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por BexXn Lavrants, el obstinado capitán del ojo


Matthew salvó a Lady Talena y a los otros íncubos de la Casa Moreau, pero no fue entregado a Malarath. En cambio, pasó
más tiempo con Tarrick y Rosaline hasta que decidió que está listo para encontrarse con el Gran Rey.


Ok, este entonces AU comenzó como una broma, pero se desarrolló extraordinariamente después de que un amigo mío dibujó un pequeño Concepto de Matthew, Vik

y Hiroto siendo amigos y teniendo una fiesta de pijamas.



Beautiful Monsters, y Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto y todos sus maravillosos personajes no me pertenecen. Son

propiedad de Jex Lane.

No gano dinero con esto, sólo tus felicitaciones y comentarios.

Ver el final del trabajo para más notas.



No sabía qué hacer.

Por un lado, estaba casi eufórico: su hija estaba de regreso en casa, junto con otros íncubOs. Ocho Señores Vampiros fueron
llevados sin víctimas. Nueva Orleans estaba bajo control de los Incubi. Matthew había dado un espectáculo realmente bueno,

ganándose el respeto de los cazadores y la admiración y aprobación de los asistentes íncubos a la fiesta.

Pero, por otro lado, se sentía terrible. Matthew desobedeció la orden del Gran Rey y eso significó castigo. Castigo
severo. También desobedeció a Tarrick, ya que se estaba volando.
Y obligó a Silva, traicionando su confianza.

Mateo merecía ser elogiado, pero castigado. Y, por supuesto, él, como Alto General, debería informar al Gran Rey al respecto. Era lo que

había que hacer. Entonces... ¿Por qué se sintió tan incómodo? ¿Por qué no se había teletransportado hacia High Tower para


Vimos el montón de papeles y la tableta en su escritorio y suspiramos. Deseando que Matthew estuviera allí, junto a su


Un suave golpe lo sacó de su dilema: según los guardias, Lady Rosaline estaba afuera de su habitación, solicitando reunirse con él

de inmediato.

*¿Si? -Preguntó mientras abría la puerta.

Necesito hablar" Dijo Rosaline con una seriedad poco común "Sobre él
Tarrick la dejó entrar y saludó a la cámara. Lo escuchó apagarse y caminar hacia Rosaline.

No puedes contarle a Malarath lo que pasó. Rosaline parecía resultado, de una manera desconcertante.

"¿What?" No podía creerlo. ¿Rosalina? ¿Pedirle que le oculte algo al Gran Rey?

"No puede saberlo... Todavía no", insistió. Si lo sabe, probablemente pedirá que transfieran a Matthew a High Tower, y no está

preparado para eso. "Ella parecía segura de eso. "Matthew sabe muy poco sobre nosotros. , sobre nuestras costumbres y nuestro

mundo. Ayer demostró que realmente cree en nosotros, los Incubos y..
Creo que deberíamos demostrarle que creemos en él antes de arrojarlo a los leones.

"¿Estás segura de que no estás lista, Lady Rosaline?" Preguntó Tarrick, ocultando perfectamente su emoción.

No quería que Rosaline supiera cuánto quería mantener a Matthew a su lado. "Como dijiste, nos demostró su valía.

entonces, ¿por qué no se debería informar de eso al Gran Rey? Seguro que estará contento.

"¡Por supuesto que estará contento!" exclamó Rosaline visiblemente molesta "Pero si te ordena que entregues a Matthew lo harás.
Y eso lastimaría a Matthew y probablemente destruiría la poca confianza que hemos logrado hacerle sentir"

* ¡Entonces debería ser un honor para él ser solicitado por el propio Gran Rey!" Respondió Tarrick, deseando secretamente que
Rosaline le diera argumentos suficientes para evitar despedir a Matthew.

*;¡No lo será!" Gritó Rosaline "No había pasado suficiente tiempo con nosotros para respetar al Gran Rey! ¡El lo desobedeció a
sabiendas y se fue a Nueva Orleans! Él... Él es." Rosaline susspiró "Es como un niño pequeño, descubriendo el mundo,

conociendo quién es... Construyendo su propio hogar"

"Y besándonos con los que están en eso" le dijo, sentándose en su cama. "También mató a ocho Señores a sangre fría, Rosaline.

Él es un arma"

Rosaline lo abofeteó tan fuerte que resonó en toda la habitación, con los ojos ilenos de ira y odio.

*¡Ếl es una persona, un Incubus como tú y como yo!" Ella gruñó antes de salir furiosa.

Se tocó la mejilla y sintió que le dolía tiernamente. Tenía razón en todo. El no se lo diría, por supuesto, ella no necesitaba saberlo.
Pero tenía razón: Matthew no estaba listo para ser convocado.

Yél no estaba listo para separarse de él.

Pero tuvo que transmitir la información.

Lo había hecho, por supuesto.

Para alguien que lo superaba en rango...

Capítulo 1

resumen del capitulo

Matthew se despierta en su dormitorio, gracias a los dioses. Y le dicen su castigo.

[Le dijiste que si intentaba rescatar a Lady Talena sería ejecutado por su deslealtad" Matthew sabía que esa era la
respuesta que Tarrick esperaba, y eso lo hirió gravemente.]

Notas del capitulo

IMPORTANTE: Este capítulo contiene contenido homosexual explícito.


Beautiful Monsters, y Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto y todos sus maravillosos personajes no me

pertenecen. Son propiedad de Jex Lane.

No gano dinerO Con esto, sólo tus felicitaciones y comentarios.

Consulte el final del capítulo para obtener más notas.


Matthew estaba absolutamente agradecido de despertarse en su habitación. Habría preferido la de Tarrick, para ser honesto, pero su habitación era

bienvenida. Sobre todo porque temía que lo encadenaran nuevamente en la celda.

Se quedó sonriendo, feliz de estar en su habitación, tratando de adivinar cuánto tiempo estuvo fuera.

¿Siete? ¿Quizás ocho días? Mierda. Seguramente estaban decidiendo qué hacer con él. Pero decidí algo bueno, ¿yo no? Estaba en su habitación,

completamente recuperada y provocada, así que tenía que ser bueno... ¿Verdad?

Entonces Tarrick entró en la habitación. Matthew lo miró y casi lo saludó alegremente.

Su sentido común fue más rápido y le dijo que al menos pareciera un poco arrepentido por desobedecer.

Se arrodilló, mientras el hombre rubio le enseñaba y esperaba.

Puedes levantarte. La voz de Tarrick no sonaba más que tranquila y llena de autoridad. Matthew maldijo al hombre por ser tan

bueno o Cultando Sus emociones en momentos Como ese. Matthew obedeció y miró al hombre frente a él. ¿Quieres preguntar

Mateo se mordio el labio. Tenía muchas preguntas en mente, ¿cómo estaban los íncubos que rescató?

¿O cómo iba a ser castigado por eso? ¿Por qué los noquearon durante ocho días?

¿Estaba Tarrick realmente enojado con él? ¿Sus acciones le quitaron su estatus de guerrero? ¿Tarrick lo encadenaría

nuevamente y esto era solo una manera de mostrarle cuánto perdió por su desafío?

No, Maestro. "Decidió no forzar su suerte, estoy bien".

Tarrick enarcó una ceja como si le divirtiera la falta de preguntas. Luego caminó hacia Matthew hasta que estuvo a solo unos centímetros de

"¿Recuerdas lo que le dije a Tane esa vez que vino a pedirme que rescatara a Lena?" La mirada de Matthew siguió los labios del
íncubo mientras hablaba, y eso pareció divertirlo.

*Le dijiste que si intentaba rescatar a Lady Talena sería ejecutado por su deslealtad" Matthew sabía que esa era la respuesta que

Tarrick esperaba, y eso lo dolió mucho. Acaba de encontrar su lugar en el mundo, entre los Incubi. Se sintió contento yendo a
fiestas, entrenando con cazadores, aprendiendo sobre el mundo, compartiendo tiempo con Rosaline, Silva y Tarrick.

No te mataré, Matthew" La voz de Tarrick era suave como la punta de su mano en la mejilla de MatthevwN.

Eres mi guerrero'" "Lo dijo como si explicara por qué su vida fue perdonada.

*Gracias, Maestro" Matthew sintió que sus ojos se llenaban de lágrimas, mientras el alivio lo inundaba.

*"Pero vas a ser castigado porque desobedeciste" Agregó Tarrick, y Matthew susspiró preguntándose cómo los íncubos
planeaban lastimarlo ahora "Así que estás castigado".

"¿Dí que otra vez?" Mateo negó con la cabeza. ¿Conectado a tierra? ¿Qué carajo?

Tarrick ascendió y se alejó unos pasos de él.

Lo dijiste, ¿no? Tarrick parecía serio al respecto y divertido al mismo tiempo. "Eres un Incubus, así que te castigaré como
castigaría a un pequeño y travieso Incubus".

Matthew abrió la boca y la volvió a cerrar. ¿What? ¿Eso fue en serio? ¿Sin azotes? ¿Sin plata? ¿Sin grilletes ni
cadenas? ¿Hablaba Tarrick en serio?

*"Pero antes de eso" Tarrick luego lució una sonrisa traviesa "Quiero recompensarte, Mi Magnífico Guerrero.
Matthew was about to ask what kind of reward was he talking about when Tarrick’s lips
claimed his. The kiss was passionate and heated, as they both gave themselves to each other.

He was so focused on how fucking amazing felt the kiss that he didn’t register how they got
to the bed. They parted and Matthew’s cock stirred at the sight of Tarrick purple eyes looking
hungrily at him. Tarrick’s hands traced his lips and his neck slowly.

“I’m risking a lot letting you get away with this” He whispered against Matthew’s neck, as he
deposited soft kisses here and there and his hand traced every muscle over the shirt.

“I’m grateful,” Matthew said sighing softly at the pleasurable touch “And I’m going to prove
everyone I’m worth that trust, and that you are the best”

Tarrick chuckled, letting his hands run by Matthew’s torso, under the shirt.

“I’ll look forward to that” He replied, licking his lips “Now, undress”

“Yes, Master ” purred Matthew, rushing to sit up.

“Slowly” Added Tarrick standing and starting to undo his vest’s buttons. Matthew smirked at
the cocky way the Incubus undressed and do the same. He lingered a bit too much at his
pants, just to see the Incubus reaction.

He heard Tarrick’s breath catch when he finally let his erection out. The Incubus looked at
him hungrily and lewdly. Matthew let himself drop against the soft mattress and spread his
legs to give Tarrick a better view.

“Please, Master” He purred in a wanton way, making Tarrick bit his lip and throw himself
towards him.

Matthew cried in pleasure when Tarrick spread his legs a bit more, digging his fingernails in
his soft flesh and sending waves of pleasure through the touch.
“ Mine ” Growled Tarrick, licking and biting Matthew’s thighs. The vampire steel twitching
in advance, every time the incubus ‘accidentaly’ touched it, leaving strands of lube around it,
and tracing all the way to his entrance.

“All yours” Moaned Matthew, as Tarrick introduced one slick finger all the way in. His body
trembled at the way Tarrick moved his finger slowly. Matthew reached for Tarrick’s head and
gripped his hair, bucking at him, hoping he would understand the message.

Tarrick chuckled against the head of Matthew’s cock, sliding his tongue across the slit to
collect a few drops of precum. Matthew shuddered, looking at the Incubi with red ignited
eyes lit with desire.

The second finger made Matthew cry, as Tarrick pushed pleasure through them. Matthew’s
back arched, and his claws buried deep in the mattress when Tarrick took his length and
started sucking it at the same slowly torturing rhythm his fingers fucked his ass.

He felt his soavik ache, asking him to take all that delicious sexual energy that emanated
from Tarrick, but he couldn’t concentrate enough to feed, being too lost in pleasure to even
think straight.

He was so lost in the older man attentions he didn’t realize when the third finger entered him,
nor when or how the five wounds in his chest came to be. He did realize when Tarrick cupped
his balls and ordered “Come for me” in a deep sexy voice that sent shivers down his spine.
Matthew was happy to oblige, liberating all his seed deep in Tarrick’s throat.

Matthew panted and looked over to Tarrick, who was licking his lips greedily.

“You should feed, young one” Said Tarrick, withdrawing his fingers and lining his steel with
Matthew’s entrance. “This would be your last meal for a month at least”

“A month?” Asked Matthew before moaning as he felt Tarrick penetrating him in one swift
hard move. He felt his insides on fire, his body trembling and reacting to every touch, every
move, every sound Tarrick made.

“You’ll be grounded for a month” Replied Tarrick, securing Matthew’s hands over his head
“You’ll be alone here in your room, without seeing another living being until the time’s up”
He added before biting Matthew’s earlobe “If you misbehave you’ll be caged”.

Tarrick didn’t give Matthew enough time to think about it, because he started ramming him.
Matthew arched his neck, purring and moaning, giving himself up to Tarrick. The incubus
seemed pleased by the submission of the vampire because he released his hands and started
kissing the exposed neck possessively.

Matthew loved the feeling of being dominated by the older man, especially when it meant
being ravished with attention. He started feeding greedily, although he stopped, wondering
how much he could take without hurting his lover.

“I’ll stop you” Answered Tarrick, pinning him down and kissing him “Until then, enjoy it,
young one”

Matthew purred at the soft kiss and then groaned when Tarrick resumed his movement and
started to fuck him hard. He felt like melting, as he happily obliged.

Matthew wasn’t sure how many times Tarrick fucked him, nor how many times he came that
night. He just knew that it had been amazing and he felt warm and cosy as they both hugged
and cuddled enjoying the afterglow of their encounter.


“Yes, Matthew?”

“Can you stay here until I fall asleep?” Matthew knew he sounded needy and childish, but if
he was going to spend a month thoroughly alone, he wanted that this moment lasted a little
bit longer before that.
Tarrick looked at him, surprised at first, and then he dedicated him a soft smile.

“Of course, my Warrior” Tarrick nuzzled him and kissed his temple kindly “I’ll be here until
you drift to sleep”.

Matthew purred softly, clinging to Tarrick and feeling really tired after their intercourse. He
battled to keep his eyes open, as he was delighted by Tarrick’s soft petting of his hair.

He didn’t know when he finally drifted off.

A Suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed it.

Feel free to tell me what do you think of if something is not written correctly.

I'll be posting a chapter every two weeks.

From the Pit,

Chapter 2
Chapter Summary

Matthew finally get's his punishment and ponders about his un-death.

"he was so bored he tried to do Hamlet all by himself. The easy part was that he already
knew all the lines."

Chapter Notes

I'm going to add the list of characters presented so far [as the final of Captive] in the
Prologue in case any of you want to check it.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all it's marvelous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew sighed sadly when he woke up the next sundown to his empty bed. He felt his heart
ache at the thought of Tarrick leaving as soon as he fell asleep. He groaned and rolled in the
sheets, knowing he didn’t have anything to do the rest of the night.

He explored his room with his gaze. The bookshelves were full of books, and he realised the
ones he already had read were replaced by new. There was a lingering earthy smell that
reminded him of Tarrick, but the bed sheets were clean, as well as himself. He was in clean
silk pyjamas, which was weird but comfy. There was a bottle of blood with a small piece of
paper attached at the table by the door.

He got up and walked towards it.

‘The next one will come in a week’ It said. Matthew frowned. They seemed to be punishing
his vampire side too. Matthew sighed and opened the bottle. It tasted plain, as all the bottled
blood they gave to him.

He couldn’t complain, though. He was fed and won’t be using that blood in excess since he
didn’t have any whipping, training nor battle scheduled soon.

It made him felt empty.

He sighed and grabbed a book from the shelves, about Incubi history, climbed on his bed and
dived into the book.

In some moment of the night, the singing started and Matthew closed his eyes and
concentrated in the sound. Tarrick told him it was a nursery rhyme about a lost boy who went
through many adventures before reuniting with his family again. He wondered if she was
singing it to him because he was meant to be there.
He thought about everything that happened that night when he escaped in order to rescue
Lady Talena and the others. He touched the metal collar around his neck and wondered if he
should have run away when he got the chance. He could have been free. He could have
accepted what the vampire lord, Victor, offered. A crown, devotion, freedom and the
knowledge of wh his sire was.

Wasn’t he trying to get stronger in order to escape? He hated being a slave, he hated being
pushed around, he hated being ordered and punished. Then why he came back?

Tarrick .

Oh right, that.

Fucking Tarrick.

He sighed. Tarrick was too important to him. Heck, Rosaline too, and Silva and the Wardens.
Damn it, even Hiroto meant something to him. Even if the fox was such a tease most of the
time. He found people he wanted to protect, people he wanted to fight for, and with.

He heard the song grew louder as it was coming to an end.

Was this really his home? He remembered the fighting lessons with Dennith, Vassu and Silva.
The Incubi manners and customs lessons with Rosaline. The long hot sex nights with
Rosaline and Tarrick. The balls with all those incubi trying to approach him, welcoming to an
extent. It all warmed him up.

He cursed.

He cursed the gods damned vampire that turned him and abandoned him. He was an
abomination. Incubi weren’t supposed to be able to turn into vampires. He couldn’t go
through his first transformation, so he was a weakling in Incubi standards. He couldn’t even
make a decent hold.

He started wondering how would his life been if he was never turned. If he went through his
first transformation and became a full incubus. Maybe he could have saved his wife, giving
the advanced medicine seemed around there. He could have been with his family and met
Tarrick under different circumstances.

He wasn’t sure if he would have fallen in love with the incubus, though. He remembered his
wife Alyssa and felt guilt flood him. He abandoned her and their child. Even if it was to
protect them, it was wrong. Horribly wrong.

He remembered the picture of Lily Tarrick showed him. He hoped she was always that happy.
He wished she found someone who loved her, treated her well and made her happy.

He also wished she never saw him like this. As a fucking slave, a fucking pawn.

He spent the rest of his night self-pitying and pacing back and forth around the room. He
didn’t even bother to wait for the sun to rise, he got to bed early and tried to sleep.

The rest of the week went the same, more or less. He paced around, took a book, listened to
the song, thought about usually depressing stuff and went to sleep. Sometimes he would
stand near the door and try to expand his senses beyond, there was nothing more than
Ilertha’s song. Sometimes he would scratch the door a little.

At the second week, he had already finished every book in the room and was starting to think
that he preferred the lashes and whipping than the solitude. His loneliness reminded him to
those years before Tarrick when he was alone and had nothing to do, no one to whom talk. It
was different, of course. Now he was just grounded like a misbehaved kid, not alone because
he was a monster that killed every single person that came closer.

At the third week, he followed the electricity buzzing and found a camera. Then he wondered
if the guard in charge of watching him was bored since he hadn’t been doing anything
interesting. He started recounting the books he read, wondering if the person behind the
camera had read them. Or if they will find them as interesting as him. He wondered if Incubi
and hunters had book clubs.

At the four he was so bored he tried to do Hamlet all by himself. The easy part was that he
already knew all the lines. The hard part was acting. He sucked at acting, and he could see
why Tarrick insisted he was a bad liar. He was determined to become better at that. Not that
he could do anything else, though.

When the final day of his punishment he woke up in the middle of the day. He smelled a
couple of humans depositing his blood ration and his clothes for the day. They were
commenting his Hamlet interpretation and he felt flattered and embarrassed.

The awareness didn’t last much, enough to hear them calling him a hero, though. When he
woke again it was night, and there were a handful of papers by his bed. He took a couple and

“Thank you for saving my daughter. There are no words in this world to express my
gratitude. I hope to see you again at another Ball.

-Lord Brodeur”

“That was a major blow for the vampires, you were amazing. What about we go out after
your punishment is over? You won’t starve ;) ;).


Matthew smiled and shuffled through the various letters. It seemed like the hunter wrote to
him every day. Most of his letters were on the line of ‘Have sex with me, Matthew’. Not that
he wouldn’t like to fuck the little fox’s brain out. Maybe later.

He took the bottled blood and drank it at a quick pace, and changed into fresh jeans. And sit
by his bed to read his letters and wait for Tarrick to come and get him.
There were two hours after sundown when the door opened, and Matthew jumped from the
bed and kneeled promptly, without even raising his head. He wanted to start right.

“You might rise” The harsh hurt voice of Silva startled him. Tarrick wasn’t going to greet
him? But… Why?

Matthew got on his feet and looked at her. She didn’t even bother to look at him. She was
waiting at the door, and when Matthew approached she stalked down the hallway, motioning
with her hand to make him follow her. Matthew walked behind her, shyly. He felt guilty for
using her in his little stunt. He betrayed her trust.


“Don’t you dare, vampire” The last word was so full of resentment that Matthew flinched as
if it had hurt him physically. She stopped in front of a set of double doors. Not Tarrick’s
room. And motioned towards it with her head.

“You were summoned,” She said before stalking out. He sighed and opened the door. In the
queen sized bed was Rosaline lying in a sensual pose, passing lazily the pages of a magazine.
She looked up and gave him the brightest smile he had seen.

“Lady Rosaline” He saluted, approaching slowly, as she stood up, the vaporous dress flowing
around her long legs.

“Matthew, oh I’m so glad to see you,” She said spreading her arms to receive him. “How it

“Lonely” He answered, embracing her.

“Me too” She sighed, nuzzling against him. “But it’s over, thankfully”
“You too?” Matthew looked at her curiously, taking a couple of steps back.

“I’d been ‘grounded’ too, Matthew” Replied Rosaline with a soft sad smile “Because of you”

“What?” Matthew looked at her in utter disbelief.

“I might have lied to the High King in order to keep you away from him a little bit longer”
Rosaline looked mortified about that.

“You lied to the High King? What? Why?” Matthew remembered that Rosaline told him
about the High King, how enthralled she seemed with him.

“I was telling him what you did at House Moreau and… He seemed far too interested , and
he said that it was too easy the way you outsmarted Silva... So I might have told him that the
attack was my idea and that I helped you by using some holds…”

“Why did you do that?”

“I think no one's ready for you to meet the High King, not in His terms... “ The answer was
too ambiguous for his liking “Besides, that night you proved that you want to be part of this
when you came back after refusing everything, and I thought… We’ve been asking you to
prove yourself to us, to trust and serve us, but we haven’t done anything to deserve it. We
haven’t shown you that you could be part of this, not as a slave but as one of us”

Matthew wanted to cry. Why Rosaline was so marvellous? He smiled softly and took her
hands on his.

“Thank you, Lady Rosaline, for the chance,” He said, kissing her hands “You won’t regret it”
“I know” She just said, reaching for him to cup his cheeks with her hands “I trust you,

“I… I trust you, Rosaline,” He said, and he was being honest. Even if Rosaline’s holds were
subtle enough to avoid his detection, he felt like they had a bond, made of mutual respect and

Rosaline smiled and hugged him, and the embrace sent shivers down his spine. Not ‘She-is-
hot-and-turns-me-on’ kind of shivers but the ‘I-feel-comfy-and-loved’ kind.

“So… They really grounded you?” He asked, guiding her to the bed. She reached for the lace
of her dress, but he took her hands and brought her closer. Cuddles. He wanted cuddles.

“Yes they did” Replied her, snuggling against him, emitting soft content sounds “Although I
think they grounded you because of me”

“How come?”

“When the High King was about to order your punishment I might have sworn to receive the
same, as it was my ‘vengeance’”

“So, they grounded me because you will be having the same punishment” Matthew felt
weird. In one hand, he was grateful for the lack of physical pain. On the other, he felt
somehow betrayed. They didn’t think of him as an Incubi. They just care enough about
Rosaline to not hurt her the way they tend to do with Matthew.

“Matthew, it doesn’t mean you are not one of us,” Rosaline said, caressing his hands “You are
an Incubus, and I pretend to prove it to all the rest” She sounded confident as she looked at
him with those big mesmerizing eyes of her. “So, what do you say?”

“About what exactly?” He asked, his hands tracing circles on her back.
“About showing all those snobs that you are a better Incubus than they” She answered,
leaving soft butterfly kisses along his neck. “You and me proving them you belong”.

“I would love to,” Matthew thought about the bracers and the collar that interrupted her
kisses. If he proved his worth, then they will consider him more than just a slave. He would
have a future there, with the Incubi. He suddenly remembered Ascelina. She helped him, and
he didn’t want to be indebted to her. He didn’t want to keep being a pawn. He wanted his

“What’s wrong?” Asked Rosaline, kissing his cheeks “You feel distressed”.

“I was thinking I want to be free” Matthew knew there was no point of lying to Rosaline, and
it would feel wrong after what she did for him.

“I know, Matthew” Rosaline sighed softly “That’s why I keep insisting on this. Once they see
you like what you are, a sexy curious Incubus, then you’ll be free. I know so”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ll make everything in my power to do so”.

Matthew gave her a kiss, a soft, caring kiss. She responded to it, hugging him tightly.

“Lady Rosaline” He called, caressing her cheeks.

“Yes, Matthew?” She looked up at his eyes.

“I’m hungry,” He said, with a lustful smile. She chuckled and ran her hand down his torso.
“Well then, let’s feed”.

A Suivre

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoy this new chapter.

I know the story is going slow, but believe me, it's going to get really interesting.

From an Irken ship,

Chapter 3
Chapter Summary

Matthew had a small reminder of what his place is.

“Then you accept you disobeyed the High King”

“I never disobey the High King, I never issued an order to get Matthew to New Orleans
in order to rescue them”

Chapter Notes

So my lovely beta-reader made an illustration/spoiler of a scene from this little work of

mine. But, since it turned out to be so beautiful, I'm sharing it with you.

There it is:


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all it's marvelous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew spent the next week hanging with Rosaline, most of the time learning about incubi
society, and sometimes just dancing and/or fucking. He enjoyed it. Some relaxing time
without feeling like a slave, or a pawn, or a soldier. Just being treated like a person. A very
curious and horny person, but a person nonetheless.
He felt comfortable around Rosaline. He was starting to believe her, that he was an Incubus
and he could act as one.
Then reality hit him like a bus. With Tarrick disapproving look when he didn’t kneel as soon
as he entered the room.
He was a slave.
Tarrick was in front of him, looking displeased, almost disappointed. Matthew felt dread
grow inside him. He was kneeling now and had lowered his head as he should. Still, he felt
Tarrick’s defrauded gaze over his nape.
He didn’t know if he was allowed to speak, and since Tarrick had just scolded him for
greeting him so merrily, he preferred to stay quiet.
“It seems like that those five weeks made you forget your place” Said Tarrick, and Matthew
felt his heartache.
He was a slave, nothing else.
“Maybe we should have punished you more severely, for your actions” Added the incubus,
and Matthew raised his head, his eyes full of panic at the sole idea of Rosaline suffering just a
fraction of the pain he had suffered from punishments. Tarrick left out a small huff.
“She told you,” He said. It wasn’t a question. He didn’t seem surprised, though. He was more
annoyed than anything. He lowered his gaze at Matthew again. “You may speak”.
“Please, I’ll behave, Master” He pleaded “Just, don’t hurt Lady Rosaline. I’ll accept my full
punishment if you see it fit”.
Tarrick seemed surprised this time.
“You like her, don’t you?” He asked, sitting in the chair by the corner, to be closer to
Matthew’s eye’s height.
“She treats me like a person” Matthew answered honestly, and it seemed to hurt Tarrick.
Nice. He deserved it. It pained Matthew too, though. He didn’t want Tarrick suffering.
“It’s not like…” Tarrick started “I don’t think you are just a slave, Matthew… I just… You
are too violent and too impulsive. I’m just trying to…”
“You are just trying to train me and to prove others I’m valuable to the incubi, Master, I
know” Matthew interrupted, hoping Tarrick won’t punish him -or Rosaline- for that. “You are
trying to end this war and you believe I could help. I would love to end it”
Tarrick seemed pleased for his answer.
“It seems that maybe that month time out served you well” He commented, “I’ll pass of your
Hamlet interpretation, though.” He added amused “For being so good to make drama and a
show of everything you are a terrible actor”
“I tried” Matthew shrugged defeated. “It seems that ‘acting’ it’s not one of my talents”
“No, but you can’t be good at everything” Tarrick looked pleased “Besides, it makes me feel
at ease knowing that there are things that you can’t learn in a few tries”.
“It’s good to see that my acting fiasco makes you happy, Master” Replied Matthew sardonic.
Tarrick smirked.
“It’s there anything else you want to ask,” said Tarrick, still sporting his smirk.
“Two questions, Master,” Said Matthew, and when Tarrick nodded he asked: “May I have
blood, Master? And what am I supposed to do now?”
Tarrick reached for a bottle of blood and passed it to the vampire “You may, and you may rise
too” he added, looking intensely how Matthew downed the blood. “You will be back at
training, this time with more especial surveillance from High Tower, though I think he
offered himself just because he wants to fuck you”.
“Hiroto is going to train me?” He asked a bit surprised. He liked the fox, he was hot and
funny, and he was a hell of an assassin, very skilled and very dangerous. He wouldn’t mind
fucking him a couple of times between training sessions.
“Since Silva doesn’t want to have anything to do with you, yes,” Said Tarrick and Matthew
bit his lip “Yes, Matthew?”
“Could you tell her I’m sorry? She wouldn’t listen to me” Matthew felt so guilty and sorry
about that.
“She has all the right to be mad at you” Tarrick looked at him emotionless. Matthew hated
that stoic face.
“I know. I don’t blame her. I just…” Matthew sighed looking at his hands “She was my first
friend here, you know? And I screwed it up so much… I just want to apologise correctly to
her, and… And I’m not asking her to forgive me, because I know I betrayed her trust… I
just…” Of course, he wanted her forgiveness, but he knew it wasn’t something easy to obtain.
“I just want to explain to her why I did it”
Tarrick looked at him quietly for a while.
“I’ll relay your message to her” He finally said before standing. “Go get dressed, Hiroto is
going to pick you up in an hour”.
Matthew nodded and smiled softly.
“Thank you, Master,” He said, and Tarrick smiled at him before caressing his cheek.
“My Warrior” Said Tarrick, before leaving.
Matthew touched his cheek and sighed. Why was the older man so confusing? Why his heart
didn’t decide between hating him and loving him? It ached.
Matthew shook his thoughts away and went to the bathroom to shower and change his
clothes. He was looking forward to the training sessions with the playful little fox.
He regretted them immediately.
Well, maybe not immediately, but soon enough.
At first, it was good. Hiroto arrived at his bedroom and greeted him with a smile. He praised
the fact that he had dealt with eight vampire Lords in such a haste. But everything seemed
off, like if the Kitsune was disappointed with something. And Matthew just can't pinpoint
Then, when they got to the training place the playful smile disappeared. Hiroto was more
strict than Cullip and Silva, and that was saying a lot. The session was relentless, pushing his
limits way more than before.
It was as if the fox wanted to see how much he could ask him before he lost control. Matthew
didn't want to lose control again. No, if it will mean Rosaline to be hurt.
Hiroto seemed pleased with how the session was progressing, though. He attacked
mercilessly but coaxed him to give his all.
After a while, Matthew realized that Hiroto wasn't giving his all in the fight and that angered
him. It was logical since the Kitsune had better training and was really fast and strong. But he
didn't like being looked down.
"What's wrong, Matthew?" Asked Hiroto when he stopped "If you hesitate in a real fight
you'll be dead"
"You aren't being serious," said Matthew, crossing his arms. His shirt was shredded and
soaked with blood.
"I am being serious," replied the Japanese frowning "I always take training seriously".
"But you aren't fighting me seriously" replied Matthew, and that earned a soft laugh from the
white-haired man.
"I am serious," Said Hiroto smiling "I'm just being cautious… I don't want you to lose control
because I went overboard from the beginning, I want to see how much you can take before
losing it so we could start pushing from there".
It sounded logical, still, Matthew didn't like it.
"But…" started Matthew, just to being silenced by Hiroto's raised hand.
"The only but I want from you is that marvellous ass you have" smirked Hiroto. Matthew
smirked at the pun.
"I'll give it to you if you win me" replied Matthew, Hiroto raised his brows.
"Don't say that or I'll be going all on you just to get it" grunted Hiroto, making a stance.
"That sounds hot" replied Matthew, tracing his lips with his tongue. Hiroto followed the
movement with darkened eyes and then jumped.
Matthew had barely time to dodge him and defend himself. Since the shorter man was
attacking him relentlessly, trying to find an opening to pin Matthew down. Soon enough it
was more of Matthew defending and backing away than a fight. Damn it. Hiroto was really
fucking good.
And he couldn’t concentrate at all with the increasing amount of sexual innuendos that left
the fox's mouth.
"I really want to penetrate you… with my dagger" smirked Hiroto "I'll claim that ass as my
property soon" and so on.
And that turned him on so fucking much. He just wanted to pin the little fox down and fuck
his brains out. But he won't let him close enough to do so, not without hurting him a big deal.
It was frustrating.
He was determined to not let the Kitsune had his way. Or at least he tried. Until he smelled a
familiar scent of apple blossom.
"Matthew? Are you in here?" Asked Rosaline entering the training grounds. Hiroto smiled at
Matthew and throw a dagger toward her. Matthew sped up with the remaining of his blood
energy to stop the dagger. He smiled at the frightened Rosaline and felt a piercing pain in his
blood pouch.
"Got you," Said Hiroto, with a syringe full of hawthorn barely touching Matthew’s neck.
Rosaline backed off.
“Fine, you win” growled Matthew, and with that Hiroto extracted the stake. Rosaline was
“What’s going on here?” Asked Rosaline looking around at the scratches and blood staining
the walls.
“I’m training Matthew to help him control himself” Explained Hiroto, cleaning the training
daggers and putting them back in their case.
“And who is going to help you control yourself?”Retorted Rosaline “Look how you left him”
“It was his fault!” Hiroto jumped pouting “He said that if I could beat him he’ll give me his
ass. How was I supposed to resist that?”
“That’s true, my lady” added Matthew taking the remains of his shirt off. He could feel the
stares from the two others as he cleaned himself a bit with a towel.
“You see him?” Asked Hiroto “He always teases me. Well, now I earned his ass and I intend
to collect my prize”.
“I’m sorry” Replied Rosaline “You will have to wait a bit longer. I need Matthew to come
with me now”
“That’s so unfair!” cried Hiroto “I won”
“And you’ll get him… As soon as we attend this situation” Replied Rosaline. Hiroto pouted
and sat. He seemed like a child putting a tantrum.
“Just… Remember what I told you about High Tower” said Hiroto as they exited the training
“What did he told you about High Tower?” Asked Matthew as they walked toward his room.
“He was the one to convince me to not let them take you there” She explained as she picked
up clothes for him “He cares a lot about you… Or maybe he just really want to screw you,
who knows?”
“What’s wrong with High Tower?” He asked, entering the bathroom but letting the door open
to keep the conversation going as he showered. “I thought it was the High King’s home”
“It is” Replied Rosaline, biting her lip as she admired him showering “And he… Well, he has
this sort of Zoo… I’m pretty sure you won’t like that”
“A zoo?” Matthew froze. A zoo? They would have put him in a fucking zoo? Like a fricking
animal? That’s what they thought about him?
“Yes… Hiroto told me… Well, maybe he was exaggerating since you are still one of us…”
Rosaline seemed to regret having said so.
“Would they put me in a cage? On display?” Asked Matthew, resuming his shower. His voice
sounded hurt.
“I wouldn’t have let them” She answered “You deserve to live with us, being with us… Not
being on display on some sort of stupid power play”
Matthew stepped out of the shower and gave her a soft smile. Was she powerful enough to
stop the High King from putting him on that zoo? She had already saved him, didn’t she?
Maybe she was close enough to the High King to make him change his mind about stuff like
“You should get dressed quickly…” Said Rosaline, tracing his abs with her fingers.
Matthew caught her hand. He felt the soothing hold she was pushing through it. It helped, but
he didn’t like it.
“Lady Rosaline” Matthew got his clothes and started dressing “How could you save me from
the punishment? Are you that influent?”
“I’ve never told you, huh?” Rosaline sighed, passing him a bottle of blood “I’m from House
Malarath, the only one. It means I’m from the High King’s house”.
“He… Helped me a long time ago… I owe him my life, and I love him more than
“Then why did you lied to him? About me”
“Because you are one of…”
“Enough” Matthew interrupted, holding her hands “I want the truth. You wouldn’t risk that
much just because I’m one of you”.
Rosaline sighed “I… I found you intriguing, special… I’ve spent decades in the same boring
balls, with the same boring gossip, and somehow, with you around, they don’t seem boring
again… It’s like… It’s as if you have brought something new, something special to our
lives… It’s been over a century since the last time I have seen Tarrick smile like that, or
Hiroto risk that much over someone”
Matthew frowned. It seemed a rather silly reason to help him. But then again, Incubi tended
to act in strange ways Matthew didn’t understand yet.
“I really like you, Matthew” Added Rosaline, caressing his hands “You are strong and sexy,
yet somehow sensitive and adorable… You helped me, you avenged me, and made me feel so
special, so important…”
“You are special to me, Lady Rosaline” Answered Matthew “You treat me like a person, and
make me feel part of this… Not as a pawn, but as an individual”
“You are part of this” Replied Rosaline frowning “And we are going to make them see that”
Then she stormed out of the room, dragging Matthew along. Matthew followed her across the
long hallways until they got to a wing unknown to Matthew. He heard voices coming from
the farthest room, Tarrick’s, Silva’s, Prescott’s and others he couldn’t pinpoint.
“I don’t buy that, High General, ” Prescott said the title mockingly “He is a threat, no matter
what Lady Rosaline says”.
“Your opinion doesn’t count in here, Imperator Prescott ” Silva spat “The High King put
High General Tarrick on charge of him”
Matthew tugged Rosaline’s hand, stopping her from opening the door. He wanted to hear that
conversation. Rosaline nodded and waited by his side.
“And yet, that thing seems to obey more a simple Social Incubi more than said High General

“And who says it happened without me wanting to?” Tarrick sounded annoyed as if the
whole conversation was futile.
“Then you accept you disobeyed the High King”
“I never disobey the High King, I never issued an order to get Matthew to New Orleans in
order to rescue them”
“Then it happened without your consent”
“It happened without me doing anything to stop it” Replied Tarrick “I know how well I
trained him, and I know how good is Lady Rosaline to make this sort of plans. I just took the
Rosaline bit her lip and looked at Matthew with the same guilt he felt. Tarrick was in trouble
because of his actions.
“And what if he hadn’t come back?” retorted Prescott “That was one hell of a gamble, High
General , he could have gone with the vampires and helped them fight against us”
“He wouldn’t” Tarrick answer was sharp “He won’t betray us”
“Why are you so sure?”
“He loves… us… He wants to belong and to prove he is one of us” Tarrick words made
Matthew nauseated. It felt as if Tarrick had planned it all along. It hurt.
“Come on!” spat Prescott “He is a savage beast! He will sell us all for freedom!”
“If you are so sure about that how come he refused everything, killed the Lords and came
back?” Silva sounded exasperated as if all the conversation was just making her lose her
time. He felt a wave of gratitude toward her.
“Are you defending him? After he compelled you?” Prescott dismissed her sharply, and
Matthew growled. Rosaline tugged his hand to make him stop.
“And…” Continued Prescott “You lashed him as soon as he came back, without even give
him a chance to talk” Matthew felt his eyes burn red as he heard Prescott accused Tarrick
“You seemed surprised by his actions, the same as Lady Rosaline”
“One would think that after so many centuries serving the Incubi you’ll know the difference
between a well-mounted show and the real deal” retorted Tarrick, almost mockingly “ And of
course I lashed him. He disobeyed me the moment he ran away, even if I knew what he was
doing. He didn’t know I saw through it, and he deserved to be punished for his actions”
“I think is enough” shushed Rosaline, taking a deep breath and storming in the room,
dragging Matthew with her. “So there you were!”
“Lady Rosaline!” The group stopped on their tracks. There was Vassu, Lord Brodeur, the
wardens, Tane, a couple of Incubi Matthew didn’t know, and a girl that he believed was with
the Argonauts for the way she was by Prescott’s side.
“Matthew and I have been looking for you for ages!” Said Rosaline, approaching to Lord
Brodeur. Matthew bowed respectfully without knowing if it was okay that he was there.
“Matthew” Saluted the Lord “It’s good to see you”
Was it? Wasn’t he the one who truly believed he was a monster and should be put to death?
Then again Rosaline thought that too, some time ago, and now the defend him even with the
High King.
“I’m glad to see you” Replied Matthew raising and sporting a soft smile, he wanted to show
he wasn’t a savage beast. He was an Incubus.
“I couldn’t thank you enough after what you did” Lord Brodeur approached him slowly,
almost as if he feared what Matthew was capable, but his smile and voice didn’t show
anything less than happiness “You brought my beautiful little girl back… She told me how
brave you were, how you dismissed those vampires and risk your life to get them to safety”
“I just did what seemed correct, my Lord” replied Matthew and glanced to Rosaline, “Lady
Rosaline told me the vampires were torturing to them and I couldn’t stay put. They are our
people, I had to save them”
“Are you sure you did it for that reason?” Prescott's voice sounded harsh, Matthew turned
“Yes, Imperator” Matthew didn’t know why Silva referred to him like that, but it sounded
respectful enough and he wanted to seem respectful “I did it because I don’t want any Incubi
to suffer”
Matthew knew Prescott didn’t buy it, the same that Tane. But the rest seemed pleased by his
answer, specially Rosaline and Tarrick.
“I must say it was quite the stunt you pull up there,” said the girl by Prescott’s side with a
thick Sweden accent. She was blonde and her hunter uniform had a blacksmith fashioned
apron full of tools. “Very risky and very efficient”
“Thank you?” Matthew didn’t know what to say, nor how to refer to her.
“I’m Commander Vikström, you can call me Vik, tho” She offered her hand in a friendly way
“I’m part of the Argonauts and chief of the weapon development division”
“So you are the one that made those silver grenades?” Matthew shook her hand. She was
“And the retractile chains too,” She said happily “Useful, huh?”
“Clever” Conceded Matthew “But if you could get it inside of them before they explode
they’ll do more damage”
“That’s a fair point,” Said Vik producing a notebook from her apron “Maybe if I modify the
“Now he is telling us how to make weapons? What’s next? He will be pacing around without
a collar?” Tane exploded, Tarrick turned to him frowning.
“That’s enough, Tane,” He said, his voice commanding “Matthew is a warrior, a soldier of
our kind, and he wants us to win this war as much as everyone else here”
“I bet you are still angry because he got Lady Naveeda before you” dismissed Rosaline, with
a playful smile on her lips. Tane reddened at her comment, earning a few chuckles from
others on the room.
“He is a Vampire” Tane replied “A monster, an abomination and someday he will show his
true colours and you’ll regret being so lax to him”
“Are you questioning my methods?” Tarrick voice sent shivers down Matthew's spine, and
his instincts told him to run away. He saw others cowering a little.
“He is not the only one” Replied Prescott before motioning Matthew “After all, he is here
without an invitation”
“I brought him here” Hissed Rosaline “And if you couldn’t remember, the High King himself
said that Tarrick and I were going to be on charge of him”
“That being said, Lady Rosaline has all the right to bring him over if she sees it fit” added
Tarrick “and the training session ended about half an hour ago”
“Besides I only brought him here because Lord Brodeur was going to be here” added
Rosaline, taking Matthew’s arm “Now that we said hi, we will retire to continue our study of
Incubi society. Matthew loves it”
Matthew bowed and looked at Tarrick who waved him away with a smirk, before leaving the
room with Rosaline.
“You did it wonderfully there, Matthew,” Said the red-haired as they walked toward his
room. She seemed annoyed but somehow pleased at the outcome.”So calm and well-
“I tried my best to make you look good” He replied, earning a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Aren’t you lovely? You have learnt so well” he loved when she sounded so proud of him.
“I had a wonderful teacher” He replied, caressing her back. She grinned and hugged his arm
“Flatterer” She giggled as they got to his room “Come on, charming, you owe a certain fox
something and I really don’t want to stay between him and his prey”
“Oh, now I’m your prey?” He laughed, she nodded.
“I told you, he wants to eat you since that battle when you two meet,” She said.
“Are you sure? Maybe just since that party when he had to watch me as I fucked Naveeda”
replied Matthew, entering his room.
“No, Lady Rosaline is right” Hiroto was sitting on his bed, still in uniform with a book on his
hands. It was a Japanese creature and mythology book, the one in which Matthew marked all
the kitsune’s references “I’ve been waiting for this since I saw you fight for the first time”
Hiroto set the book aside and stalked towards them “Although that time with Lady Naveeda
was really hot and helped me fantasize better”.
“I’ll let you alone” Chuckled Rosaline exiting and closing the door behind her.
Matthew backed slowly at the intense gaze and feline movements of the hunter. His back hit
the door and he swallowed. Hiroto looked like a predator, with his pupils so dilated his eyes
looked mostly black.
“Are you scared, vampire?” asked Hiroto with a husky voice lowering his hands to undo his
belt “Did the little hunter scare you?”
“Would you believe me if I tell you this whole thing just turn me on?” Matthew replied,
licking his lips. Hiroto smirked, raising his eyebrows.
“So you like being dominated?” He asked getting rid of his shirt in a slow sensual motion
that was so sexy but so torturing. Matthew wanted to jump on him and take his clothes, rip
them off, but the intense predator look of Hiroto’s eyes had him pinned back, waiting. It was
really exciting to wait for what the other would do. Hiroto took his hand and guided him
towards the bed.
“I like the prospect of you trying” Replied Matthew undoing the buttons of his shirt at the
same slow pace the fox marked. Hiroto inhaled sharply when he took his shirt off.
“There you were!” The door flung open startling them. Silva was standing in the doorway
obviously pissed.
“Oh man!” Cried Hiroto pouting. Silva threw them a glare.
“Shut up you horny fox” hissed Silva letting Matthew’s compression suit on the chair “We
are under attack and all you can think is fucking him? Get ready and go to the command
centre” Without a further word, she stormed out the room. Hiroto got up with a sigh, starting
to accommodate his clothes resigned.
“It’s not fair” pouted Hiroto as Matthew took the compression suit.
“Our timing?” asked Matthew suiting up in a blink of an eye.
“That too…” Hiroto sighed “If Lady Rosaline hadn’t abducted you, we could have fucked”
“Well, you are going to train me now, right?” Matthew followed the fox towards the control
room “We are going to have plenty of opportunities to fuck”
“I hope so” Replied Hiroto, entering the room. Tarrick was nowhere to be found, so Matthew
assumed he was leading the defence.
“There you are” Denith saluted at them “Commander Hiroto, you are requested at the front
lines. High General Tarrick wants you two to lead the scouting and the assault to vampire
encampment at Kirk’s lost keep, Matthew and two teams are under your orders”
“I thought we were under attack” Hiroto frowned.
“We are, but the state near the keep is being attacked too. At least three dozen social incubi
are trapped inside because the teleport stone was smashed. High General is already there”
“What about here?” Asked Matthew. Denith shrugged it off.
“We already controlled most of the situation here and at the Academy” She replied calmly.
“We got our orders, Matthew,” said Hiroto, turning on his heels “Let’s go”
Matthew followed him as he teleported in white haze near enough for him to know where to
go. They got to the stone and he frowned.
“I thought they said the stone was smashed” Adventured Matthew, looking at the hunters that
joined them.
“There’s another one nearby, too close to the keep to use it to escape, and too secluded to be
found yet. Only a few of us knew about its existence” explained Hiroto passing him a comm,
a pair of fingerless gloves and a sword. “We are going to use channel omega four. As soon as
we get there we scatter in pairs, we move slow, strike fast. Got it?”
“Yes, sir!” All the hunters and Matthew answered. Hiroto looked pleased and pull his hood
and his mask on. His honey eyes gazed at Matthew hungrily before turning cold as he
climbed to the stone.
“We port at once,” He said. The hunters nodded and climbed to the stone by him, Matthew
followed them and frowned when he heard Hiroto hushing something in Japanese. Damn it.
They teleported and Matthew felt the familiar yet disgusting flip in his stomach. He barely
had time to register what was going on before the other hunters teleported away. Just he and
Hiroto stood behind. They were in some sort of cave or hangar judging by the metal walls.
“You think you could keep up with me?” Asked Hiroto teleporting to the door and touching a
rune on the floor. Ah, a vampire ward. “Quietly?”
“I could, yes” Matthew followed him outside and saw how he put the vampire ward up
Hiroto didn’t ask or say anything else. He just teleported away. Matthew cursed under his
breath and rushed towards the place the fox had teleported. After two minutes or so they were
at the open. Hiroto was issuing orders quietly in Japanese.
“We are going to infiltrate in there,” Said Hiroto motioning to a keep about a mile or two
away. Matthew could sense a big force of vampires stirring inside. He heard a battle at the
east, about a kilometre or so. “We cut their reinforcements and then we join the main battle”
Matthew nodded and Hiroto teleported in white light. He realised the fox rustled a bit the
leaves every time he teleported so he could keep track. He was grateful.
They advanced quickly and quietly. Matthew trying to do as few sounds as he could. They
encountered a couple of vampires patrolling but dealt with them before they could give any
Matthew felt drawn to the main fight, behind them, and balled his fist every time some Lord
passed over them flying. He wanted to fight. Why did he have to go to that stupid keep?
Then he sensed them.
At least five Lords and two hundred powerful vampires were at the keep. That was more like
A Suivre...

Chapter End Notes

This chapter was a little longer, but it was because I wanted to show you some important
escenes :3

I hope you enjoy this new chapter.

From the Underworld,

Chapter 4
Chapter Summary

Matthew and Hiroto have their first mission together.

“You are a good boy, Matthew” He replied ruffling his hair.

Chapter Notes

I hope you like this little scene.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all it's marvelous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew entered in through the window that Hiroto opened from the inside. He knew he had
to be careful since the other hunters were putting up traps to catch and kill any vampire that
emerged from the keep. He followed Hiroto, slowly, feeling the powerful auras from the
vampire lords as they approached.

Hiroto teleported at Matthew’s side, took his hand and started writing with his finger.

“I’m going to cause a distraction, to get some of them out of there” Hiroto looked directly
into his eyes “you will attract some to the lower levels, there is a team of hunters ready to
take them off. Then you come back and help me finish the ones that stay. That way we could
take them efficiently and without many wounds”

Matthew didn’t like the idea but nodded. He had to prove that he was capable of following
orders. Hiroto disappeared in a blink of white light and he readied himself.

At least twenty vampires and one lord came to the hallway. He cursed as one of them slashed
his face and, using a bit of his blood energy, ripped their head off. The lord roared. Fuck.
Maybe she was their sire. Matthew turned and ran pushing energy into his speed as the group
pursued him.

He wanted to take them off, but the hallways were too narrow to properly fight, and they
outnumbered him. He went down to the first level and noted a few green flashes.

“We got this” He heard a soft voice way nearer to his ear to his liking. He just nodded and
crossed the foyer to get to the front door. It was easier and faster to climb the walls that trying
to find another staircase.

When he got back to the hallway where he separated from Hiroto he noticed something. Most
of the low-level vampires had been culled probably by making them follow someone. There
were three lords and fifteen vampires remaining. Hiroto appeared at the end of the hallway,
by the room’s door.

Hiroto touched two times his mask-covered nose and motioned the door. Matthew could
smell the fear of the vampires leaking from the room. He put three fingers up his head, and
then he made the gesture for fifteen by his chest. Hiroto nodded, motioned him towards the
door and kicked it open.

Matthew entered and cut two heads before the vampires had time to register what was

“Scatter!” Cried one, not a Lord, but the others obeyed. Matthew frowned and launched
himself towards him. A Lord blocked his path and slashed his chest.

“You should be working with us, Prince,” Growled the Lord, parring Matthew’s silver sword
with his arm. The wound healed quickly. Damn it.

“That again?” Matthew charged full speed, trying to get a hit on him. He got many of the
others since the hall was a bit too little to be a battlefield. He saw flashes of white light and
blood sputter by the corner of his eye. He also saw silver arrows protrude from several
vampires. He didn’t know where they came from nor care.

“Prince,” Said another Lord, a woman with long white hair “They are using you”

“And you’ll use me too” Replied Matthew stabbing her. He felt a vampire jump over him,
and bite off his ear. A white flash later it was decaying a few meters away.

“Could you please not talk to the enemy?” Hiroto sounded mildly annoyed. Matthew smiled.

“You hear the Commander” Shrugged Matthew at the vampires and charged toward her
stamping her and a few more against the wall, his sword piercing through them.
“Do...n-not anger Him” Those were her last words, but Matthew didn’t care. He felt way too
excited for the fight to care anymore. He needed more, though. He started laughing as he
culled the vampires that tried to fly. He lost account of who he killed or how many they were.
Soon, too soon , he was mostly alone in the room filled with decaying corpses and blood.

“You lost control” Hiroto’s voice sounded almost disappointed “But you didn’t hurt me”

“I’m sorry… I just…” Matthew looked at his hands. The gloves were torn, his claws didn’t
recede and his sword was nowhere to be found.

“You retained it more time than I anticipated, though” Hiroto approached slowly “And you
came back as soon as I called your name”

“You called my name?” Matthew looked at the hunter. He had lowered the hoodie and his
fluffy white hair and ears soothed him somehow. It contrasted so much with the blood and the
havoc of the room.

“I told you ‘Stop laughing like a maniac, Matthew’ and you stopped” Hiroto stood in front of
him and traced a large wound in his chest. It didn’t heal when he asked it to. He realised he
was hungry.

“I…” Matthew looked at the still covered neck of the hunter. He wondered how much of his
poisoned blood his body could take.

“Don’t even think about it. If you try to bite me you’ll be dead in two seconds” Hiroto smiled
as he said that and somehow it made the whole sentence more frightening.

“I need blood” Matthew started feeling tired and the urge was increasing.

“We are getting you some” Hiroto replied calmly, looking interested at his fangs. “You are
not going to join the main battle”
“What? Why?” Matthew knew the answer, he could see it in Hiroto’s raised eyebrow. Still, he
wanted to fight, he enjoyed fighting. No. No. That was wrong. It was his vampire side
talking, asking him to kill. He didn’t enjoy killing. Did he?

“You did it wonderfully today,” said Hiroto, patting his shoulder. Something told him that if
the fox wasn’t that short he would pat his head. He crouched a bit, just to see if that was the
case. Yes. The hunter smirked and patted his head.

“Am I a good boy?” ironized Matthew, Hiroto chuckled.

“You are a good boy, Matthew” He replied ruffling his hair. For some reason, it didn’t feel as
if the hunter was underestimating him, nor patronizing him. It felt like a joke between
comrades. Not that they had fought together that much.

“Still, you won’t join the main battle” Hiroto shrugged, as a hunter teleported in, dragging a
staked vampire. “Meanwhile, serve yourself”.

Matthew looked at the vampire in front of him, and then looked at Hiroto. He didn’t know if
he truly had permission to drink blood. Hiroto mumbled something in Japanese in his comm.

“You may receive blood from Commander Hiroto, Matthew” Tarrick’s voice in his ear send a
shiver down his spine directly at his cock. Matthew wished to be by his side, battling. Or
fucking with him. Both sounded great.

“I can retrieve the stake if you want to hunt him down” offered Hiroto, and Matthew realized
he had zoned out. He shook his head, grabbed the unconscious body and drained it quickly.
Oh, he sure loved getting blood directly from the vein.

“So we are just going to hang in here?” Asked Matthew and Hiroto shook his head.
“You are going to hang in there while I and the others join the battle” Hiroto was really
serious, and it just let Matthew feeling pushed aside. “You have to take care of this place and
search it thoroughly. If you find something you’ll report it to control”.

Matthew looked around, the room was a mess. Probably because of him. What kind of
information could he get?

“I know it’s not fighting in the front lines, but it also would help us to win this war” added
Hiroto with a knowing look “Plus I think you’d prefer this than being lashed for losing your

Ah, so it was a punishment.

“I’ll search the place thoroughly” nodded Matthew, earning another pat from the fox “I have
a question, though. What kind of information am I looking for?”

“Anything that could be used against vampires” Hiroto shrugged, pulling on his mask “This
was a base, so there must be something”.

Matthew frowned as the fox disappeared in white light and looked around him. He sighed, he
would prefer to be outside fighting, but Hiroto was right, he had lost his control and could
have hurt a teammate or so. So he started looking around the keep for clues, anything that
could pinpoint why the vampires seemed so organized.

Matthew looked at the shredded bloodied pieces of paper that filled the floor. One seemed
like a map of the state. It seemed like the one the young vampire was looking at when they
entered the room.

Of course. That’s why they made him flew first.

“Ehm, control?” Asked Matthew by his comm.

“What happens, Matthew?” Tarrick voice sounded commanding. So sexy . “I don’t see you on
the battlefield”

“I’m not” He replied, trying to not sound spiteful “Commander Hiroto order me to search the
keep thoroughly and report anything important to you”.

“So you have something to report” Tarrick sounded so impersonal it hurt a bit.

“They have a general… Or something like that” Matthew explained.

“Elaborate, warrior”

“I found some maps and stuff here”

“You use maps to attack locations, it’s logical they had one”

“Yes, but… There was a vampire, a young one, that called for withdrawal and even the Lords
obeyed him, they even protected him”



“You didn’t capture him, did you?”

“The Lords covered his flight”

“Are you sure he was young?”

“One hundred percent sure, Master”

“Chase him”


“Go after him and bring him to me”

“It happened at the start of the raid, I’m not sure I could pick his trail”

“Are you disobeying my command?” Tarrick’s voice sounded threatening and made Matthew

“No, Master” Replied Matthew “I’m just saying that the trail got cold and I don’t want
anyone to think I’m running away”

“Then report it to Commander Hiroto so he could do the tracking” Said Tarrick with a hint of
disappointment in his voice. Matthew bit his lip.

“Yes, Master,” Said Matthew and balled his fist. He was right. The trail had got cold and
there was no way he could pick it up now, not with all the mixed vampire scents around him.
And even if he got the trail what would stop the Incubi from saying that he was escaping?
Maybe they’ll punish him and Rosaline again for that.

“You haven’t reported it” Hiroto appeared by his side, staring at him. “The High General told
you to report it”
“I’m sorry…” Replied Matthew “I found…”

“I know, I hear your conversation” Hiroto shrugged “You were right. The trail is cold, they
must have a witch with them”

Matthew nodded, looking at the debris scattered on the floor.

“Are you mad?” Asked Hiroto approaching.

“No…” Matthew started to pick up the papers from the floor.

“Then what is it?” Hiroto climbed on the remains of a table, staring at Matthew.

“He sounded so… Disappointed” Matthew didn’t know why he was saying that to the hunter,
but it felt good to talk to another person.

“It hurts you” Affirmed Hiroto, looking down at the shreds of paper that Matthew had put
there “Tell me, Matthew… Why?”

“I don’t know, I want to show him I’m reliable...” Shrugged Matthew.

“Not that”

“Then what?” Matthew looked at the fox, who was putting together pieces of paper as if he
was solving a jigsaw puzzle.
“Why you came back?” Hiroto looked at him “The truth” He added “Not the whole ‘I’m-an-
incubus’ show you put up there”

“Why do you think it was a show?” Matthew felt his throat dry. Hiroto teleported in front of
him, looking at his eyes intensely.

“Because, if I was given the chance, back then, I would have run away”

A Suivre...

Chapter End Notes

We have another short chapter~ I hope you like it, tho~

I'm sorry about the lenght, but I really wanted to end it on that cliffhanger. But don't
worry, you'll know what Hiroto meant on July 11th~

I hope this is as helpful to you as it is to me to keep a ghoul patch from growing while
waiting for Blood Prince.

Don't forget to comment, give kudos and share if you like this~

From Cabin #7,

Chapter 5
Chapter Summary

Matthew gets to know Hiroto, as a hunter and as a trainer. And he likes it.

“Matthew, we are on duty” Hiroto scolded the soft blush and the smirk still there.

Chapter Notes

Do you remember the fanart my friend did? Well, it was inspired in this chapter ;) ;)


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all it's marvelous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew stared dumbfounded at Hiroto, who made the affirmation and resume his task.

“B-back then?” Asked Matthew, Hiroto looked at him.

“You know what is a kitsune, right?” Commented Hiroto “I saw the book at your room, it had
all the kitsune’s references marked and well-read”

“Kitsunes are messengers of… Of the god-goddess Inari” Matthew said, earning a smile from

“Do you know which are Inari’s domains?” Hiroto returned his gaze to the paper. It was a

“Inari is the deity of foxes, fertility, rice, tea, sake…” counted Matthew “and general
prosperity and success”

“The worshippers often ask for wealth, luck and health at Inari’s temples,” Added Hiroto
“And the messengers are supposed to bring their prayers to them. A messenger doesn’t
intervene, just relays the prayer and returns with the blessing”

“Then why you…” Matthew didn’t know how to phrase it.

“Why I kill vampires in behalf of the Incubi?” Hiroto didn’t look at him, but he could tell he
was no longer smiling, despite his friendly tone. “Take a guess”
“You…” Matthew looked at the petite man in front of him, so mischievous and playful, so
serious at times, so obedient toward the Incubi. “You are like me…”

“Like you?” Hiroto took a piece of paper from the floor and put it together with the others.

“They forced you…” Matthew bit his lips when Hiroto raised his head, looked at him and
nodded once. Did the fox suffer constant tortures like him? How long? Why?

“Why did you come back?” Hiroto asked again, Matthew looked at the pieces of bloodied
paper in his hands.

“I...I think I like Tarrick” He confessed, “And I… I like Rosaline too, I want them to be
happy, to be proud of me…” He raised his gaze and found the fox looking at him intensely
“It’s a shitty reason, huh?”

“No…” Replied Hiroto, taking the shreds from his hands “Lucky you”

Matthew frowned. Lucky? After everything that had happened to him? Lucky ? He was about
to ask Hiroto how any of his situations was “lucky” when the fox pointed at the decaying

“Would you please look at them and see if you find something useful?” Asked Hiroto “If you
found a shiny crystal pendant it would be nice”

Matthew didn’t ask, knowing that probably the hunter would change the subject promptly,
and went towards the corpses to loot them up. It was disgusting but kept his mind busy.

Later when he was back at his room in Ashwood he would wonder why Hiroto doesn’t run
away now. And he would re-read all the kitsune’s passages in his books until the sun knocked
him down.
The following week was almost peacefully.

He would rise right after sundown and shower himself, then Rosaline would come in and he
would feed both his vampire and incubi side. Then he would train with Hiroto until he barely
could move towards his bed and collapse on it a few minutes before sunrise.

Until Sunday.

That day Tarrick was by his bedside when he woke up.

“Hello, my warrior” Saluted the incubus grinning. Matthew smirked as he sat up in his bed.

“Hello, my Master” He replied in a low sexy tone. The incubus’ smile widened.

“You are in a good mood today, huh?” Tarrick traced Matthew’s chest with his fingers.

“How couldn’t I if I woke up to see you, Master” Replied Matthew, grabbing Tarrick’s hand
and guiding it to his lips to deposit a soft kiss on his fingers.

“Are you seducing me, Warrior?” Asked Tarrick now tracing Matthew’s lips with his thumb.

“Maybe” Replied Matthew capturing the blonde’s thumb between his lips and licking it.
Tarrick’s eyes glowed purple as he introduced his thumb into Matthew’s mouth.

“You are making this difficult, Matthew” Sighed Tarrick, earning a confused look from
Matthew “I come to bring you to a special meeting, and if we keep this we are going to be
Matthew moaned and pouted, reaching to touch Tarrick and pushed a bit of pleasure through
his touch.

“Matthew” warned Tarrick, and Matthew let his hand fell and sighed.

“You can’t blame me for trying” He answered raising and walking towards the shower.
Tarrick followed him and run his eyes over him as he stood naked under the water. Matthew
slid the soap sensually through his body, shifting his weight from one foot to another, gazing
seductively at Tarrick over his shoulder. The incubus was enjoying the show.

“Do you like what you see, Master?” Asked Matthew taking a towel to start drying himself.
Tarrick smirked.

“I love the view” Replied him and then pointed at a tailored suit that rested in a chair. A suit?
What kind of meeting was he going to go?

“It’s just a shame you can’t enjoy it thoroughly, ” Said Matthew, sliding into the clothes and
looking at him licking his lips.

“Maybe I shall enjoy it later” Replied Tarrick, and Matthew grinned.

“Where are we going, Master?” He asked, smoothing his suit. Tarrick raised an eyebrow
looking displeased. Matthew bit his lip, maybe he shouldn’t have asked? “Did I said
something I shouldn’t?”

“You are so wary around me now” Sighed Tarrick, taking a bottle of blood from the table “It
feels like we are back on square one… Well, maybe not on square one since you are docile
and obedient… But it feels off”

“Would you prefer that I disobeyed?” Matthew didn’t understand. First, they want him to be
obedient, and now he was complaining about him being obedient.
“No… But I came to like your cheeky attitude and the small rebellious things you did”
Replied Tarrick offering him the bottle “Like when you talk to me all sassy and call my name
as if you have the right”

Matthew looked at the blood and then at Tarrick’s eyes. He was handing it, right? He didn’t
have to ask, right? Tentatively he took the bottle and uncapped it. Tarrick looked at him with
an intense gaze.

“You are so fucking unnerving when you do that” Snapped Matthew and downed the bottle.
Damn it, they could punish him afterwards, he was tired of that pull and push. Tarrick

“There it is, your cursing,” Said the incubus pleased “Who would have thought I would miss

Matthew frowned as the incubus exited the room, motioning to do the same. He hated when
he did that. Why did Tarrick had to be so fucking sweet and sexy and then become so
commanding and hot? He was grateful the incubus couldn’t read his thoughts because he’ll
probably tease him with that for all eternity .

“Fucking incubus” muttered Matthew under his breath.

“I beg your pardon?” Tarrick looked at him over his shoulder, raising his brow.

“ Fucking incubus ” repeated Matthew vocalizing each syllable. Tarrick furrowed his

“What did I do now?” He had the nerve to ask! Matthew huffed.

“You tell me, Mister ‘I’m-perfect-and-I’m-going-to-seduce-you-and-let-you-wanting’ or
should I call you Mister ‘I’m-going-to-be-so-fucking-ambiguous-toward-you’” Replied
Matthew angrily. Tarrick chuckled.

“It’s that it?” He asked merrily “Though I had done worst…”

“‘It’s that it?’ he says” grunted Matthew “As if he doesn’t know how he affects me”

“He seems pretty communicative today” Commented a hunter as they approached the control

“I think he woke up at the wrong side of the coffin” Mocked another. Matthew glared at him.

“Sadly, I woke at the right side” Replied Matthew cockily “But then I found a demon there”

He knew Tarrick hated being called a demon, but if it had any effect he didn’t show it.
Disappointing. They entered the control centre and Matthew was received by Priscilla and
Rosaline, both in gala dresses.

“You took your time, Tarrick,” Said Rosaline hugging Matthew.

“It’s his fault” Replied Tarrick shrugging.

“He is bad at me” Whined Matthew faking a pout “He seduces me and leaves me hungry”

“He tends to do that” giggled Priscilla shooking her head. The others grinned.

“I thought you said a demon was by your side when you woke up” ironized Tarrick. So it had
had an effect! Good.
“It was a demon” Replied Matthew “He tempted me and then hurt my feelings”

“That’s not how demons work, Matthew” Commented Hiroto appearing beside Matthew, he
was wearing a white tuxedo, with a black fine knit turtleneck cardigan that made him look
mouthwatering. Matthew could feel the annoyed gaze that Tarrick sent to him and that he was
determined to ignore.

“You look astounding, little fox,” Said Matthew as his tongue darted out of his lips and licked

“I still think white doesn’t suit me, but if you say so…” Smirked Hiroto turning around so
Matthew could appreciate his suit.

“Hey… Ehm...Are you from outer space?” Asked Matthew, half the people around him
turned to look at him confused. Fuck. He forgot he was in a room full of hunters and incubi.
Hiroto looked at him and raised his brow so he offered a shy smile “‘Cause t-that booty is
from out of this world”

There was a minute or two of awkward silence until finally...

“That’s…” Rosaline rolled her eyes “the worst pick up line I have heard, and I have heard

“That was…” Giggled Hiroto blushing violently “Lame…”

Matthew chuckled shyly and scratched the back of his head. Tarrick huffed, shaking his head.

“It seems I’m not good at flirting” Offered Matthew biting his lip.
“You are terrible at pick up lines” Replied Hiroto “But a hot vampire like you don’t need any
pick-up lines to get me in his bed”

“Enough” Said Tarrick annoyed. Was he jealous? Ha! He deserved it. “You both are on duty
tonight… You’ll escort Lady Rosaline and Lady Priscilla”

“What a shame” Pouted Hiroto “I was hoping to take that suit off him”

“Another time, maybe” Replied Matthew smirking “I still owe you one, remember?”

“I won’t let you forget that” Hiroto licked his lips and winked. Rosaline giggled and shook
her head.

“Come on, gentlemen, you have to accompany two hot girls to a party and you are hitting on
each other?” Said Rosaline, Matthew turned to her, took her hand and smirked, pulling her
into an embrace.

“If I wasn’t on duty I could be with the three of you” He whispered at her ear.

“Y-you! You are a disaster” Laughed Rosaline, her face completely red “Let’s go”.

Matthew laughed and followed the two girls and the fox towards the teleport stone.

“So, this is a training session,” Said Hiroto as they stood at the stone to get teleported “I’m
teaching you how to be a good escort and not fucking it , pun intended”

“So it means I have to be in a room full of incubi who want to fuck with me and not fuck
with them?” Asked Matthew after they arrived at their destination.
“Yes, that and that you also have to be aware of your surroundings, be alert and take care of
your assigned person” Nodded Hiroto, letting the two girls walk past them and enter the
manor first “You’ll be escorting Lady Rosaline, I’ll be in charge of Lady Priscilla. You can’t
let her alone”

“But what if she…” Began Matthew following the two succubi with his eyes until they
settled, then he roamed his gaze through the room to memorize it. The room was packed of
incubi having fun.

“Did I let you alone while you rammed Lady Naveeda?” Hiroto guided him across the
shadows on the sidelines of the room. It seemed like they weren’t supposed to attract any

“No… And when you say it like that it makes me even more uncomfortable” Matthew
grimaced at the thought of the fox spying on him as he fucked. He wondered if it seemed as
hot as it was and if the hunter had permission to get off as he saw him.

“Then you can’t let Lady Rosaline alone” Replied Hiroto shrugging. They stood side by side
at one of the archways that led to a balcony. Their succubi companions were at the centre of
the room dancing and Matthew admired the flawlessly way Rosaline danced with her partner.

“This is going to be one hell of a night then” sighed Matthew when he noticed the Incubi
looking at him and releasing some pheromones.

“You would rather be with them, huh?” asked Hiroto smiling.

Matthew nodded and sighed, keeping an eye in Rosaline as she mingled with other incubi.

“Well, not everything could be partying and fighting” Shrugged Hiroto patting Matthew’s
arm. “This is one of the missions you could be assigned as a hunter”
“Damn it” Matthew was starting to get bored, and a bit hungry accounted for all the
pheromones and sex around him. He needed to focus on another thing, different from how
well the dress hugged Rosaline curves. Then something silly and funny came to his mind.

“What if I join your team?” Said Matthew with a silly smile.

“What?” Hiroto looked at him puzzled.

“So I could be your assassin” Winked Matthew. Hiroto blushed and averted looks.

“Oh man, don’t… Please… You are really bad at this” chuckled Hiroto shaking his head.

“Still I made you blush” Replied Matthew smiling smugly. Hiroto hit him playfully, as his
gaze followed Priscilla and her dance partner.

“Please, stop” Giggled Hiroto “Somebody will hear you”

“Oh, do I embarrass you?” Matthew beamed mischievously.

“Matthew, we are on duty” Hiroto scolded the soft blush and the smirk still there.

“I know, I know you are a hunter” Conceded Matthew grinning, Hiroto looked at him
nodding “I’ve known that since you captured my heart”

“Gods! Stop it!” Hiroto averted his gaze “I should have seen that one come”

“You’ll love to see me come” Replied Matthew, looking at Rosaline as if he just hadn’t throw
innuendos to the fox.
“I can’t argue with that” mumbled Hiroto “But we are on duty and you are distracting me”

Matthew bit back a ‘And I haven’t started to undress’ and said:

“That’s why I’m doing this. I rather focus on you getting embarrassed by my bad pickup lines
than let my mind wander with all the innuendos and pheromones the incubi are throwing at

“You just justify harassing me?” Asked Hiroto, Matthew felt guilty and then Hiroto beamed
“‘Cause I could picture you sexually”

“Shit, that was lame” Laughed Matthew. Hiroto shrugged.

“I thought the point was doing it lame” Replied the fox with a playful smile. Matthew noticed
that even if he seemed careless, he hadn’t let Priscilla out of his sight, and seemed like a cat
sitting but still ready to jump.

“If we weren’t on duty, the point would be doing it ” Shrugged Matthew enjoying the
blushing fox, before his gaze found Rosaline again. Did she just say no to sex?

“They seem to be considered tonight” Commented Hiroto “That’s boring”

“Do you enjoy it?” Asked Matthew “Seeing your assigned person having sex, I mean”

“It depends” Replied Hiroto tilting his head a little “Since I can’t get off until my duty is

“Damn it” Cursed Matthew, and Hiroto giggled.

“Were you planning to get off seeing Rosaline fuck?” Hiroto seemed somewhat surprised and
really amused by that. Matthew shifted uncomfortably.

“Not seeing her fuck…” mumbled Matthew embarrassed “It’s just that this whole thing is
making me hard and I was hoping I could get a little rest and get off…”

“That ain’t gonna happen, big boy” replied Hiroto almost apologetic.

“Then I’ll keep the pick-up lines,” Said Matthew decided “I had to focus on something else
or I’ll end fucking you hard against the wall”

“Is that a threat or a promise?” Hiroto’s tongue darted out of his lips and traced them slowly.
Matthew felt his dick throb at the idea of having that tongue over it.

“A bit of both” replied Matthew beaming his red eyes. Hiroto moaned softly.

“I’m going to become crazy with you” Mumbled the white-haired man.

“I’d rather have you crazy for me” That earned rolled eyes.


“Haha… What about… Are you a mage?”

“A mage?”

“‘Cause you enchanted me”

Hiroto scowled at him and teleported to the other end of the room. Matthew burst to laugh
and rushed to his side without getting close to the party attendants.

“Come on, it wasn’t that bad” chuckled Matthew “It wasn’t the Star Trek one”

“You have a Star Trek pick-up line?” Hiroto looked at him in disbelief.

“If you were a phaser, you’ll be set to stunt” grinned Matthew teasingly. Hiroto burst to
laugh, his cheeks so red the brush strokes were almost invisible.

“C’ mon, Matthew!” managed Hiroto between laughs “We are supposed to be serious about

“I’m being serious” Replied Matthew pretending to be outraged “I’m seriously hitting on

“I’m talking about the escort mission” Matthew could tell Hiroto was trying to be the serious
and focused teacher he was at their combat training sessions. And he was failing miserably.
Or maybe he was indulging at this because it was a party and was difficult to not catch the
merry mood.

“So we have to look like dignified hunters while they party?” Asked Matthew trying to keep
his cool.

“We are dignified hunters… Well, at least I do look dignified” Replied Hiroto, Matthew
scowled and saw an opportunity

“Do you have a mirror in your pocket?” He asked, and Hiroto was about to answer when he
added “because I can see myself in your pants”
“You are not stopping, are you?” Sighed Hiroto, giggling a little “They are going to say I’m
too soft on you”

“I can take it rough, you know?” Matthew was starting to understand why the hunters were
such gossipers, after all, when you are at a party so full of indulging without being able to do
so you have to keep yourself in check.

“I’ll hold you on that when I finally get your ass” Hiroto winked at him “But don’t worry, I
won’t impale you with a stake”

Matthew covered his mouth, as he burst to laugh. He was sure that if he had more blood
inside he would have blushed. Hiroto seemed so playful and mischievous that he wished he
remained like that in their other training sessions. The harsh and strict Hiroto was hot and
commanding, but let him feeling so sore and so drained.

“You know…” Said Matthew as he stopped laughing “I confused you with the sun”

“Because I’m so bright?” Asked Hiroto raising his brow, a small smirk on his lips.

“No” Matthew giggled at the note “Because you make me burn”

Hiroto rolled his eyes, blushing “So we are having vampire-themed ones now?”

“You started” Replied Matthew shrugging “And I intend to make you finish”

“I’ll hold you onto that…” Hiroto almost squeaked, before sighing “Oh look, what a shame,
Lady Priscilla has a date… Oh no, I have to follow her, bummer”

“Don’t worry, foxy, I’ll keep your spot warm” Winked Matthew, Hiroto blushed again and
disappeared. Matthew smiled and turned his eyes to Rosaline, who just excused from the
dance floor and was walking towards him.
“How is everything going?” Asked Rosaline with a soft smile, offering him a glass full of a
red coloured liquid. Blood. And judging from the smell, Incubi Blood.

“It’s fine” Shrugged Matthew taking the glass and biting his lip “It’s okay if I drink? I’m on

“It’s okay, I also fetched a mugetsu glass for him” She explained, handing Matthew a glass of
a silver coloured beverage, it didn’t smell like liquor, but it also didn’t have a scent Matthew
could recognize.

“And you, having fun?” Asked Matthew, taking a sip of his glass and sighing with content.

“Yes, I’ve been enjoying myself” Replied Rosaline “I even get a group of guests to offer their
blood to you… They seemed so sad when I told them you weren’t here to party but on duty”

“May you thank them for the treat?” Matthew smiled, drinking the blood slowly, to enjoy it
the most.

“Of course” Rosaline smiled, “I thought you’ll be sad for not partaking on the party, but you
seem content with Hiroto”.

“Oh, we’ve been talking the night away” He replied, eyeing curiously the mugetsu glass.

“I saw you. He was bright red” Rosaline giggled a little “Are you curious about it?”

“I was flirting with him” Matthew smiled cockily, before frowning at the glass “Yes…”

“It’s an especial delicacy from Japan,” Said Rosaline “Lord Kimihiro brought it. He says it’s
named after his kitsune”
“He has a kitsune?” Matthew frowned and raised his head hoping to see another person like

“He called it a kudagitsune, I think” Said Rosaline “It’s really small and slithered of his
kimono’s sleeve”

“Slithered?” Matthew’s confused face made Rosaline burst to laugh.

“You know what? I’m going to bring him over” She waved as she entered the crowd again.
Matthew huffed and waited, raising his eyebrows as he saw her bring over an average-
looking Japanese man with black hair. He had one brown and one blue eye, hidden behind a
pair of rectangle glasses. He was wearing a simple dark blue kimono and sported a soft smile
that didn’t reach his eyes.

“You must be Matthew” Saluted the man, bowing a little. Rosaline winked and went to sit
down a bit farter to give them some sort of privacy, guessed Matthew.

“Nice to meet you, Lord Kimihiro” replied Matthew bowing. The man moved his hand in
front of his face as if he were waving away something. He had a long slender pipe between
his fingers.

“No need to use such titles,” Said the black-haired “I’m just Lady Yuuko’s assistant”

From his sleeve, a small furry snake-like being slithered and climbed up until it was resting
on top of the pipe. It had pin-heads like eyes and two small fluffy pointy ears.

“Mugetsu says ‘nice to meet you, prince’” Said Kimihiro when the thing made a soft purring
noise “He is Mugetsu, it’s a kudagitsune and my familiar”
“Nice to meet you too,” Said Matthew raising his hand to touch the soft head of the being. “I
beg your pardon, but what exactly is a kudagitsune?”

“They are called pipe-fox” Explained Kimihiro as the kudagitsune coiled around Matthew’s
finger “Because they can hide inside pipes… They are a type of Kitsune that often become
familiars of witches or priests”

“And which one are you?” Asked Matthew giggling a little as the pipe-fox slithered up his
shoulder and scrubbed his head with his stub.

“None” He shrugged “I’m just Lady Yuuko’s assistant at the shop. Mugetsu likes me a lot
and tends to say that he is my familiar”

“And this ‘mugetsu’ thing is?” Matthew raised the glass of silver liquid and Kimihiro smiled.

“It’s a special beverage that we made after a spirit parade” He answered “It is almost tasteless
to regular mortals, for supernatural beings it’s said to have a rich unworldly taste, and for
spirits… Well, let’s say that Mugetsu loves it”

“You said ‘it’s said’, you haven’t tasted it?” Matthew eyed the man, or maybe the teenager.
He seemed young, but again after being surrounded with so many young-looking incubi and
hunters, you never know.

“That’s why I said that is tasteless to regular mortals” Replied Kimihiro with a knowing
smile “Humans don’t perceive it’s taste… most of the times”

“So you are a human… Maybe the mate of Lady Yuuko?” Asked Matthew, and Kimihiro

“Oh god no, please,” He said waving frantically “I’m just that old crazy woman’s assistant”
“Then why Rosaline called you ‘Lord’?” Matthew looked at the human intensely, he almost
didn’t catch his heartbeat, as if he wasn’t really here.

“It’s because of the shop” Replied Kimihiro “Since I work there they call us Lord and Lady,
but I’m just a regular secondary school student”

“That has a pipe-fox familiar and gets to be invited at Incubi parties,” Said Matthew raising
his eyebrow. Kimihiro frowned. He didn’t seem upset about the comment but about being

“I’m here on behalf of Yuuko. She asked me to bring some things to this party, get something
and then go back to the store to make lunch… She is lucky it’s Saturday” Kimihiro seemed
different when he talked about Yuuko, he seemed more… comfortable. Matthew wondered if
it would be the case with him talking about Rosaline.

“And did you get that something?”

“I don’t know, Mugetsu should know…”

Kimihiro seemed annoyed by that, and he also seemed used to it. Then the little pipe-fox
purred loudly and jumped onto his shoulder. Kimihiro asked him something in Japanese and

“It seems it’s time for me to go,” He said bowing “May we encounter another time, I’ll be
leaving first”

“See you another time” Replied Matthew bowing. Rosaline approached smiling.

“Do you like him?” She asked “He is a bit shy”

“I don’t think that’s the case” Replied Matthew “He seemed more like an overwhelmed kid”
“Like you the first time?” Teased Rosaline smirking “You were so nervous and so
embarrassed by the way we incubi act”

“I’m still not comfortable with being watched as I intimate with another” Replied Matthew
with a sigh. “That reminds me… You declined several offers today. Did no-one catch your

“Oh no… That’s not the case” Said Rosaline “It’s just that it sort of felt wrong since you
would have to watch from the sidelines”

“So you refrained yourself so I won’t be uncomfortable?” Matthew smiled, feeling warm as
Rosaline blushed.

“I… That’s not…” Rosaline mumbled pouting “It was your first party in escort duty… I
didn’t want to make it more difficult for you”

“Aren’t you lovely?” Asked Matthew caressing her cheek “Lady Rosaline, I like you a lot”

Rosaline smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek before going back to the party. Matthew
sighed, looking at the incubi’s skinship all around him. He was feeling hungry and let

“So I’m off for a few minutes and you let another fox touch you?” Hiroto just appeared at his
side, sniffing him and wrinkling his nose.

“I was just greeting him” Replied Matthew, giving him the glass of silver liquid.

“What’s this?” Asked Hiroto taking the glass “I’m on duty, we can’t…”
Hiroto stopped as he sniffed the drink. His pupils became slits and his ears trembled.

“Where do you get this?” Asked Hiroto, taking a small sip and moaning. His pupils grew
wider and soon his eyes seemed black.

“Lady Rosaline said Lord Kimihiro brought it” He answered, biting his lip as Hiroto’s soft
moans made him harder.

“Lord Kimihiro?” Hiroto seemed in ecstasy as he drank the ‘mugetsu’.

“She called him like that” Matthew wondered if that was the face he made when he was
about to come, “He told me he was just Lady Yuuko’s assistant… He had a pipe-fox as a

Hiroto nodded and took the last sip of the ‘mugetsu’ drink. He seemed joyous as he licked his

“I wish I was that beverage” Sighed Matthew “So I could make you moan shamelessly”

“Could you not?” Hiroto’s blissful face was replaced by his embarrassed face. And Matthew
loved it because that cute blush was his doing.

A suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I hope you like this~

Chapter 6
Chapter Summary

Matthew has some heartfelt conversations with Rosaline and Tarrick, has a small
training session with Hiroto and a short confrontation with a Hunter.

“You wouldn’t” Replied Hiroto, Matthew turned to look at him and he saw the fox
sporting a cocky smile “You care too much about me”.

Chapter Notes

I apologize for last chapter awful pick-up lines, and I apologize in advance for this
chapter's cheesy lines and nicknames. But you had yo admit, those two are really silly
when it comes to it.

I called this series Athinsint, what means "Retell", since I'm kind of retelling the story
changing one crucial event and, therefore, the rest of it from there.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all it's marvelous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


The rest of the night was eventless. The two men spent a lot of time exchanging bad pick-up
lines and light-hearted comments about the party and the Incubi until it was time to go back.

Between innuendos and chit-chat, Matthew learned the difference between a Party Guard and
a Party Escort. The first had to be nearly invisible and were there to assure the Party guests
safety in case of an attack. The lasts were meant to accompany and entertain their assigned
person as well as watch over them, their priority would be the safety of their assignment even
if the whole world falls into pieces around them.

In the ride back Rosaline and Priscilla entertained them with tales and gossip from the party,
and Matthew could picture life like that perfectly; hanging with Rosaline, doing hunter stuff
with Hiroto… It seemed like a good life.

It was a shame they were approaching to Ashwood, where he was going to be treated like a
slave again. Well, maybe not that much, but there will be always someone who would remind
him that.

“You are quiet, Matthew,” Said Rosaline as they walked toward his room. Hiroto was called
to control centre to report, to both men displeasure.

“I was thinking that I liked today a lot…” Replied Matthew “And I’m grateful to you for
giving me the chance to become one of you”

“That’s funny,” Said Rosaline “I was thinking that giving you that chance was one of my best
choices lately”

“What was the best?”

“Accepting you as one of us”

They both smiled as they come to halt before his door. They looked at each other and she
leaned to kiss him. It was a soft caring kiss that warmed him.

“See you tomorrow, my lovely vampire,” She said softly

“See you tomorrow, my beautiful succubus” He replied smiling.

He entered the room and frowned. It smelled like earth and dark… Like Tarrick. He was
there at sundown, so maybe it was lingering? No, it felt fresh.

“Demon?” Tarrick was exiting his bathroom, looking displeased “Seriously, Matthew?”

“You tempted me” Replied Matthew shrugging a little.

“ I tempted you ? Do you have any idea of what effect do you have on me?” Tarrick wasn’t
displeased, he was angry and it pushed on a panic button on Matthew as the blonde
approached while transforming into his full incubus form.

“I…” Matthew took a few steps back. He could fight, but it will end in he being punished
severely or Tarrick beating him to bits. He could try to flee, but it didn’t seem possible, as
there were hunters all around. He could summit and let the man know he was sorry. He didn’t
like it since he was still angry at him, but it seemed the best option so he got to his knee
slowly. “I’m sorry”

“ENOUGH!” Roared Tarrick grabbing him from the vest of his suit and pulled him up “I’ve
had enough of this”

Matthew flinched and Tarrick growled, letting him go.

“What happened to you, Matthew?” Asked Tarrick “You were so…”Tarrick was having a
hard time finding the words and it made Matthew felt strangely content “Now you are wary
just with me…” Tarrick sit on his bed “Don’t try to deny it, I saw you in the cameras and I
heard Hiroto’s report… You are comfortable around everyone except me”

So that’s why Tarrick seemed so angry. Well, that was something he could push without
being punished. Besides, the incubus deserved a little punishment for letting him unattended.

“I beg your pardon, Master,” Said Matthew sporting an evil grin “I’ll behave better around

“You are doing it on purpose!” Tarrick was exasperated, and Matthew’s grin grew wider.

“I don’t understand what are you talking about, Master”

“You are making me angry”

“I’m sorry, Master, what should I do instead?”

“Stop, that! Please! I won’t punish you for being… Like you were before the House Moreau”

“Oh, but I would like to punish you for being so distant to me since then, Master” Tarrick’s
expression was priceless. Tarrick stood up and walked towards him.

“All this is because I was being distant?” Asked Tarrick, pressing his body against
Matthew’s. His eyes were purple with desire.

“Yes, Master” Replied Matthew passing his arms around the incubus' neck. “I thought you
didn’t want me anymore… So I shouldn’t want you anymore”
“You thought ?” Tarrick’s voice was low and husky and sent shivers of pleasure across
Matthew’s body. Tarrick pressed his erection against Matthew “You really think I don’t want

Matthew moaned and bucked his hips against him “I was wrong, Master” he said, licking his
lips. That was more like it.

“You were” Nodded Tarrick, grabbing him by the ass and tossing him on the bed “So now I
have to punish you”

Matthew spread on the bed, smirking “Punish me how you see fit, Master”

He shouldn’t have said that.

On second thought, yes, he should totally have said that.

Tarrick turned him and pressed him hard against the bed, his other hand worked down the
buttons of his and Matthew’s pants. He yanked the pants and slid his dripping member
between Matthew’s ass cheeks.

“I shouldn’t give this to you” Said Tarrick, his hand holding firmly Matthew by his hair.
Matthew moaned and tried to buck his hips against the incubus, but all that he got was a hard
slap in his ass. “You look eager for it”

“Master…” Managed Matthew, muffled by the pillow against his face “May I please you?”

“Aren’t you obedient?” Tarrick slapped his cheek again.

“I’m starting to regret it” Replied Matthew grunting. Tarrick laughed, grabbing the base of
his cock and teasing the hole of the vampire. Matthew could feel the lube oozing from the
head of Tarrick’s wonderful cock and wetting his hole. He trembled. Tarrick was taking his
time and he really wanted to fuck him before the sun raised.

“It’s all, I’m done” Growled Matthew and with a blink of an eye, he was on top of Tarrick,
rocking his ass against his hard rock member. Tarrick seemed pleased, looking at him
hungrily. “I’m sorry, Master , but you were taking your time and I’ve been wanting to fuck
you for months now”

Tarrick roamed his hands through Matthew’s chest and torso, tracing every muscle and
sending waves of pleasure through his touch.

“Then fuck me” Tarrick voice sounded commanding and made Matthew’s steel twitch in

“ As you wish, Master ” Purred Matthew grabbing both their cocks and stroking them with
his hand full of silky lube. “You want me in or want to be inside?”

“Inside” Replied Tarrick gasping at the strokes “I’ve missed your ass”

“My ass has missed you too” Replied Matthew, as he prepared himself, panting.

Tarrick reached for his neck and yanked him. His lips clashed and Tarrick was ravaging his
mouth in no time. Matthew moaned inside the kiss, aligning the incubus hard member with
his hole, and lowering slowly to impale himself.

Tarrick was eager too, Matthew noticed, as the incubus clawed his hips and brought him
down hard. They both gasped.

“Mhhm” Tarrick hugged Matthew tightly “I’ve missed this too much”
“Me too” Purred the vampire, starting to move up and down the incubus’ steel. Tarrick
grabbed his hips and thrust hard every time Matthew let himself down. Matthew arched his
back, moaning and panting with pleasure.

“T-Tarrick” He groaned when he felt the older man hitting hard the spot inside of him.

“So now I’m Tarrick?” Asked him, tracing his back with his claws, leaving behind thin lines
of blood. Matthew shuddered at the scent of his own blood.

“I ahh I thought you wanted… Me to call you… Master” Managed Matthew between thrusts
and groans. Tarrick pushed him against the bed and grab his hips firmly, his claws digging

“I am your Master,” He said in a low silky voice, as he thrust harder against Matthew. “And
you are mine”

He couldn’t think, the pleasure of being dominated by Tarrick was too much, especially when
the incubus was claiming him in that way, biting his neck possessively. Matthew wished he
could leave marks that won’t heal.

Matthew didn’t notice when Tarrick showed his incubus form, he just felt the tail working his
erection with so-fucking-good expertise. And he heard the wings flap a little with each deep
thrust. Matthew just gave himself to the pleasure, reaching to touch Tarrick’s body and send
small waves of pleasure through his fingers. Tarrick moaned, thrusting and stroking harder.

“I’m… Coming…” mumbled Matthew, clinging to Tarrick, as he felt his body quake. He dug
his claws in Tarrick’s back as he exploded with heat, shooting his seed between them. Tarrick
plunged hard and filled Matthew with his own.

“I really missed this” Purred Matthew as Tarrick dropped himself by his side, hugging him in
a close embrace.
“Me too” Replied Tarrick, caressing Matthew’s face with a warm gaze.

“I’m sorry,” Said Matthew, rubbing his cheek against Tarrick’s fingers. Tarrick raised his
brow. “I was acting wary around you… Not to bother you but… I just didn’t want to be
locked away, or that Rosaline suffered because of me being unable to follow orders”

“You were scared of me?” Tarrick sounded sad, and Matthew shook his head, reaching for
Tarrick’s face.

“No!” Matthew pressed his forehead against the older man’s. “Yes… I was scared… That I
took a false step and ended up in square one or dead or whatever”

He was enjoying the small details of his new life and seriously didn’t want to screw it over.
Especially if that meant hurt Rosaline and/or Tarrick in the process. He did want his freedom,
but his plan now seemed like a far and rather silly dream.

“My Warrior” Sighed Tarrick with a soft loving tone “Sometimes I tend to forget how young,
inexperienced and naive you are”

Matthew frowned, as Tarrick traced his lips and his neck, with an absent look.

“You are way too smart and way too powerful to be allowed all the freedom we give to you,”
Tarrick said and smiled a little “But… I’m giving you this chance to prove that you are as
loyal as you believe you are” Tarrick pressed his finger against Matthew’s lips when he tried
to say something. “Loyalty and trust aren’t things that you could prove and built in a year,
nevertheless you have shown you can be given the chance to do so”

“Thank you?” Matthew pouted, and Tarrick kissed him softly.

“I heard you did well on today’s assignment” Said Tarrick, kissing Matthew’s temple. He
sounded happy.

“I’m trying my best to make you proud, Master” Replied Matthew mocking an almost
childish voice.

“It’s that so?” smirked Tarrick, kissing Matthew’s cheek “Then I should give you a treat”

Matthew groaned as the incubus bucked his hips against him, feeling the hard member
between them “Please tell me the ‘treat’ is you”

“Your favourite” Replied Tarrick before ravaging Matthew’s mouth.

They kept at it until almost sunrise. The two of them expended and satisfied were holding
each other in a way too intimate, way too warm embrace. Matthew felt the sun minutes away
and snuggled at Tarrick.

"Now you are being cute," said the incubus caressing his hair.

"I don't want you to go" mumbled Matthew, trying to resist the urge to sleep. "Who knows
when I would see you again"

"We'll see each other tomorrow, Matthew" replied the blonde, giggling.

"You promise it?" That got the incubus to stop laughing. The tone was too needy, too broken
to be laughed at.

"I'll be there, My Warrior" replied Tarrick firmly. Matthew raised his head and looked at him
with his almost closed eyes. He looked like a kid who just got his way.
"My Tarrick" he sighed before his eyes rolled shut and he fell dead asleep. Tarrick sighed and
caressed his head for a while, with an indecipherable look on his eyes.

When Matthew woke next, Tarrick wasn't there, but it wasn't sundown yet. He was at his own
room and felt a weight on his back. He couldn't move, but he smelled cherry blossoms and he

"Are you going to do me as I sleep?" He asked softly earning a soft laugh.

"I wanted to see if you truly could wake at day" replied Hiroto, stretching on his back and
kissing the vampire’s neck "And I may have peeked at your delicious body"

"If it were the night I would have you pinned against the mattress" Matthew purred, fighting
the urge to sleep.

"Soon, vamp" sighed Hiroto sounding sad about postponing their coitus. "Go back to sleep,
big boy, you'll have a crude night"

Matthew obeyed content, feeling so fucking tired, and he closed his eyes and let himself drift
into a dreamless sleep.

The next time he woke up he was wearing clean clothes and was at the cot in Tarrick's room.
He stretched and looked around the room, two of the artworks had changed since the last
time he was there, and the pile of papers on the desk seemed freshly put there. He heard the
shower from the bathroom and he smiled as he kneeled. Tarrick was fulfilling his promise, it

"You may raise, My Warrior" Said Tarrick exiting the bathroom fully dressed, to Matthew's
discontent, in his uniform. "As you can see I have plenty of work tonight, so consider
yourself lucky"
"I do, Master" replied Matthew smiling "I got to see you freshly out of the shower, although I
would like to accompany you the next time"

Tarrick smirked and sat down at his desk.

"Commander Hiroto will fetch you within an hour, you may shower and change your clothes"
Said Tarrick, as he started to go through the mountain of paperwork on his table.

“Yes, Master” Matthew smiled and raised. For a moment he thought of going into the
bathroom, but if he used the corner shower he may get Tarrick’s attention, right? He took his
clothes off and let them on a messy pile next to his cot and walked towards the shower. He
heard the annoyed huff from Tarrick as he opened the shower and entered the warm water
purring. He could feel Tarrick’s gaze tracing his body, detailing every muscle, every curve.
He smiled thinking of the warm hands of the incubus tracing his body and his member went
hard. Fuck.

“Having happy thoughts?” Asked Tarrick. Matthew could almost hear his fucking smile.

“Mhm” nodded Matthew gazing at the incubus over his shoulder and giving him a suggesting
smile. He turned off the water and took a towel to dry himself, doing it slowly with his eyes
fixated in the Incubus. Tarrick rested his head in his hand and looked at him enjoying the

“I heard of your little contest with Commander Hiroto” commented Tarrick, Matthew had the
decency to look embarrassed as he dressed. Tarrick eyed him “You were quite the topic of
gossiping today… They called you ‘a cute funny couple’, you know?”

“We are not a couple” Matthew hastened to say, Tarrick nodded as he averted his attention to
his paperwork. Matthew felt as if his interactions with the fox were somewhat inadequate.

“I’m aware… I’m just saying what they say now…” He replied diminishing it. What with
that change of topic? Why Tarrick brought the topic and then wave it away?
“I shouldn’t have said so many cheesy things to him” Mumbled Matthew regretfully. He felt
like he had crossed Tarrick by flirting with Hiroto. It was as if he owed Tarrick some kind of
fidelity. That was so fucked up.

