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Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)

by Carlos Mirasierras

Dynamic English for Beginners
by Carlos Mirasierras
Curso de Ingls para principiantes.
ndice de contenidos:
Artculos determinados, EL, LA, LOS, LAS...... "the"
Verbos SER o ESTAR, HABER o TENER, HACER e IR... "to be, to have, to do, to go"
Preposiciones, CON & SIN......."with & without "
Artculos indeterminados, UN / UNA. "A (An)"
Artculo determinados en plural, UNOS, UNAS...."some"
Pronombres demostrativos ESTE, ESTA...."this"
Pronombres demostrativos ESE, ESA..."that"
Pronombres demostrativos, ESTOS, ESTAS..."these"
Pronombres demostrativos, ESOS, ESAS......."those"
Verbo SER / ESTAR conjugado..........................................."Iam, you are, he is"
Verbo SER /ESTAR conjugado con ejemplos en afirmacin, negacin e
interrogacinI'm, am I not?, are you not? Are they?, etc"
Pronombre interrogativo, QU........"what"
Pronombre relativo compuesto LO QUE...."what"
Pronombre interrogativo / relativo, CUL, CUAL..."which"
Adverbio interrogativo y relativo DNDE, DONDE......"where"
Pron. Interro. de cant. CUNTO, CUNTA, CUNTOS, CUNTAS...How much, how many"
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Conj. Temp. y Adv. Temp. CUNDO, CUANDO...."when"
Estructura gramatical del haber, HAY.."there is, there are"
Locucin adverbial y Conj. causal POR QU, PORQUE"why, because"
Verbs Followed by Gerunds
Verbs Followed by Either Gerunds OR Nouns + Infinitives
Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Similar Meaning)
Additional list

Sentences with:
The (definite article)

The man, the men, the woman, the women, the car, the cars, the house,
the houses, the dogs, the cats, the tree, the trees, the air, the fire, the

air: aire
car: coche; cars: coches
cat: gato; cats: gatos
dog: perro dogs: perros
fire: fuego
house: casa; houses: casas
man: hombre; men: hombres;
soul: alma
tree: rbol; trees: rboles
woman: mujer; women: mujeres

First present tense verbs (los primeros verbos en presente indicativo):

To be (ser o estar)

I am (soy/estoy)
you are (eres/ests;
he (es/est)
we are (somos/estamos)
you are (sois/estais);
they are (son/estn)

To have (tener o haber)

I have (tengo/he
You have (tienes/has)
He has (tiene/ha)
We have (tenemos/habenos
You have (teneis/habeis)
They have (tienen/han
To do (hacer)

I do (hago)
You do (haces)
He does (hace)
We do (hacemos)
You do (haceis
They do (hacen)

To go (ir)

I go (voy)
You go (vas)
He goes (va)
We go (vamos)
You go (vamos)
They (go) (van)

Present tense of "be" (ser o estar) :
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

The man is in the street now; he is in the street.
The woman is in the shop; she is in the shop.
The women dressed in white are at the station.
The racing car broke down in the middle of the race.
The house is situated near the harbor (port).
The dogs are down in the basement.
The trees of the park are home to many birds.
The air is filled with a smell of ripe fruit.
The number of people with diabetes is increasing (or on the rise).
The members of the club are very satisfied with the changes.

To be
at the station: en / por la estacin (o inmediaciones)
broke down: se averi
down in the basement: abajo en el stano
dressed in white: vestidas (ellas) de blanco
filled with: lleno de, cargado de
harbor (port): puerto
home to many birds: hogar/refugio para muchas aves (this place is home to many people)
in the shop: en la tienda
In the stree now: en la calle ahora
is increasing: est aumentando / en aumento
is situated: est situada/o
middle of the race: en (la) mitad de la carrera)
near the harbor: cerca del puerto (near the sea/road/wall/door: cerca de: mar/carretera/pared,etc.)
number of people: nmero de personas
racing car: coche de carreras
smell of ripe fruit: olor a (de) fruta madura)
very satisfied: muy satisfecho(s)
with the changes: con los cambios

Present tense of "have" (tener o haber):

I have some money in my pocket / I have to go today to the post office.
You have the solution to the problem / you have to write the letter
He/she has the all the keys / he/ has to do his homework
We have the money that we need / we have to sign the deal.
You both have a nice house / you have to take care of him
They have the best wine / they have to put things in order.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

To have
all the keys: todas las llaves
best wine: mejor wino
both: ambos, los dos
have to go: tengo que/he de ir
him: l (he<>him) (le di el dinero: I gave him the money)
his homework: sus (de l) deberes (school tasks)
nice house: casa bonita, agradable
post office: oficina postal, de correos
some money: algo de dinero
that we need: que (nosotros) necesitamos
the deal: trato, acuerdo, pacto, etc
the letter: la carta
to do: hacer
to put (the things in order): poner ( las cosas en orden)
to sign: firmar
to take care of: cuidar de (I'll take care of the child), encargarse de (I'll take care of the business)
to the problem: al problema
to write: escribir

Present tense of "do":

I do my exercises every morning.
You do things that are not normal.
He does the best he can.
We always do what they say.
You do the things that people cannot do
They do the best milkshakes in town.

To do
Every morning: cada maana
that are not normal: que no son normales
that people cannot (can't) do: que la gente no puede hacer
the best he can: lo mejor que puede (aqu" can" no lleva la "s" tpica del presente de indicativo de casi todos los verbos)
the best milkshakes in town: los mejores batidos en el pueblo
what they say: lo que (ellos) dicen

With & without (con & sin)

A car with four doors is a four-door car.
She is with me, not with him.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

We eat Indian food with our hands.
A house with a splendid sight on the sea.
The ship is loaded with wood.
I am without money.
Without questioning the orders
He signed the deal without knowing it (without knowing what he was

With & without
four-door car: coche de cuatro puertas
he signed the deal: (l) firm el acuerdo, trato, etc
is loaded with: est cargado de (con)
sight on the sea: vista al (sobre el) mar
what he was signing: lo que estaba firmando
we eat: (nosotros) comemos
with a splendid: con una esplendida/o
with me: conmigo
with our hands: con (nuestras) las manos
without knowing it: sin saberlo (saber ello)
without questioning the orders: sin cuestionar las rdenes

The use and absence of the article "the".
Wine in Spain is, in general, very good, but the wine of this region is
Flour is made from wheat, but the flour in this pot is made from maize.
Butter is a dairy product, but the butter produced in this farm is the
Trees are plants, but the trees of this road are ill.
Men are rational animals, but the men of this club are good sportsmen.
Cats are animals, but the cat on the roof is mine.
People tend to be generous, but the people of this generation are
better informed.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Rain in this area is seasonal, but the rain that fell yestarday was terrible.

Indefinite article in singular(Artculo indefinido singular: un , una)
A, before singular words beginning with a consonant: A car, a house, a
book, a wall, a PC, a show, a shoe, a pen, a street, a bike, a tree, a road, a
person, etc.
Exemptions, words that have a "yoo"(iu en espaol) sound: a European, a
useful method, a university,
An, before singular words beginning with a vowel: An apple, an example,
an old show, an old bike, an egg, an article, an explosion, an accident, an
ant, an animal, an interesting book, an ambassador, an American, an
Indian, an important case, and so on.

Indefinite article in plural (Artculo determinado plural: unos, unas)
Some, before plural words: Some cars, some house, some books, some
walls, some PC's, some shows, some shoes, some pens, some streets,
some bikes, some trees, some roads, some people, some apples, some
examples, some old shows, some old bikes, some eggs, some articles,
some explosions, some accidents, some ants, some animals, some
interesting books, some ambassadors, some Americans, some Indians;
some important cases, etc.

