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Academia JobChess – MF Job Sepúlveda

pawns (g3 against h5), can be parried by correct

Clase de Finales defense.]
Torre y dos peones contra 1.h4!? [Let us check another method of
Alfil y dos peones exploiting the same idea: a frontal rook attack
against the g6–pawn;
(Mark Dvoretsky)
1.Rd5 Af6 2.Re4 Ac3 3.Rf4 Af6 -El negro no
puede permitir la entrada del rey por la casilla
g5- 4.g4!? hxg4 (4...h4 5.g5 Ac3 6.Tb5! -
Ejercicio #1 Defiende la quinta fila- 6...Ae1 7.Rg4 Rf7 8.Tb1!
Aa5 (8...Af2 9.Tf1+–) 9.Rxh4+–) 5.Rxg4 Ae5
6.h3 -El blanco debe mantener el peón h-
Illustrative Example 11–29 (6.Rg5? Axh2 7.Rxg6 Rf8= -Con tablas
teóricas-) 6...Af6 7.Rf4 Rf8 8.Re4 Rg8 9.Rd5
Aa1 10.Re6 Ac3 11.Tc7 Ab2 -El negro trata de
mantener el control de la casilla f6- (11...Ad2
12.Rf6 g5 13.Tg7+! -Movida clave- 13...Rf8
(13...Rh8 14.Rg6 Ab4 15.Tc7 Rg8 16.Tc8+ Af8
17.Te8+–) 14.Td7! -Se amenaza jaque mate en
la octava fila- 14...Ac3+ 15.Rxg5+–) 12.h4 Ad4
13.Tc4 Ae3!

a) A key moment, this position (with reversed

colors) happened in a grandmaster duel at the
New York tournament, 1987. L. Ftacnik played
against J. Murey as follows:

13...Ab2? 14.Tg4 Rh7 (14...Rg7 15.h5+–)

15.Rf7 Rh6 -La esperanza de salvación de las
negras es cambiar el peón g por el peón h-
Diagrama inicial 16.Txg6+ Rh5 17.Tg2 Ac3 18.Th2+– and White
Blancas juegan won;
[This is an elementary fortress; White cannot b) 13...Af2? 14.Rf6 Rh7 15.Tg4 (15.Tc7+? Rh6=
overcome the barrier. If the king returns to f4, Seguido de Rh5.) 15...Rh6 16.Txg6+ Rh5
Black takes g5 under control by means of Bf6. 17.Tg2 Ab6 (17...Axh4+? 18.Rf5+– -El negro no
An advance of pawns brings no change. Why is puede evitar el ataque en la columna h-)
this position so important? It is rather simple but 18.Th2+– is no better;
delivers plenty of useful information. For
example, it tells us what to do when the black 14.Rf6 (14.Tg4 Rh7 15.Rf7 Rh6 16.Txg6+ Rh5=
pawn stands on h7: then h7–h5! is essential, -En la presente posición el rey blanco no logra
while White, when he is on move, should ubicarse en la casilla f5 como las variantes
prevent this advance by means of g3–g4!. anteriores. El negro captura el peón h y con ello,
Moreover, the evaluation of the diagrammed finaliza en una posición teórica de tablas-;
position extends automatically to a number of 14.Te4 Ad2 15.Te2 Ac3 -La fortaleza se
"daughter" situations that occur after a pawn consigue con el dominio del alfil de la diagonal
exchange on g4, when Black remains with a g6– a1–h8- 16.Tg2 Rh7 17.Rf7 Rh6 18.Txg6+ Rh5=
pawn against White's g- or h-pawn. The position (Dvoretsky)) 14...Rh7 15.Tg4 Rh6 16.Txg6+
with the white pawns g5 and h4 against Black's Rh5 17.Tg3 Ab6!! -El alfil se aleja del ataque de
g6– and h5–pawns is also drawn. The only la torre y prepara un jaque en la casilla d8 y la
possible attempt to set problems for Black, a posterior captura en h4- (17...Af2 18.Tg2 Axh4+
rook transfer to the g-file after an exchange of (18...Ad4+ 19.Rf5 Rxh4 (19...Ac5 20.Th2+–)
Academia JobChess – MF Job Sepúlveda