“I thought you liked him” Commented Tarrick, without looking at him. His voice sounded so
stoic that Matthew just wanted to explain everything.

Well, yeah. He liked the fox, he was playful and funny and a really good warrior. He was a
good teacher even if he was way too strict. He also was so goddamn cute when he sat with
his legs crossed and tilted his head just a bit. And when he looked at him with that predatory
lustful gaze. Damn.

“I like him… But I don’t think of him as more than a friend… who I want to fuck…”Replied
Matthew. That was it. Tarrick shouldn’t be mad at him for that, he had slept with plenty of
people since their first time. In fact, he fucked right in front of him several times!

“Awn, so we are friends?” Hiroto appeared in Matthew’s cot, making the cutest pout ever.
“You shouldn’t say that... yet… Maybe they’ll order me to kill you” He added sitting on
Matthew’s lap.

“I’ll behave so they won’t” Replied Matthew hugging the fox. He was well aware that, even
if he was playing along with the cheesy comments, Hiroto had put a wall between them. It
was thin, but it was there as if the fox was trying to protect himself of a possible emotional
backlash if they order him to finish Matthew. Matthew knew it was because he was a slave,
and he had resigned himself to having to tiptoe his way out of his slavery situation.

“I hope so,” Said Hiroto snuggling against Matthew “I’ve come to like you a lot”

“Hey, aren’t you affectionate today?” Said Matthew scratching the fox’s ears, a small smile
curved his lips “Is the training going to be so rough? Or you just want to claim your prize?”

“That too” Replied Hiroto closing his eyes and leaning towards the touch “Maybe I’m just
trying to seduce you”
“So you are just making me hungry, huh?” Matthew tugged his finger in Hiroto’s uniform’s

“Maybe,” Said Hiroto showing him his tongue “By the way, you have permission to enter me

Matthew cracked a laugh, giving Hiroto a playful punch in the shoulder. Hiroto pouted and
give him a wink. They had been training on Matthew’s control of his strength.

“Oh, so we are back with the vampire-themed ones?” Asked Matthew laughing.

“Do you mind? I’m working over here” Huffed Tarrick. Matthew bit his lip apologetic.
Tarrick seemed annoyed by them. Or maybe he was just trying to focus on his job. He was
kind of a workaholic.

“I beg your pardon, Master,” He said giving Tarrick an innocent look, earning a raised brow.

“I’m sure he wants you to beg for something else” Retorted Hiroto before teleporting by the
door “Come on, Vamp boy… If we progress enough today we may be able to fuck a little”

“Let’s get down to business then, little fox” Replied Matthew walking to the door “And
maybe get down there too”

Hiroto blushed violently and disappeared, causing Matthew to smirk.

“See you later, Master,” Said Matthew and reached his hand to touch Tarrick, but stopped. He
had kept saying ‘Master’ all this time, and truth be told, it was because he wanted to remind
himself it was Tarrick’s fault he was a slave, to remind himself why he hated him… Why he
shouldn’t love him… Not that it helped to clarify his feelings. It didn’t, at all.
“Have fun, Matthew” Replied Tarrick turning. He saw Matthew’s raised hand and took it
before the vampire took it away. Tarrick smiled and deposited a soft kiss on his fingers. “I’m
almost jealous of Hiroto”

Matthew got his hand back and rushed out of the room before the other man had an
opportunity to say something else and before himself had an opportunity to question why the
incubus was jealous of Hiroto. He didn’t want to know, he didn’t want to get his hopes up
with Tarrick, not yet. Not while he was still worried about his fate.

Besides, it was something that wouldn’t let him concentrate and he wanted to exploit his
training sessions with the kitsune. Especially because they seemed extremely rewarding.

The kitsune was serious about wanting to push his limits and make him more efficient and
focused. He felt as if he had improved more in these few months that in the last year. Well, he
surely had enjoyed and improved with his training lessons with Dennith, Vasu and Cullip.
But Hiroto’s approach was different. It wasn’t about teaching him how to fight, but how to
make the most of his abilities in a fight, how to keep his mind sharp in the middle of a battle
and how to maintain his control even if he was about to die.

Like right now.

Hiroto was careful enough to not pierce his blood pouches nor his soavik. But he drained
them enough for them to stop working. That way he would just need a day to recover, not a
week or a month. Matthew growled at his severed arm that was decaying a few meters away,
between him and the fox.

“What did we talk about, fangy?” Scolded Hiroto swirling the training daggers at his hands.

“No… Growling…” Muttered Matthew, trying to regain his composure *But… In a real
fight… I could growl… Right?”

“This is a real fight” Replied Hiroto, jumping at him, cutting his chest and teleporting away
before he could react. Damn it! The fucking fox was getting faster “And no, you can’t ”
“Why?” He almost whined, parrying the next attack with his bracer.

“Because you growl when you are about to lose control” Replied Hiroto attacking from the
back, embedding one of the fucking training daggers in his upper back. Shit. It hurt like hell.

“That’s not true” Matthew managed, reaching the dagger with his “good” arm. He had lost
sight of Hiroto and that was never a good thing. He tried to stay focused and alert, but he was
so goddamn hungry and three of his four pouches were out of combat, the remaining pouch
was dangerously drained and he had way too many wounds yet to be healed. He felt his
control slowly slipping away, and it wasn’t good. He shook his head, trying to find the fox
and retain his control. If he could hold the fox down thirty seconds they’ll give him fresh
blood, that was the deal.

And he wanted it so fucking much.

He felt the fox’s soft aroma and dodge, barely avoiding the attack. Damn it. He was way too
fast. Or he was becoming slower for the lack of blood. Hiroto seemed pleased by the way
Matthew was more or less still conscious.

“Are you sure you want to keep going, hun?” Asked Hiroto cooing softly “There is no shame
in backing from a fight you won’t win”.

“Someday… I’ll be the one telling you that” grunted Matthew. He felt tempted to surrender,
that way he will be taken to the infirmary and will be taken care of. But he was tired of
losing. Especially against the kitsune.

“Should I take that as a no, bloody bear?” Hiroto seemed so pleased with their progress and
looked so fucking hot with his training uniform shredded and that soft panting. Damn his
incubus side. Wait… His incubus side.

“Sorry, foxy” He smiled breathing slowly and letting his incubus side, the one that wanted to
fuck Hiroto hard, took over “But I’m not losing this time”.
“Bold words from someone who barely can stay…” Mocked Hiroto as Matthew used his
remaining energy to speed behind him and pin him hard against the wall, his erection pushing
against the crack of the fox’s ass “ahhh…”

Hiroto moaned softly, trying to attack him and get him out of his back, but Matthew was too
hungry to care. He wanted to hear more moans, so his hand knocked one of the daggers and
slid down the Japanese’s pants, caressing his bulging erection. The white-haired man gasped
and tried to get free, but the more he moved the more Matthew bucked against his ass.

“W-wait… M-Matthew” Hiroto pleaded as Matthew slid his hand inside his pants and started
masturbating his member. Hiroto rolled his eyes and tried to support himself against the wall,
as Matthew moved against him.

“Thirty seconds, Matthew,” Said someone, Matthew didn’t care. He was too busy with the
lovely fox to care. “Let him go, Matthew”

“Don’t wanna” He replied, biting the fox’s ear making him moan louder. Fuck, Hiroto surely
had an erotic voice.

“Are you going to rape him?” That made Matthew stop. Rape? No, he won’t. He reluctantly
separated himself from the Japanese and watch him felt to his knees, panting.

“I’m sorry…” Said Matthew, backing off slowly, almost reluctantly. Disgusting. Hiroto raised
his head and smiled at him.

“That was so hot, ” He said, standing up slowly. “But, you could have asked me, you know? I
won’t deny you my ass”

“I’m sorry” Repeated Matthew, trying hard to resist the urge of pin the fox against the wall
“Look at the good side” Replied Hiroto “You pinned me down for thirty seconds without
losing control”

“I lost it” Replied Matthew turning so he couldn’t see the kitsune.

“You almost lost it,” Said Hiroto, and Matthew heard the rustle of clothes. He was probably
changing. Fuck. “But you didn’t, you were conscious of what you were doing… Yeah, you
give up a little to your instincts but… You didn’t rape me, right?”

“You sound so fucking calm” huffed Matthew “I almost rape you”

“You wouldn’t” Replied Hiroto, Matthew turned to look at him and he saw the fox sporting a
cocky smile “You care too much about me”.

“You shouldn’t trust that,” Said the voice in the speakers. Silva. “He could betray you at the
first chance”

Matthew grimaced and Hiroto shrugged. Matthew was going to say something when he heard
the door open.

“Your reward,” Said Hiroto as a chained man entered the room “He is sentenced to death, so
you can eat him contently”

Matthew didn’t even wait to Hiroto to end his phrase when he was over the man, draining
him at a steady pace. Oh, fuck yes! He missed drinking directly from the vein so much. The
warm blood felt marvellous especially since he was famished. He moaned as he took every
single drop of blood from the man. His wounds sealing and his arm starting to regenerate.

“Feeling better?” Asked Hiroto sitting near him, still with the cocky smile on his lips.
“Hell yeah,” Said Matthew dropping the dead man and licking his lips, before sitting at the
side of the fox.

“You did it good tonight,” Said Hiroto raising his hand. Matthew lowered his head and the
fox patted him. “You are getting better”

“That’s good” Replied Matthew purring at the way Hiroto caressed his hair “It would
frustrate me if I didn’t get better after so much training”

“You still lack technique and self-restraint, though” Added Hiroto touching his wounded ear.

“I’m sorry,” Said Matthew caressing the fluffy ear. The soft fur was tainted red.

“It hurt” Pouted Hiroto “My poor fox ear”

“I would lick the wound, but…”

“My blood is poisoned?”

“I was going to say that maybe I won’t be able to stop again, but yeah, that too”

“You love teasing me, don’t you?”

“I’d love to do more” Replied Matthew with a cocky smile, tracing the lips of the fox with
his finger. Hiroto darted his tongue out and licked Matthew’s finger, then he took the digit
into his mouth, looking at him lustfully and then…
“Shit! You bite me!” Whined Matthew yanking his hand away. Some blood oozed from the
wound and had tainted Hiroto’s lips. Hiroto licked the blood in slow erotic motion. It was
way too hot.

Matthew caged Hiroto against the wall and lowered himself to kiss him, licking his lips as if
he were asking permission, just to hear the fox moan and concede happily. Matthew started
roaming his mouth.

“Matthew, you are needed at the High General’s room” Silva’s voice came from the speakers.

“Is this serious?” Whined Hiroto as Matthew broke the kiss “I’m starting to think these
Incubi are greedy about you”

“And Commander Hiroto is requested by the Shadow Six… Something about a report and a

“It could be that we have bad timing” Offered Matthew, caressing Hiroto’s cheek “But, fear
not, my lovely fox, my ass is still your prize”

“I’ll collect, honey bat” Replied Hiroto spanking Matthew’s ass “And when I do, you’ll
please me”

“It will be my pleasure , sugar fluff” Replied Matthew standing reluctantly and giving Hiroto
a small bow. Hiroto waved him away sighing before teleporting away.

Matthew exited the training room and found a couple of hunters waiting for him.

“Hands upfront,” Said one, Matthew gave him a questioning look but held his hand and the
stump of his missing limb in front of himself
“You were requested to be brought in chains” Replied the hunter shackling Matthew’s hand
with the slowly growing stump. Matthew was tempted to growl, but that was probably a bad
idea. Why would Tarrick want him in shackles? He was being good, right? It was because he
was ‘way too smart to the amount of freedom’? Maybe he was progressing too slow.

Matthew looked at Tarrick’s door feeling dread fill his guts. He was told to wait until they
gave him permission to enter and that was only making him nervous. Finally, he was called
after ten minutes, his arm was regrowing slowly.

“He is hurt” Commented Prescott when Matthew entered Tarrick’s room.

“Minor injuries” Replied Tarrick without even looking up from his papers. “Say thanks to
your teammate who has just take pleasure on fighting him until he agonizes”

“Minor?” Prescott approached Matthew and examined the chained stump “It seems like
Hiroto has been being harsh to your pet, he is missing an arm”

“Just one? That’s good” Said Tarrick still invested in his paperwork “It seems like he won’t
be using his bed at the infirmary tonight.”

“You didn’t even look at him and said his wounds were minor” Said Prescott raising his
eyebrow “You don’t seem to care about your pet”

“I know his injuries are minor because that’s the order that was issued to Commander Hiroto”
Replied Tarrick turning and giving Matthew a soft reassuring smile before turning to Prescott
“He was ordered to train Matthew to learn to fight for his life but to not deal massive damage
to him so he could be called anytime to the front lines”.

“So he is going soft on the vampire?” Prescott was talking as if Matthew weren’t here, and it
was infuriating. Besides, why was he in Tarrick’s room? It couldn’t be… Right?
“I’m not going soft on him” Hiroto appeared next to them, he was caked in blood and seemed
angry, he turned to Tarrick “I’m taking my apprentice, we have a… Situation and he could
help us with some… Insight”

“Insight?” Prescott raised his eyebrow and looked at the stump, that had grown almost to his
wrist. Prescott seemed to wonder what kind of insight could give a slowly regenerating
stump. Matthew wanted to rip his smug face off.

“We need answers and Matthew could compel them out” Replied Hiroto, reaching for
Matthew’s hand and stopping at the chains “Why is he chained?”

“You may take him with you” Agreed Tarrick before adding “Commander Prescott wanted
him to be brought in chains for whatever reason he has”.

Hiroto grimaced “See you at the stone in five” and he teleported away.

Prescott seemed outraged and Matthew smiled at that.

“I asked for him, first” Started Prescott annoyed.

“Hiroto is conducting a special investigation under the orders of the High King himself”
Interrupted Tarrick “If he thinks Matthew could help his top-priority mission, then, by all
means, he may have him.”

Prescott didn’t seem pleased by that answer.

“He should answer one question first, at least,” Said Prescott approaching Matthew “Why do
you know a Guardian?”

“A what?” Matthew frowned “What’s a Guardian? Who is a Guardian?”

Prescott raised his eyebrow “Don’t play fool, vampire. Why do you know him?”

“I have no idea of what the hell you are talking about… Imperator” Said Matthew “And I
have one minute to get to the stone”

“Let him, Prescott,” Said Tarrick reaching Matthew’s hands and unshackling him “He doesn’t
know him, and probably is better that way”

Matthew frowned again. What were they talking about? Who or what was that Guardian?

“Go, Matthew”

He bit his lip and ran towards the stone, barely making it before Hiroto activated it.

A Suivre...

Chapter End Notes

This is where the series title begins to make sense... Sort of.
Chapter 7
Chapter Summary

Matthew helps Hiroto, goes to a party and meets a peculiar group.

“I’m a succubus, Matthew, I know to recognize attraction when I see it” Rosaline
sounded outraged

Chapter Notes

I hope you all like this new update. Here we will see more Rosaline/Matthew
interaction, as well as some especial characters that I might or not(?) borrowed from a
beautiful game.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all it's marvelous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

Asra, Nadia, Navra, Namar, Julian and Portia don't belong to me either [I wish]. They
are property of Nix Hydra team. And they are here doing a little cameo.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Matthew followed Hiroto across the rooftops of a small town. He felt strangely uneasy,
casting glances back occasionally. He felt… As being watched. For a moment he even
imagined a set of golden eyes looking at him from the shadows.

Finally, Hiroto appeared on an iron staircase and entered by an open window. Matthew
followed him and heard him talking in Japanese to his men. They had entered a modest
apartment that was messy as if they just had one hell of a fight inside. In the centre of the
room was a silver-chained vampire.

“I need you to compel him to tell us the truth,” Said Hiroto pointing at the vampire. “He has
the information we need and approaching from the dreamscape will take too long”

“The dreamscape?” Asked Matthew walking towards the vampire. He was a Lord, and his
wings laid clipped a few feet from him. He was staked and an assassin was behind him, ready
to take it off.

“I’ll teach you later about it” Replied Hiroto who seemed almost angry. Matthew nodded and
knelt down beside the Lord and grabbed his face.

“Let’s start this, then,” Said Matthew, Hiroto gave an order in Japanese and the assassin took
the stakeout. The Lord thrashed but Matthew maintained his grip and looked at his eyes.

“You are going to answer every question with all honesty” Compelled Matthew and felt the
will of the Lord fight back, he pushed a little bit more of power and dig his claws in his jaw
until finally, he won. “All yours, Commander”

“Uh, Commander?” Hiroto smiled flirtatious at the title and approached the vampire with a
serious frown “Then, tell me. What’s your name?”

“I’m Lord Stradius,” Said the vampire, Hiroto seemed pleased.

“Well, Lord Stradius. Where is the Guardian?” Matthew looked at Hiroto who was staring at
the Lord.

“I don’t know any Guardian” Replied the Lord snarling.

“Are you sure about it?” Insisted Hiroto glaring at him “You know no emissary of

“No, I don’t” Spat the Lord, saying the truth because of Matthew’s compulsion.

“And the Prince?” Asked Hiroto playing with his daggers.

“He is…” The words didn’t leave the Lord’s mouth, because Hiroto slashed his throat.

“Dame,” Said Hiroto shaking his head before ordering something to the others in Japanese “It
was useless, but thank you, Matthew”.

“Who is that Guardian and why is he so important?” Asked Matthew, Hiroto looked at him
and narrowed his eyes, so Matthew explained: “Prescott asked me about him… Is it a
vampire thing?”

“No…” Hiroto seemed to be wondering how much to say “A Guardian is a powerful

creature, very dangerous, that serves a god”

“Do you think there is a Guardian of the Blood God around?” Asked Matthew, Hiroto nodded
slowly and cast an annoyed glace at the window. Matthew saw a golden flash but when he
looked again there wasn’t anything.
“It could have been just a power play or an illusion” Added Hiroto sighing softly “But still I
and my team were entrusted to find him”

“What about the ‘Prince’?” Asked Matthew, tentatively. He knew that Hiroto silenced the
Lord before he could say something about it, and it was extremely suspicious since he made
Matthew compel him to get answers.

“It’s nothing you have to worry about” Replied Hiroto as a voice came from his comm.
Matthew frowned. He needed to learn Japanese. “Ok, sugar blood, would you mind helping
me with some more interrogations?”

“I wouldn’t” Replied Matthew smiling at the pet name “But I’m starving, fluff heart”

“You can drink from the next one” Promised Hiroto, Matthew nodded and followed the fox

When they finally made it back to Ashwood the sun was a couple of minutes away and
Matthew was completely exhausted. They didn’t get any information about the so-called
Guardian and Matthew felt with even more questions that earlier that night. Not that he could
think about them before falling on his bed as the sun rose.

And the next night he didn’t get time to think about it either. He was requested to start
training the first hour in the night, and after he lost miserably against a really upset Hiroto, he
was requested to assist again on the interrogation. All night until sunrise.

And the next night, and the next, and the next week and the one after that. And soon Matthew
fell into a comfortable yet draining routine. Not that he didn’t like it, though. He felt as if the
constant training and use of his powers were just making him stronger, which only made
Hiroto get rougher and went harder on him. It was good, it meant that the fox acknowledged
him and his progress, which made him feel really good, as if he was getting really stronger.
And there was that he can go outside the keep, running around hunting people. He felt almost
free when he helped track down a suspect.
Maybe that was the reason why he put an expression of disappointment when he saw
Rosaline rather than Hiroto opening the door. Rosaline frowned and put her hands on her
hips, upset. The semi-transparent black cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline that she
wore flutter around her legs in an almost ominous and unsettling way. She had thrown a not-
that-formal attire in the chair for him and looked at him as if she wanted to kill him.

“What?” She said harshly “I’m not as good as your ‘ fluffy heart’ ?”

“That’s not…” Matthew mumbled approaching her. She growled and glared at him so he
halted “I just was hoping for another long training night”.

“And here I was” snapped Rosaline pacing back and forth making her stilettos clack furiously
against the floor “Thinking that maybe you’ll be missing attending parties and hanging with
me” She seemed utterly hurt and that made Matthew felt worse “I was a fool… Of course,
you prefer the hunters, you are a warrior, not a social”

“I never said that” blurted Matthew “I don’t prefer the hunters… I do miss hanging out with
you, Rosaline”

“I don’t believe you” Replied Rosaline, her eyes full of sadness “You were so… disappointed
when you saw me enter”

“I… Fine, you win” Matthew looked down in defeat “I was disappointed, but not because it
was you… It was because… I… I like it, okay? I like going outside, feeling the thrill of the
hunt, the feeling of freedom…” Matthew felt like crying, he didn’t mean to hurt Rosaline, he
just wanted to be free and roam around without caring and… Why was he sharing that? “You
put a hold on me”.

Rosaline had the decency of seeming mortified. Matthew huffed and a growl stopped on his
gut. Damn it, the fucking fox had done a good job making him control his instincts.

“I wanted to know why you were upset” Rosaline defended herself. Matthew crossed his
“You could’ve asked, Rosaline” Retorted the vampire “And here I was, feeling horrible
because I’d hurt your feelings”

“You did hurt my feelings”

“But I didn’t make you tell me how or why”

“I don’t think you are in a position to recriminate it, Mister ‘I’ll-compel-my-friend-betraying-


“That was low” Matthew grimaced, and Rosaline shook her head covering her mouth as she
realized what she said.

“I didn’t mean to…” She blurted apologetically, Matthew raised a hand to silence her.

“No, no, you are right,” He said swallowing the lump that formed on his throat “I am in no
position to recriminate you for using hold on me”

“I know you didn’t mean to betray Silva and that you regret it,” Said Rosaline approaching
slowly “That was so insensitive of me”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you either” added Matthew pouting, Rosaline hugged him.

“I know, I’m sorry…” She said hiding her face in Matthew’s broad chest “I know you love
going outside and fighting and I know you love coming to parties with me too, I was just

“Jealous?” Matthew hugged her back and caressed her long soft hair.
“You call him with cute pet names and fool around him so much” She whined looking at him
with a cute pout “I want you to flirt with me too”

“It’s not the same” He chuckled, “I like to embarrass Hiroto and to tease him... His reactions
are delicious ” He explained kissing her forehead “I won’t tease you, I’d rather court you”

“Oh, would you?” Rosaline kissed his jawline with her eyes glowing with desire. Matthew
purred and slid his hands down the redhead's back.

“Shall I start?” Asked Matthew grabbing a handful of her ass and biting her bottom lip softly.

“Sadly we have this party to attend” She answered as if she’d rather stay with him in his
room. “And you are supposed to mingle with all the incubi around”

“So I won’t be on duty tonight?” Asked Matthew smiling against the curve of her neck “And
I will be able to have fun with you and the others?”

“Yes, you have a night off” Replied her arching her neck to expose it to the vampire
“Courtesy of Moi ”

“That sounds lovely” Matthew kissed her pulse and heard her heart skip a beat. He wanted to
sink his fangs on her soft flesh.

“Matthew?” Asked Rosaline, with a shallow breath. He moved away from her and smiled.

“Yes, m’ lady?” He asked caressing her back.

“Get ready,” She said kissing the corner of his mouth “The Wardens are waiting for us to
escort us to Lady Nadia’s manor”
“The Wardens?” He asked as he grabbed the clothes she had prepared for him “Hiroto isn’t

“He is busy with some mission or something” Replied Rosaline shrugging as she sat on his
bed “So you won’t have your sugar fluff tonight”

“That’s how it sounds?” Asked Matthew making a face before entering the bathroom.

“You sound so cheesy ” She cried before hearing the water run. She giggled a little as she
waited for the vampire, looking around the room.

“I’m starting to think that maybe it was a bad idea to start that contest” Mumbled Matthew
exiting the bathroom, dressed in black slacks and a blood-red button-up shirt. Rosaline
smiled at the sight and walked towards him.

“What’s exactly the contest?” She asked grabbing his arm and walking with him out of the

“We are trying to see who can embarrass the other more until one of us can’t keep going with
it” Replied Matthew as they walked down the halls of the keep.

“It’s a peculiar way to entertain yourselves” Giggled Rosaline “And… Did he reclaim his

“No” Matthew shrugged as they got to the entrance. The Wardens were waiting beside a van,
one of them had a box with shackles and a blindfold. Other had a syringe with hawthorn.

“Hands” Ordered Silva. Matthew obeyed putting his hands forward.

“May I ask you to not knock me out?” Asked Matthew “I’m having a conversation with Lady
Rosaline and would hate to let it on hold”

“You should just dull him” Added Rosaline with an authority “I want to chat with him in the

Silva grimaced but waved at the hunter with the syringe, who teleported away and came back
with another filled with foxglove. Matthew lowered his head and smiled. Silva turned and
walked towards the van. The hunter injected him and hushed onto the van, being followed
closely by Rosaline.

“So… You were telling me that Hiroto hadn’t reclaimed his prize” Said Rosaline after the
engine roared alive. Matthew nodded as one of the hunters put the blindfold over his eyes. He
felt disoriented and dull. But at least he was conscious.

“We have a bad timing” Replied Matthew shrugging a little “That or Tarrick is really

“It could be both” Laughed Rosaline “After all, you seem very lovely with Hiroto, some even
ask if he is your mate”

“He is my trainer” Replied Matthew making his voice sound upset “And my friend”

“You two look cute together” Commented one of the Wardens, and the others mumbled in

“Thanks” Replied Matthew with a cocky smile, trying to keep himself from the dizziness
made by the foxglove “I’m trying hard to make all those cheesy lines so he gets embarrassed”

“I’ve never seen him blush the way he does with you” Commented Rosaline “What about
“Me neither, my lady” Replied a Warden, being followed by his teammates denying having
seen the fox act like that around anyone.

“Maybe he is in love with you, Matthew,” Said Rosaline cheerfully. Matthew gave her a soft
condescending smile.

“He is not, my lady,” Said Matthew softly “He won’t allow himself to fell for me, he had put
a wall between us”

“I’m a succubus, Matthew, I know to recognize attraction when I see it” Rosaline sounded
outraged, but then she just sounded curious as she asked “A wall?”

“He is attracted to me, yes” Replied Matthew nodding “As I’m attracted to him. But it won’t
be anything else, because of the wall he put so he won’t be attached to me and if given the
order he would be able to kill me without feeling emotional about it”

“That sounds awful,” Said Rosaline and Matthew could tell she had tears in her eyes, even if
he couldn’t smell or see them.

“He is an assassin, my lady” Replied Matthew “And a soldier, he knows that he has to obey
the commands given to him and won’t get distracted by his feelings”

“You should learn a thing or two about it” Silva’s comment made Matthew grimace. She
hadn’t forgiven him and he wasn’t sure she will someday.

“I’m trying” Mumbled Matthew, suddenly feeling inadequate.

“You are doing good, Matthew” Rosaline put her hand on his shoulder comforting him “You
are getting better”
“Thank you, Lady Rosaline” He smiled at where he supposed she was.

“You’re welcome, Matthew” Rosaline sounded so warm, and her touch was so comforting.
Matthew felt the hold but let it be. It felt nice.

“But... “ Rosaline whispered, sitting by his side and resting her head in his shoulder “Don’t
you think it’s romantic?”


“You and Hiroto,” She said with a soft, longing tone “Two warriors that meet in the middle of
a war, knowing that their feelings would distract them but orbiting each other nonetheless”

“You have a curious definition of what is romantic” Commented Matthew resting his head
against her.

“I just think that you two are good for each other” Rosaline snuggled against him “You’d be a
good influence for each other”

“Are you sure you are talking about the little fox and me?” Asked Matthew, incapable of
seeing how he could be a good influence on the Japanese. Incapable of seeing anything, by
the way.

Rosaline didn’t answer and the SUV stopped, so Matthew supposed they had arrived at their
destination. They removed the blindfold and the shackles and he smiled at them.

“I’ll behave” He promised as he followed Rosaline out. They got to a fairly big estate, not as
impressive as Tarrick’s or Queen Agleea, but it was as elegant. It had a beautiful garden full
of exotic flowers and animal-shaped bushes. And the marble path that leads to the beautiful
carved wooden doors was lined with red roses. Matthew admired the decoration as they
entered the main hall.
The walls were lined with detailed paintings of incubi, in a very art nouveau style, living their
lives. The floor was carpeted in and it seemed to be a different pattern in each room. The
walls showed different patterns too, subtle and delicate, to match each carpet but without
taking attention from the artworks or the comfy and elegant furniture. Soon enough Matthew
realized that every room has a theme on its own. It seemed like every room was a different

He also realized that all the guest were wearing masks that complimented their dresses and
suits. He looked concerned at Rosaline, who smiled brightly at him and winked.

“Don’t worry, we will get ours as soon as we talk to Lady Nadia” She reassured with a soft
giggle before adding “And they aren’t able to see us until we get our masks, so don’t worry”

“How?” Asked Matthew noticing that the guests evaded them but not looked at them, as if
they were part of the furniture or something like that.

“Magic” Rosaline shrugged as they entered the main hall. It was blinding. Literally. The floor
and the columns were bright golden, draped with rich red cloths. There were mirrors all over
the walls and heavily decored chandeliers hang from the archways that supported the glass
ceiling. The stars twinkled in the night sky and the full moon’s light bathed the highest part of
the ballroom with an eerie silver light. There was a big golden throne slightly higher that a
big silver and red divan in which a gorgeous bronze-skinned woman with long purple hair
and a rather revealing dress laid. Lady Nadia, by the looks of it.

By her head, there was a white-haired man with tanned skin and a translucent outfit made of
a silky and vaporous fabric, who was sitting on a comfy looking chair. By their feet there was
an auburn-haired pale man in a black crow-themed outfit, laying on a soft looking poof and
smiling at them. It couldn’t be.

Matthew tensed as they climbed the staircase towards them, Rosaline walking gracile as ever.
As they got to them Rosaline nudged him a bit and he bowed. The woman got up smiling, the
same as the white-haired man. The auburn-haired bowed his head and smiled flirtatiously at
Rosaline. Matthew felt a growl form in his gut but stopped it there. It seemed like Hiroto’s
training was helpful in this kind of situation too.
“So this is Matthew,” Said Lady Nadia after she and Rosaline exchanged a friendly greeting
“He seems just as you said, Ros”

“He is as impressive as you told us, Rosaline” added the white-haired man with a smug face.
He was attractive, but not in an incubi way. “But he is surely uncomfortable with us talking
about him as if he wasn’t here”

“Oh, I may beg your apologies, Matthew” nodded Lady Nadia “I’ve been too busy preparing
this masquerade to fit what you’ll like that I got used to talking about you”

“To fit what I like?” Matthew frowned at that and the auburn man burst to laugh.

“Didn’t I told you to stay quiet, Julian?” Asked the white-haired looking at him annoyed.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” said Julian still laughing “But you have to concede, Asra, that his
expression was priceless . Am I right, Dia?”

“It’s rude to laugh at the guest, Doctor” Replied Lady Nadia before smirking “But you are
right. It was priceless. You didn’t like the party, Matthew? I heard that you were the curious
type, so I arranged as many curious sights as I could”

“It’s not that, Mylady” Matthew replied, still confused and tense “It’s just that I didn’t expect
it. It’s a nice surprise, tho”

“Oh” Lady Nadia nodded and smiled at him warmly “Don’t worry, just the best for the man
that saved one of my sisters and avenged two of my closest friends”

“One of your sisters?” Matthew frowned and it clicked. One of the succubi in house Moreau
had the same nose and filled lips as Lady Nadia, but her hair was orange, not purple. Now
that he thought about it when Rosaline showed him the faces of the six daughters of house
Namar each one of them had a different hair colour. Seven daughters, if he counted the
orange-haired one.
“Navra hadn’t stopped talking about how brave you were,” Said Asra motioning them to sit.
Matthew looked and there were two extra chairs as the one Asra just sit on. When did they

“Asra is a magician” Explained Rosaline giggling as she sat. Julian reached her a cup and
Matthew couldn’t keep the growl this time. He stopped at once and looked at their hosts
worried, but Nadia and Asra seemed unfazed by it. It hurt his pride a little.

“I told you to use the mask, Julian” Asra seemed really annoyed “If any of the other guest or
hunter notices…”

“Cut me some slack, Asra” Julian pouted “I can’t drink wine, nor tea. I can eat none of the
delicacies from my homeland. I can’t dance on the tables…”

“You could dance on the table if you put the mask on” Retorted Asra. Nadia was ignoring
them as she served tea to Rosaline and produced a bottle from a cooler under her divan. She
reached to get a cup, served the dark red liquid on it and passed it to Matthew. Blood.

“Thank you, Lady Nadia,” He said as he took the cup and drink from it. She smiled and put
the bottle in a small coffee table that appeared from thin air.

“You are so polite,” She said seeming pleased “So different from someone I know”

“I could be polite” Jumped Julian, snaping from his discussion with Asra “I’m the finest
example of grace and elegance”

“You are the finest example of why you shouldn’t try to cure vampirism, brother of mine,”
Said a soft voice from beneath a curtain. A rather chubby woman with auburn hair appeared.
She had a casual white and red outfit and had a cat mask. She had a tray full of delicacies in
her hands and she put it on the coffee table before frowning and glancing at Asra “So there it
was, huh?”
Asra shrugged and took a small cake from the tray.

“Aren’t they hilarious, Matthew?” Asked Rosaline giggling at his tea.

“They are” He replied his brows furrowing further. Cure vampirism? What?

“I think we are going to break your friend, Rosaline,” Said Julian before making a cocky
smile “So it’s better if we explain what’s happening here” Julian sat upright and coughed to
clear his throat dramatically. The other three rolled their eyes. “This beautiful succubus is
Lady Nadia, the owner of the household, and the best friend one could have.”

“It’s a pleasure” Lady Nadia smiled with half-lidded eyes as she sipped her tea

“By her side is Portia” Continued Julian with a bright smile “The most talented company
lady in the world, and my lovely annoying sister”

The alluded smacked the back of his head and smiled towards Matthew “Nice to meet you,
I’ll stay and chat but I gotta go check everything is smooth going” She said winking and
leaving by the door beside the curtains.

“That smug-looking man is Asra, auch” Julian jumped as Asra brushed his silver rings
against his skin. He said a soft ‘ups’ but he didn’t seem sorry. Julian hissed and continued
“Asra is Lady Nadia’s and this server best friend. He is also a talented magician or so I’ve
been told”

“You have seen me do magic” Asra raised his brows.

“Yeah, sure, but I don’t believe in your thingamajiggy” Replied Julian making a dismissive
gesture with his hand “I’m a man of science” He turned back to Matthew and continued “I’m
Julian, Lady Nadia’s personal physician and jokester”
“And a vampire who doesn’t believe in magic” pointed Nadia “Even if half of what has
happened around him has to do with magic”

“I beg your pardon, Mylady,” Said Matthew still confused “But I thought that it was
forbidden to relate with vampires”

“It is” Replied Asra smiling widely “But no one knows that Julian is a vampire, except us, his
sister, and you two”

“Besides, it wasn’t as if he wanted to be turned” Added Nadia grimacing “He tried to defend
my sister and got captured by Moreau. He was dumped not long after he was turned”

“I don’t blame them, he is really annoying” commented the magician who produced two
masks from the folds of his outfit and started painting some runes and symbols on them.

“I do recall you crying and hugging me really tight when I came back” Retorted Julian
serving more blood to Matthew and to himself “Ugh, I’m never going to get used to how it
tastes cold”

“It’s better when is fresh… Hot from the vein” Agreed Matthew, Rosaline shifted a little.

“It’s a shame we can’t give you fresh blood” Replied Nadia “I’m pretty sure a truce between
our races is possible since we don’t want to lose anyone else and surely neither the vampires”

“You know that the High King is the one who decides if we made a truce or not,” Said
Rosaline firmly, Nadia nodded and Asra served her a little more tea.

“I know, I know… But look at Matthew and look at Julian” She said gesturing both men
“They are polite, caring and gentlemen” Matthew felt his chest filling with pride as she talked
“It’s true they sometimes lose themselves to their instincts, but we also lose ourselves to our
instincts every so often. So what’s the real problem?”
“I don’t know… I’ve been talking to him, you know?” Said Rosaline with a soft sad sigh that
made Matthew grimace “About stopping the war and so… But he seems so…”

“Distant?” Asked the other looking at the throne over them. She nodded and sighed “I’m sure
he has his reasons, but… I wish all this war ended”

“We all do, Noddy” Replied both men, grabbing her hands in a soft touch.

“Well,” Said Julian standing up and reaching for a crow-themed mask from behind the poof
and putting it on “Enough of sad talking. Let me show you the amazing stuff that our lovely
Lady Nadia put together for you”

Asra shook his head smirking and handing over their masks. Rosaline’s was a petite mask of
black lace with small rhinestones lining her eyes. It had curved points at each side ending in a
rhinestone that looked like tears. It suited her wonderfully.

Matthew’s was black with red lining around the eyes, it covered his nose and had pointy
spikes in each cheek that seemed like fangs. Rosaline smiled in approval.

Matthew and Rosaline thanked Asra and Nadia, who told them to enjoy the party thoroughly.
Julian made an exaggerated bow and smiled at them.

“Follow me, fellas” He hummed as he led them down the staircase. Matthew watched
astounded how people kept partying around them without caring about them. It was strangely

“You see, the thingamajiggy of Asra keeps everyone’s identities concealed. Even if you
reveal who you are the others will forget about it in seconds” Explained Julian as he walked
down the ballroom to the main hallway. “High ranked Incubi don’t like that much this party
because of that. They want to show themselves… The commoners, as Portia and me, or
Incubi without a House, or hunters off-duty love them. They are all equal here from the
moment they put on the masks”

“But, isn’t it dangerous?” Asked Matthew as they entered the first room. It had giant crystal
aquariums full of merpeople and diverse creatures from the sea, that were dancing and
performing in the water. Matthew stared in awe, smiling at the show.
“I thought you wanted to meet more creatures,” Said Rosaline at his ear “And Lady Nadia is
an acquaintance of this particular underwater circus troop”

Matthew nodded slightly. The merpeople were beautiful and their performance made him
want to stay forever.

“Snap out of it, man” Julian cold hand made him go back to his senses “Those are experts on
luring people to their demise. Though they promised to behave tonight”

Julian smirked at the merpeople and tug both Rosaline and Matthew hands to lead them to the
second room.

“It would be dangerous if anyone could wear those masks,” Said Julian, as they entered in
what seemed to be the clearing of a forest. The carpet on the floor became grass towards the
centre of the room, and some tree stumps were being used as chairs and tables by the
attendants of the party. In the centre of the room was a centaur sharing stories. He was

He was a white stallion with a black tail, and his torso was riped with muscles and his dark
hair cascaded over his pale skin. He had amber eyes that looked in their direction for a
moment before looking at the fake sky as he motioned his hand toward it. His voice was deep
and reminded Matthew to the sound of a cascade.

“He is Juniper, one of the finest tale-tellers in the world,” Said Julian motioning at the centaur
“Not a fan of incubi, really, nor vampires” He added “He is here because he likes Asra. But
Asra don’t like him that way, if you know what I mean”

“Why? I wouldn’t mind be with him” Said Rosaline, and Matthew nodded. The Centaur was
really handsome and, judging by the way he acompannied his words with gestures, seemed
very gentle.

“Oh, you know Asra… He will never forget his assistant.” Julian’s voice sounded sad “Not
that I will, either… But it was decades ago”
Matthew assumed that Asra’s assistant was dead, and nodded silently. He still felt really sad
about Alyssa. Even if he did fell for Tarrick and had sex with several people since then.

“Well, I was telling you” Said Julian beaming again. Matthew thought that he was a really
sad person, because his smiles never reached his eyes. “Asra’s Masks only works on the
people they are made for and only for the spawn of a night”

“So when the night is over it would be back to be a plain mask?” Asked Matthew as Julian
lead them to another room.

“No, it will retain it’s form and decorations, but the magic will banish” Replied Julian “I still
don’t understand how it works and I really don’t believe in magic, so I can’t explain it to

“I still found it funny” Commented Rosaline giggling as they entered a room filled with giant
bubbles that floated arround with people inside, being pushed and pulled by small twinkling
things “That you don’t believe in magic, nor incubi or vampires even after everything that
has to happen”

“I’m sorry, M’lady” Replied Julian as he gestured one of the shinging little things. As it
approached Matthew noticed the small butterfly-like wings and the humanoide figure. “But
the negation is what keeps my mind healthy”

“They are fairies” Commented Matthew following the small fluttering fairies with his eyes as
they circled them and encapsuled them in giant bubbles that started floating.

“They are special acquaitances of one of Noddy’s sisters,” Said Julian bouncing in his
bubble. Matthew smiled and jumped, and the bubble bounced wiht him. It was funny. Lady
Rosaline laid on hers and looked at Matthew with a smile.

The rest of the night was more of that. Julian was quite a chatty person and was explaining
things as they walked from room to room. Every one of which had a different theme and a
different creature that marvelled Matthew. There were shifters performing some stunts, and
griffons and unicorns to pet, and fluffy two-tailed cats that walked in two legs and read

In one room there where several kitsunes in human form dressed in traditional japanese
clothes and where dancing some choreography. And Matthew wondered how Hiroto would
look in a kimono.

In another, there were several elves that showed their weapons skills in a choreographiated
combat. And in another there where a buffet with several plates and delicacies and several
tables dotted the room, facing a stage where a mixed race band was playing. In that, Julian
jumped in a table and started dancing.

He was really enjoying himself and he was starting to feel sad as the sun approached to the
horizon. He will have to leave soon and return to his slave state.

“I hoped you liked this” Lady Nadia had come to them, to the Naga’s room where they were
seeing them perform.

“I loved it” Replied Matthew beaming “I’m really thankful”

“I’m glad” Lady Nadia sat by his side “If you want I could arrange meetings with whoever
you like…” And then she inclined towards him and whispered “I hope they recognize you as
one of us soon, I really think you are fully an incubi… And a vampire, and therefore you
prove everything I stand for”

“That our espices could live together?” He asked in a whisper.

“Yes,” She answered “Vampires and Incubi are more similar that anyone would care to admit,
and we desire each other even more… So go ahead and end this pointless war”

Matthew smiled and nodded. He wished it was that simple, to be honest.

“Oh, and Matthew?”

“Yes, Lady Nadia”

“Please don’t ever mention Julian… As a precaution”

“Of course, My Lady”

A Suivre

Chapter End Notes

I would prefer not to talk [yet] about the obviously hated/beloved character that is
lurking in the dark because it would be a spoiler of what's coming. Just pay no attention
to him ;)

I hope you don't mind the little cameos I made [and will make] through this series since
they are there just to spice things up a little. :3

I hope you like this, see you again in 13 days~

Chapter 8
Chapter Summary

Matthew learns a thing or two about Hiroto and Tarrick.

“I found you fascinating” Replied Tarrick picking up his caresses and kissing Matthew’s
neck. “You are so full of curiosity and surprises, you never cease to amaze me, to prove
that you are especial”

Chapter Notes

I hope you like this little change of pace, and I hope this chapter would show you little
more to where this story is headed. Not that I would tell, tho~


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all it's marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Matthew had resigned to train with the Wardens, not that they weren’t good. But Silva’s
evident hate and guilt made him feel uncomfortable. He was also assigned to a trainee team
from Ashwood Academy, especially when it came to battles.

In the battles, the especial training with Hiroto proved effective. He was way more focused
and it was easier for him to compel and control lords, and to use efficiently his blood and
sexual energy. He also hadn’t lost control in a while, and he felt really proud of that.

Tarrick also seemed very pleased with that, as he praised him after every battle, and now and
then he will call him to his room to treat him. And of course, he attended several parties,
sometimes as a guest and sometimes on duty. He surely missed the fox when he was on duty;
the other hunters were broody and silent around him.

After a month or so the kitsune came back. And he seemed exhausted and moody.

“What?” Snapped the white-haired after a few minutes of Matthew intense staring “Do you
want a picture?”

“I would love one” Replied Matthew in an attempt to make the fox smile “Maybe a little
lewd so I could give it a better use”

Hiroto stared back and sighed “I’m sorry… I know you are trying to lighten the mood… But
I’m… It’s been two long months”

“I’m sorry” Replied Matthew dropping his smile and hugging the fox. He let his head rest on
top of the Japanese’s and purred softly “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable”

“It’s not that” Hiroto nuzzled against Matthew’s broad chest and sighed “I just… I failed”
Matthew didn’t need to ask what he was talking about since he knew he talked about the
track mission that had him away and busy. He tightened the hug and caressed the white hair.

“Maybe he went back to his god” Commented Matthew in an attempt to console the shorter

“That’s what I’ve been telling them!” Cried Hiroto angrily “But they don’t want to believe
me!” Hiroto looked at Matthew as if asking him to support him “Besides it’s not like they
really care about it… They just told me that ‘I should go back to work’ as if they hadn’t
assigned me that tracking work!”

“That’s awful” Mumbled Matthew, without knowing what to say. Hiroto whined and frowned
his brows. Matthew caressed his back. “At least you are back… I missed you a lot,
Commander ”

Matthew knew that Hiroto loved when he said ‘Commander’ with his husky sexy voice, and
he could see the fox stir when he said it.

“I missed you too” Replied Hiroto forcing a little smile, “They told me you have been doing

“I had a really amazing teacher that helped me become better” Matthew caressed Hiroto’s
cheek and the fox nuzzled against his hand, smiling softly. “And while he was away, I kept at
it so he would be proud when he came back”

“You have no idea of how much I like being your trainer” Whispered Hiroto before releasing
the hug “Now, let’s get to the training grounds… Tonight I’m showing you the dreamscape”

Saying that he was not excited with the prospect of knowing more about the ‘Dreamscape’
would be a total lie. And as they walked towards the training room he can only wonder about
what exactly was that and why Hiroto seemed so serious about it.
“You know… The other day I saw several Kitsunes” Commented Matthew as they entered
the room. There was a large tatami mat in the centre of the room with a couple of pillows one
in front of the other.

“Did you?” Hiroto raised his eyebrow and sit on one of the pillows with his legs crossed.

“At Lady Nadia’s Party, they were cute” Nodded Matthew “But not as beautiful as you”

“Yeah, sure” Hiroto blushed a little and smiled, motioning Matthew towards the other pillow.

“I’m serious about it,” Said Matthew sitting in front of him, “But, to be honest, I’m really
curious about something…”

“What now?” Hiroto asked stretching a little and shaking his ears “You have one last
question before we get serious for this session”

“How do you look in kimono?” Matthew asked, and Hiroto blushed a little more.

“Maybe I’ll show you later” Replied Hiroto before drawing a deep breath. “Now, to the

“Right…” Matthew nodded and mimicked the fox.

“The dreamscape is the land of dreams” Explained Hiroto closing his eyes. Matthew admired
him a bit, licking his lips and letting his eyes roam the smaller body. “Eyes closed, Matthew”

“Sorry” He apologized as he realized Hiroto had opened an eye and was staring at him. He
promptly closed his eyes and hear a soft hum.
“As I was saying” Continued Hiroto, his voice soft and soothing “The dreamscape is the land
of dreams; you can enter through your dreams or meditation and therefore enter one person’s

“So you can read my mind,” Said Matthew focusing in the rhythmic breathing of the fox.

“Not reading … Enter” Chuckled Hiroto “If you allow me I could see your memories of
something and learn from them”

“As blood?” Asked Matthew feeling relaxed.

“I’m not sure about it, I’m no vampire” Replied Hiroto with a soft playful tone. “But since
you ask I guess you can also see memories from blood”

“And what if I don’t allow you in?” He wasn’t so sure about sharing his thoughts with the
kitsune “Is there a way to keep you from getting in?”

“If you don’t allow me then I couldn’t get in” Replied Hiroto with a soft laugh “Why?” He
asked with a teasing smile “You don’t want to let me see your sexual fantasies?”

“I like my privacy” Defended Matthew, but followed the idea train that the fox rode with the
hope that it would be enough to cover his nerves about his plan of learning everything and
ran away “I can’t have sex without having someone to watch me so at least I should be able
to fantasize by my own”

“I concede you that” Agreed Hiroto and took a deep breath “Then, I’m going to ask you
permission this time. Know that most of the times you don’t get asked but rather your mind
gets breached”

“Have you been in my mind before?” Matthew felt a little self-conscious.

“No Matthew, you would have noticed” Replied Hiroto and Matthew could almost hear his
smile “Let me show you… First, relax as much as you can”

“I’m relaxed”

“No, you are not… You panicked as soon as you thought I had breached your mind before”

“Can you blame me?”

“Just relax… Almost as if you were going to sleep”

Matthew nodded and breathed softly, trying to soothe himself with the sensation of the air. A
few minutes later he felt as if he were sliding into a calm sleep.

He felt a soft hand on his shoulder and he opened his eyes. In front of him was Hiroto,
dressed in a navy blue kimono with a pattern of red foxes and leaves. They were standing on
a red bridge across a river. A quiet forest expanded around them.


“It’s a memory” Replied Hiroto laying on the bridge railing “From a long long time ago…
You wanted to see me in a kimono, didn’t you?”

“You look beautiful,” Said Matthew approaching him “It’s a cute kimono”

“It’s from my childhood… It was a gift from a Miko of an Inari temple” Hiroto touched the
sleeve of the kimono “I haven’t used one since then…”
“It suits you” Commented Matthew looking around “So… You put one of your memories in
my head”


“So now we are in my head”

“That’s right”

“And you could know everything about me like this?”

“It’s not that simple… I could leave you a message, or track you down, right now” Hiroto
smiled “But I cannot get the information you don’t want to give me”

“So how do you use this to get information?” Matthew felt curious, Hiroto seemed pleased
and took his hand.

“Usually I make a memory or took over a dream… And I slowly use it to get the information,
it’s like making someone talk when is drunk or drugged” Said Hiroto as he led him to a small
red shrine with tall fox statues on the front. But when they entered, rather than the expected
shrine to the Shinto gods, they found themselves on Matthew’s first apartment's living room.
Matthew frowned but smiled. He missed that place.

“Or I could make it a nightmare and force them to tell me, traumatizing them” Added Hiroto
sitting on the couch, “There’s a catch, though. If you get wounded here, your body will be

“What? How?” Matthew furrowed his eyebrows as he sat on the couch beside the white-
“‘Here’ is your mind, and what we ‘see’ of each other is our spirit” Explained Hiroto putting
a small silver coin on Matthew’s hand. It didn’t burn him and it surprised him “And since it’s
a dream, we can control how it works… Mostly”

“So… Silver doesn’t burn here?” Asked Matthew touching the coin and looking at it with an
intense gaze.

“Or it could melt your skin right away” Commented Hiroto with a knowing look. “It depends
on who’s mind it is and how strong they are”

Matthew nodded and Hiroto smiled.

“So we are going to practice to enter each other’s mind and then I’ll show you how to protect
your mind from breaching” Said Hiroto and kissed Matthew softly. “Every time you get it
well I’m going to reward you by showing you how do I look in different clothing”

“I would prefer seeing you naked… In the bed or a bathtub”

“If you get this quickly maybe we could have time to do so…” replied Hiroto winking.
Matthew smiled and nodded.

“Let’s do this then”

I was harder than he thought, and by the time a hunter came to pick him up to his training
with the Wardens he had just breached Hiroto’s mind successfully for the first time.

“We will try this again tomorrow,” Said Hiroto stretching in a cat-like way. Matthew pouted.

“You won’t train me anymore?” Asked the vampire stretching a little.

“I’m training you” Hiroto smiled.

“You know what I mean” Matthew pouted again. Hiroto giggled.

“You liked my training method that much?” He asked with a rather pleased smile.

“Of course” Replied Matthew “I progressed faster, and it was challenging and rewarding”

“So the Wardens don’t meet your expectations?” Asked Hiroto amused.

“No… Well, they do are an elite team” Said Matthew shrugging a little “But… I don’t
know…It’s not my style”

“You should learn how to be part of a team too, you know?” Said Hiroto standing and
ruffling Matthew’s hair “Look at me, I’m a bright and talented assassin who can stand his
ground. But I’m the Leader of a Team and part of another”

Matthew nodded. It had sense, they were at war and hunters always worked in teams to have
greater chances of survival.

“So… Now it’s team training?” Commented Matthew, Hiroto nodded solemnly.

“It’s really important. I can tell you years worth of stories about me and the Shadow Six or
the Argonauts” Said Hiroto with a serious tone that was worthless because of his amused

“I would love to hear those” Said Matthew standing and acknowledging with a nod the
hunter that waited for him.
“You are going to have to enter my mind for some” Retorted Hiroto at Matthew’s ear before
he walked away.


It took him two more days before he could see the first memory of Hiroto and the Argonauts,
and it was worth the deep lash that the fox carved on his chest out of surprise. It showed
Hiroto and the others taking down a whole keep worth of vampires, with the help of a
handful of other hunters and three warrior incubi. The memory was a bit fuzzy and changed
places every few minutes due to Hiroto’s teleportation, but it still filled Matthew with the
thrill of a battle.

Hiroto was standing a few meters from him and was frowning.

“You breached my mind” growled Hiroto. Matthew looked at him with a wide smile and
tilted a bit his head when he noticed that Hiroto was wearing only a loincloth.

“I thought that the whole point of the training was that” Answered Matthew a bit confused
“What with the attire?”

“I was meditating” Hiroto seemed really angry and Matthew suddenly felt bad. He just
wanted to try once again since he had the opportunity to go to bed with spare time to the

“I’m sorry” He mumbled feeling ashamed. It was the first time in their whole relationship
that the hunter had looked at him like that, and it made him feel horrible. He had thought that
he and Hiroto were beyond that point where the fox would be mad at him because of his fast-
paced learning.

“No… No… It’s not like that” Hiroto rubbed his eyes in a rather exasperated motion “I
was… I just wasn’t expecting you”
“I’m sorry” Repeated Matthew, lowering his head. He didn’t want Hiroto to be mad at him,
especially no when the fox was the only hunter that treated him like an equal and was
comfortable around him. “I won’t do it again, Commander”

“No, Matthew” Hiroto touched Matthew’s cheek and made him look at his eyes with a soft
gentle touch. Hiroto looked more tired than earlier that night and it worried Matthew a little.
Hiroto gave him a little weary smile “You just surprised me, Matthew. And I must say, I’m
very proud of it. I haven’t been surprised in this state since…” Hiroto trailed off before
caressing Matthew’s cheek “You are truly amazing, Matthew”

Matthew smiled at the praise and grabbed the hunter’s hand on his. He sighed.

“Still, I’m sorry… You seemed really frightened and angry” Said Matthew, this time without
his voice filled with the fear of losing the closest thing to a best friend he had at the moment.
Rosaline didn’t count. She was amazing and they share some kind of bond, but she didn’t
understand him as the fox did.

“As I said, I haven’t been surprised like this in a while” Replied Hiroto rubbing his thumb
against Matthew’s. “You know… It’s almost frightening the fast pace you learn…” Hiroto
furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes darkened for a moment before he raised his gaze and met
Matthew’s “You should pretend to be a little dumb, for your good”

“You mean I shouldn’t use what I learn this fast?” Matthew frowned. Hiroto had never been
scared or surprised for his fast learning. If anything he seemed happy and it only encouraged
him to make training even more demanding.

“You can use it” Hiroto seemed particularly serious and it gave Matthew the chills “But you
should be careful about how you do it and who sees it… They get scared about things like
this easily”

Then Matthew understood what the fox meant. And as the fox showed a couple more
memories about battles with the Argonauts he decided that maybe he will play dumb for a
while. Just to keep things easy for himself. Who knows what would Tarrick do if he knew
that Matthew could enter other people’s minds? Especially when he was supposed to be just
learning about the dreamscape to maintain his inner desires in check. Or that was what he had
Matthew knew that Hiroto had been teaching him a bit too much for Tarrick’s liking. He had
discovered it a long time ago in one of his visits to the High General’s room when he said
that he didn’t like that Hiroto was expending that much time with him and teaching him
“unnecessary” things.

He didn’t want the kitsune to get in trouble for what he had shown him on his memories, and
he didn’t want to get in trouble himself because he was starting to really enjoy his stay at
Tarrick’s place. He spent most of the time training, attending to parties and doing hunter’s
stuff, what kept his mind busy enough to stop him about his slavery. He didn’t feel like a
weapon anymore, or at least, he felt as much as a weapon as every other hunter and that made
him feel a little better.

Besides, Tarrick was starting to act warmer toward him. They saw each other at least once
every two days, even if it was only a brief talk before entering a battle or a quicky after a
party. And, even if Matthew was reluctant to admit it, it just made Matthew want more of the
incubus. He was truly falling in love with him and that felt so wrong on so many levels.

Especially if he took account of all the ways the incubus had hurt him. It wasn’t healthy at

That was what Matthew was thinking, a couple of weeks later, as he sped up between the
fighting hunters, sometimes helping them disengage the vampire they were fighting with if it
won’t take him too much time. He barely avoided a vampire tossed by Tane who looked at
him with all the intent of picking up a fight. He shook his head and avoided him too, he
didn’t have time for that.

He had smelled Tarrick’s blood, an awful lot of it, and when the High General hadn’t
answered the comm he asked Denith for permission to move away from the main fray and go
looking for Tarrick. Since neither Tarrick nor his assigned team of hunters answered the
comm, Denith granted him permission and urged him to find the High General fast and bring
him back in the best possible condition.

Matthew found Tarrick clawing at a Lord’s back. His arms had barely the strength to move
and he was covered in nasty looking wounds. By their feet where several plucked and ripped
trees, as well as several dead hunters and decaying vampires, few of them seemed like Lords.
The Lord had his fangs deep sunk on Tarrick’s neck. Damn it.

Matthew grabbed the Lord by the wings and ripped them off violently in rage, his vampire
guise coming forward completely as he tore, ravaged and destroyed the filthy vampire that
dared to touch his Tarrick. The incubus smiled when he saw him, but wasn’t able to keep
standing, his eyes unfocusing as his consciousness came and went. Matthew managed to
catch him before he hit against the floor and gently laid him down.

“May I cure your wounds, Master?” Asked Matthew, referring both to pour some of his blood
and lick the wounds to seal them. Tarrick closed his eyes and nodded. His heart was slowing
and he seemed to have difficult to breathe. Matthew started to attend the different wounds
that peppered Tarrick’s body despise the armour. He licked the scratches and poured some
blood on the deep grooves to speed up the healing. Tarrick raised his hand and looked at him.

“M-Matthew…” It was a soft strangulated plea, and Matthew nodded. He knew that healing
the wounds were only slowing the death of the incubus, but not healing him thoroughly. He
had no other choice.

“It’s okay, I’m here” He whispered at Tarrick’s ear, before kissing him softly, giving him the
energy he had stored on his soavik.

After a couple of other incubi savings, he started to maintain his soavik storage energy
untouched in battle, to have enough to be able to cure somebody if necessary. And, in a few
occasions, he even recharged it after curing somebody, just to be sure he could save another

Tarrick slowly started to respond to the kiss and, grabbing a handful of Matthew’s hair,
deepened it as he took everything Matthew’s soavik had to offer. Matthew slowed down a bit
the flow. Another thing he learned in battle. And tapped Tarrick’s chest to make him release
him from the grip. Tarrick conceded reluctantly.

Matthew retired Tarrick’s bottom’s armour and the remainings of his clothes and took off his
own. Tarrick growled, hunger pouring from him. Matthew gave a shaky breath and took a
couple of steps back when Tarrick didn’t change his size. Tarrick growled but become
smaller, shrinking with his armour, and held his hand towards him. Matthew approached and
Tarrick’s took his hand and yanked him in a tight embrace to start kissing again.

“I…” Started Tarrick, and Matthew kissed him softly, caressing his cheek and giving a slow

“Don’t worry” He said sliding his hand down Tarrick’s torso and smiling as he heard the
incubus’ breath hitch. “I’m all yours, take all that you need, Master”.

Tarrick made a deep growl, his eyes bright purple fixed on him with hunger and something
Matthew couldn’t identify. Matthew moaned loudly as he felt Tarrick grab his ass and line it
with his huge rod. He trembled as he felt Tarrick entering him, the silky lube produced by his
member easing the intrusion a bit, just enough to not hurt a lot.

Tarrick sighed contently as soon as he was fully seated inside Matthew and ravaged the
vampire lips passionately as he started trusting. Matthew moaned and tried to respond the
kiss in kind, his hands roaming down the incubus body. Matthew could feel how Tarrick was
getting stronger, as his trusting picked up a pace and a goddammit pleasurable hold wrapped
him tightly. He cried in pleasure, feeling his mind went blank as Tarrick put him down and
started ramming him.

“T-tarrick… More” Were the only coherent words he could form since he was completely
overwhelmed by sensations. He could feel Tarrick thrusting hard against him, his hands
roaming his chest sending flows of pleasure, the tail coiling around his shaft stroking it.


Shit. That was it. Too much.


He came hard. But Tarrick didn’t stop moving against him.


Tarrick was talking, but he couldn’t make sense of the words. Was he really talking?


He was in all fours, and Tarrick plunged deep inside him. He could felt the incubus hands
roaming his body, spreading some of that silky thing that smelled oh su much like Tarrick.


He was in complete ecstasy and Tarrick’s smell filled his nose as both exploded in heat.
Tarrick’s thick warm cum filling him.


Tarrick was holding him tight as he kept thrusting in the afterglow.


He felt weak. His brain was a puddle and his only coherent thought was ‘ fuck ’.

Thump .

A deep growl surged from the bottom of him. Why? He could felt something was wrong but
he was too elated to pinpoint what was it.
Thump. Thump.

Tarrick turned him as if he was a ragdoll. His hands around Matthew’s neck in a way too
posesive manner. Tarrick was looking at him as if he was just a piece of meat.

Thump. Thump .

Matthew realized he was trashing, trying to get away. Tarrick’s claws embedded in his neck’s
skin. The pain cleared Matthew’s mind.

Thump. Thump.

Panic flooded Matthew when he realized that it wasn’t Tarrick anymore, or maybe he hadn’t
been Tarrick since the beginning. It was Monster Tarrick.

Thump. Thump.

And it was feeding too much from him. He struggled to maintain his consciousness.

Thump. Thump.

Matthew grabbed Tarrick’s wrists and he growled deep. Matthew growled in response,
clawing him.

Thump. Thump.
He tried to took Tarrick’s claws from his neck, but he was way too strong and he himself was
draining rapidly.

Thump. Thump.

Fucking incubus. Wait… Incubus.

Thump. Thump.

Matthew closed his eyes and focused on the few coils of blood energy that he had left. He
hoped it would work.

Thump. Thump.

He focused on every inch of skin that was touching Tarrick and tried hard to push a hold, a
soothing hold.


Tarrick’s grip loosened enough for him to yank them apart from his throat, and with red eyes,
he glanced at him.


Tarrick was not wearing the fucking lenses. Nice.

Matthew used a small strand of energy to cure his throat and showed the incubus his fangs.

“Calm down” Compelled Matthew in a deep growl. Tarrick’s will fought hard, but Matthew
was completely focused on the compulsion and easily overpowered it. It was a good thing
that his training with Hiroto was about to maintain a clear head at the very end.

“Matthew…” The soft choking sound that came from Tarrick lips as he realized what had
happened was almost heartbreaking.

“Master” Mumbled Matthew, wondering how much time he would remain conscious and
scared he noticed that he was at his control threshold.

“I’m sorry” Tarrick caressed his cheek with a worried look. Matthew’s gaze fell on his wrist,
the small pulse pumping below the skin.

“Master… You are heavy…” He managed to tap Tarrick’s shoulder “And smell so fucking

“You may take some of my blood” Replied Tarrick, exiting Matthew’s tight ass and taking a
few steps away from him. Matthew moaned as he felt the huge cock leave him. Tarrick
smiled and scouted the vampire to cradle him in his arms. Matthew nuzzled against his neck,
licked above the vein and sunk his fangs deeply.

Fuck yes!

He moaned at the intoxicating taste of incubus’ blood and pulled enough blood to avoid the
imminent collapse of his blood pouches. His soavik ached.

“Matthew” Tarrick tugged Matthew’s hair and he reluctantly took his fangs off and licked the
wound before looking at the incubus.
“You scared me,” He said softly, resting his forehead against Tarrick’s.

“I lost control…” Tarrick avoided Matthew’s gaze.

“That too” Conceded Matthew. Tarrick lifted his gaze giving him a questioning look and
Matthew caressed his cheek “When I smelled your blood… So much blood, I fear I would
not make it on time to save you”

“It’s a good thing you are incredible fast” Replied Tarrick giving Matthew a tender kiss
“Thank you for saving me”

“It was a pleasure ” Matthew managed to joke, feeling completely drained both physically
and mentally.

Tarrick shook his head and nuzzled him, just to stop abruptly and tighten his grip around the

“Master?” Asked Matthew worried.

“You… Saved another incubus tonight?” It was a simple question, in a nonchalant tone.
Matthew frowned. Was Tarrick jealous?

“Yes, Master” He replied with a small cheeky smile “A warrior whose wings were clawed out
by a Lord and then plummeted to his death…Well, I caught him before he hit the floor, but he
was in critical condition”

“You smell like him” Tarrick separate himself from Matthew enough to look at him. His
intense gaze filled with cold-blooded possessivity made Matthew shiver “Don’t ever come to
me smelling like another person again”
“The next time I’ll shower before coming to rescue you” Ironized Matthew, showing Tarrick
his tongue.

“It’s up to you, then” Replied Tarrick grimacing “If you want to suffer what just happened

“I’d rather no” Matthew grimaced, feeling his asshole sore and so full of Tarrick thick and
warm cum. Shit. He was hard again. Tarrick smiled and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead.

He put Matthew down, took the vampire’s clothes and dressed him carefully. Matthew just
purred at the attentions and gave the incubus a tired smile. When both were as decent as they
could despite the circumstances Tarrick scouted Matthew again and embraced him.

“Come on, my Warrior,” He said standing up and unfurling his wings, with Matthew still held
against his chest. “The battle seems to be over and the sun is soon to raise”.

Matthew nodded as the incubi soared and smiled as he felt the wind in his face. He could see
the battlefield from above and he noticed Tarrick was right. The fight was almost over,
corpses from both sides littering the ground, staked vampires being dragged by surely injured
hunters, incubi warriors flying around and swooping down to pick up people in critical

“Did we win?” Asked Matthew seeing the number of hunters and incubi dead. It didn’t seem
like a victory to him.

“We prevailed” Replied Tarrick as they flew past the estate. Matthew frowned and then he
saw where Tarrick was aiming. The teleport stone.

“Tarrick!” Silva was there, helping the evacuation of the wounded it seemed. Her eyes
moisturized as she saw Tarrick arrive. “You are alive”
“Of course I am” Replied Tarrick as if Matthew hadn’t found him in the doorsteps of death a
couple of hours before. “I won’t die in such a minor skirmish”

“You should’ve let me accompany you, rely on me more” Frowned Silva and her eyes fell on
Matthew, she furrowed her eyebrows further.

“Next time you’ll come with me, I promise” Conceded Tarrick stepping on the teleportation
stone “About relying on you, I’m now relying on you to clean this mess as I go to my state to
finish curing my wounds”

“I thought you say you were fine” Ironized Silva looking at Tarrick as if she was saying ‘You
just want to get home to fuck him, right?’.

“I said I was alive, not completely fine” Replied Tarrick smiling and tightening his grip on
Matthew, as answering ‘Of course’. Matthew wasn’t sure he would be able to endure another

“I’ll take care of this with Lady Denith” Said Silva before activating the teleportation stone.

Matthew felt like he would have puked if he would have enough blood in his system to do so.
Maybe he was indeed way too weak. Tarrick climbed with him to the back of a van and put
him down in the seat next to him and turned his back to Matthew. He was cold and distant all
the ride back his keep. Matthew felt sad; he wanted that Tarrick kept caressing his hair and
holding him tight against his broad chest. It made him felt wanted and loved.

When they arrived Tarrick ordered some hunters to pick him up, to get him fed and cleaned.
Matthew felt disappointed as he was taken away, letting the hunters do what they were told.
He wanted that Tarrick himself took care of him, that he fed him with blood and sex and to
shower with him and maybe cuddle a bit before the sun knocked him down.

When the hunters decided he was presentable and had fed enough they took him to Tarrick’s
room. It smelled like sex. Tarrick must have fed recently. Matthew grimaced as he entered the
room and looked at his cot. It has been months since he last used it, since every time he had
come lately he had slept with Tarrick on his bed.
Tarrick entered the room at that moment and hugged him from behind. He smelled clean,
with his strong earthy smell tickling Matthew’s nose. He was freshly showered.

“You did it wonderful tonight” Praised Tarrick at Matthew’s ear, his hands caressing the chest
of the vampire “I’m so proud of you, my Warrior”

“Tarrick…” Said Matthew, and he felt Tarrick still a bit since he only used his name for
intimate moments now “Do… Do you like me?”

“I found you fascinating” Replied Tarrick picking up his caresses and kissing Matthew’s
neck. “You are so full of curiosity and surprises, you never cease to amaze me, to prove that
you are especial”

Matthew looked at Tarrick and faked a smile. That wasn’t the answer he wanted but it was
okay, maybe his love was unrequited and he should be satisfied with being by Tarrick’s side
and fucking with him every now and then. Tarrick smiled and kissed him. The kiss was
tender and Matthew was relieved that Tarrick couldn’t pass his mental barrier anymore. He
had learned to conceal his love feelings deep inside where the incubus couldn’t reach so the
rejection wouldn’t be so painful to him.

Tarrick kept kissing him, this time was soft and caring, as he guided Matthew to the bed.
They lay side by side and Tarrick hugged him.

“Let’s rest, my Warrior,” He said softly, as he cuddled the vampire. Matthew snuggled
against him and caressed in kind. Just enjoying the warm feeling that filled his chest and the
company. He did his best to ignore the painful voice on the back of his mind that kept telling
him that Tarrick didn’t love him and that he was just a weapon and a good sex partner to him.

He felt asleep before the sun rose.

A Suivre

Chapter End Notes

This particular chapter was made to show yet another facet of Matthew, Hiroto and
Tarrick and their relationship. And of course to show a couple of plot-relevant facts and
moments that would make sense after a while.

I hope you liked this chapter, it was particularly interesting to write and to unravel.

I'm starting to understand what Jex Lane meant when she said that Tarrick was a
demanding Incubus and that Matthew was loud and needy. Haha~

Anyway, thank you so much for reading~

From Xadia,

Chapter 9
Chapter Summary

Matthew has a night-off with Tarrick.

Matthew wasn’t sure if he was playing with him, or if he was actually asking. He didn’t
want to enter Tarrick’s mind to get those answers

Chapter Notes

This time I'm trying to show you some plot-relevant stuff mixed with some hot sex.

THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS M/M INTERCOURSE, you may proceed under your
own risk.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Matthew woke up he was still at Tarrick’s bed, but the incubus wasn’t there. Frowning
he looked around and saw him exiting the bathroom freshly showered, in slacks and a button-
up shirt. He seemed almost comfy.

“You finally wake up” Said Tarrick with a soft smile “I was thinking about getting you to the
hospital wing”

“I’m fine” Matthew replied, stirring a bit and following Tarrick with his gaze. “Are you ok?”

“Yes, Matthew, I’m fine” Tarrick sat down by his desk to Matthew disappointment “Thanks
to you”.

“I’m happy to help” Matthew got up and walked toward the shower slowly. He knew Tarrick
didn’t like that he was dirty for long, but he also knew Tarrick didn’t give him permission to
use his shower. He sent a gaze above his shoulder and saw Tarrick nodding in approbation.
He entered the shower smiling and cleaned himself at a happy-go-lucky pace.

“I’m starting to think you enjoy seeing me get hurt” Commented Tarrick as Matthew started
humming Illertha’s song while he dressed. Matthew stopped abruptly and looked at him

“I won’t ever…”

“Because you enjoy a little too much healing me”

Matthew grunted and frowned. His good mood totally ruined. He sat at his longtime-no-used-
cot and crossed his arms. He felt outraged at the innuendo and he knew Tarrick realized it
when he turned his head and his smile dropped.
“Are you mad at me, Matthew?”

Tarrick raised from his chair and walked toward his bed. Matthew didn’t bother to say
anything, the answer was very much clear. Tarrick sat at his bed and patted it.

“Come here”

“I won’t, Master,” Matthew said the word nonchalantly, but he knew his eyes betrayed the
hurt he felt. Tarrick sighed.

“I didn’t mean to upset you” Said Tarrick, Matthew raised his eyebrow. Yeah, sure. As he was
dumb enough to believe him.

“You fought bravely back there” Now Tarrick was appealing to that side of Matthew that
enjoyed his praises and wanted to make him proud. That was low. And lame.

“I always fight bravely for the Incubi” replied Matthew looking at his fingernails, knowing it
will get to Tarrick’s nerves.

“The other Wardens reported that you follow orders flawlessly, and helped them clean the
vampires efficiently” Tarrick ignored Matthew’s response as he continued to try flattering the
growing ego of the vampire, “Even the Argonauts said you were amazing”.

“Did they?” Matthew curiosity got the best of him, as always. But who could blame him?
The Argonauts were the elite group, the best of the best. And Hiroto just won’t stop sharing
awesome stories of their battles. Not that those bothered him.

“That was before I was outnumbered, though” Added Tarrick, with a playful smile.
“I got there as fast as I could and saved you, didn’t I?” Growled Matthew in response, his
eyes flashing red in anger.

“And I’m thankful you worry for me enough to risk your life and your perfect behaviour”
Replied Tarrick. His soft smile was difficult to ignore for Matthew, especially when he knew
it was only for him.

“You are the one that seems to enjoy getting hurt” grunted Matthew, balling his fists.

“It’s one of my kinks, but I assure you, I wasn’t thinking about that in the middle of a battle”
Tarrick’s response made Matthew look at him with curiosity and excitement. But no. He
wasn’t going to let Tarrick win at that. Not this time.

“So the Argonauts praised me?”Adventured him, changing the subject. Tarrick looked a bit

“Yes,” Tarrick’s gaze felt intense “Even if you lack proper teamwork and tend to try to do
everything on your own. Their words, not mine. I’m with them on that, though”

“The Argonauts” Matthew chewed his lip “They are the best, right?”

“Yes, Cullip was one of them before…” Tarrick had no need to end that sentence. Matthew
knew the hunter was still unconscious somewhere at the keep, to prevent him to kill Tarrick
or hurt himself and others trying to do so. “Why are you asking?”

“I want to be one of them” The words left Matthew’s lips without him wanting. Damn it.
Tarrick was manipulating him to get him to talk. Matthew scolded at him, and he had the
nerve to smile! Damn it!

“Why?” Asked Tarrick receding his hold a bit.

Matthew didn’t want to tell him everything, mostly because he still wanted to be free, to
overpower everyone in order to be free. That probably would sound like a betrayal, and he
definitely didn’t want to betray Tarrick after everything that had happened. He felt so dragged
to him, so allured. He didn’t want to betray Rosaline, nor Hiroto either. He liked them a lot

“They are the best” Affirmed Matthew slowly “If I become one of them then the remaining
Incubi, the ones that still don’t trust me, will see that I’m serious about this. That I’m worthy
of being part of this”

“I think Prescott commented that they were still missing a man…” Commented Tarrick
“Maybe, if we get enough people to think that you should join them, they will at least
consider it…”

Matthew grinned, uncrossing his arms.

“That would mean you won’t be able to put on stunts like the one you put yesterday, Master”
Teased Matthew “Because I won’t be near to save your ass”

Tarrick raised his eyebrow and shooked his head.

“Aren’t you cocky?” Tarrick raised and went back to his paperwork “Maybe I’m giving you
too many freedoms”

Matthew’s grin dropped. Did he just threaten to revoke his freedoms from him? What? But he
had been in his best behaviour! He even had been kind to Tane in last night’s fight!

“As long as you don’t get too full of yourself and keep respecting the rules I don’t think is a
bad thing, though” Added Tarrick, probably after feeling his distress filling the room “I’m
glad to see you are getting used to us. It seems that maybe we could take you to High Tower
soon to meet the High King.”
“As long as you don’t hand me over to him” Replied Matthew flinched a little at the sudden
cold gaze from Tarrick “Not that I won’t be honoured. But I like it here… I belong here…
With you”

Tarrick stalked toward him and Matthew closed his eyes and cower a little.

“I won’t hand you over easily, Matthew,” Said Tarrick with a husky voice “You are My
vampire, My Warrior”

Matthew raised his head and opened his eyes, just to meet Tarrick’s purple gaze. He felt his
body tremble for the intensity of that look. He reached for the Incubus, both with his hand
and his weak soft hold. Tarrick smirked amused and claimed his lips in a soft kiss.

“Now, can you let me work?” Asked Tarrick, moving Matthew’s lips along.

“Yes, Master” The words left Matthew as a soft yearning sigh, which caused Tarrick to

Tarrick caressed Matthew’s cheek and went back to work. Matthew spent the rest of the night
sitting at the cot, feeling content. The perspective of joining the Argonauts was exciting, and
the way Tarrick said he was his had spread a warm cosy feeling in his chest.

Matthew sat there, enjoying the peace and the soft sounds that Tarrick made. Like his breath,
the soft rustle of the papers, the humming of the tablet and the rhythmic heartbeat. He closed
his eyes and extended his senses through the keep. There were a few new vampires being
held captives. A few hunters were playing cards as they had been dismissed for the night.
Some incubi were having sex. There were several patrols patrolling the state and a gargoyle
had just sat above Tarrick’s window.

Matthew frowned when he heard the Wardens left, and he extended his senses all the way to
the academy. There were several trainees there but not the Wardens. They had left.

“Master?” Matthew asked after a while “What am I supposed to do tonight?”

“You have a night off” Replied Tarrick writing something down in a few papers, “I thought
you may enjoy my company for a while and would like to spend the night with me”.

“You mean I have all night to be with you?” Grinned Matthew without being able to contain
his enthusiasm “No training, no lashing, no etiquette lessons, no dances… Just you?”
“Just me” Tarrick turned to look at him seeming smugly pleased by Matthew’s reaction. “And
I will have all night to attend you as soon as I finish this last report”

Matthew nodded “I’ll wait patiently, master” He purred and saw Tarrick’s eyes flash purple
with desire. The incubus smiled and turned back to his work and Matthew closed his eyes
went back to hear what was happening on the Estate.

After fifteen minutes, the incubus rose from his chair and walked towards the bed. Matthew
felt the bed sank a bit when Tarrick sat beside him. He opened his eyes to find Tarrick
looking at him with desire, longing and something Matthew couldn’t identify.

“You were extending your senses again” Tarrick affirmed, as he moved closer to the vampire
did you find something on my keep worth your attention?”

“Yes” Replied Matthew circling Tarrick’s neck with his arms and looking at him with half-
lidded eyes “You”

Tarrick smiled and pulled him into a hot kiss, his lips crashing against Matthew’s. Their
tongues fighting to get control as their hands roamed down each other’s bodies. Tarrick
climbed on top of Matthew’s lap and rocked against the vampire’s trapped erection.

“Matthew” Tarrick whispered at his ear as soon as they broke the kiss. Matthew was panting
and moving his hip against Tarrick’s ass. Tarrick bite Matthew’s earlobe and sighed “I want
you inside”

“Fuck yes” Replied Matthew sliding his hands into the incubus pants to grab a handful of his
ass and massage it. “But if you want your clothes to remain intact you should take them off
by yourself”

Tarrick bit hard Matthew’s neck and raised his head “It would be a shame you destroy my
clothes again” Conceded Tarrick standing up and started to play with the buttons of his shirt,
his lewd gaze roaming Matthew as if he could see through his clothes. Matthew’s breath
hitched as Tarrick began to undo the buttons of his shirt with sensual movements.

Matthew undressed in a blink and sat in the corner of the bed, his legs spread and his shaft
twitching as he saw how Tarrick let the silk shirt drop from his shoulders and slide down his
skin. He caught it with his tail before it touched the floor and folded it neatly. Matthew
smirked as Tarrick undid his slacks buttons and took them off, and released his pheromones,
in a way to show the incubus how much he wanted him.

Tarrick smiled as he left his clothes in a chair and sunk into his knees between Matthew’s
“My, my, you seem eager tonight, young one” commented Tarrick cunning before taking
Matthew’s rod in his mouth. Matthew moaned and entwined his fingers with Tarrick’s hair as
he went up and down his shaft.

“I t-thought you wanted it… up your ass” panted Matthew, Tarrick slowly released his rod
and looked at him.

“Yes” Replied Tarrick, tracing the veins with his tongue “But I really wanted to taste you”

Matthew took Tarrick’s face with his hands and brought him up into a heated kiss, Tarrick
responded the kiss in a possessive almost dominant way. Matthew let his hands roam down
Tarrick’s body, tracing every delicious curve, every hot muscle and grabbed a handful of that
mouthwatering ass.

Tarrick moaned when Matthew inserted one finger and smiled.

“You don’t have to prepare me, you know?” He said between kisses. Matthew inserted
another finger and smiled.

“I know… But I want to” Replied Matthew, putting Tarrick down in the bed and admiring the
gorgeous incubi in front of him “I want to take my time… It’s that okay, Master?”

Tarrick looked at him surprised and a small smile formed on his lips “I thought you were
eager to take me”

“I am” Replied Matthew caressing the inner part of Tarrick’s thighs and moving his fingers
inside him “But not every night I have this opportunity, of having you for me alone”

Tarrick sighed contently, arching his back and moaning in pleasure. Matthew left butterfly
kisses down his leg, as he wrapped a hold on Tarrick to bring him more pleasure. Tarrick
trembled and reached for him sending a wave of pleasure through his touch. Matthew
moaned and purred as Tarrick intertwined his fingers in his hair.

Matthew gazed upon Tarrick and smiled, pleased by the blushing that painted the Incubus’
face. He looked down again and darted his tongue out to lick Tarrick’s shaft from base to

“Matthew… Please” Tarrick sighed and moaned.

Matthew wrapped his tongue around the tip, took it in his mouth, sucked down hard, and
Tarrick trembled and clawing the sheets. Matthew smiled and gave him a kiss on the tip
before taking the whole rod on his mouth and sucking hard. Tarrick arched his back and
moved his hips, thrusting inside Matthew’s mouth.

Matthew purred and felt how Tarrick pushed himself all the way down his throat, cumming
hard into his mouth. Matthew swallowed it and Tarrick cried in pleasure, his body trembling
as he rode out the orgasm.

“Did you like it?” Asked Matthew licking his lips and humming contently. Tarrick raised an
eyebrow and giggled.

“Yes, Matthew… I liked it a lot” He replied. Matthew smiled cockily and put Tarrick’s leg
over his shoulder and lined himself with Tarrick’s ass.

“Are you ready, Master?” Asked Matthew, teasing Tarrick’s hole with his cock.

“Are you going to keep teasing me, or are you going to make me yours?” Asked Tarrick in
time moving his hip against him. Matthew snickered and entered him in a slow and hard
thrust. Tarrick stirred and sighed softly, his hands clawing Matthew’s hips. Matthew took
Tarrick’s hands and pushed them over his head.

“You look so beautiful like that” whispered Matthew, holding Tarrick’s hands firmly and
smirking. “Relinquishing control to me”

Tarrick looked at him severely and opened his mouth to say something, Matthew took
advantage of it and thrust harder than ever. Tarrick cried in pleasure, arching his back and
yanking his hands in a futile attempt to free himself.

Matthew smiled and started pounding him hard, sending waves of pleasure through every
inch of skin that touched him until all the incubus could do was gaze upon him, moaning,
panting and squirming a little, arching his back and trembling in pleasure.
It was so damn hot, the way Tarrick seemed to be going to pieces under his attentions, the
way Tarrick seemed to be actually letting him have control of the situation, seeing him like a
hot panting mess, so needy and vulnerable. So fucking hot.

Matthew kissed Tarrick softly and growled when he bit his lips hard and made him bleed. He
sowed a bit and frowned at the incubus, and a chill run down his spine when he saw the dark
gaze on the other man’s purple eyes.

“Matthew…” One word. He didn’t sound angry nor disappointed, but Matthew felt as if he
was being scolded. One word “Matthew”

“Yes, Tarrick?” He asked, trying with the incubus name in order to get to his good side.
Tarrick smiled and sighed, freeing his hands and clung from his shoulders.

“That’s better…” Said Tarrick before kissing him hungrily. Matthew purred when he felt
Tarrick’s hands run down his back and moaned when the blonde grabbed his ass and pushed
him closer. “Give me more”

It was an order, one that Matthew was more than happy to oblige. He pounded harder against
Tarrick, who cried in pleasure and clawed his back rocking his hips against Matthew.

“Oh, yes… Matthew!”

“Mhm Tarrick… So hot”

“More, harder”

Matthew lost it at some point. He wasn’t thinking any more, he just felt himself and Tarrick
become one with each thrust and that was just perfect. His senses assaulted by the moaning,
the panting, the clap of skin against skin, the smell of sweat, the smell of his scent and
Tarrick’s mixed, the tact of Tarrick’s skin, the softness of his hair the sweet of his lips, the
warm of his body.

Matthew and Tarrick cried as they exploded in heat, trembling and riding the orgasm out with
a few more thrusts. Matthew fell over Tarrick purring contently, and purred, even more, when
Tarrick hugged him tightly and hold him by his side.

“I swear I can’t get enough of you, Matthew” whispered Tarrick, kissing the side of
Matthew’s neck.

“I can’t get enough of you either, Tarrick” Purred Matthew, snuggling against Tarrick feeling
as happy as he could feel. In fact, he could say it was the happiest he had felt in the last years.
But something was missing, he didn’t know what, but he was sure something was off.

“You have become a beautiful and strong incubus, Matthew” Said Tarrick caressing Matthew
and looking at him with something he could pinpoint but made him feel so warm and so at
home. He loved when Tarrick looked at him like that. Well, he technically loved that Tarrick
looked at him and, to be honest, he was starting to come to terms with his attraction to the
incubus. Even if it was kind of messed up.

“I like this” mumbled Matthew with a soft sigh, kissing over Tarrick’s pulse, remembering
the taste from the last night, so delicious.

“I like it too” Replied Tarrick, caressing Matthew’s back, his eyes fixated on Matthew’s face
and a small smile curving his lips.

“What?” Asked Matthew after a while. Tarrick shook his head and kissed his forehead.

“I was just thinking…” Replied Tarrick resting his head on top of Matthew's. The hug was
intimate, warm and made Matthew’s heart ache. He felt strangely sad, probably because he
has been feeling distanced from Tarrick.

“It’s everything all right, Matthew?” Tarrick kissed his jaw and looked at him. Matthew

“Does this…?” Did he really want to know? “Does this mean something?... To you, I mean”

“Something?” Asked Tarrick caressing Matthew’s head absentmindedly “Something like


Matthew wasn’t sure if he was playing with him, or if he was actually asking. He didn’t want
to enter Tarrick’s mind to get those answers, not because he promised Hiroto to not to. Well,
also because of that. But mostly because he didn’t want to trespass Tarrick’ privacy, even if
he didn’t owe him any respect of the sort.

“I don’t know…” Matthew sighed, exited Tarrick and turned to snuggle against the incubus
without looking at him “Forget it. It was a dumb question”

“Are you still falling for me?” Asked Tarrick hugging him and kissing the nape of his neck.
Matthew tensed, he didn’t mean to bring the subject up, nor to Tarrick to talk about it.

“I’m not… I hate…” No, that wasn’t true, he didn’t hate Tarrick anymore. He found him
annoying, and distant, and sometimes so unnerving stoic. But he didn’t hate him anymore. He
had gotten over it, somehow. Tarrick was using a hold on him to make him speak. Should he
break away and scold him or simply follow the game for a while? ‘You should pretend to be a
little dumb, for your own good’ Hiroto’s words echoed in his mind.

“I believe I told you one feeling does not negate the other” Said Tarrick, his hands slowly
tracing Matthew’s body in a rather soft and caring way “Do you still don’t want to talk about

“I’m not sure if I want to… Especially because you don’t seem to correspond my feelings”
replied Matthew after choosing to play along for a while.

“I don’t hate you if that’s what you mean” Commented Tarrick playfully “So I couldn’t
correspond that feeling”

“I didn’t mean that” mumbled Matthew, smiling despite his best attempts to hide his

“I know…” Tarrick kissed Matthew’s ear and bit his lobe “I already told you what I think
about you...And, of course, I think you are really delicious”

“It’s that so?” Matthew tried to not sound as hurt as he felt, and he also tried to ignore the
appealing hold that Tarrick wrapped around him. It would be so easy to give up and play
Tarrick’s game.
“Maybe you are confused… And you are just attracted to me sexually” Said Tarrick kissing
down Matthew’s neck. There was something off on the way he said it.

“Why do you say it?” Matthew frowned and growled. He knew how he felt.

“Because you like someone else” Tarrick hid his face against Matthew’s neck.

“Are you talking about Hiroto?” Matthew smirked, liking the idea of Tarrick being jealous
and possessive about him. It made him feel Tarrick’s. “If you are jealous of him let me tell
you that we have just kissed… and once we ground against each other… Nothing else”

“Are you serious?” Tarrick took Matthew’s chin and made him meet his gaze. He seemed
puzzled. “You haven’t had sex? Not once?”

“No… Not that we didn’t want to, tho” Matthew smiled cockily “But we have bad timing;
something always interrupts us”

“That’s good” Said Tarrick before kissing him fiercely. Matthew moaned as the incubus
ravished his mouth.

A Suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I'm starting to think that maybe this Matthew is going to end much broken that the other,
just in a different way...

Anyway, this chapter was meant to show you how confusing and frustrating is for
Matthew to interact with Tarrick, especially because the incubus can change from hot
and caring to cold and distant in a sec.

I hope you like this chapter and that you are not getting bored because it seems to not be
going anywhere, I swear you I have a reason to show you this~

From the Tartarus,

Chapter 10
Chapter Summary

Matthew reflects about his life and relationships, and an attack gives him more things to
worry about.

He wanted something to happen so badly because this was a tricky terrain to let his
mind wander.

Chapter Notes

This is yet another plot-relevant chapter with a lot of Matthew's problems. I have a
point, I swear it, just... Give it time.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Matthew didn’t know how to feel about last night.

He had fucked with Tarrick until the sun knocked him down, and it had felt good until he
thought about it. He wondered if Tarrick had exploited his feelings towards him, or maybe
Tarrick was truly jealous about his relationship with Hiroto. Was it a relationship?

“Well we have a student-teacher relationship” Hiroto was sitting over the fridge in the
kitchen of Matthew’s first apartment. Matthew looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

“Do you mind? I’m having an emotional breakdown here” Said Matthew approaching the fox
“How much did you listen?”

“Only the last part, but just because you mentioned me” Hiroto smiled and kissed the point of
his nose “Why are you wondering about the nature of our relationship?”

“It was something I talked with Tarrick last night” Replied Matthew caressing Hiroto’s hair
and smiling at the casual outfit he was wearing —a faded and ripped black jeans, a long-
sleeved striped white and red shirt with a black tee and red converse.

“Oh yeah… I might overhear you two talking” Commented Hiroto playing with one loose
thread of his sleeve.

“You might?” Matthew frowned, and Hiroto winked at him.

“And I might have commented Prescott about you wanting to be one of us…”

“Oh, about that…”

“Why?” Hiroto smirked, “Did you talked about something else?”

“Nothing interesting, Cotton ball” Replied Matthew caressing the soft fox’s ears. They
twitched at his touch and Hiroto looked at him with half-lidded, satisfied eyes.

“You are just making me more curious about it, Snuggly bat puppy” Hiroto leaned into the
caress and Matthew chuckled at the pet name. Cheesy.

“It was mostly moans and panting” Matthew ogled the fox and licked his lips. He was indeed
attracted by the fox —He even had been having more lewd fantasies with Hiroto than with
Tarrick— but that was it… Ok, he also liked him a lot, as a person. But it was more like a
bromance than any other thing. He really wanted that they could be friends… With benefits,
of course, but friends nonetheless.

“You are teasing me, puppy bat” whined Hiroto descending from the fridge and putting his
arms around Matthew’s neck, his fingers playing with his hair. “And making me horny”

“Well, I could solve that little problem here and now, Snow Kit-fox” Answered Matthew,
smiling cockily as he hugged the fox and ground against him.

“You better solve it, Crimson Leech” Replied Hiroto gripping Matthew’s hair and kissing him

Matthew hugged the white-haired and roamed his hands down the fox’s back, hugging him
tightly. Hiroto moaned when Matthew clawed his ass as they ground their obviously bulging

“Matthew” A female voice echoed in the room.

“FOR THE THREE PEACHES OF IZANAGI!” cried Hiroto, visibly angry. “Those damn
incubi won’t let us alone!”

“Peaches?” giggled Matthew, snuggling the fox “So that legend is true?”
“It is” Replied Hiroto pouting and hugging him tighter “It’s not fair… They always interrupt
us when we are together like this…”

“Matthew” The voice echoed again.

“See?” complained Hiroto “They are very possessive about you”

“You have no idea” annotated Matthew, remembering the way Tarrick acted last night before
kissing the forehead of the fox “I have to go, cotton blossom… I’ll see you later”

“See you later, sugar blood,” Said Hiroto sighing and letting Matthew go. Matthew kissed his
forehead again before closing his eyes.

“Matthew?” A soft voice asked. Matthew opened his eyes and saw Rosaline a few inches
away from him, her hand stretched touching his cheek.

“Yes, Lady Rosaline?” He asked in a soft, not threatening voice, to not scare her. She jumped
nonetheless but smiled.

“I wanted to talk to you but you seemed… Out…” Said Rosaline sitting by his side.

“I was meditating” Replied Matthew smiling at her “I’m starting to like it”

“Meditating, huh?” Rosaline eyed him and smirked, “Are you sure you are not just doing it to
be on Hiroto’s good side?”

“Well, it’s partially Hiroto’s fault, but not for what you think,” Matthew said, intertwining his
fingers with the red coils of hair that coiled down her back. She raised an eyebrow but let it
go with a shrug.
“Whatever you say, Matthew,” Said Rosaline resting her head on Matthew’s chest “You are
going to come with me tonight”

“Am I, milady?” Asked Matthew, tracing the patron of the lace in the back of her dress.
“Shall I accompany you or shall I guard you?”

“You are going to be on Guard Duty” Replied Rosaline pointing at the compression suit on
the chair. Matthew nodded and kissed the top of her head.

“Do you want to see me as I change or can I change at full speed?” asked Matthew with a
flirtatious smile, rosaline bit her bottom lip and smiled.

“As much as I want to see you undress for me, we have a tight schedule tonight so…”

Matthew was on his compression suit before she finished the sentence. She ogled him and
nodded in approbation as he took the chest piece from the case it was stored and started
putting his armour on. He liked his armour.

It was black with metal rivets and really light. He had big gargoyle-themed pauldrons with
top sharp metal ridges, and his arms were plated. A spiked tasset covered his groin and the
top of his thighs, which were covered in leather armour that went all the way into his heavy
boots. A couple of leather straps crossed his chest, in order to maintain in place the
pauldrons, but also made his chest look broader and gave him a dangerous and manly look.

He didn’t know what was the metal called, but the bracers were resistant enough to stop
swords and vampire claws, so he won’t complain. Besides, he looked really hot on his
armour —according to Rosaline, Hiroto and a bunch of incubi.

Rosaline bit her lip and roamed his body with her eyes before standing and walking towards
him to help him secure the straps on their site. Her fingers lingered on his chest. “You look so

“It’s a shame I’m on duty tonight” Replied Matthew with a teasing smile “Because that dress
of yours is telling me to take it off you”
Rosaline blushed and patted his shoulder, giggling as she smoothed the curve-fitting black
velvet dress with silver brocade she was wearing.

“Maybe another night,” Said Rosaline, hugging Matthew’s waist with one arm as they exited
the room. Tarrick was walking down the hall and looked at them with a dark gaze, before
averting his attention again to the hunter that was talking to him. Matthew sighed and
embraced Rosaline’s shoulders, guiding her to their transport.

“It’s something wrong with you and Tarrick?” Asked Rosaline as they walked away from the
teleportation stone and sat on the back of the SUV the Wardens had prepared for them.

“He… Do you think he likes me?” Retorted Matthew looking at the woods outside the
windows. Does every incubus live in an expensive house secluded by a forest?

“He is attracted to you” Replied Rosaline, caressing Matthew’s hand. Matthew sighed and
took his hand back. He knew it wasn’t Rosaline fault, he knew he should stop thinking about
what happened last night, but he can’t. Therefore, Matthew wasn’t in the mood to put up with
incubi stuff. And he was really grateful that tonight he was on guard duty. He could tell that
Rosaline had understood what happened because her eyes clouded with a sad and
condescending gaze. Matthew hated it.

“Matthew,” She said, and Matthew shook his head.

“We have arrived, Lady Rosaline,” interrupted Matthew as the car stopped. Rosaline bit her
lip and nodded.

“We are not done with this conversation,” She said before following him and the Wardens
into the party. Matthew nodded with a faint smile and walked in. He caught Tane smug-face
with the end of his eye and grimaced when he noticed that Tane had Lady Naveeda hugged
by the waist. Damn it. Why couldn’t he let him alone? He saw them approaching and sped up
towards his spot on the balcony. He wasn’t going to let Tane made him feel even worst, nor
let him ruin his perfect behaviour record.

He looked around the rather small balcony on the higher floor. The balcony they used to send
him was always empty.
Silva had sent him every time to the balcony because she didn’t ‘want to see his treacherous
face’, and most of the nights it made him feel rejected, but now... Now he felt grateful for it;
he needed some alone time to order his thoughts and feelings about the last weeks.

About Tarrick.

About Hiroto.

He knew what he felt towards the incubus —It was a strange combination of attraction,
resentment, admiration, fear and love… Mostly love and sexual attraction— and he had come
to terms to it with the help of meditation and the techniques that Hiroto had taught him to
clean and shield his mind. And after what had happened yesterday, he had decided to push
the love feeling away. This time in order to protect himself, rather than to deny it.

Tarrick wasn’t going to love him and that was okay. He was his General, his Master and the
best shag. That was it. Nothing more.

Matthew nodded to himself, looking at the distance, his senses heightened to be aware of
everything that happened on the surrounding grounds. He had become so efficient on it that
he had plenty of room to think, but he didn’t want to. It was better to stop before he ended
hurting himself even more. He had to accept it.