Sentences with:
This (Este, esta, esto)
This is a history book; it's on the table, and the table is
in this room.
This is a PC; it's my PC and it is two years old; it's a two-
year-old PC.
This is the house that I want to buy when I have the money.
This is the first rule to take into account
This is is this?
this is not this
isn't is not
this? isn't this?
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

This is not the best remedy for your ills. This is not best the street of the
This isn't the same seller who visited us last year.
This isn't an apple, it's a pear. This isn't your car, it's mine.
This isn't the first book that he wrote, it's the second.
Is this beautiful painting for sale? Yes. It is, and the price is very good.
Is this road as long as it seems? It's even longer than you can imagine.
Is this pain the result of an infection? Maybe.
Is this a sofa or an armchair? It's a sofa because it's a three-person seat.
Is not (isn't) this the best proof that this car is a good purchase? Yes, I
agree with you.
Isn't this the watch that you lost a year ago. It seems it is.
Isn't this the best gift for her birthday? I think that she deserves something
Isn't this story too good to be true? It in fact sounds too good to me.

a good purchase: una buena compra
a three-person seat: un asiento para tres personas
as long as it seems: tan larga como parece (asas: tan..como)
best gift: mejor regalo
best proof (that this car): mejor prueba (que este coche)
even longer than: an ms larga que
for sale: en venta
for your ills: para tus males
her birthday: su (de ella)cumpleaos
history book: libro de historia
I agree with you: (yo) estoy de acuerdo contigo (I agree with you/him/her/them/Peter, etc.)
I want to buy: quiero comprar
in fact: de hecho
is two years old: tiene (es) dos aos
it also sounds: tambin (la historia) suena
it seems it is: parece que s / que lo es (it seems it is not: parece que no lo es)
on the table: sobre la mesa
something better: algo mejor
sounds good to me: me suena bien (suena bien la idea)
take into account: tener en cuenta
that he wrote: que (l) escibri
that I want to buy: que quiero comprar
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

that she deserves: que (ella) (se) merece
that you lost a year ago: que perdiste hace un ao (a year ago, two/three/ four years ago)
the same seller: el mismo vendedor
too good to me: demasiado bien para me (to me, this is a lie: para m, esto es una mentira)
watch: reloj (de pulsera)(clock: reloj de pared)
when I have the money: cuando tengo (tenga) el dinero
who visited us (last year): que (quien) nos visit (el ao pasado)
you can imagine: (t) puedas/puedes imaginar

That (Ese, esa, eso, aquel, aquella)
That car is quite old.
That's the man who is in charge of the team.
That is a residue from the rain that fell last month.
That's what happens when people get drunk.
Is that the car that nearly caught fire in the garage? No, it was removed by
the tow truck.
Is that wall as tall as the rest of walls? It's exactly the same size.
Is that chair made of wood or metal? It's made of aluminum.
Is that the only cause of the failure? No. there are many more causes
That's not my problem, it's yours.
That's not the shape of a woman.
That's not the origin of this disease.
That's not what she said when she was asked
Isn't that the definition of insanity? But only for a few.
Isn't that a reason to think that the story is false? It is in fact.
Isn't that love at first sight? I think it only has to do with sex.
Isn't that better than nothing? It's always better something than nothing.
That is (that's)
is that?
that is not
that isn't
isn't that?
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

a few: unos pocos
as tall as: tan alta como (asas: tancomo)
at first sight: a primera vista
better than nothing: mejor que nada
failure: fallo
for a few: para unos pocos
get(s) drunk: se emborracha (to get drunk: emborracharse)
in fact: de hecho
it only has to do with: slo tiene que ver con
it's always better: es siempre mejor (ms vale)
it's yours: es ( problema) tuyo (it's mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs: es mo/tuyo/suyo.)
made of wood (wooden): hecho/a de madera (a wooden house / a house made of wood)
many more: muchas ms (causas)
quite old: bastante viejo
removed by: retirado por (to remove the air from the bag: sacar el aire de la bolsa)
that fell (last month): que cay (el mes pasado)
that nearly caught fire: que casi se incendi (to catch fire: incendiarse)
that the story is false: que la historia es falsa
the same size: el mismo tamao
the shape: forma, figura
there are many more: hay muchas ms (pural)(there is/there's: hay, en sing.)
to think: para (a) pensar
was removed by the tow truck: fue retirado por la grua
what happens: lo que pasa/sucede/ocurre (what: that which, the thing that)
what she said: lo que (ella) dijo
when she was asked: cuando (ella) "fue preguntada" (cuando le preguntaron)
who is in charge of: que (quien) est a cargo de

These (Estos, estas)
These horses are from Arabia.
These stones are in the middle of the road.
These men are from the club opposite the Casino.
These books belong to that gentleman over there.
Are these bottles full or empty? All are full of water.
Are these printers compatible with window 7? Yes, they are.
Are these desks for my students? No, they're for the Biology classroom.
Are these your shirts? No, they aren't
These insects aren't native to these islands.
These carpets are not big enough to cover the broken tiles.
These are are
these? these
are not these
aren't are not
these aren't
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

These nuts are not rusty because they're made of stainless steel.
These aren't the buildings that the corporation bought.
Arent these more expensive than the other ones. Yes, but only a little.
Aren't these the folders that contain the data.
Aren't these problems a consequence of his negligence? Yes, they are.
Aren't these problems a part of the process? In principle, they are.

belong to: pertenecer a
big enough: suficientemente grande
broken tiles: baldosas/losetas rotas
buildings: edificios
but only a little: pero slo un poco
compatible with: compatible(s) con
desks: pupitres
folder: carpetas
full of: lleno de
full or empty: lleno o vaco
his negligence: su (de l) negligencia
in principle: en principio
made of: hecho(s) de
in the middle of the road: en mitad de la carretera
more expensive (than): ms caro(s) (que)
native to: originarios de
nuts: tuercas (tambin nueces)
of his negligence: de su negligencia
opposite the: en frente de
over there: de all
rusty: oxidado/a
shirts: camisas
stainless steel: acero inoxidable
stones: piedras
than the other ones (Comp.): que los otros (Comp.)
that contain the data (Plu.): que contienen los datos (Datum: dato)
that the corporation bought: que la corporacin compr
to cover: para cubrir

Those (Esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas)
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Those animals were slaughtered without any hygienic
Those are the worst students of the class.
Those tires are neither the cheapest nor the most expensive.
Those pieces of broken glass on the ground are a risk for cyclists.
Those cakes are not suitable for overweight people.
Those teeth aren't big enough to be human.
Are those the biggest boxes in the shop?
Are those the players who were accused of cheating?
Are those coins from another country.
Are those pills safe for man with a heart disease?
Aren't those the same trees? No, they're alike, but they belong to another
Aren't those maps too small to be detailed? Don't worry, these other maps
are much better.
Aren't those recipes written in English? Well, most of them are in French.
Aren't those bits of wood too small to be used in the barbeque?

are a risk for: son un riesgo para
are much better: son (los mapas) mucho mejores
big enough: suficientemente grande
broken glass: cristal roto
but they belong: pero pertenecen (ellos)
coins: monedas (to coin: acuar dinero, frases, etc)
don't worry: no te preocupes
most of them: la mayora de ellas (recetas)
neither the cheapest nor the most expensive: ni los ms baratos ni los ms caros
of cheating: de hacer trampas
on the ground: en/sobre el suelo
overweight people: gente/personas con sobrepeso
pills: pldoras
recipes: recetas
safe for: seguras para
suitable for: adecuados/ideales para
teeth: dientes (tooth:diente)
Those are
are those?
those aren't
are those
not? aren't
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

the biggest (boxes): las ms grandes (cajas)
the worst students: los peores estudiantes
they're alike: son (ellos) parecidos
tires: neumticos (tyre: neumtico)
to another species: a otra especie (species en ingls es sing. & plu.)
to be detailed: para ser detallado(s)
to be human: para ser humano (el origen)
to be used in the barbeque: para (ser usados en) la barbacoa
too small: demasiado(s) pequeo(s)
very small: muy pequeo(s)
were slaughtered: fueron sacrificados
who were accused: que (quienes) fueron acusados
with a heart disease: con una enfermedad cardiaca
without any hygienic guarantee: sin ninguna garanta de higiene
written in (English): escrito(s) en ingls

To be (ser or estar)
Present indicative: I am (soy/estoy); you are (eres/ests); he/she/it is (es/est); we are
(somos/estamos); you are (sois/estais); they are (son/estn)

I (Yo)
I am Christian, I'm twenty. My name is Christian
I'm French/German/Spanish, etc. I'm from
I'm a student of English; I'm studying English in my country,
and I think I'm a good student.
I'm the one who is here with you.
I'm quite interested in buying a new car
I'm not a physician but a nurse, and I'm twenty-five (years old).
I'm not the man that you think I am.
I'm not familiarized with this PC.
Am I eligible for the post? I'm afraid you're not.
Am I responsible for this mess? You're not, he is.
I am I'm
am I?
I am not
I'm not
am I not?)
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Am I not a human being? Yes, you are.
Am I not clever enough to find the solution?
Am I not the right worker for this job? Yes, you are, but things are
different now.
Why am I not to be chosen for the post? Because somebody else is the

but a nurse: sino/ pero s un/a enfermero/a
clever enough: suficientemente listo
eligible for: cualificado para, digno de
familiarized with: familiarizado/ acostumbrado con
for this job: para este trabajo
from: de (proceder de)
human being: ser humano
I think: (yo) creo, pienso
I'm afraid: me temo (que)
I'm studing: (yo) estoy estudiando (estudio)
I'm twenty: tengo 20 aos
in buying: en comprar
In my country: en mi pas
in touch with: en contacto con
now: ahora, en este momento
physician: doctor (en medicina)
quite interested: bastante interesado
responsible for (this mess): responsable de (este lo)
somebody else: algn otro, otra persona, alguien ms
sure of: seguro/a de (algo)
that you think I am: que t crees que soy
the one who: l que, quien
to be chosen (for the post): ser escogido (para el puesto)
to find: encontrar
why?: por qu?

