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Universidad Agraria del Ecuador

CV Radhakrishnan et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 1 of 6

EVALUACIÓN DE Otodectes cynotis Y Malassezia spp. EN OIDOS DE PERROS ATENDI-
Gloria Mieles Soriano,Mauricio Valle Garay,Elsa Valle Mieles,Rishi T.

• Research highlights item 1

• Research highlights item 2

• Research highlights item 3

EVALUACIÓN DE Otodectes cynotis Y Malassezia spp. EN
Dra. MVZ Gloria Mieles Sorianoa,c,∗,1 (Researcher), Mauricio Valle Garayb , Elsa Valle Mielesc,2
(Co-ordinator) and Rishi T.a,c,∗∗,1,3
a Universidad
Agraria del Ecuador, Avenido 25 de Julio, Guayaquil, , Ecuador
b SayahnaFoundation, Jagathy, 695014, Trivandrum, India
c STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd., Mepukada, Malayinkil, 695571, Trivandrum, India


Keywords: This template helps you to create a properly formatted LATEX manuscript.
quadrupole exciton \beginabstract . . . \endabstract and \begin{keyword} ... \end{keyword} which
polariton contain the abstract and keywords respectively.
WGM Each keyword shall be separated by a \sep command.

1. Introduction
En general, los problemas dermatológicos en la clínica veterinaria de animales de compañía son muy habituales en
la actualidad, representan aproximadamente hasta un 20 de las consultas (Ralf S. Mueller, 2009). Una de los aspectos
que llama la atención en un cachorro son sus orejas, y esto va a depender de la raza, por lo cual podrán ser cortas o
largas, caídas o elevadas, con pelos o escaso, siendo su característica física principal la responsable de su equilibrio y
audición (Lima, 2020)
Cuando un animal está sano de manera externa, se refiere a su pelaje, orejas, boca, nariz, piel, ojos, pies, uñas,
almohadillas plantares, entre otros, es por esto por lo que se debe tener una buena higiene con ellos, realizando baños,
limpiando sus orejas, lavando sus dientes y manteniendo sus uñas cortas (Ramirez, Arvizu, Ramos, Sanchez, y Tellez,
2019). La limpieza de oídos dificultara la proliferación de bacterias y levaduras que se encuentra de forma natural
en sus oídos previniendo las otitis (Gonzalez N. R., 2015). El oído canino es de gran importancia en su audición y
comunicación, ya que gracias a estos pueden percibir distintos sonidos como ladridos y gruñidos, y es mucho más
desarrollado que en el humano. (Matute y Olaya, 2014).
Los ectoparásitos (pulgas, garrapatas, piojos y ácaros) son patógenos que afectan en su mayoría las capas
superficiales de la piel. (OPS, 2004). Las enfermedades que afecta al oído canino muchas veces tienen similar
signología, dificultando tener un buen diagnóstico, por lo que se debe usar métodos especializados de laboratorio
tal como es el hisopado ótico (Matute y Olaya, 2014). Existen enfermedades de importancia dentro de la salud publica
denominadas enfermedades epidérmicas parasitarias de la piel y entre ellas están, la sarna, pediculosis, fungíasis y
larvas migratorias cutánea (OPS, 2004).

This document is the results of the research project funded by the National Science Foundation.
The second title footnote which is a longer text matter to fill through the whole text width and overflow into another line in the footnotes area
of the first page.
This note has no numbers. In this work we demonstrate 𝑎𝑏 the formation Y_1 of a new type of polariton on the interface between a cuprous
oxide slab and a polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab.
∗ Corresponding author
∗∗ Principal corresponding author (G.M. Soriano); (E.V. Mieles); (R. T.), (G.M. Soriano); (E.V. Mieles); (R. T.)
ORCID (s): 0000-0001-7511-2910 (G.M. Soriano)
1 This is the first author footnote. but is common to third author as well.
2 Another author footnote, this is a very long footnote and it should be a really long footnote. But this footnote is not yet sufficiently long enough

to make two lines of footnote text.

CV Radhakrishnan et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 1 of 6

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Table 1

El Otodectes cynotis es un ácaro y es uno de los agentes etiológicos más comunes que provoca otitis externa de
origen parasitario, pertenece a la familia Psoroptidae, se propaga de manera rápida por el canal auditivo considerándose
altamente contagioso, por lo tanto, perros y gatos pueden contraer este acaro (Rodriguez, Bolio, Rosado, y Gutierrez,
2020). La otitis parasitaria es común, en cachorros debido muchas veces al contacto cercano con la madre. Al momento
de producirse el contagio por el acaro, sus huevos se introducen en el interior de su oído, tomándose 4 días para
eclosionar, luego convertidas en larvas, se alimentan de la cera que contiene el conducto auditivo y después de la fase
de ninfas el apareamiento se repite (Ycaza, Manzo, y Sylvia, 2019)
The Elsevier cas-sc class is based on the standard article class and supports almost all of the functionality of that
class. In addition, it features commands and options to format the
• document style

• baselineskip
• front matter
• keywords and MSC codes

• theorems, definitions and proofs

• lables of enumerations
• citation style and labeling.
This class depends on the following packages for its proper functioning:

1. natbib.sty for citation processing;

2. geometry.sty for margin settings;
3. fleqn.clo for left aligned equations;
4. graphicx.sty for graphics inclusion;
5. hyperref.sty optional packages if hyperlinking is required in the document;

All the above packages are part of any standard LATEX installation. Therefore, the users need not be bothered about
downloading any extra packages.