It hurt but it was the truth and he had to accept it. Even if…

Even if the incubus kept giving him such mixed signals…

Maybe it was just the way incubi were; they were always so prone to skinship, sex and
cuddles. Maybe that was it, maybe Tarrick did consider him one of them and was giving him
what their kind was supposed to share.
But… What about the longing gazes? What about the way he caressed him? The way he
embraced him? He had seen Tarrick —much to his displeasure— having sex with others, and
he seemed to take it as a body-need. He did enjoy it, and made his partner enjoy it —
Matthew could testify— but, it still seemed like he was just feeding when he was with
others… With him, Matthew, it felt different.

Did it? Or it was just you being delusional? The voice inside his head asked. Matthew
grimaced. Maybe… Maybe he just wanted the incubus so much he was imagining things or
maybe he was just holding on the crumbs.

And about Hiroto… Well… That was more complicated to define but definitely much more
easy to live. He was attracted to the man, because, let’s face it, the fucking fox was so
fucking sexy and was well aware of it.

Matthew smiled thinking of all the different outfits that the fox had showcased for him on
their meetings on the dreamscape. He knew the fox did that to tempt him because he really
wanted to have sex with him.

Matthew wasn’t sure he wanted to have sex with the kitsune anymore. Not because he wasn’t
attracted to him, no. But he didn’t want to ruin what they had built together. It felt like their
whole relationship was build on their sexual tension and frustration. And he wasn’t sure that
once they fucked it would change the way they interact.

A soft sigh escaped his mouth, the cold air making little clouds out of his breath. He wanted
something to happen so badly because this was a tricky terrain to let his mind wander.

Especially when he took on account that Hiroto had put a wall between them and they
weren’t friends, not exactly. They had several intimate moments that made him feel closer to
the hunter, but then… Then something reminded him that they were nothing more than
Trainer and Trainee, or Hunter and Prey. It hurt. A lot.

A barely audible crack got his attention, he turned his head towards the sound and heightened
his earing in the general direction. Twenty? No, thirty vampires. They weren’t getting closer,
not anymore. But they were here.
He grinned.

A well-timed distraction.

“Commander Silva” He spoke over the comm “Thirty vampires are approaching by the
south-west, they are five kilometres away”.

“Any Lords?” Matthew frowned and concentrated. Shit.

“Ten that I could tell…” He said, flexing his claws. He was eager to jump to battle, but he
had to wait for orders.

“Go with Ashwood Blue to intercept them. We can’t afford to let them close to this place”
Said Silva. Matthew nodded and looked around; he saw the distinctive green flash of light of
hunters teleporting down the forest.

“Is there a reason to not evacuate the state?” Asked Matthew. He knew that several important
Incubi were there and that it was a hard point to defend. Why would they stay?

“There is” Silva didn’t say anything else. Of course. Matthew noticed a hunter teleport
besides the vamp barrier and jumped down the window, he felt the tingling when the barrier
went up again behind him.

He reached for his sword and rushed towards the approaching vampires. Soon he got close
enough to the other members of Ashwood Blue to give the signal to let them know he was
going to be around.

Matthew frowned as he followed the cadets to the general direction where he felt the
vampires. There weren’t any other teams around. He knew the vampires will notice them
soon, in fact, a small group of five was coming to them.
“Scatter,” He said before rushing towards the vampires. If he could take them by surprise
maybe the team could have a chance. He jumped and fell in the middle of the group. The
vampires looked at him bewildered and attacked without hesitation.

Matthew parried several attacks with his sword and the bracers, slashing and clawing at the
vampires, hoping this distraction would be enough for…

One vampire fell with his back spiked with arrows, Matthew cut his head off with his sword
and attacked the next. Seven more vampires were rushing towards them and Matthew could
barely tell where his teammates were. That was good, that way the vampires couldn’t find
them either. He hoped they couldn’t.

He cut through several vampires thinking only on helping his teammates and protecting Lady
Rosaline. He could see and feel the rest of the team teleporting around him, staking and
taking down the vampires. It was too easy and that made him anxious.

“You said there were Lords with them” Said Miller via comm. Matthew frowned, he knew
there were Lords with them but he didn’t feel them anymore.

“It’s a trap” Tarrick voice came over the comms “They have witches and are disabling the
barrier we have to regroup”.

“Fall back, team” Miller and the others begin to teleport, Matthew turned to run towards the
manor, thinking only about protecting the incubi inside, especially Rosaline.

“Matthew, you stay and clean the perimeter while the Argonauts arrive” Tarrick’s order came
to his hears at the same time that the auras of the hidden Lords.

“I’ve found some of them…” He whispered into the comm “I’ll try to take them down. I’m
going silent”.
He shut off the comm, sniffed the air and stalked towards the Lords quietly. He could feel
five nearby, scattered enough to be able to take them down without alert the others. What was
wrong with the vampires tonight? The seemed too eager to be killed to his liking.

Matthew saw the first Lord; a petite woman that could’ve twenty when turned, she seemed
concentrated on something beyond Matthew’s sight. He approached slowly without making
sounds, raised his sword to cut off her head and…

She started to sing. She didn’t know the correct pronunciation of the words, but she tried her
best, and it made Matthew halt, his silver sword a few inches away from her throat.

“Why are you singing that song?” He asked, and the vampire trembled a little, she turned her
head slowly and stopped signing.

“My Prince,” She said softly, her eyes completely red. Not just the irises, but the white of it
too “Your Sire wanted me to send you a message.”

“Y-you know who he is?” Matthew’s grip on the sword tightened. Did that girl know who his
sire was? Why he had abandoned him? Why did he ask her to sing to him an incubi nursery

“He wanted me to tell you that you shouldn’t believe them,” She said, turning around
completely. She seemed like a puppet, being clumsily moved by a kid “You are a vampire,
not an incubus. They are using you to destroy our species… You are more than just a slave,
more than a leashed dog…”

Matthew put the sword between them when she started walking toward him. The sword
sizzled against her chest. He felt fear grow inside his gut as a strong deadly aura started
coming from her. Her cheeks painted red when rivers of bloody tears ran down, blood
pouring from her eyes and her mouth. It seemed too much for her. It was killing her.

“Y-you… M-must… C-come…” Her voice sounded strangled, almost raw as if her throat
were being crushed. Matthew lowered the sword, clinging it at his belt and hold her by the
“Release her,” He said, and his voice came shrieking and trembling. He frowned and tried
again. He needed to save her “Release her!”.

He felt the will of the vampire little and hiding in a corner, and a strong almost unbearable
aura of great power. A cruel laugh echoed in his ears, the same as the night he was turned,
and the woman fell limp to the ground. Matthew saw her down the soil, in a pool of blood
and threw up on a nearby bush. He felt nauseated and violated as if that presence had reached
deep inside him. He shook his head and looked down the woman who raised her head looked
at him.

“Thank you” She mouthed rather than said it and she sunk on the ground. Damn it. She ran
away quickly. Matthew looked at the hour on his comms and cursed under his breath. He had
wasted thirty minutes on her.

He pushed the recent events on the back of his mind as Hiroto taught him and ran towards the
next vampire.

That Lord fought back and almost took off the ground. Matthew thanked for the distraction
from the possessed vampire and his depressing thoughts and fought him with all his power.

He hated that he enjoyed so much fighting and killing, but it felt so fucking good. And killing
creatures supposedly more powerful than him made him feel so energized and mighty.

When he ripped off the Lord’s wings a soft laugh escaped his throat. Now the bastard
couldn’t take off to the sky, and he couldn’t escape from him. His sword pierced one of the
blood pouches of the Lord, at the same time that his claws scratched his pauldrons and took a
chunk from his cheek. Matthew roared and sliced with the sword up cutting his head in two.

Another Lord lunged for Matthew, just to be received by his sword and a hiss as the silver
burned his arm. The Lord barely avoided being beheaded and grunted, putting some distance
between himself and Matthew.
“Damn it… She didn’t say you were this strong” the Lord kept avoiding Matthew’s blows,
which only caused him to rage and try to attack him harder.

“Who sent you?” growled Matthew, slashing through the Lord’s wing with his sword. Now
the motherfucker couldn’t getaway.

“Ascelina” the Lord looked around, evading Matthew’s attacks but not attacking back. What
was wrong with vampires tonight? “She asked us to find you and get you to her… She never
told us you’ll kill us without a talk.”

“You came here to attack people that I care of” replied Matthew lowering the sword and
receding his vampire side. Maybe if he showed he didn’t have any ill intent the damn Lord
will approach.

“We… What? Don’t tell me you really care about those fucking incubi!” the Lord looked at
him in utter disbelief and stood still when Matthew approached “They kill and imprison and
torture our kind!”

“And you do the same with them” replied Matthew in the less menacing manner he could. He
still remembered the pour succubus being violated, and the vampire that came back littering
with scars. Both sides were disgusting. “There is no innocent nor good side in this war, you

“Look, I just came because I owed her something, I didn’t come to discuss which side is right
nor to be killed” growled the Lord. Matthew raised his eyebrow.

“It’s a shame,” Said Matthew, and the Lord frowned “You are not getting away.”

Matthew grabbed him by the neck and ripped his head off in a swift movement. He hold the
head of the vampire Lord, his rictus of terror frozen in time, and smiled as it decayed. Damn
it. He loved that look on terror on his victims, and he hated that he loved it so much. But it
gave him some sense of power and control that he won’t have back at ho… At the keep with
the Incubi.
Matthew dropped the decaying head to the ground and listened around. There were distant
sounds of battle. Damn it. But all the Lords he sensed were near him, or dead. The thought
made him smile as he sped to the next Lord, being cautious to not make any sound as he
stalked the vampire.

Hiroto was right —as always— approaching them stealthy made the battle easier, especially
when he cut off their wings before they could leap to the sky.

That Lord died without much of a fight, in fact, she seemed rather bored with all and that left
Matthew with a bittersweet displeased feeling. By the time he finished her and the nearby
Lord, he was feeling rather bored. In fact, the next three weren’t much a challenge either. He
wondered why they hadn’t leapt to the sky or at least try to defend themselves.

“They didn’t expect that you attacked them” Ascelina’s clear voice showed him were the last
Lords were. He turned to them and stared at the magnificent woman, the brood looking Lord
by her side and… A fledgeling standing behind them with his face obscured by some kind of
magic. He noticed the Lord turned to him and Ascelina nodding before the vampire Lord
scouted the fledgeling and flew away.

“I suppose they missed the news that I destroyed House Moreau,” Said Matthew, sheathing
his sword and walking towards Ascelina. She raised her eyebrows.

“You learnt how to shield your thoughts” She commented, Matthew shrugged.

“Not all of them, it’s just compartmentalizing” He answered as he halted a few steps from
her. “Did you came to take me?”

“It depends” Ascelina looked at him, from foot to head and frowned “You seem to be doing
really good with them lately”.

“I’ve found a way to learn more from them, and the price is not that high if you consider all
the things I can do now,” Matthew relaxed a bit, just enough to let his superficial thoughts to
be read. To be honest, he was starting to feel comfortable with the incubi, but he hadn’t
forgotten his plan.

“That’s good” Said Ascelina, caressing his cheek as if she was considering something “I
haven’t found anything yet about your Sire.”

“You’ve been looking around?” It surprised Matthew. He didn’t consider that someone would
help him look for his Sire, not even the kind Ascelina.

“Aw, you think I’m kind” She smiled and when Matthew frowned she laughed. “I’m just
really curious about who could leave such a strong fledgeling behind, but it’s difficult to find
clues when you are such a feared person in our society.”

“I’m sorry,” He didn’t know why he apologized for it, it wasn’t his intention to make the
search for answers even more difficult.

“Oh, you shouldn’t apologize, you were doing fine,” Ascelina didn’t seem to mind that he
killed House Moreau, nor the Lords that came with her to find him.

“I wasn’t a fan of the Moreau, to be honest,” Ascelina started circling around him as if she
were examining him “And I might have underestimated you a bit… Maybe I should have
shown myself first…”

Then the memory came back to Matthew and he blocked it as fast as it came. Ascelina
frowned, probably for the blurry that his mind should be for her at the very moment.

“The first vampire… Lord… She called me ‘Prince’, the same as Viktor at House Moreau”
Matthew wasn’t sure he should trust Ascelina with that, but then again, who else was going
to help him get answers about his sire?

“‘Prince’?” Ascelina frowned “Well that’s a really good clue, and explains…”
Ascelina was about to say something but her eyes locked with something behind Matthew
and she closed her mouth. She looked at him and sighed softly.

“You should go back, your incubi pets need you,” She said without a hint of mockery “I’m
not taking you tonight, our witches aren’t that powerful yet,” she tapped the collar around
Matthew’s neck. The collar he almost forgot he had. “But be ready, young one, we’ll see each
other again and then you’ll come with us.”

She leapt onto the air and left flying, and he felt blurry of emotions inside. What was
Ascelina about to say? When will she come back? Why he can’t have wings? He wanted
wings so he could fly too.

Matthew sighed and turned to go back to the manor. Fear flooded him when he saw the small
figure at the other end of the clearing, teleporting down the tree they’ve been hiding. He saw
the black-clothed person walk slowly towards him, daggers ready on both hands.

The figure halted a few meters away from him and took his hood and his mask off, white
silky hair and white fluffy ears fluttered free into the night wind and made a stark contrast
against the dark of the forest.


A Suivre...

Chapter End Notes

There's one thing here and it's that Matthew is being tortured here as he was tortured on
the original books, but here the torture is psychological and emotional rather than

And the point of this chapter was to show how this apparent 'calm and cosy rutine' he is
living in it's making him rethink everything he knows about himself and about others in
a slow yet forced pace.
I hope you liked it, and I hope you caught all those small clues I've been seeding to this

With love,

From the Pit,

Chapter 11
Chapter Summary

Matthew has a mild mental breakdown, receives somewhat good news and has a
thoughtful talk with Rosaline.

"Tonight you have proved that you deserve the chance to be considered."

Chapter Notes

Someone asked me why I insisted so much on Matthew's precarious state of mind. Well,
just think about it. He has been used, abused, tortured and weaponized, and he had
developed some sort of Stockholm syndrome with his captor, and he has even started to
think about the place where he has beeing kept prisoner as a home.

His mind and emotional state are not in the best shape at this very moment. And... Well,
he didn't have the time to reflect and introspect he had at the beginning of Sire [let's
remember that in the original Series he spent almost two years learning with the
vampires and on his solo mission to find his Sire]. So he has been having a hard time to
process everything that has happened to him in the last months.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hiroto approached Matthew slowly and Matthew felt his whole world crumble. The fox had
heard to his conversation with Ascelina and now he knew he wanted to run away, to betray
all the incubi and escape.

“Don’t do it,” Said Hiroto, softly “Don’t run away…Yet”

Matthew stopped himself. Yet? Matthew felt a lump on his throat, fear growing on his gut.

“You… You’ve been doing so well…” Hiroto was a few meters away and had taken his
daggers and put them on the floor. Matthew realized he was holding his breath. “You still
have so much to learn from them”.

“I…” Matthew bit his lip. He was feeling conflicted by the way Hiroto looked at him, with so
much longing and pleading. Why?

“I won’t say anything” Added Hiroto chewing his lip “But you have to promise to try a bit
more to be part of this”

“Really?” Matthew frowned. Hiroto always seemed like he would follow the rules, maybe
bend them a little, but not break them completely. And he seemed to be really loyal to the
incubi… Except for two or three times… The memory hit Matthew like a boulder; ‘if I was
given the chance, back then, I would have run away’.

“Matthew… I’m on your side” Hiroto looked back nervously and looked at his gloved hand,
he brought it to his mouth “I’ve found Matthew, all Lords seem to be cleared.”

“My side?” Asked Matthew, Hiroto shook his head and tapped his hand. The comm, of
course, he was silent for the stealth. He turned on his comm again and hear the hunters give
and receive orders on his ear.
“Matthew, do you copy?” Tarrick’s voice in his ear made him shiver.

“I copy” Replied Matthew, his eyes still on the fox in front of him.

“Did you take off the ten Lords?” Damn it, he told Silva how many he sensed.

“Eight… I took eight down… Two flew away before I could get them” Managed Matthew,
waiting for Hiroto to call him out for letting Ascelina go.

“Good job, Matthew, come back and check on Rosaline”

Matthew looked at Hiroto and he nodded softly, before signalling himself and Matthew,
touching his cheek and projecting his hand forward. Then he moved both his hands with one
finger pointing upwards in front of him, he then extended one of his hands and made an L
with the other before letting it fall. Finally, he touched his temple with his finger and made a
wriggling motion as he moved away from his hand. ‘We’ll talk later on the Dreams’.
Matthew nodded and draw a shaky breath. It seemed like an invitation, but it could also be a

“Copy and out” Matthew turned and speed towards the manor. The fear boiling in his gut as
he thought of everything that Hiroto could have heard and how it could affect his life.

Damn it. They will cage him again for sure. They’ll put him away on that damned zoo-thing
and he won’t be able to feel the cold air of the night nor the cosiness of Tarrick’s bed again.
Then… Then why was he going back? He should run away right now before they trap him
again. So why was he entering the manor? Why was he looking for Rosaline when he should
be absconding?

“Matthew! What happened?” He was standing in front of Rosaline, covered on caked blood
and dirt. And Rosaline seemed so concerned. Rosaline… Anything they’ll do to him will be
done to her too. They were going to punish her so much just because he was a traitorous little
“A small attack,” He said when he realized that the other incubi from the party were staring
at him, he should make them panic, though “It’s almost over, we take care of them before
they had the chance to get close”.

“My hero!” Rosaline beamed and hugged him despite the grime that covered him and now
was tainting her dress. The incubi around them continued with their things, partying and
mingling. Matthew felt envious. If that bastard hadn’t snapped his neck that night he could’ve
been there, with them, as an incubus.

Rosaline grabbed his arm and lead him out of the ballroom —to a more private area— with a
bright smile on her face. When they got to the room and she closed the door behind the smile

“What happened?” She asked again, concerning filling her voice. Matthew covered his face
with his hands. He couldn’t dare to look at her face at that moment. Guilty filling him as he
thought of how he considered running away selfishly without thinking on the repercussions
on Rosaline.

“Are you hungry?” Rosaline put her hand on Matthew’s shoulder and he could feel the nudge
of a soft calming hold. Matthew raised his look and bit his lip. He should tell her that they
were on big trouble, he owed her that much. She was so kind to him, she even asked if he
was hungry because his eyes were crimson red and he was so

“Rosaline, I…”

The door flung open, and a hunter entered. He seemed exhausted and was almost as
misshapen as Matthew.

“Matthew, the High General needs you on the basement,” He said, before looking at Rosaline

“I thought he had to escort me home,” Said Rosaline, grabbing Matthew’s arm. “That was
what Tarrick told me”.
“Something else happened,” Said the hunter, visibly uncomfortable with it. “I’m sorry, Lady
Rosaline… But the High General said that you should go now and that Matthew was needed
on the basement alone”.

“I thought it was a small attack” Rosaline looked at Matthew accusingly. Matthew shrugged
and offered an apologetic smile.

“I’m supposed to avoid creating panic, my lady” mumbled Matthew. Rosaline frowned and

“Be careful, Matthew” She said before kissing him on the cheek and whisper “Don’t let that
idiot Tarrick to ruin your good mood. You are amazing and deserve all the praises in the

Matthew smiled and grabbed her face to give her a passionate kiss. Rosaline was truly the
best. He owed to tell her.

“Matthew, please… I was supposed to bring you fast” grunted the hunter, and Matthew bit
his lip.

“Go” Said Rosaline, her cheeks blushed pink because of the kiss “I’ll wait for you”.

Matthew nodded and followed the hunter, feeling dreadful. That was it. He was doomed.
Rosaline was doomed. Damn it. Probably Hiroto and Tarrick were doomed too because of
this. After all, they were in charge of him.

His fears were almost confirmed when he entered the basement and saw Prescott with a smug
smile and Tarrick grimacing. The basement had become an impromptu command centre, with
a couple of hunters dispatching orders and several monitors showing the battle. That was no
small battle. And there were other states being attacked by the looks of it. Why?
Prescott was in full armour and was pristine as if he had never stepped on a battlefield. Well,
his armour had some scratches from battle but was almost perfect. Tarrick, on the other hand,
was on his military uniform. He looked perfect on it.

Hiroto was lurking in the shadows. He couldn’t see him, but he could smell the soft incense
and cherry blossoms.

“There you are” Prescott looked at him. He seemed satisfied with something, and Matthew
started to panic. “You seem nervous, Matthew”.

“He is just probably thrilled for the battle” Mumbled Hiroto from somewhere behind the
monitors. “He tends to get too excited for the battles… He controls it much better now,

Prescott nodded and started pacing around Matthew as if he was examining him. Matthew
looked at Tarrick who was back to work, issuing orders to the incubi army. Was he that upset
at Matthew? Maybe he felt utterly betrayed and decided to pretend he had never had any sort
of familiarity with him. Damn it. It made his heart hurt like hell.

“Matthew?” The fox’s voice brought him back, and he noticed everyone in the room was
staring at him. Even more, Hiroto was right in front of him, looking at him curiously.

“I’m sorry, I spaced out” He blurted. Hiroto smiled reassuringly.

“You are not going to be punished, Matthew” Commented Tarrick, before turning his
attention to the monitors again “This time you were ordered to take off those Lords. It was
your solo mission”.

“And your pre-entrance exam” Added Hiroto with a playful smile. Was that really the same
Hiroto that seemed so broken moments ago when he discovered his conversation with
Ascelina? Wait. What pre-entrance exam?
Prescott coughed and Hiroto teleported behind him so he could be in front of Matthew.

“You must know that I command the Argonauts” Started Prescott, and made a pause.
Probably to make sure Matthew was listening to this time. It was good he hadn’t feed
recently or his cheeks would be red from embarrassment.

“Yes, Imperator” Replied Matthew, trying to sound as calm and collected as possible.

“And you must know that thanks to Ascelina we are missing a man” Continued Prescott, this
time not even bothering to wait for confirmation. “Several persons have suggested that you
may be a good addition to our team”.

“The… The mere suggestion is an honour, Imperator” Replied Matthew bowing slightly.
Tarrick raised an eyebrow and Hiroto looked at him with an indecipherable gaze.

“You should be honoured because we are actually considering it” Retorted Prescott
apparently pleased with Matthew’s comment “Tonight you have proved that you deserve the
chance to be considered. Therefore, you are going to be called, in a few days to be tested and
see if you indeed are as good as they say you are”.

“I don’t want to brag, Imperator” He didn’t know why but he did want to brag “but I just take
eight Lords with as few collateral damages as possible”.

“That’s why we are giving you the opportunity to try” Retorted Prescott severely “Don’t be
so ahead of yourself, vampire. Commander Vikström could’ve taken twenty Lord with one
attack and she won’t be bragging about it” Prescott turned as if he was bored with the
conversation and walked towards the door “Besides, you lost two Lords” And he teleported

Matthew tsked and turned to see Hiroto, who closed his eyes slowly before teleporting away
in a haze of white light. Matthew looked at Tarrick, who seemed too busy coordinating the
defence to mind him and chewed his lip. Was he entitled to talk without being addressed?
He was feeling distressed. Even if Hiroto didn’t say anything about that to anyone, there was
still the fact that he knew. He knew he planned to betray the incubi, therefore he was planning
on betraying him.

Matthew bit his lip strongly and looked down. He didn’t want to betray Hiroto, nor
Rosaline… Nor Tarrick… He wanted them beside him, even if he ran away.

“Matthew” Matthew hissed when he heard his name, his vampire guise coming out, and
Tarrick frowned. “Be more respectful, Warrior”.

Matthew made his vampire aspect recede and lowered his head in a submissive attitude.
Tarrick approached and took his chin to make Matthew look at him. His eyes were stormy as
if Tarrick was thinking about something that worried him a lot.

“You may go and get Lady Rosaline to safety,” Said Tarrick turning his back to Matthew:
“We’ll see your punishment after that”.

Punishment? Matthew almost talked back. Almost.

“Yes, High General” He forced himself to say, bowing as they had taught him and walked
towards the room where he had left Rosaline.

Rosaline had a worried expression, and her frown deepened when she saw him.

“Matthew…” She started, standing up and walking towards him.

“I’ve been ordered to escort you to safety, Lady Rosaline,” interrupted Matthew, bowing
slightly. He didn’t want to ruin everything more.

Rosaline looked at him surprised and nodded before taking Matthew’s arm.
“Well… Then… Ehm Escort me, Matthew,” Said Rosaline softly. Matthew nodded and
guided her to the exit.

“Matthew… How are you feeling?” Asked Rosaline while they walk towards the
teleportation stone.


“Don’t you dare to tell me you are fine, because you are not.”

“I’m confused… And scared…”


Matthew wished he could answer the question without showing that he was a traitor little
bitch. He needed to think about something… Something he could talk with Rosaline and
would explain his behaviour.

“I think…I’m… In love” The excited cry that came out of Rosaline wasn’t human —Nor
incubi for what Matthew could make an account of.

“But that amazing!” She said excitedly as they teleported away and climb on the back of a
van. “You have to tell me everything as soon as we get to my room”.

Matthew bit his lip. In a way, this was way worst than betray her. Now it meant to confident
with her even more. You never learn, huh? He scolded himself and sighed.

On another hand, he was thankful that Rosaline was sensitive enough to keep the
conversation to the ‘privacy’ of her room. She was truly amazing, thought Matthew, as he
saw her smiling and tapping her fingers on her lap, eager to get to her room so she could hear
And, as soon as they entered the room she closed the door an looked at him expectantly while
he got out his armour and put some comfy clothes.

“So?” She asked with a smug smile “Who is the lucky person? Is it Tarrick? I can bet is

“No” The denial left his mouth easily, maybe too easily. Had him finally accepted that maybe
he and the High General won’t be?

“No?” Rosaline frowned “How could you say ‘no’ so nonchalantly? You drool every time
you see him and you try so hard to please him!”

“Well… Yes, I like Tarrick” Mumbled Matthew, wishing that whoever was the hunter looking
at the cameras at that moment, would be a nice shy hunter who won’t say anything about it to
Tarrick. “But… It’s complicated.”

“Why?” Rosaline pouted “It shouldn’t be complicated. You like him, he likes you… That’s

“That’s not it” Replied Matthew letting himself fell on Rosaline’s bed and hiding his face on
the silk-lined pillows. “Even if he truly feels the same, and no, he doesn’t… It won’t happen
because I’m a fucking slave!”

“That’s not… You are… I thought… Hiroto told me that you were accepted” mumbled
Rosaline, sitting by his side.

“Accepted?” Matthew peeked at Rosaline who started caressing his hair.

“Yes, on the Argonauts…” She answered with a careful smile “I may have suggested to the
High King that you would be an amazing addition to his elite team… And to Prescott,
obviously...” She stated proudly before covering her mouth “Oh, dear… I went overboard,
didn’t I? I should’ve asked you first if you wanted to…”

“I want to,” Replied Matthew, smiling at her “Thank you, Rosaline”.

“But now you are going to be taken from Tarrick’s side,” Pouted Rosaline “Even if I got you
to climb the social ladder now you’ll be far from the man you love!”

“The man I like,” Corrected Matthew, kissing Rosaline’s cheek “And it’s okay, I guess… I
mean… I would love to stay here at Ashwood with Commander Silva and the Academy
trainees… But… The stories that Hiroto told me about the Argonauts… I… It makes me
want to be part of it, you know? Be a part of a team, not a weapon that is assigned to
whichever team is nearest”.

“You are not a weapon” retorted Rosaline “You are a handsome warrior that just got
promoted to the most popular elite team of all”.

“The Imperator said I earned the ‘right to prove I could be part of it’” Commented Matthew
and Rosaline furrowed her eyebrows.

“That stubborn prick” bickered Rosaline before poking Matthew’s cheek “Still! You are
going to prove Prescott that you are perfect for it and you will be part of them, so, socially
speaking, you will be nearer to Tarrick”.

“Well, I’ll have that in mind if someday he decides he likes me enough to have a relationship
with me” ironized Matthew, and Rosaline glared at him “What? It’s true! He likes me but he
won’t be in a relationship with me… And I’m not sure if I want to be in a relationship with
him either…”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just that… Tarrick is really possessive, and… If we were to be in a relationship, and we
won’t, he won’t let me near… I mean, we are close… almost friends…But that’s all”

“Tarrick won’t mind if you have sex with other people… In fact, we were discussing that you
should get a feeder…” Commented Rosaline, and Matthew looked at her scandalized. A
feeder? What?

“What?” Matthew shook his head.

“You need a feeder, Matthew” Replied Rosaline as if she were talking to a little boy to eat his
veggies “Tarrick and I couldn’t keep feeding you all the time… Besides, we could get you a
nice one who let you cuddle”.

“That’s… I don’t want to fuck and stranger…” mumbled Matthew, and he could almost hear
his incubus side laugh. Of course, the needy little bitch would fuck anyone. Stupid horny
incubus side.

“You would get to know them” Rosaline smiled “And you’ll choose whoever you want…
And if they don’t satisfy you, you could always try another one… I’m pretty sure there are
plenty of them who want a taste of you.”

Matthew shook his head. “You incubi are unbelievable”.

“You’ll get used to it, as you got used to the parties and to other things” She giggled, hugging
him “Soon enough you’ll be having it being as part of your routine as the evening bottle of

Matthew shrugged. Maybe she was right. “But you’ll still let me ravage you, right?”

“Of course, Matthew” She laughed “You know I love to have sex with you”.
Matthew smiled and kissed her softly, before resting his head on the soft fluffy pillows.

“It’s not ‘anyone’, right Matthew?” Asked Rosaline nuzzling against Matthew’s neck.

“I’m sure Tarrick hates that we are so close…” Commented Matthew caressing the red coils
of hair “He sounded so jealous that time… But… It wasn’t on purpose, you know? It just

“Just happened?” Asked Rosaline, tracing Matthew’s collarbones.

“At first I just liked the way he treats me like a person… Then I come to like the way he
flirted and reacted to my awkward flirting… And then… Then… I started to look forward to
seeing him every night…”

“I thought you said there was a wall between you two”

“There is… He put it, so he won’t get attached to me… But… I don’t want to have sex with
him, you know? Because I feel… I know, it’s kind of silly, but I feel that when he has sex, the
only thing that made him stay around will banish because he would have his release…

“And you truly want that your relationship means more than just a horny fox chasing some
hot guy?”

“Yes… And I also want that all those intimate moments; the ones where we shared…That
those moments would mean something… Would mean as much to him as they mean to me”

“And what those ‘moments’ mean to you?”

Matthew didn’t know how to answer that. He had been running from his feelings —mostly
because of how confusing they were— for a year now, and now… Just thinking about to
accept them and give them a name scared him. Probably because he knew that Hiroto knew
that he was a traitorous little bitch.

“I don’t know,” He said closing his eyes “And now I messed it up and he probably hates me,
and when Tarrick finds out he would hate me too…”

“How did you messed up?” Asked Rosaline, and Matthew felt the soft hold wrapping around
him. He opened his eyes and looked at her pleading.

“Can we talk about something else?” He asked, and she kissed his temple, the hold becoming

“What about not talking at all?” She kissed the point of his nose and then she kissed him, her
soft lips caressing his in slow motion, as she climbed on top of him to press her body against

“Yes, please” sighed Matthew when they broke the kiss so she could nibble his neck.

Matthew let Rosaline undress him, and sighed contently when she started worshipping his
body with the mastery only a succubus could have.

He trembled when her light touches traced his muscles, and her soft butterfly kisses made a
slow path down his torso to his hard and needy erection. He hissed in pleasure when she
traced his thighs with her claws barely scratching them, and moaned when she licked his hard
rod from the base to the point and then took it in her mouth.

He reached his hand to touch her, but the succubus tail pinned it to the bed.

“Let me please you, Matthew,” She said. It was more an order than a plea, but Matthew was
happy to oblige, enjoying the attentions of the beautiful woman between his legs.
Matthew panted and sighed in pleasure, his back arching as the redhead sucked his member
and roamed her hands all over his body, sending soft waves of pleasure. It wasn’t white-
minding as Tarrick’s storm surge, but rather hypnotic as soft tidal waves.

Matthew came with a soft cry, emptying himself inside Rosaline hot mouth. And looked at
her as if asking for permission. She swallowed and smiled at him, before climbing back over

“Yes, Matthew?” She asked brushing her lips against his.

“Can I pleasure you?” He asked clawing her round ass over her clothes. She gasped and he

“Yes, please” She answered mockingly. Matthew smirked and ravaged her mouth as his
fingers worked her dress off.

A suivre

Chapter End Notes

As I said in the last chapter, Matthew has been forced to rethink everything he knew
about himself and his relationships with others. The thing is that he hadn't had time to
truly process it, nor to think how his past actions and plans could affect his 'cosy and
lovely' present. He got comfortable and got used to the routine and that made him
careless, he grew attached to the people around him and started to call his 'prison' a

The point of this chapter was to show how Matthew cares about Tarrick, Rosaline and
Hiroto, and how his plans have become something between them.

I hope you liked it, and I hope you caught all those small clues I've been seeding to this

You are free to argue about it, tho. It was a nasty chapter [Not as nasty as others that are
yet to come].

With love,
From Heather Island,

Chapter 12
Chapter Summary

Matthew has a heartfelt conversation with Hiroto, and get's his test for the Argonauts.

"But, then I thought about all the things I learnt on the training sessions with sugar fluff
here and I said ‘why not?’.”

Chapter Notes

Well, this time is a really plot-relevant chapter, and I hope you like this as much as I
liked writing it~


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew didn’t want to sleep. It meant he would have to meet with Hiroto and he definitely
wanted to avoid that confrontation. On the other hand, he should try to convince the fox that
it wasn’t what it looked like. Well, it did, but he had an explanation. Sort of.

Matthew grunted and Rosaline removed in her dreams, her soft gorgeous body pressed
against him in a tight embrace. He let his hand run down her hair and purred softly, feeling
content with the warmth of her body. He couldn’t let anything bad happen to her; she had
become someone really close to him and he really liked her.

With a sigh, he closed his eyes. He needed to fix the mess, so Rosaline wouldn’t suffer for his

Matthew drew a long breath and let his mind empty.

“You came,” Hiroto’s voice sounded anxious “I was thinking that you won’t”.

“We need to talk” Answered Matthew, opening his eyes slowly. They were in his room. The
one in Tarrick’s keep.

“Yes… We do” Said Hiroto. He was wearing his hunter suit, with the red hood and the mask
on, only his golden honey eyes visible. Like the night when they two met.

“It wasn’t what you think” Started Matthew averting looks and letting his eyes roam the

“I know you ask her to help you escape when she did. I don’t blame you” Interrupted Hiroto
“And… I… I won’t blame you either if you want to escape now…”
Matthew bit his lip. His voice sounded broken or was just his imagination?

“Have you told them?” Asked Matthew his mouth dry and his voice harsh.

“I told you I won’t” Replied Hiroto. Hurt? He sounded hurt. “If I tell them they will execute
you… Or worst.”

“Worst?” Asked Matthew turning to see Hiroto “What could possibly be worst than death?”

“They haven’t truly tortured you yet” Replied Hiroto, his eyes darkening “At times… Even I
wanted it to end, forever… Even if it meant that my soul will disappear”.

Matthew felt a shiver run down his spine. They could torture him to that point? To the point,
he will just a plea for the mercy of death? He felt his stomach revolve.

“Why?”Asked Matthew, Hiroto averted looks. He seemed to be asking himself the same

“I… I kind of like you” murmured Hiroto and then looked at Matthew “You are… You
remind me of myself… Before that… So daring, so full of… un-live… So young, unafraid…
So innocent and untainted….”

“I’m scared… Scared to death” Replied Matthew frowning “And I’m not innocent, I’ve
killed hundreds of people”.

“You are scared, but yet you came” Retorted Hiroto “And yes, you kill… But you still respect
life and marvel with the world”. Hiroto sighed “Matthew… I really don’t want you to suffer
what I suffered back then…”
“Why are you helping me?” Asked Matthew then, biting his lip “What do you earn from all

Hiroto looked at him and frowned, he seemed like he was going to speak, but then he covered
his eyes with his hands.

“Shit” Hiroto sat on the bed, his face still covered “Shit… Shit, shit!”

Matthew approached slowly, unused to see the fox fall apart. His hand stopped a few inches
away from the fox’s head.

“I think that my wall wasn’t as good as it was before…” mumble Hiroto before taking off his
mas kand smiling at Matthew “because I came to like you a lot”.

“You like me?” Asked Matthew as a warm feeling spread over his chest “You like me? As in
like like?”

“Yes, stupid vampire!” Hiroto grabbed a pillow and throw it to him “And erase that dumb
smile from your face or I’ll mistake it for love”.

Matthew didn’t erase the dumb smile of his face. In fact, the smile only got wider as he sat
down next to Hiroto and hugged him.

“I like you too, a lot,” Said Matthew, nuzzling against the neck of the kitsune. Hiroto froze.

“You know how bad is this, right?” Asked Hiroto, slowly embracing the vampire. “They still
could send me to kill you”.

“Then…” Matthew looked at Hiroto and gave him a bright smile, showing his fangs “Then
we shall run away together. Who could stop us then?”
Hiroto opened his mouth to protest, but then closed it and nodded slowly.

“You are right…” mumbled him “if we run away together… They won’t be able to stop us…
We could be free”.

Matthew saw something lit up in Hiroto’s eye and it made him feel glad somehow.

“We can run away now, if you want” offered Matthew, caressing the soft fox’s ears.

“No… Not yet” Replied Hiroto leaning against Matthew “First, let’s see if you could become
an Argonaut.”

“You are going to be cheering for me?” Asked Matthew, caressing and cuddling the fox, who
seemed more relaxed than ever.

“Of course I will” Replied Hiroto “And you better do well, I bet on you”.

“Well, then” Matthew laughed “I’m going to excel just for you, Commander”.

“Don’t say it like that!” Hiroto turned to him and pouted “It turns me on and we can’t do it
right now”.

“We can’t? Why?” Matthew let his hands wander down the fox body before clawing his ass.
Hiroto moaned and grabbed Matthew’s wrists.

“We can’t because I should be going to a mission,” Said Hiroto, visibly disappointed.
“We have the worst timing on the story of worst timing,” groaned Matthew, before kissing
Hiroto’s cheek. “Well, then… I’ll see you later, my lovely snowflake”.

“See you later, my dear sugar leech”.

Matthew laughed at the pet name and opened his eyes, waking up from the dreamscape. He
sported a silly smile.

Rosaline removed and hugged hin tightly and he nuzzled her before drifting into his morning

The bliss he felt didn’t disappear the next dusk when he woke up alone in his room. In fact,
he was still rather cheerful when Silva came to his room and told him the night schedule. He
was so happy that even Silva gave him a small smile.

“Did something good happen?” Asked Tarrick when Matthew entered the control room with
an almost bouncy step.

“I think I’m in love, Master” He answered with a wide smile, kneeling before him and
beaming. Tarrick raised an eyebrow and studied the vampire before him.

“Good evening, High General” Saluted a blond woman who Matthew recognized as
Commander Vikström. She was wearing a blacksmithing apron as her hunter uniform. She
had some kind of bazooka crossed on her back. She seemed distracted.

“Commander Vikström” saluted Tarrick before beckoning at Matthew “There he is”.

“He is good looking” commented Vikström, studying him “And he seems healthy, too.
Almost ethereal.”
“Commander Vikström is here to take you on a mission, Matthew,” said Tarrick, as she kept
looking at him examining him “You may talk to her and follow her orders, and you may

Matthew stood and Vikström followed him with her gaze, standing a few inches from him.
She was shorter than him for a few inches.

“You could easily pass as an incubus,” She commented, touching his arm “If you weren’t so
cold… Your eyes are true silver… I haven’t ever seen an incubus with silver eyes. Don’t you
think it’s ironic?”

“Ironic?... Commander,” Matthew almost forgot to address her by her rank, completely taken
off guard by her comments.

“Well, you are a vampire,” Said Vikström looking intently at his mouth “And silver burns
you, yet your eyes are silver-coloured.”

“It is indeed ironic, now that you mention it, Commander Vikström,” Replied Matthew
offering a sided-smile.

“You can call me Vik,” She said with a small smile before walking towards the door “I’mt
taking him to a mission, High General,”

Tarrick nodded and went to talk to Vassu, who gave Matthew an encouraging smile. Matthew
smiled back and followed Vik to the teleportation stone.

“So, tell me, Matthew,” Said Vik as they walk “If hypothetically I asked you to be a guinea
pig, you would accept to do so?”

“It would depend, Commander Vik” Answered Matthew, confused by the unexpected
question “If it would be too painful I would rather decline, but I could withstand some pain if
it helps me become stronger and better.”
“I see… And you will tell me everything you feel and experience as a guinea pig?” Vik
seemed pretty serious about it.

“I thought that the point of using a fellow warrior as a guinea pig was to get ahold of precise
feedback, commander” Matthew knew his answer was problematic, but then again she was
asking him —hypothetically— if he would allow her to use him as a guinea pig, so it meant
she didn’t see him as a mere slave, right?

“I like how you think,” She said with a smile as she activated the teleport stone “You should
totally be my guinea pig, or maybe my investigation partner. I don’t have one because people
don’t tend to be resilient, you know?”

“Are ya trying to get the new one on ya side?” A cowboy-dressed hunter looked at them
mildly bored. Matthew smiled and bowed slightly when he recognized him as Commander
Lock, from Hiroto’s memories. He looked around and saw Prescott and a big bald guy who
seemed a WWA fighter —Commander Nellis, for the looks of it—, who were waiting for
them. It was cold and Matthew could hear the snow falling outside.

They were on a sort of a shabby building with no windows, unused by the looks of it, and the
only trace of Hiroto was a faint scent of cherry blossom that was wearing off. He must have
been there a while ago.

Prescott raised and Lock and Nellis went for the door, they opened the door and exited in
silence. Vik made Matthew a gesture to follow them and walked behind them. Matthew
bowed slightly to Prescott before following them outside. They were on a massive field
covered by what looked like a few feet of snow, and that was surrounded by trees.

“Where are we?” Asked Prescott, and Matthew noticed he was talking to him. Matthew

“I haven’t been there, Imperator” Replied him sniffing the air and looking at the cloudy sky,
they were eight hours closer to dawn, more or less. “But if I should guess… I’ll say we are
somewhere in Russia”.
“Yes,” Prescott nodded unsurprised “There’s a town five miles north of here. Keep up.”

And with that Prescott and the others disappeared in a flash of green light. Damn it. Matthew
took off after them, taking long leaps and hopping over the snow. He knew he must look
ridiculous, but it worked and that was what counted. He wished he had more training on
snow terrain.

At some point, the building disappeared, probably because a veil that secluded its existence.
Matthew frowned as he felt the vampires and started going slowly. Soon they stopped
teleporting. Prescott raised his hand and the team waited in silence. Matthew felt his gut
clench on excitement. There were lots of vampires in that town, in fact, there was a vampire
coming. The Argonauts teleported away, but Matthew didn’t even move.

He wouldn’t kill the poor vamp, mostly because it would drag unwanted attention, and
partially because he didn’t want to kill if it wasn’t necessary. The vampire looked like a
young girl, maybe in her late teens when turned. She approached slowly, sniffing around
where the hunters were hiding.

“Hey” Called out Matthew and she jumped. Matthew speed towards her, sporting a charming
smile. She hissed, startled by the speed of Matthew “Do you speak English, lovely?”

“Da” She looked at him cautiously, and Matthew grinned even more. She must be confused
by his relaxed posture in contrast with his heavy armour. Or maybe she was still startled by
his speed.

“You checked out this area and found nothing” He compeled, caressing her face to nudge her
emotions and made it easier to compel her. She nodded slowly, looking at the woods with
glassy eyes “You may go”.

He followed her with her gaze as she wandered off and turned his attention back to the
Argonauts. He sped to where he knew they’d be hiding and smiled when Hiroto appeared.
“There’s a pack of six wolf shifters guarding the outside” Hiroto glanced at Matthew as he
reported, so much for a warm greeting, huh? “Inside are eleven human thralls, armed. Six
more unarmed, and five vamps, with a Lord among them” Matthew quickly memorized the
information; Hiroto was the best scout on the corps and his info was always reliable “There
are eight patrols in the area and our intel was correct: they have a safe room.”

“Where’s Zakhar right now?” Prescott seemed to be planning their moves.

“Top floor, second room from the left of the western corner.”

Who was Zakhar? Matthew wondered and then Vik showed him a picture of a vampire in her
cellphone. He was a plain-looking man with a thin nose and big ears. If he put on some
glasses he could pass as your regular science geek.

“Here’s the deal,” Said Prescott and Matthew turned his attention to him, “We need to take
this vampire —Zakhar— alive. But we can’t fight our way in because they’ll have him in that
safe room before we could get him out.”

Oh, Matthew knew where this was going and he didn’t like it that much. Well, maybe just a

“And I ain’t wantin’ to fight this whole place” Commented Lock. Nellis flexed his gauntlets.

“I still think we should,” He said, looking at his fists “Sounds fun”

Prescott rolled his eyes and looked at Matthew “Matthew since it’s a vampire owned building
and you don’t need to be invited in” Damn it, he was right “You’re going to jump in, grab the
vamp, then run back here with him. We’ll cover the escape.”

Seriously? Not even Ashwood Blue made such a coward move. And they were trainees and
knew their limits. Were these the same Argonauts he had seen on Hiroto’s memories? He was
about to comment this when he caught a glimpse of Hiroto’s devilish smile. Was he issuing a
challenge? Then bring it on.

“Am I taking him back to the stone, Imperator?” Asked Matthew, his voice showing a
concern that no one believed “Won’t the vampires just destroy it once we’re gone?”

“Yes” Prescott answered came harsh, and Matthew had to control himself to not grin “But
getting him is more important that one leystone in the middle of nowhere, Russia. With this
many vamps around, they’ll find it out soon anyway.”

Matthew nodded. It was a simple mission: Enter the room, grab the wamp, run like hell. Easy

“And Matthew” Prescott added, reaching his hand.

“Yes, Imperator” Matthew looked dumbfounded at the hunter’s hand. What was he

“Hand your weapon, you won’t be needing it” That was what Prescott said, and it made
Matthew realize that something was iffy and off about all this. He didn’t want to hand over
his weapon, but he wanted to make a goon impression so he handed it anyways. Prescott
raised an eyebrow, probably surprised at how easily he gave it up. Stupid Imperator and his
stupid rank.

“The building is three blocks away” Hiroto sounded serious, as always that they were on a
mission and it reminded Matthew why he was there “Salmon-coloured.”

“Yes, Commander” Matthew answered just for the pleasure of seeing Hiroto’s eyes grew

“Any questions?” Prescott asked.

Yes, a lot. Why was this guy important? Why they were using such a risky snatch and grab
tactic? Outrun vampires were one of Matthew’s skills, but it was easier without armour or
two feet of snow, and of course without a struggling Lord in his arms. Not to mention that
maybe some of the vampires could fly so they could chase him from the sky. But he’d figure
it out. He was good at figuring out things on the run.

“None that are relevant, Imperator”

“Go now”

Matthew bowed, with a sarcastic look on his face, before taking off. It was a small act of
defiance and mockery, and it would probably cost him points with them, but he was feeling
like it. This was the iffiest mission he had been sent off, and he had been sent off to a lot of
iffy missions, mostly because hunters didn’t share the whole intel with him.

Matthew dodged the patrolling vampires and an armed human and slipped through a broken
window into an abandoned building. He frowned a little: he couldn’t risk attacking anyone
because making any sound or drawing even a drop of blood would alert every fucking
vampire in the area. He relaxed and thought about his stealth training with Hiroto. That
should do.

With great caution, Matthew exited the building and made his way to the three-story pinkish-
orange building. Damn it. It was teeming with vampires and shifters and humans. Hiroto had
lied to him. HIROTO HAD LIED TO HIM! That wasn’t cool. Not cool at all.

Several vampire fighters armed, mercenary wolves and those humans seemed as special
forces. Matthew tightened his jaw and prepared himself to jump. And then he sensed it.
FIVE. FUCKING. LORDS. And their auras pressed him.

Hiroto had lied to him. The ‘betrayal’ sunk heavily in his heart, even if it was because this
fucking mission was a fucking test. He was going to make Hiroto regret it. But first, he had to
solve this fucking mess.

And he was going to do it the incubus way.

Oh yes.

This was going to be a fucking show.

And Matthew began to plan an execute what he would say was his most devious and special
plan to the date. And, when he finished he returned to the grove alone, walking casually as if
he was just strolling around the woods. He didn’t see any hunters around and shrugged as he
walked back to the stone.

“What are you doing?” Prescott appeared before him, frowning.

“I was going to wait for you by the stone, Imperator,” Matthew didn’t even look at him.

“Where’s Zakhar?” Prescott looked behind Matthew, annoyed.

“Oh, right” Matthew shrugged “ About that, Imperator. Hiroto’s information was a little off.”

An exaggerated gasp came from the trees “Never.”

Prescott seemed disappointed and somehow happy about it when he sighed “Alright team.
We’ll come back and clean up this place tomorrow with the sun up. Let’s get this over and
then send Matthew back to the High General.”

The place where the stone teleported to wasn’t that familiar to Matthew, but he was well
aware of where he was. New York. Why? Then they rode an SUV and Matthew saw the most
impressive tower behind the veil. It was too goddamn high and big. It had to be the High
Tower, there was no mistake. Why was he taken to High tower? Will they hand him over to
the High King? Had his small act cost that much? No. Please. He didn’t want to end up on a
Hiroto must have sensed his distress because he gave him a reassuring pat on the arm as they
entered a conference room with an oval table. Prescott stood at the head of the table and
motioned Matthew to sit. Hiroto sat opposite him and took off his mask. He gave him a soft

“Hiroto, you’ll start,”

Hiroto stood “You all know that I’ve been training him for the past months and it shows in
his ability to keep up a rapid pace even if he can’t teleport, and his ability to be stealthy even
with the armour and the snow,” he said proudly and Matthew felt warm spread in his chest.
“Also, his ability to compel have proven helpful for interrogation, as well as his ability to
erase memories. He’s also a gargoyle commander and that could be useful if one gets frisky.
He’d round out the team so it’s a yes from me.”

Matthew contained a purr and returned the smile the kitsune gave him.


She looked her bazooka over the table pondering “I like the idea of having a vampire on the
team. Hiroto has better eyesight and hearing but vamps have a better sense of smell, so long
as they remember to breathe. Also, he wouldn’t mind being used to test out new toys and
having a vamp that cooperates is not usual.” Matthew could tell she was pretty interested in
that aspect “My only reservation is that he uses a melee weapon. It’s hard enough getting
grenades in there with you and Mac. With three it’ll be rougher, but I have a few ideas on
how to adjust,” Vik looked at Matthew and nodded “I’m okay with him on the team.”

That was good, even if most of the leverage was him being her guinea pig. Matthew
wondered if it has to be absolute or if majority rules. Maybe Prescott had the final say but he
just wanted to know what his teammates thought about it.

Prescott motioned to Nellis, who seemed annoyed “I like the guy, he seems like he can throw
a punch” Wow, Matthew was touched. “But tonight, instead of trying to carry out his
assignment he bitched out and returned to us,” Oh, damn. “That pisses me oof. No. I don’t
want him on the team.”
A grumpy little bitch that ‘Mac’ guy, huh? Matthew couldn’t blame him, though. Had the sun
gone down in Russia yet? It had been close to dawn there.

Lock stood and adjusted his belt. “I don’t trust him. He showed himself to be reckless when
he took down House Moreau, not to mention how easily he ditches his teammates and even
with training how easily he loses control" Now that was harsh. He hadn’t ditched any
teammates lately, and he hadn’t lost control either. “I don’t like the idea of havin’ to watch a
teammate over my shoulder. But I’d be willing to see him through a trial period,” Well, at
least he seemed reasonable. “Give him a chance to prove me wrong. I’m abstaining until

Prescott nodded and took a deep breath “Sorry, Matthew. I’m sure you noticed that tonight
was a test to see if you’d be a good fit, but it’s an all or nothing decision on this team.”

“What about you, Imperator?” Matthew asked. He thought that probably Prescott had to say
no. He didn’t like him a lot.

“You wouldn’t have gotten this far if I hadn’t approved you already,” Said Prescott, rubbing
his stubble before crossing his arms. “You know… In the past few weeks, six different people
have independently mentioned that you’d make a good addition”.

Matthew raised his eyebrows but didn’t look at Hiroto. He didn’t want to give away he had
commented the fox he wanted to be an Argonaut.

“You wanted to be on this team and you dropped hints around, don’t you? You are as incubus
as Lady Rosaline gives you credit.” Added Prescott, and Matthew smiled cockily “You have
a good skill set that our team has never had before. You are trainable and can follow and
order, most of the times”.

“Six people, Imperator?”

“You don’t know which six people came to me?”

“No, Imperator” Matthew knew that Rosaline, Hiroto and Tarrick were aware of his wish to
join, but the other three… “But I have heard a lot of incubi saying that it would be lovely to
have me and Commander Hiroto in the same team”.

Prescott motioned to Hiroto “Our fox likes the idea of having another nonhuman. The High
General wants to use you on more important battles and pointed out that we could watch over
you better if you were on my team. Headmaster Cullip mentioned it once. Lady Rosaline
talked non stop about it. Lord Vassu and Commander Silva commented something too”.

Cullip? Vassu? Silva? That was really surprising. Not that unexpected, though. Matthew
smiled when he noticed the hunter teleporting in.

“Sir, you need to see this.” Matthew didn’t even saw at the monitor, but he could hear clearly
the Russian news report. The sun had risen there.

“What did you do?” Asked Prescott, looking at Matthew who smiled cockily.

“Imperator,” A female voice said anything before Matthew said anything. “This is
Commander Reshetilov, I serve Lady Eesla.”

“Go ahead, Commander” Prescott narrowed hi eyes, without taking his gaze from Matthew.

“Something really… uh, strange is happening.” Said Commander Reshetilov “Two

werewolves just showed up here carrying a bag. It has a vampire in it and they’re insisting
that they deliver it to you and only you.”

“One moment, Commander” Prescott muted his comm and raised an eyebrow.

“You are right” Said Matthew to Nellis, who kept looking at the footage and to Matthew “It’d
be really fucking shitty if I didn’t carry out the mission,” Matthew’s grin grow wider “And I
thought that there was a time I would have rushed in and tried to take down the Lords by
myself… But, then I thought about all the things I learnt on the training sessions with sugar
fluff here and I said ‘why not?’.”

Hiroto burst to laugh.

“None of the wolves had on contacts to prevent me from compelling them, so I compelled a
pair to bag Zakhar and the rest to blow a nearby munition depot as soon as the sun rose.”
added Matthew and pouted “I thought about the humans, but they were thralls so it was too

“Commander Reshetilov,” Said Prescott as soon as he turned his comm back on “The wolves
are under a compulsion right now.” Prescott looked at Hiroto severely, who was trying his
best to stop laughing. “Take them into custody and cage the vampire; I’ll be there tomorrow
to claim them. Once you have secure them let dispatch know and we’ll release the

“Yes, sir.”

“I change to a yes,” Nellis was grinning, obviously enjoying watch the small town burn

Prescott looked at Matthew as he flicked off the screen “You’ll have a trial period.”

“I wouldn’t expect less,” Replied Matthew intertwining his fingers “After all, it’s an all or
nothing and Commander Lock asked for a trial period.”

“Oh, he learns fast” Mocked Lock, Matthew looked at him and shrugged a little.

“There are a few things you need to understand, though,” Said Prescott “You aren’t a hunter,
nor part of the corps… You’re still a slave.”
“For now,” Added Hiroto, and he and Prescott had a silent gaze argument that Hiroto seemed
to win.

“For now,” Conceded Prescott, “So you better behave, or we’ll have to punish you… That
being said; Welcome to your trial time at the Argonauts.”

A Suivre...

Chapter End Notes

Okay so Matthew and Hiroto are finally friends(?) and Matthew has been 'Accepted' into
the Argonauts, what means he has a little more status... Sort of...

Now, from here it goes up for a while before the big fall...

I hope you'll like it~

From Camp Half-blood,

Chapter 13
Chapter Summary

Matthew has a special moment with Tarrick and get's to know California.

“Oh we can try that,” Said Sarah excited, “I could review the recipes and try to whip up
some blood-based food for you, honey.”

Chapter Notes

I'm a couple of days late for this one, and I can't assure you if it was worth the wait or
not. This was a specially complicated chapter to write, because of what it implies for
Matthew. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew looked around his room and then at his small bag, there was only the compression
suit, a few elegant garments, his armour, a couple of books about mythical creatures and a
few vamp-themed cufflinks that Rosaline had gifted him on the past parties. His few
possessions reunited on a bag that looked way too small against the velvety sheets of the bed.
Matthew sensed him before he opened the door, but he stayed put until he felt the strong arms
around his body.

“I thought you’ll be bouncing off the walls from the excitation” Said Tarrick to his ear,
waking his body with a few touches. Matthew didn’t resist, but he knew he should.

“I’m going to miss this…” Answered Matthew, leaning his body against the incubus and
turning his head to look at him. “I didn’t know that they’ll send me away to train with each of
them for at least a week.”

“You weren’t going to be here forever, Matthew,” Said Tarrick, and Matthew could almost
swear that he sounded disappointed. As if Tarrick was the one who wished that he would stay
here forever. He truly didn’t want to go. He had come to terms to his life there and he still
loved the incubus, even if his heart called another name sometimes.

“I know,” Matthew sighed “But still… I want to spend more time with you, Master.”

Matthew purred the last word, delivering it with a husky voice and hungry red eyes, with the
hope that maybe Tarrick would react to it. And… Yes. Matthew moaned softly when he felt
Tarrick’s erection grind against the crack of his ass.

“I would love to have you here more,” whispered Tarrick on Matthew’s ear, and Matthew
couldn’t tell if he was talking about the keep or about their current position. Matthew didn’t
get the chance to ask, though, because Tarrick slid his tail in his pants and started pumping
his rod as it produced lubricant. Matthew panted as Tarrick worked his member with
expertise. Fuck yes.
“I’m going to miss this,” added Tarrick, sliding down Matthew’s pants and clawing his ass.
Matthew hissed and gasped as he felt the steel of the incubus against his hole, promising that
the penetration would be soon.

“Please, Master,” Matthew wasn’t sure what he was asking Tarrick for, but he knew one
thing. He didn’t want to be separated from the incubus. Maybe he didn’t think his plan

Tarrick entered Matthew, his erection oozing with lubricant in order to make easier the
penetration. Matthew sank his claws on one of his bed —Former bed— post’s and closed his
eyes. Tarrick’s cock was so big, and made him feel so full, so… Complete.

Matthew cried in pleasure as Tarrick plunged against him, his claws running down Matthew’s
body and leaving bloody groves on their passing. Tarrick’s mouth sucking, nibbling and
biting Matthew’s neck as if he wanted to mark him. What a shame. He truly wanted that the
incubus could leave a hickey of two, but they weren’t going to stay more than a few minutes.
Fucking vampire side with his fucking fast recovery ability.

Matthew closed his eyes and gave himself up to the pleasure of being fucked by Tarrick, and
that’s when he realized how the blonde was taking his time and was enjoying it as if they
won’t see each other anymore.

Fear, rejection and pain curled in Matthew’s stomach. Or maybe higher, since Tarrick was
pushing up his organs with every thrust.

Tarrick slowed down and took Matthew’s face to make him look at him.

“What?” Asked Tarrick, and Matthew knew he was talking about his tense body and his
claws that were almost destroying the bedposts.

“It’s…” Matthew didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to sound needy, nor confess his
love. He had been pushing that was way back as he could, so it won’t affect him nor others.
But… Tarrick’s worried gaze, his warm embrace and the soft soothing hold he was trying to

“I’m going to miss you a lot, Master” He managed, nuzzling against the incubus’ hand. “I’d
rather stay with you.”

“Do you?” Tarrick moved against him slowly “Or will you just miss the sex?”

“You…” Matthew purred, feeling a soft wave of pleasure that started from every point their
bodies touched. “I’ll miss you, Tarrick.”

Tarrick eyes twitched a bit, and he smirked before kissing Matthew’s back softly.

“I don’t want to let you go, Matthew,” whispered Tarrick, hugging him strongly as he picked
up the pace. And there, in Tarrick’s arms, being embraced and ravaged by him, Matthew felt
at home.

And after cum three times under the expert touch and steamy sex of the incubus, he was
starting to regret his decision and plan.

Especially since Tarrick was being so lovely.

They were cuddling on his —soon to be former— bed and Tarrick has spent the last ten
minutes caressing and kissing each inch of his skin that he could reach. It gave Matthew hope
—That maybe the incubus like him or even could fell in love with him— and he was starting
to hate that hope.

“Matthew…” Whispered Tarrick after a while, kissing his neck above the collar.

Matthew tended to forget about the collar nowadays; the people around him didn’t treat him
as a slave anymore, and the incubi at the parties were too busy trying to fuck him —or being
fucked by him— to say anything about the collar.

But there were times like this, or like when Hiroto looked at him with dark sad eyes, that he
remembered the collar and what it implied. He may not be treated as a slave anymore, but he
still was a prisoner and they could lock him away again if he didn’t please them.

And the man who put that collar around his neck was the one who was now worshipping his

“Yes, Master?” Said Matthew after he realized that Tarrick was waiting for an answer.
Tarrick’s eyes darkened at the last word.

“You were happy the other day,” said Tarrick, resting his head beside Matthew’s, looking at
him with a calculating gaze.

“Yes?” It didn’t sound like a question, but somehow Matthew felt as if he had to answer it.

“You said you ‘thought you were in love’,” added Tarrick. Oh, that day. It had passed five or
seven days since that. He wasn’t sure because he spent some time knocked out healing.

Matthew awaited, a small sliver of fear growing inside him. He wasn’t allowed to fell in

“You… Were you talking about me?” The question sounded silly as soon as it left Tarrick’s
lips as if it was said by some silly teenager that had been courted for a while and just realized
it. Tarrick must have noticed it because he averted looks and added: “I mean. Have you come
to terms with love me?”

“I came to terms with it a while ago, Master,” Replied Matthew, touching Tarrick’s chest. He
traced one of the scars that peppered his skin. He liked a lot when Tarrick let the glamours
over him to fall. It made Matthew feel as if the incubus trust him, even if it was just a bit.
“So why were you that happy about being in love?” Tarrick followed his touch with his eyes.

“I…” Matthew didn’t want to lie, but he felt that Tarrick won’t take well that he was in love
with the fox, even if he still loved him. “I… Dreamed about my love being reciprocated.”

It wasn’t a lie. Technically.

Tarrick’s gaze felt intense against his skin, and it made him shiver. Too late he realized he
was trying to make him speak with a hold. Damn it. Matthew knew that the incubus had tried
to wrap a hold around him when the conversation started and had desisted. At first, he
thought it was because Tarrick rethought nudging his emotions because he wanted to feel
comfortable. But now.

“You… How long have you been able to ignore my holds?” Tarrick sounded almost betrayed
and it clicked a memory on the back of Matthew’s head. He had been ordered to report every
new ability he earned.

“A few months.” Matthew knew he was not being ordered or influenced to say the truth, but
he felt it was just fair.

“You were supposed to report every time you got a new ability,” He was disappointed and
somehow —Matthew could swear he could feel it— heartbroken. Tarrick broke the embrace
and it sunk Matthew’s heart. He saw the incubus sat beside him and he felt the distance
between them grow.

“I got scared, Master,” Said Matthew panicking, “You… They knock me up every time I do
something I’m not supposed to be able to do, and I know very little about what I am so I
don’t know what I’m not supposed to be able to do and I didn’t want to disappoint you but I
disappointed you and…”

Tarrick’s hand over his mouth stopped his rant. And the look he gave him —As if he were
looking at a little kid who accidentally misbehaved— made his un-dead heart flutter.
“Shh, calm down, my Warrior,” Said Tarrick in a soothing voice, releasing Matthew’s mouth
and starting to caress him. “You can ask me about it, you know? I might not be a vampire but
I know a lot of things about them and I could help you.”

“I…” Matthew looked at Tarrick. He shouldn’t tell him, Hiroto had warned him. But…
Maybe he could trust Tarrick. “I can enter the Dreamscape as Hiroto… And I can lace a
compel with a hold to make it stronger…And I learnt how to make a barrier on my mind so
holds can’t reach things I don’t want them to…”

Tarrick opened his eyes and Matthew could see panic lit behind his irises. Shit. He shouldn’t
have said it. Maybe if he was fast enough he could try to compel him to forget and…

“You can’t tell this to anyone,” Said Tarrick, snapping Matthew from his panic attack. “You
shall try harder to play dumb and pretend you are being swayed, especially in front of
Prescott, do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” Matthew didn’t understand. Why Tarrick didn’t want Prescott to know about
his abilities? Maybe it was because it happened with him not knowing and it would make him
look bad. But no… It wasn’t just that.

“Matthew,” Tarrick looked at his wristwatch and then looked at him. His eyes seemed stormy
as if all his thoughts were in a hurricane. “I want you to try to come back here as soon as

Now Matthew was completely lost. What was Tarrick thinking? Why he needed him back
like that? A few hours ago he was saying goodbye as if they won’t see each other never

“Matthew,” Tarrick insisted, “Promise me you are going to try to come back here as soon as

“I promise.”
Tarrick left his room soon after he promised that. And, three days after he was at Lock’s
house all the way back at California, he was still thinking about it. Well, not exactly about it,
since Lock, his hunter squad and his wife were doing a great job at keeping him busy.

Especially asking about how it was like to be a vampire and all the things that imply. For
example, this night was about how he can’t eat normal food.

“It must be horrible, honey,” said Sarah, Lock’s wife, as she served more stew to Lock. “I’m
pretty sure you’d loved my stew.”

“The best stew in all the world,” Said Lock as he ate it contently. Sarah sat down in front of
her plate and smiled softly at Matthew.

“I think that’s one of the things I miss the most” Confessed Matthew, as he looked at the
paperwork on his hands. To be a vampire infested territory California had some quiet
peaceful nights. “My wife used to make some delicious roasted beef, and her puré was the
most marvellous thing in the world.”

“I’m really sorry, honey,” Sarah was a really sweet woman that had grown inside Matthew’s
heart in those three days. Maybe because she was such a lovely lady that treated him —and
practically every hunter— as he were part of the family. Or maybe because she was an
astounding looking woman who seems to not care about her looks but knew how to use them.
Especially with Lock and the others. She was almost as good at it as a succubus. And that
was a lot to say since she was a normal human whose life had been extended by Lord Reval
so she could have Lock under control.

“I’m really sure she was a lovely woman,” Said Sarah, touching Matthew’s hand in a
comforting gesture.

“She was… She was perfect and she deserved more than…” Matthew sighed. It still hurt him
to not have been there for her on her last days. Lock patted Matthew’s shoulder.
“It’s ok… It’s not like ya wanted to do it,” Said Lock before downing a glass of a beverage
that smelled suspiciously like alcohol. ‘Don’t worry ‘bout it, kiddo,’ had said Lock when he
had asked the day before.

“You could’ve been good friends,” Said Matthew to Sarah, “She was a violinist and was so in
love with art…”

“I would’ve loved to hear her,” Sarah smiled. Matthew liked Sarah’s smile, mostly because
she only smiled when she surely feel like smiling. It was so honest and so uplifting that
Matthew found himself smiling too.

Most of the people here loved Sarah’s smile too. And they feared her too, but Matthew didn’t
know exactly why, and when he asked she had just laughed it off.

“What about blood-based food?” Asked Vik, looking intensely at Matthew. She had insisted
that she wanted to see closely how Matthew battled and how he adapted to the others so she
could adapt her weaponry to it.

“I… Blood-based food?” Asked Matthew looking at her dumbfounded.

“Yes, you know… Like blodplättar or so…” Vik crumpled the napkin where she was
drawing and took another one. Around her, there were plenty of crumpled papers and
napkins, much to Sarah’s disgust.

“What’s a ‘bloodpleta’?” Asked Lock looking at her raising his eyebrow.

“A blodplättar is a pancake made of blood, very popular back in Sweden” Replied Vik
categorically “Usually the preferred blood used is pig’s blood, but technically you could use
human blood.”

“You think I could eat it?” Asked Matthew, truly curious about it.
“Well, we could try…” Vik’s eyes gleamed and it sent a shiver down Matthew’s spine. “We
could test what additives we can use on blood and can be digested by you.”

“Oh we can try that,” Said Sarah excited, “I could review the recipes and try to whip up some
blood-based food for you, honey.”

“It’s worth a try,” He conceded, and Lock looked at him threateningly, so he added, “I would
love it, Sarah.”

Lock nodded in approval and finished his food.

“Okay, ladies…” He said standing up and stretching, “I’m gonna take him for a walk… It’s
patrol duty night.”

“Go ahead, we will be working on vamp cuisine,” answered Vik, who was writing furiously
on a notebook that she produced from one of her apron’s pockets.

Matthew and Lock nodded and said goodbye before exiting the last’s house.

“Should I be worried?” Asked Matthew while they walked towards the main building. An
elegant and homey looking manor with big terraces.

“Ya should,” nodded Lock looking at his clock and at the entrance of the manor. “That Vik is
like a rattlesnake.”

“I’ll be careful then,” said Matthew frowning as Lock’s team teleported in front of them.

“Ya’re late!” Said Lock shooking his head, “We don’t have all night!”
The team nodded and they teleported away. Lock looked at Matthew and gave him a sided
smile before teleporting away too. Matthew sighed and followed them to the nearby town.
Lock and his cowboys used to move fast but stroke slow. Matthew didn’t know if it was
about the aesthetics or just the drama, or maybe both.

Anyways, they liked to make themselves known to the vampires when they killed them, and
sometimes they extended the hunt a bit too much for Matthew’s liking.

The way Lock walked slowly until he was on the visual range and made his crossbow made a
sound when the first bolt was ready. Maybe it was indeed the Aesthetics. Not that he was
better, though. He liked his Bram Stoker’s Dracula inspired room and clothes.

Damn it.

He was going to blame his incubus side. Stupid incubus side, such a horny attention whore.

Matthew saw the vampire fell under a rain of silver bolts and shivered. He was glad that
those weren't aimed at him, and that they didn’t ‘missed’ any bolt and hit him. He could live
his whole un-live without having silver bolts embedded on his body.

Matthew stopped in his tracks and fisted the hilt of his sword. Lock looked at him inquiring.

“Seventeen vamps at the west,” said Matthew. It was going to be an eventful night. Just what
the doctor prescribed.

A Suivre...

Chapter End Notes

Well, I'm making up a lot of stuff about Lock and the people around him. And I hope
you like it.

And... I have a small announcement.

I'm going to participate in this year's NaNoWriMo [To write a supernatural M/M
romance novella] and since the university is already taking a bit too much of my time,
I'm going to take a month hiatus from writing this. This means that the next chapter it's
going to be published on December 1st.

I hope you don't mind.

From Berk,

Chapter 14
Chapter Summary

Matthew is adapting to be one of the Argonauts and lets Sarah and Vik get away with
their experiments.

"Matthew still felt dizzy (...) when he stepped out into the garden to breathe a little. Not
that he needed to, but he liked the false sensation of freedom that it gave to him. "

Chapter Notes

First of all, I want to thank you all for sticking with this all this time. It really meant a lot
for me every time you leave kudos or comments.

Second, I took a month hiatus to write a novella, and I want to thank you for waiting.
And I want to say sorry because I'm a couple of days late for this one, and I can't assure
you if this chapter was worth the wait or not. I swear I have a point with all this
seemingly boring chapters.

And third, I want to apologise for the short extension of this one. I kind of feel like that
week fly for Matthew and therefore I should show it somehow.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


There were several things that a vampire should never eat. Vanilla, for example.

Matthew cleaned his mouth and looked at the decayed blood on the bucket and shivered.
Sarah was patting his back softly and Vik was scribbling.

“It’s okay, honey,” said Sarah apologetic before promising: “I’ll keep your food vanilla free.”

“Thanks, Sarah,” mumbled Matthew looking at the several blood-based dishes that were
waiting for him to taste them. Was this another form of torture?

Vik seemed to be enjoying herself a lot, taking notes and ruling additives from the list. Sarah
seemed to be trying really hard to make something Matthew could eat. And Matthew was
nauseated at the best. They have spent three hours trying several dishes and their variations,
and Matthew was starting to think that maybe it wasn’t a good idea after all.

Lock hadn’t appeared in all night; he had told Matthew that this was his night off since he
had to report everything to Prescott. Matthew didn’t care that much. He sure enjoyed battling
and making rounds and pretty much everything Hunters did. But he also liked to pretend he
could live a casual cosy life.

‘Pretend’ being the keyword there.

“What about that one?” Asked Sarah, who seemed a little upset at her failure. Matthew didn’t
like to make her upset, not even a little.

Matthew swallowed and waited, and when his stomach didn’t protest he tested another chew.
Goddammit, it was really good. Sarah smiled triumphantly as Vik scribbled frenetically.
Matthew didn’t know what was on those pancakes but they tasted really good, and they didn’t
make him want to rip his stomach off — which had happened after an unfortunate accident
with clover that Vik insisted to be researched further as a weapon against vampires— nor
puke his insides out.

Sarah took a small cup and put it in front of Matthew. It looked like a red-brown pudding.

“Let’s see if I’m correct then,” said Sarah giving him a spoon, “I wanted to test this first, but
since Vik was so invested in the blödplattar idea…”

Matthew took a spoonful of the pudding and smelled it. It was really sweet and
mouthwatering. He tried it and moaned.

Gods, it was really good. It tasted so… Creamy and… Was that chocolate? He remembered
the taste of the chocolate. It also reminded him to…

“Are you okay, dear?” Sarah looked at him worried, and Matthew knew it was because of the
bloody tears that streaked his face. Matthew nodded slowly and took another spoonful of

“I’m okay,” he said, looking at the pudding. His mind was all the way back to one of his first
dates with Alyssa, the memory of a reservation on an elegant Italian restaurant that he was
barely able to pay for. It was happy although bittersweet, to think about that time, to think
about Alyssa. “It just… Remind me of something.”

“Alyssa?” Asked Sarah with a knowing smile. “Did she cook this for you?”

“No, she wasn’t that fan of delicate desserts,” Matthew grinned. Alyssa was a fan of making
their own birthday cakes and making jello. But that was it. “We tried it back on one of our
first dates… I tried to impress her by taking her to this fancy Italian restaurant.” Matthew
remembered how Alyssa had insisted on learning what the sanguinaccio dolce was made of
and he remembered her trying to make it without blood because it wasn’t fair with the pigs…
He remembered that she smelled like chocolate and cinnamon for months because of that.
Sarah smiled fondly and gave him another one. “this one has mint and this one has orange

Matthew nodded and kept trying the plates that Sarah put in front of him

Eight hours and several buckets of vomit later, Sarah and Vik had a shortlist of food that he
could actually eat and some spices that could be used against vampires as torture elements.

Matthew still felt dizzy for the blood apple pie when he stepped out into the garden to breathe
a little. Not that he needed to, but he liked the false sensation of freedom that it gave to him.

He wasn’t allowed to go further than that unless he was with Lock or on Lock’s orders.
Besides the keep was surrounded —as most of the incubi’s households— by a vamp trap.

Matthew noted the soft incense and cherry scent and smiled.

“Did you miss me, sugar fluff?” Asked Matthew and he grinned when, with a soft white
flash, Hiroto appeared before him.

“Yes, I miss you, honey bat,” Hiroto smiled at him and reached for his hand. Matthew
chuckled. Since they had confessed their feelings, the white-haired man had been even more
keen to skinship than before, even though they hadn’t met —nor in the real world nor in the
Dreamscape— often lately.

“I guess you aren’t there to see me, are you?” Matthew took the fox’s hand and intertwined
his fingers with his. He was warm. He always was warm and was warmer than a regular

“I wish I was,” Hiroto shrugged as they walked towards the keep, “I’m here to talk to Lord
Reval on behalf of Lord Koki.”
“What a shame,” pouted Matthew, “tonight is my free night.”

“Gaah,” Hiroto whined, “Don’t tell me that… Why do we have such bad timing?”

“I don’t know, cute kit,” Matthew sighed. Hiroto pouted and his ears lowered. Matthew loved
to see how the fox’s ears moved according to his feelings. He wondered how would the tails
look and move.

“Hey, lovebirds,” called Lock with a mocking smirk, “I thought yah were with Vik testin’
som’ stuff, Matthew”

“We already finished that, and Vik gave me permission to walk around a little.” Replied
Matthew with a little shrug.

“So yah went to find yar lover so yah’ll have fun with him?” Lock teased. Hiroto sighed.

“I wish!” whined the fox, “I’m here because Lord Koki has a really important message to rely
on Lord Reval and he said ‘Since you are a messenger you are the perfect one to carry this
message’, can you believe it?”

“He still uses yah to send messages?” Lock chuckled, “Can’t he use the comms or dispatch?”

“Lord Koki thinks that some messages are way too sensitive to be sent by such an
‘impersonal’ method of communication,” replied Hiroto with a soft sigh, “How has the big
guy been behaving correctly?”

“He’s been a nice addition to the team,” Lock patted Matthew’s shoulder, “He’s been busier
earnin’ everyone ‘round here, tho. Sarah and Lord Reval love ‘im.”
“He is that charming,” Hiroto winked as he elbowed Matthew. “Are you glad that we
accepted him on the Argonauts?”

“He’s still on trial period,” replied Lock before winking, “but he seems like a fine teammate.”

Hiroto looked at Matthew with a tint of pride that made the vampire smile conceited. Damn
it. The fox was making his ego even bigger…

That wasn’t a bad thing, though. Since Tarrick, Silva and several others had been trying to
make him feel small. It was a nice contrast.

“Well, gotta go, sugar blood,” said Hiroto when they got to the elevator that went up to Lord
Reval’s floor. “I’m looking forward to our training.”

“Take care, cotton kit,” smiled Matthew waving at the Japanese man, “I’m eager to get
another training with you.”

“Yah two are way too cheesy,” commented Lock shooking his head and smirking.

“We are having a contest,” grinned Matthew shrugging a little, “to see who can embarrass the
other more.”

Lock burst to laugh an shook his head, “Seems like Hiroto finally got a playmate then, huh?”

“And Vik got a willing guinea pig,” offered Matthew and laughed when Lock shivered.

“That crazy woman is up to no good with ya, pal.” Said Lock serious, “be careful.”

“I’ll be, Commander,” nodded Matthew and Lock tilted his hat just a little.
“So, since you are not gettin’ laid with foxy… Wanna go to another trainin’ drill?”

“That sounds fantastic.”

By the end of the week, Matthew was starting to regret having said that he was a quick
learner. Maybe they would have assigned him more than a week with every member of the
Argonauts if he had properly played dumb. But Lock had issued his report and said that
Matthew had adapted rather quickly to his rhythm and was quick to understand and to
memorise the tactics and formations that they used.

Matthew could note that Lock was satisfied with being the first one on the list since he was
the one who asked for a trial period. He also noted that when Prescott asked who wanted to
go next Hiroto didn’t say anything.

Hiroto had told him that they had to be careful about their feelings, and all their flirting and
orbiting around the other were okay as long as they believed that it was just a game. It hurt
Matthew, but he understood. They had to play it long in order to become strong enough to ran
away with as few risks as possible.

Mac was the one that raised his hand —his silver gauntleted hand— and asked to be the next
one. His eyes glinting in a way that made Matthew shiver. Vik on her side asked to be
allowed to follow the training every now and then to get more information.

Prescott seemed pleased by the apparently good reception that their new member had.
Matthew had started to take a liking on the man; he was strong, decided and seemed to care a
lot about his teammates.

He got to like Lock too, and after that week's training with him, he was sure that the
Aesthetics were an important part of being a hunter.

“Ya should’ practice more yar entrance, pal,” said Lock when he got to Matthew’s room to
pick him up and take him to Queen Cathail’s household. “Queen Cathail is a fan of dramatic

“Then I hope I had learnt enough from your dramatic entrances,” Matthew shove his
backpack on his shoulder and followed the cowboy.

“Ya better had,” smirked Lock, “I don’t want ya embarrassin’ me in front of Nellis.”

“I won’t ever,” Matthew pretended to be offended as they walked towards Lord Reval’s
reception room. It should be the more pretentious room of the whole household —at least as
far as Matthew had seen— and of course, it was heavily decorated with huge warrior incubi
statues that went from being in full plate armour to be barely dressed.

The walls were lined with heavy tapestries that depicted various battles against the vampires,
each one of them won by the Incubi. Against the farther wall, there was a huge throne
presiding an ornamented wooden table that had a detailed map of the territory. Lord Reval
was sitting there, with a wine bottle in one hand and looking at the map with furrowed


“Lord Reval,” saluted Lock with a soft gesture with his hat, “Matthew is here to say goodbye
before leavin’.”

“Ah, yes. Your new comrade,” Lord Reval raised his eyes slowly and incorporated a little to
look even more impressive on his throne. Matthew resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I hope
you had enjoyed your stance here, Matthew.”

“I enjoyed it thoroughly, Lord Reval,” replied Matthew bowing a little too much, “I’m
looking forward to coming again another time to learn more from you and your hunters, and
to bring you support to defend this territory.”
“I see.” Lord Reval sounded pleased with Matthew’s words, and Matthew suppressed a cocky
smile. “I’ll be more than pleased to have you there training with my hunters any time,
Matthew, you may go now.”

“Thank you, Lord Reval,” Matthew smiled charming and bowed again, “I’ll be leaving then,
Lord Reval.”

“See ya, Lord Reval,” said Lock and accompany Matthew to the front of the manor. There
were Sarah with a small cooler and Nellis leaning against the side of an SUV.

“I’ll miss you a lot, honey,” said Sarah taking Matthew’s hands.

“I’ll miss you a lot too, Sarah,” replied Matthew smiling fondly to the woman, “Lock is a
very lucky man to have you by his side.”

“Ya’re dam right.” Nodded Lock with a proud smile. Sarah laughed and pinched Matthew’s

“You are a flatterer,” Sarah giggled before giving him the cooler, “here, I put some food for
you. I hope you come back sometime.”

“Of course I will,” Matthew hugged the woman and smiled despite the hit that Lock landed
on the back of his head. “thank you for everything, Sarah.”

Sarah smiled and waved as Lock grab Matthew by one of the chains of the collar and yanked
him away from his wife. Nellis chuckled and took the vampire by the collar as if he was a

“I’ll take him now, see you too later,” said Nellis ushering Matthew on the back of the SUV.
“And don’t whip Lock too much Sarah.”
Matthew didn’t hear what Sarah answered because the SUV was warded. Boomer. He waited
patiently that Mac climbed on the van so they could go. He knew that the nearest
teleportation stone was a couple of miles away, and was secluded by a human town
consisting mostly of hunters and trainees. He was surprised though because the SUV was
empty. It was the first time he was going to be transported without a cortege.

A Suivre

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading~

I hope you understand how much all that has been happening mean to Matthew because
it will be very important in chapters to come.

And I also hope you know that I know [And Matthew knows] that Hiroto is a sly fox,
and that he [At least here at my story] has been waiting for an opportunity to get away
from all this. This is going to be important to.

Again, thank you for reading~

Chapter 15
Chapter Summary

Matthew trains with Mac and his hunters and gets an unexpected —but appreciated—

"Write how he felt? Who will read the journal? Can he truly write down what was on his

Chapter Notes

This is the last chapter of the year and it excites me seeing how much this little project
of mine has grown~

Again, thank you all for sticking with me~


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


“You look like an idiot,” Mac's voice brought Matthew back to reality. The painful and cruel
reality. Matthew felt his bones snap together as his wounds start to mend, and raised a little
his head to look at the hunter.

“Thanks, I’m trying my best,” he replied as soon as his throat had healed. He was upside
down, with his back torn and his legs bent in all the wrong angles. His head hung helplessly
the same as his right arm. He could feel the concrete chunks of the wall embedded on his
back. It hurt like hell.

“I thought you were good.” Nellis was obviously trying to provoke him, and dammit he was
doing it. Matthew wanted to rip his head off and cut him into small pieces and burn him so no
one will ever find any of him. But no. He had to control himself. Besides, the Hunter never
let him get close enough to rip his fucking head off. Damn it.

This whole thing was to see how much he could handle and —despise Nellis’ mockery— he
was doing pretty good. Nine hours fighting without delivering any lethal blows to any of the
hunters, killing every vampire they put on the arena as soon as possible, and surviving Nellis

He was failing at the last one, though.

“Maybe the little fag went soft on you to get laid?” Nellis delivered another blow that he
barely parried, and he winced. Matthew wasn’t used to the way Nellis mocked
homosexuality, and he was still surprised that —in such a let’s-fuck-everyone kind of society
— he said that kind of things.

Matthew didn’t know if he hit his head too hard, but he detected a hint of jealousy on Nellis’
voice. Could it be that he was jealous of his relationship with Hiroto?
“He was harsh,” Matthew ducked and tackled Nellis. Close combat was their speciality and it
was obvious that the hunter had centuries of experience. It only made Matthew feel even
more competitive. “And he never hesitated.”

Matthew jumped over Nellis’ head and made a run for a vampire he had spotted on the back
of the arena.

“Don’t turn your back on the enemy,” growled Mac, chasing him. Matthew took the poor
vampire and throw him at Nellis in hopes that it would slow him a bit. No, not a chance.

Matthew cursed under his breath and looked up to the grandstand where Queen Cathail stared
at him. She looked regal and beautiful and made Matthew shiver. It was said that she was one
of the most powerful incubi around, even as a social. Matthew didn’t doubt it. He could feel
the reach of his holds all the way down the arena.

She was supporting her hunters from her throne, and Matthew could tell how well it worked.
Matthew was truly impressed and scared too. If she was able to do such a thing, who knew
how much power the High King could harness.

Matthew barely avoided another blow and hit him square on the chest. The hit would have
killed another human or left a vampire broken on the floor. Commander Nellis barely gave a
couple of steps back. How much strength should he use to knock Nellis without truly hurting

“I’ve seen enough,” Queen Cathail’s words stopped Nellis fist at few inches from his face.
Matthew swallowed hard. “He could stay, Commander, show him the quarters.”

Nellis bowed and grab Matthew from the arm as soon as he was done bowing to the queen.

“It seems you managed to impress my queen, leech,” commented Nellis as he walked
towards the bleachers. Matthew followed him and mumbled a thank you when he passed him
a gallon of blood.
“She usually doesn’t let the newbies onto the quarters until they fought a couple of battles
with our teams.” Nellis started changing and a bunch of hunters entered to clean themselves
up and change their clothes. Nellis greeted them with a smile and congratulated them for their

It was obvious that they respected and cared a lot about Nellis, the same way the hunters and
trainees from Ashwood cared about Cullip and Silva. And It was obvious Mac was the caring
but strict type of commander.

“Nine hours and a half, huh?” commented one of the hunters sitting by Matthew. Matthew
could recall him, he was one of the first he encountered, it took him several tries to knock
him down. “You have the new record, Newby,”

“I’m Matthew…” Replied the vampire, and the hunters laughed, “Which was the past

“I’m Tony,” the hunter shook his hand and pointed a young-looking girl with blue streaks on
her hair “Sherryl there had it. Seven hours, forty-five minutes.”

“So you make this a lot?” asked Matthew waving at the girl, the girl smirked. She almost
staked him five times on the arena.

“Every time we got a new batch,” Tony laughed and Matthew nodded. “The ones that put the
newbies through more pain got a free night.”

“Sounds like fun,” Commented Matthew, finishing his blood. He looked at Nellis who was
talking to the nurses that were checking on the knocked out hunters.

“You are quite fast and precise, Matthew,” Commented Tony gesturing at the knocked
hunters. Half of the hunters on the bleachers.
“Thanks, I’ve been training,” Matthew smirked, Tony patted his shoulder. And gestured at

“What did you do to Commander Mac?” Asked Tony in a whisper, “I never saw him so
focused on beating the shit out of someone.”

That sounded about right. It was hard to imagine any human —hunter or not— who were
capable of surviving Nellis’s attacks, especially if they were newbies.

“I think he is jealous,” replied Matthew softly. He knew that hunters loved gossiping almost
as much as incubi and if he wanted to confirm his suspects about Mac’s feelings.

“No way!” Tony looked around and leaned towards Matthew. “You are Commander Hiroto’s


“Does Sugarfluff call me his favourite?” Matthew pretended to be surprised and suppressed a
laugh when Tony gaped.

“Oh… I see why Mac hates you,” Tony sighed and looked at him as if he had a target on his
head. Matthew noticed how Tony inched further from him and bit back a laugh.

“So Mac likes Cottonkit?” Matthew pressed the matter a bit, Tony looked around and

“Mac is very competitive and was very proud of being the only hunter alive that Commander
‘I’m-not-amused-by-you-humans’ Hiroto talked highly.”

“So it wasn’t like Mac has a crush on him?”

“Mac is completely hetero as far as I know.”

“I was completely hetero until…” Matthew gestured around and Tony nodded in

“Well, that are incubi for you.” Tony looked at Nellis as he stood up and gestured Matthew to
follow him. Matthew stood and followed him out of the bleachers. “Over there are the
quarters. I’m guessing you’ll have room 405… It’s the only one empty and I’m sure they
won’t let you share one.”

“405, huh? That should be…” Matthew sniffed the air and a small smile curved his lips.

“It’s something the matter?” Tony frowned as they climbed the stairs to the four-story of the

“I just smelled a friend of mine,” Matthew smile grew as he saw Vassu leaning against room
405 door. He was on casual clothes and that made Matthew lick his lips; he looked amazing
with those tight jeans and black jersey. Matthew laughed when he noticed the jersey’s big
white letters: ‘No need of a stake to impale you’.

“Vassu, what a pleasure to see you,” Commented Matthew, Vassu looked at him and smiled.

“Hello, little vamp,” Vassu greeted and waved at the hunter, “you seem to be getting along
easily with the hunters… I told them to not to worry.”

“You were right,” Matthew grinned when the incubus unlocked the door and gestured him to
enter. He waved at Tony and followed the warrior inside his room. “I’m more social than
what they gave me credit.”
“More smooth than what Rosaline thinks, too,” Vassu closed the door behind them and
looked around, with a small smirk. “She had people decorating your room here too, I see…”

“So she knew I was going to pass the ‘entrance exam’, huh?” Matthew sat on his red silk
sheets and looked at the incubus with hunger painted on his gaze.

“She has been talking about how amazing you are to anyone who would listen to her, and
given her status that’s pretty much every incubus on the world,” Vassu smirked and sat by
Matthew’s side.

“So, did they sent you here to check on me?” Matthew put his hand on Vassu’s lap and
caressed his thigh. Vassu put his hand above Matthew’s and sighed.

“They… We are worried about you.” Vassu took Matthew’s hand and started caressing it

“About me?” Matthew didn’t understand. He had been being good lately.

“Imperator Prescott and High General Tarrick have been looking at the reports about your
behaviour from the past few months.” Vassu kissed Matthew’s hand and looked concerned at
him, “and Imperator didn’t like what he saw there.”

“I’ve been in good behaviour, I’ve been following the rules.” Matthew felt a surge of panic
and Vassu sighed.

“That’s the point…” Vassu caressed Matthew’s cheek, “you are too afraid of us to trust us,
and that’s bad for team building. That’s what Prescott said.”

Matthew looked at him dumbfounded. Prescott said what?

“They sent me to see how you are doing since you seem more comfortable with me than with
them,” Vassu cupped Matthew’s cheek and looked deep into his eyes, “and I’m starting to
wonder if you really like this whole ‘warrior’ thing or you just keep this going because is the
only way out of the cell that you see.”

Matthew felt his heart stung. That last phrase landed way closer to home base that he would
like to.

“Isn’t it?” Matthew left out a soft sigh and grimaced. “If I’m not of use in this war they won’t
let me out… I’m a ‘slave’, after all.”

“That’s…” Vassu chewed his lip and looked around before gazing upon Matthew again.
“Rosaline has been asking around, and she’s been making a bit too much noise about it.”

“About my well-being?”

“About how to get you to climb on the social ladder…”

That sounded like Rosaline. And was definitely something that a lot of incubi won’t like.

“She… Prescott told her that if you prove you can be a fully-functional member of the
society and a really good warrior he would consider to help your case.” Vassu looked almost
apologetic as if he would prefer to be there on his behalf not on some sort of
investigation/checking duty.

“If you say that to me, then it won’t mean anything, because I will do it to get on Prescott’s
good side,” replied Matthew, Vassu smirked.

“You are a smart guy…” Vassu kissed Matthew’s hand again, “no, I’m here because you are
already on Prescott’s good side.”
“I am?”

“Not only his, though… You’ve bitten your way into our hearts, Matthew,” Vassu inched
closer to him, “and I’m not saying this just because of that time.”

Matthew smiled when he remembered the time when the incubus fucked him —made love to
him would be more accurate, but that could imply that Vassu loved him and that was not the
case— after their last training session. He truly liked it and he would be more than happy to
reenact it.

“Matthew… I want you to be honest to me,” Vassu’s breath tickled Matthew’s lips, gaze
against gaze, few inches apart.


“Does it makes you happy?” Vassu asked softly, “Fighting for us, partying with us… Being
part of us, incubi?”

“Yes…” Matthew wasn’t lying. He actually enjoyed the parties and the fights, even if he was
just a weapon or a trophy. He enjoyed it so much he often forgot about his collar and his

“Because it’s okay if you don’t want to stay… I mean, you may prefer to go back to your life
before encountering Tarrick and that would be fine.”

He didn’t. His vampiric life before Tarrick had been dull and lonely. I had been full of
senseless killing, fear, guilt and questions. But he caught the idea. Now that he knew his
powers, he could feed without killing and he had a lot of self-control, maybe a simple
vampiric life away from the incubi could be possible.

Into his mind popped up Tarrick —the High General that would order to kill him because of
the war—, Rosaline —who probably would feel rejected, heartbroken and betrayed if he went
fully vampire—, Silva —who would probably never forgive him—, Hiroto, and many more
of the friends he had been acquired on the past year.

But his plan was to escape —with Hiroto preferably— from the incubi and start a new
somewhere else.

But if they free him, and let him stick around… Maybe he and Hiroto could live peacefully
around incubi, without being used by them.

“I… I want to be free,” said Matthew softly after a few minutes, “Free to come and go, free
to fight for you, and party with you and fuck with you, at my will.”

Vassu smiled and kissed him softly.

“I knew you’ll say that,” he said happily and stood, “I’m sorry I can’t stick around longer, but
I promise I’ll come back again to hang around soon.”

“You won’t stay for even a few minutes?” Asked Matthew hugging him from the back, his
hands sliding into the jersey to touch the hard abs of the warrior.

“I would love too, Matthew,” Vassu looked at him and bit his lip, “but then no one would be
able to separate us and I have things to do at another place.”

“What a shame, I was hoping for a reprise,” pouted Matthew letting go of the incubus. Vassu
turned and kissed him softly.

“Maybe another day,” He winked and gave Matthew a black composition book, “I’m giving
you homework. I want you to write how you feel each day; make it a journal, make a year in
pixels, whatever you want. But do it…”
“A year in pixels?” Matthew took the composition book and frowned, “How I feel? Like…
‘Today I feel sad because Vassu didn’t pound me against the wall’?”

Vassu laughed and nodded. “That, exactly. I’ll compensate you for that sad day.”

“I hope you do,” Matthew watched the warrior go and sit by the desk. Write how he felt?
Who will read the journal? Can he truly write down what was on his mind?

He opened the notebook and leaned his head when he saw a small envelope with his name on
it. He extracted a small letter with beautiful calligraphy and earthy smell that made his
undead heart skip a beat. It read as follows:


I hope you are getting used to the tactics and fighting styles of the Argonauts. Lady Rosaline
really misses having you partying with her, but we have convinced her that at this moment is
more important that you get closer to your new teammates.

I’m quite sure you are having fun with them, though, since you love learning new things
about our society.

I’m sure Lord Vassu already told you our concerns and already fill you on the task ahead.
Nonetheless, I want to assure you that this is just so we could track better your emotional and
personal development. This will be read by me, Imperator Prescott and Dr Spencer, our best
psychologist, so we can be sure you are in the best shape you can.

Take care, have fun, learn a lot.

Sincerely, High General Tarrick.

Matthew sighed.

He didn’t know why he hoped that Tarrick would be less… formal on a letter to him. It was
obvious that this was an official thing, but still. It pained Matthew to know that the incubus
was indeed attracted to him, but didn’t love him in the same way. He had thought that maybe
if he had stayed longer with Tarrick, he could have made the incubus fall in love with him.
Madly. But that wasn’t the case.

Matthew sighed again and took a pen. He should write something since it seemed so
He didn’t know which day —night?— it was, so he just wrote ‘Night 1’ and went on writing
how challenging and funny had been his ‘entrance exam’ to Queen Cathail’s hunter squad
quarters. He also made sure to write down that he was sad from Vassu’s rejection and wanted
him to pound his ass hard. Just for the laughs.

Maybe it would help him get Tarrick even a bit jealous.

He put the letter on one of his Japanese folk tales and went to sleep. Something told him that
tomorrow night was going to be even more hellish than this one.

He wasn’t wrong. Damn it.

Matthew was feeling tired already and there have been just two hours of ‘intense training’.
He had been woken and took to the arena where all the hunters were doing a series of training
courses, all looking used to it.

Matthew was assigned a specially long and challenging one that he had to complete 100
times in less than 2 minutes. And he failed the first for a whole minute and the next 10 for a
few seconds.

His course included puzzles and a labyrinth that changed each time he sorted them —to keep
him on edge he supposed— and was a kilometre long. He had to use blood energy to keep his
reflexes sharp so he won’t get hurt —as he ran between foxglove-coated moving swords—,
he also had to power up his speed so he would complete the course in the time limit, and he
hadn’t eaten yet.