You (T, sing. & vosotros, plu.)
(Sing.) You are my friends and you're invited to my
You're an European citizen; you're from different
European countries.
You're not soldiers of an army, but students of law in your own countries
and you're here on vacation, and not for business.
You are you're
you are not you're
not you aren't
are you? are you
not? aren't you?
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

You are now the person in charge of the team, so you're allowed to train
the athletes.
Are you in love with her? I think I am.
Are you following a diet? Yes, but only on weekdays.
Aren't you involved in this mess? No, I'm being falsely accused.
Aren't you interested in buying this truck? No, it's too expensive.
(Plu.) You two are teachers of English, so you're not trainee students, and
you must care about the future of the people in your charge.
Both of you are an example to follow.
You are the ones (the persons) who carry the torch of knowledge, and (*)
are admired by those who want to be like you. (*: ahora "you" no se repite
porque ya est especificado en la inflexin inicial del verbo: You are the....)
Are you in touch with the president of the corporation? Yes we are.
Are you, as teachers of English, aware of the potential of the language.
Yes, we certainly are.
Are you two the beneficiaries of the trust? Yes, we are.
Are you all in the army? Only me and John.
Aren't you, in your jobs, admired for your dedication? Not only for that,
but for some other merits.
Aren't you, French, proud of your cuisine? Not only proud, but also lucky
to have it at hand.

admired for: admirados por
allowed (to be allowed): tener permiso (I'm allowed to do it: tengo permiso para hacerlo)
as teacher of English: como profesores de ingls
at hand: a mano
aware of: al tanto de, enterados de
but also lucky (to have it at hand): sino tambin afortunados (de/al tenerla a mano)
but: sino, pero
care about: preocuparos
citizen: ciudadano
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

dedication: esmero, dedicacin
following a diet: siguiendo una dieta
for business: de negocios
from differet European countries: de diferentes (pases europeos)
I'm being falsely accused: se me acusa falsamente (estoy siendo acusado falsamente)
in buying this truck: en comprar esta camioneta
in charge of: a cargo de
in love with her: enamorado de ella (she<>her)
in the army: en el ejrcito
in touch with: en contacto con
in your charge: a tu cargo
interested: interesado/a
invited to: invitado/a a
involved in this mess: implicado en este lo, folln
jobs: trabajos, empleos
like you: como t/usted
must: deber (you must go: debes ir, es tu obligacin) ("must" no va seguido de "to")
on vacation (on holidays): de vacaciones
only on weekdays: solo entre semana, los das de cada da
proud of: orgulloso(s) de
some other merits: (algunos) otros mritos
the ones: los que
to be: ser (o estar)
to follow: a seguir
to train: entrenar
too expensive: demasiado caro
trainee students: estudiantes en prcticas
truck: camin, camioneta
trust: fideicomiso
who carry: que (quienes) llevan
who want: que (quienes) quieren
your own: tus propios / vuestros propios
you're allowed to train the athletes: tenis permiso para entrenar a los atletas

He & she (l & ella)
This is Charles, he's from Paris and is one of my best
friends, and he's also studying English.
He's only child, not like me who is the oldest of a
large family.
He's the man who climbed the tree to save the cat.
Is he the man who saved that child from drowning? I think he is.
Is he involved in a financial scandal? Yes, he is, but it's not the only scandal
he's in.
Is he aware of the consequences of this deal? .
He /she is
he is not
he's not/she's not
he/she isn't is
he/she? is he/she not?
isn't he/she?
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Isn't he the CEO who was fired last week? The very same.
Is he in the same group of climbers? Yes. He has been accepted as a
professional sportsman.
Why isn't he aware of the latest news? Because he travels a lot.
Isn't he richer than most of the previous chairmen? He is, so far as he is
able to earn money.
Isn't Sean at home now? I called him twice and nobody answered.
That is (that's) Carol, she's British. She's not interested in studying English
because she already speaks this language.
She, like me, is also a nurse and is working full time, eight hours a day, five
days a week.
She's always asking me about him.
She's the one (she's the person) who takes care of me (or looks after me)
when I'm ill. That's why I fall ill so often.
She's not only a pretty face, she's also an excellent teacher.
She's not in the list of elected directors of the foundation.
Isn't she included in the agreement signed by the firm? Not at the
Isn't she one of the top ten of the month? Not only this month, but also
the previous ones.
Is she or isn't she in charge of the team? She's not in charge now.

able: capaz
a lot: mucho, una gran cantidad, un montn
a pretty face: una cara bonita
about him: acerca de/por/sobre l
already speaks: (ella) ya habla (este idioma)
as a professional sportsman: como (porque lo es) deportista profesional
asking me: preguntndome
at home: en casa
aware of: al tanto de, consciente(s), sabedor(es) de
climbers: escaladores
elected: elegido(s)
fall ill: caer enfermo, enfermar
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

from drowning: de ahogarse (from falling/burning/going: de caer/quemar/ir)
has been accepted as: (l/ella) ha sido aceptado/a
he travels: (l) viaja
he's only child: (l) es hijo nico
I called him twice: le llam ( a l) dos veces (he<>him) (once: una vez; twice: dos veces)
I think: (yo) creo, pienso, me parece
in charge of the team: a cargo del equipo
in studying: en estudiar
included in the agreement: includa/o en el acuerdo
interested in studying: interesado/a en estudiar
involved in: implicado/a en
like me: como yo, al igual que yo
looks after (sb): cuidar de (alguien)
not at the moment: no por el momento
occasionally (from time to time): ocasionalmente (de cuando en cuando)
one of my: uno de mis (mejores amigos)
nobody answered: nadie respondi
previous chairmen: anteriores presidentes (de un compaa)
richer than most of: ms rico que la mayora de
signed by: firmado por
so far as: en tanto en cuanto
so often: tan amenudo
takes care of (sb): cuida de, se preocupa de (alguien)
the latest news: las ltimas noticias/novedades
the previous ones: los anteriores
the top ten: los dies primeros
the very same: el mismo (que viste y calza)
this deal: este trato/ acuerdo
to earn: ganar
to save: (para) salvar (It's a good measure to save money)
was elected: fue elegido/a
when I'm ill: cuando estoy enfermo
whether (Conj.): si (Conj.)(introduce dos opciones s o no)
who climbed: que (quien) (se) subi (climb a tree/mountain/wall)
who is the oldest: que (quien) es el ms mayor/viejo
who saved: que (quien) salv
who was fired: que (quien) fue despedido
working full time: trabajando a tiempo acompleto

It (Ello)
It is (it's) possible to know if it's real or not. It's only a
matter of time.
It's raining now, so you better take an umbrella with you.
It's me who is going to pay for the medical bills.
It's him who knows the stuff.
It is it's it is
not it isn't is
it? is it not?
isn't it?
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

It is of the utmost interest to know whether it is or not feasible/possible to
carry out this project.
It's not them who are suffering the consequences.
It's not (it isn't) the reason why I'm here.
It is not the color of the skin that makes the man, but it is the principles
formed within the soul (Maria Steward).
It's not possible to know the right number of fish that swim in the seas.
It isn't us who laze around all day.
Is it true that you are from another association? No, it isn't (it's not).
It is neither yellow nor red, but a mixture of both colors.
Is it a problem for you this new approach? No, it's not
Isn't this a reasonable question for all of us / us all? It is indeed.

a matter of time: una cuestin de tiempo
both colors: ambos colores, los dos colores
feasible: factible
for all of us / us all: para todos nosotros (we<>us)
it is indeed: lo es ciertamente
it isn't us who: no somos nosotros quienes (we<>us)
it's him who knows: l es quien sabe
it's me who is going to: soy yo quien va a
it's not them who are suffering: no son ellos los que/quienes sufren/estn sufriendo
it's raining: est lloviendo
mixture of both colors: mecla de ambos colores
neither yellow nor red: ni amarillo ni rojo
new approach: nuevo enfoque
of the utmost interest: de sumo inters, del mximo inters
reasonable: razonable
take (an umbrella): coge (un paraguas)
than the rest: que los dems/que el resto
that swim in the seas: que nadan en los mares
to carry out: llevar a cabo
to know: saber (en infinitivo)
to paint: para pintar (this paint is used to paint walls)
to pay for: pagar (por algo)
whether (Conj.): (Conj.) si (es factible o no)
which is: el cual es (que es) (which?: Cul?
who laze around all day: los que (quienes)holgazanean todo el da
why: por qu/ la razn por la que
within the soul: dentro del alma, en el interior del alma
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

worked harder: trabajamos ms duro
you're wrong: ests/estais equivocado/s

We (Nosotros)
We are a group of friends who are not high school
students and who still live with our parents. Although,
we're not the typical group of slackers who live off their
Are we under arrest? No, you're not, but stay in the city until you are
Are we supposed to stay in this country for a long time.
We're still waiting for an answer from them.
We aren't spongers either, but unemployed people with a lot of spare
We're not sure of this plan, so we are going to make sure of the best
We aren't afraid of the consequences of the trial.
Are you fond of reading? We're much more fond of sports.
Aren't we the lucky ones to have won the lottery? Not without a winning
Aren't we outnumbered? Only by two members.

