi mi gunxi mimei mn mfn mngtin mngzi n n nnrn

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Vocabulario HSK Level 2

nr nr ne nng n nin nn nini nr nrn pngbin po b png you pinyi pio pioliang pnggu q qin qin qinmin qchung qng qng qzi q qnin rng r rn rnshi r sn shng shng w shngbn shngdin sho shi shn t shngbng shngr shnme there where [ending word of a question] energy can capable you year you (with respect) milk daughter women side, by the side of to run, jog friend cheap ticket beautiful, pretty (things and girls) apple seven money thousand kilo in front of get up fine, clear (weather) please wife to go last year let invite hot person know day, the sun three to go, to attend, up, above morning go to work shop, store less who body sick birthday what all dnde [palabra al final de una pregunta] capacidad habilidad t ao usted leche hija mujer lado, al lado de correr amigo barato billete, entrada hermoso, bonito (cosas); guapa (chicas) manzana siete dinero mil delante levantarse de la cama muy bien, claro (tiempo) por favor marida ir el ao pasado ceder invitar calor persona conocer dia , sol tres ir, asistir, arriba por la maana trabajar tienda poco quin cuerpo estar enfermo cumpleaos qu Page 5 of 8

Vocabulario HSK Level 2

sh sh shhou shjin shqng shubio shuj sh shu shugu shujio shuhu s sng su suy t t t ti t t z qi tinq tiow tng tngxu wi wn wn wnshang wi wishnme wn wnt w wmen w x x gu xi xi w xi y xing xing ten yes, is time time thing watch mobile phone, cell phone book water fruit sleep talk, speak four send year of age so, therefore she he it too titlesubject to play football(soccer) weather dance listen, hear classmate outsideexternal play finish end evening, at night hello hey why to ask problem trouble I we, us five wash watermelon down, below, under afternoon raining direction to to feel like doing, to think, to diez s, es tiempo, momento tiempo cosa asunto reloj de pulsera telfono mvil libro agua fruta dormir hablar cuatro enviar mandar ao de edad entonces, as que, por lo tanto ella l lo demasiado tema problema jugar al ftbal tiempo bailar escuchar, oir compaero exterior afuera jugar terminar completo noche, por la noche hola qu preguntar cuestin problama yo nosotros, nos cinco lavar sandia abajo, debajo de por la tarde llover direccin pensar, querer Page 6 of 8

Vocabulario HSK Level 2

xingsheng xinzi xio xio xioji xiosh xi xi xixie xhun xn xng xngq xixi xwng xu xusheng xux xuxio yngru ynjing yns yo yo y y yfu yjng yn ynwi yq yshng ysi yyun yzi yu yu yng yubian y yun yun yu yndng want sir Mr now laugh smile small miss hour to write some more thank you to like new be surnamed, surname week rest, take a break hope wish snow student learn, study school lamb eyes color want medicine also, too one clothes already has cloudy because together doctor meaning hospital chair have/has, there are/there is swimming, to swim right fish Chinese monetary unit far month, the moon sport, exercise caballero seor ahora rer pequeo seorita hora escribir alguno gracias gustar nuevo apellidarse, apellido semana descanso, tomarse un descanso esperar nieve alumno, estudiante aprender, estudiar colegio carne de carnero ojos color querer medicina tambin uno ropa ya nublado porque juntos/as mdico significado hospital silla tener, hay nadacin, nadar derecho, a la derecha pez, pescado unidad monetaria chica lejos luna, mes deporte, ejercicio Page 7 of 8

Vocabulario HSK Level 2

zi zi zijin zoshang znme znmeyng zhng zhngf zho zhe zh zhn zhngzi zhr zhdo zhng gu zhng w zh zhnbi zhuzi z zxngch zu zu zu zu zubian zutin at, in, onbe at again, once more good-bye morning how how is it leaf, open up husband look forfind anxious this really while this know China midday to live ready desk, table word bicycle walk, run most to take, to sit do left yesterday esta, en, encima, estar en otra vez adios maana cmo cmo es abrir, disponer marido buscar inquietarse este verdaderamente en curso de este saber conocer China medioda vivir preparado mesa palabra bicicleta caminar, andar, correr ms coger(un transporte), sentarse hacer a la izquierda, izquierdo ayer

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