He was grateful he had four pouches and a soavik, and that he had been training on the use
the energy stored there efficiently by Silva and Hiroto. But after a while, he was starting to
get distracted by the heartbeats of the hunters training around.

Maybe if he hadn’t gotten hurt on the first laps, he hadn’t wasted so much blood on healing,
so he wouldn’t be that hungry right now.
He was sloppy.

“Okay, lads!” Nellis’ voice made Matthew stop before starting his 112th lap, “It’s enough,
time for breakfast!”

The hunters cheered and drop their weapons on the rackets before starting to walk towards a
set of double doors that Matthew supposed lead to the dining room. Tony had walked towards
Nellis and told him something.

“Hey, leech!” Called Mac moving towards Matthew with an amusing grin growing on his
lips. “Did you finish the laps that Tony told you to?”

“Yes, sir,” promptly replied Matthew, earning a few chuckles from some of the hunters. “I did
111 because I failed the first eleven so I repeated them.”

“Failed?” Mac raised his eyebrow and looked at Tony who seemed to be enjoying the whole
conversation. Matthew frowned.

“Yes, sir. I took an extra minute on the first and a few extra seconds on the following ten.”
Matthew wasn’t sure why but a lot of hunters had stopped on their tracks and looked at them.
Mac cocked his head so Matthew added, “I was told to finish each lap in two minutes flat,

“Two minutes!?” Asked Mac with his eyes big in surprise. Tony burst to laugh along with
other hunters and even Sherryl snickered. Mac shook his head. “You overstepped, Tony.”

“I? It’s my fault that he believed it?” Asked the hunter before cackling when Matthew turned
at him and shoot him daggers from the eyes. “He is haha a very haha very obedient soldier.”

Mac grinned as the hunters around laughed. The only one that wasn’t laughing was Sherryl,
who gave Matthew a condescending look. Matthew knew that if he had enough blood he
would have turn red.
“Enough, kids,” said Nellis patting Matthew’s shoulder, “ Matthew just show us that he is a
really good soldier and that he is truly obedient, so he will be free from this evening training
drill. The rest of you will have to do in twice,” loud groans echoed among the hunters, “and
Tony, you won’t do the training drill.”

“I won’t?” Tony suddenly got pale.

“No, you are going to make 100 laps around the course that Matthew did,” Mac still grinned,
and Matthew wanted to grin too. “Because, if the newby could, why one of the elite

“But he is a vampire!” Tony argued, “and we always mess with the newbies! It’s tradition!”

“He is also an Argonaut,” retorted Mac and the entire room went silent, all of them looking at
Matthew in utter disbelief. “In trial-period. But an Argonaut if he accomplishes it.”

The hunters looked at Matthew with certain apprehension and then back at Tony. Tony
frowned and pouted.

“Well, Tony,” commented Sherryl after a while, “It seems like your ‘vamp lap’ it’s a regular
training drill for the Argonauts. So you should try it.”

The hunters burst to laugh again, and this time Mac laughed too. Matthew smirked and
looked at his nails.

“What do you mean? That’s even easier than Lord Vassu’s training sessions, or Commander
Hiroto’s challenges…” Commented Matthew, hoping that none of them had noticed how tired
he felt, “I mean, after yesterday I thought this was just warm-ups.”

“A sassy little bitch, huh?” Mac looked at Matthew and he smiled cockily.
“I thought Sugarfluff and Lock had already warned you, Mac,” commented Matthew. Mac
wrinkled his nose.

“The faggot and the whipped? Those are too weak,” Mac growled before walking towards the
double doors. “Come, Leech, you have to clean yourself to be presentable on the table of
Queen Cathail.”

Matthew nodded and followed Nellis to the bleachers. The hunter gave Matthew the key to a
locker and told him to be ready on less than ten minutes. The rest of the corps entered and
looked at Tony with reproach.

“I didn’t think you were going to do it, you know?” Commented Tony getting to his locker.
Matthew didn’t have to look around a lot, there was a locker with several bat decals on it.

“I usually got assignments like that,” replied Matthew looking his locker and opening it. The
change of clothes were black slacks and a blood-red shirt. Seriously?

“I’ll make them get rid of those,” added Tony pointing at the decals on the locker door.

“No, it’s okay…” Matthew smiled as he changed. He noticed that everyone wear semi-formal
attire. “Do we always have breakfast with the Queen?”

“No, sometimes we have lunch or dinner with her,” answered Tony rolling up his sleeves.
“Queen Cathail likes to share one food with her hunters, and she arranges rotations so each
one of us could partake on the parties she holds.”

“She sounds really caring,” Matthew followed them through the double gates. Behind them a
lavishly decorated hall with long tables filled with a sumptuous meal. Preceding the table an
ornamented throne in which Queen Cathail sat with her hands folded on her lap.
On her right was Nellis and a couple empty seats followed by the hunters who already had
arrived, on her left was an empty chair, a beautiful black haired incubus that was about to eat
Matthew with his eyes, followed by a black-haired succubus that was trying to do the same,
several humans in revealing clothing and several other incubi. All of them were blissfully
chatting and —excepting the black-haired pair— no one noticed Matthew.

Matthew followed Tony to the empty chairs by the bald hunter’s side, mostly because there
was no other empty seat on the table. And then he noted the small card that read “Matthew”
in the plate in front of one. So he had a reservation near the Queen? Nice.

“You took my spot,” mumbled Tony frowning when they got closer enough for him to read
the tag. “Of course, you are an Argonaut…”

“That spot is for the Argonauts?”

“Yes, but while they are not there is mine…”

Matthew remained standing besides Mac who wrinkled his nose and kept talking to the
Queen Cathail.

“The preparations for the party are about to be complete, my Queen,” continued Mac with a
confident smile, “we just have to make a few last-minute arrangements to the hunter’s
rotation so Matthew could be included and it’ll be done.”

“I took that you accepted him as a warrior, then?” Queen Cathail then looked at Matthew
who bowed and sat when she gestured him to do so. “He is as gentlemanly as Lady Rosaline

“He’s been well trained,” replied Nellis nodding in approval, “Lady Rosaline and High
General Tarrick had made a good work with him.”
“I heard he broke little Sherryl’s record,” the table went quiet and all the looks turned to

From a side-door, Sherryl came in. She was wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks that
were obviously fitted to her lean body. Her hair fell loose on her back in a long curtain of
black and blue.

“He did, my queen,” said Sherryl sitting by the side of the queen. The table resumed their
conversations after a look from her.

Matthew wondered what made Sherryl so important to be sitting by the queen’s side. Wait.
Matthew looked at the incubi by her side, the two of them smiling as he saw them. They
looked like…

“Sherryl is my actual consort and the mother of Damian and Elise,” Queen Cathail said with
a small smile, “She is my second better warrior, after Commander Nellis, of course”.

“She was quite challenging yesterday, your highness,” replied Matthew frowning as he
thought of how old the incubi twins —maybe they just liked to look the same, though— were
and how old Sherryl could be then.

“Of course she was,” Queen Cathail looked at her proudly and raised her hands. “We shall
then have breakfast, my brave warriors, my sweet offspring, my delicious feeders, my loyal

“All hail, Queen Cathail!” said Sherryl and Nellis at once and the rest of the table replied.
Matthew did too, and then a couple of humans came and left a gallon of blood in front of
him. He thanked them and looked at the Queen, everyone seemed to be waiting for
something to start so he will too.

“In this house, the guest eats the first bite, leech,” whispered Nellis at his ear, Matthew
nodded and took off the lid from the bottle.
“To your health, your highness,” he said before taking a sip. The Queen raised a goblet of
wine and drank, as well as the rest of the table and they started eating.

“Smooth bastard,” mumbled Nellis under his breath and Matthew just smiled cockily as he
downed the blood as demure as he could.

Then the Queen and Sherryl got Mac into a conversation about further preparations for a
party, while Tony was too busy telling other hunters and several feeders how he had tricked
him into making 100 laps on the ‘torture tour’. Several incubi were talking about how hot he
looked on casual attire and how much they wanted to fuck him.

Matthew rolled his eyes and finished his blood trying to ignore his empty soavik that was
being stirred by all the pheromones the incubi were sending his way.

“Should we call you feeder, Matthew?” asked Sherryl after a while, looking at her children
who looked at Matthew as if saying ‘I could feed him’.

“I don’t have a feeder, ma’am,” replied Matthew with a small smile. The truth was that he
hadn’t taken a feeder yet because he was used to feeding on Tarrick, Rosaline and the
occasional incubus on a party. That and that he still felt that feeders were something he didn’t
want to think about.

“That should be fixed soon,” commented Queen Cathail before looking at him, “in the
meantime, you can go to the town with Nellis to get you acquittanced to the town and to feed
you.” Queen Cathail then looked at Damien and Elise, “and of course you are forbidden from
bedding my kids.”

“I won’t ever think about it,” the quick answer from Matthew earned some laughs from the
hunters and some whines from the twins.

“The Queen thinks you are a bad influence,” said Nellis, a few hours after as they stroll
through the city.

“What?” Matthew frowned as his eyes caught a cute brunette boy that was entering a club.
“The reason why she doesn’t want you near her children,” answered Mac as he followed
Matthew to the club. He wrinkled his nose. “Those two are the younger ones, and the only
ones alive… Her last daughter died because she had a crush on a vampire.”

Matthew nodded and sighed. He was aware that most incubi and hunters had lost someone to
or because of the vampires. But still, he wanted to stop the war; he loved fighting —and
killing— but it made him felt guilty.

“Look, I don’t want to see you being a faggot, Leech,” said Mac as soon as he realized who
they were following. “so I’ll propose you a deal: I’ll give you an hour. You may stay there on
the club feeding of partying or whatever you like. In the meantime, I’m gonna be at the seedy
club down the street.”

“That sounds like a good deal…But, does it means that you trust me?” Matthew smirked,
Mac raised his eyebrow.

“I wouldn’t have let you get closer to the Queen or Hiroto if I didn’t,” the hunter replied
before disappearing in a green shimmer. Matthew couldn’t let got the fact that the hunter had
mentioned Hiroto.

A suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I have this Idea that Mac has a crush on Hiroto and I just needed to put that here, haha~

And Prescott obviously cares about his teammates and of course, he wants Matthew to
be psychologically tested.

Not saying that I like Prescott, tho. He just keeps telling me that he was just obeying
orders and that he would have taken care of Matthew if he had been had the opportunity.

I hope you like this chapter, and thank you so much for reading.

If you want to talk directly to me I'm @Mirai_H_Sama on twitter ;)

From beyond the mirror,

Chapter 16
Chapter Summary

Matthew confirms something and has an appointment.

“What can I say? I have a soft spot for Howl’s drama,” Matthew lowered the book to
stick his tongue out to the incubus, who had sat on the bed and growled. “You’ll look
nice dressed as Howl, haven’t you think about it? For Halloween.”

Chapter Notes

I'm really sorry about the wait, but I really needed this chapter to come out right because
it marks a special point on Matthew's growth.

Thank you so much for being with me this long and following my crazy story.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew spent a couple of days trying his best to keep up with Nellis’ hunters' regimen while
he tried to inquire about Mac and Hiroto’s relationship. Not that he was the jealous type, but
he was really intrigued by the way Mac reacted to Hiroto.

“You really should give up on that, Matthew,” commented Sherryl and Matthew shushed her.
They were outside Mac’s preferred shady club and were waiting for the best moment to enter.

“Shall I remind you that I’m the mate of the Queen?” Sherryl spat as she walked to the door.
Matthew followed her and frowned.

“I’m sorry, Sherryl… It’s just that I’m curious,” Matthew mumbled as they entered. It
smelled awful to drugs, alcohol, and grime. “How he can come to this place?”

“He says he likes his women dirty,” Sherryl wrinkled her nose. It seemed even she smelled it.

“That’s disgusting and denigrating,” Matthew made a gaged noise as heard a couple of
women being hurt upstairs.

“He is potentially disgusting,” replied Sherryl shrugging before patting Matthew’s shoulder.
“If you are not going to feed here then let’s get to another place… I’m getting bored of this.”

Matthew grunted. “This is serious, Sherryl,” he knew it was sort of a tantrum, but he was
dying to know what did the man felt for the fox.

“No, is jealousy,” Sherryl stated and sighed, “Won’t it be easier to ask him directly?”
“Sure,” ironized Matthew, “I’ll just go to him and tell him ‘Hey Mac, do you…?”

“Do I what?” Matthew jumped when he heard Mac’s voice behind his back. Damn it. The
hunter was really good at hiding from Matthew’s senses and that put him on his nerves.

“Nothing… Nothing…” Matthew promptly replied and Mac raised his eyebrow. “ I was
wondering why do you like such a…. thing…”

“Yeah, right.” The older man looked at the vampire with a rather tired expression, “You
know, you’ve been acting weird around me… Even for a vampire. Are you that scared of

“He is jealous of the amount of interest Commander Hiroto has in you, sir.” Sherryl
intervened and patted Matthew’s back, “You’re welcome,” she said before leaving. Matthew
grunted a soft ‘traitor’ that he knew the woman heard.

“That fag?” Mac grimaced overreacting, “He better stay away from me. Ugh.”

“You totally have a crush on him,” commented Matthew, earning a glare and a fist on the face
that never came to be, because a white flash startled both of them.

“There you are!” Hiroto growled, visibly angry, “I’ve been looking for you for two hours
now. Would it kill you to have your com on?”

Matthew was about to answer when Mac made a dismissive gesture with the hand he was
planning to pound against Matthew’s face.

“It’s my free night!” Nellis made a gesture to the stair that went up to the rooms, “I was about
to find a girl to spent it.”

“Well, free night canceled.” Hiroto didn’t even try to tease nor make a comment about it, and
the other two men realized it was a serious visit. “We’ve been summoned.”
“We as in?” Nellis promptly flicked on his com and frowned. Matthew could overhear the

“We as in you, Lock and me.” Hiroto grimaced, “We are requested on High Tower by
midnight along with the High General. Prescott sent me to look for you.”

“Prescott came?” Nellis raised his eyebrows and frowned. Matthew flickered on his com and
heard a request for himself. Nothing about those two. “Is there a problem?”

“We are not sure,” Hiroto looked at Matthew and looked back at Nellis. “But we three should
head to the state like now.”

“What is all that havoc about, Commander Hiroto?” Asked Matthew as they pilled on a van
at the doors of the club —probably called by the fox. Hiroto frowned and shook his head.

“They’ve been changing channels over an over throughout the night, no one says what’s
going on nor why so much panic among the corps.” Hiroto seemed visibly frustrated with
that. “I just know that every time someone finds out what’s going they go silent.”

“Ultraviolet seal?” Nellis looked outside the window with an expression that Matthew could
only read as worry. It was really disturbing seeing the man worried.

“It seems like… No vamps attacks, tho, so I don’t have any clue of what could have
happened.” Hiroto sighed, “Lord Koki sent me out to find out what was the problem with our
corps, and I was tracking it all the way here when I was intercepted by Prescott.”

Matthew frowned. He had learnt about the different types of seals on the corps, but his
manual went up to Violet, nothing else. It sounded serious, though. He tuned off the
discussion between the two hunters and tried to expand his senses. There was nothing out of
ordinary around, the hunters patrolling kept doing their thing, not a vamp in kilometres. Still,
he felt some kind of apprehension, foreboding of something bad.
They arrived at the state and Matthew made his way to the control centre. He wasn’t fazed by
the harsh look Prescott gave him, he was fazed though by his order of secluding himself on
an assigned room.

“Why?” Matthew argued when a hunter was appointed to put up the wards as soon as he was
inside the room.

“You shall not question my orders, vampire,” growled Prescott menacing. Matthew balled his
fists and felt his claws puncture the palm of his hands. Really? Fucking really?

He thought about hitting Prescott or demanding an explanation, but he caught Tony’s slight
head movement and bit his cheek to avoid a colourful reply. He turned on his heels and
stormed out the control centre with the hunter barely keeping with him.

“That bastard! Locking me away!” He grunted as he yanked the door open and throw it with
a little too much strength, and started pacing around without even looking at the room —he
knew it was one of the guest rooms and he had already memorized the layout of all of them.
He was choleric. “Who does he think he is?”

“The leader of the Hunter Corps?”

“Does that gives him right to lock me down?”

“If he thinks that’s the best you should accept it.”

“There is no way this could be the best. What if the vampires attack? I’ll be stuck here
without being able to help!”

“If there were an attack, they’ll send a hunter to lift the wards.”

“It would make us lose valuable time! Besides! Why is there so much havoc? What’s going
“It’s nothing you should worry about.”

“I totally worry about it; what is so serious it has an ultraviolet seal? I DIDN’T EVEN

“Ah, there I was thinking that maybe you finally gave up on cursing.”

Matthew halted, his back to the interior of the room and drew a small breath. Night and earth.

“Tarrick?” He asked softly before turning and sawing the incubus sat on the bed with a tablet
and a couple of towers of papers around him. It seemed as if he had been there all night.
Damnit. He wanted to kick his own ass for not realizing the incubus was there, nor noticing
he was —and not his ridiculously annoying inner voice— in fact, the one who had answered
his rant.

“You seem surprised,” commented Tarrick, patting the bed by his side. Matthew sat there and
looked at the papers the incubus was working on; reports.

“I thought they were isolating me again…” Matthew confessed as he lay by Tarrick’s side.

“Did you did something wrong?” Tarrick gave him a sided smile, as he hugged him with his
free arm.

“No… Well, maybe I was inquiring a little too much on Mac, but that was it,” Matthew
pouted, snuggling against the blonde.

“Inquiring on Mac? Didn’t know you were on that type,” Tarrick commented and Matthew
wasn’t sure if he was joking or not.
“No, thanks.” Matthew shivered and stopped his mind before an unfortunate image formed.
“I just thought that all the whole ‘fag’ thing with Hiroto is…”

“Oh, you noticed?” Matthew frowned at Tarrick who shrugged and commented, “there is a
bet going about when Nellis will accept he has a crush on Hiroto.”

“I knew it,” Matthew laughed cosying himself against the incubus.

“Were you trying to make him admit it?” Tarrick smirked and Matthew huffed.

“Not admit it per se… Maybe…” Matthew sighed and looked up at the incubus. “Are you
going to tell me what is this whole Ultraviolet Seal?”

“It’s top secret.”

“Fine, don’t tell me.”

“No, really, ‘Ultraviolet’ means ‘Top Secret’, Matthew.”

“And what? Will you kill me if I figure out what’s going on?”

“I won’t… After all, I’m not aware of it either.”


Matthew looked at Tarrick who shrugged and gestured vaguely at the room.
“I’m on the same boat as you, so to speak,” Tarrick’s face was stoic as if he didn’t care about
it. Matthew didn’t buy it.

“How is it that the High Lord General has no idea of what’s going on?” Tarrick tsked and a
hard thump made Matthew moan softly. “That’s not fair, you know?”

“You are being a nuisance,” replied Tarrick with his attention back on his paperwork.
Matthew huffed.

“You are just mad because you are on the same boat as me,” mumbled the vampire earning
another thump. “Stop it!”

Tarrick gave him a stare that pretty much meant ‘Stop being a nuisance’ and made the
vampire huff before climbing down the bed.

“Damn it,” Matthew felt the soft pain of his soavik at the third ‘thump’. He was supposed to
go hunting with Sherryl as his babysitter. He had been so busy trying to get more information
on Mac’s crush that he didn’t feed. Now the cramps were getting to him, instilled by Tarrick.

“You are throwing pheromones,” commented Tarrick, his eyes glowing purple. Matthew
wrinkled his nose and felt his eyes burn red at the scent of the incubus pheromones.

“I’m hungry,” replied Matthew, taking several books from the shelves and sitting on a couch.
He adjusted his jeans and opened the book without looking at the incubus.

“Why don’t you come and feed?” Tarrick’s voice was alluring, and Matthew almost closed
the book and compelled, but no. He wasn’t going to cede, not this time. If the incubus really
wanted him he could very well come and suck his dick.

“I’m busy,” he replied, a soft smile curving his lips as he read ‘In which Sophie talks to hats’;
a warm memory of himself reading those very words to Lily came to him.
“Reading children’s books?” Now Tarrick’s ego sounded hurt. Nice.

“What can I say? I have a soft spot for Howl’s drama,” Matthew lowered the book to stick his
tongue out to the incubus, who had sat on the bed and growled. “You’ll look nice dressed as
Howl, haven’t you think about it? For Halloween.”

“I won’t disgrace myself, nor Samhain with such a thing,” Tarrick huffed, and Matthew
passed the pages until he found an illustration of the wizard, more specifically, the scene
when he threw a tantrum.

“Really? I think he looks pretty much like you.” Commented Matthew. Tarrick took the book
of his hand angry.

“I do not throw tantrums.” The incubus stated categorically, his eyes flashing purple and

“Then what are you doing right now?” Matthew asked with a knowing grin, as he opened the
next book to ‘ignore’ the incubus.

“You are infuriating.” The incubus lowered Matthew’s book to make him look at him.

“Me? You are the one that acts like he wants me, but pushes me away, and sometimes says
I’m his Warrior and some others he categorically states that I’m just a Slave,” Matthew words
seemed to hurt Tarrick, who grimaced.

“That’s why you didn’t write a word about me in your journal?” Matthew frowned at the
question. He didn’t write about Tarrick, or at least he didn’t put his name —most of his
complains were about how much he missed his former ‘home’—, but it was because he
wasn’t sure who will saw it and won’t talk publicly about his feelings for the incubus. He
didn’t write about Hiroto either, at least not about his feelings for the fox.

“I didn't write on the journal because I haven’t seen you lately,” the reply was careful, even if
he knew there were no microphones nor cameras on that particular room.
“You don’t think about me? I thought you’ll miss me.” Tarrick’s eyes were locked with his,
and Matthew felt his undead heart flutter.

“I missed you, Master…” murmured Matthew, reaching Tarrick’s face, “But I tried to keep
myself busy so it won’t distract me and I could make you proud.”

Half-truths, covered by puppy-eyes and a soft hold that was meant to show how much he
wanted the older man. He wasn’t sure it worked on Tarrick now after he confessed how much
he had advanced with his incubi abilities.

They locked gazes and Tarrick shoved ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ back on Matthew’s hands
before going back to the bed. Matthew let out a soft whine but didn’t move. If the man didn’t
want to feed him he won’t beg for it to happen. He may be hungry and his incubus side could
be a needy bitch, but he wasn’t going to beg. Not anymore.

After a couple of hours, a hunter teleported on the room saying he was assigned to escort the
High Lord General to the teleportation stone, and that Matthew was required on the medical

Matthew looked at Tarrick and made a small bow before turning to go. He hoped the incubus
would stop him, but it never happened. As he walked down the hallways the pain on his chest
became dull, as he tried to push it to the back of his mind.

“You must be Matthew,” greeted a short woman as he entered. Matthew was incapable of
hiding his surprise when he saw her; she was quite chubby. He had become used to hunters
build bodies and succubi curvy and slim. The other girl he had seen with some extra pounds
had been Portia, but even then her arms looked like they could throw a really good rib-broker

She looked cute, though. Her brown hair was on a messy bun, her freckles almost faded
against her tan complexion, small lips on a gentle smile. Her clothes hugged her well, and her
shirt had a loaf of bread with little horns and wings that read ‘Pan-demonio’. A doctor’s coat
rested on a chair beside her.
“Nice to meet you,” said Matthew bowing a little, she offered him a hand and he shook it.
She shook very energetically.

“I’m Dr. Brightside,” she said cheerfully as he gestured the chair in front of her desk, “I’m
one of the Hunters Corps designated Psychiatrist. I specialize in Post-Trauma and Torture

“I’m not sure if feeling grateful or scared that you specialize in Post-torture Rehab,”
commented Matthew sitting and she laughed.

“Oh, dear, I personally would prefer not,” She said with a soft reassuring smile, “ but in a war
like this, many of our teammates and partners get captured and tortured and they often need
psychological and psychiatric treatment so they can go back to their lives.”

“And what if the ones that torture me were incubi?” Matthew looked around the room,
memorizing the details and got slapped on the hand. It barely hurt but made Matthew look at
the doctor.

“No warrior behaviour here, dear,” She said with a serious face, before producing Matthew’s
journal from a thick file on the desk. “I will say, this situation has no precedent that I know
on our records, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve our help.”

“Had everyone read my journal?” mumbled Matthew and she frowned, letting the journal on
the table and lacing her hands in front of her.

“You seem angry, or at least, you are trying to force your anger down.” She said softly and
sighed, “If you don’t want me to read your journal I won’t, it’s yours and you deserve your

“You’ll be the first to think that,” Matthew was taken by surprise by the affirmation and it
had the doctor looking intensely at him.
“I have an idea,” she said taking a pen and putting it over the journal before gesturing it to
Matthew, “ You’ll write on your journal here, so I could safekeeping it under the
confidentiality doctor-patient so no one but you will read what you write from now on. What
do you think?”

Matthew balled his fist and looked at her. It sounded good, but then what will be the point of
keeping the journal?

“They told me you had trust issues,” the doctor commented, “but Rosaline, who insisted on
me being the one to attend you, told me that it was because we haven’t given you reasons to
trust us. Is she right?”

Matthew bit his lip and looked around. He couldn’t help it, he wanted to see if there were any
monitoring devices on the room. This time the doctor didn’t slap his hand. There weren’t
cameras nor microphones.

“Yes…” He finally said and she beamed.

“She also told me that you are very curious and like to understand thoroughly what’s
happening around you,” the doctor produced a file from her desk and took a letter, “She
allowed me to show you the letter she sent me to ask me to help you.”

Matthew shook his head and took the journal.

“I thought the journal was only going to be read by the High General, Imperator Prescott and
Dr Spencer,” he commented, the doctor nodded.

“I talked to Dr Spencer and he told me you seem to be in denial of some sort. The Medical
Board talk about what you’ll need form what Dr Spencer thought was acceptable to share on
your medical report and they decided it was best for you to talk to me first,” Dr Brightside
said, taking a paper from what Matthew supposed was his file and handing it to Matthew. It
was his Medical Health record and had very few things wrote in it. ‘Has a strong sense of
duty’, ‘Has trust issues’, ‘Can be on denial’, ‘Can be dismissing his feelings’.
“However, I was handed your journal today, and, since you were told only those three
persons will read your journal I felt it was better if I don’t,” she added softly, “I want yo show
you you can trust me, but if you prefer we can have Dr Spencer attending you first. He is a
genius and surely will be able to help you too.”

Matthew frowned and sighed, passing his hand through his hair. The Doctor waited patiently
with a soft smile on her lips.

“You think I need Post-trauma treatment? Like seriously?” He asked after a while.

“Yes, since you have been put through a lot on the last ten years and a half,” She answered,
“you were turned and abandoned, you were forced to kill by your instincts, you isolated
yourself because of it, you were captured, tortured, forced to work for us.”

“That resumes my un-life pretty well,” joked Matthew and she smirked. “So you are going to
put me on therapy and ask me how it made me feel or are you going to put me on drugs. Do
drugs work on vampires?”

“You are a jokester, huh?” Dr Brightside commented, “I’m going to listen to you, and help
you get in control with your emotions. That means to accept them and to feel them so they
won’t overwhelm you.” She didn’t seem offended by the comment and wasn’t acting
condescending either, “You can talk me about your day, pester about Press, talking about
your latest crush, whatever you feel comfortable to share. I won’t tell them what you say, but
I would tell them whenever you have a breakthrough about yourself and if I need them to
help you with something, like free nights or if you prefer extra training sessions. Everyone
has their own coping ways.” Matthew smirked when she said pester about Prescott so
casually as if it happened very often. She winked at him and added: “I won’t put you on med
unless you really need them, although I would be needing Vik’s help to made them work on

“So I can tell you whatever I want and you will call it a night?” asked Matthew and she
nodded. Matthew cocked his head and ponder. “And… Can I ask you whatever?”
“You are already doing it, dear,” replied she with a giggle, “You may ask whatever you want,

“Is your name really Brightside?”

The doctor smirked.

“No, it’s my hunter’s name. To protect my family and that…Also, I loved the Killers so..”
She said before adding “You may call me however you like, tho.”

“Like ‘Doc’? Can I call you ‘Doc’?”

“Yes, or Rainbow, or Old Hag, or whatever,” She shrugged.

“Why they would call you Old Hag? You seem very young… And cute.”

“Oh, thank you~ No, they call me Old Hag because I decided they won’t be able to go back
to the field. They were angry.”

Matthew frowned.

“You can do that?”

“Are you scared of that?”

Matthew wasn’t sure. What if she said he was too unstable to be sent to battle and they decide
to cage him or kill him since he wasn’t useful anymore.
“I won’t say that you know?” She said after a while when Matthew didn’t answer. “I’m aware
of your circumstances here and I won’t put you in danger, that would be against everything I
stand for.”

“But what if I’m not stable enough to be on the battle?”

“Oh but you are, Matthew… I’ve read your performance records and your trainer’s reports.
You are a really good warrior, very focused and you have improved greatly on controlling
your instincts.” Dr. Brightside said with a reassuring smile. “You are here because we want
you to be a fully-functional part of our community and, as part of our community you have
the right to be taken care of, physical, mental and emotionally.”

Matthew looked at the woman and sighed before looking to the ceiling.

“I was trying to find out if Mac had a crush on Hiroto.” He commented after a while, and the
doctor raised her eyebrows. “And I was so concentrated on that that I couldn’t feed… Then
the whole thing about the seal happened and I was locked with Tarrick on a room and he is so

“Why do you think he is infuriating?” Asked Dr Brightside, “It’s because of the torture?”

“No, the torture was… I mean…” Matthew mumbled, “He acts all ‘yeah, I’m the High
General, I’m so perfect. You are barely worth my time.” And then we are alone and he starts
with all his ‘Oh, my warrior. Oh, I want to make you mine. Oh, Matthew, you make me so
proud’. Damn it.”

“Does he confuse you? Like emotionally?” She looked very much interested in it and
Matthew wasn’t sure if she was as gossiping as the hunters or was because she actually cared.
He preferred to think it was because of the last one. “He sounds really confusing.”

“He is! And he is like… He was acting all hurt because I said he could dress up like Howl!”
exclaimed Matthew, “Besides he is as dramatic as Howl.”

“Howl as in Howl’s Moving Castle.” Explained the vampire, “anyways, he is always like ‘If
you want me, you have to beg for it, Matthew’ but he wants me too and he insists on making
me ask for it.”

“You would prefer that he would ask you for it, don’t you?”

“Hell yes! I’m so done with that attitude of his of taking what he wants and making me beg
for what I want… I mean, it’s kinda hot when we are having sex, but…”

“It’s not a healthy foundation for a relationship.”

“No, it’s not… And I’m not sure it is a relationship, either. I mean, what if he is making all
that just to assure that I would behave? I’ve heard the hunters, a lot of them think that.”

“And what do you think?”

“I think if that was the case I would kill him…”

“For playing with you?”

“Yes… No… Maybe… It’s… If he doesn’t feel anything for me, he should just say it, you
know? I won’t scape or anything because of that…”

“You won’t?”

“No… I will surely be sad, a bit depressed maybe. But I’m a grown man, I’ve been rejected
before and I can handle it. But this push-and-pull… I can’t with this.”
“Have you talked to him about this?”

“I don’t want to…”

“Are you scared about the outcome?”

Matthew looked at her and frowned. She was really easy to talk to and hadn’t made him feel
uncomfortable as he talked about his personal things, in fact, it helped him to put it in words.

“I’m scared of being rejected, but… I also don’t have many hopes on him loving me, you
know?” Matthew said softly. The doctor took his hand and smiled at him.

“It’s better to be open about your feelings, Matthew,” she said, “but I understand that being
on your position you may see those feelings as something… Exploitable.”

“They are, aren’t they?” Matthew growled and tensed all of sudden. She frowned.

“What happened, Matthew?”

“I growled… I shouldn’t growl…”

“Oh, right, your training with Hiroto… You know you can growl, right honey? You have
learnt to control your inner beast and you can let a growl or two every now and then.”

“Do you know everything about my stance with the Incubi?” Matthew frowned and she
shook her head.
“I know what is in this file, it doesn’t say anything about what you like or what you thought
about your life here, therefore, it’s full of barely usable information.”

Matthew frowned and looked at his journal.

“It would help our sessions if you can read my journal?”

“It would if you truly want me to read it an to use it to comprehend you. But only if you want
me to.”

“I’ll think about it, Brightside.” Matthew took the pen and looked at her. “You’ll lock this
down, away from everyone’s eyes?”

“I swear no one but you will read that journal.” She said seriously tapping the locker by her
side. It was lined with runes that glowed faintly, “No one but me can open this baby.”

“What if I’m assigned to another household?” Matthew opened the journal and put the date.

“Oh, don’t worry. I can carry my office all around the globe.” She gestured at a huge black
backpack with a cats and runes pattern that rested on a corner. “I made a witch enchant that
baby for me so I could carry everything I need around.”

“I need one of those.” Mumbled Matthew, and she shook her head.

“I bet you’ll prefer to stablish in one place, have a comfy house and a cute family.” Winked
dr Brightside as she saw Matthew write in his journal.

“Yes, I had that… I miss that.”

“You can have it again, honey, don’t lose hope.”

A Suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I promise all this has a reason to be, especially having Tarrick out the UV Seal. And I
hope you all like Dr Brightside, she is inspired by three of my friends who I truly love
and have been such great support for me on this years.

I hope you like this chapter and thank you so much for reading and for your comments~

If you want to talk directly to me I'm @Mirai_H_Sama on twitter ;)

From beyond the mirror,

Chapter 17
Chapter Summary

Matthew plays tag and talks to Rosaline.

“He is my teammate, and to me teammates are family.”

“That means we are family now?”

“Not yet, but maybe soon,” Vik smirked and gestured Matthew towards a room.

Chapter Notes

Then again, I'm sorry for the wait, this chapter just didn't come out right...

Still, I hope you like this small insight on Matthew & Rosaline relationship and on Vik's
crazy experiments.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew speed through the forest, running for his dear un-life as a silver dust grenade
exploded nearby. He cursed and dodged another one, trying to pinpoint the goddamned
hunters that were attacking him. A soft breath and a rustle let him know where one of the
fuckers was hiding. He took him and yanked him down to plant his face on the ground.

“That hurt!” cried the hunter as Matthew lighted his three targets.

“You think that your fucking bolts and grenades don’t hurt?” Matthew replied, knocking a
couple of bolts off the air before any could land on his targets.

“Vik said you didn’t have issues with our test,” the hunter mumbled getting up, and Matthew
grabbed him to use him as a shield against another grenade. The poor man whined at the hit.
Well, at least he didn’t burn when silver touched him.

“Tell Vikström that this is not my idea of a ‘friendly gathering’, would you?” Said Matthew
letting go of the hunter and speeding towards a green flash of light several miles away.

The hunter made a few more teleportation jumps and throw a silver grenade to the floor
effectively obscuring Matthew’s vision and getting away from him. Matthew didn’t even
bother to chase after him and sprinted towards another flash of green light. This time he
approached faster, burning down a lot of blood.

But the hunter didn’t stand a chance. She looked at him bewildered as he prevented her from
screaming and brought his claws over the tags. He took off her com and she frowned.

“You can’t say a thing, you are ‘dead’, remember?” grinned Matthew, putting on the earpiece
and speeding towards another hunter. It was easier now that he could hear the orders issued
by dispatch. This Tag game was a training drill that Vik’s hunters took way too serious for his
Then again Vik’s hunters had a really good reputation of being able to recover escapee vamps
with the fewer hunter’s injury rate. Maybe because they did this.

Matthew wondered which vampire would offer himself to do things like this, as he touched
the tags of the other two hunters.

A third one, that Matthew hadn’t seen called on the coms: “He is listening to us. Change
Channel.” Matthew growled and the hunter shrugged before disappearing in a flash of green.

Matthew was determined to take him down when a burst of bolts made him change
directions, a few silver grenades made him recoil and grunt. He sensed the soft beat of a
hunters heart and speed towards it, but a loud beep made him stop. A bolt had touched the tag
on his lower abdomen.

“First blood on Commander Vikström.” The announcement was heard through the forest and
the soft cheers made Matthew curse under his breath. The first blood should be his. He had
taken out of combat several hunters already.

He followed the cheers and took down another two before being ambushed by several silver
grenades. He heard another beep from his tags.

“Second blood on Commander Vikström.” How the hell was she that fast? Matthew retreated
and sprinted through the forest, avoiding hunters as he assessed his ‘injuries’. The tags on
three of his blood pouches were lit, the one on his chest remained untouched, like the one on
his throat. The remaining tag of his pouches hadn’t been lit because he protected it with his
arm, which was covered on blisters because of the silver.

The grenades were strong enough to broke his training suit in order to get the silver on his
skin. Matthew shivered and thought of how grateful he was that he was on Vik’s side.

The thought didn’t last much.

The whistle of a grenade made him change directions and he stepped on something that sent
silver spikes up. He heard the fourth tag of his pouches lit up and his leg broke. He rolled on
the forest floor and used a tree to stop himself. His leg wasn’t healing so he assumed the
spikes were covered on that damn foxglove.

“This was fun,” Vik’s voice came from behind Matthew. He turned to see her as she aimed
her bazooka at him. And everything went black.

He jumped as soon as he recovered his senses and looked around bewildered. He was on a
soft bed inside a cage of reflective glass. He growled and felt a small tug on his arm. An IV
was giving him blood.

Matthew realized then that his leg and his arm were cured, that he was still on his training
suit and that he felt sluggish.

“Oh, you woke up!” The tone on Vik’s voice made Matthew wonder if it was really that
amazing that he had woke up.

“Where am I?” Matthew’s voice sounded harsh and strangled. He touched his throat and felt
it wrinkled and rough as if it had just started healing. He approached the glass and saw the
burning mark slowly healing. What the hell?

“You are on my special recovery chamber,” replied Vik happily, making the glass transparent
so he could see her on the other side by a huge monitor and console that seemed to control
the space he was now. “It works better on hunters, of course, because I know how to heal
humans better.”

“What happened?”

“I miscalculated the velocity of the grenade and the injuries my vamp’s caltrops caused you.”

“You throw me a grenade at close range?”

“I was expecting you avoid it, I didn’t factor in that the caltrops were coated by a stronger
version of the distilled foxglove we commonly use.” Vik seemed very proud of her

“It didn’t give me the time to react…” replied Matthew and Vik’s proud smile widened.
Matthew scoffed and sighed, “I guess I lost the game, then.”

“Yes, you did. But you took half of my hunters with you,” replied Vik frowning a little, “It’s
not a record, but it’s been a while since someone had put us so much on edge.”

“Who was the last one?”

“Want to guess?”

Matthew didn’t have to. He had heard they use the ‘fox trap’ formation.

“You play tag with other teams?” asked Matthew sitting on the bed. Vik smiled.

“Not usually… We often made the captured vamps play with us.” She shrugged, “If they can
lit more than a third of my hunters’ tags before theirs getting lit they could walk away.”

“None of them can, huh?

“Nope, that’s why yours beeped. Each one emulates the sound of a vamp’s alert. When all go
off the sound becomes permanent.”

“Then you can take off the vampire while they are helpless because of the alarm.”
Vik nodded very proudly. Matthew nodded too, it was a brilliant idea. It was torture too, and
mean, but brilliant nonetheless.

“Have you used it on actual combat?”

“I’ve made some sound grenades, although I haven’t been able to perfect them yet.”
Commented Vik, shrugging a little, “Besides those generate issues to our people too.”

“How… How much time I spent unconscious?” Asked Matthew after a while.

“A night,” replied Vik pushing a few buttons. The IV stopped and Matthew whined.

“How did I heal in a night?”

“With lots of incubi and vampire blood and some special drugs I’ve been making up.”

“That’s why I feel so dizzy?”

“You feel dizzy? What else do you feel?”

“Horny… And Hungry.”

“Noted,” said Vik noting stuff on a notebook, “I’ll let you out and get you someone to feed
off, okay?”

“Sounds like a plan,” commented Matthew and he smiled when she pushed some buttons and
the glass door opened.
“Come now, Matthew,” said Vik, handing him a shirt and a jean. “I’ll introduce you to my
research team and I’ll show you where you are going to stay.”

“A cage?”

“No, a comfy room that will be monitored, of course… I’ve been thinking about something
Hiroto told me.”

“What did he told you?”

Vik looked at him and she smiled.

“He asked me to be careful with you…” Commented Vik, “and I’ve been thinking about it…
What do you have that makes Hiroto so… caring about you?”

“I have a nice ass and a good dick.”

“No, this goes beyond sexual attraction… I’ve seen Hiroto trying to get in the pants of
someone else several times,” Vik walked down the hallway followed by Matthew, “This…
What you have is different, and is important to him, and since it’s important for him it’s
important to me.”

“You like him, huh?”

“He is my teammate, and to me teammates are family.”

“That means we are family now?”

“Not yet, but maybe soon,” Vik smirked and gestured Matthew towards a room.
Matthew entered and he was wrapped in a tight embrace and a flurry of red.

“MATTHEW!” Rosaline kissed his cheeks and grinned, “I missed you so much!”

“Rosaline, I’m so happy to see you,” beamed the vampire, hugging the succubus and purring

“I’ll let you get comfortable and send you a bottle or two of blood in a while,” said Vik
winking, “as soon as you finish you can tell the guards on the door and I’ll come to take you
to the main lab.”

“Finish?” Asked Rosaline as Vik exited the room and closed the door. Matthew wrinkled his

“I just heal some injuries, nothing to worry about,” he started, as his hands went down the red
locks of the woman, “and I told her I was horny and hungry… So I guess she brought me
here to fuck you.”

“I wouldn’t mind,” replied Rosaline tugging Matthew so he would follow her to the bed.
“Have you find a feeder?”

“Not yet…” Matthew wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I’m not sure I want a feeder.”

“They are with us on their own accord,” said Rosaline with a gentle smile as she cuddled
against him, “And we retribute their contributions properly.”

“You pay for them.”

“I know how that might sound, but it’s not like that. We don’t make them do anything they
don’t want to.”

“What about the war prisoners?”


“I know that Tane used to summon a vampire, made her put on dresses and she came back to
the cells hurt.”

“Oh, gods… I… It’s forbidden to have sex with a vampire.”

“What about raping them?”

“I don’t think Tarrick would allow such a thing to happen on his estate,” Rosaline had
stopped her caresses and looked at him severely.

“You know that making them say yes with a hold is the same as rape, don’t you?”

Rosaline opened her mouth and then closed it, her frown deepened.

“Have I…?” started she and Matthew shook his head frantically.

“Never, my lady,” he promptly answered, “You know I know when you put a hold on me.”

“We’ve put you through so much… Even if you are one of ours,” mumbled Rosaline
concerned, “I’m really sorry.”

Matthew felt a soft warm spreading through his chest at Rosaline’s apology. Especially
because she looked into his eyes and he could almost feel how sorry she felt about it.

“I… I’ve put a lot of thought on it, you know? Your captivity and all we put you through…”
Commented Rosaline hugging him close, Matthew almost melted in the embrace, “and…
When I heard you were going to be put through psychological assessment, I called Dr
Brightside, because she helped me a lot when I came back from… House Moreau.”

“She is a ray of sunshine, isn’t she?” commented Matthew, Rosaline beamed.

“I knew you were going to like her… She is so head levelled and so caring with her patients,”
Rosaline talked with such love about the Dr that made Matthew smile. To be honest he
started liking the doctor after a long session of pestering about Tane.

“How long did you were on treatment?” Asked Matthew, after a while.

“I’m still on treatment… Oh, you should’ve seen her face when I told her I defended you!”
Said Rosaline proudly, “She was having problems convincing people that if Tarrick said you
weren’t a threat to us it was because it was true, especially to the traumatized incubi, and
when I told her you were so caring and so sweet and that I liked you a lot and pester about
the way Tarrick deprived you of feed, she was surprised and grateful. ‘Can I tell this to the
others, Rosie? It would help a lot of them if they know that you, of all people, accept him’.
That was she said.”

“She calls you Rosie, then?” Teased Matthew and Rosaline stuck out her tongue.

“She has a nickname for me,” she replied as she let her hand wander down the man’s chest.
“A thing I’ve asked you for a while.”

“Can I call you ‘Rosie’ then?”

“No way, make up your own nickname for me,” pouted Rosaline as she took off his shirt,
“you made up hundreds of nicknames for Hiroto.”

“Well, with him is easy, I just think about cheesy things,” replied Matthew running his hand
down her back to unzip her dress. “You don’t seem like your average cheesy cliché loving

Rosaline pouted and he kissed her pout and smiled.

“What about… Fiery hair?” asked Matthew letting his hands undo the coils of her hair. She

“Are you going to nickname me after my hair?”

“I love your hair, is red… as Blood.”

“That was so cliché.”

“It’s about Aesthetics…”

“You sound like Lock.”

“That is something I definitely don’t want to hear in the bedroom.”

Both looked at each other and burst to laugh. Matthew hugged Rosaline and let himself fall
back first on the bed. She giggled and caressed him softly.

“What about… Bloodhead?” asked Matthew, kissing her forehead, “Or Bloodnut?”
“What are you? Australian?”

“Don’t like it?”

“I could get used to it.”

Matthew smirked and kissed her passionately, his lips devouring hers and his tongue tasting
all her mouth. She melted against him, pressing her body to his.

“Matthew…” His name escaped her lips as a soft plea, as her hands went down his chest,
claws out, leaving small lines of blood that healed instantly. Matthew grabbed her ass, and
ground against her, making her moan.

“I desire you too, Bloodylocks,” whispered the vampire on the succubus ear, and she
trembled when he licked her long neck just above her pulse. With a swift move, Matthew put
Rosaline underneath him and took off her dress carefully. After a couple encounters he had
learnt that no matter how eager, Rosaline always mopped her ruined dresses after.

He left a trail of kisses down her neck, and capture one of her nipples on his mouth. Rosaline
arched and gasped, as Matthew’s hands trailed lower, spreading her legs and running his
claws for her thighs. Matthew left the nipple and went down her abdomen leaving kisses and
licks, tasting her soft skin until he got between her legs.

She looked down, her eyes bright with desire, and he smiled as she gasped on the
expectative. A soft lick made her moan and he purred softly. He loved how she became
undone under his attentions.

He tasted her, letting his tongue roam and circle, drawing more moans and cries from her
A loud gasp left Rosaline’s lips when Matthew started thrusting with his tongue, while his
claws cupped her round ass and lift her to be able to eat her more comfortably.

Matthew purred when her hands run down his hair and gripped it hard, as he fucked her with
his mouth. Matthew pressed his tongue against her nib and played with it, making her arch
her back and cry in pleasure. Her claws scraped his scalp as she gave up to the pleasure.
Matthew purred again and sent waves of pleasure through his hands and tongue and saw with
delight how she was overwhelmed by the pleasure and come hard for him. He started to feed
on the golden coils of energy that emanated from the woman.

A soft knock made him frown as he kept licking and tasting her through her orgasm.

“I know I told you I’ll wait until you finish, but… We need every available hunter…”

“I’m busy” signed Matthew with just one hand, not bothering to look at the newcomer.

“I can see it, but… It’s an emergency… We are under attack.”

A deep growl formed on Matthew’s chest, as he went up and kissed Rosaline’s lips.

“I’m sorry, Milady, I’m required on the battlefield,” he said softly, and she pouted as she
embraced him.

“I’ll wait for you then,” she said before kissing him and wink.

Matthew nodded and changed clothes on a rush, before joining Vik who gave him a bottle of

“I’m going first, see you in the battlefield,” said Vik with a worried look before teleporting
away. Matthew uncapped the bottle and down it while sprinted to the exit. Outside, hell had
set loose.
A suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I think this part will have nine more chapters. Woah. I never thought this was going to
be so huge haha~

I hope you like this chapter and thank you so much for reading and for your comments~

If you want to talk directly to me I'm @Mirai_H_Sama on twitter ;)

From Lyoko,

Chapter 18
Chapter Summary

Matthew saves some people.

“Tarrick told me you used to be a fireman… You like saving and protecting people,
don’t you?”

Chapter Notes

I hope you like this small insight of Vik and Matthew's relationship. And I promise the
next chapter will be longer and will have something I thing we all been waiting for a
long time ;)


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew roared, as he felt adrenaline surge through him while he ripped off the head of a
Lord. He hated how much he enjoyed ripping and killing people. Around him, several bodies
in various states of decay layered the floor. Behind him, stood some houses with humans and
social incubi filled with terror because of the battle.

Matthew sprinted and jumped so he could ake a Lord out from the sky, barely latching the
chain that Vik had given him when the battle started. The Lord growled as the silver chain
burned on his skin and Matthew’s extra weight destabilized him. An incubus flew down and
took off the Lord’s head making it’s decaying body and Matthew to plummet to the ground.

A cocky smile and jerk laugh told Matthew who to blame for it. Tane.


He had been behaving well around the jerk, but he insisted on picking up fights with him. In
the more inconvenient moments.

Matthew managed to fall correctly and sprinted towards the vampires that were taking a
chance on the houses of the civilian. Not on his watch.

He launched the chain again and smiled when it latched on the vampire that seemed to be
directing the attack. He riled it up and let himself be propelled forwards for it. He landed
square on the vamps’ back and ripped his head before turning to the others and let loose his
aura. The vampires stopped dead on their tracks and took a couple of steps back.

“Why are you fighting for them?” managed to ask one of them, “You should be fighting with

Matthew shrugged and lounged for him, whispering softly on his hear.
“This is business,” he replied, before beheading the vampire. The others looked at him
bewildered and lounged for him. Matthew smiled and attacked them.

He spent all night defending the small village on his own. He knew the real battle was near
the leystone and by the castle. But he couldn’t let the people here die.

“Matthew? Why I’m not seeing you on the battle?” Asked Tarrick over the com and Matthew
smiled at the thought of the incubus looking for him.

“I’m not there, Master.” Replied Matthew using the chain to launch a vampire over other,
“I’m protecting the nearby village.”

“There are vamps getting near there?” Tarrick asked surprised.

“Were,” corrected Matthew cockily as he beheaded the tangled vampires. “For your tone, I
must assume that the witch broke some sort of protection or veil, Am I right?”

“There was a witch with them?”

“She disappeared before I could attack her. I reported to Vik that I was going to hold it here
until she sent reinforcements.” Matthew scanned the area for more vampires but the ones
nearby were heading for the main event, “Tane has come around a couple of times, though. I
hope he is not my reinforcement.”

“There won’t be any reinforcements…”

“Oh…” Matthew frowned, “It’s that bad?”

“I was calling you to bring you to the main battle.”

“With due respect, High Lord General. I won’t let these people alone.”

“You think you can protect the entire village?”

“I’ve been doing so, Master.”

“Keep the good work then. Sunrise is three hours due.”

“Yes, Master.”

Matthew used a bit of blood energy to enhance his senses and scanned the area again. A little
fucker was trying to sneak into the village a couple of blocks away, and he wasn’t going to
allow it.

He was grinning when he ripped off the vamps head.

The three hours flew by, as many vamps heads and limbs.

When the sun was a few minutes away a young blonde boy approached, from one of the

“You may come in, Mr Vampire,” he said with a thick accent and a soft smile, “We don’t
want our saviour to burn on the sun.”

Matthew followed the boy into a house and to its basement with a smirk. The boy signalled a
rather dark container with a mattress, a pillow and a blanket. It seemed improvised and it
warmed Matthew’s undead heart.

“Thank you…”
“No, thank you, Mr Vampire… For protecting us.” The boy smiled and Matthew frowned he
seemed familiar. Matthew removed his armour filled with blood and gunk and laid on the
mattress as the sun rose.

When he woke up, the sun was high and Vik’s face was a few inches from his.

“Do you want a kiss?” Asked Matthew smiling. Vik was staring at him.

“You protected them…” Vik’s voice was so soft he thought he imagined it, but she speaked
again, “You saved them all.”

“They are civilians… They needed the protection,” replied Matthew, and was about to say
something else when Vik kissed his cheek.

“Thank you,” she said before closing Matthew’s eyes with a tender caress, “now sleep,

Matthew was happy to comply and drifted into a restless dream filled with blood and voices
that cried for death.

When he woke up next time, the sun has just sunk beneath the horizon. He was still in the
container and he heard steps outside. He rose and wrinkled his nose when he noticed the
sheets were tainted with decaying blood. He hoped they won’t hate it too much. He exited the
container and saw a large group of blondes looking intently at him.

“Uhm… Hi?” Matthew looked at them without knowing what to do. A small boy approached
him with a bottle of blood on his hands.

“You are awake!” he said beaming and passing him the bottle, “We figured you’ll be hungry
after everything that happened… We are really grateful.”

“I… Thanks…” said Matthew and took a small sip from the bottle. It was still warm, so
they’d probably just collected it. “It’s good… Thanks…”
The boy beamed and the other blondes come to him to congratulate him for the last night’s
battle. He just shrugged and told them it was his work as a hunter to protect them.

“Hey! Let him alone!” Said Vik entering the basement and getting to Matthew, “he is my
teammate, not your vampire pet.”

“Pet?” asked Matthew and Vik shook her head.

“They probably thought about feeding you and having you over…” She said scowling at the
younger of the blondes.

“But he saved us, we were just showing him our gratitude,” pouted a girl.

“Besides you have plenty of vampires around, sis, we want to keep him,” added the older of
them. Matthew realized they were all siblings, and they probably were Vik’s siblings.

“He is not a pet, he is a person,” Vik replied, “and he has responsibilities and people to go
to… Would you like an incubus took you from home and keep you as his pet?”

“No…” the young male pouted and diverted his gaze, “We just didn’t want the incubi and
hunters to kill him…”

“Don’t be silly, Henry,” said Vik with a smile, “He is one of the Argonauts, they won’t hurt
him… Much…”

“You are and Argonaut?”

“That’s why you are so strong?”

“How a vampire can be a hunter?”

“Are you the High General’s secret weapon?”

“How old are you?”

“Are you a Lord?”

“Have you banged our sister?”

Matthew took a step back overwhelmed by the sudden burst of questions when a soft call
came out of Vik’s com.

“Matthew, Vik, King Hindrik is waiting for you.”

“You all heard dispatch,” said Vik moving her hand, “Dispatch, we are on our way, over.”

The trip back to the castle was quiet, but it was on a comfortable silence that made him
calmer somehow. Vik gazed at him every now and then and smile at him. They arrived at the
castle, Matthew cleaned himself and throw some clean clothes on and they went to the throne
room. They both kneeled in from of the incubus that was waiting for them

“I heard you put up a great fight last night,” said King Hindrik with a soft smile, “you may
rise and account it for me, please.”

Matthew looked at Vik unsure of what to do, and she nodded and rose. Matthew rose too and
listen to her as she recounted the battle and how her inventions helped a great deal. Matthew
wished he had been on that battle.
“What about you… Matthew, right?” Said the King softly, Matthew nodded and started to
recount how he had stayed behind to help protect the village. The King seemed to be very

“My, my, now I see why High Lord General, Queen Agleea, Queen Cathail, Lord Reval and
Lady Rosaline are so fond of you,” said the incubus climbing down his throne and taking
Matthew’s hands on his, “I’m really grateful to you for helping us protect our people. You’ll
be always welcomed here, Matthew.” The King caressed his hands and Matthew felt a soft
warm spreading from the places that the king was touching, “now, you may go… I’m sure
there’s plenty of things that Vik has thought to keep you busy.”

Matthew and Vik bowed to King Hindrik and exited the throne room.

“Hey, Matthew,” Vik called as they walked down the halls, “what do you say about looking
around and then go to Rosaline? She’s still waiting for you..”

“That… Sounds good,” Matthew smiled as he followed Vik to her lab.

Several hours later, he lied by Rosaline, who had been cuddling with him after a steamy
makeout and sex session.

“What are you thinking about now, my beautiful vampire?” asked her as she traced
Matthew’s muscles. Matthew sighed and smiled at her.

“I was thinking that I like being able to protect people,” he replied softly and her smile

“Tarrick told me you used to be a fireman… You like saving and protecting people, don’t

“It makes me feel warm and cosy inside… Like… When I save someone I feel like what I do
matters, you know?”
“You matter a lot, Matthew… And… You are really good at saving people.”

“And I’m really good at killing people too.”

Rosaline grimaced and gave him a small hit on his shoulder.

“You kill people that kill people, therefore you are saving a lot of people.”

“I guess that’s right… But what about the innocents I killed when I wasn’t able to control
myself?” Matthew sighed and Rosaline kissed his cheek.

“I’m sure you didn’t want to kill them… It was just…” Rosaline sighed and let her head rest
on Matthew’s chest, “I know how it feels… To be so hungry you just want to satiate it, and
therefore hurting people you didn’t want to hurt… And feeling horrible because you don’t
know how to not kill them but you are too afraid of dying of starvation…”

“Rosaline…” Matthew kissed her head and hugged her closer.

“The point is… Your hands are bloody, but your souls is not.” Rosaline looked at him and he
hold his breath at the intensity of her gaze, “your soul is cleansed every time you save
someone, even if to do so you have to kill somebody else…”

“What if I enjoy killing?” Matthew asked softly, caressing her long hair.

“You don’t,” Rosaline stated with a soft smile, “You don’t enjoy it thoroughly… If you did,
you won’t be questioning all this now… Besides, you are too kind to take a life lightly.”

“You all insist I value life a lot,” mumbled Matthew diverting his gaze.
“You do, and you also are a predator and that’s not wrong,” said Rosaline before kissing him
passionately, “now, no more sad thoughts. You are the hero of the moment and the man in my
bed. You should be happier.”

“You are right, Bloodlocks,” Matthew smirked, his hands sliding down Rosaline’s back and
grabbing her perfectly rounded ass, “I have the most beautiful succubus on earth on my bed, I
should be happy.”

“Smooth,” mocked Rosaline, kissing him softly. Matthew laughed as they carried it through
the second round.

The next night Matthew wished he had told Rosaline to stay.

It had been a hellish night, coping with Vik’s crazy inventions and even crazier training drills,
and when Matthew get to his room he wished Rosaline was there to cuddle with her and let
her caress his sore muscles.

And the rest of the week was more or less the same, with the exception of Vik having him try
some weird beverages or food every now and then and the results vary from him getting
poisoned to a sudden burst of energy.

He couldn’t say he hated his stay with Vik, but he was really looking forward to ran from that
place and spent the next week with Hiroto.

A Suivre...
Chapter End Notes

Well, this is getting more and more interesting by the day, huh?

I hope you liked this chapter, what happened here is going to be really important in
future chapters so~

And I promise you will absolutely love the next chapter~

If you want to talk directly to me I'm @Mirai_H_Sama on twitter ;)

From Area 11,

Chapter 19
Chapter Summary

Matthew meets Lord Koki and gets to know several things from Japan and from his
favourite fox.

“You feel right, Matthew-san,” said Lord Koki with gleaming eyes, “Please, promise me
you are going to take care of Hiroto-sama and help him find his path on this world.”

Chapter Notes

I think this is one of the chapters that I enjoyed writing the most. It came out very long
because I kept adding scenes to give Matthew some context about Hiroto's life with
Lord Koki.


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew felt nervous, as nervous as he hadn’t felt since he met the parents of Alyssa so many
years ago. He breathed slowly to calm himself down and took his bag with his belongings
and followed Prescott to the teleportation stone.

“I thought Hiroto was going to pick me up,” commented Matthew as they teleported. The
first thing he smelled was incense, lots of it. They were in a small room the back of a temple,
a huge one by the sounds of it. Matthew could sense a lot of humans around but no incubi
and it was weird.

“Hiroto-Taisho is busy right now with the Kage Roku,” answered a young-looking man on a
traditional Shinto shrine helper clothes. His white shirt and blue pants come weird to
Matthew, even if he had prepared himself for it. The young man made a quick bow to them
and smiled, “I’m Hideo of Koki Kazoku, I’m part of the Itsukushima Shrine’s Koken. We are
the protectors of this island.”

“Nice to meet you,” said Matthew making a small bow, “I’m Matthew… Part of the

The man smiled and turned to walk to the door. He stood there as Prescott teleported away
and Matthew came forward.

“I am appointed as your guide, Matthew-san,” said Hideo as they started to walk down out
the small room. The bright lanterns startled Matthew; they gave away a beautiful and warm
golden haze that reminded him to the mornings when the sun rose.

Matthew gasped in awe at the enormous pagoda temple before them. It seemed to climb up
the small mountain that made the island and then spread down into the sea. The whole temple
was lined with lanterns and flags and seemed full of energy. Matthew breathed deep and
smiled at the incense and sea scent. It felt wonderful.
“Hiroto-Taisho asked us to kept the lanterns on for you, he said you’ll like to see Miyajima
on full beauty when you come,” explained the man gesturing at the temple, “this place is
Miyajima, the Shrine Island. It’s Koki-Koshaku-sama’s favourite place and part of his

“It’s beautiful…” Said Matthew softly, drinking on the landscape and smiling softly. He
followed Hideo as he showed him the different parts of the main shrine and the minor shrines
that populated the island.

“And finally, there is Koki-Koshaku-sama’s small palace,” said Hideo as they followed a
concealed path that passed down a couple of tori and went deeper into a small forest. Or
maybe it wasn’t a forest but a well-trimmed garden with lots of cherry trees. The cobblestone
path ended on a rather small red pagoda —only three stories tall—. There were several
succubi dressed on white and red that busied around followed by several human females on
the same clothing. Hideo cleared his throat.

“Koki-Koshaku-sama’s household Mikos shouldn’t be bothered nor desired, Matthew-sama,”

said Hideo and chuckled when Matthew averted his eyes from the women with a guilty look
painted on his face. “They are sacred, they serve Illertha-O-kami-sama and therefore they’ll
sleep with whoever pleases Illertha-O-kami-sama.”

Matthew nodded as they passed a sliding paper door, took off their shoes, put on some
slippers and followed several wooden panelled hallways lined with delicate drawings on
panels. Hideo stopped in front of a large paper door and looked warily at Matthew. Matthew
noticed the room gave away no sounds so it must be warded, as most of the palace.

“You shall bow and not stand up until Koki-koshaku-sama told you so, you understand?” said
Hideo. Matthew nodded and Hideo took a deep breath.

“Koki-Koshaku-sama,” called Hideo as he opened the door and bowed deeply, “I’m here
bringing Matthew-san of… the Argonauts.”

Matthew bowed too and stayed still. He suddenly heard the rumour of fabric, soft steps
muffled by slippers and a regular heartbeat. An Incubus was walking towards him and he
smelled wonderful, like dark chocolate with some hints of jasmine. Matthew heard Hideo
walk away and felt uneasy.

“You may rise, Matthew-san,” the clear voice of a male said in a calming tone. Matthew rose
and looked at the incubus before him.

He was rather tall, his almond-shaped grey eyes looked at him filled with curiosity, his small
mouth with plump lips was curving in a smirk, and his dark silky hair framed his fine face
and fell down his back on a loose ponytail. He was wearing a loose night blue kimono with a
black obi, both silver-lined and embroidered. He gestured Matthew to follow him and he
practically slid to a platform in the middle of the room filled with silk cushions and pillows.

By the centre of the room, a red carpet ran, lined by white cushions located a few metres one
from the other. The walls had a huge painting that extended for three of the room’s walls and
depicted some mountains in autumn, winter and spring. The whole room felt rich but wasn’t
as filled with expensive stuff as most incubi’s room Matthew has seen.

“You seem to like this place, Matthew-san,” commented the man as he climbed on the
cushions and got comfortable on them. He gestured Matthew to come.

“It’s beautiful… The shrines, the palace… I’ve never been to a place that brought me such
peace.” Matthew said as he noticed the subtle hold the incubus wrapped around him.

“Hiroto-sama said you’ll like it,” commented the incubus with a soft smile, “He made sure
everything was well planned so you would be properly welcomed here.” The smile became a
smirk as he added, “he had never planned a welcome to anyone…”

Matthew suddenly felt panic. Hiroto had told him to keep their mutual feelings secret, so
planning such an elaborated welcome that was out off character was risky.

“He trusts me,” said the man, taking some fruit from a plate and taking a bite. He looked at
Matthew, “because I saved him from Malarath-sama.”
Matthew gulped and looked at the man in front of him and the sudden realization came to
him as the incubus let his aura loose. The incubus before him, Lord Koki, was a really
powerful being. Matthew felt small and weak but, somehow, he felt protected too, as if he
had nothing to worry about as long as powerful Lord Koki was around.

“You saved him?” Matthew asked and his voice left his mouth so thin even he barely heard it.
Lord Koki smirked.

“I thought Rosaline-sama taught you proper etiquette,” commented Lord Koki, “you
should’ve said ‘Did you saved him, Lord Koki?’ or something along those lines.”

Matthew grimaced as if Lord Koki’s words had lashed him. He bit his lip and opened his
mouth to correct himself.

“It’s rather refreshing, though,” Lord Koki interrupted, “Hiroto-sama told me you come by as
refreshing and endearing: You are so young and unafraid, so curious and talented, like a small
prodigy boy eager to discover, know and make more.”

Matthew was grateful he hadn’t feed recently —he was too nervous and was afraid of puking
as soon as he teleported— because he wasn’t unable to blush. But he was sure that otherwise,
he would be as red as the carpet at his feet.

“Hiroto-sama also told me you were cocky and proud and that compliment you will make
your head bigger…” added the incubus before laughing, “but alas, you seem so flustered.
Maybe is because you value Hiroto-sama’s opinions so much.”

“Hiroto… Commander Hiroto is a great warrior and a wonderful teacher,” said Matthew
finding his voice again, “every time he praises me means a lot, because of that.”

“You are good with words too,” Lord Koki cocked his head and touched his lower lip with a
finger, pondering. “Would you say you two are friends?”

“Yes, Friends.”

Matthew pondered. Was okay to say so? Their relationship had evolved so much within a
year. Friendship seemed a good and safe way to put how close they had become.

“I… I like to think so, Lord Koki.”

Lord Koki seemed pleased by the answer as he jumped down his cushions and took
Matthew’s hands on his.

“You feel right, Matthew-san,” said Lord Koki with gleaming eyes, “Please, promise me you
are going to take care of Hiroto-sama and help him find his path on this world.”

Matthew opened his mouth to say something when he heard the door open.

“Are you harassing him, Kottan?” Hiroto’s voice got to Matthew at the same time as his

“I’m not harassing anyone, Hirotan,” replied Lord Koki pouting. Hiroto turned bright red and
snapped at the incubus

“Don’t’ call me ‘Hirotan’ in front of him!”

“You called me ‘Kottan’! It’s fair what’s fair.”

“He won’t respect me anymore?”

“What about me? This is my household, my Kazoku and you come implying that I’m
harassing him and calling me a kid’s name!”

“You were touching him!” Hiroto was flustered and angry. But it was more like playful anger
than real anger. Matthew had seen it before on siblings.

“I simply grabbed his hands!”

“You were about to seduce him!”

“I would never do that!”

“Do you hear yourself? You are an incubus! It’s like asking me to not be mischievous.”

“But I won’t have seduced him! Rosaline-sama told me he hates holds and hold’s inforced
consent.” Lord Koki pouted again and looked at Matthew, “I wasn’t seducing you, right,

Matthew blinked startled by the sudden addition of himself on the argument.

“No, you weren’t, Lord Koki.” He shyly replied. Hiroto narrowed his eyes and sighed.

“Don’t trust him, Matthew,” said Hiroto taking the vampire’s hands from the incubus and
putting himself between them, “he is going to seduce you and won’t stop until he has you on
his bed.”

“I’m not,” replied Lord Koki and them smirked, “although, if Matthew-san wants to sleep
with me I won’t oppose.”
“No,” hissed Hiroto staring at Lord Koki. “You won’t sleep with Matthew.”

The incubus laughed softly and hugged the fox.

“You look so cute when claiming territory, Hirotan,” said Lord Koki ruffling Hiroto’s hair, “it
just confirms that you haven’t got the possibility to reclaim your price, huh?”

Hiroto pouted and blushed a little and Matthew giggled.

“You told everyone about it?” asked Matthew and tried hard to not laugh when Hiroto pouted
at him and then grimaced.

“I shouldn’t… They’ve been conspiring to stop me from getting your ass,” mumbled Hiroto
before letting himself fall dramatically on the cushions, “I was supposed to show you
Miyajima, and as we walked down the pathways at the lantern light I’ll ‘accidentally’ trip and
you would catch me and then…” Said Hiroto in a fake dreamily tone as he took a flower
from a vase and let it fall into the floor. Lord Koki giggled and then burst to laugh when
Hiroto shot him a glare.

“Don’t mind Hirotan, Matthew-san,” said Lord Koki taking Matthew’s arm and guiding him
to the door. Hiroto teleported by their side and was about to say something when the door
opened. Hiroto closed his mouth and softened his expression, and Lord Koki’s smirk grew.

“Koki-Koshaku-sama, Hiroto-Taisho-sama,” a young Miko bowed and handed them a basket

with a couple of bottles, a long pipe and a couple of packets that smelled really good. One of
those had chocolate.

“Arigato gosaimasu, Misaki-san,” said Lord Koki and Hiroto took the basket from the
Miko’s hands, who blushed a little and beamed. She bowed again and turn to disappear
through a hallway.
“Matthew-san, accompany me to drink sake at the garden in this beautiful night,” said Lord
Koki, guiding Matthew through another hallway that ended on the backside of the pagoda. A
beautiful garden opened in front of him; part of it was a zen sand garden that gave Matthew a
peaceful sensation and the other half was full of flowers in bright colours.

“Koki-Koshaku-sama,” Hiroto’s voice was soft and respectful, but the way he glared at the
man. Matthew bit his lip and noted how Lord Koki beamed as he gestured them to sit on
some cushions on the porch.

“Thank you, Hiroto-sama,” replied Lord Koki taking the basket from the fox’s hands and
taking one of the bottles to pass it to Matthew, “I hope this blood if of your tastes, Matthew-

“Thank you, Lord Koki,” replied Matthew sitting on the cushion in the same way the other
two men had done. “May I ask you a question, Lord Koki?”

“Yes, of course,” Lord Koki beamed as he took a couple of small and rather flat cups and
served some sake on it. It was warm and it smelled spiced. Lord Koki gave Hiroto a cup and
he bowed his head.

“Even a personal question?”

Hiroto stopped with his cup on his lips. Lord Koki looked at Matthew and nodded slowly.

“Are you two close?” Matthew asked and Hiroto huffed.

“Oh, we are, indeed,” replied Lord Koki, “I’m deeply in love with Hiroto-sama, even if he
treats me with disdain.”

“I don’t treat you with disdain,” mumbled Hiroto, “you go way too far with your supposed
‘love’, and you seem to love annoying me more than anything else, Koki-koshaku-sama.”
“It’s the truth I love to annoy Hiroto-sama,” said Lord Koki taking a sip from his cup and
sighed, “because is easier to convey real emotions from him that way.”

Hiroto tsked and drained his cup. Matthew smiled. Hiroto seemed more relaxed around Lord
Koki —almost as relaxed as he was on their Dreamscape sort-of-dates— than with anyone
else Matthew had seen him.

“You said he trusted you, Lord Koki,” commented Matthew taking off the cap of his bottle
and taking a sip. It was lukewarm and tasted fine. Bottled blood won’t ever taste as from the
vein, but it was okay. “But he just told me to not trust you, who am I supposed to believe?”

“Him,” they said at the same time and Hiroto frowned.

“Koki-koshaku-sama is…” Started Hiroto and then he bit his lip and teleported away. He
came back a couple of minutes after. “Koki… Saved me a long time ago…”

“He had you trapped in a cage, and took you out just so you could kill his enemies,” Lord
Koki’s smile disappeared and his eyes stared at some point at the horizon. The stare was so
cold and so full of hatred that made Matthew shiver. “He didn’t respect what you are and
what you are meant to do.”

“I’m not that anymore, Koki,” replied Hiroto taking a sip of sake, “I can’t go back because
my hands are tainted with blood. I’m forever stranded in this little world of yours.”

“He shouldn’t have done that,” insisted Lord Koki, “Such a beautiful creature should be
caged nor used as a weapon,” Koki looked at Matthew, “and I mean you too, Matthew-san…
He is playing with powers he doesn’t understand nor respect and that would be his ruin.”

“Koki-koshaku,” warned Hiroto and Lord Koki sighed softly and started to prepare a long
pipe. Matthew frowned. It seemed like Lord Koki wasn’t really in good terms with the High
King. To be honest, was the first incubus that Matthew knew that seemed so hateful towards
the High King. Lady Nadia had been doubtful about his decisions but she never talked about
him with so much spite.

“Lord Koki,” called Matthew after another long sip of blood, “I think we are going to get
along just fine.”

Lord Koki turned to look at Matthew and beamed. Hiroto huffed something among the lines
‘Smooth bastard’.

The three men then sat quietly on the night, drinking and enjoying the comfortable silence
broken only by the ruffle of the leaves and the critters of the small nocturn animals.

A few hours before sunrise Lord Koki called a female hunter on jeans and black turtle-neck
shirt —Matthew was surprised by it, and glad too, he wasn’t sure how he was going to exist
around in the clothes he had seen them wear— to show Matthew where to stay for that day.

The next night he awoke with the sound of several gongs, and a shiver went down his spine.
The same girl came for him —Her name was Cho and it meant butterfly—, this time she was
using a hunter leather uniform that fitted her petite body perfectly. She was quite lean and not
really voluptuous, her long black hair was on a braid and her serious brown eyes barely
looked at Matthew. Cho’s voice was soft, as almost everyone there, as if they were scared of
waking up someone —or something— and she had a small bounce on her step. Her face was
expressionless and that was very unsettling for Matthew.

Cho guided him to a dock where several groups of hunters were waiting, including the
Shadow Six. A ferry was there, and several people were preparing it.

“Where are we going?”

“To the main Palace, in Hiroshima,” replied Cho pointing to the great lake —Matthew
guessed it was a lake— that surrounded the island. A few kilometres farther he saw the
silhouette of a rather big city. “We are going to escort Koki-koshaku-sama on the train.”
“Lord Koki travels by train?”

“This is japan, Matthew-sama. Everyone here travels by train.”

Matthew opened his mouth to say something and closed it again. Cho smiled and Matthew
decided that she looked pretty when she smiled.

Hiroto arrived on foot, following Lord Koki, who was wearing another kimono, this one
white with a pattern of foxes and flowers. Hiroto seemed rather annoyed by it, his playful
smile a tad fake, and Lord Koki seemed blissful a wide grin on his face as he walked down
the docks. Every hunter bowed and Matthew bowed too.

Lord Koki saluted his hunters and climbed on the ferry, disappearing into the cabin. The
hunters started to get in and Matthew followed, Hiroto gestured him to join him and the
Shadow Six by the door to the cabin.

“Hiroshima is a safe haven,” explained Hiroto softly, “There is Lord Koki Kazoku and Chi
Agehacho Kazoku. Those vampires are in good terms with us, they helped us rebuild the city
after the bombing during the human war.”

“So there are vampires living among incubi?”

“Not among, but nearby. They have three wards of the city and we have the other five. It’s
like… The Yakuza…”

“Are the Yakuza vampires or incubi?”

“Both… It just depends on the zone and territory.”

“Japan seems quite liberal…”

“Lord Koki is part of the Government of the Country, and he thinks that we all are Japanese
before being different creatures…”

“Very nationalistic.”

“Well, that was why he supported the Axis…”

Matthew looked at Hiroto bewildered and Hiroto shrugged.

“He wasn’t a fan of what they did to the jew. He took off his support as soon as he found out.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s attacks were because of it.”

“Those were American bombings.”

“Orchestrated by Nazi incubi.”

Matthew frowned and looked at the other members of the Shadow Six who were ignoring
their conversation or not. He wasn’t sure.

“They don’t speak English… Most of the hunters here don’t speak English.” Explained
Hiroto with an amused face, Matthew nodded.

“Then is okay if I told you how much I missed your beautiful presence, sugar fluff?” Asked
Matthew and Hiroto hit his arm. The Shadow Six trained their weapons but lowered them
when Matthew burst to laugh.

“I hate you so much…”

“I love you too.”

Hiroshima was enormous and full of people, even at night. Matthew felt somewhat
overwhelmed by the number of humans, vampires and incubi teeming the city. He also felt
calm because of Lord Koki’s aura. They were on the medium wagon of the train, just the
Shadow Six, he and Lord Koki. The adjacent wagons were full of hunters and cadets.

“We hope you like your stay here, Matthew-sama,” said Lord Koki in Japanese and Matthew
was glad he had been studying it. “You have come just in time”.

“In time for what, Lord Koki?” asked Matthew, Hiroto was staring at the window, but
Matthew was sure his breath hitched.

“For the Festivals of course!” replied Lord Koki gleefully, “You are going to love it…And in
Japanese, you may call me Koki-koshaku-sama.”

“Yes, Koki-kosha…”


“Yes, Koki-Koshaku-sama. May I ask what it means?”

“It means Prince…” Replied Hiroto in English, before looking at him, “Because he is the
higher-ranked Lord on Japan, therefore the Prince of the Country.”

“It makes sense to me,” nodded Matthew and Lord Koki beamed. Hiroto was still looking
through the window, his daggers ready to attack. Matthew reached out with his senses and
noticed how several incubi were mingling outside with the humans. No vampires around.

"Koki-koshaku-sama... Are we supposed to assist with the festival?"

"No, Matthew-san, the festival is of the humans. We do partake in it and sometimes offer
extra protection."

“Matthew-san is going to be bored, Koki-koshaku-sama,” commented Hiroto looking at

Matthew briefly before going back to his guard stance, “during festivals, we have a truce, so
there won’t be attacks, mostly.”

“Oh,” said Matthew, feeling disappointed by it, “but…We still can train together, right sugar

The nickname came easily —almost natural— and was laced by a soft caring tone. Lord Koki
snickered and Matthew frowned. Hiroto blushed softly but made no move to acknowledge
the nickname nor the snicker. Matthew felt his heart sting.

“We’ll be training together, Matthew,” replied Hiroto after a while, “you come here for that.”

Somehow it felt off to Matthew as if Hiroto’s wall had been rebuilt. A dull pain found it’s
way to Matthew’s chest; a pain that reminded him all too well to the one he felt when Tarrick
ignored him.

The train slowed down and the Shadow Six got up. Matthew rose too and follow Hiroto and
his teammates quietly. All the other hunters were moving too, creating a tight net around
them. Hiroto and the Shadow Six suddenly disappeared and Matthew couldn’t pinpoint them

“Stay by his side,” Hiroto’s voice came out of the comms on a barely audible sound. Matthew
walked by Lord Koki’s side and exited the train with him. Matthew was startled by the
number of humans and Incubi that bowed towards the man as they walked to the exit of the
station. He could smell how many of them were attracted to Lord Koki, but he could feel that
even more respected and feared him.

Matthew looked at the man by his side and remembered the aura of power he possessed. He
was truly a ruler, imposing and reachable. Matthew wondered how the High King was and
why he was never present in his subjects’ meetings and affairs.
A dark corporative car was waiting for them and Matthew raised his eyebrows when he
noticed Hiroto on the codriver seat. Matthew opened the passenger door for Lord Koki and
he gifted him a smile that made his heart flutter. Stupid incubus and their stupid flirtation.

“The reports never said that you weren’t invested on incubi’s demeanour,” commented Lord
Koki and Matthew frowned.

“What do you mean, Lord Koki?”

“You attend to parties and there mingle and get closer to some incubi, you claim to be an
incubus when asked and that you are loyal to us”, commented Lord Koki and Matthew could
hear Hiroto’s heart skip a beat. “Nevertheless, you seem to reject the embodiment of what it
means to be an incubus.”

“I’m sorry?”

“You don’t like holds, and shield yourself from them. You don’t share holds nor use them
frequently,” Lord Koki looked at Matthew and smiled, “I’m old Matthew, I can tell.”

Matthew chewed his lower lip and looked at his hands. He could feel Lord Koki’s hold trying
to get close to him, but he had been putting it at bay since the beginning. What if the High
King could feel it too? What if Lord Koki discovered that Matthew wasn’t truly loyal to the
incubi and was just putting up a show so he could get strong enough to get away from them.

Lord Koki’s hand on his startled him.

“You mustn't worry about me, Matthew-san,” he said softly and Matthew noted that Hiroto
was still tense. “My loyalty is to my country and my people, not to some King that hides away
in a tower. My loyalty is to my Goddess and to her teachings to spread and embrace love.”

Matthew looked at Lord Koki and realized he was looking through the window and that the
car had plunged into an awkward silence. Lord Koki was speaking directly to him through
the hold. That scared him
“Don’t be afraid, young one,” Lord Koki’s voice sounded as if he was whispering on his ear
even if he wasn’t moving his lips, “I’ve seen enough in your mind. Whoever loves so deeply
my sweet Hiroto is a person I can fully trust. Please, take care of his heart, as I cannot pass
the walls he had build to protect himself.”

Matthew looked at the front seat, where Hiroto looked through the window concentrated on
their surroundings yet tense for the part of the conversation said out loud. He surely loved
Hiroto, and he would do anything to make him happy.

“Even taking him away from us…” Lord Koki’s voice sounded sad yet understanding, “If you
must, then do it.”

“I noticed you were rather invested on magical creatures, Matthew-san,” Lord koki’s real
voice sound strange to Matthew now. “I’ve seen your book collection, it’s quite interesting.”

Matthew blushed softly because at least half of the collection was about incubi and Japanese
folklore. It was telltale about his two romantic interests.

“I’m really curious about the world, Lord Koki,” he chose to reply, it was a safe response.

“I noted,” Lord Koki smirked, “So I arranged a meeting with some of my closest advisors so
they could show you some of Japan’s magic and creatures while you are here.”

Hiroto lashed his head back and looked at Lord Koki. He opened his mouth to say something
but then shut it and let out a deep growl that kicked in Matthew’s instincts. He felt his eyes
burn red and his fangs rip the inside of his mouth. The growl was so full of menace that
Matthew wasn’t truly sure it came from the fox.

“You are growling again.”

“No, I am not Koshaku-sama.”

“You are, and you put Matthew on edge.”

Hiroto looked at Matthew through the rear mirror and his ears bent down as he stopped
growling. He chewed his lip.

“Hiroto doesn’t like Lady Yuuko,” explained Lord Koki, “Nor her assistant and his
kudagitsune familiar.”

“Your closest advisor is Kimihiro?”

“You know Kimihiro?”

“I met him at a party, several months ago. And I met Mugetsu too, it was kind of cute.”

“They both are,” concurred Lord Koki and looked intently at Matthew, “You know, Hiroto
doesn’t like Kimihiro because he can’t enter his dreams, nor incubi holds or vampire
compulsions work on him.”

“I thought the holds and compulsions didn’t work on witches,” commented Matthew, Lord
Koki shrugged.

“They don’t, but Kimihiro is not a witch,” Lord Koki frowned, “He is able to see spirits even
though he is just a human... And he can mingle with them and go to the spirit realm and come
back unscathed.”

“That sounds very witchy to me, Lord Koki,” commented Matthew and Lord Koki laughed.

“Witches can’t do that without a familiar, and even so it’s really difficult. Lady Yuuko says
Kimihiro can because he’s been close to death than most of the mortals,” explained Lord
Koki, “And he was susceptible to holds until recently; after he shared his power with a
particularly strong-willed human that repels spirits.”

“So there are humans that can’t be compelled nor wrapped on holds?” Matthew was suddenly

“Most hunters can resist to a certain degree, especially the holds,” Lord Koki answered, “but
there are few humans who can resist holds and compulsions without training, they are often
strong-willed people and they often become mates of incubi.”


“Life companions… We, incubi, tend to like the challenge and take pleasure on being with
people that stay around us because they like us as persons not because of our inherent charm
as incubi.”

Matthew thought about Tarrick and how he seemed to like when he was defiant yet accepted
and cherished his company. Incubi sure were interesting beings.

“We have arrived, Koki-koshaku-sama,” said the driver in a thick accent, Hiroto climbed
down the car and opened the door for Lord Koki. Matthew climbed down the car and gasped
at the impressive palace in front of them. Alyssa would’ve loved it. It was a giant pagoda,
with dark red roofs and ebony black walls. The windowsills and the doors were dark red and
had little bells and papers with characters on the superior ledge. Matthew could feel the
magic humming from the place. It made his hair stood.

Five young-looking incubi come to their encounter. All of them were wearing kimonos, each
one with a unique and intricate pattern: sea waves, gusts of clouds, spirals of flames,
blooming flowers and metallic lines.

“Koki-koshaku-sama, the preparations for Matthew-san’s room are ready.”

“Koki-koshaku-sama, Kimihiro-sama is waiting at the tea room.”

“Koki-koshaku-sama, a letter from the prime minister arrived this morning.”

“Koki-koshaku-sama, Johnny-sama had sent a basket and some tickets for the next concert in
gratitude for the support to his company.”

“Koki-koshaku-sama, your son has arrived from Hokkaido, he asked for an urgent meeting
with you and Hiroto-Taisho-sama.”

“Matthew-san, I was hoping to join you and Kimihiro-sama on your tour, but as you heard
I’m required somewhere else,” Said Lord Koki, “Saburo-kun will serve as your guide for

The man with the cloud-patterned kimono bowed and gestured Matthew to follow him.
Matthew waved at Hiroto and made a slight bow to Lord Koki before following the incubus.
Saburo walked down the halls quietly, his faint scent of rain tickled Matthew’s nose. Saburo
hadn’t the eerie beauty that most of the incubi that Matthew met had but, even with his plain
style, he looked handsome.

He noticed that most of the rooms were warded and that there were at least two guards on
every hallway.

“You may know, Matthew-san, that the whole palace is laced in magic and that magic
prevents from any form of violence,” Saburo’s voice was soft and breathy, “So please, make
your best to remain calm. This is the tea room.”

Saburo stopped in front of a set of double doors and slide them open. The floor was covered
in tatami and a large table lined one of the walls. There was a kitchenette on one side —
probably to prepare the tea— secluded by some paper folding screens that depicted some
flying cranes. At the centre of the room, there was a table with a flower-patterned cloth.
Kneeling beside it was Kimihiro with a box in a colourful cloth in his lap.

“Kimihiro-sama, Matthew-san has arrived,” announced Saburo making a deep bow before
exiting the room and leaving them two alone. Kimihiro rose and gave Matthew a shy smile.
“Matthew! It’s very nice to see you,” said Kimihiro bowing to Matthew. Matthew bowed and
both sat on the cushions by the table. “I brought some gifts from Yuuko… Well, technically I
cooked them, but she told me to make them for you. She came up with a recipe… I’ve never
whipped something with blood, by the way, I hope you like the Petite Gatêau…”

Kimihiro handed Matthew the box with the cloth as he rambled. Matthew thanked him,
before untying the cloth and found a letter with a black swallowtail seal. He opened it and

“Dear Matthew;
We’ve not met yet, and we may never meet, but I’m sure you and Kimihiro will be good
friends. As a start to that friendship, a sweet treat to celebrate your Death Day.
I know it’s a bit late, but it’s the intention and the attention Kimihiro put on it that counts~
Happy Death Day and enjoy the fox’s hanabi~

Matthew smiled and noticed it had passed a year since the rescue on House Moreau. He
looked at Kimihiro who was still ranting about how Yuuko made him do al the house chores
and he wasn’t even near of having his wish granted and smirked.

“So, you cook?” asked Matthew as he opened the box. It smelled delicious.

“Oh? Oh yes,” nodded Kimihiro turning all his attention to Matthew as he took a spoon and
took a bit of the dessert. A deep moan escaped his lips. It tasted so good. “So you liked it?”

“It’s so good,” Matthew moaned as he ate the dessert slowly, enjoying the creamy texture and
the rich flavour of the blood-based chocolate and jasmine tea ganache.

“Really?” Kimihiro smiled proudly, “it wasn’t easy, you know? I made at least fifteen batches
before getting it correctly. There were too many poisonous things to vampires on the original
recipe, but I truly wanted to make them as similar as the original as possible.”

“You are an amazing cook,” commented Matthew enjoying the last of the cake and sighing
contently. It was weird, usually, blood-based food tended to taste more like blood with hints
of something, and tended to let him carving more blood. But somehow, the human had
managed to incorporate the flavours of the blood and the dark chocolate in blissful harmony,
and at the same time, he managed to make it in a way the dessert let Matthew satisfied.
Kimihiro blushed and smiled again.

“So… Lord Koki commented you are invested on Japanese Mythology,” commented
Kimihiro, Matthew noded and Kimihiro smiled. “Well, this is not my city, but still I can show
you some places where to find some creatures.”

Kimihiro rose and guided Matthew off the palace. No one tried to stop them nor called out
for an escort. They exited the palace and Kimihiro started walking around, he seemed to be
following something but Matthew wasn’t sure what was it.

“Some spirits don’t like to show themselves to vampires,” commented Kimihiro when he
noticed Matthew’s frown, “besides she is quite shy.”

“Oh… I hope I hadn’t been rude to her,” Matthew commented and Kimihiro shook his head
and denied it with a wave of his hand.

“No way, it’s just that she is a bit scared of vampires and it’s more comfortable to her if you
can’t see her…” promptly said Kimihiro, “although she says you smell good and have a nice

“Thanks, I guess,” commented Matthew remembering that Rosaline had sometimes

commented that he smelled wonderful. “Is truly my energy nice?”

“She says so…” Kimihiro shrugged as they walked down a rather lonely road in direction to
a food stand on the middle of the road. “She says that your aura seems off… Like a
mixture…There we are… There is a special oden stand in which some foxes friends of mine
work. They helped me to gather some spirits for you to meet.”

Kimihiro turned to the stand and greeted someone Matthew couldn’t see. “Hey everybody,
this is Matthew, he is a friend of mine and wants to meet you all.”
Matthew looked at the stand that looked abandoned and kept walking behind Kimihiro until
he felt a soft paw on his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Matthew-san, I’m chibi-kitsune,” said a small anthropomorphic fox in a
blue kimono. His small eyes were nearly close and his soft paws were holding Matthew’s

“N-nice to meet you, Chibi-kitsune…” mumbled Matthew surprised by the kid. Instantly he
heard whispers as if a crowd were around. He raised his gaze and took a step back when he
saw the street full of spirits of every shape, all looking at him. Kimihiro was greeting a girl
with an umbrella and a faceless woman.

“Don’t be afraid, Matthew,” said Kimihiro beckoning him to come forward. Matthew walked
towards him and smiled at the girl who blushed and disappear. Kimihiro sighed and
shrugged. “She is always like that… Let me introduce you to them…”

Kimihiro proceeded to explain to Matthew what was everyone and how they like to be called.
There were at least fifty spirits, all curious about him. They claimed that vampires usually
didn’t see them, not even with magic. Kimihiro seemed taken aback by this information.

They spent the rest of the night going to places where Matthew could meet different creatures
and spirits that populated the city. He was particularly well received by the nekomatas of a
craft shop and the nymphs of the lake.

It was a couple of hours before the sunset when Kimihiro yawned and looked at his watch.
He had a mild panic crisis when he realized he was going to be late for his classes in Tokyo.
Matthew laughed and accompany him to the train station and left with a promise to see each
other soon.

When he was walking away from the station a Saburo approached him.

“Koki-koshaku-sama told me to escort you from the station because he wasn’t sure you knew
how to get back. There’s a car waiting for us and Koki-koshaku-sama wants to see you before
the night’s over.”
It didn’t give Matthew much choice and he was way too content to argue so he climbed on
the back of the car and enjoyed a rather quiet ride back to the palace. In the palace, Saburo
guided him to his room, where Lord Koki was awaiting.

“Matthew!” greeted Lord Koki when the vampire entered the room, Matthew bowed and took
a look. It was rather big and had his books arranged on a black wood shelf, there was a petite
tea table with a book Matthew didn’t recognize, a futon unrolled and set ready for him. A
door that he supposed led to the bathroom and a black wood closet. “I wasn’t sure what you
would like so… We can arrange it better tomorrow if you want.”

“It’s good, Lord Koki, thank you,” replied Matthew with a smile. Lord Koki nodded.

“Kimihiro sent me a text saying he had fun and he was looking forward to your next
hangout,” commented Lord Koki, and Matthew smirked. “I take that you also had fun?”

“It was truly amazing, I meet a lot of spirits and creatures and all were so interesting…”
replied Matthew and Lord Koki beamed proudly.

“I knew he was the best for that job…” Lord Koki nodded before taking the book on the table
and giving it to Matthew. “I noticed all your Japanese folklore books were marked on the
kitsune’s pages so I suppose you were looking for information about Hiroto.”

Matthew nodded and blushed slightly, with the few blood he had taken from Kimihiro after
he had asked if it hurt when a vampire feed.

“It’s not very informative about kitsunes, but it’s one of Hiroto’s favourite child books,” Lord
Koki gave the book to Matthew It depicted a large fox taking a small fox’s paws and read
‘Tebukuro wo kai ni’. “It has the furigana so it’s easier to read… I supposed you would like
to know more about Hiroto.”

Matthew took the book and smiled. He would have to use his tablet to translate some of the
words, but it was nice to have an insight on the kitsune’s personality by a book. Alyssa used
to say that books tell more about the people that read them than about the people that wrote
“Thank you, Lord Koki,” said Matthew and Lord Koki nodded.

“Another thing…” Lord Koki started, “I have a really important mission to you for

Matthew was knocked out by the sun because Lord Koki’s mission didn’t let him sleep.
‘Enjoy yourselves’ he had said before wishing him a good day and exiting the room.
Matthew was confused by it.

But the next night it made sense.

Matthew opened his eyes to the smell of incense and cherry blossoms. Hiroto had appeared in
front of him using a bathrobe. He seemed confused but pleased.

“I… Lord Koki sent this to you…” Hiroto gave Matthew a letter and looked around the room

“It’s everything okay?” asked Matthew as he opened the letter. He looked at the content and a
mischievous smile crept to his face.

“What? Oh yes… Everything is fine,” answered the fox smelling the closet and frowning.
Matthew sped to the fox and hugged him from the back. “What are you doing?”

“Lord Koki has just assigned us a very important mission,” said Matthew showing him the

“Matthew, Hiroto.

I’m giving you the night off and I’ve ordered that you won’t be disturbed.
Please, enjoy your selves.

Lord Koki”
Hiroto’s breath hitched and he turned to see Matthew.

“Does this means what I think it means?”

“That you can claim your price?”

“Yes!” Hiroto cheered and threw himself at the vampire to kiss him passionately. “Gods, I
was wondering why he had insisted so much on taking this note here without even getting

“Are you telling me you are naked underneath this, cotton heart?” asked Matthew sliding his
hands under Hiroto’s robe.

“Not quite.” Replied Hiroto turning away from Matthew to take off his robe.

The white-haired man was mostly naked an exception of some tires of braided line cloth that
barely covered his erection and a thin metal collar. Matthew got rid of his pants and briefs,
letting his steel spring free. Hiroto moaned.

“Are you going to eat me, little bad fox?” asked Matthew slowly walking towards the futon
without breaking eye contact with Hiroto.

“I’m going to eat you whole, sweet vampire” Replied Hiroto pushing him softly to make him
fall on the futon. “But fear not, ‘cause you are going to enjoy this as much as I”

Hiroto climbed onto the futon, gripping firmly Matthew’s tights and spread them to expose
his cock. A soft pant escaped his lips.
“Do you like what you see?” asked Matthew bucking his hips a bit, causing Hiroto’s erection
to twitch at the sight of Matthew’s bouncing.

“Love it” the husk dark voice of the Japanese was really erotic and sent heat waves through

“Are you going to claim it or…?” Matthew’s question died in a moan when the fox took his
rod in his mouth, moaning. Matthew tried to buck his hips, but Hiroto’s grip tightened. His
price, his rules, fair enough.

Hiroto licked the head of his cock, passing his tongue down the slit. Matthew trembled as
Hiroto traced his dick with his tongue. Matthew moaned softly, reaching for Hiroto’s ass with
his hand.

“Can I?” moaned Matthew, tugging at Hiroto’s underwear. Hiroto raised his head, nodded
and started sucking Matthew’s rod greedily. Matthew arched his back, bending to get rid off
the pieces of cloth that trapped Hiroto’s dick.

He grabbed a handful of the fox’s ass, panting as the moan send pleasant vibrations through
his steel. His free hand started tracing the Japanese firm muscles, going lower between a nest
of soft white hair and cupping the leaking erection. Hiroto moaned loudly and Matthew
seized his lips, kissing him hungrily, as he scouted the fox so he was sitting in his lap. He
gripped both their erections and started rubbing them together, soaking them in that silky
slick that produced his hand.

Hiroto tangled his hands in Matthew’s hair and deepened the kiss, roaming his mouth with
his tongue. Matthew followed his lead all too happy to accommodate him. He felt the white-
haired tremble and buck against his fist, his fingers digging on his nape.

Hiroto broke the kiss, gasping for air and smiled with swollen lips.

“I thought mhhm I was going to eat you” he panted, kissing along Matthew’s jaw with a soft
“I grew impatient” Replied Matthew, stroking faster making them both moan. Matthew
narrowed his eyes to see the sexual energy from the fox and gasped. His hand started to slow
the pace, but Hiroto lowered his hand and picked up the pace. It felt wonderful. The way
Hiroto twisted and tightened the grip send Matthew over the edge and the blushed pleading
expression was too much to him.

Both came violently, shaking in each other’s embrace. Matthew purred as they kissed again.

“W-what?” Asked Hiroto at Matthew’s intense gaze.

“You glow white…” He mumbled, caressing the white silky skin peppered with scars.


“Yes, well, white gold because of the sexual energy but…”

“You fed on me?”

“Just a bit”

“How do I taste?”

“Wonderful, may I?”

“You haven’t got the main dish yet”

Matthew kissed Hiroto hungrily, roaming his hands down his body, feeling the little fox
tremble under his touch.
“Do you want me in or…?” asked Matthew bitting Hiroto’s lower lip. The fox ground against
him moaning.

“Please,” the soft plea left the white-haired man lips and made Matthew growl in advance. A
slick covered finger slid into the shorter man’s ass making him moan, and ground more.
“Matthew… I want you now…”

“There is no need to rush, my lovely fox,” replied Matthew kissing Hiroto’s neck hungrily,
licking his pulse, “Lord Koki gave the order that we must not be disturbed tonight and to
enjoy ourselves… And since we still have plenty of time, I want to make love to you…”

Hiroto sighed and whined, his eyes were completely dark of desire. Matthew was determined
to turn the kitsune into a panting mess. He put Hiroto on the futon with a swift movement and
started moving his finger inside.