2. Metodologia
tabla 1
1 3 2
2 1 2
3 4 2
ecuación: 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2

3. Resultados
The table environment is handy for marking up tabular material. If users want to use multirow.sty, array.sty, etc.,
to fine control/enhance the tables, they are welcome to load any package of their choice and cas-sc.cls will work in
combination with all loaded packages.

CV Radhakrishnan et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 2 of 6

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Figure 1: Visita a los alumnos

Table 2
This is a test caption. This is a test caption. This is a test caption. This is a test caption.

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col4

12345 12345 123 12345
12345 12345 123 12345
12345 12345 123 12345
12345 12345 123 12345
12345 12345 123 12345

\newproof{pot}{Proof of Theorem \ref{thm2}}

The \newtheorem command formats a theorem in LATEX’s default style with italicized font, bold font for theorem
heading and theorem number at the right hand side of the theorem heading. It also optionally accepts an argument
which will be printed as an extra heading in parentheses.

For system (8), consensus can be achieved with
$\|T_{\omega z}$ ...

CV Radhakrishnan et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 3 of 6

Leveraging social media news

Figure 2: Visita al zoologico


Theorem 1. For system (8), consensus can be achieved with ‖𝑇𝜔𝑧 ...
.... (1)

The \newdefinition command is the same in all respects as its \newtheorem counterpart except that the font
shape is roman instead of italic. Both \newdefinition and \newtheorem commands automatically define counters
for the environments defined.
The \newproof command defines proof environments with upright font shape. No counters are defined.

4. Enumerated and Itemized Lists

cas-sc.cls provides an extended list processing macros which makes the usage a bit more user friendly than the
default LATEX list macros. With an optional argument to the \begin{enumerate} command, you can change the list
counter type and its attributes.

\item The enumerate environment starts with an optional
argument ‘1.’, so that the item counter will be suffixed
by a period.
\item You can use ‘a)’ for alphabetical counter and ’(i)’
for roman counter.
\item Another level of list with alphabetical counter.
\item One more item before we start another.
\item One more item before we start another.
\item One more item before we start another.
\item One more item before we start another.

CV Radhakrishnan et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 4 of 6

Leveraging social media news

Further, the enhanced list environment allows one to prefix a string like ‘step’ to all the item numbers.

\begin{enumerate}[Step 1.]
\item This is the first step of the example list.
\item Obviously this is the second step.
\item The final step to wind up this example.

5. Cross-references
In electronic publications, articles may be internally hyperlinked. Hyperlinks are generated from proper cross-
references in the article. For example, the words Fig. 1 will never be more than simple text, whereas the proper cross-
reference \ref{tiger} may be turned into a hyperlink to the figure itself: Fig. 1. In the same way, the words Ref. [1]
will fail to turn into a hyperlink; the proper cross-reference is \cite{Knuth96}. Cross-referencing is possible in LATEX
for sections, subsections, formulae, figures, tables, and literature references.

6. Bibliography
Mueller, Ralf S and Bergvall, Kerstin and Bensignor, Emmanuel and Bond, Ross, A review of topical therapy for
skin infections with bacteria and yeast, Veterinary Dermatology, 23, 4, pages=330–362, 2012,
Gallegos Suarez, Determinación de la presencia de Otodectes cynosis en caninos de la zona norte de Machala,
2014, Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
González Sánchez, Irene and Sandoval Elías, José Luis Francisco, Dermatitis por Malassezia pachydermatis, 2011
López, Juan Rejas, Dermatitis canina por Malassezia, REDVET. Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria, 9, 5, 1–13,
2008, Veterinaria Organización
Vivas, Roger Ivan Rodriguez and González, Manuel Bolio and Aguilar, José Rosado and Ruíz, Edwin Gutiérrez,
Epidemiología, clínica, diagnóstico y control de la otitis por el ácaro del oído, Otodectes cynotis, en perros y gatos,
Bioagrociencias, 14, 2, 2021
Cárdenas Piragauta, Yesica Natalia and Pulido Torres, Laura Sofía and Téllez Vergara, Daniel Felipe and Trejos
Sánchez, Lizeth Natalia and others, Estudio retrospectivo de enfermedades dermatológica diagnosticadas en caninos
y felinos de la clínica veterinaria UAN (2018-2019), 2023, Universidad Antonio Nariño
Ycaza Haro, María Daniela and Manzo Fernández, Carlos Giovanny and Sylva Morán, Lucila María, Prevalencia
de Otodectes cynotis en Canis lupus familiaris que presentan otitis externa, en dos clínicas veterinarias ubicadas en
los cantones Daule y Samborondón, Espirales. Revista multidisciplinaria de investigación científica, 3, 28, 190–200,

A. My Appendix
Appendix sections are coded under \appendix.
\printcredits command is used after appendix sections to list author credit taxonomy contribution roles tagged
using \credit in frontmatter.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Gloria Mieles Soriano: Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software. Elsa Valle Mieles: Data curation,
Writing - Original draft preparation.

Author biography without author photo. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author
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Author biography with author photo. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author
biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography.
Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author
biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography.
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Author biography with author photo. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author
biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography. Author biography.
Author biography.

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