a lot of spare time: un montn de tiempo libre
although: aunque
are we supposed (to stay): se supone que (debemos nosotros permanecer)
are you fond of reading?: te gusta leer? (are you fond of reading/sports/Chinese food/cars, etc)
but stay in the city: pero permanezcan en la ciudad
either: tampoco (en casos de negacin)
for a long time: durante /por un largo tiempo
high school students: estudiantes de instituto
make sure of: asegurar(nos) de
only by two members: slo por dos miembros
outnumbered: ser superados en nmero, estar en minora numrica (to be outnumbered by)
slackers: vagos, holgazanes
spongers: gorrones, parsitos, aprovechados
stay in the city: permanezcan en la ciudad (Imp.)
We are we're
Are we? we are
not we're not
we aren't aren't
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

still: an, todava
sure of: seguro(s) de
the lucky ones: los afortunados
to have won (the lottery): de haber ganado (la lotera)
to stay: permanecer
trial: prueba, test, juicio (Leg.)
under arrest: bajo arresto
unemployed: desempleado/s, en el p
until you are summoned: hasta que sean (son) citados (por una autoridad judicial)
waiting for (an answer): esperando (una respuesta) (to wait for: esperar algo, o a alguien)
we are going to: vamos a (hacer algo / ir a algn sitio)
we aren't afraid of: no temenos (no estamos atemorizados)
we're much fond of sports: nos gustan ms (somos ms entusiasta de) los deportes
who live off: que (quienes) viven de / acuesta de
who still live with: que (quienes) todava vivimos con
winning number: nmero premiado/ganador

They (Ellos)
They are (they're) the football team who asked for an
discount for being a group.
They're also from London, like my friend Charles. They are
very fond of good food and good wine. That's why they're
here: for the food and the wine.
They're present at all competitions and are very happy with
the idea of taking part in this contest.
Are they responsible for the climate change?. Yes, they are, but not only
for that, they're also at fault for the pollution of the seas.
Are they as tall as it seems on the picture? They're not, it's an effect
produced by the perspective of the background.
They are not conscious of the obstacles in the path to knowledge. Ask
them if they can get more money.
Are they aware of the rules of the game? I'm not sure whether they are.
Why are they so angry with the news? Because they expected better
Why are they (the walls) painted in white? So they can be more visible.
Aren't they the same boys who were sat behind us? I think so.
Are they the same size as those in the shop? These are bigger.
they are
they're are
they? they
are not they
they're not
aren't they?;
are they not?
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Aren't they to be blamed for the arson? They're free of suspicion.
Aren't they in touch with the rest of the group? Yes, they are, but only
occasionally (from time to time).
Aren't they more happy with this house? They're indeed.

are they the same size as those: son (ellos) del mismo tamao como esos (de la tienda)
are very fond of: son muy aficionados/entusiasta a/de
arson: incendio provocado
as tall as it seems: tan altos como (ello) parece
ask them: pregntales
asked for: pidieron
at fault for: culpable(s) (to be at fault for: ser culpable(s) de)
aware of: enterados, al tanto, tienen conocimiento de
background: fondo
behind us: detrs nuestro/de nosotros
bigger: ms grande (the biggest: el ms grande)
can be (more visible): pueda(n) ser (ms visible(s)
can get: puede(n) conseguir
conscious of: consciente(s) de
for being: por ser
free of suspicion: libre(s) de sospecha
I think so: as me lo parece, me parece que s, creo que s
if (Conj.): si (Conj.)
in the path to: en el sendero hacia
in touch with: en contacto con
indeed: ciertamente, por supuesto, desde luego, etc.
occasionally (from time to time): ocasionalmente (de cuando en cuando)
of taking part: de tomar parte (en algo)
painted in white: pintado(s) de (en) blanco
produced by: producido por
responsible for: responsable(s) de
so angry: tan enfadado(s)
so they (are more visible): as son (ellas) ser ms visibles
that's why: esa es la razn / es el por qu
the same size as those: el mismo tamao que (como) esos..
they expected: (ellos) esperaban (de expectativa)
they're present (at all the competitions): estn presentes (en todas las competiciones)
to be blamed for: ser acusados de
very happy: muy feliz/felices
whether (Conj.): si (Conj.)(whether yes or no)
who were sat behind us: que (quienes) estaban sentados detrs de nosotros (we<>us)

Present indicative
I am (soy/estoy)
you are (eres/ests)
he/she is (es/est)
Simple Past Tense
I was (fui)
you were (fuiste)
he/she was (fue)
Present Continuous
I am being (estoy siendo)
you are being (ests siendo)
he/she is being (est siendo)
Present Perfect
I have been (he estado)
you have been (has estado)
he/she has been (ha estado)
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Sentences with:
What (Qu)
What this? This is hammer
What is your name? (open question) My name's Gerry.
What is the best way to write a book? (open question) First, you need a
story. (Which is the best way of..two, three, four, twenty, etc.?)
What's the use of a hammer? It's used to drive nails, among other things.
What is the color of the paint used to paint the doors? White for the
inside doors and green for the outside ones.
What is it so important that you have in mind? It's about a new project on
the use of algae for biodiesel.
What is the sum of these two numbers? It's equal to the same amount
seen in another mathematical operation.
What's the use of worrying for the planet? It's a moral question that has to
do with our children's future
What's the difference between a planet and a satellite? A satellite (or a
moon) revolves around a planet.
What are the disadvantages of using this technology? Well, the worst is
that it's very costly and slightly effective.
we are (somos/estamos)
you are (sois/estais)
they are (son/estn)

we were (fuimos)
you were (fusteis)
they were (fueron)

we are being (estamos siendo)
you are being (estais siendo)
they are being (estn siendo)

we have been (hemos estado)
you have been (habeis estado)
they have been (han estado)

Past Continuous
I was being (estaba siendo)
you were being (estabas siendo)
he/she was being (estaba siendo)
we were being (estbamos siendo)
you were being (estbais siendo)
they were being (estbaban siendo)

Past Perfect
I had been (haba sido)
you had been (habas sido)
he/she had been (haba sido)
we had been (habiamos sido)
you had been(habais sido)
they had been (haban sido)

I will be (ser)
you will be (sers)
he/she will be (ser)
we will be (seremos)
you will be (sereis)
they will be (sern)

Future Perfect
I will have been (habr sido)
you will have been (hars sido)
he/she will have been (habr sido)
we will have been (habremos sido)
you will have been (habreis sido)
they will have been (habrn sido)

Future Continuous
I will be being (estar siendo)
you will be being (estars siendo)
he/she will be being (estar siendo)
we will be being (estaremos siendo)
you will be being (estareis siendo)
they will be being (estarn siendo)

Present Perfect Continuous
I've been being (he estado siendo)
You've been being (has estdo ..)
he/she's been being (has estado )
we've been being (hemos estado )
you've been being (habeis estado .)
they've been being (han estado )

Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been being (habr estado siendo)
you will have been being (habrs e/s)
he/she'll have been being (habr e/s)
we will have been being (habremos e/s))
you will have been being (habrs e/s)
they will have been being (habrn e/s)

Past Perfect Continuous
I had been being (haba estado siendo)
you had been being (habas e/s)
he/she had been being (haba e/s)
we had been being (habiamos e/s)
you had been being (habiais e/s)
they had been being (haba e/s)

What what is
what's what
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

What are those guys doing here in the garden? They're cleaning the walls
of the swimming pool.
What are the best systems of the network? Those that are virus-free.
What are reasons for the downfall of this empire? Its anachronism.
What are the colors of the rainbow? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and
What are the worst foods of this country? None, they're all good.

What (lo que, pronombre relativo)
This is what happens when one forgets his age.
They ignore what happened to the core (nucleus) of the reactor.
I wonder whether they knew what was the result.
We have to stick to what they said.
They speak of what they have experienced in life.
We never knew what the war really meant.
You're not aware of what this means to our generation.
Are you sure of what this means to us? It's what many people have in
Never mind what they say, do what you heart says.
I wonder whether what he has in mind is correct.
They have finally deciphered what the code hid.