A second and a third finger followed the first, making the older male writhe and cry in
pleasure. Matthew’s mouth was leaving a trail of kisses and bites down the neck and the chest
of Hiroto. Matthew’s erection grew bigger and he was starting to doubt his resolution to make
love slowly to the fox.

“M-Matthew…” Gasped Hiroto weaving his fingers with Matthew’s hair and arching his
back as the vampire took his erection on his mouth. A wave of pleasure have him crying and
rolling his hips, as Matthew pushed some pleasure through his fingers. Hiroto yanked
Matthew’s hair and ordered “NOW!”

“As you wish,” chuckled Matthew giving one last lick to Hiroto’s steel, and climbing up to
kiss him fiercely as he took off his fingers and line himself with his lover’s core.

“I love you,” Matthew sighed moving the white-haired man’s lips with his. Hiroto took a
breath to answer but from his mouth only came a loud cry of pleasure as Matthew penetrate
him. A gasp left Matthew’s lips as he felt completely sheathed, the fox getting tight around
Hiroto clawed the futon’s sheet as his body arched and his ears flutter and trembled. Matthew
kissed his neck and cheeks and capture his lips in a soft caring kiss. Matthew interlaced his
fingers with Hiroto’s and started moving slowly against him.

“Matthew…” sighed Hiroto happily to roll his hips at the same slow deep pace that the
vampire imposed, “I… I love you too..”

Matthew felt his control begin to snap as the words left the fox’s swollen lips and his teary
eyes looked at him full of desire. He let go of Hiroto’s hands and clawed the futon, plunging
deep inside him. He panted softly and moaned at the way the fox reacted to him, slowly
becoming a panting mess as he picked up the pace and fucked him hard.

“Damn it, you are too tight,” growled Matthew, scratching his fangs against his pulse, making
him gasp again.

“DAMN IT!” growled Hiroto letting his claws run down Matthew’s back, “BITE ME

“But your blood…”

“I’ve stopped… Poisoning it since I… Won…” Hiroto panted, bucking and writhing, “I
wanted… You… To bite me…”

Matthew licked the vein above the collar and sank his fangs deep. He took a deep breath and

A loud moan escaped his lips as he felt raw pleasure; the blood of the kitsune tasted eyrie and
so fucking delicious, and combining with the white gold sexual energy it was way too much.
He needed more, he wanted more.

His hips plunged harder against Hiroto, his claws shredded the futon, and his mouth sucked
greedily the magnificent elixir.
“M-Matthew,” a soft tug on his hair and a soft plea and he took his fangs out, almost scared,
his body trembling with pleasure and need. But he didn’t want to hurt the kitsune. He looked
at him and he frowned as the other man smiled. “Don’t eat me whole yet… I want to eat you
too, remember?”

Matthew chuckled and felt relieved. Hiroto seized his lips and hugged him tightly before
whispering at his ear.

“Make me come, sugar blood.”

And Matthew was more than happy to obligue.

A suivre

Chapter End Notes

I hope you like this as much as I liked writing it~

Next chapter will have a super special sweet scene because fluff is cute and makes angst
even harder ~ (?)

If you want to talk directly to me I'm @Mirai_H_Sama on twitter ;)

From Area 11,

Chapter 20
Chapter Summary

Matthew gets a team and has a beautiful date.

“Matthew of House Tarrick…You see, the High Lord General has plenty of hopes on
him.” Said Tomoe. Usagi wrinkled her nose and crossed her arms.

Chapter Notes

Okay, this one was definitely long. But I think this is my best chapter to the date. I just
love writing Matthew x Hiroto <3.

And I introduced a few characters that are some of my friends because they are amazing
and I love them and they are team Matthew. Thanks to them for putting up with me and
helping me with my writer's block <3 April, Gabs, Izu, Xae you are the best <3

NOTE: the italic is for Japanese ;)


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Matthew woke up to a soft purr and feeling way too warm to be on august. He noticed the
scent of incense and cherry blossoms and smiled. He opened his eyes and looked down to the
sleepy kitsune on his arms. Yes, he could wake up like that more often.

The fox’s eyes fluttered open and looked at him half-sleep.

“This is what dreams are supposed to be,” mumbled Hiroto snuggling closer to Matthew and
sighing contently.

“This is what our lives should be,” replied Matthew, cupping Hiroto’s cheek with his hand
and giving him a soft kiss. He heard the door open and looked up

“This reminds me of a rather cute yaoi manga,” commented Lord Koki entering the room
and, as soon as he closes the door a pillow impacted his face.

“Why couldn’t it be a dream?” whined Hiroto before disappearing in a white flash. Matthew
frowned and sat on the futon. Lord Koki chuckled.

“I see you accomplished the mission,” commented the man with a smirk and half-lidded eyes
that traced Matthew’s abs.

“We did… It was really rewarding,” replied Matthew licking his lips and smiling as he
thought of how many times they did it the night before. Lord Koki nodded and looked at him

“I thought Commander Vikström-san said you heal at a faster rate than the average vampire,”
Lord Koki’s gaze was tracing lazily Matthew’s upper body as if he had all the time in the
world to see him. Matthew frowned and looked down, unable to pinpoint what was the
Japanese referring to. Lord Koki handed him a pocket mirror. “He gave you a bite mark… On
the neck.”

Matthew looked at the mark on his neck, above the collar, it was still red and swollen.
Matthew touched it and noticed it hurt a little, but he couldn’t will his body to heal it. Okay,
that was weird.

“You should see how I left him,” replied Matthew handing back the mirror. Lord Koki
smirked and raised.

“I might go to see,” Lord Koki walked towards the door, “I came to tell you that tonight you
are going to train with Kage Roku and therefore join the Senbonzakura Academy and that I
expect you to report to me at the end of every night… The last night will be your free night, I
suspect you’d like to go to the Festival.”

Matthew frowned but nodded, “Yes, Lord Koki.”

Lord Koki smirked and left the room, leaving Matthew confused and wondering how many
vampire hunter academies were on the world.

Matthew got up and opened the closet. It was divided into thrice with small cards that read
‘Training clothes’, ‘Street clothes’ and ‘Festival clothes’. Under the training card were an all-
black linen uniform and a compression suit with a tag that read ‘The compression suit goes
underneath the uniform’. Matthew shrugged and put on the clothes. The uniform had a cherry
blossom with some stylized kanjis he didn’t know embroidered over his chest on the left.

Matthew looked at himself on the mirror and he decided he looked like one of those 26-
years-old actors that played schoolboys on movies. He sighed softly and exited the room. He
walked to the entrance of the palace and noticed several people with the same uniform
walking by.

Hiroto appeared before Matthew, and he smiled when he noticed that the fox was wearing a
uniform as his, but with a red cape.
“Hey, Matthew~” Hiroto grinned and eyed the vampire, “so, you are going to the academy?
That uniform certainly looks good in you.”

“It looks really good on you,” replied Matthew walking by his side, Hiroto smirked as they

“You know, complimenting me is not going to distract me from the fact that I haven’t
reclaimed my prize.”

“Oh, you noticed,” Matthew grinned as they followed the other hunters. Matthew noticed that
most of them had coloured lines on their uniforms.

“As delicious as it was to be ravaged by you,” Hiroto said with a blissful smile, “I wanted to
eat you up, Matthew.”

“Maybe the next time,” Matthew winked and Hiroto chuckled.

“You know, you didn’t have to delay my prize to assure a next time,” Hiroto said with a side

Matthew bit his lip guiltily and Hiroto sighed before interlacing his hand with Matthew’s.

“I love you, Matthew…” Hiroto whispered, softly enough to not be heard by anyone else.
Matthew felt his un-dead heart thump.

“Uhuu~ Hiroto-Taisho-sensei has a boyfriend~” a short girl appeared in front them in a flash
of green. She had dark hair filled with colourful streaks and four indigo lines on her
uniforms. Hiroto released Matthew’s hand and growled at her.

“Can you paint a forest and lost yourself in it, Mei?” asked Hiroto, Mei laughed and eyed
“He is good looking… Oh… Is he a vampire? He felts like a vampire,” Mei looked at
Matthew and appeared and disappeared around him. “Why he has a red line and not a purple
one? Vamps are supposed to wear purple.”

“But hunters are supposed to wear red,” replied Hiroto sharply. Mei cocked her head and

“Uhuu~ A vampire hunter vamp~” Mei seemed especially interested and curious, and
Matthew suddenly felt at display as some other uniformed people starting to stare at him.
“What is it, Ao no exorcist?”

“It’s Japan, Mei,” replied another guy with bleached hair, and five green lines on his uniform,
“You are a witch that doesn’t do witchy things… It’s part of the ‘Chunnibyou’.”

“I’m sorry, that word wasn’t on my learning list. What does that?” Matthew looked at Hiroto
expecting an explanation.

“It’s a silly youngster term, it means ‘the 8th-grade syndrome’ it’s about believing they are
the chosen one or whatever,” Hiroto shrugged and smiled at the guy. “It’s been a while Nazo,
how have you been?”

“It’s been quiet without you and the Kage Roku around, sensei,” replied Nazo smirking as he
walked by them. “I heard you let an incubus fuck you… I thought you said you won’t ever do
that again…”

“It’s that what’s being said?”

“So it’s true?”

“Who knows?” Hiroto shrugged and wrinkled his nose, “by the way, ain’t you cocky? Talking
to a sensei like that?”

“Oh, you are our favourite sensei, Hiroto-Taishou-Sensei~” singsonged Mei as they get to the
door of what seemed like a school. Matthew raised his eyebrow question the fox.

“I’m one of the teachers here, well, the shadow six and I are the hunters’ teachers,” replied
Hiroto with a smirk, “Senbonzakura Academy has several groups training together…
Hunters, Shifters, Witches, Tamers, Exorcist…”

Matthew looked at the Academy and whistled, Hiroto chuckled and nudged Matthew’s side.

“Let’s get you to the principal’s office, I’m sure you’ll get ahold of this in a short time,” said
Hiroto guiding Matthew inside the massive building, “It’s a shame you only have a few

“Well, I just have to show them how good I am, huh, kitfox?” commented Matthew with a
cheeky smile and a small wink.

“Yes, bloody bat, just show them how amazing you are,” Hiroto gave him a quick kiss on the
cheek before climbing on a cristal elevator.

Matthew looked at the city through the glass of the elevator and let out a short hum.

“If you have questions I suggest you ask them,” said Hiroto stopping the elevator and looking
at Matthew, “And if you are wondering, no we can’t fuck here.”

“Damn it, I was wondering if anyone would see your blissful face from up here,” joked
Matthew earning a soft hit from the fox, “okay, tell me, does anyone wonder what’s up with
this school? Like, mortals? It’s in the middle of the city.”
“It’s in the middle of one of the districts of the city,” replied Hiroto and smiled at the eye roll
of Matthew, “Humans can see it but think it’s an elite school, and it is in a way. There are
regular classes in the morning, and some of the students come to cram school at night.”

“So that’s how you call it nowadays? ‘Cram school’?” chuckled Matthew.

“That’s what they call it now, yes…” Hiroto shrugged and winked, “another question or you
are ready to meet the principal?”

“Yes, another question… That girl, Mei? Said that vamps used purple,” Said Matthew
touching his single red line, “There are more vamps here? What do the lines mean?”

“Yes, there are more vamps here, but only the Student Council and the Teachers can see
them, it’s part of the magic in the school,” explained Hiroto, “the lines are ranks, now you are
in the lowest. There are very few with more than three lines… Only teachers have seven and
everything is colour coded.”

“You have a cape.”

“I’m the highest rank here, militarily speaking…” Hiroto smiled, “The only person above me
is Lord Koki… Oh well, if Tarrick comes he is the higher-ranked… And Prescott, he is above
too, but only when they are here.”

Matthew nodded and grinned.

“Oh well, it seems like my sweet kitfox is a very important person,” he said softly, “ I’m glad
I could introduce myself in your agenda.”

“Oh gods, not that again… Please,” Hiroto hit the up button and sighed. “I’m asking you,
Matthew, not to use any of your cheesy pet names here…”
“Oh, do you have a reputation, Taisho?”

“In fact, yes… I’m even more strict here, Matthew.”

“That scares me a lot, Fluf… Hiroto.” Matthew smiled and Hiroto smirked.

“Oh, you are going to love it,” replied Hiroto as they walked down the hallway to the
principal’s office, “You love being pushed to your limits, don’t you?”

“What would you give me if I got five lines in a week?” Asked Matthew as they waited for
the door to open.

“You’ll have less than a week, and if you accomplish it…”

“If you accomplish it, you’ll be appointed as a Commander, with your own team,” interrupted
Tarrick exiting the principal’s office. Matthew smirked and made an exaggerated bow.

“High Lord Commander,” saluted Matthew and felt a soft thump on his core.

“Matthew,” Tarrick walked up to him and smiled.

“You came to see me, Master?” asked Matthew tugging Tarrick with a small hold.

“I didn’t, but I’m glad to see you.” Tarrick caressed Matthew’s cheek and his eyes darkened.
“But you seemed to be perfectly fine without me.”

“I’m your Warrior, Master,” replied Matthew feigning innocence, “I must be able to put your
name high even if you are not present.”
Tarrick huffed and nodded, “Commander Hiroto, I expect a complete report of every night
that Matthew spends here.”

“Yes, High Lord General,” Hiroto said firmly. Tarrick nodded and walked to the elevator.

“I hate when he comes here as if he is the emperor…” A man with jet black short hair, huge
rounded spectacles and a large white jacket. He looked at them and smiled. He had the
smaller fangs Matthew ever saw. His smile gave Matthew goosebumps and his yellow eyes
sent shivers down his spine.

“Matthew-san, this is Ebisu, the Principal’s assistant,” said Hiroto, the named made a small

“It’s an honour to meet you, Matthew-san,” hissed Ebisu and Matthew noticed his bifid
tongue, “I’ve heard several tales about you and your feats…”

“The only feat he cares about is that you got my ass,” added Hiroto and Ebisu had the
decency to look outraged. Matthew chuckled.

“The principal is taking a moment… You know how she gets after He comes,” Said Ebisu and
shivered. Hiroto looked at the door of the office where two hooks laid empty. Matthew
supposed something was supposed to be there.

“Ebisu-san, make them enter.” A female voice came from the door, it sounded calm yet
strong and made Matthew think about the sea moments before a tsunami.

Ebisu opened the door and stood back letting them enter.

Matthew gasped when he saw her. Her long black hair cascaded down her back like a curtain
of silk. Her face had full lips painted red and soft features. Her creamy white skin made a
stark contrast with her deep brown eyes. She was wearing a pitch-black uniform like his and
Hiroto’s, with a sakura-patterned red haori.

“Welcome, Matthew-san, to Hiroshima’s branch of Senbonzakura Academy,” said the woman,

walking towards Matthew. He suddenly felt small and weak. She had the demeanour of a
queen or a general; she was overflowing with confidence and power. “My name is Tomoe
Gozen and I’m the Principal and founder of this Academy.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tomoe-sama,” said Matthew with a small smile and a bow. He
felt panic build in his gut. Why? She felt human.

“You’ve trained him well, Hiroto-Taisho-Sama,” she said proudly, “Normally, people are
consumed by the panic or by the wish to please me.”

“He is a really good student,” replied Hiroto taking Matthew’s hand. Suddenly Matthew felt
calm and the panic subsided. “And he is used to get acquainted with creatures more powerful
than him.”

“He must be really confused by the fact I’m a human far more powerful than what he is used
to seeing,” Tomoe Gozen giggled and sat on her desk.

“I won’t call you human… Not anymore,” commented Hiroto as he let go of Matthew’s hand.
Matthew frowned, wondering what did the fox mean.

“As charming as always, Hiroto-Taisho-Sama.” Tomoe handed Hiroto a plate with some fried
stuff and Hiroto’s eyes darkened.

“Fried tofu… Want me to lose my powers?” Hiroto sniffed and took a piece. Tomoe smirked.
“What did Tarrick told you? You seem angrier than usual.”

She didn’t look angry, at least not to Matthew. Tomoe gestured Matthew to come closer and
sit by their side.
“He kept telling me that Matthew-san is not a regular Warrior, that if he needs him he is
going to have him on the battlefield and whatnot,” Tomoe took a piece of tofu and eat it as
she cast a hateful gaze towards the window, “He is so full of himself.”

“He said that if Matthew got five lines by the end of the week he’ll give him a team,” Hiroto
commented. Tomoe stared at Matthew and he shivered.

“He is not ready… He’s too young to be a commander…” She said raising her eyebrow and

“You weren’t ready, neither I,” shrugged Hiroto and Tomoe nodded and jumped off her desk.

“Well then, Matthew-san,” Tomoe giggled as she took Matthew’s arm. “Let’s see how fast you
can learn and how strong we can turn you in four days.”

“Four?” Matthew let her drag him down the hallway and on the elevator.

“Yes, four. The last day of the festival is a holiday.” Tomoe smiled as she opened a classroom
door. There were several people with two red lines and a young-looking girl with short brown
hair and seven lines was preceding the classroom. Everyone raised as soon as they saw
Tomoe. “Usagi-chan, I’ve brought you a new student for you to play. He is Matthew of…”

Tomoe looked at him and Matthew shrugged.

“House Tarrick?” he offered. A low grunt trailed the room and Matthew frowned. Suddenly
everyone was looking at him with disgust.

“Matthew of House Tarrick…You see, the High Lord General has plenty of hopes on him.”
Said Tomoe. Usagi wrinkled her nose and crossed her arms.
“With due respect, Tomoe-Gozen-Sama, the last time we accepted a student of House Tarrick
it was a disaster,” Usagi looked at her students and Matthew noticed they were on groups of
six. “I don’t want to repeat the ‘Tane incident’, Tomoe-Gozen-Sama.”

“Why Tane always ruin everything?” Matthew couldn’t help but sigh. Usagi and Tomoe
looked at him and Tomoe giggled.

“Well, it seems you share your disgust for Tane-san,” Tomoe patted Matthew’s back,
“Besides, Matthew-san is one of Hiroto’s favourite pupils.”

Usagi’s eyes glinted as she looked at Matthew.

“Enter, Matthew-san. Write your new name on the chalkboard and sit with… Momo yon.”

Matthew walked in as Tomoe waved and left. The other students sat as he took the chalk and
looked at the board. He wrote down ‘Matthew’ in mismatched katakana and went to the only
free seat on the classroom.

Usagi resumed what she called homeroom.

After it, they went to a stadium to practice battle tactics and team formations. Matthew failed
miserably the first five exercises and, after the sixth, he noticed that the other teams were
trying to make his team fail. He decided to not let his team fail anymore.

By the end of the Tactics period, Matthew’s team was getting way ahead of the others.

The next period was armed combat and Matthew was grateful for Vassu’s and Cullip’s

By the third period —unarmed combat— Matthew decided that everyone was trying to
‘accidentally’ kill him.
The fourth period was free and he decided to ditch his classmates and go look for Hiroto. He
was training with some of the four-line students. They moved fast and coordinated as if they
were one person.

He was mesmerized as Hiroto showed the techniques with the rest of the Shadow Six. The
harmony that they had was beautiful, and the way they handled the magical targets —at first
Matthew thought they were real, but after they exploded in green smoke and reformed he
decided they were magic— was breathtaking.

The fifth period was lunch, and he spent it alone with a bottle of blood that Mei brought him
and the book that Lord Koki gave him. It was a cute children story and Matthew couldn’t
help but smile at the thought of Hiroto reading it.

Sixth period was first aid and medical care in the battlefield. And Matthew discovered that it
was frowned upon that he opened his wrist to feed his blood to an injured hunter. Mostly
because it weakened him.

“You need to be strong to protect your teammates, Matthew.” Said Usagi after swatting his
bleeding hand. “It’s worthless if you die because of being too busy partially curing your

The seventh period was Incubi Society. Ranks and names were given to him and, after he
understood the equivalence between Japanese ranks and the ones that Rosaline taught him,
Matthew excelled in that.

By the end of the day, Usagi told him that she could pair him with some advanced guys that
could be a better match for him as he was trying to get his five lines quickly.

The next day he met the Hiiragi Seven, a mismatched team of hunters with a different
number of lines.

“So you are Matthew, huh?” asked a tall boy with blue-dyed hair and almond eyes, “I’m
“I’m April,” said a short lean girl with curly short hair, she was reading something on her
phone. Matthew waved at her, a soft tap on his shoulder made him turn.

“I’m Izumi,” a girl with round glasses and bushy brown hair smirked, she had only one fang
and was currently pushing her tongue against it. “You are a vampire, ain’t you?”

“Not every dark and mysterious man you meet is a vampire, Izu…” Said a person with dark
eyes and a hat. Matthew wasn’t sure if they were a boy or a girl, but he was sure that person
was cute. “I’m Ale.”

“She had been waiting for another non-human for a while, let her dream,” said a black-dyed
hair man, he was using black lenses and squared glasses. “I’m Xae, and yes, it’s written with
X. No, I’m not human and no, I’m not telling you what I am.”

“Is she a Human?” asked Matthew looking at Izumi, and they all shrugged.

“Who cares?” asked Sihun smirking hugging Izumi by the shoulders, “She is quite good at
curing us and keeping us sane.”

“What is your quirk, Matthew?” asked Ale sitting on a table and taking off their hat to comb
their hair with their hand to put their hat on again.

“My quirk?” Matthew looked at them confused.

“Yeah, your special thing,” beamed Izumi, “for example, Xae is particularly good at killing
people and physics, Sihun is particularly good at athletics and acrobatics, Ale is particularly
good at noticing patterns and figuring out stuff.”

“And your dents too, please,” added Xae taking his messenger bag from the floor, “we need
to know what to cover in a fight. For example, Sihun is shortsighted, Izumi can’t run long
distances, April hates people and Ale gets overwhelmed easily.”

“Ehm… I’m a fast learner,” offered Matthew and cocked an eyebrow when he saw Izumi
noting it in a small unicorn notebook, “and I’m a vampire.”

“I knew it!” Izumi practically bounced and took Ale’s arm, “Another non-human in our

“Oh, right, Izu is also a nerd,” Xae chuckled and gestured them to follow him.

“Sihun is the leader because no one of us is competent enough to lead,” commented Ale with
a smirk before following Xae.

“And because he is better than any of us at cheering us,” Izumi giggled.

“Let’s go, Matthew, it’s time to get you to our average level so we can enter the contest,”
Sihun patted Matthew’s back.

“The contest?” Matthew asked.

“So we can be appointed as a team,” said April as they walked down the hallway.

“I was hoping to get appointed as a team before the festival,” Izumi sighed, “I was planning
on celebrating it.”

“Shush, I’m not comfortable with gay panic before midnight,” said Xae raising his hand,
“besides, I’m fulfilling my end of the deal and therefore I’m not flirting with him.”

“And we are all proud of you, honey,” Ale patted Xae’s arm.
“Can we please get down to business?” April rolled her eyes as they entered the classroom.

When Matthew got back to Lord Koki’s palace he was certain that he was assigned to a team
that seemed a general disaster. But it was a good team; they care about each other and
balanced their dents efficiently.

“So you like that team, huh?” Lord Koki was lying on some cushions and looking at the
hanafuda on the table. Matthew looked at his hand and wrinkled his nose. He was going to
lose that game too.

“It’s funny and challenging,” replied Matthew sighing when Lord Koki played his card.

“Usagi-Gozen says you six make a good team,” commented Lord Koki smirking as Matthew
played his card.

“Usagi-Gozen-sensei says I’m the worst student she ever had,” Matthew shrugged as he
resigned to lose.

“She is just pushing you,” Lord Koki waved it away, “She is terribly jealous of Hiroto and it’s
taking it on you for being his pupil.”

“That’s quite childish,” Matthew put down his last card and Lord Koki put down his with a
victorious smile. Lord Koki took the cards and shuffled them.

“I won’t say that if I were you,” said Lord Koki with a small smirk, “she is part of the Gin
Gozen, Tomoe Gozen’s team.”

“It’s Gozen a title?” Asked Matthew as Lord Koki gave him cards.

“It is, it’s a very important title that only warrior women can have,” Lord Koki gave him a
crooked smile, “Tomoe Gozen is special, though, she was the most important warrior woman
on human story… And when she was dying, a goddess raised her among mortals.”

Matthew opened his mouth and closed it. A goddess? That power that flowed from her was a
goddess power? It felt different from Hiroto’s. Maybe because it was a different goddess?
How many gods were out there?

“You were scared of her power because she is a protégé of the Sun Goddess, she is… a
Guardian of the Sun,” explained Lord Koki as he put one of his cards, with a red sun and a

“A Sun Guardian…” mumbled Matthew as he kept playing. It was the second time he heard
about Guardians. What were the Guardians? How many Guardians were around? What
happened to the Guardian Prescott asked him for?

“Have you done plans for the festival?” Matthew was by then used to Lord Koki changing
topics every few phrases.

“Not yet, although Xae insinuated he wanted to go…” Matthew shrugged and the incubus put
his card slowly.

“Here you can go to festivals with friends and family, but often you invite a love interest or
lover to share it with you…”

“Are you hitting on me?” Matthew mocked and Lord Koki raised an eyebrow, “Hiroto won’t
like that.”

“I was thinking that you could invite Hiroto-sama,” retorted Lord Koki with a small shrug.

“And he doesn’t have a date, yet?” asked Matthew curious, “I heard he was busy that day…”
“He is not, he just…” Lord Koki looked around and sighed, “That’s his birthday and he won’t
allow anyone to celebrate it…”

“His birthday?” Matthew frowned: if the fox didn’t allow anyone to celebrate his birthday
then they should let him alone. He must have his reasons.

“He is always sad on that day, and I thought that maybe now that you are so special for him,
you could cheer him up a little,” offered the incubus with a small smile. Matthew wasn’t so
sure about it.

“What if he hates that day?” retorted Matthew, lowering his cards.

“You could help him make new memories, good memories.”

“I’m not that sure I can do it.”

“Matthew-san, I’ve never seen Hirotan that comfortable around another living being since…
He was a messenger.”

Matthew felt a shiver down his spine. Just how old was Lord Koki? He had met Hiroto before
being thrown away by his goddess.

“How was he?” Matthew couldn’t help but ask, “when he was a messenger… The memories
he has shown me had been from his hunter past only.”

“He has shown you memories?” Lord Koki raised an eyebrow and smirked, “He was playful
and cheerful, he was a trickster he had always been… He had one tail, back then, and dressed
in bright colours…”

“He doesn’t do that a lot, huh?” Matthew wanted to see Hiroto as a messenger, full of life and
love for all life.
“Only when necessary, but it seems you have the key for a special side door on his heart’s
walls,” Lord Koki looked at the window melancholically, “You know when you are this old
you can feel connections between people… And you two share a strong bond, even if Hirotan
has been doing a very good job at hiding it.”

Matthew tensed. Could the High King sense it? Could Tarrick sense it? They were trying so
hard to hide it to be discovered like that.

“I sensed it because I can sense Hirotan,” added the incubus laughing, “He swears Hirotan
can’t share bonds like us.”

Matthew let go the breath he wasn’t aware he was holding and relaxed.

“So… You think I could make Hiroto like his birthday?” Matthew thought about the book
and a small idea formed in his mind.

“Maybe not like it, but help him thorough that day,” offered Lord Koki, “get him to enjoy the
festival and so…”

“Okay…” Matthew nodded and smirked before looking back at his cards. They kept playing
in silence, as Matthew thought of things to do with Hiroto on his birthday.

“You are awful at this game, Matthew,” said Hiroto teleporting inside the room and looking
at the table. Matthew shrugged and Lord Koki smiled.

“He is not a man of Hanafuda, his game is more strategic and controlled,” replied Lord Koki
taking the cards and shuffling them.

Hiroto nodded and looked at Matthew, “so? Show me.”

Matthew took his uniform jacket and showed proudly his second line. He earned it after a
three-hour-long battle with his team against some guys with five lines.

Hiroto took the jacket and examined the line, “Military Line, huh?” A proud smile curved the
fox’s lips, “It’s a really good one to get so fast. I knew I trained you well.”

“Don’t I deserve a reward, commander?” asked Matthew with a small pout. Hiroto climbed
on Matthew’s lap and snuggled against him.

“You do, snuggle bat,” said Hiroto looking at Matthew’s cards. Matthew rested his chin on
top of Hiroto’s head and purred against the fox.

“Are you going to help him win?” asked Lord Koki putting the first card down. Hiroto

“I’m not, I just want to see how does he lost so I could teach him properly,” the white-haired
man accommodated himself better on Matthew’s lap.

Matthew chuckled and kissed Hiroto’s head. “Well, what about my reward?”

Hiroto arched his neck and rested his head on Matthew’s shoulder, a playful smile on his lips.
“Are you going to interrupt a game of hanafuda just to get your reward?”

Matthew simply smirked and captured Hiroto’s lips in a heated kiss. The fox moaned and
removed on his lap.

“Since it’s obvious you won’t let me join,” said Lord Koki and Hiroto growled, earning a
chuckle from the incubus, “I’ll leave first, enjoy your meal~”

Matthew was about to answer when Hiroto’s lip clashed against his, kissing him hungrily as
he put his legs at both sides of the vampire. Matthew hugged tightly the fox, his hands
wandering down his back before clasping his ass. Hiroto moaned and trembled.
“Matthew…” Hiroto pleaded as he clawed his shoulders.

“Tell me?” Matthew purred, kissing down Hiroto’s jaw.

“We can’t… I have to go on a mission at dawn…”

“We can… I just have to be careful with that sweet ass of you…” Replied Matthew
introducing his hands on the hunter’s pants. “Or you can have my ass…”

“No… I want to take my time with that,” mumbled Hiroto grinding against him.

“What about we use that lovely mouth of yours?” asked Matthew licking his lips. Hiroto
shuddered and moaned softly.

“Would you do it to me too?” the question sounded like a plea and Matthew could feel his
erection throb inside his uniform.

“Yes,” the word left Matthew’s lips in a low husky voice that made the fox tremble. Hiroto
climbed down Matthew’s lap and started undoing the vamp’s pants without taking off his
gaze from his. Matthew chewed his lip as the darkened lustful gaze of his lover pinned him
down. It was one of those times he felt like prey and he liked that feeling.

“Damn it,” Matthew panted as Hiroto freed his erection and took it on his mouth without a
second thought. Hiroto’s mouth was wet and warm and hugged his rod tightly. A soft hum
sent sparks of pleasure up his cock, and a needy moan escaped his throat.

Hiroto started bobbing his head and his soft hands —Matthew couldn’t recall when he took
off his gloves— cupped Matthew’s heavy balls and played with them.
Matthew let his head fall back and closed his eyes, surrendering to the pleasure shivers that
the wet tongue and warm mouth of Hiroto’s caused.

Matthew intertwined his fingers with Hiroto’s hair and started fucking his mouth. Hiroto
moaned and took him eagerly, his ears twitching and the shadow of his tails trembling.

“Hiroto…” hissed Matthew between pants driving his cock deep on the fox’s throat. Hiroto
purred softly and looked up. Matthew moaned and spent himself on the fox’s mouth.

Hiroto pulled back, swallowed and licked Matthew’s cock clean with small gaps. Matthew
sighed and cupped his cheek.

“You are really good at this, huh fluff heart?” Said Matthew and Hiroto beamed cockily.

“I’m quite talented,” replied Hiroto cheekily, before giving Matthew a peck. Matthew
chuckled and kissed him, tasting himself on the fox’s lips.

“Now is my turn,” purred Matthew kissing Hiroto as he took off Hiroto’s pants. He kneeled
between Hiroto’s legs and gave a long lick from base to tip. Hiroto moaned and bucked his
hips. Matthew chuckled and licked the precum from the slit, tasting it and humming.

“You are delicious, cotton fox,” whispered Matthew taking the erection of Hiroto in his
mouth. Hiroto gasped in response and ran his hands down Matthew’s hair.

“Can I?” asked Hiroto gripping Matthew’s hair. Matthew looked up and moaned at the sexy
image before his eyes: Hiroto was panting, his lips slightly parted and his darkened eyes
pleading. His hair was messed and his ears twitched, and the sexual energy around him.
Goddamit! The white gold energy hazed around him and tasted so good.

Matthew made a hummed softly in agreement and purred. Hiroto moaned and started
thrusting. Matthew let the white-haired mark the pace and sucked greedily, making him moan
and thrust harder.
“Matthew…” Cried Hiroto, as he came deep inside Matthew’s mouth. Matthew swallowed all
the fox’s seed and licked his lips. Hiroto sighed and let Matthew hug him tightly.

“It’s a shame you have to go…” mumbled Matthew against Hiroto’s neck, as he lowered the
turtle-neck and left a trail of kisses there.

“I’m a very important person, snuggly bat,” Hiroto leaned against Matthew, his arms around
the vampire’s neck, caressing his hair. Hiroto’s eyes were half-lidded and his lips curved in a
blissful smile.

“Hiroto…” Matthew called, caressing his back.

“Matthew?” Hiroto gave him a peck and cocked his head curiously.

“Would you… Go to the festival with me?”

Hiroto frowned, looked at him surprised and then averted his gaze blushing furiously.
Matthew bit his lip. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked.

“Like… A public date?” Hiroto said so soft Matthew almost didn’t hear it.

A public date. That was complicated. What if they got too invested and forget they were
hiding their relationship and feelings? Matthew chewed his lip and looked at Hiroto, who had
hidden his face on the crook of his neck.

“It’s okay if you don’t…”

“I would love to but…”

Both stopped and looked at each other and laughed.

“You first,” said Matthew. Hiroto nodded.

“I want to, Matthew…” Hiroto sighed, “but…”

“But it’s too risky?” Matthew couldn’t help but pout.

“But we can’t just do it…” Hiroto shrugged, “I’ll make some calls to people that owe me.”

Matthew cocked his head and Hiroto smiled.

“I’ll get us some magic to hide our identities so we can enjoy it thoroughly,” beamed Hiroto,
“I promise you are going to love it, the Itsukushima shrine’s autumn festival is marvellous.”

“It’s a date, then,” said Matthew before ravaging Hiroto’s lips.

Matthew woke up next night ecstatic by the idea of having a date with Hiroto. His mood was
perfect until he got to the classroom and the team saw him.

“Ooooh,” Izumi jumped and came closer to him, she pushed her cheeks and looked at him
smugly, “you have a date, don’t you?”

A loud tsk made him look at the back where Xae and the other were sitting. Ale beckoned at
him, she wearing a skirt today and their long hair cascaded free down their back. Xae was
missing his glasses and seemed annoyed by it. April was concentrated on a book and Sihun
was singing to something he was hearing on his headphones.
“It doesn’t show on your face,” commented Ale, beaming as he walked to them, Izumi

“She just knows things,” added April shrugging as she waved to him. Sihun nodded as he
turned off his music.

“Useless things, mostly,” Xae grabbed Izumi by the neck of her oversized teal sweater and
stared at her, “my glasses, monster.”

“On my pocket,” she shrieked, Xae produced his glasses from her pocket and let go of her
before putting them on.

“So you have a date?” Xae’s expression softened as he put on his glasses. Matthew had seen
him flirting with almost everyone around, except him. Matthew had also seen him threaten
almost everyone around, including himself.

“Yes, for the festival,” Matthew shrugged sitting by their side. Ale pouted.

“So it’s a no for team-date?” asked Izumi in a sad tone, Xae took her chin and made her look
at him.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll be there with you on the festival,” he said with a husky tone,
“you, me, in the darkness as the Hanabi lit the sky…”

“Please don’t fuck her here,” said April yanking Izumi’s arm so she sat down. Xae huffed.

“Good Morning,” Usagi’s voice interrupted Xae’s answer as she entered the classroom.
Everyone raised and saluted, and so the day began.

By the second period, Matthew was about to kill somebody; the other teams had heard about
his possible date and had been trying to find out with who he was going. Some were subtle
but others were straight nosy.

“I’m so sorry,” Izumi pouted as she pushed one of their classmates off the cliff they had
reclaimed of as their own. They were at the stadium and were training using capture the flag
—they called it ‘kill the leader’, though, but it was essentially the same— and they had
chosen a high ground as their location.

“Be sorry later,” said Ale as they helped a very moody Xae mount a school-issued franco
weapon. Matthew recalled when they had to give up their usual weapons to fight and Xae had
been moping about his self collapsible rifle, that he carried as a trinket on a silver chain in his

April was with Izumi setting up the final defences, and Sihun was making rounds, spotting
spies and setting traps. Matthew looked down at the school-issued sword and suddenly he felt

“What if we consider the task ahead?” offered Sihun coming back with a backflip and a

“We have to defend this point and ‘kill’ the other’s leaders, don’t we?” Said Matthew and
Sihun shook his head.

“We need you to earn your battle tactics line,” he said firmly before smiling, “so you are
going to be our leader here.”

“It’s my first time playing this… And I’m mostly melee,” said Matthew, Sihun waved it

“It can’t be worst than when Xae was leader,” commented April as she examined her school-
issued crossbows.

“One time,” said Xae glaring at her.

“One time was enough,” Ale shivered and giggled, “we never been beaten that much before,
not even in an actual fight.”

“I thought he was good at strategics,” Matthew cocked his head confused.

“He is good at tactics, solo tactics,” April shrugged, Xae huffed.

“You’ll do good,” said Izumi patting Matthew’s back, “we will support you.”

“And if we die, we die together,” added Ale with a wink and a thumbs up. Matthew was
moved by their trust. He was also scared, though. How can they trust him that soon?

“When you say die…” started Matthew.

“The weapons are enchanted so they deal energy damage but not kill us, it would feel like a
real fight,” explained Xae preparing some bolts for his weapon, “after enough damage your
compression suit will shut you down.”

“Oh!” Sihun jumped, “do you think they got stakes to attack Matthew?”

“I would,” said Izumi producing a stake from her belt, before smirking, “I would also get
poison and grenades…Not that I did.”

“You did,” April wasn’t asking and Matthew felt a shiver down his spine at the menacing
laugh that escaped Izumi’s lips.

“Then…” Ale looked disturbed at Izumi before beaming at Matthew, “What’s the plan,
A plan? Matthew looked around the makeshift forest around them and wrinkled his nose. He
hadn’t made plans that included people helping him willingly, but he could make it work, he
just had to take off the ‘compel business’ out of the picture.

A few minutes after, as he sped through the arena followed by Sihun and Ale he wondered if
it had been a good idea. He had left April and Izumi ‘protecting’ Xae and the base.

“I wouldn’t worry about them,” said Sihun over the comm, as he followed him.

“I wouldn’t worry about us, either,” added Ale teleporting to a nearby branch, “let’s just
focus on our first victims.”

Matthew smirked and halted as he heard another conversation. They were coming his way.

“Found some,” said Matthew softly into his comms and Ale and Sihun melted with their
surroundings. Matthew hid and wait.

“I heard that Hiiragi Seven have Xae as their leader again,” commented one as they strolled,
“He is hiding on their hill and sent the new guy to do his dirty job.”

“Classic Xae,” answered the other, playing with his sword, “You sure he is the leader?”

“If he weren’t he would be down here or alone up there,” reasoned one of them.

“Go,” said Matthew and Sihun landed between the two hunters and kicked them to the
ground with a swift movement. Ale landed on the farther one and knock him down with a
punch. Matthew drove his sword through the skull of the one that landed in front of him. He
saw him shiver and close his eyes. Not an ounce of blood spilt. Neat.
Matthew noticed how in the back of his right hand’s glove appeared a number: ‘2’. He was
about to ask when a guy felt in front of them, unconscious. ‘3’.

“If you tell us your coordinates Xae could hit whoever is around,” Izumi’s voice came
through the comms.

“How did you do it just now?” Asked Matthew.

“A hunch,” Xae’s cocky response made Matthew smirk, but his addition made Matthew raise
an eyebrow, “You’re welcome, by the way.”

“Thank you for your humility,” retorted Ale, and Xae just gave a soft huff.

Matthew looked at Sihun who just shrugged. Matthew gestured them to follow him. It was
perfect that the other teams thought that Xae was the leader because their attacks would focus
on it and not on the striking force.

Matthew halted and smiled when he pinpointed the location of one of the other’s bases.

Matthew relished the coordinates to Xae and ran in that direction followed by Ale and Sihun.



Matthew entered the camp and noticed three people there. The fallen hunters must have been
an ambush then.

“DIE MONSTER!” cried one of them and a grenade exploded from beneath him.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! It hurt! It hurt so much.

His body trembled but there were no wounds and the sensation wasn’t anything nearby the
burn of silver. It must have been a regular grenade. He used blood to calm the pain and
showed his fangs to the girl, who took a step back.

“You are dead, Kia,” said Sihun appearing behind the woman that threw the grenade.

“What?” She turned to slash him and he hit her square on the stomach.

Matthew slashed her from the shoulder to the hip and she cried before fainting.


Ale and another guy transported near them, the guy was applying a lock to her and his gloves
deployed some claws. She cried and the man opened his mouth.

“Sniper…” mumbled the man before collapsing.


Matthew sighed in relief as Ale broke from the man and got up.

“This time you really should ‘thank me’, Ale,” said Xae over the comms.

“I had everything under control,” growled Ale as they dusted their uniform before mumbling,
“thanks anyway Mr humility.”
Sihun hit the other man’s head with a collapsible bo, and Matthew could imagine the horrible
crack that should have followed


A loud horn sound on the arena, followed by another three.

“Four teams have been killed already,” commented Sihun as they looked around the camp for
useful stuff. Matthew took a couple of grenades and a spear.

“That left 21 teams counting us,” Ale looked through a small telescope and gestured
Matthew. He looked through it and saw another camp. He called the coordinates through the
comms and jumped when he saw it explode.


Another horn.

“She freaks me out,” mumbled Sihun staring at the fire on the woods. Matthew frowned and

“She is smart,” replied Ale with a sided smile. Matthew smirked and signalled them to keep

They kept taking off teams, slowly and carefully, until they had on their count 10 teams and
two hunters. Judging by the 18 horns, there were three teams left, counting theirs.

The feeling was exhilarating; he was taking off enemies but there was no blood around. That
only confirmed that he enjoyed killing, but doing so there feel more like a videogame and
less like murder.
“Help,” the soft plea was barely audible through the comms.

“Izu…” gasped Ale before teleporting away.

Matthew sped towards their encampment and found April, Xae and Izumi trying to hold their
ground against a team.

“Die, bastards, die!” cried one of them aiming a bazooka at April. Sihun kicked him and
diverted the projectile.

One of the guys from the other team launched himself against Xae, who unsheathed two
katanas and parried the attack. Matthew was scared of the way he attacked, it was almost as if
he was another person.

Ale jumped to help Izumi, who was short of breath and looked very tired. April and Sihun
were dealing with another two; Sihun kept them far from April and she appeared and
disappeared dispatching several blows.

Matthew charged and severed two guys heads, Ale finished another, and April and Sihun the

A burn on Matthew’s left hand made him look there. A small ‘1’ appeared on his glove.

"Oh no... Here we go again," said April before teleporting a few feet away.

“XAE!” Izumi cried and kicked one of the men that were fighting her friend so he would fall
over the unconscious body of Xae. She threw a couple of grenades at them before anyone
could stop her.
The explosion sent Matthew backwards and left a nasty ringing on his ears. Sihun groaned
from where he had fallen, April sat and touched her lip and her forehead as if she were
looking for blood. Ale scrambled to get up and ran towards Izumi, who was sprawled on the
floor, looking at the ceiling.

“Izumi?” Ale kneeled by her side, and Izumi moved her head towards them. She raised her
hand and coughed, Ale took her hand and removed their belt to produce a small bottle of a
pink liquid and gave it to Izumi. “How are you feeling, cutie?”

“I’m almost death but not quite,” replied Izumi with a hurt laugh and coughed again, “thanks
for saving me, honey.”

“You are crazy!” cried Sihun.

“At least she was planning to take those two with her,” commented April gesturing at the two
unconscious bodies by Xae’s.

“I’m sorry…” Said Matthew, looking at Xae. The other four stared at him.

“It wasn’t your fault,” said Sihun patting Matthew’s back.

“It was a coordinated attack of two teams,” added April as she helped Izumi on her feet.
Izumi walked towards Xae and took a deep breath.

“He is not actually dead, you know?” Matthew touched Izumi’s shoulder and she jumped as
if she hadn’t noticed him before.

“It feels like he’s gone,” She whispered before looking at him. For a terrifying moment,
Matthew thought she had no eyes. “Leader, I want revenge.”

“We have to make them pay for attacking our camp,” added April.
“Hating is bad,” said Sihun before smirking, “but since revenge is ice cream and I love ice

“Let’s kill those bastards,” added Ale, “if somebody is going to kill Xae is gotta be me.”

Matthew smirked, “well then, let’s get the two camps deal with.”

“At the same time?”

“At the same time.”

Matthew heard the explosion and the spectral laugh before the horns, and he shivered. Sihun
and April weren’t concern by it, and they both gave him five before Usagi’s voice came out
of some speakers.

“The training session is over,” She said, “please mind the Assessing Teams and come out as
soon as you can walk.”

Matthew and the others walked towards the exit door, here they join Izumi and Ale, who
were chatting excitedly.

“Izumi says that maybe you’ll get your Sneak Line too,” commented Ale as they exited the

“And Ale was saying that maybe we will finally be able to claim a team name,” Izumi
smirked as they got to their assigned room. The door had a holly flower with a seven painted
on it.

They sat on the couches and waited.

After a couple of minutes, Xae entered, with a bag of frozen peas over his head and a cooler
on his hand.

“I’m back, bitches,” he said handing the cooler to Sihun, so he could hug Izumi, who had
leapt towards him as soon as she saw him.

Sihun opened the cooler and handed April an ice tea bottle.

“How do you feel, Xae?” asked Matthew, Xae put down the girl and sat with her on the

“As if someone had taken my head off and later they had sewn it back,” Xae replied as Sihun
handed him a Smirnoff can and a Pepsi can to Izumi.

“If it makes you feel better, we took revenge for you,” offered Matthew, Xae looked at him
and made a heart with his hand.

“That’s so sweet,” said Xae with a dreamy tone.

“Well, you are our teammates,” Matthew shrugged.

"Come on, Iz, let me fuck him," pleaded Xae, hugging her by the shoulders.

"You promised it to Ale, not me," replied Izu giving him a peck on the cheek. Ale growled.

"Ale hates me..." Xae pouted and Matthew chuckled.

"Not every one that says no to your advances hates you," commented Sihun opening a beer
and handing it to Ale.

"April hates me," Stated Xae.

“To be fair, I hate everyone,” replied April drinking her tea.

“Why did you promise that you won’t fuck me?” asked Matthew as Sihun handed him a
bottle of blood.

“Because I bet he wasn’t able to maintain his little buddy on his pants for a month,”
commented Ale, downing half of her beer.

“And it’s my last week,” Xae retorted showing his tongue, “and I’m not failing, Ale; you are
having a date with me.”

“Yeah, sure,” Ale snorted, “whatever you say, horny boy.”

“If Xae fucks Matthew can I be there?” asked Sihun drinking from his PhD Pepper.

“Oh, can I look?” asked Izumi looking at Matthew.

“Eh… Sure, why not?” Matthew shrugged, amused by the conversation.

“I would like to watch too,” commented April, “but I would prefer seeing you with Hiroto-

“Oh, I would like to see that too,” nodded Izumi.

“Hiroto-Taisho is so cute,” sighed Sihun.

“Hiroto-Taisho is goals,” added Ale.

“Uf, Hiroto-Taisho… And his cute ears, gods I want to caress his ears,” Said Xae in a dreamy

“Oh, like a cat’s? Please I want too,” said Izumi and the rest to the team agreed.

Matthew couldn’t help it and burst to laugh.

“You are so weird,” mumbled Matthew as he drank his blood.

“You haven’t seen a thing,” said Sihun giving Xae and Izumi’s a look.

“It could always get worst,” added April finishing her tea.

“It could always get worst,” agreed the others and Matthew nodded.

“It sounds like you are having fun,” Usagi-Gozen opened the door and smiled at them. “That
was very impressive, recruits.”

“We tried our best,” replied Izumi as Xae tried to look as small as possible.

“You excelled at it, I think is the first time you achieve such a kill count,” Usagi-Gozen sat in
front of them with a small envelope on her hands.
“It was because of Matthew,” said Sihun looking at Matthew with a bright smile, “he is
amazing at planning ambushes and a formidable warrior.”

“I know, he took down House Moreau and twelve Lords by himself last year,” the five
members of the team looked at him surprised. Xae climbed down the sofa and took his hand.

“Marry me,” said Xae as serious as he could be.

“I had the help of a couple of gargoyles…” Mumbled Matthew as April made Xae release his

“And since tonight he proved it wasn´t sheer luck, I’ll give you your Battle Tactics and Sneak
lines,” Said Usagi-Gozen handing Matthew two small red pins.

“It’s an honour,” Matthew bowed and put the pins on his sleeve where they expanded and
made the lines. He just needed one more.

“And, since you six have at least four lines each, you will be appointed as an actual team,”
Usagi-Gozen handed them the envelope, which Ale took, “I’ll let you think about the name of
your unit.”

Usagi-Gozen stood up, the team bowed and she left. They looked at each other and the
envelope in silence for a while.

“Please, Ale, let me fuck him,” pleaded Xae as he approached to see the envelope.

“I think I could kiss him,” commented Izumi before looking at Matthew and blushed
profusely, “I mean, I’m so happy, you are amazing and I… I’m going to stand in that corner.”

Ale opened the envelope, read the letter and handed it to April before shaking the envelope to
get six shiny badges.
“We are hunters… We are real hunters!” they cheered before hugging Izumi who cheered
excitedly. Sihun received the letter and jumped excited, before stealing a kiss from Xae. Xae
laughed and let Izumi put him the badge while Ale did the same with April.

“Well, Leader~” singsonged Sihun after Ale put him his badge, showing another badge with a
small L on it. Matthew made an exaggerated bow and let him put him the badge.

“We should call ourselves ‘Leeches’,” said April with a smirk.

“Oh, I support that name.”

“Me too, me too.”

“Me four.”

“What do you say, Commander Matthew?” Sihun smiled and the rest looked at him and
Matthew felt warm and fuzzy inside.

“We are the Leeches then,” he stated and they burst to cheer.

Later that night they went to a vampire-themed bar called ‘De Mala Muerte’.

“You’ll love this place,” said Xae as they made their way to a booth that seemed reserved for
them, “the owner is an actual vampire that loves humans and accepts every creature here as
long as they don’t hurt any human.”

“There are special humans here that have agreed to feed vamps and incubi,” added Izumi
carrying her drink and Ale’s to the table where the last was already comfortable, “they think
is a kink, tho.”
“And the owner let us stay if morning catches us here,” added Sihun smirking.

Matthew added that bar to the list of places he liked to be. And nothing made it better than
being there with his new team.

Maybe that was why Matthew was so angry the next night when Hiroto showed him three
Teams’ files that were missing a member.

“What’s the meaning of this?” he asked even though he already knew it.

“Tarrick sent it so you could choose your team in case you actually got your fifth line,”
replied Hiroto with a soft sigh.

“I already chose my team.”

“Do you really think that Mr Control will let you have a team he didn’t approve?”

“It’s my team! I should choose my team!”

“Do you know why they are missing a member?” Hiroto looked at him seriously.

“A mission that went wrong?”

“That’s a way to say it,” Hiroto sighed and frowned. “I’ll talk to Koki and to Tomoe-Gozen to
get them transferred with you.”

“Have I told you you are the best?” asked Matthew before giving Hiroto a peck.
“But you keep going back to Tarrick,” replied Hiroto dramatically, “not that I care, it’s fine
by me, I can share… He on the other side…”

“We’ll figure it out,” said Matthew, nuzzling the fox.

“You still have a line left, Matthew,” warned Hiroto as Matthew’s hand slid under his clothes.

“When I got it will you reward me?” Matthew pouted.

“Of course, sugar bat, you’ll be properly rewarded,” Hiroto gave Matthew a soft kiss.

Matthew purred before getting ready for the Academy.

Later that night Matthew called Rosaline to tell her that he had acquired a Diplomatic Line
thanks to her. And the call got way longer as she asked him everything about his stay at Lord
Koki’s palace. Matthew did his best to tell her all about customs and art and fashion and she
listened excitedly.

When she hung up Lord Koki appeared to congratulate him with a giant smile.

“Oh, I knew you were going to achieve it,” said Lord Koki happily, “High Lord General is
here, at my office, looking at the files of the Hiiragi Seven.”

“The ‘Leeches’,” corrected Matthew as they walked to Lord Koki’s office.

“Oh, already have a name?” Lord Koki seemed particularly happy, “kinda cliché but on

“It was April’s idea,” commented Matthew and Lord Koki nodded.
“You know, at first I wasn’t that sure about it,” said the incubus, “I mean, they are…
Difficult. But Usagi showed me your training sessions and you work together very well,
almost as if they were made just to be your team.”

“They are an amazing team,” said Matthew and was about to say something else when Lord
Koki opened the door and he saw Tarrick on a chair looking at some papers.

Seeing a chair in Lord Koki’s office was bizarre, and Tarrick seemed so out of place. That
was new and strange.

“High Lord General,” saluted Matthew bowing before entering the office.

“I’ll see you later, Matthew-san,” said Lord Koki leaving them alone, “we still have things to

Tarrick looked at Matthew and handed him the papers he was reading.

"Them? Seriously, Matthew?" Asked Tarrick gesturing at the files marked as ‘Hiiragi seven’.

"It's a good team, they care about each other and we worked nicely that week at Japan,"
replied Matthew, trying to not to show his nerves.

"It's a long shot, Matthew," Tarrick shook his head, "they are unusual, to put it lightly, and
don't generate trust."

"I was a long shot... A really unusual and not trusted long shot," Matthew walked towards the
incubus, "but you took that chance... You trusted me."

Tarrick looked at Matthew and sighed, averting looks.

"You were a controlled risk," replied the incubus.

"No, I wasn't and you know it," Matthew took Tarrick's chin and forced him to look at his
face. "I was a risk, I was dangerous and out of control, I was something unknown and scary.
But you put your faith in me, you took me in, and train me and gave me a chance and..."

Tarrick silenced Matthew with a demanding kiss that left the vampire breathless.

"Fine, they'll be your team," said Tarrick, "but you have to make them be exemplar members
of our society."

“Thank you, Master,” purred Matthew, hugging Tarrick and smiling.

“You know, I was thinking about Ashwood Blue or any other team trained back at home,”
commented the incubus, caressing Matthew’s back.

“Are you jealous? Usagi-Gozen isn’t as good teacher as Silva,” Matthew smirked.

“Usagi-Gozen? As in Gin Gozen?” Tarrick seemed surprised.

“You know her?”

“I’ve admired them for a long time.”

“Well, Usagi-Gozen hates me… But I think Tomoe-Gozen likes me, at least she seemed very
proud as she gave me the fifth line.”
“You are too charming for my liking,” said Tarrick with a soft sigh that made Matthew laugh.

“Come on, Master, I thought you wanted me to be liked by incubi society,” Matthew feigned
innocence and Tarrick raised an eyebrow.

“Lord Koki presented an official claim to get you there, he said he will feed you and take care
of you,” said Tarrick serious, “that won’t happen.”

“Just to be clear,” Matthew gave Tarrick a peck, “Lord Koki didn’t try anything… We just
played Hanafuda.”

Tarrick seemed to relax and gave Matthew a soft kiss.

“I’m glad there’s only a day left of this,” commented Tarrick, “I’ve missed you a lot.”

“I’ve missed you too, Master,” Matthew kissed him as Tarrick’s hands trailed down to the
small of his back.

“Matthew-san, Koki-Koshaku-Sama needs you,” the succubi on fire-pattern kimono entered

the conference room, “he says is of vital importance.”

“Is he trying to cockblock me?” murmured Tarrick as Matthew turned to see her.

“Koki-Koshaku-Sama said it was about mittens,” the succubi added.

“I have to go, Tarrick,” said Matthew kissing Tarrick’s cheek.

“Seriously, Matthew?
“Is very important… I’ll make up for you when I come back home.” Matthew offered and bit
his tongue. Home? Seriously? Did he think about his prison as home?

“Home,” Tarrick smiled and nodded, “Fine, I’ll wait for you at home.”

Matthew nodded and followed the succubus to Lord Koki’s room.

“Matthew!” Lord Koki beamed and dispatched the succubus with a gesture. She closed the
door after she left. “I wanted to congratulate you for getting your fifth line.”

“I was about to fuck High General Tarrick,” said Matthew, “and you called me to
congratulate me?”

“And to talk about the plan for tomorrow,” Lord Koki smiled and showed him a black and
red yukata with swirling bats, “Do you like this one? Or would you like one less vampiric?”

Matthew raised an eyebrow and examined the yukata.

“Can I see the other option?”

Matthew walked nervously around the train station. Since Hiroto had an urgent mission
abroad that day they agreed on meeting at the train station.

“Matthew-san?” A guy with short-cropped hair followed by other five men dressed all in
black shirts and jeans approached, “we are the Kage Roku, Hiroto-Taisho's team.”

“Hiroto-Taisho is getting ready and we thought about coming to see you,” another one, with
long brown hair, said.
“Hiroto-Taisho told us about your date,” added a bald one with a dragon tattoo that peeked
by the neck of his shirt.

“We’ve been looking at you and we decided you are a worth warrior,” a pretty boy with
dishevelled hair said.

“We want our Taisho to be happy, and you make him happy,” stated a man with neat black

“We wanted to give you this as a show of goodwill and respect,” the first man said as the
pretty boy produced a dark tube with a black cord that had a kanji pendant around it and
bowed before handing it.

“What’s this?” Matthew took the tube and could feel magic emanating from it. It wasn’t that
long and felt heavy.

“It’s a wakizashi, it’s enchanted to go back to you as long as you have the pendant,” said the
bald one.

“We all have one,” added the long-haired, “as a symbol of fraternity.”

“We hope you enjoy your date with Hiroto-Taisho.”

“We let him on your hands.”

And without further ado, they left. Matthew was about to follow them and inquire about the
wakizashi when he felt a familiar scent from the other side. He put the wakizashi away in his
duffle bag, turned and gasped.
Hiroto looked astounding on his black moon-patterned yukata over a white turtleneck. His
white hair fluttered in the night breeze, the moonlight giving him an otherworldly look.
Matthew chewed his lip and pushed back the desire of taking the fox there and now.

“Matthew!” Hiroto beamed when he saw him and beckoned at him. Matthew noticed he had
a small leaf on his head and that his ears were missing.

Matthew walked slowly, trying to not trip with the stupid wood sandals.

“You look nice in yukata,” commented Hiroto licking his lips and —judging by the way his
pupils dilated— Matthew knew that the white-haired man wanted to undress him.

“I think I’m loving these things,” replied Matthew, hugging Hiroto by the waist and nuzzling
against his neck. Hiroto chuckled and gave him a peck.

“It’s easier to have a quickie on these,” commented Hiroto as they walked to the entrance of
the temple.

“Don’t tempt me, fluff heart, or I’ll gonna fuck you hard on the back of the temple,” Matthew
purred, his hand caressing the small of his back.

“Don’t you dare to dishonour this place,” growled Hiroto before smiling and taking
Matthew’s hand. The fox slid a red cord with seven beads on the vamp’s wrist. “This is going
to prevent anyone to notice we are us.”

“Neat,” said Matthew looking at the cord, it tingled against his skin. “You have a leaf on your

“Let it be,” replied Hiroto giving him a wink, “It conceals my ears.”
Matthew frowned and shrugged, looking around marvelled by the number of lanterns, stands
and people. They walked by the second tori of the temple.

Matthew could feel the magic emanating from the tori and smiled when he saw several spirits
floating around.

“What do you have there?” Asked Hiroto gesturing at the small duffle bag that Matthew

“What? Oh… This thing doesn’t have pockets,” Explained Matthew, “and I have some blood
bars that Vik sent, the phone Lord Koki handed me and…” Matthew trailed off, he couldn’t
say anything about the other thing, “a change of clothes…”

“Are you assuming you are going to destroy your lovely yukata?” giggled Hiroto.

“I was hoping you will rip it off,” Matthew shrugged and Hiroto hit him on the shoulder.
Matthew laughed.

“Why don’t we try something?” Hiroto gestured at a fish stand and Matthew followed him,
“the idea is capturing a fish with this washi paper nets.”

“Washi paper?” Matthew frowned, “I thought it is very fragile.”

“That’s the whole point,” Hiroto giggled and handed the man on the stand some money. And
the man handed him two nets and two bowls. “Look and learn.”

Hiroto rolled up his sleeve and kneeled by the fish tank. Matthew kneeled by his side and
cocked his head. With a swift movement, Hiroto started fishing collecting several goldfishes
on his bowl ‘till the net broke.
Matthew took the other net and pushed a bit of speed to catch a fish. The net broke

“This is not about speed, it’s about technique,” said Hiroto receiving his ballon with a dozen
goldfishes, and handing the man more money. The man handed them more nets, and they
spent almost half an hour before Matthew could get a goldfish.

Hiroto laughed as they walked down and Matthew took a picture of his goldfish to sent it to
Vik, who had vehemently asked to be informed of everything on the festival.

“There are plenty of games we can try,” commented Hiroto happily, handing Matthew his
balloon of goldfishes, “and there’s a couple of vamp’s stands where you can get some bloody

“There are bloody treats here too?” Matthew asked looking contently at the goldfishes.
Maybe he could get them a tank on his room, yeah, that would be nice.

“Not as sophisticated as what Vik and Sarah made for you,” Hiroto shrugged, “it’s more like
bloody ice shave and cotton blood.”

“That sounds interesting,” commented Matthew looking around and smiling when he noticed
that most of the people around were couples. A colourful stand caught his eyes and he
walked toward it with a wide smile.

“Do you want a mask, young man?” asked the vendor jovially.

“I want that, please,” Matthew gestured at one and Hiroto looked at him unamused. Matthew
paid for the mask and put it on his head. Hiroto rolled his eyes.

“Seriously, Matthew? A kitsune mask?” Hiroto shook his head.

“To look at it on the nights you won’t be with me,” replied Matthew with fake sadness.
Hiroto hit him again.

“Let’s get some fried tofu…”

“I thought you couldn’t eat it.”

“I can, but if I eat too much my magic fails.”


“It’s food from the mortal plane.”

Matthew frowned and cocked his head.

“Then what do you eat normally?”

“Offerings…” Hiroto shrugged and winked at him, “And meat… I love rabbits.”

“I’ll note it,” Said Matthew as they went to the food stands.

A couple of hours later they had several prizes on their hands, and they were chitchatting

“Oh, look! That’s an enormous panda!” said Hiroto as he ate his blue cotton candy, Matthew
ended his cotton blood and tugged the fox’s arm to go to the stand where the enormous
plushie was.
“If I win it for you, would you let me fuck you during the Hanabi?” asked Matthew very
serious. Hiroto blushed and the owner of the stand commented something about what a cute
couple they were.

“But not on the back of the temple,” managed to mumble Hiroto. Matthew beamed and
handed him his other prizes —various coloured balloons, small yokai plushies and keychains
— to Hiroto and paid to the vendor. The man handed him a rifle and Matthew aimed

“Where are we going?” Asked Hiroto, hugging his big panda, as they walked to a small hill.

“Lord Koki arranged us a special location to see the Hanabi,” replied Matthew gesturing at
the top of the hill. There was a big blanket with several pillows, a basket and a girl looking at
her phone. Hiroto hid behind Matthew and touched his leaf to disappear. Matthew shrugged
and take off the cord before beckoning to the girl, “Hey, Cho! I’m here!”

Cho raised her head and sighed in relief.

“Good~ I’ll take my leave then…” She said jumping and unwrinkling her yukata, “I’m gonna
see the show with my team. See you later, Matthew-san.”

“Have fun,” Matthew waved as she disappeared in a green flash. Hiroto appeared again on
the blanket and frowned before looking at Matthew. “What?”

“Is that a cake?” Hiroto asked nonchalantly as he opened the basket.

“It’s a shortcake,” replied Matthew walking towards him and sitting on the blanket. He took
the basket and produced a shortcake and a small candle, “I wasn’t sure what to get you, so I
hope you like orange cake.”

“What’s the meaning of this?” Hiroto dropped the plush and stared at Matthew. He seemed
“A bird told me today was your birthday and I wanted to celebrate it with you…” Said
Matthew chewing his lip, “Maybe making love to you and cherish you under the

“Oh, Matthew…” Hiroto averted looks and sat by his side. “It’s… Not exactly my birthday.
It’s the anniversary of the day I… I got stranded in this world.”

Suddenly Matthew understood why the fox didn’t want to celebrate it and why he had been
so melancholic. He wanted to stake himself and let the sun kill him in the morning.

“Well… Then… What if we celebrate another thing?” Asked Matthew putting the shortcake
aside and taking Hiroto’s hands.

“What?” Hiroto looked at their hands intertwined and then at Matthew.

“Hiroto… I want you to be my boyfriend, officially.” Matthew whispered, taking off the leaf
and kissing the fox softly. “I want this day to be the day you become mine, foxglove.”

“F-foxglove?” Hiroto blushed as he inquired about the nickname.

“You are my weakness, Hiroto,” replied Matthew, “if something were to happen to you…”

Matthew couldn’t finish the sentence, because Hiroto caught his lips on a desperate kiss.
Hiroto claimed his lips fervently and Matthew responded passionately, scooping Hiroto so he
was sitting on his lap. Hiroto broke the kiss and panted, holding on Matthew’s neck.

“You are the death of me,” said Hiroto, with tears on his eyes, “and yes… I want to be your
Matthew chuckled and kissed Hiroto again.

“Will you eat your cake? I have another thing for you and I want to give it to you before
opening that cute yukata of yours and eating you whole.”

Hiroto nodded and climbed down from Matthew’s lap. He took the shortcake and blew off
the candle before bitting it. Matthew hummed contently as he took his duffle bag and
produced a small box in back wrapping paper and a silver bow.

“To my foxglove,” said Matthew handing it to Hiroto. Hiroto took it and opened it curious.

“Those are…?” Hiroto cocked his head confused as he looked at the content of the box.

“Mittens…” Matthew shrugged and averted looks nervous, “your favourite child story…”

Hiroto put on the black snowflake-patterned mittens and smiled. “You read it?”

“It was a nice story.”

“It’s about kindness… I like to hope that all humans have that kindness deep inside of

Matthew nodded and looked at Hiroto, who was looking at the mittens with a melancholic
gaze and a small smile.

“Do you like them?”

“I love them,” Hiroto raised his gaze and beamed at Matthew before showing him his hands,
“how do they look?”
“Amazing,” replied Matthew chuckling, “as everything you wear.”

“Really? I thought you wanted to take off my clothes,” Hiroto retorted with a playful smile.

“You look even better when you are naked,” Matthew shrugged, giving him a soft peck.

“You promised me something, Matthew,” Hiroto took off the mittens and untied his obi.
Matthew smirked and took Hiroto’s feet, taking off the wooden sandals and the white socks.
He started kissing the legs of the smaller man, as he opened the yukata and admired the
velvety skin illuminated by the moonlight.

“Matthew,” sighed Hiroto softly as the vampire’s hands caressed his skin and his mouth left a
trail of hickeys and kisses on his tights.

“What if I make love to you at the rhythm of the fireworks?” asked Matthew, taking off
Hiroto’s underwear, freeing his erection and deposited a kiss on the top. Hiroto arched and bit
his lip.

“Yes, please,” pleaded Hiroto, Matthew reclaimed his lips, as his hand produced some lube
and started caressing the erection of the white-haired man. His other hand caressed the
entrance of the fox and coated it with the silk that oozed from his fingers. Hiroto trembled
and his moans died on the lips of his boyfriend.

Once Hiroto’s entrance was dilated enough, Matthew scooped him and situated behind him.
Matthew opened his yukata and freed his erection, before rubbing it against the crack of
Hiroto’s ass.

“Matthew…” Hiroto arched against him and kissed him over his shoulder.
“Hiroto,” replied Matthew softly, penetrating him at the same moment the first firework
exploded on the sky.

A suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I hope you liked this chapter, this is the final one before things start to get heavy :3

I made a Facebook for instance of Izumi so, if you want to talk to me you can look for
me as Mirai Hiiragi :3
Chapter 21 [FUCK TANE]
Chapter Summary

Tane saves Matthew and gives him a bit of his huge dick.

Chapter Notes

This is a very special chapter, for Austen Ray from Jex BeMo's FB group. I hope you
enjoy this~


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all it's marvelous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew was thrown across the battlefield as a ragdoll and a tree stopped his fly, breaking his
spine and a couple of his ribs. A strangled scream of pain came out of his mouth as he felt to
the ground with a loud thud. He tried to crawl away but the pain flared and he knew one of
his pouches had been pierced by one of his broken ribs. His good arm was trying to grip the
ground to impulse himself forward.

Too late. He felt the ground trembled under the weight of the vampire Lord that had been
playing with him.

“This is what you earn for attacking your own,” said the Lord, stepping on Matthew’s hand
and breaking it. Matthew cried in pain as the Lord took him by the neck and placed the other
hand on his chin.

Oh, he knew that face, that move. He had ripped so many vampire heads like that. Was it
karma? Was that the way he was going to die? In a stupid battle for some stupid King he
couldn’t care less?

He closed his eyes resigned to die when suddenly the hands of the vampire left his neck.
Matthew stumped on the ground and heard a loud crack followed by the familiar scent of a
vampire corpse decaying. He felt himself being lifted and he opened his eyes.

He was against a broad armoured chest, tainted with decaying blood and dirt, being hold in
place by muscular arms that felt so warm. He tried to lift his gaze but a white-hot pain
stopped from doing so.

“Stop squirming, Vampire,” Tane. Tane had just saved him. How… Unexpected. He grunted
as the incubus lowered him on a soft surface. Matthew tried to talk but from his mouth only
came a gargle of blood. His body wasn’t healing fast enough but he wasn’t sure he wanted to
collapse his blood pouches to heal it.
“Drink.” The order took him by surprise. But seeing the wrist of the blonde sliced open, with
blood pooling, was too much. He didn’t even think about it before licking the blood and
biting hard, sucking greedily. “Damn leech!”

The incubus clawed the nape of his neck and took his arm from his mouth. Matthew showed
his fangs and growled, and Tane looked at him unamused before shoving a bottle of blood on
his mouth, making him drink.

Matthew coughed but managed to drink it.

“You better?” The soft-touch of the warrior’s hand left Matthew confused.

“Yes… Thank you…” He said as he willed his body to heal. Tane made a disgusted face as
his bones clicked and mended.

“You are a really bad warrior,” snorted Tane, “I took down more than you and rescued you,
therefore I’m the best.”

Matthew rolled his eyes and snorted. Yeah sure. As if the incubus was better than him.

Tane looked at him furiously and his eyes flashed purple.

“Are you challenging me?” growled the incubus. Matthew bit his tongue; he had promised no
more fighting with Tane. “What? You know you can’t beat me.”

“Of course I can,” retorted Matthew flashing his fangs. Big mistake.

Tane lunged at him and grabbed him by the throat pinning him against the bed.
“Ain’t you feisty?” asked Tane kneeling over Matthew’s legs so he couldn’t move them. With
his free hand, he took the vamp’s hands and put them over his head. “Ha! You couldn’t even
free yourself.”

“I’m hurt and weak,” grunted Matthew, trashing against him. “That’s why you won.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Tane shook his head, “You shouldn’t admit that to an enemy, neither that you
are weak nor that they’ve won.”

Enemy? A surge of panic made Matthew still himself. Did the incubus save him just to kill
him with his own hands? He would have preferred to die in the hands of the anonymous

Matthew surely didn’t expect that Tane would claim his lips in a rough demanding kiss.
Damn it. Was every incubus good at kissing?

Tane bit Matthew’s lips hard and looked at him puzzled.

“I don’t get it,” he said after a while, “Why my father is so smitten with you? You can barely

“Hey!” Matthew growled. He was a good kisser; Vassu, Rosaline and Hiroto loved his kisses.

“Maybe it was to do with something else.”

“Please tell me you are not talking about what I think you are talking.”

Matthew suddenly realized how hot must be the situation —If he was in that situation with
his fox under he had already fucked him hard—, and gulped. He had never thought like that
about Tane. Damn it. He had been too busy trying to annoy or avoid him that he hadn’t
noticed him as a man.
And he wasn’t sure he wanted to.

Another kiss interrupted his train of thoughts, and as the invading tongue danced with him,
he could feel the lust growing in the incubus. Damn it. He was releasing pheromones and it
was getting to him.

After a couple of minutes, he was corresponding to the demanding and fierce kiss. Trying to
dominate the older warrior at least in that.

“That’s more like it,” grinned Tane when he broke the kiss and Matthew tried to free his
hands —Not to take him by the neck and force him to kiss again, not a chance.

Tane smirked as Matthew trashed against the hands that kept his over his head. Matthew
couldn't say he wasn't enjoying it, but he won't give that bastard the pleasure to know it.

"What with that face, Vampire?" Asked Tane, using his other hand to free his erection.
Matthew's breathe hitched. Jesus Fucking Christ! That was... HUGE. Not fitting, definitely
not fitting. "Don't you like it? Or did you got used to daddy's little guy?"

"D-don't you think is a little too much?" Asked Matthew, trying to not let his fear leak on his
voice. Tane put his hand into Matthew’s pants and passed a long lubricated finger through
Matthew's ass crack.

"Don't worry, I'll prepare you well... I want to hear you cry my name in pleasure" replied
Tane entering one finger onto him, "Besides, it was you who wanted to fuck the entire

“Tane… Wait, no ahhh~” Matthew whined as Tane introduced a second finger and sent a
wave of pleasure that rippled through the vampire. The incubus smirked as he fingered the
other man, holding his hands firmly over his head to maintain him in place.
“Come one, Vampire…” whispered Tane biting hard the lobe of his ear. “Shouldn’t you be
more grateful? I just saved your sorry ass…” Tane introduced another finger earning a soft
whine from Matthew, “from being ripped to pieces.”

“I… Am grateful…” Replied Matthew between pants. He didn’t want to admit it but Tane
was making him crazy just by fingering him. Matthew was eager to know how well it would
feel to have him inside —Tane was properly preparing and stretching him— even if he felt
somewhat scared at the size of him. “and you are… taking your time…”

“If I took you now I’ll break you,” replied Tane licking Matthew’s neck, “And as much as I
want to hear you cry, I want it to be out of pleasure, not pain… Although you seem to like

Tane bit hard Matthew’s shoulder until it bled and Matthew cried in pleasure. Shit. He was
right, he liked it rough.

Matthew gasped and sat on the futon, his body trembling and his stomach upset. That was
definitely the worst nightmare he had had lately.

He stirred.

Fuck. He was horny.

He wondered if Hiroto would mind a quickie before he had to leave and if fucking the fox
would erase that weird dream from his mind.

A Suivre~

Chapter End Notes

And yes, it's my April Fools joke :3

The next chapter will be out in April 16 :3
Chapter 22
Chapter Summary

Matthew goes back to Ashwood, confesses to Rosaline, trains with Prescott, fights with
the Argonauts, drinks with the Argonauts and a Party has the people around him
thinking about him.

She looked at him and smirked, “he was right, you are dense but somewhat endearing.”

“Excuse me?” Matthew frowned and she laughed.

“And not great at hiding your emotions. It doesn’t come naturally to you, does it?
Deception,” She asked, and Matthew could remember how much Hiroto and Rosaline
insisted that he had to be better at hiding things. He sighed and shrugged.

Chapter Notes

This chapter has a lot of backstories from the Leeches, and some very important
conversations with two important woman.

It also assesses Matthew's mental health, because it's very important to me(?)

It's way longer than I expected, but it was funny to write. I want to thank my two betas
April and Gabs <3 This fanfic wouldn't be possible without they <3


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew left himself fall on his bed and sighed contently. Everything in his bedroom was
exactly where he left it, except for the things he had taken with him. He smiled and climbed
down his bed to start unpacking. He had all night for himself, which was a rare occurrence
lately, but he was grateful.

He put his books back on the shelves, leaving a note to not move them because he liked them
too much. He put some new clothes in his closet, mostly jeans and casual shirts, along with
two yukatas, the Senbonzakura Academy uniform, some suits and his armour —which,
according to Vik, had interesting upgrades.

Matthew took off a small lucky charm that Hiroto had bought him on the temple that last
festival night and put it along with some photos —that Dr Brightside insisted he had to print
— of himself with Vik, Hiroto and the Leeches, at his bedstand. His family, she had said.

For what he heard, the Leeches were going to be sent as ‘exchange students’ to Ashwood VH
Academy so Tarrick could monitor them too.

He heard a soft beep and he took off his cellphone —that already had a bat decal on the back
courtesy of Rosaline— and chuckled at the message.

‘R U back already, Fangy? -Rz’

‘I’m back. Y U didn’t come 2 greet me, bloodlocks? -Mt’

He sent his answer and took a couple of minutes to tell Vik and Hiroto that he had arrived
back home. Home. It felt weird to call it home since it was the place where he had been
tortured for two years.
He produced the Wakizashi from his backpack and looked intently at it.

A soft knock made him turn and the man on the door made him smile.

“You seem happy, Matthew,” greeted Vassu entering the room, “did you enjoy your little

“I did,” beamed Matthew approaching the man. Vassu took his face on his strong yet gentle
hands and gave him a soft kiss. Damn it. That was more like a welcoming. He wondered if
the incubus would fuck him.

“I heard you are now ‘Commander Matthew’,” Vassu hugged him and gave him a soft smile,
“why don’t you tell me about it?”

Matthew guided the incubus to his bed where they cuddle as he recounted the last weeks, and
how he got his very own team. Vassu heard him patiently and asked questions every now and
then, making Matthew feel welcomed.

“And here I was thinking you’ll be feeling lonely,” said Rosaline from the doorway. Vassu

“I was about to leave,” replied Vassu releasing Matthew and standing, Matthew frowned,
“We’ll have sex another day, Matthew.”

“Take care, Vassu,” said Rosaline as the man walked by, “Tarrick is mad, and who knows

“He’s been mad for a while now,” Vassu grimaced and sighed before leaving.

“What happened to Tarrick?” asked Matthew walking towards the woman.

“My thoughts? He is jealous because he thinks Lord Koki, his concubines or Hiroto fucked
you.” Replied Rosaline embracing him. Matthew frowned and chuckled.

“Want to make him jealous?” joked Matthew, letting his hands wander to the small of her

“No kisses first?” pouted the redhead pressing her body against Matthew’s.

Matthew gave her a peck and she raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth to argue.
Matthew gave her a fierce kiss, letting his tongue roam her mouth, and he felt her melt
against him.

“Was that okay for a kiss?” Matthew asked as he broke the kiss. Rosaline looked at him
lustfully and with swollen lips.

“Let’s get to the bed,” she replied and Matthew laughed before scooping her.

“You know, I missed you a lot, Bloodlocks,” said Matthew, as he left her on the bed. Her
simple black dress with a sweetheart's neck barely covered her long legs. Matthew licked his
lips and caressed the creamy skin of her thighs, lifting the dress.

“I missed you too, Fangy,” Rosaline replied as she saw him took off her panties with his
teeth. Matthew licked her and she moaned. Rosaline loved when Matthew eat her pussy, and
Matthew loved the way she melted when he did so.

His hands roamed the body of the succubus, and unhooked the dress expertly, as he
penetrated her with his tongue. She cried in pleasure, writhing and arching. Matthew kissed
and licked the nub before pushing pleasure through his tongue. Rosaline grabbed his hair and
moaned, bucking her hips against him.
Matthew kept sucking and circling her until she came. He produced lubricant until his fingers
were coated with it and introduced one on her core, as he went up to lick and suck one of her
nipples. Rosaline trembled.

“Matthew~” she pleaded taking his hand, “You don’t have to…”

“I like to.”

“Yes, but I want you inside. Now!”

Matthew shrugged and took off his fingers. He shed his clothes in a blink of an eye and
climbed over her.

“I like you a lot, Bloodlocks,” he whispered into her ear before entering her.

After a couple of hours and making her came as much as he could, he nuzzled and cuddle her
on his bed. Yes, that was good.

Rosaline purred and looked at him blissfully, before gasping.

“What’s that?” She asked, touching the biting mark on Matthew’s neck.

Matthew frowned and looked at himself on a mirror.

“Oh… That,” Matthew’s frown lessened, “Hiroto bit me a week ago, but it’s weird how it
hadn’t healed…”

“He bit you?” Rosaline pressed the bite mark, and Matthew flinched. It hurt. “When?”
“The first time we fucked,” he replied shrugging. Rosaline opened her eyes and shrieked.

“HE MARKED YOU!” Rosaline hugged Matthew, excited.

“I… guess, yeah,” Matthew shrugged.

“You have no idea what that means, don’t you?”

“No, no idea.”

Rosaline sighed and rolled her eyes.

“It means that you are his mate,” she replied tapping the bite mark, “but you haven’t accepted
him yet as your mate.”

“Wait, how does this whole mate thing work?” Matthew chewed his lip, “Do I have to bite
him too?”

Rosaline laughed, “No you don’t. But you have to be bitten by him again, after accepting to
spend your lives together.”

Matthew nodded and sudden realization fell on him.

“Tarrick knows what this means?”

“Tarrick is old, Matthew, he probably had hooked up with or had known a messenger.”
“I need to hide this.”

Rosaline bit her lip and touched Matthew’s hands, her face serious.

“Matthew… What do you feel for Hiroto?” she asked, “and don’t give me the ‘is just sexual
attraction’ thing.”

Matthew took his hands and hid them, he didn’t want to lie to Rosaline but he had been
hiding it for a while and wasn’t about to put Hiroto in danger.

“What about Tarrick? What do you feel for Tarrick?” Rosaline seemed concerned.

“I… Like Tarrick… Very much,” admitted Matthew with a soft blush. Rosaline sighed.

“You know, it’s perfectly normal to like several people,” said Rosaline with a small smile,
“I’ve heard about people with two or even three mates at the same time…”

“Tarrick is very possessive,” said Matthew looking down, “he won’t like it…”

“Matthew… I could help you hide it, but I need you to be honest with me,” said Rosaline
seriously, “Do you love Tarrick and Hiroto?”

Matthew shivered and looked at Rosaline scared. Love? Tarrick? He wasn’t sure about loving
the incubus anymore. How he could love two persons so different?

Maybe because they are different. Tarrick makes you feel taken care of, he dominates you and
challenges you. Hiroto makes you feel at home, he makes you want to be better and puts you
on his same level so you two could be side by side. You love both because you need both.
“Yes,” he said softly, before taking Rosaline's hands and say seriously, “but this is our secret.
No one, not even them can know this.”

Rosaline's eyes sparkled and she beamed.

“I won’t tell anyone, not even the High King,” she replied before kissing Matthew’s hands.
“Now, I’m gonna teach you more of your incubus abilities.”

Matthew was grateful Rosaline liked him that much. And was more than happy to learn more
abilities from his incubus side.

Especially when it involved getting a blowjob from her.

“You have to be able to maintain it even if your mind is in another thing,” explained Rosaline
when she had kneeled between his legs.

Even after three failures, he was too invested on the blowjob to care. Rosaline was pushing
too much pleasure into him and he was almost certain she had a hold on him. He came in her
mouth with a cry and she swallowed diligently before looking at him.

“You did it,” she said proudly, touching his neck where the mark should have been.

“Did I?” He asked, letting himself fall on his back, blissful and tired. Rosaline laughed and
climbed back on the bed to cuddle against him.

A knock on the door made Matthew groan.

“Don’t be like that, maybe is Tarrick,” mocked Rosaline as they got up and dressed.
It was certainly not Tarrick.

“Imperator Prescott,” saluted Matthew. Prescott raised his eyebrow when he noticed Rosaline
on the bed, brushing her hair.

“Matthew… Commander Matthew,” he said and Matthew was sure he was mocking the title,
“I come to inform you that your week with me starts tomorrow.”

“I just came back…” Matthew sighed, looking at his backpack.

“We will train here,” replied Prescott, “I want to see how well you work with your team and
how well is your teamwork in actual battle.”

Matthew nodded and looked at Prescott.

“Also, we have a situation and you are required on the battlefield,” added Prescott before
waving at Rosaline, “I’m sorry Lady Rosaline, but I’m stealing him for a while.”

“Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna look around his stuff…”


Rosaline giggled as Matthew entered back, put his compression suit and armour in a blink of
an eye. He took the wakizashi and put on the pendant, decided to try it.

“If you move something I’ll know,” he growled her, and she just laughed and sent him a kiss.
Matthew frowned and followed Prescott.
“How bad is it?” Asked Matthew as they walked to the teleport stone.

“They called us,” replied Prescott shrugging a little, “it is really bad.”

Matthew nodded and they teleported away. When they got there the hut where the teleport
stone was, trembled as something very strong and/or heavy hit the ground. Both men ran
outside to see and saw a massive tiger being punched back by Mac.

Prescott teleported to the back of the tiger and drove his sword deep between its shoulders.

Matthew unsheathed the wakizashi and lounge for the paws of the beast. He smirked when
the tiger cried in pain and fell because of his tendons being sliced.

A white flash was the only foretold he had before a shadowy figure slice the throat of the
tiger. Hiroto turned to him and cocker his head, his honey eyes fixated on the wakizashi
before murmuring some orders on his comms.

“Argonauts,” barked Prescott through the comms, “stay by your teams, for now, we’ll strike
at 23 sharp.”

Almost at the same moment, the sweet alluring voice of Tarrick came to Matthew’s hears.

“Matthew, you and the… Leeches, go north, look for survivors and clear vampires from the

“Yes, Master,” replied Matthew with a soft husky voice before changing channels, “Hey
guys, let’s clear the north.”

“Aye, sir,” replied a very cheerful Izumi, followed by the others.

Matthew sped towards the north and encounter them nearby the houses. They looked very
different on hunter uniform:

Xae was wearing skin-tight pants, a simple high neck jacket open over a dark music shirt, and
what seemed like black leather tennis. Matthew flinched at the wide leather collar and was
surprised by the two black bladed katanas that he gripped. He was still using his glasses.

Izumi was wearing combat boots, camo pants filled with pockets, an oversized black jacket
and a black cat mask that covered her mouth and nose. She was missing her glasses and was
looking at the houses in a very dark way.

Ale was wearing a black trenchcoat, dark pants and knee-high combat boots. Their hair was
pulled back in a high bun. They had their crossbow ready and was waiting for directions.

April was wearing black skin-tight pants, short dark boots, a dark grey medium sleeved shirt
that made Matthew think about a leathery wing. Over her head was a dark cape, with a cloth
that wrapped around her shoulders and fell down her back like a scarf. She had a crossed belt
filled with daggers and stakes and a readied crossbow.

Sihun was wearing a turtle neck shirt and skin-tight pants with knee-high boots. He had a
modest belt with five stakes and five daggers on his hips, and a belt crossed over his back. He
had a silver spiked ended hanbo in his hands and grinned at Matthew.

Matthew wondered if they didn’t need any armour, and decided that he didn’t care as long as
they didn’t get too hurt. He pointed at the first three-stories tall house and made a small
gesture. They nodded and teleported away. Matthew walked to the door and tried to push it
open. The human owner must be alive.

A loud crash on the upper floor told him that the team had already entered. A few seconds
after Izumi was opening the door, with a scared family on her tracks.

“That’s him,” she said hurriedly as she pushed them out. The father looked at Matthew.
“Y-you may enter,” he babbled and Izumi nodded before taking the two little girls and
teleporting away, she came back two times to get them to safety as Matthew entered the
house and passed Ale and April who were finishing the guards of the first floor.

He climbed the stairs and slashed through the first three vampires easily. Damn, that
wakizashi was light and felt like an extension of his arm. He liked it.

When Matthew got to the upper floor, Sihun was smacking a vampire’s head with his hanbo,
that had extended. Sihun smiled at Matthew as he finished the other vampire.

“Third floor clean, Boss,” smiled Sihun collapsing his hanbo and opening the window. “shall
I did the same in the next one?”

“No, there are no humans inside,” Matthew climbed on the windowsill before talking over
the comm, “let’s meet on the second floor .”

The next two houses were a piece of cake and Matthew was starting to like being in charge
and being followed. The team trusted him fully and they were starting to become closer.

The final house gave Matthew the chills. It had at least three Lords and many vampires in
each room. But that wasn’t what got to his nerves. The thing that made Matthew really shiver
was that several vampires disappeared underground; suddenly he couldn’t sense them any

“Let’s be careful with this one,” he said over the comms, and he entered the house through a
window on the first floor. He heard his teammates followed him and he entered a room with
five young vampires and a Lord.

He sped to take down the Lord who avoided him smoothly and sent his fledgelings to him. A
silver grenade launched by Izumi prevented them to get closer to him. Sihun took one down
with a loud smack of his hanbo. Ale beheaded another with a swift movement. April
launched herself against another and Xae filleted the last one with his swords.
The Lord growled and Matthew readied himself to attack. But the Lord didn’t move. He
instead laughed and took his dark mask off. The team tensed.

“I know you,” said the vampire Lord, with a wide grin, showing his fangs. Matthew frowned,
he didn’t know him.

“You bloody bastard,” cried Izumi lunging at him with a dagger that Matthew wasn’t sure
where she got. Xae intercepted her. She teleported to attack from another angle and Xae
intercepted her, two, three more times

“Izu, stop,” he grunted, “you are going to get yourself killed!”

“Shut the fuck up!” she cried, and pointed her crossbow —seriously, where did her weapons
come from?— at his temple. Xae started trembling, his eyes trained at the point of the bolt.

“Izu,” the plea was soft, almost childlike. Izumi pulled the trigger as the others cried.
Matthew shuddered as he heard an otherworldly cry. The bolt exploded and Xae lowered his
katanas, his eyes completely black. “You are dead, monster.”

“Suck it up,” she replied, before pointing at the Lord, who looked at them amused.

“Well, well, well,” Xae took off his glasses, his jacket and his comms and set them aside, “it’s
been a long time, who have you been?”

The Lord shrugged smirking. Xae nodded.

“I’ve been very busy being trapped, you know after you SEALED ME!” Xae opened the
back of the katanas’ handles and changed a couple of slim tubes.

The Lord laughed as Izumi menacingly circled him, and this time Matthew was sure she
didn’t have eyes. The Lord was ignoring her, probably because he could hear how tired she
was. Matthew took a step forward and April stopped him.

“You don’t want to get caught,”

she barely whispered.

“What happens, blood sacks? Are you mad at me? Do you want to get revenge?” he laughed
as Xae readied his swords. “You couldn’t stop me at that time, you wouldn’t stop me now.”
The Lord opened his wings and let his vampire guise forward, he was terrifying.

“You are already dead,” replied Xae as Izumi pushed a button and five silver chains shot
from the places Izumi had teleported. The chains embedded on the vampire’s flesh and
Matthew noticed how they were full of foxglove-covered spikes. The Lord cried and the
chains reeled up, making him kneel. Xae pushed a button on his katanas and, through a small
canal through the blade liquid silver swept.

“But you won’t be given the gift of mercy,” added Izumi taking off her oversized jacket.
Underneath was a dark long-sleeved shirt that was full of laces and belts, and Matthew
shivered at the sheer amount of daggers, stakes, vials and grenades that brimmed her shirt.
She took a small box and placed it on the back of the vampire, “since you didn’t give her the
gift of mercy.” She said with hatred filling her voice as the cube expanded and clawed the
Lord’s wings’ bases and ground them.

Xae put his katana on the forehead of the vampire and smiled evilly as he pushed it. Matthew
didn’t hear the Lord cry. His throat had been taken care off by Izumi.

“Let’s get going,” said Sihun, tugging Matthew’s arm. April and Ale were at the door. He
noticed they all had turned off their comms, “there is no way they’ll stop now.”

Matthew didn’t want to look back, he instead opened his comms, “we are going silent now to
stealth in.”

“Copy on that, Commander,” said Tarrick and Matthew turned his comms off.
“Explain, now,” he demanded. April, Ale and Sihun looked at each other before nodding.

“It’s a really long story, and we have a big house to clear,” said Sihun as they started walking
down the halls.

“It all started in Russia when General Tarquin was starting to conquer it back,” said April as
they climbed up the stairs. “There was a vampire stronghold on a human city. The Lords were
supposed to be off during that night. When General Tarquin’s army got there, it was empty.
All vampires death.”

“I saw those reports, Xae showed me,” commented Sihun, “once after we fucked…”

April rolled her eyes and Sihun bit his lip.

“The picture showed three kids, the older being Xae with 17, asleep over a dirt patchwork
cloth, and caked with blood and dirt,” said Sihun with a shiver. Ale put her finger over her
mouth and the four entered the room with weapons ready. They efficiently cleared the room
within minutes. “The first one to wake was one of the girls. She claimed that her name was
M1R4, that they were trying to escape with the help of the other thirteen kids on the
dungeons. She said that the kids with her were M3R1 and the Lord’s bed boy.”

“Bed boy?” Matthew grimaced at the idea of Xae being abused as a child.

“There were no other survivors on the house, and when they woke up Xae was skittish and
insisted that he needed to get back to his room before the Lord noticed he had gone or he was
going to be ‘disarmed’ again.” Sihun proceeded with a disgusted face, “M3R1, or Izumi, as
you know her was quiet and refused to let go of M1R4,” Sihun breathed shakily, “They were
taken by Commander Hiroto back to Japan, that’s why they love him so much.”

“They were used in vampire experimentation and were tortured since they had memory,”
added April, “It took several years before any of them said responded to a real name, the first
one to do so was M1R4, Mirai… Our first leader…”
“Hiroto was cryptic about what happened to her,” commented Matthew as they tracked the
other vampires of the house, “he asked if I knew what happened to your sixth member.”

“Those three were quite close,” resumed April, “when I met them, the only one that had
anything of his own was Xae, who had taken a handful of items from his room at the vampire
household. No one knew what it was and no one asked, because each time Xae became
skittish again and would spend months in silence.”

“We were assigned as their mentors on what meant to be human,” added Sihun, “since they
knew nothing more than the years of experimentation and abuse from the vampires.”

“After a while we got them to trust us and to open up to others and they join us three back at
the Academy,” added Ale, who hadn’t talk in a while, “that day was when Izumi decided that
she wanted us to call her Izumi.”

“They were quite talented from the beginning, but the best was Mirai. She had that innate
leadership and sharp mind. She also managed to hid and had under control Izumi’s and Xae’s
conditions for decades.” April talked about her with a melancholic tone, “it was on our first
official mission when we lost her.”

“We got called to Hokkaido, to help with the cleaning efforts. There wasn’t supposed to be
any lords there,” said Ale with a deep frown, “And of course we didn’t know that one of
them was the lord that supervised their torture.”

“I’ve never seen Izumi so angry before,” their voice trembled as if the memory was too much
for her, “but when he took Mirai and bit her neck… Izumi wailed…”

“And Xae shrieked...” added Sihun with a shiver.

“In a second they were over the Lord, trying to kill him in rage. He dispatched them swiftly
and took off with Mirai.” April said before putting her finger over her mouth and pointing at
the door at the end of the hallway. What a fucking cliffhanger.
Suddenly the house shook and they three looked at each other in panic. When, after a few
minutes, nothing else happened they sighed in relief before teleporting to the room. Matthew
sped to enter and beheaded the vampires in a blink of an eye.

“Finish the story,” he demanded, “we won’t move until you finish it.”

They sighed and nodded.

“Izumi and Xae were uncontrollable and unstable. They destroyed everything and everyone
on their path as they followed the Lord,” said Sihun before averting his gaze, “they didn’t
care if it was friend or foe, they just killed and move on.”

“We followed,” April interrupted, “we noticed it and we cleared their path from our fellow

“When we get to Mirai she had been tortured and the Lord managed to escape before the real
reinforcements came,” Sihun balled his fist, “she was a bloodied mess on the floor, but she
still got up and tried to calm Izumi and Xae.”

“She failed,” Ale stated, “and by doing so, she died.”

“They killed her, on their rage,” explained April at Matthew’s deep frown. “They hadn’t
forgiven themselves for it.”

“The Lord that abused them, that tortured Mirai… is him, isn’t he?” Matthew looked at the
door. The other three nodded. “well then, let’s finish this house and cover-up for them. With
any luck, when we go back to them they’ll be calmer.”

When they finished cleaning the top floors and came back, Matthew wasn’t sure if he wanted
to open the door. What if they were still in a killer mood? He closed his eyes and listened. A
surge of panic went through him. He heard nothing, nor a heartbeat, nothing.

He entered almost breaking the door to see Izumi —with her sweater back on— hugging her
legs and looking intently at Xae’s unconscious body. Around them, decaying parts and blood
tainted chains laid as the telltale of what happened.

“Izumi?” tried Matthew and she looked up. Her eyes filled with tears and she jumped and
hugged him crying.

“Matthew! Boss! I think I killed him!” she cried. Ale went to kneel beside Xae and moved
aside his shirt before kicking him hard on the ribs.

“YOU ARE THE BIGGEST IDIOT EVER!” Ale cried attempting another kick, that was
swiftly avoided by the terrified man. “You made her cry!”

Xae jumped back to put some distance between himself and Ale. A small trail of blood
coming out from his mouth.

“She deserved it! She got Albert free!” He replied hastily. Matthew caressed Izumi’s hair who
had stopped crying and was staring at Xae.

“Xae…” She said softly, and he looked at her.

“I’ve told you a million times to not release him!”


“I wasn’t planning on scaring you that much, you know? It was so no vampire would sense
us either.” Added Xae with a repented look. Izumi walked to him and hugged him tightly.
“I hate you, idiot,” she said, hiding her face on his chest. Xae hugged her back.

“I love you too, Izzy,” he replied kissing the top of her head. Only then Sihun got by their
side and crossed both their cheeks.

“You are the worst,” he said with tears brimming his eyes, “and you are lucky that the boss is
kind and sweet, and gods I was so scared!”