20.Tg4++–) 19.Rf5!+– -Volviendo a la posición 28...Rh5 29.Rf4+– -El negro pierde el alfil-)
ganadora de las blancas-) 18.Th3 (18.Rf5 Rxh4 27.Td2 Ae7 (27...Axh4 28.Th2 Rg5 29.Th1!+– -
19.Tg4+ Rh3!= -Dirigiéndose al lado bueno de Las negras quedan zugzwang-) 28.Rf4 Af6
las negras- (19...Rh5? -Es un grave error 29.Td7 Ac3 30.Th7+ Rg6 31.Tc7+– El blanco
dirigirse al lado malo de las negras- 20.Tb4! Ad8 logra mantener su peón de ventaja.]
(20...Af2 21.Tb2 Ag3 22.Tb1!+– -Seguido de
Th1 ganando-) 21.Tb8 Ag5 22.Th8+ Ah6 2.Tb4 Rg7!
23.Th7+–)) 18...Rg4! 19.Th1 Ad8+= with a
draw.] 3.g4 hxg4 [3...Ac3 4.Tb7+ Rf8 (4...Rh6 5.g5#)
5.gxh5 gxh5 6.Rf5+– Cae el peón h.]
1...Aa1! [In case of 1...Ad4? White plays 2.Tb4
with tempo, and this fact turns out to be decisive. 4.Txg4 [Se amenaza h5.]
2...Ac3 3.Tc4 Ab2 (3...Ae1 4.Rf6 Rh7 5.Tc6! -
Movida clave para obtener la victoria- 5...Axg3 5.Tg5 [5.Rf7 Rh5 6.Txg6 (6.Ta4 Ac3= -Seguido
(5...Rh6 6.Rf7+–) 6.Rg5+– -Los peones negros de g5 cambiando finalmente el peón h-)
colapsan-) 4.g4 hxg4 5.Txg4 Rh7 (5...Rg7 6.h5 6...Rxh4=]
Rh6 7.hxg6 Rg7 8.Rf5+–) 6.Rf7 Rh6 7.Txg6+
Rh5 8.Tg2! -El blanco debe mantener el peón h- 5...Ad4 [El alfil busca atacar el peón de h4.]
8...Ac3 9.Th2 Ad4 (9...Ae1 10.Rf6 Axh4+
11.Rf5!+–) 10.Re6 Ag1 11.Th1 Af2 12.Rf5 we 6.Rf7 Af2!
come to a theoretical position that is won for
White, although the proof is very complicated: 7.Txg6+ [7.Tg4 Rh5!=]
the main line lasts some twenty moves! 12...Ab6
(12...Axh4 13.Th3+–) 13.Tb1 Ac5 (13...Af2 7...Rh5= [El peón blanco cae y con ello, se
14.Rf4 Ad4 (14...Rxh4 15.Th1#; 14...Axh4 obtiene una posición teórica de tablas.]
15.Th1+–) 15.Rg3 Ae5+ 16.Rh3+–) 14.Tc1
(14.Rf4? Ad6+!= -El peón h cae-) 14...Ae3
15.Tc3 Af2 (15...Ad4 16.Tc7!+–) 16.Tc4! Ag1!
Position from I.Vancura's study (1924);

17.Ta4 (17.Rf4? Rxh4 18.Tc8 Ah2+!= -El rey

negro logra escapar-) 17...Ab6 18.Te4 Ag1
19.Tc4! 19...Ae3 (19...Rh6 20.Rg4+– -
Derivando en una posición victoriosa para las
blancas-) 20.Re4 Ad2 (20...Af2 21.Rf4 Ae1
(21...Axh4 22.Rf5+–) 22.Tc2! Ab4 23.Rf5
(23.Rg3? Ae1+ 24.Rh3 Axh4=) 23...Ad6
24.Tc4+–) 21.Tc2! (21.Rf3 Ae1! 22.Tc1! Axh4
23.Th1 Rg5 = -Ahora son las blancas que se
encuentran en zugzwang, lo que posibilita que
las negras mejoren sus piezas y logren las
tablas teóricas-) 21...Ah6 (21...Ae1 22.Rf4+–)
22.Th2 Ag7 (22...Af8 23.Rf3!+–) 23.Rf4! Af8 Diagrama final
24.Rf3! -Saliendo de la diagonal negra- 24...Aa3
(24...Ad6 25.Td2 Ae7 26.Rf4+–) 25.Ta2 Ae7
(25...Ad6 26.Ta4+–; 25...Ab4 26.Ta8! Ac3
27.Rg3 Ae1+ 28.Rh3+–) 26.Te2! Ad8
(26...Axh4 27.Th2 Rg5 28.Th1! -En la presente
posición son las negras que quedan en
zugzwang, deben mover y con ello derivan en
una posición perdida-;
Academia JobChess – MF Job Sepúlveda

Ejercicio #2 -Las piezas blancas no pueden progresar. Es

importante que el alfil se aleje del ataque de la
torre, ya que, el final de peones las negras lo
Khalifman, Alexander - Leko, Peter pierden fácilmente-;
Budapest m (3), 2000
However the most direct way to a victory starts
with 46.Td8+!? Rf7 47.Tb8 -Cediendo el turno
de jugar a las negras- 47...Af8

a) 47...h5 48.Tb7+ Rg8 49.Txg7+!! -Un golpe

táctico que decide la partida a favor de las
blancas, las negras deben tener cuidado de
dicho recurso- 49...Rxg7 50.Re4 Rf7 51.Rd5!+–
-El rey blanco gana la oposición y con ello la

b) 47...h6 48.Tb7+ Rg8 49.Re4!