among other things: entre otras cosas
amount: cantidad
are you sure: ests seguro
aware: enterado de, al tanto de
cleaning: limpiando
core (nucleus): centro, ncleo
disadvantages: desventajas.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

do what your heart says: haz lo que tu corazn diga (dice)
doing (here): haciendo (aqu)
equal to: igual a
guys: tos, individuos
have finally deciphered: han finalmente descifrado
I wonder (whether): me pregunto (si)
in mind: en mente, en la cabeza
its anacronism: su (de ello) anacronismo (it's its role in the world: es su papel en el mundo)
need: necesitar
network: red (informtica , de trabajo, etc.)
never mind: no importa, no te preocupes por
of using: de usar
of what they have experienced (in life): de lo que (ellos) han experimentado(en la vida)
of what this means to: de lo que esto significa para (a)(to mean: significar, querer decir)
of worrying for: de preocuparse por
rainbow: arco iris
reasons for (the downfall): razones para(la cada de)
revolves around (a planet): gira (da vueltas) alrededor de (un planeta)
swimming pool: piscina
that has to do with (our children's future: que tiene que ver con (el futuro de nuestros hijos)
that it's very costly: que es muy caro/costoso
that you have in mind: que te ronda por la cabeza
the outside ones: las de afuera
the worst is: lo peor es (que)
the worst: lo peor
to drive: clavar (en este caso)
to paint: pintar
to stick to: ceirse a (en este caso)
to us: para nosotros (we<>us)
to what they said: a lo que (ellos) dijeron (to say: decir)
to write (a book, a letter, a note): escribir (un libro, una carta, una nota)
virus-free: libres de virus, sin virus
we never knew: nunca supimos (to know: saber)
what happened: qu occurri
what he has in mind (is correct): lo que tiene en mente (es correcto)
what is the best way: cul (qu)es la mejor manera de/para (open question
what many people: lo que mucha gente (people: nombre colectivo plural)
what the code hid: lo que el cdigo esconda (to hide: esconder)
what the war really meant: lo que realmente la guerra signific
what they say: lo que ellos digan (dicen)
what's the difference: cul (qu) es la diferencia, qu diferencia es/hay
what's the use of: de qu sirve
worst foods: peores comidas

Sentences with:
Which (Cul, cual, el cual)
Which is the best? (of two, three or more)
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Which color of the list is the best for painting the fence? To me, the white
color is the best.
Which have you chosen? I opted for the TV set with built-in auto-tune.
Which of the two is cheaper? That one with short legs.
Which is the best way to go to London? Just follow this road.
I never remember which is which.
The house, which originally had only one tower, was built in 1875.
The car of which I'm speaking is not German but British.
The town in which we live / the town which we live in.
The places to which they go are quite far away.
I wonder which of them is the best for this job.

best way: mejor manera/camino
built-in: incorporado, de serie, de fbrica
but British: sino Britnico
cheaper: ms barato (cheap: barato; the cheapest: el ms barato)
fence: valla
for painting: para pintar (6 tips for painting with acrylics)
have you chosen: has escogido
I never remember: (yo) nunca recuerdo
I opted for: (yo) opt por
I wonder: me pregunto (he wonders; they wonder : l se pregunta; ellos se preguntan)
in which we live/ which we live in: en el cual vivimos
in which we live (which we live in): en (la) que vivimos
job: trabajo, tarea, empleo
just follow: slo sigue
of which I'm speaking: del cual estoy hablando
quite far away: bastante lejos
that one with short legs: ese de (con) las patas cortas
the best: el mejor
to me: para mi (en mi opinin)
to which: al cual / a los cuales
was built in: fue construido/a
which (originally): la/el cual (originariamente, en un principio)
which of them: cul de ellos (personas / cosas)
Sentences with:
Where (Dnde, donde)
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Where is the wine? It's cooling in the fridge.
Where is the ball? It's on the floor near the door.
Where's the flour? It's in the bowl that you bought
Where is the money? It's in an offshore account.
Where is his car? It's parked in the garage next to my bike.
Where are the shopping bags? They're in the kitchen, close to the pantry
Where are the car keys? They're locked in a drawer.
Where are those socks that match your shoes? They're somewhere in the
bedside table.
Where are the paintings? They're hanging on the wall.
That's the mansion where the crime took place.
Love is where the heart is; or so they say.
This is the place where his body is buried.
This is the place where the corpse was found.
It comes from where the sun sets.
The storm goes to where the air pressure is weaker.
Here is where all the money is kept.
Here is where we keep the car keys.

air pressure: presin del aire
bedside table: mesita de noche (mesa al lado de la cama)
car keys: llaves del coche
close to: cerca de
cooling (in the fridge): enfrindose en (el frigorfico)
crime took place: occurri el crimen
flour: harina
hanging on: colgados en (la pared)
heart: corazn
where his body is buried: donde su cuerpo est enterrado
Where is - where's?
Where are?
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

is kept: se guarda (es guardado)
it comes from: (ello) viene de (from: procedencia)
locked in: bajo llave, encerrado
mansion: mansin
near the: cerca de
next to: al lado de/prximo a
nobody knows: nadie sabe
offshore account: cuenta en el extranjero
or so they say: o (al menos) eso dicen
paintings: cuadros (al leo, acrlico, etc.)
pantry door: puerta de la despensa
somewhere: por/en algn sitio/lado
sun sets: (de donde el) sol se pone
that match your: que hace(n) juego con tu(s)
that you bought yesterday: que t compraste ayer.
that you bought: que (t) compraste
the storm goes to: la tormenta v a/hacia, se dirige a /hacia
was found: fue encontrado
we keep: (donde nosotros) guardamos
weaker: ms dbil
where is his car?: dnde est su coche (his: su, de l)
where the money is(where is the money): donde est/est el dinero (no interrogativo)

Sentences with:
To have (posesin)
Present Indicative: I have (he/tengo); you have (has/tienes); he/she has
(ha/tiene); we have (hemos/tenemos); you have (habeis/tenis); they
have (han/tienen)

I have have
I? (Sing.)you
have have you?
he/she/it has
has he/she/it
hasn't he/she/it
we have we
have not we've
not we haven't
haven't we?
(Plu.) you have
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

I have (I've) a lot of friends who think that I'm nuts but
are delighted to have me at their parties.
Have I any chance of getting a job in this firm? Not many
I have (I've) no idea what happened to the men who
were in the mine.
I haven't much free time to play tennis.
Haven't I the right to be here? It's a matter of membership.
You have (you've) a series of common features with the rest of the
students who belong to the same age group.
You have a gift and you have to use it.
You have no (haven't any) idea what he has in his mind.
Have you any idea of the origin of this song? I haven't any idea at all.
Haven't you any idea of the number of guests invited to the party? I only
know that the party has been put off.
He has the funds and the time to do it.
He hasn't the slightest idea of what happened.
Has he his passport in order? No, he has to renew it.
Hasn't he a 1974 Pontiac? No, it's a Ford Mustang Cobra.
She has a high intelligence quotient.
She hasn't any interest in buying that.
Has she any friends here? No, she hasn't, but she has met many people.
you haven't
haven't you?
they have they
haven't have
they? haven't
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Hasn't she any boyfriend? She sometimes dates a guy from another city.
It has roots, a stem, flowers, that is, all what plants have.
It hasn't any sugar added, that's why it's so healthy.
Has it (the house) the doors painted in yellow? No, you're mistaken.
Hasn't it a thick membrane that separates both chambers. Yes, but only in
a few highly developed carburetors.
We have the solution to all your problems.
We haven't enough wood to build the kennel.
Have we a cousin named Henry? Well, his name is George.
Haven't we any chance of winning? We have no chances at all because we
are at a disadvantage.
You both have a very peculiar way of running this business.
Have you two (both) any problem with John's friends? Of course not, they
have a problem with us (or, it's them who have a problem with us).
You haven't all the credit that you expected.
Haven't you a car? We had one, now we have a motorbike.
John and Julia (they) have a lot in common, but Julia has more common
sense than the rest of us.
They haven't much time to organize the championship.
Have they any objection to this project? They're not against it, on the
contrary they favor it.
Why haven't they the courage to face reality? Because they're unaware of
the reality in which we live.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Haven't they haven't plans of their own. They have only one project in
Haven't they any alcohol license? No, that's why they were fined.

a few: unos / unas pocos/as (monedas, billetes, etc)
a gift: un don (regalo)
a lot in common: mucho (o un montn) en comn
a stem: un tallo
against: en contra
all what: todo lo que
another city: otra ciudad
any chance: alguna oportunidad
any money with you: algo de dinero (en tu poder, contigo)
any objection: alguna objecin
any sugar added: (ningn) azucar aadido
at a disadvantaja: en desventaja
at all: en absoluto
both chambers: ambas (las dos) cmaras
boyfriend: novio
championship: campeonato
courage: valor, coraje
cousin: primo
dates: (ella) se cita con / sale con (To data someone: salir con alguien mediate citas, citarse)
delighted: encantado/a
enough wood: suficiente madera
firm: empresa, compaa
flowers: flores
free time: tiempo libre
funds: fondos
guests invited to: personas invitadas a
guy: to, individuo
has been put off: ha sido aplazada, pospuesta
has met: ha conocido (to meet:conocer por primera vez)
have to use it: tienes (debes) usarlo
high intelligence quotient: alto coeficiente de inteligencia
highly developed: muy (altamente) desarrollado(s)
I had one: (yo) tuve una
in buying: en comprar
in his mind: en (su) la cabeza, en mente
in mind: en mente
in order: al corriente (in order: en orden)
in town: en (todo) el pueblo
in which we live: en la cual vivimos
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

