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7ma Sesion PCPU 2021-2

Tiempo presente Continuo

Presente progresivo = se usa para indicar que una acción esta pasando en un
momento especifico del presente.
La oración se construye de la siguiente manera:
Se usa con las expresiones: now (nau) (ahora); right now (wraigt nau) (justo ahora) o in this
moment (in dis moument) (en este momento).

I am studying english in this school right now.

She is studying english in this school right now.

We are studying english in this school right now.

Para negar y preguntar = se usan las mismas reglas del "to be", ya que es esa
acción la que estamos utilizando.
Ex: am I studying . . .? He isn´t studying. . .? Are they studying. . .?
Con el presente progresivo también se expresa una acción que tenemos planeada hacer
en el futuro inmediato, en este caso se usa la acción
"to be going to (to bi gouing tu) (ir a... "de hacer")".
She is going to the cinema this weekend.
(shi is gouing tu de cinema dis wuikend)
(ella va a ir al cinema este fin de semana).

We are going to learn to talk in english soon.

(ui ar gouing tu le..rn tu tolk in inglish su..n)
(nosotros vamos a aprender a hablar en inglés pronto)
Presente continuo
Español Ella cocina en casa (-) She isn´t cooking at home
presente simple She cooks at home (?) Is She cooking at home?
Past simple She cooked at home Yes, she is. No, she isn´t
Presente continuo She is cooking at home Pasado continuo
Pasado continuo She was cooking at home (-)She wasn´t cooking at home
(?)Was she cooking at home?
Español Ellos caminan al colegio Yes. She was. No, she wasn´t
presente simple They walk to the school
Past simple They walked to the school
Presente continuo They are walking to the school
Pasado continuo They were walking to the school
Tiempo pasado progresivo
Se usa para expresar una acción que ocurrió en un punto, tiempo o momento
específico del pasado.
La oración se construye así: Persona + "to be" en pasado" + acción en presente con
"ing" + inf + la hora + yesterday, last week, etc.
I was talking to my father at 3:00 p. M. Yesterday.
(ai was tolking tu mai fader at zri pi. Em. Yesterdei)
(yo estaba hablando con mi padre a las 3:00 p. M. Ayer)
She was watching t.v. with her friend at 7:00 p. m. Last night.
(shi was wotching ti. vi. Wid jer frend at senven pi. Em. Last naigt)
(ella estaba mirando t. v. Con su amigo a las 7:00 p. M. La noche pasada)
I wasn´t doing that last month.
(ai wasent duing dat last mond)
(yo no estaba haciendo eso el mes pasado)

Countable (or count) nouns are words which can be counted. They have
a singular form and a plural form. They usually refer to things. Most
countable nouns become plural by adding an ‘s’ at the end of the word.
For example:
Singular Plural
Chair chairs
Bottle bottles
Student students
Coin coins
Uncountable (or non-count) nouns are words which cannot be counted.
Therefore, they only have a singular form. They have no plural forms. These
words are thought of as wholes rather than as parts. They usually refer to
abstractions (such as confidence or advice) or collectives (such as
equipment or luggage).
For example:
Liquids and Gases Subjects
• water • French
• coffee • chemistry
• milk • economics
• air • science
• oxygen • math
Solid and Granular Substances Grouped Concepts
• wood • fruit
• metal • money
• cheese • food
• sand • vocabulary
• rice • news
Energy Words and Forces Information and Abstract Concepts
• electricity • information
• sunshine • advice
• radiation • education
• heat • democracy
• magnetism • intelligence
When we want to know the quantity or amount of something, we ask questions
starting with How much and How many.
HOW MUCH...? - (Quantity)
How much is used with uncountable nouns.
How much time do we have to finish the test?
How much money did you spend?
How much sugar would you like in your coffee?
How much paper will I need?
How much milk is in the fridge?
How much traffic was there on the way to work?
If the verb To Be is used with an uncountable noun, it is in singular form (= IS or
WAS etc.)
HOW MANY ...? - (Quantity)
How many is used when we want to know the QUANTITY of something.
It is only used with plural countable nouns.
How many days are there in January?
How many people work in your company?
How many cousins do you have?
How many books did you buy?
How many countries are there in the world?
How many students are in the class right now?
How many chairs are there in this room?
How many pieces of chocolate would you like?
How much money do you have? A lot Any /nothing
Cuanto dinero tienes? Mucho Poco / nada

How many soles do you have? I have 150 soles I have 200 soles
Cuantos soles tienes?

airport aeropuerto
amusement park parque de atracciones
art gallery galería de arte
baker's, bakery panadería
bank banco
bar bar
barber's shop peluquería (de caballeros)
beauty parlor salón de belleza
bookstore (US) librería
bus station estación de autobús
butcher's carnicería
café cafetería
canteen cantina
casino casino
cathedral catedral
church iglesia
cinema cine
convent convento
dairy lechería
department store grandes almacenes
drugstore (US) farmacia
fire station departamento de bomberos
fish shop (US) pescadería
gas station (US) estación de servicio
gym gimnasio
factory fábrica
fast food restaurant restaurante de comida rápida
hospital hospital
hotel hotel
library biblioteca
market mercado
museum museo
Give directions How can I get the restaurant?

Ok, walk to the corner . . . Avenue

Punto Inicial: Hospital, final Fire station Ok, walk to the corner
Here Point
Hospital Museum Store Go
1 1
Balta avenue Turn
Here ahead
Park Drugstore 2

San Jose street

Post office Fire station Restaurant

Point Saens Peña street

Describe directions:
Select point 1. . . .
Select end point ….
Using the correct words tellme how can I get the end place. (Writing)
Record audio and send it to personal What up (Speaking)

Until 12 pm

Español Jose escribe un poema Jose no escribe un poema

Present tense Jose writes a poem Jose doesn´t write a poem
Past tense Jose wrote a poem Jose didn´t write a poem
Present continue Jose is writing a poem Jose isn´t writing a poem
Past continue Jose was writing a poem Jose wasn´t writing a poem

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