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Caracas, 28 de noviembre de 2023

Global UGRAD Program

Por medio de la presente hago constar que conozco a la bachiller Gabriela

Valentina Dávila Zamora, Cédula de Identidad N° 29.611.474, desde el año 2022 cuando
inició sus estudios en la Escuela de Economía de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello,
siendo mi alumna en la asignatura Microeconomía I.
En este período he podido evidenciar que la joven es inteligente, madura,
responsable, estudiosa y colaboradora, con excelente capacidad de interacción en los
equipos de estudio, además de poseer cualidades de liderazgo y con especial interés en los
temas económicos, matemáticos y en la resolución de conflictos.
Gabriel además de poseer un excelente promedio de notas es capaz de cubrir una
serie de actividades extracátedras de manera responsable y exitosa. Entre dichas actividades
destaca su participación como preparadora de las materias de Macroeconomía I,
Macroeconomía I y Matemáticas II y adicionalmente es miembro de Centro de Estudiantes
de Economía, reflejando su sólida vocación de servicio e identificación con los valores de
la Universidad, también participa en los distintos eventos promocionados por la Escuela
para el mejoramiento y actualización profesional.
Considero que la bachiller Gabriela Valentina Dávila Zamora está capacitada
para enfrentar con éxito cualquier reto académico y personal que se le presente, por lo cual
no dudo en recomendarla ampliamente.

Econ. Aura Sojo

teléfono: +584143274630
Economista graduada en la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV).
Especialista en Administración de Empresas UCAB.
Maestría en Administración de Empresas UCAB (en estudio).
Profesora de las Cátedras de Economía, Microeconomía I y Macroeconomía I en las Escuelas de
Administración y Contaduría, Economía, Ciencias Sociales, Comunicación Social y Postgrado de la
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB). Caracas.
Caracas, November 28, 2023

Global UGRAD Program

I hereby state that I have known the high school graduate Gabriela Valentina Dávila
Zamora, Identity Card No. 29,611,474, since 2022 when she began her studies at the
School of Economics of the Andrés Bello Catholic University, being my student in the
subject Microeconomics I.
In this period I have been able to show that the young woman is intelligent, mature,
responsible, studious and collaborative, with excellent interaction skills in study teams, in
addition to possessing leadership qualities and with special interest in economic,
mathematical and conflict resolution.
Gabriela, in addition to having an excellent grade average, is capable of covering a
series of extracurricular activities in a responsible and successful manner. Among these
activities, her participation as a trainer of the subjects of Macroeconomics I,
Macroeconomics I and Mathematics II stands out and she is additionally a member of the
Economics Student Center, reflecting her solid vocation for service and identification with
the values of the University, she also participates in the different events promoted by the
School for professional improvement and updating.
I believe that high school graduate Gabriela Valentina Dávila Zamora is qualified to
successfully face any academic and personal challenge that may arise, which is why I do
not hesitate to highly recommend her.

Econ. Aura Sojo

phone: +584143274630
Economist graduated from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV).
UCAB Business Administration Specialist.
Professor of the Chairs of Economics, Microeconomics I and Macroeconomics I in the
Schools of Administration and Accounting, Economics, Social Sciences, Social
Communication and Postgraduate Studies of the Andrés Bello Catholic University
(UCAB). Caracas.
Caracas, November 28, 2023

Global UGRAD Program,

I want to record through this letter that I have known the high school graduate
Gabriela Valentina Dávila Zamora, Identity Card No. 29,611,474, since 2022 when she
began her studies at the School of Economics of the Andrés Bello Catholic University,
being my student in the subject Microeconomics I.
During this period, I have shown that the young woman is intelligent, mature,
responsible, academic, and collaborative, with excellent interaction skills in study teams,
possessing leadership qualities and a particular interest in economic, mathematical, and
conflict resolution.
Besides having an excellent grade average, Gabriela can cover a series of
extracurricular activities responsibly and successfully. Among these activities, her
participation as a trainer of the subjects of Macroeconomics I, Macroeconomics I, and
Mathematics II stands out. She is additionally a member of the Economics Student Center,
reflecting her solid vocation for service and identification with the values of the University;
she also participates in the different events promoted by the school for professional
improvement and updating.
I believe that high school graduate Gabriela Valentina Dávila Zamora is qualified to
face any academic and personal challenge, which is why I do not hesitate to recommend her

Econ. Aura Sojo

phone: +584143274630
Economist graduated from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV).
UCAB Business Administration Specialist.
Professor of the Chairs of Economics, Microeconomics I and Macroeconomics I in the
Schools of Administration and Accounting, Economics, Social Sciences, Social
Communication and Postgraduate Studies of the Andrés Bello Catholic University
(UCAB). Caracas.

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