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X: Well we have talked a lot about our favorite holiday, I would like to know what is

yours? What is your favorite day of the year?

Y: Well, for me my favorite holiday is Holy Week, especially the one celebrated in
X: Oh! sounds interesting tell us more…when is the festival? or where is it?
Y: Of course! As you know, it is a religious festival that is celebrated worldwide every
year in April, the first or second week generally, it is a very varied religious festival in
each country in which it is celebrated by countries that are Catholic.
F: Tell me, why is this event interesting to you?
Y: Yes it is important to me, because I go for a travel to Ayacucho in especially Puquio
to visit my family and celebrate this holiday, where I share various experiences with
them , for example i go out with my family to procession that starts at 8 pm until 11 at
night, having family lunches and seeing the customs of that place.

Buenas tarde profesor y compañeros de clase hoy voy a presentarle mi proyecto final
hoy voy a hablar acerca de mi festival favorito, se llama Semana Santa, como sabemos la
semana santa es un festival religioso que se celebra alrededor del mundo que junto con
navidad es la fiesta católica más importante del año. Para mí la semana santa especialmente
celebrado en Puquio Ayacucho es mi favorito porque hay una gran variedad de actividades
religiosas para pasar un buen tiempo junto con tu familia y celebrar la pasión, muerte y
resurrección de Jesucristo por ejemplo empieza un domingo de ramos donde realizan una
presentación de la entrada de Jesús en Jerusalén otro día importante es el jueves santo es la
fecha de la última cena donde después de la misa en Puquio las personas se juntan para
acompañar a la procesión donde hay participación de policías, bomberos, jóvenes y la
población en general y recorren las calles principales de Puquio. Una tradición de Puquio es
que antes de finalizar la procesión hay un encuentro de andas que representa el encuentro de
Jesús y su madre la virgen María. Cuando es viernes Santo es la fecha donde se conmemora la
muerte de Jesús las familias se reúnen para ayunar hasta el medio día y después de eso
compartimos nuestros alimentos. Finalmente este festival religioso termina con el domingo de
resurrección donde se celebra la pascua . Gracias por su atención.

Good afternoon, teacher and classmates, today I am going to present my final project, today
I am going to talk about my favorite festival, it is called Holy Week, as we know, Holy Week
is a religious festival that is celebrated around the world that, together with Christmas, is the
most important Catholic holiday of the year. For me, Holy Week, especially celebrated in
Ayacucho takes place in Puquio for the months march or april, is my favorite because there
is a great variety of religious activities to have a good time with your family and celebrate
the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For example, it begins on Palm Sunday
where there are a beautiful performance of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, another
important day is Holy Thursday, the date of the last supper where after the mass in Puquio
people gather to accompany the procession where there are participation of police,
firefighters, young people and the population in general and run through the main streets of
Puquio. A tradition of Puquio is that before the end of the procession there is a meeting of
litters that represents the meeting of Jesus and his mother the Virgin Mary. When it is Holy
Friday, it is the date on which the death of Jesus is commemorated, families gets together to
fast until noon and after that we share our food. Finally this religious festival ends with
Easter Sunday . Thank you for your time.

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