it's them who: son ellos quienes
kennel: casita de perro
matter: question, problema
maybe (Adver.): quizs, esposible (no confundir com may be: ser posible)
membership: membresa
motorbike: moto(cicleta)
objection to: objecin a/ hacia
of course not: desde luego que no, claro que no, ni hablar
of getting: de obtener
of running: de llevar (a business)
of their own: propios (de ellos) (of my own: propios mos)
of what happened: de lo que ocurri
of winning: de ganar
on the contrary / to the contrary: al contrario
roots: raices
same age group: grupo de la misma edad
she sometimes: (ella) algunas veces, en ocasiones
so healthy: tan sano
than the rest of us (Comp.): (ms) que el resto de nosotros (Comp.)
that I'm nuts: que estoy loco, majara
that is: es decir
that separates: que separa
that you expected: que (vosotros) esperbais / confibais
that's why: por esa razn, por eso
the slightes idea: la menor / la ms mnima idea
they favor it: (ellos) lo aprueban, estn a favor
thick: grueso, denso, espeso
to build: para construir
to face (reality): afrontar (la realidad)
to have me: de tenerme (a tenerme)
to organize: para organizar
to play tennis: para jugar al tenis
to renew (it): renovar(lo)
unaware of: no ser consciente de, desconocer (to be unaware of something)
very peculiar way: (una) manera muy peculiar
we had one: tuvimos uno (Pret. Imp. del verbo to have)
were fined: fueron multados
what happened to (them): lo que les ocurri a (ellos)
what he has: lo que (l) tiene
who belong to: que (quienes) pertenecen a
with us: con nosotros
with you: (contigo) encima
you're mistaken: ests equivocado, estais equivocados
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Sentences with:
How (Cmo)
How are you? I'm fine.
How far is the next city? Some twenty miles.
How wide is the road? Enough for two cars.
How deep is the lake? More than eighty meters in depth.
How high is the mountain? Less than a quarter of a mile.
How heavy is a whale? It depends on its age and size.
How tall are you? Taller than him.
Present Indicative
I have (he/tengo)
you have (has/tienes)
he/she has (ha/tiene)
we have (hemos/tenemos)
you have (habeis/tenis)
they have (han/tienen)

Simple Past tense
I had (haba/tuve)
you had (habas/tuviste)
he/she had (haba/tuvo)
we had (habamos/tuvimos)
you had (habais/tuvsteis)
they had (haban/tuvieron)

Present Continuous
I am having (estoy teniendo
you are having (estas t..)
he/she is having (est t..)
we are having (estamos t)
you are having (estais t)
they are having (estn t)

Present Perfect
I have had (he tenido)
you have had (has tenido)
he/she has had (haba tenido
we have had (habamos tenido))
you have had (habais tenido)
they have had (haban tenido)

Past Continuous
I was having (estaba t)
you were having (estabas t)
he/she was having (estaba t)
we were having (estbamos t)
you were having (estabais t)
they were having (estaban t)

Past Perfect
I had had (haba tenido)
you had had (habas tenido)
he/she had had (haba tenido)
we had had (habamos tenido)
you had had (habais tenido)
they had had (haban tenido)

I will (I'll) have (habr/tendr)
You'll have (habrs/tendrs)
he/she will have (habr/tendr)
we'll have (habremos/tendremos)
you'll have (habreis/tendreis)
they'll have (habrn/tendrn)

Future Perfect
I will have had (habr tenido)
you will have had (habrs t)
he/she will have had (habr t)
we will have had (habremos t)
you will have had (habreis t)
they will have had (habrn t)
Future Continuous
I'll be having (estar teniendo)
You'll be having (estars t)
he/she'll be having (estar t)
we will be having (estaremos t)
you will be having (estareis t)
they will be having (estarn t)

Present Perfect Continuous
I have been having (he estado teniendo)
you have been having (has estado t.)
h/she has been having (ha estado t)
we have been having (hemos estado t)
you have been having (habeis estado t)
they have been having (han estado t)

Future Perfect Continuous
I'll have been having (habr estado t)
You'll have been having (habrs estado t)
he'll have been having (habr estado t)
we'll have been having (habremos estado t)
you'll have been having (habreis estado t)
they'll have been having (habrn estado t)

Past Perfect Continuous
I had been having (haba estado
you had been having (habas e/t)
he had been having (haba e/t)
we had been having (habamos e/t))
you had been having (habais e/t)
they had been having (haban e/t)

Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

How dense is the air? It depends on the altitude.
How is it that I only have two calls in the answering machine? The land
line has been out of service for six hours.
I wonder how to cook this chicken.
I know how to do it, so don't worry for me.
He wonders how to improve the results.

chicken: pollo
don't worry for me: no te preocupes por m
enough for two cars: suficiente para dos coches
in depth: de profundidad
he wonders: (l) se pregunta
how deep is: qu profundidad tiene (cun profundo es)
how dense is: qu densidad tiene (cun denso es)
how far: a qu distancia est (cun lejos est)
how heavy is: qu peso tiene (cun pesado es)
how high is: qu altura tiene (cun alto es)
how is it that: cmo es que
how tall are you: qu altura tienes (cun alto eres)
how to cook: cocinar
how to do it: cmo hacerlo
how to improve: cmo mejorar
how wide is: qu ancho tiene (cun ancho es)
I know: (yo) s
I wonder how: me pregunto cmo
I'm fine: estoy bien

Sentences with:

How much, how many (Cunto, cuntos, como pron. interrg. y como pron.
relat de cant.)
How much money is needed to buy a house like that? Around a hundred
and fifty thousand bucks cash.
How much sugar is left in the sugar bowl? Only a few spoonfuls for two
cups of coffee.
How much of your money is invested in securities or bonds? It is a secret
that nobody is to know, at least for the moment.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

How much love can you give? Tons of it.
How much of the imported fuel is missing? Almost sixty litters.
How much light is absorbed by this screen? All the light coming from any
How many cars are parked in this street? More than twenty-five and less
than forty-four. Is it a riddle? It certainly is.
How many of your classmates know that today is Mary's birthday? Only a
few of them are in the know
How many boats are taking part in the race? Around sixty boats from U.S.
and sixty-five from Europe.
How many soldiers lost their lives in this war? Nobody knows how many.
How many of them are infected by the virus? There aren't many, but the
risk of an epidemic is high.
How many data are missing from the hard drive? About forty percent of it.

a few spoonfuls: unas pocas cucharadas
about: al rededor de
around: alrededor de, cerca de
almosy: casi
are left: quedan (tambin is left: queda (en singular)
are missing: faltan (estn desaparecidos)
are parked: estn aparcados
at least for the moment: al menos por el momento
bucks cash: pavos (dlares) al contado
by the screen: por la pantalla
can you give?: puedes (t) dar?
coming from any source: proviniente de, ( que venga de) cualquier fuente, procedencia
fuel: combustiblel
in the know: saber(lo), (to be in the kno: estar en el ajo)
infected by: infectado(s) por
is absorbed by: es absorbida por
is high: es alto (el riesgo) (pero, l es alto: he's tall)
is invested: est invertido
is left: queda (Sing. del verbo quedar)
is missing: falta (est desaparecido)
is needed: se necesita (es necesario)
like that: como esa
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

light is absorbed: luz es absorbida
lost their lives: perdieron (ellos) sus vidas
Mary's birthday: el cumpleaos de Mary
more than..and less than..: ms que/de.y menos que/de
nobody knows: nadie sabe (everybody knows: todo el mundo sabe)
riddle: adivinanza
taking part: participan (participar, tomar parte)
to buy: comprar (para comprar)
to know: saber (nobody is to know: nadie va a saber, tiene que saber
tons of it: toneladas

Sentences with:
When (Cundo, cuando)
When is the party? Tomorrow night at eleven.
When is Helen's birthday? It's on February

. What? February has only
twenty-eight days, and twenty-nine every four years. I know, I was only
When is Christmas this year? It's always on December 25
When are the shops open? At nine, more or less.
When are politicians going to tell the truth to the people? The day (that)
pigs fly.
When are the 2012 Oscars? On February 20th.
When is Marcia's birthday? Next month on the 24th.
When is better for you, weekdays or weekends? Any day.
When is your next appointment? In a couple of weeks.
The moment when man set foot on the Moon.
This is the moment when everybody starts to sing.
The day when the sun blinked.
They are there when they're needed. I remember when I was a boy.
Nobody knows when John is getting married, nor when he's going to buy a
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

This marks the day when this country stopped being a colony.
February is the month when applications are processed.
The bomb went off when the car was rolling over it.

