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Cursos dictados por los Profesores

Adriana A. DEZA


Copyright A. A. DEZA y S. F. ZANINETTI

Recopilación y Ejercitación protegidas por Derechos de Autor
Prohibida su publicación y reproducción sin el consentimiento expreso de los autores
2 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

Bienvenidos a los cursos de Inglés I año 2023. Esta recopilación y ejercitación está pensada como una guía y
soporte de clases presenciales y virtuales, en las cuales procuraremos desarrollar tus propias habilidades lectoras
e interpretativas de textos escritos en idioma inglés sobre cuestiones relacionadas a tu opción de estudios
universitarios: las ingenierías. Aplicando técnicas y principios de Aula Invertida (FLIPPED CLASSROOM) y
BLENDED LEARNING podrás reforzar tus capacidades de lector autónomo y competente y desarrollar tus
habilidades intelectuales superiores: reconocimiento, comprensión, aplicación y análisis, síntesis y evaluación de
información relevante y moderna en idioma extranjero. También realizarás ejercicios de comprensión auditiva y
sencillas práctica de rol-play oral.
Te invito a compartir este módulo de aprendizaje en un ambiente de respeto y cordialidad, para que la instancia
áulica resulte satisfactoria para todos quienes participan.

Lo que se transmite con pasión y se aprende con alegría, es para toda la vida! Adriana Deza


A continuación, analizaremos el texto CIRCULAR ECONOMY (se transcribe en la hoja siguiente).


1. Analice el Contexto del cual fue extraído. ¿De qué sitio Web fue extraído?
2. ¿Cuál es el tema general? Marque y explique los cambios de tipografía;
3. Subraye en el texto que sigue las palabras transparentes o Cognados1;
4. ¿Cuáles palabras son sustantivos? ¿Cuáles son artículos y adjetivos?
5. Recuerde la función que cumple el adverbio en la oración. En Castellano, la terminación más
usual de adverbio es el sufijo –mente. ¿Y en inglés? ¿Hay adverbios en este texto?
6. ¿Qué inferencia puedes hacer en relación a la sintaxis de la frase sustantiva más simple
(sustantivo + modificadores) en castellano y en inglés?

1 Cognados (palabras transparentes) Vs. Falsos Amigos:

El Diccionario de términos clave de ELE (2007), explica en la didáctica del inglés se utiliza el término cognates, que ha pasado al español de
los EE.UU. como "cognados", el cual alude a las palabras que son similares en forma y sentido entre dos lenguas, a diferencia de las
palabras denominadas “falsos amigos".
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 3


[1] A circular economy (also referred to as circularity and CE) is a model of 1

production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, 2
repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as 3
long as possible. CE aims to tackle global challenges as climate change, 4
biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution by emphasizing the design-based 5
implementation of the three base principles of the model. 6
[2] The three principles required for the transformation to a circular economy 7
are: eliminating waste and pollution, circulating products and materials, 8
and the regeneration of nature. CE is defined in contradistinction to the 9
traditional linear economy. The idea and concepts of circular economy (CE) 10
have been studied extensively in academia, business, and government 11
over the past ten years. CE has been gaining popularity since it helps to 12
minimize emissions and consumption of raw materials, open up new 13
market prospects and principally, increase the sustainability of 14
consumption and improve resource efficiency. At a government level, CE 15
is viewed as means of combating global warming as well as a facilitator of 16
long-term growth. CE may geographically connect actors and resources to 17
stop material loops at the regional level. In its core principle, the European 18
Parliament defines CE as, “a model of production and consumption, which 19
involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling 20
existing materials and products as long as possible. In this way, the life 21
cycle of products is extended.”. 22
[3] In a linear economy, natural resources are turned into products that are 23
ultimately destined to become waste because of the way they have been 24
designed and manufactured. This process is often summarized by "take, 25
make, waste". By contrast, a circular economy employs reuse, sharing, 26
repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing and recycling to create a closed- 27
loop system, reducing the use of resource inputs and the creation of waste, 28
pollution and carbon emissions. The circular economy aims to keep 29
products, materials, equipment and infrastructure in use for longer, thus 30
improving the productivity of these resources. Waste materials and energy 31
should become input for other processes through waste valorization: 32
either as a component for another industrial process or as regenerative 33
resources for nature (e.g., compost). The Ellen MacArthur Foundation 34
(EMF) defines the circular economy as an industrial economy that is 35
restorative or regenerative by value and design. 36
4 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI


Este es un SIMULACRO y su nota es sólo a título INFORMATIVO para su propio conocimiento y no
será tenida en cuenta a los fines de su calificación para superar la materia. Refleja la ejercitación
modelo que se incluye en la Prueba de Suficiencia 2023, pero NO necesariamente la que se utilice
para parciales y/o exámenes presenciales durante el año lectivo.
Lea el siguiente texto y realice en el curso de la UV correspondiente la ejercitación denominada
AUTOEVALUACIÓN dentro del plazo de 50 minutos. El ejercicio permite un solo intento y las distintas
preguntas se presentan de manera secuencial y sin retorno de acuerdo con la modalidad vigente en
los distintos ámbitos para evaluaciones virtuales (en línea). Es decir, para acceder a la siguiente
pregunta el alumno debe resolver la pregunta actual antes de continuar. Si accediera a la siguiente
pregunta sin haber resuelto la pregunta actual, no podrá retroceder para responderla. Una vez
finalizado el tiempo previsto de 50 minutos, el cuestionario se cierra automáticamente y – a diferencia
de lo que sucede en un examen – se muestran los errores y el resultado obtenido.
PUNTAJE para aprobar una PRUEBA DE SUFICIENCIA: calificación de 75% o superior + Listening +
Producción Escrita
PUNTAJE para PROMOCIONAR (al fin de cursado): calificación de 70% o superior (+ asistencia) +
Ejercicios Obligatorios + Listening + Producción Escrita
PUNTAJE para REGULARIZAR (al fin del cursado): calificación de 60% o superior (+ asistencia) +
Ejercicios Obligatorios + Listening + Producción Escrita


• No se ha previsto que las respuestas incluyan traducciones.

• En los ejercicios de sinónimos, antónimos y referentes el alumno completará las respuestas
transcribiéndolas desde el texto. (se puede pintar y arrastrar)
• En el caso particular de los referentes, debe copiar la respuesta en forma completa. Por
ejemplo, si se trata de una frase sustantiva, la respuesta debe incluir los determinadores, los
modificadores y el núcleo. Atención a los casos “el autor” y “el lector”
• En los ejercicios de verdadero/falso el alumno debe seleccionar la opción correcta (no
busque “literalidad”; es la “idea” así traducida la que debe poder leerse en el texto.
• En el ejercicio de Nexos Lógicos, lea la Idea 1 (es la que NO contiene al nexo). El símbolo […]
le indica hacia donde debe buscar la Idea 2. Si hubiera puntos suspensivos (…) le indican que
hay OTRA idea en ese lugar que no es tenida en cuenta a los fines del ejercicio. Razone cuál
es la Idea 2 y la relación que hay entre ellas. Complete el casillero transcribiendo el Nexo. En
el menú desplegable a la derecha, elija la Relación Lógica que ese Nexo establece entre
ambas Ideas. En el desplegable inferior, elija la traducción correcta de la Idea 2. Nota: Una
Idea 1 puede complementarse con distintas ideas 2, o puede ser Idea 2 de otras (así sucede
naturalmente en los textos).
• En los ejercicios de Funciones Comunicativas se debe elegir la/las que sean más evidentes,
según se solicite en el enunciado.
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 5

(Texto modificado para adaptarlo a Nivel Inglés I – FRC)

[1] The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the International 1
Telecommunication Union (ITU) jointly made a definition of smart sustainable cities. They 2
defined a smart sustainable city as an “innovative city that uses information communication 3
technologies (ICTs) and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of urban operation 4
and services, and competitiveness, while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and future 5
generations with respect to economic, social, environmental as well as cultural aspects.”. 6
[2] We are all familiar with the term information technology (IT), which refers to the use of 7
technological infrastructures for storing, retrieving, and sending information. However, we are 8
less so of the term ICTs, which is more than just the collection and transmission of information, 9
but also includes the sharing of information between stakeholders through communication 10
with the help of technology. 11
[3] Smart city concepts have been increasingly adopted as a way for cities and urban environments 12
to reduce their carbon footprint, energy consumption, and pollution. So for a city to be more 13
environmentally-friendly, we must, first, collect data about the environment. For example, 14
sensors that measure air quality around a city can provide information that we need to identify 15
the causes and consequences of air pollution. Then, the next step would be to analyse the data 16
in order to come up with practical solutions and evaluate the action plans. 17
[4] Data associated with the environment is not limited to objects, but also applies to humans. City 18
planning can be much more efficient if data on civic behaviours is retrieved and examined. For 19
instance, transportation companies can modify their schedules, such as routes and the number 20
of shifts based on the needs of citizens. Having such data, we can efficiently allocate resources 21
and prevent significant amounts of waste. It is estimated that each person will generate 10- 22
15% fewer greenhouse gas emissions, 30-130 fewer kilograms of solid waste per year, and 23
consume 25-80 litres less water per day by optimising the use of energy, and tracking the 24
carbon footprint of electricity, water, and waste. 25
[5] Despite the enormous environmental benefits that will be derived from the development of a 26
smart city, questions regarding privacy must also be addressed. Whereas for a transparent 27
country free access to data can improve the quality of life, for an authoritarian regime a smart 28
city may be used as a tool to manipulate information and control its citizens. 29

➢ Repase primero los TEMAS del apunte para estar seguro de que los entiende.
➢ Si Ud. no obtiene al menos un 75% de las respuestas correctas, reconsidere si se
encuentra en condiciones de rendir y aprobar la Prueba de Suficiencia.
6 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI


Los sinónimos son palabras o expresiones que tienen significados equivalentes o muy similares, y
además pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical. En consecuencia, es posible substituirlos o
permutarlos en un texto sin que se altere el sentido del mismo.
La contraparte del sinónimo es el antónimo, es decir, un vocablo o expresión que representa ideas
opuestas o contrarias.