“We are sorry,” Izumi and Xae looked at the floor and then looked at Matthew, “please don’t
send us back, we’ll behave.”

Matthew shook his head and walked towards them.

“It’s okay,” Matthew smiled at them, “everyone loses control every now and then.”

“Sir, with due respect,” said Xae very serious, “each day I spent nearby you, I fell more and
more for you.”

“Can you not?” Asked April.

“I’m not suggesting anything,” defended Xae making a pout, “I was just stating my love for
our lovely leader.”

“Can we put a giant metaphorical blanket over this and go on with the mission, please?”
interrupted Sihun before Ale could make a sassy remark.

“I have to agree with Sihun,” said Matthew before smirking, “let’s finish this assignment.”

“Aye, sir!” They all exclaimed and Matthew grinned before leading them to the trapdoor.
There was a ward around the door.
The dungeon was teeming with low-level vampires and was cleaned efficiently by them, and
Matthew was quite proud of how they handled the next cleaning batch.

Prescott on the other hand…

“You took too much time,” said the Imperator when Matthew got to the meeting point.

“He got here before Vik and Mac,” commented Hiroto beaming at Matthew.”

“He cleaned up a vampire household in a night,” Prescott stared at Matthew.

“I had the help of gargoyles that time,” replied the vampire, “besides we didn’t take more
than a couple of hours.”

“You are getting better,” agreed Prescott as Mac and Vik arrived.

“He is not that bad, he is just too inexperienced,” commented Lock, “but we can teach him,
don’t we?”

“I’ll be honoured,” replied Matthew with a mocking bow, and Lock showed him his tongue.

“Argonauts,” Tarrick voice came through the comms, “it’s three kilometres north.”

Hiroto teleported away and they started advancing slowly. After a couple of minutes, Hiroto
came back with a dark expression.
“Five Lords.” He said, “Thirty fledgelings and twenty shifters, wolves.” Hiroto looked at
Matthew, “and they are mostly underground, so there could be more.”

“Well then, let’s clean it up,” Prescott looked at Matthew and he frowned before
understanding. Of course, he was a vampire so he could move dirt. He closed his eyes and
concentrated in the dirt and felt it.

“Shit,” he gasped.

“Yes?” Prescott raised his eyebrow and Matthew pointed down.

“It’s enormous and labyrinth-like,” he answered before starting to move the dirt.

“You’ve never seen a vamp burrow before, huh lad?” asked Lock mockingly. Matthew shook
his head as he finished the entrance. It was difficult, especially since he hadn’t trained that
mucho that ability.

“Well, you could tour it later,” replied Mac entering. Matthew grunted and followed.

After almost dying three times Matthew decided he didn’t like to battle underground.
Especially with Vik’s grenades that close.

She had been trying to avoid hurting him, but there was no way he didn’t breathe silver at
least once. He was also almost beheaded by Prescott, but he wasn’t sure if it was accidentally
or not.

The good thing was that he got a hold on how to use dirt to propel himself towards the enemy
and how to use it to trap them and he felt very proud of it.

By the end of the night —or at least Matthew felt like the sun was about to rose— Tarrick
called over the comms to congratulate everyone for a well-fought night.
“Let’s head back,” said Prescott and Lock raised his fists at the sky in victory. Matthew
chuckled and followed them to the teleport stone. Hiroto had teleported on Mac’s shoulder
and had mocked of how now he was taller than anyone, just to receive a hit with the back of a
hand courtesy of his transport.

“I think I could calibrate better the bazooka, what do you think, Matthew?” commented Vik
very proud of her weapon.

“I think you are amazing, Vik,” replied Matthew patting her shoulder, “I have no idea how
you could get all those explosives and grenades there without hitting us, most of the times.”

“She is brilliant,” agreed Hiroto, and the rest nodded.

“Tonight was good,” commented Prescott, “you are still cocky and sloppy but it’s because
you lack experience.”

“Also because he inhaled silver and almost coughed his lungs off,” mocked Lock handing
him another blood bar —courtesy of Sarah. Matthew took it and bit it. It wasn’t as good as
drinking blood but it helped.

“Nonetheless, you adapted well to us,” Prescott smiled, “so now you come with us to High

“What?” Matthew was about to protest when a loud shriek made them all jump ready to fight.

“Boss!” Izumi’s voice was the only foretold before the girl teleported in front of him and
hugged him, “there you are~”

“Awaiting to go back home, sir,” said Sihun after he teleported by their side and released
Matthew from Izumi’s hug. Ale and April come closer, while Xae stood behind them, with a
very low hat that concealed his face.

The Argonauts looked intently at his team and Matthew felt self-conscious.

“You may go home,” replied Prescott and the Leeches looked at Matthew, “he is going with
us to High Tower first, to important Argonauts’ business.”

“You heard the Imperator,” said Sihun and Matthew could swear he had tightened his
embrace around Izumi, “Boss is a very important Argonaut and has to go in very important
Argonauts’ business.”

“We’ll see you later at Ashwood, then, Commander,” said Ale and they and the others made a
bow before leaving.

“Commander?” asked Lock raising his eyebrow, “I thought he wasn’t part of the hunter

“The High Lord General and the High King decided to appoint him a team after his
performance on the Senbonzakura Academy,” replied Prescott and Matthew could tell he
wasn’t happy with that decision.

“You survived Senbonzakura Academy?” asked Vik beaming, “I heard there they cook
vampires and gave them to the students.”

“I heard that they cook the bad students to give them to the students,” commented Nellis and
Hiroto just looked at them confused.

“Who the hell says that?” asked Hiroto.

“Tane,” they both replied and Hiroto rolled his eyes.

“Usagi-Gozen said that Tane was the worst student she ever had,” commented Matthew
shrugging, “she also said that about me, but hey, at least I didn’t blow up the chemistry lab
while making grenades.”

“He blew the chemistry lab?” asked Vik trying to not to laugh.

“And he tried to fuck the silent virgin priestess of Tsuki-Yomi, and got the worst score on
‘Kill the Leader’ ever,” added Matthew remembering the stories about Tane.

“Kill the Leader?” asked Prescott as they teleported to High Tower.

Matthew felt a shiver down his spine as soon as he arrived. He felt something off and
couldn’t place it, or maybe it was just him being scared of being handed over to the High
King or imprisoned again. Hiroto’s hand on his calmed him down.

“We have to get to the car to get to High Tower,” explained Hiroto as they walked to an SUV.
Matthew frowned and looked around.

“Is this New York?” he asked. And the others looked at him as if he had asked if the sun

“This is were the High Tower stands for now,” replied Prescott after noticing that Matthew
wasn’t joking.

“I always wanted to see New York,” Matthew shrugged and looked at the window of the car.
It felt good to be in a car full of hunters without being drugged or chained.

“We can walk it another day,” offered Vik with a smile.

“Yeah,” added Prescott before looking at Matthew, “what was that about ‘killing the

“Oh, it’s a… Game? Like capture the flag, but you have to deal with the other’s team leader,”
replied Matthew shrugging, “It was funny, also very dangerous.”

Matthew shivered again as they passed the veil and looked at the High Tower gasping. The
amount of raw power that came from the top of it made him want to run away. He suppressed
his aura as much as he can since he didn’t want that thing to notice him.

“Well, Matthew,” said Prescott as he led them to the elevator, “you fought with us, you drink
with us.”

“Drink?” asked Matthew as they got out of the elevator and get into a big room with comfy
chairs. Prescott took off his armour and Hiroto tugged Matthew’s arm before starting to help
him out of it.

“We have this tradition, to toast for another night without dying,” commented Mac producing
various bottle’s of liquor from a cabinet. Vik —who had excused herself at the elevator—
entered the room with a couple of suspicious bottles.

“And this is the perfect moment to try my last experiment,” she beamed as she handed the
bottle to Matthew. He opened and smelled it.

“Its blood?”


Matthew frowned and took a small sip. It tasted funny. He took another sip.
“If I die for this I’ll haunt you, Vik,” he said with a small smile. Vik nodded solemnly before
taking a glass of liquor.

“You know… You had quite a pretty team,” commented Mac drinking, “with cute girls.”

“And hot guys,” commented Hiroto taking a sip from his small cup. He had sat on the table
by Matthew, who was starting to feel dizzy.

“You always have to be such a fag?” Nellis wrinkled his nose and Hiroto showed him his

“Why don’t you two fuck already?” Asked Matthew after drinking half his bottle, a loud
laugh escaping his lips when Nellis looked at him bewildered, “Oh, come on! The ses…
Sus… The sexual tension between you two is so thick I could cut it with my waki… wiki…
wa… sword.”

Lock burst to laugh and Prescott snorted. Mac stood and took Matthew by the collar of the

“Say that again,” he dared him.

“Sword,” replied Matthew and Hiroto burst to laugh.

“No fighting,” warned Prescott who seemed very amused by all that.

“What’s wrong with him?” Asked Hiroto between laughs when Mac let go of Matthew and
he barely could maintain his balance.

“I might have made the blend too strong,” commented Vik looking at the bottle and then to
Matthew, who was looking at a line on the floor and was trying to walk over it. He was
failing at it.
“Great, now we have a drunk vampire that thinks that Mac’s homophobia is just because he
wants to shag with Hiroto,” commented Lock before raising his hands in peace as Mac
readied his fist, “that’s what he said.”

“So…” Hiroto teleported by Mac’s side, “you just call me a fag because you can’t have me?”

“Why would I want you, fag?” replied Mac swatting his hand at the place where seconds
before the fox was.

“Well, Hiroto is cute… Like adorable,” commented Matthew sitting again and laughing, “and
he is so sexy with his little evil eyes all dark…”

“I have evil eyes?” asked Hiroto and Vik nodded solemnly.

“And his lips taste like heaven,” added Matthew very serious, “you should try it, Mac… Or
maybe not, it’s addictive…”

“Matthew!” Hiroto flushed and hit the vampire’s arm.

“Whas… Wharis…What’s wrong, sugar fluff?” asked Matthew and Hiroto blushed intently.

“You are embarrassing me again,” said Hiroto grimacing as the other laughed.

“But I was telling the truth,” Matthew pouted hugging Hiroto, “It’s not my fault! Tell him,
Mac! Tell him is his fault for being so cute!”

“Vik, please not ever gave that to Matthew again,” said a very mortified Mac.
“Please give him more,” replied Lock, “it’s a good laugh.”

“What is a good laugh?” Asked Tarrick entering the room. Matthew let go of Hiroto who
disappeared and appeared back several meters away, red as a beet.

“Master!” Matthew got up and he immediately repented. He tried to maintain his balance and
closed his eyes to try to stop the dizziness.

“What’s wrong with him?” asked Tarrick as he sat on a chair and accepted a glass of liquor
from Lock.

“He is drunk,” said Vik proudly and Tarrick raised his eyebrows. Matthew was staring at him.

“You are cute too… Like hot but cute,” stated Matthew as if it was a universal truth.

“Well, thank you, Matthew,” replied Tarrick with a smirk.

“He’s been embarrassing Mac and Hiroto,” added Lock earning a glare from the mentioned.

“Have you, Matthew?” Asked Tarrick bemused.

“I’m saying the truth,” replied Matthew getting to Tarrick’s lap

and purring as the incubus caressed his hair, “they want to fuck!”

“Enough!” said Mac standing, “I’m off to a bar, I can’t stand him…”

“Now he’ll sing ‘I won’t say I’m in love’ at the elevator,” giggled Matthew cuddling against
Tarrick, after Mac had exited.
“I won’t say I’m in love’?” asked Tarrick, Matthew nodded.

“You don’t know it?” Matthew asked surprised, “It's like a classic! Am I right?”

Matthew gasped when the other Argonauts shook their head.

“Come on! Prescott! Imperator!” Said Matthew, “You are greek… Roman? That thing!”

Prescott raised his eyebrow and huffed.

“You must have seen it!” Insisted Matthew, “it’s from Hercules!”

Prescott’s facepalm echoed on Matthew’s ears. And he grimaced.

“Come on!” Matthew pouted.

The next night Matthew growled as he woke up. His mouth tasted awful and he hissed at the
dim light of his room that somehow pierced his eyes. Damn it. He didn’t miss the hangovers.

“Are you awake, Matthew?” asked Tarrick bemused. Matthew hid below his blankets.

“No,” he said trying to cover his ears so he won’t hear Tarrick’s heartbeat as a drill against
his brain.

“What about now?” asked Tarrick sitting in the bed and sliding his hand underneath the
covers to caress Matthew’s ass.
Matthew grunted and was about to tell Tarrick to fuck off when he smelled blood. Fresh
blood. He came out of the covers, with his eyes closed and followed his nose to the
mouthwatering scent. Earth and dark. Oh yes, Tarrick’s blood.

A soft kiss pressed against his lips, tainting them with blood and he purred before responding
the kiss greedily, drinking blood from the cut lip as well as tasting the delicious mouth of the

“Now I’m awake, Master,” mumbled Matthew, sitting on Tarrick’s lap and looking at him
lustfully. Tarrick smiled.

“I can tell,” he replied rolling his hips against Matthew’s. Matthew moaned and kissed
Tarrick again. “Wait, Matthew.”

“No,” Matthew pouted and Tarrick smirked.

“As much as I want to reclaim your ass here and now,” said Tarrick making Matthew moan
begging, “you have training scheduled with Prescott.”

“Are you really telling me that you are denying me sex because I have to go train with
Prescott?” asked Matthew offended, Tarrick nodded and Matthew swore under his breath as
he stood up and walked to the bathroom. Wait. When did he get there? “ehm… Tarrick?”

“Yes, Matthew?”

“Did you bring me back home yesterday?”

“No, you came back on your own feet, which was a feat taking account that you were drunker
than a Cossack, in your own words.”
Damn it. Matthew closed his eyes groaning and entered the shower, letting the door open.
Maybe to keep talking to Tarrick, maybe so the incubus would come and gave him a quickie.

“Did I do something embarrassing?” Matthew asked after he noticed that the incubus hadn’t
approached the bathroom.

“Plenty,” replied Tarrick and Matthew could almost hear him smirk. Fucking incubus. “I
didn’t know you were such a good singer, nor that you liked Disney that much.”

A soft record of himself singing ‘I’m still here’ from Treasure Planet made him exit the
shower without even taking a towel.

“That’s…” Matthew stared at Tarrick’s tablet, where the recording showed him signing to the
incubus. He gasped and opened and closed his mouth several times. “That was… Alyssa,
Lily and I loved that movie…”

Tarrick nodded and turned off the tablet.

“Wait! There is more?” asked Matthew mortified, “Has anyone else saw it?”

“You shall ask Vik about that,” replied Tarrick shrugging, “she only sent me this one.”

“Only ‘this one’?” Asked Matthew before sitting down and groan.

“You also tell Prescott that since he was greek he should have seen Hercules,” added Tarrick
and Matthew stared at him in panic.

“That’s it, I’m dead,” Matthew said letting himself fell back on the bed. “Just stake me and
let me in the sun, would you?”
“Why don’t you get dressed first?” Tarrick eyed him and Matthew cursed himself for getting
hard just from that hungry and lascivious gaze.

“I will, and then I’ll go out and get killed,” stated Matthew standing and walking to his
wardrobe. He put on a plain shirt and some jeans.

“I told you that you have a training session with Prescott,” said Tarrick frowning at the jeans.
Matthew put on his black combat boots and took the wakizashi

“And I told you I’ll go out and get killed, Master,” replied Matthew walking to the door,
“please don’t wait for me awake.”

Matthew got to the training arena and shivered when he noticed it empty. What kind of
training was Prescott thinking about that needed the arena empty?

“Well, but if its Hamilton,” greeted Prescott walking towards Matthew slowly.

“Hamilton?” Matthew raised his eyebrow.

“Oh, so you know about all Disney and Dreamworks songs but not about real musicals?”
Prescott mocked as he looked at Matthew, “are you really going to train in jeans?”

Matthew breathed in slowly and nodded, “I… ehmm Sorry about yesterday.”

Prescott shrugged, “don’t worry, it was hilarious. Just remember to drink slowly next time.”

“Yes, sir,” said Matthew and jumped back startled when Prescott lunged for him. Prescott
nodded and called for someone over the comms. The Leeches appeared and saluted.
“Well, then. Let’s start with some basic team formations,” he said with a sort of wicked
smile, “it’s time that you learn the proper way to fight.”

Matthew wasn’t sure if Prescott hated him and his team, or he just was too perfectionist.
Anyways, by the end of the night, he and the Leeches were dragging their feet back to the
state, tired and frustrated.

“The Imperator is worst than I’ve been told,” commented Ale looking worried at Izu, who
was being carried by Xae. Izu was out of breath and seemed to be about to faint. But to be
honest, she had been like that since half of the training session.

“She is going to be fine, Ale,” said Sihun as he drank from his water bottle and helped Xae
drink from it too. “She just needs to rest, and maybe a bit of oxygen.”

“I’m sorry,” said Matthew, “I must have known he was going to be like this.”

“Boss,” Izu raised her head and smiled weakly, “it’s not your fault. He was trying to prove

“You noticed too?” Asked April tugging away her empty water bottle, “he was trying hard to
see if we made a mistake…”

“A ‘Mistake’, yes, you could call it like that,” grunted Xae wrinkling his nose so his glasses
won’t fall off. Matthew helped him and Xae blushed softly and smiled.

“Ain’t you being paranoid?” Asked Matthew as they entered the state. The hunters here
greeted him happily but looked wary at his team.

“Nah. He wants us to fail because it’s a pissing contest,” replied Xae walking closer to
Matthew, “it’s a quarrel as long as time…”
“It’s not that long,” added Ale shaking her head, “and it’s about who train best hunters, west
or east.”

“As if in the east we all trained the same,” sighed Sihun, “Can you believe my parents prefer
me to be training under High Lord General Tarrick than under Koki-Koshaku-sama?”

“Of course they do,” said April shrugging a little, “they weren’t happy to send you to Japan
in the first place.”

Sihun sighed and nodded.

“Tarrick wasn’t happy that I chose you rather than one of the teams I trained with here at
Ashwood,” commented Matthew as they walked down the hallway to Izumi’s room. Sihun
took her keys —Matthew smiled at the pony themed keychain— and opened. Matthew didn’t
expect it to be that chaotic.

Xae let Izumi fall on her bed, on top of her fluffy pillows, one of them looking like a
charming anime character. She grunted and showed him her tongue as the others each took a
comfy chair or puff and sat around a low table that seemed made out of dry eraser board. Ale
took a marker and started doodling on it. They all seemed to have adapted well to their new

Matthew felt somehow guilty for having made them move out of their country. They seemed
to not care about it, though.

“It’s everything okay?” Asked April looking at Matthew over her Sketchpad. Matthew
nodded and smiled warmly.

“There you are!” Rosaline opened the door without a second thought and walked straight to
Matthew, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
“Lady Rosaline,” he stood and bowed slightly at her, immediately his team did the same. She
looked at them and then at the room —she eyed the filled bookshelves and the hundreds of
postcards and anime posters.

“Oh… Hi, you must be Matthew’s team,” she greeted merrily.

“It’s a pleasure,” said Xae walking towards her, taking her hand and kissing it softly, “I’m
Xae, the girl dying on the bed is Izumi, the girl with the sketch pad in April, the boy with
blue hair is Sihun and our lovely androgen character is Ale.”

“Oh, Xae's express introduction,” commented Ale rolling her eyes, “with due respect, lady,
he is a casanova.”

“I thought you said he didn’t flirt with incubi,” commented Matthew.

“Just males, he likes succubi,” replied Izumi coughing a little and waving at Rosaline. Who
seemed very invested in Xae.

“No,” he said releasing her hand and taking a couple of steps back. His charming smile
disappeared as he sat by Sihun’s side, “no holds with me.”

“Don’t mind him,” promptly said Matthew, taking Rosaline’s hand, “he tends to insult
everyone around him without even trying.”

“I could tell,” she replied glaring at Xae, who was playing with Sihun’s hair. She looked at
Matthew and handed him a bright pink card, “I, personally, invite to a grand party at Lord
Holst state.”

“Lord Holst?” Asked Matthew taking the invitation and opening it, he looked at the invitation
and then at Rosaline, “it’s this serious?”
“It’s the perfect occasion for you to introduce them to the public,” replied Rosaline gesturing
at the others on the room, who seemed to be pretty busy now, “to get our society to see that
your team is as charming as you.”

“I’m not sure,” he said chewing his lip, “the party is tomorrow, we just get here, and we have
a training session with Prescott…”

“I’ve already talked to Imperator Prescott,” said Sihun showing his comms, “he says is a
good idea.”

“We would be needing some suits and dresses,” added Matthew and Izumi jumped off her

“I have just the clothes, we can match or not, if you like, boss,” she said opening her closet
and showing them several suits for each one of them.

“I thought you were dying,” said Matthew and Izumi coughed on her hand before smiling.

“Seems like everything is settled!” Rosaline beamed and kissed Matthew’s cheeks, “Then I’ll
pick you all up tomorrow at dusk, bye-bye.”

“You like her so much,” commented Izumi in a dreamy tone.

“I thought we were Team Miroto,” commented April as Izumi sat between her and Ale.

“We are,” replied Izumi very serious, “but have you seen the sexual tension with High Lord

“Oh, I’m Team Marrick,” said Xae, releasing a braid of Sihun’s hair, “that would be
something worthy of watching.”
“But with Lady Rosaline they would be a cute hot couple,” said Sihun with a pout, “the type
to have steamy sex and then cuddle up.”

“Oh that’s so sweet,” said Ale.

“That’s why I’m team Matthew with everyone,” said Izumi categorically.

“Can we stop talking about my sexual life and talk about how Izumi has suits for each one of
us, that match and seem tailored?” Asked Matthew pouting.

“Izzy is weird, big deal,” replied Xae looking intently at Matthew as he caressed Sihun’s hair,
“now, your sexual life is a very hot topic, you know? A vampire on the bed of the High Lord
General, and in the bed of the only succubus of House Malarath.”

“Not to mention the nest of Hiroto-Taisho,” added Ale with a smirk and an inquisitive look.

“Besides, yours is more interesting than Xae’s,” added April tapping her sketchbook with her
pencil, “at least you have a semblance of decency and ain’t trying to get into every pants you

“You made him sound like a whore,” said Sihun with a frown.

“I’m still there,” grunted Xae.

“He is a whore,” stated Ale shrugging.

“Not a whore… Maybe a little, but he is a sentimental one,” tried to defend Izumi.
“I’m still here,” repeated Xae frowning.

“Let’s let the debate about Xae’s whoriness for another moment and answer me one thing,”
said Matthew and his five teammates looked at him, “have you ever been on an incubus’

“Incubus and hunters only?” asked Izumi and Matthew nodded. They shook their heads.

“Well, since they have invited us, we are supposed to mingle with them, chat, and dance and
whatnot,” started Matthew.

“I thought that’s the point of a party?” offered Sihun and Matthew shook his head.

“I don’t know how were the parties back at Japan, but here hunters can go as guests, as an
escort and as guardians,” replied Matthew and all them said a soft ‘oh’ and nodded.
Sometimes he felt like he was dealing with kids, but he knew that they were way older than

“And we are guests this time,” added Xae, “so we can partake on the party, right?”

“If we are not guests we can’t? That’s awful,” mourned Sihun as if it was the end of the

“It is awful,” agreed Matthew grimacing a little, “especially with them throwing pheromones
at you without caring if you are on duty…”

“That’s the problem with incubi,” commented Xae sighing dramatically, “they only care
about food, what about cuddles?”

“I could give you cuddles,” offered Izumi and Sihun at the same time. Ale rolled their eyes
and followed Izumi as she and Sihun went to Xae’s open arms to cuddle with him.
Ale approached them and Matthew tensed preparing for a fight between them, but Ale just
glared at Xae before patting his head. He smiled and purred softly.

Matthew thought how good it should feel. And then he thought of himself being cuddled by
Tarrick, Hiroto and Rosaline and smiled softly. That won’t happen, like ever, but dreaming
was free, right?

“Here, Boss,” said Izumi taking his hand and tugging him so he would lay over Xae, “Team

Matthew smiled at the group hug, and he chuckled when April —after Izumi had tugged her
along— let herself by Izumi’s side and patted their heads in turn.

“Can we do this more often?” asked Matthew purring in delight.

“Yes, please,” said Xae nuzzling his hair and sighing in pleasure.

“Cuddle time!” said Izumi hugging them all more tightly, “we could take an hour every now
and then to do so~”

Matthew nodded in agreement and melted against the hug.

The next night he looked at himself on the mirror and chewed his lip.

“Ain’t this a little too informal?” he asked as he looked at the others. They all were wearing
black skin-tight pants and black dress shirts in various points of unbuttoning.

Sihun was tying Izumi’s hair up in twin ponytails with teal pompoms, and Ale was helping
April to apply make-up. Xae was finishing drying his hair and looked at him.
“Would you prefer us going on tuxedos? She has tuxedos for all of us,” said Xae pointing at
the closet, “Yours is blood red, hers is teal, mine is navy blue, Sihun is pale green…”

“Why do you have colour-themed tuxedos?” interrupted Matthew, turning to Izumi.

She shrugged, “because black tuxedos are so lame, so plain.”

“Do you want me to help you with make-up too, sweetie?” Asked Ale turning to see Izumi.
She nodded excitedly.

“Me next, me next,” asked Sihun.

“I could do your make up,” commented Xae, lining his eyes and then looking at Matthew, “I
could do yours too, boss.”

“It’s everything a flirting opportunity with you?” Asked Ale raising an eyebrow, Xae nodded
solemnly and applied a bit of lip balm on his lips before applying some on Sihun’s lips.

“So kissable,” whispered Xae at Sihun, who blushed and averted looks. Xae smiled and
applied soft red shadows on Sihun’s eyes’ corners and smiled, “so hot.”

“If you are going to fuck get a room,” said Ale glaring at them, before going back to apply
soft blush on Izumi’s cheeks.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing,” commented Izumi, and April nodded.

“Me neither,” she said looking at herself on the mirror and puffing a little her hair.
“Don’t encourage voyeurism, please,” said Matthew. He still wasn’t a fan of seeing or being
seen while having sex. He chewed his lip and looked at them, “and… I’m going to ask you

“Whatever for you, boss,” promptly said Xae and the others nodded.

“We are your team, you could ask us whatever you want,” said April with a small smile.

“We’ll support you on murder and help you get rid of the body and get away with it,” said
Izumi very serious. And he couldn’t help but smile. It was nice to feel that support.

“It’s nothing like that,” he said and Izumi pouted. He chuckled, “it’s… We need to make a
very good impression since High Lord General doesn’t think you are… Decent members of
our society.”

“Bold of him saying that,” snarled Sihun, “since his son is a complete asshole.”

Everyone gasped and looked at Sihun, who shrugged.

“That reminds me,” said Matthew, still surprised of the outburst of the usually calm and
cheerful Sihun, “you can’t pick up fights with Tane… Because I can’t either.”

“Damnit,” mumbled Izumi pouting as Ale went back to put lipstick to her.

“We’ll be on our best behaviour,” assured April and Matthew smiled.

“Oh wow,” said Rosaline opening the door and taking on the Leeches. They all smiled and
bowed at the succubus, who greeted them merrily. She was wearing a light pink cocktail
dress that hugged her perfectly and ended barely below her lovely ass. “Ready to go?”
“One sec,” said Xae before sprinting out and coming back with his messenger bag. He looked
at Izumi who opened a safe and helped him store it there. “Now we are ready to go.”

“I won’t ask,” said Matthew taking Rosaline’s arm and guiding her out, “knowing him it’s
full of vibrators or corpses.”

“It’s a skull, actually, and some books,” said Xae from the back, as they followed the
succubus and the vampire.

They got to an SUV to get to the teleportation stone, and then from here, they took another.
Matthew wasn’t sure of where they were, but was too invested on seeing his team interacting
with Rosaline to care. They were telling her how beautiful she looked and how excited they
were about the party, and Rosaline was more than happy to answer all their questions about
meddling with west incubi.

He smirked when they tell her their team name and she looked at him pointedly. “Wasn’t my
idea, though I like it.”

“Wait for Lock to hear about it,” she simply replied.

The car stopped and they got out.

On the far side of the expansive lawn sat a two-story white, plantation-style mansion that had
warm lights streaming from nearly every window.

Matthew could sense it was full of incubi and humans.

They entered and the whole room stood silent in front of them. Tarrick raised an eyebrow at
them, looking at their clothes. He was wearing a navy blue shirt with white pants and —after
a small thump and a devilish smile from the incubus— Matthew just wanted to take it off.
“There you are,” a strong voice that sent shivers down Matthew’s spine echoed as his owner
walked over to them with heavy footsteps, “the Main Event, the Honoured Guests.”

Matthew and the others bowed promptly and he smirked. He was hot, very hot and Matthew
was grateful he was in control of his incubus side because he was sure that otherwise he
would be throwing pheromones as a starving newly awoken.

“Present yourselves,” it was an order, and somehow turned him on. What was wrong with his
incubus side? Matthew straightened himself and smiled. Now he had time to took on Holst

He was wearing an expensive suit and had dark silky hair and dark eyes that contrasted with
his light skin. His face was masculine, cut sharp with a dark five o’clock shadow. When he
adjusted his suit jacket, Matthew could smell gunpowder on him.

He looked like a freakin’ mob boss.

That is, if mob bosses were hot, young, and sexy. Stupid incubi all looking sexy.

“It’s an honour to meet you, Lord Holst,” said Matthew in a soft calm voice, “I’m
Commander Matthew, team Leader of the Leeches.”

“A vampire hunting team led by a vampire and with a vampire-themed name,” interrupted
Tane, mocking from the sides. Tarrick glared at his son.

“They are my team,” proceeded Matthew gesturing at the others, who straightened and
bowed each on turn, “April, Sihun, Ale, Izumi and Xae.”

Holst looked at them and then looked at Matthew and smirked. That smirk sounded familiar.
“Well, then welcome to the party, Leeches,” said Holst before taking Matthew by the
shoulders and guide him over to Tarrick. Matthew looked back worried to see his team being
introduced to several people by Rosaline. That calmed him a bit.

“So, when you were going to tell me that your pet now is a commander?” asked Holst at
Tarrick who smirked. Oh, there, that was the smirk.

“The news travels fast here,” replied Tarrick, “I appointed him three days ago.”

“Isn’t it nepotism?” Teased Holst, “no matter how hot he is, you could always make him use
hunter uniform as your pet.”

“He is not my pet,” replied Tarrick tugging Matthew closer to him, hugging him by the waist.
“He is my Warrior.”

By now Matthew was sure it was a dominance contest and goddamnit it was hot as hell. The
sexual tension was so thick he could cut it with a knife and was turning him on a lot.

“Possessive enough, huh?” commented Holst, “is he that good?”

“He is delicious,” Tarrick smirked nuzzling his nose against Matthew’s neck.

“Can you please don’t talk as if I’m not here, Master?” Asked Matthew, and moaned at the
sudden bit on his neck, right on Hiroto’s mark. Damnit it hurt.

“A cheeky brat, huh?” Holst seemed even more interested on Matthew and he bit his lip at
the dark lustful gaze that roamed him. He was grateful that his shirt wasn’t semi-transparent
as Xae’s.

“Kind of,” replied Tarrick looking at Matthew with lust and pride. Damn, that was even
hotter. “He is good following order, but likes to speak his mind a little too much.”
“Seriously?” Matthew frowned and Tarrick chuckled.

“Feisty,” commented Holst, “I would like to break him…”

The last phrase was said in such a husky and dark tone that made Matthew shiver, feeling at
the same time scared and turned on. Damn it. He was worst than Tarrick.

“Are you childhood friends or just share seduction notes?” He snapped and they chuckled.

“We were raised together,” said Tarrick, “we are almost like brothers…”

“That fuck every now and then,” added Holst. Matthew gasped. That would be so hot to see
or to be part of.

“You thinking about it, Matthew?” asked Tarrick smiling knowingly.

“Shit, I thought I’d learnt to control my pheromones,” mumbled the vampire and both incubi

“You weren’t throwing pheromones,” replied Holst patting his shoulder, “but your eyes
turned red as soon as I said it.”

“Betrayed by the vampire side, so hard,” sighed Matthew, grateful that he hadn’t feed yet, so
he couldn’t blush. He turned a little and could see Ale, Xae and Izumi on a table drinking
gingerly as they chat, and April and Sihun meddling with some humans.

So far so good.
“Worried for your kids?” Asked Holst looking at the Leeches.

“They are not used to this kind of thing,” replied Matthew.

“You don’t have parties back in Japan?” Asked Tarrick with well-lied surprise.

“They probably spent their wealth and time in more important things,” said Holst looking
around displeased.

“I thought you organized the party… Milord” said Matthew and Holst looked at him angrily.
Matthew wasn’t sure if he can take down the man, or if he can risk another fight in a party.

“That was my mother’s doing, this is her house after all,” said Holst disgusted and shrugged,
“not her style, but she said that Illertha had told her to do the party and who am I to ignore
the wishes of a goddess?”

“Illertha talks to her?” Matthew couldn’t help but ask. He had gotten used to the goddess
song and hadn’t thought much about it lately, but the prospect of knowing why she kept
singing to him was alluring.

“She is one of the priestesses of Illertha,” replied Tarrick, “I thought you met some on your
travel to Japan.”

“I did, but they were… Unsettling and you couldn’t talk to them without permission of the
High Priestess,” said Matthew shrugging a little, “and the High Priestess refused to let ‘a
vampire taint the sacred altar and temple of her all-loving Goddess’, textually.”

“You could’ve asked Lord Koki to put you on good terms with her,” commented Holst and
Tarrick frowned, “what, Tarrick? Didn’t know that your pet was playing along with other
“I didn’t play along with Lord Koki,” stated Matthew, “well we did play hanafuda and go…
But that was it.”

“Matthew is a loyal Warrior,” said Tarrick pleased, “he won’t let anyone I won’t like to touch

“I thought you didn’t like the fox,” teased Holst and Matthew felt a small pinch on the mark.

“Why I wouldn’t like Commander Hiroto? He is a good warrior, an excellent hunter and
member of the Argonauts,” Tarrick voice was calm, but his gaze steeled as he looked at his
childhood friend. As if he was daring him to say anything else.

Tarrick frowned looking beyond Matthew.

Matthew looked in that direction and gasped. A human female, tall with long silky dark
brown hair that curled at the end, and dark brown eyes that had a lot behind. As if she had
lived a hard life and seen everything. She was wearing black heels, leather pants and a corset
that made her petite boobs look bigger than they were. She walked straight at them.

“You must be Matthew, the vampire,” she said, hate oozing from the last word. Matthew
gulped and nodded, before bowing.

“It’s a pleasure, my lady,” he said, trying to seem as unthreatening as possible. She tsked and
turn to walk back to where she had come. People opened at her way.

“Come, vampire,” it was almost a whisper, but it was clearly an order. Matthew looked at
Tarrick, who was back being snickering at Holst. Something along the lines of ‘She didn’t
say hi because you never come to visit’. Matthew chewed the inner of his cheek and walked
to the door the mysterious —and humanly beautiful— woman had exited through.

He pushed both doors open. Inside was a temple to Ilertha: there was a statue of the goddess
in the centre, and surrounding it were pillows and lounge chairs. Burning incense and candles
lined the walls. Offerings of gold and jewellery collected at the statue’s feet.

The room smelled like spice and sex. Or maybe that was she, who was standing with her
hands clasped in front of her.

“You don’t seem special to me,” she said looking at him as if she was measuring him.

Matthew opened his mouth and closed it and opened it again.

“You are the priestess,” he said softly, “May I ask you a question?”

She raised her eyebrows and frowned. Walking around him.

“Calculated, but not to deceive but to please,” she said and she took his hand, examining it.

Matthew bit the inside of his cheek and looked at her. He wanted to ask so desperately, but
she didn’t seem promptly to answer, “I’m sorry, my lady, I don’t understand what you are
talking about.”

She looked at him and smirked, “he was right, you are dense but somewhat endearing.”

“Excuse me?” Matthew frowned and she laughed.

“And not great at hiding your emotions. It doesn’t come naturally to you, does it?
Deception,” She asked, and Matthew could remember how much Hiroto and Rosaline
insisted that he had to be better at hiding things. He sighed and shrugged.

“You had a question, Matthew, was it something besides my name?” She asked sitting on a
red divan and looking intently at him.
“Yes, but know I’m wondering if it’s okay if I know your name, too,” said Matthew. She

“I’m Carlotta, the High Priestess,” she replied with a grin that made Matthew shiver a little.
She seemed powerful, even for a human. And he was taking on account Tomoe-Gozen. Were
all the gods’ chosen that powerful?

“Carlotta,” Matthew bowed and smiled, “I have been wondering this for years now… Why
do I hear her sing to me?”

Carlotta’s brows furrowed and she beckoned him to sit by her side.

“You hear her every night? What does she sing to you?”

Matthew proceeded to sing the song. What a beautiful song. He felt at home every time he
had listened to it, and lately, it had been stronger than ever before.

“That’s a lullaby,” said Carlotta.

“Yes, Lord Tarrick said that too, that it was about someone that was lost and came back to his
home,” Matthew wondered if his question really had an answer.

“Matthew,” she said softly, cupping his face with her soft hands, “What if she is talking about

“I’ve been thinking that’s the case for a while,” he replied shrugging a little. Carlotta’s eyes
darkened a little as she climbed on top of his lap. He looked at her surprised.

“Let’s call for answers, then,” she said before capturing his lips on hers.
On the ballroom, Izumi, Xae and Ale had been efficiently evading Tane and most of the
drunk and horny incubi that come to them. The drinks were good and they were enjoying the
party a lot. Or at least had been until.

“Xae…” Izumi took his glass and noticed it was untouched, “this is the same glass you got

“Are you not drinking?” Ale turned violently at him and Xe raised his hands in a peace
gesture. They both cornered him and sniffed him. “You haven’t drink a drop!”

“I can explain, Ale,” he said apologetic.

“I don’t want your explanations,” Ale growled, and forced him to drink from her glass,
“Izumi, be a dear and get me a couple of bottles.”

Xae tried to escape, and Ale dragged him to a chair. They made him sit and sat by his side,
pointing a dagger at him underneath the table.

“Now you’ll drink,” she said, and Izumi appeared by her side with several bottles of vodka
and tequila.

“They didn’t have any sake,” she said happily taking a sip of the tequila. Ale took the vodka
and gave it to Xae.

“Drink, my friend,” she said, and Xae shuddered. He always got scared when she slipped to

He took the bottle and looked at her, “I can explain, Ale.”

“Drink!” the order came as a hiss and he gingerly took a sip. As he took the sip Ale tilted the
bottle so he would drink more. Izumi giggled, her cheeks pinks, as she drank from the tequila

By them passed Sihun —who had gone to look for drinks for April and himself— being
followed by a tall incubus with dusty hair and a seductive smile.

“Come on, little hunter,” said the incubus, “just a quick escapade.”

“I can’t, seriously,” said Sihun politely.

“Why?” The incubus caressed his back and Sihun wrinkled his nose.

“I’m in a weird polyamorous relationship with my team,” he answered, “and some of them
are very possessive.”

“What a shame,” said the incubus, but let his hand on the small of his back, “you humans are
way too invested on your ‘relationships’, huh?”

“We are,” April said taking her drink from Sihun’s hand and taking his hand, “And we also
know how to fight for our ‘relationships’, sir.”

The incubus took a couple of steps back and muttered something under his breath.

“Thanks, April, you are the best,” said Sihun, She shrugged a little and smiled.

“You had done the same for me,” she replied and he nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile, in the temple, Carlotta dressed in a rush, muttering something under her breath,
in a language that Matthew couldn’t understand.

“I’ve gotta go,” she said and walked out the room. Matthew frowned and roamed his hands
through his hair. He sighed softly and took his pants and boxers from the floor to put them
back on. It had been really good sex. It had been a while since he had sex with a human and
she had been—and he would never admit it loudly, so Rosaline wouldn’t feel sad— the best
sex he had since coming to live with the incubi.

It had also been weird, he had heard the sound louder than ever before, and he had seen a
beautiful woman in chains. He sighed, maybe he was finally becoming crazy.

He exited the temple, and Tarrick caught his attention. He wanted to tell him that Illertha
really sang to him and that Carlotta said it meant he was an especial incubus. But as soon
Tarrick’s gaze fell on his he noticed something was wrong.

“Matthew,” said Tarrick with a stern look, and Matthew suddenly felt back at his cage, “I
thought I told you to control your team.”

Matthew looked around and saw Ale grabbing Xae by the collar of his semi-transparent shirt.
Both of them with blushed cheeks. Izumi was trying to calm them fruitlessly. Matthew went
straight at them and took Ale’s hand.

“Calm down,” he said trying to seem like a good team leader. Ale let go of Xae and cursed
him in a language that Matthew didn’t understand.

“And your.. are a bitch!” replied Xae in Irish. He seemed barely conscious.

“Guys, really, calm down,” insisted Matthew. Sihun and April got there.

"In my stead," Xae argument, barely able to stand upright, "I was trying hard to remain calm
with all those inbubi… insubi… incubi pheromones around me," he nodded solemnly and
then pointed at Ale, who spit something else in philippine, "but she made me take drink after
drink, and then I couldn't control the inpubus... insubus… intubus… insu… incubus!"

“Hey boss, what if we got them to a room to calm down?” asked Sihun smiling apologetic,
and Matthew nodded. He didn't notice the devilish smirk on Sihun’s lips, nor how as April
and Sihun took the two drunk hunters to the rooms, Tane smirked and walked towards Izumi.

“I’m really sowy, Boss,” said Izumi pouting, “They were okay, just dwinking, and making
Xae dwink and then Ale said something that Xae didn’t like and he replied something nasty.”

“It’s okay, Izumi…” He said sighing softly, he chewed his lip. He knew he should have been
taking care of them, he was supposed to be the team leader, “do you want me to stay here
with you?”

“Oh, don’t wowy for me, Boss,” she beamed and then winked, smiling knowingly “Go to
your High Lord General.”

Matthew shook his head with a chuckle and went back to Tarrick. Who seemed to be
mingling with the other incubi. He wasn’t sure it was okay to come back so soon, but then
their gazes met and Tarrick smiled at him warmly, mouthing a small ‘come’.

Matthew got to Tarrick and the incubus hugged him by the waist, smiling proudly as he
listened to the gossip from the other incubi, who looked at Matthew as if he was a

“Oh, shut up, Jason,” laughed a girl, and that sounded oddly familiar to the vampire, who
looked at the doors where stood Prescott —without his armour, which was an event on itself
— hugging a beautiful girl with blonde brown hair, that was wearing a simple black dress
with a sweetheart neckline and a bottle green shawl over.

He felt dread on his chest and jealousy and anger on his guts. Why was Lily here? Why was
Prescott hugging her? Why did she laugh about what he said?
“Matthew? It’s everything alright?” Asked Tarrick, and almost at the same time Prescott
beckoned at them.

“Matthew, High Lord General,” Prescott waved with a smile. Lily turned curiously and she
froze on her steps. Prescott looked at her concerned, “it’s everything okay, dear?”

“Dad?” She asked, her voice barely audible. But Matthew heard her, and he couldn’t help but
sped towards them and hug her.

“My baby girl,” he said softly, she hugged him tightly and hide her face on his chest. Prescott
frowned and opened his mouth to protest.

“I thought you were dead,” she sobbed looking up, “What happened? Why you abandoned

Matthew opened his mouth to answer and noticed that a lot of the attendants were looking at
them, so he gestured at the balcony. She nodded and followed him, with a very angry Prescott
on their tails.

“What’s happening?” demanded Prescott.

“Oh, right,” Lily turned to him, drying her tears and beaming, “Jason, love, this is my father.”



Both men looked at each other and then to her. Prescott frowned and looked between both of
them as if he was trying to look for similarities. Matthew in his side was wondering how bad
would it be if he attacked his Commander for dating his daughter.
“That’s impossible, dear,” finally said Prescott, hugging her by the shoulders to apart her
from Matthew. Matthew growled softly but stopped as soon as Lily looked at him.

“What? Why?” Asked Lily looked worried between her boyfriend and her father.

“Because vampires are compelled to kill their families as soon as they are turned,” stated
Prescott. Lily gasped and looked at Matthew, her eyes detailing her father. She covered her
mouth and her eyes filled with tears.

“That’s why you left us?” she asked with a broken voice that broke Matthew’s heart, “so you
won’t hurt us?”

“I’m so sorry, baby girl,” Matthew felt his heart shrink on pain and could feel the lukewarm
blood tears running down his cheeks, “I wanted to protect you… F-from the monster I

She hugged him tightly, “it’s okay, dad… Dad… You know, mom…”

“I know, I’m sorry, baby girl,” Matthew hugged his daughter feeling somewhat warm for her
hug, “I should have been there for you.”

“But you are here now,” she said with a sad smile, “right? You are…” she turned to Prescott,
“he is your new teammate, right? The one you said was too cheeky?”

“I’m not that cheeky,” Matthew frowned and Lily looked at him raising her brow.

“I remember that you were the cheeky master,” she replied and Matthew made a loud gasp,
“and the king of drama.”
Matthew gasped, even more, looking at her outraged. They both glared at each other and
burst to laugh.

“So… Why you never came to look for me?” she asked between laughs.

“Because…” started Prescott taking her attention back, “he knew it could damage your rep,
and you know that here between incubi your rep is everything.”

“Well…” She frowned, “it’s true that being the daughter of a vampire sounds bad… But he is
on your team now, isn’t he? Now it’s okay, isn’t it?”

“I’m not sure,” answered Matthew, caressing her cheek, “I’m not that accepted by the

“You are at a party,” she said angrily, and her eyes flashed light teal. Matthew wondered how
she would look transformed, would she be a social or a warrior? Either way, he would be

“Lady Rosaline takes me to parties so incubi would meet me and see I’m a great guy,”
Matthew shrugged.

“You are my father, and I’m not gonna hide it,” replied Lily harshly, “I don’t care about my
damned reputation.”

“Language,” scolded Matthew and Prescott snorted. Matthew glared at him and then averted
looks. Damnit it. That snap would cost him greatly.

“Lily, dear,” Prescott took her hand.

“Don’t ‘Lily,dear’ me, Jason!” She snapped angrily. Then she turned to look at Matthew,
“And you, don’t even look at me until you have balls enough to accept in front of your
beloved incubi that you are my father.”

And she stomped out of the balcony.

“σκατα,” said Prescott under his breath, he turned to Matthew, “I’ll talk to her and see what
to do to fix this.”

Matthew saw Prescott ran behind his very upset daughter and cursed. He balled his fist and
could feel the claws embedding on his palms. He breathed in slowly and cleaned his tears
before exiting the balcony.

He scanned the room and saw Izumi at the brink of crying and Tane by her side, gripping her
arm so she couldn’t run away. His eyes glowed bright red and he sped that way, but Sihun got
there first and hit Tane square in the face.

“LET GO OF MY FRIEND YOU SUBNORMAL!” cried Sihun, making everyone turn in

their direction. April took him and grapple him so he won’t hit the incubus again. Tane turned
to him with purple eyes and glared.

“Make me, Kankoku no baishunpu,” spat Tane, and Sihun cried in rage. Izumi and April
gasped, Tane growled at Izumi “you don’t get that surprised, you fucked your way up.”

“THAT’S ENOUGH,” said Matthew with commanding voice, before Sihun could say
anything worse, “Tane, let her go.”

“Oh look, your saviour,” mocked Tane hugging Izumi and making her whimper. Matthew
wondered why she didn’t do anything, “get lost, we are having fun.”

“You are just a big bully who got a high rank because your father’s name,” spat Sihun, Tane
glared at him.
“I got my rank for my efforts, you? You danced your way up, probably making fanservice for
the old men on Japan,” replied Tane, Sihun started struggling against April, who seemed as
ready to kill the incubus as her teammate.

“I’ve said ‘enough’, Tane,” Matthew was trying his best to control his anger. He wasn’t sure
about what Tane was talking, but he won’t let him hurt his team.

“Suddenly you are an Argonaut and forgot your place, slave?” Tane looked at him in disgust,
“you know that just because you fuck the high ranks it doesn’t change what you are, right,

“Hey you, fucking son of a…” Xae and Ale were walking towards them, their clothes askew
and their eyes full of anger.

“What are you calling my son?” Carlotta interrupted entering the room followed by Hiroto.
Matthew saw the fox surprised and Hiroto just waved at him.

“You know, you are too lovely, and too hot to be Tane's mother, are you sure about it?" was
all the reply Xae gave. She looked at him incredulously and after a couple of minutes of
awkward silence, she laughed.

"Son, why are you like this?” She asked looking at Izumi who had been crying in silence the
whole time. Tane released her and she ran into Matthew’s arms. Matthew felt her tremble and
now that he was touching her, he noticed she was crying out of rage.

“They are a vampire-themed team lead by a vampire!” replied Tane, blushing a little at the
sudden scold in front of all the attendants of the party, “and a team full of sluts.”

“Now, the only slut in that team is me,” called out Xae, and for the way he smelled like sex,
there was no way to deny it, “and if you are angry because I didn’t let you have your way, let
me tell you, I may be a slut, but I have standards.”
Tane’s eyes glowed bright purple and Carlotta glared at him.

“Sometimes I think you think with your penis, and to give you some credit maybe it's bigger
than your brains,” said Carlotta before looking at the Leeches, who had regrouped around
Izumi and Matthew and were waiting. “Please let these lovely people alone before I join them
to mug you."

Tane tsked and turned to leave, angry and embarrassed. Sihun went to Carlotta and bowed

“I’m really sorry, Ma’am,” he said mortified, “I didn’t want to make a ruckus on your house.”

“It was my fault,” blurted Izumi running by their side and bowing several times, “I should
have stuck to the plan and avoided him.”

“You were avoiding him?” asked Carlotta amused by the idea.

“He wuz a dick at school,” stated Xae before being glared by Sihun and Izumi, “I mean, he
wuz… was… difficult to treat at the academy.”

“He tends to be a dick,” said Carlotta and she looked at Tarrick, “I wonder where did he get
that from?”

“Who knows?” Replied Tarrick who seemed not amused at all. Matthew could almost bet that
after the party they were going to punish him for that. He could feel how upset Tarrick was.

“A slut?” asked Carlotta looking at Xae, he shrugged slightly.

“I have that rep, but I don’t bed anyone,” replied Xae very serious, although the effect was
lost when he almost fell himself, “I had several partners, and he thought I was iizy and no… I
don’t like smut smug intubus… Incubus…”
“What a ‘puritan’ offence for an incubus to use,” commented Carlotta, “and a hypocrite one
if you take account he can’t keep his dick on his pants…”

Matthew smirked, about to make a cheeky response when Tarrick tapped his shoulder. He felt
the anger coming from him. Tarrick walked to a couch and signalled the chair in front.
Matthew sat gingerly.

“I told you to keep them in line, didn’t I?” asked Tarrick, his eyes lined purple.

“Yes, Master,” answered Matthew, “but Tane…”

“Don’t,” Tarrick interrupted, “you left them alone to chase a skirt that is out of your reach.”

“Don’t talk that way about Lily,” Matthew was getting angry, too. It was his baby girl the one
that the incubus mentioned.

“It’s ‘Lady Lillian’ for you, remember?” Tarrick didn’t raise his voice, but Matthew could
feel the scolding on it nonetheless. “Don’t forget your place just because you’re having luck

Matthew bit his lip and lowered his gaze. The night couldn’t get any worse. Well, it could,
Tarrick could notice the bite mark on his neck… Matthew rubbed absentminded the spot, his
hands shaking a little, as he waiting for the scolding to finish, or to the threat of punishment
to be delivered. Would Rosaline get punished for this too? If he got back in the cage what
would happen to the Leeches?

“High Lord General!” a female voice startled Matthew, especially because he didn’t
recognize the disappointed in it. The scent of skittles and cocoa —that she was always eating
— gave away the identity of Dr Brightside, who had teleported by their side and was glaring
at Tarrick. The incubus looked surprised by the threatening on her eyes.
“Can I help you with something, Dr?” he asked with a kind voice and a charming smile. But
Dr Brightside wasn’t having any of it.

“Come Matthew, doctors orders,” she said taking Matthew’s hand, “and you too, High Lord
General. Oh, and call the Imperator.”

She dragged Matthew to a room and once there she hugged him tightly and gestured the bed.

“Come on, sweetie, sit,” she said in a soft voice. The kind of voice he used when talking to a
frightened kid after a rescue, back on his fireman days.

Matthew obeyed, sitting on the bed and drawing a jagged breath. That was when he noticed
he was breathing irregularly. He frowned.

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Dr Brightside took one of his hands —that were shaking as if he was
terribly cold— and caressed it softly. It made him feel better, marginally.

“I hope it’s important,” said a very annoyed Prescott entering the room with Tarrick. Matthew
felt a dread building on his gut. What if Dr Brightside changed her mind and he wasn’t
allowed on the field? The only use he could had vanished as his freedom.

“Breath slower, honey,” she told him and Matthew noticed he was about to hyperventilate.

Dr Brightside stood up and face the incubus and the hunter, “I’m so disappointed at you
two!” she scolded in a commanding voice that he didn’t know she had, “pushing him to an
anxiety crisis, nothing less!”

“I beg your pardon?” Tarrick seemed outraged and confused.

“Better beg his,” Dr Brightside glared at him, “you’ve been nothing but a pusher to him.
Forcing him to adapt and obey through torture.”
“That’s…” Started Prescott and the Dr glared at him.

“And you!” she pointed at him with an accusatory finger, “you are his team Leader, you
should care about him and make sure he is okay.”

Prescott frowned and looked at Matthew, who was as surprised as them and his expression
softened a little. Matthew looked back, his breathing already normal, but his hands shaking

“Are you okay?” asked Prescott taking a couple of steps in his direction.

“No, he is not,” replied Dr Brightside, “he had been jumping from place to place, doing
everything you order him to, suppressing part of his instincts, longing for being looked at as
something else than a slave and you…” her voice had been steady and commanding, and then
she turned to him and she used her ‘shocked child voice’ again, “you made him think that he
is nothing more than a tool or a weapon, that you use him the best way you see fit and you’ll
throw him away if he is not able to do what you’ve been training him to do.”

“I’m fine,” he said, but his voice came out as a croak, and a couple of tears came out of his
eyes. Okay, maybe he wasn’t fine. Maybe he was overwhelmed by everything that had
happened. The changes, the hope, the reminders. He let out a sob. No, she was right. He
couldn’t keep with it. But he didn’t want to be thrown away.

“Matthew,” Tarrick’s velvety voice made him raise his gaze, but a surge of anger made him
avert his eyes. Was that another one of his incubus moments when he just showed him a
caring face to take it away as soon as he was due to do something else?

“See, Prescott?” said Dr Brightside, “I told you. I warned you that one of these days he would
had a breakdown.”

“I can be on the field,” Matthew blurted in panic, tears streaming his face, as he looked at
them pleading, “I still can fight, please, don’t cage me again.”
Tarrick’s eyes flashed in pain before he averted looks, closing them for a moment. As if the
whole situation pained him. Prescott looked at him concerned and approached slowly
kneeling by his side. He was treating him like a frightened child too. It wasn’t that bad,

“We won’t,” said Prescott softly, “I’ve been talking to the others, the Argonauts, and they like
you. A lot.” Prescott’s voice was soft and barely audible as if he was afraid of scaring him,
“we have been discussing your status with the High King, argumenting that it had happened
before, that a… Slave become one of his most trusted hunters…”

“Hiroto,” mumbled Matthew, yes, he didn’t know the whole story, but he had seen the collar.
“What did he said?”

“He said that he would concede on that on two conditions,” said Prescott with a soft smile,
“It means you’ll be part of the corps, like everyone else…”

Matthew noticed that Prescott didn’t give him the conditions, and noticed the calculating
gaze of Tarrick, that meant he wasn’t aware of it.

“I’ll be part of the hunter corps?” Asked Matthew softly.

“And of the incubi too,” said Prescott patting his shoulder, “therefore we have to take care of
you as we care about any other warrior and hunter.” Prescott raised and looked at Dr
Brightside who had been throwing daggers with her eyes to Tarrick, “Doc, is it PTSD?”

“No,” she shook her head, “he is overwhelmed by everything, he hasn’t had time to process
correctly anything, and he needs time every now and then to rest.”

“I give him free nights,” argued Tarrick, “several free nights.”

“And you go to him to fuck?” Dr Brightside raised her eyebrow at the frown on Tarrick’s
face, “I’m talking about nights for him to be with friends, taking on what had happened to

“Self-care nights?” Asked Matthew, and Dr Brightside nodded, Matthew saw the raised
brows of the two men and explained, “back at the Station, when I was a fireman, sometimes
too much happened in a day. To keep ourselves sane we took a night every third Thursday, to
go to our loved ones just to relax and talk about something else. Alyssa and Lily took it really
seriously so we don’t talk about anything related to fire or my team or anything. We played
board games and cuddle in seeing movies.”

“And it helped, right?” Asked Dr Brightside, stooking his hair slowly. Matthew thought about

“Yes, it helped a lot,” he answered.

“Well then, if it’s doctors orders, I’ll appoint you some ‘Self-care nights’,” said Prescott
before looking at Tarrick.

“I’ll approve them,” he replied before looking at Matthew, “but with who are you going to
spend them?”

“Before you think that, there will be some rules,” said Dr Brightside, “no sex, no training, no
partying, no talking about your love life, nor the training, nor battles.”

“That kind of rules out Rosaline,” commented Matthew, “and the Leeches.”

“What about Vik?” asked Prescott, “she is easy to talk and has several experiments going that
have nothing to do with the war, so you could talk about them. Since you are the curious
“Vik sounds good,” convened Matthew, “besides she told me she wanted to teach me how to

“Vikström is approved then,” said Dr Brightside, “who else?”

“His companions must be approved by you?” asked Tarrick frowning.

“Yes, and you are ruled out too,” she said harshly, before turning to Matthew, “what about
Hiroto? You two are friends now, right?”

“Hiroto could cheer you up, besides he maybe the only one in the team that can truly
understand you,” commented Prescott with a slight nod.

“Have you forgotten that Hiroto wants to get into Matthew’s pants? asked Tarrick, and
Matthew would say he sounded jealous. Or maybe that was what he wanted to think.

“They’ve already done it,” replied Prescott shrugging, “besides, Hiroto is quite good at taking
care of people, Messenger stuff or something.”

“already done it?” Tarrick looked at Matthew and was about to say something.

“That’s it then, Matthew, you’ll have a free night tomorrow to relax with Hiroto and Vik, I’ll
handle the paperwork,” said Dr Brightside walking to the door and exiting. At the door where
the Leeches.

“Eh... High Lord General, sir,” said Sihun with a guilty face, “Imperator Prescott, sir…”

“We came to apologise,” said Izumi, “the fight was totally our fault, even when we promised
Matthew we won’t argue with Tane.”

“Please, we accept all the res… responsibility for it” added Xae, “and the punishment.”
“I was the responsible for the state of my teammate, I forced him to drink and then I picked
up a fight with him,” said Ale, “I left Izumi alone and that’s when everything went down.”

“I thought you said we won’t talk about what happened in the room,” said Xae and April hit
him on the shoulder.

“The point is, Sirs, that we are at fault, not him,” said April calmly.

“We’ll put that on your monthly report,” replied Tarrick exiting the room. Matthew could tell
he was angry but wasn’t sure of what exactly.

“There won’t be any punishment,” said Prescott, “at least not a serious one. You’ll be on my
charge tomorrow for training, and Matthew would be taking a night’s leave. Doctors Orders.”

A suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I hope you liked this chapter. It was rather long but it has a lot of important stuff, I swear

In other news, the fanfic is officially more than 105k words long!


Also, in a month it's gonna be a year since I posted this for the first time <3
Chapter 23
Chapter Summary

Matthew has his self-care night with Vik and Hiroto~

“Really? Right in front of my guacamole?” Asked Vik mockingly, before she and the two
men burst to laugh.

Chapter Notes


It's a me again! haha~

This time I brought you some special characters that are just about to appear~

The next chapter is going to be super special because it's Athinsint's ANNIVERSARY!
yay! One year of fanfic <3

I'll be starting to upload my next protect too [in Spanish, for the 5 elementos fandom]
and I'll have a special announcement for all my followers~

I want to thank my betas April and Gabs for putting up with me and my crazy ideas~


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are the property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew shivered and turned to scan the bar. It was teeming with people dancing and
enjoying themselves. He had sworn he feel that someone had been looking at him, but to be
honest there were plenty of people looking at him and his date. He saw a dark-skinned man
leaving in a rush and he frowned.

"It's everything alright, Matthew?" asked Vik serving him from a well-hidden bottle of spiked

"Yeah... I just... I thought someone was looking at us," replied Matthew smiling at his friend.

"Sugar blood, half the bar is looking at us," replied Hiroto taking a sip of his mojito, "they are
practically eating you with their eyes."

Matthew nodded and gave the fox a soft peck on his forehead, slightly lower than the leaf
that maintained his human façade.

Outside the bar, a man walked down the street and into a backstreet and sighed in relief
closing his eyes.

“I was careless,” he said to himself.

“You were,” a small voice replied.

“He almost noticed me,” he nodded.

“He did notice you, but he paid no attention,” the voice retorted.

“He did…” The man opened his eyes and prepare to attack, but dropped the stance when he
saw a young human girl with wild brown hair, “Who… What do you want?”

“I know who you are and what you are…” she replied with a dark smile, “and I know why
you were following Him .”

The man paled and looked at the girl bewildered.

While in the bar Matthew had left Vik back at her seat after a hot dance and was taking his
boyfriend’s hand to get him to the dance floor.

“Please don’t, Matthew…” Pouted Hiroto as the vampire dragged him and embraced him

“Come on, fluff heart, it’s just a slow dance, just one,” Matthew pleaded, swaying with the
white-haired. Hiroto sighed and hugged him by the neck. Matthew smirked and hugged him

“You are still thinking about earlier,” said Hiroto after a couple of turns. Matthew bit his lip.
Sometimes he hated the fox knew him so well.

“I know he was looking at me, kit fox,” explained Matthew, “and he ran away as soon as I
discovered him.”

“Maybe he was just shy?” offered Hiroto, Matthew frowned.

“I don’t know… He felt off… He didn’t seem human,” said Matthew. Hiroto’s gaze
“Maybe he was a vampire and when he noticed you fled in panic,” he offered after a while.
Matthew nodded, but he believed it even less than Hiroto. He won’t call it out on him, maybe
the man was an important incubus and Hiroto couldn’t share information about it.

“Matthew, the whole point of this night is that you relax,” said Hiroto giving him a peck and
smiling, “what if we go to Lord Koki’s? We can make some treats and saw some movies, Vik
and I picked some especially for you.”

“You really dislike dancing, huh snow fox?” Asked Matthew and Hiroto nodded without a
hint of shame. They walked to the bar, where Vik was looking at her cellphone with a
devilish grin,

“What are you doing?” asked Matthew when a small beep distracted him. A message. He
took off his cellphone and saw the notification. The ArgoNUTS group chat. 16 unread
messages. He opened it and raised his eyebrow.

JPrescott: How is everything going?

Lock&Roll: Already free, boss? Did you murder them!!? D:

Mac’n’cheese: Are they that squishy?

JPrescott: They are running laps ¬¬ I got bored. How is the free night going, Vik?

SteamVik: Partaay at the disco!

[Followed by a picture of her and Matthew dancing with Hiroto on the bar]

Lock&Roll: No way! Ain’t foxy dancing?

Mac’n’cheese: He is not. He’s no fun.

SteamVik: lol lol He is dancing! end of the world

[Followed by a picture of they both slowdancing]

Mac’n’cheese: Lolol what r they doing? waltzing lolololol

JPrescott: thought Hiroto doesn’t dance?

Lock&Roll: I’m totally holding this against him.

SteamVik: Lolol they look so happy~~

Mac’n’cheese: such fags.

Lock&Roll: lol Ain’t you jealous?

Mac’n’cheese: I’m killing you.

Lock&Roll: D:!

“Vik!” whined Hiroto looking at his cellphone. Matthew noticed a small bat strap and smiled.

“Boss asked for it,” she shrugged.

“He asked how we were doing, not for pictures!” Hiroto pouted.

“Who put the nicknames?” asked Matthew. They both shrugged.

“We just change them every now and then. Like when we got bored,” replied Vik, “you can
change them too, I put you as an admin.”

Matthew smiled and went back to his cellphone.

VampBoy: Hello!

Lock&Roll: Hey! Nice night shagging with foxy?

VampBoy: lol we haven’t shag tonight yet

Lock&Roll: yet he says lol

PrescottPrez: Remember the rules!

PrescottPrez: Who changed my nickname?

Mac’n’cheese: lol

HamiltonBlood: Me!

HamiltonBlood: Hey! >:(

Lock&Roll: Lol!

SugarFluff: Lol xD

SugarFluff: :O ¬¬

SugarFluff: Matthew!

Mac’n’cheese: FAGS!!!!11

HamiltonBlood: xD

Hercules: Language.

Hercules: Seriously, Matthew?

HamiltonBlood: >:D

Hercules: ...

“Don’t pick up a fight you can’t win, Matthew,” Said Hiroto as he paid for his and Vik’s
drinks and gestured his phone, “Prescott gets all competitive with the nicknames.”

“I’m totally blaming Lady Lillian for that,” pointed Vik, “although she was the one that
insisted until Prescott started texting.”

“Fine,” Matthew pouted, before smiling at the idea of Lily pestering Prescott until he started
messaging her and his teammates, and followed them through the streets to the teleport stone.
“Are we really going to Lord Koki’s?”

“Nah,” said Hiroto calibrating the stone, “We are heading my place.”

Matthew blinked when they got out and hissed at the bright lights of the street signs.
Matthew could felt the sunrise six more hours away and smirked.
“Now we are back where we begin,” said Hiroto with a smirk.

“We began on Hiroshima, this is Tokyo,” Said Vik smiling.

“I can’t believe we’ve been following the night all around the globe for eighteen hours,” Said
Matthew as they started walking down the road.

“Doc told us to help you relax,” replied Hiroto, “so we are taking 24 hours to make you

“We meditate at Itsukushima shrine, went sightseeing in Shangai, went on safari on

Madagascar, went to a pub in Dublin, went clubbing at Rio, skied at Fairbanks, went to a luau
at Honolulu, and clubbed again at Anadyr,” counted Matthew, “So you could take my mind
off my problems, is that right?”

“Basically,” shrugged Vik.

“Now we are taking you to cook and watch movies at Tokyo,” said Hiroto as they walked
downtown and got to a building. Everyone around smelled like humans. They entered the
elevator and got out on the last floor.

“You live in a penthouse?” Asked Vik as Hiroto passed his key and marked the password.

“Koki gifted it to me ages ago. Most of the furniture came with the house,” replied Hiroto,
opening the door and letting them pass. Matthew gasped at the huge living room with a fluffy
rug filled with cushions, pillows and puffs. A giant flat-screen was surrounded by
bookshelves filled one of the walls. Next to it, floor to ceiling windows showed the city and
Matthew approached, smiling at the Tokyo tower. At his right was a kitchen, divided from the
living room by a marble island counter. The kitchen looked modern and polished. Matthew
gestured at it.
“I like to cook, and Lord Koki assures I have the best kitchen available,” Hiroto shrugged
climbing on the counter.

“You don’t have a dining room?” asked Vik putting her bag on one of the puffs, “or sofas?”

“I eat alone, so I use the counter,” replied Hiroto, “and no, I have no sofas, but one or two of
the guest rooms have beds.”

“Where are the rooms?” asked Matthew, Hiroto pointed at a staircase that led to a half
hallway that lined the walls.

“Upstairs,” he replied, “along with the main bathroom and the meditating room.”

“The bathroom has a bathtub?” asked Matthew with a devilish smirk.

“This is japan, Matthew, of course, it has a bathtub,” replied Hiroto winking. Vik chuckled.

“You are such an incubus sometimes, batty,” said Vik going to the refrigerator and taking
some bags of blood and some other ingredients, “let’s make some snacks and shakes and then
we could put on the movies.”

Hiroto climbed down from the counter and opened the pantry to take off some bread and stuff
Matthew hadn’t seen in his life.

“Let’s make blood mochis and nachos!” Said Hiroto happily, before kissing Matthew’s cheek,
“better learn how to make mochis, blood love.”

“Really? Right in front of my guacamole?” Asked Vik mockingly, before she and the two
men burst to laugh. They started cooking and preparing everything.
After they finished, they sat on the cushions, practically cuddling and started eating as Vik
pushed the play button on the remote.

“Is that Lilo & Stitch?” asked Matthew. Hiroto snuggled closer to him and nodded.

“Yeah, it’s one of your faves, right?” Said Vik. Matthew looked at her questioning and she
smirked, “you said that after you failed at singing the first song.”

“Technically is the theme song, He mele no Lilo,” commented Hiroto before shushing them
both, “no talking while Stitch is on the screen.”

“You like this movie, too?” Asked Matthew softly, Hiroto nodded before putting his finger on
the vampire’s mouth, to silence him.

They watched the movie in comfortable silence, broken every now and then by one of them
quoting the movie’s dialogue and singing along. After it ended, Vik put the Bicentennial
Man, saying that she had loved that one since it came on 1999. Matthew purred softly; he
always liked that movie. After it, Hiroto put Wolf Children. Matthew had never seen that one,
but by the end of the movie, he is as touched by it as Hiroto, who had quoted at least two-
thirds of the movie.

When the movies ended, Vik stretched and Hiroto yawned. Matthew smirked and Hiroto
snuggled against him.

“Let’s get a couple of hours of sleep before moving vamp boy,” said Vik. Hiroto nodded and
stood up, followed by the other two.

“Can I see your nest?” asked Matthew as they walked to the second floor. Hiroto blushed.

“Who told you?”

“The Leeches.”

“Those little bastards…”

“So it’s true? You have a nest?”

“It’s a quite big nest,” Hiroto replied proudly.

“Enough for us to sleep together?” Matthew hugged him from behind, causing Hiroto to
blush. Vik laughed.

“Remember to sleep a little, you two,” she said entering one of the guest rooms.


“Let’s… Go to sleep,” mumbled Hiroto opening the door of the main bedroom. Matthew
laughed surprised. It was indeed a nest, made out of cushions and pillows and fluffy blankets.

Hiroto teleported away and returned after a while, exiting the main bathroom in a simple
robe. He climbed on the nest and looked at him. Hiroto seemed so innocent, sitting there and
looking at him with his ears twitching.

“You are so beautiful,” sighed Matthew contently, taking off his pants and climbing on the
nest. Hiroto hurled a blanket around them and snuggled against him.

“And you are cheesy and hot,” the fox mumbled against his chest. Matthew hugged him

“I’m cold, you are hot,” joked Matthew, earning a small bite from the fox.
“Shh, go to sleep, vampire,” grunted Hiroto with a content sigh. Matthew kissed the top of
his head and sighed contently in turn. He wished he could stay like that forever.

When he woke up again he was on Ashwood, on his bed. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he
stretched and walked towards the bottle of blood. He drank it and sighed. He was back at
being a pet —a slave — after the most magnificent night of freedom.

He did feel better, though. He was relaxed for the first time in ages, and it gave his brain
enough time to process everything that had happened without thinking about it.

He entered the shower and started cleaning himself, letting out a small moan when he
touched the bite mark on his neck. He smiled as he applied the soap and made it foam,
thinking about his relationship with the messenger spirit and what the small bite mark meant

Matthew let the water on for a while, enjoying the warmth on his skin, before turning it off
and taking a fluffy towel to render himself dry. He exited the bathroom with a towel around
his hips and another on his head to cry his hair.

“Oh my,” a soft voice said. He looked up and saw Izumi as red as she can be, sitting on his
bed. She had covered her face but her beady black eyes were still glued to his abs. Matthew
frowned. He didn’t hear her arrive nor noticed her.

“Do you want something?” he asked. She looked up, still red and chewed her lip. Her lip was
broken in several parts.

“I came to apologise,” she said softly, “I know we already apologised and High Lord General
Tarrick said it was okay. But…” She frowned, “I should have stopped that asshole, or should
have gotten away or something.”

“Izumi that’s…”
“Don’t tell me it’s not my fault. It was totally my fault,” she growled harshly and he realized
he had never seen her angry or aggressive. Not even with vampires. Even that time with the
Lord she seemed sadder than anything else.

“Why do you say so?” Matthew asked and she gasped surprised.

“Because… You didn’t notice me when I entered…” she said and frowned, “I could sneak
without others knowing, in fact… I could scream in a teeming room and no one would

“What?” Matthew was curious and confused. He remembered the girl being quite chatty and
had several groups of friends back at Senbonzakura Academy. He even remembered how
people cried her name from the opposite sidewalk before sprinting to hug her.

“I’m not quite there,” she mumbled and frowned, “I’m not that alive .”

“You mean your lung condition?”

“No… Sort of…”

“Is it magic?”

Izumi frowned and ponder.

“Yes, it is magic.”

“So you could have sneaked on Tane, but you didn’t,” summed Matthew looking at his closet
and to the door. He walked towards his closet and took off a jean, a simple black shirt and
some underwear. She was busy looking at his nightstand pictures with a fond smile.
“I didn’t,” she concurred, “I… I guess I wanted to fight that asshole.”

“What did he do to you back at SA?”

“He used me.”

“Used you?”

“Yes, you know, a quick fuck and bye-bye.”

“He fed from you.”

“That’s how you say it so you won’t feel bad about using other people?” her black eyes
turned to him and were judging him somehow.

“That’s… Yes…” Matthew chewed his lip and she shrugged.

“Then He bragged about it and called me easy, and Sihun and Xae too…”

“I get Xae, but Sihun…”

“Xae is not easy to get, you know? He had several partners, but each one of them was very
special to him,” she stated, her eyes darkened somehow, “He is a romantic, even if he doesn’t
seem like one… And he is easily infatuated.”

“Tane bragged about having being with you?”

“He bragged about how good he was at luring girls at his bed, and used me as an example,”
she shrugged, “he said I was plain, tho, not even worth a meal.”

Matthew could see why she was angry at the incubus and was starting to feel the urge to go
get the blonde and beat the shit out of him.

“I kinda wanted to fight him, but then I remembered that you asked us to not fight him and
then it was too late,” she said pouting. He sat by her side and hugged her closely. She seemed
about to cry, but when he tried to feel her emotions he only felt rage. He managed to put a
soothing hold on her.

“It was your fault, yes,” he said softly, “but he deserves to be beaten for the way he uses

“If it were in my hands I would remove his skin slowly with pliers,” she said seriously and
Matthew shivered, then she smiled and giggled, “or maybe drug him so he couldn’t get it up.
Do you imagine it?”

Matthew laughed at the thought of Tane embarrassed about his supposed impotence and she
laughed too.

“Thanks for listening to me, boss,” she said giving him a peck on the cheek, “oh, by the way,
Imperator Prescott wants to see us in…” she looked at her watch, “thirty minutes on the

“Let’s get ready then,” chuckled Matthew getting up and taking his boxers. She squealed and
turned so she couldn’t see him. Her heart was beating fast. He looked at her bushy hair
surprised, “what’s wrong?”

“I’m completely incapable of seeing a person changing clothes, even just a shirt. I’m sorry,”
she mumbled, still facing the wall, “It’s just too intimate…”
Matthew frowned. The girl had seen him freshly out of the shower and in boxers before, but
he getting changed was ‘too intimate’? He shrugged and got changed.

As soon as Matthew finished with his clothes he tapped Izumi's arm and followed her out of
the room. She seemed calmer than before and was humming a happy song.

They got to the doors and, before Matthew could actually register them, Ale and Sihun
jumped to hug him. April approached with a warm smile, and Xae smiled from the back.

"Boss! I'm really sorry!" Cried Sihun hugging him tightly, "I hit that bastard after you told me
to not fight him."

"It's okay, I wanted to hit him too," replied Matthew, "but next time just avoid him like the

"The Plague wasn't such an asshole," mumbled Izumi, making the others chuckle.

"Should we get going?" Asked Xae gesturing at the woods, "we don't want the Imperator to
be madder at us."

"Let's go," said Matthew and smiled when they started running and teleporting away. He
sprinted and soon enough was leading the group to the Academy.

When they arrived at the arena, there were several hunter groups training. Most of them
casting glances at Imperator Prescott, who was wearing a simple shirt and sweatpants. Weird.

"At least you are on time, " commented Prescott, "I'm going to review your basic combat
skills today. So I'll assign you a member of another team to fight."

"What about me, Imperator?" Asked Matthew as he saw the humans approach, with casual
clothing, there were five.
"You'll stay by my side to review your teammates' capacity and their dents. You must help
them to improve and guide them wisely knowing their strength so they won't get killed by
your decisions." Prescott said it very seriously, and Matthew wondered how many teammates
he had lost because of his decisions.

“Lily is less mad now,” said Prescott after a while, eyeing Izumi who was starting to seem
tired. “I thought you’d want to know”

“Still mad, huh?” asked Matthew frowning at Ale, who had failed a kick he had seen they do
dozens of times. They seemed nervous. Guilt perhaps?

“I’ve been trying to explain to her why you couldn’t just come to her…” said Prescott with a
soft sigh, and nodded at the performance of April.

“She is stubborn,” commented Matthew with a small shrug as he raised his eyebrow. Sihun
was trying too hard and was almost mechanic.

“Just like her father, then,” smirked Prescott whose eyes were trained in Xae. Matthew was
surprised; that night Xae seemed as plain as a human hunter could be. He seemed average
too, at his attack and defence. Not exactly bad, but not the usual spectacular performance he
grew used to.

“I really wanted to stay with her,” said Matthew in a melancholic tone, “When I discovered
Tarrick found her I was so mad… But then he showed me she was happy with the incubi, and
I wished I could see her. But I was… I am a Slave.”

“Not for much,” said Prescott with a knowing wink before gesturing at Ale, who was pinned
down in the floor. They hugged their opponent by the midsection with their legs and Matthew
hear a small crunch when Ale applied pressure and their opponent surrendered.

“What do you mean?” Matthew cocked his head and saw Izumi being tossed far away. She
spun on the hair and smiled wickedly. She worked better from the distance.
“If you keep up with the good work I could put you in a good word with the High King,” said
Prescott shrugging, “You’ve proven that you are a good soldier, now you just need to show
how loyal to the incubi you are, for an extended period of time. Given that you haven’t run
away in any of your opportunities and have helped us and supported us, I’m very confident
that you could achieve it within a year…”

Matthew smiled “ why the sudden trust in me?”

“I’ve been talking to the Argonauts, and to other hunters and lords,” said Prescott, “you are
quite charming… And after I realized you were the man that Lily talked about so highly I
started to accept that maybe you were more than just a pet vampire.”

Matthew chuckled and looked at Sihun and April who had defeated their opponents, and
Izumi and Xae that were circling their own. Matthew noticed the slight change of pace in
both and it seemed familiar somehow. Both attacked at the same time, knocking off their
opponents with a swift move.

Izumi then fell down to the floor and frowned as she covered her head, she seemed to be
having one hell of a headache.

“She is weak…”

“She is fast and good support. She is a backrower.”

“You have to be careful with that… Those are easy targets.”

The dark on Prescott gaze made Matthew grimace.

“I’ll be careful, sir,” said Matthew and Prescott nodded.

“Better be, you got a good team there… May not be the best, but it’s obvious that they like
you and trust you wholly.”

Matthew smiled and watched fondly how the five hunters at his command scrambled to form
in a line in front of them. They looked eagerly at him, and Matthew could read on their faces
how much they wanted to make him proud. A phantom sting and a small voice on the back of
his head reminded him that he was just like that with Tarrick, but he dismissed the thought.

He hadn’t forced them to go with him, they had approached on their own --more or less-- and
they stick with him because they liked him and saw in him a worthy partner and a leader to
be loyal to.

“Okay, Leeches, let’s train,” said Matthew with a proud tone, “we need to improve so we
could get on more missions.”

“Yes, Boss, sir!” they said on one voice.

“Izumi, you need to get more stamina and regulate your breathing.”

“Aye, sir, Boss, Sir!”

“Ale, you need to be more focused on your enemy, learn to zone on the fight.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Sihun, you could practice covering your openings as you manoeuvre.”

“Aye, sir!”
“April, you need more speed, so you can deliver your attacks more smoothly.”

“Yes, boss!”

“Xae…” Matthew stopped in front of the black-haired boy, who was staring at the floor and
had his shoulder slumped as if he was trying to look smaller and attract as few gazes as
possible. It was weird for the usually shinning man. “What’s wrong with you tonight?”

“I think I might have a cold,” mumbled the man in such a thin and soft voice that Matthew
could see him as a shy 17 years old boy.

“Go to the infirmary then, and take Izumi with you,” he said after a while. Izumi looked at
him surprised. “Don’t you have a headache?”

“You can tell?” Izumi looked at him bewildered, “You can read minds? OH, MY GODDESS!
Boss, you are amazing!”

“I can’t, now go to the infirmary and get well soon,” Matthew laughed. Xae took Izumi’s
hand and tugged her to the infirmary. Matthew extended his senses to be sure they got there
and smirked.

Prescott was looking at him and nodded.

“Now, before you go to your training,” he said with a commanding voice, “I want you to see
me kick your boss ass, and you’ll point what he is doing wrong, ok?”

“Yes, Imperator, sir!”

Matthew raised his eyebrow and Prescott vanished in a green flash. A fist contacted his cheek
and sent him flying across the arena.
“What’s wrong, vampire? You can’t against an unarmed hunter? You need your claws to
fight?” mocked Prescott before disappearing again. Matthew put some blood on his speed
and dodged him just in time, but couldn’t grab his arm. The next time he didn’t get lucky
either. The third he aimed a punch at the chest of the man and was surprised when he didn’t
hear anything breaking.

“I thought you said you were going to kick his ass, Imperator,” commented Sihun as they
dodged the man. Prescott disappeared and appeared by their side.

“I’m letting him land a couple of punches,” he replied with a small shrug.

“His technique could use some work, by the way,” commented Ale, “with those punches he
wouldn’t have survived back at my hometown.”

“Whose side are you?” grunted Matthew, speeding to catch Prescott.

“Yours, boss,” said Ale with a bright smile. Sihun was looking at him intently.

“You can see the experience difference; the efficiency on the movements, the well-landed
kicks and punches, the calculated gaze,” sighed Sihun.

“What are you? A fangirl?” asked April.

“A fanboy, I grew up with stories of the Great Imperator Prescott.” defended Sihun.

“Are they always that chatty?” asked Prescott as he and Matthew exchanged some punches.
Matthew landed a couple and smiled. Prescott frowned at him, “you are holding back.”
Matthew took two steps back, “I’m sorry, you can be the Great Imperator Prescott, but you
are still human and I don’t want to accidentally kill you…” said Matthew before pulverizing
a hole on the wall to his left. April, Sihun and Ale jumped at the sudden movement, the same
as other hunter teams around. Prescott huffed.

“You have control, it seems,” mocked the greek as they keep up the fight.

“Hiroto forced me to control myself,” replied Matthew and Prescott grimaced.

“You know, most of us bet that you would ask Tarrick to change your trainer after a week,”
commented Prescott dodging a punch, “most trainees flew from Hiroto as soon as possible.”

“You kidding?” laughed Matthew, “I got to see him all serious and evil, the real challenge
was not to fuck him there.”

“Why?” Prescott cocked his head sporting an expression torn between disgust and curiosity.

“In one hand, I was ‘trying to control my instincts’, on the other, if I stood still too much he
would have killed me,” explained Matthew trying to attack the hunter.

“I thought he wanted to get into your pants.”

“Trainer Hiroto doesn’t get into anyone’s pants…”

Prescott burst to laugh and Matthew pouted before dodging a really fast attack. They kept
attacking and dodging as Ale, April and Sihun tried to follow their movements. Izumi came
back with a sided smirk and a quite quiet Xae, and both sat by Ale and stared at the two men.

After a while, Prescott called it to a stop.

“Good job, boss!” said Izumi cheering. Matthew chuckled and walked towards them.

“are you two feeling better?” he asked looking at Xae who was still looking at his feet.

“Yes, Boss!” said Izumi nodding cheerfully, “the doc gave me a lollipop!”

“Did they had to give you a shot?” asked Sihun grimacing, and Izumi pouted.

“Yes, they did… So Xae held me as I cried,” she said gloomily before smiling again, “your
fight was awesome!”

“We were supposed to see what was Boss lacking,” pointed April, and Izumi frowned.”

“Technique.” she said without a second thought, “was fast enough but didn’t have the skill to
use it properly.”

Prescott approached them shaking his head.

“Now that you know what you are lacking, go work on that.” Said Prescott seriously,
“remember that even if Matthew is your leader, you are still a team and it means you have to
work together and help each other.”

“Yes, Imperator!”

A suivre...
Chapter End Notes

I hope you liked this chapter~

From the next one I'll be uploading every 26 days, so I upload one from Ocaso &
Amanecer and then one from Warrior. This is for my mental health xD
Chapter 24
Chapter Summary

Matthew meets a very special person.

Well, that was definitely a thing, “how do you know my name?”

“Save me and I’ll tell you,” she said plainly.

Chapter Notes

This is the first year of Warrior. I’m so excited to see how far this has come. I’m grateful
to all of you who followed the story, commented and/or left kudos. This project came
out from a joke, but it became something very important to me, a reason to keep going.

Thank you for staying with me until now, I hope you’ll stick with me for a while longer.

That being said, I’m excited to announce my new “series” on the BeMoverse:

↫ Leeches ↬

“Leeches” is kind of a side story, focusing on Izumi, Xae, Ale, April and Sihun. How
they got to Senbonzakura Academy and how they meet there. And it’s going to be told
by three hands [Me and my betas, April and Gabs] to show the difference between the
lovely characters~

That being said, and to keep a semblance of control over my life(?) the updates of
Athinsint will be every 26 days from today on. The updates for Leeches [and
Ocaso&Amancer] will be every 26 days starting on May 20 [13 days from now].
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Matthew stretched and walked into the bar. He had said no to feeders, so he often went out to
feed on humans. He prefered the nameless strangers than the several feeders that walked
around Ashwood. Mostly because the idea of them fucking Tarrick made him angry.

Jealousy? Yes. It had been ages since the last time he had been even near Tarrick alone. The
last time he had been sent to retrieve the High Lord General from his room, he was fucking a
couple of women and that put him angrier.

Matthew shook his head to stop thinking about the incubus and focus on the hot men around
him. Hiroto had told him that he had three hours to feed and shag whoever he wanted before
reuniting on the roof of a hospital nearby the North Chicago stone. He sighed when he
thought about the fox. They haven’t been together since his ‘birthday’ back at japan. And he
kind of hoped that this time they could fuck in some hotel or something. But Lord Koki had
called for him and there was nothing that Matthew could do about it.

Matthew noticed a couple of men casting glances at him and he walked towards them. They
looked tasty enough, and were discussing the possibility of having a threesome, and who was
Matthew to deny them that pleasure?

“Hello,” he said on a husky voice and a low tone and smirked when he saw both men shiver,
and their eyes darken.

“Hi, handsome,” said one of them, licking his lips as he looked up and down Matthew’s body.
He had dark hair and thin shoulders, and was wearing a plain blue shirt and jeans, “are you

“It depends,” replied Matthew winking, “would you accompany me?”

The other chuckled and mumbled a ‘smooth’ before gesturing him to come closer. His
chocolate brown hair was short cropped on the sides and longer on the top. He had wide
shoulders and a cute chubby face. He had a rock band t-shirt and skinny jeans.

“Would you two like to join me in my private VIP room?” commented Matthew flashing a
sexy smile, and the two men looked at each other before looking at him.

“Shall we, then?” asked the dark-haired, taking his hand. Matthew guided them to the second
floor, to a VIP room he had rented for a while. He had received his first payment as a hunter
and since he lived at Tarrick's and the incubus insisted on buying his clothes he had enough
money to spare.

He took a seat on one of the couches and spread his arms along the back.
“Come,” Matthew said, with a small wicked smile on his lips. They promptly sat down, one
on each side of him, and began caressing him over his clothes.

“You boys want something to drink,” Matthew offered caressing their hair softly. The dark-
haired man answered by leaning in and kissing his ear, the other undo the top button of his
jeans and slid a hand in there. Guess not.

Matthew tasted the strands of sexual energy that came from the horny men on his arms, and it
tasted amazing. He wondered if their blood would taste good too. His smile grew wider when
he thought about biting them and taking a couple of mouthfulls. He was given permission to
do so as long as he didn’t take too much from a human.

The one kissing his ear grabbed the bottom of Matthew’s turtleneck and tugged it down to
kiss and bite his neck. While the other one kneeled between Matthew’s legs and opened his
pant to rub his hard cock through his boxers. Matthew moaned, pleased by the attention. He
could almost hear his incubus side purring in delight.

The dark-haired eyed the metal collar around the now-exposed Matthew’s neck and grinned,

Matthew didn’t answer. It wasn’t kinky for him. It was the constant and painful reminder that
he won’t ever be truly part of the incubi, no matter how hard he tried. It also reminded him of
the pain and darkness in Hiroto’s eyes, for his true nature being torn away from him.

That was why he had started to use turtlenecks now. It was a good way to stop the others
from looking at it and to forgot about it for a while.

Matthew shrugged and pulled the man in for a kiss, as the other freed the vampire’s cock
from his boxers and wrapped his lips around it. Matthew moaned on the kiss, allowing the
dark-haired to claim his mouth with his tongue. The brown-haired was working his skilled
mouth and tongue up and down Matthew’s shaft.

A small grunt escaped Matthew’s lips and soon became a moan as the man on his cock took
all he could before pulling away and then started sucking him skillfully. Matthew leaned back
his head, enjoying the pleasure the smaller man was providing him.

“He’s good, isn’t he?” the dark-haired one said as he lifted Matthew’s hist and started
working his lips up Matthew’s chest.

“Fuck yes,” sighed Matthew, before licking his lips and ordering in a husky and sexy voice,
“Undress, and take your cocks out. I want to see you.”

“Very. Undress. Take your cocks out,” Matthew ordered. Both men trembled in advance and
pulled their shirts off and unzipped their pants, pushing them down to reveal their own hard
cocks. Matthew gazed at them lustfully as he stood up and finished taking his clothes as well.
He took both their erections, one on each palm and started running his hands up and down,
secreting silky smooth lubricant. He kept it at an unhurried pace, pushing pleasure into both
of them and feeding form their desire.
They pressed against him and he purred at the feeling of their heated skin against his.

His unhuman-like purr went unnoticed by both men because they were too invested on the
skilled way he was working their erections, and the raw pleasure he was pushing through the

Matthew stopped, squeezing a little before they could come. Matthew dragged them to the
couch and made the brown-haired one kneel on it. Matthew ran his fingers down his back
before starting fingering him, slipping a lubricated finger onto his hole to prepare him. The
dark-haired handed him a condom and Matthew took it with a smile, before leaning in and
say in a soft pleading voice, “and you would take me?”

The human licked his lips and smiled, caressing Matthew’s hips and then his ass, “I thought
you were more on the top side,” he said teasing Matthew’s hole.

Matthew put on the condom and finished fingering the brown-haired, who was practically
pleading for being fucked. “I kind of like both,” he whispered as he started to enter the
brown-haired. He gasped in pleasure and Matthew sighed contently at the tightness and
warm. “Just enter me, hard.”

“You sure, lovely?” asked the man putting on a condom and caressing Matthew’s lower back.

“I’m ready,” he purred with half-lid eyes as he pushed desire onto the man. He took his hips
and plunged deep, and Matthew cried in pleasure.

“Fuck,” breathed the brown-haired, as Matthew started to pound him. Matthew moaned,
delighted for being fucked hard as he plunged deep on the tight ass. The dark-haired man
licked and nibbled his shoulder and slowly started to go up to his neck. Then he bit the mark
and Matthew cried in pleasure as a shock ran through his body. He moaned needy as he
pushed a hard wave of pleasure through the men. They moaned and Matthew purred again.

“May I bite you?” asked Matthew to the brown-haired man, nuzzling his neck just right over
his pulse. The man moaned a breathed yes and Matthew sunk his fangs on his tender flesh,
making him cry in pleasure. Matthew moaned, taking a mouthful of warm fresh vein blood, it
felt so fucking good.

It wasn’t long before the movements of all three men grew urgent.

An intense orgasm rolled through Matthew as his cock thrust deep into the man’s ass. The
dark-haired man followed next, his moans loud and heaving as he rode out his orgasm.
Matthew ran his hand down the brown-haired man’s shaft and pushed him to climax as well.

His cries were muffled as his mouth was ravaged by Matthew’s and he spilt his cum on the

Matthew peeled away and sunk into the cushions.

“That was amazing,” one of them panted. And Matthew nodded and gave him a flirty smile
as an answer. He beckoned them both to sit with him and they obliged.
“May I bite you?” asked Matthew, nuzzling the dark-haired man’s neck.

“It turns you on, huh?” commented the man, cocking his head so Matthew could access
easily to his neck, “go ahead, lovely.”

Matthew sunk his fangs and started to suck a couple of mouthfuls of blood, sending a small
wave of pleasure and a soothing hold so he won’t be scared. He licked the puncture marks
close and smirked at them.

“I…” he was about to suggest another round when he felt it. A strange presence just behind
the curtain. The delicate smell of vanilla and parchment drifted past him. He erased their
memories —a very useful ability that Vik forced a vampire to teach him in exchange for his
liberty— and left them making out.

He walked to the curtain and stood naked here as he opened the curtain to see who was there.

A woman stood there, of average height, no makeup on, chestnut hair that hung limp and
plain around her shoulders, and that matched her unexciting chestnut eyes. Her simple
flower-patterned dress was too big for her boney structure and her small chest. He would say
she was eighteen, maybe twenty, being generous.

He stared at her. If she hadn’t been the only woman in that men’s club, he wouldn’t have
noticed her. She seemed like your garden variety of wallflower, unassuming and diffident.
And she seemed human. But to be fair, both Izumi and Xae seemed humans too and he was
now far certain that they weren’t.

When she saw Matthew, her eyes grew wide and fear pumped through her. “The blood of the
sired seals the gate,” she gasped and darted away into the crowd. Matthew frowned confused
and sighed.

He grabbed his clothes and the brown-haired pouted disappointed, “leaving already?”

“Yeah,” Matthew pouted too and stole a small kiss from both of them, “I have the room all
night, though and it would be a shame to waste it, so enjoy yourselves.”

“Kitfox, I found something strange, I’ll investigate and be back at the meeting point asap,” he
sent the voice message as he walked down the stairs. He found the manager and gave him a
good amount of money to take care of the two men at the VIP room.

He walked out of the club and sniffed the air. She was close, even with a five-minute head
start. He climbed on a rooftop and started stalking her.

It was a cold autumn night and she had no jacket on. She shivered as she walked at a swift
pace, talking to herself agitated. “I shouldn’t have…so stupid…he could have killed me and
then what would have happened? It must unfold correctly…but he could help…what was I

OK…. That was weird… Not the weirdest thing he had seen lately, but definitely weird. She
sounded as if the cheese had slid off her cracker a while ago, though.
She hailed a cab and Matthew took note of the address she gave and followed the car, running
and jumping from rooftop to rooftop. The cab came to a stop in front of a ten-story apartment
building. Matthew frowned as he looked around; it was a seedy area of the town.

He dashed towards the building just before the door closed behind her, and hid behind a pillar
in the trashy lobby. The fluorescent lights flickered, threatening to die at any moment,
allowing just quick glances at the broken chairs and vandalized walls.

The ramshackle elevator arrived and the young woman got on. Matthew slipped in just before
the doors closed, moving as quickly as he could so she won’t see him enter. It wasn’t until the
elevator was passing the third floor that she noticed he was standing beside her. She pressed
herself into the corner, her eyes growing wide. She produced no sound.

“Care to tell me what you were doing back at the club?” he said softly, with a gentle smile
and a soothing tone. She trembled as she shook her head. It was odd.

Matthew touched her arm and he was bewildered at the cold tact. She was colder than him.
He tried to force a soothing hold on her, but it didn’t have any effect. Even odder.

“Don’t be afraid, there is no need to fear me,” he said looking at her eyes, trying to compel
her, “tell me what you were doing at the club.”

She blinked at him.


There was no way he can control her. And not because she was resisting nor fighting it, it was
as if she didn’t exist. He would be more successful compelling air.

“What are you?” he asked softly, curiosity getting the best of him.

She studied him for a few moments before asking “Are you going to kill me?”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“I know.”

Matthew tilted his head, confused. “Uh, if you knew, why did you ask?”

“I didn’t know until you said it.”


The elevator doors opened on the ninth story. She walked away from him, without giving him
her back and exited the elevator. Then she walked down the windowless hall and he
followed, wrinkling his nose at the fraying carpet and peeling paint. They stopped in front of
a door near the end.

She produced a key from her dress, and her hand shook so much it took her several tries
before she could open the door. She entered and shut the door behind her.
Matthew leaned against the wall and waited. She had sought him out so she must want
something from him. He looked at his watch and shrugged he still had an hour left before he
had to go to the meeting point. He reached with his senses and heard her rummaging through
the apartment. Maybe packing.

She opened the door again and Matthew hummed at the new outfit she wore, it suited her
better; she was wearing pants along with a heavy coat, scarf, beanie and gloves. That was
better. Her trembling hand had a steel grip over a duffle bag.

“You leaving?” Asked Matthew, slightly amused by her determined gaze.

“Yes, I’m going with you.”


“Yes. You’re going to save me and I’m going to save you.”

Matthew couldn’t help but laugh, “what’s your name?”

“Samantha, but you call me Sam.”

“I’m really sorry to disappoint you, Sam, but I’m not taking you with me.”

“Yes, you are.” She was determined in spite of her trembling.

“Do you know what I am, human?” he asked amused.

“Yes, Matthew.”

Well, that was definitely a thing, “how do you know my name?”

“Save me and I’ll tell you,” she said plainly.

“I don’t like making agreements before I know the details. It ends painfully. Why don’t you
invite me in and we’ll talk about it?”

