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My two periods of government, I admit, are not exempt from

errors or omissions"
in this sentence he accepts mistakes

In the general elections of 1990 he was one of the candidates for

the presidency of Peru at the head of a group founded by him,
Cambio 90

Durante la campaña electoral, hizo un llamamiento especial a los

votantes de las zonas rurales, a los indígenas, a los mestizos y a
las clases menos favorecidas, que desconfiaban de la relación de
Vargas Llosa con la elite del país y que podían creer en el
programa populista de Fujimori.

During the electoral campaign, he made a special appeal to voters

in rural areas, indigenous people, mestizos and the less favored
classes, who distrusted Vargas Llosa's relationship with the
country's elite and who could believe in the program Fujimori
populist. during the elections I draw more attention from less
favored people. they mistrusted

President of Peru
His program was based on economic development and the
improvement of the living conditions of the peasants.
he helped the peasants of Peru
Condenado a veinticinco años de cárcel de prisión por su
responsabilidad en los delitos de asesinato con alevosía, secuestro
agravado y lesiones graves en las matanzas de Barrios Altos, en
1991, y La Cantuta, en 1992
Sentenced to twenty-five years in prison for his responsibility in
the crimes of murder with treachery, aggravated kidnapping and
serious injuries in the massacres of Barrios Altos, in 1991, and La
Cantuta, in 1992
he is a murderer
he is a murderer because he killed, kidnapped many innocent
Perú ha experimentado en las dos décadas pasadas una profunda
transformación como resultado de un cambio de paradigma de
desarrollo respecto de las décadas previas a la de los años 90. Sin
embargo, quedan desafíos planteados en términos de lucha
contra la pobreza y libertades económicas. El ensayo explora los
alcances de esta transformación y la agenda pendiente, así como
algunos riesgos de sostenibilidad del modelo actual de
Perú ha experimentado en las dos décadas pasadas una profunda
transformación como resultado de un cambio de paradigma de
desarrollo respecto de las décadas previas a la de los años 90. Sin
embargo, quedan desafíos planteados en términos de lucha
contra la pobreza y libertades económicas. El ensayo explora los
alcances de esta transformación y la agenda pendiente, así como
algunos riesgos de sostenibilidad del modelo actual de

negative and positive aspect 1990 (one thousand nine hundred

ninety) 2000 (two thousand)
In the 1990 elections" Alberto Fujimori spontaneously defeated
the famous writer Mario Vargas
Fujimori did not have a plan" nor a government team" but he
presents himself as the candidate of the poor
en las elecciones de 1990" Alberto Fujimori derroto
espontaneamente al famoso escritor mario vargas
Fujimori no tenia un plan" ni equipo de gobierno" pero se
presenta como elcandidato de los pobres
fujimori the poor man's candidate
.the change the inflation
.change inflation by eliminating subsidies
.implement food programs for poor children
.Fujimori implemented self-importance
.War on terrorism
During his stay, he implemented a strategy to fight terrorism,
which changed Peru.
terrorist groups sendero luminoso
were defeated in military camps
some of the terrorists died and others are in prison
the most important leaders were defeated
victory of the fujumorist government
help in economic and monetary policy
he changes the inti for him nuevo sol
lower inflation in the country
Fujimori built roads, schools, hospitals, which helped the
Peruvian people positively in different aspects.
a lot of corruption in the country
the current president could extend his presidential term
communication purchase
Purchase of editorial lines
Fujimori bought the information for which many Peruvians did
not know the reality

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