Imagine a three-dimensional online world where you teleport from your London office
to a meeting room in Singapore, shop at a digital replica of your favorite clothing store
then join a friend for a round of virtual golf. To some, this aspirational version of the
internet known as the metaverse is the future of human interaction. Facebook founder
Mark Zuckerberg changed the company’s name to Meta Platforms Inc. and is pouring
billions of dollars a year into efforts to dominate this “next frontier.” But it’s unclear what
a unified virtual universe would look like, or whether people really want it.


Virtual (l.2) Original (l.2)

Game (l.3) Unambitious (l.3)

AKA (l.4) Kept (l.5)

Actually (l.7) Plain (l.6)

Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 7


A. Entre los tipos de REFERENCIA ENDOFÓRICA (intra-textual) encontramos:

1. La REFERENCIA ANAFÓRICA o anáfora es un mecanismo mediante el cual un elemento

del texto (un MARCADOR DE TRANSICIÓN) remite a otro elemento que ha aparecido
anteriormente, denominado ANTECEDENTE o REFERENTE. Se establece, pues, una
relación interpretativa entre dos unidades lingüísticas en la cual la segunda unidad
adquiere sentido por su relación con la que se ha mencionado antes.

1. The method of partial fractions can be used in the integration of a proper algebraic fraction.
This technique allows the integration to be done as a sum of simple integrals.

2. The engineer sent the results to Alice when he received her questions by email.

2. La REFERENCIA CATAFÓRICA o catáfora es un mecanismo, simétrico a la referencia

anafórica, por el que una unidad del texto (MARCADOR DE TRANSICIÓN) remite a otra
(REFERENTE) que aparece posteriormente. En la relación interpretativa, el primer
elemento adquiere sentido por su relación con el que viene después.

3. After he received her questions by email, the engineer immediately sent back the results
to Alice.

3. Por otra parte, usualmente encontramos la REFERENCIA EXOFÓRICA: A menudo el

autor desea involucrar al lector o a sí mismo en el texto. Ello se logra mediante la utilización
de pronombres personales, objetivos, etc. (MARCADORES DE TRANSICIÓN). Se
entiende que, aunque tales REFERENTES no se encuentran en el contexto inmediato,
forman parte del universo compartido por el hablante/escritor y el oyente/lector.

4. This page explains the terms strong and weak as applied to bases. We are going to use
the Bronsted-Lowry definition of a base as a substance which accepts hydrogen ions
(protons). [el autor] o [the author]

5. To integrate an improper algebraic fraction, one (1) first needs to write the fraction as a sum
of proper fractions. You (2) can do this first step by using polynomial division. (1) [el autor] /
(2) [el lector] o [the reader]

6. Let me(1) explain the concept to you(2). (1) [el autor] / (2) [el lector]
8 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI


How would the metaverse work? It would combine technologies including video-conferencing, games
like Minecraft and Roblox, crypto tokens, email, virtual reality, social media and live-streaming. Just as
you might create a document in Microsoft Word and send it via Google’s Gmail to a colleague to read
on an Apple iPad, items in the metaverse would be able to move across an ecosystem of competing
products, holding their value and function. Nevertheless, when it comes to its vision for a virtual future,
Meta still has very little to show.

Subraye los referentes de los marcadores de transición resaltados:

1. Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary field. It focuses on the design of complex systems.

2. Systems Engineering is the field which / that focuses on the design of complex systems.

3. Systems Engineering focuses on the design of complex systems over their life-cycle.

4. Elasticity is the way a material initially responds when it is subjected to stresses.

5. Elasticity is the way materials initially respond when they are subjected to stresses.

6. Steel experiences less stress than rubber before it reaches its elastic limit.

7. A Robonaut is a humanoid robot who / that / which is capable of using space tools.

8. Robonauts are humanoid robots who / that / which are capable of using space tools.
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 9

Decide cuáles son los antecedentes de las palabras subrayadas:

9. Steel objects experience less stress than rubber ones before they reach their elastic limit.

10. Buses are central to our transit system. They are key to daily life in many cities, which makes them

an important social means of transport.

11. When working with rational functions, we / (one) often need(s) to solve equations that involve

algebraic fractions.

12. In Example 7.72 of Section 7.4, we / I wrote a function that gave the time Francine needs for a 60-

mile training run in terms of the windspeed.


(Este texto se trabaja en el EJERCICIO OBLIGATORIO 1 de la UV)

The term “metaverse” was originally coined by science fiction writer Neal Stephenson in his 1

influential 1992 novel Snow Crash to represent a virtual reality environment connected 2

through the internet and accessible from any device such as a computer or smartphone with 3

an internet connection. The metaverse is an entirely new virtual reality ecosystem being built 4

at this very moment. What is so exciting about it is that its future potential is tremendous. 5

Participants in the metaverse have the ability to create their own user-generated content 6

around just about anything they can imagine. In the case of the Facebook Metaverse, it is 7

owned by the company founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg 8

The Sandbox is a metaverse example that lets users play and build virtual worlds with the 9

option to monetize their experiences, services, and products for sale or trade. It allows users 10

to own non-interchangeable in-game assets such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and buy 11

and sell real estate. 12

Purchase options on the metaverse are as limitless as people's imaginations. You can sell 13

anything if you can add value to it. Some platforms allow us to purchase a physical item. 14

through a virtual shopping experience. In other cases, the products one buys exist only in 15

the metaverse 16
10 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI





[1] Blockchain, or block chain (BC), is a distributed ledger system that processes and 1
preserves data and their transactions using time-stamped blocks in decentralized 2
method, a system which is able to address many traditional issues of information 3
systems design. Since the introduction of the digital currency or cryptocurrency 4
“bitcoin” in 2008, its foundation, the BC technology has gained tremendous interest, 5
both in industry and academia. 6
[2] Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or 7
impossible to change, hack, or cheat. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of 8
transactions that is duplicated and distributed across an entire network of computer 9
systems on the blockchain. 10
[3] You can think of the blockchain as a specific type of database. It is storing data using 11
blocks that are chained together. New data is entered into new blocks, and once the 12
block is filled with data, this is chained onto a previous block and this makes the data 13
chained together in chronological order. 14
[4] Simplified, it is a list of data blocks that are linked together with a timestamp. 15
[5] As common databases have already known data types, the most common use for 16
blockchain so far has been as a ledger for transactions. Decentralised blockchains are 17
immutable, which means that the data entered is irreversible. For Bitcoin, this means 18
that transactions are permanently recorded and viewable by anyone. 19
[6] The history of blockchain as a popular trend started with the publication of Satoshi 20
Nakamoto´s whitepaper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”, in 2008. The 21
bitcoin project started the cryptocurrency era, being the first implementation of a peer- 22
to-peer network as a solution to the double-spending problem. Even though this 23
project continues to function and circulate successfully to date, Nakamoto’s ideas 24
behind the creation of bitcoin have exceeded the original use case. Now, these ideas 25
are known collectively and independently as the blockchain. 26


En inglés encontramos el Artículo Definido “THE” (que se puede traducir como el, la, los, las, lo,
según el contexto), y el Artículo Indefinido (un, una) que en Inglés tiene dos formas, “A” y “AN”,
según acompañe a un sustantivo que comience con un sonido consonante o vocálico.

Identifique en el texto BLOCKCHAIN el artículo que acompaña a los siguientes sustantivos.

Practicamos pronunciación.
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 11


1 _________ system
1 _________ digital currency
2 _________ blockchain
2 _________ digital ledger
2 _________ entire network
4 _________ list of data blocks
4 _________ timestamp
5 _________ data entered
6 _________ history of blockchain
6 _________ peer-to-peer network
6 _________ solution

Los prefijos cambian el significado de una raíz o palabra. Los sufijos cambian la función de dicha
palabra dentro de una oración.


12 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI









En Inglés es muy frecuente que a partir de dos palabras se forme una nueva palabra con
COMPUESTAS POR OTRAS ELIGIÓ EL AUTOR (se da la primera letra como orientación):

PÁRRAFO 1: B_______________________ a partir de B________ y Ch__________

C_______________________ a partir de C________ y C___________
PÁRRAFO 2: N_______________________ a partir de N________ y W___________
PÁRRAFO 3: D_______________________ a partir de D________ y B___________
PÁRRAFO 4: T_______________________ a partir de T________ y S___________
PÁRRAFO 5: Bi_______________________ a partir de Bi________ y C___________
PÁRRAFO 6: W_______________________ a partir de W________ y P___________
D_______________________ a partir de D_________ y S___________
I. REFERENCIA: Diga a qué/quién remiten los términos siguientes.