Samantha stretched her neck and looked down the hall towards the elevator as much as she
could without stepping out of her apartment, then she glanced back at the window, nervous.
The elevator seemed to be coming up. “we don’t have time. Please, if they got me, I’ll be
used like the others.”

Matthew frowned when he realized he wasn’t the reason she was filled with fear.

“Who?” He asked, but he already had made up his mind. He won’t let anyone use that girl,
not if he could avoid it.

“They’ll be here soon to take me to him or to her.” she said panicking and he hated he
couldn’t help her relax, “I’m sorry, I’m weak and I’m changing things. Please save me.”
Matthew nodded and knocked another apartment’s door. By the way she was glancing her
own window it won’t be a good escape route. The tenant opened the door and Matthew didn’t
lose time.

“Invite us in,” he compelled before looking at her, “I’ll save you, come.”

She rushed behind him, and he grabbed her by the waist, they got to the window.

“Who is coming?”

“Darkness and dust.”

“That’s not helpful, at all.”

She glanced to the door and trembled in his arms. “They’re here.”

The doors to the elevator dinged and slid open. The telltale sound of breaking glass told him
that the window of her apartment had broke. He didn’t stay behind to see. He hugged her
tightly and jumped from the window.

A suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I can't believe it's already a year since I began this~ I'm so excited~

I hope you liked this chapter :3 I'm mean and I left a huge cliffhanger here because >:D

I hope you keep supporting me through this new journey with the Leeches~

Let's keep going~

Chapter 25
Chapter Summary

Matthew fated meeting.

“I would have stayed anyway,” he admitted. He had the opportunity to run away and he
had stayed. He was still plotting how to get his and Hiroto’s freedom, yes but, if they had
trusted him from the beginning, if they had accepted him from the beginning, he won’t be
plotting anything, he would have been loyal anyways. But he was still the vampire, not
an incubus like them. It hurt, a lot.

Chapter Notes

I hope you like this new entry of Warrior~ The end of this part(?) is just a couple
chapters away~

The second half of this was one of the first chapters I wrote of this fanfic —originally
two small chapters— because I really needed to picture how this sequence would fit
with the rest of the fanfic xD

I take this as an opportunity to remind you that ↫ Leeches ↬ is live(?) and its next
update will be in 13 days~

It's the background story of Matthew's new team~ [OCs]

You can read it here:


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Matthew ran as fast as he can with her hold firmly against his chest. He felt the vampires
starting to swarm the city, and he felt the hunters around. Maybe if he could get to them they
could get her to somewhere safe. He stopped on a secluded alleyway, letting her on the floor

“I know you wanted me to save you, but I’m not sure I can protect you that much if I have to
fight them… Maybe if we get to the hunter’s teams…”

She shook her head, “they won’t stand a chance… We need to give them a more important
target than us to distract them.”

“I’m open to suggestions.” He said shrugging a little, moving his hand to see the hour in his

“I have an idea.” Clothes spilt out of her duffle bag as she opened it and dug around for
something. She took out a dagger. It was jewelled with a gold handle and an intricate design
etched on the blade. Matthew wondered how she got a hold on something like that.

“Did you see that really tall building? The one with the flat roof.”


“Can you get us to the roof?”

Matthew shook his head. “I thought the point was to avoid them so they won’t get to you…
There we will be way too exposed, Lords can fly and they could probably toss me around up
Sam tucked the dagger away into her jacket pocket and took Matthew’s hands on her own
gloved ones, “I give you my word that this will work, Matthew.”

“Yeah, that won’t work, I don’t know you enough to trust your word, Sam,” he said but she
didn’t release his hands.

“Isn’t that what they tell you? What Tarrick said to you?”

Matthew looked at her bewildered. She was right! How the hell did she know that? Those
words were the same Tarrick had said to him the night they had met.

She squeezed his hands and he could feel her despair. “What would have happened if they
had trusted you from the start?”

Matthew averted looks and chewed the inner of his cheek. That was the fucking problem,
wasn’t it? At first, he was nothing more than a prisoner, but over time he grew to love their
company. Incubi were social creatures and he was no exception.

He liked going to their parties: dancing, chatting and being accepted as one of them. He even
enjoyed fighting for them, and fucking them, and, on rare occasions, they let him, tasting
their blood. He was being accepted slowly, but always something, someone , remind him of
his place. A mere slave that had earnt that his lash would loosen a bit.

“I would have stayed anyway,” he admitted. He had the opportunity to run away and he had
stayed. He was still plotting how to get his and Hiroto’s freedom, yes but, if they had trusted
him from the beginning, if they had accepted him from the beginning, he won’t be plotting
anything, he would have been loyal anyways. But he was still the vampire , not an incubus
like them. It hurt, a lot.

She yanked his hands gently, pulling him closer and pushed her scarf down carefully. She
smiled softly, her eyes honest and pleading, “give me a chance and trust me.”
“Alright,” accepted Matthew, squeezing her hands, “but tell me what you are first, please.”

She stood on her toes to kiss him on the cheek, a small peck, and then whispered in his ear,
“I’m an oracle, and I’ve seen your future, Matthew.”

Matthew frowned. He couldn’t recall having found something about Oracles on the books he
had read, the most he knew was that the Greeks had oracles and that they were priestesses
that gave prophecies. But that was from human books and it could not be that accurate.

He decided to ask her for more once she will be safe. For now, he had to get her away from
the fight, that was getting closer each moment that passed.

Samantha was shoving back her clothes on her duffle bag and fixing her scarf. Matthew
looked at the building they should get to, according to her. The safest way was to get inside
the building and take the stairwell up, so there won’t be any chance of being picked off by a
flying Lord nor another vampire.

“Ready, Sam ?”

“Yes, the seal has been broken,” she said, putting her duffle bag over her shoulder. Matthew
was confused and she nodded, “I will use it. He will be angry with me, but he will forgive
me. You’ll like him.”

Matthew let out a soft sigh and made a mental note of not get another random girl in his life
because he was getting tired of being confused like that with things he had no time to get an
explanation to.

He kneeled down and she climbed onto his back and waited for a small group of hunters and
vampires fighting before running out of the house.

He tried to keep on the shadows and hide as he ran, but it was teeming with vampires and
hunters and he was soon spotted. Damn it.
He dodged the attacks of the vampires, but every time it got even more difficult, especially
since he was trying hard to keep Sam out of harm. He pulled his arm up to call
reinforcements, but his com was taken off by Sam, who throw it at a vampire’s eyes.

Matthew wasn’t sure why she had done that, but he had no time to ask her why she had done

Matthew could sense dozens of hunters pouring, even more, and more coming to that place.
The vampires seemed to be losing and he felt slightly bad for them.

He could overhead the calls for backup and positional changes, they didn’t seem to have any
idea of where to go and it was definitely not a good thing. Were they looking for something?

Samantha started to give him instructions on where to run and it was making it difficult for
both groups to get close to him. He wasn’t sure if it made him glad or not.

They got to the building —nearly thirty stories tall— he climbed the stairs as fast as he could.
He used extra strands of power, just to enhance his speed enough to get up before anyone
noticed they were there.

At the top floor, Matthew opened the exit door and walked cautiously around the roof. He
trained his gaze up, seeing several Lords and incubi fighting on the skies. He wished they
won’t see them.

Samantha slid from his back and produced the dagger from her pocket.

“You better do whatever you are going to do fast, Sam,” he said, “they are way to close.”

He calculated two minutes at best.

“I need your blood,” she said, dagger in hand, “lift up your shirt.”

That definitely didn’t sound trustworthy for Matthew, but she didn’t wait. She grabbed the
bottom of his black turtleneck, pulled it up and drove the dagger into one of his blood

He roared at the pain and grabbed her hand, his fangs flashing as his eyes glowed red. She
seemed unfazed.

“Stop it,” she said rolling her eyes and tugging her hand so he would release her, “it’s not like
you’ve never been stabbed there before.”

“Would a warning kill you?” He snapped freeing her hand and narrowing his eyes as she
cupped her hands under the flow of blood. She better be quick, because he was feeling the
vampires coming.

When she got a handful she walked away a couple of steps and murmured something in a
harsh language. She fisted her hand and the blood oozed around it in a way that made
Matthew shiver.

As the blood fell into the ground, small black fissures began to appear, not cutting through
the concrete but forming a portal devoid of all light. A rather Lovecraftian view noted

Matthew’s eyes were trained on the portal of pure blackness, as it began to spread slowly,
almost creeping around.

He noticed through the side of his eye that Sam took her scarf to clean the dagger and her
hands, before discarding it. She then extracted something from her bag and then used it —a
plain-looking bed sheet— to cover the slowly forming portal to oblivion.
Matthew looked at her inquiring, as he covered his already healing wound. It would take a
while, but his blood pouch would heal, eventually.

“Let them all gather up here,” she said, “you need to buy us some time.”

At the other end of the rooftop, Stolus and several enraged vampires landed.

“Matthew? Are you still fighting for them!?” Roared Stolus, looking at Matthew with his red
eyes glowering with fury.

“Don’t take it personally,” Said Matthew, putting himself between Samantha and the
vampires. He had promised to protect her and he will. “They are my people.”

“Funny thing, huh?” Stolus gritted his teeth, “I didn’t know incubi liked vampires.”

Matthew didn’t answer, he was following the movements of the other vampires, getting ready
to attack as soon as he saw an opening.

“Don’t give them the Oracle, Matthew,” said Stolus looking at Samantha, that glared back at
him. Feisty. “They will exterminate all vampires with it… All of us, including you.”

“She has a name,” growled Matthew.

“So did Emily, but they didn’t care,” Stolus hissed.

“I won’t hand her to anyone,” Matthew flashed his red eyes and his fangs.

“Oh, but you will,” said Sam softly, so thin her voice he almost didn’t catch it.
“Matthew?” Silva’s voice startled him. And he frowned when he realized he had been too
focused on Stolus and the vampires to notice that anyone else was climbing there. He sensed
the rest of the wardens. “Duck.”

She fired before she warned him, what a bastard. He ducked with Sam and saw the silver
grenades exploding on Stolus. Auch. The vampires launched themselves against Matthew
and were trying to snatch Sam away. Matthew clawed at them and cut the head off from one
with the small wakizashi. Sam frowned at it as if she was confused by its existence.

Matthew dodged the bolts and grenades, grunting at the careless way they attacked. Silva was
probably still mad at him, so she won’t care if he was hurt, huh?

The vampires keep pouring into the rooftop, as well as the hunters. Matthew soon was
dodging not only bolts and grenades but sword blows too. How much time he was supposed
to buy? The vampires were trying to contain the hunters and snatch Sam away, and Matthew
was starting to lose his composure.

Matthew growled at a vampire that slashed his chest open, reading his claws and his blade to
face him when he smelled human blood. Not hunter’s but…

Samantha’s blood.

Matthew took the vampire by the arm and threw him away before he retreated back to her.
She was down on her knees, clutching her abdomen. He didn’t know what hit her, because
her coat made impossible to tell how bad the wound was. But it was obvious that it hadn’t
been a vampire.

“Fucking careless hunters” growled Matthew pushing one of them aside as he charged
against some vampires to get the battle as far from the girl as the roof let him. He broke and
severed a couple of arms and legs, roaring menacingly to keep them away. He could tell the
hunters were afraid of him, cause they kept themselves as far from him as possible.
A vampire tried to stab him on the abdomen but didn’t get to his blood pouch. Matthew
snarled and took his head off. He felt the small tingle of a veil being erected and he smelled
him. Well, them .

Three incubi swooped down from the sky and landed on the roof. Two of them were strangers
to Matthew, and he ignored them. Vassu looked at him surprised and smirked as if he was
glad to see him as if they had met on a club of something, not on a roof/battlefield. Matthew
stifled a gasp at the impressive incubus form of Vassu: He was ten feet tall, with wings that
spread to triple the size. His black horns twisted out of his head and were white-tipped. And
he held a massive double-bladed sword as it was nothing on his hand.

Vassu winked at Matthew before lounging at the vampires. Stolus roared and parried him and
Matthew felt a shiver went down his spine. Stolus was taking Vassu one-on-one and wasn’t
getting beaten. How powerful was that vampire? why he hadn’t attacked Matthew with the
same force he was attacking the incubus?

“ Matthew ,” the voice echoed on his head and he turned to see Ascelina and fifteen lords
coming. The roof was packed with vampires and hunters fighting, the sky was teeming with
warrior incubi and vampire lords. There was no way he could keep Sam safe and keep the
vampires at bay, not with the amount of friendly fire from the hunters that obviously didn’t
like him.

Matthew placed himself between Samantha and the fight.

“ Stand down, Matthew, ” Ascelina’s voice was a plea. She was still trying to get Matthew
with them, after everything. It warmed his heart. But he couldn’t go with them, not yet.
Ascelina looked at Sam and he hid her behind him.

It had been a bad idea, to trust her and went to such an exposed spot. Now he was in the
middle of the battle with her and she was wounded. But there he was, pleading that Ascelina

won’t say anything out loud so nor Vassu nor Silva would hear her talking to him as a friend.

He didn’t want to be a traitor.

But that was what he was, wasn’t it? Either way, he would be a traitor to his people. Because
both incubi and vampires were his people.

The battle was still going, but both Stolus and Vassu stopped as they saw Matthew looking at
the fight. Matthew knew how it would look because Vassu seemed somehow disappointed,
and Stolus seemed annoyed as if he was done with waiting for him to join them.

Matthew swallowed a lump that formed on his throat. To be a traitor and being chased by the
incubi? Or to be a slave and murder his people? He could see why Hiroto was so scared of
running away because having the incubi as enemies were terrifying.

He didn’t want to kneel before anyone anymore, but he also didn’t want to betray his
teammates and trainers. What to do?

As he thought about that, he felt an overwhelming sensation of power washing over the area.
Matthew felt his chest tightening and his skin tingled.

Vassu and Ascelina called to a stop, looking around bewildered. Matthew had the bad feeling
it was whatever Sam was doing, and he felt a shiver down his spine. He needed to get her to
safety, by the way.

“It’s that a dragon?” asked Vassu to no one in particular, “Call Fendrel…”

“No…” Ascelina voice echoed, tinted with panic, “It’s an incursion.”

“There hasn’t been one in over two thousand years,” Said Vassu, and Matthew was sure it
was the first time those two talked like that.

“I might not be there, but my sire showed me how it felt, so I could tell,” snarled Ascelina, as
the vampires retreated to her, “it’s an incursion.”
“But the pit is sealed,” argued Vassu gesturing the hunters to fall back, nonetheless.

Samantha burst to laugh, still holding her hurt side. Matthew felt guilt wash over him. He had
gotten used to sturdy humans, thanks to the training with the hunters. Her heartbeat was
fading quickly as she said, “the seal has been broken.”

Matthew looked at her and saw her looking mischievously at the bedsheet. He yanked the
sheet from the ground. The black portal was about the size of a door and he could feel
something on the other side, calling him. They wanted to get out but the portal was too small.

Instinctually —and he wasn’t quite sure how he knew, but he wasn’t gonna start question his
instincts now— he reached down and touched the portal, pouring some energy into it, and it
began to expand. Shit. Shit. Weren’t they scared about it?

“No, Matthew. Wait!” Said Ascelina. Matthew looked up and saw her panic.

“I’ll… I’ll you go if you close the portal” she said, and it sounded like a plead and almost as
if she had been trying to get to him. No, she was after Sam. And he needed to get Sam out of

“How can I trust you?” he asked, Vassu looked at her and him, probably trying to calculate
what to do next.

“Stop, you have no idea what you are about to unleash.”

No, he had no idea, no clue, but he could find out. Maybe it would give him enough time to
get Samantha to safety. He just wished it won’t hurt them too much.

Matthew stood up and took Samantha. The portal was spreading and she was weaker by the
Hunters and vampires backed away, and Matthew could feel the creatures coming.

“Don’t let them escape,” cried Stolus, but at the same moment, a hand burst through the
portal, black clawed and over five feet.

A massive arm rose high into the air and slammed down onto the roof, scattering vampires,
hunters and cracking the concrete. The creature that owned the arm was trying to break free,
and around it, human-sized monsters came flying out of the portal, they were grotesque, with
pitch-black eyes, long claws and spears and polearms.


Vampires and incubi were attacking them before they could fly off, and hunters attacked as
well, but more monsters keep pouring.

“The world will break with his blood,” whispered Samantha and passed out.

“Dispatch, we have a demonic incursion in Chicago,” He heard that Vassu said, “I’m

Demons? They had opened a portal to the Pit? FUCK! What was wrong with her? Matthew
decided to ask her as soon as she was right again. Maybe she would help him close it

He picked up the duffle bag, and cradling her as he would with a child, he ran down the
stairwell, passing the vampires and hunters that no longer care about him,

Matthew wondered if they would fight together against the demons, maybe a small truce or
as Matthew ran, he could catch Tarrick’s voice through a comm calling hunters to be sent
there. Shouldn’t he be up there?

Sam’s pulse was fading, and he had promised to protect her. Damn it. He ran as fast as he can
after he was certain that he wasn’t being followed, he convinced a man to drove them to the
outskirts of the city. Matthew didn’t want to go too far nor get caught on the crossed fire

As the man drove, Matthew tried first aids with the bolts lodged on her upper chest and her
belly. He cut his wrist open to bled on her wounds, and he took off the bolts carefully.

Matthew sighed as the wounds healed, but her skin was pale and her heart was barely a
whisper. Matthew tried that she took some of his blood, but she moved away, refusing to
drink. The man pulled on the back of a small house, his house. He invited Matthew and Sam
in and went to get some water to get her cleaned.

Matthew frowned as she seemed weaker. He didn’t care, she won’t die on his watch. Matthew
shoved his wrist into her mouth to fill it with his blood.

She choked and swallowed a mouthful, but no more. The blood flowed over her lips and
down her chin and Matthew hoped that would be enough. He wasn’t sure how much blood
the hunters took to heal.

Matthew licked his wrist close and scouted up the girl and her bag. He made the man forget
what had happened and he was entering the house when her heart stopped. He was about to
cry out for help when it started up again.

“Gods, you’ll kill me,” mumbled Matthew as he walked to the guest’s room and put her on
the bed. The man came with a bowl of warm water and a small towel. Matthew dispatched
him and started cleaning her. The sun was an hour away and Matthew wondered how was the
fight going. He really didn’t want anyone to be seriously wounded on the fight, nor Tarrick,
Vassu or Silva to be killed by the demons.

Matthew finished cleaning her and gave her another mouthful of blood before laying by her
side, looking at her worried. She seemed cold and grey and he didn’t know what else to do in
such little time.

He woke up the next night with her on his arms. She still was on bad shape, and he was
unable to rose her. Matthew felt dread coiling on his guts; as a firefighter, he knew basic first
aid, and he had learnt a bit more under the surveillance of the incubi. But he wasn’t sure what
he could do for her.

Desperate, he made the man drove them to the hospital, the one he was supposed to meet
with Hiroto last night. He hoped he won’t be angry about his small escapade.

The ER admitted her right away, and soon enough he was waiting outside a room while the
doctors worked on her. Matthew paced around, worried and wished she hadn’t thrown his
comms last night so he could get a hold on Hiroto or Vik, or Tarrick or whoever could help

He used his holds and compelling to stay by the room, he definitely won’t let her alone. Even
if he was hungry and the prospect of feeding a while or stealing some blood packs was
tempting, he didn’t want to leave in case there was an update on Samantha.

It had been a while since he failed so miserably at something and it did no good to his self-
control and self-esteem.

“Sir, your sister…” A doctor came out of the room, and Matthew’s lips trembled a little. She
was too old to pass as his kid since she looked just under twenty and he looked on his early
thirties, and he was not telling anyone that she was his wife nor his girlfriend because it felt
horribly wrong in so many levels. He went with sister, adopted since they looked nothing
alike. Nobody questioned it and Matthew started to understand why Hiroto liked the hospital.
“... had to be put on a ventilator. Her major organs are shutting down and we haven’t found
the cause yet. We’re waiting on some lab work now. It should be back soon.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” said Matthew with a well-rehearsed thankful smile, and the Doctor
went back into the room, leaving Matthew alone.
She was going to die, oh yes, she was definitely on the steps of death, and it was Matthew’s
fault. He didn’t enjoy killing humans — lies — and he avoided it as well as he can, but if one
died —and he had seen too many hunters die lately— he’ll steel himself and move on. But
Sam… It was different. He felt somewhat connected to her, and le longer they were around
each other, the more his concern for her grew.

He needed help, yes.

He looked at his destroyed phone and sighed before getting close to one human and ask him
nicely to lend him his phone. Matthew dialled the number from memory.

“Matthew?” Hiroto’s voice sounded strained and out of breath. Did the incursion keep going?
Dread filled his gut. “Where are you? There is pandemonium here!”

“At the hospital,” mumbled Matthew and he noticed his voice sounded thin and broken, “I
need help, Foxglove.”

“I’m on my way,” Hiroto sounded serious and Matthew felt a little bit of hope and relieved
for it. Even if there was nothing to do for her, maybe Hiroto would help him to feel better. He
gave the cell phone back to the man and started pacing in front of the room.

Sam was dying and he was at fault. He had promised to help her and he had failed and now
he had left her alone in a room full of strangers as she died. He burst into the room and
compelled the doctors to let him stay.

He took her hand and caressed her hair. She was barely breathing, and her signs were
lowering by the minute.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he said softly, putting his hand on her cheek. He wanted to help. He
wanted her to magically get better. But that didn’t happen.

A fateful beep echoed on Matthew’s hears.

One of the doctors touched his shoulder, “Sir, she is…”

Matthew turned and growled at the man. His eyes glowing red. He compelled them to left the
room and started pacing around the bed. He had messed up.

He had put Tarrick, Vassu, Silva, Ascelina, Stolus and who knows whose else’s lives on
danger for the girl that lie dead on the bed. He was losing it.

Matthew was pacing, moping and growling when Hiroto get to that room. It had been some
time since he had last seen the vampire to lose control. The whole scene was surreal, he was
with his vampire guise out, protecting —or maybe hiding— whoever that was on the bed.

“Matthew, calm down, please” Said Hiroto trying to calm his best friend/boyfriend. Who was
pacing around the hospital bed, making feral noises every time he tried to get closer. “Vik, I
found Matthew, he seems upset. We are at ER in the hospital nearby”

Matthew was obscuring something from him, someone on the bed. Hiroto raised his brow as
Vik came in.

“What’s wrong with him?”

“I don’t know… He seems trying to protect something”

“Matthew? Are you ok? What happened?”

“She was not getting better”

Hiroto and Vik looked at each other. Well, that was a start.


Vik bitted her lip and gazed upon Hiroto, lost.

“What happened to Sam?” Asked Hiroto, approaching slowly.

“She was caught in the crossfire after she opened it. I promise I would protect her, but she is
dying…” Explained Matthew, visibly panicked.

“She opened it? The portal?” Asked Hiroto, remembering the demons that were murdering
the vampires and other hunters when he arrived.

“She was trying to escape…” Matthew’s fists were bleeding, as his nails punctured his palms.
“Even Ascelina came for her…”

“Ascelina? The Vampire Lord?” Vik took a couple of steps towards Matthew, who growled
but didn’t do anything otherwise.

“Yes, she told me to hand her over, and to go with her…” mumbled, his gaze averting
towards Sam, who seemed weaker as the speak “Please, save her…”

Hiroto took Matthew’s hands and slowly spread them, cooing softly as if he were talking to a
child or a kitten. Vik passed Matthew and kneeled beside the girl, took her pulse and checked

“Matthew?” Vik frowned “did you give her blood?”

“Yes, she was hurt and bleeding… I tried to heal her” Said Matthew, feeling as if he had done
something bad. He just didn’t know what.

“There is no use,” Said Vik raising, Matthew shook his head.

“Come on, Vik! You can’t… Please! Save her!” Matthew was upset. No, he was utterly
furious. He couldn’t save the girl, the only one that seemed to know anything about him.

“I can’t save her, Big boy” Replied Vik sighing “She’ll live, tho… Or un-die?”

“What are you talking about?” Matthew didn’t understand, and it only made him angrier

“Oh!” Exclaimed Hiroto. Great, he did understand. “We congratulations, Matthew! Can I call
you daddy?”

“W-what?” Matthew looked bewildered. Was Hiroto seriously hitting on him on a moment
like that?

“You sired her, Matthew” Explained Vik chuckling at the reaction of the vampire. “She is
your Child. Don’t you feel the connection? I’m pretty sure that vampires have a connection
with their sired children.”

Matthew looked at the petite girl in the hospital bed. She seemed so fragile, so small. Yet she
was able to open a portal to let a hoard of demons enter. He didn’t want to sire a child. He
didn’t want anyone to suffer the same that he suffered. He balled his fists again, looking at
her impotently.

“You didn’t know, Matthew,” said Hiroto in a soothing voice, caressing his arm “I’m sure
you didn’t mean to turn her. You just didn’t know how to prevent it from happening”
“It can be prevented?” Asked Matthew relaxing a little.

“We think so… We have seen people bitten by vampires that had been treated with vampire
blood that die permanently” Answered Vik shrugging a little.

A voice from the communicators interrupted their conversation. Matthew remembered Sam
getting rid of his.

“Commander Hiroto, we need you to locate someone” Tarrick voice came upset, almost

“Ah sure, as soon as I got Matthew back” Replied Hiroto.

“Matthew? Is he with you? Where was he yesterday? He could have helped us with the
demons” Tarrick sounded disappointed, which made Matthew flinch even more than his fury.

“He was… He was ambushed by the vampires and helped some civilians out there” Replied
Hiroto “Then he went all up to the meeting point as it was established. I just got there”

“He was following the protocol, then?” Tarrick sounded less upset. Yes, that was good.

“Yes, he seemed to have lost his comm somewhere, tho” Added Hiroto looking at Matthew,
who simply pointed at Sam.

“Ok. Is anybody else around?” Asked Tarrick, “I really need you to track down this person.
It’s a high priority mission”

“I can get our Vampy Boy back” Offered Vik, who was almost ear to ear with Hiroto.
“Commander Vikström?” Asked Tarrick not sounding surprised at all. “Perfect. Get Matthew
back here, ASAP.”

“Ja her” Said Vik. Before looking worried at her two friends “What are we going to do?”

“What do you mean?” For Matthew the orders were simple enough: He and Vik had to get
back to Ashwood and Hiroto had to track the person. Wait. What about Samantha? He
couldn’t let her there, alone. That would be the same as his Sire, whoever he was. “Sam.”

“I figure we have to take her with us” Vik frowned, probably thinking about how to sneak a
vampire into the highly protected High General’s home.

“I’ll let you think about it,” Said Hiroto “The High Priority Mission is no gonna make itself”

The two friends waved goodbye to the fox before concentrating again in the newly turned

“Let’s get to the portal stone. I’ll go first to assure there is no one around,” said Vik, Matthew
nodded as he scooped Sam from the bed, wrapping her in the blankets, and taking caution of
taking her belongings too. He compelled the hospital’s personal to forget about them and
erase everything about Sam.

They took way longer than necessary to get to Ashwood but getting a vampire sneaking a
vampire into the fortress was something dangerous and they had to be cautious.

“Why are you going there?” Asked Vik in a whispered scream, as Matthew went towards
Tarrick’s room.

“There are no cameras in his bathroom,” replied Matthew over the new comm she got him.
Vik rolled her eyes, teleporting to Tarrick’s room door, checking if it was empty.
“They are going to kill us if they found us there,” Said Vik “And if we die I won’t be able to
try my new stash on you or the other vamps.”

“Then leave,” Matthew’s answer wasn’t harsh. He agreed with his friend, and of course, he
didn’t want her to be in trouble, but. “Get Tarrick.”

“What?” Vik sounded nervous. They both knew that the channel wasn’t monitored, mostly
because their conversations were way too strange and disturbing. But still.

“Get him, I have to tell him,” Matthew sounded way to convinced as he entered Tarrick’s
bathroom and gently deposited the girl in the bathtub. “He may be able to help”.

“You are way too smitten with him, Vamp boy,” Vik teased. Matthew just hoped Tarrick
wouldn’t be mad. He showered and made his way towards Tarrick’s bed as soon as he
realized Sam wasn’t going to move anytime soon.

It was almost sunrise when Tarrick arrived.

“Matthew… What?” Tarrick seemed worried about the nervous behaviour of the vampire.
What did he do this time? Another mischief?

“I’m sorry,” Matthew said abruptly, “I was trying to protect her, to heal her. I didn’t know…”

“What are you talking about, Matthew?” Asked Tarrick, as he wrapped Matthew in a hold, to
calm him down. Matthew breathed slowly. Not that he needed to, but it helped.

“I met a girl in a club, and she said weird shit about sired blood and whatnot, and she asked
me to help her” Matthew rushed, trying to explain something he didn’t fully understand. “So
I followed her because I was curious and I still had time, you know? To go to the meeting
point. So she was rambling about something like “darkness and dust”? I think… And then
Ascelina showed up.” Matthew was practically rambling himself, but he didn’t care, he
needed to explain everything before the sun put him to sleep “So I got her and ran away, and
then I saw a lot of vampires and…”

“Wait, Ascelina?” Tarrick interrupted, “Where were you?”

“Yes, Ascelina. In Chicago,” Replied Matthew abruptly, feeling the sun approaching, “So she
told me she knew how to distract them, and told me to got to higher ground… Then she
opened a portal, and then the hunters arrived and she was hurt in the crossfire so…”

“She opened the portal to the Pit?”

“Yes, she did. I didn’t know she was going to do so, tho,” Matthew seemed exasperated “So I
got her out there and hide in some outskirts building and gave her some blood, to heal her,
you know?”

Tarrick was starting to see the problem.

“You turn her,” He completed, and Matthew looked at him worried and sad. Tarrick
embraced him, caressing his hair in a soothing motion.

“I didn’t mean to, I swear,” He sobbed, “I wanted to save her”

“Where is she?” Tarrick tried to cross gazes with Matthew, but he kept averting his.

“In your bathroom,” He said in a thin voice.

“My bathroom?”

“It doesn’t have cameras… Sorry, I panicked”

“It’s okay”


Tarrick tensed. It’d been almost a year since the last time Matthew call him like that in such a
pleading voice.

“Yes, My Warrior?” He asked, caressing his cheek softly. The vampire looked at him, his
eyes a silent plea.

“It wasn’t her fault.” He said firmly “So, please. Punish me in the way you may consider
necessary, but please, don’t hurt her, Master”

Tarrick looked at the man in front of him, so decided, so scared. He nodded once, and
Matthew took his hand to guide him towards the bathroom. Tarrick followed him quietly,
with a small smile on his lips at the attitude of the other man.

Then he saw her.

When Matthew turned around his eyes where red, as he sensed the older man’s heart skip a
beat. The grip grew stronger and then Matthew went limp to the ground.

The sun had risen.

A suivre...

Chapter End Notes

I hope you would like it~

I wanted to give a twist to this particular sequence on Sire since our lovely Matthey
baby is still with the incubi. I emphasized on Matthew's need to belong, and how much
the distrust and the slavery hurt him emotionally.

Also, I love Sam and the first thing I had to solve was how to make her meet Matthew
even if he was with the Incubi. And of course, she had to still be Matthew's little girl.

That being said, please take on account that Sam baby would be able to foresee some
special things that would happen to Matthew and his new teammates and she probably
would say something about it~

As always, thank you so much for reading~

Chapter 26
Chapter Summary

Matthew's punishment gets put on hold, and he gets to know a little more about his
lovely teammates.

“I hate you,” mumbled Matthew earning a laugh from the dark incubus.

Chapter Notes

Well, this is embarrassing.

This was supposed to be a longer chapter but I got caught on my college's assignments
and I couldn't finish it on time. Nevertheless, I've brought you something interesting and
maybe funny.

I swear all this is plot-oriented, even the lemon scene. I swear!

I take this as an opportunity to remind you that ↫ Leeches ↬ is live(?) and its next
update it's due to 13 days from now. And there you can learn a little bit more about Xae
and the others~

You can read it here:


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Matthew rose on his bed, he felt drained in every way, and he sighed as he stood up. He
walked towards the bathroom and a chain yanked him back. Matthew looked back,
bewildered at the chain that was connected to his collar. The memories of the last night came
flooding his mind and he looked around with the vague hope of finding Sam. She wasn’t
around and he started to panic.

He looked at his wrist, but there was no comm there, he walked to his closet but the chain
didn’t let him get there. He turned to his nightstand and a desperate cry escaped his lips as he
noticed that a week had passed since that day. He took the small nyampire clock that Izumi
had gifted him and stared at the date as if he could change it like that.

His door opened and he turned in equal parts scared and defensive. He must have been
offering a very scary sight because Rosaline’s smile dropped and her face went blank.

“Bloodlocks!” Matthew hide his vampire side and walked towards her, the chain yanked him
back and he grunted.

“You are awake!” From behind Rosaline a young-looking girl, in a delicate flowering dress
and with her hair in a loose bun. She looked pretty, and she had run towards him and hugged
him tightly. The dread on his heart subsided as he hugged her.

“Sam,” he embraced her, caressing her hair, “I’m so sorry.”

“Why?” she smiled at him, “you saved me.”

Matthew didn’t answer and looked up at Rosaline, who was out of reach.
“How are you feeling, Matthew?” she asked softly looking at him cautiously.

“Better… Dizzy,” said Matthew, nuzzling Samantha’s hair, “It’s everything alright? Am I
going to be punished?”

“You did what you were ordered by Hiroto,” answered Rosaline walking a couple of steps,
“or that’s what I heard… Well, except for turning her, but you didn’t know, do you?”

“I didn’t mean to,” Matthew looked at Sam who stared at him. It reminded him of how Izumi
stared at thin air sometimes and he wondered if the weird girl was an oracle too. “How are
you feeling, Sam?”

“I’m hungry,” she said with a pout, “I hate bottled blood.”

Matthew chuckled, “Yeah, me too. Want to take some from me? Can she?”

The last question was to Rosaline, who gestured as if saying ‘go-ahead’. Sam took his wrist
and sunk her fangs and moaned. She sucked greedily and Matthew sighed softly.

“Why I’m chained?” He asked, making a mental note to ask Hiroto what was the succubus
talking about.

“You got crazy when you woke up without her around,” Xae entered the room, he looked
upset, or maybe Matthew was used to him smiling carefreely. He handed Matthew a gallon of

“It’s everything okay?” Asked Matthew. Xae shrugged and grimaced.

“It’s… Nothing,” Xae was avoiding both Sam and Rosaline’s gazes. Matthew had seen him
get skittish before, with Vik and Prescott.
“Is he one of your teammates, Matthew?” Rosaline smiled at the boy, who froze in his place.

“Yes, he is Xae,” said Matthew, and the boy nodded stiffly before running away. Matthew
sighed, “he isn’t usually that shy…”

“He’ll leave before the crash,” mumbled Sam and Matthew looked at her inquiring, but she
just shrugged. Matthew sighed.

“Have you two been getting along?” Asked Matthew, looking at Rosaline, who had her fiery
red hair in a messy updo, and was wearing a simple long-sleeved black dress, and sandals.
She was pretty as always. Matthew took off the cap, offered to Sam who wrinkled her nose
and he drank.

“We meet because of one of your teammates, Izumi? I think,” said Rosaline, “She was
insisting in that she wanted to meet her niece , and was very insistent on seeing you.”

“Niece?” Matthew chuckled, “Well, it seems like Izumi likes you, Sam.”

“Izumi?” Sam frowned as if something was wrong somehow, “Was her the one with bushy

“Yeah, her~” Rosaline beamed, “I offered her to help her with that wild mane of her, but she
said it was okay, that her looks didn’t matter that much.”

“Don’t mind her, Bloodlocks,” Matthew waved it away, “they all are weird and crazy, but
they are good kids.”

“Can I meet them?” Asked Sam looking at Matthew. She was eyeing his wrist again.
“You may take some blood, Sam,” he smiled, cupping her cheek.

“And who gave you that permission, Matthew?” Tarrick’s serious voice made Matthew
shiver. Even if he had noticed him enter.

“I did,” said Rosaline puffing her chest, “Little Sam doesn’t like bottled blood.”

“Little Sam?” Tarrick huffed and looked at them intently, “Matthew, I need to talk to you.”

“But I just got to him,” said Sam before biting his wrist as to prove it.

“You should be on your cell,” replied Tarrick eyeing Rosaline, who was invested on her nails.

“She didn’t do anything wrong,” said Matthew promptly, “she shouldn’t be on a cell.”

“It’s not your place to decide that, Matthew.”

“Let them alone, Tarrick!”

“Matthew ruined the only chance of the High King to have an Oracle.”

“But she is an Oracle,” Matthew looked at Sam, who seemed too busy taking blood.

“She was,” Tarrick was angry and disappointed, “she lost her powers when you turned her.”

“I… Didn’t know,” Matthew looked concerned at her. Rosaline stood between them and
“Commander Hiroto already fixed this with the High King, Tarrick, just let them be,” said
Rosaline with her hands on her hips, “you are just mad at him because he didn’t tell you
about his mission. As an Argonaut, he doesn’t have to report everything to you.”

It hit close to home, judging by Tarrick’s expression. Matthew felt somewhat guilty.

“I’m not here to discuss any of this with a civilian,” replied Tarrick looking at Matthew with
a dark gaze. Matthew couldn’t help but shiver.

“Sam, why don’t you and Lady Rosaline go to meet the Leeches?” asked Matthew with a
small smile, “I’m sure they’ll love to see you.”

“Your team is called Leeches?” Asked Sam raising an eyebrow, with a small conspirative
grin. Matthew knew she wanted to add something. He just knew.

“I’ll see you later, fangy,” said Rosaline taking Sam’s hand and walking away. Matthew felt
uneasy as more distance was put between him and Samantha.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were assigned to pick her up?” demanded Tarrick, annoyed and
angry. Matthew chewed his lip. Probably Hiroto had lied to keep him off the hook.

“I thought you were aware,” said Matthew shrugging a little.

“You should have stayed at the house, we were getting there,” added Tarrick angrily.

“I promised to save her and she was starting to panic,” Matthew was expecting a punishment,
and one was due judging for Tarrick’s furious gaze. “Besides Ascelina and other vampires
were following us.”
“What about the portal?” Tarrick demanded, “Lord Vassu said you help opening it!”

“I didn’t know what I was doing!” Matthew felt dreadful. Would Vassu hate him for that?
Would Silva hate him even more?

“Why did you did it?”

“I don’t know it was instinctive…” Matthew ran his hands through his hair and removed it.
Then he looked back at Tarrick, “Is everyone alright?”

“Fortunately and with the cooperation of the vampires there, we could close the portal before
someone got killed,” replied Tarrick.

“So there are wounded.”

“Plenty of them.”


“They are alive and back on their feet.”

“I’m so sorry… If I had known…”

“Why didn’t you report anything?”

“My comm… Sam threw it at a vampire that appeared from thin air.”
Tarrick sighed and looked at Matthew. He seemed old and tired.

“The High King is really angry at you, and you will be punished for this,” said Tarrick
gesturing him to follow him. Matthew trailed behind him obediently.

“What about Lady Rosaline?” Matthew asked worriedly.

“Didn’t you saw her dress?” Tarrick opened a door, there was Vassu sat on a chair, with a
whip and a bucket of hawthorn aside.

“Did you lashed her?” Matthew felt rage built on his gut.

“She insisted to share your punishment and the High King ordered that you two will be

“But she didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Well, your actions have consequences, even in the innocents.” Interrupted Vassu, who
seemed angry and disappointed. Matthew lowered his head and stood, reaching his hands
obediently for them to be chained to the wall.

“Let’s start with a hundred,” said Tarrick before turning and leaving.

“Lord Vassu,” called Matthew tentatively.

“Yes?” The black man asked as he took the whip and carefully coated with the liquid on the

“I’m sorry.”
“Being sorry won’t save you from this.”

“No, I’m sorry about the portal. I didn’t know what I was doing and I should have come back
to help.”

“You seemed frightened and worried back then. Was that for Samantha?” Vassu had stopped
in mid of his task, looking intently at him. Matthew wanted him to know it wasn’t betrayal,
that he hadn’t meant to hurt them.

“She was hurt I needed to protect her and I tried to heal her.”

Vassu walked towards him with the whip dripping. “It was an accident?”


Vassu chuckled and then burst to laugh. His laughter was so filled with relief that even
Matthew started to laugh too.

“I knew it,” said Vassu, “you care too much about us to turn like that.”

Vassu’s relieved smile and forgiving gaze made Matthew’s heartache. The incubus believed
in him and had forgiven him for his mistake.

“Lord Vassu?”

“Yes, Matthew?”
“The lashes…”

“Oh yeah, right…” Vassu walked out of Matthew’s visual and cracked the whip, “You’ve
been a bad boy.”

Matthew was about to ask why the husky dark voice when the whip cracked against his back
hard. He had almost forgotten how much it hurt.

“A very bad, bad boy,” repeated Vassu lashing him three more times. And Matthew could
smell his pheromones. Fuck, really? Stupid kinky incubi. Was that part of the punishment?
Having his incubus side aroused while his body was being punished?

Vassu continued with the lashes and Matthew could feel his skin breaking open, and he didn’t
waste any blood energy on healing it.

“Why don’t you say it, Matthew?” asked Vassu in that dark and sexy voice he used when
they fucked. Shit. That wasn’t fair!

“I’ve been a bad boy,” he said without thinking, and his voice came as a plea, “a really bad

After the next lash, he moaned.

Damnit. His incubus was really a slut.

“So now you are enjoying it?” Vassu asked, lashing again, Matthew moaned in pain and
arousal and turned his head to scold at the incubus. He was smiling, the smug bastard.

“It hurts.”
“Well of course it hurts. It’s a punishment,” laughed Vassu, cracking the whip against
Matthew’s back again. Matthew cried at the pain, both from his back and from his captive

“You are the worst!”

“Am I?”

“Yes, you are!”

“But I wasn’t the one who opened a portal to the Pit and abandoned his fellow hunters to
fight with demons.”

“I told you… I aah… I didn’t know!”

“Now that was a good moan.”

“Fucking kinky incubus!”

“You love it.”

“I don’t!”

“You do,” Vassu took Matthew’s jaw and forced him to look at him, He gave him a deep kiss,
making Matthew moan again and whine.


“I thought you were being punished,” Silva entered the room and Matthew was about to say
something when Vassu cracked the whip again. Silva raised an eyebrow at Matthew’s
obvious excitement.

“I think he likes being handled roughly,” joked Vassu, cracking the whip again.
“I’m not sure Matthew is into BDSM,” she replied, and her eyebrow raised again when
Matthew moaned at the lash that was well placed on the base of his back.

“Matthew is not into…” Started Tarrick, who was entering the room, but he was interrupted
by Matthew’s strangled cry as he came with the last hard lash on his lower back.

“Damn, that was hot,” Vassu licked his lips, with a smug satisfied smile plastered on his lips.
Matthew could tell he had been feeding on him and he felt in equal parts embarrassed and

“I hate you,” mumbled Matthew earning a laugh from the dark incubus.

Tarrick sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I have no time for this. Matthew, come

Matthew raised and could feel his tender skin ache as he walked towards the incubus. Tarrick
took his hand and put on a rather plain-looking ring on his finger. Matthew looked at the ring
intently and he was pretty sure that if he had enough blood inside he would be blushing.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, vampire,” mocked Silva, “that’s just a daylight ring, so you can
attend to Lady Rosaline’s birthday party.”

“A daylight ring?” he asked looking at his finger curious, before realizing, “IT’S

“Tomorrow,” replied Silva amused by Matthew’s sudden surge of panic.

“Why nobody told me I was out for so long?” Matthew asked worriedly.
“You never asked?” offered Vassu, hiding his amusement better than Silva, “Why? Don’t tell
me you don’t have a gift for her.”

“I do…” Matthew shook his head and Tarrick raised an eyebrow surprised, “It’s just that…
Man, what about the Leeches? Have they been around that much without me?”

“They’ve been failing to adapt to how we do things here.” Silva answered, “they each have
their own way to do things and are quite self-centred.”

“They work marvellously as a team,” replied Matthew frowning, “and they fill the gaps
between them perfectly.”

“They’ve been getting into trouble from day one.”

“Things are done differently back at SA, you can’t blame them…”

"That team were already a complicated one back at SA. They have a long history of resisted
authority and messed up their duties. It's so obvious you hadn't cared enough to read their
'magnificent' reports and discover what kind of people they are."

Matthew was about to jump to keep defending his team when Tarrick raised a hand to make
them stop.

“Matthew, you and the Leeches are invited to Rosaline’s Birthday party, that start’s at 10:00
am tomorrow. You’ll partake of the party as anyone else of the guest, and afterwards, you and
your team would come back here and be properly punished for their disrespect. Do you

“Yes, sir,” Matthew promptly answered and Tarrick nodded.

“Then, go get your team and yourself ready for the party,” said Tarrick, handing Matthew the
blood-red invitation addressed to ‘Matty & Leeches’, with the cute swirling calligraphy of

Matthew smiled at the envelope and looked at Silva, “where are they?”

“Grounded on the black-haired always-brooding guy’s room.”

Matthew wouldn’t call Xae a brooding guy, more like a charming mischievous amorous boy.
Then he thought about how skittish he was with Rosaline earlier. Had he problems with
incubi? No, he hadn’t any back at Japan. Or maybe it was because of cultural differences?

“I told you, I’m dying of boredom,” Xae’s unmistakable voice came from the door he was
opening. The black-haired guy was hanging by his legs from the bed’s posts. In front of the
desk, Sihun was scribbling furiously. Izumi was on the windowsill reading what looked like a
manga, and April was on a puff by her side reading what probably was the same manga. Ale
was revising a small notebook, muttering under her breath something unintelligible and
making notes here and there.

“You can’t physically die of boredom,” said Sihun passing a page on a textbook and
scribbling more.

“He can get a stroke,” offered April without looking up from her manga.

“He can,” agreed Izumi, before looking at Matthew and smiling, jumping from the
windowsill and over April to run into his arms, “Hi, boss!”

Matthew hugged her laughing at her enthusiasm, “hi there, Izumi.”

Then at once, all the others looked at him. Ale jumped up and looked at him as if she was
surprised to see him. Xae fell on the bed and scrambled to get up and close to him. Sihun let
down his pen and stood up to make a small bow. April got up and waved with a lopsided grin.

“You are alright!”

“Where have you been?”

Matthew smiled, touched by their concern and happiness.

“I’m fine, I was just…” Matthew trailed off and handed them the invitation. Izumi passed it
without even looking at it.

“We’ll be meeting our niece there?” She asked as the others looked at the invitation.

“Yes, you will,” replied Matthew, looking intently at the bushy-haired, whose gaze seemed to
be lost somewhere. “You can see the future?”

“I’m good with tarot,” she replied shrugging, “and I have good instincts.”

“Don’t think too much about it,” advised Xae shaking his head, “you already know what to
wear? What can we gift her?”

“You are the incubi expert,” replied Sihun checking his phone and looking at the desk.
Matthew thought it was probably an essay or something due for school. That kid was
seriously hard-working. “Why don’t you go get us gifts while I get Shinning-senpai to make
us some clothes?”

Xae looked at Matthew, “shall we, then?”


“We can’t leave without permission nor surveillance,” Xae pouted.

“And Xae has been dying to have a date with you since we meet you,” added Sihun, earning
a scold from Xae. Matthew chuckled and shrugged.

“Well, then, Xae, let’s have a ‘date’,” Matthew offered Xae his arm and the black-haired

“When you say it like that it hurts,” he said, but he hooked his arm around his nonetheless,
“see you later, bitches.”

“The only bitch around is you!”

Matthew and Xae waved away and walked down the hallway, “So…”


“Do you have problems with incubi?” Matthew asked, bluntly. He had learnt that if he
wanted straight answers from Xae he needed to make straight questions.

“Yes, they always assume I’m a bottom, and sometimes I can be a bottom but sometimes I
want to pound them, you know?” Xae replied shaking his head, “I would let you take me,
though, you seem like a caring and rough lover.”

“That’s not what I meant, but thanks… Maybe another time.”

“Oh, gods! Really? ‘Cause I’ve been dying to be in your bed since I saw the surveillance
videos of your battles.”

Matthew averted looks embarrassed and laughed nervously.

“I… Yeah, I mean it… But, I was talking about how you seem skittish around Tarrick,
Rosaline and Prescott…”


“Do you have any problems with them?”

“Plenty, to be honest, and they include torture, interrogations and knowing too much.”

As they got to an SUV and ride to the nearest town, Matthew thought about the answers of
the black-haired. And he realized it was the first time he was allowed out without any high-
ranked hunter or incubi.

“I didn’t know you knew them.”

“I have met them before,” Xae shrugged as he drove to downtown, “And I haven’t the best
rep: I’m sure you know we are not the exemplar team. We have trackers on the inside,
several, so they know always where we all are… Well, maybe not all, I’m not sure if April
and Sihun have done something bad enough.”

“But Rosie is not like Prescott and Tarrick, why are you like that around her?”

“I don’t want that she recognizes me and get me and her into trouble.”

Matthew frowned. That answer was quite vague, so he could only think about the black-
haired and bloodlocks getting together in secret and that blowing on their faces. Maybe the
High King wouldn’t like Rosaline to be with a low-ranked troublesome hunter.
Matthew looked at the hunter and wondered how many trackers would he have one and how
they put them. The black-haired boy had his eyes fixated on the road and Matthew wondered
if the cops would pull them aside. Matthew didn’t have any drivers license and Xae looked
really young.

“It’s there something in my face?” He asked stealing a glance and blushing a little.

“How old are you?” He asked and the dark-eyed looked at him curiously.

“I’m ninety-seven years old,” he answered shrugging.

“Did the incubi took you in like, when you were fifteen?” Matthew wasn’t sure why he said it
like that, but it came out rather rude. Xae didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he snorted.

“I was thirty-seven when they took me in ,” Xae winked as he parked the car on an alley,
“let’s get Lady Rosaline’s gifts.”

Matthew frowned. How was that possible? He looked in his late teens at the best, and
Matthew was sure that several places would ask for his ID to let him enter.

“Are you curious about me, Boss?” Xae hooked his arm on Matthew’s and smiled infatuated,
“you know you just need to ask .”

Matthew was tempted to ask, but at the same time, he felt like he shouldn’t. Maybe the black-
haired was so vague for a reason. Maybe there were some dark heavy secrets under his
charming smile, the same that Izu’s kind attitude hid the reason for her multiple scars, or
Ale’s carefulness hid the reason for her paranoia, or Sihun’s mediating ability hid the reason
for the walls around his heart, or April’s darkness hid the reason for that obscure gleam on
her eyes. After all, he had his own secrets too.

“Why do you like me?” he asked instead, as they entered a clothes store, to look for a dress
for Rosaline. Xae said that Izumi insisted on each one of them to give Rosaline part of an
outfit and that she had talked about it as if it was a matter of life or death.

“Well,” Xae cocked his head as they examined the fabrics of several dresses that Matthew
totally had pictured the succubus in. “You are strong, charming, dangerous… What you can
do in battle is amazing…”

“Do you like every strong incubus?”

“No, I don’t tend to be attracted to incubi.”

“Why is that?”

“Humans are more interesting and don’t live enough to be as treacherous as them.”

“You always talk as if you are not a human.”

“I’m not.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I rather not.”

Matthew let it be. He won’t force the boy to answer his questions. Damnit, it was weird to
think about him as a boy since he was way older than him.

“Boss…” Xae chewed his lips as he looked at the dress they had chosen; it had a black lace
over gold corset with a layered black and gold skirt of lace and tulle.
“Yes?” Matthew wondered if he had reconsidered talking about himself.

“If we finish this quickly, can we fuck?” Xae pouted and caressed Matthew’s arm, and he
couldn’t help but laugh.

“That sounds like a really good plan, yes,” replied Matthew, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
The dark-haired blushed and grinned delightedly.

“Then what are we waiting for? We need to get the other five gifts!” Xae tugged at Matthew’s
arm and the vampire chuckled.

“We are waiting for the seller to wrap it up,” replied Matthew, “besides we need only four
more gifts.”

“Of course, you already had yours, don’t you?” Xae pouted, and his pout disappeared as soon
as the seller was back with the present.

“Of course, she is one of my best friends and I love her very much,” replied Matthew, and
Xae sighed.

“I wish someone would love me like that.”

“I’m pretty sure the others love you like that,” Matthew offered, “well, maybe not April, but
Izumi, Sihun and Ale seem very fond of you.”

“Izumi loves pretty much everything,” Xae grimaced, “Sihun is just being nice and… Ale
won’t get involved with anyone, I mean, if she hadn’t got with Izu yet then how am I
supposed to accept that she likes me?”

“Come on, seriously?” Matthew huffed in awe. Although Ale and Izumi weren't the cheesiest
pair, they seemed to be longtime partners by the way they saw under a pink-tainted glass at
each other weirdness. Maybe that was why he thought that the two of them were already an
item. “Ale hasn’t said anything to Izumi yet? Then what about Izumi?”

“Izumi said something about Ale’s song being on another tune,” Xae shrugged, “she said she
would wait until it was time.”

“Is Izumi an oracle?”

“What? That would be so less dangerous.”

“Is she something dangerous?”

“She could kill us all.”

“Every time I see her eyes I think she is thinking about how to…”

“Nah, she is just thinking about our dying moments, or cats, whatever pleases her most.”

Matthew opened his mouth to argue, but he realized he could totally go with that, “cats? no

“Oh, she loves kittens, but she usually imagines cats strolling around.”

Yeah, pretty much expectedly from the bushy-haired girl.

“I still think they all like you a lot,” insisted Matthew, “they won’t put up with all your stuff
if they don’t at least like you.”
Xae opened his mouth and closed it and opened it again, frowning.

“You think I’m weird, don’t you?”

“I think you are quirky.”

“That’s just a nice way to say it.”

“Maybe, but I’m kinda weird too,” Matthew winked at him, “I’m a vampire and an incubus,
what’s weirder than that?”

“A demon incubus?” offered Xae and Matthew laughed.

“Okay, that’s weirder, but I guess it would be pretty cool too.”

Xae beamed and shrugged non-committally before tugging Matthew into a shoe store, and a
few minutes after they were exiting with a huge box with a pair of dark leather and velvet
lined boots.

“You know,” Matthew smiled, “you seem pretty good at this.”

“I used to buy presents for succubi long ago,” Xae wrinkled his nose, “besides, I’ve dated
several girls like her.”

“Like her?”

“Well, not like her, but with her fashion sense… Or maybe she was the trend maker?”
“She probably was.”

Xae laughed at that before gesturing at a jewellery shop, “there we will find the other three
gifts; a brooch for her hair, a cute necklace for her long neck and winged bracelets.”

“You have the sense of fashion of an incubus, huh?” Matthew snorted when Xae started
looking for the items.

“I got it on my mother’s side,” Xae winked enigmatically as he showed Matthew several

options of aforementioned accessories.

Matthew picked one of the combinations and asked the seller to pack them on different

“Well, you sure made this efficiently,” Matthew said as the hunter paid for the items, and they
exit the shop.

“You promised me sex, and I plan to collect,” Xae’s eyes gleamed and Matthew wondered,
not for the first time if he couldn’t get graduated lenses. Maybe the thing that made them
work against vampire’s compulsions prevented them from being graduated.

“Ain’t you eager?”

“I need it, please!” Xae looked at him hungrily and hopefully.

Matthew chuckled and nodded, “let’s get to it then.”

Xae almost purred, taking Matthew’s hand, before leading him to what the vampire guessed
was a love hotel. And Xae must have been busy since coming to Ashwood because the chick
behind the reception desk simply threw him a key as they entered.
They went up and Xae put the bags away carefully as soon as they entered the room. He
fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, nervously.

“It’s everything alright?” Asked Matthew, and the boy shook his head before smiling

“It’s not every day that your crush accepts to do it with you,” he said with a lopsided smile.

“Ain’t you cute?” Matthew took the face of the boy and kissed him deeply. He could feel the
dark-haired melting against him, responding to the kiss eagerly. Something stirred deep
inside Matthew, especially when the boy dragged him towards the bed, without breaking the

Matthew moaned as the boy tasted his mouth, slowly and imposing. As they fell onto the bed
the kiss broke and they both locked gazes. Xae was out of breath, blushed and started
chewing his lip, averting his gaze nervously. Matthew snorted, who did the boy he was? He
had no right to be nervous! Gods! Not with that tongue, because if the kiss was anything to
guide of it was obvious the boy was very experienced and a really good fuck.

“W-what do you prefer?” Xae asked, in a soft and shy voice, and Matthew almost forgot he
was at least sixty years older than him. He looked like a truly shy and nervous boy.

“I’d say topping, but the fucking incubi in my life won’t let me top peacefully,” he replied
nuzzling his neck.

“I… can be your bottom… But…”


“Will you… be gentle, please?”

Matthew looked at the boy and smiled softly, “of course, Xae.”

He kissed the black-haired slowly, taking in his taste and his smell. Below the strong sandal
perfume he used, Matthew could feel the faint scent of earl grey and mint. He liked it, and as
he opened the button-up black shirt and leave a trail of kisses down his neck, Matthew
wondered why the boy was so eager to hide his natural scent.

Xae moaned and trembled under Matthew’s attention, his pale cheeks tinted red, as his eyes
were fixated on the vampire and his hands reached to hold onto something.

Matthew captured one of the boy’s rosy nipples and sucked eagerly, earning more of those
lewd moans from the kid. He marvelled at the white creamy skin and frowned deeply when
he noticed the faint scars on his neck and chest. He traced one on the base of his neck and
Xae caught his hand.

“Don’t ask… Not now,” he requested, his dark eyes fixated on him, and his rectangle-glasses
were nowhere no be seen.

Matthew nodded and continued down his abdomen, licking and biting his way to Xae’s pants.
He opened the black-haired’s pants and set free his twitching cock, making the hunter gasp
and moan loudly when he took him on his mouth.

“Oh… B-boss…” He panted, moaning shamelessly as he ran his hands down Matthew’s hair
and grab it firmly before starting to move his hips. “You are too good at this…”

Matthew chuckled, drawing more moans and pants, as his hands find their way to the pale’s
round ass. He started fingering him and looked up with half-lidded eyes, focusing on the
pleasure he was giving to the hunter. And then he saw it, the golden strings of sexual energy,
he took a little and Xae whined, fucking his mouth harder. He tasted divine.

Xae’s breathing became ragged as Matthew sucked him merciless. His hands were fisting
Matthew’s hair as he arched his back and expelled himself on Matthew’s mouth.
“Sweet Illertha,” he mumbled softly, as Matthew released his cock and smirked at him. “You
are definitely something…”

“And you haven’t feel anything yet,” replied Matthew with a chuckle, capturing his lips and
kissing him deeply, as he took off his fingers to align his own hard steel with the readied ass.

And he was about to enter him when his phone started to sound. He frowned and shook his
head, and then Xae’s phone sound too.

And by their comms came a soft request, “Boss, Xae, we need you here.”

Xae made an inhuman whine and kissed Matthew angrily. “Maybe a quickie?”

“Boss, Xae, we really really need you here. NOW!”

“Let’s see what happen,” said Matthew, and Xae whined again, melting against the mattress
in his best Drama Queen fashion. “We’ll have sex later, at the party or so.”

“Fine,” Xae uttered dramatically, “but if it isn’t a matter of life and death I’m totally killing

“Please, refrain from killing your teammates.”

“I don’t promise anything.”

Matthew entered the room followed by a very angry Xae and was received by a young-
looking Latina, that shook his hand and started taking measurements of him. The room was
full of suits and fabrics, and there were several people that Matthew didn’t know and that
were trying on suits and dresses or taking measurements. There was a young Japanese girl, a
Chinese boy and a Japanese looking incubus that were trying on clothes while a par of
succubi put pins and needles on them to adjust them.

“REALLY!?” Grunted Xae as one of the succubi get closer to him and started measuring him,

“People grow,” replied Sihun, looking at himself in a mirror. His suit had a long overcoat
with a swirling blue pattern, “so measurements change.”

“I LITERALLY CAN’T GROW!” Xae growled, and the succubus with him nodded,
reviewing a small notebook.

“What’s wrong, Xae? You were with a snack?” Mocked the Latina, and the succubi giggled.

“We were about to do it,” commented Matthew, and Xae blushed. April smirked, turning
around and make her dark red skirt swirl.

“Oh my, Izzy was right! You were busy,” she hummed, and Xae threw her a pillow.


“Come on, Xae, don’t you like us?” The Latina pouted as she showed Matthew a dark tuxedo
with blood-red embroidered patterns.

“I like you Lina, but I was about to get him,” Xae pouted and the succubus handed him a
white and silver suit that he turned down without even looking at it truly. “I don’t do white,

“White would look good in you,” commented Matthew and Xae huffed.
“You vampires always say the same,” Xae sighed and accepted the black and gold suit that
fitted him perfectly. Matthew frowned at the affirmation.

“Well, I’m off to ask Hiroto out,” said Xae letting his hair down freely around his shoulders.

“Ehm, honey babe,” Ale interrupted, turning their head to him, the succubus added more lace
to the back of their suit, “Commander Hiroto is going to the party with me.”

Xae let out an outraged whine, “YOU KNEW I’M IN LOVE WITH HIM!”

“You were out,” Ale replied shrugging, and Matthew couldn’t help but laugh softly, “besides,
you know I'm not as socially charming as you, horny babe. I had little options.”

Xae exited the room with a growl, not even bothering to look at them.

“Who are you going to the party with, Boss?” asked Izumi with a wide smile. She was
wearing a long-sleeved short tulle skirt teal dress with hood and white flower pattern, and
black leggings with teal boots. “I’m taking Ryuu-san, April is going with Tony-chan and
Sihun is going with Hoshi-o-sama.”

Izumi gestured at each one of the strangers and they bowed slightly, Matthew bowed too and

“So you are the famous ‘Boss’ Sihun is always talking about, huh?” The Chinese, Tony,
smiled widely getting closer. He was using a suit with a long overcoat with swirling pink

“Si-babe always talks about his handsome boss and how he is the best incubus around and I
get jealous,” commented the Japanese Incubus, Ryuu. His suit’s overcoat had purple swirling
with small diamonds.
“Why you always embarrass me?” asked Sihun turning to the Japanese girl, Hoshi, and asked
her in Japanese, “ why I asked them to invite those two? ”

“ Because you are a kind soul that wanted us to see the High Tower for the first and possibly
only time in our lives? ”

“It’s our duty as your unit to embarrass you,” replied Ryuu with a soft laugh, “after all, the
fans love seeing you flustered.”

“You are the worst,” Sihun turned his back to them and started helping Hoshi with the bow of
her deep blue with red moons kimono.

“You didn’t read the invitation, do you?” asked April, as Izumi took pictures of Sihun, Tony
and Ryuu. Matthew shrugged slightly and she handed the invitation to him.

You are invited to Lady Rosaline of House Malarath birthday ball.

You are free to come with a companion and each pair are required to bring just one gift.

We’ll be having you at the Firenze Ballroom at High Tower, and we request you to come in
your best gowns and suits.

Matthew wrinkled his nose at the silver printed letters and smiled at the handwritten note at
the bottom.

Matthew, honey, I’ll be taking lovely Sam as my companion for the night, she is so, so cute!
Feel free to bring over your sugar fluff or blondie old grumpy. He wasn’t invited because he
never comes, but I’m sure he will come if you invite him~
Can’t wait to see you here,


The succubus working on his suit took a couple of steps back and nodded, and Lina walked
towards him to see him and gave her approval, “well done, Nessa.”

“Thank you, ladies,” said Matthew bowing at them, they giggled, “I’ll be off to get a partner
for the ball.”

“Don’t take too much!” advised Izumi, “and don’t ask him right away!”

Matthew nodded and started walking down the hallway, sniffing around to find the delectable
scent of the incubus. He followed the earth and night scent to the incubus room and licked his
lips before opening the door.

He hated the ward around Tarrick’s room. It didn’t let him hear what the incubus was doing
and if someone teleported there he couldn’t know either because he couldn’t pick any sounds
nor scents from there.

He definitely didn’t expect that the incubus was feeding.

And he definitely didn’t expect either that the one being pushed onto the bed with every
thrust was his sugar fluff.

A suivre~

Chapter End Notes

Well, I'm really sorry, this chapter was supposed to finish at the end of Rosaline's party,
with the special appearance of a well-hated character, but I couldn't finish it on time.

On the good side, it just means that you have another two chapters before this first part
ends and I got to take my well-deserved Hiatus prior to the launch of Lost~

I hope you had enjoyed this chapter~

Chapter 27
Chapter Summary

Rosaline's Party is an emotional rollercoaster for Matthew.

“I’m sure that Commander Matthew will hear everything after the party, now he is just
trying to not kill you all for embarrassing him in front of his very handsome date…”


Dubious consent and kinda rape? Please be mindful of this and if you don't want to
know anything just skip past the -MMMM-. It's not explicit, though. But still...

Chapter Notes

Well, I'm so very sorry.

This chapter was due for July 24th but I kinda got trapped between college and the
characters being a bunch of unruly bastards.

It also came out way longer than what was intended, and I totally missed the main point
of it because the Leeches, Matthew and Malarath can't be decent living beings and won't
shut up. xD


Thanks to my beta Gabs for all the support~


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


“SUGAR FLUFF!” Matthew whined, and Hiroto lifted his head enough to see him and
smiled, between lustful moans and pants.

“I’m glad to see you too, Matthew,” commented Tarrick, pounding harder against the fox,
pushing him further into the bed. Matthew frowned. It was a really sexy image, and he truly
wanted to be part of that.

“I… Can come back later,” purred the fox, looking up to Tarrick.

“Don’t worry, Aima,” said Tarrick, clawing his back and making him turn to see the vampire,
“let’s finish quickly.”

The fox purred again, as the incubus fucked him and came hard inside him. He giggled
before looking at Matthew, who stopped dead on his tracks. The swirling pink eyes that
looked back at him sent a shiver down his spine.

“You are not Sugar fluff,” mumbled Matthew, taking a couple of steps back and baring his

“Who is Sugar fluff?” the fake fox asked, looking up to Tarrick, who wrinkled his nose and
looked away as he started to get dressed. The fake Hiroto smiled in a wicked evil way that
was totally unlike him, before purring, “It must hurt, huh?”

“We are done, Aima,” growled Tarrick tossing some clothes back to his interlocutor.

“What’s going on here?” asked Matthew confused and hurt.

“Oh, my,” the fake Hiroto let out a breathy laugh as his face and features shifted, soon there
was Alyssa standing before him, and Matthew took another step back. The fake Alyssa
smiled, pink eyes gleaming, “I’m an Eroan, and go by the name Aima. My thing is showing
the face of people you love… Or loved.”

“We are done now, Aima, go,” said Tarrick, in an angry grunt, as Aima put on some simple
jeans and a white t-shirt that read ‘Fake it ‘til you make it’. Matthew snarled at Aima as they
sent him a kiss, using Alyssa’s face.

Aima left the room with a cheerful step, and Matthew and Tarrick stayed there, in silence for
a couple of minutes.

“So you really love him, huh?” Commented Tarrick, trying to make it sound casual. Matthew
just nodded. His eyes fixated on the door as he tried to think why the incubus had a person
that can change faces like that on his bed and who did Aima appeared like to him. Every
option just made his heart shrink and hurt.

“Do you need anything?” Tried Tarrick, walking towards the vampire and standing between
him and the door. Matthew then looked up and locked gazes with Tarrick. He could feel his
eyes burning red with anger and hurt.

“I… It was just a silly thing…” Matthew dismissed it with a wave and a shook of his head,
taking a couple of steps to go around Tarrick and leave the room.

“You look really handsome with that suit,” Tarrick intercepted him, caressing his cheek.

“Thanks… The guys’ senpais made it…” Matthew shrugged, averting looks, “it’s for the

“It suits you,” Tarrick signed softly, “Matthew…?”

“Yes, Master?” Matthew looked up, Tarrick smirked and caressed his hair.
“Are you jealous?”

“I have no rights to be…”

“But are you?”

“I… Yes, yes I am…”

“Who do you though Aima looked like for me?”

“I rather not think about it, Master…”

Tarrick nodded slightly as if pondering something.

“Who do Aima looked like the second time for you?”

“Like Alyssa…”

“Your wife?”

“Yes… I loved her dearly.”

Tarrick frowned and nodded, taking a couple of steps away from him, “you may leave now,

“Thank you, Master…”

Matthew stopped on the door and a petty idea crossed his mind.


“Yes, Matthew?”

“Do you know where Lord Vassu is?”

“No, I don’t, why do you ask?”

“I’m looking for him, I’m planning to ask him out to the party…”

“Really?” Tarrick’s smile wavered, or maybe Matthew just imagined it.

“Yes, I mean, he is so hot…” Matthew insisted with a dreamy tone, “ do you imagine, me
entering there with him?”

Tarrick tsked and grabbed Matthew by the collar.

“You are not going to go with him to that party.”

“Am not?”

“No, You are not.”

“Then with who?” Matthew stifled a smirk and cocked his head pouting, “I can’t be the only
one without a date for the party.”

Tarrick growled softly and pressed the vampire harder against the wall, making the wall crack

“Master…” Matthew whined, reaching to caress his cheek.

“Yes, Matthew?” Asked Tarrick.

“Would you like to go with me?”

“Yes, Matthew, I would love to go with you.”

Then Tarrick released him and turned to walk away. Matthew caught his wrist and Tarrick
looked at him over his shoulder, “what? I have to find a suit that matches with yours.”

Matthew nodded and sat in front of Tarrick’s desk, trying to not to look at the bed and trying
harder to not to think about the Eroan and who would they look like to the incubus.

He would like to think he had seen him, but it hurt, because if that was the case… Why? Why
did he didn’t call him?

No, Aima said they looked like someone you loved , and he was sure the incubus didn’t love

He wasn’t sure why Aima didn’t look like Tarrick, though. It would have been weird to see
the incubus fucking himself… It was kinda hot too, in a sick kind of way… Dammit, his
incubus got horny for some weird stuff.
Shit. It had been a while, and he still wanted Tarrick whole.

He also wanted to go far away with Sam and Hiroto, and to ran away he had to leave Tarrick
back… No. He didn’t want to leave Tarrick, he still loved him, maybe it wasn’t as strong as it
was before, but it was still there, and made him see things and misunderstand them.

It hurt. Like hell.

After a while, the incubus came out, with a dark blue suit that made him look like a prince,
and Matthew wanted to throw him to the bed and fuck his brains out. Or let him fuck his
brains out. He pushed those thoughts aside and smiled lustfully.

“Do you like what you see?” asked Tarrick smiling at the ogling. Matthew nodded stalking
towards him, hugging him by the neck.

“I’m starting to wonder if it wouldn’t be better to just stay here… Master …” Purred the
vampire, as the incubus kissed his cheek and neck, biting his pulse with his blunt fangs.

“Oh, but if you miss the party Rosaline would set hell loose, and I should punish you,” said
Tarrick caressing his back, as he kissed and bite the neck of the vampire, smiling at the
wanton moan that escaped his mouth.

“Then…” Matthew whispered sinfully, “let’s get to the party, we say hi and get a room.”

Tarrick chuckled and kissed him softly, “you sound just like a small libidinous social, huh?”

“You shall know that, don’t you?” Matthew teased and Tarrick bit him hard, making him

“Let’s go, my Warrior, before your team make a disaster.”

“Come on! They aren’t that bad…”

“They aren’t that good either…”

Matthew scoffed and frowned. As they walked towards the room where they had left the
Leeches. They opened the door and Matthew wanted to kill them all.

Well maybe not all, April and Hiroto were just talking, looking at them with a very concerned


Xae and Izumi were grabbing each other’s hair, screaming insults and trying to land a hit.
Xae was being held down by Sihun, Ryuu and Tony, while Izumi was being held by Ale and
a handsome guy Matthew remembered had seen at the bar back at Japan.







“ENOUGH!” Matthew roared and everyone jumped on their spots, and Xae and Izumi
released each other, “what’s wrong with you two?”

“She is a two-faced bitch,” growled Xae, taking a couple of steps back, before straightening
his hair and his suit.

“HA!” Izumi was throwing daggers through her eyes, “you just called me a ‘two-faced
bitch’? Have you seen yourself, Pet boy ?”

“Don’t you dare call me like that,” Xae turned around, ready to attack.

“You called me ‘M3R1’, was that fun for you?” Izumi spat, her voice filled with poison and
Matthew could swear he saw a green halo around her eyes, “you weren’t one of us, you were
the favourite, you had privileges. You weren’t put through half of what we were for ages .”

“Do you think He was good to me then? He abused me, Izumi, and he took advantage of
me,” Xae grunted, averting looks and his hand scratched the back of his neck as if it hurt.

“I know very well what he did, Xae,” Izumi turned and walked towards the mirror to
straighten her gown, “I knew everything that happened in that goddess forsaken manor, I
heard every scream, every voice, every cry… The worst thing, though, was when I heard the
silence that was left behind.”

“Izumi…” Xae looked up, and Izumi shook her head.

“You think I’m an insensitive, cold-hearted, cold-blooded bastard, but that’s not the case,
Xae… Nevertheless, I’ve learnt that you… Your kind takes advantage of feelings and I’m not
letting that happen again. You don't know how to love or what ‘love’ really is. Neither do I..”
Izumi stated that her black eyes cold as a stone, her voice was hollow and it echoed on the
room. The silence that followed was oppressive and made Matthew feel as if his ears were
about to bleed. Then she sighed and the rare silence dissipated.

She closed her eyes and turned to Ryuu, before smiling and looked at him, as warm and
cheerful as always. And just like that, everything was good again.

“So… Ryuu-tan, will you sign some of my collection? I have a third gala uchiha with the fae-
theme, you looked so handsome as a banshee~” And just like that Izumi was back at her
cheerful and cute self. The others didn’t take offence and Ryuu went happily with Izumi and
told her he was going to sign everything with his face, just for his ‘cutie-lovely-date’.

Xae chewed his lips and the handsome guy went straight to him and hug him by the
shoulders, kissing his temple and cooing softly.

Tarrick looked pointedly at Matthew and he just huffed. Izumi looked at him apologetically
and Matthew shook his head. They’ll talk about that later.

“Boss…” Xae walked over to him, followed by the charming man, “I’m so sorry… Izumi
just say something and I snapped, I… It was my fault I…”

“Come on, Xae,” interrupted the guy, putting his hand on the black-haired’s shoulder, “I’m
sure that Commander Matthew will hear everything after the party, now he is just trying to
not kill you all for embarrassing him in front of his very handsome date…” the man looked at
them, his dark grey eyes looked up and down Tarrick, before smirking as if something was
very funny, “High General Tarrick, am I right? You two look very good together, are you

“No, we are not,” replied Tarrick, shaking the hand the man offered him, “We just fuck every
now and then, as we incubi do… And you are?”

“I’m Misha,” the man chuckled as if it was fun, as he looked at Matthew and winked, “I’m a
friend of them, from Japan… I swear, they are good kids, they are just nervous and stressed.”
“I’m sure they are,” Tarrick nodded, “kids just being kids.”

And just like that, it was like nothing had happened. They all got to the van, chit-chatting and
joking around, even with Tarrick, as if he had been their friend since forever. Matthew
couldn’t help but feel good with that. It warmed his heart to think that they did it because he
liked the incubus.

They got to the teleport stone, and when they got to New York Ryuu and Tony whooped
excitedly, looking around.

“I’ve decided it, guys,” said Ryuu while they were on the van, “I want to do a concert here, a
whole tour!”

“Come on, man!” Tony hit his arm, “I doubt that Lord Johnny would like that.”

“Well, maybe if you get enough people at the party talking about it you could make him think
about it,” offered Hiroto. The others nodded and agreed, even Matthew commented, “well I
could talk about it with Rosy and she surely could help us to convince him.”

“I’m sorry, I’m not following your conversation,” commented Tarrick at Matthew’s ear.

“Lord Johnny is C🟌SMIC’s producer … Well, he runs an entertainment company back

in Japan, and they have several idol and artists groups,” explained Matthew nuzzling
Tarrick’s cheek, “at this moment, C🟌SMIC is the most famous group from the IE

“Incubi Entertainment, originally called Supernatural Entertainment, before the Montecarlo
Treaty,” Izumi smirked from the other side of the van. Matthew didn’t know how she did that,
but she always listened. And after a couple of weeks and some weird conversations, Matthew
had learnt to accept it.

“We are in the middle of a war and they have an entertainment agency?” Tarrick frowned,
talking loud enough to the others to hear.

“Of course we have, High Lord General Tarrick, sir,” replied Ryuu, “We, the artist are meant
to give hope to the troops and the people, and you may know, High Lord General Tarrick, sir,
that hope is what gives us strength amid a fight, especially one as long as this.”

“Besides,” added Tony, “Sihun is a hunter too, many of us from the IE are hunters and they
help the war with financial aid. Part of their revenue goes to the Household they work for.”

“That explains why Lord Kôki sent me a huge check and a recommendation to change your
appointed Household,” mumbled Tarrick, Sihun wrinkled his nose and chuckled.

“My my,” purred Sihun, “Am I to be appointed as Sihun from House Tarrick, that would be
amazing… Do you imagine, guys? We could fill the Tokyo dome four times just with that

“Of course, since Sihun from the Imperial House doesn’t mean anything…”

“You know that the Empire was abolished when Lord Kôki pledge loyalty to the High King,”
Sihun wrinkled his nose, “and being one of the heirs of Sun-Shin means nothing

“Yes, yes,” interrupted Xae, “you were a prince among the hunters, from a long badass
dynasty of hunters, we all are poor peasants around you, can we skip to the part where you
move to the next subject in hand after your fake modesty of saying all your titles and how
they don’t ‘mean nothing anymore’?”
“You are being a jerk,” huffed Sihun frowning and averting looks.

“OH MY SWEET GODDESS THAT IS HUGE!” cried Izumi scrambling over Ale to see the
High Tower appearing on sight, she trembled and her eyes clouded as he looked up and
down, “and it’s full of… people… so much people…”

“It’s the biggest Incubi Settlement on the whole world and has more hunters guarding it that
several countries,” explained Hiroto, snorting softly as Izumi and Ale pressed their cheeks on
the window to see better.

“You know what, I should go back to Ashwood,” mumbled Xaellofd getting white as a paper
sheet, his eyes fixated on the building.

“What? Come on, Xae, don’t let your social anxiety to get the best of you,” Misha hugged
hin by the shoulders and kissed his forehead, “besides, I thought you dreamt for ages to come

“T-that was a long long time ago…” mumbled Xae chewing his lower lip.

“So two hours ago was ‘a long time ago’?” mocked Ale as the van entered the building and
the doors open. They got down and were guided up by a group of hunters and seemed wary
and grumpy. Matthew wondered if it was because they weren’t invited to the party and were
in guard duty, or because they were aware of who they were and it made them angry to see
them being rewarded like that.

“Matthew my love~!” Rosaline greeted cheerfully as soon as they entered the ballroom,
running towards Matthew and hugging him closely, “I’m so glad you could join us from the
start,” she kissed him in both cheeks and beamed, “little Sam is sleeping on my room because
they only allowed me a daylight ring.”

“She is…” Matthew looked up, knowing perfectly well where she was, or at least how high
she was.
“She is being guarded by Prescott and Vik, don’t worry,” Rosaline confided, “I would have
asked Hiroto, but he was coming with one of your teammates.”

Matthew sighed gratefully and nodded, kissing Rosaline’s hands, “thanks, Bloodlocks… And
Happy birthday,” he said taking the present he had picked for her weeks ago and handing it to
her, “I found this on my trip, I hope you like it…”

Rosaline giggled and blushed before taking the present and tugging him, “come on, you
know you could have left it on the present table…”

“Yes, but I would have missed your blush,” purred Matthew at her ear. She hit him playfully
on the chest and smiled at the others.

“Thank you all so much for coming,” she said with a bright smile, they bowed and smiled

“It’s an honour to be on your Birthday Party, Lady Rosaline,” almost purred Izumi, bowing
exaggeratedly and handing her a present, “what a lovely song you have… so full of joy and

“She means that you look like a cheerful and lovely person,” explained Ale, looking at Xae to
help her. But Xae was looking at his feet as it were very interesting.

“My apologies, Lady Rosaline,” Sihun pushed them back, “they were raised on the hunter
academy and none of them thought to take the foreign affairs class, nor the incubi society
etiquette class, so they are… quite awkward at this…”

“I took those classes,” mumbled Xae, “I’ve taken all classes on Senbonzakura Academy…
Izumi too..”

“Yes, but you are socially awkward at best,” Hiroto interrupted, “and knowing the theory
isn’t the same as knowing how to act…”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Rosaline said, waving it away, “they are charming.”

“They seem charming,” commented Tarrick with a soft huff, “happy birthday, Lady

“Well, well, well, look what the vamp brought…” Rosaline looked at Tarrick, “I thought you
don’t like this kind of reunions, High Lord General.”

“I don’t, I come with Matthew… As his date...”

Rosaline smirked knowingly and gestured them around, “you may enjoy the party, all of you,
while I steal Matthew for a little while,” she tugged at the vampire to follow her, “come with
me, I have thousands of people that want to meet you, honeybat~”

Matthew smirked and nodded, following the succubus, as the others walked around.

After a while, even the Leeches were partaking animatedly with the other attendants to the
party, and he was whisked away by several of them. Tarrick was sure to take him back every
now and then, though, reclaiming his ‘date’ to dance or just to talk. It made Matthew feel
important, somehow, and he liked to think it was the incubus just being jealous.

When he finally could go back to his team they were chatting gleefully and dancing around
each other. He didn’t know the song, but it was pretty obvious that the dance they’ve learnt
was different from what the incubi normally learnt.

While the other attendants were dancing in pairs, they were forming a big circle, dancing in
perfect synchrony, moving in and out around each other. They were having fun.

“Do you want to join?” asked Hiroto, taking a couple of steps back to meet Matthew and
Tarrick outside the circle.
“It seems complicated…” said Matthew, seeing how the others followed the choreography

“It’s not, it’s about flowing and trusting,” Hiroto winked and took their hands, “just follow
my lead.”

Tarrick took a step back, but Matthew took his hand, “come on, Tarrick, just… try it once?”

Tarrick frowned but followed in, the guys opened and Sihun came forth smiling, “it’s easy,
just come forward then two steps aside.”

Sihun and Hiroto kept saying instructions and leading them around, and Matthew was
starting to see why it was funnier to dance in a group as he and the others swirled and jumped
around each other.

And when he made a mistake the others followed him and laughed. Even Tarrick was
laughing as he tried hard to follow the moves, it warmed his heart. It could have been perfect.
But Sam wasn’t there… Maybe he could convince them to do it again when the girl was there
in the night.

The music came to an end and they bowed beaming. The crowd applauded and cheered and
Matthew couldn’t help but laugh when Izumi hid behind Ryuu, all red for the sudden
attention, but with a smirk plastered on her face.

“That was amazing,” cheered Rosaline coming to them, “you have to teach me that dance~”

“Of course, Lady Rosaline,” purred Ryuu with a lopsided grin, “I can teach you if you

“Oh, yes~ Maybe teach my friends too?”

“It’ll be my pleasure~” Ryuu gestured Tony and Sihun and they went with Rosaline towards
an overexcited group of socials.

“That was fun,” commented Tarrick and Matthew nodded, the incubus seemed relaxed and
happy and Matthew just wanted to kiss him and take him to one room to see if he had some
stamina left. His train of thought was interrupted by Misha, whose eyes were fixated on the

“Oh, look! It’s the sunrise,” Misha sighed in awe, walking towards one of the floors to ceiling
windows of the room. Matthew looked there and he gasped loudly, he could see the sun as it
started to rise over the silhouette of the city, bathing it with golden, red and pink. He felt his
eyes fill with bloody tears as he walked until he was touching the window.

He felt the sun on his skin and he almost jumped. But it didn’t hurt, it just was warm.

He let out a nervous laugh.

“Are you okay, Matthew?” asked Tarrick caressing his arms.

“It’s so beautiful…” Matthew sighed softly, tilting his head back so he could see the incubus,
being bathed by the sunlight. Gorgeous.

“It’s your first sunrise, right? Since turned,” Tarrick asked and Matthew nodded.

“I’ve woke during the day several times, but never at sunrise…”

“Your reactions never cease to amaze me: such awe, such curiosity…”
Tarrick kissed his cheek softly and nuzzled his neck, as they stood there while the sun came

“Master?” asked Matthew with a sigh, “Is there a way to keep the ring?”

“Not yet, Matthew…” Tarrick said frankly, “you haven’t earned it yet, but I’m sure in a
couple of years or a decade at most you could be earning it.”

“As if…” Tane voice interrupted their conversation and fouled Matthew’s good mood. He
was parading towards them with a haughty gaze, “now you are gifting your pet with day

“What’s wrong, Lord Tane, your date left you for a better incubus?” interrupted Xae, “Or is it
that you didn’t get one so you have to come and bother other people with your presence?”

“Who let you speak, kid?”

“Kid? Really? That’s the best you can do?

“I’ll call you what you are, but there are some genteel around.”

Xae snorted, “well, since your father is around and I’m not getting the Boss in more trouble,
I’ll just leave you with them, daddy’s baby boy.”

Tane grunted and walked towards Xae, but Misha intercepted him, “don’t mind him, please, I
apologize in his instance, he had had a terrible day; his best friend just called him out and
swear him they won’t be friends again.”

“She didn’t say that…”

“It was implicit in her tone…”

Xae pouted and tsked, looking to where Izumi, Ale and April were discussing the food.

“Anyways, Lord Tane? You seem to know this place, would you mind to show me around?”
asked Misha with a charming smile. Tane frowned and was about to let out a snarky reply
when Tarrick scoffed. Tane sighed and rolled his eyes.

“Come with me…” Growled Tane, and he, Xae and Misha walked by. That was definitely a
weird sight. Xae was being docile and as far from his usual charming self as possible. What
could possibly be happening to him?

“Shall we look for them before they got into trouble?” Asked Tarrick kissing Matthew’s

“You should have a little more trust in them,” mumbled Matthew, as they got away from the
window and walked towards where April, Ale and Izumi talking over the food. “Do you like
the food here, guys?”

“This is too luxurious,” mumbled Izumi, her mouth filled with pastries, “I didn’t even know
there was something like pink chocolate!”

“Izu, dear,” April handed her a napkin, “you have a spot.”

Izumi took the napkin and cleaned her face, “I’m sorry…”

“Do you like chocolate?” Asked Tarrick and she looked him intensely before smirking and

“General Tarquin said that chocolate was for good kids, and I wasn’t a good kid most of the
times,” Izumi said taking another piece of chocolate, but she stopped before taking a bit,
“I… I’ve been a good girl… Right?”

“Of course you are, Izumi,” Matthew beamed encouragingly and the girl bit the chocolate
with a soft happy hum.

“You knew Tarquin?”

“Big scary blonde incubus, yes.” Izumi nodded, “he is a soft kind soul, deep under layers and
layers of pain and hatred and daddy issues.”

“Wasn’t he the incubus that was in charge of you before you got transferred to Lord Koki’s
Household?” asked April, and Izumi nodded.

“Yes, he interrogated us several times, and when I said something he liked he would call me a
good girl and give me chocolate or take me to the park…”

“Tarquin? You were in Russia?” Ale frowned as if a piece of a puzzle just got into place.

“I guess…” Izumi shrugged and took a couple of muffins and handed them to April, “would
you give those to Xae? He loves the orange and poppy ones…”

“You still angry with him?”

“Yes, but he needs some good things today…”


“I’m not sure, but it’s the time of the year he gets grumpy all over again.”
“Why is that?”

“I’m not quite sure I’m allowed to talk about that,” said Izumi with a frown and a sigh. And
Matthew decided he would question Xae later. Preferably, after the party.

“You like him a lot, don’t you?” asked Tarrick with a small smile, putting his hand over hers.
She took off her hand and looked at him expressionless for a while. Matthew was used to that
by now, she was bad at showing emotions, and concealing them too.

“I love him…” She said shrugging, “I love a lot of people… Do you want to know them so
you can hurt them?”


“That’s what incubi do, using feelings to hurt people.”

Izumi’s voice was neutral as if she was just stating facts. Tarrick frown deepened, and
Matthew tensed, ready to stop whatever was going to happen.

“That’s not… I’m sorry you’ve met incubi like that…”

“It’s not like it’s your fault,” Izumi shrugged and took another pastry, she took a bit and
moaned shamelessly, before eating more.

“You like that, sweetie?” Asked Ale smiling at her. Izumi nodded and took another one.

“You should try this, Ale, it’s delicious~”

“Is she always like that?” Asked Tarrick in a whisper, Matthew nodded. They took a few
steps back and let them with their food.

“She is just bad at understanding people,” Matthew explained, “and making people
understand her… But she is a kind spirit and a fierce hunter.”

“And she hates incubi…”

“Nah, she doesn’t hate incubi in general,” Ryuu interrupted walking towards them with Tony,
“she likes several of us… But she had several bad experiences with some incubi…”

“Oh right…” Tony nodded, “she hasn’t been the same since that asshole Tean broke her

“Tane, I think his name was Tane,” rectified Ryuu, “I saw him with Xae and Misha a few
minutes ago, he is being his whole petulant self tonight… Goddess, he is so…”

“High Lord General Tarrick is Lord Tane’s father, so you better be careful,” Sihun
commented walking slowly around them and Ryuu and Tony got pale.

“Wait? High Lord General as in the boss of bosses?” Asked Tony, looking at Tarrick who
simply raised an eyebrow.

“I thought the boss of bosses was the High King,” commented Matthew.

“No, no, he is the Boss of bosses’ boss,” replied Tony solemnly.

“I’m so… ashamed…” Ryuu bowed a couple of times, “I… I just thought… I wasn’t aware
that when Sihun said ‘house Tarrick’ he meant you were High Lord General Tarrick… I…”
“Oh my, you left Ryuu lost of words, now that’s an achievement…” Xae had come back with
April and looked at the Social with a lopsided smile, “it seems like somebody forgot to tell
his friends who will be around.”

“I invited them to a House Malarath’s party, I supposed they would understand that it would
be a VIP event,” replied Sihun frowning at Ryuu, who was bowing again with a worried look.
Tarrick smirked but didn’t tell him to stop.

Matthew suppressed a laugh and looked around, glad that his team had been reunited again.
Even if Xae was being mean and Izumi was pointedly ignoring him, while Sihun snapped at
every phrase that left the mouth of the black-haired. They were trying to be on their best
behaviour, though. They haven’t attacked each other yet and refrained themselves from
saying anything too nasty.

Matthew smirked and looked at the window, the sun was far from setting, but the sky was
starting to turn dark. He was excited at the prospect of seeing the dusk. And he wished Sam
would be able to see it too. She hadn’t been a vampire for that long, but she sure missed the
sun, right? He missed it since the first night.

He was so focused on that and on his team’s moves that the first calling surprised him.

“Izumi~” A clear loud voice called again, before saying with a thick Swedish accent, “Izumi,
dear! Thanks to Illertha I’ve found you~”

They looked at the source of the voice and gasped at the precious succubus that was parading
towards them. She had long straight blonde hair and green eyes, a pale white skin that got
lost on her green vaporous gown. It had puffy transparent long sleeves and a long semi-
transparent skirt fell around her long legs like mist. Underneath she had a short white lace
dress with a sweetheart neck and knee-high high-heeled white leather boots. She preened
straight at Izu and gave her a kiss on both cheeks, hugging her tightly.

“You look so cute in that dress, and your hair!” the succubus said puffing Izumi’s coils of
hair, “I love it, all of it!”
“Lord Lasse!” Izumi giggled, as the succubus played with her hair, “what an honour and a
coincidence to see you there.”

“Lord?” Asked Matthew looking back at the succubus, she definitely was lacking on the
cleavage, but her pointy features were deceiving, so was her voice. The succubus looked at
him and Matthew felt a strange shiver when she gifted him a charming smile that was a little
too familiar. He wondered why. Lord Lasse wasn’t one of the incubi that Rosaline told him
about when they were talking about the important incubi.

“And who are they, Izumi, dear?” asked Lord Lasse looking at the rest of the Leeches and
their dates. Xae was looking pointedly at his feet and Matthew wondered if he had dated
Lord Lasse too.

“Oh, you remember I told you about my team?” She answered cheerfully.

“Yes, you talk about them a lot in your letters,” Lord Lasse nodded, “these are them? Are
you? Oh, my Goddess! You are C🟌SMIC! I’m a big fan!”

Sihun blushed deeply as Tony grinned and Ryuu smirked.

“It’s an honour to meet one of our fans,” Said Ryuu graciously, Sihun nodded happily as
Tony jumped cheerfully.

“The honour is mine, I love your music,” Lord Lasse insisted, shaking hands with each of
them, “I get to know you because little Izumi here would talk for pages about how amazing
was the Idol Group of her teammate.”

“Izumi!” Sihun blushed deeply, looking at the girl who simply grinned back.

“And she wasn’t exaggerating, you are amazing,” added the incubus, looking at them
intently, “so you must be ‘Sihun baby’.”
“He is, and she is April,” nodded Izumi gesturing towards April who shook hands with the

“She is Ale,” Izumi smiled smugly and she and Lord Lasse shared a meaningful look as he
shook the manser’s hand.

“He is Xae,” Izumi frowned at the boy who simply waved, without looking up. He seemed
zoning out.

“And he is our Boss, I mean, Leader, Matthew,” Matthew smiled in turn and when Lord
Lasse shook his hand he couldn’t help but felt as if he had already met him somewhere.

“ Matthew , yes, Izumi and Rosaline talk no stop about you,” said Lord Lasse, looking at him
as if he was thinking about the best way to eat him up. “In fact, I only came to this party to
meet you. I hate parties.”

“You do?” Matthew cocked his head, the incubus surely gave away the presence of your
garden variety of a Social.

“All this pretending, and showing off,” he growled tsking, before shaking his head, “we are
on the middle of a war.”

“You will use that dress into the battlefield,” pointed Izumi shrugging. Lord Lasse nodded
and took a knife from a table, smirking before stabbing himself. Matthew jumped scared, as
well as the other —with the exception of Izumi— but he didn’t smell any blood, in fact, the
white dress was still white. And the knife had broken.

“What?” Ale got closer to see the place where the knife should have had punctured the
incubus, but the dress was still perfect.
“It’s a special thing Commander Vikström is working with my aid and supervision. it’s a
special variety of armour to protect our Socials,” Lord Lasse was very proud as he rotated on
his toes and the skirt twirled around him, and Matthew then noticed the silver points
embroidered on the seam of the fabric. Yikes.

“That’s so cool!” said Sihun and Lord Lasse nodded. Before smirking mischievously.

“That reminds me, I’ll be borrowing little Izumi,” Lord Lasse hugged her by the waist.

“See ya in a while,” said Izumi waving as they got lost on the crowd. Ale followed them with
their gaze and then frowned. Xae tsked softly.

“Did you see that?” said Sihun overexcited, “we have fans~”

“I’m your fan,” mumbled Xae.

“Yeah, but you are not a hot incubus from an important or wealthy household,” replied Sihun
and Xae frowned deeply, opening his mouth to answer and closing it again, as if he wanted to
argue with that.

“He was quite the personality,” commented Matthew, “hating parties being a Social” he
explained and Hiroto smirked, shrugging a little.

“You think? Lord Lavrants resents parties and hunters because of what happened to his
household,” said the fox, “it was back at the ’20s, his mother’s mate, a hunter, went crazy and
murderer her with their unborn son and their twelve years old son before killing himself.
Lord Lavrants came home to find the massacre.”

Matthew didn’t want to ask about the parties, but he didn’t have to.

“The Professor ‘stole’ Lady Othala during a party,” commented Xae, playing with a small
cord, with his gaze fixated on the floor, “they run away together leaving Lavrant and his
father with their party. Because partying is what socials did.”
“Now the big question is why he likes our little Izumi,” said Sihun wrinkling his nose, “I
don’t want him getting advantage from her.”

"If he knows what is better for him and his pompous ass, Lord Lasse won't ever dare to hurt
her." Commented Ale, while they were still staring blankly into the crowd.

“He won’t,” Hiroto said firmly, before taking Ale’s hand, “now, I’ll be taking my date to a
little dance before she goes out to murder Lord Lavrats.”

Matthew started to chuckle until he saw the worried faces that Sihun and April had as Hiroto
and Ale made their way into the dancing floor.

“She won’t, right?” Asked Matthew, the last he wanted was to ruin Rosaline’s party with
murder and to have their punishment to be worst. Especially not because of a jealousy scene
from mamser ‘What-?-Me-?-Liking-Izumi-What-?-That’s-not…-does-she-knows?’.

“As long as Izumi comes back quickly or Commander Hiroto gets Ale busy enough to forgot
about all that…” Xae was in a foul mood. And Matthew wouldn’t blame him, as he has seen
his date —Misha, was it?— get to the rooms with Tane just a few minutes before.

“Do you want to dance?” Matthew offered to the black-haired, before smirking, “or would
you rather finish what we started earlier?”

“No…” Xae sighed, and Sihun and April gasped loudly, looking at him as if he was an alien
or something. Matthew was surprised too. The boy had seemed so eager to be with him just a
few hours before.

“Are you alright?” Sihun asked, reaching for the black-haired, who swiftly got away before
the Korean could touch him.
“I’m not in the mood,” replied Xae, avoiding their eyes, “I’m gonna go exploring… I heard
there is a zoo with almost an exemplar of every living creature… And I also heard that the
High King only feeds on his room…”

Sihun’s worry become anger, “really? You are going to see if you can fuck the High King?
Don’t you have an ounce of respect?”

“For authority?” Xae looked at Sihun and the Korean took a couple of steps back, scared.
Xae seemed ready to stab him, “no, I don’t. In fact, I don’t respect anything, especially not
life. So mind your own fucking business, Henhen .”

Xae didn’t wait for an answer, before storming out the ballroom. April was grimacing, and
Sihun was balling his fist so hard his knuckles were white.

“That… That… Asshole !” Sihun growled, before taking Ryuu’s and Tony’s hand and
dragging them to the dance floor.