b1) 49.Txg7+? -En la presente posición el final

de peones no se logra ganar- 49...Rxg7 50.Re4
is premature in view of: 50...Rf7 51.Rd5 Re7!
52.gxh6 (Or 52.Re5 h5!= -El negro logra
Diagrama inicial mantener la oposición-) 52...Rf7= -Llegando a la
Negras juegan y hacen tablas casilla h8 la posición no se logra ganar-;

[This pawn structure occurred many times in b2) 49.Rf4! Ac3 (49...h5 50.Txg7+!!+–;
practice and, up to the present day, was always 49...hxg5+ 50.Rxg5+–) 50.gxh6 Ad2+ 51.Re5
evaluated as drawn. In fact, White wins by Ac3+ (51...Axh6 52.Rf6+–) 52.Re6 Rh8 53.h5!
means of h4–h5, transposing to the Elkies gxh5 54.Rf5+–; 49...hxg5 50.Txg7+! -
position (diagram 11–20), although everything is Nuevamente este recurso decide la partida-
not so simple – there are many subtle points in 50...Rxg7 51.hxg5 Rf7 52.Rd5+–;
this ending.]
c) 47...Ac3 48.Tb7+ Rg8 49.Rg4 h5+–;
45...Ag7! [P. Leko is trying to oppose White's
plan; d) 47...Re7 48.h5! gxh5 (48...Ac3 49.Tb7++–)
49.Tb6 Rf7 50.Rg3 h4:h5+–;
45...Ac1 with the same idea, is worse on
account of 46.Td1 (46.Rg4? h5+! -Si se 48.Tb7+ (48.h5? gxh5 49.Tb6 fails on account
producen cambios de peones la posición se of 49...Rg8! 50.Rg3 h6! 51.gxh6? (51.g6!+–)
complica para las intenciones de victoria de las 51...Rh7 52.Rh4 Axh6 53.Rxh5 Ad2=) 48...Rg8
blancas- 47.gxh6 (47.Rf3 Ab2 48.Re4 Aa1= -El 49.Rg4! 50.h5+– 49...h5+ 50.Rf3! (Rather
negro logra la fortaleza clásica que salva la than 50.Rf4? Ad6+ 51.Re4 Ag3= -Cae el peón h
presente posición-) 47...Axh6 48.Rf3 Ag7 de las blancas-; 50.gxh6? Axh6=) Black could
49.Re4 Af6= -El negro logra una fortaleza que have held this position if he was able to bring the
le asegura las tablas-) 46...Ab2 47.Td8+ Rg7 bishop to the a1–h8 diagonal, but all the roads
48.Td7+ Rg8 49.Rg4+– h5 ganando.] to it are cut off: 50...Ac5 (50...Ag7 51.Txg7+!
Rxg7 52.Re4 Rf7 53.Rd5+–; 50...Ad6 51.Tb6+–
46.Rf4 [This is not a bad move; ; 50...Aa3 51.Re4+– e5–f6) 51.Re4 Af2
52.Re5 Axh4 53.Rf6+–]
If 46.Rg4? then 46...h5+! 47.Rf4 (Or 47.gxh6?
Axh6=) 47...Ab2!= with an obvious draw.
Academia JobChess – MF Job Sepúlveda