1. THAT (l. 1): 2. THEIR (l.2):

3. WHICH (l. 3): 4. THAT (l.9):
5. YOU (l.11): 6. THAT (l. 12):
7. IT (l. 15): 8. THAT (l. 15):
9. THESE IDEAS (l. 25) 10. THIS PROJECT (23)
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 13

II. RESPONDA en español: ¿Cómo define el autor a “Blockchain” en…?.

1. Párrafo 1

2. Párrafo 2 – Definic. 1

3. Párrafo 2 – Definic. 2

4. Párrafo 3

5. Párrafo 4

1. SINÓNIMOS Y ANTÓNIMOS – Transcriba del texto sinónimos (primera columna) y antónimos

(segunda columna) de las palabras que se indican a continuación
1. Capable of (3) 1. little (5)
2. form (7) 2. general (11)
3. after (12) 3. following (13)
4. began (22) 4. least (16)
5. surpassed (25) 5. ended (22)

2. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (a). Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o

FALSAS (F) según el texto. Consigne los renglones de referencia.

V/F ORACION Renglón/es

La tecnología Blockchain se creó en 2008.

La información resguardada mediante el sistema Blockchain no puede ser
cambiada, hackeada ni alterada maliciosamente.
La información se incorpora en nuevos blocks de manera cronológica.
Satoshi Nakamoto escribió en 2008 un Libro Blanco sobre la historia del
sistema Blockchain.
14 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI


Muchos sustantivos en inglés forman su plural agregando una –s, –es; otros cambian su -y final por la
terminación –ies; o la terminación –f o –fe por –ves. Los sustantivos de origen griego o latino
conservan sus formas plurales del idioma original.
Recordar que en inglés, los adjetivos no asumen formas diferentes por género ni número.
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 15

a. Analysis of thermo-hydro-mechanical phenomena in 3D fractured media.

b. Analyses of a thermo-hydro-mechanical phenomenon in a 3D fractured medium.
c. Many theses try to explain the 2020 economic crisis.
d. I wrote a thesis on Artificial Intelligence applied to tourism.
e. The atomic radius is determined entirely by the electrons: The size of the atomic nucleus is
measured in femtometres.
f. The size of atomic nuclei may be measured in femtometres.
g. UTN’s engineering programs balance theory and practice, providing background on engineering
theories, along with an ability to apply these theories to real-life environments.
h. We may be able to predict the actions of others by understanding their motives.
i. Label boxes clearly with CAUTION, FRAGILE, GLASS, and HEAVY signs.
j. John Nash developed a criterion for mutual consistency of players' strategies known as the Nash
k. Evolutionary game theory studies players who adjust their strategies over time according to rules
that are not necessarily rational or farsighted.


1. Subraye todas las palabras que considere que están en plural.

2. Identifique los plurales Griegos y Latinos. ¿Cuáles son las formas más utilizadas
en este texto? ¿Cuáles son las formas singulares de esos mismos términos?
3. Subraye los verbos, y las expresiones verbales. ¿Cuál es el tiempo que


The area of this research covers studies aiming to create seeds for innovative technologies
based on creative ideas on living matter concerning techniques for measurements and
analyses based on new principles and methods necessary for the elucidation of life
More concretely, it covers new techniques for measurements and analyses of various
chemical processes in cells and for the elucidation of life phenomena of cells, living matter,
and ecological systems ranging from a micro-scale to a macro-scale. It covers studies
expected to trigger the creation of new methodologies and technological development that
aim to obtain unique results in life science technologies. It also includes environmental
measurements associated with life phenomena. In the field of life science, studies in
biomolecular science such as structural biology, which are closely associated with the
structures and functions of biomolecules, are actively carried out.
16 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

 FUNCIONES COMUNICATIVAS (Funciones Retóricas del discurso científico-técnico)

Las funciones comunicativas responden a la pregunta ¿Qué hacemos cuando escribimos? O ¿Qué
hacemos cuando hablamos?
Al hablar o escribir utilizamos diferentes recursos retóricos (funciones comunicativas) para tratar un
tópico determinado: definimos sus palabras claves, narramos su historia o antecedentes, lo
comparamos y contrastamos con otros tópicos similares, realizamos descripciones físicas o
describimos los procesos involucrados, damos instrucciones, enumeramos elementos o conceptos, los
clasificamos, etc.
El lingüista L.Trimble2 define “función retórica” como una unidad de discurso con un objetivo
determinado en el texto, que puede ser “general” (establecer el marco teórico de una investigación,
plantear un problema, mostrar los resultados, etc.) o “específico” (definir, describir, clasificar, etc.). Entre
las funciones retóricas sobresalientes del lenguaje técnico-científico Trimble destaca:
• Definición,
• Clasificación,
• Descripción física,
• Descripción de funciones y de procesos,
• Instrucciones,
• Enumeración

Entre las funciones no enumeradas por Trimble encontramos:

• Narración
• Argumentación

Los modos de argumentación también están determinados por el género y las funciones retóricas, entre

• Deducción (de general a particular), Inducción (de particular a general).

• Comparación
• Organización cronológica, Organización espacial, y Organización secuencial.

A los fines de este curso nos concentraremos en sólo ocho de ellas, a saber:

• Definición:
1. A chemical element, or an element, is a material which cannot be broken down or changed into
another substance using chemical methods.
2. Agile Methodology is known as a people-focused, results-focused approach to software
development that respects our rapidly changing world.
• Descripción física:
3. An atom is made up of ‘Electrons, Protons and Neutrons’
4. Agile Methodology is flexible, fast, and aims for continuous improvements in quality, using tools
like Scrum and eXtreme Programming.

Trimble, L.(1985).English for Science and Technology. A discourse approach,Cambridge: CUP.
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 17

• Clasificación:
5. Compounds can be classified as acids or bases according to three different theories.
6. Most software development can be classed as either Agile or Waterfall types of methodologies.
7. Here is a list of the top 5 types of Agile Methodology:
a. Kanban
b. Scrum
c. Extreme Programming (XP)
d. Crystal
e. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
f. Feature Driven Development (FDD)
g. Lean Software Development
h. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
• Descripción de funciones y de procesos:
8. Gases may also be ionized by intermolecular collisions at high temperatures. Ionization, in
general, occurs whenever sufficiently energetic charged particles or radiant energy travel
through gases, liquids, or solids.
9. Agile Methodology relies on trusting employees and teams to work directly with customers to
understand the goals and provide solutions in a fast and incremental way.
• Instrucciones:
10. Pour a solution into a graduated cylinder or volumetric flask containing about 80ml of water.
Once the sodium chloride has dissolved, add water to bring the volume.
11. Lean Software Development is based on seven main actions to be taken: Delete what doesn’t
matter; develop Quality; create Knowledge; defer Commitments; Deliver promptly; Respect the
team; Optimize the whole.
• Enumeración:
12. The EERC conducts research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities
involving zero-emissions coal conversion; CO2 capture and sequestration, etc.
13. The most popular and common examples of Agile Methodology are Scrum, eXtreme
Programming (XP), Feature Driven Development (FDD), Dynamic Systems Development
Method (DSDM), Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Crystal, and Lean Software
Development (LSD).
• Narración:
14. Antoine Lavoisier, in full Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, (born August 26, 1743, Paris, France—died
May 8, 1794, Paris), prominent French chemist and leading figure in the 18th-century chemical
revolution who developed an experimentally based theory of the chemical reactivity of oxygen
and coauthored the modern system for naming chemical substances.
15. In 2009, a group working with Martin wrote an extension of software development principles,
the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto, to guide agile software development according to
professional conduct and mastery. In 2011, the Agile Alliance created the Guide to Agile
Practices (renamed the Agile Glossary in 2016.
• Comparación:
16. The knowledge economy is characterized by the presence of a higher percentage of highly
skilled employees whose jobs require special knowledge or skills.
17. Traditional software development relied on phases like outlining the requirements, planning,
design, building, testing, and delivery. Agile methodology, by contrast, promises the first results
in a couple weeks and the entire piece of software in a couple months.
18 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

A los fines de practicar la identificación de FUNCIONES COMUNICATIVAS, se sugiere recurrir a

ejemplos en WIKIPEDIA, pues en general las utilizan casi todas al exponer los diferentes temas.
A continuación veremos un ejemplo extraído de Wikipedia. El texto se transcribe abajo para facilitar su