any day: cualquier da
at eleven: a las once
at nine: a las nueve
couple of weeks: par de semanas
every four: cada cuatro
everybody starts to sing: todos (cada uno del grupo) empiezan a cantar
Friday night: viernes por la noche
Helen's birthday: el cumpleaos de Helen
he's going to buy (a house): (l) va a comprar (una casa)(to be going to): ir a a un sitio, o a hacer algo)
I was a boy: (yo) era un muchacho
I was only joking: slo estaba bromeando
is getting married: se casa
it falls on December25
: (ello, el da) cae siempre en (to fall on: caer en) diciembre 25)
it's always on: es (ello) siempre en
man: el hombre (la raza humana)
marks the day: seala el da
more or less: ms o menos
next appointment: prxima cita (con el mdico, abogado, etc)
next month: el prximo mes
nobody knows: nadie sabe
on the 24th: el 24 (de ese/este mes)
open: abierto(a/as/os)
set foot on: puso el pie en/sobre
stopped being a colony: dej (ces) de ser una colonia
the sun blinked: el sol parpade
they're needed: son requeridos, se les necesita (son necesitados)
to tell: decir, contar (to tell the truth: contar la verdad
up above: all arriba
was only joking: slo estaba bromeando
was rolling over it: (estaba) pasando/rodando por encima
weekdays or weekends: entre semana o fin de semana
went off: estall
when applications are processed: cuando las solicitudes son tramitadas
when are polititians going to (tell )....?: cundo van los polticos (cundo estn yendo ellos a) decir
when are the shops open?: cundo abren (estan abiertas) las tiendas
when is the party: cundo es la fiesta

Sentences with:
There be
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

There is some money in my pocket, and it's
There's some dust on the furniture and on the
There's a digital camera in the drawer that
takes good pictures.
There is a lot of damp in all the house and its an inconvenience for all who
live in it.
There is knowledge in her speech, as well as there is wisdom in her.
There is some sugar in the bowl, but there isn't any coffee in the coffee
There isn't any reason to believe that the leader is dead.
There is no gasoline in the tank, but there's a gas station ahead.
There isn't much hope of finding him alive, but there are some people who
believe otherwise.
Is there any umbrella available for me? Yes, there's one in that closet over
Is there any money left in the bank. There are only two hundred and
twenty-five dollars.
Is there any sort of procedure to revive dead nerves? There's none so far.
Isn't there a cure for this disease? Not yet, but there are many hopes to
find one
There are reasons to believe that he robbed the money.
There are too many stars in the sky to be counted in a single life.
There are moments when I think that there's no solution (there isn't any
We must be sure if there are enough resources to start this project.
Are there any empty boxes in your office? Only two are left.
Why are there cops everywhere? Because a murderer has escaped from
the jail
There is is there there is
not there is no there isn't
isn't there?

there are there are not
there aren't are there
aren't there?
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Are there any spare parts for this car? I'm afraid there are not.
Aren't there any tests for heartburns? There are some, but they are being
Why aren't there two-tailed frogs? Because frogs haven't any tail at all.
Aren't there people who are actually trained to do this task? There are no
more than ten in this city.
How is it that there aren't any traffic lights in this street? Because the
traffic is very scarce.

a cure for: una cura para, un remedio para
a lot of damp: mucha (un montn) de humedad
ahead: (ms) adelante
any sort of: algn tipo de
any tests: algunos (tipos de) prueba, test
as well as: as como
at all: en absoluto
closet: armario ropero, cuartito
cops: polis, policias,
disease: enfermedad
enough resources: suficientes recursos (neough sugar: azucar suficiente)
everywhere: por/en/a todas parte, por doquier
for all who live in it: que (quienes) viven en ella
from the jail: de la carcel (from: de, indica procedencia, origen, etc.)
has escaped: has escapado
heartburn: acidez, ardor (de estmago)
how is it that?: cmo es que.?
I think: pienso, creo
I'm afraid there are not: me temo que no hay
in a single life: en una nica/sola vida
in the bowl: en el cuenco (sugar bowl: azucarero)
is dead: est muerto/a
is there any money left: queda (algn) dinero (to be left: quedar)
it's an incovenience: (ello) es un inconveniente
it's mine: (ello) es mo
many hopes: muchas esperanzas
murderer: asesino
not yet: todava no, an no
of finding him alive: de encontrarle vivo (he<>him)
only two are left: solo quedan dos (only two/ten/two thousand, etc. are left)
past the sattionery: pasada la papelera
procedure: procedimiento
some dust on the furniture: "algo de) polvo sobre los muebles (mobiliario)
spare parts: piezas (partes) de recambio (tambin de sobras)
tests: pruebas, algn test
that has to do with: que tiene que ver con
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

that he does: que (l) hace
that he robbed: que (l) rob)
that sells all sort of: que vende todo tipo/clase de
that takes good pictures: que hace buenas fotografas
there are no more than: no hay ms de ("hay no ms de")
there is no: no hay nada de (there isn't any)
there isn't any coffe: no hay (nada de) caf
there's no solution: no hay (ninguna) solucin
there's none so far: no hay ninguno hasta ahora
they are being improved: (ellos) estn siendo mejorados
to be counted: para ser contado/a/s
to believe: para creer (a creer) (Seeing is believing: veer es creer)
to do this task: para hacer esta tarea
to find one: de encontrar una
to revive (dead nerves): reaminar, restablecer, recuperar (nervios inertes) (Med.)
to start: poner en marcha, iniciar, comenzar
too many: demasiados/as
traffic lights: semforos
two-tailed frogs: ranas de dos colas
umbrella available: paraguas disponible
very scarce: muy escaso
we must be sure if: (nosotros) debemos asegurarnos (debemos estar seguros si)
when I think: cuando pienso/creo (que.)
who are actually trained: que (quienes) estn cualificados
who believe otherwise: que (quienes) creen lo contrario (otherwise: lo contrario)
why?: por qu?
wisdom in her: sabidura en ella (she<>her)
How is it that.....?: Cmo es que.....?

Sentences with:
Why & because (por qu & porque)
Why is daddy so angry with me? Because you're not a good student.
Why is the door open. Because the keys are missing and the lock is broken.
Why is there so much water in here? Because one of the pipes burst and
flooded the room.
Why is this room so dark? Because the light bulbs that Gerry bought give a
very dim light.
Why is the sky blue? Because it has to do with the light that comes from
the sun and strikes (impacts) the atmosphere.
Why isnt there a solution for this sort of problems? Because solutions
don't come easy.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Why are flowers so important to plants? Because they allow pollination.
Why are you still buying this wine? Because it's still a good wine and the
price is OK.
Why aren't they allowed to study here? Because the rules of the Institute
are very strict with regard to admission requirements.
Why aren't the girls accepted in the team? Because they're too young to
practice this sport.

admission requirements: requisitos de admisin
allowed: permitido, se les permite
are missing: estn perdidas/desaparecidas
bought: compr (that I/you/he/we/you/they bought)
burst and flooded: revent/reventaron e inund/inundaron
daddy: pap, papi
don't come easy: no resultan fciles (don't come easy: no vienen fciles)
give a very dim light: dan una luz muy tenue
has to do with: (ello) tiene que ver con / est en relacin con
in here: aqu adentro (out there: ahi afuera)
it's still a good wine: sigue siendo/todava es (un buen vino)
lock is broken: cerradura est rota
price is OK: precio es bueno, correcto
so angry with me: tan enfadado conmigo
so dark: tan oscuro
so important to (plants): tan importante/s para (las plantas)
still buying: seguir comprando/todava compras
strikes (impacts)(the atmosphere: impacta, colisiona (con la atmsfera)
team: equipo
that comes from: que viene de, procede de
they allow pollination: ellos/as permiten la polinizacin
this sort of problems: este tipo de problemas
to practice: para practicar
to study: estudiar
too young: demasiado joven(es)
with regard to: con respecto a

Sentences with:
Who (Quin, que, el que, la que, los que, quienes; como pronombre
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Who is (who's) that guy in the car? He's Walter, the man who is
responsible for the car crash.
Who has the car key? John has it.
Who's this girl on the picture? It's Mary, my wife.
Who opened the door when the rain was so heavy? Garry did.
Who is in love with Liz? Sean is.
Who broke the sound barrier? Charles Yeager in 1947.
Who bought that pair of sneakers? A guy with a big hat on and a pair of
Who of you is in command? Me, and this is the second in command.
This is the man who knows the truth.
The woman who has the biggest hands.
Those who are in the list are the cream of the college.
Are these the players who won the game? Here are some of them.
I asked him who of them is Alice.

a pair of gloves: un par de guantes
bought: compr
broke: rompi
car crash: accidente de coche
car key: llave del coche
college: universidad
cream: flor y nata, la crema de, lo mejor de
fabric sneakers: zapatillas de tela (loneta, etc)
Garry did: Garry lo hizo (hizo la accin de abrir la puerta (did: p. imp. del verbo "do" como auxiliar)
guy: to, individuo
here are some of them: aqu estn algunos de ellos (they<>them)
I asked him: (yo) le pregunt (he<>him)
in command: al mando
in love with: enamorado
in love with: enamorado/a de (en amor con)
it's Mary: (ella, la chica) es Mary
on the picture: en / de la fotografa
opened: abri
responsible for: responsable de
sneakers: zapatillas
so heavy: tan intensa
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

sound barrier: barrera del sonido
who are in the list: que (quines) estn en la lista
who has the biggest hands: que (quien) tiene la manos mas grandes (the biggest hands/feet/eyes, etc.)
who knows the truth: que (quien) sabe la verdad
who of you: quin de vosotros / ustedes
who of them (is Alice): quin de ellos/as (es Alice)
who opened?: quin abri-?
who won the game: que (quienes) ganaron el juego /la partida
wife: esposa (wives: esposas)
with a big hat on: con un sombrero grande (on: encasquetado, puesto) (You can leave your hat on)

