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Ordenar la secuencia de la transformación del paisaje natural

ID: 1333135 Añadir a mis cuadernos (8)

Idioma: español (o castellano) Descargar archivo pdf 31041436
Asignatura: Ciencias de la Naturaleza Insertar en mi web o blog
Curso/nivel: Primero de primaria Añadir a Google Classroom
Edad: 6-7 Añadir a Microsoft Teams
Tema principal: Paisajes naturales y artificiales Compartir por Whatsapp
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The History of Film VERTICAL - One Minute


The lm industry was set in motion in 1891 when

Thomas Edison successfully demonstrated the
Kinetoscope (Kinetoscope), a tool that allowed one
person at a time to view moving pictures. A few years
later in Paris, (Paris, 1895) the Lumière brothers debuted
Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory a short lm widely
regarded as the rst commercialized movie. In 1927,
ll d l d h ( h )


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