Tarea: Identificar las diferentes funciones comunicativas en el texto y completar con ellas los espacios
en blanco entre corchetes.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence - perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information - 2
demonstrated by machines, as opposed to intelligence displayed by animals and humans. 3
[__________ / _________] Example tasks in which this is done include speech recognition, 4
computer vision, translation between (natural) languages, as well as other mappings of inputs 5
[_________]. OED (OUP) defines artificial intelligence as: “the theory and development of 6
computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as 7
visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages” 8
[___________]. 9
Several important sub-fields of AI research (as opposed to AI itself) have used working 10
definitions of the intelligent agents field of study, which refers to any system that perceives its 11
environment using an AI-component and takes actions using procedural / hard-coded 12
components that maximize its chance of achieving its goals [__________ / _________ / 13
__________]. While intelligent agents as systems that use artificial intelligence are an 14
important application of AI, many AI systems do not perform any procedural (hard-coded) steps 15
with the outputs of the AI at all, such as computer vision, speech recognition, or recommender 16
systems (often not even deciding on an output from probabilities, but outputting several). 17
The term "artificial intelligence" had previously been used to describe machines that mimic and 18
display "human" cognitive skills that are associated with the human mind, such as "learning" 19
and "problem-solving". This definition has since been rejected by major AI researchers who 20
now describe AI in terms of rationality and acting rationally, which does not limit how 21
intelligence can be articulated. [___________ / ___________] 22
AI applications include advanced web search engines (e.g., Google), recommendation systems 23
(used by YouTube, Amazon and Netflix), understanding human speech (such as Siri and 24
Alexa), self-driving cars (e.g., Tesla), automated decision-making and competing at the highest 25
level in strategic game systems (such as chess and Go) [___________]. As machines become 26
increasingly capable, tasks considered to require "intelligence" are often removed from the 27
definition of AI, a phenomenon known as the AI effect. For instance, optical character 28
recognition is frequently excluded from things considered to be AI, having become a routine 28
technology. 30
Artificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1956, and in the years since 31
has experienced several waves of optimism, followed by disappointment and the loss of funding 32
(known as an "AI winter"), followed by new approaches, success and renewed funding 33
[___________]. AI research has tried and discarded many different approaches since its 34
founding, including simulating the brain, modeling human problem solving, formal logic, large 35
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 19

databases of knowledge and imitating animal behavior [__________]. In the first decades of 37
the 21st century, highly mathematical-statistical machine learning has dominated the field, and 38
this technique has proved highly successful, helping to solve many challenging problems 39
throughout industry and academia.
The various sub-fields of AI research are centered around particular goals and the use of 41
particular tools. The traditional goals of AI research can be classed as reasoning, knowledge 42
representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception, and the ability to 43
move and manipulate objects. [__________] General intelligence (the ability to solve an 44
arbitrary problem) [__________] is among the field's long-term goals. To solve these problems, 45
AI researchers have adapted and integrated a wide range of problem-solving techniques – 46
including search and mathematical optimization, formal logic, artificial neural networks, and 47
methods based on statistics, probability and economics. AI also draws upon computer science, 48
psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and many other fields [____________].
The field was founded on the assumption that human intelligence "can be so precisely 50
described that a machine can be made to simulate it". This raised philosophical arguments 51
about the mind and the ethical consequences of creating artificial beings endowed with human- 52
like intelligence; these issues have previously been explored by myth, fiction and philosophy 53
since antiquity. Computer scientists and philosophers have since suggested that AI may 54
become an existential risk to humanity if its rational capacities are not steered towards 55
beneficial goals.
To keep on reading about the subject, please refer to the article Artificial Intelligence Philosophy 57
[___________]. See also AI Control Problem [___________].

1. SINÓNIMOS Y ANTÓNIMOS – Transcriba del texto sinónimos (primera columna) y antónimos

(segunda columna) de las palabras que se indican a continuación
1. exhibited (3) 1. artificial (5)
2. carry out (15) 2. minimize (13)
3. linked (19) 3. later (18)
4. auto (25) 4. accepted (20)
5. big (35) 5. Included in (27)

6. classified (41) 6. seldom (28)

7. objectives (44) 7. slightly (38)

8. makes use of (47) 8. narrow (45)

9. oriented (54) 9. may not (49)

2. Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o FALSAS (F) según el texto.


Se conoce como “Invierno de la IA” al período de desencanto y pérdida de

inversión que sucede a las oleadas de optimismo.

La habilidad para resolver un problema arbitrario se encuentra entre los objetivos a

corto plazo del campo de la IA

El aprendizaje automático altamente matemático-estadístico ha demostrado ser

una técnica muy exitosa y ha dominado el campo en las primeras décadas del siglo
20 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

3. REFERENCIA: Diga a qué/quién remiten los términos siguientes.

This (l. 4):

That (l.7):
Which (l. 11):
Its (l.11)
Its (l.13)
That (l. 18)
That (l. 19)
Who (l. 20)
This technique (38)
It (l. 50)
Its (l. 54)

4. LOCALIZACIÓN EN EL CONTEXTO: Indique en qué líneas se encuentran estas ideas.

Líneas IDEA

Una definición de Inteligencia artificial es: "La teoría y el desarrollo de sistemas

informáticos capaces de realizar tareas que normalmente requieren inteligencia
humana, como la percepción visual, el reconocimiento de voz, la toma de
decisiones y la traducción entre idiomas".

La definición de "inteligencia artificial" como máquinas que imitan y muestran

habilidades cognitivas "humanas", como "aprendizaje" y "resolución de problemas".
ha sido rechazada por los principales investigadores de IA.

A medida que las máquinas se vuelven cada vez más capaces, las tareas que se
consideran que requieren "inteligencia" a menudo se eliminan de la definición de IA,
un fenómeno conocido como el efecto IA.

Para resolver los problemas que plantean los objetivos de la IA, los investigadores
de IA han adaptado e integrado una amplia gama de técnicas de resolución de
problemas, incluida la búsqueda y la optimización matemática, la lógica formal, las
redes neuronales artificiales y los métodos basados en estadísticas, probabilidad y

El campo se fundó en la suposición de que la inteligencia humana "puede

describirse con tanta precisión que se puede hacer que una máquina la simule".
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 21


Para indicar posesión para personas o animales, y en expresiones de tiempo, empleamos el caso
genitivo, el cual se materializa por medio de ['s] (a veces sólo el apóstrofo, si el sustantivo singular o
plural termina en sonido “s”) y equivale a las relaciones de posesión que en castellano vienen indicadas
con la preposición “de”. En el lenguaje científico se lo emplea generalmente para denotar a los autores
de reglas, leyes, teoremas, etc. En forma empírica, entonces:

[A]’s [B] [B] de [A]

Norton's theorem Teorema de Norton

today's systems Los sistemas de hoy en día

(En Inglés) (En castellano)

Galileo's relativity principle _____________________________________________

Bessel's function _____________________________________________

Bernoulli's Theorem _____________________________________________

Mohr's circle _____________________________________________

Mechanical Engineer's Handbook _____________________________________________

Newton’s Laws of Motion _____________________________________________

Instructor's Solutions Manual _____________________________________________

Cramer's Rule _____________________________________________

Cauchy's mathematical contributions _____________________________________________

En los demás casos (objetos inanimados) empleamos la preposición [of].


the endpoints of the interval _____________________________________________

the area of the sector _____________________________________________

the angles of the four-sided figure _____________________________________________

the length of the diagonal _____________________________________________

the image of the line segment ̅̅̅̅

𝑃𝑄 _____________________________________________

the orthogonal projection of a vector _____________________________________________

22 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

 RELACIONES LÓGICO-SEMÁNTICAS – nexos y frases conectoras

Los conectores lógicos son el medio que utilizamos para lograr que un texto no sea una mera
juxtaposición de oraciones. Los conectores y subordinadores unen una oración con otra, un párrafo con
otro, una idea con otra, estableciendo relaciones de diversos tipos, como veremos a continuación.
Pueden situarse al principio o final de una de las ideas para indicar su relación lógica con la idea
posterior o la anterior. Otras veces vinculan ideas que no están necesariamente cercanas.

▪ ADICIÓN-AGREGADO: Agregan datos o información a lo ya dicho.

in addition (to) as well as furthermore moreover

(and) aside from apart from besides

also and also both … and along with

▪ CAUSA: (En general se encuentran en relaciones causa-efecto. Estos nexos introducen una
CAUSA y el EFECTO es la oración a la cual se vincula para completar el significado).

because / because of [since] [as]

due to in view of for

owing to on account of

▪ EFECTO (situación “espejo” con relación a la anterior. Estos nexos introducen un EFECTO y la
CAUSA es la oración a la cual se vincula para completar el significado)

so therefore hence

thus as a consequence as a result

for this reason [then] with the result that

and so consequently

▪ CONDICIÓN: Introducen la condición que debe cumplirse para que se cumpla una Predicción.

if unless as long as / so long as

provided / providing or else should (sintaxis invertida)

but for [when] have / be (sintaxis invertida)

▪ SECUENCIA EN EL TIEMPO: Establecen una relación de tiempo, indicando un suceso anterior,

simultáneo o posterior.