Verbs Followed by Gerunds
Admit (admitir) He admitted cheating on the test.
Advise (aconsejar) The doctor generally advised him drinking low-fat milk.
Allow (permitir) Ireland doesn't allow smoking in bars and public places.
Anticipate (tener
calcular, predecir,
I anticipated arriving late at the meeting / to work.
Nobody anticipated that Hurricane Katrina would breach
the levees in New Orleans.
I appreciated him helping me.
I appreciated him not over paying for old talent
Avoid (evitar) He avoided talking to her. He narrowly avoided going to
Begin (empezar) I began learning Chinese. They began doing what they do
Can't bear
He can't bear having so much responsibility. We can't bear
the idea of not working together
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Can't help (no
poder evitar
He can't help talking so loudly. They can't help being so
excited about leaving mummy and daddy......
Can't see (no
poder imaginar,
comprender, etc.)
I can't see paying so much money for a car. I cannot see
going to do a concert and having a set number of tunes....
Can't stand
He can't stand her smoking in the office. I can't stand
them singing that garbage
Cease (cesar, parar
The government ceased providing free healthcare. We
ceased working with this network in June 2012
(terminar acabar)
He completed renovating the house. We completed
making our commitments for....
(considerar, tener
en cuenta)
She considered moving to New York. We have considered
accepting the offer of Eunice.
He continued talking. We have continued making
payments to keep the house.
Defend (defender) The lawyer defended her making such statements.
Delay (retrasar) He delayed doing his taxes. They could have delayed
paying tax on some of their income until retirement.
Deny (negar,
He denied committing the crime. So we deny accepting
the fault when it happens.
Despise She despises waking up early. I despise carrying out
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

products a second time.
Discuss (discutir,
We discussed working at the company. But I may have to
discuss buying one.
She dislikes working after 5 PM. Do you like or dislike
working for a female boss/supervisor?
don't mind (no
I don't mind helping you. We don't mind paying high
prices in a restaurant.
Dread (temer,
tener miedo de)
She dreads getting up at 5 AM. Children dread going to
the dentist.
Enjoy (disfrutar,
gozar de)
We enjoy hiking. Children enjoy reading events at
Finish (terminar) He finished doing his homework. I just finished reading a
really amazing book.
Feign (fingir, hacer
He feigned looking for the bathroom. He once feigned
being mentally challenged so that he could be waited on
by his mother returns.
Hate (odiar,
I hate cleaning the bathroom. We hate eating at fancy
restaurants with high prices.
Imagine (imaginar) He imagines working there one day. In our thoughts we
imagine going to a beach.
Involve (implicar,
The job involves traveling to Japan once a month. This diet
involves fasting.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

Keep (continuar,
mantener, etc.)
She kept interrupting me. We kept walking along the
shore talking for hours.
Like (gustar) She likes listening to music. I like walking along these lively
Love (gustar,
encantar, etc.)
I love swimming. I love talking about books
(mencionar, citar)
He mentioned going to that college. Every time I
mentioned travelling to Russia on my own.
Mind (importar,
Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes. I don't mind
going now.
Miss (echar en
falta, etc.)
She misses living near the beach. I don't miss smoking.
Need (necesitar) The aquarium needs cleaning.
Neglect (descuidar,
Sometimes she neglects doing her homework. He
neglected doing his daily chores.
Permit (permitir) California does not permit smoking in restaurants. This
law does not permit carrying firearms while drinking.
(posponer, aplazar,
He postponed returning to Paris. I will have to postpone
buying a new laptop.
Practice (practicar) She practiced singing the song. Kids can practice cutting
straight, curved and zigzagged lines
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

prefer (preferir9 He prefers sitting at the back of the movie theater. I would
prefer eating at home to going to a restaurant.
I proposed having lunch at the beach. They proposed
paying $196 million toward the Economic Recovery Notes.
quit (dejar de, etc.) She quit worrying about the problem. I quitted smoking a
long time ago.
Recall (recordar,
Tom recalled using his credit card at the store. I can recall
being much younger.
She recollected living in Kenya.
Tony recommended taking the train. I recommend
insisting on a third-party inspector.
regret She regretted saying that. I regretted having told you that
your order had been cancelled.
remember I remember telling her the address yesterday. She
remembered having heard that story.
Report (denunciar,
poner en
He reported her stealing the money. These are the
employers who reported knowing the scores.
Require (requerir,
The certificate requires completing two courses. It
requires studying the theory concepts with analytical
Resent Nick resented Debbie's being there. I resent paying the
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

(molestarle) exorbitant parking fees in Miami Beach.
Resist (resistirse a;
resistir, etc.)
He resisted asking for help. I resist buying his bronze
Risk (arriesgarse,
arriesgar, etc.)
He risked being caught. I risked losing my sight but it was
all worth it.
start (empezar,
He started studying harder. They started building a
Stop (parar) She stopped working at 5 o'clock. They stopped driving
when they moved to cities.......
Suggest (sugerir) They suggested staying at the hotel. He suggested
remaining calm, following the officer's instructions.
Tolerate (tolerar) I tolerated her talking. I can't tolerate drinking milk.
Try (probar,
intentar, etc.)
Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip. I tried
painting the walls in my living room and made a huge
comprender, etc)
I understand his quitting. I understand doing these sorts of
things, and maybe.......
Urge (urgir, instar,
They urge recycling bottles and paper. We also urge
developing a program committee.

Verbs Followed by Either Gerunds OR Nouns + Infinitives
advise I advised seeing a doctor. I advised them to see a
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

allow Ireland doesn't allow
smoking in bars.
Ireland doesn't allow people
to smoke in bars.
encourage He encourages eating
healthy foods.
He encourages his patients to
eat healthy foods.
permit California doesn't permit
fishing without a fishing
California doesn't permit
people to fish without a
fishing license.
require The certificate requires
completing two courses.
The certificate requires
students to complete two
urge They urge recycling bottles
and paper.
They urge citizens to recycle
bottles and paper.

Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Similar Meaning)
He can't bear being alone. He can't bear to be alone.
Nancy can't stand working
the late shift.
Nancy can't stand to work the
late shift.
cease The government ceased
providing free health care.
The government ceased to
provide free health care.
continue She continued talking. She continued to talk.
hate He hates cleaning dishes. He hates to clean dishes.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

like Samantha likes reading. Samantha likes to read.
love We love scuba diving. We love to scuba dive.
neglect He neglected doing his daily
He neglected to do his daily
prefer He prefers eating at 7 PM. He prefers to eat at 7 PM.
propose Drew proposed paying for
the trip.
Drew proposed to pay for the

Additional list:
advise Doctors generally advised doing exercise.
allow The European Union doesn't allow smoking in bars.
anticipate I anticipated getting stuck in traffic.
appreciate I appreciated Danny helping me.
avoid He avoided talking to her.
begin I began learning Spanish.
can't bear He can't bear being late.
can't help He can't help drinking so much.
can't see I can't see us living in London.
can't stand He can't stand her smoking in the street.
cease The government ceased providing free healthcare.
complete He completed renovating the house.
consider She considered moving to Amsterdam.
continue He continued talking.
defend The lawyer defended her making such statements.
delay He delayed replying to the letter.
deny He denied committing the crime.
despise She despises waking up early.
discuss We discussed working at the company.
dislike She dislikes being ignored.
don't mind I don't mind helping you.
Curso de Ingls para principiantes (1) Dynamic English for Beginners (American English)
by Carlos Mirasierras

dread She dreads meeting her in-laws.
encourage He encourages eating healthy foods.
enjoy We enjoy swimming.
finish He finished doing his homework.
forget I forgot giving you my book.
hate I hate doing the ironing.
imagine He imagines working there one day.
involve The job involves travelling to Japan once a month.
keep She kept interrupting me.
like She likes listening to music.
love I love reading.
mention He mentioned going to the theatre tonight.
mind Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes.
miss She misses living near the shops.
need The aquarium needs cleaning.
neglect Sometimes she neglects doing her homework.
permit Most hotels do not permit smoking in restaurants.
postpone He postponed returning to Paris.
practice She practiced singing the song.
prefer He prefers sitting at the back of the movie theatre.
propose I proposed having lunch at the beach.
quit She quit worrying about the problem.
recall Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.
recollect She recollected living in Spain.
recommend Tony recommended taking the train.
regret She regretted saying that.
remember I remember telling her the address yesterday.
report He reported her using office property for her personal use.
require The certificate requires completing two courses.
resent Peter resented Danny's being there.
resist He resisted asking for help.
risk He risked being caught.
start He started studying harder.
stop She stopped working at 5 o'clock.
suggest They suggested staying at the hotel.
tolerate I tolerated them being at the party.
try Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip.
understand I understand his quitting.
urge They urge recycling bottles and paper.

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