46...Af8 [46...Ab2 is met by 47.Rg4 Ac3 47.h5? [White advances the pawn at the most
(47...Ag7? only accelerates the loss: 48.h5 inappropriate momento;
gxh5+ (48...Ac3 49.h6!+– -Ese final no ofrece
esperanzas las para las negras-) 49.Rxh5 Rf8 The simplest solution was 47.Ta7!? Ag7 48.Tb7!
(49...Ac3 50.Rh6+–; 49...Af8 50.g6+– -La Af8 49.Rg4 h5+ 50.Rf3+– -El alfil negro no logra
posición negra no se salva ya que su rey está ubicarse en la diagonal a1–h8 y con ello,
del lado malo-) 50.Tb7 Rg8 51.g6!+–) White controlar la casilla f6 para el paso del rey
can play 48.h5 right away (but let us look at a blanco-;
somewhat abstract move 48.Tc7 that leads to a
position from Wolff – Browne, USA ch, Durango As S. Shipov noted the immediate 47.Rg4!? also
1992. Where should the bishop go? W. Browne wins. but after 47...h5+ White should play
played 48...Ae5? and P. Wolff managed to carry 48.Rf3! (Rather than 48.Rf4? Aa3! b2= -Con
out h4–h5 in a more favorable situation, la amenaza de ubicarse en la gran diagonal y
avoiding the Elkies position. The main motif is lograr la fortaleza- 49.Tb7! -Controlando la
making the access of the bishop to the a3–f8 importante casilla b2- 49...Ad6+ 50.Re4 Ag3
diagonal most difficult. (The toughest resistance 51.Tb3 Axh4 (51...Ae1 52.Re5+– -El rey entra
can be rendered by 48...Ab2 49.h5 gxh5+ por la sexta fila-) 52.Rf4 Rf7 53.Tb7+ Rg8=)
50.Rxh5 Aa3 and White has to demonstrate a 48...Ab4 c3= (48...Aa3 49.Tb7 Ad6
truly complicated winning procedure that, by the 50.Tb6+–; 48...Ag7 49.Txg7+!! Rxg7 50.Re4+–)
way, had not yet been discovered when the 49.Tc7! (preventing 5...Bc3) 49...Ae1 50.Tc4
game was played.; We know from the previous Rf7 51.Re3+– d3, e4, c4–d5+–Las
note that 48...Ag7? 49.h5+– is bad.; 48...Ad4? piezas blancas penetran por el flanco de rey de
49.h5 gxh5+ 50.Rxh5+– ( 7 Kh6) is no better, las negras.]
because the bishop fails to enter the a3–f8
diagonal.) 49.Tc6! Preparatory to h4–h5, White 47...gxh5
wants to control the a3–f8 diagonal. 49...Ab2
50.Ta6 Ac3 (50...Ad4 51.Ta5 Ac3 52.Ta4+– 48.Rg3 h6!
does not change anything.) 51.Ta4 Ae5
(51...Ag7 52.Ta8+ Rf7 53.Ta7+ Rg8 54.h5+–) 49.g6! [El blanco debe mantener un peón para
52.h5! gxh5+ (In the game, Black allowed h5– poder ganar;
h6 and, of course, lost rapidly: 52...Ac3 53.h6!
Rf7 54.Tc4 Ae5 55.Rf3 Ad6 56.Tc8 Re6 57.Th8 49.gxh6? Axh6=]
Rf5 58.Txh7 Rxg5 59.Td7+– Black resigned.)
53.Rxh5 Ad6 The bishop has finally managed to 49...Aa3
reach the key diagonal but it stands badly on d6.
White carries g5–g6 out while the black king's 50.Rh4 Ac1 [As we know from the Elkies's
refuge from the dangerous corner fails; analysis, this position is drawn.]

54.Ta8+ Rg7 55.Ta7+ Rg8 56.g6! hxg6+ 51.Rxh5 Ag5

57.Rxg6 Rf8 -El rey negro trata de buscar el
lado bueno- (57...Af8 58.Ta8+–) 58.Rf6 Rg8 52.Rg4 [El rey maniobra libremente por las
(Here the bad placement of the bishop tells: casillas blancas.]
after 58...Re8 White plays 59.Re6+– with a
tempo. 52...Ac1

-Como existe la amenaza de capturar el alfil el 53.Rf5 Ag5

rey no logra llegar al flanco de dama-) 59.Tg7+!
-Una sutil jugada- 59...Rh8 (59...Rf8 60.Td7+–) 54.Re6 Ah4?! [54...Ae3!? is simpler. 55.Th7
60.Rg6+–) 48...gxh5+ 49.Rxh5 Ab4 50.Tb7 Ad2 56.g7 Ag5!= (Or 56...Ac3!=; 56...Rxh7??
Aa3+– See N.Elkies, 1993; If 46...Rf8 then 57.Rf7+–)]
47.Td8+! (47.Rg4? h5+! 48.Rf3 Ab2= -Logrando
la fortaleza que le asegura las tablas a las
negras-) 47...Rf7 48.Tb8!+– ]
Academia JobChess – MF Job Sepúlveda

55.Th7 Ag5

56.g7!? h5 [A study-like salvation!;

All other moves lose:

56...Rxh7?? 57.Rf7+–;

56...Ad8? 57.Th8++–;

56...Ah4? 57.Txh6+–;

56...Ae3? 57.Rf6+– Llegando a la casilla g6.]

57.Txh5 Af6!= [The bishop is taboo in view of

the stalemate. The g7–pawn will be lost, and
White cannot reach the basic winning position
with the king in the dangerous corner.]

58.Th3 Axg7 59.Re7 Ab2 60.Tb3 Ad4 61.Td3

Ab2 62.Tg3+ Rh7 63.Re6 Rh6 64.Rf5 Rh7
65.Tg6 Ac3 66.Rg5 Ab2 67.Rh5 Ac3 68.Tg2
Ad4 69.Td2 Ac3 70.Tc2 Aa1 71.Tc7+ Rg8
72.Td7 ½–½

Diagrama final

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