[as] earlier at the same time

after next in the beinning

[when] before at this point / up to this point

[while] later / on first/ly

lately ultimately [then]

at last meanwhile eventually

since then from … to [since]

Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 23

▪ CONTRASTE: vinculan frases cuyos contenidos son opuestos, adversos, contrarios, prevaleciendo
la idea introducida por el conector.

though (but) nevertheless

although however yet

even though in contrast [while]

whereas instead on the other hand

despite conversely in spite of

instead instead of

▪ EJEMPLIFICACIÓN: El componente que sigue al nexo complementa, ejemplifica o redefine lo que

se dice antes.

e.g. for instance such as

for example namely (enumeración)

▪ PROPÓSITO, INTENCIÓN, FINALIDAD: Indican precisamente el propósito por el cual se realiza

lo expresado en la oración principal.

to + infinitivo in order to + infinitivo for + ~ ing

so that so as to

▪ RESÚMEN, RECAPITULACIÓN, CONCLUSIÓN: Introducen un enunciado que cierra, resuelve o

concluye lo anteriormente dicho en el texto.

in conclusion in summary to summarize


above all particularly actually

in other words in particular indeed

most importantly in fact really

▪ ACLARACIÓN: Se ilustra la idea antes expresada.

that is that is to say i.e.

24 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI


Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical devices, i.e., assets, systems, or processes that 1
data scientists and IT personnel can use to run simulations. Digital twins are designed to 2
detect and prevent problems, predict performance, as well as to optimize processes 3
through real-time analytics to deliver business value. 4
If you have not heard of digital twin technology yet, you will surely hear from it pretty 5
soon. While there is plenty of exaggerated and hypothetical talk about a virtual reality 6
world called metaverse, scientists are busy building a three-dimensional simulation of 7
Earth. In other words, they are creating our planet’s digital twin. 8
A Digital Twin is a virtual representation of real-world entities and processes, synchronized 9
at a specified frequency and fidelity. Actually, it is an exact digital replica of a physical 10
object. Engineers use digital twins as part of digital transformation in aerospace 11
manufacturing and, more broadly, Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution. 12
Nevertheless, scientists, doctors, designers and other experts are also starting to use 13
digital twins to monitor and understand the physical world on a deeper level. 14
When defining what a digital twin is, it’s important to realize that we can create digital 15
twins at various levels. Moreover, digital twins can range from the tiniest transistor on a 16
computer chip to something as vast and complicated as our planet’s weather pattern. 17
Digital twins take 3D simulation farther in the life cycle because they reflect changes in the 18
real world. For example, when an architect designs a home, he/she can create a 3D model 19
of that house and even simulate how the structure will hold up as weather and time erode 20
the materials. A digital twin may help us if we want to know how the actual house will be 21
after it is built. If we fear a severe storm may be able to blow a few shingles off the roof, a 22
digital twin may help us include the necessary changes. 23
Engineers use the virtual model to run simulations, and also to apply artificial intelligence 24
and analyze the data they receive. Those insights are then shared with the physical object 25
in the real world, creating a smart system and a constant feedback loop. 26
Digital twins are particularly helpful for projects that involve physically large structures or 27
mechanical complex systems. Therefore, it’s no surprise that the aerospace industry, 28
which involves large and complex designs, is quickly adding digital twin technology to its 29

Realiza los siguientes ejercicios (en papel):

Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 25

Como vimos arriba, los nexos vinculan 2 ideas. Si llamamos IDEA 1 a la que NO contiene al
nexo e IDEA 2 a la que SÍ lo contiene,
a) marca con una cruz [X] dónde se encuentra la IDEA 1 en relación a las siguientes IDEAS 2 que
se traducen (si se localizan ANTES o DESPUES).
b) Escribe en el casillero del NEXO, el TIPO DE RELACIÓN que ese nexo establece, y su
i.e. activos, sistemas o procesos que los científicos de
Aclaración - Es decir
datos y el personal de TI pueden usar para ejecutar

2. as well as para optimizar los procesos a través de análisis en

tiempo real para ofrecer valor empresarial.

3. While se habla mucho y de un modo exagerado e hipotético

sobre un mundo de realidad virtual llamado metaverso

4. In other words están creando el gemelo digital de nuestro planeta.

5. Actually es una réplica digital exacta de un objeto físico

6. when se define qué es un gemelo digital

7. because reflejan los cambios en el mundo real

8. if queremos saber cómo será la casa real después de

que se construya

9. if tememos que una tormenta severa pueda volar

algunas tejas del techo

10. therefore no es de extrañar que la industria aeroespacial esté

agregando rápidamente la tecnología de gemelos
digitales a su conjunto de herramientas.


Indica en el casillero a qué número de IDEA 2 del listado del Ejercicio 1 (arriba) se vinculan
las IDEAS 1 que a continuación se traducen.

Los gemelos digitales son réplicas virtuales de dispositivos físicos,

Los gemelos digitales están diseñados para detectar y prevenir problemas,
predecir el rendimiento,

los científicos están ocupados construyendo una simulación tridimensional

de la Tierra, [a]
26 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

los científicos están ocupados construyendo una simulación tridimensional

de la Tierra, [b]

Un gemelo digital es una representación virtual de entidades y procesos del

mundo real, sincronizados a una frecuencia y fidelidad especificadas.

Es importante darse cuenta de que podemos crear gemelos digitales en

varios niveles.

Los gemelos digitales llevan la simulación 3D más lejos en el ciclo de vida

Un gemelo digital puede ayudarnos,

Un gemelo digital puede ayudarnos a incluir los cambios necesarios.

Los gemelos digitales son particularmente útiles para proyectos que

involucran estructuras físicamente grandes o sistemas mecánicos

Transcriba el nexo de la línea que se indica, diga qué tipo de relación lógica establece Y
TRADUZCA el contexto que le da sentido (IDEA 1 + NEXO + IDEA 2 o NEXO + IDEA 2 +
IDEA 1, según esté en el texto)

Los gemelos digitales son réplicas virtuales de dispositivos físicos,
Línea i.e. es decir, activos, sistemas o procesos que los científicos de datos y
1 Aclaración el personal de TI pueden usar para ejecutar simulaciones.






Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 27

ATENCIÓN: El ejercicio de NEXOS en la UV consta de 3 ejercicios de 3 partes cada uno:

A. Se provee la IDEA 1 (la que NO contiene al nexo). Para facilitar la localización de la IDEA 2
se colocan puntos suspensivos entre corchetes […] adelante o detrás de la misma, según
dónde se localice la otra idea.
B. En el primer casillero de abajo, se debe TRANSCRIBIR (COPIAR) el NEXO (en INGLÉS)
C. En el segundo casillero de abajo (a la derecha del primero) se debe ELEGIR el tipo de
RELACIÓN que ese nexo establece, a partir de un menú desplegable.
D. En el tercer casillero (debajo de los 2 anteriores) se debe elegir la oración que representa la
IDEA 2 (atención, hay 2 oraciones iguales, pero sólo una tiene el nexo correcto en español)
E. Se repite el mismo procedimiento con las otras 2 IDEAS 1 provistas.


Realiza ahora los siguientes ejercicios de LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN sobre el texto.

1. SINÓNIMOS Y ANTÓNIMOS – Transcriba del texto sinónimos (primera columna) y antónimos

(segunda columna) de las palabras que se indican a continuación

1. may (2) 1. intangible (1)
2. forecast (3) 2. imaginary (9)
3. so far (5) 3. hypothetically (10)
4. magnified (6) 4. largest (16)
5. occupied (7) 5. easy (17)

6. understand (15) 6. variable (26)

7. resist (20) 7. generally (27)

8. real (21) 8. nothing (título)

9. execute (24) 9. small (29)

28 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

2. Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o FALSAS (F) según el texto.


Seguramente ha sido lindo si escuchaste de la tecnología de gemelos digitales


Un gemelo digital es en realidad una réplica digital exacta de un objeto físico.

Un gemelo digital puede ayudarnos si queremos conocer el diseño actual de una

casa en construcción.

3. REFERENCIA: Diga a qué/quién remiten los términos siguientes.

that (l. 1)

you (l.5):

it (l. 5):

they (l.8)
it (l.10)

we (l. 15)
they (l. 18)

he/she (19)

it (l.22)

they (l. 25)

that (l. 27):

which (l. 29)

its (l. 29)

4. FUNCIONES COMUNICATIVAS: Identificar función comunicativa que prevalece en las

oraciones que se encuentran entre las siguientes líneas (se considera la oración completa,
no fragmentos de líneas):

Líneas Función Comunicativa que prevalece


9 y 10

16 y 17

25 y 26
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 29


GRADO COMPARATIVO: Comparemos una persona A con una persona B.

Podemos decir que A es más veloz que B, [COMPARATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD]

A es menos veloz que B [COMPARATIVO DE INFERIORIDAD] o
A es tan veloz como B [COMPARATIVO DE IGUALDAD]
En los 3 casos estaríamos comparando a la persona A y a la persona B acudiendo a un adjetivo (veloz,
que califica a la persona) en los grados comparativos de superioridad, inferioridad e igualdad,

También podríamos decir que A corre mas veloz que B, [COMPARATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD]
A corre menos veloz que B, [COMPARATIVO DE INFERIORIDAD] o
A corre tan veloz como B [COMPARATIVO DE IGUALDAD]
En estos 3 casos estaríamos comparando la forma en que corre el sujeto A y el sujeto B, por medio de
un adverbio (veloz, que modifica al verbo correr) en los grados comparativos de superioridad,
inferioridad e igualdad, respectivamente.