“They are gonna be mad until the next ‘Kill the Leader’,” stated April before taking a long
sip from her beverage. She looked at Matthew and explained it nonchalantly: “They usually
fight and kill themselves a couple of times before forgiving each other.”

Matthew opened his mouth to protest when he saw them.

Rosaline and Sam were dancing in the middle of the room, clearly enjoying themselves.
People around them stopped dancing and looked at the two women swirl and waltz around
each other, their charming smiles matching as lovely-like as their fluttering dresses.

It warmed his chest and almost made him forget how his entire team was at tabs and probably
would murder each other as soon as they meet again.

“Where is your team?” Tarrick had come back from his very important chit-chat and was
looking pointedly at April, who was looking at the paintings on the walls with a disturbing
level of concentration.


“Matty~” Rosaline called, stopping her dance and beckoning at him. Sam beckoned too,
waving as she went towards him.

“Did you see me?” She asked with a proud smile. Her green flower-patterned gown fluttering
around her as she walked. The turtle-neck of her dress made Matthew’s stomach twist
because he knew it was hiding the collar around her neck.

“You were amazing, Sam,” purred Matthew, caressing her cheeks, “you look beautiful

Sam giggled and looked at him intensely, “it was Rosy’s idea, she picked up the dress, she
said you’ll like it…”

“She was right, she is usually right about that kind of thing,” replied Matthew smiling at
Rosaline, who made a mocking bow and winked.

“So… W-would you dance with me?” Sam bit her lip and Matthew could feel some
uneasiness through their bond.

“Of course I will, Sam,” Matthew replied, taking her hand and leaving a soft kiss on it before
taking her to the dance floor. Sam’s hand was warm, and her cheeks were rosy, so she must
have feed lately. He somehow felt sceptical at the thought of her sinking her fangs on
someone, and he had seen her repulsion to bottled blood, so maybe they had her fed through
an IV before the party. That sounded like Vik. Yes.
He caught a glimpse of Izumi and Lord Lasse dancing, April discussing something with some
hunters, and Sihun, Tony and Ryuu charming some socials. He didn’t saw Xae nor Ale, and
he prayed to whoever god wanted to hear that they won’t be on any trouble.

And then they were sliding down the dance floor. Sam was smiling and got closer to him,
sighing contentedly. Matthew could feel through the connection that she was happy, and he
purred softly, earning a tentatively purr from her. His purring intensified, echoing on hers, as
they danced around.

“Can we please leave the party?” asked Sam suddenly, casting glances over her shoulder to
the huge double doors that were on the far side of the ballroom, and then to the enormous
throne on the highest point. Her happiness diluted on worry.

“Why? Are you not feeling okay?” He asked, caressing her head.

“He is coming…” She uttered pressing herself to Matthew, “he mustn’t see me here…”

“Let’s hide you then,” Matthew didn’t even question it, he simply embraced her and speed
out of the room. He could feel how the worry and the dread feeling was getting stronger by
the minute.

He was fully aware that there were several rooms for enjoying the mundane pleasures, so he
got her to one of those. Inside there was a huge bed with silk sheets and velvet curtains. A
small dresser and a loveseat.

Matthew left her on the bed, and caressed her cheeks, “are you okay?”

Sam didn’t talk. She seemed to be debating whether or not to tell him something. She chewed
her lower lip and averted looks.

“Don’t believe him,” was all that she said, curling on the bed, her eyes filling with bloody-
tears, “don’t go to him.”
“To who?” Matthew looked at her confused, sitting by her side and cuddling her, in an
attempt to calm her down.

“Matthew?” Silva teleported in front of him, she raised an eyebrow at Sam’s shivering form
but didn’t make any comment about it, instead, she looked at Matthew and said, “Matthew,
you are required in the ballroom.”

“Sam isn’t feeling okay,” he replied, hugging his little girl closer, protectively.

“I can stay with her, but you have to go there,” replied Silva, “now.”

“Sam,” Matthew cooed, stroking her hair, “I have to go, would you mind staying with
Commander Silva for a while?”

“Don’t go,” Sam insisted, but she released him from the hug. Her gaze fixated in Matthew in
a longing plea.

“I have to, Sam,” Matthew kissed her forehead, “I’ll be back soon, okay? Just rest. Silva is
going to be here with you.”

Sam didn’t say anything, but she was hurt, Matthew could tell. He sighed and walked
towards the door before looking at Silva, “thanks for taking care of her.”

“I’m not doing it for you,” Silva snapped.

“Still, thanks.”

“Better hurry up.”

Matthew nodded and looked back at Sam, sending a little wave of calm through their bond
before speeding towards the ballroom. He felt a shiver went down his spine as soon as he got
there. It could be the strongest energy he had ever felt. So alluring…

He didn’t register when he entered the room, nor when he got to the front row of the people
how was kneeling at the magnificent exemplar that was sitting on the throne and in whose lap
was Rosaline smiling and kissing his neck.

He had long golden hair that cascaded around his shoulders in stark contrast to the black
tuxedo he was wearing. His marble white skin looked smooth and velvety, and Matthew
wanted to touch, lick and bite it. His eyes. Sweet Lord Jesus! His eyes were as pools of liquid
gold. Matthew had never seen golden-eyed incubi.

Matthew sunk to one knee —as Tarrick had taught him— and bit his lip trying to control the
impulse to go there and try to reach him, maybe touch him. He could feel his erection
constricted onto his pants, pulsating painfully. His incubus crying, begging him to take
Rosaline’s place. His vampire begging to taste his blood, because if it tasted as half as good
as he smelled, oh gods, it must be the most luscious blood on Earth.

Matthew was no mistake, that man must be the High King Malarath. There was no doubt
about it.

“Rise, my subjects,” he spoke in a velvety voice that sent pleasure rippling through
Matthew’s body. Was that the true power of an incubus? Jesus! That man could make him
come just by talking, “Tonight is my Sweet Rosaline’s birthday, and we must celebrate
another year with her.”

Around him, the incubus rose, bursting into applause. Matthew rose too and stood there,
frozen in place, looking at the High King.

“Matthew, are you okay?” Matthew was taken back to reality by Tarrick’s firm grip over his
shoulder, “where is Sam?”
“She wasn’t feeling well…” He muttered, tearing his eyes from the High King to look at
Tarrick. Nearby the High King, the High Lord General seemed unkempt and small.

“Are you okay?” Insisted Tarrick, a small frown appearing on his face.

“I am… Master,” Matthew replied, “I… Just…”

“Most people react like that the first time they saw Didi,” Lady Rosaline giggled. When did
she get there? Had he zoned out? That was bad. That was really bad.

“You have to present your respects to the High King, Matthew,” Tarrick said and Matthew
looked at him feeling a small panic form on his chest. Was there a special way to do so? Had
he had to show his talents to the High King as he had done with Queen Agleea? What he had
to do?

“It’s nothing fancy,” reassured Tarrick, “You come up with us, kneel and when we told you so
you stand and kiss his wrist, as submissive as you can.”

“Yes, it’s just that,” nodded Rosaline, “come on, Matthew, you are going to do it fine. He will
like you as everyone else does~”

“ That’s what I’m afraid of... ” Matthew wasn’t sure if that thought was his, Hiroto’s or
Sam’s. But he was pretty sure they three agreed on that. He was scared of that man, of anyone
with the amount of power enough to hypnotize him in such a way that he will zone out and
no notice that something was wrong.

“Come, Warrior,” said Tarrick, before making his way towards the throne, Rosaline walked
by his side and Matthew fell in pace behind them, looking at the floor afraid that if the lifted
his gaze he will get caught again on Malarath’s alluring magic.

He could felt the air shift as they got closer to him, his scent filling his nostrils and making
his fangs come out. No! He had to behave, he had to maintain his vampire back! He forced
his fangs back to his gums and swallowed hard.

Tarrick and Rosaline came to a stop in front of him and he did the same, kneeling down and

“Your Highness,” Tarrick said with a glee that Matthew had never hear him use before.
Matthew felt the sting of jealousy underneath his panic. “It’s such a pleasure to see you here,
in a party…”

The High King didn’t go to parties? Matthew could recall the empty throne on every party he
had assisted with Rosaline. The empty Throne reserved for the King that never came.

“It’s the Birthday of my dearest, of course, I will be here,” Malarath replied, and Matthew
could felt how his gaze felt onto his head. He swallowed again, looking at the details on the
marble floor, trying to ignore the burning sensation.

“This is Matthew, Didi,” said Rosaline, proudly, and Matthew couldn’t help but smile at that,
“the Warrior we have told you about.”

“He is a vampire,” stated the King, and Matthew felt the sting of rejection.

“And an incubus, my King,” replied Tarrick, “not fully, but he has several traits of our own
and has been fighting as one of us.”

“So I’ve heard,” the King didn’t sound amused by it. In fact, he sounded so bored and plain
Matthew was starting to think that maybe he didn’t care at all.

“And he wants to be one of us,” added Rosaline sugary, “he came with us to pay you his
respects, Didi.”

“But he won’t come over unless you say so, Your Majesty,” interjected Tarrick.
“Come, then,” said the High King and Matthew raised his gaze. He found the golden eyes
looking at him, or rather through him . He raised slowly and bowed. Rosaline and Tarrick
were at each side of the High King and looked at him expectantly.

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Matthew said, didn’t know why, but he knew it was the right
thing to say when Tarrick smiled approvingly. Matthew closed the gap with a couple of steps
and the High King offered his wrist.

He could hear the blood running underneath, he could smell it, he could feel it.

He wanted it.

He closed his eyes as soon as he felt them burn and forced himself to relax. He forced his
vampire as back as he could and when he felt his eyes turn silver again he opened again, he
took the wrist and left a quick soft kiss on it.

A pleased hum from the High King made him moan softly.

“He is quite responsive,” commented Rosaline, “he should have been such a lovely incubus,
such a charming Warrior…”

“Or a strong Social,” commented Tarrick.

“But he is not,” stated the High King, “he is a vampire.”

It sounded final, and Matthew felt his heart sank. Especially when he saw the pleased smile
that accompanied the statement.
“You may go, Matthew,” said Rosaline, frowning slightly, “go look for the team, and I’ll see
you in a while.”

“Yes, Master Rosaline,” replied Matthew bowing at her, “Please excuse me, Master Tarrick,”
he bowed at the incubus that nodded approvingly, “please excuse me, Your Highness, Master
High King Malarath.”

Matthew could almost hear the High King smile when he dismissed him. And he felt filthy
by saying that, but Lord Kôki was right, the High King liked to be referred like that. He could
still feel his hold around him as he walked towards April who was talking to a couple of
hunters about the city.

“April, have you seen the others?” he asked, reaching his senses to locate them.

“Do you need us?” she asked pulling the sleeve of her dress to reveal the comms on her wrist.

“You brought comms to a party?”

“You never know,” she answered with a smirk, before calling her teammates over the comms.
Matthew could see Sihun excusing himself and walking towards them, and he could hear
Izumi trying to do the same, but Lord Lasse wasn’t being easy to ditch. He could hear Xae
purring that he was going to be there soon, from some of the upper floors, the same as Ale.

“I can’t believe you got to talk with the High King,” said Sihun excitedly, “tell me, how does
he smell? Is he as handsome up close? How is he?”

“He… Ehm… He smells delicious, and has an eerie handsomeness? He has golden eyes, cold
shining golden eyes,” offered Matthew, Sihun made and excitement noise.

“I can’t believe I was so close to the High King,” Sihun grinned as he took his cellphone and
started to type furiously.
“I’m so sorry, Boss,” Izumi teleported a few centimetres away from Matthew, and she was
trying to compose her hair and her dress. Matthew raised an eyebrow and she simply
shrugged and gave him a sheepish smile. At the same moment, Xae walked in, with a smug
smile plastered on his face, very satisfied with himself.

“Xae, look, is your High King,” commented April gesturing vaguely at the throne where
several incubi were presenting their respects to the High King and Rosaline. Xae looked up
and his grin grew wider.

“Ain’t he perfect?” he sighed before biting his lips. Matthew could smell his arousal and
wonder if the High King truly had that effect on everyone.

“Are you serious?” Ale frowned, arriving with a scowl and nervous soberness that made
Matthew uneasy.

“What can you possibly know?” snapped Xae, “you are barely able to like someone, what can
you know about this longing?”

“You are getting pesky,” grunted Sihun, and Xae growled baring his teeth. Izumi growled
back but stopped when April put her hand on her shoulder.

“Guys, enough,” she said in her soft voice that for a reason that Matthew didn’t know yet,
calm them and made them quiet, “we are supposed to be on our best behaviour for the Boss,

“I’m sorry…”

“You are right…”

“That’s true…”

The four looked at the floor and then nodded.

“Do you need us, boss?” asked Izumi straightening the collar of her dress, Ale looked at her

“Yes, we need to resemble a functional serious hunter team,” stated Matthew, and they
proceeded to stand firm and look at him apprehensively.

“Boss, I have a question, sir,” said Sihun casting glances at the platform with the throne.
Matthew gestured him to go on and Sihun looked at him trying —and failing— to hid his
excitement as he asked, “Is this because of the High King?”

“Of course it is,” replied Xae rolling his eyes, “Boss has to show he can manage us and
control us on a party.”

“I don’t control you,” Matthew huffed.

“But that’s what they expect you to do, Boss,” replied April with a nonchalant shrug, “we are
a trouble-team, like it or not.”

“But we are trying our best, boss” affirmed Izumi with a serious yet cheerful expression, “we
are trying to not get into trouble.”

“Yes…” Added Xae casting a guilty gaze at Izumi, “we are, we… We don’t want to
disappoint you, Boss,” Xae gave the others an apologetic smile, “you trusted on us, you
believed on us, and we want to make you proud.”
“ Who would have guessed it, Xae can be a good caring person , ” Hoshi had arrived
followed by Ryuu and Tony. “ Matthew-san, it’s everything alright? ”

“ Yes, Hoshi-san… have you enjoyed the party? ” Matthew smiled, hiding his worry and his
sadness expertly.

“ I have, I’ve met several priestesses ,” Hoshi smirked and looked up to the platform, “ and I
got to see the High King… That’s something that not many people can say. ”

“ It’s amazing, isn’t it? ” asked Sihun enthusiastically.

“ He is even more impressive when you are near him ,” purred Xae with a satisfied hum.

“For the love of all the gods of all creatures, please Xae, tell me you didn’t fucked him on
The Anniversary,” said Izumi. Xae averted looks guiltily.

“I can’t believe you!” Sihun cried exasperated.

“I can believe it, I mean, we are talking about Xae,” commented April shrugging.

“We didn’t fuck…” mumbled Xae, “it was more like a…”

“Please, stop, you can’t ruin this for me, you won’t ruin this for me,” Sihun covered Xae’s
mouth and closed his eyes, “just shut your slutty mouth, please.”

Xae pouted as Sihun lowered his hand and released him. Matthew sighed loudly and they
stopped. Matthew thanked silently whoever god had taken pity of him, as Rosaline and
Tarrick walked over.
“I don’t understand why you have so many doubts about them,” commented Rosaline, “just
look at them, they are lovely.”

“Hunters are not supposed to be lovely, Rosaline,” replied Tarrick sighing.

“Well, they can be deadly and lovely,” replied Rosaline hugging Matthew’s arm, “just look at
him, he is sexy and deadly.”

“I’m with her on that, Boss,” commented Xae winking and earning a hit on his arm by Sihun.

“Why does the High King go?” asked April and they all turned to the empty platform. Sihun

“He has more important things to do than being at a party,” replied Rosaline, “he honoured us
with his presence and now he has to go.”

“And now I need you to swear you aren’t going to make any disaster as I go to see how
everything is going,” said Tarrick looking at Matthew and the Leeches. The Leeches put their
fingers against their hearts and drew a cross at the same time.

“We swear,” they all said, Matthew couldn’t help but let a breathy laugh at it, and Rosaline

“So cutes~” Rosaline grinned. Tarrick sighed exasperated and turned to leave.

“Just don’t get into trouble,” said the incubus before leaving.

“He is so dramatic,” Rosaline sighed and she smiled at them, “I’m gonna make sure you
don’t get into trouble.”
“Really?” Matthew raised an eyebrow, “I want to see that.”

Rosaline turned around to scold at him when a loud voice made her jump.

“There you are, Izumi!” Lord Lasse was running towards them as fast as he could on his
high-heeled boots, he took Izumi’s hands, “we haven’t finished !”

“But… I had to come with Matthew, because he needed me, right boss?” Izumi looked at
Matthew and then at Lord Lasse.

“Oh, yes, we asked Matthew to call all them to make a round call,” Rosaline smiled, patting
Izumi’s head, “but already finish, so you can have her all for yourself again~”

“That sounds weird,” mumbled Xae and Izumi glared at him.

“Oh, it will be just a sec,” said Lord Lasse, “we need to finish something and then I’ll be
satisfied and I’ll bring her back.”

Lord Lasse didn’t wait for any comment and took Izumi with him. Matthew could almost
hear Ale’s teeth grinding.

“Izumi is quite popular with incubi,” commented Xae seeing how they disappeared through
the door that led to the rooms.

“You too are quite popular,” commented Ryuu with a knowing smile and gesturing at a
couple of succubi that were looking at Xae.

“Boss… Do you mind if I go…?”

“Just don’t cause a mess.”

“I’ll clean afterwards,” Xae winked before going towards the girls.

“I didn’t mean that…” started Matthew before sighing in defeat.

“Well… What if I take the guys to meet some interesting people while you rest?” Rosaline
offered with a warm smile.

“I can stay with him,” smiled Ale.

“Perfect, dear,” Rosaline nodded before gesturing the others, “come on, I’m sure you’ll love

And just like that Matthew was alone with Ale. And Ale was still casting glances to the door
through Izumi had been dragged moments before.

"Where is Hiroto?" Asked Matthew nervous. The last thing he needed was the problematic
mamser hunting Lord Lasse in a moment of jealousy and Hiroto was supposedly working on
stopping that.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, boss, I don't know," answered Ale with a smirk while they
took a seat and invited him to do the same with a wave of their hand, "I think he is in the
middle of a call with Lord Koki or something like that."

Sure. Even when they said it with all the confidence, it was hard to believe it.

Why Lord Koki would call his sugar fluff in the middle of the party? It seems more likely
that they had escaped from him and were planning something.
"Don't look at me with that face, boss. I'm not going to kill anybody tonight. I'm not even
drinking liquor. I might not be the most peaceful person here, but I'm not an idiot."

Well, as least a part of what they said was true. He didn't find even a trace of alcohol in their
aroma, which was a mystery on itself. They always smelled like some kind of liquor or a
liquor store for that matter.

"Why are you strangely sober tonight? I had never ever seen you avoiding alcohol before."
Matthew couldn’t help but sound suspicious.

They let a little giggle escape from their lips.

"It would be too risky here, you know?"

"Risky?" Why would be risky drinking at a party? Everyone around was drinking. Fuck. He
should have asked Vik for some of her spiked blood.

"We are in the High Tower, in the middle of the birthday celebration of the only member of
House Malarath." They added, pointing around of them. "If we were to make a scene as we
did in Holst's house our punishment won't be light. Xae is acting like a jerk and I'm not in the
mood of been in my cell several months again."

"You… your cell? They had punished you all in cells!?" he stared at them, feeling a pang of
deep guilt, “I… I didn’t know… I’m so sorry, Ale, I must be more careful in the future.”

Of course, they are his team after all. If they dare to punish Lady Rosaline they sure punished
Matthew's team too. How can he be so naive about that? He was completely sure that Silva
being so hard in her judgment was related to it too.

Accepting being his team had put them in a dangerous situation.

"Why do you apologize about it? As far I know they hadn’t punished any other member of
our team with solitary confinement. And it's not your fault, after all, it would be mine."

The astonishment must have shone too obviously on his face. Otherwise, he didn't understand
why Ale almost burst to laugh.

"Wait… which other motives could have them to punish a human in such a way? I mean, you
are a bit odd but it sounds a bit disproportionate." Mumbled Matthew confused and still

“They tend to punish me in that way, is an effective way to hold me in line. Not to mention I
don’t want to get us all in problem for a fit of stupid jealousy… I mean, for a sudden attack
of... I mean, it's not like I have a legitimate reason to be upset...” The hunter was gradually
turning red as they tried to explain themself.

Matthew couldn't help but think they looked pretty cute while they tried to refuse their
feelings. Maybe someday they would accept it, and they will be a cutesy couple. Were
hunters allowed to date?

“We all were afraid you will drubbing the shit out of Lord Lasse, blind with rage and alcohol,
at some point of the night...” Commented Matthew observing cautiously her reaction.

“That should be unfair... with them. Even if I had felt rage, something I am not admitting, it’s
absurd. She doesn’t owe me anything, she can take care of herself and Lord Lasse hadn’t
done anything inappropriate yet. But I must admit it wouldn't be the first time I hit a jerk who
harmed someone that mattered to me. Many of Xae's exes and the racist assholes at the
academy know this quite well.“ Ale stated proudly.

“That sounds concerning, but not at the level of needing confinement in a cell.”

"You truly didn't read mine or our reports, didn't you?” Ale asked and Matthew chewed his
cheek guiltily, “I thought Silva said that trying to make me felt guilty, but you genuinely trust
in us, in our abilities and ur word when you choose us."
A warm smile lit their face, making Matthew realize how strange was it. In fact, it was the
first time he had saw they smile without a hint of mockery or sarcasm while none of their
teammates was around.

"So, is it normal that hunters get punished in cells for being nasty? I mean, incubi are kinky
but it sounds a bit extravagant." He tried and smirked. He didn't feel comfortable asking
directly about it and he supposed joking about it would make less heavy their talk.

"It's pretty obvious that it is not the regular procurement, sir. We are not a regular team either.
Just look at us." Ale answered as they winked playfully, doing a lot of exaggerated gestures
with their hands. It was so silly they both chuckled.

"So… I get why I’m not a regular dude. But, no offence, what makes your specific case

"Well, the corps tends to be a bit aggressive with the ones like me. You know, troublemakers,
brawlers, problematics…" one of their gestures covered their mouth. Matthew wouldn't mind
about it until he still heard Ale's voice, now a barely audible whisper for their vampiric ears
"...slaves, ex vampiric-coworkers..."

Hold a second. vampiric-what? He wanted to believed he had heard that wrong, but Ale
seriousness gaze seemed to confirm it. Then they started to laugh again, covering their face
with their hands. He laughed nervous too, confused by their actions.

"Try to act normal boss. I bet you that Prescott is near to us, invisible, keeping an eye on
you." Ale whispered again.

What? What was going on there? Prescott could be annoying, but Matthew had earned at
least the benefit of some semblance of privacy. Matthew scowled at the thought. Although…
Maybe Prescott was indeed watching, but his eyes weren’t on Matthew but on Ale. With their
apparent criminal record, it only made sense.

Before he said a thing Ale interrupted him.

"Would you give me the pleasure of dancing with me, boss?" Asked them doing a short bow.
"There Prescott will give us some space and you would be able to speak too," she added in

Gods, he looked around nervously before accepting their invitation. Matthew wasn't sure if
he was more worried about being under vigilance or just nervous by the situation itself.

“This is the weirdest way anyone had asked me to dance ever.”

“It's because I’m sober, isn’t it?” Ale mocked when he took their hand.

While they made their way to the dance floor, he started to felt a bit paranoic. The sensation
of being under observation spread through his senses like wildfire. He suddenly was well
aware of every hunter in the room, every hunter on the building. Goddammit. Why did he felt
nervous? Maybe… Maybe the real reason why Hiroto had insisted on not showing him their
records was that the fox didn’t want him to get into the mess that seemed to be his team.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Fuck it.

“A...a slave?” His curiosity got the best of him.

“It was working for them or staying the rest of my days in a cell. For the official record, they
let me decide, but that's bullshit, I ended begging you them to accept me as a hunter if that
meant that torture would stop and I doubt it would be called free will. I highly doubt you
have an option either.”

Matthew asked himself if he really hadn’t another option. He could have escaped back when
he had rescued Lady Talena and burned House Moreau to the ground. But he had decided to
come back to incubi.

Why had he done it?

A small image of Tarrick and Rosaline came to him. Oh right...

Matthew didn’t want to lose what he had achieved, the slight resemblance to someplace to
belong that he had acquired. He wanted with all his heart be accepted by the incubus, be part
of something again.

He didn’t want to be alone again. He couldn't handle loneliness anymore. And yet, he still
wanted to be free.

Fuck. But he wasn’t the subject of their conversation.

“Why haven't you left then?” asked Matthew, staring at Ale “Or why don’t you leave now?”

“The first years I tried. God knows I tried. If they decided I'm not useful enough or suspected
I'm trying to escape I would go to the cell again. And I just can't handle being there again, not
without losing my mind"

"So...It has happened before."

Ale nodded with a half-smile in their lips, but pure fright in their eyes.
When he hugged them to start swaying to the rhythm of the slow song, he noticed Ale was
trembling slightly. Even though they were pretty good at hiding it by spoke confidently,
Matthew noticed their nervousness.

“Why you never told me this before?"

“I believed you had already read our reports until Silva told me otherwise a couple of days
ago. You must admit that talking freely with you is a difficult task, it's incredible the number
of creatures interested over your not-regular-dude ass. And I’m not exclusively speaking
‘bout sex.”

“Why you just talked to me in the middle of a mission or in our free time then?”

"There is always someone around listening. The corps, Tarrick, our teammates…"

"Don't you trust them?"

“The corps? absolutely not. Tarrick? No, but I suppose... The Leeches? I would put my life in
their hands in a blink, but I don’t want that they get into trouble because of me. And I’m sure
they would hate what I’m going to ask you... Or they might try to get involved, being too
obvious and screwing up any chance of success. I love them, but they don't know the
meaning of not drawing any attention to themselves. ”

“I wouldn't say you're an expert at going unnoticed, either.”

“Sometimes the best way to hide something is by turning the spotlight on something else.”
They answered with a wink.

“I’m not sure I’m getting your strategy.”

“It is similar to what we did in our ‘kill the leader’ play. You drew their attention towards
Xae, they underestimated us so we beat them."

"We hid on that occasion who was the real leader.So… What you hide then?"

"A huge amount of information, boss. I'm brainy who found patterns and it's easier to get
information if everyone believes you're an idiot. Apparently, I hit first, ask questions later, so
everyone thinks I’m a violent empty-head.”

“Now my question is, what do you want to ask me? You mentioned it before with a lot of

They avoided looking at his face and Matthew waited a couple of seconds until they finally
answered in a soft plea.

"I beg you if you ever have another chance to escape, do it without a doubt boss. Runaway
and as far as you can. I would do anything in my power to sabotage every attempt they do to
find you, even if that means I would never get away from here. But please..."

“That’s…” Matthew looked at the hunter in his arms, mixed feelings overlapping as he
thought how to answer, “I can’t promise you that, Ale… It’s all of us or none.”

“It.. it is not that simple.”

“I know it’s not,” Matthew sighed deeply, “I’ve talked about this with… I know this is not as
saying let’s run, but I won’t let my family with them… Never…”

"You need someone here to cover your escape. If I stay you’ll have more probabilities of
success. You just need to find out how to take off the collar. I, on the other hand, have several
trackers in my fucking body and I'm not aware of how many are nor their ubication. I would
be dead weight. ”
“No… If I leave without you... They’ll use you to get me back…” Matthew sighed, looking
at Tarrick, who was talking to other incubi, surrounded by them. He had a place there, not
like them. He truly belonged, he was an incubus, he was the High Lord General. Dammit.

"They wouldn’t."

"Why are you sure about it?"

"I have threatened Silva. She must protect me now."

"You… you did what?"

"I know it sounds bad."

"It sounds terrible at best..."

"And would sound worst that a portal to the Pit was the best distraction I could ever ask for
sneaking around at the High Lord General’s archives, right?"

“You are a problem with legs...Or several thousand problems with legs…”

“You have no idea.”

“You are insane.”

“It's highly probable, but what I'm trying to say is that I'm on your side and I’m still going to
be on when you leave.”
“Why are you so sure that I‘m going to leave in the first place?”

"It would be safest for you and Samantha. Look, I can't explain to you that now, it would be
too risky. But I found something that neither they nor I should have seen in the first place. I
will drag her and Tarrick with me to the abyss if I'm discovered or if any of my teammates
are at risk, and she knows it.” Ale commented with a devilish smile.

Well, that explained Silva's spiteful comments.

“There must be another way.”

“I've been planning my escape for decades and I'm sure it is almost impossible for me. Not
only because it would be extremely dangerous but…" a long sigh escaped from their lips,
while Ale turned their head towards where their friends were, "if the price for their safety is
my slavery, I will personally tighten my chains” they concluded as the song ended.

Matthew frowned. He wanted to press further, to talk more about it, but he was well aware of
all the eyes fixated on them. He decided he would get another time to talk with her and for
now, he will just pretend everything was alright.

Matthew and Ale went back to where the others were. They all were chatting animatedly
about how interesting was to be invited to such a party. Xae was back from wherever he had
run away before and was snuggling with Izumi and Matthew smiled at it, it seemed like they
were friends again.

The thing was that as soon as they got close Izumi stopped laughing and stood up.

“I don’t feel good… I’ll go get a room and sleep, Xae, carry me back…” Said Izumi, and
walked past without looking at them. Her voice was hollow and resentful as if she was sad or
angry with them.
“I got your back, scion from hell,” purred Xae, a charming easy-going smile on his lips, that
put everyone else on ease about the bushy-haired girl’s outburst.

“ I hate you… ” Matthew wasn’t sure he heard it, but if he had, it hurt him how sad Izumi
sounded. He wasn’t sure why would she such thing, though… Unless…

I heard every scream, every voice, every cry… The memory of the affirmation that Izumi
made came back to hit him hard. Did she listen to their conversation?

“Boss, can we dance?” purred Xae with a mischievous and lustful smile.

“Sure…” Matthew mumbled and Xae took his hand and dragged him to the dance floor,
eager. Matthew couldn’t help but chuckle as the black-haired tugged him to the centre of the
dance floor. They started dancing and Xae hummed something as if he was dancing to his
own music. Matthew wasn’t sure of what to make of it. Xae had been so eager to partake
with him, but suddenly he was all quiet and on his own world? That unnerved him, especially
after the emotional rollercoaster that had been the talk with Ale.

And maybe that was why he was almost happy when the black-haired spoke. Almost.

“I’m just gonna say that whatever you talk about with Ale, it hurt Izumi, and no one but me
can hurt Izumi…” Xae whispered at Matthew’s ear as they danced through the crowd, “and
as you could see, if I hurt her I end up losing, so… You two better beg her for forgiveness or
I’ll make it look like an accident, and believe me, I’m an expert on those…”

“There’s no need to be like that…” Matthew started and he suddenly felt the slight sizzle of a
silver dagger against his hip.

“Oh, there is, boss,” Xae smirked, his black eyes empty of all joy, “look, I like you a lot, and
I’ll put my life on stakes for you, but I also love her. She saved me and brought me back from
a place no one else could, and I swore for all the gods I’ll stand for her ‘till the end, so, if
anyone hurts her, I’ll make them pay… I don’t care if it’s you or the High King, or even
Commander Hiroto, I will spill whoever’s blood I have to for her.”
Then he kissed Matthew on the cheek with a wink and the dagger went away, “you shouldn’t
trust so easy on us, boss…”

Matthew was about to reply when the song finished and Tarrick and Hiroto came forth. Xae
made an exaggerated bow and picked a cute succubus to dance the next piece, getting far
from them with a couple of turns.

“Can I have this dance?” said both men at the same time. and they both looked at each other

“We can try dancing in a group?” offered Matthew. He seriously wasn’t ready for more
emotional fights.

“No, no way,” Tarrick gave Hiroto a cold gaze, the fox smirked smugly taking Matthew’s
hand, and Matthew sighed.

“Please,” he almost begged, and Hiroto looked at him worried.

“It’s everything okay, cotton bat?” asked Hiroto, caressing his hand.

“Yes… I mean… The Leeches…” Matthew didn’t elaborate, he wasn’t going to call out his
teammates, but he felt like he needed some help or at least some emotional support.

“They are still fighting?” asked Tarrick raising an eyebrow, “what kind of team can’t
overcome a minor argument?”

“I think is not a ‘minor argument’, Master,” mumbled Matthew, “but they can work well
together even if they don’t agree.”
“I can talk to them if you want,” Hiroto said with a small knowing smile.

“That would be good…” commented Matthew. It didn’t solve the main problem, but it made
him happy to know that he could count on the fox to help him. Matthew was about to ask
Hiroto to talk about the Leeches, but he could felt the air ripple and the telltale scent of the

“Matthew,” Prescott said, frowning slightly.

“Imperator, do you want to dance too?” Matthew asked mockingly. Prescott wrinkled his
nose in fake disgust.

“No, thanks,” Prescott shook his head, “I’ve come to take you to the High King’s room.”

Matthew could feel how Hiroto’s grip grew tighter and saw Tarrick tense.

“The High King’s room?”

“Yes, he wants to talk to you… In private,” Prescott didn’t seem enthusiastic about it either.

“You must go,” said Tarrick without looking at Matthew, “The High King has ordered you

Matthew nodded and followed the hunter out from the ballroom toward the elevator.

“Are you nervous?” Asked Prescott as the elevator took them up.

“A little,” Matthew bit his lip, “I don’t think he likes me…”

“He is difficult to get,” replied Prescott, “but he called you over and didn’t ask me to get
anything to punish you, so I guess he won’t hurt you…”

Matthew frowned as the doors open. Prescott gestured the door at the end of the hallway.

“He asked to talk to you, in private.”

“Ain’t you worried I could do something to him?”

“You won’t, you value your life with us too much.”

Matthew frowned and Prescott smirked, “besides, he is capable to defend himself.”

Matthew exited the elevator and walked down the hall with a dreadful feeling on his gut. Or
was that dread from Sam? That didn’t help, either.

“Did you call me, Your Highness?” Asked Matthew shyly as he entered the High King’s
room. It was nothing as he had imagined it, but it made sense somehow.

First, it wasn’t a room, it was a fucking whole floor apartment! It had high ceilings, a
staircase that spiralled up to a second level balcony. A FUCKING BALCONY!

The walls had floor to ceiling bookcases, and around it were some artworks that added
splashes of colour at the modern-looking place, that was all white and slate grey. It had a
sitting area with pristine white leather furniture, that looked good but didn’t seem comfy at

At his left, a platform rose over the floor, with a minimalist bed with silk sheets and a
wooden headboard. Classy, very incubus.
And it had floor to ceiling windows that overlook Manhattan.

Matthew didn’t know how high it actually was, but the view was even more impressive than
from the ballroom. It was breathtaking.

“Yes, I called you,” replied a voice that sent a shiver down Matthew’s spine. He looked at the
direction it came from and noticed the pale gorgeous man entering from a side door. He was
wearing a loose toga and it fitted him perfectly, even better than the tux. Matthew could feel
his mouth watering as he took on the sight, wondering how would feel that soft-looking
unblemished skin under his touch, how tasty would be those rosy lips, how delectable must
be the blood that flowed under the soft skin.

He had no doubts he was the king of all incubus, he was breathtaking and had made him with
his sole sight and scent.

“I’m here, Your Highness,” he blurted, kneeling as Tarrick had told him to do, unsure of what
procedures he should follow in front of the High King. Should he say something? Should he
do something? Rosaline never told him anything about the proper etiquette for this!

“Raise and come here,” said the High King and Matthew stood up quickly and walked
towards the incubus, who had sat on his throne. “Kneel.”

Matthew did as he was told and he felt the golden eyes of the incubus fixated on him. He
never had seen incubi with golden eyes. and the High King’s were like pools of liquid gold,
shimmering and cold.

“On both of your knees,” added the High King and Matthew felt a familiar sting on his chest
and the collar suddenly felt heavier as he did as instructed. The High King hooked a finger on
the loop on his collar that served to attach a chain and forced him further down. “You are way
too arrogant for a slave.”
Matthew didn’t answer, he couldn’t. The room had filled with an imposing aura that was
crushing him with the overwhelming feeling of raw power. Matthew couldn’t stop his
vampire side from coming out. It was instinctively.

“Yes,” said the High King, his face calm and stoic as he looked at him as if he was examining
a boring white wall. His words nonetheless, were filled with hatred, “you are a vampire, not
an incubus no matter how much Lady Rosaline wants to teach you to be one of us, nor how
much she deluded by her childish hope she is. The truth is that you are broken, you are a
monster, and you are my slave.”


Matthew was scared to death, he wanted to run away, to stand and fight, to scream for help,
to do something. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t move as the High King stood up and walked
behind him.

“On four,” the order came out and Matthew obeyed, without even thinking about it. His brain
was clouded by the overwhelming aura and intoxicating scent. Had the High King wrapped a
hold around him? It was possible. No. It seemed the case.

Because hours later, in his bathroom, he would be puking his insides out as he remembered
how the man had touched him, how he had gotten rid of his clothes and made him moan like
a needy bitch as he fucked him hard, without preparation nor any kindness.

It had been a power move. He knew. It had been obvious since the High King had yanked the
collar to make him look back. And he had the nerve to say, “it seems like Hiroto had taught
you well how to be a good slave.”

After that, the man simply rearranged his clothes before ordering him to dress and follow him
back to the party, where Rosaline had jumped on the incubus’s arms and had kissed him with
such love that made Matthew feel sick.

He excused himself and exited the ballroom to try to clear his thoughts, and he didn’t move
when the fox teleported by his side. But he allowed the Japanese to whisk him away to a side

“He did it, didn’t he?” Asked Hiroto softly, after he had closed the door. His golden honey
eyes were looking for Matthew’s but he didn’t feel like looking at his lover at the eyes. He
gave a sharp nod.

Hiroto hugged him tightly and whispered, “it wasn’t your fault,” before kissing him on the
forehead and walking towards the door. “I’m going to tell the others to not worry about you.
Do you want me to come back?”

“No…” He uttered softly, and Hiroto nodded.

“If you need me, just say my name.”

Matthew nodded as the Japanese left and then he fell onto the ground and cried.

He cried, feeling dirty and tainted, and he felt hatred towards himself for having moaned and
asked for more as the man violated him.

It had felt so good.

And it only made Matthew felt more disgusted and filthy. He had come to terms with his
slutty incubus but after that night he wasn’t sure he could forgive him for being such a needy
bitch with the man that had raped him.

After an hour or so he entered the bathroom and washed away the bloody tears from his face,
he rearranged his suit and put on his best fake smile before going back to the party.
He couldn’t ruin Rosaline’s big day, not after everything the girl had done for him.

He went back to the ballroom and pretended to have fun, exchanged a few meaningful looks
with Hiroto and pointedly avoided Tarrick for the rest of the party.

He was quiet during the returning trip and the Leeches and their companions seemed to catch
his foul mood because they only talked in hushed tones and tried their best to be quiet.

He walked with Sam to his room, because she had insisted that it was best if the spent the day
together, because of daymares — as she called the nightmares—. Matthew didn’t protest and
he simply took off the ring and hoped for a dreamless day.

But his luck just sucked.

And that day Matthew woke several times, with daymares about the phrases the High King
had told him on the ear as he fucked him until he couldn’t think about anything else.

“You will not ever be one of us, slave.”

“You are My Slave, and you will come to me when ordered.”

“Tarrick will not save you from me, he has handed you on a silver plate.”

“You will never escape from here.”

“You will live and die for me.”

“She is my slave as much as you are.”

And as night come with the sweet relief of consciousness, Matthew could only think about
running away with Sam and Hiroto.

A suivre~

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed the chapter~

I'm sorry,
Chapter 28 - The Grand Finale
Chapter Summary

Matthew has gotten a comfortable routine with his teams, Sam, Tarrick and Rosaline.
But he is not quite enjoying it.

After half a month since the last time they’ve been called, Matthew couldn’t even sleep
correctly and was skittish and nervous. And tired, so, so fucking tired.

Chapter Notes

Well, this is it.

This is the final chapter of Warrior and with this, I wrap Athinsint part 1.

I'm grateful with all of you for putting up with me through all of this, and I hope you
like this final chapter.

This is not the end, though, I promise.

But I'm taking a small hiatus to rest from this and prepare Lost to be published~

Anyways, Thank you so much for reading.

And thanks to my beta Gabs for all the support~


Beautiful Monsters, and Matthew, Tarrick, Rosaline, Hiroto and all its marvellous
characters don't belong to me. They are property of Jex Lane.

I earn no money with this, only your kudos and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


The next months were strange for Matthew, on one side, he found himself plotting his escape
more often than he had before, even when Tarrick was torturing him.

On the other side, he had fallen on a comfortable and homey routine with Sam and the
Leeches. With every new mission and every training session, he felt more and more in sync
with them, and with every evening chit-chatting and sharing, he felt more like they were a big
patchwork family. And he liked it.

He knew that his newfound family with the Leeches — and Vik… and sometimes Tarrick,
Vassu, Silva and Rosaline— were the only reason he hadn’t grabbed Sam and Hiroto and
made a run for it. But he was getting bored of living in fear of the call of the High King.

Especially when he called him every other week, to send him with the Argonauts to a
mission, or simply to have him kneeling by his side on a cushion as he received some
subordinates as if he were a fucking pet to display.

Matthew was sure that the sadistic man did it for pleasure because he liked to have the
vampire on edge. And he hated when the High King decided he wanted to give them their
assignment. Because the fucking incubus always called him ‘Slave’. He named each one of
his teammates, and then he spat ‘the slave’ with that unnervingly calm face of his.

Vik had assured him it would pass, eventually. Lock assured him there could be worse things.
Nellis told him to stop being a crybaby. Prescott tried to comfort him, saying that it had been
the same with Hiroto at the beginning. And Hiroto... Hiroto just hugged him after they had
left the High Tower.

Matthew dreaded to be called on missions with the Argonauts, even if the tasks were
exciting, challenging and maintain him on edge, but the prospect of having to be the one to
report to the High King, sitting in that goddammit couch as he patted his head and tugged the
collar every now and then.
After half a month since the last time they’ve been called, Matthew couldn’t even sleep
correctly and was skittish and nervous. And tired, so, so fucking tired.

“Why don’t you go talk to that lovely Doctor you always mention?” Asked Sam, before
licking his neck and sinking her fangs with a purr. Matthew caressed her hair as she fed and

“I talked to her a week ago… Our next appointment is due in another week,” replied
Matthew, and Sam pulled out to grab his face and made him look at her. Being under
Rosaline’s wing had done wonders for the appearance of the girl, who looked less like a kid
on her mom stolen clothes and more like a woman. Her hair was silky and soft and, since she
had just fed, her cheeks were tinted with a faint pinkish blush.

“But you didn’t talk to her about this,” Sam affirmed, “I know, I always know.”

“It’s not a thing you can bring easily, you know?” Matthew sighed with a small snarl, “I’m
not getting into trouble for accusing him… I don’t even know if it counts…”

“Then don’t accuse him, but you need to talk and need some help to get that out of your

“How can I get that out of my head if I see him every other day!?”

“She is a psychologist! She may know!”

“I thought you always know,” mocked Matthew and Sam snarled.

“I know things,” Sam pouted before sinking her fangs into his neck again. Matthew sighed
again and hugged the small frame sitting on his lap.
“Fine, I’ll ask her to see me…” He conceded, “but you’ll have to come with me and learn to

“I’m not doing that; I’ll not bite another person.”

“You have too. You can’t live from IVs or me all your life.”

“I can, and I will.”

“You shouldn’t! And I’m not talking to Dr Brightside unless you come with me after to go
hunting.” Matthew’s tone was final, and Sam looked at him with squinted eyes and a pout.

“Fine. But I’m not assuring I’ll hunt…”

“At least try?”


“Good girl,” purred Matthew kissing her forehead.

Sam smiled and cuddled against him with a satisfied sigh.

“Go tell Silva to ask the Doc for your appointment,” she mumbled and Matthew tsked.

“Maybe I should tell any other…” he said, “she is still angry…”

“She is not, but she is proud,” Sam stated, and Matthew wrinkled his nose.
“Do you want me to go to Silva so you can see that cute hunter again?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Sam averted looks with a small blush as she
climbed down from his lap.

“You know that the Leeches can take you to Ashwood, right?” Matthew added smirking,
“and they love their little ‘niece’.”

“Silva is going to leave before you talk to her…” was Sam's only answer and Matthew
chuckled and kissed her forehead before exiting the room.

He reached with his senses and speed towards the teleporting stone just in time to catch Silva.
Damn Sam with her foresight.

“What are you doing here, Matthew?” She asked cautiously, “you are not assigned to us
tonight, and your team has a ‘western customs’ night.”

“I’ve come to ask a little favour?” Matthew made his best puppy face, and she rolled her eyes
and tsked.

“Why don’t you go to Lady Rosaline or High General Tarrick?” she mocked, and Matthew
wrinkled his nose. She still seemed very much angry with him.

“Because… It’s a sensitive matter, and I don’t want to bother them?”

“It’s about the reason why you deny to feed?” She asked, raising her eyebrow.

“I’ve fed… Just not from incubi…” Matthew retorted, in a small voice, “but yes… It’s about
“And what do you need?” Silva crossed her arms, “Tarrick is really worried about you
because of that… You know, no one has denied him from sex ever, let alone three months and
a half.”

“I need to see Dr Brightside,” Matthew confessed in a whisper, “I know I saw her a week
ago, but I was lying to myself saying I got this…”

“And of course you don’t,” Silva snorted and nodded, “I’ll call her, but you’ll owe me one.”

Matthew beamed and hugged her and released her before she could stop him, “you are the
best, Silva.”

She tsked and waved him away before teleporting away. Matthew went back to the state in an
improved mood. Silva may still be angry with him, but she had helped him and hadn’t hurt
him after he had hugged her, so it was an advance…

“Matthew,” grinned Tarrick when he saw him entering the state. Matthew walked towards
him with a broad smile, “you took a stroll? I thought I told you to report before doing so…”

“I just went to ask something to Commander Silva before she left,” Matthew replied, “I’m
sorry, Master, that won’t happen again.”

Tarrick nodded and examined Matthew up and down, “Matthew… You… How do you feel?”

“I’m fine… A bit jumpy,” replied Matthew, he won’t tell Tarrick. Tarrick won’t believe him
or maybe won’t care. Perhaps he will say to him he should feel honoured, or something like

“And have you fed?” he asked, resting his hand on Matthew’s shoulder.
“Yes, sir, I went two days ago with Hiroto and Vik…” Matthew replied, and Tarrick nodded.

“I see…” Tarrick dropped his hand and started walking down the hall.

“It’s not like that…” Matthew promptly said, “I… I’m not avoiding you…”

“It sure seems like that…” replied Tarrick turning to see him, “are you still mad about

“I’m not…” Replied Matthew and Tarrick raised an eyebrow, “well, maybe a little, but… It’s
not like that… I just… I’m not feeling well.”

“Shall I call a doctor?” Tarrick offered, and Matthew shook his head.

“Silva has already done so…” he assured, and Tarrick frowned, “I didn’t want to bother

Tarrick’s frown deepened, and Matthew was about to explain further when he perceived a
familiar smell, as a hunter teleported to the door.

“Oh! Matthew! Were you waiting for me?” Dr Brightside asked as she entered with her
bouncy walk and her oversized backpack, “you could have waited on the office.”

“I see,” said Tarrick with a dark glance before turning, “I’ll see you after you finish with Dr

And he left before Matthew could say anything. Matthew sighed deeply before smiling at Dr
Brightside and followed her to her office.
“I’m telling you, Doc, I don’t know what else to do…” Matthew draped himself on the divan
on Dr Brightside’s office.

“What else to do with what?” Dr Brightside lowered her coffee mug and looked at him,
they’ve been in complete silence for the last hour, and the Dr was starting to wonder why he
had asked her to see him.

“I’m… I have a question…” Matthew looked at her seriously and took a deep breath, “if an
incubus uses a hold… It… it still counts as rape?”

“Did an incubus violate you?” Dr Brightside looked very concerned.

“No, that’s not…” Matthew chewed his lip.

“You feel like you violated someone?”

“What? No!”

“So someone took advantage of you,” Dr Brightside looked at him warmly, “you know, you
can tell me who he was, and I can have him kicked out.”

“It’s not that simple…” Matthew averted looks, wondering if it was a good idea.

“Tarrick raped you?” She asked, taking his hand.

“What? No!” Matthew shook his head vehemently, but didn’t retrieve his hand, “the things
with Tarrick are different! But...But he never forced me… Nor make me want him.”

“Then… Is he someone important and you are worried he is influential enough to get you on
a bad position if you were to accuse him?” Dr Brightside seemed concerned but not
surprised, and Matthew wondered how often it happens.
“Basically…” Matthew nodded slowly, “so, going back to my question…”

“the answer is yes, Matthew, it’s rape…” Dr Brightside caressed his hand and Matthew could
feel his eyes fill with bloody tears. She took her phone and sent a text message and smiled at
him, “I’m requesting some warm blood cocoa for you if that’s okay.”

“Y-yes, please,” Matthew agreed. He felt pampered, and he wondered if that was how Lily
should have felt when she was small, and she had a nightmare, and he would make some hot
cocoa, and he and Alyssa hug and comfort her until she fell asleep again.

They kept like that in silence for a while. Dr Brightside's soft touch was so comforting and
warm, and he could just feel his eyes fill with bloody tears.

“The messenger is coming,” she said after checking her phone and Matthew wiped his tears
gratefully, before a hunter entered the room, with a small tray with two mugs and two plates
of pudding.

“Commander Silva requested that I brought these too,” said the hunter before leaving the tray
on the table and teleporting away as soon Dr Brightside thanked him.

Dr Brightside handed him the bat decorated mug and plate, and Matthew ate his blood and
chocolate pudding and drank his cocoa silently.

Dr Brightside took a sip of her new coffee and smiled before looking at Matthew, offering her
hand. Matthew held her hand and remained silent for a couple of minutes, drinking and
thanking the gods that the chocolate and the blood mixed so perfectly.

“I’ve been having daymares about it… About what he told me…” He finally said.

“What did he told you?” Dr Brightside asked, caressing his hand softly.
“That I won’t ever be part of this, that I’m just a slave.”

“You are a Commander, part of the hunter corps…” She reminded him, and he nodded.

“I know, and I know it was a power move, but still…” He sighed and looked at her, lost at

“Still hurts…” Dr Brightside nodded and squeezed his hand, “so you want to know how to
deal with that?”


“Usually the closure for this kind of things came after the aggressor is retired from the
victim’s environment…” started Dr Brightside.

“I’m not a victim,” Matthew snapped, and Dr Brightside squeezed his hand gently.

“You are, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t a strong, self-sufficient man,” she explained in a
soft cooing voice that reminded him of how he talked to kids when he rescued them from
burning buildings.

It helped. Fuck. He was a victim.

“You passed for a traumatic experience, even if he made it so you will want to partake on it.”

“He made me enjoy it… I feel dirty…” He didn’t know why it was so easy to talk to her.
Maybe because she was caring and sweet, or perhaps because she held power and used it to
help him.
“Well, first, it wasn’t your fault. You weren’t provoking him, you didn’t ask him to do it,” she
said firmly, reaching for his cheek but stopping a few centimetres away. She was waiting for
him to let her touch him. He was grateful for that.

“How do you know? I haven’t told you the story…” Matthew mumbled, leaning against her
hand and sighing contentedly as she caressed his cheek.

“Matthew, dear, it’s never the victim’s fault,” She said warmly.



“That puts me at ease.” Matthew made a small smile, and the Doc nodded.

“That’s good, and you are very brave for coming to tell me this,” she said softly, “I’m here to
help you, okay? You are not alone, okay?” Matthew nodded feeling calmer than any other
moment in the last months. Dr Brightside beamed and said, “let’s treat your daymares.”

“Like how?” Matthew looked at her.

“Well, first, do you see this person often? You don’t have to tell me who he is.”

“Yes… I do…” Matthew averted looks, and she sighed.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stop him? Or at least reprimand him?”

Matthew couldn’t help but chuckle as he thought about the petite chubby doctor chastising
the High King. He would pay to see that.

“No, it’s okay,” he said, “that… Incubus is way to influent…”

Dr Brightside sighed and nodded.

“Let’s get you two safe places; mentally happy and safe ones: One for scaping and one for

“I felt safe at Vik’s basement and Hiroto’s apartment,” he offered, and Dr Brightside nodded,
“so maybe I could scape to Vik’s basement and be comforted on Hiroto’s apartment?”

“Basically,” Dr Brightside gave him an approving nod, “You have to picture those places and
the reason why you feel they are safe.”

“Well, at Vik’s basement we have some of the Self-care Nights. It’s pleasant and warm; she
had some unique cushions custom-made for us, and we often see some movies while
cuddling there. And we have small three-people parties too; it’s fun,” Matthew smirked
fondly, “even if sometimes I woke up with my face full of doodles.”

“That sounds like a good place to be,” Dr Brightside commented, “so it will be your scaping
place; you’ll picture yourself running from your aggressor and getting there. There he can’t
get you. There you have your friends to protect you and to take care of you.”

Matthew nodded and smiling at the idea. He wished he could run away to Vik’s basement in
real life.

“Now, the comfort place,” Dr Brightside continued.

“Hiroto’s apartment…” Matthew agreed with a soft smile.

“Why do you chose it as your comfort place?”

“We’ve been there like three times. It feels like a home, and so far away from all this,”
Matthew sighed, “And it smells like him, and I kind of want it to be our home…”

“Then, once you’ve calmed yourself down on your version of Vik’s basement you’ll picture
yourself going to Hiroto’s apartment, to be comforted and loved by your Sugarfluff, Vik and
Sam, okay?”

“Okay,” he nodded and smiled slightly. Maybe he could do it on his daymares too… Maybe.

“Is that all you want to talk about?” Dr Brightside asked, caressed his cheeks tenderly.

“Oh… There’s another thing I would like to talk about,” Matthew chewed his lip, “did you…
I heard that my team had been on psychological treatment since Mirai’s departure…”

“Yes, they have,” Dr Brightside sighed softly, “Sihun didn’t take it well, and with all his
overachieving self it’s been complicated for him to move on. April has been more open about
it, and we made some good progress on her side. And there’s Ale, who refuses to
acknowledge our appointments, so we haven’t talked about it.”

“What about Xae and Izumi?” Matthew frowned, confused.

“Oh, they are assigned to another therapist,” replied Dr Brightside, “Dr Yamato is on their

Matthew looked at her, pondering.

“Can I talk to him?” he asked before promptly adding, “I’m not assessing them, I’m just… I
don’t know how to talk to them…”

“If it’s only for that I could call him over,” said Dr Brightside, “But have in mind that we
can’t tell you anything about their cases, we can only tell you how well they are doing or
things that may be of concern to you as their team leader.”

“I just want to know how to talk to them,” Matthew replied with a defeated sigh, “ it’s been
complicated, and after what happened at Rosy’s party…”

“The thing you insist not to talk about but have been the main point of our last two

“I’m scared I just broke up the team, you know?”

“Why are you scared?”

“I was in good terms with those two, maybe not the best, since I never understood what was
going on behind Izumi’s dead eyes… But at least Xae was always flirting or joking around
me…” Matthew grunted softly and left himself melt on the divan again —he liked that Dr
Brightside accepted his request and brought that thing over, it was comfortable. He can talk
without looking at her compassionate and gentle gaze. It made him feel guilty, somehow.

“But then the party happened, right?”

“Yes, and I apologised to Izumi, and teamwork is as good as always, but Xae… Xae is still
mad at me, I know, I feel it… He doesn’t show it but… My incubus feels it…”

“What does exactly your ‘incubus’ feels?”

“Like… Before his arousal and admiration were almost palpable, you know? It was
apparent,” explained Matthew gesturing with his hands, “but now it’s like there’s a wall or
something, and I don’t feel anything from him.”

“And you miss his admiration?”

“I miss his friendliness, and his jokes and having a good mood…”

“I’ve texted Dr Yamato, and he is on his way to his bi-monthly appointment with those two,
and he says he can spare a couple of minutes for you.”

“You are the best, Doc, the very best,” Matthew beamed, and she shook her head.

“I’m happy you think so,” she replied, beaming, “it’s there anything else you want to talk

“Not yet…” He replied, averting looks, “maybe during the next appointment?”

Dr Brightside nodded and opened the door of the room. A rather short Japanese man was
waiting on the door.

“Oh, hi Brightside-san~,” greeted the man with a broad smile, before looking intently at
Matthew, “you must be Matthew, or ‘the boss’ as they call you.”

“Hi, you must be Dr Yamato,” Matthew bowed, and Dr Yamato did the same.

“Brightside-san told me you want advice to talk with Xae and Izumi.”

“Yes, I’m worried I’ve ruined our relationship…”

“You’ve not, don’t worry.”

Matthew frowned, “still… I want to talk with them about the Party and ask for forgiveness.”
“Music,” Dr Yamato said, walking towards the wall and putting up a ‘hang in there, kitty’

“I’m sorry?”

“Music, Izumi understands music, not words per se,” replied Dr Yamato, “I have this theory
that she doesn’t understand the words you say but the intention they have.”

“It’s that a thing?” Matthew tilted his head, confused.

“To be honest, she didn’t say a word until 1988 during a heated argument,” Dr Yamato
replied, “she had been communicating with everyone with sounds and songs since 1972 when
I discovered that.”

“That’s weird… But I’ve heard her talk in various languages,” Matthew frowned, confused.

“She doesn’t understand them, though,” Dr Yamato sat by the divan and looked at them with
a lopsided grin, “she can’t read nor write those languages; she understands their musicality.”

“That… That explains a lot…” Matthew frowned, “she always asks for her tasks to be read
out loud, and April usually writes down what she dictates…”

Dr Yamato nodded, “about Xae, well he is straightforward to talk to; just ask directly. No
roundabouts, no trap questions, nor loopholes.”

“Just straightforward questions?”

“Yes, oh, but don’t force him to answer.” Dr Yamato warned him, frowning.
“Okay… so he will just avoid the question?”

“No, he will say he doesn’t want to answer and…” Dr Yamato frowned, and Matthew looked
at the door, confused. Dr Brightside had ordered that they warded the room so Matthew
wouldn’t get distracted by anything outside the office.

“You are talking about me,” Xae opened the door, his eyes dead set on Dr Yamato, “I’ve been
good… I’m not going back!”

“No one is sending you back, Xae,” Dr Yamato sighed, “and your appointment is after

“Are you plotting against me?” Xae looked at Matthew balling his fists.

“I’m not… I was not…” Matthew shook his head.

“You talked about the Party,” Xae was shivering.

“No, he didn’t… He refers to it as ‘The Party’,” Dr Yamato walked towards Xae and put his
hands over the boy’s eyes, “Now I want you to call down, and turn it off.”

Xae clawed the doctor’s hands a couple of times, and then his breathing normalised.

“He isn’t trying to get rid of me?” He asked on a weak voice.

“No, he is not,” Dr Yamato released him and smiled, “he is trying to understand how to talk
to you because he wants to apologise and wants to mend your relationship.”
Xae seemed confused by it but nodded, accepting the gummy bear Dr Yamato handed him,
“I’m going to my room, then…”

Dr Brightside walked towards Dr Yamato and started examining his hands, “those are nasty

“That’s why he is with me and no in trauma with you,” replied Dr Yamato letting the woman
drag him over to the divan, and grinning as she produced a first-aid kit from her backpack.

“You may leave, Matthew,” said Dr Brightside, curing Dr Yamato’s wounds, “unless you
have another question for Dr Yamato.

“What just happened?” the question was out of his mouth before he even thought it

“I can’t tell you,” replied Dr Yamato, “but you can ask him about it. If you really need to

Matthew frowned and nodded.

“Thanks for everything, Dr Brightside,” he said, walking towards the door, “and thanks for
your time, Dr Yamato, I’m sorry about the injuries.”

“Don’t worry,” Dr Yamato shook his head and winked, “good luck.”

Matthew nodded and left. He started walking towards the Leeches’ dorms when he saw
Izumi humming a tune. She had a dark smirk on her lips and waved when she saw him.
Matthew waved back and wondered if he should explain something to her. But she didn’t halt
as she strolled towards the office, so he kept walking.
“You didn’t rat me out,” mumbled Xae as soon as the vampire entered his room. He had the
small skull on his hands and was caressing the hole on the temple.

“I won’t,” Matthew stood by the door, looking at the black-haired’s room. It was dusty, which
was a strange occurrence on Tarrick’s manor. The floor was covered in a thin layer of dust,
broken only by four perfect shaped trails going from the bed to the bathroom, the bookshelf,
a whiteboard, and the exit door.

“You wanted to apologise? It was me who threaten you…” Xae gestured to his bed, inviting
the vampire to sit by his side. Matthew entered the room, following the steps on the dust

“I… Yes, I wanted to apologise, I never meant to hurt you or Izumi, and I’m sure Ale didn’t
mean to either,” Matthew sat by his side and offered him an apologetic smile.

“So… You are not angry with me, are you?” Xae sighed and smiled, “that’s good. I thought
you were going to replace me…”

“I won’t do that, why anyone would replace you?”

“Well, several of my partners said that it was because I was weird.”

“I won’t say weird, maybe quirky, but no weird…”

Xae snorted and lied down on the bed, resting his head on Matthew’s lap, “it’s such a shame
you are with Hiroto and HLG Tarrick because I told you I would totally be hitting on you so

“I’m not that good…”

“You are the perfect guy,” Xae sighed, “I always dreamed with a person who could
understand it…”

“Understand it?”

“You saw me, right? When I hurt Dr Yamato…” Xae covered his face, and Matthew frowned
confused, caressing his hair.

“I wanted to ask but didn’t know how,” Matthew commented, “what was that?”

“Sometimes when I get angry it just comes… And screams on my head…”


“It’s a long story…”

“You don’t have to talk about it… But… I guess it is complicated to control, isn’t it?”


“Xae… About the party… Why were you so sad?”

“It was… The anniversary of the death of my parents,” Xae sighed, “I hadn’t the right to be
disgusting to everyone, but I didn’t feel good.”

“You could have said something; I’m sure lady Rosaline would have understood.”
Xae uncovered his face and sighed, “usually it’s not that hard… But having all those incubi
around… All those familiar faces… It was too much, I guess…”

“You knew them?” Matthew frowned and Xae averted looks, nodding.

“Some of them… they probably don’t remember me, but… I don’t want to take chances, you

“That’s why you hide your scent?”


“And you don’t want to elaborate?”

“I’ll rather not…”

Matthew looked at him intensely and nodded.

“Is Izumi still angry with us?”

“She is not, well, not much.” Xae sighed deeply, “it’s more that she is thinking she doesn’t
deserve to be taken on account because she is weak, and she is weighing us down… I’m sure
that’s why she likes Lavrants…”

“Do you hate Lord Lavrants?”

“I don’t… It’s just… Seeing him hurt me so much…”


“He reminds me what I could have been… What my life could have been…”

“You lived with incubi?”

“I did, but that was a long time ago…”

“Before you meet Izumi…”


“And she saved you, from what?”

“From it, from Albert.”

“And Albert is?”

“The most dangerous creature in this Manor… No offence.”

“None taken…” Matthew caressed his cheeks, “Can I help you with him?”

“I wish…” Xae nuzzled against his hand and purred softly, “So… You are not mad at me,

“No, I’m not,” Matthew kissed his forehead, “what if we talk a little more before presuming
we are mad at each other?”
Xae nodded slowly and chewed his lip.

“So… If I confess something you won’t hurt me?”

“Of course not,” Matthew smiled warmly.

“I want to run away…” Xae whispered, “to grab Izumi and run as far as we could from all

“I wish we all can run together,” confided Matthew, as soft as he could.

“We can’t…”

“Are you going to tell me about how we can’t because it’s too dangerous?”

“No, it’s because… I can’t take Sihun and April from here, they are happy there, they

“I understand it… It’s like Tarrick…”

Xae snorted and nodded, “they don’t run with us… But it would be nice to be together,
wouldn’t it?”

“It would be amazing…”

Matthew sighed and cuddled Xae for a while, purring in silence. Xae looked up to him and
chewed his lip again.
“I’m so glad you are our leader,” he sighed kissing Matthew’s cheek.

“I’m so glad you are my team…” Matthew replied with a purr.

“I’m so sorry you thought I was mad at you,” commented Izumi from the door. Xae and
Matthew jumped on their spot. When did she get there? Matthew frowned when he noticed
he barely heard her heartbeat. Scary.

“You had the right to be mad…”

“I know I might seem like a weakling or a robot… But… I can stand my ground and I care
deeply about you all,” Izumi said with a small smile. And Matthew wondered why anybody
would doubt her strength; he had seen her on combat and she was terrifying.

“I know, Izumi,” Matthew replied, opening his arms. The girl gave a couple of jumps and
hugged him with a warm smile. Before nuzzling the black-haired.

“Izzy! You are too cuddly!” Xae whined, laughing.

“You love cuddles~” purred the girl in response, nipping at the black-haired’s nose.

“You two are too cute, you know?” chuckled Matthew, earning a couple of kisses from the

“I wish we could stay like this,” Xae hugged Izumi, and sighed happily.

“Oh, but we can’t,” Izumi pouted, releasing them both from her embrace, “because Xae has
to go with Dr Yamato and Matthew is required by Sam.”
“Have you talked to her?” Matthew asked and Izumi shook her head.

“She is looking for you, she is going towards your room,” Izumi offered, and Matthew took
it. He wasn’t going to pry on how she did such things, at least not yet.

“I’ll go with her, then,” Matthew beamed, “see you later, guys.”

“See ya, boss~”

Matthew got up and left, speeding towards his room to catch up with Sam. He saw her
opening his door and he smiled at her before he saw her horrified expression.

“ARE THOSE LEECHES?” Sam covered her face with her hands and turned her back to the
room. Matthew could feel her disgust through the bond, as he got to her and looked into his
bedroom. His bed was covered on sleek small black worms that wriggled around. Matthew
averted looks disgusted.

“What’s wrong, Matthew?” asked Lock with a smirk, walking down the hallway, “I though
yah were sad ‘cause there was no other of your kind.”

“Is this your idea of fun?” growled Sam, baring her small fangs. Lock cocked an eyebrow
and raised his hands in surrender.

“Calm down, little one,” he chuckled, “it was just an inoffensive prank.”

“I don’t think the poor things agree with you,” said Matthew walking into the room and
examining the leeches. He touched one and it bit his finger. Sam gagged.

“Come on!” Lock smile wavered, “I was just trying to cheer you up!”
“Cheer him up?” Sam looked at him confused and disgusted, “how can anyone cheer up with
their bed full of leeches!?”

“Well, now they can keep his company?” Offered Lock and Mathew sighed.

“Please tell me this is no payback for the Museum,” the vampire asked, taking the leech from
his finger and putting it with its friends.

“Oh no, ya’ll know when I got ya’ for that,” Lock shook his head chuckling.

“And besides taking poor little animals from their ecosystem, what are you doing here?”
asked Matthew glaring at Lock who gave him a toothy grin.

“I’m covering for Vik,” he replied, “I’m escorting yah on your hunting trip.”

“Why you?” Matthew whined, earning a hurt gaze from the cowboy.

“Ouch, I thought we’re friends!”

“Don’t you think ‘friends’ it’s a little too much?”

Lock put a hand over his chest and painful expression, pretending it had hurt him.

“Come on,” sighed Sam, “if you keep doing it we won’t get this done.”

“Are you looking forward to this?” asked Matthew, smirking.

“Getting out of this keep? Yes. Sinking my fangs on other people? No.”

Lock snorted as he started walking down the hall.

“Come on, leeches, if yah want to get some grub you have to be there before they go to

“Ugh…” Sam rolled her eyes, “is he going to be like that all night?”

“I thought you were the one that knew things,” Matthew shrugged, earning a cocked eyebrow
from Sam, who was unamused by his comment. “Nah, I don’t think he will keep on it. He'll
probably step back as soon as we start hunting.”

He hoped, at least.

When they got to the town, after a torturing ride flavoured with Lock’s worst vampire jokes,
Matthew was debating himself between killing or not his teammate.

“Come on, big boy,” Lock patted his back, “run loose for a while and teach ya’ filly to hunt.”

And then he teleported away, probably to hide and observe nearby. Matthew sighed in relief
and turned to Sam, who was frowning at the lonely street they have decided to leave the car.

“It’s everything all right, Sam?” Matthew hugged her by the shoulders and she nodded.

“He is worried about you, pretty much like the others,” she simply said, as they walked
towards one of the main streets, sniffing around.
“Is he?”

“I think he tried to cheer you up with the prank, or at least to took your mind away from

“Was it that obvious?”

“There was something wrong with you, everyone could tell, but not everyone will pry about

Matthew frowned at her affirmation and wonder if that was the reason why Vik had made
them a huge banquet a few weeks prior. Or the reason why Nellis hadn’t been acting like a
complete asshole lately.

Maybe he wasn’t as good as concealing his emotions as he would like to. But at least he was
good enough for them to not notice why he was uneasy.

“What about him?” asked Sam pointing at a long-haired boy, who looked somewhere on his
mid-twenties. He had his hair pulled on a messy man-bun, and was wearing an old jacket,
plain white shirt and blue-jeans. He seemed to be walking aimlessly.

“He seems like a good target,” he answered with a smirk, “now, go talk to him and get him to
got to the alley on the far end of the street.”


Matthew distanced himself from her and went straight for the alley, walking casually among
the people. He maintained his attention on Sam, nonetheless, smirking as he noticed how she
had gotten their prey to follow her with a few well-said phrases and a small compelling.

Matthew waited for them on the shadows of the alley.

“You were saying something about food,” commented the man, as they entered the alley.

“Yes, you will be our food,” she bared her fangs, her eyes burning red and smiled. And
Matthew was on him, covering his mouth before he could scream.

“Relax,” Matthew compelled, nudging a little with a hold. The man relaxed on his arms and
looked at Sam confused. Matthew gestured at him and Sam wrinkled her nose.

“I don’t like his scent,” she mumbled.

“But you chose him.”

“I’m not biting him.”

“You have to feed.”

“Then feed first.”


“I’ll bite the next one…”

Matthew sighed and bit the man’s neck, earning a soft moan from him. He wasn’t half-bad.
Wasn’t amazing either, but everything was better than bottled blood.

They tried again with another boy, but this time Sam said she liked him much to bite him.
Matthew humoured her and they looked for another one.
After the fourth, they were just looking which one would actually come with them and which
one would scream as soon as they showed themselves as vampires.

After the twelve, Lock teleported to the alley raising an eyebrow, with his hands on his hips
as a cowboyed version of a tired mother, telling them that if they had finished with their
pointless games, they could get back to the state, because he had more important things to do
than babysit a couple of silly vampires.

The ride back was more cheerful, though. And Lock had stopped making dad vampire jokes,
which was very much appreciated.

“I’m glad ya’re better, lad,” commented Lock as he left them on the door of Ashwood State,
“Prescott and the others were worried.”

“I just had so much to think about,” replied Matthew with a small smile, “better to calm them
down before anyone else wants to pull up a ridiculous prank, though.”

Lock cackled and nodded, before teleporting away.

Matthew produced his phone from his pocket and opened the RRRgonauts chat —he was
starting to wonder who changed the names of the group every few weeks— to send a
reassuring message.

Leechin’chill: Hello!

PREZcott: Hello, Matthew.

Mac-aroons: HEY VAMP!

VikStorm : Matty-bat! Sowy I didn’t go with U.

Leechin’chill: DYW. I just had to endure Lock’s bad jokes.

LockERZ: HEY D:<

PREZcott: I’m sorry to read that.

Mac-aroons: Lol

LockERZ : D: :’(

VikStorm: How was it? Did Sam learn how to hunt?

Mac-aroons: What kind of vampire doesn’t hunt?

LockERZ: She! They kept fooling around!

PREZcott: I’m assuming Sam still refuses to hunt, then?

Leechin’chill : Yes, boss. Sorry :’(

Hi-Hi-Roto: What ‘bout U?.

Leechin’chill: I fed. And she fed from me.

PREZcott: I don’t think he was referring to that.

Mac-aroons: Gross, btw.

Hi-Hi-Roto : I was asking if you were better.

Leechin’chill: Oh, I am. DYW, I just had too much to think.

LockERZ: Poor little thing. Why don’t you hit your bed? >:D

PREZcott: Am I missing the meaning of that smiley?

Leechin’chill: Nah, Lock is just an asshole.

Hi-Hi-Roto : :O Should I go to your bed to check what happened? ;) ;)

Mac-aroons: GODS PLEASE NO! Why can’t you stop being fags for a few hours?

Leechin’chill: You are just jealous I got Sugarfluff sweet ass.

PREZcott: Please, don’t have your love triangle fights on this chat.


VikStorm : xD Even Prescott says you want Hiroto, Mac!

Leechin’chill: xD

Mac-aroons: D:

PREZcott: I was just stating the facts.

Mac-aroons: BETRAYAL!

Hi-Hi-Roto : I’m sure Honeybat wouldn’t mind if you join us, Mac ;) ;)

Leechin’chill: :O threesome? I’m in.

Mac-aroons: FAGGOTS!

Matthew laughed and handed the phone to Sam who looked at him puzzled. She read the
conversation and chuckled.

“Mac isn’t accepting he wants Hiroto, huh?”

“Someday he will, I hope.”

“For what I heard there’s a bet going on that.”


“That’s what Rosaline said,” Sam shrugged and proceed to talk to Matthew about what she
had learnt about incubi society with Rosaline, who was determined to teach her —and Xae
and Izumi— how to properly navigate on incubi society.

“It’s not like I’m going to need it for a while,” commented Sam jumping on her bed, “you can
sleep with me while your room gets cleaned, by the way.”

“Why do you say so?” asked Matthew sitting on the bed with her and starting to brush her
hair to put it up as Rosaline had taught him to. He liked to do so, it reminded him to when
Lily was a little girl. Well, when Lily was young it was Alyssa who did her hair, but still. It
felt homey.

“You don’t want to sleep with those, do you?” Sam let out a disgusted noise, and shivered, “if
you do I won’t let you get near me.”

“Of course not!” Matthew shook his head as he put her hair on a high bun and secured it with
a jade pin that Lord Kôki had sent weeks prior, “I was talking about the other thing. What do
you mean by ‘I’m not going to need it for a while’?”

“Oh, you’ll see…”

“It’s another of those things you know?”


“I assure you, between you, the Leeches and Tarrick I’m going to become crazy.”

Sam looked at him and cocked her head, “you won’t. I mean, maybe a little distressed, but
not crazy.”

“It would be easier if I understand any of you.”

“It won’t.”

Matthew sighed in defeat and hugged her, she scouted herself on his lap and nuzzled against
him. Matthew was well aware that she had a crush on him, but they had already talked that,
weeks before, when he refused to fed from her.
She deserved true love, and it had hurt her, but she understood. Matthew hoped it would not
backfire eventually, though. He liked their father-daughter relationship.

“You better tell him that you love him before you had to go,” mumbled Sam and Matthew
looked at her confused.

“Who?” Matthew wondered, and Sam raised her gaze.

“And you should explain to him why you have been avoiding him since that happened,” Sam
added, and Matthew knew who was she talking about.

“He must be still be hurt for my rejection,” mumbled Matthew and Sam rolled her eyes.

“You are not going anywhere with him if you keep assuming things,” she stated, “in fact, you
won't get anywhere with anyone if you keep assuming things.”

“And what I am supposed to do?” Matthew asked, exasperated.

“Go talk to him!”

And that why he was, minutes after a small argument with Sam, in front of Tarrick’s room.
His hand was hovering just a few centimetres away from the door, still unsure if it was a
good idea. He lowered his hand and looked at the hunter by the door, who was looking back
curiously. He was covered in tattoos and Matthew was sure he had seen him around quite

“Why don’t you knock?” asked the hunter, gesturing at the door, “you’ve been reaching and
pulling for… fifteen minutes…”

“With all due respect, erhm…”

“Gavyn,” the hunter supplied, with a smirk that showed the snake bites he had.

“Right,” Matthew nodded, “with all due respect, Gavyn, this is not of your business.”

“Okay,” Gavyn raised his hands and shrugged, “I’m just guarding the door, why should I
have business with your hand hovering near it?”

Matthew sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“It’s Tarrick inside?”

“You should have asked that fifteen minutes ago when you came.”

“So he isn’t?”

“Oh, he is, but he asked to not be disturbed.”

“Then why you want me to knock?”

“Because it’s creepy that you stay there, frozen?”

Matthew opened his mouth to answer and closed it. Gavyn was right, he was being creepy.
He knocked.

“I just told you he asked to not be disturbed!” Gavyn whined.

Matthew shrugged apologetic, smirking when Tarrick’s voice came through the hunter’s

“What happened, Gavyn?” Tarrick voice was neutral and professional. Matthew wrinkled his
nose at that.

“Matthew is here, sir,” replied Gavyn, “he hadn’t stated why is being a creep here, and he
knocked even when I told him you asked to not be disturbed, sir.”

The comms remained silent for a while.

“Let him in,” Tarrick said after a couple of minutes.

“Be careful, he is in a foul mood,” warned Gavyn, and opened the door.

Matthew entered the room and he noticed it. The room’s air was rare, the ambient tense.
Tarrick was working on his desk.

“Do you need something, Matthew?”

“I came to talk…”

Tarrick didn’t answer and Matthew wondered if it had been a good idea. After a couple of
minutes of awkward silence he decided to say something.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” he started. Tarrick was with his back turned to him, so he couldn’t
see his reaction, and since the incubus was so good at masking his emotions he didn’t notice
any change on his heartbeat either. “I’ve been trying to get over something and I felt like I
needed to isolate myself to do so… And I never meant to hurt you by doing so.”
“I’m not hurt.” Tarrick’s affirmation was cold.

“Nor I wanted to reject you… I… I really like being with you, but I didn’t feel ready to be
like that…” Matthew wasn’t sure about how to proceed, and Tarrick had stopped his work.
Turning slowly to look at him. His face denoted no emotion.

“You didn’t feel ready?” Tarrick questioned.

“I…” Matthew knew he couldn’t tell Tarrick what had happened to him, what he had done,
but… “I got hurt… And I didn’t want to associate that with you.”

“Who hurt you?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It matters to me, I’m your Master. No one hurts my Warrior without being punished for

Matthew couldn’t help but smirk at the idea of Tarrick fighting the High King for him. As if.

“I’d rather not talk about it,” replied Matthew, feeling warm for Tarrick’s outburst, “I’m
better now… sort of.”

Tarrick walked towards him.

“Can you at least tell me what they did to you?” Tarrick asked and Matthew chewed his lip.

“They told me I was a monster and I was broken,” he ventured, and Tarrick’s calculator gaze
melted just a bit, “that I was nothing more than a slave, and I won’t ever be part of this.”
“That’s not true,” Tarrick said, taking his cheeks and pressing his forehead against
Matthew’s, “you are Commander Matthew, Leader of the Leeches, member of the Argonauts.
You are part of this. You are My Warrior.”

Matthew felt his heart hurt, as bloody tears came from his eyes. He needed to hear those
words, he needed to hear them from Tarrick’s lip. He just didn’t know until now.

Tarrick cleaned the tears away gently.

“Are you okay, my Warrior?”

“Yes, Master… I’m with you.”

Tarrick smiled and scouted him to carry him to the bed.

“Let me make you forget all that,” whispered Tarrick, before kissing Matthew in a tender,
loving way that made the vampire sigh.

“Please, help me forget,” Matthew begged. And soon Tarrick was all over him, kissing and
caressing him as if he was the most precious thing in the world. And Matthew focused on his
touch as much as he could, trying to imprint it on his memory, feeling as if Tarrick’s touch
was curing the open wound the High King had left on him.

Gods, he really missed the incubus.

Tarrick kissed Matthew softly, licking his lips before introducing his skilled tongue into the
vampire’s mouth. Matthew sighed delighted, letting his hands wander through the incubus
body. He had missed the tact of the silky skin and strong muscles of the incubus, as well as
his skilled touch, that was driving him mad.
“You seem eager tonight, Matthew,” whispered Tarrick with a sexy smirk and dark, husky
tone that turned him on so much. Matthew ran his hand through the soft blonde hair of the
incubus and smiled.

“I’ve missed you so much, Tarrick,” mewled Matthew, bucking his hip against his. Tarrick
snickered, and his hands trailed down to cup Matthew’s ass. He gave them a gentle squeeze
before starting massaging it.

“You seemed elated with your new teammates and daughter,” said Tarrick, rolling his hips, so
the tip of his cock would tease Matthew’s hole. Matthew whined, gripping the incubus’s hair.
Tarrick grinned pleased and nibbled at the vampire’s ear as he whispered softly, “and with
those random people at the night clubs, too… You seem quite fond of those places now, have
someone caught your interest?”

“They ain’t you,” answered Matthew with a small pout.

“Aren’t you being charming today?” Tarrick laughed before starting to penetrate Matthew.
The vampire purred, throwing his head and moaned in absolute delight, before his legs coiled
around the incubus’s hips, to hold him.

“I’m serious, Tarrick,” said Matthew with half-lidded eyes before stealing a fervid kiss from
the incubus, “none of them can make me feel what you can.”

“They are humans, of course, they can’t,” mocked the incubus, moving his hips slowly,
almost teasingly.

“The other incubi neither,” purred Matthew on his ear, before smirking mischievously, “I’ve
tasted plenty of men and women, Master.”

“I’m not sure if you want to seduce or infuriate me,” Tarrick pushed Matthew gently until he
was laying on the bed, and thrust hard once.
“Both,” Matthew grinned, moving his hips to get more. Tarrick clawed his side to keep him
on place.

“I should punish you then,” he said, taking off his cock slowly. Matthew whined at the lost.

“Master, please…”

“Please what?”

“I want you…”

“Really?” Tarrick laughed softly, even darkly, and Matthew felt a shiver down his spine. He
could see the predator in the incubus, and that was equally scary and hot. The claws of the
incubus trailed down his chest, leaving small drops of blood oozing from the shallow
wounds. “You don’t deserve it, though…”

“But I’ve been good,” protested Matthew, trying to move his hips against the steel grip.
Tarrick tsked, and he stilled. Tarrick cocked his head as if he was examining Matthew, his
lascivious purple gaze roaming his body.

“You shouldn’t let anyone else touch you like this,” said Tarrick firmly and, before Matthew
could protest, he thrust hard and picked up a fast hard pace. Matthew cried in pleasure,
arching his body and surrendering to the hard pounding. Matthew moaned and panted as he
felt how Tarrick pushed extra pleasure with every thrust. His thoughts scrambled as he was
being rammed and drove to the edge.

Matthew moaned when he felt the long tail of the incubus coiling around his cock, but whine
when it squeezed. The living warm cock ring made him tremble.

“What happens, Matthew?” mocked Tarrick, sliding his hand through the vampire’s hair
before gripping it and forcing him to look at him. His incubus form was out, not at its full
size, but the twitching wings and the dark horns caught Matthew’s attention. Matthew
released the shreds of the sheets and reached to touch the wings. Fuck, he looked so hot like

“Tarrick, please,” pleaded Matthew, pushing some pleasure through his touch, and trying to
convey more desire into the incubus. He received a condescending smile and a small peck.

“What do you want, Matthew?” The soft question was almost a cruel joke. No, the fucking
tail that stopped him from cumming was a cruel joke. He could feel how his body was
trembling with all the built-up pleasure.

“May I… C-cum, M-master?” Matthew managed, in a strangled voice. Tarrick cocked his
head, slowing his pounding just enough for Matthew to breathe correctly. He seemed to be
considering it. Fucking annoying bastard.

“Very well,” said Tarrick, taking his cock off Matthew to turn him and shove his head on the
pillow, “I’ll let you cum, My Warrior.”

Matthew was about to protest, but his whine became a cry of pure pleasure when the incubus
retook him and started to massage his cock with his tail. Just a couple thrusts, a couple of
waves of raw pleasure pushed down his body, and the maddening feeling of the silky tail
rubbing his cock and Matthew came hard, with a hoarse cry and a shiver.

Matthew could feel Tarrick’s hot and thick seed filling his insides after one more thrust and
hummed blissfully at the sensation. His body was trembling, and he was gasping for air, even
if he didn’t need it. Tarrick hugged him from behind, panting softly and humming

“I’m serious,” said Matthew turning his head slightly to kiss the incubus’ lips, “I’ve tasted
plenty of men and women, but most were just a quick snack.”

The words sounded wrong in his lips but were the truth. He had learned to live with his
vampire side claiming for blood, and he had to learn to live with his incubus side claiming for
sex. He was a monster that used people to survive, and he had to deal with that.
“What is your point?” asked Tarrick, taking off his cock from the vampire’s ass and moving
back a little so Matthew could turn and they could talk face to face.

“I don’t want a feeder,” said Matthew avoiding Tarrick’s eyes, instead his gaze followed his
fingers as he caressed the ripped chest and arms of the blonde. “I want you.”


“I know we already talk about this… But… You just said that I shouldn’t let anyone else
touch me,” Matthew lifted his gaze and fixated his silver orbs on the blonde’s dark blue, “was
it just for the heat of the moment?”

Tarrick didn’t answer right away; he instead cupped Matthew’s cheek and sighed softly.

“Matthew!” The cheerful voice of his beloved boyfriend made Matthew snap from that little
world were only he and Tarrick existed.

“I remember telling you that my room was off-limits for teleportation, Commander Hiroto,”
said Tarrick. Hiroto smirked, his eyes taking on the sexy scene before him.

“I came to pick up Matthew… We have a mission,” said Hiroto before licking his lips and
winking playfully, “in a couple of hours.”

“I’ll send him over,” replied Tarrick and Hiroto pouted, “He is busy with me right now.”

“I don’t see why sugar blood can’t take us both,” replied Hiroto, the tails of his shadow were
moving and curling in a mesmerising way, and his eyes had darkened with lust. Matthew
could almost hear the debauchery that his mind was wishing for.
“I would love to take you both,” purred Matthew, caressing Tarrick’s cheek and ogling at
Hiroto as if he could undress him with a look. Hiroto chewed his lip.

“Why?” asked Tarrick, clawing Matthew’s hips in a rather possessive way, “You said it. No
one else can make you feel what I can.”

“So now it’s a good thing?” Matthew asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at the incubus.
Tarrick was glancing at Hiroto, almost as if he was reaffirming his ownership over Matthew.

“Well, obviously,” said Hiroto, “I can’t compete against an incubus such as you in fucking
Matthew,” Hiroto approached, without fear of any god or demon, “but I can affirm I’m the
best bottom ever, with you as my witness, High General.”

“I just had the most erotic image,” mumbled Matthew, with a small wanton moan, “Come on,
don’t torture me like that.”

“You know I won’t ever torture you, batty,” said Hiroto sitting by their side, “that’s not my

“Your style is interrupting,” growled Tarrick, Hiroto pouted.

“Oh, come on!” whined Hiroto, “I know you like fucking me, and you like seeing others
fucking, and you like Matthew, so what’s the problem if I join?”

“Oh, yes, please,” pleaded Matthew reaching to tug Hiroto’s belt. Tarrick growled softly and
then stopped.

“Very well. Join us then,” said Tarrick, releasing Matthew, who gave him a quick peck before
turning to Hiroto. He had taken down his pants and was smiling with feigned innocence and
dark, lusty eyes. Matthew took the erection of the fox and started to lick it, as he moved his
ass in Tarrick’s direction.
Tarrick gave Matthew a hard well-placed slap, and he moaned over Hiroto’s cock.

“I should punish you,” said Tarrick, slapping Matthew again. Hiroto ran his hands over the
vampire’s shoulders and hair and then gripped it to start fucking his mouth. Matthew purred
and started to suck him, moaning and whining over it every time Tarrick slapped him.

“Don’t let him cum, Matthew,” ordered Tarrick, lining himself with the vampire’s ass, “not
until I told you so.”

Hiroto whined, and the incubus yanked him closer to steal a savage and demanding kiss.
Hiroto almost melted against him, and Matthew thought he could just cum from seeing those

Tarrick entered Matthew in a swift hard thrust, and the moan made him smile.

“You sure like being taken, huh?”

“I love when… you take me, Master,” purred Matthew, and Tarrick started to thrust against
him as to reward him.

“Keep pleasing Hiroto,” said Tarrick with a deep lusty voice. Matthew happily obliged,
sucking off the fox until he was about to come and then kissing his thighs or teasing his hole.
Hiroto wriggled and moaned, begging for more.

“Come on, Commander, beg for it,” said Tarrick, mockingly. And Matthew looked up.
Hiroto’s shirt was nowhere to be seen, and Matthew’s eyes fixated on the collar. He stopped.
He can’t do it. It felt wrong.

“M-Matthew?” asked Hiroto panting and looking at him with small tears swelling on his
“I didn’t tell you to stop,” said Tarrick stopping, he sounded angry.

“I’m not… I’m not going to participate in that,” said Matthew darkly. Hiroto looked at him
curiously. ‘I thought it turned you on,’ the soft voice of the fox echoed in his mind, ‘should I
leave?’ Matthew shook his head.

“You were the one that wanted that Hiroto joined,” replied Tarrick pulling. Matthew

“But not like… We are not a show,” mumbled Matthew, “We…” Matthew’s eyes filled with
bloody tears, as realisation sunk in his heart, “we are nothing more than slaves for your lot,
huh? Slaves to use and see as you please…”

Hiroto gasped and covered his mouth. Matthew could felt the wave of sadness coming from
him through the hand he had on his knee. Tarrick’s gaze steeled.

“I thought your place was clear, Matthew,” he said casually, “but Commander Hiroto is a
hunter and a Commander, he earnt his place among us with hard work… The High King
values him much.”

“Right,” said Matthew, blinking, so the tears won’t fall, “The only slave here is me… I…”

‘It hurts because you love him, don’t you?’ Hiroto’s soothing voice made him strangle a sob,
‘love is a dangerous weapon, Matthew… Loving him will destroy you… Unless he loves you
back…’ The way Hiroto said it made Matthew look at him, and with one gaze, he understood.
He had to make Tarrick be clear of his feelings or got away from him.

“I love Hiroto,” said Matthew, and he could detect just a small faint feel of panic from the
fox. ‘Matthew, please be careful with that’. Matthew let out a shaky breath, “but he doesn’t
love me back, he won’t risk it… I mean, who would risk that much for a slave?”
“I’m sorry, Matthew,” said Hiroto, before taking his clothes and starting to dress. ‘I do love
you, Matthew, I’m sorry for making you say such things’, he shrugged a little “I do like being
with you, and you are an amazing lover,” he added, before looking at Tarrick, “I’ll be leaving.
First, I have a small thing to fix before the meeting with Prescott.”

Matthew knew Hiroto was talking about the hurt on his chest and the tears that wanted to
come out, but for anyone else, it should seem as if the fox was going to care for his denied
orgasm. Tarrick huffed and, as soon as Hiroto teleported away he hugged Matthew.

Matthew felt the tears flow from his eyes, as Tarrick hugged him tightly.

“I will,” said Tarrick softly, looking at him. His eyes moisturised and glassy, “I will risk
everything for you, Matthew.”

“B-but,” Matthew didn’t know what to say, “but… the High King…”

“It doesn’t matter,” said Tarrick softly, “He doesn’t matter, Matthew…”

Matthew couldn’t believe it. Tarrick? High Lord General Tarrick saying that? No. It was
wrong; something was very wrong. Matthew moved away.

“Don’t, please, don’t lie to me,” pleaded Matthew, “Don’t pretend to care, it hurts so

“But I do,” said Tarrick, taking Matthew’s hand and putting it on his chest. It was a clear
message: ‘Go ahead, check yourself’. Matthew extended his hand over the naked torso,
closing his eyes to feel Tarrick’s emotions through the touch. He felt fear and wariness and
love. So much love it hurt. He pulled his hand apart.

“I’ll risk everything, Matthew,” said Tarrick softly, “I’m risking everything for you because I
love you.”
“I love you too,” whispered Matthew and Tarrick smiled, cupping the vampire’s cheeks and
giving him the softest sweetest kiss he had ever had.

“I know,” whispered Tarrick, “so please, hang in there a little longer,” Tarrick covered
Matthew’s face in butterfly kisses, “we’ll fix this, and you won’t be a slave for much longer.”

“I know,” replied Matthew, embracing the incubus, purring softly at the warm feeling that
spread on his chest, “I trust you, Tarrick.”

“I trust you too, Matthew,” confessed Tarrick, and Matthew chewed his lip.

“I was planning to escape…” Said Matthew softly, and Tarrick raised an eyebrow, “but… But
then things started to go well, I… I started to believe I could actually be part of this…”

“You are part of this, Matthew,” Tarrick nuzzled him, “thanks for telling me, by the way.”

“I told you, I trust you,” said Matthew firmly, “and that reminds me… I learnt another thing
about me the other day…”

“Did you?” Tarrick chuckled, Matthew nodded and closed his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows
as he concentrated. “What is…?”


Tarrick gasped, his fingers twitched as he hold onto Matthew.

“What was that?” he asked, looking at Matthew bewildered. He had opened an eye and was
smiling elated.

“Fuck!” Tarrick panted at the second surge of pleasure that went through his body, “how?”

“Lady Rosaline was helping me train my incubus,” said Matthew stifling a laugh before
moaning shamelessly as a hard thump ripped down his body.

“I should have known,” mumbled Tarrick grimacing, before smirking at Matthew, “you are
really fascinating, my warrior.”

Matthew smiled proudly, and Tarrick frowned slightly.

“But you shouldn’t do that… To anyone else.”

“Ain’t you possessive, Master?”

“Yes, My Warrior,” replied Tarrick with a low growl that made Matthew shiver. Then the
incubus gave him a fiery kiss, taking his mouth in a demanding and intense way.

“Please, Matthew, never betray me…”

“I won’t, ever.”

Ç’est fini~

Chapter End Notes

I hope you've enjoyed this one.

And I'm so grateful for all the kudos and comments you've been leaving.

I'll bring the next part in a month or two, in the meantime, you can go read "Leeches"
part 1.5 of Athinsint :3
End of Hiatus
Chapter Summary

My long due [and well deserved] hiatus ended, and I'm bringing you the next part of this


I come here to tell you that 『Athinsint: LOST』is live and alive!

I also came here to thank you all for being with me during this year and so~

I'm eternally grateful too with my betas Gabs, April & Izu, who make this even better~

Oh right, I also came to give you a list of Characters introduced so far, so you won't be lost
with LOST xD [Sandalphon level jokes here, huh? yikes]

So there it is:

Matthew — Incubus turned vampire. Orphaned as a child; abandoned by his sire.

Incubi, ordered by social ranking:

High King Malarath — Monarch of the incubi people.

Queen Agleea — Social. Malarath’s granddaughter.

Queen Cathail — Social. Succubus leader on Ireland.

King Hindrik —Social. Incubus leader on Sweden.

Lady Rosaline — Social. Member of House Malarath.

High Lord General Tarrick — Warrior. Leader of the incubi armies.

General Tarquin — Warrior. Tarrick’s eldest son. Leader of the Russian offensive.

Lord Ennius — Social. Queen Agleea’s consort.

Lord Kôki — Warrior. Regent of Japan.

Lady Dennith — Warrior. Tarrick’s “right-hand”.

Lord Teleclus — Warrior. Retired. Lady Lillian’s custodian.

Lady Sabine — Warrior. Lives a reclusive life in the Colorado Mountains.

Lord Reval — Social. Owns a household on California.

Lord Vassu — Warrior. Largest of his people. Stationed on the vampire-infested West Coast.

Lady Talena “Lena” — Warrior. Tarrick’s only living daughter. Rescued by Matthew.

Lord Tane — Warrior. Tarrick’s youngest son.

Lady Lillian “Lily” — Matthew’s daughter.

Lord Brodeur — Social. Lives on Baton Rouge, his daughter was saved by Matthew.

Lady Priscilla — Social. Brodeur’s daughter. Rescued by Matthew.

Lady Nadia — Social. A succubus that organizes Masquerades every year.

Ryuu — Sihun’s bandmate.

Hunters, ordered by hunter ranking:

Imperator Prescott — Leader of the hunter corps. The team leader of the Argonauts, High
King Malarath’s personal bodyguards.

Commander Hiroto — Assassin. Kitsune. Member of the Argonauts. The team leader of the
Shadow Six.

Commander Lock — Member of the Argonauts. The team leader of the Outlaws.

Commander Nellis “Mac” — Member of the Argonauts. The team leader of the Ogham.

Commander Vikstrom “Vik” — Leader of the Investigation and Weaponry team. Member of
the Argonauts. The team leader of the Regins.

Commander Cullip — Former leader of the Wardens.

Commander Silva — Team leader of the Wardens, Tarrick’s personal bodyguards.

Fendrel — Dragonslayer.

Tomoe-Gozen — Team leader of the Gin Gozen, Kôki’s personal bodyguards. Principal and
founder of Senbonzakura Academy.

Usagi-gozen — Member of the Gin Gozen, teacher at Senbonzakura Academy.

April —Member of the Leeches, Matthew’s hunter team.

Ale —Member of the Leeches, Matthew’s hunter team.

Izumi —Member of the Leeches, Matthew’s hunter team.

Sihun —Member of the Leeches, Matthew’s hunter team.

Xae —Member of the Leeches, Matthew’s hunter team.

Vampires ordered alphabetically:

Ascelina — Vampire lord. Assisted in Matthew’s escape.

Emilia — Ascelina’s sired daughter. Matthew’s former cellmate.

Julian — Nadia’s closest friend.

Stolus — Ascelina’s sired a son. Emilia’s protective younger brother.

Victor Moreau — Deceased. Vampire lord. Ruled New Orleans. Killed by Matthew.

Various non-humans:

Lady Yuuko — Witch, a close advisor of Lord Kôki.

Lord Kimihiro — Lady Yuuko’s assistant.

Mugetsu — Kudagitsune or Pipe fox. Kimihiro’s familiar.

Asra — Magician. Nadia’s closest friend.


Alyssa Callahan — Deceased. Matthew’s wife. Mother of Lily.

Portia — Nadia’s lady in the waiting and consort. Julian’s sister.

Sarah — Lock’s wife.

Tony — Sihun’s bandmate.

End Notes

I hope you enjoyed it. If you find any typo or so, feel free to tell me. English isn't my mother

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