GRADO SUPERLATIVO: Si comparamos a la persona A con un universo de personas determinado,

encontramos que sólo podemos decir que A es el más veloz [SUPERLATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD] o
A es el menos veloz [SUPERLATIVO DE INFERIORIDAD] de ese grupo con quien lo estamos
comparando. Es decir, cuando se trata de grado superlativo, sólo tenemos dos grados, de superioridad
y de inferioridad.
30 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

EJERCICIO: Determine el TIPO (Grado Comparativo o Superlativo y si es de superioridad,

inferioridad o igualdad) para las frases en negritas, y tradúzcalas en el contexto previsto.

1. Purchase options on the metaverse are as limitless as people's imaginations.

2. Digital twins can range from the tiniest transistor on a computer chip to something as vast and
complicated as our planet’s weather pattern.

3. Insider compiled a list of tech breakthroughs that are far less expensive than the metaverse.

4. Facebook's Metaverse Is Apparently Filled with Mostly Empty 'Sad' Worlds. Zuckerberg's big VR
investment is less popular than Second Life.

5. Digital twins can take real-time IoT data and apply AI and data analytics. Digital-twin scenarios can
include smaller and less complex objects.

6. A digital twin can be as complicated or as simple as you like.

7. In contrast with many emerging technologies that are driven by the tiniest startups, commercial
digital-twin offerings are coming from some of the largest companies in the field.

8. On Wednesday, Meta reported a quarterly loss of $3.67 billion in its Reality Labs, the unit
responsible for delivering on Mark Zuckerberg’s metaverse plans. Those losses, in part due to lower
sales of the Quest 2 virtual-reality headset, added to Meta’s overall disappointing financial

9. Interactions of VR are making the world feel a little bit smaller. “If I could be with you in a physical
room right now, that’s going to be better than this,” Vishal Shah, the vice president, metaverse at
Meta, says to me as I sit across from his avatar in a virtual meeting room. “But this is far better than
a video call. As humans, we do crave this social connection—and this is the best way to experience
that in a digital form.”
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 31


Electric vehicles are not just the wave of the future, they are saving lives today.
Things to know about electric vehicles — and how you can make the future electric.
Electric vehicles now include cars, transit buses, trucks of all sizes, and 1
even big-rig tractor trailers that are at least partially powered by 2
electricity. 3
Electric vehicles fall into three main categories: 4
• Battery electric vehicles are powered by electricity stored in a battery 5
pack. 6
• Plug-in hybrids combine a gasoline or diesel engine with an electric 7
motor and large rechargeable battery. 8

• Fuel cell vehicles split electrons from hydrogen molecules to produce 9

electricity to run the motor. 10

It is more than just passenger cars now — from New York to 10

Mississippi, you may find yourself on a quieter, electric transit bus. 11
The first electric fire truck in the nation will be welcomed by 12
Angelenos in 2021 — and in the coming years, electric sanitation 13
trucks will be quietly gliding through neighborhoods to pick up 14
garbage and recycling, and more electric trucks will be delivering 15
packages from warehouses to homes, air pollution-free and more 16
efficiently. 17
Electric vehicles are saving the climate — and our lives. Here’s how: 18
Transportation. To solve the climate crisis, we need to make the 19
vehicles on our roads as clean as possible. We have only a decade 20
left to change the way we use energy to avoid the worst impacts of 21
climate change. 22
Emissions from cars and trucks are bad for our planet, and they are worse for our health. 23
The longer-term health impacts of localized air pollution last a lifetime, with the effects reflected 24
in asthma attacks, lung damage, and heart conditions. 25
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, a study by Harvard University found “a striking 26
association between long-term exposure to harmful fine particulate matter and COVID-19 27
mortality in the United States”. One of the most relevant causes of fine particulate matter 28
pollution (PM2.5) is combustion from gasoline and diesel car engines. 29
Electric vehicles have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline-powered cars, no matter where 30
your electricity comes from. The electricity that charges battery electric and plug-in hybrid 31
vehicles comes from power grids, which rely on a range of sources — from fossil fuels to cleaner 32
renewable energy. Energy grids can vary from one state to another, which means that the carbon 33
footprint of driving an electric vehicle ranges depending on the source of its electricity. 34
32 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

1. Determine el tipo de comparativo/superlativo de las palabras subrayadas y tradúzcalo.

Línea Tipo Traducción










2. Funciones Comunicativas: diga qué funciones se han utilizado en las líneas siguientes

Líneas Función comunicativa





3. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (a). Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o

FALSAS (F) según el texto. Consigne los renglones de referencia.

V/F ORACION Renglón/es

Los vehículos eléctricos dejan una huella de carbono menor que los demás.
La huella de carbono de un vehículo eléctrico depende de la fuente de
electricidad que utiliza.
Sólo nos queda una década para revertir los peores impactos del cambio
Angelenos es la marca del primer camión de bomberos eléctrico que se
pondrá en funcionamiento durante 2021.
4. REFERENCIA – (¿A qué remiten los siguientes términos?)

you (12) we (20)

yourself (12) they (24)

our (19) your (32)


comprise (1) totally (2)

softly (15) combine (9)

distributing (16) noisier (12)

damaging (28) larger (31)

Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 33




Students investigate methods to remove arsenic and fluoride from water

1. Identifique los verbos, la Voz y el Tiempo en que se encuentran.
2. ¿Cuales verbos indican FUTURIDAD?
3. Identifique todos los verbos en INFINITIVO
4. Que función cumple el infinitivo en cada caso? (Sujeto de la oración, completa el significado de otro
verbo, indica própósito, complemento indispensable del predicado)
5. ¿Qué otra forma de indicar propósito encuentra en el texto?
6. ¿Qué funciones comunicativas predominan en este texto?
34 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

RESPONDER estas preguntas en español

1. ¿Cual es la motivación que tiene A.M. Torres para dedicarse al tratamiento de aguas?
2. ¿Que problemas enfrentan las comunidades fronterizas pequeñas en Nuevo Méjico?
3. Enumere los problemas que ocasiona el Arsénico.
4. ¿Qué influencia tiene el tamaño del poro del oxido de aluminio que se tutiliza en el tratamiento de
5. ¿Cómo es el método de osmosis inversa?
REFERENCIA – (¿A qué remiten?)
1. her (l. 2) __________________________________________________________________
2. our (l. 5) __________________________________________________________________
3. they (l.16) __________________________________________________________________
4. them (l. 21) __________________________________________________________________
5. it (l. 27) __________________________________________________________________
6. my (l. 33) __________________________________________________________________


1. A.M.Torres pertenece a la comunidad de Columbus en Nueva Méjico.

2. La universidad de Columbus favorece el trabajo de los estudiantes mejicanos

3. El tamaño de los poros en el oxido de aluminio tiene significativa importancia a los fines
de su utilidad como decontaminante
4. El método de osmosis inversa es mas costoso desde múltiples puntos de vista

5. Torres tiene fuertes motivaciones personales y familiares para participar de los proyectos
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 35


Las palabras en inglés terminadas en –ing (Participio Presente, en Inglés) pueden ser utilizadas en ese
idioma para desempeñar una serie de funciones dentro de la oración que no pueden ser desempeñadas
en idioma español por el gerundio (–ando / –endo). A continuación veremos las diversas traducciones
que pueden tener las palabras terminadas en –ing según sea su función dentro de cada oración.




[3] Como GERUNDIO, indicando el MODO en que algo sucede o se realiza
[4] Como GERUNDIO, indicando el MÉTODO de realización
[5] Como GERUNDIO, en los tiempos verbales CONTINUOS
[7] Como INFINITIVO, indicando propósito
[8] Como INFINITIVO, como objeto de una preposición
[9] Como INFINITIVO, acompañando a otro verbo
[10] Como INFINITIVO, reemplazando a un sustantivo
[11] Como QUE + VERBO CONJUGADO, cuando se usa para simplificar una oración adjetiva post-
a) Decanting and centrifuging are two very important processes in Chemistry.
b) Aerodynamics, from Greek ἀήρ aer (air) + δυναμική (dynamics), is a branch of dynamics
concerned with studying the motion of air, particularly when it interacts with a solid object, such
as an airplane wing.
c) Aerodynamics is important in a number of applications other than aerospace engineering.
d) Artificial intelligence has applications in the financial industry, where it is used to detect and flag
activity in banking and finance such as unusual debit card usage and large account deposits—
all of which help a bank's fraud department.
a) AI is being tested and used in the healthcare industry for surgical procedures in the operating
b) The decanting bottle must be duly cleansed before use.
c) Self-driving cars may remove the need for taxis and car-share programs
3. Como GERUNDIO, indicando el MODO en que algo sucede o se realiza
a) The molecules of the gas inside the pump are in constant motion, bumping into one another and
into the walls of the pump.
b) How to Improve Production Efficiency by Applying Industrial Engineering Methods
c) Immiscible liquids (such as water and cooking oil) can be separated by using a separating
d) AI Applications assist trading by making supply, demand, and pricing of securities easier to
36 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

4. Como GERUNDIO, indicando el MÉTODO de realización

a) The molecules of the gas inside the pump can be compressed by gently pushing down the
b) You can separate a solution simply (by) letting the solvent evaporate.
c) Pollutants can be hidden from sight (by) covering the dumping area with soil.

5. Como GERUNDIO, en los tiempos verbales CONTINUOS

a) AI is being tested and used in the healthcare industry
b) Applications for AI are also being used to help streamline and make trading easier.
c) The engineer cannot be disturbed. He is working on the restricted area of the manufacturing
d) It is sometimes said that validation can be expressed by the query "Are you building the right
thing?" and verification by "Are you building it right?" "Building the right thing" refers back to the
user's needs, while "building it right" checks that the specifications are correctly implemented by
the system.


a) Having visited the laboratory during the process, it was very easy to write the essay on
b) If you are applying for Industrial Engineering jobs, it is important to make a striking first
impression with your CV. Having secured an interview, you can get ahead of the competition by
preparing for the questions that your prospective employers will ask.

7. Como INFINITIVO, indicando propósito

a) These are the clues for understanding the theorem.
b) The elements for designing the matrix can all be found in the manual.
c) In some contexts, it is required to have written requirements as well as formal procedures or
protocols for determining compliance.
d) AI is being tested and used in the healthcare industry for dosing drugs and different treatment
in patients, and for surgical procedures

8. Como INFINITIVO, como objeto de una preposición

a) The ideal characteristic of artificial intelligence is its ability to rationalize and take actions that
have the best chance of achieving a specific goal.
b) I cannot fully understand German texts without reading them twice.
c) In addition to implementing the zero-pressure standard state, Peter Morris et al have
investigated the infinite-pressure standard state.
d) Chemical engineers are experts in applying mathematics, engineering and psychological
principles to improve productivity, safety and quality.

9. Como INFINITIVO, acompañando a otro verbo

a) The students started making a great noise despite the SILENCE sign on the wall.
b) The company stopped performing audits on existing infrastructure despite regulatory advice.

10. Como INFINITIVO, reemplazando a un sustantivo

a) Reading is an excelent habit.
b) [Vuelva al punto 1 y analice cuáles de los que tradujo como sustantivos pueden ser
reemplazados por infinitivos]
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 37

11. Como QUE + VERBO CONJUGADO, cuando se usa para simplificar una oración adjetiva
a) Mixtures containing a solid and a solvent can be separated by using a decanter, and then simply
pouring the liquid off
b) Using complex models for "projects" (or rather "tasks") spanning a few weeks has proved to
cause unnecessary costs and low maneuverability in several cases.
c) Supersonic aerodynamic problems are those involving flow speeds greater than the speed of


Veamos ejemplos del texto “Students investigate methods to remove arsenic and fluoride from

1. Skills learned while studying to become a chemical engineer.

2. chemical engineering students.

3. a cost-efficient method of reducing the high levels of arsenic and fluoride.

4. Columbus, N.M., and Palomas, Mexico, drinking water.

5. Small communities along the border are suffering from a lack of practical water purification methods.

6. High quantities of arsenic and fluoride in water are harmful when used for cleaning.

7. The engineering students are working with mesoporous alumina.

8. The team is now researching a cleverer way to remove fluoride.

9. students may be able to remove fluoride by modifying the sol-gel alumina’s surface area.
38 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI



I can go to New York - Puedo ir a New York (posibilidad física)

You can go to New York - Puedes ir a New York (posibilidad física /o/ permiso)

I could go to New York - Podría ir a New York (opción personal /o/ posibilidad en pasado)

I may go to New York - Puedo ir a New York (posibilidad, opción personal)

You may go to New York - Puedes ir a New York (posibilidad física /o/ permiso)

I might go to New York - Podría ir a New York (posibilidad remota) (Potencial)

I must go to New York - Debo ir a New York (obligación)

You must be from New York – Debes ser de New York (deducción)

I should go to New York - Debería ir a New York (conveniencia)

You should go to New York - Debería ir a New York (consejo)

I ought to go to New York - Debo ir a New York (obligación moral)

I need (to) go to New York - Necesito ir a New York (necesidad)

Un Verbo Modal (modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) es un tipo especial de verbo auxiliar
que se usa para imprimir modalidad al verbo principal al cual acompaña (posibilidad, habilidad, permiso,
obligación, necesidad). Componen una clase diferente de verbos en el idioma inglés.

Los verbos modales, en general, comparten ciertas características gramaticales entre sí:

1. Son verbos “auxiliares” como be, do, y have, es decir, que acompañan a un verbo principal, portador
del sentido principal, pero a diferencia de éstos, imprimen al verbo principal una modalidad,
modificando el sentido funcional.

2. Como “auxiliares”, permiten la inversión necesaria para armar interrogaciones, y aceptan la forma
de negaciones (la partícula negativa “not”)

3. Son verbos defectivos, y como tales, no son conjugables en tiempos distintos. Existen, no obstante,
expresiones modales sinónimas que pueden ser usadas en todos los tiempos conjugados, e incluso
aceptan ser acompañados por verbos modales.
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 39


a) Observa qué tipo de modalidad imprime cada uno de los verbos modales marcados en el texto.
b) Determina si se trata de modalidad sobre el eje del Poder / Deber / Necesidad, y la subcategoría.
c) Traducelos en el contexto que les da sentido.




40 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

La comprensión auditiva es otra de las destrezas lingüísticas fundamentales. Se refiere a la
interpretación del discurso oral contextualizado. En ella intervienen, además del componente
estrictamente lingüístico, factores cognitivos, perceptivos, de actitud y sociológicos.
Se ha seleccionado una presentación referida al tema ECONOMÍA CIRCULAR. El
vocabulario allí contenido no debería resultarle ajeno ni desconocido si ha realizado
previamente los ejercicios previstos en la unidad correspondiente.
En su curso de la Universidad Virtual busque el ejercicio correspondiente a LISTENING
COMPREHENSION (Ejercicio Obligatorio N° 6) y siga estas consignas:

1) Escuche la PRESENTACIÓN una vez (trate, en cuanto le sea posible, de desactivar

la transcripción automática o de tapar la transcripción con un papel)

2) Abra la ejercitación y trate de completar todos aquellos ejercicios sobre los cuales se
siente seguro de haber entendido lo que se espera que responda.

3) Escuche la PRESENTACIÓN una segunda vez.

4) Vuelva a los ejercicios y responda los que hayan quedado sin responder.

5) Escuche la PRESENTACIÓN una tercera vez, esta vez sin tapar la transcripción, y
corrobore la veracidad de sus respuestas.

6) Envíe las respuestas para completar el ejercicio.

El plazo máximo de presentación de este ejercicio es el 5 de Abril (para quienes

suponen que aprobaron la Prueba de Suficiencia) o del 31 de julio de 2023 (quienes
cursan la materia)
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 41


Résumé vs CV in brief
A résumé, sometimes spelled resume (or alternatively resumé), in some parts of the world also 1
called a curriculum vitae (CV), is a document created and used by a person to present his/her 2
background, skills, and accomplishments. Résumés can be used for a variety of reasons, but most 3
often they are used to secure new employment. 4

Among the key differences between a Resume and a curriculum vitae, or CV, we include the 5
document’s length, its contents and purpose. You should take note of which region of the world 6
you’re applying in, plus your career path, when deciding which is more appropriate to use. 7

Most notably, in the United States, a Resume should be a concise and curated collection of your 8
professional experience, skills and qualifications that are strictly relevant to the job you’re applying 9
for. In contrast, a CV is more comprehensive, presenting an in-depth history of your professional 10
and academic credentials and accomplishments. 11

1. Length 12

Since a resume includes your skills and qualifications for a specific role, it should typically be just 13
one or two pages. A CV won’t have a length limit and is much longer than most Resumes because it 14
includes more information and more detailed descriptions of coursework, research, publications or 15
presentations. 16

2. Experience/career type 17

Resumes are used when applying for jobs in the private or public sectors which are often referred 18
to as “industry positions” in contrast to academia. By contrast, CVs are mostly used to apply for 19
academic roles or programs, grants, fellowships and research or teaching positions. You may have 20
a CV if you’re currently applying to or have graduated from a master's or doctoral program, or if 21
you work as a professor or researcher at an academic institution. 22

3. Geographic location 23

In the U.S., a Resume and CV are two distinctly different types of documents used for different 24
purposes. In other regions of the world, such as the UK, New Zealand and parts of Europe, 25
employers use the term CV to describe both CV and Resume-style documents and don’t use the 26
term “Resume” at all. In South Africa, Australia and India, the terms CV and Resume are often used 27
interchangeably. 28

What is an undergraduate CV? 29

An undergraduate CV is a document that outlines your academic career and gives the hiring 30
manager an idea of your skills, work ethic, knowledge, and accomplishments. Students in 31
undergraduate programs may choose to create a CV as an alternative to a Resume when applying 32
for internships, fellowships, and volunteer opportunities. The CV can help compensate for a lack of 33
work experience by focusing on positive academic experiences. 34
42 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

1. IDEA PRINCIPAL E IDEAS SECUNDARIAS: diga cuál de las siguientes es la idea principal
del texto y LOCALICE la idea principal y las siguientes ideas secundarias en el texto.

PRINCIPAL / líneas
Los estudiantes en programas de pregrado pueden optar por crear un CV como
alternativa a un currículum al solicitar pasantías, becas y oportunidades de voluntariado
Los Résumes se utilizan para presentarse a empleos en los sectores público o privado, a
menudo denominados "puestos de la industria" en contraste con puestos académicos.
En los Estados Unidos, un Résume debe ser una colección concisa y específica de su
experiencia profesional, y las habilidades y calificaciones que sean estrictamente
relevantes para el trabajo que está solicitando.
Las diferencias principales entre un Résume y un currículum vitae, o CV, se centran en la
longitud del documento, su contenido y su propósito.
Un CV no tendrá un límite de longitud y es mucho más largo que la mayoría de los
Resumes porque incluye más información y descripciones más detalladas de cursos,
investigaciones, publicaciones o presentaciones.

2. FUNCIONES COMUNICATIVAS: diga qué funciones se han utilizado en las líneas:

Líneas Función comunicativa

8 a 11
13 a 16

3. LECTOCOMPRENSIÓN (a). Indique si las siguientes oraciones son VERDADERAS (V) o

FALSAS (F) según el texto. Consigne los renglones de referencia.

V/F ORACION Renglón/es

En los EEUU los términos Resume y CV son intercambiables.

En Nueva Zelanda y algunas partes de Europa sólo utilizan el término CV.

Los Resumes se utilizan principalmente para búsquedas laborales.

Los Resumes son más abarcativos y presentan una historia fundada de
logros y méritos profesionales y académicos.

4. REFERENCIA – (¿A qué remiten los siguientes términos?)

his/her (2) we (5)

your (7) they (4)
it (13) your (10)
it (14) which (18)
that (30) you (22)
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 43



achievements (3) similarities (5)

pay attention to (6) less (7)
more extensive(14) loosely (9)
chiefly (19) generic (13)

6. NEXOS: Transcriba el nexo, diga qué tipo de relación establece y tradúzcalo con el
contexto que le da sentido


Puedes redactar un CV si te estás presentando a -o eres ya

Línea if
21 fin Condición graduado de- un programa de Máster o Doctorado.








44 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI


TAREA INDIVIDUAL OBLIGATORIA: Lea detenidamente estos Consejos para Redactar un CV de
Pregrado, y redacte un CV para postular a una Beca Estudiantil en una carrera afín en una
universidad extranjera. Deberá subirlo en su curso de la UV en FORMATO PDF a la aleta
correspondiente antes del 5 de Abril (quienes suponen que aprobaron la Prueba de Suficiencia) o del
5 de noviembre de 2023 (quienes cursan la materia).
How to write an undergraduate CV

Here are 10 steps you can take to write an effective CV that outlines and highlights your undergraduate experience and skills:

1. Include your personal and contact information

Since you use a CV when applying for work or experience opportunities, it's important to ensure the reader knows who you
are and how to contact you. Provide your full name, professional email and primary phone number. Make sure that all your
information is accurate and formatted correctly so that others can contact you about your application.

2. Summarize your education

Your CV explains your education in greater detail, but you can begin with a brief summary. This section includes the name of
your university, your major, any minors, your expected graduation year and your GPA. This provides hiring managers with
basic information about your goals, abilities and graduation date at a glance. You can provide further detail about exact
courses and academic achievements in later sections.

3. Outline your courses and interests

If you're using your CV to apply for opportunities, outline the specific areas or topics that interest you. Specifying an area of
specialty shows a passion for the topic and knowledge of the field. This section can also include any college courses you took
that address your areas of interest. Having training and experience in your areas of interest shows you possess the
foundational knowledge and skills to succeed in your chosen field and expertise.

4. Explain your research experience

Add any previous research positions to your CV. For each position, include the official title of the position, the months or
years that you served in the role and a detailed description of the duties, skills and results of your research. Highlighting your
experience and including an account of your work abilities can distinguish you as an experienced candidate for new

5. Include your publications and presentations

In your undergraduate career, you may work on published papers, reports and presentations. Include links and descriptions
of these published materials that highlight your skills and accomplishments. This allows the reader to see your previous work
and establishes your ability to produce high-quality work.

6. Describe your skills

Highlight any skills acquired throughout your college courses, internship experiences, research roles and academic journey
on your CV. List all of your applicable skills and use action verbs that convey a strong work ethic. This provides the hiring
manager with a summation of your skills and shows your ability to meet the needs of the position.

7. List your extracurricular activities

Listing all your extracurricular activities provides an idea of your interests, personality and skills. Include both activities related
to your areas of interest and activities that aren't directly related. Having a list of activities and group memberships shows
you're an active participant and you have the ability to interact with and get along with others.

8. Highlight your accomplishments

Academic accomplishments such as a high Grade Point Average (GPA), class rank, honors award and additional certifications
can distinguish you as a candidate with high-level knowledge in your area of expertise. List these accomplishments and
Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI 45

provide the date for the given award. Highlighting academic achievements shows your ability to work hard and achieve

9. Show your fellowships and scholarships

A CV offers the opportunity to display any fellowships or scholarships that you earned in your undergraduate career. List the
title of the awarded scholarship, the amount earned and the date given. Providing this information conveys your skills in
acquiring funding and writing scholarship requests.

10. Include references

The end of a CV typically includes a list of references. For an undergraduate, your references may include professors, advisers,
researchers or coworkers who can attest to your skills, work ethic, interpersonal skills and knowledge. Try to provide a
minimum of three professional references who can talk to hiring managers and advocate for your candidacy on your behalf.
Ensure that each reference listing includes their full name, position and contact information, such as email or phone number.

TE ADJUNTO UN MODELO, SÓLO COMO REFERENCIA. Crea tu propio modelo! Recuerda que es tu carta de presentación y
que definirá si te convocan o no a la entrevista.


Soon-to-be graduate with a BA in English, specializing in creative writing. Have over one year of
experience working in journalism with Skyline Publishing Press. Strong oral and written
communication, creative writing, and copy-editing skills. Seeking to leverage my academic
background and writing skills to fill a journalism position at New York Publishing Press.

(212) 538-5492 678 E Rally Lane, Newark, NJ 07108


Bachelor of Art in English
Expected graduation: May 2022
GPA: 3.8/4.0
Dean’s list for 4 consecutive semesters

Relevant Coursework: Non-fiction and creative writing, Modern

American literature and culture, News writing, Multicultural writing,
Public affairs reporting


EXPERIENCE Journalism Intern
May 2020–present

• Prepared and edited press releases, and researched stories to

pitch news ideas on trending topics
• Assisted reporting team in a 24/7, fast-paced environment with
live broadcasts by coordinating with news staff and
photographers to arrive on-site
• Personally wrote, edited, and published 20+ news stories in 1

Door Greeter
January 2016–June 2018

• Greeted an average of 500+ people daily, directing them to

different departments or Walmart associates to address their
• Assisted with diffusing issues that arose between customers
and associates
• Received 95% satisfaction rating from customers and
associates, and received employee of the month award 4 times
within a 2 year period

KEY SKILLS • Oral and written communication

46 Apunte Inglés I 2023 – Prof. DEZA & ZANINETTI

BLANK TEXT - Renewable energy

[1] Renewable energy is a practical, affordable solution to our electricity needs. By ramping up 1
renewable energy, we can: 2
• Reduce air pollution. 3
• Cut global warming emissions. 4
• Create new jobs and industries. 5

• Diversify our power supply. 6

• Decrease dependence on coal and other fossil fuels. 7

• Move America toward a cleaner, healthier energy 8

future. 9
[2] We have the technologies and resources to reliably produce at least 40 percent of our 10
electricity from renewable energy sources within the next 20 years, and 80 percent by 2050. 11
[3] Renewable energy is growing rapidly, with record numbers of new wind and solar installations 12
coming online in the US every year. We can readily continue this rapid expansion of 13
renewable energy by utilizing existing technologies, investing in improvements to our 14
electricity system, and making smart policy decisions that move the country toward a clean 15
energy future. 16
[4] Appropriate government incentives can be an important tool to speed deployment and reduce 17
costs for clean energy technologies. In recent years there has been modest federal support 18
for renewables like wind and solar power, but it pales in comparison to the large government 19
subsidies that continue to prop up coal, natural gas, and nuclear power. 20
[5] We need a fair and stable federal tax policy for renewable energy that will attract new 21
investments and maintain the strong growth that renewables have experienced in recent 22
years. 23
[6] The Production Tax Credit (PTC)—a federal incentive that provides crucial financial support 24
for the first ten years of a renewable energy facility's operation—offers a striking example of 25
the benefits, and challenges, of establishing smart government policies for renewable energy. 26
[7] The power lines, transformers, and control stations that make up our current energy grid are 27
old, increasingly unreliable, and not adequate to handle a significant increase in renewable 28
energy. 29
[8] To move toward a cleaner energy economy, we must improve our nation’s electrical grid, as 30
well as construct the transmission infrastructure needed to connect renewable energy 31
facilities to cities and regions with high power demand. 32

Elabora ejercicios de lecto-comprensión sobre las palabras subrayadas, siguiendo el esquema
propuesto en clases para cada tipo de estructuras, a saber:
1) Referencia
2) Nexos
3) Usos de las formas –ing e infinitivo
4) Comparativos y superlativos
5) Antónimos y sinónimos
6) Preguntas y respuestas
7) Verdadero / Falso y localización de información

Toma ejercicios anteriores del cuadernillo como ejemplo.

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